#i know i just made a post advertising that you can send me money so i should be on my best posting behavior but like.its important.
isdalinarhot · 1 year
have i ever made a post about dalinar nipples. well i should do that. dalinar nipples. sucking on those thangs like its going out of style. and he loves it. i just know he loves it
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An important (and overwinded) announcement regarding this blog below the cut.
Hello everyone! This is Rawkin Ghoul/ Tumblr Ghoul/ Tumblrina/ Soda/ etc etc.
First thing’s first: no, this blog is not an official Ghost social media account.
I started this blog in late 2022 when ghost-official started blowing up (I do not believe this one to be real either, and honestly I won’t believe they have a Tumblr until it is linked on their official website) and thought, “wow, I could make a better Ghost blog than that. One that’s way better organized and actually advertises properly for them, and posts regularly!” So I did.
Originally it was meant as just that, a little joke between some friends, and wasn’t meant to really get farther than that. But then I thought, Ghost does have a lot of fans on Tumblr- a lot of exquisitely talented and devoted fans. Maybe I can kinda “roleplay” it for a while, build almost a bit of a portfolio, and then either offer the blog to management or offer to run it for them officially, for fun, if they were interested.
More time passes and more people followed. I thought “xofficial” as a username was a common enough joke/ gimmick that people would realize it wasn’t for real (and in fact, when I first searched the URL, I found that this username was once in use years ago! Sorry, previous owner), especially after posting that April Fools joke post- this was wrong of me to assume. There are a lot of roleplay/ joke “official” Ghost accounts all over the web but I failed to really properly disclaim that I was one of them.
I of course don’t plan to reach out to Ghost anymore and haven’t for some time, for multiple reasons including Tumblr just not being a good website for advertising. But another one is I got pretty loose on here. Tumblr is so different from Twitter and Insta and all that- you guys (and myself! I go here too) don’t want to have someone sell something to you- but you do love interaction and jokes and solving things together.
I think we can all admit it- when Ghost is dormant, the fans can get bored and even agitated, and can start to have a go at eachother. I’m certainly not guiltless there either. I wouldn’t say I’m notorious or even particularly well known in general but I’ve gotten into drama here and there. I figured the blog would be a fun way not just to distract the community, but really engage with it. The blog passed 5k a month or so ago and I started thinking, we could do something really cool with it. Smaller events like fanart contests and zines. But what if we did more? Organizing pre-ritual meetups. Larger community projects like fan-made music videos. ARG. Maybe even a short video game- there are so many incredibly skilled and hard-working Ghost fans and I wanted to try to bring them together because I think our love for Ghost, for whatever reason we love them, screams so loud and everyone deserves recognition (also a reason I started Fanart Friday as a regular thing).
You guys know I do my best to keep up with your tagging and what you’re saying and everything and I’ve seen the people pointing out the blog isn’t real from the beginning- I didn’t want to address it directly at first because I thought if nothing else people enjoyed the mystery.
But, more lately there’s been more and more people who are agitated, disappointed, and even a little scared to hear that this blog is not official.
I want to offer my very sincere apologies to people who I made feel that way. I should have made it obvious sooner- I know so well that there are a lot of very young Ghost fans especially who wouldn’t necessarily surmise that this isn’t real. I’m really sorry to those of you I disappointed.
I will never ask you for money here, or any personal information, or send asks anonymous or otherwise from here or my main personal blog as “Tumblr Ghoul”. I have had one person ask to message me so I messaged them to allow them to do that. If somebody contacts you claiming to be the person running this blog, they are lying. Please block them. My interactions here I aim to keep as public as possible, hence being increasingly liberal with replies and reblogs as the number of people interacting grew.
My only goal with this blog is to advertise for a band that I love and to entertain/ help the fandom when and where I can. I love and appreciate all the fanart and interest in the character of Tumblr Ghoul but I don’t want anybody to feel obligated to me and I especially don’t want to hurt anybody. I started this blog for fun and that how I want it to remain- fun for everyone.
People pointed out when I didn’t post for some time a few months back and it was because I had lost interest in the blog and was going through a rough time- and then one particularly bad day I got on to check it by chance and just seeing your guy’s tags and comments made me feel so much better. I tell people that I found Ghost when I really needed a friend and they fulfilled that for me, but the past few months you guys have done just the same for me. I am so sorry to have betrayed that and made you feel unsafe and lied to in return.
As of posting I do intend to still run the blog as I have been (with a disclaimer added to the bio regarding the legitimacy of this account)- posting about tours, chapters, merch, etc, as well as Fanart Friday. I 100% understand if anybody doesn’t want to be involved in that, so anybody who has tagged me in something and don’t want it on the blog now, I can open messages and you can let me know. I will probably close them again after a week or so if I get a large flood of unrelated messages.
Please do not message me asking me who I am, who knows about the blog, etc. Gaining popularity was never something I wanted from this so I will stay anonymous, for the time being at the very least. A very small number of people know who is behind the blog and to my knowledge only one of them is even on Tumblr and in the fandom.
Thank you for all the support you’ve shown me, Ghost, and eachother. It can be easy to see the bad parts of a community and roll your eyes electing to keep your distance, but since starting this blog I’ve been reminded what good community is even when it’s frustrating sometimes.
Thank you for reading, I won’t hold it against anybody who wants to separate themselves from this blog at this point, and please don’t let my oversight and general dummyness sour your experience with Ghost or its other fans. Enjoy the rest of this tour and whether it’s with or without me, please keep rawking 🤘 Be good to eachother.
Thank you.
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Am I the asshole for calling a (now ex-) mutual a stingy asshole?
So to start, I (NB20) am in a pretty rough situation, I'm facing homelessness soon, transphobia at home and work and my hours have been getting cut resulting in me making even less money that can sustain me. I have a toyhou.se forum post up stating I have emergency commissions open to help me out and to please support me if you can. This is where the situation begins. I have a mutual on toyhou.se who I'll call Apple (MTF22) I talk to sometimes to the point I'd say we are friends, not super close but friends nonetheless. She made a bulletin telling people about my commissions and to please comm me if they could which I'm very grateful for since I did get a few customers from her because of that. The thing is, a few weeks later, she made a bulletin talking about how happy she was so many commissions she bought were finished around the same time and posted all of them with the artists tagged in the post. It was honestly... quite a few, I'm talking like 9 pieces of art of her fursona and even a custom vtuber model she got of her sona. I was going to reply all happy for her, but it made me think... how much did she spend on those commissions?? So I went through all the artists socials to find their commission prices and came to a total of fucking $385!!! More than half of my current goal I'm trying to make through commissions to stay out of homelessness!! So I messaged Apple saying since I saw she bought a few commissions if she was interested in buying a comm from me. She replies saying "Ohh! I'd love to <333 but im just not in a place to buy any more comms right now :< sorry >.<!!" So I casually reply really? because it seems like your in the perfect place to help me out after already spending over $300 in commissions. She tells me she's sorry and really wishes someone would be able to help me out but she just wasn't that interested in my art or a custom to which I tell her she could've easily donated to my ko-fi which I have always had since she clearly has money to spend? To this, she straight up IP blocks me. So still fucking annoyed, I vented in a discord server I share with a few friends from being in a few shared CS together, saying how annoying it is rich assholes like her would drop half a thousand for a picture of their fursona but don't even blink twice at their so called friends. anyway, one of my friends takes a look at Apples th profile and notices she has a new bulletin up and sends me a screenshot, but anways the bulletin reads like "hey!! just saying, but please dont come into my dms acting like you know my financial situation better than i do, just because i buy a lot of commissions doesnt mean im made of money! and please dont think that me commisioning artist 1 means i hate artist 2? thats so weird, thanks!!!!!" and seeing all their subscribers just kissing her ass pissed me off so i made my own bulletin that just stated "i thought it was pretty fucking weird to know how bad ur friend's situation was and to go buy a bunch of comms instead of buying a comm from or even throwing a buck to help me out? like yeah im gonna think i know ur situation better than u, you stingy fuck!!!" Anyway, she mustve been block evading (which I reported her for) since she unblocked me, took a screenshot of my bulletin, then went on about how she lived in an abusive household; her dad had thrown her into a sink and chipped her tooth, bruised half her face and scarred it pretty badly. She bought a bunch of commissions immediately afterwards in a panic to make herself feel better, paying everything with her savings. Which to me.. isn't an excuse. Ive been hit and abused and still found scraps of money to pull together to give to mutuals who need it and Ive been bumping my own post like crazy and she had literal weeks to donate or comm me. Not to mention Ive had exmutuals of hers come to me saying that shes never donated anything to them either despite advertising their posts but always had money for plushies, comms and other crap, meaning Im not alone in thinking shes a stingy asshole. This is getting long, so here, tumblr AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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nabwastaken · 2 months
Mr Beast is being "cancelled" because he's friends with a trans woman who commissioned art from someone who might be a predator. People are asserting this as "proof" that Mr Beast is a predator, himself.
