#i hope they have good memories to cling to while they both suffer for the next few years
tiva2023vibes · 2 years
“All right, Kate, listen up. The little girl down the hall’s gonna feed you while I’m gone. Maybe I’ll bring you something back from Israel. Don’t give me the fish eye, I know what I’m doing. Well, maybe it’s not the brightest idea, but we’re not coworkers anymore, so all bets are off.” - Tony, 11x01
It gets me every time when he brings up his fish were named after Kate and Ziva. Honestly good for him for keeping a fish alive this long, or at least having the energy to keep getting fish and naming them after love interests. The fact that it’s just Kate alludes to me how he doesn’t need fish Ziva because he gets real Ziva. And he’s so happy to go see her and finally start a relationship with her. No work to hold them back, just time and sunshine and some hanky panky
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so I’ve been trying to think of the best way to talk about Skuld’s fate for a while now and I think I’ve finally got it. My feelings about how she could be handled are a bit complicated (maybe even controversial? lol) but I hope I can make myself clear. This is essentially gonna be the post I point to whenever and if ever I need it later in the future. Thanks in advance if you read this!
If for whatever reason it’s confirmed that Skuld isn’t Subject χ and she gets together with Ephemer in canon (which I don’t believe will actually happen, but who knows), I do genuinely think there’d be something incredibly poetic about both of them leaving behind a legacy together.
Skuld as Subject χ is a super intriguing concept that I want to see get played out in canon, and even outside of that possibility, I would really love to just see her go on her own journey, have her own story where she can grapple with the events of khux in her own ways. But as someone who also happens to love her and Eph’s dynamic, I like to indulge in the possibility of them founding Scala together too.
Believe me when I say that I’m very skeptical of Skuld getting the credit and spotlight she deserves given the track record of how female characters are treated in this series. It would break my heart if Skuld got turned into an accessory or got shafted or worst case scenario, is used only to kickstart the Ephy lineage and nothing more outside of that. She deserves good, solid writing no matter what her fate is, I’m sure we can all agree on that at least.
And then there’s also the question of whether or not Nomura would ever establish a canon romantic relationship, and if he even should do that in the first place. I think it would be great, as long as it’s written in such a way that it doesn’t impede on the other types of relationships he’s already established. It could delve into some interesting new territory that can highlight the themes of kh, and make them even stronger and more profound. But you don’t absolutely need romance in order for that to be accomplished, ya feel?
Do I love Skuld and Eph together? Yes. Do I think they should be together (romantically) in canon? Not necessarily. You can both enjoy a ship AND recognize the nuances involved.
But anyway anywaaaaay, long disclaimers aside, these two characters have been through so much together…they witnessed two apocalypses. They’ve suffered the loss of a dear friend at their hands, along with their other friends as a result of horrible circumstances they had no control over. They stayed side by side as their home collapsed around and on them. But they also laughed together. They looked out for each other, stood up for each other. Encouraged and comforted and teased each other so they would smile.
From the very beginning, to the very end, they had each other over and over again. Clinging to hope with incredible resilience. From party members, to friends, to leaders. They’re both wonderful characters who I have no doubt would support each other throughout the rest of their lives, just as they always have.
I’ll be fine if a romance between them doesn’t become canon, in fact I’ll probably be pretty relieved. But I can’t deny that the idea of the two of them being entwined forever, bonded by the tragedies they’ve been through, yet also by all of their happy times and shared memories, is a beautiful thought to me.
Surviving to see the other side and building everything from the ground up again together, and seeing the legacy that follows their love, is a story worth telling, in my opinion. In the end, if that’s a story left to us fans to tell, that’s more than enough for me. We have so much to work with. Regardless of what Nomura and/or the rest of the writing team choose to do, I don’t need them to be a canon couple to enjoy the profound love and care they have for each other.
TL;DR - Whatever happens with Skuld, I’m down for the ride. As long as she’s present, period, I’m here for it. Just…please for the love of god, let her be written well. I miss her so much and I need all these years of loving her character to pay off
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coffeesleep-ooc · 1 month
I wish we had more than that one extra that talked about LBH’s experience with SQQ growing up. Like I understand why more of the book doesn’t reference the more casual end of white lotus era…but…I would’ve loved to see it refrenced more…actually nvm I think I would’ve gotten creeped out if done the way I’ve seen some people write it
Omg, thanks for sharing your thoughts 👀👀👀
I thirst everyday for what could have been 😔🙏
Honestly though, one of the few things that disappointed me in sv was the lack of disciple days shenanigans! It would have made the story x3 longer and it��s true that the contrast of a happy white lotus LBH and the consequent betrayal and miscommunications would have taken a hit but!!!! -insert whining dog noises-
i need it!!!
actually i thought that even that kind of content could have been played of as nostalgic and even heartbreaking in the right way, especially if it’s LBH reminiscing, but I also doubt he would avoid those kinds of thoughts a little bit bc he doesn’t want to question SQQ and his love ig? Maybe he is scared that if LBH demands answers SQQ will suddenly decide he doesn’t love him anymore and leave…LBH couldn’t take that
idk, that is my theory but i agree it would have been nice to have more of that content? Maybe crammed in before the IAC? But again, that would have made the novel longer -sighs-
Idk why you would have been creeped out? So im wondering! I mean…i’ve read a lot of fics including smol bunhe, from the horny simping LBH ones, passing through the ambiguous pining-LBH nothing is wrong here-SY and even the platonic end where LBH does have feelings but SY is snagged by someone else (imnot crying you are crying) and i believe that all takes are interesting even if a couple ones are a bit questionable…fiction wise
i do think that LBH growing up would slowly go from ‘Shizun is my god and my role model’ to ‘Shizun is my most silly man who i want to wife up and squeeze as soon as possible but he is still so good and peerless and im a bit potato but if he thinks me pleasing to look at I’ll maybe have a chance if I’m super explicit with my intentions…maybe’. And i think that process has a lot of potential??? Bc like, he puts SQQ in a literal pedestal at first but I imagine that living with the man makes LBH realize that SQQ is a human being with likes and dislikes, with a thin face and silly behavior underneath, who shows LBH more kindness and humanity than anyone else, and this is interesting bc other ppl did it before and after him, but LBH is stuck on him??? Also, we see sv from SY!SQQ’s pov, but again, LBH has suffered and known some of the darkness of the world before meeting SY, i believe his method of protecting himself is either to act cute and be super nice, even manipulative about it, while SJ’s was to be a prickly man with the ‘i hurt them first so they can’t hurt me later’ method, and this is why they are conflictive, different protection methods and different levels of blackening. When LBH realizes there’s nothing for him to cling to in a place, he will go silent like a shadow and endure until he can do something about it, if there’s something about SJ and LBH is about their parallels being breathtaking in the ‘im trying not to cry’ way and both endure and endure beyond their breaking point until something happens. SY transmigrated just in time to show LBH that the place he lived in still had some salvation, that the person that hated him and punished him still was capable of humanity!!! We don’t know what LBH thinks of SQQ changing like that, if he believes SQQ lost his memories or smth, but what he concerns himself with is basking in the light he thought was lost, and this makes him a naive character…he hasn’t lost his experience, he knows still what is to be scorned, alone in the world, treated like a street rat, but hopes that his current situation stays like this forever (except he starts getting greedier for SQQ’s love and affection in other ways)
i digress, LBH starts falling for SQQ bc the man shows him humanity underneath the kindness, later on he will be Shizun’s favorite (the dream for him, truly) but first SQQ shows him that he can make mistakes (skinner incident) and that he can be incredibly stupidly selfless (without a cure poisoning) and finally that he is a silly man, with a kind soul and with a lot of dignity and self-assurance despite his obliviousness of lots of things
On that note…idk why i’ve seen a lot of ppl saying that LBH would have fallen for the first person that showed him kindness? Like yes usually kindness is the base for love and interest, but as i see it, LBH didn’t fall for SQQ right away but gradually, not even knowing it himself until it was a tender devotion he couldn’t even try to suppress. LBH didn’t fall for NYY in sv? And she was kind to him, not helpful at all, but kind and human and flawed, but SQQ was such a bright light, such an imposing and beautiful being to him that he couldn’t feel anything for anyone else! Novel-canon LBH is just too obsessed with Shizun, and even PIDW LBG wanted to take him back with him, i mean…
And even if he did fall for someone kind and human like SY, that’s how life works, and i think that if a character deviates from his original narrative and manages to stay in character then it means it’s well built!
LBH is a very good character in my opinion and BingQiu is a very interesting dynamic full with nuances and hysterics (hehe), i do love reading about white lotus bunhe and i could only imagine what SQQ felt like when he thought that the person LBH was before the conference was dead TAT
and this is getting long hahaha sorry, hope some of my rambling is pleasing and answers your comment at least a bit! Thanks for asking(commenting? Talking to me?) <3
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voidsentprinces · 10 months
I enjoy Jullus. Here is a character who joined the Garlean Military to protect his lands from what he was taught was the "Savages" coming to drag his friends and families away. He stuck to his guns and stood fast against rumors of Zenos's death and being possessed by the Ascians. He keeps to his values even though they are clearly flawed because that is what his family needs. And then, Zenos kills the Emperor and the Capital is razed with his family inside it. He is drenched in the colour palette of the expansion, despair. But, there is a sliver of hope, word has it the Emperor's voice can still be heard on the radiowaves. There is something still worth fighting for, he can fight against the monsters who are overrunning the capital, he can serve Garlemald and the memory of his family against the invading Savages who have finally arrived on his doorstep.
He pushes himself in the roll of a soldier, who is ignorant of the Eorzeans. But Alisaie and Alphinaud both show us how greatly they've grown. By trying to break through his indoctronation. They are the perfect candidates to break through to Jullus but they are not just bright and kind individuals. But they might also been the same age as his siblings were before their untimely demise. They carry with them, a want to aid and a hope that someday they'll break through. And slowly, overtime, going to do chore after chore. We slowly learn of Jullus and what he had gone through.
We are the Warrior of Light, the daemon who wiped out the Praetorium and many Castrums, the nightmare that haunts his fellow soldiers. But still, he sees how the people in other provinces gather around us as a legend of hope and light through the dark. And dark through radiant blight. He confides in us, warms to us, gets to know us and the twins. But he still clings harshly to his sunk cost fallacy. He still wants to do right by his nation and his family's memory. So he reluctantly arms the Twins collars and prepares for a suicidal attack on Camp Broken Glass. Only to learn that no reinforcement is coming. There is no one else to defend the nation of Garlemald. Just his skeleton crew of the remaining 1st Legion. And so, he surrenders as his own Legatus uses his blood to strengthen the remaining chain of what remains of Garlemald.
He comes face to face with Zenos and fosters his grief and rage at the Prince who caused him so much pain and suffering. And in return, he is met by apathy and indifference and a question, that had Zenos had a good reason for throwing Jullus' and so many others' lives in turmoil, if it would of justified it all? Jullus is confronted by this and sees that the atrocities were without purpose only the boredom of a man seeking to reach the Warrior of Light for a duel. It is absurd and yet it clears Jullus's mind, his last act as a soldier for the Empire is to exile the prince and denounce the Royal Family more or less. He then follows Alphinaud and Alisaie's example and turns his focus to build a brighter future for Garlemald. Welcoming their help and our aid in the coming conflict. And when we bring another exile who is closed off from the world in Zero who is beginning to open up, he offers her the same kindness and understanding as the Twins gave him. He then continues their mission by trying to convince the old rigid remaining Garlean council to see that they cannot remain closed off from the world. Something that Vrtra rekindles by opening trade with the fallen Empire now budding independent nation.
I look forward to see what they so with Garlemald. This Empire founded to sow misery and chaos by Emet-Selch's design. Now having to bear responsibility for the past sins while kindling good alliances where they can to make what little amends they can. Since they're now burnt to the wick.
Side observation: In a way, Haurchefant's hot chocolate gesture is repeated throughout the MSQ. First the cup of cocoa is given to us, then Alphinaud picks up the torch in finding a way to use it to look forward to the conflict with Nidhogg and Estinien, then we give the Garleans a cup of warm soup and a hearty song, and then Jullus offers up Buuz to Zero. Zero then offers her own power to Golbez to turn the Thirteenth around and return it to as it was before.
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Balmung stares at Barok, as his mouth goes slack. “You wish to let Klimt possess you so he can continue on working again?” Balmung plops off of the couch he was lounging on to pace around the room. “Possess you? You really would let him?” He continues to pace. “He possessed you once before and that didn’t go well. You didn’t enjoy being your brother’s puppet. Mr. Naruhodo didn’t enjoy being possessed either.” He shakes his head. “Barok possession isn’t something you can play around with. It’s quite dangerous. Besides do you really think it’s a good idea to put Klimt back in that environment? The only reason he entered back into court was to save Susato’s life.” He sighs. “Yes he does miss prosecuting but just because you miss something doesn’t mean you want to or would go back to it. For example I’m sure you miss your childhood days, but you aren’t going to go climbing trees pretending to be a vampire, or hiding under tables to play hide-n-seek anymore. “ He pauses. “I understand why you want to help him, I want to help him too. I don’t think it’s a good idea to let him possess you, however I can’t make choices for you or for Klimt. Though you should talk to him about this, and see what insights he has into this matter. Maybe you can find some other way to help him get back into law.” Balmung responds to Barok’s last statement. “He wouldn’t have done well without me. That much I know to be true. The short time he spent as a ghost all alone before I finally passed on was excruciatingly difficult for him. It was difficult for me as well and even after I passed it took awhile for us to find each other. When we did find each other we clinged onto each other for hours sobbing when we realized we wouldn’t be alone anymore. Before our deaths we both suffered from abaonment and separation anxiety. Greyhounds tend to suffer from separation anxiety if their owner leaves them alone for too long. Since I’m a greyhound I naturally struggled with this a lot when I was alive. Klimt struggled with abandonment issues ever since his parents died. It got worse when the Professor killings started. He always feared what you and Laura would do if you found out. These problems didn’t just go away when we died. In fact they got much worse. Unable to be seen by the living, we started to spiral out of control. Klimt and I couldn’t leave each other’s presence without panicking about being isolated and abandoned. It didn’t matter if we were in the room next door, if we couldn’t see each other we couldn’t remain calm. Humans are social creatures and they’ll go insane if they are kept in isolation. It didn’t help that at this time neither of us would sleep. You would think ghosts would need to sleep, since we can’t get tired but we do. We just don’t need to sleep as much as humans do. Every now and then we should sleep in order to help our emotional control and memory. A lack of sleep can cause insanity in people you know. Both of us were afraid of sleeping for fear of waking up alone again. We decided to take turns sleeping while the other watched. And as time went on we got better at being apart from each other. Though we still have trouble sleeping without the other watching us. We still fear we’ll wake up one day and be alone again, without each other.” He says. “You shouldn’t thank me for being there for Klimt. I was happy to be there for him. Just as he was happy to be there for me.”
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We disliked it because we had no choice in the matter. There is a difference. But it was only one suggestion. There are certainly other ways he could return to the profession.
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I could always use a fresh set of eyes on cases, certainly.
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I can only hope the pain of being alone will continue to ease, now that we have been able to return to being a family.
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...it has eased for me as well.
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misanthropiccacophony · 8 months
hey um. why do you feel embodied by euthanasia? i’m pretty sure it’s one of wills most straightforward, literal songs so like. it’s just about dead pets. no hate at all btw i’m just curious about your interpretation.
you're all good mate! actually, thanks for asking!! ^^
this is gonna be a long post that's pretty personal, so I'm gonna put my explanation under the cut.
this will include an overall connection, and analysis of lyrics and their relation to me
i know it's just about dead pets, which is partially why i feel so embodied by it. the lyrics themselves are a majority of my connection, but the delivery of the live version is also a big thing for me.
there's a rawness in the live version that really just,,, hits me. the ability to perform such a sad and personal song feels like both a cover up of emotions and a confession of them at the same time. i'm pretty easily overwhelmed by my emotions and shit, but i tend to keep them to myself cause i feel like a burden and leech on others when i try to share them.
because the performance is live. you can hear every string squeak clearly, too. i generally love this sound in music, but when paired with the song? it reminds me of choked sobs, like when you're full on sobbing and breaking down. it evokes that feeling of pure grief like what you'd get at the loss of a loved one. it feels so familiar for me.
sometimes i feel like a dead pet. i feel like a foggy memory that's being forgotten more and more, fading out as the person forgets my memory. i feel like a ghost. people see me, people see things about me that are glaring and obvious. but they still stare through me. sometimes that's all they do. maybe i'm a beloved memory to some, maybe i'm just a faint memory with too little substance to hold any emotional feelings, maybe i'm a raw topic that still causes the heart to bleed and ache, maybe i'm drying tears and the reason someone lashes out in pain and hates being alone because of the void i've left maybe not. that's ok either way. the live version of Euthanasia by Will Wood really resonates with me, and i feel like it and all of the feelings it invokes in me <at the very least> embodies me.
now, for song meaning. for clarification- the song is about euthanasia <obviously>, more specifically when Will had to euthanize one of his pet rats, Bert. that's the literal meaning of the song.
i've had to have pets put down before, and had others just pass in general. so in the literal way, i know the feeling; i've lived it
in general though, there's something about having to put a pet down to end their suffering peacefully that resonates with me. to put it bluntly– i both wish someone could do that to me, and i also know the guilt of having to do something that feels do horrid and awful to a loved one so fucking intimately.
both the owner—grieving and guilty over their actions—and the pet—terrified and suffering—are things that i've lived with for way too much of my life. i've spent countless hours drowning in those feelings and trying my damn best to escape and recover.
moving onto lyrics, i'm not gonna go over every single one, but i'm gonna cover a good few of them. i'm gonna put the lyrics in color so they're a bit easier to identify <and cause i feel like it> "I was right there, while you fought tooth and nail Gasping in the gas mask, thrashing 'til you disappeared"
this could go one of two ways. 1) i've had pets go, and i've had to do shit i thought was for the best but still really hurt. sometimes it feels/felt like i was watching hopelessly as it happened. 2) i feel like both of these at once. putting myself down, euthanizing myself, believing with all of my existence that it's for the best. i'm also fighting for my life, desperate and clinging to anything i can because i don't actually want to die, despite believing i do. "Say you're not scared That you know it's because I cared and Say you know I love you, and that hope was just not there"
i've hurt <and scarred> people i love because i thought it was for the best, because i loved them, because i honestly believed that there wasn't any hope. and often i wish to hear that they know it was an act of love, and they also felt that hopelessness so i can pretend i'm justified. "And I know, I know that I'm wrong That when you're gone, you're gone And I can't bring you home"
i know this denial so deeply. i also know the painful truth that i'm wrong in that denial. i've lost some people, through death or just losing contact or whatever. some days, though, i sink into that denial thinking i can see them again, that they'll come home. they won't, and i know it. "But I want, I want to believe That you'll remember me When you're just memory"
i like to think that people i've loved deeply in any way will still remember me when they're just a memory to me. that i've made enough of a difference that they'll remember me <fondly, i hope> when they're just another memory for me. "And sorry, I would take it back if I could, but I know" there's so much i wish i could take back. there's so much, even if it was for the best at that time, that i would undo if i could. the regret of that is something i might just die with. "But I want, I want to believe That you can still hear me When you're just memory"
to people i've lost in any way, i hope you can hear me apologize for not being there more and not doing more for you. i want to believe that those i've lost can still hear me say how much they meant to me.
" Said, "It's okay" "And it'll all be over soon" "I'd never let a bad thing happen to you" "Now, goodnight, I love you!" " i like to think that the harm i've caused isn't actually that bad. that it's for the best. it's not bad, it's actually good, because it was the best choice i had. i like to think that... for those i've left behind... that i could've said this to them or communicated it to them in any way "And every, everybody dies Fighting for their lives Just trying to survive" i don't wanna go too much into this. but. i relate to this line on such a deep level it almost physically hurts. sometimes i could swear to you that i'm failing to survive. some days i expect to die from how desperately i'm fighting for my life. "And I know, I know it's not true There's just no more you But as long as there's no proof Then I choose, I choose to believe That we'll meet in sweet dreams After you're put to sleep" i like to think that all of the people i've loved and lost still exist somehow. they're still there somewhere. whether they died or we lost contact in any way. they're still out there, and maybe i'll see them again. maybe i'll get to meet them in a sweet, comforting dream. because there's no way it will happen in reality. maybe, when we're both gone, we can meet again and catch up. maybe when we meet up, it'll all be okay. sometimes i wanna be put to sleep to see if that's the case. sometimes i wanna go to sleep to see if that's the case. either way, i'm always longing for the people that aren't in my life anymore. the ones i loved, anyway. i just think it'd be nice to see them again. wouldn't it be lovely to see their wonderful faces again? wouldn't it be beautiful to be in their glorious company again?
i think it would be.
