#i like toki a lot but nathan is my favorite
sketchalicious · 7 months
the joy of being 18 is now being able to watch adult rated shows without the fear of breaking a rule. anyway metalolcalypse whiteboard doodle dumps (ill draw more ninjago in a bit im just putting this here for self indulgence
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also comic because toki is really funny to me
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basu-shokikita · 9 months
Dethklok's reaction to knowing they're gonna die
So here I am on my bullshit once again. Just wanted to talk about that one scene from AOTD 'cause it's been haunting me lately.
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First things first, the way Nathan's expression contorts with fear upon realizing that he might have fucked up, and now they're all gonna die.
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Immediately Pickles' breath hitches up as he tries to confirm the information. Nathan is not any more optimistic the second time.
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Then this: Pickles tries to hug Toki, who barely reacts, standing very still instead. Now this one stuck with me, why? Because Pickles is very obviously trying to keep up his 'motherly' role be there for the youngest one. Because of Toki's attitude towards Skwisgaar during AOTD, Pickles can only have concluded that the little guy wants to be physically comforted. So, that's what he does. He goes in for the hug, because Toki must be really scared of death, right?
Now I don't doubt Pickles' good intentions, but I think he's also projecting a little. He's the one having the most visceral reaction to what Nathan said. He's upset, he's terrified, he wants out. He wants to be comforted but how can he be when he's the one supporting everyone? He can't break down, he's been the backbone this whole time. So he clings to Toki, and feigns a protective role when really all he wants is to be protected right now.
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Then you have these two. Skwisgaar is hunched, head hanging low, barely showing emotion. Just like Toki, he is shocked.
Murderface is avoiding sadness as ever, venting instead with his favorite projection device: Planet Piss. He's not sad about dying, oh no, he's mad he never finished Planet Piss! And he's gonna be a loser for it and that sucks! But he's not sad, he's just angry, obviously.
Skwisgaar doesn't even try to be a smartass or sarcastic. He's just defeated, it's not just them that are gonna die, everyone will. Everyone will die and nothing will matter. Nothing will have mattered at all because they will all be gone. Definitely think it's interesting that the guy with the biggest ego in Dethklok is the one thinking about how it's not just them that will meet their end, but the rest of humanity as well.
Murderface then is less mad, and more like relieved. He won't be a loser and he won't be seen as a loser because no one will be around to judge him. Speaks a lot about his fear of rejection and constant attempts to fit in. There's no one to fit in with if they're all dead.
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And then we get to this, this. The callback to the infamous 'Sees you in Vallhaska' scene. This little thing right here drives me insane because, I can't believe they referenced to that scene, and because, god, the context is so much more different now.
Back then it was just the two of them, about to be slashed by MMA. And that's when Skwisgaar turns to Toki and tells him he'll see him in Valhalla. But it was just the two of them. (Important to note, though: in the season 2 finale Skwisgaar and Pickles are stuck in a similar situation but Skwisgaar doesn't initiate any interaction, and it's Pickles instead who does it, wanting to confess he managed to suck himself off before dying.)
But here is the whole band, the whole band is about to die. Scratch that, humanity as a whole is gonna vanish.
And Toki, right after Pickles tried to comfort him and he didn't react, Toki walks to Skwisgaar. He walks to Skwisgaar and only addresses him. And he says that he'll see him in the afterlife. He doesn't tell this to Dethklok, he doesn't even tell this to Pickles who just tried to support him. He doesn't even say it to Murderface who was talking to Skwisgaar just a few seconds ago. No, he says it to Skwisgaar only.
Toki tells Skwisgaar that they'll hang out everyday for eternity. And there's most likely at attempt at cheering Skwisgaar up, or even cheer himself up, or both, really. But he doesn't look thrilled about it either, he doesn't want things to end up like this. So it ends up coming as a (death) sentence, rather than comfort. And that's what Skwisgaar senses too, he knows Toki is reluctant and so is he because, fuck, is it really gonna end like this? And he's mad but so helpless too that he asks if Toki's implying they're going to hell.
And it's such a cold thing to say for sure but let's be honest the way Toki worded it didn't sound great. Not that he can be blamed really, their situation is so fucked up anyway.
But the most glaring thing about it all for me is the acknowledgment Toki has of their bond. Rather than wanting or wishing to stay with Skwisgaar forever, it's more like he knows, he feels in his heart that that's what's going to happen to them. And maybe it's not the best situation but at least they'll have each other. And that's just incredible to me.
Because back then, Skwisgaar spoke to Toki when it was just the two of them about to meet their end. Here, Toki is choosing to address Skwisgaar only when they're all about to kiss their lives goodbye. It wasn't just circumstance back then, nor is it a coincidence now, these two are tied in some way that goes beyond regular life and death, and they know it. And in a way, it's not really their choosing. It's just the way things are.
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tokiwarcube · 4 months
can we get general relationship hcs for toki please 🫶
Would you believe me if I told you all that Toki is actually one of my favorite boys? Thank you for your patience!
Nathan HERE ; Pickles HERE ; Skwisgaar HERE ; Murderface HERE ; Charles HERE
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Toki wants little more to love and be loved in turn. Despite his notably cold upbringing, he still yearns for that “perfect” relationship. Although surprisingly, Toki doesn’t actually fall all that fast! He really values your friendship, and while he does recognize how pretty and funny you are, he’s not quick to fall. But when he does? Oh, he falls hard. He has to be held back from proposing a week after he realizes how much he really likes you.
When he does decide he wants to pursue a relationship with you, he is refreshingly plain in his intentions. He’s probably the only member of Dethklok who won’t act like a complete dumbass to try and get your attention… assuming he doesn’t take the advice from his bandmates, that is.
The media loves to focus on the cutesy parts of his personality, but nobody ever really hones in on just how much he likes to be in control. It’s a very subtle thing, but it absolutely bleeds through in the romantic sense. It starts with smaller things, like planning dates… and then guiding you through crowds… and then subtly encouraging you to wear his clothes out of the house, and wow, how long have you been staring at him?
He’s overshadowed by Skwisgaar in a lot of sects, but it certainly doesn’t feel like that with you. He has a very special way of commanding your attention, and he uses that to fluster. Often. He lives for it, really.
That’s not to say that there isn’t an equal relationship — you’re just as much of a cornerstone in his life. You've had many a call from Charles, asking you to please get Toki into the studio. And you’re the first person Toki goes to for… most everything! Whether it’s to share a story about a cat he saw on the street, or to nestle himself in your arms after a hard day, you’re always on his mind. He’s nothing if not putty in your hands.
He has so many nicknames for you, many of which are tooth-rottingly sweet. He thinks they’re adorable, and even though the guys rib the hell out of him for it, he refuses to stop using them.
His camera roll all but belongs to you, with how many stolen photos he’s taken. His lockscreen seems to change every other day — he can never seem to choose a favorite!
He’s very clingy in his sleep — part of it has to do with the nightmares that plague him, and he can’t help but subconsciously grip you tighter. It’s usually the only way you’ll know he’s having a nightmare… until he wakes up, stark still, breath caught in his chest. Call to him softly, let him know you’re there, that he’s safe. He won’t say anything, he never does… but eventually he’ll press his face into your chest, and he breathes.
It’s a 50/50 on whether or not he remembers the details in the morning, but he never wants to talk about it, regardless. His past is a scary thing that, in his mind, is left untouched and forgotten. Working through it is hard.
But again, in the morning, all is well. He’s a strong man, and despite the fact that he’s the one curled up in your arms, he imparts this very deep feeling of safety. Just, you know, don’t try to get up before him. He will whine, and he will use his strength to his advantage.
On that note, you’re such a critical part of his morning routine. Mornings (or I suppose afternoons is a better descriptor) are a sacred time for the two of you — hazy and sweet. Although without you, he tends to miss little parts of his upkeep — having you there keeps him on track. Brushing his hair in the morning is just one small part of that routine, and sure, it’s a little thing… but it’s the tenderness that really gets to him. And of course, you start the day without a good morning kiss.
He’s just as clingy while cuddling, too. He loves resting his head on your chest, listening to your heartbeat while you card your fingers through his hair. He’s chatty, too — he’ll talk about anything and everything, occasionally peering up at you to watch you respond. Sometimes he’ll press quick little kisses to your collarbone while you speak too, just because he can.
Needless to say, he’d be a wreck without you on tour, if for whatever reason you couldn’t come along. He’d beg to call whenever you’re free — even if that means the makeup crew has to work around his phone 5 minutes before the show starts.
Please take him to an animal shelter — if you only ever surprise him with one date, let it be a shelter date. With the life he lives (and the curse that seems to have woven its way into his bones), he can’t necessarily have a cat of his own… but that doesn’t mean he can’t make friends with them!
This man gets so, so excited if you engage in his interests with him. He’s so used to being talked down to, being told that his interests are childish or “cute,” so having someone just as excited? Just as passionate? He’s over the moon.
He’s the type to scrapbook all the little moments in your relationship. Saved receipts from your first dinner together; pulled pop-tabs from the drink you shared on a night in; spare tokens from the arcade… it all stays in a little wooden box he keeps on his nightstand. He also regularly gets all of his photos developed, so he can properly glue and press them into his memory book.
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toomanythoughts2 · 2 months
Dethklok Agere HCs: Murderface Edition
After Toki, I wanted to do my second favorite member of Dethklok: Murderface! I see so much of myself in him and it's hard to not notice the signs. He means a lot to me, especially as someone who also grew up with their grandparents. I hope to do the rest of the band soon. So, this is my boy Murderface 🗡️!
Everything is below the Keep Reading tab.
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(Murderface, you are so unwell and I just want to take care of you and show you that you are worthy of love and acceptance.)
🗡️ Ok, so, I think Murderface's regression range is higher than Toki's toddler head-space but not as old as Pickles, who I think is an older/pre-teen regressor. I would say he's around 5 to 8. He's old enough to be by himself and play but small enough to still need help occasionally.
🗡️ As I said before on Toki's post, I don't think Murderface's regression is easily as recognizable as regression. A lot of times, the band thinks he's just being his attention-seeking self. Murderface doesn't even recognize that he's regressing until he's done regressing and feeling weird about it.
🗡️ Murderface, I believe, has voluntary age regression, or Age Dreaming. However, I think his body recognizes that he needs to regress to decompress, so he'll naturally go do those things or behave that way to help regulate those emotions. It gets worse the angrier or more depressed he gets. It's like his body is consciously making him regress without Murderface having the word to know what he's doing. He can stop "regressing" when he wants to, and has the ability to not do it in the first place, but it's been his coping mechanism for so long, he doesn't know what else to do. Mind this, Murderface's regression isn't about just being a baby, I do believe his regression is tightly connected with his self-harm and child-hood trauma. For instance, his inability to care for his personal hygiene is a type of passive self-harm but his regression (tied to his childhood) makes it hard for him to change that habit. Where Toki uses his regression to protect himself, Murderface's regression keeps him trap in his childhood. It won't be until Murderface recognizes he is regressing and working on his mental health will he be able to use his regression to help himself. (I hope this makes sense.)
🗡️ I think he started regressing a lot earlier than people think but they were just unable to identify it at first. I think he began regressing as young as a middle schooler, but the regressing was so minute and so insignificant that no one ever caught it. Additionally, I think middle school is where Murderface first develops the majority of his mental health issues like depression and an eating disorder.
🗡️ It's not until Murderface is taking care of Toki when he regresses that he starts noticing the signs of his own regression. The band all have group mandatory meetings with Dr. Twinkletits about how to best care for Toki and how to spot the signs of his regression to minimize dangerous situations. Murderface is very quiet during those meetings after the realization.
🗡️ While Pickles or Nathan are usually the more knowledge in the topic now, as they are Toki's main CGs, it's Skwisgaar that notices Murderface showing signs of regression first while watching Toki play with Murderface in the living room. He's talks to the rest of the band before they decide to talk to Murderface about it.
🗡️ Of course he heavily denies the claim and refuses to hear anymore about it. But now that the band is aware, they all keep an eye on him just in case.
🗡️ This is a HC of mine that has been stuck forever, but I believe the first time Murderface fully lets himself regress in front of the others is at the beach. The idea is that Toki and Murderface run off together while the other three stay on the beach. Toki regresses and Murderface is stuck taking care of him but the longer he's with him, the calmer he gets. He wants to be like Toki too and just enjoy himself. So they spend the afternoon having fun and going in shops and walking the boardwalk. They come back and Toki collapses on Skwisgaar for a much needed nap. The band fully expects Murderface to sit in his own chair and do the same but he ends up just standing next to Pickles. Pickles has no idea what he's doing but he longer he stands there, the clearer the image appears. It isn't until Murderface asks if he can nap with Pickles do they all realize what is happening. It's a very delicate situation and no one is trying to mess with it, so Pickles says yes and lets Murderface nap with him on his chair. Nathan is busy texting Charles while Pickle holds Murderface. Toki is fast asleep and Skwisgaar is feeling proud of himself for being so observant.
🗡️ Once Murderface was identified as a regressor, a lot of past incidents began to make sense, including the disturbing ones.
🗡️ Murderface self-harms but that doesn't stop in his regression. If Murderface is feeling too little to SH "properly" (like cutting), he will hurt himself in ways that he can like banging his head against walls and hitting himself. He will bite himself and scratch at his skin. Nathan has taken to holding him against his chest to get him to stop.
🗡️ I like to think that Murderface's eating disorder, which I HC as binge eating, is also related to his childhood trauma thus connected to his regression. The combination of self-hatred, depression, and regression make it hard for Murderface to regulate his feelings about food, so he does what knows can "fix" that problem, which is eating. And the more upset he gets, the messier he gets. He uses his hands instead of silverware, he switches between plates before finishing one off, he lets the food and drink spill and stain him. I HC that Murderface grew up in poverty, so there was never enough food inside the house, so he was always hungry. He's confusing his depression with hunger, thinking that if he just eats, he'll feel better because he was always hungry when he was sad. But the older he got, the less this became true but the habit already formed. Regression happens while he's in the process of binge eating. He's slipping into a mindset where this has to make sense, even if it hurts him.
