#i hope it’s okay i’ve included the link in your posts + blog description to your ask
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wholesomepostarchive · 4 months ago
🛑My three daughters' lives are in danger!!! 🚨
We have entered the winter season and unfortunately we are without shelter, bedding and clothes. Please help me save my children and my six-month-old baby daughter who needs diapers, milk and clothes.
Please help us by donate and reblog
Thanks 🙏
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pluviophile-imagines · 2 years ago
𝚊 𝚗 𝚗 𝚘 𝚞 𝚗 𝚌 𝚎 𝚖 𝚎 𝚗 𝚝 . . .
THIS BLOG IS BEING ABANDONED. reblogs are appreciated ♥️ thank you for all your support, it’s been a lovely three years here and i hope you all join me over on my new blog, @petrichorium!
(note: the new @petrichorium is an 18+ blog. i will be blocking minors and ageless blogs)
𝚚 𝚞 𝚎 𝚜 𝚝 𝚒 𝚘 𝚗 𝚜 . . .
why are you moving?
no big reason in particular, but a bunch of smaller reasons! i wanted a bit of a refresh mostly; plus all of my mutuals are 18+ blogs which i often feel I can’t properly promote or interact with on here, and because many of my upcoming wips toe the line with what i’m willing to post on this blog. rather than going through the thousands of you and blocking people who i was previously perfectly okay with, i figured the kinder choice would be to allow you all to continue enjoying everything i’ve posted here (and it’d be easier on me)
what will happen to this blog?
nothing! i’m merely archiving it; i will no longer be posting new content here, but you’ll still be able to access all of my old content! my old pinned is linked in the blog description, you can use all of the old links just the same, though some might direct you to versions of certain fics that i’ve reposted. it won’t take any effort on your part!
will you be continuing [insert fic/wip here]?
yes! any wip i’ve talked about, and any multipart fic that’s ongoing on this blog, will be posted (eventually) on @petrichorium. this includes Sleeping in the Garden and the usurper!gojo series as well as wips like Ears for Dropping Eaves and Great Celestial Hieroglyphs. in the case of ongoing series that are already partially released, i will be reposting those parts on the other blog before adding new ones.
wait a minute, i’m already following @petrichorium. what’s going on?
@petrichorium is my main blog and it has existed as a nsfw blog (for reblogging mutuals’ work mostly) for about two years. it isn’t new, i mostly used it for sending asks and replying to posts; previously the username was pluvi-after-dark. now I’m simply moving over to it full-time!
i can’t find x post.
here’s my bnha masterlist. here’s my misc masterlist. here’s my old pinned. hope that helped!!!
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⇚   𝚠 𝚎 𝚊 𝚝 𝚑 𝚎 𝚛   𝚛 𝚎 𝚙 𝚘 𝚛 𝚝
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classifiedinterests · 4 years ago
making the supernatural fandom more accessible
hey fellow spn fans!! what if we all teamed up to make the spn tumblr experience more accessible?
it sucks that some of the best posts this fandom churns out are completely unreadable to bloggers who use screen readers (or heck, even to people whose wifi sucks so that images never load).
take the amazing scripts that we’re currently so pumped about -- imagine you use a screen reader (if you don’t), and you hear fellow fans going completely feral over content you can’t access. you want to be in on the hype! but you have zero clue why everyone’s screaming about windmills or whatever, because the scripts getting shared are un-captioned screenshots.
...and then there are posts that are just. walls of text! which is really difficult for certain neurodivergent folks to read, such as those with adhd. being aware of that when making original posts (or comments) and adding more paragraph breaks -- and possibly even spicing up the text by bolding important parts, etc. -- is an easy fix for that!
so. here’s my proposal: each one of us commits to whatever level of effort is possible for us (given each person’s unique time, energy, abilities, etc.) in the joint effort to improve accessibility.
Level 1: the ID hunter.
when you go to reblog any spn post that includes images (whether that’s gifs, screenshots, fanart, etc.), check in the notes to see if someone else has added an image description already!
if they have, reblog from them so that the image description spreads further.
"BUT what if someone added the image description before certain commentary was added to the post, and i wanna reblog the post with those extra comments?”
Well, i can’t speak for everyone who creates image descriptions, but i for one don’t care if someone copies & pastes my ID so that they can add it to their own reblog. i don’t care that my blog’s no longer connected to the image description i wrote -- so long as the ID is spread, i’m happy!
Level 2: the copy-paste monster.
when you love another fan’s tags enough to add them to the post -- do so by copy & pasting them, not by screenshotting them!
for your own posts or comments: if you’re sharing, say, a quote from an article or a fanfic or a tweet, do so by copy & pasting the quote instead of taking a screenshot.
if someone else has already shared a screenshot from an article, fanfic, or tweet, and you have a link to the original, do the extra legwork to go to the source, copy and paste, and make an ID.
Level 3: the fandom angel.
If you have the ability, time, and energy to type out image descriptions for spn posts that don’t yet have one, please do it!
If even just a few of us commit to creating even just one ID per day each, that will add up!
And, of course, if you’re making your own post, give it an ID right there in the original posting, if you’re able! I understand that not everyone has the spoons (/time/energy/ability) to do this, and that’s okay. But those who can, please do!
Tumblr now allows you to put alt text on images, so you can do it that way or the old-fashioned way of just including your image description in the text of the post.
Not sure how to write an image description? This post offers some truly comprehensive advice on how to write IDs for various types of content, from photos to fanart to charts to screenshots of text.
By the way, I’ve seen folks ask that you don’t put the ID under a readmore. Keep it easy to access!
Nervous that you’re not gonna write an ID right? First off, practice makes perfect -- you’ll improve with time. I’m pretty sure that an imperfect or incomplete ID is better than no ID at all -- hopefully someone else will come along to reblog with any necessary corrections to whatever ID you write!
Level 4: the man of letters (gn).
You’re going above and beyond what this post advises -- you’re also out there coming up with and implementing other ways to improve accessibility!
Maybe you’re a blogger who uses a screen reader yourself, with more you want to add to this post from your own experience.
Maybe you’ll choose to seek out bloggers who use screen readers themselves -- or who have other accessibility needs -- so you can learn straight from them what their needs are.
Maybe it’s something else! I don’t know, but I do know this post is incomplete -- so please, share your ideas for other ways we can all work together to improve our fandom.
None of us has to do everything, but most of us can do something. If enough of us take even just small steps, we can create a more accessible fandom. Who’s with me?
If you’re in, please reblog this post so word can spread!
(I’m closing this by tagging some bloggers whom i’m hoping might be interested in helping me spread this around, because i am Not A Big Name in this fandom and can’t do it by myself! Let me know if you want me to un-tag you.)
@sunforgrace​ @castiellesbian​ @plantdadcas​ @jenderstudies​ @youchangedmedean​ @meadowdean​ @winchestersingerautorepair​ @phoebenatural​ @steveyockey​ @bedlund @seraphcastiel​ @marcusantonius @marynatural​ @redwing​ @t4tdeanwinchester​ @spn-brainrot​ @lobotomycas​ @samdyke​ @deanwinchesterforbatman2k21 @themanwhowouldbefruit @4x01​ @thatisahotsoup
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symptoms-syndrome · 4 years ago
Alters and Race in White-Bodied Systems
I said I was going to write something up, so I’m going to try. I will try to make this as easily understandable as possible, so please let me know if parts are unclear. This will be a little long because it’s a complex topic, but I hope you try to read it if you can. I’ve broken things up into chunks and made the text large for each header so that it is more ADHD-friendly, and tried to use layman’s terms whenever possible.
Things I’m going to be talking about in this post will be:
What is race?
What are the types of racial oppression?
How do people in DID communities/spaces perpetuate racism?
How can I check myself and avoid perpetuating racism?
Final notes
When I can, I will link to sources. For transparency, I am a nonblack/indigenous, Korean-American mixed race person with diagnosed DID. When I use the term “DID” in this post I am referring to both DID and OSDD.
#1: What is Race?
Race is a social construct, created by white people. It is not based in any science, as science has disproven there are significant genetic markers that differ between different races. “Whiteness,“ especially, has been an idea that has changed wildly over time. (A good book to read about this is called How The Irish Became White.)
Socially, people are divided along lines of race, which are blurry at best. Things like “the one drop rule“ make it so that no person of color (POC, a noun not an adjective) can fully claim whiteness. Whiteness is primarily defined by “not being a POC.”
‘Whiteness,’  like ‘colour' and ‘Blackness,' are essentially social constructs  applied to human beings rather than veritable truths that have universal  validity. The power of Whiteness, however, is manifested by the ways in  which racialized Whiteness becomes transformed into social, political,  economic, and cultural behaviour. White culture, norms, and values in  all these areas become normative natural. They become the standard  against which all other cultures, groups, and individuals are measured  and usually found to be inferior (Henry & Tator, 2006, p. 46-47).
(In layman’s terms: Whiteness is created by society, and is now defined as “normal” and “default,” while actively oppressing people of color. People of color, by not being white, are seen as inferior. It’s a catch 22 of not being enough, and when you ARE enough, you’re not considered a person of color anymore, which is exactly what happened to the Irish.)
#2: What is Racial Oppression?
“Oppression” is a word a lot of folks throw around these days, and is commonly defined by what are called the “four Is of oppression.” These four Is are:
Internalized: This is oppression instilled in POC. Thoughts like “if I am more like my white peers, I will be more respected,” “I’m not like those people of color,” and pitting different POC against each other are all examples of internalized racism.
Interpersonal: This is oppression that is between individuals, and the most recognized form of racism. Interpersonal racism can look like calling people slurs, expecting POC to conform to stereotypes, etc.
Institutional: This is oppression built into the society and systems we live in. It can look like schools with higher percentages of POC getting less funding, differing descriptions for the same behavior (hyperactive white children being described as “outgoing” while a child of color is described as “disruptive”,) income inequality, and police brutality.
Ideological: Probably the hardest for people to recognize, ideological racism exists within our very thought processes. White people are told, directly and indirectly, that they are harder working, more deserving, more capable, more advanced, and so on. The inverse is applied to POC. A good example of this is the idea of “welfare queens,” or the idea that someone only got to where they are “by playing the race card.”
All of these interact with each other. Ideological racism is the basis of institutional racism, institutional racism is enforced by interpersonal racism, and progress towards liberation is inhibited by internalized racism, which is instilled in us by all of the above. Oftentimes, these are perpetuated in ways white folks don’t even notice or intend. Offhand comments and other microaggressions (more about those here, in a 2 minute video) can reinforce racism in ways that seem small or insignificant.
Now, onto the part folks are most likely here for:
#3: How Does This Relate to DID?
In DID, alters form for all sorts of reasons, and can look like anything. From demons to angels, fictional characters to animals or objects, the ways parts form can tell someone a lot about that parts beliefs, particularly when they differ from the body. In The Haunted Self, an example is given of a part that believes they are Superman because they cannot be hurt.
When race is involved with this, ideological biases come into play. Though you may not consciously make the decision to have an alter appear a certain way, ultimately, an alter is created by your brain and your brain alone (apart from, of course, the society that your brain/body exist in.) When you are a white person, and your brain creates an alter that appears to be of color, there is a reason. Even “positive” reasons can carry racism, such as splitting an Asian-appearing alter to help with schoolwork. Oftentimes, even without knowing, that reason is due to biases regarding race.
