#i just dont see it executed in the way i see it very often lol
dilemma-danger · 2 months
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☆welcome to my blog!!!☆
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haii :D im ash!!!
my pronouns r he/they/it/bite :3 im also pansexual and a trans guy!
im a high schooler :P
i have tourettes syndrome, epilepsy, mdd, and anxiety
my sideblogs r @clearingthroat (vents/gore), @against-life-as-a-symptom (art, though i also post art here), @d1lemmaaa (kjrp), and @gerard-ways-right-sock (mostly made that bc there's a left sock blog lmao)
im also a therian!!! my theriotypes are a jaguar, a black jaguar, and a northern long-eared bat :] feel free to ask about them!
my blog is matching with my friend, @gay-little-freak!!
i went to one more time tour and saw ptv and blink-182 7/11/24
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i lovelovelove music!!! lots of different types!! i have my headphones on pretty much 24/7, you'll never see me with em off hehe
i have lots of favorite bands!! in no specific order, they're my chemical romance, pierce the veil, blink 182, hozier, green day, tv girl, lemon demon, system of a down, slipknot, leathermouth, frank iero and the cellabration, mailpup, salv the dog, s3rl, sodikken, weezer, ghost, femtanyl, insane clown posse, simple plan, fall out boy, and h3artcrush :33
my favorite genres r emo music and loudloudloud stuff that i can blow my eardrums out with!!!!
please send music recommendations x3
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my current and past hyperfixations:
fnaf, gore, cannibalism, lobotomies, mcr, olms, plushies, ranboo, dsmp (this was like 4 years ago don't execute me please), furries, dinosaurs
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#thoughts : my og posts!!
#horny for frank iero : uh. i think this one is somewhat self explanatory :')
#asks : any asks people send me!!! (please send me asks ily)
i started doing these after i started posting, so its technically not all of my posts.
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homophobes/transphobes, ableists, zoophiles, racists, incest, and other basic dni. that includes assholes.
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other random stuffs!!!
-my favorite color is neon green
-my favorite animals are snakes and olms
-pleaseee use tonetags im really bad at deciphering things lol
-i love to draw and make things!! i make a lot of kandi and cosplays. lmk if you want to see any of my cosplays :3
-i have a youtube channel with 17.8k subscribers!! i dont like giving it out, but dm me if you want it :]
-i collect soda tabs and plushies
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pictures of me, my killjoy oc, and blinkies/stamps below the cut!!!
this is me!!!!
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my killjoy oc!!!!
DILEMMA DANGER!!! (name by @gay-little-freak :3)
dilemma is mostly based off of me, so we're kinda similar!!
pronouns: he/they
gender: male (trans)
sexuality: panromantic asexual
he lovessss music, and he plays the guitar xP
he wears this a lot!!!
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this is what he looks like!!! i havent actually drawn them a full reference yet, i still need to. look out for that!!
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i roleplay as him sometimes!!!
whenever a post is him talking, itll be set up like this:
text goes here
-dilemma danger
sometimes it wont have the "-dilemma danger" part, but only if ive already stated it earlier in the conversation :]
he is a MAJOR crash king. he has a singular brain cell and he does not use it hehe
hes got sharp teeth and a dirty blonde fluffy mullet that usually covers his eyes.
he actually is very good at fighting, when he needs to be!!
hes tall and lanky and has a diagonal scar from his cheek to his nose from a clap with some dracs.
he hatesssss firefights and hes not very good at shooting, so he usually carries around a knife! he still uses his gun though, just not often.
he likes zone five the most and is debating finding a place there to live, but he currently lives on the cusp of zone three and four.
he does have a group, but im still developing them :]
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thanks for reading :D this ended up really long hehe
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mummer · 2 years
hellooooooo smart person!!! i have two asoiaf questions to ask you. so i was reading adwd, the chapter with ellaria sand making her big speech (can i take the skull to bed with me, to give me comfort in the night?) which was literally one of the best monologues ever. but i think it frames justice in a bitter, bloodthirsty manner. the martells are completely understandably pissed off by the lannisters, is george saying in this instance, even though vengeance is good (emotionally), it’ll screw everyone over? and does this apply to the starks/boltons too? we have so many good speeches on war and justice: broken man, this one, bathe in bolton blood, the mummer’s farce is almost over, etc. but they do conflict. is that the point? justice is better not pursued? or needs to be thought out?
ALSO. your vibe is that you’re a theon enjoyer. so i was wondering where his story is. it’s about identity, yes? but who is he? he’s not a greyjoy, i don’t think, he seems so disconnected from that violent culture, but he’s no stark. i think he wants a family, but the north will never accept him as a stark. so what’s theon’s purpose? i’m so sorry for talking so much but i always love your answers
ok ok ok. anon ily. i might answer the theon one in a separate post if i have time; im gonna try to be as brief as possible but i am gonna put this under a readmore because you touched on uhhh probably the central question of the whole series lol! in fact you could probably write a phd thesis about violence and justice in asoiaf lol, but lets see if i can boil it down quickly maybe not clickbait???? (i lied, this got egregiously long)
ok ok ok some disclaimers up front. I personally am probably a bigger pacifist than most people lol, so this may colour my take somewhat. secondly spoilers but my answer is that i dont think the series actually has a solid answer to the question of retribution/vengeance. my favourite kinds of art are pieces that ask questions that can't be answered. and: is violence ever acceptable? can it be used as a means to a good/just end? <- is like, a hugely unsettled matter in the entire human experience. this is a question we all ask ourselves at some point. it's even more complicated and tangled in real life! is the death penalty ever okay? how can we wage just wars? how do we protest subversively? can people be rehabilitated? even: can we change? that's what politics are all about! the q of violence is something i am constantly thinking about and am still unsure of my answers! most people are!
what asoiaf does so well is pick at the idea of violence in about a hundred different ways and though a hundred different lenses. not all violences are equal! of course not! it is very clear about this, as well as that said violence is not always physical, is most often institutional. and justice.... well justice is completely incoherent in this world!!! the first chapter opens with the protagonist executing a man we as readers KNOW did nothing morally wrong! the thing with asoiaf is that there is always an added nuance to challenge you when you think you've made up your mind. someone shows a glimmer of humanity, or else descends into unexpected cruelty, or else complicates the narrative. there is always a 'but'.
for example: take robb's war for ned. he is trying to avenge his father, save his sister. okay, that's noble. that's just. you want to root for that. BUT: their warpath endangers hundreds of thousands of smallfolk, not to mention the thousands of innocents in their armies forced to fight one another and die for the sake of one man. how could that be worth it? BUT: tywin's army was desolating the riverlands anyway, so wouldnt it be a net good to defeat them? BUT: protecting smallfolk was never their priority; their 'justice' is only for the highborn; politically, an independent north would probably not be any better or worse for the peasantry. a tree of hanging women who lay with lions. "the north remembers", when it's first used on page, is not a joyous rally; it's robb reflecting bitterly that harrion karstark cannot openly forgive him for killing rickard, or risk losing face. rickard, who was killed for killing lannisters, because the lannisters killed his sons-- because robb waged war, because the lannisters killed ned! a poisoned cycle that can't end, an ideology defined by war, remembrance and loyalty as its own sort of sickness.
