#i just read svsss and yeah this checks out
waitineedaname · 4 months
beloved tumblr mutual...... i see you post all the time about the show(?) with the pretty long hair men...... but dear lord what is it about. ive tried to piece it together but i just cannto understand. help me. help me beloved tumblr mutual. i need to know a vague summary !! :)
this series is always difficult to summarize concisely, but I will do my best!
the long hair prettymen series you're likely referring to is Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation/MDZS/The Untamed! it was originally a BL novel series, but it was also made into a wildly successful live action drama (The Untamed) which was my avenue into the series! it's about the rise and fall of Wei Wuxian, an extremely talented cultivator (sword wizard) who goes from celebrated war hero to reviled necromancer. the series opens with his death and then resurrection 13~16 years later. it's about necromancy and the horrors of war and politics and reputation and the rumor mill and family and sacrifice, but it's also about what if the class clown bad boy and hall monitor valedictorian were madly in love with each other. it's also about one kid having a shit ton of uncles. it's great! I cannot recommend it enough, it's truly a delight to read and watch, even when it's supremely corny. the creator does a fantastic job of balancing humor and tragedy, and the characters make me want to eat drywall
however, the waters may be muddy, because recently I have started posting about another long haired prettyboy series, which is Scum Villain's Self-Saving System! it's another novel series by the same author as MDZS and I'm only halfway through it, but I'm having a great time. it's about a dude getting isekai'd into an absolutely horrible web novel that he obsessively hates, and he gets thrown in the villain's role. it's hysterical, and also has been shredding my heart periodically. but it's mostly very funny, and I'm obsessed with the characters. everyone in this series needs serious help, they're all fucked in the head
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bloopitynoot · 18 days
Reading SVSSS: Chapter 6
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For those who don't know, I am reading SVSSS for the first time and sharing my thoughts!
If you have not read it, there will be spoilers! Consider this a warning.
Also- if you want to follow along, I am aiming to post updates daily. You can find all the posts in the tag bloopitynoot reads SVSSS. You can also check out the intro post for context on my read.
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Here we are on book 2!
I took a couple days off because my body was perishing (read: my uterus was being a little bitch) but I am back :D
Today's tea is an apple crumble with milk and sugar and my little reading buddy (Charlie) has returned for this chapter Extra Needy and sporting his new necktie.
Let's get into this long chapter:
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And we start three years later! I was wondering if there was going to be a time jump and there is! :) p9
Why is everyone so thirsty in this world RE: Ning YingYing p10
Oh dang. I really want to know what's making people melt into skeletons p13
Shen Qingqiu is such a vibe" I know I am physically useless, but i'm also a walking encyclopedia so I bring that to the party" p14 honestly same
So many corpses in the water!! p18
Oh shit, what the heck Wu Chen's legs? p22
RE: Wu Chen I did lol at "Great Master, you call this a bit uncomfortable?!" p 22
this totally feels more like a curse than a standard plague p24
why am I laughing so hard at "fuck me, with this speed, they wouldn't lose to a runner doing the 100-metre hurdles! 'Old Lady'? Yeah right! I must be blind!"p26
oooo! Gongyi Xiao is back! p28
Baby is back too!! Luo Binghe! pp29-31
omg and now there is a height difference! Shen qinqgiu being the smol one p32
Re: on the subject of thinking it was a curse like 15 pages ago, it is not a curse. I don't know why I thought it would be literally anything other than demons LOL this is the plot of the entire fictional universe of this book p37
Luo Binghe still only has eyes for Shen Qingqiu- even after being tossed into hell p38
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I truly love the inner monologue of Shen Qingqiu's thoughts vs what people just kind of assume he's feeling. SQQ: Luo Binghe has brainwashed these disciples, he is definitely coming for me, I am fucked. Everyone else: this poor man misses his student so much, he is so hurt that Luo Binghe didn't go back to him.
LOL at Luo Binghe's hatefire at seeing SQQ and Gongyi Xiao bonding together p42
I can't XD SQQ: I have a huge announcement guys, Luo Binghe is back!!!! Everyone else: who tf is that? RIP p44
no shit that demonic activity increasing in frequency is 100% indeed a bad omen. p47
I'm crying SQQ thinks Luo BInghe is about to kill him p48
not the magpie bridge reference p50
This man is just crushing his windpipe for funsies -> why do I feel like this is their dynamic? p50
SQQ is actually an idiot. This fool is continuously operating under the assumption that nothing in the story has changed and the original story is guaranteed. If he heard these words and responded appropriately he'd probably be fine RE: "Then why did you tell me not to put too much weight on race and that no one is intolerable to the heavens" p55
Goddamn is Luo Binghe just going to keep beating the shit out of SQQ?? pp57-59
He really made him drink his blood (side note: when this is all said and done, I need to read some vampire aus) What even is that blood going to do to him?? (do not actually tell me, I assume I will find out soonish) p59
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I am once again here to talk about how utterly Fucked SQQ is. He still has 0 idea that Luo Binghe has absolutely claimed him p65
Oh dang. Still, even after all this, SQQ has not shaken his original fate of being hated p69
Bro should have let Qi Qingyi finish that sentence. Re: out of his mind with grief" also probably would have changed some things (even if he was embarrassed as hell) p71
omg so much happening in this scene rn AND then Shen Qingqiu's ex shows up out of no where?!?!?!?!??!!? p73
this man truly cannot catch a break p75
holy shit not even his ex- his wife??????? p75
oop, we have SQQ backstory reveal p77
But also with this reveal: it's a little weird for her though. Like her family takes in this kid from the street, makes him a servant. He continues to serve them, his "family" starts to view him a sibling, AND THEN they get betrothed (not married). Like what. This is wild poor guy- weird because sibling dynamics, also he was their servant. I think she is the weird one honestly. p77
okay, well, he did kill her brother LOL p78
the water prison does not sound good. p81
he really wants to try and last a month there??? best of luck buddy, he cant even handle riding in a carriage without a snack p85
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Bonus picture with no notes!
I'm actually so excited for the water prison- it sounds vile, but I need to know how he get's out/how his relationship with Luo Binghe progresses.
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tossawary · 2 years
I finished rereading SVSSS Volume 2 and was focusing more on the story this time, because I remember Volume 1 best, so I didn’t really stop to post about it. A random assortment of thoughts in no particular order:
Gongyi Xiao is the Bestest Boy. I remembered him being good, but reading it again was like, “Awwwww, buddy.” Poor guy. He deserved more!
Shen Qingqiu and Luo Binghe are such a mess in this volume. It’s like two people trying to play chess against each other but they’re somehow using two different boards for it. No one wants to be playing this game! But everyone keeps insisting on it while crying and boards are getting flipped! (I guess in this metaphor, Zhuzhi-Lang is eating the pieces when no one is looking.)
The sower demons are genuinely creepy.
I want to call Luo Binghe’s invasion of Cang Qiong a clown show, but that would be an insult to clowns. Moshang have such limited appearances in the main story, but they are ridiculous.
Sha Hualing having a Bad Guy Lair is really funny. I forgot about that.
Over the course of this volume, Shen Yuan suggests that Liu Qingge is asexual and then suggests that Luo Binghe is asexual (before figuring out that Luo Binghe is into him). But he’s definitely an ordinary straight guy, for sure!
Every time Sha Hualing loses her top (which is... at least three times... I think?), Shen Yuan mentally censors her breasts. I didn’t forget this because I see people mention it periodically, but I forgot just how funny it is.
Shen Yuan scheming to get Liu Qingge to take on Yang Yixuan as a disciple was really cute, actually. He’s such a softie. He just wants to be nice!
When he’s talking about Liu Qingge’s lack of disciples at the very beginning of the volume, Shen Yuan describes how Bai Zhan works, and the phrasing kind of suggests that Bai Zhan changes peak lords every time that a Bai Zhan disciple bests their shizun. It does not work like this, but it would be kind of funny if the other peaks are strictly following some cycle to choose the next generation of peak lords and Bai Zhan is just switching peak lords whenever.
I don’t forget this trait because it’s one of my favorite things about him, but I’m always struck rereading by how quiet and thoughtful Luo Binghe can be. He gets extremely attached to Shen Qingqiu in Volume 1 and he’s dealing with severe mental and emotional instability throughout Volume 2, but Luo Binghe is often reserved or somber or even cold when not dealing with Shen Qingqiu.
Binghe really just took over Huan Hua Palace and says that the Old Palace Master has gone “traveling”. Yeah, he’s doing some wandering cultivation. It’s like a vacation. Don’t worry about it. :) The Little Palace Mistress is clearly becoming impatient with this excuse and I’m betting that the number of people at Huan Hua Palace who 100% believe the excuse is very, very low.
Shen Yuan returning in the plant body only to have to listen to how he’s become gossip fodder is funny. But Liu Mingyan going, “Ah, that’s how it is,” and then proceeding to write the Resentment of Chunshan is even funnier. Shen Yuan is in the middle of being kidnapped by Zhuzhi-Lang and suddenly has to listen to a song about him and Binghe fucking all the time. Zhuzhi-Lang desperately trying not to lose his shit laughing in the background is my favorite part of this scene. Shen Yuan’s horror at least works well as a distraction!
