#i know people are like analyzing it and getting super philosophical but me
shiningmystic · 2 years
Your strength/inner power
PAC General Tarot reading
Hey hey, been feeling kinda down and tired so probs not gonna post for a bit but I wanted to get this reading out to the ones who need some self empowerment. I always get super hyped when I read one of these so I hope and bless this reading to reach the people who need a pick me up❤️
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When I choose a pile I close my eyes and see which pile is coming towards me. Never be afraid to pick multiple piles for they may all apply to you :)
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Pile 1
Page of pentacles
10 of pentacles
High priestess
Omg you are seriously a wonderful person. I see you spreading your lovely energy even if you don’t actively try, just your presence is enough to lighten a room! You may hold yourself back and are more of the observer type. You like analyzing the situation before jumping into anything especially when it comes to important work or projects. I see you as an intuitive person and can catch on to things quite easily, def a fast learner when you are shown what to do.
One of your many strengths come from your thoughts and analysis; you care for your health and wealth like a true winner. You have a keen eye for detail and someone I see many look up to even secretly. You may be a curious person/philosophical and want to discover secrets to life to share to others; this doesn’t have to be spiritual either, could be life hacks, self care regimes, healthy meals. just things that could make others lives brighter and much more fulfilling. You are willing to try and discover new things. Many of you are young but I can see old soul energy where you have much wisdom to share to the world in any art form that aligns with you. Whenever I see the high priestess I can’t help but mention the third eye, you guys can’t help but see many sides to people you don’t wanna see or even being able to relate to both sides of an argument and knowing both are right and wrong. You know the world isn’t black and white, I respect the heck out of you. Knowing both sides to a situation though needs to not cloud your own emotions. spirit asks for you to know this strength may be holding you back on your emotions and feeling them out instead of logically thinking through it (I do this a lot too haha) Even if it’s not right for you to feel a certain way doesn’t mean that feeling isn’t valid! Sorry had to squeeze this message in there 😂 I have a feeling many of you are studying philosophy or something that puts to question reality and it’s ideals/priorities if not you do ponder about it. I mean having the high priestess out I’m assuming many who pick this will be fellow witches or are spiritual in your own way, hi hello 😂 Keep being you please your really cool!
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Pile 2
The chariot (rx)
the hanged man (rx)
the hermit
You see a lot of sadness, my empath group. There’s a lot you try to take in and you see this as a weakness, it is not. this is a strength reading and that means this IS a strength so here is some advice; you being able to see people for who they truly are is such a magical thing and you see people truly for there good even if you also see the bad. I can also see you being able to balance yourself and keep level head in heavy/dramatic situations but after all the intensity you need to come back to yourself and let it out. You may be more of a homebody and this allows you to really understand yourself and discover your wants and needs. You put things on hold for others, you sacrifice your time and energy for them especially people you are close to 🥹 you’re so lovely I can’t describe it. Even spirit is telling me you have so many more gifts hidden waiting to be discovered and learned. Your such a heavy giver it is a blessing to have you amongst us but I can see another strength you are developing is balancing that giver and take energy, give yourself that credit please you are such a fighter. If you felt connected to pile 1 go check it out 😉
You see this world so differently from others my love and there is nothing wrong with that, we need people like you and pile 1 where you can see both sides to a situations and figure out what the root could be. You may also be analytical like pile one being able to pick up little details here and there in many types of situations. Your power is your perspective and opinion, you have a strong one at that. I can feel many of you kind souls don’t want to share your opinion in fear it may hurt others; love comes from truth and can be framed in a gentler way. If those people take your opinion personally then they are only projecting their insecurities; I see you only want to help you gorgeous being . I see you do hide away a lot from the hermit, it’s good to know when you need space and I see you still learning to find that balance. You are the group that takes on a lot of others energy I’m hearing you should exercise and get out more this will release the excess you absorb. You are being acknowledged for your effort to balance your life in a harmonious way, good job ❤️ your resilience is incomparable. I can see you keep getting back up even when you fall and it’s always going to be hard to get up but you do anyway, you make me so proud to be here and you have the ability to know when something is to much, your empathic powers have evolved I’m hearing so keep learning knew methods to find peace my love. You have unwavering belief on what you want and are willing to share your riches with others. You may be at a low atm and you need to be aware you are enough, all the effort is enough and the world or you may say otherwise. Listen to me, YOU ARE SO WORTHY and will receive what you deserve and that is the world. I wanna cry for some reason because some of you do be struggling. Take a break when you need to you know what is best for you lovely.
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Pile 3
7 of cups
Knight of cups (rx)
What a multi talented person you are pile 3! I can see you have a soft spot for your freedom and will fight anyone for it. You may be over emotional in certain situation but because this is about your strength I see these emotions working for you and showing the world you are not a person to be trifled with. This is my extroverted pile haha you guys know who you are and will take every step it takes to get to your destination wether it be a goal or just a fun on and off project. From this emotional body of yours it seems to drive you in certain directions you may have never taken; you follow the flame and even wander off sometimes. We need people like you to show the world what else is out there, you guys are eccentric and find new ways to do things; work smarter not harder. As a lion tamer you all have a beast within that you hold at bay (this is probs tied to your emotional body) and with focused power you can change anyone’s mind and even inspire others to do similar things.
Because you have multiple talents I see you spread yourself thin. Don’t take this as a weakness because all you have to do is figure out how to make it work, an I see you discovering it like how pile 2 is learning to balance their strength as well. I can see you strengths comes from your dreams and ideals; your standards are high for the world because you a king/queen who will rule it one day ✨You have certain expectations for the world and if they don’t meet them then you will let them KNOW and leave them in your path of flames 🔥
I can see another side to you that honors peace and protects those who provide it, you help the underdogs and lift them up. You are just well rounded person good on you! Keep developing your emotional body and keep fighting the good fight!
I hope this helped pump you up for you next day, week or month!!! I’ve been getting so motivated, I have been exercising and even though I’m kinda forced to make better choices (because of my stomach issues) I’ve been feeling like a new me is being created. I’m breaking away from old habits my energy is probably chaos right now 😂 good luck my loves! Slay the world 🌎
The deck I used was Modern Witch Tarot deck by Lisa Sterle
- ShiningMystic 🪴
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kakiastro · 2 years
Astrology of Doja Cat
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Using whole sign
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Rising/Chart Ruler
Libra Rising with Chart ruler Venus in Scorpio 2h.
She’s a private person, she knows lots of people but very few people really know her. It may take awhile for her to open up in a vulnerable way. She may constantly be in the spotlight for her fashion choices. We all know she sings and raps which makes sense because Venus rules over music. Music may be healing to her. Also her chart ruler is in the 2h that’s rules the voice and vocal chords. If you listen to any of her music than you’ll know there’s lots of sexual themes but it comes out pretty and smooth because of that Venus 😅
Libra Stellium 1h
(Sun. Mercury, Chiron, North Node)
Sun- this indicates mass fame. Your constantly in the spotlight or people always have their name in your mouth. Now this can be good and bad.
Good because if you’re a creative or businessperson than you can get exposed easier. The sun will always shine on you(1h)
Bad because the sun is always you. Your mistakes is always being highlighted or people want to know every little thing about you and if you’re a private person like Doja; this can be a nightmare.
Mercury- your words will be remembered easily because it’s in the house of self. Now I see Chiron is conj here so she has to be careful because her words can get her in trouble or there’s going to be some backlash which has happened to her already a few times
Chiron- she may self doubt herself a lot and think she’s not pretty or good enough to be where’s she’s at but that’s not true at all! People who have Chiron 1h are some of the most beautiful people but they tend to self sabotage because they think they’re not good enough which isn’t true at all!
North Node- libra is all about relationships, business, balance, peace and harmony do with that being in her 1h, she needs to learn to let people in but also put boundaries in place while still being her own boss. NN is the toughest placement because the lessons we need to learn in order for our soul growth and that usually means stepping out of our comfort zones. Her NN ruler is in the 2h so creating a legacy whether it’s in fashion or music are the themes in her life. Her South Node Aries 7h tells me that in previous life times; she may have been selfish when it came to other people especially with friends and siblings with ruler Mars in the 3h. Also very stuck in her philosophical thoughts. This lifetime is teaching her about teamwork but still having your own individuality.
I also noticed she’s about to go through a Reverse Nodal return when Transit NN enters Aries this summer which will conj her SN Aries. This means she’s going to have lots of déjà vu moments because things from early life and pass life is going to show up. Wouldn’t surprise me if she’s start to get interested in certain time periods out the blue.
The Moon
(Virgo moon 12h)
Moon-her Venus his already a private sign but her 12h moon makes her super private!
Virgo moon are more so logical than emotional but being placed in the a water house; yeah she feels a lot and probably analyze every emotion, it doesn’t help that she has a 1h Chiron that probably makes her doubt herself already😫
She also has Cancer 10h with Leo Mc so her emotions are often on public display and may be seen as overly emotional or erratic 😩
Honestly; I think taking breaks from the spotlight is actually good for her health(mental, emotional and spiritual) her NN is conj her sun so learning how to be in the spotlight is her life lesson but that doesn’t mean she can’t take breaks from it and focus on herself from time to time.
Saturn Pisces
Saturn-I see she’s about to enter her return since Saturn just entered Pisces on March 7! She has Saturn in the 6h so health, daily routine, organizations, co workers, pets are the main things this house rules over. She won’t feel this return until transit Saturn get close to her natal Saturn degree which is 18°(Virgo degree) so in late 2024-early 2025ish we may see her on the news related to these things. I’m hoping it’s all positive though😊
Pluto Aquarius Transit
I see Pluto is about to enter her 5h of creativity, passion, children and dating. I predict she’s going to take a new direction in her music career! Maybe switching genres or collaborating with people you never would’ve expected her to collaborate with.
Pluto is transformation and Aquarius is the think out of the box sign
(Fama and Varuna)
Fama- known as “Fame”. Is in her 4h Capricorn.
I do remember her saying she didn’t like fame a few years ago on twitter and now it makes sense why because fame is in her house of safe spaces and home. She may feel like fame robbed her of that. There’s some resentment toward it for sure. The is also tells me she’s been famous in previous lifetimes as well; may have been from a famous family. 4h can show us past life stuff as well in case you’re wondering why I said that😅.
Varuna-indicates mass fame on a world wide scale. It’s in her 10h of public relations . I love how she has a song called “woman” and “ain’t shit” that was pretty popular and have a cancer 10h😅
I hope you all enjoyed this breakdown and don’t forget to check my other post in the pinned section
Thank you!
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pretentious-blonde · 25 days
Hello hello! I'm here for the Attack On Titan matchup :) You can post publicly, but please keep my info private and tag @vai3-writes
First off, I'm a she/her female, and I would prefer a male match, preferably not Zeke, Jean or Floch.
I'm an Aries sun, Leo moon, and Gemini rising, my MBTI type is ENTJ, while my enneagram type is 8w7.
I'm 168cm-ish tall and have an athletic/curvy build. My style is mostly "clean girl" or streetwear, but I also enjoy wearing dresses and skirts. I'm a gold girl and I like, by others described as "overly sweet" perfumes.  My most worn colors are white for tops and grey for bottoms. I'm a brunette and my hair reaches my upper thigh.
