#i know i'm screaming into the void
panravenc · 2 years
new chapter of the tokrev spin off is out and i'm beside myself asfgjskjf
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god, chifuyu defending ryusei has gotta be one of my fav moments. not only bc it depicts the way their friendship has evolved (even though i am 120% sure chifuyu would do the same for anyone, he's just so fucking kind and made of sunshine like that) because chifuyu calls him a friend here, and i'm,,,,, so emotional about that ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ
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we also have, of course, baji coming to rescue chifuyu them and getting his badass moment, couldn't be otherwise
(even if i really wanted chifuyu and ryusei getting out of there alone and together, sob)
also man rlly be out here playing chifuyu's knight in shining armour, literally has me sobbing (crying screaming throwing up)
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we also got childhood friends kojiro and ryusei and i just fucking know ryusei's gonna do some shit about the yotsuya kaidan bc istg this always happens in the shonens and he's gonna leave the tokyo manji and that's why he's not in the main story and now i wanna cry—
also kojiro seems to have some fucking yandere vibes and obsession with ryusei going on from the dialogue and he's giving me valhalla kazutora vibes lmao
i also rlly wanna know how he'll pass his post onto chifuyu god the possibilities (⁠ ⁠;⁠∀⁠;⁠)
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anyways chifuyu's so fucking stunning this chapter. truly one of my favs about him alskaldj he fought for ryusei, unlocked his Tragic Backstory™, got rescued by his bf, truly the mvp living his shoujo gang life out there
i'm excited to see the three of them teaming up and kicking ass, so we'll see how it goes
also!!! next chapter isn't out until january 9th. i'm gonna die of starvation from no tokrev content until then (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)
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zykamiliah · 3 months
girl it's not that shen yuan forgives the atrocities, the atrocities were part of the enjoyment while luo binghe was a fictional character, the atrocities gave the fans a hard on because it was a dark power fantasy. but when luo binghe became a REAL person it turned into a REAL issue that's what half the novel is about
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rillils · 4 months
idk why I never thought about it, but if we're assuming that this
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is the brochure Bucky got at the Smithsonian in 2014, that must mean that he held on to it for two whole years. possibly carrying it in his pocket at first (you can sort of see the marks where it was originally folded), then carefully straightening it and smoothing out the inevitable little crinkles, with a tenderness he'd long forgotten he was even capable of.
moving it from journal to journal as he went through them, so he wouldn't risk losing it.
using it as a bookmark, so it would be the first thing he saw every time he flipped his journal open.
maybe tracing Steve's familiar face with his fingertips, with the odd but unfaltering certainty that he used to know what that felt like. that the memory must be somewhere in the back of his mind still, waiting to be unlocked like a treasure chest.
recalling how, during the war, he'd wished he could have carried a picture of his sweetheart on him like all the other guys did. how he'd wished he could see Steve's face every day, just for something good to hold on to, to keep him going when he felt every last shred of hope slip away from him.
and how, when Steve appeared with his new body and his old recklessness, all too eager to throw himself into battle, Bucky had learned what people meant when they said be careful what you wish for.
just. the notion of Bucky taking this fragile piece of paper in the first place, and then deciding to keep it, and then going out of his way to make sure it wouldn't tear, deliberately keeping it close at hand, cherishing it like it was his most prized possession– yeah no I need a moment
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apicturewithasmile · 2 months
Fun thing to do for Americans today:
Call your congress people and demand that they vote for the Ukraine aid bill.
It's been almost 500 days since congress last approved aid to Ukraine. 🇺🇦 forces are severely lacking in ammunition there, which means they cannot protect their cities and energy infrastructure and have to leave soldiers at the frontline without cover because they need to ration their firepower. Civilians are dying, soldiers defending freedom and democracy are dying. Ukraine will lose and cease to exist if they run out of weapons.
Russia is 100% responsible for the war, but inaction makes the USA complicit and will lead to a bigger war in Europe that is very likely going to include NATO directly, meaning your fellow countrypeople will actually have to come here and fight. Don't want that? Then fucking support Ukraine NOW! It's the morally right and logical thing to do and serves your own interests!!
