#gale hawthorne x katniss everdeen
mitsuki91 · 2 months
@hamriceagenda this is for you! You inspired me.
Enjoy my Katniss/Gale for you 💖
@tumblingghosts I tag you too since you reblogged my post!
What remains
"They’re not coming back, Katniss."
Peeta? My mother? Snow, or Coin to destroy my life from beyond the grave?
"No one's coming back."
Stressing the obvious has always been his prerogative, and my lips curve into a bitter smile.
"But you're staying."
A moment's pause, as the icy wind rattles the bare branches above our heads.
"I'm staying. Like you."
Link on ao3:
Author notes: I can't format on tumblr. This is visually better on ao3.
It happened after the first incident.
Peeta had only been back a month. A month since I had seen him planting primroses for me, him and his sun-flavored smile.
It seemed like a day like any other, me returning from hunting and him tending the garden. The sun at its zenith and Haymitch's geese quacking. Someone had dropped something heavy just down the street and the noise had made both me and Peeta jump with fright.
Suddenly I had his hands on my neck again, his horrified expression inches from my face. Someone screamed, someone ran and snatched him away from me - someone saved me. From Peeta's murderous fury.
And so it happened, exactly one day, two hours and twenty minutes after Peeta tried to kill me a second time.
Gale came back.
"I thought you were in Two, immersed in your military career."
"But you needed me, Katniss."
Sometimes I wonder what I did wrong to deserve this.
I know my life doesn't belong to me - I knew this from the first moment Prim's name was drawn in the Hunger Games - but I wonder what the point of fighting any longer is. After all, I have fulfilled my function in this world. I have been a Mockingjay, I have been the Girl on Fire, I have been the Face of the Revolution. The last arrow shot, the end of the Games. Why am I not allowed to escape even from myself now? Why am I forced to stay, why am I not allowed to slip over the edge?
Peeta has been taken away.
'Unstable', so Capitol City declared him. How they found out is a mystery - or perhaps one of the many things I don't want to admit even to myself. A suspicion, an unspoken thing, lurking in the shadows behind me.
Because now I am no longer alone.
I am not and - I would like to abandon myself, but I can't. I cannot because he looks at me.
And when Gale looks at me, everything about me tenses by instinct - it's the sadness in his eyes. That magnet that is impossible to ignore. A center of gravity that pulls me along, preventing me from drifting.
An anchor.
And I hate him for it, too.
"That's not true. I never needed you."
The flash of a smile, cruel.
"My only quality was taking care of your family. And you are what remains."
The sun burns high in the sky as July sets, even in the early morning.
Gale is with me in the woods, like every day.
In silence, like every day. He can no longer speak of injustice and revolution now - they are no longer imaginary dreams, but lived nightmares.
I ignore him, as I have become good at doing. But he does not give up. He has turned into my shadow.
I just have to not look him in the eye.
The anchor is always there, keeping me clinging to myself even as Peeta's absence burns in my soul. I can always pretend he doesn't exist, though.
If I don't look at him, he doesn't exist. If I don't talk to him, he's not real.
I know he knows it hurts me. I know he knows that what I had with Peeta was real, and that the loss of what we could have been is destroying me to the core.
Killed before I can even taste life.
But Gale is too much like me and uses the same techniques against me.
If his eyes do not let me go, I cannot disappear. If his mouth is sealed, he cannot lose to Peeta.
The world won't change until one of us gives in. And, deep down, we both know it'll be me who surrenders.
"We're too similar to make it work, Gale. You know that. I don't need that in my life."
A step forward, one foot crushing a dandelion.
"I won't believe you until you tell me by looking at my face."
The beginning of November brings a week of uninterrupted rain and a sudden frost that turns the primrose bed into a muddy, dead mush. 
I feel myself dying a little with it, watching it through the window and feeling helpless.
It is like losing her a second time. Will this torment ever end? 
Gale comes back into the house at that moment with a handful of wood in his arms and does his best to light the fireplace. I close my eyes for a second and inhale deeply, because I know that if I do it now, I won't be able to go back. But the decision is already made. It is only a question of coming to terms with what I want to do - no, what I need to do. To not lose Prim. To never let her go again. 
"Gale" I call softly, in a whisper, and I hear him stand up and turn to me.
I turn as well.
And I stare him straight in the eyes.
