#i know what happenes to the fricking body when i smoke
I'm so damn angry. we're not even dating anymore. and yeah, alright, I get it. you have fucking asthma. but it's my fucking thing if I want to smoke or not. it's not like I ever smoked when I was anywhere near you and it's not like I'm gonna go and start doing that now. but we're not fucking dating anymore you don't get to tell me shit about smoking being bad for me. ✨️oh no, don't smoke🥺... for me...🥺✨️ fucking hate that shit. honestly, after all the shit we went through and now you give me this shit? what the fuck is wrong with you girl. I'm sick of this shit. alright, smoking is not fucking healthy. I don't give a shit. nothing in this hell hole called earth is healthy, what are you gonna do about it. but smoking is my fucking choice and I'm gonna fucking do it if I as much as fucking please. this was my fucking first cigarette this year and the first thing you do is ✨️don't do this for me✨️
girl I never ever smoked in your fucking presence, ever. stop giving me this shit. get the fuck out. honestly
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legolasghosty · 11 months
Okay but if I go into your inbox and ask for more zombie apocalypse au would that work??? ;D
Alright, but you quite literally asked for it, so don't blame me if this gets crazy!
For those of you who have been politely ignoring my madness, this is in reference to a post canon type zombie apocalypse au. You can read part 1 and part 2 of me spewing randomness about it on those links if you're interested! I blame Inny and whoever that anon was for enabling me.
Soooo I thought we might start this one by looking at the bit that started this whole tangent: Julie and the guys finding zombies of the boy's bodies.
Listen, they don't really see the apocalypse coming, no one does. So, a couple of months after the Orpheum, following many long conversations and stuff, Julie finds where the guys are buried and they all go to visit. It feels both very right, to pay their respects and all, and very wrong, cause visiting your own grave is just creepy, okay?!
Flynn is driving(cause there's no way Julie was up to learning to drive while struggling with losing her mom, even if she has turned 16 by this point), and the ghosts are being antsy in the back seat. Julie turns on the radio, but all the stations keep getting interrupted by some news people yelling about whatever crisis is happening now. Weird. So they just switch to the aux and Julie starts playing old 90s music. The boys appreciate it. Flynn is less of a fan.
They get to the graveyard just as the music gets cut off by Ray calling Julie. That's... not normal. Usually he texts unless it's urgent. Well, once his kids actually taught him how to actually write text messages, not whole emails in a text bubble.
Ray is like, COME HOME NOW, STUFF IS WEIRD AND THERE'S ZOMBIES!!! Julie thinks he's messing with her, cause like... zombies? Really? Everyone knows those aren't real. Flynn points out that everyone thinks ghosts aren't real either while googling it. And oh frick... maybe they should have paid more attention to those breaking news reports.
Look, I don't know how zombie infections start, okay? Haven't really figured that one out yet. But my general theory for this AU is that whatever chemical does it got into some kind of groundwater supply, and thus is in the dirt. It latches on to forms that still harbor some level of organic matter. Or something. I don't know. It's too late to be doing the science of zombies. Regardless, it's infecting dead bodies and the graveyard they are at is much closer to the source than home.
Reggie screams when the first one scrambles out of the ground behind him. Those first few are the newly dead ones, cause they still have the most organic matter attached and the dirt on top of them isn't as packed down from decades of being stepped on.
Alex panics and summons part of his drum kit right on top of it, crushing and killing it. They all kinda stare at it for a second, and then everything gets nuts. More zombies start climbing up from the ground. Flynn may or may not light a couple of them on fire with her mom's lighter. Look, she doesn't really smoke much anymore, but having the lighter around makes her feel better for whatever reason. Flynn doesn't get it but she also doesn't question it.
It's a small graveyard so they manage to take out most of the zombies fairly quickly, once they get over their initial shock... but then they see another zombie forcing its way up. It has a tattered beanie and they can see bones sticking out of its flesh where it has rotted away. And it's not Luke. They all know it's not. But even Luke himself is a bit stunned by the appearance of his own dead body.
Reggie and Alex zombies are coming up behind Luke. Figures that Luke would be the first one up. And none of them really know what to do. Cause, yeah they're zombies, but also, they're the guys???
But then Luke gets between zombie him and Julie and she realizes that, regardless of what the zombie looks like or who the body used to belong to, it's not him. Cause, ghost or not, Luke is standing right there, dead and breathing and trembling a bit in his beat up vans. So she does what any logical person would do: She grabs a big stick(or a shovel lying nearby or something, I don't know) and smacks zombie Luke over the head with it. Hard.
They take out the zombie boys and get in the car. (Reggie may or may not beat up zombie him with his bass.) They take off towards home just as fast as they can. Cause...what else do you do when zombies are suddenly real?
But it does make them sure of one thing: Zombies aren't people. Their souls aren't tied to their corpses, even though said corpses are moving again.
The ghosts all start leaving notes and writing stuff down for the non-Julie lifers when she's not around to translate. However, none of them really expected both Carlos and Ray to start leaving notes back. Carlos's are mainly for Reggie, asking random ghost questions and making dumb jokes. Ray leaves notes for all three of them(plus Willie when they find them), usually asking apocalypse type questions or asking if they can get some supply item on their next run, but sometimes it's just random questions about themselves. And all of them get a note at least once a week or so that just says, "Thank you for taking care of my little girl."
Julie figures out how to get zombie guts out of clothing mainly for Alex, who got set off into a full on panic attack when some got on his hoodie. It wasn't really about the hoodie of course, but still. It wasn't that much more complicated than getting blood out of clothes, thank goodness. Alex hugged Julie for like a full five minutes when she gave it back to him, mostly gut free.
The ghosts struggle to actually make physical contact with the zombies, similar to other life or life adjacent forms. Thus they're not the best in a physical fight. However, Reggie gets really good at finding heavy stuff to drop on top of them. Hey, when you're not a living being, you don't have to worry so much about little things like how heavy that box is.
The gang develops a point system for zombie killing. It's mostly the ghosts and kids doing it, in an attempt to bring some humor into a terrifying situation. Bigger zombies are worth more, as are taking out a bunch at once, combo kills, or a takedown that's just objectively cool. Points can be cashed in for random stuff like first dibs on food or specific coveted positions in the cuddle piles they fall into at night.
Speaking of cuddle piles, they become very common, cause with everything going on, Julie, Flynn, and Carlos all start having a really hard time falling asleep alone. The ghosts do as well, but they tend to brush it off more since sleep isn't a biological necessity for them. Thus, cuddle piles become a pretty normal thing to help them all fall asleep.
Okayyyy it's after midnight and this is kinda long, so I'm gonna call that good for now and attempt slumber. Hope y'all enjoyed, or at least are not annoyed at me for once again talking too much about a random AU idea.
(Send me an AU and I'll give you 5+ headcanons about it!)
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call-me-aesthetic · 3 years
If Twisted Wonderland was an American Public School
WARNING: There are some slight sensitive topics that are featured in here! Reader discretion is advised!
Part 2 can be found here
Riddle Rosehearts:
- That one preppy girl who takes all honors and AP classes 😑
- Wants everyone to know that he’s becoming a doctor one day for his strict parents or he’ll dishonor the family
- Reminds the teacher about homework, knowing well that he’ll get slander for it
- Complains about how he got a 90 on his test or a B on his report card, a try hard much?
- Wears a cardigan with thicc but cute glasses since he’s one of those people with can’t see shit on the board so he has to move to the front of the class
Ace Trappola:
- The SoundCloud rapper, that’s it
- “Wanna listen to my mixtape? It’s pretty fire, my guy.” 😩🔥
- You will not miss him BLASTING out some song on his Bluetooth speaker, that shit be echoing through the hallways
- Tells you to stop what you’re doing only for him to either sing horribly or do a backflip, thinking that he’s so cool
- Wears a Supreme jacket with AirPods and waves on his head
Deuce Spade:
- Assuming that he’s still a delinquent, he’s that kid with the most fucked up school record
- Not much of a bully but will still talk shit to your face without caring, might even throw stuff at you during a lesson and you would be the one getting in trouble instead of him 🗿
- If he ever gets mad, it would be overdramatic like kicking the desks, punching the lockers, or walking out of the classroom unannounced and everyone would look at each other wondering wtf happened
- Covers the entire desks with drawings of skulls and those “s” if you know what I mean
- Wears Champion hoodies, wants you to know that he’s broke and rich at the same time
Trey Clover:
- The guy that’s not really popular but everyone knows him since he’s in all their classes
- Most people might have a crush on him because he’s REALLY nice 😳👉👈
- Gives off “older brother” vibes based on the way he looks and acts, like offering you a ride home if you beg ask nicely
- Secretly bakes creme brulee but doesn’t want to mess with the flow so he sticks to the status quo
- Wears the school’s hoodie just because he thinks it looks good on him, and the fact that he doesn’t know what else to wear
Cater Diamond:
- Hot Cheetos girl 🥵
- Has a whole buffet of food in his backpack and will not hesitate to eat them during a lesson, no sharing either sorry
- Excuses himself to the bathroom or full on skips class just to film a Tiktok
- Has about 100 followers on Instagram Magicam and brags about how he’s famous
- Wears a Thrasher hoodie with large hoop earrings and his hair in a bun
Leona Kingscholar:
- The kid who flunked their freshman year that also sort of vibes with new classmates
- Always gets mistaken as a teacher by people since he looks and sounds old
- Knows the lessons but still fails them anyways, didn’t really give a damn either 🙄
- Captain of every sports club you can think of, never actually plays but has a lot of knowledge on them
- Wears the school’s letterman from years ago since it used to be his brother’s and that he’s too lazy to buy a new one
Ruggie Bucchi:
- That one kid who NEVER has money for the book fair or any other school event
- Always has to ask his classmates for some cash
- If he somehow does, then he’s one of those kids who buys Diary of the Wimpy Kid or the World Record books
- If he’s feeling cheap, he’ll buy the “cool stuff” like the chocolate scented calculator or fruit snacks 😭
- Wears oversized hoodies and basketball shorts that are clearly hand-me-downs
Jack Howl:
- That one athletic kid who’s both scary good and competitive when it comes to school games like football or soccer
- Literally the best player on his team and without him, they’re trash as hell 💀
- Tries his absolute best to support his teammates without yelling at them for how dumb they are
- Wears the school’s jersey just to show off his “school spirit”
Azul Ashengrotto:
- The kid who sell snacks for “charity” but everyone knows he’s keeping the money to himself
- If you don’t have cash or try to negotiate with him, the only thing he’ll do is raise the price up
- “What do you mean you don’t have ten bucks? I can see it in your pocket.”
- Just bring nothing with you, he’ll doing anything to steal your stuff 🤭
- Wears a collar shirt with a tie and khakis that have pockets to keep his glasses and money in
Jade Leech:
- The kid who puts on a goody two shoes facade but is actually a stoner
- Only does “safe” drugs like vape but occasionally smokes weed, mostly in the bathroom or behind the school 🌬
- Can play it off and hide the scent when he’s high, teachers never suspect anything from him
- No one really cares to stop him unless he gets caught or something idk
- Wears clothing that either makes him look like a businessman or a junky, there’s nothing in between
Floyd Leech:
- The kid that’s plays basketball or volleyball just because he’s hella tall, and is actually good at the sports but doesn’t put much effort into them
- Always stays behind after gym, even though the teacher tries to make him leave for his next class 😬
- “I swear after this one shot, I’ll go to class.” *He never made that shot*
- Will jump you no matter who or where you are, and will get angry if you step on his new shoes
- Wears the jersey of any famous team with the latest pair of Jordan sneakers
Kalim Al Asim:
- VSCO girl at best, don’t lie to me now 🤡
- The only words he knows are “And I oop– sksksk.” and “Save the turtles.”
- Walks during a track meet while everyone else is running and sweating hard, the teacher doesn’t care either
- Doesn’t really do anything in gym but talks to his classmates and stands near the water fountain to refill his Hydro flask
- Wears tie dye shirts with cute scrunchies
Jamil Viper:
- That one quiet kid who everybody thinks is a serial killer but he’s actually not, I swear
- He just wants school to be over and spend the rest of his summer relaxing 😔
- Although he shouldn’t abuse his “power,” he‘ll move his hands in his pockets or backpack to make it look like he’s about to pull a weapon out.
- “Chill, I’m just grabbing a pencil.” *Everyone in the class started crying*
- Wears dark colored hoodies that intimidates people but are actually comfy
Vil Schoenheit:
- The baddie popular girl 😌💅✨
- Arrives to school late with a Starbucks in hand from his local Target
- Fixes himself every 5 seconds like reapplying his lipgloss or spraying Bath and Body Works cherry blossom perfume
- Uses acrylic nails and long hair extensions as weapons during a cat fight
- Wears a crop top with ripped jeans and those clout sunglasses
Rook Hunt:
- That creepy guy in the hallways who tries to get your attention, even if you don’t know him
- Scares people when he says, “Ayo, where my hug at?” 🥶💯
- Uses at least 10 cans of Axe body spray a week after gym class, which stinks up the locker rooms
- Waves at you if he passes your class, even walking into the room just to say hi
- Wears literally anything but always include a hat
Epel Felmier:
- The artist girl who just wants to be alone 🧑‍🎨
- Purposely draws in front of you but pretends like you’re not looking
- If you complement him, he’ll just brush it off and proceeds to diss himself
- “Thanks but I’m not THAT good at drawing, teehee.” *Insert Radio Rebel face*
- Wears a hoodie or a cardigan with big pockets to put his art supplies in
Idia Shroud:
- I don’t even need to tell you who he is, y’all already know ahaha 🥴
- Sneaks a whole PlayStation in his backpack so he can play with it during lunch
- Is on his phone 24/7 even in class to the point where teachers don’t care anymore
- Tries to get people into anime but only to little success
- Wears a shirt of any anime character or that damn ahegao hoodie, girl bye
Ortho Shroud:
- The nerdy kid who’s known for destroying others at many games
- Plays classics like D&D, Yugioh, Pokémon, the whole shabang
- Daily Beyblade battles during recess with everyone surrounding him, the menacing aura radiates off of him
- Will steal your things if you lose to him but gives it back a week later cuz he’s sweet 🥰
- Wears light up Sketchers shoes and those Minecraft shirts you find at Old Navy
Malleus Draconia:
- The theatre kid who also goes to band practice, change my mind 👁👄👁
- Takes his role seriously when it comes to school plays and concerts, even if he gets casted as a damn tree or doesn’t go solo
- Remembers the songs and their lyrics to any musical you name, a really good singer at that too
- Plays almost every instrument, you definitely know this since you can hear him down the hallways during a test
- Wears a white button up shirt, black pants with fancy dress shoes, and top it all off with a fricking Rolex watch
Lilia Vanrouge:
- The weird guy who pranks people and vandalizes school property in every way possible
- If you ever get a textbook with a message that tells you to go to a certain page only for you to found a picture of a dick, yeah that was him 😒
- When using a Chromebook, he’ll leave a tab open on YouTube so when the next person uses it, pray that your ears will still work by tomorrow
- During lunch, he is a literal DEMON that mixes milk with chicken nuggets together and having the audacity to eat it too
- Wears an oversized raincoat or a windbreaker but idk wtf kind of things he has hiding underneath
- That guy in class who consumes Monster energy drinks and falls asleep 99% of the time but somehow manages to pass the class 🤷
- Whenever he’s awake, he’ll talk to the teachers since he’s basically friends with them for some reason
- Writes his name out of boredom on any desk you sit on but in different places, sometimes around the corners or the sides
- Has a sixth sense because he’ll wake up if you try to draw on his face and if you did get something on him, it’s on sight
- Wears those colorful hoodies that zips all the way up to cover his face with a matching backpack, it’s pretty cool ngl
Sebek Zigvolt:
- That kid who literally knows everything about historical wars and will show it off during class
- Also has knowledge on weaponry, which has people questioning him but he’s just very dedicated on serving his country and people
- Knows how to fight and defend himself from a bitch since he spent his summer at a military boot camp, put respect on my man’s name 😤
- Honestly a great partner for a group project, actually does the given work but not the whole thing for you
- Wears anything that has camo pattern and chunky combat boots
I only made this because me and my friends were talking about our school memories so yeah. This is based from my experience so they might not be exactly accurate. Might even be a part two if you want.
