#i like to think they both coexist but also are different
larcenywrites · 3 days
Hi English is not my first language, so sorry for the mistakes, but I could do a Kurt Wagner x reader, in which the reader follows the Wicca religion, or something linked to witchcraft, they are both in a relationship and I would like to see how their different beliefs would affect their relationship (already that Kurt is Catholic although I believe he has no prejudice in dating someone with a different religion I would like to see how this would affect their coexistence)
sorry for the writing errors
I have lots of thoughts about this that I can’t reflect in a single one shot, so for now I’ll do some headcanons! However, it would be interesting to parallel this with a spin on Kurt’s 2004 solo series! So I will probably do something with that :) Obviously, I can do research, but I am in no way knowledgeable about the practices nor those who practice wicca or witchcraft. I don’t want to generalize and say, like, “Kurt x witch reader”, but I’m not quite sure what else exactly to put :(
Nightcrawler with a Witch S/O
Warnings: aside from mentions of religion and witchcraft there’s nothing | I mean there’s some cute stuff here and there if it counts :)
⚜️ Kurt may be catholic, but his background is full of diverse people with different perspectives and practices!
⚜️ Scarlet Witch, his adopted mother, and his adopted sister all practice witchcraft, and he has a… well, decent enough relationship with all of them! But any of their spats have nothing to do with their way of life!
⚜️ He means well when he wants to drag you to mass Sunday morning. Really! He does! It’s something he’s done with every one of his friends by now, anyway, but it’s just that it’s a huge part of his life! He genuinely just wants you there! Sure, he can’t deny there’s always going to be some part of him that wants you to also be on some level of his own religion, but again, it’s from no place of ill will.
⚜️ After all, even though he has seen firsthand that this rule is relatively loose, I think it’s normal for someone in his belief system to worry whether their life partner will be able to join them in the afterlife :( He’s going to worry about it from time to time. He’s also definitely going to pray about it a lot. Take it in a sweet way— he just really cares about your love so much that he’s afraid it’ll have to end 🥲
⚜️ He also means well when he brings home various herbs and wildflowers he’s seen you use!! He probably even tries to make a cute little bouquet to present them! Obviously the source of said plants might not be ideal 😅 So maybe it’s time to expand a little garden! Plus, having a small garden if your preferred ingredients or offerings is a good way to teach him a thing or two in case he needs it (again), and he enjoys helping out in non-direct ways! Besides, gardening is a cute activity to do together 😘
⚜️ Speaking of which, while he’ll always be grounded in his faith, that doesn’t mean he doesn’t acknowledge everything around him! He’s seen demons and gods, magic and ghosts, heaven and… well, not hell, but you get the gist! So don’t worry, he knows well enough that not only what you do is real and powerful, but still a respectable craft. In fact, I’m sure he holds a deep respect especially if you tend to be one who thanks the Earth/ask permission for resources often. And you just might rub off on him! While he would be thanking God instead, it probably makes him more mindful of his everyday interactions with the environment 😌
⚜️ But because of his own beliefs, I’m sure certain practices or spells would make him nervous 😅 Because of this, if there’s a specific deity/god/goddess/etc you answer to/pray to that really clashes with his morals and beliefs, a relationship probably won’t last long.
⚜️ But just because some things make him nervous, it doesn’t mean he’s going to leave or anything. He might not partake in a tarot drawing or participate in certain things, but he still respects it and trusts you.
⚜️ But, uh, there might also be times when he’s literally in the next room holding the cross around his neck and praying aloud while you’re trying to do something 🤧 But this also works the other way around! Not only does it probably throw off either of your thoughts, but I’m sure it doesn’t help either of you when you both might be putting very different energy into the room rn 😅
⚜️ If for whatever reason you ever need something from him, like a bit of his fur, you probably have his permission already to just walk up to him with a pair of scissors! Even so, he usually asks billion questions 😒 So is it worth the hassle?
⚜️ While your beliefs and intentions may be different, you both might share quite a few daily rituals! Kurt won’t at all mind sharing the rug or the lawn with you if you meditate as often as he does. You both use it for similar reasons, really. It might even be both nice and interesting to have a conversation about any thoughts and experiences afterward 💙 Maybe, for once, you both found the answers you needed this morning and can share it :)
⚜️ But there are some other things he considers more “harmless,” so to speak that he does participate in. If you tend to journal things like dreams and daily experiences to cross reference later for any signs and such, he might do it too. Well- he’ll probably tell you his dreams or a reoccurrence he’s noticed (especially if it’s something that has been stressing him or maybe he’s just got a gut feeling he can’t explain) and see what you have to say about it! Just because you have different beliefs doesn’t mean he can’t find value in what you have studied and what you have to say!
⚜️ I’m sure many mornings he likes to drink teas with specific herbs and what they’re known for, and you might also partake in this! Of course, there’s probably much more intention behind the herbs you use, the way you prepare it, the way you stir it, but sometimes Kurt just likes to feel involved :)
⚜️ You don’t have to worry about him messing with any of your stuff! It’s probably out of both respect and paranoia, but he won’t mess with any alters or offerings or generally just the way you have your side of the room set up (though, probably after some gentle explaining here and there…)
⚜️ However, he may have a hard time with wanting to look at and touch any rocks and crystals… In a very respectful way, he just thinks they’re pretty and neat, okay? ;w; To be honest, get him one or two to have of his own that you think he needs when he’s stressed or when he’s out on missions. Kurt will carry them with him everywhere ❤️‍🩹 Because while he might not always believe that they carry this or that type of energy, he knows it means you care 🥰
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straynoahide · 2 days
tolkien meta: the melodic structure of the ainulindale, arda's endgame, and the doom of men
so basically this is about what one can learn and connect to the rest of the legendarium's lore from the ainulindale, and also peer into tolkien's psyche as a side effect i guess. expect excessive theology or more fun imo philosophy of divinity and lengthy tangents about melkor, the nature of evil and theodicy
a small disclaimer - this touches thorny topics in philosophy like the problem of evil, the nature of redemption/salvation, death...
this isn't about my beliefs but presenting and reflecting on tolkien's own within the history of ideas. i acknowledge anyone who reads this also has their own, and can agree or disagree with tolkien. my views may seep in unintentionally but i try to go deeper than that.