Because I know Prim is there. She is the ghost that inhabits those gray irises, consumed by guilt. And if I look into his eyes, I can almost see her.
If I look into his eyes, I already know that I will have to surrender.
Because nothing breaks my heart more than seeing Gale sad, and I know only one viable solution to erase the torment from his soul.
I try to resist, anyway. I enjoy my sister dancing devoured by the fire at the bottom of his eyes, and I postpone the inevitable to a new day.
"They’re not coming back, Katniss."
Peeta? My mother? Snow, or Coin to destroy my life from beyond the grave?
"No one's coming back."
Stressing the obvious has always been his prerogative, and my lips curve into a bitter smile.
"But you're staying."
A moment's pause, as the icy wind rattles the bare branches above our heads.
"I'm staying. Like you."
'A complete separation is necessary for the serenity of the subject' is the last line penned by one of Capitol City's most renowned doctors, in a graceful and elegant handwriting.
I clasp the letter in my hands as snowflakes fall placidly around me. I didn't even go back into the house before I tore open the envelope, I just stood by the mailbox reading.
It was devastating to discover how, despite all the months that had passed, I still had hope. My mind had long since given up; my heart and soul, however, had different ideas.
I return home feeling almost light, drained while everything around me seems unreal.
It is not real. It is not real. It cannot be real because I, because I...
The letter slips through my hands and I advance towards the sofa, where Gale is taking a nap. I watch him for a moment, trapped in that suspended realm where illusion still dominates over reality, and then I realize. Enlightenment hits me.
 I never kissed Gale because I wanted to make him feel good in the past.
I kissed him because if I could become the right girl for him, even for a moment, then it meant I no longer had to be Katniss Everdeen.
I kneel beside him and grab his face. Before he can fully wake up, my lips are already on his. He won't mind coming back to the world like this, I hope.
If by kissing him I can become whoever I want, then that means I can also be the girl who was never in love with Peeta - the girl who never lost him.
"You're the one who wanted it."
Both of our breaths are broken, his cheeks are red and his gaze is hard as steel.
"You can't regret it now, Katniss."
There is an aspect of fire that I had never considered before. That destructive force that animates us, that ignites us with its desperation, can be channeled in many ways.
It was with Gale that I discovered passion.
Pain is best expressed when you can carve flesh with your nails, then lick the trails of ferruginous blood returning from orgasm. Guilt is best borne when you can at least partially atone for it when it all comes down to an irrational instinct to grab, to have, to suffer - and only the dark bruises remain, which you look at with a satisfied smile the next day.
You no longer feel the guilt of being alive during the day, if in the night you season your nightmares with sex, which seems to erase all sin.
Even Gale seems more relaxed.
There is always Prim in the back of his eyes, dancing on skulls and ashes. But she smiles, for once. She is serene and watches me live with a mysterious smile.
To have Gale is to have her and that I can never give up.
Gale smiles much more often. When we go out hunting together; we don't speak, but sometimes he holds me in his arms and the world thins out around us.
Understanding each other with a glance and without making noise has always been a prerogative of us hunters. We have known each other almost all our lives and, after all, we both live with the same ghosts.
Since I have had the courage to look, everything seems to have fallen into place.
I'm not saying my life is perfect, not this, never this. But Gale is my rock.
And with him, I know I can live one more day.
"Where are you going?"
He smiles, amused by the hint of panic in my voice.
"Just to the market, to buy bread."
"I'll go with you. Wait for me."
"As you wish, Katnip ."
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ringtoned · 2 years
suzanne collins is such a genius... the cultural phenomenon of her series leading to the hanging tree house remixes, mockingjay being milked for two (bad) movies, the capitol-inspired makeup palettes, the halloween costumes, the explosion of the market for dystopia, the butchering of her characters and removal of disabilities, disfiguration, and racial tension + representation to sell more tickets, the extra gale scenes to fuel discourse, and the audience showing up to cinemas to watch what was pretty honestly marketed to them (the jacob vs edwardification of the symbolic love story and also to watch children fight to the death) it's just so ridiculously ironic i would say you can't write this shit, but she did write about it... in The Hunger Games published 2008
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fantasybuff96 · 9 months
I will never get over Gale’s stupid ass thinking that Finnick wanted Katniss at the beginning of Mockingjay, when the entire time that man was breaking down and longing for Annie. Like the whole reason Katniss and Finnick became close friends was their joined love and longing for Peeta and Annie who were both imprisoned in the capital together.
