#i just know that xe survived it
suspiciouscupofcoffee · 10 months
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So, I was watching a Youtube video on how Humans came to be Human. It never really clicked that the other species that died out while we survived were... well, Human too. Homo-Erectus, Neanderthal, Denicovin, all humans, but we are the survivors, Homo-Sapiens.
But what if this wasn't the case for alien species? They may have come together in mind, with the same goals, but their biology never homogenized. The multiple species that made up the intelligent life on a planet coexisted, or at least didn't outright murder one another. Would these species find our existence sad? Or maybe they'd be fascinated by that.
Credit where it's due, this is what I was watching: https://youtu.be/wzwXGD_C4P0
In any case, it inspired me to write my first entry to the Humans are Space Orcs Category. Enjoy.
Field Medic Dana Ortigez was finishing up a report in the crew mess hall of the GFS Tortuga. Her meal had long gone cold as she considered how to write her statement in a way that would be translated favorably for other species to read. A few more agonizing minutes thinking on that sent her off to the Engineering wing. Since she still had difficulty remembering proper grammar for Rhyashaz, perhaps talking through it with one of her nonhuman crewmates could help.
The Tortuga was a human designed research vessel, made for deep space exploration and experimentation. As one of the newest races, the humans had no end of alien coworkers to help man the ship. Conversation was still spotty at times, but there was a certain harmony that overcame these obstacles. The alien Dana was looking for now was a Cryys-Tretchan, a bipedal insectoid species that had also come from a Death World.
Arriving in the center of the ship, Dana confidently strode through an automated door and bumped into a small group of Engineers she had wanted to find.
"Oh- Hi, sorry. Do you um... know where Tchyyk is?"
They were all Cryys, but each one had a tweaked morphology, beyond small changes like height or build. The clicking and chattering coming from their mandibles forced Dana's translator to take a moment, but after a few seconds, the conversation began flowing.
"Xey are... nearby. Xe can tell you, but xe have a question that must be answered." The statement had come from the smallest of the Cryys, a ladybug-adjacent creature with a vibrant, metallic purple carapace. Dana looked down at the Cryys, internally panicking, trying to remember a name. Nothing was coming. She smiled awkwardly, a tight-lipped, toothless affair as she nodded.
"Alright, I guess I have time for that. What do you want to know?"
The chittering comes through, and the translation follows close behind. "Where are the rest of you?"
Dana blinks slowly. "I don't think I understand."
"We were told much of humans, like that they were different shapes and sizes and colors. But all of you look the same. Some different color, all the same."
Dana's confusion only grew, until it dawned on her. Her Medical briefing had touched on how the Cryys were a multispecies spacefaring part of the Federation. Her heart sank.
"You mean, why aren't there more kinds of humans?"
The bug's clacking mandibles clearly signaled confirmation of her statement. "Yes. Do they have special roles in Human colonies?"
Dana shook her head. "No. We don't have them anymore. We're the only species of human."
"Anymore? What happened to them?"
Dana could feel her cheeks redden in shame as she considered the best answer.
"We don't know. There were many different kinds of humans once, before farming was ever an idea in our mind. Neanderthals are the most well known, but there were at least four other species. We have theories on how they disappeared. Everything from natural selection, to our species murdering them. We just... don't know."
The translation took a few seconds. The curious chirping and chittering gave way to cryys noises of shock and awe... as well as disgust.
"How did you come this far?"
To that, Dana smiled sadly.
"Because we're too stubborn to die. Because we overtook everything. Because war. There are so many possible factors, and there could be things that we don't know about today. What we do know is that we were close enough biologically to reproduce. We still have a large percentage of their DNA swimming around inside us. That's all that's left of our sibling species."
The chittering had long gone quiet, allowing Dana to finish to a silent hallway. Clearing her throat, she nodded to the smallest Cryys.
"So, uh, where's Taaniks?"
When human-Dana finally walked away, Dres-Gryyk clicked Xer mandibles together slowly, indicating xer sadness.
The smallest Cryys, Roniks-Maar, looked back to Dres with a confused posture.
"What is wrong, Dres-gryyk? Biologist Dana answered your questions."
"She did. It makes me wonder if we had the kinder death world... to think they killed their sister species."
"Humans are odd. She was likely making her kind sound more ferocious, it is nothing to worry about."
In truth, though, it worried Roniks greatly. Xey would be writing a report to Xer superior about it soon.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 24 days
Can't go wrong with some classic "Gnarpy has a crush on the reader but is too proud to admit it and even less likely to do so when there's anyone else who might see"
"You're worried about them, aren't you?"
"Zeep?! What on earth could give you THAT idea, you ztupid concrete man?"
"Well..you haven't stopped pacing around since they got dragged into the Eternal Limbo." Wallter pointed out, both him and Gnarpy well aware that you're currently fighting for your life against Folly on her floor.
Neither of them were able to intervene...not that the alien cat wanted to but secretly xey wish they could obliterate her with their laser beams.
Ever since you arrived at Two Studs Camp and survived the UFO invasion, you've gotten to known Gnarpy well....and by that, I mean how big their ego is and how xe would tout about being a "galactic overlord" all must bow down to.
But you weren't deterred by their rudeness or sass, instead being genuinely curious about their Gnarpian culture, even trying to understand their lingo.
As much as xey poke fun at you, they like how you're at least attempting to speak their language.
Sometimes you'll stop someone from spritzing them with the spray bottle before they get zapped (most of the time, they'd ignore you and suffer the consequences, but still you tried).
