#i like soups that are creamy i think. like chowders and potato soup and canned chicken and dumpling
sukimas · 11 months
New England Clam Chowder for the Broke Tumblr User
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What you'll need (cooking implements)
-A very, very large pot -Cutting board -Knife that can cut vegetables -A couple of bowls to store pre-chopped things in if you don't want to be chopping vegetables at light speed -A spoon to stir the chowder while it cooks -A bowl to serve yourself the soup out of
What you'll need (ingredients): -1 quart (32 oz) heavy cream (~$5 at walmart) -Red or russet potatoes (~3-4 lb, $3-4 at walmart) -Clam juice (8 oz) ($2.50 at walmart) -Canned clams (13 oz, 2 cans) ($4.50 at walmart) -Worcestershire sauce (to taste) (Preferably not Great Value, so ~$2 at walmart. If you go with Great Value, $1) -White onion (2) (about $2.50 at walmart) -Flour (a couple teaspoons for thickening) (2lb bag is ~1.50 at walmart) -Garlic (2 bulbs, or less if you don't like it that much) ($1.50 at walmart) -Black pepper (One container is $2 at walmart) -Water (Pennies on the dollar)
Optional, but goes over the $25 budget: Butter (a tablespoon or so, about $4 for 4 sticks.)
Mince the garlic. Put it in a bowl.
Chop the onions and potatoes to roughly cubic inch-sized pieces. Put those in separate bowls.
Put the pot on the stove, set to low heat.
Place EITHER: 1 TBSP butter OR 1.5 TBSP heavy cream into the pot. Stir to prevent burning. (You can eyeball this amount.)
Add an equal amount of flour to the pot. Continue stirring until it has completely mixed with the butter or heavy cream and has begun to brown a tiny bit.
Add the onions, the garlic, and the clam juice to the pot. Add heavy cream and water in equal parts until the onions are covered. Continue stirring until the onions soften such that they can be cut with a fork.
Add the potatoes to the pot. Add the rest of the heavy cream here, if any remains; add water until the potatoes are covered if none remains. Stir for about 5 minutes.
Rinse off the clams and add them to the pot. Simmer for about 10 minutes; add Worcestershire sauce and pepper to taste at this point. (I usually use around a tablespoon of the former and who knows how much of the latter). If you have any other spices on hand that you think would work, you can add them here.
Simmer until the potatoes are soft enough to cut with your cooking spoon.
Serve (with more pepper if you like.) This should make about 7-8 bowls that are filling enough to be an entire dinner if you eat around 2000 kcal/day. If you have some extra money, you can either serve with oyster crackers or toasted bread. Due to the overall richness of the dish, it's best served in the colder months; it is also best stored in the fridge (rather than the freezer). Ideally, the result should be a slightly tangy, creamy, and vaguely clam-flavored soup, with a hearty body.
Total time (prep+cooking) is usually around 1.5-2 hours. Potatoes are finicky, as is cream. If you'd like to add other things to your soup and have some extra cash, options include green onion, bacon, or diced carrots. None are really necessary for the dish, though.
I have not tried making this as a vegetarian dish, but mushrooms should have a fairly similar texture to clams; the clam juice can theoretically be replaced with water (or vinegar.) Worcestershire sauce can be replaced with balsamic vinegar in that case.
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sllowshow · 2 months
hanna children's palates emergency list.
cora's nostalgic i'll stop saying it soon. artificial flavors, simplicity. back to a better time. sweet sweets, bright fruity flavors, fried foods warm and salty and dense. orange slices and pretzel sticks and dry cereal by the handful. it tastes like summer vacation and unspent potential.
finn's tastes are rich, deep, indulgent. taking the bull on by the horns. red meat, dark wines, bitter chocolates. cashews and layered exotic flavors. definitely a guy with a chili recipe he's got a lot of opinions about. up to try anything once.
zoe's tastes are more delicate. she likes it sweet and light. white honeyed wines, salads with slightly soured dressings, and fresh bread with butter. basic perhaps, but good things don't have to be flashy. a perfectly ripe tomato is more rare and precious than caviar.
maisyn likes food that comforts. creamy mac and cheese, thick soups and chowders in the winter, a plate of fries for the table, an english muffin smothered in cookie butter. she's free-styling, hedonistic cravings win. some call it munchies but she'd call it going with the flow.
ayla likes something flashy. like she's always going to go for whatever sounds the chicest. seafood risottos, gelato, anything with truffles. she's curious as to what's going on with the cronut. a little pretentious but also known to be a menace up in the local froyo shop after a breakup. we can't be on all the time.
rylan's tastes are pretty classic. if it ain't broke, don't fix it. he likes green beans, poultry, potatoes in any and all forms. now he's picky with it. because he grew up in a house where you got a pretty good baseline idea of what these foods were supposed to taste like. but he's pretty easy to please. very into thanksgiving (finn will still eat more, but rylan will feel it deeper.)
orla is probably the hardest to peg because i think she's the most willing to like explore new things. light, refreshing, sweet are obviously all things that come to mind as a baseline, but i think as she grows and continues in her own culinary journey, she's learning how good it can be to have something creamy or rich or spicy or literally whatever. like i think she'd on a mission to expand the way she thinks about food as a whole. that's my fucking girl.
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diaryofalamb · 11 months
Mashed potatoes are the shit and they don’t get as much love as they should be. I’m talking about those garlic mashed potatoes with little bits of skin through out and not watery or oily but like frosting kind of. Or shit, potatoes in general are the most delicious shit ever. I’ve been eating those in lots of different ways (baked potatoes, potato soup, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, etc) but also I’ve been able to mush up chicken noodle soup, clam chowder, really any soups with super soft food bits. I thrived on pozole and menudo for the first week of puréed foods and I haven’t had too many eggs but I’m always mindful of having too much cause throwing up is still a bitch. I’m trying to get my protein in but I gotta get more flavors. I have peach protein shakes left and I loved peaches before surgery but I’m not as crazy about them in shake form. Since it’s almost December I think they’ll come out with like mint shakes. That should put a hold on my peppermint bark cravings.
Mentally I’m swinging low, if that makes sense. I’m doing okay, getting back to work with reports and workshops and shizz. Food wise I get crazy cravings from time to time (mostly sushi, which was my most favorite binge meal {There’s this place on Monday’s where they would have 2$ hand rolls and I would buy 5 California hand rolls and three chicken teriyaki hand rolls and eat them all in the car and if it wasn’t Mondays I would go to this poke bowl place across the street and get a large bowl with double crab, four scoops of shrimp, masago, corn, green onion, ginger, and lots of spicy mayo and miso sauce}). I watch those mukbang videos, of people eating lots of food but I kind of wish I would’ve taken a video in one of my binge meals. I think it would’ve solidified how much I was actually eating. Maybe I’ll make a post of stuff I would eat in a binge meal, with trigger warnings of course.
My birthday is coming up. I high doubt I can have a dessert on my birthday but if I could, I would want flan. I love flan, the creamy not too sweet jelly like dessert. If not flan then crime brûlée (I know what you’re thinking. Crime brûlée is just like flan but with a top hat)
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bloodenjoyer · 3 years
what soup do you like most?
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QUITE alright ...my favorite soup is maybe tomato soup or clam chowder!!!
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 3 years
Pairings: None
Word Count: 1,945 Words
Summary: Five worried members of class 1-B and a day off for the hero courses.
Warnings: Cursing, Injury Mention, Caps, Death Mention, Broken Bone Mention, Panic Attack Mention, Abuse Mention, Disownment Mention, Blood Mention, let me know if I should tag anything else.
Usernames: Existence Is A Prison  Aizawa: feral cat dad, Aoyama: gay salt, Hagakure: ranch flavored jello, Tokoyami: foil-mecha, Shinsou: farmer toshi, Kuroiro: life is a nightmare, Shiozaki: saviour, Tsunotori: schrodinger better run, Honenuki: pure, Monoma: nat20
Aizawa, We Agreed No More Cats: Chapter 4
2:55 PM
Existence Is A Prison
nat20: @feral cat dad @gay salt @farmer toshi @foil-mecha @ranch flavored jello
nat20: Are you guys okay? There was an announcement for all available staff to come to the USJ asap. Isn't that where you are?
nat20: Guys?
nat20: I get that y'all are training but can one of you answer? I'm getting worried.
nat20: Akemi, sis, you better fucking answer me.
