#i kept pressing the 100 million button and came out on top
graphicpolicy · 11 months
Weekly Preview! A graphic novel and lots of manga!
Weekly Preview! A graphic novel and lots of manga! See what's coming to GPTV! #comics #comicbooks #manga #graphicnovel
There are a lot of comics coming out every week to be covered. Check out some of what we’ll be reviewing and this is only the beginning! This week’s reviews include: Associate Professor Akira Takasukis Conjecture Vol. 2 (Yen Press) Banished From the Hero Party Vol. 6 (Yen Press) Beginning After the End Vol. 4 (Yen Press) Call the Name of Night Vol. 3 (Yen Press) Demon Sword Master of…
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faline-cat444 · 2 years
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Late and loaded
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beneaththetangles · 17 days
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Anyone else feel that heat? No, that’s not the dog days of summer—they’ve come to an end. That’s romance you’re feeling! A host of new releases put love at the front and center, including volumes of The Ice Guy and the Cool Girl and Gazing at the Star Next Door, while others like My Girlfriend’s Child and Kusunoki’s Flunking Her High School Glow-Up point toward romantic relationships while focusing on other topics. Oh, and there’s still plenty of fantasy in the mix in this week’s releases as well. Check out our reviews and let us know what you’re reading these days!
Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End (Vol. 11) • Gazing at the Star Next Door (Vol. 3) • I Kept Pressing the 100-Million-Year Button and Came Out on Top (Vol. 6) • The Ice Guy and the Cool Girl (Vol. 6) • Kusunoki’s Flunking Her High School Glow-Up (Vol. 1) • The Magical Girl and the Evil Lieutenant Used to Be Archenemies (Vol. 0) • Mr. Villain’s Day Off (Vol. 5) • My Girlfriend’s Child (Vol. 5) • The Perks of Being an S-Class Heroine (Vol. 2) • Tearmoon Empire (Vol. 5) • The Unwanted Undead Adventurer (Vol. 10)
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colourful-void · 3 months
got my hands on vol 5 of shadows house except my poor mom managed to get a copy that had a printing error, and thus i also have like a chapter and a bit of
I Kept Pressing the 100-Million Button and Came Out on Top
instead of the beginning of vol 5
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ljaesch · 3 years
Yen Press Announces New Manga and Light Novel Licenses
Yen Press Announces New Manga and Light Novel Licenses
Yen Press has announced some new manga and light novel licenses. Title: Sugar Apple Fairy Tale light novel Creators: Miri Mikawa and Aki Summary: Anne Halford is a candy crafter determined to follow in her mother’s footsteps and become a Silver Sugar Master, a title bestowed only by royalty. In order to travel to the capital and realize her dream, she purchases Challe, a handsome but foul-mouthed…
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mellowswriting · 4 years
Congrats on 100! For the requests can you write something with Marcus Pike where he never knew the reader had tattoos because her ex hated them so she covers them up with their clothing. I hope its not too specific or odd ❤ (Sorry if this sent multiple times, im having internet issues)
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pairing || Marcus Pike x Reader
summary ||  Marcus discovers your tattoos - and why you hid them from him.
word count || 1,546
warnings || shitty ex, kinda hurt/comfort
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Your day, put simply, was going absolutely shittily.
First, you woke up feeling amazingly well rested. Sounds like a great thing, right? No. Unbeknownst to you, your phone charger became unplugged and your phone had died overnight. Without your alarms to get you up and caffeinated, you were left to scramble into your office attire and out the door with a frazzled mind and zero coffee in hand. You knew better than to try to tackle what was starting as a difficult day without the energy boost, so you bit the bullet and stopped at a café on your way to work. 
Foolishly, you thought your morning was looking up when you made it through the line in record time - until you took a sip of your coffee and simultaneously burned the everloving hell out of your tongue and learned that your order was not only incorrect, but entirely undrinkable. The attitude in which you dropped the to go cup into the trash outside of FBI headquarters could’ve brought the entire building down, but that was neither here nor there. You couldn’t find it in you to be frustrated with the sweet baristas at the café - they were overwhelmed with the morning rush, after all. No, your frustration was placed solely on the universe.  
In a last ditch effort to save your morning, you stopped by the break room for a cup of shitty office coffee to take back into your little office. You were frazzled enough that the team didn’t stop you on your march through the bullpen. With the blinds open to let the early morning sunshine warm your back, you settled at your desk and finally took what felt like the first somewhat calm breath since you opened your eyes. You grabbed your worn notepad and began jotting down the list of tasks you had to get done that day, grateful that it was mostly humdrum paperwork and not anything grueling. You wouldn’t have had the spoons for that. 
There was something about having each of your responsibilities laid out and ready for you to tackle that made you feel much better. A small light at the end of the tunnel. You took a deep breath and began filling out your latest case reports, your practiced fingers flying over the keys of your laptop. Of course, in true fashion, the universe decided to put you in your place. You reached for your coffee, eyes still on the laptop screen, and severely misjudged the distance and managed to tip the cup over. 
“Son of a bitch!” You hissed, shooting out of your seat at the bite of hot coffee dripping down your front. Instinct had you ripping your blazer off and pulling at the buttons of your blouse, desperate to get the soaked fabric away from your skin. At least you were wearing a tank top beneath it, even though it was thin enough to be almost see through. “You have got to be kidding me.” 
Three quick knocks rapped against your door and you didn’t even have to guess who it was - Marcus Pike, your coworker, good friend and his latest title - boyfriend. He never strayed in his little patterned knocking, something you found endearing even when you were having a comically bad morning. 
“Come on in, Marcus!” You called out as you dug around in your drawers for the wipes you kept there. Marcus entered with a bright smile that faltered slightly at your disheveled state. Your tone is almost sarcastic as you continue. “Good morning.” 
“Oh, honey.” Marcus said, quickly closing the door behind him before anyone could catch a glimpse of you sliding your blouse off. The dark, intricate lines inked into your skin caught his eye immediately but he didn’t let his gaze linger. 
He couldn’t lie - he had noticed the constant long-sleeved blouses and sweaters you wore, but didn’t pry. If you had something you wanted to hide from the world, Marcus was sure you would tell him when you were ready to. But now that he knew it was just what appeared to be some amazing tattoos, he was a bit confused. They were beautiful. Why would you want to hide them? 
You were obviously having a hard time. The hard set of your jaw and scrunched state of your eyebrows would have been enough to tell him that even if he wasn’t watching you try to clean the coffee from your skin with a pack of wet wipes. Your hair wasn’t tied back like it usually would. Instead it hung loose around your shoulders, falling in your face every now and then and making you huff in annoyance. 
Annoyed, sticky, and absolutely over the day, and you still looked god damn ethereal. How did he get so lucky?
“How can I help?” Marcus asked as he rounded your desk and you gave him a grateful smile. 
“Can you grab the extra shirt from the cupboard? Thank god I have a back up at least.” If there was one thing you could always count on, it was Marcus Pike being the best man on Earth. You smiled when he handed you the clean shirt before he began wiping your desk clean. “Thank you, sweetheart.”
“Of course,” Marcus tossed the soiled wipes into your trashcan, grinning and pumping his arm animatedly when they went in. What an adorable dork. He ran his hands up and down your biceps gently and you almost shivered at the warmth of his palms. “What happened?”
“Coffee has betrayed me at every turn this morning.” You pouted again as you leaned into his chest. The sight of Marcus staring down at you with that concerned, loving gaze made fluttering erupt in your belly. 
“So I suppose I shouldn’t ask if you want to get some with me for lunch, huh?” Marcus asked with that breathtaking mischievous smile and you couldn’t help but crack up at him. His thumbs rubbed circles into your skin and you glanced down, watching his fingertip run over the lines of your tattoo. You realized with a jolt that he had never seen them before. 
Your body art was something you loved - you didn’t spend endless hours in a chair getting stabbed with needles a million times for nothing. The dark swirls of ink were intricate, something that you used to be complimented on often. Until your ex came along, of course. It wasn’t as if you hid them from him. No, he was well aware that you had tattoos and planned to get more, so when he asked you to cover them up before going out one night you had been confused, and then pissed. 
Who the hell had he been to tell you to hide a part of yourself that you loved?
Those subtle requests morphed into small jabs and complaints. Over time, you began covering them by habit, trying to avoid the whole mess altogether. It wasn’t worth arguing about, you convinced yourself. Once he tried to convince you to get them removed? No, that was the last straw. Even though he wasn’t even a blip on your radar, you still found yourself keeping them covered, a small, insecure voice in your head warning you of a threat that was no longer there. 
