spikettekrane · 3 years
Okay, I’ve might have been against it but I didn’t steal anything.
@bionicgenius @adam-is-the-best @imtotallytecton @spikettekrane @s-12krane @stormofskylar @quimby-fletcher @elliebionicsuperhuman @theonlyl-doo
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spikettekrane · 3 years
Oh yea. Well I’m Kate and you’re Kaz right? Or is it Tecton?
Hey guys,
I just wanted to announce that Taylor and I are officially dating!
@superbionicbree @breanadavenport @brilliantbillionaire @caduceo-valentine @quimby-fletcher @imtotallytecton @bionicgenius @adam-is-the-best @stormofskylar @news-reporter-tasha @theonlyl-doo @thebigdogkrane @janellethenonbionic @chlomina-mourningstar @elliebionicsuperhuman @a-way-better-ai-than-marcus @dannydavenport @douglas-davenport @nickybionichuman51
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spikettekrane · 3 years
Hey guys,
I just wanted to announce that Taylor and I are officially dating!
@superbionicbree @breanadavenport @brilliantbillionaire @caduceo-valentine @quimby-fletcher @imtotallytecton @bionicgenius @adam-is-the-best @stormofskylar @news-reporter-tasha @theonlyl-doo @thebigdogkrane @janellethenonbionic @chlomina-mourningstar @elliebionicsuperhuman @a-way-better-ai-than-marcus @dannydavenport @douglas-davenport @nickybionichuman51
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spikettekrane · 3 years
I’ll tell them.
In the morning though. There’s no rush. I’m just happy to be with you right now…Love.
Hey, Tay…
Can we talk?
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spikettekrane · 3 years
I’ve always felt this way. I just didn’t know how to or whether to express it but since the anon It’s been bothering me more than usual.
I know you’ve been hurt in the past but that doesn’t mean you’ll be hurt now. I do truly want to be with you, exclusively.
Hey, Tay…
Can we talk?
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spikettekrane · 3 years
No, No, No not at all. Well, I could be I guess.
I don’t want to be in a relationship where I’m basically hidden and I want the two of us to being committed to each other.
I know we love each other but I kinda want more than that. I want to be in a exclusive relationship with you, Taylor.
Can we do that, Tay?
Hey, Tay…
Can we talk?
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spikettekrane · 3 years
I’ve been thinking lately… and with the help of some anon asks haha… I need to tell you I don’t want to be in this type of relationship anymore. It’s not for me.
Hey, Tay…
Can we talk?
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spikettekrane · 3 years
Hey, Tay…
Can we talk?
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spikettekrane · 3 years
I mean, just because you agreed to it, doesn't mean you wanted it. And it doesn't mean you aren't allowed to change your mind. Does your 'partner' know how you feel?
No, now that I think about I kinda just agreed without asking. I’ll talk to them.
I’ll let everyone know how it went after.
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spikettekrane · 3 years
Huh, that seems... A little questionable for a 'relationship.' You sure you're okay with how things are?
Yea, I guess. It was agreed upon so it’s not like I didn’t know what I was getting into… sometimes I just wish it was lil different but we do love each other.
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spikettekrane · 3 years
How is you being in a relationship complicated?
We’re not technically official nor have we announced to anyone but we’re still… ugh this nevera gets easier to explain.
We’ve been ‘together’ for around two months but we haven’t told anyone but two people know. ( They found out.) and we’re not exclusive due to the other still having feels for someone else and for me.
We also don’t really identify as each other’s S/O either but we still very much have feelings for each other and want to be together.
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spikettekrane · 3 years
Do you want kids?
Honestly, I want kids more than anything. Ever since being saved from Krane seeing families have always made me a bit sad from what I missed but knowing I could give another person that childhood I’ve always wished for me makes me happy.
Don’t get me wrong. I love my current family with the Davenports and the rest of my crazy family( Especially Logan and Bob.) Having a family of my own has always seemed nice. I’m currently not in relationship though. Well I kinda am…It’s complicated. Once I settle down with someone I’ll start a family of my own.
