#i know nothing about her literally at all <3 and could barely settle on her name LOL it was between this and kira? she seems like a k name
coffeeandcalligraphy · 9 months
Kara doesn’t say anything even though she should—for a moment, she seems frozen as if in shock, not even her hair braying in the breeze of Jeremiah’s standing fan. As he looks at his sister, her curly brown hair that’s grown far past her shoulder blades, her eyes that are now fitted with contacts instead of boxy glasses, her nose that’s now pricked on the right by a cubic zirconia, he realizes he wasn’t just vague about his reasons for returning home, but cruel. What kind of brother calls his sister on a Sunday morning and explains his abrupt return is nothing to worry about, that all he needs is time, that in a week he’ll be better, clearer? What kind of brother says that if a week isn’t enough, then two certainly will be because he’ll quickly learn how to love the scent of coffee again and how to ask for a table for one and how to dance on his own and how to think fondly of a sunset and how to pray without feeling wrong and how to sleep alone? What kind of brother says that in any regard Madonna’s releasing Confessions on a Dance Floor in less than a month so he expects he’ll change by then and if that doesn’t fix him he’ll figure it out anyway? And what kind of brother looks at his sister now and thinks that in all this time he’s relieved she was never there to see him get into a bar for the first time, see him find himself in his houseplants and in Biyu’s laugh, see him fall in love with the wrong man? When Jeremiah was ten and his sister was sixteen, they’d promised each other they’d stay close, and maybe at that age, he didn’t know what that meant, to remain intwined in someone’s life till you were an intrinsic part of them—a lung and a breath, dog and a bone, a god and the son he creates. But here they are, so close, so far apart, Jeremiah’s mouth formed around a question he can’t bring himself to say out loud. What kind of brother leaves?
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stars-and-inkpots · 8 months
Greetings, I'm hoping you're having a great day and or night😊 I love your writing, you're talented! If your requests are still open, can I request Tav (female please) being insecure that she doesn't live up to Gales standards because he was with Mystra? Tav just tells him "I'm in love with you, but I'm nothing. I'm no Goddess" I love my romance with some angst🥲❤️
I finally have a little time this week to write!! I loved this request, thank you so much. I actually had two versions of this planned out, one where you aren't yet together (this one), and another set in post game when the two of you are together in Waterdeep (I might finish this version and post it at some point too) ANYWAY, I hope you enjoy!
With You | Gale x Reader
You were nothing when compared to a god, and Gale certainly wasn’t blind to that. 
So you keep yourself at a distance. You convince yourself that this is for the best. 
Of course, Gale notices.
Pairing: Gale/Reader
Tags: Love confessions, hurt/comfort, fluff and angst, first kiss, comfort, self-esteem issues, low self-worth issues
Ao3 Link: Baldur's Gate 3 Requests
Word Count: 1,037
Realising you had developed feelings for Gale was a complicated discovery on its own. Knowing that Gale’s previous partner had been none other than a literal goddess complicated it even further. 
The two of you had grown close, and both of you would be fools to not admit that there was something between the two of you. But you hesitated everytime the opportunity to take things any further than friendship arose. Not because you didn’t want to, no; Gods, you wanted to so badly. But it was exactly because of Mystra that you hesitated. 
Gale had been with a goddess before. A goddess. And you were just… well, you were just you. You were mortal, and you could never hope to possibly compare to the divine. And what if he was just settling for you? Was he simply lowering his standards? What if Mystra, for whatever reason, decided to return to her affections for Gale? Would he, despite everything that She had done, go back to Her? You were nothing when compared to a god, and Gale certainly wasn’t blind to that. 
So you keep yourself at a distance. You convince yourself that this is for the best. 
Of course, Gale notices. 
Not immediately at first, but after a few days of you barely speaking to him, he can’t help but worry he’s done something wrong. There are no more late night talks by the fire; no walking just a little too close to be simply friendly during the day; no stolen glances. Nothing. Where there was once undeniably something, there is nothing. He curses himself for not saying anything sooner, for hesitating. 
At first, he wants to assume it’s because you suddenly realised that he’s dangerous, that he’s volatile. Then he worries that you’ve realised he’s just not as impressive as you thought he was. Maybe his skill no longer impresses you, and if he doesn’t have that then what else is there? The thought that you look at him and see only what he thinks he is, a pathetic shadow of a man who once was. 
Maybe it’s desperate on his end, but he’s not willing to just let this go. As much as he’s ready to wallow in self-pity, he needs to know. He can change, if that’s what you want. 
“I want to talk to you, if you have a moment,” Gale says before you can duck into your tent for the night. 
“Alright,” you relent. “Let’s go for a walk then.” You lead the two of you out of camp, and Gale follows beside you. You can’t shake the anxious feeling that only grows with the silence between you two. Once you’re far enough away, Gale speaks up. 
“I’m going to be perfectly transparent here; and if I’ve misread anything, do stop me before I embarrass myself too much.” Gale takes a breath, as if he’s already waiting for you to object. When you remain silent, he continues. “You mean a great deal to me, and I care about you a lot. In all honesty, I have feelings for you, very strong feelings. Now, a few days ago I had thought that you returned and shared my affections. But you’ve been quite different with me as of late. I know I am not owed an explanation or an answer, but I will still ask for one all the same.” 
You freeze. Even though you knew this conversation would come eventually, you don’t know what to say. He’s here. He’s here and he just admitted that he felt the same way as you did, and yet you can’t bring yourself to answer. 
“I just want to know if it was something I did. Did something change? As I said, you don’t have to answer, of course, I just… what happened to make you change your mind?” You can hear the nervous self-consciousness in his words, but it confuses you. How could he ever think it was something that he did when he had been with a goddess? How could he want you? 
“No, nothing changed. It was nothing that you did. I promise.” You sit down, and Gale follows, sitting beside you. 
“Then why have you been so cold with me? It isn’t fair to tell me I did nothing wrong when you go from spending so much time with me to barely even looking at me, let alone speaking to me.” He sounds frustrated, and you don’t exactly blame him. It was cruel of you to treat him so differently without an explanation. 
“I’m sorry.” You finally bring yourself to look over at him. Even through his slight annoyance with your behaviour, there is hurt. “You deserve better than me,” you say finally. You watch his expression change to one of confusion. “You shouldn’t lower your standards for me.” 
“What?” For once, you seem to have rendered him nearly speechless. 
“Gale, I’m in love with you, but I’m nothing. I’m no goddess.” 
A sudden understanding crosses his face. 
“Yes, you are. You most certainly are.” He takes your hand in his. “And you are more than I deserve, I assure you. If you truly wish to remain no more than friends, then so be it; but if those worries were all that were holding you back, I assure you you need not entertain them any further.” Every word sounds so completely genuine. 
“Are you sure?” You ask, despite yourself. 
“Completely.” He lifts your hand and presses a kiss to your knuckles. The act and the way he looks at you is enough to push your worries aside for now. You can tell he means everything he says. 
“Can I kiss you?” You ask, in a rush of newfound confidence. 
“I would like nothing more.” 
The hand not holding yours rests against your face, thumb brushing along your cheek. You brush your fingers through his hair, and you feel him shiver. It’s a soft kiss, the beginning of things. When you part he rests his forehead against yours and both of you are smiling. 
The walk back to camp is quiet, but comfortable. Gale doesn’t let go of your hand until you kiss once more and retire for the night to your tents.
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Buck & Eddie: 2023 - 2024 Rereleased and Unreleased Photos
A timeline of the photos that were released by JS, JCC & TM since 6B.
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After TM (9-1-1 showrunner) recently released two "never before seen pictures" of Buck and Eddie, one as recent as last night, I started thinking about all the photos and videos that have been released of them since the start of 6B and it was quite interesting to see it all once I put them together.
Reminder, Buck and Eddie were barely shown to be work partners let alone friends for 98% of 6A and after 6x13 aired, they were shown to be living separate lives again for the remainder of 6B after Eddie was forced into dating again even though he said he wasn't ready. Aside from the Buckley-Diaz Family scene in 6x1 and the small amount of time they shared at the end of 6x7 and the time they were partnered in 6x13 (my favorite episode which was the finale for me since the last 5 episodes could have been yeeted to the sun); they didn't work side-by-side like they did before Eddie quit the 118 in 5x10. That's why the timing of the rereleased and unreleased photos and video is so jarring.
First, in April 2023, JS released the picture below of Buck and Eddie at the poker game before 6x13 aired and he spent most of that three-week mini hiatus counting down to the day when he was going to reveal it on Twitter or X or whatever it's called this week.
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Second, in April 2023, a photo of the clapperboard was released weeks in advance for 6x17 which was an episode JCC directed. It includes a picture of Buck and Eddie at the bottom of it.
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Third, also in April 2023, after 6x15 aired, several posts alluded to Twitter users being in an uproar about the introduction of ND and how Buck hurt Eddie’s feelings with that BS line about her seeing him (which everyone but Buck knows was a bunch of BS).
Don't try to debate me on this because Buck’s words hurt Eddie and it doesn't matter if they were intentional or not. He broke Eddie’s heart with that $hit so... I digress because thinking about it still pisses me off (it's been months but I'm still not over the way S6 ended).
Anyway, it was posted on Reddit (linked here) that JCC posted the photo from season 3 below on 9-1-1's TikTok account but the question is why would he release it since he didn't direct 6x15? The OP of the thread explained how he never posts things about episodes he didn't direct so it was interesting to read this information but since I only saw it on Reddit and nowhere else, it's unclear if there was a motive behind it.
Full disclosure: I don't have a Reddit or TikTok account, so I don't know if this post was legit but the date on it is April 25, 2023.
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Fourth, in May 2023, right before 6x18 aired, TM decided to release a video of Buck and Eddie from season 2 but why did he do that? Especially right before that BS episode that had Eddie acting like he was in high school again and giggling over some chick he witnessed almost kiss her brother in the mouth in 6x5 and Buck settling once again for a woman who only wanted to use him for his "Firehose" and nothing else like AC, AM and TK did?
What exactly was the point? Was he trying to tell viewers something or was he just piddling around on FB like he did last year when he responded to a viewer with a long post about the storytelling decisions he greenlit for LS?
Reminder, TM was working on LS for the past two seasons while he left OG in the hands of KR who literally destroyed all of Buck’s character development and growth by regressing him with TK, LD and now ND. Seasons 5 and 6 went into a tailspin of Buck not growing or learning from his mistakes and the responsibility for that lies solely at the showrunner's feet and who was in charge? It was KR.
The way Buck's gazillion storylines ended was not long form storytelling especially since he was constantly being regressed. He said he didn't want to make the same mistakes but he kept making them and instead of letting him go back to therapy (which he clearly needs) she let him flounder and read self-help books and donate his sperm to that loser Connor (reminder Connor wanted to run out on his pregnant wife because the baby wasn't biologically his but I still believe the baby is his and not Buck's). She wouldn't let him talk to the team like he used to do so they could offer him some good advice about the important life decisions he was trying to make but in Season 5 she had no problem letting Buck tell the 118 about his dumpster fire of a relationship with TK.
Fifth, in January 2024, TM was at it again with posts on Facebook (I don't use FB) but this time he posted two unreleased photos of Buck and Eddie. Apparently, he released the one below a few days ago but it was discovered by a blogger who posted it on 911blr. Based on Eddie's appearance, it looks like it may have been from season 5, possibly sometime around 5x16 "May Day" but who knows.
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Sixth, last night, the photo below was released by TM and it's never been seen before either. Based on Eddie’s appearance, this picture looks NEW like it might be from Season 7 but who knows with all the unreleased promos and pics from previous seasons that started circulating in S6.
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In the photos above, Buck and Eddie are shown in every season except for the most important one... Season 4. The shooting is missing and so is the will reveal. (I don't count the picture on the clapperboard because it appears to be one JCC added to it for whatever reason and it wasn't an official photo or video like the others.)
So, are they still using the shooting and the will as the catalyst for them becoming a CANON couple? Only they know what they're doing but whatever it is the question has become why are they doing all these cryptic Buck and Eddie posts and releasing photos of just the two of them? What are they trying to say, if anything?
Hopefully it's not so they can do a repeat of the things they did at the end of seasons 4 and 6 and delay them getting together yet again.
If they're going to finally let them be together then it's time to stop with the delay tactics and get rid of all those one-dimensional LIs. Leave N and M in season 6 where they first appeared and should have remained.
If they aren't planning to make Buck and Eddie CANON then they should let them stay single. It's been 6 years; how long do they realistically believe viewers who actually care about them as characters are going to keep waiting? In the past, actors and actresses have left shows around the fifth, sixth and seventh seasons so hopefully that won't happen on 9-1-1 but nobody has time to wait around for 15 seasons for Buck and Eddie to get together.
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steddieas-shegoes · 1 year
Chapter 16
Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4 / Chapter 5 / Chapter 6 / Chapter 7 / Chapter 8 / Chapter 9 / Chapter 10 / Chapter 11 / Chapter 12 / Chapter 13 / Chapter 14 / Chapter 15
Eddie didn’t usually get nervous about meeting people. Even the few times he met parents, he didn’t really expect them to be a forever thing, so it didn’t really matter to him if he made a good impression.
But this was Steve. This was the person he was spending forever with. And despite his clearly complicated relationship with his parents, his mom seemed to mean something to him.
Steve explained their entire conversation on the way to his apartment, his old apartment, the one he hopefully wouldn’t move back into.
If it were up to Eddie, this temporary move to his house would be permanent, but he didn’t want to push. He knew Robin and Steve were close, and that Robin looking for a new roommate may take some time, that Steve wouldn’t want to just leave her with such little notice and no one to cover his half of the rent.
The closer they got to the apartment, the more nervous Eddie became.
Steve looked over at him when they stopped at a red light, brows furrowed in concern.
“What’s wrong, baby?”
“Nothing, my love,” he brushed it off, kept his face forward so he wouldn’t fall for the puppy dog eyes Steve gave him to get what he wanted.
“You know, my mom isn’t that bad. I don’t get along with her all the time, but she is definitely the lesser of two evils when it comes to my parents.”
“Mhm. Just wanna make sure you’re okay with everything.”
Steve was quiet for a moment, the soft tones of a song he didn’t recognize playing on the radio.
“You know it’s okay to be worried about yourself, Eds. I’m feeling…well, not great, but kind of positive about this? I know it could turn into nothing, but my mom is kind of relentless when she’s set on something and it doesn’t sound like she’s gonna give up until I have my job back.”
Steve’s hand settled on Eddie’s knee, providing him a comfort he didn’t realize he needed.
Eddie often found comfort in putting others’ needs first, that’s what made him a good dom, a good friend, a good person. But even he needed to take a break from that sometimes. He knew it, he just didn’t actually do it.
“I’m mostly worried about you, but I am a little worried about meeting your mom. There, is that better?” Eddie asked with a small smile.
“Yes. She always comes off scarier than she is. All yip, no bite, or whatever the saying is,” Steve said confidently.
Eddie loved him. God, he loved him so much.
He watched as Steve bobbed his head along to the music, his hand remaining on Eddie’s knee and tapping his fingers, though he was completely off beat.
Eddie loved him so much, it felt like a part of him was always going to hear Steve’s name and associate it with comfort and home.
Steve pulled into his usual parking spot, sighing as he parked.
“Just don’t take any offense to what she says. She has no filter and forgets that people have feelings. I barely listen to anything she says anymore.”
Steve sounded nervous suddenly, maybe even more than Eddie had been on the way here.
Eddie turned, cupped his face in his hands, and kissed his nose.
“I’m here to support you, protect you. I want her to help you. I don’t care if she likes me or is rude to me, it’s about you being happy.”
“Eds, I don’t want her to upset you. Please just don’t let her scare you away.”
“Sunshine, I’m not goin’ anywhere, especially not because of your mom being a little mean to me. Your my home, and I’m yours, right?”
He felt Steve relax into his hands, a fond smile taking over his face.
“Yeah, baby, you are.”
“Then let’s go see your mom.”
Robin was standing at the front door as soon as he opened it, her eyes begging him to do literally anything to help.
He almost laughed.
But then he heard his mother, presumably on the phone with someone, and he decided he probably should be easy on her.
“Who’s she talking to?”
“It’s been someone new every five minutes since she got off the phone with you. I think this one is your father, but I’m not sure because she talks to everyone the exact same, which is like they are specks of dirt on the bottom of her shoe.” Robin rolled her eyes and turned to Eddie with a smile. “Hi, Eddie.”
“Hi, Robbie. Gonna make it?”
“Hard to say. I hope so.”
They gave each other quick hugs, an exchange of wordless support, and Eddie felt a bit better. If Robin could handle Steve’s mom, he certainly could.
“Richard, I don’t give a shit and a half if you think I’m babying him. He’s our son. He didn’t do anything wrong and he’s being punished. Our job is to help people who don’t do anything wrong and are being punished. I’ll be better off without your help, but I refuse to let you make empty threats at me or him.”
“You guys stay here,” Steve muttered, making his way into the kitchen to talk to his mom.
“I have to go. You can go fuck yourself or the newest woman who has to fake it through a few minutes in bed with you to get a new diamond bracelet.”
Anne Harrington did not fuck around. Steve could admit to himself that it was probably the best part about her.
