#i like the Thor reference btw
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le-panda-chocovore · 4 months ago
@kaurruption that's you
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worstloki · 2 years ago
Loki's favorite Sabaton song?
(Can't be Swedish Pagans because that's Thor's favorite)
i don't listen to music so this is not a good question for me but also I don't think the bros would listen to stuff with heavy Christianity symbolism and the paganism would be like. a gag for them?
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hadesisqueer · 7 months ago
i dont follow you for rwby but im curious who is nora and why would it be fun to see azula shoot lightning at her??
Good question indeed.
Okay so this is Nora. Nora Valkyrie.
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Nora is a character from RWBY, and part of the main cast. She is like 5 feet tall, 18 or 19 years old, cute, playful, happy-go-lucky and often a menace (she'd get along with Toph or Sokka if you understand me), though she's gone through many things and can actually get pretty serious too, and is very loyal and brave. Physically speaking she's strong. Like, really strong. Ridiculously strong. And her weapon as you can see is a huge hammer (its also a grenade launcher but we're leaving guns out of this). She is part of team JNPR. Team JNPR's members are based of legends and myths. Nora is based off Thor (hence the hammer). Her semblance —a superpower, let's say— is also as a reference to Thor as well. Its name is High Voltage, and it allows her to *checks* absorb electricity into her body and enhancing her strength.
This is an example of Nora using her semblance:
This is Nora at her limit btw, overusing her semblance too much on an energy field, which is why she collapses and gets scars (which look sick on her later tbh). Normally, while being electrocuted can still be painful for her, she can withstand it with relative ease and get moving fast (usually with a smirk). And that includes actual lightning. She actually explained once that she found out what her semblance was because she got struck by lightning one day and she was fine and didn't die.
So, yeah, if Azula, or any other lightningbender, hit her with lightning, Nora would probably fall and feel the pain. Then two seconds later she'd proceed to get up with a smirk because the bender just powered her up.
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swagbonkoperaweasel · 2 months ago
Spoilers obviously…
So as we now know, Metal and Amy are confirmed for Sonic 4. As an Amy fan, I am thrilled that we FINALLY get to have her in the movies, albeit rather late into the movie franchise. I wanted to talk a little bit about what we are seeing in this scene, as well as some of my hopes for Amy Rose’s movie portrayal.
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As we can see, Amy’s combat seems like it will be different from her game self. Whereas game Amy uses her hammer and relies on her physical strength to defeat enemies, it seems like movie Amy will have some extra abilities with her hammer. In a way it seems to work like Thor’s hammer, where she can use it as a projectile against multiple enemies and summon it back.
Amy’s origin is that she uses her tarot cards and they basically tell her she will meet Sonic. This was something about her that had kind of been forgotten with Sega, up until recently. In Frontiers, Sonic make a few references to Amy and her fortune cards, and Amy actually uses them in the DLC. Some of her attacks also involve the cards.
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It seems like in her portrayal, she will probably have some sort of magic, as we can see she appears to be able to float (or maybe she just jumped but it looks like floating to me). She very clearly has some combat experience and it’s interesting that the first time we see her, it’s a lot like Tails where it seems like she’s specifically trying to find Sonic. My prediction is that she will probably explain that she used her cards to find him, which is a nod to Sonic CD.
In terms of her seemingly having some sort of magical powers, I kind of have mixed feelings on that. I feel like part of what made Amy special is that she never really had special abilities the way others in the main cast do, but yet she’s still able to hold her own and be a hero in her own way. She’s also extroverted and kind hearted, which is why she’s able to so easily make friends and connect with others. I’m honestly scared that they’ll tone down those parts of her character just to make her more visibly “flashy.”
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Her design is kind of perfect imo. At least, her face and hammer is. Im hoping she’ll have a similar outfit to her modern one under the cloak. It looks like they actually took a lot of Amy fans headcanons about her appearing in the cloak and decided to actually make that a reality. I’m sure the original fan who came up with that is gonna freak out when they see this.
