#i like my ability to communicate easily with animals
automatic-midnight · 1 year
There’s too many sports manga where the protagonist has rough around the edges skills but has some secret talent that propels them to victory. Where’s my sports manga about someone who’s just absolutely terrible, no dormant ability, no hidden skill, just completely horrendous at the sport. I need a protagonist who’s fighting for their life the entire time and at the end of the story they go to college and play intramural sports.
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sharkylass · 4 months
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YOU I LIKE YOU @faislittlewhiteraven These questions are a little hard to answer with doodles but I tried my best- Nil generally has a pretty heroic and brave personality overall. She's loud and brash and ready to jump into things super quickly.
She's not the best with words, but she is very reliable overall
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More art and writing under cut, it's just a long post man-
In terms of helping about during travels, she likes doing a lot of heavy labor jobs- She's the type to fix broken fences, gather supplies for folks, carry stuff around, tend to crops or lend a help wrangling animals. Nil wouldn't be great at things like sorting and organizing tho- Just tell her what you need and where to put it and she will! I mentioned she's not really the best with words (she is very emotionally intelligent just sometimes struggles to communicate stuff), HOWEVER, With folks that have been frozen she connects with a lot. How it's scary that you've been frozen for so long when your entire belief is to change and evolve, how (if Mal Du Pays is anything to go by) they had to fight their own demons in there, how everything can change so easily without you even noticing- It's terrifying to think about.
Actually- a while ago I made battle sprites with Nil- I wasn't happy with them so I never shared them BUT
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Specifically I wanted to contrast her frozen sprite with everyone else's- Cause if she were to SOMEHOW be frozen again, knowing what it feels like, what could happen while she's out- It would TERRIFY her instantly. Not just a mild shock or surprise, it would stick with her for a while-
Speaking of battles tho-
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Nil is super brash and lively as a whole. She puts up a brave face for a LOT of things, including fighting. She jumps in without really thinking, and as long as it goes their way, she'd have a smile on her face doing it.
However, while brave, it does come from both a place of coping and naivety. She's not used to genuine fighting, in fight or flight situations she actually tends to flee. (Which is why honestly, if she had to fight the King I don't think she could do it-)
If a battle were to start going south, she'd actually start to panic more then anyone else- Physical wounds and seeing the people she loves hurt would lower her accuracy and general capabilities, despite the brave face she puts on.
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And due to her lack of experience, especially in bigger groups- Nil tends to... miscalculate sometimes
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She had to learn the hard way not to just jump at any opportunity she sees. The party can see where Bonnie got it from (also after the battle Nille proceeded to heal Sif, profusely apologizing, I forgot to doodle that whoops-) (Also gameplay wise, imagine every second turn she does an action of her own without your command)
Also just the Sif image by itself cause I liked it :]
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As for chores and stuff-
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She does foraging and stuff! Honestly I don't think the other 5 would have done so before they traveled together.
Mira would have most DEFINITELY learned about it but didn't feel confident in her abilities. Bonnie will grab stuff they think is edible from what they remember Nille telling them and they'd grab a stick to cook. Odile would not be interested and would prefer buying the ingredients rather then wild scavenging. Isa doesn't read to me as a biology student, I see him more of a math history type of guy, so either he doesn't know, or him and Mira did it occasionally together, but only as a last resort type of deal (maybe when it was just the two of them and they had to manage alone) And Sif in my mind is an accident prone goober who'd forget which ones are edible and which ones aren't so I wouldn't trust him personally.
SO! LONG STORY SHORT! I don't think any of them are really experienced with foraging. And as a means to make money management easier- I imagine Nil (nature being a passion of sorts to her) took up the mantle! Probably taught the rest how to do it too!
That's it when it comes to stuff specific to her- Other then that she's kind of ready to help out with anything! She can help set up tends, do odd jobs for money, help cook if for WHATEVER reason Bonnie wanted her to or wanted to do something else in that time, bring water, wood, fish, help with weapons- She's not the best at those things, but if anyone needs a hand to be lent- she is there!
I'll be entirely honest, I don't think I understand your last question- But I do wanna say that Nil and Isa become like. Best buds real quick. He is the first one she instantly trusts, since she rivals with Mira, is prickly with Odile and Sif is someone she wants to help rather then ask for help. So if she needs someone to turn to, or needs a partner in crime- Nil would turn to Isa And now I just imagined Mira and Nil bonding over how to grow plants. Cause Mira tried REALLY REALLY HARD and couldn't do it, so Nille would actually love to give some tips- Imagine Mira genuinely walking up to her with a little alive plant with a proud glint in her eyes and have Nil fully support her- Honestly I could keep going for forever, I have so many thoughts on her and her dynamic with everyone- Bro I even have nicknames, you don't even know-
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hadesoftheladies · 26 days
Opinion: We Need to Start Talking About Violent Feminist Activism Seriously
while i do not think that females are as violent or would be as violent as males without patriarchal obstruction, i think it's mostly the emasculation of women (female socialization) that leads to this demureness that perpetuates female subjugation. we often frame femininity as something that inhibits consciousness-raising, but it is actually far more frightening and deeper than that. femininity and its practices inhibit female self-worth which in turn causes women to devalue themselves. this is why women are not accustomed to fighting for themselves, like every other animal (male and female) on this earth. women are so used to "lying down and taking it" because it is something they are primed to do. the danger of femininity isn't just that it deforms our bodies or divides us from each other, it is that it physically and mentally disables our ability to fight back.
i have often neglected to mention alternative methods in my separatist posts, but separatism is not the only way we can enact large-scale societal transformation. it is the only nonviolent way.
the truth of the matter is, as much as we make jokes and fantasize about killing men, the reason most women and girls "behave" when it comes to men and men do not "behave" when it comes to women is because women simply aren't feared, despite the fact that we have the power to become a threat. even in feminist circles such as this, talk of women physically harming men is seen as taboo, as something that can be easily used against us. so we have to constantly disclose that we aren't serious. i think this is part of the problem.
the other word for fear is respect. men cannot respect or revere men they do not fear on some level. in a twisted way, in order for women to become human to men, we have to get scary. we have to hold real power over them and become intolerant to them.
this doesn't necessarily have to be done strictly in violent ways. resisting femininity can range from allowing ourselves to frown and even scowl in public, not being hospitable toward men, not complimenting, affirming, validating or cleaning up after them. but the point of combatting female socialization is resisting the role of women in patriarchal society: sexual object, or in other words, victim. it is the victimization of women that men find especially erotic. that's why consensual sex isn't enough for them. they are fuelled by female terror.
in short, gyns, i'm saying the time has come when we should aim to put the fear of god in these bastards. the only way they will view rape as badly as they view cannibalism is if there is a constant looming threat of brutal social castration. they need to fear social punishment, which is difficult because half of society is made up of men that approve. so how can the other half, women, make it so that the other half are afraid to do so?
which brings us, ironically, back to separatism and also gender non-conformity. in order for women to reach a place where we can defend ourselves using violence and not get taken ten steps back for killing/maiming a rapist, pedo, abuser we need women to have access to ironclad female solidarity.
male solidarity is what keeps the status quo intact, and female solidarity is its only worthy counterpoint. the reason patriarchy is so strong is because of female solidarity with males rather than intra-community solidarity. this is the weak point of patriarchy, it's over-dependence on women on a cellular level. society as we know it, patriarchal or not, will fall to shit if women refused to participate in its core structures. literally the only reason children are still being born, raised and schooled in the face of men's destructiveness is because of women. men can destroy as much as they like and a society will still function for the most part because of the resilience of women. literally the biggest economic problems societies face come from male criminality whether from upper or lower class men. the only reason any of it still functions is because of women. women are the glue of the home themselves, the basic unit of society. take women away, and i promise there's nothing fucking left.
for this reason, the biggest de-radicalization tools patriarchy employs against female liberation are marriage/co-habitation with men, femininity and religion and i will get into the details why briefly:
-marriage/co-habitation often results in the woman's isolation from female community or larger society because the man strategically makes himself the central focus/recipient of her resources (health, attention, energy)
-femininity keeps women focused on male approval as a source of power, further encouraging female-female competition and destroying solidairty
-religion and romance are explicitly androcentric, focusing on framing men as the only possible givers of life, purpose, fulfillment and meaning to women while simultaneously demeaning, obscuring and devaluing the fact that women are oftentimes the primary sources of human life and love
now see that all three do three very important things for de-radicalization: they frame men as sources of life, meaning and vitality as opposed to a threat or disadvantage, isolates women from their true selves (devaluing their friendships, erasing their history and contributions, distorting their nature), and pits women against each other. to sum up, centering men and then erasing and isolating women from each other and themselves.
but we won't scare men by psyching ourselves out of what's going to be necessary to defend ourselves. in order for women to be mobilized to take power men have no authority to deny them, we have to cultivate strong, nearly unbreakable self-esteem. we need to esteem ourselves so highly that we never question whether or not we should feel entitled to a better life.
that's why refusing to emasculate yourself is the first step. decolonizing your mind of its male-centeredness and no longer seeing yourself as subordinate, inferior or less worthy to a life of freedom than him.
the second step after de-centering men within yourself is to quickly center women. that's where separatism comes in. not only does this also aid you in decolonizing the rest of your mind, but it gives you the courage to go for better rather than settle for what men say you deserve. seeing that actually, men aren't vital at all to a wonderful life. throwing yourself into female centricity and replacing male hegemony with female history, philosophy, culture, literature, all of it. but not just on a mental level, on an interpersonal and financial level as well. this boosts you economically and empowers you buy giving you that independence necessary to make demands.
then when it comes to the dire, when men retaliate as they are prone to do, you don't hesitate to punish them for it. you don't hesitate to make it cost them. whether that's in organized feminist cyber attacks (doxxing, phishing, DDos attacks, etc). you make them see themselves as potential victims. where what they do to others can also be done to them. where they fear being poisoned, disappearing, outed, isolated, killed.
this kind of organized self-defense will not happen without female solidarity. we already have examples of women coming together to beat abusive men up and get rid of the threats themselves when victims of male violence fear state retaliation too much to defend themselves. female solidarity can substitute for state neglect. it is the only thing that can. the king of the pride doesn't stand a chance against a pack of lionesses. and the state cannot punish all its women lest it destroy itself entirely. governments know that restricting women restricts their economy, so killing masses of women is just not feasible.
female solidarity is the missing piece, and that's what the status quo continually tries to dismantle. also, non-violence in the face of our oppression has never been a virtue. it is something the patriarchy has counted on.
the lie of femininity is that men will respect or care for us once they see how we suffer and how beautiful we are. we think they will set us apart as sacred if they are in love with us. but the truth is they will only respect us if they fear us.
anyways, i'm just thinking out loud here, and these are all generalizations. i'll need to make a whole other article where i break this down on an infrastructural level.
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foone · 10 months
Alternative names for humanity along the lines of "Homo sapiens" (Wise man) and "Pan narrans" (Storytelling Chimpanzee) that I'm too lazy to look up/make up Latin for:
chef ape
throwing ape
walking ape
The idea being that we're apparently unique in the animal kingdom in that we cook our food, so we're the Chef Apes. We're also one of the best animals at throwing things: humans have more accuracy and strength when throwing stuff than other apes, by a long shot
And apparently our ability to walk slowly for ages was key to our early survival as persistence predators. We can't outrun a gazelle or mammoth or whatever, but we don't tire easily and so we can just keep following it until it runs out of stamina
Pan basipila: the baseball playing Bonobo
If only baseball had a cooking element, it would be the perfect Human Sport.
