#i honestly hate this sm
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blarefordaglare · 1 month ago
Why Legend Never Sings
a little LU Choir AU fic I wrote a while ago.
and to that person who I promised I’d write something and picked a legend fic (that’s the best I can phrase it right now words are weird) I hope this counts lol
fic under cut
The pianist glared at Wild, who seemingly didn’t get the repeated message, “For the last time, I know it is read as ‘ray’, but it is pronounced ‘reh’,” he pressed down on D3 once more, as if to add emphasis to his answer, “we don’t even have to think about sharps or flats-it’s only C Major.”
“But why? What if it was D Major?” 
Legend’s face paled, “I-“ his voice cracked, and he quickly paused, rephrasing his words, “I don’t talk about that key.” He plunked the three notes on the piano, his finger barely hovering over the F#. The finger slid past the two white keys, landing on the B. Subconsciously, he hummed the note, matching the pitch, even if the piano was slightly flat.
“Everyone can sing, you know; It’s just talking with pitch.” The long-haired boy banged on the low A, earning an irritated hand slap from Legend. 
What he wanted to say was that it was rich coming from him-he couldn’t even hear a semitone, but he erased those words from his mind. He erased those words because he knew that she would’ve nodded with a smile, not insult. “It’s more than that,” he whispered, “it’s not just notes on a page, they’re like… a story, almost.” 
“What’s your story?” There was no backing out now, “I mean, you say you never sing, but I’ve heard you before. You got the vibration-“
“Vibrato,” he added, helpfully.
“Yeah, the vibrato down. Even I can hear it.” 
There was a long pause after that, and Legend wasn’t sure why.
“Fine. I’ll tell you.” Legend pushed himself up, opening the piano, “Only if you’ll help me tune. Grab me a tuning wrench.” When Wild complied, he began speaking.
“So, this was before you even became a Freshman here, so I don’t expect you to recall any of this…” 
Room 196-Practice Room
Legend opened the metal doors expecting an empty room, with nothing but a piano and walls to keep him company. He needed this space-with the amount of classes he’d been missing, and a concert in two weeks, practice was mandatory.
“Hi,” a girl with red hair greeted him, plunking a D, F#, and G. The chord was flawless… not that he’d admit it.
A conversation took place, red-haired girl was actually named Marin. AP music theory, and Junior year, just like him.
It’s as if she just appeared.
They were fast friends. So fast he didn’t notice the months past… so fast he didn’t notice she was gone until the second day she went missing. 
Missing turned to dead three days later.
The choir member didn’t say any words, simply staring at the ticking clock.
Minutes later, he spoke, “That must be rough.” 
“Yeah,” Legend closed the piano, “it was.”
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orionebulart · 2 months ago
Guys. I've noticed something.
The way Stolass` glancing at Blitzø in the "Mastermind" right before execution (as he thinks):
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Is it just me or... is this expression full of loathing? I am failing to see some love, reassurance or sorrow right here. All I see is nothing but pure hate.
This look doesn't say "Don't worry, Blitzø. Everything's going to be alright. Take care of yourself. Goodbye." Noooooohohoho!
What this god damn look DOES say is "That's how I'll punish you for not reciprocating my feelings, stupid imp. I'll make you regret this. Now I'm dying because of you. It's all your fault. So you should blame yourself for the rest of your life."
You know what sucks even more? Stolass will TOTALLY guilt-trip Blitzø by this in the future. It's going to be like "But I've done so much for you, Blitzy! How dare you be so ungrateful?!" I have no doubts. He will do this. And the standom will defend him for doing this. And it won't be called neither manipulation nor emotional abuse (as it should be). It will be called "miscommunication" and "not quite being self-aware enough at times". Just as usual.
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anyydidi · 5 months ago
Before we begin, everyone is entitled to their opinion. If you really think Ford wouldn't truly care, you do you.
That being said, I feel like people who claim that Ford wouldn't do a single thing to bring Stan back if their places were switched do not understand his character at all.
