#i just have to do some vetting for the fics so it's longer
moinsbienquekaworu · 1 year
Tomorrow: LAST DAY OF WORK!!! I'm doing max 2h30 of sorting papers and then I'm DONE!!!
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moonstruckme · 11 months
i am so BUMMED when i realized ive read all of your polymarauders works. can i get more of them please? especially the one like the 'casual dominance' fic omgg. that one made me feel THINGS. btw!!! congrats on reaching the 1k mark. totally deserved <33
Wow babe, that's a lot! I'm really glad you're enjoying them! I know I've written a few since you sent this in, but I decided to treat this as a request for specifically casual dom!marauders because I'm weak for them too :*
poly!marauders x fem!reader ♡ 1.1k words
Your teeth chatter as you step out of the fastest shower of your life, barely drying yourself off before starting on your makeup. You’re so dumb. You’re so, so dumb. Of course it’d be the night before your presentation that you’d accidentally set your alarm for PM instead of AM. How many times had you stirred, thought about getting up, and decided to wait until your alarm went off? It had only been when you’d woken to an empty bed, sunlight coming in through the window, that you’d realized. 
You’re still running on the adrenaline of that waking jolt, now mixed with the extra edginess from your frigid shower since you couldn’t afford to wait for the water to warm. You probably won’t be late, but you’re definitely going to be late by pre-presentation standards. You’d planned to get there a half hour in advance to set up and mentally prepare. Now you’re going to have ten minutes at best, and that’s only if you can get out the door in the next few. You finish with your makeup—your hair’s just going to have to dry on the way—and turn to where you’d hung your pre-selected and Sirius-vetted presentation outfit the night before. The hangers sit empty. 
You go into the bedroom, hoping one of the boys had laid them out on the bed while you’d been in the shower. Nothing. Just your socks and shoes where you’d left them by the bedroom door. 
“Shit,” you mutter to yourself, pulling the socks on because you can do that, at least. “Shit shit shit!” 
You take off down the stairs, relieved to see Sirius on his way up. “Hey! Do you know where—” your foot hits too close to the edge of one step, slipping down to the next. It seems inclined to keep going, but Sirius’ hands catch you around the waist. 
“Shit, baby.” He looks down at your feet as you get them under you again, eyebrows drawn together. “Running down the stairs is already bad enough, but with socks on?” 
“Do you know where my presentation outfit went?” you ask in a rush. 
Sirius blinks. “No. It’s not where you left it?” You shake your head and decide this conversation is no longer a productive use of your time, moving past him. “Don’t run,” he says after you, and you slow to a slight hustle down the remaining steps. 
You practically skid into the kitchen, where Remus is just about to sit down at the table with his cup of coffee and James is running the blender. You raise your voice to be heard over it. “Do either of you know where my presentation outfit went?” 
James stops the blender. “Morning to you too, sweetheart. Everything okay?” 
You feel like you could burst into tears, but that would just waste more time. Why is no one cooperating with your need for efficiency?
“I’m going to be late!” you stress to James, turning around to survey the kitchen, the living room, like they’ll just be hanging in some random corner where you somehow forgot them. “I need my clothes, have you seen them?”
“Dove.” Remus sets his coffee down to take you by the shoulders. “Breathe. You’ve got time.” 
You exhale, trying not to twitch as your skin crawls with urgency, or to lecture him on how little time you actually have. Remus watches you patiently. His hands slide up to either side of your face once you no longer seem like a flight risk, thumb stroking your cheek. 
“Your outfit’s in the dryer,” he says in a soothing voice, still holding you as if to keep you from running off. “I was warming it up while you were in the shower.” 
Your next inhale scrapes on the way in, a grateful pressure building behind your eyes. “Rem, that’s so sweet,” you say. “Thank you.” 
Remus gives you a smile and a little shrug, more casual than the faint pinkness of his cheeks would suggest. He lets his hands skim back down your neck, giving your upper arms a light squeeze. “Why don’t you let it finish running while you have your breakfast, yeah? That way there’s no risk of spilling on it.” 
You shake your head, aware this won’t go over well but too anxious to worry much about it. “I don’t have time for breakfast,” you tell him. “I need to catch the bus in, like—” Your eyes search for a moment before landing on the microwave clock. “—five minutes.” 
“I’ll drive you,” Sirius says, rolling up the sleeves of his shirt as he comes back downstairs.
You glance at the microwave clock again in case you read it wrong the first time. “You can’t,” you say. “You’ll be late.” 
Sirius shrugs. “I don’t have a presentation. They’ll deal with it.” 
You look to Remus, expecting him to object to Sirius’ proposed tardiness, but he only nods, sitting down with his coffee. 
“Are…are you sure?” you ask Sirius, trying to adjust to the sudden non-urgency of your situation. 
“It’s no problem,” he promises you. “Stop looking so upset, honey, just eat your breakfast.” 
“Drink your breakfast, is more like it,” James says proudly, coming in from the kitchen to pass you a glass of whatever he’d been concocting in the blender. It’s a murky brown-green, and you try not to wrinkle your nose for James’ sake. 
“Thanks.” You take it from him tentatively. “It’s…it’s a smoothie?” 
James laughs at your expression, and you think you hear Remus snort into his coffee. “Yes, it’s a smoothie. The color’s because of the chocolate protein powder and the spinach, but it’s got fruit, too, don’t worry.” 
You swirl the glass a bit, assessing the color. “Why so much spinach?”
James sets a hand on your shoulder, encouraging you into your chair as he joins the three of you at the table with a smoothie of his own. “Iron, sweetheart.” He casts a pointed glance at your legs, spotted here and there with purple-and-yellow blotches of skin. “Seems like you need it. You’re bruising like a peach lately.” 
Remus hums in agreement as you take a tentative sip of the smoothie. It’s not bad, though you can feel little bits of spinach sticking to your teeth. You make a mental note to have Sirius check your smile before you get out of the car later.
“And I saw that look in your eyes when you stood up too fast from the couch yesterday,” Remus says, quirking an eyebrow when you look at him in surprise. “You’re not as subtle as you think, dove.” 
You bring the glass to your lips again to avoid making a response. Sirius laughs, and when you smile sheepishly, his grin turns goofy. “Hold it there,” he says, taking your jaw in hand. You keep your smile in place as his eyes narrow. “Front tooth on the left. My left.” You lick at the piece of spinach, and he nods, dropping his hand. 
“Knew I could count on you,” you tell him. “Thanks, Siri.” 
Sirius pecks you on the cheek. “S’what I’m here for, gorgeous.”
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jaythes1mp · 2 months
Omg but cat reader (works the same as robin reader). Imagine how bad it would be if you were taken in as a ‘stray’ (you just lived by yourself and had a low paying job), they don’t know what your last vet did but they want you up to date on shots and make sure you get chipped incase you wander out too far. They definitely care, but they care in the way someone cares about their family dog Your collar has a nice little bell and the wet food they leave out has a little medicine to ‘calm you down’.
And of course if you were too mangy they’d have to declaw you- much to Damian’s upset, but he’ll be there to wrap your now shorter fingers.
Okay, I love this! It definitely fits along the lines of Robin reader as well.
Dehumanising the human half of the reader to favour your cat side completely.
Oh, you don’t want to turn into your cat form so we can declaw you? Looks like we’ll have to do this the hard way.
…I’m invested.
If anyone can give me some ideas on what to add to the fic, that would be epic! If I have enough material to work off I 100% will write it.
I just need some more ideas so I can make it a longer fic rather than a short drabble.
Anons and comments are heavily appreciated! If you want to be @ when I create it feel free to drop a message.
Link to offical chapter
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thedovesaredying · 8 months
Monsters in the Dark | Nikto x Reader | Part 1
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First "official" part of Nikto x Reader fic set in the cowboy AU originally created by @ghouljams once again staring our darling Sputnik. Makes a lot more sense if you read the prologue which can be found linked below.
A/N: Did I spend several hours watching Kevin Richardson videos with him hanging out with his hyenas while writing this? Yes. Do I regret it? Absolutely not. This also ended up a lot longer than I was expecting lmao.
Warnings: Depictions of Minor Medical Procedures.
Masterlist: CoD Masterlist
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When working as a rural vet there’s a surprising amount of driving involved. Travelling from the clinic to farms and huge properties miles and miles away for in-person appointments and consultations can understandably take several hours out of your day. Most of the time you don’t even have working cell service to help guide you to your destination and you’re forced to either memorise the route beforehand or turn to your old reliable map.  
You’re new to the area, having decided to spend some time travelling across the US for the potential experience it could offer you. You’ve done plenty of work on stations in the north of Australia, helping jackaroos to manage any illness within their herds, always moving from place to place, and so Texas seemed like the perfect place to start your travels.  
While training, however, you had been given an offer to travel to South Africa to work with the numerous wildlife there both on reserves and in zoos. It was the best year of your life and ignited a passion for working with exotic animals.  
Travelling the US for work was an exciting opportunity to help rural communities with their livestock and to work with the numerous native species you’ve never had the chance to encounter in your everyday life. This little town was just another step on your travels and, so far, hadn’t really stood out to you more than any other small town.  
So, it isn’t out of place for you to be driving down a lengthy driveway through the woods and pulling up to a rundown old house. What is strange, is the huge creature sitting at the top of the porch.  
The hyena is massive. It’s powerfully built with pure muscle, and no doubt would be able to tear you to pieces if it chose to. It’s so distracting that for a long time you don’t even notice the huge man standing beside your car. He looks just as strong as the hyena sitting behind him and you’re not sure how you missed his approach.  
When the lady at the front desk informed you that there was a gentleman asking for a veterinarian with experience handling exotics, you were thinking perhaps a rare lizard, or an uncommon species of parrot. What you weren’t expecting was to see an adult hyena staring you down.  
You’re more than a little reluctant to leave the safety of the vehicle, but upon receiving a jerk of the head from the man, you cautiously exit the car. Not once do you take your eyes off the predator while you quickly grab your bag from the backseat.  
Having dealt with hyenas before, you know better than to show any kind of fear, forcing your shoulders down from your ears and starting to take calm, deep breaths. You offer your name to who you presume is the animal’s owner and hold out a hand for him to shake.  
The man, “Nikto,” as he grunts to you, takes your hand after a moment and gives it a firm shake. You’re used to farmers having a strong grip, so you simply offer the man a bright grin. “I take it this is the patient?” you ask, nodding your head toward the hyena in question.  
The man is clad head to toe in all-black clothing. Typical cowboy hat, black denim jeans, and a shirt that has a high collar and sleeves that reach all the way down to his wrists where they meet with a pair of leather gloves. All regular clothing, albeit a little dark for such a hot climate, but what really sets him apart is the dark neck gaiter covering most of his features.  
You would think it odd for him to be hiding his face on his own property, but you’ve heard that there’s several other ex-military men in the town that also prefer bandanas or masks to showing their bare faces. It looks intimidating, especially given just how huge the guy is, but at the end of the day he’s your client and it isn’t your place to judge.  
“да,” Nikto nods, “this is Sputnik.” He looks you up and down, before asking, “you are comfortable with her, yes?”  
“Uh, yeah, I’ve worked with hyenas before,” you confirm. That, unfortunately, doesn’t make it any easier or less nerve-wracking to be so close to an unrestrained predator. Normally, there’s at least a fence between you and any of the wildlife you’re treating, but hopefully the animal is somewhat friendly given it’s allowed to roam free.  
At your confirmation, he lets out a sharp whistle and snaps out a harsh, “КО МНЕ!” Causing the animal to leap to her feet and sprint across the grass to her owner’s side.  
You try not to jump when Sputnik runs directly toward you but manage to keep a handle on your reactions. Much to your relief, however, rather than tackling you to the floor and tearing your throat out, the hyena starts laughing excitedly and running circles around you. She’s clearly very curious, stopping every few seconds to try and sniff at you from a distance.  
You can imagine it would be an intimidating sight for anyone who has never encountered a hyena before, but she’s clearly just excited to meet someone new. “Is she normally this excited to meet new people?” you ask, unable to resist the smile that grows on your face as Sputnik starts to playfully nip at Nikto’s legs.  
The man huffs, crossing his arms over his chest, “no.” 
You’re beginning to understand that Nikto is not one for making conversation.  
As Sputnik calms again, you watch her wander around the area. The issue becomes clear to you quite quickly in the form of a slight limp on one of her hind legs. She seems to otherwise be bright, alert and responsive, only the sore leg causing her problems.  
You run through the basic questions about the problem, how long it’s being going on, and how her behaviour has been recently. You quickly take notes on her previous medical history while keeping an eye on Sputnik. After taking down her information, you ask Nikto to bring her to one of the old sheds so you can begin the exam.  
She’s a beautiful hyena, and despite not having the behaviour of a domesticated dog, she can somewhat follow her owner’s commands. After seeing Nikto tapping the top of one of the tables, she hops up into a bench for you to more easily inspect her body.  
With Sputnik firmly restrained by her owner, you gently reach out for her hind paw. You softly palpate the area, taking note of the large amount of swelling, particularly in the area between two of her toes. After glancing up to ensure she isn’t getting too stressed, you pull apart the toes, spotting a nasty yellow lump of what is presumably infection.  
As you check over the area, you notice something black sticking out of the wound. With your trusty pair of tweezers you take hold of the object and begin to gently tease it out of the swollen mass. Sputnik’s leg twitches slightly, clearly not happy about someone touching her sore paw, but after a few soft words of encouragement she settles once again.  
Your grip on the object slips a few times, but eventually you’re able to pull it free. It’s a nasty thorn, a whole inch in length that was buried in the poor animal’s foot. Just removing it causes a flood of pus to begin squirting from the wound and you’re thankful for the medical gloves you’re wearing, because it is far from a pleasant smell.  
Sputnik whines, trying to pull her paw away again, but with your client still holding her head in place you can continue to express the rest of the fluid without causing her much more distress. With a small syringe of saline, you quickly flush out the remaining chunks of hardened infection until the liquid runs clear.  
It’s a small enough opening that she won’t need the wound packed or any stitches to keep it closed. Instead, you spray the area with a thick layer of Blu-Kote to prevent any further infection.  
“I'll need to give her a quick antibiotic injection to make sure it won’t come back, just make sure she’s restrained, okay?” You receive a grunt of acknowledgement, then provide the needed shot. Sputnik tries to turn and snap at you, but with Nikto in the way she ends up biting at thin air and growling in frustration.  
You gently rub at the hyena’s back with a loving coo, “what a brave girl, you did so well!” 
After being released she turns to regard you for a moment, before squealing happily and trying to lick at your face. It seems you’re already forgiven for your cruel transgressions against the poor girl. “Looks like this was the cause of the trouble,” you explain, briefly showing Nikto the old thorn you’d removed.  
Nikto turns his gaze to Sputnik, rolling his eyes before gently cuffing her around the back of the head. “Долбоеб,” he mutters, ignoring the way she starts to playfully bite at one of his gloved hands.  
You’re not entirely sure what he said, but no doubt it’s some sort of insult. Not that Sputnik seems to care, hopping down from the table and trotting around the barn as if the last ten minutes didn’t occur.  
“I gave her a strong antibiotic, but spotted hyenas are pretty notorious for their infections being resistant to treatment, so if she starts getting worse or isn’t improving then be sure to give me a call and we’ll look at if there’s anything we need to do,” you explain, keeping an eye on how Sputnik moves on her feet now. 
“Understood,” the man nods, standing ramrod straight with his arms crossed over his chest.  
Clearly this man still isn’t very interested in a conversation, given he has nothing further to add and almost seems to be pointedly ignoring you. It’s a little uncomfortable, but he’s certainly not the first... interesting character you’ve dealt with in your career and he won’t be the last. “Do you have any other questions about the treatment?” you ask.  