You held your arm out, giving him silent permission to openly follow the linework, and Marcus took the opportunity with a smile. His touch was as gentle as ever, up and down your arm from piece to piece. “Sorry, I know they aren’t everyone’s cup of tea,”
“Do you like them?” The question catches you off guard but you nod immediately. There wasn’t a doubt in your mind about their importance to you or their beauty. Marcus shrugged. “Nothing else matters then.”
Tension you hadn’t even realized you had been holding melted away from your chest. The way he looked at you… it was the same appreciation and intensity he reserved for the artwork obtained by the team, his gaze hungry for every detail he had the honor of seeing firsthand. 
“Do you like them?” You whispered, your curiosity getting the better of you. 
“They’re beautiful.” Marcus doesn’t miss a beat. “I’d love to hear the stories behind them, if there are any.”
“Yeah, there are a few.” You guided his hand up to press a kiss to his knuckles before settling back on your arm, your chest thick with an emotion you couldn’t quite name. Marcus immediately began following the lines again and you chuckled. “You really like them, huh?”
“Honestly? I think they’re sexy.” Marcus murmured as he pulled you against his chest by your waist and you positively flushed. The image of Marcus’s tongue tracing your tattoos enveloped you unbiddenly. You bit back a groan - that man was going to be the death of you. 
You pressed up on your tiptoes and kissed him. The woes of your morning faded into the background at the delighted sound he gave against your lips, one hand abandoning your waist to hold you steady at your jaw. You draped your arms over his shoulders and lost yourself in his warmth, his comfort. There wasn’t a thing in this world that Marcus couldn’t make better with a few soft words and a gentle touch.
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remywrites5 · 5 years
hey!! it’s my birthday today!! And I wanted to know if it wouldn’t be any trouble if u could write a jegulus one shot where they celebrate regulus’ birthday? if not I understand!! I just rlly like ur fics!!
Hi, sorry I’m reading Red, White and Royal Blue and am currently in a Royalty AU mood. Hope you don’t mind! Happy birthday!!!!
           James Potter was not at all excited about going to Prince Regulus’ eighteenth birthday party. He sat in the back of the car, staring grumpily out the window, wishing something would happen that would mean they could turn around and go home. Normally, James would be all about getting to party and Prince Sirius had been James’ best friend since they were kids. It was Prince Regulus that was the problem.
           Prince Regulus was an obnoxious brat who always used to follow James and Sirius around. James knew that Reg had grown up quite a lot since then, he was always portrayed as some kind of heartthrob in the tabloids and had over 100 million Instagram followers. James knew his own 80 million followers was nothing to sneeze at, but it was just another reason for him to be annoyed. It didn’t help that Regulus had the audacity to be very attractive with his dark hair in a fashionable undercut, his stunning grey eyes and his high cheekbones.
           Although James wasn’t royalty (thank Christ) he was the son of one of the richest men in Britain and that held its own kind of clout. He always got invited to social gatherings and had deemed him an acceptable friend for the heir to the English throne. It meant going to social events and being accepted without all the weight of expectation.
           When he arrived at the party, James immediately flagged down a glass of champagne. He took his phone out and took a selfie. There was not point in attending the social event of the season if he wasn’t going to flaunt it on the gram. Besides, he looked rather smart in his dark blue suit with maroon tie. Anyone would be lucky to take him home.
           His eyes landed on Reg (very much of their own volition as James was not actively seeking him out) to find the birthday boy dancing with some pop singer that James vaguely recognized. The Pop singer had her phone out, probably doing an Instagram story of the two of them. James had no idea why the very notion of that had his blood boiling. James went into the fray, shimming his hips to the beat. He danced first with a football player and then some actress. He still hadn’t managed to find his good for nothing best friend, who was no doubt off snogging Remus somewhere and ignoring the party.
           James twirled around and came face to face with Regulus. After an awkward moment of neither of them moving, James reached out and touched his fingertips against Reg’s hips, waiting to see if the Prince would step away. When he didn’t, James grabbed his hips more fully and brought Regulus closer.
           “Happy birthday!” he shouted over the music, leaning down to speak directly into Reg’s ear.
           “You don’t have to pretend like we’re friends,” Regulus said, scowling slightly up at James.
           “Then why are you dancing with me?” James shot back with a grin.
           “Why amI dancing with you?” Regulus countered, sliding out of James’ grip and dancing over to a pair of twins who were more than happy to play sandwich with Regulus.
           James shrugged it off and danced with an Instagram model for a bit. For some reason his traitorous eyes kept seeking Reg out wherever he was. It didn’t matter if he was dancing, eating, drinking, talking with his mum, James kept trying to find him like he was playing hide and seek with Reg. He had to admit Reg looked nice in the grey three-piece suit that matched his eyes. He could see why people were constantly swooning over him and why Regulus’ dating life was constantly splashed all over the tabloids. James could admit he had been following it a bit closely as of late.
           James saw Regulus slip away from the crowd and decided to follow him. He was just curious why Reg was abandoning his own party. He had no other interests beyond that. He dodged behind pillars and weaved in and out of doorways as he followed Reg up to what he knew to be Reg’s rooms. When he slipped inside, Regulus was already halfway done unbuttoning his shirt, his vest and tie already discarded on the vanity chair, and as he turned the smile on his face dropped. “What the fuck are you doing here?” he asked, swearing in his unbelievably posh accent and making James grin just a little.
           “I was curious.”
           “Why are you here?” Reg asked, pulling his shirt closed for propriety.
           “Why are you skipping out on your own party?”
           Regulus glowered at him. “I don’t see why that’s any of your business and if you don’t leave immediately I can and will have you thrown in the dungeons.”
           James couldn’t help throwing his head back and laughing. “The dungeons, Reg, seriously?”
           “Why are you here?” Regulus asked again impatiently, punctuating every word with emphasis.
           “Maybe I just want – “
           “Okay!” James said, putting his hands up in surrender. “I don’t know! I can’t stop looking at you in that damn suit and I saw you sneaking away and – ugh – can’t a bloke just follow another bloke around without having to explain himself?”
           “You do have to explain yourself when you’re in my bedroom when I’m about lose my damn virginity!” Regulus snapped at him, stomping over and grabbing James by the arm. He hauled James towards the door and tried to shove him out of it.
           “Whoa, wait!” James said, putting his hands up and blocking himself in the door. “You’re planning on losing your virginity tonight?”
           “Get out!”Regulus shouted, using his whole body to try and move James but James didn’t budge.
           “To whom?”
           “James Potter, I swear I will –“ The threat died on Reg’s lips as one of the Prewitt twins Reg had been dancing with earlier came into view.
           “Really?” James said over his shoulder to Reg. “That guy?”
           Regulus let out a scream of frustration and tried once again to shove James out of the doorway. James waited until the Prewitt was close enough. He timed it perfectly, waiting until Regulus was off balance, and then spun around, capturing Reg’s lips in a surprised kiss. Regulus let out a noise of shock and quickly pushed James away, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.
           “Oh hey Reg,” the Prewitt said, giving a small wave. “So James came to his senses after all. I’ll leave you to it then, cheers!”
           “Huh,” James said, cocking his head to the side and watching the Prewitt leave. “He’s good people.”
           “James, I swear I will gouge your eyes out with a spoon!”
           James stepped into the bedroom and kicked the door shut behind him. “What did the twin mean that I’d come to my senses?”
           “How the hell should I know?” Regulus asked, turning his nose up primly. “I’m not in charge of what other people say.”
           James smirked. “But you knew what he meant, didn’t you?”
           Regulus wheeled around and put his hands on his hips. He was clearly pouting but James didn’t know if it was about the kiss or the Prewitt twin leaving. “Are you going to get out or am I going to have to have someone throw you out?”
           “You know, you’re very attractive,” James observed, walking backwards and sitting down on Reg’s bed.
           Regulus huffed indignantly and slid his phone from his pocket. “I press one button and they will toss you out,” he threatened, his thumb hovering over the screen. “And I’ll make sure you’re never allowed back, Sirius or no Sirius.”
           “If you want to explain to whoever comes rushing in why I’m in your bedroom then you be my guest,” James said, waving his hand at Reg. “While you’re in a state of undress.”
           Regulus’ face went bright red as he stomped over to James. “You are the most insufferable wanker I’ve ever met!”
           “And you’re a selfish brat,” James said, raising an eyebrow, daring Regulus to argue. “But I think you like me.”
           Regulus’ jaw dropped. “Who in their right mind would like such an infuriating, pig-headed, absolutely –“ Regulus stopped talking as James reached out and grabbed him by the lapel, tugging his forward until Reg was standing between James’ open legs. Their lips were just a few little centimeters apart, their breath mingling with the taste of champagne, heady and sweet.