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stay-midnight · 2 years
Memorabilia *
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Yang Jeongin x Male Reader
• Day by day, you reminisce of your lover that is gone, your mental health is deteriorating slowly — but the love for him is too much to the point that you feel like that life couldn't continue anymore. It hurts but it's reality, when will you be able to accept it?
• 8.3K Words
TW • Mixture of Angst and Fluff (More on the Angsty Side), Explicit Smut, Sorrowful Romance, Homophobia, Abusive Family, Unhappy Ending, Mentions of Hierarchy.
Warnings and Tags • Alternate Universe - Non-Idol AU, Top Jeongin and Bottom Male Reader (Implied Switches), No Dom/Sub or Power Dynamics really just love making, Soft Smut, Fingering, "Prince" Petname, Anal Penetration, Mutual Masturbation, Foreplay, First Times , Virginity Loss, Fluffy Sex, Both of them are a tease, Implied Sex, Fingering, Balls Stimulation, Unprotected Sex (wrap your willy before you do the silly), Moans and Whimpers, No Cleaning Afterwards (Lazy Duo), Kissing. (lmk if you found more that needed to be added)
A/N • I actually don't know how to feel in this writing. Like, I don't know — I liked the idea but I just have this feeling I executed the plot not so good 😭 anyways I atleast hope y'all enjoy the soft smut 🥳. Also this is now my longest fic, again 😭. This is the long fic after writing Bloody Birthday so I haven't written in a long while 😭, Idk, I just like writing plotted fic rather than PWP but it's fun to right pwp too!
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History, an event that happened in the past recorded in some way or another. Memorabilia, an item containing some sort of historical significance or memory. Collection, a set of different objects that shares a unique trait to each other. Hope, a desire for a certain event to happen.
It has been 5 years and counting since you last saw Jeongin, the little flame of hope within your heart is slowly burning out as time passes by without him by your side. As the sands fall from the hourglass, you seem to fully abandon the thought of reuniting with your lover and at the same time you blame yourself for what got him taken away in the first place. The war has not yet died down therefore the citizens of this country have been suffering still, had you instead taken Jeongin’s stead — you would have not been suffering this terrible heartache from the separation, and maybe Jeongin could live a life without you, it hurts but at least he could move on.
The thing that keeps you going is the objects you cling too, objects containing specific important memories of your lover. Every day, you can't help but reminisce and swallow yourself within your mind and memory. Endlessly staring at a wall — laughing, smiling, snapping, and giggling to yourself and after realizing it was just a flashback, you go back to weeping for him, his touch, his voice and everything about Jeongin...
Staring at the different objects within the vicinity gives a sense of nostalgia that creates once more but a daydream that would fade later. It gives a longing sense of expiring comfort, like a fruit bearing on a tree destined to fall at some point in time.
As each object slowly became visible on your teary eyes, each triggered a flash in the past . .
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A painting of red hearts intertwined with a string.
“Jeong..” you mumbled softly into the night air, his hand tightening around you as he showed you his painting from a tree while you looked out at him through your window. Jeongin had a frantic look on his face, but his ears were flaring red. He can be so cute sometimes, even though he also scares the kids off the swing sometimes.
“Y/N.. Please be mine!” he says with his whole breath as he stands on a tree branch while you stare at him in shock, you put your finger to your lips, shushing him a bit as to not wake your sleeping family. He flinched and covered his mouth while you laughed silently.
“I’ll be yours then, idiot.” you teased, loving the way Jeongin flustered at your words. If you could reach and kiss him right now under the blanket of the shimmering stars, you would... If only you could but the distance was quite far from your window.
“I’ll give this to you tomorrow~” he lulls, his smile in those foxy eyes of his, so endearing — as if that one expression could be enough to brighten up a whole building. He jumps off the tree branch, landing on his feet perfectly as dust scattered around his shoes, he waves goodbye to you, looking back one last time with that same endearing smile.
You wave back as he walks away of course, chin resting on your hand as you do so, perfectly mesmerized by that man earlier.
You knew the risks of being with another man, but you loved him therefore you were willing to fight even your own family just to be with him.
Whispers of wind blew you a cold shoulder as a sigh fell from your lips when Jeongin was no longer within your sight.
You worry a lot about the future — your so-called family only uses you by dragging you into different blind dates with rich girls who are the daughters of businessmen, landlords and as such — the higher district feeds off the gold and because of that, your family only cares about one thing; Money and Status
The fact they'll basically sell you to rich families says a lot of how they care about you. Your family is nothing but a tainted ink in a canvas called society. You would cry at that fact but emotions are a gaunt thing.
You closed the window and the clock ticked again at your horrible life and tomorrow is but a new day wherein you have to stand your ground against your family's wretchedness.
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A torned red plaid buttoned polo.
“You disgust me.” your father said, grabbing you by the hair while your sister and mother sat back and watched, while you were already bleeding from your lips — struggling in pain as you fought your father’s grasp on your wrist.
“You were FUCKING meant to take after ME. YOU were supposed to give us, YOUR FAMILY, the best goddamn life! You were SUPPOSED to give me a heir and here, I spot you locking lips with another MAN?!” he spat, his fist connecting with your cheek painfully and repeatedly, his heartless words ringing in your ear with each hit while you stood there limp and boneless.
Your mother and sister still looked in silence while you struggled to breath with each passing breath. All on your mind was him. Jeongin. His happy smile when you went on that date, when he kissed you goodbye after it, and all his sweet murmurs as you both ate cotton candy while walking around the local carnival.
“S-Stop. . .” you sobbed repeatedly but to no avail, your vision is starting to go white and the pain seems dull but rather your mental fortitude is weakening more and more.
Time passes by in awhile, your disgruntled and disgusting son of a bitch of a father walked away, muttering these last words, “If I see you with him again, you're not the only one who's receiving a beating and I won't be that kind as this time.” he threatened, a sour look on his face while your mother and sister followed, but not before looking at you with eyes that are judging you.
You had to try to drag yourself up to your room, dry tears on your cheeks, a scratchy groan went out as you took each step up the stairs. A feeling of discontent formed at yourself — especially why you didn't fight back and feeling of remorse at the pit of your stomach, at Jeongin. . .
Though you couldn't hate yourself for loving him because it's the truth that you love him with your whole heart but were the consequences worth it? Was a question that you had to ask yourself.
Finally unlocking your door, you begrudgingly trudge over to your bed, plopping down on it, body still aching. You grabbed a pillow and hugged it, eyes slowly closing while a million thoughts ran over your head.
As they say, if you put a large round rock on a slanted hill, the boulder will come rolling down eventually, what you didn't know is that the metaphor is clearly describing your life right now. It will keep rolling and rolling till it reaches the bottom. . .
Unless there's a wall that stops it at some point in the cliff.
Tap. . Tap. .
A soft tapping sound echoed in your room coming from your window. You are still stuck in your thoughts but the tapping only gets louder.
Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap.
You continue to hug the pillow before it got really loud.
You were finally snapped out of your thoughts, sighing once, twice before skittering to move to your window and open it.
Jeongin was met eye to eye with your bruised face and tear marks on your cheeks. He stared at you with shock. He drops the stick he was holding and almost loses balance on the tree branch.
“Y— Y/N?!” he panics loudly trying to decide if he wanted to jump inside your window or swing inside by tying the red polo he was wearing unto a branch. .
He started to unbutton his polo before you stopped him and also reminded him to keep quiet by placing your fingers between your lips. “Stay there...” you murmur — your other hand flailing as if you were shooing him away , a heavy breath afterwards — your calm facade barely staying on as it started to form cracks and gaps as you felt an oncoming waterfall on your pupils.
“Please. . . Leave..” you whispered, a tone so silent it sounds as if the howl of the wind was louder. The moon stood bright on top of the sky as Jeongin looks at you, biting his lips in worry.
“No, No, No. I won't leave you like this Y/N.” he says with full confidence, and with a deep breath and in a short timeframe he jumps into your room, swinging in by tying his polo shirt on a higher branch. His weight caused the weak branch to snap but it had the right momentum to be able to reach you inside.
“Wha—” he cuts you off by crashing on you, his muscular body huddling yo
He stands up quickly and apologizes, a red hue filling his cheeks and ears as he realized that he was only wearing a sleeveless white undershirt. “Sorr—”
“Nevermind that. LEAVE!” you said, worriness visible in your eyes as you heard footsteps rushing up the stairs. You quickly ran towards your door in a panic — locking it immediately as you sighed, a tear slipping down your cheeks. Jeongin’s fox eyes showed confusion and his patience was running thin. Jeongin felt like his anger was building up.
What could’ve caused you to act this way, he has never seen this weaker side of you.
“Y/N. . . I can't leave you like this, you know that, right..?” he tried to assure quietly — walking over to you. His eyes locking into your own watery ones, his hand massaging your cheeks — he was too worried for your safety and well-being.
Your hand rested on top of his, “I don't want you to get hurt because of us as well. . ..” you mumble in a mellow tone while someone starts to finally bang at your door as the knob gets turned.
“OPEN THIS DOOR RIGHT NOW BEFORE I BREAK THIS DOWN.” Your dad shouted, repeatedly banging his fist on the door in flourishing anger.
You flinched, pushing Jeongin away from you, fear crawling through your skin as chills ran down your spine. “Go! Before he breaks through, I’ll just tell him that something fell.. I really didn't want this to be our last goodbye.. I hope I see you again, Jeong...” You whispered in a hoarse voice, another tear falling from your eyes as you wiped it away.
Jeongin was stunned into silence. This can't be your final goodbye to him. . . Right?!
You look between the door and Jeongin before you grabbed Jeongin’s face and locked both of your lips together. One final time, at least I’ll remember this kiss for the rest of my life.
You molded your lips together with your eyes closed, pouring all your feelings for him into this one single kiss. Jeongin was still in shock at the amount of this happening but he does know one thing — This will not be the last.
In a moment, Jeongin grabbed tightly on your waist taking advantage of this kiss and swooped you off the ground — carrying you in a bridal style as you were caught off guard at that moment since your eyes were shut tight.
“J—Jeongin?!” you screech as your legs dangle in the air as arms hold your body tight.
“I can't let this be the last, Y/N. If you hate me for this then at least you wouldn't have to hate me as you suffer from whoever that is.” he said, a breathless laugh at the end of his sentence. He smiled and climbed both of you out the window.
“What are you— AHHH—” He giggled as he jumped off the window as your mind was boggled, the moon shone so bright in the sky as the man jumped off.
An amused expression was on Jeongin’s face as he landed perfectly on the ground— like a feather falling on fresh snow. He seems to be nonchalant at the fact he jumped from a two story house, he of course, managed to snatch his now torn red polo and the branch it was tied to — to get rid of evidence.
You stared at Jeongin’s face with a shocked expression while he just smiled at you with that smile that always brightens your world up. You couldn't help but finally let out a laugh for the first time today.
“Despite having a bruised face, you're still quite pretty as always~” This time it was his turn to tease you. .
“Shut...” you trailed off, too tired to respond to his words. Your eyes were getting heavier till it blacks out.
Last thing you saw was Jeongin’s foxy eyes bore into your own. This cliché was as if the male lead just saved the princess from the witch’s tower, With a smile, your mind was only saying one thing:
Maybe the consequences were not bad enough to stop you from loving another man.
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A white porcelain vase
Henceforth, you now live a simpler life. Jeongin asked you to come live with him in a smaller house which required a lot of cleaning (On paper, he sounds like he actually kidnapped you). Now it's more tidy than the spiderweb, mold and broken floor tiles-look it was when he brought you here.
It had been more than 6 months till you last saw your awful family, but it's been alright. Jeongin usually leaves the house at the morning for work on the farm and you barely do anything than sit around for hours on end till he came home — you wouldn't mind working but when you brought that topic up, Jeongin was extremely reluctant on getting you a job since he was fearful at the fact that you might get noticed by one of your family's friend and get dragged back.
Jeongin had different living conditions than you, he worked all his life at the farm place while you were living in the upper district, where it had more of a lavish lifestyle type of people. It wasn't hard and more less of a hassle than your father bringing you to every single daughter of any wealthy family.
You sighed, getting a bit too caught up in your memories, staring at an old clock — time ticking till Jeongin comes home. You really had to stop thinking about your family and just let the dust settle as it is.
Now, you were thinking deeply about the relationship with Jeongin — his kisses and loving touches feels amazing but you haven't done the deed yet. Well not that you want to rush things to the next stage but—
While you were stuck on your swirling thoughts of very not necessarily dirty but still quite the "imaginative" images in your head — the sound of the front door opening was barely audible.
Footsteps draw closer to you, till a pleasant smile shone at the sight of you.
“Y/N~” a teasing voice hummed.
“Ah!” you were blinking out of your head, the moment you realized that he just arrived.
“I’m a bit early today, Ms. Mel was the only one who gave me a task, it seems like the farm is really silent for some reason. . . Ms. Mel gave me this though!” Jeongin explained — a bit disappointed when he mentioned that only one gave him a task, though his eyes glimmered like stars as he showed you the white vase, it had daisy flowers inside of it.
Jeongin was confused about what you were doing, staring into the nothingness when he came home.
“Soooo. . . Mind telling me, why were you staring at a wall earlier?” he asks, a bit curious with a hint of worriness. His mind was a flurry from the lack of work today since he couldn't focus at all.
A bit of bitterness entered Jeongin’s mouth, when thoughts like "What if you were tired of eating bread everyday." or "What if you hated him because he worries for you too much." and many more appeared on his head.
Jeongin coughs, raising an eyebrow while waiting for your answer.
Your stomach erupted butterflies at the question, you coughed awkwardly also..
“Well, the truth is. . .” you trailed off, trying to not make it as obvious as if you were stalling for time, looking away from the man in shame.
Jeongin witnessed all of this clearly suspicious of your sudden change in behavior.
“If you killed someone, you better have not hidden it here—” he sarcastically added, a snort coming out from him. He placed down the vase somewhere in the corner, looking back at you afterwards.
“No— It’s just— You know what... Just fuck it.” you cursed the last part under your breath then a surge of confidence rushed through you, you wouldn't get out of this situation with something other than embarrassment and as people say, action speaks louder than words.
You walked over to him and grabbed the confused man’s face before crashing your lips into his own.
To say he was dazed was an understatement, he was flabbergasted. What is happening?!
He returns the kiss with little force due to his bewilderment of the sudden initiation but he wraps an arm around your waist nonetheless. You pull away after a bit, leaving Jeongin in a wide-eyed, hanging jaw expression as you disconnect your lips with his.
“Y/N. . ?” Jeongin asks as you hook your arms around his neck.
“Can we try? you know. . t-to, umm..” you stutter out, trying to find the correct words. Jeongin noticed how you were acting different from your usual talkative and teasing self until it hit him about what you wanted.
“Oh. . OH..” A sheepish grin playing on his lips as he saw how worked up you got and how you tried to look away from him.
“Well well, this is different~ Aren't you usually more confident than this?~” He divulges in your shyness before whispering in your ear and biting on it. His hand wanders down to your buttocks, squeezing it a bit as he manages to notice the tent on your shorts, pushing against his yet to be hard dick.
“Shut up, you had to make it awkward.” you scowled at your man having an ego boost before moaning faintly when he bit your earlobe, while he just snorted at you.
Jeongin always wondered if you were the more controlling one in bed because of how you act on a day to day basis. “Wait, will this be your first time, my love?” He eggs on, heart thumping when you nodded, God, Jeongin is infatuated with you, now even more so since he gets to have your first.
You lost yourself as you finally looked into Jeongin’s eyes, it was full of adoration. All those doubts long ago from loving another man were fully gone, it was as if a weight on your shoulder was finally lifted.
Jeongin hums, while his right hand is still on your ass - his left hand finally started moving as well. His hand slowly trailed to the hem of your shirt - your breathing getting more apparent and shaky as excitement crawled through your skin.
“Y/N. . .” Jeongin whispers amidst the sexual and tense atmosphere, his hand trailing upwards towards your chest like cold ice rubbing on skin. He sensually rubs his bulge against your own, a breathy groan coming out of his lips at the sensation. You writhed against Jeongin's touch and couldn't help but thrusts back against his clothed cock.
“Hm?” You hum, too out of your head to respond — your body shivering with pleasure as Jeongin’s fingertips danced around your still-covered chest, before he finally decided to tease your nipples with his fingers — sending vibration across your body that made you even more and more turned on.
“Can I?” he asks in a sultry voice as he pulls his hand out of the inside of your shirt as he grabs the hem of the clothing, implying that he wants you to see you. All of you
You nod sporadically, also wanting to feel your body heat closer to each other.
Jeongin pulled your shirt off you, the rather warm atmosphere, bathing your skin in heat.
To make it fair as well, Jeongin also removed his own and you — being unable to keep your hand to oneself, succumbed to the temptation to reach and feel his muscles.
You always manage to think how contrary to Jeongin’s more innocent face tend to be the complete opposite of what's underneath his clothing to which only should be a sight for you.
Jeongin couldn't stop but let out a small smirk as your fingers trailed up to his chest, giving his pecs a squeeze and his rosebuds a pinch — eliciting breathful groans from your lover’s lips. Jeongin caught your wrist with a condescending grin, he had to stifle a laugh when you had to look at him with a glare.
Jeongin gave your lips a quick peck, before leading you to the bedroom, feeling the warm breeze pass through your shirtless bodies as he did so — to which you had no absolute idea of what he was doing. It was as if you just wanted him to take you right then and there in the living room.
He wants to make your first time absolutely unforgettable and make sure you are treated with total care in an appropriate setting.
“Jeong.. We could've done it right there, you know like in novels. Where they get it on the living room.” You huffed and protested but Jeongin was fast to pull you into the bedroom.
“Settle down, It’ll be much more comfortable in a bed than in an old couch, okay?” he says, chuckling before grabbing you by the chin and connecting both your lips once again.
Jeongin held you by the waist as he made out with you, His and your tongues dancing with each other as he inches you closer to the bed. Once again, you wrapped your hands around his bare neck as your lips clashed against one another.
He hooks a hand on your leg, lifting it a bit — settling you down on the bed safely. Jeongin pulled away for a bit to look at your flushed out face with a light smile. “I love you.” Jeongin whispered through the thick atmosphere of arousal and need.
“I love you too. .” you responded, heat filling your cheeks as you couldn't stop smiling at that moment. Jeongin’s face looked like a bundle of joy when he heard you say it back. If this wasn't the most cliché thing that ever happened to you, you definitely wouldn't know what it is.
No words needed to be exchanged as Jeongin grabbed the waistband of your shorts and pulled it down slowly, leaving you in your underwear. Truly a feasting sight for Jeongin’s foxy eyes.
You responded by unbuttoning his pants, before pulling it down as well — he had to kick his pants off due to you struggling to move in the position where Jeongin caged your body.
Jeongim hummed at both of you, finally underwear-level bare. Jeongin reached under his bed and got a bottle of lube to which you had to look at the object a bit embarrassingly. “Was that always there?—” you asked with a flushed expression as you almost choked on spit asking.
Jeongin answered with a nod, almost laughing when you seemed more and more embarrassed.
He places the lube on the nightstand, before going down on your neck — starting to kiss it lovingly.
His hand trailed to your nipples, his thumb making circular motions on the buds — making you let out groans at the sensation. Your own dick felt like it was about to burst against the uncomfortable cover called your underwear, to which Jeongin noticed and relieved it a bit by rubbing circles around your crotch — to which you couldn't help but thrust against his sinful hand.
‘Fuck fuck fuck’ was the only thing in your mind right now and a million different curse words.
Your hand instinctively went to Jeongin’s underwear as you couldn't help but notice the outline of his cock straining against his boxers. You squeezed and jerked it off through the cloth to which Jeongin gave you a bite on the collarbone at the sudden sensation.
You had to bite your lips at that to stifle a moan — and you craned your neck to give Jeongin more access to your markable skin.
Jeongin in his underwear was the utmost prettiest thing you had ever seen, not any artwork nor any sculpture — just your man’s body on display as a feast for your eyes and Jeongin also thought of your own body the same — A gift-wrapped present that he would always want to unwrap.
As Jeongin’s mouth was busy ravishing your neck and chest, your hand slipped inside his underwear — grabbing his aching cock that was begging to come out of it's restraints. An experimental jerk made the man above you flinch and bite down on skin which resulted in you gasping in pain-pleasure. You couldn't help but also play with his balls a bit, juggling it between your fingers with a grin as Jeongin just kept on marking you down — by later, you’d probably be filled with hues of purple and dark violet.
