#i know life is a gift and existence is totally fucking cool like i appreciate that i am cognizant and i can do crazy shit a worm cant do
glowingbadger · 3 years
FE3H spicy HC's [Sylvain, Hubert, Yuri]
Wanted to give a go at headcanons for Sylvain and Hubert, since I've written chapters for them since the last batch of HC's I did, and for Yuri, since I'm pretty sure he'll be my next chapter when I get around to it.
General spicy headcanons x gender-neutral reader
+18 NSFW
Every bit as adventurous as you’d expect, though also surprisingly good at communicating with someone he actually cares about. He’s had enough experience that he knows the slight awkwardness of negotiating comfort levels is well worth the incredible time you’ll both have when you fully understand each other,
He’s even an expert at the transition from “let’s hypothetically talk about what you’d like and are comfortable with” to, “Oh, you’d like that, babe? C’mon, don’t be shy, tell me how you want me to make you feel good…” making the whole process feel effortlessly seamless and sensual
Sylvain is a visual creature and definitely wants to see you dress up in kinky outfits just for him. Sexy, cute, he loves any and all of it, and has a real thing for fucking you with the outfit still [mostly] on, lending a sense of urgency and fantasy to it all.
Total switch- top, bottom, he’ll savor it all, and he can even get pretty rough if you like it that way. Though adorably, he actually bruises pretty easily, so hickies, bites and scratches show up prominently on his skin. He wears them as badges of pride, to be sure- and, if you let him, he'll brag about being with you to anyone who will listen.
He doesn't even realize this about himself for a while, but in a long term relationship, he starts to enjoy a bit of roleplay wherein his partner makes him "win them over" or seduce them. If his partner acts stoic, refuses to moan or bend to his touch, he becomes even more fired up than ever, determined to please them until they finally crack. He finds that being made to put in the work makes the payoff that much sweeter.
Sylvain loves decorating his lover's body with his cum, and his refractory period is near non-existent. These factors combined mean it's not unlikely for him to finish across your chest or stomach, and be so turned on by the sight alone that he grabs your hips and pulls you close for another round.
This man likes power-play in a serious way- and generally, he’s a hardcore dom. It’s primarily a control thing, and it is not in his nature to compromise. Expect to be given clear, direct orders in the bedroom, but also to be justly rewarded if you’re good and obedient. He can be harsh, but he is always fair.
Hubert quietly adores any part of you that’s soft or yielding, be it the curve of your backside or the gentle whimpers you let out as his fingers work between your legs. He’s not someone who has had a lot of ‘softness’ in his life, so the privilege of possessing a lover who is so unafraid of his touch and so open to him that he can feel their skin give beneath his fingertips, their breath lightly brushing his neck- it’s the closest thing to divine he’s ever experienced.
He's fairly touch-shy to start, which is part of why he wants to be the one in control. After a long, difficult process of helping him get more comfortable with touch, you'll still find he can be easily over-stimulated. Having you straddling his lap, grinding onto his hardening cock, fingernails dragging up his neck and into his hair- the intense sensory aspect of it all will have him near feral in no time, gasping and groaning between open-mouthed kisses.
Because he finds it a bit embarrassing and undignified to crumble in your hands like that, he'll normally respond by turning over on top of you and pinning your hands down onto the mattress, reclaiming the pace.
Actually very good at aftercare. He sees your submission to him as the act of trust that it is, and wants to reward you in turn. Since words and flowery gifts aren't like him, he'll instead show his appreciation by acts of service and caring for you after you've been such a good little pet for him.
Yuri is used to keeping his cards close to the chest and seeing sex as a kind of negotiation, and as a result, you won't likely hear about his own desires and preferences for some time. Instead, he'll coax out confessions of your fantasies with a few carefully chosen words, then tease you mercilessly when you finally break and tell him exactly what you want him to do to you.
That being said, he's also more than happy to indulge your desires. He's tried a little bit of everything, and he's quite interested in learning about you, what makes you tick, and so on. For Yuri, there's a psychological element to sex that can be as pleasurable as the physical.
After a while though, you may start to notice patterns- the fact that he so frequently wants to have you right after or right before you attend a class, a meeting, a formal event of some kind. It's an odd kink to put into words, but he loves the way you fall apart in his arms after just seeing friends, or just being so formal and proper and put-together. Even better if he can have you before that kind of event so you're forced to play it cool, arriving late and slightly disheveled, with his bite-marks still aching across your skin and his cum stopped inside of you with a toy.
Overall, Yuri enjoys the contrast of a person's outward propriety versus their most depraved hidden longings, and adores seeing his lover balance their day-to-day with their need to be sexually fulfilled by him.
Unsurprisingly, this means he also enjoys semi-public foreplay or sex; he loves to steal you away into a dimly lit alleyway deep in the Abyss, knowing that if you moan too loud while he fucks you against the wall, someone may hear your voice in the echoing hallways. He'll whisper as much into your ear all the while, reminding you to keep quiet while mercilessly utilizing every sweet spot he knows to reduce you to a trembling mess.
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jxmbi · 5 years
#this one’s gonna be quite depressing lmao so read on at your own risk if anyone is even reading this part there’s your warning#once i conquer my crippling fear of the afterlife/nonexistence/possibly ‘burning eternally in hell’ its over for me#like a solid 4 things are stopping me from doing the Seriously Bad thing#1. the aforementioned fear of ‘what the fuck would happen next’#2. the sadness my friends & family would experience esp. bc my cousin did That in 2017 and i just couldn’t do that to them#3. thinking about who would find me and then them going thru my stuff is so fucking sad dude i fucking couldn’t#3a. oh my god my fucking cat ok ahh fuck. fuck i’ll stay for jasper i gotta do it for jasper#4. deep down i want to live and create a beautiful life for myself but i just dont think i’m capable of doing it#i know so many people have gone through much worse and are less fortunate in many ways. i do understand that#some people are good at handling a lot of stuff and other people have a hard time handling less stuff. its their own personal capability#i just dont think i’m capable of dealing with my past trauma while also trying to become an adult and shit#and i know i probably sound like a snowflake bc im like ‘awh life is hard’#i know life isnt fair to most ppl and that they gotta accept that and deal with it#but im like! dude ! wow haha!#i know life is a gift and existence is totally fucking cool like i appreciate that i am cognizant and i can do crazy shit a worm cant do#i rly do think life is beautiful if you know where to look & how to truly appreciate it. being a living breathing human being is profound#i’m just? so stuck and i feel like if i dont get unstuck soon i’m gonna be that 29 year old at a party full of ppl under 20 yanno?#very scared of ‘wasting’ my life and these are the pivotal years where one decision can literally change the course of the rest of my life#technically all of ur choices have the potential to do that but at this age youre making a Lot of big important decisions and idk#TL;DR i complain abt wanting to kill myself but being a pussy and then i also complain abt basic life problems bc once again i’m a pussy#wait no i’ll end with some comedy: if the human race is gonna wipe itself out soonish or a natural disaster strikes yanno what have you...#i would like to be gone before that bc maybe i’ll get a slightly less shitty spot in the afterlife (whatever that is)#it might be like a first come first serve kind of arrangement who knows#also i wrote this all out before the whole revisiting my bad trip thing there was no influence or correlation i was just sad & queued this
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anachronisticcrab · 4 years
Solangelo Headcanons
So I’ve got a lot of these cause I’m such a simp for Nico and Will (feel free to ask me about any other Headcanons on either character, cause I’ve got LOTS)
They’re both massive nerds, but neither of them really like the same kind of things
Like, Will is more of a Star Wars and Star Trek fan, he loves Harry Potter more than life itself, and reads medical textbooks and animal books for fun
But Nico is such a linguistics and mythology nerd, we all know he loves Pokémon and DND, and he’s really into classic literature and art
They both spend 90% of their dates geeking out over their interests, and even when they talk about something the other doesn’t understand, they’re super supportive and sweet cause they’re both cute geeks
As much as they aren’t interested in the same things for the most part, they do have a few interests in common (pirates, astronomy, Dreamworks and Disney animated movies, The Princess Bride, Lord of the Rings, music, marvel and DC)
They absolutely have movie marathon dates. It’s their favourite thing. Their favourite movie series’ are Pirates of the Caribbean, Night at the Museum, and The Lord of the Rings/ The Hobbit
Nico loves watching Star Wars with Will because Will mumbled the lines along with the characters and does little lightsaber noises along with it and he’s so cute
Will likes watching movie adaptions of classic lit with Nico because he points out everything that’s different from the books, why the movies are bad, and insists on pausing it to go on rants about everything they got wrong. Will fucking loves it
They both have tattoos. Will’s got the sun over his chest, and a small semi colon on his left wrist next to a treble clef. Nico’s got a semicolon on his right wrist next to a bass clef
Will loves Halloween, and Nico could take it or leave it (he never did anything for it because he grew up in Italy), but Nico does couples costumes because Will looks at him with puppy dog eyes and Nico’s helpless
They’ve gone as Jed and Octavian from Night at the Museum; Buzz Lightyear and Woody; those two crazy pirates from Pirates of the Caribbean (the one with the wooden eye who dressed up in drag, and the short one who got upset over parlay); 1930’s mobsters; Adam and Barbara Maitland from Beetlejuice; Han Solo and Luke Skywalker
They actually talk to Mr. D, and that’s why they’re his favourite— they play poker with him, they talk to him, they treat him like anyone else and he lives them for it
Will loves every single one of Nico’s siblings (Rachel, Hazel, Reyna, Meg, Jason, Connor, Travis, Percy, Tyson, Estelle, Chiara, Piper, etc). They share ridiculous Nico stories and plan pranks on him— they all adore Will
Will’s siblings and friends lowkey love Nico more than Will. He brings them McDonalds, teases Will and makes Will blush, attempts archery to try to bond with them (he really tries, but he’s just really awful), he tells Will’s little siblings bedtime stories. Nico’s just really awkward, and he really tries, and they all love him. Of course, Cecil, Lou Ellen, Austin, and Kayla bug Nico a lot because he’s so awkward, but the truth is they really, really, really like him
Will is horrible at music. Like, truly horrible at anything to do with music. But he has an encyclopedic knowledge of music from over the last 200 years, and randomly quotes lyrics and talks about musical theory all day long
In contrast, Nico is amazing at playing piano and guitar, plus he enjoys playing the drums. He’s really musically talented, but knows nothing about the theory behind it or about the artists. Whenever Nico tries to learn a new song, Will nerds out over the musician/background of the song/cool lyrical devices that make it an amazing song. Nico frickin loves it
Nico loves cooking, while Will can’t cook for his life. Like someone get this boy some help, he almost burnt down his mom’s house while microwaving popcorn. They agreed that Nico would cook and Nico would clean
Nico can’t drive for shit. I mean, cars don’t exist in the city where he grew up (there’s not enough room for vehicles on the few roads in Venice), and even if there were, he’s Italian and gay (sorry about the stereotypes there, but I really can’t see Nico being a good driver). Will drives them everywhere or gets Jules-Albert to drive them, and hides Nico’s drivers license to ‘protect the public from his menace of a boyfriend’
You know how I mentioned the no vehicles in Venice thing? Yeah, no bikes are in the city either. Will taught Nico to ride a bike after the Giants War (before they started dating). Hazel took videos and pictures cause Nico was freaking out over it and yelling at Will not to let him die
Will finds animals on the street and adopts them. Nico begrudgingly helps Will to take care of the animals until they find good homes for them (mostly from people in New Rome)
Unfortunately, Will gets attached to them, and now they have 5 cats, 2 dogs, 3 snakes, 4 lizards, and a blue Jay
They’re both really grumpy in the morning. If you wake either of them up, they will probably bite your hand off
They like going on runs a lot? They’ll go on jogs once a day if possible, and they’ll chat or share earbuds while doing so
They go on dates on canoe lake a lot. They like to have races on the canoes, and to just float out away from everyone else (they totally don’t joke about being pirates or pretend to be pirates while on the lake, that’d be ridiculous and childish)
When Will’s been in the infirmary for too long, Nico walks in and throws a Kit Kat at his head, and then drags him out of the infirmary (sometimes by his ear, sometimes by his hand, depending on how long Will’s been in there for or how annoyed Nico is that day)
Nico’s teaching Will how to speak Venetian (he sucks at it, but Nico appreciates the effort)
Nico takes a long time to get used to PDA, and even after they’ve been dating for years, Nico’s really only comfortable with holding hands and hugs (plus cheek kisses or quick pecks) in public. Will’s fine with it, and he didn’t stop smiling for three days after Nico first pecked him on the cheek in public
International dates! Paris, Venice, Milan, Madrid, Banff, Athens, Cairo, Tokyo, Sydney, Ho Chi Minh, everywhere! They love travelling!
They have a lot of conversations where they tell the other how amazing they are (since they’re both pretty self-deprecating, and they think the world of the other, it ends up with them just going ‘shut up you’re beautiful, why do you put up with me’ for hours on end)
Dates on roofs! Nico and Will point out constellations at night and cloud watch during the day. They have picnics on the roof of the Big House, and the Hades and Apollo cabins all the time
They buy each other Funko Pop figures for birthdays, Christmas, and basically anytime they want to get each other a gift
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therenlover · 4 years
The Doctor Is In (Part Two of Till Forever Falls Apart, A Peter Maximoff/Reader Series)
Synopsis: Peter’s first few days in his new home are mostly uneventful, so he decides it’s the perfect time to dust off his running goggles and steal some shit. The building with the massive circular stained glass window seems like a great place to start! People with buildings that lavish are usually rich and weak, so what could possibly go wrong?
Tags: Pre-Relationship, Slow Burn, Falling in Love, Attempted Theft, Secrets, Suspicions, 
Rating: T
Warnings: Mild Language, Slight Sexual Innuendo
Word Count: 2800~
This work, as well as the other completed parts of this series, have been crossposted to my AO3! 
To Peter’s credit, it had all started with good intentions… okay, semi-good intentions, but that was the best defense he had to offer.
One moment he’s speeding into a funky building with a cool glass window looking for a knick-knack to take home to Y/N and the next he’s falling through endless darkness, searching for anything he could possibly grab onto. It was hell. Worst of all, though, he couldn’t use his speed. The world was only emptiness and darkness for as far as he could reach. Well, it was until he hit the ground.
It was a sudden jolt after what felt like hours of captivity when Peter hit the cool tiles of the flooring below him. The bright light after total darkness burned his eyes. He winced against it, lifting his arms to shield his face. There was no time to acclimate to his new surroundings, though, which were definitely not part of the building he had been inside before he might add, because the second his vision came back into focus a booming voice rang out from behind him.
“Peter Maximoff, what purpose did you have for breaking into the Sanctum Sanctorum?”
Peter spun around quickly on the ground to find a man floating behind him. Wait, floating? He didn’t even have time to question how the stranger knew his name while he was questioning what the hell he was. Was he a mutant? The man looked furious, his red cape billowing out behind him in an almost menacing manner while he stroked his goatee, eyebrows pinched together with rage. Peter had no clue what his deal was or who the hell he was looking at but he did know he had to calm him down fast if he wanted to avert disaster.
Apparently, he was thinking too long though because he wasn’t fast enough.
“I’ll ask you one last time,” the man’s hands came down to chest level, whirring with some sort of orange power, “why did you break into the Sanctum Sanctorum? This is your last chance,”
Somewhere in the distance, a dull thud sounded against the tile, like someone dropping a purse or bag. Peter didn’t have time to think about that, though. He was too busy saving his own life. All he had to do was get to his feet so he could run off! Unfortunately, that was better said than done.
“Woah, Woah, Woah!” he scrambled backward trying to stand but found his feet bound with the same orange sparks that were growing by the second in his attacker’s hands, “I have no clue what the hell a Sanctum Sanctorum is! I think you’ve got the wrong guy, man,”
His assailant cocked his head to the side. “So you’re telling me some other inhumanly fast kleptomaniac mutant from another dimension broke through all of my wards and tried to steal priceless magical artifacts from the Sanctum?”
Peter shrugged nonchalantly. “Magical artifacts? Dude, magic isn’t real. You’ve got the wrong guy,”
Thankfully, the man sighed in exhaustion, letting the orange sparks in his palms disappear as he pinched the bridge of his nose leaving only the ones around Peter’s ankles remaining. For the first time in his life, Peter was glad to be annoying.
“Jesus, I should have had my coffee before dealing with you…”
“I know right?” Peter propped himself up on his hands, “it’s always tragic when you catch the wrong guy, but I’m sure you’ll find your thief eventually. In fact, I think I saw some super speedy dude running towards Central Park when I was walking past that fancy building with the big circle window. That’s so weird! Maybe you should let me go so you can go find your guy,”
The man only seemed to get more pissed off the further Peter dug himself into his own grave. “Oh, I’m not planning on letting you go any time soon. I’m just avoiding a reckoning by letting your keeper know I’m taking you into the Avenger’s custody before we go,”
He was so screwed. “That’s not a-”
Before Peter could even finish his sentence, a crash echoed from across the room.
Now, Peter couldn’t decide if he was saved or even more screwed than before.
There, across the room of what he had now gathered to be a large exhibit at some sort of museum, was Y/N. To say she looked furious would be an understatement.
The art on the walls seemed to shake in her wake as she stormed into the open center of the room, eyes boring holes into Peter’s assailant as she rolled up the sleeves of her paint-stained denim button-up. He could only imagine that this was the reckoning the magic dude was trying to avoid.
The man, Stephen, didn’t waver despite Y/N’s entrance. “Would it kill you to just use my title? I got my doctorate for a reason, you know,” His tone was flat and almost bored as Y/N seethed.
“Fuck you,” she spat, “what the hell are you doing with Peter? And bringing him here of all places? I thought you were supposed to be the responsible Avenger,”
“And I thought you were supposed to keep this menace under control. It looks like we both have a few responsibilities we aren’t keeping up with, huh?”
Across the floor, Peter winced. He hadn’t intended on getting anyone in trouble, he was just looking for a little fun to pass the time and maybe a housewarming gift that would fit in with the rest of Y/N’s antique decor. How was he supposed to know that a crazy, magic, floating guy would take him to what he could only assume was magic prison for breaking into his wizard’s lair? Surprisingly, Y/N picked up his movement.
“Peter, are you okay?” Her eyes never left Strange, flaming with a ferocity that bordered on homicidal, but her voice softened considerably as she spoke to him. He was quick to respond.
“I’m all good! A little tied up at the moment, but it’s nothing I can’t handle!” He shouted back.
Y/N nodded. “Good, just stick tight while I deal with this asshole,”
As the last words left her lips all the softness she had mustered for Peter’s sake dissolved, leaving behind pure, unbridled anger once more.
“You had no right to take him, Strange. We made a deal,”
“You’re right, we did make a deal,” Stephen responded, floating to the ground and taking a step closer to Y/N, “but my duties as Sorcerer Supreme will always come first,”
“That has nothing to do with him! He poses no threat to this universe!”
“He was attempting to steal extremely powerful magical artifacts, Y/N! If a mutant from another dimension had gotten their hands on the Book of Vishanti or the Clock of the Ages who knows what might have happened?”
Y/N stilled. “Peter,” her voice wasn’t the same as it had been when she was shouting at Strange, but it also wasn’t half as gentle as it has been before, “did you steal anything from Stephen?”
Peter, still dazed from the entirety of the experience, was quick to defend himself.
“No! No, I didn’t steal anything!”
One sharp look from Stephen and Y/N sent him spiraling for an excuse.
“Okay, I went in with the intention of stealing, but I had no idea that stuff was magical! I didn’t even know wizards existed! Witches I understood but wizards too? In the middle of New York? Besides, all of this is a moot point! I didn’t actually take anything,”
Surprisingly, Y/N’s expression seemed to soften once again. “See, Stephen? Peter didn’t mean any harm. Now let him go, and this can all be a thing of the past,” As she spoke, he could have sworn that her eyes began to faintly glow.
“I still don’t think it’s a great idea to let him roam free,” Stephen ran a hand through his salt and pepper hair and the restraints around Peter’s ankles tightened slightly.
“Then you’ll have to take him from me,” Y/N brought her hands up, small rippling balls of light beginning to grow in her palms. Peter had never been so scared and aroused in his life. Was this the ‘small power’ she had mentioned to him when he moved in?
“I have remained civil with you and the mages of your order, Strange, but you have no power over me, especially on my own home turf. You lack the time stone now, so you know what will happen if you and I go toe to toe again. Besides, none of that matters. Peter is mine. Mine to protect and defend until he returns to his rightful place in his universe. So, will you let him go, or will we have to settle this the old-fashioned way?”
Y/N’s eyes were definitely glowing now, a brilliant green gleaming from within her as a rough breeze began flowing in from the door across the room. Stephen made no move to attack though. Instead, he heaved a sigh. “You can have your man child back Y/N, calm down,”
Slowly, the glow dissipated, the orbs of light shrinking into nothingness as she lowered her hands. “Thank you, Stephen,”
In an instant, it was as if the pair had gotten along the whole time.
He nodded. “Don’t thank me, just keep him away from ancient magical secrets next time,” Strange paused as if he was finished speaking, but then chuckled softly. It was the most human Peter had ever seen him. “You know how this ends, Y/N. We both do. Are you really sure you want to go through with this?”
It was Y/N’s turn to nod. “I appreciate that you’re looking out for me, but I made my choice a long time ago. There has never been another path for me. Please respect that,”
Peter was clueless as to what any of their exchange meant, too busy rubbing the ache out of his newly freed ankles to think too deeply about whatever deep exchange was happening in front of him, but a nagging feeling in his chest made him think that it must have something to do with him.
Then, in a burst of golden light, Stephen Strange was gone, leaving Y/N and Peter alone as they took in everything that had just happened. It was silent for a moment, the two of them caught between being stunned and glad to see each other, before Y/N’s angry facade melted away.
“What a fucking asshole,” she snickered, making her way over to Peter and offering him a hand, “I hate that guy,”
Peter took her hand and, with a soft pull, was finally upright again. “I know, right? He seems like a total douchebag,”
“Right? Like, yeah it’s terrible enough to kidnap you and try to take you into Avengers custody, but trying to get me to hand you over at my job? That’s just rude on a whole new level,”
“You work here?” Peter gestured at the art on the walls, making Y/N smile.
“Yeah, this is where I go every day. Welcome to the Brooklyn Museum!” She began to lead him out towards the door, linking her arm around his in a strangely intimate act. Peter was sure that she didn’t mean it like that but something about her closeness made his heart flutter.
He guffawed as they walked, passing happy couples and exhibits packed full. “It’s cool here, but I just assumed you worked somewhere… I dunno, more hero-y?”
Y/N laughed. “Everyone always does, but I’ve been attached to restoring paintings since before I ever took up the whole hero gig. I guess it’s the one stable thing I’ve had for my whole life.”
Watching Y/N’s face light up almost made Peter forget that less than an hour earlier he’d been shoved in an infinite dark dimension and threatened with imprisonment by a wizard. It was like she was the only thing worth seeing in a building full of priceless art.
“I’ve always felt strangely comfortable in museums,” she continued, hand brushing against Peter’s bicep in what he could only assume was an accident, “being surrounded by history just feels right to me. It’s like coming home,” Peter couldn’t help but grin, holding back a snicker.
“I’m guessing that’s the real reason you offered to take me in,” he teased, gently ribbing Y/N and making her giggle, “just couldn’t help but bring home a blast from the past who still has their youthful good looks,”
“You caught me! I just couldn’t resist your elderly charms,”
In a moment of poor judgment, Peter found himself leaning into her touch but was surprised to find her leaning right back into him. His heart began to pound faster. He could only hope she couldn’t tell. The feeling of being close to Y/N, listening to her laugh, being the shoulder she leaned on… it was like nothing Peter had ever felt before.
The short remainder of their walk to Y/N’s destination was mostly quiet, but neither of them tried to pull away from the other. Their moment only ended when they reached a large door labeled ‘Staff Only’. Y/N finally unlinked her arm from Peter’s before turning to face him. He was proud to note the flush on her face.
“I’m gonna go grab my bag,” she muttered, worrying the edge of her lip with her teeth, “do you mind taking me home? Traveling with you would probably be faster than hailing a taxi, and way less expensive,”
Between the thought of getting to be close to Y/N again and the excitement of getting to show off his powers, Peter was eager to please. “Sure thing! Do you want me to grab your bag for you? I’m sure I’d be quicker?” He emphasized his statement with a wink. Unfortunately, it didn’t have the desired effect.
Instead, Y/N looked almost nervous as she shook her head no. “I’ve got it, Peter,” she insisted.
He quirked up an eyebrow in surprise. “You sure? We could be home in a minute tops, just say the word,”
“There’s just a lot of important museum stuff back there! I trust you Peter, but this is priceless art we’re talking about, so I’d rather not take any chances. I’ll be back in a second!”
She slowly backed towards the door, offering him one last smile before disappearing into the darkness beyond. Something about her expression turned Peter’s stomach. It wasn’t unfamiliar, she had acted similarly in a few days Peter had known her at seemingly random times, but it just seemed… suspicious, like there was something he should definitely know that he was being kept in the dark about. Despite everything, he shook off the feeling, chalking it up to him not understanding all the intricacies of this new universe. If love made him blind, he was willing to take that chance.
It only took a few minutes for Y/N to emerge, a small messenger bag in hand, but when she did she was joyful once again, offering Peter an apologetic smile. “Sorry about that. Did I miss anything while I was gone?”
He shook his head, pulling down his goggles and offering her his hand. “Not much, just the end of the world,”
She giggled. “So do I just hop on your back or what?”
Peter’s heart skipped a beat. In a second he was down on his knee. “All aboard,” He did his best to keep still as Y/N settled herself on his back, then he was lifting her easily, arms hooked under her knees as she giggled into his hair. “What’s so funny?”
She wrapped her arms around his shoulders securely as he stood. “I just expected you to call yourself the Bohner express,”
It took all of Peter’s strength to keep his laughter under control. “You tell me that now? After the opportunity to use it has passed?”
Y/N squeezed him a little tighter. “I’m sure you’ll get to use it next time,”
The thought of a next time sent Peter’s heart rate through the roof. Oh, it was on.
“I’d hold on if I were you,” he said, smirking, “the Bohner express is leaving the station,”
Y/N was quick to snap back. “Let’s hope it doesn’t disappoint,”
“Oh Y/N, the Bohner express never disappoints,”
“Prove it,”
Peter had them back to the brownstone in record time.
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Meeting and Dating Joey Donner
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(Not my gif)(Requested by anonymous)
- It was a little known fact that nearly every girl in your school wanted to date or at least screw Joey Donner. You were no exception but at least you could tell he was a total ass and didn’t actually try to get with him.
- You acted uninterested, convinced yourself at times that you were uninterested yet deep down you knew you secretly were attracted to him even if it was just the surface you were attracted to.
