#i just want it archived on my tumblr so i can return to it again and again and again and again
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chuchiotaku · 1 day ago
[ANNOUNCEMENT] There and Back Again Book 2
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(You didn't really think I'd leave you guys hanging now, did you?)
Ron Weasley returns to Hogwarts for his second year with danger hot in his heels. And our favorite nineteen-year-old-turned-twelve time traveler will need more than his knowledge of the previous life to survive this one unscathed. Because, as Ron is about to find out, the consequences of messing with time won't always result in his favor, and that one ripple is enough to change the tides in ways he could not even anticipate.
But the real question is, whose body is doomed to lie in the Chamber forever this time? And can Ron find a way to save the year before it is too late?
An Archive of Our Own exclusive release.
May 2025
Other Notes:
So it turns out I'm still alive. Yay!
In case you were wondering why it took this long, it's because planning for this took longer than I thought, and harder too. Since the feedback for Year 1 was generally positive and you lot seemed to have really liked how it went, the pressure was on to at least sustain that quality of work moving forward.
AO3 Exclusive Release?
Starting book 2, all of TBA's future chapters will be posted exclusively on AO3. While I do have fond memories and much respect for FF.net for being one of the earliest and most accessible fanfiction archives out there, the amount of spam/bot reviewers and messages, the clunky, outdated user interface and the difficulty of maintaining two versions of all my fanfics has made me decide to continue updating my works in one site only.
That said, I will still be posting at least one more chapter in FF.net before moving on, also as a way for me to announce TBA's continuation at AO3 for my FF.net readers.
So how is Book 2 now?
Based on my draft outline, we're looking at 20 chapters minimum, and while some events from JK's original Chamber of Secrets work will come up in this fanfic (I expect most of you will want Ron and co. to face the big bad snake at some point), there are a few surprises here and there in store for you. As for who has opened the Chamber and who will be the Basilisk's victims this time around, our guess is as good as Ron's.
I hope to release the first chapter roll and the preview of the first chapter by April 2025 before the official release, barring any unforeseen circumstances. Life, you know I'm looking at you.
Thank you again for your support for There and Back Again book 1, and hoping for your continued patronage for book 2!
Happy Birthday, Ron!
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PS: I am so behind answering DMs, Asks and all other things. To all who have sent me messages, I'm sorry for the delays in responding but I have received them and I will get back to you soon. I just have to remember that Tumblr has an inbox for messages and asks. Four years on this bloody thing and I still can't remember that. 😅
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blamemma · 9 days ago
a critical hit maxiel x hope ur okay (olivia rodrigo) edit created by tiktok user glowsainz | please click the link and send all gratitude, love, likes, comments, and emotions their way, i just wanted to share this here as it made me very emotional
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olderthannetfic · 10 days ago
I'll be the first person to talk about how AO3 is just that, an archive. How there's no algorithm. How there's no point in constantly being the "first" (most recent) work in the ship/fandom/character/etc tag. How it's NEVER rude to leave a genuinely kind comment on any work, no matter how old or how new it is. You comment 10+ after the post date? Awesome. You comment -10 minutes after the post date? Awesome.
But I'm having a hard time taking my own advice! I recently came out of a huge slump and started posting again for a longfic for a pretty popular pairing, a pretty popular fandom, and a pretty popular trope. I haven't gotten many comments/kudos yet -- which is fine, I'm just so happy to have my motivation back -- but the thing is is that I'm literally posting multiple chapters a day. (By multiple I mean two or three, so nothing TOO insane.) Now, the nature of the work is that most of the chapters are pretty short (I'm too scared to say what it is out of fear of revealing myself, but I will say it's NOT a drabble/etc collection or anything word-count based. it's more similar to something that is meant to parallel the length and format of the source material.) But I still have this weird insecurity that I'm pushing my fic on people who don't give a fuck, that people who check the tag multiple times a day are just getting annoyed and thinking "I've had enough of this guy."
And that's alright! They can block and/or mute and/or filter! I've certainly felt that way before seeing fics that I'm not-so-interested in constantly being the forefront of the tag. I just scroll on, and maybe think to myself, "well good for that author for having a schedule". I'm not necessarily venting about my feelings themselves, but moreso about the nature of my feelings...I almost feel like I've become "algorithm-pilled", if that makes sense? Like I'm so hung up on this, I keep worrying people are gonna think I'm just constantly posting in order to be on top. And I'm not, and they're wrong if they think that, and again, I really don't care in the long run if people jump to such wild conclusions, but it's like...ugh. I would not have cared about this even a few months ago. I truly do not know what is wrong with me and why I'm suddenly fussing so much. Maybe it's almost a "stage fright" thing because I'm returning to the work after so long. Maybe I just need to comfortable again.
(I didn't necessarily send this for reassurance, but I am happy to have comments that gently poke fun at how much I am over-reacting ha. I'm mostly just rambling in general because I don't want to post this on my actual tumblr, which is linked to my ao3.)
Alas, logic and emotions rarely line up.
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musouie · 25 days ago
hi loves,
first off, i hope the new year has been treating you all kindly, and that you thoroughly enjoyed the holidays !! i apologise for leaving so hastily and without any forewarning, i’ve just been very overwhelmed irl and online, and felt i needed to distance myself and focus on 1) uni and 2) my mental & physical health, which directly impacts uni, and that comes first !
i usually try to be more communicative and transparent on here, especially regarding my health or possible absences, and especially with my friends who definitely didn’t deserve my zero communication. (to you all i apologise. it is something i struggle with and that i’ve recognised is a horrible way to go about.) that being said, i have been getting a lot of help health-wise, and i’ve found many outlets, habits, and friends to lean on for support in times of trouble ! i deeply appreciate all the asks and messages i’ve received wishing me well, i love you all so, so much. more than you could ever know ☹️ !
now, with my return, i come bearing news ! i will be posting one other work on this account for my dear luvie’s event, and then i will be archiving musouie. it has been fun, and i have found a little community on here that i adore with aaaaall my heart. but i have nothing to offer tumblr, and i fear tumblr has nothing to offer me. at least, as of right now.
i plan to return to tumblr in the future once my foundations are a little bit sturdier, as writing has been a hobby i’ve cherished for years, and i enjoy sharing my art with everyone. and hopefully, when i’m ready and in a place i want to be, you all might seek me out again :,) ! i will still pop in whenever i can !
anyway, this is the official musouie goodbye. thank you all for being here with me. it’s been a lovely year. hope all is well, and i’ll see you soon xxx
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terribleinfluence-tour · 5 months ago
I will phrase this nicer than i did in my own blog, but please if some of you could be a little more patient with us around finding preshows and the quality of them.
The preshow i reblogged early was the first one i found when i woke up this morning and i didn’t listen to it i just posted it. I’m very sorry that the audio quality wasn’t up to standard HOWEVER this blog is an archive of all things tit related, that means we are archiving everything including ‘bad audios’ because it serves as part of the tours legacy.
I am forever grateful to anyone who has recorded any audio of the show and preshow and any videos of the preshow, and i think some of you should be grateful too because the people doing this don’t have to but they do!
I just want to give you guys an idea of my day during tour so you can understand why I can’t always post the best audio or a film video first thing in the day.
I work 40 hours a week, I am not currently in the right timezone, most of the things happening with tit right now are while i’m sleeping.
I currently wake up at 8am, i have a quick look through tumblr and twitter and i post whatever i find, i have 30 minutes to get ready for work in the morning and i genuinely spend 15 of that on this blog. I then go to work. sometimes throughout the day I will check to see if anything new has appeared (there’s normally about 2 audios and a video by then) I take a quick break from my job to post those and then i go back to work. When i finish work i check twitter and tumblr again and then I go through m&gs and i screenshot them all and post them, this takes a few hours. (sometimes peyton will do this and that’s very helpful) I then go to sleep and the cycle starts again.
Running this blog is literally a second job. It’s hard work and it takes up a lot of my time, the blog is nowhere near even at its potential yet, i have so many pages etc planned that i barely have time for.
I am trying my best, i love updating this blog and I am so committed to it. All i ask in return is a little patience and a little less condescension from some people.
I love you all!
