#i know the albums make it seem as if I only listen to newer music ..........
estiebestieban · 2 years
22, 24, and 64 (green) for the music ask game.
Okay okay here we go - 22. What’s your favorite song or album from the year you where born?
No offense, but 1997 was a delicious year for music. Some of my favourites are Bitch - Meredith Brooks (which really sets the tone tbh) Torn - Natalie Imbruglia, MMMBop - Hanson, Love Shine a Light - Katrina & The Waves, and the classic, Good Riddance (Time of Your Life) - Green Day - 24. Do you play any instruments?
My parents really tried to get me into playing instruments. My entire family do, so it was somewhat expected that I would too. I took a few classes, said 'no thank you' and here we are. I do however at times write lyrics to my brother's original songs tho - so that's cool! - 64. [Send me a color and I’ll post an album cover art of that color.]
So, I couldn't just pick one 👉👈 so here's a little collage (fun fact, my bf thinks I'm colourblind.... so if there's not enough green in these... THERE IS FOR ME!!!)
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Top row: Ryn Weaver - The Fool from 2015. The Longest Johns - Cures What Ails Ya from 2020. Rationale - Rationale from 2017
Bottom row: The Vassar Devils - Coming Alive from 2019. The Oh Hellos - Dear Wormwood from 2015. Dimmu Borgir - Spiritual Black Dementions from 1999
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nervoussagittarius · 5 months
20191009 I Like Her
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matt sturniolo x reader
summary: y/n shows matt a song that explains the way he's been feeling
warnings: none just fluff
"matt, have you ever listened to mac demarco? " you ask as you lay on his bed. there's been a comfortable silence between the two of you as you search for new music and matt sits at his desk playing around with his computer settings.
somehow you had come across one of your old playlists that focused primarily on the album "2" by mac demarco.
while he was one of your favorite artists growing up, you never got the chance to listen to his newer music. matt looked at you for a second and held up a finger signaling that he'd answer you shortly, after he finished changing his desktop files around.
matt was trying to play it cool. he had been having these weird feelings towards you for the past couple days. he didn't know how they developed or what they meant. what he did know is that he didn't want to come off strong or seem overly interested in you even though his mind was screaming at him to say how he's been feeling.
truth be told, he didn't really know how he felt. he had only known you for a couple of months and you started coming around the house more because you were close with nick. though, as time went on you formed a bond with matt that was comfortable and safe. matt was always able to tell when he started liking a girl, but it was harder to find the words to explain how he felt about you.
matt felt the need to keep any relationship between you two strictly platonic. you were nick's friend first, and while he didn't think nick would care he didn't want to lose the trust that he had built with his brother. he vowed to himself that nothing romantic could happen between you two, but as days went on that thought flew further to the back of his head.
"mac demarco," matt asks, he looked at you again. "is he the one who sings salad days'"
"yeah and he has a lot of other good music, but i just found his newest album and there's one hundred and ninety nine songs on it"
you pressed shuffle on the album. it was intriguing that a majority of the songs just had numbers for titles,and no vocals to them, just melodys.
"this song is '20200821 cowboy shit' its different" you said as you both laughed listening to the lyrics.
"it's definitely something" matt replied still not taking his eyes off of you. he admired the way your eyes sparkled as you flicked through the songs. he noticed how your lips turned up in a twinge of a smile when you heard a lyric you liked. he loved moments with you like this. he could sit here with you forever.
"y/n" matt said as the next song started playing. he was nervous to ask the next question. he wanted to know if you could put a name to the emotions he was feeling. you had always been better with this kind of stuff. you knew how to communicate how you felt, and you were always an open book with him. "do you think it's possible for us to like each other as more than friends? i don't really know how to explain it but i've been having these thoughts recently and i cant tell if they're just plationic"
you stared at him in shock of what he was saying. you've had feelings for matt for a few weeks now, but you didn't want to make things weird by saying something.
the words to '20191009 i like her' played in the background as you two just looked at each other. you kept replaying matts question in your head to think of the best way to answer, while matt was focused intently on the lyrics to the song to try to distract himself from the tension that had begun to rise in his room.
i'd give the world to her
as long as my heart's still beating
as long as she's next to me
as long as this love still fleeting
because i like her
matt thought you looked beautiful even though it felt like he could see the wheels turning in your head as you tried to answer his question.
listening to the lyrics, he felt this thought clear, and he knew in this moment that he couldn't say his feeling were just friendly anymore. sensing this, you made your way over to him. he looked at you warily, almost expecting you to yell at him and tell him that that he was crazy.
there was another beat of silence. "i like you y/n, a lot. i would do anything for you. will you please give me a chance?"
without second thought, you cupped his face in your hands and kissed the boy that you had quickly come to like.
could it be make believe?
am i just walking through a dream?
haven't felt this way in
such a long time, i do believe
that i like her
an: i've never written anything like this before so please tell me if you liked it or if you think i should change something. i'm always open to receiving feedback. i really appreciate you guys being here and if i could give each of you a forehead kiss i would
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dory128 · 4 months
okay so i've been making a new wallpaper as per usual and as i was seraching some photos some random hcs popped up in my mind and i just HAVE TO share them
okay so first off BLADE loves to listen to music. he likes silence, sure but he just has that vibe who loves fall out boy, mychem and the earlier albums from panic! at the disco, and has each and every album collected and neatly displayed.
i also believe he lives on netflix. has seen a lot of newer and currently polular shows, and i also believe that at first it was silver wolf who dragged them into this habbit, but now every friday (or whatever day they are free at) the whole crew sits down and they watch a film, or the newest episode(s) from their latest series.
and now we also know he has a driving licence, so here comes the other hc: obviously he's the driver and imo kafka's the passenger princess and silver wolf and firefly are in the backseat, unless only some of them has to get somewhere and not everyone is in the car.
on that note, i feel like he loves to drive around at night especially. with the windows rolled down, his favourite musics blasting on full volume and just enjoying his peace. i also have a feeling that there is also a motorbike somewhere hidden, he just seems like a biker to me for some reason.
i also feel like he's one of those guys who gets increadibly pissed when someone eats in his car, or gets in with dirty shoes etc. i also have a feeling silver wold definately got into some trouble with her bubblegum and it mysteriously ending up in his dashboard, but she swears it was an accident!
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It's an EP, in between a solo and a full album. Mostly contains 4 to 6 songs.
Some artists release EP before a full album sometimes. It helps them test the pulse of the fans, to see whats working and what's not, their reactions and to also gain newer fans, to put themselves out there and get exposure and set expectations for their future full album.
I don't know if that's what Jimin has on mind.
Seems like some songs didn't make it into this one. Some pictures we got from different producers, those producers aren't on this album. So maybe it's set aside for his full album, or maybe it'll be singles later on.
And then also, if he's telling us a certain story about a certain phase of his life with this album, maybe 6 songs were enough, and didn't need to be stretched out.
Eitherways, I am looking forward to it. Let's see.
You see anon, the so called arguments used by those complaining (they are definitely not Jimin's fans) shows that they are not actually music fans. They like BTS and whatever is popular on the radio or on top charts. Just casual listeners. Fundamentally, there's nothing wrong with that. But they also act like they're experts despite having no idea that what an EP is. They have no actual knowledge and it's quite obvious from the way they write because they expose themselves easily.
And despite possibly falling into the trap of victimizing Jimin, he is usually seen guilty of everything, including his mere existence. If he's quiet on social media and doesn't do anything with his career, he's jobless. Then when it's revealed he actually worked on his music and how that project is rolling out, he's privileged. There's nothing he can do. But he doesn't have to. They can make jokes about him and fans saying that people shouldn't be butthurt because it's just a joke, except he's always the target with a not so subtle message delivered every single time. The Jimin they all talk about, be it in my asks, on twitter or any other platform, by army, some of his stans and those outside his own fandom, does not exist. He is some made up character that they can project on to all their insecurities, bad taste and bad manners and show how miserable they are.
If Face is the only album before enlistment, that's fine. If there's more to come until then, than that's fine again. He's young and he has so many opportunities to make his music and get involved in the projects he wants. I'm just happy I get to see the beginning of his journey and if at some point, along the years, long after I move on from this kpop world, if I happen to see or hear something about Jimin or his music, I hope it will be something nice.