🗡️ Ok, enough of the sad, backstory HCS. Murderface has a hot wheels car track that he sets up in his room or the living room where he races his hot wheels. The others join in as well and it's a good time (as long as Murderface wins a majority of the time).
🗡️ Murderface's regression is not as "baby" as Toki's. A lot of it is very typical young boy interests like cars, trucks, war, and guns. He likes video games and stupid, crude humor like South Park.
🗡️ I don't see him using a lot of traditional regression supplies like bottles or clothes. He likes to remain as he his and doing what he's doing while regressed. Though, he does like to be in comfier clothes when he regresses, so he will change into sweats or worn shirts.
🗡️ Because Murderface is able to identify that he is choosing to regress in moments of stress, he's been able to make great work with Dr. Twinkletits about his mental health.
🗡️ The band is very supportive of him, much to his surprise. He didn't think they would be anything but begrudgingly helpful. But they are genuinely understanding.
🗡️ While I do not think Murderface needs or wants a caregiver like Toki, he does spend a lot of time near Nathan when he feels particularly small. He looks up to Nathan a lot, and wants to be around him.
🗡️ If Pickles notices that Murderface is feeling smaller than normal, he'll quietly switch a few things around to help him drop. He's gotten very good at body language (hand on the back, raking fingers through his hair) and communication (chosen phrases or names that solidify his regression, words of encouragement)
🗡️ Murderface has a lot of crying spells and tantrums that no one can make a lot of sense of, including Murderface. His tantrums aren't like Toki's, which resemble an actual toddlers tantrum. His tantrums look like his normal behavior, except they're followed by tears or a high level of nonsense. His biggest tell is if what he's yelling about isn't even close to the situation he's in. When he's small, he overthinks every little movement or word and worry's about what they mean. These thoughts happen so fast that it's hard for him to track just how he got to his tantrum in the first place.
🗡️ Murderface won't take bubble baths like Toki, but he is much more willing to bathe now that he understands his regression and his depression. He'll put on music while he showers and watch youtube videos on how to take care of his hair. He's still scared that if the band sees him trying they'll make fun of him, but he has to remind himself that this is for himself, not the others.
🗡️ Skwisgaar will often offer to brush through Murderface's hair before bed if he knows he's had a long day. Something about being taken cared of just relaxes Murderface and makes him feel small.
🗡️ Surprisingly, no one in the band is Murderface's favorite. It's actually Knubbler. (He's alive, shut up.)
🗡️ He's an IPad kid (Obviously) but its obnoxiously worse when he's regressed. Pickles as gotten really good at parent locking his IPad to certain hours so he won't use it while they're eating dinner or lunch. Murderface despises it but he also knows if it wasn't there, he would be playing car revving videos at 100% volume while eating.
🗡️ Skwisgaar is very attentive when he wants to be, so he's constantly gently doing things that make Murderface drop without necessarily meaning to, but Murderface never forces himself to stop the feeling. Toki needs a lot of support in his regression, so Skwisgaar naturally does those "Caregiver" things already. Like, cleaning dirty fingers after eating, moving hair out of his face while he's busy doing something, fixing blankets around shoulders, gently moving them int he right direction if he begins drifting away. Murderface doesn't encourage them but he never denies them.
🗡️ Toki adores it whenever any of the other band members are regressed because he feels like he can finally give back after having them all take care of him. He loves playing with Murderface with his cars or playing pretend. Problems happen when Toki accidently regresses in the middle of it.
🗡️ Murderface loves playing pretend war. He has his wake guns with the nerf bullets and the plastic hat. He hides under tables and behind doors and shoots whoever walks by. He's only ever gotten in serious trouble when he got Charles in the butt in his office when he was on a phone call.
🗡️ Speaking of trouble, Murderface does get into some trouble when he's small. The band does not discipline him like they would discipline Toki with a time out, but Nathan does scold him. He's the only one that gets to him when he's small and knows that he's serious.
🗡️ He wants a dog so bad but he's scared the guys won't let him. Skwisgaar and Toki will take him to the local animal shelter to play volunteer. It lets him get all his energy out with the dogs and play fight with the bigger dogs.
🗡️ He will NOT sit a chair correctly. Upside down or on his side ONLY! (Projection as I laid in arm chairs sideways during this age.)
🗡️ He loves He-Man and the Masters of the Universe, He-Man and She-Ra: The Secret of the Sword, TMNT, G.I.Joe, M.A.S.H., Ghost Buster The Animated Show, Thundercats, and Transformers. He's got good taste for older cartoons and shows. It's his biggest tell that he's small or trying to get small is if he's watching one of these shows. However, if he's watching Gilligan's Island or Walker: Texas Ranger, he's trying to get small and be sad. I HC that these are the shows his grandma and grandad would watch when he was a kid.
🗡️ As a child raising by her grandparents, I think Murderface's regression triggers are related to a lot of things that his grandparents did in the house. This could mean the good, the bad, and mundane things. The snapping of a belt, or an expired discontinued perfume, or the sound of an old TV clicker. But also, certain music.
🗡️ So, Murderface is canonically partially Native American (Thunderbolt) but I also adore him being part Hispanic/Latino (Stella being an Americanized version of Estella) Top that off with him being some southern, rural part of America, his music exposure is all over the place. Three types of music help him regress the most: Bluegrass, Hispanic (Salsa + Cumbia + Bachata), and Thrash. I HC that his grandfather played bluegrass before having his stroke and he played some type of string instrument such as lap steel guitar or a mandolin. The sound of it reminds him of sitting in church or his grandfather playing in his spare time around the house. Hispanic, specifically those genres, remind him of his grandmother's radio in the kitchen. She always had something playing while she cooked or cleaned or played dominos with the other older women of the town. On very rare moments, she would dance with Thunderbolt while smiling. It's some of the only calm times in the house. Thrash reminds him of being young and finding music that felt like him. It would remind him of car rides with uncles and staying over at old childhood friends houses and older male cousins that never let him in their rooms. Music helps him regress a lot, whether he wants it or not. (This is all projection btw. Grandfather played bluegrass with a guitar and my father listened to Thrash in the car with me.)
🗡️ He has a very hard time with food when he's small. He eats too much because of part of him is worried about the next time he'll ever get to eat again. Pickles has to constantly remind him that the food isn't going anywhere and if he's full, he can stop eating.
🗡️ Nathan humors Murderface more when he knows he's small. He'll listen more closely to him about song suggestions or his interests.
🗡️ Very rarely will he ask for help when he's small but it does happen. Things like needing help tying shoes or buttoning shirts he will need help in. He also needs help cutting food.
🗡️ He loves swimming. He probably had a lake, river, or pond near him growing up that he swam in. When he's small and it's hot, he wants to play in the pool. He wants to play sharks and minnows, Marco Polo, scavenger, races, and dunking games. He plays with Toki the most but can occasionally get them all involved. Charles usually watches over them all when they do all get in.
🗡️ Hates sunscreen and will run and hide before getting any on his skin.
🗡️ He info dumps big time. To a point where no one has any idea what he could possibly be talking about. He's a big history nerd, so it's a lot of war facts, early American facts, and other miscellaneous facts about cars and guns.
🗡️ Being regressed exposes a lot of his old childhood beliefs, but the biggest ones are the Appalachian superstitions he grew up believing. Charles had an upside down horseshoe places above every outside door for good luck. The klokateers can't wash clothes on Sundays. He refuses to leave a room out a different door than the door he came through. Some of them are funny though like an itchy ear meaning someone is talking about you. He once told that to Toki who immediately went to Skwisgaar to confront him for talking about him. (Skwisgaar was actually talk about him to Nathan but he won't admit it.)
🗡️ Strong physical contact is his best friend for calming down. Just like how adult Murderface likes Pickle's back rubs, regressed Murderface likes head rubs. Something about the pressure feels good and calms him. They use this to prevent any tantrums.
That's all I got for my boy! He is a bit of a challenge, but once I got into his boyish mind, I could really channel him better. I love him so much. Obvi, if you have any HCs of your own, tell me about them! OK, love you, bye! 👋
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twigg96 · 1 year
Works Master list 💕
Hello my sweet lovelies. It has come to my attention by some very lovely mutuals that I should make a master list of all of the works I have posted here on Tumblr. First and foremost I would like to say I do try to reblog most of my original posts and fics over on my second page @bionicpancake00. However none of that is in order nor is that sorted. So I am making this list, categorizing the works, and will be posting this and will be updating it each month with each new entry. (Hopefully lol) so let’s get started. Shall we 💕😊
First and foremost I am going to post my AO3 HERE. Most of my long form content that is not X reader ends up there. If anyone has any request for HCs, x reader fics, longform fics, or simple suggestions I am always accepting them either in my asks or my DMs. Linked HERE is what I do ask my requester's include, just simple things that I believe most writers ask for.
Metalocalypse Dethklok HCs Relationship HCs
Dethklok with a neurodivergent S/O
Dethklok with an Autistic S/O
Dethklok with a Bipolar S/O
Sharing a bed with Dethklok
Dethklok with a smol tactile S/O
Breaking up with Dethklok part 1
Breaking up with Deathklok part 2
Dethklok with a really shy S/O
Dating Pickles
Dethklok dating a belly dancer
Dethklok helping their partner through a monthly cycle
Foot rubs and massages
The boys caring for a sick/injured S/O
Dethklok caring for a sick partner
Dethklok with a disabled S/O
The boys caring for an S/O with chronic migraines
Wearing their shirts
Fear of public relationship in fame
Wedding reaction and Song HC
Dethklok caring for crying S/O
Dethklok dealing with an S/O's annoying coworker
Dethklok & Mags with a Goth S/O
The Boys receiving head scritches from S/O
S/O is Charles' Daughter
Dethklok with a crush on a shy S/O
Dethklok with a British crush
Pickles & Magnus with S/Os who likes cute things
Dethklok helping an S/O who's mensurating
The boys with a nerdy S/O who infodumps
Dethklok with a happy/cheerful S/O
The boys realizing their partner has a angel wing tattoo
Their first "I love you"
Trying to impress their crush
Sharing a pink bedroom with Dethklok
Pickles with a S/O w/ scars on their thighs (TW: Scars)
Pregnancy/Parent HCs
Dick Knubbler, Dr. Rockzo, and Magnus as the father
Dethklok Pregnant (MPREG)
The boys as a dad to a teenage girl
Papa Murderface HC (Lullabies)
Papa Murderface HCs (Being a dad)
Dethklok Daddies
Random HCs
William Murderface cooking HC (Based off of @polyklok's post)
A Potato Flew around my Room Vine
Dr. Rockzo HCs
Dr. Rockzo Relationship HC
Yandere Magnus ( CW: Touches upon abusive relationships)
What the boys smell like
Dickface HC
Pickles' Rats
Dick Knubbler HCs
The boys as yanderes
Helping Toki when he's having a flashback
DRAMA The boys trying to steal each other's partners
Sleep HCs with Murderface
When their partner has a lot of stuffies on the bed
How old are these dudes
Skwisgaar HCs
Nathan HCs
Murderace HCs
Toki HCs
Pickles HCs
Magnus & Nathan HC (Based off @folkdevilism's post)
Continuation of ^ This
Toki's Christmas HC
Dethklok's favorite football team
Witchsona HC
Dethklok's Zodiac
Just some art I made
Just a little tag game about ships I did once
Toki name HC
Does Dethklok Tip?
Nsfw HCs
Birthday gifts
Dethklok with a Bratty S/O
Murderface's first time with his S/O
Favorite Sex Positions
The boys reacting to a loud S/O
The boys finding out they're their partner's first... everything
Dethklok Fics
Eyes like Diamonds (Dickface)
Until Next Time (Charles X Reader)
By the Light of the Library (Dethklok & Reader PLATONIC)
You're all I need Babe (Dickface)
Take Me To Church (Skwistok)
Just Us (Tickles)
The Walking Dead Daryl Daryl Dixon X Reader
You're kind of a MILF Huh? (Parents! Daryl X Reader FLUFF)
I Should Have Been There (Daryl X Reader ANGST)
Can I Trust You Dad? (Daryl being a dad)
Spring Chicken (Parents! Daryl X Reader)
Thank you for the Music (Daryl X Reader FLUFF)
In the Nick of Time (Daryl X Pregnant Reader ANGST)
Princess (Daddy! Daryl X Reader/ Daryl being a dad)
Beau as a middle child HC
Strangers like me (Daryl X Reader from Merle’s POV)
Midnight Moonshine (Pissed off! Drunken! Daryl X Reader)
Into the Darkness, I become Stronger (Daddy Daryl X Injured! Reader HURT/COMFORT with the tiniest SMUT)
Stranger Things
Steve Harrington HCs
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bogmonstergeneral · 1 year
One of my favorite things in the whole wide world is an ultra-accurate cosplay. I’m talking exact name brands. Obviously, this can be tough, because media in question will very rarely go out of their way to tell you what the character is wearing. Shoes, in particular, are very difficult.
I really like shoes. More so, I really like good leather shoes. The kind that last you your whole life. Currently, I’ve been hyperfixated on Metalocalypse, and today, we’re talkin boots.
Welcome to:
Bog’s Boot Basics: Metalocalypse Edition
I think people are scared of leather. I’m here to tell you that leather will not hurt you. You will not save the planet by buying a pleather boot. Actually, not only is pleather horrible for the planet, it’s also gonna cost you more in the long run because pleather isn’t built to last.
Say it with me: Leather is more sustainable than pleather.
I’m serious. Stop buying pleather boots off amazon for your cosplays. Stop buying pleather, period.
Most of the boots (and sneakers) I’m showing you today will not only elevate your cosplay, but also last you for the rest of your natural days. If you buy them secondhand, they have probably lived longer lives than you. Leather fucking rocks if you take care of it.
