#i keturah
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Ruth Wolff - Hawthorne - Paperback - 1969 (cover illustration by George Ziel)
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nervosims · 2 months
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🐄🩸 Kine
Saving the damned and spreading the good word of Beelzebeef is Father Seraiah's main goal in life... well that and extending his own. Vampires crave to be coveted, but his goals are strictly religious and not in his self-interest in the slightest.
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﹒Father Seraiah Kine
- Species: Vampire - Gender: Cis-Male - Age: Adult - Zodiac: Leo - Aspiration: Public Enemy + Evil Scientist - Sexuality: Straight - LTW: Maximise Influence and Use it 200 Times - OTH: Music - Personality: Neat (5), Outgoing (10), Active (4), Playful (3), Nice (3) - Traits: Animal Handler, Irresistible, Evil, Charismatic, Snob
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﹒Jezebel Kine
- Species: Adult - Gender: Cis-Female - Age: Adult - Zodiac: Taurus - Aspiration: Serial Romantic + Hedonist - Sexuality: Bi - LTW: Have 20 Simultaneous Lovers - OTH: Nature - Personality: Neat (1), Outgoing (6), Active (4), Playful (10), Nice (4) - Traits: Farmhand, Drunkard, Easily Impressed, Slob, Brave
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﹒Keturah Kine
- Species: Human - Gender: Cis-Female - Age: Adult - Zodiac: Capricorn - Aspiration: Modest Enjoyer + Hopeless Romantic - Sexuality: Straight - LTW: Reach Max Enthusiasm in 5 Hobbies - OTH: Film & Literature - Personality: Neat (8), Outgoing (1), Active (2), Playful (7), Nice (7) - Traits: Weak Constitution, Hopeless Romantic, Bookworm, Artisan, Unlucky
KINE: week six
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bijoumikhawal · 11 months
The "last" work of Coptic literature
The Triadon is a 14th century Sahidic Coptic and Arabic poem, written in a structure influenced by Arabic and Syriac songs and poetry, sometimes called exactly what this post is titled. The last work of Coptic literature- yet, we are still here. I know the term refers to the last work in an unbroken line of Coptic-language literary art. I know I am pedantic. But the study of Copts (especially in European languages) is dominated by those who are not Copts, and I think that shows in how Coptic culture is discussed. When Copts look to older icon styles today, it is called "Neo-Coptic". What is "Neo-" about it? Copts have been making icons the entire time they have been Copts. The styling which is referred to- while it does look to older art- is hardly a "broken line". Pieces from later centuries influence the style, which also incorporates pre-Coptic artistic elements (such as the revival of tree halos from Pharaonic art). The name smacks of insufficiency to my ears.
Further, what does an unbroken line mean? The significance of the Triadon is undeniable, but why must we decry Coptic literary art as having a "last"? Can we not say "most recent"? Turn that over in your mind- see how the camera angle shifts. Instead of Coptic as a language ending, ended, you now see the road as it goes on- the future it can have. This is before one considers the claims by some Copts that there ARE isolated villages that have kept the language more strongly than the rest of Egypt. These are hopeful and glorious- but if untrue, what does it matter? We are still here and so is the language. Once given breath it lives again.
The accusation of "death" haunts Egyptian religion, Egyptian culture. Being seen as ancient I have felt born dead. I can show you scholarly pieces I have read, accusing the ancient Egyptian religion to be death obsessed, and others where it is correctly identified as loving life dearly that pass on the blow to Copts, acting as though martyrdom under Rome was some madness my ancestors were afflicted with, and not the brutal reality of living under an empire. What "was" the Coptic language, what "did" this look or sound like. No wonder I am fond of writing in past tense- no one seems to recognize existence in the present.
What is a "last" poem when I can pull up a song right now on my phone with a modern attempt at old Coptic lyrics? Is it a titan of composition- no! But neither is the Triadon, and most will say that outright. "This poem is written in Sahidic that is already beginning, as it were, to fray at the edges". Must one be great to still be considered living? To have the potential to live?
