#i honestly have no clue how to tag this
literalcyborg · 11 months
I’m fucking tired of people saying that things need to be deep to be meaningful.
I can like something without having some deep inherent connection to it. If I really like it, I’ll forge that connection myself, regardless of how “deep” the movie or book or whatever piece of media actually is. Let me have fun with my stupid sense of humor and watch movies that make me happy and mind your own business.
If you want to keep reading wordy and “intellectual” writing, then go for it. But don’t you dare tell me I’m stupid for wanting to find meaning in humor and simplicity, and don’t think yourself higher than me just because you like making yourself sad instead of enjoying a big colorful fight scene. Don’t sit there and act all high and mighty because you prefer having character depth be more obvious in-story. I like finding depth in characters myself.
“Do/read/watch what makes you happy” includes action movies and stupid comedy and cliched-but-sweet love stories just as much as it includes Pulp fucking Fiction.
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dungeonmalcontent · 1 year
Y'all, ask me a question to answer mysteriously at midnight as the blood moon rises over the salted earth while the shrieks and screams of the damned echo in chorus to me.
If you cannot be present for the recitation of my answers in the beyond, your queries with the attached answers in eldritch shifting ink will be delivered by raven to the nearest oracle.
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sissa-arrows · 2 years
The “11 of the independence”
In 1957 the FLN decide to take the fight to free Algeria on an international level. They also want French people in France to know that this is not a small uprising and just some random events happening in Algeria like the government has been telling them for almost 4 years. It’s an actual war against people determined to take back their freedom from the French colonizer. To do so they decide to use sport. More specifically football. (Of course other ways were used but I’ll talk about football here)
For 8 months the FLN plans everything to create the first Algerian National Football team. The “11 of the independence” the “Football fellagha” the “FLN football team”. Once the plan is ready the FLN send Boumezrag to go an meet some Algerian players in France to tell them they need to leave France to form an Algerian team for their country. The 9 players approached are in the major league, some of them like Mekhloufi, Zitouni or Bentifour are even in the French National team that was meant to play the World Cup a couple weeks later. But those men gave up everything they had, money, fame, glory for the liberation of Algeria. Some of those men like Amar Rouai immediately accept before Boumezrag even tell him the plan because Rouai lived through May 8, 1945 in Algeria when the French killed 45000 innocent Algerians in Setif Guelma and Kherrata so he wants to fight to bring freedom to his people. Mekhloufi on the other hand is the last one approached they wanted him from the beginning because he was a great famous footballer but his father was a cop. They know that 22 years old Mekhloufi might ask his father for advice before accepting or refusing the offer and they don’t know how his father will react. Decades later Mekhloufi will admit that he was completely apolitical he wasn’t active in any party or group but like Rouai he was in Setif on May 8, 1945 he was 9 years old and saw horrific things his people getting slaughtered by white French people. He knew what the French of Algeria thought about Algerians. How they looked down at Algerians, hated them, oppressed them constantly and wanted them dead. That’s why he accepted.
During the night between April 13 and 14 the players form small groups to leave France in secret crossing the Swiss and Italian borders. Unfortunately on April 13 during the day Makhloufi gets hurt and the people who were supposed to help him leave have to disguise themselves in nurses and doctors to go get him in the hospital. Because of that Mekhloufi’s group end up leaving late and by the time people realize that 9 Algerian players disappeared Mekhloufi and his group are still in France. On top of it Mekhloufi was leaving during his military service so he was also considered to be a deserter. When they arrive at the Swiss border the border agent recognize Mekhloufi and stops him. Fortunately the border agent didn’t listen to the radio yet so he stops them just to get an autograph talk a bit with the famous football players and let them go. They finally all reach Tunisia where they can become the first Algerian team in history. Meanwhile in France countless headlines about them are out everyone knows what happened and people who thought it was just a small meaningless uprising in Algeria that Algerians wouldn’t have the independence start realizing that there’s actually a war going on and that there’s consequences.