           “Is that why you used to follow Sirius and me around constantly?” he teased, sliding his hand along Reg’s collar and then pushing his fingers up into his hair. “Did you have a little crush on me?”
           Regulus rolled his eyes. “Don’t flatter yourself.”
           “I don’t have to,” James quipped back. “You’re flattering me plenty.”
           “I’ve done nothing but insult you since you arrived here,” Regulus reminded him, his gaze dropping down to James’ lips for a moment and then back up.
           “I do enjoy a challenge,” James murmured, guiding Reg’s face forward and crashing their lips together in a heated kiss.
           Regulus shoved James down onto the bed and immediately climbed on top of him, biting at James’ jawline before finding his lips again. There was nothing sweet about the kiss, each of them pushing and tugging at each other, gaining ground and then losing it quickly. But damn if it wasn’t the hottest snogging of James’ life.
           James rolled them over, managing to pin Regulus underneath him. “Are you going to behave? Or am I going to have to take your present back and return it?”
           Regulus’ eyes lit up at the mention of presents. “What is it? What did you get me?” he asked excitedly, patting James down in search of it.
           “I don’t have it on me.” James laughed and pressed a kiss to the corner of Reg’s mouth. “Stay right here and I’ll go get it. You move and I’m taking it back.”
           “Fine,” Reg said, lifting himself up onto his elbows and watching James as he went to the door. James rushed back downstairs and got his present from his driver who had been watching it for him. He hurried upstairs, suddenly very anxious for Reg to see the present.
           When he got back to the room, Regulus was scrolling through his phone absentmindedly but he dropped it the moment James shut the door. “Gimme!” Regulus said, doing grabby hands at James.
           James snorted and placed the carrier down on the bed and then pulled the cloth off the top. Regulus immediately made the highest pitched squeal James had ever heard. He couldn’t help feeling a little bit smug at that. “I take it you like it?”
           Regulus opened the carrier and gently pulled out the kitten from inside, cradling the small black cat by his cheek. “He’s incredible! And so soft!” Regulus melted, petting the tiny cat behind the ears with his index finger.
           James smiled and sat down next to Reg. “I know you always wanted one,” he said, watching Regulus place the kitten on his chest in a ball of fluff. “But your family always had dogs growing up.”
           “You remembered that?” Regulus said in surprise, turning his face towards James. “I never thought you paid any attention to me. You and Sirius certainly ditched me often enough.”
           James lay down next to Regulus and reached out to pet the kitten. “That’s only because you were terribly obnoxious.”
           Regulus backhanded his stomach, making James let out an “oof” of surprise. “And now?” Reg asked, grinning in amusement.
           “And now I wanted to fight everyone on the dance floor that was touching you,” James admitted, reaching out and sliding his fingers through Reg’s hair.
           “You know jealousy is very unbecoming,” Regulus teased, pressing up for another kiss while being careful not to disturb the kitten. “I’m a very desired individual and you’re just going to have to accept that if we’re to be together.”
           “Oh is that so?” James asked, wiggling closer and ducking his head into the hollow of Regulus’ throat, licking at his Adam’s apple before sucking a mark there. Regulus gasped against him and threaded his fingers through James’ hair. “Then I’ll just have to make sure everyone knows you’re mine.”
           “You spiteful, arrogant – “
           James swallowed up the rest of the insults with more kissing. Regulus whimpered against James’ lips and tugged hard on James’ hair in retaliation, making James groan against his mouth. “Just name the damn cat, you little shit, before I take it away from you and raise it as my own.”
           Regulus stuck his tongue out at James and held the kitten protectively, shielding it from James’ view. “Hmm,” Regulus said, thinking it over. He examined the cat, lifting it up and then letting it settle back down. “Dante.”
           “What?” James said, furrowing his brow. “That’s a dumb name!”
           “Excuse me, no one asked you!” Regulus said defensively. “Besides, it’s my birthday present!”
           “Fine,” James said, conceding this one time. Regulus looked adorable and James very much wanted to cuddle him all night. But he remembered Reg had plans for the evening. “Are you still looking to lose your virginity tonight?”
           “Not anymore!” Regulus said, dropping his jaw as if scandalized. “Not in front of our son, you pervert!”
           “Our son, huh?” James asked, biting his bottom lip to keep from laughing at Reg’s slip up.
           “Well, I mean…” Regulus blushed a deep crimson color. “You did buy Dante and I’d be willing to share custody with you. If you wanted.”
           James chuckled and kissed Regulus sweetly on the lips. “I don’t know who I’m going to spoil more, you or the cat.”
           “Me I hope,” Regulus said, chasing James’ lips as he pulled away. “You can still spoil Dante but spoil me more.”
           “Brat,” James chided, sliding his tongue into Regulus’ mouth and kissing him breathless.
           “It’s my birthday,” Regulus whined, letting his lower lip protrude. “Be sweet to me.”
           “Very well,” James said with a long-suffering sigh, kissing the pout off Regulus’ lips. “You win.”
           Regulus hummed happily with a satisfied grin on his face. “I do so love to win.”
           “Good birthday then, sweetheart?” James asked, stroking his finger down Reg’s cheek affectionately.
            Regulus nodded. “The best.”
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fumbling-fanfics · 5 years
Imagine having a second child with Viktor Drago...
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So I wrote this because @lady-olive-oil was insistant on killing people off, lol. Love you Liv!
I also kind of forgot I wrote this so there was more I wanted to write but I forgot those parts.
You weren't meant to give birth so early. But here you were sitting in a nice relaxing bath, Lily on the bathroom floor drawing more pictures for Viktor while you soaked. If you were honest the contractions had started early in the morning, but they varied between 4hrs and 3 minutes apart. So you had ignored them. But now it was 2 in the afternoon you were pretty sure you were having contractions - the proper ones.
"Lily baby, can you pass mommy here phone please" her little head popped up beside the bath with a big smile. "Are you going to ring daddy? Can I talk to him?" she asked as she disappeared out of the bathroom.
Viktor should have been the one you were going to call but he wasn't.
"I'm going to call Aunt Jenny" you smile kissing her forehead in thanks letting her get back to her drawing. "I'll make Aunt Jenny a picture too" she states, paper rustling about. You pressed the call button next to Jenny's picture (a picture of her and lily at the beach) and waited for her to answer.
"Thank god you called. I'm so tired, I'm literally falling asleep at my desk… What's new?" she sang.
"Code Red" you whispered down the phone.
"Huh?" you can hear the frowns of confusion on Jenny's face. "Oh, Lily, I can go get her from preschool" you could here her moving around more on her end.
"No, Lily's here with me-"
"Hi Aunt Jenny!" Lily called from the floor, voice echoing off the bathroom tiles.
"Oh" Jenny was frowning again.
"The other code red, the new one. The second one" you watched Lily for a reaction but she was absorbed back into her drawing.
"Shit" Jenny shouted.
"Shit, shit, shit! SHIT! Are you sure? It's not those fake ones, those pickle hiccup contraction things" she panicked, you could hear things being knocked around and a draw open and then slam closed.
"You mean Braxton Hicks, and no"
"You're not due for like another 2 months, I'm looking at my calendar. It says on my calender" you could hear her voice go up an octave in panic. You were pretty sure she was also poking the calender too.
Jenny was down as your second birthing partner, after Viktor of course. But since Viktor was away for a fight that was still wasn't due for another 6 weeks, Jenny had happily (and in a drunken state) assured Viktor she'd be your number two should anything happen. But it would be fine because nothing would happen because you still had two months to go.
"I know, I know...Can you maybe come anyway, and maybe it'll be fine by the time you get here"
"Of course, I'm leaving now" she hung up quickly.
"Will Auntie Jenny bring me jellies" Lily asked, pencils poised in her hand.
"Maybe" you laugh, glad she oblivious to what's happening.
By the time Jenny arrived you were out of the bath and sitting in the living room on your yoga ball wondering if you should call Viktor or not.
He'd flown back to the states to fight again, and really concentrate on getting ready as this opponent was almost equal in size to Viktor. You knew if you called him he'd freak out and even fly back (or walk if he had to).
"(Y/n)!!!" Jenny practically screamed, slamming the door closed. You could hear her but not see her. Lily sprinted off to find her Aunt, and reappeared on Jenny's hip.
"Are they for real?" she asked looking like a deer caught in the headlights.
"I think so, they've just got worse"
"Auntie bought me jellies!" Lily waved the box and then wriggled out of Jenny's arms and ran off. At least she was occupied.