“Oh, good, you’re home. I’ve contacted the school to let them know any future interviews involving you will also have me present. Any paperwork sent to you or requiring a signature will be reviewed by me first. I’ve already been sent the paperwork you signed, which will not hold up in court because all parties involved in the case are supposed to sign it and only you signed it. You work for a school system that doesn’t seem to understand basic law, which is concerning since they’re opening themselves up to a hell of a lawsuit.”
“It’s nice to see you, Mom.”
Anne sighed, releasing the weight of the world from her shoulders, and pulled him into a hug.
They were never a touchy family, not even when Steve was a small child. But every once in a while, usually during the most stressful times, his mom would pull him into a hug that actually felt like the type of hug a mother would give her kid.
“What a pickle this is,” she said against his shoulder, a solid six inches shorter than him, but always bigger than her body when she spoke.
“I know. Thanks for helping.”
“No need to thank me, it’s gonna be easy to handle. Now! Where’s the boyfriend?”
“Uh. With Robin.”
“Let’s go get this out of the way, then,” she said as she pulled away from him, her face back to the stern look he’d walked in on.
“Just be easy, please. He-”
“Steven, I know what it looks like when you’re happy. I know I rarely was around to see it, but it’s easy to see the glow, even with all this stress happening around you. He makes you feel loved?”
“Every second of every day.”
“Then he won’t have to worry about me unless that changes,” she said as she walked out to the living room.
Anne walked up to Eddie, his eyes wide as he took her in.
“Edward Munson. Nice to meet you. I’m Anne Harrington. I am certain I like you just fine, but let’s get right to it: my son is all that matters to me right now and if you get in his way of getting his job back or me doing my job, you will never step foot near him again, understood?”
Steve rolled his eyes, but couldn’t help the blush creeping across his cheeks. His mom had never been this protective of him, not even in high school when one of his friends tried to drag him into a legal issue with another basketball player.
“And if I ever get in the way of his happiness and future, I hope you would do whatever you can to protect him,” Eddie responded.
Anne studied him for a moment, looking him up and down and trying to figure out what her response should be.
She nodded once, turned to Steve, gave him a wink, and then looked back at Eddie.
“Let’s get Steve his job back.”
The next three days were endless meetings with his mom, the school, and the school board.
Steve was instructed not to open his mouth except to give the same answers he’d already given, let Anne do most of the talking otherwise, keep his head up and appear confident that he’d done the right thing.
He had done the right thing, so it was easy to do.
Every moment he got with Eddie was special, his mom taking the guest room of the house and making it difficult for them to have any time alone.
But they still stole away in the evenings, when his mom decided to take a break from everything and shower and read her book for a bit. Eddie and Steve would take a bath together, Eddie washing Steve, Steve washing Eddie, touching every inch of each other with reverence as they silenced the moans with their mouths.
It wasn’t enough, but it would have to do for a while.
Steve cooked them breakfast every morning, Eddie wrapped his arms around his waist and rocked side to side, humming a song Steve didn’t know.
Eddie went to the shop while Steve stayed home and made sure his mom had everything she needed to do her job. He would bring Eddie a late lunch to take a break, and his mom would often go find a restaurant she deemed tolerable so she could enjoy a “decent salad, nobody makes a decent salad anymore, Steven.”
By the time dinner came around, Steve was feeling too much, and he had no way to feel better about it until Eddie got home.
Eddie would just know.
He’d pull him against his chest, run his hands up and down his back for a minute, then tug on his hair just right, just the way Steve craved.
It wasn’t enough to float, not even enough to drift a bit on the edge, but it was enough to make him feel like Eddie knew what he needed and would help as soon as he could.
“Your mom in the kitchen?” Eddie whispered against his head.
“She okay?”
“Yeah. Said we should be hearing anytime now about everything.”
“Did you talk about her treatments yet?”
Steve shook his head against Eddie’s chest.
“She doesn’t want to?”
Steve shook his head again.
“Want me to ask?”
“No. I just want you to be here with me when I do. Is that okay?”
“Of course it is, sunshine,” Eddie kissed the top of his head and pulled away so he could head into the kitchen to start making dinner.
It was smooth, or at least as smooth as it could be with an extra person in the house who was toeing the line between welcome and nuisance.
Eddie was making steak salad tonight, at his mom’s request, because he was incredible and a small part of Steve loved seeing that Eddie was doing whatever it took to keep her happy, to keep the peace between them.
“Hi, Anne. How’s today been?” Eddie asked as he moved towards the fridge to pull everything out to start prepping.
“It’s been another day, Edward. How was your day?”
“Had another first tattoo today. Those are always interesting,” he sent a knowing look to Steve, who was shaking his head slowly.
“Oh? Do you get them often?”
“Honestly, no. Steve was my first first in a while. This was a friend of a friend who only trusted me to do it.”
Steve froze.
Somehow, Steve had managed to hide his tattoos from his mom the entire time. He’d been wearing Eddie’s hoodies around the house and long sleeve shirts and blazers or jackets for the meetings.
Eddie must have realized what happened as he turned to see Anne’s eyes searching Steve’s visible skin.
“You have a tattoo?”
“I have two.”
“Steven, tattoos aren’t very professional for your line of work.”
Eddie was standing at attention now, ready to step in the moment Steve needed him, but waiting for a signal of any kind.
“I got them in places that can be hidden. You haven’t seen them the entire time.”
“What could you possibly have gotten tattooed?”
“Will made me a sun painting and I decided I wanted it as a tattoo. Eddie did it on my wrist. Then I got a robin done.”
“This is the Will that you helped?”
“Can I see?”
Her voice was much gentler now, almost too kind compared to what Steve was used to when she was disappointed in him.
Steve rolled the sleeve of his hoodie up, holding it out towards his mom as she sat at the table.
She took his wrist and turned it back and forth as she looked at the sun.
“He’s quite talented,” she said softly.
“He is.”
“I’m proud of you, Steve.”
Steve’s heart stopped, his eyes widened, and he felt his eyes flood with tears.
His parents had never said that to him, not when he made the varsity basketball team a year earlier than most people do, not when they won a championship, not when he made swim team captain as a junior, not when he graduated high school, not ever.
He’d stopped expecting to hear it eventually, especially when he’d cut himself off from them.
But some part of him, probably his inner child who had craved hearing those words for his entire life, felt incredibly overwhelmed at the way his mother was looking at him with tears in her eyes.
He distantly heard Eddie walk out of the room, and he struggled with the combination of feelings of relief and anxiety knowing that he wasn’t right there.
“I’m sorry I don’t tell you more, or ever, I guess. I know you’ve deserved to hear it so much. I guess-” she took a shaky breath. “I guess it was easier for me to pretend I wasn’t proud because I had no hand in your accomplishments. It was selfish of me to think that way, and I know that no amount of apologies will make up for it, but I let my job and your father dictate my entire life to the point that I forgot my son needed me.”
“Let me finish first, please,” she held her hand up to stop him. “As I’ve been working on this entire situation, I’ve read through the interviews the school board conducted with Will, with his mom, with his brother, with other students, with the principal. Everyone loves you, everyone is on your side. Your own principal said the school would never be the same if you weren’t given another chance, that they would never find anyone as valuable as you are. The place I went to lunch the other day saw my last name and asked if I was related to you, and when I told them I was your mom, they gave me lunch for free because you helped the owner rebuild his shed when a snowstorm collapsed the roof last winter. And Eddie. Honey, that boy looks at you like you’re his sun. I cannot believe you’ve only been together a couple weeks. I don’t think I’ve ever felt the way you two feel about each other. Robin wanted to kill me when I walked into your apartment, and I assume it’s because she knows I haven’t ever been a good mom to you, and she’s right for wanting to protect you like that. I was never around to protect you, and probably caused more pain than anything, and I will spend as much time as it takes to try to make up for it.”
Steve was crying, the tears running down his face, soaking his hoodie, his vision so blurry he could barely even see that his mother was crying, too.
She stood up and pulled him against her, her head resting against his shoulder, his head resting against the top of her head.
“Honey, I’m so sorry,” she sobbed into his hoodie, her voice muffled but still audible.
“Why wasn’t I enough to be proud of?” Steve asked, his voice breaking.
“Oh, darling, you were. I promise you were. This isn’t anything you did wrong, or didn’t do well enough, this is all me failing you. You deserved to know I was proud of you, but I didn’t stop to think about how much not telling you would hurt you. That was my fault, not yours., you understand?”
Steve nodded, letting out another sob.
Suddenly, Eddie’s hand was on his lower back, and Steve’s body instantly relaxed.
“Sorry to interrupt, but your phone keeps ringing, and I figured it must be important if they keep trying,” Eddie said quietly, softly, the gentlest interruption he could possibly have made to their moment.
Steve pulled away sniffling, wiping his eyes as his mother did the same.
He reached for his phone, a new set of vibrations alerting him to another phone call.
“Hello?” Steve answered, hoping his voice didn’t give away the emotions of the last 15 minutes.
“Mr. Harrington, so sorry to keep calling like this, but I wanted to make sure to reach you before the school board official called.”
Principal Graves’ voice sounded excited, barely containing something that Steve hoped was good news.
“Is everything okay?”
“They’re going to be calling with the scheduled hearing for all parties involved today. They only do this when they’re pretty sure about reinstating someone, so I have a very good feeling you’ll be coming back to work within the next week.”
Steve started crying again.
Eddie and his mom looked at him concerned, but he gave them a wet smile to show that he was okay.
“I’ll get to talk to Will there?”
“This is why you’re the only person qualified for this job. The person filling in for you doesn’t believe in weekly sessions with students, says it causes students to become too attached to the counselor and services. I can’t wait to see her go. You didn’t hear that from me though.”
Steve let out a laugh, his tears finally slowing down, and his head falling to rest on Eddie’s shoulder.
“I miss my kids,” Steve admitted, closing his eyes when Eddie’s hand rubbed up and down his back comfortingly.
“They miss you. We all do. We owe a lot to your mother for how quickly this has turned in your favor. This could have gone on for another month at the rate they wanted to do things. She’s an impressive woman.”
Steve watched as his mother sat back down at the table to write something down in her notes with a smile.
“Yeah, she is.”
He wrapped up the call so he could be available for the school board call, thanking the principal multiple times for her help. He knew she struggled with filing a report at all, that she was only doing her job.
When he hung up, he explained everything to Eddie and his mom, getting interrupted halfway through by a kiss from Eddie, their teeth clacking together because of the broad smiles on both their faces.
When the call from the school board came through, Steve was sitting on the couch while Eddie prepared dinner in the kitchen, having a casual conversation with his mom while she worked at the dining room table.
On Monday, his entire future would be decided, and hopefully, he’d be back in his office to make a difference.
When Monday came, Robin and Chrissy met Eddie and Steve at the school board office an hour early.
“Your mom coming?”
“She had a phone call with her doctor this morning so she should be here soon,” Steve said.
They’d talked over dinner a few nights before about her treatments, and how she had been putting it off for work, but also putting it off because she was scared. Steve told her she had to take care of herself, that her health needed to take priority, and if she needed to have support through it, he would be there.
Eddie took it a step further, and offered her the guest room during her treatments so she didn’t have to be alone.
Steve loved him so much.
“Should we wait inside?” Chrissy asked, holding onto Robin’s hand.
“You guys go in. I just wanna talk to Steve for a second,” Eddie said, wrapping his arm around Steve’s waist.
Chrissy smirked, but didn’t say anything as she guided Robin inside.
Steve turned to Eddie, nervous smile on his face.
“What is it, baby?”
“I just wanted to say that no matter what, I’m in this with you. We’ll figure it out if things don’t go as planned, and nothing with us is going to change. You’re an incredible person and counselor, sunshine, and if they can’t see that, they don’t deserve you,” Eddie pecked his lips quickly to emphasize his words.
“Thank you, Eds. I love you.”
“I love you, sweetheart.”
With one more quick kiss, they parted, and made their way inside to find the room the hearing would take place in.
When they found it, the Byers were already there, and Will looked ready to vibrate out of his seat when he noticed Steve walk in.
He looked to Joyce, silently begging for permission to go to Steve. When she nodded with a smile, Will shot up out of his seat, nearly tripping on his own feet to run towards him.
Steve nearly fell backwards with the force of the hug, Will’s arms wrapping around him as he let out a sob. Eddie held them both up as Steve found his balance again, smiling down at them.
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have said anything to anyone. Mom’s trying to put together a fund for you so you can still pay your bills and Jonathan booked a show and the band is gonna give up their money from it to help you. And I made you a painting, but I couldn’t give it to you because Mom said it would possibly be worse if we tried to talk to you while they did everything. And I hate the new counselor, she’s terrible. She said if I need weekly services I should see a therapist and didn’t understand that we can’t afford one, that’s why I talk to you, but she just kept saying there are ‘resources for people in poverty’ which, we know, but they’re terrible and there’s a long wait list or else I would have already tried and-”
“Woah, buddy. Take a deep breath.” Steve helped him take a couple deep breaths and smiled down at Will. “It’s gonna be okay. Even if today doesn’t go well, I can still help you somehow. And you don’t have to worry about the money, you guys are amazing, but I’m doing fine.”
“Mom brought you a check already today. You can’t leave without it.”
Steve shook his head.
“Keep it. Use it for art supplies or something. I’ve got my bills paid and if today goes well, I’ll be back to work very soon.”
Will looked like he wanted to continue to argue, but Anne walked in, followed by Principal Graves and a few school board officials that Steve recognized as the interviewers for the case.
“You must be Will,” Anne said as she walked up to them.
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Oh, don’t do that. I fear I’m looking much older than I wish to these days and that doesn’t help. I’m Mr. Harrington’s mom, Anne.”
“Nice to meet you, Mrs. Anne.”
“You’re an outstanding artist, Will. I’d love to commission you for a piece for my office when you are done with school for the year.”
Will’s jaw dropped, and Steve couldn’t help the little giggle he let out.
His mother had only told him about that plan the day before, and he wholeheartedly agreed with it.
“Like, for money?”
“Of course. We’ll discuss it more when we get past this little bump in the road, okay?”
Will nodded, his mouth still open in shock.
“Attention everyone, please take your seats so we may begin,” a loud, deep voice echoed through the room.
Everyone followed instructions quickly, silent agreement that this needed to be over with as soon as possible.
Steve was nervous. He’d done okay up until this point, relying on his mom to explain technical things to him and Eddie to help him stay grounded and relaxed as much as possible.
But neither of them could do that now. Now, it was up to everyone at the front of the room to make a decision, a decision they probably already made, that would determine if Steve left here with a job or without one.
“As all of you know, I am the lead official investigator for this case, Mr. Hammond. We have spent many days conducting individual interviews with all parties present, as well as group interviews and other individual interviews with students and teachers at the school. We are here today to allow both sides to state anything they may have left out during interviews before we make our final recommendation on Mr. Harrington’s employment.” He cleared his throat before turning to look at Joyce and Will. “We will begin with you both. You are not required to add anything, but if you feel there is anything else you’d like to say, now is your chance.”
Will stood up immediately.
“I’d like to say something, please.”
The group in front nodded.
“Mr. H has been the best thing about school for me. He’s helped me really feel comfortable with myself, and helped me make new friends, and helped me understand that my art can be special to me and can provide a future for me if I try hard enough. No other counselor or teacher has ever been there like he has. My grades have suffered since he was sent home,” he sighed. Steve didn’t know that, and he felt anger rise up as he thought of the counselor in his place turning Will away while he struggled. “I haven’t been able to focus on my portfolio. I get encouragement from my mom, but she works hard and sometimes it’s just nice for someone who isn’t related to me to offer their support. Mr. H was that support for me, and no matter what decision you make today, I know he will do his best to still give it to me in whatever way he can.”
“Thank you, Will.” A woman next to Mr. Hammond gave him a smile. “Anything else?”
“No, thank you.”
Will sat down and Joyce hugged him, whispering something into his ear that no one could hear.
“Mr. Harrington, now is your chance to speak. You may say anything you wish to discuss your actions.”
Steve looked at Anne, who nodded at him encouragingly. They’d agreed the day before that she would only step in if things got ugly, and it seemed calm enough that he could speak on his own.
“Thank you,” he said as he stood. “I believe I spoke a lot during my interviews about how much my students, not just Will, mean to me. I got into this profession because I want to be a support for kids who may not always have it. That isn’t to say Ms. Byers doesn’t support him, but she’s a hardworking single mom, and it does take a village to raise a child, as we all know. When I first met Will, he barely spoke to anyone, he was barely passing his classes, and he was on his way to being a statistic that doesn’t look good for the community, the school, or himself. After a few sessions, he started opening up a bit more to me, and I saw a major improvement in his grades. He started making friends, he started becoming more involved in school activities like art club, and even got encouraged to apply for an elite art program. As you all are aware, his mother barely makes enough money to pay the necessary bills, and an art program like the one Will deserves to be a part of requires a lot of funding just to apply. He came to me as a trusted person to ask for help, which is something we encourage all students to do without fear of punishment. Instead of that happening, he was punished. I was punished as well, and trust me, it’s been difficult, but this entire time, I’ve been worried more about the impact this will have on Will.”
Steve looked over at Will, who was wiping tears from his face.