the thing about violence as justice in asoiaf is that it is never portrayed as revelatory. it's not... like... cool lol. did tywin deserve to die? idk, maybe. but this does not lift a weight off tyrion's shoulders. it doesn't feel like he won. this is something all characters must bear and grapple with. arya in particular is rich with this and that could be its own essay ofc. at its simplest, though, we have sandor. he killed her friend. a child. do child-murderers deserve to die? a lot of people in the world would say yes. but when he is at her mercy, when he is literally begging for her to kill him, she can't. it's too much. when dany orders the disembowlment of the slavers, she questions the choice internally. does torture have utility, here? what is it worth? ("But later, when she passed the men dying on the posts, when she heard their moans and smelled their bowels and blood... Dany put the glass aside, frowning. It was just. It was. I did it for the children.") again, i dont think the narrative has a straight or easy answer, which is why she's asking at all! if these answers were easy there wouldnt be a book. or things like jon's babyswap, which i consider its own kind of violence— but it is born from an unflinching desire to avoid worse violence. so... can it be just, then? theon murders the miller's boys. little kids. does he deserve to be punished? yeah, right? but then we are confronted with reek, and the empathy in the reader flinches, says: nooooo not like that!!!! and then feels bad for ever thinking it! so if he can change, did he ever deserve to die? when joffrey dies-- joffrey!!!-- there is very little catharsis to be found. ("He has Jaime's eyes. Only he had never seen Jaime look so scared. The boy's only thirteen.") the prose focuses on his purple face, his futile desperation to breathe. the way he looks like a child, because he is.
and then there are all the logistical, logical ends that need to be dealt with when seeking retribution. you got back at someone: great. now their family or allies or loved ones will get back at you, and on and on it will go forever until no one remembers the original injustice (see: the brackens and the blackwoods). now there is a power vacuum, or a counterrevolution, now the crops have burned and everyone is starving, now there are orphans. so... was it worth it? this is generally never the intent, but none of this can be sidestepped, either. a large point: no matter how justified in war you may feel, these consequences must still be borne. whether they are worth it in the end is your decision to make.
so we come to ellaria, with no clearer answer than what we started with. and i agree, it's one of my favourite quotes too. the endless question of: what do we do with what has been done to us? the violence has already been done, there is no way to bring someone back, there is no retribution. the victims are dead and so is their killer. and yet it is a hollow justice, because nothing has changed. women like elia are still bartered as political pawns and discarded. again, there is no coherent justice in westeros. it is only by chance that gregor died anyway. the systems of power are still functioning, and the aberration of that is felt. the sand snakes are grieving, but they are grieving the only way they know how. oberyn walked past obara's weeping mother when she picked up a spear. the only language in westeros is violence, the only power in blood. well, it's better than being powerless, right? .....right?
there is no good option. doran picks a side, having agonized over it for decades. this was not easy for him! the martells are understandably pissed off by the lannisters— of course— but... who is left to seek justice from? tywin is dead. robert is dead. aerys and rhaegar are dead. gregor is dead. amory lorch is dead. they could war against/kill cersei... i guess. jaime, maybe? myrcella? tommen? great, what would be the point? will their deaths feel good, emotionally, to the martells? or will they just feel hollow, like so many scenes of retribution in the series?
so i might favour ellaria's vision-- peace and submission, anything just to survive, to avoid hurting people. but this has its own very very obvious problems! pacifism is not a get out of jail free card lmao! "war will come, whether we wish it or not," obara says. it's highly possible this move would be seen as a sign of "weakness", and would only invite worse violences from the ruling power. again— the misery of this world is systemic, not individual. that's what feudalism is. that's what power is. it requires violence to maintain. but violence is also almost always required to challenge or protest it. so, ok. fuck. fuck! how can a world like this be borne? and how can we change it?
god i wish i knew!!!!!! — george rr. martin, 2011
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im-out-of-it · 2 months
I’m thinking of the conversations between Charles and Alastair when poor Alastair is there helping Charles. I know we see him slightly express how he’s getting tired of Charles needs but I really wanted some scenes to read of his pov and how he felt about it. I’m imagining Charles and his audacity that Alastair is putting up with. Alastair is too kind 😭
if I didn’t get treated right in a relationship, you can suffer alone lmao Alastair is way too good of a person. I just imagine him knowing that he wants Thomas but doesn’t think it would work out so he’s settling caring for the dude that broke his heart. maybe “caring” isn’t the right word but he’s basically hiding away the part of me him that could be happy for Thomas and being there for Charles
so once again, we are missing important pov. and it’s not like I needed five hundred pages about it (also didn’t need four hundred pages of miscommunication about pity) but it would have been nice to read Alastair’s pov. I also don’t buy CC input about pov we didn’t get: something about how we can’t know what theyre thinking cause it gives too much away???? I don’t know but I read something about why some characters don’t get pov and it sounds like some poor excuse because she didn’t care enough about specific characters
and I know I’ve stated a million times how CC doesn’t know how to execute complex characters but she really doesn’t know how lmao
most of Alastair’s stuff is from Cordelia’s pov (seriously not needed) and Thomas’s (which is beautiful) but I also want to read how Alastair feels on certain things. he and Thomas both go through so much shit but it’s never really shown or written well or at all. Thomas loses two very important people in his life within a year, Alastair loses his father while dealing with other emotions and growing as a character. and yes we get Thomas’s pov but I don’t think it’s really that often?????
yet we have to suffer with hearing about pity, bracelets, love triangles that don’t make sense for probably half of the series. WE DONT CARE OR AT LEAST I DONT CARE LOL it’s honestly such a waste on great characters. instead they’re swapped in my opinion dull characters
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thatgirl4815 · 11 months
The finale was really underwhelming, more than I thought. I didn't get the pool scene? Why did ray kiss boeing? also he seemed really into the kiss idk why the kiss was like that lol for example when sand kissed boeing you could see he wasn't into it. Sucks that boeing was involved in sandray's scenes i wanted more lovey dovey scenes from them. Idk overall it was meh i dont want a second season cuz I really dont care about the other couples specially topmew lmao
The pool scene caught me off guard too, especially because though I know Sand has a hard time saying no to Boeing, he just let that kiss happen. The way Sand kissed Boeing and then Ray was a pretty good indicator of where his heart truly lies, but Ray kind of blew that up when he initiated the kiss with Boeing; I think that was coming more from a place of anger that Sand kissed Boeing (even if he encouraged it), so Ray wanted to level the playing field It might've also been the showrunners' way of hinting at the threesome that everybody has been going on about. I took Ray's behavior as more aggressive than anything, and I don't think he genuinely wanted anything to do with Boeing there, he just wanted to get back at Sand somehow. Immature but very in-character. "You kiss your ex, I kiss your ex too."
The Boeing conflict resolution felt a little quick, and it ended up being relatively surface-level anyway. I just wish we'd gotten to see why Sand feels so strongly about this relationship after all this time. I understand a lot of that can be inferred, but that doesn't change the fact that it would hit a lot harder/be more understandable if the audience could feel it too. More showing, less telling.
I also have had a hard time with TopMew, because it's something I could like but I just...don't. It's just very dry to me. It doesn't help that the series often goes back and forth between their scenes and SandRay's, and SandRay's plot has always had more drama, more angst, and if I'm being honest--just more chemistry.
Overall, I liked where each of the couples ended up, but the execution was off at some points, which I'm mostly chalking up to time constraints. That could've been handled better. Also, BostonNick had some issues towards the end that I think needed to be addressed better. Still trying to get all my thoughts together on it.
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thatgayhippie · 1 year
hiii sorry this is late i have been having a crazy day lol
so neurodiversity refers to anything (literally anything) that is out of the ordinary, ordinary being a "normal" functioning human. Neurodivergence or neurodiversity is used to collectively refer to a variety of mental disorders like Schizophrenia, Autism, ADHD, OCD, anxiety, etc.
ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder), more commonly known as Autism, is a developmental and communication disorder. For me, and a lot of other people, Autism is a disability. It affects the way i see, feel and understand the world around me. Autistic brains are built different, as in, our brains lack some features of the allistic brain, like something called executive function, which helps in planning prioritising and getting tasks done. Autism also affects the emotion sensing parts of the brain, meaning i process and feel things very differently. Most notably, it affects the language processing and speech. Most autistic people struggle with speech and learnt to speak late (i was the opposite, i learnt to speak super fucking early---thats another cool thing about autism: we just dont develop normally). Most autistics struggle with tone, sarcasm, and social rules and etiquettes. We are also generally very sensitive to textures and sounds (i would rather die that touch velvet and i often get cranky in loud environments) because our nerves are more sensitive and get excited very easily. We also tend to have attention difficulties (thats another byproduct of executive dysfunction!) and have trouble with focus (not always though sometimes we enter a stage of hyperfocus where nothing else matters---seriously sometimes i hold in my pee and forget to eat because im too engrossed in whatever im doing). Also we tend to struggle with eye-contact because to a lot of us its overwhelming and feels invasive.
Autism is seriously under-researched and thats why we dont know a lot about it. Hopefully this changes in the future because it would be very helpful to know why my brain is acting weird but until then, hope this helps ((:
Oh it's totally fine! Are you good now?
Thanks so so much for this Mrun this is so very helpful because now I can begin to comprehend autism! Oh so everyone who has a mental disability would be under the neurodiversity umbrella? That's nice to have a little community label!
I see, so it is as if your brain is wired different? (And possibly the nervous system because you mentioned yoir nerves being really sensitive to textures?) I can understand why it is called a spectrum now too. Oh also I don't know any autistic person as of now but if I meet someone, should I ask for their specific needs or is that considered prude?
I can't thank you enough for this honestly, my book just gave me these 2 passages that hurt my brain so much.
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dufrau · 2 years
💎why is writing important to you?
🧿what steps do you take to not take things personally if a fic doesn't do well, or if your writing/posting/sharing experience isn't going how you'd like it to?
🎀give yourself a compliment about your own writing
💎why is writing important to you?
I mean it's a creative outlet, of course. And I am a person who needs one. I went to school for fine arts (painting and print making) and that was fun but I never had any real drive to do it specifically, i was just good (for a teenager) at it and I liked doing *something* creative. Its also sort of a focal point for my indecisive energy. I have not-very-good time management and executive function skills. Sometimes "Open up a word doc and write a fucking paragraph, jackass!" is enough to switch me into productivity.
Besides that, I just feel kind of good at it? and I find it satisfying to "succeed" at it. And it surprised me to be kind of good at it, and it still surprises me and excites me. Also it feels good to be on the creating side of a fandom after spending like two decades entirely on the consuming side. Like giving back to the ecosystem or something lol.
🧿what steps do you take to not take things personally if a fic doesn't do well, or if your writing/posting/sharing experience isn't going how you'd like it to?
Oh god this is such a hard question!
Im gonna be completely honest there is like a 24-48 hour period after I post something new where I am only functioning as like half a human being because my mind is on How Is This Fic Doing. Usually when I post something I convince myself it is Bad Actually and people will hate it, and I'm just refreshing and refreshing waiting for somebody to tell me they didn't hate it.
Im lucky because i generally get a good amount of engagement on the things I write, so Ive never had anything flop and like destroy my morale. But some things do better than others, and the thing I usually tell myself if something doesnt hit the way I maybe hoped it would is, like, hey, the people who liked it liked it! And probably some other people liked it too and just didnt have the energy to comment. (i personally find commenting on fics really stressful and hard, i try to do it often because i know how good it feels to get a comment but i totally understand that sometimes it feels hard to do!) And also, like, nobody owes me anything! I volunteered for this, any feedback I get is a bonus!
But like, sometimes something that I wrote quickly, or didn't put too much thought into or whatever will do dramatically better than something that was like Very Important To Me in whatever way, and that drives me a little crazy, even when I can see why that's probably the case and even though I'm not upset that the lesser thing is being enjoyed, im just like... i wish you liked the other thing better 😂
I dont know if this actually answered the question! Basically I am as insecure about this stuff as anybody else on here, probably more than many.
🎀give yourself a compliment about your own writing
Giving myself two compliments in one day is a lot. Um. Okay. I think something I'm good at is establishing the more complicated feelings underneath the "we're in love and haven't realized it yet" part. The different amounts and ways they know each other in each story, the ways they like each other and the ways they frustrate each other. I think I give a good foundation for the inevitable romance.
Thank youuuu!!! ❤️️❤️️❤️️
(asks from this post)
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tuiyla · 2 years
I have an anti Bram rant that is literally going through my head 24 hours a day.
First of all, in season 4 when Brittany said something about the "lesbian bloggers," I dont know if that was aimed at Brittana fans, like we would be mad that Brittany dated a guy. I want to clarify that I do not hate Bram because she was dating a guy, I just hated them.
• I mean the most obvious thing is that Brittany and Sam had absolutely 0% on screen chemistry, which is literally what Brittana was built on. Just something about Bram was so stiff and hard to watch. It's like Brittany looked miserable every scene she had with Sam. I don't know if that was an acting choice or if if was accidental, but it happened.
• Sam said that Santana never liked him because she knew he had a crush on Brittany. Which was a definite lie seeing as he had spent the entirety of season 3 obsessing over Mercedes and trying to break up her and her boyfriend.
• I shouldn't really view Bram as a threat because they weren't. I mean Sam vs Santana, the choice is obvious. I always saw it as like the ad break during your favourite show, usually people go on their phones and pay no attention to the tv during the commercial break. It's an inconvenience because it interrupts your favourite show (Brittana) but it is a thing that had to happen and it is inevitable that the show will come back on afterwards.
• I know this is mean but I don't think Chord Overstreet is that good of an actor. I know this is an unpopular opinion so I'm sorry. His acting was always cringey to me, even in season 2, he just seemed boring.
Just everything about it seemed so wrong to me and every time they come on the screen I turn the tv way down and go on Instagram to look at pictures of Naya Rivera 😂.
I'm trying to get over it and not be such a drama queen because they are fictional. Also if they seemed like a better fit then I would be in a way worse situation, however, because every scene they were in together was dead and the acting/chemistry was awful it's not too bad.
I am still and out and proud Bram hater, and I will not deny it to anyone that asks me.
Ps. Santana has better abs than Sam.
She does indeed haha.
I approach Bram from a bit of a different pov but I always love an anti Bram rant so cheers, I'll drink to all this. That stupid joke was indeed aimed at Brittana fans, as far as I know, and that makes me want to commit violent crimes.
Maybe it could have worked as an okay midgame ship but everything about its execution was just so skin crawl-worthy, from the "jokes" aimed at fans (punching down much?) to the writers' only tool being bringing other relationships down to elevate Bram because they weren't willing to put any actual effort into it. They threw Samcedes just as much under the bus as Brittana and that's just so nasty.
Much love to Hemo and nothing against Chord but neither were what I'd call the best actors on the show, or even particularly... good, in general. I think Hemo was better than she often gets credit for and improved immensely in both singing and acting, but that stiffness could very well come from both being on the weaker end of acting. Just what happens when there's no Naya to sell the story, I'm afraid. And little to zero effort on the script's part. This isn't a huge factor in why I personally dislike them as a couple but a noteworthy point anyway.
You're in good company with the anti Bram sentiment. I don't care about them that much but I'm (kinda) currently rewatching season 4 and some of it is hard to sit through. They're just annoying lol. Most midgames I just don't care for (except for Wildebrams!!! justice for them) but Bram was actively hostile against fans and that's what pisses me off the most. Ryan Murphy chose violence by punching down so I won't hesitate to shit on this frustrating pairing. I also dislike it when people hate on Bram because they just hate Brittany and think Sam deserved better but that's another topic entirely lmao.