Personality-wise, I'm extroverted and loud, but not obnoxiously so. I'm very loyal to my friends and family and willing to do everything to protect them. But there is only a very small number of people I've trusted fully throughout my life. If people betray my trust, even if they apologize I will forever be somewhat "wary" and distant from them. I am very opinionated and like to discuss/debate many different topics like politics or religion. I enjoy talking in general, but I also love listening to people talk about their interests. I'd describe myself as a very fun and open-minded person, but I have some strict values, rules, and morals for myself that I am not willing to breach, no matter what. I'd say that I balance acting based on emotion or logic. I enjoy helping people out and leading them, but one thing I despise is being ordered around. I am also a person, that would much rather do a whole project by myself than have to hand in something I'm not 100% proud of, things like my academic achievements are incredibly important to me. My humor is mostly composed of sarcasm, exaggerations, banter, and joking bullying of my friends (only if reciprocate it). I'm overall very respectful of people I meet for the first time, but I build opinions on people very quickly. And while I like making people happy I would only very rarely put someone's (if not super close to me) needs above mine.
I am confrontational and find justice very important, I don't start arguments often, but when I hear someone say something that goes against my beliefs directly to me, I will most likely argue with said person. During arguments, I tend to get loud and somewhat agitated when people decide to ignore facts. I enjoy being around my friends, but I need alone time to function properly. When I dislike someone or don't understand someone's behavior, I like to analyze it and discuss it with somebody. I can't handle people without common sense or people who act obnoxious, stupid, condescending, fake, or arrogant. 
A negative trait for me would be that I sometimes have a sense of superiority over others, not in an arrogant way but more off in an "I know better than you", which I show by doing, as I already said, stuff like group work by myself. I have also been told by people that they've been intimidated to talk to me at first, and thoughts I’d be “bitchy” before actually talking to me.
My Love Languages are mostly quality time and gift-giving. As for date activities, I like going to small restaurants/cafes, hiking, gaming, exploring new cities, riding bikes, going out on walks, going to concerts,  trying DIY's together, karaoke, or (ceramic) painting.
My Hobbies include playing piano, gaming, doing my makeup, reading, painting, running, dancing, listening to music, buying books and reading them a year later, baking, and since recently also writing. 
My Likes include going to concerts, cleaning and reorganizing my space, cats, dressing up, iced matcha latte/iced coffee, the color pink, Black Butler, watching Horror Movies with friends, watermelon, strawberry, and mango, trying new things (experiences/games/foods..), philosophical discussions, the feeling of crisp, new linen, genshin impact, cod, dbd, valo, assassins creed and resident evil, history esp. Salem Witch Trials, Nordic mythology, Regency, the Victorian Era and Medieval times, True crime podcasts/books, my nerdy friends ranting about their interests, classical authors like Dostoevsky or Jane Austen, plushies, getting manicures, and redecorating my room.
My Music taste is very mixed I listen/listened to pretty much anything at some point in time, but my most streamed artists as of late include Nicki Minaj, Lana del Rey, Alec Benjamin, Sexy Red, and Apache 207.
My Dislikes include people who are book smart but lack common sense, condescending and arrogant people, people who treat others like children, impatient people, people who don't give their best and then complain,  people who tell me others that they just got "lucky" when spoken to about someone's achievements, people who value strength over intelligence, people who when gossiping just insult someone's looks and not their behavior, drunk/rowdy people, insects that are not spiders or moths, high humidity, greasy hair, small spaces (where you can feel every wall touching you), following rules even if it hinders you, controlling people, pessimistic people, delusional people, when people instantly think that they know better than me and unnecessarily rude people.
Fun facts about me are that I speak 3 languages fluently, Russian, German, and English. I'm currently studying French and trying to improve my Arabic. I have a really good memory, I'm hypermobile and can bend many of my joints very weirdly. I did ballet for 10 years and judo for 2. I'm fairly good at everything I try, I know the full lyrics to a lot of songs even if I haven't listened to them since forever, I want to have a home library someday, whenever I count I automatically switch to Russian, I have a tea collection and I'm a night owl.
Thank you for reading and I apologize for any mistakes, xx
You sound like such a sweetheart, I hope you like it!
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I think Armin Arlert would work so well with you! Armin’s thoughtful and kind nature complements your confident, loyal, and extroverted personality. The two of you would be a mix of strength and sensitivity and would be honestly adorable, kind of like an opposites attract kind of thing, in certain ways. Armin is known for his intelligence, curiosity, and a kind heart that often guides his decisions. He would be completely captivated by your strong personality, confident demeanour, and your unwavering loyalty to those you care about. It is something he deeply admires and is sometimes a tad jealous of your confidence! He admires people who have a strong sense of justice, and moral compass, and he would find your willingness to stand up for what you believe in inspiring. He would also appreciate your ability to balance logic and emotion, as it aligns with his thoughtful and introspective nature.
Your shared love for deep, meaningful conversations would lead to endless hours of discussion! Armin would love to listen to your opinions and debates, especially on topics like history, philosophy, and morality. He’s someone who enjoys understanding different perspectives, and he would be fascinated by your well-articulated arguments and passionate stances. In return, he’d share his insights and theories, never making you feel undervalued if you need to ask some more questions. Honestly, he loves exploring them with you! I could so imagine you two roaming around new cities and finding various hidden gems. He would be thrilled to do this with you, hand in hand, as you both discover quaint cafes, hidden bookstores, and local museums. With your adventurous spirit and his curiosity, every outing would feel like a new adventure! Armin would especially enjoy visiting historical sites with you, where you both could immerse yourselves in stories of the past, discuss historical events, and share your love for Nordic mythology, the Victorian era, and other historical periods that fascinate you both. Your face lighting up as you do this just makes it so much better too. 
One of his favourite things is to just spend time alone with you in a cosy corner of a library, surrounded by towering shelves filled with books. He would love to sit next to you, each of you engrossed in your own reading but occasionally sharing passages that you find interesting. He would admire your dedication to academic achievements and your love for classical authors like Dostoevsky and Jane Austen. Together, you basically create a mini book club. He is always down for any DIY projects you suddenly come up with. Being a gentle soul who would find joy in simple, creative activities that allow for meaningful interaction is his idea of bliss. He’d love to join you in trying out DIY or ceramic painting. Picture the two of you at a small pottery studio, laughing as you paint your mugs or bowls, teasing each other about your artistic skills (or lack thereof!). These little moments of creativity and light-hearted banter would bring you closer together!
Armin has a poetic soul and loves to think about the universe and life’s deeper questions. He would adore a night spent stargazing with you, lying on a blanket under the open sky, as you both share your thoughts, dreams, and fears. Your love for philosophical discussions would shine here, and Armin would listen intently as you talk about your beliefs. These quiet, intimate moments would strengthen your emotional connection and allow you both to understand each other so much better. With your mixed taste in music and love for concerts, Armin would be excited to experience live music with you. He might be a bit shy at first, but your enthusiasm would be infectious! Soon he’d find himself dancing along with you, enjoying every beat and honestly? It feels so good to just let you in your presence.
Your two personalities would do so well together due to the balance they would bring (as I said earlier!) Armin’s gentle and understanding nature would balance your strong-willed and sometimes confrontational side. He would never try to control you or order you around, respecting your need for independence and your desire to lead rather than follow. Instead, he would support you in your endeavours, always there to offer a thoughtful perspective or a kind word when you need it. He is truly just happy you hold his opinion in such high regard. He would also admire your sense of humour, even your sarcastic and teasing side. He’d be quick to laugh along with you, appreciating your wit and cleverness. He might not be the best at sarcasm himself, but he’d enjoy trying to match your playful banter, finding joy in the way you keep him on his toes. 
In moments when you need alone time, Armin would understand completely. He’s someone who values quiet reflection himself, so he’d never take it personally when you need some space. Instead, he’d be waiting patiently for you, ready to welcome you back with open arms when you’re ready to spend time together again. He always has some kind of sixth sense when you need one of these moments too, always able to read you like a book! Armin is incredibly thoughtful and attentive, always looking for ways to make you feel loved and appreciated. He’d remember the little things, like your favourite “overly sweet” perfume or the fact that you switch to Russian when you count. He’d surprise you with small gifts that show how much he pays attention—maybe a new book for your future home library, a plushie that reminded him of you, or even a gold accessory that complements your style. He’d also take note of your likes and dislikes, making sure to create an environment where you feel comfortable and happy. He’d avoid places with high humidity or small, cramped spaces, and instead, plan dates that align with your interests and comfort zones. Armin’s thoughtfulness would shine through in every aspect of your relationship, making you feel cherished and understood. God, he is such a sweetheart when it comes to you!
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funkymbtifiction · 2 years
Hi, Charity! Me again! The girl who wrote you an essay about her life and didn't know about whether she was ENFP or INFP. I went back to analyzing, just like you told me when you answered my question about my Fe tendencies. I think I solved the mystery: I'm an INFP.
Basically, from everything that you've told me and that I've read it's like
ENFP= wants to have experiences first, feels afterwards
INFP= they feel first, then decide if they want to have that experience
Now, I wasn't so sure about how my thought process exactly goes because I sometimes try to get myself out of the comfort zone and force myself to be more open towards things (also, overthinking is an aspect too), but then I put it like this. If someone proposed to me to be part of a charitable project or to volunteer somewhere, I don't think I would immediately jump at the opportunity. First, I'd like to think about it and decide if the cause really resonates with me, if I would like it etc.
Besides, I've also noticed that my first reaction to something is to feel. Sure, I can be open-minded and stuff, but usually if I feel strongly about something, it's very hard to change my mind.
Also, another aspect about all of this is that today my school counselor organized an interactive activity for us. I think that it helped me realize how in touch I am with my inner world. Although I am people-focused as well and sometimes put others' needs ahead of mine, it's still me, my emotions and my inner world that matter the most. I guess it was rather hard for me to admit because I thought it sounded a bit selfish to be most focused on myself and what I feel. But, in the end it's the truth.
Again, I also want to thank you because you helped me lots. I would've never known I was 9w1 and not 2w1 if it weren't for you :) Also, thanks for telling me my instinctual variant in our last interaction. I think so/sp really fits me. As for my trititype, I think 926 is the one. I still identify with a lot from type 2 and for 6, well, I tend to sometimes be anxious and come up bad scenarios in my head about what could go wrong even if it's not true and I know that.
Anyway, the point was thanks for the help and for aiding me during this process of finding myself. Really appreciate it :) 💗💞
It sounds like INFP feels most at home for you, so that's what you should decide. :)
6s are not just going to throw themselves at things without thinking about them, and no Fi would want to get involved in anything that doesn't interest them or touch some deep inner motivation, but it is very true that IFPs tend to shut things down more than EFPs. EFPs discover who they are through engagement, and IFPs already know. This may be a little bit of an extreme example -- but it's only by comparing myself to my IFP friends that I reaffirm how much I am not lead by my Fi. It's secondary and somewhat lost beneath all of my Ne-ish rambling, philosophizing, and instant ability to see both sides to any argument. Viewpoints that are too immediate ("too judging") or too rigid are my biggest pet peeve as a perceiving dominant, because to my Ne brain, it seems like people aren't being open-minded and haven't considered it deeply enough yet. I like to think about and weigh everything and being a 6/Ne, I don't feel grounded in a sense despite being very practical and realistic in some areas (safety first... but my ideas and whims still carry me away as an ENP -- one minute I am super excited about this thing, and the interest just abruptly dies a week or six hours or a month later, and I quit midway through it and go off to other things).
I'm discovering that Enneagram has a huge influence on how the different types act and their individual levels of fluidness or stubbornness, but the types still struggle with the same things. INFPs still struggle not to live in a rut due to tert-Si (they do not like to put themselves out of their comfort zone, and that can often include mentally -- they have to work toward being open-minded on issues that they feel strongly about) and ENFPs still struggle to self-locate without experimentation first (having a "fantasy self" in their head that they assume is the real them, then real life constantly contradicting their little stories about themselves).