That’s how the first Algerian football team was created. Of course the French Football Federation put pressure on the FIFA so the team is not recognized and team who accept to play against them are sanctioned but a lot of countries (mainly communist countries) still decide to play against this new team. In the four years leading the independence they played 83 games. They won 57 of them had a tie for 14 of them and lost 12 of them. Their first official game was in May 1959 against Morocco and they won. The very first time the Algerian flag was raised during a football game was in February 1959 in Irak. They went mainly in Asia and Eastern Europe. In Vietnam they win the game and the General Giap tells them “We won against France, today you won against us so you will win against France too and win your independence”. Poland invites them but once the team is there they try to house them in unsanitary rooms but they refuse. Poland also refuses to play the Algerian anthem and put the Algerian flag, the players refuse to play saying “We are not homeless we have a homeland that we represent and it is Algeria so if you want us to play if will be with our flag and anthem”. Eventually Poland has to accept Algerian’s conditions.
By forcing the French to face how serious the situation was, by spreading the Algerian struggle on an international level, by getting support and donation during all their games, by showing that Algerians in Algeria and abroad supported the liberation of Algeria those men helped us get the independence. They are heroes.
Note: I am personally convinced that these men are the reason why Algerians love football so much. I personally know that they are the reason I do love football and support the national team.
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afterartist · 4 months
IVE DONE IT!! (not exactly sure what it is in this situation but it sure is done)
Rumble n Frenzy would bully screamer any chance they get
Soundwave on the other hand needs payed vacation because that man has to put up with so much crap
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somecoolpigeon · 1 year
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Held a poll on twitter to see who to draw next and Malleus was the winner
A little more context + more doodles under the read more
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So uhhh the poll gained a lot more attention than I had expected, and Malleus won in a massive landslide ����😂 It was fun watching in real time.
Back when the poll had like 18 votes, both Mal and Vash were tied to one another. And then the poll gained traction, so I drew this lol.
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Then the next day, Solomon surpassed Vash in votes despite originally being in dead last. So I made this as well asdlfjhls
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Joel and lizzie Scott pilgrim au but jole is Ramona flowers and lizzie has to defeat evreyone in the jolicule to date him
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fantasykiri5 · 9 months
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On today’s episode of drawing my OC in gay little outfits, I listened to Copacabana 80,000,000 times
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rocksmakingthings · 9 months
Here's one of my more nature themed projects I did recently! Just a tiny pine display box (i think from dollar tree? actually found it at a thrift store but it has a dollar tree tag lol). I don't have any before pictures of it (blasphemy). I got a hold of wood stain last year and have been having at it with a lot of cheap wood stuff laying around
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Used to hold my moth collection but it has since outgrown it! So I stained it with wood stain + hot glued moss all over and decided to use it to display my more fragile specimen's that didn't have a place yet!
(Inside: dragonfly, dried shelf fungi, twin pine seed, bird skull, white lined sphinx moth (if I'm not mistaken), butterfly I forgot to identify, cicada.
On top: porcupine quills and a chicken bone.
Porcupine quills were a gift, everything else I found and saved. Actually my brother found the moth and saved it for me.)
It does have a protective casing on the front, but I took it off for the picture because of the glare.
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tee-dohrnii · 4 months
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I dunno man have my rough Goddess of Temperance/Self-Restraint Thalia in the Hades style
I can not find the post anymore but there was someone who made God of Ambition Gale in the Hades style so I wanted to draw my Galemancing tav Thalia if she ever ascended with him and in Hades 2 style very impulsive and self-indulgent doodle that's not a doodle anymore
(Might clean this up and make it better another time)
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briar--rising · 2 days
Rosh Hashanah is next week. It's always been my favorite holiday, and every year I prepare for it and look forward to it. But this year I've been dreading it, and until this past week I couldn't figure out why.
I haven't been to synagogue much in the past year. I've gone a handful of times, but much less than any other year since graduating college. And I thought of going, my therapist tried to encourage me to go because she knows it often makes me feel better, but there was just this inner resistance that I couldn't figure out and wasn't ready to look at closely enough to decipher anyway. And then as the High Holy Days got closer and closer I started to notice that I was really dreading them, which is not how I usually feel. And so I brought it up in therapy on Tuesday, and came to some really important realizations.