We need to devise a sport where you cook something, follow someone for a long time, and then throw it at them.
The most human thing is the surprise pie to the face
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Also as much as I like Terry Pratchett's suggestion of "Pan narrans" I wouldn't be surprised if we turn out to not be the only animal that tells stories...
Elephants. I bet elephants do.
Like, there was that case where an injured elephant went to a ranger station for help. One it had never been to before, but other elephants had.
The theory being then that some other elephant had told this elephant "hey if you're hurt, go here, the humans will help"
That, combined with how they have burial rituals (some which might indicate there's an elephant religion!), and that we're working on figuring out how elephants communicate...
It wouldn't surprise me if we learn sometimes in the next decade or two that "oh yeah, elephants tell stories too. They've got FICTION."
So "Pan narrans" isn't what I'd want to bet on as our uniquely human thing.
But at the end of the day, maybe the whole idea of there being a uniquely human thing is, in itself, just another story we're telling.
So maybe it is a good fit after all.
But I especially like the idea that we're the Baseball Ape because I have this image in my head of a galactic council of aliens. Some angry alien who looks like Cthulhu had a baby with a spider has the floor, and they're ranting about "why do the Hu-mons deserve a seat?"
The Crogath are stronger, the Eldru are smarter, the Cybernetic Essense lives longer, the Dromans go farther and faster, the Moltriri have us beat in fiction and poetry, what is so special about these damn bipedal fleshbags that makes them unique in the universe?
And then WHAM. Right between the eyes. A handheld translator device, a bit bigger than a modern smartphone, beans the speaker out of nowhere.
And there's an (untranslated) yell in the chamber as the prime representative calls for order.
(it takes a while to properly explain the insult. Crogathi (especially drones) don't really have mothers or sexual reproduction, so they don't really get why that would be an insult. It's finally translated as something like "bud-biter")
and it's true. even after the World Series becomes the Galactic Series, no non-human team ever manages to win.
The Eldrul Librarians almost make the cut in 2486 but accidentally piss off the ghost of Colonel Sanders and end up inheriting the Hanshin Tigers' curse.
alien textbooks describe The Colonel as some kind of human patron deity of baseball and cooked avian food, who should not be disrespected at all costs, or his vengeance from his place beyond the grave will be swift and punishing
(they're right)
"Look, we can't PROVE he was why Gemini Noctis went supernova unexpectedly, but given the protests that had happened right beforehand, and the incredible powers ascribed to the human spirits, do you really want to risk it?"
the funniest possible future: humanity gets a key place in galactic politics because we're never able to adequately convince the universe at large that our ghost stories are just that, stories, and they're terrified shitless that we'll unleash spectral torment on them
"humans? look man, living humans are a pushover. you can easily rip them in half, crack their planets with a quark bomb, their ships are little more than tin cans with a tachyon drive taped on the side. but it's not the living humans you have to worry about... it's the ghosts."
"humans are a bit like the Nontilek, with a two-stage lifespan, a grub and an adult. What you think of as "adult" humans is just their infant stage, and they only fully transform once they "die". Once fully hatched into Ghost form, their powers are almost limitless."
you want humans off a colony planet and bomb them from orbit? good luck, now you have a few million ascended humans who can pass through solid matter and can't be killed, and they will never rest until you and your descendants are gone or dead.
you don't believe me? look at this: One of their most popular stories is about them building an empire that spanned a large chunk of their little planet, then having it MURDER THEIR OWN GOD.
It only worked for a few revolutions, and he just came back, promising that one day all of them would join him in the next phase of their lifespan.
They still, to this day, thousands of orbits later, erect little statues of the means they used to execute their deity.
not even the Crogathi, who literally worship death itself, tell stories that frightening to their newly hatched grubs.
Humans are scary, man, stay away and just give them whatever they want.
the rest of the alien's education on the dangers of humans is just a selection of human movies. the sixth sense, poltergeist, ghostbusters, the shining, the devil's backbone, and, of course, field of dreams.
ghosts AND baseball? it's everything they're scared about humans all in one package!
the obvious twist you could do, of course, is simple:
the aliens are right.
humans are a two-phase species where the elder form has immense power but leaves communication and decision making to the younger form, which will be confused and angry if you acknowledge the presence of their elder-stage members among them.
this often leads to them cutting off contact or their elder-stage members causing immense damage through seeming "accidents" on the contacting vessel. This is believed to be some kind of religious prohibition that they are not able to explain.
so it's official contact protocol to pretend you cannot perceive the elder-stage humans among them, and to give them what they want to avoid possible retribution.
No means to combat elder-stage humans has yet been found, and the limits of their power is not known.
All alien captains are required to study the fate of the SS Ennolon, which contacted a lone human craft in the galactic year of 12,783. They had initiated contact and were getting along fine, until the human showed the Droman captain a picture of their "late father".
Captain Droless, accounting for the difficulty in telling humans apart, then pointed at the father sitting in a chair nearby and said "That is them, correct?".
The human looked at the chair, reacted in confusion, then anger, and asked the contacting crew to immediately leave.
It was another 400 cycles before contact could be reestablished between the Droman Federation and the Human Alliance.
the intergalactic guide describes humans as a powerful race of immortal energy beings who have the strange habit of sending their larvae out on missions around the galaxy, occasionally contacting other races, but refusing to acknowledge their elders, except in stories
they seem to frequently put their young in dangerous situations without lifting a hand to help, so this is suspected to be some sort of pilgrimage or coming-of-age ritual.
(From a twitter thread on October 1st, 2022)
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cera-writes · 4 months
Requesting Nightcrawler with a mutant who prefers animals to people. They tolerate and later fall for Kurt because he treats everyone and everything around him with gentleness and genuine care.
A/N: thanks for requesting this! I think we can all agree Kurt is a huge lover of animals <3 Pairing: Kurt Wagner x gn!reader Tags: Introvert/extrovert friendship, developing feelings, mutual respect, empathy, animal communication, feeling like an outsider, found family
Kindred Spirits
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The Danger Room hummed as it deactivated, the acrid tang of burnt wires filling the air. You sank against the deactivated training bot, massaging your temples. Another grueling session of hand-to-hand combat left you feeling drained. You weren't built for close-quarters fights. Your mutation, while interesting, wasn't exactly combat-oriented. You could converse with animals, understand their thoughts and emotions. A skill that, you often felt, was wasted in the X-Mansion's focus on battle.
A soft thud caught your attention. Nightcrawler perched on the bot beside you, his tail swishing gently. "Rough session?" he asked, his voice laced with concern that felt genuine, a rarity amongst the boisterous X-Men.
You shrugged, a low sigh escaping your lips. "It's not my forte." Truthfully, it wasn't just the fighting. You yearned for the quiet companionship of animals, a yearning your fellow X-Men didn't quite understand. They found solace in training, in the camaraderie of shared experiences. You craved the solitude of the woods, the gentle understanding of a curious deer or a wise old owl.
Nightcrawler tilted his head, his yellow eyes filled with empathy. "I understand," he said softly. "Sometimes, the chaos can be overwhelming. Even for someone who thrives on it."
You glanced at him, surprised. "You get it?"
"Of course," he chuckled, a sound like wind chimes. "Being different can sometimes make you feel like you don't belong. But that doesn't make you any less valuable."
His words struck a chord. You'd always felt like an outsider, more comfortable deciphering the chirps of sparrows than the banter of humans. Yet, there was Nightcrawler, a walking embodiment of "different," accepting you with open arms.
The following weeks saw an unexpected friendship blossom. You found yourself drawn to Nightcrawler's quiet gentleness. He wasn't just kind to people, but to everything around him. You watched him patiently soothe a scared kitty in a back alley, his voice a soothing murmur that calmed even the most agitated beast. He spoke to stray dogs on the city's streets, his words eliciting happy tail wags. You, the introvert, found yourself drawn out of your shell, enjoying the quiet conversations you shared with him, the gentle teasing tinged with a genuine respect that warmed your heart.
One afternoon at the park, you found him by the koi pond, his blue form a stark contrast to the vibrant fish. You approached hesitantly, your voice barely a whisper. "What are you doing?"
He looked up, a smile gracing his pointed features. "Just admiring the silence," he said, gesturing to the fish. "They have such a peaceful energy, don't they?"
You sat beside him, drawn to his peaceful aura. You confessed your introversion, your longing for the quiet companionship of animals. The words that usually felt awkward tumbled out easily, unburdened by judgment.
He listened intently, his expression filled with understanding. "Many find strength in crowds," he said softly, "but there's nothing wrong with finding solace in solitude. It's a different kind of strength, but strength nonetheless." He met your gaze with his warm yellow eyes. "And your ability to connect with animals," he continued, "that's a gift, Mein Freund. It shows a depth of empathy most people can only dream of."
His words filled you with a newfound sense of confidence. For the first time, you saw your introversion not as a weakness, but as a strength. And your connection with animals, a skill often scoffed at by others, was a gift.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the pond, you leaned your head against his shoulder, a silent gesture of gratitude. He didn't need words. His smile, warm and genuine, spoke volumes. In that quiet moment, you realized you weren't alone. You had found a kindred spirit, someone who understood your need for solitude, someone who saw the beauty in your differences, someone who, just like you, possessed a heart that resonated with the quiet whispers of the natural world.
A wistful look crossed Nightcrawler's face as he spoke of his past. "Back at the circus," he said softly, "I used to spend hours with the animals. They never judged me for my appearance. We understood each other in a way most humans couldn't."
You reached out, placing a hand on his arm. A silent understanding passed between you, a shared love for creatures who offered companionship without judgment. In that quiet moment, you realized you weren't alone. Not anymore.
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writtcnbycassie · 4 months
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𐙚 AQUARIUM DATES — PERCY JACKSON .ᐟ ˚⋆. ˚ ₊ · ͟͟͞͞➳ ꒰ percy jackson x gn!reader — a riordanverse fic ꒱
— ordered﹔yes / no — ingredients﹔just fluffy whipped cream, and purpose use of lowercase alphabet soup — wc﹔395 — recipe﹔based off this blurb from my old side blog - i pretty much just extended it a bit — cassie's tea time﹔did i steal the moodboards from my old side blog? yes, yes i did. i was too lazy to make more. i wish this could've been longer, but imma not put it as a blurb because icba to. anyway, order's are open, so feel free to fill em' up!!