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sincerethoughtsblog · 10 months
katniss being the person who gave hope to everybody during the rebellion but peeta being the person that always gave katniss hope and strength since the moment they met is so poetic lord
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little-lynx · 7 months
underneath my scars
My only one My smoking gun My eclipsed sun This has broken me down
My twisted knife My sleepless night My winless fight This has frozen my ground*
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But what you did was just as dark Darling, this was just as hard As when they pulled me apart*
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You knew the hero died so what's the movie for?*
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Stood on the cliffside screaming, "Give me a reason" Your faithless love's the only hoax I believe in Don't want no other shade of blue but you No other sadness in the world would do*
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Hoax by Taylor Swift
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introcoryo · 8 months
botany major!katniss, who isn’t so good with her words, so she gifts you flowers that correlate with what she’s feeling. you walk hand in hand through the woods as she points out different plants, rambling on about how to recognize various species and their distribution patterns.
fine arts major!peeta, working tirelessly at his family’s bakery, making personalized latte art which leaves him with huge tips at the end of the day. all of his peers recognize you as the inspiration for all of his assignments, your features taking up every bit of his sketchbook.
mechanical engineering major!gale, his schedule so full and busy but always making time to see you daily. you’re always the first to hear about how he did on a particular exam, cuddled up as you watch nature documentaries.
aquatic biology major!finnick, known around campus as the university heartthrob. he spends most of his free time at the docks or the beach, feet always bare and buried underwater, occasionally splashing you playfully. suntanning and writing your initials in the sand is how your dates usually go.
athletic training major!johanna, who caresses your sleeping features and plants a small kiss on your forehead before leaving for her morning run. she teasingly flexes her muscles while you’re applying kinesiology tape on her body.
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finnicks-elbow · 10 months
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phefics · 9 months
how ticklish do u think the hunger games ppl you write for are? asking for a friend🫣
my brand...thank u
coryo: unpopular opinion maybe but like a solid 7/10. will get very huffy and pouty if you try to tickle him though, he is not a fan. has this really cute, uncharacteristic giggle. ribs and underarms are the worst spots and he will curse at you and threaten ur life.
finnick: he's one of those ppl that can turn being ticklish on and off like a superpower, but if you catch him off guard, he's like a 6/10. thinks it's a cute way to flirt so he'll let you get away with it but then he will turn the tables later. snorts when he laughs too hard and is a lil embarrassed about it.
gale: not that ticklish, like a 4/10. only ticklish in a few places like his ribs. will immediately turn the tables if you try to tickle him.
johanna: idk she genuinely strikes me as someone who is not ticklish at all, like a 0/10 but maybe she has one or two sensitive spots. if you try tickling her, she is immediately going to pin you down and destroy you. proceed with caution.
katniss: also doesn't have very ticklish energy to me?? like, she is, most people are, but she's like a very normal amount of sensitive, like a 6/10 probably. her neck and ears are ticklish and she will flail and kick if you try.
lucy gray: i don't know why i, the person who normally has to headcanon every character i like as being extremely ticklish, is not getting ticklish vibes from these characters but lucy gray is just...not that sensitive either!! she's ticklish on her sides mostly and has this adorable, melodic laugh, but i also think of all these characters, she's the one i picture would like being tickled.
peeta: okay, now peeta is definitely very ticklish, like a 7 or 8/10. his stomach is his worst spot and he has this adorable laugh that just makes people melt. is very squirmy but will try to stay still so he doesn't accidentally whack you.
sejanus: officially dubbing him the most ticklish hunger games character, coming in at a 9/10. just look at that cute face and tell me he isn't ticklish, i dare you. gets very flustered and giggly. sensitive everywhere, absolutely adorable i lvoe him.
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thebluemallet · 11 months
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The Hunger Games + The Onion: "Things to Never Say to Someone That Just Came Out"
I'm thinking of doing another round of Hunger Games and satire article titles before the release of Songbirds and Snakes. But this was begging to be done.
Runner-up for Finnick was "Are you queerbaiting me?"