Gnarpy, although xey won't admit it, secretly appreciates it. Only you have common sense compared to those dimwits.
As others come and go, they found themselves wanting to stay with you on the elevator and chat more, even when getting to floors xey'd normally get off on.
But they're too proud to ever admit this, seeing you as nothing more than an underling.
No, they didn't think the rose petals you let xem keep were anything more than a gift to your overlord (that they rightfully deserve).
But Wallter saw right through their act once xey began worrying whether you'd survive Folly's attacks.
As someone who was once in love, he could easily tell.
When you defeat her/get spared, Gnarpy asks if you need any medical attention as soon as you pop back into the elevator, before hissing at Wallter for just standing there in the corner smiling.
"What the zoorp are YOU looking at?!"
But they say nothing as you smile back at the concrete man, knowing you've gotten the prideful alien to care about someone for once.
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rokishimizu4 · 29 days
Jason’s no good, very bad night
I don’t own anything but my symbiotic! Reader and their gang, and the story idea. Warning: feral behavior from reader, blood, implying men doing drugs, vomiting, and such.
@xe-idiotic-dragon: Here you go!!!
Frank and Carlos are not impressed with a couple of men begging for their lives, as it happens every time some dumbasses think that they can try to coming into Hood’s territory.
However, what did impress them was the fact that the men ran for their lives, suffering from major blood loss, before Frank could call up Hood.
Took one look behind them and froze in fear as something made from the black and purple ooze slowly crawls its way up the alleyway walls, pulsing like it had a heart.
To the two men’s continued horror, the mass begins to make crying sounds and gagging, like a child choking on something.
Frank, a father of two teenage boys and a baby girl, recognizes the sound of that of an actual human choking and rushes forwards, just as the mass collapse on itself, leaving behind a small humanoid figure.
(I’m a small adult so I’m making reader small) The figure tries to take a breath but struggles as if something was caught in its throat. The two men panic and rushes the figure to the hideout, screaming for Hood.
Red Hood (Jason) just begins a phone call to Red Robin (Tim) to check up on him when his two best men rushes in screaming about an alien goop child choking.
Cue the weirdest big brother instinct ever! Tood hangs up the phone and rushes towards the ‘kid’ choking, only to have to back away as the things starts throwing up half-digested brain pieces, along with liquid powered stuff.
The men are terrified but the figure keeps crying and throwing up and they all are trying to figure out what to do.
Finally Jason texts Grandpa Alfred, who took care of him when he was sick, while Frank and Carlos holds the figure away from the mess of brains, and what suspiciously looks like powered meth.
After hours of the figure throwing up everything, it settles down into a sniffling oozing mess of slime, oil, and bile.
Jason gets a called from Grandpa Alfred (Grandpas to save the day) and orders his men (the ones who came in at the wrong time to get to see the mess) to get warm water, a cup of watered down grape juice and a warm rag.
Cue Scooby-doo level of running as Frank and Carlos gently lay the figure on a blanket and let their boss do the work.
”Shit, the fuck did this kid eat? Methheads?” One of the men tries to joke, but it does not get anyone laughing.
Soon, somehow, the mess is cleaned up and the figure gets some water and juice down, and it thankfully stays down.
”Hey kiddo, I don’t know what the heck you are, but you’ll be fine. I got the best men on the job to take care of you.”
Hood’s men have seen him with kids and adults alike, and thank whatever deity they pray to that no one could survive without a brain, cause even with the helmet on, Hood was pissed.
Cue a few hours later of the figure getting a few more sips down and a chocolate bar, and Hood sends out a few men to find what was left of the figure’s ‘meal’.
The men return, only to see that everyone had somehow fallen asleep, an odd comforting scent of roasted S’mores, and a note laid on Hood’s chest thanking him for his help.
The next night, all the men received S’mores, homemade not store bought, and a long note thanking them for taking care of someone named ‘Void Sleeper’, who they figured was the figure covered in slime/oil/whatever, and the location of the wannabe drug dealer ring in Gotham.
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flareboi · 4 months
ok yeah here you go!!! vicagent angst
so like. when victim first arrived in the outernet she wanted to start a new life. she didn't want to think about alan at all so she just shoved it all away and decided to forget about it.
she started a company and soon afterwards smith joined as one of her first employees. they became friends pretty quickly, staying in touch even while others left their jobs to move on to better places and new people joined. they got pretty close, i imagine a year or so in started to fall in love but didn't say anything (despite both knowing the other probably liked them)
then news comes on of tco and tdl causing chaos around the internet and victim figures out pretty fast, they've got the same creator. they quickly spiral into jealousy, realising that they were the only one alan made who never had powers, never had a chance to live, and decides to turn rocket corp towards a new goal of getting revenge on alan through the only leads she has.
xir obsession gets more unhealthy over time, staying up late at night just overflowing with anger. smith stayed with xem through most of this; frankly they were a little worried. at some point vic and agent start dating, and agent swears to do whatever it takes to make sure his partner's happy.
when vic asks him to assemble a team to track to chosen, capture them and find out where alan is, agent agrees without hesitation. he's a stickfigure, so of course he knows how to fight (it's something they were all raised to do). they reason with themself by saying tco is a bad person anyways, so it doesn't matter what happens to them or their associates.
throughout ava6 (season 3. man the change is fuckin me up) vic gets worse, losing her temper faster, with mood swings between ecstasy over getting closer to her goal and anger over things not going her way. xe clings to agent more than ever, and agent feels extremely sad for xem.
