#i just enjoy a lot of different perspectives
dailyrothko · 2 days
Do you have any recommendations for books with large, high quality photos of Rothko's work? I'd love to be able to see some outside the small confines of a computer monitor/phone screen but can't exactly afford a visit to the chapel
If you're on Instagram, I have a short video about this but I will tell you basically here.
The best reproductions by far are from the recent books published in the last year or two. This has to do with the Rothko family making things available and the curation of large exhibits.
The smallest book in size is the Mark Rothko: Paintings on Paper by Adam Greenhalgh is 8 3/4 by 10 3/4. This book covers just the works from the paper show (Nearly 100) and a bunch of interesting history of his work in this medium. It's a great book and the size seems just fine given that the paintings on paper are smaller anyway. It's worth having this and the book not high priced, but you're getting a sharply focused aspect of Rothko's work rather than all the famous ones. It's a lovely book though. The scans are excellent and it's likely to give you a different perspective on his work.
The Next book is the Louis Vuitton Foundation book that accompanied the show. It's physically the largest book, roughly 11.42 by 13. 32 inches. The size here helps the bigger works some of which are even foldouts. You can see the great devotion to the task in all of these books but this book contains the most historical stuff and anecdotes and is full of interesting material. The show was curated by Susan Page and Christopher Rothko and you can see a lot of effort went into it. This is the most complete of the books, in terms of a career retrospective and is fascinating. It's 312 pages, a big, heavy book. Scans are again very good. If you don't much about Rothko this is probably the book for you, but one could say in centers most on his big oil on canvas works.
The final book is the Rizzoli "Rothko book" credited to his children Kate and Christopher. This is over 400 pages and the most expensive book but it's a very personal and unique document. Rather than the usual history it has essays including one from Hiroshi Sugimoto, that I really enjoyed. The paintings are a mix, more of a selected group as the book doesn't cover a particular show. The scans here might be the best (even though all the books have really great scans) because they really reveal aspects of the paintings that are different than what we are used to seeing all the time. They reveal more subtly. Some paintings are absolutely revelatory, so much so that I use this book as my reference for how other scans reproduce color. This is a dodgy thing because color depends on light and scans are somewhat of an artistic endeavor. This book is a trifle less wide than the Vuitton book but it's big and has a nice slipcase too.
I have seen in person many of the paintings in these books and occasionally I "Disagree" a little with a scan here and there but it's a minor quibble as Rothko just looks different in different places. There's really a lot of work and love in all of these and they all are so much better than what we have seen before it would be hard to go wrong with any of them. These are not cheap calendar type repos, a great amount of time and effort went into all of them.
If you have further questions I am happy to help.
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cezqstar · 1 day
haven’t been active in the rykter fandom in awhile, but i’ve seen quite a lot of opinions floating around on here & twt that i had quite a lot of thoughts about!
someone said the show is queerbaiting… and i genuinely cannot believe how anyone can see a character figuring out his queer identity and only see the matherik ship & dumb it down to queerbaiting.
edit: i want to clarify this part i said on queerbaiting because i didn’t articulate my thoughts in depth. at the end of season 2, mathias initiated a kiss with erik ultimately implying his queer identity. and his season 3 storyline has confirmed him as a queer character, who is crushing on erik & struggling with acceptance whilst getting bullied by his ex-best friend. however, erik’s pov is open to interpretation, which leaves a lot of space for fan theories (that i eat tf up) but at the moment, that’s all they are. fan theories. erik’s actions can be interpreted as both platonic & non-platonic, and i don’t see the show dangling matherik in the audiences faces. since they’re very focused on mathias’ story and his perspective rather than erik’s. whose own story seems to focus on him hanging around the wrong crowd and his questionable behaviour. it leaves the storyline open to go down two very different routes: erik could have his own queer realisation and the two of them eventually end up together. or mathias’ has unrequited feelings for his straight (or aro 👀) friend but those feelings helped him with his own queer journey to acceptance. and i think with how they’ve set erik up, it could genuinely go either way and make sense.