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﹙the cafe // dishes // menu // barista board﹚
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aquarium dates with percy jackson were like dipping into cool water after a scorching day — refreshing and exhilarating. you can easily recall your first ever date with percy, how it basically became a tradition. every visit felt like the first.
considering percy was a child of poseidon, he always had a special connection with the marine life, his abilities allowing him to communicate with the creatures in ways others couldn't. he'd linger for a bit at each tank — sharing secrets with the fish, exchanging silent words with the dolphins, and making the sea turtles laugh. he talked to them until you had to drag him away as he pouted. people often shot curious glances your way, but neither of you minded; these were moments you'd never forget. especially that one time when a dolphin splashed percy at an open tank.
whenever you wanted to capture a photo, percy would give a sly grin and secretly ask the animals to pose just right for the camera. your pictures always turned out perfect – the jellyfish floating gracefully, and the stingrays spreading their wings wide. percy’s little trick always made your shots seem almost enchanted.
one time, during a visit to the touch pool, percy gently nudged a starfish towards your hand. "he likes you," percy whispered, and you could've sworn the starfish seemed to cling a little longer to your fingers, as if acknowledging percy’s words.
every corner of the aquarium held a memory for you both: the giant octopus that percy swore was winking at him, the playful sea otters that always seemed to perform their best tricks when you both were watching, and the graceful sharks that circled their tanks. even the staff started to recognise you two, often greeting you with smiles or asking if you wanted extra food to feed the animals.
percy would wrap his arm around you as you both walked through the shark tunnels, casually whistling like you didn't notice while you giggled.
leaving was always the hardest part. percy would groan as you gently tugged him away from his underwater friends, promising he'd be back soon. his disappointment was somewhat endearing, and you found yourself laughing at his exaggerated sighs and sassy eye rolls. "we'll be back soon." you assure him, his pouts softening into smiles.
these dates were more than just visits to an aquarium.
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— i hope you enjoyed your meal! kisses from jvpiterzs <3 — cafe guest list﹔ @44lewico
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guxciestone · 2 years
‍🍭 ❛ ASTEROID TALENT (33154) ༉‧₊˚ ☆
(through the signs, houses, and aspects)
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- @hughjassoo
hi 🌷 i wanted to focus more on asteroids, not just for the sake of others to understand it, but also myself. i got my inspiration from this post, it really helped with me to elaborate on my description for each placement, so credits to the user who made it :)
Asteroid Talent (33154) is the asteroid of abilities, natural gifts you’ve had ever since you were born. This asteroid can show what you tend to have a knack in, and where you seem to activate it in your life. And because of this knack, talent can also indicate what you appear to attract the most in your life.
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♡ through the signs ♡
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talent in aries
Individuals with this placement tend to have athletic abilities and perfect health. Perhaps they were naturally good at sports from a young age and were gifted with a strong, muscular, lean and energetic body. Good stamina and physical strength could also be promised. These people could also have potential to acquire natural entrepreneurial and enterprising skills; talent for being a good leader or running a business. If placed smoothly in the chart, these individuals could have significantly good self-confidence and barely struggle to take initiative in their goals and projects. Very independent people who have no problem taking charge, making them great team leaders. In troublesome situations, they tend to have a lot of willpower to fight through, no matter the circumstance. Whatever their talent is, it brings them passion and excitement. There is also a possibility that these individuals might attract opportunities in which they have to instruct or lead group of people and take risky chances.
talent in taurus
These people tend to be extremely talented in money matters. More than likely, they are someone who is money savvy and knows how to properly handle their materials. Therefore, it is more likely that these Individuals are well-off financially or are on a path to becoming stable. The types to know how to preserve food and supplies in their home to the utmost quantity and save money. Anything involving finances or business negotiations could be something they are particularly interested in or good at, not just because of their relationship with money, but also usually because of their calm and reflective personality that allows them to make decisions effectively. Another possibility is that they could be someone who is good at exerting art or comfort into their environment. These type of people could be talented at interior design, taking care of animals or plant owning because they know exactly what type of environment someone or something would feel and be best live in. And that’s why careers involving art, design or nature would be strong areas for them. They could be talented in decoration, music, or cooking food.
talent in gemini
These individuals tend to be intelligent and well-rounded people who are often academically gifted. They might’ve done great in school and took honors, AP, or DE classes. They could be talented in writing. Love to do creative writing prompts or even desire to blog or write a book. Most likely, they are crafty people who have a natural ability of making things from scratch—the types to love making model levees in science class. They are often good communicators and teammates. Charming and friendly personalities who are always fun to be around. These individuals tend to flourish in areas of journaling, reporting, communications, and construction. These people love hands-on activities. They are persuasive people who can easily get people on their side, and they adore debating with others. Their charm is often witty and playful, and they are a good time. Tend to be social and adaptive so it’s easy to also get along with others. These people are likely to attract opportunities in which they can express themselves verbally, speak out and tell their story; or use their knack for craft to create something completely effective and useful. They can also gravitate towards different communities.
talent in cancer
People who tend to be sensitive and in tune with their emotions. They are often talented in homely activities such as cooking, cleaning, and taking care of children. They might often attract opportunities in which they have to look after others. They know how to manage emotions and their mental health extremely well, and can often excel in careers such as nursing, therapy, and childcare. There could also be a talent for sewing or knitting; creating something useful from scratch similar to Talent in Gemini. They can do well with using their resources to create their necessities. Others tend to be comfortable with this person and open up to them subconsciously due to their salutary nature. They are often understanding and good listeners, very patient too. They may notice children gravitate towards them and love being around them, they are like angels on their earth. And not to mention, their amazing intuition and always knowing how to read the room.
talent in leo
In conclusion, the Beyoncé’s of this asteroid. They are individuals who are confident with huge energy that can grab the attention of almost anyone when they walk in a room. No matter what they want to be, they hold natural star power, and they are destined for fame and popularity. The types to start a social media that instantly pops off because they are meant for it. The “It Girls/Boys”. These people are often talented in music, dancing, entertainment, sports, social media influencing, anything that gives these individuals a chance to perform. Their charm is impeccable, and they are often good at persuasion and alluring others to pursue their own desires. They can be good social climbers. We cannot forget how undeniably creative these people are, often cultivating outstanding ideas for their passion or goals, easily making them successful people. And they have such a dashing vibration and magnetic personality that they can be a good time to be around, similar to Talent in Gemini, but more in your face. Of course, these individuals love attention in anything they do.
talent in virgo
Very articulate and intelligent individuals who are often credible in a lot of things. First off, they tend to be organized in how they go about their goals, routines, and pursuits. They might take good care of their home, clothes, and materials; and they could have a clean and ordered routine. These types of people could be lifestyle influencers due to their specific practices. They are the types to have a checklist of their New Years’ Resolutions or what they need to do in a day. They are disciplined and more than likely, they’ll get the work done. They might have a incredible health because they take good care of themselves in that sense—they know what foods they should and should not eat, what skincare to use, etc. Because they are so good at taking care of themselves, they are also great at taking care of others. That is why these individuals can thrive in careers involving critical thinking, organization, and hospitality (such as a nurse, dentist, or a food nutritionist) In other cases, cooking is something they are good at because they follow directions accordingly. They can be professional and highly-qualified individuals who tend to be talented in a bunch of things to their desire due to their well-roundedness, similar to Talent in Gemini. They are good at collaboration and can be a good helper as well. Definitely someone you’d want in times of need.
talent in libra
The people with this placement tend to be tactful, charming, and attractive individuals. They are often very understanding towards others and their opinions, which makes them talented in resolving arguments and conflicts. They get along well with others and hold immaculate amounts of charisma; they know how to attract fulfilling relationships with other people. Because of that, they are also very collaborative and often thrive in business partnerships and teamwork-like activities. People like these can do well in careers such as therapy (such as a relationship therapist), mediation (such as a yoga teacher), and law. These individuals prioritize romance, love, and balance; so it is possible that they are also excellent at dating advice and helping others resolve things. Furthermore, they have an eye for beauty—they could be talented in art, makeup, design, and decoration. A career to think of is wedding planning, nursing, and since they prioritize physical appearances and the superficial, becoming a plastic surgeon and dentist is possible. They tend to attract opportunities and situations in which they have to mediate and solve problems with solutions. Not to mention, being blessed with physical attractiveness and facial symmetry is also something they could have acquired.
talent in scorpio
These individuals tend to be alluring, powerful, private, and enchanting. They are genuine and honest people who are often good at keeping secrets. Additionally, they know how to make others trust them and dig up their most darkest and personal parts of their mind and soul. It is important to emphasize that they can have amazing intuition and they might've had a strong gut feeling ever since they were a child. Careers or hobbies such as psychology, metaphysics, the occult, therapy, tarot, and astrology are possible. Moreover, they could have a sexually attractive and seductive personality—which can make them thrive in careers involving sex work, etc. There is also a talent for being intimate with others, they know how to dive deep into one's deepest desires and impulses, which can be scary to some people. These people tend to attract situations and opportunities in which they have to analyze and plunge into someone's psyche, whether that be someone else or even themselves.
talent in sagittarius
These individuals may have noticed that ever since they were born, they had an intelligent and questioning nature at heart. Perhaps they were the ones who genuinely liked going to school and learning different types of subjects and concepts. Their optimism and easygoing personality easily allow them to attract an abundant amount of opportunities and circumstances into their life, which makes them extremely lucky individuals. They are also philosophical who are always wiling to expand their knowledge and learn new things, whether that be around religion, theology, history, art, and more. They might be particular interested in careers involving travel, science, houses of worship (such as church), and mentoring. They are also willing to teach what they have learned, which makes them proficient in careers involving teaching. Specifically, being talented in learning new languages and studying different cultures are possible. These individuals love variety, so it isn't farfetched for these people to have a variety of skills and talents similar to Talent in Gemini. Talent in Sagittarius individuals tend to attract situations in which they are accustoming to new knowledge or diversity—they might meet people from different cultures and countries at some point in life.
talent in capricorn
These people tend to be rather responsible, serious, and mature individuals who strive to be successful in life. They prioritize their career, status, and image; and whatever they desire to do, they'll do whatever it takes to achieve it. From a young age, these individuals could have been great bosses and leaders—independent and was always on top of their obligations. Because of this, that makes these individuals reliable and efficient people to be around. They do not mind being in charge because they find that being in charge works best for the,, which makes sense for them to partake in careers involving leadership (being a CEO or manager) or careers involving heavy workloads. These people also prioritize their materials and finances because it co-exists with their image, so careers involving money, jewelry, and stocks are possible. They are also very professional and know how to have practical manners. People with this placement are often good at social climbing and working things up the social/economical/product ladder, not just for themselves, but for other people. Therefore, careers involving social media marketing, real estate, and brand management would work well for them because they are good at analyzing trends and patterns and easily execute products or people out successfully for sales or an image. Talent in Capricorn individuals tend to attract opportunities in which they have to take control and manipulate something or someone for wealth and/or success.
talent in aquarius
First off, these people are highly intelligent, innovative, and unique individuals who have potential to use their talent to better the world, whatever it is. Ever since they were young, they might have had a knack for something that was considered weird or different from other talents or hobbies. Over time, they've or they will learn to utilize it for the better. Because of their tendency to worry for others and their selfless and thoughtful nature, careers involving humanity, charity, and serving a purpose for the sake of others are possible. These people may have been extremely intelligent when it came to complex and highly articulated topics, which it means careers involving science, computer science, biology, technology, and mechanics are likely. Let's not forget that these people are often collaborate similar to Talent in Libra and get along well with others all due to their electrifying nature and wit. They want to serve and beer the world for others; they want to make others happy and satisfied and they'll do anything for that to be possible. Becoming a social media influencer, zoologist, donor, scientist, or doctor is likely as well. These individuals can attract opportunities and situations in which they have to connect and help others in some way.
talent in pisces
Individuals with this placement tend to have kind, friendly, and compassionate personalities who have a keen sense of intuition. Additionally, they can be wise and hold a lot of unknown spiritual knowledge. They are usually in touch with things beyond the 3D. Due to this, they are often selfless and care a lot about others. They are very instinctive and often knows how to what feels right for themselves and others. This means careers in charity and giving, nursing, therapy, and children are possible. A specific career that is going through is massage therapy. In other cases, unconventional— often shunned on careers such as witchery, astrology, and tarot can be likely as well. This is an underrated opinion, but the beauty these people hold are out-of-this-world (literally) The definition of majesty and dreaminess. There could also be a talent for seeing things differently than other people; and not to mention, these people can be very creative, artistic, and beautiful. Therefore, careers involving modeling, photography, music, fashion, makeup, and painting are what they could prefer doing.