eventually the rest of color gang get properly involved, and vic is downright reckless, hurting all of them without abandon, torturing tco beyond reason and locking up tsc (who's like, a young adult at most). agent begins to feel bad for what they're doing.
fuck it's 12am uhh. whatever the Final Fight in ava6 is, the mercs are on vic's side and cg/tco/kingduo (and tdl i hope) on the other side. all the mercs get downed and vics on her own. agent's getting up and reconsidering their alliances as vic uses any tech it can get its hands on, destroying everything around them just to get a chance at hurting alan and his sticks.
tsc goes like, broth beam mode, and suddenly the fight flips, and vic is scrambling to get away and into the box where she has the power. she looks to agent for help but agent Hesitates. because in the past (week??? months) theyve seen their partner get worse and worse and hurt people without abandon and it's. Scary.
and that one second is all it takes for orange to fucking Blast vic to oblivion.
unlike tdl, vic has No chance or surviving. he's simply not built like that. he has (had) no power, nothing. agent is left alone to deal with the fact that they condemned their life's love to death. aw man. aw fuck.
okay yeah i hope this is Something. i dont even ship them so this might b extremely ooc idk hope you like it ♠️
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OH MY GOD??????????????????????????????????????? im going to make art based off of this just give me a bit
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bitsbug · 1 year
i have.. so many questions about / for your ocs (VERY POSITIVE) but i will utilize self-restraint and start with one. i am very curious if any of your iterator group has animal companions beyond the purposed organisms that more or less act as cells in their bodies- my best example is, of course, SRS and spearmaster but this could also extend to include like, scavenger pals? on the other hand do any of them have particular issues with the surrounding flora/fauna
FANTASTIC QUESTION! there are multiple!!!
Curtains hordes most of the animal/purposed companions of the group, since he personally designed them. He's got like, 3 different types of purposed organism he created from scratch (he thinks simply modifying creatures is stupid and inefficient) that inhabit his superstructure.
The main one is CC/Ceaseless Convection! They're the only one of their model, and definitely the most talkative of his creations. They're made to be a data courier, capable of traveling vast distances with vast amounts of information stored in their body's giant secondary brain, derived from the same gut-stuff in the Memory Crypt's boxes. They often need to take long trips away from home for their deliveries, but they're an optimist and enjoy the adventure.
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There's also the Internal Engineers, which are made to maintain and help upgrade his inner components, as well as keep out intruders. They're made to be content with just doing their jobs & working constantly - listen ethics kinda died with the ancients - but each have their own personality. Also they talk exclusively in coding jargon. He has 3 right now.
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Finally is his constructers, which predictibly also do construction and maintenance, but on his exterior this time. These ones are the most numerous, with 25 living on his structure. When they're not assigned anything they hang out in his abandoned city, which has been renovated to accomodate for them.
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There's also Scribe but I might make a post dedicated to her -- the short version is that she's a wild animal that adventured into Curtains' chamber and demanded he teach her how to write. He complied for some reason and now she visits regularly for lessons.
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condolences TBH
The only animal companion that isn't associated with Curtains is the Influence, who was created by Anxiety Practice. They were part of an experiment involving wheel flowers, being engineered to constantly produce the karma-affecting hallucinogenic compound inside them. Thing is, their body produces the compound in excess, causing it to leak out of their face orifices. It doesn't bother them too much, but does affect their senses.
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As a result of the modification, they can't go down in karma, experience a time-slow effect like the one mushrooms cause, and are absurdly well attuned to the Cycle. They also do experience the uh.. psychadelic effects, but living with it their entire life has desensitized them. After AP finished data collection, xe didn't have any reason to toss Influence out, so they stick around as a lab assistant. They don't know how to survive in the wild, nor do they know any slugcat language.
thank you so much for giving me an excuse to infodump. good lird this post is long.
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For some people this might not be that big a deal but we live in the Usamerican southeast so that is. Insane. Almost had a panic attack in the store but we pushed through (:
For more pronoun pride we don't really have specific neos we like, literally any are good lol, but one of our queerplatonic partners uses xe/xer for us after we referred to ourself with them once and it makes me so happy 😁😁😁 partially cause nobody else really uses neopronouns for us but yeah :D
That's great that you were able to wear a pronoun pin in public! I live in the US south too and I definitely would not have the confidence to do that, props to you!! I'm glad it went ok and you were safe!
And yeah definitely love the feeling when people use literally any neos. For me he/they is good too but neos just feel so fkdjshajgssjdhsh ya know?
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squidthesquidd · 9 months
Do you have any favourite headcanons about Nightshade?
(I feel like them being autistic is a pretty common headcanon, so I’m curious if you have any thoughts on that as well)
YEAYEYWYEYYSUSY OH MY GOD YES WE HAVE SO MANY HEADCANONS ABT THEM !!!!! get ready for a fuckn infodump (also sosoos many of these are just us projecting)
warning: i sound like an insane person
okay so YES !!! nightshade is absolutely autistic. and they are stimming constantly. they stim vocally a lot, and a lot of the time its just bird sounds, but sometimes it'll just start screaming lmao. it also likes to rock back and forth a lot!! definitely a verrrry common one.
