#i know about most of these bc of my family
sssammich · 2 days
💘 supercorp bc its on brand for them
omg ok i finally have some time to write the rest of these so we're gonna tackle this one!
💘 fake relationship / mutual pining / dared to kiss
ask meme
Lena has to chew on her bottom lip to stop herself from laughing, forcing her face muscles to stay absolutely still. She covers her face with her hand, pressing her palm up to her lips as she attempts to make sense of what Alex is saying to her...to them.
She drops her hand down on her lap and is about to respond when Kara, having been equally quiet beside her on the couch, rests her elbows on her knees and asks the question that's on the tip of Lena's tongue.
"You want us to be in a pretend relationship?"
"I don't just want you two to be in a pretend relationship, I need you two to be in a pretend relationship."
"It can't be that hard," Alex reasons, almost talking to herself, her hands on her hips as she stands across the coffee table of Kara's apartment staring at them with a completely serious face. Lena and Kara share a shocked look with one another.
"And why not?" she challenges, unable to help herself.
"Because you two are best friends," Alex responds smoothly and stares at them expectantly. Hard to fault Alex about that. She and Kara are best friends with each other.
"Run it back again," Kara interrupts. "Explain one more time why we need to be dating."
Alex huffs, though by the way she drops to her knees in front of the coffee table, steepling her hands as she rests her elbows on the wooden surface, Lena suspects that Alex thinks that she's hooked them.
"Because the entire operation hinges on the fact that you're already in a relationship. And since this is so last minute, the most believable option we have going for you is your best friend who you already spend so much time with."
Lena tilts her head. It all makes sense, all things considered. She already spends almost all of her free time with Kara whether at her penthouse or at Kara's apartment (which, for the record, is where they are currently, and where she had been for the better part of the last three hours since finishing up some work earlier that afternoon).
"It makes sense," she says out loud, as if considering Alex's words.
"I knew you were the best Luthor out there," Alex quips, leaning forward. Lena can guess that Alex feels so close to attaining what she needs from the two of them, but Kara beside her doesn't sound as sold.
"I don't know, Alex. Don't you think we've done our fair share of deception and lying?"
Alex rolls her eyes, her hands pressed flat on the table in front of her. "Kara. You are a superhero vigilante with a secret identity. Deception and lying is literally part of your everyday life."
Kara turns to Lena for support, the corners of her lips tugged down and strained. Lena gives her a supportive albeit apologetic smile. "She has a point, darling," she says finally.
The pout on Kara's face is worth a hundred kisses to make go away, Lena thinks, but she doesn't move. "I thought you were on my side?"
"I am on your side. But so far, your sister is making good points. Even though the why is still a bit flimsy."
"I just said the operation--"
"But why does this supposed operation require Kara being in a relationship? Can't she simply be unavailable or that she's not currently in the headspace to date?" she asks, her hand placed on Kara's back, rubbing soothing circles between Kara's shoulder blades. She resists smiling when Kara leans a bit closer to her, as if Lena can't reach her. There's literally no space of distance between them already on the couch.
"Because," Alex starts. "There are going to be relatives and family friends from Kelly's side that'll be relentless--" and this is where Lena is baffled by how Alex is acting, "--to insist that they will have the best and most suitable eligible single daughter or son that's perfect for you, Kara. And you too, Lena. Don't think you'll get out of this scot-free."
Her face furrows in confusion. "Me?"
"Yes! They will, undoubtedly, ruin the wedding by trying to set both of you two up with other people, and we honestly can't have you two distract everyone from our big day."
Lena's eyes narrow at Alex whose own gaze is fixed in staring at her sister. It's an odd request, and her suspicions are raising alarms inside of her mind. Still, she keeps quiet, especially when Kara leans forward, her strong hand somehow landing on Lena's knee as she does so.
"You think we'll be distracting you and Kelly on your guys' big day?"
Lena pretends to scratch at her chin to try and cover her mouth knowing that she can just about hear the pout in Kara's voice.
"God, no. That's not--" Alex takes a deep breath as she straightens herself up from where she's kneeling by the coffee table. "Kara. It's not you two I'm worried about, it's them. They are going to make a big deal and I'm just trying to protect the both of you. And, of course, my wedding day with Kelly. And the truth of the matter is that there's no reason to wait for things to happen when we can prepare and cover all of our bases. That's all."
The truth of the matter. That's an interesting choice of words, Lena ponders, but she keeps those thoughts to herself.
Kara worries her bottom lip between her teeth even as her hand stays on Lena's knee. From the corner of her eye, she catches sight of Alex's gaze dropping to Kara's hand and Lena's leg, no doubt making a mental note of what she's seeing. But Lena's attention is pulled back to Kara who has now twisted her body to better look at Lena beside her. For her part, Lena stays in her exact position, hand on Kara's back, and waits for Kara's lead.
"What do you think?" she asks, her face serious, though something flashes in her eyes before Lena could really read what it had been.
"I think..." Lena begins to say, weighing every word that comes out of her mouth. "It's better to be safe than sorry."
Kara stares at her for a long moment, like it's just the two of them in the room, before sighing and leaning back, suspending Lena's hand between her back and the couch. Lena doesn't mind in the slightest, instead lets the tips of her fingers gently scratch Kara's back.
"That's all?" Kara asks, this time the question directed to her sister.
Lena turns her face enough to witness how Alex strains from smiling too wide when she nods emphatically and says, "That's all. That's it."
The longest five seconds seem to pass over all three of them until Kara sighs. "Fine. We'll do it."
Alex struggles to keep her fist pump under control and Lena wants to roll her eyes.
"Great. Figure out whatever cover story you two think will work the best. Remember, closer to the truth works best."
"I think we'll figure it out just fine, Alex," she comments, her voice taking on an airy tone. "It's not the first time we've had to give a cover story."
Alex nods again before rising to her feet. "Right, right. Okay, I'm gonna go home to the missus, and you two can work on your cover story."
Kara's just about to get up when Alex stops her. "You stay put, I'll let myself out. Have your story figured out by brunch this weekend. Sound good?"
She and Kara glance at one another before returning their focus on Alex. With her free hand, she offers a mock salute just as Kara nods up at her sister.
When Alex shuts the door behind her and leaves the two of them still on the couch, it's Kara who breaks first, tugging at Lena's arm from behind her so she can perch it around Kara's shoulder, their fingers tangled by Kara's bicep, before slumping further down on the couch with a loud exhale. She rests her head on Lena's shoulder, and Lena places a soft kiss on the crown of her head.
"You know, she used to be so much better at lying. Like I didn't even know she worked for a shadow government organization."
Lena chuckles, despite herself, and pulls Kara closer to her. "She was laying it on rather thick, I thought."
Kara tilts her head up, her ear resting on Lena's shoulder as their faces sit only a few short inches apart.
"Good work on the pouting, though. I think you really sold it."
