#utapri matchups
bonkers-4-hatter · 8 months
@amypop15 asked: Can I have a match up for OHSHC, Pokemon and Utapri? I’m an asexual girl that is an 4w5 INTP. I’m about 5’5, have long brown hair and wears glasses. I’m always willing to help people, however I can come off as blunt and awkward since I’m not good at talking. I’m not confident but I always try my best at everything. I like anime, escape rooms, rock music and running. I dislike loud people and physical contact. Thanks for opening matchups and have a nice day!
Here you go hun! Thank you for submitting this! I greatly appreciate it! You have a nice day too. <3 <3 <3
I match you with:
Haruhi from Ouran High School Host Club
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She likes the fact that you're willing to help people, it shows her you have a good heart and she looks for that in a partner. Join the club, she's no good at talking to others too and she's blunt too, so she understands. Is open to trying an escape room with you, she likes to plan cute dates like that for you.
Steven Stone from Pokemon
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He's an awkward man, everyone knows it, he prefers rocks over people, except you of course. Loves that you try your best at whatever you do, it shows him you have drive and ambition. He isn't one for physical contact either and wants to show you his appreciation in other ways including giving you rocks with special meanings.
Kurusu Syo from Uta Pri
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Will tone himself down around you since he knows you don't like loud people and he can tend to get a bit loud from time to time. Will watch anime with you any time, he enjoys watching it with you especially if it's a fantasy or romance anime.
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maji-matchups · 4 years
Hello! Would it be possible to get a match up? 6ft, hourglass figure brunette with hazel eyes and lots of freckles. A huge weeb and Potterhead studying at university! People describe me as empathetic, friendly, confident, creative and hardworking! Negatives include the fact I can be really moody, stubborn, selfish, loud, introverted, judgemental and independent to a point I shut others out. I like reading, writing, drawing and I like all sorts of music (mostly punk rock). Thank you very much!
Hello nonie! Thanks so much for stopping by! I hope you enjoy this matchup as much as we enjoyed receiving it and again I’m so so sorry for the delay!!
I match you up with~~~ Ren Jinguji!! Wow, okay, you guys would definitely have a bit of a rough start in your relationship because he has his old reputation of being a playboy and you might think he’s only interested in you for your body. At first that may have definitely been the case; you’re nothing short of gorgeous and the only thing he wants to do is kiss every single freckle on your body (and when you guys start dating, that’s exactly what he ends up doing) But he’ll very quickly fall in love for your personality! How could he not? First, it’ll be your empathy that catches his eye. Maybe you noticed there was something underneath that playboy persona, or maybe it was your confidence that drew him closer. He adores your flaws, love. He thinks it’s cute how you can go from loud and confident to introverted and moody and would definitely tease you about your mini mood swings while calling you all sorts of cute petnames. Your stubbornness is just straight up endearing (and can definitely cancel out his flirting at times) and of course he can’t ignore an independent and hardworking woman. While Ren loves girls who fall over themselves for him, he’d eventually want someone who’s more stable. You would support him just as much as he supports you. Y’all balance each other out while still being connected. 
Other matchups include Natsuki Shinomiya (mostly cause i adore the idea of a gentle giant like him ending up with a strong gal like you. He’d call you cute while thinking you were really pretty, and you guys could bond over niche interests and being really empathic) and Ranmaru Kurosaki (this one would lead to a more fiery, heated type of relationship especially when your negative traits start to come out more, but I think those kinds of relationships are fine as long as no one’s feelings actually get hurt and everything gets worked out in the end. Y’all both also like punk rock and I think he finds your independence really hot.)
I hope this didn’t disappoint and as always have a lovely day!
Mod Ai
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uta-imagines · 5 years
Do you still do the ships? If so i definitely want to try!! I’m a 158cm tall, black (chin long) haired girl, with round-ish glasses and a kind of “edgy” clothes style. I tend to be quite awkward and quiet, so i draw most of the time, i learned to play the guitar for two years, but I’m soon going to be learning to play e-bass. I really like to wear oversized hoodies and read books. Feel free to just say if you don’t do the ships anymore and if you still do then i send you a big thank you!!