Okay anon let's debunk this because after making the post I did some digging on this. Feel free to make your own conclusions.
Shadman is a pedophile. That's cut and dry. He was a very prolific nsfw artist who specialized in loli. He literally made porn of Keemstar's 8 year old daughter. This was normalized at the time Shadman was active and many other creators were seen friendly with him. If you see this behavior as 'normal' and not harmful, please block me.
Ava was seen messaging and being buddy buddy with Shadman when Shad was still active. On stream she pulled up Shad's website by accident. One time, Shad tweeted out a picture of an underaged character from an anime with the caption being "Why are people sending me this?" Ava's response was something along the lines of "please Shad". Later on even in a Mr Beast video in Ava's house one of Shad's pieces was seen on the wall. Jimmy himself even looked straight at the piece.
People are not attacking Ava just because she's a trans woman. Is the hate worse because she's a trans woman? Yes. The same people who couldn't care less about the Dr Disrespect thing are the same ones who were the most vocal about the Ava thing. But to simplify it as just transphobia is simply incorrect because at the end of the day, trans or not, Ava is a person and all people can be terrible people.
Also, it is very possible Jimmy knew all about Ava being a creep. He was in the discord server while Ava was apparently making very sexual jokes to minors in that same server. But anon, who is alleging that Jimmy's also a predator? He turned a blind eye to Ava's creepiness, sure, but nowhere I've seen has also said that Jimmy's guilty of the same actions.
And finally, the Ava stuff is not the only reason Jimmy's under hot water recently. Dogpack 404 made a video talking about all of Jimmy's faults as a creator. This video touched upon the following: his lotteries being illegal, him rigging his videos, him selling fake signatures, him advertising Feastables as a healthy brand when it literally has the same ingredients as Hershey's, and generally just scummy behavior. Dogpack recorded the video before the Ava stuff came out. Other stuff has also come out about his game show, beast games, where contestants talked about the poor treatment and how some people didn't have access to medication, health products, or even food. Eliminated contestants were offered 1000 dollars in hush money. And all of this probably would've come out regardless of Ava being exposed. It was coming eventually. Dogpack was also given a cease and desist and apparently the beast team are searching for ways to ruin his life. Dogpack goes more in depth about this in a Twitter thread
So yes. Mr Beast is a scummy piece of shit. You should not be supporting him or his content. And on another note, fuck all the commentary youtubers staying silent on this topic just because Jimmy's their friend (looking at you, Ludwig and your terrible ass stream). But in the long run, this will not impact Jimmy's channel because his fanbase is mostly children who either don't know or don't care. But his reputation in the greater internet landscape has been tainted, for better or for worse. To anyone reading this, I hope this correctly educated you on the situation, though I may have missed a few major points. Have a nice rest of your day : )
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constellationguy · 6 months
That Radio Show
Summary: In the absence of the radio demon listeners of hell find a new broadcast to enjoy.
Chapter three
Chapter one: The New Voice On the Air
Every child dreams to be famous when they grow up, you were no different. When you were younger you wanted nothing more than to have your voice heard from all corners of the globe, to be heard on every radio station, to have your voice ring in the ears of millions of people. You took countless vocal lessons as a kid to prepare you for audition after audition, however very little came from it. Until in high school, you landed a job with your local radio station and fell in love with the art form. You worked almost full time despite school work piling up, the high of being live on air was worth barely passing a class or two. You did school work while music played on air when you weren’t speaking, it was the best job in the world in your book and you wouldn’t trade it for anything. Eventually you took over the station after you graduated, working from 5:30am to 6:00 in the afternoon on most days, but night shifts always had the best callers and the warmest ambiance. You pored your heart and soul into your work until you died in a freak hunting accident in 2017.
When you arrived in hell you had dear like qualities, ��I guess getting shot like game turned you into game in the after life” you thought looking at your new doe like features. Being new to hell was such an uncomfortable feeling, however you tried to get yourself in your feet as soon as possible. You spent about half a year working in a tailor shop getting yourself a house and a phone. Once you got enough money you finally got yourself an office and radio equipment to start broadcasting within the month. To advertise the radio station you made a hellstagram account just simply named “That Radio Show”. Your bio stated “That Radio Show will be making its debut on station 66.62 fm on the air in 2 weeks time at 5:30am on XX,XX, 2017! Be sure to tune in and maybe give us a call while on the air to chat at (666)-xxx-xxxx or send us mail to read on the air at xxxxx PO Box. Can’t wait to be on the air!”. You made posts advertising your debut, and asking your followers about ideas what to name your new radio show, and of course song suggestions. To your surprise your account went viral and got millions of followers in just a few days, your dms and comments filled with suggestions and surprisingly sweet comments with very little backlash. So when you debuted at 5:30am you had thousands of listeners tune in. Just as 5:30am graced hells residents, a sweet piano piece started to echo through the streets of hell. You lowered the volume just slightly hoping it would give just enough ambiance to your broadcast before speaking.
“Good morning residents of hell.” you said cautious of the volume of your voice.
“It is currently 5:30am in Pentagram City and for many it is time to start the day. As some of you may know this is the debut broadcast of That Radio Show!” You said excitedly.
“So please be sure to check out That Radio Show on hellstagram to send in song suggestions. As this is my first day on the air I hope my dear listeners can treat me with some grace” you hummed.
“Well, I’ll let those of you who got woken up by me go back to sleep and those waking up in peace for a bit, here is “I Don’t Want To Set The World On Fire” by The Ink Spots”.
You then muted yourself before fading the piano music and changing it to the song. You let out a breath you didn’t know you held and smiled into your microphone. You spent about two hours introducing the next song in the broadcast order before you got your first call.
“That was “Let’s Do It” by Ella Fitzgerald. Such a sweet song this early in the morning don’t you think? Well-“ you were caught off guard by the phone ringing.
“It seems we have our first caller,” you answered the phone.
“Hello dear you’re on the air!”
“Oh darling!” a southern voice called through the phone.
“Your voice is just velvet to the ears of all of us in Cannibale Town, we are loving you down here darling! Keep up the tunes and let that voice shine.”
“Aw thank you dear,” you cooed into the microphone, “Such high praises on debut day, but nonetheless it is well appreciated.” Listeners could hear the smile in your voice and boy did it pull heart strings.
“Well of course darling, can’t let a beautiful voice go un-complemented, you have a good day now.” The lady said into the phone. “You too, Miss.” You exhaled, chuckling a bit, a smile evident in your tone.
“How sweet that was, ha, well it is currently 8:00am in Pentagram City and the weather is perfect for a morning walk. I hope you can take that opportunity and start your morning off right. This is “Je Te Leaisserai Des Mots” by Patrick Watson, hope you enjoy.” Once you muted yourself you practically squealed in joy with the blatant success of the radio show. Your hellstagram was full of comments praising your voice and pick if songs. The overwhelming support uncommon in hell was shocking and such a surprise, a welcome one though. You got a few more calls throughout the day, only one of them being rude and chastising radio for being an out of date media and flirting with you brazenly on the air.
“Oh that’s no way to speak to a lady, let alone live on air,” you cooed feigning innocence. You sent a devastatingly loud electroshock through the line and your callers line went dead as he fell to the floor.