Also if youve seen how we draw nightshade you might've noticed that we draw xem with little wings in root mode! they also flap those to stim :]
also they love slime!!! this is verry much just me projecting but i like to think xey love slime and they have a huge collection of textures <33 its favorite is bingsu!!!
and NEOPRONOUNS as you might've noticed :P. (we have a nightshade alter that uses neos so we are once again, projecting) but anyway, it was hashtag that told nightshade about neos, and they immediately got into it!! they have many and love hoarding them <3 some of xeir favorites are it/xe/that/owl/web/bot/mur
bones!!! vulture culture!!!!! they collect bones. sometimes theyll go out into the forest and search for bones for hours (it has soooo many antlers) and if web finds a dead animal, web'll take it back with them to clean it out webselves :]
They also have intrusive thoughts. yeah less fun headcanon time. they can be very vivid and very graphic, and its caused nightshade to have panic attacks a few times. i hc that bumblebee also used to have them, so bees helped xem through some of the bad ones <3
also xey have severe emetophobia. yeah i know, a bit of a weird one. if someones sick, they will be avoiding that person like the plague. whenever it watches a movie with the family, it'll always check if there are emeto scenes so it knows when to look away or leave (shout out to doesthedogdie.com i fucking love that website!!!!)
this post cus i think about it a lot
and general terran hc! i headcanon that all the terrans can eat human food :D although nightshade specifically has a difficult time eating (the tism) and xey'll only eat things like noodles or very processed food. murs a huge ramen lover 😎
MINECRAFT. you cannot look at nightshade and tell me they dont love minecraft!! xey have a survival world going where xeyre completely decked out in netherite, have a hundred redstone machines scattered all over the place, and just so many huge projects going on. mur started a multi player world and got all murs siblings to join. most chaotic world ever
and now im thinking abt owls, so. they have night vision, because of course. and it also sleeps in a nest (terrans can sleep hc jumpscare) its just a pile of a fuck ton of pillows and blankets and if you touch it xey WILL bite you
also it has a very strong prey drive. if they see anything particularly small moving around on the floor they are fucking jumping it. its like xeyre the maltos mouser lmao. no small animal that shows up in the malto home is safe
oh and as for music !!! big fan of the big neurodivergent three lmao. lemon demon, will wood, tally hall. that stuff yknow? (yes im projecting) also heres a playlist that our nightshade alter made that is 100% what we hc source nightshade to listen to !!!!
LOVES STAR TREK !!!! you CANNOT convince me they wouldn’t. big fan of the non-human bridge officers <3 Spock, Data, Saru (and also big Odo fan) webs favorite is probably next gen :] also i 100% percent believe it was Alex that introduced xem to it. i look at alex and see a star trek liker. i will not be taking criticism
oh and now heres a weird one. when nightshade was a protoform, they were always very… squinty? i dunno, its just something we noticed. like why are you squinting baby, can you not see? and then when xey got their altmode, suddenly xeir eyes were much wider! and i like to think that they did actually have bad eyesight as a protoform! and becoming an owl greatly improved it :]
also they cant see glass in their alt mode <3 hashtag has a compilation of mur crashing into windows
and about the episode "missed connection", we aren't actually told how long nightshade was helping tarantulas, and while most interpret it as just one day, i like to think it actually took about a week at least or even longer. i dont really know why i hc this, but maybe its cus i need nightshade and tarantulas to be besties or i'll die
okay thats it for now <3 i definitely have more headcanons so i might make a second post abt em later
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shimmering-jewels · 1 year
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guess who decided to cave in and join the ask blog squad (me!!!! :))
anyways, im here to answer asks with silly little drawings and occasionally post lore things related to my ocs (usually in the form of art, but i might do a little writing as well). for all of u sending asks do know im pretty much fine with anything, interactions with ocs and canon characters, mini rps, worldbuilding questions, anything goes!
now with that out of the way, lets introduce the stars of the show shall we? ;)
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Four Jewels, Fleeting Notes (she/her) is an ancient that managed to survive past the times of global ascension, outliving her entire species. She is now taking refuge in her local iterator superstructure, performing various maintenance work for her kind’s creation. She is a highly nostalgic individual, with a very particular relationship with ascension and the Great Problem. There is more to learn about her on her toyhouse page, especially regarding her personality and appearance, but there is also a lot of secrets untold regarding her past life and the actions that brought her where she is now ;)
Although Jewels is the oc the blog is centered around (cause she is the one that i have developed the most) i also have some other little fellas who might appear in here, and u can submit asks to.
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In Search of Abundance (he/xe) is the iterator in which Jewels is currently residing in and the one that took care of her city in the times before global ascension. He is what could be considered a low resource iterator, built with an older model by the standards of his time and with cut corners in regards to his capability for self maintenance and processing power. Due to a very important detail in his design, he was doomed to die much quicker without the help and maintenance of his citizens, thing that he tried to stop at all costs, to very much no avail. Thankfully, one faithful day, one of his old citizens decided to come back into his can...and give him a second chance.
Good luck getting this little grumpy fella to talk though, he doesn't enjoy strangers... nor talking.
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A Golden Crown, Six Silver Coins (they/them) is an ancient that decided to ascend way before the times of global ascension, and even the rise of iterator. They were a mask maker, highly renowned on their field, where they made various masks and accessories for high ranking individuals and important Houses, feat which very few could achieve. They were also Jewel’s partner for a good chunk of her life, spending a long time together, even through various different lifetimes... until well, one day they uh, yknow...
// answering asks for this fella will be a little different, mostly because they are extremely dead by the time Jewels is around and answering asks herself, so if u wanna ask this fella some questions there will be a little jump back in the timeline, back to the golden times...
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art by @/dieselpvnk Ever Burning Flame + white boy (they/it | he/him). Just an iterator and their emotional support scug, what else could u want. Flame misses their parents so bad it made a whole ass simulation so they could keep interacting with them. white boy likes to pelt people with rocks.