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i am currently not taking matchup requests (you can find what i'm taking in the description of the blog) but i did this one since i would've felt bad so. :")
so gentle reminder that i'm not taking them rn.
♡ mod iri
i match you with :
ranmaru 💌
[p.s. i got some help from my friend maxi for this matchup - she doesn't have tumblr but i thought i should give credit anyway.]
awkward and quiet? ranmaru kins u. (not really but skdjsj) he would love to see some of your drawings? u're learning the e-bass AND you play the guitar? his uwus are snatched. also he's your number one fan when it comes to you learning the e-bass.
teach him.the ways of memes and shitposts
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uta-no-sin-sama · 3 years
Match Up Rules and Template
After reaching 50 followers on here and being in the fandom for a bit longer now, I’ve decided to start accepting match-up requests. In case you need to reference these in the future, a link to them will in my rules post, which can be found in the pinned post (should be the second link). 
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General Rules
- I accept requests for both platonic and romantic match-ups. The main difference between the two is what I need in order to fulfill the request. Please specify if you want a platonic or romantic match-up. Unspecified requests will automatically be romantic. 
- Please make sure match-ups are open before you send one in. You can find this out by checking the blog description. I only allow for 10 match-up requests at a time before closing them and will open them back up once I get through all 10 in the ask box. .
- The possible matches you can get are the same as all the characters I write for. Don’t worry, no one’s getting matched with Shining lol
- You don’t have to include every single thing written in the template, but the more info you include, the more accurate the match-up can be. 
- I try to include 2-3 other characters who could potentially be a match. Once I complete your first match-up, if you want me to write another one for one of your possible matches or you’re not happy with your initial match-up, feel free to request it once match-ups open back up. Just make sure to tell me who I initially matched you with so that I don’t match you with them again and know who you are. This also saves you from having to resubmit a whole application if you don’t want to do that. 
- If you still have any questions or need clarification on the rules, don’t hesitate to ask!
Match-Ups Template
* = needed for romantic match-ups only
- Physical features
- General features
- Personal preference (basically if you’d prefer your partner to be shorter or taller than you, what you look for in an ideal friend or romantic partner, etc.)
- Strengths
- Weaknesses
- Beliefs
- Likes/Dislikes
- Hobbies and Interests
- Favorite food, color, music, etc.
Other/Only Needed for Certain Types of Match-Ups: 
- sexual orientation *
- romantic orientation * (i.e. aromantic, biromantic, panromantic, etc.)
- any other relevant information that you feel comfortable sharing
Happy requesting!
- Lizzie Rose
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captain-jinguji · 4 years
hello! i hope you have a nice day! i want to request a match up. i am 21 and have been single all my life (idc much about relationships). i am a college student and i do *naughty* things to vent out my stress 😅 my hobbies are gaming, dancing, and embroidering. for me: variety shows >>>>> drama or movies. sometimes i can be really frank to other people if i want to but i try to restraint myself not to be mean 😂 my favorite colors are pink and black and i love coffee. thank you in advance! ☺️
Hey love! Hope youre having a nice day too! I couldnt think of anyone else who is like this SO I only matched you with one (1) guy from QUARTET NIGHT; hope thats okay ;-;
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He LOVES variety shows okay like this man watches Conan and Saturday Night Live like his LIFE depends on it. Actually was on SNL once but no one knows. Hes super outgoing and loves to have fun in more ways than one * eyebrow wiggle*. Hope you can keep up with his dirty mind and suggestive comments because hes sure to keep you busy! Also likes coffee! Just.. With a lot of milk... And sugar... You know what? He likes Capuccinos. Lol. Makes sure to keep your relationship fun and healthy and he's always there if you need it. Not super clingy but also not super carefree. Likes to be around you and hold you, but respects space if you need. Best first forever boyfriend you can wish for hands down.