3:00 PM
Existence Is A Prison
nat20: Akemi, this is breaking law three of being half-siblings. Getcha ass in the chat and fucking respond to me or I'm taking a protective quirk and coming down there myself.
saviour: You will do no such thing. Clearly it's dangerous since the announcement was directed toward all available teachers. That doesn't sound normal to me, even if someone had been just injured. Seiko, it's best to try to make things decently safe for their return instead of hound a response.
life is a nightmare: Six different news sources say that three unidentified people were admitted to a hospital nearby UA, said to have been transported from the USJ, which was attacked this morning by an unidentified villain, the attack being resolved by UA's pro hero staff members only ten minutes ago. Two more people were injured and are supposedly in Recovery Girl's office.
nat20: AKEMI @gay salt
gay salt is now online
ranch flavored jello is now online
foil-mecha is now online
gay salt: I'm back, Seiko. I'm fine. Almost everyone is fine.
nat20: Five people are hurt!
ranch flavored jello: Yeah, all three pros were hurt.
nat20: Which students got hurt!?
foil-mecha: I think you already know what you're suspecting, Seiko.
nat20: No. No, he's not dead. If Shinsou's dead, I'll personally bring him back to life to scream at him. My little brother isn't dying dammit.
gay salt: Not dead, mon dieu. Shinsou is severely injured but he isn't dead.
nat20: Who else is hurt? That green kid again?
ranch flavored jello: Yeah, Midoriya's hurt again. To be fair, he wasn't thinking about how he was using his quirk, just that he was using it period.
foil-mecha: Hold on, they're calling on Aizawa and Shinsou's condition, I'll do a video chat with you guys.
foil-mecha has started a video chat
The bones in his arms are splintered and he's got facial fracturing. Fortunately there doesn't seem to be any serious brain damage. But his orbital floor has been almost completely destroyed. We have no way of knowing if his eyesight will be impaired or not once he's healed. -Unknown
Well, you heard the man. -Unknown
Sir, what about Thirteen? -Unknown
No need to worry there, despite some pretty bad lacerations to the back, Thirteen is gonna pull through good as new. And AllMight is also without any serious injuries. He's in the nurse's office right now. Recovery Girl's power should be all that he needs.-Unknown
What about Deku!? -Unknown
How's Midoriya? -Unknown
Midoriya? Oh, Recovery Girl was taking care of him too. He's fine.-Unknown
How is Shinsou!? -nat20
Who was that? -Unknown
My half-sibling, we both live in the dorms with Shinsou and Aizawa. They're worried about them. So is the rest of the class 1-B students that live in the dorms with us. -gay salt
Shinsou has a mild concussion, a severe bruised nasal bone, and his jawbone was fractured so he needs to have his jaw wired shut for a bit until he's back to being strong enough for Recovery Girl to heal him. He should be better in about a week or two.-Unknown
What the fuck happened to him that he got that badly hurt? -life is a nightmare
During the villain attack, Shinsou decided to fight alongside Mr. Aizawa. against the villains and this big monster thing was hurting Mr. Aizawa and this creepy guy was about to hurt Asui, Mineta, and Midoriya. -ranch flavored jello
Call me Tsu. -Unknown
Tsu, Mineta, and Midoriya. But Shinsou got the creepy guy to respond to him with the mist guy's voice and he brainwashed him. Then the monster hit his face into the ground really hard. But he covered Mr. Aizawa with his own body and got his face hit down again. -ranch flavored jello
Shinsou was really out of it, ribbit. He was calling Mr. Aizawa his dad.-Unknown
Tsu, Mr. Aizawa legally adopted Shinsou as of 8 o'clock this morning. -ranch flavored jello
I'm gonna hang up, we're all gonna head back. I'll visit you Seiko. -gay salt
You better. -nat20
gay salt has ended the video chat
2:40 AM
Existence Is A Prison
farmer toshi is now online
life is a nightmare: Shit, I'll shadow over, hold on, Shinsou.
2:50 AM
Existence Is A Prison
life is a nightmare: shinsousleepingagainsther.jpg
life is a nightmare: Guess I'm claiming he's my boyfriend when they ask why I'm here because I can't even shadow out right now without waking him up.
gay salt: rip to you, Kageya, but me and Seiko need our beauty sleep.
nat20: so go to sleep, Kageya, you need to sleep.
2:16 PM
Existence Is A Prison
saviour: I'm pre-making some easy meals since they both have facial damage and need softer foods.
farmer toshi: What are you making?
saviour: Well, I have Seiko working on frozen smoothie bags. Kiyomi is helping precook some vegetables and stuff that can be blended down to baby food consistency. Pony's really good at making homemade juice so she's making you juice with lots of protein and stuff so you don't loose too much weight and set your progress back.
ranch flavored jello: Me, Akemi, and Fumikage are making soft food for you both once Toshi gets his wires off. We've been making a lot of soup. We may have gone overboard.
ranch flavored jello: So far we have chicken soup, broccoli and cheese, potato soup, split pea soup, egg drop soup, cheese soup, soft curry, corn chowder, turkey rice soup, ham chowder, cheeseburger soup, creamy meatball soup, chicken cordon bleu soup, chicken pot pie soup, and and miso soup.
farmer toshi: You guys are so sweet. Thank you so much. I wish I could hug you guys right now but they want me in the hospital today for observation.
gay salt: I expect a hug when you come home.
feral cat dad is now online
nat20: DAD'S BACK!
feral cat dad: Hello, dorm children. This is Mr. Yamada, Mr. Aizawa told me to tell you all thank you for making him and Hitoshi food for when they come back on Friday.
pure: It was nothing! We want to help them get better as fast as possible and, to do that, we need to keep them healthy!
feral cat dad: I'll add myself so Shouta can have his phone back.
feral cat dad has added Yamada
farmer toshi has changed Yamada's name to President Megaphone
nat20: Wow, you don't waste a second, do you?
farmer toshi: I didn't when I was attacking villains in the USJ.
schrodinger better run: What happened in there, by the way? My phone went missing yesterday and the day before and I finally found it last night.
farmer toshi: Well, you see, some wannabe criminals calling themselves the League of Villains teleported themselves into the USJ just before we were about to start training and our communal father figure was about to go fight them and all my instinct just told me to follow him so I did.
President Megaphone: Kid, you really don't have to tell them just because you live with them.
farmer toshi: These are basically my adopted siblings, Mr. Yamada. Of course I want to tell them.
farmer toshi: Anyway, so I was fighting thugs and Dad had already gotten to this "Shigaraki" dude who was like their leader or whatever and the fucker decayed his right elbow and I was trying hard to get to him but the fucking cronies wouldn't let me by them.
farmer toshi: Then this huge fucking monster grabbed Dad and hit him into the ground and broke his arms. That thing couldn't be human, it's brain was out and it was like 9 feet tall.
farmer toshi: That Shigaraki fucker spoke to me. I can't even remember what about, but he was mocking me, I can tell. But the teleporter told him they needed to leave because Iida had made it out by that point.
farmer toshi: So this fucker tries to decay either Midoriya, Asui, or Mineta to "break AllMight". But I used the teleporter's voice to brainwash him and that monster hit my head into the ground like he did with Dad for brainwashing its friend.
farmer toshi: I knew Dad was out because the thing had hit his head into the ground again and knocked him out and that thing would try to hurt him again if I didn't do something. So I put myself on top of him because I couldn't lose a Dad I just finally got. But the monster hit my head down again.
farmer toshi: I had finally managed to get up to get me and Dad out of there when AllMight showed up. AllMight put us on a stair landing and I had to get up the rest of the way. Another villain tried to get us while I was getting him up there to get out but I just stabbed her and pushed her down the stairs.
farmer toshi: Mind you, I was running on adrenaline this whole time. So, when the UA teachers came in, I was pretty numb emotionally because I was basically out of steam but I wanted to get Dad out of there so I kept going until Sero and Uraraka helped me up the rest of the stairs while the teachers got there.
farmer toshi: I'm pretty sure Snipe is who caught me but then I just passed out and woke up in the hospital not being able to speak and had a panic attack.
feral cat dad: I've figured out speech to text and I appreciate what you did for me, Hitoshi, but I was worried about you when that thing had me. I don't want you dying to protect me.
farmer toshi: Trust me, I don't plan to nearly die again. The headache was killer and I'd rather never experience that again.
feral cat dad: Good. Now, make sure you rest, kids.
2:15 AM
private chat with Bakugou and Yamada
Bakugou: Look, I know it's late, but my mother kicked me out and she's disowned me because she now wants me to drop from UA and I won't do it. I need somewhere to stay and I know Aoyama and them were talking about dorms yesterday after the USJ incident.
Yamada: It doesn't matter if it's ideal. Head to the school, I'll come get you inside and we'll go for your stuff from your parents' house tomorrow after school and I'm putting a rush order for emergency UA protection for your custody right now.
Bakugou: I think I need Recovery Girl, she got my arms pretty bad. I'm losing blood like crazy and I can barely grab things to keep going but my leg is sprained so I need help moving.
Yamada: We can worry about healing injuries once you're here. Until then, just be safe and get here as fast as you can. If you can't make it here, then I'll come get you.
Yamada: Just keep responding, little listener. How bad are your injuries?
Bakugou: bloodyleftarm.jpg
Bakugou: bloodyrightarm.jpg
Bakugou: sprainedknee.jpg
Bakugou has sent their location
Yamada: Fuck.
Taglist: @everythingisstardust 
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manhattan-gamestop · 4 years
After driving down your blog, I think you like soup. What’s your favourite soup? I love all soup, but my top soup has to be cream mushroom soup. It’s so creamy and delicious I will cry if I don’t get some cream mushroom soup by next week. Soup is so warm and welcoming, it’s like a food that can hug you in a sense. Anyways if you do like soup, lemme know your favourite soup :)
Oohh I love the imagery of people driving down my blog like it’s an open field. Also agree soup is underrated it IS a hug in a can. I feel like I’m more of a stew person, ‘cause I like potatoes and add-ins. I think clam chowder is my favorite soup-resembling thing, but I’m also a fan of split pea soup and tomato if you have something good to dip in it.