I'll just give you an example -- INFP friend doesn't like a certain film. Can "understand" why others like it, but her mind is made up, so she will never change it. I can watch something and hate it, decide to give it another chance, go back a week later and I might love it because of my fickle tendency to easily change my mind/perceptions. This has happened to me many times and it's only rarely that I really truly hate something with my Fi and can't stand the thought of giving it another chance. For me, not giving things a "fair chance" feels like a betrayal of myself (high Ne); for her, not listening to her feelings about them feels like a betrayal of herself (high Fi).
It's less about what you do, and more about why you do it.
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spiritualfun · 2 years
What zodiac signs are the characters from Black•ish?
I have been watching the series Black•ish on Disney+ and as I’m almost coming to the end of the series 🥲, I feel like I’ve connected to the characters in such an intimate way that I can now make generalizations about their zodiac signs. Lol.
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So, here’s my take on: What zodiac signs are the characters from Black•ish ?
André Johnson - Leo with Taurus rising (or vice versa?)
It couldn’t be more obvious that André is a Leo. In his shadow side he has a big ego, a lot of pride, can be arrogant, needs and expects a lot of admiration, and is mainly driven by said need for getting admired. On his light side, he’s very loyal, especially to his family. I also see Taurus in him because his other drive is success, being successful, having a lot of status, and he has expensive taste. I also think the way he dresses is probably more of a Taurus expression than Leo. He’s a sneakerhead. Wears designer brands etc.
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Rainbow ‘Bow’ Johnson - Sagittarius with Capricorn placements
Ok, so, this one was me just totally projecting my friend on the character of Bow Johnson. In one of the last episodes, Bow was sitting in her kitchen with an all white outfit, red lips, and big golden earrings. She was just giving me alllllll the vibes of my friend who is a Sagittarius. Bow is also free spirited, she usually has well-thought out opinions about most things. Although I’m not sure if those opinions are very philosophical. She also enjoys teaching other people, and Sagittarius after all is the teacher of the zodiac. But, on the other hand, to me, she’s a little too competitive and career oriented. That’s why I think she must have important Capricorn placements as well. She’s very ambitious and hard-working. I mean, she is a doctor.
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Zoe Johnson - Libra
I didn’t get to know Zoe as much as the other characters. And I haven’t watched Grown*ish yet, so maybe my opinion will change after I do. But, she gives me strong Libra vibes. She was very popular in school. That’s it. That’s the basis of this guess, lol.
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André ‘Junior’ Johnson - Cancer with Virgo placements, possibly rising
When we get to know Junior as a child, he’s very smart and nerdy. As children, we emulate our rising sign more than our sun sign. As he matures in the show, he starts being the caretaker of the family. Junior is practically raising his baby brother Devante. He’s also always concerned about how other people are feeling emotionally. He dropped out of college because he didn’t want to leave his home. And, he’s a mama’s boy.
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The twins Jack and Diane Johnson - Scorpio with Aquarius moon
Ok, so here’s where it gets hard. Because Jack and Diane are very different as well as kind of the same. Jack is super light hearted, maybe giving me aquarius vibes. While Diane is just straight up evil, lol. She’s also very secretive and loves to be the one in power, so that’s where I’m thinking Scorpio. Jack on the other hand kind of gives his power away to Diane, but that’s still a Scorpio theme. Either wanting to be in power or giving away your power. Jack doesn’t come across as very secretive. They could just have aquarius moons or something as both aren’t very emotional beings. They can act kind of detached plus they have a lot of friends. And they literally call each other friend, it doesn’t get more Aqua than that lol.
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Devante Johnson - ?
I literally have no idea about Devante. We barely got to see him. Does anyone remember when he was born? I don’t.
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So, what do you think? Also, I’m still not sure about Ruby and Pops. And Charlie??? He also has to have some Aquarius placements, right? Given how eccentric he is. Full of surprises. I think the other characters are a little bit too one-dimensional though to analyze them.
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dazaistabletop · 3 years
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yellowocaballero · 2 years
that excerpt was great and tbf when is layla's life ever easy lol
(this is random rambling but) the christmas mention once again makes me wonder about steven and jake's relationship with their judaism though (apparently there's a mezuzah in steven's apartment in episode 2) and i wouldn't be surprised if jake has a complicated relationship with his faith the same way marc does
anyway have fun writing and fingers crossed we'll get to see it soon (in the meantime will probably just reread the first fic lol)
Honestly? Shocked Steven knows he's Jewish klajsdf.
Marc's relationship with Judaism is similar to his relationship with the military and I think highly indicative of the show as an MCU/Disney+ show. I know that seems random, but - I was really, really hopeful the entire show that they'd acknowledge Marc's Jewishness. Please go look up the number of Jewish characters in the MCU, Marvel Universe at all, and probably Disney+. And they totally did acknowledge it! It was there!
Did the show have a relationship with Marc's Jewishness? That's kind of weirder. imho one of the most powerful shots in the series is Marc throwing his kippah on the ground and smashing it - before clutching it to his chest, asking for forgiveness. There is so much there. I could pick those few seconds apart and analyze it. His religious identity as a connection with his mother, father, God, his self-identity. Just a few super powerful seconds.
Like, a few. Seconds. Implied, mostly. There and visible, but we get like one thing that could be overlooked no matter how important it actually is.
It is the exact same thing with Marc's military experience. I spelled it out in the fic, I think - Marc has a sad story that many people have. Runs away from abusive home to join the military, probably just after he graduated high school but maybe even before. No college education. Spends his adult life in the military, which severely exacerbates his mental health issues. Gets discharged from military for having the mental health issues that it exacerbated. Is tossed out with no job skills, no support system, and no safety net. Can't hold down even a crappy job due to mental health issues. No VA support or disability benefits from the military. Has absolutely no skills but what the military gave him. irl the guy is homeless, in comic book land he joins a mercenary group. Mental health gets worse, he does bad shit, obviously he becomes Moon Knight, etc. Like a lot of Moon Knight it's a depressingly realistic background that many people have, and that highlights how badly the military fucks up vulnerable people. People like Marc are homeless. It's hard to remember and understand, but Marc genuinely never had a chance. Khonshu is a metaphor for the military industrial complex -
You can draw all of that from a SENTENCE. One scene of Marc running way, one brief explanation from Marc. It was very obvious to me because I know this crap, but it's only a sentence.
Because the MCU is rabidly pro-military, it will never criticize the military, half of it is military propaganda, it's funded by the military. Disney+ just as bad. Disney would never, ever criticize the military. So Marc gets a sentence - a sentence that explains his whole life, but you really have to stop and think about it. It's bonkers that it's such an effective and grounded criticism, but...is it...??...?? Schrodinger's criticism? Do I want to be generous and say they were censored? Do I want to be harsher and say that they're pulling a Bisexual Loki again? Do I want to go into my final verdict of the show as doing a really wonderful job showing and not telling, but ultimately kind of wishing that they were able to tell too and that I blame Disney for that?
This isn't what you asked at all I'm so sorry :(. Why do I never actually answer the question :(. fwiw Jake is a very philosophical guy who probably reads a lot of meforshim and has knock down drag out theological arguments with Matt for hours that both of them pretend not to enjoy, Marc has an extraordinarily complex relationship with God that I don't feel comfortable dissecting because I know I would make it way too Catholic; he stopped actually practicing or doing any celebrations when he ran away from home, and, I am shocked Steven even knows,,,
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queernuck · 4 years
The Cleveland Browns made the playoffs. The Islanders made the Eastern Conference Finals.
And that’s enough for me.
So long, so long I have been living like this, pretending that I want to keep on living, that life feels worthwhile, that I don’t want to kill myself. Suicide is for cowards but ive been chickening out for a whole decade, to the point where getting on the subway was itself something that involved convincing myself not to jump in front of it. I remember once while working in the city, I watched and waited as two trains came in and left, trying to get the energy to jump in front of them. I had decided, if I couldn’t do it by the time a second train came and went, I would go to work and save it for another day. I came very close, my legs tense like a linebacker on 4th & Goal, but I didn’t do it. Maybe it would be better if I had, I would have saved not only myself but a lot of other people a lot of pain and suffering. I’ve been dealing with feeling suicidal for a decade, an entire ten years, and made it through. And for what? I lost a retail job at minimum wage, I’ve seen the Giants go from two-time Super Bowl kingslayers to a team that relied on the Eagles for a playoff berth, I got to see Evangelion only for the final Rebuild film to be infinitely delayed, I have a useless non-degree that allows me to eloquently describe how the Democrats and Republicans alike are driving this stolen land to Fascism while sycophants tell me Vote Blue No Matter Who. I’m so tired, I’m not even the person people think me to be, since if I were, I wouldn’t be in this mess.
My paychecks, as hard-earned as they were, never seemed to be mine in any real sense, and it made me so frustrated that something in me broke at the beginning of this year. I made some mistakes, some very stupid ones, and got myself fired. I took money from and distorted the inventory of my store to get what amounted to pocket money, less than two paychecks. I was tempted because I feel so powerless, so much like nothing I could ever say or do matters, and so I decided to lash out against a place that mattered to me, against people I cared about deeply. Chain stores, corporations, all of those things are not really high on my list of things to care about. Barnes & Noble pushed out local booksellers years ago, an irony not lost on me whenever our own competition with Amazon was made apparent. We were reaping what we had sown. But what always interested on top of this irony was how symbolic these things could be to people, how much we figured into so may memories for so many. The Manga Aisle at Barnes & Noble is a staple of 2006 scene culture, a way that kids without the pocket money to afford the newest volume of Bleach it Naruto could keep up before scams became widely available. How the store was a place where people studying for standardized tests could use the test prep guides to try and get ready for the eugenic ritual of the standardized test. And just how much a chain bookstore became a substitute, socially, for the now-absent local bookstore. We bear the guilt for that, but at the same time we were still selling books, giving people a place to get coffee and sit and read and talk, in ways that libraries may not be able to. We certainly can never replace a library, given just what a library does for people. But we did do a lot of good all the same. Before it closed, some of my fondest memories came when I was the exact sort of annoying teenage customer I grew to hate, hanging out at the Columbus Circle Borders. Working at Barnes & Noble was tiring, dehumanizing, difficult, made me feel like I would never measure up to the authors we sold, the people books were written about, that I was a failure. And I am, as my death shows. But it also made me a part of something I was proud of. And that Above & Beyond pin I earned is in my jacket still, a reminder of something.
That something was shown in so many of the coworkers I had, who were incredible in so many ways. I feel awful for what I did, I genuinely do, because of how it may have hurt people who thought so kindly of me, people who deserve so much good. I wish I had the ability to address each of them individually but this decision was hastily made, and i have a feeling it will show in the things I miss in this note. Audra, your help in finding me a way to use the company policies to my advantage as a worker was something that gave me faith even after having seen the despicable firings and cuts the company went through. Linda, I can’t quite square the circle here given my actions, but I want to say your disappointment broke my heart and that while I will not be the one who shows it, your reassurance that everyone makes mistakes was welcome.
To my (former) fellow booksellers at Store 2216, all of my love and my sincerest apologies. You all have so much good in you, your willingness to listen to my ADHD-fueled rants and to discuss so many things with an incredible frankness was always impressive, in addition to part of what I loved about all of you. I want you all to be happy, and the kinship I felt with you was a vital part of what kept me going. It was tough, as you all know. But at times, it almost felt worth it.
The same is true of my CTY friends: it was a weird, magical place that frankly, a lot of us idealized for far too long and which sk many of us eventually outgrew without being able to let go of. And that was tough, that was something we had a great deal of difficulty understanding, that what helped us once was not always going to be helping us, was not always what we needed. But in eventually finding that, we found solace, we realized how life as a whole functions and just what it is that we can take from places like it.