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bumblee27 · 1 month
Here's a treat for @sloth-sloth-sloth as part of the @mcyt-summer-of-yuri! I saw your Good Omens AU prompt and lost my mind a bit (/pos), so here ya go :D
Oh, I also made them pirates, because I can (I wouldn't call Cleo a main villain, but she's definitely a major annoyance so I really hope that's okay!)
A cry from the crow's nest caught Cleo’s attention. She pulled a spyglass from xeir belt, and fixed it on a single ship in the distance, faraway, but undoubtedly making a beeline for Lucifer's Wrath (the ship name was, of course, Cleo's own work). It grew from a speck in the distance to a discernible shape at an alarming rate, white flags billowing. A naval ship.
“Right, listen up!”
Their crew all turned to look at xem. They weren't the sharpest bunch, nor the prettiest. No more than a load of low-lying cut-throat criminals, to put it nicely. But it turned out that all they needed was a good captain to be able to pull off the best - or, technically, worst - heist in history.
“This isn't going to be easy. We are up against the best of the best - far more skilled than any snobby merchant ship we've raided before. But we are going to give it everything we've got. Show no mercy! And if you do… if you're unlucky enough to survive the wrath of the queen's men, I heard Davy Jones is awful fond of cowards. You hear me? I want to see you playing so dirty, your mothers would be ashamed of you. Do as I say, and the path to victory is effortless. Now, who's with me?”
There was a defening cheer of approval and agreement. Cleo was a very good motivational speaker.
The naval ship drew nearer and nearer. Canons started being fired, and from there it just descended into total chaos. The two vessels drew close enough to one another for Cleo's pirates to be able to spectacularly jump to the enemy deck. Cleo herself leaped from the rigging, screamimg a battle cry. Xe landed faultlessly, and chose her first victim, raising their cutlass above their head, ready to strike- and then xe froze.
“Cleo! Ugh, I should have known!”
Cleo clicked their fingers, and both of their crews froze mid-action. “What the Hell are you doing here?!”
Pearl crossed his arms and glared at her. “Someone's been going around, commandeering every ship that's passed through this sea in months. Some ruthless pirates with some kind of never-before-seen strategy that's unmatched in efficiency. It's destroyed all of the trade routes. The people for miles around the coast are starving, turning on each other - it's chaos! ‘The scourge of the sea’, they're callin’ ‘em.”
Cleo put a hand to xeir chest in an exaggerated gesture that implied she was flattered. “Aw, bless. And you're here to what, thwart me?”
“Yup. You know me, I do love my thwarting.”
An awkward silence settled like a foul smell, before Pearl gave an extremely irritated sigh, pinching the bridge of star’s nose. “Cleo, what are we going to do?”
“Ah. I was hoping you would have some sort of solution.”
“Yes! You're the smart one, aren't you?” There was a pause. “Right, you didn't hear that,”
“Wait, you think I'm smart? Aw! Cleoo, that's so sweeet-”
“Right, back to the matter at hand, please!” Cleo huffed, flustered. “How many miracles have you performed in the past couple months?”
“Um,” star tried to count on her hands, but ran out of fingers, and gave a sheepish grin. “Probably more than I should've.”
Cleo groaned. “Oh, for Satan's sake. Do you.. d’you want to just leave them to fight it out? Escape on a rowboat or something?”
Pearl bit the inside of his cheek. “That wouldn't be very moral… Oh, but I don't want to fight you… Fine. Fine! But you owe me!”
“Well, we can add that to the list, can't we? Come on.” They gestured with xeir hand, and a small rowboat materialised, gently bobbing up and down. “Milady,”
Pearl tried very hard to give her a severing look as the demon kissed his hand graciously, but couldn't stop a fond smile from twitching its way onto her face. “I hate you sometimes, you know that?”
“Aw. Love you too.”
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butterflymarks · 3 months
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stats / plots / muse
heyyy i'm gonna be real, this intro got chunky. BUT! that's bc i badly want to start writing and i had a lot of Ideas. i'm duha (xe/xem/xir), presenting my goth rat kiyeon with the ability fearsight. 🎈 under the cut, i hopefully explain what the hell his deal is. like this post if you'd like me to reach out for plots (d*sc*rd preferred im scared of getting sb'ed again)! i listed ideas at the end, but i'm also down to just start writing and go with chemistry if preferred. i AM crazed enough to write u a random starter if that's the vibe. ps. my other muse eunjae (aka the Cooler moon twin) is @999kintsugi, but she's on a sideblog, so i won't be able to follow back there unfortunately.
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kiyeon, '98
it/its/he/him/his. you'll see me use them interchangeably but feel free to use Any pronouns for him on ur end yipeee
fearsight is the ability to induce potent feelings of fear, hysteria, panic, etc through psychological visions of the target's deepest fears. wherever applicable, their minds may project that fear onto kiyeon and they'll see him as a personification of their fears.
butterfly marks (minor passive "ability"): his skin is naturally covered in moving whorls of black, ink-like markings. they shift and gather into various shapes and patterns influenced by his moods or when he's using his ability, tending towards symmetric or radial patterns, sometimes resembling the patterns of a butterfly's wings.