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hauntingcryptids · 2 years
Dark Side Of The Moon
Peter Maximoff x Reader
Summary - After a stressful couple of weeks, The Reader and Peter decompress together.
Warnings - mentions of canon typical violence, mentions of physical harm because of missions and training, mentions of trauma/depression/sadness
Word Count - 1766
A/n - Gender Neutral Reader. Not Requested. I hope that you enjoy!
Things had been loud lately; the world, Xavier Mansion, your head. All of it was just way too loud. There seemed to be news being made every day, most of it bad. Many students and official X-Men members have been sporting injuries and bandages throughout the school. Professor Xavier, even, was spotted with bandages around his shoulder and neck this morning. If he found himself hurt, then it was bound to happen to you soon.
You were a newer student at Xavier School. You were a late bloomer; your powers only appeared in your early twenties after your ex broke your heart. Sudden change or trauma, Professor Xavier said when he first explained your newfound powers to you, could cause the previously dormant mutant gene in your DNA to make itself known. He then said that, frankly, it was unlikely for the gene to remain dormant for your entire life; trauma and change were, sometimes, unfortunate but quintessential parts of Human existence and therefore couldn’t be avoided.
You still felt so incredibly out of touch with the majority of the people either staying at or attending school at Xavier Mansion, no matter what The Professor had told you. You felt useless. You felt uprooted. You felt out of place. You didn’t feel like you belonged anywhere, not in the non-mutant world or the mutant world. 
Professor Xavier constantly argued against your negativity. Somehow, he always seemed to have hope, in both you and the world. He would always encourage your studies and just say that you just needed a bit more training in order to control your powers. Obviously, you understood his perspective, even though you disagreed with it sometimes. But when everything seemed to be falling apart and you couldn’t properly help yourself or the people around you, it was difficult to not be negative and actually see the positive things in life. 
You usually listened to music to get your mind off of the pain and guilt you felt. As soon as you left a classroom or training you would pop on your headphones and press play on your Walkman until you returned to your room. As soon as you got there, you would select a record and play it on your record player and just relax until you felt better. The length of time it took for you to fully relax to music had been getting longer with each passing day, though, and you worried that you might be entering into an incredibly dark place.
Today you were lying on the floor of your room, just thinking, while listening to Dark Side Of The Moon by Pink Floyd. You had already finished your classes for the day and training had been cancelled due to so many people being injured. Everyone was instructed by The Professor to have a calming couple of days to heal from their less severe injuries and catch up on their studies. You already finished the majority of your mutant homework, as well, so you were just left with your mind to deal with. As not being busy meant that you actually had to focus on the thoughts in your head and the worries you had. You didn’t really know how to relax no matter how much you tried to accomplish that goal with music.
Dark Side Of The Moon by Pink Floyd was an album that always resonated with you. Maybe, subconsciously, that’s why you chose it today. To both help you relax but also to help you process some of your emotions. 
Unfortunately, this album also reminded you of your parents. You hoped that they were okay. It had been a while since you talked to them. You didn’t know if they were disappointed in you or mad or just uncomfortable, but you missed them and wished that they would either come to see you or respond to any of the messages and letters that you had sent them.
The world wasn’t perfect before you discovered that you were a mutant, you were well aware of that. But you, at least, knew your place in the world. Now you felt burdened by the newfound responsibility these powers gave you and the stigma that was now attached to your name. Right now, you felt like there was nothing you could do to help yourself except to listen to the track currently playing on your chosen record.
Ticking away the moments that make up a dull day
You fritter and waste the hours in an offhand way
Kicking around on a piece of ground in your hometown
Waiting for someone or something to show you the way
In the middle of the song “Time”, you heard a knock at your door. You sucked in a breath. You didn’t really want to see anyone. You wanted to be alone and just process things. Professor Xavier, though, always encouraged you to try and meet new people at your new home, not just go to him if you needed anything. So, you braced yourself and prepared to interact with someone potentially unknown to you.
“Come in!” You shouted over the music. You heard the door open, allowing the hallway light to stream into your dimly lit room, but you didn’t sit up fully. All of your effort was being put into allowing someone in your space; you didn’t have enough energy to spare in order to sit up to greet the stranger at your door.
You turned your head to the side and saw the person who knocked. Peter Maximoff stood in your doorway, a bit frazzled looking. He had a forced smile on his face and a bandage peeking out from the sleeve of his Rush t-shirt.
Tired of lying in the sunshine
Staying home to watch the rain
And you are young and life is long
And there is time to kill today
And then one day you find
Ten years have got behind you
No one told you when to run
You missed the starting gun
“Are you okay?” You asked the speedster who was standing eerily still. You shared a few mutant classes with Peter and trained with him a couple of times. He had to go easy on you every time you were on opposing sides of training activities. Peter was always apologetic to you after the fact, in his own Peter Maximoff way. One time, about two months ago, he kicked your ass into the next week and gifted you a box of Twinkies as an apology. 
Other than your interactions in classes and training, Peter was always nice to you, often sparing you from the majority of his pranks. Despite some people living in Xavier Mansion, you never had a reason to dislike the speedster. You would even dare to say that you sought out his company on the rare occasions when you felt comfortable enough to. Even though you did want him to feel similar feelings, you were shocked to see Peter standing in your doorway.
“Oh yeah! Everything’s great … well, not great but fine. I just heard your music in the hall.”
“Oh, sorry! I can turn it down if it’s bothering you.”
“No! I’m cool with it. I’m just wondering if I could listen with you. Hangout, you know, if you are comfortable with that.” Again, you were shocked that Peter wanted to spend time with you, but you allowed him to join you.
“Yeah, Peter, that sounds nice.”
Peter closed your bedroom door and walked into your room. You were surprised that he didn’t use his powers. He usually always used them, often to the annoyance of other mutants.
And you run, and you run to catch up with the sun
But it's sinking
Racing around to come up behind you again
The sun is the same in a relative way, but you're older
Shorter of breath and one day closer to death
Peter laid down on your carpet in a similar position to you. Once his body fully relaxed, he let out a big sigh. You looked over at him. In the closeness, you saw some more cuts and bandages littered over his body. You were going to say something about it, but Peter ended up speaking first.
“I love this album. Always have since I first heard it.”
“Me, too, even though it makes me a bit sad.”
“Yeah, I know that there’s a lot of trauma in the album, but it always made me feel seen.” You saw out of the corner of your eye that Peter was talking with his hands, causing a small smile to break out on your face.
“That’s why I chose it today. I just felt small and a bit broken lately. Somehow this album always makes me feel better despite the tragedy within it.” Peter smiled bittersweetly at your comment. He didn’t think that someone would be able to understand him as much as you did, even though The Professor always encouraged Peter to reach out and make a connection with you.
“You have a good taste in music. We should do something like this again. If you want.”
Every year is getting shorter
Never seem to find the time
Plans that either come to nought
Or half a page of scribbled lines
Hanging on in quiet desperation is the English way
The time is gone
The song is over
Thought I'd something more to say
You looked over at Peter and he looked over at you. You noticed a couple of scabs on his cheek and chin. You frowned upon seeing them. You wished that the world wasn’t like the way it was. You wished that none of your mutant friends and peers had to hide or fight. You just wished that everything could be normal.
“Hey.” Peter brought you out of your thoughts and intertwined his hand in yours.
“I’m okay, and you’re going to be okay, too.” You smiled bittersweetly, touched by his words and his worry for you. You then curled into Peter’s side and layed your head on his shoulder. 
Home, home again
I like to be here when I can
When I come home cold and tired
It's good to warm my bones beside the fire
“We should definitely do this again, Peter.” You heard him chuckle before you felt him tighten his grip around you. The two of you then let the album play on while you both relaxed in silence.
Far away, across the field
The tolling of the iron bell
Calls the faithful to their knees
To hear the softly spoken magic spells
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omegaremix · 3 months
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Sunday Records shopping list, 2018.
Sunday is the best day to go to a record store. Why have we opened this record store? For you. To see your smile when you look at the records. And, hear your story about how a song or album changed your life. The people who come into the store are happy to be here. We see glowing faces. We see people who are taking a moment out of their busy day to relive a memory that was special to them or discover a new song they never heard before. A very cool thing to witness and be a part of. See you on Sunday. Come in and flip through.