Runner-up for Peeta was "Your mother and I still love you."
more of the onion in panem:
the hunger games
catching fire
mockingjay part 1
mockingjay part 2
the ballad of songbirds and snakes
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shut-up-hope · 1 year
katniss describing her first kiss with gale as feeling entraped vs katniss describing her kisses with peeta as warm and stable
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tetheredfeathers · 6 months
Can we talk about how beyond messed up it was for Gale to suggest leaving Peeta and Haymitch behind.
“I have to, Gale. I can’t leave him and Peeta because they’d —” His scowl cuts me off. “What?” “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize how large our party was, ” he snaps at me. “They’d torture them to death, trying to find out where I was,” I say.
The audacity he has to snap at her, we're talking about life and death here. The way he openly disregards Peeta and Haymitch's lives is so disturbing, and he out of all people is very much aware of the Capitol's capabilities. Imagine how hurt Peeta would've been if he knew about this, I get that they're not all buddy buddy but that doesn't mean wishing pretty much death upon him just because your jealous.
I get it. He was in love, god knows love makes you blind but this is above and beyond. Especially since Gale is a fairly compassionate person, at least for his own people. I'm saying this because of how many people he rescued in MJ and still felt guilty.
Whereas you have Peeta willing to die for Katniss even if meant for her to go back to Gale, her happiness is all that mattered to him. These are things that really infuriate me when it comes to Gale, while his bomb and kisses with Katniss' are grey areas this selfishness when it comes to love is clearly a fatal flaw.
And then after all this he goes on further switching the scenario in this immature competition of who do you love/care more.
“And me, would you leave me?” Gale’s expression is rock hard now. “Just if, for instance, I can’t convince my mother to drag three young kids into the wilderness in winter.”
And the thing is he's scenario isn't even valid or realistic because Hazelle wouldn't have refused to go with them. Peeta's family is understandable being merchants and all. But Hazelle has suffered and more than knows what the Capitol can do.
There are some things that Gale does that are just unforgivable, and I get that all character's have made huge mistakes but most if not all have some excuse for it ( For example Katniss not talking to Peeta for 6 months, it was wrong but understandable due to the circumstances) while this was just plain selfishness.
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I'm rereading The Hunger Games trilogy with a lot more insight on it and the characters than 14yo me did
Updates and lots of unnecessary commentary to come
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nickeverdeen · 1 month
The Hunger Games characters reacting to you wearing their hoodie/jacket and being asleep on bed when they come home
Katniss Everdeen
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Katniss is really surprised to see you in her hoodie as that never really happened before
She quickly softens, a rare gentle smile spreading across her face
Katniss feels a surge of tenderness, appreciating the sight of you in her clothes
She moves quietly, not wanting to wake you
Her protective instincts kick in, making sure you’re comfortable
Lets you keep the hoodie
Katniss is real grateful to have you in her life
She sits on the edge of the bed, brushing a strand of hair from your face
Katniss leans in to kiss your forehead gently
“Sweet dreams, love.”
Peeta Mellark
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Peeta is happy to say the least to see you in his jacket
He can’t help but smile warmly
The sight warms his heart and makes him fall in love with you all over again
He moves carefully to avoid waking you just like Katniss
Peeta makes sure you’re properly covered with a blanket and comfortable
He decides to bake something for you when you wake up (‘cause why not, you deserve it)
He admires your peaceful sleeping form, but doesn’t stare at you the whole time ‘till you wake up
Peeta kisses your cheek gently
He sits beside you, realizing how lucky he is to have someone like you
“You look adorable. Rest well, my love.”
Cato Hadley
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Cato is surprised but quickly feels a swell of pride seeing you in his jacket
His protective instincts heighten, ensuring you’re okay
He smirks, loving how you look in his clothes
Despite his rough exterior, he approaches you gently
He doesn’t need to win The Hunger Games in order to feel like a winner around you
Cato admires your vulnerability and trust in him
He brushes your hair back with a surprisingly tender, but a bit firm, touch
He lays down beside you, watching over you
Cato kisses your forehead caressing your shoulder
“You’re safe with me.”