“Oh dear it seems he hung up,” you chuckled “well- no matter, just remember dear listeners don’t be brazen and you won’t get shocked,” you said with edge in your voice. “Well, this is “Viola Sonata: 1. Largo” composed by Andrei Volkonsky.” You said giving out a light satisfying sigh. As the song closed your voice again rang in the heads of your listeners, “Well doesn’t that piece just tear at your terrible heart strings, such an erre sounding piece. How about something a bit lighter, this is “Bella Belle” by the Electric Swing Circus, hopefully a good dance will shake off any lingering weariness and tension, tune in and dance along, here’s Bella Belle”.
The rest of your day was rather uneventful.
“Well dear listeners, it is 6pm and my time on air is sadly up, don’t worry though. If you stay tuned into this station you’ll still hear music that I lined up to play until I get back tomorrow at 5:30am. Have a lovely evening sinners, I hope you all can tune in tomorrow.” You finally muted yourself for the last time today and leaded back into your chair sighing satisfied. You missed this feeling when you died. Well, no longer would you miss this feeling, you thought as you grab your things and left your office. Just as you locked up the owner of the building spawned behind you.
“SHIT-“ you yelled jumping and dropping your things.
“Such a jumpy thing you are,” the man teased to your annoyance. “You made a rise out of hell today toots, all the old souls have been craving a new voice to cling to after that old shit up and disappeared.” This man was just trying to get a rise out of you at this point but you indulged him, wouldn’t want to get kicked out of your office, he owned the building after all.
“Cut to the chase, what do you want,” you said shortly electricity dripping off your tongue.
“Oh I thought deer were jumpy and scarred things, never thought one would bite back so violently.” He said, voice full of tease and annoyance.
“Unless you are here to tell me about the this “old shit” of a senior I apparently have I would like to leave,” you said pushed through him going down the stair well.
“No need to be a bitch toots,” he called after you. You let it go for now, a little insults in exchange for a bit of information was a fair trade in your opinion.
After fixing yourself a meal you looked up your supposed senior, from what you could tell that “old shit” the building owner was talking about was the Radio Demon. He disappeared this year, a terrifying demon just up and left the public eye. From what you found online he was an overlord and a powerful one at that. He used is radio show is display his power, so this is what you were needed to live up to. Odd.
Chapter two: In the Eyes of the Public
With the radio demon’s disappearance there is less competition, you thought, though that’s a big role to fill for the public. No matter, you thought, you’ll learn to manage, he’ll be back soon… probably….
Everyday your influence on hell’s population grew, listening to your opinions and snide comments, hells older population absolutely fell in love with you. The younger population wasn’t to fond of radio as you were but, to each their own, as long as they keep their complaints between each other and not on your broadcast. As the months past the public grew fonder of you in the radio demons absence, you worry for his return but as months turn into years you worried less and less about him coming after you.
Well into your first year broadcasting you made a slip up that you somehow ended up in your favor.
“Good evening my dear listeners, it is currently 3:30pm in Pentagram City and this lovely winter has graced our dear city and lulled us into a somber mood. I can’t deny that I am not feeling it too so todays music is definitely in the feels today, here is “I’ll Never Smile Again” by Tommy Dorsey” you lowered a dial and muted yourself before sitting back and singing along to the music. Little did you know you turned down the songs volume and muted the piano you had playing in the background, not yourself. So as you listened to the light music and sang along to the sad tune all of hell could hear your voice. Many of your regular listeners simply enjoyed the show while newer listeners decided to record the song and it spread like wildfire, to your embarrassment.
You tried gloss over your mistake however hell seemed to love this little mishap and blew it way out of proportion. Soon enough your dear listeners began calling you “the princess of radio”. As much as you didn’t like the name at first, terrified for when the radio demon came back, it stuck and there was nothing you could do about it.
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pretty-idol-hell · 5 months
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Interesting update to Idol Land today, 4/17/2024. There were some things I expected, and some things I did not expect.
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Gaaruru has been added to Idol Land as promised. You can also currently play an open promise with her and Amari doing Go Go! PriPara Live.
Prism Stone Shop has been updated as well...
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A lot of old MRs are back! Some Gaaruru stuff! Some Shuka stuff for some reason! Some coords that were only in the premium shop before!
But nothing new?
You could argue that they are re-releasing old coords because the game has a lot of new players recently, from people who discovered the anime to people who turned to Idol Land after the arcade game shut down. I mean, you could argue that. But.
But I just think they are out of coords.
I also find it very strange that they did not re-release Gaaruru's SCR even though they released it before? Did they forget? Or is it coming next week? (Well, that's 3,200 yen I don't have to spend I guess...)
Pop over to the Gatcha to find that...
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Gaaruru actually has a birthday gatcha!? I already made another post about this, but the PPR is actually her newest witch team PPR despite not being advertised and her actual birthday coord is an SR. Bizarre.
But also...
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The original Evergold gatcha is back too?
Now. You could argue that these revival gatchas make more money than when they first came out because people regret missing out on them and feel more confident spending money now that we can recover our accounts. You could argue that.
But I just think they are out of coords.
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Gaaruru gets a birthday promise too! She's the only character to get both a gatcha and a promise! But the promise just has the Gaaruru school coord everyone already has. Why they previewed that and not her actual birthday coord, I do not know...
But, I've saved the most exciting updates for last...
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Double Pasharing was added! With two poses: Double heart, and violation ticket... I will make a separate post about this I think! But the new poses are selectable when you host a photo promise.
I believe this feature was teased from the very beginning so I'm confused as to why they waited so long to add it.
Perhaps it was the only thing they had partially developed laying around that they could add.
Also, at long last...
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Like many other games, you can now connect Idol Land to your Apple, Google, or LINE account to recover it! So, no more creating a password every 30 days! (Although I probably still will just to be extra safe!)
I will update and reblog my pinned post about this!
And, finally...
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When starting up Idol Land today, I noticed it asked me for the first time if I wanted to receive notifications. So, after all this time, the Idol Land app will finally send notifications.
These two features above are very basic and should have been available Day 1.
To think they did not consider if people are reminded about the app and able to recover their accounts, they might want to play more.
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apothygrossest · 5 months
Last Updated: May 2nd, 2024 (check source post for updates)
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vv MS PAINT 27m $30 // CSP 42m $30 // CSP 50m $30 vv
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vv CPS 36m $30 // MS PAINT 1h1m $30 // 1h26m $30 vv
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vv CSP 1h9m $30 // CSP 1h20m $30 // MS PAINT 1h17m $30 vv
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vv CSP 2h3m $45 // MS PAINT 3h17m $60 // CSP 5h23m $90 vv
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$15/HOUR ($30 MINIMUM, BREAKS NOT INCLUDED) + $5 for image description (disabled persons exempt)
$45 (3 hours) recommended but not necessary. I will NOT refund if you overpay, please be careful w/ ur moneyz. ACCEPTING PAYMENT THRU KO-FI ONLY!!
$15 AUD ≈ 9.80 USD ≈ 9.15 EUR
This blog is my art blog! Scope out my posts for a better idea of my artistic strengths :3 (additional, unfiltered art on my main blog #🖍️ art). Boundaries are as follows:
NO : fetish art, anything nsfw or otherwise sexually charged, pregnancy, realism. DISCOURAGED : excess gore, environmental pieces, animations. YES : artistic nudity (no explicit genitalia), blood, self harm, significant scarring, varying body types and abledness.
I'm an aroace gillion gender he/it schizo faggot, and I share a body with an angel headmate. If you have an issue with that fuck off :3 NO NFT OR UNCRITICAL A.I PPL.
Contact me through discord or ko-fi msgs @ apothygrossest!! Do NOT send payment before doing so!! ↳ ko-fi ↳ commissions
More details under the cut...
What should I message you? Open with something like,, "Hi! I'd like to commission you. Here's what I'd like-" and then attach details for your commission. Please include 1. the type of art desired (reference sheet, illustration, doodles, comic, etc) 2. the subject of the commission (reference of your character, description of the scene, any additional references for the pose or accessories) 3. the style of art desired (my style tends to shift, so include what art of mine caught your eye when you thought of commissioning me). Include as MUCH detail as possible, it'll make the process go a lot smoother. Then close with any questions you might have or just,, "Thanks in advance!" or something. NOTE: Ideally character references should be flatly coloured and/or have swatches for colour picking. Also, I switch between the programs Clip Studio Paint & MS Paint, each program affecting the process and style, so the distinction is important to consider. Also important is that more details / drawings / rendering / backgrounds = more time = more expensive. So please be wary!