pd: I write Eru/One/God indistinctively on purpose. it's for rhetorical emphasis, not so much out of (cultural) christianity.
part I - introduction (in this post) part II - the themes/structure, discussion part III - discussion (cont): themes of arda and life part IV - discussion (cont 2): theme of the children part V - discussion (cont 3): aftermath/second music
Introduction (i rec reading even if you're versed in the lore)
for those who are not so familiar with parts of the legendarium but still interested in a deep dive, the ainulindalë ("song of the ainur") is the creation myth of tolkien's world.
i rec just reading it if you haven't even if it's after reading this. it's quite beautiful and unique and it's brought admiration even from ppl who study that kind of thing professionally about real cultures. i'm not given to flattery but idk just check it out.
so anyway, the ainur, spirits born from the One creator's mind directly, sang under (or despite) His direction and the melody (both harmony and discord) that resulted, is the history of the world.
by the world we have two concepts here, the entire universe (eä) and the planet (arda) 'earth', of which middle-earth is a later-stage continent. the music itself was a creative process that the ainur partook in before knowing the full implication of their singing.
God showed the ainur the vision of what their music had created and when they saw the world they wanted to live it, to dwell on it and experience it.
God granted this but said they had to remain in it until the full music, the full story had played out.
this includes everything that happens in the Silmarillion, the LOTR movies and sequels/prequels, the TROP series, games, etc, and in some stages of Tolkien's opus, our own world (WWI, WWII, etc).
the Discord refers to the rebellious effect of Melkor on the music as much as his part of the music - the dissonance born from his part's coexistence with the rest of the melody that is in harmony, and takes a 'life of its own'.
this is not unimportant, but i'm not going to discuss it at any point. i will point out here that it has been argued -controversially- by some people to be relevant in compatibilizing or explaining otherwise difficult-to-reconcile lore points that deal with "non-Melkorian evil". this is about things like Ungoliant or the nameless things 'whose mention darken the light of day', whose in-world origins are unclear.
on a broader note, this represents two very different intuitions about evil and divinity (Tolkienian v Lovecraftian, we could say). these are difficult to compatibilize and more than Tolkien's psyche, represent ancient tensions within monotheistic religions themselves, i think. so within Tolkien's world, which has an Abrahamic/monotheistic god, you still find traces of Lovecraftian horror.
all that follows is about Tolkienian evil (meta) i.e. Melkorian evil (in-world), that is uncontroversially and explicitly under the governance of the One, although non-Melkorian evil is a fascinating subject.
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triglycercule · 15 days
murder time trio should get to all experiment with dead bodies. why? because they can and it would be cool (okay but seriously i'll provide an explanation). all these freaks are scientists. i think it would be cool and funky if they all got to experiment! except morbidly and bloodily because none of them are right in the head now
killer like has his whole thing with wanting SOULs for some unspecified reason??? i'm just gonna steal the common interpretation that it's so he can find a way to fix his own soul through coding. but like,,,, what does he do with the desd bodies??? all the fellas he stole those souls from??? well this is where dust and horror come in
it's One Panel and i'm ABSOLUTELY reaching here but there's a (single) panel in horrortale where horror's pulling apart some sort of human limb like an arm with a device. why? what for? i dont fucking know at all man like papyrus said why is he always doing something weird in his room. anyways i'm just gonna guess its probably for rationing in horrortale (but it could also be that horror just felt like ripping apart an arm. for scientific purposes. or because he did this after ripping off aliza's arm so maybe he's doing some sort of recollection reflection or something i dunno im not a professional on this man). killer could totally send all the already dead HUMAN bodies horror's way for horrortale's food situation. maybe horror likes to dissect the humans yk maybe he's not just the type of bash (a head open) and dash. monsters dust so you cant see their guts but humans dont so horror gets prime time first hand experience on the human body! and then after he's done poking around in the brain he can give the meat and organs to papyrus for him to do his specific spaghetti confectionery
but but but what about the monsters that killer takes the souls from! surely he doesn't just take from only humans (dude idk if he actually does take from only human or monster. probably not right? he needs to study BOTH types of code so he can be most informed) so he must also take monster souls. and fortunately for dust (i do NOT think he'd quite like handling gore) monsters don't leave behind bodies or blood or allat they leave behind dust. hah. dust experiment with dust. i think its already a headcanon out there that dust likes to study dust. i cant exactly recall WHY exactly but maybe it's for sentimental reasons or just something to do to pass time between resets. so killer can just pass on whatever dust he gets to him and he can put it under his little microscope and be a little nerd what a GEEK. give this guy glasses and remove all his teeth but one i guarantee you he'll look like 🤓
and once again i hear you cry out but but triglycercule! why would killer even give the dead bodies and stuff to horror and dust in the first place??? erm number one because i said so silly. jk. and number two (if we're going in a nightmare's gang context here) it could be as a way for killer to gain horror and dust's trust. a way for them not to tattle on him for stealing souls for some unknown reason. maybe there's somehow important coding information left behind in the bodies/dust (because that's literally what utmv is made of) and killer wants dust and horror to do that work for him for some reason. maybe just a way for him to get rid of evidence maybe if theyre buddy pals and close enough just as a gift. i dunno man there's a bunch of reasons as to why he could possibly do this. i just really liked the thought of the trio all wearing fancy lab coats and goggles and i was like damn how can i make this a real possibility