To my other family, my Cleo family, I know I haven’t been terribly active lately, but I can never, ever thank you enough for the belonging you gave me. I have never felt anywhere as welcoming as Cleo. As warm as Cleo (even as we struggled to pay for the oil bill) was. As kind and understanding. As tolerant. As questioning and inquisitive into what that tolerance meant to us. I am thankful, eternally, for what you all did for me. The incredible experiences I had as a Cleo make me proud of what the organization can represent, and one of my dying wishes is that the organization continues to reach out to marginalized communities on Trinity’s campus. There is much work to be done in making sure abusers cannot hide in our family, but I trust you all to do that work. Tucker Carlson is a Trinity grad and we must embody the opposite of what he stands for, no matter how difficult it may be. I could go on about how this means opposing liberals and Liberalism/Neo—Liberalism due to the truth of tolerance resulting in a Popper-esque Paradox of Tolerance that implies Popper is a worthwhile philosopher, but that’s another issue.
To my friends on that Blue Hellsite, tumblr, you made a continual presence worth it, even with all of the bullshit this place brings. It’s the reason I read so much Foucault, Derrida, Deleuze & Guattari, read Žižek against himself, and so on and so on, and the value of that to me can never be overstated. I learned so much from the ways in which I learned to analyze the world, and that in turn became a huge inspiration for why I should try to do what I could to make the world closer to a place of revolution, one where we could perhaps eke out a living for one another. I loved how much I could be an unrepentant nerd and still love hockey on there, and while the
NHL fans on tumblr are incredibly annoying,
I can deal with that compared to the racism of most hockey fans.
Mom, Dad? I just couldn’t live with you any longer. I’m so sorry.
Grandma, I love you.
And the things I leave behind? Donate what can be donated. Hats, please auction, or at least offer to other HatHeads at a reasonable price. I had some nice ones. As for assorted albums, clothing, and other things, sell them and donate to a Harm Reduction organization, or organizations that advocate for PWUD in a radical fashion. WE DESERVE AUTONOMY!
I am a victim of the War on Drugs. Sobriety was always hellish to me, and I could never take it. I want people to be able to live how they want, to see sobriety and being on drugs as equally valuable states, to see the two as no different from one another.
Abolish all gun laws
End the War on Terror
Decriminalize and legalize all drugs, sobriety is what killed me.
I love all of you.
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thesleepysphinx · 3 years
Tokoyami x (fem)Reader - Agoraphobic pt. 2: Quoth the raven
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Quoth the raven, nevermore
- Edgar Allan Poe
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You stood at the door of Tokoyami’s room, clutching the book in your hands in anxiety. You remembered the day everyone looked at each other’s rooms and how Tokoyami was greatly embarrassed about his. Is it okay for me to knock on his door? But if I don’t, how do I return the book? Will he be upset that someone’s at his door?
Your mind raced with questions, but you pushed them down with a deep breath. You knocked on Tokoyami’s door and waited for all of two seconds before it cracked open. You could see only a sliver of Tokoyami, as he opened the door just enough for you to see most of his face. For a moment, you forgot why you were there, that is until Tokoyami glanced down to see his book in your hands.
“Oh, thank you, (y/n), I didn’t realize I’d forgotten it,” he spoke as he moved his eyes back up to face you. There was a certain softness to his expression that you couldn’t quite pick out because of the feathers.
You held the book out with both hands. “It’s no problem! I forgot I was still holding it to be honest.”
He reached for the book and brushed your fingers with his as he grabbed it. You quickly let go and clasped your hands behind your back, trying not the blush at the accidental contact. His fingers were warm and somewhat rough, but not too rough. You didn’t know why you were so embarrassed deep inside about the contact. You hadn’t really spoken to Tokoyami much until today, so why were you so damn nervous around him now?
Tokoyami’s eyes stayed trained on the book as he kept it in front of him. His eyes still didn’t move as he began to speak again. “I apologize for leaving so abruptly. I hope I didn’t offend you.”
You were taken aback by his apology, as you didn’t really expect one in the first place. You felt heat rise to your cheeks as you responded, “Oh, no, it’s fine! I know you don’t really like being around a lot of noisy people. I promise I didn’t take it personally!” You beamed a smile at him as reassurance.
Tokoyami in all honesty didn’t know how to respond. Just like you, he was taken aback, but he was taken aback by your understanding and sincerity. In his experience, most people would tell him to go back downstairs because socializing would be “good for him.” He tended to disagree with them. But here you were, agreeing with him before he even got a chance to tell you his perspective. It was more than refreshing.
Tokoyami raised his eyes to look at you again. “Thank you… Both for returning the book and for your understanding.” He felt an intense admiration for you that was not there before that morning.
You rubbed the back of your neck in embarrassment. “Yeah, like I said, no problem!” You left your hand to linger on the back of your neck as a sudden silence overcame the both of you. As the silence persisted, you could not shake the feeling that you needed to spend more time with Tokoyami. You had an idea, but you didn’t know if it would be too uncomfortable for Tokoyami. But, you thought it was worth a shot.
“Y’know, I’m having a movie marathon with Hagakure and Ojiro later today. If you want, it’d be nice if you came too!”
Tokoyami’s feathers started ruffling as you spoke while you started to feel more embarrassed. But it was too late to back out now.
“It’s just that they get super flirty, and I’d rather not third-wheel.” You started to feel like you were pressuring him. “But don’t feel obligated! I just thought you might enjoy it. We could maybe critique the movies afterwards, like we did with Pride and Prejudice!” You rubbed the crook of your arm in embarrassment, hoping he wasn’t picking up too much on the blood rushing to your face.
Tokoyami’s grip on the book tightened as he watched you. He prayed to whatever god was listening that the ruffling of his feathers was not too noticeable. He, of all people, was being invited to marathon movies? With you? Yes, you said it was because you didn’t want to third-wheel, but at this point, Tokoyami would accept any time he could spend with you. He was becoming infatuated.
You didn’t quite expect Tokoyami’s answer. “That sounds like quite a good time, actually.” His grip tightened even more. “I hope I would not be intruding.”
You laughed at his last comment. “I don’t think it’s intruding if you’re invited, Tokoyami-kun!”
Tokoyami’s feathers ruffled once again at how you called him. He felt his breath hitch in his throat as he struggled to respond, but he didn’t have to as you kept talking.
“We won’t start for a bit, so I could text you when we’re about to start if that’s okay with you!” You beamed your smile at him, feeling a bit more confident and comfortable.
But now, it was Tokoyami’s turn to be bold.
“Actually… If you don’t mind, I would like to continue our conversation from before…” He started feeling flustered as he continued. “But, I understand if you have other engagements.”
Your cheeks heated up at his suggestion, but again, his last sentence made you giggle. “I don’t have any engagements before the movie marathon.” You let out another giggle.
Tokoyami adored the giggle as it escaped your lips. It was almost as mesmerizing as your humming earlier.
Heat continued to rush to your cheeks as you kept talking. “I’m assuming you don’t want to go back downstairs for the conversation, so…”
Tokoyami understood what you were trying to say, or rather ask, as he responds, “We can sit in my room, if you’re alright with that, that is.”
You felt your heart beat faster at his suggestion. You were just worrying about him being embarrassed by his room, but here he was inviting you in!
“Are you sure? I know last time we all saw your room you weren’t really comfortable with it…”
Tokoyami opened his door all the way to show the entirety of himself and his room. “It’s much more comfortable if it’s just one person…” He looked off to the side a bit as he considered what he wanted to say. And you’re one person I feel very comfortable with. But, he didn’t want to be too forward with you. He retreated into the room, tinted purple by his mood lighting. He took a seat on his bed as he busied himself with the cover of his book, too anxious about looking back in your direction.
You took a step into the room, getting a better look at it than you did when you first moved in. Back then, Tokoyami had stood in front of the door, trying to block anyone from seeing it. But now, he left the door open. For you.
You find your voice as you ask, “Would you like the door closed?” You asked out of respect for his privacy, but the thought of being alone with him behind closed doors was flustering.
Tokoyami glanced up at you, his eyes shining despite the minimal light. “Ah, yes, please. If you don’t mind.”
You gently closed the door behind you as you kept surveying the aesthetic of the room. “I’m surprised you don’t have a bust in here for the sake of irony.” You laughed at your comment.
“I’m not sure I follow…”
You walked towards an arrangement of books, surveying the titles, as you explained, “The Raven by Poe. I just felt you’d be the kind to find irony in it, since… you know.” You gestured towards his head.
Tokoyami felt his eyes widen and his feathers ruffle once more, hoping the darkness hid the ruffling enough. You knew Poe? He was so pleasantly surprised that he couldn’t comment on your suggestion of a bust.
“I was not aware that you knew Poe.” He took a moment to think. “Though, I probably shouldn’t be surprised. His works are classics themselves.”
“I’d like to think I’m well-read anyways…” You took a seat in Tokoyami’s desk chair that seemed more like a throne than anything else. “Favorite work from him?”
Tokoyami was caught off guard by the question. He didn’t expect you to be so interested in his own interests. He took a hand from his book and held a finger under his beak in thought. No one had ever asked his favorite work by Poe, so he had never had to consider it before. But after a few moments to mull it over, he responds, “The Masque of the Red Death.”
You were surprised by this, but didn’t know why. Maybe you just expected something different. You pulled your feet up onto the chair to hug your knees. “Any particular reason?”
Tokoyami took a breath, keeping his eyes trained on the book in his hands before explaining. “Many that Poe loved were taken by disease. I think he wrote it based on his own experience.” He paused and met your gaze. “Money cannot save you from something that has no use for it.”
You smiled at the philosophical statement. “Quoth the raven.”
Tokoyami closed his eyes and smiled lightly back at you. “It seems you’re not letting go of The Raven. Is that your favorite?”
You took a moment to ponder yourself, but came up with an answer quicker than Tokoyami did. “The Tell-Tale Heart.”
“Ah, yes, that one is brilliant. What is your reasoning for it?”
“Well, I think it has a pretty cool message. No matter how hard you try to hide something, you have to tell the truth eventually.” You felt this message sink into your skin as you spoke it. It sank into Tokoyami’s as well.
Tokoyami pondered the message. “He was trying to hide a murder. Do you think that applies in the real world?”
“If it didn’t apply in the real world, then how would Poe have written about it?”
That question gripped Tokoyami’s heart fiercely. He had never really had anyone to discuss literature with, but here you were, not only discussing it, but analyzing it. Applying it. He had never felt a connection stronger. It took much will power for Tokoyami to calm his heart and come back down to earth. But once he did, he came up with another idea.
“Have you ever read The Black Cat?” Tokoyami questioned you.
You tilted your head in interest. “I don’t think so, but it sounds familiar!” You beamed a smile at him again.
Tokoyami smiled back as he got up from his bed and strode over to his row of books beside you. He replaced Pride and Prejudice in its spot then reached for a book that appeared to be an anthology of all of Poe’s works. He would be the one to have all of his works on hand you thought to yourself. How cute…
He leaned back against his desk, and you got the opportunity to fully observe his side profile. Even under his baggy hoodie, you could tell his body was lean. But you also knew from training that he had toned muscle to go with it. You knew only from the few times Tokoyami pulled back his cloak. He didn’t show off his physique as many of the other boys did. He was much more… reserved.
Tokoyami leafed through the book after a quick glance at the table of contents before landing on a precise page. Upon finding it, he held the book out for you to take. Once you did, he placed his hands behind him on the surface of the desk and asked, “Does the prose look familiar to you?”
You read the first few sentences just to be sure. “It doesn’t, I must have missed this one…” You read a couple more sentences, your curiosity piquing. You looked up from the page back at him. “Now I really have to read it… Would you mind if I borrowed the book?”
Tokoyami felt his heartbeat quicken at the proposition. You wanted to borrow a book from him? He was overjoyed, feeling a smile creep onto his face. The happiness fueled another suggestion of his. “I could read it out loud, if you don’t mind. It’s my second favorite and I would like to read it again.”