“нет,” he grunts, before quickly adding, “no.”  
You nod, offering the man a genuine smile, “well, I’m glad I could help out.” You remove your gloves and quickly start packing away the tools you’d been using, “the office will send through an invoice to your email, so you can pay online or head down to the clinic to pay in person.”  
He just nods, watching you silently as you finish up collecting your tools and placing them back away into your bag. His eyes seem to burn into you, his icy gaze piercing through your body and directly into your very soul. You’re not sure how comfortable you are having your innermost self so openly exposed to someone you’ve only just met, but quickly shake off the feeling.  
As soon as you’re finished packing, you pull out one of your personal cards, handing it to Nikto. He stares at the piece of cardboard for a long moment, and you quickly explain, “my card, it’s got my number on it in case you ever need help.” You can’t imagine how difficult it must be for him to find someone with genuine experience treating large predatory animals and you’re more than happy to offer as much of your expertise as he wants.  
Nikto awkwardly goes to reach for the card with one of his hands, only to pause midway and reach for it with the other one. He fleetingly glances over the card, then tucks it into one of his shirt pockets.  
While you make your way back to your car, Nikto calls Sputnik back over and ensures the animal walks at his heels. She doesn’t seem happy with this command, whining and laughing as she looks between her master and you. She very obviously wants to run after you and play but knows better than to ignore her owner.  
Sputnik sits next to Nikto as the man watches you quickly pack everything back into your car. She keeps looking between you and Nikto, as if silently begging him to allow her to go back to you for more attention, but he stands strong against her sad eyes. It’s cute, really, since it likely means that weaponized puppy dog eyes are an effective tool in getting the stoic man to crumble if she’s still attempting to use them against him.  
Before you hop into the car you give Sputnik a wave, laughing when she cries at you. “Bye, sweetheart!” you coo again, before offering her owner a wave and a smile.  
Looking into the rear-view mirror on your way back toward the main road, you can see both Nikto and Sputnik watching you leave. They’re an odd pair, but it’s been a while since you had the chance to work with such a beautiful animal and you can’t help looking forward to seeing both her and her strange human again sometime soon.  
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rwrbficrecs · 8 months
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First monthly faves for 2024 !! ❤️
Leave a message by @sherryvalli (book-verse)
@dot524: In the mood for some cute, heart-melting fluff? This is a one-shot that recounts Alex’s voicemail messages over the years from those who care about him - including Henry.
would you be my love, my love? (would you be mine) by ohprongs (book-verse)
@wilmonsfolklore: a strictly come dancing AU with a lot of feelings that I've been thinking about ever since i read it!!!
even though we know it isn't true by @matherines (book-verse)
@wilmonsfolklore: for everyone struggling with academic pressure, or anyone, really. it's pretty sad but of course there's comfort personified in Henry!!
beyond infatuation, how obsessively i adore you by @waterloolovers (book-verse)
@wilmonsfolklore: a new fandom classic if you ask me. Henry works at the daycare Alex's daughter goes to and their relationship progresses really naturally. the kid content in this fic is some of the cutest i have ever read and this is the perfect fic to go on your reread list for comfort.
And They Were Roommates by @14carrotghoul (book-verse)
@na-dineee: Alex and Henry get to know themselves and each other after they move in together. This story is not sugarcoated at all, very realistic - just how life is, and so so sweet. Also, unfortunately, rather short, but still worth the read - as are many other stories by this author, such as the 'Las flores' series.
Spirit of the Season by @pridepages (book-verse)
@heybuddy-drabbles: A little late to the game but I finally read E.J's Christmas story. Her way of story telling doesn't disappoint in this shorter tale (by her standards). It's not lighthearted and it touches some difficult topics (mostly canon) but it's all worth it because of the way they fall in love through Christmas Eve/night. Can't recommend it enough!
Where There Are Octobers by @iboatedhere (book-verse)
@na-dineee: 31 short chapters that are just really fun to read! Some are post-canon or canon-compliant, others are AUs - but in all of them the characters are so beautifully drawn, true to how we know and love them! A vet AU, a hospital AU, major fluff, even an X-Files AU - and who knows, maybe one or two dribbles will turn into more?! Fingers crossed!
The Art of Losing by bigfishbigpond (book-verse)
@dot524: If you think the mid-story breakup should have been longer and more angsty, here’s the story for you. An interesting and heartfelt story of what Henry and Alex are like apart, and what pulls them back together.
I know that you hate me (Do you though?) by @arand0mdutchgirl (book-verse)
@magnificentandcoolfez: A bit of good ADHD angst (with some comfort ofc). I like the focus on how hard adhd can be and it's a short and good read for those who like comfort that comes in the shape of your crush holding you until you feel grounded again.
blushing ears and beating hearts by @kill8a (book-verse)
@na-dineee: This story is not just slow burn, it is glacial burn. It's an college AU, set in New York, and so slow, so tender, so fluffy - after reading it I was floating on cloud 9 for quite a while. I don't know if you feel the same way, but it's funny how changing one given variable somehow changes the whole dynamic between the two of them. Or is it just me?! Either way, it's so wholesome to tag along as their love blossoms, I still feel so hugged and cared for.
all so human with our guards down by @maxbegone (book-verse)
@myheartalivewrites: a post-apocalyptic story that is unlike any other. There are no zombies or gore, but instead it focuses on rebuilding and the softest love growing between Alex and Henry, surrounded by family and friends. I kinda wanted to live there by the end of it.
The Snow Prince by @orchidscript (book-verse)
@zwiazdziarka: several fairy tale tropes meet to create this absolutely amazing story. It has dreaminess of a fable, best kind of yearning of your favourite slow burn fics and a little bit of adventure of a fantasy novel.
but to say that I'm a rainbow, to tell me that I'm bright (when I'm so used to feeling wrong, well, it helps me feel alright.) by What_Is_A_Mild_Opinion (book-verse)
@zwiazdziarka: Fandom is really sleeping on this one! This story is a canon rewrite with characters reimagined as creatures with animal characteristics. The wordbuilding is so fantastic that even if you are not a fan of long fics following canon step by step, it's absolutely worth to check this even for a chapter or two and get to know these wonderful versions of Alex and Henry. (Alex is literally rainbow.)
safe with me / more than I ever (in a thousand years)by @indomitable-love (book-verse)
@na-dineee: I think the author is very well known among all rwrb fanfic readers. I really, really liked these two stories, like a lot: Two 5+1 fics, one from Pez's point of view, the other from Bea's - unfortunately both characters are given too little attention in the book imho. As expected, both narrators are sharply observing, protective of Henry, loving, honest, tender - and you end up loving Henry (and Alex) even more.
check out our past Monthly Faves here ❤️
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liminalpebble · 11 months
If you’re up for something fluffy and/or lighthearted fun - like a month ago I gave another writer I’m following this idea but she‘s been gone since then and I would still love it 🥺
I was in the mood for a Lokitty Fic because it’s been a while and for whatever reason I’min the mood:D If it’s gonna be more fluffy, funny or even angsty is up to you 🫶
Basic idea was Loki disguised as a cat 🐈‍⬛ has been hiding from something/someone in our home. Without him realizing until he’s already in too deep, he starts to fall for us and the way we care for him. Not part of his plan. He hadn’t intended to reveal his identity and surely couldn’t do it now after basically misleading us the whole time.
But what’s been escaping him since as well - we absolutely know. 🤭
A/N: Hey friend! Thanks for this very sweet and fluffy prompt. I accidentally seemed to have made it a multiparter and I have no idea where this is going except definitely to fluff town, and the comfort district. I guess stay tuned? WTF am I even doing??
Much love,
Stray: Part 1
Masterlist link
The rain was tumbling down in heavy sheets as you made your way from the train to your apartment. By now you'd just about memorized how many steps were left from the soaked platform to your door.
The thought depressed you a little, realizing how long you've felt stuck in this life; just another shop girl in the city, a uniform and an apron with a tired person behind it. As the cold water continued to hit you, you were glad to realize the number of steps to the lobby door was finally reaching single digits and picked up your pace in one last jolt of momentum.
Then you heard it; an almost imperceptible mewling under the incessant drumming of the storm. You turned, following the faint noise until you reached the alley and the giant dumpsters housed there. The stench was awful. You held your soaked apron over your nose as you peaked into the crevice. Two of the biggest, most beautiful, aquamarine eyes stared back at you from a void of soaked black fur. It was a cat, and it was absolutely screaming now, realizing it had someone's attention.
It's not like you'd never seen an alley cat before. There were swarms of them around, but there was just something about this one, something so desperately in need of love. The little guy seemed almost confused to be in this position whereas the other strays seemed to resign themselves to their shitty fate.
You braced yourself; tried to talk yourself out of what you knew you were about to do and had never ever done before. It would be incredibly stupid. You weren't even allowed to have pets. You didn't even know if he was sick and you would never have the money to take him to the vet. Regardless, you sighed and scooped the pathetic little creature up, swaddling him in your apron, as you hurried toward the front door. Huffing, you warned him, “Okay buddy, but I swear to god, you better not have rabies.”
Loki was glad to finally be out of the rain and stench, even if it was in a less than ideal form. Several hours earlier he had landed with a crash, cushioned by the heaps of debris. He scoffed realizing his neat black suit and tie and the crisp white shirt were now utterly ruined. His sunglasses were nowhere to be found. The money; all that money that came with him as he dove out of the plane was now safely magicked away, at least.
He groaned pitifully. A fall like that coupled with a mid-air tussle with Thor was enough to floor the younger god, though he hated to admit it. And who was Thor to come after him anyway? This whole D.B. Cooper heist was his fault...all because of that idiotic bet. Loki probably would have laid there feeling very sorry for himself a good deal longer, but he heard the lonely patter of someone running toward him through the downpour. He had to admit he needed help, and it was time for some quick scheming to get it. Good thing this was always his forte.
He had barely accustomed himself to his new feline form and begun mewling loudly when he heard your footfalls slow and watched your shadow move down the alley.
Come on. He thought, imbuing it with the hint of an enchantment. Come find me, mortal.
Loki was incredibly pleased with himself and, frankly, a bit surprised that his ploy worked so easily. Such dull creatures, mortals...such soft hearts., he mused as he dozed in your arms. He was already barely conscious when he heard you quip, “Okay buddy, but I swear to god, you better not have rabies.”
Hey! Rude, he thought, attempting to give a menacing, insulted glare, but it only came out as a grimacing twitch of his whiskers and whining, grumpy, growl.
The human smiled a reluctant little grin and tussled his fur saying, “It's a good thing you're adorable.”
I'm not adorable! I am a god, you dull creature! , he screamed in his mind, but it only left his mouth as another pathetically cute whine.
In your bathroom you clipped your wet hair up one-handed and kept the little creature bundled against your chest. Once your hand was free you tested temperature of the bath with a wiggle of your fingers.
Satisfied, you said, “Alright friend,” holding the cat under his armpits and meeting his eyes, as if you could appeal to his sense of logic. “You stink. I have to give you a bath. You can either except your fate with dignity or you can be a little shit and claw my eyes out. I beg you to accept your fate.”
He thought to himself, Why wouldn't I want a bath? I love baths, you idiot. Now clean me, mortal. I tire of....
“Mrewwoooow!” he screamed as soon as his paw hit the warm water. He surprised you and himself as you both flinched violently. Apparently Loki was unable to resist his new feline aversion to water. Okay...okay...this is new. He mused.
“Okay....Christ! Listen here, you little shit! You can either deal with this while I scrub you down with some Herbal Essences, or you can smell like dumpster juice.”
“Yeah. I know...I know it's not the right thing for cats. I know I should take you to the vet first. I know this is not fucking ideal. I'm...I'm doing my best,” you said, with an unexpected hitch in your throat and slightly-welling eyes, as suddenly you both realized you weren't just talking about the bath anymore.
Loki felt an emotion he couldn't quite categorize; one he seldom felt, one others might call sympathy. So he fought his instinct with all his might and remained quiet and while you carefully washed and rinsed his fur. You smiled as your careful hands cleaned every last patch. “Thank you,” you said softly.
My pleasure, he thought, and meant it. It actually did feel very nice to be clean, and if felt even better when you dried him, and wrapped him in a warm towel in front of the space heater, with one bowl of water, and one of tuna. By the time you had showered and settled next to him on the floor in your pajamas, he already had a full belly and was drifting off again in the pleasant warmth. You sipped your tea and stroked his now very glossy and soft black fur.
“See! You're such a handsome boy now that you don't look and smell like wet trash bag. That wasn't so bad, was it?”
From where his head rested on his delicately crossed paws he lazily opened one stunning eye to glare at you menacingly, but it only made you chuckle.
As you laughed and smiled down at him, stroking his fur, he felt something else he couldn't quite name; gratitude, certainly, but also something else...something like wanting desperately to see you smile as much as possible...something like hoping that sorrow he saw a glimpse of before wouldn't eat you alive...something like just wanting you to be okay regardless of the benefit to himself.
The next time he half-awoke in the night, you were gone and the lights were out, though you had left the space-heater on for him. With his now-amplified hearing, he listened for you, anxious to know you were still there. Only once he heard the gentle undulation of your sleeping breath could he relax into dreams again and wonder what tomorrow would bring.
@mischief2sarawr @ladyofthestayingpower @acidcasualties @unlucky-number-13 @goblingirlsarah @gigglingtiggerv2 @lokihiddleston @lokischambermaid @lokisgoodgirl @marcotheflychair @smolvenger @alexakeyloveloki @littlespaceyelf @loopsisloops @joyful-enchantress @eleniblue @loz-3 @the-haven-of-fiction @sweetsigyn @muddyorbs @icytrickster17 @holdmytesseract @thenerdyoldersister @thedistractedagglomeration @sailorholly @peachyjinx @coldnique @sarahscribbles @peaches1958 @infinitystoner @mischiefmaker615 @coldnique @jennyggggrrr @tripleyeeet @itsybitchylittlewitchy @mochie85
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Post Bathroom trap! Adam Stanheight x gn! reader headcanons
allllll right!! An anon came into my inbox and got me thinking about Adam as a vet as he mentioned wanting to be one the original saw script, and now this exists! Thank you to that anon for spurring on this idea (though you had no idea you did, and I have no idea if you're reading this) this was fun to write!
this fic was ALSO an excuse to imagine adam in this style of glasses (I can admit that I am entirely biased as a glasses wearer myself but I thought about it for two seconds and then was like "this will never cease to be my favorite thing ever." so now we're here)
Fic type- fluff
Warnings- mentions of PTSD related avoidance (adam refuses to go back to the part of the city where the trap was located), mentions of nightmares/anxiety and ptsd being tripped up by something unspecified, mentions of dehydration and starvation after Adam was rescued. Also, this set of headcanons was longer than I had meant for it to be so oops.
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Okay, so!!
Adam is found by the police with Lawrences help (also john kramers--a guilt ridden Lawrence Gordon would BEG for Adams life to be saved and for the spare key to the cuff on Adams ankle and you cannot ever convince me otherwise) and insistence from you (who had filed a missing persons report after a day of missed calls, texts that never delivered, and the stray cat Adam occasionally looked after was found mewing at his door, begging to be allowed entrance to his apartment) after four days. He's starving and dehydrated as all fucking hell, but he dimly registers being lifted onto a gurney and the sound of your voice as you tell him you love him and that he's alive, that he's okay.
He goes through surgery (y'know, bullet wounds and all) and wakes up to be told that, due to the spot in his shoulder where the bullet wound up, he's probably going to deal with consistent pain there the rest of his life.
He's just grateful to be out, really. Grateful that Lawrence kept his word, grateful that you harassed the police, in essence, because you cared so much about him.
He's rehydrated with fluids and eats until he's not hungry anymore, still finding the time within exhaustion and it's interruptions with food and your company to fret about seeing Lawrence in the hospital.
