#i just love the Romeo & Juliet concept for them
hgatoart · 9 months
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Yamahiyo my beloved!!
It's been a while since I draw ship art and the illustration by from 'Veil" manga by @/_K0TTERl_ (twitter), was super so pretty I couldn't resist!
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Taylor Swift is Derivative nonsense, not intellectually placed allusions. I'll die on this hill, and I have many more examples beyond just the one listed below.
Let’s talk about the difference between being derivative and utilizing allusion in text. :) 
I’ve seen a lot of defenses for Taylor Swift’s work that hinges on the theoretical concept of intertextuality. People don’t often know that they are arguing over the validity (or emotional impact) of intertextual cessions in Swift’s writing, but they are.
Intertextuality, if you don’t already know, is a set of determinable interwoven texts that all correspond on a particular thematic point. This encompasses, but is not limited to, the literary device of allusion.  
There are many examples of intertextual works, since it is intrinsically post-modern. Yet, I want to talk about how Taylor Swift attempts allusions that only ever fall into flat-facing derivative blandness. I want to talk about how, yes, Swift is in the spirit of the age; yet her work devolves into derivative insincerity simply because she is not an artistic writer.  
Now, for an egregiously bad allusion. (I think it’s worse because Romeo and Juliet is my favorite Shakespeare play). In “The Albatross” Swift writes, “A rose by any other name is a scandal” in which the obvious allusion is to Shakespeare's, “A Rose by any other name would smell as sweet” from the play Romeo and Juliet. The line in the play is often misquoted, so perhaps Swift is just ignorant, however the line means to draw attention to the fact that names are just words the that do not actually dictate the internal nature of someone.  
The full line, from Shakespeare, reads “O be some other name/ What’s in a name? That which we call a rose/ by any other name would smell as sweet;/ So Romeo would, were he not Romeo call’d” (Romeo and Juliet). Thus, Juliet is lamenting the full divisive way in which her family is at odds with Romeo’s family; upon deeper consideration too, Juliet is modulating how social pressures, often outside our control particularly in youth, can impact and modify the discourse between reality, doing what is proper in accordance with the majority, and intrinsic human desire to fulfill our own needs. So, the line is not only explaining how Romeo and Juliet cannot be together overtly due to familial dispute, but in the same words it explains the full breadth of social dissertation for the pursuit of individual need. Afterall, he would still be Romeo "were he not Romeo call'd." Juliet is admitting that she would still love him with or without the constraint of social obligation due the environment, or family, in which we are born; thus, we can see how individually human desire can be placed at odds with the demands of mainstream society.
This is a nuanced conversation when considering it through moral theory. For instance, we often talk about how people should not go against the mainstream for immoral pursuit of individual desire and that is reasonable; yet herein Shakespeare's work the thematic point is on the morality of love and desire to go against social convention. Shakespeare is saying, "Love is a greater moral good than that of social obligation to follow tradition and to hate who you are trained to hate based on parental teaching." It's a genius fucking line, in a genius fucking play. Now, we all know how the play ends, the lovers run off together, they have a brief day in the sun. However, social pressure and adult obligation catch up to them again and thus they die for it. They die for their courage to love and to go against the mainstream.  
Let’s return to Taylor Swift, the human embodiment of mainstream social pressure, as she writes that "a rose by any name is a scandal." As such, she is saying that all roses everywhere are just a scandal waiting to happen. If everything is a scandal, rather than speaking to any nuance grief to the pervasiveness' of social pressure to adhere to mainstream. Swift is simply throwing petulance to the world, by saying “Rose by any other name is a scandal” she limits what a rose could be, or become in using the verb “is” to fully solidify a rose as a scandal; which is a message that is diametrically opposed to the thematic point Shakespeare is making with his line. For Swift, there is no redemption, no nuance, and there is no subtext in which implicit messaging lay to tell people that going against the mainstream might just be the last thing you ever do but God is it worth it. To live with that brief day in the sun. And die for courage. Swift is just saying the opposite and stating that the mainstream is inevitable- there is no use in fighting it. A name is a name. It remains to tell the rose exactly what it is. Swift lacks imagination.
I would argue that Swift does make obvious attempts at allusion in her work, yet it is so poorly done because she does not actually see or use the thematic point of the source material from which she pulls her allusions. For allusions, to be done in an artistic impactful manner, we must keep to the thematic point of the source material. When the allusion is done correctly there is a “layering” effect in literature that redoubles the overarching themes of human experience in a way that calls us from the past, Shakespeare, to the present. Thus, is the theory of intertextuality in literary works.
(I made that bold because it's the main point of this, and I don't want anyone to miss it).
Taylor Swift’s work here simply does not measure up to anything artistic, thoughtful, or well-done.  It is simply derivative of Shakespeare, but I don't think it qualifies as a true allusion.
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catalists · 3 months
I simply MUST know about "the narrative can't stop me because I can't read"
Ahahaha. I'm so pleased with this concept. The idea is that the boys Get In The Way (details tbd), and in response Dream, as prince-of-stories, drops them into a succession of intended-to-be-doomed narratives. Enter: Charles Rowland, who cannot be doomed by the narrative because he didn't read it.
A bit of defeating narrative tragedy through the power of idiocy, ft. only vaguely remembering how Romeo & Juliet is supposed to go:
"Charles?" Edwin said, blinking up at him. Charles held out a hand. Edwin took it automatically, and Charles pulled him up into a sitting position in the coffin. "What...what?" "Sorry, took me a minute," Charles said. "I couldn't remember who was supposed to kill me so I just took the long way round, yeah?" "...who was supposed to kill you?" "Yeah. Was it Tybalt? Anyway," Charles said. "Do you need help getting out?" "...that's alright," Edwin said, carefully stepping out of the casket. "Tybalt?" "Not Tybalt? I did fight him. But I remember that you--Juliet--she finds Romeo dead and like, stabs herself, yeah? So I figured, better not die then. That was good thinking, with the sleeping draught thing." "Sorry," Edwin said. "What?" "Well," Charles said, "You know like--tricks like that, and so I figured, so long as I didn't die, you wouldn't die, and we could run away together, like they were supposed to?" Edwin stared at him. Then he said, "You absolute idiot. I love you very much." "Love you too, mate," Charles said. Then, "Wait, was that a line from it?" "Charles." "Just checking!"
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annymation · 8 months
The Kingdom of Wishes- A “Wish” Rewrite
Chapter 14- I Will Protect You
Chapter 13
"I WHAT?!" Aster exclaims, almost falling backwards from the log he was sitting on. His animation becomes more sketchy and unfinished looking.
"Umm "In love", come on, don't tell me this is one of the things you don't know yet" Hal says with a smile and one eyebrow raised.
"I- I know what it means but- Where did THAT come from? hah ha" The star asks nervously, genuinely not understanding what she's talking about.
"I mean... It's pretty obvious" Dahlia comes in and starts listing all the evidence "From the way you two talk to each other, to how you blush whenever she holds your hand, and how she laughs about pretty much everything you say, I could go on all day, point is that the signs are all there." She explains casually.
Aster's eyes widen "THAT'S what being in love is??? No- no way! I can't be in love, that's... A HUMAN THING. Wishing stars don't fall in love... Do we?"Aster asks now looking up to the sky... No answer, the stars are dead silent, but not because they didn't listen, they just don't want to get involved for now.
Hal smiles with confusion in her eyes, seeing the boy just stare to the sky all of the sudden sure feels quite weird, but she just continues saying "We may not know anything about wishing stars, buuut we know our girl Asha, and it's pretty obvious at least she loves you." She says booping Aster's nose cheerfully.
Aster's turn to look at her slowly "... You think Asha loves me?" The star is stunned, as his mind starts racing, realizing what this means "... Oh... Oh this is-"
Bazeema has both hands on her cheeks as she says in a dreamy sigh "The most romantic thing in the wor-"
Aster has both hands on his head as he says in a panicked voice "Terrible!"
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(This image doesn’t really have anything to do with this scene other than it taking place in a forest, but I had to include it in this rewrite cause OH MY GOSH DO YOU SEE HOW PRETTY THIS CONCEPT ART IS?!? AAAAAAH)
"Huh?? How's that terrible?!" Hal asks, now almost looking angry at the star.
Aster starts floating in the air, "Walking" back and forth "If Asha is in love with me an-and I'm in love with her then... She's gonna be heartbroken!" The star looks absolutely horrified with this discovery.
Gabo throws his head back and laughs at that before saying "WOOOW look at you, cape! Already dreading the eventual break up before even asking her out?" Gabo sounds almost proud "Maybe my pessimism is finally rubbing off on him" He whispers to Dario.
"NO nonono! The problem is... I can't STAY here!" They explain, sounding more and more distressed "Once we defeat Magnifico and save Rosas, Asha's wish will come true! And then I'll HAVE to go!"
"Well, here's a thought then: Fight the system." Gabo says with a mischievous look, like he's trying to influence the pure star to go to the "dark side" "Rules are made to be broken. What's the worse that could happen if you don't go back to the sky, hum?"
"I would cease to exist." Aster mutters quietly, still pacing around while flying.
"... Oh..." Gabo says in a deadpan manner "So we have a Romeo and Juliet scenario on our hands" The teen says with a hand on his chin.
"Indeed, it's a tale of forbidden love." Bazeema chimes in, both hands in her heart as she sighs like a hopeless romantic.
Gabo looks at her with a bored expression and says "I meant how they both die in the en-"
Dahlia interrupts him "Okay okay let me see if I understand" She pulls Aster down by his cape for him to sit next to her "After her wish is granted you'll have to leave, and you can't come back? Ever?"
"Yup!" The star blurts out, as he begins to speak quickly "So it's best to just deny these feelings and never let Asha find out, so her heart isn't crushed into a million pieces later, right?" He asks them with a forced smile, hoping they all agree.
"... Wrong" Hal says with her arms crossed "Aster, I get where you're coming from, but do you realize that if you don't tell her, and just leave... You two might spend your whole lives regretting not saying anything?" She asks the star with sadness in her eyes, but then she shakes off the feeling and add one last comment with a sassy smile "And I'm guessing the lifetime of a star is preeetty long, ain't it?"
"... You have no idea." Aster says while looking at nothing with a distant expression... For the first time realizing he's gonna outlive Asha by billions of years. The star looks at all the teens worriedly and asks "But if I tell her, then... Won't she feel even more hurt when I have to leave?"
"Most likely, yes." Bazeema confirms quietly, looking at Aster with a kind smile "But I think, if you two won't see each other ever again, then you should enjoy every moment together like it's your last." The star's eyes widen, not because the quiet girl is speaking more than usual but because those words hit him deeply with a realization, Bazeema continues with her quiet voice full of passion "Then maybe, it won't hurt as much when you go back to the sky and she stays down here, because at least you'll both know you had love... And that love will continue, even at a distance..."
Gabo moves slightly away from Bazeema like he's scared of her "Aight' who are you and where's Bazeema? She never spoken more than two lines in her life."
Bazeema realizes for how long she has been talking and that everyone is staring at her, she blushes and covers her cheeks in embarrassment "O-oh goodness, I didn't realize I was rambling, I'm so sorry."
"No, you're right." Aster says while getting up from the log he was sitting on "I'm gonna tell her." The star is back to his cheerful and confident self, as he starts making his way to where Asha went "I may not be able to spend my life with her, but I'll love her in our last few hours together just as much as I'd love her in a life time!"
Most of the teens cheer him on as he leaves, except for Simon who has just been staring this all play out while eating his soup, with a face of someone who regrets all his life choices... Oh and also Gabo stops cheering to give one last comment:
"Sure thing lover boy, but umm remember we can't have you two kissing and saving the kingdom at the same time, and we're gonna start the plan in a few minutes so-"
Aster is already marching through the forest as he shouts back to Gabo with an ever so slightly irritated tone "I'll love her in these next few MINUTES just as much as I'd love her in a life time!"
Gabo looks pleased because he has been trying to mess with the star's seemingly infinite patience the whole day, just for fun.
All the teens now are staring at each other in awkward silence, Dahlia notices and closes her eyes with a sigh
"... *sigh*... Do you guys wanna go and wa-" She hear the sound of footsteps and when she opens her eyes again, all of her friends are gone "Watch?... Heh heh Asha, you really can't get a moment of peace, can you?" She says while getting up with her crutch, to follow them, and watch how this will play out.
We cut to Asha sitting by the river, trying to draw herself while looking at her reflection. By her side there's a black and white, hand drawn candle lantern that actually emits light. There's also some fireflies flying around the proximity of the river.
Aster comes from behind a tree and takes a deep breath (even though he doesn't breathe) and starts flying to where she is.
Asha has her back turned to him, but she can see Aster's light approaching her, so she turns to look over her shoulder with a smile.
"Hey Aster! Great timing, I was just gonna ask you to come here" Asha taps on the floor next to her to signal that she wants Aster to sit with her
"Really? Well uh... Here I am hehe" Aster does so, they float down and sit next to Asha with his legs crossed "Do you need help with anything?"
"I could use some extra light. This lantern I made is great but your hair is waaay better" She says while placing her sketchbook on Aster's leg, so she can better see her drawings thanks to the light coming from his hair. She was gonna start drawing more but instead she gets distracted and talks with Aster excitedly "Also, I gotta say, it's amazing that my pencil can actually create FIRE! This is gonna be so useful when we're breaking in the castle. If any door is locked I can just burn them, or maybe I could create a giant hammer, or or... You know?! Anything!" She smiles widely at the star, not able to contain her joy, thinking about all the possibilities.
Aster looks at her with that same dreamy look he had at the campfire, admiring how she's just so full of life and hope.
"Yeah, I know, I'm glad you liked it" He says with a smile, Aster is now looking at the water, trying to think on what to say... Should he just say "I love you" out of the blue?... That doesn't feel right. So instead he just expresses how he wishes he could be there to... Protect her "I really wish I could go in there with you all, make sure you're safe"
Asha gives him a bittersweet smile as she explains "I know, but we've talked about this: you gotta distract Magnifico here in the forest and break his staff, while we'll get in the castle, fight the queen, and free all the wishes, so you can un-curse them and give them back to everyone."
(That's it, that's their plan! Will it work? whOoOoOOo KoOoWsSs? Oh wait, I know, hehehehe)
Aster looks at her worriedly "Are you suuuure you guys can handle Amaya on your own though?"
Asha chuckles with the question "It'll be eight teens vs one lady with no powers, if anything you should feel sorry for her haha" She laughs a bit, but then her face turns just as worried as Aster's was, as she thinks for a moment and says "But, you'll be on your own... Are you SURE you can fight Magnifico this time?" She asks him looking at him in the eyes.
Now Aster is the one who holds his laughter "Pfft you mean on my own + all the plants and wild life as my army? I'll manage." Aster says confidently, but then he notices the concern in Asha's expression, so he tells her more reassuringly "Hey, I'll be careful. He won't catch me this time, I promise."
Asha smiles as she holds his hand tightly "I know, I trust you."
Aster's freckles start sparkling and his hair shines brighter with that, they hold her hand back.
Asha also seems to be blushing as she holds his hand
The 7 teens are in the background watching everything with an expecting look, just waiting for Aster to make his move.
Aster notices them staring from the corner of his eye, Asha doesn't though.
The two of them break eye contact as Asha looks back to her sketchbook, while Aster looks at the impatient teens with an angry expression that screams "IM GETTING TO IT! LEAVE ME ALONE!"
The two teens take a deep breath and... They speak the same thing at the same time:
"... I wanted to tell you something-"
The two look surprised. Asha giggles a little as she says:
"Heh heh- okay you first-"
"No! no no no please, you go first!" Aster says, because he's honestly not ready to say it yet.
Asha takes a deep breath as she flips the pages of her sketchbook "Okay... This is gonna sound really out of nowhere but umm..." She stops in a page and takes out of the book... A sword "Wanna practice sword fighting with me?" She asks with an awkward smile.
... That's not what Aster nor the teens watching this behind the bushes expected at all...
Aster looks at the hand drawn sword and then back to Asha with a confused smile "... Eh?"
Asha lowers the sword "I know, I know, kinda last minute. But I just had the best idea!" She get's up and starts to explain while walking around with the sword in her hand "Your magic can't hurt me, and my magic can't hurt you, soooo we are perfect dueling partners to practice, don't you think?"
Aster understands now, she wants to be ready to fight the guards in case they are spotted by any... or even the royals.
"I don't remember sword fighting being part of the plan." Aster notes with a cheeky smile.
"It's not, it's just my own idea, call it a plan C" She says while looking at the sword she drew proudly.
"Sooo are you "planning" to make extra plans from A to Z? heheh" Aster jokes, still sitting down next to the river, looking up to her.
"You know, I actually might. Better be safe than sorry." She says, her smile falters a little, with her eyes revealing that she still has some doubts "I just... I gotta be ready for anything they might throw at us. I want to make sure I can protect my friends... Protect you." She tells Aster like she's letting out something that has eating her up inside.
Aster eyes sparkle with those last two words, since that's the same thing he wanted to say.
"... Well then..." Aster begins to talk with his eyes closed, reaching for something behind his back- "En garde!" He quickly creates a sword made of star dust while she wasn't looking.
The sword hits Asha, and just like how it went when Aster tried to use this trick against Magnifico during their fight in the storm, Asha starts laughing, feeling a sense of joy overtake her.
"Hhahahaahha" She laughs, hugging her sides as Aster get's up, standing in a fighting position holding his own sword "Hey! I wasn't ready!"
"Expect the unexpected, now come on! And don't you dare go easy on me!" He says spinning his sword with a confident look.
"Funny, I was gonna say the same thing!" Asha exclaims with a daring smile.
The two of them duel together around the clearing near the river, snickering the whole way through. Asha lands some hits on Aster, slicing his body made of star dust, but he immediately gets back together with every attack.
When Aster's sword hits Asha, all it does is make her chuckle a little, but she's landing a lot more hits than the star.
The 7 teens are watching all of this in the background, both surprised and endeared by the sight, that's definitely not where none of them expected this would go... But it is kinda romantic in a weird way.
"You're actually pretty good at this!" Aster comments as they're now both looking at each other in the eyes, with their swords pressed against one another
"Thanks! you too... But could be better tho." Asha says with a confident smirk "Good thing I'll be the one actually sword fighting hehe" She teases him
The star makes mocking shocked face "*Gaaaasp* Ooooh you did not! Alright, you asked for it!"
Aster summons a bunch of swords around Asha and makes all of them hit her at the same time, creating a huge cloud of star dust around them
Asha can only laugh as she falls on the grass
"Hhahaaahahah hey no fair!" Asha exclaims while laying on the grass
Aster is now floating with his face close to her's "Thought you said I shouldn't go easy on youuu" They smile playfully
Asha pulls him down by the cape and the two roll around the grass like two kids playing fighting, not even realizing that they're hugging. They both laugh the whole way through.
After calming down, they both lay next to each other and look up at the stars.
"So... Feeling more prepared?" Aster asks while still looking up
"Yeah, I think I can take 'em." She says, feeling reassured "*sigh* I just can't wait for all of this to be over." Her voice is full of hope.
Aster's smile slowly dissolves into a frown as he remembers he'll have to leave once it IS all over.
"... Um-hum, me too... Can't wait." They say, trying to hide their inner turmoil
Asha turns to the star with a curious smile "Ok, now's your turn."
Aster looks at her confused "Huh?"
"You said you had something to tell me, didn't you?" Asha asks, laying down on the grass next to the star
"O-Oh right! heh hehe... Umm" Aster quickly realizes he has no idea how to tell her. The star just begins blabbering nonsense without even realizing " Sooo uh I wanted to tell you- I mean- I actually didn't wanna tell you at first- Bu-but I have to t-tell you while we still have time that I... UUUH... I... I think I am- Ya know?"
Aster.exe stops working while Asha just stares at him in amusement, she never seen him acting like this before.
From the bushes where the seven teens are hiding comes Hal's voice shouting:
(Shout out to @wings-of-sapphire who asked for a Kiss The Girl reference)
Aster discretely uses his magic to make several trees instantly grow in front of where the teens are hiding, creating a wall of trees, Asha doesn't notice as she sits up from the ground and looks back.
"What was that?" She looks around confused, but all she sees behind her are trees
"T-the wind, probably! heheh" Aster stammers out nervously.
Asha get's up and starts walking away from Aster "The other's may be calling us, I think we sho-"
"Asha wait!" Aster quickly gets up and grabs her hand, she looks back at him confused, but wanting to listen. Aster can only sigh as he explains frustrated " I just... I just have SO MUCH to tell you, and I don't know how to put it into words"
Asha holds his hand closely as she says "That's... Pretty unlike you. You've always been good at explaining what's on your mind" It sounds like that's something she admires about him.
"Yeah, but this is coming from somewhere else though." Aster tells her while placing his hand on his chest...
Asha's eyes light up in surprise, like she finally starts to realize what Aster is trying to tell her.