A blush formed on your cheeks at his counter-proposal, though he couldn’t see it in the darkness. No one had ever read anything to you except your parents when you were a toddler. The only person who really read to you was you. But now here was Tokoyami with his soft smile, deep voice, and intellectual perspective offering to read to you. You couldn’t say no.
“I don’t mind at all!” you said almost too eagerly. You covered it up with, “You probably have the best voice for reading Poe.” You felt more embarrassed by the addition than the original agreement.
Tokoyami’s smile merely increased with the compliment. Sure, that wouldn’t be considered a compliment to most, but it meant the world to Tokoyami. It meant the world that someone else he knew shared his interests. And because of this, because of you, his anxieties were melting away.
He gently took the book back from your hands, though this time his fingers didn’t brush yours. Oh, how you wish they had. But instead, you hugged your knees closer to your chest as Tokoyami began to read. You had been right in thinking he had the best voice for reading Poe, for as he began, you felt drawn in by his voice as it mixed with the light patter of the rain. The intricate words rolled off his tongue as if they were meant to. Gradually, he lowered himself to sit on the ground to be more comfortable as he read. In turn, you closed your eyes and tilted your head to the side so that you could focus on his words. You had never felt so comfortable with someone else before. With your eyes closed, you started to pick up the aroma of the room. The air smelled of burnt and burning candles and faintly of apple pie. They made you sink further into the chair you sat upon, enveloping you just as Tokoyami’s voice was. But as Tokoyami got halfway through the short story, a ding sounded from your phone.
Hagakure 11:23am
Where'd you go? We’re starting soon!! Get over here!!
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Let me know what you guys are thinking so far! I'm gonna keep it really slow-burn, probably to the point where everyone will get frustrated! Stay tuned :)
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pla-teau · 4 years
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hayward | i was one of the many few who really wished death on the man cause he’s just the worst. this man emptied his clip at two children. i’m glad jimmy was able to pull a fast one on this dick and that darcy hit him with the ice cream truck and very happy to see the man being taken away in cuffs.
vision vs. vision | while i would’ve enjoyed seeing them fight it out until one completely lost, it wouldn’t be vision without some philosophic conversation. it’s true vision fashion. he doesn’t fight unless it’s a last resort. he’s logical and can assess other means in which to deter a foe. truly enjoyed the scene and now i’m just curious as to where tf white vision yeeted off to after regaining the memories from hex!vision? some have speculated possibly wakanda since that is the place where he died. twice. i would love to see him possibly interact with shuri since she would’ve appeared in the memory montage that hex!vision provided him with alongside other events from infinity war.
agatha (aka not mephisto) | overall, i loved agatha as a character and i’m glad she wasn’t killed off by the end of the series. i know she was more villainous in the show but i’m glad they somewhat neutralized her even if it was by cruel punishment brought upon by wanda to keep her trapped in westview as a nosy neighbor. it keeps the door open for us to see more interactions between her and wanda. i’m also glad that she was the foe wanda had to go against. i know many (like myself) speculated mephisto would appear and be revealed but i’m happy i was wrong about that. this is the first entry into phase four and to spill out a big bad right away? probably not the best move. i know ant-man 3 is planning on introducing kang the conqueror so i wouldn’t be shocked if mephisto is used as a red herring to distract us from the actual big bad of the phase, kang the conqueror (while still keeping mephisto around obviously for future battles and possibly use him as a big bad down the road).
family is forever | i was sobbing when seeing the hex start shrinking down in the distance outside the boys’ window. i love that wanda and vision made the move to put them to bed as a way of saying goodbye so they wouldn’t have to see them disappear. i hope to see these same boys come back cause i think no matter what your theory was on them, viewers fell in love with them. if planning for young avengers, i cannot wait to see them be a part of it. given that these boys weren’t real and not actually wanda’s children, i think they’ll go the route that they’ll find each other even if not as a blood related family but reincarnations that know that wanda was their mother in one instance and see her as a mother figure (alongside their actual mothers, of course). i just love them and i really wish they stuck around but i know this won’t be the last time we see them!
wanda’s outfit | i love it and i think pays homage to her comic book costume while still fitting the aesthetic of wanda and the mcu. love the attention to detail and the pattern on her headpiece. someone on here also pointed out in a post how it resembles magneto’s suit and it makes me love it more because of that. in conclusion, this is the scarlet witch and she’s hot.
wanda and vision’s farewell | if i was sobbing at billy and tommy’s fate, i was wailing by the time these two started saying goodbye. we learn that the main reason vision was able to be created the way he was by wanda was because of the mind stone. while she is the scarlet witch, she was exposed to and enhanced by the mind stone that ended up becoming vision. like she said, it’s a part of her. he lives on in her and overall, this scene just cemented that these two are meant to be together. they are going to be that power couple in the mcu moving forward, together or apart. we know these two are meant for each other and have so much love for each other and will find their way back always. while they may change, the one thing you can bet your ass on is that they fucking love each other.
ralph bohner | the twist that no one saw coming - peter is ralph. it’s clear that he was being controlled by agatha because the moment monica took off the necklace, he woke up from her spell. a lot of people are swirling around to say that he’s probably woo’s missing person. we don’t know that and it’s something that’s left unconfirmed. while i would’ve enjoyed the reveal to be peter actually being peter from the x-men universe, i’m also happy he isn’t. yes there was a lot of fanfare and hope for this series to introduce the multiverse but in retrospect, it would’ve been too much to throw at us at the beginning of phase four. throwing in the multiverse right away would’ve taken away from the series being about wanda (separate point i’ll get to at the end). do hope to see evan peters in a future mcu project, though!
wanda’s story moving forward | i hope wanda becomes a sort of anti-hero for the future. this does set up her appearance in doctor strange 2 and i can’t wait to see what she does. while agatha said she’s destined to destroy the world and her power exceeds the sorcerer supreme’s, i hope the writers don’t make wanda into this villain that loses her logic because of extreme power. wanda has proven agatha wrong already by acknowledging the error in her ways. when she realized she was hurting the people of westview, she let them go and stopped hurting them. she learned that yes, she is hurting them without knowing so what she has to do is let them go. wanda has learned throughout her years with the avengers the consequences her powers can have on people. we know she’s never been trained by a witch and yes, that makes her dangerous with her chaos magic. the second post credit scene shows us that she’s determined to teach herself even if it’s through the darkhold. in seeing what she’s done and the power she holds, i think wanda will be this gray moral character. she holds a great deal of power, the most powerful being on the planet at the moment, and that can cloud her judgement at times. despite being an avenger, this show has really shown us that wanda is alone. while she was with the avengers, what have they really done? they kept her in check and helped her utilize her powers for good but then when civil war happened, she was detained and treated like a weapon of mass destruction. the avengers are clearly nonexistent and those that are around, haven’t bothered with her. i also hope that this new phase of marvel kinda tears down the original avengers and their actions because while intentions were good, not everything or everyone was perfect and there’s consequences. and i hope those consequences are shown through the main characters of this phase like wanda.
the complaints | while i loved this show so so much, i did have some issues. while i enjoyed that this show fleshed out more of wanda’s past, i’m sad that they didn’t confirm or at least try to make wanda jewish since they completely erased her romani roots from the comics. this goes back to my whole thing with representation which i’ve mentioned before in response to an article. while i love elizabeth olsen’s portrayal and care she has for wanda, a romani actress still should’ve been cast from the beginning. the least they could’ve done was at least make her jewish even if ever so subtly because that is the other half of wanda’s identity, even if it’s been retconned often. if they are never going to confirm her as magneto’s daughter in the mcu, at least honor that aspect of her identity if you’ve erased one major one already. representation matters and i wish they tried to do right by the character since they clearly paid close attention to other aspects of her comic book history and took a deep dive into her mental health. come at me for these thoughts but i’ll stand by them. another is just directed at the press for the show (i’m looking at you paul bettany). while fans went ham on the theories and marvel will do anything to misdirect you, i think there should’ve been a clear up from marvel about bettany’s claims of a big cameo coming in the series when it was about himself. i get you don’t want to spoil the show and the big surprises it may hold for the audience but still. i think there should’ve been someone behind the scenes or bettany’s publicist could’ve kinda told him to stop hinting at a super duper big cameo. yes, fans got carried away but i think when you’re doing press for marvel, it should be somewhat common knowledge that fans are going to analyze and try to figure out wtf is gonna happen. it’s fun theorizing, don’t get me wrong but when it’s gone the way it has for this show, i think it leaves a lot of people unsatisfied. i’ll admit i was being a clown thinking i’d see patrick stewart as professor x again since he’s an actor paul’s never worked with before and would be a huge fan service for the audience like in the mandalorian season finale. tldr; crazy fan theories comes with the territory. my final grievance actually has to do with the set up for monica’s engineer. i was also hoping we’d someone big or someone that could be big in the future, possibly it was a skrull at the end but the tone and way monica talked about it, i think it was underwhelming to see a character that we came not to care too much about.
final thoughts | overall, i loved this show and it was refreshing to see marvel embrace the magical side of their universe as it continues to expand. the cast was amazing. everyone in the cast and crew deserve awards because this really gave us a show about wanda. i think a lot of people lost that (including myself) with all the theorizing; goes back to my complaint about press for the show. it gave us a show that dealt with trauma and grief in a way we haven’t seen before in marvel’s cinematic universe. i’ll admit i didn’t care much for wanda as i did with the others but this show made me care for her a lot more and made me a bigger fan of her and vision’s story. it grounded itself in dealing with wanda’s grief and trauma in a new way while also exploring her character more. so i’m happy that we didn’t get a super big cameo or that the multiverse wasn’t confirmed because then the tone and attention would’ve shifted away from this story being about her. i hope marvel can give us shows like this that make us care about a character’s emotions and feelings rather than just how cool and badass they look in a suit. it was clear that the cast and crew made this with such love and care that had good storytelling and kept us on edge every week. i hope that marvel can show us these types of stories and ranges from characters in future movies as well.
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Analysis of the Devil Ending: Who Died and Left Aristotle In Charge of Ethics? (Pt 5)
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Hello and welcome back to me over-analyzing everything in Cyberpunk. If you haven’t read my other posts, please read those first! (V’s Mikoshi Poem, Johnny’s Mikoshi Poem, The Sun, New Dawn Fades).
This part took me a lot longer to complete. Not because it was particularly long…it was just painful. Jesus Christ. I hated every second of this ending. That shit hurted.
There were a few shards located at Arasaka’s estate that I chose to skip, as I did not find ant that were unique to the location. The three the game seemed to want to draw your attention to were actually not scattered as shards, they were spoken-word. The only shard I was able to find was a portion of The Odyssey. The other two pieces of literature are In Kyoto, which is quoted to V by the guard to takes her to the hospital room, and (what I believe to be) a reference to Plato’s The Allegory of the Cave. This section is going to be super theoretical. Like, more theoretical than the rest. So bare with me please.
Let’s start easy. This is the poem that the guard quotes at V as he leads her out of the operating room:
In Kyoto,
hearing the cuckoo,
I long for Kyoto
(By: Basho, translated by Jane Hirshfield)
Ten words. What could ten words amount to? The saddest goddamn words you’ll ever hear, dammit.  This poem is a feeling more than a concept. Ever feel homesick when you haven’t gone anywhere? Lonely when you’re around other people? That’s V. This was supposed to be a victory, supposed to be what they wanted. But now Johnny’s gone, scorned and betrayed, and no one they calls seems to even be able to give V the time of day. This was supposed to be a victory, their way of going back to the way things were, getting their life back, going home. But we can never go back, can’t ever erase our experiences, what we learn, how we grow. As Misty says, we should not fear change in of itself, but who we might change into. This just goes to show what happens when we betray ourselves by rejecting our own growth: all that’s left is bitterness and sorrow.