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ghouljams · 4 months
Professor!Ghost who is well respected in his field, a little harsh in terms of grading, and not great with keeping office hours, but beloved by his students. I desperately want to stick him I philosophy where he BELONGS, I know he's got all sorts of complicated feelings and thoughts on humanity and it's nature, but he could also be a history professor, specifically teaching the history of combat/war. He doesn't socialize much, doesn't know anyone in his department, doesn't want to. He has his regular drinking group, the 141, and he's happy with that. He just wants to teach his class, write his papers for his special interest, and go home to watch the footie game.
Love walks into his class in the middle of lecture and he gruffly asks her to take her seat. She looks around and plops her butt down in the front row, dutifully listening and making the correct facial expressions the whole rest of class. Ghost tries not to pay too much attention to her, but she's all sweet smiles and a short skirt, biting her finger and crossing/uncrossing her legs one too many times to not be purposeful. She doesn't even have a notebook. It's only once Ghost checks his watch and asks if there's anything else before class is over that she raises her hand, flashing those pretty pink nails for the rest of the class. Ghost begrudgingly calls on her and has to stop himself from flinching when she says,
"I'm teaching history of human sexuality and its been cross listed with philosophy, I was told you were who I should talk to about recommended readings for that?" With the sweetest voice he's ever heard, soft and sultry and terribly distracting the way she leans forward against the lecture hall desk, like she's hoping he'll peak down her shirt.
"I don't have any," he does.
"Sounds like you do," she smiles.
"You're in the department, find them yourself." Ghost grouches, moving on to the next raised hand.
"Anthropology actually," Love corrects him, "or else I would have."
Ghost lets out a frustrated growl, grumbling to himself as he walks to his podium and scribbles down his office hours, stalking back and snapping the paper into her hand. "Ask me when I'm not in class."
"How about over dinner?" He glares and she laughs, "fine, just office hours, I'll see you then."
Ghost does his best to ignore her as she stands to go, eyes darting over his schedule as she walks. God dammit. He would've gone to faculty meetings if he knew something that pretty and dangerous was walking around.
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fluffy-ami · 8 months
I am perfectly normal about his laugh-
“The G in Gale stands for giggles apparently”
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I feel like a lot of people, and this is really more for Usamericans than those from other countries who don't have any exposure to the internal affairs of this particular nightmare country, truly do not grasp the scale and significance of the problems and horrors here?
Literacy will be mentioned and downplayed, but a full 20% of people living here are illiterate to a degree where they cannot interact with even basic writing. That's one in five people, or almost the population of the entirety of the United Kingdom. And that's only the population that either cannot read any words at all or cannot parse sentences, an equally large amount of people can only read at a very basic level, and can't interpret and extrapolate information from text that's not direct. This is not some cry about media literacy, this is about basic functioning in society and how many are left behind from a society that increasingly isolates and diminishes them.
Manufacturing will be mentioned, and the thought most will have is that American production has been gutted and outsourced (usually leading to hostility to places like China or Vietnam), which has some truth but much of American industry has been transfered from "free" workers to prison slave labor, with some states not paying prisoners forced to work at all and the most ""generous"" states paying them a seventh of the already laughable federal minimum wage, and with the government actually subsidizing this by giving corporations a $2400 tax credit per prisoner they "employ"
Prison will be mentioned but the sheer inhumanity and brutality will never be grasped even when people recognize elements of it (usually for what passes as comedy) the totality of it will never register. One out of five of all people incarcerated on Earth are in prison in America, subjected to conditions which regularly and frequently kill them or break them, and there's not even a consistent reporting measure for people who die in prison or jail, to say nothing of the police killings which dwarf the amount of people executed by the state, which has even less of a standard for reporting. One county was simply burying the people they killed in unmarked graves nearby and never reporting it or recording it, only being discovered after years almost on accident.
Homelessness is rampant but the numbers and methods for assessing the size of the unhomed population are pitiful at best and laughable at worst, regularly undercounting and diminishing the severity because those who are homeless are barely considered people to not just the government but in the perception imposed by society.
And none of that is touching on the scale of the imperial war machine which ravages the rest of the world, how there's no way to even know how many bases the US even has, how many people it kills, how many wars it fights, who it even supports. None of us touching on the non-military methods of support and control the US provides to its proxies and cronies who prop up its hegemony.
The scale of it all is just mind breaking and I have seen excellent writing and interrogation of parts but I don't feel like the overall picture is ever even glimpsed.
