#i just wanna cry and curl up and not listen to music again
I really hate that loss of purpose you feel when something you've been expecting for a while is over
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Cherry Blossom. aka - Cherry, Part Four.
a night of conversations, kisses and long awaited confessions.
pairing - bestfriend!steve harrington x female reader
warnings - cursing, kissing (but no real smut).
word count - 2.6k
authors note - the babies are back!! no smut in this one - it was getting too long. but don’t you worry… there’s gonna be so much smut in part five !! sorry for the cliffhanger. love u <3
as always, reblogs, comments and feedback (even anonymous feedback!) are immensely appreciated!! your reblogs are the only way to circulate my fics, which keeps me going <3
series masterlist. main masterlist. inbox.
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The smoke from the bonfire is stinging your eyes, ash sticking to the strands of your hair. Orange embers burn rapidly, dry wood being occasionally thrown on top by drunk boys with red cups in their hands.
The music is way too loud for a forest party, but no one seems to care. Someone’s haphazardly strung lights between the trees, creating a surprisingly cosy ambience. The atmosphere is alive, charged with the electricity of being out later than curfew.
You laugh, accepting the drink from Eddie’s outstretched hand.
“Thank you, kind sir,” you say as you curtsy sarcastically, making both of you laugh harder. “Hey, you didn’t bump into Steve on your way over here, did you? I haven’t seen him for like an hour.”
The curly haired boy kicks the toe of your sneaker with his.
“Saw him with that Clara girl, talking by the lake.”
You take a steadying breath, pretending it doesn’t bother you in the slightest.
“You should go and check if he needs rescuing,” Eddie jokes. “God knows she can talk for hours without coming up for air.”
You smile at him, pulling at one of his curls.
“Good idea. Just in case.”
“Just in case,” he winks, pushing you in the right direction.
You saunter down towards the water, spotting your best friend instantly. He’s stood with his arms across his chest, weight on one hip as he tries to listen to whatever Clara has to say. The minute he sees you, his posture is straightening, lips quirking up at the corners.
Clara turns around to see what Steve is looking at, her face falling when she recognises you.
“Hi. I don’t mean to interrupt! Just wanted to check if you needed another drink, Stevie.”
The boy grins, beckoning you closer with a nod of his head. When you’re near enough, he leans down and presses a sweet kiss to your lips, all affectionate and tender.
You don’t do that.
The two of you have kept your romance completely behind closed doors, up until now. It hasn’t got a name, never mind a label, and you don’t need people asking questions when you don’t even know the answers yourself.
You could blame it on the alcohol, but you know Steve’s on his first drink. With your head spinning, you look up at him as if he is the sun and all things warm. He looks down at you the exact same way.
“I’m gonna go see where my friends are,” Clara says a little too loudly, strutting away with as much confidence as she can muster.
You have a sudden feeling that you’re the villain in her story, but you’re not entirely sure why.
“How many drinks have you had?” Steve asks as he pulls a strand of hair away from your face.
“This is my second. I was nursing my first one, Eddie says.”
The boy laughs, and you grab onto his bicep for support. The sound of it is enough to buckle your knees.
“This is my first. It’s not doing much for me.”
“You want something different? I’m sure Robin has that beer you like in her bag.”
“Nah, I’m okay. Don’t think I’m gonna drink any more tonight.”
Steve slips his hands into the back pockets of your jeans, pulling you in closer and keeping them there.
“You sure?”
“I’m sure.”
“Okay,” you whisper.
“Okay,” he whispers back.
And then he kisses you. Again. It’s slow and careful and so romantic that you think you might start crying about it.
“What time is it?” he asks when he pulls away as if nothing happened.
“Eleven thirty.”
“You wanna stay a bit longer?”
“Not if you don’t.”
Steve presses his lips to your forehead, hands cradling your cheeks.
“I kinda wanna go home.”
You smile at him, all soft and sweet.
“Then let’s go home. I’m getting a little cold, anyway. And I didn’t bring a jacket.”
“Will you ever learn?” he laughs, slinging an arm around your shoulders.
“If it means I have to stop wearing your jackets that I know you bring to parties just for me? No, I won’t.”
You weren’t supposed to say that out loud, but the way Steve chuckles soothes the sting of the accidental wound.
“Let’s go home, Cherry Baby.”
Home. The assumption that the two of you will always be returning to the same place makes your heart so full, you wonder how it doesn’t spill over.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
“You good?”
“Feet hurt.”
This happens every single time the two of you go to a party, so you feel as if you’re reliving a memory.
“Hop on.”
“Cherry. Come on. We’ll get home quicker this way.”
You can’t argue with that. Steve crouches as you jump onto his back, his hands wrapping around your thighs to keep you steady. You wrap your arms around his neck from behind, resting your head on top of his.
“Comfy back there?”
You hum, the noise of agreement enough for Steve to start walking.
The two of you chat each others ears off on the way home, talking about nothing and everything. You laugh so hard at something he says that you end up with a mouthful of his hair, which he in turn finds hilarious.
“Have you thought any more about what I said the other day?”
“You say a lot of things, Steven.”
He chuckles, shaking his head and giving your thighs a squeeze.
“About college.”
You go quiet for a moment, and Steve wonders if he’s chosen the wrong time to have this conversation.
“I’ve been thinking about it.”
“Let’s talk about it later, okay? When I’m not constantly worried I’m gonna accidentally trip and kill you.”
You nod, and he feels it. You know it needs to be a discussion sometime soon, but perhaps having it when you’re being carried down the street on your best friends back isn’t all that practical.
“Love you,” you mumble into the crook of Steve’s neck.
He shudders a little at your lips on his skin, leaning his head sideways to rest against yours.
“Love you, Cherry Pie. More than anything.”
You let Steve piggyback you all the way to his front door. Neither of you say anything else. Neither of you feel the need to.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
Steve bumps his hip into yours as you both brush your teeth, laughing at your shocked reflection in the mirror.
“Are you okay?” you ask as you place your toothbrush back in its holder, right next to his.
“Yeah, I’m good.”
“You sure?”
You hop up on the bathroom counter, sitting up so you’re eye to eye with the boy in front of you. He takes a step forward, standing between your legs as he splays his cold hands over your thighs.
“Why’d you ask?”
You trace over his fingers where they rest on your skin, quiet for a moment.
“You seemed pretty eager to go home tonight. It’s unlike you. You love a party. Leaving at eleven thirty is like… unheard of, for King Steve.”
“King Steve would rather be at home with you than at a party with all those people.”
“Really. Clara was going on about something or other, the music was too loud, and I could feel the chill coming in. It hit me, all of a sudden, that I’d rather be in bed. Or, anywhere else, as long as I was with you.”
You lean forward to rest your head against his chest, sighing when he starts playing with your hair gently.
“You’re a softie,” you mumble into his shirt. “And a mind reader.”
“It’s my one talent,” he chuckles. “I wish reading your mind was a college major. I’d be the best in the world.”
You shake your head, laughing like you can’t help it.
“If I don’t move soon, I’m gonna fall asleep on this bathroom counter.”
“Want me to carry you?”
“Contrary to popular belief,” you tease as you hop down, “my legs actually do work.”
Steve gasps, all theatrical and exaggerated, which only makes you laugh harder.
“Come on, sleepy girl. Let’s go to bed.”
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
“We’re not talking about stuff.”
You whisper it into the darkness, the trees rustling outside Steve’s window serving as the only sound you can hear.
Your legs are tangled with his, tired head resting on the boys shoulder as your sides are pressed together. You’re both lying on your backs, staring at the ceiling.
“We keep saying we’ll talk about stuff, but we haven’t been. It’s not like us.”
“You mean, like, feelings?”
All that can be heard now is two sets of heaving lungs. Steve’s hand finds yours under the duvet, fingers intertwining.
“Is there something specific that’s bothering you?”
“Not bothering me as such. I just… I think the more we don’t talk, the more complicated things become.”
There’s silence for a moment, before Steve speaks.
“I’m scared, Cherry.”
The tone of his voice is paper thin and vulnerable, and you will yourself not to cry about it.
“Of what, Stevie?”
You squeeze his hand, tucking yourself further into his side until there isn’t an inch of space between you.
“Of… everything changing. You’re my best friend in the entire world, and I know that what we’ve been doing isn’t typical… best friend stuff. I just…” he takes a deep breath, exhaling carefully. “I worry that something will happen and we’ll break up, and I’ll lose you forever.”
His voice cracks on the last word, fear seeping through his pores. Yet, he continues.
“I’d die without you, Cherry. I really would. I don’t know what it’s like to live in a world where we’re not… us.”
You turn onto your side to face him in the dark, reaching up to cradle his cheek softly. You rest your forehead against his temple, pressing a kiss into his skin.
“I’m scared too. I have been ever since that first night in my room. Not because I don’t trust you, or because I don’t feel that way about you… but because I don’t want to lose you either. More than anything, I don’t want to lose you.”
“Why didn’t we talk about this sooner?” he laughs, throat thick with emotion.
“Because we’re us. And whether we talk or don’t talk, we know we’ll figure it out. We always know we’ll be okay.”
“I love you,” he whispers into the dark. “More than all the stars in the sky.”
“I love you,” you whisper back. “More than all the grains of sand on all the beaches in the world.”
You press another kiss into his temple, letting your lips linger on his soft skin. He smells so familiar, so warm, so yours… you can’t help but inhale, chuckling when he shudders.
You continue to leave kisses across his jaw, over his ear, down his neck. He tilts his head to give you better access, groaning when you nip at his throat with your teeth, licking over the scrape to soothe him.
Steve pulls you in as if you weigh nothing, moving you so you’re lying on top of him. You sit up, straddling his lap, as he does the same so you’re chest to chest. Running his hands under your shirt and over the bare skin of your back, he rests his forehead against yours.
“You look so pretty like this,” he hums against your lips. “Prettiest girl in the world.”
“You wanna talk about pretty?” you tease, running your fingers through his hair. “My pretty, pretty boy.”
Steve’s hips buck up into yours, making you giggle.
“Oh, you like that? You like it when I call you pretty? Or do you just like it when I call you mine?”
His hips buck again as his cheeks flush pink.
“I am yours,” he murmurs. “Always have been.”
You thought you had the upper hand for a minute, but now you just want to cry. You’re overwhelmed by the way you feel about the boy underneath you, unsure of how to process it without bursting into tears.
“All mine,” you whisper, tracing the features of his face with your fingertip.
Steve takes a deep breath, watching your eyes as they look over him again and again, taking him in as if it’s the first time. He decides it’s now or never.
Your voices are low and careful, irregardless of the fact that you’re alone in the house.
“I’m in love with you.”
Your heart stops, and so does the world outside. Everything pauses, the two of you suspended in this moment in time.
Steve takes another breath, exhaling it carefully before meeting your eyes and continuing.
“You don’t have to say it back. Now, or ever. I just - I needed you to know.”
You blink back tears as you watch his face, biting your lip to stop them from falling.
“Hey, I told you. You don’t have to say anything, babe. I know-”
“Shut up.”
You surge forward and kiss him with all the affection you can muster, trying to express your feelings. You grip his hair, plastering your bodies together where you sit in his lap still. He wraps his arms around you, pulling you in as close as he can.
“If you let me talk,” you say when you pull away, all breathless, “you’d hear that I have something I’d like to say.”
Steve smiles, humming in acknowledgment and encouraging you to keep going.
“I’m in love with you, too.”
The boy looks shocked to hear it, as if it’s news to him.
“What’s that face for?” you laugh.
“I just… I didn’t expect you to say it back.”
“Steve,” you chuckle, looking at him sternly. When you realise he’s being serious, you double down. “I’ve been in love with you for as long as I can remember. When we were kids, and someone would say the word ‘husband’, I always pictured you. I was so convinced it was always going to end up being you and I.”
“Why… why didn’t you say anything sooner?”
“Why didn’t you?”
He laughs, and the sound makes you feel as if you’re on cloud nine. You can feel his heartbeat where his chest is pressed to yours, frantic like he’s just ran a marathon.
“Fuck, I love you.”
He leans up to kiss you, all saccharine and honey sweet.
“Say it again,” you whisper against his lips.
“I’m in love with you, Cherry.”
“Say it again.”
“I, Steve Harrington, declare that I am completely, utterly, ridiculously in love with this girl right here. I always have been. I always will be.”
You can’t help but throw your head back with laughter.
“And I love you. So much.”
The words you’ve always said mean so much more now. It’s a welcome change, one you never thought you’d see happen.
“Hey Steve?”
You lean in, nosing at his jaw as you murmur into his ear.
“Want you. So bad.”
“Fuck, honey,” he groans, all low and rough.
“Please. Want it to be you.”
Looking up at you with big eyes, he searches your face for any kind of hesitation.
“Are you sure?”
Smoothing his hair away from his face, you trace your thumb over his bottom lip.
“I’ve never been so sure of anything.”
“Yeah,” he grins. “I’m about to rock your world, Cherry Blossom.”
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@psychicnerdcat @allcheesemelts @valerievortex @swiftsgirlfriend @steviespookie @betweenstarsandsatellites @mrsjoequinn @internallysalad @saucypeanuttt @empathyroad @niceskyler @spookysins @theoraekenslover @7minutes-tomidnight @xx-all-purpose-nerd-xx @clairesjointshurt @livsters @diffrent-spokes @regular-joe-shmoe @ihatepeanutss @ladyburberry @thenonweeknd @abarelyexistentbeing @jennaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa @slut4gaga @hopelessromanticwriter @mgchaser @wintrsoldrluvr
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forlix · 9 months
"i did a thing." or, hyunjin needs an expert opinion about his newest piercing.
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words・1.4k / pairing・idol!hyunjin x gn!makeup artist!reader / genres・fluff, established relationship / author's note・takes place in the same universe as places, places! and crying lightning but can be read on its own. @astraystayyh your children are back :’)
The parlor door jingles. Hyunjin emerges onto the chilled pavement with his phone pressed to his ear, and you pick up on the fourth ring.
“What is it? I’m busy.” The way your voice shrinks substantiates this claim, like you’ve darted to the other end of the room promptly after accepting his call. “And you’re on speaker.”
Hyunjin ducks into his car and sits back against the nylon with a grateful sigh. He finds himself constantly ill-prepared for Seoul’s Januarys. “Busy with who? Remind me.”
“You wanna say hi?” You ask the person in your company. Who is it? He hears them ask, to which you answer: Hyunjin. You say it softly, in the sense that you’re far away and speaking under your breath, but softly, in the sense that your tongue caresses every syllable of his name with that tacit fondness he’ll never tire of.
He notices the ditzy smile on his face only when he glances into his rear-view. He’s long given up on wiping it off.
A familiar voice drifts into your receiver. “Mr. Hwang!”
Ah, that’s right—you’re working on Aespa’s new music video for the next two weeks. Today must be the first day of filming.
“Hey, Ningning! How are you?”
“In a predicament, honestly. I have the biggest crush on my stylist, but so does this other guy…”
“Damn, sounds tough. Best of luck.”
“Oh, I won’t need luck. I said predicament, not competition.” 
His jaw hits his wheel. “Okay, we’re boxing. Let’s go. Earrings off.”
“Say less!"
You’ve withstood enough. “Alright, nobody is boxing anyone—do not touch your earrings, Ning, what’s wrong with you? God, Hyunjin!”
Now you say his name sternly, hopelessly, like he’s just knocked ten years off your lifespan. He almost likes this version more. He fell in love with you listening to it, after all.
“Did you call for any reason aside from threatening my clients?”
Oh, right. He did.
Hyunjin glances into the rear-view again, intentionally this time. He moves aside a lock of maroon hair to review the silver studs glinting off his right eyebrow.
He smirks.
“Am I allowed on set?”
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Half an hour later, Hyunjin reaches the filming site and runs into a few staff members who are so surprised to see him they nearly forget to question what he’s doing there.
But they do their job, and he humors them, utters your name and the word “boyfriend” back to back. Then he watches their eyebrows disappear into their hairlines and basically prances into the dressing rooms.
He loves that everyone knows you. He loves that everyone knows that he loves you.
You were out of bed before he opened his eyes this morning, and he blooms at his first sight of you today, alone in the lounge, curled up on the couch and browsing through your phone. Eyeshadow stains your fingers and a pen sits behind the cuff of your ear. Your figure is framed in a (his) white cardigan with a red heart stitched over its left lapel. So professional, so pretty, that he doesn’t know what to do with himself, so he uses his words instead.
“I did a thing,” he says, plopping onto the cushion next to you.
You look at him, shut off your phone. “I figured.”