I've been doing a lot of very serious grief work and trauma work this fall. My most serious trauma anniversaries are almost all in the fall, and it's a season of great grief and usually highly elevated symptoms for me. My first serious psychotic break was in the fall, four of my five hospitalizations have been in the fall, etc. Until this year I spent every autumn of the past decade pretty severely psychotic. I could not face the trauma and grief that this time of year brings up for me, I could not process those feelings and memories without losing my mind in defense so that I wouldn't have to truly experience them. I've always known this, and for a few years have tried very hard to truly experience my grief and not retreat into psychosis, but I never managed it until this year.
This autumn has been different. I've still struggled with psychosis much more than in the summer, I still have to fight it most days. But I'm winning most of those fights. And I'm grieving. I'm mourning, I'm crying, I'm sitting with my feelings for as long as I can bear and then distracting myself from them when they get too much instead of retreating into symptoms most of the time. I'm genuinely experiencing the thoughts and feelings I need to be experiencing. I'm reading about death, about grief, about loss, I'm talking about these things in therapy. It's often incredibly painful, though sometimes it is simply a peaceful kind of sorrow. I'm getting in touch with a lot of the feelings I've found so difficult to face from some of the hardest times of my life, and I'm experiencing some of them again.
And some of those feelings that I was really quite blindsided by and that I've been largely repressing for 15 years are incredibly complicated feelings about G-d. When I was 11 years old I was just like any other religious and traumatized kid: I prayed to G-d to fix it. I did that thing kids do, I tried to make bargains with Him. "Dear G-d, if I clean my room will You save my mommy? If I'm perfect, will You fix my family?" You know. Things like that.
I was desperate for anything, anyone to save me. I talk sometimes about the particular traumas of that year, about my brother's birth, about my mother's hospitalizations, about her suicide attempt. But I have no words to express the year as a whole, except to say that terrible thing after terrible thing after terrible thing happened, and throughout all of it I was neglected and left at sea. My mom was sick, my dad was trying to keep his head above water, no one was there for me. So I tried to turn to G-d. And when He wasn't there for me either, I felt incredibly abandoned and betrayed, both by Him but also because I was taking my feelings about my family neglecting me during severe trauma and putting them onto Him. It's hard for me to express the levels of hurt and rage I felt at G-d during that time period.
And then my memory cuts out. I remember approximately nothing from shortly after my twelfth birthday (in June) until November over a year later. I have a handful of memories of specific events that took place at school or at camp, but absolutely zero memories of my internal feelings or anything that ever took place at home during seventh grade. It's just. Gone. Always has been, probably always will be.
The next significant things I remember in terms of my relationship to G-d and my religion are all about Hebrew High School, which I loved (I got to start it early bc I was being bullied in normal Hebrew School), and preparing for my Bat Mitzvah, which I also loved. My memory goes from intense feelings of betrayal and abandonment and agony to instantaneously a relatively low conflict, positive relationship with G-d and Judaism (with Jewish-appropriate amounts of questioning of course and moments of anger, but no true rage and despair like I once felt). And I stayed in that space of Judaism-as-comfort-with-minimal-internal-conflict for the next 10+ years. I have no idea how that transition happened, but it certainly didn't occur because I slowly and naturally dealt with all of my complicated feelings and embraced religion after processing.
And then this year, well. I guess the processing came due. I'd like to be very very clear that being Jewish always has been and always will be incredibly important to me, and nothing about any of this changes that. I am struggling, though. I'm re-experiencing a lot of those childhood feelings of betrayal and abandonment and confusion and rage. And not being ready to face those feelings is why I've been subconsciously avoiding synagogue for the past year, and is why I've been dreading the holidays. At least now I'm aware of what's happening, so that's a step in the right direction. And in the long term this is a good and important step not only in my trauma recovery but in my relationship with Judaism and with G-d; I can't have as deep of a relationship as I want without this kind of struggle. To quote my therapist, "your relationship with Judaism is too important to you to be easy." Thankfully in Judaism struggling like this is not only allowed but expected. But it is a struggle, right now. A painful one.