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fuckyeahmhawkefenris · 9 months ago
It is unbearably quiet on tumblr lately, and what little talking there is, it's all about the next game. Yeah, we're no longer in 2012, I get it.
I'll just keep entertaining myself however I can.
I've always wanted to talk about one fic I secretly refer to as one of the hidden gems in the fenhawke archives. I have never ever seen anyone bring it up, and in all these years I've never dared to recommend it to anyone... Don't think you can even find it so easily? For good reason tbh...
Thing is, it's a fill for da kink community on livejournal. Anyone remember that place? The safe haven where anyone could anonimously submit the kinkiest most shameless things you could think of - offering prompts, filling them... Those were some desperate times when we were painfully low on content, and it was very hard to find something to read. Finding a story with characterization that suited your vision was near impossible!
I myself was desprate enough to brave through countless pages of imageries I could not stomach, skimming through them just to get the general idea until something captured my attention.
So I found this, and honestly, to this day to me it is one of the best examples of... idk, not just good characterization, but the overall feeling of the fenhawke relationship, why I can't let go of them after 12 years? It's all subjective, of course, but no fanfic ever resonated with me as deeply as this. Also back then mage Hawke was not very popular and most stories featured rogues... I used to be very sad and lonely!
Warning: it's extremely triggery. I wouldn't even recommend reading the first part at all, because it's too difficult and painful to get through. Hell, I couldn't read it! I was looking through the text very VERY briefly to get only the most basic and vague understanding of what was happening, and it was still hard! There is a lot of abuse, rape, slavery things...
To get the idea:
The Alone quest did not get resolved as planned. Danarius managed to win that battle, captured Fenris and returned to Tevinter, gravely injuring Hawke in the process (Fenris thought he was killed). To break the remains of his will, Danarius threatens to erase Fenris's memories of Hawke, and he succumbs and stops resisting altogether. I don't want to recall the details, but it was awful. Go straight to part 17 (it's a flashback) to read a very lovely take on fenhawke first night together. It's super sweet and gentle, though painfully sad in context. Still, beautiful. Well, it gets worse before it gets better! Somewhere in part 19 Fenris's friends come for him (they sailed all the way here on Isabela's new ship) and he's rescued. What follows is an exceptionally touching tender reunion with Hawke. Oh, and then, once all is settled comes the second part - All the King's men, which is much less controversial and fairly easy to read. Fenris copes with his experiences, and Hawke is always there for him. There are some truly fantastic moments as they slowly get close to each other again! Isabela is pretty great here, and Anders... sorta made me warm up to his character? And it's all fairly believable and close to how we see them in the game.
I'm saying all this and linking this fic on the off chance that someone with tastes similar to mine ever needs something like it. I know I am grateful it exists, and still hold it very dear to my heart. Definitely never regretted finding it!
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crimsonbubble · 2 months ago
2024 has been a jam-packed year of events. I've found myself and lost myself so many times this year, But honestly, those moments led me to this moment—right here, right now. After not writing anything for so long, I found my spark for writing again this year. I’ve gone through god fucking knows how many hyper fixations this year alone. I got back into kpop this year as well; after taking a bit of a hiatus from it for a year or two.
Looking at my tumblr archive is insane. And I think some of you would enjoy seeing the progression into brain rot. So, here we go!
January starts with a continuation of my mortal kombat phase. Seeing the amount of fics I wrote for this media is insane. My 2023 kinktober compared to my 2024 one is a stark contrast. There may also be some COD stuff sprinkled in there as well and honestly, that makes me want to rip my eyes out.
February is still part of the mortal kombat train with some love and deepspace stuff placed here and there. It’s still mainly mortal kombat because that fixation had a very strong chokehold on me.
March is still part of the mortal kombat stuff but with resident evil stuff thrown into the mix too bc re4rm came out. Hints of genshin stuff too. Oh and milkman. March had a lot of little bits and pieces thrown at it. This just shows how versatile my taste in characters is (no, it’s not. Im basic more often than not).
April, aka my birthday month!! Anyways more mortal kombat. Oh yeah, boops were a thing for a day. Ooh, more milkman stuff too.
May was where the clusterfuck of fixations came together. Early May was still mortal kombat, some spiderverse stuff thrown in there as well, some stuff about Midas from fortnite too, some jjk fics and such, etc. Now… May 6th was my first official reblog of ateez content after coming back from my kpop hiatus. It was actually the ‘boyfriend texts w/ jeong yunho’ from @beenbaanbuun !! Then slowly I started reblogging more ateez stuff, both from other writers and my older posts as well. The rest of the month was full of ateez fics and whatnot.
*Side note; May 12th was the start of my return to ateez writing with ‘sweet as sin w/ yunho’
June was filled with only ateez posts and reblogs. By this time I was on summer break so I had a lot of time to myself. A lot of horny reblogs and shitposts.
July has significantly more reblogs and posts than other months bc I’m pretty sure I was really getting back into ateez and stuff and the brain rot was getting worse by the day. Still contains mostly shitposts.
August was when the dilf hongjoong brain rot was in full effect. I also posted some pretty good fics this month too. Such as;
Tempted w/ hongjoong
Helplessly yours w/ san
Head full of stars w/ hongjoong
Blue screen w/ seonghwa
More than money w/ san
Snow kiss w/ hongjoong
Bared teeth w/ hongjoong
Studio rehearsal w/ topaz
A little older w/ hongjoong
Scorched tangerines w/ hongjoong
Candied thorns w/ hongjoong
Guns and tiaras w/ hongjoong
Bitter toppings w/ hongjoong
Pretty boys w/ hongsan
Sweet dressings w/ hongjoong
Pillow covers w/ hongjoong
Blue ribbons w/ hongjoong
The dilf hongjoong brainrot still has not subsided and it has now become a part of me.
September was more reblogs, more shitposts and whatnot. This month includes some fics like;
Video game lover w/ yunho
Shameless kisses w/ hongjoong
Heartbeats and humiliation w/ hongjoong
My comfort is you w/ jongho
Cherry red w/ hongjoong
Rings of temptation w/ mingi
Stitching desire w/ hongjoong
Claiming ground w/ vamp matz
Pull of passion w/ wooyoung
Dilf mingi blurb
Oh and then the suits brainrot came in (still haven't finished the show btw). Plus getting ready for kinktober.
October was kinktober month and let me tell you I loved writing these fics. You can find my complete kinktober list here!! Dilf joong is still keeping me occupied and the fixation is now slightly worse. Oh yeah, silent hill 2 remake came out around this time so I wrote some fics for that too. Pyramid head made a short-lived comeback on my blog with the remake as well as reading some kinktober fics of him too.
November was shitposts upon shitposts. So many horny postings it’s insane. IOMT comeback happened and wreaked havoc across social media platforms. Tumblr atinys were in shambles I can tell you that much.
December was still more horny postings and reblogs. If there’s one thing im good at, it’s reblogging and reposting shit at ungodly hours.
But overall, this year was full of memories. I got to interact with so many amazing writers and readers this year. There were a lot of anons that I got to interact with. I just can’t get over being able to connect with so many wonderful people. I want to say a thank you to everyone who followed me and stayed with me even through the chaos.
To my moots, followers and anyone else who views this post, Happy New Year and I wish all the best for you!!
@hwamphwamp @shinyj3lly @wisejudgedragonhairdo @cookies-n-joong @yun-fangz @autieofthevalley @sugarnspice630 @pirateprincessblog @bombuni @everyonewooeverywhere @kitten4sannie @miyaluvvsyou @linearities
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ineffablyruined · 6 months ago
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Last week's submissions definitely didn't leave me wanting! (Sorry for the bad joke, I can't control myself).
Now for this week's prompt. Thanks again for the assist in selecting a prompt, @interesting-egg!
Week Three:
What is inevitable in the Good Omens universe? Is someone bound to always screw up? Is South Downs written in the stars? You decide!
The Rules Are Simple:
Every Friday until the Season 3 premiere, I'll post a prompt.
You will have a week to write, draw, paper craft, record, completely scrap and start from the beginning after a crisis of confidence (oh, is that just me?), and post your interpretation of the prompt.
Tag your post #IneffablePromptAThon, #IneffablePAT #Ineffable Prompt-A-Thon, and/or #IPAT. Make sure to use them on Tumblr, X, IG, and AO3 so everyone can easily find your works!