???: he can't see his own reflection anymore. if he does try to look at himself, there's just Something else looking back. he's afraid of it.
his therapist says it's an extension of his main ability that has been stunted. in greater evolutions of fearsight, the metahuman could actually take the physical form of someone's fear.
isn't that something great to look forward to, The Therapist says, you'll grow into something More, but kiyeon just wants to know when he's going to grow into a skin that's bearable to live in at all ?
his fearsight is persistent & triggered by visible eye contact. it can work on other ppl through clear reflections, so he hasn't made meaningful contact with anyone in years tbh.
quiet, nervous, jumpy. probably looks scary bc of his markings but you might have heard him crying in the garden last night.
the journey so far:
lived with his older sister for a while, until he decided to leave about 2 years ago bc he felt guilty about burdening her.
uhhh fell into the serpents' circle shortly after, aka a petty villain group. was inadvertently "taken in" by them (see: he was too scared to leave), and now he's their part time publicity stunt kidnapping victim and part time videographer when they need "organic social media footage" of the crimes they're committing. they're trying to make it to the big leagues.
kiyeon is just there because one of them is apparently making him "a cure" for his eyes. it's been years since that promise now, but. you know. (see again: he is too scared to leave)
finally sought actual help and got into silver line 8 months ago. the research team thinks his markings are fascinating, they keep monitoring him and telling him to contact them if he ever feels "physical turmoil." like girl what??
(they're waiting for his power to evolve to allow him to actually physically transform)
(cw: themes of body dysmorphia) has a lot of feelings about his body and feeling distinctly grotesque and horrific. when you spent ur whole life getting ignored or being looked at in literal horror, how is ur sense of self & image supposed to survive unscathed. :|
anyway he's on a tenuous streak of stability atm. he even got a job at the animal shelter!! he's been substituting company with the animals for human connection because animals aren't affected by his eyes at least.
really a bit pathetic i won't lie. fucked up street cat rizz, if u will.
some connection / thread ideas:
here are some more Formal connections i'm looking for, let's figure smth out
a roommate...!!
he pokes around the places you're not supposed to. someone try to get into the 13th floor with him and then deal with the consequences.
i plan for his fearsight to evolve over time and become something more of a nightmare form, his true potential....wherein his body really does start to take on little characteristics of people's fears, humanoid or not. i think he has a long way to go to full transformations, but any muses who would like to encounter him on that path are welcome to hehe. just please know he'll probably have a breakdown on them afterwards. maybe your muse would be in the middle of one too (because kiyeon scared the daylights out of them yk) but that's a-ok! i love writing encounters where everything's a mess, so let's make them cry together 💢
someone he accidentally beamed with his fearsight before. now they're terrified of him, and he accidentally inherited some of their fears/phobias
he goes to group therapy sessions bc his therapist thinks it's good for him to have Human Contact, but mostly he's just quiet and never looks at anyone. maybe your muse is there too and they just start getting through their shit side by side ?
someone go to the movies with him. he loooves scary movies, he loves watching characters getting tormented by horrors and being like omg me too!!
eden is full of crazy powers so let's throw them in something crazy together !!? i crave high stakes threads
does anyone else feel less-than-human. does anyone else go out on walks in the middle of the night bc they feel like it's the only time they're "allowed" to be out (aka they can't endanger anyone). does anyone else want to be a little less alone on those walks.
fellow serpents 🐍 all kinds of dynamics. i'm thinking the serpents just basically try to cause unrest and chaos; maybe one time, your muse is supposed to be part of the incitement and kiyeon's supposed to get it all on camera .... except it goes wayward, and the others ditch them to throw them under the bus, so now they have to get away from the aeternals :\
anyone who's in that other villain group using the laundromat as a cover. maybe they're rivals with the serpents hehe ? or they cross paths in the villain business ?
be his first resident complaint
thank u for reading this far :people_hugging:
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aita-blorbos · 4 months
AITA for not spending enough time with my sick friend before she died?
I (9 1/2 moons old/bigender) and my friend (8 moons old at death/trans molly), who I'll call Beetle, have been friends since we were kits. When we were 7 moons old, she got really sick one day, no one knew what it was, and no one could help xem. I tried to visit them as much as possible, but I was also busy a lot, and the sicker Beetle got, the more painful it was to see her, and I just couldn't bear to see xem like this, and I ended up not visiting as frequently, and then we got attacked by another clan and one of the cats from there killed them, and I wish that I visited her more, and I wonder if I'm horrible for not visiting Beetle enough. Because even though it felt awful knowing xe wouldn't survive, even if we weren't attacked, I still feel like I should've visited more anyway.
(ooc: These are my warrior cats ocs, though I feel like you could probably tell that)
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starshipsys · 4 months
⚓️HELLO MATEYS!!!! If you’re a minor, please shoo. No offense. We have pocd-like symptoms and talking to minors is very triggering.
I be Maverick, captain of this here system of complete and utter bozos. Starship system. For some reason this crew be split in half, fucking mismanaged idiots. Nah fuck that. There’s 26 of us. We’re professionally diagnosed with DiD. We don’t do syscourse and literally do not give two shits about whether endos are “real.” Also don’t give a shit about ships. Fuck that noise, I’m straight up saying it. We’re anti-censorship and not a sysmed, and honestly don’t give a shit what you think of it. We be doing radical acceptance of all people and getting to know them before we do bullshit like fakeclaim them or tell them what to fucking jack off to. I don’t give a shit. Don’t send us call out posts we could not give less of a shit if we tried honestly.
Anyway. Here’s everybody.
🧤 Agate, they/them. Syskid that wants us not to suppress emotions.
🪩 Boppie, they/them. Absolute partyholic. Just wants to have fun.
♠️ Cole, he/it. Weapons guy.