The sleepy smile on Kara's face widens into a proud one. "You like that? I was really considering the waterworks but I think I would have given it away if I did."
"Mm, probably."
"You're a little actress yourself, Luthor," Kara comments with barely contained laughter. "Better safe than sorry. Pfft. You were practically having Alex eat out of the palm of your hands with how much you were agreeing with her. So devious."
"If there's anything Lex ever taught me, it's having the theatrical range."
Kara snorts before shuffling to sit back up. "How mad do you think Alex will be when she finds out that we're already dating?"
Lena shrugs, thinking about all of Alex's possible reactions. "Oh, I'm sure she'll never let you live it down."
"Us, babe," Kara says, leaning forward, the tips of their noses brushing with each other. "She'll never let us live it down."
"She shouldn't assume then," Lena answers before closing the remaining gap between them. Their lips slotting perfectly in place pressed against each other. It's still new, this feeling, but Lena thinks that she'll never tire of it.
Her breath hitches when she feels Kara's strong hand release her fingers only to grip her nape, followed by the smirk she knows is on Kara's lips.
"Wanna figure out our cover story in bed?"
She raises a brow, but Kara just shrugs. "So is that a no?"
Lena rolls her eyes before wrapping her arms around Kara's neck as Kara carries her towards the bed.
"I was thinking we tell people it was love at first sight," Kara muses.
Lena throws her head back in laughter, just in time for Kara to place a kiss on the hollow of her throat. She thinks love at first sight is not too far from the truth at all, and didn't Alex say the closer it is to the truth, the better?
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anxious-witch · 3 days
Okay, so this is likely be long so buckle up. Let's talk about how the height and position of characters affects the story and shows us where they are emotionally or in regards to characters they interact with.
This is the most prominent with three characters, which are Edwin, Charles and the Cat King. But! I will do my best to touch upon the rest as well if anyone finds this interesting.
Considering I briefly touched upon how Charles and his dad have a similar hunched stance, let's start with Charles.
Also TW for talk of abuse and violence, since I do touch upon his relationship with his dad and abuse in general.
Charles is fascinating because he is one character that seems to constantly make himself smaller, either on the same level as the other character he is next to, or sometimes even make himself smaller than them.
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This is especially visible next to Edwin, who always holds himself perfect straight and poised. Even in the above picture, where he is slightly leaning back for the dramatic effect, Charles is still hunched down more. With Crystal, yes, he is generally taller, but anytime he can, he does his best to lean down so they are on the eye-level.
This has dual purpose-both because Charles wants to be as non threatning as possible and because he often tries to sympathize with people, to quite literally understand their point of view.
Charles is the tallest character in the series, which I think has a weight on it's own. At first, I was under the impression Edwin was taller, bc of Charles' hunching, but Charled is just slightly taller. He is a protector, he is a brawn, and he tries his best to make himself as small as possible.
We also see that in scenes where he is "beanth" the person he is interacting with, usually happens when is emotionally distressed and/or feels powerless in a situation
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The first time it happens in Devlin's house, when he is sitting on the stairs while Edwin and Crystal are standing. This is also right before he snaps and tries to hit the murderous father of the family, actively showing the turmoil he has been going through. Because that's what Charles does. He can't stand being helpless. His feeling below the problems he is facing is symbolized through him sitting on the stairs and he can't stand it any longer so he acts, quite rashly, just to disperse that feeling.
But then, what happens? He gets knocked to the floor, even lower than he was before. And he remains there, frozen.
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Stuck in a loop of feeling helpless while being on the stairs, trying to take action and being knocked down even lower. What a metaphor for being stuck in an abusive loophole! Feeling like any time you try to stand up for yourself, any time you try to take action to not feel so helpless, you get into an even worse position. And then, in the end, it's Edwin and Crystal who have to help him out of the loop and who help him back on his feet.
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We see him again in a position where amother character is not only above him, but actively lookming over him in a scene with his dad. Moreso, this is one instance where Charles doesn't take this position willingly, but rather, his dad literally knocks him down to the floor and starts beating him.
I think it's also sooo interesting how Charles' mom and the Night Nurse are positioned here. The Night Nurse stands above both Charles and his dad, all prim and proper. Completely unfeeling and separate from the whole picture.
Meanwhile, Charles' mom is above all of them, barely seen in the doorway, but still watching and she is crying. And while I know Charles loves his mom and understands she was likely also abused, I do wonder if this represents his view on both his parents. His dad, who is close but hurts him, who Charles would be on the same level with, if he wasn't constabtly knocked down. And his mom, who is above all that, almost like some sort of holy figure, but still suffering on Charles behaf.
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Third time I noticed Charles being in a position where someone is above him was in a scene where Crystal is packing to go back to London, after getting her memories back.
Charles feels both emotionally vulnerable and helpless to stop her. Because he wants her to do what's best for her, but he also clearly doesn't want her to leave. The important part is that here, despite his clear emotional turmoil, Charles doesn't react directly. I believe he offers her his help, to come with her, but he doesn't insist. Which is a big change to the previous instance where we seem him in such position.
I am sure there are more scenes like these, these are just the ones I noticed. But! Shall we look at when does Charles stand full upright and shows how tall he really is?
Spoiler-When he is feelings brave
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Framing is also very important and very deliberate. I'll touch more on this in Edwin's analysis, but you'll notice how most of the time, Edwin is always framed as the taller and biggest, either by height or because he is the closest to the camera. But no in the scene where he and Charles talk about Edwin's supposed feelings about Monty. No-it's Charles who is closer to the camera, because Edwin is the one being emotionally vulnerable. Charles holds the power to either lift up or crush Edwin here. And he is very aware of it.
And fulled by that power, by the fact Edwin opened up to him, Charles stands up tall. And when he reaches Edwin, they are practically the same height. Perfectly balanced, in the wake of Charles' acceptance.
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In the scene with the Night Nurse, we see Charles practically flaunting his height. Which is in line with him essentially telling her to take him, but to leave Edwin alone. The point is, not only is he fully showing off his power and consciously or not, trying to intimidate the Night Nurse, but he is also shielding Edwin that way. Look at me, not him. I am the one you should feel threatened by, not him.
And of course. Of course. One scene, where Charles is actively above someone else, where he is higher, both in height and positioning?
In hell, during, Edwin's confession.
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In an interview from the actors in this post, they actually touched upon this scene and how Charles being above Edwin on the starway was intentional, because Edwin is feeling very emotionally vulnerable.
He is in an submissive position(do not make the sex joke) to Charles here. He is opening himself up for a rejection and Charles is the one with all the power here. Which in and off itself is powerful, but for Charles? The character who constantly shrinks himself down as not to make anyone uncomfortable and threatened, who constantly gets knocked down in a fight by others?
Charles is terrified of being in a more powerful position due to his dad, because what if he turns out to be the same when he is in such a position?