I think one of my most vivid memories from college (when it was still in person) was eating soup in the dining hall at 7:30 in the morning while sea shanties played over the speakers. Good Times(tm)
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edenfalling · 3 years
wherein Liz makes scallop chowder
I did not get around to making the scallop chowder yesterday -- I caught up on some lost sleep instead -- but I tackled the project tonight.
I kind of mashed five recipes together and made vague gestures in the direction of measurements, so I don't know how usefully I can reproduce my process. It went kind of like this:
Liz's Half-Assed Scallop Chowder
1. Chop 1-2 onions (depending on size) and some celery. Sauté in butter along with some minced garlic and bacon bits.
2. When that mix gets clear-ish and soft (5-10 minutes), dump the results into a pot along with 1 to 1.5 lb of cubed potatoes (unpeeled because vitamins!), a bunch of seafood stock [or clam juice and chicken stock, apparently? I have no idea where one acquires clam juice], some white wine, ~1 tsp salt, ~1 tsp black pepper, and some chili/cayenne pepper to taste.
3. Bring all that mess to a boil and simmer until the potatoes are cooked -- minimum of 20 minutes, probably. Add flour if it looks too goopy. If you have some pre-made mashed potatoes, you can also dump those in as a thickener!
4. While the potatoes are cooking, rinse and drain 1 to 1.5 lb scallops and sauté in butter, sprinkling with some flour as you go to absorb excess moisture. Season with salt and black pepper to taste.
5. When the scallops and potatoes are both ready, pour ~1 pint half & half into the soup and stir until creamy. [This should probably be more like 3 cups of half & half, or maybe use heavy cream instead.]
6. Chuck the scallops into the soup and cook until flavors meld. Sprinkle/sift in flour as necessary to thicken.
7. Serve and/or package for later.
Somehow, despite simmering them for well over half an hour, my potatoes did not cook all the way through. :(
Also I think I needed more half and half -- I got the broth to thicken tolerably well, but it's less creamy than would be ideal. :((
This took for-freaking-ever to cook, but I now have five tupperware containers of about 1.5-2 servings each chilling in my fridge, in addition to the bowl I ate for a very belated dinner, so it produced a good amount of soup. :)
Tangentially, I discovered I do not have a large enough pot to cook a standard batch of soup. So I had to split between two saucepans, which was... um... an interesting experiment in slight variations on the same recipe, I guess?
But hey, it's a pretty tasty soup, and it definitely has more vegetables (onion and celery) than are in a lot of commercial chowders, so all in all I will count this a success. :D
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What soups k think your cmc’s favorite is.
Minji: sweet potato bisque. This soup is delicious. Is sweetish and creamy and savory I it’s from sweet potatoes. It also smells amazing.
Judas: either French onion or New England clam chowder. Someone fancy for the fancy man himself.
Lila: I feel like she loves chicken and rice, or maybe wanton soup. I’m kinda stuck on her
Bora: either beef barley soup or chicken noodle soup
I can agree with those. Those feel tried and true, believe it or not. Finding those things that radiate their general energy isn’t always easy. Bora is very simple in that she enjoys the basics. Minji and Judas are more refined with their choices so you can expect something that takes a bit more preparation and effort to get what they want. Lila is in the middle, whereas she’s the sort of person who likes pretty much anything, but you can never go wrong with some classics that are staples for making a lot for the future in preparation. 
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pebblethief · 4 years
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photodump tiime
this weeks soup: carrot, parsnip, & ginger (my version sans yogurt bc i dont keep that around)! i used too much ginger (wanted to finish off a bit) but aside from that, v tasty n super simple even for soup
my next proper spinning project. the top will be one ply as a long gradient, the bottom as the other ply as a repeating gradient, will hopefully make some fun colour combos adding up to a slowly fading thing. 
luv when im speedy enough to manoeuvre basil into sleeping like this. if i can move him fast enough he will be happy like this for hours (but if i  take long enough that he wakes up properly he will just move down to my ankle, which is also nice but not as cosy)
i finished my hat! hasnt been cold enough to wear it yet but im v pleased with how much it hides the wonkiness. i made  this yarn from scratch and look at how even it looks!! (the ribbing is wonky but shhhhhhhh)
slowly workin on jumper #2, finally got to a point where i can try it on at least and it fits! so am happy. trying on knitting thats still on the needles is truly, truly terrifying tho. stuck half of the stitches on another set of needles then rubberbanded them together & super carefully tried it on lol
last weeks soup was potato&corn chowder, which was okay but tbh a bit tooo creamy. felt closer to a “cheese” sauce than a soup. also could have used more corn & slightly less celery. but overall decent (too lazy to dig up recipe, its from.....itdoesnttastelikechicken i think?)
i wonder if i will run out of soup recipes before i finish the year lol. i still havent made a tomato soup bc im scared of making a bad one. heinz tomato soup is my fav and tbh ive not been a huge fan of most of the others ive tried (has been a  few years tho.) next week im gonna try leek&potato again bc thats my #2 fav soup and i ruined the last one with too much boullion
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loulougoingsolo · 5 years
Is Annie ok yet?
We are expecting a blizzard later today, and the best way to get through a day like this is to sit by the fire and eat soup. My plan was to make lentil soup today, but today’s GMM inspired me to make minestrone instead - only, I have to make it from scratch. While my soup is simmering on the stove, I think I’ll have just enough time to write this post.
I buy canned soups rarely, but when I do, my go-to canned soup is a tomato soup with mascarpone cheese, and every now and then I buy a can of a very Finnish delicacy, peasoup made from dried peas - only to remember the next day all the reasons why I rarely eat it. I usually prefer to make my own soups, because I’m a bit picky when it comes to soups, and quite frankly, I don’t like the taste of “can”.
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On GMM however, today’s menu consists only of canned soups. Rhett and Link are trying to find the name brands of different soup varieties by tasting four different brands in each round. The first soup variety is chicken noodle, but this time, no bathing is involved - for the most part, only things being dipped into the soups are the spoons.
It’s actually remarkable how similar the different brands look, and yet, they taste nothing alike. You’d imagine the taste, being the most important aspect of any food, would be the thing to imitate, but it sure looks like the appearance matters in knock-off soups as much as it does in knock-off shoes or bags.
Both guys manage to find the chicken noodle name brand Campbell’s, but in the heat of the competition, Rhett also manages to find Link’s finger with his skewer. Should we start a petition to completely ban sharp objects on GMM, not just from Link, but from Rhett also? And somebody, kiss Link’s boo-boo!
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The next round involves a lot of clam chowder. I personally wouldn’t want to eat anything clammy to begin with, but I’d have trouble with a soup that thick even without the clams. And the fact that you can’t really tell what, other than the clams, these soups contain, is really troubling for me. The guys don’t seem to be troubled by this clammy dish at all, although they find out that this time, the name brand wasn’t the best brand.
I really need to give the Mythical Kitchen some more time - I’ve only had time to watch a few of the episodes so far. The podcast is something I’ll definately add to my to-do list, because I have a bit more time to spare to listening things than to watching. And I like a good food debate.
But the next soup is minestrone (mine is about ready right now, and might I say, it turned out perfect). The soup to find in this round is Amy’s, and after tasting all of the soups, Rhett manages to find her soup (there is a Britney Spears refernce waiting to happen here, but I’m not going there), which apparently is not only the most natural one, but also the blandest of these four.
Loaded potato soup looks very similar to clam chowder, and it’s again one of the soups that I would not dip my spoon in. I’d rather have my baked potato on its own with a glass of water than eat it in a soup form - but I’m all for Rhett and Link doing a vlog where they go to the Rotary club, or any club of their choosing, and throw one dollar bills to everyone there.
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Progresso was the name brand to find on this round, as it was on the clam chowder round, and once again, it fails to impress.
Then we move on to tomato soup, and instead of trying to find the iconic Campbell’s tomato soup (not included in this round), the soup to locate is Annie’s. Thanks to Link, the jukebox in my brain is now playing the greatest hits of Michael Jackson - and I’m okay with it. Not sure about Annie though, thanks for asking.
Since Link doesn’t mind eating tomato soup while he dislikes tomatoes, Rhett asks if he’d be open to eating olive soup, too. One of my worst food related memories is a vegetable soup I once had in a somewhat sketchy place. It was called a Greek veggie soup, and it was one of those creamy soups that I hate, with hardly any visible bits or chunks. The taste was absolutely horrible, and after a closer inspection, I could see a tiny speck of a black olive in it. A moment later, I found a piece of lettuce. To this day, I firmly believe we were served the Greek salad of the previous day, only in a soup form. Eww.
But we are talking about tomato soup now. And somehow, about dipping fingers in it. But what the heck did just happen?
