#i hope you've been doing well lately!!!
yoonstudios · 2 years
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grayscale yoongi! | 🤍 | for → @kimtaegis ↳ 4th muster: happy ever after: seoul
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mymarifae · 7 months
i'm the birthday millie today
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i'm super old now.
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feluka · 5 months
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justplaggin · 7 months
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opening tumblr like
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commsroom · 3 months
oh my gosh happy birthday!!! i hope its been a good one this year <3 the new artfight teams are out and its seafoam vs stardust and i had such a hard time picking bc both reminded me of w359 and specifically memoria. anyways i love you!
aw, thank you!! ♡ sorry i'm a little late in replying, in my defense, i think you sent this just slightly after my birthday. i had the same thought when i saw those!! i dunno which one you went with, but that's such a hard choice; the combination of seafoam + stardust is so hera-coded... don't separate them...
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hivvernal · 6 months
Tumblr's recent ai scraping posts and admitting that they'll partner with programs to scrape users, manually having to opt out of it on each individual blog just to try to dodge it, and general woes have really put a damper on how much I want to draw and share. Easy to feel hopeless in these times right with just about everything happening in and around the world but I settled that I'll still share things here for the time being and until tumblr really becomes completely unwelcome to artists.
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Enjoy some Ikevil crumbs, everyone 😈
You should check out the link to op's post for more ✨
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candledburns · 1 year
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if you know any of these, i respect you and your taste dearly... but also, how hard is that nostalgia hitting you rn? pretty bittersweet, eh?
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ashenlights · 2 years
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2022 Art Summary!
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mayonakano-archive · 2 years
Good morning!!! I hope you slept well <3 🥰
morning korka!!! ...you knew i was awake bc i did my morning/afternoon thing of "go through korka's blog" didn't you </3
i slept alright though!!!! been feeling a little better lately, too. ever since i started eating those muffins for breakfast... korka, did you somehow make healing muffins?
anyway~ how's your day been so far, korka beloved?
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noxtivagus · 2 years
LUNEEEEEEEE just checking up!!! how are uu?? what have u been up to lately? anything fun or new??
LIXXXXXX hi good morning (?) over there (i think it is nearly noon for you) i'm doing well hehe thank you for dropping by 🫶🏼i'm in my sembreak so i've been resting lots! c:
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a-bottomless-curse · 2 years
“ I want to watch you lose control. ” ((this is just: u ever wanna go apeshit? lol))
Silence was the first answer, accompanied by a two, three, slow blinks as she stared at his face and wondered what prompted this...request? Desire? They truly weren't certain what exactly his aim was in wishing this, but a slight curve of their lips was followed by a brief huff of laughter. "Well, now that is an interesting thing for you to request from a Hunter, is it not? I do wonder why, though I doubt you would tell me the entirety of the truth." Her doubt was not an insult upon him, but moreso a reflect of the suspicion that seeped into most who lived in Yharnam for a time.
"I am not entirely certain you haven't seen me loose control, if only during the Hunt and the act of shedding blood." There other ways one could loose control of themself of course, and she keenly knew that it was a possibility (perhaps a certainty considering her own aim) that her mind would one day shatter, or that she, in an attempt to seek understanding, to seek knowledge, would loose her hold on the careful control she was still able to currently keep over her curiosity.
Her expression did not sober, the smile turning almost shark-like, though still small, "I have no doubt you will see me loose control in more ways than one, Crow. This city is good at making sure such a thing happens, and I am ever one to indulge in my own curiosity. I wonder, what will you do once you see such a thing happen?" Perhaps this was a desire to know what she was like in such a moment to determine whether or not he would allow her to continue to be tied to Annalise. Or perhaps, he simply reveled in the chaos it could cause. She wasn't certain, and oddly, she wasn't bothered terribly by not knowing (even if the little voice in her mind still wished to know, she was keeping it quiet for now).
"Perhaps I will give you a show of it. The Hunt will begin soon, and I have a feeling something may happen that causes just your wish to come true."