As happy as I am for her appearance, I can’t help but feel very nervous for how her personality will be, especially when she has a reputation of being butchered. I really hope they don’t go the route of “girl character is stronger than the boy characters,” as that imo is actually more offensive than progressive. I am a woman btw so I think I’m allowed to have this opinion lol. A female character doesn’t have to be this overpowered character that is stronger than her male counterparts to be strong. I feel suggesting otherwise only implies that girls/women can only be alongside boys/men if they can prove to be better than them. That is simply not true. They can be equals. They can be strong in their own way. Amy does not have to prove anything to the Wachowski boys or to the audience. She is canonically strong and can fight. She is bubbly, she is kind, she is a romantic, she can be hotheaded, she is girly, and she is STRONG. All those things can and SHOULD coexist in her character. I don’t need her to be mellowed out into a stereotypical “I’m a girlboss who doesn’t need help from men” character. Amy’s crush on Sonic is important to her character because it shows that love is not a weakness, it can be a strength just as much as anything else.
My biggest ask for her character is to just LET AMY ROSE BE AMY ROSE.
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criesinitalics · 11 months ago
What Record of Ragnarok characters smell like.
According to what I wrote in my notes app on the 21st of December, 2021. (With comments)
Poseidon: Obviously fish. He’s a fishy boy, just arrived from Greece, landed like fresh tilapia. (This is a Rupaul’s drag race reference, but I have no idea who said this.) Maybe a bit like saltwater?
Adam: I’d say grass but the most likely answer is animal shit. (I mean, he is surrounded by them.)
Eve: Flowers. And animal shit.
Loki: Your ex bf’s sweater, or e-boy perfume.
Raiden: Sweaty rice (???)
Kojiro: Burning wood or forest.
Thor: Your fingers after you touched that static ball that makes your hair stand up.
Buddha: It is cannon that he smells good, best bet flowers and sugar.
Aphrodite: Milk. (I don’t think I was implying anything weird with that either, she just gave that vibe. I probably specifically strawberry milk or rose or champagne would fit better.)
Geir: Teenage anxiety. (god bless her soul.)
Heracles: Also sweat, with a hint of BBQ sauce.
Hemidal: Metal, the good kind. (whatever that means?)
Parvati, Kali, Durga: Smoothies, Cola, Fresh Laundry (In order. I like grouping them together :] )
Socrates: Unidentifiable.
Jesus: Wine, duh.
Confucius: Flower-scented stationary.
Zerofuku (Baby): Puppy breath. (I have no idea what this smells like btw but I heard it’s actually good.)
Zerofuku: Shattered dreams.
Ares: Comedy. (?????)
Zeus: The inside of that one unopened, unwashed water bottle you left on your bedside drawer for awhile.
Brunhilde: She’d kill you before you even get a whiff.
Jack The Ripper: London rain or a tea soaked cigarette.
Odin: Your grandpa’s old army uniform.
Hermes: The inside of a wooden instrument.
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Hey remember that time in Uncanny X-Men Annual/New Mutants where Loki brainwashed Storm and also gave her the powers of Thor and also also a costume that looked like Thor's but sluttier while flirting with her the whole time in a totally not psychosexual way?
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Cuz I fucking do. And hey, I've found the first thing I don't like about Immortal Thor! Mainly, like all modern comics, they don't provide proper citations. Used to be when a comic would reference The Deep Lore like this they'd add an asterisk and a blurb saying "As seen in Uncanny X-men Annual 1!" or whatever. Now they don't. Makes my job (making my way through the entirety of Marvel continuity because Autism) a lot harder.
Immortal Thor (2023) #4, New Mutants Special Edition #1 and Uncanny X-Men Annual #9 btw. Because unlike modern comics, I have standards.
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spaceorphan18 · 7 months ago
You said you saw Deadpool & Wolverine - how did you like it?
Oohh, thanks Nonny! I had been planning on writing my thoughts! :)
I liked it!
I thought it was a very apt bridge between the old Fox films and Deadpool coming into the MCU.
I'm not a huge fan of uber violent things but something I appreciate about the Deadpool films (and Ryan Reynolds' brand of 12yo humor) is that behind it all is a lot of heart. And this film retained that, through all the crudeness, the point is that ultimately, Deadpool/Wade is a really good guy. And I can respect that.
