#vs the more inner depressingly realistic life of a guy like marc
yellowocaballero · 2 years
that excerpt was great and tbf when is layla's life ever easy lol
(this is random rambling but) the christmas mention once again makes me wonder about steven and jake's relationship with their judaism though (apparently there's a mezuzah in steven's apartment in episode 2) and i wouldn't be surprised if jake has a complicated relationship with his faith the same way marc does
anyway have fun writing and fingers crossed we'll get to see it soon (in the meantime will probably just reread the first fic lol)
Honestly? Shocked Steven knows he's Jewish klajsdf.
Marc's relationship with Judaism is similar to his relationship with the military and I think highly indicative of the show as an MCU/Disney+ show. I know that seems random, but - I was really, really hopeful the entire show that they'd acknowledge Marc's Jewishness. Please go look up the number of Jewish characters in the MCU, Marvel Universe at all, and probably Disney+. And they totally did acknowledge it! It was there!
Did the show have a relationship with Marc's Jewishness? That's kind of weirder. imho one of the most powerful shots in the series is Marc throwing his kippah on the ground and smashing it - before clutching it to his chest, asking for forgiveness. There is so much there. I could pick those few seconds apart and analyze it. His religious identity as a connection with his mother, father, God, his self-identity. Just a few super powerful seconds.
Like, a few. Seconds. Implied, mostly. There and visible, but we get like one thing that could be overlooked no matter how important it actually is.
It is the exact same thing with Marc's military experience. I spelled it out in the fic, I think - Marc has a sad story that many people have. Runs away from abusive home to join the military, probably just after he graduated high school but maybe even before. No college education. Spends his adult life in the military, which severely exacerbates his mental health issues. Gets discharged from military for having the mental health issues that it exacerbated. Is tossed out with no job skills, no support system, and no safety net. Can't hold down even a crappy job due to mental health issues. No VA support or disability benefits from the military. Has absolutely no skills but what the military gave him. irl the guy is homeless, in comic book land he joins a mercenary group. Mental health gets worse, he does bad shit, obviously he becomes Moon Knight, etc. Like a lot of Moon Knight it's a depressingly realistic background that many people have, and that highlights how badly the military fucks up vulnerable people. People like Marc are homeless. It's hard to remember and understand, but Marc genuinely never had a chance. Khonshu is a metaphor for the military industrial complex -
You can draw all of that from a SENTENCE. One scene of Marc running way, one brief explanation from Marc. It was very obvious to me because I know this crap, but it's only a sentence.
Because the MCU is rabidly pro-military, it will never criticize the military, half of it is military propaganda, it's funded by the military. Disney+ just as bad. Disney would never, ever criticize the military. So Marc gets a sentence - a sentence that explains his whole life, but you really have to stop and think about it. It's bonkers that it's such an effective and grounded criticism, but...is it...??...?? Schrodinger's criticism? Do I want to be generous and say they were censored? Do I want to be harsher and say that they're pulling a Bisexual Loki again? Do I want to go into my final verdict of the show as doing a really wonderful job showing and not telling, but ultimately kind of wishing that they were able to tell too and that I blame Disney for that?
This isn't what you asked at all I'm so sorry :(. Why do I never actually answer the question :(. fwiw Jake is a very philosophical guy who probably reads a lot of meforshim and has knock down drag out theological arguments with Matt for hours that both of them pretend not to enjoy, Marc has an extraordinarily complex relationship with God that I don't feel comfortable dissecting because I know I would make it way too Catholic; he stopped actually practicing or doing any celebrations when he ran away from home, and, I am shocked Steven even knows,,,
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