That’s what Sunday Records says on its page. No exclamation marks. No explosive excitement. It spoke to us in a kind pleasant way. They made a point that after a crazy work-week, there should be one day for everyone to enjoy themselves and spend the time relaxing. I’ll co-sign on that statement.
I learned of its existence from my former co-worker and friend Kryssy who made a video of it for journalism. Opened since November of last year, it’s named after the only day of the week it’s open. It seems odd because all businesses nationwide are open at least five days a week to stay alive and for its owners to maintain a living back home. Not Sunday Records who’s open for business for only a few hours per week. I wondered how? Brian is a city lawyer whose second passion was opening this store. He wins either way. It was the longest drive so far for music. Close to 28 miles driving out east to Riverhead, to be exact. Long stretches of road on the Long Island Expressway makes you have Brown Bunny moments where you’re in a zen-like state driving only 55 m.p.h., conjuring up all these mundane events during these trips like the weather, certain people, and anything else that comes to mind. There were plenty of police on the highways, one in an SUV parked on the side of the road with his lights flashing, mercilessly firing a speed-gun in our direction. The 7th precinct is right off the highway in Yaphank so that explains it.
Riverhead is a plain normal leisurely town with plain normal leisurely people. It does nothing to anyone. It’s right at the split of the east end of Long Island buried in trees and near the water. Sunday Records was almost straight-forward to get to with a round-a-bout to switch county roads. I walk in and there were no more than 10 people of all ages 17 and up. Some by themselves, some with boyfriends. There was a listening room behind its’ storefront window for visitors to sit and enjoy the music. All stores have genres, new releases behind the counter, staff picks, dollar-bins, and maybe four-for-a-quarter in all formats. Sunday Records has none of it. There are no bargain bins but titles are priced starting at $3.00 each for singles and $4.00 to $20.00 for most LPs. No CDs or cassettes, only vinyl. It’s the one store on the island to truly pull it off. No behind-the-counter new releases, no registers. Brian, the owner, was sitting behind the dee-jay booth playing tried-and-true classics.
“How are you? Have you ever been here before?” he asked in which I kindly answered “no”. “As you see, all of these records here are categorized by radio station. Over there: there’s WEHM for all the newer stuff, WBAB for classic rock, WLIR for the Eighties, new-wave, and pop hits. Other stuff we have, we have jazz and rockabilly at that back wall, and other music we have listed as ambient.”
That’s right. All albums are categorized by Long Island radio stations, not by genres. Either he worked in broadcast or just like thousands of Long Islanders and I, he loves his classic radio. I should know. I never seen any record store who organized themselves by call letters over genres. Then I realized, I’m now organizing my favorite jazz / fusion songs by channels I watched as a kid in Brooklyn, and my Omega projects are organized by seasons. Then we go back to Brian, whose own system was a first. Commercial radio has formats, so does Sunday Records. That’s the thing. WLIR’s credo was they “dared to be different” and it worked. It’s why there’s a newly-released documentary about it. Adult-alternative station WEHM operates in Manorville with both Billy Joel and ex-wife Christine Brinkley having minor stakes in it. WBAB is Long Island’s long-standing rock station which pioneered the album-oriented format (AOR). All three I never listened to as WEHM’s signal is too far east for me to reach (but there’s streaming, right?), and as an Eighties kid I always listened to Z100 and other stations forward. They’re still in alphabetical order and by artists, not all hope is lost. In fact, it’s in perfect alphabetical order. There’s almost no room for error where people pull things out and place them in the wrong bin. Brian has it down to a tee. All records sold are in plastic sleeves and labeled at the very top right-hand corner. It was easy for my eyes and fingers to scan through the 100 or so wooden 12” bins and 30 7” shelves. I zipped through the entire store in less than three hours. Sunday Records’ majority of stock were chart hits. Classic rock like The Who, Rolling Stones, Ted Nugent, Lynyrn Skynyrd, and so forth were classified under WBAB. They also carried a lot of No Age (which I picked up), Hot Chip, The XX, Sleater-Kinney, Arcade Fire, and other Pitchfork-approved artists mostly under the WEHM umbrella.
But if you’re a fan of new-wave, synthpop, and early industrial, then Sunday Records welcomes you with open arms. As it falls directly into Sunday’s format (WLIR), artists like General Public, Simple Minds, Yaz, Heaven 17, Lene Lovich, Art Of Noise, and Culture Club are featured. Tom Tom Club, Re-Flex, Modern English, Roxy Music, Spandau Ballet, Dead Or Alive, Freur, APB, Kissing The Pink, and so much more. They had plenty of Depeche Mode, Joy Division, and New Order, too. I was even surprised in seeing 12” singles from With Sympathy-era Ministry and Front 242. Less than half of these artists I just listed I never even thought received radio airplay and I totally missed it. It was the Eighties and synth-based dance music was huge, though it wasn’t the only genre they played. Whatever few records not classified under Sunday’s radio system is labeled as ambient, as I did find a few copies from Baby Ford, Aphex Twin, Groove Armada, and other electronic acts. But like radio, Sunday Records abides by format. If it doesn’t fit that format, then it’s not there. That meant no hardcore, underground punk, hip-hop or noise to be found. Not to say that’s bad thing, because if there’s a system, then it’s done right.
I was pleased to find what I did. Three Cabaret Voltaire records which made up giving them up earlier. There was Images In Vogue’s self-titled release whom cEvin Key of Skinny Puppy used to drum for. Nitzer Ebb’s As Is was all for the taking. Hello again, Strawberry Switchblade. My stay there shined with the purchase of many singles that I listened to during my Eighties gamer youth, singles from Dead Or Alive, Tony Basil, Suzanne Vega, J. Geils Band, and Utah Saints. More synth-pop goodness from Fad Gadget and Gary Numan, the first of each artist in my library. How about singles from Malcomb McLaren and Public Image Ltd.? Stray Cats and Madness were two from the turn-of-the-decade rockabilly and post-punk. Finally, there’s Todd Rundgren’s “Hello, It’s Me” and Siouxsie Sioux’s “Hong Kong Garden”, two singles that hit the spot during a essential springtime at Stony Brook.
Let’s not forget the full-size records. I was very relieved to find Steve Jones as everything he does is gold. Steely Dan’s Pretzel Logic was one of the few I was missing of theirs. Why not Patti Smith’s Easter just because? And if there’s only one Doors’ album to have, it’s their greatest hits containing all their songs from a friend’s mixtape given to me in junior year. The only jazz record I picked up was Ramsey Lewis’ Tequila Mockingbird which had “Skippin’”, once used for WABC’s late-night movie intro which has yet to surface.
Of all the visits during this run, here’s where I passed up the most records. There were two Aphex Twin records I gave up as I knew I had them already on disc. Kraftwerk’s glow-in-the-dark “Neon Lights” single caught my eye and yours, too, if you found it. At $40.00, I couldn’t even touch it. That was the second most expensive title Brian had. That honor went to a real metal tin copy of Public Image’s Ltd.’s Metal Box priced at a hefty $125.00. There was Johnny Lydon hiding behind it, looking at me with his sad face when I seen its’ First Issue. It was sadder to put it back on the shelf because $20.00 was too much for a release I may find for less later. The same went for a newly-pressed Velvet Underground non-peel version for $22.00. I also gave up two Parliament records, Mothership Connection and Motor Booty Affair on picture disc, both for at least $25.00. Parliament is one artist I can never seem to find at a low price.
Halfway through some intense searching, some weird dude came in all dressed up in a patterned polo, jeans, and a twee handlebar mustache. I’m not kidding. He was half a cowboy minus the ten-gallon hat. He’s minding his own business thumbing through the crates as I learned it was Caboose, former staffer of the Stony Brook Press. I gave him 20 minutes for him to turn around and notice me. That’s when I spotted him. Time’s up, Caboose. He sees me in “holy shit!” ecstasy. We haven’t seen each other since our time at Stony Brook. Knowing I been going across the island, he had to catch me at one of these ten stores. He had his ninth chance and found me here. Congratulations. It wasn’t until recently that he took up record collecting, which he didn’t have in him back then. He was still heavily into anime and had a few visits in the city lined up for the rare Japanese metal band coming to the states.