This time, you decided to rub the sensitive head of his cock — wetting your thumb with his precum. To which he bit down on the bud of your nipple causing you to moan out loud, worried if any of the neighbors heard anything.
You wanted more, more than Jeongin’s mouth — you wanted him fully.
Your own hard dick is barely getting any attention as it was pushing against the confines of your underwear — you could feel the fabric getting wet in the middle.
“Jeongin— I just want you right now, please. .” you bemoaned with trembling lips, sweat dripped down from your forehead as you pull Jeongin’s boxers down, his cock finally springing free from it's prison.
Jeongin relaxed as beads of sweat rolled off his skin also, “Anything my prince wants, he gets~” he said in a breathful voice. You blinked repeatedly at the pet name.
‘Prince’ It feels as if a reminder of a difference in status back then but now even as you finally ran away from all of that he still held you on a pedestal as you do to him in some regard. It made your heart flutter.
Jeongin also finally removed your underwear — a sigh of relief coming out of your lips as he did so, Jeongin spread your legs a bit which entailed a rush of heat coming into your cheeks as you looked away from the man staring down at you lovingly.
“Don’t shy away now, my prince. You look pretty like this ~” he said with a grin, grabbing you by the chin softly and making you lock eyes with him. You reluctantly did so — Jeongin almost fell in awe at your expression.
Jeongin grabbed the lube, popping the cap open and applying a generous amount on his fingers. With one shaky breath from you, Jeongin leaned down to connect your lips to distract you while his one finger is pushing on the rim of your ass.
For you, the insertion felt a bit uncomfortable even with the lube but you still couldn't help but moan against Jeongin’s mouth as he slowly pushed his long finger deeper. Your hand gripping his back softly due to the newfound sensation.
Jeongin’s other hand traveled to your weeping cock, to get you relief from the upcoming stretch — he swallowed each of your whiny moans as he added another finger while playing with the tip of your dick.
You thrust against Jeongin’s hand as you push your tongue against his own as he rocked his fingers inside you — as your hand couldn't help but reach for his dripping cock.
His cock was leaking against your own, wanting but patient for its release — you reached for it causing Jeongin’s body to jerk and for him to groan against your tongue. You couldn't wait to feel this inside you.
As the make-out session is turning messy, Jeongin added another finger, a third one to stretch your hole out even further to accommodate his dick and to lessen the pain of the insertion.
You felt spit around your mouth, you couldn't even know if it was yours or him in the first place. His digits inside you were feeling more pleasurable, the sting and uncomfortableness going away.
Jeongin pulled away from you but still kept his wet digits inside, he looked at your slightly blurred out expression and your puffy and swollen lips.
“I’ll put it in now, alright?”
You nod senselessly, your hand finally leaving his cock as he applied a copious amount of lube on his shaft. So much lube to the point wherein it dripped against your own cock.
He looks at you brightly before aligning it against your rim, just settling it there but your hole had other plans as it just tried to suck it in.
“Please, please. . Jeongin, ple—”
Jeongin cut your erratic mumbling with a sudden insert, his cock going inside you as he felt you claw against his back at the tremendous stretch.
“Oh fu— What the. !!!”
You ran out of other words to say as the feeling of his cock against your walls dragged you into the point of insanity but at the same time it gave a splash of water on the burning embers of arousal.
Every ridge and vein on his cock could be felt and you couldn't help but tighten the grip of your fingers on his back, nails breaking skin as you gasped for your breath. Jeongin pants in pain at the feeling of you clawing on his back, but nonetheless persists against the lesser agony.
When Jeongin started to go deeper and deeper till he finally got balls deep inside you, Jeongin groaned in pleasure as the warmth surrounded his shaft. “You feel so good..” he trails off in awe.
Just staying still in this position inside you to get you used to being speared on his cock. Jeongin brushed off your hair on your face — just so he could get a better look at your pretty face and your expressions that made him go feral.
“As always, pretty as a flower but a tongue of thorns, am I right — my prince ~?” he jokes, still teasing you as if he was not connected to you right now.
You scoffed breathlessly at the audacity of the man,
“Jeongin, I swear you—”
Jeongin cuts off your whiny voice by pulling out so suddenly before thrusting back in. Leaving you more shocked — but at the same time that singular thrust sends electricity of pleasure circuiting your body, causing you to undoubtedly moan in ecstasy.
Jeongin had an egotistical smirk on his face even though he felt more pain on the scratches of his back. Jeongin’s fingers trailed down to your crotch, playing with your balls — not touching your dick at all to make sure you do not release so easily.
He can see that your face is relaxing more and more, as he slowly thrusts into you softly — taking note of the shallow whimpers coming out of your mouth each time his balls make contact with your ass. The sound of skin hitting skin was immensely loud due to the amount of lubricant used.
Jeongin’s patience was wearing thin as he just wanted to fuck your hole to oblivion — and to watch it gape afterwards with his seed flowing out.
His imagination is going haywire at the thought as he seems to be getting restless. As much as he wanted to make this as soft for you as possible, the instinct to flip you over to your back and just ravage your ass is driving him crazy.
Jeongin watches your face as he thrusts inside you languidly — his hand was still on your balls and with a grin, he gave it a strong squeeze causing your body to flinch and for you to release quite the erotic moan.
Jeongin loves to watch your expressions to contort into different emotions. He speeds up his pace a bit more, at this point — the wet sound of skin hitting skin was getting louder.
Your hands now fly into Jeongin’s hair also, surprising the man as you tug on it harshly.
“Are you close, prince?” he asks, his eyes staring at your hard cock bobbing up and down with each thrust into your hole.
“Y— Yes..”
Jeongin breathed out deeply as he also felt his orgasm approach — his hand that was cupping your scrotum moved up into your shaft, effortlessly jerking it as he almost snorted at the sight of your hips erratically chasing his hand.
“Ha.. cummi—”
Before you could finish your sentence, you released with a moan, to which was devoured as Jeongin instantly leaned down to smack his lips into yours as he rides you through your orgasm — Jeongin felt liquid drip down his chest as he pulled away, watching your blissed out face and your closed eyes.
He wanted to finish also, so he pulled out with a sigh — spreading your legs a bit and watching your hole twitch at the emptiness.
He curses at the sight, as he jacked off to it.
After a while he finally came on your ass with a barely audible moan, with a satisfied smile he asks you embarrassingly and shakes you awake — “So, how was it..?”
You laugh a bit at the tone of the question before you looked at his blushing face. “It was great, Innie.” you said with a smirk, snorting as his blush seems to darken.
“Maybe next time, I’ll be on top~” You whispered huskily, winking at the man before you pulled him down to your side — ignoring the semen that would now probably ooze on your sheets.
He giggled a bit, “Hmmmmm.... If you can~ I still prefer this though~” he says, teasing and squeezing your cheeks to which you groaned and slapped his hand off.
“I love you.” he says, a deep adoration on the sparkle of his eyes.
“I love you too. . . And, I probably always will” you say back, even if it's a bit cheesy for your taste.
He grabs your cheek and placed his lips unto yours — you kissed back with as much passion.
Sometimes you just can't help but wish for your relationship to be more accepted within society — you wanted to be with him, more out in the open. .
To feel belonged in this world, is the only thing you wanted for the both of you. Sadly, there are many thorns in a beautiful garden.
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A music box
Sighing, you carefully set down the porcelain vase you had for atleast a year now — now that you thought about it more, wasn't that the first time Jeongin had—
You shooed the thoughts away, as you couldn't be distracted with intruding thoughts as you clean the now-dusty house. Jeongin was cooking but you could tell that it wasn't going well from the putrid smell of burning coming from the kitchen — you huffed and rolled your eyes at that. Sometimes you wonder if your boyfriend only knows how to be an errand boy for the farm, or lift heavy stuff around, or even maybe fuck you against the wall or house cus' God knows he doesn't know to tidy and cook.
You're basically acting like a househusband for him right now, not that you really minded since he let you stay here for over 2 and half years now. Surprisingly, you hid well from your parents — despite having eyes everywhere or their just dumb. You had guards patrolling around the streets for a bit but more so during the night, which was really irregular in the lower district — especially since the district had been abandoned by the committee basically just letting them fend for themselves.
To be frank, you heard some gossip around the town market when you went there yesterday (with a mask of course.) that a whistleblower was identified living here, from another country.
You were really nervous about this due to this problem arising will probably affect the peace you have currently, you hoped that nothing will go wrong at that they will catch the whistleblower immediately for the soldiers to leave the lower district alone.
Shaking that problem away, you had a current one with the food burning.
You rushed over to the kitchen, dropping the cleaning tools in the process — you pushed Jeongin away with little force and turned off the stove. “Okay then, always remind me to never let you near the kitchen.” you said, looking at Jeongin up and down with a click of your lips.
He pouts cutely to which just made you guilty from scolding him — he pulls you in by the waist and grinned. “How about you punish me for it~” he teased, his foxy eyes looking straight at you. Before his hands manage to reach the hem of your shirt, you got the man off of you with a bit more scolding and hitting.
With a loud sigh, Jeongin retreated to the living room as you got to tasting the slightly burnt omelette — still edible at least but the taste is rather not very appealing to the taste buds.
You added the burnt omelette to your plate as you served the other omelette you cooked earlier that wasn't burnt to Jeongin’s plate.
You brought the plates slowly and carefully to the living room where Jeongin was fiddling with a box. You didn't think much of it as you placed his plate in front of him and your plate to the side.
Grabbing two pairs of spoons and forks into the kitchen before rushing back to where Jeongin was.
Sitting down with a tired sigh, reaching your food with the fork as you look at Jeongin’s focused expression as he tinkers with the oddly designed box. “What is that?” you asked suddenly, breaking the silent and calming atmosphere.
“Oh this? It was given to by one of the farmers, they said that it was broken anyways so I took it home to see if I could get it working again. . Since we can't really afford a radio or anything like that, I wanted to fix this music box for you.” he answered solemnly, he smiles at you brightly before going back to do his thing — stabbing the egg you cooked for him and taking a bite out of it once in a while as he fiddled with the device.
You contemplate in your thoughts for a while before opening your lips to speak,
“Jeongin, if ever— ”
You were about to say something, but stopped yourself the moment, you realize that Jeongin right now was too happy in his own world fixing the music box — that single depressing thought that you were about to say would've broken the serene air.
“Nevermind... ”You hummed, Jeongin looking back at his device since his head shot up earlier when you called his name. The guards that were walking around posed a danger to your current self and what if just a single glance from them is enough for your father’s own henchmen to come here — that was what you wanted to say to him but halted.
You left the living room after Jeongin finally finished eating, plates and used utensils in hand — you walked over to the sink and started to wash them.
Till you heard a bell ding, judging the sound echoed inside the house — there was someone at the front door. Weird, nobody had ever ring the bell in the 2 years you've been here — this part of the lower district is usually silent and criminal-free, unlike the other sections where drugs and alcohol corrupt the street and the only work is selling your body, including your soul. You yourself took pity on those people living in much worse condition, though you've never been there yourself, you hear whispers and information especially when you buy cheap ingredients at the market.
“I’ll answer it!” Jeongin’s voice reaching your ears as you hummed at that, not bothering responding due to Jeongin’s loud footsteps rushing towards the door.
As your mind got filled with these intrusive thoughts, your hands work their magic on the plates as water flows down your skin and against the kitchenware.
On the subject of the lower district, you remember that Jeongin was a sly thief back when you were younger, not that you judged him for it — people do what they must do to survive, and he did stop stealing back then when you gave him cash back then instead. Though it was a bit funny watching him dig through your room back then when he climbed up to your room — till you catch him. “A real fox indeed...” you mumbled with a small smile.
Jeongin threaded back to the room silently with a letter given by a guard outside, his face — blank and lips were quivering slightly. He looked like he would break to tears at any moment while you were still in the kitchen humming to yourself.
He noticed some shuffling in the kitchen so he made quick work and hid the white envelope in an empty drawer.
Stepping into the room as you stretched your arms, you looked at your lover — his teary eyes immediately got wiped off by his wrist and smiled at you. You raise an eyebrow at that, so you voiced out, “Everything okay? Who was at the door?” you asked, Jeongin’s lips opened to answer, but... nothing came out.
He seemed reluctant
“Oh, it was just a guard— he was just asking questions.” Jeongin spoke out finally after a moment of silence.
He smiled while his eyes wandered to the ground, as he sat on the couch.
Slowly, he picked up the music box and worked on it once again like a machine repeating his actions. You didn't really get the gist of it yet, but he just went straight back to doing his thing.
“Uhm, are you sure that you are all right?” You ask once again, and once again — his face full of guilt lied as he lied straight through his teeth.
“Yes, definitely.. Come on! Watch me work my magic on this music box, and maybe on you too later ~” he teases at you snidely, patting the empty space next to him. You were a bit suspicious of his current behavior, he is very much a tease sometimes but you tease back too but he never does this in some serious situation like what happened earlier was quite the tense atmosphere.
You sighed, you knew in fact that he was not telling you something but you don't think you can even get it out of him. You sat next to him as he hugged you suddenly out of the blue to which you looked at him now, a bit worried.
“Jeongin, you can tell me anyt—”
Jeongin immediately cut your sentence off with a kiss on the lips, his arms finding your waist as he completely straddled you now. He was acting a bit weird now. You kiss back but with little excitement because you wanted to get to the bottom of this now.
But as soon as Jeongin kissed down the side of your neck, you soon lost your mind at the feeling of his lips dancing on your skin and just thought "There’s always a later."
You let the desire consume you and that's basically how both the evening was spent — sex on the couch.
Morning came, you felt you got years of your life sapped out of you from last night’s events. Jeongin was rough and was incredibly needy on the first round while soft and caring in the second, whispering sweet compliments against your ear as he slid into you slowly and repeatedly, third round was when the positions were switched as he languidly rode you and well, more rounds happened but it was a blur.
You vividly remember him clinging on to you tightly and sniffling muffled cries against your shoulder while you were in a state of being both asleep and awake.
You rub the side of your head, trying to remember — this was different, Jeongin was a sunshine and he never cries in front of you — you didn't know if it was pride or what but he just didn't like you seeing him in a weak state. In honesty, you understand that cuz in a way — you were like that before you started to show more emotions around him.
You groan as you felt both your backside and front ache, both the scratch marks and bite marks also felt like a hassle.
Jeongin was out of bed early, he usually spent the mornings with you before leaving for the farm.
You sighed, getting ready to wash yourself from the head down till you noticed a small paper on the nightstand. You thought nothing of it at the moment, thinking it was probably Jeongin’s teasing notes like "How's your back? ~" or "Once I get home, another round?" It was quite normal for him to leave these when getting an early phone call from the farm. (You can't really say those teasing notes doesn't make your heart jump)
A hum came out of your mouth as you grabbed the piece of paper carefully, eyes skimming through the words — due to you just waking up, your vision was a bit unclear but it seems that Jeongin wrote quite the long note this time, judging from the blots of ink.
"My prince... My Y/N, I feel guilty writing this beside you while you are snoring loudly but those sounds lessen the burden of my heart. Earlier, I didn't wanna freak you out so I decided to keep my mouth shut. The guard that came by earlier said that I have to participate in the war, the letter itself says that I have no right to reject it and well, I couldn't bring myself to hurt you or by you telling me not to come. You know full well that they'll barge in here and drag me out and maybe even you so.. I took it upon myself to leave and I wanted us to have quite the memorable night before it happened. I managed to fix the music box also, so you don't have to live in a bland atmosphere for a while. I'll see you when I see you my love.
- Y.J "
As your eyes read through the note, you felt your throat constrict at each word.
Your head finally wrapped around the main point of the note. He left...
You were hoping this was one of Jeongin’s pranks, No, you were praying to all the gods up there that this was just a prank, that when you walk out that door he would spook you with a smile. In the note, there were big round marks of splashes and in some parts, the ink ran down — he was crying when he wrote this. Your heart tightens and at this moment, it feels like the world has come crashing down on you.
Slowly, tears welled up on your eyes — the feeling of hopelessness had come back tenfold. Words couldn't even begin to describe how you felt right now. Your emotions were in shambles.
Tears started to fall now and your body unknowingly started to shake in despair.
You didn't know how you would live without the light of your world.
The clock on the wall started ticking and you stared at it religiously, time will bring him back — you thought.
You waited,
Hours. . .
Days. . .
Months. . .
The cold feeling of emptiness in the house was suffocating and your mental health is slowly declining, the morbid atmosphere in the house is too much for you to handle.
As each day goes by, you feel like a sick person — a lot of people will say it's too much, it's just a person or that he'll come back eventually but the shadow looming fact that he might not is too terrifying for you especially when you've relied on him almost all the time.
You felt sick to the stomach at the fact, you didn't push at asking him what was wrong that time, desire is such an accursed thing — that mistake proved that maybe you just didn't deserve him.
Walls crumbled around you to the point, you started to question yourself and your sanity.
Where are you, Jeongin, please come back soon.
Years are starting to pass by. . . .
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Presently, you were breaking down again. The memories are too much; just.. just when is he coming back — please, is he coming back at all?
You gripped your shirt, time is beginning to rot you away, you had forgotten when you last smiled, when you had woken up happily and looking forward to the day, taking a bath without thinking of his touches and caresses against your skin or when you saw those golden foxy eyes or the rich grin and smile.
A sob passes through you as another day gone by with you just reminiscing of Jeongin’s items. The memorabilias he left, painfully awe memories.
Only time will tell when you will finally move on with life; for now, unjust and unmoving — you close your eyes again back to sleep till the whole cycle of memories repeat again the next morning.
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stormbreaker101 · 2 years
Help i have started thinking about Duncan Grimwater again.
He was a child.
He was a child when Malistaire, his teacher and idol, disappeared. Everybody said Malistaire killed himself, but Duncan was young and hopeful and still hadnt quite grasped the gravitas and finality of Death and he hoped Malistaire was alive. He saw Malistaire's grief eat him alive until it destroyed him, and the cycle continues. People start calling Malistaire evil for destroying the Death school, and Duncan tries to hold onto the memory of Malistaire and insist that he hadn't gone bad.
And then you come along. And you are the last person to have seen Malistaire ever. And Undead are roaming the streets causing havoc. Duncan, young and naive as he is, hopes they're unrelated. He still clings onto Malistaire's memory as a good person, and refuses to accept that he had changed for the worse before dying.
Denial is the first stage of grief.
Duncan was child. And he was grieving.
Ambrose has no sympathy for Duncan. He appointed Malorn to take the position of Assistant Death Professor, driving a wedge and a hierarchy between Duncan and his friend. Ambrose singled Duncan out and suggests he give Life magic a try, further trying to erase Malistaire's good legacy.
Imagine if you and Duncan became acquaintances, bonding over how stupid Ambrose treats the both of you. And you keep in touch as you quest. You see the inexcusable havoc Malistaire is causing. Do you try to lie about Malistaire's actions, or force Duncan to see that Malistaire had definitely gone mad, if not gone evil?
When you kill Malistaire in Draginspyre, news spreads. You're both a bit older now, but news of his death sends Duncan back to that young grief he first felt when Malistaire disappeared.
He is still a child. So are you.
Duncan distances himself from you. After all, you killed Malistaire. You are the cause of his grief now. He can tell you're grieving too, and you're feeling great guilt as well, but his emotions take first priority to him.
A few years later, Xibalba falls upon Azteca, and Malistaire Drake had been revived then cast into the abyss between worlds. News spreads. How could it not? An entire world has died. And Malistaire was brought back only to be destroyed again.
He sees that you're wrapped up in your own grief. It's like the strange flavor of grief that surrounded you when you first killed Malistaire, tinted with guilt, but even more intense.
The Spiral is cruel and cold. It takes away beloved people time and time again, and only sets people up for grief, guilt, and heartbreak. Duncan is tired of the pain. He had never really gotten over Malistaire's first deaths (how could he? He was a child. Childhood is the time of life where things stick to you the most, because you've yet to become hardy enough to shrug happenings off.).
The Cabal reaches out to him. Offers a warm hand and kind words and sage mentorship. The Spiral doesn't have to be so cold. We don't have to live like this, separated from our loved ones the way the Spiral's worlds have separated from each other. We can make a more kind universe. We see your suffering, and we want to show you a way out. We can help you and your grief.
Duncan accepts the Cabal's kindness, while you are off in Khrysalis fighting Morganthe. A student of Malistaire like Duncan.
He doesn't see you for a while. You don't see him for a while either. You defeat Malistaire the Undying for the last time in Darkmoor and join the Arcanum, still an Initiate among them. Duncan continues training with the Cabal, hoping to be a full member one day.