I mean--Lawrence does come to see him, but only when he's asleep because stressing Adam out is not a good idea when he's been out of the trap for two days and is going to be in the hospital for another five at minimum.
Lawrence writes Adam a letter of apology, though, and Adam reads it while you've gone home to shower and to feed the stray that comes by his apartment. He doesn't want to accept Lawrences apology to his face, but he decides that some part of him understands why Lawrence did it as he did, and internally accepts Lawrences apology, deciding to let himself move on from it as best he can.
Adam gets discharged from the hospital after a week, at which point he's like "okay. to start, I need to stop doing freelance. That shit almost got me killed."
He's also traumatized and VERY anxious about going to the part of Jersey where the trap is located. Being freelance might mean he has to go to that area, which plays a bigger part than he's willing to admit.
He's sitting in your apartment one day, having been too anxious to go back to his even after he'd been assured that Jigsaw believed how grateful he'd managed to become and would not test him again unless he did something that Jigsaw deemed worthy of such a test.
He starts thinking about life while sitting at your kitchen table, open and closing his fist while doing that "powpowpowpowpow!!" sound that you do when you're messing with kittens as the stray you'd taken in after finding her covered in oil on the side of the road had found herself on your kitchen table.
He looks at you, having just ordered your favorite takeout, and goes "Remember high school?"
You nod at this, anxious but excited to see where, exactly, he plans to take the conversation.
"We started dating in October of sophomore year," you said. "You dropped out March of junior year, Adam. I remember it."
Adam remembers it, too, watching you walk across the stage as a high school graduate where he'd dropped out because he was flunking. He remembers feeling proud of you, supporting you with forehead kisses and promises to order your favorite food if you studied, helping you work your way through your college degree.
"What's got you thinking about it?" you'd ask as Adam lifted the stray orange tabby kitten into his arms, tucking her under his chin.
"I was thinking... remember how I wanted to be a vet?"
You look at him, head tilted, mouth slightly agape. Of course you'd remembered, but those dreams were ones you thought he'd given up on.
"Yeah," you nod. "Yeah. I remember. Why?"
"I was looking into it and I think I'm going to get my GED," Adam says. "Might also look into taking the SATs, I heard that a decent score will help me get a bachelors degree. Once I get my bachelors, I'll go to vet school."
"Adam," you whisper, a little stunned. "Oh my God. Are you serious?"
Adam grins, gaze meeting yours as he nods.
You have a like,, like,, you're just...
you're SO HAPPY because you have loved that man for a literal DECADE by the time he's like "okay yeah. I'm going to get my life together."
You stand up and head to the kitchen, delighting in the sound of Adams laughter as you go.
"Grabbing the good whiskey?" He calls.
"The best stuff in our cabinets!" you call back.
So the cycle starts.
Adam gets himself enrolled in the GED program your old high school offers, and many nights are spent with Adam, glasses on his face and cat dubbed Spice sitting on the couch cushion behind him, studying to make sure he gets the materials right.
You help him take practice tests and kiss him senseless the first time he gets a near perfect score, and from then it only seems like things get better.
Adam aces the GED test and gets the diploma, lets himself smoke a cigarette for the first time since the trap to celebrate the victory because, even if he didn't get the diploma until eight years after he should've graduated and gotten it, he still got it.
Then, you help him study for the SATs and Spice the cat bats at his notes and the textbooks he studies from whenever one of their corners is hanging off the coffee table.
You get VERY USED to the sight of Adam in his glasses because,, studying and wearing CONTACTS?? no. that sounds like a nightmare.
he gets a good score on the SATs and then applies to a decent college in the city to do a bachelors in science with a focus on zoology.
GUESS WHAT?? He's in college doing his bachelors and working part time as a secretary at the local vets office so that he can sort of get a feel for the environment he'll be expecting post vet school.
You're at his side throughout the entirety of it, and when Adam starts going to therapy (lets be honest--he busies himself with first his GED, then the SATS, then applying and getting into the college he wants for his bachelors and also working part time at the vets offices to avoid thinking about his experience in the bathroom trap) you're supportive of him throughout every step because he supported you through high school, and college, and the long nights spent making sure your career went how you wanted it to go.
He and Lawrence develop a friendship after some time as well, which is nice, and eventually, without realizing it, Adam has developed his own little support system.
Granted, by the time he's hitting 30 and graduating with his bachelors, it's 2008 and his support system is made up of his partner, a doctor with whom he was trapped by the oh-so infamous Jigsaw, and an orange tabby cat who you lovingly washed free of oil and ticks with dawn dish soap when she was two weeks old, but it counts.
He gets into vet school and you hug-tackle him when he tells you the news.
You knock his glasses onto the floor and the two of you end up kissing, breathless on the couch of the apartment you'd moved into together, both because your old one was heading steadfastly into disrepair and remaining unfixed by the landlord, and to celebrate that he'd finished the bachelors degree at which he had worked tirelessly.
The two of you watch Spice the cat bat his glasses around, breathless but completely and utterly elated.
Adam goes to a vet school in the state and it's more studying, more forehead kisses and a lot of restless nights consumed by kissing whenever he correctly guesses the answer from one of his study flashcards, making jokes and laughing just a bit at one anothers expenses, crying into Spice the cats fur whenever it all gets too overwhelming.
he graduates the vet school in 2012, and at that point he has an 'oh shit' moment where he's like
"okay wait. so. I am thirty four. I have been dating Y/N since we were sixteen. we've been dating for eighteen years and haven't gotten married?? what??"
SO HE'S LIKE: 'okay. vets make decent money. I am going to buy them a ring and it's gonna be amazing.'
realistically, he's thirty four and realizing at that point (when the two of you are financially stable enough to be looking at fucking HOUSES in the early 2010s) that the two of you have been together for more than half of your lives and he's making good enough money that money and making the rent isn't a concern anymore and it's a genuine shock.
John Kramer died (which was a story that broke national news) and Adam has had the time to heal, which he finds even odder but it's--it's a nice kind of odd.
So, he starts working as a vet at the office where he used to be a secretary and with his first paycheck, he BUYS YOU A RING. SWEET SWEET MAN.
He proposes in February of 2013 (not on valentines day, but on the 26th because that's your nineteen year anniversary) at the place where you had your first date
the place?? a bookstore that sold used cameras at a discount. Adam proposed to you with a book of memories and photographs he'd taken chronicling those memories. At the end it has the words 'will you marry me?' and a photo of Spice the cat asleep on a sign that says 'look up' so then you do
You laugh a little and pull a ring out of your pocket, offering it to him as you try to fend off the urge to comment about how unserious it seems despite how serious it is.
He's like "a ring? why would they--OH SHIT. THEY HAD THE SAME IDEA."
The two of you just...silently laugh in the bookstore while you nod and slip the rings you bought onto the others finger, kissing and hugging because what even was that day. what.
You get married on that day in 2014, when the two of you have been together for a literal whole entire TWENTY FUCKING YEARS because you're just that cool.
It's also a little weird for Adam--he's 36 at this point, the anniversary of his escaping the trap will come around in late November.
Its good weird, though. He's still privy to weed on occasion--particularly nights where the nightmares come back and he can't sleep, or when he sees something that trips him up and sends him back to that bathroom, cuffed by the ankle to a pipe, the key having gone skittering down the drain--but he doesn't smoke nearly as often as he did during his mid-twenties.
man rakes in 125,000 american dollars, has a fucking MORTGAGE AND CAR INSURANCE BILL and on the day of the wedding you two are looking back at 2004 and are just like "woah. A lot has changed in the last decade"
Adam has gotten to become the person that the guy who was cuffed by the ankle never thought he'd be, though, so he's super proud of himself and his accomplishments.
you're proud of him, too--you have a cat, a mortgage, a car insurance bill and aren't worried about the paying of any of those bills in the slightest. Marrying him is one of your greatest accomplishments because?? hello?? marrying the love of your life who turned his life around in less than six thousand days?? he is. he is amazing. and you just. you just love him wholeheartedly
all in all, it's a good existence and I have to believe Adam would've done good for himself after surviving the trap because if I don't then I can't sleep at night lolz
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nothing natural | ken x fem!reader | part 3 | 18+ only
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hii everyone! thank you SO much for the incredible kindness youve shown me and sweet words so far! and thank you all for reading. i accidentally made this chapter longer than i intended to.. oops. i hope i am doing a good job at slow burning because ive struggled with that in the past. warnings: reader goes outside to smoke a cigarette. lol. enjoy and as always feedback fuels me!!
also, i wanted to let you all know that you can listen to the playlist i have been listening to as i work on this fic which is sort of a mix of stuff that reminds me of ken and stuff i think he'd like. idk i love when authors share what they listen to, so you can check that out here.
you can also reply to my posts or message me if you want to be tagged for updates. i am posting a masterlist today for ease of access.
tags: @heyareyoulistening @itsametaphorbriansblog @alyeria
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In the span of one hour, you absorbed more information and somehow became more confused the longer Ken spent investigating every inch of your apartment. You explained to him that you did not own this entire building, and that only one unit was allotted to you, but this still impressed Ken.
“Are you friends with all your neighbors?” He asked, squinting closely at the magnets on your fridge, touching them and flipping frantically through the notepad you used for grocery lists, like he needed to see more of your handwriting, more of the things you used every day. Ken murmured to himself as he took in the words: flour, one dozen eggs, croissants.
You’d reinstated yourself at your dining table with your work laptop, creating an elaborate lie for your supervisor as to why you missed the weekly team check in. My cousin’s dog was assaulted by a rabid possum and we had to take him to the emergency vet, please excuse my brief absence… I’m happy to work overtime to accommodate this inconvenience… He was only a puppy…
So on and so forth. You were confident you could schmooze your way out of a write up. Ken couldn’t stand still, couldn’t contain himself – had whizzed through the front door when you unlocked it, bouncing off the walls with questions and comments that flowed freely.
“No, I’m not friends with all my neighbors. There’s gotta be at least forty other people that live here. Are you?”
“I know all the Kens. We are not all friends. But I know all of them.”
“You’re all named Ken.”
“No. There’s Allans.”
Ken gleefully picked up each cookbook stacked on top of a low hanging shelf, tearing through each one and making tiny astonished faces at each new dish he was introduced to. Recipes on the sweeter side piqued his interest – cinnamon rolls, pastries, cookies. You had suspended disbelief long enough to just let Ken do this, let him touch everything even if he moved your belongings out of place. It wasn’t typical for you to have a man over, let alone one who was learning how the natural human world worked. (And had to ask you with stars in his eyes what ovens were for.)  
“These pancakes look divine. They’re putting all kinds of stuff in these. I didn’t know you could put blueberries in them. They taste good, right?” You craned your neck to get a look at the recipe he was referring to.
“If you’re a decent cook! You just have to pay attention to what you’re doing, measuring, how long things stay on the stove. It’s like that for anything you cook. I’m not great with pancakes, for some reason I always tend to burn them.”
“So what’s your favorite food?” Ken asks, setting the book down and taking to the fridge, flinging the doors wide open and surveying each salad dressing, bottle of water, every can of cold brew coffee. He ran his fingers along the labels, as if reading braille, receiving telepathic information about these products from just handling them. It was an odd sight. Everything he held looked so small in his hands.
“Er… I guess I really like sushi. But I haven’t had it in awhile. Trying to save money, make a habit of eating at home. And I just like to make simple things.”
“What’s in sushi?” Ken’s rotating a banana in his hands, picking at the stem to see what it does.
“A lot of things. Usually raw fish. Rice that sticks together to make a shape, seaweed, different kinds of sauces.” It’s making you laugh, seeing Ken size up this banana with a puzzled look on his face. “Do you want to try eating that?”
He shifts uncomfortably, placing the fruit back down on the counter like it had offended him. “We have these in Barbieland but they are not nearly as squishy. Ours are rock hard. And not brown!”
Ken was right – that banana was probably past its prime, but you hadn’t cleaned out the fridge in a few days. You’d gotten sick of refreshing your inbox waiting for a reply from your supervisor, so you got up and pulled a knife from the drawer, setting the squishy banana on a paper towel to cut it.
“Here. Try this,” you cut through the peel and divide up a small end slice into two pieces, holding one out to Ken who seems frightened by it, squares his shoulders.
“There’s something inside that peel?”
“Go ahead, just take a bite! You might like it, how else will you find out what you like?”
“But (Y/N), I’m not… hungry.”
“That’s okay. It’s a very small slice, I promise it’ll be alright, Ken.”
His eyes flash with trust at the promise you’ve just made him, so he abandons his apprehension and plops the bit into his mouth. It’s like watching a baby bird clamor for its mother’s offering of regurgitated seed and berry mix. Ken doesn’t instinctively chew, he just lets it sit in his mouth like he’s waiting for the fruit to do something. You raise up the other banana slice, catch his eye and show him how to chew, slowly, and then swallow. 
Ken nods, although his movements are strange and exaggerated, but eventually allows a smile. “That was pretty good. Mushy.” He searches your face to see if he’s given the correct answer, which is even funnier to you than him trying food for the first time.
“Did you like it? Bananas are on the sweet side.”
“Definitely. I think I really like them. Can I have the rest of it?”
“So you can taste!”
Ken grins to himself, gives you a proud stance and swaggers to the side, popping his hip out as he starts cutting up the rest of the fruit. 
“Oh, yeah. I can taste everything. Nothing I can’t taste.”
“When I go to the store next I can get you some more sweet foods. But you can’t just eat sweets. Fruit is naturally sweet, but for example, you can’t just have ice cream and brownies all the time. Your body will hate you for that.”
“And I can make you pancakes with bananas.” Ken adds, cocky as ever, already physically spreading himself out in your kitchen like he owns the place, thighs open and easy and confident as he leans back. He adjusts quickly to new situations, you’re discovering, with none of the social anxiety most people might feel.
“Let’s save the cooking and… turning on the stovetop… for when I can teach you. It can be dangerous if you’re not familiar with what to do.”
“But what if I want to surprise you, (Y/N)? You wouldn’t want to ruin it, would you?”
“I’d rather ruin the breakfast than have you accidentally catch my apartment building on fire.”
Ken considers this, starts chewing at the rest of the banana slices while still committed to looking cool as he does so. “You’re so right. So, where do you think I should sleep?”
You put some distance between the two of you, since proximity to the blonde had begun to make you feel inexplicably self conscious, and sit back down at your laptop. You hadn’t gotten this far, hadn’t decided where Ken could stay and if he was even going to stay. Stay for what? A crash course in becoming a member of society? Turn him into the perfect roommate who’s convinced you’re dating now? And how in the hell were you qualified to teach him anything about life, fulfillment, health or success when you were far from the epitome of any of those?
“I thought you said you didn’t get tired.”
“There’s something I need to tell you about,” the sudden change in Ken’s tone caught you off guard, so after taking a brief glance at your emails again and confirming nothing of substance had arrived, you folded your hands in your lap and turned your body towards him, anticipatory and patient.
“When Barbie went to the real world, almost everything about her changed. She still looked like herself, but… it was different. She told us that she got a cold.” Ken gestured to his nose, crinkling it up in dismay. “Sniffling. She had to use tissues.” 
“You’re worried about getting sick?”
“No, not… right now.” Ken tried again, attacking it from a different angle. “Barbie said the longer she was here, the more she kept changing. Barbies never got sick before. But she had to see a human doctor, and she started making her own food and eating it. Sandwiches. And her flat feet never went away.” Ken’s distress was evident, but you weren’t sure what he was getting at, couldn’t see what panicked him so much about this topic.
“I don’t understand. What are you saying, Ken?” You tried to keep yourself casual, so as not to freak him out even further; he’d already begun pacing, boots clacking against your kitchen tile with each step.