- But you’re disinterest is what drew Joeys attention to you in the first place. As everyone else swooned you completely ignored him and talked to “losers” instead, hiding away from attention and for the most part wearing clothes which left nearly everything to the imagination. Though to be fair, you woke up at five in the morning and stayed in school till two; frankly you just weren’t in the mood for heels.
- He wasn’t entirely compelled just by that. No, his real interest towards you started when a friend of yours decided to give you a makeover and plead with you to try it out for a week just to see what would happen. Since you were equally curious you gave it a try, even though you knew it was going to be a hassle.
- Thats why early one morning you arrived at school dressed in a v-neck top, a tight skirt, heels, hair perfectly done and more makeup than usual. To say he was enticed would be an understatement.
- “Had you always been so hot?” Was a common question among your peers but most didn’t even realize it was you until halfway through the day. Even Cameron and Michael; your friends, were having trouble not staring at your cleavage. Boys were swarming you to say the least.
- It was kind of fucked up to have the same people who made fun of you throughout middle school and high school now open doors and pull out chairs for you.
- You and Joey were lab partners so to an extent you were forced to interact for at least a good ten minutes a day. A lot of girls were jealous of you for this exact reason but you didn’t pay them any mind.
- It was when you were sat at your desk pulling on gloves to cut open frogs that Joey actually got his first look at you, well, the new you. He genuinely thought you were transferred and a new girl was sitting in your place. Sure he thought you were good looking before but every girl looks a bit better with makeup and some tight clothes, at least to guys like him.
- He slowly sat down next to you, eyes trained on your face and body as he went. You paid him no mind as you wrote down your notes and got to work. He sat there staring at you for a few moments before shaking his head and getting a hold of himself. He couldn’t actually get with a “loser” like you; it would ruin his reputation.
- He was bewildered when he found himself actually starting to like you. You, the girl who was a nobody, the girl that half the school didn’t know existed and the girl that, regardless of all that, still didn’t like him. You were weirdly endearing for it; hot even. He actually had to work to gain your attention.
- Joey doesn’t really know how to go after girls that he doesn’t have leverage on. Like if a girl likes him it’s easy to score with her but what does he do if they seem to hate his guts?
- He tried flirting, complimenting you and being sweet before he asked you out for the first time. You rejected him, quite brutally might he add and so he had to take a different plan of action. His second plan was to annoy the hell out of you, getting you riled up so that you’d give him the attention he wanted from you, even if it was given to him with a glare.
- After an especially rough week with him borderline bullying you he made the mistake of asking you out again. That’s how you and him got into an insult match in an empty hallway of the school after classes ended.
- A moment of stillness came over the two of you after a particularly heated exchange of words. When all of a sudden his hands were cupping your cheeks and your lips were smashing together.
- It was rough, passionate, heated. You didn’t exactly know why it was happening but to hell if you weren’t enjoying it. So long story short you ended up making out with the cocky most popular guy in the school who only moments before you were calling a pompous ass.
- When you came to your senses you realized he had you pinned against the wall and was thoroughly enjoying himself. The two of you pulled apart to catch your breath and were silent for a while, still close in proximity. Both of you leaned in and shared a much tamer kiss before he spoke.
“I’m an asshole, I get it, but that was great and you can’t deny it, alright? There’s something between us and you know it so why don’t we see how this plays out. Let me take you out and make everyone in this town jealous that I have you.”
- Well maybe it was worth a shot, right? You pulled him into another kiss which he smiled into like a giddy fool even if he wouldn’t ever admit it.
- So that’s how you became the hottest couple in school and started living out the dreams of all your classmates.
- He has a major soft spot for you.
- He’s really cuddly when you’re alone. He’s like a totally different person.
- Lots of gifts and dates people your age shouldn’t be able to afford.
- Being backstage at his modeling and commercial jobs.
- He’s jealous as hell, he hates boys looking at you but at the same time loves it because he’s a smug asshole. It makes him proud that people want what only he has.
- He’s lowkey possessive.
- You have to wear his jacket in classes you don’t have with him.
- Hickeys and constant pda.
- When he’s bored he tends to write his name on your skin. At some point he’ll get you a necklace with his name on it and a ring for himself that has yours engraved on it. He probably wouldn’t even tell you about his ring, you’d just notice it for yourself one day and get a little misty eyed.
- He’ll randomly grab a part of your body and start drawing on it. He reserves dicks for other people though.
- Once you’re in his car he’s eating your face. His lips are on yours and they aren’t letting up until they get their fill.
- He likes to grab your face and pull you into kisses.
- His arm is constantly wrapped around your shoulders or waist.
- You’re on his lap like 90% of the time.
- Even though he’s got a big ego, he actually gets pretty flustered when you compliment him on things other than his looks. He doesn’t know how to react at first but he tries his best to play it off and act cool.
- Someway, somehow, you’re incorporated into his workouts whether it be you sitting on his back or underneath him during pushups or you being used as a bench press. It makes things more entertaining for him and lets him show off.
- I feel like his household was the kind where money substituted actual relationships so this boy is probably hella attention starved. The first time you showed him innocent affection he was kinda confused.
“What are you doing?”
“Loving you.”
- He’s an asshole but it’s somehow endearing?
- Anyone who comes close to bothering you is getting his ass kicked either by him or someone he’s paid to do so.
- He’s a pretty demanding person, he wants your attention, affection, anything you can give him. You’re basically inseparable.
- Hugs from behind with his head resting on your shoulder.
- He’s a sexual guy and proud of it so undoubtedly sex will be a part of your relationship.
- It gets him all hot and bothered when you wear his clothes.
- Him “accidentally” touching your boobs and butt. Just blatant groping yet he’ll probably apologize like it was a mistake.
- Wearing one of his rings, most likely on a chain around your neck.
- Flowers and cute but ‘macho’ notes.
- Fighting usually ends up being his fault because he’s a cocky bastard and won’t ever admit he’s wrong. It also doesn’t help that he thinks he can do whatever he wants.
- You tend to give him the cold shoulder. It annoys the everloving fuck out of him because he’s only just now gotten used to and started to rely on your affection. When you’re not giving it to him there’s a lot of tension and stress in his life. People in school suffer since he takes out all his annoyance on them.
- After a little while he’ll man up and apologize, holding out his arms for a hug once he’s finished. He both smugly smile and melts like butter when you wrap your arms around him.
- If you massage his scalp he’ll turn to putty in your hands.
- Skincare with him. Masks, creams, etc; he probably pampers himself more than you do.
- Likes laying his head in your lap and having you read to him.
- Your teachers love you since you tame him in the classes you share with each other.
- Getting him to stop picking on people.
- Helping him with schoolwork. He’s not dumb he just lacks the motivation and focus to actually go through with and finish his assignments.
- He tries his best to calm down with his drinking and partying because he knows you hate when he’s drunk.
- He likes randomly picking you up and throwing you over his shoulder.
- Pestering you is a game he’s good at and one he enjoys.
- His parents probably like you fine enough but your parents probably don’t like him. Not many parents would unless perhaps you just show your mother a picture of him.
- He’s definitely attempted to bribe your teachers into putting you guys in the same classes, teams, and lab groups.
- When he’s alone and actually tries to do well he can be pretty good at drawing.
- If you mention that you like a certain kind of shirt on him he’ll magically own like a dozen more over night.
- He really likes when you gush over and compliment him. It gives him the confidence that he really didn’t need but greatly appreciates. Or maybe it’s just a boost to his already inflated ego.
- Whenever you’re cold all you have to do is snuggle into him, he’s like a human heater and is all smiles when you randomly bury yourself into his chest.
- No one is allowed to interrupt the two of you at lunch without a proper reason unless they want to be made a fool of in front of everybody.
- He has a hard time saying he loves you because he wants to keep up his tough guy reputation but his heart swells everytime you say it. Deep down you know he does.
- You’re the power couple of the school.
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Okay, but I need some Joe Toye headcanons like I need air. Help a girl out
Taglist: @floydtab, @deldontplay, @thatsonefishyboi, @noneofurbusinez, @meteora-fc, @hufflepuffpancakes
I just want to say that i love toye more than i love myself. This boy deserves everything and i mean it!
Btw thanks @adamantiumdragonfly for requesting these lovely hcs, i had a lot of fun writing this! 💕💕
General/Fluffy HCs for Joe Toye
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so you see right here, this man is a professional lover and sweetheart extraordinaire 
you two actually met when running currahee
joe stumbled along the way and you gripped his arm to prevent him from falling
thought it was one of the boys like like luz or guarnere or just practically anybody
he was instantly like !!!!! but it soon turned into 💕💕💕
immediately thinks he died during training and went into heaven
looks like he is having the time of his life, he is by the way
you ask him if he’s ok as youre running along side him
joe nods his head slowly like the cute dope that he is
either of you could have fallen behind or could have run faster but nope!
you two keep the same pace as each other so y’all arent seperated and lose sight of each other
after that, you and joe are close as fuc-
when i mean close i MEANT CLOSE
theres endless laughter and happiness
snarky and sassy remarks from both parties
and you two doing whatever- 
literally toye is one of the people that you can never get mad at-
its impossible for him to make you mad i swear, he’s just too sweet and caring and this man can never do any wrong-
sooooo u and joe might or might not have huge crushes on each other
i'm just saying, but u two totally do-
if you were to walk into a room that joe was in, his eyes immediately go to you, because why not?
like seriously, joe would literally try to freeze the sun for you
but whenever you thank him he’s all like “that’s what best friends are for”-
the easy boys are so done believe me so they just watch in the background while commenting how stupidly cute u both are-
joe enjoys being sweet to you but he’ll never say it
you point it out sometimes while smiling and joe just erupts into flames
joe would never admit it, and this is a very well kept secret of his, only person who knows abt it is HIM and him alone
so basically during eindhoven, joe purposely yeeted his face away when a girl tried to kiss him and no one knew why-
after the day you met him, he made sure that lips were only reserved for u
everyone thought it was weird how he would launch himself away from the girls but you found it cute
you teased him a lot after that day and joe would act like he’s offended but in reality he's so goddamn head over heels for you-
joe legit doesn't know what to do around you, you're just so amazing
you and toye could either be the kids or the parents in the group, its an amazing vibe-
okok but the way he confessed to you was soo MMMM-
joe woke you up in the middle of the night to see the stars
after a few words of persuasion, you went outside with him and with your hand in his as he led the way
y’all sit down and when you gaze up at the sky, holy SHIT it was very beautiful-
toye loved your reaction and the smile you gave him after was worth way more than any fucking treasure-
joe was surprised when he didn’t stutter when he told u how much he loved you-
like if you were sleepy- not anymore! 
you immediately woke up and just stared at him for a good couple of minutes
but damn you told him how much loved him too- but like seriously picture this
midnight, stars, love confessions, and tender and passionate kisses with joe fucking toye-
it wasnt what you were expecting but excuse it was so fucking good-
btw this boy’s spunky attitude will bring you to tears-
like hes overly sarcastic and you would just burst up laughing because its so fucking funny-
one of the things you also love about joe is that he’s a sassy boy who’s actually very sweet once you get to know him
this is one the many things that made you fall from him-
when joey gets tipsy he will lean on you for support and will deny that he’s drunk
toye will also drunkenly say how much he loves you and that youre the best person ever-
toye will end up falling asleep after you run your hands through his dark hair while he’s cuddled up against you-
you fall asleep not so long afterwards
YO- joey boy cherishes everything you give him and he just really appreciate the little things that you do
like if you hold a door open for him or even just pick out stuff that got stuck in his hair i'm pretty sure he’ll think about for days on end
hes also genuinely enjoys it when you talk to him about things you are very passionate about
like toye will literally just come up with the stupidest conversations just so he can hear talk and you can say the same for him
his voice is so fucking perfect and its always immediately recognizable 😩👌
toye will iNDEED bring you small gifts that he thinks you might like-
joey is very VERY protective of you
like if he sees a person making you feel discomfort in anyway he will yeet the poor bastard
he doesn't go completely overboard, most of the time, he just really wants you to be safe
you two still having your weekend passes are VERY rare since sobel likes being a lil bitch
wo when you two actually have it, joe makes sure to make it count
he takes you to the bar sometimes while other times he takes you into town to ditch the noise and his hella drunk friends
um so he takes you around the stores and shops and you two will impulsively buy the randomest shit
the easy boys immediately stop trusting u both with money
yeah the items you two buy are cute but they have no literal use
during one of these trips joe buys you a really gorgeous necklace and you just ascended-
im not kidding
you never took off the necklace off your neck after that day
toye also gives you small gifts and lemme tell this boy even gives you a small camera
both you and toye take pictures of each other with it and the both of you always make sure to keep photos of one another
joe is also one of those boyfriends who has a surprise for you each and every single day-
either he’d take you swimming, riding bikes, eating at a diner, or watching a simple movie together
no matter how simple the activity, joe will find a way to make it the best experience you will ever have-
when watching a movie, joe would put snarky remarks in between the scenes and the experience is just alleviated-
when you two wake up next to each other in the morning, its the most peaceful little thing that has ever existed
sometimes you would wake up earlier and joe would still be asleep with his arms around you
toye will unknowingly pull you closer to him and wont let you go for a very long time-
did i mention toye’s devilishly cute morning voice??? 
his little good morning cuddles are pure and utter fluff and you will never get tired of it!
toye will surprise you with random hugs from behind every single day-
it soon became one of the things that you couldn’t live without
like he so tender, yet firm? and the hug is so fucking comforting what???
toye will hug you anytime and anywhere
his hugs bring you the most source of joy and they just make you so happy
if youre tired when he hugs you, you are immediately energized from the complete act alone
if youre sad, joe’s hugs will comfort you and you’ll just smile into his chest and his arms are wrapped around your waist
when youre angry, you just cool down in his touch- 
his hugs give you life and just repel off any negative emotions
if you were to be honest, toye and his hugs are probably your most favorite things in the whole entire world-
toye is just an overall very caring and hella GOOD boyfriend 
it has come to the point where both of you cannot exist without the other-
you love him with all of your heart and he loves you with all of his 😩💕
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im sorry for any mistakes that i made and i hope that everything is alright. btw im sorry for me taking so long to write this, i tried my best to finish it! 
but i love toye and he’s complete and utter perfection, thank you very much-
thank you for reading this and supporting me you guys are everything! 😩😊💕💕💕
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kiruuuuu · 4 years
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Thank you for both your kind words as well as that wonderful mental image, anon 💝 :) I’m hella excited you enjoy this ship as well, so I hope you like reading about Blackbeard slowly going mad! (Rating T, BB sure loves rambling, ~4.8 words) - this contains references to underage sex!
Goyo is slowly but surely driving him insane.
The man is a fucking enigma. He might as well wear a question mark as his face because it’d tell Blackbeard just as much about his current mood or thoughts or expectations or hopes or fears as his actual face does (though he’s glad Goyo’s face is his actual face, seeing as it’s quite nice to look at, which isn’t to imply he’d like Goyo any less if he had no face, but it’d make kissing him a lot more complicated).
When he met him, Blackbeard thought him to be one of those quiet, cool guys who are just good at their job, and when they’re not at their job, they phase from existence because their job is all they are. Which is fine with Blackbeard. Some of his colleagues are like that: when anyone asks them about their hobbies, they’re hard pressed to come up with a reply since work isn’t a hobby, and neither is preparing for work.
But the moment Goyo first opened his mouth, Blackbeard realised his first impression couldn’t have been more wrong, because he sounds calm and sophisticated and confident and it instantly throws him off kilter. No, this isn’t some genius, this is one of those dudes who can’t take a joke, who think themselves better than everybody else, who react to things they deem profane not with honest opinions but rather thinly-veiled condescension, and they’re the worst. They’re the ones with whom Blackbeard has never gotten along, seeing as he was never sure whether they kept him around to secretly make fun of him, or out of misplaced pity, or to become more popular, or because they’re too awkward to be openly rude.
They’re the ones he can’t read. They never laugh along. They quietly sit next to him until someone calls on them and then they effortlessly trump him with whatever they have to say.
He justified his own actions with the excuse of ‘at least I’m being sincere’ for the longest time. He doesn’t like them, and so he shows it, meaning everyone knows where they’re at. After he’s declared his dislike, some kind of arrangement is made, and they never have to speak to each other again (only he had trouble keeping away because it is kinda gratifying to watch them squirm in discomfort) – and clearly, it’s better than putting up a front made up of false niceties and fake smiles which doesn’t hold up for a second longer as soon as they’re not in the same room anymore.
These days, he’s come to a different conclusion. They simply worried him.
Some of them bested him in various disciplines, causing him to push himself harder because he didn’t want to be left behind and because he can’t let someone he doesn’t like overtake him. Their indifference towards him left him insecure since he’s a people pleaser at heart, wants to be loved and admired by everybody and simply had absolutely no fucking clue how he could get them to like him. And he always thought this sentiment was universal: everyone wants to be popular, don’t they? All humans want to be liked. Only these specific people’s very existence threatened this world view. They didn’t want to be liked by everybody. So what did it mean that they got to the same place as Blackbeard, when he obeyed all the rules and played all the games? Conventions exist for a reason, and shouldn’t be ignored like that.
So yes. Goyo was one of those.
Except he wasn’t. Thermite found him hilarious. Pulse developed a sudden interest in Goyo’s field of expertise. Ash invited him out for drinks. Valkyrie appreciated his earnest nature (and really, what the hell?). The only one with whom Goyo pointedly didn’t interact was Blackbeard.
And they kept going on about how friendly he was, and how well he fit in, and Blackbeard didn’t understand. Stared hard at this mystery of a man and just didn’t understand. Goyo wasn’t stand-offish. He obeyed some rules and played most games, just not Blackbeard's favourite ones, and neither did he let him provoke him, which deprived Blackbeard of the satisfaction of making him uncomfortable as well. What the fuck was he supposed to do with that?
But there was another problem. He’s gay.
It’s a can of worms he’d prefer not to open – if his mind was a house, then he’d shoved all of… that down the stairs into the basement, never to be seen again, collecting dust and sitting untouched. (It’s only recently that he’s begun clearing some of it out, airing it, finding use for it in the living room or somewhere else.) And whenever he learnt that anyone in his vague vicinity was gay, the door slammed open and something yelled at him really loudly the two words which would haunt him for a few weeks:
Dumb. Useless.
Disruptive, even, it’s not like he’d do anything, it’s not like the guy would do anything, it’s unlikely to be a topic between them, and still he wonders what it’d be like to kiss whoever was unfortunate enough to haunt Blackbeard for a while. This happens with everyone. Intrusive thoughts he can’t for the life of him control. They do fade the longer he knows the person, fortunately, but in the beginning, whenever the name is mentioned, his brain flashes him a question à la what would it feel like to hug him. Never has he acted on it, nor has he confessed this to anyone, which… likely made it worse, alright, now he knows it, but as a terrified navy officer, his main concern wasn’t whether he might regret neglecting that unwanted basement in his head later in life.
He made a point of never joking about it. Not he himself, at least. Not about this. If anyone ever noticed, they didn’t mention it to him.
In any case, there was the fact that Goyo was there and not going to go away any time soon, and he was gay, and really handsome. The tingly kind of handsome. The car crash kind, making it impossible to look away, with his stupid beard and the weird, sexual way he sits, and how he twirls his pens around without even realising. His smile is…
Blackbeard didn’t want to label him with anything past handsome, not pretty or attractive or (god forbid) hot, because it fell too well in line with the WHAT IF still regularly being screamed at him, despite the weeks they’ve spent as acquaintances already, and for some reason, this time, it doesn’t go away.
With other colleagues, it vanished very quickly, but Goyo? Goyo starts appearing in his dreams. Just once or twice, really, nothing compromising, a few words exchanged or a laugh (and he’s seen him laugh in Valkyrie’s presence, and dear fucking lord), but it has an uncomfortable side effect.
His brain convinces him he has some kind of claim on him. Nothing insane, not like he thinks Goyo owes him anything, and yet… He knows Goyo is single, so he should appreciate any offer he gets, and Blackbeard is certain Goyo would prefer if they got along better anyway, and besides, Blackbeard is a catch, right? He’s good-looking, funny, skilled, forthright, adventurous – nothing to scoff at. Surely it’s enough to warrant a try.
And when he’s instantly shot down, he realises that he can’t read this man at all.
Unfortunately for both of them, it’s a recurring theme in their interactions. Even after a while, even after Blackbeard has noticed Goyo’s lips thinning when he disapproves of something, or that his ‘yeah it’s fine’ is sometimes nothing more than a passive-aggressive ‘I’d prefer something else’, even then he doesn’t know the source of it. Because Goyo just doesn’t fucking talk to him.
The basics are there.
Not only that, the basics are great and Blackbeard is fully aware of it: both of them are putting effort into their relationship. He once heard it’s the single most important aspect of anything meant to last, and his prior relationships seem to support this claim – and hands down, both of them are committed to this. There’s not a single day without any type of contact, whether it’s texting, a short call, or meeting up, Goyo keeps track of what he likes to eat and cooks accordingly, Blackbeard brings small gifts, they pay each other compliments which are heartfelt and earnest, and they compromise on how they spend their time together. They’re comfortable around each other. He looks forward to seeing him every day that he does.
And there’s the whole… other stuff. All of which leaves Blackbeard flustered whenever he even thinks about it, and he’ll say this much: Goyo is infinitely more passionate than he would’ve expected. Generous, too. And really, really good.
That said, this is where the ‘but’ comes in (and no, he’s not referring to the fun part anymore).
Goyo can’t fucking communicate. It’s driving Blackbeard up the walls. He’s totally incapable of putting his emotions into words, which makes no sense at all. Once they started dating and Goyo opened up more, the complaints began, and honestly? Blackbeard was delighted. Because Goyo didn’t just nag, he pointed out aspects which bothered him in a constructive way and either suggested a solution or appreciated it when Blackbeard corrected it himself – or he was satisfied with a compromise. Maybe not always satisfied, there are still unresolved issues like him being inept to show up on time, ever, and insisting he’s in the right, but even then he doesn’t make a big fuss over it. Banter, yes. Some teasing. Remarks delivered with a grin. Tongue-in-cheek comments. Blackbeard does exactly the same, so he respects it.
In the past, it’s happened a few times that his current girlfriend was unhappy about something but didn’t mention it, not really, not to the point where Blackbeard would’ve realised it to be as serious as it turned out to be. Instead, her dissatisfaction grew and grew, in one instance accompanied by contempt, and eventually came an outburst he couldn’t have prevented if he tried, seeing as he knew nothing about it. Having a partner this vocal about problems is refreshing.
But there are certain topics Goyo doesn’t mention. Or moments where he simply clams up. It’s impossible to tell when it’ll happen or why, but now and then Goyo gets utterly lost in his own thoughts (or at least that’s what Blackbeard thinks is happening), and then he either loses the thread of their conversation entirely, or takes forever to reply. Blackbeard gets incredibly antsy whenever he receives no reaction, so his boyfriend doing it to him is twice as bad. He’s aware Goyo lives inside his head a lot of the time, sure, and as a result, almost everything he says is well thought through and genuine (at least the non-sarcastic bits), but for him, it’s difficult to deal with nonetheless. He often panics during those pauses and wonders whether he’s done something wrong and Goyo is currently trying to work out how to break it to him.
And when it comes to Goyo’s feelings, he’s a lost cause. Blackbeard doesn’t doubt for a second that Goyo spends a good portion of his time analysing himself and introspecting, it’s just… he doesn’t seem to be very good at it.
That, or he also has a basement full of dusty, forgotten, pushed-away objects.
Goyo thinks himself ‘sociable enough’. It’s how he himself expressed it. Blackbeard begs to differ, and strongly so: Goyo hardly ever seeks out other people, regularly turns down invitations as well and is awfully quiet in groups, not to mention he takes forever to warm up to people (and there’s the not-so-small matter about his lack of punctuality too). Blackbeard finds his behaviour quite rude a lot of the time and is pretty sure the others only give Goyo the benefit of the doubt to be nice.
He says of himself that he’s not very demanding, only to keep demanding things of Blackbeard. More touching. More housework. Less gym time. No shaving. More spontaneity (and he seems to overlook the obvious irony in telling someone to be spontaneous).
This is another thing: he keeps disrupting Blackbeard's daily schedule without feeling a shred of guilt over it. Calling at inopportune times, trying to keep him in bed in the morning, suddenly wanting to eat lunch a specific place, changing plans they made weeks ago a few minutes before leaving. It’s like he’s testing Blackbeard's patience and adaptability.
And the worst thing of all is simultaneously also the best thing: Blackbeard really, really, really likes him.
If he were a dog, his tail wouldn’t stop wagging for a second in Goyo’s presence. His brain fills with exclamation marks any time he sees him. Any compliments Goyo has ever paid him play on repeat, his smile is the last image Blackbeard sees before he goes to sleep, and he’s the first person he texts whenever anything happens. He has no idea what caused Goyo’s change of heart, what made him give Blackbeard a chance, but he’s endlessly grateful it happened. The fluttering in his stomach still hasn’t stopped when they’re spending quality time together, and his heart thumps twice as fast whenever they kiss. It’s the worst crush of his life and he doesn’t even know how it developed.
When he wants to be, Goyo is exceedingly witty, charming, supportive, empathetic, patient, loving, trusting. They’ve had a long conversation about sexuality which corrected some of the preconceptions Blackbeard still held, and at no point did he feel patronised, alienated, or uncomfortable. It’s probably what keeps them together: the knowledge they respect and trust each other. Goyo knows he’d never knowingly hurt his feelings, and he believes the same of Goyo. Jealousy is no topic between them, and boundaries are regularly drawn, re-drawn, negotiated, accepted. (Though not nearly as often as Blackbeard would’ve liked. He’s aware Goyo can feel suffocated sometimes and would prefer them to talk it out properly, but it’s one of the topics Goyo usually deflects.)
With how communicative Blackbeard is, he’s suffered from the lack of outside feedback on their relationship. Asking for advice is out of the question as no one else knows he’s dating anyone, and not being able to gush about the way Goyo sometimes wraps himself around him when they’re watching something on his bed kills him a little inside. He wants to share it all, the good and the bad, seeks reassurance on everything he’s doing and desires normality. A state where he can throw in ‘oh yes, my boyfriend mentioned it the other day’ without earning any kind of odd reaction. A world where the others ask him about how Goyo is doing, and whether they’ve been to this restaurant yet, and so on.
He knows that he himself is the only obstacle in this, but his track record in Rainbow hasn’t been the best and he’s worried the girls will call him out on hitting on them with no intention of starting a relationship. Which wouldn’t actually be far off the mark, unfortunately. Valkyrie is his best bet since they’re thick as thieves, but she’s been side-eyeing him for a while already and he’s pretty sure she suspects something. He hates when she can go ‘I told you so’ and be right about it.