Certainly, Coptic-language literature is not thriving. There aren't dozens of poems published every year, let alone more frequently. But there should never be a sense of finality. Youths fight for their language. The framing, to my mind, that is so often used, subtly murmurs a prophecy of failure. Perhaps every fool goes against a prophecy, but who made these academics prophets?
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annastrxng · 2 years
Would Anna ever want to have children?
YES. Anna positively adores children. She thinks they are some of God's finest gifts.
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Historically, Anna Strong was a mother during the time of the American Revolution. Her kids names were: Keturah, Thomas, Margaret, Benjamin Franklin, Mary, William, Joseph, and George Washington. I am forever in love with the idea of Anna having to juggle everything from Turn with a brood of children-- or even one kid.
Why the kid was given to Abraham and Mary never made much sense to me. I believe they didn't marry until AFTER the war.
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azurecoffin · 1 year
I binged three books in less than 24 hours big mistake
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rottenbrainstuff · 2 years
At last I laid down my sadness, laid it on the forest floor, never to have it again.
-Keturah and Lord Death, Martine Leavitt
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lightsinthemist · 2 years
Keturah and Lord Death should be a ghibli film
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faithhearted · 10 months
Anna was silent for a long while -- arguably, too long. Although Benjamin wouldn't say they'd reached a turning point, per se, he hadn't expected his words to wound her in such a stark manner.
Regret colored his features, and looking down at Mary to spare Anna of his attention, he stroked his fingers through the young girl's hair as she dozed, cooing softly within the candlelight.
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Anna's question roused him for a moment and Benjamin hesitated, stricken by her molten eyes and the brittle quality to her voice. "I…can see to it in the morning," he softly promised. "I'm not sure if we can leave exactly tomorrow, but I know Washington is impatient for more intelligence, and Abe…well…" Benjamin sighed, lifting his shoulders. "He hasn't exactly been delivering fast enough, and what he has brought to the table has apparently left much to be desired. In other words, I feel fairly confident that with Washington's blessing, we can set out as early as tomorrow afternoon."
Gently rubbing between Mary's shoulder blades, he asked, "Do you have all of your affairs in order? I imagine the doxies will be happy to tend the sutler cart, so you needn't worry about your campground duties."
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"In other words, I feel fairly confident that with Washington's blessing, we can set out as early as tomorrow afternoon."
The statement came as a relief to her. While she would sorely miss Keturah and Thomas terribly, they were arguably safer here in camp than they'd ever been back in Setauket among a plethora of British soldiers -- and Mary was too young to be used as a mouthpiece for the enemy.
Involving her youngest would surely have upset Selah. He would never have allowed it, were he a part of the planning, but the heartbreaking fact of the matter was...Selah was no longer there, and now Anna was the one who had to fight to protect their family. Besides, as Anna watched Ben hold Mary securely in his embrace, she knew he would look out for the little one's well-being.
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"Do you have all of your affairs in order? I imagine the doxies will be happy to tend the sutler cart, so you needn't worry about your campground duties."
"I'm sure they'll be glad to be rid of me for the time being. As you know, rumors spiral and the odious broads are under the impression I've special privileges because I'm getting off 'the young major Tallmadge.'"
The moniker had been said in a mocking tone, in the diction the uneducated doxies used as they wagged their insatiable tongues.
"I suppose you needn't worry about Abe while we're away, seeing as he hasn't delivered so much as one word as of late."
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lepi-doll-tera · 7 days
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Keturah arrived today! I hope to get some better pictures later!
Photos taken sept. 21, 2024
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Abraham Marries Keturah
1 Abraham took another wife, whose name was Ketu′rah. 2 She bore him Zimran, Jokshan, Medan, Mid′ian, Ishbak, and Shuah. 3 Jokshan was the father of Sheba and Dedan. The sons of Dedan were Asshu′rim, Letu′shim, and Le-um′mim. 4 The sons of Mid′ian were Ephah, Epher, Hanoch, Abi′da, and Elda′ah. All these were the children of Ketu′rah. 5 Abraham gave all he had to Isaac. 6 But to the sons of his concubines Abraham gave gifts, and while he was still living he sent them away from his son Isaac, eastward to the east country.