“I’m saying that the longer I stay here, the less I’m going to be like… how I was.” He sounded so unsure, on the precipice of a conclusion, fearful of what he might learn. “Don’t you get it? I’ll have to brush my hair. Call the dentist. Pay taxes. Wear deodorant. I might get a breakout on my chin, just like Barbie did.” The last part sounded like the nail in the coffin for Ken, who looked weak just recalling the memory.
“Taxes? But you don’t have a job, do you? For all the city knows, you don’t even exist.”
“That’s not the point, (Y/N)! I’ll have to get a job.”
“Sorry, I’m sorry. So… it sounds like you’ll become less like a doll?”
“Exactly. And I’ll have to do it alone.” Ken was silent, pensive as you let his confession settle. Perhaps it wasn’t the changes that he dreaded.
It was doing it without any support.
“I see. So you’ll have to sleep. You’ll have to eat. Is that scaring you?” Your intention was to minimize these facts of daily human life, shrink them down to manageable tasks, not to trivialize his valid concerns.
Ken hollowed his cheek, bit the skin in between his teeth and looked around for something to focus on while he reflected on what you asked. Noticing the cage you had set up for your guinea pig, Ken crouched in front of it without so much as a knee crack, raising his eyebrows up inquisitively.
“Who’s this?”
“I should’ve introduced you to her earlier. She’s my guinea pig, her name’s Willa. See her long hair? It’s really beautiful, but she’s pretty high maintenance.” 
Sounds like someone else in this room.
Being so close to Willa appeared to calm Ken down, and you watched his shoulders drop slightly, saw the veins in his neck depress, growing less agitated. “Does she have to brush her hair?”
The cookbooks, grocery lists, the banana had inspired Ken to ask countless questions, but meeting Willa, Ken merely watched in quiet awe.
You couldn’t help but laugh at his purported  jab. “I help her with it every day. She’s got a special little brush.”
“Hers is longer than mine. At least she gets some assistance.”
Ken sighs deeply, not taking his eyes off tiny caramel colored Willa, who has no idea what’s happening, just lounges in the paper substrate fleece and wiggles her nose up at the blonde staring her down. He rubs meager circles on his knees as if to soothe himself, then sighs again, long and dramatic. From minute to minute, Ken’s moods shift so drastically – he could be lovingly describing his newfound obsession with bananas and then just as easily pivot to jealousy over a guinea pig receiving grooming services from its owner. Decoding him was like whiplash.
“I’ve been putting off thinking about this part.”
“You mean losing your doll-ness?”
“Yeah.” Ken’s voice is small, terrified, unbefitting of how he presented himself. Put together, well dressed, toned, tanned, oozing with charm. It all dissipated with his answer. 
With your foot, you push out the dining table chair adjacent to you, the scrape spooking Ken as he jumps. “Why don’t you come sit here and talk with me? You can bring Willa, she likes making friends. Just be mindful of her.” Nervous, Ken obliges, sticks a hand into her enclosure and waits for Willa to crawl over to him. 
To your shock, she comes without a moment’s hesitation, nosing at his palm and blinking at him. Willa ardently disapproved of your last boyfriend, and she never seemed to like the odd hookup you’d bring over after your explosive breakup. She’d ignore any man in the apartment for the most part, but you couldn’t believe how easy it had been for her to warm up to Ken, snuggling up to him already. 
“Wow. She normally doesn’t like strangers.” 
“Looks like she prefers your friends. She’s so soft,” Ken notes, temporarily forgetting about the needling anxiety he’d been expressing to you, and sits down. At your table Ken seemed larger than life, so full of color and irresistible personality. The most interesting irregularity you had ever entertained. He flattened the backs of his hands on the placemat and smiled down shyly at Willa, gentle like he was convinced the tiniest movement could hurt her.
(A smile that had the power to devastate – could ruin your life, could make you want to throw it all away just to know him; a smile that Ken saved specifically for a defenseless creature that nibbed at his thumbnail.) 
“Go ahead and pet her! They like that,” you encouraged Ken, denying the lump in your throat, who obeys and brings a steady forefinger to Willa’s back, warily petting her in one stunted action. Willa rustles, but doesn’t flee or make any noises contesting his presence. “She might try to run away, so just make sure you keep an eye on her.”
“I promise I will, (Y/N). How old is she?”
“She’s two and a half.” You raise your eyes to Ken, who’s entranced by the small animal and her lustrous coat, indifferent to his surroundings now that he’s connected with this hairy comrade. “How old are you?”
“I have no idea. How old are you?” 
This shouldn’t have surprised you at this point. Nothing could catch you off guard now as you went down the list, dedicating yourself wholly to figuring out what to do with this guy. Given how unadjusted he is to the world, is Ken your responsibility now? What would happen to him if he went out, unprepared, unassimilated, and tried to do things like get a job, buy something from the store? Had he ever seen currency before? 
Would you have to teach Ken math? You failed calculus. More than once. This wasn’t boding well.
“I’m twenty five. You don’t have a birthday?”
“What’s that?”
“It’s how you keep track of your age. Could you look at me for a second? Maybe I can try and guess.” Ken’s reluctant to stop looking at Willa, but does as you say, and it strikes you to admire him overtly like this, free from the guise of contrived modesty, not hiding how strongly you want to see him. He’s open, almost tranquil, those wide eyes continuously following yours, every single aspect of his demeanor softening the more you drink him in.
You couldn’t help but freeze. Pinning him. You could hear the robins chirping outside on the patio. Buses shuttling along on the road outside. Your blood pumping in your fingers, the hot curl of desire in your stomach. At once, everything felt vibrant, felt… exceptional.
Because of him.
Blonde angel, almost porcelain. Kind with your pet. Enthralled with the simplest items you owned. Eager to assist you with any task, however minor. Naively trusting. 
Blind to the ways this world could twist and chew you up. Brand new.
You wouldn’t ever be the source of pain for Ken. In that moment, searching his stark blue eyes for an answer to a question you couldn’t articulate, you wrote it on your heart, that no matter what happened – whether Ken stayed in your life, as a friend or something more – you would never hurt him.
You don’t even remember what you were trying to do with him. Mesmerized, you simply just enjoyed the sight, at a loss for words. What was there to say that wouldn’t fizzle out and die on your lips?
How are you real? (He wasn’t.)
How did you get here? (He’d waited for you.)
Do you have any idea how beautiful you are?
“(Y/N)? Did you calculate it yet? Maybe it’ll be easier if I unbutton my jacket. Willa, stay put, I need to do something,” It flew over your head, you couldn’t hear what he said, just gawked and felt your pulse thrum as Ken started to undo the top of his denim jacket. Deft fingers working, you had to be aware of how affected you looked. You couldn’t hide it.
To see more of Ken’s chest physically pained you – it hurt to look, hurt to squirm and act like it wasn’t overwhelming, burning you up. He showed off his defined, carved muscle, smooth and enticing like a joke or something. 
Willa sniffed the salt and pepper shaker, not moving even a millimeter away from Ken as he undid the last button with a muffled pop. 
Where wisps of blonde hair would’ve led down to the tip of Ken’s waistband, there was nothing, just more of that milky white skin, blameless and pure and teasing. Where ribs should have anatomically been, his chest expanded then deflated, ripples of flesh rolling, then relaxing.
All of him on display. All of him so… bare.
Well – not all of him. Not yet.
You hadn’t felt anything like this before, not ever. You were experienced – you weren’t uneducated when it came to sex, or… pleasure. Yet it was impossible that you’d felt true desire in the past, even for the man you’d fallen in love with and been betrayed by, because those memories shriveled in comparison to what you felt in this moment, seeing Ken like this, expectant and unrestrained and so fiercely magnetizing. You saw your future, you saw his body, you saw Ken’s long eyelashes fluttering and pretty like a girl’s, and it was too fucking much, louder than your heart slamming inside your chest.
You began to question if you were even real. If this was happening. Maybe you were the lifeless doll. Harsh stings peppered out along the slope of your neckline – for the second time since meeting Ken, did that really just happen today? – and you made the horrible mistake of telling him the truth just as he was starting to visibly fidget, awaiting your reply.
“(Y/N)? Is this helping? If not, I can –”
“You’re so goddamned gorgeous. Fuck.” 
“What?” Ken blinked, taken aback. He looked like he wanted to say more, to press you, but he couldn’t form a response. 
“I’m. Jesus. I am so sorry, Ken. That wasn’t appropriate at all. I’m… supposed to be helping you. I’m sorry.” Dizzyingly, you shot to your feet, dug your heels against the floor just to feel grounded, and reached over the table for your purse. 
Weren’t you the one supposed to be in charge of boundaries? Teaching Ken how to act, how not to rush things when you met someone you wanted to get to know? 
Ken had flushed a deep shade of peach, an obvious blush that mottled his neck and spread out to his clavicles, nearly reaching his shoulder tips. 
“Did I do something wrong? Can you please tell me what it was?” Ken urged, pupils the size of saucers and still dancing to follow your every move. His face was frantic, lips parted revealing more of his perfect teeth, just another element of his perfect face, everything so perfect about him, and your headache threatened to return in full force.
“No – no, you didn’t, Ken. I promise. I just need to go outside and smoke, it’s not your fault, okay? Can you please stay here with Willa? I’ll only be a minute.”
Ken clearly didn’t know what you meant, or what smoking entailed, but he stayed fused to the chair, biting at his lip again in fragile confusion and not daring to abandon Willa. Fumbling for your lighter through the fabric, you caught the unmistakable downturn of rejection swimming across his features, and the notion that you might have inadvertently let him down made you sicker than the intense wave of lust that had just crashed over you, almost crumbling you, reducing you to nothing but a star cursed to orbit a bigger, more important planet. 
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butcherlarry · 8 months
Weekly Fic Rec 49
This week's fic rec list! I was surprised how much reading I got done, but then I remembered I had Monday off for the holiday :) So enjoy this longer than expected list!
A Sacrifice Love Demands by second_hand_heaven - Superwonderbat, complete. Bruce gets hit with a new fear toxin from Scarecrow. Featuring cuddles with Superman and Wonder Woman to make it better :)
I got better things to do by Amisti - Batman, complete. Batman, Flash, and Green Lantern get captured by a bad guy and thrown in a prison cell. Batman Brucies his way out, much to the shock of Flash and Green Lantern.
Brucie Moments series by That_One_Curly_Haired_Fangirl - Batman, stories are complete, but series is not. Some moments of Batman's Brucie persona showing through.
Flowers From Mr. Wayne by Ktkat9 - Superbat, complete. After an interview gone wrong, Bruce sends Clark some flowers to show his interest :))))))
a sky of honey by TheResurrectionist - Superbat, wip. More of the Superbat omegaverse fic that I always get excited about when it updates :) Featuring, Jason finally figuring out who Superman is, overreacting, and Clark having a Big Sad (but Lex makes it better, surprisingly).
Emergency Contact by Elegitre - Batfam, wip. An update to a fic where Tim joins the Batfam early. Jason has a misunderstanding about his place in the family, but Bruce makes it better.
A place to stay warm by Speechless_since_1998 - Batfam, complete. Barbara is Tim's babysitter. During some cold weather, the heat goes out in the Drake house and Tim is sick. Barbara makes the trek to Wayne manor for help.
how cleanly, how quietly by shipyrds - Batfam, complete. Bruce thinks Tim is lonely and tries to set up some father-son bonding to make it better. Turns out, Bruce is wrong and Tim has a lot of friends.
we shall be free; we shall find peace by mediant - Superbat, wip. I was SCREAMING with this fic's latest update! Clark is captured by the Bats, oh no! What's going to happen next!!!!!!! 👀👀👀
the walks of dreams by januariat - Superbat, complete. A sweet, smutty fic, featuring Adam West Bats and George Reeves Superman 💖💖💖
RIP to the Rumours by BoredomBeckons - Batfam, complete. Instead of dying, Jason retires as Robin and goes to college. No one told this to the rest of the world though.
I found a brother in the trash by Speechless_since_1998 - Batfam, complete. Dick finds a new sibling (Jason) in the trash and brings him home. Jason learns from his older brother, and finds his younger brother (Tim) in the trash and brings him home. Shenanigans ensue.
Flock Building for Dummies by DragonDart - Superbat, wip. A creature AU where Bruce is a harpy and Clark is the vet who takes care of him. Lot's of tasty, tasty world building in this fic too!!
bruce's villain origin story by InkpotSprite - Batfam, complete. Bruce gets turned into a cat, but none of his kids notice. Adorable shenanigans ensue.
Just A Little Bit... by HaleHathNoFury (My_Trex_has_fleas) - Superbat, wip. More of the alien Clark and eldritch Bruce fic! Clark goes off to investigate Cadmus with Lois and Bruce is Worried and Grumpy about it. Featuring my favorite scene with one of Ivy's killer plants >:D
Champagne Problems by SalParadiseLost - Superbat, wip. Himbo omega Brucie Wayne is dating alpha Clark Kent. He also suddenly adopts three children using unconventional means. Shenanigans ensue.
Patchwork Pod by Ktkat9 - Superbat, wip. More of the mer Bruce fic! Bruce is still missing and a new threat arises :((((((
Happy reading!!
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ohbo-ohno · 10 months
About ghoap x reader, I dunno if you'll understand where I'm coming from, but I find it hard to imagine their relationship functioning in any capacity if reader DOESNT like Johny. Or if she likes Simon more than Johny. Like at first maybe Simon will be a bit chuffed, get that kick of control of superiority, but if reader doesn't quickly show interest of liking Johny, or an inclination, than Simon will start taking it personally?
Like what do you mean you don't like Johny? Look at him, he's sweet, he's obedient (sometimes) and he's just... Lovable. What do you MEAN you DONT like him? What is wrong with you?? And I think if you insist, or simply don't click with Johny, you start to slowly lose value in Simon's eyes. Like someone being unappreciative of his pups presence is an offence.
Doesn't matter if you like Simon, if you can't accept both of them, then maybe you don't have a place here. I think of Simon as a logical man, and even if he does like you, whatever initial thoughts he has on you will quickly depend on if you try to obey, get along, and fit in.
You can lead a horse to water, or whatever the saying was. Basically, if he finds more and more that it's an effort to make you want to obey, he'll just get rid of you. Like even Johny at his worst, always disobeying and making Simon have grey hairs, at least WANTS to try to be good, always has that need/want to obey, even if he fails sometimes.
And I think if you don't try, or take for granted that you're gonna stay here with that attitude, he just. Realizes that you aren't it. Gets rid of you and tries again. Maybe he dumps you back into civilization or kills you, who knows. But he simply cleans his hands of you.
Maybe he tries to find someone else, looking much MUCH more carefully for his requirements. Maybe he doesn't, at least for a while. Poor Johny is heartbroken that you didn't like him, that you didn't want to be around him. He tried so HARD, and that's the thanks Simon's boy gets? Absolutely unnaceptable.
He takes the time to console Johny, build him back up again after the incident, and maybe it takes time, Simon questions if they need to try again. This time, he'll be more meticulous, have a longer vetting process, and have to make sure they to put in effort for the both of them.
Probably do some private training before meeting Johny, so they have good behavior, don't hurt his poor puppy's fragile heart. They're not told they have to get along with Johny, otherwise they might try to fake it, but if they don't like him Simon makes sure they don't stick around long enough for his boy to get too attached. It's a trial and error sort of thing, but Simon hopes to find the One in the first few attempts- he likes Johny in physical pain, never emotional one, at least not like that. He won't make that mistake again.
Feel free to ignore my ramblings it is 3:03 am where I'm from I should be asleep deer god. I think when I see so much x reader fics, as much as I love them, my mind tries to go in a more cruel direction to fit into the perspective of who the characters are to me.