This all being said: These are not super budget-friendly options. Good new boots are an investment, and sometimes you have to pay a little more. If you’re not able to do that, these can often be found on ebay at lower prices, and very often at second-hand stores.
Ok, that aside, we can jump in.
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I’m stealing a pic from the comic because it shows all their shoes. Although Skwis and Toki’s boot colors are actually reversed here - Skwis wears black boots, Toki wears brown in the show. Blah blah, anyway.
Nathan Explosion
Nathan wears some sort of single buckle, black tall boot. For our sake, we’re calling them biker boots.
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Single buckle, slightly slouchy at the ankle, low heel. No laces or visible zippers.
Nathan does, in fact, ride motorcycles. Because of this, I’m going on a limb and saying these are actual biker boots. Nathan also, in fact, has money, and Harley Davidson boots are a fantastic choice for this.
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Here’s a pair of Harley Chalmers with an extra buckle - no foul there, these are cunty as hell and I’d totally wear them anyway.
Pro: Fucking brutal
Con: Brutal fucking price tag at $200 new.
Honestly, if you’ve got the money and you want a sick pair of boots… buy em. Harley’s last forever.
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The Harley double-zip riding boot is a slightly cheaper option, sitting around $100-$120.
Honestly, these are gonna be easy to find. Your keywords here are “Tall biker boot with buckle” or something along those lines. That’s doable. I also see a lot of secondhand Harley’s going for really reasonable asking prices, so always check all your thrift stores and ebay (depop and mercari are kinda a crapshoot, but always worth looking.)
Skwisgaar Skwigelf/Toki Wartooth
These are the boots that made me make this post, because I saw them and immediately thought “there’s no fucking way they’re walking around in those 24/7,” because those are old school field boots.
Ask any person who’s ever ridden a horse over the age of 30 if they can take a look in the backs of their closets, because they most definitely still have a pair of these boots. Every equestrian had at least one pair of these torture devices, and they will outlive you.
Here’s an example of a black pair and a brown pair:
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Pros: You can get these on ebay for anywhere between $20-$100. Facebook market place is full of them too.
Cons: These were made for you to wear while sitting on a horse all day, heels down. When you walk in them, they will pinch the everloving fuck out of your heels, and this leather is too thick and stiff to soften. If you’re gonna walk around in these on a convention floor, please bring a change of shoes because you will fucking need them.
But these are so easy to find and they usually shine up really well. If you don’t have leather conditioner (which you should if you own leather shoes) olive oil works in a pinch.
You also usually have a couple different calf options here, so you can tack on “wide calf” or “tall calf” or “slim calf” etc etc depending on your needs.
Your keywords here are “Old school equestrian riding/field/hunt boots.” So fuckin easy.
William Murderface
It pains me to say this. But that dildo fuckhead is wearing Demonias.
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Look at him. He knows what he’s doing. I use the term Dildo Fuckhead affectionately btw, please don’t mistake me for a Murderface hater. I love him.
Honestly, I think you could get away with calling these mid-calf’s, but they’re probably technically tall boots.
Obviously I hate Demonias. These plastic fucking emo Barbie boots are worth approximately $8 and a cup of Kraft mac n cheese. They will cost you well over $100. Fuck that.
I’ve heard that older New Rocks are good alternatives? I have a friend that backs that claim up, but I don’t have a pair to confirm that. I’m sure there’s some Doc Martens you could sub in but I couldn’t find any matches under $400.
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These are a pair of New Rocks. They’re… that I guess. Kinda cool. He’s probably not even really wearing Demonias but like, that’s what they are. To me. In my heart.
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Here’s a pair of Demonia Riot-18BK. I guess. They’re about $133.
Murderface somehow has the most difficult boots for me to find. Plenty of cheapo Temu options, but I’m not here to show you those. Please let me know if you buy a pair of Temu boots so I can come to your house and break every fucking lamp you own.
Your keywords are “Tall boot with buckles” or “tall biker boots with buckles” or anything along those lines.
I feel like you’ve got a little more room for interpretation on Murderface’s boots, so long as their tall boots and they’ve got the buckles, you’re golden.
Wild Card Round: Pickles the Drummer
Man is wearing adidas!!! Pickles cosplayers are the comfiest motherfuckers in the convention hall.
Campus 00s, Samba OGs, Handball Spezial, Superstars, and Racer V 2.0 are all going to get you extremely close renditions of his shoes. The racer’s are my everyday shoe when I don’t wanna wear boots and those fuckers are. So comfy. Wear em without socks, who fuckin cares. I bet Pickles doesn’t even own socks.
If you’re going for Snakes N Barrels Pickles, try looking up “red Justin cowboy boots.” Justin’s are my go to brand because they last forever (I have a pair from the 70s) and they’re pretty comfy. They’re work boots, so they’re made to be worn/worked in all day.
If you’re made of money, buy yourself a pair of Tecovas. Those are the nicest cowboy boot you’ll ever own.
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Blam! Bootboard moodboard! I probably should have done this with all of them.
Anyway. Have fun, remember that inaccurate pieces don’t make or break a cosplay, this is just for fun and to elevate whatever you’ve got going on. Wear your shoes until they fall apart (that’s what i do. get your moneys worth), be kind to your feet, be kind to your shoes (actually you can be pretty harsh to leather so long as you do a little aftercare. this is an innuendo, but also please clean and condition your leather pieces.) and be kind to the planet. Leather is better than pleather. You are paying a premium for plastic. Don’t do that.
(Lemme know if this is cool/useful btw. I would be so happy to find boots/brands of clothing for your cosplays. I think my inbox is open.)
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polyklok · 1 year
Nathan Explosion full Alphabets
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If you’re unaware, I did an headcanon request thing using these two alphabets
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It got a bit more popular than I expected and my askbox got flooded. I loved doing it! But I ended up cramming a lot in a short amount of time, so I’m just gonna finish off the alphabets for every Dethklok member. It might take awhile. If you’re getting impatient waiting to see what I said about your favorite boy, you can look up the tag “Polyklok is real” to find all my posts including the previous headcanon requests.
A for Affection-
Slightly more affectionate than you’d expect! Nathan isn’t one to show a lot of emotions or vulnerability at first. There's a good chance that you're just a fun piece of eye candy to him. He might have an arm around you when in public, but things like cuddling are reserved for after sex and after sex only.
As he starts to open up, he becomes more and more addicted to your soft touches and gentle holds. He leans into you whenever you are vaguely close to him, nuzzling his face into your neck and letting his hands settle on your hips or waist. Soon, it becomes mandatory for him to be attached to you whenever you're in the same room. Especially whilst cuddling, he is not letting go. Will carry you to the bathroom if needed, just to continue feeling your warmth.
B for Best friend-
It’s sort of stressful. Not because of Nathan specifically, but because it’s fucking Dethklok. You’re going to need to live a very private life when you’re associated with them, unless you want to be stalked and harassed daily by overly-obsessive fans. And that’s if you can even get any of them to engage with you in the first place, which is a task within itself.
IF you somehow manage to pull off the impossible, Nathan is a pretty silly dude. If he already likes you, it’s fairly easy to make him relax and laugh with you. Most of the time, the two of you will be drinking and making fun of dumb stuff until early in the morning. But he’s never gonna really open up to you. If you try to get into his personal life or mental health, he’s just gonna straight up cut you off permanently. You’re luckily you weren’t killed by Klokateers.
C for Cuddles-
Once he's settled into the relationship and comes to terms about his more unbrutal feelings for you, he quickly becomes comfortable with regular, sappy couples things like cuddling. Very comfortable.
You know those dogs who are big but think they are small? He's kinda like that. If you're lucky, he'll scoop you up first and hold you against him. If you're unlucky, he's too tired to think of such a gesture and will straight up collapse on you. While 'Death by Nathan Explosion' may seem good in theory, the truth is that you have to stick around for him, which means you can't come to peace with suffocating in his phat tits. I'm sorry. If he does lay on top of you, it's gonna have to be across your legs while you scratch his scalp; his favorite way to cuddle BTW.
D for Domestic-
Nathan is a little complicated.
On one hand, he grew up among perfect domesticity. A nice, middle-class suburban neighborhood with a hardworking Dad and a stay-at-home Mom who loved each other and him very much. He often helped his Mom with chores around the house, went fishing and hunting with his Dad, even spent time on the farm with his grandpa. Everyone was happy and life was simple. Even today, when Nathan pictures the 'perfect lifestyle', he imagines a friendly community and being a part of a couple as loving as his parents are.
But then again, he wasn't ‘happy’. He despised the white-picket fences, and gossipy neighbors, and (gag) public school. He spent his early life trying to get as far away from that as possible. He lives to buy stupidly expensive shit, destroy it in the most violent way possible, fill his nights with drugs and booze, tour around the world singing about death and destruction, be worshipped by hundreds of hot girls only to watch their faces fall as he returns to you, and then have you screaming in his bed before the sun rises. Nathan wants chaos.
Eventually, you'll find balance. He realizes he create his own version of the American dream, with you by his side as his perfect partner, his equal. He'll still be apart of Dethklok, still live in Mordhaus, still write the most disgustingly graphic songs you can think of. But he now lives day-to-day craving his morning kiss, setting aside time to have a lunch date with you, sharing a few beers rather than getting shitfaced. Nathan learns to settle down in a way that makes both sides of him happy.
E for Ending-
Aw man :/
If it’s early in the relationship, he just straight up ghosts you. He feels bad for doing it but he’s too much of a coward to do anything else. It’s probably because he realized he didn’t like you that much, you couldn’t keep up with his lifestyle, or he was simply being a horny bastard and pining after others. I love him, but he’s still a rich, sheltered douchebag.
If it’s later on…he has a really hard time coming to terms. It’s gonna have to be a mutual decision, otherwise your both gonna be stuck in a miserable relationship. Maybe he realizes that his lifestyle is unfit for long term relationships, maybe you realize that you don’t suit him as well as you used to. He’s gonna make his explanation, hear out yours, hug you goodbye, and even provide some money to help you get by. But he’s not gonna talk to you again. His heart is too tender for that.
Potentially, if you really did mean a lot to him and changed him in ways he’s now grateful for, he’ll write a brutal song for you with secretly sappy and thankful lyrics. Then you get the satisfaction of knowing that you left on the best possible terms.
F for Fiancé-
For a long time, Nathan didn’t think he ever wanted to get married. It’s just didn’t fit his image. The idea of Nathan Explosion ever being a part of a celebration for holy matrimony? No way.
But when you started to sneak your way into his heart, marriage suddenly seemed like a wonderful possibility rather than a stupid consequence of the world. He tried to fight against it, which only made the urge worse. A pair of sparkling rings, wedding bells, flowers, you in absolutely beautiful outfit- all kept haunting his mind until it felt like he was going mad. He seriously considered dropping to one knee every time you smiled or laughed.
One day, you’re randomly swooped off to Georgia, on the ranch which is parents moved after Florida went to shit due to his political pursuit (we don’t talk about that). It’s the first time you formally meet them both but they’re already so glad to meet you; Nathan has said a lot over the phone and they know you make him happy. One night, during the visit, Nathan goes outside with his father, just the two of them. He asks his Dad when he knew he wanted to marry his Mom. They have a long talk about commitment, patience, love and life. That’s when he makes up his mind.
He proposes a week later and only cries a little when you say yes.
G for Gentle-
Nathan is huge. I don’t care how tall or wide you are, he’s bigger. And as much as he loves the size difference, his brain doesn’t really register that fact fully. He’ll squeeze with realizing he’s crushing you, wrap himself around you until you overheat, and occasionally fully consume you in his cuddles, as I’ve said before. It’s rare that he actually hurts you, it’s more annoying than anything. Just mention it and he’ll let up immediately with a small “Sorry.”
It’s similar in the emotional department. He's very blunt and, while he means well, it can cause some hiccups in your communication. He's never malicious but he often forgets to filter himself or add cushioning to his words, which might caused some hurt feelings. If it's a heated moment, he'll straight up walk away to give himself some time to breathe, think, reevaluate, and then go apologize to you so a solution can be figured out.
H for Hugs-
For a while, you thought Nathan hated hugs. And he sort of did. He never initiated them. He saw a full-body, front-facing hug as a way to greet his parents and...not much else. He also thought having to ask for a hug was embarrassing. Early on, if he's feeling touchy, he'll settle for groping at or leaning into you.
But he came around very quickly as soon as you fully embraced him. Just 30 seconds of your arms completely wrapped around him has him addicted and now he initiates them whenever you have a few passing minutes of free time. Still doesn’t like asking for them, though, he just does it and it’ll sometimes scares you.
I for I Love You-
If you say it to him, he’ll do the whole “I mrgghmrhyou too” thing. It’s gonna be a while until he completes the sentence, he’s stubborn. He’s knows he loves you and he knows that you know that he loves you but the words just seem so big, too big for him to say out loud.
But they’re not too big for Drunk Nathan! You’re helping him into bed after he’s had a long night filled with booze, swatting away his wandering hands from your body. You tug away his boots and jeans so he’s not too uncomfortable while he sleeps. “Thanks babe,” He mutters, head buried in a pillow, “I love you. So fucking much.” You pause, surprised grin spreading across your face as he promptly rolls over and falls asleep.
With time, the words will come out more and more clearly until he’s giving the casual “Love you.” Every morning and night, not even thinking much of it. But you’ll always remember the first time he said it to you, even if he doesn’t.
J for Jealousy-
He thinks jealousy is such an ugly look. He’s had girlfriends like that, obsessed with him and surveilling every single thing he does. It was awful. And he doesn’t want to be like that, especially not to you! So he tries; he really tries to be cool and levelheaded and to trust you completely. And he does trust you!