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mon-enj · 3 years
Modern Era (comorbid autism+ADHD) Enjolras HCs
Because it’s 2 am and this is all I’m thinking about:
Enjolras taught himself how to be charming and commanding because he learned at an early age that no one would take him seriously otherwise
Has a hard time keeping this image up when the topic moves away from a special interest or the social interaction is one on one and relies heavily on scripts for both speeches and particularly small talk
He has a tendency to talk really fckng fast so he, Ferre and Courf have a hand signal for *slow the frick down* during speeches. Some of the other amis adopt this at some point, probably
His tone of voice is always either monotonous or impassioned, there is no in between. People who don’t know him can never tell when he’s joking bc his tone doesn’t change and he keeps a straight face
People generally perceive him as beautiful and charming bordering on cold and intimidating but his friends know he’s just a weird lil dude
He’s generally pretty quiet but will say the most feral stuff completely unprompted and with no explanation *cough* France is my girlfriend *cough*
What is by some perceived as anger is actually usually a combination of passion and poor volume control, if he’s genuinely angry you’ll know
When extremely overwhelmed and stressed he has a tendency to snap at his friends out of frustration - he doesn’t say things he doesn’t mean, but he says them in a way that is definitely unkind. He is working very hard to stop doing that, though.
So much eye contact. All the time.
He has low empathy. He has no intuitive idea what people are feeling and he doesn’t mirror emotion. This does not mean he only cares about The People and not individual people, he cares about his friends so much
One of his biggest insecurities is actually his friends perceiving him as cold or inhuman - he sees it as a personal failure on his part to show them he cares about them (which often comes down to internalized ableism)
He has had to work really hard to move away from his extreme black and white thinking but still struggles with seeing other people’s perspectives sometimes. He relies heavily on guidance from the rest of the amis, particularly Combeferre and is…not great at apologizing
He has pretty substantial support needs and relies on his friends to be able to live independently. The amis take turns helping w dishes and body doubling so he’ll actually clean, go grocery shopping with him etc. His apartment is still always a mess, though.
He wants to do All The Things and has a tendency to drink too much coffee and smoke too many cigarettes to get that sweet stimulant clear-headed focus, particularly when his meds wear off
Generally pushes himself too hard. He will fight passionately for disability rights and accommodations any day but still struggles to accept that he is, in fact, disabled and may need accommodations himself
He had Feuilly as a special interest for a while and is low key still embarrassed about it
He cannot function without schedules, lists and his planner. The working memory does not work and the executive dysfunction is very real.
When people are new to the amis they’ll suddenly experience the usually very serious about meetings and always on time Enj have no clue what is happening and be late to everything and Ferre will just. Sit down and fill in the weekly schedule w him and remind him to take his meds and everything is back to normal
He clicks pens non stop (a sin, obvs) if they are not taken away from him
I could literally keep going forever but I need to sleep now
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awindylife-writes · 3 years
Voyage of the Damned Part 2
Relationships: the Doctor x reader, Astrid x reader (platonic), Astrid x Doctor (platonic)
Summary: Voyage of the Damned rewrite. The Doctor and you find yourselves on the Titanic, space edition. You meet Astrid and get ready for a wonderful day, but then a meteor shower hits the ship and it starts falling towards Earth.
Author's notes: There was a number of things l didn't like about this Christmas special so again, l rewrote it.
Warnings: a ship crashes, multiple mentions of dearth bc a lot of people die
"Oi, Steward! I'm telling you, the shields are down!" a new man yelled.
"LISTEN TO HIM! LISTEN TO HIM!" the Doctor desparately screamed in the Steward's face. The two crewmen let him go and you didn't know it, but it was too late.
A moment later the ship started rocking like it was being torn apart, because it was. You lost your footing and fell back as everything turned sideways.
"Y/N!!!!" you heard the Doctor's terrified scream through the noise of the ship's destruction and the cries of other passengers. You couldn't even get a good look at where he was before something in the walls exploded and you threw yourself away.
You found Astrid near you and thank god for that. "I've got you!" you yelled over the noise and gripped her tight as you tried to shield her from the hell around you.
Then there were arms around you too, holding you up and protecting you. You knew those arms.
The Doctor had found you and the three of you clung to each other in that madness. You could feel each shudder of the ship like a wave of an earthquake. You tried to keep yourself steady and upright but you were the snow in a snowglobe someone was shaking. Balance was a mith and everything was being ripped apart. Various pieces of equipment were falling on all sides, there was fire burning all around you; you could feel its heat on your skin and you breathed its smoke. You felt sick from being thrown around but you were too terrified to hurl.
You couldn't close your eyes even though you wanted to. Everything in you was screaming to watch out for danger, but there was so much of it around you you didn't know where to look. You stared at disaster over Astrid's shoulder and the Doctor's arm. Shadow and light mixed into a disorienting mess and the shades the fire threw joined the dance. You coudn't distinguish what was near and what was far but you still looked.
The only thing you could do was clutch Astrid and the Doctor with all the strength you possessed and wish they wouldn't be harmed.
Finally you were thrown to the side in one last bang and then it stopped. You were lying on the floor and partly on the Doctor. He was on his back, still holding you and Astrid.
After a breath he let go, then stood up and swiftly looked around. You sat up, thankful you were still in one piece. You let go of Astrid enough to check her over and relief washed over you when you found out she was unharmed. You were about to yell if everyone was okay but the Doctor sushed you. After a moment of absolute silence he quetly declared, "It's stopping."
He then looked down at you in worry and offered you a hand. "You alright?"
As you quietly nodded, he looked over at your friend. "Astrid?"
She nodded too and took the hand he'd offered her. He pulled both of you to your feet.
"Bad name for a ship," he told you, scowling. "Either that, or this suit is really unlucky."
"We'll get you a new one and then we'll test that theory," you smiled weakly at him.
He looked at you, grateful, and then you heard Astrid suck in a breath.
The three of you looked down at the unlucky officer who was on the ground close to you. The Doctor kneeled to check him over. You saw him shake his head at the Steward and your stomack turned to stone.
The Steward was dead now too. You looked out the door with the Doctor, at the wreckage and the distant Earth. Still beautiful, you thought to yourself. You were a bit dazed, nothing felt real and everything was too real at the same time.
You knew you never wanted to feel so powerless again, but you also knew that drive was in you still. You would help where you could.
You gathered yourself and asked, "What happened?"
"How come the shields were down?" Astrid demanded a second later. You jumped, you hadn't noticed her there. She smiled gently at you, blue eyes kind, and caressed your shoulder. You managed a small, grateful smile in return.
"I don't think it was an accident," the Doctor growled. You figured that.
"How many dead?" Astrid and you asked in one voice, both looking at the Steward's body out in space. She was indignant though, while you were simply sad.
"We're alive," the Doctor answered her and then looked at you. "Focus on that," he told you gently. He knew what people being hurt did to you.
"I'll get you out of here," his voice was soft but firm. Then he turned to Astrid and you followed his eyes. She was trembling, still looking out at the result of the hell you all had endured. You took her hand into yours and squeezed it.
"I will get you both out of here," the Doctor assured her. "Astrid, l promise. Look at me." He held her shoulders and when she found his eyes, he assured her again, "I promise."
You were glad, because when the Doctor promised something, it happened. You needed her to live. Even if she'd want nothing to do with you after this, you needed her to live. Even if she had been anyone else, you would have done your damnest to ensure she survived, but Astrid was extraordinary. To think about the universe without her?
No. No.
After she nodded shakily, he concluded, "Good," and turned around. He went on about reception but you tuned him out. Instead, you looked Astrid in the eye and then pulled her closer. She gratefully accepted the hug.
"You heard what the Doctor said and l'll say it too. I promise we'll get you out of here." You squeezed her shoulder in emphasis.
She breathed deeply and slowly let go. Then she smiled and her bright eyes crincled. "Thank you," she told you gratefully. You nodded and swung your still joined hands.
"You know, l met you about two hours ago, but now l think l've known you for years," she said in wonder.
"Yeah?" you asked her and she nodded, still smiling. "I feel that way too," you told her, giddy in this moment. You both grinned at each other.
"Oh," the Doctor's sad voice cut through.
You whirled around. "What is it what's wrong?"
"That's the TARDIS over there," he told you and you desparately searched for the blue box with your eyes. He was right, it was spinning in zero gravity, so close but still out of your reach.
"What is that?" Astrid asked in confusion.
"It's our ship," you told her, throat tight. "It's our home."
"And it's programmed to lock onto the nearest centre of gravity, and that would be the Earth."
You took care of the other passengers with Astrid as the Doctor talked to the bridge. You overheard enough to know the picture.
"Are we going to die?" Foon asked and everything started going downhill.
The Doctor sushed the frightened passengers. "First things first," he began in a determined voice. "One, we're gonna climb through this ship. B, no, two, we're gonna reach the bridge. Three, or c, we're gonna save the Titanic. And, coming in a very low four, or d, or that little iv in brackets they use in footnotes, follow me."
Good, that was good, you thought to yourself. Always good to establish a goal.
"Hang on a minute." The fricking billionare decided to show he's an ass. "Who put you in charge?" he demanded. "And who the hell are you anyway."
"I'm the Doctor. I'm a Time Lord." Sparks flew behind him and he was suddenly bigger than everyone in the hall.
"I'm from the planet Gallifrey in the constellation of Casterbourus." You were grinning like mad. You could almost hear magestic music playing.
"I'm nine hundred and three years old, and l'm the man who's gonna save your lives and all six billion people on the planet below. And she's gonna help," he interjected, looking at you. "Have you got a problem with that?" he asked the billionare.
"No," the man admitted, baffled.
The Doctor turned to you. "In that case..."
"Allons-y," you said for him with a smile and started walking. You turned back, grinning at the group as the Doctor fell into step with you. You found Astrid with your eyes and nodded your head for her to join you.
"This whole thing could come crashing down any minute!" the billionare whined as he helped you clear the staircase of debris.
"Oh, Brixton, did you get that message?" you asked him sweetly.
He frowned in confusion. "No, what message?"
"Shut up," you told him, not covering up your annoyance.
Then you heard from above, "Bannacafalata, made it!"
You climbed up behind Astrid. You weren't about to leave her alone on this bloody ship.
Foon's screams echoed in the chasm. Death, death, all around you death, whywhywhywhy WHY?!?!
"Alright, when it's ready, that blue light comes on there," the Doctor pointed at the spot on the battery Bannacafalata had given you. Another person you hadn't been able to save.
Astrid frowned. "You're talking as if you two aren't coming with us."
"There's something down on deck thirty-one," you told her, "and we're gonna find out what it is."
"But what if you meet a Host?" She was worried about you and the thought melted your heart.
"Well, then we'll just..." The Doctor wiggled his eyebrows at you, smiling, "have some fun."
"Sounds like you two do this kinda thing all the time," Astrid added nonchalantly.
"Not by choice," you assured her, voice soft.
"Yeah, all we do is travel," the Doctor pitched in.
"Imagine it," you told her, suddenly wishing with all your heart you were out there, with her in the stars. "No stakes, no bills, no boss. Just the open sky." The wonder you felt when you thought about all you've seen seeped into your voice. There was all that space out there, so much room to wonder, so many skies to see.
"I'm sort of, uh, unemployed? Um, now," she answered as you looked at her expectantly. "I was thinking that blue box is, kinda small," she raised her eyebrows, "but l could... squeeze in? Like a stowaway!" Her eyes were so full of hope and your heart was bursting.
"It's not always safe," the Doctor's voice cut through the feeling. And you remembered. You remembered Foon and Morvin and Bannacafalata. How could you have forgotten???
"So you two need someone to take care of you," she protested. "I've got no one back on Stoe, no family. Just... me." She looked at you, blue eyes pleading. "So what do you think? Can l come with you?"
The Doctor smiled and looked at you. You were already grinning and nodding at Astrid, so incredibly happy. It was decided. "Yeah, we'd like that," the Doctor answered while you nodded on enthusiastically.
Her lips stretched into a wide grin and you pulled her close. You hugged her tightly, with a bright future ahead of you.
And then all three of you fell to the ground as the room shook.
"All charged up!" the Doctor yelled as the blue light came on. You all hurried back to the two waiting men. "Mister Copper, look after her; Astrid, look after him." He pointed at them. "Brixton, um..." he trailed off at a loss for words. "Look after yourself," he finally finished.
"We'll see you again," you reassured Astrid. "I promise." You steadily held her gaze so she knew you meant it.
And then you were off, running to the door on the other side of the hall.
"Hold on!" she called after you. "There's an old tradition on Stoe!"
"We've really got to go," the Doctor told her and you swatted his arm.
"Just wait a minute!" she yelled as she ran up to you.
She stopped in front of you, cradled your face and deftly kissed your cheek. "You'll get the other when you come back," she told you, smiling, then turned to the Doctor and did the same.
"See you later!" she called after you when you turned to leave.
"Not if l see you first!" you told her over your shoulder, a huge grin splitting your face.
"What she said," the Doctor joined in.
After seeing Astrid smile in turn, you were gone.
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fourmarkdove · 4 years
Fawn - Part 4
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 |  Part 4 |  Part 5 | Part 6 | Masterlist
Title: Fawn - Part 3
Words: 3.2k
Summary: Yennefer confirms Geralt’s suspicions and a rift is created between you and the White Wolf. Angst. Suggested smut. Fluff. Hurt/comfort.
Pairing: Geralt x reader
Warnings: Suicidal ideation, miscarriage, abortion. If you’re triggered PLEASE skip ahead. Please check out the trigger warnings (tw:) in the tags!
A/N: Don’t blame me. It was that fricking wish! I’m not happy about it, either, but it’s canon. Comments welcome. Thanks for reading as always!
Like an expectant father waiting outside the delivery room, Jaskier paced just outside the tent while Geralt sharpened his sword near the fire.
“No. Get out before I portal you away,” Yennefer demanded yet again when the bard poked his head in and asked for an update. 
“She’ll come out when she’s ready,” the burly Witcher grunted. Another plume of purple smoke rose from the tent door and static sizzled inside. Jaskier began thinking of a verse that needed to rhyme with “plume.”