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of-forossa · 2 years
❝ at last, the bitter end❞ from the young wolf. (^:
@warbidden // to the bitter end we rage and fight, till hope burns out in that dying light // not accepting.
“Did I ever tell you, Wolf, how we used to honor our fallen?”
How often had he seen the dying of the light, that the sight of so many more flickering out around them left him feeling numb rather than aflame with fury or sharp in broken despair? Titans breaking beneath the blows of knights wielding the very void that once shielded them, hunters reduced to ashes in hails of sunfire stolen not unlike Prometheus into the hands of acolytes, warlocks consumed in arc storms conjured by wizards that no longer answer their call... they are surrounded by an enemy wielding weapons turned against the masters in them, shadows swallowing light only to scorn them with it, yet Brom only has it within himself to look after his sibling-lord in iron.
Machine blood wells up with every shudder-breath beneath his armored fingers, leaving his hands slick even as he applies pressure to a wound in the very way he would one born of flesh and blood rather than plasteel and oil. Wiring is fraying, sparks guttering in and out intermittently, and the light both tangibly and paracausal is leaking from them with each passing moment. Wounds numerous and terrible in equal measure were taken and returned in kind, yet there were always more Hive than light to smite them with, and when their “chosen one” had fallen so too had the will of the guardians that worshipped them been shattered. 
Yet Brom remained. Brom fought to reach them. Brom bled to hold them. Now in the moments between the darkness abating and returning to finish what they had already nearly ended, Brom offers them a companionship before the end.
“When a warrior died,” and his words are quiet but strong, broken helm set aside so that his sibling (by battle seen and claimed, he had told them fiercely once, rather than by supposed fate decided) could better hear and see him as their optics faded in and out, “we would put upon their breast their sword and shield, to ensure they joined all those who likewise lived and died as warriors. As guardians.” And Brom reaches into the mud and moss of this wretched sword realm and wraps their hands around a sword. Battered, broken, but a weapon nonetheless.
“We would set them on their ship, back when the world was old and men sailed not through the stars but through the sea. Wooden and strong as those who steered them, they would take their warriors on one last journey... sailing into the life beyond this one.” Brom can feel it, can feel the slowing of their simulated breath and the ceaseless flow of their synthetic blood from so many wounds without their ghost to mend them. He presses harder, firmer, the lines on his face hard with determination but his eyes softer in sorrow. “And their fellows would alight the ship with arrows from the shore. They would send their shield-sibling off with a fire that consumed the warrior and their ship but not their soul. That they could fly free rather than be bound to the life that had ended and join their former fellows into the battles on the other side of death.”
Those shadows have returned. They loom larger, stronger, glutted not only on the light they had used to slay the others but in the lights they’d torn from the breasts of the aforementioned slain. Dread builds and tension mounts, but Brom has no eyes for them. Not yet. Not until they are settled here.
“I have no sea to set you sail upon, Wolf.” Brom’s sweat-matted hair brushes their face, stained with oil so that he can better be heard. He holds them off the ground, their head in his armored lap and hand cradling their face. “Nor ship to carry you off to someplace better than here. But I have a fire. For you, there is yet a flame to send you off. A blaze to consume you... and our foes. Will you allow me to honor you with this?” His hand finds Wolf’s and grasps it tightly, firmly, to ground them in the here and now even as death approaches. “Will you follow me into battle one last time?”
There is silence save for their wet breathing, for the faint cries growing closer and the hum of dread power gathering to slay them both in turn, before he feels their grip tighten in his own.
“So be it.” And with a final pat of their cheek, Brom plunges his hand into their chest. Sunfire blooms, and the light banishes all shadows as he pours the sum of an Iron Lord’s considerable power into the Young Wolf. Wires smolder, their plasteel plates scorch and blacken, and their optics are set ablaze with a light that could blind... as though one were staring into the very sun. With a struggle, Brom pulls them to their feet, and with a shuddering breath of his own he takes their shoulder. “Set them ablaze. One last time.”