Getting into specifics... which are very spoiler-y
I thought the plot itself was very thin, and this whole thing probably works better as a bunch of sketches, but it's fine. I was never asking for a lot from this film, and it did the only thing I was really asking of it, which was provide entertainment and get Deadpool into the MCU.
I appreciate that they really didn't shit on Logan's legacy while bringing Hugh Jackman back. Jackman seemed to be having a good time of it, which I'm glad to see.
Btw, loved all the musical jokes we got in this! Loved it.
I LOVED the montage of various Wolverines -- I understood most of the references! Yay me for reading X-Men comics for so long!!
The Henry Cavill cameo? Perfect.
I'm not surprised we didn't see a lot of Wade's family and friends, but it is sad they got such a small amount of screen time.
Ooff, Vanessa continues to be the one really weak piece of this whole thing. Does the actress not want to be there? Does she have limited time? Why is her character always being reduced to love interest whom Wade does everything for but there's no development of her character? Idk.
The TVA stuff is fine. I feel like it's so convoluted now that it doesn't really matter that it ultimately doesn't make much sense. I do think the MCU needs to start moving away from the multiverse stuff. It's just getting too mucky and it's lost focus.
Oh, why is Thor holding Deadpool, I'm sure it was just a gag, but oh god would it be hilarious if they brought it back at some point.
The Happy stuff. It's always great to see him, but how did Deadpool end up in the main universe? Why am I even questioning this?
Cracked me up that they hid Peter's face in that picture. Can't give Sony any more money than necessary.
Oh, in general, I love LOVED all the fourth wall breaks. This is why I watch Deadpool movies.
Cassandra Nova was fine as a villain. The actress was great! She just feels... a little too seriously evil to be in this comedy movie. Idk.
All the returning c-list villains were fun!
Having Chris Evans return as Johnny Strom was a brilliant move and I loved it. Having him just be the opposite of Steve Rogers on top of it was hilarious. Perfect use of a cameo, film.
Wesley Snipes returning as Blade. Goddamn. I'm kinda surprised he agreed to do it!
Great to see Jennifer Garner return as Elektra. I'm kinda glad I made myself watch all those marvel movies (which I still need to finish...) I appreciate this cameo more (and the dig at Daredevil).
Yay Laura returning! Could have always used more of her, but she did what she needed to.
Okay. Okay, let's talk about it. Let's talk about Channing Tatum as Gambit...
The Pros : The accent was fun, the way they used his powers was fantastic and original, they didn't make him the butt of jokes or treat him like a joke, there was a general respect for the character overall and I really, really, appreciate that being a Gambit fan
The Cons : Look, I have nothing against Tatum personally. He just doesn't look right. He's too think in body shape (not meant in a derogatory way), and his face just doesn't work in the headsock. Not to mention the costume looked plastic and cheap.
I really hope Gambit is back, but can we have Tatum as Gambit here like we had JKras as Mr. Fantastic in Dr. Strange? Just a one time fun gag? Please??
Remy is having a really good year despite dying everywhere.
The Deadpool squad (or whatever) I'm afraid I haven't read enough Deadpool to really get it, but it was fun. The side scrolling action sequence reminded me of a video game. And honestly, Wolverine with his cowl on, just kind of loosely moving reminded me of a video game as well.
I'm super curious to see how Deadpool plays within the MCU now. Let's go for it.
The credits were a nice touch. I'm glad they could honor those films for what they did, and I'm glad we can now move on from them.