#you can really sense the i dont know what the fuck i'm talking about energy in this one#all i had was a SINGLE!!! just ONE vision and there was straws for me to grasp so i fucking CLASPED those straws man. i'm totally reaching#listen when you gotta make do you gotta make do. the idea's cool and funky though i really like the vision#is the utmv code based or is it creativity based. which one#does the utmv look like a bunch of files or does it look like the doodlesphere. is it a concept or code???#i think that it's up to personal interpretation. it could also be both#i love the different possibilities that could be made based on the different code vs concept utmvs#with code you have possibilities like changing the files and breaking the game and stuff like that (error and killer etc)#BUT ALSO with creativity and concepts you can come up with characters just by saying oh i drew them or something like that (ink)#it just depends on the vibe you're going for i guess. darker stories sometimes have more associations with code#i like to think they both coexist but also are different#there are sections of the utmv that are purely coded like the antivoid and then section purely creativity based like the doodlesphere#and then there are worlds that have both like the code makes up the concept. or the concept makes up the code. either one#goddamn it everything just leads back to error and ink's digital vs traditional motifs AGAIN. i'm back at the fucking building AGAIN!!!!!#those two and their sick ass motifs can every elude me i feel like concepts in the utmv always have something to do with them#heh.... just shows how cool error and ink both are...... theres a reason theyre creativity and destruction (coolness factor)#hey hold on! this doesn't have anything to do with the murder time trio! triglycercule GET BACK IN YOUR NICHE!!!!!!!!!#looking back at my old posts to my new ones and i can see what lingo and typing styles i've faded out over time is so fun#or maybe i'm just the exact same and i havent change styles at all and i'm hallucinating and need to be put down#first day school is upsetting (as usual) so i need to think and post about the mtt to feel better#my favorite coping mechanism is thinking about murderous little creepypasta versions of a fictional guy from undertale#killer sans#dust sans#horror sans#murder time trio#bad sanses#bad sans gang#utmv#god i have NOT used tricule hc in a while........ i really should more#tricule hc
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hunxi-after-hours · 2 months
about 无限流 recs: not really the most typical example of the genre and in a very different flavour to liehuo's interrogation of the same question but 《我的理想小镇》 has things to say about what it means to be human (and what it means to give that up)
ok so I am VERY intrigued by this recommendation, especially since I read 《魔尊也想知道》 by the same author and enjoyed it! for a 沙雕文 it had a lot more fun (meta)narrative-based worldbuilding than I expected, so I'm curious to see what this author will do with a more intensive genre like 无限流
mark me intrigued anon 👀 👀 👀
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summertimemusician · 1 year
*is rereading the Four Swords Adventures Manga again to refresh self after replaying Pocket Mirror (RPG Maker Game)*
*Almost drops coffee* Oh holy Hylia. Enjel and Shadow could talk.
Created by the person who's basically the main antagonist? Check.
Fifth secret part out of a protagonist split into four? Check.
Is forced to follow after the protagonist in shadow/reflection like fashion and hates every second of it to the point they're willing to lie and manipulate to take their place? Check.
Wants that specifically because they're jealous and never were love or wanted in their life, so they desperately want someone, anyone to look at them like they're worth something, no matter what they have to do for it desperately craving the love they've seen someone else get even if it's not real because they've just taken over/are pretending to be that person? Check.
Dies tragically due to shattering? Sometimes only getting the care they've wanted through that death after being swayed into not fulfilling their original purpose and returning to the protagonist? Triple check.
That or it's the sleep deprivation making me see parallels between two artificial beings created from the shadow of the protagonist and has a strong association with mirrors.
... Now I want a Zelda/Linked Universe Pocket Mirror Au, with Four/Four Swords Link as the protagonist (or Green as the protag) and Shadow in Enjel's role, or maybe Lisette's (though I feel Blue or Vio would be better for Lisette), Vaati can be the Pumpkin King he's dramatic enough for it, though I dunno which colors would best fit Fleta and Harpae. Maybe Link's Father or Dot made the deal this run around? I can absolutely see Shadow describing Four as "Mr.Goody Two Shoes" through a mirror, or any of the endings being played out by them.
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1tsjusty0u · 7 months
honestly. i almost want to make an isat + botw au. key word being almost
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kisskissgotohell · 8 months
i just wanna point out that, like. it's okay to disagree with the main character. just because they're the pov of the story doesn't mean they're infallible or that their word is law? you can like that character that tried to kill the mc. you can think the mc made the wrong choice. you can forgive things that the mc would never forgive, or choose not to forgive things that the mc does, because you're not the main character. you are the reader of the story, and just because you can't change it (and it's not the author's responsibility to capitulate to fans) doesn't mean you can't form your own opinions about it. it's fictional! that's the point! have fun with it!!
#sometimes.... main characters....... can be wrong#of course authors will generally try and make you like or agree with the mc (in some way at the very least) but like.#even the most perfect 'good guys' have flaws or else it's not usually a very well written story. and it's okay to acknowledge that!#it's not even really an issue of the whole 'protagonists can be bad guys/antagonists can be good guys' thing (ex. death note)#but like. even if you 100% root for the mc and think they're totally in the right you can still..... like the character that betrayed them?#nothing you say or think about them will make them NOT betray the mc in canon. so why does it matter if you like them despite it?#it's fiction - you can like multiple parts of the story simultaneously. it's okay. i give you permission.#on a similar note. it's okay for people to have different opinions about the same thing#to continue the analogy: maybe your friend doesn't forgive that guy for the betrayal but you do. that's great!#everyone can have an opinion about that guy and just bc someone disagrees with you doesn't mean you can harass them to change their mind.#while im down here#sorry about all this. im procrastinating on a project and ill do anything to stop thinking abt it so im thinking abt this instead#take death note. i do NOT agree with light but i also don't necessarily agree with L either. and i like both of them!#light HATES L and yet he's one of my favorite characters. i hate everything light does and yet i really enjoy reading from his pov.#its not black and white!#have opinions! change them after two days or think about the same blorbo for years! critical thinking and personal enjoyment can coexist!#anyways.
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oak-swallows-garcia · 2 years
sparrow for the character thing!!! (you’re welcome)
Sexuality Headcanon: I think this is a pretty popular one, I’m really attached to the idea of aroace Sparrow. I definitely think Rebecca was the main driving force behind their relationship, and maybe there was a point in their lives when they were the absolute best of friends and shared a lot of love but just from how unconcerned about her he’s been the rare moments he’s both had talk time and she’s been brought up… I dunno, dude, doesn’t sound like a man in love to me.
Gender Headcanon: Cis but he’s thought about it a Lot
A ship I have with said character: well! i don’t have ships for sparrow, but i hc grant as having had crushes on both the twins growing up (his crush on henry just transferred), just at different times. i think it’d be cute if they shared a kiss once and it was awkward for a While.