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uta-no-fan-sama · 4 years
hi there ^^ May I request a mashup? I’m a 5’4.5” girl who calls all her plushies her kids! I like to doodle a lot and I love birds so I tend to always take pictures of any bird I see (esp pigeons)! I really enjoy the night and like walking out whenever possible. People say I also give the best hugs so I enjoy comforting others! I’m also a very eccentric person and my favorite drinks are milk and tea! I am really sensitive though so I tend to cry a lot! (sappy things, good, bad, etc)
Your match will be…
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Ittoki Otoya :D
 First off, both you and Otoya would spend a lot of time cuddling with your plushies. Sitting on the bed, surrounded by the endless amounts of stuffed animals and toys, even holding a few, just chatting and laughing and hugging. This ball of sunshine will try to hug you whenever possible because it’s his favourite thing ever.
 Walking in the park together (read: date), you’ll stop dead in your tracks and pull out your phone or camera. At first, Otoya would be very confused but after figuring out you spotted a bird and are trying to take a picture, he smiles, sometimes letting out a small chuckle at how adorable you are and maybe help you out if you can’t get a good picture in.
 Otoya is also ready to be there whenever you need him. The second, he finds out you are crying or upset, he’s right next to you, giving you a hug and occasionally pressing soft gentle kisses all over your face to cheer you up. Regardless of your reason for crying (whether be it good or bad), he’ll console you first, ask questions later.
 Otoya loves to see the random doodling you do in your sketchbook, and while you are hard at work, he’ll learn how to make tea to make you some (though he will start by giving you boiled milk- baby steps kids). Otoya is just the sweetest lover ever. :3
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A/N: This is a gift for @cross-academy-angel​, Matchups are not open so please do not send any. I’m only accepting HC’s or prompt requests at the moment. Hope this matchup fits you better. Please Enjoy! 
I ship you with Tokiya Ichinose!
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How you met: This is honestly a match made in Heaven. You may be surprised by this match, but please bear with me. You both have many common features such as being slightly introverted and enjoying taking things slow to appreciate the beauty in nature. It is possible you both met in some classes but never spoke until it was necessary - perhaps for an assignment or sitting next to each other. Tokiya is devastatingly stoic and stiff with his introductions, but that did not deter you from pursuing a simple friendship with the mysterious man. 
How you got together: The fact you befriended such an intimidating and standoffish character is a blessing and an accomplishment. Tokiya chooses who he hangs out with carefully, so you being within his close knit group of people in his life is nothing to scoff at. Tokiya is also not the type to fall in love with strangers, but instead will have a slow-burn type of romance. Only when you both have established a strong bond does the idol begin to think of you in a different light. Eventually, he will want to take you on a date once he deems the time is right. This may take a long time to build up, but it is worth it in the end. 
Your first kiss: As you could imagine, Tokiya does not have too much experience with relationships but he does know how to initiate a kiss. It is likely to happen on one of your dates. Tokiya, being a very practical man, would choose a nice coffee date and a walk around the city. Perhaps there is some downtown shows premiering or an amusement park nearby he may take you to. Tokiya is sure to make you comfortable with his touches, testing out the water if you will. Once he deems that you are completely comfortable with his slight affection he will will take you somewhere private. Once he has you where no wandering eyes can peer, he will hold your face in his hands and place a gentle kiss on your lips - nothing too eager or too soft, just enough to feel a spark and have your body buzzing with excitement. 