^^ that’s why i believe the queerbaiting claims are a stretch.
it’s become very clear why people began watching rykter: matherik. but people NEED to remember that the show is not solely about them. it never has been. this show is about the chaotic lives of ‘sheltered’ (i can’t think of the word i’m after) teenagers who all have the capability to be stupid, immature and selfish. which yes, includes felix as one of those characters and yes, includes erik as a teenager capable of being a bad person at times.
these teenagers are also all (well almost all) capable of redemption. mathias has proved his own ability to be redeemed after his s1 antics, erik will surely have his own redemption path regarding his current s3 antics and thea is currently having her redemption this season. just because erik has been generally good in the first two seasons, doesn’t mean he isn’t prone to poor decision making & shitty actions. remember: they’re all 15-16 years old.
i’ve seen a few people suggest that the rykter writers are ‘getting off’ on or ‘enjoying’ the homophobic abuse that mathias has been subjected to, but i think that’s a massive stretch. and an extremely poor outlook on the shows writing in my opinion. many people forget that even though norway is a progressive country that homophobic shitheads still exist. and the way mathias is being treated by someone as horrible as felix & no one saying anything due to being ‘sheltered’ followers is quite real.
and when someone as jealous, hateful & spiteful as felix who clearly puts up with his own share of prejudice gets to put someone else down (someone who he also feels ‘betrayed’ by), he’ll jump at that opportunity in an attempt to make himself better and stronger. from victim -> perpetrator. i understand the frustration around this season focusing on felix quite a lot but people need to stop seeing his storyline as ways to ‘excuse’ his actions and moreso to explain them & simply SHOW his life. they seem pretty hellbent on showing you that he’s a shitty person regardless of his home life & personal issues.
anyways rant over! time to disappear again lol. feel free to disagree with anything i said. always happy to have a discussion!
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celestialtarot11 · 2 days
Moon in the 12h in combination with esoteric astrology
Hi friends! I really hope you enjoy this deep dive into understanding the 12th house a bit more and the moon placement. I compare both traditional & esoteric astrology—which is the reading of the soul. Do enjoy, leave feedback & comments to help this blog! Also because I’m curious to hear your thoughts always. I am only doing research and sharing it!
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The moon in esoteric astrology is regarded as the past, our visceral self, aka “the soul.” Known in traditional astrology the moon holds powerful ties to our past, ancestors and trauma. The moon is so much more than our everyday emotions. So how does this play into natives with the 12th house?
That is why it is important to understand the moon in an esoteric sense, alongside traditional astrology. The moon is regarded as “vulcan,” another term. The moon describes the kind of life we had in a previous life, imprinting on our current one. With this being the case, it represents our ego as well in a lot of ways.
Our ties to our past (both in our previous life, and past also meaning current trauma in this lifetime) can control us. If you choose to believe your past life is imprinting on your current, you can understand how the need to heal from the sabotage we did to ourselves is part of the “ego.” Ego in this sense has barely much to do with pride—its our visceral trauma responses.
And you can also understand how our current trauma in this lifetime can result in the need to protect ourselves and hide behind narratives and perspectives that do not help us (the ego).
Having moon in the 12th house can point to a previous lifetime, or your past trauma(if you don’t believe in past lives) where you experienced isolation and loneliness in the face of trauma. It’s the loneliness that contributes to trauma in the first place—whereas if you had a community it would’ve been managed completely different.
Moon in the 12th house can point to addiction to self sabotage, self harm, toxicity in relationships. Tolerating more than needed, ex: abuse. The native can feel alive in these hurtful conditions because it’s the one thing that makes them feel. But this can spiral unhealthily really fast.
When the native first approaches healing or peace—they can deem it as “boring,” because their nervous system has never been in this state before.
To get a closer look, in esoteric astrology, the NN can describe what kind of consciousness is playing out over your lifetimes or if you prefer it: this lifetime. What you are meant to learn, know, and evolve into with the wisdom you gather about yourself.
The SN in esoteric astrology describes our “past lifetime” “previous life” that is imprinting on our current. Or if you prefer it: your trauma currently needing healing.
For example a NN in Taurus, SN in Scorpio native: their trauma/past lifetime could have included multiple losses, and grief. Losing a parent due to abandonment, experiencing separation of the parents or being neglected. Or all of it. It’s very likely the native experienced eating issues as a way to have control over their life, i.e. hurting themselves brings a sense of “control,” even though it is considered unhealthy.
SN in Scorpio could have also made the native experience exclusion in their community. Their peers could have disliked them from a young age, and the native struggled to find their community. Once again—replaying that loneliness they experienced.