“Promise me you won’t get mad.”
It was worth a shot. “Can you blink, at least? You’re scaring me.”
In turn, you stretch open your eyes and hold them there. “A blink would be more than you deserve right now.”
Insufferable. He unleashes a bashful laugh and singular clap and looks back at you just in time to see a matching smile on your cordate lips. And to see you blink.
“Seriously, though, no more suspense,” you plead. “What on earth did you do? Should I be worried?” 
You tuck your hand around his bicep and tug lightly at his arm, and his insides pirouette at the gesture.
“No, no,” he answers, letting you pull him close, pressing a kiss to the corner of your mouth. “I was being dramatic. It’s nothing, really.”
You catch him as he’s trying to leave. A light finger hooks beneath his chin, an anchor to keep his face a mere few inches away from yours.
You look him in the right eye, then in the left, your expression stoic, scrutinizing. He doesn’t remember where he looks, in the meantime. He’s slipping and sliding out of his right mind, drinking in your long lashes and curved cheeks, wondering what heroic deed he performed in his last life to be able to study beauty in such proximity in this one.
“It’s not nothing, is it?” You query, tracing the tip of your pointer finger over Hyunjin’s cupid’s bow.
“No,” he exhales. “It’s not nothing.”
“Did you get it on your face?”
Of course you already know.
He nods, and the finger moves to his lower lip, gently indenting the glossy plush. 
“Hot or cold?” 
The finger runs over the bridge of his nose, then the perimeter of its prominence, like the drag of a feather. 
You lift a brow, give the side of his face a small nudge, and say, turn. The word comes out in a very stylist-esque manner, and you and Hyunjin realize this at the same time, judging by the synchrony of your quiet chuckles.
“Force of habit,” you murmur, and move his hair out of the way and lean in to examine his ear. Nothing new there. He turns his face the other way before you have to ask. Nothing new there, either.
When he looks at you again, your gaze has locked onto his eyebrows. You cock your head slightly to one side as it dawns on you what he’s done.
“Warmer,” he offers anyways, his smile small, his pulse rapid.
With a flourish of movement, you push his purple locks all the way off his forehead. Hyunjin holds his breath. Your expression goes blank. 
But it’s not blank, not really. One just has to know where to look. (He does.)
Your eyes darken fast as if caught in a solar eclipse, your pupils doubling in size, your irises quivering slightly. Your mouth opens, then closes, then purses into a thin line as if suppressing something explosive. Your cheeks blush at their very outskirts, along the edges of your face and the slants of your cheekbones, like how the first rays of sunlight always skim the mountaintops first.
He hardly notices the finger you bring to brush over the studs, so carefully he doesn’t feel the contact.
He’s too busy basking in his victory.
Neither of you say anything for a long while. You lean back, then right, then left, your hand pinned to his hairline, your gaze superglued to his brow. He simply sits still, feeling like one of your French girls, simpering, simping.
“You really did it,” you finally say.
“I did,” he chirps. “Any notes?”
At the next part of your lips, your waiting smile overtakes them at long last. You duck your head to conceal it like he hasn’t already melted at its mere image. You deliver your answer to your knees.
“No?” He repeats incredulously, teasingly. “That’s a shame. I really could’ve used an expert opinion.”
You roll your eyes hard enough for them to tug at your sockets. His boyish grin wipes away your feigned irritation like warm cotton.
“Fine,” you grouse. “Look at me.”
He does. You look back.
“It's nice," you deadpan.
Your resolve wobbles.
"Complements your face…shape.”
The ‘p’ sound pops, and you lose your shit.
The sun fully risen now, you bury your burning face into your hands, your shoulders shaking with silent laughter. Meanwhile, the raucous cackle that leaves Hyunjin’s lips causes the intern hurrying past the lounge outside to jump so high he actually lets go of his coffee cups before snatching them back out of the air with a relieved groan. He doesn’t get paid enough. 
You think you’re getting paid too much. 
“I love it, Hyun,” you whisper. “You’re beautiful. I don’t tell you that enough."
His heart beats so rapidly he thinks it might take off into a sprint; his laugh dwindles into a ditzy smile, one he’s long given up on wiping off.
“You know nothing about that word,” he replies, softly.
You bring your lips to his. His fingers wrap around the crook of your elbow. Yours begin curled in the silken hair at the back of his head. The pen behind your ear falls into the cracks of the couch.
“I’m still mad at you,” you sigh against his mouth, your own statement debunked by the inevitable drift of your touch back to the metal lodged in his face.
He doesn’t need to call you out. You do it yourself: “Ugh. I’ll be mad at you later.”
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🔖 (send an ask to be added)・@astraystayyh・@like-a-diamondinthesky・@fire-08・@starsandrqindrops・@txtxlz・@laylasbunbunny・@strayghibli・@nuronhe・@seungminsapuppy・@vivisoni・@skzms・@moon0fthenight・@sweetpickledjins・@svintsandghosts・@nhyunn ・@ur-boyfiend・@liknws・@hotgorloikawa・@randomwimp・ @automaticpersonabatpaper・@aceofvernons・@linos-kitten・@newhope8
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© forlix (est. 090323) · liked this work? please consider reblogging, commenting, or sending me an ask to let me know; or, read my other writing here. thanks so much for the support ♡
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thetriplets3 · 7 months
When you're about to cry and he does that "hey, hey" thing
please do this with chris
❝𝐧𝐨 𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬❞
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chris and i have been together for almost 4 months now having met at a small get together of a mutual friend, which when it comes to them a small get together turns into a party.
i had wandered off starting to feel overwhelmed from the constant talking around me. soon enough i found myself in a room that was turned into a makeshift music studio. the room felt inviting and safe for me to hid in for a while. any open space that wasn’t cover with furniture of some kind was filled with more plants than i could name. the warm soft light beckoned me to make myself comfortable, choosing a bean bag nestled in the corner for an extra sense of security. i curled into myself getting comfy figuring it’d be a while till my friend wanted to go home since i went with her. shutting my eyes i listened to the soft sound of the music playing from the other side of the house. the sound of the mini fridge closing startled me, snapping me back to reality.
“oh shit my bad i didn’t think anyone would be here sorry if i scare you. i was just grabbing a pepsi and was hang out here for a bit but i can go if you wanna be alone i mean you came up here for a reason”
“no no you’re good you can stay i just needed to get away from the crowd it was too much for me. so much for a small get together i should have expected this”
“i get that that’s why i came up here. want a drink? there’s pepsi, root beer, water or iced tea?”
“iced tea please”
he grabbed my drink and made himself comfortable on the adjacent bean bag and didn’t hesitate to ask if i was okay and if i needed anything having heard me mention the party was getting too much for me. i had just met him and he wanted to make sure i was okay, something about that just warmed my heart how concerned he was. we began talking about how we knew the host and the more we talked the more we realized how much we had in common. i’m usually wary of men joining me if i’m alone at a party, you can’t trust everyone most of the time they’re drunk or have some weird intention, but something about chris just made me feel automatically safe. before i knew it it was 4 hours later my friend came in the room outta breath complaining how she’d looked everywhere for me and that she’s ready to go home. not wanting to keep her waiting any longer but also not wanting to leave chris, i begrudgingly get up from my comfy spot.
“i’m sorry i’ve gotta go she’s my ride. thanks for keeping me company i really liked talking to you”
“me too. would i be able to get your number? i’d love to see you again if that’s not too forward”
-5 months later-
safe to say i gave him my number. when we first started dating we both opened up about being hesitant of relationships seeing as it’s my first one and he’d been hurt before, the whole idea of dating was unfamiliar to us but we worked through it and i think getting all of our worries and insecurities out really strengthen our relationship.
despite bring together for a few months he’s yet to see me cry which i know isn’t a big deal but that’s just who i am. i’m a sensitive person but i hold it in and break when i’m alone. i was always a very emotional empathetic child the slightest thing made me cry whether it be sad or happy tears. constantly being told “stop crying” or “you’re crying over that?” really got to me now i try and keep my emotions in.
sure chris has seen me get upset or worked up about something so silly. one time i was putting the dishes away and could hardly reach the mug shelf but nonetheless i tried putting a mug in a spot that looked like it’d fit and pushed it a little too hard knocking the mug i made for chris when i did a pottery class on a friends birthday. the mug was coming straight towards i tried catching it but couldn’t and it landed on the ground with a loud smash. tears instantly pricked my eyes seeing the cup i was so proud of smashed to pieces.
third person
chris was playing video games in the living room with his headset on, one ear slightly uncovered so he could listen to you softly sing to your music finding comfort in your voice and presence. a shattering sound followed by your silence had him ripping his headset off and running to the kitchen to see you with the saddest frown on your face and your breathing picking up. rushing over to you he kicks the remnants of the mug out of the way.
-your pov-
“what happened? are you okay? are you hurt? did you step on any pieces?” his voice filled with concern as his eyes dart across my face for any signs of hurt.
“your mug. i broke your mug” my voice so quiet it’s barely audible but the cracks in it indicating in close to tears.
“oh baby it’s okay it’s just a mug i can get another one as long as you’re okay i’m not concerned about the mug. are you okay?” he says lifting my chin drawing my attention to him instead of the tragedy on the floor.
“but it’s the mug i made you your favorite mug and i just smashed it to pieces i’m sorry i shouldn’t have tried reaching when i knew i couldn’t. i broke your mug” i spew out apologies as tears start escaping my eyes.
“hey hey no tears baby. look at me forget about the mug for a sec i care more about you right now, are you okay?” he says cupping my cheeks as his thumbs rub across my cheeks in a soothing manner, wiping away tears as they fell.
“yes i’m okay”
“good i’m glad” he says as he lifts me onto the counter away from the shards and stands between my legs. “i’m not upset about the mug baby. yes it was my favorite mug but only because i know you made it and i loved how excited you were that you made a mug on your first try making pottery. it melted my heart that you could have made anything and you immediately thought to make something for me. it was the thought and love that went into the mug that made me love it. things are replaceable no need to get upset i’m glad you didn’t get hurt. i appreciate you putting the dishes away you didn’t have to do that”
“you had a busy week i just wanted you to relax and not have to deal with the dishes but then i made a whole scene and- and i- your mug” my voice falters, eyes still watery.
“nope don’t wanna hear it pretty girl i’m not upset or mad don’t worry about it okay. i’ll clean it up. how about for our next date we do pottery huh how’s that sound? then i can make you something too i have ideas already”
“i love you thank you for being so gentle with me and my silly feelings”
“i’d never get upset or over something like this or anything really. it’s not silly for you to be upset over this i know you were proud of it you’re allowed to be sad. i love you and i think it’s beautiful that you have the capacity to feel things so deeply” he wraps his arms around body one arm holding my head to his chest as he plants kisses to my hair.
i love the way he loves me
taglist: @antisocialties @iluvmatt @dwntwn-strnlo @fake-coolbeans @opheliaofficial07 @angelcake-222 @oneirophobic @strniolo @lollibumblebee @ssturniolo @20nugs @strniolo @abbie13sworld @luvsturniolo
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cyborg-franky · 6 months
Comforting their partner
I think I needed this myself, who knows.
MODERN AU - SFW Ace x GN Reader Marco x GN Reader Rosi/Corazon x GN Reader
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You’d been exchanging texts with Ace all day, and he knew you weren’t in a good place—stressed, tired, and burnt out. He spent most of his day sending you pictures of Stefan, his father's dog, and a large selection of dumb selfies and memes he’d collected.
It made you smile, made everything just a little less heavy to know he was right there for you even if you couldn't see him. You were so swamped with your chores and work that free time slipped through your fingers, leaving you further fatigued. 
You lay in bed, staring at your TV, feeling so sorry for yourself. Things just kept piling up, and you were about to burst from how much you stuffed down and pushed aside. Tears prick the corner of your eyes. You bit your lip, not wanting to just burst into tears. You looked at your phone and saw nothing. Ace hadn’t replied in over ten minutes.
Maybe he’d finally passed out or was playing another game with his brothers.
You could feel the sadness creeping in until there was a tapping on your window. You opened your eyes and stared at your curtains. The same tapping happened again, and you sat up, pulling them open and almost jumping. 
Ace was outside your window, having climbed the tree. He was waving with a huge grin on his face.
“The fuck, Ace?” you huffed at him when you opened the window, and he slid in, getting his foot stuck and falling onto the bed below with a laugh and looking up at you. “Well, sounded like you needed a shoulder to cry on,” he shrugged from where he was making himself comfortable on your bed, kicking off his boots. Both of you wincing when they thudded to the floor. 
You sighed, your anger melting away as he held his arms up. He made grabby hands as you slowly leaned in, letting Ace grab you and pull you down against him. He cuddled you up to his side, your head against his chest, and you heard the rumble of his voice and his heartbeat. You closed your eyes when you felt fingers running through your hair.
“You wanna talk about it some more?” he asked, and you shook your head, draping an arm over his waist and sighing, breathing in his smell. It was always comforting, like a warm fire on a cold night.
“Alright, wanna watch funny videos?” he suggested, and you nodded. He got comfy, arm around you, and phone in a position you could both watch. 
The night ended up in your boyfriend's arms, just the two of you, silly videos to entertain you and take you away from your troubled thoughts.
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He’d been texting you when he got a spare moment at work and worried about how you felt. He felt bad he couldn’t duck out of work to come, scoop you up in his arms, and kiss the bad thoughts away.
But he listened to you, let you vent, and even gave advice when you asked for it.
Thanks to Marco, you were currently watching a comfort show, curled up on the sofa and cuddled up in blankets as you tried to let the show distract you enough. Every so often, you’d message him. He checked in on his breaks, and although Marco wasn’t here with you, you felt connected and cared for anyway. He spoke so soothingly and calmly, like a soft breeze.
It was evening by the time he came over, knocking on the door andamiling at you, his half-lidded eyes full of love as he leaned down and kissed your forehead.
“Come on, let's go for a ride,” he said, his car still running on the drive. You could hear his music faintly from the open window.
“Okay, where?” you asked as you grabbed your phone and keys and locked up. “Just around.” 
The wind ran through your hair, his hand on your thigh, and you both listened to your music as you cruised through the peaceful evening. You were just happy in one another's company, letting the night and his comforting aura chase away the sadness. 
He knew how much you needed to get away from the noise of the world around you, driving a little ways from the city, where the stars twinkled in the sky brighter than you were used to.
You soon pulled up to a late-night food place. Marco killed the engine, the music shutting off as he nodded for you to get out. “Let's get something to eat, or at least a coffee, yoi.” Marco smiled at you before getting out of the car.
Sitting in a quiet corner of the cafe, you both shared a plate of fries, not feeling super hungry. You sipped your drink of choice as he drank his coffee.
“So, want to tell me about what happened today?” he asked, his hand reaching across the table to find yours. The weight of his larger hand on yours calmed your jumbled mind enough to pick through the mental clutter. “Well… so this happened today, and I just am struggling with it… It’s silly though.” You said with a dry chuckle, thinking he would judge you for how dumb it was, how it didn’t feel like a real problem.
“Hey,” he squeezed your hand. “If it upset you, it’s not silly, okay?” You paused, thinking his words over, seeing the warmth of his smile. “Okay,” you nodded and talked it out with him.
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He knew you’d had a rough time at work today; everything that could go wrong had. You were tired, exhausted, and struggling to deal with it. You messaged him on your lunch break, not wanting to vocalize what was wrong, just taking comfort in his messages.
All the heart emojis and silly selfies of him making a half-heart with his fingers, his big charming grin filling the screen as he beamed brightly. You sent one back, completing the heart he was sweet.
When you got home, feeling the weight of the world on your shoulders, the bad feelings dragging you down, making your feet feel heavier. You opened the door and took a deep breath, trying to feel better about just being home and away from the job that stressed you out,
“Hey!” Rosi said, a smile on his handsome face as he stood up, towering over you. He pulled you into a hug, keeping you close and not letting go. He didn’t want to pull away first. He wanted to give you the hug you needed.
When you managed to fight the urge to cry, you peered up at him and got a kiss on the forehead.
“I have something to cheer you up…” He said with a wink. Pulling away, he nodded to the basket on the table.
You looked through it: comfort snacks you loved, a movie you wanted to see for ages, and other little bits and pieces that he knew you loved, including a plushie you held to your chest and smiled back at him. “Thank you so much, Rosi. I love you.” I love you too, and I hope it helps even a little!
You spent the evening cuddled on the sofa, happily eating your snacks, wrapped in a blanket, watching the movie he’d bought. Rosi gently rubbed your leg, trailing fingertips up and down your skin to keep you relaxed and calm.