“Is it okay to make a call?" you asked in the back of the ambulance. The female paramedic nodded as she carried on writing things down.
Jenny was following in her car with Lily and your hospital bags.
You pressed the call button and held the phone against your ear. There was a series of tial tones, including the international one.
"Hello" it was a quick, short answer.
"Ivan, it's y/n" slight relief washed over you hearing his voice.
"Hello. You want to speak to Viktor?"
"No, no, no, no, no" there were too many no's for Ivan's liking - he felt worried but the fact you weren't crying and he could understand you made him worry a tiny bit less.
Ivan said something in Russian but you couldn't hear, it was muffled, like he had his hand over the mouthpiece. There was the sound of a metal door slamming closed and then silence.
"What's wrong?"
"The baby, its early" there was a long pause from both of you - you both didn't know what to say.
"I'll get Viktor"
"No don't...I mean I know he needs to know, but not right now. You know he'll get on the first plane back, won't think twice about the fight. I can't let him do that." Ivan said nothing but also agreed. But he also wanted to tell his son. Congratulate him, tell everyone in the training room - he had another grandchild.
"I'll let him know it was all my idea not to tell him, just try and act like everything's normal. Please?“
“Are you okay? Are you at the hospital?" the concern in Ivan's voice broke you and you started to cry.
"I'm fine. I'm on my way in an ambulance"
"Are you on your own?" he sound panicked. "Where's Lily?"
"She's following in a car with Jenny" Ivan remembered Jenny from when she came to the beach that day. Ivan was struck by how caring Jenny was with Lily - making sure she ate and drank enough while still having fun.
"She must call me" you nodded even tho Ivan couldn't see you.
"Here" the paramedic handed you a tissue to dry your eyes. "Don't worry, everything's gonna be okay"
Olivia May Drago, born 2 months early but otherwise healthy.
Jenny had called Ivan to let him know everything was okay - you were okay, Lily was okay (but probably had new found profession as some sort of Antinal Nurse specialising in premature babies) and that Viktor's new baby girl was okay too. It was only when Jenny came back into the room, an hour later did you realise she had been talking to Ivan for an hour. "He's so funny, Ivan" she said with a smile on her face. You raised a quizzical eyebrow at her as she peered into the neonatal cot to look at Olivia. "Did you just say Ivan's funny?“ you asked, maybe the drugs were making you hear things." Yeah, the jokes he cracks. But otherwise he says he's glad everyone's okay. I said I'll call him tomorrow"
"You should go, it's late" Lily had crashed out on the bed in the room reserved for partners to sleep on.
"No way, do you know how hard it was to get this parental leave. HR officially hate me, so I'm going to use every moment to stare at this beautiful girl" she cooed, picking up Olivia from her cot.
Lily had been born 4 weeks early, so Jenny had fought tooth and nail to have the right to use shared parental leave to help you look after Lily and the baby assuming Olivia would be born early too, despite not actually being a parent to either. She had initially demanded full maternity leave, but had settled for 3 and a half weeks "shared parental" leave. "That's what they get for not having a watertight policy" she'd smugly smiled sipping non alcoholic wine with you when she told you when you met her for lunch just after Viktor left to prepare for the fight.
You were trying not to cry but the harder you did, the quicker your eyes filled up with tears. So when you blinked they came streaming down your face. "Hey, don't you start crying because I'm gonna start crying again" Jenny moved to perch on the edge of your bed still holding Olivia.
"I know you feel bad, but don't. Everything is okay, you're okay, baby's okay. Lily's okay. I'm okay" the last part made you laugh and you brushed the tears away.
"But we need to make sure Viktor's okay, and that means not telling him just yet because we app know what will happen. I'll just keep taking a million photos and videos so he has stuff to watch. Here, hold her" Jenny passed you Olivia and grabbed her phone to take pictures.
"Do I look a mess?" you asked, aware that not only had you given birth 6 hours ago but you had also cried one too many times. "Actually, you look so good. Which makes me slightly hate you" she placed her phone down and then made grabbing hands at Olivia. "My ovaries hurt when I don't hold her" she blushed.
You where now sat in the hotel suite that had been reserved for Viktor. Lily was laying on the floor - half on top of the fluffy rug, half off - drawing more pictures for Viktor. You were sure she was on over 100 at this point, but it kept her occupied, you enjoyed listening to her stories behind them and writing them on the back of the picture for Viktor to read later.
She was currently drawing the picture of him winning his current fight - the one that was meant to start in 45 minutes.
You were sat on the overly large sofa breastfeeding Olivia, after having to shout at Buddy Marcella and the entourage he brought for you to leave. He'd brought a nanny with him - just in case you wanted to leave Lily and Olivia to go watch the fight. He was driving you crazy more than usual.
You didn't need help, you just needed space and for not a single soul to mention to Viktor that he had an earlier than expected baby girl he'd never seen. You'd also spoken to Ivan at length who had been extra hard and stubborn on your behalf making sure everything and everyone would be perfect.
Just as the fight started Olivia woke up with a cry. You half didn't mind as she'd been asleep for a long time, as if she was waiting for the perfect moment to announce her presence in the world. She was very quiet for a newborn.
You noticed that Viktor seemed to be fighting differently, quicker, even harder, like he just wanted it to be over.
But that wasn't surprising. When Viktor had agreed to the fight, there were a few additional requirements that Buddy had added in. Endorsements and a whole bunch of extra PR stuff, including promo stuff with Adonis Creed.
"Hey!" you called to Buddy. He turned around with that stupid grin on his face. "Just remembered my husband's a person and not just your cash cow" he'd then proceeded to try and butter you up but it didn't work.
As the ring filled with people from either team and the official referee to call the match you spotted Buddy climbing into the ring. You held your breath as you watched him whisper something to Viktor. Ivan appeared and pushed Buddy away, but you could see Viktor was getting impatient and just wanted the result said. You watched Ivan place his hands on Viktor's shoulders and he calmed down a little. The referee appeared and the camera angle zoomed back showing Viktor and his opponent standing either side of the referee.
You didn't let your breathe go until the referee held up Viktor's arms and the crowd cheered. Lily jumped up dancing around with her picture in her hand. "Told you daddy won" she wiggled her hips side to side and threw the picture in the air along with her crayons.
Now you felt sick. Sheer panic and you tried to organise your thoughts and your words to explain to Viktor that you were sorry for not telling him that Olivia had come early, that you cried after every phone call with him because you wanted to just tell him. But you were glad that you didn't, that there were no distractions.
"Lily, come here please" you call, her silence not always a good thing. She skips from the bedroom, her face covered in melted chocolate. Then she stop rigid, eyes wide. "Daddy!“ she screams, sprinting past you. You turn, this isn't how you wanted him to find out. "Grandpa!“ Lily screeches, almost another octave higher. She doges Viktor and throws herself at Ivan.
Viktor doesn't seem to mind that Lily skipped him. He's staring at you or Olivia, or both of you as you rock Olivia in your arms. She's quiet now, as if nothing happened. He drops his bag and slowly walks closer to you. When he reaches you, he pulls you against him, his lips rest on forehead which makes you cry.
"I'm sorry I wasn't there, I'm sorry you had to do this on your own" Viktor tenderly hugs you, careful not to squash Olivia.
You pull away to wipe your face with one hand, surprised at how relaxed Viktor is. "My dad told me. I made him when I saw he had a lot of calls from Jenny, I thought something was wrong" you looked to Ivan, but he was busy cleaning the chocolate from Lily's face.
Everything was calmer. Everything was fine. Viktor sat holding Olivia, with Lily on his lap. They talk in hushed tones over a sleeping Olivia. Both falling quiet every so often to stare at the peaceful baby.
Viktor was stunned by how beautiful his second baby girl was. Her tiny nose, her tiny mouth, her ten tiny fingers and ten tiny toes. Lily's mind was slightly blown by Viktor telling her she was once this small, even he was too.
Together they couldn’t stop looking at Olivia. Every now and then Lily gently kissed her sister - telling Viktor all the things she planned to teach her little sister - coloring within the lines, eating jellies that Aunt Jenny brings etc, eating all the chocolate you could find in a hotel suite.
By the time Ivan got back with food for everyone, it was his turn to fuss over his new grandchild. "World's happiest grandfather" Ivan announced taking Olivia from Viktor. He sat down on the couch with Olivia while you pulled out your phone to show Viktor the million photos you'd taken while he was away.