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bibiana112 · 2 years
i just Know youve already gotten a few abt Aoi so..... for the comfort chara asks, 6, 10, and 15 with Mizuki or Akane? (or both if u want!!) :0
Dw you got the right impression! Mizuki and Akane qualify also this will have ZE spoilers that I'm not tagging so be careful
★ Comfort character ask game
✤ Akane ✤
6. the moment of theirs that made me the saddest
I am this close to impersonating a fellow zero escape friend and only replying to this with a row of fire emojis aj
10. my favorite moment with them in canon
Oh my god Akane has so many good ones how could you make me choose hmmm I love the gun scene like a lot a lot she has so many scenes of her acting that are so funny to me and so many little interactions with so much weight too I obviously want to say the reveal scene of her narrating but honestly it's such a game defining moment that in my heart it's not so much a favorite moment for the character but just generally in fiction of all time ds dual screen playing into the experience my beloved this shit's peak fiction and absolutely everything hinges on this moment like fr it's so good it's insane But okay I'll actually surprise everyone with this and talk about ztd positively actually and claim C-Team ending as my favorite moment for her because it just encapsulates her character perfectly, what she's capable of why she does it how she thinks of herself for it how she still despite everything holds her memories with Junpei very dear in what's kind of a selfish way the imagery of the blood red moon all as she is at her wits end realizing just how much she was playing right into some other Zero's hand like these are all great conceptually! I can only imagine a world where the execution of and context for these ideas didn't fall flat as hell on it's face also shout out for the voice actors carrying the few good moments of this game btw
15. what i dont like about the way canon portrayed them
Aside from how ztd generally just treats everyone in terms of framing and where the story goes and especially seems to erase details we had very well estabilished on her from her mind and characterization y'know forgetting she's not an only child not being afraid of fire being okay with nurses etc etc Then there's not much I dislike really, like, as much as it pains me to see her turn out so callous and utilitarian and ruining people's lives for the 'greater good' it's still such a good development for her regardless in a way you don't often see and I'm thankful for it. Like honestly it's important to me to keep this in mind for her characterization even when I'm writing fics where almost nothing bad happens after she saves herself in 999, those traits never manage to take such a strong hold on her while still being there, so, I deny canon but I accept her as she is <3 lmao okay I guess there is one thing I disagree and it's just that I like to think she wouldn't be as okay with murder as she supposedly is? I don't think she'd never do it herself, fucking far from it, I just think she wouldn't own up to it? Try to remove herself from it however she can I dunno or maybe even just doing it on auto pilot just absolutely seething without a word or saying stuff that's more calculated still, like the fire extinguisher bit is so funny but I do wish she sounded less hysterical about it? It doesn't quite fit her, it feels like I'm watching some random dating sim with a secret route where the girl goes crazy, also she sounds so silly with the chainsaw lol
★ Mizuki ★
6. the moment of theirs that made me the saddest
The ways she defines a family in the carousel scene and how her relationship with her parents never fit that and how she wishes it did work our with them and then all of that with the context of how Shoko and Renju talk about her on the bar is just... you two barely even wanted it to work huh
10. my favorite moment with them in canon
Mizuki end my beloved...... 🥺😭
15. what i dont like about the way canon portrayed them
I don't like how she's friends with Ota specifically lmao okay not necessarily by which I mean I think it's weird that the fact all her friends being adults is something we're meant to practically ignore? It's not an inherently negative thing but it's mostly addressed as jokes at best but it's weird about what that means for her development wise or what it means for the characters she is friends with like they give her this presumed competence that is brushed off as her being 'so mature for her age' and so ahead of the other kids so we might as well treat her like we're peers but that. That has ramifications and implications and that's one of the things I relate to her own! So I know what I'm talking about it just feels shallow when it feels like it'd have some more relevance especially from Date's pov when it comes to assuming that same competence about combat and putting her in harm's way I guess it comes down to the more silly tone of AI but it's also a me thing to look at this and see missed potential because I know the nuance in those relationships and what it can do to a kids perception of self very well
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fellcharas · 2 years
Needless to say, ERRORINK for ship bingo!
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uselessheretic · 2 years
It's specially funny when they're claiming Izzy is the master manipulator in that relationship in one sentence and then "no way Izzy knows Ed doesn't kill" the next like... either he knows him well enough and has the skill to puppet him around without Ed noticing (lol) and so he can't have missed a potential reputation killer button to push or he missed that Ed at least prefers not to kill people, you can't have both! You can't have him be blind to a trend of Ed delegating his kill shots and then turn around and go no yeah i promise this guy is so smart and so under Ed's skin everything Evil Ed's ever done is actually on Izzy for manipulating him into it???
(Also right out the gate saying "Ed doesn't kill" and acussing others of not having media comprehension is so stupid lol he does kill he's just narrowed down the definition of what he counts as a kill until only his father's murder counts. Dont let Ed lie to you like he lies to everyone including himself and then talk)
It’s just a bit silly! I feel like the way I interpret Izzy is that he is intelligent, but he’s not very creative. I think he works best with having a plan ahead of time and if it goes off without a hitch then he’s solid. Like, the plan with Calico Jack was a good plan, and it would’ve worked if CJ was less of a fucking idiot. He’s fine at giving orders and he gives off the energy of someone that does meticulous work, but he’s not particularly creative, ya know?
That’s why he follows Edward though, because Edward’s the ones with the plans, and Izzy’s quick enough to be able to help him execute them. I mean, in episode 4 we see what his idea of a plan is that’s just ”Shit shit shit ok shoot anyone who won’t fight and pray, I guess!” That’s also why he admires Edward. Not for his capacity to inflict violence, but for his brilliance.
That makes him a bad match up with Stede who is a wildcard and be doing the dumbest shit that somehow works anyways. It also screws him over with Lucius where once Lucius got the upperhand, Izzy doesn’t have a real response. I mean, even Ed spends the entirety of episode 4 playing Izzy like a fiddle. He knows exactly how much to push Izzy, can anticipate his responses, and know just how much to give to keep him wanting. Izzy’s shockingly straight forward, while Ed’s purposefully obtuse. Even at the end of episode 4 when going over his idea, Ed never gives definitives. He presents possibilities, and makes suggestions, asking Izzy to fill in the blanks. The only definite he says is that he needs him there, and that’s enough to rekindle Izzy’s loyalty to him completely.
That’s also why he isn’t the answer that Ed needs right now. Ed and Stede work because Stede matches Ed’s creativity, and Izzy just… doesn’t. And that’s not a fault on Izzy, I just assume he has a Taurus moon or some shit lol.
He doesn’t lie much either, or at least not any more than a normal person does, and when Izzy does lie it’s often just mildly twisting his words. The only time we see him actually lie to Ed, Izzy straight up burns himself on a candle, and it was barely even a lie? To me, that doesn’t communicate someone who does this frequently. He lies about Stede’s theatrical instinct, but immediately tells Ed that of course he’s lying. But the rest of Izzy’s conversation with Stede when he tries to cancel the fuckery is him bending the truth slightly but honestly? I think he’s mostly being earnest. He does know that Edward adores him, and he does view his job as to keep Edward happy. He wants Stede to put on a good performance because that’s what Ed wants. He’s not building up these fantastical schemes and playing off of people’s emotions. Hell, he barely even interacts with Stede from the end of ep4 to ep6 because he doesn’t like him so he just avoids him.
Izzy’s incredibly straight forward. He’s repressed, yes, but what that means is whenever he does confront someone about something it comes out in these explosive moments of pure emotion. Sometimes this means what he says is overly cruel, and are often things he probably regrets immediately after. (Like, I don’t think he wishes Ed died, even if in the moment he felt like he did.) I just don’t think he has the energy to manipulate honestly, like the last time he tried to blackmail Lucius that backfired real quick lol. I think he’s just working off of emotions and vibes.