He knew you’d talk about it when you were ready. He was never the type to push or ask, knowing that when you felt up to it, you’d talk it out with him, and when you were ready to share, he was ready to help you. He took your hand and brought it to his face, kissing your knuckles. “How do you feel?”
“Much better, thank you.”
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devilst0at · 19 days
I do really want to comfort Dale, especially since we know that he is tired and sad and lonely and so exhausted from working for the devil, but…
I think I need him to comfort me even more. I need him to be there for me so bad, I don’t know what it is but he seems like such a comforting presence. It sounds funny, because obviously he’s meant to be a frightening character, a villain. But he genuinely seems like he would be so sweet and so good at comforting and taking care of someone. I think maybe I partially feel this way because I’m chronically lonely/have trouble socially and generally don’t receive as much comfort from others as I need, so a character like Dale who I adore so much and who is even weirder and more outcasted than me just seems like the perfect person to be there for me when I need it. Not sure if anyone else feels that way.
I would kill to just be friends with him, it doesn’t even have to be romantic though I obviously would want it to be, I just wanna talk to him and tell him everything and seek comfort and advice from him, almost like a guiding figure (I mean he is much older than me lmao I’m 21) or at least like someone I know I could go to for help or comfort. Our relationship would be a bit odd considering our age difference but I think it would make it even more comforting, he has more experience in the world than me. I have absolutely no idea what about his screentime/character says that he would be a good friend, I just have a feeling. I feel like if I started crying in front of him he would hold me so nicely and shush me and do that cute silly little ‘ohh’ and pity me and pet my head until I stopped crying. I could never be anxious or scared with him. Which again is so funny because he is supposed to be scary but I’m very serious.
And he’s silly! He would be able to make me smile and giggle when I need it the most and he’d take me out shopping and he’d do my makeup for me and he’d carry me to bed whenever I’m too tired to get up from the couch. If I ever felt rejected or weird or self conscious I could go to him and we’d rejoice in each other’s oddness. I just know it. I wanna go shopping together and then listen to music on the way back, and I’d scream the lyrics so loud my throat would hurt and I’d tire myself out, and then I’d rest my head on his shoulder the rest of the way home and smile and fall half asleep.
Dale to me is someone who got caught up with the devil, perhaps due to needing that guiding or powerful force in his life or seeking something that was missing from his life, perhaps love or acceptance or meaning, and started doing all these awful things for the devil because it’s what he had to do, even though it’s not in his nature. He acts out of service to Satan, not out of genuine malice towards others or the urge to hurt or kill - just love and devotion to Satan, and I feel that underneath this web he’s caught himself up in, he is a sweet, gentle person trapped and dampened by evil influence (Satan to me is not entirely evil, it’s more nuanced than that, but obviously the act of killing innocent people is evil). He’s a creative, and that’s how he does his work, as is his nature - if he is to kill, if he must, he’ll do it artfully and distantly, make beautiful things crafted with love and care to be the devices of death.
To a normal person it may be hard to understand, but he’s someone I really wish I had in my life and I would just kill to curl up into his arms after a long day and stay there as long as I needed. I’m definitely one to see the good and the sweet in awful, broken things. I see so much beauty in him and I really feel the softest, purest affection for him ❤️‍🩹
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yeoosaangg · 11 months
Jealousy || Kinktober - Day 20
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pairing ▸ huang renjun × f!reader
now playing ▸ jealousy - always never
⤷ ❝addicted to this jealousy, the fire in my heart is everything.❞
genre ▸ non-idol au, established relationship, smut
warnings ▸ edging, degradation, spanking, restraints, slapping, rough pegging, praise, mommy kink
── ⋆ ⋆ ── 𔘓 ── ⋆ ⋆ ──
It's a dangerous game Renjun is playing.
He knows you're watching from across the dance floor. That's exactly what he wants.
You curl your fingers around a glass of bourbon, chugging the drink as you watch how the woman in front of him drags her nails across his chest.
He leans into the touch, waiting for you to do something, anything, but you don't.
Instead, you simply turn around and ignore his presence altogether. The worst form of punishment you can give a bratty sub is no punishment at all.
Renjun loves getting punished, so you'd rather not give him what he wants. Especially not when he's purposely provoking your jealousy.
So you order another drink, chugging that one as well.
Renjun frowns when he glances at you. He doesn't like being ignored. So he takes the woman's hand and guides her to the area of the dance floor right next to you.
She grazes her fingers around his neck, chest against his along to the beat of the music.
You still don't turn around.
So Renjun huffs, turning the woman around so he can grind against her ass. This was too dangerous, even for him, but he doesn't care.
He will get a reaction out of you.
The woman moans loud, catching your attention. You turn around in curiosity only for your skin to burn in rage. He knows ths right buttons to push.
But all you do is snicker and take another sip as Renjun practically fucks the whore in front of you.
You know he doesn't like it. He'd rather be in her position, against your chest while you sneak your hands down the waistband of his pants.
You call the bartender over and ask for your tab to pay; you thank him.
So many drinks and half of them belong to your lovely boyfriend. You get up, leaving the club without looking back at him.
Renjun panics and abandons the woman in the middle of her desperate humping. He chases after you, watching you get into an Uber.
He quickly catches up to you, getting in without a word.
You hide your smirk knowing he'd run after you. He always does. But the way he has his hands folded against his lap tells you he's anticipating something to happen once you get home.
And when the door closes, he expects you to slam him against the door, squeezing his neck with an angry look in your eye.
But you don't.
You just walk to your shared bedroom and grab clothes to shower. He's a pouting and frustrated mess while listening to the water run from outside the door.
You locked it so he wouldn't join you - you two always shower together.
And when you get out of the shower, already dressed, he's crying. He tries to touch you, but you swat his hands away. This was the first time you acknowledge him all night.
He takes the rejection hard and starts shaking, slipping further into sub space than normal. You've never rejected him before.
Renjun: Mommy, please talk to me.
He hates it.
Renjun: I need you so bad, Mommy. Wanna feel you.
Still nothing.
It wasn't until he curls into a ball and harsh sobs sneak passed his lips that he feels your fingers run through his hair.
He preens at your touch, sniffling to hopefully calm his embarrassing crying down.
Y/n: And what lesson have you learned today?
Renjun: Not take things too far.
Y/n: And?
Renjun: Dunno.
You hum, removing your hand from his hair. He whines, chasing after your touch. His cheek rests on your thigh, pressing a small kiss at your skin.
You go back to giving him head pats. He melts, adjusting his body so his crotch meets your leg.
He looks so helpless while humping against you, so you begin to laugh.
Y/n: Aww, poor baby.
He cries again at your faux sympathy and condescending attitude that makes him feel so small and stupid.
You just had to rub it in further.
Renjun: Mommy, please forgive me.
Y/n: I thought you loved me.
He panics, halting his movements to look up at you properly.
His heart drops seeing tears forming in your eyes - you never cry around him.
Renjun: I do love you! You're the only one for me, Mommy. Promise.
Y/n: Didn't feel like it. You seemed happier with that whore.
He shakes his head so hard, he almost gets whiplash.
Renjun: She didn't even get me hard, Mommy. Only you can do that.
You know that, you're just messing with him. It's so easy to get him to beg for your forgiveness like this. It's also fun to watch his face scrunch up with guilt.
He's just so adorable.
Renjun: Are you jealous?
Y/n: So what if I'm jealous? You're my boyfriend.
Renjun: I'm sorry for hurting you.
You can't even hold back your laughter anymore. His eyebrows furrow in confusion as you hold your stomach.
Y/n: God, you're so easy. My pathetic little baby.
It gives him hope that you called him yours, even if it's to degrade him.
Renjun: I don't like when you ignore me, Mommy.
Y/n: Yeah? Then you should think about that when you cross a fucking line with me. It's one thing to let a bitch touch you, but it's completely disrespectful when you're the one humping her.
He frowns, climbing onto your lap and wraps his arms around your neck. He plants small kisses all over your face until he feels you relax.
Renjun: I'll ask you next time I want you to be rough with me. I won't do that to you again.
Y/n: Good boy.
He finally smiles, brightening up the room even though tears still fill his eyes.
Renjun: Can you funish me now? Humping your leg made me even more horny for you.
You laugh and rub your hands up amd down his back in adoration.
Y/n: The "no punishment" punishment was that bad, huh?
Renjun: S'Horrible. I sat here very frustrated because my plan didn't work. You were in the shower and ignoring how horny I was, still am, and all I got was head pats.
Y/n: But you love head pats!
Renjun: But I want you to fuck me, Mommy. So bad.
Y/n: Why don't you beg for it?
He whines, hiding his face in your neck. He hates begging when his dick is being compressed in his jeans, so painful and sticky.
Renjun: Mommy, please. Need you to fuck me.
Y/n: Tell me how much you love me.
Renjun: So much! Want to marry you one day.
Y/n: Yeah?
He nods, sucking some bruises on your neck. He nibbles on your skin, teeth grazing your vein. He knows you love that.
Renjun: Want kids with you some day.
Y/n: Is that so?
You start guiding his hips so he can grind down on you. He lets out a moan so loud, you laugh again.
Y/n: Such a needy little boy. Why don't you take your clothes off while I do the same, hm?
He climbs off and eagerly gets naked. You swiftly take your shirt off with one hand and expose your breasts. He moans just looking at you.
You pull your shorts off and wait for him to settle down on your lap again.
Y/n: Turn over, baby.
He's confused to what you mean, so you flip him over, laid across your lap with his ass in the air.
Renjun: M-Mommy?
Y/n: Thought you wanted this, hm?
Renjun: Well, I did, but-
Y/n: Then shut the fuck up and take it like the good bitch you are.
He moans when your hand smacks down on his left ass cheek.
Renjun: O-One.
You smack him again, with more force this time. He yelps, falling forward and arching his back even more than he already was.
Y/n: I was so mad when I saw you grinding against that bitch. Wanted to strangle her.
Renjun: Two.
You hit him again, earning another moan.
Renjun: Three.
Y/n: I hate it when they look at you, let alone touch you. So fucking much. You know you're mine, don't you?
You spank him again and again and again.
You don't even let him count anymore with how angry you're getting yourself again.
Renjun: Mommy, hurts!
Y/n: I asked a fucking question.
Renjun: I'm yours! Mommy's the only one for me!
Y/n: That's right. Only I can make you feel like this.
He lets out the most lewd moan you've ever heard from him when your thigh brushes against the tip of his leaking cock.
Y/n: Get up.
He watches you grab his special box. He almost broke another rule by touching himself in excitement, but he held back.
Y/n: Lay down.
He complies, spreading his body on your shared bed.
You take two leather cuffs and strap his legs against the wood. You use rope to tie him onto the headboard.
He gasps when you grab the vibrating cock ring, sliding it down his shaft to the base of his already hard dick. He squirms when you turn it on.
Y/n: You were a very bad boy, tonight. Made Mommy angry.
Renjun: I'm sorry! So, very sorry!
Y/n: Too late for apologies. Don't you think?
He whines, crying from the climbing intensity of the toy.
He's got his eyes screwed shut, not paying attention to you hooking on your strap. The one with the biggest dildo attached to it.
You grab the lube before climbing over him. He opens his eyes and screams.
Renjun: Too big! Won't fit.
Y/n: I'll make it fit.
He squeals when you cover his ass in lube. You prod his hole with your middle finger, slowly pushing it inside.
Your boyfriend's eyes roll to the back of his head. Not only are you pumping your finger in him, but the cock ring was making it impossible to hold back.
Renjun: Gonna cum.
You smirk, turning off the toy and halting your movements. He cries in confusion, trying to move against your fingers. His stomach hurts as the feeling goes away.
Renjun: Why'd you stop, Mommy?
Y/n: Don't be greedy, slut. This is still a punishment.
Tears stream down his face as you hold his hips in place. This was evil, too mean.
Renjun: Wanna cum. Please let me cum.
Y/n: No.
Now he realizes why you tied him up. It was so he wouldn't stop you from edging him.
Renjun: Stop being mean, Mommy. I said sorry lots of times.
Y/n: And yet, you still had the audacity to give another bitch a feel of my fucking cock.
He throws a tantrum, pulling at his restraints in protest. It wasn't until he felt pain against his cheek that his body goes limp.
Y/n: You're still being a very bad boy. Guess I'm gonna have to keep your punishment going.
You shove two more fingers in him, causing him to choke on his moans.
Renjun: Wait, Mommy, I'm sorry!
You turn the cock ring on, immediately going to the highest setting and watch Renjun fall apart.
You open and close your fingers inside him while the cock ring stimulates his pre-cum covered dick.
He screams when your fingers brush against his prostate, bringing him closer to another orgasm.
This time, he doesn't warn you about it. But you know he is close when he clenches around your fingers.
So you turn the toy off again and pull your fingers away from him.
Renjun: Mommy, no! Wanted to cum!
Y/n: Only good boys get to cum.
He pulls on the ropes again, but it's no use.
They won't break.
Renjun: I'm so sorry! I swear I'll be a good boy!
You hum, hovering over him as the tip of the dildo glides against his welcoming hole. He desperately wants you to fuck him senseless.
Y/n: Are you sure you deserve it?
Renjun: Yes! Please, please, please! I'll be so good for you, Mommy.
Y/n: Well then. Let's see if you've earned it.
You slowly slide the dildo into him. He screams at the huge stretch, not used to this size at all. It was thicker than the other ones, too.
Renjun: Too much!
Y/n: It's not even halfway in, baby.
That makes it worse. He's already this destroyed over the thickness, what more can it do?
It wasn't until it was completely inside does he feel just how full he is. He can practically feel it in his guts, so he presses lightly against the lower part of his abdomen and moans.
Y/n: Feel that?
He nods, a glazed look in his eye.
He relaxes against the mattress, a sign that you can move now.
You thrust slow, yet deep inside him. You kiss him, tongue exploring his mouth for the millionth time. You can never get enough of him.
You pound into him, turning on the ring again.
That seems to bring him back to reality with a loud and pitched moan. He can only grip onto the ropes as you break him open.
He's a desperate mess as you edge him a few more times. He's in so much pain and distress, that he'll do anything to get to cum.
Even beg.
Renjun: Mommy, can I please cum? It hurts so much. Wanna show you how good you make me feel. I'll be a good boy from now on, no making Mommy mad. Just please let me cum.
And how could you say no to that?
Well, it's pretty easy, but he's suffered enough for now.
Y/n: Make a mess for me, prince.
He coats the ring and his stomach in a lot of white slick. He cries in relief at finally being able to release. You've never denied him an orgasm before, so he'll remember to never piss you off again.
This was torture.
Y/n: Look at that. You made a mess of yourself!
The cock ring stays on, overstimulating the poor boy.
His toes curl, arching his back into you as you continue to abuse his tiny hole with the big dildo. It's too much, seeing as Renjun's cumming again so easily.
You slow your pace, eventually coming to a stop. You pull out, loving the way Renjun moans at the empty feelng and clenches around nothing.
Renjun: I love you so much, Mommy.
You smile and give him a peck on the lips.
Y/n: I love you, too. You okay?
He nods, eyes fluttering from exhaustion.
Y/n: Mommy didn't get to cum, yet.
Renjun: Can I watch you cum?
Y/n: Of course, baby.
You take the strap off, and sit on his chest. He excitedly watches you slide your fingers up and down your own folds near his mouth.
You finger yourself until you squirt all over him.
Renjun: Wanna taste.
You give him what he wants and pull his head against your dripping cunt. His tongue works wonders in cleaning you up, even giving you a second orgasm.
Y/n: Such a good boy. Helping Mommy cum.
He smiles against your clit, lapping his tongue up and down until you pull away again.
He remove the toy and his restraints, carrying him to the bathroom and give him a nice and relaxing bath.
He was a giggling mess as you massage his scalp.
Renjun: Can we cuddle before bed?
Y/n: Yes we can, baby. Anything for you.
a/n: i need to stop bestie from giving me ideas on twt (never calling it x, ew) they feed the delusions everyday!!! enough!!! anyways, thanks for reading ‹𝟹
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writingchalamet · 1 year
ross request 👀
basically y/n is friends with adam & carly and they’ve been trying to set them up for months with ross but something always happens (someone is sick, touring, etc.) but finally ross & y/n meet and it’s basically a match made in heaven
Adams Bestfriend
warnings: ☁️ v fluffy, babies if you consider them a warning!