Tags: @ellixthea @lovelymari4 @chaneajoyyy
@honeychicana @beaminglife @amelatonin @themyscxiras @crushed-pink-petals @jojolu @endless00paradise @est1887 @cajunpeach @melinda-january @profoundlynerdywolf @deathonyourtongue @designerwriterchic @itsbqueenthings @alicesfracturedmirror
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bestofc · 6 years
 So I want to first start off by saying never in the history of never ever have I ever met a Jessie, let alone laid one. But that's besides the point because I didn't know his name until after I let it be known just how much I wanted to screw him. It was a slow motion night at Dudley's. Mainly due to the massive consumption of alcohol, as we celebrated my baby sister's 21st birthday. I sat at the table observing because standing up was only a half option this far into the night. I began to doze just as a group of people walked in. Then all I could smell was some bomb ass weed that caught all my attention.
My mom was a strict no weed allowed type parent, which is hilarious being that my brother and sister cannot go a day without it, so I kept my enquiries to myself. That lasted up to about 10 minutes until I smelled it again. Except this time the scent was over my shoulder and 100 times stronger. Resisting with no longer an option. Especially when it was lingering from this gorgeous 6'4 borderline Yellowman with the most amazing dimples and smile to match. Liquid courage was not needed being that it was officially a part of me now. Without thought my mouth to say "So it's you I've been smelling." And just like that he flashed a smile with dimples as deep as the ocean and responded, "What do you smell?"
  The alcohol blackout the rest of that conversation. But somehow numbers are exchanged and we wasted enough time and Dudley's so we ventured towards Da Bomb. I left without saying anything because I wasn't sure how to play it. As I found the birthday girl and my auntie we were waiting on my mom drunk laughing at how cute that man I was talking to was. He appeared right on me smiling out how tipsy I truly was. Picking up where we left off I introduced him as my youngin Dimples. My sister says does he have a name? Realizing I never thought to ask. I turn and ask curiously, "What is your name?" Laughing he responds, "Jesse". I don't acknowledge Him and continue with my statement loudly claiming "It doesn't matter what your name is because I'm going to fuck the shit outta you regardless."
 Stopping my aunt in her tracks They pause momentarily then both bust out laughing. Trying to play it off I apologize and Blame It on the alcohol. But really in my mind I knew it was without a doubt true. Whispered in his ear you know I'm going to suck the fuck out of your dick as soon as you let me right? His eyebrow raised as he smirked and asked when? Just as I was about to answer his friend comes out saying they need to go now. That was into that or so I thought.
 You know when you have had a truly fun night when most of it is blacked out. Next thing I remember is a text at about 3 a.m. from Jesse saying thinking of you we were on the way back to Mama's apartment by then so I knew what was about to happen. Unfortunately mother saw how drunk I was and wouldn't let me leave. What you swore the best because those Patron shots seriously themed my vision and judgement. So I laid on the couch and we just talked on the phone. He wasn't upset about having to wait for me to sober up or rushing me either. Absolutely amazing man. Which made me want to fuck him even more so without saying to him I tried my damndest to sober up. And I did as I put my shoes on I was about to dip.
Just as fast as I got my shit together my mother was standing over me trying to convince me I wasn't sober enough and needed to stay longer. I was charged and ready for action nothing that I mean nothing she said in that moment mattered I mumbled something to respond and took off. I prepared myself mentally for what was about to happen as I put his address into my GPS. I didn't think of anything except how so sexy and tall he was and Dreads to boot. All just makes me wet thinking about it even now.
Slowly pulling up by rang his line just to verify the address. Ask his sweet voice guided me to his door I wondered if this was going to be worth it. He gifted my hand with his as we stepped upstairs. Nervous Giggles float in between the both of us. Jessie lightly kissed me to calm the nerves as he says, "what's all that game you were spitting over the phone? Can't back it up?" I step back to look him up and down and reply, "Oh I can" as I pushed him on his back. Sensual kisses from the bottom of his belly button up to his abs all the way to his soft lips. All over each other as I slowly grind against his very impressive hard on.
I was not expecting such size from a skinny nigga but Dimples definitely exceeded my prejudgments. Trying not to rush my drunken actions we made out and touched all the right spots for a bit. Up until I couldn't control the urge to feel him inside my throat. So I reversed my path upward as I follow the same trail to thd edge of his boxers. Teasing the process I grip the elastic while biting the print peeking out just a bit.
Before going in I decided to pace myself to provide pleasure. Gripping the cusp of his shaft as I slid my tongue slowly around the tip. Then one firm dip to the back of my throat. Double sighs, one from me gasping for air and one from Dimples sighing in relief. My mind moves in slow motion as I noticed the smile on his face as I come up. I smile and do it again to fuck with him. It works and he can't take it anymore as he reached out his hand to assist me off my knees. He gently sets me on the bed while kissing me all over.
 Body heat rising as he places his long, sculpted body atop mine. I began to drip once his dick pressed hard against my black lace panties. Pausing to reach for something in his drawer, he pulls out a magnum; which was well deserved. Somehow knowing he wanted to be safe made his dimples and everything about him beyond sexier. As I lay back gently rubbing my clit as he applied the condom he just smiled. We laughed and joined bodies once again. The penetration provided pure pleasure, felt like drugs were coarsing through my veins for the first time.
 Gripping the sheets as I lifted my legs to his waist to brace for the impact of his long strokes. Watching his chest flex with every stroke made it even better. Making me wetter. A smile slide across his face when he noticed. One smooth action as he flips his dreads back with his left hand while slowly creeping his right to my left nipple squeezing lightly. Biting my lip and rolling my eyes back as I lay back to enjoy his hard dick throbbing inside of me.
 Even though I knew from past experience that a big girl such as myself riding skinny dude like him never worked out but I did not care in that moment. Still tipsy and rational thoughts were absolutely foreign. All I saw was me pushing him off to climb on top. As he adjusted to let me have my fun I bent my knees slightly to properly squat on his dick. He moans ever so gently as my back and forth motions increase. He places his hands on my waist so we're rocking together as the tip of his dick hits my spot I moan loudly. My legs begin to quiver the more he rocked my clit rubbed against his pelvis. Trying to hold off longer I slowed down a little but Jesse was not having that as he gripped my waist tight and kept rocking but stronger. I laughed at his determination just as I came all on his dick.
Without skipping a beat he told me to bend over. I stopped and replied, "With what energy?" He ignored me while helping me in the proper position. Deciding not to be selfish I arched my back just right. Ass poking up so my cheeks spread and I made them jiggle just a little to say 'Come on in.' Unsure of this outcome I braced for impact as he placed a hand on each cheek preparing to slide in. I've never experienced a more gentle yet aggressive back shot before and I knew this one was for the memory books. Every stroke was intense but I held my own as he thrusted. Slow strokes just as he completed carressing my back as pulled away.
We giggled in agreement that the outcome was most definitely unexpected. Gathering himself he asked, "You thirsty? Want juice or water?" Not wanting to seem greedy I replied, "Water would be great." When he left I tried to hurry to get clothes on. I managed to get my bra and panties on before he returned.
 Once he returned we drank our water and he got into bed telling me to come rest. I sat for a second with my arm covering me up thinking I didn't want to be that exposed without sex happening. Finally I laid down as he watched me struggle to get comfortable and he cuddled behind me kissing my shoulder as he gripped my body and closed his eyes.
 I barely knew his name or anything about him. Him the same. Yet we talked, fucked and cuddled as if we'd known each other for years. That made it easier for me to go into a much needed deep sleep feeling comforted by his arms around me and his breath whispering in my ear as we dozed off. The sun rose but I did not notice. My alarm woke me to prepare me for my "Walk of Shame." Which never happened because Jeese woke as I did and watched me get dressed listening to a million lame excuses as why I couldn't stay for breakfast. He just grinned and reassured me everything was ok as he put on his slides. He walked with me hand and hand to my truck as he made jokes about my height and how drunk I was really. We arrived at my door and he stopped to kiss and hug me before opening my door so I could hop in. Watching me pull off, he waved until I was off his street.
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mangabookshelf · 3 years
Manga the Week of 11/10/21
Manga the Week of 11/10/21
SEAN: It’s so hard to hold a manga in the cold November rain… We start with Yen On, which has a new light novel debut: I Kept Pressing the 100-Million-Year Button and Came Out on Top (Ichiokunen Button o Rendashita Ore wa, Kidzuitara Saikyou ni Natteita ~Rakudai Kenshi no Gakuin Musou~). The story of a failure of a swordsman who gets one of the cheatiest cheats ever, though he comes to regret…
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graphicpolicy · 3 years
Yen Press Announces Ten New Series for Future Publication
Yen Press Announces Ten New Series for Future Publication #Manga #LightNovels #TTRPG #RPG
Yen Press has announced a slate of upcoming releases that includes several light novels (I Kept Pressing the 100-Million Button and Came Out on Top, The Otherworlder, Exploring the Dungeon, Orc Eroica and The Hero Laughs While Walking the Path of Vengence a Second Time) and manga (Reign of the Seven Spellblades, The Detective is Already Dead, Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? II,…
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recentanimenews · 3 years
Yen Press Announces New Licenses Releasing This Year
Manga and light novel publisher Yen Press has announced its latest slate of titles for release later this year, which feature the usual slate of manga and light novels, while also featuring releases such as a TRPG guidebook for Konosuba and a Korean webcomic. Without further delay, the release slate.