I LOVE ghoap x reader, or just ghoap in general, but my kind has a way of thinking of Simon as a control freak who doesn't succombé to his emotions quickly. It took him time to even like soap as a friend, much less as his dog. Even if he likes reader, he only did this because he loves Johny and the pup needs a new friend.
Johny is more emotional I guess, maybe less so than he portrays to Simon (he wants to be the man's good boy, and if he has to bark and wag his literal tail, or make dog noises in public, he'll do it) but definitely a bit more than normal people. Definitely the type to have crushes or fall in love fast. Maybe that's how Simon got the first reader: Johny liked her, Simon naively thought that that was enough to choose her.
But his boy is the type to hump anything with a pulse (and even that's optional) so maybe he should have been more patient, more critical.
Anyways I'm gonna collapse after this gosh does this thing not have a word counter? Anyways bye bye my love *kisses your forehead consensually I hope*
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"It took him time to even like soap as a friend, much less as his dog." has left me dead on the floor
btw you might like The Price to be Paid! it's a ghoap x reader where ghost puts a looooot of effort into picking who he's going to kidnap for Johnny, and istg parts of it feel like they were plucked right from my subconscious, the author has a perfect grip on ghost as a character (imo)
in general, i think you are completely and totally 100% right. the only caveat i have is in a kidnapping fic it might take ghost a bit to figure the difference between "she hates us because we kidnapped her" and "she just hates us because we suck" lmfao but! overall i think you're totally right, that man won't talk to anyone who doesn't like his favorite boy
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Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x reader
Word count: ~4.7k
Summary: Wanda has been gone for work and you miss her
A/N: Hurt/comfort and fluffy fic because I can’t help myselff. 
Warnings: Hurt, comfort, some angst
You’d abandoned the popcorn in front of you long ago as you try to pay attention to the movie playing on the television. It’s Saturday night and you’re in your apartment trying to get out of a funk you’ve been in for a while with a horror movie marathon. It’s not working too well because you’re only on the second movie and your mind has already started to wander. Despite how much junk food you’ve eaten tonight and how excited you were to try and wind down after finals week, this night is a little bit of a letdown.
You only have one semester until you graduate and you can move on to vet school. You wanted to celebrate being finished with finals and finally being able to relax for a while. You did well on them and you should be relieved to be finished, and you are, but you’re also lonely. You’d been lonely these past two weeks, but you’d been able to distract yourself studying for the seven exams you’d had to take. Now that you were done, you had time to think about your girlfriend that you hadn’t seen in far too long.
You had been dating Wanda for a few months now, and to say that they were what you expected would be a complete lie. You had learned during the time you spent together that she was smart, thoughtful, and hardworking. You’d also learned fairly quickly that when she’d said that her schedule was unpredictable, she wasn’t kidding.
Sometimes you’d see her every day a week and you’d spend the night catching up and cooking dinner for each other. Other weeks you saw her twice, and sometimes you went days without seeing her, let alone hearing from her.
After Wanda had admitted that she wasn’t a student, she’d only told you the bare minimum about her job. She said she worked with her brother and they owned the family business that they’d inherited from their parents. When asked what the business entailed, she’d told you ‘a lot of things’ or ‘just boring shipping and manufacturing stuff’ and you got the hint that she didn’t want to tell you.
It wasn’t until more recently, right before her most recent disappearance, that Wanda told you that she wasn’t on the right side of the law. You’d suspected this, but having her tell you that it might be a while before you saw her again made it clearer.
You hated when Wanda went dark on you. When she didn’t text for days, it made the insecurities that you could push away when Wanda was with you come back with a vengeance. You’d question whether or not she actually liked you, and if she was just using work as an excuse to be away from you. Maybe she was seeing someone else who was far better than you were, and this thought put you into a slump similar to what you’re in now.
So yeah, you enjoy spending time with Wanda, but when she’s gone for extended periods of time, you’re at your most miserable. You sigh as you continue to pick at the popcorn in front of you as you consider what Wanda could be doing right now. You hope that work is going well, and that she comes back soon because you could really use a pick me up.
You fall asleep on the couch a little while later so you don’t hear your phone go off. It’s not until you wake up and decide to go to bed that you realize you have a few notifications. You ignore them because you’re too tired and you brush your teeth half-heartedly before crawling into bed. It’s almost midnight and you figure you’ll sleep in tomorrow. That’s the least you deserve from finishing all of your finals.
Wanda frowns as she reaches your voicemail again. She knows it’s late, but she really had wanted to see you today. You’d had your last final today and she hates that she missed the entire two weeks that you’d been so busy. She’d wanted to be here, but work called her away yet again and for far longer than she expected. She sighs as she gives up calling and decides to just check on you herself.
She’d driven over before she’d even gone home, so she’d been sitting for a while. She wanted to lie down, but she also wanted to check on you first to make sure you’re okay. Despite the late hour, Wanda can’t help but worry about you not answering the phone. She climbs the stairs to your apartment and takes note of how quiet it is. She tries to be mindful of this as she knocks on your door and waits to see if you’ll answer.
She checks her phone again before knocking one more time slightly louder. She waits for almost two minutes before she tries the door just to make sure. She’s alarmed when she realizes it’s not locked, and she’s quick to investigate. She opens the door and locks it quietly behind her as she pulls her gun and looks around the dark apartment.
She looks to the kitchen first to see that it’s empty, and the living room is equally so. The night light that you keep in the hall illuminated the area just enough for Wanda to see that your bedroom door was shut. She checks in the bathroom and then the spare bedroom before trying to figure out how to check on you.
She knows that if she surprises you, she might get a fist to the face as well as the neighbors calling the cops. The last time she’d scared you while you were sleeping, you’d screamed so loudly that your neighbor’s dog two floors up started barking.
You’re sleeping soundly and don’t hear her as she shuts the door behind her. She sees that nothing’s amiss and figures that you must have just fallen asleep and forgotten to lock the door. She plans on chastising you for this later, but for now she’s mostly just glad to see you again after so long. She sighs and puts her gun away before she reaches out for you carefully.
“Y/n, wake up. It’s Wanda.”
You think you’re still dreaming when you hear her voice and you shift so your face is under the covers. You want to stay sleeping so you can keep hearing Wanda’s voice, but something is trying to pull you from unconsciousness. You grumble under your breath as the covers are pulled away from your face and you roll away in annoyance. It takes you a good three seconds before you realize that someone’s in your room with you. You only keep yourself from freaking out by opening your eyes and turning back around to confirm your suspicion.
It’s dark, but you see her standing by your bed with a small smile. She’s dressed for work and looks tired, but she doesn’t hesitate to reach out for you.
“Hey, detka. Good to see you.”
You briefly wonder how she’d gotten into your apartment, but figuring this out quickly becomes unimportant when you realize that Wanda’s here. You haven’t seen her in too long and the excitement is enough to wake you up from your deep sleep and you sit up quickly. You smile widely as you reach out for her offered hand to pull her closer. It’s a little bit of an awkward hug given that she’s still standing, but neither of you mind as you hide your face in her stomach with a happy hum.
“Wanda, you’re here! I’m so happy to see you, but how did you...?”
You trail off as you release the redhead for two reasons. You notice as you hug her that she stiffens, and not in the way you expect. You want to ask about this, but first you would like to know if your girlfriend broke into your apartment. She seems to know what you’re asking and she shoots you a look that makes you wonder what you did wrong.
“The door was unlocked, Y/n. You should be more careful.”
You cringe slightly at the reminder that you’d completely forgotten to lock the door tonight. You had been wallowing in your self-pity and gorging on junk food, so you’d forgotten basic security. Luckily it was just Wanda who had come knocking, but you know that she’s right. You need to be more careful. You nod in agreement before you scoot over a little so Wanda can at least sit down.
 “Sorry, I fell asleep. Here sit.”
You smile as Wanda sits down beside you, but you’re quickly reminded of your second question when you notice that the redhead is still stiff. You frown as you reach out for her again and she realizes she’s caught as soon as you open your mouth.
“Are you okay? You seem tense.”
You know this could be a loaded question given that Wanda is coming off of what was undoubtedly a stressful two-week work stint. She just nods before she takes off her jacket and sets it aside with a sigh. You wait until she stands up again to take off her shoes, and gun before setting them aside. You think you almost have where she’s injured only seconds before she tells you what happened. You’ve always worried about her when she disappears for a while. You know that if she’s working there’s always the risk of her being in dangerous situations. So far, you’d both been really lucky and she hasn’t gotten too injured, and you just hope that tonight you’ll continue to be.
“It’s nothing serious, detka. I’m just a little sore.”
You don’t have time to ask or even let your mind run wild before Wanda’s unbuttoning her shirt. You wait with increasing anxiety as she finally reveals the angry, dark bruise that runs along her ribs on her left side down to her abdomen. You can’t stop the horrified gasp that leaves you when you see it, and you’re already moving to get out of bed.
“Shit, Wands. That looks awful. What can I do?”
You don’t even wait to hear her answer before you’re on your feet and heading to the bathroom. You have some pain meds from when you’d gotten your wisdom teeth removed that you never used. You’d never gotten around to throwing them out, and once you started dating Wanda, you figured it wouldn’t be a bad idea to hang onto them. You didn’t want to use them, but as you return to your room to find her wincing slightly, you’re glad that you have them for her.
“Here, let me go grab you some water. Then I’ll get you a change of clothes.”
“Y/n, it’s okay. You don’t have--.”
Wanda trails off as you shake your head and disappear through the door despite her protests. She just sighs in defeat as she takes off her uncomfortable shirt with a grimace. Despite this injury being a couple of days old, it still hurts like a bitch. She should have stopped by the compound before coming here, but she was exhausted and just wanted to see you as soon as possible. She hadn’t meant to wake you up and make you fuss over her.
“Here, this should help.”
Wanda thanks you before taking the offered medication with a smile. She doesn’t even bother asking what it is, but she hopes it’s something strong enough to put her to sleep for a while. She sets the glass down on the bedside table next to her gun as you bring her a change of clothes. You help her put the t-shirt on before helping her stand to finish getting changed. You wait until she’s under the covers before speaking up, and it’s not until she shakes her head that you go to lie down next to her.
“Is there anything else I can do?”
Wanda reaches out for you and you hurry to her side as she smiles at you gratefully.
“No, thank you. I feel better already.”
You roll your eyes at this as you get settled in bed with a sigh. You are too worried to simply go to sleep, and you can’t help but want to know what happened during Wanda’s absence. She turns to face you and isn’t surprised to see you shooting her a concerned look. She knows she needs to address it, and she will, but first she wants you closer.
“Come here, detka.”
You don’t resist the urge to cuddle close to your girlfriend, but you make sure not to hold her too tightly against you. You let her pull you close and you sigh tiredly before daring to ask.
“What happened, Wands?”
You lie in silence for a bit as Wanda recalls what had happened a few days ago. She’d been working on dealing with a new competitor that was trying to steal her business. They were unorganized and reckless, and confronting them had been as chaotic as expected. Wanda had killed more people in the past two weeks than she had in a long time. She’d been pressured into confronting them before she was ready because she had to stop an attempt at sabotage, and as a result there’d been a blood bath.
Bucky had been shot in the arm, but mostly everyone made it out with just some cuts and bruises. She’d only been injured because she’d gone off on her own to chase the self-proclaimed mobster. If getting hit with a bat wasn’t painful enough, her brother berating her for being reckless definitely made her regret her actions. Whenever he gets on her about something, she knows she’s really screwed up.
She conveniently leaves this part out because she knows you’ll probably get upset at her too. She doesn’t want to fight. She’s just glad that she’s here with you and that she didn’t get too hurt in the process of eliminating an annoying threat.
“Someone snuck up on me, but we took care of them.”
You don’t have to ask what this means, and you frown at the idea of someone hurting the woman next to you. You know that she deals with criminals, professional or otherwise, and they’d likely just shoot you before you could even touch them, but you still fantasize about punching them in the face. You know it’s a little more complicated than you’re imagining, but you try not to worry too much about what Wanda gets up to. You look up to see she’s watching you carefully for your reaction and you just sigh before shooting her a suspicious look.
“Did you see a doctor for this?”
Wanda is at least grateful that she can confirm that she did this. She’d honestly thought that she’d broken a couple of ribs, but luckily they were only severely bruised. She says this and claims that she got scanned and only left with pain meds and orders to rest. You nod at this and smile slightly as you dare to hope that she can stick around for a while. You’d never want her to be hurt, but you won’t complain about getting to have her around for a while as she recovers.
“How long are you around for? I’d hope you’re taking some time to get better.”
Wanda had thought about this for a while before coming to see you. She was told that she should take a couple of weeks, but she knew that this wasn’t going to happen. She was still busy and had some things she needed to do as soon as tomorrow. That said, when she’d left her brother earlier, she’d promised to remain scarce for at least tomorrow. Now that she’s told you what happened, she’d be surprised if you didn’t demand she sit out for longer.
“I’m supposed to take it easy for the week, but I still have work to do.”
You frown at this predictable answer and you’re already trying to figure out how you’ll convince Wanda to hang out for a couple of days. You’d already given her some oxy, so hopefully she’ll at least sleep through the morning, but you didn’t want to keep drugging her to keep her here. You’d prefer if she wanted to hang around opposed to being forced to do so.
“Well work can wait for at least a day. You’ll hang out here tomorrow.”
Wanda just smiles at you before she kisses the top of your head with a nod. She’ll take at least the day to relax with you and recover. Hopefully you didn’t have any plans that she was interrupting. She can already feel herself getting sleepy. She might end up sleeping through most of tomorrow.
“Yes, ma’am.”
You roll your eyes but say nothing as you lie down beside Wanda with a yawn. You are getting sleepy again, and now that Wanda’s taken care of you are able to relax. You close your eyes and breathe in deeply before turning your face into Wanda’s neck with a smile. You’re about to fall asleep to the soothing smell of her shampoo when she speaks up again. You open your eyes in confusion until her words register and you laugh quietly.
“How did your finals go?”
You hum in contemplation before kissing Wanda’s cheek with a smile.
“They were fine, babe. Go to sleep. We can talk tomorrow.”
Tomorrow comes sooner than either of you are ready for it. Wanda is still asleep at 10, but you need to get out of bed and make some breakfast. You’re careful not to wake her up as you sneak out of bed and retreat to the kitchen. You make sure that the front door is locked, even though you’re sure Wanda locked it, before you start on breakfast. You clean up a little from last night as your food is cooking, and once it’s done you set a plate aside for Wanda for whenever she wakes up.
You eat on your couch as you consider what you’re going to do today. Originally, you’d planned on going grocery shopping before relaxing for most of the day. Now that Wanda was here, you didn’t really want to leave, so you decided to just skip the store and go straight to relaxing.
A little later you’re in bed with your computer on your lap and your headphones in watching a movie. Wanda’s still asleep beside you, and you try not to disturb her as you watch your second favorite horror movie. You don’t notice her stir immediately because the best part of the movie has started, but once she groans and rolls onto her back, you pause it and take out your headphones.
“Hey there, sleepyhead. How are you feeling?”
Wanda doesn’t answer immediately as she blinks the sleep out of her eyes. She’s exhausted and she feels a little drunk from her extended sleep. She feels the familiar ache in her side and she sighs heavily before scooting toward you with a yawn.
“Tired. What time is it?”
When you tell her it’s nearly 1, her eyes fly open and you think she’d going to jump out of bed. You reach out to stop her as you try to reassure her that she hasn’t missed anything important. You run your hand through her hair as you list off what you’d already checked on.
“It’s okay, Wands. No one’s called you, or me, or shown up demanding your presence. Today’s about relaxing, okay? For both of us.”
You smile as Wanda frowns slightly as she thinks about this. She’s still tired, and she’s sure you’re tired from all of your finals, and given that it’s Sunday she really doesn’t have anything pressing to do. As realization sets in, Wanda lies back down and sighs in defeat before she shoots your computer a curious look. She nearly rolls her eyes when she sees what movie you’re watching. Again.