But instead, he uses that power to be kind. He can't return Edwin's feelings, but he can reassure him he cares for him and that they have time to figure this out. And that is what turns Charles' shirt red again. Not only the fact that he is loved, despite all his flaws, but also the fact that proved to himself that he would never knock down the person being vulnerable, even when he hold all the power.
I exceeded picture limit on mobile, but in a scene on the rooftop wjere Edwin tries to apologize if him confessing created any tension between them and Charles reassure him that it did not, they are on the same height again.
Charles is sitting on an wall, so he is elevated, but he all curled up, so he comes on around the same hight as Edwin who is standing. Equals, once again, despite completely different stances.
I believe that's all I have to say on the topic of Charles in this context, lmk if I forgot smth or if anyone has anything to add, I love hearing other ppl's takes too!
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liyawritesss · 16 hours
ʟᴏᴠɪɴɢ ᴋᴇɴᴊɪ ꜱᴀᴛᴏ ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ ɪɴᴄʟᴜᴅᴇ...
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-> synopsis: what would life be like to love the worlds baseball darling and secret superhero Ultraman, Kenji Sato?
-> pairing: kenji sato + black!gn!reader
-> from: ultraman: rising
-> contains: pure fluff, gender neutral, mentions of emiko and emi, 2nd person ('you', 'your', 'yours')
-> a/n: these animators need to stop making these kid movies with fine ass main characters bc whyyyyyyy is he so cute??? why do i wanna baby him in my arms and tell him everything will be okay? LET THIS MAN KNOW PEACE PLEASE!!!
-> join my taglist!
-> tags: @badass-dora-milaje @uranometrias @lees-chaotic-brain @jacuzziwaters
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Kenji Sato who loves loves loooooovveeesss those subliminal couples pictures. The ‘private but not secret’ ones. They’re so aesthetically pleasing to him and they allow him to show you off to the world while still maintaining an air of privacy that he cherishes deeply from the media. Kenji is proud to call you his, and wants to show that in all ways possible.
Kenji Sato who is heavy on the couples jewelry. He’s already got a couple of notable pieces in his collection beforehand, and they only expand when you come into his life. In fact, the speculations of his love life come from the fact that people were noticing that he was wearing pieces from brands that were specifically designed for couples. Of course, when asked about it, he never goes into depth about it, and just recites how he thinks they look nice on him…and on someone else.
Kenji Sato who introduces you to his mom only after he’s sure that he wants to be serious with you. I have a feeling Emiko is the type of mom to get attached to their child’s partner in the sense of already viewing them as part of the family very early on, and Kenji wouldn’t want to get her hopes up if something were to happen - he can’t stand to see his mom upset. But when he does introduce you to his mom, you two become the best of friends! So definitely expect to be sent on girls day adventures by Kenji, cuz he’ll definitely be treating the two most important women in his life like royalty.
Kenji Sato who requires a lot of patience to deal - I mean, the man has a lot going on. Being the number one baseball player in the world, saving Japan from threats as Ultraman, and caring for the large kaiju baby Emi is more than a lot on anyone's plate. Kenji’s gonna need someone to understand that his schedule is never solid, and plans may fall through from time to time, and thats not because he’s not trying, but it’s because spontaneity runs his life and things can change at the drop of a hat, out of his control. It’s not the life he asked for, but it’s one he must take on.
Kenji Sato who doesn't exactly know how to bring up the topic of him being Ultraman, much less about Emi, early on in the relationship. I mean, how often do you tell someone that you're Japan's legendary hundred-foot tall superhero or that you're the surrogate parent to a twenty foot tall baby dragon kaiju? As much planning that he does on telling you, it ultimately happens in the worse way possible - you end up finding him mid-transition with Emi in tow...now that's gonna be an interesting story to tell. Spoiler: you stay with him, but now he's subjected to jokes about how is ego isn't the only thing that blows up to an enormous degree.
Kenji Sato who appreciates a partner that can not only deal with spontaneity, but is also rather spontaneous themselves. Surprise dates, random gifts, adventurous propositions out of the blue, I think those kind of things are right up his alley. He’s learned to live life in the moment and to the fullest, because it can be taken from you within an instant, and he wants to cherish every moment he has with you.
Kenji Sato who would spend his money on you religiously. He’ll sit in the dressing room with you as you try on armfuls of clothes, only to hand you his credit card at the end of the haul with a kiss to your temple, encouraging you to buy it all if you desire. And don't let you look at something too long in a display window, because he will have it shipped to your address in two business days. Endless trips post-baseball season in secluded locations so that the two of you can optimize the privacy you desperately crave.
Kenji Sato who’s a little bashful and nervous in the beginning, but eases into the relationship as time goes on. He doesn’t wanna mess up something so good that he has going on. Opening up takes some time, as he’s got some high walls that are hard to climb, but once you do get him to open up and bare his heart to you, don’t take it for granted. He doesn't do this to everyone, only the people he feels will truly return the care and compassion he has - so don’t prove him wrong.
Kenji Sato who seeks your comfort in the middle of the night when sleep evades him, leaving him restless and anxious. Most times, its about his mom and her disappearance, a mystery that's never left his mind. If you don't wake up to find him sitting up in bed deep in thought, or trying to tire himself out in a simulation, he finds comfort in just cuddling you, admiring your sleeping form, and talks about the most random things until the sun begins to peak over the horizon.
Kenji Sato who’s sort of in between the serious lover and the playful lover - he’s maturing in his emotions and how to deal with his past, learning how to communicate better and express himself healthily. Simultaneously, he’s a goofball and a jokester reliving a bit of his childhood in his love with you. Playful banter, jokes and teasing are equally as present as the late night talks and the deep conversations the two of you share.
Kenji Sato who tucks the chain that has his promise ring on it close to his chest, and on game days, rubs his thumb over the gold band for comfort and assurance before he heads up to bat. During championships, he'll ask you to kiss it for good luck, and when he wins, he of course accredits it to you being his 'good luck charm'.
Kenji Sato who loves deeply and fervently, with compassion and the entirety of his heart, who will do his duty and love you unconditionally an proudly while shielding you from the cruel and prying eyes of the public, letting you know time and time again that it will always be you he chooses, no matter what.