I leave you all with a song I've been listening to on repeat that is helping me confront and think about a lot of these feelings:
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supercantaloupe · 14 days
okay don giovanni review from last night. under the cut bc it's me. tldr the vocal performances were great, leporello carried the show, one of the most insane productions i've seen thus far but somehow in a new bizarre direction from normal. good snacks.
first of all i don't care how much wine you offer i think it's kind of ridiculous to charge $165 for a base ticket price for a performance that 1. isn't even in a concert hall or theater 2. is a concert performance rather than a staged performance (which was not advertised ahead of time) and 3. was not even a full production because they made the absolutely mind boggling decision to cut 100% of the recitative and replace it with Some Guy sitting on the stage narrating the plot between every 1-3 numbers
i did not pay that much gd bless. the student ticket was way cheaper.
the narration wasn't even good it was weirdly ungenerous to the women (like how do you even make elvira out be a "women, amirite" thing and also vaguely imply anna was into it in a production with zero acting? well they figured something out) and i don't think it even explained well enough what happens between each number to truly give a first time watcher a good idea of what's actually going on. not to mention that it absolutely kills any sense of momentum in the plot and makes the entire show drag like hell, because you have to wait between every single aria for either Some Guy to talk at you for three minutes straight, or wait awkwardly while people onstage walk off and people offstage walk on. it was so painfully clunky
they had a piano up there but since there was no recit it's not like she was accompanying much of anything. in practice what it ended up being used for was 1. the mandolin part for deh vieni (acceptable in the absence of a mandolin player; they were working with a limited chamber ensemble of musicians so i get it) 2. the party music at the end of act i (egregious fault imo because it absolutely kills the vibe of the scene and completely obfuscates the way the music is supposed to be adding to the tension and chaos with its different instrumental groups playing in different meters)
and 3. used to give singers their notes when the vocal line of their arias start on beat 1 measure 1, which they otherwise would have been able to get from the preceding recits (which is imo painfully amateurish for an ostensibly professional production)
all the numbers in act i were there although the narration was so bad i got jumpscared by fin ch'han dal vino because i forgot it was supposed to be there and thought we had skipped over that point in the plot. act ii had some really bizarre additional cuts made, notably they just entirely skipped over meta di voi and vedrai carino. it was like masetto and zerlina fuck off for the entirety of act ii save for, like, mille torbidi (they VERY briefly mentioned masetto getting beat up in the narration and i don't think they mentioned vedrai carino at all, they just skipped straight from deh vieni to sola sola. and also there was a painful awkward pause before deh vieni because i think the pianist forgot she was supposed to play there and the narrator jumped ahead to the next chunk of plot explanation too early). kept both dalla and tesoro (i'm fine with this ottavio was quite good though could've used a bit of ornamentation imo), kept mi tradi, kept non mi dir (more on that in a bit). no per queste which is probably a good thing not only for the show itself but also my head would have absolutely and irreversibly exploded if they had, probably
the whole thing kind of felt underrehearsed. like a quarter of the time it seemed like people didn't know what they were doing or had to be reminded where to be at that point in the show. and there were a few moments throughout where the orchestra struggled to keep up with the singers, but i really don't think they had much time to rehearse together, honestly.
and then, to my utter shock, the finale was actually really good?? like. insane compared to the rest of the show thus far. though it helps that 1. i absolutely love the harmonieband arrangements of cosa rara/i litiganti/non piu andrai, after possibly the draggiest non mi dir i've yet experienced it was like a breath of fresh air to hear that (and non mi dir was actually well performed i liked this anna but considering how much the Entire Show was dragging, the fact that they cut meta di voi and vedrai carino, AND the fact that they promised this act would be short, it felt crazy to me to keep it at that point.)