The next day when V wakes, you can pick up a shard containing a section from Chapter 8 of The Odyssey. Now, I’m not too familiar with the Odyssey. In fact, I hate the Odyssey. So if anyone wants to jump in here and add something more intelligent, I’m all for it. The Odyssey is the tale of Odysseus, who has been trying for ten long years to return to his wife and son after the Trojan war. Odysseus is basically listening to a bard remind him of all his Trojan War trauma, and begins to weep, at which time time people start questioning what’s up with this guy:
Say what thy birth, and what the name you bore,
Imposed by parents in the natal hour?
(For from the natal hour distinctive names,
One common right, the great and lowly claims:)
Say from what city, from what regions toss'd,
And what inhabitants those regions boast?
So shalt thou instant reach the realm assign'd.
In wondrous ships, self-moved, instinct with mind;
No helm secures their course, no pilot guides;
Like man intelligent, they plough the tides,
Conscious of every coast and every bay,
That lies beneath the sun's all-seeing ray;
Though clouds and darkness veil the encumber'd sky,
Fearless through darkness and through clouds they fly;
Though tempests rage, though rolls the swelling main,
The seas may roll, the tempests may rage in vain,
E'en the stern god that o'er the waves presides,
Safe as they pass, and safe repass the tides,
With fury burns; while careless they convey
Promiscuous every guest to every bay,
These ears have heard my royal sire disclouse
A dreadful story, big with future woes;
How Neptune raged, and how, by his command,
Firm rooted in a surge a ship would stand
A monument of wrath; how mound on mound
Should bury these proud towers beneath the ground.
But this the gods may frustrate or fulfill,
As suits the purpose of the Eternal Will.
But say through what waste regions hast thou stray'd
What customs noted, and what coasts survey'd;
Possess'd by wild barbarians fierce in arms,
Or men whose bosom tender pity warms?
Say why the fate o Troy awaked thy cares,
Why heaved thy bosom, and why flowed thy tears?
Reading this made me feel just how tired V must be. All this fighting, all this war, and for what? Much like Odysseus, V has been through hell and back (literally, depending on how you see it). And it never seems to end. V has been fighting for so long, yet there’s always something more; the tests the doctor gives her are endless, and they’re always being asked to do more, over and over again, with no results or end in sight. Odysseus is teetering on despair; nothing he does seems to do will ever be enough, just like V. The world will just take and take and take. It’s exactly what V’s poem asserts in Mikoshi; the world cannot be fixed, and resistance is futile. You can’t change how corporations rule the world, and as a protestor states on the TV in the hospital room, the rich have no boundaries or morals, and we are powerless to stop them from taking whatever they want. They can take not only our souls, but our bodies, devour them in order to prolong their own lives. Johnny would, of course, disagree. Even a slap in the face to The Man is better than submitting to a corpo-leash, even if that is the easier path. And in fact, he may be right, since it seems taking Hanako’s offer is the conformist path, and the only one that leads to Saburo coming back.
But Johnny isn’t there anymore to walk the rebel path at their side. No more guardian angel to whisper when they it most to never stop fighting.
There’s a lot more we could go into here with the Odyssey; comparing Arasaka to the story of Polyphemus and the cave, talking about themes of passion vs. commitment, yadayadayada. I hate the Odyssey so that can be someone else’s problem tbh.
The final piece is what the doctor asks V to read as one of their tests. Now, on surface-level, this is foreshadowing if V will choose to stay in their body, or be turned into an engram. It’s laughing at them, really, both pitying and mocking the fact that they believe they have a choice, since either way they’re once again at the mercy of the rich and powerful:
“And it was a sight to behold, he said, how a soul would choose its life; sometimes pitiable, sometimes laughable at times wonderful and strange. For in most cases, the souls made their choice according to the habits of a former life.”
I couldn’t find where this was from, or if it was a quote from anything. But googling it does bring up Plato’s Allegory of The Cave, which I thinks tracks pretty well. I found a quote from this chapter of Plato’s The Republic, which is strikingly similar in meaning. For the sake of my sanity, lets assume that this quote is referencing this one from Plato:
“And he will count the one happy in his condition and state of being, and he will pity the other; or, if he have a mind to laugh at the soul which comes from below into the light, there will be more reason in this than in the laugh which greets him who returns from above out of the light into the cave.”
If you’re unfamiliar with the allegory of the cave, it’s a philosophical discussion from Plato’s The Republic. It’s about how human perception is limited, and so true knowledge comes from the self via philosophical reasoning. Much like humans imprisoned in a cave with only shadows as their entire world, we cannot imagine the true world outside the cave until we leave to see it for ourselves.  Those who are freed from this limited reasoning have a duty to go back and free others, subjecting them to the full experience of awakening; both the pain and the triumph it entails. V starts out with a limited perception of things; a surface-level world, never stopping to see the bigger picture, until Johnny comes along and encourages them to question the status quo. In all other endings, V accepts this enlightenment. They challenge Arasaka, and try to follow Johnny’s legacy and Stick It To the Man. Yet if they accept Hanako’s offer in an attempt to return to “the habits of a former life,” they are rejecting this new understanding, refusing to leave the cave and live in ignorant bliss. This, I believe, is where Johnny’s true feeling of betrayal comes from: not because he’s being shredded, and not because he thinks V doesn’t know any better. V learned and changed just as much as he did, and this growth was something they were able to gift to one another. Johnny is proud of his change, proud to be someone trusted by V, proud at a second chance not to fuck things up. When V gives him control to go with Rogue to Arasaka, he’s ecstatic to prove himself worthy of that trust, to prove that he’s changed. Yet V, the person who aided in that change, is now actively ignoring and rejecting their own growth, and thus is betraying themselves. By not using their enlightenment to actively oppose the status quo and rebel, they are choosing the side of the oppressor by default.
Some of her last words if you choose not to sign the contract are to Goro, “You have no idea how good it feels to be free.” But the truth is, V is not free, and now they will never be free. By walking the path they have, they are choosing willful ignorance, stubbornly clinging to the darkness of the cave because it is easier to convince oneself that they are not a prisoner at all than it is to leave the comfort of one’s chains. Either way, they are caged, even if the bars the rich and powerful build around her are clear instead of solid. Her so-called freedom (and knowledge) is pure illusion — shadows depicted on a cave wall.
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geminihalos · 4 years
Hello!! I hope all is well! I was wondering what all you would be willing to inform me about my chart? Lol some parts are kinda fuzzy, and I was wondering if I could obtain a clearer understanding. Lol I trust in your judgement
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Whaddup lucky person, you get to have your chart analyzed by Moi! Just kidding, sorry for the long wait, Health issues and whatnot have been causing some malfunction, but now that I’m back, I’ll give you the analysis you want! Thank you for waiting, I truly mean it!
🤍All Aight so for your stelli, you have a Scorpio stellium in your 7th house stellium, which means that you express scorpionic traits very strongly, and you prioritize relationships the most in your life. You care about it the most and find absolute fulfilment when connecting with people personally (7th house) in a more intimately comfortable manner (Scorpio)
🤍Sun in Scorp in the 7th: Aight you know that you are a secretive and defensive person by nature and express yourself in a subtle way and charismatic way as well. You feel fulfilled to be achieving something and show yourself personally through intimacy and exploring the dark parts of hooman beings. Since sun is in the 7th you shine through your relationships and form many connections with people whether intimately, romantically, platonically, etc. Might be more introverted since scorp (iykyk) and 7th house is close relationship type thing.
🤍Moon in Scorp in the 7th: I find this to be a little bit of toxic placement if you don’t manifest it maturely (not saying you’re immature, just a warning). Scorp moons in my personal experience and observations are emotionally secretive and like to secretly bear their own baggage to the point where they break and build themselves up again. You'll never want help and become self-destructive from time to time. But nevertheless so insightful and wise since you went through emotional toil. You find emotional fulfillment through your close relationships and maybe obsessed with them ngl, but you are a deep and caring nature despite acting all hard.
🤍Mercury in Sag in the 8th: You are a fun and philosophical soul and have expansive amounts of knowledge that you spend time gathering. but since this is in the 8th you are into dark jokes, learning about the hidden and forbidden side of life, and are more interested in learning about expanding knowledge within the fields of the dark psyche and criminology, etc. But you go about it enthusiastically and may have a tendency to geek over this kind of stuff (relatable tho). 
🤍Venus Scorp in the 7th: And anotha one bahaha. You show your loving side and the more pleasant side of yourself in your relationships but in a secretive, subtle, and intimate manner. (sound familiar 🤨). This can make you obsessed with a current love interest and you value commitment over anything. If someone cheats on you or on you, it will hit you emotionally. You want someone to bond with you on a deep and sexual level. 
🤍Mars in Aquarius in the 10th house of Cap: This one is significant to your career, since you are innovative, detached, and appear colder and more stable in your career. People, wouldn’t think you are intimate in public, and it's not personal. Your career is oriented in a managerial position but since Mars in Aquarius, you might be the type to rebel with that and be the ideas person/self boss and do whatever the hell you want instead of working for others as just a CEO or corporate manager. 
🤍and to all yall who are thinking that CEO’s are free, no they are not, they work under a board of the company and can be fired at any time if they fuck up, so they’re constantly under pressure, forcing them to follow their authority to the t. That’s why a pure Capricorn likes being a CEO because one they like being handled by/following authority but also handling their own shit. (a balance)
🤍Taurus ASC makes you appear passive, but stable to other people, and you are pleasant to be around. Super comfortable around others and they feel the same way and are funny too. (pls tell me you like memes). Earthly beauty and full are silent at first. 
If you have more questions, feel free to ask, and thank you for trusting my judgment. It means a lot and makes me feel more stable despite people judging my sun sign a lot lmao.😊😊
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funkymbtifiction · 4 years
How I Write, How I Dream: ESTP Edition
Mod: An ESTP asked permission to submit this, since she noticed I do not have an ESTP ‘How I write stories’ description in the archive to match this series. What follows is in her own words.
ESTP: How I Write, How I Dream
So this submission is like 6+ years late topically, I think, but it’s an understatement to say I get side-tracked easily. First I had to be self-aware enough to actually determine my type with confidence, and then I had to remember to write this up. Hopefully it’s an edition that’s better late than never – in any case, I thought it might be fun to contribute, given the frequent lack of Se-dom voices in things like this.
I’m aware that I might be in a comparatively small group as a regular ESTP writer, let alone one familiar with personality typology, but I wrote my first short story at nine for a 4th grade assignment, and then my first full story/intended book when I was eleven, (both of which I immediately proceeded to act out on the playground), so it’s sort of always been a part of my normal retinue of hobbies/coping mechanisms/diversions/distractions. Usually I find that I write the most when I’m bored or otherwise dissatisfied with my real life – sort of using it to spice things up with more exciting events, even if they’re regrettably fictional. I also suspect that I use writing to experience all the interesting things I find myself unable to physically do, at least for the moment – not unlike what your ISTP contributor described. I think sometimes that I use it to subconsciously work through certain concepts, too, until I understand them holistically. It’s like it gives me a way to actually engage and interact with a philosophical concept through tangible expression – through embedding it into [fictional] human behavior. Like how I understand the nuances of the concept of apostasy better for having walked through the plot of Silence (2016) with Scorsese than I would have if it was still just a definition in a theology textbook. Application helps me. (I also had a counselor a while back who told me that I used my writing to work through the emotions I hate to process in real life, but I was never wholly convinced of that or the connection of my plots to my real life events, so jury’s out, I guess.)