When an alter is created, it does not magically gain the experiences of someone who would actually live in that body. An alter that appears to be a POC has no idea what it’s actually like to be a POC, has no experience with racism, and does not experience any racism. Any racial experiences they may seem to carry with them are a white person’s perception of them, it’s a lot like claiming you know a show because you watched it through a neighbor’s window.
#4: How Can I Check Myself?
So, how do you never do anything racist ever again?
I’m sorry to say, but it just isn’t possible to be 100% non-racist. Even POC cannot be 100% non-racist or anti-racist, because we unfortunately live in a society that is constantly upholding white supremacy and white supremacist beliefs.
However, the next best step is being an anti-racist! Checking yourself for biases you’re upholding or racism you’re perpetuating is an important first step. This is an often uncomfortable and confronting process, and one that never has an end, but an important one. There are a LOT of ways you can do this, but I’ll just list a few that are relevant to DID.
Familiarize yourself with common stereotypes.
The easiest way to find where your internalized biases are with alters that appear to be a different race is familiarizing yourself with common stereotypes and ideas that our society has about POC. These are often tied to things like violence, hypersexualization, drug use, and other negative attributes, but can also be things that on the surface appear to be positive, such as being studious, people-pleasing, or frugal. Regardless of whether the stereotype seems positive or negative, either way it’s still perpetuating racism.
Ask yourself: Is my POC-appearing alter more sexual than others? Are they aggressive? Is my POC-appearing alter a monster (such as a demon or a zombie,) or otherwise less human, like an animal?
Keep an eye on your language
Obviously, if you follow my blog, I don’t support talking negatively about my parts. But in addition to this, when race is involved, it’s even more important. Words like “feral,” “aggressive,“ “sassy,” “soft,” and others can have a more racist impact when used on POC than when used on white folks. Additionally, your POC-appearing alter is not an actual person of color, so avoiding language like “my Asian alter”  and replacing it with (when race is relevant,) “my alter that appears Asian” can be also a helpful change. Lastly, and I would hope this goes without saying, but language like AAVE, slurs, and “broken” English are not yours to use if you have a white body. If you wouldn’t let a white person say it, you should not let an alter in a white body say it.
Ask yourself: Would I use this word if this alter appeared white? If I saw another white person talking like this, would I be okay with that?
Avoid cultural appropriation, be aware of culture
A lot of this may seem obvious, such as not wearing native regalia if you are not native, but other aspects of cultural appropriation may not be as obvious. Asian names, for example, are both incredibly personal, important, and significant in Asian culture, and stigmatized against in white society. I don’t know of any Asian folks who do not have a white name they used in school because teachers literally refuse to try and learn our real names. The issue of cultural appropriation is, at its core, that white people are treated differently for doing the same things that POC do, even when it’s originally something that POC created.
Ask yourself: Would someone of x race be treated differently from me doing this? Is this something that POC have been told they cannot do, even though I can?
#5: Final Notes
As I say whenever I do equity workshops, learning does not end here. I encourage you, if possible, to do more research on your own about racial equity! Clicking the links I’ve included throughout my writing would be a good start, and those links may lead you to others. Getting involved with local activism groups, meeting diverse groups of people with varying ideas, and reading would also be excellent ways to further your learning at your own pace.
Reading this may have made you uncomfortable. You might’ve read something and cringed, thinking to yourself “oh no, I do/did that!” in which case, forgive yourself. Learning is always a process, and no one is ever perfect. As long as you keep in mind what you’ve learned going forward, you are not a bad person for having done something racist in the past. We live in a society that at best doesn’t punish, and at worst rewards upholding the racist beliefs we all live with. Discomfort is a part of learning, and if you were uncomfortable and kept reading, I commend you. That’s hard.
This is all written by one person, with one experience and one life story. You may at some point in time talk to someone with an entirely different experience who may say totally different things than me. Use your best judgement.
If you read all the way through and found something useful, and you can spare any change, my cashapp is $beepollen98. Money would be used to prepare for my upcoming gender surgery! Obviously no pressure, I hope you learned something and feel a little more educated, and maybe even enjoyed reading!
As always, my DMs and asks are open if you found anything confusing, and/or have suggestions/questions.
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perrydowning · 4 years ago
Hi Perry, lemme just get into the question: i do not have tumblr, but i love reading through blogs, including yours (hope you don’t mind me stalking, you are just such a sweetheart!😘) and one of those blogs is KyloTrashForever. Her name is Courtney and she writes the best fanfic. Sorry i cant put a link in, but check out her post-TROS fix it "way down we go" Just so_many_feelings [ALL TEH FEELINGS] but anyway, I'm a bit worried bc noone can reach her? Her tumblr has been deleted (1/2)
, you cannot access her twitte, and all the WIPs on her AO3 have a message in the description that says **ON INDEFINITE HIATUS** I wonder why? And I'm (and others, i hope) not just upset because we wont get more of her spectacular writing, i think quite a few people are worried FOR her. Is she okay? now, remember how i said i dont have tumblr - i dont Have any socialmedia at all. I wish i did. don't ask. But anyway, i cant figure this out further, so can you help? Lots of love, Perry!! 😍
Hey there, Anon! I reached out to my circle and I’m afraid that all I know is what you know. I wish I had more information, but alas I’m not nearly as ‘plugged in’ as I used to be. I miss just about everything because I don’t really go to Twitter. The drama spirals even faster there than it used to on tumblr, so I only check it every so often. 
I can say that based on what I’ve seen with other times people delete everything, chances are she got overwhelmed for some reason or another and just needed to step back. Let’s hope!
Stay safe and healthy!
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twdeadfanfic · 6 years ago
It’s a dog’s life Pt.10
*Summary: The reader is new and alone at the quarry’s camp, the only one she has is her dog, who seems to be best friends with Daryl Dixon, a not so friendly man, but that friendship will bring the reader closer to Daryl, finding that there’s more to Daryl than what you can see at first glance…besides, he’s pretty hot at first glance, isn’t him?
*Slow burn, both reader and Daryl’s pov, violence and language twd style.Follows the events of season 1 and 2.
*4112 words
*Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Reader
Chapters: 10/14
*Link to my masterlist with my other works can be found on the description of this blog. I’m sorry for the inconvenience, but tumblr doesn’t show posts with links in the tags
Last chapter Daryl got hurt looking for Sophia and the reader has alternated between keeping an eye on him and going looking for Sophia. but she hasn’t had much luck at it...
In just a day, Hershel declared Daryl good enough to leave the house, though he still had to rest on his tent and shouldn’t move too much or he might pop a stitch. Daryl was recovering fast, sure, but you also knew Hershel didn’t like to have your people in his house. Carl was on his feet too and running around already, to everyone’s relief.
You were cleaning the stables and tending to the horses, all of you were working around the farm to try and gain Hershel to your side, and you were trying to make up for having taken the horses too. As soon as you finished, you intended to go check on Daryl. Cole had been with you for a while, but now he had disappeared and you had a feeling of where he might be.
Your guess had been right, you saw him running away from Daryl’s tent to catch a small stick that had landed not too far from the tent and which probably Daryl had thrown him from inside. Cole took the stick and walked into the tent, you behind him.
“Hi, there.” You greeted, kneeling down inside the tent. Daryl gave you a nod and a hum, taking the stick and scratching Cole’s head, who just seemed to realize you were there, barking as a greeting and licking your hand. You noticed a book on the ground next to Daryl and you picked it up. “What you got there?”
“Andrea gave it to me earlier.”
You read the summary, it seemed to be some sort of detectives and crimes thing. You were pretty sure you had read through all of Dale’s books but it seemed you had missed that one. It seemed like a good way to pass the time.
“Want me to read it to you?”
“I can read it myself.” Daryl snapped.
“I know.” You rolled your eyes and nudged his leg with your foot. “I just thought it could be fun. But whatever.”
Daryl glanced at you for a split of a second, fidgeting with the stick he had been throwing to Cole, before lying down on his sleeping bag.
“Okay…read it if you want…” He said quietly. You opened the book and started reading it aloud.
You didn’t stop until it was time for dinner, almost having gone through the whole book.
“We’ll finish it tomorrow, alright?”
Next morning you were all having breakfast outside your tents, Daryl included. He looked so much better than a couple of days ago, though you knew his wound was still bothering him. Breakfast was delicious, a scramble made by Carol with fresh eggs, and you tried to enjoy it despite the tense and silent atmosphere around you. Whatever was going in on in the group, you didn’t really feel like getting involved, you just wanted to stay focused on Sophia’s search.
“Guys…” You hadn’t finished your scramble when Glenn began to speak, looking nervous. “So…there are walkers in the barn.”
You couldn’t believe it until you saw it, but it was true, you could see a group of walkers locked inside the barn and you couldn’t figure out why in the world would Hershel keep them there, and you had the feeling that asking him wouldn’t end up good. Apparently, according to Dale who somehow knew it, Hershel thought those walkers were his sick family and friends and therefore he wouldn’t kill them. You already had told Maggie about the CDC and Rick had done the same to Hershel, waiting for a cure was delusional, yet it didn’t seem like it would change the Greene’s mind.
A fight broke between Shane and Rick, since one wanted to clear the barn while Rick thought that would only make Hershel kick you out of the farm. You agreed with Rick, you were already on thin ice with Hershel, but living next to a barn full of walkers didn’t sound like the safest thing.
You could leave the farm, but you hated the idea of going back to the road without a destination, probably only to find that Fort Benning and everything else were gone forever, you couldn’t be sure you would find another heaven like that farm. Besides, you couldn’t leave without Sophia.
Turned out it seemed Shane could, as he thought there was no way you would find Sophia by now, much less alive. You knew how many days had passed, you knew how dangerous the world was, and if you had been less enraged at Shane for saying something like that in front of Carol and seeing tears coming to her eyes, you might have thought he had a point.
“Shut your mouth!” You snapped at Shane.
“I’m close to finding this girl. I just found her damn doll two days ago!” Daryl came from behind you to get on Shane’s face.
“You found her doll, Daryl. That’s what you did. You found a doll.” Shane snapped back. “I’m just saying what needs to be said. You get a good lead, it’s in the first 48 hours.”
Both men were glaring at each other and you were sure a fight was going to break between them so you stepped between them to try and stop them even though you wanted to punch Shane yourself, you didn’t want Daryl getting hurt and worsening his injuries, and if those two started fighting probably the situation would escalate too much. Rick came to stand at your side, trying to calm them down too.
“Let me tell you something else, man. If she was alive out there and saw you coming all methed out with your buck knife and geek ears around your neck, she would run in the other direction.”
Daryl tried to throw himself at Shane at that but the others rushed to try and pull both men apart. You couldn’t believe Shane would say something like that after all Daryl had done trying to find Sophia. You saw red, anger rising inside you, and you went for Shane, pushing him as hard as you could.
“Y/N!” Lori, who had been dragging Shane away from Daryl, looked at you wide-eyed but you didn’t even hear her.
“What the hell did you just say?!” You yelled at Shane, pushing him again. He was looking at you seeming too surprised to do anything. “You haven’t done shit to try and find Sophia, Daryl’s been there every day and organizing everything, so shut your mouth or I’ll make you shut it!”