Tl:dr it was fun and I liked it! :)
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toyatenmacanon-art · 7 months ago
a few nights ago i saw deadpool & wolverine
gods there were so many things i loved i started writing them down on my popcorn container
oh sopiler warning for every good thing so if you havent seen the movie DONT YOU FUCKING DARE CLICK (also this is a long ass post)
the "bye bye bye" dancing as dp kicks ass
and the fact that the double who did the dance was credited as "dancepool"
the ass slaps in the changing montage
the itty bitty wolverine
the feral one
the one getting crucified on the X
ok everyone knows the "are you fucking or fighting" part but
wolverine running at the other guys on all fours
human torch just kinda being a throwaway
and the after credits scene where he just actually says all that stuff dp said he did
the loki reference
and like. everyone
the antman base
"looks like paul rudd finally aged"
the entire diner scene
one of my notes is literally just "zesty"
"mj if youre nasty" i dont remember the context but yea
"you look like if hawkeye was a superhero"
gen z trauma
the gayass car fight scene
and wolvies badass trunk entrance
"have you been checked for adhd"
"theyre gonna make him do it till hes 90!"
the wild amount of deadpools
feat. welsh deadpool, baby deadpool, kid deadpool, sexy deadpool, dnd lookin character deadpool
i didnt write the exact quote but "something sometging multiverse all we needed was the wizard of oz the gays knew it"
the kickass deadpool fight scene where everyone just casually grts back up at the end
and peter being the one constant
the gayest scene with deadpool & wolverine fucking with the matter and antimatter together while wolvie is shirtless bcs ofc he is
the "shwarma?" ref
he started the movie with a world of 9 people, and ended with 14 people and a dog <333
im too emotionally attached to the xmen universe
also why was thor crying??? (HELP I ALMOST WROTE SHREK)
heres my notes btw
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plusultraetc · 1 year ago
lowkey highkey stalking ur blog and saw a tag abt how u have thoughts abt s6 shigaraki. share🥹
HI thank you for asking!!
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So I think you might be referring to this post about Shigaraki's s6 Fit Of All Time. The spiritual TL;DR of those tags is: I know this version of Shigaraki is a character who has reached Peak Manipulated, Tragic Story Potential, but his look is lowkey fire anyway.
(A note on the outfit: I stand by the fact that it is the Fit Of All Time. Simple. Classic. Very very cool. I overthought about it when I first saw it because I <3 overthinking about MHA and had a small Moment about Shigaraki reaching this final-ish villainous form and immediately donning a hero's cape, and the possible implications of this. Plus, and this is more of a USAmerican view I think, but a red cape is like The Superhero Accessory, because Superman (and Thor. And Doctor Strange. But mostly Superman.))
So. For context, I'm halfway-ish through Season 6 atm. It's me and my pockets full of spoilers against the world, but there have been Several Things that no amount of spoilers could have prepared me for, Shigaraki being one of them. I mean. TALK ABOUT A CORRUPTION ARC.
The thing about Shiggy is that, by the time we meet him, he has already had his traditional 'corruption arc' when AFO found him as a child and manipulated him into becoming a villain. When we talk about corruption arcs in literature, we're usually talking about this kind of moral decay (pun intended). It's the movement from 'hero' to 'villain' (or, in Shigaraki's case, 'innocent child' to 'supervillain successor.' And, yes, I know he decayed his family before he met AFO, but I'm really not going to assign any moral blame there for obvious reasons).
But Shigaraki has also had numerous other negative character arcs before we met him. He starts his life perhaps not with a happy, normal family, but with a family and a house and a dog. By the time we are introduced to him in s1, he's been living in the shadows, is isolated emotionally and physically from the people around him, and has garbage interpersonal skills and relationships. Even his name has been 'corrupted,' from the name of a hero (Shimura) to that of a villain (Shigaraki). So, it seems like Shigaraki has undergone every possible negative/corruption arc long before s6.
The s1 -> s6 Shigaraki journey isn't a corruption of morals or circumstances. It's a corruption of wills. When we meet Shigaraki, he's a whiny, impulsive 'manchild' (I don't remember who called him that after USJ, but it was iconic and they were correct. It might have been All Might. You go All Might). But in spite of, or maybe because of, his manchild-ness, you can definitely see that Shigaraki has willpower. He's bossy. He's actually kind of bratty. He pretty much stomps his foot and expects people to comply with his demands. If he doesn't like something, he's like, "Ew, Kurogiri, get rid of it/them this instant." AFO definitely has an unhealthy amount of influence over him at this point, but Shigaraki still plays a very active (though often unsuccessful) role in his own schemes (the Nomu attack in Hosu City, for example).