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  Konosuba: God's Blessing on This Wonderful World! TRPG
Live out the wildest fantasies in the world of Konosuba: God's Blessing on this Wonderful World with the TRPG developed under Natsume Akatsuki's full oversight. Whether it's playing as a luckless reincarnation or pursuing a quest as an all powerful magician, a life of hilarious adventures awaits!  
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  New York, New York New York police officer, Cain, while hiding that he's gay, goes out every night in Manhattan in want of a one night stand. But when he meets his ideal man, Mel, he finds the love of his life… An ambitious work which depicts love and humanism with gay themes!
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  The Hero Laughs While Walking the Path of Vengence a Second Time (light novel)
Summoned to a fantasy world as a hero, Kaito Utage defeats the Demon Lord alongside a band of noble adventurers…only to be double crossed and brutally murdered by his former allies! But when a twist of fate gives him a second chance at life with his all his memories intact, he sets off on a quest to slaughter his traitorous party members one by one. “Come...let vengeance commence!”     
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  Orc Eroica (light novel) Bestowed with the title of “hero” for downing countless foes in the War of Twelve Tribes, Bash commands great respect from his fellow orcs.  But this hero has a dark secret: His success on the battlefield doesn’t match up to his success in the bedroom. With his reputation on the line, Bash sets out on a quest of a lifetime...all for the explicit purpose of getting laid...!  
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  The Otherworlder, Exploring the Dungeon (light novel)
In this dark fantasy tale, an accident transports Soya to a parallel world filled with danger and mystery. On his quest to explore this uncharted land, he encounters a gaggle of quirky friends, like Mysranica, the god of deception and secrecy, and a pair of elf sisters banished from their forest home. Before he knows it, Soya is making rogue adventurers eat lead, beating up petty nobles, and taking on dungeons where death lurks around every corner!  
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I Kept Pressing the 100-Million Button and Came Out on Top (light novel)
Allen is training to be a swordsman, but he’s just no good at it. After losing a duel with high stakes, he’s about to drop out when a mysterious man offers him a chance to get 100 million years’ worth of training with the press of a button. But what happens when he presses it over and over?!  
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  So I'm a Spider, So What? The Daily Lives of the Kumoko Sisters (manga)
So, as you mighta noticed, I got reincarnated in another world—as a spider! And somewhere along the line, I somehow picked up skill called Parallel Minds. Which, y’know, is great when you need a little extra help running from monsters and firing off magic spells. But it can get kinda crazy when there’s four of me living in my head...   
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Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? II
After Mikoto ventures into Orario's pleasure quarter on a lead to find her long-lost friend, Bell, Lily, and Welf decide to join the search! Unfortunately, Bell's hardly comfortable in such an unfamiliar environment, and after he gets separated from the group, he soon finds himself in a part of Orario he never knew existed. There, he spies a beautiful girl with fox ears and a tail, but little does he know, she's exactly who Mikoto's been looking for...
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    The Detective is Already Dead (manga)
I, an ordinary highschool student, Kimihiko Kimizuka, I was embroiled completely flawlessly into a plane hijacking, where I became the assistant to the angelically beautiful detective girl I met. In three years, the great detective and her assistant unfolded a dazzling adventure drama. Before long, we were separated by death. This takes place a year after that. The only survivor, me, and the detective's dying wish—their unfinished story.
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  Reign of the Seven Spellblades (manga)
When a boy and girl meet at a prestigious magic school, the curtain to a supreme fantasy series opens! This year's new students arrive at Kimberley Magic School. What meets them there is a brilliant parade of cherry blossoms in full bloom and magical creatures. They don't know--this academy is a living demon's shrine where no one's life is guaranteed. A school fantasy about spellblades!  
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  The Abandoned Empress, Vol. 1 (comic)
Believed to be a girl of prophecy, Aristia has been preparing to be the empress for her entire life...but when the actual girl in the prophecy suddenly appears, everything comes crumbling down. And when she’s sentenced to death by the emperor she loves, there’s nothing she can do but curse the unfairness of it all—that is, until she wakes in the body of her ten-year-old self. She’s been given a second chance, and this time, Aristia is determined to pave her own path through life!
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  Ken Niimura’s “Never Open It: The Taboo Trilogy”
Never Open It: The Taboo Trilogy is a collection of three stories from Ken Niimura that are rooted in well-known Japanese folk tales, such as Urashima Taro and The Crane Wife. Each story delves into the concept of the taboo, asking questions such as “Why are these rules meant to be followed?” and “Who and why sets these rules?” Taking inspiration from the Japanese folk tales told to Ken Niimura as a child and combining them with his unique and captivating art style, Never Open It: The Taboo Trilogy is a must read graphic novel for fans of beautiful literary comics.
  Never Open It and The Abandoned Empress will be released simultaneously in print and digital in October, while the rest of the slate will be released throughout the year.
  SOURCE: Supplied Press Release
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  By: Humberto Saabedra
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freetipsmono · 3 years
Youtube Tips and Trick-Youtube tips and tricks 2021-Youtube tips and tricks in hindi
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Youtube Tips and Trick-Youtube tips and tricks 2021-Youtube tips and tricks in hindi
10 Best Tips And Tricks For Youtube That Bring You The Most Success In The Journey of Youtube and start Earning Today. I got my first camcorder in about 7 years just before I set out on a backpacking trip to Argentina.
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10 Beginner Tips If You're Getting Started on YouTube
I got my first camcorder in about 7 years just before I set out on a backpacking trip to Argentina. I've never had a camcorder before, I'd never edited video, and I'd never been in front of a camera... but I wanted to make video. I was traveling with one of my best friends, Rebecca, and I decided we were going to document our two weeks across the country; easier said than done! When we were trying to remember the events of those days, we were not laughing in our heads, we were bragging about something. Looking back, I both rely on my amateurish style, yet love that footage because it inspired me to take up vlogging in the first place. Our footage was raw, shaky, and had a slight air of madness, but it was a lot of fun filming it.
It would take another 4 years before I decided to meet Sam and start a YouTube channel with him (it's kind of funny and looks like we were together just 1 month after we started dating)! ), but I could. Don't imagine I was traveling and not filming right now.
We've been making videos for over 3 years and while I wouldn't consider myself a professional videographer by any means (our style is much more casual and cool), I learned a bit about vlogging and using YouTube in the meantime is . Or have learned two things. At the time, so today I thought I'd share 10 YouTube tips for anyone who gets into the video. let's get started
1. Be Consistent About Posting Videos
The best tip I can give you is to get your stuff out there Making good videos takes practice and you will only get better if you keep at it. If you tell yourself "this video isn't good enough", "it still needs more editing", "doesn't look like I thought", you'll never publish anything
I can't watch the videos Sam and I filmed 3 years ago because they look so bad - vintage changes, zoom in and out, awkwardness of being in front of the camera for the first time - but we shared those videos online, kept making some more , and I think we slowly improve along the way.
If you want to be in video you must have a goal. Maybe he is publishing 1 video a month or 2 videos a week. Set a goal that you know you will be able to accomplish, and do your best to stick to it. You might not always feel 100% satisfied with the result, but it's important to get your video out there and get started on the next project.
2. Learn to Press the Delete Button
What you take out is just as important as what you leave.
The things that once could potentially kill a good video are too much of the same thing. Just because you shot 10 clips of the Eiffel Tower from slightly different vantage points, doesn't mean you have to include every single piece of footage in your video. Pick the best shots and then delete the rest.
📷Youtube Tips and Trick-Youtube tips and tricks 2021-Youtube tips and tricks in hindi
If you show it too much and the footage starts to repeat a bit, the audience will lose interest and move on to something else. Your job is to keep the audience engaged, even if it means detracting from some of your files.
3. Stop Comparing Yourself to Others
There will always be channels that are more popular, more experienced or more skilled than you. You can watch these channels for inspiration on how you want to film and what you want to achieve, or you can do it free of self-doubt and never publish anything.
Obviously the latter is not what you want to be.
Just remember that every channel started just like you did: no subscribers, no views, no viewers. Yes, even the channels that have more than 1 million subscribers and now make their living exclusively from YouTube - they were right, are you today.