“Why don’t we all calm down?” Andrea dragged you away from Shane and you didn’t resist, you could hear the walkers banging the doors of the barn, excited by the commotion going outside.
The discussion kept going about what to do, Dale seemed sure Hershel would never let you clear the barn, but Rick told everybody he would talk to Hershel. It wasn’t like you could do much else, if you cleared those walkers you would not only be kicked out of the farm but also couldn’t keep looking for Sophia from a safe place.
You saw Daryl storming away and you followed him. “Hey, hey wait.” Daryl didn’t stop, heading to his tent, and you tried to keep his pace. “Shane was talking bullshit.”
“Leave me alone, Y/N.” Daryl snapped and you tried not to take it to heart, knowing he was upset. Maybe he needed to be alone and so you stopped following him.
There were people on watch on the barn while Rick tried to sort things out with Hershel. Shane was one of them and you didn’t feel like facing him again so you walked away. You looked for Maggie, wanting to confront her about the barn. You tried to think about what to say so your temper wouldn’t get the best of you and you ended up lashing at her instead of just trying to have an actual talk.
“Maggie, hey, hum…let’s talk.” You maybe sounded more demanding than you had intended, but you didn’t think it was a bad start, you weren’t snapping or anything.
“You all know about the barn.” Maggie rolled her eyes before glaring at you. “I knew that idiot couldn’t have his mouth shut!”
“What did you expect him to do, we sleep there! We could be walkers dinner at any moment!” Your resolution to try to stay calm was soon gone. “How insane is to keep walkers in the barn?!”
“You know nothing!” Maggie snapped.
“No, you know nothing!” You snapped back. “You haven’t seen the things I’ve seen! I told you about the CDC already, your father is delusional thinking they’re sick people waiting for a cure…there’s no cure, there’s nothing, they’re dead!”
“You don’t understand it!” By know you knew Maggie’s temper was usually at par with yours, she’d stood her ground in your previous arguments, so you were shocked to notice her eyes watering. “Those you call monsters are my family!”
“They are people no more, they are dead…think about it and I know you’ll see it.” Your voice had softened, you didn’t have the heart to yell at her anymore. “It’s dangerous. We all have lost people…they’re gone, those are just bodies. And they aren’t coming back.”
Maggie said nothing, just shook her head and you didn’t see a point on keep pushing it. You could just hope Rick could make Hershel understand it, but you weren’t hopeful at all.
“Hey…Glenn did what he did to protect us, but he’s all head over heels with you.” You said softly. “Don’t go hard on him.”
“We’ll see about that…”
You were throwing sticks at Cole, not knowing what to do with yourself, when you saw Carol approaching you. She seemed upset and like she had been crying so you rushed to her, your head full of the worst scenarios about Sophia.
“What’s wrong?!”
“It’s Daryl…” Carol said and you blinked in surprise at that. “I found him on the stables, trying to get a horse ready to go looking for Sophia, but you know he’s not good enough, he’s still hurt.” You shook your head at his stubbornness. “And I’m grateful he’s looking but he already got hurt, I didn’t want him getting worse…he didn’t like it when I told him…”
You could imagine and you reached out to take Carol’s hand. “Don’t be upset, he’s an idiot sometimes.”
“I know.” Carol gave you a sad smile. “But he’s a good man and I don’t want him hurting himself…can you check on him so he doesn’t try to go again? Maybe you’ll have better luck than me.”
You let out a sigh. Babysitting Daryl when he was upset and angered didn’t sound like the best plan, but you were concerned Carol was right and Daryl might try again to go looking for Sophia when he was still recovering.
“Alright…maybe my dog will have better luck than I.”
You found Daryl inside his tent, fidgeting with an arrow, stabbing it in an out of one of the tent’s nets…it didn’t seem he was in the best mood, and he glared at you when he noticed you approaching but you kept going anyway, crouching down and getting inside the tent.
“Get out!” Daryl didn’t lose time to snap at you.
“Tell me that at least the horse you were trying to take wasn’t the one who threw you.” You tried to stay unfazed by his anger. “I mean, I’m not sure if you’d be sensible like that considering you just tried to leave, alone, riding a horse while still having stitches on your side, you know.”
“Leave me alone.” He growled.
“Okay. But if you try to do something like that again I’m not letting you.”
“I don’t need your permission or nothing, girl, you ain’t gonna babysit me, now leave me the hell alone!” Daryl threw away the arrow he had been playing with, angry, and Cole barked excitedly and ran to pick up the arrow as if he thought Daryl was playing with him. You rolled your eyes, maybe those two got along so well because they were idiots sometimes.
“You worried Carol, Daryl, she’s afraid you’ll hurt yourself…”
“I ain’t hurting myself! That bitch should be worrying about her damn daughter and not about me!”
“What the hell did you just call her?!” Now you were angry. “Daryl Dixon you might be my friend but if I ever hear you calling another woman that, I’m gonna smack you in the head so hard it’ll be worse than when Andrea shoot you.”
That seemed to silence Daryl, if only because he was surprised at your outburst. He averted his eyes from you and began fidgeting with the arrow that Cole had brought back, slightly chewed.
“Don’t know why she’d care anyway…” He mumbled.
“Because you’ve been looking for her little girl non-stop, giving her hope...because you’re a good man, Daryl, even though sometimes you’re a prick. So yes, she cares for you and doesn’t want you to hurt yourself.”
“I wasn’t gonna hurt myself,” Daryl grumbled again and you didn’t bother to reply, let him have that. “Carol said we don’t know if we’re gonna find Sophia…she gave up…”
“She didn’t, it’s just…” You let out a sigh and flopped down to sat down on the floor of the tent. “I guess she’s trying to be ready in case the worse might happen or in case we have to leave…”
“She doesn’t think I can find her.”
“It’s not that.” You nudged his foot with yours gently. “If-when we find Sophia, it’ll be thanks to you.”
“Not if I’m here sitting on my ass doing nothing.” He sounded angry again. “I have to go looking for her, none else is gonna do it, not now with the barn and all.”
“Yell all you want but I’m not letting you go, you’re recovering.” Daryl seemed about to snap but you kept talking before he could. “I’ll go, okay? Right now, I’ll go looking for Sophia.”
Daryl seemed to think it for a moment and then he nodded reluctantly. “Are you taking Maggie with you?”
“Well…I’m not sure if she’s angry at me or not…” You hadn’t talked to her again. “Besides, she left with Glenn on a run. I’ll go by myself.”
“You shouldn’t go alone.” Daryl surprised you, you had thought he’d be rushing you to leave.
“Don’t think none is about to join me…” You shrugged, Daryl was right, everyone seemed too busy right now.
“I would.”
“You’re recovering.” You said again, making Daryl roll his eyes.
“You won’t go alone.”
“Okay…what if I try and get some of the others to help me with the search?” Only a couple of people were watching the barn, the others should be free to join the search and you planned to make them feel as guilty as possible if they didn’t volunteer.
“Alright…But if they don’t then I’m going with you.”
“We’ll see about that…” Daryl seemed mostly okay but you could see some blood on his shirt from when he had hurt himself trying to saddle the horse, he still should take it easy. “And no horses this time.”
Daryl said nothing to that, just shrugged and kept fidgeting with the arrow. You reached out to pull up his shirt, wanting to check on his wound, and Daryl flinched away from your hand, wincing as he did so.
“Sorry.” You rushed to apologize, pulling your hand off him. “You’re bleeding.”
“I’m fine.” He grumbled, though she frowned as he looked at the bloodstains as if noticing it for the first time.
“You might have popped a stitch…can I check it?” You reached out again but didn’t touch him until Daryl nodded. You lifted his shirt and carefully removed the soiled bandage to reveal his wound. It had bled a bit but it didn’t look bad. “I don’t know…maybe Hershel should check it…”
“Alright, let me clean it a bit then.” You had ‘borrowed’ some disinfectant, gauzes, antibiotics and things like that from Hershel’s cabinet, in case he sent you all away. You felt bad about it, but it’d be worse if you were on the road again and didn’t have medical supplies.
Daryl raised an eyebrow at you when he saw you taking out of your bag some gauze and disinfectant, as if guessing where you had taken it from, but he said nothing. Pouring some disinfectant into the gauze, you cleaned the wound and applied a fresh bandage.
“There you go.” You finished cleaning and rebandaging him. You bit your lip thinking about how the arrow had gone through his side, impaling him. It was a wonder he was not only alive and recovering so fast but also how he had managed to go back to the farm all by himself. You didn’t want to think how close he had been of dying.
“Thanks,” Daryl said without looking at you and you both stayed silent for a while, Daryl back at fidgeting with the arrow and you busying yourself stroking Cole’s fur. Maybe it was time for you to leave, but you kept catching Daryl giving you side glances and you waited for him to speak.
“When you went for Shane…” He finally began, eyes trained on the ground. “I hadn’t seen you that angry since you threatened that doc with an ax.”
“Yeah, well, Shane was spitting a lot of bullshit.” You were still angry at him. “I can’t believe he’d say that about Sophia in front of Carol. I can’t believe he said those stupid things about you, either!” You felt like punching him even though you knew you wouldn’t stand a chance against Shane. “You know it was bullshit, right?” Daryl just shrugged, avoiding your gaze. “Well, it was.”
“Thanks.” He whispered, eyes still down.
“You’re my friend I’m going to stand for you, and Shane was a prick. I’m not letting anyone talk bullshit about you.” You stated, unashamed, you didn’t know when you had become so protective over Daryl but there it was. “You’re a prick sometimes too but I would never smack you, no matter what I said before, I won’t. But I’ll smack Shane if he ever says something like that again.”
His eyes snapped up to look at you at that, seeming surprised, and then his lips curled up into a lopsided, small smile. He should smile more often. He looked down quickly, blushing. “Thanks.”
“That thing he said about you wearing geek ears…was that true?” You wanted to have him talking about something else and you were genuinely curious. “Why?” You asked when he nodded.
“Thought it might mistake the smell to other geeks.”
“That’s so smart…you’re so smart.” You were always amazed at how resourceful and quick at thinking Daryl was.
“Stop.” He grumbled, blushing even more.
“But it’s true!”
“I don’t know if it works or not.”
“Smart anyway.”
Silence fell between you both until Daryl broke it again. “Shane’s lying about Otis, I think he left the man as bait or something like that.”
“Why?” You didn’t doubt Daryl but that sounded too bad even for Shane.
“His story doesn’t add up.” Daryl didn’t elaborate more and you didn’t ask. You knew how observant and smart he was, so if he was suspicious about Shane then probably he had a reason and wasn’t mistaken. The idea was too horrible to think about it, though. “I ain’t saying anything, the Greene’s would kick us out of here if they knew.”
“Hershel might kick us out anyway.” You let out a sigh. “Rick’s talking with him…I’m gonna see if he’s done to ask him to come looking for Sophia with me.”
“You gotta apologize to Carol, okay?” You reminded him and Daryl shrugged.
“How?” He murmured sheepishly, sounding so childish it was adorable.
“Try saying sorry.” You retorted and Daryl rolled his eyes.
You kneeled up but before you crawled out of the tent you leaned over to kiss Daryl’s cheek, you just felt like it. Daryl looked at you with wide, surprised eyes before frowning.
“What was that for?”
You just shrugged, giving him a small smile before leaving his tent.