Don't get me wrong, I don't think that he would open the portal. At least not right away. The one thing I agree with is that Ford wouldn't put the life of his brother above the whole planet like Stan did. He realizes the threat of the portal and Bill too much to do that.
But have people forgotten that Ford also loves his brother? Yeah, he was angry, bitter and resentful, but he wouldn't have just let Stan die in the multiverse. Especially since that would be entirely his fault he got stuck there in the first place.
For people thinking, "But Ford was too blinded by rage! He didn't care for Stan until after Weirdmaggedon!", have you seen the show? Have you read the journal? Through everything that happened, Ford kept a photo (tattered and worn, obviously taken out a lot) of him and his brother in his left, inner breast pocket which is the one closest to the heart. If that wasn't enough, for those who haven't read the journal, Ford kept reminiscing about and mentioning his brother before the portal incident. Even though those lines were often crossed out, it was obvious that at least unconsiously he had Stan in mind a lot. And at the end of the journal, it is written that he worked day and night, to the point of passing out, to bring Stan's memories (and essencially Stan himself) back. (Oh and have we forgotten about the absolutely shattered expression he had when he erased Stan's memories? You don't look like that for a person you don't deeply care about).
Still not enough to believe that Ford cared about Stan before Stan's sacrifice?
Let's talk about the fact that when Ford was at his lowest, that being paranoid, sleep deprived, tortured by Bill, drowned in guilt, and completely alone, he reached out to Stan? He says it himself, "I needed help, someone I could trust." After everything, he still trusted Stan to an extent and believed him to be his last hope. You don't give trust like that to people you truly hate.
Ford was self-absorbed and egocentric, but also hurt and betrayed. That feeling came from a misconception, but that doesn't make it any less valid. It is understandable that he acted towards Stan the way he did, with venom and bitterness. But we can be angry at people we love and still care for their well-being.
How I said earlier, I don't think Ford would really open the portal. He wouldn't risk the entire world for Stanley. But I do think he would do anything in his power to be able to bring Stan back safely. You cannot be telling me that he'd be able to live with the guilt and not do anything about it if he could. After all, in his head, it would be his fault. He got tricked by Bill, he built the portal, he made Stan come to him and showed him the portal and he wasn't able to let go of the journal and fought Stan for it. I'm convinced he'd still throw some blame at Stan for some of the fight to make himself feel better at first, but after some time he would just blame himself completely (the same way I think Stan did with the science fair incident). The guilt for all of that would eat him alive.
Let's not forget, Stanley worked for 30 years, basically half his life to bring Stanford home and I believe Ford would be willing to do the same. He would just go about it differently. He would either try to get rid of the threat of Bill and then be willing to upgrade the portal and turn it on again, or maybe try to find a completely different way to get Stan back from the multiverse, or in the end something entirely different, I'm not fully sure.
What I am sure of is that Ford wouldn't just let Stan be stranded in the multiverse without doing absolutely nothing. Maybe he wouldn't succeed, maybe Stan would actually have to find his own way back home because Stanford wouldn't be able to find a solution without risking their entire universe. But Ford would at least try, give it his all, because despite everything, he still loves his brother. Differently than Stan loves him, because Ford is a different person than Stan, but he still does.
So I beg you, people. Stop taking Ford's complex character from him. He can be a selfish, self-centered asshole, but he's not heartless.
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soranker · 2 years ago
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some doodles from last week 😁🤞
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queenunderthatmountain · 7 months ago
I am once again asking for Elwin not to be Sophies father
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slytherinshua · 4 months ago
slowly realizing more and more that the sm boycott effort is gonna amount to nothing in the end, and this is not the way we should be going about the riize situation.
i loved seunghan when he was in the group, and i am still an ot7 fan. but at a point, i think we need to think of how much of our time and energy we're willing to spend fighting for something that has such a small chance of actually happening. sm is gonna bounce back from any stock lost from the boycott because they are one of the big 3. they have like 4 of the biggest groups in kpop rn: nct, aespa, red velvet, riize. there's just no way either boycotting riize or boycotting all of sm would actually be detrimental enough to get a member who's been terminated from the group back in.