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I didn’t see this coming, at all, even when Link took his finger too close to Rhett, but it did. Rhett just dunked Link’s hand in the tomato soup and licked his finger clean. Now, I’m starting to think the fan fic episode really messed up with the guys’ brain. Not that I’m complaining. Because I actually clapped my hands when this happened. I’m all for the guys acting on their instincts, especially if this is the outcome. (But how diva-esque is it that Link, after this happens, just stretches his arm and asks for someone to clean it off-screen?) I know this was not the same hand that Rhett accidentally almost pierced in the earlier round, but I think this classifies as someone kissing Link’g boo-boo.
Well, since Link correctly identifies Annie’s soup, the guys tie this game, and are therefore both known as Souperstars from now on.
Every meal needs to end with a tasty dessert, and today’s dessert, served in GMMore, is s’mores - or to be exact, the More is a Mythical Society voted S’More. I always go for the rhinkiest option in those votes, and I most definately voted for the guys to do the episode while in a shared sleeping bag - but for some reason, I expected to see a two-person version instead of this, rather tight one. (Oh, and I love this new wheel-ending, even if I prefer not to think about a naked and dehydrated ghosts peeing into my ear. I wasn’t freaked out, but I did get chills.)
I remember when Link in a previous S’more, when the guys had to hold hands for the whole episode, made sure to point out that they are just friends, and that he wanted to set some boundaries. Today, while talking about dating his wife, Christy, he told a story about sharing a sleeping bag with her one night on a beach.
“It’s tough to maintain your physical boundaries in a relationship...when sharing a sleeping bag.”
So, yeah, after that, the thing you need to do is to climb into the same sleeping bag with your platonic best friend. But the rule about sharing a sleeping bag is to always keep all hands visible and on the outside. You know, to set physical boundaries and all that.
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Now, because tasting soup powders is, simply put, pretty insane, I’m not going to say much about that. Other than, I need to buy a bag of a soup with broccoli in it and see if they do expand like the little dinosaur capsules, and turn back into real broccoli. I’ll end this post by stating that instead of Michael Jackson, my head is now playing Nelly’s It’s getting hot in herre on repeat - just because Link mentioned the sleeping bag was getting a little too warm.
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abiteofnat · 4 years
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A headline I truly thought I would never write, because I used to be the type of person to leave work, jam myself into an L train packed with people, scroll through my phone while breathing in someone’s backpack, and then get to a busy restaurant to meet friends and dive into food without washing my hands. My entire immune system was chock-full of city scum, and eating indoors with dozens of other people who likely got off an equally full train? Not even a question of a doubt in my mind. Things took a quick and dire turn in May when suddenly I became afraid of everything and grossed out by anything, and after moving home with family I was certain I would never leave the house again. I miss being the fearless gutter rat I used to be, but times are different, and staying safe is key. 
Alas, while my family has been taking quarantine very seriously, we reached a point in August where we all felt “ok” with sitting at a restaurant once or twice a week to feel like we were still part of society and because we all mutually hate cooking. After not being at a restaurant once since March, we nervously ventured out to a local Italian restaurant, sat outside very far from others, and ate pasta that was still piping hot from the kitchen and that didn’t taste mediocre after sitting in a takeout container for an hour. It was refreshing as FUCK. Rose? In a real wine glass? Served chilled? What am I, a QUEEN? 
Ever since we have been carefully dining, only ever sitting outdoors, and carrying packs upon packs of antibacterial wipes and hand sanitizer like actual loons. But safe loons! Being home and enjoying the local restaurants through new eyes and new level of appreciation has made me love them 10x more, even if we’ve eaten somewhere a hundred times before. I am so grateful to have the opportunity to dine with these spots, eat favorite dishes & try new ones, and be out of the house for 1-2 hours on a Friday during these wild times. So, why not share some of my favorite spots?? Maybe you’re also living back in the good ole North Shore, and looking for any excitement at all in the quiet of the suburbs. Here you go. 
1. Mino’s Italian - Winnetka
This restaurant is newer to Winnetka, however it became an instant local favorite and is always, always full. They have a huge patio area with lighting, cozy wooden benches, tons of tables, heaters, and a menu packed with classic Italian dishes done so right. Their Calamari is unreal due to the seasoning and the roasted garlic aioli it comes with for dipping. Their Cacio e Pepe is magically light but still full of cheese and fresh cracked peppercorns, and the seasonal Risotto consists of warm mushroom richness. Their pizza is great to-go as well, and tastes like an NYC slice if you order the largest size. 
2. Pescadero - Wilmette 
Ok to be fair, Pescadero is not somewhere we’ve actually dined AT during the pandemic. We do pick it up quite often though, and it is some of the best carryout in Wilmette. The Fish & Chips is mouth-watering, with fresh fish covered in a seasoned batter that alone is delectable. Their chips (really more french fries) are thin, crispy, and topped with a parmesan and herb dust. DO NOT MISS OUT ON THE FRIES. The Mahi Mahi tacos are excellent and a lighter, fresher dish with broccoli apple slaw and avocado crema, and for fuck’s sake order a side of the Mac & Cheese just to stick a fork in. Pro Tip: You want as much extra tartar sauce as they will give you!!!
* Edit - since I wrote this post a few days ago, we ate on the Pescadero patio and it was delightful. Even though it was 55 degrees, the hot Clam Chowder and Fish & Chips warmed me up real quick. Clam Chowder served in a hot mug = a new fall dinner staple. Will only accept soup in a mug from now on. And, they do have heaters!
3. Depot Nuevo - Wilmette 
I have eaten here no fewer than 3,456 times in my life and every single time I feel like I’m on vacation because the vibes, the food, and the booze are immaculate. Located in an old train station turned restaurant, Depot Nuevo is warm and inviting no matter if you’re inside (pre pandemic) or on their gigantic patio that allows for spaced out and comfy seating. They’ve added heaters for the fall, so don’t worry about being chilly- and if you are, the Pomegranate Margarita will warm you right up. It’s strong, delicious, and comes in a very pleasing traditional margarita glass. I always order the Appetizer Trio as my entree, which has queso fundido (ordered without the chorizo!), guacamole, and ceviche composed of scallops, shrimp, and calamari with vegetables and lime. Usually this comes with tortilla chips as it’s meant to be shared, but I ask for corn tortillas instead and then pile a little of everything in there for the taco of my DREAMS. Do it. Order it. I dare you. 
The staff is exceptionally friendly and have taken COVID precautions seriously, so menus are disposable and everyone has gloves on. They will treat you like family, and they are family to us because we go there so often. See you on Friday, Depot! 
Other good things on the menu are the Fish Tacos, Shrimp Tacos, BBQ Salmon, Chipotle Mashed Potatoes, Cheese Quesadilla (smothered in their salsa verde of course). 
4. The Noodle - Wilmette
Can you tell downtown Wilmette is the place to be? It has truly popped off and the majority of restaurants aren’t serving up your typical “suburbs” food (you know- fried appetizers and burgers and weird salads and overpriced meat dishes) so I am always happy to be out in our little mini city. The Noodle is as classic Italian as you can get, with overflowing ceramic boats of buttery garlic bread, a salad OR soup included with your entree, and no bar- only wine (or beer) if you want a drinky drink. Incredible. I am partial to the house-made spinach linquine with Roasted Garlic and Sun-dried Tomatoes sauce, and the starter salad with house Creamy Garlic Parmesan dressing. Their Tomato Basil soup is also delicious, however I have some suspicion that that soup is the same as the Roasted Garlic and Sun-dried Tomatoes sauce... just served as soup... they refuse to confirm or deny whenever I ask. Either way, delicious. I tried a NEW DISH when we went last week to sit at one of the 6 large tables they have spaced out outside, and let me tell you that the bowtie pasta (not house-made) with Alfredo sauce is THE SHIT. It may be my new go-to when I just want to carbo-load the hecking out of my night. On your way out, get a Pot de Creme to go- it’s the richest, smoothest chocolate dessert on this side of town. 
5. Hometown Coffee & Juice - Glencoe 
Hometown deserves a round of applause for breathing life back into the stuffy grandmother of the North Shore - Glencoe. Between the gorgeous Writers Theatre and countless boutiques selling blouses and hand-blown glass jewelry, it used to only really serve a certain demographic, however Hometown said “let me give it a try” and changed weekends in Glencoe for good. This coffee shop, smoothie bar, bakery, & cafe hotspot is the perfect afternoon spot to grab a drink, enjoy avocado toast, and sit outside at one of the dozens of tables they’ve lined the corner and two streets with. They’ve moved their registers outside so you don’t even need to go inside to order, and the wait staff will bring you your order right to your table to make it as organized and safe as possible. The tables are spread out, the corner it’s located on is beautiful in the fall, and there are lots of good dogs out and about. 
I will say that while Hometown is doing a great job with COVID precautions, the people of Glencoe are a little high & mighty, and seem to think they’re exempt from wearing a mask to wait in line to get their smoothie. It’s irritating that they’re putting the staff at risk and just ignoring state mandates because they feel safe in their little North Shore bubble and because it’s entirely outside, but come on. Be respectful and understand the privilege of these places even being open to serve you, and just wear mask. I hate people. ANYWAY. Love you, Hometown. 