He finally meets you again in Malistsire's home. You, the person who last saw him in Ravenwood, the person who killed him, the person who failed to save Azteca (which is the same as killing by not trying hard enough), the person who then sent Malistaire's soul to the Other Side (forever gone: "We will not meet again," Malistaire had promised you). And he sees you not as a friend, all those years ago. He sees you as an enemy, the vehicle and the cause of all his grief.
He was a child, and you ruined his life.
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onlyetherial · 2 years
Caleb Widogast, Percy de Rolo and Human Grief
There’s a good chance this isn’t an especially novel take, but here we are. These characters had a lot of parallels drawn between them early on in Campaign 2, which is fair, there’s a lot of similarities; both fiercely intelligent humans with a lot of expectations placed on them in their adolescence, both raised, trained and expected to serve their country, both the victims of terrible trauma, both insistent on making things right, whatever that means to each of them. 
But with the value of the closing of both of their stories (for now, potentially in both cases) I think the most interesting similarity is how both Caleb and Percy react to their trauma in the long term. They cope by clinging on to whatever agency they can where their loss in concerned. Caleb, for all of C2 up until the epilogue, is looking for a way to affect actionable change to his greatest loss. He literally wants to go back in time to undo his parents’ death. He cannot, as he sees it, atone without returning what he was manipulated into taking. 
Percy’s reaction, though, is less immediately germane to his personal tragedy. Percy, in the wake of the Brairwoods’ and Ripley’s defeat, is flailing for agency. He knows, for a fact, that he can change to world. He’s done it for the worse. So when confronted with the seemingly inevitable nature of the fulfillment of Vax’s deal with the Raven Queen, Percy sees an opportunity; he couldn’t save his family before. He will this time. 
The conclusions to these stories come in different ways; Caleb makes his own way to his, while Percy’s slaps him flush across the face. Caleb, because he’s a good wizard and thus very prone to HUBRIS, is sure his time travel gambit would work. He could make it work. But he now knows better than to try, and he takes that last fragile hope of being Bren again, before the men from the academy came and told him he was special, and turns it to dust. He closes that door. It hurts, but it has to be done, because otherwise he’ll never be able to fully separate himself from that lowly wretch, wasting away in a sanitorium, trying to transmute ash back into something warm. 
Percy, on the other hand, literally takes until after he watches Vax die to fully break down. His chance to make up for the brothers he couldn’t save, walking through a door that closes behind him. And then it hits him, everything he was tamping down by trying so hard to exert some control over the world. He misses his family. He misses the person he might have been. 
Neither of them is able to really able to heal until they let go of their (sympathetic, human) desire to undo the hardships they’ve suffered and get back what they lost. There are things you cannot be smart or skilled or driven enough to fix. There are things that are over now. There are things that are done. Until they accept that, they’ll always be fractured, because a bit of them will be back there, still trying to get a hold on the ocean or wrestle the wind or think their way out of loss.
Max Payne had a dream of his wife. Caleb Widogast had a memory of his parents. Percival de Rolo had a lot of brothers.
Some of them were dead. 
But it was alright. 
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tanniefm · 4 years
nasty | jjk (m)
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summary - you're needy at a party and no one can help you except your boyfriend jungkook.
pairing - jungkook x reader
genre - established relationship
word count - 2.4k
song inspo - nasty by ariana grande
warnings - unprotected sex (BOOO), dirty talk, daddy kink, brief breeding kink, slight voyeurism (you essentially ride his thigh in front of everyone), explicit language, praise kink, subspace, drug and alcohol use (weed), brief mention of vmin, i guess kook also falls into domspace too i mean y'all are high so
a/n - i'm sorry this took so long school's been kicking my ass bruh. this is also very unedited since i originally wrote this while horny like a month ago kanjwbw. anyways yeah enjoy! ps. i am very bad at endings and summaries sigh
“But I need to so badly! Just please make me cum, Kook!”
“What did I say? Not ‘til later. At this rate I might not let you cum at all.” his words brought utter terror to your face. What did he mean not letting you cum at all? You've been so good all day! Just like he told you! This party fucking sucks anyway. As much as you love your friends coming over, there’s only so much you can handle before you start getting annoyed by their presence. Jungkook has been teasing you all day but the very peak of it was when he ate you out earlier like it was his last meal and at the very last second, decided to cease all contact from you and smile cockily. Asshole.
It doesn’t help that you've both been drinking and smoking a bit, so your horniness has only worsened since then. This mixed haze of being tipsy and high at the same time is just making you needier by the second. You’ve been clinging onto him and following him around your shared apartment the whole night while he laughed and chatted with your friends.
“You good, ____?” Jimin laughs. He out of everyone should know exactly how you feel, given him and Tae are constantly going at it, just like you and your beloved boyfriend.
You smile sarcastically, “Nah I’m perfectly fine, Minnie! Why do you ask?” you know exactly why he’s asking. You’re not really the best at hiding your emotions and your face says it all that you’d rather have everyone disappear immediately so you can fuck the shit out of the man you’re glaring at. He’s currently taking a few hits out of Hoseok’s “party bong” as he likes to call it. It looks very used and burnt out, you don’t know why he just won’t get a new one since you’re sure that’s some kind of safety hazard but whatever.
“No reason, just that you look like you wanna eat Jungkookie alive is all.” he smirks. You roll your eyes playfully and take another sip from whatever mixed drink Jungkook made you.
“He’s getting on my nerves.” you quip back. Jimin’s eyes crinkle as he laughs heartily. It seems like everyone finds your situation amusing but you. All you want is to have a proper orgasm! Is that so wrong! It feels like he’s punishing you and you haven’t even done anything! You go to sit on the couch with him, directly on his lap, while he watches Seokjin and Taehyung yell over Mario Kart. He automatically wraps his hands around your waist and smiles lazily.
“Heyy pretty girl.” he says gruffly. His voice always gets raspy when he smokes and your pussy throbs at his (and your) favorite pet name.
“Kookie,” you whine. “Please can we wrap this up and do something alone. Need you.” you start pouting in hopes he’ll finally cave. He chuckles and brushes a piece of hair from your face.
He leans in closely to whisper, “After they're done with this game, I promise I’ll take care of you, ok baby?” you look at him skeptically and hold up your pinky to ensure he means what he says. He giggles at your cuteness and wraps his long pinky around yours, kissing it to seal the deal. Your face immediately lights up at the prospect that you’ll finally get some dick. The more you think about it, the wetter you get. Maybe he’ll bring out the toys this time and use those on you. Maybe he’ll overstimulate you until you beg him to stop. Maybe he’ll let you take control since he’s been messing with you all evening anyway. The possibilities are endless and they cause you to squirm around on his lap. You quickly realize that your leggings are pretty thin however as you suddenly pause when you feel that your boyfriend is hard as a rock. Little did you know that he’s been suffering just as much as you have, he just likes to play with you a little to see how needy you could get. He can feel you throbbing through your leggings and it’s been driving him fucking crazy. He can’t wait for the guys to leave so he can fuck you in every room of this house.
He grips your hips tightly and gives you a warning look of “do that again and see what happens” you whimper and tuck your face in his neck. He smells so good. You can faintly smell the weed you two have been smoking but you can still smell his soft detergent and calming lavender he loves so much. You know his nose is sensitive so he only uses a small amount of cologne and it encapsulates him so perfectly. He pulls you closer and starts bouncing his knee slightly. Fuck. Now his thigh is consistently hitting your clit and your mind is getting fuzzier. The haze from earlier coupled with the fact that Jungkook is bouncing you like a baby is starting to make you whimper and moan a little louder than you’d like to. You know he’s fucking with you again. He loves seeing you like this. He leans down and reminds you Tae and Jin are almost done with their game and then you can moan and whine all you want. You nod hastily while you suck a mark into his neck to keep quiet. His knee keeps the same casual pace, as if your clit isn’t the main focal point of each bounce. He kisses the top of your head and laughs along at whatever the boys are arguing about as to not raise any suspicion. Although you’re pretty sure everyone can tell exactly what’s going on. The fact that everyone can clearly see you getting bounced on your boyfriend's lap is only getting you closer and closer. You bet you could cum like this.
“Ha ha! Fuck you, hyung! I told you I’d win!” Taehyung shouts jovially.
“Yeah whatever, brat! I’m definitely winning next time.” they both get up and stretch before informing both of you that they think they’ll call it a night. The rest of the boys agree and gather their stuff to head out. You hate to say it, but you couldn’t be happier that everyone’s finally leaving. Jungkook lifts you off his lap gently and to your horror, you can already see a damp spot forming on his sweats. He smirks and winks at you while he kindly escorts everyone out. Once the last person is gone and the door is closed and locked, he turns around and tells you to come here. You scamper over to him in a haste and attach your lips to his in an instant. He laughs at your neediness and backs you slowly to the couch. He sits down and puts you in his lap again while you both make out as if you’ve been deprived of each other. He grips your hips and grinds you against his erection that’s been straining against his pants for the better part of half an hour.
“My poor baby, was I too mean today?” he asks as he kisses down your neck and jaw.
“Mhm, I’ve been a good girl all day just like you said and you don’t even care.” you whine. He lifts his head and cups your face.
“Of course I care, baby. I’m so proud of you for being so good today. You want daddy to take care of you now, don’t you?” he says gently. It looks like you’re not the only one that fell into a bit of a headspace. You’re very aware that when Jungkook starts referring to himself as daddy that he’s already taken a dominant position. Meaning he’ll take very little shit from you. Not that you felt like being bratty today anyway. Good girls get rewarded and that’s exactly what you intend to receive. You nod and grind against him faster in hopes he’ll get the hint that you want him now. As always, he quickly understands and starts ridding himself of his shirt as you take off yours. Seeing all of his tattoos always does things to you. Especially the small bouquet of black roses he got for you. You still can’t believe he would get something so permanent on his body just for you but he was adamant that you were the love of his life. The memory made you emotional as you started to tear up slightly. You’re going to have to ask Hoseok what the hell was in that strain to make you so sensitive to literally everything. Jungkook stops unclipping your bra as soon as he sees your eyes well up.
His hands are right back to their position on your face. “Woah, what happened love? Are you ok?” you wipe your eyes and giggle bashfully and explain why you got so worked up. He smiled and kissed you softly.
“You know I love you, right? You’re so fucking cute. I love you so much.” he says as he leans his forehead on yours. Weed makes both of you so sappy. You can’t even find it in yourself to care as you bring him into another kiss. He continues to take off your bra and starts kneading your breasts in his hands. The action makes you whine and pull away from him.
“Daddy, I wanna cum now. Please?”
He chuckles and lifts you off of him to strip your leggings. His fingers trace over the damp spot of your panties and he pulls them back to see how wet they’ve gotten.
“My little girl completely soaked through these. Needy baby. If you wanted it so bad why couldn’t you just do it yourself, huh?”
“B-because I wanted to be good. M’ a good girl right?” his words confused you. Why would you take care of yourself when he does it so much better. Plus, wouldn’t he just punish you anyway?
“I know baby, you are a good girl. Besides, those tiny little fingers would just frustrate you wouldn't they? You need daddy to cum ‘cause my dumb babygirl can’t do anything by herself, can she?” his words make your lip tremble as you nod dumbly. He’s right! You couldn’t possibly do something like that by yourself. Only he can make you feel like this.
He smiles as you agree with no hesitation and pecks all around your face. This is your favorite place to be in. In his arms waiting for his instruction. Taking the lead is fun every once and awhile but being stupid and pliant is far more your speed. He makes you feel safe and adored. He makes you feel good.
His fingers swirl around your covered clit as you moan into his mouth. Your little noises and the feeling of his fingers getting slicker is making him painfully hard and he, too is getting impatient. He wiggles his hips and slides his sweats down to reveal to you that he’s been walking around with no underwear on. He’s been completely hard with no barrier other than his sweats. You feel like you could bust right then and there. As soon as you see his cock, you lick your hand and start stroking it slowly. Jungkook hisses and throws his head back.
“Little girl...don’t play with me right now…” you heed his warning and scramble to take off your panties so you can get him inside you as fast as possible. This is what you’ve been waiting for, and you’ll be damned if you fuck it up now. He steadies you as you prepare to sink down on him and he kisses you gently. The way he’s filling you is intoxicating.
“Fuck, this little cunt was made for me wasn’t it? My baby’s so perfect for me.” his words make you tremble. You both moan breathily once he’s bottomed out inside you. You grind back and forth slowly as you try to adjust to his length. Jungkook however, is just as impatient as you are. He halts your movements to grip your hips and lift you almost completely off of him and slam you back down. You gasp as he sets a pace for you quickly. Your walls clench as he groans out praises of how good you feel and how much he loves being with you like this. In his lap, bouncing on top of him, whining into his neck. He couldn't think of a better place to be. His hands slide down to your ass and grips it as he bounces you even faster. You moan loudly and bite on his shoulder in fear of getting another noise complaint from the neighbors.
“D-Daddy? M’ close. So so so so so close daddy please fuck!” your words are slurred since you literally cannot think properly. He laughs breathily. “I know baby, you feel so good. Fuck I wanna pump you full of my cum. Wanna get you pregnant.” his words only make you moan louder.
“Oh you like that? You like when I talk about filling your cute tummy with my cum? You want my babies, little girl? Hm?” your head bobs up and down as you nod. “Yeah- mm yeah want it so bad daddy please cum in me. I wanna have your babies please Kookie please. Wanna cum wanna cum wanna cum!” you whine. Seeing how absolutely wrecked you are is only getting Jungkook closer and closer. You look completely and utterly fucked out. If his baby wants his cum that's exactly what she'll get.
“Shh precious I’m almost there. Daddy's got you I promise. Rub your pretty clit for me, I wanna see my baby cum ok?” you immediately obey and spit on your fingers before shoving your hand between you two. You rub your swollen clit with quick flicks to get you to cum faster. You just wanna make Jungkook happy. You wanna be his good girl.
It didn't take long for your hand coupled with his cock pounding into your g-spot to get you to cum hard on him. Your limbs spasm and your vision goes white while you distantly hear Jungkook's moaned praises. He cums in you not long after with a whine and keeps thrusting a few times so you can milk him for all he's worth. You both pant heavily as his arms wrap around you tightly, wanting to be as close as possible. He pecks your head repeatedly and buries his face in your hair.
“I love you ____.” he sighs. You giggle and sleepily look up at him. “I love you more.”
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spice-chan · 3 years
Legally Incapsulated
yandere!Bakugou Katsuki x darling!reader
In a different, dystopian world, yanderes are allowed to run rampant and they make up 15 percent of the population. It gets a little interesting when Bakugou, a protective yandere falls for you, a taken darling. 
warnings: dystopian society (ig?), yandere themes, unhealthy relationships, reader has a bit of an early stockholm syndrome kinda thing, blood and near death, captivity. 
also hi, i came back from the undead with an update. 
Bakugou laid on the ground, bleeding profusely, cold and alone. The red liquid soaked through his clothes, painting him as an ugly manifestation of destruction and death. However, he did not welcome the latter yet, clinging to-hanging tooth and nail to the threads of life.
What cruel irony. To be dumped somewhere so public, yet at a time when no one would bother to come. To have the Hero hanging onto the hope that someone would visit the park at three in the fucking morning. 
A brutal fight between him and a particularly vicious villain ended in Katsuki suffering not only the humiliation of defeat but injuries that will do him in soon enough from blood loss. All alone, with no back-up, Katsuki suffered possibly the worst defeat of his life, for it might cost him that very same thing. Fucker attacked him after he finished his night shift too when no reporters or anyone would be around, knocking Katsuki out and dumping him in a public park just for the mockery of it. 
His head felt light and doozy, and he was starting to succumb to the feeling sucking him in when he heard a gasp amidst the fog. 
With what little stamina he has left, he turned around, sharp red eyes spotting a petite woman heading towards him. 
You quickly got to his spot beneath a tree, crouching down and inspecting him, your warm eyes becoming horrified at the blood pool. 
“Oh no, what happened here?! No matter. I’m going to call an ambulance. You’re going to be ok.” You reassured, or tried to, for the words coming out of your mouth could only be taken as self-assurance when one notices the dampness of your eyes. He tried to concentrate on what you were doing, but the next time he was aware of what was happening around him was when you clutched his hand tight with tears streaming down your cheeks.
“You’re gonna be ok.” 
He sure hopes he will be now. 
“What’s your name?” 
Despite the haze covering, his red eyes zeroed on you, calmly taking you in despite the battered state he was in. You froze. 
You stammered, heart hammering as you finally had another person's attention for once. It should’ve made you really ecstatic, but it just made you feel like you were naked on live TV. 
“It’s um-“ you nibbled on your lip as if unused to your name, Katsuki just got lost in the dainty, delicate sound of your voice. 
And when you said your name, as if testing foreign words on your tongue for the first time, he couldn’t help but think it suited you. 
So pretty. 
Honestly, if the sight of you is the only thing he’ll see before dying, he’ll be content. Your hand remained in hold his, your warmth travelling to his frigid hand and warming his very soul. 
But the sound of ambulance sirens broke him out of his trance, and you too, it seems. For you broke away from him in fright, he had to hold back from grabbing you and keeping you close. He would, had he not been injured. 
“Whe-where are you going?” He asked brokenly, desperate to keep the angel that saved him close. You shook your head, frightened and frantic. Looking at the time, and seemingly getting further and further. 
“I’m sorry-I—I’ve got to go. I’m gonna late, I’ll get punished if I’m late.” 
His heart sunk with every syllable you uttered, feeling a pain he had never felt before, something not tangible enough to be compared to injuries and not comprehensible enough for a man like Katsuki to express. 
You’re a darling. 
You’re someone’s darling.
By the time the ambulance rolled in and took him, you were long gone…
But not for long. 
Katsuki Bakugo: Yandere. 
Classification: Protective
Darling: Unregistered 
In a world where yanderes are allowed to go rampant with their love, an ordinary citizen doesn’t know when they’ll become trapped by a person who claims to ‘love them unconditionally’. Thus making them a darling. And from the moment that label is put on them, the law ceases to help them and they become entirely at their yandere's mercy. 
Yanderes are often separated into their schools and housed in their specified yandere classification ranging from obsessive, possessive and protective, and if a person overlaps two during their classification test they get reign into which house to go to. At UA, the houses are split between those three types and are equally split. 
Katsuki, who scored rather high in both protective and obsessive traits, chose to go with the protective unit where he met Kirishima, who’s currently blabbering on about nothing in Katsuki’s hospital room. 
“You barely made it man, I still can’t believe it. One can never be too careful these days.” He said, for the hundredth time. Katsuki was topless, the nurse having just finished bandaging his wounds. The stark white stood out against his chiseled, muscular front, it had every nurse swooning but he only had one thing on his mind. 
Where were you? Who were you? Did you really have a yandere? How can he take you away now? 
No, he doesn’t like you. He’s just curious. 
He’s survived this long without a darling. He doesn’t need one, contrary to popular societal belief. 
When babies are three, they undergo tests and scans to see whether they have OLD, obsessive love disorder, which is something about 15 percent of the population suffers from. 
They go to their own schools and such, but their identity as yanderes won’t be revealed to the general public, making it easy for yanderes to take their darlings by surprise when the grand reveal comes. 
Katsuki himself attended a yandere oriented hero school, but what the public doesn’t know is that the acceptance rate is so low because only yanderes are accepted. Yanderes rarely, but not never, go for other yanderes so it poses as less of a distraction. 
And so, the talented in the 15 percent of Japanese yandere are carefully picked and honed. 
And the separation only proves something. That darlings are a distraction. He won’t be like other wanderers, he’ll get a hold of himself. 
Y/N L/N: Darling
Under yandere of classification: Obsessive
Yandere name: Nagisa Mura
Katsuki ground his teeth, red orbs staring viciously at his computer screen. Hypothesizing and being faced with the fact that you do belong to someone else. The distraction, unneeded angel who fell from heaven just to save him. 
Poor you, he bets that piece of shit doesn’t treat you as good as he could. 
After looking further into you, he found several allegations of sexual assault made towards Mura that got completely dropped after he captured you. 
A flash of searing pain made Katsuki jerk back, narrowly missing scorching his screen to smithereens. 
He...he hurt you. The fucker hurt his angel, his princess...he hurt you, he hurt you, he hurt you. 
He thought of your pretty, kissable lips, making unsure, clumsy movements as you tried to vocalise your name. 
No, Katsuki has to have you. He needs to save you. It’s the only way for both of you to be happy at this point. 
And this, spurred on a thorough check at your yandere, and Katsuki delved so deep that when he found what he wanted, he couldn’t help but break out into a lopsided, sinister grin. 