What should I expect after? I will confirm details of the commission with you and then there'll likely be a small pause for me to set time aside to draw. When I'm ready, I'll message you to send payment through and begin on the commission itself. During the process I will share updates on the commission asking for feedback and alterations will be made until it's done. If I hit my time limit, I'll show you what I've done so far and you can either take the work as it is or give me the extra payment needed and I'll continue working on it until completion.
What art will I receive? The finished exported file and any extra sketches that I made along the way. If I know you personally, I'll happily send you a copy of the .clip file too if you'd like!!
What can I use the art for? If you plan on using my art for anything profit related, please let me know as this might alter how much I'd like to be paid. The general rule is if you make more money using my art than I would producing it, that's shitty as hell. If you have any questions about this then ask. Do NOT use my art for NFTs or anything similar, do NOT use my art in anything A.I related. You can do whatever you'd like with the art personally though- DO feel free to use it to customise your blog, DO feel free to print it off to hang in your room... And obviously, don't claim the art is yours :/
What if I break your rules? Blocked and added to a blacklist.
I'd like my commission to be private. Posting the art to my own blog helps me with advertising my work, but of course I won't do so if you'd prefer it be kept out of public eye for whatever reason. Just let me know!
I need accommodations for my visual impairments! Of course!! I will happily draw more distinct lineart, use less eye straining colours, use more accessible fonts, etc, if needed! Just let me know in advance what accommodations you need ^ ^
Who's exempt from paying for an image description? Anyone with visual impairments and anyone who struggles processing visual information are obviously my main concern- But I will write IDs for anyone who's disabled since there tends to be an overlap in community there. I trust that the people commissioning me can make the distinction.
Why do you charge money for image descriptions? I'm autistic so it's especially difficult for me to translate visual information into an ID. I don't think I'm asking for that much considering that IDs can take up to 15 minutes for me to write (or more if it's really difficult, yikes!), VS a neurotypical who'd probably do a better job AND do it faster than me :/ Just saying.
Your commissions are so cheap! I'm currently using a lower pricing to scope out the interest in my work- In future I'd hope to bump up the prices though. Also… The economy.
Why don't you want to be paid per piece? I don't feel getting paid per piece would properly represent the amount of work I put into a given artwork. Even bad art takes time and effort, so I would rather be compensated for my time than be paid per piece.
Would you ever consider starting a store for prints/shirts/etc? At some point, maybe? But atm no. Feel free to make your own stuff using my art though! So long as you don't use my art for profit, you can make your own shirts or print off ur own posters or whatever you want :3
What will the money go towards? I am unemployed and would like to earn some income so I can be financially independent and ideally (eventually) move out. I'm not struggling atm though, so I will also use the money to support other artists. I will also draw for charity, charities which I will list somewhere in this post once I get around to it :3
Contact me through discord or ko-fi msgs @ apothygrossest!! Do NOT send payment before doing so!! ↳ ko-fi ↳ commissions
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that-girl-lyra · 11 months
My Side-Hustle Streams
If you're anything like me, you like to make a bit of coin on the side and I mean really, who doesn't? We've all seen those awful TikToks of "Make $10k a month with xyz!" and while that sounds absolutely amazing...its just a farce, or just a way for the creator to sell you their course.
These below are actual little side hustles that ACTUALLY pay and while its not big bucks or a livable wage, if you have some time on your hands and want some extra cash, then these are for you <3
This is my all time favourite. Prolific is the best survey and usertesting site out there. Im still new to the platform but in the time that I've spent just passively doing research studies and surveys, I have made over $70 (some submissions can take a while to pend) and it pays out (so long as you withdraw!) every Tuesday and Friday afternoon! The minimum cash out is $5 which doesnt take long adding up! Payments go directly into your paypal as well.
Sign up for Prolific!
My earnings
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There is also a subreddit for Prolific users known as r/prolific and you can chat with other people who love this platform as well!
Now while Prolific's site is fantastic and I have no complaints, the mobile site can be a bit...iffy. There aren't too many studies that require mobile, but they still exist and when you cant do them, it can get frustraiting to deal with. And that's where Attapoll comes in! Attapoll is a fantastic mobile survey app and always has tons of surveys available. While you may not qualify for all of them, there are always plenty to choose from and the cash doesnt take long building up.
If you're constantly on the go and would prefer a more mobile option, Attapoll is one of my favourites in that department! The minimun cash out depends on which method you choose (Paypal is $3, Revolute is $2.50) and it doesnt take long to build up. I personally like to do these surveys on the train, or right when I wake up.
Sign up for Attapoll here!
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Another fantastic mobile one would be Influence! I put this one below Attapoll because personally, I am a little shy and don't like being caught...well, talking lol, but this one pays extremely well for what little work you put into it.
Basically, the meat and potatoes lie in the video surveys. You get paid around .25 for each video response and its generally super simple questions like "What were your shopping habits like this week?" and I usually get multiple per day and it refreshes every single day!
It pays out via Paypal when you request a payout, however the minimum threshold is $10 so, it is a bit high. However if you dont mind putting a little time into it, you're likely to see a quick return.
Sign up for Influence here!
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This method by far pays the best. This isnt an app or site you make money off of directly, however its a great way to get your name out there and make money if you have a local/small business in your specific neighborhood or area.
I advertise dogwalking, pet sitting, house sitting, cleaning and other odd job services! You'd be surprised at the amount of people looking for someone to just help out with either moving furniture, or other simple tasks.
Of course you can make a business page, but you can also just browse NextDoor itself and send members in your area messages and offer your services to help them out.
If Im honest, one of my best friendships came from this app and I still clean her house and I look forward to it every week!
My only complaint about this app/site is its not the most functional. Sometimes it doesnt send you a notification when someone messages you or comments on your post so, you'll need to keep an eye on it yourself. I wish they would optimize it a bit better but I suppose its best to take the bad with the good.
Sign up for NextDoor here!
These are my top side hustle sites so far! Try them out for yourself and let me know how you get on! Im sure I'll find and write about more in the comming days, but for now, give these a shot!
Ive always said, a little goes a long way, and all the little bits n pieces from these sites certainly add up!
Have fun and best of luck to you all in your side hustle journey!
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beazt · 11 months
if continuing to publicly enjoy and especially throw money at the Harry Potter IP isn’t making a difference to JK Rowlings platform then explain why I just got an ad for Harry Potter hersheys kisses on YouTube. if you’re struggling to connect the dots here: don’t stop to look anything up until you’ve reflected.
when’s the last time you saw Hershey take a risk on a big collaboration where the product is candy (opposed to, say, candy-themed apparel)? when’s the last time you saw this for such a controversial bit of pop culture? where the pop culture in question has been protested so strongly for so long and isn’t promotional for a brand-new media? when’s the last time you saw it advertised on major platforms like YouTube ads and not just silently showing up in a weird corner of a candy aisle or being online-only?
all of these factors are decisions Hershey made. yeah hersheys fucked up, we know, but that’s partly (definitely not exclusively) because they tend to cover up and censor any discussion of their own injustices that they can— they’re advertising this. this was safe enough for Hershey to openly advertise
whether most of the money is going to Hershey or most of its going to JKR or it’s an even split, it’s still increasing her platform and any money she gets out of this and its aftermath is extra to throw into bigoted violence
which with violent antisemitism currently rising so much in the areas she has the most reach, and violent transphobia currently rising in those areas as well, do you see the positive feedback loop? as in, her violence is safe enough for hershey to sign onto and advertise, which is an indicator shits getting Bad, then this event also increases her platform and power and allows her to funnel more into the violence, overtly and covertly
brief disclaimer about israel because I’ve seen several people who have just mentioned the rise in antisemitism recently get immediately lumped as pro-Israel anti-palestine: free palestine, fuck the Israel forces for genocide, fuck hamas for also having genocidal aims. (I am not as well-studied on the conflict as I’d like to be, but this is what I feel confident enough to share concisely— you can send me information/sources to help inform me further, but if you are gonna be openly antisemitic, anti-palestinian, or transphobic in response to this post, fuck off)
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learnfromcornelius · 1 year
How did you make your first Affiliate Sale.