Also tag your posts and AO3 with the Week Number and the Prompt, so we can all tell which prompt your creation accompanies.
Tag me @ineffablyruined in all of your posts, too, so I can reblog!
Add your contribution to the Ineffable Prompt-A-Thon collection on AO3 for this week. Link is below!
Look for the next prompt. Rinse. Repeat.
This is meant to be zero stress. If you can't do a week, that's completely fine! Prompt not working for you? Skip it. Going to be late? No worries at all!
It is just meant to be a fun outlet to get your creative juices flowing and keep the fandom well-fed with copious amounts of fic and fun until our Ineffable Duo makes their return to our screens (whenever that may be).
There is no length requirement, no rating requirement, no timeline requirement. It can be canon-compliant, AU, crossover, whatever tickles your fancy, as long as it's Good Omens related and incorporates the prompt. It's all Tickety-Boo!
If you want to be tagged in the posts, let me know and I'll do my best to accommodate.
Link to this week's collection:
Tags under the cut:
@naturallyteal @bumblee27 @czitara @martinsharmony @ineffable-xenanigans @dierama-mojo @lickthecowhappy
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mikaharuka · 3 months ago
Status Update + My Return to ORV
Hello y'all! Despite my total radio silence here on Tumblr over... who knows how long, I'm doing just fine! I was on a writing hiatus for 6 months or so, and I also transitioned from grad school to industry (writing a master's thesis, defending it, graduating, moving across the country, a job search, so many interviews, finally getting a new job, moving across the country again, and settling into my new role).
In the past few months, I returned to the Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint and Scum Villain's Self Saving System fandoms (old faves of mine, but I was only ever a reader until recently). For those of you following my Winter Light Verse (still planning the continuation of that one out, and I hope to finally break the series hiatus earlier next year!), those two fandoms had a massive influence on my Verse. Especially in the case of ORV - so it feels like I'm finally moving back, however slowly. I'm excited to continue being active in all of those fandoms (along with S-Classes, which I recently ran into and love!)
As for what I'm doing right now? I took on the Froday Flash Fiction Challenge for December, where we're given a new prompt each day and I have the 24 hours to write for the prompt. I'm writing the work, Ad Astra Per Aspera and have actually kept up with the 600 words per day so far, which is a shocker for me. This fic is compatible with another fic I recently started, My Shining Star, My Guiding Light. Both of these fics are for the Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint fandom.
Info on both fics and the Verse are below, if you want to know more.
For those of you unfamiliar, the Winter Light Verse is my total rewrite and rebuild of the Twilight Saga, infused with Eastern themes and made very gay. The central ship of that series is Carlisle Cullen/Beau Swan, but there are several other pairs and characters that really bring the world out. Also, I had the realization the other day that I was basically writing a danmei novel with all the tropes, so that was a bit amusing. The main work is Apricity, and all of the other works in this series are either side stories or AU/spin-offs of some kind.
Ships: Carlisle Cullen/Beau Swan, Edward Cullen/Mike Newton, Alice Cullen/Jessamine Hale, Rosalie Hale/Eleanor Cullen Summary for the longfic rewrite, Apricity:
After Renee marries Phil and ropes Beau into family life, Beau moves to Forks, a town with a mystical aura. As Beau settles in, he gets closer to his father Charlie, his new friends, and the mysterious Cullens. After an accident lands Beau in the hospital where he meets the oldest Cullen sibling Carlisle, he begins to feel a strange draw to the man, notes an intricate mark, and knows for certain that something unnatural is afoot. A Twilight/Life and Death rewrite that starts on a similar premise, diverges very quickly, takes place in an entirely different world, leans more deeply into traditional/dark-erotic vampire themes, centers around an Eastern framework, and is very gay.
As for my current projects, both are for the Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint fandom and are compatible with each other. Both fics are both Joongdok (Yoo Joonghyuk/Kim Dokja) and Plotja (Secretive Plotter/Kim Dokja), but at the same time, they are written as the same person (I swear it makes sense!). Ad Astra is my current daily project, and I am slowly working through the next chapter on Star/Light as the logistics of my still-chaotic IRL situation settle a bit.
A fair warning, both of these fics contain NSFW content, though with Ad Astra, you can skip it as it is a series of snapshots and the NSFW chapters are noted as such in the title.
Title: My Shining Star, My Guiding Light Ship: Secretive Plotter/Kim Dokja, Yoo Joonghyuk/Kim Dokja, ABFD & Secretive Plotter & Sun Wukong & Uriel Rating: Explicit Summary:
There exists a dark, primal thread woven through this worldline that beckons the Secretive Plotter in like a siren song, and at its core stands the lovely siren himself. Kim Dokja. A familiar, soothing sensation washes over the outer god as he takes in the young man, and in that moment, the Secretive Plotter makes his final decision. He will have Kim Dokja for his own.
Title: Ad Astra Per Aspera Ship: Secretive Plotter/Kim Dokja, Yoo Joonghyuk/Kim Dokja, Kim Dokja & The Kkomas (especially [999]) Rating: Explicit (NSFW noted in chapter titles & can be skipped) Summary:
After Kim Dokja and Yoo Joonghyuk finish out their lives on Earth, they return to the N'Gai Forest to live out a peaceful eternity together. And despite the timeless nature of the domain, there is still something a little special about the snow and holiday vibes that they enjoy. In short, a series of snapshots of Kim Dokja's and Yoo Joonghyuk's life together in the N'Gai Forest, during the festive winter season. [Note - NSFW snapshots are indicated in the chapter titles as such and can be skipped if you wish to do so]
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pseudomicrothoraxdubius · 2 months ago
Hello this is a gift for @bonthebanana on Tumblr. It's part of the Hermitcraft secret Santa exchange on Tumblr
Hey Bon hope you like this!
I think I got possessed by a ghost writing this so I hope you enjoy. I wish you happy holidays!
For anyone that doesn't want to go on AO3 the story is under the cut
The Dark
Once upon a time King Xisuma ruled with a wise head on his shoulder. His Kingdom the most advanced in all aspects of Redstone and many more.
But just this isn't worth the story I'm telling you can read all about that in history books. I'm here to tell you about the story of how they fell and the magic they brought to this world.
As many historians will tell you the old Empire slowly fizzled to a stop after King Xisumas death. Without a competent leader greed and ambition destroyed the glorious empire.
While this is in many ways still true they left out how Xisuma died.
As said before the Old Empire was advanced in redstone technology to a degree that we now can still learn from. All of their accumulated knowledge was collected and studied in Loglands.
But as time went on and there was nothing left of redstone to test or to understand. They put their minds to a new goal.
In their archives was a script that promised to bring magic into this world. And you know how scientists are what wouldn't they do for a chance to explore and discover a new science. For them it was just that something new and exciting to study sadly they had no idea of what was about to come.
And so Xisuma allowed the ritual to take place to make room for new improvements and a new era.
The first few months were going great new fields of study were opened and the economy boomed with the knowledge traveling wide and far of how magic was now a reality.
But slowly and surely something dark came through an evil so great I don't have the compasity too explain to you dear reader.
It's plan, destroy and devour all it can find.
To be fair too the scholars of the old empire they did notice their impending doom rather quickly, sadly all of their attempts of fighting back just got them killed quicker.
King Xisuma having studied magic himself for the last months only saw one last option for his people to survive.
A ritual that promised ones own soul to the void in exchange for imprisonment of the dark.
King Xisuma that day lost his soul and Xisumavoid was born and for now the dark was imprisoned and no danger to anyone.
Xisuma left some instructions of how to defeat or imprison it again should it ever be able to get free. Only his most loyal advisors and guards stayed to protect the prison, most other people fled and abandoned the Empire to afraid of what would happen if they stayed.
Their knowledge was destroyed and in big parts just lost to time.
No my dear reader you might think what about magic? Why do we not have it? Did it get destroyed as the dark got imprisoned?
No magic did still exist it got used by many people and was a big part of their lifes. Magic left our world the second time that the dark put foot on our world.
You see centuries after the old empire, just a small village remained. The children of the advisors and guards that decided to stay all this time ago where preparing for a return of the dark.