Wiping her hands, she emerged and motioned at Jaskier: “Watch her. Geralt, you’re with me.”
Sauntering across the way to her own much larger, and much more richly furnished tent, Geralt followed behind like a puppy.
“Well? Well, I saved her life, darling,” the raven haired woman smirked, turning to face him once they reached the foot of her lavish bed. Tossing aside the cloth, she twirled a finger and a dozen candles lit around the space.
He was not impressed by simple tricks. “What happened? It wasn’t just poison, was it? It was a curse.”
“Yes, my love,” she sighed, bored with conversation, so she lifted his shirt and ran both hands up his muscular torso, making the tense fibers just under his skin twitch. “I lifted it though.”
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Craning his neck low, he crushed his mouth to her plump lips. The relief and gratitude expressed in his kiss melted when feral heat took over. They were souls bound together by a wish he made years ago to save her life. As such they were drawn time and again to this exact moment.
She moaned, tugging at the ties on his breeches pressed against her stomach. Biting down on his bottom lip suddenly, she flattened her palms to his chest and pushed him back to the bed, intent on climbing him and claiming payment for a job well done.
“So she’ll be able to travel soon?” Geralt huffed lazily, one arm under his head on the pillow. 
“You’re really taking her back to her father?” Yennefer sighed, playing with the glistening sweat droplets along the center of his chest.
“That’s the plan.”
“Well, if you do travel with her just have her take it easy the next few days.”
“Why?” He arched an eyebrow down at the naked woman still tangled up with him under the sheets.
“Well, she’s with child, Geralt. But the child is much smaller than it should be. She probably needs to see a real healer to have it dealt with anyway - given the circumstances.”
His brow furrowed sharply and he gripped her upper arms, dragging her off of him as he sat up. “Dealt with...?”
She sighed, running the back of her fingers down the sinews of his forearm. “Mm. She told me who the father is. I just went to his wedding just last month. It's a bad idea to show your new bride your bastard child. So yes… dealt with.”
“Wedding?” he mirrored, breaking into a cold sweat. “Did you tell her this?”
Yennefer shrugged and rolled over. “I alluded to it. Hmm. You know she may not need a healer on second thought. Baby isn’t well. Body might try to reject it after this, so watch for - where are you going?”
Stepping into his breeches, he glanced over his shoulder at the raven haired woman lounging in bed still. “Why didn’t you tell me about this?”
“Why? Did you want to attend with me? The food was decent but the wine was weak. I so would have loved to have dressed you, though.”
His frustrated growl was not lost on her but she didn’t budge by the threatening sound of it. “She told me where you met. Geralt, I said I’d try to save her life but she’s your whore. I’ve done more than enough here, my love. If you leave this tent tonight, I’ll be gone by daybreak.”
He didn’t even have his pants tied before he stalked out of the tent barefoot into the dewy grass. Jaskier heard him coming from his own cot opposite yours. Finding it quite impossible to sleep anyway, he met the Witcher at the tent flap opening.
“That witch gave her something to sleep but it’s not quite doing its job,” the bard forewarned, touching Geralt’s shoulder. He held his friend back just a moment longer to catch his golden-eyed attention. “It’s not you she’s been calling for.” 
Jaskier excused himself, ducking past his friend breathing hard with his jaw clenched. Every muscle up the back of his legs and across his spine snapped into tension; the coppery scent of bloody cloths left on the table sent his senses into a frenzy the moment he stepped inside.
“N… no… n...” you moaned in your fitful sleep, writhing and grasping at the pillow under your head.
Cat eyes dilated in the near dark, his attention drew to the shadow of your body tucked under a thin blanket. In two strides, he dropped by your side and dragged the tear-soaked hair from sticking to your cheeks. 
Your head rocked back and forth on the pillow, your expression wrought with grief, one hand grasping at nothing but air until his fingers closed over it. 
He lifted his brows in the center, anguish lining his forehead. Your breathing came in hiccups, clearly crying in your nightmare.
“Wake up, little fawn,” he rumbled, pulling deep from within to sound calm so as not to frighten you. “Come on, wake up.”
“Ah…” Your legs shifted under the blanket and you inhaled deeply.
Your wet eyelashes flashed open, revealing still slightly ink-stained black tears rolling down your cheeks. “Where is he? Where’s Acheros?”
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Rolling his eyes at the sound of his name, Geralt backed up into the shadow of a tent peg. “That’s a good fucking question.”
“Why did he leave me in that horrible place?” You pressed, eyes bleary from tears, pain and exhaustion.
“Hmm,” he grunted, sitting back against the other cot.
“He said he’d always come find me. ‘Nothing in all of eternity could keep us apart,’ he said.”
Another frustrated grunt as Geralt sat back. As Jaskier stoked the flames of the fire outside, the walls of the canvas tent illuminated with flicks of orange light.
You stayed silent a long time, letting the length and breadth seep into your conscious thought. Curling up on yourself, you rolled over into the tent wall and away from the brutish man sitting in silence across from you. “Is it true? Did he - get married - without me?”
“Mmm,” Geralt hummed in the affirmative, dropping his head back as the reflected orange flames danced on the ceiling. He cursed under his breath. 
There is a screech a striga makes when you deliver that final death strike straight through its heart; the sound is horrendous up close. Because of their circulation system, it takes them a moment to go, all the while realizing they’ve met their end. And then there is the soft little squeak of a rabbit as its neck is being broken. It doesn’t understand what is happening to it and doesn’t expect the end.
Neither startled cry at their moment of death is as difficult to listen to as your trembling gasp and wailing sob at the exact moment your heart broke in two.
Snarling his upper lip in disgust, he planted a fist on the ground to stand up, but stilled hearing you speak into your own hands.
“But… this is his child. And... I’m his.”
“Fuck.” Geralt replanted himself and sighed harshly, rubbing his rough thumb of one hand into the palm of another.
“What?” you shuddered, glancing over your shoulder. “But I love him...”
“You’ve said,” he husked, glancing at the exit with an arched brow and a changed mind. Waking you from that nightmare, he actually considered taking you in his arms and comforting you with all of the strength he had in him. He was not particularly given to tender moments, but if you’d have asked, even whimpered, anything at all, he’d have moved heaven and earth to shelter you.
You turned away from his frustrated growling. “Where is he? He should be here.”
With a huff of rage, he lifted to his feet and took the one large step to the door. Rolling over, your torso twisted and you yelped at the sharp pain. “Ah - fuck! What -“
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“You were very sick,” he oversimplified, glancing behind his shoulder. “Yennefer…”
“Yennefer? She says she’s the ‘Love of your life’? I thought I was dreaming but she’s really real?”
“You should know Yennefer saved YOUR life.”
You mewled, ripped the covers down your thighs and tugged at your torn shirt, trying to find the source of the overwhelming pain.
Setting his jaw, he breathed deep and clenched his fist to keep from absolutely roaring at you. “You wouldn’t have survived - to be reunited with whoever this arsehole is, since that’s clearly all you can think about.”
It was neither his tone nor his words that shook you, rather the ache in your belly. “Something feels wrong.”
“As it should. Sleep.”
“Fuck you,” you spat holding your middle, getting up onto your feet much more slowly than he did. Bumping chests, you glared up at him. “You knew, didn’t you? You knew and you didn’t say a damn thing.”
Nostrils flared, patience dwindling, he looked over your head; he knew the second he glanced down and saw the pain in your eyes, it’d just add fuel to his  fire and one of the two of you needed to be levelheaded. 
“Not for certain until Yen told me a few minutes ago. Although I had suspected something like this when you told the story yesterday.”
Suddenly alert, you bolted toward the tent flap, but a heavy arm across the front of your shoulders blocked your way. Desperately, you reached both hands out. “Please! I need to go home. I just need to see him. He’ll explain and fix it.” 
Your pained gaze finally lifted to his, digging your fingernails into his forearm locked across your chest.
His sharp gaze narrowed. “There’s a reason he didn’t come back for you. Showing up on his doorstep, now, won’t produce the results you want, I guarantee you.”
“But - I did everything I was told to do,” you gasped, blinking back tears that spilled down your cheeks anyway. Dropping your head, the tears dripped freely onto the ground. Tilting your shoulders just slightly into him, you bumped your forehead against his chest and stayed like that a long while.
“I hate you...” you sniffled and hiccupped, speaking slowly, clearly drained.
“Mmph.” He grunted, holding the back of your bare neck.
The rage had worn around the edges like two fighters in the last round dragging their feet; both of you were slow to swing back.
“Come on,” he encouraged as gently as he could muster, thumbing behind your neck. “Lie down.”
He sighed, glancing down at your trembling, balled up fist thumping against his chest.
“I-I h-hate y-“ you sobbed, nosing into his chest. “I h-aate-“
“I know,” he grumbled, closing his hand around your fist. “You hate me.”
He rested his chin on your head and carded his fingers through your hair. Feverish tears eventually gave way to panting, then to soft breaths against his skin.
“What am I going to do?” you croaked, dragging your fingertips down his spine, releasing the muscles you’d been clawing into. “I don’t know what to do.”
“The first thing you’re going to do is get some rest,” he graveled overhead. Not giving you a second to protest, he collected your wrists from behind his hips and drew you back to your cot, throwing open the covers with his free hand.
“I don’t want to sleep,” you whined, giving him a side eyed glance.
“Lie down and count geese then,” he huffed, clearly not budging on it.
With a long sigh, you crawled in and curled up, pressing your face down into the pillow. Your eyes closed when the blanket rugged up over your shoulders.
Hearing your voice just barely mumbling into your pillow, he came down onto a knee and tilted his head. 
“Hmm?” he graveled just above a whisper. “You don’t mean that. … No, you don’t. … Hm? Fine, I will. Sleep.”
Settling down cross legged, he reached over the short expanse between you and the edge of the cot. As promised, he smoothed over your hair, and hummed a deeply soothing tune, the one he’d sometimes hum to Roach when she was being groomed. 
Tag Team: @ly--canthrope​ @marswritings​ @fire-in-her-veinz​ @thiclikeh0ney @uncoolcloudyhead​ @michelle-1185​ @boop-le-snoot​ @tearsontape13​ @confusinglump​ @mary-ann84​ @the-soot-sprite @wanderingsoulcelticheart @henry-cavill-obsessed​ @ruthoakenshield​ @nerra75​ @raspberrydreamclouds​
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 |  Part 4 |  Part 5 | Part 6 | Masterlist
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-I went with a generally disapproving family-
The mercs encounter a protective family. THEY USE CHARM, it is ineffective!
If your family is judgmental, they’ll have a hell of a time trying to find fault in Dell. I mean, he’s finely educated, has a well paying job (they don’t know WHAT you two do, they just know you could live comfortably), he’s a southern gentleman I mean, if you’re gonna bring ANY merc back home, it be him.
Dell is literally perfect. Even if your dad is like, nitpicky, trying to get a rise from him, Dell is basically the team’s dad, so he’s got patience in spades. Dell is the one in charge of putting Pyro to sleep, Dell fears no man
He brought a cake for god's sake
Jeremy is nervous at first when you mention that you have a big family, then remembers his family is probably way bigger than yours, and he’s a little less worried. Then he get worried again because Jeremy remembers he isn’t exactly, uhhh, great when it comes to making good impression
He spends most of the time by your side, stock still, sweating nervously. If he gets too nervous, he goes into his default maneuver to make people like him; which is talking about his family. It wins over your mom (cuz lets be real, boys who get along with their moms are less likely to suck)
Your father puts him through the ringer. If Jeremy wasn’t so used to being threatened daily, he probs would’ve fainted or some shit. But nope, he was stuck in that horrific limbo of fight or flight, better known as “freeze.” the poor baby’s gonna need you to stay by his side the whole time
Mikhail isn’t normally intimidated, but you are so important to him that the thought of facing your family made him want to volunteer for one of Medic’s experiments.
(for the fun of it) Your father is taller and bigger than Mikhail; and oh fuck is russian homeboy shook/freaked. Misha is pretty stoic when he feels threatened, and he is soooo overwhelmed by your dad’s hardened glare
You and your mother enjoy yourselves as your father and boyfriend stare and glare silently the whole night. When the night is finally over and you and Misha are alone, he tells you your father terrifies him, and you tell him you dad told you that he liked Mikhail
(for story reasons…) Your father was your last surviving family member and he was hella protective over you. Jacque was completely content with never meeting your father if he could help it, but it was so important to you and he eventually caved.
You know those dad’s that are basically junkyard dogs to everyone except their kids? That's your dad. When you aren’t in the room, he will grill the shit out of Jacque. “What’s with the mask, what’s your income, if you ever hurt my daughter no one will ever find your body” sorta thing
Jacque is not easily scared, but holy fuck is your father one scary mofo when you’re involved. The Frenchman tries to reassure your dad that he wouldn’t ever hurt you, as you are one of the best things that's ever happened to him, your dad still acts rude and mean when you aren’t around. Jacque doesn’t tell you what you dad said, but he now he actively avoids meeting him again
Ludwig does not shake in the face of danger, he’s met the fricking devil, nothing frightens him. Then he met your mother, and OOOOOOH BOY. Ludwig thought HE was overprotective of you, but good god your mother!
Your mother wasn’t rude per say, but she was passive aggressive. Normally, our favorite mad surgeon would brag about losing his medical license, but now he artfully avoids that topic and instead focused on his accomplishments as a doctor and his achievements back in university. You mom doesn’t give a shit
After the visit Ludwig, for the first time in a long time, feels hella inadequate and struggles grappling with it. Even after explaining to him you mom does that to weed out the weak suitors
Oooooooooof. Mick is good at reading people, and is good at clocking those with tough characters who’ll dislike him. For Mick….. No one in your family liked him. He could pick up on it immediately, all of your brothers, your sisters, your parents. The room was very tense
Mick was also very good at faking being nice and knows how to take snide comment after snide comment. He felt hella uncomfortable the whole time, but you loved your family, and your family loved you back, so he withstood it.
Mick gets that it’s your family’s defense mechanism, doesn’t mean he likes it. He’s happy there’s plenty of people to be there to defend and protect you, he just doesn't like that they want to protect you from him
Don't bring Pyro to meet your family, that’s like asking for disaster.
Pyro picks up on bad vibes like its nothing and will act hostile if they are treated hostile
Also i can imagine any situation in which you could explain the gas mask
Jane is extremely old fashioned and probably encouraged you to allowing him to meet your family. You couldn’t see a fault in his logic; if anything, your strict family might approve of the military-like man
HA! Thank god Jane, in regards to social situations, is a bit slow. He doesn’t get that your dad is subtly trying to threaten him or that your mother is questioning his loyalty. He genuinely thinks that your father wants to show him his new hunting rifle and that your mother questioned his loyalty to America
You were upset by your parent’s rudeness at first, but seeing Jane deflect it all turned it into a comedy show for you. He might not be the best person to bring home, but he has the best results
Can you say nervous? Tavish loves and respects the hell out of you, and all the other mercs seemed to understand that, but holy hell, your parents can’t seem to get it through their thick skulls.