“I will need to get out of bed for food at some point.”
Wanda watches as you close your computer quickly before tossing it aside with a smile. You shake your head as you move to get out of bed, but you don’t quite make it before Wanda grabs your arm to keep you from leaving.
“I made you some breakfast, but I can also make lunch instead if you’d rather have that.”
Wanda shakes her head before tugging on you lightly with a pout that makes you cave far too easily. You fall back into bed and Wanda moves closer to you with a smile.
“Thank you, but later. I want to cuddle now.”
You can’t help but laugh at this, but you don’t refuse as you get back under the covers and pull Wanda closer. You wonder if the people in Wanda’s life knew how snuggly she was. You decide not to bring it up as you lie down with a groan. You could honestly spend all day in bed. Your brain was mush and your body ached, and you finally had Wanda back. You couldn’t think of anywhere else that you’d rather be.
You don’t realize that you both fell asleep until you are woken up by the sound of knocking reverberating through the room. You groan in annoyance before you realize that Wanda is still asleep. You mutter a curse under your breath as you get out of bed and go to investigate. You close the door behind you before heading toward the sound of increasingly loud knocking. You glance at the clock in the kitchen and realize it’s almost 6. Time for dinner.
“Hi, can I help you?”
You’re unprepared for the person on the other side of the door when you open it. He’s tall, blonde and built like a solider, and you have no idea who he is. If he wasn’t smiling at you, you’d be thoroughly freaked out. That said, you’re on your way there when he speaks up.
“Hi, my name’s Steve. I’m looking for Wanda, is she here?”
You have several questions that you’d like answered before you answer his. How did he know that Wanda was here? Who was he? And why the hell hadn’t you grabbed your phone? You frown feigning confusion before you shake your head in response. You’re not sure if Wanda has ever mentioned a Steve, but that doesn’t matter at the moment. You don’t care who he is because unless someone is dying, Wanda isn’t going back to work today.
“Sorry, you’ve got the wrong place, Steve.”
Instead of appearing apologetic or defeated like you were hoping, he just continues to smile as he looks over your shoulder into your apartment. He knows that Wanda’s here. He followed her here to make sure she got here safely, and now there was a problem that Pietro needed help with. He didn’t want to bother Wanda who he figured was sleeping considering she wasn’t nearby, but he did need her. He sighs quietly before opening his mouth to ask again, but you beat him to it.
“Who did you say you were again? Are you a friend?”
He takes a minute to consider how he should answer this. He’s not sure how much Wanda’s told you. He only recently found out about your existence, but the fact that Wanda was here now is very telling. She must trust you, and like you a lot, but still, she’s probably only told you the bare minimum because she’s always been paranoid.
“Yes. We’re friends and we work together. Steve Rogers.”
The last name doesn’t mean much to you, but he holds out his hand to you, a smile still on his face. He seems genuine, but if being with Wanda has taught you anything, it is to be cautious, borderline paranoid really. Still, you don’t think this man means you any harm. Other than trying to take your girlfriend after you just got her back.
“Nice to meet you, Steve. I’m Y/n, but I’m guessing you already knew that?”
You shake his hand, dropping it quickly as he smiles guiltily at your question. You’re not going to think too much about that and you sigh in defeat before trying to figure out your next move.
“I did.”
“Great, well Wanda’s resting, and she’s going to keep resting at least until tomorrow, so…come back then please.”
Steve opens his mouth to argue, but you shut the door in his face. You know you’re being rude, but you’re not letting Steve stress Wanda out after she slept nearly 12 hours. She clearly needed the rest and you don’t want her running off anywhere only to hurt herself more. You head back to your bedroom and are relieved to see that Wanda is still asleep. You sigh before getting back into bed and trying to relax again.
This lasts for 30 seconds before you hear a phone start vibrating. It’s not yours and you look around only to find Wanda’s phone on a chair in the corner with her folded clothes. You grab it and see that it’s Steve and you sigh in defeat. You answer it and can’t help but smile as you walk back out into the living room.
“I really need to talk to Wanda, Y/n. “
You sigh loudly before you hang up the phone and walk back to your front door. Unsurprisingly, Steve is still standing there with his phone in his hand and a slightly annoyed look. You shoot him one back before you try to strike a deal.
“What’s so important that it can’t wait until tomorrow? Is someone hurt?”
Steve thinks about this for a second before he shakes his head. He’s not going to tell you the details because you won’t understand since he doubts Wanda told you about what happened to her, but he can tell you’re just as stubborn as he feared when you just frown.
“No, no one is hurt. We just need to talk about next steps.”
“You mean after she killed a bunch of people?”
Steve’s not expecting you to say this and he hesitates before shaking his head. He realizes he’s lying to you though, but you don’t give him time to take it back. You tilt your head slightly before asking the last question you plan to. Unless the answer is yes, you’re not letting Steve leave here with Wanda.
“Is Wanda in danger?”
Steve considers lying, but he’s really no good at it and he can tell you’re probably too smart to fall for it. So he just sighs before shrugging slightly and telling the truth that does nothing to convince you.
“Not any more so than usual.”
You smile at this despite hating the truth of the words and you prepare to close the door again.
“Okay, well not to be rude Steve because it’s nice to meet you, but please leave. Wanda will call you tomorrow.”
Steve just sighs in defeat before he decides to call it quits for now. Pietro can figure this out until at least then, and he can tell short of forcing his way in, he’s not going to get to talk to Wanda. He just offers you a wave before leaving.
“Alright fine. Nice to meet you too, kid.”
You frown at the name, but don’t bother arguing as you shut and lock the door behind him. You sigh in relief before you walk back to your bedroom. That was far more stressful than you anticipated it would be, and you felt wiped out. You notice that Wanda’s shifted since you left, but she was still asleep which you were grateful for. You were not looking forward to try and explain what happened just yet. She needs to sleep, and unless something drastic happens and Wanda is truly needed for an emergency, you plan to keep her here with you for at least the rest of the day. You were promised today, and you’d be damned if it was taken from you.
You kiss Wanda’s forehead and smile widely when she grumbles in her sleep.
“Night, Wands.”
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catreginae · 3 months
Thou Shalt Not Fall: Elena's Letter
Warriors receives a letter from his vampire mentor with some advice. He doesn't understand why it's so hard for everybody else to accept the advice. I was going to wait a little longer and let this chapter sit in the oven for a little longer but it's @majorproblems77 birthday and she's always been super support of this fic, so here we go! It's too bad Sky is isn't in it though.
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View the Master Post here!
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They were taking a break when the postman came with the letters. Warriors was lying on the ground, using his bag as an uncomfortable pillow.
Warriors didn't often get letters, though he tended to get a bunch at once when he did get them so he didn’t bother to move when the postman came. It was one of the ‘perks’ of being in the army – somebody read the vast majority of his letters before he did to make sure sensitive information stayed sensitive. He got whatever bunch they finish reading when they felt like sending them to him, assuming they weren’t too sensitive to leave the base. The only ones they didn’t open were from Athena.
So he was shocked that Time handed him a letter and he didn't immediately recognize the seal or the elegant writing on the front. However, he could tell it was for him and not the others because it was addressed to a 'Link Alexander' on the front and it was in his Hylian. It didn’t look like it was previously opened either, which was even stranger.
He sat up and cautiously opened it to start reading it, dread settling in his stomach when he realized who it was from.
Link, We will need to talk in person, as I don’t know how this letter will reach you. I don’t trust that it’ll just be your eyes who see it. I’m aware of your little incident and we’re all lucky nobody is the wiser from it. I’m not angry because I should have taught you more, even though you made your choice at the time. Until we are able to meet again and discuss the implications of changing your mind, I will leave you with some advice. Young ones – like you – are a lot more emotional than they were previously. You may be different than most young ones but this one area where you are no different. Now more than ever, you will need to be aware of what you are feeling. It’ll be up to you to figure out how to temper your emotions when they become too much. It’s for the safety of you and everyone around you. However, should your temper get the best of you, falling asleep or getting knocked out would bring you back once you’re awake. Zelda has updated me about your new travelling companions. I think it’s helpful that you have some of people who know and are willing to help you. I believe they can be a big help when it comes to helping you with your emotions. In the very least, they can figure out how to knock you out. I can’t wait to talk in person and see how you’ve grown. Until then, please be safe. - Elena
More emotional, huh? He knew he hadn’t been as cool and collected as he used to be, otherwise that conversation with Four and Wild in the dungeon wouldn’t have needed to happen. He didn’t know it was a notable trait in young vampires though! He was a very young vampire at that – he was cursed around three years ago. He was practically a baby compared to the ones who lived in Hyrule and there were probably even older ones outside of Hyrule!
At least Elena gave him a solution. Maybe the others would have a way of making him fall asleep or do what Elena suggested and just knock him out. It’s not like they can give him permanent brain damage if they had use some force or accidentally cracked his skull.
“Warriors, you okay? You’ve been staring at your letter for a while,” Wind mumbled.
How was he supposed to share this? He couldn’t not share it, not when he travelled with people like the vet who had all sorts things that could help him or Wild, who was equally as resourceful.
“It’s from my... vampire mentor, we’ll say. I sent her a letter about how I kept losing control and she said that if it happens again, making me fall asleep or just knocking me out would do the trick. I would wake up normal! I mean, the knocking me out part is obvious but if anyone has a nice, easy way to make me fall asleep, that would be nice. Of course, if you have to knock me out, you don’t have to be gentle.”
Legend rolled eyes. “Yeah, yeah, you’re hard to kill. It doesn’t mean we like to do things like that even if you’d be okay after.”
“Wouldn’t it be easier than trying to restrain me? Who knows if that will keep working? What if something happens and there aren’t enough of you to restrain me?” He knew that was the current method just based on the fact that he was being pushed into the ground whenever he regained his senses but he couldn’t imagine it was easy.
“Easier? Sure,” Legend answered. “But I’m not interested in hurting you, even if it’s stop you.”
“You should focus on stopping me before I do something I can’t take back again. Who cares if it hurts me for a bit? Isn’t it better than one of you getting killed or permanently injured?”
“We care if you’re hurt!” Legend growled, his voice raising in volume.
“Well, stop. I’ve already killed somebody in a way I didn’t mean to because I lost control. It could very well happen again and you guys never take that seriously. Can’t you guys think of yourselves for a change and just agree to knock me out if I lose it again?” Warriors hissed.
“Hey, let’s just calm down for a moment,” Twilight said, putting a hand on Warriors’ shoulder. “You can put the fangs away.”
“I don’t- Fine.” He didn’t realize that that the fangs came out at some point so he willed them away. He used to be so conscious of whether or not his fangs were out. When did he get to the point where he couldn’t notice them anymore? It was a good thing they were still on this adventure, otherwise he wouldn’t have been able to keep his vampirism a secret and then one of the vampires at the estate would actually kill him.
“We’ll cross this bridge if we get there, Warriors. At least we know it’s an option,” Twilight continued, giving his shoulder a squeeze. He swatted the hand away.
“Did the letter say anything about losing control?” Wind asked suddenly. “Can we help you stay in control?”
“Nothing new,” he mumbled, pulling his knees up to his chest. “She said the same thing we already figured out – I have to do a better job at managing my emotions. Apparently, young vampires are just more emotional so I’m actually like other vampires for once.”
At the moment, he was doing a shit job of managing his emotions. He didn’t think he was wrong in his little spat with Legend but he was upset enough for his fangs to come out. He knew he had to mind his emotions but why was it so hard?
“The letter also said we can make you fall asleep, right? We can start focusing there. Knocking you out will be a last resort,” Four said.
Warriors sighed. That was probably the best he’s going to get.
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“Here,” Legend mumbled, pointing his sword at him. They were settling for the night and Warriors caught himself staring into the fire until Legend decided to start pointing his sword at him. It took him a second to realize that there was something on the end of the sword and Legend wasn’t just swinging his sword everywhere. A piece of raw meat.
“You’re using a version of the Master Sword to give me meat?” he asked with a smirk. Good use of a holy blade, Legend.
“I don’t like touching it. Take it.”
He did. Warriors almost expected the middle to be cooked since Legend’s sword resembled molten metal but no, the whole thing was raw.
“What’s the offering for?” he asked once he ate it all.
Legend took a deep breath. “I didn’t mean to dismiss your feelings earlier. I’m sorry about that. I don’t like them but I do understand where you’re coming from.”
Warriors took a deep breath. He wished he could say the same, that he knew where Legend was coming from but he couldn’t figure out why it was so hard for them to just knock him out.
“Look,” Legend started, rolling his eyes. “You have the worst self-esteem out of anybody I’ve met. You don’t care about yourself or what happens to you. That’s not okay! So I’ve taken it upon myself to care about you since you won’t or can’t care about yourself. We all care about you. It’s not easy for us to hurt you because again, we care about you. Got it?”
“In theory... It’s just... It doesn’t always sink in. It’s not anything you or anyone else did. It just feels like it’s too good to be true and even if it is as good as it seems, this is all temporary. One day, I will have to go back home and hide my vampirism again like none of this ever happened.”
Legend frowned at him and sat down beside him. “I don’t know what the right words would be in the situation. It sucks that this will end one day and we’ll probably never see each other again. I think we should still enjoy it while we’re here together though, and that’s what I’m trying to do. I’m trying to not be bitter about how often I get roped into world-saving adventures and focus on the fact that this time, I have a lot of friends. I don’t know what that looks for you but I think you have some time to figure that out.”
Warriors simply nodded. He couldn’t argue against his point. It was something he would have to work on but Legend provided some good advice that he would keep in his mind.
“And... I will consider all options if you aren’t in control. I’m not just going to let you run around and let you do something you’ll regret. I just wanted to make sure you knew that,” Legend said as he stood up and grabbed his sword.
Legend nodded and then walked off to the other side of the camp. Warriors watched him join Four and Hyrule before his eyes landed on the raw meat Wild was still prepping for dinner. Maybe Wild could spare some more of it.
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bengals-barnesbabe · 4 days
Yk I realized I’ve been trying to do my requests in order I get them, but I feel bad because some are almost done but I want to get the oldest ones out first😅
Here’s an update on my current requests:
Princess Ti: (Chase!reader labor fic) I changed the name about a thousand times, but she’s basically done. Idky it’s taken me this long, every time I’ve said I was releasing it I was genuinely thinking I was. But yk I’m a perfectionist💀
Play Something For Me: (Singer!Reader, Face Claim Chlöe Bailey), about 60% done- I’m very excited for this one😈
Please Pick Up: (Call Me Back 2) not going to give away much, but someone requested something pretty heartbreaking so I worked into this fic
Coach Burrow 3: (yea ik how it sounds, yall don’t even know anything about CB2 and im gonna keep it that way lol) this is a wedding fic😇
~~~~~~~~~~~~ now for the ones I’m thinking about but haven’t fully worked out ~~~~~~~~~~
Joe x Vet!Reader: social media/written mix fic. Cute idea, love cats, I see you🩵
Dad!Joe & Soccer Player Son: Gave me lots of details to work with, this one’s gonna take time. Currently trying to figure out how to make it my own.🧡
Calm Down: Joe x Chase!Reader; this one gets its on category cause I just came up with it lol. Plus yall already know about her🧡
BTW: After Princess Ti, I will no longer be taking anymore requests for that universe. Sad ik, I’ve already written the final part (FOR NOW). Everyone is welcome to request more Tee, but something new.
I do have a new Tee fic that I think yall would like, it’s a bit of a love triangle😋.
Alright that’s all for now babes🩷
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luimagines · 1 year
Pinky wanted Legend fic, so Pinky gets Legend fic. tw mentions of hunting, cages, and blood. Also I got a little lazy at the end — I ran out of ideas.