A BROTP I have with said character: I think once Lark has been distancing himself for a while and Sparrow realizes they’re never going back to the way things were he leans Hard into the rest of the group, and while Grant means well, he’s pushy with his questions and too solution-oriented- it makes Sparrow feel like he’s somehow not done enough to fix his family and the feeling sucks. Nick is in hell half the time, and Sparrow never really knows what he’s going to get from him anyways. He and Terry become really close, they bond over having bumbling idiots for fathers. They’re both really observant, and they get to the point where they’re able to read each other so well they know what the other needs even if they don’t know themselves. I think Terry never really processed everything that happened to them as kids, and being able to talk it through with Sparrow without the expectation of a breakthrough or anger or cavalierness really gets him to a point where for better or for worse, he’s at least able to accept it all.
A NOTP I have with said character: Rebecca. Lmao.
A random headcanon: Short but hurts me a lot. He tells Hero he’s proud of her often. Not as big statements, but I think he notices when Hero’s doing something right more often than he notices it from Normal. Little things like report cards or new skills or hobbies she’s picked up; he’s not doing it on purpose but he’s so worried about Normal being Like That everything Normal could do to potentially make him proud is a step in the right direction but it isn’t enough for Sparrow.
General Opinion over said character: Generally I want to put my favorite characters through the shredder and pick them apart piece by piece but I wanna put him back together actually. Current favorite of the sondads (or kiddads whatever you wanna call them). Your Honor, I love him.
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falinscloaca · 2 years
cat hacker reintroduces mspec lesbian discourse into my life my brain obliterates itself in ocd-fueled recursive self-argumentation
#‘noones identity lives in a bubble and the self-id of others DOES effect broader culture and cause potential ramifications’#and#‘jfc i’m not the center of the god damn universe and REGARDLESS of whatever petty semantic preference i have towards ‘my’ definition that#doesn’t mean shit for other people + the idea that queer people can be ‘invalidated’ or ‘excluded’ is fucking STUPID that isn’t how queers#work we aren’t a fucking club we can kick people out of for not doing things ~correctly~’#can seemingly coexist in my brain but they keep biting each other#oh and in addendum to the first one ‘my lesbianism is fundamentally disinterested in men as both ID and interest to the point that it has#can feel (<- FEEL) like active misgendering to imply its definitionally compatible with other conceptions of the word.#not to mention the whole ‘i can’t even fucking figure out how my sexuality treats bigender people at all. like i’m consciously fine with#them from a like… impersonal framework but LUST-WISE it feels like dividing by zero. i don’t know. fucking logic puzzle ass shit.’#ON MY END I’M FUCKING MISGENDERING SOMEONE EITHER WAY ITS. GAH. HELP#IT MAKES ME FEEL BADLY PROGRAMMED. CAN’T EVEN HANDLE A LITTLE GENDER FUCKERY. INFANT BRAIN.#you can pry my ID from my cold dead hands and if you imply its bigoted or ~separatist~ in origin i’ll fucking gut you. but also teehee its#just MY id and you can ID however you want just don’t tell me how to identify sparkle sparkle~<3#but also my id IS mutually exclusive of yours definitially and WILL cause problems going forward from a clerical & organizational standpoint#homonym ass queer theory relied on by a fucking spineless little shit who refuses to take a hard stance for what she believes is right OR c#correct. the spineless coward is me. by homonym i mean the same word and spelling meaning different things to different people to the point#it might as well not be same word at all#‘i think my definition of lesbian is objectively better and wish people using other definitions would please stop but ALSO if you think less#of other people for using other definitions i will beat your skull in with a rock you bitch’ is. what i boil down to.#‘i think inclus vs exclus language is stupid and not how the lgbt+ community works but going by the logic i don’t like the existence of the#ID but also literally almost all my bestest friends in the world are inclus on the subject and despite my semantic arguments i don’t disagre#disagree with them. i still pray every night that i might wake up to a world where my actual opinions are unnecessary and my consciousness k#knows pure unchallenged peace though’#while also recognizing that dream of personal peace by way of ignorance of the identity of others is pretty fucking selfish lol#i keep writing addendums. this can go on forever.
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shopcat · 2 years
i am the only one who even cares like as in about whatever it is i'm talking about IM SICK LET ME BE SICK anyway... basically everybody difference i'll put the sick stream of consciousness in the tags this time
#🐾#as gay steve i feel i must have a certain love for gay steve which i do and i also think he's bisexual and it's not that they even coexist#or different worlds where one is gay and one is bisexual But that he is both i enjoy both. i think he's bi i mostly think he's gay bc i've#done the thinking there ALL MY CRAZY POSTINGS and i do think gay steve is like . peoooe are mean abojt it so i get defensive too like#FUCKING. HEY. just Fuck of... but hes the most beautiful bisexual for me and my mutuals and the people who get it#but when people don't get it well that makes me mad bc IM BISEXUAL >:( you are making it stupid and i hate you#the original reason i was even talking abt it yesterday was that crazy person who was like#when i joked about him being gay they were like no... he's not gay... He's drowning in pussy#like shut the fuck up you freak oh my god#i think soooo hard about things it's almost like i've got some sort of spectrum based Thing....#i also do think diff situations calls for different THANGS like i love different concepts much like everyone i just don't have a pinned#down like. interpretation of him and i do find it a BIT odd when people DO if they do it in a certain way. also what i was talking about ☝️#like ages ago i did a poll on what ppl interpret him as gender and sexuality wise and i do think it's fun to like go hard for a particular#hc but i also like most. if not all. i am most partial to transbi simply because that's what i am#partial to mean. but also bc i am transbi too actually like that's true ☝️ If you think about it ☝️#that's the beautiful thing ..... Everybody difference for real#i think him being like genderfluid/bigender/nonbinary of some kind is the most popular gender hc. well i know it is#CIS DOESNT COUNT YOU CSNT HEADCANON SOMEONE CIS IDIOT HE IS CIS ALREADY DIE#anyway. and i love that too i love it so mch. transgender th world#so yeah if he's gay i love it if he's bi and it's GOOD i love it and it's always good when it's my own mind and my friends. and mutuals#etc. when he's a trans guy i love it the most but honestly it's pretty equal atp#i did get the feeling slash thought yesterday though that one time i saw someone refer to a guy with top scars as she/her like in that#joking way that even i do and i wanted to blow my own head up#like i think it's common cents 💰 to not apply your own hcs to someone's already formed work ..#i do also think the trans but not transmasc hc is bc it's ... not EASIEST but it's les complicated is why it's so popular#just like it's less complicatef for him to be bi for some ppl who aren't as connected to it but still do it and that's when it gets weird#cuz like i've already had people be like oh he can't be trans he had sex with nancy SO. yeah... people are insane actually#sts