Regardless, he’s going to explode if he can’t talk about Goyo to someone soon, and Vigil will certainly not want to hear about how ticklish his Mexican colleague is.
“Meghan, I need to tell you something”, he blurts out, startling his best friend and nearly causing her to drop her beer. They’re on Buck’s balcony, holding on to cans as if they were their lifeline to what little bit of their sanity is left after everyone heard Maverick suggest bodyshots earlier (only half jokingly), and then Castle murdered everyone by showing off photos of his newly adopted puppy. Even Blackbeard was squealing like a little girl. He really should look into adopting a dog himself. He wonders whether Goyo likes dogs.
“Don’t tell me you want to join Sanaa on her odyssey”, Valkyrie interrupts his thoughts, looking worried. “They’re all trying to deter her for a reason, we don’t need you encouraging -”
“What are you talking about?”, he interrupts her, aghast, and once her words have sunk in, he repeats: “No, really, what are you talking about? That sounds amazing. I wanna be a part of it. Where is she going?”
Odd. Goyo sounds almost the same whenever he’s displeased. Blackbeard should text him about the dog later. “Yes. Where was I?”
“You made a vague threat.”
He blinks at her for a moment, mind blank. Goyo has said before that alcohol causes his brain to misfire, and he’s beginning to believe it. “Oh. Yes. Meghan, I’m dating someone. And don’t be smug, okay? I can’t deal with smug right now.”
Valkyrie’s lips twitch in amusement. “Would you like supportive? That’s great! I’m so happy for you! I hope it’s going wonderful, you really deserve it!”
“You’re the worst”, he informs her, prompting a laugh.
“It’s been a while already, hasn’t it?” He nods. He supposes it’s obvious to anyone who knows him well enough, and Valkyrie certainly does. After all, he can’t stop smiling on some days and must look like a lunatic. Maybe he should send a nice text first so Goyo knows he thought of him. “I figured. How is it going and why is it César?”
He chokes on his beer. She doesn’t even have the grace to look guilty while he’s busy coughing his lungs out, and when he makes an inquisitive sound, she even smirks. It was bad enough to learn that Smoke and Mute found out about their relationship (and he’s still not entirely sure about whether they found out on their own or Goyo helped a bit), and now it turns out Valkyrie knew all along?
“Don’t worry, no one else knows. But neither of you were very subtle about it to me. You kept asking about him, he kept asking about you… plus you’ve been really nice to him recently.”
Oh. He asked about Blackbeard? This is relevant information. He opens his mouth to inquire some more, but Valkyrie adds casually: “And he at least is openly gay. Very open. Remember how he mentioned his male ex-fiancé on the first day? He really didn’t allow for any ambiguity.”
And hold up. Blackbeard's brain struggles to process what it just heard. Wait.
Wait what.
There are two cans cooking on the stove.
Blackbeard is failing to grasp reality right now. He dumbly stares at the two unlabelled metal cans sitting in boiling water and doesn’t understand what’s happening. He doesn’t understand much of what’s going on at the moment anyway, and he’s fairly sure it’s not just the alcohol’s fault. The water bubbles happily around the objects, and time and space are collapsing around him.
“Hey, Bee”, comes a familiar voice from behind him and he’s embraced in a tight hug, lips planting themselves on his shoulder a few times before he’s released again. “You’re back early.”
“Jack’s apartment flooded. A few went with him to help, but Meghan dropped me off here. The hell are you making? Tin-flavoured soup?”
Goyo laughs and though the sound would normally flood him with endorphins, right now he just eyes the other man with a frown. “No, it’s dulce de leche.”
Blackbeard tries and fails to put the delicious caramel-like substance in any relation to what’s happening before him, though he does file something away for later perusal: he should ask Goyo to speak more Spanish around him. He might be onto something there. “How?”
“Sweetened condensed milk. When you boil it long enough, it turns into gooey ambrosia. You mentioned how you were looking for new ideas for ice cream – swirl this into anything and blow everyone’s minds.”
Oh. That does sound delicious, and the fact that Goyo is staying up late to do him a favour is also heartwarming, but the question burning on Blackbeard's tongue will not sit idly for a second longer. He asks: “Why did you never tell me of your ex-fiancé?”
Goyo, checking out the timer next to the pot, responds with another question without lifting his gaze: “Oh. Which one?”
He can’t be serious. Blackbeard waits, fully expecting him to be joking, but he seems genuinely surprised at Blackbeard's dumbstruck expression when he finally does look up. “I’ve had a turbulent past involving a few poor decisions”, he admits and something tells Blackbeard there’s a good possibility this is a massive understatement. “Is that a problem?”
Is it? He’s not entirely sure. The fact that he had to hear about it from Valkyrie might be one, and then there’s his crumbling impression of Goyo as someone largely sensible. He comes across as well-mannered, composed, logical – though Blackbeard has noticed most of these waver over time. The deeper he dives, the more of the iceberg he sees. “You just… seemed like someone who has his life together”, he says weakly. Goyo has friends and family who care about him, is comfortable in his own skin, good at his job.
His words are mulled over for a while with pursed lips, until Goyo decides: “I suppose I do. Except for my love life.”
“You did say at one point that all relationships you had were long, meaningful and deep. So I figured…”
“My relationships were mostly great, yes. Anything that doesn’t fall into that category, well”, and Goyo makes an uncertain hand gesture which, once again, fills Blackbeard with a sense of foreboding dread as it screams understatement. “I did start out by paying a guy to fuck me.”
Blackbeard has no clue how to react, and so he chooses to stare at his boyfriend in horror.
“Yeah. Life was tough where I grew up. This super hot straight dude caught wind of me being a reliable source of cigarettes and asked me about it. I convinced him to fuck me for smokes – which I was buying with my allowance money, I think.”
“Allowance”, Blackbeard echoes stupidly. “Wait, how old were you?”
“I think fifteen, why does it matter, Bee?”
“How old was the dude?!”
“Early twenties? Thinking about it, he really should’ve handled his finances better.”
Blackbeard is in shock. “So… he took advantage of you. Lightly said.” Very lightly.
To his utter disbelief, Goyo simply frowns and shakes his head. “What? No. It was my idea. I had to talk him into it.”
“Yeah but – you were a minor. He was an adult, he shouldn’t have -”
“Did you miss the part where he not only sold his body for some cigs but also let a teenager get the better of him? What about that makes it seem like he’d fell any reasonable decisions in his life?”
“Did you report him? Did he get arrested?” He can’t wrap his head around why Goyo seems so calm talking about this.
“Huh? Not for sleeping with me, no. He was a thieving piece of shit though, so he did end up in jail.”
“Stop defending him, do you really think he did nothing wrong?”
Goyo eyes him curiously. “Do you think that he did?”
And of course. Of course he does, it’s not just personal opinion with this kind of shit, it’s a fact that an adult exploited Goyo and how does he not see it? How can he view it any other way? Blackbeard has trouble putting his outrage in words, so he attempts a different angle: “Are you saying you’d be alright with someone else who’s twenty sleeping with a teenager who’s -”
“Don’t be ridiculous. Generally, of course not. But we’re talking about me here. I know what happened. I can assess it from my point of view.”
“But you were too young -”
“You don’t get to rewrite my past”, Goyo interrupts him sharply and so Blackbeard shuts up, dissatisfied. Next to them, the kitchen timer erupts into frantic beeping, prompting Goyo to turn the heat off, pluck the cans out of the pot with a pair of tongs and put them on a wire rack to cool.
Meanwhile, Blackbeard tries to decide whether all this changes how he sees the man before him. He’s not sure.
“Laws are in place for a reason and I’d be the first one to tell any teenager not to do what I did”, Goyo continues, directed at the slightly steaming metal. “But what I did happened and it was what I really wanted at the time. We do stupid things when we’re young. You don’t get to judge me for it. Only I can, and I’m not.”
It’s hard to relate. Blackbeard wouldn’t say he grew up sheltered, but certainly privileged, and though there’s plenty of stuff he did which he’d advise against, there’s none he’d defend like this. Except Goyo might be explaining instead of defending. He refuses to condemn while still being aware of the shady circumstances.
“Look, Bee, no one got hurt. Quite the opposite. Let’s leave it at that and go to bed, hm?” Goyo kisses him briefly before exiting the kitchen, already pulling his shirt over his head and exposing his toned back in the process. The sight awakens a strong urge to touch, but not in a sexual way – Blackbeard is filled with a comfortable sense of belonging instead. He knows what Goyo’s smooth skin feels like and that he’s free to caress it as much as he wants. It’s one of his favourite perks of any relationship: being allowed to show physical affection.
A little lost and still dazed from their previous topic, he trails after his lover and watches Goyo strip down to his underwear in the bedroom. “I wasn’t planning on going to sleep immediately”, he says, knowing full well he’ll climb in after Goyo regardless.
“We don’t have to sleep.”
Blackbeard stares at him blankly, thoughts continuously trying to process their conversation.
“I’ll read a bit and you can text some people. You told Meghan about us, didn’t you? She sent me a single message an hour ago which just said good luck.”
It seems this would be all Goyo has to say on the matter of his sexual past for now, and Blackbeard belatedly realises that he avoided mentioning his ex-fiancé (ex-fiancés??) entirely, so he should prepare for a similar talk in the near future. It’s become a habit of theirs which he genuinely doesn’t like – they address a topic, argue, and then drop it without a satisfying conclusion, without being on the same page. Most of the time, it ends up merely postponing the issue as it inevitably comes up again, though he does suppose there’s some merit in being able to think it through on his own before tackling it again. Both of them can be quite stubborn, and a break to sort their thoughts (and in Blackbeard's case, engage some outside advice) is beneficial.
So maybe it’s not so bad to not ruin the night with something they’ll ultimately refuse to agree on, and instead cuddle in bed.
Goyo becomes a temporary magnet in these instances, impossible to pry off, and Blackbeard has no choice but to hold him tight and bask in his body heat. Not like he’d want anything other than exactly this.
“Was it scary?”, Goyo mutters into his hair while stroking his back. They’ll separate soon and wind down in their own way before sleeping, but right now they just enjoy each other’s presence.
“She already knew I’m bi. She likes you and I trust her. Why would it be scary?”
“Still. It’s fine if it was.”
Blackbeard is silent for a minute. “A bit”, he admits and feels Goyo’s lips stretch into a smile.
“I’m glad it seemed to have gone well. And I’m proud of you.”
And this, this is why Blackbeard basically fawns over this bastard all day in his head. His heart throbs and he pulls Goyo even closer, relieved that the prior revelations apparently don’t make a difference between them. Goyo is right, the past can’t be changed, but neither does it need to dictate the present. “It did go well, she said you’d be good for me on the way here. She also mentioned you asking about me.”
Goyo chuckles. “You know, the first thing I ever asked about you was whether you’ve got a wife.”
And it’s a relief to hear that not only Blackbeard used to be terrible at reading him.
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ckret2 · 5 years
A while back you said “Generally I like to imagine Zim/Membrane as some kind of psychological/paranormal horror story (with most of the horror, of course, being on Prof Membrane’s end)” and I am intrigued. Care to enlighten us on what a darker Zimbrane might be like?
Well, this is the second time I've gotten this exact ask, so sure, why not. I tried to put in a read more and tumblr DELETED IT so i'm trying to edit it back in but if it doesn't stick, I apologize for the long post, I tried my best.
So let's rewind to episode 1 and start off with a full AU. Zim lands on earth and decides not to disguise himself among mere schoolchildren; instead, he does, like, five minutes of research on the planet he's just landed on and decides that the most useful place to infiltrate will be the scientific labs of the planet's greatest genius, so he can properly assess the planet's pathetic technological advancements and defenses and counter them accordingly.
So cut to Membrane labs and that was the last time we're gonna be in Zim's perspective. From now on it's all Membrane, all the time. And what he knows is they've just got a new recent grad ("graduate at what level? bachelor's, master's..." "I am the master of ALL!!" "master's level, cool") working for them. He says his major was in "everything that is known of the sciences on this filthy planet" and that his alma mater is "a university SO advanced you haven't even heard of it!" and like, with credentials like that, he's clearly going to be a great asset to the lab. And he asks so many questions! Clearly he's preparing to work on his doctorate and is prodding around for interesting subjects to write on. Membrane supports this ambitious fellow completely.
But something's odd. The first time his son visits the lab and sees their newest hire, he starts screaming about how he's an alien. Membrane always knew that Dib was a bit... obsessed with his fantasies—hunting for things that don't exist—but Membrane had always comforted himself with the knowledge that claiming he's looking for cryptids and claiming he's found cryptids are totally different things. This... this is a disturbing new development. He's starting to really worry about his son.
Thankfully, New Guy Zim takes it in stride—says he gets this all the time thanks to his skin condition, humans can be sooo gullible. His work isn't disturbed at all.
And wow, what work he does. He sees potential flaws in their lab work and inventions long before anyone else does. Lots of the other employees think he's an obnoxious little know-it-all, but Membrane recognizes his genius for what it is and is constantly amazed at his insights. He's basically the only one who can always keep up with Membrane's latest inventions & creations, understanding the science as easily as though it were elementary to him. And Zim is constantly expressing surprise that Membrane keeps up with his work, which is kind of weird, since Membrane has been doing this a lot longer than fresh-out-of-some-master's-program Zim has. But maybe it's because he's never actually worked in a lab doing REAL SCIENCE before. He's astounded to be around his peers. That's clearly it.
At one point Zim irritably shoves aside another inventor trying to get some doohickey working and with thirty seconds and some crap he pulled out of his backpack he gets a device working that they've been tying to get to function for the better part of a year. Membrane praises Zim effusively. (The inventor, who at this point is sick of Zim's crap, quits on the spot.) And Zim's little eyes light right up.
Suddenly he's inventing new things so fast Membrane doesn't know when he has time to make them—it's like he's just pulling them fully formed out of some closet he's got them all tossed in at home. Membrane is over the moon. His lab's never been this booming. And Membrane's got to confess: when someone is that good at science—possibly better even than Membrane himself—that's... kinda hot. Kinda super hot.
As a bonus, Dib's making more excuses to hang out at Membrane's lab. Membrane is sure that it's to "monitor the alien," but if it means he's exposed to more Real Science, ultimately it's gotta be good for him. At least Dib's hostility toward Zim has cooled somewhat—"I thought he was here to try to take over the planet, but, I dunno, it looks like he's just sharing the wisdom of his alien society with us? Which doesn't seem so bad." He's still totally convinced Zim is an alien, though. Ah, well. And he's determined to convince Membrane, too: "You know that energy absorbing creature thing he pulled out today? Do you have any idea what research he based it on? Like, is this a creation that naturally progresses from any of the current science we've got? You'd know, Dad, you're on top of every new development. So what's this one based on? Isn't it weird that you don't know? As if he's—oh, I don't know—sharing the end product of a field of scientific research that's centuries, if not millennia, farther along than ours?"
And Membrane's got to admit: he has found it weird. He has wondered how Zim just leapfrogs over gaps in their scientific knowledge to seemingly create things based on discoveries no one has made yet. Membrane's assumed that he's just using his own research—research he hadn't shared—but maybe...
No. No, that's crazy. Membrane would be crazy to think it. Zim is just a talented, gifted, genius, normal human.
Who is absolutely ravenous for Membrane's praise.
And thaaat's about the point they start dating.
First it's lamenting about the recent difficulties in the lab together. (They've has a lot of resignations lately, wonder why. But no problem, Zim's had some great success automating the more menial tasks with robot labor...) Then it's hanging out discussing Science, because that's definitely what scientists do in their spare time. Then it's occasionally grabbing dinner together. (Zim's got some weird dietary restrictions, probably due to his skin condition, but Membrane can adapt.) Then it's going to scientific conferences together to save money on hotel rooms but oh no the only room left has only one bed so Membrane's sleeping on the very edge of the bed staring at the wall in the dark going oh shit oh fuck oh hell this is an opportunity here but does he like me like me or does he only like me I am a sweaty hormonal 15-year-old experiencing a first crush and don't know what to do with myself because we've never actually discussed whether we're dating or hanging out
(Membrane sleeps in his full lab wear, minus boots but still in socks, under the blankets, like a monster. Zim spread eagles to take up as much of the bed as possible and stares at the ceiling all night because he's not sure what's involved in human sleep besides lying down and being still.)
Things are going great! They're going great. Except the more time Membrane spends with Zim outside of a lab setting, the more strange Membrane realizes he is. Not in a bad way—it's a very attractive strangeness—but more and more he finds himself wondering...
And then Dib admits he snuck into Zim's house (he snuck into Zim's house?!) and found evidence that actually he is here to take over the world, Dib doesn't know why he's handing over so much of his species's technology but it's got to be a trap of some kind, dad, dad, you've gotta believe him, they've gotta do something—
And then Zim escalates the flirting to the point where it's unambiguous. Like, "hand job in the office when the door is closed" escalates.
Hard to misinterpret that.
At that point it's a torrid, very weird love affair, and Membrane is finding himself increasingly and alarmingly unsure whether Zim is actually into him, or is trying to pump him for information on what work is being done at other major global scientific labs—he can't tell whether Zim likes Membrane or just wants Membrane to like him—but whatever the case, Membrane does like him, even if he's finding him increasingly unnerving, and he's constantly getting the impression that even with all Zim's shown off to him, there's even more he's holding back. But how can that be? How can there be more? It doesn't make sense unless Zim really is...
But he's not, he's not. That's crazy, that's crazy, that's crazy.
At one point in bed (they're in bed now—Zim doesn't like to take his clothes off, doesn't want to be touched between his legs, only gets satisfactions from strange touches and strange actions and Membrane isn't actually sure whether he gets off or not or if he's getting something else out of it, and sometimes he doesn't want to be touched at all, sometimes he just touches and watches—)
At one point in bed, Zim hisses a confession that sounds so true and so sincere that it makes every other thing he's ever said sound a bit more untrue by comparison; he says never in his life has he been appreciated like this, never in his life has he been admired, not once until he got here, never, ever, ever—Membrane's not sure if Zim's trying to say he's grateful, trying to say he's flattered, trying to say "I love you," trying to confess some kind of childhood trauma—because he doesn't say anything more than that. But just from that little bit, Membrane is Deeply Moved.
But also unnerved. What did he mean, "until he got here"? Here from where? Did "here" mean Membrane lab? Did "here" mean Earth?
Because as Membrane is trying to deny it, and as hard as Zim's been trying to distract him (oh, god, is that what Zim's been doing, has this all been an attempt to distract Membrane after Dib broke into his house?), the truth is there's a very large part of Membrane that now, after spending a whole lot of personal time with Zim, now thinks there's more evidence than not that Zim is, in fact, an alien.
This horrifies Membrane. Because there's only two possibilities: either he's wrong, or he's right.
If he's wrong, then that means he's gone nuts, he's let his own son suck him into his delusions when as the father it should be his job to help guide his son's mind, help his son tell true from false; and it means he's in no fit mental state to do REAL SCIENCE, he's in no state to be running a lab, he's probably in no state to be raising his own kids, like he's not sure if "does the parent believe one of the people closest to them is an alien" is a criteria for determining whether a child should be taken from the parents but Membrane would certainly not trust that such delusions wouldn't seep into their parenting and for the sake of his kids he has to hold himself to that same standard; and it means that he's wrongly suspecting his own lover of not being human, which, god, what a cruel thing to think, and over what, a skin condition and some odd behavior quirks, it's the twenty-first century equivalent of conflating mental illness with demonic possession, and is there any possible higher injustice he could do to the man he lo— Does he love Zim?
Is Membrane in love?
But if he's right, if he's right, then it means Zim is an alien. It means Zim is an alien masquerading as a human. It means Zim is not some eager young scientist showing off his brilliance, it means he's... what? Is he here to take over the planet, like Dib says? If so, can Membrane trust anything he's ever done or said? Is he flooding Membrane's lab with new inventions because if he replaces human technology with his own then he can control it? Is Dib wrong, is Zim a benevolent alien sharing his technology? Has his relationship with Membrane been a very dedicated ruse to get close to his resources? Or to distract him from the truth? Or to manipulate him into assisting in his alien agenda?
Membrane doesn't know which possibility is worse.
But he can't go on not knowing.
So he goes to Dib and says, you want me to believe Zim's an alien. Here's your opportunity: prove it. Do your very best. Membrane's listening. With... a reasonably open mind, but not so open his brain falls out.
Dib's over the moon.
Membrane's not sure whether he dreads the possibility that Dib's going to pull out a cork board coveted in unrelated conspiracy theory articles and strings connecting them or the possibility that Dib's going to pull out incontrovertible evidence more. But what Dib says is okay it's infiltration time. Wear something stealthy. Lab coats aren't stealthy, dad. Membrane's like oh good great we're breaking and entering now. Well, if he's going to be entertaining mad theories, then he might as well go absolutely off the deep end with it.
So they break into Zim's house.
The underground base is compelling evidence but maybe he's just... he's just got... a really advanced home lab... Membrane's home lab is pretty advanced too. Dib's like dad PLEASE. Look, on that computer over there he's still got the window open for the order page for that new "invention" he showed off at work last week. He bought it on the internet! The ALIEN internet!
While Membrane's still reeling from that, they run into Zim. Sans disguise. Zim's face goes through about twelve emotions in two seconds, starting with Shocked Beyond Words and ending with Time For A Villainous Monologue. He's like SO! You have seen my TRUE FORM!! You're going to try to STOP ME?!?!?! and membrane's like uh I uh I well uh erm that is, if Zim happens to be planning to take over planet Earth in order to hand it over to some kind of alien empire, then no, Membrane isn't going to let him do that. And Zim's like THEN WE ARE ENEMIES!!!!!!! and Membrane's like oh.
A dumb fight is had. Membrane's sort of in over his head, mainly because he's still reeling from the disbelief that he's been dating an alien. It ends with Zim kicking them both out (rather than, say, killing them—which seems a little odd for an alien hellbent on world conquest, doesn't it?) and then crowing "YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THE LAST OF ZIM!" and packing up his base and vanishing. He's just gone. Surely he hasn't left Earth, but he's relocating to god knows where and they're gonna have a hell of a time tracking him down now.
Membrane needs to go home and go to sleep. (He doesn't get any sleep.)
So that's phase 1 of the story. Phase 2 is Horrified Membrane and Gleeful Dib teaming up to stop Zim. Membrane gets hauled into the Swollen Eyeball and hates it. ("Where do you work?" "NASA Place." "Oh thank goodness, a fellow man of science! What's your field? Astronomy? Engineering?" "Janitor." "Oh.") Zim encounters are far more sparse because all the How To Human knowledge Zim picked up at the most advanced lab on Earth and while trying to convince Membrane one-on-one that he's definitely a normal human have made him much better at evading detection. And every showdown is... emotionally fraught.
Turns out Zim was suppressing half his personality while pretending to be human. This new real Zim is a lot more maniacal. Maniacal Zim is... unfortunately also hot.
Zim doesn't act like he feels anything for Membrane now. Is that because it was all a ruse, or is he concealing his emotions the way he once concealed his true alien self? Is Membrane really picking up on hints of suppressed attraction and yearning and frustration under his efforts to stop Membrane & Dib from thwarting his efforts—or is that just wishful thinking?
When Zim extends an offer for Membrane to join him, is that to throw him off his game, to manipulate him, or due to a sincere desire to not fight him? Is the offer he makes mid battle between one maniacal laugh and the next different from the offer he makes in the dark two inches behind Membrane's ear in the middle of the night when Membrane thought the house was locked and secure?
Did Zim make any of the wonderful toys he used to so impress Membrane? Is he actually an inventor, a scientist, in any capacity? Is he actually scientifically inclined, or was the vast knowledge he showed off equivalent to kindergarten stuff for his species? (And if his knowledge is extraordinary for a human but ordinary for an alien, is it wrong for Membrane to still find himself drawn toward considering Zim extraordinary anyway?) Is Membrane mistaken, or is Zim even now trying to show off with new toys? Is he wrong, or is there pain under Zim's anger when Membrane accuses him of having imported his weapon of the day?
When he insists that they don't need to fight, if only Zim gave up trying to conquer the world they could have productive SCIENTIFIC EXCHANGES between their species, it doesn't need to end with one of them eliminating the other... is he imagining that Zim actually listens for a moment?
Is he imagining that Zim seems reluctant to permanently harm him?
Is he imagining that Zim still flirts with him mid-battle?
Or is it manipulation? Or is it petty cruelty?
Or is it a wishful delusion?
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diyunho · 5 years
The Joker x Reader - “Raven”
Y/N is a very unusual metahuman that can use her powerful abilities just once before being turned into a Raven forever; that’s why it’s really strange she decided to sacrifice herself in order to save The Joker’s life. But there’s a reason for everything and maybe the unbreakable curse is nothing more than a blessing in disguise.
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“It doesn’t look good,” you hover over The Joker, analyzing the gunshot wound that keeps on bleeding through his green shirt.
“It’s not bad,” he growls, pressing his abdomen.
“Where are you, prick?” someone yells and the echo carries over the words around the abandoned building.
“Do you believe you can escape?” another voice resonates in the vast premises.
“Tick-Tock, Clown!” another man howls in the quietness, certain The King of Gotham has no escape.
“Fuck…,” J tries to get up but he slides back down against the wall.
“I think it’s pretty bad,” you state the obvious. “You’re injured, out of bullets and they are near: your crew won’t find you in time.”
“Shit…,” he groans in pain, the throbbing ache intensifying with each passing moment.
“I’m gonna help you,” Y/N shares her scheme and although the news should make him happy, it doesn’t.
“W-what do you mean?!” The Joker stutters even if he knows the implications of such statement. You’re quiet and he continues: “Why would you do something like that?...”
You smile at his bafflement, the affirmation completely surprising him:
“Because you’re the only one that never asked.”
“You shouldn’t use it on me!” J’s truthful reply is interrupted by the henchmen entering the desolated space where the fallen Prince of Crime has found refuge. “Who am I supposed to talk to if you’re gone?” the genuine question makes you realize there’s actually a soul in this world who’ll miss you.
“We didn’t really talk too much,” you softly chuckle and turn to confront the men halted in their tracks seeing you’re positioned in front of The Joker.
“The freak is here,” a goon whispers loud enough to be heard by the ones arriving behind him.
“Hey Y/N!” their leader detaches from the crowd. “What are you doing here?!”
The lack of an answer combined with the feral expression on your face prompts the mobster to wave his pistol as a sign for truce.
“Let’s not do anything hasty, shall we?... …. Hm?... I’m aware you had so many offers over the years; consider mine again: if you wield your powers to finish the green haired asshole, I will triple the amount of money from the highest bidder!”
You scoff at the absurd idea, describing how stupid you considered the monetary proposals suggested by numerous individuals in the past:
“And what am I supposed to do with the riches once I cease to exist?!”