“Do you buy records because you really like them or just for the art?” Caboose came across as inconsiderate and snide, but this was a legitimate question as I myself made purchases based on record cover or artwork alone. Make no mistake I was familiar with all the artists I bought today. Not that it mattered. He then asked how many records I have. Let’s just say he almost died right in the store. We kept on catching up with each other. Both of us haven’t seen our fellow Press staffers in our paths since but one of our own, The People’s Republic Of James, was in the hospital for diabetic shock. As we’re talking, Frank Zappa’s “Catholic Girls” came on from Brian’s dee-jay booth and it was the most cringe-worthy thing I ever heard. It’s well-known that Zappa pushed the envelope for creative freedom and our right to enjoy blue comedy. I’m all for it, but it’s way below me now. There were perverse people in my life who still get a kick out of it, insignificants with drop-out mentalities who still operate on cheap one-track minds I want no part of. But a few minutes later, Brian offered us to play Public Image Ltd.’s Album, so all was back to normal. Caboose mentioned to Brian that I was from WUSB and a conversation struck up. Brian asked about my show and my experience at Sunday. I thought it was great that his store was set up for a specific nostalgia factor that truly hit home and personal. Towards the end of my search, more people entered saying positive things about Sunday Records. I couldn’t agree more. With a few more sacrifices, it’s time to pay up.
There was one more thing he wanted to show me as he added up my records. Some of them had stickers designating some copies as “screamer & screecher of the week” as per number and week, referring to WLIR’s special feature where its’ dee-jays nominated their favorites and listeners chose the winner by call-in vote. A feature that ran for 17 years of the station’s history, that, if someone were to see each entry (and Discogs has it posted, don’t worry), would see WLIR’s evolution over the years. Many people think Brian’s an eccentric only being open on Sundays and classifying records by radio station. I agree. But guess what? It’s a good eccentric. Here’s a guy who cares about the history of radio so much that he’s made a store of it. I swiped my card, signed off my purchase, shook his hand and said thank you.
Nine down, one to go. The experience at Sunday Records had me thinking of how different people classify things in their lives and how they make it work. It also had me thinking what was really out there decades ago and what else I could’ve picked up living as an Eighties kid. The only record store left to visit is now Innersleeve in Amangansett all the way inside Long Island’s south fork and right before Montauk (The End). I’m not going at it by myself. I’d like to enlist a few of my friends to chip in, and come with me to put the finish on a great record-store run.
Cabaret Voltaire  The Arm Of The Lord
Nitzer Ebb As Is
Strawberry Switchblade  Who Knows What Love Is?
Steve Jones  Mercy
Patti Smith  Easter
Ramsey Lewis  Tequila Mockingbird
Doors, The  Greatest Hits
Cabaret Voltaire  Drinking Gasoline
Utah Saints “Something Good”
Image In Vogue self-titled EP
Steely Dan  Pretzel Logic
No Age  Losing Feeling
Dead Or Alive “Brand New Lover”
Cabaret Voltaire  The Drain Train
Public Image Ltd. “Home”
Gary Numan “Cars” / “Metal”
Malcomb McLaren “Soweto” b/w “Zulu’s On A Time Bomb”
J. Geils Band “Centerfold” b/w “Rage In The Cage”
Fad Gadget “One Man’s Meat” b/w “Sleep”
Tony Basil “Mickey” b/w “Hangin’ Around”
Stray Cats “(She’s) Sexy + 17” b/w “Lookin’ Better Every Beer”
Madness “Our House” b/w “Cardiac Arrest”
Todd Rundgren “Hello It’s Me” b/w “Cold Morning Light”
No Age  Eraser 7”
Suzanne Vega “Luca” b/w “Night Vision”
Siouxsie Sioux & The Banshees “Hong Kong Garden” b/w “Night Vision”
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xlii-60 · 10 months
The Miscellaneous Bin - Will Paquin
Welcome to another type of review I'm looking to do on this blog- the miscellaneous bin! Named after the bin in record stores where some of the more random things go, this specific type of review will be dedicated to things that aren't exactly albums. Songs that only exist as singles, EPs, and maybe even general artist reviews will be filed under this, and so I'm starting out with an artist I've liked for a little while now, Will Paquin! I'm going to be talking about 3 of his songs, Circles, In Two, and Now You Know, but I genuinely adore every song he's put out so far.
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Like a lot of people who listen to Will Paquin, I found him through TikTok, before I ended up deleting the app some time in 2021. The reason I included Now You Know rather than Chandelier, which was Paquin's first release after a TikTok of the initial guitar riff went viral, is because Now You Know is the song I found him through!
Immediately, the most recognizable aspect of Paquin's music, and what drew me to looking at his page just beyond the first clip I heard, is the style he plays guitar with. Starting from Samba guitar (and inspired by Baden Powell, Toquinho, and Luiz Bonfa), he uses a spiderwebby, delicate finger-picking that adds both a thrumming heartbeat and a lacy membrane to his music. Now You Know, released in February of 2021, takes a moment or two to get to that fingerpicking, and the lyrical content of the song is angry, frustrated, exploring the themes of making mistakes and having to learn the hard way. The opening lines of the song were all I heard at first, as I had managed to find the song just before its release, and I found it constantly stuck in my head, with the backdrop of that delicate, hypnotic guitar.
I've been following his music since then, though not directly through TikTok anymore, since I haven't had the app in years now. Of these three, the next to release would be Circles, in August of 2022. Circles jumps almost instantly into that familiar guitar, though unlike Now You Know's anger and frustration, Circles carries a sort of longing sadness, a feeling of searching and missing something. There's a piece somewhere that's dislodged, and it's beginning to drift away, but there's a grounding nature to the idea of someone in particular, keeping them in your mind, maybe to the point of obsession. It's a very beautiful song. I've included two of his newer tracks here because I enjoy all of his stuff but particularly enjoy the way his vocal style and musical style have developed alongside each other in the recent releases. Not mentioned in this post is his newest, Lightning, which is really incredible as well.
The last track I'll talk about in this post might be my favorite of the three, released in November of 2022, In Two. The track is more gentle than circles, almost feeling like you're being told some sort of secret. Paquin's vocals on the track are ginger, nearly whispered at times, creating a quiet, delicate bubble, as if you're being let in on something only a select few get to know. The lyrics of In Two seem to detail a somewhat codependent relationship as it begins to fall apart, especially with the chorus, "Half of me is half of you now, I'll have to cut myself in two." It's a heartbreakingly beautiful song, that feels as emotionally tender as the delivery of its lyrics.
Overall, I'd say, like I'm sure a lot of others would, that Paquin's finger-picking is one of the main things that drew me to his music, but the development of his style and his vocals, as well as his lyrical content, are the things that keep me coming back to listen again and again.
Here's some links if you'd like to check him out yourself:
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newx-menfan · 1 year
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Storm #1 Review
The issue opens with Storm and the X-Men fighting the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants.
As Mystique and co are captured…we find out the whole thing was a stunt for some unknown customer and not about getting mutant files… (foreshadowing!!)
As Storm assessed how the team did, Ororo and Kitty get in a verbal spat… (this takes place before Piotr broke up with Kitty…but around Kitty’s freak out about Storm getting a Mohawk..but before “Love Story” with Forge…if any of that makes sense lol) 
After the battle, the X-Men do what the X-men do best- chill at the beach.
While swimming (cheers for the iconic thought bubbles returning!!), Storm nearly drowns and questions her old status of “Goddess”.
Meanwhile some human named Jimmy (it always Jimmy’s…) goes on some anti-mutant rant at Kurt….while Kurt just ignores the whole thing to more or less put the moves on his girlfriend (The real reason people hate Kurt is because he will steal your girlfriend…)
Kitty and Rogue go off together after Kitty blows up at Storm for having a motorcycle (Kitty got mad at the weirdest shit back then honestly)…
Rogue seems hesitant to “corrupt” Kitty, knowing she’s still on thin ice with the team despite saving Logan in Japan awhile ago… (I weirdly love early heel turn Rogue, so this is a HUGE treat for me!) 