Aster ponders looking at her hand, how can he tell her all these new feelings that she showed him? Feelings that he can't even understand himself? How can he tell her what she's to him... Maybe the same way that he explained to her who she was... When they first met.
"Maybe... I can try beginning to explain this to you... In the best way I know how" Aster repeats the words that he said before they started singing "I'm a Star" on the night that Asha wished upon him.
And so... FINALLY... We get the song:
At All Cost
(Aster holds both of Asha's hands as the music begins, and we see fireflies flying around them. Asha looks at Aster expectantly, already suspecting what he'll say but still not quite believing this is really happening... That he actually feels the same way as her... And Aster confirms her suspicions as he begins to sing)
If happiness was a tangible thing It would be you If you'd have told me the feeling you'd bring I'd think it untrue
(Asha's eyes widen as she hears him, as he tries his best to put everything he has been feeling for so long into words. The star is gazing at her with a shy smile, his cheeks sparkling with golden star dust)
And people search for a wonder like you All of their lives You still amaze me after all this time
(Aster caresses her face gently as they say the line "You still amaze me after all this time", referring to how after growing up and watching her all these years, she still found new ways to impress him. Asha is now smiling at the star with eyes full of passion, confirming to him that she feels the same way, and with that, Aster begins to sing with more energy)
You pull me in like some kind of wind Mesmerized by the hold I'm in Leave you here, I don't wanna I wanna
(Aster pulls her in and starts spinning with her around the clearing, more fireflies start flying around them. Asha holds him closely as he sings the second line. Aster is hugging her as he sings the third line with his eyes showing more sadness, for he knows that eventually he'll have to leave her... And on the last line he looks at her, preparing to actually say what he has been meaning to say all this time... And only then he begins flying with her)
Love you as one does I, I will protect you at all costs
Keep you safe here in my arms I, I will protect you at all costs At all costs
(He holds her in the way one would when dancing a waltz, and starts guiding her to dance while they fly together, Asha is at first caught off guard by the fact they suddenly started floating, but as she looks at Aster in the eyes she knows there's nothing to fear, and she follows his lead. They're now flying above the trees, and all Asha can say while looking at the star is:)
Wow What's pain? When I look at you? No way I could explain you, even if tried to I'll never dream like used to do
(Asha caresses Aster's cheek with one hand as she now begins to put into words what she has been feeling, how when he's around she feels no pain, only happiness, how he changed her whole world and now she'll never see things or dream the same way) If someone tried to hurt you, I don't See how that could happen I'd fight for you in ways you can't imagine
(As she sings while still dancing with Aster and the two keep going higher and higher up in the sky. We see in the background behind her two constellations resembling Magnifico and Amable, and as she sings "See how that could happen" Asha moves her hands in a way like she's waving away some flies and the constellations behind her disappear as if the thought of them also is dismissed. And as she says the last line she boops Aster nose playfully to say how she's confident she'll keep him safe no matter what (You may hear in the distance the writer crying because she hates herself)) Felt this, no, I haven't, I hope It would be all right to stay right here beside you
(She smiles at the star brightly as she expresses she never felt like this before, and hugs him tightly as she sings the second line.) And love you as one does I, I will protect you at all costs
(Aster throws Asha to the sky, making her fly even higher than him, they're approaching the clouds above them. Aster flies to her and they hold each other to once again dance their waltz) Keep you safe here in my arms I, I will protect you at all costs At all costs
(As they dance flying upwards, they pass through the clouds when they sing the line "At all costs") If you're ever feeling like you're lost I'll come find you
(Asha is now above the clouds, she looks around noticing Aster disappeared, but as they sing "I'll come find you" Aster shows up behind her and gives her a hug from her back) Man all fronts, there's no ocean I won't swim across To be right by you
(Aster flies to be in front of her and holds Asha up, twirling with her in his arms, like this)
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And not just once, here and now I swear on my response I'll remind you
(Aster let's her down and they gaze each other lovingly for a moment while singing those two lines with bright smiles on their faces) And love you as one does I, I will protect you at all costs Keep you safe here in my arms I, I will protect you at all costs
(They slow dance on the clouds, with the moon light and the stars shinning upon them. We get a shot like this from sleeping beauty)
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(And as the song slowly comes to an end, Asha starts closing the distance between them) At all costs
(Asha's face is getting closer and closer to Aster's, as she's going for a kiss, Aster is surprised at first but he slowly goes for it too... Until.)
He stops.
As the instrumentals from "At All Cost" are replaced by different instrumentals
Instrumentals we haven't heard since the end of chapter 7.
The sound of some very angry orchestra instruments starts playing on Aster's ears, only the star can hear them, and that's shown in his face as he looks very bothered with his eyebrows scrunching.
Asha is waiting for the kiss but it never came, when she's about to open her eyes Aster just pulls her for a hug instead.
They hug, both not quite sure where to go from here, but Asha smiles brightly, feeling Aster's warmth.
Asha breaks the silence as she says "This is better than all my dreams...You actually love me back." She says almost in disbelief, but in a good way, like it's hard to believe this is real.
"Your friends said it was pretty obvious heh heh" Aster says chuckling a bit, trying to tune out the stars yelling at him.
"It kinda was ha hah" She says while laughing, because looking back Aster was very much not subtle about it "But I assumed that was just how you acted with everyone..." She admits, showing a bit of how her own insecurities were actually stopping her from seeing the very obvious truth.
Aster let's go of the hug and holds her face gently to say "Nah... Only with you." They smile, looking at her lovingly.
Asha's eyes almost sparkle as she looks to the star. She takes a deep breath and says "Aster... We'll be separated for most of the plan... I won't be there to protect you, so I need you to promise me that when you find-"
"Magnifico." Aster says in a whisper, his eyes not focusing on Asha as he's looking at something behind her
"Yeah, him, I need you to promise me tha-"
"No! Look!" Aster turns her face to look what's going on bellow the clouds.
Asha looks down and sees it... There's an army of guards approaching the forest, and leading them is someone carrying a green light.
Asha gets her sketchbook and draws a spyglass, pulling it off the page, she lays down on the cloud and uses the spyglass to confirm if it is him
Like this scene in the live action Peter Pan movie
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And sure enough, it is. But she notices something else:
"Yeeesh! That lightning messed him up more than I thought... He got a huge scar on his face now." Asha comments.
"HA! Nice. I'm gonna drive him nuts when I make fun about that" The star says mischievously, already planning on how he's gonna break that staff.
"Hey, this is exactly what I was gonna talk about! I need you to be careful out there, don't get cocky, and don't fall for his tricks." Asha says sounding more serious, but with worry clear in her face.
"I'll be careful, I promise." Aster reassures her confidently. He pulls her up and holds her in his arms bridal style "Now let's go tell the others we can skip the "get his attention" part of the plan- WOOHUL!" Aster jumps off the clouds.
We cut a montage that consists of Asha and Aster narrating their parts of the plan while those steps happen in real time, we see Asha drawing something while her voice says in the background
"To get from here to the castle we could use Aster's magic, but that’s too risky since his star dust is shiny. I think it's safer if I create flying objects to get us there, it'll be dark, so hopefully if we're quick the guards won't see us."
We see Asha draw a carpet, and once she takes it out from her sketchbook it becomes a flying carpet like the one from Alladin.
Then, we cut to some guards, with one of them yawning in the forefront, guarding the castle’s entrance, while above them in the background we see some dark tiny silhouettes passing by.
We cut to Asha and Dahlia already getting off the magic carpet, now they're at the center of the royal garden.
We also see Safi and Simon flying down on a witches broom, Hal wearing shoes with wings like Hermes, Dario flying on a donkey with wings, as a reference to the short "The Flying Gauchito" from The Three Caballeros (HA! I DID IT! I REFERENCED THE THREE CABALLEROS! THIS IS SUCH A WIN FOR ME AS A BRAZILIAN!!!)
"You sure got pretty creative with these "flying objects" huh Asha?" Dahlia mentions as the others start gathering around
"Heheh thanks, I decided to just let my imagination run wild" Asha says enthusiastically.
"I could tell" Gabo mentions as he lands down on the garden, and we see him riding a happy baby elephant with big ears... So yeah we straight up have a Dumbo cameo "Couldn't you just give all of us flying brooms?"
"And where's the fun in that? Brooms are way too simple to draw." Asha shrugs "Also come on, don't tell me you don't think this one turned out pretty cute" She says cheerfully while petting the hand drawn Dumbo.
"I must say, he is quite adorable hihi" Bazeema comments quietly as she's landing on the garden with an umbrella... Like Mary Poppins.
Gabo just gets off the baby elephant as he tells Asha with a smile, as in, a genuine one this time "Hehe I really don't understand how your mind works, ya know?"
"Neither do I” Asha admits casually, while magically bringing all the living drawings back inside her sketchbook “Alright, Bazeema, where's the secret entrance you told us about?" Asha asks her bashful friend.
We see Bazeema guiding them to the middle of a rose garden. They prickle themselves through the thorny flowers, with Safi sneezing a few times, until they reach a hatchway made of metal with the symbol of Rosas engraved on it.
"Such wondrous things an introvert can find hihihi" Bazeema says quietly and proudly while pointing at the entrance.
We then cut to King Magnifico riding on his horse, leading his soldiers to the forest with an wicked smile, and we hear Aster's narration of his part of the plan:
"Meanwhile, I'll deal with king Magnifico. I just have to annoy him enough to the point where he'll let his guard down and I can take that staff off his hands, and once I do, it's over."
Magnifico prepares to throw a fire spell over the woods while saying "Let's see how long they'll keep cowering in there after THI-"
Something small and round hits behind his head. Distracting him from performing the spell. The king turns and looks angrily at his guards.
"Who threw that?!"
The guards all look at him confused, not even knowing what he's talking about.
"I did!" the voice of Alan Tudyk comes from the ground
(Yeah he doesn't get to voice Valentino, but he get's to voice most of the talking animals, since he's the lucky charm of Disney and all that)
The king looks down and sees a red squirrel (That is native of the Iberian Peninsula, look it up) holding a nut, ready to throw another one at him.
Magnifico stares at the little critter for a second before he starts laughing, turning to look at the forest as he shouts "HA! What's the matter boy?! Too scared to face me yourself?! Come on out, I know you're hiding in there!"
Then they hear Aster's voice echo from the forest, it's a voice full of glee and mischief:
"Hehehe I ain't scared of you, Alan was just eager to get started! I'm just getting warmed up!"
Some of the guards look scared by the echoing voice, while the king still smiles confidently "Oh but you should be scared, or have you forgotten what I taught you last time? That you are NO MATCH for me!"
"Hmmm It's a blur, all I remember is that now you look just as ugly on the outside as you are on the inside! HAH HAHA!" The star lets out an impish laugh, it echos through the woods.
(Aster's Peter Pan side is showing)
Magnifico's scarred face goes from a confident smile to a furious scowl. He rides his horse to go deeper inside the forest, with the guards following along "WHEN I FIND YOU I SWEAR I WILL WIPE THAT SMILE CLEAN OFF YOUR FACE!" He shouts, enraged by the star daring to insult his looks.
"Good luck with that! Cause' ya know, back at that storm I didn't really have anything to work with...But now..."
Magnifico hears screams from the soldiers behind him. He turns around and sees some of them are tangled up in vines, while others are running away from wild critters, and others are trapped inside giant flowers, it's a vision of pure chaos as now the king is on his own.
Magnifico looks at all of that in shock, unaware that Aster is now floating right behind him with a relaxed and confident smile. The star let's his presence be known as he whispers:
"Now I'm in my element." The star says that like a threat.
Magnifico get's startled but doesn't let it show, as he tries to turn around but-
He's stopped by something holding his staff.
As he looks down and sees vines trying to pull it off his hands. Magnifico tries to pull it away from them with all his strength, while making his horse walk backwards, and with that Aster starts talking casually to the horse
"Hey pal, did you know the guy sitting on you tried to kill me yesterday?" The white horse gives him a surprised glance as Aster continues "Yeah, he’s NUTS, I think you're better off without him" Aster tells him warningly.
The horse glares at Magnifico, and stands up on his back legs, making Magnifico lose his balance and fall on the ground.
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The horse runs away, but the king is still holding tightly to his staff, the vines are still pulling it. He let's out a furious scream:
"UUUUGHA! You really think it's gonna be THAT easy?!" Magnifico uses a fire spell and burns the vines, once he's free he turns to where Aster was... But the star is no where to be seen.
"Yoooohooo!" Aster's voice sounds distant.
Magnifico turns to where it came from, he sees a trail, and by the end of it up a small hill, there he is, Aster is waving at him, basically inviting the king to follow the trail "Well?! What you waiting for?! Thought you wanted a proper hunt! HAHAH" And Aster flies off so fast it's almost he's just a shinny blur.
The king is catching his breath seemingly already exhausted even though the fight just begun.
His expression at first shows frustration... But it slowly changes to a wicked smirk as he talks to himself sinisterly "Indeed, I was looking forward for a hunt... And your little friends just so happen to be inside our trap."
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(Pretend there’s a lightning looking scar on his left eye please, not like Harry Potter, I mean like actual lightning, thanks.)
Magnifico runs to where Aster went.
So we cut back to Asha and the others, as they make their way through a tunnel that leads to the dungeons.
"You're sureee these tunnels will lead us to the dungeons, Bazeema?" Asha asks, she's leading the group while holding a hand drawn torch
"That's what my father told me" Bazeema says quietly.
(Also I guess I should mention her dad also tends to the royal garden.)
Asha nods as she looks ahead attentively "Well I hope he's right, cause' I really don't want any surpri-"
They hear the familiar bleating coming from behind them, everyone turns around and it came from... Dario, as he tries hiding something inside his shirt.
"... ooooh no no no NO NO NO" Asha says, very distressed while running to Dario, already knowing exactly who's inside his shirt "Dario! We were supposed to leave Valentino with Aster's animal friends! Why would you bring him with you???"
Dario has a face full of guilt and regret as he pulls the happy baby goat out of his large loose green shirt, he lets go of Valentino and begins to explain in sign language "He gave me big sad puppy eyes! I couldn't resist it! Plus, what's the issue? The little guy might be able to help us" Dario signs that last part with a hopeful smile that his friend will agree
Asha doesn't agree at all though, as she takes Valentino in her arms
Asha scolds her tall friend while holding Velentino close to her "I promised myself I would never let him in this castle again, last time he almost got eaten by a lynx and- and what if he gets lost??"
"Asha, calm down." Simon comes in from behind her, placing a hand on her shoulder "We just gotta stick to the plan and stay together, we'll be safe."
Asha notices that he sounds... Very certain about that, which is odd coming from him. But Asha thinks it's a nice change for Simon.
"*Sigh*... Yeah you're right, we just have to stay together" She turns around and smiles at Simon "I'm glad you're not so scared anymore, you seemed pretty insecure about the plan earlier today" She says calmly as she makes he way back to the front of the line.
Dario follows Asha, now walking in front of Simon. The light coming from Asha's torch is distant so Simon is more in the darkness as he says
"I just needed some time to put my thoughts in order" His voice is emotionless.
And we see his eyes glow green for a second.
But immediately after that, he winces quietly in pain, placing a hand in his forehead as if he's feeling a strong headache. None of the other's notice though, as his eyes are back to normal when he opens them again.
We cut to them now inside the dungeons, it's a dark, large and humid corridor with walls made of dark bricks, with jail cells all along the way. Safi keeps sneezing because of the humidity.
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(I got this image from a deleted scene from Wish, I swear I had this plot point of them getting in the dungeons for MONTHS and I just watched the deleted scene a week ago, it’s insane how much stuff I came up with seems to be in sink with the movie’s original ideas)
"I hate this place- ACHOOOO!" The boy looks scared as he holds on to his scarf "Are we close to the exit yet, Gabo?"
"We sure are buddy, just a few jail cells ahead and we reach the exit" Gabo says confidently, he knows his way through the dungeon since, as he told his friends earlier, when he was a kid he went to explore it.
(I forgot to mention in the previous chapter but his dad is a guard, that's why he had keys to the dungeons that Gabo stole from him)
"Good, this place gives me the creeps" Dahlia says, while looking around scared
"Look on the bright side, guys" Hal chimes in trying to bring some optimism "At least there aren't any creepy inmates, it's just us and our friendly faces" the girl smiles brightly, hugging Safi and Dahlia by the shoulders.
"And also this poor fella" Gabo says, pointing at a skeleton laying down out of a jail cell, trying to reach for an empty jar of water
Like this one from Snow White.
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"... HMMM oooookayy let's pick up the pace, shall we?" Hal says with a clearly forced smile this time, her eyes wide as she starts to walk faster, still hugging Safi and Dahlia so they go with her.
Dario, Bazeema and Simon also start walking faster after the others, while Asha stays still for a moment
She looks down at the skeleton and ponders out loud "... I wonder what kind of people Magnus and Amaya would keep down here... Maybe people who found out about the secret like I did." Her voice is heavy and full of concern.
"I don't like how that implies this could happen to you." Gabo says for once not sounding condescending nor sarcastic, but genuinely worried, he's also the only one that didn't walk away from the skeleton and stayed to talk to Asha "Let's, just this once, assume anything in Rosas is normal and this guy just robbed the crown's jewels or something, now come on" He says, rushing Asha to keep going.
This is probably the closest Gabo ever got to being "Optimistic"... In his own way. Asha smiles at that as she starts walking after him. Then they hear Dahlia's voice coming a few meters in front of them:
"GABO! Is this the way out?!"
Asha and Gabo run to where they are, and all six of them are standing in front of a big wooden door
"YUP! This is it" Gabo says with a huge smile
"Great! Hold this" She hands her hand drawn torch to Safi, as she gets her sketchbook and pencil to draw a key, she then pulls it out of her sketchbook
"How do you know it's gonna fit though?" Safi asks her curious
"I drew it thinking of it as the key to this door, and so-" She fits the key inside the keyhole and the door makes the clicking sound of it being opened "It is" Asha smiles victoriously
All the teens look excited, the plan is going smoothly so far.
Asha gives them one last ted talk before she opens the door
"Alright guys, after we're in the castle we'll have to be VERY careful, yes, it's just queen Amaya in there, and a crazy lynx, but still, she's unpredictable." Her voice is of a true leader.
"Oh nooo! Is she gonna throw hot tea at us or something? Hahah" Gabo laughs at his own joke
Asha begins to open the door while looking down at Gabo. "You have no idea what she's capable of. So when we're in, we just run through the-"
"KITCHEN?!" Dahlia exclaims looking shocked at what's behind the door, all the other teens except Asha are also looking at it, just as shocked as her.
Asha looks at her friend confused "What? No, we're not going even close to the kitchen, we-" Asha turns to look where the door leads to and sure enough...
She sees the royal kitchen.
"... Huh?!"
All of them go through the door. Now they're inside the dark kitchen.
A place Dahlia is really familiar with... So she knows very well this is all wrong.
"Okay... This is freaky" Dahlia says looking around the place "That door was supposed to lead to the pantry, NOT the dungeon" she says scared, pointing at the door they came through.
Asha looks around the dark room, her face becomes more and more worried "This makes no sense..."
"Maybe your magic key messed with the door?" Gabo asks Asha
"No it didn't, this isn't my magic's doing, it's-" Asha looks at the door and realizes... There's something written on it. She gets a closer look, and sees symbols written all over the door, with some words in latin too... "This is the king's sorcery... He made a trap for us..." Asha sounds terrified.
"T-that's impossible, how could he know we were coming?" Hal asks, sounding just as distressed as her friend
"H-he couldn't, I-" Asha takes a deep breath and closes the door they came through "Check the other door!"
Dario runs to the door that leads to outside of the kitchen. It also has symbols written on it, but he tries opening it anyway...
It leads to the dungeons they just got out off too.
Dario looks back at them scared.
"... There's no way out" Asha whispers, sounding more and more distressed by the second. She takes Valentino from the floor and holds him in her arms.
"What about that door?" Simon asks, pointing at another door, but this one has no symbols written on it... And he sounds surprisingly calm for the situation.
"That's just the closet we keep the pans, pots and utensils. That's not an exit…" Dahlia explains, trying her best not to panic.
"Who knows? Maybe it'll lead somewhere, only one way to find out." Simon walks towards it.
He opens it, they look inside, it's so dark in there they can't even see the kitchen stuff that Dahlia mentioned.
Asha starts walking to the door, not sure if there'll be anything at all that can help them escape, but it's worth a shot, after all they apparently have nowhere else to go.
(I just realized there's probably a window in this kitchen and these kids are just being really dramatic)
Asha turns to her friends as she walks to the door "It's gonna be okay, Aster will come here after breaking Magnifico's staff any moment now... I know he will... All we gotta do is wait and stay toge-THEEEEEERRR"
And she falls in a dark pit inside the room.
"ASHA!" All 7 teens scream in unison, and I mean all 7, Simon included, as he genuinely didn't expect this.