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thoughtz on black moon lilith?
its interesting! some astrologers dont believe in it..in my experience at least, i can see its influence on my life. its supposed to represent the parts of u that u were taught, or forced, to stifle. but these parts of u still very much exist within u and u have to learn to integrate them healthily or they'll explode out of u in unpleasant ways. i just read this,
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lol i have lilith in aries and YEAH !!! this is my experience >< displaying aries-type traits has always been rly hard for me, especially bein that im libra sun w a first house neptune. been hard to develop a strong ego or sense of self confidence. altho within me lays dormant a warrior-like spirit for sure. just have rly hard time executing it. when i assert myself or feel the need to act selfish i feel guilty but there are so many times where i rly just. shouldve done Me
my lilith also falls in the 3rd house, which is likely to put ur intelligence, curiosity n communcative abilities under fire. well there were many years of my life during teens i was basically mute due to not bein able to process what i was goin thru. it took me maaany years to b able to open up and write the way i can now, but i still have trouble verbalizing certain things. i am desperately curious about the subjects i enjoy which often leads ppl to think im legiterally stupid cus the things i like to learn about are often mysterious and unprove-able in nature.
i duno im just talking from my own experiences here cus lilith is something i dont pay tooo much attention to when observing soemone elses chart. but i think it is a good thing to look at in self analysis, it can help u understand the ways in which your instincts operate, the reasons you lash out the way u do, and what parts of ur personality need to be balanced in order for u to integrate yr lilith. thanks for asking !!
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ok ok first of all, thank you for being so sweet with me :") i love you sm sxjnsjxhs 💕💕
now. im just going to say that this happened irl btw lol so. yeah, theres this friend of mine who i like quite a bit, they have always managed to be nice and understanding of my anxiety, adhd and what else is probably going on inside my brain lol so i grew very fond of them and also came to trust them a lot.
but, today, while we were doing a group project w the just the two of us, when deciding upon a few matters i became overwhelmed and couldnt think properly - which happens quite often tbh - and they then suddenly snapped at me for being 'way too slow' regarding figuring things out for said project, and that i should just do things on the spot, and do them quickly - even though thats something i kept on telling them about ever since we met, that this is definitely not how it works for me, unfortunately.
i became rather defensive because if that was something that i could change for their sake then i would do so at any given moment, trust me on that. but i couldnt. i mean, its my brain after all-
i tried to tell them that we were different, that despite whatever they tried to say i couldnt just work at the very same pace as them. but after some ridiculous arguments being thrown, i was just tired and decided to shut up and continue on doing what we were doing anyway.
so.. what made me extremely confused is that they never acted that way with me, they were always so sweet and just. so understanding of me. i was genuinely sad to see them angry like that and cant stop wondering if i did something wrong, or if me being so slow was actually my fault.
i just. dont know what to think of this and wanted a clearer picture before just deciding to talk to them about this, you know ?
im sorry if this is confusing, and if so i can totally make a few things clearer for you - add details and such.
i just want to know if im in the wrong here, and if im the one who should be properly apologizing to them about this-
also. theyre very focused on the school system and tend to be very strict regarding lessons and stuff like that, so them lashing out like this because we were late to deliver this project would be def reasonable, but they always seemed to understand where i stood in such a fucked up system and that i couldnt function or thrive in a place as such like they could, so i always hoped and assumed that they truly came to know about matters like this, and that they wouldnt get mad at me for not being able to fit in properly.
(i too dont know why they kept on being by my side all this time if im way too slow for them, or why they kept on pairing up with me if they have more than friends than i will ever have on that school. they could have just picked someone else, but despite knowing how slow i am they still accepted being my partner and still came to lash out on me for being. me apparently ?)
i genuinely dont know what happened and dont want to continue on making them angry at me because of this, and i surely dont want to lose the only friend i have there.. so, if you have any advice or if you might know what the hell just happened id greatly appreciate it ;;
(sorry for the huge text btw. im just bad at like. summarizing things)
sorry this took me forever to answer i was proofreading some work mbgfhtjv
ANYWAY i did my best to space this out well enough to understand--at least how it would help me to understand hyugtjhrytnh-
now this is...this is a really tough topic hun. as someone who also has executive dysfunction--not that i'm saying that's what you necessarily have, i'm just using the term from my end--i know what it's like to not be able to work at the same pace as everyone else.
so i'll let you know the most important thing first: this was not your fault. it will never ever be your fault that you don't work the same way that they do. alright? that's very very important to remember, no matter how much you may feel like it.
it is not your job to apologize for being different, that's like me apologizing for not liking guys when my best friend is only attracted to men, you understand? you didn't choose to be born different, just like i didn't choose to be born gay.
now that that's through. i realize how difficult this is to comprehend, especially as it's coming from someone you trust and has been here through this, working with you. it's exceptionally strange that they would just....do that randomly? however they could have issues at home, or online, etc. there's a multitude of reasons why they could have snapped today; things could have been building for a while and your comment might have just made them break.
i think the best approach for you--and you in no way have to do this, i'm just going off personal experience yet again--would be to address them privately, ask them if they're doing well and be nice about questioning what happened. don't accuse them of doing something wrong, just tell them that, hey, that really hurt me and i'm really confused on why you'd do this when you've been nothing but sweet with me.
you know? i hope that all makes sense, again i'm sorry for taking ages to answer hutrgjhn
i love you!! 💚💚
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ciorane · 3 years
i hope you don’t mind my asking because i’m not being critical here, but could you explain what it is about roy and kimblee that made you ship them? i’d like to understand it because i really think their relationship in canon is something that deserves to be explored more so i’d appreciate if you could tell me more of your feelings on it!
short answer, i read some good fics lol
i don't really think about ships on my own. not deeply anyway. i'm always focused and analytical on my fav character as an individual, and their role in the story. so when it comes to ships, i often have to browse some of whats out there before making some things myself. i wouldnt say i actively ship them or feel strongly about them either. it just might be easier, in a way, to ship them bc they have a canon interaction that's very meaningful and important for both (it introduces kimblee's character and is a crucial moment in roy's story). you get an idea of what more interactions would be like, and their similarities/differences make them interesting enough together. i personally find the antagonistic aspect appealing lol (i dont ship them romantically at all, but they can fuck and argue :)). i've said that several times before, but i potentially like any kimblee ship bc they allow more character exploration/to see him in different situations, through/vis à vis other characters- what matters is the execution. and to be fair i like royblee less and less because i've seen enough of roy's face in fandom LOL. i like kimbliza and other kimblee rarepairs more...
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sleuth of ming dynasty spoilers! (im reposting this separately)
Okay but
1) the emperor genuinely caring for the safety of his subjects; this is the capital city of his empire and he was safe and sound while so many civilians just died and he immediately tried to guarantee their well-being
2) WangZhi seeing all those beggar orphan kids and probably thinking of himself
3) our ot3 met three years ago actually but they never asked for each other’s names
3.5) do I have to be the ot3 fanfic I want to see in the world
4) tangfan literally being suizhou’s cure... or not cure, but like... suizhou’s worst nightmare is tangfan getting hurt and he only returns to better functioning after tangfan moves back home
5) Dong’er being literally the best girl ever who refused to walk away even when suizhou had his Episodes and she was scared because she loves her Sui da’ge!!!!