A/N: this is soooo freaking cute
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You had been a close friend of Carly's for many years, naturally becoming close with Adam over the years too. The pair having you over for any movie nights, dinners and outings. You loved nothing more than third wheeling the pair, and when their sweet baby came you practically clung to the couple even more. The two of them adored you and the way you were with their son. It was initially Adams idea to introduce you to Ross after hearing you complain to Carly all night about how terrible your date was, you had called Carly half way through asking her to come and bail you out which she gladly obliged, and after hours of venting, crying and getting wine drunk with Carly you fell asleep on their sofa bundled up in a blanket, head resting in Carly's lap. Adam sat next to Carly quietly chatting as she stroked through your hair. "Do you know who I think would be really good for her?" Carly's eyebrows raise as she looks at her husband with a quizzical look on her face "Ross..." suddenly her face lights up, eyes practically gleaming, "holy shit that's the best idea you've ever had!"
That was over a year ago now, the pair had tried numerous times to get you and Ross in a room together but to no avail, several plans had been foiled, neither of you actually knowing Adam and Carly's true intentions. You were supposed to meet at Christmas, but Ross had to cancel to see his brother. Then again for dinner at Easter but you double booked with your parents, and more and more occasions just like it, either one of you was sick or the both of you double booked, it was a complete disaster. But the one time you did finally meet was completely by mistake, Ross was round Adam and Carly’s babysitting for them, when you unexpectedly dropped by having forgotten your purse when you were visiting a couple days earlier.
You knock on their front door tapping in a singsong manner fully expecting to see Carly’s beautiful head of curls answer the door, only to be completely blindsided by a tall dark handsome stranger, you knew to be one of Adam’s friends answering. He was clutching onto baby Hann whilst he screamed bloody murder looking very distressed as he looked at you confused. “Hi, I’m y/n, Carly’s friend, I left my purse here the other night and was coming to get it but if it’s a bad ti-“ Ross cuts you off almost in a pleading notion “Y/n! Yeah They’ve mentioned you a bunch of times, come in, I think I’ve seen a purse in the living room” he sidesteps out the way to let you into the house, you slip off your shoes knowing Adam’s strict ‘no shoes on my carpet’ policy. You can’t help but wince at the screeching sound of the babies cries as Ross helplessly bounces him trying to get him to calm down. You spot your purse in an instant but the maternal instinct in you has you reaching out for baby Hann. “Are you okay?” You ask softly, trying not to pry but feeling genuinely concerned not only for the baby but for Ross’s sanity, knowing how stressful it can be the times you’ve looked after the baby not knowing of you’re doing things right, sometimes reassurance is needed. Ross sighs and turns to you fully, it’s now that you take him in fully, he looked tired, his hair was falling out of his bun, his shirt was wrinkled probably from holding the baby against him most the day, and his forehead was forming faint stress lines. “Uh, I’m not sure, I feel like I’ve tried everything and he won’t calm down, he’s not hungry, he doesn’t wanna play with any toys, I’ve tried listening to music, he doesn’t want me to sit down with him he doesn’t want me to be moving around, I just don’t know what to do” he lets out a deep breath he didn’t know he was holding, “here let me take over for a minute, you sit down” he would resist but the way you’re already two inches from him gently taking the baby from his grasp has him dizzy, so he takes a seat, he watches as you place the babies head on your shoulder holding around his back, patting his bum in a steady rhythm that has the baby soothed and falling asleep in a matter of minutes, “see, just exhausted” you give Ross a soft smile and join him sitting on the sofa next to him, “how the hell did you do that” he shakes his head laughing in disbelief “lots of practice, I have lots of nieces and nephews” you continue to sooth down the babies back as you settle down and get comfy on the sofa.
“So it’s nice to finally meet you” you smile staring across at the brunette who looks slightly more relaxed now. “Adam and Carls talk about me too? I hope you haven’t heard anything bad!” He winks at you, and you swear you feel a swarm of butterflies erupting through your stomach. “Nothing bad about you, Matty on the other hand…” you trail off as the baby stirs slightly, but you lull him back into his slumber by shushing and rocking him, Ross can’t help but admire you. “I really don’t know what I would have done if you hadn’t have shown up here, maybe started crying myself” he speaks in hushed tones and lets out a soft laugh. “Don’t be silly, you would been fine, he would have tired himself out anyway, it’s just stressful to listen to when they’re in that mood and nothing you’ve tried is working” you place your free hand on top of his, gliding your thumb across the knuckles, you couldn’t help yourself, you almost felt drawn to him. He looks down at the your hand and smiles, turning his hand in yours and giving it a squeeze, a sort of silent gratitude. The two of you being too comfortable to take your hands away so you just left them there and chatted for at least an hour and a half while baby Hann slept soundly on the comforts of your chest. You got to know the ins and outs of each other feeling as if you had known one another for years. You hadn’t noticed Ross shuffling closer to you, or more so you didn’t mind as he slipped an arm around your shoulder so the three of you were close while you spoke in hushed tones, and you definitely didn’t hear the front door clicking open, and the quiet footsteps of your friends coming home to greet their baby, when they stubbles in on a sight and a half. Their best friends huddled up on their sofa whilst their baby slept safely between the pair, the two of them giggling at something the other had said, a squeeze of the shoulder, a pat on the thigh, their faces were close, it was everything Adam and Carly had hoped for when they wanted them to meet. The sight being almost too cute break, but sadly Carly had mummy fever, and had to see her baby. “Well, well, well… what’s going on here then?!”
And at the sound of his mothers voice, and frankly saved by the bell, baby Hann awakens and emits his cries for his mother and hunger. Saving you an explanation, for now. The two of you clear your throats as you struggle to separate from each other, Adam finding the scene particularly humorous to watch. You had the baby over to Carly who coos at the baby calming him instantly making Ross shake his head in confusion, “I told you Ross, he’s a ladies man” Adam chuckles walking over to his friend and patting him on the back, judging by the fact that his hair was falling all over the place and you were the one holding the baby that Ross had been struggling. “Honestly mate, that was the hardest babysitting gig of my life, if Y/n hadn’t of shown up, me and jr would have been joining you at dinner”
You laugh and sigh shaking your head “you weren’t doing that bad, you just needed to pat, not bounce” you wink at him this time and you watch as his mouth falls agape. Adam pats his friends back in sympathy but laughs all the same. “Well, I guess I better get my purse and get going, it was lovely to see you guys, and nice to meet you Ross… finally” you say the last word pointedly to him directly, grabbing your things giving Carly a quick hug and kiss before heading down the hallway. You hear your name being called just as you reach the front door so you turn and see Ross taking long strides towards you.
“Hey y/n, um this may be strange as we only met today, but I was wondering if I could take you out sometime?” You can’t help the raging smile that appears on your face making your cheeks ache, you nod instantly “yeah, yes that would be nice” Ross leans down to give you a hug and you hear a muffled “yes! I knew it would work!” From Adam in the living room making you chuckle and nuzzle your face closer into Ross’s warm and welcoming chest.
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ohbo-ohno · 1 year
Serial killer AU and the contrast between how Ghoap treat us and other victims. Maybe they're holding our friend group hostage in the basement, and every day we're forced to see pain and torture of our friends and then Ghost drags us upstairs by our hair and....
The softest pillows ever, Soap helds pur hands so we won't struggle as Simon tortures us with cumming over and over again. We're literally covered in blood, they are covered in blood, and Ghost is so mean with everyone( Soap laughs as our friends struggle against his axe and then covers our face with kisses because we're adorable and he wants us to cry forever((
Scaredy cat whiny wet napkin reader who constantly needs to drink because we cry our daily hydration worth, and we don't really get used to them or fall into Stockholm syndrome, we're just terrified enough to comply with them. It's my favorite dynamic tbh, not just falling in love, but mostly submitting out of fear. Ghost is so soft with us, gots us sweets and vegetables even though Soap is moody because of the lack of meat, because we can't bring ourselves to eat normally after we saw what they did to our friends
i am fucking LOSING IT
you're so real for preferring scared submission over stockholm syndrome btw. stockholm syndrome can be fun but something about complying only because you're scared... it's so delicious...
also... soap wanting meat... if any of you want a cannibal ghostsoap apocalypse au go read this it's sooo good. ghost kidnaps soap and takes him back to his cannibal compound to keep him :( it's written as a love story from ghost's perspective and a horror story from soap's lol it's great
anyways more about serial killer ghoap below the cut :) listened to bilgewater by brown bird while writing this if any of y'all like gothic country music
soap torturing someone with you in the room (because he hates letting you out of his sight) and he keeps taking breaks to come comfort you and gives you kisses IM :((( wipes your tears away and gets streaks of red all over your face, wants to fuck you cause you look so pretty but his victims don't deserve to see you that vulnerable, that's just for him and simon. ties you up in the corner so you don't run, maybe locks you in a little cage (i will put petplay into everything i write like god has challenged me to it personally). gags you because you get real scream-y and tend to beg for their lives, but sometimes has to tug it out so you can throw up :( tells you to close your eyes when he does something particularly nasty, the gore and your terror in the corner nearly enough to get him off without even touching his dick
being soft with you is like their reward to themselves for torturing people so well lmfao. like, they did so good making those people's last moments agonizing and now they get to cuddle up with you <3 washes off their hands and your face, bundles you up real close to them, gets to lay in all the nice soft warmth now.
ghost is so so tender when washing you off (when he doesn't want you covered in blood - sometimes he leaves it for hours, until it flakes off and you nearly scratch it away until you bleed). he's cooing to you while brushing a soft washcloth over you face, humming a little and saying things like you were such a good girl for us. such good bait, led our toys right to us, thank you so much, doll. look so good covered in their blood, wanna paint you with it sometime. that sound nice to you? no? ok, ok, deep breaths, honey, calm down. just relax for me, you're safe. gonna be real sweet to you now, you don't have to be scared anymore.
and they are sweet. place you on a mattress covered in the softest most plush blankets you've ever seen. they set a little stuffed animal in your arms, let you curl around it and hide your face in it. they know it makes you feel better, and they're nice enough to let you hide your face from them for now :( content themselves with pulling you right up into them (making you hold the stuffed animal when they kill people, look at you all smiley and say make sure he doesn't get dirty, baby, picks it up out of a pool of blood and tsks at you all disappointed, tell you to clean him and say gentle, like we are with you whey you get too rough)
actually can't stop thinking about this au it's like a curse
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lovehypegirl · 9 days
・:〃➜ on god? platonic!childe x f!reader modern!au
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You and childe settled into your bed late after school post project
He sat on the wall side of your bed and you sat by your nightstand with the fan pointing toward you hair to dry it quicker so you could do your heatless curls
In between you legs and childe's sat your computer where Legally Blonde played
A candy bowl sat on your lap since childe had his big back activities trying to eat all the candy in one go - so naturally you had to confiscate it
"I still don't get why you find Emmett attractive" the ginger commented as he tried to make a sneaky reach for the candy bowl
You slapped his hand away "I don't wanna hear your opinion bitch. You look like one of them motherfuckers from the lucky charms box"
"LUCKY CHARMS-" Childe whipped his head to you dramatically "I'll have you know that there are LOTS of people in this world who find gingers attractive"
"Yeah who?" you asked as the scene switched to Emmett driving Elle in his car "The voices in your head?"
"Says the girl who listened to boyfriend ASMR for three years straight" Childe bit back as you fed him a gummy worm "Ew bitch I hate this flavor"
"Just swallow the damn thing" you said as he twisted his face up in disgust "Oh Jesus Christ it can't be that bad"
"It issss" he whined
"Cry baby" you playfully nudged his head and his slammed it onto your shoulder
"Ow bitch! What was that for?" you yanked his hair
He let out an annoying little giggle as he took the opportunity to steal another piece of candy
"Man you're all over the place today" you guided his head onto your shoulder again as the movie continued to play
"What actors do you like?" he randomly asked after a while
"Miles Teller and Gregory Peck"
He paused and sat back up "Okay I get Miles Teller but GREGORY PECK??!! Girl bye"
"Whaaatttt? He's so beautiful though" you narrowed your eyes at him
"He's dead" Childe deadpanned
"Man you just don't get it now do you" you closed the computer when the movie ended and got out of bed
Childe followed you as you grabbed your silk curling rod and silk scrunchies
"Can you get my bonnet from my dresser?" you asked Childe
"Sure" he grabbed the pink silk bonnet and followed you into the kitchen
"Alexa play Chill House Music Mix"
"Playing Chill House Music Mix" the AI responded
Plisplaat by Bonkers began to play and Childe pulled up the curtains to let the sunset in as you pulled your hair into the heatless curlers and shoved your bonnet onto your hair
"Y'know...I've known you since what....kindergarten? And how could I never know you were into dead guys"
You tossed a box of strawberries and a bag of grapes onto the counter "I'm not into dead guy, but I think he's attractive" you shrugged as Childe got the sugar down from the top shelf of the pantry
"Okay but like...he's dead"
"Man, how many times are you gonna say that?" you washed the fruit and cut of the strawberry tops
Childe began to stab the fruit onto the skewers "Well I mean he is attractive...I guess...wait-" he slowly turned to you
"What?" you added the water and sugar together and put it over a medium flame
"Is that why you were acting up in freshman year of high school when we watched To Kill A Mockingbird? 'Cause you were tweaking whenever we watched it"
"Yo I wasn't tweaking" you shot back, kicking his leg as the water-sugar mix came to a boil
You and Childe took turns dipping the fruits into the sugar mix and placing them in cold water
"Please bitch you were. Oh and remember that time we went to Texas?"
"Why'd we go there anyways?" you replied as you got started on another skewer
"Girl i dunno but you met this guy at a rodeo what was his name...."
"Dallas somethin'-with-an-H"
"Dallas Hayes! Anyways, you were drooling over this guy like serious work"
"Who wouldn't drool over a guy who's 6'4", blonde, sun-tanned, built as FUCK, and a gentleman?" you raised your eyebrows
"He had his shirt off like all the time"
"Bitch please. No he didn't"
"Whatever, you went home going on and on about how hot cowboys were"
"Yo i'm tellin' you somethin' about them is just to UGH"
"Yeah no"
"See that's your issue you're so damn negative" you replied as you placed the finished tanghulu on a plate and made a new batch
"And don't even get me started on your whole Nightwing obsession"
"Man I ain't having this argument with you"
"It ain't an argument, bighead"
"Yeah it's verbal beration"
"Lookit you usin' your big girl vocabular-"
"Watch it ginger"
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© 𝙇𝙊𝙑𝙀𝙃𝙔𝙋𝙀𝙂𝙄𝙍𝙇 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟰 | modification and translation of my works on any platforms are strictly prohibited
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sadhours · 2 years
neon lights pt. 3 | b.h & reader
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18+ minors dni | prev chapter contents: adult themes, gambling addiction, angst, smut
“Oh, god, yes!” you hear through the paper thin walls of your apartment as you try to fall asleep, “Billy!”
You grab your pillow and try to cover your ears but it’s no use. They’re all so loud lately it was driving you insane. Billy was being cruel, bringing home a girl five nights a week. You had intended to bring someone home too, thinking two could play at that game but there wasn’t a single candidate at any of the bars you’d gone too that night. You know it’s because you’d started comparing men to your roommate and well, you found that Billy was so incredibly good looking that every man you looked at fell short.
The worst part of it is you feel like you lost your best friend. You two were so close before but now it’s different. If you carpooled, the whole ride would be silent but half the time Billy left before you were ready, forcing you to drive yourself. He gambled even more than before, he was late on every bill this month but you couldn’t say anything about it, afraid to push him out the door. A few of the girls even slept the night and he made them breakfast with the food you bought. It was infuriating and all you wanted was for things to go back to the way they were.
“Fuck me!” you hear the girl in the next room cry out and you feel physically ill, pushing yourself up from your bed and walking up to the wall.
You slam your fist into the it repeatedly, “Shut up!”
Then, you turn on your stereo loud enough to drown them out but there’s no way you can fall asleep with the music playing either. You just lie there and stare at the ceiling until Billy bursts into your room after the tape has flipped sides.
“Turn it off,” he calls into your room, you sit up to look at him. His skin glistens with sweat, curls stuck to his forehead and his face flush.
You roll your eyes, standing up from your bed again and stride over to your stereo. You hit the off switch and then stomp over to Billy, shoving him back so you can slam the door.
“Real fucking mature,” you hear him through the cheap wood.
God, you just wanna smack him right in his dumb face. But you take a deep breath and crawl into bed. You want to cry and you feel pathetic for it. You were the one who kept saying you couldn’t do this, he was just listening to you. The tears come and you can’t control them, seeping down over your cheeks until you have another miserable sleep.