No one really expected anything to happen but still they can't be to careful.
And so it comes that Cleo the major of our village goes down every week to report and document any changes of the void prison.
It lays deep down a mine that their ancestors built long ago when the fear of the dark escaping was still fresh.
They prepared new weapons each year always on the highest point in technology. Their wizards were one of the most knowledgeable in the world.
And so dear reader we come to the part of the story where the world ends 2.0.
As one day Major Cleo went down the mine to do a routine check it happened the dark was starting to escape.
From their calculations they still had two months until the dark was completely free.
Cleo ordered the children and any villager that wasn't trained in fighting to go and find shelter in a far away city. If they couldn't stop the dark here they needed to take the knowledge they gathered and show it to them in hopes that a higher mass of people and more resources might be enough.
We still got some remnants of them books and blueprints they brought to Hermittopia all this time ago but without magic non of them are really useful.
And sadly dear reader I can't tell you that our heroic city killed the dark with ease. Most of them died fighting it and the rest succumbed to their injuries not long after. With the fight nearly lost Cleo repeated the ritual with the void. It was always supposed to be the last straw. Do the ritual if everything else fails, this is what her parents told them a long time ago and really what other choice did she have now?
And do she did but and this is important Cleos plan was never to just imprison the dark again, they wanted to kill it ones and for all.
And so they traded the most valuable thing they could think of, magic and all the knowledge that it ever existed.
Just as with Xisuma, Cleo lost her soul that day and the world lost it's magic.
Now dear reader the void might be a powerful being but standing here on the ruins of the old empire and Cleos small village you can still feel the magic in the world not everything got removed.
This is the reason why my firm Mined has placed it's buildings right here, we can still harness the old power that's inherit to this place of earth. We are now able to take our experiments to the next level. That the Human mind is now able to understand will cease to impress when we are finished.
For a better Future
Mumbo K. Jumbo
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fandom-hoarder · 1 year ago
Ok, so I got an ask for mutual aid. Of course, it's human to want to help someone in need, even if all you can do is reblog their post. But you also don't want to be scammed, or help spread a scam. So you look for clues, or you only reblog your mutuals' aid posts because you at least know they're *real*, or you don't reblog aid posts at all.
So, what are the tells? (I'm not an expert, this is just what I've learned through osmosis.)
Do they follow/interact with you, outside of the mutual aid request?
Is their username weirdly generic?
Does the blog look like a real tumblr user, and not just someone who made a tumblr to ask for aid? How old is it? Is it involved in any fandoms? Does it seem staged?
Does their aid ask and needs description make sense? Is it overly vague, or bogged down with unneeded details?
If you quote-search the body of their aid ask, do you get any similar hits for scams on other sites or under other names?
Does the account for donations look legit?
What do you find when you reverse image search?
So, having received an ask that sounded very much like someone whose mutual aid I would want to support if they're real, but already having two red flags from the jump (not following me and not in my notifications, weird wording and grammar on ask), I endeavored to suss them out.
Screencaps of my adventure under the cut.
Like someone else has said, please don't go harrass this blog. Even if it's a scam, at some point there's a person behind that screen.
So here's the ask.
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Red flags: they don't follow me, I don't know them, the ask is long, the grammar and punctuation are bad, word choices are odd or misspelled. These don't mean it's automatically fake, but it looks more like a weird AI than someone using google translate to communicate in English.
So I check their blog.
Their pinned post is this (click to read, it's a longass pic):
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I don't take any links yet.
I take a block of their post and check it in google; all I get are snapshots of tumblr reblogs for their aid post. I click the "buy me a coffee" link, and it looks...idk, fine I guess. There's a tumblr logo, but clicking it seems to do nothing. (I'm on mobile)
A quick search of their name on tumblr gives me 2 posts mentioning them spamming this same message to people.
I read the one with the readmore linked here
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After reading wannursyafiqah74's post about it, I got on my laptop and went back to casualdonutfire.
Mostly random reblogs; cats and other random reblogs of mostly pics, many with comments that could've/should've been tags, and no actual tags whatsoever. Like set dressing that says, "See? I'm a real person! I'm leaving comments about my reblogs that show I'm not a bot! I interact! I know what I'm I'm reblogging!"
It gives me a creepy vibe. I try google again to see if I can find their presence elsewhere on tumblr. The returns are still all snapshots of their mutual aid post. I open their archive. Ok, their tumblr has archive on...?
There are no fandom-esque posts until the very first reblog, a comment on One Piece fanart on October 18, 2023.
Their first post about needing aid was on November 7, 2023. Nearly the same wording as their pinned post, except they don't mention having a child. Zero specifics on what amount is needed for what or a timeline or anything. Not even anything about Christmas coming up. Tagged generously for trans surgery and other visibility words.
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Oh. AND. The buymeacoffee is different. Adela, not Adella.
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Then their next post for aid is fresh on January 11, 2024; nearly the same wording, except now there's a daughter and a birthday -- no date for the birthday, though, is there?!
[reblog linked here] If you go to their January 12th reblog and click on the "video proof," it's an audio-only black screen upload to imgur, with no identifying info for what's going on other than what they describe (and it doesn't really sound like what they describe; it sounds like a kid ready for christmas but not disappointed, like idk what more you're supposed to get out of it)
Then I clicked on their buymeacoffee link and noticed something. When I hovered my mouse over the tumblr symbol under their blurb, the link embedded there showed up at the bottom of my screen. And it was NOT casualdonutfire.
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It was deepeagletimetravel. And, of course, it's a nuked tumblr. Hence doing NOTHING for me on mobile.
So I went to google again!
And lo, what do I find in those lurking reblogs?
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Using a stock photo for their initial "bio" that seems awfully misleading when you don't say it's a stock photo.
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And with stolen/uncredited art by thetransformistress as a thank you.
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And, of course, the buymeacoffee page it linked for Ameera (buymeacoffee.com/AmeeradelzC) is blank. 👀 Totallynormal, nothing to see here.
But this makes me think. I go back to that Nov 7 casualdonutfire post, with their first buymeacoffee link to "Adela" (buymeacoffee.com/adelladomil)--
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and what do ya know, the tumblr that opens is casualdonutfire!
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So did they forget they made an adela account, and change their ameera buymeacoffee account to adella for their new post, forgetting to change the deepeagletimetravel tumblr name?! 🤷‍♀️
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kiwiana-writes · 11 months ago
I dont think anyone subscribes to you for t rated 5 +1s in your own au lol. Chop chop with those wip’s porn girl!
Well. Quite a bit to unpack here on an otherwise unassuming Friday!
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#2: I actually track this stuff. Admittedly the E-rated percentage is a bit higher if you look at RWRB only, but overall...
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#3: I think anyone who subscribes to me on AO3, or indeed anyone who follows the kiwiana-writes tag here on tumblr and sees all those fucking WIPs, knows that I like to write a bit of variety. That's not to say there aren't definite underpinnings of, like, themes and vibes that I return to over and over (which I can only assume are why people subscribe to me), but if someone only likes my college AUs, or only likes my post-canon stuff, or only likes my E-rated stuff, or only wants to listen to my podfics, they're probably going to have a much more successful time saving the tag search than subscribing to me at the author level. Or they've mastered the art of archiving and moving on without complaining about it, like I do when the authors I'm subscribed to write something that doesn't interest me. It's a useful skill! I highly recommend cultivating it.
#4: AO3 not giving series stats is and continues to be the bane of my life, but based on the number of people who subscribed to the OG actor AU, there's probably a significant chunk of people who aren't subscribed to me as an author and only want the actor AU verse stuff. And good for them! I LOVE that AO3 offers multiple ways to subscribe so you can get notified for the stuff you want (my kingdom for the ability to subscribe to individual pseuds, though.)
#5: This fandom is OVERFLOWING right now. Like, I can't keep up. You only want to read E-rated stuff? Awesome! Well over 100 E-rated fics have been posted in the RWRB bookverse tag just this week (it looks like most of the movieverse smut has also been tagged bookverse, but either way it's also very easy to find). Or go back to older fics and find some hidden gems—there's nothing an author loves more than for someone to come in and gush about a fic they wrote a year or two ago.