6. Coast Sushi - Evanston 
Ok, so this gem is not open for dining indoors OR outdoors, however they have their carryout system down and their sushi is so, SO fresh and good. I’ve picked up from here a few times and eat time I fall more in love with the flavors and how consistently tasty it is- and with sushi, it’s always a gamble if it’s going to be really good or kinda fishy and old. The Coast in South Loop was a favorite spot for a while, however it has shut down and I am so happy to be able to get my favorite rolls up in the burbs. My go-to order is a Spicy Tuna Maki, Spicy Scallop Maki, Spicy Miso Soup, a side of Spicy Mayo, and a side of Sushi Rice. This sounds odd, but hear me out- I like to mix the spicy mayo into the sushi rice and eat it just like that. It’s. So. Good. Am I gross? I might be gross. 
Anything you get from here is going to rock your socks off, so for your next night in (aka every night lol) treat yourself to some sushi, babbyyy! 
I sincerely hope that we can keep dining outside for at least a few more weeks, and I am absolutely ok with wearing Uggs and a full-on coat to be able to. Just a reminder to keep your mask on when talking to wait staff, be polite, be patient, and don’t be an asshole. You don’t NEED to dine out- it’s a treat- and you should treat it as such. Don’t be a Karen, or don’t leave your house. Those are literally the only two options.
I hope you try somewhere new, whether it’s carryout or dining out, and tell me if you have any favorite North Shore spots I missed! 
Until next time, Happy Eating!
- Natalie
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cantbetoolemony · 6 years
unlisted/hard to find sorted viddies
now cook it ads i knead my dough sausage shake hot potatoes avocado-phobia
ben’s vlogs
lost and hungry snapchat stories 1 2 3 4 black chicken mushroom coffee kefir at home buying indian sweets making tofu
lost + hungry (some of these were decently glitchy when i watched so shoot me a msg if theyre Not glitchy for you or if you know how to resolve it) the Rules get involved here we go travelling to nyc coming to la scouting for meet ups officially lost and hungry incl. today show clip
today show lost+hungry la tacos austin brisket clam chowder bit of an intro vid “sorted teams up w today” eating tour of new orleans taste test clam chowder chicken and waffles
intros  mike jamie ben barry jon
bloopers celebrate out of the city 9 tips to make ur food better brothers riedell 5 ingredient chocolate cake
hidden recipe vids (most of these are from around 2012) vegan falafel balls (barry and ben) cinnamon beaver tails (ben and mike, barry has a Moment) fluffy strawberry mousse (barry, ben, and jon) secret veggie pasta bake (ben and jamie) creamy mushroom polenta (barry and ben) posh beans on toast (ben and jamie) vegetarian bean burgers (barry, ben, and jamie) pumpkin and pecan pie (barry, ben, and jamie) mediterranean halloumi and vegetables (ben and jamie) honeycomb with chocolate (barry and ben, jamie cameo) moroccan chicken tagine (barry and jon) beef in black bean (ben and jamie) spaghetti bolognaise (barry, ben, and jamie) chicken and mango curry (ben and jamie) greek salmon parcels (barry, ben, and jamie) indian salmon hash (barry and ben) poached salmon n watercress sauce (ben and jamie) breakfast muffins (barry, ben, and jamie) courgette and tarragon rosti with chicken (barry and ben) apple and ham eggs benny (ben, jamie, and mike) lemon zebra shortbread (barry and ben) stuffed chicken ballotine (ben and jamie) cosmo fool (barry, ben, and jamie) bbq cola steak (barry, ben, and jamie) “guilt free” banana crumble (ben and jamie) churros w chocolate coffee sauce (barry and ben) lemon meringue pie (barry and ben) mushroom and bacon canneloni (barry, ben, and jamie) salmon courgette linguini (ben and jamie) miso steak salad (barry and ben) bloody mary soup (ben and jamie) sticky maple duck (barry and ben)
other this ones an update but also mike sings a little handyman barry that you didnt know you needed an entry to a yt competition w great discussion of sorted’s origins cookware promo (barry ben and mike bants) nyc meet up announcement live recipe lab going deep with james ask jamie anything ask ben anything ask mike anything cooking gap 1 2 3 how to not make a cooking show 5 gadgets no one needs 2 electric boogaloo golf gets sorted uptown dunk (dough.... doughdoughdough) goodwood revival 
hard to find/not fully unlisted do u wanna build a snowman big night in - going solo  (this is the first in a series, the rest can only be watched with membership) big night in - livestream (hefty few hours) intro to chocolate series (discussion of mike’s travel curse) grilled podcast (aka first dates with mike, no need to be a member, about an hour long each) grilled 2.0 (gotta be a member for most of them, but you can listen to jamie’s) the @ the table series
aftertaste videos (this will be a .... long time til its complete) fridgecam q&a (after the caramel oaty bars vid) mike’s interview w the genie from aladdin (after the disney battle) chef’s table, maroon edition charlie mcdonnel grilled going out for taiwanese vlog 3 sauces for pizza chefs table w mike sri lankan hoppers jamie and mike make marmalade anatomy of a cow (jamie) fried chicken bounty bar samosas  garlic bread fried eggs james testing avo egg cups granola w ben perfect smoothie  more marshmallows better mashed potatoes british scones perfect pancakes ben’s cheesy challenge franken-donut  speccy fridge cam dating horror stories chefs houses electric shock cupcake decorating
on other channels halloween makeup (this isnt hidden at all, but i feel like some people would miss it by virtue of it not being on the sorted channel 😔 ) another makeup viddy sdkfj the infamous YEHAW video (watch it. you need to.) “one sortedfood guy and his piano”  well. mikes in it technically not quite a ted talk but man its close blindfold chocolate test chancellors teachers band (MIKE ! playing! music!) beginners get sorted book trailer vidcon 2011 backstage barry and jamie exhibiting some gd behaviour w the youtube button mike and rob singing i suppose? (i think mike is like, back up but idk im bad w voices)
there are a few videos with someone w negative aspects and from what i can tell things that surfaced were after these videos came out but ig thats the necessary disclaimer as to why they might be unlisted 1 2 3
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fritesandfries · 6 years
Baked Potato Soup
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The temperature for tomorrow is expected to be -23°F for the low and -7°F for the high. And Wednesday is supposed to be worse...I’m prepping for the cold with heavy foods that sticks to your bones. For me, this means a slow cooker soup of some sort because I just can’t be bothered with slow-roasting. The cold makes me lazy, and I don’t want to give my food that level of care and attention. I usually lean towards chili but potato chowder feels so perfect when you feel like you’re living in the arctic.
You’ll find potato chowder recipes with Russet potatoes and cream cheese in many vintage cookbooks. But when you’re cooking over a long period of time in a slow cooker, good ingredients can make a difference: round white potatoes add an extra touch of creaminess that you don’t get from Russets (your classic baking potato). Neufchâtel -- often used interchangeably with cream cheese -- has less milk fat and add a little lightness to the starchy richness of the potatoes. Most importantly, it sounds real fancy.
Let’s get to the important question: Is the difference noticeable if you used regular cream cheese? Not really. There’s some sort of mental satisfaction in consuming something that seems to be healthier just because it has less fat. Disclaimer: I’m not a fan of depriving yourself of delicious things since I think it has the tendency to encourage people to go over board and over compensate. But I guess January is the month of New Years resolutions, optimism, and healthy eating after all. YOU DO YOU.
For 10 servings:
2 lbs. Russet potatoes
1/2 lb. round white potatoes or Yukon gold potatoes
5 1/2 c. chicken broth
1 can (10-3/4 ounces) condensed cream of chicken soup
1/4 c. finely chopped onion
1/4 teaspoon pepper
8 oz. Neufchâtel
Peel and chop the potatoes.
In a large 5-quart slow cooker, combine the first six ingredients. Cover and cook on low heat for at least 8 hours, until potatoes are tender.
Add cream cheese, and gently mash the mixture with a potato masher until the cream cheese is well-incorporated. Garnish with desired toppings.