A bullet shrieks by your ear, ending up in the wall behind where J collapsed a couple of minutes ago.
“Sorry I missed, boss!” the man apologizes and this is enough to set you off; you turn your head to gaze at The Joker, delivering a last warning.
“Close your eyes or you’ll go blind!”
“Don’t let her clap her hands!” the kingpin shouts but it’s too late: a deafening bang fills up the air and the strong light emanating from your body burns J’s closed eyelids. He covers his face with bloody fingers while the screams and smell of torched flesh makes him nauseated; it’s so disgusting he gags yet the insane King can’t help a smirk at the sweet victory, even if comes  with such a heavy price.
Gurgling noises and muffled cries persist for another 15 seconds before they abruptly halt.
“Meet me in dreams,” is Y/N’s final sentence and immediately after the sound of flapping wings queue The Joker to finally open his eyes.
The view is cringe worthy: puddles of steamy, boiling tar scattered all around bearing witness to the consequences of your rage: nobody’s alive anymore except J and the Raven picking at the clothes you wore earlier.
His cell phone goes off and he has difficulty searching the purple jacket for the item he has no need for.
“Sir! We’re coming! Almost on the 32nd street!” Frost reports in a frenzy and The Joker sneers, wheezing from the effort of trying to stay awake.
“Nice timing,” and he hangs up, muttering to himself: ’”Goddamned jerks…”
The bird suddenly flies in his lap, curiously checking him out.
“I think I’m gonna pass out…” the damaged Clown slowly blinks before losing conscience which is alright since he had to speak to you anyway.
Every time you meet in dreams, you are always waiting for him on this deserted, calm beach staring at the waves in the distance. Today is not different.
He takes a sit by the woman that saved his life, silently analyzing her features: The Joker knows he won’t see them again except in this place.
When you said you didn’t speak much, it was true; if he tries to remember the first instance you showed up in his life, the moment blurs out and disappears in the background of his troubled mind. You would just randomly pop up while he was alone, keeping each other company for hours and often barely uttering a sentence. The eerie Y/N preferred J’s presence simply due to his lack of interest in her unusual power and he tolerated her because she never sought any kind of reward from their awkward connection. In the matter of fact, J never even tried to touch you; it was relaxing to be with an individual that plainly didn’t want anything from you whilst the rest of the world begged for attention: how many requested you aid them and manipulate your ability in order to annihilate their enemies? How many promised compensations beyond measure in exchange of your mighty gift? Way too many.
Yet The Joker didn’t care about it; the most he would do was to share his favorite drink after a new brand of grape juice hit the market.
And now the person he shared with was gone forever.
“Your team is almost at the warehouse,” you address him, bending your knees until your chin touches them. “Don’t worry, you’ll be fine.”
“I’m not worried,” J indifferently replies. “Told you it’s not serious.”
You snicker at his stubbornness, pointing out the evident reality:
“That’s why you fainted and started to dream about me?”
Your escort huffs, struggling to confess stuff hard to articulate in these circumstances.
“Thank you for…umm…for…”
“You don’t have to thank me; it was my choice and I fulfilled my destiny. It’s over and I’m free. I’ll still visit, ok?”
“Mister Joker! Sir, can you hear me?” Frost’s voice interrupts J’s dream: the gang is searching the deserted property for their leader and the only thing he notices is The Raven flying in circles above his head.
Three weeks later, 9:37pm
The Joker extends his arm and you land on it, gently digging your claws in his skin for equilibrium.
“Where were you all day?!” he scolds and you caw, evoking complaints from the man that can’t sleep without his bird. “I wish you were a nightingale, this way you can chirp some cute songs.”
You fly on his shoulder to peck at the diamond earring, annoyed at his remark.
“Ouch! Ouch!” he shrugs, but doesn’t chase you away. “I recognize crows appreciate shiny things, but it hurts.”
Poking escalates and J vaguely apologizes on his own terms:
“I meant Raven! Raven!!” he repeats and struts inside The Penthouse where your pillow awaits. “Are you hungry?” the Prince of Crime offers a bunch of crumbs and expensive seeds he ordered for the spunky pest. You hop on the nightstand and play with the food, not particularly captivated by the lavish feast.
The Joker rolls in bed, gesturing for the pillow next to him.
“My girlfriend’s out of town, you can crush on her side of bed,” the affirmation makes you float to her cushion, instantly plucking the fabric with your beak, then jump up and down, cawing some more.
The Clown laughs, entertained at the temper tantrum.
“I know you don’t like her and the feeling is mutual,” he caresses the soft, black feathers as you continue to shred Lara’s pillow. “Stoooop! These are fresh sheets!” he pleads and distracts you by showing his patched up abdomen from under the t-shirt. “Look, my lesion is healing; wanna see?” a corner of the bandage is peeled for the guest to properly inspect the stitches.
Y/N bounces on The Joker’s chest, cautiously examining his wound.
“Cool, huh?” he grins and reaches his hand for the book resting under his pillow, surprisingly enough containing your favorite poem. “The Raven. By Edgar Allan Poe,” J emphasizes and you spread your wings with delight, quickly rushing to his neck and cuddle against the playing cards tattoo.
The King of Gotham holds the book with one hand and pets you with the other, his husky tone recites the verses you love so much.
“Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered weak and weary…” the beautiful, dark rhyme soothes a tired Y/N scarcely recalling what it means to be human.
Yet being near HIM reminds her on how much she longs for what was lost when she willingly sacrificed herself to save the one that didn’t ask to be saved.
Following morning, 8:21 am
The Joker is swimming outside on the terrace and you’re having a blast in the inflatable pool he set by his lounge chair for the enchanted, feathered companion. This is a thousand times extra enjoyable when his new girlfriend is not home!
She’s a complete nutcase, totally obsessed with The Clown and certainly doesn’t understand why he’s paying so much attention to a filthy, gross creature.
Who the hell gets a crow as pet?! Apparently her boyfriend, although he didn’t tell her who you truly are. Why bother? It’s a secret you and J share; nobody has to find out, although plenty of concerned parties would spend a fortune for an update: Y/N hasn’t been spotted recently and it’s troublesome.
“Raven Queen!” J emerges from the pool since he has to take it easy; the doctor said no more than 15 minutes of physical activity every day. “I have a little present,” he yanks at the towel on the lounge chair, unraveling a box full of gold rings, Rolexes and chains under it.
Oh my God, so shiny and sparkly in the morning sun!!!
You fly from your pool straight into the container, happily tapping at the treasures. The Joker dries his body and chitchats with his bird, excited you enjoy the shimmering gems.
“You can steal them and hide them,” he winks and you sure are taking advantage of it as soon as possible. “Do you have a nest?” J inquires and teases afterwards: “Did you find yourself a Raven King?”
That’s pretty rude, you think and swiftly attack him, careful not to scratch his face in the process.
“Cut it out!” The Joker demands and gives up the fight really fast. ”OK, OK, I surrender!” he chuckles as you rise up, gliding in the wind gushing above The Penthouse. The plan is simple: charge at the toxic green locks and pull on the strands, assuring at least two or three hairs will be removed as revenge.  J takes a defensive stance, preparing to catch and keep you captive in the fluffy towel until you calm down.
BANG! the gunshot halts the fun and The Clown Prince of crime watches in horror as The Raven falls to the ground in front of his girlfriend.
“Babe, are you alright?” Lara squeals, kicking the bird at her feet. “I told you having a wild animal as pet it’s an awful idea! I saw the crazy bird attacked you, it might have rabies!!” she kicks you again and the small body convulsing on the hard concrete makes him lose his marbles. “Thank heavens I returned sooner than expected,” the woman explains, nervous to detect the angry Joker stomping towards her.
“What the fuck are you doing??!!” he screams and violently pushes her, slapping the gun out of her hand. Lara stumbles on her own steps, not comprehending why her partner is livid rather than showing gratitude.
“What do you mean?” she gulps and J bends over to pick you up when you let out a cry, the sinister noise resembling a human’s wailing. “The bird was attacking you, I was afraid!”
“It wasn’t attacking me, we were messing around!”
“Messing around?!” the woman mumbles, confused.
“Get a hold of Frost and tell him I need a veterinarian! NOW!!!” The Joker barks as he enters The Penthouse.
“Jesus…,” Lara sniffles and texts, irritated at his behavior. “Why is he so mad about?! The dumb beast is nothing but an outbreak of infection and bacteria!” she maliciously grumbles, sending the message to Jonny.
Something whooshes by her and before she has a chance to see what it is, a bunch of ravens and crows unexpectedly storm at the petrified Lara: they are answering your call, mercilessly tearing and scraping at the enemy.
“J!!! J!!!!” she runs without noticing where she’s going, panicked at the multitude of birds relentlessly chasing her; it’s a miracle she stumbles upon the tiny shed which stores pool supplies and manages to squeeze inside.  
The birds keep on bombarding her temporary hideout as she begs for assistance:
“J !!! J !!!! Please help me!!! J!!!!”
Yet The Joker can’t hear: he raced upstairs to the master bedroom and placed you on the comforter, trying to assess how severe the injuries are; one of the wings is bleeding and there are probably broken bones also.
“Don’t die…” J whispers because it sure seems Y/N is fading away: the bird can barely breathe and for the first time in ages he feels sad. “If you leave, we won’t be able to meet in dreams…”
The King of Gotham crawls in bed, unsure if he should caress you or not; what if he dislocates something else by accident? Instead he kisses the top of your head, the velvety feathers tickling his lips.
The sudden glow radiating from The Raven makes him close his eyes tight: it’s so strong it burns just like when you used your powers to rescue him. It doesn’t last longer than 10 seconds and sensing the light dimmed, J decides to open his eyes. A few black quills still drift in the air and he glares at the tearful Y/N, shocked to see her:
“Everything hurts,” you start sobbing and the bloody arm, plus the bruised torso urge him to cover your naked body with the corner of the quilt. “H-how am I h-here?!” you stammer and grab his thumb while The Joker is in a trance, speechless at the witnessed phenomenon because it’s impossible to come up with a logical reasoning.
Such a shame neither of you realize that even affection coming from a rotten heart can be pure enough to shatter an unbreakable curse.  
 Also read: MASTERLIST
You can follow me in AO3 and Wattpad under the same blog name: DiYunho. 
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weaselsmuses-aa · 4 years
Typhoon Island Villager HCS [final]
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Age: 21
Island occupation: Island Representative. Though she’s called a shady representative by many.
Sexuality: Bi.
Friends: All of her villagers of course! (though she does have her favorites, namely Punchy, Antonio and Bamikins.)
Very hard working. Is almost always running form one side of the island with new ideas for how to improve things
When she isn’t terraforming, pathing or planting, she’s hanging out with Punchy and her friends.
A gracious host, according to her. She wants all guests to check in with her first and foremost. Gets a little grumpy when someone doesn’t follow that rule.
Terrorizing Isabelle is her hobby, gets her through the day.
Loves rain, storms and fog the most.
Favorite season is winter. (Totally not because she can make the whole month of december about her.)
Has been bickering with Isabelle so long she’s accidentally befriended her. (easier to torment her that way)
Rumored to be good friends/has close ties with Redd. (How else did he get here?)
House has an incredibly ominous vibe. Something about it just isn’t quite right.
Is a great asset when you’re friends with her, when you aren’t though....
Almost always with Antonio and Bam (Three musketeers vibe) or Punchy.,
Doesn’t get along with Julian too well. Almost always yelling at him/swearing at him under her breath. 
Misses sloppy furniture damnit.
“ I don’t know about the missing people or the blood, stop asking about it.”
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Age: 23
Island occupation: Professional Slacker. (sometimes he’ll help Emma garden and clean the beach though)
Sexuality: Bi at best.
Friends: Bob [bff], Kid Cat, Beau, Antonio, Weasel, Stitches. && ofc Emma.
The FavoriteTM.
Representative’s Pet.
Probably dating Emma
Absolute precious sweetheart
Naive, lazy, but can be sarcastic and snarky when you know him well enough.
Huge heart.
Snacks on snacks on snacks on snacks
Can be a cry baby at times.
Very affectionate with his friends
Usually seen in his yard, by the playground or in Emma’s orchard.
Favorite color is blue, Favorite activity is sunbathing and naps
You look in his home and you’ll be able to tell how much of a favorite he is.
Has nothing but good things to say about Emma. (Seriously shes all he talks about.)
Kind of scared of Bam. He doesn’t get along with him well, for ...obvious reasons.
Popular but didn’t ask to be. He’s just sweet and easy to love!
Really loves cherries. A lot. Seriously. Fastest way to the little kittys heart.
Also pretty good friends with Monsun key’s Lapis, asks about her sometimes.
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Age: 20
Island Occupation: Has a part time job at the museum dusting and helping out with the fossils. 
Sexuality: Pretty het.
Friends: Emma, Ky, Swiss, Antonio, Kid Cat, Beau, Cheri, Getting to know Lucky.
Big brother vibes with a pretty bad temper if you know how to strike a nerve.
Best friends with the Island Rep and Antonio
Seems to be the island’s favorite target for teasing.
Gets along well with everyone …….except Punchy and Bob.
Avidly and openly does not like Punchy, its most likely due to jealousy. It’s also rumored the reason his his very blatant crush on Emma
Only person he likes less than Punchy is Bob as he is quote ‘an asshole’. (Its usually just Bob returning the favor though for Bam being a dick to Punchy).
Usually seen working out on the Beach, doing Yoga in the square, or taking walks. Really loves the Light house, the orchards and the Playground.
Known to be a little overbearing with his attitude problems when he doesn’t like someone. (He’s been seen walking around punchy’s house,and has hit him on a few occasions)
Is either your friend and super nice, or doesn’t like you and can be a dick.
Hangs out with Cheri and Beau a lot when his two right hand pals aren’t available.
Secretly wishes Brewster would come open a shop.
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Age: 22
Sexuality: Pan.
Island occupation: Got a part time gardening position from Lief. Also helps the nooklings arrange their shop displays.
Friends: Topaz, Emma, Ky, Punchy, Bam, Stitches, Lucky, Julian
Sleepy eyed sweetheart.
Very Peaceful and kind, doesn’t like to see anyone fighting and wants everyone to get along.
Definitely the type to always say yes.
Rustic mountain town vibe. Really likes nature and long hikes.
Favorite season is winter.
Best friend’s are Topaz, Punchy, and Bam.
Talks to Blathers and Celeste a lot, very interested in natural history and astronomy.
Goal is to be good friends with everyone on the island. The only one he’s having trouble with is Antonio. He can’t quite figure him out yet.
Likes to have Tea with the island rep on Sundays.
Always wanted to be like the reindeer he’s seen on TV. He admires the lifestyle and aesthetic despite being an antelope.
Has a baby blanket he’s very attached to.
Loves kids, and babysits Kid cat and stitches often, he thinks they’re very sweet.
Plants trees, flowers and shrubs a lot. He really wants to make the island feel more woodsy.
Favorite spot is the museum, orchards and star gazing spot.
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Age: 28
Sexuality: Gay Trans Icon.
Island occupation: He worked at the able sisters for a little while but they had to let him go because he went overboard and tried to control everything. He’s thinking about applying at brewsters. 
Friends: Kyanite! Topaz, Beau, Cheri, Punchy & Bob (sorta)
Narcissitic, Dramatic and self obsessed.
Only thing he loves more than himself, is a good book and singing.
Really loves to look good, and is constantly indecisive about what he wears.
Has an aesthetic and will NOT let you mess with it. Seriously, don’t give him furniture, he’ll give it away.
BFF is Ky.
He also gets along with Beau and Cheri. He can appreciate Beau’s simple pleasures in life, and his kindness. Cheri and him relate on pop culture and music.
Gossips constantly, cannot keep a secret to save his life, and only wants to know your business to talk about it.
Very loving friend once your’e close to him, and will likely only break his ‘peaceful’ face, for a friend. Pissing him off is hard to decipher most of the time, as he finds it beneath him to show ‘savage’ emotions.
Claims to be magic, but no one knows if he actually is, or he just uses his species to say that.
Usually seen in the square seeking attention, following others to eavesdrop, or at home either inside, or in his yard reading or writing.
Doesn’t seem to get along with Spinel too well. He tried to be friends with her but when it didn’t work out he just decided to mess with her for fun.
Dreads double visits from Ky and her girlfriend. As they mess with his lights until they break. Blames Spinel for encouraging it.
Very curious about Lucky and Stitches but kind of creeped out by them. He snoops on them when given the chances to do so though.
Loves the stargazing spot and Ky’s picnic area. He does enjoy a good stroll on the beach too when he isn’t shopping for stuff.
Cannot be without attention for too long, he will shove himself into your conversations, your day, and the town square and tell you gossip or start singing.
Wishes there were more people on the island that he could relate to.
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Age: 22
Sexuality: She like gurls
Island occupation: Has a part time job doing island clean up for Tom on the weekends. Thinking about asking the nooks to get her a part time job at the shop.
Friends: Pearl (Monsun key), Marina (Monsun key), Emma, Lapis (monsun key),  Weasel , Bam, Bob, Julian, Punchy (they bonded over music recently), Lucky (slowly but surely shes giving her lots of gifts and being in general sweet and cheri cant okay.)
Zero bullshit tolerance.
Sarcastic, snarky and loud, but a very loyal friend
Rap, Rock and Metal are her life
House so red you will forget what other colors are.
Rumored that she’s got an album, no one on the island knows if what she says is true.
Good friends with Bam, Bob and Julian.
Usually in the square Jamming or  Hanging out on the Beach.
Pretty good friends with the Island Representative, isn’t really into all the  gossip about her.
Thinks Kid Cat is cute, but also isn’t big on watching kids, so you know.
Good friends with Weasel, likes to talk to them every once and a while.
Literally don’t start an argument with her, you WILL lose.
‘ im a bad bitch, you cant kill me’
What the hell is stitches? What the fuck happened to lucky? IS anyone going to actually acknowledge how fucked up this is?? hello???
All concerns aside, she thinks both stitches and lucky are very sweet but seriously wtf.
Rapping in the square with her friends is the shit for her okay. She loves it. Has asked Emma to throw a rapping party to which she replied ‘eh.’
Leather jackets and cool clothes are just as important as looking cute as hell!
Talks about Raymond moving like it was the best thing to happen to mankind, and his existence on typhoon island like a bad dream. (she still holdin a grudge)
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Age: He....wont tell. well guess 25
Sexuality: Doesn’t talk about it.
Island occupation: Typhoon Island ditch digger.......he digs the graves. At least thats his supposed job. He’s seen some shit. Surely.
Friends: Emma, Bam, Swiss, Bob, Stitches, Lucky, Ky
One does not simply get rid of him
Is he all there or is he not?
Vacant stare
Either ramblings of insanity or way too meddling
Everyone calls him crazy but….he knows all the dirty laundry.
Usually in the square….listening..and watching
Favorite Song is K.K. Dirge
Digs the graves for the grave yard and probably puts up the missing signs.
Always seems to pop up out of nowhere. At the most..unnerving moments.
One of the least social, yet most involved somehow.
What are you hiding antonio?
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Age: 24
Sexuality: Bi.
Island occupation: Doesn’t have one. Works booorring. Give him some games and food any day.
Friends: Punchy (BFF), Emma, Lapis (Monsun Key), Weasel, Kid cat, Stitches, Lucky, Beau is okay
Absolute Meme-er
BFF is Punchy
Constant jokes, no matter his mood. Is he serious? Is he not? good luck figuring that out.
The popular kid on the island, but he doesn’t really care.
Also good pals with Swiss.
Give him a dare and he will do it. Every time
Older than the island rep and talks about it alot like its a personality trait.
Play fights you.
Sarcasm for days.
Affectionately bullies you softly
Annoys Antonio for laughs
Pisses Bam off on purpose (they dont get along)
Favorite spot is the playground , the pool and the beach.
Thinks stitches and lucky are super friggin cool. So what if they’re a little weird? That’s what makes them so awesome.
Affectionately messes with cheri when shes’ trying to sing or rap in the square.
Kind of avoids julian because he doesn’t like how he talks down to him
Got kicked out of nooks cranny a couple times. Who even knows why.
Kid cat
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Age: 12
Friends: Stitches, Emma, Weasel, Ky, Punchy, Bob, Bam, Antonio, Lucky, Beau, Cheri. (So like everyone.)
Is, as his name would suggest, A kid.
Absolute trash heap of a house. Like He actually lives like this?
The island rep felt bad for him and built him a nice bed. He’s very attached to it.
Best friend’s are Bam, Kody and Weasel.
Sees Bam as a big brother.
Wants everyone on the island to be friends.
Considers himself a super hero, always wants to be the one to save the day and help people with their problems.
Hangs out on the playground, claims the jungle gym as his ‘base’.
If he isn’t there he hangs out in the square trying to spread his ‘heroisms’
Wide eyed optimist
Is probably going to stay up past his bed time. Whos going to stop him
Claims the ninja turtles live under his house.
Misses Raymond. Says the island is ‘missing its dad’
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Age: Ageless, but comes off as a 6-10 year old
Island occupation: Doing whatever Emma tells him. 
Friends: Emma, Punchy, Topaz, Kid Cat, Weasel, Beau, Lucky, Bob
A mash up of many different bears and animals before him. All of whom met an untimely end by the hands of the creature.
Is not aware of how he came to be, and it is in Emma’s best interest to keep it that way. She will make sure you don’t tell him.
Can’t see very well, and can’t speak. Instead is telepathic, and can speak in sign language if need be. You will be able to hear his voice, but his mouth will never move.
Doesn’t come out of his house too terribly often, and is not allowed out after dark.
Favorite activity is playing pretend! He loves his toys and his blocks, and sometimes will go over to kid cats or weasels to play pretend with them.
Refers to the island representative as a mother, which .....disturbs and disconcerns most.
really close with lucky. They relate on a lot of....similar misfortunes. They can also speak to each other privately through mystical means without interruption or eavesdropping from others.
Is as name would suggest, stitched up. Sometimes the seams come undone and his stuffing comes out. (Yes hes actually full of ...just stuffing.) stuffin’!
Seems to be alive by sheer paranormal means. There is nothing in him keeping him ticking biologically.
Wants to be friends with isabelle, but notices he frightens her, so he avoids town hall.
Favorite spots are his room, the picnic by kys house, and the playground. (He wants to learn the monkeybars!)
Really looks up to Punchy, and wants him to help teach him the ways of the world....though punchy may NOT be the best rolemodel.
Afraid of Bam and Antonio, but is put under their care often.
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Age: ......we aren’t sure. Shes been dead a while. The only one who might know is emma.
Island occupation: Haunting the island after dark. (She’d help out if anyone would hire her.)
Friends: Stitches, Emma, Bob, Beau, Swiss
Is as ‘luck’ would have it, dead. She’s a spirit.
Rumored first victim of the typhoon island serial killer. She’s been dead a while, as her house would show, she’s not had the privilege of living for quite some time now.
Her bandages are a permanent feature, and theres a rumor floating around that without it, there wouldn’t be much left to her---besides those piercing haunting eyes of course.
Has a very sweet, soft spoken voice. Almost as quiet as a distant whisper. 
Very good friends with Emma. Follows her around almost....an unnatural amount. Almost as if...she’s got some sort of attachment to her.
Has a grave in her back yard, which was not naturally there prior. Seems to have dug it herself. A comfort thing perhaps since to present knowledge she was never given proper burial.
A very kind dog, and very helpful if you give her the chance and look past her....otherworldly appearance.
Loves stitches like a baby brother, almost always hanging out with him more than anyone else, will protect him feircly.
Self conscious about her state of being dead, just wants to make friends and live a happy afterlife since hers was taken from her.
Loves gardening, though all her flowers turn into black roses....or die.
Favorite spot is the graveyard, the forest, and Emma’s orchards.
Thinks her and Isabelle would get along good! If....Isabelle didn’t run away from her.
Really loves K.K. Slider concerts. Always wants to be the first to attend them. Can he see her though? She’s not sure sometimes.
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Expectations: Chapter 1 - New Beginnings
Word count: 2241.
Summary: Are we just pawns, is that it? Villains, Heroes or Lucky? Right. 
Wednesday, July, 26. New Character's POV. Ashley High School.
"Your mother and I want the best for you", my step father explains as I stare out the car windows at my new school. What's going to be my new school anyhow? It was a need for me to be taken off my old preparatory to be here. I don't mind the chance. It was just too sudden for my comfort. It was inexplicable and under qualify. I mean, who am I to be here? I am no hero. Everybody knows Ashley High School is for heroes only. I am far from a hero.
"Look, for now. This is good. A new start. We all needed that". He starts once again. My eyes roll at him more than they should have. My lips parted to say words that never came out to him. I was just hoping something happens, so I didn't need to speak to him. Our worlds never combine. He would stay on his side of the line, and I would be in mine.
His actions are good. I understand his reasons why we had to move. I just don't appreciate him trying to explain his reason. I don't appreciate him trying to explain himself. We already talk about it a few month back. It was the idea. He probably didn't get the memo; however, he was in the room next to my mother.
Flashback - 3 month ago.
It was the earliest I could remember. We were getting ready for summer, that's how my mom calls it. She is from the old times when summer was a thing. It surprises me when she talks about this vacation time that kids of all ages were allowed to have. It was amazing. She told me she loved it; however, in this time we live now. Summer doesn't exist what so ever. There are vacations that family plan ahead, and we are able to leave school without consequences. It's like a family tradition.
My brothers and sisters were in their rooms doing their usual things. I don't particularly ask on what's going on. We don't particularly talk that much when we don't have too. Everyone has their own thing. They have their own personal life, and I have my own personal one. The idea I had was to go out and be with my friends for the day; however, Salazar, my step dad had other plans for me.
"Is that you, Bella? Come to the kitchen at once", I bit my bottom lip looking at the front door. What's stopping me from just opening it? Nothing. I can totally do it. I resume walking towards the door before I hear my mother, "Bella. Please come into the kitchen". I instantly stop in my tracks. Salazar just uses my mother as the bait. This is one of the reasons we don't like each other. He thinks he has a right to control me. Oh, how wrong he is. He isn't even my real father.
A tsk escape my lips while I walk past the stairs. I passed the living room maneuvering through all the unpacked boxes and unplaced furniture. The living room was a complete mess to my mere surprise because this wasn't messy last night. I would remember I ate dinner in the living room last night. Everyone was already asleep when that happens. I am a loner. It seems bad, but I just need one friend. I have a friend, Stella. She is my best friend. The sweetest girl in Vigorous Preparatory.
It's not the best school to be sweet; however, Stella makes it wonderful to be attending. She has the most elaborate jokes of all times. I do believe Stella is a smartass. The only problem is that she is an airhead sometimes. We have similarities, but the only difference is that I am not air-headed or have a sense of fashion. Stella fashion sense comes in pink and white. Oh, I can't forget her love for fluffness. She takes it to a whole new level.