I will share my personal experience of how I made my 1st affiliate income from Facebook groups. There are so many ways to earn your first affiliate sale with free traffic. There is no right or wrong method, just try which one will work best for you.
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How to make your first affiliate sale?
I was surprised when I made my first affiliate sale from Facebook groups. It was when I checked my email. There was a notification that I made a sale from one of the Fiverr affiliate program.
Here's my first sale notification I got from Fiverr.
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It's was a great feeling for me since this is the first time I made an organic affiliate sale from Facebook groups. I was feeling super excited on that day!At that time, I realized that making money through affiliate marketing using Facebook groups was possible. Even I didn't have an email list yet. But I didn't know email list back then. It gave me hope that earning an affiliate sale without collecting an email list as a new passiver was possible. As long as i had enough quality traffic to my fiverr affiliate link, making affiliate sales were possible.I know for every newbie who's starting the tough journal with affiliate marketing, I tell you there are so many things to learn .
Okay What's a Traffic source?
A traffic source refers to any platform that can send visitors to an affiliate site, landing page, or CPA offer. It is the medium through which people find a website or offer you promote. Monitoring these sources can help you understand what attracts users and focus on doing more of that to keep the traffic coming. It gives you ample information about the target audience to figure out how to convert them best.
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A traffic source can be either organic or paid. Organic traffic comes from unpaid sources, practically free traffic. The most popular type of organic traffic is from search engines like Google, Bing, and DuckDuckGo. Paid traffic, on the other hand, comes to your website after you pay for advertising promotions on social media, search engines, and blog.
Paid traffic
Such traffic is easier to get because it involves advertising on sources that are guaranteed to drive views and clicks to your website. For example, if you type a common phrase like “website hosting” into Google, you’ll see several web hosting providers advertising their services before you even see an organic link. The downside is that this type of traffic can be costly, especially when you’re targeting highly-competitive keywords and websites.
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Google Ads Traffic Academy where you can join and meet millions of affiliate users worldwide,over 28,000 direct click funnels that can generate high-quality traffic for your blog posts or any other sales landing pages for your affiliate niche. You can learn more at Google Ads Traffic Academy and know more in detail how to use paid traffic from 248 GEOs.
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Organic traffic
You don’t need to pay a dime for organic traffic, but it takes time to build, unlike paid traffic. Search engine optimization (SEO) is the most common way to get organic traffic. You should structure your website and posts in a way that makes them rank high on search engines. Use the right keywords, headings, image formats, etc. Backlinks from other websites also help build up organic traffic. The good thing about this type of traffic is that once you build it up, it has a lot of staying power, unlike paid traffic which disappears once you stop advertising.
disclaimer: this post contains affiliate links which means I may receive a small commission if you purchase using that link at no extra cost to you. and if you do, I appreciate you!
Okay, let's get back to the main point, which is how I got my first affiliate sale. I began advancing by writing blog content for my affiliate niches, somewhat recently of February 2021. The primary spot that I used to direct people to my blog was using gathering traffic.I joined a few specialty discussions connected with my blog specialties, like Blackhatworld, Fighter Gathering, and Computerized Point. What I did is simply helping other people discussion individuals in the gathering by responding to their inquiries. I was very suspicious since I didn't get sufficient traffic to my blog from Gathering advertising. As may be obvious, the quantity of guests coming to my blog is around 2-7 individuals each day. That traffic all approaching from gathering promoting.
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I realized the traffic isn't a lot of on the grounds that I didn't make a string on the discussion and just advanced my blog through my gathering mark in under seven days. To put it another way, I failed to consistently participate actively in the forum each day! I want to believe that I can improve from now on! Haha.The subsequent traffic source I used to drive traffic is Quora. Equivalent to gathering advertising. What I did is responding to inquiries on Quora to construct a standing and get traffic to my blog.Here you can see on my Quora details that I just response six inquiries altogether.
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Something great really happened after discovering quora was the best ways of getting more leads.
Traffic Source I used to Make My Most memorable Affiliate sales
At first, I chose a forum and Quora as my sources of traffic because both can quickly bring free traffic to our website. It took me one month to procure my most memorable associate deal since I began advancing my blog. We should profound jump into how I directed people to my blog post.
As I have explained previously, my first traffic source is Forum Marketing. I drove traffic to my blog through forums related to my blog niches, such as Blackhatworld, Digital Point, and Warrior Forum.Some forums will allow us to have a signature line on our post. The signature line can be used to drive traffic by promoting your blog post content with hyperlink text. I did this by commenting on several threads to increase the chance the forum members saw my signature. If they're interested in the topic on my signature line, they will click it.
As to date quora is the free traffic source and you'll get free traffic by answering questions and writing posts about certain topics asked.
So in Conclusion>>> Getting your most memorable Affiliate Sale is conceivable despite the fact that with just a limited quantity of traffic. Taking a gander at the traffic on my Google logical, obviously both discussion and Quora can assist with bringing free traffic quicker to your blog. Thus, I could procure my most memorable offshoot deals with a couple of guests to my blog.So the key here is zeroing in on driving rush hour gridlock and making more blog entries as another blogger. This is the main thing you want to zero in on toward the start. Try not to contemplate making your own item or email stream crusade yet, when you have predictable traffic to your blog. It's not beyond any good time to begin fabricating your email records.P.S: Assuming you like my response, sympathetic upvote it and follow me for getting any further updates from my responses. If you want to know more about becoming successful in affiliate marketing. I've an affiliate marketing course and affordable one. I'll guide you step by step and start generating your first sales.
.................You can Access it here................
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
We have a huge number of things going on and we will get to them now or in a moment
Thor Freya
These people are massively annoying and their son and daughter just ignoring them and it's because we have to do the job and it's the right thing to do but they're dangerous and he expressed it today so we're going to start taking his people out here I really appreciate him saying that I have a moment to speak and he talked to her for a couple times I want people to team up with me and get rid of this jerk and the other one too and the other one they're wasting time and it's very valuable I'm going to put how many minutes they wasted this month or hours even I mean it's just terrible and we really don't have time for it
Zig Zag
And we thank him and he is our father and she is our mother and her friends and relatives to some but we will now announce what's going on and I'm sending people to help them and it is a trial watching these two people screw around with him they're very sick of it so he did a few things today to make sure that it wasn't going to happen again
-you started taking their money away every single penny here we noticed that too our son wanted to tell John Rena Lord but the phones are taking the money out of the bank and he didn't want to hear it cuz he actually get in trouble and he doesn't think he gets in trouble by bothering her son he's a moron okay he didn't tell him a million times and show him a million examples and the stupid a****** still won't get it so we're going after him I'm going to lay him well and then take him apart.