2. leporello and the don were by far the best performers of the night. so much so that i sought them out during the post show reception to tell them how great they were and enjoyed their performance. which i usually do not do, but in this like, high school recital ass production value. unbelievable relief that the final scene is dominated by the two actors in the show who most remembered that they can, and in fact Should, be acting. so much more movement and physicality and expression from those two compared to most everyone else. leporello especially, his actor apparently specializes in comedic bass roles and it shows, he was the standout all night
and 3. for the first time in the entire production they made an interesting decision regarding the physical space and staging! they had the commendatore sing from up on a balcony overlooking the audience in the foyer. the bar admittedly was set very low in the previous act and a half but the finale reminded me that i actually like this show again which is appreciated
though they then threw another curveball at me by Cutting the sextet at the end. which like didn't even piss me off at that point i was just baffled. like the don sinks down in agony and leporello sinks down whimpering in fear and the orchestra cuts off. and i'm expecting an awkward pause while they quietly get up and shuffle off so the rest of the cast can come back but nope. big orange title slate appears on the big screen behind them and the audience breaks into a roaring applause and the announcement of the wine and dessert reception. felt like i was in a fever dream
i will say the desserts were very nearly almost worth the bullshit that was the preceding show. they were so good. thank you austria for your dedication to pastry. and because i don't drink and couldn't appreciate the free wine offered i had to indulge in my own manner. spread contained chocolate oat bites (tasted as much like espresso powder as chocolate and coated in coconut, 4/10), almond sponge cake (classic, 7/10), cardamom apple bread pudding with caramel cream (not enough cardamom but otherwise very tasty and autumnal, 8.5/10) and honey cake (11/10. i don't know how they made this so good. i want more right now so much). i take both my mozart opera and my desserts very seriously.
anyway overall the production was. i would say frustrating. the singing quality was Really Good (leporello was the clear standout, probably followed by the don though i prefer my dons with a lighter voice but technically he was very good, then probably ottavio, then maybe masetto or anna. the commendatore was great but he's in it so little it's hard to compare)
i just wish they could have, like, actually done a full production. it would have been so great if they had gotten to tell the actual story and had been fully allowed to act. when there Was acting were the best moments of the show, and it's really unsurprising that most of that came from leporello, the absolute legend.
#no one respects a galant recit anymore. smh#sasha speaks#sasha reviews#don giovanni#opera tag#Really weird production. seemed designed to piss me off specifically in many aspects#frustrating in others because it DID have a lot of (mostly and regrettably squandered) promise that shone through in moments#but the singing was good. when there Was acting that was good. the desserts were good. the narration was dogshit i hate that so much#could not have fathomed producing a performance with a narrator replacing a recit#ZERO clue how they plan on applying that model to fanciulla later in the season.#if they do at all but it seems like a Thing for this company maybe? idk#don't know if i'll go see their carmen next spring. maybe it depends on my schedule#i think carmen might suffer a little less from the narration treatment comparatively since it can already be done with dialogue#as opposed to recit#idek how you'd do a puccini like that though. unless you just completely disregard narrative flow and comprehension#which honestly maybe they do. at least the flow part. including narration feels like they WANT comprehension (even if they do it poorly)#but don't seem to care about the flow considering how it butchered one of the best operas in the repertoire so far.#seriously if you just do what's written on the page for dg you have a slam dunk. and they deliberately chose not to. baffling#anyway carmen is at the french embassy next spring so maybe i just go to practice my french.#and see if they compete with austria for their refreshment spread.#and yes i realize now that part of the high ticket price is meant to cover the wine and desserts but i still think it's kind of ridiculous#okay done now bye.
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marrow-and-bone · 9 months
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a friend of mine got really into decorating kpop-style photocards recently, which it turns out is all of the fun parts of collage combined with the supreme satisfaction of placing a million tiny stickers with a pair of tweezers. it's webweave energy on top of trading card energy, so of course I had to make cards for c!Quackity and c!Schlatt, my favorite pair of DSMP shitheads, best beloved thank god for them.
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schizononagesimus · 3 months
Hey guys, would've never dreamed that this would be my face reveal (or name, for the matter), but due to my family cutting me off of rent support for the month of August, I'll have no money for rent, and therefore won't be able to write porn for you all</33
Basically, I graduated from my master's degree in June and had no savings due to relying solely on student loans, and my one family member who could help me with rent is expecting me to get a job in less than a month, which is not only incredibly difficult but due to onboarding and payroll I wouldn't have rent money for August even if I started a job literally today. I'm still waiting on a funding decision for one PhD which is due to come in August, and I'm applying to jobs everyday. Your help would be greatly appreciated, and even if you can't help, sharing would be awesome!! Thank you<33
GOAL: 0 / $1,750
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enneamage · 1 year
There’s been some chatter about fanfic and after a quick look around some tags that I don’t visit a lot, I’m back to thinking about the consequences of repression and fandom sexuality again. Below the cut I’m going to talk about the way that parts of the fandom tend to hide themselves from their own motivations and the ways that sexuality tends to bubble up when people loose their self-awareness to the obsession with being “good.”