I shake my head looking into the kitchen. Boxes everywhere from the counters to the floors. I glance at them as I came into the kitchen. I take a seat at the table in front of my mother. She was seating parallel to me with a big smile on her features. Salazar is standing to the right of my mother. He has a reassuring hand on her right shoulder while I am glaring daggers into his skull. I am hoping it makes a hole, or that he burst into flames. I might be acting like an attitude brat, but I just can't trust him. Yeah, that's it. I don't trust him.
"Sweetheart. We have big news", A smile on my features the moment my eyes fall on my mothers. My mother has amber eyes that remind me of fresh honey. She used to bring these big jars of it from the market. She always knows which are the best ones to pick. My mother has beautiful almond hair. Her hair is longer than mine while I prefer it to be shoulder length. I love my mother's hair color. Ungratefully, I have brown hair and brown eyes. I am the most basic of all the combinations out there, but I am happy with whatever I was given. I have got the best mother in the whole wide world.
"News? like what? You are redecorating?", I try my best to quick out the mystery they have going on. It was a joke. I found it funny; however, Salazar glares up at me. I roll my eyes at him, "Is it everything a joke for you?", he asks me. I didn't respond just lean back on the chair. I cross my arms not even looking at him. Instead, I glance out the window on the left, "Salazar. Leave us, please. You know she is getting used to us". My mother explains trying for Salazar not to be angry at my behavior again. We don't mix well with water and oil.
A sigh escapes Salazar's lips as he glances at my mother, "Madelline. You need to stop consenting her behavior". He speaks up before turning around and leaving the room. I look at my mother as soon as the door he went in close. My mother looks down at all the boxes, "Bella. I need you to cooperate. It's a change, but I do believe you'll like this new place". She explains to me with the sweetest tone, and I can't say no to her tone. I mean, that's my mother's power after all. I don't remember much after that. I know, I had packed all of my stuff that same night. I am able to say that my mother is good.
End of Flashback.
"Look, Salazar. Let's just do like this never happen. You stay in your side while I deal with mine. I am going to a new high school. Do you want to know the truth? I am tired of changes. I am tired of changing every damn time you fucked up. It's always. It's not my fault or my siblings, is it? I had a life back in Oster. I had friends which it's hard to get. I had a life", I didn't stop neither waited for him to protest.
I could only see the shock on his features as I take the biggest breath in history, "You are the worst. I am now here while my best friend gets bullied back in Oster! You think that's fair??? NO! I had no choice! I was her shield. I protected her. Now, what do I do now? ha? Yeah, I thought so". I grab the door handle jumping out the car. I closed the door after taking my backpack. I didn't look back once as I walk away into my new life, Ashley High School. Did I explain this is a heroes school? Let that sink in.
I had a pretty good idea of what to do in this school. I might need to get a transfer or suspended. My mother won't have any choice to sent me back to Oster. I could go back with Stella. I can't leave my best friend on her own. She is basically an outcast in Oster. I didn't mind being an outcast with her. It was our own special time together. We would explore and do these amazing things. Other kids at Oster call us weird.
Well, we were weird? I wasn't the one that looked like a mutant survivor of an experiment. That's putting it nicer. They aren't the nicest kids in Oster; however, Stella and I didn't mind much. We had a thought an idea. It was our idea. Our friendship was worth much than a simple game.
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I sigh heavily shaking the feeling of dread. Stella would want me to be happy. There is a thought. I was determined to make the few days I have in this school worth my while. I could have a story out of this. One, I can tell Stella. I got the simplest outfit I could think off. I am not trying to make friends with anyone; however, I had to wear something. I went with blue jeans that I got from Fnarg is a pretty good store back at Oster. A plain white shirt protected by my favorite leather jacket. It was my mother's gift to me for turning 16. It was like my sweet 16th gift.
I came prepared with white sneakers. I had seen the layouts from the internet of the high school. They have a lot of buildings from different things. I had no idea there were so many heroes. I have completely forgotten how many there were. I thought there were only a few like Stark Tower and such. That's basically all I know. I am not glued to know everything about heroes. I don't particularly care. I do know, they don't like villains. I am no villain. I just know how to survive certain situations.
I check the A.H.H app to figure out where the hell am I. I have completely no idea as everything looks the same to me. I look up localizing where I am supposed to go. A quick pace on my steps trying to move through groups of students. I didn't want to talk to anyone at all. It wasn't an option I was willing to take. I glance around noticing I am the only one to approach the machine. It looks like a cylinder made of metal. I am slowly approaching noticing the 3 lines of 3 that are at the bottom. They are placed in a horizontal line while at the top has a small box.
I stop in front of the cylinder. I look around seeing how no one looks at me. I place my hand down onto the small box seeing that it was scanning it. A ring bell came into my phone as I look at it. Did I just get my schedule on my phone? Cool!. I look back at the cylinder not sure what to do now. I fix my backpack to one of my shoulders. I glance down at my phone reading through the schedule while I walk away from the cylinder. It explains here I have a class in building 7 located in room 356. I look up noticing I am back at the front of the school. I glance left and right trying to figure out where my guide is. They said somebody was going to come walk me around.
A roll of my eyes came as I glance at the time, "Holy shit! 9:16am? I am so late". I whisper to myself taking the left sidewalk. I passed some group of Cheerleaders. They didn't shove me to the side like they do at Oster. They were too distracted talking to each other to notice me. A breeze blew by once in a while, but I didn't trust it much. The weather in Ashley High School is control by students or heroes with weather powers. It's not a fair game, to be honest. What if they wanted to burn the whole damn school? What about then?
I am shoved back, and I truly fall onto my ass. I wasn't truly looking up or around me. I look in front of me noticing a girl on the floor. She glances up at me with a death glare, "Look, where yo- Oh, I know you". A finger to her chin as she looks me up and down. She slowly stands up cleaning her jeans. I roll my eyes at the sweet time she is taking. She hands her hand towards me, "Are you, Bella? The new girl?". I take her hand nodding. She smiles widely at me, "Yeah, you are?". I ask like a dumbass.
"Wally. Wally Blackwell. Nice to meet you. I am your guide".
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destinysthralls · 5 years
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[prompto voice] i want to rp with my friends all day!
follow forever ! (sorry to everyone i missed by accident)
chocobos : people i haven’t interacted with much/at all, but really really want to!
@mythicheart | @starszakrew | @wayweaver | @beastend | @demonslayvr | @teldurus | @meteofists | @mercuryshot | @moombaliberator | @nortwithnomemories | @littlestchef | @kcystotheheart | @watchfulforeteller | @nortfromthepast | @valoroushylian | @heartsurpluss | @rogueoracle | @lunsai | @divine-identite | @lisaudacieux | @asterites | @starstrucx | @shrpshct | @enigmatias | @untarnish | @soundofmuses | @withinycu | @slainchosen | @knightheartcd | @atonings | @thundaraborn | @ursaced | @novuscaelum | @voiceofmany | @malfestcd | @gaiavowed | @multiplayered | @brandedsavior | @lightsdefender | @cordoliume | @dawnturnstodusk | @pxperhearts | @stormwithskiiin | @praestigii | @ninthplace | @badassbarmaid | @betterhealing | @lunarbranded | @praywishing | @dvngrs and many more who i forgot bc i can’t remember urls !
moogles: people who i’ve interacted with and LOVED interacting with!
@sinnhelmingr: LIGHT OF MY LIFE. supporter of all my muses, all five hundred of them lmfao. u are the most talented writer i have ever met, and i constantly feel my heart leap up into my chest when i see you’ve written me a starter or a reply. i love ur brain!
@marurisen: you were my FIRST NEW FRIEND on this blog, and the first person who really GAVE ME A CHANCE. i was so surprised when you followed me back bc u seemed so amazing and cool and i was like WOWWWWWW so impressed with u, and u followed me back and i was like so pleased with myself lol. ur kind and smart and funny and i LOVE all our characters relationships, especially jester/gladio, the  crossover ship that stole my heart!
@divinarcsa: my WIFE!!!! i love u so much. you inspire me to be better, to work harder, to make my prose more prosey and my outlook more rosey! you’re such a wonderful person, inside and out, with so much to offer the world in terms of art and personality. you are truly beautiful my love! <3
@incoronare: every day i think about how lucky i am that you took interest in this lil ol blog of mine! i mean it when i say u make my childhood dreams come true, of peach being cute and bi and ready to cry but also ready to KICK ASS. she’s so fuckin perfect and SO ARE YOU. ur writing blows me away, and ur such a sweetheart!
@thefatalmarksman: U SHOULD KNOW HOW I FEEL ABOUT YOU BY NOW BUT I THINK UR THE TOTAL PACKAGE, i get COMEDY i get THE MOST DIVINE feelings, i get to hc jam with u, we can be SILLY and SERIOUS and cute and fun and everything i want in a roleplay partner and then some!!! ur amazing!!!! 
@x-purpose: i’m SO EXCITED YOU’RE BACK bc u have the most insane theories and ideas, and i’ve never seen someone so devoted to their muse without projecting literally anything on them? you just love your muses and their potential wholeheartedly to the end and thats it and i love that.... you’re SO creative and smart and intuitive and i love the way our muses and plots click into place! can’t wait to rp with you more!
@mettleforged: we haven’t talked much but i think u and all ur blogs and muses are so fuckin excellent and you have THE BEST OF THE BEST OF FFX OPINIONS. i can’t wait to interact more!
@khresme:  you are such an INTENSE & BRILLIANT person with so many ideas for how to make final fantasy ten dramatic and excellent, giving it the meaning and symbolism that somehow got lost on the cutting room floor. i love how deep you make luna and noctis, and i’m fascinated with all your hcs for both of them! thank you for making me think of luna in a brand new way!
@chosenbythecrystal: you are an EXCELLENT WRITER, definitely one of the best in the fandom BY FAR and you are one of my FAVORITE people to write with. i love your ideas for noctis and how easy you are to plot with in aus. you’re a very giving partner and i feel like i can build whole universes with you and i love that!
@tridentfaith: you are truly just such a nice person and so easy to talk to! i can’t wait to interact with your other blog! 
@gunsandpuppies & @bladesandkittens: while you are both excellent writers and seem so nice and funny, i have to say, my favorite part of following you both is definitely seeing your ABSOLUTELY #BESTFRIENDGOALS everyday. like i log in and i see you guys interacting and it just puts the biggest smile on my face! i’m glad wholesome platonic soul mates like you two can exist in this world!
@holdonescards: corey, i really feel u are like the big brother i never had tbh! tho idek if you’re older than me. i appreciate your maturity and frankness so, so much, but also now that i understand you better, i want to PROTECT YOU FROM THE WORLD. i hope that we get SO MANY MORE platonic/found family ships in the future, and i appreciate and am grateful for your unique outlook on life, your BEAUTIFUL art, and fantastic friendship <3 thank u so much for being a part of my life!
@moonlitsummoner: I STAN!!! YOU!!!! #stanyoona. you give SUCH LIFE to yuna, you make her feel so real and vibrant, like i’m talking right to her through the screen, and it’s just such an AMAZING feeling to see all these scenes i wish were in the game through your eyes. PLEASE NEVER STOP INTERACTING WITH MY FFX MUSES LMAO. they love ur yunie so much! (and your writing? shall we say... magnifique....)
@dawnryse : okay so i’ll admit we definitely got off on the wrong foot in the ffxv server (through no fault of our own really, just big misunderstandings as far as the eye can look), but you’ve given me a real appreciation for platonic relationships. i know we haven’t meshed together perfectly on any one plot, but i really appreciate you reaching out to me so much with the GIFT of your friendship, and i really appreciate every conversation we have bc ur so funny and nice and u have such great ideas!
@dawnled : you realize i will stan you until the day i die? i am TRULY YOUR BIGGEST FAN. LOVE THAT STELLA. your writing is soooo gorgeous and i love the depth you give riku and ALL his relationships even when canon won’t. your ideas for aus are so brilliant, and just seeing you interact with other people on the dash makes me smile so much. you are so, so loved by ALL of us. and you better be---because you’re the shining light in this fandom that gives us all so much inspiration and happiness.
@nymphatragicae : you KNOW i love your aqua! i’m so happy you’re back and i’m LOOKING FORWARD TO THAT GOOD GOOD XEMQUA CONTENT. ur aqua is soooo fuckin good and i love her forever rip in pieces
@alnaari & @pcisoner : HONESTLY LBR YOU TWO ARE A PACKAGE DEAL. i really feel Seen by u two and ur writing. u both Get Me on an aesthetic level, you understand the feeling that i want to portray in my writing, and you portray the same feeling. i stan the both of you, you’re so talented, i stalk all your threads, and TREASURE YOUR FRIENDSHIP!
@guiltscorched: i LOVE all your muses, even the ones i don’t know, and speaking as someone who plays ignis.... i think you just GET ignis. you like understand him so fucking well, and i can HEAR HIM in your replies, and it’s just like WROW. amazing. ur amazing!!! ur writing is so beautiful and delicate and i just want to swim in it like a big pool full of quality writing.
@dearlybelovedhearts : I ALMOST FORGOT YOU EVEN THO WE’RE LITERALLY TALKING RIGHT NOW OMG. i love how much thought you put into your charactesr and your plots! your docs are SCARY GOOD LOOKIN. ur so true to ur characters and their hearts, and i LOVE talking to you even tho we BASICALLY just met lol.
@invertxgo: we’re not as close as we used to be, but that’s okay! i still think the WORLD of you and all your characters. our friendship is evolving just like my blog is, and i hope we get to have lots of good good interactions on this blog! thanks for refollowing me bro!
35 notes · View notes
poppytheorist · 5 years
Me Laughing
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must’ve been one hell of a joke
So, I was in the middle of writing a piece on [redacted] when Poppy released a 27-minute video of herself laughing. Naturally, that took priority. Sorry for my absence, this post took some time. And by “some time,” I mean “45 hours.”
This may be the best thing I’ve written, but it’s also the most insane thing I’ve written. In fact, I would label this post as ‘maddening.’ It’s possible you won’t be able to look at Poppy the same way again. I know I don’t. You can’t unread this, readers beware, [other dramatic warnings], etc., etc.
Descend when ready.
I thought “Concrete” was pretty #wild, but “Me Laughing” takes the cake. This video is pure lunacy, and I mean that somewhat literally since Poppy does laugh at what appears to be nothing for almost half an hour.
Due to the sheer insanity of “Me Laughing,” I’ve put together a handy little collage to help readers follow along. Behold: my barely passable Paint skills!
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the pic for Section 4 basically explains everything
Before we begin, I need to address a few things. There’s at least, like, nine people who read this stuff, and while I can’t say that I envy you, I can say that I appreciate you. Thanks for sticking around.
However, there’s a funny thing that happens when you know you’re writing for an audience. You feel pressured to adapt your style. I feel the need to be a little more careful about some of the things I say, but that’s probably for the best. Hopefully this extra care will result in more coherent posts, but I doubt it.
This post will be long. Partially because “Me Laughing” is long, partially because I’ve padded this out with shaky theory about how the world works. Guess that’s no different than my other posts, but still, feel free to tune that out if you’re just here for the Poppy stuff, though maybe you’ll find some of it interesting.
I tend to write authoritatively, which may be misleading because I’m not always confident about what I’m saying. I simply enjoy taking things to their natural conclusions. Typically, there’s something interesting at the end. Or, at least, a premise insane enough to make writing about it enjoyable. See, for example, my post on “Concrete.” This post won’t be much different, maybe just a little crazier.
Now, I’ve got a funny feeling that some people may think I am “reading too much into this” or that Poppy’s work “isn’t that deep.” Hey, I get it. Those objections are completely understandable. I was once there myself, but now I’ve moved away from thinking that way. I’ll do my best to explain why.
From what I’ve seen, aesthetics (roughly: the study of art) is a total battlefield. Nobody agrees on anything, everybody thinks that only they can ‘properly’ understand art and that everyone else is wrong. There’s people who think beauty is objective, there’s people who think “no, that’s stupid, beauty is obviously subjective,” and there’s even the people who outright deny that aesthetics exists. Recently, we also had the pleasure of witnessing the aesthetics debate become another facet of the everlasting culture war. Think a line from “Play Destroy” sums my thoughts about that up: “oh boy!”
Needless to say, it’s a massive shitshow.
Despite my rather war-torn depiction of modern aesthetics, it might be a good thing that we can never ‘understand’ art. I hear that’s, like, part of the point. If art was ever ‘solved,’ well, we’d be faced with the idea that there is nothing ‘special’ about being human, that we’re just sacks of meat bumbling around with no purpose. Then everybody would, like, die or something. Truth hurts, art heals, let’s stay alive.
Anywho, I mention all this because there’s no rigorous way to determine how ‘deep’ a song (or any piece of art) is. You can’t just take a stick, poke it into some art, and say: “yep, this Poppy song is 75 [metres/fathoms/hands/whatever nonsense unit] deep!” Besides, nobody even agrees what ‘artistic depth’ means, and most attempts to define it flounder. If you listen closely, you can just faintly hear Goodhart laughing.
This is also why people who think they can ‘objectively’ analyze art are dogmatic blowhards. Any amount of rigorous thinking reveals that our standards for what make art ‘good’ or ‘bad’ are entirely baseless. No, seriously, it’s a case of channeling your inner Socrates and repeatedly asking ‘why’ until the other person throws their up their arms, leaves, and stops answering your texts.
We don’t even know what art is, so thinking you can ‘understand’ art and judge its ‘depth’ is pure arrogance. At least, until someone finds a way to math that shit. “Sounds solipsism.” Well, ya gotta start somewhere.
Now, does this mean we should also throw up our arms, say: “screw it” and return to binging Netflix and eating foods that you know aren’t good for you but you eat them anyways because they make you feel good and that’s what you need right now? Well, no, actually.
Even if we aren’t 100% sure what art is, or what we should do with it, there are some theories on art that I would call: “pretty not-terrible.” Some people have spent their entire lives thinking about these things and their insights are fascinating. However, I’m not here to talk theory. If you want to learn more, go pick up a book or something, nerd.
Anyway, one time this German guy said: “without music, life would be a mistake.” He also said that looking at things from multiple perspectives is pretty neat, so that’s what we’re here to do. Turns out art is kinda fun and spending a bit more time thinking about it pays dividends.
See, art just wants to be understood and so does Poppy. I want to give her and Titanic the benefit of the doubt and take them seriously as artists. While I don’t think everything they produce is God’s gift to earth (see: [redacted]), I do enjoy the majority of their work. Plus, the abstract and absurd nature of their content means writing about it is a blast.
Whether I truly believe any of the interpretations I come up with is irrelevant. Hell, I’m not even sure half of what I say even remotely resembles what Poppy and Titanic envisioned. But, that’s not the point. Shallow readings are a dime-a-dozen, see: Genius; I’m here to provide something better. To show that Poppy’s work, or any art, really, can be a whole lot more fun if you spend even just a teensy bit of time analyzing it. Hopefully I can also provide some of the tools to do so.
Enough rambling, let’s get into it.
At first glance, “Me Laughing” seems like Poppy doing cute ASMR for 27(!!) minutes while simultaneously trolling anyone who expected a video titled “Me Laughing” to be about anything different. Sure, but that reading gets a ‘B’ for ‘Basic.’
Yes, Poppy and Titanic often troll their audience. See: “A live Interview with Poppy.” But the trolling is both part of the delivery of their message and part of the message itself. So while “Me Laughing” looks like a simple ASMR troll video, I’m going to argue that it’s not.
Previously, Poppy released videos like “Delete Your Facebook” and “I’m Poppy.” Fun vids, but they’re made of looped clips. Thirty seconds in and you’ve watched the whole thing. Consider: “Me Laughing” is 27 minutes, but no parts are looped, it’s all original. As always, I’m just here to ask: why?
Since “Me Laughing” is not made up of looped clips, but is instead all original content, there is an inherent progression to the events. Each segment is unique, and when considered sequentially, pieces from each section build on each other to produce an artistic whole.
Yes, that’s a fancy way of saying it has a ‘story.’
Also, if you’ve watched the video, you’ll know that something just feels ‘off.’ If “Me Laughing” was ‘just’ Poppy ASMR, why does she constantly focus on a single point in the distance? What’s with Poppy’s frequent stares into the camera? And why the fuck is she wearing latex?
Clearly, something else is going on.
Detailed Summary
Let’s recall what actually happens in “Me Laughing.” Hopefully this recap will convey a sense of what ‘else’ exactly is going on and make the insane claims later on in the analysis a tad easier to swallow.
“Me Laughing” starts off pretty normally. Sections 1 and 2 are mostly Poppy laughing, as promised. Even in these early sections, however, we can still pick out some peculiar things.
In Section 1, and throughout the video, we see Poppy looking upwards as she laughs, as if she was remembering something funny that happened. Or as if she was thinking about something for a while and suddenly found it hilarious. “Maybe Poppy just looks upward when she laughs.” Doubtful. Try doing it right now. Feels weird, right? Whatever, moving on…
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Next oddity: there’s a strange transitioning shot at the start of the video and between Sections 1 and 2 where the camera sweeps over Poppy’s latex-ed body. “Well, maybe Titanic just thought it would be cool to do it like that.” Yes, but why did he think it would be cool? Why that transitioning shot, out of all the possible ones? What purpose does it serve?
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Also: Section 1 was a very steady shot, probably filmed using a tripod, or whatever fancy word camera-people use. However, the shot for Section 2 is shaky. Like, weirdly shaky. Maybe even too shaky. And this isn’t the only section filmed this way, half of “Me Laughing” is too. “Well, maybe Titanic can’t hold a camera steady.” No, that doesn’t seem right. We know Titanic can, in fact, hold a camera steady, or, at the very least, he possesses the means to take a steady shot. See: literally all Poppy videos. No, the shaky-cam is intentional. Again, I’m just here to ask: why?
Now, I don’t mean to tip my hand too much here, but to me, the camera’s sway resembles the unsteady gaze of a curious observer. Perhaps one who is timidly stepping around the beheld, drinking in all the angles. Recall my post on “Touch Poppy.” With steady camera shots, it’s easy to forget someone is on the other side, but with unsteady shots, it’s downright impossible to ignore, e.g., “wow, that shaky-cam is really noticeable. What is this, a shitty sequel to the Blair Witch Project?” Perhaps these sections were filmed this way to emphasize the presence of an observer. As for why such a thing would be emphasized—well, we’ll get to that.
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Around the 3:30 mark, Poppy shakes her head and clearly utters a, “m-mm,” as in, “nuh-uh, no way.” This gesture is repeated throughout the video. I’ll let you think about that one.
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The video continues, and at 3:52 the camera lazily pans down, focusing on Poppy’s body and cutting her head out of the shot for several seconds, similar to the transition shot from Section 1 to 2. Thirty seconds later, the same thing happens. Guess this isn’t just Titanic diversifying the shot composition. It’s also about this point where attempts to pass “Me Laughing” off as anything resembling a ‘normal’ video start to fall apart.
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Poppy’s sitting position in Section 3 is both clever and hilarious. It shows her whole get-up, highlighting how absurdly tall her platform shoes are. She also flip-flops her feet back and forth several times as if to further emphasize her mega-shoes. Why would she wear such crazy shoes for a simple video of herself laughing?
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That’s not all that’s ‘off’ about Section 3—this is also the first section where Poppy stares at a spot in the distance for a prolonged period of time. In several instances, she quizzically tilts her head to the side, not unlike a faithful dog trying to decipher commands from her master. At 6:23 we also get a clear “huh,” a noise of acknowledgement, of understanding. Further, Section 3 has several stretches of silence where Poppy is no longer laughing. She just sits there while you watch. It’s… unsettling.
Section 4 is shot in a similarly shaky-style to Section 2, but this time with Poppy sitting down. Also, we see instances of Poppy focusing on something off in the distance both when she is laughing and when she is not, as was the case in the previous sections. However, there are some weird things about Section 4 that set it apart from the others and further develop the video.
Around the 8:38 mark, Poppy utters a “mm-mm-mm” sound while shaking her head and staring off into the distance. It’s fairly clear that she is communicating with something off-screen. Perhaps entities that are invisible to us. It wouldn’t be a stretch to say these off-screen entities are the things making her laugh.
We will see more evidence of Poppy supposedly communicating with invisible beings later, however, this is bordering on fetishizing Poppy’s lore as opposed to analyzing her artistic message. If you’re half-learned on Poppy lore (which, you better be, considering the fact that you’re reading this), this would be like focusing on the identity of ‘They’ instead of the significance of ‘They.’ Another example would be focusing on the ‘origin’ of Poppy, e.g., is she an android? Who is her creator? Etc., instead of asking why someone would create the artistic work of Poppy in the first place and/or considering the implications of said work.
If you’ve read anything else I’ve written, perhaps you’ve noticed that I try and stay away from acknowledging that Poppy even has lore. I want to take Poppy seriously, not literally. Or, in “pretentious asshole” terms, to consider her work artistically, not canonically. There are many reasons for this and I didn’t just get here randomly overnight, but that’s for another post.
Edgy ranting aside, there’s another part of Section 4 that I’d like to point out. Before this section, there was only a single instance of Poppy looking into the camera (happened in Section 2), but in Section 4, she frequently looks into the lens, acknowledging that an observer is present. She shoots this observer a flurry of dark and mischievous glances. Then she laughs.
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Section 5 features more head shaking, distant staring, etc., but it is also a relatively sad section. Poppy laughs very little, and frequently looks down. Yes, a pun. Poppy has been laughing for most of the video, so why, all of a sudden, does she seem so sad?
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Section 6 is shot shakily and close-up. I mean, really close-up. Like, right-in-her-face close-up. To the point where the camera is often out of focus. We’re also given a blatantly voyeuristic sweep over Poppy’s chest as the camera shifts position around her. Further, there are several instances where Poppy looks deep into the camera, with what I refer to as a “model pout,” where she slightly parts her lips and opens her eyes wide. Recall my post on “Computer Boy” where I talked about the fan-idol relationship. That lustful look? It’s for you, except everybody knows it’s not.
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Quick note: I will elaborate on this when I talk about “You’re Too Close,” but it’s important to stay mindful and know that despite some uncomfortably voyeuristic shots in “Me Laughing,” it doesn’t necessarily mean that the video, or anyone who worked on it, is, y’know, perverted or something. Depicting the voyeuristic nature of idolism is how we talk about the voyeuristic nature of idolism, the same way that depicting racism is how we talk about racism.
The problem is that nowadays, we are trained to think quickly, not critically. Your initial response (also called your ‘knee-jerk’ response) to Poppy’s work shouldn’t be your final response to it. It’s important to consider context and think carefully. Ask yourself: why would Poppy choose to show you this? What does she want you to think about? What is she trying to tell you?