When you wake up, you’re greeted with Billy and the girl from the night before sitting on your couch with coffee and cigarettes. You just roll your eyes when he says good morning, stomping over the kitchen to make your cup of coffee. You know he works today so you’re wondering why he hasn’t already sent her on her way. You’re very grateful you’ve got the day off and you won’t have to see him for the majority of it. He says something to you but you were deep in thought, watching your coffee slowly drip into the cup. You don’t ask what he said, instead deciding that it wasn’t important. However, you notice there’s no more creamer in the fridge and you see red. Billy drinks his coffee black, therefore this bitch sitting on your couch used the rest of your creamer.
“You’re fucking joking,” you seethe, picking up the mug and chucking it in the sink, hearing the ceramic shatter but you don’t give a shit.
“That’s what I was trying to tell you,” Billy says but you stick your hand up.
“Don’t even fucking look at me, right now,” you say before stalking to your bedroom and slamming the door. Looks like you’d have to do the grocery shopping earlier than intended. You grab a pair of jeans and pull them up over your legs, reaching for a random shirt and slipping your shoes on. You reach for your Walkman, shoving it into your bag before exiting your room and out of the house without so much as a glance at the worst roommate in the world.
After you slam the door, the girl laughs, “Your roommate is a real bitch.”
Billy sighs, lighting another cigarette immediately after stomping his out in the ashtray. You usually weren’t but these past few weeks have been brutal. He was confused, he had thought this is what you wanted in the first place but then you were being so mean all the time. He figured he probably wasn’t being that great either but he started going to the casino more days than not just to be out of your hair and well, that wasn’t good for his finances. As fun as it was, Billy wasn’t a lucky guy. He still hoped he’d hit a jackpot or at least double his money but he was usually hitting cash out when he’d lost half of it.
“She’s not so bad, I think she’s just going through something,” he shrugs, looking at the tv.
“Maybe she needs to get laid,” his guest says, smoothing her over Billy’s crotch.
He chuckles, “Maybe. I gotta start getting ready for work.”
You did need to get laid and Billy thought it was unfortunate that it couldn’t be by him. He grabs the girls wrist and pulls it off of him, “Let me call you a cab.”
“Okay…” she pouts, and he walks to the phone, dialing the number he knew so well. He walks her out when the taxi arrives, but he turns his face when she goes to kiss him.
“Can I see you again?” she asks and Billy smiles awkwardly.
“I’ve got your number,” he says and waves her goodbye before going inside and hopping in the shower so he could start getting ready for his shift.
He hopes you’re back before he’s done so he an apologize for the whole creamer thing, he knew he shouldn’t have let her use the rest of it but he’d made the coffee and didn’t want to look stupid. He’d rather you look like a bitch, and he hated that. It wasn’t fair to you, and he thought he should be a little bit more considerate. He didn’t have to bring girls home every night, but they got his mind off of things and he was pretty much using them as a release- a kind of therapy.
He’s styling his hair when he hears that you’re home. He’d been frustrated with it, because he hadn’t had a haircut in so long it was just a mop of unruly curls doing whatever they wanted. He slips his boots on and opens his bedroom door, the front door wide open. He wanders out to your car and helps you carry the rest of the groceries in.
“I’m sorry,” he says when you start putting them away. “That was super uncool of me.”
“Everything you do is uncool,” you mutter under your breath, opening the cupboard to put away the boxes of rice you’d bought. Next, you pull dish soap from the bag and when you go to put it in its place on the sink. You look into it and notice Billy had cleaned up the mug you broke. That was cool of him, however he was the reason you’d broke it in the first place.
Billy groans, “Listen, we gotta talk. We have to work this out or I should move out.”
“No,” you sigh, finally bringing your eyes to meet his. “Don’t move out. I’m… I just need some space, okay? We can talk when you get home tonight.”
You glance over at the clock to see it nearing four, “You’re gonna be late.”
“I’m off at midnight, you’ll be awake when I get home?”
“Yeah,” you shrug, “I work 4-12 tomorrow too, so.”
Billy grabs his keys from the counter, nodding to you before leaving you all alone. You finish putting everything away and figure you should take a bath, calm your nerves. You pour yourself a glass of wine and start on some self care.
The club is packed for some odd reason. It’s a Thursday, these shifts are usually pretty boring for Billy. In fact, Thursday’s he usually cleans the floor drains out of pure boredom. He worries he’s not getting out of here at midnight like he’d planned but fuck, he was two hundred short on rent and the first of the month was just around the corner. Well, he wouldn’t have been two hundred short if it weren’t for his trip to the casino. He had his half of rent tucked away in his wallet and when his tip money ran out, he used his rent without a second thought. Well, the thought was that he could make it back or even more. Alas, he didn’t but Billy had a talent for survival, and he knew everything would be fine.
“Hi, is Cherry working tonight?” Billy freezes when he hears your stage name, he looks up to see a young guy staring back at him with a hopeful look in his eye.
He was no regular, your regulars already knew your schedule. This guy was different, he wore a fucking polo shirt and pressed slacks.
“I went to high school with her, heard she was dancing here and thought I’d stop by to see,” the guy says, and Billy can tell his intentions aren’t friendly.
“No one named Cherry works here,” Billy lies, easily, “Can I get you a drink?”
“Shit, she lied to me?” the guy asks and sits down at the bar, “I’ll take a Jack and Coke.”
Billy grabs a glass, filling it with ice before grabbing the neck of the Jack Daniels bottle.
“Sorry, bud,” he gives him an apologetic frown before counting the pour in his head, reaching for the soda gun and simultaneously filling the glass.
“It’s crazy, she told me this morning when I ran into her at the supermarket,” he purses his lips,
“Yeah, that sucks dude, chicks lie,” Billy says with a roll of his eyes, “Plenty of other girls dancing tonight.”
“Huh, she really doesn’t work here, ‘cause if you’d seen her you’d know these other bitches just don’t compare,” he shrugs.
“What a shame. It’s 3 for the drink,” Billy says, looking bored when he’s really just pissed off.
The guy slides a five to Billy, “I’m Chip.”
“And I don’t care,” Billy winks, grabbing the bill and walking back to the register.
“Why do you look so peeved?” Becky asks, leaning against the counter next to the register.
“Just an asshole customer,” he say’s quietly to her, pulling two dollars from the register to put it on the bar top.
“Hey, excuse me, maybe you know her. Does Cherry work here?” Chip asks and Becky sells Billy out.
“Yeah! She’s not here tonight though,” Becky smiles at him before walking back to her side of the bar.
Chip gives Billy an amused look, a smug smile on his face that Billy wants to punch. He sighs at being caught, “Look man, I have an obligation to protect these girls and I have no clue who you are.”
“Seems like you’d be hurting the business lying to dudes left and right, what if I had a fat tip for her?” Chip counters, bringing the drink to his lips.
Billy tries not to read into the insinuation, instead turning to the group of men walking up to the bar and taking their order. Chip chuckles softly before finishing his drink in two big gulps and trudging out of the club.
When Billy finally gets home it’s a little after two am and he’s surprised to walk into you blasting Foreigner on the stereo as you scrub away at the kitchen sink. He kicks his boots off by the door and walks into the kitchen. You look adorable, he thinks. Bright yellow gloves covering your hands and forearms add a pop of color to your rather simple pajamas, a simple black singlet and tiny spandex shorts. The clip in your hair doing a miserable job of keeping the strands up, loose pieces dangling around your neck.
“I’ve been waiting! For a girl like you to come into my life!” he sings exaggeratedly, raising his fist in the air, “I’ve been waiting for a girl like you and a love that will survive!”
You turn to him, an entertained expression smeared across your face and a smile breaking at your lips.
“You actually have a really nice voice,” you compliment him, impressed.
Billy snorts, patting your ass as he walks to the fridge and grabs a beer. “Ya think I can get a record deal?”
You stiffen at the gentle smack, but you know Billy’s just a touchy guy and it doesn’t necessarily mean anything. He walks over and turns the dial on the stereo, lowering the volume before walking back into the kitchen.
“Been cleaning all day? Place looks nice,” he muses.
Cleaning was something you did as a distraction, losing yourself in a good album and letting worrying thoughts fall behind. “Yeah, I got bored,” you shrug, rinsing the soap from the sink.
Billy smiles, “I saw the bottle of wine in the fridge, have a glass and sit with me. Take a break.”
That does sound nice, you think as you’re pulling the gloves off and tossing them around the faucet. “Have you eaten?” you call out, pouring a glass of moscato.
“I grabbed something on the way home,” he lets you know, sitting back on the couch and waiting for you.
When you sit, he wraps an arm around the back of the couch and coincidentally, your shoulders. He uses his other hand to pat his chest and you take the offer, leaning your back against him, holding your wine glass in your hand.
I Don’t Wanna Live Without You is the next song on your mixtape and it makes this whole thing feel so romantic. You’re not sure if you should just lean into it. Billy’s body feels warm against your back and you can feed his breath tickling your neck.
“So what do we do?” he asks, moving his hand to touch yours.
You sigh, “It’s been hard to push this stuff down.”
“Then why do it?” he wonders.
“Maybe it’s just lust,” you suggest, “Maybe all we really want is to just have sex.”
Billy laughs softly, “We could just do that then, who says we have to be together?”
You raise an eyebrow, “I don’t know if you’ve noticed but I don’t sleep around the way you do.”
He snorts at that, not really sure how to respond. He didn’t want to admit he’s only been so overboard with it because he gets so sexually frustrated at the sight of you. He had to get it out somehow.
“We could try it, I guess. If it doesn’t work then we just stop?” you think aloud.
“It’s just fun, we stop when it’s not fun anymore,” Billy says.
“We stop if it’s not fun anymore,” you correct him.
Billy pushes his nose against the back of your neck, you can feel him smiling against your skin. “So it’s a deal then?”
His breath against your neck makes you feel hot all over, “It’s a deal.”
Billy bites you then and you yelp, spilling your wine on the couch when you involuntarily jump.
“Shit,” he says, sitting up all the way, “I’ll get it.”
He saunters over the kitchen, grabbing a towel and bringing it back to wipe the couch. It’s definitely not how you’d clean it but you know the wine won’t stain the brown upholstery so you let it go.
“Thank you,” you say as you sit up.
Billy leaves to toss the towel in with the dirty laundry and when he gets back he says, “Oh, yeah, a guy came by the club looking for you.”
“Who?” you ask, shocked.
“Oh, god, he had such a douchey name! What was it?” he looks deep in concentration before he widens his eyes when he remembers, “Chip!”
You roll your eyes and groan, “I fucking hated that guy so much. We went to school together. I ran into him today and he asked what I was up to.”
Billy smirks, “He said he might’ve had a uh, fat tip to give you.”
“I’d rather have yours,” you say without thinking.
He laughs though and collapses back on the couch with you, pulling you onto his lap. It’s so easy being there, perhaps because you sat in men’s laps for a living. Still, it was rare a man like Billy would walk into the club. He wraps his arms around your waist and starts kissing at your shoulder. Your initial reaction is to recoil, the walls you’d spent forever building up hadn’t cracked yet. He must feel you tense up because he whispers into your ear, “Hey, relax. Let me make you feel good.”
His deep voice melts you, but his hands cupping your breasts over your thin tank top force you to drop your mouth open. Your body lights up with anticipation, you’d actually be sober enough to remember this. To see what all the fuss was about, why all those women were so loud in his bed. You tilt your head back, eyes looking up at Billy and he meets you with an intense gaze. His eyes are dark with lust and you wonder if he’d been desiring this as much as you have. He grazes his thumbs against your peeked nipples, biting his lip as he intently watches your face. You whine out his name and his lips turn up into a satisfied smile. Funny thing is, he’s not doing anything you’ve never experienced yet it feels like first time you’re being touched like this.
“Talk to me,” you demand softly, eyes fluttering shut as his hands move lower and rest on your stomach.
Billy laughs at that, tucking his fingers into hue waistband, “So you like dirty talk, eh?”
You blush as you admit, “I like your voice.”
It was one of the first indicators that you were attracted to him, when you’d hear his voice your entire body would ignite in arousal. Billy kisses against your temple, hands inching dangerously close to your aching core. He still isn’t talking, though so you look back up at him and see his face deep in concentration.
“What are—“
“I’m thinking!” he exclaims defensively, nudging your head with his chin.
A giggle erupts from you, “You can literally say anything. Your voice makes me so wet.”
You hear him groan softly, your self confidence raging from the confirmation that you turn him on too. “That works,” you pant, arching your back to try to wiggle his hand lower.
Billy licks against the shell of your ear and then bites the lobe, you feel it in your thighs as you moan out. He whispers against your ear, “You’re so fucking hot.”
Finally, you feel his fingers slide through your drenched folds and you bring your knees up and spread your legs further.
“Fuck— you’re soaking,” he continues and you’re head feels so fuzzy, the timbre of his voice only making his statement even truer.
“Mhm,” you moan out, “all because of you.” Your voice sounds foreign on your ears, higher pitched from the magic he’s doing on you.
“Yeah?” he breathes, sliding two fingers to your entrance and grazing the hole in circles.
You choke out another moan, much louder than the other ones and you get it. Those girls in his bedroom couldn’t keep quiet. It was impossible. His thick fingers were too damn perfect.
“Billy,” you pant, feeling his arousal present against your back.
He brings his fingers back up to your clit, scissoring the tender bud as he presses a sloppy kiss to your neck, his tongue feels so hot and certain against the skin. Your writhing against him, small moans and pants uncontrollably falling from your lips. His ministrations pick up an unbearably skilled rhythm, fast and then slow. It’s all so brutal.
“Take your fucking shorts off,” he demands as his free hand pulls your tank top up just above your breasts. You stand up to do so then turn to him.
“Yours too. Off,” you demand.
You wouldn’t dare tear your eyes away, watching as Billy kicks his boots off before hurriedly unbuttoning his pants and pushing them to his ankles along with his boxers. His cock springs out, slapping against his stomach and you groan at the sight of his red, leaking tip. You sit beside him this time, bringing your knees up to spread yourself for him. You lick your palm and reach down to wrap your fingers around the base of his cock, squeezing slightly as you turn to look at his face. He’s biting his lip, staring into you with those gorgeous blues. He then reaches down to rub your pussy again, groaning again at just how wet you are. You gasp out when he slides two digits inside, his actions a little more rough this time. You stroke him slowly, rubbing along his tip with your thumb every time you go up. He lets out a low moan. You turn your eyes forward and that’s when you catch it, you can see the reflection of you two on the empty TV screen. It excites you even more and your hips jerk forward.
“Billy,” you nod towards it, glancing to him to make sure he sees it too.
He laughs softly, spreading his fingers inside you and then pulls them out. He brings his palm up and slaps your pussy, clearly putting on a show for himself. And for yourself, you cry out at the strike, feeling as you clench around nothing. You squeeze his cock again, looking back to his face and smiling wide.
Billy moves to kiss you then, pulling his hands away and grabbing your wrist to pull yours away. He’s pinning you back on the couch and moving between your legs, deepening the kiss, grabbing onto your face as he does so.
You moan against his bruising lips, arms trapped beneath his strong body. His grip on your jaw is tight, his other hand grabbing a fistful of your hair and pulling while he hastily licks into your mouth. You wiggle beneath him, desperate for him. Billy’s pulls back and grabs your wrists, pinning them above your head with one hand. He leans back down and licks up your neck to your ear.
“Do not move your hands,” he demands, voice low and breath intoxicating against your ear. “Do I make myself clear?”
You whimper, “Yes, sir.”
Billy pats the side of your thigh, “Good girl.”
You ache all over in anticipation, so eagerly ready for whatever he wants to do to you. Another gasp falls from you as he licks the curve of your cleavage and his tongue descends down your stomach but entirely skips where you desire it most. You instinctively bring your hands to his hair when he presses his tongue to your inner thigh. You quickly realize your mistake and pull your hands away and bring them back over your head. But Billy won’t let you get away with it, he sits up and looks down at you.
“What did I tell you?” he asks, “Tsk tsk.” He shakes his head and wraps his fingers around your wrists.
“M’sorry,” you mumble as you squirm underneath him.
“Do I need to tie you up?” he asks, his other hand wrapping loosely around your throat and you’re speechless, gazing back at him with wide eyes and mouth agape. You can’t say you’re surprised Billy’s into this stuff but you are surprised by just how much you are.
“Is that a yes?” he tightens his fingers and you shake your head.
“I’ll be good,” you pant out breathlessly.