Rick found you before you found him, walking towards you with a map on his hand. “It’s time we go back to the search, come with me?”
“I was just looking for you to ask you the same…did you talk with Hershel? Is he kicking us out?”
“We’re not leaving.” Rick didn’t hold your gaze and it wasn’t exactly the answer to what you were asking, but for now, it’d have to be enough, he was already unfolding the map before you could say anything. “So what do you think, should we check this area?”
“Maybe…I could ask Daryl, he’ll know what’s the best plan.”
“Alright, you do that and I go see if someone else’s free to join us.” Rick patted your shoulder and headed away, and you went back to Daryl’s tent.
He was outside, pacing back and forth as he glanced nervously at the RV where you knew Carol was. You couldn’t help your small smile, he was so cute sometimes. “Just go and say sorry,” you said as you placed a hand on his arm. He flinched but relaxed when he saw it was you. “She’s your friend and cares about you, she’ll forgive you if you apologize.”
Daryl shrugged as if trying to show he didn’t care, but you knew better. You unfolded the map and pointed at the area Rick was telling you. “So Rick thinks we could check this area, we’re leaving in about an hour, what you think?”
“Yeah…” Daryl nodded. “We should check this other again too. I’ll go too.”
“Not happening.”
“I’m fine, I can walk so I can search for her.” Daryl rolled his eyes, seeming exasperated again. He was just so damn stubborn.
“Apologize to Carol and then we’ll see.”
You went looking for Rick but couldn’t find him anywhere. He couldn’t have just disappeared in a moment. You noticed Glenn and Maggie on the stairs of the porch, seeming to have made up, at least that was good.
“Have you seen Rick?” You asked when you approached them. “We were supposed to go looking for Sophia.”
“No, sorry.”
You let out a sigh and sat down to wait for him. Time passed and he still wasn’t showing up, and you didn’t know if you should be angry at him or worried. You noticed Daryl and Carol approaching, those two seeming to have made up too and you couldn’t help your smile.
“Weren’t we leaving?” Daryl asked, annoyed.
“Don’t know where Rick is.”
“Fine, we leave without him.” He scoffed.
Before any of you could say anything else, Shane approached you carrying a big bag full of guns which he began passing to everyone, saying how you needed to secure the place and deal with that barn before it was too late, ignoring Maggie and Lori asking him to stop. You wanted the farm to be safe, sure, but doing what Shane intended to do would just cause more trouble and Hershel would never forgive it.
Cole growled, nervous, and you grabbed him by his collar, trying to calm him.
“This is not a good idea.” You grabbed Daryl’s arm with your free hand when he took one of the rifles, you thought he might yank his arm free but he didn’t, turning to look at you. “Hershel will kick us out for sure.”
“What the hell is that?”
You all followed Shane’s gaze to find Hershel and Rick walking towards the barn and you couldn’t believe your eyes but they had a walker with them in some sort of lash, as if they were walking it to the barn…did Hershel collect them there? What was that? You hadn’t thought the man insane, just delusional, but this was too much.
Shane ran to them, yelling at them, you all running behind…and then the storm began. Shane was out of control, yelling and shooting at the walker, and before any of you could do anything he had opened the barn, walkers stumbling out.
“Y/N, don’t let the dog go to them!” Daryl warned you while he aimed the rifle and shoot, along with Shane, Andrea, Rick, T-Dog, even Glenn, murdering the Greene’s family in front of their eyes. It had to be done, you knew it, those weren’t people, they were monsters, but the Greene’s looked so broken you couldn’t look while the monsters dropped dead.
And when you thought things couldn’t get worse, they did. A last, little walker stumbled out of the barn.
Aw...you know what’s coming :( Do you think Daryl’d keep himself away from the reader and the dog? Or would he look for comfort on them? We’ll see...
Anyway, thank you for reading! Please, if you have a moment drop me a comment and let me know your thoughts, I’d love to read it and talk to all of you, it keeps me inspired and going!
As always, English is not my first language so sorry if there are mistakes.
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sincerelymarinette · 6 years ago
A Recorded Life - Miraculous Ladybug (1/50)
Words: 1493 Summary: Marinette Dupain-Cheng and her friends are in their final year of Lycee (High School), and they are all 18 years old. Marinette has a very busy life between trying to graduate from school, help in her parent's bakery, and protect France. On top of it all, she is also a very popular YouTuber who creates fashion videos and vlogs. As her popularity increases, she has more to deal with, including how her fans react to everything in her recorded life. Author’s Note: omg. I had this idea from a headcanon I created a few months back and I haven’t really stopped thinking about it. I also didn’t really think I was ever going to post it, but why not give it a shot to see if people like it. This is the first part, so it is really a big introduction to how everything works in this lil AU. If I post more, it does get less introductory and becomes more of a story haha. I have a few more parts written, but it is nowhere near done! Let me know if you would like to see more :)
Will also be posted on Ao3 and Wattpad within the next few days, depending on timing.
NOTE: Canon from season 3 does not apply in this story unless stated otherwise, as this is being written at the time of season 3 being released.
NOTE 2: the chapters are mostly titled like YouTube videos would be. Except for the chapters where a video is not recorded/talked about, so if they look weird, they're supposed to look like YouTube titles!
Are We More Like Ladybug or Chat Noir?
"Hey guys, I'm Marinette!" She began the video. "And welcome back to my second channel. You may notice the person sitting next to me..." Marinette gestured. "Alya's back. Like she is in almost every video over here."
Alya smiled and waved. "Hey, guys! Guess what I convinced her to do today," Alya winked. "Well, you probably read the title. We're quizzing to see if we're more like Ladybug or Chat Noir."
"Which I don't totally understand because do we actually know them?" Marinette asked, hoping she wouldn't get Ladybug.
Alya rolled her eyes. "So, if you're from a different country, or have never seen the news, or never even watched a video without me in it, Ladybug and Chat Noir are the superheroes and protectors of Paris. They protect us from the villain Hawkmoth, trying to collect their powers and take over the world. Or something. We only know he wants their powers, we don't know why," Alya shrugged. "But forget about Hawkmoth! Let's take the quiz."
Marinette giggled at her excitement. "Alya runs a blog that follows all things Ladybug and Chat Noir. I'll leave a link on her face, and in the description," Marinette reminded. "First question?"
"When confronted with an Akuma, what do you do? Punch it without a second thought, run away screaming, come up with a plan, or make a pun?" Alya asked. "Wait, I can't tell which one would be Chat Noir?"
Marinette glared at the camera. "He would make a pun," She said, getting a confused look from Alya. "Remember when I had to work with him for the Evillistrator? And when he ran up to me after Puppeteer turned you back into Lady Wifi? Oh my god, the puns!" She groaned. "I would probably," Marinette stopped for a second. She didn't know if she should tell her initial instinct, or try to stay away from the Ladybug answers. "Probably run away screaming."
Alya cocked an eyebrow. "You'd probably come up with a plan to take the Akuma out, Mari, be honest here," Alya said and clicked the one she didn't choose.
"Now, if your best friend was in danger, would you: let someone else save them, find a way to save them yourself, record it for the internet- okay, that one would probably be me if it were anyone but you- call for help, or work with your partner to get them out," Alya asked. "Speaking of, where were you when the Pharaoh tried to sacrifice me to the Egyptian gods?"
Marinette's jaw dropped. "Hey! I told you, I got caught in a time slow bubble. It was terrible!" Marinette defended herself, but little did she know she actually did save her best friend. "Considering Nino would probably be there too, since you really only get in danger when tracking down Ladybug and Chat Noir, we would have to work together to save you,"
"That's fair."
The questions continued and Alya kept calling Marinette out whenever she answered incorrectly. "You got Ladybug; I knew you were more like her!" Alya said.
"Why do you say that? I'm clumsy, and stutter sometimes, and I'm just not like her," Marinette shrugged. "I'm not even like Chat Noir. His confidence is insane, and I'm nowhere near that."
Alya put the phone down. "Girl, you sell yourself short. You're the class president; you stand up for people, you're creative. Those all sound like Ladybug things, don't they?" She raised her eyebrow. "I think that's all we have for today, right, Mari?"
"Yeah, thanks for watching! Other social media and information in the description, see you in the next video!" Marinette ended the video.
She edited out the part where Alya gave her reasons why she was like Ladybug. She cut it off at "Girl; you sell yourself short." Marinette watched the video she was editing for what the hold have been the fiftieth time, to make everything was done right or wasn't dull, but she had to postpone the editing. She set her main channel video to upload, and transformed into her alter ego to meet Chat Noir.
Marinette had a small, contained YouTube channel for a few years. It was popular, thanks to her incredible talent and young age, people enjoyed watching!
"Hey, Chat," Ladybug called when she saw him on the roof, sitting down and laughing. Even though they had been partners for two years, and now older, she still got a little nervous when starting patrol.
"Hey, Bug!" Chat Noir said. "You know Marinette, right? That girl you had me watch over because of an Akuma about a year ago?"
Ladybug nodded. "Yeah...why?"
"She has the best YouTube channel."
Marinette was flattered, but also confused. Chat Noir watched her YouTube? "She's...pretty cool," Ladybug walked closer and sat next to him. "I didn't think you would be one to be interested in a designer."
"Oh yeah, she's so talented! And her videos are great. I love watching the sped up designs and watching them all come together," He gushed. "But her second channel is just as good. It's more relaxed, and I guess you could say her main channel is the more professional side, but the second channel is where she does a bunch of videos with her friends. And look at this one!" Chat Noir showed her his baton, which was somehow connected to YouTube. Marinette recognized the video, as it was one of her most popular. It was the video Nino suggested when he asked "What's in your sketchbook? I've never seen everything, and I'm really curious."
And of course, Alya thought it would make for a perfect video.
Alya was behind the camera when Marinette recorded it, making some comments that would add to the comedic point. "Look, she said this one was inspired by me!" He paused the video and pointed to the design Marinette spent way longer on than she'd admit.
"That's awesome, Chat!" Ladybug said, a smile plastered on her face. She only wished she could thank him formally for all this gratitude, but she couldn't reveal herself. "When I see her next, I'll relay your love."
A smile flashed across Chat Noir's face, and he closed his baton. "Don't worry, milady, my heart beats for only you."
"Charming," She smirked. "Let's go; I've got a thing to do after patrol!" She said and swung her yo-yo. Chat Noir chuckled, but followed anyway.
Marinette edited her video until she was sure it was perfect. Even if it was for her second, less popular channel, she wasn't going to put out less than quality content.
Since she got home at nearly midnight after patrol, and edited for an hour and a half, she was exhausted.
Marinette, about to fall asleep at her computer (which she has done before), clicked the YouTube shortcut and set her video to process (and hopefully upload) while she slept.
She was expecting to wake up to her alarm, or the sun hitting her eyes, or her mom yelling that she was late for school. Instead, Tikki was screaming and jumping in an attempt to get her up.
"Something's outside!" She said, pointing to the window. Marinette was hoping it would be morning, but it was still dark.
"Shh," She told the Kwami and slowly got out of bed. Marinette peaked out of the window, not seeing anything. Deciding it was safe, she walked up the ladder and opened the hatch. "Is someone out here?"
It was cold, and Marinette was only in her pajamas, so she wrapped her arms around herself to try to warm up. "I swear...if she woke me up because it was wind, or a bird-" Marinette stopped her mumbling when she heard something move. "Hello? Please, it's too late for this. I'm too tired to kick ass-"
"Please don't call the cops," The black figure landed in front of her.