But he does not trust a room full of douchebags who think it’s alright to try and talk up his S/O! His chest burns with anger every time a creep stares you down or blatantly flirts. In public, he’ll stand right behind you and watch the entire room over your shoulder with the deadliest glare on his face. He totally fails at trying to be subtle about it. He can’t stand the thought that other people are having the same thoughts that he does about you. If you call him out on his jealousy, he’ll grumble and look away with an embarrassed blush.
Once you get home from some sort of social event, one where too many eyes happened to be staring at your body, he attached to you. He’s groping at and leaning into you, trying to consume you in his touch just to remind you that you’re his.
K for Kisses-
His kissing? Pretty good. He’s a bit rough, but he’s definitely not a bad kisser, especially if you’re into getting rough. He likes to keep his hands busy on your body when he kisses you and he groans against your lips if you ever start to mess with his hair. Very good experience.
He can make you go dizzy with a deep kiss or leave you quivering from a make out session without even blinking. What drives him crazy are soft, quick, passing kisses that you plant on him. A peck on his lips, face, or anywhere else will leave him blushing like a madman. He has no idea how something so simple makes him so flustered but he enjoys the feeling of butterflies in his stomach, wants you to do it more and more! He never gets sick of your small kisses.
L for Little Ones-
In the small community in Florida he grew up in, everyone knew everyone, which meant that all his stuck-up, judgmental neighbors knew how weird he was. Even though his parents were always supportive of him, that didn't stop fucking Cathy from down the street riding his ass at every block party. To avoid all the stupid questions and potentially beating up old people, he settled to hang out with all the kids during social gatherings. They were fascinated by his huge figure, alternative style, and gravely voice. He'd often find himself wrestling off tons of giggling toddlers, all with a huge smile on his face from the playfulness. This was a long way to say he's great with kids.
Kid's bring out Nathan's silly side. He's willing to drop his ego and act a little dumb just to make sure they have a good time; He'll roughhouse or play pretend or take a conversation about fictional dinosaur characters very seriously. It's honestly so adorable to see. As for having children? The thought scares him, he could name millions of protentional disasters just from the concept. But, if it's a serious want of yours, he'll consider it.
M for Morning-
Nathan thrives off of routine. He wakes up around noon and will not start his day off until he gets a morning kiss from you. He will sit in bed and pout until you finally peck his lips with a “Good Morning”.
After that, it’s pretty simple. At some in the relationship, the two of you have grown accustomed to each other’s procedures and habits, so you do practically everything in-sync. Most of the time, while getting ready, there’s a pleasant conversation that Nathan has grown to look forward to. Sometimes it discussing the day’s plans, sometimes it’s swapping the dreams had last night, or sometimes it’s just you reprimanding him for leaving such obvious bruises on your neck. No matter what, he’s happy he gets at least some time with you in his very busy schedule.
Despite what you might think, Nathan prefers to snack over the day than to have a large breakfast/lunch. Whether you follow suit or not, there will be some point where the two of you part ways so get can get work done, usually a meeting or early band practice. But before you go off to do your own thing, he always takes a moment to look into you eyes and share a small “Love You.”
N for Night-
Nathan stays up late. He’s a total night owl, always has been. In some cases, he’ll be partying and drinking his weight in booze. But most nights, he just wants to get work done, usually writing lyrics. Either way, he insists you go to bed before him and he’ll join you later. If he has been partying extra hard, it’s up to you that he actually makes it to bed. That’s if he goes to bed at all; he definitely pulls a few all-nighters every now and then.
At around 12-3 AM, you’ll wake up to the bed shifting and groaning under his weight. He’s stripped down to his boxers, he smells of either beer or chips, and he’s shushing you to stay asleep. He doesn’t mean to wake you up almost every night, but it’s sort of inevitable. Either way, he’ll kiss your forehead and gladly accept it when you eventually come crawling into his side.
O for Open-
At the beginning, it is absolutely minimal. It’s almost sad how little he’s willing to open up to you. Anytime the two of you talk, his answers are gonna be almost complete one-worded. Every date you go on a date, it’s exclusively for press and/or so he can get his dick wet afterwards. He truly believes that you’re only interested in him for his fame. He’s not mad about it, but he’s accepted it as the truth, so he doesn’t bother putting in any effort to actually engage with you.
But, over time, his heart will soften up and he realizes that-holy shit-he actually likes you and wants to be genuine with you. It starts out slow, like actually telling you about his day rather than just saying “Fine” or asking you questions about the side of your life that doesn’t revolve around him. He grows into admitting he cares about you or letting you in on band-business that’s supposed to be private. You can tell he fully trusts you when he’s willing to break down, let you comfort him while he cries, confess his weaknesses and allow you hear them because he knows that you won’t leave him for them. Then, and only then, does he realize how much he values you.
P for Patience-
It’s no secret that Nathan is a bit of a brat, or at the very least, a diva. It’s nowhere to the extent of his other bandmates (cough cough Skwisgaar) but he can certainly be picky or, yes, impatient at times. When it comes to small, inconvenient things, his anger is quick to spark up. It’s more so frustration than anything else, but he is still very clearly pissed off when something isn’t going how he wanted it to.
With you? He tries so hard to be levelheaded and cool. He’s willing to talk about it and work out solutions. But he has a tendency to just simmer in his own exasperation, especially when it’s something that has to just be dealt with rather than solved. A lot of the time, if he finds himself growing with anger, he will straight up walk away. It may seem disrespectful to you, but he’s just trying to keep himself from yelling or saying something stupid. He cannot lose you to an argument like that. Once he’s cooled down, he’ll return, apologize, and reaffirms that you’re okay with whatever is going on. Nathan really does want what’s best for you, no matter how angry he’s feeling in the moment.
Q for Quizzes-
Nathan wants to remember everything! He tries so hard to keep track of every little thing you say or do just because you’re so precious to him! But, more often than not, his brain will betray him and he’ll draw a blank when trying to decipher things about you. It’s not just you, he doesn’t have the most reliable memory in general. But he feels like such a bad boyfriend for not knowing things that should be obvious, like your birthday or favorite food.
At some point, he starts writing things down in his notebook. The very same notebook that holds reminders, inspiration, and lyrics for Dethklok songs. Every time you make a small comment that might be useful to him later, he quickly jots it down. It’s a little funny, right next to song titles like “Burn The Earth” and “Guts Punch Balls Throw-Up” he has little notes like “Favorite Flavor is strawberry :)”
BTW, you’re never allowed to see the notebook because you might also see notes such as “Looked super pretty this Sunday, made me happy” and how embarrassing would that be?
R for Remember-
It was such a quiet day. Nothing particularly exciting was happening, nothing particularly awful, either. He had spent hours sorting through paperwork, his brain still hurting with legal terms and signatures. Now, it was late afternoon, and the two of you were spending time on the couch.
By “spending time”, I mean he was writing lyrics, you were reading a book, and a large plate of French fries sat in the middle. Everything was so still. Occasionally you’d flip the page and grab a fry or he’d grumble and scribble something down. But besides that, perfect tranquility.
Until you decided you needed a drink. You left the room for a second, only a second, to grab a water or soda or beer. You just…got up and left. Like a normal person. But immediately, as soon as you were out of his presence, Nathan felt unnerved. The entire balance of the room shifted without you on a couch cushion beside him. He stared, dumbfounded, at the doorway as though you had abandoned him. He just missed you so much.
Less than three minutes later, you were back, with a drink in either hand. You place one by him, kissed his cheek in a way that made his heart flutter, and returned to your spot as though nothing had happened. Technically, nothing had happened, but those less-than-three-minutes had struck Nathan as so wrong, that when you returned, he was so, so internally grateful to have you there with him.
It was in that moment that Nathan realized how much he loved you, how important you were to him, how he couldn’t stand to be without you for a second. Even if the evening continued without him saying a word.
S for Security-
Yes, very much so.
Nathan fully believes that you’re “brutal as hell” and fully capable with handling whatever life throws at you. It’s one of the reasons he loves you! But he still acts so protective of you, he thinks that’s how a ‘good boyfriend’ should act (raised on traditional values and all). It’s adorable, how he insists on being your guard dog in public or carrying stuff you could’ve gotten yourself. It’s his own form of chivalry.
However, in a situation where your life is genuinely at stake, he freaks the fuck out. Adrenalin kicks in, he hyper-focuses on getting you out of there, even over his own safety. Remember when he saved Toki whilst Mordhaus was burning down? He’s not even blinking until he knows your secure, preferably in his arms. Afterwards, he’s pressed into you, rocking back and forth, sobbing that he could’ve lost you. He never wants to feel that way again.
If you were to protect him, potentially from rapid fans, he…Well, Nathan finds it hot. I’ll get more info this later, but Nathan thinks aggression is a very good look on you. He obviously wants to keep you out of harm’s way, but he might just let you yell for a little bit just to enjoy the image.
T for Try-
Early in the relationship, he goes all-out with expensive gifts, extravagant dates, and big gestures. Unfortunately, it’s not necessarily because he’s trying super hard, but he thinks it’s what will keep you happy. Again, in his mind, you’re only dating Nathan Explosion for the clout and/or money, so he’s gonna give it to you.
Eventually, he learns to be more personal with you. At that point, he tries so damn hard, not at making his romantic pursuits as bold, but more so at making them perfect for you. All your dates are planned so that you have the best time you could possibly have. The gifts become symbolic and personalized in a way only the two of you understand. His gestures become slightly more private, pleasing you rather than impressing those around you. He’s slightly embarrassed at his own sappiness but seeing the glow in your eyes is so worth it.
Day to day is about the same. Nathan has put in a lot of effort making sure that the two of you have a shared schedule that works and he’s super proud of it, having the comfort of you every single day.
U for Ugly-
As I said earlier, the first ‘phase’ of your relationship with Nathan is going to be difficult. He doesn’t trust you, he’s completely unwilling to share any details he deems “personal” which is most of them, and he really only dates you to say he’s dating someone and to show you off to the paparazzi. It’s…pretty pathetic. You’re gonna need to be tough in order to fight your way through to Nathan’s heart.
Even then, he has a streak of untrustworthiness. Not necessarily from you, but his jealously and clinginess can be a bit overwhelming sometimes. Not as bad as some other members though…
He’s incredibly stubborn. We’ve seen how picky he is with Dethklok’s music and that bleeds into other aspects of his life. He doesn’t enjoy sudden changes to his routine or unexpected events. He tries to be open-minded, but arguments might spark up if he’s feeling particularly hard-headed that day. Although, you are the only person he truly trusts an opinion from.
V for Vanity-
Most of the time, Nathan doesn’t really care. He likes to keep his appearance at least a bit brutal at all times, for sake of his image. His clothing is never too expensive or of high-quality. If he finds something that he likes, he buys multiples of it so he can wear it again. I’m also convinced that he dyes his hair because there’s no way it’s that black (look at his parents!). Outside of that, he’s not too concerned with how he looks.
Until he is. Every now and then, Nathan will get depressive mood for a bit and really start hating in his own appearance. He’s not in his peak physical form anymore; he’s fat and aging in a way that’s not super graceful. Online criticism of his every feature doesn’t help either. Which is why he really appreciates it when you start to love up on him, kissing random places and telling him how much you adore his body. He’ll mumble and look away and try to push you off a little bit, but his cheeks are heating up and his brain is tingling with all sorts of good feelings. Nathan loves being doted on.
W for Whole-
Like I said, Nathan likes routine. When you’re suddenly pulled out of the equation, his whole day is set off and he gets all moody until you come back. He doesn’t need to constantly be with you but he once he’s assimilated to your presence, he doesn’t ever want you to leave. At some point, deep in the relationship, you become an aspect of life to Nathan and he can’t even imagine trying to live without you.
So yes, in a sense, he’d be incomplete without you.
X for Xtra-
Even when he realizes that his relationship with you means much more than he originally realized, he still loves showing you off to cameras or at parties. With his arm around you, both wearing gorgeous outfits, he loves to show the entire world just how beautiful his S/O is and wants the world all to sob about it!
Before, pictures with his girlfriends used to be stiff and awkward. He just stood there, holding her hand maybe, whilst she posed for the camera. Now, he’s completely different. He’s wrapped around you, nuzzling into you, even smiling! The media goes crazy when he first does this with you; this is a side of him never shown to the public. It’s passionate, it’s tender, it’s so off-brand for Nathan Explosion! But he doesn’t care. He seriously gets off on the fact that you’re the only one that can make him feel this way and the only one he’ll act this way for.
Y for Yuck-
Lying. Nathan is already so guarded, so knowing that you are lying-for whatever reason- to him just cuts so deep and forgiving you will be a piece of work, if he decides to at all. Even if it’s something unpleasant, he just wishes you would talk to him and the two of you could work it out together.
After the whole “Rebecca’ incident, he can’t stand an S/O that’s too pushy or controlling of him. Who would’ve guessed, manipulating and bullying someone you’re supposed to be in a relationship with is not okay?! If you start off like this, he’s backing out immediately and probably calling you a bitch in the process. If you become worse over the course of the relationship, he might already be too far in love to realize how awful you’re being, so it’s usually his band members who are going to be calling you out on your bullshit. And there’s only a 50% chance you make it out of that alive soooooooooo….
Z for Zzz-
Nathan becomes a fucking wall when he sleeps. He’s on his back, he’s perfectly still, he’s gently snoring, and nuclear bomb couldn’t wake him up; you couldn’t even push him over you you tried. He likes to have you tucked under his arm when he gets into bed, but after he’s asleep, you could sleep directly on top of him for all he cares, he still won’t wake up. Probably would be super easy to suffocate.
Every now and then, you’ll wake up to him yelling his lungs out. Nathan is regularly frequented by prophecies nightmares and his reaction to them is not to thrash around or scream, but to just do the loudest, longest metal-growl you’ve ever heard. It’s terrifying to wake up to. Over time you’ll get used to it and begin to comfort him, usually by petting his hair and shushing him. He’s still half-asleep, so it’s not long before his eyes flutter shut once again. It becomes routine at one point.