He leans his face down to yours, kissing you almost too chaste for the sinister way he’s behaving. He pulls back to continue teasing your thighs with broad strokes of his tongue. It’s starting to become overwhelming, you know you’re dripping down your thighs and you feel him licking it up slowly. You need his mouth on your pussy this instant, you need some kind of relief or you fear you might start crying due to frustration.
“Please,” you beg, “I need… I—“
Billy licks around your core, so close yet not quite there. He places a kiss on your hip and looks up at you, “What do you need?”
“You!” you whine.
Billy laughs, low and devious, “I’m right here.”
You whine again, squirming underneath him and digging your fingernails into your palms.
“Tell me what you need, kitten.”
His tongue smooths against your hip and you moan out, rocking up at him.
“I need your mouth on my pussy,” you plead, feeling your cheeks heat up as he makes you say it out loud. “Please…”
“Good job, dollface,” Billy grins up at you, smoothing his hand over your stomach.
“Please,” you beg some more, hoping it’ll make him move faster.
He hums before trailing kisses back down to your core, spreading you with his fingers as he licks a broad stroke from your hole to your clit. You swear you see fireworks behind your eyelids, letting out a breathless moan and arching slightly.
“Billy, yes,” you whimper out.
He’s fervent between your legs, almost like he’s been desperate to do it and doesn’t know when he’ll get to do it again. To be honest, you’d didn’t expect he was the type of guy to enjoy going down but you’re happily mistaken, feeling the pressure inside you pulled taut when he sucks on your clit.
“Ah—“ you moan out, the sound getting caught in your throat as Billy licks into your hole, his hands holding your thighs in place when he feels them begin to shake.
He looks up at you, “You gonna cum for me?” after he asks, he licks broadly through your folds and then begins lapping at your clit.
You pant out, “Yes, I’m…” then it crashes over you, hands diving into his curls and pushing his mouth against you as you ride his face. You cry out his name over and over, tears threatening to spill when he continues after you’ve climaxed, your hands pulling at his hair and you jolt up. He licks you clean until you’re whimpering and overstimulated.
Then his mouth is on yours, tongue pushing past your lips and you can taste yourself, you can feel how wet it is around his mouth, down to his chin. When he pulls back, his lips tug up and expose his teeth in a euphoric smile.
“Dear god,” you tell him, your breath coming out short, “I’ve never cum that hard in my entire fucking life.”
Billy laughs softly and you push his curls off his forehead, admiring his face hovering over you. His erection is apparent against your stomach, but he’s caressing your face and kissing your lips gently.
“Let’s go to my room,” you nudge his nose with yours.
Billy hums, kissing you again before pulling himself up to his feet and tugging you up with him. Your legs feel like jello and you wobble as you stand, so Billy lifts you up and you wrap your legs around his waist. He carries you into your bedroom, flicking the light on before laying you down and settling beside you. You turn to him as he turns to you, staring into your eyes. You hook your leg over his waist and reach for his cock, guiding his tip through your folds before lining it up with your entrance. Billy bites his lip, pushing his hips up and you feel a few inches of him enter you. Your breath hitches up and your eyes fall shut, the girth of him a little intense at first.
He smooths his hand up the underside of your thigh, fingers feeling himself connected inside of you and he groans softly. You’re desperate to hear more noises from him, pushing him onto his back and straddling him. You lower yourself so he’s completely inside you, moaning hoarsely at the sensation. He makes a noise a little more higher pitched than you’re used to and it makes your head swim, palms pressing onto his chest as you start grinding against him, his fingers grip your hips.
“So fucking good,” he grits his teeth, tilting his head back slightly.
Your jaw falls open when he hits your g-spot with a particular swoop of your hips, fingernails digging in his chest as you try to recreate it over and over.
“You’re so fucking big,” you whine out, grabbing his hands and lacing your fingers. You press his hands into the sheets, above his head as you bounce up and down on his cock.
Billy licks his lips, “You take it so well.”
His voice drenched in pleasure surges more wetness from you and he groans low and husky. His eyes are scanning all over your body and face, enamored with all of it.
“Billy,” you pant out, “Oh, fuck, Billy…”
You let go of your hands and straighten your back, cupping your breasts and squeezing them as you ground down on him.
His hands are back on your hips, holding you still as he drills into you, his hips snapping up in reckless force. He hits your spot each time, causing you to arch your back and your hand to drop down to run quick circles against your clit. You can hear your skin slapping together and the little grunts and groans coming from him.
“Shit,” you curse, “I’m gonna fucking cum again!”
Billy grins up at you, “Thatta girl. Cum all over my cock, cum for me, princess.”
The praise does it, your body convulsing above him as you ride out your orgasm, dripping down his cock while you scream his name out.
He doesn’t give you any time to come down, flipping the two of you and pushing your knees up, hands on the backs of your thighs as he pounds into you from above. That’s got you screaming, hands grabbing onto any part of him you can.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he groans, pulling out and moving to the side of you. You turn over and wrap your lips around his cock, moaning as he empties into your mouth. You suck, wanting every last drop you can get from this man. He’s a whining mess before you and dear god, you’re already ready for more.
Never in your life though, have you tasted cum so delicious. It’s not at all bitter and you’re confused but even more so, incredibly infatuated. You think either he’s meticulous about his diet or you’ve met your soulmate. And you’ve seen what Billy consumes, his cum should taste disgusting.
You’re lying on your backs, panting and holding hands with the laziest and happiest smiles.
“Is that what you thought it’d be like?” you ask.
Billy’s tone is perplexed, “We’ve had sex before.”
You turn to him, “I don’t remember it. Do you?”
He scrunches his face up, out of hurt or realization, you’re not sure. But then he says, “I guess not. Like bits and pieces.”
You’re curious now, “What do you remember?”
Billy’s face flushes, “I honestly think we were too drunk to even finish.”
You grin, “Aw, good ol’ whiskey dick.”
He cocks an eyebrow, “Whiskey clit? You couldn’t cum either.”
“Whiskey clit is definitely a thing. Probably more frustrating than whiskey dick,” you counter, cuddling up to his chest and looking at him. “What else though?”
Billy looks like he’s thinking hard, “I ate you out, I think… I’m pretty sure you were slapping my face?”
You hum, “Sounds like me.”
He laughs, “Well you didn’t slap me once just now.”
“That’s cause you were the boss this round, just wait an hour or two,” you tease him, pulling him into a kiss.
“You’re gonna be too exhausted to go to work tomorrow,” Billy says playfully and you hum happily.
“You too.”
“My job is much easier than yours,” he admits and you like that he thinks so. The physical aspect of your job wasn’t the hard part, it was the mental gymnastics. Having to turn the charm on for men who didn’t even see you as a person, pretending you were the perfect fantasy. And now the added bonus of Billy watching. That’s why you knew deep down, this whole thing was gonna go up in flames. This never worked out. Boyfriends didn’t work. And that wasn’t even considering boyfriends who worked with you. Boyfriends who had to pour drinks bought for their girlfriend by men eager to see her tits. Maybe Billy was different. You worried still.
“And higher paying for a reason,” you reply and he mocks offense.
“You bet your ass if they had a ladies night, I’d be on that stage in a heartbeat,” he assures you, rubbing his hand over your bare ass.
“I’d throw all my money at you, too,” you smile.
Billy chuckles, “And I’d use it to pay our rent.”
“Ooh, meta sugar daddy?”
He laughs hard at that and you feel proud, loving when you could make a man laugh. It felt even better making him laugh.
“Are you ready to go again?” you ask which makes him laugh once more.
“Thought you said an hour or two?”
“Yeah, but your laugh made me horny again,” you admit.
Billy pushes out a breath, “We could try. My dick twitched at you saying horny.”
You grin and sit up, pushing his hair of his forehead and looking at him. “Oh, god, Billy… you make me so horny. I’m just so fucking wet anytime I see you.”
“Or hear me,” he teases and you glance down to see his dick filling out again.
“Would you look at that?” you point out with a humble smile.
“Keep saying naughty stuff,” he pleads, fingertips caressing your cheek.
You giggle, bringing your lips to his ear to whisper, “You make me so hot, you’re the sexiest man I’ve ever seen. Whenever I see you, all I want is for you to bend me over and take me. Wherever we are, whoever is around, I don’t care. I need your cock filling me up all the time, I’m so fucking desperate for it.”
“Alright,” Billy groans, pushing you onto your back and spreading your thighs against the sheets. He hovers over you, slapping his cock against your pussy and biting his lip as he watches.
“Need it,” you beg, wiggling under him, “Please, Billy.”
He slides inside you and you wrap your arms around his neck, moaning out at the feeling of being full again. You hook your legs around his waist and pull him flush against you. He grunts softly, rolling his hips excruciatingly slow. It’s nice and lazy, he kisses you and matches his rhythm, licking into your mouth every time he moves his hips back into yours.
“Mmm, you feel so amazing,” you muse, “Want you to be inside me all the time. Never wanna stop feeling this.”
Billy sucks in a breath, moving his hands to cradle your jaw as he peers into your eyes, the gaze intoxicatingly idolatrous. You feel panic creeping up but his loving smile diminishes it quickly. You gasp, moving your hand to his cheek and he drills into you particularly deep. Your moaning is breathy and high in tone, completely out of your control as he continues to pull them from you.
“Wanna make you feel this good all the time,” he purrs and it gives you the chills, your body trembling.
“Billy,” you whimper, eyes fluttering shut when he speeds his movements up. The sensation in the pit of your stomach letting you know that you’re there again. You pull him closer, softly chanting his name as he pulls the third orgasm from you and he’s soon after you, pulling out to shoot onto your stomach. You sigh, body going limp as he pulls away. You manage to look down at his cum on your stomach and you’re stunned by how much it is. You think, God damn, this dude must be so fertile, as you wipe it up with your fingers and bring it to your mouth, loving the taste of him.
Billy leans down to kiss your forehead and then lays down beside you, pulling you to him and kissing your neck and shoulder.
You feel so elated, you feel so cared for and so in love. You know it’s not good but you can’t stop it, you cling to him and don’t let go for the rest of the night.
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1mnobodywhoareyou · 8 months
I don't wanna miss a thing
on ao3, Rated G - read it how you'd like, platonic or romantic rulie/peterpatterlina
Julie walks into the studio to the sound of Aerosmith blasting through the speakers. She laughs to herself, ever conflicted by the way her boys share her dad’s music taste but loving the nostalgia offered by dad rock.
What does surprise Julie is that the studio is nearly empty with Reggie hanging out alone sifting through a pile of CDs. He’s seldom the one seeking solitude, opting more often than not to hang out with Ray or Carlos inside. 
“What’d you find?” she asks, making him jump in surprise. Julie giggles as a blush makes its way up his face.
He looks down at the pile in front of him and then back up at her, “Found some unmarked CDs in the loft. Thought I’d see what was on ‘em.” He smiles before continuing, “Haven’t been disappointed yet.”
Julie laughs as she settles in next to him, “No, I don’t imagine so.”
She leans into Reggie and he wraps his arm around her shoulders while they listen in silence for a moment. 
“You probably know Aerosmith?” she asks as she tilts her head up to look at him.
“Of course, not this one though,” he replies, smiling down at her and planting a kiss on her forehead. 
“I think you probably found Dad’s sappy collection. He made these CDs for Mami all the time when we were little. Probably have a tape collection hiding somewhere too.”
Just then, the song changes and Reggie’s eyes light up. “I know this one!” he cheers as he jumps up, dislodging Julie from his side. “Dance with me?” he asks, extending his hand out to her.
Julie sits herself back up and sends him a confused look, “You know how to dance?”
“Yeah!” Reggie enthuses as if it should be obvious and then his voice softens, “Mom was a big fan of swing. Some of our good times were dancing in the kitchen together. The boys never let me throw them around though.”
Julie laughs, “I’d pay good money to see that.”
He curls his fingers at her impatiently, “C’mon, dance with me!”
Julie sighs and stands up, taking his hand and letting him lead her around the space. 
They carefully navigate around the furniture until Reggie gets frustrated and stops them to move the coffee table to the edge of the studio and takes her hand again. 
He’s a bit rusty and Julie has never swing danced before but she does alright at following his lead, letting him spin her around and dip her at his whimsy, giggling as he does so. They only run into each other and she only steps on his toes a handful of times.
“I want to bop with you baby, all night long I want to be-bop with you baby till the break of dawn I want to bop with you baby all night I want to bop with you baby all night long” Reggie sings as they dance, halfway out of breath due to how quickly they’re moving.
They slow down as the song ends and when it transitions into the next one, he pulls her close into his chest, slow dancing to the new songs.
“I don’t know this one,” Reggie whispers into her hair.
Julie smiles up at him, “I do.”
She starts to sing along as they circle the space, “I’ll be your crying shoulder I'll be love's suicide And I'll be better when I'm older I'll be the greatest fan of your life.”
“It’s beautiful,” he says, holding her close. 
Julie rests her head on his shoulder as she agrees, “Yeah. It is.”
They dance in silence for another verse and are interrupted when Luke poofs into the studio.
“Dancing without me?” he asks with a pout that they can hear.
Reggie and Julie both let out soft chuckles before opening their arms to him.
“Come dance with us,” Julie offers and he immediately settles in between them as they finish out the song.
“You should let Reggie dance with you,” Julie tells Luke as they pull apart.
Luke looks between them with wide eyes. “I’d love to dance with you, Reg,” he says.
“You’d swing dance with me?” Reggie asks, skepticism lacing his voice.
“I didn’t know I could,” Luke mutters and Reggie sighs. 
“I spent years trying to get you to dance with me.”
“Yeah, but…” Luke tries to explain as he gestures between himself and Reggie. 
“You deserve to be spun around and dipped too, Luke,” Julie smiles at him.
“What if he drops me?” Luke wonders, voice barely above a whisper.
“Then you fall,” Julie whispers back, placing Luke’s hand in Reggie’s. “You’ll survive.”
“Also, trust me,” Reggie adds with a grin of his own. 
Reggie is relieved when the next song is another quick one that they can swing to though it’s another he doesn’t recognize. It doesn’t take him long to find the beat and Julie’s enjoying watching the two of them twirl around the space. 
She muffles a laugh into her hand as Luke stumbles around, doing his best to keep the pace that Reggie’s setting.
Reggie decides to slow them to half time to get Luke used to the movement but also following. 
Julie can’t help but sway and sing along as they find their groove and Luke sends love stricken looks her way as she does. 
“I'm lookin' for a whole lot more Than a one night rodeo What can I do To prove to you I'm layin' it on the line I'll even get down on my knees.”
Reggie shakes Luke and gives him a pointed look when he gets his attention back, “If you pay attention, I’m less likely to drop you.”
“But Julie,” Luke whispers to him.
“I know. You can look at her after. I’m gonna dip you now.”
“Don’t drop me!” Luke exclaims and Reggie glares at him.
“Trust me,” Reggie utters out between clenched teeth before sending Luke out for another spin and then pulling him back and dipping him.
When he’s pulled back up to standing, Luke lets out the breath that he’d been holding. 
“Fun, right?” Julie asks as she appears at their side. 
Luke’s eyes are bright as he turns to her, a little bit breathless, “Yeah. We should do that more.” He reaches out for Reggie and puts his arm around his shoulders, pulling Reggie into his side. “Thanks, Reg. We should teach Alex and Willie.”
Julie’s eyes widen in excitement, “Yeah! We should. Good idea, Luke!”
Reggie’s face falls into a pout and Julie immediately notices. 
“What’s wrong?” she asks. 
“Odd numbers,” he explains.
“Oh. Well we can get Flynn. And Carrie. But that’s odd again. We can take turns! We’ll figure it out. There will be no Reggie-Wheeling on my watch! I promise,” Julie assures him and Reggie directs a small smile her way. 
“Thanks, Jules,” Reggie says as he pulls her between him and Luke and they wrap her into a hug, both planting kisses to the top of her head before smiling at each other over her. 
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borathae · 2 years
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“Sometimes being in your arms is the only thing which helps.”
Pairing: Aspiring Music Producer!Yoongi x n.Reader
Genre: established relationship!AU, f2l!AU, Angsty Fluff
Warnings: Yoongi is sad and needs a hug :(
Wordcount: 1k
a/n: i wanna give him all the hugs in the world :(
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Yoongi had a dreadful day today. It was awful, truly terrible. He went straight for a bath after coming home and didn’t leave the bathroom for two hours. You could even hear very faint sniffles from behind the door if you listened closely, but asking if he wanted company didn’t convince him to open the door for you. So you stayed outside, working your booty off to prepare his favourite meal.