-it's a very large number of people who want to get rid of John greenbelord and company and for good reason they want the money and we keep mentioning that he has a ton of money because he sold all the stock and he had like 95% of it we made a lot of money means that it's a lot of money it's a lot more money than we can seemingly Express it's thousands and thousands 10,000s of millions of octillions it's way way up there and into the area where half of it might not even be real because it's too much money and the businesses that we purchased are not producing as much because so many people died that's another thing too that the businesses were sold to us as the population was declining and is hoping that the economy would be ruined and didn't do anything we reduced production and our prices are very cheap and we're not stupid like he thought. He's going to be up on charges of espionage being a traitor to his kind and he should be he's trying to say he's helping and he had his arm back was driving a pickup truck by in like 5 minutes or less and he had her do it and we couldn't believe it no we could and sometimes it grows differently but you know it's on some sort of growth hormone is a piece of crap even though he might be with a symbian. She has a ton of money and we're going to make sure that people know about it I'm going to advertise it by posting it here in other places
-we have a huge personal score to settle with this idiot but there are a lot of things happening and punta Gorda Port Charlotte county Florida in the world one of them is there's a lot of money on the line this assholes in the way of commerce and it's economic terrorism and he's being brought up in charges right now in court in front of people and for murder it doesn't take much of it because it seems to be very stupid now he's starting to sweat a little and he sees that he's getting arrested a lot and he's not blaming our son right now. He's looking around the courtroom and he's trying to think of what to say and they're reading charges there's a list about 20 charges up to 19 and the stopping and they're saying we've registered them all and you may be seated and he's just sitting there looking around so he's going to probably go to prison and hopefully it's Cool hand Luke and exposes that area and what was happening and Stan was not guilty of those crimes and some of those people may have gone through it and he wants to know about it
-there's a few other crimes and other things going on that this guy's getting arrested for but here in punta Gorda the police are firing the remaining for police people and they don't want the reputation and their crap nobody cares and they asked around they said to keep them on for a ride or something and said no instead of people want them on there they said not really they're just running around terrorizing us has cops me right complaints everyday and reports every day like he does nothing happens so I said okay so they released them from duty same with the sheriff and they're telling him what he's locked up
-there's a lot of other people here in the other happenings there's a lot of agencies that are defunct now because people are jerks and we're screwing people over and didn't care if they were caught and it's just really bad business is what they call it and we do too not that we break the law we're just bring it in terrorists but these agencies are shrinking one of them is Florida law enforcement went through some gyrations today but the Max and others were going through actual generations and they fired and laid off another $20,000 of them leaving $15,000 these guys are starving for affection an attention and ran around threatening the crap out of everyone and they were at the mall being dicks the whole time and it's been going on for several years and finally someone stood up and said get them the hell out of here and it was not mac. And this continued on and people were listening to him and see idiot and he had no idea what he's talking about. And Garth is on TV and he's a little kid and a little girl want to know why and it said people can see all that and it said yeah they beat you up after the show every time it's me and how can they tell it's me he asks they ask you and you said to you and you're arrogant and they beat you to death. So he says I want to go home nobody's watching out for me I'm on my own and since you're treating our son like that and you shouldn't and you get beat up for it and he keeps saying you're not stopping me said we're not going to devote energy to something we don't care about then he said tell him he's dead so we hear you saying tell him we put a bounty on him and said dead or alive and we prefer dead and we sent it out and he died and in question you said I said tell him he is and he said kill him again so the guy keeps dying and we don't care you're almost gone you're stupid and showed him all these people of his dying in front of him and he didn't seem to care so we're just going to keep doing it nice people are a bunch of asses. But the other agency I actually the law enforcement people Florida law enforcement reduced to 15,000 and later in the day 10,000 and they were so boisterously loud and angry and hateful they went back to the office found the 10,000 and tell them all while they're in police vehicles the Florida law enforcement agents and those particular police arrested 500 of them and kept on going they brought in about 2,000 idiots finally they said this idiots are not going to stop doing this I'm trying to defend ourselves and they won't shut up. And there's there are 15,000 so they said we're going to make it dragnet and we're going to haul them all in and see why they're so stupid they hauled them all in there questioning them scanning them testing their blood asking them what they been doing and find out they're all on some kind of drug it's meth so they're going to go after the meth and it's really what it is makes people stupid and John remillard is doing it next door and they're both very stupid they're horribly horribly dumb so it's one of the reasons why they're so idiotic but the Florida law enforcement agency is brought down to 10,000 from $15,000 earlier today
-later on today the Florida law enforcement agency started to crack about an hour ago and those 10,000 made of dragnet try getting beat up by everybody and are getting chased out of the office and their uniforms are getting taken their vehicles and people driving around is them doing crimes and I never coming back
-the Florida highway patrol had 35,000 people the other day and today was reduced to $25,000 the similar thing happened but they're driving around on the highway chasing each other all day long finally the 25,000 left said we need to drive that and started pulling in tons of them about 50,000 later $100,000 and they said how many of you are there that's it for each cop that's like 200 US just like everybody so they did the math they said it's not that bad and really it is it's 2 million people. So calling for help to see if the sheriff could arrest them with them and it said not really so they're going nuts and they're doing it and they have to rest 100 people each which is about true it's a little less like 80 people and a sense is just 80 people each so you have to deputize your people temporarily make sure it's temporary or you'll probably get impeached and they said okay so they deputies are people and they got up like 1.9 million and almost there and someone said there's a whole batch of them coming here and they called for military backup and said they're attacking your area too and they got wiped out and now those $25,000 think they're doing great so they're hitting and taking the restroom down 100,000 and they went down easy and the stuffed them all in the prisons and they're disappearing and also they hear this in the radio you guys did a great job now I have to come after you what you doing is illegal it was Mac and said how did you learn how to do that and he said that this guy deputized people who said temporarily so we wouldn't get in trouble and it says well you have to take them off deputy list so I don't know this time so max is a picture of Chris with the red hair and let them off a little and the highway patrol left happy and they're at the houses and it's probably not going to be great but that's how many people there were and they did check and it was a little bit more than that and it would hog wild a little later and it takes a lot of work but they said but we can get it done and so they had to do it because they're getting blamed and they wouldn't shut up so wondering what makes them sick and so aggressive and our sense is just simply cannot drink the water you can't drink it at all and I shouldn't be showering that long and you have to boil everything it's a hormone and it said what hormone this is something in the water from whatever is below here it's making everyone nuts and I have some way of dealing with it my body does so they look and there's something in the water and it's a hormone and it's very potent so I'll stop drinking the water and they think they'll be fine but they are in trouble for deputy dozen people but you had him do it so they let him off on that and we'll probably happen is this more than two million people and that's probably true. Now there's a whole bunch of people who are in trouble for doing that kind of thing no
-50,000 people and millions and then several activity from the north and south and more we're attacking today and to the tune of about 80 octillion people they're all dead and it affected leadership they were 3,200 this afternoon it's down to 3,000 there were about 20% left this afternoon around 4:00 p.m. and they kept attacking and now there's about 15% government employees left. Now that's very low that's not many coming employees it is a serious reduction in Florida and globally it came down to 75% out it is a huge number and 3,000 of the local higher-ups really means that the government in DC is reduced as well I have the two houses there's about 800 people the Senate and the Congress and the cabinet has about 1,000 and we're getting down to those people and it's only 1,200 people away. And it's starting to realize that. And they're not reacting accordingly they're complete jerks they're acting very stupidly and John got arrested for his crimes but you've had never would happen and our son said you're doing it yourself was ridiculous behavior. And that's what it is
This afternoon they had a problem with the sheriff at about 6:30 and we are doing something else he came around to this location and start making accusations that our son set him up to be murdered by his wife's sister and said were you murdered he says no did the police come and arrest you says yes do you think that you're murdered because the police came and arrested you for your crimes so he said no then why the hell would I be trying to have you murdered by sheriffs perhaps and said no by my wife said so what she's trying to kill you for your program everybody knows that and it's a s***** program I don't care you're trying to kill her so you going to be arrested cuz people knew it on the bus. So you got a little nervous and drove out and the cops were there and they heard him mumbling I don't care if he's accusing me I'm trying to hurt her and they said this and they pull them over who you talking to you realize we listen to the thing and you think it was stupid because we're pulling you over because you're going to get arrested why is that every time you go to prison you get closer to being cremated instead that's why I said it doesn't really work that way if you get cremated you can't do anything so so the guy says this how would I know that I've never been cremated so they pull them out and pull this badge off okay well he didn't get out yet but still these things that need to happen
-there are other things that happened here in Port Charlotte and punta Gorda and one of them is we had a huge problem with traffic this week and it's been way over the top there's way too many people driving around and people try to stop them and it can't they try something from coming here they can and it's like 5,000 people driving all over town and don't do anything people just get in drive around and it sucks have someone seen it before too and they know what they're doing they're trying to get people used to excess traffic and trying to say don't pay attention to it now we are and they are and we're going to just start grabbing you and your cars.-his assistant saying why it's because you're trying to transport nuclear devices and other bombs and other explosives to try and rig the place and as you do it you're pointing out stuff you rigged and it's been taken out or it's being taken out and you keep doing it
-there's a huge number of people wondering why you're so stupid but we don't want to explain that we're busy there are other agencies that are falling and you wouldn't know unless we told you the department of health organization which is outside of the State department of health and Federal department of health have fallen completely and the police have been disbanded and they're running around like maniacs trying to get our son into the hospital and we're putting them in the hospital or the morgue as a result and I've sent out orders and people see them there to be arrested immediately
-there's a few other things happening these people are trying to screw around with this constantly and we are rejecting what they're doing and I can't stand them and I can't stand looking at them and they keep on asking for trouble just television show and sign mystery and it's a cop show and the several stars on there from a particular movie and it's not sweetie Todd that's a famous film it's kind of a monster film and it's kind of lame but it's important cuz it starts the mob full films off and it's having trouble placing what it's from it's like the Bronx tale it's kind of cheesy it might be West side story and he says that is very appropriate and he likes it because theye'll be mincemeat. Social prelude to Dr Octavio and that exposes the Zion small tanks which exposes the larger Cameron and the humongous one which is full of The matrix it's actually where it's filmed it's not actually in Australia
-the several other things happening here there's a few agencies that people are not watching that are becoming disbanded one of them is the department of fisheries and wildlife law enforcement and it was under the Florida law enforcement and they changed it and there was like 10,000 agents left today and they went ahead and they stopped them from banding together and start picking them all off. And they started resting them and they started to take them in he's trying talking about what's going on he said you people are the good guys you're doing it right and can't wait to keep doing it we have bombs and they said we'll show it will show you where they are and it showed some and they were there real bombs they got a whole bunch of it out of them and there's a bunch of out there where the Army is getting shot up and it's like chaos and you can't see it set the scan after every battle and it's going to be in pain but that's what they got to do and go ahead and started that today it's a big mistake on their part because they're going to scan all over the place and they're going to detonate some devices and the people will be dead and it's going to happen
-giant numbers of people see this guy John remillard will not shut up to our son at all so they're helping and the rest of them and getting rid of their people finally and taking the money tons of money cuz of his stupid mouth
-we also started smoking them for sticking his face in ours we got rid of a lot of them
-there's a giant number of things happening here and we touched on a few and we're going to come back in a moment and post so we don't lose this
Thor Freya
Zues Hera
0 notes
arty-angel-things · 2 years
Hello! I finally made a pinned post!