(Actually, Dario wouldn't scream but uuh you get the idea)
However, he is the only one that stays outside the room, while all the other six run in, but unlike Asha, they don't fall anywhere, they're simply inside a normal room with pans and pots.
"Where did she go?!" "WAS THAT A TRAP?!" "What is going on???"
All of them speak at the same time, desperate for answers, but in the sea of shouts and questions they hear one quiet question
"Simon?" Bazeema's quiet high pitched voice makes the others go silent as they all turn around and see Simon standing in the entrance.
He looks at them with genuine sadness for what he's about to do.
"I'm sorry." He closes the door with a BLAM and locks it.
"... W H A T " Gabo's voice comes out filled with rage. "DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!"
"I'm keeping you guys safe, like I've been trying to do this whole time but none of you EVER listen to me!" The oldest of the group says from the other side of the door.
"Si-simon, what's going on, why are you doing this?" Dahlia asks desperately.
Simon takes a deep breath and tries to explain "... Look, I'm going to be straight with you all, I talked with king Magnifico-"
(Hahah that’s a direct quote from Wreck It Ralph, when he betrays Vaneloppe)
"MAGNIFICO?!" Gabo shouts with indignation "YOU DIRTY TRAITOR! YOU SOLD US OUT!"
"No! No it's not like that!... At least, it wasn't supposed to happen, I-I didn't mean to do it-" Simon knows they won't forgive him but he tries to at least explain he did it for their own good "I just wanted to make a deal with him, to give him the star's location in exchange of all of us not getting hurt-"
"OH SO YOU WANTED SELL ASTER OUT!?" Gabo for the first time calls the star by his name
"LISTEN! I was desperate, okay?! I knew that if we just went with this plan things could go horribly wrong, and I knew none of you would listen to me if I tried to stop you, so... I contacted him through a mirror he gave to my dad" Simon is sitting with his back on the door as he explains, sounding more and more scared "And- I- I even realized I was making a mistake... I really did! I tried to break the mirror or throw it away but- I couldn't do it- he just kept talking and talking and- UGH" Simon winces in pain and holds his forehead as his eyes once again glow green, he takes some deep breaths as he ever so slightly calms down "The point is... We made a deal. He promised that if I keep you all in here then you'll be safe. It's the only way I can protect you." Simon's face looks tired as he says those words monotonously, like he's just repeating what he has heard before.
"Then WHERE is Asha?! Or was she not included in the deal?!" Now it's Dahlia's turn to yell at him through the door.
Simon's face instantly turns worried once more as if he's snapping out trance "I- I don't know... He never said this would happen" Simon thinks for a moment "Though... I don't remember much of what he said at all..."
"Ooooooh GREAT! Magnus gave you amnesia, such a trust worthy guy HUMM SIMON?!" Gabo says sarcastically, but his voice is not trying to be funny, he is furious.
"I- I'm sure wherever she is she'll be fine!" Simon tells them... More so trying to tell this to himself.
We cut to Asha falling from a dark portal that opened in the ceiling of a room.
She screams while hugging Valentino tightly.
"THEEEER- OOOF" She hits the floor "Ouch... Uuugh... you ok Valentino?" She asks her goat while groaning in pain.
"MaAAaaA" Valentino doesn't sound his best, but overall he's alright.
Asha get's up and looks around to see where she is... The king's study... Right next to the wishes room...
This is actually exactly where she and her friend's planned to go, they wanted to free all the wishes by opening the tower's ceiling, so Aster could use his magic and un-curse them all, then give them back to the people of Rosas...
But her friends aren't here... She's alone.
"How did things go so wrong?" Asha asks to herself while looking around the room, she notices some broken mirrors on the walls, as she sees he own reflection "... Come on Val, I'll send the signal to Aster. Regardless if he broke Magnifico's staff or not, he gotta come here and help me." Asha walks to the wishes room, while flipping through the pages of her sketchbook, until she finds the drawing she was looking for, a firework.
She's about to reach for the firework to take it out off the page... But then she sees the light of the wishes floating above her.
She stops and looks up to them, some of them are still blue, but the majority are green.
She looks up with a bittersweet smile, and says quietly with her voice full of hope "Hang in there just a little bit longer, okay? I promise I'll save all of you."
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"It's unwise to make promises you cannot keep, mi rosa."
Asha feels a chill run down her spine. As she turns around quickly with an expression of horror already painted on her face.
Queen Amable is standing a few feet away from her, she's in the study while Asha is in the middle of the wishes room.
The queen smiles at Asha sadistically, with her pet lynx right by her side.
Chapter 15
Final Thoughts
OOOOOOOOH BOY so much happened huh?!
I am going crazy, wacky even, I waited so long for us to get to this part of the story! Not just the "At All Cost" stuff, I mean like THE CLIMAX THAT IS APPROACHING AND IM JUST BUILDING UP TO IT NOW AAAAAAH.
But YEAH let's talk about the At All Cost stuff, cause like... WOOOOAH BOY I love that song, and not just because it's pretty, but because while listening to it I felt like the song perfectly encapsulates teenage love, what do I mean? Because it's all so pure and like the two voices are saying the first things that come to their minds, it feels like a passionate train of thought forming in real time, and that's what I wanted to be like for Aster and Asha, as Aster is trying to figure out these feelings he didn't even know they could have, and Asha is caught off guard but so happy to finally show what she has been feeling too. It's beautiful.
I feel like most Disney couples don't feel like... Teenage love, mostly because the guys are ALWAYS older than the girl, and like, not that there's anything wrong with that... Except in some cases *glares at Snow White and Florian's age gap* but I think it's quite refreshing to see young love being depicted like this, with the two acting awkward and even oblivious because they don't know what love really feels like... And also they're raising a rebellion so that kinda keeps them distracted.
But speaking of the rebellion... It really takes just ONE person not believing in the cause for everything to go down the drain, huh? Yeah, Simon has his own ways of protecting his friends, while Asha chooses to fight, Simon chooses to comply. And really, I feel sorry for him, you guys maybe don't, like, everyone now might be a Simon hater, and I get it, but like, Magnifico played him like a fiddle.
Simon just hoped that if the king got Aster he'd leave Asha alone, but as they were talking Simon realized that Magnifico really wanted BOTH of them, so he realized he made a mistake and even tried to break the mirror... But before he could, welp, Magnifico pulled a Kaa move, and hypnosis happens to be way more effective on people who are feeling sleepy, so really Simon had no chance.
And can I just toot my own horn here and say that I'm so proud that even when Magnifico and Amaya aren't in the scene they'tr still threatening? Because that scene at the kitchen when they realize they're trapped, meaning that Magnifico knows their plan, GIVES ME CHILLS, probably because I hate the idea of being confined in a room with nowhere to leave.
And like... Magnifico is doing this just for the lols really, the guy could've just made Simon tell him where they were and captured them in the forest, but he was like "Ooooh they wanna get in the castle to harm my wife? Well, we can't have that now can we? Here's what I want you to do-" And then proceeds to make Simon betray his friends in such a way they'll never forgive him, oh, and if Simon doesn't do it then the king implies they WILL get hurt, how fuuuun.
It's funny how Aster is just having fun in the forest, messing with Magnifico, going through his Peter Pan arc, completely unaware Asha and the others are going through a living nightmare. Oh but don't worry, he'll join the nightmare too :)
You guys might start to think I'm on the villains side or something because they always get the upper hand, but this is all part of the metaphor of them representing the struggles Asha faces in her life, and let me tell ya folks, life is hard, sometimes just as hard as defeating two villains, but no matter what they do, Asha will keep fighting, and that's what makes a hero, the lower a hero get's, the more satisfying it is when they rise... And the higher a villain rises, the harder they fall :)
See ya'll next time!
Thank You For Reading!
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bethanysnow · 3 months
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So me and @lonelystczennie have been working on a project for a while now that is both of our babies. Around the time the Korea Elle shoot happened for Hyunjin, we both showed interest in this concept. I wouldn't have been able to write this without @lonelystczennie she is one of the best writers I have seen and I love her dearly. Everyone should follow her BTS account @7ndipity
★Yandere!Hyunjin x Fem! Reader.★
---slow burn, obsession, College AU!, pinning, eventual stalker, Fluff/eventual smut????/there is a sprinkle of angst. ---
3.3k wrds. CHAPTER ONE
Y/n sat in a chair in the theatre hall of SNU between classes. The room was large, and the red plush seats were a sight to behold at least in comparison to the underfunded American theatre she was accustomed to. They had just finished Romeo and Juliet for the fall and far on a facade balcony was where their Juliet stood and uttered the famous line “where for art thou Romeo-” Of course in Y/ns opinion she could have done it better. 
That was the problem with the South Korean society, or more so any society as far as she was concerned. It was about who looked the part, not that they did it well. 
Getting up on stage Y/n started to gather. A music stand, a chair, a folder of monologues she had put together. Holding her imaginary audience captive she readied herself…
“To be, or not to be, that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
    The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against a sea of troubles
    And by opposing end them. To die—to sleep,”
It was here in this soft moment that Y/n could be herself, be loud, be obnoxious, be in her own little corner of the world where no one would see. She meandered around the stage, using its size to her advantage. Her mind cast back to the years at theatre camps, high school productions, anything to get her hands on stage…where she could be anyone she wanted to be. At least in theory.
“-No more; and by a sleep to say we end the heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks
    That flesh is heir to: 'tis a consummation devoutly to be wish'd. To die, to sleep;
    To sleep, perchance to dream—ay, there's the rub: For in that sleep of death what dreams may come, When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,”
While she wasn’t insane, she knew where she stood in the world. She knew what people thought when they looked at her. It was hard to miss, but somewhere in the mean girls brimstone there were glimmers. Glimmers of what might be, what could be..what should be. 
“Must give us pause—there's the respect that makes calamity of so long life. For who would bear the whips and scorns of time, Th'oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely, The pangs of dispriz'd love, the law's delay, The insolence of office, and the spurns that patient merit of th'unworthy takes,
When he himself might his quietus make With a bare bodkin? Who would fardels bear, To grunt and sweat under a weary life, But that the dread of something after death, The undiscovere'd country, from whose bourn No traveller returns, puzzles the will, And makes us rather bear those ills we have Than fly to others that we know not of?
Thus conscience doth make cowards of us all, And thus the native hue of resolution
   Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought, And enterprises of great pith and moment
  With this regard their currents turn awry and lose the name of action.”
The crowd was silent, jaws agape at the performance that befell them. Until it was a trickled down noise, starting as a low hum, but grew to a roar of applause, A tony! One shouted, Encore!! Brava Brava!! Another yelled from their seats. In the space between classes Y/n got to hold onto her dreams.
Silly Y/n, dreaming big dreams…
            The door to the theatre opened and like a lightbulb flickering out. Y/n turned finding the head director of the art department walking in. 
“Ah! Y/n, you here to pick up some costumes?” 
            “Oh uh- yea! Just making sure folks didn’t just leave them behind after last show…” Quickly taking the music stand to the side of the stage, it was in reality where Y/n had to stand her ground. So, she batted the stars away and swallowed the butterflies, getting off the stage to grab her bag. Maybe this year’s Musical would be more fun…
Hyunjin slowly followed Jisung across campus towards the art building, watching the dry, faded leaves skitter across the pavement ahead of them, caught in the wind, his hands stuffed in his pockets in an attempt to fight off the growing autumn chill.
Why had he agreed to this?
When he joined the drama department, he hadn’t realized just how much time and effort it actually entailed from him. He didn’t know much about how any of it worked actually, he had signed up mainly just to appease his friends and to get them to stop worrying about him so fucking much… 
“I didn’t know this place was here.” He’d commented as they’d navigated their way through the crowded cafe, sitting down at one of the few available tables.
“How have you not noticed it, it’s like two blocks from our place?” Changbin asked. 
“I don't know, I just haven't.” He mumbled, taking a sip of his coffee. It was surprisingly good.
“You need to get out of the house more.” Changbin commented.
He didn’t argue with his roommate, though he didn’t necessarily agree with him. Nowadays he spent most of his time holed up in his room, painting, but he was okay with that. That seemed to be the only thing that made him happy anymore, the only thing that held any real spark for him.
It was quiet for the briefest moment before Jisung suddenly piped up.
“Hey, why don’t you sign up for the theatre department? Most of the guys are already involved in some way, so it’s not like you won’t know anybody." Jisung suggested, referring to the rest of their group of friends.
“I’m not an actor.” Hyunjin said flatly.
“You look like one though, that goes a long way.” Changbin stated, swiping a cookie from Jisungs plate. “The rest, you can learn.”
“And there’s more than just acting involved.” Jisung adds. “There’s writing and production, wardrobe and set dressing, music-”
“You could paint sets!” Changbin offered, earning a side-long glare from Jisung.
“We just finished the Shakespeare production too, so it’d be a good time to join before we start planning for the spring show,” Jisung added.
“Why do I feel like you rehearsed this?” Hyunjin asked. They glanced between each other guiltily.
He knew what they were doing, they just wanted to get him out of his room, out of his apartment, out of the headspace that he’d been living in these past few months. They’d tried a few similar tactics in the past, and while he appreciated the gesture, he really didn’t see much point to it. He didn’t see much point to anything anymore if he was being honest. Still, he knew they wouldn’t relent until he agreed to something.
“I’ll think about it.” He offered, satisfying them for the moment.
Now, as he trailed behind his friend, he felt a weak flutter in his chest.  Anxiety? Probably, but there was also something else, something faint, more pleasant.  Excited? He hadn’t felt excited by much since-
No, no. We’re not thinking about that anymore.
He shook his head, quickly following Jisung through the door of the auditorium. Maybe they were right, maybe a change of scenery would be good…
The auditorium was abuzz at SNU. That winter was to be the planning and prep phase for the spring musical, and every theatre geek on campus was somewhere in that room trying to live out their slice of life anime dreams. 
Y/n was in the back of the theatre typing on her laptop, busy working herself away already for what she had planned this quarter. Her theatre friends, Chan, Seungmin, Felix, Han, Jeongin, Changbin, and Minho all tended to arrive late. Leaving her to babysit the freshmen if the art director wasn’t in. 
This year as part of his senior project Seungmin was going to direct and produce the Musical with the help of his friends. She was glad to be part of it; just didn’t think being late necessarily set a good example for everyone that was new. 
The doors to the side stage opened and sauntering in was her band of misfits. Or at least that's what the group chat was called. 
With a…new person in tow. His shoulders risen to his ears and yet his gate was sluggish. Shuffling and looking at the ground. Y/n found herself walking down the aisle to the white fold out table with stuff for the crew putting her bag down. 
“So glad you cared to join us- oh great leaders~” She bowed dramatically to Seungmin and Chan. She laughed and rolled her eyes at Seungmin flipping her off. 
“Yeah, yeah, let’s just get on with this.” He said, trailing after her down the aisle.
The light peal of laughter drew Hyunjin’s attention, his eyes flicking up from the floor, quickly scanning the group until he found its owner. She was turned partially away from him, but he could still make out part of her features. Round apple cheeks, bright eyes that disappeared into half crescents as she smiled, her whole body moving as she spoke animatedly with Seungmin about something. He didn’t realize he had frozen, staring at her, until she looked up and met his gaze.
“Um, hi?” She offered, looking at him curiously.
“Oh, Y/n, this is our friend, Hyunjin. He just joined the group. Hyunjin, this is Y/n. She’s in charge of keeping us from accidentally setting the building on fire.” Han said, gesturing between the two of them before quickly snagging the chair closest to Minho’s, as per usual.
“Don’t pin that kind of responsibility on me!” She shot back before offering a warm smile to Hyunjin. “It’s nice to meet you.”
“Nice to meet you.” He said quietly, finding himself unable to look away from her.
“Alright, should we get started?”  She nodded slightly before turning back to the rest of the group.
After rousing games of zip, zap, zop, freeze and change, and traditional ice breakers for the lonely extrovert, Y/n found herself sitting in the audience scrolling her phone while the rest of the crew bickered over what to do in earnest. Her eyes drifted to the new boy.
His face was a lack luster pale like he hadn’t seen the sun in over two weeks. But his eyes were an abyss. No real emotion, seemed to be dragged here by their friends. Which- was how they got her to come in the first place; now it's their 3rd show season all together. His clothes hung on his body like a wire frame in a department store. Out of place, but far more expensive than the financial aid in her bank account could dream of. Catching his eyes, her own fell back to the screen in her hand. Maybe her cheeks were red from the smut she was reading earlier, or just being stared down by a dark prince type. 
Y/n had gotten used to living in and around very attractive people. It was the land of the Idol.
There were enough plastic surgeons to go toe to toe with the number of Walmart’s back home. Everyone had someone they wanted to be, to look like, to sound like, to replace. 
There just was no one like Hyunjin…He was who boys put up on their wall as inspiration, and girls put on their wall to admire. She dreaded to think what came to mind when she was caught looking. 
“Beautiful, ethereal, the human incarnation of a Renaissance Goddess.” Every word or phrase that came to mind didn’t seem to do justice to the woman sitting just a few seats away from Hyunjin. ‘Y/n.’ Her name danced around the inside of his head like a lyric from a forgotten song, foreign and yet somehow familiar. He shifted uncomfortably in his seat, trying several times to redirect his attention towards his friends, who were clearly in the middle of some heated argument, Jisungs voice echoing loudly through the hall in frustration, but each time, he found himself drawn back to her.
He couldn’t understand it, every little thing she did seemed to hypnotize him. The way her fingers danced lightly across the screen of her phone, brow creased in concentration as she read, sending occasional curious glances in his direction, sending a small jolt of electricity through his system every time her eyes locked with his, even for the briefest moment.
His heart thundered in his chest; mouth dry as his mind raced to figure out what he should do. Should he try to strike up another conversation with her? What would he even say? Every time she glanced in his direction, his mind went completely blank. Maybe it would be better for him to keep his distance? He didn’t know how long he sat there like that, observing her from afar, before Chan suddenly spoke up. 
“Y/n, I need another adult!” 
She jumped slightly at the sudden use of her name, making the glasses she was wearing slip a little further down her nose.  Cute. He bit back a grin, watching as his friend approached her.
“Can you please explain to them why Dracula is a severely overdone production right now and how-”
“Actually I really like Dracula,” She interjected, stopping Chan in his tracks. “I think it’d be a great idea for the spring production. “What do you think, Hyunjin?” He froze as she suddenly glanced over at him. 
“I-” He stuttered, his stomach doing somersaults at the way his name sounded slipping from her lips. “I think it would be good.” He managed to agree, causing her face to light up in a triumphant grin as she turned back to Chan.
“See? Majority vote wins.”
“What do you mean you wanna do Dracula? It’s cringey-” Chan exclaimed. 
“Says the man who at my birthday went on a tirade about how aegyo is cute and it should be embraced…sir you are a master of cringe- embrace ego death it wouldn’t be that bad for you” Y/n laughed. Still, her eyes glanced at Hyunjin, hoping he didn’t mind that she brought him more into the conversation. Her hand reached up and pinched his hyungs cheek. “-plus, vampires are hot- if you don’t think you could pull off being a sexy vampire just say so” 
Chan's eyes widened and he gasped in faux horror. Y/n smiled triumphantly looking to Seungmin with a raised brow, silently asking for his thoughts. 
“Director!!” Han yelled clinging onto Seungmin's arm trying to force him into receiving his love and affection “Mom said it's okay! Let’s do sexy vampire show!” 
“I told you to stop calling me that!” Y/n yelled back pulling Han off. 
While they all ended up bickering about the ethics of sexy vampires, Changbin’s eyes found Hyunjins. Staring at Y/n as she manhandled Han to get off their mutual friend. Was…that a blush on his cheeks?
There was a light in his eyes that Changbin hadn’t seen in so long. 
It was a welcome change, maybe with some encouragement, Hyunjin could find his way back to himself again. Or- that was the hope at least. 
Hyunjin looked up from his middle-distance stare to see Han chasing Y/n around the stage and her dodging his antics.
 “!would-” “-yoU” “QUIT-” “IT?!” She shrieked bobbing and weaving from the younger’s attempts to grapple (he would say hug) her. A small smile teased at the corner of his lips as he watched her interact with his friend, admiring the grace and agility she moved with. I wonder if she dances-
“Alright that’s enough, Han!” Chan called, finally managing to capture the hyper younger man in a tight bear hug, allowing rehearsal to get underway at last. Chan eventually catches Han, and play rehearsal could truly start. 
Y/n sat in an auditorium seat in the front row, while the rest of the boys spoke to the incoming freshmen for that year. Explaining Dracula, what it entailed and if they were uncomfortable with it to go now, no hard feelings, but best for them to see just who they could work with. 
It was a rather daunting undertaking, but Y/n planned to be in charge of costumes and wardrobe for the year's productions at SNU, and hopefully for the coming seasons as well.