Yoongi ate said meal with oversized clothes hiding every glimmer of his body shape and his nose way too rosy. But even asking him if he wanted to talk didn’t convince him to tell you more. He merely said that it "was one of those days", which you only believed partially. 
It was later in bed when you see Yoongi again. He spent the rest of the evening locked up in his home studio and refused to leave it. You could hear his television running however, which let you know that he needed to be alone without further questions.
But now it was time for bed and Yoongi is standing in the doorway, looking so small from all the weight on his shoulders.
"What's wrong, baby?" you ask him.
"I'm sorry for being such a cunt", he presses out and sniffles.
"What do you mean? You’re not a cunt", you say, placing your phone aside.
“I’m sorry for locking myself up.”
“Hey no. Come here baby, let's talk in bed."
Yoongi hurries to you in big waddles, crawling on top of the bed and your lap. He plops down with all his weight, wrapping his arms around you tightly as his face disappears in the crook of your neck.
“It’s okay baby, I understand. You just needed some alone time”, you assure him.
He nods his head.
“But I can’t help but be really worried, love. Do you want to tell me now what is bothering you?” you ask him, scratching his back soothingly.
“They disapproved all of my songs a-and then, then I found out that, that t-they stole one of my drafts”, Yoongi whimpers quietly, “I, I was so sad all the day a-and then this happened a-and now, now I want to keep c-crying.”
Yoongi was working as an up-coming music producer in a big record label. The hours were long, pay was miniscule and the hierarchy mindset was toenail-curl-worthy awful. You want something better for him because he deserves the brightest world ever, but you wouldn’t tell him that. Not yet at least, not when he finally landed a job in the music industry after years and years of looking – hoping – for one. 
“What the fuck? This is awful, I’m so angry right now. Who stole your song? Who said that to you? I'll fight them to the death”, you say, hugging him so, so tightly.
“Jeonyung did. A-and now he's denying it. I'm so hurt. I'll never write music again.”
“Hey no!” you shake him softly, “don’t say that. Jeonyung is such a crusty, talentless man and you are the most talented producer I know. Don’t let this butthole steal your passion.”
“It's just feels so hopeless. All my songs suck a-and then the one I’m, I’m proud of gets stolen”, he says and sobs into your neck.
“I know baby, god I know. But not all is lost. I promise you, you’re so talented baby. I’m sure you can fix what was wrong about those songs and your boss will see that this isn’t Jeonyung’s song but yours.”
Yoongi lifts his head, looking at you with his puffy, teary eyes 
“You t-think so?"
You dry his tears, making him close his eyes because it felt so very good to have you caress his cheeks and eyelids.
"Of course I do. I’ve heard his songs before and even a deaf person would figure out that he couldn’t possibly write something as awesome as you.”
“You really think so?”
“Of course I do! Hey”, you nudge him softly, “I'm your number one biggest fan and I believe in your success.”
Yoongi blushes, lowering his head shyly.
“Thank you”, he whispers.
You have loved Yoongi ever since he was sixteen and still wore glasses to school. You have known Yoongi ever since he was nine and ate sand in the park as you played sandcastle war together. And you have known that Yoongi will always be the one ever since you were nineteen and watched him study for his university exams.
Yoongi played basketball in high school while you played tennis. Yoongi also played the piano while you played the guitar. Yoongi was awful in math, but you were worse. You were amazing in history, while Yoongi always napped. Yoongi was amazing in music theory, while you often times struggled to keep up. And you were both best of your class in literature. Which was not a flex, as the classes' average was a D. 
You fell in love during high school but didn’t dare to date for the longest time. You went to graduation prom together, but only as friends. You became roommates in college, but only as best friends. Yoongi confessed to you during your first semester and you kissed him for hours. You lost every first to each other during college and graduated with little struggle. You moved into a bigger flat after college and both started your working careers as baristas in the same café. Almost a decade has passed between then and now and you wouldn’t change one single thing in your life.
“You know that I will always support you, don’t you?” you tell him, caressing his cheeks.
“I know”, his voice is barely above a whisper.
"Good", you tug his hair behind his ear and massage it afterwards.
Yoongi always loved to get them touched, he says that it soothes him a lot. 
Tonight is no different. Yoongi sacks into himself in a relaxed shudder, falling against your chest. It sadly makes your fingers slip from his ears, but you begin playing with his hair instead, caressing his neck while you're at it.
"Don't stop", he begs quietly.
“I won’t stop, promise.“
“Thank you for being with me”, he whispers, “I love you so much.”
“I love you too, Yoongs.”
You plan to marry him one day and Yoongi plans to do the same thing.
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yourtouchismidas · 1 year
Mattys baby girls changing him for the better and retiring Truman black <3
i think this maybe doesn't happen until he has all the girls. not that gigi didn't change him but that gigi popped out almost exactly like him, the darker sides of him, sarcastic and dry and blunt without meaning to be. he used to dress her just like truman black for halloween or dress up days for school, or she dressed up like horror movie characters or memes. gigi is the roll her eyes child, the get them on a technicality child, the make you say please for something and then not give it to you child. gigi was criticising the government as soon as she was able to speak. gigi grows up fast, makes cutting remarks, calls him matty or matthew. he loves her for it. he wouldnt have it any other way.
but then came miss shay. sweet little baby shay. a crier. tearing up when mufasa dies on lion king and softly stroking any cat or dog she sees in the street. dreamy. off in her own world. shay has matty's curls but your eyes and your soft temperament. shay has matty's smile when he lets it all go on stage, the non theatrical performances, the enjoy the music performances, the enjoy life, enjoy fame, enjoy fans, enjoy being adored. and shay does. shay adores being adored. she's a lover. she dances round the lounge in the sun to kids bop music in flowy dresses, bangles all up her arms.
shay calls him daddy and nothing else. and it melts him. he has treated gigi like a little adult her whole life, and he planned on doing that with his second baby girl too, but he has to adjust. when her little personality pops, and his new baby girl valentine is nearly two and shes not even his new baby girl anymore because the twins have just arrived, staring up at him with big eyes in the tiniest onesies he's ever seen. he thought he had parenting figured out but now he knows, he has to be different for each of these kids, for who they are, not who he is. give them what they need from him. let them be who they wanna be.
one night, shay can't sleep so she is downstairs with daddy, lying on his chest and he is watching tikok, some comedy show with white males who are making fun of something and someone, and he doesn't scroll because he thinks shay is asleep but she listens and then mumbles. "don't like it, turn it off," and matty shuts it off quickly and says "sorry baby, i thought you were asleep."
"mean man," shay says, her voice thick, "mean mean man."
matty is quiet. when she does fall asleep he lays her down in her bed, and then sits for a long time in the chair in his oldest two girl's room. you find him later.
"you okay?" you whisper, not to wake the girls up.
"the twins down?" he says to you.
"yeah. lexie was awake but quiet. stevie's gone."
matty doesnt say anything. you ask him again if he is okay.
"i dont want to be a mean mean man," he says to you.
"you're not," you say, putting your arms over his shoulders and running your hands down his chest. "these baby girls. they think you're the greatest."
he smiles. shay shuffles in her sleep, her face towards him, her mouth hanging open. innocent and perfect and pure. gigi looks more like a baby when she sleeps too. she is still just a child.
"i always want them to think that," he says.
"they will," you say, "come to bed?"
"in a sec," matty says. you sneak out the room. matty gets out his phone and deletes truman black. when they ask him if he is sure he clicks yes. he goes on his private account, unknown to the public, that only his friends and family follow. he finds a picture you took of him earlier today. in the park getting ice cream. one twin, lexie, is in the baby sling on his back asleep, the other, stevie, is in his arms, crying, red face. valentine is clutching onto one of his legs, determined to stand by herself, and gigi has one hand and is pulling him somewhere, determined to get everyone moving. shay is on his shoulders arms stretched up towards the sun, smiling, not a care in the world, except making sure her trainers don't accidentally knock her baby sister. he is looking at the camera, at you, half terrified, half absolutely blissful.
matty posts it. with the caption: they make me better. And they do.
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dreamoonverse · 2 years
“Laugh through it sometimes…”
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Bucky x Reader
Summary: Bucky has had to cope alone with his nightmares until you arrived in his life. Little did he think laughter would do the trick.
Mentions: fluff, nightmares, laughter
(I’m exposing a bad dream i used to have 😂 thank you childhood nightmares 😂😘 hope this makes you laugh some)
Bucky never gets sleep, always waking up to no one there. The heavy breathing, shaking. He thought they would go away eventually but until then, he just had to endure. At least this time around, he isn’t alone.
It’s only been a month maybe since you two started seeing each other. You both like to explore, be curious about things. Found common interests like when he told you he likes forties music and you took him to an old antique shop you used to work showing him all records. He was like a kid in a candy factory seeing albums that he thought wouldn’t even exist still. You liked that he had this hidden part of him. He might look brooding and definitely can be. With you, he turned into a cinnamon roll and you loved every minute of it.
You would invite him over to watch movies or hang out he loved that he could fill up his days with you then be wondering around the city. A nice change. Although you two never really spent the night together, you knew he had a past, you didn’t know everything but no matter you couldn’t see yourself giving up someone as amazing as him in your eyes especially when he didn’t see it. This time you were at his place made a big fort in his living room which actually made him less embarrassed that he didn’t have a lot of furniture. You guys spent the whole day watching movies, talking, curled in his arms most of it. He just worried that if you spent the night you would see what happens and he felt like you shouldn’t.
You tried to keep yourself awake as long as possible but with the smell of his fresh balsam cologne and the warmth of his chest as it rises and falls when he breathes it just started to pull you under. You said you would let him take you home but by then Bucky was half asleep himself and you both just knocked out.
As the night carried on to the bewitching hour, Bucky once again found himself jolting awake sitting up, breathing heavy, sweating, shaking. He bunched part of the blanket in his hands zoning out. He heard stirring which made him jump but remembering you were next to him oh god you were next to him and the fears of not knowing if he hurt you in sleep made him panic more.
“Mm Bucky…you okay?” You say half asleep finding his arm rubbing it. “Yeah…i…Mm it’s nothing,” he sounds out of breath you sit up wrapping your arm around his neck rubbing his shoulder. “Hey it’s okay…you can tell me,” you say softly to him running a hand through his hair it was wet some from him sweating so much it made you pout seeing him get like this.
“I..hydra, the usual…” he sighs. You nod listening to him then eventually get up giving him some water to help. “Wanna hear a bad dream I had before…well I have a few but this one,” you sigh out.
“What was it?” Bucky rubs your shoulder. “When I was a kid i used to like watching the muppets like with Kermit and all of them sometimes with my parents.”
Bucky looks at you so confused “uh huh…”
“Listen it get worse okay, ya know miss piggy. Well I would have recurring nightmares of her tying me up and then standing in the corner of my room watching me I couldn’t scream she ducked tape my mouth and then I would wake up breathing hard crying,”
“What?!” He bursts out in laughter he can’t help it he hasn’t heard something so quirky before.
You laugh with him hard holding your stomach “Hey this is traumatizing okay,” you say in between giggles
“Yeah I bet it was���do you need to come with me to the next therapy session hm tell them about this incident,” he laughs tickling you hard. It did make him feel a lot better actually.
You both eventually calm down after a bit laying down again your head on his chest “I think I can spend the night more often now okay buck…you don’t need to be alone when these happen,” you say lifting your head up some facing him.
He was hesitant at first but nodded “okay…if I ever hurt you…you gotta tell me okay,” he says making a compromise. “Okay,” you say meeting his lips kissing him softly.
“And if you ever ya know get these dreams about miss piggy you let me know…” he says biting his lip laughing again.
“Screw you barnes,” you roll your eyes laughing a little kissing him more.
“Mm I love to screw you…” he smirks getting on top of you. “Bucky…” you groan laughing a little there was no way you two were gonna sleep now.
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minhosimthings · 11 months
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Hold Me Without Hurting Me
Chapter 1: Crocuses and Kindred Meetings
A/N: In which an old friend fills your life with flowers again, along a bumpy sided road.
Pairings: Ceo!Jay × Ceo!fem!reader, includes rest of Enhypen and certain other groups
Warnings: angst-fluff, hurt/comfort, friends to enemies to fake dating to enemies to lovers, Mentions of food and alcohol, swearing, nothing much but it's a bumpy story.
Story prompt: If I had a flower for every time I fell in love with you, I would walk in my garden forever. (This story is based on the language of flowers.)
A/N: whadup y'all it's yo girl Mona back in town with a new fic because all her drabbles have been ignored. So I'll most likely update the fic whenever I finish the next chapters so there won't be a specific time as to when I'll update. Also I got inspiration for this from The Lost Flowers of Alice Hart, so please excuse the many flower references.
They say that when you meet your soulmate, you don't really know how to love them. The mysterious people who said this were also (not) surprisingly the same people who said that when atoms split to form the universe, they found home in different people. And now these people are soulmates because the atoms connect and blah blah blah all that fairy nonsense. But it is a nice thought which pops up in your brain whenever you see your best friend of 17 years run his hands through his hair and play yet another one of your favourite songs on his blue guitar, which you gifted him two years ago.
Park Jay was, in a word, the epitome of perfection. Well atleast to you he was. Beautiful curls of hair, the universe stuck in his eyes and all of Icarus's melted wings in his smile.
Jay Park had been your best friend ever since you were seven, since that unfortunate incident when you had stepped on his sandcastle at the beach. In return, he stomped on your sandcastle too, making you angry and storming off to your mother. However, luck was against you and you found out that he was your new neighbour. The friendship blossomed when he walked up to you shyly and handed you a painted rock and played you a song on his untuned guitar. It was sweet and you were kids, bonding with you over music, plays, books, flowers and the giant walnut tree in the park near your houses. Now as you sat against the walnut tree along with Jay and his guitar, you couldn't help but reminisce about those times of the past. Lost memories of helping each other get ready for prom, crying on each other's shoulders when your dates dumped you, and going out for pizza and ice cream, which ended up with collapsing on his bed together, with bloated stomachs, and filled souls.
"Jay that was beautiful." You clapped your hands together In excitement as Jay finished playing the song on the guitar.
"Teach me please! I wanna learn too!" Jay chuckled at your excitement and ruffled your hair, making you pout and slap his hand.
"Yah you messed up the hair I've worked on for an hour! Asshole." You grumbled as he wrapped his arms around you and tickled you, making you laugh out, scaring the birds sitting on the walnut tree nearby.
"Be honest-" Jay smirked at you. "You did that pretty hair all good for me, right? And you even put a gardenia in it!" You scoffed at his words and flicked a leaf at him, making his dramatically gasp.
"I did it for myself, you idiot. Why would I do it for you?"
"Alright Miss Girlboss." Jay held up his hands in defeat, still staring at the gardenia in your hair. "Just don't whine when I don't take you out for your toothpaste icecream." The rest of the evening was drowned out by you chasing Jay around the park, threatening to smear mint choco ice cream on his precious guitars.
"Y/N." Jay snapped his fingers in front of your face. "Are you listening, you dumbass?" It was a cold evening that day, but as you sat there on the grass, with Jay in short sleeved t shirts and the baggiest pants, you didn't feel the cold outside, instead choosing to feel the cold within. A bouquet lay by your side, forget-me-nots, clematis' and geraniums, all wrapped up with a pick ribbon.
Promises were always the sweetest lies. People promise to live for you, and yet they let go, choosing to live beneath mud instead. And yet there's something about certain promises that make you want to stay. That make you want to love, live and cherish.
That's what Jay was. A sweet lie, a kind promise. Promising you that he would stay with for, for you, by you. And yet promises were apparently made to break, and as you watched him about to leave town, your heart broke in two, just like his promise. You knew this was bad, bad like you shouldn't feel like this for your best friend, who had gotten an opportunity abroad. You should have felt happy, elated even, that he had gotten into his dream University. But you didn't and you felt horrible.
"I'll miss you, but don't expect me to get accepted into the same college and come running to you like Harry and Sally." Jay stuck out his tongue at your words and ruffled his hair again. He had had that habit, you assumed since his birth. You often took note of the way whenever he walked into a room, the first thing he would do is run his hands through his fluffy hair.
"What, you idiot? Im trying to spot some butterflies." You grumbled as Jay chuckled and leant back against the walnut tree. The smell of honeycomb and beeswax hung in the air.
"You sure you won't miss me much?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. You really didn't have to think much about the answer for his question. Yes, of course yes you would miss the boy you've been smitten by for seventeen years. Yet, you knew that if you told him that answer, it would only make the heartbreak more painful. And you, of course, never really preferred pain.