"Chat Noir? It's the middle of the night! What are you doing here?" Marinette whisper yelled.
Chat Noir looked down at the ground. "I was patrolling with Ladybug about an hour ago, and I didn't want to go home, so I was just walking. I saw something strange in the window and decided to take a look. It was bright red and seemed to be glowing- I thought it was something that wanted to-"
"It was probably just my...cat," Marinette said. "Yeah, he heard something outside and nudged me. His collar is red and reflects some of the lights I have in my room so it wouldn't surprise me if that's what you saw," Marinette nodded, hoping her lie would go unnoticed.
Chat Noir nodded and stepped up to the ledge. "Well, as long as you're safe," He said. "I should be off," He got ready to jump away. "Oh, I don't know if Ladybug told you, Marinette, but I love your videos," He flashed a smile and jumped away.
"Thank you!" She called after him, unsure of if he heard her.
Let me know if you would like to see the second part!
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aramis-dagaz · 6 years ago
How do you come up with names for your fictional settings, factions, characters, etc? -a fledgeling DM
In all honesty, through a lot of pain, wailing, gnashing of teeth, beseeching of dark and eldritch powers, and wrestling with my crippling self-doubt.  I can come up with an interesting and intertwining system of government, religion, social castes, and the history of it spanning a thousand years in a day, maybe longer if I’m doing a lot of research.  Coming up with names will literally take me weeks, completely stalling the project until then.  God help me if I ever have children.  If you have trouble coming up with names, you’re not alone.
In the naming of things, you’ll want to follow these three Rs: Research, wRite it down, and Remix. - Research: exactly what it says on the tin.  Hit the books, visit websites, keep your ears and eyes open to anything that sounds or looks interesting. - Write it down: you will forget.  Don’t let those thoughts get away from you.  Also record where you got those ideas from so you can revisit that particular well. - Remix: the fun and/or painful part where you torture your initial fodder into something useful.
Thankfully, there are a lot of tools and resources to help make this process easier, though it really depends on whether you’re basing your names on an existing or historical culture or making something more unique.
If you’re basing your naming schemes on existing cultures or fictional settings, then your best bet is https://www.fantasynamegenerators.com/.  This site, by far, has name generators for just about anything you can possibly want as well as generators for things other than names.  Best of all, Emily, the site creator, explains her logic for why the names sound the way they do.
Another good resource and the one I use probably more often than fantasynamegenerators is http://www.behindthename.com/random/.  This site provides actual real-world names along with some mythical, ancient, and literature-based names.  Best part of using this site is that you can look up what the names’ etymology, historical development, and what they actually mean, which is perfect if you like to give your characters symbolic names.  There’s also a sister site for surnames as well, https://surnames.behindthename.com/.
Sometimes, though, you’ll either not find what you’re looking for on the previous sites or want to dig a little deeper into the logic behind certain naming schemes.  In that case, you’ll have to do some legwork.  Doing an Internet search for “[whatever] name generator” or “[whatever] name lists” can help.  Avoid baby name sites, they are complete garbage.  Wikipedia can also help if you want lists of kings or historically important people (such as this list of ancient Egyptians, though admittedly these are for very important people who had their names written down somewhere, so your mileage will vary).  This will help you at least get an idea of what these names look and sound like, if not actually create as-close-to-authentic names as you can.  Also look up the languages involved so that you know how they look, sound, and are put together.  Anglicized versions of names from non-European languages can be fraught with peril, as the combinations of letters you read don’t always translate to what you think they should sound like (especially Irish Gaelic and Chinese.  Whomever did the Latinization of those languages needs to be slapped).
If you want to make names that are essentially just basic words from another language (like naming a character “Radish”, only in, say, Japanese), Google Translate is a good start and will give you an idea of what those words would look like written in English as well as similar words.  However, I highly recommend trying out other online translators as it’s already firmly established that Google Translate is not completely reliable.  I named a character this way, Altarus Almakhzun, which is bastardized Arabic for “Gears Inventory”, which fits because he’s supposed to be a djinni artificer.
If you’re looking for place names that are based on a real world culture or language, a good method is hopping onto Google Maps or getting an old road atlas that shows all of the tiny towns and villages, picking a random spot, and then just wandering around, making note of any interesting-sounding place names.  If you’re ever on a road trip, keep a piece of paper and a pen handy to jot down interesting names you see on the roadsigns, but please please please be careful if it’s just you driving.
Okay, that covers names that are at least grounded in some version of reality.  But what about truly unique names?
In all honesty, the sky’s the limit and you’re kinda on your own.  But here’s my process: - Start with a strange or interesting-looking word or name (eg, Inpalav evolved out of Impavide, meaning fearless, the motto of the 90th Missile Wing) - Find the syllables and sounds that appeal to you.  Make a list. - Load those syllables and sounds into the Hadron collider of your brain.  Smash them together, rip them apart, twist them into a fractal gordian pretzel as many times as you please - Take a few of the results that stand out, and then mutate them through a thousand permutations, swapping out letters and syllables each time - Imagine someone saying this name in casual conversation, awed, reverent tones, and at the top of their lungs swearing eternal vengeance - Pick the ones that pass this Darwinian struggle
That said, though, here are a few other rules to make sure that you have something that’s workable: - Say the name out loud.  If you can’t pronounce it on command, adjust it so you can. - Make sure how it’s pronounced and how it looks jive together.  In my experience, I’ve found names that look cool and sound cool, and they don’t always coincide. - Keep apostrophes to a minimum.  One per name is fine, especially if the apostrophe is culturally or linguistically relevant, but avoid them if you can. - Share your ideas with friends and see what they think.  If they immediately think of a cutesy nickname for your Dark Lord of Ancient Evil or just immediately call your Elven Prince of a Thousand Apostrophes “Bob” in lieu of twisting their tongue into a klein bottle, it’s back to the drawing board.
Once you have some workable names, think about the fictional etymologies of them.  You don’t need to go all Tolkien here and actually write out the exact origins of these names, but at the very least think about a few rules for this particular culture.  Does the name mean something?  Are there any common or reoccuring syllables?  Does a particular syllable denote something about the character, such as gender, place of origin, or social class?  This will help make the names feel more real and part of a larger culture.
A couple examples from my own settings: - The Fhalsnir are a very widespread species and have multiple cultures (they are the humans of the Firmament), but there are a couple of etymological holdovers from their homeworld.  Typical names are about two to four syllables long and typically end in -ig, -rig, -vig, or -ith (eg, Sorvig, Sorvith, Maegrig).  -ith is usually considered feminine, but cultural drift and change has made that rule largely irrelevant in the present day.  Some cultures cleave to these rules, some ignore them entirely and adopt names from other cultures and languages, and most adopt some combination thereof. - One culture names everyone with numbers, with some of the longer names resembling a fantasy version of an IP address (given name, parents’ names, clan/tribe name, perhaps town of birth, etc). Should such a character found a ruling dynasty, they may end up be Primus of the Third Dynasty of the Nation of Seven, with their parents retroactively given negative number names for the history books, never mind that Primus of Third (informally Prime-Three) was originally Twelver, child of Octus and Quint, born of the Fiftieth Tribe of the One-O-Sixteenth Province.
As a reward for reading all of that, I’ll share a couple of links for some more esoteric and whimsical names: - 16th-19th century Puritan names: https://aramis-dagaz-imaginarium.tumblr.com/post/134169440876/brookenomicon-sonnetscrewdriver - If you want to give your characters some descriptive names but want to use some very esoteric words, such as Sagacious Zu from Jade Empire, this site has got you covered: http://phrontistery.info/clw.html - A collection of blog posts on names, including some random generators, ways to create fantasy names, and some name-based humor for writers stressing out over naming characters: https://aramis-dagaz-imaginarium.tumblr.com/tagged/names
Hope this helps!  May your characters and nations get the memorable names they deserve!
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virgoheartt · 7 years ago
hey guys!! so, i don’t usually make posts like this because outside of the roleplay community, i’m not incredibly helpful or resourceful. however, over the last couple of months i have gained a lot of knowledge due to my circumstances that i’d thought i’d share in case anyone is going through exactly what i am right now, and that is: trying to get integrated within a homeless shelter that is clean, safe, helpful, and can equip you with things in life you might be lacking or struggling in, due to financial instability or whatever happens to be your situation. this post is very long and will be put under a read more, as not to disturb the flow of anyone’s dash. it will include links to helpful websites, clarifying and debunking some common myths about homeless shelters, resources for every state in america, and more (all placed on a page on my blog, as tumblr was being a massive ass about having this show up in the tags with certain links embedded)! i do apologize that this only covers the united states and not other countries, and if anyone has any resources or resourceful posts on tumblr about homeless shelters and what they’re like/what they can do/etc in other countries, please do message me with the link and i’ll add it to this post as soon as possible!! PLEASE LIKE AND/OR REBLOG THIS AS TO HELP SPREAD WORD AND HELP THOSE GOING THROUGH POSSIBLE HOMELESSNESS RIGHT NOW.
so, first and foremost, i would like to debunk a few common myths, that i myself, even had before knowing more about homelessness and shelters.
the first is that many think a homeless shelter will be worse than living in their toxic, possibly abusive household. and that is simply NOT TRUE. as someone who has lived with an older, highly abusive family member and then recently, a really toxic family member who drains me mentally and emotionally, i can tell you it’s not worse than what you’re going through right now. it’s going to be a massive transitional period, where simply luxuries the majority of us have (such as cell phone service, laptops, tvs, entertainment, etc) will become just that: luxuries. things you can only obtain after overcoming homelessness. but i guarantee you it’s worth it. a lot of those who face homelessness, i came to find out, are those who show a pattern of poor life skills. many are ashamed of it and to be honest, i was too at one point. but i’m not anymore. because 9/10 times, good life skills weren’t taught to growing children, as poor life skills usually roots from parents or parental figures lacking in sufficiently teaching their child/children how to live outside of survival mode. and that’s not okay, but it will be. because you’ll learn life skills through people who want nothing more than to see you succeed.
you have to be gone during the day, at which time you have to carry your belongings around. now, typically, if a homeless shelter is actually good and of some quality and value, you’re not going to be gone all day carrying around nothing but your belongings and standing in the heat, cold or whatever other disastrous weather that you might face while being homeless. a nice and helpful shelter will keep your belongings safely stashed away while they help you in the pursuit of finding a job, equipping you with things such as job readiness and preparation classes, transportation, and clothing, all to ensure you become successful. (*IMPORTANT SIDENOTE: not all shelters will offer all of the above, but that doesn’t mean they’re not good shelters to stay at. even those shelters which don’t have a lot of funding and thus, don’t have all of what is said above, a good shelter will try it’s hardest to find outside resources to help with your circumstances and situations.)