6) found family not knowing how to best help suizhou with his ptsd but still trying their best
7) the portrayal of a neurodivergent character!!! That wasn’t for comedic purposes!!! Someone who genuinely loved and cared about his partner knowing that she would probably never understand him and everything he’s done for her because he didn’t communicate like a neurotypical
8) suizhou not being able to touch tangfan vs tangfan similarly trapped behind bars... every time, suizhou’s top priority is tangfan
10) everyone just agreeing that tangfan and suizhou should be together because they make each other better
11) duoerla deserved so much better; honestly a lot of the women in this show deserve better
12) the imperial consort being the emperor’s true bodyguard, leader of an all-woman army POETIC CINEMA
13) lizilong makes me think of the character that actor portrayed in yanxi palace and... honestly still pretty wretched and sad even though both characters were terrible people
14) WangZhi snapping awake and asking for tangfan
15) wangzhi’s admittance that “我舍不得” to just execute his loyal follower because he’s gotten used to having him by his side
16) literally WangZhi was so flirtatious during that last sequence, “我帮你,你帮我嚒~” how genuinely hurt he looked when tangfan first said it’s better they not meet again anytime soon
17) how WangZhi just SMILES when suizhou gently says that “you’ve changed. You’ve become soft.”
18) the cup!!! The damned cup!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really wish they explored WangZhi’s relationship with the crown prince more since they’re basically siblings at this point given how fondly the emperor treats them both... anyway imperial consort loves her son despite how harsh she can seem,,,, “remember to eat well. Youve looked skinnier recently.”
19) THE! WAY! SUIZHOU! PUTS! THE! CAPE! OVER! TANGFAN’s! SHOULDERS! And the look that tangfan shoots at him—that’s quite some explicit content right there oh my
I was definitely worried about the forced hetero storylines but I will say that duoerla literally deserved so much better. Both women set up to be fanzhou’s het love interests deserved so much better than what happened to them.
There were a lot of badass women though!!! Instantly remind me how fucking gay I am
Anyway I don’t think there are any plans for a season 2 or anything but it would be so cool if they continued to explore WangZhi’s new post, or like the crown prince stepping up to Emperor, or dong’er and tangfan’s newphew growing up, and just more domestic bliss of Suizhou cooking for tangfan
21) suizhou looking SO DAMN PLEASED when tangfan praised the pig trotters dish
Definitely gives me some cql vibes with the stoic one Falling first, but I similarly believe that the two oblivious geniuses of the show catch on much quicker than their novel counterparts (although I have only heard some tidbits about tsomd novel and have never read it myself)
Ugh I want to see my ot3 solve cases together,,, they’re so badass when they coordinate because they have such good chemistry and know how to play off each other’s strengths
I know fanzhou is the endgame otp but the show definitely frames all of them as a great relationship
22) ALSO OK DOCTOR PEI AND TANGFAN’s SISTER OMG OK LIKE did they really have to do that in front of suizhou making dinner lmao good guy had the manners to say “congratulations” LOL
23) suizhou’s right hand man... I hope he’s great friends with wuyun... I hope they hang out together...
24) ugh the fucking real smile wangzhi struggles to hide as his enemies all topple down and how DAMN PROUD the emperor, HIS DAD, looks at him
Anyway. Good. I cried like a little baby because I feel so much for fanzhou. Suizhou who NEEDS to have somebody to care for, to bring him back to reality and ground him, who makes everything normal and safe and okay—Tangfan being safe and enjoying his cooking means that suizhou hasn’t fucked up and brought disaster everywhere he goes like he is constantly terrified of
And tangfan who has such great character and integrity, who kept a single pair of chopsticks and sold everything else his parents left him for his sister’s dowry, who always wants to protect people too—how he snapped to his senses three years ago to help find survivors, who despite his complaints actually does not care very much at all about his rank... he needs someone to take care of him for once too
(Tangfan respecting boundaries and tugging at the blanket rather than a sleeping suizhou because he knows that an unconscious and vulnerable suizhou should Not be Disturbed at Any Costs)
Anyway I really want to explore how they take care of each other and their terrible workaholic habits and how they raise dong’er,,, I want tangfan and suizhou to talk more about the Trauma and help each other through it,,,, I really want them to just come to terms with how much they have suffered and experienced for each other
Also WangZhi... his parting scene made me think of that dr who quote: do you think I care for you so little that betraying me makes a difference? I hope he and his righthandman learn to trust each other again,,, to talk about what led to the events of the betrayal since it was So Obvious how much the other man loved wangzhi,,, always protecting him when in danger, always rushing to ensure his safety... I hope wangzhi continues to be Soft around him even at the new post and they idk forgive each other and just make up... also you can’t convince me otherwise that he was a little jealous of tangfan due to how often WangZhi called for the detective
Well if you made it to this point, thanks for hearing me out!
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nad-zeta · 4 years
Match up (ㆁᴗㆁ✿)
Hi! Could I get an IkeSen match-up please?? 😭I’m a 5'2.5" female (INFJ), I’ve got hazel eyes, a couple of ear piercings & shoulder length dark brown hair (though I had it deep purple when I could actually get it done before COVID). Career-wise I’m a graphic designer (as I’ve always loved the different arts and creative fields, be it classical art, interior design, fashion, music, dance) and on the non-art side I’ve always loved the social sciences like history, philosophy and psychology/sociology! I’m always learning & evolving my idea of the human condition, human nature, and the psychology of the masses. I also especially love logic games & puzzles and crack them quickly. (Though Math is lifelong enemy #1 no cap sorry Issac). I tend to take a while to properly open up to people and feel quite shy at first, though I’ve amazingly had people tell me I come off as chill and confident (even somewhat intimidating) even if on the inside I didn’t quite feel that way 😅 (useful right?). I definitely tend to observe and analyze people/situations before going in, though even if I’m thrown into something I’m great at thinking on my feet and getting things back under control. Alternatively, when with friends I’m very animated, open, loud, and always throwing out the jokes to raise the energy and have a good time! (Catch me watching & spam sending meme compilations at 3AM even though I know people are already asleep) It just takes me a while to make that transition and connection on that deeper level before I open up (I’m talking months here 😭) I’m a Virgo/Leo cusp with a Sagittarius moon and a Taurus Rising, so I definitely have a strong presence of both earth/fire energy. In professional situations or with people I’m not familiar with the Earth energy comes out, and with close friends or when I’m in my element I love to indulge in the fire. I guess you can say I crave both order and freedom… which feels so divisive LOL. Though I always seem to be drawn to things that are polar opposites in many aspects of life, so that’s nothing new to me. I flip between “the world is great and life is good” and “the world is cruel and we suffer with no purpose” on a daily basis like it’s my job. Though I don’t think life having no purpose is be a bad thing, it means you’re free to execute your own will. I believe good an evil are both within humanity’s callings (and our world certainly reflects it), but personally I’d rather try to add to the good than despair about the bad. A quote that’s always resonated with me and sums that concept up is “What is more noble? To be born good, or to contradict your evil nature through sheer effort and power of will?” Thank you for your time!! I really enjoy your work and am excited to see what you come up with! Though honestly no hard feelings if you aren’t feeling up to it 😁😁((Admin Maru - this acc has 2 admins so I thought I should specify Lol))
Hi hi Dear!❤🌻 thank you so much for the request and sorry for taking soooooo long!❤🌻 Aww u make me blush😳, i’m so happy you have been enjoying these match ups and i hope you have a super good day! ❤😊🌼 Also, i’m always up to write a matchup as long as yall dont mind waiting for my slow writings skills! 😳🐇🦊hehe anyways here is ya matchup Admin Maru! @sengoku-revolution​
So I match you with……….. Mitsuhide
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The first thing Mitsuhide noticed about you was your hazel green eyes observing him from the corner of the room. 