#6: You don't pay me, and I'm not subject to annual review. One of my favourite authors was talking this morning about how sometimes she thinks about taking a break from writing for RWRB because it's starting to feel a little rat racey, and that would suck for me personally because I love her stuff but god knows I couldn't blame her, because the (extreme minority but still exhausting) entitled comments and rudeness really do not help. Stop treating your favourite authors like content creators who owe you something new on a regular schedule, because that's a damn good way to ensure they don't want to create anything new ever again. Like... anon, you haven't even bothered to couch this in a compliment. The bar is ten feet underground and somehow you still managed to trip over it.
#7: Not to be all 'back in my day' but... well, back in my day, snippets and peeks into the universe of a remotely popular longfic were pretty much the standard lol. Nobody is forcing you to read them, I promise.
#8: I've posted two E-rated fics in the last two weeks.
#9: Honestly I just really want to reiterate #1 because what the hell lol. While pronouns don't equal gender, it's pretty reasonable to extrapolate from pronouns if you don't have any other info to go on—and of the three "main/standard" pronouns, the one most closely associated with 'girl' is the only one that ISN'T in my bio 🤦
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mitsuki91 · 8 months ago
@hamriceagenda this is for you! You inspired me.
Enjoy my Katniss/Gale for you 💖
@tumblingghosts I tag you too since you reblogged my post!
What remains
"They’re not coming back, Katniss."
Peeta? My mother? Snow, or Coin to destroy my life from beyond the grave?
"No one's coming back."
Stressing the obvious has always been his prerogative, and my lips curve into a bitter smile.
"But you're staying."
A moment's pause, as the icy wind rattles the bare branches above our heads.
"I'm staying. Like you."
Link on ao3:
Author notes: I can't format on tumblr. This is visually better on ao3.
It happened after the first incident.
Peeta had only been back a month. A month since I had seen him planting primroses for me, him and his sun-flavored smile.
It seemed like a day like any other, me returning from hunting and him tending the garden. The sun at its zenith and Haymitch's geese quacking. Someone had dropped something heavy just down the street and the noise had made both me and Peeta jump with fright.
Suddenly I had his hands on my neck again, his horrified expression inches from my face. Someone screamed, someone ran and snatched him away from me - someone saved me. From Peeta's murderous fury.
And so it happened, exactly one day, two hours and twenty minutes after Peeta tried to kill me a second time.
Gale came back.
"I thought you were in Two, immersed in your military career."
"But you needed me, Katniss."
Sometimes I wonder what I did wrong to deserve this.
I know my life doesn't belong to me - I knew this from the first moment Prim's name was drawn in the Hunger Games - but I wonder what the point of fighting any longer is. After all, I have fulfilled my function in this world. I have been a Mockingjay, I have been the Girl on Fire, I have been the Face of the Revolution. The last arrow shot, the end of the Games. Why am I not allowed to escape even from myself now? Why am I forced to stay, why am I not allowed to slip over the edge?
Peeta has been taken away.
'Unstable', so Capitol City declared him. How they found out is a mystery - or perhaps one of the many things I don't want to admit even to myself. A suspicion, an unspoken thing, lurking in the shadows behind me.
Because now I am no longer alone.
I am not and - I would like to abandon myself, but I can't. I cannot because he looks at me.
And when Gale looks at me, everything about me tenses by instinct - it's the sadness in his eyes. That magnet that is impossible to ignore. A center of gravity that pulls me along, preventing me from drifting.
An anchor.
And I hate him for it, too.
"That's not true. I never needed you."
The flash of a smile, cruel.
"My only quality was taking care of your family. And you are what remains."
The sun burns high in the sky as July sets, even in the early morning.
Gale is with me in the woods, like every day.
In silence, like every day. He can no longer speak of injustice and revolution now - they are no longer imaginary dreams, but lived nightmares.
I ignore him, as I have become good at doing. But he does not give up. He has turned into my shadow.
I just have to not look him in the eye.
The anchor is always there, keeping me clinging to myself even as Peeta's absence burns in my soul. I can always pretend he doesn't exist, though.
If I don't look at him, he doesn't exist. If I don't talk to him, he's not real.
I know he knows it hurts me. I know he knows that what I had with Peeta was real, and that the loss of what we could have been is destroying me to the core.
Killed before I can even taste life.
But Gale is too much like me and uses the same techniques against me.
If his eyes do not let me go, I cannot disappear. If his mouth is sealed, he cannot lose to Peeta.
The world won't change until one of us gives in. And, deep down, we both know it'll be me who surrenders.
"We're too similar to make it work, Gale. You know that. I don't need that in my life."
A step forward, one foot crushing a dandelion.
"I won't believe you until you tell me by looking at my face."
The beginning of November brings a week of uninterrupted rain and a sudden frost that turns the primrose bed into a muddy, dead mush. 
I feel myself dying a little with it, watching it through the window and feeling helpless.
It is like losing her a second time. Will this torment ever end? 
Gale comes back into the house at that moment with a handful of wood in his arms and does his best to light the fireplace. I close my eyes for a second and inhale deeply, because I know that if I do it now, I won't be able to go back. But the decision is already made. It is only a question of coming to terms with what I want to do - no, what I need to do. To not lose Prim. To never let her go again. 
"Gale" I call softly, in a whisper, and I hear him stand up and turn to me.
I turn as well.
And I stare him straight in the eyes.
Because I know Prim is there. She is the ghost that inhabits those gray irises, consumed by guilt. And if I look into his eyes, I can almost see her.
If I look into his eyes, I already know that I will have to surrender.
Because nothing breaks my heart more than seeing Gale sad, and I know only one viable solution to erase the torment from his soul.
I try to resist, anyway. I enjoy my sister dancing devoured by the fire at the bottom of his eyes, and I postpone the inevitable to a new day.
"They’re not coming back, Katniss."
Peeta? My mother? Snow, or Coin to destroy my life from beyond the grave?
"No one's coming back."
Stressing the obvious has always been his prerogative, and my lips curve into a bitter smile.
"But you're staying."
A moment's pause, as the icy wind rattles the bare branches above our heads.
"I'm staying. Like you."
'A complete separation is necessary for the serenity of the subject' is the last line penned by one of Capitol City's most renowned doctors, in a graceful and elegant handwriting.
I clasp the letter in my hands as snowflakes fall placidly around me. I didn't even go back into the house before I tore open the envelope, I just stood by the mailbox reading.
It was devastating to discover how, despite all the months that had passed, I still had hope. My mind had long since given up; my heart and soul, however, had different ideas.
I return home feeling almost light, drained while everything around me seems unreal.
It is not real. It is not real. It cannot be real because I, because I...
The letter slips through my hands and I advance towards the sofa, where Gale is taking a nap. I watch him for a moment, trapped in that suspended realm where illusion still dominates over reality, and then I realize. Enlightenment hits me.
 I never kissed Gale because I wanted to make him feel good in the past.
I kissed him because if I could become the right girl for him, even for a moment, then it meant I no longer had to be Katniss Everdeen.
I kneel beside him and grab his face. Before he can fully wake up, my lips are already on his. He won't mind coming back to the world like this, I hope.
If by kissing him I can become whoever I want, then that means I can also be the girl who was never in love with Peeta - the girl who never lost him.
"You're the one who wanted it."
Both of our breaths are broken, his cheeks are red and his gaze is hard as steel.
"You can't regret it now, Katniss."
There is an aspect of fire that I had never considered before. That destructive force that animates us, that ignites us with its desperation, can be channeled in many ways.
It was with Gale that I discovered passion.
Pain is best expressed when you can carve flesh with your nails, then lick the trails of ferruginous blood returning from orgasm. Guilt is best borne when you can at least partially atone for it when it all comes down to an irrational instinct to grab, to have, to suffer - and only the dark bruises remain, which you look at with a satisfied smile the next day.
You no longer feel the guilt of being alive during the day, if in the night you season your nightmares with sex, which seems to erase all sin.
Even Gale seems more relaxed.
There is always Prim in the back of his eyes, dancing on skulls and ashes. But she smiles, for once. She is serene and watches me live with a mysterious smile.
To have Gale is to have her and that I can never give up.
Gale smiles much more often. When we go out hunting together; we don't speak, but sometimes he holds me in his arms and the world thins out around us.