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♡ through the houses ♡
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talent in the 1st
Their talent may be what they are known for, or it’s something that people find visible about them on the first impression. They could have picked up their talent during early childhood and are naturally proficient at it. Whatever it may be, their talent can easily make them popular and noticeable by others. These individuals shouldn’t be afraid to show what they are capable of and what skills they have. Their talent might have something to do with their appearance, health, vitality, personal image, or body. In other cases, they could notice a huge jump in their confidence when using their skill; it can give them a sense of self and help them get into touch with who they truly are.
talent in the 2nd
Whatever their talent may be, it could give them a sense of self-worth and morals. It could also tie to their values and what they prioritize in their life. Specific additional skills that come in mind are business, modeling, managing, food, makeup, animals/nature, and the arts and decoration. They should expect money and financial abundance and stability to come through when using this particular talent. The talent could also be associated with one’s body or body movements and flow as well, such as dancing (like ballet) This knack can give this individual a sense of comfort and safety too, and it can easily ground them similar to Talent in the 1st.
talent in the 3rd
This talent may a talent that requires a lot of skill and learning; it could be a talent is considered difficult to become proficient in (talents that come in mind are the playing instruments, language learning, and engineering) This individual could’ve picked up this ability in their school years and adolescence. Their knack could also give them something to talk about with their peers, and easily allow them to make new friends. It’s not a surprise that these individuals can be versatile and talented in many things similar to Talent in the 6th. They are critical people, and they are often very intelligent. Other subjects that come in mind are science, writing, researching, and math.
talent in the 4th
Individuals with this placement could have a talent or skill that makes them feel “at home” or safe within themselves. Which gives the notion that the talent could have derived from their childhood or it is a childhood hobby, similar to Talent in the 1st. This particular talent awakens their true inner child. They could have also inherited their ability from the mother or family members, it might’ve been passed down generations. The talent may be common in the family or it is something of family value and pride. In a specific case, there could a family business that might get passed down to this person; or this individual has a family speciality or order to fulfill due to their talent. Whatever their talent may be, these people might need to use it in circumstances in which they need to protect or secure the people around them and their environment. Additionally, these individuals may have a talent for running a family/home and taking care of children.
talent in the 5th
Their talent may be something they genuinely enjoy doing; it could even be their hobby. These individuals find entertainment, fun, and pleasure through their talent. Furthermore, these people might adore children or they tend to get along well with them often. Working at daycares, children’s help centers, and even school might be delightful for them. In other cases, Their future child(ren) may have a special talent that needs to be shown to the world. These individuals are magnetic, confident, and often a good time; they might have a significant allure that pulls others to them and that allow them to manipulate. They could have a skill of being good at flirtation and sexual matters. The need to perform is very strong with this placement too.
talent in the 6th
These individuals are responsible, thoughtful, and organized people. Perhaps they take care of their health very well; they always seem to know what foods to eat, vitamins to take, how much physical activity they should do, or when to clean their homes. They often have immense amounts knowledge in regards to health and nutrition, which sets them out for careers involving food and wellbeing (such as nutritionist, nurse, or house cleaners) Although they take good care of themselves, they take good care of others as well. These individuals may do well taking care of small animals and pets, which can make careers involving similar fit well for them—careers such as veterinarian, biologist, animal shelter workers, and much more. Not to mention, these people are very useful and often have multiple talents and abilities. Whatever their talent may be, it gives them a sense of discipline, usefulness and order.
talent in the 7th
Due to their meditative and cooperative nature, these individuals may often find that they resort to talents or activities that involve interpersonal relationships with others. Whatever their talent may be, it gives them a sense of balance and fulfillment from others. Talents regarding social floating, networking, and charming others are possible. Because of their huge impulse for balance, they might partake in careers involving similar, such as law or the judicial system. Their talent may be something that other profit or benefit from.
talent in the 8th
Their talent allows them to be in touch with themselves and their soul; their talent allows them to express their authentic self. These individuals aren’t afraid to dive into the taboo and scary areas of life. They may notice that they have a strong intuition or gut feeling, as though they have the impulse of knowing what’s right or wrong for them. These people may have a talent in disregarded subjects such as the occult and metaphysics. In a specific case, due to their intuition and their ability to see things what they are actually are, they might be intrigued by ghost hunting or communicating with the dead. Not to mention, they are often very good at connecting with others at a deep and unfathomable level. Their allure and sexual attractiveness is key. In other cases, these individuals may be good in anything involving sexual activity. They could have been outcasted or ridiculed for their talent as well. Inheriting their talent from a loved one is also possible.
talent in the 9th
This individual’s talent may open up their minds, expand their horizons and allow them to learn. These people might’ve done incredibly well in college or other forms of higher education, and it might be something they particularly enjoy. Not to mention, they are highly philosophical who want to learn more about this talent or skill, and there’s a time in which they are “done” learning. Hobbies involving learning languages, studying religion, spirituality, and theology are possible. They may have picked up this talent in their college or young adult years.
talent in the 10th
This individual’s talent may allow them to make a name or reputation for themselves; In other cases, a good following on social media platforms. If not, these people may just like to display their talent to the media or public in some way. That is why careers such as social media influencer would be a good for them. Also, due to their huge awareness of how to make things and people climb the social/demand ladder, careers such as advertising and social media managing is also possible. Whatever their talent may be, it gives them a sense of structure, discipline, maturity, and even fame and popularity in extreme cases.
talent in the 11th
They may use their talent for the betterment of the world and society, and it also gives them a sense of purpose and usefulness to humanity. Additionally, their talent may allow these individuals to connect with their others, which makes it possible for these people to make friends through their talent or attract friends who have this similar talent. Other careers or talents could be social media influencers, socialites, charity officers, and social work. In other cases, this person may have found their talent through friends or social connections.
talent in the 12th
Their talent may be a skill they may not know they have or they may hide it from other people. In other cases, these individuals may have been ridiculed or teased for having their talent. Which could indicate that these people can have an often ostracized hobby such as tarot, spirituality, astrology, flexibility, or impersonation. These individuals may use their talent as a source of spiritual expression; it may them get in touch with their deeper selves, similar to Talent in the 8th.
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♡ through the aspects ♡
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Their talent could be the source of their identity, pride, and ego. In a developed sense, these individuals use their talent(s) to attract attention and fame from others; it is important for them to use their abilities to find themselves and blossom their personality to its best. In other cases, their talent can be beneficial for their career and monetary gain. In an undeveloped sense, they could surround their entire character around their talent, which can be harmful as it can cause them to struggle with finding their place outside of it. It is also the case that these people can be susceptible to turning arrogant due to their talent as well. Either way it goes, these individuals may be very good at their talent, it is all about controlling their ego and making sure they have a structured, confident, and balanced character around it. On a positive note, these people are often very good at attracting attention from others; their presence is undeniable and this is the “star power” aspect for sure.
Their talent is what they use to emotionally express themselves. Talents involving venting, releasing, and expressing their feelings are often beneficial for these people; such as music, poetry, and writing. These individuals may be extremely well at implementing emotion into their talent. They need to use this particular ability to allow themselves to get through hard times and emotionally rejuvenate and relieve themselves. In undeveloped cases, these individuals could become extremely emotionally dependent on this talent, and it’s important that they don’t try to distract themselves from their turmoil through it. Additionally, these individuals are very sensitive and know how to get in touch with their environment. They are extremely intuitive.
Their talent could be a way of mentally expressing themselves and communicating with others; it may even be their natural way of thought. These individuals often know how to speak through their abilities, and it makes them better at talking with other people. It may even be a subject they love talking about when making friends or connections. In a dynamic case, some might struggle with communicating through their talent or they don’t know how to convey through it correctly. Perhaps they brush people off the wrong way and get scrutinized/ostracized by others due to this struggle. They are often versatile people too, and can adapt to multiple circumstances and newfound abilities; and not to mention, extremely intelligent.
Their talent is related to beauty, the arts, money, and their interpersonal relationships. They may attract partners who have a similar talent, or they attract suitors through their talent. Expressing their talent may be a way of how they feel attractive, or they find their talent to be a beautiful thing to invest in. Furthermore, these individuals have the ability to lure others in through what they are good at. They could often be talented in venusian-related areas such as money, modeling, decoration, art, and much more. In other cases, these people might struggle to find their talent to be a beautiful thing; perhaps they feel their talent makes them “weird” or less attractive to other people, which is not true. Or the other way around, they struggle to utilize their talent for the sake of beauty and pleasure, which can make the talent less enjoyable in some cases.
Their talent may be a source of passion and drive; perhaps they are often encouraged to improve their skill in what they do. In other cases, their talent may be just a source of motivation for them to do things. These people are naturally hardworking and strong-willed people, and whatever is thrown their away, they fight through it. In a dynamic sense, these individuals may struggle with having the ambition to get better at their talent, or they may not be the best at going after their goals in general. Dancers, performers and athletes may have this aspect.
A talent brings these individuals good luck, new perspectives, new opportunities, expansion, and a positive outlook on life. They may be extremely skilled at this talent, and they could even become famous or well-known from it as well. These people are often intelligent and insightful with full of open-mindedness, which can indicate good karma. Not to mention, they are very influential people and their abilities or talents inspire and influence others. In a dynamic case, these individuals may develop a huge ego or believe they can take on everything at once due to their expertise in a specific talent. They may even become lazy and not build off of their ability or bring their talent to good and helpful use. It is important they don’t loose sight of what is important. They need to make to use their talent to teach and bring abundance to their and others lives, and not take it for granted. Additionally, their talent may give them hope, faith, and happiness in some way.
The talent may be more of a study to these individuals; there is a structured way of how they approach this talent as well. It wouldn’t be surprised if these individuals took this ability very seriously, either because of they feel the need to be perfect at it, or they want to monetize and make a career from it. These people may be great at managing, whether that be from money, resources, information, and much more. They are very responsible, and this is a great aspect for being good at setting and disciplining oneself to goals and aspirations. In other cases, these individuals may need to be careful of developing vast perfectionism dealing with their talent. Due to the fact that some of these people may want to make their talent a career, they will need to make sure they do not develop vast perfectionism.
These individuals may have a sporadic and individualistic way of expressing their talent; in other cases, perhaps their talent is what makes them unique and stand out from others. They may even have a weird talent! They can be interested in technology, computer science, automobiles, astrology, or many more subjects. They may use their talent to connect with others, make a difference, or make friends. In a harsher case, these individuals may be dubious and unpredictable with their talent, which can make them hasty people who can make easily make mistakes if not careful. They have to make sure not to let their pride get in the way as well as their excessive need to ride their own wave.