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share-the-damn-bed · 2 months
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eurydia · 5 months
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Your pastimes consisted of the strange And twisted and deranged And I love that little game you had called "Crying Lightning"
detail + musings below
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I haven't been able to stop thinking about that trailer! I'm so unbelievably hyped for this and Kojima's next espionage game (MGS 3 is one of my all time fave games! ahhhh! ❤️)
I miss the old Higgs' design, it was very strong but maybe this clown will grow on me, who knows lol. I can't believe I actually wanted to draw those equations on his forehead (I used to find it tedious. I took them for granted 😭)
something cool I noticed when drawing this: the makeup below his eyes appear to be inspired by the stripes you see on Nemes - the striped headcloths worn by pharaohs. unrelated to DS but about the song I chose: it's one of my fave Arctic Monkeys songs, I heard it live and I haven't been the same since - it gives me Higgs vibes! one of the interpretations on Genius suggested that "crying lightning" refers to the streaks that form on someone's face when their mascara runs.
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shima-draws · 2 years
Listen I love Pokemon so so SO much. Like so much. But I do want to say in terms of design it’s REALLY gone downhill;;
There’s definitely a lot of really sick designs in Gen 9 that I can’t really nitpick at too much because compared to what we could have had they did a good job with them.
But then we have Dunsparce.
I want to talk about Dunsparce in particular because of its evolution. I know a good handful of people have wanted to see a Dunsparce evolution for YEARS now, and for good reason: It’s a very forgettable Pokemon. A normal type one stage that shows up briefly in Generation 2 (which, sadly, is a generation full of forgettable Pokemon) and barely anywhere else. SO if we take that and look at some other really neat Gen 2 evos we got in Legends Arceus and SV--like Wyrdeer and Farigiraf, for example--you’d THINK that they’d come up with something equally as creative and unique, right?
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It looks the same. IT LOOKS THE EXACT SAME. It just has another segment and a thing on the tip of its tail. You could mistake this for a powered up Dunsparce or a shitty take at a regional form. What the ever loving christ is this???
THERE WAS SO MUCH ROOM FOR POTENTIAL HERE. Instead they just said ah yeah let’s just slap some extra stripes on it and maybe give it a cool wingdrilll thing and move on. LIKE. BRO. THIS IS THE LAZIEST POKEMON EVOLUTION DESIGN I’VE EVER SEEN. THIS IS FUCKING INSULTING.
If you Google Dunsparce evolution, you’ll find WAY better designs made by creators not currently employed by Nintendo:
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(@/woodenplank on Twt)
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(@/mykemon_regions on IG)
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(@/trainer_matz on IG)
THESE ARE SO MUCH COOLER??? Some of them even have an ouroboros theme which is SO sick and such a clever idea for a Dunsparce evo.
I’m just. I’m so salty. We could have had a sickass evolution but we were ROBBED
Anyway Nintendo shape up and hire these people to do your designs instead of whoever you have on staff right now that designed THAT abomination of an evolution
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rabbitsonthemoon · 2 months
I love the subversion of expectations in My Hero Academia. There's Torodoki Shouto, who seems like a cold-hearted and cruel kid until you realize he actually just doesn't know how to Human™ and his real personality is a sassy marshmallow. Once you realize he's harmless, you may use him as a space heater, an ice cream maker, a tea warmer, whatever you need. He will be confused but trusting. Handle him with care.
Just don't ask him about his family, you will get Traumatic Backstoried™ and he will casually say the most unhinged shit until you want to wrap him in bubble wrap and put him somewhere safe and comfy.
Here's a teacher who looks like a homeless person who's lazy and seems to enjoy being cruel. Actually he's more of a sleeping lion who will absolutely fuck you up singlehandedly if you lay a hand on his students, and also those naps he takes are the only sleep he gets, and also he doesn't actually take any pleasure in being strict, he just really doesn't want any of his students to get killed while training for this incredibly deadly job, and decided it was practical to take on the role. He'd actually rather just be buried in a pile of cats while wearing hot pink sweatpants, situated somewhere strategic so he can supervise his problem children until they graduate.
Also he'd die or mutilate himself to protect you without hesitation. He's just that kind of hero.