And, after AFO's arrest at Kamino, we actually see Shigaraki's will get stronger. He might flounder a little at first, lost without AFO's direct supervision, but eventually he's forced to start making real decisions for and about the League. This character growth reaches its apex when he takes over the Paranormal Liberation Front. (Note: red cape again. Grabs him by the shoulders and shakes him, etc.)
But THEN. Season 6. The literal battle of wills. If AFO prevails, he will have destroyed pretty much the only thing Shigaraki has left. It's like. The ultimate corruption arc. Corruption of the self. BTW in case it wasn't clear I want to roundhouse kick AFO into another dimension. I genuinely like most of the villains in MHA but he is the Emperor Palpatine of this story and it shows. [MANGA SPOILERS FOR THE REST OF THIS PARAGRAPH] I really, really wanted Shigaraki to throw him down the proverbial reactor shaft Darth Vader-style, but from what I understand that ship has sailed. Boooooo.
So now s6 Shigaraki is walking a very thin line between the success of this final corruption arc, that of his autonomy, and finally breaking some aspect of AFO's control over his entire life. It is a very, very thin line, because even if AFO can't control him anymore, he's the reason Shigaraki is WHO he is and WHERE he is (and WHAT he is, if we get into the whole Nomu-ification storyline).
So, yeah. Walking a very thin line. But at least he looks good doing it!! Wearing a disembodied hand on your face is OUT, wearing a tattered red cape is IN. What does it symbolize? Shigaraki personifying what he blames heroes for--destroying society--while dressing up as one of them? Shigaraki becoming his own hero by finally 'achieving his dream' of being powerful enough to destroy the world that hurt him? Foreshadowing that Shigaraki, wearing a hero's literal costume, and AFO are in some way opposed now? The author wanting to draw a really cool cape??? Who knows!! But I love it sm.
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kilibaggins · 2 years ago
I saw your requests open post! ❤️ I am very curious to what a Thor x Bruce Banner blurb would be like, I haven’t read any of those before :0! Perhaps a dinner date, if you are interested to write that!
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A/N: THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS AHHH!! i love thorbruce so much you dont understand theyre just so AHHH. i loved writing this i got so excited when i saw you sent this in! feel free to request more of this or tbh anything i write, im loving writing lately!
btw this is the post that is being referred to, its a little drabble/short fic event but tbh most of my fics are probably short anyway idk ! just go check it out and send something if you want!
Word Count: 369
"Bruce, you're tense," Thor says, gently laying an arm around his shoulders. Bruce instinctively leans into the god's touch before rolling his eyes.
"I'm always tense," Bruce says, a small smile on his face as Thor directs him to one of the fancy seats. "This place feels more like Tony's style than yours."
"Yes, well, you deserve the best!" He says a little too loud and the people around them look over at him with judgment. Thor doesn't seem to notice though, as he carelessly throws himself into one of the fancy chairs. "Oh, is this mahogany?" He says, trailing his finger around the edge of the table.
Bruce, with much more grace but also somehow with less grace than Thor, sits in the seat across from him. Thor smiles at him, a beaming bright white smile that makes Bruce choke on his own breath. He feels butterflies in his stomach and he looks down at the table. He feels a hand on his and he looks up at Thor again.
"I hope this is… okay," Thor says, shrugging a shoulder. "I'm still not in tune with all of this… Human stuff."
Bruce chuckles and shakes his head.
"I'm human and have been living here my whole life and I'm not even in tune with any of it," Bruce says and Thor laughs, a big boisterous laugh that makes everyone look at them again. "It's fine, Thor."
Thor smiles widely and a waiter comes over with a couple of menus. When the waiter leaves Thor leans forward and looks at Bruce's menu. Then back up at Bruce.
"Do you know what any of this is?" Thor asks, looking at him with wide eyes. Bruce looks up at him and shakes his head. They both laugh then, Thor's loud and joyful and Bruce's soft but just as joy-filled. They sit there for a few seconds before Thor throws down the menu. "This may have been a bad idea."
"This is more of Tony's type of place than ours…" Bruce mumbles and Thor stands up abruptly. He holds out his hand and Bruce takes it.