Understanding each other with a glance and without making noise has always been a prerogative of us hunters. We have known each other almost all our lives and, after all, we both live with the same ghosts.
Since I have had the courage to look, everything seems to have fallen into place.
I'm not saying my life is perfect, not this, never this. But Gale is my rock.
And with him, I know I can live one more day.
"Where are you going?"
He smiles, amused by the hint of panic in my voice.
"Just to the market, to buy bread."
"I'll go with you. Wait for me."
"As you wish, Katnip ."
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fraterfalls · 1 year ago
Hi, I'm new to Blood Brothers AU and I was curious about it. Can you explain about it or show me where I can see the best explanation about it?
ohhh, dear asker, the rabbit hole i'm about to send you down... >:)
alright let me try and explain it in the most coherent way possible, it's late at night BUT i will try my best!!!
explanation under the cut!
(in general, if you're new to the bb au like this asker and trying to find your way around this overwhelming hell of an au i've concocted, i recommend you start here :D)
wow. i tried SO HARD to make this a semi-concise explanation and YET it somehow turned into a mini-fic in itself towards the end there. sighhh... (lol even still, have fun reading!)
first thing's first i need to tell you aboutttt
The Parallel World / "Better World".
in journal 3, ford mentions visiting a parallel dimension in which stan never pushed him into the portal, and instead took his journal and hid it as ford had requested.
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^ some screenshots to give you the basic gist of what's going on in that dimension, everything you need to know for the time being. you can read more about it on internet archive if you like
at some point in august i reread this part of journal 3 and became obsessed with the idea of a parallel dimension. i also noticed that apart from mentioning how he never pushed ford into the portal and took the journal in this world, parallel stan is just... not really brought up. at all. ...which opens up some interesting possibilities.
as you can probably guess, this dimension features in the blood brothers au! in my interpretation, the reason stan was never mentioned is because after leaving with ford's journal, he never came back, just seemingly disappeared off the planet. parallel ford... has not been handling this well (and a certain bastard triangle only serves to play up his worst fears!), and because he has such a large student body to attend to and take care of and protect, he represses his issues, buries them under layers and layers of work and responsibilities. nobody even knows he has a brother...
not even his nephew and niece, dipper and mabel. however, they're observant as all hell. as secretive as ford is, they see past his little white lies, they see how he doesn't eat properly and falls asleep at his desk and laughs nervously when someone asks if he's alright. (i haven't talked much about the role they play in this au on tumblr, but rest assured i'll be elaborating more on it in my upcoming fic that may come out sometime within... um... the next few months to the next few decades. they're still the same old mystery twins we know and love, except now they've set their sights on figuring out what their grunkle ford is hiding. very Not What He Seems reminiscent)
alright, now that i've mostly covered the parallel world, time to move on to:
The Portal Stan AU
while i was obsessing over the Better World, a parallel dimension/"alternate universe" which already exists in canon, i started thinking about another AU which is fairly popular in the gravity falls fandom: the portal stan AU. in which stan, rather than ford, gets sent into the portal. thought it was a fantastic concept ever since i first saw it, because it opens so many doors for interesting characterization and also some good ol' angst (and later a healing arc, of course). portal stan has, after all, spent 40 or so years without a solid family base or anyone to care for him. and i can imagine that in those 30 years he spent dimension-hopping, his only thought was to return to his home dimension and see ford again. yes, he was furious and frustrated when they had that last argument, but surely in hindsight he saw how paranoid and jittery ford had been throughout their meeting. he would want to get back and make sure his brother was safe as soon as possible.
and then i had the thought which kicked off this entire au:
what if portal stan fucked up and somehow stumbled upon the parallel dimension while searching for a way home? what if portal stan and parallel ford... MET?
portal stan sees parallel ford and his situation and comes to the conclusion that, without him in the way, ford would flourish. parallel ford sees portal stan and comes to the conclusion that no matter the universe, he somehow manages to destroy stan's life just by being in it. even just knowing that the other exists exacerbates their own insecurities. IT'S SO AWFUL AND SO PERFECT.
also, portal stan couldn't be more desperate to get out of the parallel dimension- partly because he hates the reminder that ford would be better off without him, but mostly because he wants to see his real brother again. however, parallel ford has other plans for him. he's been in denial about the true fate of his own brother for a long time now, but he sees this version of stan and decides he can't afford to let go of him. (his own mental state is too fragile to accept the idea of losing stan again, even if this isn't his own stan. he already let go of him once after the WCT fiasco, and again after the journal incident. thrice is... thrice is too much.)
you may also be thinking "hey, smart guy, i actually DID read that screenshot you posted above while explaining the parallel dimension. it said parallel ford and fiddleford constructed a little something called a Vortex Neutralizer which allows for safe, bill-free multiversal travel. couldn't portal stan just use that to get out of there?"
yeaaah, parallel ford doesn't tell him about that!
he will do almost anything to keep stan with him. he is sinking his claws into that man begging him not to leave-
and stan hates him for it. tears into him with insult after insult. he can't stand this ford, why's he acting like he doesn't have everything he could ever want? (except, of course, he doesn't really hate him. after all, this is still stanford pines, maybe not his ford but he's certainly a ford. same old easily excitable nerd he used to tease back in high school. but stan still has his own ford to attend to, one who needs him more than anything... probably... hopefully, so he shuts out the part of him which is growing fond of parallel ford. tells himself not to think too much about this one. he hardly even knows him. he shouldn't have to bother.)
and yeah that's. i think that's enough information to take in in a single post. there's still plenty more going on with the au that i haven't touched on here, but hey that's just the premise! i would link you to more specific posts which will help you further acquaint yourself with the au, but it's. it's 2am and i am incredibly sleepy, so instead i will simply provide you with the link to the blog archive, where you can look at all the posts on here without having to scroll endlessly trying to find specific things. enjoy!!!
if you have any more questions DON'T BE AFRAID TO COME BOTHER ME ABOUT IT !!! i loved answering this ask... <3 been meaning to rewrite a better AU Premise Post than the one i made back in august anyway lol
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gayashelljatp · 6 months ago
James Hook x Morgie Le Fay | You Look Like A Dumb Boy, My Favorite Type Chapter 3/5
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Tags Fluff, Roommate, Flirting, Friends to Lovers, Magic, Banter, Hook Is Flirty that's cannon btw , I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, Boys In Love, Sad and Sweet, Short & Sweet , Himbo Morgie, Bisexual Disaster James Hook, Morgie Has Golden Retriever Energy (Disney), Oblivious Morgie (Disney), Boys Kissing, Love Confessions, No Beta Read we die like Brandy Cinderalla, 5+1 Things
Hook flirts with everyone in a five-mile radius. That means the people around him are victims of his often excessive advances. Morgie, however, was unaware that he was Hook’s favorite for a special reason. Or 5 times Hook was flirting with Morgie and it went completely over his head and the 1 time it didn’t.
Content Rating: Teen and Up.
Wordcount: 2,871.
Hi, I'm Ace. I decided to finally upload this fic to tumblr it took me a long time to finally finish formatting this. Originally it was going to be all separate posts. But I'm a very lazy author and I'm still very clueless on how to make a blog post that looks good. So I'm compiling it all into one. I suggest you read on AO3.
But here's the playlist that inspired this fic that you can enjoy:
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Chapter 1
Another day, another hour of planning and scheming done in the Black Lagoon. Uliana was going on one of her spiels again on how to terrorize the freshmen. Hades and Maleficent were nowhere to be seen, probably enjoying each other’s company.
That left Morgie to either bug one of the VKs he wasn’t close with or talk to the only person he knew who seemed to be doing nothing. That would be Hook, his roommate at Merlin Academy and Morgie’s right-hand (hook) man. He was also the only person who truly gave Morgie an ounce of respect.
Hook was in the corner, polishing his golden hook, the one that replaced his right hand. It truly shined under the light, from its silver base to the golden hook. The process almost seemed methodical. He polished the hook in certain spots and constantly raised it into the light, making sure the hook on his right hand hit the light perfectly. To others, it looked like pure vanity on display, but to Morgie, it was just normal Hook behavior.
“What are you up to there, James?” Morgie asked, giving the pirate a bright smile.