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astrxealis · 2 years
big fan of zenos tbh
#⋯ ꒰ა starry thoughts ໒꒱ *·˚#i really like his character!!#tbh i think a lot of xiv fans are also annoying with how they. yeah#and zenos's character esp bcs man. he's a great character#not a good guy but a great character! he's a nerd he's a fighter he's depressed he's a victim but that doesn't excuse all that he did#he deserved better and he's our mirror. he's like us. and he's the only one who ever brings out /that/ side of us#i think him in stb shb enw were all good! yeah#i think more xiv fans (tbh everyone in general) need to realize that it's fine to like a morally. ambiguous or bad character#it obviously depends on the context and in what way are they Bad but yeah in general ^^#not to the extent that you condone acts that shouldn't be condoned even in fiction!!#fiction and reality are separate but affect each other >___< which is why i hate both extreme ends of pr*shippers and an*tis ^^;#but i won't get into that rn aaaaaaaaeeeeee#i find it really interesting . the antags/villains of xiv#i really like how they did the morals stuff in shb! the hero with villain qualities and the villain with hero qualities#but then how enw expands on that. i really like it#i think hermes venat and emet were all right to an extent. tbh i don't think any of them should be different bcs#uhh i forgot how to explain ... but w how their different characters need to coexist?#man getting off track HELP but yeah!!#it's all very complex (just like zenos's character ^__^)#i'm still really young so i def have a Lot of time to think more about all this#and i should now go focus on class LMFAO <//3 aghh i'm in pain tho T_____T this sucks#but yeah zenos is one of my favorite characters! really interesting guy#he's a book AND weapon guy. and tbh his quote b4 alisaie roasted him (or uh was it after) was really woa#i forgot how it went but i remember but yeah FLBSKDJSK idk i think xiv as a whole gives one a lot to think abt#and that doesn't have to affect your real world beliefs but. it's nevertheless really interesting to think abt
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thecodeveronica · 7 months
You want to know what seemingly minor change I'd make to RE6 in a remake? Like, a change that maybe would mean nothing, but maaaaaaaybe would?
In the ending of Chris's story (like, I mean the very last scene), I'd make it so that you never actually see (from the waist up) or hear the BSAA soldier who walks up to him.
Maybe that'd mean nothing... or not. Let the fanbase debate what it does or does not imply ;)
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bisexual-buck · 6 months
"But Buck was trying to get Eddie's attention."
Well I have some thoughts on that! I think Buck does like Tommy, and there's no confusion for him about that. His feelings for both people can coexist!
My interpretation of last night's events for our chaotic bisexual kind of played out as him trying to get both Tommy's and Eddie's attention at different times. And not really knowing why. I think he was having feelings he couldn't really process because he didn't have the right context for those feelings and hasn't really felt them before.
So call me a clown but my thoughts are that he was definitely feeling jealous of both of them. With Eddie, he's primarily been close with only women outside of the 118, not other guys. Buck's subconscious feelings (not known to him at the time or even fully now) may have been along the lines of "Eddie likes women, I have no competition" and then in swoops Tommy (someone Buck already thinks is really cool and wanted to get to know even if he didn't quite know why yet) and his brain goes "I have competition" about both Eddie taking his new interest's attention and Tommy taking his long time interest's attention.
But then Tommy comes back into focus and clearly shows interest in Buck, so it clicks! This was that feeling! Part of the puzzle has been solved— it's just the rest that isn't as obvious to him yet.
Because without understanding his sexuality, Buck has likely only ever viewed Eddie as a friend even if along the way he has felt things that friends don't typically feel. So what we have right now is an opportunity for Buck to explore his bisexuality as a completely separate thing from Eddie, and then come to understand what he has also been feeling for Eddie without realizing before.
Or I'm completely wrong but only time will tell.
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quaithe-seastar · 5 days
His Queen
Aegon II Targaryen x Fem!Reader
Summary: You and Aegon are trapped in an arranged marriage, but you've both done your best to deal with it. Aegon admits to you that he has his doubts about being king. You do your best to offer him comfort despite having your reservations.
Warnings: Smut, Oral (fem receiving), Slight angst, mentions of arranged marriage, mentions of infidelity
A/n: No beta, so I apologize for any grammar and spelling mistakes.
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You groan, fluffing your pillow as you turn onto your side. Your eyes beg you to go back to sleep, but your mind seems intent on keeping you awake. You slide a hand over to the left side of the bed. The sheets where Aegon rested had grown cold. You frowned, longing for his warmth. He had been here when you went to sleep, just as he has been every night for the past week.
Since becoming king, Aegon has been different. He is taking a more active and involved role, not just as king but also as a husband and father. 
A great wave of weariness washes over you, taking your energy along with it. It leaves nothing but a sting of melancholy and humiliation in its wake. Perhaps you were a fool to think Aegon had changed. Had he slipped back into his old ways so soon? Where was he now, you wondered. In some brothel on the street of silk or in some filthy flea-bottom rat pit? You shake your head, trying to stop being so pessimistic.
Slowly, you got out of bed and pulled your robe over your nightgown. You pull your hair to the side as you slide on a pair of slippers. The castle was quiet and dark, though that was no surprise considering how late it was. You wrapped your arms around yourself, trying to fight off the chill in the air. Maester Orwyle believed the summer was finally coming to an end.
Your eyes wander around, lazily observing the same walls you have seen a thousand times before. Your mind turns back to your husband. The marriage had been arranged by your father and the late King Viserys. Your mother had wished you to marry the Lord of Seagard, Lord Jorah Mallister, but your father refused. What is a lord compared to a prince, he said.