Alright! And that’s fluff. Below there will be SMUT, including references to kink and BDSM. If you’re are sensitive to things that don’t qualify under “vanilla” sex, then this not for you babe.
A for Aftercare-
You are going to need it, babe. Nathan is prone to absolutely destroying you in the bedroom. Afterwards, though, he’s quite sweet (even if he won’t admit it). He likes to cuddle, soothing your aches and pains, kissing and fondling you gently. He’s vulnerable in this moments, exhausted from plowing you and soaking in his sentimental feelings for you. He keeps speaking to a minimum, sorry if you are into pillow talk. But he much rather care for you with actions rather than words.
If he’s feeling particularly romantic, he’ll get some Klokateers to start up a bath, completed with bubbles and scented oils. He knows it’s cheesy, but he really does have a soft spot for things like that, plus he gets an excuse to hold your naked body even longer.
B for Body Part-
He’s obsessed with you chest, no matter your gender or size. Groping with his large hands, running his fingers over your nipples to watch them perk up, leaving hickies all over. If you have boobs (or just large pecs) he loves watching them bounce while you fuck, his eyes are glued. If not, he still toys with your nipples, grinning as you whimper from the sensation. Nathan just loves your chest.
On himself; he has some lingering body issues, so he really doesn’t think to much about what he’s got going on during sex. That being said…he’s pretty proud of his dick. I’ll talk about it more during letter X but, oh lord, his cock is impressive. Nathan got some blessed genes in that department.
C for Cum-
Nathan comes in long, thick streams. He makes these beautiful grunting noises, hips thrusting forward and fists clenching onto whatever they can grab like your throat. He might just mutter some words about how filthy you are or how you drive him absolutely crazy as his cock twitches out his orgasm. As you might’ve guess, his favorite place to cum is on your chest, with you looking up at him like the god he is. Bonus points if you lick it up, he’ll get hard all over again.
D for Dirty Secret-
Obviously, like any good boyfriend, Nathan doesn’t like seeing you upset! He wants you to be happy, he wants life to be easy and good! But, whether directed at him or someone else, Nathan can’t help getting way too fucking horny when he sees you seething with anger!
When you’re voice starts getting a bit louder than necessary, you roll your eyes and furrow your brows, you throw your hands around with frustration…he is struggling to hide his boner. Something about it just makes you seem powerful and sexy to him and he feels so bad for not taking you seriously in the moment but he’s already flooded with dirty thoughts.
He would probably rather die than admit this to you, but there’s a good chance you figure it out on your own terms. If so, he will be very on board when you act just a little mean in the bedroom; pulling his hair and bossing him around, maybe even scolding him for being so turned on by your anger. Despite your love for each other, you can least pretend to be having awesome hate sex.
E for Experience-
It’s nothing to sneeze at. I imagine Nathan lost his virginity at some point in high school before he dropped out and it only went up from there. I mean…he’s a massive celebrity. He pretty much has access to all the sex he could ever want. The tricky part is catering to your needs. Before, Nathan was a bit of a selfish lover. Not awful but not super mindful about what the groupies he was banging were into. Once he’s dedicated himself to you, he realizes that really good sex requires communication. With some time and a few slightly awkward conversations, he’ll have mastered everything you could ever desire from him and it is worth it for the both of you. Nathan Explosion can fuck.
F for Favorite Position-
Including visuals from google
Tumblr media
“Pirate’s Bounty”
I’ll start by saying that Nathan isn’t super picky. He’s obviously not very flexible, so anything that requires some impressive stretches from him is off the table. Outside of that, he’s game. You could be face down, on top, spread out, etc. He’s happy as long as his dick is buried in you, honestly.
That being said, this is a comfortable favorite he often resorts to. It lets him see all his favorite parts of you, grab and grope whatever his hands can reach, and look you in the eyes while he degrades the hell out of you. Nathan plows away, groaning about what a slut you are as one hand holds your leg against his torso and the other squeezes your throat. There’s also a good chance you’ll have your hands tied up to the headboard while he goes at it…Ugh I’m a simp
G for Goofy-
Absolutely not.
When he’s in the zone, Nathan pretty much loses all of his humor. Sex is very serious to him, in the same way alcohol is I think, “It’s sacred.” And once he’s with you, there’s an added layer of intimacy. So, no, Nathan isn’t really going to be cracking any jokes or even acknowledging the funny circumstances that inevitably happen. He’s too caught up in, well, destroying you.
If you happen to make a joke… yikes. He is very unimpressed. He’ll probably just ignore it. If you persist, Nathan will either make you cum so hard you forget your name, let alone a joke to make. Or, he’s gonna torture the fuck out of you until your apologize and beg for his mercy. It’s a good time either way. But don’t do it again, he really will get annoyed with you.
H for Hair-
He has a deep, deep secret that he has been carrying with him ever since he started getting an allowance as a kid. He has gone through ridiculous measures to ensure that this is not exposed to the public. Nathan Explosion…Dyes his hair. Oh, the horror! Seriously though, he has routinely dyed his roots black twice and month since he was, like, 10. Naturally, mousy brown color, similar to his Mom’s.
And as soon as he started actively messing around, Nathan even dyed his pubes as well. He doesn’t shave himself completely bare, usually just trims it down to stay out of the way. I’ve heard that balls can be difficult to shave and he doesn’t strike me as the type of guy to bother. And, yes, dyed it the same black as his hair, just so groupies wouldn’t go and spread the word. Eventually, with you, he stops caring so much about downstairs and lets it grow into its natural color. It’s honestly sort of cute and he gets a bit flustered when you point it out.
I for Intimacy-
Nathan really thought that romantic, passionate sex was only for basic dildo jack-offs and that he would never, ever be so vulnerable with someone. Nathan was an idiot. Once you are in the picture, he suddenly craves to fuck you in a way that is so beautiful and emotional. He wants more than just brutality and he’s not really sure how to handle it in a way that won’t make him seem too soft (he is so, so soft for you).
After some internet research and building up his courage, Nathan takes you out on a date. And it’s perfect. Dinner and a walk and stargazing, just the two of you. Part of him feels stupid, silly for indulging in something so cliche. But that part dies completely when he sees how enchanted you are by his efforts. Its a milestone in your relationship, because the whole night is filled with him getting sentimental with you, completely focused on the time you’re spending together. He’s overwhelmed with all the love he feels for you and, for maybe the first time in his relationships, he’s completely sure that you feel the same for him. It’s a wonderful realization.
When you finally get home, you’re met with rose petals and candles and music. Nathan is slow, squeezing your body like he’ll never let go, drinking in your image and your touch, telling you how perfect you are the entire time. It’s even better when you reciprocate it all back, caught up in each other, tangled within all sorts of amazing sensations. He even starts getting teary-eyed when he finally fills you up. He loves you so much.
After that night, the two of you still have sex that is rough and/or casual fairly often. But he always makes sure to set aside time every now and then to truly make love to you. When he chooses to be, Nathan can be extremely intimate and romantic with you.
J for Jack Off-
Nathan masturbates fairly often, even when you’re available for sex. Not that he’s not interested in you, he’s just rubbing one out so he can pursue more important things at the moment and blow off some steam, thought he won’t reject a blowjob.
Most likely he’ll be stumped with a particular song or going through some writer’s block same lmao. He’s frustrated, wracking his brain for rhymes that just don’t seem to exist, let alone fit the song he’s writing. He can’t tell if he can’t focus because he’s hard or hard because he can’t focus. Either way, his pants are straining and it’s getting difficult to ignore. A while ago, he might’ve pulled up some porn or even one of his old magazines, but he’s now think of you as he undoes his belt.
How gorgeous you looked for him a few nights ago, tears falling down your cheeks and legs shivering as he ruthlessly fucked you into, abusing your body in the most pleasurable way possible. He groans, tugging at his cock, eyes closed and wishing you were there with him now. Nothing made him cum harder that your touch.
When he’s finished, he makes a quick job of cleaning up and pulls back into his pants like nothing happened, feeling a new sense of lightness on his shoulders. Until he makes the unfortunate realization that he has to go back to working.
K for Kink-
Nathan is very, very kinky. He’s a huge fan of all things BDSM and Dom/Sub dynamics.
Knife and blood play, bondage, wax play, hair pulling, gagging, choking, edging, overstimulation, impact play, degradation, and even consensual non-con (which delves into roleplay as well).
He doesn’t even mind to be on the receiving end either, although he’s much more used to being in control. Hope you’re ready for that.
L for Location-
His bedroom. Yeah, he’s boring. Not even necessarily on the bed, but Nathan enjoys a secluded space for the two of you. If it’s at a point where you haven’t moved in, then your bedroom also works I guess.
But that’s lame so, scenario #2-
Nathan would love to fuck you as close to the ocean as possible. On the beach, on a boat, I would say a submarine but those are kinda controversial rn. He feels a deep connection to the ocean, although he can’t fully understand why. So having you there feels far more vulnerable to him than it should and he likes the intensity of it, even if you can’t feel it.
M for Motivation-
As I said earlier, seeing you get mad really does it for him. That’s what gets him the most riled up, even if he’s a tad ashamed of it.
He also loves massages. Nathan is a big dude who is constantly head banging and doesn’t have the best posture. He fucking melts when you rub his neck and shoulders and gets really excited to pay you back with some slow, hard fucking. The relief of you easing out his muscles just has him addicted.
Any revealing clothes, but particularly a low-cut shirt, especially if you happen to bend over and give him the perfect view; Nathan is drooling.
N for NO-
This goes with his ‘honesty’ thing, but Nathan hates when you fake it. He can tell instantly when you’re moans are being exaggerated, when you’re not really into something he’s doing, or if you try to fake an orgasm and it pisses him off. In your early relationship, he might begrudgingly ignore it just to get it over with. But later on, he finds it inexcusable and practically begs you to just tell him when you don’t like something. He’s a quick learner too, he’ll improve his technique and have you screaming in no time!
O for Oral-
Going DownKlok changed the history of everything forever in time.
For a while, there were very few things in this world that Nathan loved more than a blowjob from you. If you offered to suck him off, Nathan’s pants were already to his knees. No matter when or where, he’d find a way to get head. This led to a lot of risky bathroom escapes and leaving parties early. Nathan just loves a good ol’ blowey; petting your hair, looking down at you with a gaze full of lust, grumbling in pleasure as you choke.
However…I think we’re all aware of Nathan’s infamous refusal to use his own mouth on you. He somehow made himself think that doing so made him weak or submissive, probably something he heard in high school that stuck. He’ll straight up say, “Nope” when you ask and refuse to elaborate.
That is until one night, he’s stripping you’re clothing off and laying you down on his bed, giving you feverish and sloppy kisses. Your legs are wrapped around him, your face is red, and something about how gorgeous you look under him just makes him go, ‘Fuck it.’ and he dives in. Minimal thoughts, pure desperation.
And Nathan fucking loves it. He loves gripping your thighs and teasing you with his tongue and groaning against you whenever you moan his name. He’s a master at it too, knows all the perfect moves. It became a regular occurrence very quickly. Whenever you go down on him, he reciprocates. Or will just get on his knees for you at random moments purely because he loves to. Nathan’s new favorite thing is to give oral.
P for Pace-
It really depends on his mood. He can be both rough and romantic, often both at the same time. Sometimes he’ll be pounding so hard into you that your vision goes blurry; other times he will gently caress your body as he eases in and out. There’s really no definitive pace he goes for, though he is on the aggressive side more often than not in the bedroom. If he’s going to fast (or slow) for you, Nathan has no problem adjusting accordingly.
Q for Quickie-
He’s actually not a huge fan of them. He likes the concept of them, quickly and discreetly fucking each other, putting off other things just for sex. But in practice, not so much.
Rather than just enjoying it, Nathan will get stressed about his time management or wonder if something is going wrong without him there. He thrives on routine and prefers to take his time with you, so quickies just throw off his whole vibe. If anything, he’ll give you some oral and be on his way, saving the real thing for later. Even better, he’ll talk you up, telling you all the things he’s gonna do before leaving you to crave him.
R for Risk-
Nathan is very open to experimentation and is willing to try anything at least once. If he doesn’t like it, though, he’ll shut it down pretty quickly. But you don’t ever have to worry about sex being too vanilla or boring for you, Nathan is quite the adventurous type in the bedroom.
If he’s caught doing something freaky in a semi-public area with you, like a rented-out movie theatre or random bedroom during a party, he fucking dares it to be released to the press. Charles will do everything in his power to keep that from happening, for image’s sake, but Nathan is the biggest rockstar in the world. As I said earlier, he likes to show you off, and this is an extension of that. Now everyone knows how hard he fucks the gorgeous person he constantly has under his arm, what’s so embarrassing about that?
The potential risk for a pregnancy is…well, very touchy. You’d have to have a long conversation beforehand. If you don’t take precautionary measures, he will.
S for Stamina-
Nathan is a pretty big dude, and as strong as he is, not in the best physical health I must say. He has no issue getting it up again a couple more times, but with how hard he often goes, Nathan needs to take some good, long breathers. If you do plan on going at it for a while, these breaks will be full of gentle touches and praise for how well you’re doing, before he goes right back into you calling you a slut for wanting his cock so much. Ugh. If the two of you are careful, he can actually last a very long time, but there are a few certain little things you do that drive him crazy and will speed up his orgasm.
T for Toy-
A reasonable amount. Bondage equipment, whips and paddles, a few ornate knives to cause just the right amount of damage. Probably a vibrator that he tortures you with (male or female cmon now). He’s into kinky shit and kinky shit requires materials a lot of the time. I could also imagine him being really into that sex-furniture stuff, just to make things more convenient. If you ever have something you wanna try out, just ask and he’ll get it in a heartbeat. The only thing I can see him being adverse to is a dildo; you have his dick, why would you need another? Until you explain all the extra fun that can be had with it, then Nathan is on board.