the majority of homeless suffer from severe mental health problems and substance abuse. while yes, according to a study taken in 2010, one in four homeless individuals suffered/currently suffer from a serious mental illness (and i just happen to fall into this category, as i’ve battled with schizophrenia since the age of fourteen), city officials have stated that lack of affordable housing, unemployment, and poverty are still the top three causes of homelessness in a survey conducted by the us conference mayors in 2014 and roughly is it said that one-third of those adults who are in shelters had chronic substance use problems in 2010, according to SAMHSA. that is about 184,666 sheltered adults out of a rough estimate of 554,000 adults living in a homeless shelter, according to the department of housing and urban development (hud) in december 2017. and compared to how large the united states’ population is, that’s not all too bad, considering. another thing to note about homeless shelters is that the good ones will always test for drugs/alcohol upon arrival and even if they decide to take them in, they’re helping them take initiative in getting sober and staying sober as a requirement to stay in the shelter and their program.
homeless individuals live most of their time in the streets. however, according to HUD’s survey, about 69 percent of homeless americans lived in shelters in 2014. and if not a shelter, it was said that at least 30 percent of unsheltered homeless seattle residents live or at one point lived in a vehicle of some type, according to the vehicle residency research progran.
your personal property will be stolen, no ifs ands, or butts. although you will need some sort of money saved up or after sustaining a steady income through a trustworthy employer, a lot of shelters (especially the ones that are of the golden few) will offer some type of place for you to put your things on a rent-type basis until you can get into transitional living. and more often than not, they tend to be air conditioned. however, as much as i’ve looked into it, i couldn’t find a place that helped individuals with storing away personal property at no charge or at a late charge.
now, some things in which a homeless shelter can/will help you with are the following (as always, please do your research prior to staying at a homeless shelter, if you can. thus, when you do the research you can see if they offer any of the following and if it doesn’t say on their website, then you can definitely inquire about it. if they don’t offer it nor give you resources to some outside resource that can help you, DON’T STAY WITH THEM.):
mental and physical health sevices
substance abuse services
employment assistance
transitional housing
permanent housing
housing coordination community integration
navigating around
case management
crisis medical services
crisis transition
some helpful resources/a short description of what they help with are listed below but the links can be found here (*IMPORTANT SIDENOTE: if you’re in fear for your safety in terms of searching for somewhere to stay and such, please be wary that computers can be monitored and it’s impossible to 100% completely clear, so please, if you are afraid your internet usage is being monitored, please call the national domestic hotline, which the number is listed below):
what it’s like to stay the night in a homeless shelter --- here is an accurate descriptive inside look at what it’s like to stay a night/a few future months at a homeless shelter, as written by an undercover journalist.
homelessshelterdirectory.org --- a website that will help give you all sorts of helpful information from quality/emergency shelters to helpful programs to help end homelessness and in almost every city in the united states.
the national domestic hotline: 1-800-799-7233 or 1-800-787-3224 TTY for the deaf/hard of hearing --- a hotline for anyone of any age who is experiencing domestic violence. they’re open 24/7, 365 days a year.
ending message: homelessness is a demographic of people who have faced some sort of trauma in their lives, whether it be multiple incidents and varying from one thing to another, to simply only facing sudden homelessness, it’s a problem that faces a lot of people on a day-to-day basis all around the world, and even currently in my life. i hope this has helped in some sort of way and especially if it helped to relieve some anxiety you feel around staying at a homeless shelter, which i do sympathize with, but wish you the best in building a life for yourself again. if anyone needs me to clarify or touch on some more things or anything specific that i can try to help with, feel free to IM me here or for a short time (as i won’t have my laptop with me as to not encourage the chance of it getting stolen) i will be answering as much as i can in my inbox regarding this.
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nonbinarypastels · 7 years ago
About & FAQ Page
This page was last updated on July 31, 2018
About nonbinarypastels
This blog was created to combat REG (reactionary, exclusionist, gatekeeping) politics in the LGBTQIA+ community as well as other forms of harmful conservative rhetoric that’s become so common on tumblr through the spreading of positivity and information based posts. My goal for this blog is not only to validate and support LGBTQIA+ people (and people of all marginalized identities) but also to encourage people to be more accepting of others, more able to think critically about all issues, and more passionate about making a positive difference not only in their own lives but the lives of those around them.
What I post about
Positivity — Not only nonbinary positivity but positivity for all  LGBTQIA+ identities and other people as well.
Social Justice/Politics
Mental Health/Mental Illness
Critical Thinking Skills
Miscellaneous Other Topics
If you’re only here for positivity
Please blacklist the #not positivity and #discourse tw tags.
Things you should know before you follow this blog
This blog is inclusionist. I believe that all aromantics and asexuals belong in the LGBTQIA+ community. I’m also firmly against other exclusionary rhetoric that seeks to exclude any non-cishet (by which I mean non cisgender, heteromantic, AND heterosexual) group from the community.
This blog supports creative freedom and a safe fandom environment. I don’t care what kind of fiction people write/read or what they ship as long as all of their content is tagged properly and kept in appropriate spaces. While I think media criticism and having civil discussions about what we’re writing and reading and why is a good thing, I think the ‘anti’ community on tumblr totally crosses the line with their behavior which goes beyond legitimate media criticism and straight into cyberbullying and harassment.
This blog does not support radical feminism. Radical feminism is a harmful conservative movement that harms and attempts to control the lives of marginalized people. I do not support any form of radfem rhetoric.
This blog does not support trasnmedicalsim or truscum. These are groups that actively harm trans and nonbinary people by pushing reductionist, transphobic rhetoric and policing the identities of trans and nonbinary people.
This blog is queer positive. I will not censor the word queer or exclude queer people from this blog or the community.
Please do not send me messages
About any medical or life-threatening emergencies you might be having. I am not a doctor and cannot give medical advice and there’s also no guarantee I’ll be online when you send your message. If you’re in a life-threatening situation please contact the relevant local authorities (either 911 or your country’s equivalent) or get to a hospital immediately.
Calling out people I reblog from or who are reblogging from me about anything having to do with ships or fanfiction. As stated above, I don’t care what people ship or write/read as long as it’s properly tagged and not posted in inappropriate spaces. Any messages I get about “so-and-so ships ___” will be deleted.
About anything having to do with MAP discourse. I am a CSA survivor and am generally not comfortable discussing or reading about MAPs.
Telling me that a-specs “aren’t actually lgbt” or anything similar. You will automatically be blocked for being an aphobe.
Saying there are only two genders. You will automatically be blocked for being boring.
Asking me questions that have already been answered on this page. I made this FAQ for a reason. Any asks I get containing questions that I’ve already answered (or asking for definitions of terms that are listed in the glossary) will be deleted.
———————————————————————————— General Questions Do you have a question about what a certain term means?
Please check the glossary page to see if I have a definition already listed. If the term you’re looking for is not in the glossary, please feel free to send me an ask about it.
Are you feeling down and need to be cheered up?
Please check the self care tag for posts you might find helpful.
Why do you put image descriptions on your posts?
Who is that in your icon?
Deadpool from Marvel comics
Icon by http://www.wadewicons.tumblr.com/
Do you take requests?
Who are you/what is your main blog?
Considering how nasty I’ve seen discourse about the identities I’m trying to provide positivity for get and the things I’ve seen other blogs similar to this one having to deal with, I’m not comfortable disclosing the link to my main blog. I value my privacy and my safety and I hope my followers can respect that.
What are your pronouns?
Any pronouns other than it/itself are okay. I have no other preferences.
Are you a minor?
Can people who aren’t nonbinary interact with this blog? Can cis people?
Anyone, nonbinary or not, is allowed to follow nonbinarypastels and reblog from us. Not only am I okay with cis people following this blog and reblogging from it, I 100% encourage them to do so. I think it’s important that not only do LGBTQIA+ people support ourselves and those who ID the same as us but that we support people of different identities and just as much I also think it’s vital for cis people to show that they support us. I think cis people reblogging positivity posts for people who aren’t cis is an excellent way to show that.
Can I interact with this blog if my blog is about ___?
I don’t care if your tumblr is 99% cute crayon drawings of pretty flowers or drawings of kinky furry porn, if you like the posts here or need them or want to spread the positivity with your followers I have no problem with you following + reblogging from this blog.
Can I share your posts on other sites?
Feel 100% free to share my posts on Twitter, Facebook, or other social media. Credit + a link back is appreciated but it’s not required. However, please do NOT upload my posts to sites such as redbubble, storeenvy, or other sites where you’ll be selling them to others.
Can I use your posts in moodboards/aesthetics posts?
Where do you get the pictures for your image posts?
Why the pineapples?
——————————————————————————- Call Me Out Would you like to tell me that the term ‘a-spec’ was stolen from autistics and that it’s problematic to use it to refer to ace/aro people?
Would you like to tell me to stop including the ‘I’ in the LGBTQIA+ acronym?
Would you like to tell me that butch and femme are lesbian-specific words and no one else has the right to use them?
Would you like to tell me not to use queer as an umbrella term?
Why are you intolerant towards conservatives?
—————————————————————————– Questioning Do you have tips for figuring out your gender identity?
Is it okay to use they/them pronouns if I’m still questioning my gender and might be cis?
I want to question my gender but I’m afraid I’m faking it all?
———————————————————————————– About Being Trans + Nonbinary Are nonbinary people trans?
Am I still agender if I have feminine interests/hobbies?
Can you be lunarian and agender?
How do you deal with nbphobia?
What do I do if my friends are nbphobic?
What’s the difference between being nonbinary and being a tomboy?
Can you be nonbinary and prefer she/her or he/him pronouns?
Are nonbinary people to blame for trans people not being taken seriously?
How do I deal with people saying nonbinary people are responsible for trans people being made fun of?
Is trans day of visibility for nonbinary people too?
Is there any proof there are more than two genders?
Do you think it’s fetishizing for people to say they’re attracted to nonbinary people?
Am I still trans/nonbinary if I didn’t always know from a young age?
Am I still nonbinary if I never want to come out?
How do I overcome internalized nbphobia?
What can I call the nonbinary person I’m dating other than boyfriend/girlfriend?
What’s your opinion on “there are only two genders” jokes?
Who is allowed to ID as nblm/nblw/nblnb? Do I have to have a certain alignment to ID with these terms?
———————————————————————————- About Presentation + Dysphoria
Do you have any tips for dealing with dysphoria?
What’s the difference between social dysphoria and body dysphoria?
How can I write about trans/nonbinary characters who have dysphoria?
How can I bind safely if I can’t afford to buy a binder?
Do you have any advice about buying your first binder?
How can I look more androgynous?
Is it normal to want top surgery but not want to take T?
What can I do if I hate my voice?
I want to change my hair but I’m afraid people will hate it?
—————————————————————————— About Sexuality How can you be sex-repulsed without being asexual?
Can you be in a queerplatonic relationship if you’re not ace/aro?
What’s the difference between demisexuality and regular attraction?
Is pansexuality transphobic/biphobic?
Do bisexuals have straight-passing privilege?
Can you be asexual and still like masturbation?
Can you be wlw and mlm at the same time?
Can you be nblw, nblm, and nblnb at the same time?
How can lesbians use he/him pronouns?
What is the split attraction model?
———————————————————————— About Coming Out
Are you looking for coming out tips and encouragement? Please check my coming out tag!
Is it okay to come out to my friends before my family?
How do I explain being nonbinary to my parents when they just don’t get it?
Do you have any advice for coming out as nonbinary?
How do I come out to my parents?
How do I get my parents to use my name/pronouns and accept me?
Fandom & Fandom Discourse Related
What is an anti?
What have antis ever done wrong?
How can I deal with antis who are harassing me?
Do you support pedophilic ships?