I think it’s important to define my terms up front, so I’ll say that ‘kink’ does not have to be literally explicitly sexual to be kink, I’ll be using it from here on as an umbrella term for highly intimate power dynamics and sensuality related to those dynamics. It’s like when a dominatrix walks someone like a dog, it’s not sex but something is clearly going on that’s creating a mood, and the people involved (and watching) are getting something out of it.
I’ll also throw out a 'not all fic that involves these tropes is this way' disclaimer as well, since being black-and-white about what is and isn’t allowed is what got us here to begin with. Some of this stuff comes down to things being greater than the sum of their parts and coming to intuition-based conclusions, which for a while I was putting on the back shelf because of how hard stuff like this is to talk about, but in light of some new developments I think it’s worth trying to explain my thinking.  
I think that there are fic tropes around SBI that have gone on for a while now that are over the line into kink territory. Back when Tommy was younger and the family dynamic was more of a meme playing out in real time, having him be the young adoptee made sense for plot reasons. He was projected on because he was the ‘protagonist’ as well as the same age as the audience, so he was the most convenient seat to sit in as a viewer/reader. What I wasn’t prepared for or expecting is the places where things haven’t changed over the years, or the way that time has flowed backwards for some people into even more extreme ‘caregiver’ situations. This has made me re-think some things that I’ve seen over time as being less coincidental than I thought, and becoming a bit concerned about the notorious ‘platonic’ blind spot in the fandom.
Honestly, I’ve been under the impression that people have been sublimating their wants for a while now when it came to SBI. I know that people argue all the time about ‘platonic’ physical affection but in the brief trips I’ve made into the ao3 tag there’s a suspiciously strong drive to get them to either coo over each other, be possessive of each other, sleep in the same bed or just touch each other a lot. I’ve seen short fics about animal hybrids being opportunities to engage in sensuality that people don’t have to feel guilty about writing because there’s no human equivalent so you can just. Rub someone. For a really long time. A lot of the above comes off as pre-sexual behavior for people who know what to look for, even though you could lawyer it into being fine from a technical perspective.
Over time there’s been a building, fairly motivated lack of self-awareness around what is and isn’t above board. I think this is a cycle that comes up because people want to make or see something, but don’t want to feel guilty or “bad’ or stop making it, so they defend it morally to avoid being attacked morally. “I don’t think they would do that, this is kind of incesty” becomes “Let men/families be Soft, you’re the weirdo for thinking this is weird.” People don’t have a developed sense of what feelings are on the sexuality spectrum and are discouraged from figuring them out because it would make them boundary-breaking sexualisers if it turned out that that’s what their motive was. Nobody wants to be labeled an evil pervert so people shut down and withdraw into whatever team will back them up while still getting what they want.
This community actually has a perfect example of what this lack of self-awareness eventually creates: Fellas I’m doing it, I’m talking about ‘mcyt tickle.’
The mcyt tickle community is a group that swears up and down that they are not sexual and they don’t want anything to do with shippers and they’re purely, exclusively 'platonic.' This community is focused on tickle dynamics, tickle content and tickle fic, and almost everyone in the community claims to be against shipping and very against ‘sexualization.’ People from minors to legal adults are all gathered in this space and sharing content that they are all really, really into. This space is a perfect mini-example of what scares me the most when a community is afraid to self-reflect, because I’ve been keeping loose tabs on them for a while with a question in mind:
How the hell did they get their hands on the language and habits of the tickle fetish community? And how did it ever get this big?
This group uses the terms Lee, Ler and switch, all of which are terms for what ‘role’ a person plays in the fic. These are lifted from the fetish scene, whether they know it or not. Some of them even avoid the word tickle, which is another tell because people who have fetishes will sometimes avoid even using the word for it since it’s so intense for them. Sometimes fetishes are so strong and innate that they completely replace the sex drive with the desire for the thing or scenario, so I would even call into question when people insist that they’re ‘not into anything except tickling,’ because that may well be the issue.