First “I love you”: It is likely that you would be the one to initiate this first milestone in your relationship. Tokiya takes all his relationships seriously, meaning that if he did not see something serious happening between you he would not have initiated a relationship in the first place. However, he is all about making you comfortable and never pressuring you into doing things. Tokiya is the type to say “I love you” through his actions, such as always reminding you to bring your lunch to work/class, holding your hand tightly in social situations he deem may be overwhelming for you, and making sure you are always feeling happy or comfortable. The confession is likely to happen when you both are in the comfort of each other in complete silence, perhaps it is lightly snowing outside and you are reading a novel to pass the time - curled into each other. Once you make your confession, Tokiya may be silent at first but you can make out his reaction by his eyes slightly widening and losing his track in the book. He would hold your hand and give it two light squeezes before bring it up to his lips, as his own way of returning the sentiment. 
Other potential matches:
Ren Jinguji
Eiji Otori
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utapriblog · 5 years
Hi, how are you? I could I please get an Utapri match up? I'm 5'6 with medium length dark brown hair, pale completion and covered with freckles. I love coding computers and making animations, as well as reading and playing video games. I'm quiet in a crowd, but with a small group or people I'm close to I am very talkative. I also am very much a tomboy with my girly moments. I also am constantly day dreaming. Thanks, have a goodnight/morning :)
Your match is Ai Mikaze!
You'd make a great match with the A.I.! I'm doing well, thank you for asking, cherie♡
You and Ai would most likely code computers together or have a discussion about things related to that.
He also helps you in making animations and would give out tips to make the animation look more appealing to the audience.
He spend his time with you, either coding, animating, reading, or playing games with you. It's the little things that matter the most.
When you're daydreaming, he'd try to snap you out of it. But if it doesn't work, he'll start asking Reiji what was going on with you or if you're feeling ill.
He takes notes about you when you're not watching or if you're silent. He finds you interesting since you're almost alike to him.
Here you go! Sorry if you didn't like your result!
POSSIBLE MATCHES: Tokiya Ichinose, Shion Amakusa
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bonkers-4-hatter · 4 years
@angelicapocalypse​ asked: Hi There! I’m here for a matchup! Free! And Uta No Prince Sama ♡ so i’m 5'2 i have long black hair, dark brown eyes, i wear glasses, i have a curvy body, honey coloured skin. I don’t have that many hobbies but i like to read, write, exercise and sing. I’m quiet, laidback, easygoing and friendly. Sometimes when i do work i tend to overwork myself and sometimes I don’t realize it. I'm also open to different types of music though i do listen to metal most of the time.
I match you with: 
Haru from Free!
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Your singing really relaxes him. When you’re just on the couch or bed just enjoying each other’s presence, you’ll start singing while playing with his hair and all the stress and worry will melt from him. Will be your exercise buddy always! You’ll be in the water for all of your exercise regiments though, so be prepared for that. 
Otoya from Uta No Prince-Sama
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He overworks himself too, but once he sees you doing the same, he’s putting an end to that for sure. He’ll make you relax with him on the bed, holding you close to him and will not let you go until you relax and rest up a bit. Will enjoy listening to metal with you, he feels the same about music and you’ll both just have chill dates listening to music and enjoying each other. 
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May I request a UtaPri matchup? I’m a 5’ bi female. INTP; Scorpio. I’m quiet around new faces but around friends I’m more talkative and joke around a lot. I typically don’t have strong emotions and have trouble expressing/explaining them (similar to alexithymia?) When something does come up I’m pretty transparent and can be quick to emote. I can also be a bit clingy. I consider myself a carefree person liking to take life as it comes. However, I do get anxious and overwhelmed quite easily (1/2)
“I’m not confident of my talents but I do like singing and music. I love sports and exercise despite my mediocrity and low energy. I love animals and tend to fawn over them (I live for stuffed animals & plushies). I enjoy learning new things and am especially a nerd for science (particularly bio+psychology) and histor/anthropology (law and language are up there too). I do get easily frustrated when I feel I’m not understanding something as I see my knowledge as a way for me to be useful (2/2)”
I match you up with Ranmaru Kurosaki!