And uhhhhh…. this is a very long ask.
Your smile was contagious as you ran off with Wild and Hyrule on some silly side-quest the three of you had come up with. Legend, after sharing a quick word with Time, followed you silently as the three of you left camp.
This had become routine, although you didn’t know it. You would run off with the two resident troublemakers and Legend would follow from a distance. He told himself, and the Old Man, that he was going along to keep the three of you out of trouble. That it was safer to wander about aimlessly with one of the more responsible heroes present. The Veteran forcibly ignored the strange desire that watching the three of you giggle and run about dragged up within him.
He’d lost the childish urge to play about, run off the beaten path, and turn over stones just to see what might be there years ago. He’d lost that sense of imagination and wonder to the cruelties of his world. He sought only to make sure you weren’t burned by your innocence as he had been. He would be there if something went wrong and he would fix it before you could get upset. But he didn’t want to join you. Definitely not.
You climbed a tree and swung around on some vines with your two comrades. Your bubbling laughter sounded like music in the Vet’s ears. The three of you were clearly having fun. You seemed to have no concept of the passage of time as you played about, swiping teasingly at the two boys and pretending to have been knocked over instead of ducking a similarly lighthearted punch from Wild.
Okay. Maybe Legend wanted to join you a little bit. But he wasn’t going to. He didn’t want to ruin your fun. And he wasn’t ready to admit that the reason he wanted to join you had something to do with the way his heart skipped a beat whenever you smiled or the unbidden desire to hug you close as you laughed. He cared for you as a friend. That was the only reason he never wanted you to lose your smile. The only one. It had to be.
He’s already had one love, and he lost her. He doesn’t expect another. He doesn’t deserve another.
Legend’s lost count of the number of times he’s done this. He’s having a harder time justifying it to himself. Not because he still won’t admit that he’s got a crush on you that’s growing by the day — he’s already come to terms with that. Instead it’s because watching your games from afar has started to make him feel really lonely. Literally everything he wants in the world is right there; it’s so close he could almost taste it.
But it’s as if it’s been locked behind a glass wall. He can look, but he may not touch. He won’t get closer. He can’t. He’s convinced the illusion would shatter if he tried to pass the oh-so-fragile barrier. You’d think he was creepy. A stalker. You’d never speak to him again. Or his presence would utterly spoil the magic. Your secret games wouldn’t be secret anymore. You would never be able to sneak off again without looking over your shoulder and wondering if he was there. Or if — by some grace of the goddesses — you weren’t upset and chose to include him, he might not be able to keep up. He might be too broken to loosen up and be silly with you. Maybe he’d just spoil everything.
As much as he can’t risk joining you three in your games, he finds he can’t resist following either. Despite what he tells Time, it’s no longer purely because he’s trying to make sure you’re able to have your fun and avoid the lecture about safety; it’s because he’s gotten addicted to that which he cannot have. That’s always the case with him. That’s just his lot in life. Always on the outside, looking in, and yearning for more than he deserves.
He’s startled out of his thoughts by Wild and the traveller discreetly whispering while looking in the direction of the skulking veteran. Hyrule then slips away to go talk to Legend as the latter begins to panic.
“Vet? What’s wrong?” The traveller approaches cautiously.
Legend shakes his head, “nothing, nothing. I’m fine. Really.” He forces a smile but the other boy doesn’t buy it for a second and it’s apparent on his face.
“Wild and I know you’ve been following us for a while now, not just today.” The traveller quirks one eyebrow slightly, “you didn’t actually think we wouldn’t notice, did you?“
The veteran sighs. Of course they both knew he was there. As good at hiding as he is, those two come from arguably the most dangerous eras in Hyrule’s history. Of course they would know they were being followed.
“No, I’m not surprised you noticed. I just—“ the veteran sighs again and trails off.
“You just what? C’mon, Vet, you know you can tell me anything.”
Legend hesitates and Hyrule decides to push harder, “look — I hate to do this to you, Vet — but they’re gonna notice I’m gone in another couple minutes. Then you’ll have all three of us ganging up on you and everybody, except them, can tell you’ve got a crush on them. As I see it you have two choices. Tell me now, quickly, or they’ll force it out of you since you’ve lost the ability to tell them ‘no.’”
Legend sighs, cursing the goddesses’ eternal cruelty toward him, “alright. Fine. It started because I just wanted to let them have fun without getting an earful. Time let y’all off easy because I was here to ‘supervise’ from a distance. But….” He takes a deep breath and does his best to avoid shrinking into a ball as he forces himself to admit it, “but now I just want to join you guys. But I’m scared I’ll ruin the fun somehow or that they’ll think I’m lame. Or worse: creepy for have been watching.”
Hyrule eyes him with… not pity, never pity, but sympathy. He knows Legend (and the legends of his predecessor) well enough to understand. However, this is clearly a situation that calls for some tough love. The traveller has let this hopeless pining go on for long enough. He grins and grabs his predecessor by the wrist, “Just trust me. I promise none of that will happen.” Without another word, he tugs Legend out into the clearing before the veteran has a chance to refuse.
“Look what I found!” Hyrule calls out to you as you notice Legend’s presence, “he was out for a walk. Wars won one of their verbal sparring matches and he didn’t wanna listen to the gloating and Four’s amused teasing.”
You raise an eyebrow, also amused, but you don’t comment on it. Wild, demonstrating an impressive mixture of situational awareness and utter lack of tact, runs up and lightly slaps the veteran on the shoulder. The champion shouts “Legend’s it!” and runs away at top speed. The traveller follows suit. Both you and Legend stand where you are for a few seconds.
You’re just surprised and confused, but Legend’s brain is running at a million miles a minute as he tries to decide what he should do. As soon as you process what’s happened though, your stance changes. You’re ready to run, but you aren’t scared. You lock eyes with him for a spit second, clearly expecting him to play. So he does. Five seconds after he’d been declared “it,” he runs toward you. He’s not going his top speed, but it gets his intentions across. You shriek in delight and sprint away from him, laughing as you go.
The veteran then spends the next hour or so running around and playing tag with you, the traveller, and the champion. The vet doesn’t laugh as freely as the three of you do, but he’s smiling the whole time and very clearly having fun. The four of you walk back to camp together in time for Wild to make dinner, tired and happy.
Wars willingly covers Legend’s alibi, and any Links who might be inclined to accidentally spill that particular can of worms (wind) are promptly distracted with Wild asking for help making dinner. Much to Legend’s relief, and the amusement of every other Link present, you remain blissfully unaware of the real reason Legend was in the woods that day.
The next time you try to sneak off with Wild and Hyrule, your trio becomes a quartet as Legend leaves as part of your group rather than a shadow. Sky and Time catch Legend’s eye separately as he leaves. The former is beaming, eyes twinkling with pride and amusement. The eyes of the latter are knowing, with a glint that promises teasing and somewhat-helpful, cryptic half-advice later.
Legend joining you becomes routine. He still doesn’t loosen up entirely. He can’t help it, he’s worried about you rejecting him if you get too close. However, you don’t seem to mind if he wants to keep his secrets. Although you’re very clearly toning up your silliness now that he’s around. You’re trying to make him laugh and he’s touched, if hesitant.
One day the veteran goes to collect firewood shortly before y’all leave. He says he’ll catch up and not to wait on him. So you don’t. After an hour and a half, you’re really worried: Legend still hasn’t shown. You, Hyrule, and Wild decide to split up and look for him. You’re walking through the woods and calling for him when you stop in your tracks suddenly as you hear him call back to you weakly.
“I hear you! I’m coming!” You take off running in the direction of the sound.
You find a large, pink rabbit dressed in Legend’s tunic stuck in a hunting trap. It’s in a position that looks really uncomfortable, and you’re a little worried the blood might be slowly rushing to its head based on the slight tilt he was caught at — rabbits are fragile.
“Vet?” You ask as you cautiously approach the cage.
Internally, Legend is panicking. He never wanted you to see this helpless form. Never wanted you to know this side to him. Never wanted to have to worry about if you’d accept him — of if you’d cause him harm if you didn’t. But he has no choice. He needs your help. The rabbit swallows, “…Yeah, it’s me.”
You don’t even know why you’re surprised anymore as you finish making your way over to the trap and start fiddling with the locks. “Okay. Im gonna get you out of there. Are you hurt?”
You’re speaking quickly, obviously worried, but you aren’t screaming. You aren’t running in terror or looking at him like he’s an abomination. You’re looking at him with concern and affection, but not pity. You didn’t even ask how or why he’s a rabbit, you’re too worried about his well-being. It’s almost too much for him to take. He very nearly starts to cry. He never expected this, but he should have. That’s just the kind of person you are. It’s part of why he loves you so much.
“Not really?” He replies, he doesn’t sound like he’s okay and he knows it. “I’ve been here a while so there’s too much blood in my head and I think I sprained my ankle when I got caught.” You hiss and work more quickly, grabbing your weapon and — after giving the bunny hero a verbal warning — break open the cage. You catch the roof of it before it can fall on him and cut the ropes inside that are holding him in that unsafe position.
The next thing Legend knows, you’ve scooped him up ever-so-gently in your arms. You hold him over your shoulder like a baby, careful to support his spine. “Just let me know when your blood goes back where it’s supposed to be.” He manages a half-nod as you carefully pour one of your topical-application potions over his injured foot, dissipating the pain instantly.
And then you’re petting him. Oh goddesses, you’re petting him. A few minutes ago he’d been convinced he’d die in that cage, but then you came. You broke him free, you’re holding him as he feels the blood slowly drain back into the rest of his body, and you’re stroking him from the tip of his head all the way down his back. He can scarcely remember the last time he felt so safe and cared for. He wants to be embarrassed but he just doesn’t have the strength. Instead, he allows a couple grateful, relieved tears to escape. It’s not like you’ll notice, anyway: they’ll just get caught in his fur.
“You know, my cat did this to himself once.” You start talking as you pet him. Are you trying to distract him? If so, it’s working. He always listens when you talk.
“He’s so silly. He laid down on a pillow but his head fell off and onto the floor. He looked unhappy but didn’t know what to do about it. I picked him up just like this and held him until he started to feel better. Then he was purring.” You chuckle to yourself, “poor baby probably had all the blood in his head, too.” You proceed to tell him a couple other silly stories until he feels better.
He purposefully waits until you finish the story you’re telling to let you know that he feels better. It might have been selfish, but he wanted another minute in your arms, feeling the gentle rise and fall of your chest as you spoke and your hands in his fur.
The veteran was a lot more open with you after the incident. It’s almost like he realized he didn’t have to hide from you as much as he thought. He laughs more and taken to slinging an arm around you whenever you walk within arm’s reach on the trail. He elbows you playfully while he teases and sits near you at meals as often as you’ll let him get away with.
What strikes you as interesting, though, is the way he seems to be constantly checking if you’re watching him. Whenever he spars with one of the others or does something particularly impressive in a monster fight, he glances toward you for approval. Even more interesting is that he seems to be showing off a little more when he knows you’re watching.
You’re oblivious, but you’re far from a fool. You’ve known for a while that he’s got a soft spot for you, but now you’re wondering if that might be because he’s into you. You decide to test the boundaries of what he’ll let you get away with and find out.
He’s shockingly lenient with you. He pretty much just lets you do as you please. Case in point: you’ve just finished dinner, but instead of getting up and going to your bedroll you’ve inched closer and laid your head on his shoulder. His response? A lot of blushing and he won’t look at you, but he’s also he‘s wrapped an arm securely around your shoulders and pulled you closer. You decide to confront him and make your own feelings known. You have a plan, but it’s dependent on your internal clock so you’re not sure if it’ll work.
You stir and blink awake in the middle of the night. The veteran is on watch. You mentally congratulate yourself as he carefully picks his way over to you to check on you.
“I’m okay.” You reassure him when you notice the concern on his face, “just… awake now, I guess. Can I sit with you?”
Legend nods, “you can always sit with me, you know that.” He speaks softly to avoid waking the others, but there’s something about the sound of it that makes your heart go all fluttery. You can’t help but wonder if he did that on purpose. You sit beside him on the log and lean on him like you had earlier. Just like earlier, he gets flustered, but he wraps an arm around you. Although it’s hard to tell between the dark and the way he’s turned away from you, you can see his entire face light up in a small — but genuine — smile.
After a long moment, you break the silence. “Have I ever told you that I love your laugh? Or that your smile reminds me of sunshine?” Much to your amusement, he immediately begins spluttering. You can’t see his face from your position and his stubborn refusal to look at you, but you can hear the bright smile in his voice when he replies, “no, but it’s nice to know. I appreciate the compliment.” You choose not to comment on the way his voice cracks. You’ve got bigger fish to fry.
“Oh really? I haven’t? Well, I’ve always thought so. But that makes me wonder what else you don’t know I’ve been thinking.”
He raises an eyebrow in response to that, “well I suppose I wouldn’t know the answer to that.”
You chuckle, “no, I suppose not. But let’s find out. Do you know that I’m in love with you?”
He freezes up. For once in his life, his brain goes silent — there’s not a single thought in his head. He’s grown up in a world that requires constant quick-thinking; he prides himself on his reaction time because it’s frequently the only thing that keeps him alive. But now his ambient subconscious thoughts — surroundings awareness, awareness of your body language, the passage of time, that sort of thing — is all gone. The silence is unnerving.
“What?” He manages dumbly after six seconds (you were counting, not him).
You smile, patient but nervous, “I love you, Link.”
And now you’ve used the name. His name. The one nobody’s called him in months. It should have made the problem worse. It really should have. But, somehow, the use of his proper name kicks him back into high gear. An unfortunate, for him, side effect of that is the rapid formation of a deep blush as his brain demands more oxygen and nutrients to start up again.
“I- I. Shit.” He starts to tear up, “are-are- are you serious? Me?”
You nod once, speaking in a cautious and almost sad tone, “is that so hard to believe?”
He swallows, “yes.” He moves his hands to your shoulders and pulls you to his chest abruptly in a hug that’s somehow both desperately tight and carefully gentle at the same time.
“Yes it is. Because I didn’t think I could ever get so lucky.” You can feel his tears beginning to soak through the sleeve of your shirt, but you don’t care.
“I think we’re both lucky.” You start to gently caress his hair, prompting him to haphazardly toss his hat onto the ground in order to encourage you.
You two spend the rest of his watch like that, just holding each other and relishing the closeness. Eventually you wake Wild for the next watch, and he may or may not have photos of the two of you cuddling together as you fall asleep — neither ready nor willing to let go of the other.
- glitter ✨
I had to think about the way he trapped for a second because it was a little vague but I assumed he was upside down in a cage... somehow... and a little bloody.
I realized that I should have been probably typing as I go because there's so much right around the point that Reader had woken up in the middle of the night.
Also- love that Legend is even more obvious afterwards. He's not even trying to be subtle.... if he was anyway. Because now Reader's caught on- Nevermind, Reader (like Wild (loved that line)) is just as tactless. XD
ok, that was a cute ending. I know you said you got lazy but it was very sweet and soft.