Topping suggestions:
Shredded cheddar cheese
Sliced cooked bacon
Sliced green onions
Broccoli florets
Diced tomatoes
Thinly sliced jalapeños
Corn kernels
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familycuisinee · 3 years
how to make boiled cajun shrimp | Family Cuisine
<p>Cajun Shrimp Boil - <strong>an easy and tasty classic shrimp boil</strong> with baby red potatoes, corn on the cob, and Andouille sausages generously seasoned with <strong>Creole Seasoning</strong> and garnished with lemon for a fresh and vibrant summer outdoor meal ready in less than an hour.</p> <p><img src="https://ift.tt/3C530l0" alt="Cajun shrimp boil on a baking sheet with creole butter sauce" /></p> <p>Nothing screams summer to me than outdoor meals like this easy cajun shrimp boil recipe here. In fact, it’s on top of my list of <strong>go-to summer meals</strong> when I feel so lazy grilling outside. If you think grilling is easy enough, this one here is the most-laid back summer meal you could ever have.</p> <p>You just have to generously season the shrimps, potatoes, sausages, and corn, mix it well. Transfer them to a baking sheet and bake them for a few minutes and you’re all set for a wonderful meal. </p> <p>And the best part?</p> <p><strong>It’s a delicious meal with little to zero clean-up</strong>! Now, what’s not to love? It’s a must-try summer weeknight meal. All you’d ever worry about is how to make everything fit in your belly. 😉</p> <p>Enjoy!</p> <p><img src="https://ift.tt/3txf0J0" alt="Cajun shrimp boil on a baking sheet" /></p> <h2>What is Seafood Boil?</h2> <p><strong>Seafood Boil</strong> is generally a term referring to different types of social events that involves shellfish, like crawfish, shrimp, and crabs. The Crawfish Boil is the most popular Louisiana Cajun Tradition. They even have Crawfish Boil Festivals. Churches and other organizations hold Major Crawfish Boils in Louisiana for fundraising events. While smaller events are mostly held with family and friends for a weekend get-together and on some Holidays like Memorial Day. </p> <p>The cooking preparation includes boiling, steaming, baking, or sometimes just raw. The kinds of seafood used and side dishes differ according to what Region Seafood boil is being held.</p> <p>Traditionally, in Louisiana Shrimp Boil the ingredients are being boiled in the water to cook, drained, tossed in seasonings, and then being served. <strong>Immaculatebites Cajun Shrimp Boil</strong> on the other hand is not your ordinary Shrimp Boil. Because I like a little more action so I bake mine after coating the shrimps, potatoes, carrots, and sausages with my special secret sauce. You’ll know more about my secret as you read along. 😉</p> <h2><strong>Recipe Ingredients</strong></h2> <ul> <li><strong>Shrimp</strong> - The star of the show. What I like about shrimp is that not only it’s high in protein but also low in carbs, calories, and fats.</li> <li><strong>Baby Red Potatoes</strong> - Because of their low starch content, they are able to keep their shape even when boiled or roasted. Plus, they also have a creamy texture because they are high in moisture. </li> <li>Andouille Sausage - Has a unique distinct flavor with a coarse, smoky, and sharp taste. The sausage is already cooked so you can cook it along with shrimp and corn without worrying if it will come out raw.</li> <li><strong>Corn</strong> - I suggest using sweet corn. It is naturally sweet and has an extra crunch when you bite on it. If you have extra corn, you can also try my <strong>Oven Roasted Corn on the Cob</strong> or <strong>click here to learn</strong> <strong>How to Boil Corn</strong>.</li> <li><strong>Creole Seasoning</strong> - is the secret to the best Cajun boil recipe. I suggest buying the Salt-free Creole Seasoning. If you can’t find any, try <strong>Immaculatebites</strong><strong> </strong><strong>Creole Seasoning here</strong>. </li> <li><strong>Minced Garlic</strong> - By cutting garlic into smaller pieces you can really get the flavor and aroma to soak into the shrimp, potatoes, and corn. You can use store-bought or mince it yourself by cutting into tiny pieces using my guide, <strong>How to Mince Garlic</strong>.</li> <li><strong>Thyme</strong> - The subtle minty and earthy flavor with a hint of sweetness and floral notes add character to this dish.</li> <li><strong>Butter</strong> - A super versatile ingredient that gives your seafood boil a moist and flavorful sensation.</li> <li><strong>Salt and Pepper</strong> - The ultimate seasoning duo. Without these two, any dish will taste bland.</li> <li><strong>Onion</strong> - This is optional. I prefer to use yellow onion since it’s sweeter and has a nice astringency taste. You can also check <strong>How to Cut Onions here</strong>. </li> <li><strong>Lemon</strong> - Is used for garnishing to make it more inviting and appetizing. It also masks the distinct “seafood” smell and taste. </li> <li><strong>Cilantro </strong>- For garnishing. I personally love the aroma and fresh flavor but if you are one of those who doesn’t like cilantro, just leave it out completely.</li> </ul> <p><img src="https://ift.tt/3nnQMjq" alt="Cajun shrimp, red potatoes, sausage, and corn season with creole seasoning" /></p> <h2><strong>Recipe Substitution and Additions</strong></h2> <p><strong>Andouille Sausage Substitutes</strong></p> <ul> <li><strong>Kielbasa Sausage</strong> - is a smoked sausage often made with pork. It has a distinct garlic flavor and with a kick of heat.</li> <li><strong>Smoke Beef Sausage</strong> - is very similar to Andouille Sausage. Coarse ground smoked sausage, lightly spiced, and less garlicky.</li> <li><strong>Chinese Sausage or Chinese Chorizo</strong> - is generally sweet and salty in taste, perfect to use if you want to add some Asian touch to this dish.</li> <li><strong>Vegan Sausage</strong> - yes, they exist! Mostly, they are made from buckwheat flour, white beans, or tofu.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Additions</strong></p> <ul> <li><strong>Lobster</strong> - If you have extra bucks to burn, why not? It will make your dish extra special and fancier.</li> <li><strong>Crabs</strong> - like shrimp and lobster, it has a delicately sweet taste bursting with flavors. Just add crab and you’ll have a Cajun shrimp recipe boiling crab.</li> <li><strong>Clams</strong> - has a salty taste chewy texture.</li> <li><strong>Mussels</strong> - like clams, it has an “oceany” salty flavor with a slightly chewy texture.</li> <li><strong>Bell Peppers</strong> - to add more color and veggies to your Cajun Style Shrimp Boil. The contrasting taste of bitterness and sweetness adds character and depth to the dish.</li> <li><strong>Chili Peppers</strong> - Serrano, Jalapenos, or Scotch Bonnet Peppers are the best choice to make mouthwatering spicy Louisiana Shrimp Boil.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Note:</strong> It is better to precook these kinds of seafood before putting them in the oven or grilling them in foil packets to ensure even cooking.</p> <p><img src="https://ift.tt/38X4PE3" alt="Oven baked cajun shrimp" /></p> <h2><strong>How to Peel and Devein Shrimp?</strong></h2> <p>Peeling and Deveining shrimp is very easy to do especially on large shrimps. It is done mostly for <strong>aesthetic purposes and nothing to do with hygiene</strong>. You can skip this process for small shrimps. Though it is called deveining, the black “string” found in the shrimps are actually their digestive tract and are <strong>not harmful when eaten</strong>. </p> <p>Just follow these steps to peel and devein your shrimps easily:</p> <ul> <li>Remove the head and legs.</li> <li>Peel the outer shell starting with the head end. Keep the last part of the shell with the tail tip, for decorative purposes.</li> <li>Using a paring knife, make a shallow cut on the outer edge of the shrimp’s back about a half-centimeter deep until you see the vein.</li> <li>Pull the vein with your fingers or using the tip of a paring knife.</li> <li>If you want to keep the shells on, make a shallow cut on the shell and the outer edge of the shrimp’s back using kitchen scissors and pull out the vein.</li> <li>Gather the shells and place them in a secured plastic bag and discard them properly or you may freeze them to make shellfish broth or stock.</li> </ul> <h2><strong>How Long to Boil Cajun Shrimp?</strong></h2> <p>In <strong>Immaculatebites Cajun Shrimp Boil Recipe</strong>, only the potatoes and corn need to be precooked. Both are being boiled in water for about 8-10 minutes since they take a longer time to cook. While the shrimp and sausage are being baked along with precooked potatoes and corn for about 12-15 minutes.</p> <p>How long to boil shrimp depends on the size of the shrimp used. Shrimps cook very fast, as soon as they changed into a bright orange color you’ll know they are done. Small to medium shrimp only takes 30 seconds to 1 minute to cook and large to jumbo ones will take about 2-4 minutes to cook. So you really need to watch out to avoid overcooking the shrimp.</p> <p>More Tips and Tricks at the end of the recipe card. Don’t forget to check it out! 😉</p> <h2><strong>Making Ahead and Storage Instructions</strong></h2> <p><strong>Make-Ahead</strong></p> <p>You can literally prepare everything ahead and pop them in the oven the next day.</p> <ul> <li>Place the seasoned corn, potatoes, and sausage in a clean bowl, covered, and the seasoned shrimp in a separate container. So the “fishy” aroma of the shrimps won’t be absorbed by the potatoes, corn, and sausage.</li> <li>Or line the seasoned ingredients in a single layer on the baking sheet and cover with a cling wrap. Again, place the shrimp in a separate container.</li> <li>Refrigerate for up to 24 hours.</li> <li>Proceed with cooking instructions and add extra 5 minutes to cooking time.