 Not by choice of course, but rather had resigned herself to the fact that the cost of auditioning, the cost of being good, but not good enough, the cost of being ensemble as great as ensemble is, was too much. She had a skill set that was fit for behind the scenes work, might as well embrace it. The boys were getting names, contact information, and the like as Hyunjin decided to test the waters, coming over to sit near Y/n, keeping an empty seat between the two of them so as to avoid potentially making her feel crowded.
“So,” He cleared his throat awkwardly, catching her attention. “How do these things usually go?”
“Well,” She sat up a little straighter. “Once we figure out the main production team, we start working on things like set designing, auditions, wardrobes-” Hyunjin’s attention began to drift as she spoke, her hands capturing his focus with the way they moved and flitted about as she spoke, leaving him transfixed. “What department are you interested in joining?” Her question shook him out of his daze, his eyes snapping back up to meet hers.
“Uh, I don’t know yet.” He said. “What department are you working in?”
“Costumes.” She answered with a small, amused grin.
“I might try that then.” He said quickly. 
She laughed, or more chuckled. Almost one could think she just cleared her throat, but the smile on her face would prevent the assumption. It was enough though. Hyunjin had fireworks in his soul blowing off and he didn’t know how to stop it. Not that he would want too of course.
“You should audition though! Everyone should give it a shot; you won’t know what you don’t try.” Y/n said in an attempt at being encouraging to the newcomer. 
“Are you then? Going to Audition?” 
“Nah- not this year, It’s Seungmins project, I wanna support him best I can and that is with costumes.” She smiled and leaned back in her chair. 
Looking at Hyunjin Y/n couldn’t help but notice the bags under the boys eyes, the flat expression wore thin and the smile he dawned was tired. Her heart ached, but not in pity, it was in recognition. She knew what it was like for the lights to go out behind ones eyes…thats what happened when she moved to South Korea.
The main 7 that adopted her brought her back to life and now there was Hyunjin. In a similar position to where she was, and maybe with some musical theatre shenanigans he would find his way back to wherever he fell off. 
            “Y/N do you think you could get the phantom costumes from freshman year?!” Seungmin raised his voice above the chatter. Her head whipped to the sound of her name and rolled her eyes. “What do you think?!” She shouted back only to bow her head at Hyunjin briefly to go join his friends little circle that had been made. Leaving him, to watch her walk away. 
Hyunjin watched her join their other friends with a faint pull in his chest as she went. “Y/n”, everything about her seem to draw him in, though he couldn’t quite place the reason why. Was it the bright flash in her eyes as she spoke? The warmth that colored her cheeks as she laughed? Her very being seemed to exude a warm, calming quality that he hadn’t experienced in another person before. He shook his head, looking away from the others as he tried to collect himself.
Was he seriously this infatuated with her after only a half hour?
It wasn’t impossible, he knew he tended to be rather intense when it came to these types of things, he’d been told that more than once in the past, but something about her seemed to strike a different chord within him. 
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thank you @lonelystczennie for being my writing partner.
Tag List: Open
@kaciidubs @itsseohannbin @ldysmfrst @frenchkisstheabyss @daydreams-after-dark
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Star crossed
Aeron Bracken x Blackwood!OC
𝔖𝔬 ℑ 𝔰𝔫𝔢𝔞𝔨 𝔬𝔲𝔱 𝔱𝔬 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔤𝔞𝔯𝔡𝔢𝔫 𝔱𝔬 𝔰𝔢𝔢 𝔶𝔬𝔲. 𝔚𝔢 𝔨𝔢𝔢𝔭 𝔮𝔲𝔦𝔢𝔱, '𝔠𝔞𝔲𝔰𝔢 𝔴𝔢'𝔯𝔢 𝔡𝔢𝔞𝔡 𝔦𝔣 𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔶 𝔨𝔫𝔢𝔴. ~ 𝔗𝔞𝔶𝔩𝔬𝔯 𝔖𝔴𝔦𝔣𝔱 𝔏𝔬𝔳𝔢 𝔖𝔱𝔬𝔯𝔶
Description: At a masked Harvest Banquet held by Lord Tully at Riverrun, Aeron Bracken falls in love with a beautiful girl with golden hair. With nothing but the broken ruby necklace she left behind as a clue to her identity, Aeron searches for the girl only to find she is a Blackwood. Can true love triumph over the mutual enmity between their houses?
Disclaimer: I wrote this as a sort of companion to the Beauty and the Beast inspired Benji oneshot I did. It's based on a mix of Cinderella and Romeo and Juliet instead. Not that happy with how it turned out but decided to post it anyway. Fair warning it's very lengthy, I accidentally went quite plot heavy and this writer can never just get to the point your honour. This has no connection with my Aeron x Reader series Jump then Fall.
Warnings: Violence, Blood, swearing, negative associations with bastards (OC has dubious heritage), Black Aly's daughter, female OC, angst, fluff. Love at first sight vibes based on R+J and Cinderella. Incredibly self-indulgent, I just love Romeo and Juliet as a concept.
Once a year the liege lords of the seven kingdoms would host a Harvest Banquet to bring their vassals together. For most noble houses it was one of the most anticipated events in the year, an evening of festivities and an opportunity to gain favour with their liege Lord. In the Riverlands, it was a different story altogether and Aeron was dreading it. Every Harvest Banquet held at Riverrun inevitably descended into chaos, perilous as it was to have Blackwoods and Brackens in such close proximity. Lord Tully had ever been weak and unable to control the two warring houses, and the tensions between them would often dissolve into violence. Aeron was already filled with trepidation as he stepped into the carriage that would take him and his uncle, Lord Amos Bracken, to Riverrun. His uncle's next words only solved to bolster his feeling of unease.
"Nephew, I have never denied you your more scholarly interests, never reproached you although I would have preferred you to have taken an equal interest in your sworsdsmanship."
Aeron blanched at that. He had been recently knighted by his Lord Uncle and yet had only begun to take a true interest in swordplay. He spent much of his time in the expansive library at Stone Hedge, enraptured by the histories of the Targaryen dynasty. His uncle had never understood Aeron's interest in the House of the Dragon, he could surely spend his time concerned with his own House and lands instead?
"Nonetheless, I should like to see you take a wife who will fill the place of Lady Bracken once you come into your inheritance."
Aeron's mouth fell open, speechless, and he was sure he resembled the fish head sigil of House Tully.
"Uncle, I hardly think..."
Lord Bracken interrupted him before he could protest. "There will be many ladies at the banquet, from across the Riverlands and the Seven Kingdoms. It is a great chance for you to find a lady that should suit you. You may make your choice yourself, but grant me this: that you will concede to your uncle to try."
Aeron found the very real possibility of a brawl with Blackwood kinsmen far more appealing and much less frightening than what his uncle was suggesting. He had only a little experience talking with the ladies who would attend his uncle's feasts at Stone Hedge and up until now he'd spent most of Lord Tully's banquets making merry with his friends.
Nonetheless, his uncle had indeed never denied Aeron his interests and had enough faith in him to knight him. He found he could not deny his request outright.
"I will try."
Amos smiled in response and affectionately patted Aeron's shoulder at his acquiescence. A jolt from the carriage as it ran over uneven ground had Aeron's head snapping up to see they were almost at the moat of Rivverun Castle. Aeron adjusted his mask to get a better look at the castle, Lord Tully having decided to hold a masked banquet in accordance with the customs of Kings Landing this year. It was like something out of a folk tale, ensconced as it was on all sides by the Red Fork. Even set in darkness by the cloak of night, lit only by the glow of the moon and torchlight, he could not help but marvel at it as if he were seeing it for the first time.
Upon entering the Great Hall, Aeron took little time in finding his friends, and fellow knights, by the long banquet table which stretched the length of the room.
Quickly pulled into their conversation, he found himself forgetting his Lord Uncle's request entirely. Minstrels soon took up their instruments, and lords and ladies took to the centre of the hall to dance.
Aeron had only cast his eyes ascance over the dancing couples for a moment, but instantly found his eyes drawn to a girl with golden hair that seemed to glitter under the soft glow of the candle light, as if she were herself made from burnished gold. The sound of the minstrels' song, the chattering of lords and ladies, all seemed to fade into the background as Aeron observed the lady's graceful movements, her burgundy dress fanning around her as she twirled.
"Who is the lady whose gentle touch does grace the hand of that knight yonder?"
Jon and Samwell turned to look in the direction of his gaze. "I could not say, even without the mask I have never seen a girl with hair that shade at one of these banquets. Perhaps she hails from another kingdom entirely" Samwell shrugged. Aeron barely heard him.
"Any intimations I have had of beauty, forswear them all. She does teach the stars to shine in their celestial abode above the starry Sept. No, fire to burn and consume for starlight is too cold a light for her. She is golden sunlight that scorches."
Jon snorted. "My good man, what has come over you?  I fear you've spent too much time reading poetry. If you think her so fair why not approach her for a dance?"
As the dance came to an end and he watched the golden lady curtsy to her partner, Jon pushed Aeron forward. His eyes subconsciously widened in alarm.
"No, I cannot. I'll only make a fool of myself." Aeron wanted more than anything to approach the lady, but felt certain there were other lords she would prefer than he.
Jon signed, exasperated. "If you will not, then I shall dance with her myself."
Aeron felt a wave of jealousy surge within his, his fists clenched slightly in anger at his friend as he watched him approach the lady, as he himself wished to. As the lady accepted Jon's hand to dance, his heart tightened in his chest and a sudden boldness came over him that had him handing Samwell his goblet and striding towards where they danced. When the golden lady turned away from Jon, as the danced required, Aeron took his chance before he could talk himself out it. Roughly pushing Jon aside, Aeron quickly took his place. This only seemed to amuse Jon, whose knowing smile as he exited the dance floor suggested he'd been hoping to spur his friend to action all along.
As the lady turned back to face him, he watched her eyes, a curious shade of blue that veered on violet, widen in surprise underneath her mask, which resembled a tawny owl.
"I am certain you are not the man I was just dancing with my lord."
Her voice was sweeter than any music Aeron had ever heard and he wanted nothing more than to hear her speak again.
"I apologise my lady, Ser Jon was...indisposed. I wish to take his place, if you will allow."
Swallowing down his nerves he offered her his hand to her palm up. The lady tentatively placed her hand upon his, palm to palm as they began to turn in a circle and resume the steps of the dance.
"I am most grateful for your chivalry, my Lord. I should have been mortified to find myself jilted in the middle of the dance." The lady's tone was teasing, her eyes glittering under the torch light, and Aeron felt his lips upturn in a smile, as he grew in confidence.
"It is no great act of chivalry on my part. I must confess that I am bidden here by your beauty, I could not but notice you from afar and wished to speak with you, if only to express this to you"
Aeron's confidence diminished as he watched the lady's mouth part and heard her small intake of breath. Fearful that he had made the lady uncomfortable, Aeron quickly stuttered out an apology
"Forgive me my brashness, my Lady, I fear the wine has gone to my head and I have spoken out of turn."
They briefly broke apart to weave between the adjacent couple, Aeron's mind racing until they came back together.
"There is nothing to forgive, I take no offence in the compliment. I am gladdened you think me beautiful." Aeron released the breath he'd been holding to know he had not offended the lady but felt his eyes widening in shock at her shy response and the delicate blush upon her cheeks. Did she not think herself beautiful?
"O you are fairer than fair and lovelier still." The words came unbidden from his lips before he could stop them. He had not meant to be so forward, but he found himself wanting to sing the lady's praises, should it please her. The teasing strain that had marked their conversation up until this point left her voice entirely as she looked up at him beneath her lashes, uttering a soft "Thank you", in earnest.
Aeron cleared his throat slightly, trying to diffuse his nerves. "Are you enjoying your evening, my Lady?"
"In truth I do not much enjoy banquets, I had much rather be reading or riding my horse Estella. Although I am happy to have finally seen Riverrun, it is a most impressive structure." she responded, almost sheepishly, to Aeron's surprise.
"I feel much the same, my Lady. May I ask what you most enjoy to read?"
Y/N's eyes lit up at his question, "I enjoy the histories the most, particularly those of the Targaryen dynasty."
Aeron grew more confident in the knowledge of their shared interest.
"I too have a particular interest in the Targaryens, my uncle does not understand it at all and I know he wishes me to remove my nose from my books. But is it not thrilling to read of dragon riders, to know that we walk amongst such God-like beings?"
As their dance came to an end, the golden lady grabbed Aeron's hand and started to pull him towards an inconspicuous door towards the other end of the hall. "Come with me." She said simply and he wordlessly followed, content at the feel of her smaller hand in his. He allowed himself to be pulled by the lady out of the door and along a series of corrdidors until they reached a long hallway, its walls covered in paintings.
Aeron had never ventured this far into Riverrun's halls before. "How did you come to find this, my Lady?"
The golden lady dropped his hand and Aeron flexed his slightly at the loss of contact, already missing the feeling of her hand in his. "My mother had Oscar Tully show it to me before the banquet started, she knew I'd like to see it and I believe you might too."
Taking hold of his hand again, she pulled him towards the third painting on the Eastern side of the hall. Aeron found himself gazing at the girl next to him instead of the painting, as if he were trying to memorise her features and she were the painting, but quickly averted his eyes when he caught her gaze. The painting in front of him was of a knight bending the knee in obeisance to a kingly figure with pale blonde hair.
"They depict the histories of House Tully. This one shows Aegon the Conqueror naming Edmyn Tully Lord paramount of the Red Fork." Aeron did not know such objects, filled with precious knowledge, existed at Rivverun.
"I am gladdened you thought to show this to me, my Lady, I am yours to command. Direct me forthwith." The golden lady grinned up at him beneath her mask and pulled him from one painting to another, explaining little details on each. Aeron could not help but smile at her excitement all the while. Finally, she pulled him towards a painting he could not decipher as the lady next to to him began point out details to him. "It depicts the women's court held at Riverrun on behalf of Queen Alysanne Targaryen by her lady's maid, Jennis Templeton. Queen Alysanne herself was presiding over the Iron Throne in the King's absence. A true Queen."
Aeron smiled softly at her. "Queen Alysanne was a wise and capable consort. By the grace of the Seven, we should see such a partnership grace the Iron Throne again."
To his dismay, the lady's face fell and she gripped the gold chain of her Ruby necklace, her knuckles turning white. He could not think what in his words had offended her but before he could offer her his apologies for any misunderstanding, a horn sounded faintly in the distance. The noble families must have been preparing to leave, the light of the moon suggesting that it was the hour of the eel. Time had slipped away from Aeron. With a look of alarm, the lady took hold of her skirts and, with parting "farewell my lord", she rushed down the hall whence they'd come. The chain of her necklace broke and as it fell to the floor she briefly looked back at it with a mixture of sadness and indecision, before abandoning it entirely.
Frozen to the spot in shock at the suddenness of her departure, it was only upon spotting the glittering of her ruby necklace on the floor that Aeron could force himself to move. Kneeling to collect the broken remnants, he quickly leapt up and broke into a run. He was determined to return her necklace to her, to make amends for any offence he might have caused, and to learn the name of the lady who'd ensnared his heart so quickly.
By the time he reached the Great Hall, she had disappeared entirely into the throng of lords and ladies now departing to return to their own hall He cursed himself for tarrying so long, for being such a floundering fool that he had not even asked the name of the lady. Wrenching his mask from his face in frustration, he looked down upon the broken necklace in his palm. Closing his palm over the cold surface of the ruby, a feeling of resolve came over him. Someone at the banquet would be able to identify the jewel or the lady herself. He would find the girl of burnished gold again.
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Aeron searched far and wide for the mysterious lady, sending missives by raven to each House that had been in attendance at the Harvest Banquet, excluding the Blackwoods. But none could lay claim to the necklace he described or identify the Lady with the golden hair. It was as if she had never existed. Aeron was weary with frustration, leaning his cheek against the cold surface of his desk. A knock at the door of his chambers had him straightening up just in time for a herald to announce Ser Samwell and Ser Jon. He bolted out of his seat to greet them.
"Any news of my lady?" His hopeful expression fell as they both shook their heads. "I fear she cannot or does not want to be found. What does your uncle say of this...obsession of yours Aeron?"
Aeron rolled his eyes, "I think he finds the whole affair amusing. He told me he was intrigued to see how it would play out."
Samwell snorted and Jon discretely elbowed him in the ribs. Aeron ignored their antics and tried to think of what else he could do when an idea came to him. Returning to his desk, he pulled the ruby necklace from a drawer and presented it to his friends. "I will bring the lady's necklace to all the jewellers in the Riverlands, one of them must be able to identify the owner. Failing that, I will extend my search to the Seven Kingdoms."
Eyes widening at the lengths Aeron was willing to go to find his golden lady, Jon nodded and turned to leave. "As you will it." Aeron quickly set to his task, making plans for when he would visit each jeweller. He would ride out from Stone Hedge on the morrow.
Aeron had already tried four other jewellers before he came to the one at Fairmarket, entering the establishment with no small amount of anxiety, aware it was frequented by both House Blackwood and House Bracken. "I wish to enquire as to the providence of this necklace. Do you recognise it?" Aeron could not help the hope that surged in him, even as it had been dashed at every turn. His heart began beating wildly as the jeweller began to nod with clear recognition upon his face. "I know it, it was my hands that crafted it. The necklace belongs to the Lady Daenara Blackwood, daughter of Lady Alysanne." Aeron felt as if the ground was collapsing out from under him. He had not even considered the possibility of his lady belonging to the House of his greatest enemies. Her features were not those associated with House Blackwood, not possessing the raven hair and dark eyes of her kinsmen. His mind spun, a whirlwind of conflicting emotions warring with each other until he came to the realisation that it did not matter. He had never met a lady like Daenara Blackwood, never found a person that felt so familiar and comfortable to him even upon first meeting, none so intelligent, none so beautiful. He found he could not extend his inherited hatred of her House to her, and came to a decision.
"How long would it take you to mend it?"
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Three days later, the now mended ruby necklace in his tunic, Aeron reviewed the course of events that had led him to his current precarious position. A bead of sweat trailed down his brow as he heaved himself up by the vines on the lowest wall he could find as he had circled Raventree Hall. Swinging himself over the top of the wall he found that he was in a lush garden, likely no where near the household chambers and he began to think he'd been truly stupid in not thinking up a clearer plan. Would he now have to throw stones at every window and pray he found that of his Lady's instead of her cousin Benjicot's?
A glimmer of gold caught his eye between the arches of a wall that seemed to lead to a smaller, private garden and he thanked the Seven for bringing him to exactly where he needed to be, as if by fate. Beginning to climb down into the grounds, he lost his footing and unceremoniously fell to the ground, letting out a low grunt of pain. His Lady must have heard the kerfuffle, for she appeared between one of the arches of the wall separating them to see him sprawled in front of her.
Quickly jumping to his feet, he halted his movements as she took some hurried steps back, eager not to scare her away. He held his hands out placatingly.
"Please, I did not mean to frighten you, my Lady. Will you not stay a moment?"
Daenara's eyes fell upon his golden tunic and the red stallion blazing across it, the sigil of his House.
"You are a Bracken, how can I be sure you do not intend to harm me."
He took several tentative steps forward, prompting Daenera to move further into the garden, dissapearing behind the wall before reappearing in an arch further away from the door which must lead to her private garden.
"I assure you I have no ill intent and would never harm a lady." He followed her as she moved down the length of the wall, shooting him furtive glances. He thought desperately of how he could convey to her that he meant her no harm.
"It is death should they find you here." She had stopped moving away from him at least, enabling him to step right up to the arch she now peered at him through.
"I do not wish to quarrel with your kin, only to return what belongs to you and to speak with you. If it is your wish to bid me go once I have done so, then I shall leave at your will, I assure you." When Daenara gave no response, only looking up at him quizzically with furrowed brows, he continued.
"I came to return your necklace, I hope you will not take offence at my presumption but I had it mended. You looked saddened to see it break so I could not but guess at its significance for you."
He held the necklace out to her across the ledge of the arch, and she slowly raised her hand to take it, brushing her hand against his.
"I am most grateful to you, my Lord. This necklace is, indeed, of special importance to me. A gift from my mother and a symbol of my House, though I know that will not hold much import for you."
Ignoring the door he'd seen entirely, Aeron climbed through the arch, leaping over the wall, as Daenara stepped back to allow him entrance. He was relieved that she now seemed to understand he would not harm her. It pained him to think of it.
"I would not reproach you for loyalty to your House, which is most admirable."
Looking into his eyes with a startling focus as if trying to assess his sincerity, she seemed to find what she was looking for.
"May I request your assistance?"
She pulled her hair back from her neck and turned her back to allow him access. Hands trembling slightly with his nervousness at their proximity, he wrapped the necklace around her neck and closed the clasp of the necklace. His fingers lightly brushed against the graceful slope of her neck, her skin soft and delicate to the touch.
A blanket of golden hair brushed against his shoulders with their closeness as Daenara turned back round to face him, hand clasped around her necklace.