NN in Taurus teaches the native that part of their peace comes from going within and validating their emotions from what they experienced. To experience control by releasing control over external factors. To not just survive off of physical means, but to create an emotionally stable environment to thrive.
The moon is also considered a death stage esoterically, meaning this isn’t about fertility, nor is it about ripening seeds, or manifesting. This is about ending cycles of addiction, pain and suffering.
The only thing coming next after the moon, systemically is the earth where the healing begins, metaphorically speaking. Where the native feels stability internally to begin planting seeds and maintaining them.
If I were to tie this into 12h moon placements—it’s that you need to plant your seeds. You need to materialize your hopes and dreams and not victimize yourself through past patterns. You need to do more than survive, and allow yourself to thrive. To become so safe enough that you root yourself in new communities and feel worthy enough to explore earth. And that means starting with yourself.
I suppose that’s why a lot of 12th house moons have a “scorpionic” vibe. It’s because they carry the moons death energy, aka the “vulcan.” The moon esoterically is death after all, and so many natives have experienced constant endings and beginnings with this placement. They have seen so many dimensions to life—too much for it to be simple.
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The 12th house itself
In esoteric astrology, the 12th house is regarded as the “bondage” to the “ego.” If you really our earlier explanation, the ego is our trauma and formed response to keep us safe.
This house rules over ignorance of our trauma, the inability to receive help, only feeding into the loop of self sabotage.
In traditional astrology views the 12th house as “hidden,” or “secretive.” Esoteric astrology acknowledges it differently—they see it as a vessel into the underworld. A gateway. A vast network of telepathy within the natives community.
They acknowledge this as not necessarily hidden, but the native taking a deep dive into mass consciousness that exists in front our eyes.
Therefore, it’s not really a secret if you pay attention.
Then, the native is able to access that “hidden knowledge,” and turn it into public knowledge. Although many of the times this is considered taboo knowledge since the native can know things other people consider, “heavy,” “dark,” or “disturbing.” Even though, the native knows having critical complex thoughts is necessary.
It is necessary to think critically, according to the native given their complex life experiences. The native actually has a lot of “hidden” resources at their disposal in this lifetime and can use it to their will. Manifestation, universal laws, spiritual insight, etc whatever you call it.
Some may fixate on the 12th house as the ego driven house—again, fear, trauma and loss. Whilst this is absolutely true of the natives, esoteric astrology adds another meaning. It also means resurrection of the soul of the native. The purest form and light. Alchemy of the ego.
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Hope ya’ll enjoyed! I really appreciate ya’ll being here and taking the time to read. Your feedback is appreciated.
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sortablue · 2 years
Do you have any modern AU headcanons for Lan Wangji/WWX?
(Stay warm!!)
Love love love education major wangxian. also obsessed w/ chemistry major wwx.
Bc I am an education major myself (english, if you care), my true loves are, like.
Elementary ed major wwx (think miss honey) with a double major in a stem field of his choice is my favvvorite in a universe in which lwj is a music ed and composition double major.
HOWEVER i have seen many iterations of college au and have loved all of them
I am also quite fond of aus in which wangxian both maintain their long hair and have fun braiding each others’.
A couple of my favorite modern au wangxian fics are the one where wwx is A-Yuan’s art teacher who has a like, successful art business in the side and LWJ is this businessman who is late to pick up his kid a couple times or smthn, and one where lwj runs a martial arts gym or smthn and wwx has a panic attack on his street bc of a dog (and the rest is history) AND one where WWX is an art major being harassed by Wen Chao. They are all very good and probably in my bookmarks on ao3 idk
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radio-4-is-static · 5 months
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さよーならまたいつか! | Kenshi Yonezu
誰かと恋に落ちて また砕けて やがて離れ離れ 口の中はたと血が滲んで 空に唾を吐く 瞬け羽を広げ 気儘に飛べ どこまでもゆけ 100年先も憶えてるかな 知らねえけれど さよーならまたいつか!
Fall in love, only to be crushеd once again And eventually, go our sеparate ways Blood seeps in my mouth without warning And I spit into the sky Spread your wings and soar Fly away to wherever your heart desires Would we remember in 100 years? Who cares? So long and see you again!