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Storing Leftover</strong></p> <ul> <li>You can place them in foil packets or airtight containers.</li> <li>Refrigerate for up to 3 days.</li> <li>Reheat in the oven at 350°F for 10-12 minutes or Microwave on high for 3-5 minutes.</li> </ul> <h2><strong>What to Do with Leftovers?</strong></h2> <ul> <li><strong>Soup</strong> - you can turn it into a creamy cajun shrimp chowder or cajun shrimp soup.</li> <li><strong>Omelette</strong> - get the corn off the cob and then chop the sausages, shrimp, and potatoes into small cubes. Add them to scrambled eggs or make an omelette.</li> <li><strong>Pasta or salad</strong> - you can add them to pasta or salad of your choice.</li> </ul> <p><img src="https://ift.tt/38X4QI7" alt="A close up shot of Cajun shrimp boil with Creole Butter sauce" /></p> <h2><strong>What to Serve with Shrimp Boil?</strong></h2> <p>While waiting, you can make your side dish for a complete summer outdoor meal. You can work your way through the recipes below.</p> <ul> <li> <strong>Coleslaw</strong></li> <li><strong>Mexican Cornbread</strong></li> <li><strong>Chickpea Salad</strong></li> <li><b>Baked Mac and Cheese</b></li> <li><strong>Macaroni Salad</strong></li> </ul> <h2><strong>More Southern Seafood Recipes to Love</strong></h2> <ul> <li><strong>Corn Shrimp Soup</strong></li> <li><strong>Crawfish Etouffee</strong></li> <li><strong>Seafood Gumbo</strong></li> <li><strong>New Orleans BBQ Shrimp</strong></li> <li><strong>Blackened Shrimp and Pasta</strong></li> </ul> <p><img src="https://ift.tt/2XaTrlm" alt="Cajun shrimp and sausage boil garnished with cilantro and lemon slices" /></p> <h2><strong>How to Boil Shrimp Cajun Style</strong></h2> <p><img src="https://ift.tt/3C2BKnf" alt="Boiling red potatoes and corn" /></p> <h2><strong>Precook Potatoes and Corn</strong></h2> <ul> <li><strong>Preheat oven</strong> - to 400 degrees F. Then spray a sheet pan with a nonstick spray and set aside.</li> <li><strong>Boil potatoes</strong> - fill a large pot with water, season with salt, and then add the potatoes, and thyme sprigs. Cover and bring to a boil, then reduce to a simmer and cook about 8-10 minutes or until tender. Potatoes should be firm. (Photo 1)</li> <li><strong>Add corn</strong> - and cook for 3-5 minutes. Drain water. (Photos 2-4)</li> </ul> <p><img src="https://ift.tt/3nqpjhc" alt="Making the Creole butter sauce" /></p> <h2><strong>Make the Creole Butter Sauce</strong></h2> <ul> <li><strong>Combine</strong> - in a small pan, combine the butter, creole seasoning, garlic, and thyme. You may also add onions. (Photo 5)</li> <li><strong>Heat and saute</strong> - On medium-low heat, saute them for 30-60 seconds and remove them from heat. (Photo 6)</li> </ul> <p><img src="https://ift.tt/391AhB6" alt="Coating the shrimp, corn, potatoes, and sausages with Creole butter sauce" /></p> <h2><strong>Season and Bake</strong></h2> <ul> <li><strong>Coat with Creole butter sauce</strong> - add the Creole butter sauce to the shrimp, potatoes, and corn and give it a stir until everything is evenly coated. (Photos 7-9)</li> <li><strong>Line and season</strong>- line all the ingredients in a single layer on a baking sheet and add the Andouille sausages. Sprinkle with salt, pepper, and Creole Seasoning. (Photo 10)</li> <li><strong>Bake</strong> - Bake for about 12-15 minutes, or until shrimp is pink and cooked through.</li> <li><strong>Serve</strong> - Garnish with sliced lemon and chopped cilantro.</li> </ul> <h2><strong>Grilling and Packets</strong></h2> <ul> <li><strong>Divide into 3-4 portions</strong> - Divide between 3-4 packets of aluminum foil. Fold edges of foil up around the food to close the packet for heat retention and keep the liquids in.</li> <li><strong>Grill</strong> - Place on preheated grill over medium-high heat for about 8 minutes per side.</li> <li><strong>Serve</strong> - Serve immediately garnished with lemon wedges. </li> </ul> source https://familycuisine.net/how-to-make-boiled-cajun-shrimp/
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whichpressurecooker · 3 years
The Perfect Recipe For A Rainy Day: Fish Chowder
Which Pressure Cooker
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The Perfect Recipe For A Rainy Day: Fish Chowder
The Perfect Recipe For A Rainy Day: Fish Chowder
Prep Time: 5 minutes | Cook Time: 5 minutes | Servings: 8 servings
Fish chowder is a dish that has been around for centuries. Some people think it originated in England or North America, while others claim it came from the French coast. No matter where this dish started, there is no denying how delicious and comforting it can be on a rainy day.
We will explore what fish chowder is, the type of fish to use when cooking, and finally give you instructions on cooking your very own batch of fish chowder in a pressure cooker!
What Is Fish Chowder?
Fish chowder typically includes fish (such as haddock), potatoes, onions, carrots, celery, and milk stirred together with various spices to make a creamy broth-like sauce full of flavor! Haddock is usually considered the standard type of fish used when making this recipe.
Still, other types such as tilapia are also popular choices if you don’t have access to haddock or prefer not liking its taste. It’s important to note that not all people agree on the perfect recipe for fish chowder, but most agree that it’s made with a creamy broth-like sauce, which makes it very different from other types of soup, such as chicken or vegetable.
I find fish chowder so comforting, and it is something I love to make when the weather is not so great. It is so yummy that I love eating it at any time of the year.
I like to make it on rainy days because the simmering broth and aroma, while it’s cooking, reminds me of being a child and my mother making it in our kitchen, and it just seems to be such a perfect match for those type of days.
My sister and I would gobble down our bowls of it as soon as it was cool enough to eat. The flavor was just so delicious. And I have to say that we all still eat it today, even though she and my mom no longer live close to me.
For years I would use my mother’s Fish Chowder recipe (which I still love to this day), but when I got my Instant Pot, I started using the recipe below as it was speedy and straightforward and not to mention delicious.
I still make my mom’s recipe, but the one below is what I make when I don’t have a lot of time preparing and cooking.
4 slices bacon chopped
1 small Onion chopped
2 ribs celery chopped
1 medium carrot chopped
2 cloves Garlic pressed or minced
3 cups yukon gold potatoes peeled & cubed
4 cups Chicken Bone Broth or vegetable broth
2 tablespoons Organic Grass-Fed Butter or Ghee
1 pound wild caught Haddock Filets FROZEN
1 cup corn frozen or fresh
Sea Salt
White Pepper
2 cups Heavy Cream, A2 Pasture Raised
1 tablespoon organic potato starch
Using your pressure cooking on its saute function, cook bacon in butter until crispy.
Add onion, garlic, carrot, and celery. Cook for about 3 minutes or until veggies is soft. Season with sea salt and white pepper.
Add potatoes, corn, fish, and broth. Cook under pressure (standard or high) for 5 minutes.
Allow to naturally depressurize.
Combine heavy cream and potato starch, mix well.
Add to chowder. Stir well. Place pressure cooking on its WARM function if it did not by default.
On the warm function, allow it to thicken slightly for about 2-3 minutes.
Serve immediately and Enjoy!
For optimal health, choose organic whenever possible.
Dairy should always be from cows raised exclusively on organic pasture (i.e. Grass-Fed) and seek out raw dairy if possible.
Calories: 432kcal | Carbohydrates: 25g | Protein: 15g | Fat: 31g | Saturated Fat: 18g | Trans Fat: 1g | Cholesterol: 129mg | Sodium: 666mg | Potassium: 814mg | Fiber: 3g | Sugar: 3g | Vitamin A: 2285IU | Vitamin C: 29mg | Calcium: 74mg | Iron: 1mg
6 Great Pressure Cookers
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Instant Pot Duo
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Yedi 9-in-1 Cooker
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Ninja Foodi 8-Quart
 5/5
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TenderCrisp Technology
Capacity: 8 Quart
Size: 16.1 x 14.57 x 14.2 inches
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All American 921
 5/5
Pressure cooker and canner
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Capacity: 25 Quart
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Instant Pot Duo Evo Plus
 5/5
Cooks up to 70 % faster
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Capacity: 8 Quart
Size: 15.7 x 15.7 x 17.3 inches
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Breville Fast Slow Pro
 5/5
11 Pressure cooking settings
Color changing pressurizing LCD
Capacity: 6 Quart
Size: 12.5 x 13.5 x 14 inches
Buy on amazon
The post The Perfect Recipe For A Rainy Day: Fish Chowder first appeared on Which Pressure Cooker and is written by Kerrie Murphy
from Which Pressure Cooker https://ift.tt/3gGKmZc
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paleorecipecookbook · 7 years
A Chef’s Guide to Nourishing Soup (Plus 27 Paleo Soups, Stews, and Broths You Have to Try)
Soups are full of nourishing vegetables, meats, and herbs, and offer a wide array of both nutritious and convenient meal options. If I had my way, they would always be enjoyed in front of a toasty fire with snow falling outside. But even if you aren’t living in my pre-internet imagination dreamscape, you can still be as hypnotized by soup season as I am.
Pro Tips for Making Your Own Soup
Most people probably think that a soup is a soup, but soups are also an incredible way to experience other cultures and traditions. Beyond that, there are numerous different kinds of soups. Where most interchangeably use the term “soup,” technically other terms may be more correct. There are also key ways to make your soup stand out from the rest, and we’ll cover the best Paleo ways to make your soups shine.