Nagisa burrowed his face in your neck, breathing in your scent while you sat still and rigid, not wanting to move away and risk his sanity flying away. 
“Did you enjoy it?” He asked softly, suddenly attentively look at you with his cat-like, loving, sick eyes. Your heart palpitated in fear for a second before you nodded. 
“Oh, where did you go? You...didn’t talk to anyone right?” Your heart erratically hammered, thinking that he might’ve somehow found out you did, and even told him your name. You shook your head at the speed of a sewing machine, then thought that might’ve perhaps been too aggressive to be convincing. 
“I didn’t. I walked to the park and came back home.” 
He sighed in satisfaction at that, moving his dark bangs back to stare at you with his green hues. 
“I knew night time was a better idea. There would be no one around at this time that you can’t deal with with pepper spray. Fewer people to talk to, fewer people who see you” he was smiling, not breaking eye contact once, and with each syllable, his soft voice seemed to get more sinister and sinister. 
You only nodded, pliant as a lamb in his grip as he twisted you however he wished. He buried his nose in your hair, inhaling the scent of you as if smelling a rare fragrant flower. 
“We’ve gotten so far since the days in the orphanage when you refused to share your dolls with me when we were five.” 
Memories. Something that should fill one with nostalgia, only filled you with an unbearable sense longing to a freer, more easy time. When you only had to worry about Nagisa bothering you during breakfast, lunchtime, movie time, sometimes worship time and wash time. 
Desperate for a sense of normalcy, you hugged him back, feeling icy cold in his embrace. 
“Nagi, what are we having for dinner?” A twinge of regret pierced you as you lowered your guard for a second. His hold became stiff, and he didn’t bother to swipe back his bangs as he flashed you a blank face. 
“You’re thinking about dinner while we hug?” 
But you knew how to deal with him better by now, deflecting his anger and turning it into something more malleable. 
“Oh no, it’s just that I feel a little dizzy. I don’t think I ate or drank well those past few days.” You paired the lie with a yawn for extra measure, and the ice of his face melted to reveal a familiar worried expression pouted lips and widened greeny eyes. 
He carefully put you down, bundling you in a blanket before he rushed to the kitchen to prepare you some food. 
The worry he harboured for your well being should’ve filled you with warmth, but instead, you were left twiddling your thumbs and rocking yourself back and forth, an unexplainable feeling of doom filled you. 
The feeling of a hand touching you caused you to spring out of your reverie in fright, but the sight of the green hues staring back at you only calmed you a fraction. He put the food in front of you, which he brought back with some vitamins because he can’t have you getting sick. 
“Thank you…” you murmured, feeling incredibly stupid and useless. 
He insisted he feed you and that you go to bed early. 
But as you laid in bed, thoughts of strange red irises and their bewitching beholder swarmed your thoughts along with the fatigue. You hope he’s alright… 
You wanted to check on him, but if you asked or even implied to Nagisa that you met someone, let alone a man albeit injured or not, that he will opt to not let you out for a year again, or possibly longer this time. 
Even in his injured form, there was something undeniably feral about him, as if ready to pounce any second and gamble his chances at life if the situation called for it. It frightened you. 
You shook your head, willing comfort to return to you through the soft duvet and sheets enveloping your body. You better sleep before Nagisa comes to bed and finds you awake…
Finally, Bakugou has the best reason to get that fuck arrested. And you? Poor you, you’re going to have your yandere taken away, and you can’t *just* be let free. You didn’t earn it after all. Well, you would have, had there not being a perfectly suitable yandere for you to be rehomed with. 
Heh, to think of it, you might hate him a little for this...but he’ll show you that he can treat you better, in no time, you’ll be wrapped around his finger like he’s shamefully wrapped around yours. 
Bakugou’s thoughts come to an abrupt halt when the L-word is mentioned, not noticing when his thoughts spiralled to that degree. His deranged obsession with you had been planted the moment you saved him, but Katsuki didn’t notice when he lost the wheel of his rationality to his heart. 
Yeah, sure, he did background checks on you, felt a twinge of pain when he realised you grew up in an orphanage, felt a tornado of anger when he saw the assault charges that went nowhere after that obsessive fuck captured you. Yeah, ok, he felt proud when he saw that you were the valedictorian. But… where did the stone hearted Katsuki go? Where did the one who was afraid of getting close to anyone in case his true nature shows and distracts him from his dream go? 
But then, he remembered your glassy eyes, staring at him in worry that no one ever showed towards him before, fumbling with his phone to dial the ambulance while holding his hand. Telling him he’ll be ok. 
The moment Bakugo looked in the mirror, he knew he lost. 
His cheeks were flaming hot. 
Whatever, he better start preparing your room. 
It felt like preparing the room of a newborn baby, Katsuki bought enough stuffed animals and plushies to make it resemble a fluffy asylum, along with pastel pink sheets. Your name was also put on the wall, with cursive pink letters that had butterflies surrounding them.
Not to forget a dresser filled with all kinds of things you could ever desire. But his favourite was filling the closet. 
Besides adding some of his own shirts, he stuffed it with all kinds of pretty dresser and cute clothes that he can’t wait to see you wear. 
Bakugo dusted his hands, taking a sigh and looking at the finished guestroom, previously a spare but now your own room, it looked as if a sparkly fairy vomited all over it. Hopefully you’ll like it… 
He wishes you were here to see it… 
An unfamiliar sense of isolation invaded his heart, perhaps it was the realisation that he just finished a room to a person who doesn’t even live with him *yet*, or knowing what he’s missing out on with you, but he knew he desperately wanted you here. 
He wanted to protect you from the bastard who has you in his clutches
A day later
You sat on the sofa, munching on some popcorn while you sat on Nagisa’s lap, watching anime. 
A rough knock sounded out, the sound so aggressive is sounded as if the wood itself was gonna break under the aggressive force. Nagisa tensed up, he wasn’t expecting any guests, in fact, he rarely invites anyone over. He disassociated the both of you from any acquaintances from the orphanage, and you weren’t allowed to mingle with anyone. 
He saw your curious look, even without any verbal question, but he opted to simply kiss your forehead and put you on the sofa. 
He quickly went to answer the door, but not without grabbing a dagger and hiding it somewhere discreet. 
He turned the knob, feeling his chest tighten painfully, as if sensing a near, imminent loss. 
Three aggressive, toned cops welcomed his sight as soon as the door was open. They forced their way inside, cuffing him and telling him things, words that were spoken too fast and went over his head as the only thought that went through his head aas you. 
He turned around to where he left you, but you were suddenly standing besides one of the officers, not allowed near him. No…
“According to our database, you are a yandere who has a darling. This means that she will be permanently taken away from you and handed to an eligible yandere as part of your punishment.” 
He swallowed, his gaze, which always seemed morbid to you, now looked panicked and morose, gaze moving like a boomerang between you and the officers, as if not processing what’s happening. 
“Nagisa, what have you done?” He couldn’t answer you, he couldn’t speak a word. You were leaving him, and there’s nothing that he can do. 
“Eligible yandere? But as far as I know, there’s no one after her besides me.” The thought comforted him. Maybe he’ll recapture you after he serves whatever sentence he has, even though he’ll have to do it on the down low now. It’s illegal for a yandere who had their darling taken away to go after them again. 
“Well you thought wrong. Scum” 
Bakugou felt like the star of the show, coming in to rescue his damsel and finish his quest, with you as the prize. 
Your mouth was agape, the little hope that simmered in you that you might possibly be free is now crushed, confusion coming full force in place of it. His face was all too familiar, it was the face of the man you found on death's door only a few days ago. 
Nagisa’s face blanked, turning to you with bloody accusations in his eyes, which made your vision narrow to only focus on him, afraid to make eye contact yet afraid not to. You almost felt the bile rise up your stomach as goosebumps covered your entire body at his familiar, haunting stare. 
“(Y/n)...how does he know you?” 
“I-“ you swallowed, unable to answer. Who is he? 
The dots were starting to connect in Nagisa’s head, however, instead of his chilling rage, all you got was a sad, nostalgic smile. 
“Very well (y/n), it’s ok.” You couldn’t feel relieved from his ambiguous tone. Your very gut screaming at you that something was wrong. 
And your gut was right. 
“It’s ok, I know you didn’t mean for any of this to happen, I’m sure of it but I’m sorry because if I can’t have you then nobody can.” In the blink of an eye, Nagisa charged at you with a dagger, with speed you didn’t know he possessed, while you were frozen in place in fear. 
However, before he could reach you, the blond, brawny man moved like the wind, catching the hand that threatened you, firing an explosion at the wrist in a show of wrath, probably giving Nagisa third degree burns, then twisting his arms behind his back and pushing him harshly into the floor. The level of strength between them was visibly imbalanced to the blondes' favour, Nagisa was by no means fit or sturdy, not at all when compared to the wall of strength in front of you. 
The officers, novices who should have expected this turn of events by all means, have proven to be useless until the very end of this spectacle, thanking the blond the blond profusely while handcuffing the hysterical Nagisa, who was taken kicking and screaming by one of the officers while one stayed behind. 
“Miss (y/n), I believe? Sorry we couldn’t prevent this unsavoury turn of events, that criminal will be locked for good, you don’t have to worry about him.” The officer tried to reassure the frightened lady in front of him, disappointed that a yandere would try to kill the person he loves. That was one of the most prohibited laws, though what can he expect from a criminal? 
“You don’t have to worry about your safety though, as it turns out, you will be rehomed with Mr Dynamight. This will serve as both a punishment for the offending yandere and a way for darlings who haven’t earned their freedom to stay with their next eligible caretaker.” 
You nodded shily, overwhelmed by the influx of information directed at you. It didn’t help that you barely spoke to anyone besides Nagisa in years. 
The officer took your agreeableness in stride, scramming quickly as he physically felt the burn of Bakugou’s stare. 
Now it was just him and you. 
“You ok?” He managed to mutter, not sure how to start a conversation with you now that he had you. 
You nodded, not facing him. Are you ok? 
You felt the moisture gathering in your eyes, making your eyes seem like gleaming crystals. 
Of course you weren’t ok. 
You just had the person who, for years, claimed they loved you, stole you against your will and forced you to adapt to a lifestyle that suited them try to kill you. You didn’t know whether to laugh or cry but apparently your body did as it broke into a sob. 
Your shoulders shook in failing effort to try to hide yourself from him-Mr Dynamight or something, but he felt his heart clench when he heard you sniffle. 
You heard him kiss his teeth, and you had a half mind to apologise, having unfond memories of the sound, but he instead, to your surprise, brought his beefy arms around you and embraced you warmly. 
Your crying halted, head turning up to fave him with a ‘deer caught in the headlights’ look in your eyes, making him blush and turn away from you with another kiss of his teeth. 
“Stop crying.” 
Why did his simple gesture stop your tears? Why are you not trying to make a run for it? 
Most importantly, why do you feel something warm blooming in your chest instead of hate? 
You looked at him, trying to channel all the hate you harbored for Nagisa for this newfound captor of yours, but all you could think about is when he saved you from Nagisa’s sharp blade— how strong and capable he was, really, shouldn’t you be thankful? 
At that moment, you experienced something that never happened to you in your years of being with Nagisa. 
You blushed. 
 You stepped through Bakugou’s house, already having an idea of what kind of lavish place it is from the exterior, but you were nevertheless impressed. 
The place is something out of a movie, extremely different to the small and cozy apartment you lived in. Everything seemed up to date and costly. 
You didn’t notice Bakugou preening in pride at the impressed look on your face. He tried to appear nonchalant, but he was seconds away from grabbing your hand in excitement as he tours you around the place. 
Still, he wanted some form of contact with you, so he opted to put a hand behind your back, excusing it as you being too slow when you turned to him with a quizzical look. 
His hand felt warm on your back. 
“This is the bathroom nearest to your room, but there’s one in your room as well.” 
Your room. It felt strangely delighting to have something be your own, when previously everything was ours with Nagisa. Everything was happening so quickly, you didn’t know whether you should try to pause to catch your breath or pick up your pace. 
“And uh, this is your room.” This time you did notice Bakugou’s redness, it was quite hard not to when his entire face was red. Of course it would be. 
The room looked like it was something out of a barbie house. Soft, pastel rugs paired with baby pink curtains. Plush, stuffed dolls littered the place, some small and some big enough to engulf you. You slowly stepped inside, unsure how to feel about this interior, until you felt your bed. It was also a gentle pink, but the catch was how featherlight soft it was, it felt silky, and the mattress reminded you of when you’d dream of sleeping on a cloud. 
“Like it?” He asked, not taking his eyes off your blessed face. That’s the first he’s seen this expression on you. He feels almost cheated, like he would have seen way more of you and learnt way more than he already knows if that piece of shit let you out. 
You hummed to him in response. 
“Good, ‘cuz it’s your nap time now.” 
“Huh?” You straightened your back, looking at him in protest. 
“But, I still have things to ask you! Plus, I don’t need a freaking nap-“ 
“Sleep now, questions later.” 
The sun was starting to dip, giving the room a warm, orange glow which did make you feel somewhat lethargic. Bakugou closed the curtains, and shut the door, but surprisingly didn’t leave your room. He pulled the covers back, gesturing for you to slip under. You were afraid for a moment that he was gonna slither his way inside as well, uninvited. But he merely sat besides your supine form. 
“I’m gonna stay here ‘till you fall asleep.” You nodded mutely, not finding a point to objecting anymore. You never have a say anyways. But, this wasn’t so bad. He put his large hand on your head, caressing it and admiring its texture, and how amazing it feels beneath his fingers. You felt his touch to be invasive at first. Who does he think he is, touching you when you don’t even know him?
But you don’t speak. You instead relax and let the stress you built up melt away, and you welcome sleep. 
Your eyes slowly fluttered open to the feeling of someone lately shaking you. You were disoriented, glancing around the fluffy place in confusion, your eyes looking adorably lost and confused. 
“C’mon dumbass. It’s time for dinner.” 
Oh, right, you were living with him now. 
“I put the clothes you’re gonna wear on your bed, and here are your slippers.” You glanced on the bed, seeing a comfy looking white, silky pyjama dress slippers at the foot of your bed. 
“Ok.” You nodded, “I got it.” 
He gave you one final final intense look leaving your bedroom. 
In the dining room, Bakugou had already set everything up. He made your favourite food, lit up some candles and sat down, anxious glancing at the door and waiting for you to appear. Will you like it? Will you ask him questions? Do you enjoy living with him so far? 
If the answer to some of those questions is no, he doesn’t know what he’ll do. He does know that you aren’t going anywhere though. 
You quietly walked in, feeling the tension increase with each step you took. 
You spied the contents on the table, salivating at the smell of your favourite food like a starved ogre, not even bothering to grimace at the memory of Nagisa’s poor attempt at making it. 
Bakugou was salivating as well, but for different reasons. He couldn’t look away from your exposed skin, staring creepily as if he’s never seen a leg before. 
The meal was consumed with awkwardness, neither party breaking the ice. You were afraid of confrontation, of asking too many questions and receiving nothing but anger and resentment in return. He seems so much nicer than Nagisa, you didn’t want him to hate you. 
The silence reigned, and the dishes were cleared away and being washed by Bakugou, who insisted you stay near him but also insisted you stay unoccupied. 
Every moment that passed felt like a moment lost, and you kept summoning your courage, but the words just wouldn’t leave your mouth. Maybe you should build up to what you really wanted to ask instead of jumping straight to it. 
You saw his red eyes sneakily glancing at you, rapidly leaving your form when you noticed him, causing his ears and face to flush. 
“So um, what do you do?” he quirked an eyebrow, looking at you strangely while his movements didn’t pause. 
“You-you don’t know?!” he exploded, looking at you in disbelief. You just shook your head like a deer caught in headlights. 
Oh, that shit must’ve not let you watch TV much. 
“I’m a pro hero.” 
Your eyes widened in wonder, the decadence of the place suddenly making sense. 
“Cool! What’s your quirk?” he ditched the dishes, excitedly showing you his quirk and explaining how it works, delighted at your cute smile and interest in him. The air felt charged and lively, and maybe that’s what led you to ask the questions that have being nagging at you. 
“So um, how did you-uh, how did you even find out anything about me?” 
Your heart dropped when you saw the excitement on his face disappear, his usual scowl in place of it. 
“You told me your name, that’s all I needed to know. I never stopped thinking about you ever since I saw you, I tried but I couldn’t. If even someone as strong as me can end up on death's door, then what would happen to you? I couldn’t just leave you.” At this point, he was caressing your face, looking at you with love stricken eyes. You were reminded of who you were talking to, you were talking to a Protective yandere, who took you. 
You didn’t have to ask anything else really, pandora’s box opened, and everything you weren’t previously privy to is now made obvious to you. 
“It sickened me though, knowing you actually fucking belonged to someone else. So how could I leave you? I had to save you like you saved me.” he had both of his huge hands on your face, looking at you with pure insanity, love, adoration and bloodthirst swirling and mixing in his irises. He was a yandere, he was the person every ordinary person should fear, he has you in his clutches, you should be trying to escape and regain your freedom, you saw first hand how easily capable of hurting you he could be if he wanted… So why weren’t you scared?
812 notes · View notes
Could you write a reunion fic as a sequel to the Heisenberg 'alone time' that you wrote? While smut would be wonderful, I'd just be grateful for apologetic Karl forced to be humble for once in his life.
(Also im DYING to know what he did, did OC/Reader discover his Soldats or about Rose? Im so curious and itching for more)
Your writing is awesome and I hope to get to read more Heisenberg goodness from you!
A/N: Thanks so much and I'm glad you guys are enjoying what I'm writing, sorry if it took so long and I'll be happy to answer more asks (including angst and fluff) for RE8. Sorry if this is so damn long but hope you guys enjoy it nonetheless. Also decided to make it gender neutral as I didn't want anyone to be left out.
Warnings: NSFW, Smut, The reader riding Karl, The reader not afraid to talk back to Karl, Stitching, Cursing/Inappropriate Language, Oral, Kissing, Arguing, power bottom' Karl, fluffy smut, unprotected sex, dirty talk, Fluff, and nearly 8000 words.
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It's been far too long since you have seen that man and you hoped not to see him for as long as you both may live, for a time you thought it was just 2 people with different paths that force them apart but in a way you couldn't be more wrong. You understood and still understand his need to get rid of his troubling and frankly corrupt family, you both shared a dream to run away from the Village and to live somewhere with beautiful sights. To have some form of happiness even if it doesn't last, sure normal life may seem boring but it's all that you both wanted, happiness away from reminders of Miranda and the rest of his seemingly fucked up family. But what it took to for him to get it, his plan that he seemingly thought was so brilliant only made you boil with rage and painful reminders of your past is brought from the dark corners of your memories and into the light of your mind. Children. They're so innocent, good, and pure ... they bring out everything in people, children are something that you hold near and dear to your heart. Children are everything that the world isn't, at least until they're forced to grow up and deal with the cruelty of the world. This wasn't the first time that you had disagreed or fought with Karl in your mind, but what really caused you to boil over was his plans.
A heavy huff slips from your lips as your heavy steps full of anger echoed throughout the factory, your hands are balled into tight fists and your fingers trembled along with your body, you just couldn't fucking take it. You weren't going to stand by and turn a blind eye to sacrificing an innocent child for your happiness, you weren't going to and Karl as usual tried to convince you into it. Make it seem like it'll be worth it in the end. He's stomping after you, following after you like a dog and you can hear him desperately trying to get you to stay, you keep your eyes forward and keep making your way towards the exit. Just as the door is in sight, he reaches out to grab your wrist causing you to gasp before trying to pull out of his grasp, he pulls you firmly towards him and makes you meet his eyes. His green eyes are clouded with ... desperation, they're soft and vulnerable but it didn't phase you. Not one bit. "Come on, (Y/N) ... you know that I'd do anything for you. ... You know I love you ... that's why I have to do this, kitten. You have to fucking understand ...!" He pleads with you, you turn away from his face, that bitter taste still remains on your tongue and his words fall deaf to your ears. "You don't understand! You don't understand at all! You're in your own fucking bubble ...! I can't do this! I can't live with the fact that the man I'm in love with is willing to sacrifice an innocent child for a chance at happiness." You growl at him, your words are breathless and harsh and it stings like poison to his soul, his expression begins to slowly fade into resentment. A look you had never seen before, especially towards you. "Listen to me! ... The fruits of our labor shall come ... but it all comes with a little sacrifice." He barks, his grip on your wrist slightly tightening with his anger rising as he tries to plead with you, get you to understand but you could care less. "Then I don't want to share that kind of happiness or freedom with you at all ...!" You bark back, your words are dripping in poison and there isn't much care behind them, a huff leaves your nostrils and you once again try to get out of his painfully tight grasp but he wants you to hear him. Fuck. "I thought ... fuck ... I thought you fucking loved me. All those nights, all those late-night talks, the passionate love we made ... I guess it meant fuck-all to you, huh? I guess you never gave a fuck about me ... I wanted you to ... I wanted you to understand." Karl seethes, his words are in a low growl and his green eyes are clouded with bubbling rage and fury. Fuck.