8 Years Later
"You don't have to get accepted into the same University. Plus-" Jay bit his cheek. "You don't have the brains anyway."
"Park Joengsoeng!" You slapped his arm and pounced on him, tickling his stomach, making him burst into laughter and shout out 'sorry' over and over again, as both of you flopped back on the grass, not knowing what the days forward might bring. "Promise you'll still write me in our language?" You asked Jay holding out your pinky, which he intertwined with his. "I promise. And it's as big of a promise as Irises are." You sobered in the warmth of the grass, with the boy next to you, simply savouring his existence as the universe moved just like it always did.
"Miss Yang." Your assistant, Ji-ah tapped on your door. "Come in Ji-ah." You responded, not looking up from your papers. Your hands were all tangled in your hair, and the tip of your pencil, which lay on the clean porcelain table, was all chewed at the end. The atmosphere of your office held a heavy cloud. Perhaps it was the grey wall paint, and the paintings which hung on the wall, but it all felt heavy and downright bad.
"I'm sorry to bother you, Ma'am." Ji-ah bowed low to you, slightly adjusting her pressed maroon pencil skirt as she did that. "It's no issue Ji-ah. What is it?" You waved your hand nonchalantly and motioned for her to sit down in front of you. Ji-ah slightly gulped and sat down, pressing a folder infront of you.
"I checked your schedule and contacted all the people you've asked me to." Ji-ah said, her tone almost robotic. Her voice rang clear, however, even through the pitter-patter of the rain pouring outside. "And well-" Ji-ah paused and fiddled with her fingers. "I couldn't arrange a day for you to meet Mr Lee privately. You would have to meet him on the day of the joint session." You sighed heavily, as you noticed, for perhaps the first time, how suffocating the room actually was. Even the lilacs growing in the corner seemed to be sad.
"Are you sure I have to talk to that man, in a room full of men, who will keep staring at my hips instead of listening to me?" Ji-ah gave you a sympathetic smile, as you gave her the papers you had been working on, instructions her about what to do with them.
"Ma'am, if I may-"Ji-ah voiced. "All the men in that room, which you'll be stuck in for a hour or so, they're all below you. So if they do stare at your hips, why don't you just bring it up? Embarrass them? You have always taught me that humiliation is the key to breaking chauvinist pigs." You chuckled at Ji-ah's words, your chest swelling with pride as you listened to her words.
"Will do Ji-ah." You affirmed. "Oh and by the way, I've approved your leave for the month but have you found a replacement yet?" Ji-ah promptly nodded and clacked her heels together as she made to go out the door.
"He'll be here tomorrow Ma'am. I found the best, only for you."
"Thank you Ji-ah. Enjoy your stay at your grandma's. Bring me back something!"
"Ugh." You collapsed onto your bed as your alarm dinged with a notification. 'Dinner time', it read on the dimply illuminated screen. "No I don't want to have dinner." You glared at your phone, as if talking to a human. Your white ragdoll cat, Perry, jumped onto the bed next to you, and sat nonchalantly, licking his paw.
"Perry, I'm tired and I want to die." Perry purred lowly, and looked straight ahead at you with a blank stare, as if questioning why you were telling a cat about your emotions. "Oh well, might as well get you your food, Perry. You're hungry aren't you my baby? My scrumpious wittle-" you tried to pick up Perry, all the while baby-talking him, but unfortunately that went down the drain. Perry ran off from your bed and jumped onto your bed table, accidentally knocking off some pictures.
"Perry!" You grumbled. "You stupid cat." You mumbled the last part under your breath, as you made to pick the pictures up. There were four of them sitting peacefully in flower frames. They lit up the dire condition of your bedroom, painted in dark blues and blacks, illuminated with yellow lamps.
You picked up the flower lamps slowly but surely, only pausing once to stare at one of them, fit in the most beautiful frame which was embroidered with pink camellias. Against a clear sky and yarrow bushes, stood two teenagers, wearing shirts with cringy mottos on them, with converse in red and blue. You smiled softly at the picture. 17th birthday party for Jay, and right before the moment when you both secretly drank underage. It captured the beautiful moments you spent with each other, before he left your soul broken into pieces, making sure that zinnias grow in the cracks.
"Good morning Miss Yang." A short man with brown hair and cat eyes came up to you as you entered your office building. He was dressed in a clean pressed white shirt and black trousers, making him look like a waiter.
"Oh are you the new assistant? Jungwon?" The man promptly nodded and handed you a file.
"Miss Ji-ah a-appointed me two days ago, Ma'am. Um, this is my r-resume." You found the man adorable. He looked a bit like Perry, whom you assumed was probably sleeping in your cat sitter's bed.
"Well it's nice to meet you, Jungwon. And you didn't really need to wear office wear today." You gestured towards his bowtie. "You're coming with me on the trip aren't you?"
"Ah well-" Jungwon turned red, "I-I wanted to make a good first impression." You smiled gently at him, making the red in his face disappear a bit, and putting him at ease, all ready to go off to the land of freedom and eagles.
"Miss Yang." A stout man dressed in black overalls and possibly the most non-wrinkliest shirt you've ever seen bowed to you, gesturing to his two assistants to take your and Jungwon's suitcases and bags, to which Jungwon clutched his purple backpack tighter to his chest. "It is an honour to have you staying in our hotel Ma'am. Might I be the first to welcome you to Seattle?" The man bowed again. He reminded you of a snake, with a heavy receding hairline and slimy hands. Even the way he spoke reminded you of snake hisses
. "Thank you." You said, bowing a bit. "I suppose my suite is ready? And one for my assistant too?" The man shot a look at Jungwon and then back at you, bowing again.
"Of course Ma'am. The two best suites in the hotel. I would also like to tell you that some of the- ahem- people you are meeting are also staying here, so we would please like to ask you to not bring up any confrontations with them." You merely smiled at the man, as you heard Jungwon giggle silently behind you.
"Well of course, my good man." You kept your face cool and calm. "Perhaps you should also tell them not to undermine and ridicule me, like pathetic wet socks, just because they feel- what's the word? Oh yes-" You grinned up the man, "-they feel bitched on by a slut who fucked her way up to the top." The man's jaw dropped as you glided away, heels clacking on the floor, with Jungwon following behind you, a grin imprinted on his face.
"Ma'am, you really didn't have to book me a suite too. I could have just-"
"Jungwon, I assure you. It wasn't a problem. Plus-" you smiled gently at him, "I always treat my assistants well." The sheepish smile broke out on Jungwon's face again as he thanked you and rushed to keep the important files on the oak table.
"That was amazing by the way. What you said to that man." He complemented you, which you took gratefully. You took a moment to admire the beauty of the suite. The reviews on the hotel's website were right. This really was the best hotel in Seattle. The room was decorated with flowers everywhere of every kind. A vase which caught your eye, was filled with carnations of every colour. It was always interesting to you how the colours of the carnations matched up to make a beautifully sorrowful story. Red carnations for deep heartache, pink ones for a long-lasting memory, white carnations for sweet love and yellow striped ones for refusal of love. It was amazing to you how a single flower can exhibit so many emotions.
"Ma'am, can we perhaps take those flowers out of the room?" Jungwon interrupted your line of thought, pointing towards tiny violet flowers, with yellow pistils, "I'm allergic to them."
"You're allergic to crocuses?", You pointed at the flowers, "We can call the front desk to talk them out alright?" Jungwon nodded and continued with his work, not noticing you staring at the crocuses. "You know, they represent youth and cheerfulness? It's an interesting flower, the spring crocus."
Jungwon snapped his head to look at you, his eyes rapidly blinking. "Do you have an interest for the language of flowers Ma'am?" He asked you casually, while sniffing a magnolia sitting in a brown vase.
"I used to study them when I was fifteen. Along with my best friend." You answered gently caressing the magnolias, feeling their soft petals brush against your skin, while Jungwon sneezed, probably because of the crocuses. "fuck-" you swore under your breath, "Jungwon, go to your bedroom, I'll get the staff to take out the crocuses."
"A-ACHOO- alright- Ma'am." He cleared his throat, scratched his nose and quickly disappeared into the bedroom, still sneezing while you took all the crocuses in the suite and went down to the reception area, still in the clothes that you came in with. An olive green shirt dress with your everyday heels. All the way to the reception area, you were slightly distracted by a scent which was wafting into your nose. The scent of your favourite perfume. Infact it was the scent of your perfume, the one you wore everyday and the one you weren't wearing right now. Of course gifts from Italy need to be treasured right? And gifts from lost best friends need to be kept in a locked safe. You had gotten the perfume with you, but it was currently sitting safe in bubble wrap in the depths of your suitcase. So what was the scent that was trapping you in?
"Oh I'm so sorry." Lost in your thoughts, you accidentally bumped into someone's shoulders causing them to drop the flowers they were carrying. "Oh that's all right." A familiar voice rang in your ear.
"Wait-", you gasped, "Kim Sunoo is that you?" The blonde boy looked up at you and gave you the widest smile ever.
"Y/N oh my god!" The dropped flowers on the ground were forgotten as both of you hugged each other tightly making sure not to let go until the other does. "wow-" Sunoo exclaimed, "we haven't seen each other since-" "since Yeji's party in our final year?" Sunoo laughed and nodded, picking up the flowers he was carrying in the process. "So what brings you to my amazing hotel?" Sunoo grinned.
"This is your hotel? So you actually achieved your dreams huh?" You giggled at him, winking. "Did you get your bet money from Niki?" Sunoo rolled his eyes and scoffed at your question. "The kid won't give me anything except for Sunday ice cream. Anyways-" he looked at you as you walked up to the front desk, "what brings you here?"
"Well what brings me to the front desk is that I would like the crocuses in my suite to be removed." You told the lady at the front desk, who promptly bowed and stalked away, probably to get the rest of the crocuses out of the room. "What brings me to Seattle-" you turned to Sunoo, who leaned forward excitedly, "-is a meeting with all the top Ceo's of America. I assume you'd already know about it, since it's gonna be sponsored by your hotel?" Sunoo's eyes widened and his jaw dropped as he clapped his hands excitedly.
"So you're the Miss Yang who was registered for the meeting without her first name!" Sunoo rolled his eyes, "Girl, why are you still chasing your mysterious girl fantasies of freshman year?" "Says the person who still has his dumb emo haircut of sophomore year." "Yah!"
"Miss Yang, this way." The man guided you towards a meeting hall. "You look very pretty Ma'am." Jungwon trodded shyly behind you. "You look handsome in that jacket too, Jungwon. I bet all the girls here will be swooning for you once I take you to the bar after the meeting." You said, making Jungwon turn a deep shade of red. You took a pause before entering the meeting room and adjusted your knee length plum pencil skirt and slightly rolled up the sleeves of your beige shirt.
"Jungwon? You good now?" You silently peeked your head around the bedroom door, to see Jungwon sitting on his bed and sorting through files. You giggled silently, seeing his face so concentrated on the files. Ji-ah was right. He really was a great assistant. The thought of making him your second assistant would have always escaped your mind if not for-
"Ma'am would you like to read the list of people who you will be meeting today?" He'd even looked up the people at the meeting. How sweet, you thought. Hollyhock, you thought, would be the flower to suit him. "Could you read them out to me Jungwon?" You said, as you collapsed onto the bed, noticing only now how tired you were. "Yes ma'am." Jungwon promptly said, pushing up his glasses.
"I'll read out the ones of importance. You shall be meeting Mr Lee Heeseung, Mr Choi Minho, Mr Park Sunghoon, Mr Jay Park, Mr Hwan-"
"What did you just say?" You sat up quickly in bed, scaring the shit out of Jungwon.
"I-uh. Um Mr Hwang Hyunjin will be meeting you?" You shook your head frantically and quickly took the paper from him, scanning your eyes through it. There it was. Your ears hadn't misheard. Jjoengsoeng 'Jay' Park, written right on top.
"Oh my god." You breathed out, making Jungwon leaned forward to take a peek at the paper. "Ma'am are you alright?" You looked up at Jungwon's concerned face, trying to hold in your tears.
"I am perfectly fine. Just-" you put the paper down, "-kind of shocked." "I assume you do not want to talk about it?" Jungwon's voice provided you a slither of comfort. You nodded slowly and scampered off to your room, saying hurried goodbyes to Jungwon and telling him to get ready by seven thirty. As you passed the carnations in the living room, you couldn't help but feel a pit in your stomach, sinking in like a whirlpool, making you feel like the entire world was about to collapse, if you met the person who used to be your everything, this evening.
"Ah Miss Yang. It's a pleasure to see you again." A tall black haired man came up to you and shook your hand as you entered the room. He was certainly handsome with sharp features and the prettiest hair you've ever seen.
"Mr Sunghoon." You bowed to him, to which he chuckled. "Should we drop the antics now? How you doing Y/N?" The man engulfed you in a hug, which you reciprocated, breathing in his smell of oak wood cologne. "I'm good Hoonie. What about you? How's Yeji?" Sunghoon smiled at you and led you over to your chair, which was next to his. "She's good. Pregnant actually. Spending some time with her mum so I could come to this stupid meeting." He flicked some dust from the table away as he picked up a bouquet from underneath the seat and handed it to you.
"For you m'lady." "Camellias Sunghoon really?" You raised an eyebrow at him. "Why do you still know the meaning of white camellias? I told you that five years ago in junior year."
"Miss Yang, it's good to see you." Lee Heeseung kissed your hand gently and bowed to you. You had always admired him, wanting to collaborate with him and this meeting was the perfect chance for you to talk to him. So what if you didn't have a chance to speak to him in private? Hell, you would have asked him to do buisness with you, right infront of every man in the room.
"Cause you told me it means a heartless person, and I really want to put up my act of an ice cold prince so that's why I got it for you." You tried to hold in your laughter as you looked at him fixing his hair. You didn't have the heart to tell him that white camellias actually meant adorableness, so you let him keep his ego. You willed away the time as the other people started coming into the room. You would be lying if you said that you didn't feel a little intimidated. The men weren't scary or anything, but so many of them in one room? A girl's gotta feel a bit scared doesn't she?
You threw glances to Jungwon from time to time, who seemed to be getting along well with the other assistants, which was good, considering that most of them were young women his age.
"Is Mr Park late yet again?" A handsome long haired man, with pretty pink lips and porcelain skin said, checking his watch. "Well shall we start without him then Mr Hwang? You know what he would do even if an ounce of disrespect reached him." A plum haired man, with a sharp carved nose said, glaring at the man called Mr Hwang.
"Who are they talking about?" You whispered in Sunghoon's ears. "Jay Park." Sunghoon whispered back, fiddling with his tie. "He's basically the unofficial mayor of Seattle. The most powerful buisness man in America." The pit in your stomach kept increasing as you wondered if the Jay Park they were talking about was the boy you knew for seventeen years of your life, the boy who would talk to you about the meaning of flowers while eating mint-chocolate ice cream.
You would have dwelled on that thought for a bit longer if the door didn't suddenly crack open as everyone fell silent. The sound of footsteps rang in your ear as a slightly built man, with hair as dark as outer space and eyes the colour of black coffee, entered the room. Your heart skipped a beat or two as you laid your eyes on the man. Your eyes couldn't believe it. A face from your past, eyes you had been hypnotized by and a voice you could recognise even in the dark. Jay Park stood in front of you, staring at all the people in the room, while your eyes bored into his.
"Good evening everyone. I am sorry for the delay. I merely got caught up picking out an appropriate suit for the evening." You could have laughed out right there and then. And you did.
"Anything funny, Miss Yang?" Jay's eyes turned to you. You could feel Sunghoon tensing up next to you as you stared straight into Jay's eyes. The audacity, you thought, for him to call you Miss Yang.
"I just didn't think that picking a neon suit straight from the 70's would take you a long time, Mr Park" you smiled sarcastically at him.
"How dare you insult Mr Park!" Mr Hwang spoke, glaring at you, to which Jay held up a hand, so as to stop a war from breaking out. He took a few steps forward and turned his chair, sitting onto it, with the grace of a swan.
"You need not defend me, Mr Hwang. After all Miss Yang is an old friend isn't she? She's allowed to make fun of me."
What. The . Fuck.
Those three words swirled again and again in your mind as you looked at Jay, all suave and calm, sitting in his chair, talking to you as if he hadn't abandoned you and didn't talk to you for eight god forbiddened years.
"Shall we start then Mr Park?" Heeseung spoke up, gesturing for his assistant to give him some papers and files.
'"Of course." Jay merely responded, staring at the Calla lilies in the vase set in the center of the table.
'Well' you thought, 'this evening was going to be a rollercoaster ride.'
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