You had just been dragged back to the castle and named as the Oda princess. After Nobunaga made the declaration, you were guided to your seat in the council room. You looked at all the unfamiliar faces around you, but one man in particular, caught your eyes. He reminded you of a puzzle that you desperately wanted to solve, with this whispy mysterious air about him. You sat there and stared at him until his gaze lifted and he locked eyes with you. You panic for a second not expecting him to look up, so you shyly averted your eyes with a small smile. 
When the war council was over, it was Mitsunari who first approached you to strike up a conversation. You were rather shy, so you didn’t say much, and soon Masamune was beside Mitsunari asking you all sorts of random questions. You almost laughed at a comment that Masamune had made, “why you so quiet all of a sudden lass, cat got your tongue. What happened to that chilled confident lass from moments ago eyeing everyone in the council room.” That’s when Ieyasu piped up approaching you as well, “chilled and confident,” he scoffed, “more like scary and intimidating, no wonder Hideyoshi thinks she is a spy.” At the mention of his name, Hideyoshi too joined the group eyeing you suspiciously, he, did, not, trust, you. 
Finally, someone came to your aid and rescue, to save you from the overwhelming group of warlords. Mitsuhide reached into the crowd and grabbed your hand, pulling you as he walked away. He smiled his snek like smile at the confused look on his fellow warlords faces as he led you out of the room.
He showed you around the castle while observing you for any signs or proof that you were, in fact, an assassin or spy. But he found none; instead, he found a shy reserved little mouse, who was too shy to even meet his eyes. Finally after a long day of touring around the castle Mitsuhide showed you to your new room. He bid you good night, with a kiss on the hand and left.
The next day you started to help out all the castle staff, you didn’t want to just sit around and do nothing. So you opted to help out the maids, and deliver messages for Nobunaga. Hideyoshi still didn’t trust you, but that all changed one day. 
You were sitting with all the warlords in the banquet hall, people watching and observing the world around you, when something caught your attention. You saw a glint of something coming from the corner of the room. You narrowed your eyes and tried to focus on it to get a better look, when your heart suddenly stopped. It was an arrow that was aimed right for Nobunaga. Thank the lucky stars for your observational skills, as it gave you time to get up and jump right in front of its path right before it could hit Nobunaga. To be fair, it may not have been the best plan, but it was the best one you could come up with thinking on your feet. The arrow embedded itself in your arm and before you could even say anything, the warlords had the attacker surrounded. Hideyoshi was going to scold you for pushing his lord, but when he saw the blood dripping down and arrow embedded in your arm, he realized that you had yet again saved his lord’s life and that you were no enemy.
Surprisingly enough it was Mitsuhide who was at your side in seconds, picking you up and taking you back to your room to patch you up. None of you spoke as he gently treated your wound. Each of you were lost in your own world. He had noticed from watching you, that you were quite a naïve and trusting creature. You hadn’t yet been tainted by the cruel realities of this world. He felt this overwhelming need to want to protect you and get to know you better.After he patched you up, he went over to Nobunaga and asked to become your teacher to help you survive the turbulent times, cause it was clear from the incident that you had 0 self-preservation skills. 
The next day Mitsuhide made his way up to your room to give you, your first lesson, when he spotted you immersed in your art. He stood beside you and watched you design a kimono. It was absolutely stunning, he was awestruck at your talents. Once the sketch was done, you looked up and saw Mitsuhide sitting beside you, in your shock, you fell back. Perfect opportunity for Mitsuhide to take hold of your sketchbook and page through it. He was shook, you were truly a talented little thing. He then turned back to you and offered you a hand up to sit closer so he could start his lesson. And when you saw the books he had brought you unconsciously made a big sigh. Out of all the topics Mitsuhide had set out to teach you about, why was math one of them. He laughed, as you pouted at the thought of having to sit through a maths lecture. 
Despite your hate for math, thankfully, your school taught you well, and you breezed through the lesson. When Mitsuhide came to the stopping point for the day, he made the two of you some tea. He knew there was more to you than that shy exterior, and he was determined to get to know the little mouse within a little bit better. 
Everyday Mitsuhide came by your room, to teach you about various topics and subjects, ranging from economics to self-defence. It had been about a month of these lessons, and with each one, you started getting more and more comfortable around the Kitsune. He was a kind and patient teacher and would explain concepts over and over again until you understood them.
Mitsuhide got a full glimpse of your true personality when he taught you about the human condition, human nature, and the psychology of the masses. His eyes widened in surprise when he saw the glimmer of excitement in yours. That day you had actually been the one to teach sneki boy some stuff, as these were topics that you knew a fair amount on. The two of you sat for hours and hours chatting about social sciences, and you loved every moment of it. Mitsuhide enjoyed this new side of you, chatting freely about the things that interested you and honestly your smile was simply just too radiant to look at. 
In the weeks that followed your lesson with Mitsu ended, but his daily visits didn’t. He had successfully made that transition from acquaintance to a friend as the two of you connected on a deeper level. The more you revealed to him, the more he fell in love with you and vice versa. He loved how you were just so expressive and adored your loud, animated side. He could sit for hours and hours just watching and listening to you, tell stories. As you would tell them in the most curious of ways.
He loved it when you would deliver letters to him and then stay for tea. Often these tea dates lasted well into the night, as the two of you flung teasing comments and jokes at each other. Some night the conversation was more deep and serious, but other night the two of you would just be crackheads at 3am, joking and chatting about the most random of topics. Often you would catch yourself mid-laugh and just think about how much you loved this sneki boi. To the world, the two of you were mysterious, reserved, but together your true personalities came out, and you could be yourselves. 
Mitsuhide loved how you just raised the energy in any room you walked into. You managed to brighten even the dullest of situations with your chaotic, playful energy. And Mitsuhide low key loved that he was to only one that got to see it, as you were still a tiny bit shy with the other warlords.
Mitsuhide had long ago fallen in love with you, but the day he knew you were truly the one for him was when you were out in the market shopping. He had spotted you buying some fabric for your latest project, and of course, he couldn’t let an opportunity to tease you go by. As he approached, he overheard you debating with some soldiers. They were badmouthing Mitsuhide, calling him an evil man and saying that he was better off dead. You knew of Mitsuhide’s past, and you knew the mask he showed the world, but you had also seen the true Mitsuhide. The kind kitsune that always tried his hardest to keep his friends and family safe, even if that meant turning himself into a bad guy. You squared your shoulders and repeated a quote that had always resonated with you to the ignorant soldiers, “"Tell me then, what is more noble? To be born good, or to contradict your evil nature through sheer effort and power of will?” That statement left the men speechless. Mitsuhide then came up behind you, scaring the soldier away, they knew better than to trash talk Mitsuhide to his face. Mitsuhide then gently took your hand in his, and took you out for some tea, where he asked you about the quote as it too had resonated with him.
When Mitsuhide found out you loved logic games and puzzles, he knew he had found his soulmate. At this point, sneki boi was head over heels for you, and he was determined to make his feelings known. He decided to confess his feelings using a puzzle box and a logic game for you to play. It was based on a series of puzzles and riddles that you needed to solve. 
It started the moment you walked into Mitsuhide’s manor to drop off some letters. You were greeted by a snow-white fox and a letter attached to its collar. You solved puzzle after puzzle and riddle after riddle. Eventually, you were lead to a flower field just outside of town, thank goodness for Mitsuhide teaching you how to ride, otherwise that would have been a painfully long walk. You rode to the big sakura tree surrounded by flowers that you and Mitsuhide had ridden to on one of your first outrides. 
As you approach the tree, you saw a big gift wrapped up in delicate paper at the base of the tree. You slowly opened it, to reveal a puzzle box. It took you a few minutes, but you finally managed to solve the puzzle to reveal a small bell-flower on the inside and a note, “Look up.” 