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mumpsetc · 1 year
Ok Genuine Hub for Discussion Here PLEASE Send Me Your Own Lore Dumps/Ideas About This But How Would You Go About Making an Object World Where the Objects are More Animalistic in the Way Their Society is Set Up IE Warrior Cats or Watership Down. Less Spec Bio (Though I Appreciate That) and More How To Completely Remove the Human Society Element Present in Most Object Shows.
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imflyingfish · 2 months
Its weird because i dont actually have much of a desire to move to france or use french reguarly in my life but at this point ive deadicated over a year to learning it so i might as well keep going and finish
#it just makes me frustrated but whatevee#its like a pretty big part of my life but A. i never feel like i can chat about it#b. its generally increadibly difficult with no real way to track progress#c. its both. increadibly alienating and connecting#its so easy to feel lonely as a foreigner#foreigner isnt the right word since its the internet but thats the closest thing ive got#and i want to talk about it and share my music and what ive found but thats also difficult#because then people either expect you to be good at it which im literally not or#one time my friend made a comment at me like 'your french rap because your so cool'#and like NO!!!!! IM NOT COOL IM A LANGUAGE NERD!!!!!!#idk it made me feel bad and like. everytime i try to express my love for learning this i feel like a pretentious ass#when NO. im literally just enjoying a process and developing a skill that im very excited about and it sucks not beinf able to talk about it#it also doesnt help that the majority of instences are very small things#like today i met someone and asked them if they had a portal and they said no#THATS MASSIVE FOR ME. I ASKED A QUESTION AND GOT A RESPONSE. I TRANSCENDED LANGUAGE BARRIERS ARE YOU FUCKING ME#how is that not frankly INSANE#anyway idk. i want to be better but the joy is in the process or whst fucking ever#im also realising a lot of the time i feel like i have to prove myself to french servermates#i have to be useful i have to be generous i have to be a good builder#because if im not then im annoying and slow and everyone gets confused#im starting to want to find characters in shows like me who are stuck between languages and who are trying o reach across to others despite#idk learning a langauge has given me so much perspective on the world. other things seem to fall flat#its nice to feel smarter than i usually do#i often think im just not very smart at these kind of things but i am it just takes a different method for me i guess#idk#fish talks
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aroaessidhe · 1 year
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2023 reads
The Winter Knight
slow-building urban fantasy mystery
reincarnated arthurian legends living in modern Vancouver
follows a gay autistic college student who’s the reincarnation of sir gawain who just wants to live a normal life
and a 30-something valkyrie woman
when a knight is murdered, she’s assigned to investigate, and he’s pulled into things after finding the body
m/m and pre-f/f (she is bi ace)
#The Winter Knight#aroaessidhe 2023 reads#this is.....interesting#it is very slow and introspective…. I think because both the main characters are more quiet/isolated#i would def go into it more from a character study perspective than plot#also i know there are buildings on the cover but the vibes of the cover give like….rural fantasy not urban-city fantasy#I feel like most urban fantasy books with modern versions of x y z have them like…..they’re fighting demons or monsters or something#this is just like. they’re existing? there’s the occasional monster but they’re mostly just people living normally. why#I guess probably that is the question the book is trying to answer..#(ie what Would they do? recreate the narratives they're doomed to repeat? or just live normal boring lives?)#but also like....there could have been a lot more (or different) done with some of it?#it’s very slow up until a final battle at the end. which also brings in 3 new POVs of various major characters briefly?#also. as the number one defender of pop culture references in books I admit I think there’s too much here#like it’s namedropping books and musicians/songs SO often#some of it feels like it could be music as wayne’s special interest - but there’s so much of it not in that context too#anyway something about the combo of that + slowquiet tone made the vibe feel. idk like it doesn't quite mesh#i did enjoy the characters tho? theres some interesting things in here#also yes it is a gawain/green knight romance#the boy is more of a significant mc tbh#+ trans girl major characters; polyam side characters; various other queer chars#there's a line where a character sees his friend “typing in pinyin characters” on her phone which.......#pinyin is the romanisation. pinyin characters is not a thing? SOMEONE editing should have clocked that. surely#tldr mixed thoughts. there are thoughts tho.
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bitchfitch · 5 months
somebody shoot me with a gun until I am dead before I write the first chapter of that pirate thing for like. Genuinely the eighth or ninth time.