“My boyfriend Eddie was the one offering financial assistance. If you remember, he knew the Byers before we were even together. He knows what Will is capable of and didn’t want him to lose out on a big opportunity for his future because of a couple hundred dollars. I supported them because Will deserves it. If our job is to care for these kids, and make sure they have bright futures, then that’s what we did. Punishing any of us for it seems like the opposite of what our mission is. It’s been a privilege to be able to provide Will, and many other students, a safe place to be themselves, and I hope to continue to do that in this school.”
Steve sat down before anyone responded, his mom squeezing his shoulder and Eddie taking his hand.
“Thank you, Mr. Harrington. If you would give us all a few minutes to deliberate in the other room, we will be back shortly,” Mr. Hammond said seriously.
As they filed out, Steve’s nerves grew exponentially.
His legs were bouncing up and down until Eddie’s hands were on his knees, putting pressure on them to keep them still.
“Look at me, Stevie. That’s it, good boy,” Eddie whispered to him. Anne was busy speaking with Joyce and Will, so they were practically alone. “You did amazing. They’d be idiots not to reinstate you. If you’re not back in your office tomorrow, I’ll move us to another school district so you can find a new job. Will can come, too.”
Steve let out a small giggle at the thought of moving their entire lives just so he could have another chance to be a counselor somewhere.
“Everyone here knows you did the right thing. That’s what matters most. We’re all proud of you.”
Steve nodded.
He looked behind him at Robin and Chrissy, who both waved when he looked back, their hands still clasped between them.
He sat silently for a few minutes, looking down at his lap, trying to believe Eddie’s words, but not get his hopes up too much in case things went badly.
The door opened.
The group walked in.
No one’s face gave anything away.
Steve’s nerves grew, but Eddie’s hand in his kept him here.
“Thank you for your patience,” Mr. Hammond stated. “At this time, will Mr. Harrington please stand?”
Steve stood, his legs wobbling slightly as he let go of Eddie’s hand.
He felt every eye on him.
“Mr. Harrington, you understand that this has all been following a very strict policy in regards to confidentiality and personal relationships with students?”
“Yes, sir.”
“You understand it was our responsibility to fully investigate all claims made to ensure the safety of the student in question?”
“Yes, sir.”
“You understand that reinstatement of your position will still show this investigation on your record?”
Steve heard Will cheering before he truly registered what was being said.
“I’m sorry?”
Mr. Hammond smirked. The rest of the group was smiling at him.
“You’ve been reinstated as of today. You may resume your position as guidance counselor as early as tomorrow. Please keep in mind any future claims will require an immediate suspension of duties. Please stay here while the paperwork is drawn up for signatures. Thank you all for your cooperation.” Mr. Hammond turned to Will. “And good luck to you, Will. Your art is quite spectacular and deserves a place in that art program.”
“Thank you!” Will said, maybe a bit too loudly for the location and occasion, but it just made everyone let out laughs at his excitement.
Eddie was suddenly pulling him into his arms, kissing the top of his head and saying so many lovely things that Steve could barely hear.
“You’re incredible, oh my God, I’m so happy for you,” he whispered into his ear before Anne got in between them.
“Let me hug my son!” She said half-jokingly. Eddie let him go so he could be enveloped in his mom’s arms. “I’m so proud of you, honey. I knew you’d be fine.”
“Probably not without you,” Steve admitted.
“Maybe, maybe not. Important thing is you get to go back to work and make a difference for these kids, right?”
He nodded and then got wrapped up in Robin’s arms.
“You did it dingus! You get to be back with the rugrats!” She was bouncing up and down, making the hug a bit awkward, but Steve was used to her energy.
“Congrats, Steve. I’m so happy for you,” Chrissy added from behind her.
Steve felt loved.
So many people came to support him, to show him that no matter what decision was made, they were on his side. That he mattered.
But he didn’t really start crying until Will was hugging him again, thanking him over and over again for being the best and for not giving up and for caring so much.
He let Will sit next to him while he signed all the paperwork, his mom reviewing everything before he did so.
Will was telling him all about the piece he started working on in art club, and how he thought it was good enough for his portfolio, but kind of wanted to get his opinion first. Steve listened, unable to stop smiling at his excitement.
It was contagious, the excitement.
Everyone in the room seemed to feel it, all of them practically bouncing in place as they waited for Steve to finish.
When he did, Anne took everyone out to a celebratory brunch, bribed Joyce to keep Will out of school for the whole day with the promise of the best mimosas she’s ever had.
As Steve rode home after in the passenger seat of Eddie’s car, he looked down at his sun tattoo.
Somehow, despite every cloud in the way, he was still shining.
“You okay, sunshine?” Eddie was looking over at him out of the corner of his eye, a smile pretty much permanently plastered on his face since the decision was made.
“I’m perfect,” he replied.
He’d never been perfect before. He’d never thought perfect was attainable.
But perfect to him wasn’t the lack of problems or imperfections, it was knowing that even with them, he was happy.
He felt bright. He felt warm. And with Eddie next to him, he felt like the sun.
TAG LIST: @invisibleflame812 @inmoonywetrust @captain-daryn @carlyv @lillemilly @spectrum-spectre @raisedbylibrarians @estrellami-1 @gregre369 @mightbeasleep @imhereforthelolzdontyellatme @bornonthesavage @loguine-linguine @bejeweledbaby @bisexualdisastersworld @eddiemunsonswife @sadcanadianwinter @messrs-weasley @i-write-stories-not-sins-bitch @maya-custodios-dionach @sleepyboosstuff @novelnovella @f1ct1onwh0re @croatoan-like-its-hot @shrimply-a-menace @crazyhatlady86 @izzy2210 @phirex22 @crypticcorvidinacottage @yourebuckingkiddingme @sydthekid2004 @lovelylilbadone @abydell921 @wildflower-faun @lydi-cyan @lololol-1234 @221b-fandom @carlajim98 @azure-and-gold @space-invading-pigeon @crying-trashcan @hellomynameismoo @mrsjellymunson @lichenettic-pos
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Shadows and tears
So this is a series about Azriel and reader. English is not my first language so please excuse any mistakes. I hope you like it!
Summary: Reader is a tortured soul who barely escaped the brutality of the Illyrian camps finding shelter in the Day Court. Her identity was well hidden until she caught the attention of the Night Court’s Shadowsinger. Will the mating bond be enough for their love to settle in?
Warnings: angst, mentions of abuse and trauma
You don't need a tissue box.....yet
Prologue , Chapter 1 , Chapter 2 , Chapter 4 , Chapter 5 , Chapter 6 , Chapter 7 , Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10
Chapter 3
Three sisters for three brothers
After a long bath to clear your mind, you decided that you had enough of sulking around, you needed to get out of the house even if it meant you were going alone. You started tracing your hands all over the dresses Mor gifted you trying to find the perfect one, the dresses were scandalous, but they didn’t shock you, living in Illyrian camps where the warriors and the women most of the time wore outfits that left almost nothing to the imagination you were used to it. You chose a low-cut midnight black dress that showed off your cleavage, your back was bare, and it reached mid-thigh. You pulled your hair in a high ponytail and wore matching midnight black heels. You stared at the mirror, you didn’t mind the scars you had, after one year in the day court they had faded and you only felt stronger now, wearing your scars like a true fighter. You thought of Helion and how he helped you see the scars this way and felt nostalgic, by this time you and him would be sitting on the balcony staring at the city with two glasses of wine. You shook those thoughts away when someone knocked on your door. “Come in” you shouted expecting to see Rhysand, but it was Mor who walked in wearing a similar dress to yours but red. “The house hinted me that you were planning to go get some drinks. Now I can’t say that I’m not a little hurt that you didn’t invite me but anyway would you like some company?” She said with a smirk “Yes I would like that, I just didn’t want to pull anyone of you from your schedules” you replied staring at your feet “nonsense we have to get to know you baby” she winked.
You two walked in the main room heading for the door, when you saw Azriel with that girl sitting on the couch laughing. You noticed how domestic and comfortable they looked, him staring at her eyes with a smile, his hand on the back of the couch behind her and her laughing leaning towards him. What you didn’t expect was that Azriel’s shadows weren’t there around him. He must be so comfortable that he doesn’t need them. You thought. They realized someone had walked in and turned to look at you. You could swear that Azriel took a sharp breath when he saw you, staring at your figure and the way the dress hugged your body.
“We are going out” was all that Mor said offering a tight annoyed smile and she grabbed your hand leading you outside. After you exited the wards, she winnowed you right outside of a place called Rita’s or at least that’s what the sign read.
“What was that?” you asked referring to her annoyance at the couple hoping you weren’t prying.
“Azriel and Elain…. Even though Rhysand ordered Az to stay away he doesn’t.” she replied with a scoff.
“But why?” you were utterly confused.
“Elain is Feyre’s older sister, and she has a mate that is not Azriel. I have so much to tell you, you don’t know anything about us” she replied and excitedly walked you both inside.
After way too many drinks and stories about everyone in the Inner Circle you were in tears some of them caused by sadness after Rhysand’s and Feyre’s story and others from laughter by the whole circus that is called warlord or Cassian or Cassie which was way too funny since he is literally a giant. The reference to the males as bat boys sent you into a fit of laughter and hiccups as you felt your head turning.
“Okay baby you had enough let’s get you back to the house” Mor said laughing. You decided that Mor could be a very good friend of yours and for the first time you felt sad about returning to the day court. Mor winnowed you back to the house and lead you to your room. “Goodnight baby” she said and left. You turned to walk into your room, but your shadows caught your attention they were trying to lead you somewhere so in your drunk state you decided to follow them tripping over your own feet, you managed to reach the balcony in way more time than you would soberly do and there he stood, Azriel in all his glory wearing his Illyrian leathers the moonlight falling on his sharp features, wings tightly tucked behind him staring the city. You know his shadows have already informed him about your arrival, but he doesn’t seem to bother as he keeps his cool stance, only turning his head slightly towards you. You moved beside him grabbing the rail. You stared at the view, the city was alive, laughter ringed in your ears, Sidra has never looked so good, illuminating the city lights and the figures of the people walking by, the moon was shining bright, decorated by the beautiful background of countless stars creating an almost purple colour around the sky. This scene could have jumped out of a painting, you could swear that it will probably be your favourite view, as you imagined this city being your home. You glanced at Azriel’s scarred hands gripping the rail tightly and maybe the alcohol took over but before you could stop yourself you took one of his hands, caressing his scarred skin with your thumb. He tensed and now you had his full attention, those hazel eyes staring deep into your own and his shadows hesitantly rising to cover his hand.
“Never hide your scars Azriel, they show the world that we are fighters” You muttered using your other hand to point at your own scars. His gaze darkened as he stared at the places you pointed to, his eyes lifted and softened when he captured your own in a tense eye contact.
“Who did this to you?” he growled.
“We all have our monsters” you replied and then pointed at his hands with your glance, “who did this to you?” you copied him.
“We all have our monsters” he smirked. You scoffed but he didn’t miss the amusement in your eyes earning a teasing smile. You wondered why he never smiles, he is indeed a stunning male but when he smiles? He looks like something made from an artist’s imagination.
“I wonder what I did to deserve to meet you… sometimes I think the cauldron is playing me” he replied taking a step back, his eyes never leaving yours.
“What do you mean?” you sent him a questioning look.
“I never thought I would meet someone who can understand the pain I’ve been through” he replied and took a seat on the ground his back resting on the wall behind him, his wings relaxed. You followed him taking a seat beside him, resting your head on his shoulder. Your own wings bumping into his but it didn’t bother either of you.
“Show me your monsters shadow singer” you breathed. “I can’t” he paused “they will haunt you forever”. “Will it make a difference? Mine already do” you replied with a sad smile. You felt him tense. “If I could, I would slaughter each one of them”
“How come you’re so open to me today?” you asked curiously.
“You won’t remember anything tomorrow angel” he replied with a chuckle knowing how drunk you are. Your lack of reply made him turn to look at you, he smiled noticing that you were fast asleep on his shoulder. He selfishly wanted to stay there all night but when he felt you shiver from the cold, he picked you in his arms and walked to your room. After taking off your heels and covering you with your duvet he left the room walking into his own, straight into the bathroom splashing cold water on his face. No this can’t be right. Three sisters for three brothers that must be it. He thought as he got ready for bed.
Three sisters for three brothers.
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nerdycanible1 · 4 months
Am back! :D
Omg guys! Almost forgot I had this ((joking)) but nah seriously! It had been years since I've posted anything here! 💀
Anyways imma go back to my roots!! Y'all remember the days of Legend of Korra where I've only simped for Lin Beifong? 👀 But I've found a new lady, well not really but I've got a new love!!
So y'all remember (if not don't worry about it) the whole genderbent au thing I've created and it was female Tenzin and male Lin and stuff like that? Well I've got some stuff for y'all!
So first and foremost, this is Tenna. She is genderbent Tenzin (female Tenzin). She is literally so hot and I cannot stop drawing her! Currently working on the backstory and this will be nothing like tLoK, actually it will in some places but yes! A lot will be changed!
But look at her! She's gorgeous! 🥺 Also I just wanted to show y'all my improvement of art over the years! QwQ it has improved so much and I'm so proud! Anyways I'll stop rambling and let ya get to the photo!
Tenna: 55 years old
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Tenna in swimsuit enjoy 🗿
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Side note: Tell me this isn't the most Tenzin expression ever xD
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Anyways, my thoughts are simple. Make hot women. :D I am smooth brained and frankly I've been a simp for my genderbent Tenzin for years.
I wanted to update her concept instead of the one I've created years ago (plz forget that 💀) and frankly I love this version better. She looks kind, soft, hot, and first and foremost Tenzin-ish.
What I have for her so far:
She is 51-50 just like Tenzin in tLoK
She has one confirmed boy that I've come up with and one confirmed girl.
Their names are Jin (Jinora) and Ming (Meelo). I haven't come up with anything else for the kids as of yet.
She is pansexual. No discussion on this xD
She is currently in a relationship with Peng (Pema). But ma'am is known to wander around.
Tenna is also more in tune with her nomadic life style instead of the whole business stuff.
Tenna left RC at the ripe age of 16, leaving Ling (Lin) in the process but no hate. It was a mutual break up. Ling wanted to keep RC safe and promised Tenna that everything would still be up and running whenever she wanted to settle down.
Tenna fell in love with an air acolyte (whom I haven't decided to name as of yet) and stayed there for a year before the world called for her once more. It was a short but painful romance, one that Tenna often thinks about.
Once she was back on the road she fell in love with a non bender (Not Peng yet), got pregnant and went to RC for Air Temple Island. She stayed on the island for a few years raising her newborn son Jin.
Ling helped with all he could, being there for Tenna, taking care of her and feeding her and dealing with her grumpiness. He took care of her and once the baby was born, Ling knew he would protect the child as if he were the one to help make the baby.
Tenna couldn't have thanked Ling enough and felt horrible she was "holding him back" from finding his true love. Ling wanted to confess right then and there that he loved her but knew it wasn't the right time.
During the time of the whole pregnancy and the raising of Jin, Ling and Tenna fell into a romance. Stealing kisses, sharing deep secrets, touches that crossed the very thin line of friendship.
It wasn't until Jin started talking and walking that Tenna thought it would be a great time to start exploring the world. Jin barely being the age of 3 or 4. Ling confessed to her that he loves her and that she wished she'd stay for him but told her it was a selfish request. He instead kissed her goodbye and told her to look at the Northern Lights for her on one of her trips. Tenna never felt such sadness and sorrow but she promised to keep in touch. She watched as Ling got smaller and smaller as the boat began to leave the harbor and leave behind her very best friend and lover.
Sorry friends but this is where imma stop it before I bore you! Let me know if you want more Headcanons or if you want more art of this fine wine of a milf!
Send me asks, or ask simply in the comments or Dms about any of this au. I'm happy to reply and I'm excited to say that I'll be posting here regularly soon! And you know of course that there's gonna be more Lin Beifong art so prepare yourselves!
As usual, all art belongs to me. If reposted please credit. Thank you!
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horseshoegirl · 1 year
Damn Those Dog Tags - Part 4: Long Cool Woman In a Black Dress
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AN: I won my battle with writer's block! (Thank you, @tinytotontheoversizedpony!)
It's a little self-fulling to use this song as a fic title, but hey, it fits the vibe.
I think you're going to like this one 👀💛
❗️18+, strong language, alcohol mentions, sexual themes, godmother reader/original female character, Original child character.
#4.7K Words
Part 3 | Masterlist | Part 5
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Fridays seemed to be the worst day of the week. That was your current mood as you smoothed down the corners of your dress and straightened your leather jacket, making your way up the steps of the Child Protective Services building. 
They told you they wanted to meet to review some information, whatever the hell that meant. With the paperwork, or there was a stipulation in Ridley’s Will or worse, someone wanted to take her away from you. The nerves in the pit of your stomach were on fire with the idea something was wrong.  
And you received the request on one of the few days you could actually pick Sadie up from school. The minute you hung up your phone and pressed the edge of it to your forehead, you thumped lightly against your skin, thinking it would will away the uneasiness settling in your stomach. 
“Ah, pity, I was hoping Bradley was picking Sadie up today.” 
‘Oh, please tell me you didn’t, Bradley, ’ you thought upon hearing that voice. Forcing a smile, which you were sure looked more like a grimace, you turned to face what you believed to be the Regina George of all elementary school moms. 