"You have divested yourself of your purpose for coming here, what will you do now?" A glimmer of something he could not place lit her eyes, and Aeron had to forcibly pull his eyes away from them to answer coherently.
"It is only half true that I have fulfilled my purpose in coming to you, my Lady. I wish to speak my intentions, should you permit it."
"What intentions could you have? Have you yourself not borne witness to the chasm that separates our Houses, the danger you now place yourself in just by being here?"
Taking a careful step toward her, their chests almost touching, Aeron lowered his head reverentially and spoke softly.
"The only danger I fear is that which lies within your power. It is you fair lady whose weapons I fear.
Daenara looked surprised at his answer but stepped closer still, having to crane her neck up to look into his eyes.
"I am not so dangerous as that. And to what weapons do you speak of?"
"I speak of your power to grant or deny me your favour. One word from you could dash all of my hopes and tear my heart asunder quicker and with greater pain than any dagger of your kinsmen."
A look of realisation began to dawn on her features, a blush to tint her cheeks before Aeron spoke again.
"Your wit, your warmth, and your beauty ensnared me from the first. I tried to remove you from my thoughts, I admit, upon learning you were a Blackwood, but it was as if I were tearing a constituent element from myself. Do I dare to hope you have thought of me also?"
"I have thought of you many times since that night. I thought you must be a Bracken when you spoke of the Seven and it frightened me, yet I could not bar my heart to you even as I fled from you."
Aeron place a hand lightly on her elbow, his head spinning at the thought of Daenara returning his feelings for her.
"I have searched for you since, my only clue your necklace, so auspiciously dropped. For without it I could not have found my way to you again."
Taking a few steps back from him, Daenera stopped Aeron from following with a hand to his chest.
"I fear I cannot grant you what you seek. My affections as a Blackwood are not meant for a Bracken to possess." 
"Your caution is wise, fairest of ladies, but you'll find that a match between our Houses is not without precedent. Queen Visenya Targaryen herself arranged for two matches between our houses to great success. And was not King Benedict Blackwood himself born of both our Houses?"
Daenara's eyes shot up to meet his, her face contorted in anger. "Do you draw the comparison purposefully, for none could be deceived or blinded by my appearance? I know I do not bear the features of my House."
Quickly realising his blunder, King Benedict famously being a bastard, he took hold of her hand in both of his, his expression penitent.
"Sweet Lady, I assure you I meant no offence, it was not my intent and I beg your forgiveness for my careless blunder. I will speak plainly to avoid any misunderstandings between us. I wish to court you and devote myself to winning your heart for mine own."
"You speak such pretty words, I can scarcely believe them to be in earnest."
"Forgive me if my tongue does run away with itself, I will desist should my words displease you. Only do not send me from your sight entirely. My admiration for you is true, my Lady."
"Daenara, you may call me Daenara."
Aeron's lips quirked up in a smile.
"Daenara. And you must call me Aeron." Daenara offered him a tentative smile that instilled him with the confidence to make his next request.
"Will you meet me on the border between our lands tomorrow? I only wish to talk with you and learn more about you, Daenara." That was an understatement. He wanted to know everything about her, her likes and dislikes, what hopes she held for the future.
"I will endeavour to meet you, though I cannot promise. It will not be easy to slip past Benjicot. My cousin is rather protective of me."
He gently took hold of her hand, his moments slow to allow Daenara time to reject his advance. When she did not, he grazed his lips across her knuckles, maintaining eye contact with her "I will wait for you."
Aeron could not repress his joy as he climbed back over the garden wall of Raventree Hall, barely paying any mind to the danger as he snuck back into Bracken lands. His heart soared at the thought of seeing Daenara again on the morrow.
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The next day Aeron waited at the border between Bracken and Blackwood lands until he began to think Daenera would not come. The light tread of footsteps and the sound of satin shifting signalled her arrival and he beamed at her. "You came, my Lady." She smiled shyly back a him, "I promised I would try."
As Aeron took a step towards her, she raised a palm up to stop him. "I would not have you risk crossing into our lands again, it is a miracle you managed it unharmed last night. And I really ought not to cross into Bracken lands."
Aeron frowned then held out his hand to her, palm outstretched. "I will not cross the boundary line if it displease you. But we may walk along it side by side if we stay within our own lands may we not?" Taking his outstretched hand, Aeron quickly interlocked their fingers, his own cheeks surely blazing with heat at her acceptance as they began to walk alongside one another, a curious sight. Aeron found he did not care how unusual a pairing they made, simply content to speak with her again, to laugh with her, all the while feeling the comforting weight of her smaller hand in his, as she playfully began to swing their arms.
A sudden movement caught Aeron's eyes and he panicked at seeing Benjicot Blackwood, who would surely kill him should he find him so close with his cousin, at a distance. Realising he'd not yet spotted them he quickly pushed Daenara into a nearby bush on the Bracken side of the border. Swiftly bracing his hands on either side of her head to avoid crushing her under his weight he swept one hand over her head, tucking various strands of hair away from her face, looking over her frantically to determine if the fall had hurt her. "Aeron!" Daenara scolded him, unaware of what could have prompted his strange actions "My Lady, I apologise profusely. Are you hurt anywhere? I saw your cousin approaching overhill and panicked" the last he spoke sheepishly, waiting with baited breath for her to scold him.
To his surprise she smiled up at him affectionately and tangled her hand in his hair, laughing up at him. "It looks like I've crossed into Bracken lands after all, despite my best intentions." Aeron looked at her seriously, their faces so close his nose was almost brushing hers. "You will not come to any harm on my lands, not when I'm with you." Daenara made no answer, but when her eyes flitted from his eyes to his lips he boldly claimed hers with his own. Her hand tightened its hold on his hair to pull him closer to her and he moved his hand to cup her face. When they broke away for air he placed his forehead on hers before placing a tender kiss upon her head and standing, reaching down to pull her up with him and help her out of the bush. "I believe your cousin must have departed by now."
Aeron and Daenara continued to meet at the border, walking hand in hand along the boundary stones which divided their Houses, exchanging kisses and leaving letters for one another in secret, a bond of love growing between them each day.
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Daenera stomped towards her meeting spot with Aeron, furiously brushing away tears of bitter betrayal from her eyes. Her mother, the Lady Alysanne Blackwood, had summoned her to her Chambers that morning, and by the time she'd left it felt like her entire reality had been pulled out from beneath her. Daenera was not naiive, she'd always known she was a bastard. She looked nothing like her kin, the only thing making it at all clear she was related to her cousin Benjicot was their shared loyalty and that they were quick to anger. But she had never pushed her mother for the truth of her parentage, thinking it must be a source of pain to her. But now, to find that after she had expressed her affinity with the House of the Dragon for so long, her mother had kept from her that she herself was forged in fire and blood, it was almost too much to bear. Her mother had explained that her father was the Prince Daemon Targaryen, making Daenera herself a Targaryen. It did explain her strangely coloured eyes and golden hair, surely the outcome of the Blackwood influence darkening the pale blonde hair of the Targaryens. But it hurt to hear her mother finally explain why she'd kept her from public festivities such as the Harvest Banquet, or any banquets outside of Raventree Hall for so long, for fear that her Targaryen ancestry should be discovered and make her a target. A fear Alysanne felt all the more keenly as the House of the Dragon had fallen into all out warfare, her own House and that of her love's declaring for different sides.
To make matters worse, her mother had made the truly aberrant suggestion to her to take a husband from their bannerman to further cement her place as a Blackwood, to give her hand to Ser Rickard of all people. He was brutish and vulgar, no matter how loyal he was to their House. But it was the suggestion she should continue to hide such an essential part of herself to avoid getting caught up in the Dance of the Dragons that cut her most deeply.
Aeron smiled upon spotting her but his face quickly fell as he rushed towards her, crossing into Blackwood territory to gently take hold of her elbows and search her face. "What has happened, my Love?"
She felt her throat close up with tears and let her head fall onto Aeron's chest, as he encircled one arm around her waist and one held her head against his chest to comfort her. After a while she pulled away from him, prepared to tell him all that had passed between her and her mother, all the while praying to her gods that it would not change his feelings towards her.
"My mother has informed me of my true parentage. She says that I was born of a brief affair with the Prince Daemon Targaryen, of all the possibilities. That I, myself, am a Targaryen. Worse, he does not know I was even born. I know my mother intended to protect me but it does not make her deception sting any less. To make matters worse, she wishes me to marry one of our bannermen and I don't know how to tell her my heart already belongs to another." Aeron had frozen in shock at her first admission, before realising that he must have known this truth about his lady somehow all along based on his first impression of her. And there were more pressing matters than gawping at her, she was looking to him for comfort, to help her fix this. And he'd be damned if any other man but him would marry the woman he loved, knowing she loved him too.
"My Love, I think I knew from the first moment I saw you that you were made of fire and I have ever been drawn to it. I do believe that fate brought us together in that knowledge. As to your betrothal, I will go to Raventree hence and plead for your hand if you should allow."
Daenara brought her hands to cup Aeron's face. Aeron hated seeing the sorrow adorning her pretty features. "My mother would never allow it, my kinsmen will surely kill you for even attempting it." Aeron took hold of Daenara's hands and pulled them to his heart, looking into her eyes. "I Love you, and I will risk a thousand swords to make you my wife if that is also your wish." In response, Daenara pulled Aeron down towards her by his tunic, molding her lips with his. They broke apart, both turning towards the sound of shouting "Get away from her Bracken."
"Gods, that's Ser Rickard, the man my mother wishes to marry me off to." If looks could kill, Aeron would be in his grave. But he steeled his courage, prepared to defend his lady and his love for her from Ser Rickard and the two other Blackwood Knights trailing him. He pulled Daenara behind him and sent a glare the knight's way, which only seemed to incense him further. "You dare to cross the border and accost a Blackwood, you craven bastard!"
Aeron bristled at his insinuation. "I would never impose myself on a lady without her consent, Ser."
"She belongs to House Blackwood and is to be my wife, I have her mother's permission. Remove your hands from her person."
Aeron took a step towards the knight, speaking through gritted teeth. "From what I hear you do not have the lady's consent, and that is all that matters to me."
"You speak for her do you?"
"I would not dare. But I will not stand by idly as you lay claim to the lady as if she were some common cattle."
Not a moment after Aeron had spoken, Ser Rickard had forcefully shoved Aeron in the chest, pushing both Aeron and Daenara backwards. Shoving him again, Aeron just barely managed to stay standing, looking behind him to check Daenara was unharmed as she'd been holding onto his arm. But she had placed herself between the two in an attempt to stop any further violence from ensuing and time seemed to slow as Aeron watched in horror as a blow meant for him connected with Daenara's face, sending her falling to the ground.
Aeron immediately went to her, brushing hair away from her face, tenderly holding a hand to the side of her head to assess the damage. He felt his heart drop upon seeing a trickle of blood coming from a split in her lip. Her eyes were wide in shock as if she had not yet fully registered what had happened. Aeron had never had a proclivity for violence, but seeing Daenara harmed when he should of prevented it sent a surge of anger through him he had never felt before. He launched himself at Ser Rickard before the other Blackwood Knights could stop him, bringing him to the ground with the force of his assault. The brief moment of confusion lost, the Blackwood Knights forcibly pulled Aeron from Ser Rickard and he shrugged off their arms before kneeling back down next to Daenara, his eyes filled with concern. "Are you alright, my Love, are you in a great deal of pain?" Daenara held her jaw in one hand, clearly pained by it, and raised her hand to Aeron's face. "I am alright, it is not so awful."
A shout interrupted them as Benjicot appeared a few yards away, his face filled with rage. "Bracken!"
Aeron stood up to face him. Benjicot had briefly surveyed the situation and come to the conclusion that the brazen Bracken knight had laid hands upon his clearly injured cousin. "Did you strike my cousin? I'll kill you if you've harmed her."
Daenera rose from her position on the rough ground, dusting her skirts down, and placed a hand on Benjicot's chest. "He did not harm me cousin, but rather protected me from the one who did. You can take my injuries up with Ser Rickard once he picks himself up from the ground." She gestured briefly in the direction of the knight who was coughing and trying to recover his composure after Aeron's assault. Benjicot's breathing began to calm as he realised the truth of the situation, but he glared at Aeron nonetheless. "Benjicot please stop glaring at Aeron. You should know that I love him and intend to marry him." Benjicot took a sharp intake of breath, anger taking over his expression before he seemed to calm himself with a concerted effort, saying simply "I'll take you home cousin." Daenara nodded and took Benjicot's proferred arm, shooting Aeron an apologetic glance. But Aeron had already grabbed onto Benjicot's other arm to stop his movements. "I do not wish for the lady to be in any trouble because of her association with me."
Benjicot shrugged Aeron's hand off. "I care deeply for my cousin and I would not take issue with her even if she does have poor taste in men." With that Aeron watched Daenara and Benjicot walk the way of Raventree Hall before making his way back to Stone Hedge to speak with his Uncle.
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Aeron was equal parts surprised and relieved that it took very little convincing on his part for his uncle to sanction his marriage to the Lady Daenera.
Aeron had anticipated an argument, reminding his uncle of the previous terms he'd set for Aeron securing a betrothal. "You told me I could make my own choice. I choose Daenera. I love her Uncle, and I have the good fortune that she loves me in turn." Lord Amos had only let out a short laugh at his nephew's insistence, never expecting him to make such an unexpected match but nevertheless offered him his support in securing Lady Alysanne's consent for the marriage at Raventree Hall the next day.
More curious still was Lady Alysanne's acceptance of the match on the basis that Benjicot Blackwood of all people had spoken up in his favour. Aeron decided to dispense with his confusion in favour of embracing his lady and capturing her lips with his, in the knowledge that they would soon be wed, despite all the odds set against them.
Lady Alysanne sent a raven to Dragonstone shortly after Aeron and Lord Bracken left Raventree, deciding that it was time for Daenara to have the chance to know her father. It took less than the turn of one moon for Daemon to arrive on dragonback, landing Caraxes not far from her halls, eager to meet with the daughter whose existence he'd had no idea of. Daenera had hardly known what to say or do and had curtsied tentatively towards him, addressing him in a timid voice "My Prince." Daemon wasted no time in embracing her, speaking into her hair "My daughter."
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Daenera had never felt more sure of who she was, having spent so much of her life in the dark about her true heritage and always feeling a sense of loss she could never fully comprehend. The knowledge that Targaryen blood ran through her veins had enabled her to finally accept the fire that had always burned within her. She had been concerned as to how she would be received by Queen Rhaenyra as Daemon's bastard but the Queen had been unexpectedly welcoming and kind towards her, requesting that she come to Dragonstone along with her husband. Aeron's ready acceptance of her Targaryen parentage had only made her love him all the more. Daenera tried to channel her feelings of contentment into the Valyrian instructions her father had taught her, as she cautiously approached the dragon in front of her. "Lykiri Silverwing. Lykiri, dohaeris Silverwing" she repeated, one hand outstretched to the silver dragon's snout.
Silverwing huffed out fumes of smoke that warmed Daenera's hand, but the dragon did not stir as Daenera made her way along its length to the ladder which would allow Daenera to mount her. Looking back briefly at Aeron, who was gazing at her with a mixture of concern and awe, she turned back to the dragon with steely determination and began to climb up to the saddle, trying to focus on appearing fearless before the dragon she wished to claim. As she reached the top of the dragon's back and settled herself into the saddle she felt the bond between them fall into place, a bond so pure and so absolute she was sure it could never be broken. Taking hold of the reigns she spoke softly, knowing that Silverwing would obey her order now. "Soves."
𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕰𝖓𝖉
Writer's note: if you made it this far you are an actual soldier, thank you so much for continuing till the end :) I've tagged everyone who liked my initial post introing this story, I hope that's OK.
@ithilwen-blackwood @twistytimesandthoughts @im-gonna-love-you-forever @momoko-world @houseofthedragonluver-blog @grandoli14 @bryandechartisasmolbean @theswreties
@thornew @jessie123878 @jinx53 @vanityphantomofhearts @shadowwolf202101blog @hanahb333 @cat0803 @dosx @potato1d-blog1 @shemisseshome @queenhelaenatargaryen1
@courtney0-0 @rvllybllply2014 @atrocic @jacobsmemesibling
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museforblooms · 8 months
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★⠀⠀ ⁄ ⠀⠀CURSE OF CAPULET is the fictional debut mini—album by the idol band BELLADONNA released on February 14, 2024. After their win on Superband, Belladonna would take five months to write and produce their first album with the help of Plastic Flowers SALEM and OLIVER and former Lush member DALLAS LINWOOD. Along with the songs written by the members, Salem had gifted them an old draft, RENEWAL, which was supposed to appear on Wind and Rain in 2019 but was replaced with another song. The album takes on themes of love, desperation, mortality, and the inevitability of fate with their concept changing from girlhood to medieval and renaissance imagery, often seeing the girls depicted as saints. The album had one title track, BURN ALIVE, but RENEWAL was also promoted as a b-side.
★⠀⠀ ⁄ ⠀⠀Curse of Capulet comes from the play Romeo and Juliet by Williams Shakespeare as it's themes closely resemble the overall meaning of their debut album. It is a reference to Mercutio's death in Act III, scene I in which he curses both the Capulets and Montagues with "a plague o' both your houses!", blaming both of them for his death. He wants Romeo to know that he blames the feuding families for his fate and remind Romeo that his love for Juliet was the reason for his death to Tybalt, Juliet's short tempered cousin. The album was released with TWO versions: ROMEO and JULIET, with the back cover featuring quotes from both characters alongside the tracklist.
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★⠀⠀ ⁄ ⠀⠀TRACKLIST.
‘ # 001.⠀ ⠀OLIM ──── written by kwak yulli, produced by oliver song, and performed by belladonna. olim is an introduction track to belladonna's debut track and mimics catholic hymns, with the word olim itself representing the beginning of a fairytale. the translation goes as: "once, long ago God arrived in this age of brightness / He will come again" and is repeated twice. all members of belladonna referred to this as the hardest recording session that they've ever had. the idea was brought up by oliver as a joke, but yulli saw it as the perfect time to flex her old latin skills from attending catholic skills. it was almost cut completely, but the girls were able to save it at the last minute.
‘ # 002.⠀ ⠀TITLE TRACK: BURN ALIVE ──── written and produced by bae haena, performed by kwak yulli. in their debut single, belladonna comes out swinging as they depict themes of addiction, self-destruction, and the sacrifices made for love. the main imagery of the song is a toxic relationship where both parties are consumed by their vices and are unable to break the cycle of destructive patterns. because of this relationship, they are no longer who they aspired to be and desire to capitalize on their own pain, a reflection on modern society.
‘ # 003.⠀ ⠀THEATRE ──── written by ko sarang, produced by dallas linwood, performed by kwak yulli. theatre explores the desire for love and acceptance through the lens of a theatrical performance. it delves into the idea of yearning for a love that feels like it belongings in a grand gesture from a movie or performance. the narrator is willing to go through the motions by pretending and faking emotions just to fulfill this dream of being loved. they yearn to be loved and adored as a film star, swept up in a fantasy where all their desires are achieved.
‘ # 004.⠀ ⠀FORTUNATE ISLES ──── written by kim eulsun and kim wonhui, produced by dallas linwood, and performed by kwak yulli. this song is often the one that gets the most criticism as professionals and netizens alike believe it doesn't fit the sound of the album. however, the girls are always ready to double down on how much they love the song. taking it's name from the greek island where all their greatest heroes lived, fortunate isles conveys the story of a letter being delivered to an ex lover who isn't quiet over their relationship yet, asking to be reborn in spring so they can live together forever.
‘ # 005.⠀ ⠀RENEWAL ──── written and produced by salem kueakulsri, performed by kwak yulli. renewal was a gift to the members of belladonna from plastic flowers leader, salem kuekulsri. in an instagram live, she confirmed that it had intended to be a plastic flowers song, but it was cut and eventually left in her vault of music. she said that she gave it to belladonna to remind them that they always hold the power in their lives and as a way to keep them strong. it explores themes of personal growth and resilience in the face of adversity, wanting to start anew and find solace in oneself after experiencing setbacks and challenges. by "growing a new plant in your head", the narrator can reach a new sense of personal transformation and optimism, leaving anyone that doubted them behind.
‘ # 006.⠀ ⠀LOVERS ──── written by bae haena, produced by oliver song, performed by kwak yulli. haena is quickly establishing herself as the queen of heartbreaking ballads in the group and fans absolutely love it. in this slower track, yulli really shines vocally as she laments on a relationship that failed, but only just realizing how good she had it. with only two verses and a chorus, their message comes across very well as they repeat "i wish you were with me" and "me as yours, you as mine".
‘ # 007.⠀ ⠀PAGAN POETRY ──── written by kwak yulli, produced by oliver song and dallas linwood, performed by kwak yulli. this song explores the spiritual connection between two people as the singer s pedalling through the dark currents and finding an accurate copy of another's pleasure inside of her. this connection is described as a secret code carved into black lilies, something deeply romantic and spiritual. the concept of paganism is reflected in the individual's connection to the divine as deeply personal and the beauty and spiirtualiy is celebrated.