The Death of Abraham
7 These are the days of the years of Abraham’s life, a hundred and seventy-five years. 8 Abraham breathed his last and died in a good old age, an old man and full of years, and was gathered to his people. 9 Isaac and Ish′mael his sons buried him in the cave of Mach-pe′lah, in the field of Ephron the son of Zohar the Hittite, east of Mamre, 10 the field which Abraham purchased from the Hittites. There Abraham was buried, with Sarah his wife. 11 After the death of Abraham God blessed Isaac his son. And Isaac dwelt at Beer-la′hai-roi.
Ishmael’s Descendants
12 These are the descendants of Ish′mael, Abraham’s son, whom Hagar the Egyptian, Sarah’s maid, bore to Abraham. 13 These are the names of the sons of Ish′mael, named in the order of their birth: Neba′ioth, the first-born of Ish′mael; and Kedar, Adbeel, Mibsam, 14 Mishma, Dumah, Massa, 15 Hadad, Tema, Jetur, Naphish, and Ked′emah. 16 These are the sons of Ish′mael and these are their names, by their villages and by their encampments, twelve princes according to their tribes. 17 (These are the years of the life of Ish′mael, a hundred and thirty-seven years; he breathed his last and died, and was gathered to his kindred.) 18 They dwelt from Hav′ilah to Shur, which is opposite Egypt in the direction of Assyria; he settled over against all his people.
The Birth and Youth of Esau and Jacob
19 These are the descendants of Isaac, Abraham’s son: Abraham was the father of Isaac, 20 and Isaac was forty years old when he took to wife Rebekah, the daughter of Bethu′el the Aramean of Paddan-aram, the sister of Laban the Aramean. 21 And Isaac prayed to the Lord for his wife, because she was barren; and the Lord granted his prayer, and Rebekah his wife conceived. 22 The children struggled together within her; and she said, “If it is thus, why do I live?” So she went to inquire of the Lord. 23 And the Lord said to her,
“Two nations are in your womb, and two peoples, born of you, shall be divided; the one shall be stronger than the other, the elder shall serve the younger.”
24 When her days to be delivered were fulfilled, behold, there were twins in her womb. 25 The first came forth red, all his body like a hairy mantle; so they called his name Esau. 26 Afterward his brother came forth, and his hand had taken hold of Esau’s heel; so his name was called Jacob. Isaac was sixty years old when she bore them.
27 When the boys grew up, Esau was a skilful hunter, a man of the field, while Jacob was a quiet man, dwelling in tents. 28 Isaac loved Esau, because he ate of his game; but Rebekah loved Jacob.
Esau Sells His Birthright
29 Once when Jacob was boiling pottage, Esau came in from the field, and he was famished. 30 And Esau said to Jacob, “Let me eat some of that red pottage, for I am famished!” (Therefore his name was called Edom.) 31 Jacob said, “First sell me your birthright.” 32 Esau said, “I am about to die; of what use is a birthright to me?” 33 Jacob said, “Swear to me first.” So he swore to him, and sold his birthright to Jacob. 34 Then Jacob gave Esau bread and pottage of lentils, and he ate and drank, and rose and went his way. Thus Esau despised his birthright. — Genesis 25 | Revised Standard Version (RSV) Revised Standard Version of the Bible, copyright © 1946, 1952, and 1971 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. All rights reserved. Cross References: Genesis 2:11; Genesis 10:15; Genesis 12:2,3 and 4; Genesis 15:15; Genesis 16:15-16; Genesis 17:20; Genesis 21:14; Genesis 22:23; Genesis 23:8; Genesis 24:35-36; Genesis 24:67; Genesis 26:1; Genesis 27:1; Genesis 27:3; Genesis 27:36; Genesis 32:3; Genesis 38:27; Deuteronomy 21:16-17; Judges 8:24; 1 Samuel 10:22; 2 Kings 4:38-39; 1 Chronicles 1:30; 1 Chronicles 1:32-33; 1 Chronicles 5:19; Isaiah 60:6; Matthew 1:2; Acts 7:8; Romans 9:10; Romans 9:12; Hebrews 11:9; Hebrews 12:16
Genesis 25 Bible Commentary - Matthew Henry (concise)
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itsroxie · 2 years
Book recommendations for Black Women
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If you’re a black woman I highly recommend reading these books. All of the books listed can change your mindset/life drastically if you apply their advice to your day-to-day life 🤍
(most of the books listed were written by a BW so if you could buy them that would be great but for those who are on a budget you might be able to find some of the books listed here: Link )
Top Starter Books
“Black woman you’re f*cked” by A. Maddie Dee (Amazon)
- This book may be triggering for some. Especially for those who have trouble with accountability when it comes to the black community, but it can be an eye-opener if you push through it. The author takes her time breaking EVERYTHING down and promotes self-perseveration. Honestly summarizing this book won’t do it any justice, just know it's a MUST-READ. 