Their body is too battered to survive the wounds they have earned not as some destined champion but as a warrior. Their own light has died along with their ghost. They have risen only to die, not as a person but as a star. Yet in between the screams of the damned and the shattering of hive ghosts he sees them still. A broken sword in hand, filled with a fire that only grows stronger as it consumes them, and the Hive are crushed like insects whether they wield stolen light or not... they die not with a whimper but a roar, the very earth turned to glass and shattered in turn as the fire within blooms out and consumes them all.
When Brom reawakens, when Maus gathers the ashes of himself into some semblance of a man yet again, there is only the stillness that follows in the wake of death... and the quiet of a funeral after it.
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reginrokkr · 2 years
[ archon, venti, and dandelions! Happy Munday too ^^ ]
Archon: Which nation’s known ‘ideal’ do you like the most: freedom, contracts, eternity, wisdom, justice, or war? 
All things considered and thinking of this from the perspective of being in the game myself, I’d say that Freedom. Wisdom and Justice are appealing to me as well, I have to admit, and I’d most likely lean towards Wisdom the most if it weren’t for the corruption by the sages themselves in Sumeru. But yes, for this one I think that Freedom seems like the best option so far!
Venti: Which character(s) do you think you’d actually get along with if you were to meet in person and who do you think you’d actually dislike interacting with?
Oof, I wouldn’t lie if I said that I have no idea lol. But I do tend to do better with people with a certain degree of intellect and / or have a highly critical mind, as I feel that this lacks so much these days and I’d literally wither if I didn’t have anyone to discuss deeper topics with. Besides that, I also tend to gravitate more towards the serious and organized kind of people. Too bubbly ones sap the energy out of me as a good ol’ introvert that I am. So following that logic, I think I’d do well with people like Diluc, Dain (hah), Ayato, Al-Haitham, Jean, Sara, Cyno... I’m probably missing a bunch, but I think these are good examples to get the gist. As for who I’d dislike interacting with, I would say nobody for now? Yes, I do have a list of characters that I don’t like nor care about them, but they’d have to do something for me to dislike them beyond my superficial criteria of not liking them. So I’m leaving a blank slate for that one.
Dandelions: What is/are your favorite in-game book(s) you’ve read so far?
Albeit still incomplete in-game, the Pale Princess and the Six Pygmies is a book highly rich in lore that has me vibrating on my seat and that I took great inspiration from to build my take of Dain, as there is the complete material out there. If I were to mention a book or collection that is in the game as of now, that would be the Before Sun and Moon collection of books. That was such a mind blow in so many aspects to me lore-wise that I can’t not love that collection to bits, truly.
Genshin ask redux → Accepting! || @divitaclara ✦
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normaltothemax · 7 months
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Asleep/Unconscious/Comatose "Oh my god. Clint? Hi, Clint?" (also for Clint wow picturing. TK doesn't have anyone else's number and Clint's phone was destroyed so it's only TK in the hospital room 😭)
Groggily, he tried to take in the room. It was too bright, everything was a little fuzzy around the edges, and he was struggling to focus on anything for longer than two seconds at a time, but he tried. Something was wrong. Something was really wrong, here. He wasn’t sure where he was, or what had happened, or what exactly was going on, but he knew that much.
Natasha. Coulson. Kate. Cap. Their faces floated sluggishly through his mind. He should be seeing one of them, shouldn’t he? TK wasn’t the one that was supposed to be here with him.
Not that he wasn’t happy to see TK, but shouldn’t someone else at least be here too?
“Where…wha’s…?” With a groan, his eyes squeezed shut. He lifted a hand to rub at them, only to feel something tug. Furrowing his brow, he looked down, stared at his hand—something was sticking out of the back of it. A long, skinny tube disappeared under some tape, the other end attached to…something. Clint frowned. What was that doing there? Things didn’t belong in his hands.
Wordlessly, he moved to pull it out.
@parameddic (x)
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