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Bear with me but his would actually be 100% very cute
You two would get to know eachother through random encounters that slowly turned into dates
Chit chat between you two at first would be sparce
But the moment that there was conversation sparks would fly
Ranmaru would understand a lot of your emotions even if you had trouble expressing them
He didn’t really strongly express his emotions either, so he could kind of understand what you were going through
But yours would be different than what he normally does of course, so he’d have to put some effort in still
He thought it was pretty cute how clingy you could get, and would pretend he didn’t like it
He would welcome any clingy actions you would do though, without hesitation
Whenever you got overwhelmed and anxious he would take your hand and squeeze it to ground you
He also might pull you out of the situation completely and tell you to breathe
Ranmaru would show off his bass playing to you, and would encourage you to sing whenever you could
He loved your voice
Occasionally he would go on a run with you early in the morning, and then would take you out for breakfast at some of his favorite low key places
When he went to go out and feed some stray cats that were attached to him, he would bring you with
The first time he did so he got super embarassed when showing you that soft side of him
He’d buy you a bunch of stuffed animals and plushies he found
Whenever he saw them he would just think of you then be compelled to buy them for you
When you had helped him with something or told him something he didn’t know, he’d compliment you for knowing it
He would rarely say that he loved you, but there would be limitless amount of things he’d do or say that clearly showed how much he loved you
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maji-matchups · 6 years
Dsddggnghfy Thank you for that match up >~~
Well theres still one thing if i may ask… Idk if you do some things like this but i would like to try and ask. Who asks never get lost right? Then i want to ask how would looks match up for me and Ren? (i hope he could handle me LOL) ~Annonia part 2
*gasp* Annonia how could thee dislike sweet Cecil?? Actually ngl and please no hate but I wasn’t fond of him at the start either but he grew on me lol. Also this is actually a really cool idea? Like totally! If you guys don’t like the guy I matched you up with or you want to have a matchup type scenario w another character hit us upppp we’d be so so happy to do that for you!! 
Alright let’s go so Ren right our amazing and flirtatious boi loves a challenge, like you already caught his eye but when you blatantly rejected his advances he was like “OH” and was even more interested in you then. He thinks your eyes are like the prettiest jewels in the entire world what a sap haha. He finds your childish side really cute and doesn’t care what you say you’re as cute as a button to him even when you’re being more of your bad girl side. He likes how fickle you are because it keeps things interesting and like keeps him on his toes ykno, I feel like Ren wouldn’t be the type to settle for a bland type of girl (NOT that there are any bland people I feel like everyone is really interesting whoops). He doesn’t think you’re strange at all and it’s your strangeness that made him fall for you in the first place uwu. He freaking loves your curves ugh like anytime that you guys are cuddling or hugging or kissing he just loves your body and every single thing about you~ He loves how sassy you are and always loves to tease you in order to illicit a sassy response
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I hope this didn’t disappoint and as always have a lovely day!
Mod Ai 
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uta-imagines · 5 years
Matchup please! INFP Pisces girl, slithering, 170 cm. I’m not very social and come off as aloof/shy, but I’m much friendlier once we’re friends! I’m also wise, intelligent, artistic, a bit spacey, and sarcastic. I always try to help my friends, which can make me self-sacrificial at times. I’m pursuing a career in art, but I LOVE music. I’m also an okay singer, and love musicals! I think ambition, kindness, and honesty are important traits to have in a s/o. Thanks a bunch love! uwu
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bro you get :::::
《 otoya !!! 》
Ambition? Ya.
Kindness? It's There.
Honesty? 100% There ! !
You're pursuing a career in art but love music? [Otoya strums his guitar: "Allow me to play for you."]
Your aloof / shyness don't phase him all that much, but he thinks it's super adorable !! once you become more open and friendly, watch this boy light up like the 4th of july ! !
Sing 4 him pwease
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utaprifordays · 7 years
Thanks for 100 followers!!
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I never thought this blog would get this popular! To keep it short, thank you everyone to followed this blog and sent in asks!!
Now, what would you guys want for a 100 follower special?