The talent may create an illusion about the native; or there is a illusion surrounding their abilities. Either way, there is confusion surrounding their talents. It is possible that they may be confused about what makes them special, in a sense what they are particularly good at. They may be the types to experiment with skills to see what works for them or where they have the most potential. In other cases, these individuals’ talent may create a certain image of the native. Perhaps people may glamorize them, or they may glamorize themselves to a huge extent for their talent. Additionally, these people are often good at sensing the unseen or unknown; they are extremely intuitive. They may be talented in art, film, acting, singing, writing (such as poetry) and much more. In minor cases, they may great at doing magic. Not to mention, these people are magical and have a fairytale-like quality to themselves. Whatever they do, it takes them out of this world. In dynamic cases, these individuals may use this talent to escape from reality.
The talent gives this individual a sense of power; their talent may allow them to transform, rebirth, and learn about themselves on a deep, soul level. These people may lean back onto their talent during hard times or times where they feel lost in life—which can be useful to help them get back to calm waters. In a dynamic case, these individuals may need to be careful of depending on their talent for dominance, control, or toxicity (such as using the talent for evil things) In hard times, they may depend on this talent vastly to the point where it could even become an addiction or an escape from their life circumstances) These people are talented in leadership positions and handling difficult situations.
The talent may affect how the native is seen by others. In positive cases, the individual may even be popular or well-received for their talent. They may even gain fame. Perhaps their talent may be fashion, makeup, beauty, athletics, anything that involves the physical and how they appear to others. These people value making sure people know what they are capable of, and usually they aren’t afraid of showing what they are good at, which also makes high confidence a trait for them. In harsher cases, these individuals may struggle demonstrating their talent or ability to other people, which can make them feel as though they aren’t expressing themselves to the highest degree (similar to sun square ascendant) or they struggle to fully bring out their abilities due to confidence issues, a blockage in their inner child, or etc.
The talent may affect how the native is viewed by others, particularly in their career image. They may make money or acquire fame and popularity from their talent. In positive cases, these individual can be viewed as prodigies at their workplace; people may depend on them to get the work done or they look to them as an expert, which can also indicate being well-respected. In harsher cases, these individuals may want to monetize and make an image off of their talent, but they may struggle to do so for any reason. These people can be business owners, masterminds, and managers.
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andreabandrea · 10 months
I absolutely don't mean this in a bad way, but I think a lot about how Pokemon is a power fantasy for kids. And I know this is obvious because it's a game for children, but let me ramble.
Think about it: you can go wherever you want, knowing you're safe because your Pokemon will protect you. In the later games, you can dress however you want and express yourself freely. You can connect with nature and communities of friendly kids and adults around you. You can make a meaningful, positive impact on the world. You can stand toe-to-toe with adults who, in real life, would ignore or even belittle you because you're just a kid. (And, of course, you have superpowered pets that love you.)
I think about how in the original games, Brock and Misty are presented as kids/young teens and become friends with Ash. But, Lt. Surge presents a difficulty spike-- if you chose Bulbasaur, you can easily sweep the first two gyms with it, but now you don't have a supereffective match up unless you plan more. I think it's meaningful, then, that Lt. Surge is portrayed a big, scary adult man and military to boot. In the anime, he's presented as being condescending and intimidating toward Ash. But, you as the player are able to overcome this intimidating man through the power of your Pokemon. The same can be said for people like Team Rocket and Giovanni-- Giovanni's original sprite in Red & Blue makes it look like he's looming over you, sneering at you.
It can easily be forgotten by adult fans, but you're seeing this world through the perspective of a child. Giovanni looming over you represents how it feels to be a child, powerless, and face an adult who's cruel to you. But you defeat him at every match up.
Satoshi Tajiri would go on to say that Pokemon was inspired by his childhood, in which he'd go out and collect bugs. Miyamoto would say that the first Zelda game was inspired by his childhood in which he'd explore the local area and caves and so on.
It makes me sad to think that, as the world becomes more modern, more urbanized, and (as parents tend to see it, at least) more unsafe, this childhood that inspired these classic games become further out of reach for kids. When I was growing up, I lived in a suburb full of concrete. I couldn't walk anywhere, and even if I could, my mother was too anxious to let me just go around unsupervised.
This is why getting the bike is such a big moment in Pokemon-- you can go so much farther as a kid on a bike! But, I also could only ride my bike up and down my boring street before running into a major street full of cars going 50 MPH that would have murdered me instantly.
This isn't a doom post. I still believe that we can repair the damage that capitalism and cars have done to the world. But, I think that in times like this, it's more important than ever for kids to have access to these power fantasies, these escapes from a world that they have no ability to fix, but still suffer from regardless.
Ironically, I think that when I play Pokemon now, I play it to feel smaller rather than to feel bigger, the opposite of how I played it as a kid. Now, it's comforting to escape from work and stress into a world in which your only concerns are walking to the next town, catching a new Pokemon, and maybe fighting a gym leader. The same can be said of any piece of media that someone is nostalgic for, but I think Pokemon feeds into it well because its design is so baked in the experience of being a child.
When I'm playing Pokemon, especially when replaying an old game, I still remember things like only saving in Pokemon centers so that my character could sleep there in a nice building, or imagining them setting up camp if I had to save and quit on a route. If I had time, I would feed my Pokemon some Pokeblocks or etc. at my little 'camp' so they wouldn't be hungry (which is why I felt like the cooking and camping systems from SwSh were so real for me, haha).
I don't think that there's a 'wrong' way to play Pokemon-- I know people enjoy competitive Pokemon, and strict challenge runs, and stuff. And I can enjoy that, too! But, for me, Pokemon is about childhood, you know?
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kwimii999 · 2 months
Notice : I'm quitting
So, as I'm sitting down on my bed while meddling in CAS and thinking about thoughts that I've had for a while. I realized I no longer enjoyed creating content ! To me I see this as a positive because everything I do in my life is a challenge for me. I've learned a lot and I enjoyed it while it lasted.
Most of my downloads will be transfered to MTS, it's less overwhelming to manage when I make changes or update my files. My profile : here
Why ?
I think I wanna go back to enjoying sims 3 in my own comfort and in my own corner (because it truly feels like I haven't been able to play for so long). I have too much going on in my life anyway and I realized that since I'm going back to college soon. I won't even be able to post nor do I want to even create and post content at all.
It went from being enjoyable to just taking a lot of my time and energy and the enjoyment kinda went away with it. I do not regret anything I did though and I'm very happy I started creating content.
I had a lot of things I wanted to create, I wanted to learn conversions for hair, objects, animations. I was generally ambitious but I'm just not enjoying myself anymore.
None of my content will be deleted and it if it was, it was intentional not to gatekeep but mostly because there's an updated version of it or I thought it was just something I deemed too unoptimized (like my university build).
Thank you everyone.
Thank you to everyone who supported me so far. You have all been a great impact on me !
If any of you who are reading this have always wanted to learn creating content, do so ! Sims 3 does need more creators, if you shy away from learning you'll lose the opportunity to see what you were truly capable of ! So create to your heart's content and here's some advice :
Take your time
Believe in your abilities
Let yourself make mistakes
Don't give up too easily but learn how to take breaks
Always remember that your smallest achievements can lead you to bigger achievements so don't belittle yourself either.
So go ahead and create ! and leave your mark in the sims 3 community whether it's simply just a build or a mod. If you have something to share, share it.
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omniverseexplorer · 1 year
The Reason Why You Are Limitless
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Disclaimer: I'm releasing an old banger but a revised version as my perception has changed!These are just my personal beliefs, and it is completely open ended just like everything else. If you are searching for a “logical” answer this post isn’t for you, this post is for the shifting and manifesting baddies that are open minded to the “impossible” being possible. If you struggle with disassociation this post might not be for you.
We are constantly being told in the manifestation and reality shifting community that we are completely limitless. However, what does that mean exactly? EVERYTHING is made out of energy: our thoughts, emotions, physical bodies, nature, “physical objects,” etc at its ultimate core. Ultimately, we are pure consciousness not attached to any reality. We are the Multiverse experiencing itself. This is why manifestors say that consciousness is the only real reality, and when we enter the “void state” it’s already within us. The void state is just pure consciousness. We are simply entering our truest state of being where we always shift and manifest instantly, where negative thoughts, doubts, feelings, etc don’t exist because this isn’t our natural state of being. We are all “connected” to this energy, because we are all made out of the same energy that makes up the entire Multiverse: spirits, gods, deities, entities, yourselves, physical objects, animals, plants, planets, realities, dimensions, realms, and down to your thoughts. We are everything, everywhere, all at once. Everyone across the entire Multiverse shares a collective consciousness of “I AM” as we are all made up of the same energy. We are all One. I don’t say this to freak anyone out, this should be empowering to know that you have full control of your reality. You can be anything and anywhere right now no matter what. You can do anything and change anything instantly no matter what because time isn't real.
As pure consciousness who are the creators of our realities we have complete and ultimate freewill, so that you have the freewill to create your own beliefs and assumptions. There is no such thing as right or wrong, black or white, everything is grey including what you assume is true or not true. The only real reality is your imagination/consciousness/awareness, because everything is energy. The Multiverse is a paradox, everything and nothing exists at the same time because it all comes down to your dictation as to what is real and isn’t real in your reality. Everything that you can possibly imagine and desire already exists within you, as you are limitless and completely infinite. Nothing is impossible for you. Time is an illusion, and it doesn’t exist so in your imagination where the energy is at its rawest form you already have all of your desires (aka consciousness).
There are no laws of physics that dictate your reality, the concept of the laws of physics is simply your current awareness of reality, which can be easily changed as long as your awareness changes. You are all limitless and you can bend and change the laws of physics/the physical reality with your own assumptions. For example, you assume that you have the ability to fly, as long as you keep assuming that you can fly then your physical reality will transform that. ANYTHING is possible, you create your own rules down to the laws of physics of what is and isn’t possible in your realm of awareness of reality, which can differ for anyone else. Everything that you were taught: spirituality, religion, science, and witchcraft are simply real because you assume that they are real as you were taught since birth to accept certain things as “hardcore truths” when “hardcore truths” is simply an illusion. There are no such things as “ultimate truths” except the ones that you create within your own awareness of reality. This is why “fictional” realities exist, because they simply have a different awareness of reality/“laws of physics” than we do, which can easily be changed. For example, have you ever wondered why some people experience paranormal experiences and others don’t? While they may be real to you in your reality, may be unreal to others in their reality, and both are correct because it is your assumptions that dictates reality. In terms with death, spirits, gods, entities, the astral realm/concept of afterlife, laws of spirituality such as karma, reincarnation, etc-everything boils down to your assumptions as well. These energies are very real only if you perceive it to be real, but if you do not believe in them then they won’t exist in your reality because they will simply not abide by your personal laws of physics. Don’t limit yourself: you can manifest immortality, your desired reality, teleportation, manifesting instantly, time travel, time manipulation, whether you can fly or not, “fictional” characters shifting to your reality, etc as your “core” laws of reality, or lack of. It’s up to you.