4. Study the movies, TV shows and videos you love
You can learn a lot of techniques by watching and studying videos. Whenever you see a cool shot or unusual angle, ask yourself, "How did they do that?" And then rewind, watch it again, and pay attention to the movement of the camera.
📷Youtube Tips and Trick-Youtube tips and tricks 2021-Youtube tips and tricks in hindi
One of my favorite travel shows is Departure and I fell in love with it from the very first episode because of the cinematography. The show follows two friends, Scott and Justin, as they travel around the world with their incredibly talented cameraman, Andre. If you haven't seen the show yet, you need to head over to Netflix immediately because not only are Scott and Justin really entertaining, but Andre is capable of some serious magic with the camera. Wide landscapes, dramatic pans - sometimes it seems that it is frozen time.
5. Don't forget to do SEO on your videos
If you want your videos to actually rank on YouTube (which allows viewers to find you), you need to do a bit more than just upload your content I know so many YouTubers who shoot really great videos, but they don't help their content rank on YouTube. Filming and editing may be 90% of the work, but it's the final 10% that's going to allow people to find you.
What does this mean?
1) Give your video a descriptive title.
You want something that explains exactly what your video is about and gets keywords in the title. “VLOG #1: Alohaaaaaa!!!!!!” is not so great, but “Driving the road to Hana in Maui” might actually get you somewhere.
📷Youtube Tips and Trick-Youtube tips and tricks 2021-Youtube tips and tricks in hindi
2) Use tags.
Tags are keywords that will help people find your video. Since we're rolling with the example of "Driving the road to Hana in Maui", you could use keywords like: Hana highway, road trip, scenic drive, coastal drive, Maui, Hawaii, travel. Get the picture?
📷Youtube Tips and Trick-Youtube tips and tricks 2021-Youtube tips and tricks in hindi
3) Write a description.
Tell me what your video is about. Better yet, tell YouTube what your video is about. That little description box under your video gives you plenty of room to write a search engine-friendly description, so don't be sparse with your words.
6. Don't worry about having the fanciest camera out there
It's not about the camera you have, it's about what you do with your camera to tell a story
That being said, two main considerations when choosing a camcorder or camera should be audio and image stabilization. Audio is really important because you want your viewers to be able to hear what you're saying clearly rather than picking up muffled background noises, and image stabilization is also important because no one enjoys watching jerky filming that makes you dizzy.
These days Sam and I shoot with a camcorder because it suits our on-the-go style (it's the Panasonic HC-X920 in case you're interested), but don't go off and get that just because it's what we use. You really need to think about your filming style, the video quality you want, and the final result that you're looking to achieve. For us that means shooting with a camcorder, but I know a lot of YouTubers who prefer the glossy / saturated footage you get with a dSLR.
7. Don't neglect audio
Now that I've told you that you don't need a fancy camera, I'm going to tell you to actually think about audio, because if there's one thing that can completely ruin a video, it's not being able to hear what you are saying. Biggest pet peeve!
Here are some pointers:
1) If you've just climbed to the top of some mountain and it's really windy, don't bother breaking into a monologue of how accomplished you feel because I won't be able to hear it. What I will hear is that deafening wind that's whipping you in the face, and it's especially horrible when I'm wearing headphones. Be mindful of audio anytime you're shooting somewhere windy so that your footage doesn't go to waste.
2) If you're shooting with an old GoPro, take it out of its case. It may keep the camera safe while you're out surfing or jumping off cliffs, but if you're going to talk, it sounds very muffled, and again, I can't make out a word you're saying.
3) If you're shooting with your phone, make sure you're not placing your finger over the microphone. Maybe this doesn't apply so much to video (unless you're filming with your phone), but it happens all the time with Snapchat.
Of course, this isn't an issue if you're just filming mood videos and then laying down a track, but if you're going to be speaking into the camera, it's something you really need to think about.
8. Use simple editing software
Since these YouTube tips are geared at people who are just starting out, I'm going to say choose a simple editing software that isn't going to cause you a mental breakdown every time you try to edit a video. You don't need to go out and buy Final Cut Pro; if this is your first time editing video, it'll likely slow you down, confuse you, and leave you in a puddle of tears.
Guess what? Windows Movie Maker will do the trick! Yes, that's the program that likely already came installed in your laptop, and if it didn't, you can download it for FREE!
I think there's a place for advanced video editing software, but it's probably best to keep it simple if you are just starting out and have no prior editing experience.
9. Be social, share, and collaborate
YouTube is a very community driven platform so go out there and make some friends. Find channels you like and leave a comment – ​​but not spammy comments like 'Cool video!' or 'Awesome stuff, man'. Take a genuine interest in people and the content they are producing, and others will take an interest in you too.
Also, don't forget to share your videos. If you hit the share tab underneath a video, you'll notice that it can be shared across 13 different social platforms – that certainly gives you a lot of options! And let’s not forget the embed tab that allows you to share your video (perhaps on your blog) in cus
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ljaesch · 3 years
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cdrforea · 5 years
Olympus OM-D E-M1 Mark III Review: Best Travel Camera?
New Post has been published on https://bestedevices.com/olympus-om-d-e-m1-mark-iii-review-best-travel-camera.html
Olympus OM-D E-M1 Mark III Review: Best Travel Camera?
"The Olympus E-M1 Mark III makes previously impossible recordings easy."
Excellent stabilization
Starry sky auto focus
Fast performance
High-resolution handheld mode
EVF could be better
The measurement was somewhat unpredictable
Same sensor as Mark II
Some photographers are pixel peepers. They reach for the largest sensors with the highest resolution and are only looking for the sharpest optics in order to reproduce a test card perfectly. The $ 1,800 Olympus OMD E-M1 Mark III won't please these photographers. in fact, it completely ignores them.
This is the camera for everyone else, especially for those who value a compact, adventurous system. Photographers who want long zoom and short size lenses; and photographers looking for a camera that makes even the most difficult shots fun.
Olympus suspends the full-frame race, sticks to the smaller Micro Four Thirds format that it developed, and focuses on usability with features that no other brand offers. For the most part, it works.
This includes brand new features like Starry Sky AF, an autofocus mode specifically designed to focus on the stars (those in the sky; this is not a paparazzi mode). These include a stabilization system with 7.5 apertures and integrated ND filters (neutral density), with which you can leave the tripod and the screw-on filter (at least in most cases) at home.
We tested the limits of the E-M1 Mark III on the beaches and jungles of Costa Rica for four days and then put the camera through its paces in a northeastern winter for a few weeks. While the E-M1 Mark III isn't the best camera you can buy for $ 1,800, it's the best interchangeable camera on the go.
Design and build quality
The E-M1 Mark III offers similar functions to the E-M1X, but in a smaller form without the built-in battery handle. With the 12-45mm 1: 4 PRO, the smallest weatherproof combination that Olympus offers. I was able to put the camera, four lenses, two teleconverters – enough for a range of 600 mm – and an iPad in a backpack. I even had enough space to put my tripod in my backpack instead of strapping it out. A difference that allowed me to pack everything in hand luggage for a four-day international photo tour.
Despite the smaller size and weight – around 20.5 ounces – the handle of the E-M1 Mark III is comfortable and there is still plenty of room for physical controls, including a dual control and autofocus joystick. Olympus was also able to use two SD card slots, although only slot is UHS-II compatible.
The control layout is solid, if not perfect. I love the programmable mode switch that can be used to quickly switch between two camera settings. Although it can do much more, I used it to quickly switch from simple to continuous autofocus when photographing wildlife.
A joystick, two steering wheels and an ISO button near the thumb provide easy focus and exposure settings. The key combinations for focus modes, measurement, burst, timer and flash are located in the top left.
On the less positive side, the record button and exposure compensation are right next to each other on the top of the camera near the trigger. With the same size and shape, I accidentally started recording several times when I wanted to adjust the exposure. These two controls take a little more time to use the camera comfortably without having to pull the viewfinder away from my eye.
For more controls, a quick menu contains less frequently used options. The full menu is known to anyone who has previously shot Olympus, but it takes a bit of a hunt to find options for less known people.
The E-M1 III uses a 3-inch, 1.037 million dot touchscreen that is tilted to the side of the camera, so you can rotate the screen in selfie orientation without being blocked by a tripod.
As with the E-M1X, however, I was not impressed by the electronic viewfinder. The refresh rate was solid, but the images had less contrast than the LCD screen. With 2.36 million points, there are several EVFs on the market that offer a higher resolution.