Tavish is on his absolute best behavior. No drinking, no cigar smoking, no arguing with the sentient sword in his room for the last 24- hours to make sure he was calm and collected before meeting your folks; and yet your dad is still trying to start a fight with him even though you’re still in the room
He suffers through it, I mean Tavish has taken the killing blow for you over and over again on the battlefield so dealing with your folks should be small potatoes. His own mother is pretty rough with him, so your parents set him on edge but they don’t scare him away
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freckledmountain · 3 years
Lulling comfort
By @freckledmountain for @romeoandjulietyouwish
Rating: Gen
Relationships: Peter Parker & Tony Stark
Characters: Peter Parker, Tony Stark
"Music had gotten an entirely new meaning after that, from Disney songs to musicals to classic rock, and everything else in between. … He´d do anything to listen to Peter sing to them again."
Or, an AU where you hear whatever your platonic soulmate sings or hums! :D
For the @friendly-neighborhood-exchange
Read on Ao3
Chapter 1: Change
Peter´s endearing screech and dramatics at the starting notes startles a fond laugh out of Tony, making DUM-E beep in curious surprise.
The bot has a screwdriver in his grasp and usually Tony´d chastise him for grabbing tools without permission (he has not forgotten the last lab incident, thank you) but right now he´s much too preoccupied resisting the urge to join in the kid´s slumber party via his own singing.
God bless karaoke.
Peter had looked sheepish when he´d mentioned it to him, the little get-together his scary girlfriend and Ned had planned this weekend at the latter´s place after a ridiculously long week of exams. Tony had absolutely no problem listening to his kid´s voice in his head, but it was still sweet of Peter to ask beforehand.
“You know I work best with music anyway.” He´d said, remembering all the times he´d listened to Peter perform dramatically to songs on the radio.
Peter´d hunched his shoulders a bit, smiling. “Yeah, okay, okay, I just wanted to make sure because Ned might ask me to duet to Take on me again, and last time I sang it you were on a meeting and FRIDAY sent me that video of you mouthing the words and Ms. Potts looked like the disappointed dad from that Shawn Mendes vine- “
…even if he had no idea what the kid was talking about sometimes.
He´d gasped and placed a hand to his chest, feigning offence. “Have you forgotten the time you had Call me maybe on loopin my head for an entire day?”
“…It was a dare?”
“Hmm” he´d said, raising an eyebrow playfully as Peter dissolved into laughter. “whatever you say, bud.”
His smile softens unconsciously at the memory as he methodically tweaks a few things in his nanotech suit, still listening to Peter belt out lyrics in his head. Truth be told, he misses the kid working alongside him like usual, but he knows how important spending time with his friends is to Peter.
(The parenting books say it´s imperative too, although of course he hasn´t ever read, purchased five on a whim or fret over anything of the sort. Obviously.)
He hopes Ned and Michelle´s respective other halves don´t mind the kids crooning 80´s rock on a Friday evening, but he guesses if they´re anything like them, they probably won´t complain. Soulmates are cool like that.
He remembers all the times Rhodey had told him about his soulmate´s voice inside his own head, how he´d suddenly perk up and grin at whatever melody he could hear, how he´d start humming randomly to join in.
Tony had grown up hearing nothing but his own treacherous thoughts for the longest time, almost losing hope completely at the possibility of having a soulmate right up until adulthood. Heavy metal music blasted over his speakers constantly whenever he was busy in his workshop, but he never joined in. There were moments when he´d thought his love for singing would be soured forever, since apparently the universe or whoever was in charge didn´t have a problem leaving him without someone out there to share it with him in his head.
Thankfully, he always did have Rhodey, and boycould he kick-start the fun in singing again with his flawless Mariah Carey impressions. He´d loved the few times he´d heard Pepper sing too, and there´d even been one memorable instance where he´d surprised Happy vocalizing in an unexpectedly pleasant lilt.
Hearing Peter sing though...simply put, there was nothing else like it.
-and we could aLL use a little changeeeeeeeEEE
…Yes, nothing was quite like it.
Tony shakes his head, smiling, and grabs his phone to text May about the kid´s shenanigans. She´d been more than a little concerned when Peter and him had figured out who the other was, (that was one heck of a superhero fundraiser) but now they´ve become much closer, and Tony can genuinely say they´re friends. He´s glad to have her on his side, because May Parker is, in Peter terms, a very kind powerhouse, and not someone he´d like to mess with.
He´s about to press send when the lights in the room flash red.
Tony´s up and summoning his gauntlet attentively in a second, right as FRIDAY pulls up screens around him, showing footage of the emergency.
“What am I looking at, FRI?”
“Around 30 heavily armed machines have emerged in Midtown Manhattan, boss.” She responds, as the room fills with projections. The robots on screen are huge and ugly as heck, about the width and height of three school buses together. They´re making their way through the streets surprisingly quickly for how heavy they look. People run away, steering clear of their illuminated blasts. “They appear to be releasing high frequency blasts approximately every ten seconds. Local police have just arrived at the scene and are requesting backup, since the blasts are causing structural damage to the surrounding buildings. The source of these machines is unknown.”
“Tell the team to suit up and meet me there.”
“They have already been alerted, boss, but I´ll relay your message as well.”
The rest of his suit materializes around him, and he makes haste to get to the nearest window, half worried and half downright annoyed at whoever was behind this.
“Another one for the robot bingo card on means of world domination.” He says to himself, unimpressed. Just one week without this crap…
He soars above the sky nonetheless, blasting his way towards the fight.
Please stay put kid, he wishes, even as the singing stops.
Three blocks.
He´s three blocks away from where Peter is making his way back when it happens.
As big and fast as the robots are, Tony can tell they weren´t exactly made by the finest of the loons who regularly try to take over New York. Not to mention they´re absolutely appalling to look at, whoever designed these things had absolutely no taste, Tony thinks, crushing his twenty-second bot with the suit´s repulsors. It hasn´t exactly been easy, since the wretched machines have no real apparent motive but to blow up everything in their path, but within an hour it seems they´re done with the worst of it.
He can see Nat and Wanda dealing with the remains of one of the last ones below, while a little way away Cap´s talking with a few cops, scoping out the damage. Even though the air is permeated with smoke and there´s rubble in some places, there are no casualties, and they´ve thankfully emptied out the buildings that got wrecked. SHIELD will take care of the rest.
He flies over the skyscrapers, keeping an eye out for any other bots, but it seems like FRIDAY´s finished identifying all of them. He activates a private line on the comms to talk to Peter.
“Done securing the area from whatever that disastrous colour scheme was?”
He can hear Peter´s good-natured groan as his location pops up on Tony´s screen, six blocks away.
“I know, right? I can wear mismatched socks for a week and rock them no problem, but blue with like, eye-melting neon? Yikes.”
“Exactamundo. Couldn´t agree with you more, kid. But hey, it looks like you might actually be able to get back to your sleepover after all. Can´t wait to hear what alarming chorus is going to keep me up until midnight.”
“Oh you just wait, we´re doing ABBA next and it´s gonna be so-“
FRIDAY tears through the conversation with an alarm, but it´s precious seconds too late.
A gasp. An abrupt thud resounding through the comms. A scream. Peter´s.
Tony´s blood freezes in his veins.
“Peter? Peter!?”
He gets there in less than a minute and sees one of the bots with its blaster pointed at Peter, still smoking from the shot.
He obliterates it without a second thought, his mind swirling with fear and rejection at FRIDAY´s next words as he runs towards Spiderman´s crumbled figure.
“No heartbeat detected, boss”.
Chapter 2
The first time he´d ever heard Peter´s voice, he´d been running on three hours of sleep, a frankly heart-attack inducing dose of caffeine, and no motivation whatsoever to sit down with stuffy board members for five hours.
It didn´t exactly come as a surprise that for the first few milliseconds of the “Itsy bitsy spider” chant in his head he´d thought, confusingly, that it might just have been his mind finally resorting to the resurface of old nursery rhymes as a way to tell him to go the frick to sleep.
His heart however, was another matter.
As ridiculous and improbable as it sounded, a new something in his chest rose even before he knew what was happening. He might not have been a machine, but something slowly and irrevocably clicked into place the more he heard that gentle voice go on about water spouts and suns.
He´d stopped short in realization. Blinked.
And then smiled wide enough to lose himself in the mirth of it.
He´d run back to his workshop right after that, laughing like mad with the absolute mayhem of emotions coursing through his whole being, almost crashing into Pepper in the process. She´d looked back at him in concern, questions already forming in her lips, before Tony had frantically mimed at her to keep quiet, wanting to listen to the soft voice´s final notes.
Once the song finished, Tony may or may not have let out a loud shriek of sheer joy and told an increasingly delighted Pepper all about it, practically bursting with excitement.
“Pep! Wait, what do I do now!? Do I- Do I sing it back to him? Do I sing another- crap I don´t even know any children´s songs, JARVIS, JARVIS!”
In the end he´d had to phone Rhodey to yell the news ecstatically to him, because he´d just found maybe the universe hadn´t wanted to screw him over after all, and he felt like screaming it from the rooftops. The little voice was sweet and shy and boyish and happy, and about the best thing Tony had heard in his damn life. He couldn´t have contained himself if he´d tried, and heck if he was going to any time soon.
(“Tones, what- “
“…was that you or a screech owl.”
“It happened! There´s- a little kid! Somewhere! Spiders! My soulmate!”
“The- wait what-? “)
Music had gotten an entirely new meaning after that, from Disney songs to musicals to classic rock, and everything else in between.
He´d do anything to listen to Peter sing to them again.
He´s burning all over.
Screaming in pain, he tries to escape from the scorching heat, but it´s everywhere, it´s everything, he´s the pain, he´s the fire, everything hurts-
And then as soon as it appears, the pain is gone.
He opens his eyes, blinking woozily.
“Oh, thank God.”
His vision blurs all over for a minute. There´s dampness in the corners, left over from tears.
He makes an attempt to sit up, but there´s a hand holding his shoulder gently. He blinks again.
Tries to decipher his surroundings.
He´s laying down in a mostly deserted, grubby looking street. A figure kneels close to him, some sort of red and gold robot type thing. He narrows his eyes at it, trying to figure out why it feels so familiar…but finds, to a detached kind of surprise, that he can´t.
He has no idea what happened.
The robot seems to be very relieved for some reason, just staring up at the sky for a couple of seconds, taking a deep, wheezy breath.
Even with his head feeling like wet cotton, he looks at him with concern. The robot sounds seconds away from fainting. Is he…alright?
When the robot´s face opens and a man´s head peeps out (cool!), he almost jumps back in surprise.
And then…
Well. He still doesn´t have a clue who this person is, but as soon as he sees the man´s expression of utter joy and relief, something inside him settles. Safe.
He blinks in confusion at the feeling. He knows this person. He does.
But who is he?
“Pete? You´re back bud. Do you feel okay?” The man´s (man? robot? man-robot? cyborg? figment of his imagination?) smile fades slightly, looking at him in worry. “FRIDAY” Friday? Who on earth is he talking to? “didn´t you say the CPR made his vitals-“
“I´m- I´m fine” he says, because enormous confusion aside, he is. Maybe his head is scrambled, and he feels exhausted, but he has a feeling he´s been in worse shape before.
A feeling.
The man (he´s decided on man) starts going on about robots, and getting him to a tower with someone called Dr. Cho, but all he can do is blink back, his confusion increasing.
“I´m really sorry” he interrupts, knowing he´s probably going to disappoint the man, but needing to push forward even so, “who- who are you? Are you-? “
He tries to put a word on the feeling seeing the man´s face had evoked in him before, tries to remember who he is or what he has to do with the man or why he feels so…safe. So safe. With him there, even with all the questions going round and round inside his head.
“Are you my dad?”
The man´s face stills. For a second, it looks like his brain short-circuits.
Mood, a thought rings out in his head, unbidden.
That´s when he hears it.
A huge metallic…thing coming through the street towards them, and he doesn´t know why but it makes his heart thump like a rabbit´s in a cage, and suddenly he gets a flash of remembering pain, and he knows these machines, these machines are dangerous, and what if the man gets hurt too-
He pushes the man behind him as he desperately tries to look for somewhere they can hide-
-but the man grabs his hand first and hurries them both towards the sturdiest-looking car on the street, crouching so they´re out of sight.
“Uh, alright. I- this must be really weird for you, but it´ll be okay. Just stay here for now, ´kay? I´ll- We´ll figure this out. You with me?” The man holds his gaze for a second, and it´s so sincere, he finds himself nodding.
The man smiles. “Okay. Give me a sec.” And then he gets up and turns towards the robot.
What the-what´s he doing!?
He reaches out clumsily to drag him back, but the man´s face gets obscured by his robot mask once more and he…
The frick? He thinks in bewilderment, as he sees the man lift off and attack the robot with blasts coming from his hands. My maybe-dad can fly!?
Either he lives in a sci-fi novel, or he´s going absolutely nuts.
Could be both at this point, frankly.
The whiz of gold and red fighting the robot is almost quicker than his sight can keep up with, but he persists, looking out anxiously for any opening the robot might have to take the man down so he can try to warn him about it. There is none though, the robot might be exceedingly fast, but the man remains unyielding. He takes another look at the giant machine and sees it´s blaster-
And then it´s like someone takes his brain and shakes it around everywhere, and the throbbing is so sudden he kneels and clutches his head tightly to keep it from falling apart. His thoughts feel shattered and tampered with, and the pain-
He cries out in agony, and tears fill his eyes again.
The man! I have to look out for him!
He tries to listen to the fight again, but just as he tries to focus in on it it´s like a tsunami of yells and police sirens and voices washes over him, and noise, why is there so much noise-
Overwhelmed, he kneels until his forehead touches the grainy concrete, and wishes he would just pass out.
He doesn´t, though.
Among the oversaturated ocean of noise, one adds to the mix.
Except this one isn´t grating. This one doesn´t make everything seem like too much.
Because it feels like it´s coming from within himself.
He´s at a loss for what´s happening, but the voice slowly and lightly blocks out all the other noise, grounding him in a gentle tune. In a flash, he recognizes the song. He knows where he heard it last.
Mr Stark.
And he remembers.
“Kid? What are you doing up?”
He shrugs, sinking deeper into the couch cushions. Baby Tarzan laughs onscreen.
He half expects Mr Stark to push him for more details, but he seems to understand Peter´s not in a talking mood and walks up to him solemnly.
He does, and Mr Stark plops down next to him, wordlessly extending his arms out in invitation. Peter falls into the hug gratefully and sighs. Exhaustion pulls down on his bones, but he´d rather not get back to the nightmare he woke up from. Mr Stark snorts softly at something in the movie, and then they both jump a bit at the sudden loud gorilla roar. They keep watching the movie, and Peter´s curls are brushed back gently in a soothing motion.
He wants to sleep. But he can´t.
But he´s safe here, isn´t he?
His chest grows heavier as he thinks of the dream, and when he blinks, his eyelids dampen. He hasn´t shed a tear yet, but Mr Stark must sense something again because his hand at Peter´s hair stills.
And then he starts singing.
It´s a lulling comfort, and Peter melts into the embrace, allowing his tired eyes some rest.
He´s safe.