“Hello, Courtney.” 
Courtney Slack, the one mom in the school who made it her business to know everyone’s business. A blonde bombshell always dressed to the nines, who always had a comment, a thing or a statement to say about everyone and everything thing. The leader of the PTA association and the mom of the girl who bullied Sadie on her first day of school. 
You’d be having words with Bradley the next time you saw him. 
“Still single, I see?” she snarked. “Shame Sadie doesn’t have a strong father figure to look up to.” 
Oh, you’d already be thrashing her into the pavement if you were a violent person. You were about to make a remark about Sadie’s numerous Uncles who literally risked their lives to make sure someone like her could live out her days being a bitch, before someone came up beside you. 
“Still sticking your nose where it doesn’t belong, Courtney?” Alyssa suddenly pipped up next to you. Alyssa, a single mother of a boy named Will around Sadie’s age, was one of the first people to introduce herself when Sadie first arrived at the school. Sadie instantly took a liking to Will, and you liked Alyssa the second you met her. 
She was uncaring of what people thought of her, pulling up in punky Doc Martins and patched-up jean jackets to student-teacher conferences and school events. She saved you from what you both liked to call Courtney’s group, the “Vanderpump Vulture Moms,” on your first school bake sale, Bob and Nat helping you stay up late one night to frost the hell out of a few dozen cupcakes. 
“Can’t I take an interest in who my children go to school with?” 
“Well, it looks like you need to go collect your spawn,” She coughed, “I mean, child from the playground. I believe he’s interested in shoving a stone up a kid’s nose.” 
Failing miserably to hold in your snickers at the look on Courtney’s face, you watched as she turned frantically to find her son before calling his name and running off in hysterics. Alyssa gave in first, barely hanging on to her resolve and toppling over in laughter. You couldn’t help but join her, lulling your nerves for a moment with being able to laugh. 
After a few seconds, she touched your shoulder, “I heard your phone call. I’m sure it’s nothing, maybe a follow-up to ensure everything is okay.” 
You shook your head, looking at the kids exiting the recess doors. 
“I just got her. It could be anything from a check-in to a notice of whatever they want to do with her. Rarely do they care about the kids.” 
You spied Sadie’s lime green backpack amongst the crowd. Will was not far behind as they searched for the pair of you. They liked to race each other out the door to see who could get to you first. When she did reach you, she almost always knocked you flat onto the pavement, hugging you. You eagerly returned her hug but frowned when she kept burying her head into your stomach when you went to pull back.
“What’s wrong, Bug?” 
“We have a surprise project due on Monday,” Will sighed next to you. Sadie pulled back, nodding at him, clearly upset at the thought she might have to do homework over a weekend. 
“We’re going to miss our last hike, Aunt Liz,” She pouted. 
This weekend was your last chance for a hike until the Spring. While Miramar didn’t really see snow, the weather had started turning slightly cooler. Soon enough, the bugs wouldn’t be out for Sadie to find. With the unexpected visit to CPS, she would no doubt have to miss it. 
“And my hockey game,” Will echoed, dropping his head with a frown.  
Alyssa ruffled Will’s hair, smiling down at Sadie. “Why don’t you come over tomorrow after school? You can set up at the dining table and do your project with pizza.” 
You gave Alyssa a grateful look, mouthing ‘Thank you’ as Sadie and Will excitedly started planning how they would tackle their assignment so they could do their respective activities. 
Alyssa shrugged, waving her hand. “Go figure out what they want, and don’t worry about her. We’ll ensure that assignment gets done for your hike and Will’s Hockey Game.”
So, while Sadie worked over at Will and Alyssa’s to finish her project, you tried to calm your nerves as you waited at the reception desk to check in for the appointment. 
They made you wait for what you thought was hours, but it couldn’t have been more than 15 minutes. You did everything from bouncing your leg to circling your thumbs to scrolling aimlessly on your phone until they finally called your name.
You were ushered into a stuffy office room, papers hazardously placed in manila file folders strung across the room. An older woman, Mrs. Kirkland, from her nameplate, had several precariously stacked on top of one another on her desk. She reminded you of your old high school librarian, peering at you over the top rim of her glasses when you coughed under your breath to get her attention. 
“Ms. Beck,” she gestured to the fold-out chair in front of her. You quickly removed your jacket, hooking it on the back of the chair before sitting down.  
She smiled at you before glancing at her laptop, asking, “How’s Sadie doing?” 
“Better. She’s adjusting well to her new school and seems to love science.” 
“That’s wonderful,” She didn’t bother looking up as she spoke, typing something away at her computer. You watched her type, suddenly meeting her eyes as she peered up at you, looking up and down your body before inquiring, “And yourself?” 
“It’s been hard without my sister, but my friends have supported me.” 
“Hmm,” she replied. “No man in your life?” 
Ugh, why did every older woman you meet like to comment on the fact that you were still single? 
“Just the two of us, I’m afraid,” you smiled politely. “What is it you wanted to speak about?” 
“Right,” she said, reaching down into her file cabinet to pull out a small folder. “A request was made to look into Sadie’s file.” 
The ball forming in your throat for the past twenty-four hours dropped into your stomach. “What does that mean?” 
“Well, our review process covers everything from the legitimacy of her birth mother’s Will to the handover of her guardianship. We have no complaints against you as her guardian, and we have on record you cared for Sadie greatly while you lived with your sister.” 
You swallowed hard. “Yes, that’s correct.” 
“So, this is just to ensure everything is in order and nothing was missed. Generally, the process takes a few weeks, but upon looking at this, I suspect our auditors won’t find anything out of place.” 
“Why would someone request this? Is it something internal you guys do?” 
Ms. Kirkland shuffled a few papers in her hand, reading what was on the page before replying, “I’m afraid this was external. Your sister was very thorough with her paperwork, so we did not need to do an internal review.” 
Everything about this was odd. You had no family left. What was the point of making sure her paperwork was in order? Ridley always wanted Sadie with you and nobody at the time, and after her death, wanted to challenge it. 
“I’m assuming you cannot tell me who requested you look into her file?”
“I’m afraid I cannot say who, only that the request came in two weeks ago.” 
Ridley’s townhouse sold two weeks ago, you thought. This was screaming more was going on than just a simple review. 
“As we have no more concerns, you are free to go. We just needed to inform you of the request.” 
Resisting the urge to roll your eyes, you dug your nails into your legs instead, reaching to grab your bag off the floor. “And you couldn’t have explained this over a phone call?” 
“I’m afraid it’s our policy to do these things in person to avoid miscommunication.” 
You sighed, standing up and grabbing your jacket from the back of your chair. “Can you let me know when this is resolved?” 
“Of course.” 
You resisted the urge to slam the door as you exited the office and the building. While you knew deep down they wouldn’t find anything wrong with the paperwork or Ridley’s Will, you were still worried about who exactly put in the request.
Even with the anxiety racing through your veins as you raced back down the front steps to your car, eager to escape the miserable place, you couldn’t help but grumble out, “Policy, my ass.”
Seeing you at the Hard Deck outside of work, unless you were with one of the Daggers, was unusual. But your nerves were on fire, you were dying for a drink, and you desperately wanted to confide in Penny. 
It wasn’t as busy as it should have been for a Friday after four, but the music playing from the Jukebox did wonders for the atmosphere.  You spied Jake and Coyote at the back by the dartboard in their service khakis as soon as you walked in, Coyote attempting to throw a few darts while Jake was off to the side chatting with a brunette in just too tight of a light blue dress.
You couldn’t fault her for the blush staining her cheeks as she peered up at him. Jake used his looks to his advantage to get what he wanted. Arms flexed, cocky smirk, getting up and close into her personal space. She was buying it, given how close she angled herself toward him. 
Women really did fall into the palm of his hand, you thought.  
She embodied everything you figured you weren’t. The type to have it all figured out, not juggling school events, sports games, and pick-up times. She didn’t have long nights closing at the bar or trying to find someone to watch Sadie every week. Not that you would trade it for anything in the world. 
She was the type you’d imagine someone like Jake would finally end up with. Even if he was chatting her up to be the next name on his bedpost, you struggled to force out the idea that they looked good standing next to each other. Hot people went out with hot people, right?
You didn’t know whether you wanted to roll your eyes or pay attention to the ache in your chest. 
Penny smiled as you sat down but frowned upon seeing your face. 
“Can I get a glass of Whiskey, Penny? Neat, please.” 
She eyed you concerned, reaching down to grab a bottle of Jack Daniels and a glass. “You're not one to pop by for a drink?” 
“Somebody requested Sadie’s file to be looked into at CPS.” You threaded your fingers through your hair, locking them behind your head as you rest your elbows on the bar. 
Penny widened her eyes, placing the glass down in front of you. “Please tell me she’s staying with you?” 
You looked up and nodded. “I’m fine. They needed to notify me it happened.” 
“Can they tell you who?” 
“Nope,” you replied curtly before reaching for the glass and bringing it to your lips. The liquid burned, and you resisted the urge to cough. 
“I bet it's the school. Or one of the parents at the school.” 
Courtney’s face briefly popped into your head at Penny’s words, but you quickly shot it down. While she might be horrible, she wasn’t capable or invested in causing trouble. You shrugged. 
“Or Sadie’s bio Dad?” 
You frowned. Ridley always admitted getting involved with Tyler was a terrible idea, save for gifting her Sadie. He was, for all pretense, a dick. You had yet to meet someone who was his equal. From the stories you heard about how he was before they became a permanent team, not even Jake could top this guy’s attitude on a bad day. Tyler was pure malice. 
He wanted nothing to do with Sadie the moment Ridley found out. She had ensured you were listed as Sadie’s guardian the moment she was born, Tyler and his family written out of any responsibility or entitlements. You wouldn’t be surprised to learn if they tried to buy her off to save Tyler’s chances of making a career in Football, not that he really had any. 
“He wanted nothing to do with her when Ridley was pregnant, and I doubt Cathy and Dean want to be caring grandparents this late in the game.” 
They were some of the worst people in the world. You could gratefully count the number of times you had to deal with them on one hand. Sadie would never have to, not if you had your way. 
“Either way, I don’t think he’d get anywhere near Sadie if he wanted to.” 
Penny smiled fondly. “Bradley would be first in line to throw a punch.” 
You shook your head. “Don’t forget about Nat.” 
“I think Pete might try to get one in too.” 
You giggled with Penny at the thought. Mav would go to bat for Sadie in a heartbeat. 
You turned around on your bar stool to see Coyote waving you over, the leggy brunette gone, and Jake taking Javy’s place throwing darts. 
“Be careful with those two,” Penny said with a smirk, though it didn’t quite reach her eyes. 
Resisting the urge to frown, you simply picked up your drink while standing up, throwing over your shoulder, “You know I can take care of myself.”
“Yo, there’s Lizzie,” Coyote said, tapping Jake’s arm while watching you enter the Hard Deck and walk towards an empty stool. Jake turned his head in the middle of his conversation at the mention of your name, catching the side of your face as you greeted Penny.
The two of you had finished the dishes discussing your shared taste in music that night. You credited Ridley as the one who got you into 80s music - telling him the Jean Jacket had been hers, sharing how the three of you got lost coming home from a hike while she was visiting with Sadie, stumbling into that thrift store hoping for directions. He could recall you laughing when you told him she freaked out so hard in the store the owner practically gave it to her for free. 
While he’d never get the chance to, he wished he could thank Ridley for finding that Jacket. You didn’t judge him for his call-sign story as he suspected you would. Instead, you listened. You emphasized. You gave him credit for trying. And as everyone went to leave, you didn’t protest hugging him goodbye like everyone else. 
Deep down, a part of him was grateful you gave him a clean state. 
When the woman he had been talking to realized his attention had been drawn elsewhere, she scoffed and quickly returned to her friends after he didn't continue the conversation. He didn’t seem to care, wandering over to where Javy had resumed his stance.  
“What’s she doing here on her day off?” Coyote placed the darts into Jake’s hand, not removing his eyes from you. 
“She doesn’t normally come here on a day off?” Jake asked, starting to line up a shot. 
“Not unless she’s with one of us. Maybe she has a date.” 
Coyote took a swig of his beer, missing the way Jake dropped his hand and spun his head, eyes tracking the bar to see if anyone was joining you. But you were bowing your head, on the verge of pulling out your hair, staring at the top of the bar before replying to whatever Penny asked.
“What did you guys talk about that night?” 
Jake turned back to Coyote, raising an eyebrow and tilting his head while he raised his hand again. “Nothing I haven’t told you before.” 
Jake let the dart go, watching as it landed just above the center mark. “She thanked me for the flowers, for helping Sadie, and then we did the dishes.” 
“Just like that?” Javy questioned. “So you didn’t pull any of your insensitive shit around her?” 
“I wasn’t going to make her call me out twice. Not since you left me to deal with Phoneix and Rooster chewing out my ass.” He threw another dart, this one striking just above the last one. 
Coyote ignored the dig, watching him throw two more before asking, “So the flowers were..” 
“An apology, nothing more.” 
Javy eyed Jake skeptically, “And why do you suddenly care about saying sorry to someone you hardly know?” 
“Hey, I happen to like Sadie and Liz. And if the Daggers are spending Saturday nights over there, I’d like to improve my chances of being invited back.” 
Javy went to collect the darts from the board before turning around to stand in front of Jake, proceeding to square him up. 
“Be careful with her, Jake,” he said, placing the darts into his hand. “I’m not like the others, but you cannot fuck with Lizzie. She might put on a big show, but she’s more fragile than she looks. And Sadie’s a part of the equation too.” 
Jake regarded him briefly, thinking about the note Sadie gave him that he tucked into his wallet, before finally answering, “She told me she wasn’t interested in that.”
“Interested in a tumble in the sheets or being your friend?” 
“Shut up. I just want to be there for her and Sadie.” 
“Oh, so you wouldn’t mind if I called her over here to join us then?” 
“Javy!” Jake reached for Coyote’s arm, failing to stop him from lifting his hand. 
Jake grimaced as Coyote waved at you, quickly reaching up to throw another dart, this time half in frustration. It landed next to the metal circle encasing the center dot. 
You called out to greet them, and Jake couldn’t help but take note of how your dress lightly swayed as you maneuvered yourself between pulled-out chairs to get to them, leather jacket zipper straps swinging as you walked, and a pair of brown aviators dangling from where you had hooked them between your breasts.
He caught a glimpse of Penny’s glaring stare from behind you, and his conversation with her the week before meeting you played in his head. 
“She’s off limits, Hangman.” She had said as she thumped his beer bottle onto the bar. “You don’t go anywhere near this one, and I don’t care how many people you’ve helped throw out of this bar. I’ll never welcome you back, so help me. Not her.” 
The second it appeared you would look back up, he turned to throw another dart, this time Coyote holding up his hand to block his view. You watched Jake land the dart directly in the middle, slightly impressed. 
“So, this is your party trick?” you announced with a grin.
Coyote wolf-whistled as he approached you, holding out his hand to spin you in a circle, your dress swirling as you laughed. “You clean up nice, Lizzie. You meeting some special?”
Jake’s hand wobbled as he threw another dart, this time hitting the outer rim. 
“What? Oh no, I had a meeting with CPS.” 
Jake’s ears picked up at the statement, dropping his hand heavily to face you. “Is she okay? Are they threatening to take her away from you?” 
You shook your head, warmth spreading in your chest at his concern.  “It was harmless. They just wanted to pass along some information.” 
Jake turned to Coyote as you suddenly stepped towards the dartboard, seemingly interested in his score and leaving no room to continue the conversation.  Coyote looked at you with concern before glancing back at Jake, shaking his head. 
“You know how to throw?” Jake asked, not taking his eyes off Javy and tilting his head toward Penny. Javy nodded, quickly approaching the bar to see if Penny knew anything. 
“Oh, believe me, sharp objects and I do not mix,” you remarked, looking at his score before passing him as he went to collect the darts. You lent against the nearby pillar, pressing your glass to your chest. 
“You can’t be that bad,” he glanced over his shoulder, pulling the last dart from the board. 
“You’ve clearly never seen me on a good day. I’m a natural klutz,” you said, sipping your drink. Jake moved away from the board only to stop in front of you, holding out the darts in his hand.
 “Prove it.” 
You looked down, apprehensive of grabbing them. You accidentally drew blood the last time you threw a dart in Penny’s bar. You still felt horrible thinking about it, managing to skim a General’s forehead. To this day, you swore you’d never touch the things again. 
But then you took in Jake’s face, amused and assured, as if you were just being modest about being a bad shot. He clearly wasn’t going to let it go, shoving his hand out again to emphasize he was dead serious.
“I warned you,” you offered, placing your glass next to his bottle on a side table, shedding your jacket and glasses before grabbing a dart from his hand. 
You attempted to line yourself up with the center of the dartboard. At first, you stood sideways, cocking your arm back several times in an attempt to let the dart go. The angle felt too awkward, and your hand started to cramp from how long you took. Then you completely turned to face it, fiddling with your grip while trying to fix your eyes between either the dart or the board. 
You managed to fake out three throws before deciding to give up.
Sighing, you dropped your hand, “Jake, I’m going to hurt someone if I throw this damn thing.” 