Clove Kentwell
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Clove is curious and slightly amused to see you in her jacket
She smirks, finding it kidna funny seeing you like this
She approaches quietly, not wanting to wake you, but she’s not that quiet
There’s a touch of the common mischief in her eyes as she watches you
Her usually tough demeanor softens at the sight
Clove gently adjusts the blanket over you
She feels a strong protective urge all the sudden at seeing you vulnerable
She whispers something playful yet caring not minding that you can’t hear her
Clove stays close by, watching over you
“You’re lucky you look cute in my jacket”
Gale Hawthrone
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Gale feels a rush of warmth seeing you in his hoodie
He smiles, appreciating how natural and right it feels
His protective instinct kicks in immediately
He moves quietly to avoid waking you
Gale admires how peaceful you look
He gently touches your hair, feeling a sense of calm
Gale sits beside you, watching over you
He kisses your lips tenderly
“I’ll keep you safe, don’t you worry.”
Finnick Odair
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Finnick is immediately charmed by the sight
He grins widely, finding it adorable
He approaches you softly, not wanting to disturb your peaceful sleep
Finnick gently caresses your cheek
He admires how peaceful and beautiful you look
He makes sure you’re comfortable and adjusts the blankets and pillows
Finnick whispers sweet nothings in your ear
He kisses your forehead lovingly
Finnick sits beside you, content to watch over you
“Sweet dreams, my love. You’re everything to me.”
Johanna Mason
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Johanna is surprised but quickly feels amused
She smirks, finding it kidna funny and cute
She approaches carefully, but normally, not wanting to wake you
There’s a touch of playful mischief in her eyes
Johanna gently places a blanket over you
She feels a strong protective urge not to let anything bad happen to you
Johanna stays close by, watching over you
She whispers some playful yet caring comments while putting your hair out of your face
Johanna kisses the top of your head tenderly
“You’re lucky you look cute in my jacket, princess. Sleep well.”
Haymitch Abernathy
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Haymitch is initially surprised to see you in his jacket
His usually gruff exterior softens at the sight
He approaches, not wanting to wake you, but he almost did
Makes sure you’re comfortable
Definetly teasing you a bit about it later
He feels a surprising tenderness towards you
Haymitch sits nearby, watching over you while he does things that needs to be done
He kisses your cheek gently
“You make me feel something, you know that? Sleep well.”
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Cressida is initially surprised but quickly feels a warm amusement
A soft smile spreads across her face, finding the sight perfect
She approaches quietly, after some time
Cressida takes a moment or two to admire how peaceful and gorgerous/handsome you look
Her protective instincts kick in a bit
She gently adjusts the blanket over you to ensure you’re warm enough and if not she places another one on you
Cressida gently brushes a strand of hair away from your face, her touch tender
She sits on the edge of the bed, watching you with a content and affectionate gaze and later on lies down next to you
Leaning in, she kisses your forehead gently
“You look perfect, princess”
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taytrashmouth · 10 months
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Peeta mellark x reader
(The hunger games)
Remember requests are open so please send them in!!!!
It was a quiet day in district 12. And everything would’ve been at peace if it weren’t the last day of the games. That Peeta was still in.
You told gale to call you when it was only down to a few tributes, you couldn’t watch Peeta and Katniss. Not after the way he left.
“Peeta Mellark.” Effie trinket read with a smile, your heart dropped as you watched him ascend the stage. Your throat ran dry and you couldn’t speak, you wanted to call for him but no words came out. Tears streamed down your face as you made your way to the empty aisle where Katniss has volunteered for her sister.
He looked down at me, but not for long. He couldn’t seem to bare it. A part of me knew he wouldn’t come home- I had seen the way those other tributes played.
I stood there until a peace keeper hit me across the cheek and shoved me back into place, I saw Peeta lunge forward but a peace keeper held him too.
When I was allowed to say goodbye I entered the small room after his family has left.
I hugged him tightly and he returned the gesture. “Peeta you have to survive.” You spoke firmly holding his face.
He started to object but you interrupted. “Promise me you’ll try to win!”
“I promise.” He was being genuine.
His hand brushed hair behind your ear and lingered on your cheek.
“You know- since you stood up for me against those boys when we were 12, I’ve never admired someone so much.”
You smiled whilst your cheeks turned red, you didn’t look away though, you couldn’t. This could be the last time you see him.
“You are so smart, and shy but you stand up for what you believe in, even when that means putting yourself out there. You’re funny and creative. I’ve never met someone who loves bread as much as you and-“ Peeta was rambling.
“Peeta..” you tried to question where he was leading in you Mr final moments.