Come stop your crying
It will be alright
Just take my hand
Hold it tight
I will protect you
From all around you
I will be here
Don't you cry
He´s safe.
With a final shot from Iron man´s repulsors, the robot powers down, and Peter runs out to meet Mr Stark, almost crushing his ribs in a hug.
“Woah, woah!” The helmet´s visor pulls up, revealing a grinning Tony. “Did that actually work? FRIDAY told me you were freaking out and I thought it might help calm you down.” He says, hugging him back. “But it did more than that, didn´t it?”
Peter´s too relieved to do anything but nod happily into his shoulder, but he gets the point across.
They stay there for a full minute, just holding on to each other. Until Tony grumbles out a “and I can´t believe you remembered Phil Collins before Iron man, seriously.” and Peter bursts out laughing, lightening the mood.
“The man didn´t sing that soundtrack in five languages for nothing, Mr Stark. It slaps.”
Tony hides his smile in Peter´s curls, and hugs him close.
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scary-lasagna · 5 years
How would (pasta(s) of your choosing) react to an s/o that's just come home covered in blood and scratches, not exactly clear if the blood is theirs or not- but they won't say a word about what happened...?
These bois mean well and just-
they try
Eyeless Jack
He goes into medic mode and has to look all over you before he even questions where you were at.
His shaky hands run along your skin to check for any flinching away or oozing gashes.
And when you don't talk, Jack suspects the worst, that you're in shock.
But you're answering his other questions okay.
He'll guide you upstairs to the shower/bath to wash off the blood.
If he thinks you need help, he'll ask you if you want assistance.
Because sometimes all you need is some scary demon running his hands through your blood coated hair.
He'll get the fluffiest pair on pj's you have and give them to you after you've dried off.
He'll guide you to your room, or carry you if you let him and set you down gently on the bed.
He'll hold you against him and whisper comforting thoughts.
He'll let you talk when you're ready.
When Jack isn't available, he's usually the long-term patcher up for the proxies.
Hoodie's more of an 'on-field' medic
So he'll check your body over, but he's more focused on what happened to you and why you won answer his questions.
If you killed someone, well the only problem will be how you deal with it,
...and maybe the cops for that matter.
But if someone has tried to hurt you, you could be in potential danger.
Shit, what if you were followed home? Did he lock the front door?
He's forced to shrug the thoughts away after locking the front door and making you a hot beverage.
It should be tea or hot cocoa (his favorite), since coffee doesn't particularly calm the nerves.
If you smoke, he'll offer you a cig to calm your nerves.
If not, he'll offer his self one bc j e s u s.
He's just about as scared as you are.
Even if you may not like it, he'll pester you about what happened until you have to snap at him to lay off.
He's just worried, that's all.
And sometimes he doesn't realize he's rambling until he's gotten a paragraph out already.
He'll feel a little guilty and start trying to make you feel better.
He'll hug you and let you bury your face in his chest.
He'll back off for now, but don't expect him to let up until he gets to the bottom of it.
"Babe?? What the fuck happened?"
Probably one of the few times where his tone will be soft and worried.
Compared to his rough and edgy 'I-don't-give-a-frick' tone 90% of the time.
He'll check you over and give you some clean clothes after checking if you have any wounds, maybe hint at taking a hot shower to clear your head.
And while you're gone changing or showering he'll start thinking.
Which is a bad idea, for Jeff.
bc y'all already know this boi only has half a brain at most.
He'll start feeling angry, helpless even.
He doesn't know what happened, and from the looks of it, you're not going to talk about it.
He starts blaming himself at first, wondering what would've turn out had he been there.
He wants to find some way to avenge you, even if you're not hurt.
And he can't fucking do anything about it so it pisses him off.
He'll pull you close, clothes or towel, and tell you that's it's gonna be over soon.
He'll help you fix this and he'll make sure nothing comes after you in the meantime.
Even if they're nightmares, he'll keep a knife under his pillow for that.
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pl-panda · 4 years
To Marry a Vigilante: Part 14
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To Marry a Vigilante: Part 14
“Tt. I will cut that stupid harlot into pieces.” Damian scowled. He, Allegra, Claude, Jon, Felix, Marinette, and Chloé sat at one of the prime tables in the cafeteria. His wife just finished telling them what happened after the initiation meeting.
“Maybe we don’t immediately jump to murder?” Claude suggested.
“I agree. We don’t have a place to hide a body yet.” Chloé supplied. 
“That’s not what… nevermind.” Allegra sighed. 
“Dami! I appreciate the thought, but maybe keep it as plan Z?”
“Plan Z is where I need more than one body bag.” He grumbled but nodded. “But we can postpone it.”
“Okay. Let’s act rationally and focus on prevention. Teachers will be useless.” Felix chose to act as the voice of reason.
“I really hoped it would be different than Paris…” Marinette moaned.
“It is. If they actually catch her, she will be expelled. But you’re not exactly the headmaster’s favorite person while Erica seems to be held high by him. We would need a solid proof and she is cunning.” Claude explained. 
“Remember Lucy Hunt?” Allegra asked. “She did something to attract Erica’s wrath and she had to move to Metropolis after she had a mental breakdown. Nothing was ever proven and to the naked eye it would look like a series of coincidences.”
“So she is smarter than Lila?” The shorter Parisian asked, worried about what was to come.
“Nah. She just knows how to talk with the right people.” Claude dismissed. 
“First order of business would be to ensure she has nothing real to hurt you with.” Felix started. 
Damian and Marinette shared a worried gaze before the boy spoke. “The site is foolproof. Drake made sure to use some of the best technology we have to protect it. Not even a super AI can hack it.” He subtly nodded his head to where Max and Markov ate. Kim and Alix were with them. The skater girl looked really upset. “Same with social media. Short of an alien invasion or if someone physically broke into where we hid the servers, you’re safe on that front.” 
It clearly took a lot of weight from her shoulders. 
“Okay, now onto blackmail?”
“Tt. That’s not something to discuss where we can be overheard.” Damian quickly shut that topic down. 
“Right. Sorry.” Jon rubbed the back of his neck.
“Don’t worry, Kent. I’m covering that front.” Chloé smirked. 
“That’s great…” Claude started, but then pointed toward another table, with quite a lot of people. “Is that Erica… and you said that Sausage Hair was Layla Bossi?”
“Lila Rossi,” Chloé corrected him. “But I like Lie-la Bossi better now.”
“They seem… friendly..” Jon commented when the two girls hugged.
“I would actually expect them to be rivals, given that both want Damian,” Allegra noted. 
“Are they… crying?” Marinette asked.
“Crocodile tears.” Felix glared at them. “They are up to something. I don’t…” He never got to finish, because a purple butterfly descended from the ceiling and landed on Erica’s ring. The corrupted energy surrounded her momentarily and when it died out, her whole appearance was changed.
She now wore a black one-piece cheerleader uniform, similar to what GA cheerleaders wore, except it was black with red lines and not lilac with a white finish. On her chest, there was, in a jagged script, written ‘Gargoyle’. Her face was now in a light shade of red, with tear stains permanently etched on her cheeks. Her eyes were entirely white. Her blonde hair was turned into a messy mane and two horns stood proudly on her forehead. Her lower legs turned into that of a goat, complete with hooves. She was now holding a whip in one hand and a burning pompon in the other. Small wings were folded on her back.
“A succubus! +10 to charisma and +5 to strength!” A small Asian girl shouted from the nearby table.
“I am Weeping Gargoyle!” The Akuma spoke. “I’ve been used by the one I held dear and now I’m going to get what I was denied. But first,” the creature turned to Marinette and her friends. “You! I’m going to deal with you!” 
“Frick frack I lost me…” Claude started some rhymed joke, but a fireball sailing toward them shut him up. 
Thinking quickly, Marinette flipped over the table to use it as an impromptu cover. Damian kicked the ground and a sword popped from next to his chair. Nobody had time to question how he hid it there because everyone scattered. There was nowhere to transform in all the havoc.
“What’s going on here?” Headmaster Hammer walked through the front doors to the cafeteria to see a demonic cheerleader tossing flaming pompons that exploded. “Teenagers.” He growled. From under his cloak, he drew a saber and took a battle stance. “Fiend!” He rushed at her. The whip slashed at him, but the headmaster deflected it with an incredible show of swordsmanship. This created an opening for Damian to charge from the other side. He managed to dodge the flaming ball and slice at her hand. At the last moment, the wing shielded the Akuma and his blade bounced off without leaving the slightest cut. The headmaster was met with the same fate. 
“Stupid men!” The Akuma shouted. A ring of fire exploded from her, pushing and burning both of the attackers. 
“Run.” Headmaster snapped at Damian. “I’ll hold her off.” 
“Tt. You’re old. Get to safety.” The boy snapped back.
“You’re so getting detention for this!” Hammer scowled as the two dodged their separate ways.
“Hey! The tryouts are in the gym!” A voice spoke from a hole in the roof. A spotted heroine leaped from the hole while throwing a yo-yo at the Akuma. The cheerleader shielded with her wings before flapping them and lifting from the ground. 
“You’re not who I want! I’ll get your miraculous later!” She flew through the same hole the heroine entered through. The whole cafeteria was now on fire. Ladybug met Damian’s gaze for a moment before grabbing the headmaster and jumping outside. He was in bad condition from all the smoke. 
She laid him on the ground to make sure he was okay. He coughed several times before the professor was able to speak correctly. “What about the brat!”
“I’m going in now.”
“No need.” Black Cat appeared next to them. “I got him out. We’re lucky the main doors were still working because the rooftop fell apart after I entered.” 
“Cat! The Akuma will be on her ring. It was what created all the fire.”
“Tt. Let’s go.” The two jumped away from the headmaster, who hid a small smile.
Three girls and two boys snuck around the campus. Most of the students were already evacuated, but they managed to stay undetected and remain in the action area.
“I still think we shouldn’t go after a supervillain.” Kyle tried, but Maps made a gesture that told him to stop speaking.
“Sh! I’m telling you, it was Erica. A butterfly landed on her and she suddenly transformed into that monster.”
“I read about it. It was a demon. The Lord of Butterflies sent it to take her over. If we aren’t careful, it will turn all of us into that monster.”
“Olivia? You’ve got the crossbow?”
“Please. Demon? Lord of Butterflies?” Colton criticized. “Are you sure it wasn’t just some manga?”
“Shut up! How else would you explain what happened to Erica?” Pomeline asked. “It’s obviously dark magic.”
“Okay. Assuming it is dark magic, how are we supposed to protect ourselves? I’m pretty sure I don’t have tinfoil hats on me.”
“Fool. The only thing that can protect you from the Lord of Butterflies are positive emotions.” She spoke like it was an obvious fact, yet still making it sound ominous. 
Abruptly, the wall they were hiding behind exploded, and a girl dressed in a skintight red and black outfit flew past them. A boy in assassin garb followed. He landed on his feet and started to spin a staff fast enough to create a shield. Several fireballs flew at him, but they all smashed into the shield harmlessly. 
He noticed them cowering behind the wall.
“Tt. What are you doing here!? Get away! Now!”
Ladybug jumped up and leaped from behind him, throwing her yoyo. It wrapped over the leg of the villain and pulled the flying Akuma down. Cat charged past his partner and smashed her with his baton like it was a baseball bat, sending her into the wall. 
“Lucky Charm!” The heroine tossed the yo-yo above her head and a red-and-black watermelon fell into her arms. With only a moment’s hesitation, she tossed it to Cat, who already knew what to do. Once more playing baseball, he redirected the watermelon over to the akuma. She just managed to get it together when the fruit landed on her horns and got stuck. The change of weight made her fall, which Ladybug used to dash toward her and tie her with her own whip. She then pulled the ring from her finger and crushed it in her hand. 
A purple butterfly escaped her grasp, which she caught into her yo-yo. 
“Bye Bye little butterfly.” She then grabbed the watermelon and tossed it high in the air. “Miraculous Ladybug!” 
The item exploded into a swarm of glowing bugs that fixed everything there was to fix. It looked like the supervillain never attacked. 
“What… I…” Erica was back to normal and very confused. “There was… I remember…”
“Don’t worry. The paramedics will be with you shortly.” Ladybug calmed her. There was a bit of cold in her voice, but it was probably because she just finished fighting her a moment ago.
“I told you it’s magic.” Pomeline grinned victoriously while she whispered at Colton.
“Ehm.” Suddenly, the group was startled by the sound of someone clearing their throat behind them. “Mind explaining to me why are you here and not evacuated with everyone else?”
“Oh! Um… You see…” Maps started, but Pomeline was too focused on something else. “Where did you learn magic! Can you teach me?! I mean we go to school here and I want to help if Lord of Butterflies and his Demons attack again!”
“Lord of Butterflies?” Ladybug walked to them and asked, again startling the whole group.
“Yes. There was an old book in the library. I managed to decipher part of it and it spoke of the Lord of Butterflies and Demons he sent to possess people. But there is only so far a translator on my phone could take me. I’m not exactly fluent in Mandarin.”
“Can you lead us to it?” The superheroine was showing almost too much interest.
“Will you teach me magic?” Pomeline tried to bargain. 
“Tt. You will take us there or we return with the police and you will take us there.” Black Cat was not in the mood. Blackmail was the last thing he wanted right now. 
“Fine.” The girl scoffed and led them toward the library.
“How did you summon a watermelon?” The smallest girl asked zooming over to Ladybug. “Are you a summoner? I never played a summoner. They have some nice spells I suppose…”
Ladybug, against herself, giggled at the girl’s antics. She also noted in the corner of her eyes that Damian was also smiling under the hood. 
Nobody noticed when Erica slipped away.
The library was large and dusty. It didn’t look like many people came here.
“It’s the old building. When Bruce Wayne funded a new library with new books, they decided to just keep the old one as an archive. Now only people that come here are us and Mr. Scarlet.”
“The new library totally had nothing to do with Damian Wayne getting expelled for the fourth time.” Colton joked and Ladybug giggled when Black Cat muttered a curse under his breath. 
“The book was in the back. I didn’t want to move it…” 
When they turned the corner, they saw a woman in a blue and purple dress standing over a book with a tablet. She was taking pictures of the pages. Her skin was blue and her hair purple. 
The group immediately pressed against the wall, and Pom pulled a handheld mirror to take a look around the corner without risk of being spotted. Meanwhile, Ladybug and Black Cat looked at one another and their faces took a serious expression. There was a kind of silent dialogue going on between them and they both nodded at the same time. In complete silence, Cat used his staff to up and meld with the shadows. Only his green eyes were visible until they too disappeared. 
Ladybug opened her Yo-Yo like a phone and took a photo of the feathered villain. She was turned to them, but even something as simple as that could be a major help. Kwami bless magical phones for making perfect pictures without a flash. 
With the proof needed, she aimed her yo-yo, spun it twice around before throwing it forward. The projectile sailed true and wrapped around her arm holding the tablet. The villainess was surprised and let go of the tool as Ladybug yanked on the line and made her opponent lose balance. That was the cue for Black Cat, who swooped from the ceiling, snatched the tablet, and leaped back into the shadows. 