"Want to go to Al's Steakhouse?" Thor asks and Bruce smiles wide.
"Yeah. That's more us."
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salmonpiffy · 11 months ago
Salmonpiffy!!! I absolutely love your Norse Mythology kids book!!! The art style is so adorable and the designs are beautiful!!! I enjoy how you made Thor's body shape look like squares to show he's heavy and strong!!! Then Loki body being thin and triangular shapes, show that he's sneaky and dangerous!!! It's really smart character design!!! Anyway did you finish the full book??? Because I'd love to see all the pages colored!!! Btw if you one day finish it, please let me know!!! I'd like to buy the book, if you can make prints of it!!!
Thank you soooo much!! The character designs is my most favorite part! I'm really proud of Loki's design. Thor, I used GoW Thor as a main reference (obviously XD)
I actually did finish the whole story but unfortunately, I didn't finish color all pages because my poor time management...So I might not make a prints yet Xb
There are some pages that I still want to color it tho, like these pages
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multifandomnonsense · 1 year ago
Apologies in advance for the long ask but could you maybe write an Avengers fic with 1, 9, 11, 13 and 19... (most of those can just be references or brief comments lol) and with the og avengers group (cap, tony, nat, bruce, thor, clint, scott, sam + like bucky and pepper) I just would like to read some fun found family avengers Christmas (with a bit of stucky and clintasha thrown in if you want) ur writing is awesome btw :)
Alright I finished the last one! Merry Christmas I hope you like it. Also thank you I’m glad you enjoy my writing!
The text from Tony to the Avengers had stated that they all needed to be at the Avenger's headquarters at 10 am on Christmas Eve, to wear their ugliest Christmas sweater, and they were welcome to bring some kind of food if they wanted. He’d followed it up after a few seconds with another that said “And before you ask Capsicle yes you can bring your stupid husband”. They didn’t get any other details after that other than he promised he could get them to their families by Christmas morning so they didn’t need to worry about flights if that was necessary (that only really applied to Sam though since he had his sister and nephews).
When Christmas Eve rolled around Steve found himself entering the headquarters with a plate of freshly baked Christmas cookies and his husband Bucky, wearing a red sweater covered in reindeer. Bucky’s was a Hanukkah featuring a cat playing with Dreidel that Steve had gotten him because of how much his husband loved their car Alpine. He didn’t really expect the other to wear it too much but he loved it.
Most of the others were already there when they arrived, seated on the couches in the sitting room. Someone, probably Tony since he organized this, had put up a tree in the corner of the room and some other festive decorations. Christmas music was playing from a speaker he couldn’t see. Some food was already out on the table and the Avengers who had arrived were chatting about something he didn’t hear because Tony interrupted to greet them as they approached.
Continued on AO3
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druggonaut · 4 months ago
Btw in HMV they have these really fucking cool 3D layered T H I C K LOTR mugs for fucking £95 right, and I mean what I'm about to say next in reference to actual mugs but also to the mug metaphor itself... I fucking stole that goddamn mug. I wanted it so I Just decided to become the proud owner of something expensive I wanted but could never afford. I took the financial viability factor out of the equation and I now own the sickest mug in the world.
I don't use it for coffee. I have it on a shelf of cool expensive things I've stolen; with the Giant Amethyst, Thor's light up hammer, Wizard statue, Rare plant cutting I Prop lifted from Kew Botanical Gardens, Ornate bottle of Absinthe and Abbie Hoffman's book "Steal this book".
Of course I too would like to be able to make purchases without considering how I'd have to risk or sacrifice bills, food or hobbies if I did buy it. But every now and again it's very important to just fucking steal something if the opportunity arises.
shoplifting is actually one of your 5 a day. It's my enrichment. It can be yours too!
Disclaimer: yes I understand the original point of this post, yes I'm mostly speaking in jest, no it's not actually sound advice to expect everyone to be in a position or comfortable or indeed lucky enough to get away with shoplifting, yes we all should be able to make any purchases we want without worrying about the immediate future and financial consequences of doing so, Yes I just wanted to flex about my cool mug, yes one of you are sure to attack me regardless, yes I'll be drinking absinthe out of my cool mug with Thor's hammer in my hand and Abbie's philosophy in my head as I whimsically stroke my Giant amethyst and talk to my rare plant under the protective gaze of my wizard statue no matter what or if someone tries to negate my addition to this post or not.