Storm runs into a HOTTIE while out on her bike who’s apparently randomly and conveniently a climate change tech bro…(you GET IT Storm 😎 !)
Storm gets back to the mansion about the same time Kitty and Rogue do…
And….Kitty…walks in with cornrows and a tat (😬 pulling a “Vanilla Ice” there Kitty?? 😂🤣🤣)
Xavier lectures Kitty while Ororo goes out to see her tech bro again (Man Storm must like techies…also the guy must be like a 10 in bed if she’s going back to see him so SOON! 😂🤣🤣) and accidentally causes a hail storm (Storm blames dark thoughts…I blame being horny 😂🤣🤣🤣) and some rando appears that looks like Gollum and blames Storm for causing it (damn that’s just being PETTY) and fights her…
Storm questions if she is at fault while she drives him away from the civilians…
As Storm drags said rando in a tornado, there’s a backlash…causing her to fall from the sky!
The art is depressing horrid…like “New Mutants vol. 2” levels of horrid…(sorry not sorry)
How Kotian got on both CLAREMONT and NOCENTI books…I will never know!
It’s reminiscent of the old X-books…but in a good way! Seeing Colossus use Russian and his corny comment on it meaning “thug”…or many of the admittedly corny moments like Kitty saying she’s gonna make Colossus a “mixtape” or Storm talking about the  “weather at her fingertips”…It just feels like the old X-Men. It just feels FUN again.
Rogue stands out the most- I didn’t realize how much I missed Southern stereotype skunkhead until reading this compared to “Rogue & Gambit”…
All the characters feel like “themselves”, which honestly makes this book a huge treat, even if the story is pretty “meh””.
In an era where characters feel interchangeable- it’s nice to see them be DEFINABLE and FLAWED again!
My only critique is- I would actually like Claremont and Nocenti to branch out a bit…
As fun as it is seeing them write “Gambit” or write “Storm” again…It also a choice that feels a bit safe.
I would like to see Claremont or Nocenti try taking a crack at some of the newer characters instead of just returning to previous eras, partially to see what they’d do and because I do think they need more of a challenge!
Still- this is a fun read, especially if you miss the old Claremont X-Men! 
I mean OBVIOUSLY the rando is the tech bro, whose somehow messing with or stealing Storm’s powers. And the girl flirting with Kurt is in on it….
Rogue will say “hog” so many times that it will become a drinking game…
Kitty will start listening to rap music and Colossus’s mixtape will be Kitty’s new rap album 😐😂.
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fernsam · 1 year
Hip Hop: A different perspective on love
 A review/interpretation of Tyler the Creator's Album "Igor"
The theme of 21 Savage’s latest album, Savage Mode II, was “money and pussy”. Not really groundbreaking stuff. Don’t get me wrong I love 21 Savage (and that album), but as a (female) hip-hop fan who mainly listens to newer artists, so many hip-hop songs deal with romance in a way that objectifies women. Even romantic hip-hop songs, do not feel very personal. From sweet lines -like one from Drake’s “Best I Ever Had”: “you are my everything, you all I ever wanted”- to salty lines -like Kanye's “Heartless”: “How could you be so heartless?”-never really spoke out to me. I get it: the girl is amazing, the girl is a b****, but where are YOUR feelings? Tyler the Creator’s album “Igor” explores exactly that. And to make it even more interesting, he is talking about a guy. I feel that both of these topics have rarely been explored in mainstream hip-hop, especially combined. Tyler the Creator uses a diverse set of musical components to stray away from the normalities of hip-hop/rap and successfully conveys a catchy, yet heartbreaking, album about a man in love. 
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Part 1: Falling in Love
The album starts off with “Igor’s Theme”, which is an ominous riff that kind of sounds like final battle music in a video game. It feels like when you know the final boss is coming and you’re all excited to finally meet them. Lyrically there’s not much going on, but it already shows how Tyler is able to rely on an instrumental to set the mood instead of just words. That already goes against the main principle of rap which, according to Merriam-Webster, is defined as rhythmic speech chanted to a musical accompaniment. And the cherry on top, it’s really catchy and I’ve definitely gotten this song stuck in my head, even with the few lyrics he gives us. 
After getting hyped up by the previous song, Tyler finally starts to reveal his attachment to this person. Again, the lyrics are pretty repetitive, but he uses his voice as well as upbeat music to create “Earfquake”. Even though the song is so upbeat and singable, he says how their love is “making his heart break”. It shows how heartbreaking it feels to have someone who doesn’t feel the same about you be kind to you. His repetition of “don’t leave it’s my fault” makes him seem really desperate and nonsensical but it really shows how love works, it’s not just butterflies in your stomach, it's strange and doesn’t always bring out the best. A line that really stuck with me was “I don’t want no confrontation, no. You don’t want my conversation. I just need some confirmation on how you feel so real.” It makes no sense but makes perfect sense at the same time. Pitchfork described it as succeeding “in communicating mood as their own sense of logic.”
Compared to the other two songs, lyrically this one is more happy. The drum is prominent and there is a lot more singing. Tyler blatantly says he "thinks" he’s falling in love. Although it’s an upbeat love song his voice is really monotone, especially when he says “how can I tell you”. It seems that he’s not that excited to confront his crush, which is definitely understandable. That transitions to the next song, which is only 15 seconds. He says “exactly what you run from you end up chasing.” Granted, I've heard similar phrases before, but it just hits more deep knowing he dedicated an entire song to this quote. Also, I love how he strays from any genre (that I know of) and creates such a short song to get a single point across. 
Part 2: The Struggle
Transitioning from the previous song about running, this song is about “running out of time”. The instrumental is really chill and the lyrics are very slow. I wasn’t a huge fan of this song originally because of its slow and chill pace, but when the drums come out for the second verse, which is a little bit faster, the lyrics reveal what the song is about. Tyler wants his lover to stop lying to himself because Tyler knows the real him. That reminds me of the frustration of being closeted and although I didn’t really vibe with the beginning, I am glad that he brought a queer perspective into the game. 
I think the main reason Running Out of Time wasn’t as exciting for me is because the song that comes after it is on a whole other level. “New Magic Wand” completely changes the vibe and starts off very heavy with a villain theme vibe. The maniacal laughing in the intro quickly changes to Tyler talking about wanting to get his lover’s girl out of the picture. You can feel the jealousy in his voice and the thumping beat and instrumental makes you want to side with him. According to Genius, Tyler even hints at the fact that the new magic wand may be a gun in Verse 3 with the lines “She's gonna be dead, I just got a magic wand.” Transitioning from that, verse 4 is one of his best rap verses on the album and it fits perfectly because you definitely feel him become more and more deranged as the song goes on. What really adds to the maniacal feeling is the music. Seriously just listen to the instrumental and it tells its own story.    
After all that basically psychotic talk, Tyler flips it around and compares his lover to a dangerous gun. “A boy is a gun” also confirms that his love is a boy. Tyler is mad that he won’t show his true self and knows that he’s bad for Tyler. His lover even “brought his girl”, ouch. This song is really good and I can really feel how he wants him to stay away because he knows he is going to get hurt but he can’t. I love the piano part while he repeats “stay the fuck away from me” because the piano sounds like it’s coming closer. The girl singing in the background and the gun sound effects really add to the dramatic mood of the song. Tyler knows that he is a bad idea. 
Part 3: Moving on
Now that Tyler is telling him to stay away, he has to move on. “Puppet” is about him not being able to leave, explaining that his lover controls him and he’s lonely. Again contradicting himself, Tyler knows this relationship is bad for him but can’t let go. The music sounds kind of like a children’s song and he does a lot more rapping in this song. It perfectly fits the mood because Tyler’s trying so hard to keep him, which he is aware is childish. The singing part of “i’m your puppet” is similar to the other songs, showing his desperation. What’s interesting about this song is that the last minute is just music. The song ends with a sort of ambulance-sounding noise and a girl singing. Even though he is starting to move on, there is still that continuous theme of how hard it is to let go. 