What’s your opinion about MAP discourse?
If you’re not a bad person, why do you like bad things in fiction?
What is purity culture?
What is your opinion on RPF?
What is fujoshi discourse?
——————————————————————— Misc. How do you handle ignorance?
What’s an invisible disability?
What is TERF/radfem rhetoric?
How do I know if I have an eating disorder?
What’s the difference between being squicked and being triggered?
How do you deal with bigots?
Why can’t someone be both anti-SWERF and anti-kink?
When was gay used as a slur?
How do you find out about the free samples you post?
What is your opinion on self-diagnosis?
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nyxofrp · 6 years ago
This opinion is for @thechosenrp
Started: October 30th, 2018, 6:29 pm
Finished:  October 30th, 2018, 8:04 pm
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i―first impressions
So my first impression of the roleplay, I like the graphics and the theme that you chose. I love the general feel for the roleplay. I like that you include a quote in the description. I would, however, add a mobile navigation to the description as well (I did see that you have it linked on a post in your allq tag), here’s a link to a tutorial. The admin names are to die for, and I’m going to give you 100 awesome points for picking them out. I thoroughly enjoy that your ask box says outgoing message. I do enjoy the set up you chose for the navigation page. It’s always a great idea to have an rp with mature themes be 18+ and I’m glad you chose to do so, 50 awesome points for doing so.
Moving onto the plot! I really like the plot that you guys have. It’s not overly long where it needs a summary, and it’s not super short where it feels like it is the summary. It’s in a happy middle ground that I wish more people would go for. It feels realistic, humanity polluting the world until there’s nothing left? The rich and scientists that helped find it leaving first? Uhm... yes. It has a classic dystopian vibe that I love. And it gives me hella vibes of my favorite shows, which probably wasn’t the intention. 
Okay so moving down the navigation page we’ve arrived at the rules page. 
I do like when rps are open with how many characters that someone can play. Some people manage more charas better than others. And some people get so many new ideas for charas when they’ve been in an rp for a while. I know personally I love creating muses, and there always seems to be a new one brewing. So I love it when I see that roleplays are open with the idea of someone having more than two charas so long as they can manage them. Discord is an amazing place to have an OOC blog. And I wish more rps would have their OOC blogs be a discord server.
One week is always a good time frame for someone to have to be active in. I don’t like that a lot of rps have a two or four-day activity limit. Having it be a week allows people to get on when they can within that week span. I’m assuming that you have xkit with the inactive blog feature considering there isn’t a set activity check day. If you don’t I do recommend getting it. You can set the feature for a specific time frame and it combs through the blogs you follow to see if anyone has been inactive for that time frame. It’s a useful tool for admins.
I’m glad that you specified what you consider a good length for a para to be considered for points. It provides insight for your members and it will wipe out any confusion down the road. I’m really glad that more rps are doing point systems because it helps keep the members active and interested in the roleplay. It provides something for both members and admins to work on.
Overall the rules are easy to read and aren’t overwhelming walls of points so 25 awesome points for that.
iv―faq, roles section, & audition form
I’m glad that you’re honest in your questions. I’ve been in groups that claim people post so much when in reality it was just the queued posts showing up. 
I’m a firm believer of if you want something in an rp it’s best to bring it yourself. Which I saw one of the admins did have a 30+ and a few members also had them from looking at the taken tag and FC list I’m not sure if they’re still in use. I’m giving you 25 awesome points for bringing what you wanted to see in the rp into the rp.
150 awesome points for including BOTH sections for the gender identity and orientation of the chara. I love when para samples are based around the rp itself. So you get 100 more awesome points.
v―the journey
Holy shit have you thought into this. And I award you for that 150 awesome points.
I love the page you picked for the visitor information and the description for it is beautiful. I wanted to keep reading more about the Visitor and then there were no links after housing.
But both Abellio and the US Visitor sound amazing regardless. And I can tell you spent a lot of time working on the descriptions.
vi―final impressions.
This is a roleplay that I would love to see more of. It has an interesting premise, and I know multiple people who have been dying for an rp like this. The admins seem to care a lot about this group and while there aren’t many members in it yet I’m sure that more people will join. Or I hope more will. I would highly recommend checking this roleplay out.
Overall I give you 600 awesome points! I wish you the best of luck and I hope that you’ll be able to get a big group started.
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maji-matchups · 6 years ago
Hello, may I request a male character match up , please & thank you. I’m female and I hope the length is alright, if not, let me know. I’m putting it in a link to the tumblr blog with my personality description, I hope it works . LINK - The first part is shortintrovertships(.) tumblr(.) (com) (without the parentheses). You can take as much time as you need to, I don’t mind being patient & waiting. Also, I know it's a lot, so you don't have to use everything I gave if you don't want to.
Wow, that is quite a lot, but I’ve never been one to back down from a challenge. I’m so sorry it took this long, I wanted to be sure I got as much as I physically can. 
I match you with~~ Reiji Kotobuki!!!!!! Okay, there’s a lot to go through so let’s get started. YEH (I’ll be putting it under the cut since it’s really long whoops ^^)
The first thing that stuck out to me is the part where you said you wear a mask of happiness and you don’t vocalize your feelings very well due to your childhood and such, and I feel like Reiji would be able to read you or like understand what you want/need without you telling him since he does do that with quartet night and Ranmaru specifically (it said in his wiki that they can “communicate just by looking at one another” which is so cute). 
He’s someone that could listen when you need to talk about something or are talking in general, and wouldn’t cut you off or make you feel like your feelings aren’t being heard or aren’t important, and he’s quite perceptive so as soon as he figures out why you do certain things he would do everything in his power to make sure that he doesn’t set you off (like he won’t do anything to make you upset or uncomfortable)
Okay the thing about Reiji I feel is that even though he may do crazy/reckless stuff and be really unexpected he actually isn’t. He knows exactly what he’s doing. People forget but he’s the eldest in Quartet Night and he’s been in this business for a long time. He knows how to play the game yanno? So like he would do things that would make you overthink and worry like crazy but when he says “trust me” he really means it. He would never do anything that would put you in harms way and when he does something just for fun it’s probably actually because he noticed something about your actions and decided that this Thing would be perfect to get your mind off things or relieve your stress or just help you out? Did that make sense? Probably not whoops
He’s really reliable, stupidly reliable, and he probably loves whenever you rely on him since it probably doesn’t happen a lot, and he’s definitely the type of lover that would just randomly kidnap you to hang out or like give you lots of tiny, sentimental gifts because he just wants to make sure you know that he loves you yanno?
He genuinely wouldn’t care if you’re a bad girlfriend.  I feel like as soon as he commits, there’s really nothing you could do that could turn him off?? unless its abusive or goes against his morals of course. Like, he gives off the impression of someone that doesn’t let someone in easily and so when he does he’s ride or die with that person lol. Like when you guys are officially dating he would be a lot more open and stuff? Oof a lot of this isn’t making sense rip. And of course he would be right there to complement you and assure you that you’re beautiful (in his eyes and everyone elses) and would Fight You if you ever bad mouth yourself in his presence.
He would SOO be the type to want kids! He just feels like a dad lmao. He’s super encouraging of your goals and he might tease you a bit for not liking makeup and your fears but you know he doesn’t really mind/would protect you if there’s a spider that he needs to kill.
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Other possible matchups include Otoya Ittoki!! (He’s super cheery and energetic and encouraging i just don’t think that he would be able to realize when your “i’m fine” is a lie yanno?) or Ichinose Tokiya!! (Tokki is actually a really good match too I just felt like Reiji was overall better)
I’m so sorry this took so long and as always have a wonderful day!!
Mod Ai
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butchspace · 7 years ago
Butch-Fem History / Butch Identity Reccs
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[Image description: an anonymous ask to butchspace that reads “If you have personal essays or blog recs or books about b-f history or individual butch experience, especially about the b-f dynamic, that would be perfect. A mix of long and short would be great, and links of PDFs would be ideal. I actually meant OFOS, as in old-fashioned old-school butch/fem (@persistentlyfem is a fem example), and by “traditional” I mean the original incarnation of butch as the opposite and lover of the fem. I hope this helps you and thank you very much for your help!” End ID.]
Okay so! I’ve got sucked into making this post and I’m just gonna go ahead and publish before I add even more on and forget to sleep again. Putting it under a cut because of length, if anyone wants a non-readmore version of the post just let me know.
I focused mainly on works I could provide links to; this means that what I’ve provided isn’t necessarily my first pick, but it’s still some good stuff so whatever. (See the Offline/Extended section for more reccs.)
A lot of the pdfs were transcribed in the course of a sleepless night so there’s bound to be typos; if  you wanna tell me about them just message/ask @holzes to avoid clogging this inbox up.
Sadly, most of these works are dominated by white, cis, and able-bodied perspectives. This is especially something I want to remedy in the future in my additions.
It should go without saying, but: I don’t endorse every single opinion in these works or their authors (who for the most part I know little about), they don’t necessarily align with my own views and/or preferences, and I recognize that some of them have issues such as cissexist language and framing (see Content Warnings for more detail). Unfortunately when it comes to LGBT history, a lot of the most prominent texts are outdated or otherwise flawed in some areas and you just have to kind of trudge through it and read critically.
I included dates next to the works for a reason! Some (basically everything written in the early to mid 90s) emerged from a specific time in the lesbian community and obviously some of their statements only make sense in that context (mostly the lesbian feminist movement and its aftermath tbh). Just keep this in mind, it shouldn’t matter too much because those texts are history but just in case…
Just because I couldn’t find a work online doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist out there somewhere.
This is a deeply incomplete list. If you have suggested resources like these (preferably ones available online) including books, essays, articles, blogs, films, youtube videos, etc…. Let me know @holzes.
Content Warnings:
The Q slur (in just about every context), D slur, anecdotal homophobia, mentions of homophobic violence, outdated trans terminology, cissexism / cissexist language, discussion of sex (both academic and semi-explicit), cussing, frequent discussion of bars / probably a mention of alcohol once or twice. Sorry for not providing individual content warnings, this post is already bulky enough. If there’s something you’re rlly concerned about just mssg me @holzes and I’ll do my best to help you out.
And with all that out of the way…….. the actual post begins.