Jake tried to hold in his laughter, watching you struggle while leaning against the same pillar. He pushed himself off, uncrossing his arms before gently reaching for your wrist.
You looked at him, unsure, taking a step back,  “What are you doing?” 
Jake shook his head, reaching out again for your wrist. “Just trust me.”
You let Jake bring your hand up. His whole hand, warm and rough, engulfed yours as he positioned it where he wanted. You sucked in a breath through your teeth when you felt his fingers, barely grasping at your hip bone, pull you closer to him.
“Loosen your hand,” he squeezed, forcing you to attempt to calm the tension in your wrist. It was hard when you could only concentrate on the feeling of his chest lightly bumping your back. With each touch, you could feel yourself resisting the urge to lurch forward with a shiver racing up your spine. 
“Relax your shoulders.” He spoke, before tapping the heel of your boot with the top of his, making you take a step forward a bit. You gulped when you heard him say, “Widen your legs.” 
You breathed in through your mouth, forcing the exhale to drag your shoulders down. It was a few seconds before he murmured, “Close your eyes.” 
“Jake,” you warned. 
“There’s nobody around. I won’t let you hurt someone.” 
You sighed, closing your eyes and dropping your head slightly. Jake moved your hand again, softly squeezing once more. The hairs on the back of your neck stood up as you felt the heat of his breath travelling towards the left side of your jaw. 
“Throw it,’ he rasped into your ear. 
Jake loosened his hold on your wrist, feeling his calloused fingers trailing down your arm before lifting them off. The second his hand left your skin, you flicked your wrist forward as if his touch burned you. You refused to open your eyes, scared you might have hit someone or something old and well past its years on the wall. 
You sharply breathed through your nose before opening your eyes to glance at the board. 
The dart had managed to hit the center. You couldn’t help but smile. 
“How’s that?” he squeezed your hip. “Not as bad as you thought.” 
“No blood is a first,” you said, proud of yourself. 
Turning around to thank him, the words died on your lips as you felt his breath warm your face. Jake had yet to let you go, his hand still clutching your waist and his nose a few inches from grazing yours. 
The decision you made, standing in your front yard last Saturday while face to face with Jake, about never putting yourself in a position where he could break your heart, was far from your mind. You took in everything about him. His sandy hair, his jawline, his eyes which then met yours. 
Jake’s stare brought you back to standing with him in your kitchen, washing dishes, and seeing his soft smile for the first time. Facing off in your backyard to guess music, him twirling one of Sadie’s pencils in his hand while helping her with homework, handing her the yellow tulip in your hallway. 
Jake could no longer hear the chants of Penny and the rest of the Daggers saying to leave you alone in his head. They were being replaced with the pump of his heart, a feeling he only experienced while pulling Gs. And then your eyes, wide and bright, drew him in. 
They were kind and soft. The type to have experienced laughter and the type of smiles that would make someone’s face hurt. You were looking at him like he was more than the metal wings pinned to his shirt. More than the good-looking pilot from Texas. More than just Hangman. 
His eyes dropped to your lips, feeling your warm breath on his and noticing the subtle scent of the Whiskey you had slipped prior. Could he still taste it, he thought, if he just tilted his head a little further down? 
And then the barbell rang. 
Three times. 
Jake immediately stepped back, head turning towards the bar with the healthy fear Penny had rung the bell for getting too close to you. But she and Coyote were standing off with some unlucky guy whose face had turned beat red at the bar. He had no cell phone, so either he disrespected the Navy or a lady and was not pleased about buying a round. 
He squeezed your waist, winking at you with a grin, before letting go to join Coyote at the bar. You bit your lip, watching him pat the man on his shoulder before hooking his arm under his, easily carrying him off to the side door with Javy. 
“You okay, Liz?” Penny called out, your eyes snapping to her as she raised an eyebrow.
Despite not knowing what the frick just happened, you called back, “Yeah, I think so,” while gripping the corner of the pillar with one hand. 
If she asked you why your legs were wobbling, you'd blame the whiskey.
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@blue-aconite @tinytotontheoversizedpony @djs8891 @caitsymichelle13 @startrekfangirl2233 @emorychase @ereardon
@dempy @shanimallina87 @teacupsandtopgun @daggerspare-standingby @phantomxoxo @formulapierre @eli2447
@fulla02 @blckgrl-sunflower
Please let me know if I missed you or if you want to be added!
Might be a little bit before Part 5, as I suddenly got swarmed with work stuff before my work conference at the end of March, but I will try my best!
Wickett ;)
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herdivineopulence · 12 days
who am I? I’m just a girl 
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I am a first generation, first daughter to a Dominican woman who immigrated to the u.s in the early 90s, and the first daughter to an African American man with unhealed trauma from Brooklyn. LOL sorry but its the truth! We’ll talk about that later BUT yes, first daughter. That’s me! A 26 year old who’s doing her best at figuring this life out. I’m a virgo sun, taurus moon, & libra rising, a Venusian princess if you will <3 Im from the Bronx, but have lived in PA for most of my life. I have a younger brother, a kitty and a yorkie shitzu or chihuahua (its hard to tell xD). I’m a Lover girl at my core, Love is all I Live for. I live and die for this shit! It keeps me going, it literally gives me life. I am currently single and been single for such a long time… well technically only 5 months since my last “relationship” (at the time I’m writing this) but I don’t count that bc I literally felt nothing. Even the sex was mid LMFAOO, but I was with him bc he was the main one there really trying so I settled.. he also wasn’t everything I expected him to be, but we will definitely talk about that later too, I’ve been through a lot of heartbreaks.. its amazing that I’m still here! But i will say, i am truly blessed with platonic Love. I have such an amazing support team behind me, living and non living LOL. I have great friends, a wonderful mother, and overall a great tribe so far. But its time to expand. I need like minded people now that im entering a new phase in my life.
I Love anime, food, everything Venusian! FASHION, JEWELRY, HAIR SKIN NAILS, ROMANCE, oh the ROMANCE! PURE OPULENCE. But I still find myself not exactly where I want to be. This blog is something that has been in the works for idk how long… I made a actual blog website two years ago and only made one post and never posted again. I even had someone email me saying how they were eager for me to continue posting .. and I failed them :,(  But one thing I learned is to put myself first and be gracious and gentle with myself. I am a manifesting generator and for those who don’t know what that means, you can either look it up or stay tuned I’ll definitely put you on and teach you somethings, but long story short, I am not meant to stick to one thing, or do things that no longer excite me. So not being consistent is not a flaw but just my nature and how I function. Only when I follow my design will the things that excite me draw out the consistent energy needed to keep whatever I’m working on going longterm. Stopping and starting is normal too!
But I do know I need to be more disciplined and I really want to blog. I Love writing its my passion that I’ve recently discovered is what I absolutely Love & have since I was a preteen. I always have energy for it. I also have lots to share. As a 12H native with multiple planets there, being open and “exposing” myself is kind of hard. All my social media platforms have barely any followers. Except for twitter lol ( X ) that’s where I spend most of my time, but now its one of my goals to expand my horizons and expand my reach.I have so much to share, and I really want to jog my journey as well. The good thing is that I’m still at the beginning so to speak. I am starting over, AGAIN. Trial n Error, figuring out what I want, what works for me, what truly brings me happiness. that’s part of the journey & clearly part of my experience.
So here I am my Loves I hope this reaches the people that are meant to come across this. My goal is to build a community filled with like minded people to share my knowledge to those who really could use the information to better their lives. To learn! One thing about me I Love to learn, and I know i'll always be a student. Hopefully you can learn a few things from me, use me as an example, a role model, and your healer of hearts. Boy oh boy do i know how to heal a heart! I have so many goals, join me on my journey to accomplishing them all using all the tools we have at our disposal ; astrology, human design, witchcraft, law of attraction, health and beauty! Are you ready? HOP IN BITCH WE'RE LEVELING UP!
~ Aurora
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howtowhumpyourhiccup · 8 months
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Go To Sleep Little Baby
Summary: Written for AI-less Whumptober 2023 Day 26. Set in a Modern Magic AU. Hiccup’s uncontrollable magic has been with him since birth. As a baby, his parents were at a loss.
Warning: /
Rating: General
Characters: Hiccup, Stoick, Valka, Gothi
Pairing: Stalka
Words: 2 275
Fandom: How to Train Your Dragon
Prompt: Magical exhaustion or injury, Curse
Whumpee: Hiccup, Stoick, Valka
Author’s Notes: Went through a lot of ideas for Day 26, which all had to do with the same AU, but I eventually ended up settling on this one. Can't wait to finally share the main fic soon. :)
Also this fic originally ended at a little over 1,7k words. Now it's a little over 2,2k, lol.
Ever since the day he was born, Hiccup has been a difficult child. At 3 months old, all the boy has done is cry. Cry, cry, cry and hysterically so. Even with his belly full, his diaper clean, and after a nap, the screams would still erupt from his tiny lungs and his tears would fall. He’s not well.
Stoick and Valka took him to every doctor they could find with the same list of symptoms. He barely eats, he's almost constantly running a fever, and he's always crying. But no matter where they go, whether the clinic is on Berk or on the mainland, every visit ends with the same conclusion.
"He is as healthy as they come."
His ears are fine, his throat is fine, his belly isn’t tender, … Beyond a fever, there’s nothing physically wrong with him. Yet as fresh parents worrying about their first and stumbling through parenthood, it's a slap in the face each and every time.
Valka stomps to the car in a huff, Hiccup held securely to her bosom. It's one of the very few places where he might be persuaded not to cry. Even now he still sniffles, his lip trembling, and seeking solace in his mother’s embrace.
“Valka, wait!” Stoick hurries after her. His wife stormed out of the seventh or eighth doctor’s office with their son, she wouldn't even wait for him as she left.
She stops in the middle of the street to face him, a storm rages in her eyes. Stoick takes her arm and gently pulls her towards the parked car. He can see the tears she's struggling to blink away.
"I have to put him in the car seat, Stoick," she tells him, deciding against talking about the disappointing doctor's appointment. He knows why she tells him this. She's hesitating because the second she puts him down…
Stoick's gaze brings him to his son. Hiccup sleeps now, dressed in a baby blue onesie and tiny winter coat. It's been a cold and wet spring so far. Though it’s May, the warmer days still seem far away.
“Why can’t any of them help us, Stoick?” Facing the dread of putting their son down, Valka asks. “This doctor didn’t even want to look at our boy!”
The reminder makes Stoick clench his fists. It’s true. They had to beg for an appointment when they tried to deny them, simply stating “Babies cry!” And then, after they finally got one, the doctor barely examined Hiccup before declaring him perfectly healthy and sending them on their way. “First time parents, right?”
Valka wipes the tears from her eyes. They’re both exhausted after three months of literal hell. Hiccup isn’t the only one kept from his sleep by his crying. Not that a good night’s sleep would be a cure for just how draining listening to a constantly crying child can be. An infant can’t be reasoned with either. There’s a reason why he’s like this.
And now she’s stalling for time, not wanting to put Hiccup down. Because if they did…
He would simply erupt.
It’s like the world is just too much for the boy.
Stoick places a strong hand on his wife’s shoulder and she gazes up at him.
She blinks in confusion.
“What if our problem isn’t physical at all, lass?” He asks. “What if it’s magical?”
Valk stares down at Hiccup, flashes of his birth run to the forefront of her mind.
Her pregnancy had been strange. Not unexpected with two parents in possession of mystical abilities, though one underdeveloped. But even so, it was strange. She got,visions, remarkable dreams, her powers surged… And still, his birthday stands out like a sore thumb.
With every contraction, glass from windows and screens broke. She screamed, the lights overhead would flicker. She pushed, equipment would spark. It was like a scene out of a horror movie as the room descended into chaos. At least two nurses suddenly became unwell and the doctor came close to passing out. There was a power outage on the entire floor.
And then Hiccup arrived after nine long months. He cried and hasn’t stopped since. The only way to make him stop is if his parents cradle him. His parents and no one else. The nurses came to call him “devil spawn” when they thought his parents weren’t listening.
“Maybe you’re right,” Valka agrees. Maybe they never should’ve left Berk in the first place.
Elder Gothi was the oldest woman on Berk at the young age of 500 years old.
Or that is what they think her age is. She could be much older than that, she never gives a specific number when asked.
She is a witch, the wisest their tribe has ever seen. She is capable of a great many things, impossible things. So perhaps, she’s the best person to help these troubled parents with their bundle of joy.
Hiccup is once again a hysterical wreck. Lying on Gothi’s table in just his diaper now. He uses every ounce of his little lungs to scream. His face is a deep red and a mess of tears and snot. His fists and toes are clenched and his limbs still as if tensed stiff.
Almost unbothered, Gothi examines him while his parents cower, even Stoick. There’s a deep grimace on his face. The elder witch checks his eyes, his tongue, his liver, but it aren’t physical symptoms that she’s searching for. She’s not looking for the same things that a pediatrician would be looking for.
As her final step, she grabs his tiny fist and makes him uncurl his fingers, reading his tiny palm. Her eyes widen and she gasps.
Stoick and Valka both straighten, worry etched on their faces as she backs away from Hiccup.
Quickly retreating, she hurries to one side of her hut. The entire place is decorated in things of mystical origins. Amulets are pinned to a beam, chicken feet and other animal feet hang from the ceiling in bundles, rocks with certain properties hide in every corner, … anything the mind can think of, Gothi has. But she passes it all to go to the very back. Shoving things aside with her staff, she reaches a cabinet that hasn’t seen a decent dusting since the 1800s at least.
She’s mute, but her lips still utter a spell and the cabinet’s doors unlock audibly. Peeking inside, a web stretches along with the door she swings open. Gothi wipes it away with her bare hand before reaching inside and grabbing a small and black clay pot.
Her visitors can’t see it, her back faces them, but a thoughtful expression crosses her features. She wonders if she really has need for what’s inside. She hasn’t needed ithis in literal centuries for it only works on a select few people.
It’s worth a shot.
Opening the pot, she finds scales as black as the night within. She takes a few, concealing them in her hand and returns the pot to its original resting place. Never to be disturbed again.
With no clue as to what the old woman is doing, the desperate Stoick and Valka watch as she runs from one place to the next, surprisingly fast in her old age. She crushes something with a mortar and pestle, then runs to the other side of her hut to grab something else and crush that as well. She grabs several ingredients and the parents can’t keep up. It’s almost like Hiccup’s crying is a physical barrier, they can’t pay attention.
Finally, Gothi returns, hands clasped together and some of her concoction held within. She blows into her hands, the dust-like material falls gently above the crying child like a cloud of dust, fluttering down without a care in the world. Hiccup sneezes twice, his crying reaches a higher volume.
“Gothi…” Stoick speaks her name, fingers rubbing his temple.
Gothi reaches into the mortar again and with blackened fingers returns a second time to draw a rune on Hiccup’s forehead.
“Gothi?” Valka’s brows frown. Despite their age, she recognizes these mystical runes quickly as the witch places a second on his heart, a third on the back of his left hand, a fourth on his right.
“Stoick, she’s stunting him!”
“What?!” Stoick rises to his feet.
“She’s stunting his magic!”
Gothi finishes with a fifth rune on his belly. They all say “protect” and “contain.”
“Gothi, what’s the meaning of this?” Stoick is immediately perturbed. They came here to help their son, not hurt him!
With the slightest bit of magic touching his skin, something inside of the three month old lashes out. An orange glow like fire erupts from his underweight frame. His parents have to step back, taken off guard by the heat filling this tiny space. Gothi tries to draw the same runes around the boy on the table, drawing a perfect circle, but she’s thrown back and hits a chair behind her.
Stoick tries to come to her rescue, but finds himself frozen in place. There’s an impossible weight filling this room, choking them. It’s like several spells are used all at once. A buzzing drums in their ears, it almost overshadows Hiccup’s crying.
Gothi manages to finish the circle of runes. Glass shatters explosively, destroying her windows, breaking jars, things fly off the shelf as if thrown, the hearth is set ablaze.
The elder witch begins a wordless incantation. The buzzing grows louder, the heat hotter, her posessions levitate. She, Stoick, and Valka’s feet are lifted off the ground.
And suddenly all is quiet.
The ashy runes sear into the babe’s flesh without a single howl of pain and leaving not a trace. Everything floating in the air falls to the ground, the glow disappears, that suffocating weight is lifted. The three drop to the floor.
And Hiccup’s crying has stopped. Relaxing, curling up, and suckling on his fist, he’s suddenly sound asleep.
Valka and Stoick rise to their feet, staring in utter shock at the power displayed by their son. This was ten times worse than his birth at the hospital. They’re both shaken to their core.
Gothi hobbles to find her staff and then throws a thick layer of sand over the ground to begin her explanation.
Stoick can’t read it, but his partner can.
A hand to her beating drum of a heart, she soaks up every word.
“His own magic was hurting him?!” Valka repeats in shock and her husband shares that sentiment. Gothi nods before continuing.
She tells them how out of control his abilities are, how his little baby self had no idea what to do with them, that every second he wanted his magic to leave him alone and to stop hurting him. As a result, all he could do was cry. Cry and cry and cry and cry.
His parents were his sole comfort in his personal little hell.
“You stunted him…” Valka repeats, giving the elder witch a look. Gothi nods, it was for the boy’s own good. He may be okay now, but his abilties would’ve torn his little body apart before long. He wouldn’t have made it to his first birthday if they hadn’t come to her.