“What’s good” continues with the ominous video game music. This time it sounds like a chaotic chase where he rambles about how good he is. The line “Hard to believe in God when there ain't no mirrors around” really sets off the vibe of this song: it's just a random “I’m better”. To counteract this egotistical manner, he continues with the song “Gone gone/Thank you”. This is another masterpiece that portrays all the stages of moving on in a humble manner. At first, he sounds depressed because his love is gone, but towards the end, he realizes that it was good that it ended. He is actually appreciative for the experience he got. To show all these different stages, the song uses different types of genres that flow together to portray the different stages of moving. According to a Gen Z Journalist, this song is “infused with bluesy, R&B, techno, rock, rap and alternative sounds.” The second part of the song (thank you) really adds a new perspective. We have gotten a lot of contradicting feelings about love and doubt but never any about gratitude. Even with all the pain he went through, Tyler still thanked him. What's even more interesting is that throughout this album Tyler has never really hated his lover, and now he is thanking him for the good times. Tyler is definitely not the first person to come up with this idea but I would love to see more themes like this in hip hop. What finally marks him moving on, however, is Tyler saying “I don’t love you anymore”. At first, he says it, then he screams it, and then the music takes over. Definitely a bittersweet ending. 
Part 4: Moved on? 
The final track on the album, “Are We Still Friends?”, contradicts the entirety of part 3. Tyler still wants to be friends, even knowing that their relationship is really fragile. The beautiful jazz instrumental sets the vibe of a love (hopefully platonic) song. You can feel the emotions he can’t let go through his singing and the instrumental. Who knew lines so simple as “are we still friends” and “can be friends” could be so heartbreaking? (Seriously I have cried to this song multiple times) After practically experiencing this whole break-up story, I really understand him for still wanting to salvage the relationship. The “i don't want to add this season on a bad episode” ties into the whole idea that romance, and even life, aren’t always perfect. That reminds me of this edit where a beloved character, Fiona from Shameless, just leaves. It was sad but it was definitely for the best. What ties this ending theme perfectly together, however, is the outro: the screaming and the instrument that never got to resolve. The instrument shows Tyler’s desperation to ask his ex-lover one last question (but he can’t sadly), and at the same time, the scream gives a release that he is finally able to let it all out. 
Just like Tyler, I have to move on as well. I could probably talk about this album forever but everything must come to an end. The album successfully fuses components of hip-hop with unique features to create his own kind of genre. Even better, every song sounds good in its own way. It does get repetitive at times, but Tyler is not afraid to try new things and can easily go from singing to rap to speaking and even to screaming. Even his instrumentals have no singular pattern/ And on top of that, he is able to add so much substance to the story through his lyrics, and each song is unique. I don’t even have a favorite song because I have found myself listening to most of these songs on repeat depending on my mood. Aside from the musicality, I have never been able to relate to an album about romance more. Tyler successfully conveys the constant longing, hatred, jealousy, gratitude, happiness, and so many other emotions that can happen at the same time. Love is all about not making sense and contradicting yourself, yet Tyler used his music to make it make at least some sort of sense. 
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Fall Out Boy - So Much For Stardust song-by-song review
I'm just gonna start this by being completely honest: since MANIA was released, I haven't been interested in any Fall Out Boy songs because I was that disappointed by that album. To my surprise when they released the first singles of SMFS they sounded pretty good, but they still weren't enough to get me hyped, I even forgot that the album was to come out today until I got the notification
Well, this opinion changed instantly when I listened through the whole record. This might even be one of the best albums of the year for me already. But let's not get that ahead this early. Here's what I think song by song.
01. Love From The Other Side
The first single the band released off the album and conveniently the opening track starts with a dreamy piano+string intro which then explodes into a surprising rock riff that is very reminiscent of the earlier FOB records. So much so that when I first heard it I thought it was a B-Side from Folie A Deux or something. But no, it was a well-written pop punk banger with a great hook in the chorus that was a 2022 release (as a single). The music video is also hilarious with old man Pete telling a tale and the band wearing dumb costumes and having countless references to older FOB videos. Nostalgia factor 10/10.
02. Heartbreak Feels So Good
The second single and the second song starts with an intro that scared me a little when I first heard it. Not because it was spooky but because it had a little late 2010's dancehall feeling to it that I really hoped the music industry had grown out of already. But as soon as the drums and later the guitars arrive everything suddenly made sense. The post-chorus ooh-s reminded me a little to the MANIA era but they weren't as jarring as I expected. Sounded very poppunk again, similarly to the older FOB albums. The line: "I’d never go, I just want to be invited" is one that I think every introvert like me can relate to which is a nice touch in the song. The music video has Rivers Cuomo in it which made the song even better for me as a huge Weezer fan.
03. Hold Me Like a Grudge
Now this was what I expected from a newer Fall Out Boy single. Despite being only the first single that was released today, same day as the album itself, if I heard the full album for the first time, I would've guessed this was the first single. It's really dance-y, borderline annoyingly. The yeah-yeahs reminded me a little of Michael Jackson's highs that brought a little soul vibe to the whole song. Also although the song has distorted guitars in it, I wouldn't call this one a rock song, more like a funky, dance-y, disco pop banger which happens to be played by a whole rock band. The lyrics are really good in this one, seems like the boys found the right pen again because lines such as: "And I guess I'm getting older cause I'm less pissed When I can't get onto the guest list" or "Part time soulmate, full time problem" seem way less cringy than "I'll stop wearing black when they make a darker color" for example. Overall this one is a great song but if you want the emo version of FOB, you might not like it.
04. Fake Out
The fourth track starts off really reminiscent of the 00's, this one is a calmer, "sad but i'm dancing anyway" type of song. The verse riff to me sounds like a blink-182 song, similar to Bored to Death or What's My Age Again with the clean guitars, it really seems like this one was written to pay respects to the band's roots. The lyrics in this are on point again, the opening line of the chorus: "Love is in the air, I just gotta figure out a window to break" is again really quotable, and Patrick's vocal performance singing the high notes is perfect as usual. The elder emos who liked FOB from Infinity On High might enjoy this song a lot.
05. Heaven, Iowa
The first more of a power ballad on the album starts very pop-ish, so the listener doesn't know what to expect until the second chorus hits. Patrick again shows his incredible range, and in the second chorus the guitars and the drums follow him on his journey to the highest of highs. It's honestly one of the more annoyingly catchy songs for me on the album, by the time the last chorus hit I was ready to scream: SCAR... CROSSED... LOVERS... FOREVER. There's even a spicy guitar solo/lick at the end that adds to the whole power ballad feeling.
06. So Good Right Now
If you want a really retro sounding, almost rockabilly song to dance to then look no further. This song also screams both Infinity On High and Folie A Deux to me. The chorus is a little repetitive, it's like it's purposely trying to convince you that the singer is feeling soooo good right now. Maybe this is an obvious contradiction that just flew over my head. There's also a lot of woah-s and yeah-s which add to this feeling of repetitiveness. Overall I think this one, despite sounding really retro, a forgettable song for me.
07. The Pink Seashell (feat. Ethan Hawke)
This one is an interesting spoken word interlude between the (seemingly) happiest and the biggest sounding songs on the record: Ethan Hawke's guest appearence from the movie Reality Bites where his character speaks about enjoying life despite its hardships. Honestly this interlude hit me way harder than it should've. There's not much to say, if you're a 90's movie fan, you probably know this whole monologue, if not then prepare the tissues 'cause you're about to be sad.
08. I Am My Own Muse
As previously mentioned, this one is easily the biggest sounding song on the whole record. The first intrumental section really shows how good songwriters the boys in the band are. There's a sting section, a brass secion, accompanied by the heavy sounding muted guitars are just amazingly well put together. I recommend listening to this one with good sounding headphones. The melody in the verses also similar to 40's and 50's love songs with the melody ending on a lower note. I feel like this song pays homage to these huge movie soundtracks and scores that were in the classic movies back then.
09. Flu Game
Surprise, surprise, another dance-y sounding piece. This one just blatantly tells you that there was a heartbreak and the singer of the song doesn't need to count on them or anyone anymore. I don't know if just because of the danciness or because of the production but Flu Game has major Folie A Deux vibes for me. I also like the ear allegory between Mike Tyson and Van Gogh. Sometimes I love FOB because of these clever lyrical comparisons and not because of the melodies, and this one belongs to that category.