“The black girls guide to Financial freedom” by Paris Woods (Amazon)
-  I love this book and I am not exaggerating when I say this guide gives you a step by step instructions on how to achieve financial freedom. You’ll learn how to avoid debt, build your wealth, invest, etc. The book is easy to understand it serves its purpose.
“The self care prescription” by Robyn L. Gobin  (Amazon)
-  Our mental health is really important. If you aren’t ready for therapy yet, don’t know how to start prioritizing your mental health, or just need some tips this book can be a great resource. Written by a black woman: Robyn L. Gobin, Ph.D. a licensed psychologist.
“F*ck that cape” by Jennifer Arnise (Amazon)
-  If you have trouble putting yourself first and need help working on your self-esteem this book will assist you with all of those issues, and hopefully, help you realize you don’t have to play captain save a hoe with everyone in your life.
“The sojourner’s passport” by Khadija Nassif (Amazon)
- Do you want to see a change in your life? Do you need dating advice? Like actual dating advice that takes into account the current state of the black community. Well, look no further, this book will address every concern you can have and ways you can get your dream life. (Heads up this book is catered to / for DARKSKIN BW)
“The smart girl’s guide to getting what you want” by Mary Hartley (Amazon)
- Do I really need to explain? It’s pretty self explanatory right?
“Stop wearing the pants” by Chloe (Amazon)
- For those who want a life of leisure, and are interested in hypergamy and femininity this book will answer all of your questions regarding the lifestyle. It’ll help clear up any confusion you may have about the topic and the purpose of hypergamy.
“How to ask a man for money” by Ava Venus (Amazon)
- Men are gonna be a part of your life (even if you aren’t attracted to them), so it’s best that you learn right now 👀 closed mouths don’t get fed 🤐
Bonus Books
“Difficult Mothers Adult Daughters” by Karen C. L. Anderson (Amazon)
- If you didn’t have the best relationship with your mother growing up this book is a godsend. It’ll  help you navigate your relationship with your mom and show you ways to heal from your past. (there is also a journal you can use with this book. link)
“No Thanks” by Keturah Kendrick (Amazon)
- If you wanna hear more about ditching the cape but from another author No Thanks gives you that perspective.
“The Black girl’s guide to being blissfully feminine” by Candice Adewole (Amazon)
- Please don’t be turned away by the title. It’s none of that YouTube femininity coach bullsh!t. The black girl's guide contains regular advice on how to take care of yourself mentally and physically. While getting in touch with yourself whether it's through traveling, developing your skills, learning about your culture, etc. Highly recommend it if you want a bit of guidance. It also has a little bit of financial advice.
I hope these books help y’all through this journey called life 🤍
xoxo mrs.degree ❣️
p.s click on amazon for the links 
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shinyhappysims · 6 months
Onyeka Family Update #2
All the Oneyka kids are finally married, so I think now is a good time for another update.
As a treat, this update will be from Adaeze’s POV, because we love to hear from a fellow snarker. Long post ahead because I probably won’t be doing this for the Onyeka fam again and I want to give a semblance of a conclusion to some of their stories.