Telling his parents this makes the two grow cold inside.
“Gothi, what did we just see?” Stoick finally asks, uncertain how to describe what just happened inside her hut.
“A temper tantrum,” she starts. But rather, his powers were throwing one. Hiccup sensed the slightest bit of ‘hostile’ magic touch his skin and instinct bound to his abilities sought to protect him from it. By any means necessary.
“What now, Gothi?” Valka asks.
“Raise him like any boy on Berk would be raised. His magic is still there, simply mostly repressed. But watch out, this containment spell will erode over time. The older he gets, the weaker the spell becomes.”
With no more words to share, Valka picks the sleeping Hiccup up from Gothi’s table. The two thank her, Stoick makes sure she knows of his gratitude. As far as he’s concerned, the three of them are indebted to her.
They leave and Gothi retreats to the darkest corners of her hut, diving into her many books. She didn’t want Hiccup’s parents to know, but she’s left with questions herself.
Without a doubt, Valka is talented and Stoick contains a might that is sorely neglected. The man doesn’t know a single spell. But two powerful parents don’t mean a powerful child and certainly not one of this caliber.
The elder witch finds herself filling with concern. In her long life, she’s had the displeasure of knowing magic users of extraordinary strength and sometimes that kind of might is a curse. It certainly is for Hiccup, whose powers needed to be repressed, lest they slowly tear him apart cell by cell over the course of months. There is not a shadow of a doubt in her mind, he was in terrible pain.
She settles with a single book. It’s ancient, it practically falls apart in her hands. She skims through the pages to find the right one and dread settles in her old bones.
She feels sorry for the 3 month old. His life won’t be an easy one. Great and terrible things lie in his future.
For now, he and his parents are blissfully ignorant of it all.
Stoick and Valka bring a different child home that night. They put him to bed, he hasn’t stirred once on the way home. Both crash onto their bed, exhausted beyond believe and falling asleep in each other’s arms.
The next morning a happy child greets them.
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sparrowandbee · 6 months
Chapter 2 | Chapter 4, Part 1
The Sparrow: Chapter 3: Show Pony
Synopsis: The tribute parade challenges Haymitch and Marian’s promise.
Warnings: Some swearing and objectification of the narrator.
Author’s Note: Hope you have been enjoying so far!! The pace will pick up soon so thanks for bearing with the longer and slower chapters so far. - Lu 🪶
Word count: 1369
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“Holy sh-” I grunted as the last of the wax was ripped from my leg.
I lay on a cushioned bed as six or seven people plucked, buffed, waxed, and oiled every part of my body.
I barely had a chance to settle when we arrived at the Capitol because I was soon whisked away to a white room with light green trimming along the ceiling and sat down on the brown cushioned chair in its centre.
A crowd of people came in and started touching and prodding my body as if I were an inanimate object, which I’m sure wasn’t too far from how they viewed me. Nothing more than an ornament they had to make shiny.
The wax stung as I’d never felt before, the heat made it feel as though the gooey substance was ripping my entire skin off. The oil they applied afterwards was soothing though and it smelled fresh, like peppermint and a flower I couldn’t place… maybe chamomille. As much as I hate to admit it, despite the pain I felt really clean afterwards, as if 18 years of gunk had finally been scrubbed away.
The stylists too feigned inanimity when they came in afterwards, tugging my hair and applying all sorts of creams and powders onto my face, never once acknowledging me.
The pale, black-haired woman who was applying red paint onto my lips complained to the stylishly dressed white-haired man working on my hair that they were short on time and only had a few minutes before the parade.
“Don’t worry, no one will be looking at the District 12 girl anyway,” the man replied.
I thought I should defend myself but the woman shut me up as she held my bottom lip and continued painting it. He wasn’t wrong, though. No one cared about District 12 and that didn’t really bother me. It’s better to go unnoticed sometimes, I’ve learned that from having to scrape by my whole life.
Safety lies in anonymity a lot of the time.
Huh, that thought surprised me. Maybe I did know more about survival than I gave myself credit for. Maybe I could even devise a strategy… maybe.
My stream of consciousness was soon interrupted by three more people entering the now quite cramped room, carrying what looked like a body bag. It sent shivers down my spine. I had overheard my fair share of sinister stories from the Capitol.
As I was so intent on figuring out what was in the black bag they had just hung up, I barely realized when someone pulled me up to stand on a small pedestal next to the chair and undid my robe, leaving me completely naked in front of over 10 strangers.
Before I could process, a glittery black band was zipped (quite literally only) around my breasts and a matching black skirt with an uncomfortably wide slit, exposing my legs up to the top of my thighs. The stylists began dabbing sheer and glittery black powder all over my body, lightly covering my exposed legs, torso, arms and chest. If only working the mines was this glamorous.
Someone finished knotting my hair in a voluptuous ponytail, my brown curls cascaded down my left shoulder when they all suddenly stepped away and made a path for a tall older woman, her white hair in a structured updo, contrasting her dark skin, wearing an obnoxiously purple blazer and a matching pencil skirt, with purple flowers attached all around the hem. It would have been a nice set without the red patterned tights, obnoxiously high white heels and matching white choker.
“Oh my! You look stunning!” She beamed and she took my hand and spun me around, her purple eyes inspecting her creation. She soon introduced herself to me as Vanilla Ogden, my stylist. So she was the person responsible for the two scrap pieces of fabric on my body which she called her “sexy masterpiece.”
I didn’t get the chance to say a single word as Vanilla led the pack of stylists, artists, and waxers outside with me, their creation, right at the group's center. I walked slowly and hesitantly, careful not to flash anyone as I caught glimpses of the other tributes getting ready for the parade. The girls were all equally scantily dressed, I remember the District 4 girl was only given a fishnet.
We shared a sympathetic glance.
Vanilla and her horde dropped me off on the last carriage and Alder soon joined next to me. I didn’t dare move, lest something slip.
I don’t like thinking about the parade. The lights gave me a terrible headache and there were too many people cheering and gawking at us. I felt like a show pony, paraded around. I just held onto the chariot with one hand and my skirt with the other, trying to avoid the cameras and mostly just looking down. My head was pounding and I was so cold.
It wasn’t until the whole ordeal was over and Haymitch met Alder and me that I realized how embarrassed I was and how vulnerable I felt with two scrap pieces of fabric barely covering my body. It was good to see him.
Haymitch smiled and clapped sarcastically as he approached us, not once looking below my collarbone.
“Al! Good job. See, M? That smile’s gonna get him all the sponsors while you starve out in the arena!” He slapped Alder’s back and the boy’s now pearly-white smile beamed.
God, seriously? I spent the day being plucked and pulled and then had to endure an hour of standing with an unbearable headache in less than a bra and a sorry excuse for a skirt. I fought back the tears pooling in my eyes and put on the fake smile he wanted to see so badly.
“Thanks! I’ll definitely keep that in mind next time a stadium full of people is looking at my breasts!” I stormed off towards the elevator, avoiding the ogling eyes of the pre-pubescent boys all around me.
I stepped into the glass-encased elevator with the District 10 mentors and tributes and tried to cover myself as best I could with my arms. Haymitch and Alder walked in right as the doors were about to close.
Like the many boys outside, the District 10 tribute stared at my body, his eyes tracing a line from my chest down to my polished legs, following the line of the provocative slit on my skirt.
Noticing my discomfort, Haymitch stepped towards me and nudged me by the shoulder, standing between me and the boy, keeping his eyes on the glass of the walls of the elevator behind me.
I looked up at him, trying to show my appreciation but he didn’t look towards me, not even after District 10 left, which made me even more grateful for the gesture.
The elevator dinged as it reached the spacious penthouse assigned to us. Alder dashed straight down the hallway and into his assigned room. I was about to follow him down but I turned around towards the sparsely furnished living room, where Haymitch poured himself a drink by the well-stocked bar.
“Thank you,” I told him, looking down at his creased black leather dress shoes, “For, um-”
“Don’t worry about it,” he waves it off dismissively, swishing the golden liquid around the crystal cup, “I didn’t like the way they looked at you,” he muttered under his breath, mostly to himself.
“Sorry? What?” I stepped forward, having genuinely not heard.
“Nothing, nothing.” he brushed it off again, staring down at his full glass, shining caramel in the artificial light, “get some sleep. You’ll need it. You start training tomorrow.”
“Thanks, I will,” I replied with a small smile on my face, knowing full well my nerves and headache wouldn’t allow that to happen. I turned around and headed out into the hallway, but right before I crossed the doorway, I looked back at Haymitch and said “Good night.”
A minuscule pleasantry, but one I hoped would serve as an olive branch, a nod towards the kindness he showed me that day and an acknowledgement that I hadn’t forgotten my promise.
He nodded, mid-sip.
I hope it meant something to him too.
Next Chapter
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homewrecking-lore · 1 year
Putting this rant under a cut because it is just me banging my head against the wall over season 3 and how much I despise this show lol, I PROMISE this is my last Picard post.
I don't know if it's because I didn't really know or care about TNG until like...a couple of years ago, and so don't have any nostalgia connected to it, but even the scenes that should get me emotional in Picard season 3 just...don't.
Like seeing Data with his pipe and the Tasha holo statue and Spot...okay, I recognize all those things...now what? Why should this strike a chord with me right now, in this story? "Spot taught me how to love." And not...your daughter? Your daughter didn't play a role in that too?
But the worse thing besides the pure amount of nostalgia bait is that everything happens without literally ANY weight or consequence. 8 hours in and nothing feels like it's really moved.
Ro Laren returned!! And then BLEW UP right in front of Riker and Picard's eyes. Remember when that happened??? And that's it. That's that. She barely spoke to Riker, never spoke to Beverly. You could cut her entire appearance and really the show would remain the same. Which is a shame cause her performance is incredible, but her death was stupidly cheap, and it kind of dilutes any emotional depth her appearance should have.
Picard tells Geordi about Data's SECOND DEATH completely off-hand and Geordi's reaction? Not even to acknowledge it. He's just learned of this. Did the rest of the crew not know as well? Wouldn't this be...fairly big news? You know...besides the fact that he is back AGAIN?
Beverly disappeared for TWENTY YEARS. Then she's suddenly alive and well, in front of them, with a grown ass man for a child, and the most we get is one argument between Picard and Bev, and then it's pretty much settled. What about their romantic relationship? Their friendship? Their professional respect and trust? So much more was lost than just a secret love child for two decades!! Show us!!!!
And almost all of the dialogue around Jack being their kid is also solely WITH PICARD. Riker doesn't talk to Bev about it onscreen, nor does Geordi or Worf. Deanna mentions her disappearance almost...casually. Which would work if it hadn't been for TWENTY YEARS. You just found out she was hiding a child she had with your captain/friend. Talk to her!!! Why couldn't she trust Picard with this? Why couldn't she trust all of you? ASK HER! I AM BEGGING! Yes the show is called Picard, but the whole selling point this season is that it's the rightful TNG crew send-off. Then just...do that!
Almost everything is solved with a single conversation, except for whatever is happening with Jack. Geordi's fractured relationship with his daughter because...*checks notes* she's a pilot like he was, but not an engineer like he...later was? One big blow-up and then it's solved. Cool. Jack approaches Picard as a stranger in a restaurant and asks if he wants a real family...buddy, why would this man tell you his innermost thoughts? And yet this one conversation is the reason he doesn't connect with him? Really? For a show that's supposed to be serialized instead of episodic like TNG, it really doesn't carry most of its plot or character development forward.
Apparently Kestra is a Starfleet cadet ('cause...what else would legacy off-spring do). Wouldn't Riker and Troi be especially worried about her since Starfleet is completely infiltrated with changelings? They've already lost a child. Wouldn't this be at the forefront of their thoughts?
Why is this a better ending for Data? Because he has a really, really human-like body this time? He's died twice. Commit to that. Give the other characters the chance to properly mourn. He's already had the emotion chip (which is a plot device I don't even like but it effectively does the exact same as this new body does). I just...this doesn't feel like growth for this character. Honestly it feels more like Brent Spiner's acting exercise. Same with Geordi and Data - I love them, I'm a sucker for Daforge - but I watched their scenes completely dry eyed. I just couldn't get pass the amount of awful story decisions that got us to this point.
What was the point of bringing in Moriarty, Lore, and Vadic? You could almost cut them out entirely and barely anything would change. The main cast didn't really spare them a second thought. Besides a backstory flashback, Vadic didn't really up the stakes. The conflict in episode 8 was the same as episode 2. Moriarty might as well not have been there. Lore could've been an example of the struggle of morality ("do we sacrifice our belief in android sentience to gain back our friend") but then we're given the most embarassing hokey scene in the show so far where they...merge. Okay. Plus they openly discuss how they would just erase Lore from existence if they could RIGHT IN THE OPEN and then are SHOCKED that he'd take control and kill them. What did you expect??? What happened to exploring androids as individuals with rights? Where is the narrative weight of "losing your compass" (ugh) when it comes with no consequences or is promptly forgotten about? Why isn't all this taking a greater toll on Data, losing out on two decades of changing and aging and life moving on without him?
Weren't B-4 and Lal and Altan also memories (although in their first scene they are all full-on separate entities)? Why didn't absorbing those memories change Lore and Data's personalities? How come only Lore gave Data...contractions and sass? (The dumbest sentence I've had to type.)
As for Seven and Raffi....seeing people FREAK on twitter about the mere implication of Geordi and Data, who are explicitly straight and platonic on the show and don't even bother to hug when they reunite...you just know the showrunners were playing it safe by sidelining the only actual queer relationship in the show so they don't get accused of being 'woke'. 8 whole episodes and they barely look at each other. It's weird...and again, never said why.
(And that's not even touching on how awkward Wesley's absence has been this whole time. That's a whole other post honestly.)
In the end, I just feel like I'm watching the cast reunite rather than the characters. They're a great cast and insanely talented (Levar and Gates and Michelle especially shine when they have an emotional beat), but when scenes come off as just the actors hanging out - it makes me wonder why they didn't just film a two hour round table of discussion instead of...this. No send-off is going to be universally perfect or touch on everything it's supposed to, but this is probably one of the mishandled seasons of television I've ever watched. I really wanted to like this season as I've only recently gotten into TNG, and it sucks to just...hate it.
Anyway. Picard and the 300 spin-offs you're trying to set up stay away from these characters and do something original
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nabesthetics · 2 years
Apprenticember day 3: Alastor
Give a short summary of their relationship to the other main characters!
Ahh I had one of those lil charts with simple portraits in the works, but I’m away from my tablet so I can’t finish it for this qwq have this doodle of mischief for now
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For the sake of detail, I’m diving into these relationships as they are about 1-2 years after the routes’ events.
Alastor (in Dragoat timeline) and…
Asra: BFF with a dash of parental figure
These two have a lot in common: interest in travel, magic, pranks, odd food, appreciation for quiet chilling in a quiet nook on a rooftop. They never seem to tire of each other’s company, and Asra has a grounding, calming effect on the dragon.
Their relationship is challenged significantly when Alastor falls in love with Lucio of all people and figures out his past with Asra, but time, affection and some distance mend that rift eventually. Alastor considers Asra his best friend, though also feels a fair share of gratitude (and some guilt) for everything they did to give him another chance at life.
Portia: Good friends
Portia was the first person to make him feel comfortable in the Palace, and the two have been friends ever since. She helped him get through the stressful investigation days and the time when Al’s feelings about Asra and Lucio were conflicted – or when his worries about things like setting up a date got a grip on him. After that was all settled, the two started sharing cozy bake-offs and sort of formed a two-people book club. Alastor teaches Portia some basics of magic and later introduces her to Asra, figuring that they’ll get along and that Portia could use somebody else to get magical tips from while he’s away. 
The three of them are a trickster force to be reckoned with.
Julian: Friends with a dash of frivalry
Nothing like a friendship that starts with someone slamming the other into the floor in self-defense.
Alastor meets Julian several times during the “murder” investigation, and after the mystery is all solved and done Alastor wanted to keep hanging out anyway, drawn to (or more amused by) Julian’s particular brand of charm that often puts him at ease despite their striking differences. One is a man of science, the other is a creature almost literally made of magic. They have a lot of friendly magic VS. science debates, challenging each other, an ongoing little game of intellect, wits and different points of view that is barely comprehensible to anyone else.
Julian might have a small crush on Al, but keeps it to himself.
Nadia: It’s a bit awkward, but getting there
Alastor is a socially awkward gremlin who is often met with judgement and ridicule around any sort of nobility. And he’s dating Nadia’s ex-husband. It’s inevitable that he has trouble feeling like he can be at ease without making a fool out of himself around the Countess. 
He WANTS to become closer with Nadia though, holding deep respect for her and being fascinated by her artificer craft. So thanks to his own developing confidence and a fair bit of Portia’s effort, he has some hope that someday he’ll be able to call Nadia a friend.
Muriel: Who?
Yeaaah, in this setting Alastor doesn’t receive the myrrh charm, for obvious reasons. Maybe in the farther future he’ll have a chance to actually get to know Muriel, but unless Muriel’s mark loses its power, it won’t be soon. The situation gets more complicated when Asra and Muriel’s relationship grows more romantic…
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svampira · 2 years
(non sapendo niente di vtm) ciauz ❤ essential 3 e 5 e life 1 5 6 per elias thee babygirl (o per chiunque tu voglia)
ciaooo tvb amo❤️
Which Clan do they belong to? How do they feel about their Clan?