#i have versions i like the vibes of#i have versions i like the pacing of#i have versions i like the writing of#i have not a single one that manages to hit even 2 out of those 3 criteria#Like. I think part of the issue is the setting is dreamy its soft and floaty and things arnt Right#but the first thing that happens is a guy loudly boasting about how much hes going to enjoy sexually assaulting his deuteragonist#hes lying. but Toi'uhla doesn't know that. The people ze is choosing to sacrifice zerself for dont know that.#the child whos experiencing the fear of death for the first time doesn't know hes bluffing either.#and the entire time theyre on a boat thats floating in empty nothing in a universe that has no stars left.#So much of making a tangible Threat like that hit is slowing for a moment and describing the ugly details of like#existing. as a physical person in a physical world. This horrible thing is happening and while it does the wind is messing up your hair#That sort of thing.#But there is no wind. there is no water. or rain. Toi'uhla's sense of smell is almost non existent. so ze cant think about the body oder#of that many people in that close of quarters.#And all while this is happening. i have to set up that these are two alien species with distinct cultures and Very different perspectives#on what is happening. Lordakai Senior is the one who lead the raid that killed Toi'uhla's sire and zer siblings.#But ze only knows the name Lordakai. bc for Zer it is completely reasonable to assume that the two Lordakai's are the same guy#Koita are long lived. Toi'uhla has never had reason to learn how to tell how old they are#Lordakai jr is absolutely riding on his dads name. but he doesn't know his dad was a privateer#So like. Theres a lot of shit happening in a weird setting#With two characters that need to Mesh while both putting up complete fronts.#and it needs to set up the stakes and themes for the rest of the damn story.#qnd its just a lot man. I love this project. i love these characters. but there's so many moving pieces bc theres had to be to make enough#Stuff to fill out the long spaces where they're just. on a pirate ship. being bored.#im probably over thinking this#blehgh
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neverdoingmuch · 1 year
the issue with what-about-ism is that it should have been an excellent opportunity to challenge someone's stance by introducing another point of view and expanding the bubble that people live in, and instead it's become an opportunity to suggest extreme edge cases that are treated as a joke rather than an additional voice in the matter (and yeah, most of the time it does feel like a joke if not just a sign of someone missing the point).
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dan-crimes · 1 year
The world isn't ready for all my amazing and wonderful takes on media but maybe my OCs will make them understand...
#I have a whole Thing where just#I get misunderstood a lot there's only a handful of people who get me and even still there's this air of mystery#which tbf idk how my brain even works sometimes it just has a mind of it's own#anyway I do want people to be able to understand me PURELY bcuz the people who misunderstand me are like#actively annoying about it or straight up malicious and I mean I don't expect them to really ever understand#cuz most of them aren't open to it or are too stubborn to change their mind or just past experiences cause for them to feel a certain way#or we are simply too different as people for them to get it sometimes people just aren't compatible#I just wish people didn't make it /my/ problem when /they/ don't understand me lmao#I'm simply built different 👊😌#in general I enjoy a different perspective on things and I wish other people would also view things in that way#like you don't have to understand just accept it like people Exist and they are simply like that sometime#you might never be able to fully grasp the confines of another person's brain but you can make an effort to just accept them#or at least accept that That is the way they are etc etc cuz like of someone is different than you and it's nothing bad like#¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I dunno what the fuss would be about they are simply different than you#...which is normal since everyone is unique in their own way#anyway I give some of my OCs aspects of myself that people tend to not understand so I can dive into that more#and hopefully come to soms sort of understanding or at the very least see what kinda messed up stuff people have to say abt it lmao#like if anyone does some sort of analysis abt my OCs and is just like This person is the devil in secret read between the lines#then like I know exactly how that person is and how they would act towards me as well LMAO life hax#obviously that is an exaggeration but it's prolly safe to say we would not get along#I also try to have my OCs having traits that I see very commonly in other people to see how many people can relate to that stuff#like there's a lot to it lmao I would enjoy seeing the effects of characters#like I don't just do it for other people I also do it for myself in an attempt to understand how other people work#cuz just there's some common stuff I see in people that I lack and don't have that issue#makes it hard to understand or comfort those people especially when idk what specifically they would want in that moment#I'm more of a distraction vs a comforter and all my comfort is logic based in order to ground people#bcuz idk how the person feels in that moment since it's an issue I don't have#anyway that's another reason I try and make characters like that cuz I wanna be able to better understand that stuff
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@thisbluespirit is fond of Five/Tegan, you might enjoy having a look through her AO3!