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My parents Bre (66) and Chukwuma (69) Onyeka are living their golden years in Henford-on-Bagley. I would say they tried their best at raising us but I’m not so sure I believe that. My parents and I don’t talk much, which is more than okay by me. They’ve forgiven me for the whole “secretly applied to college, snuck out and took a bus an hour away and never came back” thing. It’s the fact that literally everything else I’ve done after feels like a personal attack on them and everything they taught me. That’s more their problem than mine, to be honest.
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The oldest Nnadi (39) is married to Miguel (39). They have a staggering quiver of 13 arrows: Gideon (21), Ephraim (19), Shoshanna(17), Bartholomew (14), Abigail (12), Obadiah (10), Keturah (8), Solomon (6), Tirzah (5), Maranatha (4), Galilee (3), Naphtali (1), Ebenezer (0). Yes, I definitely knew all the names of my sister’s kids off the top of my head and didn’t stalk her Simstagram and write down the names just a few minutes before this. Nnadi is obnoxious. I’m not mincing my words because she’s never had the grace to do so with me. She’s literally the person people talk about when they say they don’t like Christians. But that’s amazing for her. She can claim persecution for her beliefs. My parents are so proud that they made her a perfect little doormat for Jesus. All of her kids so far seem to be the same way. Glory be, I guess.
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Kelechi (38) and Sandrine (41) are the Pastor and 1st lady of Calvary Baptist Church in Brindleton Bay. They have 4 children: Faith (16), Daniel (9), Noah (7), and Grace (5). They are, in my opinion, true Christians. Kelechi always has been supportive of me and my siblings that aren’t the way my parents dreamed. As a pastor, he tries his hardest to give objective answers and uses the bible to support his advice, which has led to his popularity as a mentor. Calvary’s population has nearly doubled in his time as pastor. Kelechi and Sandrine were not intending to have such a large gap between Faith and Daniel. Their marriage was very strained in the first few years and they thought having another child would be the fix. Unfortunately, Sandrine had a battle with cancer. Luckily it was caught in the early stages and she pulled through, but the way Kelechi treated her during that time strengthened their relationship and they had more children because they actually loved each other now. If anyone deserves that happy ending, it’s them.
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My twin and favorite sibling Chidi (36) is in an open domestic partnership with the lovely Sade (37). They live in San Myshuno and have no kids, and probably never will. Chidi is an attorney and Sade is an artist. For awhile, Chidi flew under the radar and didn’t make too many waves but that changed about 5 years ago. I think it was a combination of turning 30 and meeting Sade that made him want to stop trying to appease our parents and just live the way he wanted. Chidi is no longer a Christian. He wanted to stay one at first but the more he deconstructed, the more he realized it wasn’t a fit for him.
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It’s me, Adaeze (36)! The Onyeka family failure—not at all. My parents just wish I was. When my husband Raj (38) isn’t being an absolute dreamboat he’s an art restoration specialist at the Simsonian Museum here in Newcrest. We have the coolest little girl named Kali (6) and I haven’t told anyone yet, but we have a second baby on the way! My parents have never met Kali and I don’t plan on letting them. Growing up is hard enough when you don’t have your own grandparents trying to drag you into a cult.
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My sister Isioma (34) and her husband Anwar (36) are living their best lives in Del Sol Valley. They have 5 kids and are expecting number 6 anyday now: Imani (11), Aaliyah (9), Malik (8), and twins Layla and Rahim (4). Isioma has somehow mastered the balance between impressing Mom and Dad and doing whatever she wants. As much as I love her, there are just some things that I can’t talk to Isioma about. She’s nowhere near as bad as Nnadi, but I don’t think she realizes just how close minded she still is. She’s slowly getting better though.