Neither you nor Aegon had been happy about it. But somehow, you managed to coexist; you had little choice otherwise. Over the years, you had found yourself growing quite fond of him. He was charismatic and very easy on the eyes without even trying. Though you were unsure if he shared your feelings, it was so hard to tell. He was always off doing whatever he did with his spare time.
The sound of clinking metal echoed in the air. Your eyes land upon an alert Ser Arryk. Though the tense knight relaxed when he realized it was you. He removed his hand from the hilt of his sword and bowed his head.
“Your grace.”
“Ser Arryk,” you greet him courteously.
 “Is he alone?” You asked, gesturing towards the giant closed doors that concealed the throne room. 
You could see how the king guard tensed up again; a look of pity flickered in his eyes. It was a look you had grown accustomed to over the years. Your husband's indiscretions were well known throughout the city.
Ser Arryk nodded, “Yes, your grace.”
You take a step forward, and the knight quickly takes the hint. He pushed open one of the doors just enough for you to slip past it before pulling it closed again. The room was so quiet. Even the soft thuds your feet made against the stone floor echoed. The walk to the throne felt like it stretched on for hours. 
You could see Aegon in the distance. His silver-gold hair contrasted beautifully against the grim, gray walls of the throne room. The man stands at the foot of the steps, dressed down in his nightwear.
The iron throne was said to be made of the thousand swords of the conqueror’s enemies. Regardless of whether that was true, the throne was certainly a ghastly thing to look at.
The iron throne casts a large shadow that stops at the bottom of the steps, right at Aegon’s feet, threatening to engulf him.
“You disappeared. I was worried something had happened,” you said, breaking the silence in the room.
Aegon turned his head to look at you. He had a startled look on his face. Had he not heard you coming?
”I apologize, my queen. I did not wish to disturb you with my restlessness.” 
You fiddle with the sleeves of your robe. The title of queen was something you hadn’t entirely warmed up to yet. In truth, you weren’t sure what you thought of all of this. 
“I wouldn’t have minded. It’s better than waking up alone.”
A look of hurt and guilt washed over his face. You quickly came to regret your words.
“I'm sorry. Just forget I said anything,” you added nervously. “I shall leave you be.”
You quickly turn to leave, but before you can take a step, a voice calls out, “Don’t go!”
The urgency and desperation in his tone make you freeze. You crane your neck to look back at him. His dark eyes are wide and glossy.
“I mean,” he cleared his throat. “I would enjoy your company.”
You remain frozen, at a loss for words. He had never actively sought your company before. Aegon’s cheeks grow red, and he quickly adds, “Though you’re free to go if you wish.”
He quickly turns back around, facing the throne. You stare at the back of his head, your eyes following the waves of his hair. It had grown out quite a bit. That was also something you were not used to. He usually preferred to keep it short.
The soft thuds of your slippers hitting the ground echo in the air once more. You slowly move to stand by his side.
“Do you think I can do it?” He asked suddenly.
Aegon’s voice wavers as the question leaves his lips. You turn your head to look at him. His body is tense, and he keeps his eyes forward, not looking at you.
In a way, he reminds you of a child, your child, your sweet little Jaehaerys. He is your husband's heir now. One day, he will stand in this very spot. You wonder if he will have the same doubts.
Your eyes follow his gaze to the throne. You had wondered the same thing many times before. A deep, weary sigh escaped from your lips.
“I don’t know,” you answer honestly.
From the corner of your eyes, you can see him wince at your words. 
“I do not wish to lie to you, husband. I cannot say for certain if you will be a good king. But I do believe,” you take his hand into yours. “that you have a kind heart. And if you try, really try , you may surprise us all.”
He offers your hand a little squeeze. “I want to try. I just- I don’t know how. My father never prepared me for this.”
“No one prepared him either, yet he found his path. In time, you will too.”
An uneasy smile stretched across his lips. He shook his head slightly before lowering it. His eyes trained on the ground. “I don’t even know where to start.”
“Hey,” you coax as you move to stand before him. 
Your free hand gently cups his face, urging him to look up at you. His eyes are vast and glossier than you’ve ever seen them. You can see the slight tremble in his bottom lip. He leans into the warmth of your palm. You run your thumb up and down his cheekbone. 
“You are not alone in this, Aegon. You have your small council and your grandfather, who has advised two kings bef-”
“And you?” He queried.
Aegon’s violet eyes shift back and forth between your eyes as if he were searching for something. 
“Yes,” you nodded. “You have me.”
His hands rest on your hips, pulling you closer. Soon, your chest is pressed against his. You can feel his warm breath on your face. You catch a whiff of the sweet arbor red that lingers on his tongue. Aegon lowers his head, nudging his nose against yours. Your lips just barely graze each other. 
A heat climbed up your face, making it feel like your skin was on fire. Unable to handle the growing need in your stomach, you lift yourself onto your toes, pressing your lips to his. Aegon responds immediately, moving his soft lips against yours.
This kiss was different. Different from the chaste kiss you shared on your wedding day or the sloppy drunk kisses you shared during the few times he joined you in your marital bed. 
Aegon kissed you with a desperation and hunger that you had never experienced before. Your arms wound around his neck, needing him even closer to you if possible. You let him lead you through the kiss, primarily due to your lack of experience but also because you find yourself becoming lightheaded. 
You feel dizzy like the world is spinning. You're running out of breath, lungs burning from the lack of air, but no part of you wants to stop this.
Aegon takes the initiative to pull away first. A pathetic whine passes through your lips. You lean forward, eager to feel his lips on yours again, but he doesn’t let you. He grabs your arms, pulling them away from his neck.
“Come with me,” he said, taking one of your hands into his.
You struggled to keep up with him as he pulled you behind him. Your feet sluggishly climbed up the stairs to the iron throne.
“What are you doing?” You asked as you reached the top.
“Take a seat,” he replied, not answering your question.
You eyed him suspiciously, unsure of what he was planning to do. Your eyes scanned the empty throne room, ensuring no one was watching you. A devilish smile rested on his lips as he gestured towards the throne. You hold onto his hand as you lower yourself onto the throne made of swords. 
Your body is tense, and you struggle not to let the fear of being pricked overwhelm you.