Toreador hehe in life he very much was the archetype of a stereotypical Toreador as in he was an aspiring music producer + very flirty and social but in death he kinda loses these traits due to his loss in humanity and his amnesia
He barely knows what his clan is due to having no sire and no education but he sure does enjoy his super speed. Perhaps if he were to learn more about it and the general ideals of the toreador that could push him to try to regain some of his humanity. But he's probably too far gone lol
Who Sired them, and into what Generation were they Sired? What’s their relationship with their Sire like, and what were the circumstances of their Embrace?
I don't think the in game embrace makes ANY kind of sense unless you weave in some conspiracy or cain being involved. So I hc that Elias' sire was given permission to turn him in secret yet Lacroix rescinded his word in order to execute them and get rid of a political enemy. He's 8th generation and the only relationship he has with his sire is seeing her head roll on the floor of the stage (that's also his first memory period, since he doesn't have any memory of his human life)
What did they do (as a career or in general) before they were Embraced?
Last year of high school😭 he's 18 veeery close to 19 since he was turned the night before his birthday while out partying with friends. He was pretty well off and his parents had a lot of connections in L.A., happiest childhood you could ever imagine, literally nothing bad had ever happened to him until his sire killed him
What were they most afraid of in life? How has this changed?
He used to be absolutely terrified of being alone or losing support from his family, as he 100% knew he had no idea how to get by himself. He was always surrounded by friends, was never single for more than a week, and probably would have gone crazy if he had to spend one (1) hour alone. As a vampire he's almost constantly alone, very quickly learns its a very bad idea to trust or get attached to anyone. The only people he trusts in his terrible very bad no good first weeks of unlife are Lacroix and Heather, but he frenzies and accidentally drains Heather and he's crushed when he finds out Lacroix called a bloodhunt on him (he was very much not smart enough to figure out he was getting sent on suicidal missions the whole time). At least he learns to be independent tho👍👍
What were their goals and ambitions in life? How has this changed?
He wanted to become a music producer and he probably would have succeeded thanks to his parents' connections + he'd already made some semi-viral hits. (I do not care vtmb was set in 2004. It's only set in 2004 if I'm talking about diamila, otherwise everything happens in 2021 idc idc). After things in L.A. settle down he makes tiktoks and Instagram accounts which are definitely going to get him in biiig trouble because his friends and family are very much still looking for him + he definitely had a couple influencer friends which 100% brought his disappearence to the public eye. Slay I think he will singularly bring down the masquerade due to sheer unluck and stupidity. Nobody's taking him out first because as we all know the fledgling is ridiculously overpowered
¡more questions here!
+bonus doodle of what he looks like in my sims game uwu
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josieoh · 1 year
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[ moon gayoung, cis woman, she/her ] - was that JOSIE OH i saw by the lighthouse today? i heard that the TWENTY SIX year old who has been in nightrest for HER WHOLE LIFE and works as a PARALEGAL has a reputation of being PERSUASIVE, but also OBSESSIVE. they reside in ASHMORE & people in town usually associate them with ADAM AND EVE IN THE SECRET GARDEN, A DAMSEL WHO BECAME THE DISTRESS, & SILK SHEETS KISSING BARE SKIN. let’s hope the killer doesn’t go after them next. ╱ pinterest. dossier.
tbh i'm too lazy to do anything special with the bg so we just gonna have to agree to settle for this sry
raised in the shadows of her siblings, jealousy was the emotion most often felt, especially towards their mother's favourite jacob. tried to be the best kid, kept her grades up, got every award she could, played sports, danced, but nothing seemed to work to gain her parents attention ( or the attention of the adults taking care of them ). by her first year of high school, josie was over it. while she maintained her grades, she began hanging with the wrong crowd and leaning more into the black sheep persona among her peers while still trying to be the golden girl for her parents. nothing was off limits and by the time she graduated, she'd secured acceptance to a university out of state where she got her bachelors in paralegal studies. she took a year off to travel ( read: party ) and got together with the wrong guy. long story short, it was another two years before she was able to break away from that situation and finally come back home to nightrest where she's been putting her degree to good use ever since. -- basically she's been back nearly two years now.
now onto her as a person.. she's a #Mess. petty, spiteful, overly confident, twisted, loves to argue and will literally do it just for shits and giggles ( even better if it pisses someone off ), does whatever she wants whenever she wants with no regard to other people and their feelings, and very i am woman, hear me roar. she's loyal to one person and that's herself ( and her siblings so ig 3 people ). here for a good time, not a long time. doesn't believe in anything that isn't a dress or skirt but wears pants suits to work bc the men she works with are pigs and she likes her job. speaking of her job, i imagine she works for one of the best lawyer firms in the area and specialises in criminal law, but she knows her way around business law too thanks to her parents ( yes she's still trying to find acceptance what of it ). takes her beauty seriously --- the type to have an extremely intensive skin care routine, work out routine, and diet. think like patrick bateman from american psycho sorta serious.. just minus the psychopathic murderer tendencies ( maybe. it's a surprise ). a practicing wiccan with an altar and all. will happily read your palm or tarot for free if you're a friend or for a "price" if she thinks you're hot enough. still a partier with nothing being off limits. has probably gotten really good at detoxing herself just in case there's ever a drug test at work. despite the fact that nothing's off limits and she's..well, her..she's very diligent when it comes to her job and probably one of the best around. organisation skills are on point, attention to detail is top tier, mistakes are an absolute no-no, etc etc. don't get her started, she can talk about how amazing she is forever still very much jealous of her older brother, but won't hesitate to add your ass to nightrest's body count if you fuck with him in even the SLIGHTEST way 😠 and did she settle in ashmore to be close to said brother? maybe. we don't talk about it. if you wanna help her help her bro find love tho......ig you can hit her up. just don't use her in an attempt to get to her brother. been there done that didnt want the ugly tshirt. did i mention she was a scrapper? bc she is, she just prefers to do so verbally due to her job ( tho given her parents, she's probably not likely to lose it even if only due to them trying to keep their rep in place ).
anyway she's an annoying lil hellion but i hope yall love her as much as i do thank u
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causeilikelix · 2 years
Cause I Like You - Chapter Eight - What the Hell, I'm in Hell
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↳ Pairing: Felix x OC / Hyunjin x OC (later)
↳ Genre: Romance, comedy, smut (eventual), slow burn, enemies (idiots) to friends (idiots) to lovers (probably still idiots), high school au, college au, non-idol au
↳ See Chapter One for summery
↳ Chapter warnings: Eunbyeol is a little horny, short chapter, and nothing much happens >.< bit of a filler between us and the next couple of chapters.
↳ Read on my A03: Here
↳ Notes: I know this chapter is short, but it serves an important purpose! Grad school is kicking my ass so I'll be able to update more in about 3 or 4 weeks!
<- Chapter Seven - Chapter Nine ->
PEACH FLAVORED SOJU burned her throat on its way down.  The heat pooled in her stomach and masked the pressure in her lower abdomen.  After two shots, Eunbyeol wished the alcohol would mask the warmth between her legs but unfortunately for her, the one consistently true thing about alcohol is that it’s flammable.  
A fire grew within her, lighting up her insides and making her squirm.  As the other girls talked amongst themselves, Eunbyeol poured herself a third shot of peach soju and tossed it back.  This time, the alcohol barely touched her tongue. 
The six girls sat on the floor around a low coffee table in Ah Joong’s parents' incredibly expensive Gangnam district apartment.  The large TV that hung on the wall played various music videos from their favorite artists and the girls opted to let it run on autoplay just to keep music on in the background.  Open snack bags and bottles of alcohol littered the coffee table so they could pick and choose what they wanted.  Ah Joong ordered pizza around twenty minutes prior. 
For almost the first time all day, Eunbyeol’s stomach growled.  After the results of the talent show, hunger crashed over her and she could barely think straight.  The pretzels that Jiho brought were helping, but she needed something substantial. 
The other girls talked between themselves and Eunbyeol sat with her back against the couch and head tilted back so she could watch the TV absently.  While the girls all talked about their plans for senior year or boys or something else that didn’t matter, the words from Ms Kim bounced around in her head playing and replaying endlessly.  Eunbyeol wasn’t sure if she’d ever forget the look on Felix’s face.  Pleased, yet somehow shocked at the same exact time.  While Eunbyeol tried to be excited, horror washed over her at the entire idea. 
“Second place goes to... Starlost for their truly showstopping performance of ‘Ladida’ by Everglow!  Congratulations girls!  And first place goes to... Lee Felix, Han Jisung, Kim Seungmin, and Yang Jeongin!  For their impressive rendition of ‘Say my Name’ by Ateez!”
How fucking unfair.  Eunbyeol wished for literally any other outcome.  But Felix first?  What is the fucking point?  Sure, second place could look great on her college applications and she’d need it if she wanted to apply to art school.  But at what cost?  
At the announcement, she’d smiled politely as the crowd cheered.  She accepted the trophy and took dozens of pictures with the teachers, with her group, with her family and friends, and even suffered a handful of group photos with Felix.  He, of course, smiled brightly and showed no outward signs of unhappiness or discomfort over the whole ordeal.  Eunbyeol tried to pretend to be enthusiastic about the whole thing, but now that she was in private with her closest friends, she couldn’t ignore the dread that settled in the pit of her stomach.  
Felix spent almost their entire relationship taking things from her.  First, he took her confidence.  At eight years old, he took one look at her and decided not to make an effort.  She lived in a completely new country away from all her friends and was forced to speak a language she didn’t know very well.  The only person she had anything in common with was Lee Felix and he wanted nothing to do with her.  Eunbyeol actively tried to be his friend, inviting herself to lunch or lingering in the courtyard during recess.  He ignored her at first, but then he overheard her telling one of their teachers what her name meant, silver star, and it was all over after that.  From that day on, he teased her for every little thing under the sun.  He made fun of her name, which he altered to Little Star, and he made fun of the way she hovered around him, the way she wore her hair, the fact that her shoes were dirty.  He left no subject untouched.  
For two years Eunbyeol wondered what the hell she did wrong.  Felix stayed consistently mean to her, calling her all sorts of names designed to fluster and humiliate her and even tripping her in the hallway once or twice.  Somehow, he had so many friends while Eunbyeol struggled to keep the two or three she had.  She struggled with English and often said the wrong things.  Her close friends, Katie and Susie, tried to be open, but her misunderstandings caused way too many rifts.  After a while, Eunbyeol gave up.  When her friends couldn’t understand her, she snapped.  She would get angry and say horrible things that she didn’t really mean.  Eunbyeol always regretted it but she never knew quite how to fix it.  
One day, when they were nine years old, her friends had enough.  They snapped back at her and they got into a huge argument after school.  Susie accused Eunbyeol of talking behind her back to Katie.  Eunbyeol hadn’t said anything necessarily bad to Katie, though now she could barely remember what she said.  In a rage, Eunbyeol set off on her bike.  She knew the way home well, but through her angry tears she could barely see the path ahead.  One horrific moment of unawareness made her front tire roll over something sharp.  It popped, sending the bike out of control and Eunbyeol skittered to the ground.  Her knee caught on a rock on the side of the riding path and tore the skin.  Blood splattered on the ground and pooled on the ground.  It ran down her leg and stained her ugly black and blue school skirt. 
The second thing that Lee Felix took from her was her health.  As she sat on the ground, clutching her knee and crying, thunder rumbled overhead.  Eunbyeol hadn’t even realized that rain was in the forecast.  She grabbed blindly at the ground for her bag, hoping that her cheap flip phone that her parents gave her for emergencies hadn’t broken in the fall.  As she grabbed for it, footsteps filled the air and she whirled around to find the source, her heart swelling with adrenaline.  Maybe they could help her.
When Felix rounded the corner, her heart dropped.  He flipped through his iPod with his headphones in, unable to hear a thing.  Eunbyeol cried out for him, begging for him to look up and see her.  No matter how hard she cried or how loud she yelled, he didn’t look up once.  She reached for him as he passed by, but he stayed just out of reach.  Only when he fully passed her by did he finally turn to look at her.  Felix looked her up and down with her windswept hair, bloody knee and tearstained face and he sneered.  Wordlessly, he moved on.  Felix dashed down the path and out of sight.  And the sky released, drenching her in cold rain.  At some point, the waking world became too much and she passed out.  She faded in and out of consciousness, not remembering much about how she got to the hospital except that someone carried her on their back.  She thought it might have been one of her teachers.
Eunbyeol spent a week in the hospital after someone finally found her.  She shook and shivered with pneumonia for a few days and her knee needed nineteen stitches.  Her father came to her one day to tell her that he planned on buying her a new bike.  The old one was damaged too much from the accident.  He also explained that it could have been a lot worse, because they found a thumbtack in one of the wheels.  Her heart ran cold at the thought.  How had that happened?  She was usually so careful!  
Felix took away her happiness.  He took away the opportunity to do what she wanted.  Even though he didn’t put the tack in her tire, he took away her trust in others.  He refused to help her in a time of need, costing Eunbyeol her health.  He took away her ability to think straight.  He took the prize that she won fair and square.  He took away her hair and her autonomy.  He took away her first-
Eunbyeol reached for the soju bottle again, but Gayoung finally noticed that she’d been drinking and kept it out of her reach.
“We haven’t even started the party and you’re already drinking?  The result wasn’t that bad.”  Gayoung insisted, moving all of the alcohol to the other end of the table.  Eunbyeol’s bottle of peach soju was the only one opened. 
“Come on, that was a pretty cheap move on their part.”  Chohui chimed in from Eunbyeol’s left, where she also leaned against the couch.  
“It’s definitely not ideal.”  Gayoung admitted slowly.  “The guys were really impressive, though, so I can’t say I blame them.”
“Right?  Who expected that voice to come out of Felix?  All deep and growly and shit.  I mean, fuck!  But still, we all know that we were better than the boys.”
“Look, can we talk about something else?  Felix is the last thing I want to think about right now.”  Eunbyeol sighed, dropping her head into her hands. 
“Alright, fair enough.”  Chohui held her hands up in defeat.  “How about we talk about how I think tonight was easily the best run we’ve ever done!”
“Oh my god, Chohui-yah, you absolutely nailed your bridge solo!”  Gayoung exclaimed immediately.  “I meant to tell you earlier.  It looked so sexy!”
“What can I say?”  Chohui flipped her hair dramatically.  “I’m a natural goddess of sex.”
“All that time you spent with Jaebum sunbae last summer really paid off, didn’t it?”  Gayoung wiggled her eyebrows suggestively and Eunbyeol couldn’t help the giggle that built up within her. 
“I miss him sometimes.”  Chohui sighed wistfully.  “But sexiness is a skill you learn.  You don’t magically gain sex appeal once you have sex for the first time.  One day, you have to wake up in the morning and decide that you’re going to be sexy and own how you move your body, you know?”
“I don’t think anyone knows as well as you.  Personally, I think you have the best body in the entire school!”  Eunbyeol spoke up and Gayoung agreed readily. 
“Eunbyeol-ah, I appreciate that so much but listen to me.  Another thing about sexiness is that you have to have complete control over every inch of your body.  We’ve been training as dancers for how long?  Five years at least.  I don’t think I’ve seen anyone else with even half as much control as you do.  You are so unbelievably sexy and I’m kind of jealous.”
“You?  Jealous of me?  I never thought I’d hear that in a million years.  I’d do just about anything to look like you!”  Eunbyeol tugged at the sleeves of her mesh top, wishing that it didn’t show quite as much skin.  Even with the purple crop top layered over it, she showed a little too much than she was used to.  This outfit was mostly Chohui and Ah Joong’s idea. 
“And I’d do anything to dance like you!  We all have our strengths and dancing is completely yours.  The complete control you have through your entire body all the way to your fingertips is incredibly sexy.”  Chohui insisted.  “Look, the admissions people at KNU will see your skill and admit you immediately.” 
“Wait.”  Jiho perked up from across the table at the mention of her dream school.  “Who else wants to go to KNU?” 
“I want to study dance.  Properly.”  Eunbyeol’s voice found strength somewhere and she wondered if the soju finally kicked in.  “I finally convinced my parents to let me apply to art school.”
“What?  Finally!”  Jiho screeched.  “How?”
“It wasn’t exactly a fun conversation... Mom cried when I told her I didn’t want to be a doctor.  But dad said that if I won the talent show with this routine then they would let me apply.  I can’t go unless I get a scholarship, though.  Second place was apparently enough.”  Eunbyeol sighed.  “So I have to work really hard to build a strong portfolio and apply to all the scholarships.  But I also have to apply to medical school.”
“Oh my god, that’s amazing!  I mean, at least being allowed to apply is way more progress than you thought you were going to make.  I hope you can go!  I’d love to go with one of my best friends!”  
“Um, hello?”  Chohui blinked in surprise.  “I’m right here.  I want to go, too!”
“No wonder you were so nervous.”  Gayoung reached out to pat Eunbyeol’s shoulder reassuringly.  “You had a lot riding on this performance.  And here I was thinking the only thing you cared about was beating Lee Felix.”