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tuesday again 1/23/2024
listen i got my last job through one of youse on here so weirder things have happened: i got fired bc the nonprofit wasn’t doing so hot. let me know if you have a weird data/database or market/tech research job. i promise my worksona is so so so nice and pleasant to work with. remote only, looking more in the $75k range but can be a bit flexible if it’s a cool enough job, i am in the central time zone of the USA and will not need sponsorship anywhere but DO need the cadillac of healthcare and dental plans. portfolio, publication list, and linkedin with my government name available on request!
both of these are from my sister! this is another FULL ALBUM rec (good lord). The Offline’s album La couleur de la mer is a soundtrack to a movie that doesn’t exist, inspired by his long walks in the fog on the French Atlantic coast. a little spacey, a little soul, very sixties/seventies neonoir. i am quite fond of the very first track, Thème de la couleur de la mer.
she’s also sent me a bunch of tiktoks with Perfect (Exceeder) by Mason and Princess Superstar. hell of a goddamn music video for this thing. mid-aughts clubbing music at its finest. stopped me from dissolving into a puddle of emotions on the way to and from the vet today bc it’s too goddamn bouncy to be sad around
im reading a trilogy i want to discuss as a whole whenever the third one comes through as a library hold, and a book by a friend. i do not typically talk about books or fics by friends here bc none of them have ever asked for critique, and i dont want to play favorites or inadvertently miss someone’s work. so here’s a story about porn on Wikimedia, which is the kind of database drama and technical arguments that fascinate me.
given the number of articles from 404 Media i shout about here and elsewhere i really should sign up for their $5/mo subscription tier when i have a steady income again
somehow missed Star Wars Visions 2, their second anthology of weird little shorts. i was not super impressed by the overall storytelling this time around, but it was fun to see them reach out to more global studios and see a wider range of styles. there’s some goddamn incredible stop motion in here.
i particularly enjoyed Journey to the Dark Head, which not only has some interesting fringe Force believers and beliefs but has one of the sickest anime bullshit lightsaber fights in this season. this one is by Studio Mir, most known for the Legend of Korra.
also really liked The Spy Dancer by Studio La Cachette, partly bc it’s incredibly beautiful and i like when Star Wars leans into art nouveau, and partly bc it felt the most like a complete short story. emotional arc and everything! strong beginning middle and end! this IS a really low bar, but a lot of the shorts this season did not have a coherent little story to tell or a strong emotional arc, or fumbled their arc partway through, and were just kind of vibes and animation showcases? nothing necessarily wrong with that, also how i felt about most of the last collection. my expectations are underground for any Star Wars media.
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as is tradition i dithered about this section the most. this is more of a What’s Next? planning ramble.
the laptop gets shipped back to my old job today so i will no longer have a working modern computer. i have to dig the switch out and see what’s up. maybe start a whole new run in breath of the wild or whatever the last pokemon game was. i think i also have the sword boyfriend game everyone was up in arms about two years ago? and i think i am somehow part of a switch family plan that lets me have some older games?
this section may look very different in the next ??? amount of time until i get a company laptop again. or finally replace the motherboard on my personal desktop but that sat in my car for several weeks during the heat wave this summer while i did not have an apartment and i am really REALLY afraid to open that box.
oh the free epic game this week is a platformer, a genre i have historically not cared about. godspeed to those of you who do
soup bc aldi had alphabet pasta and that jolted me out of myself for long enough i was briefly convinced making alphabet pasta soup would fix me. so i found this recipe while in aldi. despite this not being a very good soup or a very good recipe, i feel a little triumphant bc i now know enough to brown the tomato paste before putting it in the soup. unfortunately i overcooked the pasta. there’s kind of a lot of texture happening here, and i wish i had chopped things finer, but i will probably steal my best friend’s blender tomorrow and blitz some of it down.
it’s edible. im going to eat it all. it will not be going in the rotation
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Please Believe Me
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August x POC!Reader, Andy Barber x POC!Reader
Wordcount: 2700
The things you’ll do for the ones you love. Does it ever reach a point where it’s too much?
18+ MDNI, Smut, Sex Work, Seduction, Light BDSM, Possessive Sex, Jealousy, Bratting, Sassy
Hello Heathens! I had August on the brain while listening to El Tango De Roxanne from the musical and how fun it would be to taunt him. And well this fic was born. Happy Reading!
Divider by @firefly-graphics
Banner by @cafekitsune
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“Fuck you.”  
“Now, now, that’s a bit harsh, isn’t it?”  
“I don’t think it’s harsh enough. You didn’t even consult me or how I might feel about the situation before agreeing to do it.”  
“I honestly didn’t think you’d have a problem with it seeing as you practically do the same thing for work.”  
“Of course I have a problem with it! At work I get to pick and choose who I take on. All people who are vetted for already. This, is not that August!”  
He cozy's up to me. One arm wrapped tightly around my waist as the other hand slowly caresses my face. “Come on love. I need to get this guy alone and vulnerable. What better way to do that than with your alluring ways. You won’t have to do any more than you already do for work. If we plan it right, you might even get to keep your clothes on.”   
“Low blow, Agent. Really, low blow.”  
“Agent. Damn, I seem to have struck a nerve. Come on, baby. Help me out. I promise to make it up to you. Without your help this can end up taking me far longer and possibly farther away as well. Please.” He places a feather light kiss to my neck for emphasis.  
I sigh. “Fine. But just the once. I don’t like being used as a pawn in your games. Work related or not August.” You release yourself from his grasp. “Promise me it will only be this once.”  
“I give you my word.”
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What started out as what I thought was a vacation had quickly taken an unexpected turn. Here I was reluctantly helping August on a mission I was unaware was the reason he took me on this trip. He needed to get close to Andrew Barber. A lawyer by day with ties to the mafia, who apparently had some very sensitive intel provided to him from his client, that could be very bad for the organization if it were to get into the wrong hands. He needed to get into his hotel suite and secure the information. Returning it to his superiors before its ultimate destruction. 
I didn’t like that I was pulled into a mission by my boyfriend. My means of paying the bills, essentially being thrown in my face. So I decided, as a fuck you to my so called boyfriends deception, that tonight I would lean in on my skills as a sex worker far more than was required of me.
I make my rounds through the party a couple of times. Mingling with faces I am familiar with from other parties and new ones that seem eager to meet me. I take my time before I make my move. Could I have made it over to Andy sooner? Of course, I could. But I was drawing this out for as long as I could just to stick it to August.  
With a purposely over full glass of champagne I make my way over to Andy. Miss stepping on purpose and dropping my glass at his feet, as I cling to his shoulder to “break my fall”.  
“Oh my goodness! I’m so sorry. These damn new shoes are just giving me the hardest time tonight.”  
“No harm done. My loafers can take it.” He pulls me away from the broken glass. “Let’s get someone to clean this up, so you don’t ruin this ravishing dress.”  
“That’s very kind of you...”  
“Barber. Andrew Barber.”  
“I thought you looked familiar. I’ve seen you at parties before. Never this far from home though. Or alone.”  
“I could say the same about you when it comes to being alone. A rarity to see you without a suitor on your arm.”  
“Perks of the job. But I am not at home and as such I am my own date tonight.”  
“Lucky me that you just so happened to crash into my orbit. Your name precedes you amongst the circles I run in.”  
“Word of mouth can be a dangerous thing. Expectations and all.”  
“I’ve heard you skins so sweet; you taste like cinnamon.” He nonchalantly states as he finishes his whiskey.  
“Is that so, Mr. Barber?”  
“I’ve been trying to schedule an appointment with you for a while now actually. The need to satiate my curiosity getting the best of me.” He places his glass on passing tray.  
“Guess you are a lucky man tonight after all.”  
“Would you do me the honors of dancing with me?”  
I place my hand in his offered palm. “Lead the way.”  
Under the light of the twinkling chandeliers, the grand ballroom comes alive with an air of elegance and enchantment. The music changes to a tango and I'm not surprised as the secret mobster leads me around the dance floor with grace and passion. Thank the gods that I am well versed in ballroom dance as our bodies intertwine in a sensual tango that seems to weave a spell over the now captivated audience.  
The way Andy is commanding my body would be concerning, if I weren’t here helping August. Who I am still mad at by the way. Why not making him suffer a little by upping the ante with his mark?  
As the sultry notes of the music fill the air, our movements flow like a graceful river. Fluid, passionate, and oh so irresistible. With each step, we exchanged whispers of desire. Our eyes locked in an intimate dance of their own. I am adept as seducing men, the girlfriend experience my main forte, though I was finding it far too easy to stare into those devastating ocean blues of his.  
I could imagine what kind of image we were giving the rich and notorious crowd surrounding us. My dress flowing around me, rich with hues of deep crimson, that clung to my curves. Andy with his cocksure, confident stance and sharp features exuding charisma.  
Every pivot and dip igniting sparks and evoking a deep yearning that resonated in the heart of one particular onlooker. In that moment, we transformed the dance floor into a realm of magic where time stood still.  
The world outside faded away to a green haze as August watched me so effortlessly captivate Barber with my whiles. The rhythm of our dance, the way in which Barber led me with grace and passion, combined with the electricity of your temporary connection, had his mind thinking all kinds of crazy things.  
“Would it be to forward if I invited you up to my suite to continue this somewhere more private?”  
“Seeing as I am not on the clock tonight, I don’t see a problem with it. Do you have any business or clients you need to tend to first?”  
“No. I was here tonight purely out of boredom and to show my face. I can’t wait to get out of here.”  
“Well then I guess we better get going then. A nightcap awaits us.”  
“Mmm. You read my mind.”
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“I see you spared no expense on your stay Mr. Barber.” I surmise as I wander the living room of the lavish suite.  
“Please call me Andy. No need for formalities. You're already up here. Now what's your poison?”  
“You wouldn't happen to have any Glenfiddich on hand would you?”  
“A woman who knows good whiskey. You really are everything and more aren't ya sweetheart?”  
“Be out of a job if I wasn't.”  
“How do you take it?”  
“Straight. Two fingers. Sometimes three if the mood strikes.”  
He shakes his head and chuckles as he pours my drink. “I'll keep that in mind.”  
Handing me my drink he links his fingers through my free hand and leads me to the massive bedroom. Clearly ready to cash in on that tension we've been building.  
Hopefully August has already found his way into the suite and I won't have to take this much further. Although I might not hate it if I have too. Andy really is quite the charmer. And that beard. Whew.  
“Let's get you comfortable. That suit jacket looks like it needs a break. Your poor biceps must be suffocating.”  
Placing my drink on the nightstand, I take the initiative to unbutton his jacket. Smoothing my hands up his surprisingly fit physique and pushing it off his shoulders.  
“Now doesn't that feel better?”  
He pulls me into his chest. Placing his hand on the small of my back and pressing me against the rather large bulge in his slacks.  
“Much. But I must confess the shirt is starting to feel a bit stifling.”  
“Oh no. Best rectify that as well then.”  
“If you insist.”  
His fingers tease along the exposed skin the low back of my dress provides as I slowly undo each button. Revealing a rather sculpted chest underneath.   
I make sure to spin us so that Andy's back faces the closed ensuite bathroom to our left. I have a feeling that just may be where August has hidden himself.  
It is rather hard to hide such a large frame.  
I wonder how much longer he is going to let this go on before he makes his move. I know that look in Andy's eyes and things are on track to get rather steamy very shortly.  
“Do you know how badly I wanted to kiss you out on that dance floor and finally see if the rumors of your sweet taste are true?”  
“Why didn't you?” I run my fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck.  
“I had a feeling that once I started, I wouldn't be able to stop.”  
I smile sweetly up at him as he runs his thumb along my cheek bone. He closes his eyes and leans down, just has his lips graze mine he winces and grabs at this neck as he falls unconscious onto the mattress beside us.  
Now standing where Andy used to be is August. A not so happy August. I can see the tension in his shoulders as he caps and pockets a now empty syringe.  
“We are going to have a serious conversation when I am through getting what I need from him. You are skating on thin ice.”  
“I thought I put on a rather convincing performance.”  
“Too convincing if I do say so.”  
“You said you wanted me to use my skills of seduction. So that’s what I did. Seduce.”  
“You didn't need to look like you enjoyed it so damn much.”  
“If I didn't know any better, I would think that you were green with envy. But that can’t be right since it was you who put me in this situation in the first place. Knowing full well what I would have to do to get you what you needed.”  
“We’re tabling this discussion until I have retrieved what I need.”
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The mission was successful and we have made it back to our own lavish hotel on the other side of the city.  
“Take it off.”  
“Take what off?”  
“The dress. His stench is all over it and all I can see is him touching you out on that dance floor. Take it off sunshine before I cut it off you myself.”  
“Holy shit. You actually were jealous. Who would have thought.”  
He slips a knife out of his belt and takes a step towards me, twirling it around his fingers. “Now is not the time to push me baby girl.”  
“Okay, okay. Relax, Auggie. I’ll take it off.” I slowly begin to disrobe.   
A growl emanates from his chest when he realizes that I have absolutely nothing on underneath my dress. “Bed. Now. Face down. Ass up.”  
No longer feeling the urge to tempt the beast further, I do as requested. With a sway to my hips and flourish to my movements of course.  
He removes his own suit. Leaving him clad only in his boxer briefs, that can barely contain his tantalizing girth within.  
He runs a hand down my spine. Stopping as he reaches the fat of my ass. “I am going to spank this delectable ass 10 times. 5 for enjoying your seduction of Barber too much and 5 for being bare underneath your dress in public without my knowledge. You are to count every slap. Understood?”  
“Yes, Sir.”  
“Good girl. Now tell me what your safe word is.”  
“Remember, I will never strike you in anger. If you feel it becomes too much, you must use your safe word and everything stops. Understood?”  
“Yes, Sir.”  
“Let’s begin..” He rears his hand back and sends it flying. Striking me right on the meat of my left ass cheek, dead center.  
“One.” I gasp out.  
He pulls back and smacks on the exact same location on my right cheek.  
He alternates sides back and forth, covering the whole of my ass until he strikes both cheeks at once. I passed the pain to pleasure threshold smacks ago so with a moan I call out, “Ten!”  
“My good girl.” He rubs my heated flesh in soothing circles. “You took that so well. And you’ve made quite the mess of your thighs. It’s a downright mouthwatering sight.”  
He lowers himself off of the bed to his knees to get a better look. Groaning as he pulls my cheeks apart to watch my slit drip with rapt attention. He leans forward and begins to clean my thighs with his tongue.  
I barely have a moment to truly catch my breath, when his talented tongue glides along my lips and settles on my clit. I moan at the subtle suction, hips seeking out further friction.  
I can feel his growl more than hear it as he buries his face in my cunt and feasts on my flesh like it the ripest and sweetest fruit he has ever tasted. I give in to the pleasure of being so thoroughly devoured. It is not long before I am on the precipice of a pending orgasm.  
August knowing the cues of my body so well, has me at a disadvantage as gives a final lick up my folds and pulls away. I can’t help the whine that escapes as the cold air of his absence meets my dampened flesh.  
“Shh. It’s ok my sweet one. I’ve got you.”  
He peels his restricting boxer briefs down his thighs and lets them fall to the floor. Tossing them aside with his foot he steps forward, notching is aching cock against my quivering slit.   
He only waits a breath before pushing his hips forward. Impaling me in one smooth motion. The thickness of his girth combined with my sensitivity and how close I was to release have me coming undone as my walls stretch to accommodate him.  
His pace is unrelenting. A reclaiming of a body that already belongs to him. Savage and rough like the beast I know him to be. Extasy beyond compare.  
There is a sweetness hidden under his rough exterior. Even as he ravages my body. Something that I am one of the few in this life to glimpse upon. He places a gentle kiss to my spine. A moment of that sweetness before I feel his teeth clamp down onto my shoulder.  
Setting me off once more as he loses himself in the throes of his own powerful orgasm. Filling me to bursting with his seed. I go limp. Body lying pliant as I am blissfully engulfed in August's warmth and weight. Unable and uncaring to move after being so thoroughly destroyed.  
“One of these days I am going to knock you up good and proper. Then everyone will know who you belong too. I’ll let you enjoy practicing for now, while my workload is the way it is. But mark my words, you will be round with my child soon enough.”  
He kisses my forehead and sets off to run us a bath so we can bask in the afterglow together. I hear his phone vibrate on the bathroom counter. The Agency most likely.  
“Walker.” He answers. “Yes, I have secured the intel.” He checks the water temp as the person on the other line responds. “Copy. I will meet you at the rendezvous point tomorrow.”
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