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writer-akihiko · 4 years
Masterlist of Writings
Please consider supporting my EN blog!
FAQ About Me
Please search #aki's masterlist for all the masterlists
Please tag me @akihiko-march for tag games and other not writing stuff, do NOT tag my main account
Ikemen Vampire
Ikemen Sengoku
Ikemen Revolution
Ikemen Prince
Obey Me!
Tears of Themis
Series I write for:
Otome games
2D idol series [Utapri, iDOLISH7, Tsukino Pro., etc.]
Shoujo-targeted content
Joseimuke games [TWST, Obey Me!, etc.]
Requests are open, but Tumblr is not my main so updates are slow
A lot of my work is female oriented, so be aware
Yandere and angst will be a common theme
No posts on Sunday JST
If I close requests for a certain fandom, it's because I'm burnt out
NSFW allowed [will be tagged]
Spoilers allowed [will be tagged]
No limit on characters; you can exclude or include anyone you like
Gender neutral reader will be only written only if asked. Reader will be female by default
No matchups, pairings or characterXcharacter/suitorXsuitor requests please
Will receive a DM whether I accept or reject your request
Do not argue to accept your ask if I reject it
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captain-jinguji · 4 years
I've been blessed by your writing on this blog, but I was curious what you'd think sooo, could I get a matchup? Starish or QN 😅 I'm a 5'5" female with brown eyes and glasses, long brown hair, heavyset but working on it. I'm in college studying digital art. I love playing video games, watching anime, painting/drawing and taking walks. I'm a compassionate person but very reserved. Smart but acts like a doofus. Very (nervously) affectionate and loud once I open up to people. Has too many pillows.
Honestly i kinda wanna do another contest 😩 writing your story was the highlight of my summer. Anyway i would match you with...
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Yo you got your best boy without even trying 😅 hes a super duper anime nerd and has a whole collection of DVD and Manga so weekly marathons are like his thing as long as time permits. Him, Ren, Syo, and Ai play games together and he would LOVE for you to join! Everyone comes before him and so do you. He'd do anything to make you happy, even if he falls short himself, because seeing that smile on your face is all he needs.
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As mentioned, him, Otoya, Syo, and Ren play games together and he would love another player! Though you'll always be his player one :') he loves your compassion and kindness and tries very hard to return it, though feelings are still kind of foreign to him, so please be patient. He does love you and he shows it in his actions. From holding the door for you to giving you a full body massage, he loves all of you.
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uta-no-fan-sama · 4 years
Hello Honey! Could I please get a matchup? I’m a straight female, 5’4, ENFP, ♉️! I’m a very kind-hearted mom friend of a person. I’m friendly, patient, and always seem to be wearing a smile. But, I’m also not afraid to throw hands if necessary. I’ve been told that I’m a very funny person. I take a lot of enjoyment from criticizing movies, shows, books, etc... with my friends. I’m also a very artistic person who enjoys musical theatre and true crime! Thank you so much in advance! 😊🌸✨
Your match will be…
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Ren Jinguuuuuuuuuuuuuji (lol)
 You and Ren would get along very well. Ren loves your friendly, outgoing manner and finds your heart to be very pure. Your loving personality and your will to always take care of others make Ren feel at ease and happy. He enjoys joking around with you and having a good laugh when you are around. He really got his hands on a sweet wonderful girl.
 Ren will listen and discuss for hours and hours about the latest movies, tv shows and books, talking about all the good qualities and bad. Just hearing your voice is enough for him. Whatever you recommend, he’ll watch/read it, and after, while you sit on his lap and cuddle on the sofa, you guys will talk and laugh at how funny that clutzy character was in that true crime film or how strange that scene was in the musical.
 He also loves to see you in action when it comes to your drawing/painting and will take great interest in it, even asking you to teach him. He takes great value in your interests and loves to see you do what makes you happy…
 Because to him, your smile is the light that keeps him going.
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