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★⠀⠀ ⁄ ⠀⠀STYLING.
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★⠀⠀ ⁄ ⠀⠀ERA SUMMARY.
‘ # 000.⠀ ⠀MAJOR ACHIEVEMENTS: 200,000 sales in the first week and a nomination on every major south korea music show. fans were unable to get them a win, but they would only place behind the actual winner by a few points, making it possible for the next era.
‘ # 000.⠀ ⠀belladonna's fandom name, DOVES, would be announced by the girls in a video on how to cheer for burn alive. it was chosen because doves are often seen as a symbol of peace, freedom, or love—all things their fans provided for belladonna.
‘ # 000.⠀ ⠀the budget was the talk of the town. everyone was supervised to see how lavish and beautiful their concept photos, music videos, and performance outfits were. it drove poppies mad and they demanded for equal treatment for the two.
‘ # 000.⠀ ⠀ fan wars started between DOVES and POPPIES as soon as it was confirmed salem and oliver were working on the album. many accused belladonna of not being able to write or produce their own music, which is objectively not true as seen by their superband run, and were just overall nasty towards the girls.
‘ # 000.⠀ ⠀ the OLIVER and YULLI DATING RUMORS. . . someone had posted a video of them looking a bit too close after plastic flowers' performance at cheeky's and twitter just ran with it. superbloom had to issue a statement saying they were just friends and had a close "senior—junior artist" relationship.
‘ # 000.⠀ ⠀ enough about plastic flowers! DALLAS LINWOOD was praised for his work on the album! after announcing his retirement from performing, most were excited to see him working on music again and he did not disappoint on these arrangements.
‘ # 000.⠀ ⠀ belladonna performed and WON their first time on immortal songs: singing the legends. they were on the PATTI KIM episode and sang MOTHER'S HEART IN SEOUL! it was praised by the older generation of domestic netizens and the girls will definitely be returning.
‘ # 000.⠀ ⠀all of the girls were supposed to have their natural hair colors for this promotional period, but haena had over plans. without telling superbloom, she bleached her own hair and it surprisingly came out well! when the company found out, she was forced to tone it and it remained a white color.
‘ # 000.⠀ ⠀many pre-debut fans were disappointed by their concept shift. though it was hinted at in the later rounds of superband, many wanted them to keep their "girl—rock" sound because they could relate to what they were singing about. there's a clear divide between these stans and those that enjoyed the curse of capulet.
‘ # 000.⠀ ⠀they were given a reality show called THE BELLA'S, which was filled with fun challenges and the girls getting to know each other! it's a loved series by fans and is still being uploaded even after promotions ended. they had a whole episode on haena's hair, which was an instant classic.
‘ # 000.⠀ ⠀despite knowing each other for less than a year, BELLADONNA seemed very close. they have amazing chemistry together and even showed how well they knew each other on BLOOM WITH US, with YULLI being the overall winner because she "loves her members".
‘ # 000.⠀ ⠀they also posted various covers including EDGE OF SEVENTEEN by stevie nicks, NIGHT SHIFT by lucy dacus, CHILL KILL by red velvet, THE CHAIN by plastic flowers, DITTO by newjeans, and many more.
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polaritiesoop · 3 months
Gem and Lizzie would make for fun enemies as I think they would make great for a duo. Is it just me? Like better if it's one sided rivalry like with Joel and Scott. Lizzie is confused, Gem is bloodthirsty. Must be just me and my pirate concept with pirate captain Gem and her beef with the ocean and Lizzie as the Ocean Queen.
lemme rant about my concept
Gem is cursed by some ancient entity to shift into an ocean siren hit with the urge to eat people and longing to breathe underwater, she hates it because her siren features are slowly becoming permanent almost replacing her hybrid features of being a deer. Which she is devastated of as she is the sole survivor of her village kind. At some point she and her crew rescued Joel from captivity as he was a prince of a kingdom in the middle of a war. And Joel has the attention of Ocean Queen Lizzie, straight up being courted by her and he has an embarrassing crush on her yet is oblivious. When Gem realizes Joel is connected with her, she keeps Joel captive and demands Lizzie to cure her curse. Lizzie, who was not the one to cast the curse nor is she powerful enough to undo a curse, is confused on why Gem is being so hostile and keeping her from seeing Joel. They would have squabbles in the ocean and Lizzie is just half confused and half annoyed that Gem keeps fighting her. Plus she's embarrassed because Gem wins nearly all the time. Of course it eventually develops into friendship through the different misadventures of Gem and her crew.... And Lizzie is there on the ocean cuz she can't really stay much on land and Gem would aim for her head if she ever tries to take a step on their ship. she really wants to join the crew but Gem keeps refusing. Joel feels like Gem is acting like a parent keeping him away from Lizzie, Taylor Swift's Romeo and Juliet style of goofy lovestory.
Gem's crew consist most of the magical mt. cast that might be also cursed like Gem in diff. ways and so each of them have their own stories. Scar is a wanted criminal and vex hybrid and might/might've not stolen an important artifact from the last cannibal cult he was a part of (triple whammy) and might/might not be threatened every time with death because he got the attention of an ancient entity, I wonder why? Grian is a runaway prince that teenaged Gem had the unfortunate time with when he sneaked into the pirate ship of another crew Gem was once a cabin girl for. Now he is in Gem's crew disguised as a middle aged fisherman that contributes jack shit on the crew, but can't be kicked out cause he's a great fighter and the Snail Colony both cursed Gem and Grian as their servants and they are inseparable by contract. Skizz was supposed to assassinate Joel, but had grown fond of the man while taking on the role as his personal knight, and so was protecting him all the time when Prince Joel was kidnapped and the two of them formed a deeper friendship when they were kept captive . Skizz is definitely an ancient entity that is not aware he is one, has an awful amnesia of his divinity, and will start to remember while having a second go at puberty in the form of wings. Many Many sprouting wings. Impulse has a touch with death, he does not know why but he is happy to see his bestfriend Skizz again! He is plagued by the ghosts that start to randomly haunt their ship but he knows it's because of Scar...because they keep telling him to kill Scar. Oh, and Impulse encounters ghostly Joel clones pretending to be Joel of a variety of killing moods, for whatever reason they are targeting Skizz. Something is not right with Joel.
What about Mumbo? uhhhhh Normal Guy™. Genuinely loves to tend to the ship be it redstone and building. Experiences all the horrors of his friends' curses first hand. Does help them and somehow always at the scene of the crime but also at the resolution of said crime. It's almost suspicious how he keeps surviving....
Yeah, so pirates, lotsa ancient entities and curses and cults and crazy island colonies with more curses. but most importantly. snails. and the moon might start cash landing on earth because for some reason the moon goddess (Pearl duh) is now on earth and her powers are gone and Gem needs to help her. Somehow.
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animentality · 8 months
Do you think Moonrise/the colony was maybe the only place where Durgetash could have peaceful moments together since it’s Shar‘s domain/Shar having an unrelenting grip on the territory and also Ketheric’s presence and place aka Myrkul’s ? Bhaal’s (and Bane’s) Temple being far away and not being able to pester Durge (and Gortash) with murdery Urges and nightmares?
Durgetash not being able to feel Bhaal’s and Bane’s divinity as much and not feeling their scrutinizing stare/judging-unforgiving eyes on em?
Not having to put up the authority/Chosen/head leader-show towards other (or at least in less quantity) Bhaalists and Banites, not having to be as secretive about their affections towards each other too? *cough cough* ORIN.
Having more time for each other, no stupid patriar-meetings, less cult related business etc. more work together: scheming plans, working out the new absolute symbol heh, stealing sips or straight up the whole mug of coffee from each other at meetings in-front of Ketheric cuz long night working together at the colony *cough cough* and other buddy-things, working in the colony overall very close, lotsa intimate dissecting …
Durge seeing a more relaxed, more enthusiastic/curious/excited to work on new stuff-Gortash less annoyed perhaps (cuz of other ppl)?
Gortash being able to see different sides of Durge, them being with their gnolls and teaching them things all lovey-dovey (couldn’t picture that happening in baldurs gate/the city) maybe having childish arguments with ghouls related to murder and dietary? (Secretly) Seeing how THE FCKING Elderbrain has found a mutual liking in Durge?.?
Durgetash (probably more Durge, but Gortash would enjoy observing?) bothering/annoying Ketheric and his Myrkulites, Durge being more petty, mumbling insults how the undead (Ketheric included)/lackey skeletons “are a disgrace to death and murder” “what’s dead should stay dead” in a sense? Bhaal’s wishes being to see everyone wiped from faerun and all that
So yeah, your all-knowing thoughts on this, oh wise Durgetash-lunacy CEO
I have to first say, that the idea of a neutral ground where Gortash and Dark Urge could meet like Romeo and Juliet or some shit, and just be away from their respective gods is absolutely beautiful.
I have a starry eyed love for the forbidden romance aspect of Durgetash, where they meet in secretive little coves only they knew about, and you've set my brain on fire with the warmth of possibility. I also didn't even think about how Shar owning those lands would make it hard for other gods to watch anything going on in those areas.
A fascinating concept, and one I'd love to keep thinking about.
Plus, it allows me to giggle to myself, imagining Ketheric being...so....fucking....angry that they're mooching off his space and making him endure the most unbearable third wheeling imaginable.
That being said.
Moonrise is also where the Dark Urge lost everything.
It's also where Enver Gortash lost them.
So maybe it would be a refuge for brief period, where they could work together and annoy peepaw...
It's also a place of grief. Not just for Ketheric, who lost his family, but for everyone who lost their families and their communities when Shar cursed the land.
Also where two wretched villains lost the only innocent thing they ever had.
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thinking about childhood!gojo & reader.. 🙏 i think that little gojo wouldve been way less cockier and more quieter than teen gojo bc at the time he was VERY isolated and the poor baby probably never socialised with anyone other than family at the time 😞💔💔
i think reader in this au would be the adventurous bubbly type of child!! theyre very innocent and sweet 🥲 <33 i can just imagine that when gojo and reader first met gojo got mud on his clothes for the first time and his parents went mental over it!! 😭 they kept on calling reader a bad influence and therefore he wasnt allowed to see them but obviously that never stopped them bc love wins 🩷🩷
do we see the vision ari?!?!?! - 🍰
WE ABSOLUTELY SEE THE VISION 🍰 ANON <333 ohhhhh i completely agree…… quiet little baby gojo and the cute, bubbly kid he gets attached to :3 he follows you around like a baby duckling!!!!!
i wrote a teeny tiny little thing for a similar concept here hehe, in case you wanna check it out!!! i think it’s so cute….. him having to sneak out just to see you…… romeo and juliet style………. he would be so protective over you too i think :< you feel the need to protect him since he’s quiet and tiny but the moment anyone picks a fight with you he’s stepping up LMAO……. he’s like. an angry little kitten who only likes you <33333 baby.
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wedontdeservethestars · 8 months
Johnny x fem! Clown reader
This is such a cute prompt idea! I've been doodling clowns a lot lately in class so this is strangely relevant to my life rn lol.
Content: fem!reader, really just a lot of fluff!
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“I was thinking,” Johnny began. 
“That’s never good.” 
A roll of the eyes, a nudge of your shoulder. “C’mon. This one’s good.”
“Fine. I guess I can humor you for once…”
Johnny stuck his tongue out at you. He swirled his drink in his glass–a White Russian. “The execs are thinking of a soft reboot for Ninja Mime. And, well, y’know…I know you’re not big on film work, but I was thinkin’a bringing up the idea of a team-up sorta thing. Like, you know: me as Ninja Mime, and you as your cute little self. We could call it…” He raised his hands for dramatic effect, as if imagining a title all up in lights. “Fool Fighters.”
“Like ‘Foo Fighters’?” you giggled. “That might have some copyright issues.”
“Nahhh, I could pull some strings,” he smirked. “Okay, okay, imagine: it’s been years since the defeat of Dr. Commedia. Things have been quiet for Ninja Mime. He’s been relaxing in his penthouse in Paris, drinking wine and eating bread and kissin’ babes and whatever. And then, one day, he gets a cry for help from another fellow clown cutie–that’s you–and he falls head-over-heels in love with her. Dr. Commedia’s son, Art, is taking up his work, and is determined to spread his anti-laughing gas prototype all over the city, turning each and every citizen into a boring zombie of frowns! The clown girl found all this out because she’s Art’s sister and Commedia’s second child, but she wants to spread joy and laughter, so she takes her insider knowledge to Ninja Mime! And then it’s a Romeo and Juliet kind of thing between them, she wants to kiss, he wants to punch, neither of them can be together, and then at the end after Art is defeated, they finally share a gorgeous kiss in front of a sunset. Or, like, and explosion. Maybe both!”
“Oh, wow.” For a moment, you didn’t know what to say. You were impressed with his depth of detail on the concept, but at the same time… “You’re serious about this, aren’t you?”
“Of course I am.” Johnny smiled. “It’ll be badass! Plus, it could put you into the spotlight. Give your career a push into the mainstream.” 
“I guess so.” You nodded and smiled, but your eyes betrayed how conflicted you felt.
“You’d be getting calls left and right!” Johnny chuckled, until he realized that you seemed torn. His smile fell into tight lips. “But…you don’t want that…?”
You sighed and leaned back on the couch. Dating Johnny was wonderful, but it was also a little strange for you. It was like a looking glass into what another realm of entertainment life was like. Actors got so much recognition and stardom (mostly rightfully so!), and other performers like dancers and singers were typically hailed similarly. But, as a clown, you were different. You were a performer, yes, and and actor too, but it was character work. Very specific character work. Between shows and occasional circus acts and private events, you were more disconnected from your work life than, say, Johnny was, who would get recognized just walking outside to get the mail. Hardly anyone recognized your clown character, and even less than that were you recognized beyond someone realizing they’d seen you in a commercial once from a side-gig you’d done. 
You kind of liked it. Clowning wasn’t about fame for you. It was about audience reactions. It was meant to bring joy and laughter and humility and even sometimes sadness to humanity. Clowning was a mirror. It was about laughing at yourself, a strange funhouse reflection of day-to-day life, and you loved it. You loved seeing people smile at your antics and connecting with them through your persona. You didn’t need the fame as long as you had that.
And while Johnny’s idea sounded fun, that fame made you hesitate. You didn’t want to be recognized just from a Ninja Mime reboot. That felt too unreal to you. That wasn’t clowning. It was acting in clown makeup. It felt strangely sacrilege.
“I think…I’d feel better about it if it wasn’t her,” you said slowly, referring to your clown-self.
“Really?” Johnny seemed confused. “I mean…yeah. Yeah, we could make you a new character if you wanted.”
“Yes,” you nodded. Johnny was still looking at you strangely.
“You don’t have to be in it, if you don’t want. I just thought it’d be fun. I don’t know.” He gave a flippant wave of his hand. “It’s—y’know what, never mind. It’s kinda stupid.”
“Hey, c’mon.” You pulled his large hand into yours. “I didn’t say any of that.”
“It’s okay,” he said again. Clearly, it wasn’t, but he was trying to put up a front. “I’m not gonna make you be in a movie against your will. That’s, like, cruel and unusual punishment or whatever.”
“I do,” you assured him. “I would love nothing more. It’s just that clowning is…it’s far different from acting. Same ocean, different island. I don’t think I would translate well onto the big screen.”
“Right,” he nodded. “So—“
“So,” you interrupted gently, “we do what you said. Make me a new character. She can still be a clown. Just not my clown.”
“Okay…” Slowly, that creative spark was coming back into his eyes. “Maybe she can be good at ranged weapons? Since Ninja Mime is mostly killer with the melee stuff.”
“Yeah!” You grinned. “She can have, like, little bombs shaped like juggling balls.”
“Oh, yeah! And maybe, like, a little flower on her top that sprays acid!”
You giggled at the thought, nodding along. “Fun! I like it.”
“And I was thinking—for costumes—we could do a cool contrast thingy, since Ninja Mime is all black and white and red, maybe you could have a rainbow motif or something. Or—no—cotton candy colors! You look really good in pinks and blues.”
“Aw, thanks.” You kissed his cheek. “But I think you’d say that no matter what the design team comes up with.”
“What can I say? You’re a cutie when you’re all dolled up in those ruffles and makeup.” He pinched your nose playfully. “Oh, and that round little nose.”
You giggled and batted his hands away. “Y’know, you don’t look so bad as a mime yourself. Always thought it gave you a sophisticated touch.”
“Oh, well, if the Cagester’s anything, it’s sophisticated,” he beamed proudly, kicking his feet up on the ottoman in front of the couch. 
“Uh-huh.” You decided to let him have that one. “Sooo…when exactly is Fool Fighters going into development?”
“See? Told you the name would grow on you!”
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tank-grunt · 2 months
i rlly want to be interested in veronaville but it overwhelms me tbh. but the viola/rosaline sim concept rlly intrigued me, how would u incorporate a rosaline sim?
OKAY SO LIKE... in romeo and juliet, juliet's sole confident is her nursemaid (ostensibly named angelica - if it wasn't intended to be her name in the original play by shakespeare it has become her name in multiple adaptions since) who was mentioned to have been a mother to a daughter. her daughter was named susan iirc, and she died before the play begins - but veronaville takes a lot of liberties with shakespeare so who cares about that. lets add angelica - possibly a teacher at school or a friend of the late cordelia, or even both! - and make rosaline angelica's daughter, alive and well instead of long dead. thus we make her juliette's peer, best friend, and sole confident instead of just her only unseen cousin (who only sometimes gets to physically appear or be focused on in adaptions following the original play)
this would have two implications:
1. she theoretically could have been a simpler, easier choice of partner for romeo monty - associated with the capps but not one of them, and not directly involved in the feud, so no one would object to his pursuit of her. possibly even actively desirable to his family as a potential significant other... but she's not interested! however its through romeo montague's pursuit of rosaline that he even meets juliet capulet - he attends a party to see rosaline, but finds more of a match in juliet.
so imho adding rosaline would add more spice to romeo monty and juliette capp's dynamic, because i think in the context where rosaline could have been the favorable match for romeo in his families eyes it becomes more meaningful that he chooses juliette in the end. and it would give them a more interesting meeting than just happening to know each other since they were little kids - which is fine, childhood friends to lovers is a sweet dynamic and i often love it. i just also crave more spice in veronaville. teehee?
and then 2. this would give juliette, like, more companionship outside of her family and like. puck. no offense to puck but puck is everyone's friend, he's not specifically juliette's friend. but rosaline would be specifically juliette's friend and not specifically a sibling or cousin, not her boyfriend's sibling or cousin, and not Everybody's Friend™. someone fully on her side and her side alone that she could truly confide in and trust about a feud that is actively destructive. with rosaline as angelica's daughter and an unrelated peer also has the added benefit of adding another unrelated household to a neighborhood that only has like. 3 families total.
and thennnn with her as angelica's daughter, translating angelica's role as a nursemaid who partially raised juliet to that of a school teacher and/or close friend of such a wealthy and influential family, there are implicit expectations that would be placed on her - though narratively flexible because one its sims and two the particulars are dependent on finer details we're not going into here, but its an interesting jumping point. and then theres a matter of whether an outsider can truly remain impartial to the feud forever -- would she eventually be forced to pick a side? what would be the consequences of picking a side, let alone one that may be seen as the wrong side? delicious.
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creaturefeaster · 2 months
Can a mime fall inlove with a living? Or is it like a romeo and juliet situation?
They absolutely can, and vice versa. However because of their extremely different views on life by nature of being eons-old abstract concepts for 99.99% of their existence, it is difficult for mimes to grow truly attached to the living. Different concepts of what love is, much slower to feel these things in a sincere sense, and understanding much more about the universe than the living-- it's a lot of things that make it unlikely a mime will truly develop feelings for a living being.
Hosting can change this to a degree, since some of the host's mind, thoughts, emotions, experiences, etc. are transferred to the mime within, and can make them feel more in touch with life. So it's more likely you'd see hosting mimes and the living falling in love with eachother, than a true mime and the living.
All of this being said, it isn't impossible. The best non-hosting example I have to give you is Holly. He is not a good example, but he grows fixated on Bonnie before he ever hosts. It is not true love, it is infatuation, but the point is that a mime can feel things for the living, it's just not common that it'd be true love.
Of course there is also an unspoken level of taboo associated with the living being involved romantically with mimes. Both sides are conflicting forces, and the general view between either party is that they are enemies and should not get involved with eachother's personal affairs. So there's that, to add onto the reasons why it's unlikely to see a mime/living relationship.
Like many things about the mimes though, is that there are always exceptions.
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fists-on-up · 8 months
I started this blog when Twitter looked like it was going down so I could keep up with my gaylor friends. Most of them are still on Twitter, but as a writer I am a wordy motherfucker & I hate character limits. So, rather than let this blog lay dormant I am going to use it for more personal gaylor related things & more abstract/complex perspectives.