“I told you not to call me James. It’s Hook, or else you get the hook,” the eyeliner-heavy teenager said, pointing his hook towards his friend. Despite the closeness of the hook to Morgie’s face, he wasn’t alarmed one bit; he knew Hook would never actually hurt him.
“Okay, okay, calm down. I just wanted to see what you're up to. Can’t a boy just be curious?” 
“Polishing the old hook, you know,” Hook muttered, returning to his task.
A minute or two passed, and Morgie stayed idle, staring at Hook’s hook. His look was a mix of a dumbfounded smile and complete astonishment despite the rather mediocre and normal task.
“You're just gonna stare at me while I do this?” Hook asked after a moment, glancing up with a raised eyebrow, looking directly into the son of Le Fay’s hazel eyes.
“It’s better than staring at the ceiling,” 
“You're enjoying the view, right?” Hook’s voice took on a flirtatious edge, his British accent hitting just the right spot, his eyes sparkling mischievously.
“You look alright,” Morgie responded, completely oblivious to Hook’s suggestive tone and look. He was too sweet and too nice for this world, a sunshine among villains. But a menace when needed.
Hook smirked, shaking his head slightly. “You really are something else, Morgie.”
Morgie just laughed, the sound light and carefree, a stark contrast to the dark and scheming environment around them.
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Chapter 2
Sharing a dormitory with Hook was certainly entertaining. Morgie’s side of the room was filled with wilted plants, sadly not by choice—dark magic just kills anything vaguely happy or alive. And, of course, a scatter of green and black clothing items.
Hook’s side was extravagant, to say the least. Opulence was the word Hook used to describe it. But it was still messy, with jewelry and designer clothing placed in certain areas almost like it was a treasure trove.
One downside to having a messy pirate roommate was lost items. Morgie had to learn that the hard way when he returned from his last class to the sounds of one frustrated Hook.
“Thank the seven seas you’re back, you can finally help me,” Hook said in a frustrated tone, clearly preoccupied with the task at hand. His British accent rang around the room. Morgie couldn’t even see where Hook was—the room looked like it had been reorganized by a seasick pirate.
“What did you lose this time?” The teen sorcerer asked, trying to figure out what he had just walked into. Hook’s side of the room had small gashes, probably from his hook. Jewelry was scattered everywhere, and Hook’s canopy was slightly more torn.
“My pearl necklace,” Hook replied. Morgie soon found Hook’s legs sticking out from under his bed. His blazer was discarded on the carpeted floor.
“The one you stole from the mermaid seniors?” 
After a few seconds of searching, Hook popped out from under the bed and shook his head at Morgie’s question. “The other one, silly,” Hook said, grazing his hook against Morgie’s cheek almost affectionately.
Morgie smiled, oblivious to the flirtatious gesture. “Alright, let’s find this necklace. Where did you last see it?” Despite this task being purely based in vanity Morgie was willing to help.
Hook sighed dramatically. “If I knew that, I wouldn’t be tearing apart our room, now would I?”
Morgie chuckled, starting to sift through the pile of clothes on Hook’s bed. “Good point. Let’s retrace your steps. Did you wear it to class?”
Hook shook his head, getting up and moving to his wardrobe. “No, I wore it to the party at the lagoon last night. I swear I had it on when I came back.”
Morgie nodded, now digging through a drawer filled with silk scarves and velvet gloves. “Maybe it fell off when you were changing?”
Hook’s eyes gleamed as he moved closer to Morgie. “You’re quite the detective, Morgie. Maybe I should reward you if we find it.”
Morgie, focused on the search, missed the suggestive tone. “Just doing my part. It’s probably here somewhere.”
Hook leaned in closer, his breath warm against Morgie’s ear. “I’d say you’re doing more than just your part.”
Morgie’s eyes widen, he started to feel a strange feeling but he kept his attention on the task. “The bathroom—Let’s check the bathroom next. Maybe you left it by the sink.” He stumbled on all of the words.
Hook followed Morgie to the bathroom, smirking. “Always so practical. You know, Morgie, you’re quite the catch. Anyone ever tell you that?”
Morgie glanced back, smiling innocently. “That’s sweet of you to say, let’s keep looking”
They continued their search, Hook’s flirtatious antics flying right over Morgie’s head. As they rummaged through their shared space, Hook couldn’t help but admire Morgie’s oblivious sweetness.
It was getting dark, and the two were beat. “We’ve looked everywhere. I want to wave the white flag already,” Hook said, lying back on his bed.
“We are probably late to wherever we’re hanging tonight,” Morgie said as he laid on Hook’s bed as well, his side-swept brown hair more disheveled than usual. He turned to look at Hook, who was already looking at him.
“Think Uli’s gonna be mad we’re late?” Hook asked, grinning as he batted his eyelashes.
“Doubt it. You're her favorite,” Morgie replied. As he started to get more comfortable on the bed, he felt something by his head. His fingers brushed against a cool, smooth object.
Morgie sat up, his hand grasping the item. “Hey, I think I found it!” 
Hook’s eyes lit up, and he laughed heartily. “Of course, it was right under our noses the whole time, my dear lad.”
Morgie joined in the laughter, shaking his head. “Well, at least we found it. Let’s get ready to head out.”
Hook sat up, taking the necklace from Morgie with a flourish. “Now, the hard part: putting this on with one hand. Quite the challenge for a dashing pirate, wouldn't you say, darling?”
Morgie watched as Hook struggled with the clasp, the hook on his right hand making the task nearly impossible. “Need some help?” Morgie offered, stepping closer.
“No, I’ve got it,” Hook insisted, determination in his voice. He continued to fumble with the necklace, but the clasp kept slipping out of his grasp.
Morgie chuckled softly. “Come on, Hook, let me help. It’ll be quicker.”
Hook sighed, finally conceding. “Fine, but just this once.”
Morgie smiled, moving closer. “Here, let me take that.” Hook turned his back to Morgie, and Morgie gently lifted the pearls, bringing it around Hook’s neck. 
The close proximity made Morgie’s heart race a little but he didn’t know why, but despite the distraction he focused on the task at hand. As he fastened the clasp, Hook turned his head slightly, their faces just inches apart.
“Looking as sharp as that hook,” 
“Thanks, Morgie,” Hook said softly, his voice carrying a hint of something more.
Morgie’s started to feel a burning sensation on his cheeks, and he smiled. “Anytime, James.” Instead of the usual correction Hook just let that one slide.
They stood up, ready to head out. As they were about to leave, Hook placed his hand on the other teens’ shoulder. “Your looking rather nice tonigth.”
Morgie’s heart skipped as fast as a galloping horse, but before he could think of a respond, there was a loud knock at the door.
“Come on, you two! We’re late!” Uliana’s voice called out from the hallway.
Hook grinned, giving Morgie a playful nudge. “Saved by the knock.”
Morgie chuckled, feeling a mix of relief and disappointment. “Yeah, let’s go.”
They opened the door to find the other VKs waiting impatiently. Uliana raised an eyebrow, looking them over. “Took you long enough. Let’s move.”
As they joined the group and headed out, Morgie couldn’t help but glance at Hook, feeling a strange mix of emotions. Hook caught his eye and gave him a wink, making Morgie’s felt a peculiar feeling once more.
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Chapter 3
One VK was hanging out past curfew in the courtyard of Merlin Academy. While the rest of the villain kids were enjoying the night outside the confines of the school, one Morgie le Fay was by a bench, keeping to himself. Morgie often felt left out by the group, but it was a tale as old as time. Having a lot of alone time did come with benefits; it gave him time to experiment and work on his dark magic.
His mother had given him a plethora of magical textbooks to work from. Despite the rocky relationship between Morgie’s mother, Morgana le Fay, and the founder and headmaster of this school, Merlin, the old wizard still gave Morgie a chance to study magic. It was probably a bad move, considering how his mother turned out, but here Morgie was, determined to make the most of it.
Tonight, he was learning to summon a familiar. All good sorcerers have familiars, right? Whether it be a crow, a raven, an owl, or a bird of various sorts. It was no summoning and raising the dead like his mother’s feat, but it was a good start. Morgie, however, went with a more exotic choice: a puppy. Probably not the best choice considering the lack of flight and stealth, but he thought it was cute.