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horse girl charlie morningstar, her partner in a cool hat and eye patch vaggie, and the Hazbin Horse Rehabilitation Ranch- where shit people are introduced to horses no one else wants and hopefully no one get trampled to death (niffty this means YOU)
other key features include
vaggie riding a small working horse and ppl keep calling it a pony and she keeps telling them It's Not A Fucking Pony
charlie and her beloved mule, who never listens to her
angel dust wanting to learn dressage bc it looks like "fancy sexy riding" and also he was banned from mentioning the words "bare back" or "bucking bronco"
husk constantly found drunk and asleep in his horse's stall while said horse nuzzles him
niffty obsessing over grooming all the horses down to their individual hairs, yes even the bad tempered horses, yes she likes it when they shmoosh her against a wall or step on her foot
alastor looking calm collected and in control on his horse as he wanders off from the group and never participates in activities bc his horse won't listen to him either and he's too proud to admit it
sir pentious keeps trying to make his horse look and preform the best using his own new designs for tack and gear and it always backfires but he's the go-to one if your saddle needs adjusting or fixing
his egg boiz are a flock of chickens
his horse keeps eating the chickens' eggs and he keeps crying over it, even when charlie tells him they wouldn't have hatched into chicks anyway
lucifer lives in a shack somewhere around here with his collection of customized my little pony brushible toys
the locals in the nearest town still talk about lilith's incredible horse whispering skills before she up and vanished
charlie gushes about these stories a LOT but laughs nervously if asked about her own way with horses
she tries.
her way of making sudden loud squees and eeeks and excited yells and wild energetic movements doesn't fit well with most of the horses
she also slips up and gets flaming mad at anything that threatens her family's ranch or anyone who mistreats a horse
angry charlie is Scary Charlie
her mule doesn't care tho it knows she's a pushover treat giver
when vaggie first figured out what was happening she spent weeks with her own horse slowly getting it used to all sorts of weird charlie-related things, including stealing charlie's jacket a few times to flap it wildly while chasing her horse around the paddock singing loud show tunes
vaggie's horse is the only one that'll let charlie ride it without being a nervous wreck
charlie maybe cried a little when she went for that first ride
vaggie has a shot gun
she spends a lot of time checking on things riding far out and alone and keeps the gun with her just in case
she's never actually threatened any of their human boarders with the shot gun but she does have an unnerving tendency to check and clean it whenever she's pissed and trying to keep some shred of her patience intact
every week there's at least one night set aside for an evening dance after dinner and yes chaggie was doing it long before any other ppl showed up
valentino showed up once and charlie chased him off the premises with vaggie's shotgun
the ranch used to have a television
now it has a radio tower
no one except alastor is happy about it but his radio commercial revenue is paying for most of this so they all keep mostly quiet about their grumbling and record voice lines for ads when he looms over them with a script
vaggie swears the time she shot out the radio tower's windows while arguing with alastor over her and charlie's voice lines was a complete accident
razzle and dazzle are ranch dogs who keep track of the horses when they're out grazing and both are COMPLETELY in tune with charlie, been with her since childhood, the three can basically read each others' minds and watching them all work together is like watching magic
(vaggie also knows how to work with them but has to use more obvious signals instead of just tiny changes in body language)
vaggie keeps trying to gently remind charlie there are events for dog handling she could enter in
but the ranch was lilith's passion and rehabilitating rejected horses her dream and charlie is not not giving up on that OR on the rejected people her mom always was so proud of and charlie is NOT letting herself think for one moment that her mom isn't coming home
speaking of coming home
chaggie met when charlie was out riding after a storm looking for a lost horse and found it staring curiously down at a half dead lady lying in a ditch with a freshly gouged out eye and burns on her back
the half dead lady claimed she shot out her own eye by accident and got hit by lightning
or maybe fell asleep on a campfire uhh
charlie was way too busy figuring out normal social interactions again and also how to patch up a pretty lady without being a complete fool about it to question vaggie's super realistic tale
vaggie was planning on staying just long enough to get on her feet again- especially after she started catching feelings watching charlie being sweet with all the stubborn horsies- and seeing how much charlie was struggling with the ranch without having someone else to look after
she was even gonna steal a horse on the way out
and got caught by charlie in the act
charlie just smiled sadly, told vaggie she was glad she wasn't heading off alone, told vaggie's horse to take care of her, and then went back to the daily chores
vaggie caught up with her an hour later
she'd had to properly put her horse away and get breakfast started first, for after they've finished up the morning stuff
they've been running the ranch together ever since
keekee the cat is the actual boss on the ranch and got her name from how doors always open for her (bc she bothers whoever's around until they drop what they're doing to obey her)
cherri bomb stops by once just to laugh at angel dust and ignore pentious but ends up being the only one who figures out why the new horse is spooking at everything- it's got hearing loss, and she's got it too from doing endless unlicensed fireworks shows, and she's totally just sticking around until the horse gets used to things here. totally
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flowersdiceandlove · 23 hours
Headcanon that WWX always wanted a family. Like this was not only his biggest dream while he grew up, but also could literally not imagine his life otherwise. He’s a romantic and always used to daydream about having a wife and kids. That one of the reasons that it took him so long to figure out his sexuality and feelings for LWJ is bc of this bc he always thought that you have to have a wife in order to have kids. You have to get married and be husband and wife to have children. Obvi he knows that people have kids out of wedlock and cheat, but he can’t imagine himself doing that. He wouldn’t disrespect a woman by taking her virginity before they were married or let her be shamed by having a baby out of wedlock. He never thinks to solidly on the who his wife might be and it stays a distant fantasy. 1) bc he’s in love w/ LWJ and can’t actually imagine himself w/ anyone else even if he doesn’t realize his feelings. 2) bc he thinks that whatever wife and kids he does have will be bullied by Madam Yu and (even if he doesn’t think of it for himself) he doesn’t want to subject an innocent woman and child to such treatment.
On the same note, I also headcanon that he wants A LOT of kids. He wants a really big family. He wants bio kids w/ his wife if they’re able (he knows fertility issues are real and wouldn’t pressure or fault her if they can’t conceive) but he also wants to adopt. Like adopting is a dealbreaker for him. His wife has to be able to love any adopted kids as much as bio kids. He feels like this may be a dealbreaker for a lot of women bc of all the pressures of bloodline and blood related family. The reason I headcanon this is bc since his parents died when he was so young and the Jiang took him in, he never really had a family he could call his own. (Your own feelings on the Jiang family aside there is no way he was actually allowed to call them his family or siblings growing up) All he wants is a family he can be a part of and call his family, not just reading between the lines. And the reason he wants to adopt is bc he lived on the streets for years before JFM took him in. He knows what that’s like and he wants to help any child he can if he has the resources to care for them. So his solution is to adopt them and give them the family he always wanted.