oh NOOO I've been FOUND OUT my fic-reading habits have been broadcast to the world DSKJFHSKDJFHKDSJHFKJSDHFKJHSDKJFHSKJDHF THIS IS AN ATTACK
(actually I'm just being silly and DramaticTM, this is totally fine and I very much appreciate the tip!! if I had actually wanted people not to know, I would’ve sent the ask as an anon. I just saw this pop up in my askbox last night and almost *lost it* cackling bc I didn't expect it at all kdsfjhskdjfh 😂😂 but as I saw someone else mention on a reblog of a post about this very pairing, sometimes you see a pairing and you just can't help but go "oh. That's actually compelling. let's explore what could potentially happen here for a bit.")
and I went and glanced through her AO3 last night before I went to sleep and found at least one really promising fic there!! so thank you so much for the suggestion, Aurelia!! :D
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firstroseofspring · 1 year
face down on the ground i finished the final reflection it was excellent.
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judyalvqrez · 2 years
the way people are once again removing all the nuance and moral greyness and complexity out of the last of us, but especially joel miller’s character is kinda concerning lol
#i told myself i wasn't gonna get into the discourse but i was reading through some of the posts and comments in the tlou tag and... oof#like i get it i could write whole essays about my feelings on this story and its characters and the ending ect.#but a lot of people are already getting annoyingly defensive of every single one of joel’s actions#literally stripping him of all of the flaws and complexities and moral greyness that make him such a great character#why are yall turning him into a clean cut selfless hero that did everything right like that's so boring#what’s most frustrating is how people are completely ignoring ellie’s perspective in all of this#some even just pushing her entire character aside in favor of joel#only bringing her or her trauma up when they’re trying to justify something joel did#and treating her like an accessory to his character when you should be reflecting how his actions are gonna affect HER#i hate to break it to yall but if you bring this highly romanticized version of joel into the next season#yall are NOT gonna have a good time#it happened once and it will happen again and i know the inevitable backlash is gonna be twice as bad this time that’s why im concerned#anyway those are just my two cents that no one asked for if you see me posting any type of discourse again pls shoot me lol#and please don't think i'm a joel hater either those people are just as annoying they're just in the minority i think especially on tumblr#why can't we just enjoy joel for the morally grey complex and honestly fucked up and tragic man that he is#it's like joel defender this joel hater that let's just be joel enjoyers#or joel lovers that'd be me because i love him with all my heart 🥺#especially hbo joel like his characterization was so good he just hits different and honestly i prefer him over game joel#and i do enjoy the occasional ''joel is innocent/did nothing wrong' memes/jokes i think they're hilarious and ultimately harmless#(also the joel/abby memes but that's another story sjafhksaf)#this was more about the people writing almost whole ass dissertations or actively starting arguments in their fervent need to defend joel#okay im done lol#lucy rants#i tried to keep this little rant as spoiler free as possible because there's no way in hell im tagging this asjfknsa this was more for me#if you read this whole thing through the end: hi i hope your day was good and if it wasn't i hope it's great tomorrow :)
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alittleemo · 4 months
doing my annual check in on my ancient wattpad account and its lowkey crazy to see TOO has 15k views like hello . so sorry abt all of that btw.
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childofwonder · 5 months
Currently working on a think piece about this specific cut scene:
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With my red dragon rewatches I’m gonna write a post or several about my thoughts on it but now I will also be rewatching season 2b and 3a😙 hehe. I’ll do so after I finish red dragon cuz I won’t really write anything till I also reread the book which might take awhile. I need to pick out quotes and stuff.
I really enjoy writing and discussing meta, it’s a deep need for me to analyze and over analyze this show to grasp a deeper understanding of it. I want to be very knowledgeable about this show and understand it’s intricacies. So I’m gonna do it more. That’s what this blog is and has been but it’s not just for Hannibal, Hannibal is just the only show I can handle talking about extensively and regularly.
But there’s others I want to talk about too.
I’m gonna write a blog intro. Soon. I promise
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