Also, I love that Shen Yuan went, “You have money? I want women,” and Zhuzhi-Lang just went with it. It’s so obviously an escape plan to the readers. Zhuzhi-Lang probably also suspects that something is up. He’s not an idiot. But maybe a part of him is accustomed to absurd demands from Tianlang-Jun and kind of views “Hey, let’s go check out what music the brothels are playing now!” as a normal desire for people to express?
It’s tempting to write fics in which Shen Yuan just gives the false jade pendant back immediately. Do I think it would automatically fix everything? Nope! But it sure would be fun to watch the characters spin.
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January + Feb Book Roundup
since i'm not using goodreads any more and also my memory is shit these days gonna try keeping track here this year!
A Memory Called Empire 4/5 (sci fi, great worldbuilding, very interesting MC)
Hearts of Oak 4/5 (sci fi, lovely creepy worldbuilding and vibes)
A Wizard's Guide To Defensive Baking 4/5 (such a fun and thoughtful take on many tropes; lays the seeds for her later more detailed books)
A Rulebook for Desperate Rogues ? DNF; too many anachronisms in the first two chapters
Three Cases for Mr. Campion ? DNF; weirdly gross way of speaking about women
The Dangers of Smoking In Bed 3/5 (very good bordering on horror)
Some Desperate Glory 5/5 (everyone who told me to read this was right etc run don't walk etc!)
Murder in Williamston 2/5 (not half as fun as I remember them being - a little too formulaic and suffers from not allowing the characters to grow/develop)
Grave Expectations 4/5 (VERY fun romp of a book! unexpectedly made me tear up at the end)
The September House 4/5 (horror but the kind of horror i can take where the narrator really holds and carries you through it)
The Ballad of Sir Dinadin 4/5 (i missed these books! i love arthuriana and these are such good classics. sidenote this was the first ace rep i ever read as a kid and i'll always bless it for that)
The Princess the Crone and the Dung-Cart Knight 4.5/5 (LOVE the difficult subjects being navigated here and the interweaving of different source materials. especially enjoyed the heavily implied throuple at the end.)
Parsifal's Page 3.5/5 (honestly didn't really remember this one that well but went back to read it bc my love said it was their fave of the OG tales and i liked it better than i remembered! even if the whole Fisher King scenario still infuriates me just out of principle)
The Scholomance 4/5 (love a naomi novik)
The Last Graduate 4/5 (we love a naomi novik where the characters slowly start to learn to love!)
The Golden Enclaves 5/5 (okay completely forgot i hadn't read this which means this was a complete surprise and so was the CANON GAYS hell yeah naomi u got there in the end!!!!!!!!!!)
Perilous Times 2/5 (listen it was a great premise! let itself down by being far too heavy-handed and using a deus ex machina at the end)
A Strange and Stubborn Endurance 5/5 (very glad i forgot to check the warnings before i read this or else i wouldn't have but DAMN if this didn't cradle me very gently in its arms and carry me safely through the deep waters. absolutely would recommend)
10 Things That Never Happened 2/5 (thank you to Morgan @crimsonclad for listening to my rantings re: alexis hall's books in general but this, to me, was not one of his finest efforts
Gaudy Night 10/5!!!!!!!! (book of my HEART dorothy l sayers you will always be famous even if you insist on putting enormous swaths of foreign language text with no translation in your books)
Busman's Honeymoon 10/5!!!!!!!!!!! (Aupres de ma blonde!!!! ivy trailing in hair! crying over Bunter! damn said distinctly! the port wine!)
Clouds of Witness 4/5 (you do love the Duchess but Peter has not yet been Wilfred-ized and is more of a caricature than his true self)
Whose Body? 4/5 (same as above)
Detection Unlimited 3/5 (a fun Heyer detection romp!)
The Dark Lord of Derkholm 4/5 (I'd forgotten most of this one and really enjoyed re-discovering it!)
The Year of the Griffin 5/5 (stayed up until 3 ack emma reading this rip my sleep schedule but i simply love a group of misfit friends!)
System Collapse 5/5 (MURDERBOT my BELOVED)
Everything on a Waffle 5/5 (i love polly horvath SO much. she treats all her characters and their loves and griefs with so much gentle dignity.)
Lady of Quality 5/5 (this is a superb heyer. absolutely iconic)
And fic over 40k!
metagaming by esama (svsss)
after the storm by perennial (much ado about nothing)
sword in hand by Aesoleucian, leahsfiction (the untamed)
the exploration of a courageous heart (all this unexpected glory) by Stratisphyre (the untamed)
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ineffectualdemon · 2 years
Shen Qingqiu died once in a fit of rage and after that decided death was a good solution to his problems.
He died raging so hard he didn’t check the expiration date on his food and got food poisioning and instead of being worried about the fact he was dying he was still raging about the stupid fucking book. 
Sure he technically only faked his death the second time but he did actually physically fucking die, he just was prepared with another body.
And since he woke up in the book that pissed him off so much his dumb brain went “Death fixes problems” and that becomes his go to.
Other people dying upsets him though so he goes out of his way to prevent deaths and dissociates when he does have to deal with that, but his own death? Hunky dory!
If it wasn’t for the fact that he now understands that it upsets Binghe badly, istg this man would pretend to be dead to get out of an awkward conversation. Like full on fake his death again pretend. 
Which is how he differs from Shang Qinghua. 
Because while Shen Qinghua “pretends to be dead” fairly regularly in canon it’s understood by everyone that he’s just laying on the floor and being a coward. He’s playing dead in the way we understand “playing possum” is a thing. 
But in reality he died, probably very painfully from electrocution, and he does everything possible in his new life to avoid death. 
Like in theory the sun and moon dew flower was meant for him as well but there’s no evidence that he actually attempted to use it or ever really meant to. 
And even when given the option to return to the his original world alive he doesn’t trust that the system means that. 
He also didn’t try to fake his death for Mobei Jun.
Yeah he made himself difficult to find but he just moped about waiting for his King to track him down and apologise. But faking his own death or dying were just never really options for him..
But other people’s death don’t bother him. Not because he doesn’t view them as human but because he values his life more. HIs, Mobei Jun’s and later Cucumber’s lives become priority. Other people’s deaths are very much a them problem. 
and I just find that difference between them really intriguing. 
Shang Qinghua is cautious to the point of severe cowardice and Shen Qingqiu is reckless to the point of callousness. 
It’s how the trauma of their original death played out so differently. 
Shen Qingqiu seems to feel deep down that dying won’t ever really “take” that he’ll always get another chance in some form.
Shang Qinghua is desperately afraid of death, more so than in the original world probably based on how PIDW was written (I don’t think Bingge fears death and he is a twisted version of Airplane) 
He’s so afraid that he will do almost anything to avoid it. 
And maybe that’s because while dying of food poisoning is painful and unpleasant at least Cucumber had the headspace to be more mad at the book he read then he was at dying. 
But Airplane died of electrocution, which was fast but extremely traumatic and that’s a trauma he can’t shake. 
The affect death can have on a person in SVSSS is just so intriguing
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miyu-hyperfixates · 1 year
MDZS's volume 5 arrived not long ago and I've finally found the time to re-read it. And while doing so, I was struck with something that I had never noticed before. I knew both facts separately but somehow never connected them, which is super weird because it's very obvious. Anyway I was reading the part about LXC telling WWX how LWJ got his whip scars.
So we all know about the whole injuring elders thing, right? How LXC and LQR asked 33 of them to help bring back LWJ and he ended hurting them all. Which makes it a situation where LWJ went up against 35 people to protect WWX but only 2 were left out?
Now does this 33 + 2 pattern sounds familiar? Maybe not in MDZS but in another work of MXTX... like TGCF? Where a certain Ghost King got his fearsome reputation for challenging 35 heavenly officials, 33 of which were utterly obliterated afterwards?
(By the way, I tried to recall if that specific pattern occurred in SVSSS, but nothing really jumped to mind. The only time I could see it happening thematically would be either SQQ's fake trial or if somehow LBH had, offscreen, tracked down all the demons presents during the CQ invasions' arc...)
So yeah I would *have* to re-read SVSSS to be completely certain, but for now let's just say that this a common pattern between only MDZS and TGCF.
Which still sort of struck me as odd, you know, because "If I had a nickel...." and all that, but it also made me wonder if there was a deeper or symbolic meaning to either the number 33 or 35. And so here's a fun fact.
Right, so leaving aside all the western and biblical symbolism of number 33, turns out (according to wikipedia) that the second level of heaven in Buddhism is named Trāyastriṃśa, meaning "of the 33 (gods)". It is apparently the highest level of heaven that still keep a physical connection to the rest of the world.
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This article reflects the situation in both MDZS and TGCF so well that I find it kinda hard to believe that it wasn't intentional.
The devas are described as beings that despite being (or reaching) a higher status (Elders that are supposed to be respected within the sect due to seniority, the 33 heavenly officials ascending to divinity) but can't avoid being entangled in worldly affairs.
I think it is very interesting that the specific "worldly affair" mentioned is the conflict with the asuras, beings who used to be devas peers but were expelled and are perceived as malicious beings trying to go back.