And I ALSO headcanon that when he was like 13ish, Madam Yu gathered all the male disciples around that age gave them a serious talking to about having sex before marriage (this is where he gets most of his ideas about not disrespecting a woman and shaming her by having sex before marriage since that’s how Madam Yu words it). It’s terrifying bc Madam Yu is terrifying and she was threatening them with Zidian and the discipline whip should they ever bring shame to their clan in such a way. (She’s extra harsh bc of her feelings about JGS and how he treats her sworn sister) Along w/ the fear inducing lecture, she arranges for all the boys to work in an orphanage/Jiang Clan nursery/something for like a week or a month so they can see how much work babies and kids are. AND (this is my fav part of this headcanon) WWX ends up LOVING IT!!! He cannot get enough of this kid and baby thing. It totally backfires on Madam Yu bc while all the other boys are very put off of fooling around for fear of knocking a girl up and ending up w/ a baby, WWX is totally starstruck thinking about his future kids. Even after the mandated time that Madam Yu made them work there for, WWX keeps going back to play w/ the kids and help out. It gets to the point that Madam Yu ends up punishing him for spending too much time there instead of training. But he just loves taking care of kids so much that he keeps sneaking (that’s right sneaking) out to do that. She ends up needing to literally ban him from those places, but he sneaks in anyway since he loves it so much. The people who are supposed to be the ones turning him away just turn a blind eye and don’t tell Madam Yu bc 1) WWX and the kids/babies both love it so much. And 2) they really need the help, so why would they turn away another set of hands? Especially when that other set of hands is just so good with them? As such, WWX is great at caring for kids and not just entertaining them. He never turns away from a dirty diaper or sick kid. He’ll clean up as much kid mess as you need him too. (This is even more true after the whole demonic cultivation thing bc after that he has seen far more gross and nauseating things than in his youth)
That’s all I have on this for now, but I think I still have enough ideas to make another post. Let me know if you want me to continue this.
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hotvampireadjacent · 16 hours
I was listening to. A podcast talking about the black panthers and black culture. And one of the hosts was talking about a story about how a famous hip hop guy got raided by the police and that’s why he wrote his fuck the police song….. and that makes sense but. Idk. Thinking about it that way. It’s comforting to know I’m not alone. My house being raided by police was the most traumatizing thing to ever happen to me- and they were nicer to my family bc my dad is white and we’re in the suburbs.
Idk that was such a black star on my life it felt so isolating like im the only one it happened to. I know im not but. Like no one I know can relate. I don’t want it to happen to anyone but it’s nice to know im not alone in experiencing police violence. They threatened to kill my cat.
My hatred of the police is very personal and I want every pig to kill themself. I’ll never forget what they did to me and my family over the years.
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hxad-ovxr-hxart · 2 days
You Are Not Alone
Summary: Bastogne took a lot out of everyone, thankfully Eugene Roe is an angel among men, and someone of whom you cant help but love
Pairing: Eugene Roe x Nurse!Reader (implied female/feminine character in video, not in writing!)
Warnings: mentions of canon typical violence, Bastogne😢, a few swear words, my poor baby Gene being sad, (let me know if i need to add anything!)
a/n: hi @thicccqueyoongimin! I am your HBO summer exchanger for @hbowardaily's hbowar 2024 summer exchange! I had a lot of fun working on this and I apologize that I wasn't posted sooner but my dog got sprayed by a skunk twice and I'm currently writing this on my phone in the library bc most of my towns Internet is down 😂 you said angst and you said Eugene Roe and I went for it so I hope you like it!! (I also low key listened to High School Lover on repeat writing this tehe)
this is based on the actors in the show Band of Brothers, not the real men who served
Being a nurse in what you could only imagine to be the coldest place in the world was something you had never planned for yourself, yet here you are bloodied and bruised, hands full of dog tags that will never belong to their owners again. And as hard as you tried to scrub the blood from your fingernails and the memories from your mind that twisted their way into your subconscious, a nasty reminder that there is nothing fair about war, you couldn't. Because nothing could ever be fair in war.
Nothing besides Eugene Gilbert Roe, the kindest, fairest, simplest man you had met in this unforgiving, frozen wasteland. Love was not meant for war, but when Eugene was noting short of an angel, it was hard to deny it. As soon as he had arrived, asking for help on the front lines, speaking to Renee, he was gone. Bastogne long forgotten as they continued their push into enemy territory, doing lord knows what to stay alive. But before he had departed after returning due to word of the make shift hospital being blown to pieces, he told you to write him. And so you did. You wrote him as much as time permitted, though his letters became fewer in number until they stopped arriving, your worst fear etched deep into your mind. But in one of your last, you told him your address, in case you ever got to make it back to the United States, you wanted him to know he was welcome to visit.
And then you cried. Your cried when you heard the war was over, you cried when you were relieved of your nursing duties. But you most of all cried during those nights that were too quiet, too peaceful, thinking of Eugene Roe, man's angel. You mourned, regardless if he be dead, for he had seen too much to atwastbnit be fully alive anymore, not really. You mourned his family who would see a different man emerge from the train that takes him to Louisiana, a place he talked of often.
Nearly a year later, you're sitting in your mother's living room, the house seemingly a lot emptier without all of your knickknacks laying about, now cluttering your own place instead. It's nearing sun down when a knock comes at your door, your brother answering, his limp prominent from his war time injury, and in walks a man you thought dead.
Eugene Roe, man's angel, a live reminder that there is still kindness in the world, standing in front of you, hat in hand. "You're here."
Your words, barely above a whisper as he takes three full strides, enclosing you in the arms that had saved so many lives, now holding yours. "I'm here," he confirms. "I'm here."
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ganondoodle · 3 days
(elden ring DLC spoilers)
i fucking love Radahn so much, what i wouldnt give to meet ACTUAL him, he just gets toyed with and exploited so cruelly, you never really get to know him or what he wants im hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh so normal :)
like i know theres little to go by with typical fromsoft lore and stuff but agreeing to marry miquelly feels so ... not radahn like, why would he have fought malenia and then even after gettign the rot refuse to die if he wanted that .... also didnt he believe in the golden order?? miquella wanted to replace it basically????-
even his 'new' design feels like some idealized version of him that miquella dreamed up, theres significant differences in whats left of radahn in the main game and i feel like even that is an important detail (the braids ... i braids are IMPORTANT IM TELLING YOU-) like it .... to some degrees looks ..almost cheap, like an action figure (what the hell are all those sword things on his belt?? he has his two giant blades that dont go in that??? he would never use a different one?? whats it doing here??) (also the fact that leonard is missing .... like sure we like to over emphasize some character quirks but i also feel like thats and important thing- leonard clearly meant alot to him and he had him still with him when he was fighting malenia and stayed together even after rotting away)
what really REALLY makes me so very "normal" about everything is that radahn remains voiceless and has no say in anythign the entire time we meet him, hes either a zombie or a literally flesh puppet constructed by his own half brother (out of another family member, which clearly shows bc hes using blood magic and got horns growing)- aside from very few quotes on some items we never get to know him, we dont know what he wanted, he gets dragged into this and is then like some animated statue, theres no emotion in his face, even less sound he makes when fighting, even, in my opinion, his animation in the final DLC fight seem OFF to me- it looks stiff how hes moving whenever hes not actively attacking
(also miquella and what he wants is constantly talked about, but while its all about radahn in a way . we never hear anything from radahns side, its never even questioned. as far as i know, like !!!!! argh!!!)