U for Unfair-
Obviously with his dynamics and kinks, teasing goes along with that. He never edges you for too long, just long enough to make your eyes water and have you begging him for a desperate release. Really though, he doesn’t have nearly enough patience to edge you for hours, or hell, days but Nathan likes having a sense of control, so he still holds back when he’s feeling particularly malicious. He’ll tease you just long enough to get you to beg and then give in to you with overstimulation that’s almost worse than the teasing.
In public, he might give you some subtle pinches and gripes, hovering around you when he’s feeling frisky, but it’s nothing too blatant. If he’s desperate enough, he’ll drag you off to a slightly more private area.
V for Volume-
Nathan has a deep, gravely, sexy voice. It’d be a crime if he was silent during sex. Luckily, you get plenty of delicious growls, grunts, and groans from him. The pure bass of his voice shakes your entire skeleton when he’s real close to your ear. He does a whole lot of dirty talking too, using that same voice, degrading you to all hell while your mind in a blur of pleasure and pain. If he happens to be on the receiving end, you might be able to elicit some breathy, whimpery swears from him. While he’s not super loud volume-wise, all his noises are fucking perfect.
W for Wild Card-
My name ain’t Polyklok for no reason ffs
Pickles was totally the one to introduce him to the world of kink. He always knew he was a bit rougher than most and had some freaky fantasies, but when he and Pickles frequently messed around in the early days of Dethklok, he learned just how deep his desire for pain went.
Pickles had him tied up, hit, cut, and edged for what felt like forever. It was torture and yet Nathan always craved more of it. He felt so exposed and so safe at the same time. His exposure to BDSM was with him on the receiving end and it was perfect for him to discover just how wonderful that connection through pain was, especially with someone he trusted like Pickles.
He always has it in the back of his mind whenever he’s going at it with you, making sure that you’re feeling all the same wonderful things he felt and assuring that you are just as safe as he was. Tormenting your body is really a love language to him.
X for XRay-
Oh sweet baby satan
Nathan is hung. 8.5 Inches when fully erect and hella girthy, a slightly narrow head for your sake. The thing still somehow manages to bend upwards when he’s hard, by some miracle. He’s circumcised (look at his parents I mean-) and considerably veiny. Could’ve honestly been a porn star if the whole death metal thing didn’t work out.
Y for Yearning-
His sex drive his very high early in the relationship and eases into something more manageable within a few months. But overall, yeah, he’s quite set and you’ll certainly never feel neglected.
Depending on the damage; he might accidentally leave you untouchable for half a month due to the pure soreness. And he’ll be very apologetic. But usually, assuming injuries are kept under a certain threshold, he’ll go at it 2-4 times a week.
But his yearning can also build up. If you don’t happen to join him in travels for touring season, you’re gonna get it when he finally gets back. Both of you are gonna be completely unavailable for a few days minimum.
Z for Zzz-
Not too soon. This was pretty much all elaborated on in ‘A’, but he still cleans up and cuddles and gives you plenty of good aftercare. Once that’s all done and he’s confirmed that you feel taken care of…Nathan will sleep. If it happens to be way late at night/early in the morning, he might tough it out just to get his day started, but he’s gonna start feeling like crap by noon and probably pass out soon after that. Man needs his sleep.
I need my sleep. Dude, this took almost two months and many all-nighters. And I have so many requests…I love writing and I love the silly metal boys but…boy howdy. Thanks for reading, gorgeous.
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How They React to a Heavily Tatted/Pierced/Modded!Reader
Post Type: Headcanons
Warning(s): Body Mods, Piercings, Etc
A/n: These are purely based on piercings and body mods I want so... ..also I did three points for them all bc I'm having a hard time writing this for some reason? this has been in my drafts for months
Will ask about the body mods and which ones hurt the most
Lowkey wants some of his own
Gawks over the split and pierced tongue
"Dood...I need that tongue on my cahk"
Enjoys looking over all the piercings, especially the more naughty piercings
*moves hair behind ears to show off his elf-ear body mod*
It's the only one he has, but he's looked into different body mods over the years and adores most of them, so he talks about them a lot to you
Loves that you and he both have pointed ears, it's a like a matching couples thing
"Didn't that hurts?"
Is concerned about the pain scale, but he thinks its brutal af
He especially loves any cat jewelry, its adorable
LOVES self-expression and loves you
He's considering getting his tongue split, honestly (please ensure he actually knows the aftercare for it)
His favorite on you is the eyeball tattoo, he thinks its brutal
Secretly really attracted to it
You wouldn't expect it (I'm a firm believer Charles is a massive secret pervert)
I also firmly believe he has at least one piercing of his own, specifically on his dick. No one knows about it except his s/o and Pickles
His eyes go wide, he counts his eyes as a body mod (even if it isn't cosmetic)
Appreciates the crazy look, to him it's self-expression
Helps you with aftercare if you get any more while with him, he understands the need to have them clean
Lowkey creeped out, but he gets it
"I'm just saying I wouldn't want any (body mod-wise)."
He does have some tattoos and totally gets his ears gauged
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eternallyblight · 1 year
Highlights from Appetite for Distortion Podcast with Brendon Small
Listen to the podcast here
The tour, movie, and album being released around the same time was a deliberate decision. When Brendon started getting this project together around three years ago, he knew he's be putting together a record, a soundtrack, a movie, and a tour all within the same week.
How Brendon approaches writing the Dethalbum IV and creating Army of the Doomstar:
It's not him working. It's Dethklok literally telling him what to do. He's just a jerk with a guitar doing what Skwisgaar tells him to do. For vocals, he's doing what Nathan's telling him to do. When he's voicing them in the movie, those characters are taking over. He'll do the dialogue but they'll surprise him with improve.
Since Brendon's the scriptwriter and director, he's like an Angry God. He'll be like throwing them into ceiling fans or into a fire to see how they get out.
About Guns n'Roses and Snakes n'Barrels.
Slash has been on the show. Twice. (Birthdayface and Tributeklok) He's one of Brendon's favorite guitar players of all time.
Learning about heavy metal happens at an important age. For Brendon, he was around 13/14. He bought two distinct albums. Def Leppard's Hysteria and Guns N'Roses Appetite for Destruction. He was blown away to the astral plane of the music and aggressive guitar playing. It's still one of his favorite albums to this day. He'll take long walks listening to album front to back, top to bottom.
He thought that Pickles was like Dave Grohl. Like in a band like Guns n'Roses and Aerosmith like rock band before he was in Dethklok. There would be songs where Brendon used a top box to play.
One day, Slash was working on an animation at the same company Brendon worked at. There was a package that came with pedals from MXR Dunlop. Slash was there when that box came and they opened the box together and went through all these pedals. Slash looked at the pedals and pointed to Brendon which was one cool, which one he has and uses. Brendon even shows Slash's wall pedal that he also used on the record.
Now some fan questions.
Will Brendon ever release a studio version of Water Horsey Blues from Snakes n'Barrels I?
Brendon was surprised to hear the question. He's glad that people still listen to it all these years later. He wishes he had the time and resources to make music for these kinds of bands in the Metalocalypse universe. Like a Snakes n'Barrels record, a Dr. Rockzo record, even Toki's whimsical dream songs. But there's no plan as of yet.
Will Brendon ever plan on releasing the songs from Metalocalypse that didn't make it to the Dethklok albums. (please Brendon I'm on my knees.) Same answer. :,) He has no plan as of yet.
About the movie under the cut. Not spoiler heavy and mainly about the music.
Brendon does have a lot on his plate at the moment. He's got not one but two albums: Dethalbum IV and Army of the Doomstar Soundtrack.
To Brendon, the soundtrack album is really such an important storytelling part of the movie. As you watch the movie you'll hear the orchestra and synthesizer. (He got the Budapest Orchestra to play this score).
The movie, the narrative, the characters is one thing.
The Dethalbum IV, that's the brutality and the mystical.
Army of the Doomstar Soundtrack, the score, is the emotional center of the movie.
All three go together. If you plan on getting one, Brendon thinks you should get them all (the movie, ost, and album). They all do something completely different but they all come from the same central DNA.
Brendon is thankful to be able to complete the story. He's basically living the dream as the interviewer puts it.
Brendon's last words: It's fun to be creative on your own and make music for yourself to listen to. But the fact that this [Metalocalypse and Dethklok] came together in the way that it did, is because there's a fanbase out there. Without them, none of this would have happened. Thanks [for] everyone for being so vocal over the years and I'm excited for you to check it out.
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fishklok · 8 months
toki for the character meme? :3
Sexuality Headcanon: I don't think he has a label lol I think he's comfortable with IDing as whatever. Or "whatever Skwisgaar is, but better"
Gender Headcanon: Cis guy, but he's very comfortable with himself and presentation. Gender is more fun to him now.
A ship I have with said character: Probably Toki/Murderface or Toki/Skwisgaar
A BROTP I have with said character: Toki + Pickles, Toki + Murderface, Toki + Skwisgaar
A NOTP I have with said character: I really don't have any? Maybe Toki/Nathan or Toki/Pickles since the show lays on the paternal themes harder with them.
A random headcanon: The rest of Dethklok tried to get the city of Tokyo to change its spelling to Tokio for one day in honor of Toki's birthday, but fortunately they didn't succeed.
General Opinion over said character: He was my favorite character back in high school when I first watched the show, but I've been neglecting him lol. I really like him a lot in the earlier seasons, especially when his delivery was more dead-pan.
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Kloktober 2023: Favorite Headcanon
This was gonna be two separate posts ,but for the occassion I combined both of them. Takes place at a hypothetical point after AOTD ,but the only major spoilers are for Requiem. Enjoy
Skwisgaar: I should has knowns all alongs. Why hasn't I figures this outs sooners?
Charles: Skwisgaar, I know it's a lot to process ,but...these dark secrets I've held for way too long now
Charles: Wait that's what you're worried about? You do realize I...committed actual war crimes even before I met you guys, right? Could at least get the country you're disparaging me for right.
Skwisgaar: I cans excuse murders buts how cans I works with a mans from a country that only hasks three hour of sunlights and and obskessed with windmills?! Most happiests countries in the worlds my asskes!
Charles: Ummm (not sure where to start with that one)
Pickles: Wait a minute, how the f🎸k do you have an American accent? ...And also actually speak English correctly?
Charles: Were you even paying attent- I'll just... Look the point is-
Skwisgaar: Psst Du kan inte ens tala ditt modersmål rätt.
Charles: *sigh* Jeg har ikke tid til det her, du afsporer samtalen mere end normalt.
Nathan: *quietly* The hell's going on now?
Skwisgaar: Det låter som att du suget en spikad dildo.
Charles: Åh som din mor?!
Even if the English-speaking Dethklok members didn't pick up on what he was saying they at least felt the emotion of that one with Skwisgaar and Toki being especially shocked in the "holy shit, did he just say that?!" sense. The latter filling Charles with some regret as Norwegian is the closest linguistic cousin to Danish so it was crystal clear(ish) to him
Swksigaar: Maybes I umm...I mights has takes it too fars...I ams kinds of wish she dids does that sometimes. So like...I ain'ts that offendeds ,but likes...I nevers seens thats before. Likes...wow!
Charles: *deep breathe* I'm sorry I'm just...not immune to stress either. And this has whole thing has been hard for me as it has for all of you.
Pickles: It's cool (the other band members overlapping with some variation of that)
Toki: Why dids you sounds so demons possesseds though?
Murderface: I mean I can only imagine how frustrating it must feel being trapped in that underwater volcano for years…getting all steamy and…populated entirely by men.
Nathan: God it’s pretty much that stupid submarine but like ten times worse because you got that vow of celibacy and shit. Are they also allowed not to jerk off?
Charles: Well ummm you don’t have to worry about that because I uhh…I’m actually asexual.
Pickles: A sexual…what? Deviant? Voyeur? W-what do you mean?
Charles: *just kind of stares in bewilderment*
Skwisgaar: I think he ams just means he cans makes littles tiny Charle by splitting himskelfs in twos.
Nathan: What like if you tear his arm off a while f🎸king guy will grow from it?
Toki: I thinks so?
Nathan: That’s pretty metal if you ask me
Charles: Guys it just means I’m not interested in sex. Alright? Like you were constantly living up to the sex, drugs, and rock n roll but honestly... I was personally into a third of those things.
Murderface: ...I guess that makes sense?
Pickles: How the hell did you put up with us for so long though?
*insert montage of Charles staring at him in the background of various escapades with groupies just looking mildly annoyed at worst*
Charles: Honestly, all due respect: you kind of build up one hell of tolerance for pretty much everything.
Nathan: I guess that makes sense
... (long moment of silence, the sound of frosty winds filling the awkward atmosphere)
Charles: And umm if you're curious we are allowed, just so long as it doesn't end being used for procreation it's fine.
Nathan: Yeah but do you umm specifically umm y'know?
Charles: I can neither confirm nor deny that right now
Nathan: 'Kay umm that's fine.
Charles: I missed you guys, I really did
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Diversity win! The capitalist war criminal turned cult leader is asexual and Danish
[Also author's notes: 90% of the Swede-Dane conversation was Google Translated, I am sorry (I have a Norwegian acquaintance on Discord ,but I didn't want to bother them especially since...well I won't ruin the joke but it was quite much if fun to write) althpugh I did make human corrections when needed and I did at least translate that last phrase on my own. Could've still screwed up]
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basu-shokikita · 1 year
Kloktober 2023 Day 22
Sea Horror or Cosmic Horror
Mkay so I tried my hand at cosmic horror for today. Since I've never written it before, I looked up a playlist on Spotify and everything to get in the mood so I hope this is somehow decent LOL
Featuring Skwisgaar because he's my favorite subject to expose to existential dread <3
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Everyone was chatting, drinking, laughing. They had groupies on their laps, amusing them, ready to fuck them at a moment’s notice. It was the end of the first phase of the tour and they wanted to celebrate.