Yes we should overthrow the tyrannical system that subjugates us all and feast on the flesh of Musk.
When I grow up I wanna be upper middle class.
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besidesitstoowarm · 1 month ago
so some people on dw reddit were asking if the gaiman-written episodes of who would be removed from streaming due to the allegations (i believe the allegations, btw) and like, no, def not, lol, so many problematic/etc people have been involved in this show over the past 60 years and he hasn't even been criminally charged let alone convicted so i doubt anything is going anywhere. HOWEVER
i hate to make this point but. while the events of "the doctor's wife" for example look yucko when compared against gaiman's real life behavior... i don't think it's that out of pocket compared to things that are common on tv, and dw already?
like, the two main points are: idris nonconsensually gets her brain wiped, "dies" kind of, and becomes sexual; and idris "dies" and no one seems to notice or care
regarding her being a bit sexual with it, it feels like gaiman's attempt to recreate river song. i don't think the sexual aspects are related to the mind wiping at all, which is why in my write up i said it feels like someone who wants to fuck their car, bc that's what it feels like. your car is alive, and you can kiss it. weird, but not creepy, i guess. her getting mindwiped is very bad but i need everyone to rewatch the end of "journey's end" bc i almost had to close my eyes for this project. of course donna, the companion, has more narrative weight than some one-off who has no personality before the mindwiping, but it's agonizing to watch, it feels like she's being assaulted. then the doctor just hands her off to some new fiance and that's it (until the 60th, but i am judging these things on how they were presented at the time)
and with regards to no one caring who she was before... i mean, it's kind of addressed with auntie and uncle: they're all patchwork, none of them are the people they were originally. idris doesn't "look" patchwork but i think they're all supposed to be like that, doomed and frankensteined. the idris at the beginning is probably not the idris who originally existed. and there's a trope i've personally seen in multiple types of story where a child is orphaned horrifically and then they get adopted and no one ever references or cares about the original parents bc the focus is on the adoptive parents and how they get a cool kid now so fuck whoever loved that child first but died (house md "joy to the world" where the fat teenager just dies so lucky cuddy gets her baby finally! and thor love and thunder where the god butcher gets killed so yay thor gets a cool new kid!) anyway it's common for fiction to just not care about what Used To Be. obviously i hate this, bc we are built on what came before, so who idris Used To Be should matter, but it's not even uncommon for the story to not care
i don't remember much about "nightmare in silver" so i shan't be defending that one yet but honestly, "the doctor's wife" just sucks on its own merits, i don't think we need to drag in neil's personal criminal baggage to defend thinking it sucks. it's boring and derivative and visually ugly and pointless, but i think it's not very helpful to try and blame its badness on gaiman being a monster. you can just read "sandman" if you want to do that
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tyrannuspitch · 1 year ago
the differences between real-world myth, asgardian religion and in-world midgardian myth are SUCH an interesting can of worms btw. like. mcu earth seems to have had myths of adult thor and loki when they were infants (they're only ~1000 years old!). and the book jane finds in T1 describes loki as a shapeshifter (but not a jotun), which i think a lot of people have latched onto as canon - but it also refers to balder, who umm. doesn't exist
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obsessivelollipoplalala · 2 years ago
Freddie really was that little chicken with a knife lmao. It reminds me of that quote but also of when Thor said he was very protective of Jim 🥹
Paul really sold that stories about them and Freddie went in a interview a couple of months after being like, "despite your attempts I'm still happier than ever, try this again and I'm ready for murder"🙃
Damn, the timing really does add an extra layer to it. Paul sought to destroy Freddie’s reputation in an act of revenge (people who defend this are so brain rotted btw) and Freddie went on to say how happy he finally was with his relationship anyway. I sort of wonder if the “no fucker” etc. might’ve been a reference to Paul, actually, or other people like him who wanted to take Freddie down.
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