🐰 Daisy, she/her. Hurt inner child.
🔭 Estella, she/they. Tech enthusiast. Videogame lover.
🐁 Fobi, it/she/they. Survival instinct. Flee stress response.
🦇 Grim, it/any. Fawning stress response.
🌺 Haven, she/he. Genuine love and affection for our loved ones.
✏️ Indigo, they/them. Fandom-brained tween who wants to be a book author.
🎊 Jynx, she/any. Weird god complex and desire to be adored.
🍠 Kakxyl, he/any. Helps alters change roles.
🫐 Lynx, he/any. Takes the brunt of an emotional attack. Freeze stress response.
⚓️ Maverick, they/he. The captain. Or host.
🍥 Nyan, he/she. The syskid that likes to have fun and be silly.
🚀 Oscar, he/him. Protects us from others, is hypervigilant of red flags.
🩵 Present, she/it. Keeps us from trying to go back to failed relationships.
🥀 Quasiren, they/he/she. Intimacy builder and relationship upkeep.
🥩 Raptorse, it/its. Hunger.
🎆 Starbound, she/any. Righteous anger. Fight stress response.
🪱 Tazelein, he/any. Honestly I have no fucking clue anymore what he’s for, but he’s fucking weird as all hell. Hypersexual.
🕊️ Utopia, they/any. Religious and philosophical fascination. Holds delusions of grandeur.
🦠 Vitriol, it/its. Protects others from us by pushing them away.
🕸️ Webber, they/any. Holds abandonment issues.
🔥 Xray, he/him or xe/xim/xis. Does things nobody wants to do.
🌲 Yarrow, they/it or yey/yem/yeir. Does a lot of the cataloguing of alters.
🌊 Zenith, ze/zer/zers. Makes sure we get fun breaks.
Yeah there’s one of us for every letter of the alphabet, no more, no less. I run a tight ship. We’re in therapy for our DiD. We got from 222 down to this and I don’t think we want to fuse more. Functional plurality straight ahead!
If we like you, we’ll follow you from our vent account.
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fairyhaos · 11 months
can you do moots as book tropes maybe? if possible
yes i definitely can omggg lezzgo (these kinda turned into fic tropes instead tho ngl,,,)
@slytherinshua is a coffee shop setting! no idea why tbh, but i imagine her as the animated, lovely customer who always comes into the cafe during the slow hours, with a smile on her face and a book in her hand and a whole array of wonderful and weird new things to chatter about to the barista who may be just a tiny bit in love with her
@blue-jisungs feels very much like a magical school book series. i'm thinking harry potter, i'm thinking school for good and evil, i'm thinking magic and pastel blues and childhood friends to lovers and saving the day and being a hero, either willingly or unwillingly, and learning and growing to become the best person you are able.
@wheeboo is arranged marriage!!!! i can't explain it but the tension and the drama ✨ and the way it can be either enemies to lovers or strangers to lovers is soooo rania. she'd bicker, she'd banter, but most of all she'd fall in love so, so deeply that she cannot even think of not loving them anymore.
@rubywonu is a fae/ faerie world setting. im thinking cruel prince-esque, with drama and blood and alliances, but also with all of its whimsy and its magic and its sparkly gold fairy dust. it's something a bit mysterious, very much unknown, and only the strongest and the most quick-witted will be able to survive
@selenicives dragonsssss and faux medieval settings :D the lore and the intrigue and the aesthetics of it all make me think of weiwei, #1 bc i think xe would love to create a world like that but also bc it feels vv much like something xe would enjoy being part of haha
@ylliris-hanniehae is exes to lovers. perhaps an unusual one, but exes to lovers, and second chances, is always about soft love and gentle stories, of talking things through and comforting past hurts and making promises to move on into the future, together. and i think ylli would like that.
@odxrilove is amnesia. dori is gonna get hit by a truck or smth during a crucial moment in the plot and half of the story is spent watching her struggle to get back her memories before PLOT TWIST it turns out that either a) someone intentionally hit her or b) she never lost her memories in the first place????? i feel like drama follows her wherever she goes tbh.
@weird-bookworm is found family ^^ bc she's just so sweet and nice and also a little bit silly and goofy exactly like how the found family dynamic often is. also sky just fits so seamlessly into our group like she's always meant to be here, so duh. she's now part of our family.
@etherealyoungk is just. cottagecore like idk how to explain it. when a character moves away from the bustle of the city to live in the countryside, perhaps to heal past traumas, and they discover an elusive stranger with flowers in their hair who help them open their heart and learn to love again? that's skye.
@gyuswhore is a baker/ bakery au! again i literally don't know why but em gives me the vibes of a rambly + bubbly + slightly weird baker who always makes sure to beam at the regulars and mayhaps be just a little bit enamoured with this one customer who always comes in and, without fail, orders fifteen egg tarts in bulk. she doesn't know what they're doing with so many egg tarts. but she's gonna find out.