Therefore, you completely create your rules to manifest, and how you manifest. Do you shift every time you manifest anything no matter what or simply manipulate the 3D? Up to you to decide, you are correct no matter what because this is your reality. "You" as pure consciousness is where your imagination, desires, assumptions, beliefs and thoughts reside and you already have your all you desires simultaneously because time is not real is the only place you should focus. The physical reality is simply an illusion, and is easily malleable and customisable. It can be changed and manipulated instantly so you can also always change your “laws” on how your reality works whenever you want to. Imagination is your only real reality, where creation is finished it is done. You are never creating anything you are simply being the person who already has your desire/are in your DR. It already exists within you as consciousness being the only real reality. Therefore, the concept of “fiction” and “impossible” isn’t real because what you deem as “fictional worlds” that are created already exist if you assume so. We have just been taught of certain things as “hardcore truths” within this perception of reality, which is completely false and can be changed instantly if we really wanted to. Every single little thing that you think of, desire, etc already exists in the imagination the only real reality right now. Essentially you are limitless you can be anything and anywhere no matter what because you already are that thing right now, no matter what it is. You just need to change your assumption to accepting it.
It should be noted that you do not need to enter the void state to be limitless. All you need to do is accept your true state that you are pure consciousness not attached to any reality or perception of reality, the void is already within you right now. You are the true, ultimate creator /God of your reality, you can even dictate your own “laws of physics” within your reality and what is “true” or “not true.” When you accept that you are more than just your physical body, you open a whole new world of possibilities you deemed “impossible.” You may ask yourself: If it’s the ultimate law that the physical reality must conform to the consciousness that I am (my desires) instantly no matter what then why doesn’t it happen? Whose to say that you can’t just blink right now and be in your DR or have your desired manifestation no matter what right now? Or that you can see the physical change before your eyes to fit your desires or DR? All of this is possible, the problem is that we have grown up in this current awareness of reality to overcomplicate and overthink everything. We think that we need to “believe,” “let go,” “feel happy,” etc. Also, let’s be honest subconsciously we also expect the physical reality to take “time” because we have been taught that we have to “wait” and “work hard” to get everything we want and put “limitations” to our desires. What you need to do is begin to assume that your physical reality instantly conforms to your desires before your eyes no matter what-you don’t need to believe, feel happy, let go, etc. Everything is energy, all you need to do is manipulate this energy by assume what you desire, and make it a dominant assumption. Your dominant assumptions (the energy you put mostly in) always create your reality. Don’t overcomplicate anything just keep assuming in your favour to manifest, shift, create your own laws of physics, etc because your imagination/consciousness already knows every single detail of what you desire since it already exists within you right now.
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a-not-so-clean-blog · 9 months
Nu carnival x shapeshifter reader ♠️ nsft under cut
He used to be so shy around people. You probably met when you were shifted into an animal so he actually approached you. Telling him you were a shapeshifter was definitely a shock but he accepted it pretty quickly. It didn't take him long to grow accustomed to all your shapes. He takes such good care of you during the day that it's only fair that you take special care of him at night.
Some shapes took longer to ‘adjust’ to, like just how long you could make your cock. It took some trial and error but you soon realized that's what he likes best. Not too gritty but long enough that he whimpers that if you go deeper you'll go out the other end. I mean theoretically you could buy that wouldn't be comfortable for either of you. All you want to do is fill him up and listen to him moan.
You made a game out of shifting into different people and seeing how long it takes for him to figure it out. He thinks it's sweet that you're trying to keep him aware of his surroundings. He has gotten a lot better at picking you out of a crowd but you can still surprise him, this just motivates him to become better.
If you turned into something slimy for him he will complain, but as soon as you touch him he all but melts. One slimy appendage filling his ass while the other wraps around his cock. Sloppy wet noises and his moans filling the room is like a symphony. He is so agreeable one you start making him feel good.
You don't have to worry about his fan club getting mad at you because when you visit you never wear the same face twice. Whether you approach him as a human, church mouse, or something else he can always tell it's you. Something about the way your eyes shine? He gets really bashful whenever you try and ask how he can always tell you apart and changes the subject.
He would love a good tentacle fuck! Use some of your limbs to bind his arms and legs as you stuff his ass to the brim. You want to fill his mouth too but his moans are too cute to cover up for too long. If you can put suction cups or pinchers on a tentacle than definitely aim for his nipples. He likes when you're rough to him like this during sex. He also loves when afterwards you wrap him up in your many appendages and cuddle with some well earned aftercare.
You have a very simple weapon to give him cuteness overload… turn into something small and fluffy and play with Topper! Also turn into something big and fluffy and lay on him when he takes a nap! He finds the weight comforting. He's not too good at communicating his feelings like this but you can read him pretty well once you know his tells.
I don't know how much he's played around with his sexuality but he's about to on a whole new level. He's willing to try a lot but one thing at a time. Similarly to my werewolf headcanons, he may want to challenge you for the right to top him. He definitely gets off on the primal nature of play fighting. He's got stamina for days so you'll have plenty of opportunities to try different forms with him. Just remember how he likes to nap after.
He loves your shifting nature. He does wish you would use it to mess with more people though. What's the point in having such a fun ability if you don't use it for some mischief? Well he'll still have his fun with you.
He's someone who gets bored easily but because of your ability he never gets really bored. He might say that he gets bored of you, but you know that's just his way of saying he wants to try a new shape. When you are starting to get him horny he won't tell you what he wants. He'd rather have you shift until something strikes his fancy. You can never tell if he wants claws, wings, a tail to pull, a knot to stuff him, or if he wants to play with a size kink. It all depends on his mood. You have gotten really good at reading his eyes to tell you what form he wants. As long as you pick “the right form” he'll let you do whatever you want.
No matter how hard you try you can not find a form that Blade doesn't think is adorable. It's super endearing and god he's so cute. You show off new forms like how most people show off a new shirt and he has stars in his eyes every time!
Rail him until his sensors break! He's such a curious person to begin with that he is going to want to try everything you can give him. Given his unnatural stamina I recommend giving it to him hard so you don't have to have a 24 hour marathon. Make him moan like no one else can.
You have tried shapeshifting to surprise him before but it never works. Apparently your scent gives you away before you can even get close to him. You can still try to sneak up on him, but he already knows you're there and he's very happy about it.
He's super bashful when he asks if you can shift into something with a fat knot for him. It's so cute how he asks with his tail nervously wagging behind him. Of course you say yes and give him a fantastic night.
He thinks you're interesting and like him. He's kind of surprised your shapeshifting doesn't come with a personality shift like when he and Garu switch. He gets used to your shenanigans and likes to play along. He likes watching you shift rather than you being in 1 form all the time. To see you shift he will tease you like “I bet you can't turn into X”. You know it's a ploy but he always has the cutest awestruck expression so you don't mind.
He wants to “fight” you all the time. It's mostly playful but he wants to win before he ‘allows’ you to fuck him. He loves getting fucked but he doesn't want to feel dominated. If you can stick with a form about his size and 4 limbs he's happy. Well that and a fat cock is good too.
Going to be honest he has stumped me for like a week. He knows all his staff by face so when he first sees you he immediately raises red flags. Once he realizes you're a shapeshifter and forgot to put the right face on he calms down. He warms up to you if you offer to be a spy and find bad guys in Solaria.
He doesn't have much experience in bed but will never admit your ability overwhelms him with options. He's kind of vanilla by default but if you ask him to try something he won't say no. In fact he's open to pretty much anything but is too unsure to ask you directly. Take the lead or drop hints if you want to have some real fun.
Property started getting interested in you because of scientific curiosity, but that slowly morphed into actual romantic feelings. He half thinks you hexed him, but also doesn't think you have that kind of ability. So congratulations your mere experience forced him to confront his real people emotions. He's not happy about it, but he is happy to have you as a partner.
…He keeps a notebook next to the bed to document every detail about every shape you take. You aren't allowed to look at it so you can't “taint the results”. If you ask what he wants he'll just say something like “surprise me” or “anything new”. I have no idea what he would actually like and neither do you.
You may not be the first non-human (Blade, Garu, Kuya) he's been with but you are his favorite! He likes to ask you to help him play jokes on his clan members. You're not allowed to shapeshift into Eiden anymore because the clan members got really mad.
He's someone who will try anything once, and with you he can try literally anything! You of course are more than happy to oblige. Whether it's swelling a fat knot in his ass, or triple penetration with tentacles he's going to love experiencing it all with you.
I hope you don't mind becoming a living doll every once in a while. He's cried using you as a mirror once “do you really see wrinkles by my eyes!”. He's a bit of a drama queen about it and doesn't forgive you for a whole week. He likes having you model things for him, weather you look like him, or if he's using you to size a gift for Eiden or Momo. He doesn't know what your real form is and frankly doesn't care.
I don't think Aster is a huge fan of penetrative sex. That's okay, your shapeshifting allows for so many different options for sex! Literally all the options. He's really appreciative of how adaptive you are even if he won't say it out loud.
Ho did not realize you were one person at first. You flirted with him in so many forms and he loved the attention from all of them. He was shocked when you told him all the times you flirted with him and he was clueless.
He thinks you are “hot as fuck” in every form. He prefers when you have a large shape with multiple limbs. He doesn't care if those limbs have barbs, spikes, feathers, scales, or are slimy. He just wants to feel completely surrounded by you. He's so needy that you are grateful to have the extra limbs. Also if you can fuck both holes at the same time he'll love it.
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thenightfolknetwork · 2 months
Hello, long time listener, first time caller. First things first, I need to make it clear that I’m not part of the Nightfolk community, but I do have friends who are part of the community. Every weekend, we like to go antique hunting, always hitting every antiques shop we can find. While we usually stick to sapio-centric stores, a couple of weeks ago, we went to a creature run store (it was mainly my suggestion, as I was curious about the antiques of the community). I wasn’t sure what to get, having heard what my friends have said about this kinds of places, but I eventually settled on an old Japanese-style umbrella. Everything seemed normal at first after that, but soon, things got a little… strange. One day after work, I came back to my home ramshackled. At first I thought it was a break in, but then I saw the culprit: it was the umbrella, only now, it’s sprouted a single eye, a mouth with a long, lolling tongue formed from a tear, and it was hopping around on its handle like a single foot. I managed to calm it down (it weirdly seems to enjoy the weather channel), but now I’m at a loss for what to do now. It’s not that dangerous, but I’m not sure if I should keep it in my home. What should I do?
I can reassure you, reader, you aren't in any danger here. This little spirit might be rather high-energy, and certainly prone to mischief, as you've discovered. But there's no reason to assume any malice on its part.
I'm a little surprised there was no indication of the umbrella's nature when you bought it. That seems rather an oversight on the part of the shop's owner, who surely could not have been entirely ignorant of the situation. After all, I doubt the umbrella was any better behaved in the shop than it has been in your home!
The degree to which inanimate objects possess spirits – or even 'souls', whatever is meant by that – is a subject of hot debate. But there is strong anecdotal evidence that creatures such as your umbrella are a manifestation of an object's dissatisfaction at how it has been treated in the past.
Umbrellas are easily forgotten. Left behind on the bus or in a restaurant, set down on a park bench and never picked up again, folded up and put away and left to gather dust without another thought. Little wonder if the spirit of such an object gets a little… rowdy.