Now the situation fit WWX to a T, because he used to be an 'esteemed' cultivator, the head disciple of one the Great Sect, an "hero" from the Sunshot Campaign and all that, but was then exiled from the cultivation world where he was rumored to raise an army in an attempt to conquer the Jianghu and was now even corrupting their precious LWJ. From the Elders (devas) point of view that's definitely asuras materials that needed intervening.
The analogy is two-fold in TGCF in the sense that there are actually two 'asuras': HC and XL.
The most obvious one is of course Hua Cheng, he ascended once (though decided to descent right after) making him the 33 gods' peer (although rather briefly) and is considered as a very dangerous threat to the godly realms. The 33 heavenly officials of course entangled themselves in worldly affairs there by accepting Hua Chang's challenge.
As for Xie Lian.... well... he was literally banished from the Heavenly court (twice) ... and not only did he really literally "plot to get his status" but he also managed to do it twice. So like... check, double-check and triple check on that one, I guess?
The heavenly official of course didn't really perceived him as a threat that needed to be deal with, but they did entangled themselves in worldly affairs and pettiness when they humiliated and bullied him back when he found that great cultivation spot full with potent spiritual energy.
By the way I just find it hilarious that the author of the wikipedia page added that tidbit about marriage quite apropos of nothing. Like yeah "those two types of divine beings are kinda perpetually in conflict with one another but don't worry marriage is still allowed though, because who doesn't need those types of star-crossed lovers amirite? *wink wink* " .... Though they probably added it because the Ruler of the Devas married the daughter of an asura's chief, but that info wasn't mentioned in the wiki page itself so yeah...
So yeah, I don't know if that was what MXTX was referencing with the 33 thing or maybe MXTX just liked that number. (Or if it’s just that 3 is considered a “bad” number in TGCF so double 3 is just doubling the badness factor, I dunno ) *shrug*
I couldn’t find anything on the number 35 though, so if you know anything about it (or if you feel like the significance of the number 33 might refer to something else) do feel free to share! I would love to discuss it!
Also my knowledge relies heavily on wikipedia pages (and we all know how reliable it is) so if something I said was wrong please feel free to correct me! :)
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timidloner · 2 years
if you end up reading SVSSS, tell me if you liked it and thank you for the good wishes btw <3 ill survive long enough to see my MC getting crush by joren's arms hopefully i have to. EVEN MORE AFTER the tunic idea... tiddies are also my weakness, we shall suffer together. ahaha;; winning at what cost
on another note, this makes wonder would he realize the horny anguish of the MC (and perhaps use against them) or would he miss it because technically you did clarify he is quite emotionally aware of MC's likings towards others (with the jealousy) but it hits differents when its towards yourself if that makes sense cause you spoke about how he'd react to rejection but what about attraction huehuehue (for science i need to know especially after what you said about the nickname: i will malewife him)- rambling
Sure!! Though I'll probably go around to check it out after the November update, I plan to take a week off after uploading Chapter 1, so that will be the perfect time to catch up on some hobbies.
Ahh, university. I'm actually starting college in January, so soon I'll understand your pain :((, kinda excited though! And yes, I'm gonna deliver some good action with his chest. We stay winning, Rambling! I'm feeding us for free, don't die!
Now, going back to Joren...
He may not have the emotional intelligence required to deal correctly with his feelings and traumas, but he's very observant and, in the past, he was good at recognizing social clues. But it's been a while since he was around people, not to mention he no longer cares about social rules.
There are things he experienced himself (like people being attracted to him), and there are others that he learned from looking at people interacting in his free time (during his past).
I don't remember if I said this, but his view of intimacy is linked to roughness. He wasn't the only person who served as a sword for that particular noble house, there were others like him. This was his "social circle" to say it somehow, and sparring and fights usually lend to sex. And it helped him to know what a person attracted to him looked like.
The other things (loving gazes, tender touches, and all that) were something he could see sometimes around him. He knows what a person in love is supposed to look like. And he's going to know at some point if MC has feelings for Lena/Aiken, since he's always paying close attention to them.
And yeah! He's going to know if MC is attracted to him!! But it'll take more than just a heated glance, they have to be more obvious than that.
Also, he's very neutral about his body image. He knows some people find him scary. And there are others who don't care, his past sexual partners were just as scarred as him. So, his body is just that, a body. No shame or pride whatsoever about that.
But if MC found him attractive, he wouldn't hesitate to use that information to his advantage. Is MC visiting? Suddenly he needs more wood, and of course, he's chopping the logs without a tunic.
Ah, MC is carrying something to the Temple? He can help them. And no, he isn't flexing his biceps. But they totally should go swimming later with him. Or he can show them some cool tricks with his sword, no shirt, but it's because of the heat, nothing more.
And so forth.
I think he'd enjoy teasing them like that, it's proof that they like him in some way... But soon, the teasing would escalate if MC doesn't put an end to it, and he'll become more aggressive in his pursuit until he crosses all boundaries and they end up fucking.
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momolith · 2 years
and ahhhhwwaahhh your lqg design is really, REALLY, really gorgerous. omg, i keep staring and staring, i think you would appreciate gu yun’s armor (he’s from sha po lang!) too if you ever wanna check him out 😊 AND OFC THE BZ DISCIPLE LBH AU, IM SUCH A SUCKER? i assume you’ve looked up for fics w/ lbh being lqg’s (semi or) disciple yeah??? *shakes hands* BASED.
no bless U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
seriously tho thank u so much i super appreciate messages like this, ur providing me w much needed motivation LOL
the design is still v much a wip but thank u regardless
ill be real w u gu yun was partly an insp for my design... ive been meaning to read sha po lang but my adhd is like No. Now Is Not The Time.
ive read a few fics like that ngl :flushed: so mine are based on. those. cus im rly bad at thought out universes JGBDSKG BUT i keep thinking of lqg being at the disciple selection(?iforgetwords) and seeing lbh and being like That One. but then nyy and (og)sqq happens and obv yqy is gonna favor sqq so lqg is just like
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and then svsss plot happens and all the fuckery w it and lqg is just like
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oddishblossom · 2 years
Hi....for SVSSS and Banana Fish, no 8 & 9, please.....
Hello, there! 😊
8. Why did you join the fandom?? (Banana fish)
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I joined because of Ash. Ok, seriously though it was actually because of Yuri on Ice. I watched Yuri on Ice weekly, back when there was only one episode out, so I was kinda obsessed afterwards! If I saw anything affiliated with Kubo, Yamamoto, or MAPPA, I would be intrigued to at least check it out. Which is what happened when I saw a tumblr post talking about Studio MAPPA’s newest work called Banana fish. I was like “That’s all I need to hear” and went to go watch the 3 episodes that were out. I got hooked immediately 😂. It took me like two scenes into episode 1 to become captain of the Ash Lynx defense squad
8. Why did you join the fandom?? (Scum Villain)
I started watching svsss back in 2020 because it’s mxtx! Saw it on the front page of the tencent app and thought I should watch it. It was also because the idea of shen yuan/shen qingqiu as a character was just immediately entertaining to me. Dying from a fit of anger over a book? Literally me 🤣. After mdzs, I think it was only natural that I would look into svsss. I think to better answer the question I should answer why I joined the mxtx fandom 😊
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Funnily enough, it was because of Banana Fish and the MDZS fandom on twitter. I never read the BF manga. And I avoided a lot of spoilers while I watched the anime. But even still, somewhere around the halfway point, Ash talked about Hemingway’s The Snows of Kilimanjaro and I just knew… I KNEW… how this story would end. The parallels were so clear to me. That didn’t stop me from hoping that I was wrong until Episode 24 was released and yeah… That ending ruined me. I don’t regret watching it! But, perhaps watching that show once a week for half a year may not have been the best decision (think I could fill a swimming pool with all of my banana fish tears). Afterwards, I went to twitter to see what the rest of the fans were saying and I saw some posts like “if you were upset with the banana fish ending, go check out mo dao zu shi! the main character dies but comes back to life in the first chapter and he gets a happy ending with his husband and their son” and I was like sign me up!!! I had no idea what donghuas or manhuas or even C-Dramas were, but that all changed after watching the first season of the mdzs donghua. To say I was “hooked” would be an understatement! MXTX writes such fascinating stories! So much of my favorite tropes all in one book. Scum Villain has become so incredibly dear to me! I absolutely adore the characters and the story 🥰
9. What is your favorite fanfic for the fandom? (Banana Fish & SVSSS)
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Well I’ve got a LOT I could pick from! There’s so many good ones! But if I had to narrow it down to only one, I would go with Water on Water’s the Way by ADreamingSongbird for Banana Fish. It’s my #1 💖. All I Ever Learned of Love by the same author is a close #2.
For SVSSS, there’s also so many good ones!! There’s like 15 of them that belong in the category of BEST! But if I had to lose all of my bookmarks and were only allowed to keep one… it would be Honesty is Such a Lonely Word by Chrysaliseater. I love that fic so much 🥺❤️. But Honorable Mentions go out to Sweet Tongues, Sharp Teeth, To Stem the Coming Tide, and Linger Till Dawn also by Chrysaliseater. I’ll also have to include Those Hands Pulled Me From The Earth by Sarahyyy, By Omission by Yuu_chi, High Mountain, How I Long by Minimalistless, System Restore by Straightforwardly, We Never Dreamed These Walls by Straightforwardly, Parenting Shenanigans by Jayfeather63 and ok I have to stop now or else I’ll never shut up
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bloopitynoot · 11 days
Reading SVSSS: Chapter 10
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For those who don't know, I am reading SVSSS for the first time and sharing my thoughts!