(hi it’s kwanjai please ignore that Layla’s hair glitched black and the twin’s diapers aren’t changed it’s been a long day and I refuse to take this pic again lmao)
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Jachike (32) lives in Windenburg with his wife Maisie (29). They have 7 children: Renata (9), Beaumont (7), Irving (6), Gwendolyn (5), Cordelia (2), Anneliese (1) and Hans (0). I’m fully convinced that they only got married because they were horny for each other and now they don’t know what to do except keep fucking and having more kids. They don’t really seem well matched in my opinion either. Growing up, Jachike was a down to earth, guy next door type, and Maisie just seems extremely out of touch. I mean… she named a child Hans. Maisie also mentioned she only wanted 8 kids, but she’s got a lot of child bearing years left, so I have no clue what her plan is.
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Nnadi Jr. Ifeanyi (29) is married to Nolan (40) and is the proud mother of 6 children: Jordan (8), Lorelai (6), Connor (5), Thomas (4), Alanna (2), and Natasha (0). The only difference between Ifeanyi and Nnadi is that Ifeanyi follows the bible’s command for women to be quiet. All that hate just simmers on the inside. The average person would be rightfully weirded out by her and her husband’s age gap, but Ifeanyi wears it with pride. She thinks it’s a testament to her maturity and meekness. No, bestie… you were groomed. Anyways, my money is on her to have the most kids out of all of us.
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Ifeanyi’s much cooler twin sister Onyinye (29) is married to Joseph (29) and they have 1 daughter, Nwanneka (1). Growing up I became really close to Onyinye. When I moved out I felt like I was leaving behind my child. Onyinye is like me in a lot of ways: science career, having kids on our own terms, only ones with hot husbands. The only difference is she’s still a Christian. I’m proud she was still able to find the loving aspects of that religion, even though I wasn’t. I also love that she doubled down on her emo phase. I remember our mom used to force her and Ifeanyi to dress alike in sickeningly pink bows and huge, frilly dresses.
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Lotanna (27) lives in a sad beige house in Henford-on-Bagley with his sad beige wife Tori (27) and their sad beige children Brixten (2) and Trigg (0). Lotanna is the sibling I’m most wary of. He seems normal on the surface, especially now that he’s married to picture perfect Tori, but then he opens his mouth and the foulest statement you’ve ever heard pops out. He’s never evolved passed edgy Simeddit thread humor, except now it’s not humor, he legitimately thinks that way. I seriously feel bad for his future daughters.
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Sochima (26) has been married to Ciaran (28) for just under a year. I’ve never met Ciaran in person. He seems like the average guy we grew up with, which would be horrifying for me, but a dream for Sochima. Surprised that we haven’t gotten a pregnancy announcement from them yet. I would’ve put her up there with Nnadi and Ifeanyi in terms of the number of babies she would pop out. Wonder what’s going on there.
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natteryaktoad · 1 month
Silas & Maria Land, Day 86, Part 3
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Luca loves his new room!
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Maria: You're getting too big for this!
Luca: No I'm not! I'm still little!
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Luca: Hi Grandpa! Did you hear we got a new house?
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Keturah: Eh, I'm just glad he's in prison where he belongs.
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Grandpa: What have you been learning in school this week, then?
Luca: Counting. I can count in ones and twos and fives and tens!
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Luca: Grandpa, can you be on my team?
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Luca: Higher! Higher!
Silas doesn't work weekends, so they had a family day out at the Swimming Hole.
Not that anyone did any swimming - it was much too cold!
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lightsinthemist · 2 years
Just wanted to say that younger me would be insufferable if someone actually bothered to translate this book
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atlantic-riona · 3 months
I read a lot of books in the last ten days - a lot of them were very light, since I was on vacation - but since it's been so long since I read for fun, I thought I'd note down some things for each of them.
The Hollow Kingdom by Claire B. Dunkle: Still an absolute favorite of mine - I personally think it's one of the best books featuring a Goblin King, and Kate is such an interesting protagonist. I won't spoil anything, but I do like how the book actually doesn't follow a more traditional plot for these kinds of books.
In the Coils of the Snake by Claire B. Dunkle: Probably not my favorite, per se, of the trilogy, but I do find it fascinating. It brings back the elves, and I love the questions that get raised about the future and past of the goblins and elves. Can they ever escape their own tendencies?
Entwined by Heather Dixon: Best retelling of the Twelve Dancing Princesses ever, in my opinion. Really good characters and I loved the family relationships.