“Butch-Fem” by Teresa Theopano (2004)
An extremely succinct, balanced overview of butch-fem best suited for absolute beginners (aka, “what the hell is butch/fem” level). Also a good jumping-off point for anyone lacking historical context for butch-fem. Covers origin, application, and controversies. [Link]
“Lesbian Identities and the Politics of Butch-Femme” by Amy Goodloe (1993)
A rigorous essay that in many ways is a more detailed version of the above; packs a wide range of butch-fem history, controversy, and popular interpretation into a relatively short essay. A nice crash course with a killer annotated bibliography to build off of. [Link]
excerpt from Boots of Leather, Slippers of Gold: The History of a Lesbian Community by Elizabeth Lapovsky Kennedy & Madeline Davis (1993)
This excerpt from the introduction explicates the existence of working-class lesbian bar cultures in North America from the 1930s to the 1950s as well as the butch-fem dynamic that accompanied and shaped these cultures. The second section of this excerpt is perhaps best read as a companion piece to The Return of Butch and Femme (see below), especially as relates to Kennedy and Davis’s criticism of Faderman’s attitudes toward butch-fem. The entire book is well worth the read, but if you’re pressed for time, Chapters 5, 6, and 9 will be most relevant for your purposes. [Link to excerpt] [Link to full book]
“The Return of Butch and Femme: A Phenomenon in Lesbian Sexuality of the 1980s and 1990s” by Lillian Faderman (1992)
A thorough examination of how butch-fem became deeply “politically incorrect” through the lens of 1970s lesbian feminism, as well as its persistence throughout that decade and its restoration (and transformation) in the 1980s and 1990s. Perhaps Faderman’s most balanced examination of butch-fem (but don’t worry, she still throws around every anti-butch-fem critique and stereotype that she can justify including) and an informative history of how modern butches and femmes arose and if/how we differ from our predecessors. Read with section two of the above for best results. [Link]
Odd Girls and Twilight Lovers: A History of Lesbian Life in Twentieth-Century America by Lillian Faderman (1991)
Might as well, yeah? The book is a very interesting/enlightening semi-comprehensive history and a groundbreaking work in lesbian history literature. If you wanna cheat, Chapter 7 is the one that focuses primarily on butch-fem. [Link]
Personal Narratives
“Double Trouble” by Lesléa Newman (1995)
A brief personal reflection by a femme on her traditional femme-butch relationship. [Link]
Persistence: All Ways Butch and Femme eds. Ivan E. Coyote & Zena Sharman (2011)
An interesting collection of a broad variety of fem and butch perspectives. Essays range from emotional personal narratives to a mix of historical and personal analysis. I’ve provided links to a few that seem most relevant to your interest.
“Femme Butch Feminist” by Jewelle Gomez [Link]
“No Butches, No Femmes: The Mainstreaming of Queer Sexuality” by Victoria A. Brownworth [Link]
“What We Know to Be True” by Sasha T. Goldberg [Link]
“Spotlight” by Debra Anderson [Link]
Gender Troubles: The Butches (2016, dir. Lisa Plourde)
You might have seen this going around back when it was free to watch for a few months. It’s basically a long string of interviews with a few butches and it’s a nice watch, although I’m not sure how/where you can watch it now. [Link]
Extended (aka Stuff I Haven’t Read Yet and Am Thus Nervous to Recc)
In no particular order,
A Restricted Country by Joan Nestle (1987)
The Persistent Desire: A Femme-Butch Reader ed. Joan Nestle (1992)
I haven’t read either of Nestle’s groundbreaking works because I’m Fake but she’s probably the most influential writer on butch/fem by far so she can not be recommended highly enough.
Zami: A New Spelling of My Name by Audre Lorde (1982)
A biomythography that focuses partially on lesbian bar culture in NYC, Connecticut, and Mexico. The plain text is online if you can work with that. [Link]
Stone Butch Blues by Leslie Feinberg (1993) 
This one’s only not in the main section because I figured you already knew about it, since it’s legally free online. It’s a novel, which I learned only recently. [Link]
Final Notes
For further reading and essays/books, I highly recommend digging through the notes/sources of the works I’ve linked above and jotting down anything that looks interesting or that gets mentioned a lot.
In terms of access–if you’re a college student or live in a college town, go to the college library (or public library, although these have been far less helpful for me) and find their LGBT section. Some places might surprise you. If you’re a college or high school student, go to your school library’s webpage and look for any access to databases you might have as a student, and exploit the hell out of whatever you find. If you’re not a student and/or don’t have access to a good library (or cannot use whatever resources you do have due to risk of outing yourself), stick to whatever you can find online.
Finally, I remembered @closet-keys‘s butch/femme research guide shortly after finishing this post. So, here’s that. [Link]
Thank you so much if you made it this far and I hope this answer helps out you, anon, at least a little, as well as anyone else who makes use of it!
-Mod P
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horanggae · 4 years ago
hi my beloved aera! ♡( ◡‿◡ )
I always go into your blog excitedly looking for your reply ♡
you surely remind me of hao! i always wanted to have an intelligent and artistic friend as him, and somehow i feel like I found one with you<3, and i hope you keep approaching life like you want to and appreciating everything that happens to u; you did not tell me i remind you of hoshi (╥﹏╥) oh my, this is the nicest compliment I have ever received, thank u for your sweet words (they made me blush).
hao’s dancing skills are surely on another level, right? your answer reminded me of this video and i think his style of dancing is really special and unique, i can feel a lot of feelings just from seeing him perform; mmm, it’s kinda difficult to me but if I had to choose only one it would be hoshi (your guesses were right!) I think he radiates too much energy every time he performs? seeing him dance makes me feel happiness and forget about everything else, he also makes it seems so easy and I just love how confident he always seems to be!! he surely dances like he knows way to well whats he’s doing (*¯ ³¯*)♡
oh! your description for home;run is so accurate!! and you also choose fallin’ flower, that mv is one of the prettiest kpop videos I have ever seen, it is surely one of my favorites too! <3 / oh my, i’m definitely searching for the meaning behind thanks choreography because I didn’t know that?? / ufff, those are great seungcheol’s eras!! I also find him way too cute on the talent gose!
so I did some research and I read a list of countries using gmt+8, so you’re either located somewhere in south asia or in australia! (and I got really excited because I thought you were located on north america or europe?? and your timezone really took me by surprise) I don’t want to take advantage and look into your profile because you have no clues on my side, so my time zone is gmt-5 hours!! oh, congrats on starting uni! for me, i’m almost finished (I also took a gap year three years ago to study mandarin and nowadays I just remember some words and greetings which makes me sad(。•́︿•̀。) may I ask why you took a gap year? maybe it was because of covid-19?)
aw, i’ll always believe in you! i’m sure you’ll do great on this semester!
I don’t know what to ask next ?? (It’s 3 am here) but I was following the # of the event and I realized we are on the third mission already (how???) and its really funny because this mission is about making a playlist to each other, I would love to make another one for you! so I’ll put the link to the post so you can check it out and tell me your opinion, (what playlist do u want to see me create?) on the meantime, I'll think about the one I want u to create ^^
bye bye my dear aera \(^∀^)メ(^∀^)ノ
–f. 🐯❤️
HELLO F🐯❤️!! Sorry for all the delays in answers! Uni's starting to pick up ㅠ ㅠ thank you for seeing the likeness of hao in me, I'll try to stick to his words of wisdom and better myself as a person (´ . .̫ . `)
YESSS I've seen that video before!! I was so happy pledis actually allowed solo development for the members! Hoshi is just full of VIBRATING POWER, his movements are so controlled and deliberate; it's really mesmerizing...
I didn't know about the choreography meaning for thanks either, it was until I saw a snippet of hoshi doing the hand sign(?) for thank you and their formation at a certain point in the dance + a carat commented the significance behind them!
im located in south asia!! lemme guess, is it chicago?? (you can tell to me when you reveal your identity to me!) You're so almost finished!!! MEANS YOU'RE CLOSE TO GRADUATION ALREADY!!!!! WOOO ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤᕤ mandarin is hard ㅠ ㅠ I can't even form a coherent sentence even though it's my mother tongue language (a big hint!), my dialect on the other is superb (๑•﹏•)
Took a gap year partly bc of covid but also bc I was in a state of limbo, I didn't know what I wanted and jobs here are not as diverse as elsewhere because of certain limitations ㅠ ㅠ I just literally took the year off to not think and work a little and now a year later, here I am as a psych sci student! I hope I do well to be able to get honours!!!
Oh yes I would like another playlist!!! If it's okay can you based it off how you perceive me and any aesthetics from the blogs I own? I was gonna ask if you would like me to do it too but I forgot you were anonymous ahskdmfllf ( ´❛ ‿❛`)
WE'RE ALREADY ON THE THIRD MISSION??? how long have we been communicating omg, it felt like recent that we started talking. Don't worry about the asking, we can include our daily life happenings in too! I feel like we can keep talking with just us jumping from topic to topic ( ꈍᴗꈍ). Until the next ask from you f🐯❤️, it's almost close to reveal soon right? AHSJDJFLFK I CAN'T WAIT
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onebizarrekai · 7 years ago
Commissions are open!
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(Another drawing that I wanted to include in the style references but forgot to–a good example of a flat-colored drawing)
Now, I don’t want to make this overly complicated—I want it to be pretty open, details about the drawing can just be discussed privately. I think the pictures I put up do a pretty good job summing up my art style, and I think we can easily figure something out.
The pricing will be relative to the drawing. Depending on your request, it may be more or less, but I hope it can be something we can both agree on.
Factors of the cost include character cropping (icon-bust-waist-thigh-fullbody), color complexity (black and white, monochromatic, flat color, basic lighting, cel-shaded, etc), number of characters, and possibly complexity of character design. (Note: a drawing in black and white with no shading would cost significantly less than something with coloring!)
To give you an idea of what something might cost, for example, a drawing like that Ben Drowned one I just did might cost something like $23-$29 (bust/full-color). A drawing that looks like a Hopeless reference (full body/black and white) would probably cost like $15.
Currently, I’ll just be doing commissions with flat backgrounds, very simple backgrounds, or with transparency. If you want me to draw a scene of some kind that requires something of a background, I will do it, but keep the complexity minimal, please.
If you want the drawing to be made in a specific style that I’ve done before, let me know! I did a little guide thing for my typical lineart styles:
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NOTES: -I can’t do NSFW (18+ stuff), mecha stuff, or gore -I can’t draw fursonas (I can’t draw anthropomorphic or humanoid animals or anything of the like) -Okay really I suck at drawing animals in general. -There may be other things that I’m not confident in my ability to draw. If your commission includes it, I’ll be sure to let you know and hopefully we can work something out. However, nothing currently comes to mind, so it shouldn’t be that big of a problem. -Let me know if you want me to post the commission or if you want to post it, or if you’d prefer neither. Whatever you like.
~Please don’t forget to provide references!!~
Right now, the only method of payment that I actually fully understand is through Ko-fi, a site in which you can donate in multiples of three.
When you order a commission, we can establish a price (in a multiple of three) and you can donate the correct amount of ‘coffees’ on that site to pay for it. I’ll start working on the drawing(s) once I’ve gotten the payment.
DIRECT LINK TO MY KO-FI: https://ko-fi.com/A873KOY
If you are a mobile user, there is also a link to my Ko-fi in my blog description. If you’re on a computer, you can find a button near the bottom of my FAQ.
Better method discovered, straight through Paypal, where we’re not restricted to multiples of three.
It’s way more convenient and way faster. I guess you could still pay through my Ko-fi, but I don’t really know why you’d want to do that.
If you’re interested in commissioning me, shoot me a message or contact me at [email protected]!
If you can’t commission me, please consider helping out by signal boosting! :)
I’ll open up five slots to start with!
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Hi okay so I was randomly scrolling through the tags and I noticed your post was part of a collection/series and I’ve been trying to figure out how to make a series for myself and I was hoping you could help? Thank youuuu
Hi there! So the way I do it is by deciding on a particular tag to use for whatever series it is I’m going to be making, i.e. “biblenaturaledit” for my David/Jonathan parallels series. Then I put a link in the post description that will send anyone who clicks on it to all the posts on my blog that are tagged as such (& then make sure to use that same tag & include a link for all the future posts in the series). I’m pretty new to making edits & stuff so other folks might have a different/better method, but this is what I’ve been doing. Hope this helps!
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