When I was a kid, I liked to read a fair-ish amount. Spies were oftentimes my favorite topic, but I also wanted eagerly to be one and owned probably every kid spy gadget ever manufactured for sale at the Spy Museum in D.C., to which I dragged my parents practically every weekend so I could crawl through air vents, etc. However, my favorite children’s series of all was actually the Ingo series by the late Helen Dunmore, which provided me with exciting, nature-based, and [mostly] emotionally satisfying adventures in my lifelong favorite unpredictable environment – underwater. (I also dragged my parents constantly to our local aquarium.) As I got older, the frequency of my reading dropped, and I now find myself usually pulled more towards nonfiction.
[Note – I just realized a lifelong quirk with me and books. I’m sort of ridiculously set on *seeing* the books I own. I mean, I know what I own, but I still constantly get out every book I own on a particular topic just to see them all at once. It makes the knowledge more cohesive for me to concentrate it visually, I guess. Even just the covers. Anyway.]
My writing habits are kind of awful – in that, like alluded to above, I pretty much only write when I either a) am seized by a great idea, or else b) have nothing better to do. I have little ambition to actually publish or anything like that, regardless of encouragement, and I prefer to think of my writing as just a diversion, an amusement for myself alone (though I do crave minimal approval, as I do in anything). In any case, as soon as the pressure of a schedule is attached to my writing, it drains of all joy for me. Much like your ISTP contributor described, I think I hover somewhere between plotter and pantser, depending on the story. Too much planning leads to my feeling like I have no incentive to actually write it, as I’ve already experienced it, and too little leaves me spinning aimlessly with no real direction. I write both prose and screenplays, and the rule seems to hold true for both, overall. Also, whenever I have a problem in my plotting or characters or whatever, I find that I have to step away, go be busy with something else, sometimes for a long while, and when I come back everything just falls into place. I guess unconscious Ti and/or Ni finding solutions? I’m not totally sure how/why that happens.
As my inclusion of screenplay format may suggest, I experience my stories in an incredibly visual way. I think sometimes that my narratives come across very much like movies, with all the requisite limitations and usual lack of character introspection. I feel like I pretty much focus on the observable actions of my characters – I find describing any kind of extended rumination highly unnatural, at least most of the time. Even my planning is highly visual. I have a tendency to graph, chart, draw, and plaster my options all over the walls. It’s ridiculous sometimes, but in many cases I just have to be able to see them all next to each other, even if there’s no other information provided. Like my books, mentioned earlier. It helps clarify my plot choices in my mind. It’s also a quirk/weakness of mine that I am often entirely dependent on outside images for descriptions. I need to find a real person, place, or thing to base my fictional ones on physically if I hope to have any kind of concrete knowledge to allow description. Again, it helps solidify them/it in my mind.
I have another weakness in my writing that often results in much incredulous laughter – I’m often entirely blind to any hidden meaning or symbolism in my own writing. I might get the vaguest sense of something being a good line, but be unsure why until my ISFJ friend starts praising my deep, archetypal references and crafting – and then staring at me when I clearly have no idea what she means. It’s happened several times by this point, and though it makes me laugh, I’ll just blame it on the subconscious inferior Ni. I pretty much never have any kind of goal of being symbolic or laden with deep meaning. If I were ever to try that, I think it would massively stress me out.
In terms of editors, beta readers, or whatever else we want to call those who give solicited criticism – that’s just what I need/want. Criticism. For the most part, I’m incredibly thick-skinned about my writing and would be absolutely fine if someone told me that it was utterly terrible and the whole thing needed revising down to the very concept. That may be because I think many of my concepts are lackluster to start with. But nothing frustrates me so quickly as readers unwilling to actually [and harshly] criticize. I always tell them that I want him/her to rip it to shreds. I mean, that’s the only way it’ll get better. (I’ve made mistakes before by assuming that other writers feel this way, too – my sister did not appreciate my input.)
I write almost exclusively dramas these days, I guess, though of varying subtypes. (I also maintain the availability/ready accessibility of about 10+ stories at any given time of active writing. I bounce between them sometimes based on what I’m feeling like at the moment or what I have a new thought about.) I have a sort of historical drama thing that takes place in the 1680s, a modern drama prompted by a premise of genetic engineering, a Most Dangerous Game kind of hunting/weapons thing, a detective story in the immediate aftermath of WWII, a classic deserted island story, a thing involving the phenomenon of stigmata… the list goes on and shifts constantly.
However, while I’ve typically enjoyed writing, here’s the omnipresent rub – engaging with it for any great amount of time makes me really unhealthy emotionally. I’m pretty sure that after like two or three days primarily working on a story without other overriding priorities, or like six or seven with those scattered distractions, (at best), I’m plummeting straight down to my inferior functions. My historical stories do this even more quickly, because they oftentimes seem to require more mental effort. I get super irritable, drown in self-loathing, start to think that everything real that I want is never going to happen – it’s really not good. The fact of the matter is that while writing is a fun diversion oftentimes, I go insane doing it for too long, because I need to get out and engage. (Thanks to my pesky Se-dom, daring to ask for more than just incessant fidgeting.)
When I do write, however, I’m known for my in-depth research, my character-driven plots, lines some people in my life seem to think are witty or something, and emotional depth, believe it or not. I’ve been complimented on it, as well as my tendency to accurately portray mental/emotional illness. I don’t know. I’ve never thought I was overly talented at such things, but then again, I never paid much attention. Even this write-up has been hard – analyzing my writing like this. It’s not a strength of mine to scrutinize my own habits.
After all, I’m busy – I have to go blast Maroon 5 as I jump off a 20-foot wall yelling, “Parkour!”
I am an ESTP, remember? ;-)
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bokutsumie · 4 years
hi i noticed the matchups were open!! um i use they/them pronouns. i prefer both bnha n haikyuu please! (any gender is fine) i’m short, around 5’1”. i have dark brown hair n brown eyes, n i’m white passing lol. my mbti is isfj-t! i’m a pisces sun, gemini moon, and cancer rising. i love art and video games, also anything cute! which constant my style since i’m apart of the emo subculture and i’m very interested in punk history. personality wise i have a hard time genuinely caring about people, but i’m still nice to people even if i dislike them. i have a big attachment to my friends and i actively seek out to comfort them. (i’ve been called ppls older sibling many times before bc of this). i’m my friends biggest supporter! my form of love language is anything that isn’t physical, i don’t like when people touch me for any reason unless i seek out their touch. uh idk how else to describe my personality. i hope this is enough!!
msg: hihi! tysm for requesting :> i did as much research as i could with these so i hope i got your personality correct and stuff!! have a good day/night and i hope you enjoy !!
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i matched you with... jirou!
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you two have a lot in common, maybe not specifically, but you both dabble in the areas of creativity and entertainment in different forms. you both support eachother wholeheartedly and jirou focuses on enjoying little moments with you.
your personality types are compatible in an interesting way. with jirou as an istp, she prioritizes fun in a relationship with you and wants to connect with you but not in a super deep way. communication in your relationship is pretty straight-forward, and you open up to eachother comfortably.
even with your differences, you're inseparable. you are both the type to respect each other's interests and perhaps help one another indulge in them. this means she has no problem teaching you how to play an instrument you're interested in, and you teach her how to draw or play a certain game.
comforting is not something jirou has quite expressed (from what i know), but i feel like she knows just how to comfort you. maybe not with words, but with a strum of her guitar or the placement of her headphones on your head to calm you down.
your styles are similar and you love it, you go clothes shopping together and you have convinced her to buy some cute things too- and the rest of 1-A was surprised to see her wearing something she usually wouldn't.
1000% respects your identity. i feel like she would use she/they as well, so maybe she would get a more in depth understanding of it. if anyone misgenders and/or deadnames you- you bet your ass she's whipping out the earphone jack.
in all, you both help eachother despite your differences, and though it may not be a super intimate relationship- you really enjoy eachother a lot. even if you were just friends you would both be happy because you like eachother a lot.
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i matched you with... kenma!
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based on your interests i feel like you two would really get along and like eachother a lot. he would respect you just as much as you respect him and you think of one another as equals.
based on your personality i think you two have a lot in common. you (i assume because of your mbti) are good at analyzing and you're able to come up with quick solutions. with kenma being an intp, he has a unique perspective and is a philosopher. he has a complicated brain and thinks differently than others, he is the brain of nekoma after all. if you were also a member of nekoma, there would be huge benefit in teaming up with kenma in really any way.
you are introverts together, it's rare that you aren't found next to him, watching him play his game. usually crouched in the same positions. if he stays up too late playing games you're the only one to get him to go to bed as easy as you do, kuroo thinks you're a magician or something.
if he loses a game you're right there to comfort him. if you're dealing with something tough, he's not the best at comforting people but he will try his hardest for you, even if it just means letting you play on his switch.
once you're more comfortable with eachother and he knows how to comfort you, he will not hesitate to get you cute things like plushies and figures, a new game, or art supplies.
he LOVES your style and interest in punk things and history. he even lets you get him new clothes, introduce him to new music, etc., so you can match or just vibe together. he really does anything to try and make you happy.
he also respects your identity entirely and will curbstomp anyone who purposely misgenders and/or deadnames you. he isn't one to approach someone, but if it's in the right place and right time he will say something and tell them to back off and leave. kenma is a generally calm person, but if he's worked up... scary.
you help kenma open up little by little and make new friends or acquaintances, while he helps you persue your dreams (whatever they may be). you are eachothers number one supporters.
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everything-laito · 4 years
could you analyze Q.E.D? owo
Anon, you do not even REALIZE how long I’ve wanted to do this. Song lyrics are always challenging for me though, which is why I’ve never gotten around doing it. But, since I have confidence in Laito’s character and his context, I think I can do it. I get most of my DL song lyrics from Silvermoon on live journal, so special thanks to them! If you wanna listen to Q.E.D, it’s on my Soundcloud!
Please note that this analysis is a lot more loose because it’s from a song. Stuff like this is typically up to interpretation even more than Laito’s regular game script. After writing this, I discovered that @/the-madame21 had her own interpretation that QED is Laito talking to Cordelia inside of Yui. So I’m just getting imposter syndrome thinking that this analysis isn’t good enough because it’s not as “confident” as my other ones, but oh well! I hope you enjoy my interpretation too!
Let’s dive in! (and if you have anything to add on, please do, I had a bit of trouble with figuring some stuff out; song lyrics are pretty much poetry which is my weakness haha) Full thing under the cut!
As time passes, the more it expires, fading away Love dies only when growth stops If everything was laid bare, no matter what, Would the heat of the feelings from that day lessen?
I do believe the first line has to do with Laito being a vampire, with his seemingly eternal life. I don’t know what he means by “that day,” either it has to do with Cordelia or Yui. I had trouble understanding what “if everything was laid bare” so I looked up an alternative translation that said “If everything were gone, and nobody could change what went wrong,” Both essentially say the same thing, so I know it’s just a translational choice. So, I believe this is Laito questioning his emotions and thoughts about how love works. 
His statement of “Love dies only when growth stops” sounds more of a definite one; like he’s confident in it. It’s also an absolute statement, which we should all know that absolute statements should be avoided, because there are always exceptions. To me, this implies that he doesn’t have a lot of experience with love––aside from the feelings he’s experienced. Which we know is true (until Yui really, considering this his his more blood character song) and we know it’s not true love with him and Cordelia. 
I think the “growth” part in that really made me think. What does he mean by growth? I’m not fairly experienced in romantic love, but I do know love of any kind (platonic, family) you both grow together or off of each other. It’s a constructive relationship, but the “when growth stops” stumped me, because people typically never stop growing. But, in Laito lingo I think “growth” might mean until he gets bored? It makes sense to his character but I can’t say for sure. 