I might as well start by explaining how I stumbled upon the gaylor community because I feel like my journey here was much different than most.
I am a little older than Taylor & have mostly listed to rock & EDM my whole life. I don't hate pop, but I don't really seek it out & I don't care much about trends or pop culture. I had heard the most popular Taylor Swift songs in passing. I didn't hate Taylor at all, I just never looked further into her music.
I do vaguely remember feeling like YBWM sounded very much like being in love with your high school best friend who doesn't consider you an option because you're a girl, and as a Shakespeare obsessed lesbian Love Story pinged the ol' gaydar because forbidden love is way more common for queer people. It's not impossible, though, for a girl's family to not approve of a particular boy so I chalked it up to a specific situation she faced coupled with me viewing lyrics through my own (very gay) experiences. Especially given the fact that Romeo & Juliet tends to be referenced often based upon a very surface-level understanding of the story.
These thoughts did stick with me subconsciously, as it turns out. One day I was listening to a Spotify generated playlist I was really digging and Don't Blame Me came on while I was in the shower. I thought "Wow, this is a very sexy, Sapphic song who the hell is this??" I checked when I got out of the shower & was so confused. I LOVED it and listened to it frequently, but it still hadn't clicked completely.
Then I heard only the bridge to Cruel Summer in a TikTok & said "Oh my God, she's gay!" I immediately recognized how painful & difficult it is to play the part of "friends" in public and the sense of doom that comes with realizing you're in love with a girl while closeted. If you've never had that experience, I envy you. How we treat people we're in love with isn't really planned out, it's automatic. Trying to catch that & substitute "friendly" behavior when you don't even know HOW to be her friend is very hard. It's hard to not feel insecure when the woman you love treats you like a friend, too. It's hard to hide the love and the pain if you wear your heart on your sleeve. In short, it's torture. A unique torture you can only really describe or recognize if you've experienced it. I have, and immediately knew Taylor had too.
As soon as this clicked I immediately devoured her entire discography over & over again. For days it was all I did, starting before I got out of bed and ending when I fell asleep with a notepad on my bed listening to evermore (again). I was 100% certain she is queer before I ever Googled "Taylor Swift gay?". I didn't even know there was lore or a community at first.
I didn't just recognize her queerness because I'm queer, however. I recognized it because I'm a writer. Not by profession. By passion, I suppose. And what really made it clear was what Taylor doesn't say.
I realized I was gay when I was 14 years old and when I did I wasn't scared, I was excited. I had come to the conclusion that the entire world was just... faking it. Girls would kiss boys & go on & on about it, almost every song, movie, & book was about love, and I just couldn't relate. I had kissed more than a few boys, but I seriously did not understand. I would pretend to fit in, but it was not at all appealing to me.
Then a friend stayed the night & kissed me. A friend that I wasn't consciously attracted to at all, and yet - fireworks. Suddenly I realized that people weren't exaggerating or lying about attraction & love. I realized that the concept of attraction wasn't merely recognizing that a boy was conventionally attractive, it was attraction like two magnets pulled together. Like gravity. I wasn't broken, the world wasn't a lie, and I was fucking ecstatic about it.
But then I told some close friends and most of them immediately stopped talking to me. Some became hostile. This was around 1999-2000 in Small Town, Texas where there were no out queer people. Looking back I understand that it was just a matter of kids being ignorant and uneducated and, well, kids but at the time it was confusing. I tried to backpedal and told the friends who stayed that I was bisexual. I even tried to be bisexual (spoiler: I am not). The excitement I initially felt quickly turned to fear & I chose to hide it from anyone else.
To cope with the constant overflow of my newly-activated heart and the isolation of having no one who understands, I poured myself into poetry. I started reading Shakespeare at 11 and had read most classical works by the same age. By 14 I had multiple poems published in collections, had read every work of Shakespeare & Poe, and had memorized the Chorus to Romeo & Juliet. Using poetry to cope was kind of my brand. So cope I did.
I wrote thousands of poems. I filled binders & spirals & journals. I was always writing. Most people knew I was published young & knew I was writing like crazy, so it wasn't uncommon for other kids to read what I was working on. Sometimes they'd commission a poem from me.
The fear of anyone finding out (including my parents) meant that I had to be very, very careful with how I worded things. No she/her pronouns. Nothing that would give me away. The occasional red herring. I would be specific enough that the muse would know it was about her, but no one else would.
I almost always wrote to the muse, using "you" more than anything. Poetry is like a love letter, so it comes naturally, but it also prevented the need for gendered pronouns. I wrote that way so much I still default to it now (and I have a hard time NOT pouring my heart out to anyone I care about). I didn't realize it at the time, but my writing was inherently queer coded despite my efforts to conceal it because, well, I'm queer. Sound familiar?
There are simply some things that are upside down when you're queer & you don't even recognize it because you've never NOT been queer. Things you say straight girls wouldn't. Things you don't say that straight girls would. Straight people don't see it because they've never NOT been straight. Hell, queer men won't recognize Sapphic language because they've never been attracted to a woman OR been a woman.
There are subtle, inherent tells separate from intentional tells or flags. I didn't realize that, and neither did the kids (or adults) who read my work semi-regularly.
One day my close friend borrowed my poetry journal to catch up on what I had written. This was an especially vulnerable journal, but it was just as obfuscated as everything else. I thought nothing of it and went about my day.
Hours later, during lunch, I was outside probably bumming a cigarette off of an equally punkass kid or smoking a bit of weed from a pipe crafted out of a soda can when I heard a girl shouting my name. I left the hidden corner and walked to the main area to see a girl I didn't know walking around, calling my name loudly over and over. I called back to her, confused but glad it wasn't a teacher busting me smoking.
When we were finally face to face she confirmed that I am in fact me & I realized that she was holding my journal. She pulled me to a more secluded area, looked me in my eyes, and said "these are about girls, right?"
Fuck shit.
I was a sophomore. 15 years old. She was a senior. A beautiful black girl named Lovely who I only knew of because it was a small school. And here she was just... straight up asking me. No one had ever asked me before. I had never had to answer this question before. I was caught off guard & wholly unprepared for this.
The closet is an awful place when you hate lying.
So, I didn't lie. For some reason I looked right into this girl's eyes and reluctantly, fearfully, said "Yes." Then I held my breath.
But she didn't laugh at me, didn't call me a dyke, didn't preach at me. She just... fucking cried.
This lovely girl named Lovely completely broke down in front of me, a complete stranger, and I did not realize what was happening.
Turns out Lovely wasn't just lovely, she was queer. And scared. And so, so lonely. She thought she was the only one, until she heard what my poetry didn't say. She recognized the inherent queerness in my writing because she identified with it and immediately came to find me.
I consider that conversation to be one of the most pivotal, defining interactions of my life. The entire time I thought I was alone & Lovely was there. Lovely thought she was alone & I was there, and I suddenly realized coming out wasn't really about me. It wasn't about the friends and family who would reject me. It was also about being visible. Being brave. Being proud. It was about the other queer kids who thought they were the only one. The other kids who couldn't come out. With this realization, from this conversation, I found purpose.
The very next day, Lovely came to school in baggy jeans and a basketball jersey - a huge departure from the very feminine presentation she always had. We never talked about it again, just exchanged fond smiles and nods in the hallway, but she came out to some extent. I came out within a week of our conversation, and I made a conscious decision that I was going to be loud about it.
My mom was great when I came out & I knew she'd have my back. Before the word "privilege" was commonplace, I at least understood that my supportive mom gave me an advantage others didn't have. I felt like I had not only the ability but the responsibility to be visible and unapologetic.
I was a rebellious little shit. I would make out with girls in the hallway. I lined the inside of my locker with Playboy pictures. I wrote "gay" on my forehead in hot pink lipstick when I got sick of being asked if I was "fully gay".
As a result, the varsity quarterback would call me in tears to talk through his struggles with his sexuality. I knew the most popular boys all of the girls wanted were actually very in love with each other. Girls who would laugh along with their friends who called me a dyke would hook their fingers into mine when they passed me in the hallway & pull me into dark rooms at parties when no one was looking.
I became the keeper of secrets. Society makes queer people lie & uses the guilt of that "deception" to keep people closeted. We lie to ourselves, then to everyone else, then to all but a few trusted people, then even when we're out we lie on behalf of others. I still hold secrets, even for those who don't "deserve" my loyalty. It's part of it, like an unspoken code. Closeting is lying, whether we like that or not. But lying is morally neutral. Intent & impact matter.
That time of my life was hard. Teachers would treat me differently. One flat out told me I would go to hell in front of the class. Another refused to intervene when my girlfriend was physically attacked by another girl who was pissed about her dating me. The school tried, for a time, to force me to use the boys locker room so other girls wouldn't feel uncomfortable. The school tried to ban me from taking a girl to prom (even though I was taking a friend, my girlfriend's family wouldn't allow her to go with me). A group of boys chanted "1, 2, 3, 4, death to the lesbian whore" when I got to school every morning. I got in a lot of fist fights. Mostly with that group of boys. Someone broke into my locker and wrote "dyke" all over & inside of my text books in huge magic marker. I remember telling one of my teachers I couldn't read part of an assignment because of it & trying not to cry. I was preached at constantly by kids & a few teachers who saw me as an opportunity to "save a soul". I have a lot of stories.
But you know what? I got the teacher that told me I would go to hell fired. I fought back when they tried to make me use the boys locker room. When they tried to ban me from prom, I printed hundreds of pages of court rulings from cases in which schools tried to do that to other gay kids, stormed into the principal's office, dropped it on her desk and threatened her. I went to prom with my friend. And after I had graduated, my high school girlfriend (who was a grade below me) finally got to take me to hers. A gay boy I'd never met won prom king and he thanked me for it. I didn't even know him, but he knew me. I won every single fist fight. I didn't cry about the slurs written in my books in front of people & I protested when they washed it off of the front of my locker. I wanted it to be the dyke locker. I took everything they gave me with a smile & asked for more, because it showed other kids it was possible. I made myself a lightning rod for hate on purpose, because then the "less problematic" queer kids were seen in a better light. It protected them. It also made sure they knew I was there. And they came to me & I did my best to help. I chased girls & have so many stories about drunken hookups and falling in love. Wild nights & happy days.
Don't get me wrong, I fucked up plenty too. I certainly wasn't a hero, and I put myself in very real danger multiple times. There were a lot of failures & mistakes. There was a lot of pain. But it was absolutely, positively fucking worth it. Despite it all I look back on that time fondly & I'd do it all again in a heartbeat. And I'd do it the same.
That time of my life shaped who I am in every way. I'm still that punkass kid (even though I'm pushing 40 now). Still a fighter who doesn't care how much pain I endure if I'm doing the right thing. And I never would have become that person if a girl named Lovely hadn't picked up on the queer themes in my writing that I wasn't even intentionally adding. So for me, it's kind of serendipitous that the very thing that led me to becoming everything I am today is the thing that I saw & heard in Taylor. That led me to so much beautiful art, beautiful love stories, and beautiful people in the gaylor community that is so, so dear to me now.
It takes one to know one, but sometimes knowing one puts you on the path to knowing yourself.
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that-ari-blogger · 2 months
Weird Choice Of Words (Elsewhere and Elswhen)
The concept of an unreliable narrator is both synonymous and situational. This type or storytelling style doesn’t give you all the information, implying that the character telling you the events is biased in some way.
This is how all stories work, writers are biased in the direction of a story being interesting, so you generally won’t be shown every waking moment of the characters’ lives.
But it can be focused in on and utilised in any number of ways. Terry Pratchett lets his sense of humour bleed through in the narration of the Discworld series, for example.
But the Owl House has by far my favourite use of the technique, exhibited in Elsewhere and Elsewhen, and I can’t really go into detail in this introduction without plot spoilers, so let's just dive in, so to speak.
Let me explain.
SPOILERS AHEAD (The Owl House, Treasure Planet, Romeo And Juliet)
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I feel the need to clarify how this blog works. This is intended on being a companion piece to the series in question, so that you could read it as you watch. As such, I try not to spoil any future episodes too much.
If you have seen the series in its entirety, you are aware of why that makes discussion of this episode rather difficult.
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With that said, Phillip is such a fun character, right? He’s a parallel to Luz, he’s a manipulator type villain, but most importantly, he’s the subject of the biggest reveal of the episode.
Remember the unreliable narrator thing? Well here, the narrator is more than just unreliable, he’s an asshole.
This episode continues a running theme of giving Luz foils. The season has thus far introduced Hunter, who matches her magical outsider status and challenges her impulsivity; as well as Vee, who was a bait and switch that didn’t really mirror Luz in anything except for appearance, but who causes her to reflect on what she left behind; and now we get Phillip, who is uncomfortably similar to Luz.
First up, the human thing. In any other story, this wouldn’t be a thing to point out, but here it is. These are the only two humans in the Boiling Isles, both strangers in a strange land. This means that they both use Glyph magic to cast spells, drawing on the magic around them and using it in interesting ways. They’re problem solvers.
They also share a flaw.
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Hamartia is a term in tragedy that boils down to “the thing that will bring about a character’s” downfall. When ported over to a less downwards facing story structure, this becomes a heroic flaw for the character to overcome.
For example, in the greatest film ever made, Treasure Planet, Jim needs to overcome his propensity to blame himself for everything. He blames himself for his father’s disappearance and learns to stand up for himself over the course of the story. Notably, this pairs with a villain who deflects and projects like mad and who will overcome that flaw in time as well. It’s not hamartia there, it doesn’t cause his downfall.
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For hamartia specifically, look to Romeo and Juliet, where Romeo’s lack of multiple braincells directly causes multiple deaths including his own. Yes, it’s a love story, yes, it’s well written, but the guy had one job.
Anyway, The Owl House plays this a bit weirdly, because Luz’s greatest flaw is her hero complex. Luz is looking to be the hero of her own story, she seeks out adventure, and is easily swayed by the slight mention of destiny.
You will note that this is exactly how Phillip writes about himself. So, what’s the difference?
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Notably, Luz isn’t a narcissist, but more specifically, Luz gets over her flaw, Phillip doesn’t. Luz learns, Phillip doubles down into wilful ignorance and refuses to change.
This is symbolised by the use of the light spell. Luz uses it to illuminate her surroundings, Phillip uses it to illuminate himself and keep everything else in darkness.
In that way, he’s a bit of a diet Bellos, particularly in how he bring about his own destruction.
If you cast your mind back to the end of season one, part of the reason for Belos’ defeat was that he turned Lilith against himself by gloating too early. If he had kept on the charade for literally ten more seconds, Lilith would have left the room and still believing him to be benevolent, but he counted his chickens before they hatched, and ended up with geese.
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Anyone notice how he had no reason to distrust these two. He assumed they were making stuff because "you witches come up with the worst lies". Completely oblivious to the irony therein.
Meanwhile, Phillip could have waited until after Luz and Lilith had solved the puzzle and tricked his trap before he wrote his gloating diary entry, and they probably wouldn’t have survived. They would both have been by the door and been snatched up by the technically-not-a-dinosaur.
Which leads me back to the wilful ignorance thing, because neither Phillip or Bellos can comprehend their plan failing, partially because they both think of themselves as individually superior, but there's also the bigotry here.
Phillip uses “Witches” as a pejorative term, and this is just straight up racism on his part. Like, I don’t have to explain this, he thinks all witches are inherently inferior to humans, that’s racism.
Belos at least makes the pretence that it’s actions that lead to acquiring his ire, but Phillip is just a bigot. He’s not special.
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Hey, um... Phillip. That's a nice bag of Palismen you have there. Where did you... where did you get those? Also, how did Phillip find out that he had to kill Palismen to survive?
Which bleeds into his planning. He finds it easy to sacrifice people because to him, they aren’t people. They never were. And he is willing to tell them his plans before they succeed because to him, they aren’t capable of subverting him. His racism is self-sabotaging.
The most damning difference between Luz and Phillip is this. The Boiling Isles that Luz first witnesses is horrifying. She nearly gets dissected twice, she gets arrested, she meets the Zack Oyama tooth fairy, and she grows attached to its weirdness. She accepts it.
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The Deadwardian Era, meanwgile, is so nice and pleasant, everyone is polite, even the street thugs barely get worse than school bullies holding your lunch higher than you can reach, and yet Phillip decided it was worth damnation because it wasn’t like him.
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I want to briefly dwell on the subplot of this episode before I go, and that is because the scene with Eda and Dell is one of my favourites in the series.
“Stop! I’ve ruined your life. Have you even been able to carve a new Palisman since I attacked you? Stop trying to forgive me. I don’t deserve it.”
Eda is a character stuck in the past, unable to move forwards. She is trapped, that’s why making a deal with the curse gives her wings, it means she can fly, and be free.
But it does beg the question of how you move on when you can’t fix what went wrong. Dell's life was irrevocably changed by the curse and its difficult for Eda to not feel guilty about that.
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So, the two sit, watching the setting of the sun and discuss the past and the present. It’s a new time, and that means new family members in the form of King and Luz, but it also means new opportunities. It’s no accident that Dell gives Eda a seed, from which a new relationship can grow.
“Let the past stay in the past. It’s ok to move on.”
Dell was the one Eda hurt most, and if he’s moving on from it, maybe she can too.
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Hey look, Lilith has a theme with eyes and knowledge. I wonder what that's about.
Final Thoughts
I do like that Luz didn’t change history; she was a part of it. As in, she stops the burning of the diary, if she hadn’t, she never would have found it and never would have gone back in time.
Also, Dora Desplora could have been an interesting midboss for season three. I’ve got in my mind a version of the series that cuts between the characters in the human realm trying to get home, and the characters in the Boiling Isles just trying to stay alive. It would feature the coven heads in more detail, as well as the gradual wearing down of Bosha, but also camaraderie, and a moment where Flora D’splora rocks up to Hexside and threatens Puddles, only to get absolutely beaned by Viney. I think that would have been cool.
Next week, I’ll be covering Any Sport In A Storm, and the most important character arc of the entire series: Steve. Stick around if that interests you.
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muffinsin · 9 months
Hey, I like to think castle Dimitrescu has a nice sizable garden. I like to think the family employs maids to upkeep the gardens alongside the vineyards; planting and designing elaborate flower beds, Roman statues, trellises, arbor gate, a beautiful hedge maze mixed with climbing roses, secluded seating in dead ends and an elegant fountain hidden in the middle. I also like to think that once spring has sprung, Daniela reads in the gardens rather than the library.
I also also like to think that one late summer night, a curious outsider scales the garden walls for the sole purpose of picking a rose. What they find instead is Dani, sitting by the fountain reading out loud Romeo and Juliet. Enchanted by the youngest Dimitrescu’s beauty, the outsider (fem g!p) admires from afar. Dani is reading Act 2 scene 2 where Romeo scales the capulet garden wall to see Juliet again (aka the balcony scene). She reads out a Juliet line, “How camest thou hither, tell me, and wherefore? The orchard walls are high and hard to climb, And the place death, considering who thou art, If any of my kinsmen find thee here.” Before she can continue, the outsider reads out the Romeo line, “With love’s light wings did I o’erperch these walls, For stony limits cannot hold love out, And what love can do, that dares love attempt. Therefore thy kinsmen are no stop to me.” Of course, this startles Dani at first, but soon she relaxes and finds herself taken by this dashing outsider. She gets the idea to test this outsider and see how long they can recite the story until things become…..too heated.
Lol I’m sure you can see a pattern with me. I love romance, especially the classics. Also, happy new year day!🎉
I absolutely agree about the garden!🪴 also such an interesting concept!👀 I’ll admit I’ve never read Romeo and Juliet lol so this might be a tad bit messier than I’d like it to be- won’t lie tho I had a lot of fun with it😬 Happy new year! 🎊 (little late as I took my time with this request, but still! Happy 2024 y’all!🎊)
Let’s get into it!
Masterlist 1
Masterlist 2
You barely manage to hold onto the stone wall as you climb alongside the small ledge. It’s cold, and slippery, and if it wasn’t for the vines covering it, you doubt you would be able to find your grip again at all.
Below you lies sure death by now, rocks and hills, thorns and boulders. You don’t spare it a glance now- never has looking down worked for anybody. You’ll just be able to return the way you came, all the way at the end of the ledge and into the tree that stands tall and proud.
A rose, is your goal.
You’re not sure why you’ve accepted this bet in the first place- to pluck a rose from the gardens of the Dimitrescu family. It’s by no means an easy task, much less one that promises safe return.
Maybe it’s your curiosity that led you to accept.
After all, the Dimitrescus are somewhat of a myth, merely a very real one.
You’ve never personally laid eyes on any of them, but heard the stories.
Stories of women, virgins, dragged off and made into wine. Others enslaved to work at the castle, at which a gruesome fate awaits them should they not perform well.
Other stories speak of a woman, a countess, taller than any man or woman one has ever seen. And three commanders, daughters.