If you have not read it, there will be spoilers! Consider this a warning.
Also- if you want to follow along, I am aiming to post updates daily. You can find all the posts in the tag bloopitynoot reads SVSSS. You can also check out the intro post for context on my read.
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I am so stoked for this chapter! I've been really getting into the story to the point that I want to read multiple chapters per day (I COULD but I also want to be able to take notes- so I cannot realistically with the amount of hours in a day I have) BUT I will continue with one a day.
Normally I have hot drinks while reading, but I am dehydrated as fuck, so take this as your (mostly mine, but also your) reminder to drink some water.
Let's get into it!
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Wait! Like three seconds in and we are starting off strong! How can Sha Hualing control Shen Qingqiu??? p213
Holy shit, even in his new body he's being poisoned. I suppose, theoretically, if there is a person who never gets poisoned, there must be a person, statistically, who always get's poisoned. p214
Shen Qingqiu (probably): if I had a dime for every time I had demonic blood poisoning me I would have two, and that's not a lot, but fucked up it happened twice. LOL
also Shen Qingqiu (probably at this point): "and this is how I was abducted and then became a qi sex slave for a half demon cultivator" p214
Omg also, the fact that Sha Hualing tried to plant a fake SQQ to try and appease Luo Binghe. RIP to her this time for almost (accidentally) doing it again. no wonder Luo Binghe is so pissed! pp216-217
Oh god. SQQ probably doesn't die here but it would be equally terrible and funny if after all of this, second body and all, like less than 2 days in, Luo Binghe just accidentally destroys SQQ. immediate end of story p217
Well- the system is now fixed! p220
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and now shen qingqiu is wearing basically a veil, oh my. p222
(Okay unrelated but related to the veil, I desperately need some arranged marriage au's. I am so ready to read the heck out of this pairing when I'm done the books).
I have a sneaking suspicion that this man (SQQ) does a terrible job of hiding his identity. "he just had to be especially careful so Luo Binghe didn't discover that he'd pull off a great escape using the Son-Moon Dew Mushrooms". p222
He really needs a better name than peerless cucumber. LOL I can't every time he introduces himself. p223
oh no, baby Luo Binghe has been mourning this entire time. p224
You know what, I'm not even mad that Little Palace Mistress is in this awful state, she is a vile character that has not grown on me at all. p226
Yeah Shen Qingqiu he definitely did not end up with any of the women because he has been super mourning for you my guy. (not that he knows this because he is oblivious af) pp228-229
Oh. My. God. This man really thinks that Luo BInghe is asexual. I can't wait till he finds out. LOL p230
Oooo! Another dream realm sequence p231
oh and we have two SQQ's (again I need this fanfiction)
aaaaaah luo binghe has clocked the real SQQ p236
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Okay okay, he thinks this SQQ is part of the dream and does not know he is indeed the real deal. thank fuck for SQQ's sake I guess p236-237
Oop. now this guys is "yes and"ing Luo Binghe in the dream. Oh gosh I hope this ends alright. p237
The head pats! p238
OH MY GOD p239
DREAM REALM KISS??????!!!!!!!!!!!!! p239
(AHAHAAA his face in the art tho)
LOL the system p239
Bro just found out why Luo Binghe had no wives and is GOOPED. He really found out in the worst of ways for him ahahahahahahahah I am CACKLING p241
I truly don't know how these two end up together with SQQ not vibing at all. is it Stockholm syndrome? like I genuinely do not know how SQQ ends up realizing his emotions for this man.
SQQ is literally saved by the bell in this one. p242
Liu Qingge is here?!?!? has he been trying to avenge SQQ this entire time? p243
Ah, Fuck!
We have a kiss, we have a SQQ now trying to be sneaky, I honestly don't know how this man is going to stay hidden- if at all.
And next chapter we have a showdown ?!?!?!?
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20 Questions for Fic Writers
No one tagged me but I'm stuck with two chapters so I decided to take a break for today and do this instead.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
I currently have 16 works on AO3.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
Give me one minute -checks AO3 statistics- ...I have... 165k words in total. I'm happy ^^ I thought it was around 100k.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I mainly write for Saint Seiya, any other fandom tends to be from a quick hyperfixation, which is why there's only one or two fics for differing fandoms. The exception to this is Sengoku Basara, that has two LONG ASS fics (for my track record).
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
From: All of us, To: Jiang Cheng
Written and posted for Jiang Cheng's birthday after his disastrous ending in the donghua. Writen alongside my long time internet best friend Sarasvasty.
Carta Malescrita
My first fic, I still get a lot of activity. Surprising because I posted this... 4 years ago... and it was my first fic on AO3, not to mention for a rarepair.
Touch Me
SenBasa smut fic I wrote before the pandemic hit. It was my longest fic until I wrote the prequel/sequel that is ongoing and will resume on may after a very long hiatus. Very proud of this one despite it's flaws (which deride from me not being a native english speaker. Yeah, I Feel You
“I’ll steal you away!!”
A translation of a fic that came from an 80s song called Amante Bandido by Miguel Bosé. Seiya/Shun of course.
Ride on Time (Dance With Me)
My one and only songfic, it's also a Seiya/Shun translation. It uses the song Ride of Time from Yamashita Tatsuro.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Of course! Anyone who decides to leave a comment on my beloved fics gets a reply. I would kiss every one of my commenters on the mouth (I write for small fandoms, people reading is SOMETHING, comments are a godsend)
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? None of them? I write a lot of fluff, I reserve my angst to my original stories. Maybe From: All of us, To: Jiang Cheng because we wrote the story in a way that he didn't remember any of what he saw.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Marmalade & Sugar Song (or Come Away With Me (In the Night) for you english speaking people) because it ends on a very happy note of "yeah, your boyfriend is not so bad" which I thought was pretty funny.
Do you get hate on fics? Luckily no! I'm not in big enough spaces for that to happen.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes, as filthy as I'm able to write it. I really want the reader to feel like they themselves are being fucked. Touch Me is basically just that. Hopefully the scenes I write for Yeah, I Feel You are much better now that I've had 3 years to get better (if only by sheer force of managing my english better).
Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? Not really? I wrote The System from SVSSS into the MDZS universe, but it was for a dream sequence, kind of. The other is a Hiraeth and Fukinamono and it is not the best idea for thematic reasons in Hiraeth but it was pretty satisfying emotionally.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Luckily no, or at least not that I've found out about.
Have you ever had a fic translated? Yes, by me and have offered to translate my friend's fics.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? Yes, with Sarasvasty for the Jiang Cheng B-day fic. We were both so mad about his donghua ending, we NEEDED to channel that energy somewhere.
What's your all-time favorite ship? Hands down Seiya/Shun from Saint Seiya. It's THE MOST vainilla ship someone can come up with in that fandom, I think but it’s SO GOOD as a slow burn
What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I don’t think I’ll ever write my KojuSasu bandfic au, I have so many other ones I want to finish and my other KojuSasu fic is soooo long I don’t think I will shorten it so I’d rather move on to other stuff
What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue and creating a sentimental ambiance. A friend of mine also said I’m great at writing mutual pining in a way that kind of makes you the reader hurt a bit.
Also smut
What are your writing weaknesses?
I’m not good at action sequences, need to practice them.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Might as well just put it in brackets or omit it if it’s going to be a full sentence. I don’t think it’s a bad thing to do, the problem is when people just use automatic translators and think that’s enough. As someone who is bilingual it is not as easy as that is not satisfying enough when you know the language and can tell the scene is bad.
First fandom you wrote for?
Saint Seiya back in 2013 and it’s still up in amor-yaoi, a cursed vibe early 2000s Spanish speaking website. I’m not linking back to it, I tend to pretend it doesn’t exist.
Favorite fic you've ever written?
Necesito Tiempo
Because I put my all into it so it would have that sweet pining goodness that I wanted in a fic, something that felt all consuming and had a lot of poetic imagery. It even has some of my dumb sense of humor in it. It’s Seiya/Shun like all of my stuff.
I tag anyone that wants to do this (too lazy to tag specific people lol)
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queer-n-here · 4 months
I havent read svsss but i heard its rlly good, apparently the mc died from a meatbun? im not sure i just heard spoilers from the fandom
Hahahaha yeah, a dumpling. He choked on a dumpling lol 😂😂.
SVSSS is more light-hearted as compared to the rest of MXTX's works. And there's that one little plot hole in it, too (id tell you but I'm scared of spoiling).
But you should go check it out, tho! The mc is hilarious.