“How does it feel?”
You struggle to come up with an answer. You were frightened, but you could not deny the sense of power and strength that filled your chest. Suddenly, you could understand why so many people lusted after the throne.
“It’s ... nice.”
Aegon lets out a hearty laugh, and you turn your head away, mortified.
“My sweet little wife,” he mused, leaning down to kiss your head.
You stay silent, reeling with embarrassment. You close your eyes, wishing this was all a dream and that you would soon be back in the comfort of your own bed.
Warm hands slipping under your nightgown make you gasp. Your head snaps forward to find your husband kneeling before you. Aegon’s warm hands rest on your calves. You squeeze your legs together as tightly as you can.
“What are you doing?!” You whispered harshly, taken aback by his audaciousness.
His eyes flickered up towards yours, staring at you. “I want to try something.”
The gleam in his eyes sends a shiver down your spine.
“What?” You asked, though you believe you have some understanding of what he means.
Some of the more... bolder ladies at court loved to gossip and share stories of their late-night trysts with their husbands and paramours. You have heard a few stories about men who enjoy... feasting on their lovers. It was something you had never heard of before, let alone experienced. A part of you wondered if it was even true.
You had thought of asking Aegon about it, as he was quite... familiar with the ways of lovemaking, but you could not bring yourself to repeat what you had heard.
“Trust me,” he said, a grin reaching his lips. “I believe you will enjoy it.”
You stare at him, taking a deep breath before nodding. His warm hands slid up high, caressing your knees as he pushed them apart. You gasped, knees immediately trying to clamp shut to preserve some of your dignity. But Aegon doesn’t let you. 
He keeps a firm grip on your knees, keeping you spread open for him. Your nightgown is hitched up above your knees. The cold night air makes your skin prickle with goosebumps. The heat that was climbing up your face earlier spreads throughout your entire body. You want to close your eyes and turn away, but you cannot bring yourself to look away from him.
His eyes no longer stare into yours. Instead, his violet eyes remained focused between your legs. He glides his hands up your thighs, inching your dress higher until, finally, your cunt is exposed. But he doesn’t touch it. Instead, he moves his palms down, rubbing circles on your outer thighs.
The way Aegon touches you now differs from his usual impatient and rough approach. His hands seem almost reverent as they fondle your soft, plush thighs.
“Aegon,” you gasped as he lowered his head, pressing his lips to your right inner thigh. 
His hair fell forward, covering his face, but you believed you could feel him smirking against your skin. Suddenly, you felt him nip at the sensitive skin of your thigh. A sharp cry leaves your lips.
“‘m sorry,” he murmured against your skin as he kissed the bite.
His lips move up higher to the crook of your thigh. Your mouth hung slightly open, and a shaky breath passed through your lips. Being naked and exposed to him was nothing new, but having him so close like this was. Having his eyes and lips so close to your most intimate area was very new.
“Can you open them a bit more?” He asked, looking up at you.
You swiped your tongue across your lips before nodding. You were finally able to shut your eyes as you spread your legs wider, hoping it was enough.
“You’re perfect,” he said in awe.
A hot wetness glides over your aching cunt, making your entire body jolt. You let out a noise that is somewhere between a gasp and a cry as you try to draw your legs closed, but you're unable to, not with Aegon nestled between your thighs. His shoulders keep you spread open for his view and pleasure.
Aegon’s tongue was delivering the most exquisite pleasure you had ever experienced. He lapped up and down your folds, savoring your taste, before caressing your clit, alternating movements from up and down and side to side.
You look down, finding him peering up at you. His violet eyes locked onto you, watching your every expression, listening to every sound as he unraveled you beneath him. Your whole body felt like it was on fire, from the top of your head all the way down to your toes. All the air that fills your lungs is gone in an instant.
“Aegon- mmm,” his name leaves you like a meager whine.
His tongue works ardently between your splayed thighs, feasting upon you like a man starved. You find yourself enamored by the soft, tantalizing, wet sound his mouth is producing. One of your hands reached down, entangling itself in his messy silver waves. He moans against you, and the feeling has you arching your back. 
Your eyes rolled back as the pleasure quickly began to overwhelm you. Your chest rose and fell repeatedly, your hard nipples rubbing against the fabric of your nightgown. You did not know how much more you would be able to take.
Sinful cries and whimpers echoed throughout the throne room, but you could not bring yourself to care. How could you possibly think of anything else when your husband was sending wave after wave of pleasure through your body? 
Then, he slips a finger inside of you. 
“Aegon!” You cried out, so close to reaching your peak, yet not wanting this to end.
He easily adds another. His fingers move at a torturous, methodical pace. The pads of his fingers rub against your spongy walls, favoring that spot that makes you gasp and squeal. He catches your clit between his lips, suckling on it as if it were a treat. You gripped his head, rocking into his mouth.
You could feel a familiar heat building up in your lower stomach. The tension was almost unbearable. The world around you seemed to blur; all your senses honed in on Aegon and the pleasure only he could give you. 
You panted out curses and his name, shuddering at the warm pleasure that filled your entire body.
A groan erupts from the back of his throat, so guttural, it makes you weak. You glanced down and found him still watching you. His dark eyes entranced you, not allowing you to look away. 
Your legs and back stiffened, your stomach tightened, and your breath halted. You clamped your eyes shut and moaned out his name as you finally reached your peak. 
You remove your hand from his hair and tap his shoulder. Thankfully he pulled away with little protest, allowing your senses to calm down as your peak reached its end. Your back is aching from sitting upright for so long. You lean back a little, hoping to find relief, but the iron throne offers none. 
You're unsure how much time passes before you can properly catch your breath again. Soft fingers interlace with yours, bringing you back to the present. You blink, trying to fight off the drowsiness that is steadily creeping up on you. Aegon is still kneeling before you, with a self-satisfying look on his face.
“I told you you’d like it.”
You let out a breathy laugh and tried to push him away. However, you lacked the strength to do so.
“Just... give me a moment. Then I shall help you.”
“Mmh,” he hummed. “That won’t be necessary, my queen.”
You frowned. “What do you mean?”