There are plenty of guides online for looking after mischievous animate objects. A good rule of thumb is to provide it with plenty of stimulus so it doesn't get bored and act out.
The weather channel is a good choice, and perhaps playing rain sounds for it when you're out, to keep it company. Letting it play in the shower could be a good option for sunny spells, and of course, long walks in the rain will be just the thing.
Keeping this item would be a commitment on your part. This kind of spirit has a limited ability to act for itself – you would have a duty of care towards it, ensuring its needs are met and that it is given even opportunity for a happy, healthy life.
If you don't feel able to commit to that, I urge you to return it to the shop where you bought it and leave it for someone else who can. It will be a sad addition to the creature's history, but far better in the long run.
But if you decide to take it in, to care for it and provide for it as it deserves, I feel sure your new friend would be a wonderful, lively addition to your household.
[For more creaturely advice, check out Monstrous Agonies on your podcast platform of choice, or visit monstrousproductions.org for more info]
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dollmaidcrystal · 1 year
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Let's talk about our kink heresies for a moment - those breaks from kink orthodoxy that would get us kicked out of the human equestrian club.
At some point, the American ponyplay community became oddly chaste. (Actual chaste, not the fun kind with locks.) "Ponyplay is about getting into a horse's headspace. It's about the spiritual experience of being an animal."
If that was my goal, a couple buttons of peyote is way cheaper than pony gear.
Our ponyplay is more sexual than that. My goal isn't to think like a horse, but to become so lost in arousal from the bondage, public display, and a nice thick plug up my arse that I lose my ability to think at all. Instead, I become a purely physical animal to train, easily controlled and reacting on pure instincts.
I've brought this up to other ponyplayers in the past, and I've always been told that what we're doing isn't real ponyplay. "It's a BDSM scene with an exercise element." So, I've stopped caring what other ponyplayers say. It's energy wasted that I could put towards improving my five-furlong time.
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shalomniscient · 10 months
Hello Sev, I just wanted to drop by and offer you the image of Mantis making a nest at the Bureau that includes a lot of the Chief's things that have recently gone missing...including the chief as well.
Nightingale and the other sinners find the nest and see the chief giving Mantis headpats as Dreya sits next to them reading a book, all while surrounded by the bones of countless animals and vermin of course.
Also, imagine Mantis regains her memories of the Chief and has a wholesome moment of asking the chief if she is still their superhero, with the chief hugging her and saying always.
That is all for now, I have to go back to writing the Chief trolling the Garden.
Till next time.
she’s so tragic since ptn hates letting their women be happy, like… the thing she desired most was connection and in the end, that was the very thing she lost. she can’t communicate with chief (in story, voicelines nonwithstanding) and chief can’t communicate with her. they’re both so close to each other yet at the same time, so far. but despite it all, deep down they both know one thing: i care for you. and i know you care for me. god, it’s so heartbreaking and i love it.
ANYWAY HELL YEAH MANTIS NEST !!! i started playing as dreya event was ending so i don’t have quite a clear grasp on her character, but now that EN is permanent i’ll go back and sit through her story. that being said, i’ll focus on my bbg mantis for now, who totally brings you all sorts of trinkets from her ‘foraging’—which include a few dead mice, Hella’s beanie, EMP’s Nintendo switch and a very cool shiny rock she found outside. You accept all of them, though very discreetly gets rid of the mice.
ALSO ALSO since Mantis can fly she has the ability to literally whisk you away to where no one can get to you easily, like the roof of the bureau. Mantis will proceed to hog all of your attention, chirping and vocalising softly as you pat her hair. She’ll also insist on hovering around you sometimes, which is cute but a little inconvenient when you’re meeting with someone from the FAC or something. Mantis will watch them over your shoulder, cooing and chirping intermittently as the FAC agent sweats under her gaze. Like imagine trying to give a report to your colleague and floating behind them is something two steps away from being an eldritch monstrosity ?? Chief is insane but the people who work with Chief are even more insane lmfao, if your tolerance for supernatural shenanigans is low then the MBCC is not the place for you
chief, watching mantis hunt a rat on all fours with her scythe arms: she don’t bite
visiting officers, screaming when mantis focuses her attention on them instead: YES SHE DO GET YOUR FUCKIN BUG—
mbcc staff: I Pretend I Do Not See
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amethystfairy1 · 5 months
Hello I have glamor head-canons to share!! Woo! I’d be happy to hear your opinion on it! (It’s mostly based on blazeborns)
uhh hope you don’t mind this absolute wall of a text… :>
I’ve been imagining blaze rods as a sorta way to keep track of how much glamour the little guys have. For example, I imagine Grian has five, pearl has three, jimmy has two, tango obviously has three, Sausage probably has four since he flies using it, x has one, oli, fwip and pix has two etc.
With one (blazerod amount of glamour) subspecies with more complex glamor abilities will barely be able to use it (like x). Although those with more simple abilities are just fine (you’ll be able to fly okay with wings but not great). They can hide small things (like dog ears and face wings etc) for a while (3-5 hours) medium things (like a dog tail) for a short while (0.5-1 hours)
With two you can use most subspecies specific abilities. And hide medium sized things for awhile and larger things for a short time
Three is the most common amount of glamour for most subspecies. The glamour can hide things a little longer, and use all but complex subspecies specific abilities without trouble. (An exception would be blazeborns, tango can use fire and stuff but he seems to struggle)
With four you can change small aspects of your appearance for a short period of time and you can shoot small amounts of glamor with assistance from enchanted objects.
At Five is an unusual high amount of glamor for most subspecies (non witches) here you can shoot glamour without an enchanted object (although having an enchanted object greatly improves it) and change medium parts of your appearance for a longer time period. You can even turn invisible for a short period of time. (As shown by grian)
Six is witch territory you can brew some simple potions and cast simple enchantments. You can also shoot a beam of glamour with an enchanted object but it will exhaust you.
Seven is pretty common for blazeborns and witch subspecies. Blazeborns need more glamour to use their subspecies specific trait (fire) and with seven blaze rods they can easily start fires and craft beads without needing any breaks. You can shoot beams of glamour with an enchanted object without completely exhausting you, but you need to recharge before you can do it again.
Eight is almost unheard of for non witch subspecies, those that do have it are usually undead as they need glamour to stay animated (half alive?). You can shoot a beam of glamour without any assistance but draining glamour that fast without an enchanted object can be dangerous.
Nine is for as far as the undercity is concerned, impossible for non witch subspecies to have and be alive. Not unheard of for undead subspecies, but about half of it is needed to stay undead so they are more like those with five blazerod amount of glamour than anything. At this level you are a great witch and powerful enough blaze to be a pyre of a small community.
With ten or more blazerods blazeborns are well off as pyres
At this point even for a blazeborn or a witch the glamour can be a bit of a struggle to control, but with proper training, dedication and care you can become a truly powerfully witch
Blazeborns with twelve blazerods are said to be truly blessed, it is very rare and those blazes that do have twelve blaze rods are trained specifically to become pyres. That training is especially necessary as with this much glamour a reckless blaze risk to burn themselves up entirely. There is a children story about a blaze born who burned everything until they were nothing but walking burned bones with a blue flame that will haunts defiant children.
I am curious if you’ve made a way to measure glamor? (Either in-universe or just for you to keep track of it) If not feel free to use and modify my head canon however you please!
(I do have some more things, especially on the undead and glamour burnout/overcharge, idk about you but I like there being consequences for powerful beings)
Whoa, this is super cool! I love seeing headcanons and thoughts on this!!! I will say if we're using the hypothetical "blazerod" measurement, i think you're shooting a few people pretty low. Jimmy and Fwhip in particular. If we follow your cool little list here, Fwhip is probably more in the 4-5 range, at Grian's level, and Jimmy is around 3 while Pearl would be closer to 4.
Fwhip changes his appearance to look completely human despite being very non-human in appearance in 'Sightline Sunrise' and he can run while still invisible even when he was a little kid as we see in 'Blessings in Disguise' when he steals Pix's wallet.
Jimmy turns himself and Scott invisible in 'Gutterline Sunshine' and the ability to turn invisible for very short periods of time (2-5 minutes) is actually a skill that lands more in the 3 range, and it's just that the duration of maintaining the invisibility is the tricky part.
I am quite curious what you mean by the undead folks using glamor to stay alive? That's such a cool concept! I don't confirm or deny any of this because y'know...spoiler territory 😅 but I LOVE seeing this sort of stuff, I assure you!
I love the childrens legend about the spooky burning skeleton blaze-born 😆
I don't really have a specific measurement, because I like to think of glamor as comparable to athletic ability. Some people are more gifted with certain athletic skills, but that doesn't mean someone less gifted can't work really hard and BECOME as good. Glamor is a skill, it requires practice just like anything else. The thing is people are born with a ceiling to their abilities that no amount of hard work can get them to break through. That ceiling is the sheer amount of glamor they have! So someone with weak glamor, like X or Tango, just aren't going to be able to train themselves up to the same skill set as people like Grian or Shelby!
Thank you so much for sharing this! Hopefully this makes sense! 💖
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oraclekleo · 1 year
[18+] Pick-A-Pile: Ultimate Future Spouse Tarot Reading (PART 1)
Hello, my dear followers and random visitors of this blog of mine! Some (LOOOONG) time ago I promised a detailed and wholesome Pick-A-Pile tarot reading on your Future Spouse. This has originated in the fact I have received so many pretty repetitive Future Spouse requests that instead of doing the same type of reading 20 times, I decided to turn it into a PAC reading. Sorry to everyone who requested the future spouse reading but I’m sure you can choose one of the piles. I have made 6 piles which is a bit too long for Tumblr so this PAC reading is going to come in two parts. Make sure to treat them as if they were one reading. Remember this is still a general reading. Take what resonates with you personally, the rest was probably not meant for you. I have included physical appearance traits. And again not all of the aspects will apply to your future spouse. Dismiss the ones that don’t sound like your type. In case you need any further clarification, don’t be shy to contact me through DM or inbox or my email. If you don’t reach out to me, I will consider all your future spouse requests completed.
All of my tarot readings have purely entertainment nature
Tarot isn’t an exact science, I can never ever guarantee any of what’s said in a reading
Tarot isn’t a law or dogma to follow. You have a free will to decide no matter what the cards say.
Never make life decisions based on tarot only.
This is a general reading, take what resonates.
PART 1: PILES 1 - 2 - 3
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PART 2: PILES 4 - 5 - 6
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Cards: 19. The Child (The Oracle of Roses), House Seven (Heavenly Bodies Astrology Oracle), The Goat and Willow (Woodland Wardens Oracle), Dragon, Hawk (The Wild Unknown Animal Spirit Oracle), King of Cups, VII The Chariot, 6 of Wands, 4 of Cups (The Light Seer’s Tarot), 5 of Wands, 0 The Fool, XII The Hanged Man, 5 of Cups (Dark Wood Tarot)
Dear Pile 1, your future spouse is a person with integrity and very mature. It’s possible they are older than you but it’s not a rule here. The string of mirroring runs through the whole reading. Your future spouse is a person of great composure, they don’t lose their nerves easily and usually maintain calm in stressful situations. People are likely to look up to them and praise their wisdom and dignity.