“You’re beautiful n/n…and I guess all I’m trying to say is that I love you.” He looked nervously at your expression. “I have since the day I met you.”
“Peeta I- I love you too.” You smiled and cried at the same time.
“I wish I told you sooner.” He cried too.
“Yeah, me too.” He hugged you tightly.
As you both pulled out of the hug, with tear stained faces. You were leaning into each others touch. Lips barely grazing before two peace keepers were ripping you away. You screamed as they pulled you away.
“You’ll kiss me when you come home!” You yelled as they picked you up.
A boy from the mines ran out of the local bar to inform me that gale was calling. When I saw gale he couldn’t look away.
Peeta and Katniss were being hunted by some rabid hybrid.
You couldn’t watch for a while, until Cato found them and the stakes became a lot higher. You watched Peetas head almost become a meal and watched as he was held at gunpoint. You held gales hand in support as he did yours.
You hid your face in your other hand often.
When the last canon had fired you let out a breath you weren’t aware you were holding in.
“They won.” You smiled at gale.
Just as they announced 2 tributes from the same district can no longer win.
You began to cry. And then harder when Katniss handed Peeta those stupid berries.
You dropped gales hand and ran out of the bar. You couldn’t watch him die. You wouldn’t. You ran deep into the meadow and fell to your knees. You screamed. You were angry at the capitol, angry that you didn’t have more time with Peeta. You had lost the best thing in your life.
You stayed there for hours, crying and remembering.
You stayed out there in the meadow for a day or two. Sleeping under the trees. Forgetting about food or water.
When you finally went home in that third day you took a cold shower, wishing you had gone in his place.
In the early evening there was a knock on your door. You swung the door open expecting to tell whoever it was to come back some other day.
But when you saw the boy you longed for you began to sob. He grabbed you tightly, hugging you with everything he had.
“I thought you were dead-“ you sobbed into his shoulder. “I’m here now it’s okay.” He whispered into your ear and stroked your hair.
When you had both calmed down, he lead you to the river. Not many people knew about it.
And there it was, a picnic blanket with 3 types of bread in a basket accompanied by some fancy drink from the capitol.
“Peeta.” You smiled becoming all giddy. Running down to the blanket, Peeta followed with a smile, knowing he had made you happy.
“You like it?” He asked sitting down.
“It’s perfect.” You blushed, and ripped a piece of the soft bread loaf. “Mmmm… oh my god I missed this. There is no good bread in the world without you Mr Mellark.” you smiled. 
“It was all an act…” he spoke up. He looked scared. “Me and her.”
You smiled sadly to yourself.
“It wasn’t real?” You asked him genuinely to assure yourself, letting your insecurities get the better of you.
“Promise.” He whispered.
“Then you owe me a kiss, Mr-“ you were interrupted when he pulled you in and kissed you passionately. You squealed as he flipped you into your back, leaning over you into the kiss.
When he pulled away from air you giggled. “I’m really glad I’m home.” He smiled. You laughed again.
“Me too…”
You spent the rest of the evening holding each other, kissing and talking about all the times you missed each other over the past month.
“You are beautiful you know that.” He smiled, holding you in his lap looking at the water.
“You’re really pretty yourself…lover boy.” You teased tilting your head back and looking up at him.
“I hate that!” He cringed.
“Okay okay, I’ll stop.” You turned around to face him. “Lover boy.” You repeated and immediately screamed and ran away. He was hot on your trail. Smiling and chasing you.
When he caught you he spun you around smothering you in kisses, carrying you back with your legs dangling. Both laughing and smiling.
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in which Katniss contemplates Gale and Peeta (one of the many times), futures with them:
Gale comes up behind me and we examine each other's reflection. I'm searching for something to hang on to, some sign of the girl and boy who met by chance in the woods five years ago and became inseparable. I'm wondering what would have happened to them if the Hunger Games had not reaped the girl. If she would have fallen in love with the boy, married him even. And sometime in the future, when the brothers and sisters had been raised up, escaped with him into the woods and left 12 behind forever. Would they have been happy, out in the wild, or would the dark, twisted sadness between them have grown up even without the Capitol's help?