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baoshan-sanren · 3 years
Hi...how are you? If you don't mind me asking what is your top 5 fav danmei novels (until now)? And why? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....
jfhdkhgfdjhdjks I JUST finished Peerless so that’s going first on my list bc I am weak and I WANT MORE
Peerless (无双) by Meng Xi Shi - (jjwxc link) (chapters 1-187) (extras 1-4) (not explicit) I am fckn IN LOVE with this novel. Feng Xiao and Cui Buqu are the most brilliant fucking morons I’ve ever met in my life. This is a slow build of all the slow builds, murder, intrigue, so much stupidity, court dramas, martial arts fights, levels of arrogance that would make even Yan Wushi shake his head (who does show up in a tiny little cameo in one of the chapters). The book is split up in five arcs that allow for a pause in between, if you find 190+ chapters to be too much for a continuous read through, but I would have flown through them in a space of a few days, if life hadn’t turned upside down on me. Now that I’m finally done, I miss these morons more than I’ve ever missed two fictional characters. This novel will def end up in my top five for a long time.
The Wife is First (妻为上) by Lu Ye Qian He - (jjwxc link) (chapters 1-5) (chapters 6-85 ongoing) (explicit) This is still, by far, the most feel-good danmei I’ve ever read. Jing Shao dies, then gets to relive his life all over again from the night of his wedding to Jun Qing. The beginning may be rough for some readers bc Jing Shao, despite getting another chance at life, has nonetheless arrived too late to prevent his first offense against the man he married (can you hear me screaming about hurt/comfort!). But from that point on, he is determined to do things differently, so the story that had been one of misery in his previous life, turns into one of love and devotion (and some very satisfying court scheming) in this one. It is an extremely satisfying read, and the relationship between the two mains, despite its rough start, is so goddamn lovely, I can’t recommend it enough. 
The Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System (人渣反派自救系统) by Mò Xiāng Tóngxiù - (physical novel purchase link) (chapters 1-80) (extras 80-98) (chapters 1-53 ongoing) (explicit) Yeah, this is my baby. I’ll admit off the bat I’ve read svsss at least ten times, which is five times more than either tgcf or mdzs. It’s hilarious, frustrating, insightful, feral, infuriating, and pretty fucking amazing, all at once, and all of it overlapping. I’ve written essays upon essays about mxtx’s creative choices in this novel, most of which will never see the light of day. This damn thing is so ridiculously rough on the surface, but svsss, for me, is like a damn onion, and every time I read it, I peel more layers off and find something else new underneath. I fucking love this damn novel, and you will only pry it from my cold dead hands. 
Lord Seventh (七爷) by Priest - (jjwxc link) (chapters 1-5) (chapters 6-7) (chapters 8-32) (chapters 33-76) (extras 1-3) (semi-explicit?) It’s kind of a crime that this is the only Priest novel on this list, but if I can only list five, I’m gonna try and not double up on authors. Highly, highly, recommend this, especially to people who plan to read Faraway Wanderers. Zhou ZiShu’s background doesn’t take up a large part of the story, but the environment in which he thrived at court tells you much more about him as a person than the first fifty chapters of tyk do (and in much more stark terms). Jing Beiyuan is an absolute fucking delight, a man who had reincarnated multiple times, but managed to keep all of his memories of his previous (pretty terrible) lives. His sense of humor is therefore honed to the nth degree, and he is simultaneously a giant gremlin who takes nothing and no one seriously, but is also utterly done with everyone’s shit. Basically a story about being destined to forever be entangled with another person, and then deliberately choosing not to be. I love this goddamn novel to pieces. 
The Husky and His White Cat Shizun (二哈和他的白猫师尊) by Meatbun Doesn't Eat Meat - (jjwxc link) (chapters 1-4) (chapters 5-149 ongoing) (heavily explicit) This fucking novel haunts me. It’s been over a year since I’ve read it, and I still sometimes lie awake, staring at the ceiling, wondering about the nature of life, love, forgiveness, and redemption (and then I curse Meatbun to high heaven). I once described reading 2ha as being stuffed feet-first into a wood-chipper for 200 out of 300+ chapters, and I still hold to that description. But this is, hands down, one of the most hauntingly beautiful novels I’ve ever read. To anyone who intends to read it, I highly recommend checking out a detailed list of content warnings first, buying three boxes of tissues, and being ready to have your life ruined for good. 
Once again, I ask those who are willing and able, to buy the original novels and support the authors. (jjwxc buying guide for english-speakers here)
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rigelmejo · 3 years
Dude I was on the language learning forms as I do sometimes, and someone was lamenting the lack of Chinese content to immerse in (watch, read etc). And how it was hard to find and they didn’t have this problem with Japanese what should they do?
Well. 1. I get their frustration on one level, as I do think Japanese content is so much more mainstream to watch in English speaking countries (at least anime and Japanese video games), that trying to find content in a language where it’s harder to just find content right on Netflix or from a friends recommendation does bring up a new challenge. Whereas with Japanese, probably you could accidentally stumble onto it or have a friend recommend you something, then at least explore deeper with some idea of what you liked/where to start finding it.
However. The person also sort of thought the lack of content was due to Chinese just not having as much content or as interesting content. Again I’m going to assume their key issue was just - it can be a new challenge finding media if you have a harder time just starting.
Because lol?? Chinese has SO much content. Like as far as language content on the internet alone??? Chinese has been eons easier to find than Japanese for me, and in terms of sites I actually use regularly is much closer to my experience of English online (there’s so much Chinese content online... so much... an incredible amount... like in chinese I’ve even found free movie watching sites FOR shows in English - like the way I find sites in English to watch Chinese shows IN chinese lol! Like you can use English to search for Chinese stuff, and literally do the reverse to find English stuff, there is so much Chinese stuff... I found more stuff in Japanese using bilibili in chinese than I could find of Japanese using YouTube In English). And Chinese drama land is HUGE it feels as active as American television, so you have endless genres to dive into and companies and actors and writers etc (there is a distinct lack of sci fi though as far as I’ve seen, but to be fair america isn’t making a Ton of sci fi compared to like Detective shows either - it’s just English speaking sci fi has had some more good ones in recent years). There is no lack of Chinese content out there. There’s audiobooks, dramas, audio dramas, talk shows, radio, fanfiction, novels, fanart, manhua, sites to find other stuff, forums, weibo, search sites, just a lot?? Like, if you think Japanese has enough internet content then there is an adequate amount of Chinese content on the internet too lol. You just may have to do a touch more initial exploration.
I just. Thought the assumption “can’t find media means their media sucks” was funny. Because also? I have not found that to be true. I know very little about Thai media. I just happened upon SOTUS cause of a friend talking about it. So like someone watching anime conveniently - I got into it. It was good, so I dug, and found a lot of amazing Thai shows (and some I didn’t love cause lol genres all have a mix of quality depending on show etc). There IS a ton of amazing Thai shows that exist right now. But if all you ever found was SOTUS? While it was great when I saw it to me, once I found more I realized there was a LOT better stuff. So like if you see one cdrama on Netflix (if that’s how you first easily find the media), that does not mean all shows will be that quality or anything like them! And just cause it’s the first one you found doesn’t mean they’re all like that ones quality.
Like I had a similar experience with jdramas growing up, so I get it. I was into anime, saw some (trainwreck) live action adaptations. And as a teenage just blanket assumed all Japanese live action media was gonna be around that quality. And then in recent years, I checked out some Japanese live action media - to see if new stuff was better. YEAH IT SURE IS (and I would imagine some old stuff was great I just gave up after one not-wonderful one lol). SO MANY AMAZING jdramas exist now! Even the ones I most feared would not be great - live action adaptations of anime’s? They’re so much better now, some of them are genuinely loved in their own right as standalone live actions. So like. One not-great show experience is NOT representative of the entire plethora of shows available and their quality. Now that I’ve realized how MANY good jdramas I missed out on? I have so much catching up to do ToT
2. If you’re in this boat of “content seems hard to find, so I feel like there’s none or no good stuff” what to do?
First ask some friends for recommendations?
Check Netflix, Amazon, YouTube (YouTube has a ton of cdramas), Viki, iQiyi app. Like how some people get into anime, maybe you just need an easy conviennent show in your recommended to get into more content.
Check out rec channels on YouTube like Donghua Reviews and Avenue X to hear about some shows and figure out the kinds of ones you’d even want to check out (I imagine other languages also have review channels like for kdramas).
Go to MyDramaList.com. Search genres you like, read recommendation list posts. if you’ve seen a show at this point already you can look it up and see in the “Recommended” section what other dramas are like it, you can see it’s genre tags to see WHAT genres you even seem to like. Use this to start DIGGING and finding stuff you might really like. Since like with anime, you’re only going to find the most popular stuff at first just based on Netflix or friends (which might not match up to your personal tastes as well as finding stuff that Is more your favorite genres).
Try out new stuff. And if it sucks, you don’t like it? Drop it, learn that about yourself, start another new thing. You’ll figure out what you like and dislike pretty fast (like I personally hate bad pacing or bad writing specifically characterization, and I can notice when the specific things I love are gonna be in a show pretty fast).
Check out genres specific to that language’s media. Because if it’s new to you, you might not know if you even like it or not, and if you like it then which things you personally prefer in it (since even within a genre there will be wildly different content and feels). For Chinese this might be wuxia, xianxia, palace dramas, costume dramas, republican era dramas, tomb raiding dramas etc.