He smirked and glanced down at his lap before looking back at you. You sat up and looked down to find a dark wet spot that covered the front of his trousers. Your face heated up again, and a coy smile made its way onto your lips.
“That’s too bad,” you sigh. “I was hoping we could play some more.”
Aegon’s smirk is gone, replaced with a more serious look. “I just need a moment. Then I’ll take you right here.”
You laugh at his enthusiasm. “I’m more than willing to go again, but not here. I prefer the comfort of our bed.”
Aegon nods and quickly stands to his feet. He helps you stand and holds you close to his side as the two of you leave the throne room. 
“Your grace,” Ser Arryk bows as the two of you make it out of the room.
You gulped, mortified, realizing what the poor white cloak had just endured. 
“Ser Arryk,” Aegon smiled. “The Queen and I shall be returning to our bedchamber now.”
The knight’s eyes flickered toward you before quickly averting his gaze. It was not hard to tell that the man was flustered. You shot him an apologetic smile even though he would not look at you.
“Yes, your grace.” He replied, dutifully following behind the two of you as you returned to your bedchamber. You’ll have to convince Aegon to find some way to make it up to him.
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xxchromies · 19 days
Admittedly the way people talk about motherhood makes me a bit sad. Both in the world at large and on here. It's true that as women we have essentially been treated as incubators and the natural capability of our bodies was/is exploited and used to keep us in line. But I really do think that motherhood, carrying and raising children, is beautiful and something to be appreciated. We literally have the power to create life and men don't. True, not all women can give birth but anyone who can give birth is a woman. And while I capitulate that we used to be treated like incubators in the past, some people use this term to even describe pregnancies that are wanted. And I think it's a bit misogynistic to compare something as cold and machine-like as an incubator to something women are naturally able to do. It feels objectifying.
I feel like a lot of radical feminists talk about pregnancy as if it were a travesty. As if you've become corrupted by an evil force. I know that pregnancy can have a serious impact on a woman's body but sometimes I feel like the way people talk about pregnancy on here is misogynistic towards women who want to be pregnant. I don't think it's really that progressive to talk about something that women's bodies are naturally able to do as if it were some sort of curse. Many of us see it that way because men used to use our reproductive capabilities as a way to control us, and still do to an extent. We can't stoop to their level. It's not inherently a bad thing.
I've also noticed that a lot of societal messaging seems to imply that pregnancy is an inferior state. Both misogynists and radical feminists talk about it as if it means your life is over. That you're nothing more than a mother now. That you've been defeated by the patriarchy. And while I understand that the feminist perspective is different (it's critiquing the misogynist perspective), I've never really seen radical feminists try to empower mothers or talk about how we can change the way society views motherhood. A lot of them seem to think no women should be mothers at all. Motherhood is just going to be a part of our reality. We're living things and it's in our nature to reproduce. It is ultimately a choice but human nature is powerful. Antinatalism is not going to happen, sorry. And I feel like pregnancy is mocked. Women are mocked for things like morning sickness and cravings. Pregnant women often aren't taken seriously because of their "hormones". There's a reason why so many people find m-preg so humorous.
In many ways it does suck to be a mother, but that's because of societal issues. I do believe it's misogynistic to denigrate the concept or pregnancy as a whole. I'll never believe that something women's bodies are naturally able to do cannot coexist with female liberation.
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heartlilith · 5 months
Synastry Chart Observations
I've had 8th house synastry with a lot of people whether that be in my house or their house. For me, it really is hatred or obsession. I've had people with Mars in my 8th house that I was not sexually attracted to at all, but they wanted me. I've had Mars in the 8th house synastry with someone that I've had an on and off fling with for 5 years.
8th house synastry will transform both parties - it'll be significant whether it's good or bad
When someone's Mars is in your 12th house, you may not understand their motives or whether they like you or not. You don't understand why they do what they do.
10th house synastry is for everyone to see. It's also the highest point in the chart. Meaning, depending on the Lord and planets in the 10th house & aspects, it could mean public scandals, situations that hurt your reputation/career, or everyone knowing your business. Or it could mean that you/your partner values and admires whatever energy is in the house, could "look up" to it.
Moon in negative aspect to Mercury means it's hard for Moon to express their emotions to Mercury. Moon thinks Mercury doesn't understand. Mercury finds it hard to talk to Moon, Mercury could feel like they have to walk on eggshells around Moon.
Someone's planets falling into your 5th house is so fun. It's like a breathe of fresh air. But this doesn't signify longevity (on it's own).
Venus conjunct Mars in synastry signifies HOT attraction, more than just physical
Whatever planet Pluto aspects, it will transform the planet person in some way. Positive or negative depends on the aspect and house placement can also give more information.
6th house synastry wants to be together everyday even if it's just coexisting - running errands together, completing tasks together, helping each other out, working out, etc
Moon in the 1st house synastry is a hard bond to break.
Having your Juno in their first house means they see you as husband/wife material
3rd house synastry is a couple that has friendly debates, takes short trips together, could write love letters (if venus or mercury influences this house), always talking to each other whether thats on the phone or in person
Having your planets in someone's 4th house means you could remind them of their mother
^Same goes for 10th house and father
Sun conjunct personal planets in synastry means there is an understanding, it's similar and familiar. Sun conjunct Sun = Personalities are similar, shared interests | Sun conjunct Moon = Understanding between emotions, Sun listens and understands Moon and vice vera | Sun conjunct Mercury - Mercury knows how to talk to Sun, they finish each others sentences, could talk all day | Sun conjunct Venus - Sun is Venus's type, Sun could be inspired by Venus and vice versa, similarities in love languages and aesthetics | Sun conjunct Mars - Mar's pursues Sun and wants Sun, completely comfortable around each other.
Having Sun, Moon, Venus in someone's 2nd house means they like to buy/give you things or gifts
Sun, Moon, Venus, or Mars in 8th house synastry means 8th house can't stop thinking of planet person
Jupiter in the 5th house synastry is trying different things together or 5th house being introduced to new hobbies
Jupiter in 1st house/12th house synastry can signify having good luck when you're around Jupiter person
Want to know someone's first impression of you? Look at where your ASC falls in their chart.
Having a lot of planets in someone's 5th, 10th and 12th house could make you their muse and inspiration
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