"I did love you, Karl. I still do but you have to leave or do something, I don't fuckin' know but there should be a limit to the price you're willing to pay for a chance at freedom. ... I'm not willing to. This ... this brings back too many painful memories, I would never let myself live if I let her die." You almost sob, your anger that was once boiling and alive was now being put out by the melancholy that rested deep within your soul. That baby reminds you so much of ... your history. You never told him about your past and the trauma you somewhat suffer from it that makes you long and ache for freedom. But now wasn't the time. At all. "I can't do that ...! You know I can't ...! You can't leave me, (Y/N) ...!" He shouts at you, desperately clinging to his relationship that is burning, crumbling right in front of his very eyes, he's trying so hard to save it but the thought quickly floods in what if he can't save what you have? His jaw clenches and his throat begins to tighten, breaths become hard to even get out and you can hear his low growl of rage and sorrow echo through your ears. Your throat had tightened the moment he reached out for your hand and now the tears were swelling in your eyes, leaving them uncontrollably. "I love you, Karl. But this is the end of us. The end of our story together." You managed to choke out as his expression softens yet he's stiff, a frown is plastered on his lips, and doesn't seem like it's leaving anytime soon. Regrets plague his mind, "I regret ever opening up to you. Fuck, I never should've let you into my life especially if you were gonna fuck me over and leave me alone." He thinks to himself and immediately lets go of your wrist, he forces on a blank expression and forces his tears to be hidden away, he pushes away his heartache and goes back to the only way he knows how to not fall apart, to not lose himself and to become weak.
"I never wanna see your fuckin' face again. Leave. Don't even think of coming back. You fuckin' ... you fuckin' hurt me ..." He grunts and growls at you, even lightly pushing you towards the door before turning his back on you as he crosses his arms. Fuck. "I'm sorry for the pain I've caused." You manage to say in a whisper, wiping away your tears and sniffling to yourself before leaving out that door and never looking back, it was hard leaving him behind to wallow and experience his pain alone that you caused. But you stand by your choice that you couldn't stay if he had to use Rose for his plans. Still, he plagued your dreams, still had nightmares about that man, about losing him in so many graphic ways. You tried to live your life, going to work and just trying to find a way to live without seeing Karl ever again at least you thought. You never forgot him. It was around 2 in the morning and you managed to sleep for just a few minutes until your phone rang obnoxiously loud, ringing and vibrating against your nightstand. You sat up, rubbing your eyes, and an annoyed groan left your lips before you picked up your phone, though you had lost his number you knew it was in that village and it meant that he was the only one calling you. You almost want to toss your phone across the room, a familiar bitter taste begins to coat your tongue and you slowly take in a breath staring at the phone in your hand. "God fucking damn it." You curse bitterly, regretfully pressing the answer button on your phone, scratching at your head you answer with a bitter and low "hello" that is answered with heavy ragged breaths. Coughing soon follows after and echoes through the phone. "What the he-" You begin to ask before you're interrupted by his sudden cursing and rage-filled words. "Stupid fucking Ethan Winters ... the bastard ... couldn't even ... finish the job ..." He coughs into the phone, blood pools in his gut, fuck he was ruining one of his favorite shirts and an empty swallowing pain aches through his stomach. But he barely cared.
"The fuck are you rambling about, Karl ...?" You ask harshly, standing up on your feet as you press the phone to your ear, waiting for an explanation. "Oh, fuck off! You wouldn't understand ...! Or care!" He howls back before you can hear him cough once again before a wince soon slips from his parted lips, an agitated expression twists onto your face. "You must've thought I would care if you thought to fuckin' call me. Tell me what's up or I swear I'll fucking hang up." You bark at him, clenching your fists tightly as heavy ragged breaths left your body in the presence of your anger. " ... If you do give a damn ... then your ex is bleeding the fuck out in his factory ... with no knowledge of medicine and shit." He coughs out, he presses his hand firmly onto his large wound, fuck was he in bad shape and Ethan Winters had fucked him up but like a coward left him alive. "I might be there. Keep pressure on the wound and try not to die, dickhead." You huff in a ragged breath before hanging up quickly, in a way you thought it was karma for him wanting to use a baby and possibly murder a baby to get rid of his toxic and frankly not real family.
You sit back down onto your bed with a heavy sigh leaving your lips and a question on your mind. Was it gonna be worth it? He could be trying to trick you, you thought to yourself and really questioned if you should drive there and help him supposedly. As much as you wanted to be bitter, to hold onto that resentment but your heart and soul ached to see that filthy man, it called out to him desperately. Your heart sang to see him, to hear him despite your mind's warnings and reasonable viewing of the situation. Like a dumbass, you listened to your heart and began to get dressed, you threw on some old coat and a pair of washed-up skinny jeans, you grabbed a med-kit and some stitches and quickly rush to drive to the hidden and eerie village. With your foot pressed hard on the gas pedal, you kept wishing and praying that he'd be fine, that the waste of gas and the risk of being pulled over by cops worth it. When you finally make it to the factory, it's grim and dark and seemingly stopped working, the smoke that came from the factory is gone, the noise and the racket that his factory produced every second. You quickly get out of your car, medkit, and tools in your arms as you enter, you can hear his heavy strained breaths echoing through the factory that is now seemingly dead. Lifeless. A series of coughs leave his lips as he sits slumped up against the side of his bed, his blood drips and oozes off his hand, covering his stomach wound as the pain just continued, it still ached and stung like salt on an exposed wound. His head is dizzy with a haze over him, fuck was his head aching like a motherfucker and everything on his body ached and cried out in pain. "Karl ...?!" He hears you shout desperately searching for the man, he could hear the distress in your voice, the panic that came in your hurried and seemingly quick steps. "I-I'm h-here ..." He weakly responds in a low whisper, blood begins to coat his tongue and the unfamiliar taste of iron rests upon his tongue. You hear his cry weakly and you quickly rush to his bedroom, heavy breaths leave your lips in your pursuit to find Karl before he bleeds out or chokes on his own blood. What an idiot ...
He's in seemingly worse shape than when you left, his lips are beginning to become tainted with his own blood, many small wounds were all over him but the most concerning was the one on his stomach. He's coughing and trying to take in oxygen, trying to taste something other than iron on his stomach and he turns to find you, standing there before him. Damn. He forces on a wide toothy grin when he meets your gaze, damn he could feel the tension and could see that dark haze in your eyes, full of disappointment and resentment. "So we f-fuckin' meet again, huh?" Karl coughs out as a short series of chuckles soon follow after, he's trying to keep what little pride he had intact. He couldn't be seen as weak after you broke him, you left him in pieces and chose to leave him because of some stupid sacrifices he had to make in pursuit of the happiness and freedom you deserved. "So we do, asshole ... let me guess, the plan that you were so persistent on working didn't fucking work ... what happened to never come back?" You growl at him, crossing your arms as bitterness seemingly runs through you, you could feel your heart thump in your chest and your hands curled into tight fists. " ... That doesn't m-matter right now. I just n-need your fucking help!" He snaps, his words strained and choked before a series of coughs soon leave his lips. You slowly take in a breath, considering whether to just hand him the medkit and fucking peace out but you know the asshole lacks medical knowledge and would die. You let a deep sigh leave your lips before you kneel beside him, putting one of his arms around your shoulders, and with a loud groan of pain, you set him down on the bed, lying him down on his back and making sure he was comfortable. "I'll only be able to take care of this and stop you from bleeding out. You'll have to be still, Karl otherwise I'll fuck up." You advise him, getting up to go wash your hands and make sure that you don't get him infected whilst you're at it, you come back into his bedroom and open the medkit and begin to get to work on the wound. Karl would've never thought or had the pride to call up his ex, the one person he told himself he'd never need again is forced to put his pride on the side and is forced to let his ex attend to his wounds. All he can do is frown deeply, turning away from you to stare out the window, and all he can think is that Ethan Winters is still out there. He's gonna kill Miranda. That was his job, that was something he spent his life working towards doing, getting rid of that bitch Miranda and stealing her precious power. He's forced out of his thoughts when you begin to rub alcohol onto the wound causing a sharp stinging sensation to shoot through him, he grits his teeth at the stinging and almost burning sensation plaguing his body. "Warn me next time, will ya?" He says before a heavy cough soon follows, you sigh deeply as you continue to rub the alcohol on his wound gently, making sure it doesn't get infected and die from an infected wound.
"Warn you? ... It's just rubbing alcohol not a lighter." You respond, rolling your eyes at the man before you as you set down the towel and begin to pull out your thread and your needle. If he thought the alcohol was painful then he is truly in for a rude awakening. "This is gonna be painful, Karl ... I'll try to be quick with it." You state, somewhat warning him of the pain to come. "Please do ... I can't wait until you fucking leave ..." Karl bitterly spat, still unable to accept the fact that he needed you, that you were right, that he wanted you back into his life because, in his mind, it's better to bottle it up. "I won't treat you if you act like an ignorant dog." You spat back, your eyes meet his for a moment as an expression of anger twists onto your face, he begins to try and speak before a wince fell from his lips at the sensation of the thread going through his skin, he slams his fist down onto the bed and hisses at the pain once more. "Says you, you literally came in here pissed. Maybe just shut up and do ... ah!" He begins to say, his words are filled with anger and irritation before another sharp sensation of pain shoots through him. "Look, my bad alright but it's not every day you want to see your ex who was willing to ..." You begin to retort back at him, giving him a mean glare before he barks back. "You have to make sacrifices for everything! ... Now Ethan is going to get his daughter, probably gonna murder Miranda when I deserved the right to kill her. To watch the bitch suffer and choke on her own fucking blood." He growls, bitterness comes to him like air and he lets out a huff through his nostrils, a bitter and sour expression twists onto his face as he thinks of the fact that Ethan nearly murdered him, he thinks to the fact Ethan is going to steal what he worked so hard to get. "Whether you kill her or he does, she'd still be dead. ... You need to just ... let go of it and be grateful he let you live ... besides can't you finally be free out of that woman's grasp?" You say, less bitterness in your voice than before as another painful wince slips from his parted lips, he sucks in a breath through his teeth and lets out a heavy ragged breath. "That's if that fool can kill her. That's why I needed Rose. I needed her power to help me kill her. I needed it." He growls, slamming his fist against the wall in frustration.
"Did you ...? If Ethan nearly killed you then you severely underestimated how powerful he is ... probably can rival Miranda's power or maybe it's ... it's because he loves his daughter so much, it drives him to keep going." You say, your once bitter expression faded into something more dreary as you are reminded of your past, you would've done anything for that child. He scoffs to himself, turning away from you as you stop stitching him up as a truly bitter and painful expression twists onto your beautiful face. You force his face towards your own and gaze deeply into his eyes, you want him to feel, to see the pain that you felt and he did feel it. "You act like it's so terrible to be human ... it's so terrible to fall victim to your emotions ... that man loves his child just like how you loved me. He would've sacrificed anything for that child, he was willing to try and kill you, he was willing to kill Lady Dimitrescu, he was willing to do it all. That's what being human is. That's what's strong, so fucking strong." You exclaim, slowly inhaling a breath into your nostrils as silence quickly fills the air between you both, you can see the realization in his eyes flicker before him and how he softens in a way. Licking your lips, you push him back and hide that urge that was a habit you had, leaning to kiss him whenever your eyes met his whenever you saw how he softened before you. You missed that so much. You didn't say anything more, you go back to stitching up his stomach wound with an unreadable expression on your face, it was a mixture of pain and frustration and Karl saw it but most of all he saw your pain. It reminded him of his own. He would do anything for you. If you wanted him he would take you back in a heartbeat and he was afraid to admit that. Afraid to admit that he was still weak to you, still weak under your human ways that he used to relish in with you and he was afraid of being open, being hurt, being vulnerable, and falling victim to you in case you left him again. In a way you were weak to him too, stubborn as well but more willing to open up to him, to be vulnerable in front of him, willing to take the bait if it meant you would get hurt again. You were almost numb. To it. The pain that he had caused you but it was still there, stinging you at whatever moment it got and you let it become what you see Karl as. Another reminder of your pain, another man willing to sacrifice whatever for a taste of freedom and revenge. But despite that you loved him.
"I apologize for acting like a bitch when I came in here. I just ... I never thought you'd call or need me ever again and I didn't think I needed you either." You say in a somewhat soft breath, you meet his eyes for a few moments before turning your attention back to his wound and he turns towards you, licking his lips before he runs his finger over his bottom lip. "Thank you." He says smartly with a prideful smile soon curling onto his lips before you roll your eyes at him, you bite your tongue to stop any laughter from coming out. "Come on, you have manners don't you Karl? You acted like a bit of a dick too. Or is it too low of Mr. Karl Heisenberg to apologize?" You tease, a natural warm smile curls onto your lips for a few moments, Karl's heart feels light once more and it pulsates in his chest at the once familiar sight he used to see all the time, he missed that smile. Chuckling, he looks down and can feel the bitter irony taste on his tongue begin to fade away slowly but surely it is. "I apologize for acting like a dick earlier. There. That make you happy?" He says, rolling his eyes to himself before you nod with a chuckle soon falling from your lips, your hair had changed, your fashion sense had as well but you were still the same with that warm smile that made him nearly have a heart attack. "Alright, I should be done in a moment ... I'll clean your wound once again and make sure it doesn't get infected ..." You say once more, your tone has returned to its initial seriousness and he sighs to himself, just when he thought you were letting the mask fall, just when he thought things might be going back to normal. "It's fine, do what you have to do ..." He responds, waving his hand in a motion to allow you to keep doing what you were doing. You continued for a few moments longer, trying to stay focused on stitching his wound up but suddenly thoughts starting appearing in your head, what if things could go back to normal? What if you can be free together now? What if you can share happiness with him? Maybe you were an optimistic fool but having hope that things might change between you two is something that you happily looked forward to.
"Alright, I'm done. You shouldn't bleed out and die and ... I'd say try not to fuck up your stitches. But I should be going if I am not of any help to you anymore, Karl ..." You say lowly, reaching out to seize your medkit before he suddenly grabs your wrist, just like the last time you saw him causing you to nearly jump at the sudden grasp on your wrist. He realizes what he's doing from your somewhat distressed expression and lets go of your wrist quickly. "I'm sorry for ... that. But ... I'll probably need more medicine or more care to make sure I don't fuck up my stitches." He rambles, allowing himself to be vulnerable for just another moment, licking his lips his eyes meet yours once again and you see that familiar desperation in his eyes. But this time, you thought what if you stayed and so you set your medkit back down and let a deep breath leave your lips, you somewhat missed the familiar sound of his factory working and working tirelessly. "I hope you aren't planning on stopping Ethan. I'm sorry but it's just fucking stupid ... let him take care of Miranda and let him have Rose then you have what you want. Freedom. Happiness." You exclaim, sitting on the opposite end of the bed beside him with legs resting on the mattress. "I ... I want to. ... Miranda has caused so much pain, so much agony to me ... she doesn't see me as her son, nor will I ever see her as a mother. She's just ... she's just a crazy bitch who decided to steal a fucking baby and hope it could be a vessel for her fucking precious little Eva." He growls bitterly, a sour expression twists onto his face as he crosses his arms, still bitter to the core and revenge is still tainting his mind, no thought of freedom or happiness crossed his mind. Just Miranda. "I know. All she cares about is finding a body for Eva ... but you could finally be happy away from that crazy ass woman. Besides ... this plan has already been a huge failure." You exclaim in a gentle sigh, licking your lips before taking in a breath and so many memories flood back to your brain whenever you stare at something. Even this bed has so many memories.
"I ... I haven't failed. Besides blame Ethan for ruining an otherwise amazing plan. So much for working together." He spat, rolling his eyes at the thought that he was possibly bested by a mere human makes his blood boil. "This plan has nearly cost you your life and cost you a chance at even getting a sliver of freedom." You explain, another sigh leaves your lips as you stare down at the mattress beneath you, silence fills the room once more because Karl's pride won't allow him to see that maybe he had failed in his plan. "You even lost me ..." You muttered lowly almost in a whisper but Karl heard it and his expression twisted from bitter to disheartened and remorseful. "Look, I get that I hurt you and I hate it. But I needed to do it ... I needed to try and get rid of her! Get some kinda control over my own fucking life! I am done with being another experiment for her to use for her wishes! I ... I just want to be free ..." He exclaims, all manner of emotion is pouring out of him and seeping through his mask of charm, taking in a slow shaky breath as his throat tightens and memories flicker of his family, his real family. His mother, her warm smile that is reminiscent of yours, her warm comfy hugs and just remembering it had tears traveling down his cheeks as he clenched his jaw firmly. Your expression softened at the sight before you, a saddened and pitiful frown curls onto your lips as you can sense his pain, he really lost his life to being Miranda's experiment, to being her slave. A soft breath leaves your lips and you rest your hand upon his shoulder, expressing comfort as he inhales another shaky breath, pain is what became of him and he tried to fix himself only to become more broken.
"Karl, listen to me ... you're allowed to be happy ... you're allowed to smile, allowed to be angry, you're allowed to be happy." You coo, your words are gentle but powerful and your eyes are sincere, warm, and delicate to his eyes. He turns to you, eyes slightly puffy and an expression of pain is twisted on his face, letting a gentle breath when he looks at you, when he gazes into your eyes for a few moments, he's reminded of happiness, he's reminded of warmth, he's reminded of love and family. He still loves you. His eyebrows furrow before he wraps his arms around you, clinging to you desperately as he buries his face into you, still pain torments him when he can and it destroys his life. It destroyed his relationship with you, it destroyed everything around him and it almost destroyed him, he would've sacrificed everything just for freedom, just to have his life be his own. He sees it now, it comes to him painfully raw and honest and he almost hates it because of how he hurt you, the one damn good thing in his shitty miserable life. "I hurt you. I fucking hurt you and you came back for me? I ... I don't fuckin' deserve you ... at all ..." He exclaims, his words muffled into the fabric of your clothes as he can feel your arms wrap around him, your hands gently massage him and the simple gesture puts him at peace and ease. "I came back because as much as you hurt me ... you don't deserve this, Karl ... despite how I left you, I still care so much about you. Hell, when it's you I listen to my heart rather than my fucking brain. With you, it's different ... with you, I could never forget you. At all." You confessed with a soft sigh leaving your lips at the end of your words, your hands move to his long untamed grey and brown locks, you gently run your fingers through his locks and you nearly chuckle at the unique texture of his hair. "I didn't either, butterfly ... I hurt you and I see how I fucking hurt you, hell I didn't care if you left me I was still going to continue to plan despite how it hurt you. I'm an asshat. I wouldn't want to remember me if I did that." He exclaims, a gentle smile curls onto his lips as he stares up at you with a familiar smile that warms your heart, it leaves it jumping in your chest and leaves your stomach with butterflies.
"It's good that you see that and I hate that hurt you too ... I know that I left feeling so bad, so bitter about this whole fucking plan ... but this plan the only good thing it brought to you was bringing me to find your nearly dead ass." You chuckle, a wide smile curls onto your lips as a peaceful and joyful expression is plastered onto your face, another chuckle leaves your lips as a warm familiar smile remains on your lips. He can't stop himself from smiling as well, savoring these moments you share of nothing but pure joy, and he can't help but cup both sides of your cheeks. His fingers gently caress your cheeks, his smile warms your heart and your soul and the familiar sensation of his hands against your cheeks made you melt before him. Silence fills the room as he admires you, your beautiful features, and everything along with it. "Out of everyone in the world, I could never hate you ..." He chuckles almost like a giggly child at a toy store, a wide smile remains plastered on his face and his soul is singing, calling out for you and his heart thrashes wildly in his ribcage. You let out a gentle breath and suddenly his lips are pressed gently against yours, your stomach is crowed and flooded with butterflies, your heart is pulsating in your chest, and everything is calling out to Karl. Moments after, he pulls away from your lips with a somewhat worried expression on his face, he questions was he moving too fast, did you not want him but his thoughts are put to stop when your lips collide passionately against his. It came to you so naturally and once the thought appeared in your head, your heart followed along with it along with your body, and here you were passionately kissing the man who you hadn't seen in over 6 months. He groans against your lips, savoring and relishing the familiar sensations that came as his eyes flutter close, he was such a fool, such a fool to not see that he was risking the only thing that mattered for a chance at even getting freedom. He was but a child ...