“Ugh! Stupid peasants!” The Peacock cursed. Instead of freeing her hand, she allowed the fan to slip into her hand and unfolded it. She tried to pull on the yo-yo’s line and make her opponent fly to her. It worked, but Ladybug twisted mid-air and came at the villainess feet first in a kick. The blue woman had to block it, but she still held the line. The heroine used it for her advantage and flipped the line over Peacock’s neck and started to choke her. It also held her in place. Black Cat, who already deposited the tablet in a safe place, swept down and tried to grab the brooch, but he got kicked back by an angry woman, fighting for a breath. 
Peacock folded her fan and swiped at the line, cutting it and making Ladybug fall on her back. The Villainess took a deep breath and looked around to analyze her situation. She was outnumbered and the element of surprise was still on her opponents’ side. Even without the yo-yo, Ladybug was a formidable foe and she wasn’t sure who the new Black Cat was. She had a silent suspicion, but nothing solid. 
“Until we meet again, fools.” She leaped up and onto the shelves. Cat went in pursuit, but she saw the kids hidden behind one of the shelves and purposefully made it fall when she jumped onto it. The kids didn’t have enough time to scatter. Predictably, Black Cat went to save the kids. 
He pushed Maps from under the falling shelf but got stuck there himself. His suit and enhanced body could withstand it, but not his bruised ego. 
“Don’t be a grumpy cat. We’ve got her tablet.” Ladybug stood over him and grinned before helping him stand up. 
“Tt. We might have our first lead.” He grinned. 
“Let’s go check the book itself. The fact she was after it makes me think it has more value than I first suspected.”
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forthatfitfeeling · 3 years
Story time
When I was in high school there was this guy in my class/friends group and we would always flirt with each other, there was definitely some chemistry there and we both knew it. He even asked me out one time, through a mutual acquaintance, but I said no because she once screwed me over with a similar situation before and I didn’t trust her. (I know what a dummy, but hey I was a kid!). Anyway we both lived pretty far away from where we went to school and both in opposite directions so once we left school I didn’t see him again but every now and then he would pop into my head and I would kick myself for missing my shot.
Fast forward 7 years and I am back in my hometown for the Summer before I move back to the other side of the planet to do my dream job. I am board and casually swiping through tinder with no luck, then next thing I know there he is, looking like a fricking smoke show so obviously I swipe right and boom it’s a match! I am kind of freaking out and then I get a message from him. In my head I am like omg omg is this actually happening! Next thing I know we have a date set up for that weekend and I can’t actually believe it’s real. The weekend comes and we meet up to go for dinner and it’s like no time has passed at all. We have dinner then sit in the car chatting for hours after, everything is so easy and we make each other laugh and it just feels right. So we set up another date and before we know it we have been seeing each other on the regular for about 4 months. The only problem is I have to leave for my job soon and my heart is starting to break at the realization that this is all coming to an end. So the final goodbye comes as he kisses me outside my front door and time stops for a few minutes it’s just me and him and nothing else exists in the world. Then all too quickly it’s over and we both say goodby as he swings his leg over his bike and speeds off into the early morning sunrise. My heart breaks more and more as the sound of his bike fades off into the distance. After I move we keep in touch for a little while but as it becomes more and more obvious that I won’t be going back home anytime soon the messages become few and far between until they just stop coming altogether and once again we both become memories to the other.
6 years pass by but the memories and the wondering what could have been continuously haunt my lonely soul. After going years without seeing my family or friends I finally manage to get some time off from work and I book a trip home. As the first day of my trip draws closer I start to think about him again and an unusual wave of bravery hits me and before I know what I am doing I am sending him a message asking if he is free to meet up when I am back. To my delight he is and he’s really excited to see me and super happy I messaged him. The excitement I had for the trip has just doubled and I can’t wait to see him again.
So the day comes and he messages me to say he is coming over soon. I am super excited but I am also really hungover as I had been out with a few girlfriends the night before, so we decide to just hangout at my place get some takeout and catch up. He comes over and when I open the door there he is looking better than ever with his killer smile and eyes I could get lost in for days. He immediately engulfs me in a hug and honestly it’s the best hug I have had since the last one he gave me. Something about him just soothes me. He stays for hours and even though years have passed it’s just like old times. We both don’t want the night to end but it’s getting really late and he has to work the next day. As he is getting ready to leave he asks me if I have any free time left while I am still here and even though I don’t really have much, every fibre in my body is screaming ‘we need to see him again’, so I say yes without hesitation. He gives me one of his panty dropping smiles and says ‘great’ as he comes in for a hug and I catch him smelling my hair. As we start to pull away he turns his head and kisses me and oh my god!! I forgot how amazing he is at kissing. He pulls away and says ‘message me when you want to do something.’ Then he is gone and I am left standing in the doorway trying to get myself together.
A couple of days pass and I haven’t been able to get him off my mind. So I send him a message asking if he is still up for doing something and he immediately reply’s saying yes he is when was I thinking. So we settle on the next day after he finishes work and once again I am super excited. So the next day comes around and he calls me when he is almost finished work, we decide to get some dinner and watch movies and chill, nothing would have been better really. He comes over with food and we proceed with watching movies. As the night goes on we end up wrapped up in each other while he rubs my back and I lightly trace the lines of his chest tattoo trying to commit this feeling to memory so I never have to let this moment go.
I tip my head up slightly to look at him and see that he is already looking at me, next thing I know he is kissing me, but this kiss is not like the one the other night at the door this one is full of passion and heat and before I know it something primal in me takes over and we are ripping each others cloths off in between kisses. I have never been so turned on by someone in my whole life. His body, the way he moved, the way the took control, the almost scary look in his eye like he would rip someone apart if they got in his way. It was the best sex I have ever had! After we were both wiped and fell asleep in a tangle of limbs and blankets.
The next morning came around like an unwelcome guest at a backyard bbq and the realization hit me that once again I was going to have to say goodbye. I watched his beautiful ass walk into the bathroom to get ready for work and my heart broke. As I stood at the door starring into his beautiful steel grey eyes I couldn’t find any words that seemed right. We kissed and once again time stood still as I tried to commit the curve of his lips and the taste of his tong on mine to memory. And then it was over, I watched for the second time as this man walked away not know when, if ever, I would see him again.
My heart is broken and I think it hurts more because I am the one who broke it. Twice.
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reddeadbread · 4 years
Fortunate ones
Javier Escuella x reader
Part 5
Summary: You recover from your first job with Javier.
Notes: this is another long chapter frick I’m sorry, this had been mostly written for days but here it is at last.
warnings: blood/guns?? SFW as always yall
word count: 2093
last chapter - next chapter
There was a loud thud of a body hitting the floor as the smoke cleared. You stared at the stranger you had just shot, shock taking over for a second that dragged on for an age. He didn’t die right away, and his co-workers wailed in terror while he writhed in pain. “fuck.” This was the best word you could come up with to summarize your current emotions. There was so much more blood than you thought there would be, his expensive tailored waistcoat soaking up all that red. That was a close one. It could have been you shot, or Javier. Oh christ, Javier. You whipped your head round to check on him.
“Mierda!” The victim’s gun had gone off as he went down but the bullet had thankfully only grazed Javier’s arm. Still not exactly how you wanted your first job to go.
“Javier!” you rushed to his side carelessly, anyone would think the bullet had hit his chest the way panic saturated your words.
“I’m fine, I’m fine!” he whistled for the horses hastily. Those gunshots had drawn too much attention and anyone nearby would of heard it, you needed to move and fast. Both the driver and the passengers were too busy cowering to even dare try and attack either of you again and they didn’t move from their position, whimpering by the corpse of the man you’d shot when you snatched all the cash from the lockbox and crammed it into your saddlebags. “We need to move.” Javier pressed and you quickly mounted up and followed his lead. The thundering of the horse’s hooves matching the thundering in your chest as white-hot adrenaline coursed through your veins. It felt almost euphoric, or at least it would if you weren’t so worked up about Javier and about that man you’d gunned down.
The both of you bolted from the scene before anyone could so much as investigate, never mind alert the authorities, so it was safe to say you weren’t followed but that didn’t stop you from taking the long way back to camp. As soon as you were out of sight of passer-by and into the trees outside horseshoe overlook, you came tearing off your horse to his aid. “Let me see! That moron, I saw him reaching for his gun and I just-“ you cut yourself off mid-sentence and shook your head, as if trying to shake the thoughts out of your mind. He dismounted slowly, ready to insist he was perfectly fine until you caught him off guard again. Oh, so carefully you took his arm to examine the small wound, your touch as gentle as ever. Javier had been through a lot in his life, far too much as had most members of the Van Der Linde gang, but people were rarely so concerned for him. As long as he wasn’t dead it didn’t matter, you kept moving forward. “I’m sorry you got hurt because of me. It looks like it hurts.” The guilt of it all hit you and the weight of it was crushing.
“I’m fine, Just a scratch. We got away, you got the money, right?” this was of more importance than him, at least that was the way it always had been. The life of an outlaw, life as one of Dutch’s boys. It was dangerous but that was how it was for him, he wouldn’t even concern himself with a near miss like this for a second. Still, he didn’t pull away when you took his arm, it felt nice for someone to be so tender.
“I’m so sorry. This is my fault, you could have been really hurt, or killed!” You frowned as you looked at the blood on his shirt. It was really true when you said you wanted your first job to be with him because he was your favourite, you trusted him after only a few short weeks and that was rare in this life.
He looked at you, it was obvious you were upset, and he didn’t want you feeling so terrible over something so silly. He rested his free hand over yours, it lingered there for a moment before he spoke “I’m really okay, y/n.” he smiled at you, moving his hand to gently tilt your head towards him to press a kiss to your forehead. He had acted on impulse, he wanted to make you feel better. Normally if he flirted it was all just a little game to make you blush, and normally because he was drunk and had a soft spot for you, but this was just kindness. Maybe that wasn’t the most obvious trait Javier displayed but he had a good heart just as you thought you did and this small gesture made that weight much less heavy.
“no nicknames? Now I know it’s serious.” You joked and he smiled, you felt better when he smiled. You hesitated for only a second before wrapping your arms around him in a hug. He laughed a little and wrapped his unscathed arm around you. You had a spark about you, enough grit to survive but enough heart to not be warped by all this.
“Javier? y/n? you finally back?” You heard Bills voice and pulled away, a little sheepish as you looked at him, wandering out here for guard duty. “oh, am I interruptin’?” he spoke mockingly, and you were surprised he was even intelligent enough to mock anyone.
“we’re back.” You responded flatly, taking your horses reins to lead her back to camp. Bill tried to give Javier a knowing look but much to his dismay he was ignored.
Of course, when you arrived back in camp Dutch wanted to know how it had gone and you handed over half of the money just as you were told. He didn’t ask anything else once the money was in the box. He didn’t even ask why there was blood on Javier’s shirt. Upon arrival into this gang you had wondered why people did whatever Dutch said but already you noticed that you were doing the same. He spoke so confidently, every word that slipped past his silver tongue was dripping with charisma and you did as he asked without even stopping to think whether or not it was a good idea.
Javier was ready to leave and volunteer for guard duty again before you stopped him, taking his good arm and pulling him back towards you “hey, come.” You dragged him along to one of the tables and he reluctantly obliged, bewildered as he may be. “let me see,” you waited expectedly, and he stared back at you blankly. “what? You want it to get infected? You want to lose that arm?” you’d had your moment of weakness, but you were concerned for him now. Harmless as it may be this injury surely hurt. “so let me see.”
“so you want me to take my shirt off?” he looked bemused still, not expecting his own personal doctor over this tiny injury.
“don’t get shy on me now. I promise not to faint.” You quipped, skimming through the exceedingly lacking medical supplies you’d found once you’d paid your pound of flesh you owed to this gang into the chest, but you wouldn’t need much. The wound was minor, just a scratch as he said but you took your responsibility for it.
He glanced around camp, not many people were around anyways, it was early afternoon and the sun was still high in the sky. Most people were out at this hour. “Well if you really insist Chiquita. Do your worst.” He slipped off his shirt to give you access to the small would on his left arm.
Your eyes drifted down to his body for a moment, you couldn’t help yourself, but you tried to keep your focus on the task at hand. You noticed a few more scars on his body that were previously hidden under his clothes and pondered how he got them all.
You looked at the small gash and dabbed alcohol on it as gently as you could but he still sucked in air through his teeth, he was pretty sure this was more painful than leaving it to get infected but he went against instinct to keep his arm still to humour you.
“sorry,” you apologised when he flinched, easing off to give him a moment to adjust before continuing on. You were no doctor, but you knew to keep wounds clean and covered so that’s what you did. He watched you closely, not accustomed to this attention but enjoying your touch and observing the focus on your face until you were done and looked up at him, your eyes meeting his. “I guess now I owe you two, once for this mess and again for saving me up on that mountain.”
“that was Dutch,” Javier corrected you, he had happened to be the one to find you but around here Dutch was boss, he was the one who allowed you to stay. He was quite sure that he was the reason you stayed too, Dutch was the glue that kept everyone together and there wasn’t a man or woman here who didn’t trust him with their life.
“I don’t think so. Besides, you’ve been kind to me since I arrived.” you spent more time with him than anyone, something about him drew you to him right away. “I mean, every person here has been nice to me. Other than maybe Micah but I don’t think he has a kind bone in his body.”
“ah, Micah doesn’t count as a person.” He joked as he slipped his shirt back on and pulled out cigarette paper to begin carefully rolling a cigarette. He gave you a sideways glance as he did “y/n? Today…was that the first time you shot someone?” when he asked you this your smile quickly vanished which almost made him regret asking.
He was too blunt, and you stammered in your response. “uh…yeah. First time killing someone at least.” You looked down at his hands fiddling with the cigarette paper to avoid the steady gaze of his deep brown eyes. Killing was something he was perfectly accustomed to but as he looked over to see you shuffling uncomfortably in your seat, he realised that was not the case for you. He offered you the neatly rolled cigarette as if that would be helpful now but you shook your head and he set it aside.
“are you alright?” a stupid question really but what else was he to say? He could hardly remember what it was like to kill for the first time.
“I’m alright.” You were lying really but you’d get used to it. Everyone else already had after all.
“you know he would of shot me if you hadn’t shot him. You shouldn’t feel guilty.” He offered, watching you carefully still as if he was worried you might break. You had been rather fragile when you had arrived back at camp.
“I know.” You paused, not wanting to talk about this despite Javier’s good intentions to console you, “why are you looking at me like that? You gonna kiss me again?” your smile was just a little less bright after that particular topic had been discussed but you couldn’t resist throwing this back at him again and it made him laugh as he lit up his cigarette.
“maybe I will, Princesa. Would it make you feel better? I can if you really want me to.” he took a deep drag of his cigarette before exhaling the smoke slowly. You felt yourself blushing a little and turned your face away.
“you wish,” you were still lying but you at least managed to play off your reaction as a dramatic eyeroll. Javier laughed as he took another drag of his cigarette. You’d never liked the smell of tobacco before but on him you did. “next time I should go out alone,” you announced after a few seconds of admiring the man in front of you. “then I won’t get anyone hurt.”