Even if my life was surely coming to and end, Entertaining the faint hope that this blood of mine will be passed on, The crystal of love it emitted in your body, “……―――It’s meaningless”
This... Kinda sounds like the hint of getting someone pregnant, but I really don’t think this is the case. The “crystal love” is also hard to say what that’s about, but I believe that has to do with biting/fangs. To Laito, pleasure = love, and in this case specifically, (whether we’re dealing with Cordelia or Yui) pain (typically from fangs) = pleasure = love. As for him mentioning his blood, I’m not sure if that’s a reference to turning Yui into a vampire in the first game (x to doubt kinda) or Yui and Laito “intertwining/becoming one” at the end of his More Blood’s route. But, I’m not sure! Because blood as a motif means many things within DL and in real life. 
I do believe this is Laito going back and forth believing in love or not. He’s been through so much shit which is why he says “its meaningless” despite him “entertaining the faint hope.” He’s shutting down his optimistic thoughts in an attempt to be realistic. 
Ah, as time passes, Even if it was somehow replaced, There’s no proof that I ever loved you or anything “………Because I didn’t want to say it”
THIS. THIS. GOD, it kills me. I do think by this point we know he’s talking about Yui. Sure he’s told Yui that he loves her but it was more of a meaningless thing. Yet again he says it genuinely in the scene where him and Yui do it consensually. So, I don’t know! This whole song is vague!!! But what else do we expect from him. 
He’s basically saying that if he moved on to love someone else, there was no proof that he loved them, but like how he directly says, it’s because he didn’t want to say it. Hesitance like this probably links back to the previous lyrics of him going back and forth with whether love has meaning or not. 
After all, it’s all over, isn’t it? In time, won’t everything disappear, no matter what? So without robbing us of our ‘now,’ stringing the memories together, As the continuous bloodsucking stretched out into ‘eternity,’ If you say you wish for ‘immortality,’ We’ll prove it now! Together with you, Q. E. D. ―――…………!!!!!
Queue “It’s Over, Isn’t It” from Steven Universe This is like... optimistic nihilism (which I so vibe with lol) and I think this is Laito saying he just wants to focus on the present and get rid of the thoughts he previously said in this song (whether it be through healthy ways or unhealthy ways... it’s probably the latter). This does insinuate Yui’s presence, and him turning her into a vampire. This I believe is just another distraction for him to attempt to avoid his circling, depressing thoughts.
Now we gotta talk about what QED means. QED is an acronym for the Latin phrase “quod erat demonstrandum,” which means “what was to be shown.” In math or a philosophical argument, it’s used at the end of an argument or problem to basically say “it’s been proven.” Wikipedia also adds on that it can mean “thus it has been demonstrated” when used in this light. 
Laito’s “QED” is his desperate effort to prove if his feelings and thoughts are correct. Man it’s taken me years to actually figure out what he means by this, but this is my own interpretation. 
As the time of death approaches, the nearer it draws, coming into view There is always light behind No matter who, everyone is praying to someone There is just little remaining of that day, isn’t there?
I’m still so confused what he means by “that day.” I know this is Laito we’re talking about, but come on LOL. From this I have a feeling it’s about Cordelia and maybe the first day she abused him? I’m not sure. Maybe it’s meaning that he’s moving beyond Cordelia. I do like these lyrics because it’s super poetic. As for the “everyone is praying to someone,” this doesn’t mean everyone believes in a god, this just means that everyone has that one person they either look up to or look to gain a moral compass. That’s what a religion (to my understanding) essentially is at its basis. 
Even if we quietly tried to abandon hope, Your lips on mine again and again, as this bittersweet time passes by somewhere, The crystal of love it left within my heart, “……―――It’s worthless”
This is Laito admitting that he’s feeling love really. This is through Yui’s own love too. But him saying “it’s worthless” is another desperate attempt at him trying to be “realistic” and to not get his hopes up. 
Hey―――………Shall we dream? That we fell ill, and there were days we couldn’t see If the proof that the two of us were alive is stained red, “………Forgive me”
The way he says “forgive me” in the song is SO desperate and sad. But I think this implies that he’s asking for forgiveness for his past actions? I do think that he knows he’s twisted but he just doesn’t know anything else aside from his normalcy. Sure his actions aren’t justified but they’re explainable. 
I also think his “dream” he suggests is maybe he wants to feel alive? Maybe him feeling like his feelings “aren’t valid” because he feels that they’re “human” emotions. Because in the games he repeatedly states how he’s a vampire and not alive etc but it’s interesting how he says “if the proof that the two of us were alive” like woah buddy
The tone that depicted the future of tomorrow always shattered in your ear In your torn eardrum, it left behind a dangerous red wish As the continuous whispers stretched into ‘eternity,’ If you say you wish for ‘immortality,’ We’ll prove it now! Together with you, Q. E. D. ―――…………!!!!!
This might reference that really.... awful.... terrible.... scene in ecstasy 04 of HDB. (I think it’s 04 ((edit: its 03 LOL I should’ve checked)) but it’s the really really uh awful one) But again I’m not sure. He does still reference turning Yui into a vampire though which is interesting, because that’s the only thing I can think of an “eternal love” being.
“If there’s no such thing as ‘eternity,’ I want to destroy this time… That’s…what I’d wished……”
This man really just wants to grasp onto things for eternity, goddamn. I think that he still just wants to distract himself or something because I’m not sure what else he would mean by that. 
Only this feeling, Forgetting the ‘warmth’ that lived, Somehow, it’s becoming vague That’s not the only thing―――……!
This seems that he’s slowly forgetting Cordelia’s “love”, which is nice. Because it’s been a long time and the whole “that’s not the only thing” might imply that he’s losing himself in other ways too aside from the feeling of Cordelia. 
After all, it’s all over, isn’t it? In time, won’t everything disappear, no matter what? So without robbing us of our ‘now,’ Stringing the memories together, as the continuous bloodsucking Stretched out into ‘eternity,’ If you say you wish for ‘immortality,’ We’ll prove it now! Together with you, Q. E. D. ―――…………!!!!!
(I already analyzed these lines haha) but wow I love this song. I know this isn’t as confident as my other analyses but I hope this suffices, anon! 
As always, thanks for reading, and the ask box is open for any business you may have with me!
Ciao! -Corn
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astrologysvt · 4 years
MTL to Keep a Secret 🤫
Anonymous said: scorp anon ✨ yep, I'm a '95 baby 🥺✊🏼 I graduated uni and dream about buying pans which means I'm an adult 😔 but! for humoring me so much I'll leave a token of gratitude in a svt q: let's say all members were entrusted a secret (individually), just a regular secret that's nothing groundbreaking. who is the most likely to want to share it? who would keep it best? or who would forget it - up to you how to analyze it! it can be a MTL type of post or you can skip this if it doesn't interest you ✨
this one was so fun thanks for the q~ and just a bit of context, i’m doing this with the assumption that these secrets aren’t morally questionable (like crime, ill-willed, cheating etc. etc) and are being disclosed between friends 
Will Definitely Keep it: 
Minghao: super trustworthy. if you’re out there trading secrets with him, you can trust he sees no value or gain in sharing it. the scorpio influences make him incredibly loyal and will respect your privacy, then his sag mars means he’s guided by a high moral standard. he probs likes feeling like he’s close enough to someone to be told such things and wont take that for granted (tho if ur not THAT close with him?? that may be another story). 
Joshua: with that solid mix of cap and taurus he’s both incredibly loyal and very level-headed about these things. he’s not going to do anything that’ll jeopardize your trust in him. for the sake of honesty, but also cause NOT keeping the secret goes against his general conduct. he sees no point in stirring up trouble for the sake of some hot gossip, and would probably never find it relevant. may tease you! but at the end of the day his lips are sealed. 
Vernon: this guy is just out here observing. tho there is a risk cuz his moon is really great at taking the more extreme things in stride, and so he may not even react and thus not register it as a secret and THEN bring it up. but really i imagine he’s chilling more than anything. any information he collects he’s probably happily keeping to himself and sees no need to air out someone else’s dirty laundry. his mercury is also trine jupiter which makes him pretty trustworthy. 
Jun: it may be surprising to see him so high up. he’s def a reactive and talkative guy with that aries/gemini. he’s got such an active mind and will pick and prod at everything, but his taurus means he doesn’t really need to do anything with that info. you tell him it’s a secret, he’ll keep it. tho he may short circuit if you tell him to a keep a secret but he’s concerned for your wellbeing. 
Will Probably Keep it: 
Woozi: very similar to hao, though his aries moon puts him here just because there is a potential in him getting caught in the heat of the moment and blurting things out. generally good at keeping a secret, but (and this applies to hao) his sag is also guided by honesty as much as it is in fairness. he’ll probably draw the line if he has to lie for your sake. there is also a sense that he may not like being ultra-secretive, especially if it affects his routine/normal friend dynamics. 
Mingyu: so i feel like aries have a bad rep for not keeping secrets, like if they get interesting info it’s hard for them not to want to share it. with mingyu tho, his virgo and taurus really off-set that initial aries reaction. i feel like the mix of taurus and virgo (and honestly also that aries want to be told they did good) means he really wants to please the people close to him, and telling people their secrets isn’t how you do that! 
Jeonghan: it depends. his well aspected jupiter loves poking fun and laughing so if it’s not a big deal and more funny, he may push to have you tell but will respect your wishes as his libra really doesn’t want any bad feelings. his scorpio mars also loves feeling like he’s being trusted. tho his libra is going to be more focused on maintaining group harmony and his scorpio is very loyal to his priorities and ruthless to everything else. if your secret threatens that, it’s better you don’t tell him (lol libras are the first to rat someone out if it deals with one of their friends)
Wonwoo: he loves talking and discussing things and his leo means that the more dramatic things are def still on the table. he likes being in the know, and then that cancer sun may not handle secrets very well. the secret may make him uneasy and can gnaw at him, making him want to talk it out. with that in mind, his well aspected saturn is probably a great censor for him. he may feel those things, but i’d trust his ability to catch himself before he does anything.  
Be Careful: 
Seungkwan: this guy moved around a lot in this. generally, i think he is very trustworthy but he’s SUPER TALKATIVE. he loves a great story and he loves making people laugh, and with his moon opposite jupiter he may struggle to catch himself if he gets caught up in the moment. but with more serious situations, his virgo moon makes him very drawn to help and is a very reliable person to turn to. 
Seungcheol: although leos are known for being super loyal, they also love talking and they love the excitement of a secret. while he has his cap and libra telling him what’s right and wrong, keep in mind he may bend a few rules by telling one or two trusted people just to get it out of his system. also, similar to jeonghan, if it is negative and deals with his friends there’s A HIGH probability he’ll tell them due to his loyalty to them. tho if it’s a serious personal situation, he will do his best to keep it to himself. 
Dino: he’s very inquisitive, communicative, and emotionally sensitive. if the secret is interesting, he wants to talk about it. if it’s emotionally taxing, he wants to talk about it. and he’s a very philosophical and moral guy with that sag moon very similar to hao and woozi, but there is less of a barrier in his chart that makes them more stoic and controlled where as he’s excitable and a bit more impulsive. he may struggle to see a difference between what can and cannot be discussed. 
Seokmin: you have to be careful with him! even if he does his best to keep a secret, there is a threshold for how long and how many secrets he can keep or else he’ll explode. that’s mainly because of his cancer moon, and his moon square mars. he doesn’t contain those emotions well and is incredibly sensitive to these things. he may end up telling someone just to take that weight off himself. 
Be REALLY Careful:
Hoshi: this guy really means well, but all of those gemini placements means he likes having everything out on the table, no holds barred. not being able to talk about something would frustrate him so much. if it’s an important enough secret and he cares deeply for you, he will do his absolute best. but always account for the possibility he forgets it was even a secret in the first place and just starts talking about it SUPER CASUALLY because he’s not used to having that strict a filter. 
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