Groaning against his lips as you began to clutch a fistful of his hair, the kiss quickly grew deeper and more heated, heavy breaths left both your lips as you gently devoured each other's lips, greedy for the sensations it brought you both. Groaning into your mouth once more, Karl's hands slip your jacket off of you, he throws it to the floor and buries his lips into your neck, kissing and sucking lightly at the sensitive skin earning a soft gasp from your lips at the sharp sensation. "Karl ..." You say in a ragged breath, hands still entangled in his locks of hair as he continues to kiss and suck on your neck, your body begins to heat up with arousal and your body begins to ache for Karl. "Damn ... I just can't get enough of you, can I?" He chuckles, grinning devilishly at you as his eyes glance at your lips once again, he pulls you into another heated kiss that has his tongue prying your lips apart. His tongue enters your mouth, his tongue grinds against yours and your tongues begin to dance erotically together causing both of you to moan against each other's lips at the tingling sensations that spread across your tongues. Karl's arousal begins to show with the bulge that swells in his pants, he continues to kisses you, moaning and groaning at the overdue sensation of a warm body against his. Pulling away from your lips, heavy ragged breaths leave both of your lips and he can't help but notice your flushed cheeks as a breathless expression remains on your face. "Do you want this ...? Do you want me, (Y/N) ...?" He asks in a ragged breath, his hand cups one of your cheeks, as he gazes intensely into your eyes, lust, and desire, clouded those beautiful eyes of yours and it was one of his favorite expressions on your face. "I want you so much ... I want nothing but you and your naked body to be mine ..." You answer, smirking devilishly at the man before you as a low chuckle soon leaves your lips, grinning widely at you he kisses your lips once again, cherishing the smooth and delicate feeling of your lips.
"Mmh, your lips feel amazing, darling ... I missed all of this, the kisses, the touches, the way you worship me ... I missed it all so much." He purrs lustfully as a chuckle soon follows after, taking in a breath he pushes you onto your back earning a gasp from you before he gets in between your legs. He stares at the tank top you wore, it hugged your body perfectly, and hell it exposed a lot of skin, though it was basic it was enough for him. You'll always be enough for him and more. "Arms up, darling ..." He chirps, you raise your arms, and off comes your tank top and your torso was immediately met with multiple kisses and bright hickeys that decorated your skin. Wrapping your arms around his chest, he takes one of your nipples into his mouth, he lightly sucks on one as his other hand explores your torso, caressing your skin gently and with care. Your heart is thrashing, pounding in your ribcage, and heat floods through your being, arousal comes with that and it leaves you aching so terribly with a need for sweet release. Heavy ragged breaths leave your lips, licking your lips as you can only think of Karl, what he was going to do to you, what you were going to do to him. He takes your nipple out of his mouth, trailing kisses down your stomach as he gets lower and lower until he reaches your bothersome pants, letting out a growl he harshly pulls your pants down and throws them somewhere before he immediately buries his face into your crotch. His tongue moves gently, caressing all your sweet spots as the heat begins to boil up deep inside of you, you relished and savored the moist heat that caressed you in such amazing ways. Moaning against you, his hands wrap around your thighs to keep you from moving too much but he thought it was all about making you feel better, tonight was all about what you wanted, whatever you wanted you will have it. "Oh, Karl ...! Hah ... shit ... shit ..." You moan shamelessly, your hands clutch and grasp at his long locks of hair as heavy breaths are pried from your lips along with whispers of his name falling from those beautiful lips of yours. "Enjoying it, darling ... am I being good for you? Am I a good boy? Tell me I'm a good boy, kitten ..." He purrs erotically, his words roll gracefully off his tongue before he buries his tongue back into you, kissing, licking, and sucking on all of your sweet spots. "Good boy ...! Oh, so good ... fuck I missed your mouth so much ..." You whine needily, clutching at the sheets beneath you as you lick your lips, waves, and waves of heated ecstasy washes over you in sharp and powerful waves.
"That's it ...! Fuck, don't stop ... don't stop fucking me with that tongue of yours ...!" You cry out in a series of moans that are soon followed by ragged breaths, you grind your hips against his mouth eager and aching for some form of release, eager for more of the ecstasy he gives you. But he suddenly stops as he can barely hold himself back from taking you right here and right now, he begins to unzip his pants and fights to get them off. An annoyed expression twists onto your face as you roll your eyes and get up from the bed, grabbing him by his shoulders and turning him around towards the bed as you push him onto the bed with a devilish grin. "It's my turn, love ..." You chuckle as you begin to straddle his lap with your arms pressed into his chest and you begin to take him inside of you as a heavy breathless moan of his name leaves your lips the moment his thick cock fills you. It throbs and twitches inside of you, making you nearly jump at the sensation before you take all of his thick throbbing cock inside of you, the way he fills you is like no other, his cock stretches you and fills you perfectly. The way your walls clung and hugged his thick throbbing cock drove him insane, a heavy groan left his lips at the tight heat that surrounded and embraced his throbbing cock. "Oh, fucking hell ...! Shit ... so damn tight and ... hot ... come on, darling ride me nice and hard. Leave me at your mercy ..." He purrs devilishly as a long chuckle soon follows after, lust clouds his remarkable green eyes, his hands reach up to cup your flushed cheeks as a warm joyful smile curls onto his lips. You smile back at him, joy washing over you like a breeze as you rested your hands upon his shoulders and began to chase eagerly and joyfully after your sweet and euphoric release. Your hips grind and roll against his lap, heavy breaths are pried from your lips as heat begins to build and rise through your body, Karl's heavy ragged breaths can be heard along with yours as he wraps his arms around your neck. A low "fuck" leaves his parted lips as his eyelashes weigh heavy on top of his shut eyelids, sharp electric sensations of bliss shot through him every time your hips went lower. Burying his teeth into his bottom lip, a heavy groan leaves his lips at the blissful heat that envelopes his throbbing eager cock, all he can do is stare in awe at your expressions of bliss and ecstasy. It's so amazing.
"Mmh, baby ... you're so goddamn beautiful ... so exquisite. Come on, tell me how much you love me ... show me how much you've missed me ..." He purrs with a devilish smile on his lips, biting his lips soon afterward he places his hands on your hips gently moving them back and forth just to speed things up a bit. Your cheeks quickly become flushed at his words as you lightly squeeze onto his shoulders, heavy breaths still leaving your parted lips as you begin to throw your hips up and down onto his thick throbbing cock. It presses and drives into you eagerly, lightly hitting your sweet spot causing whines of Karl's name to be pried from your lips, licking your lips you entangle Karl into another heated passionate kiss that is so full of tenderness and consideration. "Karl ...! F-fuck ...!" You whine needily as you pull away from his lips, your eyes flutter at the bliss that courses through you as the heat floods through you. Your teeth grind against your bottom lip gently before you begin to slam your hips down onto his throbbing cock that perfectly curled onto your sweet spot as it repeatedly hits that sweet spot making his name fall from your lips again and again. "Oh! Karl ...! Mmh, Karl ...! It's so fuckin good, Karl ...!" You moan breathlessly, throwing your head back at the ecstasy that washes over you in burning relentless waves, skin hitting against skin echoed through his bedroom as your moans and heavy breaths are Karl's melody. Groaning deeply, his hands move lower onto your ass cheeks, wrapping his fingers around the area he lightly squeezes them with a chuckle following after, it's not a minute before he's nearly arching his back and a long whine is pried from his throat. "Fucking hell, sweetheart ...! Ooh, hah ...!" He whines deeply as waves and waves of ecstasy washed over him, he couldn't be happier and everything in his being felt like it could cry of joy. "Karl ... I'm gonna ... oh fuck ... fuck ... gonna c-cum!" You manage to say, heavy breaths fill your throat and your heart thrashes and pounds erratically in your chest, thighs tremble and shake against his legs, and your entire body throbs and aches. "Kiss me, oh please kiss me ... tell me how much you love me ..." Karl rambles in a series of heavy breaths as he wraps his arms around your torso, leaning in for another heated kiss as you continue to slam your hips down as hard as you can moaning shamelessly against his lips. Your entire body trembles and pulsates erratically as you had boiled over, heat travels through you along with sweet sweet ecstasy that left you nearly screaming his name against his lips. Pulling away from his lips as heavy ragged breaths leave your lips, you gaze intensely, it's not moments before your name falls breathlessly from his parted lips and his expression of joy quickly fades into one of ecstasy and relief. Sharp powerful sensations of ecstasy shot through him relentlessly as began to cling to you, wrapping his arms around you clinging to you and to what for a second feels so much like a damn dream.
Wrapping your arms around him, you find serenity in his cool embrace and you find serenity in the idea that things are gonna be okay, that things are gonna change from today to hopefully years from now. You smile into his embrace before pulling out of his embrace, moments later as you gaze into each other's eyes once more, passion and warmth clouded his green eyes. That look in his eyes like he was just so ... happy and like you're the one thing that matters in his erratic and wild world. "So ... Karl, what's next for us? ... After Miranda is dead and all that bullshit ...?" You question with a curious smile resting upon your lips, you rest in his embrace and he can't help but chuckle at your words. "Whatever it is that is next for you ... whether it's fucking staying here or leaving for better places ... you go and I'll follow." He answers warmly and confidently as a chuckle soon follows after his words. "Oh, so I made you my loyal dog, have I?" You chuckle, beaming at the man before you as he can't help but chuckle once more at your words. "In a way, yes you have ... made me weak for you ... made me unafraid to be myself around you. ... You are incredibly special to me, butterfly ..." He says in a gentle breath, smiling warmly at you as you can't help but flush different shades of red at his words. "You're even more special ... I love you more than you will ever know Karl ... and I've loved you all this time ... I hope I will never stop loving you. That no matter how bad things get that we will get through it together." You exclaim in pure joy as you both end up smiling sheepishly at each other before you rest your head in the nape of his neck and he wraps his arms around, hoping for a more optimistic and brighter future than he could've ever imagined.
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rere-the-writer · 3 years
hey!! If it’s not too much to ask, could I request a kol x reader where the reader is a witch and a doppelgänger? Like somehow the reader and Elena are both doppelgängers, but after Klaus broke the curse the reader was able to live a fairly normal life in New Orleans, that is until Esther comes back. Maybe because of Klaus’ presence in Nola the reader has allied with Marcel for protection, resulting in her befriending Davina and encountering the newly resurrected kol? Kol attacks her when he sees her because he thinks she’s Elena, but when she overpowers him with her magic he realizes she’s not Elena. They eventually become friends and start to develop feelings for each other maybe? I hope that isn’t too specific. I really just would like something a little angsty and fluffy with witch! Kol. I really admire your work. It’s very uplifting and comforting, especially, your kol content. He’s my comfort character but I’ve exhausted the supply of fluffy kol fics 😅 Thanks! Make sure to take care of yourself, love ❤️
I'm glad you like my Kol. Time for some fluff for my baby boy.
Warnings- Fluff, Kol be simpin', A bit of angsty
You had been living in New Orleans for a year now to be away from Katherine and Elena as you were a different doppelganger and still carried the Petrova family name. You were a powerful witch and didn't care that Elena was like your long distance cousin because of the bloodline you shared.
Once you had heard Klaus was spotted in Mystic Falls, much to Elena's disappointment you got the hell out of dodge not wanting to be used by the Original as you knew your family's history with the Mikaelsons. Marcel had took you under his wing much like Davina as you help teach the younger witch to control her magic.
You were angry that your life had been fucked over because of Katherine but after Klaus broke his curse you were able to life a normal life in New Orleans that was until a pregnant wolf and Esther coming back.
"The Originals are in town be careful." Marcel told you knowing if Klaus knew of another doppelganger you would be in danger. But Elijah knew about you as he came to you about Davina and you managed to tell him she wasn't a threat.
"So your family has history with the Mikaelsons?"
"You could say that De."
You could feel Esther's magic as it was heavy in the air even more after Davina told you she brought back Kol. It happened in a blur you were held against a wall by your thoat.
"You killed me litt...." Kol was cut off holding his head as you looked down at Kol with a glare as your hand was in a fist.
"I am not Elena, vampire." You growled as Kol felt like his head was on fire as the pain was unbearable. Kol could see that you may have the same face as Elena, your hair was cut short and curled as you got tired of people mistaken you for Elena or Katherine.
"I see....that....now....you're a powerful....witch." Kol panted as you let him go and Kol couldn't help but stare at you. You were attractive and Kol cursed to hisself now seeing what his brother's saw in the Petrova women.
"And you are annoying Kol Mikaelson."
"Forgive me but I don't know your name."
"And you won't." You say walking away leaving Kol laying there as he got up before deciding to ask Elijah.
"You ran into Y/N Petrova?" Elijah questioned his younger brother putting down his book catching Klaus's attention. Kol had got to Elijah to see if he knew anything and was glad.
"Yes so she is a doppelganger?"
"Yes, it surprised Niklaus when Katherine threw her under the bus. Y/N is the last pure blood Petrova witch." Elijah says as Klaus smirking sitting down remembering when he found you on the third day of him being New Orleans. Unlike Katherine and Elena, you didn't fear Klaus as proven when you made his heart stop when he tried taking you from Marcel.
"She is a little feisty witch. Rebekah likes her better than Katherine and Elena which is saying something."
"Oh?" Kol said standing smirking as Elijah and Klaus knew that smirk this crazy boy was going to try to date you.
"Be care Kol. If Marcellus doesn't kill you then she will."
When you got a call from Klaus saying he needed a powerful witch to weaken the hybrids under mother's control you thought he would talk to Davina.
'I need a Petrova witch love.' Was what Klaus told you and you walked into the compound annoyed when Kol smirked following you up stairs.
"Any plans this weekend?"
"Non of your business." You said annoyed hoping that Kol would have lost interest in you by now but the wildest Mikaelson just fell harder with every name calling and magic sent his way.
"Maybe I could take you out."
"No." You told him glaring but it didn't stop Kol from trying to ask you out or buying you flowers and gifts.
"De! I AM IN LOVE WITH AN IDIOT!" You shouted one morning scaring Davina when you came into your shared apartment. You founded yourself falling for Kol which to you was an idiot and didn't know why. You spent the day ranting to Davina that you couldn't love Kol because he was a Mikaelson and you were a Petrova.
"Hello darling."
"What do you want idiot?" You asked working on a spell to help Elijah when Kol had came over and stepped up behind you. You looked up at Kol and your breathing hitched seeing how close he was and your eyes flickered to his lips.
"I was....hoping that...you would finally. " Kol muttered leaning in as your cheeks flushed moving in also and his lips were on yours. The kiss was explosive as sparks flew and you moan against his mouth kissing back.
"Does this mean you like me and we can see one another?" Kol asked sounding unsure his cheeks tinted red as you smiled softly for the first time since he met you.
"Yeah, you goof." You whispered as Kol brighen kissing you again and let out a whine when you pulled away.
"I need to finish this spell." You tell him letting the vampire cling to you watching you work.
It didn't take Marcel and the other Mikaelsons to notice that Kol and you were seeing one another a lot more. You had managed to mellow Kol out as he now turned all of his focus on you. But one thing you and he agreed on was not tell anyone that he proposed eight months into your relationship as you both didn't know how Klaus would react.
"Cute place."
"What do you want Katherine? I thought you didn't want to be anywhere near Nik?" You questioned walking in to your apartment seeing Katherine sitting in a chair drinking your good wine.
"You cut your hair."
"What do you want?" You asked glaring as your magic was stirring up as Katherine huffed before spotting the engagement ring on your hand.
"You're engaged?"
"Yes now Katherine what do you want?!"
"Fine....I need help and you are the only powerful witch I know. Elena had turned off her humanity and I know you have a spell to get her to turn it on."
"Since when did you care about Elena?" You questioned pulling out your grimoire as Katherine watched you huffing sipping her wine.
"The brothers are boring and all angsty over it. It is annoying but I hear you and Kol are a thing."
"That is non of your business." You tell her getting to work then dropped a small bottle in her hand.
"Have Elena drink that it'll compel her to turn it back on." You tell Katherine as she smirked thanking you before leaving and while she was at it sent a text to Klaus that you were engaged to Kol.
Klaus was angry when he learned of you and Kol ever more angry when learning that Kol was going move out of the city with you after your marriage. In Klaus's eyes you were taking what was his while both Rebekah and Elijah was happy for Kol.
"Go warn her. I'll hold Niklaus back." Elijah told Kol hearing Klaus growled throwing things. Kol was quick to head to your place which smiled brightly seeing him walking in.
"So what kind of cake....Kol are you okay?" You asked seeing how terrified your future husband looked. Kol cupped your face tearing up as if to commit your face to memory.
"Nik knows and is coming for you....you need to run and hopefully he'll calm down and we can marry."
"Kol.....I....don't want....to live...like Katherine had.....please don't." You whimpered as he kissed you gently and helped you pack. That night after using magic to hide your tracks, Kol went to blows with Klaus while Katherine suffered at the hand of Elijah when he learned the vampire was the one to ruin Kol's slice of happiness.
"Come on Elijah, the little witch could use so....." Katherine was cut off when Elijah slammed her against a wall hand warped around her thoat.
"If Y/N dies in the hands of Niklaus, I will not be merciful Katerina."
Four years you were on the run visiting Kol's favorite places which made you feel closer to the Original while learning new magic's getting stronger. You sat in your London flat watching the snow falling gently while unconsciously playing with your engagement ring while thinking about Kol.
"Darling can you let me in?" You heard Kol ask making you rush to the door tearing it open letting him. You jumped up into his arms kissing him deeply pulling a deep moan from Kol.
"You're here! Oh my god I missed you. Never again idiot." You said inbetween kisses as Kol smiled looking up at you with adoration.
"I missed you too darling. You did a better job at hiding than Katherine."
"Wait.! But Klaus?"
"It took three years but Elijah and Rebekah calmed him then I spent a year looking for you." Kol said kissing you again as he took you to your bed relearning one another's body.
"You kept it."
"Yeah....ask me again." You tell him taking the ring off as Kol slipped out of your bed getting on one knee.
"Please marry me? You gorgeous, beautiful woman that I would be honored to be her husband."
"Yes....a thousands times yes." You said tears falling as Kol smiled putting the ring back on your hand. Kol rushed up kissing you again as you both fell back into the bed.
"I love you, my beloved."
"I love you too, Kol." You whispered back as you both finally got to be happy.
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I can see Eris telling embarrassing stories about Lucien to Elain and Lucien just has to sit there and take it. Do a one shot of that!
YES this is what I'm talking about.
Lucien had meant to be back sooner, honestly. Velaris was starting to grow on him, despite the brutally cold winter that seemed unending. He supposed the winter was made tolerable by the fact that his mate, sweet, kind Elain, was practically living in his apartment in the city. He hadn’t formally asked her to stay forever—though it was very much implied—and she hadn’t mentioned going back home since they’d spent the night together two months earlier. She just…quietly continued to bring things over and fold them neatly in his drawers, and Lucien acted like everything was very normal and he was not waiting for the other shoe to drop.
He would have been home before the sun set had it not been for another of Jurian and Vassa’s squabbles. He’d been roped in the middle, unable to escape despite the fact that he was very aware their fights were just foreplay, foreplay he very much did not want to be part of.
He was eager to see Elain, to see if she’d added another plant to the window or if she’d rearranged another room in his apartment to her liking or just to feel her arms around his neck, her breathless words welcoming him home with her bright, shining eyes. He slid his key into the front door, practically squirming in the cold as wind whipped his hair around his face. He heard soft voices laughing in the living room, silenced when the door closed behind him.
“Lucien?” Elain called, the sound of her footsteps echoing down the hall. She appeared, her eyes bright, cheeks stained red with laughter.
“Sorry I’m late,” he told her, hanging his cloak on a hook by the door before he pulled her against him. “Do we have company or can we go upstairs…and talk?”
She flushed at the innuendo, her fingers toying with his hair. “We do. I hope you don’t mind but—”
“Baby Lucien,” Eris crooned from the hall, arms crossed over his chest. “I stopped by to bring my sister a gift and she was so kind to offer me dinner.”
“Eris has been telling me stories about your childhood,” Elain added breathlessly, clearly somehow charmed by the eldest Vanserra. Lucien held Elain to his chest, looking over her head with narrowed eyes at the mock innocence on his brother’s face.
Eris grinned wickedly. “Such a curious, lovely mate you have.”
Lucien forced himself to smile because Elain was gazing up at him with such admiration and he couldn’t bring himself to ruin her good mood.