The magnesium alloy case is sealed against dust and splashes and feels firm in the hands, which comes as no surprise to anyone who previously used a high-end Olympus camera. It even survived my accidental durability test when the tide came in a little faster than expected while the camera was on the beach. Although it is more of a partial immersion than a simple splash, both the E-M1 and the new 12-45mm kit lens were no worse to carry. A small amount of beach sand penetrated directly into the battery compartment, but if the camera survives being hit by a sea wave, it should be able to survive the announced splash and dust without any problems.
The E-M1 Mark III does not have the double batteries of the E-M1X, but the battery life of a mirrorless camera is solid. I didn't have to replace the battery until the end of the day, about 800 shots later. (My preference for burst mode usually allows me to achieve more than the specified battery life – the CIPA rating is 420 shots or 900 in quick sleep mode).
Features and performance
Shot with Starry Sky AF and a tripod, edited in Adobe Lightroom
Compared to larger cameras, taking pictures with the E-M1 Mark III is liberating. While most mirrorless cameras are easy to carry, the E-M1 can leave both the tripod and the ND filters in most cases. With a 7-stage stabilization system (7.5 with the M.Zuiko Digital ED 12-100 mm f / 4.0 PRO lens) and the built-in NDs, I took several long-term exposures of ocean waves during the day without removing my tripod from the take backpack.
Olympus has the best stabilization system of any manufacturer, and says that most people can take 6-second wide-angle shots without a tripod. This is impressive. But with a firm grip it is possible to get even more out. Although I love long exposures, I hate taking my tripod anywhere and I took long exposures much more often because I could hold them in my hand.
Starry Sky AF is a new feature that is unknown to other brands. It worked surprisingly well.
Long-term handheld exposures aren't new to the E-M1 Mark III, but a handheld photo of the night sky without a tripod – or manual focus – is definitely. The camera's new Starry Sky AF mode does not use contrast detection, phase detection, or even a hybrid of the two systems. Instead, the luminance is used to look for the points of light that create stars against a black sky.
The system has two modes: speed priority for hand shooting and accuracy priority when working on a tripod. The mode is also set up to use focus with the back button instead of focusing with half a press on the shutter release, so focus simply stays locked when you re-formulate the shot.
Photographing stars is one of the more difficult types of photography, since a tripod is usually required and the sweet spot must be found on the manual focus ring, which can take multiple test shots before it is just right. The combination of stabilization and starry AF of the E-M1 III simplifies the shooting of stars, makes it easier for advanced photographers and is accessible for beginners. I would still prefer a tripod to get the best results, but the fact that one isn't required is very impressive.
Starry Sky AF is a new feature that is unknown to other brands. It worked surprisingly well. While not as fast as the camera's usual autofocus, it surpasses manual focus. And because the system is based on luminance, it also works with other types of light sources that are surrounded by darkness, such as night cityscapes.
While the Starry Sky AF is the star of the show, the E-M1 Mark III's 121-point on-chip phase detection autofocus system – a system almost identical to the E-M1X – performs well. The focusing speed is not record-breaking, but has kept pace with everything from surfers to birds in flight. The auto focus in low light is also respectable, if not the best in its class, with a sensitivity of up to -3.5 EV.
Eye AF is comparable to other mirrorless systems from competitors.
Face and eye AF also worked well and quickly recognized and fixed the eyes. While probably not fast enough for sports, eye AF is comparable to other mirrorless systems from competitors. Some systems, such as the Nikon Z 6 and Z 7, require the use of an automatic AF area for eye AF to work. The E-M1 Mark III can use Eye AF in Group AF mode, which means there is less need to switch between focus modes when changing your subjects. Eye AF for animals, a function that is becoming increasingly common with other brands, is also missing.
Tracking autofocus worked just as well as any camera I've shot with – which means it sometimes works and sometimes it's junk. I managed to take a few sharp shots, but with group mode and simple continuous autofocus, I got better results. However, I don't really count this as a negative because I haven't yet met a tracking autofocus camera that is good enough for quick actions (newer Sony models like the A6600 might be an exception).
The E-M1 Mark III also didn't inherit the E-M1X's motorsport focus mode (which actually works quite well for tracking). The niche function requires two processors to function and therefore remains exclusive to the high-end flagship model. However, the single processor of the E-M1 upgraded to TruPic IX still manages to achieve the most performance.
The E-M1 III is fast enough for most photographers. It can shoot with the mechanics at 10 frames per second or with the quiet electronic shutter at 18 frames per second. If you don't need continuous autofocus, You can increase this speed up to 15 or 60 fps. The frame buffer limits approximately 76 RAW shots when shooting at 18 frames per second. However, we have found that this is sufficient to accommodate everything from birds to surfers.
The TruPic IX processor also enables a new high-resolution handheld mode that uses the image stabilization system and the tiny movements of your hands to combine 16 photos into a 50 megapixel file. The mode is only suitable for perfectly calm subjects, but offers the possibility of achieving a higher resolution if the 20.4 megapixels of the sensor are not sufficient.
picture quality
The E-M1 Mark III has the same sensor as the Mark II with the same resolution of 20 MP. Given the small size of the sensor, increasing the resolution will eventually reduce the return, so 20 MP is fine. However, there is no way around the fact that this sensor, which is now many years old, has limitations compared to larger, more modern sensors. The E-M1 Mark III is still good enough for most photographers, but don't expect a jump in image quality over older models.
However, this smaller sensor has advantages. One of the biggest advantages of the 2X crop factor makes it easier to achieve a longer focal length. 600 mm equivalent range, a groundbreaking focal length in full screen mode, can be easily taken along.
The excellent image stabilization is also of great help with these long lenses. Even with relatively slow shutter speeds, the details remained sharp when shooting with a 600 mm handheld.
And while the sensor remains unchanged, a new detail priority mode processes high ISO images twice, slowing the camera down but increasing the level of detail. When processing with speed priority, the noise creeps in around ISO 800, and details and sharpness tend to go down around ISO 3,200. Fortunately, the excellent stabilization for still subjects can help keep the ISO low.
The camera's metering system felt less predictable than most of the others even in spot metering mode, and I was regularly on the exposure compensation dial to get the exposure right in aperture priority and shutter priority mode.
This gator was polite enough for high-resolution mode, though it took a few tries.
If you need additional resolution, the high-resolution handheld mode can be of great help. The photo above was taken in this mode and even cropped in the mail. The subject must remain still, and the camera takes a few extra seconds to put everything together, but provides detail for some subjects.
The video follows a similar pattern with good color and excellent stabilization. Taking even wide-angle shots without a tripod was easy, with just a little movement in the video. The detail is excellent thanks to the 4K resolution of the cinema.
Price and availability
The Olympus OM-D E-M1 Mark III is $ 1,800 and was released on February 24th.
Our opinion
The Olympus OM-D E-M1 Mark III is a small camera, but it is also a camera that works in a way that other cameras cannot. Features like Starry Sky AF and high-resolution handheld mode are unique advantages. Because you pack a weatherproof camera and smaller lenses, leave the tripod and the ND filters at home and still get solid images, the E-M1 Mark III is an ideal camera on the go.
But it is not perfect. The viewfinder resolution is a few generations out of date, the measuring system feels inconsistent and many other basic systems such as the 121-point autofocus and the 20MP Four Thirds sensor are adopted by the Mark II.
Is there a better alternative?
For $ 1,800, you get a lot of camera, including the recently announced Fujifilm X-T4, which has a larger APS-C sensor but is similar in size to the E-M1. Even the Sony A7 III in full screen mode is the better choice for photographers who are more concerned with the highest image quality than with large zoom and a lot of stabilization.
However, no competing camera has 7-stage image stabilization (the Fuji comes close to 6.5, but only with selected lenses). No other camera can focus on the stars or take astrophotography without a tripod. And no other format can pack a 600 mm range in a 300 mm lens.
So whether there is a "better" camera depends on your definition of "better". Is there a camera with better picture quality for the price? Absolutely. But is there a better alternative for travel photography? Probably not.
How long it will take?
The weather seal makes the E-M1 Mark III a tough machine. The updated shutter is one of Olympus' best with 400,000 operations. My test device survived being partially submerged in sea water. Aside from more extreme disasters, the camera should last for many years and even longer if Olympus chose the Mark IV.
Should you buy it
Yes, if you want a great interchangeable lens camera on the go or obsessed with long exposures, but hate to carry a tripod with you. Image stabilization, built-in NDs and Starry Sky AF are all great.
The smaller sensor is less ideal for genres like portraits, weddings, and fashion, where you can spend a similar amount of money on a full-frame body and where the advanced features of the E-M1 III just don't work.
Editor's recommendations
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