Somewhere along the way at least someone lied by omission, either to themselves or to somebody else, and it spread to people who range from minors to adults, all of whom swear that they stand completely against ‘sexualization’ and would never do such a thing. I do genuinely believe that at least some people in that community aren’t aware that they’re producing things in the style of fetish content, or that fetish doesn’t have to have anything to do with ‘normal’ sexual activity because that’s what makes it kink/a fetish—it’s a non-standard expression of sensuality that people have a fixation on. Kink is more than literal sex, and that’s where things get messy.
Back to “Family Dynamics,” you can imagine where I’m going with this. I think that the rein of the SBI family dynamic has accidentally installed a subsection of the fandom with a fixation on Tommy being the child character and Wilbur/Phil/Techno being caregiver characters in a way that if left unchecked starts to look like “Caregiver” / “Little” dynamics, but made even more literal by aging him down to whatever they see fit. Again, this isn’t everyone, but it’s enough people to notice by now, and you can imagine where the discomfort comes from when it’s done on main. The petplay community also get a shoutout if we’re covering all the bases, since pet shifter / “X animal hybrid" Tommy is also a high traffic concept, and he gets the caregiver/possessiveness treatment in that context as well.
I have been online for years, I know kink dialogue when I see it. Corny Dom voice can be heard from miles away. Mcyt tickle has it with fetish sprinkles, corny Dadbur can have it, dark SBI can tend toward it in romance novel level possessiveness, the menacingly or playfully possessive petname language is clear as day when it shows up. It’s designed to put emphasis on the possessive power gap and make the small one feel smaller and the big one feel bigger, that’s the payoff, that’s the intimacy that puts it over the line.
Caregiver little/pet dynamics are the millennial and zoomer kink relationship styles. I know you’ve seen those corny discord kitten memes, this is literally it. This is the call of the power dynamic, this is the compulsion, the fixation on ‘softness’ and intimacy and the contrasting power dynamic of being really really tiny and having intense dominant caregiver attention solely on them and their vulnerable littleness. It’s a dynamic based on something real (child or pet,) but it’s a caricature, and it’s a means to an end to create a power dynamic/effect to satisfy a need. It might not need to be literally sexual, but that fixation is coming from somewhere and feeding something.
I want to be clear that I’m not angry about this as much as I am aware of how awkward this position is for people. It’s obvious that these spaces have guilted people out of very normal feelings like age-typical crushes and attraction to people who it would be perfectly normal to find attractive. I wouldn’t be surprised if some of this content is to cope with the fact that people have been guilted into repressing more ‘normal’ sexual feelings into “enthusiasm about family dynamics.” I also know that not everyone is hiding something and some people really are here for gen fic, but it’s becoming clearer and clearer that not everyone has the tools to be honest with themselves or others.
There’s a massive consent issue that comes into play when people don’t know that what they’re looking at or participating in has crossed over into kink. Pushing the idea that some of this stuff is not only a morally safe thing but the only morally safe thing is coercive in ways that makes me nervous. I’ve seen people condemn shipping in the name of boundaries and then turn around to write blatant kink, the cognitive dissonance is huge, and I’m worried for the younger people who could be guilted into or fall for it because they also have a very literal understanding of sexuality.
I don’t think that these people deserve to get the firing squad for having wandered in this direction, especially if they didn’t really understand what they were doing, but I think it’s really important that people are allowed to talk about this stuff to get that self-awareness, otherwise we get another hiding-in-plain-sight fetish community situation. The issue is, people are afraid of questioning their own motivations because of how harsh the fandom can be, so they get in the habit of hiding from each other and themselves and keeping certain trends in motion. Still, I think it’s worth pointing out that this community is prone to self-deception and is very defensive in certain areas because of how much fear and shame exists around the topic of sexualization.
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cherubytes · 1 year
does the guy complaining about the amount of gay ultrakill fanart they see know they're on the gay fanart website???? "i cant scroll through the tag without seeing 30 fanarts of gabriel in a skirt" my brother in christ that man isnt wearing pants
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smuggonifico-lmao · 1 year
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Oh boy, first we got the good ol' "mirror of my self' based on @somerandomdudelmao CAS Au
And also please look at the second one, I dreamt of a fucking- fake Episode 19 called "Mysterious ???" from the same au and this scene was like the only thing i remember from it so have my first attempt at a badass ninpo motorcycle dfqebhsdcbhsc
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