Section 7 is where things start to get really fucking weird.
Previously, I said that there was something darker lurking in “Me Laughing,” and Section 7 is where this darkness begins to manifest. The segment starts with Poppy having another one of her imaginary conversations with demons or whatever where she nods her head and gives some “mm-hmms” in agreement. Shortly after, she looks right at the camera and laughs in your face. Not only is her laugh absolutely maniacal, but it seems completely sincere too. This section really relates the feeling that you are not in on the ‘joke’—maybe the joke’s about you.
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Section 7 also provides a sense of violent foreboding: a creeping feeling that something is going to happen to you, but you don’t know what that ‘something’ is, and you have absolutely no power to stop it. What really drives this sense of helplessness home is the way the scene is shot. At one point, the camera spends a few seconds just looking at Poppy’s hand. This emphasizes your lack of control. You are completely at the mercy of the camera’s whims. You only see what is shown to you. Then, as the scene closes, the camera is put down in front of Poppy, and, after a few tense seconds, she slowly reorients her body and starts crawling towards you. Luckily, the camera is picked up before she reaches it—you were saved, but what if you hadn’t been?
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Oh, right, I forgot to mention: Poppy didn’t laugh much in this section.
Section 8 is a more amped-up version of Section 6. We get Poppy staring deep into the camera for almost the entire scene’s duration. Her lustful gaze relates a feeling of vulnerability, like you are spying on a defenseless little girl, but at the same time, it feels like she is giving you one last dose of what you want before she brutally murders you.
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Section 9 is fairly straightforward. We have Poppy staring at a fixed point in the distance as if she is receiving orders from her alien overlord. We also get several rapid glances toward the camera, as if her orders somehow involve you, or as if she and someone else are sharing gossip about you right in front of your face.
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…And then Section 10 happens.
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Poppy says: “goodbye.”
In Section 10 we have a bit of a climax. No, not that kind of climax. Well, unless this essay is really doing it for you.
The first interpretation of Section 10 is fairly basic, Poppy is waving goodbye because you’re about to die. Obviously, whatever scheme she and her invisible monster friends cooked up is going to be carried out, and it’s probably going to result in the destruction of everything, yourself included. This is sad, probably, but she seems to find it highly amusing. Again, I’m not a fan of obsessing over canon or lore, so I’ll tackle this one slightly differently in the analysis, but I do think this reading of “Me Laughing” is at least semi-faithful to Poppy and Titanic’s vision. This interpretation also serves as a very nice teaser for P3. I mean, if “Do you disagree?” has told us anything, P3 will have a lot of destroying.
The next reading of Section 10 involves the objectifying nature of idolism. Yes, the $5 words are starting to come out, brace yourself. Anyway, in this section, Poppy giggles as she waggles her hands around, back and forth then forth and back, as though she is using her hands for the first time. Almost like a shiny, new automaton discovering its motor functions. It’s cute, but silly. And by silly, I mean overly silly. You have to remember that Poppy is played by a woman in her mid-20s. Reminds me of some lines from “Hard Feelings”: “my arms and my legs are so stiff / Is that the way you wanted it?” Or, rather, is this how you want her to act?
At the end of the section, the camera moves right up to Poppy’s face and she looks at you and just… stares.
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And stares…
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And stares…
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She knows.
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Finally, we get to Section 11, which would be my main argument against the totally boring ‘Poppy communicating with demons’ reading. Poppy is seated, again, with her arms wrapped around her thighs. Note again the sense of her smallness and vulnerability transmitted by her sitting position. Also note the way the shot is filmed, with the camera looking down on Poppy and frequently swooping in for close passes.
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And then, in the last two seconds, something really bizarre happens. For a brief moment, some foreign object enters the shot, just in the very corner. Now, I’m about to make a weird argument, be wary of it. Other than the random piece of equipment entering the shot, “Me Laughing” does not end off on a noteworthy moment. Just Poppy sitting there, looking up at the camera. Plenty of instances of that. The video could have easily been trimmed by 2 seconds and nothing would have changed. We can also (probably) assume that somebody carefully reviewed this video before it was uploaded.
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We’re left the possibility that those last two seconds were left in the video for a reason. And that reason is—
Hey, wait a minute, was that a mirror?
“Me Laughing” is a really interesting video, and you can have a lot of fun if you spend some time looking into it, so that’s exactly what we’re going to do. We’ll tackle it from several different angles, watch for the switches.
Quick words of warning here: I’m about to use the words ‘parody,’ ‘satire,’ and ‘sarcasm’ interchangeably, a practice some would refer to as: “really fucking lazy.” Frankly, I don’t give a damn, I’m not a professional, I’m going to type my silly words anyway and you can’t stop me.
As content loses any sense of shame in attempting to draw your attention, nuance withers away and it becomes harder and harder to differentiate parody from parodied. For example, is “Old Town Road” criticizing the state of the music industry or embracing it? Now, I’m positive that Lil Nas X has the self-awareness of my pug when he’s lapping up his own boogers, yet I personally couldn’t write a song that so perfectly encapsulates everything wrong with modern music. So, is “Old Town Road” a parody or not?
This is where someone ripping off Westworld would say: “if you can’t tell, does it matter?” to which I would answer: “yes, yes it does.”
Context may be fleeting, unreliable, and arguably nonexistent, but I still believe it’s possible to differentiate parody from parodied, it just takes a little more effort. See, I think “Me Laughing” is satirical as hell, especially considering its context within Poppy’s body of work and how it compares to mainstream internet content.
First, consider that the frankly-titled video “Me Laughing” was hyped up for three days before it ‘premiered’ on YouTube. Hilarious, but also incisive. Who waits three days to see someone laugh? “Well, I did.” Ah.
The sarcastic nature of the video also shines through in the description, which reads: “A motion picture starring Poppy.” There’s a tired, yet necessary, statement here on the continuing degradation of internet content. What won’t people eat up?
We all know Poppy’s no stranger to sarcasm. See: “Bleach Blonde Baby” or “Poppy loves Politics.” She will often refer to her videos as “high quality internet content,” while uploading videos of herself eating cotton candy or ‘ooo-ing’ at things. With “Me Laughing,” a video where she laughs for 27 minutes, Poppy further questions where the line is regarding what content people will happily consume.
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Fun story: I’ve seen people call “Me Laughing” ASMR. In fact, I think I did, at some point. Huh, I should probably change that. This isn’t totally wrong, but know that “Me Laughing” takes so many shots at ASMR you’d think the video shared a set with Sicario. And, if that’s the case, they could have saved some money and just filmed the video in my neighborhood haha… hah… ha… (seriously though I’m in danger)
Considering “Me Laughing” as a genuine ASMR video would obviously be antithetical to Poppy’s entire body of work. Recall lyrics like: “Poppy is an object.” No, “Me Laughing” is much more than simply Poppy recording cute ASMR.
Poppy has been questioning the nature of people’s ASMR obsession since her first YouTube video, “Poppy Eats Cotton Candy,” where she had the mic uncomfortably close to her throat so her little gulps and coos were clearly audible. What leads to people wanting to hear these things?
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Zoom out: many of Poppy’s videos are about obsession. Forget that and the point will fly right over your head. Let’s now reframe the question: why would people want to hear such intimate sounds from Poppy? Answer that and “Me Laughing” will make a lot more sense.
What I’m about to say next will be very dense because it will outline the thesis of a large part of Poppy’s work. Sorry, hopefully it’s still readable. I’m still developing my interpretations of her work, and I promise to expand and explain them more in the future.
I’m also sure some fans will want to stab me in the neck with a rusty spoon for this post because it’ll appear like I am directly criticizing them. In reality, I am actually insinuating that Poppy is criticizing them, but nuance is dead, knee-jerk reactions reign supreme. Whatever. If you react that way, it means you’re so eyeballs deep in obsession that you fail to realize why Poppy courts your obsession in the first place. Poppy’s work entices fans to obsess over her, but it also berates those who do so.
Note that this is all as a means of criticizing the status-quo. And guess what: fans are part of the status-quo. It stings when you realize your idol’s criticisms are actually about you, but I’m not convinced Poppy is malicious. She wants you to be a better person.
This is my best estimate of her thesis: the nature of the objectification of celebrities is rooted in a sexual obsession—that is, a desire for their bodies. Pun intended. Objectification stems from fantasizing over what the celebrity shows you, which is almost always physical, or at least results in the fantasy manifesting itself as a physical representation.
In other words: “everybody wants to be Poppy.”
Poppy recognizes the inherently sexual obsession with figures in the ASMR community. She wears latex in “Me Laughing” to draw attention to this. It’s as if she was saying: “this is what you’re here for, right?”
Note that obsession is inherently progressive. It grows and grows, eventually leading to fans voyeuristically observing the objectified person’s intimate bodily functions. This culminates in “Me Laughing.” Poppy knows what you want, but as payment, she’s going to leave a nagging feeling in your brain that somehow you have done something wrong. That you shouldn’t really be watching this video, but she knows you are.
Recall Titanic’s comments about making people slightly uncomfortable. Consuming is harder with a lump in your throat. The key to understanding Poppy’s work is to ask why she wants you to feel uncomfortable. What about your behavior does she want you to realize?
Earlier in the post, I mentioned that I’m not a huge fan of the whole ‘Poppy talking to demons about destroying the world’ reading because it comes dangerously close to obsessing over her lore. Lore is like history without the usefulness, so I’m going to ignore it. Regardless, I said I would use that interpretation for something more interesting, so I’d like to ask:
What makes someone want to destroy the world?
Throughout “Me Laughing,” Poppy shoots dark glares at the camera. There’s something sinister in her eyes, something genuinely evil lurking in her gaze. We know she obviously has an immense disdain for the status-quo. What else would lead to lyrics like: “down, let it all burn down / burn it to the ground”?
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Preceding any cries of “viva la revolución!” or “apocalypse, now!” is an implicit judgement that what is left of the world is either not able to be saved, or not worth saving. That tearing everything down and beginning anew is preferable to salvaging what remains. To reach such a mindset, one would need to see modern society with such disgust and be so disenchanted with our current world that it no longer appears worth preserving. One would also need to have given up hope on the ability for people to come together and solve their problems. To have lost hope in humanity’s ability to adapt and overcome. To think that perhaps our problems have become too big for us to solve, that perhaps we have finally dug too deep a hole to climb out of.
Again, people don’t reach a hopeless mindset overnight; it takes many steps to descend into the darkness. But, the numpties on r/GetMotivated tell me, “every journey begins with a single step,” so let’s take one together.
In a tweet, I mentioned that “Me Laughing” was also about absurdism. No, that wasn’t a typo for ‘absurdity.’ I may write ridiculously deep-dives into Poppy lyrics and lore, but I try not to waste words.
Anyway, let’s play a game. I call it the “imagine something real quick because I need to prove a point” game.
Imagine being stuck in a system. Yes, it’s cliché to use the word ‘system,’ and any time you do, it carries the connotation that you are some conspiracy nut, e.g., “you can’t trust the system man!” I understand all this, please just bear with me and let me use the word, it’s useful. Anyway, you don’t like the system because a lot of the system is bad and it���s slowly, but surely, getting worse. The cracks are starting to show and the whole thing is poised to come crumbling down. Okay, that’s not good, you want to tell people about this. To warn them. However, in order to obtain a sizable audience for your message, you need to first succeed within the system, and to do that, you need to play by the system’s rules.
Okay, no sweat, you release some pop songs. There’s a couple of them that people really dig. Unfortunately, the songs people like don’t contain much of your message. They have a watered-down version of it at best. That’s a little sad, but oh well, at least you’re getting some sort of message out there. Hey, maybe if you make the music video really weird, people will realize there’s something more going on! Hm, that didn’t seem to work either.
So you release some YouTube videos too. Some of them are pretty biting, especially that one on politics. Should get people thinking, right? Hah, no, wrong. People like them, yes, but not for the reasons you want. They like them because they’re “weird” and “addictive” e.g., “its 3 AM on a school night and I’m still watching Poppy videos why can’t I stop lolol.” Imagining that the videos contain some sort of Illuminati-esque hidden message to decode is preferable to examining the real-world implications of the work. Plus, like, there’s experts for that, right?
Anyway, a couple albums and hundreds of videos later, you have a sizable following, sweet, now you can transition to doing what you’ve always wanted to. Change the persona to something a little truer to yourself. Make your message a little clearer. Finally, you have the power to change the world like you always promised you would.
Uh-oh, Houston, we’ve got a problem. Your audience listened to you for X, but now you’re giving them Y. It’s not a total loss, though. You have a lot of loyal members in your audience, and they like your new stuff too. Doesn’t matter what you make, they’re loyal, they’ll watch/listen/whatever to it. Their dedication has become investment which has become even more dedication. In fact, they’ve been following you since the start, when you were first trying to get big. “Yes, but I was trying to get big because I wanted to spread a message and to do that I had to make compromises to grow an audience so people would liste—“
They also have their own ideas of what you’re saying, plus, like, they make neat art, here, check this out, please give this a listen, look at this, read this, please, please? “Hey, nice article. Wait, the next one is how many words?!” And you keep every piece of fan art because it really does mean a lot to you. “Wow, I appreciate it, that’s beautiful, thank you. Oh, what? There’s even more?” Hey, if you have spare minute, could you give a shout-out to my friend? It’s her birthday. “Sure, hold on…” It’s also my birthday tomorrow, could you give this post a like? “Um, okay, just give me a minut—“ Also, could you answer my DM on Instagram? It’s important. And after that there’s only 100 more to answer! kk thanks! “Wait… one second… whoa!”
Now you’re releasing Z, hopefully that will get your message across…
Wait—what was your message again?
Oh no.
Somewhere along the way, probably between performing [this] and signing [that], the essence of your message was lost. Whatever remains has been drowned out by the noise of the system. If we’re talking decibels, notifications are loud, problems are whispers, and these days everyone’s got ear plugs.
Thinking about problems is hard, thinking about them for too long is sad, being sad is uncomfortable, hey, look, Taylor Swift just dropped a new album, that “Lover” song is dope, let’s look at memes.
So, you want to change the system. But to change the system you need power. To get power, you need an audience. But the only way to get an audience is to make content that gets rewarded by the system. And the content that gets rewarded by the system is that which is easily digestible for a large audience, i.e., devoid of substance. I mean, I don’t know about you, but I don’t think “Turn Down for What” resulted in much positive social change. “Well, maybe the system should reward content that is creative, challenging, and conscientious instead!” Ah, yes, I see what you mean. So, you want to change the system…
Pass the mic, Camus, I’ve got a real knee-slapper for ya. Oh, right, guess I’ll just grab it myself.
These days, we’re faced with a new kind of absurdism, one which involves recognizing that societal systems are getting worse and need changing, while simultaneously recognizing that you are chained by said systems, and thus, powerless to change them.
This new absurdism describes the maddening exercise in doublethink where people wrestle with the knowledge that they should be Making The World A Better Place but also the knowledge that they cannot possibly live in a way that satisfies such capitalized phrases. The end result is a mental tearing fueled by impossible societal expectations and the inevitable guilt of failing to live up to them.
After a while, people stop fighting. They give up. They give in. When enough people throw in the towel, all that’s left is to hold on tight and enjoy the ride, e.g., the trajectory is set, all aboard, no, there aren’t enough seat belts for everyone, must have been one of those damn cost-saving initiatives.
“Yeah, that definitely sounds absurd. So… what do we do about it?”
Well, sometimes all you can do is laugh.
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8 notes · View notes
madcapmoon · 6 years
Ian MacKaye - 2009 interview
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by Mark Prindle
Ian MacKaye IS Washington DC punk rock. Beginning his recorded career with high school punk band Teen Idles, he went on to found Dischord Records, lead seminal harDCore band Minor Threat, pioneer emo-punk with Embrace, and create some of the greatest, smartest guitar rock of all time in Fugazi. These days, he's recording with his partner Amy Farina as The Evens, caring for their infant son Carmine, periodically conducting live Q&A sessions for fans, and continuing to run Dischord with founding partner (and former Minor Threat drummer) Jeff Nelson. Thanks to the persistence of Citizine editor Thom White, Ian was kind enough to take 90 minutes out of his morning one cold March day to talk to me on the old telephone. Unfortunately I had just woken up and was a bit groggy and out of sorts. Thankfully, he was NOT! My questions are in bold print; his responses are in straight edge.
Hello, Ian?
That's me.
Hey, Mark Prindle.
Oh hey. Hold on one second, okay? Let me put you on hold.
(*hold occurs*)
I've got a huge gig ahead of me today, but I have a few minutes now if you want to do a little bit of work. I gotta write royalty checks today. We've had all sorts of problems, including that snowstorm yesterday, so today's my big day. It takes me about, I don't know, five or six hours of writing checks. It's insane. I do it twice a year. But I kinda like doing it. I think it's good. I do it by hand, and it gives me an opportunity to kinda think about everybody in all these bands. Because basically I'm paying royalties on some records that have been out for almost 30 years now. It's kind of amazing, so I sort of take a second as I write each check to think, "Oh! Where the hell is that person these days?" Yeah, do you have a recorder?
Do you want to check it and make sure it's working?
Yeah, it's going.
Is today okay?
I think we should just go for it, and at some point I may get a call. They gotta print out and analyze some stuff before I get on it - the other people in my office - so I've got a couple minutes now. I was actually just getting my desk cleared off so I could do that work. I can talk to you while I'm doing all that.
Okay. So you're a father now, right?
How's that treatin' ya?
It's cool.
You getting much sleep?
I've never slept much, so it doesn't make much difference to me. I mean, I think people often.... Well, first off, I'm not particularly inclined to make this a 'He's a Dad!' kinda interview, but I will say this: that I was, and I continue to be, struck by the deep cynicism that surrounds people becoming parents. It's sort of like the weather conversation; when people know you're about to have a kid or if you have a kid, the first sort of comments are like "Oh, how hard is it? Your life's really different now! Get ready; your life is gonna change!" and all this really strangely negative tonality, which really was striking to me, especially right before our son was born. I'd meet people and they'd say, "Oh, it's hard. It's just awful." What are people talking about here!? Surely this is the most organic act in life! And though I don't recommend that everybody do it, that's not the point but rather that, for those people who decide to engage in it, what possible constructive purpose is there in these really negative kinds of warnings and cryptic comments?
And obviously, again it's like the weather, one of the first things most people say to me always is like "Getting any sleep?," that sort of thing, which I don't think of as necessarily.... Again, it's like a "Boy, it's cold outside!" kind of conversation, but the truth is that human beings, when they're new to this world, they're not on a particular, like - their cycles are different. And by and large, I think that the cycles that most of our society operate on are deeply unnatural, because they're keyed to the workplace. So yes it's true that, for instance, Carmine, our son - he got up this morning at around 5:00. Or 5:30 or whenever he did, I don't remember. But he wakes up periodically because he's hungry or disoriented or because he's a baby! And of course I wake up as well, or Amy wakes up. But here's the deal: you're being woken up by a human being which you actually were partly responsible for creating! That's okay! It's okay to be woken up by that. It's kind of incredible, when you think about it. It's sort of like a gift; you wake up and you're like, "My God! This actually... Did I have something to do with this?" And another point about rest and all that is that - you know, tour with Fugazi. Go on tour, get up at like 4:30, play a show til 3:00, get up at 6:00 to drive to catch a ferry to get to Denmark, drive all day and then play another show and don't get to sleep til another 3:00 in the morning - THAT's tired. This is easy. The baby stuff is easy.
Have you seen this Ben Kingsley video?
Yeah. By the way, I'm not saying -- if you have a question about it, I'm happy to talk about it. I'm just always leery, in terms of the kid, of sort of like, you know, "MacKaye and Fatherhood." I just find that kind of angle really -- it's strange to me, because it suggests somehow that for everybody it's this sort of total conversion, and for me it's all one thing. Did I see the Ben Kingsley video? Yeah. I was well aware of that thing, yeah.
What is it? What was it for? What was it made for?
There is a magazine from Los Angeles called Mean Magazine, and they have sort of developed this stylized approach to interviews. What they do is they interview people and then they have these highly sort of conceptual photo shoots for the article, and they videotape the actual shoot, which is then used on the web site as sort of something you can do, just a way to s-, I don't know - synergy! Or whatever the fuck. So in the case of the Ben Kingsley - they actually contacted me and asked for my blessing. The guy that was interviewing Kingsley, or I think it was one of the editors, is a Minor Threat fan. And when Ben Kingsley had a new movie out, probably his publicity person was knocking on doors trying to get him interviewed. They were interested in talking to him, and, while thinking about what to conceptualize this photo shoot, the editor was thinking about Kingsley, and of course one of Kingsley's most famous roles was that of Gandhi. And because this guy was such a huge Minor Threat, and he said that he often associated ME with Gandhi, he thought, "That would be funny!"
He pitched it to Kingsley. He told me that Kingsley knew nothing about me or Minor Threat or the punk underground; he just didn't know really anything about it. But then they looked at some videos on the computer, and Kingsley was really kind of like, "Oh, this is cool! Okay, let's do it." And Kingsley said, "I'll give you forty minutes." Or half an hour or something. So they basically hired an audience; they paid a bunch of people 25 or 50 bucks to come out to a club. They essentially recreated the Minor Threat At 9:30, which is the show that is on this Minor Threat live DVD, which is probably the best visual evidence of the band that exists. Moving visual, I guess. They kinda recreated that, and Kingsley studied the video - looked at me in the video. It's interesting to me to see his technique because you can see that there are, you know - it's been a while since I've seen it, but there are certain little things he does - he picks up on very subtle gestures. By and large, he doesn't look anything like me to me, but there are moments where I'm like, "Oh! He's actually acting here!"
It was touching, and flattering of course, but mostly it was just fascinating to me to be an observer of a phenomenon. The one thing about any time Minor Threat or Fugazi pop up in that way, I find it encouraging because I can say for sure, 100% positive, that neither one of those bands is being inserted into public discourse by media handlers. And I can say for sure that we're not connected to any major corporation and there was no synergy involved; like we didn't have a new Minor Threat release that we were trying to promote. So when Fugazi or Minor Threat or any of the Dischord bands pop up in this way to the surface of American culture, it's nice to think that those channels still exist. The fact that the corporate media, the larger media and the labels - the machinations that are behind that haven't managed to completely sew the whole affair up. Do you follow?
So when, for instance, Fugazi's "Waiting Room" was suddenly being played at Redskins football games, people were outraged - which I appreciate, because it's nice that people were like "What the hell do they think they're doing?" - but it's also kinda funny to think that somewhere in the bowels of that stadium, or in the bowels of that organization, somebody who's responsible for picking the music, like, put a Fugazi song on there! It was not of our doing! We didn't have anyone placing it. I can say again with absolute 100% positive assuredness that there is no insertion going on. This is actually people's choice. And I like that. I think it's reassuring. I don't like it because it makes me feel good about my music, or I don't like it because it helps advertise my music. Rather, I like it because it means that the channels still exist, and that's a nice thing to think.
Do you think that Fugazi is permanently retired now?
I don't know. I'm not trying to be vague or coy. I have no idea. I can tell you that we are very close friends. We are constantly in touch with each other. We have worked with each other on various projects, not all musical, but we're a family. And I don't think there's a single one of us who doesn't have deep love for the others and for the music and the work. But we also made a decision to go onto an indefinite hiatus, and that indefinite hiatus, again though people thought it was really sort of a cheeky phrase, it wasn't meant to be. It just means exactly what it says. We didn't know what the future would hold; we still don't know. But we chose that because we don't see ourselves as like -- we're not a store. We're not out of business. And we're not even a band, in a way. We just can't simply break up. We've known each other for many many years, and we were in a band together for 15 years, and that is an extremely intimate experience, the amount of time we spent together. And our development in our lives, in the way we grew up and all the developments in our lives, were deeply affected and attended by the others. So it's not something as quite as simple as, you know, "Fuck you! I'm gonna quit the band." It wasn't like that. It was rather a moment in time in which circumstances in our lives made it impossible to continue working in a way that was necessary for Fugazi to work. Would I like to make music with those guys? Well, of course! I mean, are you kidding? I loved it. It was amazing to work with them. And I do occasionally play music with Joe, or work on some recording things or mix some stuff or talk about music with Guy or Brendan or whatever, so it's entirely possible. But I will say this: at the moment, Joe's living in Rome, which throws a pretty interesting little monkeywrench in terms of rehearsals. But we'll see. Who knows?
There's a pretty major, major change between what you were doing before Fugazi and then Fugazi. And then as Fugazi kept going, each record seemed sort of different from the others, yet each record was smarter and more - you just seemed to keep it fresh, but it was just (sigh). The question I'm trying to get to here is how did you manage this? I mean, was it different music you were listening to, or did you guys purposely try to come up with album sounds you hadn't done before? I mean you started off as hardcore in Minor Threat, and Fugazi was just so smart and full of all the guitar interplay and just (sigh) I don't know. I'd just like to know the -
Well, how long have you been writing?
How long have I been writing?
Mmm, about 15 years.
So have you ever gone back and listened to your earliest writings?
Would you say there's been any evolution since that time?
Just over 30 years ago, right now, I decided that -- Jeff and I had seen the Cramps. It was our first show; it was February 4th, 1979. No, February 3rd - which is 30 years almost to the day before Lux Interior died. The first show that I ever saw was the Cramps. Also ironically, I didn't know Guy at the time, but it was his first show as well. But when Jeff and I and all the rest of us came out of that show, we were absolutely committed to forming a band. Because it was just so incredible. "We gotta make a band!" I had never been in a band prior to that. The only thing I'd really ever played was a piano. I'd never played a bass or a guitar. Hold on one second, okay? Speak of the devil, it's Jeff Nelson. I'll be right back. Hold on a second.
(*holds, because former Minor Threat drummer JEFF NELSON has called Ian on the other line*)
Hi. Sorry about that. So basically there was four of us at Wilson High School - Geordie Grindle, Mark Sullivan, Jeff Nelson and me. And Mark and Geordie had been sort of in bands before; Mark was a singer and Geordie was a guitar player. Jeff had played tympani in the school orchestra, so he had to be the drummer. And I said, "Okay, I guess I'll play bass!" That was 1979. So essentially I just taught myself, and Geordie taught me how to play bass. We just played, and then over the years obviously if you keep working on something.... Music was never a choice for me. The instruments and the approach - that I will say is a choice. But the music is coming out one way or the other; it's looking for the portal. It's looking for the way out. I would actually say that - you know, Slinkees and Teen Idles, I mean, okay that's maybe rudimentary music. I actually think that Minor Threat was extremely smart music. I know that it seems simple, but try playing it some time. Or try writing a song that sounds like it. It's hard! It's not quite as simple as it may seem. And I can't really take credit beyond, I mean obviously I wrote the lyrics. I wrote a lot of the music, but really it was the way that Brian, Lyle and Jeff played music. They were phenomenally good! Lyle Preslar is a very underrated guitar player. The guy played lightning-fast with incredible precision, and he played - do you play guitar at all?