*That’s how it worked for me, SOTUS led me to the bl drama fans, eventually they recommended Guardian so bam I guess I was learning chinese, YouTube recced me more cdramas from there to continue with, and mydramalist.com helped me find other shows with actors I liked from guardian (and other bl related shows which led me to Go Princess Go of all things for the bi lead), and that site helped me find more genres and shows I’d like, as well as friends continuing to rec things. Didn’t take long to figure out what I liked, didn’t, and to start noticing what upcoming stuff I’d probably be excited for. And now there’s so much good stuff found I don’t have enough time lol.
As for non show media: use shows as the jump off point. Just like using “easy to find shows” can be used to break into finding more shows. Once you have a show you liked a lot - look up it it’s based on a book, if it has an audiobook, an audio drama, a manhua, a donghua. Chances are it DOES have some of this stuff, because cdramas do a PRETTY regular amount of the time. Often cdramas have all or nearly all of these other story types. So jump into those, then find more novels or audio drama or manhua etc by branching off from the one you liked to others like it. Novelupdates.com is good for doing this with novels (it has a recommendations section), I imagine manhua sites have rec lists too, ximalaya starts recommending stuff once you’ve listened to a few audio on it, etc. And if you get into fandoms of those x media types, those fans will start recommending more too. And again, even if you just stick to media related to shows you liked - so often shows have so MUCH related media that would definitely keep you busy. (Like I didnt wade into non-show connected novels until I looked up more novels as recommendations afte show-related novels, like MDZS and Guardian leading me to SVSSS and 2ha and Can Ci Pin which at the time had no show adaptations, and then eventually found just-novel rec lists - which is still the main way I find fanfic).
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natsunoomoi · 4 years
So sometimes I check wikis to like look things up about a show or series that I don’t have time to read or watch the whole thing fully cuz that’s a time investment I just don’t have but I have questions I just want a quick answer to.
The problem is, wikis are of course, made by like regular people with varying levels of biases and also sometimes selective memory of events. As can be seen in my more recent posts with SVSSS and MXTX’s works I’ve been on those wikis, but sometimes the explanations of plot points and a bunch of other stuff are really confusing and circular. SVSSS’s is being more cleaned up recently, but it still has some things that it says happened, that I couldn’t find at all when reading the book and I’m just like, where did they find that info to put on the wiki?
Like one of my earlier posts when I started reading SVSSS at the beginning, I mentioned how I read that original Luo Binghe got killed by his harem eventually and I thought that made sense cuz ultimately no one in that original plotline made choices that made them genuinely happy. But when I read the book, I didn’t see any mention of that anywhere...? I think last time I went to go look at BC Novels they had one chapter left to translate. Is it in there?
Then at other times, I wonder if there’s an inconsistency because there’s a limitation between the translation I read and like something in the original Chinese text like there’s a typo, which obviously there’s a mistake then. But then other times, I’m wondering if people read a different thing, but most of the people with a different interpretation don’t seem to be able to read Chinese and are reading the same translation as me, but I’m confused where they got certain details from?
Like for instance, there’s another part on the wiki where it says Airplane originally planned for PIDW to be a BL from the beginning, but I’ve literally been trying to find where that was stated because I don’t remember that and I don’t see that anywhere and the chapter citation that is listed on the wiki goes to a chapter that doesn’t talk about that at all. Airplane/Qinghua does say that he made changes to Qingqiu’s character that were originally more complex to make him a trash human and he did that to make a living, but I can’t find where it says he originally wanted it to be a BL theme to begin with. In the chapter they cite it says that Qinghua had designed Binghe to have an appearance in a way that appealed more to a female audience and be more of a pretty boy. That doesn’t mean that he meant his entire book to be a BL it just means you make your main character look a certain way partly for internal logic because that look is really popular with women so the in-story women would probably find him attractive and in a meta sense any females who happen to also read a stallion novel like some women read shounen manga would find him hot in real life. A successful story does things like that to reach people outside of its target audience and that’s kind of a lot of the reason why a lot of Shounen Jump manga are really popular with women too even though a lot of the stories have the male perspective in mind. The chapter it cites only talks about the actual physical appearance design choice he made for Binghe vs Mobei-Jun. He just says that Mobei-Jun was made for the kind of male character he prefers to think about, but Binghe was just designed with the idea of what would make him more popular and also could kind of be like a self-insert-ish for his desire to beat on people for funsies. It doesn’t talk at all about what the genre he planned for the book to be and interpreting the text to that much is really stretching the context to wishful thinking levels. I don’t even actually care either way what kind of novel PIDW was because it’s not actually that important to enjoying the story of SVSSS, but I don’t know if it’s the Ravenclaw in me or what, but it just bugs me when there’s something that seems *wrong* printed on a thing that is supposed to inform other people. I’m literally reading chapters at the same time as trying to write this post to find where I think maybe it was said, but it sure as hell wasn’t the chapter the wiki cites.
The other day I re-read the chapter when Qinghua taunts SY with Qingqiu’s real memories, and he doesn’t even say it then. ATM, I’m trying to look through the last chapter because there’s that one part when Qinghua shows up right at the end and talks with SY at the celebration, but even at the start at the chapter, SY talks about how Qingqiu was super straight to him. SY is an unreliable narrator, but given the context of Qingqiu’s life events that makes sense. His personal trauma because of Qiu Jianluo also pushed him away from any amount of closeness he could have with other men other than ones he already trusted to some degree. He had a lot of problems forming new relationships of any kind with other men because of deep-seated trust issues. Not that he didn’t have any, but meaningful ones were pretty absent. One only because of a very sad misunderstanding and lack of communication and explanation, but the others just tough.
But like also there’s like that SJ slept in the Warm Red Pavilion and he went there just for comfort rather than more lascivious reasons. Yeah, it’s true that he didn’t go there for those intentions, but like it’s still in the environment so it’s not like he’s unaware of what happens there. I mentioned it in the previous post about his search for means to grow his cultivation, but only to say he’s probably not that innocent and there may be some truth to him wanting to do something to Ning Yingying out of desperation to make up for his low cultivation foundation. Like he’s aware of those kinds of things and he probably came across something that said that was a way he could grow his cultivation. Desperation and this motivation I think is probably the only reason why he would be so tempted to cross that line with Yingying because he otherwise treats women rather well. She is his favorite too, so if a person who usually treats females well for some reason wants to do something that would be hurtful to their favorite person, there has to be a much deeper motivation behind that. The only thing that is a canonically greater obsession I think would have to be his cultivation level. He has a number of self-esteem issues and such a well, but his greatest pride and greatest concern is his cultivation. He is proud of his abilities, but also he laments and regrets the version of him he couldn’t become so much I can foresee that if there was a suggestion that he could overcome his late start in some way by using someone female, I think he’d at least think about it and also consider who he knows could be a viable candidate should he want to act on it and that is how that part of PIDW happened. Pain and desperation make people do things that are uncharacteristic, so it has to be something that really bothers him more than in a moment of weakness that idea is there.
Which is another point I have an issue with on the wiki because it says his low cultivation is “logically” because he started late and spent so much time with a fake master. It’s not logically. It’s factually. It’s mentioned several times especially in the extras chapters from Shen Jiu’s point of view where he talks about how he is specifically behind because of wasting time with Qiu Jianluo and Wu Yanzi and also that he was the last to form a golden core. If it was coming out of SY or someone else’s mouth as an explanation, maybe you can say “logically”, but if it’s coming from SJ’s point of view chapter it sure as hell is not. That *IS* his motivation. He states it himself.
Also, I think some people don’t understand what it means to have a low cultivation foundation. Cultivation from what I gather according to the rules of this world is like a lot of talents we have in our world where you need to start young to be good at it. There’s a few skills that you can learn that if you don’t start at a specific time you lose the optimal window to develop your talent for it because of the way the brain functions and basically purges off skillsets you’re not using in your environment. 
Learning a language is one such skill. When a baby is born, it has the capability to learn how to speak every language in the world, but as it gets older its brain purges out the sounds that it doesn’t hear from its environment and this keeps going into older childhood as well. The taxi driver I talked to the other day about this said you have to start before you’re 10, which sounds about right. The phoneme purging in your brain starts quite early though so that’s why my company has classes for Moms and their 1 or 2 year old so that they can speak to them in English to try to keep English sounds in their environment so that they can have perfect pronunciation when they grow up. If you try to learn a new language when you’re older that’s how you have accents. You don’t have the phonemes to speak the language perfectly so your brain is imitating the sounds with the ones you do have. Plus it’s a constant use skill. I used to be able to speak Cantonese with no accent up until my teens, but I haven’t spoken it in so long that slowly I started to have an accent and now I can’t say the words properly anymore. I don’t know that much Cantonese to begin with that aren’t baby words, but I used to be able to say them properly.
Music is another one and that one has an even more narrow window. Kids with parents hoping that they will be music prodigies usually start them on music VERY young like 3 or 4. It’s not that it’s impossible for someone to pick up an instrument later in life, but there’s a type of sense to music and hearing the scale and developing that skill that if you don’t start kids on it at that time, their musical ear will not be as good.