Your future spouse knows that nothing comes for free in life, they know they will always reap what they have sown. They have the ability to see value in everything and to see beauty in everyone they meet. Your future spouse is a compassionate person but they don’t let the emotional outbreaks of others sweep them off their feet. They can navigate through the emotional waters like professional sea captains and they rarely slip into anger.
Pile 1, your future spouse has been through tough times. Some of you might relate to the fact that your future spouse is a widower / widow. They carry sadness within their heart and soul, some of them even from previous lifetimes. It has taught them to never lose hope, though. Despite all the hardships they have been through, they still have a life drive, they overcome obstacles and face challenges with courage.
When your future spouse is in a bad mood, they might have a tendency to exaggerate and suspect others. Be careful not to give them a reason to get jealous as they don’t forget easily and once they start suspecting you, you will have a hard time convincing them that nothing happened. Be honest with your spouse, even brutally honest as they have excellent intuition and will see through lies and deceive.
Your future spouse, Pile 1, is a deeply curious person and they are likely to be interested in ways of communication. If it’s not their job, they are likely to adopt a hobby that will allow them to express their thoughts in a sensitive way and reach an audience of adoring fans. They like to be admired for their achievements so don’t forget to compliment them meaningfully. Don’t try to tell them empty flatters, though. They want you to notice and appreciate what they truly did. They are likely to use their words in order to influence other people’s lives for the better. They are likely to be teachers, gurus, counsellors, and therapists. Their life purpose is to reveal other people’s greatness, help them to see the beauty within themselves, as your future spouse can see it at first sight.
Dear Pile 1, your future spouse is a mature and mentor-like person on the outside but deep in their heart, they are pure and even childishly naive sometimes. They believe all people have good in them. They might sometimes be tricked by malicious people but they never lose hope.
When it comes to your future spouse’s love life, they are probably not that experienced. They might only have one or two lovers before meeting you as their relationships tend to be serious and long term. They are more traditional when it comes to dating, they probably believe in old-fashioned courtship. Your future spouse is a gentleman (even if they are female or nonbinary). They are likely to treat you with kindness and utmost respect. While they are old-fashioned, they are not likely to stand for the traditional role stereotypes. You don’t have to worry they would leave cooking and dishes to you while they would sit on a couch motionless. They will treat you well but also put as much effort into your relationship as you do and they will respect your opinions and let you use your unique voice freely.
I mentioned your future spouse is not likely to have many partners before you. That doesn’t mean they are inexperienced when it comes to marital pleasures. Once again, they are more likely to prefer traditional ways, they are not much into extremes or experimenting and the missionary is likely to be their favourite position. Your future spouse might prefer to control the show in the bedroom, not exactly from the position of the dom but as I mentioned, they are gentlemen and they want to treat you and make you feel relaxed. In their eyes, you are the most beautiful creature in the world and they want to worship you as the goddess you are for them. If you have picked this pile, it’s unlikely you’re the type to take charge in bed and you will like your spouse’s proactive approach.
You and your spouse are likely to have a very balanced relationship. You might be very similar in nature, probably started as good friends and just step by step fell in love with each other. For other people you might even look like you mirror each other, you probably subconsciously reach hands to each other at the same moment, you finish each other’s sentences. You are one soul dwelling in two bodies.
Physical Appearance
(Take only the ones that resonates, this is a general reading, if there are features you are not particularly interested in, they weren’t meant for you)
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Cards: Seahorse (Wild Mystic Oracle), Freedom (Sacred Destiny Oracle), Eagle, Key, Bag (Tea Leaf Fortune Cards), 8. Commitment (Urban Crow Oracle), 13. Child (Gilded Reverie Lenormand), 37. Descendant (Starcodes Astro Oracle), 4 of Pentacles, 3 of Swords, 9 of Wands (Crow Tarot), 10 of Cups, Knight of Wands, X The Wheel of Fortune (Edgar Allan Poe Tarot)
Dear Pile 2, your future spouse is truly a family person, a daddy, a mommy, the one born to build a family and what’s even more important, they actually truly wish to have a spouse and start a family with them. Your future spouse is reliable both personally and financially, they are likely to be hard workers but also smart workers with a vision. They might start working hard from 9 to 5 but they have ambitions, they are quick to learn and it’s very likely for them to climb the corporate ladder fast or to start a business of their own to make sure their family is well secured.
Dear Pile 2, your future spouse is probably someone who has a big family already or if it’s not a family by blood, they are very close with their friends. If they don’t already have children from a previous marriage when you meet them, they are probably the fun uncle for their nephews, nieces and their friends’ children. They have a fantastic relationship with children in general.
I have mentioned previous marriages and it’s actually pretty possible, your future spouse is a person who went through divorce. The 3 of Swords speak of heartbreak, while the 9 of Wands suggest perseverance. Your future spouse is likely a person who doesn’t really hold grudges. Their divorce might have meant an end to a chapter of their life but it’s possible they maintain a decent and polite relationship with their ex spouse simply to make the whole thing easier for their children. Dear Pile 2, if you have picked these cards, you are probably a person, who will accept and welcome your future spouse’s children from their previous marriages. If this is not your case, pick a different pile.
Dear Pile 2, your future spouse is not a fan of extreme sports or any other kind of hazardous hobby. They are more on the timid side. They might enjoy doing DIY’s, gardening, casual cycling, nature (especially bird watching, I’m getting that strongly). I can sense a certain neatness in your future spouse so it’s very likely they will be willing to help with house chores, maybe even be better in them than you are. They might be good cooks as well. They are truly more of homely types to enjoy the peace and comfort with you and your family.
All these might make you think they are a bit boring when it comes to romance and sex but that’s not the case here. Dear Pile 2, your future spouse is actually a very passionate lover and while they might not be into super kinky practices, they do have a certain curiosity in them and will be willing to explore some of the more pleasurable positions or techniques you might suggest to them. I mentioned they have a thing for nature and it’s possible your future spouse is keen to get down to business outdoors. Camping with them is likely to be fun. Your future spouse has a certain playfulness in them, they might not always let others know always but they do like to tease you. They are no beast but more like a playful kitten. I also see gentleness in them and an open mind. They have no problem being submissive now and then. If you prefer them in a dominant position, they are the soft and caring type of dom.
Dear Pile 2, your future spouse and you seem to have a truly good chemistry. You can see the seahorses how they are in love. Seahorse male is also the one being pregnant which suggests your future spouse is capable of understanding you and stepping into your shoes when you ask them. If you are the housewife but suddenly have to travel away, you don’t have to worry because your spouse is perfectly capable of managing your responsibilities. They are not the type to say they were babysitting. It’s not babysitting when it’s your child, right? Your future spouse knows your children’s schedules and needs and they are capable of taking care of anything. It gives you a fantastic feeling of security with them. The cards are mostly positive and it’s pretty possible you would rarely ever argue.
As I mentioned before, your future spouse is a family person and it’s very likely they will seek a job with good work-life balance. It’s very important for them to feel purpose at work, to be needed and on the other hand, to be adequately rewarded for their hard work. They might try several jobs but if they can’t find a good balance as an employee, they are likely to set their own business up.
In general, your future spouse is likely to always pursue the happiness of their family and they are willing to do anything for it. They are loving, caring and responsible.
Physical Appearance
(Take only the ones that resonates, this is a general reading, if there are features you are not particularly interested in, they weren’t meant for you)
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Cards: Clover (The Seed & Sickle Oracle), XX The Caiman and Poppy (Woodland Wardens Oracle), LXVII Sublimation (The Wild Unknown Alchemy Oracle), 48. Risks (Oracle of Visions), Growth (Prism Oracle), Pioneer (Archetype Cards), 8 of Cups, 5 of Pentacles, 0 The Fool (Tarot in Wonderland), VIII Strength, 5 of Wands, IX The Hermit (Tarot of the Divine)
Dear Pile 3, your future spouse is a dreamer and idealist. They are always on some sort of a quest - to learn something new, to master a new skill, to help someone, to fight the big evil corporate company, to save the world, you name it. They can’t just sit back, relax and ignore when there’s something wrong or evil going on. They are the hero type of a person. On the other hand, they don’t really have a master plan on how to win the fight and how to achieve their goals. They have passion, curiosity and good will, they go into endeavours head on, they jump into the unknown without thinking about consequences. And that might be challenging for the people around them, specifically you, my dear pile 3. While their intentions are all good, your future spouse might walk around with their head in the clouds, always occupied with some noble mission of theirs, forgetting about all the everyday life details.
Dear Pile 3, your future spouse is likely a person with high values and always trying to become the best version of themselves. Sometimes they rise so above ordinary life, they might lose contact with reality, though. They might become detached from you, family, friends, your community. On the other hand, when like Icarus they fly too close to the sun and fall back down, they will seek help. The only trouble is that people might not be so willing to help someone who left them behind before. You might need to keep your future spouse’s feet on the ground so they don’t cut ties with reality. Their vision and intentions might be excellent ones, they only need the reality check.
As mentioned, your future spouse is a person with goals to achieve and it’s very likely most of their hobbies and interests are ones that will help them on their way. They might not really have a hobby purely for fun, all their leisure activities are actually small steps towards their big goals. They have a very curious mind and it’s likely for them to remain a student for life, constantly reading and learning. That’s something they find pleasure in.
Speaking of pleasures, your future spouse, pile 3, is a person of contradictions. While they seem rather soft, gentle and compassionate when it comes to their noble quests, they truly turn into the beast in sheets. The caiman looks as if in trans most of the time but it becomes fast and furious once it’s after a prey. Your future spouse is similar in that matter. They might seem so deep in thoughts, so well composed while sitting by their desk and the next minute they wipe all things down the desk and have you seated there, ripping the clothes off. I also get a sense of them being well equipped in case your future spouse is a male. They probably aren’t overly romantic in a traditional way. They might be too occupied with all the suffering in the world to remember your wedding anniversary. On the other hand, if you manage to remind them in time, they will come with gifts to you, they probably prefer giving jewellery or perfumes.
I can see a lot of pushing and pulling in your cards so it’s possible your marriage isn’t exactly one made in heaven. You probably will fight and argue. Your future spouse might struggle to compromise, they probably believe they are always right. That’s something that might cause tension. They want to win any argument and they might not always think about possible consequences. Your future spouse is a tricky person to deal with but on the other hand I can see that a more gentle and even cunning approach might be successful for you. If you manage to make your future spouse think that your ideas are theirs, you will live a happy life.
Dear Pile 3, your future spouse might struggle with their career. I mentioned it multiple times, they are idealistic and whenever they feel their employer is being unfair or immoral or whatever issues your future spouse might have with them, they will fight the management or just straight up leave. It might lead to financial struggles as once again your future spouse can’t compromise their values, they can’t overlook any wrongdoings. It might take them a while to find a way to make the world a better place and still be able to pay the bills.
In general, your future spouse is simply too good for this world and you are the one balancing the scales and making sure the mundane issues will get as much attention as the global problems.
Physical Appearance
(Take only the ones that resonates, this is a general reading, if there are features you are not particularly interested in, they weren’t meant for you)
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See the rest of the piles in PART 2 of this reading.
Please, remember that this tarot reading is purely for fun. Thank you.
Let me know what pile you picked 😊
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