1. Start With the Right Base
While soup might be soup, there are different types of bases from which to build your soup. Consider the following:
Soup: A liquid dish made from meat, vegetables, grains, and a liquid. To keep it Paleo, grains are obviously excluded, but excellent examples include chicken soup and beef vegetable soup.
Stock: A flavorful liquid made from meat, fish, and vegetables along with odd cuts or scraps of bones, shells, stems, and the like. Stock is the building broth of flavor for any soup. Another form of stock, fumet, is made specifically from fish bones.
Broth: This differs from stock in that it is typically made from more substantial and palatable portions instead of just scraps and leftovers. Broth is typically richer and more flavorful than plain stock, but both stock and broth can appear in the same soup.
Bouillon: A clear broth made from meat with vegetables or just vegetables.
Consume: A broth that has gone one step further with a clarification process that removes sediment from the liquid.
Bone Broth or Glace: Made from bones resulting in a gelatinous texture. Typically using an acid like apple cider vinegar to draw out the collagen and other nutrients. Bone broths are cooked significantly longer than meat stocks or broths.
Bisque: A pureed soup that contains shellfish.
Cream soups: Stock or broth thickened with cream.
Chowder: A soup that uses a flour roux as a thickening agent.
Purees: Smooth soups that are thickened using vegetable puree.
Stews: Made from ingredients cooked in a liquid and served with the liquid or a gravy made from the liquid. Traditionally slow-cooked and perfect for not-so-tender cuts of meat.
Chili: A one-pot dish with a thick, flavorful liquid. Ingredients vary by region or tradition, but commonly uses a tomato base.
Gazpacho: A Spanish-style soup made from tomatoes and other vegetables, typically served cold.
As you can see, there are few limits to the direction in which you can take your soup. The base or type of broth you build your soup on sets the tone for the rest of the ingredients.
2. Don’t Be Afraid to Beef It Up
While thin-brothed soups can have their place, don’t discount the value of pureed vegetables or fruits in thickening a soup and creating a more filling dish. Parsnips, apples, celeriac, pears, carrots, mushrooms, and more can all be utilized to add some depth to your soup, depending on your other ingredients.
3. For Stellar Results, Cook Ahead
Soups are typically tastier the next day. Ingredients and flavors marry and mellow, creating a balance that can’t be achieved by anything other than resting in the pot a day before enjoying (in the fridge, of course).
4. Find the Right Salt Balance
Soups need salt to bring out the best of their flavors, but there’s a fine line between just enough and too much. If your soup ends up too salty, add something acidic like lemon or apple cider vinegar to balance out the flavor without diluting your soup.
27 Paleo Soup Recipes
To get you started on your soup journey, here are some of my favorite and forgiving soup recipes.
1. Turmeric Chicken Noodle Soup with Zoodles
This elevates the classic grain-based noodle soup to a veggie-rich and Paleo-friendly version. Plus, turmeric is potently anti-inflammatory, so it’s perfect for cold and flu season sniffles.
Recipe PaleoHacks | Turmeric Chicken Noodle Soup with Zoodles
2. The Ultimate Immune-Boosting Soup
Feeling under the weather? Try this nutrient-rich dish on for size.
Recipe: PaleoHacks | The Ultimate Immune-Boosting Soup
3. Italian Turkey and Vegetable Stew
This beautiful stew is hearty enough for dinner, but not so heavy you’ll regret it.
Recipe: PaleoPlan | Italian Turkey and Vegetable Stew
4. Paleo Zuppa Toscana
Missing that amazing restaurant-style soup? This Paleo version will quickly become a favorite.
Recipe: PaleoHacks | Paleo Zuppa Toscana
5. Savory Pumpkin Soup
Not just for fall, pumpkin soup is a tasty addition to any meal. Bonus: use a mix of pumpkin and other squash if you have ingredients you need to use.
Recipe: PaleoPlan | Savory Pumpkin Soup
6. Creamy Bacon and Parsnip Soup
The comforting flavor of potato soup is replicated perfectly in this lower-carb parsnip soup. Pair with extra bacon because life deserves it.
Recipe: PaleoPlan | Creamy Bacon and Parsnip Soup
7. Bison Chili
Bison is naturally lower fat than beef, and offers a lighter flavor. This thick and tasty chili is the perfect addition to your soup repertoire.
Recipe: PaleoPlan | Bison Chili
8. Rainy Day Beef and Tomato Soup
Nothing brings more comfort than a good bowl of piping hot soup, and this classically flavored beef and tomato soup will have you going back for seconds.
Recipe: PaleoHacks | Rainy Day Beef and Tomato Soup
9. Spicy Roasted Root Vegetable Soup
Get more veggies in by adding them to your soup! Pro tip: you can customize the spice level based on your personal tastes.
Recipe: PaleoPlan | Spicy Roasted Root Vegetable Soup
10. Creamy Cauliflower Bacon Chowder
This low-carb, dairy-free soup has a cheesy taste thanks to the nutrient dense nutritional yeast. Pair it with some Paleo dinner rolls for a delightful lunch or dinner.
Recipe: PaleoHacks | Creamy Cauliflower Bacon Chowder
11. Ginger, Carrot, and Sweet Potato Soup
Warm and zesty, this soup is rich in antioxidants and beta carotene—a perfect boost of nutrients for eyes, skin, and hair.
Recipe: PaleoPlan | Ginger, Carrot, and Sweet Potato Soup
12. Slow Cooker Chipotle Chicken Soup
Make taco night easy by slow-cooking it as a soup! This Paleo chipotle chicken soup has the perfect blend of savory and spice.
Recipe: PaleoHacks | Slow Cooker Chipotle Chicken Soup
13. Green Garlic Soup
Garlic is an immune boosting food, and eating it in a soup is a more palatable way to get it down when you’re under the weather.
Recipe: PaleoPlan | Green Garlic Soup
14. Vegetable Beef Chili
Part vegetable soup, part thick and chunky chili, this soup is the perfect way to fill up on autumn and winter comfort foods.
Recipe: PaleoPlan | Vegetable Beef Chili
15. Three Pepper Pork Stew
Stop making soup with chicken only and jazz it up with this zesty three pepper pork stew.
Recipe: PaleoPlan | Three Pepper Pork Stew
16. One Pot Detox Vegetable Soup
If you want something light that will help to nourish your detox pathways, this dish is perfect. Detox doesn’t always have to be salads!
Recipe: PaleoHacks | One Pot Detox Vegetable Soup
17. Broccoli Soup
Creamy and classic, this broccoli soup is dairy-free and the perfect Paleo first course or side dish.
Recipe: PaleoPlan | Broccoli Soup
18. Chunky Turkey Chili
Chili doesn’t have to be made with red meat alone, and this poultry version is perfect for hormone-balancing. Plus, it’s a little easier to digest.
Recipe: PaleoPlan | Chunky Turkey Chili
19. Pork and Noodle Soup
The noodles in this dish are spiral-cut zucchini, but if you don’t have a spiralizer, you can shred it or thinly slice it for the same results.
Recipe: PaleoPlan | Pork and Noodle Soup
20. Meatball Soup with Bone Broth
Meatballs on their own are delish, but you can kick up the nutrient profile of your meal when you pair them with gut-friendly bone broth.
Recipe: PaleoHacks | Meatball Soup with Bone Broth
21. Cream of Mushroom Soup
Whether you want it plain or pureed to make the base for the classic green bean casserole, this mushroom soup dish is simple and made from scratch.
Recipe: PaleoPlan | Cream of Mushroom Soup
22. Chicken, Yam, and Chard Soup
Get more greens in your soup by adding chard, although other dark leafy greens can also step in. Think kale, spinach, or even beet greens.
Recipe: PaleoPlan | Chicken, Yam, and Chard Soup
23. Whatever-You-Have Crockpot Soup
Don’t let that food in your fridge go to waste—put it to use in this practical recipe.
Recipe: PaleoHacks | Whatever-You-Have Crockpot Soup
24. Butternut Squash Soup with Pears and Ginger
Squash is made for more than roasting and this sweet and savory soup is the perfect way to get your squash fix.
Recipe: PaleoHacks | Butternut Squash Soup with Pears and Ginger
25. Smoky Minestrone Soup
You don’t need non-Paleo ingredients to craft a delightful Italian meal, and this minestrone soup is the perfect starter course to prove it.
Recipe: PaleoHacks | Smoky Minestrone Soup
26. Coconut Tomato Soup
Processed tomato soup often contains ingredients that aren’t Paleo-friendly, but this dairy-free version is simple to make and more creamy than you could ever dream.
Recipe: PaleoPlan | Coconut Tomato Soup
27. Light Vegetable Soup
Keep it simple with this basic vegetable soup that is the perfect beginning to an epic Paleo meal.
Recipe: PaleoPlan | Light Vegetable Soup
The post A Chef’s Guide to Nourishing Soup (Plus 27 Paleo Soups, Stews, and Broths You Have to Try) appeared first on PaleoPlan.
Source: http://ift.tt/10qRbxJ
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