“no.” he replied too quickly “no. That’s too dangerous. Dutch wouldn’t allow it. If you want to go out again come find me.” He was uncertain if he used Dutch as an excuse, either to save face and not embarrass himself in front of you or to save face and not admit to himself that he liked you more than even he was saying. Either way it didn’t matter, he had signed himself up to stay by your side and you gladly agreed.
“Okay. I’ll find you.”
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—First part <click here
Really helps if you read Meeting part 6
Do I..?
Pairings: (Main) Jason Voorheese x MJ, MJ x Malon, small mention of MJ x Oc
Warnings: dark, dark thoughts, protective husband, Stockholm syndrome mention, “comfort”
*=pov change
-=time skip
Changed it a little from what I told you @randomly-a-fan 👀 so sadly it’s kind of short
Sososososososooooo sorry for taking so long D’:
They said that hell’s not hot- Marilyn Manson, I fricking love the lyrics
Don’t hesitate to tell me if I did any mistakes, which I probably did like always :)!
The birds were singing as the first ray of light entered the bedroom, MJ’s bedroom. She didn’t catch one bit of sleep, the person beside her being the thing that kept her awake. Her mind was racing with the thoughts of the night she was taken and all the things that happened for her to arrive there...
And she knew she had to do something, she couldn’t stay. Eric had totally opened her eyes, and even if she had the impression she loved Jason, it was him who killed her supposed friends and almost killed Eric, and could have killed her. She needed to get away, the only things controlling her being her fear, confusion and anger. Silently and as fast as she could, she got out of bed, stopping as the mattress creaked. Pale eyes fell onto the massive figure in bed, and when she didn’t see him moving she continued and dressed herself. There was still some time before her captor woke up and went to patrol, so she had to be quick. With a quick movement of putting some things in a small bag, she went into her daughter’s bedroom a frown on her face as tears burned at the corner of her eyes. She didn’t want to let her there, but it would be better that way for now. After a quick kiss to her forehead and a hushed “I love you” to her sleeping form, she went to the kitchen and stopped, thinking.
There’s a part of her that just wants to get out, but she wasn’t as cruel as that, and her brains still told her she loves Jason... and she literally loves Malon........
Her shaking hand reached towards the notepad they keep for when Jason wants to talk and she took the pen beside it, trying to think of what she could write.
Jason and Malon, I’m sorry I left
Whoever sees this, this is goodbye.
I can’t stay there, remembering how I got there . To Jason and Malon, I’m sorry I left you two, I don’t really know what I’m doing right now or if I’m going to come back, which I probably maybe won’t, but I love you two. Jason, you killed the people i came with and almost killed my friend, which makes me reconsider some things... and you’ve kidnapped me. Somebody told me I may have Stockholm syndrome, so I took their advice they gave me with that. I love you two so much ...Goodbye, lot of love,
It was simple and there was some scratches out words, but she didn’t mind as she tried to make the tear that fell on the sheet go away, only for it to evidently disappear in the thin sheet.
She didn’t want to go, but it seemed the only option at the moment. So she walked through the door with the salty beads of water falling down her cheeks, not looking back as the door closed, not realizing that the lined sheet fell on the ground from the wind the door caused.
It was after some time of walking and not knowing where she’s going that she realized how stupid her idea was. She didn’t have any of Eric’s information and she was almost sure she was lost. Even if she knew some survival skills, she couldn’t think about anything, panic submerging her brains as a fog surfed the forest’s ground, making her watch her steps. She... she didn’t know if she walked this way into the forest, not even once. It was like a different world at night, the trees shadowing her and her path from the pale moon’s lights. Everything seemed scarier and darker, almost as if there were other monsters. Evidently it was because of the lights, she wasn’t stupid, but there was and eerie feeling in the air and her anxiety and paranoia were racing through her body. As the winds seemed to be whispering her name, a random memory came back to her..
*{flashback to Meeting part6}*
As she stirred quietly, having no idea what woke her up, her pale eyes met dark ones, the ones of the monster who captured her person she was starting to slowly love as he hovered over her, his chest falling and going up rapidly as he was trying to catch his breath. But it’s not like she really paid attention to that anyway. He seemed to have been waiting for some time, and his machete was scratched, but there wasn’t any blood, except a little bit on his collar, which made MJ frown. How come he didn’t have any blood anywhere else and just there? It didn’t look like a splash either, but she wouldn’t ask as she smiled sweetly. If only she’d heard the inhuman scream, maybe she wouldn’t be in this situation right now...
It only lasted a blink as a frown came onto her face, her bag falling to the ground as she remembered the sweet gift Jason gave her, the first real act of love he did, and the thing that made her fall even more into him. She still had the cute heart shaped piece of bark on the wall of her bedroom, their bedroom, at the house, having put it there since they found Malon. As if the nature felt her change in emotions, the sky darkened even more, trees seeming to be reaching for her with their arms as sharp as razor blades. The sky clouded over and rain poured down onto MJ, who’s only in a thin jacket and cheap and used shoes, which absorbed the rain as soon as it fell. “I’m.. I’m so stupid” she mumbled to herself as her body started to shake. A pitiful chuckle escaped her when she thought about how Jason and Malon would be mad at her for calling herself stupid.
Drenched and feeling absolutely stupid, MJ caught sign of what looked like a small cave and her eyes glazed over with tears, one escaping and falling down her cheek. She ran for cover and prayed that there isn’t any bear or animals in the cave, not wanting to die today. After making sure there isn’t anything, she got her things out and made herself a place, putting her bag with some clothes in it up on the small fluffy but old and used blanket to make herself a pillow. The earthen ground wasn’t as wet as she thought it would be, so that was something nice. She placed herself for the night, looking at the darkened picture of her daughter and Jason, her heart breaking. A part of her wanted to go back, but she decided she would evidently sleep on it, or maybe take some more days before coming home, or just never going back... With those thoughts, she sobbed herself to sleep, suddenly having a big change of mood and dark thoughts coming the her...
A mist seemed to be floating around the sleeping woman, the smoke being even darker than the darkness of the cave itself. What seemed to be two yellow eyes flashed for some seconds before what seemed to be a grin appeared faintly, and then darkness took place once again.....
For all day, Jason had panicked and searched for his wife, even as the sun had gone down. He didn’t even sleep, only coming inside to make sure Malon’s okay. But while doing that, his heart broke even more as he almost saw his wife’s face on her. She may be adopted, but he could see a part of MJ in her, which made the small redhead look more mature than ever.
It was when he almost gave up that he was enlightened with something. If she didn’t go by herself, then she was told/given the idea to go.... and there was only one person that Jason still don’t trust. Eric.
He didn’t remember anything about him, but he had this little feeling that he had seen him somewhere, a long time ago.. but where? Right now wasn’t the time tho, so he followed his instincts and walked back into the forest after he reassured his daughter, telling hell get her mom back. As if the world had heard him, as soon as he put a foot outside, he caught sight of the man he was looking for coming his way, stopping when he saw the undead giant outside. Eric was looking so small right now, a panicked looked on his face, (even if he’s literally not small with his 6’0” feet and large build). While her dad was outside, Malon stepped on a piece of paper as she was going back to her room and bent to pick it up, a frown on her face as she tried to read the dirtied paper. When she finally read it, she looked up to the window and saw Eric with her dad, the latter seeming to be mad as hell as he tried to slash at Eric, the male not knowing why but having a little idea it was about MJ. She immediately ran as fast as she could, calling to her did which looked back at her, anger clearly radiating off him. “Look, daddy... it’s from mom..” Jason almost snatched it out of her hands as he read it. The more he read, the more his shoulders slacked and his head bent. He.. he remembers a little how he took his wife against her wills, and he felt pretty bad about it the more he thought of it.
“ lot of love,
MJ” After reading that part, only one thought came to his head.
... she still loves him??
And that’s what got him going, almost running through the trees as he left the scared(and scarred) man with his daughter, his mission to find and bring back his wife. There was a lot of chances that she was out of the forest, but he wouldn’t rest until he saw her.
MJ was preparing herself to go back to the house, missing terribly her family. That’s what Jason and Malon are. She had all morning to think about it, the dark thoughts she had last night at the back of her head and her husband and daughter at the front. As soon as she got out of the cave, her bag on her shoulder, it was almost as if she was under water and had just gotten out to breath, which made her stop in her tracks with her eyes wide open. The brunette hadn’t thought about it, but she felt a little better in the sun... weird. There was still a lingering feeling of darkness tho, and she was feeling as if someone was looking at her. But there was nobody, so she only walked in the direction of the house, her eyes sparkling with tears. She couldn’t leave everything behind, even if it hurts looking at the past.
As soon as her pale eyes finally caught sight of the swing beside the cabin, MJ was almost tackled to the ground as a big figure crashed into her, their arms wrapping tightly around her. Her body was frozen in the warm embrace, her shoulders tensed and her eyes wide. When she looked up, the transparent pearls fell down her cheeks, her hands coming into contact with her husband’s unmasked face as he had gotten his mask up. With rushed and sad apologies leaving her lips, she kissed his unique face everywhere before her trembling lips met his and her brows arched. Jason even shed some tears, his embrace tightening before he shushed her apologies and carried her back to the house where Malon was sitting on the steps, rushing to her parents as soon as she saw her tired mother into her father’s arms. The dark feeling and thoughts MJ had were totally gone as the only things that are in her mind are her loves. Malon told her Eric was there, but when away a little bit before her and her dad came back, which made her frown for a moment but she still nodded and hugged her tightly.
Even if for the rest of the day she apologized constantly and regretted her action, it wouldn’t change the fact that a real family stays together, no matter what. And she have two sweethearts who will always love her 💖💖
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puckinghell · 4 years
In secret kiss with Willy?
I had this ready to go up and I figured after the stream today it must be fate. It’s so fricking long sorry I could’ve wrote a whole three part fic for this I think
You’d known this was going to suck, but as you watch Will’s back disappear into the crowd, you start to wondering if you should’ve just called in sick.
There’s an ugly knot in the pit of your stomach, and you don’t like it being there. After all, you and Will are not a couple.
You couldn’t be, even if you wanted to.
When you were hired as the Leafs’ photographer, it felt like the best day of your life. Who doesn’t want to do the job they love, for their favorite sports team? You were born and raised a Leafs fan and if you could’ve picked any job in the world, you would be right where you are now, taking pictures of Auston Matthews’ horrible mustache.
Didn’t mean you weren’t fricking nervous when you walked into Kyle Dubas’ office to sign your contract.
But he seemed nice enough, made pleasant small talk with you and complimented your portfolio. It wasn’t until you shook his hand, ready to leave and planning to call your dad and scream into the phone for a solid half hour, that Kyle’s face went strangely serious.
“There will be a lot of contact with the players, as you’ll be traveling with them and join them at events, but I would recommend you keep it to a strictly professional level.”
The words had thrown you and all you’d been able to say was, “Oh?”
Kyle pulled a face. “Just, our last PR person… She didn’t, and unfortunately she’s no longer with us.”
You hadn’t known it at the time but Morgan told you the story later: apparently years ago the PR girl had a thing with a player and when they broke up, they could no longer work together and one of them had to go.
And you don’t fire your 2nd line center.
But even before that story, you had seen the look in Kyle’s eyes and thought: no way.
This was your dream job, and there’s nothing, and nobody, you would risk that for.
Enter William Nylander.
You didn’t even really notice it until it was way too late, until he was pressing you into the wall in a hotel hallway, his fingers digging into your hips, leaving hot kisses all down your neck, until he muttered a quiet: “My room’s right here.”
And by then, you were too far gone.
See, at first you thought Will was just being friendly, because he’s friendly to everyone, all the time. You’ve rarely seen him in a bad mood, even when things weren’t going so well for him; he’s never rude, never stuck up, and only when things are really bad, he goes a little quiet.
But then you started noticing that he was not only being overly friendly, he was also seeking your company literally all the time, and he would touch you without reason – just his hand on your lower back or your arm as he brushed by, or a half hug after games.
And, well, yadayada, from one thing came the next, and now you think you’re kinda dating except you’re not, because you can’t and will not lose this job, but you’re definitely sleeping together, which is probably also against Kyle’s rules, but you haven’t checked.
It’s working decently well for you; Will is an affectionate enough guy that his teammates don’t bat an eyelash when he half drapes himself over you and he’s spontaneous enough that they don’t even look up when he leaves halfway through dinner.
You’re enjoying yourself.
These team galas are always fun because you get to go around and take pictures of the boys having a good time, and they’ll pull you in and rope you into any conversation, so you end up just chatting with them and taking sips of their champagne.
But the last time you did one of these, you weren’t sleeping with Will yet, so you didn’t care about the fact that there’s always different girls around whose main objective, you think, is to see how many times they can bat their eyelashes at a Leafs player.
Normally, you wouldn’t mind – you do you, girl, get it – except now…
Except now you’re gritting your teeth and staring at a beautiful girl hanging off Will’s arm, and you think if you squeeze your camera any harder the lens is gonna crack.
But you can’t very well do anything about it.
“You okay there?”  Of course it’s Zach Hyman, an amused and all-too-knowing smile on his face as he approaches you.
If you would’ve put money on the first person to figure out what’s happening, it would’ve been Morgan or maybe Muzz, but it certainly wouldn’t have been Zach. Except it should’ve been, because Zach and Will seem to have this telepathic connection that means any time Will looks in your direction a bit too long, Zach seems to catch it.
He hasn’t said anything. So far.
“I’m fine,” you lie. “Don’t you have some sponsor to talk to?”
Zach only laughs, ignores your question. “That girl he’s talking to hooked up with Kappy last year and he knows it. He’s not interesting. But he can’t just ignore her with all the sponsors watching, that’d be rude.”
You absolutely do not appreciate the way your stomach lurches, at that information.
“You should go over there,” Zach continues. “He’s looking for someone to rescue him.”
You did notice Will look around in somewhat desperate fashion, but there’s not really a lot you can do about it.
Especially since you just saw Kyle somewhere in that general direction.
“I can’t,” you manage to bring out, and you have no idea what Zach knows but his face softens.
“How about,” he hums, taking your arm as he starts to guide you in Will’s direction, “you go take a picture of me and Will? Our suits match.”
Their suits are both some shade of grey, but that’s as close as they get; however you take Zach’s excuse for what it is and follow him towards Will.
When Will catches your eyes, his face lights up.
“Y/N!” he exclaims, cutting the girl off in the middle of a sentence. “Zachy! How nice to see you.”
“We did say we need a picture together.” Zach motions to you. “Found her.”
“Huh?” Will looks confused as he clearly tries to rack his brain for when that conversation happened and comes up with nothing, but then it seems to click. “Oh, I did say that, huh? Let’s do it. Sorry, Melanie, give me a minute.”
Zach puts his arm around Will’s shoulders and they pose. You take the picture and notice, to your annoyance, that the girl – Melanie – is still standing there, clearly waiting for Will to be done.
You desperately wish Kappy would appear; he’s always flirting with random blonde girls but when you need him to, he’s nowhere to be seen.
“Let me see it,” Will demands, hand grasping your elbow and tugging you closer to him. It’s a weird request, because for as much people seem to think Will is vain, he is one of the only ones that never requests to proof his photos.
Maybe he knows he always looks stupidly good.