Don't look too deeply into his depression or you will want to wrap him in bubble wrap and put him next to Torodoki. And he might actually let you, if he's tired enough. You ever seen those videos of someone wrapping a cat like a burrito. Yeah. That but it's a dishevelled Pro Hero in his 30's. You may also burrito his three adopted humans. (Eri, Shinsou, Present Mic)
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covenofthearticulate · 7 months
once again stewing over how fucking mean and vindictive the show made Louis to his own family as some sort of grizzly angsty "you have to separate yourself from everything you love because you're a MONSTER now" when in reality Louis literally said:
It was only now as a vampire that I did come to know my sister, forbidding her the plantation for the city life which she so needed in order to know her own time of life and her own beauty and come to marry, not brood for our lost brother or my going away or become a nursemaid for our mother. And I provided for them all they might need or want, finding even the most trivial request worth my immediate attention. My sister laughed at the transformation in me when we would meet at night and I would take her from our flat out the narrow wooden streets to walk along the tree-lined levee in the moonlight, savoring the orange blossoms and the caressing warmth, talking for hours of her most secret thoughts and dreams, those little fantasies she dared tell no one and would even whisper to me when we sat in the dim-lit parlor entirely alone. And I would see her sweet and palpable before me, a shimmering, precious creature soon to grow old, soon to die, soon to lose these moments that in their intangibility promised to us, wrongly…wrongly, an immortality.
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kaarijatits · 1 month
I hadn't paid attention to this before, but even the art posts in the fandom with more notes are mainly from the likes and not from reblogs... how is it possible that there're 100 rb and 400 likes or 50 rb and 200 likes, insane
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lilbit-of-kizzy · 3 months
Desperately trying to do a year one community center completion in Stardew (no I'm not playing 1.6 it isn't out yet for consoles ok T-T) and istg if me not realizing that fiddlehead ferns only grow in summer ruins this for me!??!!
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the-bi-space-ace · 7 months
just know that before S3 airs I'm going to rewatch S1 & S2 and become the most annoying person you've ever met in your life
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sevensoulmates · 5 months
I always make a point to listen very closely to what the lyrics are saying in the music over certain scenes because 911 is ANYTHING but subtle when it comes to their music choices.
The song that's playing during the montage of Eddie trying and failing to make a connection with women while golfing/hiking is interesting.
"I got High hopes, high hopes , That tomorrow's where it all begins , I'll be somebody's daughter , I'll be somebody's friend , I'll be somebody's part-time lover again , Chased by the devil down a one-way street , Made it out alive , Now I'm back on my feet , I got high hopes"
These lyrics are so interesting to me because it's once again placing Eddie only in relation to who he can be to other people. A son, a friend, a father. Never just him.
But what also stood out to me was the lines "somebody's part-time lover again" and "chased by the devil down a one-way street".
I googled both these phrases and didn't really find much "official" meaning.
But to me "somebody's part-time lover" really does encapsulate how all of Eddie's romantic relationships on the show have been. You see bits and pieces of it, flashes, like his romantic relationships are a sideplot in his own life. I also took it to mean feeling half-hearted about a relationship you're in too. Like how with Ana he was going through the motions, like how in this very montage he's forcing himself once again to go through the motions of trying to force a meet-cute, like he will once again with Marisol by the end of the season. Marisol once again feels like something shoehorned, something forced, someone for Eddie to be another "part-time lover" to.
The other line "chased by the devil down a one-way street" to me, indicates running from a supposed "devil" (ie. something you believe to be 'bad'), repressing something 'wrong' about yourself that you refuse to acknowledge. And the "one way street" to me indicates an illusion of only being able to go in one direction, feeling like you can only be able to take one path, and why does he run as fast as he can down this one-way street? Because's he running from the "devil", the thing he's repressing, the thing he won't let himself acknowledge. Because, Eddie, you're running. You're not in a car. You can choose to turn around and walk in the other direction, you just refuse to face this illusionary "devil".
Even the portion of the song that we're supposed to be paying attention to, the "high hopes" part, feels off. Because high hopes usually lead to what? Disappointment. "High Hopes" are expectations, literally. By the end of this montage every one of his "hopes" are dashed. Eddie has these expectations for himself that he wants to live up to, but when he can't, he'll just feel more disappointed. He'll have these high hopes about a relationship with Marisol only to be let down because he thinks he'll develop this deep, amazing connection with her but more than likely he just won't because those kinds of relationships DO NOT (I emphasize again they DO NOT) happen that quickly looking at you Evan "she sees me better than anyone after 1 date" Buckley.
It's just interesting that the song that's supposed to represent Eddie really moving on and being open to love and putting himself out there centers on only who the person is in relation to others, half-hearted romantic relationships, and running from something repressed.
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