10. Baby Annihilation
Despite the title sounding like a deathcore album, this one is just a short spoken word interlude by Pete Wentz himself, the first one since 20 Dollar Nose Bleed apparently. It doesn't hit as hard for me as the Ethan Hawke one but if you like Wentz' lyricism you might even enjoy this little break between songs. It's a disappointed yearning for something better and that's pretty much all it wants to say.
11. The Kintsugi Kid (Ten Years)
If you liked Save Rock And Roll, this song might be for you. The Na-Na-Na's bring that feeling to this song, the instrumental is not as pop rock-ishly heavy as in the other songs. I also like the melody before the bridge a lot, it's very pop punk. I don't think this one will become a hit but the diehard fans of the band will still enjoy this song a lot.
12. What a Time To Be Alive
We pretty much paid homage to every decade now, of course the 80's won't be an exception. The drums in the beginning sounded a little like Mary On A Cross by Ghost to me and the riff is also reminiscent of that kind of music. But again, the melody and the production also reminded me to Papa Don't Preach by Madonna so I don't know what to think anymore. The song's groove is similar to the Madonna song as well. The lyrics are clearly written about the lockdown era and how we were waiting for the apocalypse to happen. The song is vibey and happy but the lyrics are probably the darkest so far. To add to the 80's feeling there's even a harmonized guitar solo in the end. Great piece, I really enjoyed this one.
13. So Much (for) Stardust
And the cherry on top, as mentioned in the previous song, the title track of the album. The piano intro sounds very soul-ish to me which compliments Patrick's voice. Then we get a Save Rock'n Roll type of ballad chorus which is completely expected for a Fall Out Boy closing track but the real cherry on top is something else. Around 3 minutes there's a reprise of the first song of the album which hasn't happened in Fall Out Boy songs since What A Catch, Donnie on Folie A Deux. When I heard the callback for the first time I gasped "No Shit" to myself because that was such a cheap but great solution by the band that I didn't know was still in them. Pretty much the best closure since What A Catch, Donnie. Absolute perfection
So here it is, I didn't think I would enjoy a FOB record in 2023, but here we are. This album is perfect for elder emos' nostalgia boner but also a fresh take on how pop rock/mainstream pop punk should sound in the current year, embracing the nostalgia. The record is amazing for the early spring weather, I listened to it during a long walk by myself, I'd recommend you to do the same. Easily will be among the albums of the year for me personally.
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changterhune · 1 year
The Island of Doubt by Cathode Ray Tube
THE ISLAND OF DOUBT is my latest album on my own label. 
Since humans like categorizing and finding patterns and I’m human (mostly) i guess this is part of my Grief cycle. Whereas Anabasis, Katabasis and Trogloxene were from my Pandemic cycle and of a certain theme, THE ISLAND OF DOUBT joins A BRIGHT EYED CREATURE and my forthcoming album THE EXPEDITIONS as documents of the period after my father’s death. With it’s sudden onset and the subsequent loss my world was thrown into torment and upset. These are the sounds of that. 
THE ISLAND OF DOUBT takes its name from a line out of the Talking Heads song Crosseyed and Painless. It seemed appropriate given how the world seems today and how the music collected herein sounds. 
It started off as a shorter album of only an hour in length. I’d been shopping it around for a year or so with little interest. After yet another rejection I threw caution to the wind and decided to release it on CNDHMN. Then something happened in the process of getting the album ready. Some tracks that were in the original sequence no longer fit. Other songs long cut from the sequence returned while still others I’d never considered were added. I tweaked them, made some shorter and made some longer. 
All that made it a way better record and a longer record, too. I am proud of both of these things. It follows a course and path I didn’t know was there while the newer versions sound unlike a lot of what I’ve done before. The new edits and pacing breathe life into a very difficult to make album that hopefully is not as difficult to listen to though I do want you to be challenged a bit by the music herein. 
Please enjoy. 
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death2normalcy · 2 years
Since I’m officially done with the main guides to Stray Kids, I figured I’d do a couple fun guides, just for, well, fun. I’m done with the dynamics, but I didn’t want to stop making these, lmao. So, I thought it would be interesting to kind of explain the boys music, kind of like a summary of all the music they’ve put out. Not each song individually, that may be too much. But maybe the albums/mini albums/ EPs, etc.
This post once again skips around a bit and talks about the two compilation albums they made that includes their remade songs.
(Most of the info was taken from Wikipedia, or from my own listen of the album. I’ve gotten bits and pieces from other areas, but yea. If I got something wrong, or missed something important, please let me know!)
SKZ 2020
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released in March 2020.
this one was released as a physical copy in Japan.
actually a compilation album, as well as their Japanese debut.
27 tracks in total, however, they are almost all re-recorded tracks that were remade after Woojin left the group in 2019.
there’s also 3 songs that were recorded in Japanese (My Pace, Double Knot, and Levanter)
the re-recorded songs on this one are: hellevator, beware, spread my wings, yayaya, district 9, mirror, grow up, my pace, voices, question, m.i.a., awkward silence, i am you, get cool, miroh, victory song, boxer, chronosaurus, 19,  side effects, tmt, double knot, levanter, and astronaut
no new music videos, that I can tell, as this was mainly just a compilation album
there’s a lot that’s been said about these re-recordings, for sure. i’m not here to talk about all that, as this is meant to just be a guide, but if you’re interested in that kind of stuff, some stays have been vocal about their thoughts.
i think that other members were able to shine more in these newer versions and i’m grateful for that. one standout for me specifically is han on chronosaurus, but a lot of the vocal line is given more time to shine and it’s fantastic.
Peak Position - 3 on Japanese Albums chart.
SKZ 2021
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released in December 2021, digitally only.
this is another compilation album that contains re-recorded versions of their previous songs minus Woojin.
this album contains 14 tracks, including the Korean version of scars.
it also contains the previous mixtapes, #1-5, only under their original titles, which in order are, placebo, behind the light, for you, broken compass, and hoodie season.
other songs featured on this album: awaken, rock, 3rd eye, insomnia, my side, n/s, 0325, and maze of memories
again, no music videos for this specific album. also, i don’t think this was an image for the album, but as i couldn’t seem to find out, i just used it.
WAIT. I almost forgot, there was a video. hold on, i’m gonna just copy and paste from wikipedia
The special music video of "Placebo", stated that it was made by the group's alter ego as SKZ Company personnel from their online program SKZ Code, was released on December 24.
Peak position - 5 on Japanese Digital Albums
there were a couple of songs that were never re-recorded. i’m unsure of why the exact reasoning is, maybe because they contained lyrics by woojin, or some other technical reason. either way, they are hero’s soup, school life, glow and 4419
Overall, not much to say about these two. I just wanted to make a quick post and get them out, so I can move on to other things, lol.
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thisaintascenereviews · 3 months
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Scene Queen - Hot Singles In Your Area
Contrary to what a lot of metal fans might tell you, the genre is still very much sexist and misogynistic, as well as very predatory and manipulative. There are loads of bands whose members have been outed as predators, abusers, and just all around gross dudes that shouldn’t have a platform (some of them still do). These guys really hate women, even if they don’t seem like it, but they also hate women that play metal. Well, not exactly, they don’t outright hate women that are in metal bands, but you’ll find a lot of metal fans, some women included, that won’t listen to bands with female members, or they’re somehow lesser than. People love certain bands, but a lot of newer ones are thrown to the wayside. Hell, even the powerhouse band Spiritbox has gotten a lot of flack in recent years, some of which being due to their sound having a more accessible sound, but their vocalist being a woman is part of it. What do metalheads hate even more than women in metal? They hate women in metal that call out the misogyny within the scene, let alone do it while making metalcore mixed with hyperpop and hip-hop (because metalheads typically hate popular music of any kind).
That’s where Scene Queen comes into play, especially with her debut album, Hot Singles In Your Area. Real name Hannah Collins, Scene Queen has gotten a lot of traction over the last few years, especially on TikTok, for her genre mash-ups that take metalcore with pop, electronic, and hip-hop, and her lyrics that range from hyper-sexual to being about the various ways men in the scene mistreat women. I can’t say I’ve ever listened to any of her music properly, or even looked forward to this record, but I thought I’d check it out for curiosity’s sake. Who knows, this thing could be really cool, and a lot of elitist metalheads are sure to be whining about it all weekend, because they can’t stop focusing on things they hate. I’ve given this album a few listens, and for this album being my proper introduction to Scene Queen’s music, I was both pleasantly surprised and kind of underwhelmed.