Lyle played six-string bar chords. It wasn't three strings. To this day, when I play a bar chord it's just the top three strings really. Lyle is playing full-position bar chords at that speed. The guy is a phenomenal guitar player. So I think if you listen to Minor Threat - for instance if you were to study the discography, you'd hear the beginnings, which is songs like "Stand Up" or "Minor Threat," these sorts of things. They were my songs for the most part. But then you start hearing the sort of evolution where, I mean "Out Of Step" is actually quite a departure! The "Out Of Step" album, when you start hearing songs like "No Reason" and "Think Again," you can hear evolution coming in. And then "Salad Days" - it's just pursuing music and pursuing this ideas of the sound - trying to understand it. I will say this: I've always resisted change, but I've always accepted evolution. The idea of deliberate change - let me rephrase that: I have resisted deliberate change. "We need to make different music." I actually think we're gonna make different music, because every day we're different people. We just need to be organic about it.
And obviously Embrace was a different kettle of fish and different people in the band -- people who were in different places with their ability and their styles of music. And Fugazi - first off, we practiced for a year before we played a show. We toured for a year before we put out our first record. We practiced, even throughout the '90s, we would practice three, four, five times a week for at least two, three or four hours a day. We played a lot! That's what we did; we were playing music. And then when we toured, Fugazi played over a thousand shows. Played a lot of gigs! And just the sheer reputation of that, that constant work -- one's relationship with their instrument, one's relationship with their music, one's relationship with each other, the interplay with each other, one's perspective on it is so affected by that. You just can't deny it. For instance, people who are fans of, say, Fugazi -- they may think that a song like "Waiting Room," for them, the version that is on that record - the first song on the first record - that is the definitive version. For me, it is not. That is a baby picture. I played that song thousands of times after that, and it changed and changed and changed and changed. It grew up. So in terms of the way that Fugazi developed, I like to think that we always responded to the moment. And if you respond to the moment, then you always have a fresh moment in front of you, so it's always going to be fresh.
This is just a side question - something that I've wondered about for years. What is "Epic Problem" about?
At the time, I read the lyrics and it seemed like it was about writer's block, but there didn't seem to be any evidence of writer's block on the record, so -
That is very interesting. Well, first off the title - "Epic Problem." The title "Epic Problem" was actually a working title for that piece of music, and the reason it was called "Epic Problem" is that the foundational bass riff of that song is something that I wrote in 1990. And it was something that we kicked around for a decade trying to make sense of it. It became a problem. It was our epic problem! We kept going back to it, and we just called it "Epic Problem" because we couldn't figure out how to get our minds around it. It never seemed to make sense entirely. I have probably a dozen different arrangements of that thing - this is all instrumental.
So that at some point led me to this idea of what an epic problem might be. An epic problem is a problem of the ages, you know? I mean, I'll have to think back; my relationship to my lyrics is a strange one, so I'm gonna have to think about what the actual lyrics are. But as I remember, it was a song about appearance, and how quite often people think of me specifically as somebody who doesn't have any problems. And everything's just fine, they don't have to worry about me, and also it results a little bit in abuse because they figure I can handle it. So like with somebody else, they'll be like, "Oh, you know, don't give that person a hard time because they're really sensitive" or whatever, which means that if you give me a hard time, that would suggest that they don't think I'm sensitive. Everything's sorted out and fine - I'm fine, you know? I think the idea of "Epic Problem" is that on the outside I'm working, but on the inside that's not necessarily the case. I am a sensitive person. I do actually feel things. What I feel though is interesting; I don't take things like personally, but I do take affronts as discouraging reminders of the human capacity for cruelty. I'll use a very simple example, for instance. Are you familiar with Poison Idea?
They at one point released a 12" EP, and the cover of this was a close-up of a giant spread asshole, and the record was called "The Ian MacKaye EP." I don't know those guys. I've never met those guys, or I had not met them at the time; I may have met one of them since then. I didn't have any problem with them. I didn't know anything about them. But that was, you know, "Hey! What did I do!? What did I do to deserve THAT?" And at some point I read an interview with them where they said, "Well, you know -" Or no, actually I think the guy that was distributing it contacted me and sent me a copy of it. And he said, "We just wanted to let you know that we weren't going to hide this from you. We did this and we're not trying to hurt your feelings; it's really aimed at the people who think you're a God." And I can't say that it hurt my feelings, because I just thought, "This is so ridiculous!" But it does actually make me feel bad, because it's just such a pointless exercise. You know, fight crime; don't fight nice guys! What the fuck did I do? Furthermore, they did not understand -- and I think that people who often do this sort of tactic like "Well, it's not really about you; it's about the people who worship you," this sort of thing -- what they don't understand is that by assailing me, by throwing stones at me or my name, if they don't think that they are injuring me, then they must think I'm impervious. They must think I'm a God! So in fact they are reinforcing the notion that I am not a human being, because they are taking shots of me and expecting me to not fall. Do you follow?
Over the years, I've had a lot of inconsiderate and sometimes cruel and sometimes destructive pranks done in my name. And it doesn't hurt my feelings personally, but it is again a discouraging reminder. So the point of "Epic Problem" anyway is that I am actually a human being. And there are sets, there are sceneries, I do actually put things up because it's not something that I'm necessarily going to discuss or share with people, but at the same time it's something that I'm wrestling with. It's an epic problem. It's a way of like "Well, how do I go forward?" I'd have to go through the lyrics; I can't remember the rest, and there's a bit more of a stew than that, but that's a couple of potatoes.
The thing I remember from back in those days when I first saw Maximum Rock & Roll -- which was pretty late actually, not until '89 or '90 -- is that there seemed to be a group of people who didn't like you because they thought you were really judgmental.
Do you consider yourself judgmental? I mean, I know you have a strong -
No actually, I don't. I don't think I'm judgmental. I don't think of myself as intolerant, and I'm not a fundamentalist. I think that is other peoples' issues, not mine. I mean, what does it mean to be judgmental?
I guess stuff like when you - I mean, I understand why you did it, but stuff like being up onstage making fun of people for slam dancing or that kind of thing.
Well, I don't see that as judgmental; I see it as a way of defusing an ugly situation. It's very difficult out of context for people to understand what was really happening. But for those of us who stood night after night on stages, in which you had -- I had situations, for instance once in Tampa, Florida, where I had 40 or 50 white power skinheads sieg heiling and beating the crap out of people. And of course most importantly, and this is most serious, there are situations -- I think probably half a dozen, maybe fewer, or even if it was just one! -- but situations in which people left our shows strapped to gurneys, backboards. They'd had their necks broken. And you're a writer. Imagine that every time you wrote an article, there was a frenzy to get to the newsrack, the newsstand or whatever publication your piece is appearing in, and people were trampled to death or to injury. At some point, you might think, "Well, this is absurd! I don't think I should be writing these articles, because I don't want people to be killed or injured in pursuit of this. Especially since there are plenty to go around!"
Jesus. I didn't realize it was that bad.
Yeah! It was bad! And worst of all is that it had nothing to do with the music. There was no relationship to the music. It was a behavioral ritual which then was fanned by MTV's insanity in the aftermath of Nirvana. There's a great story - a friend of mine was doing production work for rock gigs and he was working for a Bob Dylan show. And he said that Bob Dylan was playing, and suddenly a kid was crowd surfing and did a stage dive! My friend's a punk rocker and he was appalled! Like so embarrassed, because it just seemed completely so embarrassing. But then he heard a couple of Dylan's people in the back saying, "Wow, that was so exciting! That's really good for Bobby, you know? A little excitement. That's the kind of energy we want." And it just goes to show that it has really nothing to do with the music. And I don't think the people who were crowd surfing by and large intended to really hurt people; they might have on some level, but I don't think they were really thinking, "I'm gonna cripple somebody." I do think they were just exhibitionists. They were goofballs for the most part. However, it got to the point where it was just -- it's hard to play a show when the people in the front row, who by the way are often your biggest fans, are being perpetually injured. They don't need to have their necks broken; just think about having a 180-pound boy land on your head from behind you. Can you hold on one second for me? Hold on.
Cool. That's my royalty call. I've got 15 or 20 minutes. So also, there's another component of this, which is that Fugazi worked very hard to bring music to people. We did venues that we thought were humane, venues that were open to all ages, that were safe places, and for $5 - really low ticket prices. The economy of rock and roll is deeply fucked up and largely driven by guarantees that bands make and the greed that exists in that world. We did not operate on guarantees; we worked on percentages. And by working solely on percentages, you're able to then readdress the way the economy of the gig will go. If you're demanding money, then the ticket price is not really yours to claim, you know? It's not for you to set. But if you're doing it by percentage, you're showing that you're willing to risk it along with everybody else. It also sets a certain cadence in terms of how much money can be spent. Let's say the room holds a thousand people, it's $5 a head, so we know right there that the gross is maximum $5000. So then we start factoring out what the rent's gonna be, how much it costs for the PA, the staffing, all this sort of stuff -- you gotta take that off the top, and then what's left we do a split with the promoter. Usually 70/30 - 70 to the band and 30% to the promoter. The promoter gets a little bit less money than a promoter might get at another gig; on the other hand, it's a no-brainer and it's no-risk because there's no guarantee.
So we put in enormous amounts of work constructing these things and working on these gigs, and we spent an awful lot of time double-checking and triple-checking and trying to make sure that everything was good and right and okay. Because of the fact the way we worked was so unorthodox, it meant having to go over it with people, because they were so used to the other ways of doing things. Even to the day, when we'd get to the gig, we had to remind the guy at the door, "Oh yeah, it's all ages. You don't have to card people." It's that sort of thing you have to go over, because they're just so used to the other way of doing things.
Now think about the fact that one of the skyrocketing costs of all the shows was security. I mean, there was a show we did in Chicago where the barricade made four times as much money as we did. The BARRICADE. And because you have a barricade, then you must have security people. You have to have security people - crowd management people - between the stage and the barricade. Because the barricade is a hole. So once you put a barricade in, then you have to staff the barricade. So it just costs more and more money, and this results in higher ticket prices. So these people that were just 'having fun' and just 'going off' - what they were really doing was they were perverting the peoples' music. They were creating a corporate climate. Do you follow?
This is something that I've spent a lot of time thinking about. I mean, this barricade in Chicago - we played at this place called I think the Aragon Ballroom in Chicago, and at that time there was these 'T' barricades. Are you familiar with that? It was a giant room that held 5,000 people, and the barricade was shaped like a 'T,' so you had the horizontal bit in front of the stage, but then right in the middle there was a barricade that goes straight down dividing the 'pit,' so to speak -- or the 'crowd,' if you prefer -- into two. But then you had to bring in even more security people to be in the middle slot. And we argued and argued about it, but the fix was in. The security people were connected, insurance rates drove up costs, and everything was just creating this insane confluence of things that jacked the cost of the show higher and higher and higher. I couldn't get them to waive it, so finally I said that I insisted that we include in the budget 100 balloons and a can of helium. And the guy was like, "What? What are you talking about!?" And I said, "If you're gonna have such a draconian set-up, and since when people are entering the room that's the first thing they'll see, it sets a contrary tone. So as a form of protest and an absurdity, I would like to soften it by having balloons tied to it all the way around." They did it! But I was just spitting in the wind, because that night we just got banged. We had 3900 people at that show, and we made less than the guy that drove the forklift. That's the risk we took by working percentages.
So what drove me nuts is that punk rock for me was, at the beginning, kids writing their own songs, forming their own bands, making their own music, putting on their own shows and creating their own scene completely off the radar. And part of being off the radar is, like Dylan says, "to live outside the law, you must be honest." So our point of view in Washington was we don't do vandalism, we don't shit where we live, and the rooms that would let us play were important to us. When there were scuffs or scrapes at those shows, it was people being basically served for like smashing a bathroom. "You can't do that! This is our lifeline!" So the idea was to stay off the radar and stay out of the view of the police. I didn't want the police to come to our shows. I wanted the shows! So this extended all the way through Fugazi -- the idea that so much energy and effort was spent, and so much MONEY was spent dealing with such a minority of people - and ne'er-do-wells! Did you ever see me give people their money back?
We always had an envelope with $5 bills onstage. And there was like a show in Olympia where these skinhead guys were going crazy, and I said, "You know what? Time for refunds." And I got off the stage and I led a dozen guys out to the lobby and gave them $5 each and let them out the door. It's just not worth it! It's not worth 60 bucks! The show was so much better after they left. But in our society, the way we have a consumer mindset, the consumer is always right. The customer is always right, so therefore they think that by paying $5, they get to call the shots. Well fuck that, the $5 is just the turn of the key! We're just trying to make the gig happen! They don't get to call the shots. We collectively call the shots, and I'm at that show too.
That brings up something else that I wanted to ask you. By your refusal - not your refusal, that's not the word - by your decision not to compromise your beliefs or your art over all these years, did you end up having to worry about money a lot? Or was enough money coming in?
I've never worried about money particularly. I am frugal. Extremely frugal. And I'm not a cheapskate; I just don't need much. I see waste in most areas of our society, and it's so easy to avoid and just to live simply. I prefer to live simply. Hold on one second; let's see who's calling here. Oh, it's Brendan! Hold on a second.
(*holds, because Fugazi drummer BRENDAN CANTY has called Ian on the other line*)
Hey. He's just coming down here to pick up something. But also, Fugazi worked REALLY hard, and we sold A LOT of records. First off, Minor Threat -- and this is crazy, but Minor Threat has sold collectively like well over half a million records. And Fugazi, I think "Repeater" probably sold almost half a million records. So we sold a lot of records. And though our records are cheap, we were also super-efficient in making them. "The Argument," our last record -- we spent the most money on that one of all our records in terms of recording, and that was probably about between 12 and 14 thousand dollars. By some standards that may seem like a lot, but for a record that sold a couple hundred thousand copies, it's nothing! The first record - the one with "Waiting Room" on it, that thing? We probably spent $1200 recording that. And we never had a manager, we didn't have a booking agent, we didn't have lawyers, I don't have a lawyer, Dischord has never used contracts, so there's ways of doing things. It's creative response. It's like looking at a situation and being like, "Okay, how can I navigate it?" The amount of money you save by not engaging in business as usual is incredible. So I've never been particularly worried about money.
I will say that I also don't think in terms of making my money from my music. People say, "Well, this kind of stuff is easy for you to say, because you can make a living from your music." I make my living from my work. I'm not playing music right now. I am WORKING right now. I will be writing checks for five or six hours today. I haven't actually practiced with Amy for a month and a half. I'm not playing music everyday; I am running a label, and returning to Fugazi, there was so much administrative work. That is WORK. It's just straight-up work. One aspect of DIY that I think people really miss out on is that you actually have to "Do It" yourself. It's work! It's not just a classification, like "Well yeah, I'm DIY!," then you sit around at home. If you're DIY sitting at home, NOTHING is happening. It doesn't make any sense! The work has always been central, but I like to work. And of course I always have to credit reading a Black Flag interview in Damage magazine from San Francisco in probably 1980 or '81. I think Dukowski the bass player said he'd rather work a day job for the rest of his life than ever become dependent on his music. And I thought, "That resonates with me in a hell of a way!" I don't want my art to be compromised by my monetary issues. So I decided that that wasn't going to be the case. It wasn't going to happen. It was deeply liberating.
Who aside from your own bands are the most popular bands, or the best-selling, on Dischord?
Well, Jawbox of course sold quite a few records. Nation of Ulysses sold quite a few records. Dag Nasty sold a lot of people. Rites of Spring sold a lot of records. Shudder To Think did quite well. Lungfish have eleven records, so cumulatively they're doing pretty damn well. I mean, none of their records have been huge sellers, but they do well. Recently, Q And Not U did great. None of the bands come close to Fugazi or Minor Threat in terms of sales. I think probably the best-selling records of the bands that are not by either Fugazi or Minor Threat sold probably about 50 or 60 thousand.
Me and probably most people, when they look back at their teenage years or early twenties or whatever, kinda cringe at certain things they've done or certain ways they've acted but, at least from the outside, you seem to have always had it together. Even in the earliest Minor Threat lyrics, your moral ideas seemed pretty solid, and I was just wondering -- were there things you did either artistically or personally that you look back at and go, "Jeez, I can't believe I did that when I was young"?
Not artistically really. If I have sort of a tender point on that front, it's usually things that I did in the name of humor. Sometimes I'll hear things I did that I thought were very funny at the time that are just not very funny now. And of course in the early days, there was a lot of tension and a lot of misunderstandings, and I think if I looked back, I might think, "Oh, I wish I had been less defensive." I think I was pretty defensive. I was extremely defensive and very territorial in terms of Washington, and very provincial in terms of like DC pride, that sort of thing. And of course there was a lot of violence going on, and I was certainly a fighter in 1981-82. But it seemed at the time to make sense, and I also had developed what I thought was a very ethical code of 'Bruise the ego and not the body.' That was my sort of mandate in terms of violence. But it was a conceit because obviously violence is not containable, and even if I was able to maintain that code, certainly the people around me weren't. And it spilled over into something that was very ugly.
And I think that's one of the reasons that I'm so outspoken about violence. I'm not shying away from my responsibility or my role in that virus. At some point, I was a carrier. I don't think I created it, but I definitely carried it, and it became suffused as at least one component of hardcore punk. And today there are people that will trumpet it in their recollections; you know, people talk about war stories. Especially people who I think are somewhat circumstantial or peripheral players in their connection with the American underground -- often they like to sort of trumpet about the violence and the nihilism. And I feel disappointed because I wish that I had been able to be more prescient in terms of my behavior, and to have not been a contributor to that. I can't say I regret it, because it's brought me to where I am. And at the time, I think I felt pretty clear that it was the right thing to do.
Regret is a tough one for me. I'm not George Bush, and I definitely will admit some mistakes, but I gotta say that I see life as a flight of stairs and every step brings me to where I am. And I'm not a 'phase' person; I don't look back like "Oh, I was that person then, and I'm this person now." I was real since Day One; that's the way I've looked at it. In the American society, there's this idea that you're a teenager or you're a young person, and then at some point you gotta get 'real.' I would submit that we are real, period -- that kids are real, teenagers are real - it's REAL! It's something we should be mindful of and thoughtful about. I don't believe in phases, at least not in my own life.
So to answer your question -- no, I don't really think about it that much. Occasionally, like I was just transferring some tapes the other day, and there was some incidental stuff on the recordings. It was a control room tape of some Fugazi stuff. It was just like the tape running in the control room while we were doing vocals or something, and it's very interesting to hear the process. But I was making these jokes, and I'm like, "Oh, these are terrible jokes!" Because I'm being obnoxious. I mean, I can be obnoxious but I don't really mean to be. I don't want to be cruel. And sometimes I hear myself saying things that, like I know I didn't really mean to be cruel, but if someone else heard it, then it might hurt their feelings. I don't mean to hurt anyone's feelings.
I did also have an interesting experience not so long ago. Mark Andersen, who did the book "Dance Of Days," which is about the DC punk scene -- now I've never read this book, because I decided that I didn't want to read about basically my own history. But I know Mark, and I know Mark Jenkins, the co-writer, and we're friends. In a discussion with Mark Andersen, we were talking about the process of putting that book together, and I knew he had interviewed many, many, many people in the DC underground. And I asked him about cassettes, and he had a crate of maybe 200 or 300 cassettes just sitting in his basement. And I said, "Listen, I'd like to digitize those." Because they're 90-minute interviews, I now have 400 CDs of interviews. It was an enormous project; it's been a year of just knocking these things out. But I've realized what an incredible treasure it is from the point of view of a sociological study or something, to be able to hear that much information and that many observations about a specific music scene or social scene.
I haven't listened to all these things, but I've listened to a handful and it's really interesting to hear. These are interviews largely conducted in the late '80s and very early '90s, and there are some times I'll listen to it and the person will just SAVAGE me! Like say the most really uncharitable things about me. And they're friends of mine! And I think quite often that they're incorrect. They're saying things about my motives, and they're not right about it. But they will say things that are really not nice, and I never think, "Well, fuck that person!" I never get angry. My feelings don't even get hurt. What I think about is "What on Earth was my behavior? How was I behaving that would prompt such an uncharitable outlook about me?" And I'm not mad at the people; it's just interesting. It's just a very interesting thing. I mean, imagine if you came across a box of cassettes where your friends are basically talking about your life together when you were 18. And they might say like, "Yeah well you know, Mark was a fucking greedy shithead." You'd be like "Whoa! Where did that come from!?" You'd think, "What did I do that made them want to say that? Or what was I doing at the time of the interview?"
See, that's the thing. That's the problem with doing histories. Quite often, histories are really skewed because they're retrospective, and the interviews are done with people after the fact. There's a book that I found very enjoyable called "City Of Nets," which is about Hollywood, written by Otto Freidrich. It's a really in-depth fascinating book about the origins of Hollywood, and Freidrich says that in doing the book he decided that to interview people in 1980 about what was going on in 1920 - even for those few who might still be alive, their vision of it would be so affected by the passage of time. Even in this conversation, I'm talking about my past, but obviously I'm, you know - I'm.... 'editing' is not the correct word. I'm 'repositioning' it in a way, because I'm me NOW! So I'm able to talk about it in a different light. So he didn't do any interviews with people. What he did was very intensive research, and he read especially magazines -- just thousands and thousands of magazines from that era, because those interviews were done in real-time! It was Bob Hope as like a 22-year-old talking about his life, or talking about his work, or talking about other people! And that's history. That's the reality of that time. And if you talked to Bob Hope now, Bob Hope might have a different way - well, he's dead now, but if you talked to him back in the '80s, then he would've had a really different outlook. He would've managed it a little differently. Do you follow?
Really interesting! So even in this situation with these interviews, they were five to ten years after the fact. And people - where they were in their lives, what was going on, and where our relationship was, like my relationship with them or their relationship with music - it was really relevant to the tone of their recollections. It's also interesting to discover just how somebody with an agenda can manipulate the past. Because the way people approach histories now, and certainly the way they approach documentaries, is they're hung on basically faux-narratives. They create stories and then they fill in the blanks. But life is not a story. It's just not a story! And in my mind, the DC punk underground -- that scene was not a story. It was an existence.
And don't get me wrong - again, I'm not being critical of the book specifically. It's actually just the notion of histories altogether. And I read histories, so you know - like I recently read a book called "Grit, Noise And Revolution" about the late '60s Detroit scene - the MC5, the Stooges and all that. Very interesting book! Fascinating. But while I was reading it, it's not lost on me that essentially there are probably people who were involved in that scene that are just like, "That book is... That guy missed this and..." So I accept it. I don't think that "Dance Of Days" shouldn't exist; I don't think that at all. What I think is that for my own sanity, I try to avoid reading about that which I've done, because I don't want it to interfere with that which I'm gonna do. How far down the list are we?
Oh, you can stop me any time. I'm just jumping around here. If you have to go....
Does this have anything to do with anything? This interview? Why does he want me interviewed anyway?
Because you're a legend! I wanted to interview you because I've been a fan of yours for so long.
You know, you and I have crossed paths before. And I actually figured it out at some point, but I can't remember what it was. Your name is so familiar, and just recently I realized, "Oh, THAT'S where I know him from!" But I cannot figure out what -- you don't remember ever interviewing me before?
I never interviewed you. I interviewed Guy once.
Oh! Maybe - what was that for?
Umm... maybe my web site? I don't know.
Maybe that's what it was. Just recently I came across your name again, and I was like "THAT'S what it was! There it is."
One thing that keeps showing up for some reason is that I asked Guy about emo, and he said something about "I don't attribute that term; I think it doesn't mean anything. I just thought the bands I was in were punk bands. What, were the Bad Brains robots or something?"
That quote is in a lot of places for some reason. Probably because of Wikipedia.
Ah, yeah. Guy's a genius. He's a deeply brilliant man. I love his interviews.
Yeah, he was really nice. Okay, I have plenty of other questions, but I'll -
Well, go ahead. The sand is going to run out momentarily, but -
Okay. A long time ago I sent ten questions to Henry Rollins, and one of them was what was he most proud of, and his answer was his friendship with you.
That's nice of him to say.
Yeah. And I was just wondering if there was any point during that weird period after he joined Black Flag and sort of shut himself off, did he shut himself off from you too?
Sure. There were certainly moments where it was tough. It was a hard time! But Black Flag was hard. Things got very dark with them. I remember very clearly a certain point in time where Henry and I had to have a sit-down basically to try to - I really was like, "Something's not right here. This is crazy." It was like we didn't even know each other. He wasn't happy. It was a terrible mindfuck, that band. But I did go on tour with them; I was their roadie in England, which was an absolutely incredible experience. It was good, but it was incredible. You have to remember, I've known Henry since I was 11. So there were even periods of time prior to Black Flag, where - you know, we're friends! And you kinda have moments of like "Alright, well fuck you then!" You know? And at that point in the early '80s, of course Minor Threat was in full throttle, and with Black Flag there was a little bit of -- I wasn't really too aware of it, but I think there was actually some kind of weird competitiveness. It just got very strange. And I was too young to understand the dimensions of it.
I hope someday that somebody will go and do a proper overview of Black Flag, because they were a really fascinating band and probably the most responsible for the spread of American hardcore punk rock and stuff. Those guys toured so hard; their ethic was so insane. They would do these tours where they would go around the country, do 30 or 40 shows, come home, and not even stop - just go back out AGAIN and play all the other cities. They lived out of a bag. They had two bags in their van for clothes: clean clothes and dirty clothes. Nobody had their own clothes; you just wore whatever was in the bag! I mean, you were just "Okay, my clothes are now dirty," put that in the dirty bag, and then you just reach in and get whatever you want out of the clean bag. But also there was really almost Machiavellian stuff going on within the band, I think. It was really very interesting. But it's difficult because you can't really write about the band - well you could, but it just would be bruising, and nobody wants that.
Yeah. That's unfortunate for history.
But they were, God, such an important, amazing and influential band. And one that really had a profound effect on me. They were my favorite band before they were Henry's favorite band. Not that it was a race or a competition, but the point is that I was really passionate about them. I actually made the first contact with them; I called Dukowski up. I called the number at SST and said, "Hey, I'm from Washington DC," and we just talked for two hours. Their first show on the east coast was New York. A bunch of DC people drove up there - maybe 15 or 20 of us. And then they came down to Washington, and they stayed at my parents' house. Imagine coming upstairs and Robo's having pancakes and smoking cigarettes with your mother! That band - they're a deeply important band, certainly for me. But because of the kind of darkness in their history, it's kind of too bad because I think it's affected peoples' ability to -- no one can really talk about them.
Do you think you would've joined them had you been asked?