You let yourself be tugged against him anyway, because, well, obviously, and try to still your shaking hands when he hooks his chin over your shoulder to look at the screen of the camera.
What you don’t expect is for him to put his lips near your ear and mumble: “Back door, 2 minutes.”
Before you can ask him what the hell he’s talking about he grins and exclaims loudly: “That’s a good picture! I actually wanted one with Kap, too, I’m gonna go find him.” And disappears into the crowd.
Zach sends you a knowing grin, then turns to Melanie.
“So, how’s your evening been?”
Although Melanie seems a bit downed by the ring on Zach’s finger, she still goes straight into the small talk and you manage to slip away, making a mental note to thank Zach later.
And buy him the best Christmas present ever this year.
You find the back door and slip out; it leads to an alley that’s both dark and empty, except for the blonde guy in a suit, leaning against the wall.
“Mitchy told me about this,” he grins. “Said him and Steph snuck off last year and nobody found them for hours until someone came out for a smoke.”
You don’t even manage to answer him before his hands find your hips and yank, having you stumble straight into his body, falling against his chest. His face is close enough that you can see the darkness in his eyes, and the tilt of his lips.
“Kyle doesn’t smoke,” Will whispers against your lips, and then he kisses you.
Despite being in a literal alley trying to sneak away from your employer, making out secretly beside a dumpster, Will kisses you slow and deep, until your toes are curling in your way too uncomfortable heels.
Your hands make their way to his waist and you feel the hard panes of his abs under his shirt, and then he shifts his thigh between yours and you feel something else hard, as well.
Finally he breaks the kiss. You feel a bit dazed as he goes to nip on the skin below your ear, voice low as he mumbles: “Not that I’m happy about this being a secret, but this sneaking off stuff is kinda hot, right?”
And you’re probably gonna need two bottles of wine and a four hour talk with your best friend to dissect what that means, that he’s not happy with this ‘being a secret’, but right now you kinda just want him to keep kissing you, so you decide to ignore what has the potential to be the root of a lot of pain and heartbreak along the line and instead press up on your toes so his lips slide to your shoulder.
“Impatient,” Will mumbles gruffly.
“Don’t like seeing you with other girls,” you admit. The words, although soft, sound loud in the empty alley and you wonder if they’re too much, too soon.
But Will simply breaks away and takes your chin between his fingers, forces them to look at you.
“I know,” he says, as if it means nothing at all. “But I need you to remember that even if I have to spend all night listening to them, I’m only going home with you.”
And you think as long as that is the case you can force yourself to get through this night.
As soon as you’re done with kissing Will.
(Which is not soon at all)
No more requests please! These will be tagged ‘blurb’ if you want to blacklist
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yandere-daydreams · 5 years
*falls down stairs* may i offer you the concept of a dragon, snuggling the ever-living frick out of their Darling and just generally being wholesome for a while. I can also provide the idea of a Darling Prince/Princess getting kidnapped by a Dragon Yandere and relishing in it.
A wonderful lizard, truly the perfect specimen. I love these scaley boys. Don’t know how anyone lives without them.
TW: Slight Stockholm Syndrome, Use of Scandinavian Spelling, Threats of Violence.
Sometimes, you managed to forget why Fafnir had ever scared you.
He was gentle, painstakingly so, most of the time. Even as his head sat in your lap, Fafnir sunbathing in the courtyard of the castle he'd ‘found abandoned’ while you sat on one of the garden’s walls, he kept himself from relaxing completely, never crushing you under his full weight. Part of you was thankful, his head alone as big as one of the overturned wheelbarrows sitting on the other side of the clearing. The other half couldn’t help but wonder what would happen if he ever forgot just how fragile you were, compared to him.
Idly, you ran a finger over the grooves in his scales, tracing idle patterns between brown and red and burgundy. If he minded, you were never told to stop, Fafnir’s nose burrowing itself further into your chest as you found a particularly sensitive spot, his breath nearly hot enough to burn you. Luckily, you’d built up a tolerance, by now. It was easier than pushing him away, and much more guiltless than having to explain why you were being so ‘shy’ again.
It was a tranquil moment, a peaceful one. You weren’t crying, he wasn’t trying to comfort you, a habit you’d never exactly been fond of. You almost fell into it, wondering if you could simply close your eyes and enjoy the coolness of his scales as much as he enjoyed your warmth.
Then, Fafnir had to go and break the silence.
His voice always shocked you, how deep it was, how his mouth barely seemed to move. The words, human words, sounded alien when they came from him, even if everything he said was coherent. “I went out hunting last night, after you fell asleep,” He started, perking up ever so slightly, if only enough to nudge your shoulder when your hands stopped moving. “We may have to move again. A little further, this time.”
Absentmindedly, you scratched at the soft bases of his horns, a row of black, jagged edges running down his spine. The tips weren’t poisonous or anything ridiculous like that, but you’d cut yourself more than once when you accidentally brushed against the wrong spot. “One of yours or one of mine, love?”
“Yours.” He was more awake now, lifting his head off of your lap, slitted eyes soon seeming to stare into your soul. Even lying down, he towered over you, attempting to give you space but being so suffocating, at the same time. Briefly, you wondered if you should attempt to jump down and just risk the twisted ankle or bruise you would have from the long drop. Then, Fafnir huffed, and you threw away the idea of simply walking away from a conversation he was so set on having. “I thought you said your clan would stop sending humans after the first few months, darling.” The term of affection was nearly growled, a harsh, guttural sound you took a moment to recognize. Petnames had never come naturally, to him. You considered yourself lucky if he even called you ‘mate’, some days. “There’re… what do you call them? There are more soldiers marching from that little kingdom of yours. Dozens of them, this time. Do they really think you’re still being imprisoned?”
Your mind went to do the locks on your bedroom door, to the castle door too heavy for you to move without Fafnir’s help, not that he ever let you stray far from his side. Pursing your lips, you attempted to keep your temper even, not daring to look towards his eyes. Your strength never lasted very long, not when you gaze trailed to those fangs of his, always so ready to bite into something until it stopped moving. “Please, I don’t think they-”
“You can only expect me to run for so long.” There was another nudge to your shoulder, this one threatening to knock you off the thin wall. He stood as he spoke, pushing himself up and growing taller, bigger with every little movement. Soon, you could see his massive body, the spikes that extended and flared out from his back, the bone spurs that could impale a man before Fafnir even noticed there was an enemy. And those claws… those fucking claws, you could hardly stand the idea of getting near them, again.
You only glared at his neck, biting your cheek, if only to convince yourself not to back-down at the mere sight of something sharp. “They don’t know I’m not being kept against my will, because you won’t let me talk to them.” He didn’t respond, but you weren’t sure you cared, letting out a dry, tired chuckle. You glanced towards him, but more out of a nervous habit than any true desire for a genuine conversation. “I don’t hate you, I don’t want to hate you, but if you want them to stop worrying about me, you have to let me prove to them that there’s nothing to be worried about.”
He was silent, and that familiar, icy dread you thought you’d chased away began flooding back into your system, overpowering the trust you’d thought you’d built with him. But Fafnir didn’t lash out, or growl, or do much of anything besides narrow his eyes, letting out an exhale of smoke and steam as he scanned over you. You didn’t flinch as his teeth closed around the collar of your tunic, nor did you complain as he lowered you onto the ground, turning as soon as he knew both of your feet were on the ground.
You had to jog to keep up with him, the beast already trekking across the courtyard, his wings twitching in anticipation. “It’s clear you’re not thinking rationally, if you think such animalistic people would ever understand our relationship,” He explained, not noticing as you stumbled and grabbed at his leg, if only to make him think about this before he did something he’d regret. But, your efforts were beyond fruitless, Fafnir not sparing you a second glance before he continued, his pace growing impossible to keep up with. “I’ll take care of this for you, and anyone else they send. And if they don’t stop... I’ll make them stop.”
He might’ve said something else, but you couldn’t hear it, not over the rush of wind and Fafnir’s deafening roar, your knees nearly buckling by the time he’d taken air. For a second, you remembered why you kicked and screamed and fought when he first ‘claimed you’, why it’d taken you weeks just to speak to him. What had happened to all the guards, all the civilians, all the people who’d attempted to save you before.
Then, you wondered how you’d managed to forget that his passivism only applied to his precious, delicate, caring mate.
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mxtantrights · 4 years
Dreamscape - four
wc- 1.6k 
a/n: okay so this was/is a book in a bigger intertwined series that I was working on. So the ‘unknown’ character that’s introduced here will be a bit more explained later on. 
The jet had landed thirty minutes ago. And while the rest of the team headed in to stop Ultron from getting the vibranium- powerful metal as Clint put it- Mari stayed back. She stayed in the jet with Banner.
Maria had flat out told her to not get involved unless they specifically called for her. And while she was waiting to be called she could stay with Banner who was to be specifically called too. It all seemed like a waste to Mari.
"You're the fricking Hulk. I mean from a certain view point I can understand why they keep you here until absloute necessary. But then the five year old in me is like- smash that! Smash this!" Mari joked with Banner but the man didn't seem to pleased with her wording. "Just- I applaud you for even being here. So, yeah."
Banner looked at Mari in a weird awe. "And what about you? Why can't you step foot outside the jet?" He asked her and Mari scoffed to herself. Because Maria wasn't sure she could handle it and a little part of herself wasn't sure either.
"Battle of New York was my last mission before things went bad. And now I've got powers because of it. Maria's just being safe. But safe doesn't win this kind of game." Mari commented and looked out the quinjet's window at the woodsy area around them.
Banner didn't know how to respond so he didn't. Instead Mari sat down in the pilot's seat and watched the scenery in front of her eyes. It was peaceful in a way. A little habitat untouched by man.
The static from the comms came though the jet and made Mari tense up. Neither Banner or her could make out what was being said trough the receiver. This made Mari get up and join Banner at looking at the comms.
"Is- do you think this is a code green?" He asked her silently and Mari didn't know wether to tell him to sit down or suit up. If it was a code green then they definitely needed her help. But something felt off about this mission.
The doctor opened the doors to the jet and looked outside. Mari could sense he was torn between helping his friends or staying put. There was faint gun fire coming from where the rest of the team was.
"Louise would've loved this." Banner muttered but Mari picked it up. She began to wonder who this Louise person was. She remembers Tony saying her name during the party sometime. What could Louise do? "She's a kid, an amazing kid. She's got powers too. I couldn't even begin to describe them."
The way that Banner was talking about the girl made it seem as if she had left. Or maybe she had died. "What happened to her? You're talking in the past tense." Banner realized that he was indeed talking in the past tense and waved his hands around.
"She's stuck in a comma. Has been for two years now, after fully developing her powers. Me and Tony tried to help her but there's nothing we can do for her. Just wait until she wakes up." Banner explained to Mari who saw a flash of a young girl in her mind. She had darker skin and a log head of curly hair. She was smiling.
How could she see that? She had never seen the girl before and Banner hadn't described her in detail at all. That Louise girl fell into a comma trying to develop her full powers, and here Mari was developing hers slowly.
What if the two shared the same fate?
Mari felt a gush of wind flow past her and grabbed for the gun on her holster. Except it wasn't there. Her hand went to the other side of her holster for the knife she had put in there before the others left and it was gone too.
"Sorry I can't let you keep your weapons." A guy with gray hair appeared in front of her within a quick second. Mari couldn't understand it until she remembered Maria's warning. The other enhanced people.
One of them was fast and the other could play mind games.
She looked past the guy and saw the girl waving her hand around Banner's head. It didn't take long before he was shifting in front of all of them into the hulk. And it wasn't because it was a code green. It was because she has messed with his head.
Mari looked back at the man in front of her. "Let's see what I can do, quick legs." Her hand shot out to punch him but of course he dodged it. But there was a fast moving wave of smoke forming in her hand. And as the man appeared behind her the smoke lunged at him and captured him.
He was down for the count in seconds and Mari turned around to look a him. His body was on the floor with the smoke around him and his eyes were glossy white. If anything he looked peaceful.
"What did you do to my brother?!" A female voice screamed from behind Mari. As the ex-agent turned back around to deal with the other enhanced person she was met with a hand in front of her face. The girl had red energy dancing around her fingers, she was trying to manipulate her mind. "Why isn't it working?"
Mari grew bold at this and smirked at the girl. "I'm a little weird like you. That's why." Mari landed a punch to the girl's jaw and sent her to the ground with a thud. But she wasn't knocked out. Instead of using her powers on the girl she pinned her to the floor with her body. "What did you do to Banner?"
The girl underneath her only wiggled to get out of her grip over answering her question. While the two for them struggled, the guy Mari had knocked out was already getting up. And before Mari could ask anything else of the girl her body zipped away from underneath her.
Mari fell to the hard floor with a thud. She turned on her back in pain from her old shoulder that was cracked back at the base. Above her were both of the enhanced people. From down on the floor they looked like siblings.
"Let's try this again." The girl spoke softly as her hand appeared over Mari's head.
Everything around her started to bleed into a white blank scenery. She wasn't being taken to her worst nightmare, she was being taken somewhere else. Somewhere where she was in pain. Mari yelled out in pain, a blood curdling scream leaving her mouth.
The two watched in confusion as Mari struggled on the floor. The enhanced girl was confused at what she was seeing and the boy was just confused as to what was going on. Mari was in pain a constant pain.
As Mari's surroundings turned blank she stopped screaming. It was silent in her ears as she tried to look around. But there was nothing there. All there was was emptiness and blank space.
The two enhanced left the girl in the jet on the floor. Mari's breathing was rapid until it wasn't. She calmed down and tried to focus on her objective. Getting out of the nightmare.
"You!" A soft echo of a voice rushed through her head. But it wasn't loud that she held her ears in pain. She actually perked her ears up to catch the voice more clearly. Mari looked to her left and then to her right to try and find the source of the voice. "You can't be here. You are in pain."
Mari kept trying to look for the voice but was only met with the same emptiness. "Who am I speaking to?"
"Entity. You are speaking to Entity. And you are in deep pain, you need to leave." The voice sounded like a kid's voice but it spoke like a grown woman. How could that be? "If you stay here I can not guarantee your survival. Nor mine."
Mari shuddered at the thought. In this place, in this empty and vacant place she was dying? Who was with her here? And why did-
The white flashed back into the roof of the jet and the sound of footsteps came from her right. Mari pushed herself up on her arms but winced when she felt her shoulder bone hurt. She wasn't ready for this. She was never ready for this after what they had done to her.
"Mari are you hurt?" Tony's voice and his head appeared in front of her. At first Mari couldn't quite understand what he was saying until she heard his words echo in her mind. Then she slowly nodded her head. Then following Tony, came Thor. "Lady Marizella do you need help?"
Marizella blinked a couple of times at him and shook her head. She needed to get something out. She could slowly feel herself falling into a deep sleep. But she needed to tell them about what she heard. Who she heard.
At the name all eyes in the room went straight to Mari. All of the avengers knew who she was talking about but how could she know? She wasn't around when Louise was here. And no one had told her about Louise. Or, Banner hadn't told her the girl's codename.
Before they could get anything else out of her, Mari slipped into a sleep on the floor. For a few seconds they all looked at each other not doing anything. But then Thor picked her up into his arms and sat her down in one of the seats.
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