“Eris brought me a fern from the Forest House,” Elain added breathlessly, tugging Lucien by the hand to the living room to show him her newest acquisition. She’d hung the leafy plant from the ceiling, no doubt with Eris’ help given how short she was, from one of her knitted pot holders.
“They don’t require too much sun,” Eris explained innocently. With Elain’s back turned to Lucien, he gestured wildly for Eris to get the fuck out.
“What? I didn’t understand what you said,” Eris drawled, drawing Elain’s attention back towards the pair of them. Eris promptly sat back on Lucien’s cream-colored sofa, ankle crossed over his knee, and reached for his delicate white and pink tea cup that seemed so out of place in his hands. Elain scurried to the other seat, leaving Lucien to occupy a chair across the room. She began pouring tea from her porcelain, flower etched tray, sitting neatly atop his dark wooden coffee table, clearly meant for him.
“I was telling Elain about the time you came running through the throne room in nothing but your cloak,” Eris began, amusement curling his words. “Do you remember?”
Lucien closed his eyes for a beat, trying not to remember how the courtiers laughed for years after, how they’d made veiled jokes about his penis well into adulthood.
Elain looked up, pouring cream and scooping sugar into his cup exactly as he liked it. She was an angel, he decided. He would allow Eris this memory to make her happy, but afterwards he would make up for his suffering by dragging her off to his bed and refusing to let her leave for the rest of the night…and most of the next day.
“I was six,” he reminded Eris.
“True. Tell Elain about the gang you started. What were they called, again?” Eris, the actual devil, asked. Elain turned, eyebrows raised.
“You had a gang?” She asked him with such wide-eyed optimism it took everything in his body not to slide down his chair. Lucien took the tea cup from her hands, fingers brushing her knuckles. Maybe he could flood the bond with all the sexually inappropriate things he’d like to do to her and she’d get distracted and tell Eris to shove it—
“We weren’t a gang,” he muttered, burning his mouth as he took a drink. “We just had matching jackets.”
“So you did,” Eris replied, his shoulders shaking as he tried to hold in his laughter. Eris was unmatched in this arena, considering by the time Lucien had been born, Eris had been in his thirties, a man in all the ways that counted. It certainly didn’t help that Lucien, a boy who didn’t know any better, had hero worshipped his eldest brother, giving Eris a front-row seat to the most awkward years of his life.
“I think that’s sweet,” Elain assured Lucien earnestly.
“What did you want to be when you grew up, Elain?” Eris asked, evil gleam in his eye. She thought about it for a moment, really considering his question as though it had any merit and wasn’t just another opportunity for Eris to embarrass Lucien.
“I wanted to own a little flower shop,” she told the pair of them. Eris hesitated, some emotion warring in his expression.
“Do you need a financial backer? Why haven’t you done it?” Eris demanded while Lucien chuckled from his chair. Eris might be embarrassing him, but Elain very clearly had Eris wrapped around her finger.
“Ask him for a dog,” Lucien prodded. Elain’s eyes went wide but Eris was one step ahead.
“Do you want a puppy?”
“I’ll let you know when the next litter is born,” Eris interrupted smoothly. “And Lucien wanted to be a mommy when he a boy.”
“Really?” Elain asked breathlessly. “You want children?”
Lucien and Eris’ eyes met and Lucien couldn’t resist the smug smirk he levied at his brother. Fuck you, he knew his expression screamed. You just did me a major favor.
“Sorry I loved my mom when I was little,” Lucien told Eris smoothly while Elain stared at Lucien with bright, affectionate eyes. “And yeah, I want to be a dad. Do you want—”
“Nope,” Eris interrupted quickly, standing. “Way to ruin a fun day, Lucien. Elain, you have been lovely,” he assured her, sweeping into a deep bow. “Please keep in touch…I’m sure there are more Autumn flowers that would look stunning in your home. I’ll let you know about the puppies, too…though keep this one away from their treats. He used to eat them.
Lucien slid down the back of his chair at Eris’ words, embarrassment heating his cheeks when Elain giggled.
“Lucien…be nice to my sister.” Eris finished before striding out of the room. Elain, an immaculate hostess, followed after him to thank him for the afternoon and welcome him back whenever. Lucien wished she wasn’t so liberal with her time or their home when it came to Eris. She returned to the living room a moment later, a smile tugging on her pretty, pink lips. Lucien stood, arms extended, and pulled her into his chest.
“I don’t get why everyone dislikes him,” she said with a sweet sigh. “He’s nice.”
“He’s a menace,” Lucien disagreed. She looked up, chin pressed against his tunic.
“Maybe…but it’s pretty obvious he adores you.”
Lucien scoffed. “Adores embarrassing me, maybe.”
Elain sighed, tucking herself into his embrace. “Were you embarrassed? I thought his stories were sweet.” Perhaps Eris misjudged Elain, he thought, stroking her hair. While Eris had been trying to get a rise out of Lucien, maybe Eris had inadvertently made Lucien look better in her eyes. He couldn’t be angry about that, he decided. He’d take what he could get.
“What was the name of your gang?” She asked, interrupting his musings with a soft giggle. Lucien groaned. “The dandy-lions…because we were…we were both fierce with swords…and the ladies.”
Elain was shaking with laughter, her face pressed into his chest to muffle the sound. “That’s…no…that’s so cute. I’m not laughing at you I swear…you were…what—”
“Fifteen,” he grumbled as a new wave of laughter overtook her. It took her a moment to calm herself enough to gasp out, “That’s nice that you had friends.”
Lucien swept her up and turned towards the stairs. “What are you doing?” She asked, her words breathless for an entirely different reasons, hands clinging to his neck.
“Living up to my reputation,” he replied. Elain dissolved into a new fit of giggles even as Lucien tossed her on his bed.
“Fierce with the ladies?” She asked, reaching for a pillow to shove over her face while her shoulders shook.
“Exactly,” he agreed.
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tarosin · 3 years
did i do that p2
paring implied past platonic tommy/tubbo/ranboo x reader
tw: cursing, de realisation, mentions of suicide/death/paranoia
TW: de realisation, mentions of suicide/death/paranoia
Dear quackity,
if you’re reading this, it’s too late. you’ve probably noticed me and dream are nowhere to be found, you may ask yourself why did sam let the pair out well the answer to that is simple. he didn’t i’m sure you can find what remains of him somewhere around the prison. you really have yourself to blame, now before you start to get defensive and say ‘i didn’t do anything this is bullshit everyone’s trying to attack me’ let me tell you why. before you decided to give us weekly visits just to abuse us mentally and physically, we couldn’t stand each other. I’d go as far as to say I despised dream, but you helped unite us against a common enemy..you. now we’re unstoppable. I'll spare you the details of what happened to your precious warden. see you soon - Y/n + dream :)
“do you think he’ll be convinced we killed sam?”
“dream i’m in here for the murder of a child, of course he’s going to believe it.”
of course the pair of you didn’t actually kill sam, dream simply manipulated ranboo whilst he was enderwalking into bringing supplies you’d need. you have no idea how he managed, but at this point you didn’t care. you know damn well you shouldn’t be in this prison as you didn’t kill michael. you knew this because the ghost, at least you hope it’s his ghost and that your mind wasn’t messing with you, would stand in the corner of the cell telling you that it wasn’t you who murdered him that night. It was a range of factors: the skeletons, fear, pure exhaustion of trying to run from the mobs after him. you often found yourself ranting to dream about what you had been seeing every night for the past god knows how many months at this point, but alas it was no use. he swore he hadn’t seen anyone but you, occasionally sam, and quackity, definitely not the ghost of michael. It was now midnight according to the clock hanging on the wall. the plan was pretty simple, you would scream that dream had disappeared, causing sam to run into the cell, from then you’d use the rope ranboo gave dream to make temporary handcuffs, and whilst you all make your way to the locker room, where you’d temporarily keep sam assuming quackity would find him sooner or later, then that was it you’d finally be free.
“ready?” you nodded and dream hid in the corner, you couldn’t shake the feeling that you were being watched, but nevertheless you began screaming that dream disappeared, laughing to yourself as you heard the platform moving towards the cell.
“y/n calm down what do you mean- dream get off of me i don’t want to have to kill you but i will!”
dream rolled his eyes as you tied sams hands together.
“shut the fuck up sam, do you understand how pathetic you sound? you’re outnumbered you’re not going to do anything. if you know what’s good for you and your beloved quackity, you’ll tell us which pocket has your key cards in, okay?” this seemed to trigger something in sam as within 10 minutes you and dream had him in the locker room.
“bye sam, i’m sure your boyfriend will come and collect you soon enough, we left him a letter in the cell and a note from you where you always sit saying to just go on through, don’t miss us too much!”
there you both stood, in-front of the now locked locker room, no home, no friends, no plan, but you were free, that's all that matters to you.
“dream, i have something to ask, okay? promise no matter whatever happens, whether you don’t see me for weeks or you over hear something, you won’t come looking for me.“
“stay safe y/n, a lot of people aren’t going to be happy you’re out. whatever you do, avoid quackity.”
and just like that you went your separate ways, where dream went, you have no idea, you’ll probably hear something soon enough. as for you, well you didn’t really have a plan, you weren't really sure you wanted to be alive at this point. there was a little voice that sounded a lot like tommys ringing in your head, telling you to go to the old base you and tommy made years ago, so that’s where you went. you were clinging onto the hope tommy would be there and let you explain what happened that night, you’d make up then just like old times you’d plait his hair, as the pair of you sat under moonlight listening to whichever disk tommy felt like playing that night. this of course wasn’t the case, instead you were met with previous memories of your friendship. a photo book lay in the middle of the floor as if someone knew you escaped and would go to this base, you shut the door locking it behind you for your own safety, remembering what ranboo said to you the day you were thrown in the prison. picking up the photo book you noticed something odd, the words ‘i know what you did’ and ‘i know where you are’ were scratched into the leather cover. you threw the book onto the floor scared as hell. after you calmed down, you picked the book up from the floor, which was now open on the page of a group photo of you tommy and michael, which ranboo had taken the day you both agreed to babysit him for a while. as you flicked through the book, the images got dark. It went from photos of you tubbo ranboo and tommy laughing at the beach to the night michael was killed. the last page made your blood run cold, there was two photos, one was of michaels funeral, and the second was a picture of you sat in the middle of the base holding the photo book. this was the final straw. You were no longer in control of your breathing, you began feeling like you were being preyed on by something who really wasn’t happy with you and wanted you gone, you picked up the book one last time and everything was gone. the book was back to normal no threatening messages no pictures of michaels death or of you looking through the book, the cover was back to its original state full of happy memories of when you were friends with everyone, back when you were happy.
“hello y/n.”the rooms temperature dropped suddenly you began feeling like you were being watched, you turned around to see michael sat on the floor holding a photo book a lot like the one that caused you to panic.
“hey y/n why are my parents acting like they can’t see me anymore? this isn’t funny anymore, i miss them. can you talk to them?”
“michael... this isn’t real. you’re not real. GET OUT OF MY HEAD!”
everything went silent as if the world stopped turning for a few seconds, that’s when you heard the child laughing.
“what do you mean i’m not real? of course i am!”
“michael darling, you're dead remember, we spoke about this in prison. the skeletons shot you in the nether”
you continued talking to michael, not even realising ranboo had followed you to the base and was watching you talk to the wall.
“who are you talking to?”
you honestly didn’t know whether you felt relieved he was there with you or if you were pissed he found you, either way you ran to him pulling him into a hug despite him constantly telling you to let go of him.
“michael, he’s over there.”
“Is this some sick joke? There's no one there. he’s dead. you killed him!”
“ranboo please.. you, you don’t understand i didn’t kill him. please just let me explain what happened. he was surrounded by skeletons. they shot him please, you have to understand I loved that boy, I still do, I would never do something like that!”
“save it y/n, i don’t want to hear it now if you don’t mind i’m going to go tell sam that you have somehow escaped.”
you fell to your knees as ranboo walked away, you sat alone with the quiet comprehension of the ending of it all before realising if someone comes back you would be in big trouble, just before you was about to begin the long walk back to dream he showed up to the base you were currently crying in, not knowing tubbo and ranboo were not far behind him listening in to your conversation with dream.
“dream please i’m begging at this point. Please end my suffering. I can't do this anymore, no one’s listening to me. I CAN'T KEEP LIVING LIKE THIS! there’s a bow and arrow in that chest over there.”
“y/n, this isn’t a funny joke.”
“dream, do i look like i’m joking?”
“hey, what can you say? we were overdue.”
tubbo and ranboo couldn’t believe what they were hearing right now, their best friend was about to die and there was nothing they could do about it. as soon as they heard dream open the chest, they ran as fast as they could to go and get tommy.
dream left straight away, it was hard to feel regret when you’re used to bloodshed. tommy couldn’t believe what tubbo and ranboo said and was convinced they were messing with him.
“Oh, I'm sure they did. how’d they get out the prison? did they fly out?”
he stood laughing, tubbo stood staring in disbelief, ranboo stood wiping his eyes trying not to cry knowing it would scar if he did. tubbo shook his head and grabbed his husbands hand for comfort.
“you’re really joking at a time like this?”
“we should tell phil.”
the three of them made their way to phil, guilt following them as they went they couldn’t believe what just happened. after they told phil, they all made their way to the base. as soon as the three teenagers saw the trail of blood dream left behind, they completely broke down and began walking, holding onto each other in an attempt to convince themselves this didn’t happen, and that you would be there. phil went in and saw your lifeless body laying there, knowing the others wouldn’t be able to handle seeing you like this, he sent them away to go and get technoblade. A few days later they found themselves sitting with puffy explaining what happened and what you had told them. realisation slowly hit them that you did in fact not kill michael, they felt awful the three of them couldn’t sleep since the day you passed. after the funeral, they often found themselves at your house as it was the only place that they could sleep and feel as though you were still with them. everyday they would visit your grave, placing anything they found that reminds them of you, and would apologise for not believing you sooner. now you were gone and there was nothing they could do about it.
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unloved-cadillac · 3 years
Maybe something like fem reader getting in a bad accident one day and losing her memory but Levi is the only thing she remembers, so she’s clinging on to him like a lost puppy while he tries to help her regain her memories
C/n: “a lost puppy” why is that so adorable? Thanks for requesting and I hope that you enjoy🤍
Remember You. (Levi x Reader)
It was just a stupid training exercise. A stupid field day where nothing bad was supposed to happen.
But cadets, who were no older than 15, were bound to make mistakes and fuck up a couple of times before getting the handle of a 30kg gear. You stood on a branch, munching an apple while watching the new recruits shoot across the forest. “Pick it up! Activate your gas if you need to! Watch your sides and don’t slow down!” You shout and take a bite of your apple. “How ya doin’, Y/n?” Jin asks as he lands next to you. “Alright. They need to work on their speed though.”
Jin was about to reply but a young girl, who was named Christa, shouted as her gear stopped mid air. You acted quickly and shot your gears towards her. “Hey now. Don’t panic.” You say as you fiddle with her anchor shooters and unjam it. “Alright. Shoot it there and when you’re done, go straight to squad leader Hange. She’ll help you sort your gear out.” You smile and Christa nods. When she leaves, you were about to go to the parallel branch but then you heard a loud “WHOA! WATCH OUT!”
But this person slammed into you, and instead of saving yourself, you became a human cushion to save the person from slamming into a tree. You did though and you hit your head first and got knocked out cold.
Levi stood watch as the doctors examined you. He leaves for five minutes and comes home to the news that you’ve been in an accident with a cadet. Apparently, Yeager was too caught up in his own world to watch where he was going and rammed straight into you. “I’ll see to it that Yeager is on stable duty.” Jin says and Levi nods. He didn’t care. He just wanted you awake.
The doctors said that you suffered a major concussion due to you taking the fall on your head. You were in a mild coma that should last a couple of days and when you wake up, you had to be on leave for a month to regain your strength.
Levi never left your side. Despite having duties a Captain has, he couldn’t bring himself to leave you. One night, Levi placed his head down and held your hand as he drifted off to sleep. Maybe he was too tired and sleep deprived, but he felt your hand squeeze his.
The next morning, you slowly opened your eyes to bright lights. Where were you? What is this?
You looked down to see Levi facing you as he slept. He woke up as soon as he felt you shuffle and looked at you, wide eyed and smiled. “About time, brat.” He leans forward and cups your cheek. “How are you?” He asks in a hushed tone that could make you fall back to sleep.
“L-Levi. Where am I?”
“The infirmary. You took quite a knockout, my love.”
You furrow your eyebrows as he speaks. A knockout? You don’t remember a knockout. “How did that happen?”
As Levi was about to answer, the door slams open to reveal Hange. “Ah! Y/n! You’re awake!!” She squeals and you grip Levi’s hand harder. “Wh-Who are you? Who is she, Levi?” You turn to him and he tilts his head. “That’s..Hange, Y/n. Your best friend?”
“Yeah! It’s me!” She exclaims.
You lean closer to Levi as you eye her. “Levi is my best friend. I don’t know where I am or who you are but I know Levi is my boyfriend and best friend.” You pout and turn your head away and nuzzle Levi’s neck. He looks at Hange who looks back in the confusion. “I’ll get a doctor.”
Short term memory loss.
That’s what you were diagnosed with. Apparently you knew nothing about the survey corps or how you got here. But you remembered him. How he saved you from a titan all those years ago but to you, it was a few months back.
You went with Levi back to your shared room and sat in the bed. “Comfy?” He asks as he fluffs up your pillow. You nod and he kisses your forehead. “You really don’t remember anything do you?”
“I remember you. That’s all that matters, right?” You smile as you cup his cheek. He takes your hand and kisses your palm. As much as he loved that, you were an important person to the Corps. A leader. Your squad needs you but now, your mindset is back to when you lived in the village and he rescued you.
“We need to do something to get your memory back. Let’s take a walk. I’ll be right with you.” He offers and you nod. “Okay.”
So now, Levi walked down the corridor with you on his arm. Many soldiers stood and saluted the both of you but you just hid your face in his arm. Levi jerks his head to dismiss them and continues your walk.
You both head to the mess hall where many soldiers sat and ate and talked. With you on his arm, everyone looked at you. They never saw him so open with affection with you before but it was different now.
You were a town girl. A civilian in your head.
Erwin stood up as you sat down with Levi at the table. “Y/n. How are you?” He asks as you hold Levi’s hand. “I’m ok. Thank you. You are?” You stick your hand to shake his. Erwin knew that you couldn’t remember him and he missed seeing the shy girl that used cling to Levi before. “Erwin Smith. Commander here at the Survey Corps. Lovely to meet you.”
Levi glares at Erwin as he used the same line he used back then. He looked at you to see you close your eyes and sigh. “You alright?” You look at Levi with a confused expression. “Yeah. I think.” Hange decides to make an appearance and sits next to you. “Hiya! I’m Hange! Hange Zoe. I see you and Levi are quite the couple.” She remarks and you blush.
“Yes. He makes me very happy. I’m glad to have met him.” You say as you lock eyes with Levi who smiled at you. Suddenly, many youngsters stand by you as they introduce themselves to you.
“I’m Eren Yeager! Lieutenant L/n, I’m so sorry for causing your injuries. I assure that I’m working harder on my control and speed on the ODM gear.” A young brown-haired boy says and you tilt your head. “Huh?”
Levi glares at Eren who cowers away. You smile at the bit when your head starts to pain. “O-Ow.” You cry as you hide in Levi’s shoulder, holding your head. “What happened?” He asks as he holds you. “M-My head. It hurts, Levi.” Levi eyes Hange who gives him a cup of water and he holds it to your lips. “Here, drink.” You quickly gulp down the liquid and then look at Levi.
A warm bed and strong arms surround you as you start to wake up. You look up to see Levi watching you. “Hi.” You greet and he hums as he kisses your head. “How’s your head?” He asks as he touches your cheek. “Much better apparently.” You tear away from his arms and wake up to stretch.
“Do you…remember how you got hurt, babe?”
You turn and face him as you rub your temple. “Uh..yeah. I helped a cadet and another came flying towards me. Then..I..,” you widen your eyes and look at Levi who had a small smile on his face. “Oh my god. Did I really do that?” He nods and you cover your face.
Levi gets up and hugs you from behind. “I really liked having all shy. Like we were first together and you were blushing.” He mumbles as he kisses your shoulder. “Did my squad see me like that?”
“Yeah. They had a really good laugh, by the way.”
Great. Now the whole army knows how much of a blushing girl you were before you became a hardcore lieutenant of the Survey Corps.
“Thomas Shelby. That’s it. That’s the post. Send tweet.”
🖤🤍Thanks for reading🤍🖤
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