But his arms are there to comfort me. And eventually his lips. On the night I feel that thing again, the hunger that overtook me on the beach, I know this would have happened anyway. That what I need to survive is not Gale's fire, kindled with rage and hatred. I have plenty of fire myself. What I need is the dandelion in the spring. The bright yellow that means rebirth instead of destruction. The promise that life can go on, no matter how bad our losses. That it can be good again. And only Peeta can give me that.
The bit about the "dark, twisted sadness" with Gale lets me know that it's not just about Gale's role in Prim's death because Katniss is imagining a world where Prim is alive and well, and still there's something dark and wrong able to grow between them. Because Gale has shown her repeatedly the ways in which he lets her down, dismisses her, is unkind to her - often at times when she desperately needs him to just be there for her, to understand her. He has rage and hatred that doesn't serve Katniss or who she is.
Compared to Peeta, who steadies her and stays beside her after undergoing horrific trauma. Still he works hard to be able to be beside her in the way that she needs. He is hope, he is rebirth, he is goodness. He is what's precious to her and he shows her that time and time again. He is there for her in ways she didn't even know she needed, and when he's gone she painfully feels his absence.
"I know this would have happened anyways" - mind you, she's known of Peeta before she knew of Gale. And I believe this is her (romantic daydreaming self) recognising that they would've always found their way to each other, even without the games (though that certainly put things into motion and sped them up).
It was always going to be Peeta and Suzanne Collins was very intentional about that throughout the trilogy.
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phefics · 8 months
This just came to my mind while I was studying for my psychology exam - but what do you think THG would be like if they were dating a reader who is a theatre performer? Like them picking the reader up from rehearsals that ran overtime, watching their performances and listening to them talk about their crazy (and sometimes kinda weird) rehearsal memories?
I hope this makes sense because I am not too great with explaining things
this is so cute, not weird at all!! you didn't specify the guys so i'm gonna do all the characters i write for. hope you like!! xo
coryo is supportive, mostly because he likes the idea of dating someone who could be famous one day. he brags about your talents to people at school/work, and comes to every show, sits in the front row, and brings you roses. he admires your dedication, even when it means staying late to run scenes or crazy rehearsal stories.
finnick loves to watch you perform. he's been caught trying to sneak into your rehearsals before, and given you a sheepish grin as he's escorted out of the theater. he's just so captivated by you. as someone who has spent a lot of his life performing against his will, he loves to watch you flourish doing something you love. he loves hearing about cast drama, like straight up will make popcorn to listen to the gossip.
gale isn't super into theater but will be supportive! he likes that you have a hobby you're so passionate about, even if he doesn't understand. he tries to make every show when he isn't busy with work, and has terrible theater ettiquette the first time and keeps cheering every time you're on stage, so you have to explain that he can't do that, lol. he also picks you up from rehearsals because he won't let you walk home late at night, ever.
haymitch isn't very into the arts, in general - he's just never had an urge to consume it or have a hobby of his own. but seeing you feel so passionate about it and have so much fun opens him up to the idea a lot, and i can see him definitely going to your shows and finding the beauty in live theater.
johanna would be a stage crew girly, so i think she would participate in your theatre stuff (if it was local/small, i don't think she would pursue it as a career) and she does the lights or sound. definitely ignores directions so she can put the spotlight on you even when you aren't talking in a scene.
katniss is very supportive, but i don't see her being into theatre at all - she'll go to your shows but doesn't really vibe with it, so she's there to support you but wouldn't go if you weren't involved. if you are in a musical production, though, she will get the songs stuck in her head and whistle/sing them around the house.
lucy gray is probably also involved in theatre!! or, she at least totally understands your passion as well as your workload. if you do musical theatre, she helps you practice your songs and learns them on guitar so she can play them for you. she is always cheering so loud in the audience - she is so supportive and loving.
peeta would probably get involved in your production behind the scenes, painting sets. he is so supportive and i could even see him joining the show if you convinced him he'd be good - he's clearly a very charming actor and would probably find it fun. if he doesn't join you, though, he is in the front row of every single performance with flowers.
sejanus is the most supportive boyfriend ever, i swear. he will singlehandeldly fund your local theatre just so you can participate. he takes time off of work to go to every single show, and has flowers sent to you backstage. he helps you rehearse at home, always being a bit goofy and over-the-top when he reads the lines.
tigris would probably be involved as well, designing and altering costumes!! she loves to design and sew and having that outlet that benefits the community as well as her partner would make her really happy.
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