Skwisgaar looked at the corner of the table. Rough, worn-out, dulled... It was old and should probably be replaced.
He swallowed heavily as his bandmates clinked their glasses together. He should be having fun with them, but the dread was peeking at the pit of his stomach, crippling anxiety threatening to come out like foam from a sink.
He had failed a note at tonight’s show. Yeah, okay, in all his time being a guitarist there had been plenty of moments where he had to improvise. A lot of occasions where he had to lead unforeseen circumstances. A little distraction, a little mistake (mostly by Toki) and he had to change up his playing a little. No big deal. He was a pro after all.
Tonight, though, he had been too slow. His fingers have been too clumsy, he hadn’t been able to reach the note in time. Nobody else noticed, though, as he had been able to mask it in time. But he knew he had failed.
And yesterday he had failed a note during rehearsal, too. Only Nathan picked up on it, but didn’t say anything. At the end of rehearsal, he had given Skwisgaar a pat in the back in reassurance and left.
So that was two mistakes. In two days.
He had never fucked up consecutively in his entire career.
Skwisgaar’s eyes picked up on a weird shine on his right hand and he brought it closer for inspection. It was the light shining over his skin, a small smear on the back of his hand. 
He rubbed on it with his other hand. He must’ve gotten stained with makeup. Yet, when he looked again. The smear was still there so he kept rubbing.
The smear didn’t move, didn’t go away. 
When he brought his hand to his eye-level, he realized it was no smear. Rather, it was a wrinkle. A very small wrinkle, yet a wrinkle, nevertheless. It must’ve appeared very recently because Skwisgaar hadn’t seen it before and nobody paid more attention to his hands than himself. 
He stood up, accidentally knocking his knee against the table when he did. 
“Skwisgaar?” Pickles called him.
“Just goingks to beds.” He said, walking away. “Ams tireds.”
The group mumbled and whispered. He overheard one of them calling him a weirdo and a basket case and then they went back to laughing.
He didn’t care, he was used to it. Most importantly, though, his ears were ringing, smothering the sound from outside. 
When he got to his room, it felt like he had walked a mile distance. And when he picked up his guitar, it felt at least thrice as heavy. Already weirdly exhausted, he sat on his bed to play.
After a few seconds, though, it became abundantly clear it wasn’t coming right. The notes were off, his fingers were slow, his pace was erratic. It was all wrong!
It was all wrong!
Frustrated, he tossed the guitar to the side and looked at the wrinkle on his hand. It had grown bigger. In fact, it was still growing and starting to cover his hand and arm, getting faster with each second. 
Skwisgaar dropped his arm, breath hitching yet ultimately unable to do anything as the wrinkle, now a black hole, consumed him. 
He found himself in space. In front of him there was a gigantic guitar, the size of a skyscraper. Just standing there, completely still despite not being supported by anything.
Confused, Skwisgaar walked to it, like a moth drawn to a light. There was an old, decrepit man staring back at him. He was balding, his face was full of wrinkles and he had no teeth. His skin was full of spots and moles and he looked frail and bony, like he was on the verge of death.
It wasn’t until Skwisgaar leaned in closer that familiar blue eyes stared back at him. He gasped with horror but, before he could do anything, his body started falling downwards, towards the infinite void. Closing his eyes, he braced himself.
The next time he opened his eyes, he was in a white room and there was nothing in it, besides him and a gigantic brown eye. Unblinking, it bore right at Skwisgaar and, when he tried moving, its stare followed him. He couldn’t explain why, but it was fucking terrifying. He was scared out of his wits of this huge, powerful eye. But there was no door, there was no exit. Just him and the eye.
“You’re done.” A voice thundered in the room, reverberating inside Skwisgaar’s chest. Skwisgaar knew it was the eye’s voice because those three words felt like a death sentence. He gazed at his hands and saw they were disintegrating like sand. Looking at the eye, he tried asking for mercy but his voice wouldn’t come out. The eye finally closed and with it, all light left.
He was tiny and he was stuck. Actually, he had no idea if he was tiny and looking up. The stars and planets were conversing with each other, unaware of him, and light and speed flowing in multitudes he couldn’t comprehend. Skwisgaar wanted to be up there, with them so he started trying to move. 
It was making a disgusting noise and he was sure he was covered in something sticky and gross. Like glue or slime, though he couldn’t see quite clearly because it was dark. He kept struggling although it felt futile and when he raised his eyes, he found the entire galaxy had turned to him. The chatter had ceased and, despite having no eyes, Skwisgaar could tell they were judging him for disturbing them. 
That he didn’t belong.
When he looked down, he discovered the slimy thing was his own corpse. Several corpses of himself in fact. Liquefied and turned to a viscous mass, they were all him. A never ending ocean of his corpses. They were all him.
They were all dead.
He was dead.
Skwisgaar awoke in his room and saw his guitar tossed to the side of the bed. It was vibrating and inviting, a holy bright surrounding it. Skwisgaar stared at the instrument with fear, unsure whether he wanted to pick it up or not. Ultimately, he decided not to postpone the inevitable and stretched an arm to grab the Gibson by its neck.
Heartbeat thundering, Skwisgaar swallowed when he put it on his lap. He was aware the incessant panting came from his own mouth, yet found himself unable to stop it. He closed his eyes and made himself a promise before his fingers started to play.
It was all the right notes, all the right sounds. It was a melody. 
It was…music!
Skwisgaar’s eyes opened with surprise as he glanced down at his fingers. He still had it. The speed, the rhythm, the grace…
Relieved to the point of tears, Skwisgaar hugged his guitar, face nuzzling against its mast.
He was not done yet. 
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tokiwarcube · 3 months
Genuinely curious!
As unbiased as you can be, which band members do you think have the most boyfriend/husband potential? Like ranked? Maybe with quick, easy reasons as to why you think so? Just something really quick for the flight!
Like I said, I'm just curious where you stand on this since you're my favorite metalocalypse writer atm!
ME? A FAVORITE? You're so sweet, thank you so much!!! <3 Rankings + reasonings below the cut <3
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1.) Nathan
Besides Toki, Nathan is the only one who has really shown a desire to get married — and not just with Abigail! It’s been more subtle (e.g. within bonus content for DVDs), but Nathan does think about marriage and long-term relationships quite a bit, even when he isn’t actively dating. I think he’s also had the most normal home life, and while he might not necessarily want a white picket fence and golden retriever, he does have a good idea of what marriage looks like for him. Does he have issues with communication? Yes, of course he does. And that can certainly yield some issues, especially when you’re in a more sensitive state where a bit of tenderness is needed. But he does also show a drive to improve, and when he really cares about someone, it’s clear that he’s capable of shoving down his embarrassment a bit to help.
2.) Pickles
Pickles is complex. He didn’t grow up with a good view on marriage — Not just because of how much he hates his parents, either; even as a young child, he could see just how loveless Molly and Calverts’ marriage was — but that doesn’t mean he wouldn’t consider it someday. But honestly, he’s so out of practice in the dating scene. Most of the relationships in his youth were quick flings, and since getting famous with S&B (and later Dethklok,) he hasn’t really had to put in effort for… anyone. You can get into a relationship with him pretty decently, sure, but that doesn’t mean he’s a picture perfect partner once you’re with him. There’s hardly a time of day where he isn’t drunk, high, or both — and sure, he can usually function pretty well under the influence, but it’s definitely something to be aware of. And there's also days where he cannot stand to be coherant in any capacity, and it's very... well, I'd be lying if I said it wasn't heartbreaking. Sometimes he's sad. Sometimes he's angry at the world. Sometimes he's just loopy. You're never quite sure what you'll get when he hits that point, but it's never pretty. His parents also continuously yield issues — even after telling Molly to fuck off, they still unfortunately exercise a presence in his life (both through physical means and through unresolved memories) that can lead to some touchy moments. And he’s the best communicator out of the boys, but again, he hasn’t done the whole “relationship” thing in a very, very long time. Re-learning how to communicate in that sense is a bit of a challenge! He gets there eventually, but it takes some patience. He’s a very sweet lover once he settles in, and he’s the definition of a ride-or-die.
3.) Toki
I think pre-season 2 Toki and post-season 2 Toki are two very, very different people (Nevermind pre and post Requiem/Doomstar), and I think timing does play a very important role in his dateability. Death has always been ever-present in his life, a dark curse woven into the very fabric of his being… but his father’s death affected him in a way that he’s never quite been able to heal from. And the unfortunate thing is, is that he doesn’t really connect his current struggles with the trauma of what’s happened. He never fully worked through his childhood trauma, and he hasn’t even touched the present. And so he’s also prone to flipping between an almost suffocating attachment and this very tumultuous, yet yearning, detachment. He struggles to communicate what he wants. He desperately wants a long-term relationship, has always idealized the idea of marriage and kids, but communication is… hard. And there’s a lot of times where he just expects problems — financial, emotional, or otherwise — to just be fixed. Or, he just pretends they don’t exist. He’ll slather this facade of sunshine and rainbows onto the world — everything is fine, even when the falling snow sends him on a week-long binge of daydrinking. Can he recover? Yes, absolutely. But it’s a long road that requires a good mix of patience and firmness. But don’t take this as only negatives — when he loves, he loves unconditionally. He’s the easiest person to get into a relationship with, because he’s just so genuine with you. He’s not thinking about the embarrassment of vulnerability, or his own flaws — he just knows he loves you, and he wants you to know that too. And it’s very endearing! Once he’s committed, which frankly comes very quickly, he’ll go to the ends of the Earth to make you happy. And despite his lavish lifestyle, he has a very deep love for the little domestic things.
4.) Skwisgaar
The whole idea of marriage leaves a very sour taste in his mouth — with how he was raised, how could it not? Getting him to date in the first place, even for a month, is a Herculean feat. He’s used to filling his life with meaningless — fun, but still meaningless — sex. And when he isn’t fucking, he’s busy building thicker callouses, practicing until he can’t anymore. He doesn’t need love, he tells himself. It doesn’t exist. Nothing but a fantasy that normal jackoffs subscribe to to make their meaningless lives feel a little less dull. He’s a good friend, but getting him to even admit that he has feelings for you other than lust is a difficult task, no matter how strong those feelings are. Marriage is a whole separate beast. I think once he’s in a relationship, and he’s started to accept the breadth of his feelings for you, he can be a very good lover. We’ve seen he has very sweet and genuine moments with the boys, and it’s not like he doesn’t care. He listens, he’s thoughtful, he’s funny and sweet. He’s got a good heart on him. But marriage? He might come around to it someday, but it’s a pretty firm “might.”
5.) Murderface
William has entrenched himself in a very, very deep pit of self-loathing. He’s like a rabid dog, fearful, lashing out at the helping hands who want to help him out of that pit. He wants to be free so fucking bad, but he’s afraid. Terrified, even. He’s prone to saying very hurtful things he doesn’t mean — both to get a reaction, and to keep his inner self safe. It’s very self-sabotaging. And he flips very rapidly between this false haughtiness and genuine self-flagellation that honestly, it’s hard not to be pushed away by. Which on some level, is the intended effect, even if he doesn’t consciously acknowledge it. He wants to love and be loved, he just doesn’t know how to do that without being vulnerable. You have to be very patient and observant to date him, nevermind marry him. But do know that when he loves, he does genuinely love unconditionally. He’d do anything to keep you out of harm’s way, even if it causes him inconvenience or harm. You don’t even have to be dating for that level of self-sacrifice, really. But getting him to open up at all is a very, very hard process.
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toomanythoughts2 · 2 months
Piggybacking a bit off of your Murderface Agere
When he’s Agere and watches the shows he’ll start mimicking the characters for a bit during and after he watches an episode. If he’s with Toki especially he’ll try to do the ‘thundercats ho!’ Or try to set up an elaborate prank like Hawkeye and BJ. Personally (since I’m the most familiar with tmnt, thundercats, and MASH) I think his favorite characters would be Leonardo and Raphael, Lion-O and Panthro, and BJ and Hawkeye. That being said I think from MASH he subconsciously leaned onto the Winchester himself and occasionally goes around saying “A Murderface would never do this” while doing exactly that <- (projecting). If we’re going with him watching these shows growing up he most definitely did it to seem more put together and classier at school. Like a defense to be alone. “A Murderfasche would never schtoop to schuch pompousch activitiesch” or “Muschic like this would never be worthy for repugnent earsch schuch asch yoursch” Very defensive very holier than thou but as we know very sensitive and at the core very heroic. Mr. Winchester often did heroic things simply because they were right, not because he wanted reward. I think Murderface took on that "Dont see me be genuinely good" act but because it was a show still wanted a bit of recognition. I’m loosing the plot a bit but im basing this a lot off of his one liners and his wants to be like a movie hero, so I think him projecting and favoring the leaders specifically would be huge, but drawing from characters like Charles Winchester III , Raphael and I think Tigra is more subconscious.
Also on the which MASH era was better debate he’d definitely enjoy both eras for different reasons so don’t ask him to choose. And for TMNT he’d prefer the 80s cartoon but has no issues with the live action movies with the puppets (maybe the bay movies but it depends on the day I’ve never watched them so I can’t say how well they hold up) Thundercats tried and true with the original version as well BUT he discovers the 2012 version at some point and enjoys the more modern retelling.
AAHHH! These are all really good! I'll admit, I've never actually watched any of these shows (I know, I'm lame ;P) but I absolutely see your vision with him favoring the leaders! That reminds me of all the times in the show he wants to be or take on the role that Nathan has. That's why I think he tries so hard to get writing credit or song credit because, hey, that's what Nathan does, and he's the leader, and he's cool. Except, they all know him, so they know he's full of shit. And that's where the regression happens again, where he wants to be this cool dude who does cool things, but he's only able to see it from a child-like mind. Ugh, you provided so much more context to my little HC, I LOVE IT!