Scene Queen is, above anything else, ambitious, and that ambition is respectable, even if that means her ambition is at the expense of, well, good songwriting. Yeah, this album is pretty interesting, and for every really cool moment it has, there are some that are either really obnoxious or misguided. I’d say this album is good overall, but it’s got some stuff that’s either mediocre or pretty bad. For clarification, though, its lyrics and messages aren’t what I find bad. A lot of what Scene Queen has to say, whether it’s about misogyny in the alternative scene, or liberating and expressing herself sexually, but it’s the execution of the ambitious ideas she has. Her sound ranges from late 00s crabcore / metalcore to hyper-pop, hip-hop, pop, and crunkcore. It feels like a lot of Y2K styles thrown into a blender, which makes sense, because her aesthetic is rooted in that era.
Because of her music being influenced by that whole time, the most obnoxious and annoying qualities of music from that era rears its head. Do you miss Blood On The Dance Floor, Breathe Carolina, and The Medic Droid? Then you’ll love songs like “Stuck,” or “POV,” the latter of which featuring The Ready Set, for some reason. Those songs are incredibly obnoxious, but at least they stick to a genre the whole way through. Other songs only partially work, like the title track that’s both a generic 00s pop song and metalcore banger. The heavier stuff works quite well, but the transitions are so jarring. It’s even worse on “MILF,” which is a country-metal song that randomly jumps into breakdowns, but it doesn’t feel earned. A few tracks work relatively well, and they don’t feel as jarring, but this album has way too many ideas for its short runtime.
No matter how bad it gets, it’s not worst of the year bad, because there are some genuinely cool moments, and it’s also a memorable experience. There are some solid breakdowns and some enjoyable lyrics on the album, but it feels like Scene Queen had way too many ideas when working on this. It just sounds over ambitious, and despite being 36 minutes, it feels way too long sometimes. It’s an overstuffed album, for better or worse, but it’s worth hearing at least once. There are some genuine points she makes on the album, and there are a few catchy tunes, so hopefully this album serves as a stepping stone to something more cohesive and better. In terms of a debut, it’s fine, but it has some major issues that prevent me from really enjoying it.
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1001albumsrated · 4 months
#5: Fats Domino - This Is Fats Domino! (1956)
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Wow, the 1001 Albums guys really made me work for this one. This thing is out of print on every format. It's not on streaming. I resorted to a poor quality rip of a bootleg-adjacent CD reissue on YouTube. I actually listened ahead a couple releases and sandbagged this one with the hopes of finding a better quality version of it somewhere. I normally wouldn't complain, but a core tenet (supposedly) of their selection criteria is physical accessibility, prioritizing albums that are in print or easily found and heard. And this isn't an issue with it just recently vanishing: at the time of the book's first publishing in 2005, the album had been out of print in the US since the 1969 "forced stereo" LP reissue (which itself got a few early reprints at unknown years, I'd estimate based on the labels that the most recent is from the early 70s). If you wanted to hear the original mono recording you better have been ready to track down an original. There had been a handful of European and Japanese reissues, but I can't imagine many folks wanting to pay import prices for this. And it never hit the CD til the aforementioned bootleg-adjacent 2008 Dutch reissue (notably with the wrong name, making the easy mistake of conflating it with his 5th album, This Is Fats), with the only other CD issue being a spendy Japanese version from 2016. None of the versions I looked at were particularly expensive today for what they are, but certainly inconvenient to acquire, requiring the listener to buy used off of eBay or Discogs and understand different pressings, Goldmine gradings, etc. If I ran the zoo I would have pivoted to one of his other 50's albums, most of which are at least readily available on streaming if not in print. Obviously streaming wasn't at the forefront of their minds in 2005, but the newer editions have no excuse.
Anyways, the album! Like it says on the tin, it's Fats Domino. He's a bit of a one trick pony, but he also invented rock n roll so let's cut the man some slack (ok, debatably invented, but about as good a starting point as any in my book). This is a fun listen. If you've heard early rock music you won't find any surprises here, but you won't complain about hearing it either. And you certainly can't understate his influence on music and culture. It may not seem like as much today, but swinging 12 bar blues and beating up the piano was an earth-shaking event at the time, and his contributions to music are invaluable. My only other note is that the recording quality seemed particularly poor on this one, even for the era, but it's hard to say when you're listening to a budget Dutch needledrop through YouTube audio compression on a 480p video.
All that being said, I really would have liked to see mention of Sister Rosetta Tharpe somewhere in here as we dig through the origins of rock. Obviously she predates the concept of the LP by a bit, but there are plenty of compilations out there of her early sides, and plenty of (comparatively) more modern live material to pull from. If you know you know, and if you don't know then I'm here to tell you that the godmother of rock n roll was a mighty black woman who shouted gospel and wielded a triple humbucker Gibson SG.
Ok, I've gotten far enough off topic enough times now that I feel like I'm being rude to the legendary Fat Man, so let's put a bow on this thing. MUST you hear This Is Fats Domino!? Yes, with the caveat that your head might hurt less if you just pull up one of his other albums on your streaming service of choice; they're all equally good in my book.
Next time: we keep court with one of the highest ranking members of jazz royalty, Duke Ellington, and his 1956 live album Ellington at Newport!
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studestael · 9 months
Hello, your Santa here <3
Hmmm... Maybe not songs, but if you're interested in some good Polish music - older one of course - you could try search for bands called "Breakout", "Czerwone gitary", "Perfect", "Dżem", for something more heavy go for "Kat" and I think that's all I can recommend.
Oh, if you're gonna listen to Ringo's albums you should definitely go for the one you have, "Ringo", "Beaucoups of Blues", "Ringorama" and for newer ones "What's My Name?" and "Rewind Forward". That grandpa still can make good music!
No, actually female birds don't sing at all. They make peeps, screeches or don't make any sounds at all, but my canary doesn't give a damn. I listened to "Strange Days" by The Doors today and she warmed up to them, singing her tiny heart out to "When The Music's Over", it was cute!
A bunny how nice! And he lived for a long time, he surely had the best life he could get <3
So The Monkees seems like the band that was always with you! And this is a long list of songs, you're a big fan. For me, I only know "I'm a believer", never had a chance to get into their music, but maybe soon, maybe maybe - after we talk in DMs and you start bombarding me with them XD
Sincerely, your Santa <3
hello santa!
nice, i've listened to some songs from the band you recommended, i think i'm going to listen to albums by breakout and czerwone gitary, i liked the songs i heard!!
i didn't know that at all! so cute that she said fuck it and sang anyway :^) i love birds in general so i think it's very sweet to have a canary, especially if they love jim morrison. what colors are their feathers? is she yellow? and what's her name?
oh be sure i'll be sending you loooots of songs to listen to :^) that's my job! B)
by the way, since we talked about our pets, what's your favorite animal and why? and i don't think i asked you this: what's your favorite movie? :^)
bye bye, see you later!
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jerikajerika · 1 year
Hmmm…feels like a lot of newer music blogs/mags only have positive reviews of things, which is not good. I understand wanting to support/shout out new bands and music but if you are only hyping up artists that it seems like you are rooting for, how can we trust that judgement? I’ve seen some reviews for songs that are just gushing about how good they are and they’re usually...fine songs at best. Hyperbolic praise which comes across not as excited, but as insincere. A lot of the writing just isn’t great either! Kind of cut and paste praise for the same type of music over and over again with click-baity titles and ledes. If someone is reading your cool new online magazine and listens to alt music, perhaps they don’t need that type of hook? Just be real!!! Like I need these writers to know it’s okay to like a song and still have some critiques! It doesn’t have to be 100% positive all the time there is no way EVERY song/album that crosses their desk is that good. Cmon. It makes me not trust you! Seems fake! ALSO like why are you as a ‘punk’ or diy mag wasting time reviewing Speak Now. Other people are doing that, I promise. None of this is inspiring confidence in your publication! Okay rant over, sorry am just annoyed about a lot of things I’m seeing in music journalism/press.
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