I'm Angelica/Angie/Angel/Arty! You can call me pretty much anything as long as it's not malicious and I'll be chill.
Mostly she/her pronouns but I do enjoy the occasional they/them, idk bro, it just feels nice.
This is my arts and crafts blog! Everything you see here, unless reblogged from someone else, will be art by me, crafts by me, and photos taken by me!
While I am an adult, this blog will remain primarily PG and PG-13 with some mature themes but always SFW, I promise! Follow/interact with that in mind, please and thank you.
If something I post should be tagged for your own viewing experience, let me know in an ask and I'll try to tag it while also adding the tag to this post but I'm notoriously bad at that so also just feel free to block me, I won't be offended.
Personal Blog
Current Proudest Work
-Discontinued THSC blog
Tags I use sometimes:
-#my art stuff
I have a lot and they're not all tagged but some include
-Five Nights At Freaddy's: Security Breach (specifically the daycare attendant, I don't much interact with the rest of the fandom)
-The Henry Stickmin Collection
-Minecraft YouTube/Dream SMP/Hermitcraft
-My Hero Academia/Boku No Hero Academia
If you send me an ask advertising a go-fund-me or ANY kind of fundraising/asking for money, I WILL REPORT YOU.
I automatically assume it's ALL a scam. I understand some of you actually need help, and I'm sorry you're in those positions, but this is TUMBLR. This is my blog. This is where I come to have fun. Any charitable donations I make will be by my own decision, to official groups, and that is NONE of y'all's business.
This is especially infuriating because none of you follow me, and I don't follow you. I'm assuming 100% of you are scammers, and you're profiting off of the suffering of others.
Send an ask for money? Get reported, get blocked. It's as simple as that.
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arty-things · 2 years
Hello! I finally made a pinned post!
I'm Angelica/Angie/Angel/Arty! You can call me pretty much anything as long as it's not malicious and I'll be chill.
Mostly she/her pronouns but I do enjoy the occasional they/them, idk bro, it just feels nice.
I'm an adult and while I mostly remain pretty PG, be aware that this is my personal space and I won't be filtering myself. Follow/Interact with that in mind, please and thank you.
This blog is my home and I fill it with what I like. If something I post frequently should be filtered for your own viewing experience, let me know and I'll try to tag it but I'm notoriously bad at that due to fast-reblogs so also just feel free to block me, I won't be offended.
Art Blog
Current proudest work
Discontinued THSC blog
Tags I will sometimes use:
#Fnaf sb daycare attendant
#💐 mutuals
If you send me an ask advertising a go-fund-me or ANY kind of fundraising/asking for money, I WILL REPORT YOU.
I automatically assume it's ALL a scam. I understand some of you actually need help, and I'm sorry you're in those positions, but this is TUMBLR. This is my blog. This is where I come to have fun. Any charitable donations I make will be by my own decision, to official groups, and that is NONE of y'all's business.
This is especially infuriating because none of you follow me, and I don't follow you. I'm assuming 100% of you are scammers, and you're profiting off of the suffering of others.
Send an ask for money? Get reported, get blocked. It's as simple as that.
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beesmygod · 2 years
look: the only arguments in favor of webtoons ive ever heard hinge greatly on the idea that the vastness of the audience on webtoons is crucial to one’s success in the “webcomic business” nowadays. people need money to live. to make money quickly in the entertainment business (and i would like to stress that this is the first time the artist makes a choice: when they decide to pursue art as a career. deciding to do this is not a choice that should be made lightly. additionally, i do not believe that people are being forced to turn to webcomics in order to make a living lol. can you even imagine), they turn toward the algorithmically curated and inflated numbers offered by webtoons.
i’ll start this off with my bone fides so i have to clarify any of this in follow up posts: i started workshopping my webcomic on tumblr in 2012 with doodles and by answering asks people would send me. i would also just post lore dumps for funsies. they are so barely related to the comic now, but they created interest and people asked me cool questions that made me think about the world i was creating. i started the comic in 2013. holy shit i really am coming up on a decade of webcomics. hold on i have to stand up and walk around for a second. picture to break up all these words so your eyes dont slide off the page:
Tumblr media
i made enough money on patreon (as a very early adopter) to live in beaverton, oregon (with first 3, then 1 other roommate[s]) living the most spartan lifestyle a person could manage in order to avoid having to go back to my hometown. now i live in confusing moderate comfort in a house my bf and i bought in a burst of sheer market based luck right before everything exploded. we used all of my savings i earned working from age 15-30 as a down payment.
i still try to take care of myself entirely and contribute a proportional amt of my income to the bills. i use government aid and use(d) it get a lot of medical help that i would not have been able to afford otherwise (medicare for all btw its unconscionable that this isnt the norm). i sincerely enjoyed my poverty and i felt like i understood how to live under those parameters with ease and comfort. i was poor but i was free. i do not like that i have to disclose this in order for people not to immediately dismiss me as coming from a place of monetary privilege. this shit is none of your business. im not interested being assigned a perception to my work and character that does not come from my words and deeds. i do not want “poverty artist” to be the signifier attached to me, forever, that people can scrutinize and obsess over whether or not i deserve the adjective i dislike.
but for things i do like: i like my audience very much, and i hope that they understand that they are under no obligation to care for me, keep me alive, finance me, etc. that is entirely my responsibility. but it is through their continued donations and support that i am able to draw my comic full time in a lifestyle i found comfortable, something that i sincerely imagined would not be possible while i was still working and in college. my audience of ~1.5k (i think, google analytics is kinda whack. lotta bots. this is with all that shit i could find filtered out) has been built up gradually over the past near decade and is comprised of funny, lighthearted freaks of nature who make me laugh very frequently. i just cant let them know that or they will become too powerful and use jokes to destroy me. i dont think i have a single bad thing to say about AGS readers. you guys are a hoot lol.
i do not have a discord dedicated to my work because i find the idea pretty unappealing and have had moderator experience in the past on other websites that i did not enjoy. i did not have comments on my comic until this year. previously the only way to contact me was via twitter, tumblr ask or email. i advertise my comic twice on update days, once in the morning and once at night, so i dont flood dashboards. i do not sign up for zines or jobs. i do not promote my work otherwise. well, there’s a link in my sa avatar, but let’s be real. no one’s clicking that.
i cannot empathize with the people who pursue the webtoons line of monetization and i find parts of (what must be) their reasoning morally abhorrent. im not even going to get into the predatory and laughable “pay per page” concept, an idea so blatantly evil that if it were pitched in any other medium it would get you laughed out of the room at best. im not going to talk about the ridiculous audacity of a comic host demanding you produce a minimum number of panels “per page” (im old lol bear with me) in order to be granted the golden laurels of “publication” (another choice the artist makes is the choice to pursue becoming a “webtoons original” as a financial goal. i think this is wildly unreasonable for every reason. but whatever. you might as well bet on winning the lottery). im going to talk about the bizarre mentality i cannot wrap my head around when it comes to what people are expecting when they sign up for a website that openly flaunts how disinterested it is in anything other wringing its user base financially dry.
if webtoons is not interested in anything other than financial gain and their purpose is to make more money every quarter at any cost, then why would that mentality not directly impact and poison the relationship between you and your audience, as well as your relationship with your art?
but lets put even THAT aside. god there’s so much i could hammer on. i will just focus on audience right now.