And it’s that “not as good” thing that Qingqiu is chasing. He is exceptionally powerful and talented which is why despite starting late he became favored. He is very capable and good at what he does, but he is not as good as what he could have been. Even though he is so good, he is only haunted by how much better he would have been if he had started on time and had proper instruction. A musician who maybe wants to be a concert violinist but took up the instrument late may struggle to get a good seat in an orchestra because despite any talent they have, their ear is not as developed as someone else. Such a musician would be vexed and lament that they hadn’t discovered their love for the instrument sooner just as Qingqiu is vexed and laments that he didn’t start proper cultivation development earlier.
And I’m griping about SVSSS more because I read that book so I have more points of reference to go on. But like the wikis for MDZS and TGCF aren’t much better. MDZS is maybe a little more coherent and easier to follow, but TGCF confused the hell out of me and it took me awhile to understand what was going on. I really needed it though cuz I was watching the donghua and like I think the way they present some of the scenes is like slightly out of order for like foreshadowing and other like film reasons, so I checked the wiki while watching to try to get more context cuz I don’t have much time right now to pick up another book at the moment. I was so confused though cuz like...it seems like the logic in the entries is so circular and I’m trying to keep track of all the characters and what’s happening. I hope it’s better now but at the time I was watching it I was so confused and struggling to make sense of what’s happening.
And like maybe you’re wondering why if I read the book, would I bother checking a wiki. Mostly out of laziness because I’m thinking of something and I don’t want to go find the exact chapter to help me flesh out my thought and reference point. I end up getting more frustrated sometimes depending on what I’m looking up because of the above things.
Plus again I’m like a bit mystified as to why Qingqiu’s look seems to appeal to me. It’s not just him though and like other characters with a similar style in some of the games I play. I think there’s some imprint from some very old childhood memory that I only vaguely remember. Like it’s a look that seems familiar, but I can’t put my finger on where it’s from and I can’t figure it out, so I keep just going to check images to see if it will make me remember. I think it’s a movie I saw with my Dad as a young child, but I can’t remember it at all. I remember there was one Jet Li movie I watched with my Dad once and I ended up watching all the time cuz I thought Jet Li was really cute in that movie (I was also 3 so I don’t know why I’m thinking that way, but whatever), but like Jet Li was bald in that movie because it was about a Shaolin Temple. I think at the time my Dad showed me that movie I already showed an interest in movies from my own heritage, so that’s why he showed me that. But like I can’t remember anything else. I suppose it could have been something my grandpa watched because sometimes he’d watch a Chinese movie when I was playing in the living room and I’d stop to watch too and then he’d fast-forward through the intimacy scenes, but because I’d just look over at something he was already watching I have no idea what any of those were.
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moonwaif · 4 years
Upon Reflection
Summary: After nearly a year of pining on his lonesome, Wei Wuxian returns to the Cloud Recesses when a suspicious attempt is made on Lan Wangji's life. While keeping his feelings for Lan Wangji a secret, staying out of trouble (mostly) and trying to be a decent teacher (debatable), it doesn't seem like Wei Wuxian's life could get any more difficult.
Then one morning he wakes up in Lan Wangji's body.
Aka, the post-episode 50 CQL body swap AU you need in your life.
Tags: Body Swap AU, Mutual Pining, WWX has one brain cell, instead of OCs I'm borrowing SVSSS characters, CQL Verse, might mess around and resurrect some people
Rating: T
“Speaking of Hanguang Jun, what’s his opinion on all of this? Does he even know you two are here?”
Jingyi and Sizhui share another look, and this time it’s guilty. Wei Wuxian chuckles softly, a bitter taste in his mouth. As if Lan Wangji would ever send his disciples out to fetch Wei Wuxian and bring him back to the Cloud Recesses, like some lonely prince in a fairytale romance. If he wanted Wei Wuxian’s help, Lan Wangji would have sought him out himself, instead of letting the months slip past by the handful without so much as a word.
“We left without telling him,” Sizhui admits, “but we had to. You see . . .”
“See what?” Wei Wuxian asks, when it becomes apparent he’s not going to finish. Sizhui glances at Jingyi, who after a few seconds rolls his eyes and nods reluctantly. Sizhui swallows, then speaks.
“Three days ago, Hanguang Jun fainted.”
After parting from Lan Zhan, Wei Wuxian deliberately avoids the Cloud Recesses. He’s too brash, too lascivious, too everything for that place. Going back would only spell trouble. Apparently the Cloud Recesses don’t feel the same way, however, because eventually the Cloud Recesses go looking for him.
He’s in a little town just outside of Yueling when the voice calls out to him: “Master Wei!”
Wei Wuxian turns, smiling as soon as he sees the face it belongs to. “A-yuan! What are you doing here?”
Lan Sizhui beams. Beside him, a typically sour-faced Lan Jingyi crosses his arms.
“What am I, chopped meat?” he grumbles.
“Oh, sorry! It’s good to see you too, Jingyi.”
“Master Wei,” Sizhui exclaims, approaching, “we’ve been looking everywhere for you!”
“Is that so? Then you must be tired. Come on--let’s find a place to sit, and you can tell me about everything you’ve been up to.”
They choose a small restaurant close to the town’s entrance--one of the few public places available in the vicinity. Wei Wuxian manages to dodge most of their questions. What has he been doing over the past year? Oh, traveling here or there with Little Apple, going on the occasional night hunt, enjoying his newfound free and easy life. What about them? Have they heard from Wen Ning? How is everyone at the Cloud Recesses? Zewu Jun and the others, are they doing well?
How about Hanguang Jun?
At this question, Jingyi and Sizhui share an uneasy look. Wei Wuxian's gaze sharpens.
"What?" he asks, glancing between them. "Why are you making that face? What's happened?"
"No reason," Jingyi says quickly, and Wei Wuxian could swear that he feels him kick Sizhui under the table. "He's just busy with a lot of new initiatives."
A spot of warmth blossoms in Wei Wuxian’s chest, replacing the momentary anxiety. “Typical Hanguang Jun. What's he got planned?"
"He is opening the Cloud Recesses back up for lecture," Sizhui answers. "In just eight days, all sects will send their disciples to study cultivation methods.”
“Not all the sects,” Jingyi clarifies, and there it is again--the uneasiness. “But most of them, anyway.”
Wei Wuxian nods thoughtfully. “So the sects are willing to send disciples again, huh? That’s good. Hanguang Jun is wise to bring the clans back together that way.”
“Yes,” Sizhui agrees. “But, um . . .”
Wei Wuxian looks at him expectantly. Sizhui takes a deep breath.
“You see, the thing is, Master Wei . . .”
“We think you’d make a great teacher,” Jingyi finishes.
Wei Wuxian’s jaw drops. “Huh?”
Sizhui seems to sense that they’ve caught him in a moment of weakness, because he launches in full force.
“Your knowledge and innovation in talismans could be a great resource for students. Additionally, your experience and methods in deduction could really help the disciples when they are first learning how to do night hunts.”
“And the younger generation likes you,” Jingyi adds. “If you go, you’ll definitely be popular with the students.”
“Er, guys,” Wei Wuxian says weakly. “I’m flattered, but haven’t you heard the stories about when I was in the Cloud Recesses? I was a terrible student. I really don’t fit in there.”
“Your unconventionality is what will make you unique as an instructor,” Sizhui says, and Wei Wuxian can tell that he must have planned that line with Jingyi during the journey from Gusu.
“Maybe, I guess. I don’t really know anything about teaching.”
Besides, how could he teach cultivation when he didn't even have a golden core?
“You were a great teacher before!” Sizhui insists, and for a split-second Wei Wuxian is almost worried he read his thoughts. “Back when we were working together to escape from the Burial Mounds, you explained everything so well. All of the young people really understood and liked you.”
“Yeah but what about their parents?” Wei Wuxian counters. “If you announce that I’m going to be there--which I won’t be, by the way, because I’m not going--no one will want to send their kids to the Cloud Recesses. They’ll think it’s bad luck, or that I’m going to teach something unorthodox. Even worse, what if I attract unsavory disciples who just want to learn about demonic cultivation? That really won’t look good for the Gusu Lan sect."
“You’ll have the approval of his Excellency, Hanguang Jun,” Jingyi says calmly. “His word will be enough.”
Wei Wuxian's eyes narrow. “Speaking of Hanguang Jun, what’s his opinion on all of this? Does he even know you two are here?”
Jingyi and Sizhui share another look, and this time it’s guilty. Wei Wuxian chuckles softly, a bitter taste in his mouth. As if Lan Wangji would ever send his disciples out to fetch Wei Wuxian and bring him back to the Cloud Recesses, like some lonely prince in a fairytale romance. If he wanted Wei Wuxian’s help, Lan Wangji would have sought him out himself, instead of letting the months slip past by the handful without so much as a word.
“We left without telling him,” Sizhui admits, “but we had to. You see . . .”
“See what?” Wei Wuxian asks, when it becomes apparent he’s not going to finish.
Sizhui glances at Jingyi, who after a few seconds rolls his eyes and nods reluctantly. Sizhui swallows, then speaks.
“Three days ago, Hanguang Jun fainted.”
They say that time changes everything, so why is it that visiting the Cloud Recesses feels like a journey to the past?
There are some marks of change. The reconstructed buildings, a memorial here and there for those who gave their lives defending the Cloud Recesses from the Wen clan. But it’s the same tranquility, the same warmth and sense of safety, that almost has Wei Wuxian believing that at any moment Jiang Cheng and Nie Huaisang are going to round the corner laughing, ready to pull him off on another misadventure.