You looked up to see another gift hidden between the pink petal of the tree. Again thankful for one of Mitsuhide’s various lessons, you carefully climbed up the tree and opened the present to reveal a kimono. Still, not just any kimono, it was the one that Mitsuhide had watched you sketch that very first day. Your eyes started tearing up at the kind gesture. You lifted the soft fabric up and down fell one final note, “I congratulate you for completing all the puzzles little one.” It was a long letter confessing all Mitsuhide’s undying love for you. It also stated that if you felt the same way, then he would be at the festivals gate waiting for you and if not than…. You didn’t read the last part as you had long ago fallen in love with the Kitsune. You raced back to town where the festival was being held and standing by the entrance of the festival was Mitsuhide, just as promised. You wasted no time running and tackling him into a big hug.
The more Mitsuhide discovered about you, the more he loved you. He loved that you loved the arts as much as he did. 
He loved to pull you into his arms and dance with you for hours and hours. He knew you loved to dance and music, so if you were feeling down, he would play you a song or dance for you. This always seemed to bring a smile to your face especially when he would pull you in and start dancing with you, and if you resisted he would tickle you until that bright, radiant smile that he loves so much is back on your face.
Mitsuhide definitely found it amusing that you would switch between “the world is great, and life is good” to “the world is cruel, and we suffer from no purpose.” Though whichever day you are having, he would be by your side to love and support you. He would make those better days even better, and on the days when you feel the world is cruel, he would wrap you up in his arms and protect you from the harsh world. 
He enjoyed debating with you on the topic of humanity and good and evil. He loved to hear your opinions and thoughts on all of it. He agreed with your resolution about adding more good to the world then despair. 
Often you and Mitsuhide can be found nestled in each other’s arms in deep conversation as he spends hours and hours playing with your hair. You have brought a sense of purpose to this boys life, and that is to execute his will to protect and love you for the rest of his days. 
When the two of you are together, the room is always filled with endless laughs and teasing comments. You better be ready to travel all around with Mitsuhide as now that he has caught you he will never let you go. Trapping you in his arms and showering you with endless amounts of love and adoration for the rest of your lives
Other potential matches……………….. Yoshimoto 
I hope you enjoyed this dear and I hope you have a super good day!🦊❤🌻
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constablegoo · 4 years
STUDY : Odo.
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— basics.
▸ is your muse tall / short / average ?   6′0″   (and described as tall)
▸ are they okay with their height ?   it’s one of the few things he has complete control over, so. yes.
▸ what’s their hair like ?   slicked back, sandy. the texture is only approximate to real hair. it’s in mimicry of the scientist who ‘raised’ him. it’s never out of place in the slightest, but if it is, something’s seriously wrong.
▸ do they spend a lot of time on their hair / grooming ?   it takes about half a second to achieve his usual look -- but it wasn’t always that way. recreating hair is not easy but it’s straightforward, and so he’s spent a lot of time practicing it. he won’t often deviate, but if he does experiment, it’s usually because of someone else’s passing comment.
▸ does your muse care about their appearance / what others think ?   terribly. he’s both extremely self-conscious AND has an image to keep up, one he’s fabricated to appear more authoritative. at the same time, he’s not uncomfortable in his body -- just finely aware that he’s wearing an imperfect mask and that what lay beneath breeds hatred and fear. he’s extremely protective over who gets to see evidence of his natural state.
— preferences.
▸ indoors or outdoors ?  outdoors. but he’s spent most of his life inside. :/
▸ rain or sunshine ?  both, very strongly.
▸ forest or beach ?  he would loooooove to see both, some day.
▸ precious metals or gems ?  only in terms of an interest in their physical properties.
▸ flowers or perfumes ?  no sense of smell. :( but he does love to look at a flower!
▸ personality or appearance ?  hahah. personality. imagine the irony.
▸ being alone or being in a crowd ?   alone... just not isolated.
▸ order or anarchy ?  ORDER, babey. he sucks.
▸ painful truths or white lies ?  painful truths, GOD the painful truths. he’d far rather know, any day -- and he dishes them out, too.
▸ science or magic ?  science. he’s very much a detective.
▸ peace or conflict ?  peace. but he’s never really seen it.
▸ night or day ?  either.
▸ dusk or dawn ?  same.
▸ warmth or cold ?  warmth, although it’s more difficult to shapeshift.
▸ many acquaintances or a few close friends ?  a few close friends. he says for ages he doesn’t need anyone, but he’s a big sad liar.
▸ reading or playing a game ?  reading uwu
— questionnaire.
▸ what are some of your muse’s bad habits ?   oh boy. self-isolation, self-destruction... not asking for help when he needs it. taking matters into his own hands. and he’s P-E-T-T-Y, overly sensitive, fiercely independent, touchy. he’s short-tempered and grouchy and gnarly to be around a lot of the time -- and rarely happy. he’s cynical and sarcastic every chance he can get away with it, stubborn, haughty, condescending, and self-conscious to the point of pushing everyone away... yeah he’s got issues lmao and he perpetuates this deflective image out of a deep fear of rejection. but he’s also a little tsundere with a very soft heart. :P
▸ has your muse lost anyone close to them ? how has it affected them ?   for the longest time, he hasn’t allowed himself to become close to anyone. he has, however, seen a lot of death and a lot of injustice, and it has informed his view of the universe. he also reacted so strongly to the threat of kira’s execution that it shook him out of a kind of hypnosis :’0
▸ what are some fond memories your muse has ?   there aren’t many lol. he had absolutely no childhood and grew up in the midst of decades-long social and political turmoil. but after the end of the occupation, he, like the rest of bajor, began to heal, and im sure the fondest memories of his life are with the family he finds aboard the same station that saw so much misery.
perhaps the only other early memories he has resembling something fond are of seeing wildlife while under mora’s care. :”)
▸ is it easy for your muse to kill ?   he won’t, as a rule. he does kill someone, but he won’t unless it’s accidental or the situation is extreme (wartime). even then, he won’t touch a weapon (he already is one). :)))
▸ what’s it like when your muse breaks down ?   he,,,, literally melts...... dsfjglkfd he becomes a mess!! in spite of what he projects, he’s very emotional and very easily emotionally influenced, almost a little bit of a teenager. he can’t physically cry, but when super angry he WILL lash out and become surprisingly destructive. he’ll also shut down and/or lock himself away... he’s so miserable lmao and he actually doesn’t handle it all that well
▸ is your muse capable of trusting someone with their life ?   oh hell ye. for someone so chronically paranoid and kinda lone wolf, he works so well in a team afsgdjkdf
▸ what’s your muse like when they’re in love ?   this goo... is the softest lover,,, ‘lover’ is kind of a lofty word i dont like to use but that’s what he is, a huge hopeless closet romantic. :/ he daydreams and get distracted ... he’s so dumb... he reads self-help books and shitty romance novels adgfhjs and he’ll pay EVERY cost to make sure his crush never knows, but it’ll still show in a thousand little ways,,, its so stpuid... it’s gentle... a little bit shy but earnest and certain..... it is intense, unwavering loyalty and devotion and attention, but it’s honest, too, grounded in the reality of the world and the fact that people are deeply flawed and corruptible.
he’s also so ??? perplexed by it all that one time he thinks a small disagreement means its over, and so he quietly and respectfully accepts it but doesnt think to ASK. oh you sweet summer slime ://///
tagged by:   @downpaths​ thank u!! :D
tagging:   @memoryfaded  /  @blossomingbeelzebug  /  @sailorvinus  /  @sadnessruns  /  @fasciinating​  /  &  anyone else who’d like to do this!! tag me and i’ll read it!  :^)
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