Keturah and Lord Death by Martine Leavitt: I kept seeing this in various lists and it is very good! I enjoyed reading it a lot. Kind of Scheherazade-like, where Keturah keeps Death from claiming her by telling stories and then promising to finish the stories the next day.
The Vampire's Promise by Caroline B. Cooney: Genuinely unsettling descriptions of the vampire, but in a good way. There's something about this genre of supernatural fiction that I love (pre-2000s small town America encounters something supernatural) but it's hard to find nowadays imo, because so much of it is just romance now. I enjoyed it a lot, and there's two other books in the trilogy, but I have to put off reading those because of how unnerving the first was, lol.
Mixed Magics by Diana Wynne Jones: Very fun! I always love the Chrestomanci stories, they're funny and also just brilliant worlds to visit.
In Progress
Wintersong by S. Jae-Jones: Going to be honest, I'm probably not going to finish this one. I started it after The Hollow Kingdom, because I was looking for more Goblin King-esque stories, but this one is not for me. I like some of the premise - the music aspect is interesting, and so too is the childhood friendship with the Erlkonig - but it's veering into "historically women were so repressed by society and religion and now I'm going to glory in being violent and hedonistic" and that's just not my cup of tea. I may try to push through it, but not if it's going to continue down the current path.
Fated by Benedict Jacka: This one's interesting. It's a bit like the Dresden Files, but Alex is definitely a bit more level-headed, which is interesting. I'm also interested in the world itself, but I will admit I got distracted partway through reading it and so I'm not very far in yet.
Captured by Maggie L. Wood: Didn't think I would like this one, but it reminds me a lot of the kinds of books I would devour in middle school. It's an interesting kind of portal fantasy, and I like Willow and her reactions to learning that she's not from Earth originally. The chess aspect is interesting, but I do wish they'd focus more on Willow's skills with chess, since it's so integral to the plot.
Nightwing, Vol. 1: Bludhaven by Dennis O'Neil: I have gotten maybe...five pages into this one, haha. I do like it, though! I'll have more to say later, though I do think it's funny that everybody's like "yeah, Gotham is bad, but Bludhaven is even worse." Like...you have seen Gotham, right? Maybe I just need to read more of the comic.
Stolen Songbird by Daniell E. Jensen: Another Goblin King-esque story, though here they're trolls in some kind of fantasy France? It was interesting, but I'm not going to lie, it's turning into a slog. I don't particularly find it interesting to read about characters that flip-flop their minds every five seconds, and I wasn't interested in the romance part, which is turning into the focus (I don't know what I expected, it's marketed as a romance, bahahaha). I probably will also not finish this one.
The Light Ages: The Surprising Story of Medieval Science by Seb Falk: Only made it through the intro and first chapter so far, but it is FASCINATING. It will probably take me a long time to finish, but that's just because I find so much of what's being explained interesting that I have to track it down further or include it in my own stories.
Ladies of Liberty by Cokie Roberts: Didn't get through much more than the intro (it was buried in the car during the trip), but I love this period of time, and I love when historians dig into women of history without acting as if only women pursuing masculine activities are worth studying, and the intro makes it seem like this is one of those books where all kinds of women are being studied. So fingers crossed this one works out!
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gravesung · 1 month
@nightsbloom ( keturah ) liked for an oc & got anah!
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❝ HEY, I REMEMBER YOU. ❞ ANAH SIDLES INTO THE seat next to keturah at the bar, still covered in glitter from the last party she bar-crawled from. face alight and flushed with alcohol, bright eyes search the other woman's face for any microexpressions or body language that might indicate what mood she's in — and how she reacts, on a less-obvious level, to her sudden presence. her voice is on the deeper end, somewhere between husky and singsong.
this isn't her city, but it's welcomed her all the same — she would expect nothing less from herself. anah knows how to make a splash. ❝ we did a photoshoot together for the influencer issue of ELLE last month. it's keturah baptiste, right? anah tannar. i don't believe we were properly introduced before. ❞
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