As Morgie reviewed the page over and over, making sure he was going to execute the spell correctly, he started reciting the incantations. His hands were trembling slightly as he muttered the words. Dark magic swirled around him, tendrils of shadowy energy forming shapes in the air. It was supposed to summon a creature of the night, a loyal companion to aid him in his schemes.
The shadows coalesced into a small, winged form. As the magic settled, Morgie blinked in amazement. Before him stood a magical puppy, with soft, golden fur that shimmered under the moonlight and tiny, delicate wings fluttering on its back. It was a golden retriever, its large, innocent eyes looking up at Morgie with pure adoration.
Morgie’s heart swelled with pride and joy. “I did it! I actually did it!” he exclaimed, reaching down to scoop up the puppy. It barked happily, nuzzling into Morgie’s chest. For a moment, everything seemed perfect.
But then, the puppy began to change. Its soft fur darkened, turning a sickly shade of green. The wings grew larger, more bat-like, and its eyes glowed a menacing red. The puppy’s form twisted and elongated, becoming more serpentine, scales forming where fur once was. Claws and fangs emerged, and a low growl replaced the happy barking.
Morgie’s joy turned to horror as he watched his creation morph into a monstrous creature, a grotesque amalgamation of various animals with a serpentine body, multiple limbs resembling those of a panther, and eyes glowing with malevolent intent.
The creature hissed, its fanged mouth opening wide. Morgie stumbled back, his mind racing to remember the counter-spell, but panic clouded his thoughts.
“No, no, no! This isn’t right,” he murmured to himself, his voice shaking. He tried to focus, but the dark magic was slipping from his grasp. The creature lunged at him, and Morgie’s instincts screamed at him to run, but he was frozen in place, unable to move.
Morgie turned to see Hook standing at the edge of the courtyard, his golden hook gleaming in the moonlight. Despite his usual arrogant demeanor, there was a flicker of concern in his eyes.
“Hook, stay back. I’ve got this,” Morgie said, his voice strained.
Hook smirked, though his eyes remained focused on the creature. “Looks to me like you’ve got it under control. Need a hand—or a hook?”
“I said I’ve got this! You’ll get hurt,” Morgie snapped, frustration and fear mixing in his voice.
But the creature lunged again, and to Morgie’s shock, Hook was by his side in an instant, using his polished hook to fend off the beast. Morgie watched in disbelief as the prim and proper, vain Hook wielded his precious hook as a weapon. Hook’s movements were swift and precise, a testament to his fencing skills, but Morgie couldn’t shake his amazement.
“I told you, I don’t need your help!” Morgie shouted, but his voice faltered. Deep down, he knew he was in over his head.
Hook grinned, his charm undiminished even in the face of danger. “You’re always so stubborn, Morgie. Sometimes, even the best need a little help.”
Despite his words, Hook’s actions were anything but self-centered. He moved with purpose, deflecting the creature’s attacks and pushing it back. Just as the creature managed to land a swipe, Hook winced he looked like he wanted to scream but kept it in.
He continued to fight. Morgie watched in awe, his fear momentarily forgotten, until he noticed Hook’s slight limp.
With a final, powerful thrust, Hook managed to drive the creature back into the shadows and put it back to where it came from. The courtyard fell silent once more, the dark magic dissipating into the night.
Hook turned to Morgie, a teasing glint in his eyes. “See? Wasn’t so bad, was it?”
“That could have ended way worse,” Morgie replied, still trying to catch his breath.
“The point is that it didn’t, and I would have never let it get that bad,” Hook said confidently.
“What was my little spellcaster trying to summon anyway? That was certainly a strange choice,” Hook teased, raising an eyebrow.
“It was supposed to be a familiar, but I messed that up like I mess up everything I do,” Morgie admitted, looking down at his feet.
“That isn’t true, lad,” Hook said, trying to reassure him. 
“How’s your hook?” Hook examined it before he answered confidently “Still perfect not a scratch,” Giving Morgie a grin.
Morgie looked up, meeting Hook’s gaze. For a moment, he saw something deeper in those brown eyes, something that made his heart skip a beat. But then he noticed the small cut on Hook’s arm, dark magic seeping from the wound.
“James, that looks bad,” Morgie said, his voice tinged with worry.
Hook shrugged, keeping his pretty boy persona intact. “Don’t call me James!” he protested. “And it’s just a small scratch. I’m just mad the thing tore up my blazer.”
“Dark magic isn’t just a small scratch. Let me help,” Morgie insisted, moving closer to inspect the wound.
Hook smirked, clearly enjoying the attention. “Alright, Nurse, do your worst.”
Morgie carefully took his spellbooks trying to find a spell once he found one, he put his hands gentle and precise on Hook’s bicep. Hook watched him, a flirtatious smile playing on his lips. “You know, you look quite cute when you’re all serious and focused.”
Morgie face reddened, his usual naivety kicking in. “Just hold still. This might sting a bit.”
Hook winced slightly but didn’t let it show too much. “You’re doing great, Snakeyes. I knew I could count on you.”
Once Morgie finished treating the wound, he looked up at Hook. “You shouldn’t have helped. I didn’t want you to get hurt because of me.”
Hook’s expression softened, and he placed a reassuring hand on Morgie’s shoulder. “I’ve got your back, Morgie. Even if it doesn’t seem like it.” Morgie wished this side of Hook was seen more often, not the ridiculously cocky pirate.
“For real?” Morgie asked, searching Hook’s eyes for any hint of insincerity.
“For real,” said the eyeliner heavy-pirate, his voice sincere. “We’re in this together, alright? Just don’t expect me to play the hero too often. It’s bad for my bad boy image.”
“You’re impossible, Hook.”
“Maybe,” Hook replied, winking, “but people adore me.”
“Let’s get out of here before we get caught,” Morgie suggested, glancing around nervously.
As they walked away, side by side, Morgie’s smile widened, the warmth in his chest growing. He was grateful for Hook’s help, even if he’d never admit it outright. As they walked away, side by side, Morgie realized that maybe, just maybe, it was okay to rely on someone else once in a while.
Notes: Idk why anyone would read this on here it's so long. But I hope y'all enjoy if you made it feel free to give your your feedback of course. I'm still tryna decipher how tf Tumblr works.
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ineffablyruined · 6 months ago
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I swear every week gets better and better. You're all amazing. 😍
Prompt for Week Six:
What's unraveling? Reality? Someone's sanity? Their reasons not to be together? Their clothes? (*cough* who said that?). Once again - you get to choose!
The Rules Are Simple:
Every Friday until the Season 3 premiere, I'll post a prompt.
You will have a week to write, draw, paper craft, record, completely scrap and start from the beginning after a crisis of confidence (oh, is that just me?), and post your interpretation of the prompt.
Tag your post #IneffablePromptAThon, #IneffablePAT #Ineffable Prompt-A-Thon, and/or #IPAT. Make sure to use them on Tumblr, X, IG, and AO3 so everyone can easily find your works!
Also tag your posts and AO3 with the Week Number and the Prompt, so we can all tell which prompt your creation accompanies.
Tag me @ineffablyruined in all of your posts, too, so I can reblog!
Add your contribution to the Ineffable Prompt-A-Thon collection on AO3 for this week. Link is below!
Look for the next prompt. Rinse. Repeat.
This is meant to be zero stress. If you can't do a week, that's completely fine! Prompt not working for you? Skip it. Going to be late? No worries at all!
It is just meant to be a fun outlet to get your creative juices flowing and keep the fandom well-fed with copious amounts of fic and fun until our Ineffable Duo makes their return to our screens (whenever that may be).
There is no length requirement, no rating requirement, no timeline requirement. It can be canon-compliant, AU, crossover, whatever tickles your fancy, as long as it's Good Omens related and incorporates the prompt. It's all Tickety-Boo!
SHOUTOUT to @interesting-egg who takes my inability to make decisions in stride and helps me pick which of my pile of prompts to use for the week.
If you want to be tagged in the posts, let me know!
Link to this week's collection:
Tags under the cut:
@naturallyteal @bumblee27 @czitara @martinsharmony @ineffable-xenanigans @dierama-mojo @lickthecowhappy @ineffably-queer-book-lover @eybefioro
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