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i3utterflyeffect · 4 months
can i know more about your oc then?
oh avec? uhhhh sure!! i'm not sure what you want to know but i can talk more about xem!
just off the top of my head, random fun facts... uh
they act very germaphobic, but most of that is because xe has very recently become aware of how deadly diseases can be and. since xe is also (technically) a disease, xe's very adamant to not spread anything, even if xe's more akin to a parasite than a virus. the others don't think too much of it, since, you know. it IS a hospital
i've mentioned this before but most people are aware Avec isn't an intern! they don't exactly know what Avec is but people have theories:
Sentient robot - Hailey, Ian, the Janitor, Cole
Ghost - Lucia, Logan, Insomniac, Nicole
Weird intern - Edega, Miner, Mr. and Ms. Stevenson,
Doesn't Care - Samurai, Lucky, Farmer (aka Hugh, aka tutorial kid), Richard Hugh (hates everyone the same and thinks the robot was a waste of funds, uses them as proof that there should be less funding, also Avec's worst enemy but does not know this)
Unsure, but does kind of want to know - Ada The jury's still out on it and Avec just lets people draw their own conclusions because xe thinks it's kind of funny. xe does like the idea of being a sentient robot more than being a virus, so if xe was REALLY pressed, that's the lie they'd spit out. xe avoid answering though, and people usually don't care enough to pressure xem-- plus, what are you going to say if xe IS an intern. what then.
Avec does take host in a human eventually in the later parts of xyr story! it's an accident and xe isn't extremely happy about it, but it happens anyway and it's very difficult to set things straight again when people are under the impression you're out to hurt someone!
Avec could potentially survive for an indefinite amount of time in a host if they have a pacemaker, but it would be a pretty miserable existence for both Avec and xyr host.
Avec does sort of have the ability to starve! without xyr usual feed of electricity, they become tired, irritable, and generally just more flighty. xe would die if not supplied with electricity after around 7 days. for most Morendo viruses, it would be 3, but since Avec fed off of the electricity fueling xyr body, xe has a much more generous window of survival
xe really wishes they could swim. xe just thinks it looks fun.
Xe actually really likes Cole's music and listen to it a lot! Xyr favorite song is All The Times!
I've thought about if xe had a boss stage (and have tried to make it repeatedly, to no avail sadly), and I think that if I had to pick a song for it, it would be Coordinate Shift by Ferry!
anyway i've gotten distracted by the adofai super battleworn insomniac level again so that's all for now. sorry that most of this is rhythm doctor based, xe's dynamic with the others makes xem more fun lol
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xxjinxxisdedxx · 5 months
More sketches of my little goober >:3 (+backstory!!)
(Pinkshift is their favorite band, so must be listened to/j)
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Hehe :3 so here is more traditional art of my OC because I am obsessed with drawing xem. No idea why, I just love them :0 anyways.
Backstory (the gist of it anyways)!
Born to the zones, Retro Bolt was just another average zone kid with a makeshift family and a broken history. Now, Retro doesn't remember most of their past after they were brainwashed when xe was around 14ish and turned into a draculoid, which left them without any recollection of their past life.
The mask had melted into their skin, but they were hostile. Xe never fought anyone and was eventually kicked out into the zones to find a purpose from the city. Retro just wandered and wandered, with no purpose. Their mind was fuzzy, xe didn't know who they were or what they were meant to do.
This was all until xe was found by the one and only Cherri Cola. At first, Cherri was ready to shoot Retro when he noticed how hostile they were. Xe didn't attack and simply kept walking in an unknown direction. With the sympathy in his heart, Cherri took Retro back to the station. Dr. Death was completely against the idea of attempting to take someone out of draculoidzation. It was too risky and dangerous. But Cherri kept arguing that this could change something and they could find a weakness.
Reluctantly, Dr. Death allowed Cherri to do what he found the best. Cherri spent days trying to pry the mask off of Retro and to no use, it never came off. Slowly melting more into their skin. Eventually, Cherri gave up but kept Retro around.
One time, Poison and the girl were visiting because the girl wanted to go see Show. Cherri directed The girl to a room before talking with Poison about some poem. The girl ran off and accidentally went into the wrong room, opening the one that held Retro inside. Xe was sitting on the floor, not doing anything. The Girl walked over, knowing Draculoids were bad, but she had heard the way Cherri described this drac.
The Girl had also heard Cherri's complaint about how he couldn't get the mask off. So, she wanted to try something. She walked over to xem, slowly and hesitantly as to not scare them. They didn't move and stared, in a daze. The girl was able to locate the zipper and pull it off, but not without a bloody mess. Retro screamed out in pain as the mask ripped off parts of xers skin and nerves, leaving the blood to leave their face.
Their hands were covered in their own blood and xe was still dazed, but now they were more conscious. They couldn't see out of one of xers eyes and slowly backed away against a wall. Retro wanted to say something outside of their screams but it seems as if xers vocal cords just stopped working to produce everything but words. Cherri ran into the room at the first scream and stared at the mess. If blood loss didn't get to xem, the sand would.
It was a harsh time to get the blood cleaned up, but Cherri managed to get something done. So, now there was this dazed Retro will no recollection of their past and no idea even where they are. Cherri worked with Retro, like a teacher. He spent hours figuring out Retro's name, although Retro didn't know and simply made one up, or one that sounded familiar.
Cherri helped Retro adjust to the zone life and it was pure luck Retro survived.
Little Fun Facts! X3
- Retro had constant flashbacks, mostly of their memories. Xe tries to piece their life together from before the draculoidzation.
- Retro is obsessed with colors and always has art supplies on xem due to how long they spent in a black and white vision.
- Retro roller skates! Show taught them how to and helped xe make their own pair.
- They can't feel anything on the side of their face with the scar, it doesn't feel like anything due to the nerves being ripped out.
- Their favorite band is Pinkshift (Yes, I am kinda putting myself in this OC, shush)
- Retro is confused on sexuality and gender identity (believing they don't have a gender) because xe doesn't know about how to feel about anything like that. They've never experienced romantic feelings and don't feel any gender really fits them.
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