“I’m not that shallow!”  Eunbyeol protested.  
The other girls all shared a moment to shoot her a look.  Eunbyeol’s jaw dropped and she gaped at each girl individually.  Sure, Eunbyeol cared a lot about beating Lee Felix but had she really made it all about that?  
“Sure.”  Chohui agreed incredulously, patting Eunbyeol’s shoulder.  “Which is why on Thursday you ranted about him for almost an hour.”
“No!  I wanted to spend time with my best friends in the entire world and work together on this wonderful project!  Lee Felix and his stupid challenge had very little to do with it.  I don’t give a shit about him.”
“Now that’s what I like to hear!”  Ah Joong suddenly sat at attention, raising her glass in the air.  “I’ll drink to that!  God, we need to think of some drinking games or something.  I don’t wanna get drunk until after we eat.”
“Yeah where the fuck is the pizza?  I’m starving.”  Jiho peered at her phone, frowning when she saw the screen empty of notifications.  “He said he would... I mean, the pizza place said they would be here in thirty minutes.”  
“It’s only been twenty five since you made the call.  They still have five minutes until they’re late.”  Minjeong offered.  
“Five minutes in Hungry-Time is like five hours!”  
“Come on, let’s put on a random play until they...”  Ah Joong paused.  “Until the pizza gets here.  I have so much energy I feel like I’m about to jump out of my skin.”
Ah Joong rose to her feet and grabbed the remote to the TV.   She messed around for a few minutes before finding a random play video with a timestamp of over an hour.  Satisfied, she pressed play and turned the volume up.  Every few seconds, a different chorus of different Kpop songs would play and whoever knew each respective dance would jump up to do it.  Ah Joong knew most of them, unsurprisingly.  Eunbyeol knew a handful of the songs, but not enough to get up and confidently perform them.  
When the girls all attended the same dance class in freshman and sophomore years, they would often stay in the studio after class to play games like this and learn new dances as they came out.  Eunbyeol already missed the stifling heat of the practice room.  She missed the joy that swelled in her chest and the sweat that dripped down her face as she danced with her friends.  Their performance was young, barely over, and she wanted more already.  Jiho mentioned getting Jisung to help them shoot a music video or a cover video for their dance and Eunbyeol wanted to take him up on it. 
A familiar song played over the speakers and Eunbyeol leapt to her feet without thinking.  She made her way around the coffee table to the open space to join Ah Joong and Minjeong as they danced to the girl group song that played.  The three who sat down cheered when Eunbyeol joined the dancing.  Instantly, some of the tension in her muscles relaxed.  The music flowed through her veins and she let the movements wash over her.  The next song chorus played and Eunbyeol let her instincts take over.  Her body knew the moves almost better than her head.  Right now wasn’t the time for perfection.  Even if she messed up, it didn’t matter.  The other girls barely noticed if she did the moves wrong. 
Eunbyeol knew the next half dozen or so dances, so she stayed standing to perform them.  At some point, Jiho jumped up for a dance or two before sitting back down.  She reached for her phone to film as the random play progressed.  Ah Joong shrieked when her favorite Ateez song came on and she jumped right into the dance.  Eunbyeol laughed at her reaction, but the deep baritone of the vocals made heat flash up the back of her neck.  Eunbyeol paused her dancing to grab her glass of water from the table.  While the hydration helped, the dancing made the dizzying effects of the soju wear off.  She needed that warm dizziness if she was going to survive the night. 
Just as Eunbyeol returned to the front to dance to the next song, Jiho’s phone rang.  She grumbled as she answered, upset that the call interrupted her filming.  However, when she saw the caller ID, she hopped to her feet and rushed towards the kitchen.  A song everyone knew played through the random play and the remaining girls leapt to their feet to dance with their friends.  They danced in sync, smiling at each other knowingly. 
For a moment, they were standing in their old practice room instead of the expensive apartment living room.  They worked together to learn the intense choreography, as well as develop their skills while learning a boy group song.  SHINee had some of the hardest choreography in the industry but Eunbyeol and Ah Joong insisted that they at least try it.  Even if Eunbyeol now couldn’t remember the moves with 100% accuracy, their work paid off.  Eunbyeol learned a lot about technique and power and she looked forward to learning another song by SHINee as soon as possible.  She wanted to learn one of Taemin’s solos but his intense choreography intimidated her, to say the least. 
As the chorus came to a close, Jiho finally made her way out of the kitchen and through the living room towards the front door, all while talking into her phone.  The other girls grabbed for the nearest drink, barely paying any attention to Jiho until the front door swung shut behind her.  Eunbyeol glanced up after her friend with wide eyes. 
“Where’d she go?”  Minjeong wondered, flopping down on the couch to catch her breath. 
“Maybe the pizza guy couldn’t find his way up.”  Ah Joong shrugged innocently before downing her glass of water in one go.  “Anyone need more water?”
“Please.”  Chohui handed her glass off. 
“I’ll help.”  Gayoung offered, helping to gather the water glasses to carry them into the kitchen.  “God, I’ve missed this.”
“Why don’t we do this anymore?”  Minjeong pouted, hugging a pillow close to her chest.  “Dance class with you guys was always my favorite part of the week.”
“Well somebody decided she was too good to hang out with us after she auditioned to be an idol.”  Chohui’s voice held no aggression but Eunbyeol couldn’t meet her eyes anyway. 
“That’s not what happened.”  Eunbyeol cleared her throat, also finding a place to sit on the couch.  Chohui crossed to her in order to throw her arm over Eunbyeol’s shoulders. 
“I know, I know.  I’m sorry, I know I shouldn’t joke about it.”  
“Dancing with you means everything to me.”  Eunbyeol pouted.  “I just lost track of it for a while.”
“Girl, let me tell you, we are all so happy to have you back!”  Minjeong threw herself across the couch to pull Eunbyeol into a tight embrace.  “Don’t you dare go anywhere.”
“I have no intention to.  I’ll see about taking a dance class during senior year.”  
“As much as I’d love to continue this mushy moment, I’m fucking starving.  Where the hell is Jiho?”  Chohui glanced at the door as if Jiho would magically appear. 
“I’ll go after her.”  Ah Joong returned with refilled glasses of water before starting towards the door.  
“I wanna keep dancing but I’m so hungry.”  Gayoung grabbed the remote and turned their playlist of music back on.  “We’ll have to continue the random play later.”
Eunbyeol had to agree.  Her insides grumbled with a hollow ache that only food could fill.  Ah Joong was right.  The moment the teacher announced the result of the talent show, however disappointing it might have been, an intense hunger crashed through her and her stomach growled so loudly she could have sworn the techs in the lighting booth could hear her.  The snacks helped but did nothing to cure her insatiable hunger.  Waves of it ripped through her ungracefully as the night progressed but she swallowed it down with bites of pretzels or shots of soju.  The empty ache remained and Eunbyeol found herself wishing that Younghyun’s parents chose literally any other night to ask him to join them for dinner.  Perhaps then he could satiate her hunger after the others went to bed.
Ah Joong opened the door and leaned out into the hallway.  The girls watched as Ah Joong stepped into the hallway but propped the door open with her foot.  She called for Jiho, and the other girl's response came back muffled.  The two girls called to each other for a minute with Jiho’s voice steadily getting closer.  Eunbyeol glanced at Chohui and Minjeong, who both had taken to checking their phones while they waited for the food to arrive.  Another, slightly deeper, voice joined the conversation.  The three voices convened at the door, murmuring quietly for a few minutes.  Eunbyeol craned her neck to see the person at the door but they stood conveniently out of sight.  She opened her mouth to call to Ah Joong, but a deep voice cut through the air which shot a pang of horror down her spine. 
“Jisung-ah, where the hell are we?”  
Immediately, all the girls in the apartment snapped their necks in the direction of the door.  Eunbyeol’s heart rose in her throat, her mind suddenly racing.  What the hell were the boys doing here?  Was that Felix?  Does that mean there won’t be pizza?
“Lix-yah, don’t worry about it.  We’re party crashing!”  Jisung’s slightly higher voice rang through the apartment. Eunbyeol’s blood ran cold, frost coated her veins and icicles dripped from her heart.  
“What the hell!”  Felix hissed.  “I thought you said we were going to the VR park.”
“And we will!  Next weekend!  Which is the earliest time I could book us any tickets.”
“The pizza probably should have clued you in to the fact that we weren’t going to the park.”  Seungmin’s easy voice floated through the air.  Terror gripped Eunbyeol’s heart as Seungmin pushed Felix and Jisung aside to make his way into the apartment.  He kicked his shoes off and finally stepped into sight.  “Normally I’d love to stick around for the drama, but I need the bathroom as soon as possible.”
“Down the hall on the right.”  Ah Joong gestured and Seungmin shuffled past the girls on the couch without so much as a second thought.  “Come on in, guys.”
“What?”  Eunbyeol found her voice, jumping to her feet as the boys shuffled into the apartment and kicking their shoes off in the entryway.  “What the fuck?” 
“Um...”  Jiho maneuvered to the front of the small group to join the girls on the couch.  “I have something to tell you.”
“No shit.”  Eunbyeol’s eyebrows furrowed, her blood thawing quickly and turning to fire as her shock turned to rage.  “Why the hell are they here?  The whole point of this was to decompress!”
“No, I know!  I know.”  Jiho took Eunbyeol’s hands.  “But Jisung and I talked about it and we wanted to kind of... combine our after parties?  Tonight was so big for both of us and we wanted to spend it together!  I’m so sorry we didn’t tell you, but we knew you’d be upset.”
Eunbyeol glanced over at the three boys standing in the entryway.  All three of them had their hands stuffed in their pockets and their gazes anywhere else, save for Jisung whose hands were full of pizza boxes.  Jisung watched Jiho carefully while he rocked back and forth on his feet.  Jeongin kept his eyes on the TV, pretending to be more interested in the music than anything else going on.  Felix rolled his eyes deeply, sticking his tongue in his cheek.  His strong jaw set and his eyes were furrowed into a frown.  He shook his head in disbelief, his dark brown hair falling into his face.  
“You and Jisung?  This is ridiculous.  If they’re going to be here, then I’m going home.”  Eunbyeol started towards the bedroom she’d claimed for the night to gather her things but Jiho grabbed her arm. 
“What?  No!”  She pleaded.  “You’ve been drinking, you’ll get in trouble with your parents!”
“Look, I don’t want to be here either.”  Felix spoke up, his voice tense and deep.  “Let’s get out of here, Jeongin-ah.”
“Wait, hyung.”  Jeongin tore his attention from the TV and grabbed Felix’s arm.  “I’m so hungry and I’ve been thinking about this pizza for like six hours.  Can we please eat first?”
Felix’s eyes hardened as he looked Eunbyeol up and down.  His eyebrows furrowed deeply and he pressed his tongue into his cheek again.  His cheeks were tinted a rosy pink as he rolled his eyes once more.  Jisung slowly made his way deeper into the apartment to set the pizzas on the table, careful to sneak quickly through the space between Eunbyeol and Felix.  The air between them sizzled as they stared each other down and Jisung hoped he wouldn’t lose his eyebrows in the standoff.  The hair on Eunbyeol’s arms and the back of her neck stood at attention as she waited for Felix’s response.  
Eunbyeol didn’t really want to go home.  She didn’t need to get in trouble with her parents for drinking.  She only had a few shots but she had a feeling that she smelled of alcohol.  If she planned on staying then she definitely didn’t want to hole up in her room all night while the others stayed in the living room to drink and play games.  The idea of being around Felix a moment longer sent a wave of unbridled rage through her blood.  Her hatred for him was somehow refueled after one simple fuck up from the school.  Any and all post-kiss fogginess in her head dissipated the moment the teacher announced that she won second place.  Felix got what he wanted.  How could someone like him make her feel so helpless?  How could he make her want him, even if only for a moment?  
Felix had to leave.  
He watched her up and down, taking in her defensive stance.  Her hands clenched into fists and she breathed heavily.  She hadn’t taken off that sexy outfit or removed her makeup, which somehow made her intimidating.  In all his life he’d never been intimidated by her even once until this moment.  He sensed the rage within her as he contemplated Jeongin’s innocent request.  Felix’s stomach also grumbled and a slice of pepperoni would do him well, but something in Eunbyeol’s eyes worried him.  Felix kept his stance relaxed as he watched her.  He knew that he really only had one option.  If he had to deal with this ridiculous situation, then he figured he might as well have fun with it.  
Eunbyeol watched with horror as a smirk rose onto his perfect lips.  Her eyes darted to them for a moment and she cursed herself for the millisecond of weakness.  Felix watched her with amusement laced through his features.  In a moment, he made a choice.  The only choice.  
“Sure, Jeongin-ah.  Let’s eat.  It looks like they have some soju, too.  Jisung and I will teach you to drink.”  
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yasmin-writes · 2 years
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There’s a ringing coming from outside, a shrill security alarm that ceaselessly cries out to its owner to make it stop. It’s 2:47am and that alarm is more awake than I am, but I’m kept up by this vacancy that has settled into me like houseguest that just won’t leave. That woman in the painting will be me tomorrow morning -- if the last few days are anything to go by -- after I've woken up, covered in a thin sheen of sweat (from the heatwave or my nerves, I do not know), and staring out onto any blank space to give my mind something clean, empty, and formless to cling onto whilst it readies itself for another onerous day. At least I have not had any nightmares since the last time I had to record one in my journal, but a dreamless sleep from which I always wake a little too early in the morning feels similarly perturbing. My body is faring no better. I’ve developed this redundant cough which seemingly does not do anything to or for me. It only appears of its own volition when I am quietly taken over by this feeling that there is something lodged inside of me that I need to get out. It makes a dull sound -- there is no effort, no force to it -- but it’s becoming a nervous tic, like I am being abruptly reminded that I am still awake and alive and there is something I am procrastinating which I probably should be getting on with.
It could just be because it gets hot at night, but there is something so sad and lonely about the lack of bedsheets or a lamp or a little table for her bedside necessities or some wall art or something to cover her bare body in that room that looks out to the morning sun. There is nothing to mark the space as her own, no traces of her having slept on that bed (has she?), nothing to cover her from the sun’s unflinching glare. They can see each other, her and the sun, but it doesn't seem a friendly gaze. She looks out at it, heaving a sigh at the way it exposes the absences in her life to the world. This is why I keep my curtains closed, especially during the day. I cannot take the brightness of the August sunlight that tries to force me out of bed too early and shows me the disordered state my room is in. Her room is empty, but mine is not. It’s not full, necessarily -- I have just recently thrown out a load of things I decided was not worth hoarding anymore -- it’s just that everything is out of place.
I am packing for my month-long trip away. As in, it is a continuous act which I have not yet finished. The trip has already been rescheduled once, abruptly, and so my first attempt at packing — as methodical as it was — seems useless. I unpack only the things I’ll need during this (3-week long) interval, between coming home and leaving again, but never placing anything too far from the suitcase in case I have the urge to repack it. I have summer clothes, odd bits of new makeup, travel-sized bottles of toiletries all in little groups (like they have been conscripted together) dotted around a space I have internally designated as a ‘packing area’. The suitcase is splayed open — like a violated corpse barely hidden in the woods — in the middle of my bedroom floor, the skeleton of that very specific packing structure I adopted still peeking through, which I am scared to disturb. If I close the suitcase, or unpack it to emptiness, it feels like I will never leave here. Like the trip, my plans for the summer, my expectations for what will happen when I am away and when I return home will never come to be. During this same, achingly long, moment of midsummer I am slowly packing for moving house almost immediately after I return home am back from my travels. But to decide what to take on a long trip, what to pack up for a new home, and what has exceeded its duration of usefulness and so needs to be mercilessly thrown out is an unsettling task. I don’t mean unsettling in a macabre, low-budget horror film sense; I mean it in a more literal feeling of un-settlement. Like an uprooting that hasn’t quite taken form, so it just sits within you, making every day in your own space feel uncanny and unfamiliar. Or like you are the one unfamiliar, the one that no longer fits in to the homeliness of this place. 
Summer and I are like old friends who know they secretly despise each other but regularly meet anyway — to try and breathe life into this deadened connection, or perhaps only to show off to their instagram friends that their ‘childhood friendship’ is more valuable your adult ones. I remember loving summer; my gingham frocks, the water slide at Archway Pool, the time spent with my parents (but only one of them at a time) that made me forget how emotionally violent our home was. But each year that summer returned, it saw me retreat further away from it. Not only did it grow more and more physcially unbearable — the summer grew hotter, and I grew older and more confined to a modesty that dictated I wore long sleeves and high necks all year round — but it almost always signalled a period in which I was forced to return to myself. No school, no fixed schedule, no need to do anything but to enjoy the time off until September reappeared. I could be at home with my parents and siblings where the air was thick with everyone’s suppressed complaints and highly-strung emotions threatening to lurch into the fore. I could see my friends who liked me most when I was just as quiet and agreeable as I eventually became in front of my family. It was needed; their personalities were so large and loud that one more would disrupt the balance. I was drawn to people like that, people whose social extraversion surrogated my own because someone (probably me) decided it would be easier to get through my teen years — those years of the greatest, inner and outer changes — if I had just kept quiet. For the most part, this worked. It was only when I found myself alone that I’d feel like all this quiet was just hushing some rumblings that were desperate to speak out.
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