Murderface being a cartoon connoisseur would be hilarious though, because it's just right up his alley of niche interests with a very heated community of loyal fans. He's on Chitter in heated threads with other fans, defending his stances, but also causing mayhem and discourse. Lol.
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sichore · 4 months
Y'all know what time it is. I've only shared my personal timelines but not any extensive thoughts on what I actually think about Metalocalypse. At least not on tumblr. So let's gooooooooo
💖 What's your biggest unpopular opinion about the series?
I genuinely don't know what popular opinions there are for the series as a whole! So for me my “biggest” unpopular opinion for the show is just what I feel most strongly about.
And it's how season 4 was a crock of shit and I dearly wish we could have gotten a do-over.
I know there was a lot of executive meddling involved, that Brendon had pumped the show full of lore and character exploration that the network and writers (or at least Tommy Blancha) didn’t aim for. I get that! And visually season 4 is a treasure.
But what we got that we have to take as canon is absolutely trash. The lack of exploration for Magnus and how all we get is him being “evil and kuhRAzy” was complete shit, considering there had to have been a bigger story there. I don't buy Brendon's old tweet about him being nothing more than an abusive asshole because why would he not only have that sympathetic shot in DSR during “Do It For My Brother”, but 10 years have Nathan pointedly grieving him all through AOTD? I call bullshit. Magnus was a founding member of Dethklok so the fact that we got nothing after all this time is just fucking terrible.
And then there's Abigail. I could make a whole post about her but I'd be shouting into a void. All these platitudes about how she should've gotten better knowing good and damn well that the majority of this fandom does not care that she was set up for failure as a Black female character who “got between” a favored mlm ship, even when it was blatant that Abigail didn't want to be there. She should have been integrated better. We got all the signs that she's just as wacky and unhinged as the guys but her only screen time in canon was Questionable, and in fandom she's reduced to a babysitter. Trash.
And do not even get me started on the Nathan+Pickles relationship and conflict. We had three whole ass seasons to show them being supposedly super best friends so the reveal of the friender bender came out of nowhere and now serves as the lynch pin of their relationship. And that's bullshit! Where was the set up? Where's the history of them also being founding members, the leaders, of Pickles being a former frontman and industry vet and Nathan being brand new to that shit? It was a whole fucking missed opportunity and I kinda hate how it's like none of their interactions even mattered until that point and now that's all it's about. This sudden strong friendship and the breakup and Nathan apologizing for the wrong shit.
Season 4 should have been about just what exactly was in Seething Vortex that was so horrible that the Whale Goddess had to have it destroyed. We should have gotten more focus on the conflict of the dynamics that make up the band – of Nathan and Pickles being leaders with contrasting views, actual focus on why Skwisgaar is so rough on Toki and not just the fallout of both (Bookklok was also a Not Great episode). And the kind of scars Magnus left on the guys all this time.
(That's actually why I'm writing paint the sky, to fill in those lore and character development gaps.)
💚 What does everyone get wrong about your favorite character?
Pickles being a “mother” is actually a terrible and no-good thing for him and I wish it wasn't treated as a core or healthy part of his character. And I really hate how he was named that in AOTD, although the “bring Mommy his scotch” line in and of itself was fantastic.
Every time Pickles is in “mom” mode it's a stress response and he is not happy!! We don't know why Molly treated him that way and there probably is no reason. It doesn't matter! The damage is done and Pickles is still paying for it and it's really not something he needs to reclaim. He's a “mother” in that old stereotypical way where he's stressed out, overworked and underappreciated. He's a “mother” in that he gets excessive and overbearing when he's desperately trying to get a situation under control. Him going “mother” is not good!
I do believe he has a nurturing and caring side to him. I do believe Pickles is the most emotionally mature of the guys (though considering the guys, that ehhhh may not be saying much, but I digress). I do believe he could be a good parent and that he should define that for himself because he has no good examples of how a mother or father should be, so he can make his own damn definition! But in canon he is not in the environment or company for that.
And I do totally see Toki being able to confide in him because of Pickles being the most emotionally mature, and Toki is the only other one who will verbally express wanting to indulge in feelings and do good. Even if his attempts can be short-sighted (see: Dethgoverner, Fertilityklok). Still. Toki is a grown-ass man and Pickles is not Toki's goddamn mother.
🧡 What is a popular (serious) theory that you disagree with?
I dunno if this is a theory so much as popular headcanon?? But whatever. Pickles and Seth are not twins. That line in Dethwedding where Seth calls Pickles his older brother I've always seen as a slip up in line reading. Every other instance says and shows Seth as being the older brother; he's much taller in the Rehabklok flashback, and he's introduced by the Tribunal as the older brother in Dethfam. Like, c'mon.
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cladestruction · 1 year
PART II of my super long aotd thoughts (and prayers) commentary/analysis extravanganza🤪
warning: spoilers. repetition of words/expressions hehe. badly written (english is not my first language lol). looong text. curse words. biased opinions because this is my blog and i get to do with it as i please.
previously: part I
Murderface slowly begins to be taken over: oooh boooy. now this arc, oof. i really like this arc. Murderface is a dick. a lot of times during the show i found myself losing my temper at him. but he adds a lot of fun to the band dynamic and it’s very sweet whenever we get to see more of him outside his shitty ego-driven behavior. a lot of my favorite episodes are those where we get glimpses of how much pain Murderface hides under his shitty personality. and this movie went ballistic on developing his character! big big fan. it was genuinely terrifying (for me at least lol) to see him deal with horrible visions by himself. he is scared but also doesn’t do much to fight it? and we never see him seek help, which adds salt to the wound. he is like that after all: he holds very little regard for his own safety and when things are serious he doesn’t trust anyone to help him. he puts on long sleeves and keeps going. Salacia was actually smart to get him and exploit his fears and weaknesses, but that’s exactly why i hate him with my whole being.
Establishing band roles and brewing conflict: Knubbler carried this entire section of the movie, case CLOSED. he is funny, sassy, he knows how to deal with the boys and the man knows about music. he is the best man for the job and i love him for that. also he planted the seed of the family trope and that’s gospel. moving on, i really like how the writing challenge was presented: the central subject being to deliver a message and reach out to those important to you. moving on, yeah yeah nickels band parents, nothing new. sister Toki is my favorite thing ever and Skwisgaar IS the older brother, argue with the wall. but MURDERFACE!!! the way he talks about his role on he band was heartbreaking. my man has no self-esteem and that’s tragic. it’s also a great parallel between him and Nathan, who also doesn’t seem to know his own place in the band (and in the world). they both need to work on themselves and THAT’S the movie, actually. Skwisgaar and previously Pickles are very focused and Toki keeps his colorful thinking and joyful manners and that really healed something in me. finally, the slow zoom on Murderface as he listens to the band talk shit about him made a hole in my heart. the following scene of him in his bedroom was genuinely chilling and it establishes how he was going to sabotage the song of salvation. great work.
Nathan vs the internet: ANOTHER AMAZING SCENE. dethklok vs tabloids/bad press is 1. a very fitting commentary of what fame and stars have to deal with and 2. something we know does get to them because it was established on the show before (Dethvanity). the fact that it comes back to haunt Nathan now at his lowest is just genius. it continues building up tension and it’s exquisite. the headline “Explosion in Flop Era” was not in my bingo cards but ugh it’s GREAT, and the “Brave Woman Refuses Proposal” was amazing to see, because it’s true! Abigail was very brave for standing her ground and we should say it. also, i liked it even more because women tend to be treated horribly in the media and considering Abigail is a character that even fans of the show cursed and trashed irl, i like that this movie went against that. i absolutely adore how Nathan called his parents for advice/support (and we get to see baby Nathan yipee! and they have a cat??? cute), his relationship with his parents is very important and i like that it was acknowledged even in such a short scene.
TRAINING MONTAGE YIPEE!!!: the Knubbler rage fit was so great. i laughed so much. he is such a drama queen and yeah go off babe!!! then the scene establishing the guitar tuner??? genius. it also hints that Toki lost practice and some of his abilities after dsr and that’s just great storywise, i love when events have consequences lol. the scene of Murderface discovering the army was sooo cool, and Skwisgaar following??? tbh i’m a sucker for every Skwisgaar moment in this franchise, he is amazing and he IS the moment. and the way he speaks to Murderface the morning after??? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? sexiest man alive PERIOD. moving on, Pickles cheering Nathan as he climbs to the tree was so cute! it carries on with his desperation on being Nathan’s boy best friend™, and how concerned he looks when Nathan doesn’t make it to the top is perfect because it means that he thinks he is failing himself at being a good friend. moving on, Nathan struggling to write was so cool! the lines “i don’t know what salvation is” “hope isn’t a metal concept” “people don’t come to me for salvation” and “i sing about death” were so raw in my opinion, and so true! Nathan is a lyrical genius and in universe people live AND die for his gutsy, bloody, brutal lyrics. but he could also feel caged because of that same reason. if he wishes for something more, something not brutal like a family and being happy, he must feel like he isn’t allowed those things. they’re not for him. they’re not what he does. and he even shows doubt about what he is good at, as he is now lacking confidence due to Murderface’s previous doings. and when Knubbler asks if that’s what he feels is the song of salvation he just… gives up. he doesn’t think the song is going to save anyone, but he is too scared and sad to try anything else. it’s also painful how after Murderface says “i think this plan sucks” Nathan goes and scratches out the “band” from his list. yeah, he doesn’t communicate with them. he gives up and closes off.
if the world is ending, do drugs!: ok first of all, great sequence. seeing Nathan in different stages of his life was so so BEAUTIFUL. from birth to death, repeating over and over. NOW, THE WHALE. REAL QUEEN. so powerful so calm so cool so wise. i really like seeing Nathan communicate with her (if i’m getting wrong the pronouns please correct me hehe). he looks so sincere and honest, even when he’s telling her how scared he is. it’s refreshing to see him being vulnerable. and the words of the whale are deep, both reassuring and challenging. i really like how she says that basically Nathan writing the “wrong” song is what’s meant to happen, because the real challenge is what he will do afterwards. it’s self-explanatory tho, so i won’t say much. but yeah, i really like all this scene. especially because i share that headcannon of Nathan having visions of the ocean/the whale for all his life. it makes this encounter face to face much more significant.
world’s worst salvation concert: i am a sucker for the parallels between the scenes of the equipment getting ready and Knubbler religiously preparing for the song. FACEBONES IS BACK! GOOD SHIT! when Nathan, SECONDS before starting the song asks himself if this is wrong or not was AMAZING!!! i loved the vertigo of him being already there: no way out, no turn back, no second chances, no time to think. it’s even better when you remember just how distant he is from the rest of the band. nobody else knows how unsure he is (except for Murderface, for obvious reasons) and so he is standing there, in the middle of the stage, fearing that he won’t be able to save anyone. seeing him look fucking terrified as his cue to sing approaches is ugh, cinema. the sequence of people dying was very funny actually, because it felt so much like the early seasons of the show. horrible, absurd and extreme deaths is basically the first thing we see of dethklok back in season 1 so it’s nostalgic. very good sequence. now, when the song cuts off and we see Knubbler concerned i promise you i was holding my heart in my throat. the helicopters in the distance, flying on the bloody red sky is such an amazing visual i can’t stop thinking about it! the concern on Knubbler’s face when he says “how did they find us” is chilling because, if you think about it, Knubbler is actually kind of a normal person, and that’s saying a lot because everyone on this show is on some weird shit. yeah he jokes around and it’s playful and seems relaxed but he is actually very sensible. he is one of the few people working with dethklok who does his job well, takes it seriously and is not afraid to tell the boys when they’re being idiots. the man has recorded albums with dethklok AND survived! and we know just how messy the boys are, professionally speaking. so seeing him be visibly concerned and scared in this scene got me panicking. and when he screams to the boys to run UGH. i choked up. again, he’s worked with them a long time and has gotten to care for them, even when he runs out of patience. and the fact that he’s now also involved in this huge save-the-world plan it’s jarring! imagine if the 5 irresponsible menchildren you’ve been working with, who you’ve cared for and called out and had fun with so many times are suddenly the chosen ones and you have to save their asses once again, this time with the entire world at stake. that’s INSANE.
Chaos™: Toki’s immediate concern over Skwisgaar is just wow. my fucking heart :(((. the look of terror on everyone’s face is amazing and, dare i say, fear is one of the biggest character developments the band goes through together. they’ve seen sooo much fucked up shit in ther lives, individually AND as a group, countless deaths, bloody and gutsy and brutal, but they almost never showed horror before. THIS is what terrifies them. the idea that not only they’re about to die (i have a theory that the boys don’t really fear death, outside of Toki and Skwisgaar maybe), but also the idea that they ultimately failed and everything is just: going to end. they didn’t even finish the song, they weren’t able to reconnect with their fans, they weren’t able to say goodbye to anyone, and nobody’s coming to save them. i actually like the drama of this scene, it adds a lot of weight to the middle of the movie, but i also absolutely HATE IT because fuuuck. the klokateers!!! i should be desensitized by now because we’ve seen klokateers be killed horribly during the entirety of the show but ugh i guess it never stops hurting. they are people, with lives and hearts. yeah they voluntarily and knowingly become gears to protect and sacrifice their lives for dethklok, but it still hurts to see them die. i get it from a storytelling point, because this makes dethklok more desperate and the viewers fear Salacia and the tribunal a little more, but yeah, i don’t enjoy it :(. also, Murderface running away as he screams “please, get out of my head” broke my heart. we see on the show Crozier going through his own personal hell when Salacia mind-controls him, but Murderface sounds in so much pain when he screams. he sounds so helpless, and knowing Salacia must be having a blast in his mind exploiting every single one of his fears, it’s jarring. idk, Murderface is a dick and has done very stupid things but as i watched this movie i found myself wanting to protect him so many times. maybe he is my baby now, who knows.
i’ll end this part here because one of the most painful portions of the movie is coming and i have so much to say it’s not going to fit here. but behold.
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