You know, people ask me that. Henry told me at one point that I was the next person on the list. They had done this sort of talent search. Dez wanted to play guitar; this is the story I was told at least. And they had toured the country and met people and seen people and heard records, and they wanted to go back out and try out a couple of people. They first went to New Orleans; there was a band called The Sluts in New Orleans, and there was a guy named Dee Slut who was the singer, and they practiced with him. And then they came up and practiced with Henry in New York. He went up to New York and practiced with them there, and they decided to go with them. Henry told me that I was the next person on the list. However, I think it's worth noting that I knew nothing about this whatsoever, and I don't know at what point I was going to be tried out. Somehow there'd been some negotiations between him and them, because he knew to go to New York.
And I remember really clearly, I was in Cynthia Connolly's house hanging out and the phone rang, and it was Henry. And Henry and I - we were best friends, but I think at that time there'd been a little bit of guff between us because he was singing for SOA and I was in Minor Threat. Lyle and Brian of Minor Threat went to GDS, which was Georgetown Day School. And Mike Hampton and I think Ivor Hansen or - well, members of SOA basically also went to GDS. They were younger than us and, unbeknownst to me - or Henry, I think - there was a really savage kind of competition going on with them. There was a lot of like smack talking. I was not aware of it, because it was their school. I had graduated high school. I went to Wilson anyway; I wasn't part of that scene. So there was a lot of smack being talked, and I think that Henry and I got kinda caught up in that. Because we were best friends, and yet somebody would say like, "Fuck those guys!" So we were in the middle of a quiet period. I hadn't seen him in a few days or something.
So he called me and he said, "Guess who the new singer for Black Flag is?" And we had heard of course that they were looking for a new singer, because this was always a perpetual thing with Black Flag. Like if you look at old Flipsides, Black Flag was always looking for a singer. And there were always these rumors like "Oh, Mugger's gonna sing!" or "Merrill's gonna sing!" or all these different L.A. luminaries. So I'm trying to guess who this new singer for Black Flag is; I can't guess, and he says, "Me!" And I was completely floored. I couldn't believe it! I mean, it was so bizarre! And then of course it was pretty exciting. And SOA played their last show opening for Black Flag in Philadelphia in June of 1981, or late May. And it was an absolutely chaotic show. There was this huge riot with these locals, and people were sent to the hospital. And Henry came home, got all his crap and brought it over to Dischord House - no, I guess he brought it to my parents' house, because I hadn't even moved to Dischord yet. I was still living at home. He got all of his records and everything he owned and just stuck it all in my parents' house, and then I drove him to the bus station and that was that. He went to Detroit and met up with Black Flag and off he went. But you know, we're probably closer now than we've ever been. We're really dear friends. He's a hero.
I'm not mad at him about Black Flag. Ha!
Have you ever wished for a different voice, or to be able to play other instruments, or anything like that?
A different voice? Yeah, I always wish I could sing better.
Do you listen to the same amount of music as you used to?
Yeah. But not new music. I listen to music every day, but I don't really follow new music that much.
Gotcha. What are you into besides music?
What's that?
What are your other chief interests? I guess history; you were talking about reading -
Mmm, I guess. But I like to talk!
Ha! Do you have more of the interview dates coming up, or is that over?
I'm gonna do some more. I'm gonna do one up in Saratoga Springs at Skidmore. The thing is that it's sorta by invitation. If people like it, I'm gonna do it. But I should try and do more, because I like doing them. They're pretty interesting. Sometimes it gets a little disturbing because it becomes sort of a cult of personality. I'm also keenly aware that, you know, when The Evens play a show, people come to see us, there is money being paid and we're being compensated, and there's an exchange. And what I like to think is being exchanged is the music. When I'm doing Q&A's, I'm also being compensated, but I try to be really aware of the fact that, you know, "What is it that I'm selling at that point? What is on the block?" And the concern of course is that what is on the block is me - my personality. And I'm not too interested in selling that. So I'm trying to strike a balance between the kind of thing where I just lay it all out, talk about everything that ever happened to me and bring in all the personal things that have occurred and all my friends and all these really private things - you'll see this happen a lot with people who get in this position, where they'll start talking at length about these really intense personal things, because it's part of this sort of package. And I try to strike a balance between that and the idea of engaging with people in a sort of conversation and being - maybe 'transparent' is not exactly the right word, but it's something along those lines.
The initial idea of doing the Q&A's sprang from a couple of considerations. One was that in the early 2000s, the United States government was engaging and waging a war against other people in the world, and the media was really lockstep in favor of that and anybody who had access to the media basically seemed to be like, "Yeah, this is the right thing to be doing." I never agreed with that, I never believed that, and I think that there are many people who shared my feelings, but that we by and large were kept out of the mainstream media. This was most evidenced by the oft-repeated dismissal of artists by saying, "Well, what do they know about politics? They're just artists and musicians," and thus rendering our opinion as insignificant. And the first way I would respond is "What did the Bush administration know about politics? They're businessmen. They're not politicians; they were always businessmen." That was their concern.
But in terms of this idea that media was so monopolized by hawks - people who were pro-war - I felt that any opportunity to speak out against war, to speak out against the military crimes that were being waged on other people in this world by our government, I thought it was my responsibility to take it. If I had a stage or if I had a mic, I tried to get up and take a few minutes every night, not to condemn the government and expect that to change things, but rather to publicly declare it, so that people who have sat quietly will not feel alone. Then they'd realize, "Oh wait, there are other people who also agree with that." And I would like to think that the fact that there are enough people like me - writers, speakers and even just everybody - that it eventually did create a momentum and it did put this situation in Iraq into disfavor. There's still a lot more work to be done, but at least I like to think that, to some degree, it was a successful campaign to try to stop this disgusting insanity.
The second aspect of doing the Q&A's was the idea of revealing the ladder -- people who are in the public eye, if you were to imagine them as sort of being in an ascendant position, to be somehow raised. Because if you think about it, if you're in the public eye, then you must be, I guess, a little bit higher. Because if you're in a giant crowd and you're visible, then you must be elevated in some way. I think that many people who are in elevated positions would like other people to think that somehow they were either born there or that God delivered them there or that that's just part of who they were. Whereas I see that, if I am in that kind of elevated position, I clearly see it as a result of work. And I thought that for most people when they come to talk, if they have questions, what they're really interested in is how things work.
So for instance when you asked me about being judgmental, I went on at length about the machinations. I told you how things work! You see? And that was the idea - to talk about how things work, and let people know that there was actual thinking and rationale. It's not a gift from the Heavens; it wasn't like "Oh, I'm just that way! I'm a genius." I don't think of myself as a genius. I think of myself as a person. I just do the work, and I think about stuff. So I just thought it would be engaging to let people ask me any question they wanted, and it has been. I mean, there's a surplus of straight edge questions, but that's okay. I don't mind responding. I don't back away or back down from anything, and I stand behind every lyric I've ever written, so I don't mind talking about it -- to a degree. At some point, it seems like "Let's cover some other ground, for God's sake."
Ha! Yeah, I was watching one of them online a couple of months ago, and one of the kids asked you about The Obsessed or somebody?
Uh-huh, yeah.
Yeah, that was kinda cool. He asked you about Wino.
Yeah, I just saw The Wino Band about two weeks ago - his new band. It was fantastic!
He has a new band?
Yeah, he's playing guitar, and he's playing with Jean-Paul from the band Clutch and Jon Blank from a band called Rezin. It's just called 'The Wino Band.' I guess he's doing Obsessed songs, Spirit Caravan songs, he has a few new jams, and it was really a great nght. He's a super-hero.
Nice. Okay, I'll let you go now. You've given an hour and a half.
Alright, well I imagine you can cobble something together from all this.
Oh, of course I can.
Thanks for the good questions. You made me do some thinking; I appreciate that. You got me all fired up. Brendan will be here in a few minutes to pick up some stuff, and then I gotta start writing checks. So I'm ready. I'm ready to do it.
Have you had time to write any songs? I know you've been -
NO! Ha!
Yeah, I didn't think so.
That part is not, at the moment -- I mean, it's not merely being a Dad, although I gotta say that you're never bored, so the time spent with the boy is so incredible. Obviously, that has had an effect on my time, but the last year of Dischord has been very, very intense. We've just gone through an enormous shift in our operations. We'd partnered with this company Southern Studios for 25 years, and last year they shut down their Chicago office, so we've taken over all the production ourselves and rearranged everything. That's sorta the trouble with getting the royalties together this time; we've had to remap all the accounting and we just got the tax stuff done.
I'm also in the midst of a huge archive project, basically going through all of my collection and doing a database for all this stuff. In fact, in terms of Fugazi, we have a database and we're already over 1500 pieces for audio and visual-like things -- including 900 live recordings.
Ha! I mean, I've only lived in three houses my whole life. I lived in my parents' house, I lived in Dischord House, and now I'm living with Amy and Carmine in town. I'm at Dischord House right now! And my parents' house on Beecher Street is still - my Dad still lives there. My Mom died a few years ago, but my Dad still lives there. So I still have all my fanzines that I never got rid of in the early '80s. Because I didn't need to get rid of it; I never had to deal with it. So now I'm trying to get the collection organized to create a living archive, and I imagine at some point I may well give a goodly amount of it to a Collection or something. I'd like it to be used; I don't want to keep it to myself, but I'm also trying to come up with a really creative way to address making it really accessible. I don't want it to be an academic sort of thing; I want it to be open to all people. I want it to be open to people like me, and I'm not an academic.
So how much room does all this take up?
I don't know. A fair amount. I'm not a mess, at all. I'm not messy, but I also don't have time to sit down and label everything. So I have basically boxes where like, "Okay, in this box I have 10,000 photographs" or something. One of these days, I'll sit down and get these things organized. But I'm finally now starting to get to that process, because I'm working with an Archival Arts grad student and he's all over that. And this process also involves digitizing and basically trying to transfer -- probably half of the live recordings are on DAT tapes, which is a terrible format. So we're having to transfer all of those to a different format, because if we don't, they'll be lost.
I remember when DAT was the wave of the future! What happened to DAT?
Exactly. That's right. Remember, the cutting edge of technology is a very dangerous place to be. That's why I've never been cutting edge. I always let the people decide; once they decide, "Alright, this is what we're gonna use," alright then I'll use it. That's why it took us years to get a digital download thing. It took us years to get a CD out! Because we're not on the cutting edge; we're always waiting for the people to decide for themselves, and then if they decide that's what they really want, then we make it available. DATs were extremely pragmatic at the time. They were small, you could get up to 180 minutes on them, the quality was decent, but nobody had any idea how short-lived they would be. Terribly short-lived. They're falling apart already.
But here's the other thing, then I'll probably jump off. I do try to take care of this stuff and it is important to me but also, as a caveat, I always keep in mind that it really is nothing. If all this stuff were to disappear, it would be okay. I'm not made up by this stuff. I have this sort of "I care... but I don't give a fuck." I'm trying to do right, because I think that somebody else would enjoy that and it'd be good, so I'm trying to look after the stuff. But it's not my sole purpose in life. I'm enjoying it though! It's interesting. It's given me the opportunity to revisit a lot of stuff and think about it, which will help me talk about things. Always learning.
Good luck transcribing!
Hey, I'll have fun.
He's gonna put us on like a fucking half-page.
Let's do a book. Fuck that guy! Fuck him and his.... Nah, he's nice. Okay, I'll talk to you again.
Okay, thanks!
Take care.
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chasholidays · 7 years
Hello Chash, thank you for giving us the opportunity to ask for a story! I love your writing! It's actually a prompt that I've read and I would love a bellarke fic for it: one of my coworkers told me to stop flirting with the hot guy at work, cause she saw him first. Little does she know that the ring on his finger was put there by me. Maybe you've gotten this prompt before, but if you haven't and it interests you, I would love to read your take on it. Thank you!
It starts off perfectly reasonably, as far as Clarke is concerned. On their way to the store on Clarke’s first day, Bellamy says. “So, no one at work knows about us.”
She considers this information for a second. “Miller does.”
“Okay, yeah. But none of the regular staff.”
“And by knows about us, you mean what exactly?”
“I mean I don’t talk about my personal life at work. You’re a seasonal worker, and I didn’t tell anyone we’re engaged. You’re only working for a couple weeks, and I don’t want them to think you’re getting preferential treatment.”
“No one’s noticed the ring?”
He smiles, toying with the metal. “Guys don’t usually wear engagement rings. I think they just assume I like the ring and put it on a random finger.”
“Which you would.”
“I would.” He clears his throat. “If you’re uncomfortable not telling them you’re my fiancée, you can just let them know. But I haven’t yet, and I didn’t want you to be surprised.”
She knocks her shoulder against his. “But you’re not worried I’m offended?”
“Should I be? Are you?”
“No and no. Just curious why not.”
“I was pretty sure you knew I loved you and wouldn’t assume I didn’t tell my staff because I wanted to have affairs or something. If anyone ever asked, I would have told them, but no one has yet, so—“
“So that makes sense. I don’t mind. I’m just Clarke Griffin, holiday temp staff.”
He gives her hand a quick squeeze. “Thanks again for doing this.”
“School’s on break, I need money. Win/win.” She grins. “And I’ll get to hear your employees gossip about you.”
“Fuck, is it too late to fire you?”
“Way too late. I’m already wearing the t-shirt.”
“Yeah, you’re right. Guess I’m stuck.”
It’s her turn to squeeze his hand. “Guess so.”
Clarke’s plan is to work at the bookstore for three weeks, while she’s on break from school and Bellamy’s at his busiest. The extra cash is appreciated this time of year, and Bellamy’s basically freaking out non-stop the whole time, so anything she can do to alleviate that is nothing but good, in her opinion.
She used to spend a lot of time in the bookstore, before she and Bellamy started dating, and sometimes she feels like a bit of an asshole for spending so much less time there now. At the same time, it’s not as if she didn’t realize a lot of her motivation for going in as much as she did was how hot Bellamy was and how much she wanted to flirt with him. And once they were dating, then living together, then engaged, it wasn’t nearly as important to be at the bookstore to see him. She sees him all the time.
Plus, grad school is kicking her ass.
In the years since Clarke was a regular, the store has been doing well, expanded some, and he’s hired a bunch of new staff. So even though she’s theoretically familiar with a lot of the processes, she’s still the new girl, one of three temp staff members who are mostly around to answer questions, help locate books, and do gift-wrapping. It feels like a perfectly unobjectionable way to spend a few weeks, and she’s even looking forward to it.
But she should have seen the awkwardness coming as soon as Bellamy said his staff didn’t know about her.
The thing is, it’s all completely logical to Clarke. Bellamy’s their boss, not their friend, and he’s a big believer in that being a firm line. He and Miller are co-owners, so that’s different, but the regular staff are largely high-school and college students, and they’re not Bellamy’s peers. But he’s still, well, Bellamy. He’s intelligent and interesting and, well, hot. And the air of mystery just makes the employees more curious about him.
The questions start almost immediately.
“You came in with Bellamy,” says the girl she’s shadowing, Fox.
“Yeah. We live in the same building,” she says, because it’s true. “That’s why he hired me.”
“Oh! So you’re, like, friends?”
“Yeah, kind of.”
“What’s he like?”
“You work for him,” she says, smiling a little. “Don’t you know?”
“Does he have a girlfriend?”
It’s been less than ten minutes and Clarke is already carefully talking around lies about her own relationship with the man she’s planning to marry at some point. This might not be as simple as she thought.
“No girlfriend, I don’t think. Why?”
“Some of the other girls have a bet. If he’s single or married or gay or what.”
“Single, married, gay?” Clarke asks, making a face. “You know those aren’t all mutually exclusive, right? And definitely not the only options. He could be gay and married. Or bi and engaged. Or–” She fumbles for a third thing, so she won’t leave off on the actual truth. “Asexual and single.”
“But you don’t know?”
“I assume if he wanted you guys to know, he’d tell you. Has anyone just asked?”
“We don’t want to be weird.”
“Bad news, you’re definitely being weird,” she teases. “I don’t see what the big deal is.”
“It’s not a big deal. It’s just weird, right? We don’t know anything about him.”
“I know he’s a nice, smart guy who seems cool,” Clarke says. It’s still all technically true. She’s not lying.
“I guess,” says Fox. “But let me know if you find anything out!”
She has to smile. “Yeah, I’ll keep you posted.”
“Your employees have a betting pool on your relationship status and sexuality,” she tells him, as they’re walking home.
“Yeah?” he asks. “Anyone come close?”
“I don’t have access to the pool yet.”
He snorts. “Yet?”
“I’ve got two weeks, right? I’ll figure it out.”
Speculation about Bellamy’s romantic entanglements really does run rampant, and as Clarke somewhat expected, she has trouble really talking around her relationship with him. Bellamy tells her she can just tell them any time she wants to, but it’s become kind of a fun game, honestly. And she does feel a little guilty about it, especially with the people she likes, but–it’s hilarious. And the kids seem to enjoy it, so it feels kind of mean, to just give them the answer like that. They deserve to figure it out for themselves.
Unfortunately, it’s pretty easy to figure out the wrong things.
Clarke’s pretty far out of the high school/college scene, so she’s been blessedly spared the kind of relationship drama that comes from an environment like this. But she does remember what it was like, and so it’s not surprising when, after a week, Fox and Charlotte take her aside.
“Listen, Clarke, we all like you, but–we need some answers,” says Fox. It feels like she’s going to get fired, but they definitely don’t have the authority.
“Are you flirting with Bellamy?” Charlotte demands. “Because you spend a lot of time with him.”
“I do, yeah. Is that a problem?”
Charlotte huffs. “Haven’t you seen him and Miller?”
“Him and Miller?”
“Charlotte thinks they’ve got a thing,” says Fox. “Which they don’t.”
“You’re just saying that because you’re homophobic and you want him to have a thing for you,” says Charlotte, and Clarke holds up her hands.
“Guys. Come on. You know he has a life outside the store, right? His only romantic prospects aren’t me and Miller.”
“Yeah, but he and Miller would be so cute,” says Charlotte. “And Miller is definitely gay. They’re already business partners. If Miller was a girl–”
“Do not make this a homophobia thing! I just don’t think he and Miller are secretly pining over each other. If Bellamy’s gay–”
“He’s bi,” Clarke says. “Bisexuality is a thing, okay? So he could be into me or Miller.”
“See?” says Charlotte. “He’s bi! And he’s wearing that ring because he and Miller are totally engaged.”
“Guys don’t wear engagement rings!”
“If they’re engaged to other guys they do.”
“You don’t know that, you’re assuming because you want him and Miller to be a thing. He could just like the ring!”
“You guys know this is ridiculous, right?” Clarke asks. “Like–he has people in his life you guys know nothing about. You didn’t know I existed until a week ago.”
“We’re getting off-topic,” Charlotte says, in a huff. “The important thing is that he and Miller would be great together, right? We’re all agreed.”
“Yeah,” says Clarke. “They’d probably be cute.”
“And you’ll stop flirting with Bellamy. So Miller doesn’t get his heart broken.”
“If Bellamy wants to flirt with me, that’s kind of his call, right? And Miller can fight for him if he wants.”
“You’re going to fight Miller?” asks Fox, horrified.
“You do like Bellamy, I knew it!” says Charlotte.
“I’m just saying, I’ve known him for a while. I’m not going suddenly change how I act around him because you guys don’t like it.”
“And if he asked you out, you wouldn’t say no, right?” Fox presses.
“I think that’s between me and him. And my break’s almost over,” she adds, with an apologetic smile. “But thanks for the pep talk. Glad to know you guys think I could threaten Bellamy’s possibly engagement to Miller.”
“I didn’t say that,” Charlotte protests, and Clarke just waves over her shoulder.
“Just so you guys know, at least some of your employees either actually think you’re engaged, or really want you to be. And they think I’m threatening that.”
“Jesus fucking Christ,” says Miller. “Have you guys considered just telling them that you’re together? That sounds a lot easier.”
“But less funny,” says Monty.
“Whose side are you on?”
“Are the employees betting on their relationship?” Monty continues, ignoring his boyfriend. “Can I get in on that?”
“Maybe we should get married,” Miller says to Bellamy. “Assuming you’re dealing with this in a normal, human way.”
“Definitely not. You’re on your own here.”
“Fuck you too.”
Given how busy they are, Clarke finds it kind of amazing how much time the employees find for their bizarre, almost entirely self-made drama. They divide into two camps, and even the previously unaligned get involved, by virtue of everyone else caring so much. Charlotte and her band try to separate Clarke from Bellamy whenever possible, which Clarke lets them do because she genuinely doesn’t care, while Fox and her friends try to get them together more. Miller does his best to just be completely unavailable, which is close enough to Miller’s regular state of being that none of them find it suspicious.
Bellamy flirts with her a lot, which is kind of nice. Not that she misses the early stages of their relationship, particularly, but there’s something fun and kind of nostalgic about being back in the bookstore, chatting with Bellamy across the counter when it’s slow.
But they maybe should have just come clean before it got to this.
“Why do your closets lock?” Clarke grumbles. “It’s like you’ve never even a romantic comedy.”
“It doesn’t lock, it’s barricaded,” he grumbles. “Is murder still illegal?”
“Murdering your employees because you were fucking with them is definitely illegal.”
“Are we sure I’m not manslaughtering them? I could live with manslaughter.”
“They won’t leave us here for long.” She sighs, leaning against him. “We could just tell them it worked. They locked us in here, our feelings got the better of us, we like each other so much we immediately got engaged.”
“Their understanding of romance seems to have come from Hallmark movies, so they might actually believe it. Sorry I never mentioned you,” he adds, to her surprise. “I didn’t think it would ever really come up. I didn’t even realize they didn’t know until you were coming in to work.”
“I’m not offended. I know how you are.”
“Yeah, but a quick this is my fiancee, Clarke, she’s helping out for the holiday would have cleared everything up.”
“But way less fun.”
“Since when is getting locked in a closet fun?”
“Okay, yeah, not this. But I appreciated getting the behind-the-scenes look at you as a boss. There’s no way they would have told me all that stuff if they knew we were engaged.”
“So we were actively deceiving them for insider information. Even better.”
“I never lied. And I think they’re all more aware of bisexuality.”
He snorts. “Oh good. But we are still stuck in a closet. Literally.”
“So let’s make sure they get what they want out of it,” she says, and tugs him down for a kiss.
They aren’t actually making out when the door opens, but it’s pretty obvious that they were enjoying themselves. Word gets around fast, and Clarke gets some congratulations and some dirty looks, but mostly everyone finds other things to focus on than Bellamy’s relationship status.
Granted, it seems to be Miller’s relationship status, but Miller’s definitely above it all.
On Clarke’s last day, Fox frowns. “Have you always worn an engagement ring?”
“No, I usually don’t actually wear it.”
“Why not?”
“I don’t really like getting questions about my love life. Most people don’t read Bellamy’s as an engagement ring, so he doesn’t mind.”
“For how long?”
“We’ve been together for almost four years.”
“Why didn’t you just tell us?” Fox asks.
“Bellamy said he hadn’t, I didn’t think it would come up. I had no idea you guys put so much thought into Bellamy’s romantic life.”
“Not so much,” Fox protests. “Just a normal amount.” She worries her lip. “It’s cool, though. That you guys are together. I thought you’d be cute.”
“Thanks,” says Clarke. “I think we are too.”
Next year, Bellamy just introduces her with, “I assume some of you remember my wife, Clarke.”
“You got married?” Charlotte asks.
“You never tell us anything!” says Myles.
“I’m telling you now,” he says. “And Miller has a boyfriend. Get to work. Merry Christmas.”
“I can’t believe you married him,” Charlotte grumbles. “He’s so weird.”
Clarke’s pretty sure she’s still a little bitter about her dreams of Bellamy marrying Miller getting crushed, so she lets it go. “Yeah,” she says instead. “I can’t believe it either.”
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So many people's reason for not liking Lucas is because he was mean to El for most of season 1. For a while I felt the same. But now things have changed. Think about it this way:
You're (seemingly) one of the only black boys in your school/town. You already get bullied for being black and you know because it's Indiana 1983 most likely get a lot of crap we don't even see just for being black. Just for fucking existing.
Then one of your best friends goes missing out of nowhere. Then you find a random creepy girl with a shaved head who barely talks the exact same place your friend went missing and she has fucking superpowers which you were pretty positive weren't real until you met her. And then when you finally get a chance to maybe find your friend, the girl and her superpowers screws it up. I'd be fucking pissed too! And she barely ever even gave him a reason! And then because of her you almost fucking died!
Under these circumstances Lucas's actions make COMPLETE AND TOTAL SENSE. I would behave the same way in his situation, and don't try to tell me you wouldn't also. We as audience members know that El isn't dangerous and she isn't responsible for Will's disappearance, but Lucas doesn't! All he knows is his best friend is missing, this weird girl with superpowers is messing up his chance at finding his friend, and his other best friend is too heart eyes and clueless to even consider it.
Another thing: HE COMES AROUND IN THE END!!!!!! Character fucking development! He changes because people change! I know a really strange phenonemnon right!!!
In the last two episodes he defends El alongside Mike and Dustin with no hesitation. And in S2 he shows no anger or resentment towards her in the slightest. And in general as a character, Lucas is funny, smart, loyal, kind, sweet and thoughtful. Lucas is awesome and the fact he is not getting the appreciation he deserves is as Nancy would say, "bullshit."
And Caleb! He is also so smart and sweet and nice and talented and stylish and cool! That boy is a fashion icon! And he's so cool in interviews and he's so sweet meeting fans! Why are we ignoring him he's amazing!!!!
And Mike Hanlon! He's brilliant and brave and selfless and modest and sweet and kind and an amazing friend and deserves better than this! In the movie their treatment of his character and the fact they gave his librarian historian thing to Ben and made him more of a physical violent character is honestly just racist tbh. Also the movie spent way too much time on a stupid love triangle for the audience to actually get to know Mike as a character and like 85% of what I know about Mike is from tumblr. So let's not make the movie writers/directors mistakes. Let's give Mike the love and appreciation he deserves.
And Chosen Jacobs oh my lord!!!!! He's literally got the voice of angels I'm not even exaggerating! And he's so sweet and grateful and he's also super funny and as well as Caleb a style icon and once again deserves better than this! Y'all are too invested in stupid ass drama with Jack's girlfriend (which by the way, Jack's personal life is none of your business, stay out of it. If he wants to date Ellie let him date Ellie! It's his decision! He can make choices for himself! And stop hating on Ellie. Bullying sucks and the way I've seen people treating her is disgusting. I do not want to share a fandom with bullies.) to notice the gift that is Chosen Jacobs!
In conclusion:
Stop hating on these amazing characters and actors because they're black. Because we all know that's the truth. That's the real reason why you haven't been giving them the same love and attention you've been giving Finn or Jack. It's because they're they're the only people of color in their groups. Once again, bullshit.
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