It is said they are a family of royal standard, yet blood-thirsty huntresses willing to kill and slaughter innocent people.
You know of their distaste of men- everybody does.
And yet you have never seen them, not one of them. Are they truly as bad as they are made out to be? Are they filthy hags with bloodied limbs and large, unforgiving eyes?
It says it is curiosity that kills the cat, and yet you’re feeling exceptionally curious.
Perhaps, your questions will be answered at last.
You steady your grip as you near what must be the gardens of the castle. The summer air is warm, and even from the opposite side of the wall do you smell the scent of many blooming flowers.
You freeze momentarily at a voice. Have you been discovered?
No, the voice is faint, and dreamy. Soft, and beautiful. You feel as though pulled in.
Faster and more eager than you should, you scale the ledge faster, eager to see who this beautiful voice belongs to.
“What man art thou that, thus bescreened in night, so stumblest on my counsel”, the dreamy voice goes on.
You frown- you know this quotation.
For a moment you feel a small blush creep to your face- how fitting the line is, in a way. Only is it you who suddenly has their mind invaded by the calm, soft voice from the other side of the wall.
It’s soft and warm, gentle and yet- hopeful. Phrases roll off the sweet maiden’s tongue like honeyed words, from what must be honeyed lips.
You wonder- is this one of the women kidnapped by the almighty Dimitrescu family? A beauty trapped in the castle? You would free her, and yet beg her to sing her sweet phrases more and more.
You keep moving, you can see a bunch of thicker vines near you, perfect to climb the thick stone wall and make your way into what can only be the Garden of Eden.
“By a name. I know not how to tell thee who I am. My name, dear saint, is hateful to myself, Because it is an enemy to thee. Had I it written, I would tear the word.”, the dainty creature reads aloud.
You grunt quietly as you at last climb the thick vines. As though enchanted by a siren’s spell, your eyes immediately find the woman the beautiful voice belongs to, and are at once unable to gaze away from her for even a moment.
Auburn hair falls down her back and shoulders, glistening in the beautiful light of the moon. It has her skin appear almost white-grayed, the pale color a contrast to her dark clothing.
She is ethereal, you realize. You can’t make out the details of her face from a distance, the urge to move closer to her taking over your mind.
The beauty sits perched on a small, regal looking bench, surrounded by flowers.
You watch her pick one, a white, large one, and bring it to her face. Even from the distance you see her eyes closing in content.
She’s completely in her own little world, it seems. It’s a beautiful sight to see. Never have you gazed upon such beauty and purity.
Then, she giggles, and it’s as though your heart skips several beats.
The flower you are supposed to pick- there are plenty right within your arms reach, yet you can’t be bothered. Your eyes have set on a by far more perfect prize.
The beautiful woman smells the flower once more before picking up the book resting in her lap again.
“My ears have not yet drunk a hundred words. Of that tongue's uttering, yet I know the sound. Art thou not Romeo and a Montague?”, she reads aloud in an angel’s voice, though she is giddy now. She seems to be reading to the flower she has picked, as though it was her beloved Romeo.
You’re blushing, the next line well on your mind. Again, it applies to you.
“Neither, fair maid, if either thee dislike.”, you whisper to yourself. What are you- a burglar, technically? A villager?- neither, if she shall not like even one. You wish to be whatever she wants you to be, for her.
Soon enough the dainty creature repeats, gently, the words from the verse.
“Neither, fair maid, if either thee dislike.”, she hums. You fully climb over the wall, hidden by the shadows as you step into the garden.
This woman, you notice in the back of your mind, doesn’t seem like a captive. Like a helpless maiden. She seems powerful, yet delicate.
Upon getting a closer look, you notice her golden eyes nearly glowing in the darkness of the night. They’re beautiful, unique and breathtaking.
You yearn to touch the beauty, to feel her words of love and affection addressed to you.
“How camest thou hither, tell me, and wherefore? The orchard walls are high and hard to climb, and the place death, considering who thou art, if any of my kinsmen find thee here.”, she reads aloud, and her voice is so soft, so enchanting and alluring, seductive and sweet, innocent and tempting all at the same time, you can no longer hold back.
“With love's light wings did I o'erperch these walls, for stony limits cannot hold love out; And what love can do, that dares love attempt. Therefore thy kinsmen are no stop to me”, you blurt out.
She’s visibly startled, so much so that the flower falls from her delicate thighs and onto the stone pavement, her golden eyes bright and wide as she turns her head adorably, trying to find you.
It seems even before you step out of the shadows, she finds you.
Still, the beauty stares in bewilderment as you approach, stepping closer and closer. She takes a step back, gasping when the back of her knees hit the bench behind her.
To your shock, a sickle is summoned to her hand, and her position grows defensive. Perhaps it’s foolish that it took you until now to realize that the dainty creature is no helpless maiden, but one of the predators taunting the village and its inhabitants.
But, she’s pretty.
And so you march on no matter the risk, as though she was a siren and had lured you in.
When in front of her, you bend down somewhat gracefully to grasp and pick up the fallen flower. It’s shines in the moonlight, not entirely unlike the beautiful woman’s eyes.
When you rise and, with to Daniela surprising and never seen confidence, grasp her hand, you note a small, but surprised gasp coming from her.
Her hand is soft, but cold, and she gasps again as you bend down to place a light kiss to her knuckles.
How…romantic. You’re unlike anybody she has ever met or even laid eyes on.
The woman wordlessly stares, a blush on her pale cheeks making her seem more petite and innocent than she surely is.
As she accepts the flower back into her hand, words tumble from her lips- the continuation of the verse.
“If they do see thee, they will murder thee”, she whispers.
Unbeknownst to you, Daniela’s words ironically are a warning. If one of her sisters or mother was to spot you, you will be slain. Her eyes glisten with something- curiosity, love, hope, darkness. You feel as if you could drown in those beautiful pools of gold.
You hold her gaze. For some reason you find yourself deeply disappointed when her hand slips from yours.
She looks shy, yet seductive. She knows exactly what she is doing, and is yet cautious- you are an intruder, after all, with intentions unclear to her.
“Alack, there lies more peril in thine eye than twenty of their swords. Look thou but sweet, and I am proof against their enmity.”, you answer, stating Romeo’s verse.
Again, you seem to almost be responding to her warning in the poem of the beautiful words of the verse coming from your lips.
Then, a small promise falls from Daniela’s lips. Again, you would not know the true meaning of the spoken phrase until later.
“I would not for the world they saw thee here”, she says, and means it.
Her sisters will not find this delicious and intriguing intruder. You’re all hers, she decides.
You’re quick to respond to her.
“I have night's cloak to hide me from their eyes, and but thou love me, let them find me here. My life were better ended by their hate, than death proroguèd, wanting of thy love.”
You smile at her blush, as well as when you notice her breath quicken. This woman is adorable.
Daniela feels as though her head is spinning. She feels weak at her knees at your romantic words. This is like the most delightful of games!
The auburn haired woman grips the flower a little tighter, smirking at you as she smells it again and smiles.
With a light push to your shoulder, she walks past you, elegant in her slow and seductive movements.
“By whose direction found'st thou out this place?”, she asks, real curiosity burning in her golden eyes.
You see what she is doing, too. She’s testing you, to see how far you will be able to go until you cannot keep up with her.
As though you were the predator you know this woman apparently is, you stalk after her as she moves, admiration and want clear on your face whereas her is a perfect mask of seductiveness, hope and eagerness.
You don’t keep the beautiful woman waiting, instead answer proudly: “By love, that first did prompt me to inquire. He lent me counsel, and I lent him eyes. I am no pilot, yet wert thou as far as that vast shore washed with the farthest sea, I would adventure for such merchandise.”
The woman’s eyes shine at your answer, and yet as you reach out to grab her, she spins and keeps moving.
She’s a siren, and you’re eager to be pulled under.
Her fingertips caress the flowers she passes, the vines and even the cold stone wall. She rests on top of the stairs of a gazebo, excitement betrayed in her eyes.
You stare in anticipation, your greedy eyes taking in the sight of this woman. Her auburn hair falling gently and blowing in the warm wind, the black rose tattoo in her forehead symbolizing her house. You wish to trace it.
The choker necklace sitting snuggly around her throat, regal and gothic looking, with a single, green gemstone embedded in it.
Her large cleavage, exposed due to the V-Cut of her dress. You do your best not to stare, yet feel your dick twitching beneath your trousers at the sight and scent of the woman, the flowery and sweet one lingering in the air as long as she is only around. You feel your arousal rising with every passing moment.
She’s the most stunning creature you have ever encountered.
“Thou knowest the mask of night is on my face, else would a maiden blush bepaint my cheek for that which thou hast heard me speak tonight. Fain would I dwell on form; fain, fain deny what I have spoke. But farewell, compliment. Dost thou love me? I know thou wilt say 'Ay,' And I will take thy word; yet if thou swear'st,
Thou mayst prove false. At lovers' perjuries they say Jove laughs. O gentle Romeo, if thou dost love, pronounce it faithfully; or if thou thinkest I am too quickly won, I'll frown and be perverse and say thee nay,
So thou wilt woo, but else not for the world. In truth, fair Montague, I am too fond, and therefore thou mayst think my behavior light. But trust me, gentleman, I'll prove more true
Than those that have more coying to be strange. I should have been more strange, I must confess, but that thou overheard'st, ere I was ware, my true-love passion.
Therefore pardon me, and not impute this yielding to light love, which the dark night hath so discoverèd.”
By the end of her turn, she is in front of you, so close that you feel on fire, almost. Her hands, bare and soft, rest on your shoulders as she gazes down at you from the step she stands on. Golden eyes betray the arousal she feels, and give a hint towards the delusional “love” she believes to feel already.
It’s a dangerous game, and one you’re eager to play.
The woman gasps as you grip her hips, slim but soft, and allows you to lift her off the step.
Her golden eyes find you, tension building up farther between the two of you. Her gaze is piercing almost, as is yours.
“Lady, by yonder blessèd moon I vow, that tips with silver all these fruit-tree tops-“, you begin, smiling softly as she eagerly responds, her hands squeezing your shoulders as you squeeze her hips.
Her cheeks are warm and pink as she talks, the dainty creature only yours for this moment.
“O, swear not by the moon, th'inconstant moon, that monthly changes in her circled orb, lest that thy love prove likewise variable.”, she responds, breathless.
Daniela feels eager, and she spots the eagerness in your eyes.
You feel her so close to you, and it’s making your head spin. All in you demands you to lean forwards and capture the woman’s soft looking lips in yours.
“What shall I swear by?”, comes your breathlessly spoken reply.
“Do not swear at all, or, if thou wilt, swear by thy gracious self, which is the god of my idolatry, and I'll believe thee.”
You can no longer hold back.
A small, surprised gasp comes from the woman as you grip her back and push her forwards, your lips capturing hers effortlessly. She hums and moans against yours, her small noises more erotic than any you have ever heard before.
She is a seductress, a huntress, and you are her all too eager prey.
“Tell me your name, Juliet, I must know”, you beg, words hushed and whispered against her soft lips. She’s panting from the kiss, hands rising to your neck.
“Daniela”, she answers. “Daniela Dimitrescu”, she adds, as though there was any doubt remaining to her true identity.
You capture her lips in a kiss lest she can speak again, your tongue addicted to the taste of hers again already.
Her little noises, her moans and gasps, hums and giggles do a number on you. You must not look or reach down to feel yourself become hard, and you barely refrain from groping and kneading the soft flesh of her body.
Softly, you lead her inside the gazebo, and an equally soft gasp escapes your lips as the woman pushes you down on the bench.
You must not yearn for her touch, however, as she straddles your thighs immediately and leans in for yet another kiss, her hands coming up to the sleeves of your blouse, tugging gently.
You know what she wants, and grant it to the beauty.
With a simple movement you unbutton and take off your blouse, eyes watching hungrily as Daniela slips off your lap to undo the corset around her waist. You watch greedily as she pulls its strings and it falls to the floor, then reaches back to pull open her dress.
One by one skin is revealed as her dress inches down- pale shoulders, perky, round breasts and hard, slightly darker nipples, a soft stomach and waist with smooth and wide hips, black panties in the way to see her most intimate part. Thick thighs and black, near transparent tights, black heels. You can’t help ogling the beautiful creature.
Daniela blushes under your gaze, climbing back onto your lap as she kisses you. Your hips settle on her hips again, and you feel your bulge press up against her covered cunt.
You want nothing but to press up, to grind against her.
“Perfect”, you whisper, trailing kisses along her sensitive neck. She’s moaning and whimpering on top of you, hands kneading your thigh only arousing you more.
She cups your bulge, and you near bite down on her pale skin. Groans slip past your lips as she gropes and squeezes, eagerly exploring your body with one hand on your bulge, the other traveling up and down your front.
“You’re ethereal. Breathtaking”, you moan. You feel her shiver and hear her gasp at your words. She’s adorably sensitive as you prod at her neck, kissing, biting and sucking, creating hickeys on pale flesh.
Daniela lets out a light gasp as your hands slide up to her breasts, squeezing and cupping them. They’re large and round, soft and firm. A pull of her nipples has the redhead arch her back slightly for you.
“So beautiful”, you whisper, like you at last receive your prize. She whimpers, moaning and mewling softly for you.
With desperation clear in her golden eyes, Daniela grinds down on you, her warm panty-covered core rubbing against your bulge. You feel yourself growing painfully hard and twitching underneath her. You want release, and you want to grant her hers.
“May I, my fair lady?”, you whisper against her neck, lips brushing against her bruised and marked skin as your fingers slide down and toy with the waistband of her underwear.
She nods quickly, eagerly. “Yes, my love, please”, she gasps all so happily.
As soon as she stands enough to allow you to slide her underwear off, her eager hands grip the waistline of your trousers. Eager, seductive eyes set on you yet again and you nod, lifting your hips enough for her to pull the clothing down and expose you.
Your eyes widen as she drops to her knees, a hand snaked between her own legs, her other on your thigh. She stares up at you, submissively and blushing, yet so eager and enticing.
“Please”, you whisper, a gentle command for her to take you in her awaiting mouth. Daniela doesn’t have to be told twice, head leaning forwards as she takes you in, humming and moaning around your tip.
It’s been ages since she’s had one, she feels giddy with excitement at the prospect of getting to play with you!
You tangle your hand in her hair, feeling the soft locks as she bobs her head and squeezes your thigh.
Her cheeks are warm, her eyes bright whenever she glances up at you. Moans ripple from her throat and your head spins when she begins to finger herself, dragging moans and mewls from her lips which’s vibrations bring you immense pleasure.
At the squelching sound of her pussy accepting her fingers inside, you wish for nothing but to bury yourself deep within her.
She takes her fingers well, and is, by the sound of her fingers thrusting in and out, soaked.
You yearn to feel the woman around you, bouncing on your cock and receiving it hard from behind as her adorable, sexy breasts bounce for you, then clean the beauty up.
“Y-Yes, you’re doing so go-good!”, you praise, which only seems to spur her on more. Daniela hums and smiles, hips shaking for a moment as she curls her fingers within herself.
Truly, she would much rather have you inside than her fingers, if only so she wouldn’t have to be as gentle as she must be with her sharp nails.
She tastes the precum dripping from you for a moment, giggling as she lets go of your cock and licks it up eagerly. “Good girl”, you groan, panting and moaning for her. You cup your own breast and guide her head back to your cock, shivering as the minx drags her tongue along you and sucks your tip clean.
You gasp at the feeling, the pleasure driving you closer to your orgasm.
She too feels close, her thighs trembling and her hips bucking up as her thumb grazes against her clit and rubs it as she thrusts her fingers inside.
With gentle, shaky hands you grab her hair again and guide her back to her previous position, moaning as your cock slips back inside her warm and wet mouth and she bobs her head again.
You feel yourself at the back of her throat, pushing up against her collar necklace the deeper she takes you and gags around you.
Your fingers twitch as you play with your breasts, and your head spins. You’re so close, but want her to cum first. So you hold back and continue on moaning and gasping, praises for her falling from your lips that only edge her closer to her own orgasm.
Thankfully, she is not far away from hers, moaning and whimpering constantly with a flushed face and a mouth full of your cum.
At last you notice her cum, her moans and muffled scream bringing you to your own, as you hastily pull away to cover her chest and lips.
You pant and buck your hips beyond control at the erotic picture of the beautiful woman painted in your cum. It drips from her wet lips to her chin, sticks to her chest and collarbone.
You waste no time to pull her back on your lap, the woman’s glee giggles causing a wide smile to form on your face. She’s got you wrapped around your finger, with her sweet voice and adorable appearance and giggles, her unique physique as well as her beautiful eyes- and both of you know this.
Her lips meet yours once again. As you taste yourself on her tongue, you feel the primal urge to taste her.
Daniela blushes shyly when her wrist is grabbed and brought to your face, your eyes taking in the shimmer of slick wetness that coats her fingers.
When you wrap your mouth around the digits, the auburn haired woman grinds down again. Her wet cunt rubs directly against your cock and your head spins at the feeling of her wetness smeared against you.
You hum around her fingers, tasting the sweet, candy-like wetness that must be her cum. You almost chuckle. The sweet flavored taste matches her perfectly.
Daniela watches panting as you suck her fingers clean completely, only letting go of her wrist once all wetness is licked and sucked away.
As you feel your cock hardening between your legs and pushing up against her, Daniela squeaks adorably. She grinds down properly, moaning and whimpering at the feeling of her wet and sensitive clit rubbing against you.
As much as you are a fan of her wet body humping your cock, you barely have any restraint left. All of you urges you to push inside the beautiful woman.
“Can I?”, you ask, wanting to confirm her consent to this. Daniela giggles breathlessly, her hips raising already and her hand reaching between her legs as she sinks down on you.
“O-Oooh!~”, she moans, her mouth dropped open at the feeling of having you slide deep inside of her. She’s shivering and grips your shoulders tightly, as though to adjust to the feeling.
You stay still despite your urges to take the dainty creature and fuck her sore, instead allow her this time to get used to the feeling. Still, your cock twitches and throbs inside of her, and her cunt clenches around you as if to milk you of your cum.
“You feel s-so good, my love”, she whispers, panting and moaning as she moves her hips a little.
“As do you, my beautiful Daniela”
The phrase makes her head spin and has her clench around you tightly. To be called yours so boldly is doing things to her. She doesn’t ever want to let you go! No, you’re all hers, intruder or not. Her sisters would never have to find out…
Daniela gasps when your patience seems to come to an end. You thrust upwards roughly, eager to feel her clench around you again; and you are granted this.
“Divine”, you whisper back, your hands at her hips as you work your hips. You thrust fast and deep, and watch in delight as the redhead moans and shrieks from the pleasure, her hands tightening on your shoulders, her breasts bouncing as she is fucked on top of your lap.
Daniela’s head is thrown back when you lean down and wrap your lips around her breast, sucking eagerly. Now you have a taste of her, you are sure she is what can only be described as utter bliss.
“Ah-ah! A-AAAh!”, she shrieks and moans, little whimpers and moans falling from her black painted lips. She feels you thrust deep into her and does her best to match your thrusts, grinding down and panting soon at your pace.
You don’t deny her, instead move your hand down to rub her small clit in tight circles.
She can’t remember ever being taken like this; raw want and lust displayed in the form of pointed, skilled thrusts into her, hands gripping her hips tightly to ensure she would stay in place right where you want her, as well as the way your lips wrap around her nipple eagerly.
“Ple-A-AH! Yes! Yes! AAHMORE!”
She feels helpless in the best way, succumbing to pleasure and love, whimpering and gasping for more. Her thick ass presses against your balls every time she grinds down again, and as your limbs ache, you feel her riding you eagerly.
Daniela’s hips buck helplessly after a short while already. You feel her tightening around you every few seconds, her chest heaving and her arched back causing her breasts to push against you tighter.
You lose your other hand from her hip and slide it up her ribcage, until you cup her unoccupied breast.
The poor redhead feels herself be brought to her orgasm fast; with your cock buried deep inside of her and her clit rubbed, her sensitive nipples squeezed and sucked.
Eager to repay the favor, one of her hands slides down to cup your breast. The dainty thing is a lot stronger and naughtier than she appears, her fingers bringing you pleasure with ease even as her hips rise and fall.
She looks graceful riding you, even as her head is thrown back and her back is arched for you.
“S-So close, A-AAAAH! Y-yes! YES!”
You bite down on her gently, tearing yet another squeak and gasp from her lips. Her clit feels warm as it throbs under your fingertip, the needy woman so close.
When she cums, she tightens around you, so much it takes all of your willpower not to cum inside of her yet. You don’t want things to end just yet, too caught up in her bliss.
Daniela gasps when within moments she is picked up and turned, instead leaned against the bench with you still inside.
The new position allows you to thrust even deeper into your sweet newfound darling.
It’s ironic in a way; your intention to pick and steal a single flower from the Castle gardens, yet you pluck the most beautiful and precious one for yourself
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