(edit: also also the fact that in this puppet version of the design changes arent just the armor, his skin is different color too, even in the trailer when he fights malenia- BEFORE the rot- he seemed sort of ashy- greyish dark, even if hard to tell with color tint- his hair much longer in og now much shorter and in braids, his armor less practical and more show offy, he doesnt have a bow, even his swords look different, AND MOST IMPORTANTLY his weird anatomy he seems to have in og that i think is from renalla is gone too- AND yes i know his body is constructed from moghs there- which makes this all so much worse bc almost all that was him is stripped away and twisted into what miquella wants from him, second phase its almost all light attacks tooo- ok im stopping this now)
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purplecherries · 3 days
Things that Happen in my Mystreet Rewrite that just make sense…✨
First of all, Laurance did not discover where Aphmau lived and decided they should move in across the street (bc holy shit that’s creepy). They had already lived across the street and told Aphmau, Katelyn, and Nana about the listing. They agreed bc it was closer to wear they all worked.
Aphmau works as an editor at a publishing company, Katelyn is a teaching assistant going back to college, and Nana is a waitress/baker at a popular bistro in the city.
Garroth and Laurance are very much still in love with her but Aphmau really just doesn’t notice.
Aphmau is an aspiring author writing a fantasy novel. She will get anyone and everyone to look over chapters and read them (Nana is a current victim of this)
Speaking of Nana I’d like to start her backstory early. We’d meet some of her siblings and we’ll see her ignoring calls from her parents. The secret is that the Ashida’s are a crazy rich family and Nana wanted to make a name for herself without the Ashida name. So much so that she started going by K.C. instead of the matriarch grandmother’s name she shares with her.
Nana is a chronic overworker, she’s so sweet but she does not know how to take a break.
Katelyn is the pseudo mother to her 3 brothers (Kacey, Kaden, and Kenneth.) She will call them to make sure they are alright as well as her father, who assures her that she can live her life without worrying about them so much.
Since there are a LOT of love potion hijinks in the series, the neighborhood play they put on will be A Midsummer Night’s Dream.
In that arc, the relationships of Garroth, Laurance, and Aphmau will be explored, but also the drama of Nicole, Dante, and Nana.
Zane is more of a businessman with the whole suit and everything. He can talk great business but never make him form actual connections with people bc he has no clue how to do that.
Aphmau and him do still become very good friends and they stay like that for the rest of the series.
Travis is just some very awkward guy who makes up for it with a lot of confidence. If someone flirts back he starts to silently panic.
Most of the relationships like Garlaurmau/Zana/Travlyn will be slow burns in their own way. At the end of the first “season” Aphmau will open up to the idea of dating them both.
Man I didn’t realize how much I rewrote until I typed this out lol
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slutshamethesquirrels · 17 hours
Slow It Down, Cowboy - The Director's Cut
hi there sweet readers!! if you've found this post, chances are you've just finished reading the "Slow It Down, Cowboy" AU, a project that the lovely @vallification joined me in spearheading over the course of the past week or so!
If you have somehow managed to stumble upon this post before you found the works, fret not!
"Slow It Down, Cowboy" is the title (inspired by a song of the same name by the lovely Anna Bates) of our little labor of love, an AU based in roughly 1870's America (we did our best but it probably is a lil historically inaccurate, so don't judge us too harshly!).
Here you can read "All The Sweet Tea In Carolina"
(outlaw!geto x reader) (title inspired by: All The Sweet Tea by Denitia)
Here you can read "In My Heart You Pay No Rent"
(outlaw!gojo x reader) (title inspired by: Pay No Rent by Turnpike Troubadours)
A retrospective look at "Slow It Down, Cowboy"
wow. just wow, what a long, wild ride this has been! /pos
"Slow It Down, Cowboy" started as something inconsequential for me. A silly little one shot idea that I off-handedly mentioned to Val, which she loved. I mentioned one "Six Eyes Satoru Gojo" in my writings, and Val absolutely fell in love with the idea of him. She asked if she could write a one shot, just for herself, and before long we were making plans for what may possibly be my favorite fanfic project to date.
I want to make something very clear: CowBoy!JJK is nothing new. You can search it up and find thousands upon thousands of fanworks based around the idea. We are not the first, and we will not be the last.
However, I do think my lovely second brain, Val, and I bring something unique to the table: we are both from the bible belt. Val reigns from Texas and I from the southernmost Appalachian Mountains in North Carolina. Both of us were raised on farms!!
Speaking of Val, We Have A Little Word From Her:
HELLO!!! It’s Val now hehe. I’m gonna keep this as short and sweet as I possibly can, but if you have read anything of what I’ve written you’ll know it’s TERRIBLY hard for me to shut my trap. This entire AU has been such a whirlwind! It’s not often that you find someone who loves where they come from just as much as you do, and it’s less often still when you hail from southern/southwestern states. To be able to mix my favorite characters, my love for writing, and my love for my home into one AU has been so incredible, so exhilarating, and most of all so rewarding. I really have made a great friend through all of this, one that I’m EXTREMELY grateful for, as well as two great works of writing that I will think about FOREVER.
Through this AU, we were able to connect and share our cultures, and explore how they were similar and so, so different. We talked music and shared pictures of our respective birth places it was INCREDIBLE!! Of course, Val chose to set her story out in the developing west, where she's from and I absolutely JUMPED at the chance to be able to write something set in the south eastern mountains, the place that I have known was my home since before I could comprehend what home was supposed to be.
Although unintentional, it is not lost on me how our stories sort of ended up being shaped by the setting, with Vals centering around themes of discovery, exploration, and excitement, and mine containing themes of tradition, expectations, and strong familial bonds that transcend such. (and, of course, a splash of religious bullshittery bc who am i as a writer? yall already know)
To get a little feel for Val's culture, you can listen to this playlist!
And if Appalachia is more your vibe, lean your ears to this!
I also wanted to say that I waterboarded Val and forced her to watch Young Guns (for research,ofc. not because it's my favorite movie at ALL)
Anyway she said it's the best movie she's ever seen (no she didnt but she did like it)
Is this too sentimental for two smutty jjk one shots? Y e s but I simply cannot care. This project became more important to me than probably anything I've ever written. I made a friend that I hope to keep for a long time and was able to somehow fall even more in love with these hills <3 I may cry on my next drive to work when I overlook the valley, I'm not gonna lie.
Funny Moments From Behind The Scenes
oh god, there were so many, but the trump card of all has to be that I posted a tiktok PURELY because you cannot send videos via tumblr dms and I wanted to show Val. Please tell me why at the time of writing this, it's currently sitting at 215K views, 37k likes, 600 comments, and 4,200 saves?????? and the comments are hilarious. this one is my favorite:
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also, during editing, val deffo discovered my weakness:
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also, i cannot TELL YALL how stressed we were! this project was truly so SO important to us!