1. the quantity of an audience is not proportional to the quality of the audience. i dont think anyone is going to debate with me that the webtoons audience is good lol. this is because the webtoons userbase is comprised almost entirely of random teenagers and adults under 25. this age range is permitted to act like insane hooligans (to an extent) because that’s what the vast majority of us were like in some capacity or another at that age. i frequently hear complaints from creators about how their webtoons audience are frequently ungrateful, irrational, and impatient to them. this is the obvious outcome when two parties, especially parties that are doing business with each other, are shoved together due to algorithmic decisions and not by their own volition. both parties have been robbed of the opportunity of building up a relationship of trust and respect between the artist and the audience. however, building up this relationship takes time. and people want to be be making money as artists right now. presumably.
2. the primary purpose of an audience is not to obtain money from them. at least, dear god, i really hope this is not the idea driving people’s desire to do webcomics as a career. the creators entering the field with this mindset are DOA, straight up. even if you were capable of hiding your odious motivations, whose money are you willing to pursue? would you change your comic if it meant making more money from the audience? do the highest bidders influence the artistic choices being made? is that the relationship you want with your audience? in that case, why not just take furry porn commissions, a field which makes fucking stacks upon stacks of cash? why bother with webcomics and all this extra work?
3. why would an audience of teens and young adults have money to spare? lol for real tho. teens dont often have unfettered access to cash. college age adults are famously deeply in debt to the nightmare state we live in. to jump into this audience with your hands held open is going to result in disappointment when they’ve already prioritized giving what little they have to artists they already know. i dont know what people are expecting with this one. it’s like panning for gold in a swimming pool.
this doesnt even touch on the uglier stuff. but the choice to go all in with webtoon is foolish, selfish, motivated by greed and childish false promises of fame. i do not have any respect for the artists that line up in the hopes that they can simply “jump the line” and skip one of the most, if not the single most, important aspects of a career in art, as though it’s a tutorial mission they are simply too advanced and skilled to sit through. i am not going to feel bad for or comfort the people who saw a company strangling and smothering everything it touches, a company that is subjecting its customers into increasingly more incremental means of payment, a company that has objectively unreasonable demands for the art they host compared to what they pay out, AND WILLINGLY SIGNED ON TO SECURE THEIR OWN BAG.
so that they didnt have to build an audience! the fuck!
my assessment is that to use webtoons is to have a vast amount of disrespect for your audience.
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ken5112 · 2 years
Hi, I'm a 67 year old redhead "bloke" from Australia, and I'm just here to enjoy Tumblr, and Redheads in particular, nothing more. I don't want or need anything from anybody. No relationships, no hookups and no Mistresses. I rarely reply to messages, because of the amount of people trying to con and rip me off. So don't expect a reply from me, I won't take the chance.
It's been awhile, so I replied to someone who messaged me. I don't know what I was thinking, it didn't take long before the ask for money happened. Oh. I'm bored, can you send money so I can get some gas. For Fuck sake. It's petrol, as in petroleum!!! 🤬🤬🤬 She of course is blocked, as will anybody else, who tries too scam me. I think I'll go back to just NOT answering any messages. I should know better. 🤦
I have just found out what Friends With Benefits, means. They offer the Smuck sex, even though their never going to give it up. And when he says Thank You but No thanks, they tell Him that their mother's sick and even though she's probably years younger than him, they want him to send money. FUCK OFF.🤬🤬🤬
Something NEW.
People following me so they can advertise their con artist web sites.
No post's and no likes, just a link to go visit their exclusive site.
If I won't go to these sites, why do you think I will let you use my blog, to drum up business. ALL WILL BE BLOCKED. I now seem to be the target for, female mega stars (10). But apparently their strike, has made them poor. They want gift cards and such. A 67-year-old Aussie, with just enough for me to get by on. Even though it's fun, to see how long it takes them to get to the scam. It's still rather sad that, they think nobody thinks their scamming. Well to you "ladies" or maybe even "men" get a fucking life. 🤬🤬🤬
Can anyone, anyone at all, please tell me the attraction, of paying to have a wank, in front of your computer? I am fucked as to why people do this. I will not, so don't ask me to go to your site and pay you so I can belittle myself. So "ladies" please stop. If you message me in the hope of trying to get me in a relationship. DON'T. I'm TRULY NOT INTERESTED. So DON'T get all HUFFY, when I say I don't want any sort of relationship. I'm sick to death of it. Find someone else PLEASE. And I'm NOT interested in paying for ANYTHING. Why don't female read this. Once again, I don't want or need any sort of Relationship, physical or otherwise. Please NO messages. offering me a good time. (whatever that means) I'm too old and faraway anyhow. STOP.
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funneylizzie · 2 years
Hi there! First of all, I love your art -- all your rottmnt stuff is so lively and fun and a joy to behold. Secondly, I know you do commissions, and I was actually wondering if I could ask for a bit of advice? I'm looking to start doing my own commissions, but the process of starting is pretty daunting. I'm a competent artist, but I'd hardly call myself popular, and I have no idea how to advertise that kind of thing. Or how best to organize payments, or deadlines, etc. I don't expect you to have the perfect solutions/answers to these questions, but any tips for a beginner would be greatly appreciated! And, again, thanks for sharing all your lovely art <3
Hi there! So sorry I am soooooooo late to responding to this, but I’d love to help! (Even if I’m not the best at it lol) so I’ll go down the list!
1. I’m gonna jump right out there and say I actually was influenced into doing my first commission by someone who rlly liked my art back in 2017! They told me how to set up PayPal n all that stuff, wish I still had that drawing I made for them, it’s rlly neat thinking of how far I’ve come since then!
2. Getting yourself out there is definitely something you need to do, I’ve learned the best way to do that is have a semi-consistent posting schedule, use LOTS OF TAGS, interact with anybody you can, and get your name out there! Social media IS a lot more work than you’d expect, but have fun with it!! I wouldn’t want that to discourage you. As soon as you get a routine it gets real easy
3. For payments, I recommend sticking to one money transferring app. I use PayPal business’s invoicing system, and I’ve found it’s great! Only issue is it keeps your money until you’ve had ~15 transactions, just to show your business is legit. Something like that. You can use regular PayPal too, but I’ve found this one is easier to use for both me and customers, and you’re less likely to get scammed! (Also my tax lady loves PP it makes everything easy for her)
4. As for deadlines, I usually don’t have any, but that’s just how my system works! As soon as my customers send through payment, I let them know that I’ll tell them when I get started. Give yourself plenty of time though! Your customers won’t mind as long as you keep them updated on how you’re feeling and when you think you’re going to begin work.
They love to see updates on rough pieces, lineart/inking, and color!! Makes the wait time seem shorter, it’s content for them, and they can voice anything they need to when you’re working on their piece!
5. I really really really do strongly recommend accepting payment first, whether it be paid in full or half first then half later. Make sure you’re getting at least something for your time! (And it’s a great motivator)
6. That’s really all I have! It’s definitely a learning process, I perfected the commission system probably just at the beginning of last year, and I’ve been doing this for 5 years! You’ve got this though! I believe in you (:
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