Maybe the Cloud Recesses haven’t changed, but Wei Wuxian has.
The heart inside him is certainly different as he gazes at Lan Wangji's silhouette through the screened window, arms moving gracefully as the gentle tones of the guqin drift on the night breeze. Once upon a time, Wei Wuxian was willing to do anything to catch the eye of the Second Jade of Lan. Whether it was playing the clown, showing-off his martial skills or even risking his own safety, he never once felt shy about it. Now, over a decade later, just thinking about talking to Lan Wangji is making his stomach tie up in knots.
It’s been almost a year since he and Lan Wangji officially parted. During that year, they only met once or twice, when Lan Wangji surprised him with a visit. The visits had been brief, but there was a moment when Lan Wangji looked at him, pinned him with a dark, trembling gaze, and in that instant Wei Wuxian truly believed that he was going to invite him back to the Cloud Recesses. But he hadn't. Lan Wangji merely left with the promise to visit again soon, and then never came back.
Wei Wuxian isn’t bitter. It makes sense that Lan Wangji’s path would lead away from him, to a place of glory and light. A place where he probably doesn’t have time for the troublesome, complicated life of Wei Wuxian.
But now, as he watches Lan Wangji through the screen, head bowed, the familiar melody somewhat lonely and melancholy, Wei Wuxian feels like an ass.
He should have been checking up on Lan Wangji.
“Hanguang Jun was injured several months ago,” Sizhui had explained back in the restaurant at Yueling. "Afterwards, he secluded himself and went to cultivate in Cold Pool Cave. When he returned, he seemed to have healed. But as the leader of the four sects, he has many responsibilities. He was working so much, and going on night hunts, and then preparing for the lectures--he never got time to rest. Finally, just a few days ago, he collapsed. Jingyi and I overheard him talking with Zewu Jun. The doctors want him to rest, but with the lectures starting, there’s no time. He’s already committed to taking on the lion’s share of the classes. We’re worried that with all of his obligations, his condition will only get worse.”
Outside of Lan Wangji’s window, Wei Wuxian sighs. 'Lan Zhan,' he thinks. 'You really never change, huh.'
He watches for a few moments longer, then removes Chenqing from his belt. He raises the flute to his lips, waits for the right opening in the song, then softly blows.
The guqin goes silent.
The silhouette doesn't move once as Wei Wuxian plays. It sits, still as a statue, until the song finishes. Wei Wuxian waits until the last notes dissipate in the air, then lowers the flute.
"Lan Zhan, are you ready to tell me the name of that song?"
"Wei Ying."
The words are quiet, but once uttered send a smile spreading across Wei Wuxian's face. It doesn't last long. The shoulders of that silhouette suddenly tense, then spasm in time with deep, guttural coughs.
Wei Wuxian moves quickly. “Lan Zhan,” he calls, opening the door, “I’m coming in!”
The look Lan Wangji shoots him from across the room is bewildered, but he’s too busy coughing into his sleeve to say anything. Wei Wuxian rushes over, crouching beside him, one hand unconsciously settling on the spot between Lan Wangji's shoulder blades.
He’s beautiful as always, Wei Wuxian thinks, in that heavenly, elegant way that could make one believe he stepped out of a poem or a painting. If it wasn’t for the faint circles beneath his eyes, the sheen on his forehead, or the pallor of his cheeks, Wei Wuxian probably wouldn’t even notice anything off. He reaches for Lan Wangji's wrist, feeling his pulse. His brow furrows. He lets go of the wrist and quickly moves his fingers to the acupoints on Lan Wangji's chest.
He doesn't need to be an expert healer to know that something is wrong with the energy circulating in Lan Wangji's body.
"Lan Zhan," he murmurs, face darkening. "What is this?"
Lan Wangji coughs a few more times, then pauses, catching his breath. At last he lowers his sleeve. His eyes meet Wei Wuxian’s.
“Wei Ying, why are you here?”
He actually has the audacity to sound a little bit worried--as if Wei Wuxian has appeared because he’s gotten caught up in another dangerous situation and needs his help. Wei Wuxian leans back, suddenly angry.
“Because of you, that’s why! You shouldn’t make your disciples worry so much!”
Lan Wangji drops his gaze. “It’s fine.”
“It’s not fine! Don't you know Lan Sizhui and Lan Jingyi came all the way to Yueling looking for me? All because of you!"
“They did what ?”
Crap. Wei Wuxian didn’t mean to get them in trouble. He waves it away hurriedly. “Whatever, whatever, never mind that. Anyway, what's going on? How come your energy's so . . . stagnant like this? Is that why you went to cultivate in Cold Pool Cave, to balance things out?"
Lan Wangji’s expression shifts imperceptibly, growing a little sad, a little embarrassed.
"Poison," he says at last.
Understanding creeps over Wei Wuxian like nausea. "You mean that injury you received all those months ago--"
Lan Wangji nods. "Poisoned."
Panic seizes Wei Wuxian like a greedy ghost. “But there’s something we can do, right? What did the doctor say?”
“It’s not lethal,” Lan Wangji replies calmly, and Wei Wuxian’s shoulders relax. “But periodically, the flow of energy is interrupted.”
“Periodically. So like, only sometimes, when you’ve been using a lot of energy, right?”1
Wei Wuxian bites his lip thoughtfully. “I see. And the cure?”
“Bullshit! There’s gotta be something. Check the Forbidden Library."
“We searched there. So far, nothing.”
“A poison that’s not even in the Forbidden Library? Lan Zhan, no matter how I think about it, this is really just too suspicious. Where were you when it happened?”
“A village, north of Xietang2. Night hunt.”
“Who sent you there?”
“Rumors. A ghost, disappearances on the western bridge. But when we arrived . . .” Lan Wangji looks up. His face is grave. “A demon.”
Every single warning signal in Wei Wuxian’s mind is blaring. A demon in a small village with an extremely rare poison, who Lan Wangji, the newly appointed Chief Cultivator, just happened to encounter?
“How did it poison you?” he asks.
“Its blade.”
Wei Wuxian wants to know more, but Lan Wangji suddenly lets out a stifled, dry cough. The sound shakes Wei Wuxian to the core.
The questions can wait.
“Now that I’m here you should just rest, okay?" he says soothingly. "Focus on getting better. I’ll be here to help out, so don’t worry about anything. Come on, let’s get you into bed.”
The hand on Lan Wangji’s back slips over his shoulder as Wei Wuxian prepares to raise them both up. Lan Wangji, however, remains seated.
“You’re staying?” he asks incredulously.
“Of course I’m staying! You really think I’d let you start that lecture series without me? Someone has to make sure the lessons are at least a little bit interesting, or the Gusu Lan sect will have all of those poor kids bored to death!"
Besides, if there really is someone who has it in for Lan Wangji, Wei Wuxian is going to stick around and make sure they don’t get their way.
Lan Wangji straightens. “Then, a room--”
“Zewu Jun already prepared one for me. He set me up in the Silent Room.” Probably because it’s farther away, Wei Wuxian thinks. He’ll cause less problems out at the Shadow Bamboo Pavilion. Not that Wei Wuxian is complaining. The moments he spent in that room were warm and comforting, even if they took place during one of the most difficult times of his life. It has nothing to do with the fact it used to be Lan Wangji's old room, or anything.
The lines around Lan Wangji’s mouth soften. This time, he allows Wei Wuxian to lead him to the bed. Wei Wuxian waits until he’s settled before speaking.
“Do you need anything?”
Wei Wuxian clenches and unclenches his fists awkwardly, then straightens. “All right, then. Sleep well, Lan Zhan. We'll talk later."
He turns and is about to step away, when Lan Wangji’s voice stops him.
“Wei Ying.”
Wei Wuxian's heart trembles behind a tightening smile. He waits for Lan Wangji to continue, to say, 'I missed you.' 'I missed you like you missed me.' 'Stay with me.' 'Come to bed.'
“Thank you," Lan Wanji says.
Wei Wuxian wants to laugh at himself.
“Lan Wangji, you already know words like ‘thank you’ and ‘I’m sorry’ are unnecessary between us."
Something like a smile crosses Lan Wangji’s face, and he looks away. “Mm."
Wei Wuxian watches him for a moment longer, waits until Lan Wangji's eyes slip shut, and leaves. His stomach is heavy with worry and guilt. To think, this whole time he's been feeling sorry for himself because Lan Wangji hasn't come to visit. Meanwhile, Lan Wangji has been cultivating in isolation, struggling to suppress the poison in his body while still managing his duties as leader of the clans. Now that he knows the truth, Wei Wuxian feels like the biggest jerk alive. He sighs as he shuts the door, and swears a solemn vow.
He’s going to make it up to Lan Wangji. This time, he’s going to be the one doing the protecting, the one doing the aiding. And this time, he definitely, most certainly, absolutely will not cause Lan Zhan any problems.
TBC . . .
1. This is basically just MXTX's "no cure" poison from SVSSS. (The cure will not necessarily be the same)
2. Xietang is a previous name for Xitang, one of the water towns in Jiashan county. (Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xitang)
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