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also, this:
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roseworth · 2 days
do you have a Batfam skill ranking? or a favorite character skill ranking👀👀
i cant do a fav character skill ranking because ill immediately get overwhelmed. but i love controversy so i can absolutely skill rank batfam
from most to least skilled (also disclaimer that power scaling discussions in comics mean nothing because whoever is most skilled is entirely based on what the writer wants. but in this case im in charge)
and my explanation is under the cut <3
cass: this one should be obvious. if this isnt obvious to you you should stop what youre doing and read batgirl 2000 right now. i could argue shes the best fighter in the entire dcu so shes clearly the best fighter in the batfam
bruce: sorry to be a toxic batman fan but i stand by the tried and true adage "Batman Solos With Prep Time." his entire deal is that he's spent most of his life training to become a perfect fighter. he could never beat cass but hes extremely skilled
jason: his whole deal in lost days was that he wanted all the training batman had and he kinda put his pussy into getting it done for like 3 years. he is an extremely competent fighter and he gets Talia's Son Privilege because she gets him the best training available and he is serious about it. bruce is more skilled mostly for the fact that he has more experience and more training but jason is still a strong contender
damian: league of assassins training. id say its safe to assume he has a lot of the same training that bruce and jason have, not to mention he also gets Talia's Son Privilege bc my girl is not letting any of her kids have subpar training <3 hes lower than bruce and jason because once again he just has less experience than them, but hes still one of the best fighters in the family
duke: read batman and the signal im so serious. he caught a knife in midair. he turns invisible. i havent read future state but someone told me that hes one of the best fighters in the future and i believe them. the only reason hes not higher on this list is that cass bruce jason and damian are so skilled that i dont think duke's powers give him an advantage over them, but hes definitely one of the most skilled in the batfam
dick: hes a good fighter and he knows what hes doing, plus he has like 20+ years of experience atp (i actually dont know how old he's supposed to be in canon rn but im a mid-30s dick truther). but i simply do not believe hes in the top half of fighters in the batfam. hes good but many of them are just better sorry!
babs: it is so hard for me to put her so low im sorry babs. as batgirl and as oracle shes a great fighter but shes just not one of the best :( if i was only talking about her as batgirl she'd probably be much lower but as oracle shes redeeming herself. in oracle: year one she trains a Lot and is a fantastic fighter, plus if you read bop she is constantly winning fights <3 shes not above dick just because her main training is in escrima which is. exactly what dick uses. so hes more skilled but shes not far behind him
tim: hes not really exceptionally skilled at fighting. he has the basic Bat Training and hes a good fighter but hes not any better than anyone else in the batfam (besides steph). theres not really any skill that i can think of that hes better at than the others so he has to be ranked low. he has as much training as everyone else but theyre all just better
steph: IM SO SORRY STEPHIE...... but in terms of fighting skills she just isnt above any of the other bats. shes much less trained than everyone else so shes not more skilled than anyone else. shes more skilled than the average person but much less skilled than the average bat. one of the reasons i love batgirl 2009 is that shes a failgirl and i love that for her. let women fuck everything up all the time
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jeons-catalyst · 1 day
ok to start, i agree with not using third parties to validate a ship!
however some of what anon said didn't make sense for what their argument was....
I said a long time ago when jkk said Polyc knows about JIkook cause he has their names tattooed on him and he keeps showing it off, to stop using it as proof he is giving signs.
yes it's not a sign that jikook are dating, but i would say it shows he's (or was) close with jk and jimin, unless he also has other members' names tattooed on him, that is the most i'd take from it!
Now he is apparently tattooing that cult sign on tkk and posting it to his IG with the caption VK and green and purple hearts and then deleted it and now they think he was saying tk is real and only deleted it for backlash. Like he deleted that tk fanart cause they were saying he was validating their ship, after he was harassed by them. Just like he reblogs Jkk all the time.
this is weird af 😭
it pisses me off that jk has another supposably trusted friend and tattoo artist be weird and potentially ruin their friendship
benefit of the doubt, maybe he thought this person was tae and jk biased...
Same for Jk's brother letting a JIkook tag in is not validation, neither is reposting a song Tae said Jk shared with him.
not proof ofc, but it's interesting he got rid of all the wild shit (including fcking p*rn....) tkkers (and other shippers) tagged him in and allowed a sweet drawing of jikook with bam
how is him posting a song jk recommended proving tk???
it's his brother 😭
just as jk shared it with tae, he could have shared it with his brother
Neither is he saying Jikook is real by posting a hand that looks like Jimin's.
again not proof, but if it was jimin it proves (1) jk and jimin hang out more than we are shown (2) jk's family likes jimin (we knew this bc of jk's brother liking jimin and jikook art, jk's dad and brother (jimin's dad too!) taking jikook to the airport for tokyo (2017), jk's mom making seaweed soup for jimin's birthday, and jk's mom yelling "jimin, i love you!" when talking on the phone with him, but it's important imo bc of how this fandom and tkkers like to say jk doesn't like jimin or jimin harasses jk... bc why tf would jk's family be this loving and nice to someone who "hurts" jk????)
Trying to say now they hear Tae on JK's brothers IG.
that's them being insane bc there were clearly only TWO voices (jk and his brother) on that video
and how is that jk's brother's fault lmao 😭😭
Hey anon,
I also agree with the points you brought up but i think what the previous anon meant was that pple shouldn’t use those things as proof of a ship because believe it or not, some people do. So i think you and the previous anon are saying the same thing, they just didn’t go into as much detail as you have.
Also, i don’t see how polyc posting a VK tattoo he made is an issue, that is his job and I mean there might be taekook biased fans who are not shippers who get that kind of tattoo and polyc might have just thought it was one of them. He already showed his distaste for the cult too many times for them to think he is giving them hints of their ship now lol.
And your point about Jk’s brother is correct too. Him reposting that song has nothing to do with Taekook because Jk might have told him about the song just the same way he told Tae about it but we know tkkrs take every little thing as a hint so it’s wise not to take them seriously.
Like i said earlier, the most all those supposed “hints” do for me is show jikook’s bond and not confirm my suspicions about them because i know that even if jikook are a couple and polyc, jk’s boxing coach or Jk’s brother know about it, the last thing they would do is try to give hints to fans. They simply wouldn’t do that so instead of anyone trying to blame these pple, blame the people who think these things are proof of a ship.