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spikettekrane · 3 years
Oh my god they’re so precious I love them!
@thebigdogkrane Come look at them babe!
Welcoming Hannah Dorthy Heywood and Hank Johnathan Heywood.
Born on Monday, October 4th, 2021.
Hannah was born at 6:04 pm weighing 6 pounds, 14 ounces and 21 inches long.
Hank was born at 6:09 pm, weighing 7 pounds, 4 ounces and 23 inches long.
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@drlizzybknight @caduceo-valentine
@brilliantbillionaire @dannydavenport , @news-reporter-tasha @douglas-davenport
@superbionicbree @thelastkrane @elliebionicsuperhuman @chlomina-mourningstar @bionicgenius @adam-is-the-best @a-really-good-looking-toaster @stormofskylar @imtotallytecton @quimby-fletcher
@spikettekrane @thebigdogkrane @thebionicbro
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spikettekrane · 3 years
I’m glad you’re all well!
Bree, I have been so bored for the last couple of days and I just had the best or maybe worst idea for the four of us to get a cat.
Me, you, Kate, and your girlfriend, Skylar.
Would you agree to this or am I just crazy?
@superbionicbree @stormofskylar @spikettekrane
I wouldn’t call you crazy, I would just not see Mr. Davenport agreeing to this. Skylar and I live in the Davenport Penthouse- and he has... Expressed not wanting pets around (At least at his mansion).
I mean... I guess I wouldn’t be totally against it. I’ve never really gotten to have much of a pet. How would we share it though? We don’t all live together.
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spikettekrane · 3 years
Sorry, didn’t see you there.
Hey Breana, how’s it going and how are the babies? I hope you guys are doing well.
Bree, I have been so bored for the last couple of days and I just had the best or maybe worst idea for the four of us to get a cat.
Me, you, Kate, and your girlfriend, Skylar.
Would you agree to this or am I just crazy?
@superbionicbree @stormofskylar @spikettekrane
I wouldn’t call you crazy, I would just not see Mr. Davenport agreeing to this. Skylar and I live in the Davenport Penthouse- and he has... Expressed not wanting pets around (At least at his mansion).
I mean... I guess I wouldn’t be totally against it. I’ve never really gotten to have much of a pet. How would we share it though? We don’t all live together.
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spikettekrane · 3 years
Passing the cat using our geo-leaping bionics sound pretty manageable. I'd pick that way but the issue with giving a cat bionics is that it might geo-leap away by itself unless we have set coordinates on where it could go.
Bree, I have been so bored for the last couple of days and I just had the best or maybe worst idea for the four of us to get a cat.
Me, you, Kate, and your girlfriend, Skylar.
Would you agree to this or am I just crazy?
@superbionicbree @stormofskylar @spikettekrane
I wouldn’t call you crazy, I would just not see Mr. Davenport agreeing to this. Skylar and I live in the Davenport Penthouse- and he has... Expressed not wanting pets around (At least at his mansion).
I mean... I guess I wouldn’t be totally against it. I’ve never really gotten to have much of a pet. How would we share it though? We don’t all live together.
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spikettekrane · 3 years
We could ask Chase to rig the hydro loop at the academy to the Davenport penthouse.
Bree, I have been so bored for the last couple of days and I just had the best or maybe worst idea for the four of us to get a cat.
Me, you, Kate, and your girlfriend, Skylar.
Would you agree to this or am I just crazy?
@superbionicbree @stormofskylar @spikettekrane
I wouldn’t call you crazy, I would just not see Mr. Davenport agreeing to this. Skylar and I live in the Davenport Penthouse- and he has... Expressed not wanting pets around (At least at his mansion).
I mean... I guess I wouldn’t be totally against it. I’ve never really gotten to have much of a pet. How would we share it though? We don’t all live together.
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