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july-19th-club · 2 days
having THE most insane type of scrupulosity situation going on right now which is that. ok for background. i grew up catholic as many know and round about college stopped going to services regularly. and even when i was a kid and therefore obligated to be religious i never had any strong beliefs about it. so i'm the lapsed catholic's lapsed catholic - steeped enough in the cultural mindset to have issues but with no odd hangups about whether god exists (i just don't think he does). so for the past ten twelve years or so the only time i've been to mass has been when i'm with the family for some function or occasion and i've been obligated to go, and due to my general atheism i've never had this huge urge to seek out different kinds of organized religion. i'm intrigued by the reform jewish philosophy but not intrigued enough to formally attempt to join another ritualized congregation etc. but this has been a very trying year and my mother has been on me about Going To Church and i said yeah sure yeah might be a good idea. but i'm not going to YOUR church because i cannot sit through one of your boss's masses and feel anything other than the need to argue theology with him (she is the parish finance wrangler, so priest is her boss. same priest who in 2016 drove my fourth grade teacher to leave the parish entirely bc of his 1st week of november sermon about how you're betraying the Cause (aka antiabortion. that was the only cause) by not voting trump). ANYWAY. so i'm not going to that church. and the only church in my area that i could find that has what i'm looking for which is to say no christian god PER SE is the local Unitarian Universalist around the park from my job. bit of a drive on a day when i don't normally go anywhere but whatever. and on their website it says their summer services are Themed (this year's Theme is The Creative Spirit) and what the service seems to consist of mostly is a bit of drumming and a Chalice (i don't think you drink from it. i think it's ceremonial). and like. folks talkin'. and that's it! which is my ISSUE. like...it seems to EASY. like what i just go there and it's like a weekend class up at chautauqua where some hippie gets enthused about the spirit for a bit and then you leave feeling like you had a fun time but not like, a religiously challenging one? like, is that allowed? is this allowed? like it feels like it doesn't COUNT you know what i mean? like that's not church that's a free music class with a demographic (middle aged ladies who enjoy a good crystal store). what am i supposed to do with THAT. it's too EASY!
the next loosest church is the episcopal one next door to my job. oldest church in the diocese, beautiful dark stone, red door, the works. never been inside but due to its proximity to my work and the great architecture i have had a lot of dreams about what i imagine its interior to look like. this church is like catholic lite as a friend (who i did meet at chautauqua also) once described it. they have a sermon and some prayers and what is called a Healing something after the mass. which i guess is not a mass, it's just a service, huh, because only catholic churches have masses. between where i live and the town where i work are like thirty miles of small "nondenominational" protestant cult churches who are all salivating for new members, which is obviously out of the question. and i'm like in this quandry okay.
which is insane. i feel like i SHOULD go to the episcopal church because a) they said they have some kind of health prayer and i have been particularly concerned with my health over the last month or two which is part of why i'm so stressed i feel the need to go to church, and if i go to the place without the healing prayer i may not have good health. which is obviously a buck wild thought but not one i can easily let go of now that i've had it. and b) because it sounds like Church. like you go there and you say some hail marys, presumably, or something similar, and a guy gets up in a robe and says his opinions on something which you don't really agree with but you sit through it anyway and try not to be too visibly upset when he he hauls off with something really messed up. and then afterward he lays on his hands or something. and maybe this church would NOT have a guy who hauls off with messed up stuff in the homily. maybe he really does accept everybody and pray for peace and all that. maybe so. maybe my biases and my fears are steering me here. and that's the other thing because the UU thing sounds FUN. church is not really intended to be fun in my imagination. it's an obligation that you fulfill in order to get good fortune out of it if you are polite enough to god in the process. even though every religious person i've ever spoken to describes god and grace as non-transactional, the culture tells me that it absolutely IS: when you're low on good emotional stuff or you want some boon you think is ungettable, they'll say 'go to church'. which indicates that there's some transaction taking place, no, that you attend and THEN you receive blessing. blessing does not get to you unless you fulfill your end of a bargain which includes acquiescing to the church itself. the Fun Spiritual Experience sounds too fun to get you that. like i would go and have fun, but would my life get better? would i regret it because it felt like i was wasting time when i needed to be going to a place where i could get a guarantee that i would be healthy during a busy work week which is all i really want right now, to be healthy this week so i don't disrupt the workflow when everybody's schedules are out of whack? it feels like going somewhere just to have fun does NOT net you that. you have to go to a place that does not give you fun and you have to submit to the rigors. or there's no exchange, there's no offering taking place, is there? you're just indulging yourself, at which point you might as well stay home
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anyone else have multiple traumatic memories associated specifically with holidays/family vacations? because that is a topic I never see discussed in all the So You Had A Shitty Childhood, Now What? self-help books i've been reading. but for me, it was a significant thing. and the more i think about it the more it seems like this would be an (unfortunately) common experience. would be grateful to hear if this matches other peoples' experiences...
#not a shitpost#serious post#ask to tag#tw trauma#cptsd#c-ptsd#and if so we should TALK about it#because it means there are a whole group of survivors out there whose mental health regularly worsens during holidays#like i know i am most certainly not the only person who feels an undefined Dread hanging over christmas/my birthday/july 4 etc#bc too many shitty things happened during those times and now my brain is hypervigilant bc traditionally these are the Danger Times#and this seems like it would be particularly common for survivors of abusive/dysfunctional households (aka most people with c-ptsd)#because holidays/vacations typically mean 1) the whole family is together/being forced to interact#2) and undergoing external stressors e.g. travel/relatives aka 'outsiders' visiting/routines & coping mechanisms being interrupted etc#3) there is social pressure for this to be a Fun Family Bonding Experience which only highlights the cracks in the foundation#and exposes the common Everything Is Fine/We Are A Happy Family lie#4) the cognitive dissonance of feeling tired/anxious/stressed/afraid during a time when you are 'supposed' to be Making Good Memories#and then everyone is angry/tired/anxious/triggered and things boil over and something or someone goes Very Wrong#weird that i'm posting this in october when halloween is...sort of the ONLY holiday i have only good and happy feelings towards#i got lucky there#also i have positive feelings towards Labor Day but that's for socialist reasons
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shorthaltsjester · 11 months
the mighty nein - critical role
this is a place where i don't feel alone. this is a place where i feel at home.
#also with softer vibes. i offer They#every silly little brainheart found family deserves a to build a home edit#the mighty nein maybe most of all. thats my family#also the lyrics deliciously well suited to m9.#when jester pulls that. stupid tarot card for fjord. home or traveler. and there's a carnival wagon. and veth says Thats Us! . them#i just think about . the tower is their home the xhorhouse is their home the lavish chateau is their home the balleater. the mistake.#the nein heroez. veth and yezas apartment. the dome. fjord and jesters living room floor.#a bar with a silly name on rumblecusp#also like. the song has stone and dust imagery. gardens and trees.#the inherent temporality of life and love and how that holds no bearing on how greatly people can love. im losin it okay.#ive been making this edit for days straight with my computer screaming at me for trying to shove 143 episodes of cr into a 2min20sec video.#crying becuase. theyre a family do you get it. they were nine lonely people and most of them had given up on seeing their own lives#as something that might be good. something that might make the world a better place. and in the end they're heroes.#and it doesn't matter if no one else knows because They know they're heroes. and they wouldn't've believed that was true when they met.#rattling the bars of my enclosure. to be loved is to be changed#posted on twitter and want to get in the habit of posting here too bc.#general reasons but also bc . i have noticed some of the ppl liking/sharing it are also ppl who shit on my ops by vaguing about my posts#which is in general whatever but does leave a funny taste in my mouth.#critical role#the mighty nein#cr2#caleb widogast#caduceus clay#jester lavorre#fjord#veth brenatto#yasha nydoorin#beauregard lionett#mollymauk tealeaf#my posts
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gunstellations · 5 months
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a little family
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