and while i don't agree with the ot6 fans who are being unreasonable, i think some ot7 fans have been just as bad. this fandom is so toxic and rotten, every day it just seems to get worse. and i don't like the narrative that most ot7 fans were spreading about ot6 kfans-- how they were just mad that seunghan was dating pre debut. that isn't why they were mad, they really didn't care about that. it's the fact that he took pictures of him with his possibly/alleged underage girlfriend (it's honestly bad enough with/without her being possible underage, which i don't have confirmation on) at what looks like a hotel and presumably sent it to his friends in a group chat (which was how it got leaked). that's why they wanted him out of the group.
personally, i don't believe that a member should get kicked out of a group or put on hiatus without a proper reason why. and seunghan's hiatus and termination is really messy. but there are valid reasons why kfans weren't too big on him. the problem is there have been many idols kicked out for things they didn't do, and others who have been caught doing really fucked up and nasty things and rightfully kicked out of the group, but it's hard to know which idols are innocent or not when there's no organization. and when we jump on a narrative train and blow something super big out of proportion, the facts and proper investigation of the situation gets lost in the mess of things.
what should have happened was things being properly investigated back in october 2023 before seunghan was ever put on hiatus, and a decision made from there whether to keep him in the group or kick him out based on that.
instead, we have the other 6 members who clearly want seunghan back tired of the state of everything (rightfully so), ot7 and ot6 fans fighting a full blown war every day without logical thinking, and misinformation being spread left and right. there's no organization, there's no firm confirmation on anything, all of this is just such a big mess.
now let me be clear IF it's true that there was anything suspicious going on between seunghan and his girlfriend, then i would obviously no longer support him. as it is, i'm not going to stop supporting him until there's firm evidence. i'm tired of kpop stans making rash decisions based on half truths instead of just being patient and waiting for the facts to come out. staying neutral during unclear situations is a valid stance to take. please let's all stop jumping to conclusions from both sides.
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jaylleoo14 · 1 year ago
Azul is like my little hamster. OMG WAIT NO A BUNNY, BC LIKE SEA BUNNY UKNOW????!?!?! HE"D BE A BUNNY FS (also cus fluffy and pudgy and cute :3) and plus i find it cute imaging Azul with bunny ears being a little sassy and having that strong commanding tone of voice hehehe. Wait but he could also pass as a hamster too.... Its okay either one works but im leaning more towards bunnies because I like bunnies more if I had to pick between the two. But imagine Azul's cheeks stuffed full like a chipmunks hehehe
heavily suggestive + bonus drawing:
Kicking Jade out because i'm not trying to have him spill coffee all over my laptop
I think i'd kick Floyd out too because he'd probably be a rowdy menace and mess up my furniture because he's going to be gnawing on my chair legs and table legs. Azul you are the only tame one.... for now.
Seriously, in the end of the day though I'd let them cuddle me 😔
Jade would probably try to get your attention and when he does he'd probably hit your vase and it shatters and you'd give him the most "are you kidding me?" look ever while he has his hand over his mouth looking at you so innocently, though a look of slight malice in his eyes. That little..... Then all of a sudden once you're done cleaning up your vase Jade comes over to cuddle with you because surely you'd forgive him right? I mean just look at how cute he is being, rubbing his cheek against yours. I'm imagining that they can turn into the animals and then poof back up into a human with their animalistic attributes. Still having the tails and ears like beastmen you know? Just like Jacks unique magic basically.
Floyd is your little energetic big dog who just loves giving you attention. When he's a dog he's just running around playing around with his toys and occasionally fighting with Jade. Azul is hopping around trying to find solace from the fights because he's so much tinier and more feeble in this form that he doesn't want to get dragged into it. I feel like when they do get into fights, thats when Azul turns back into his human form and just watches alongside with you. Yea, just watching. Pretty sure you wouldn't want to interfere with their fights either. But when Floyd turns back into his human form hes all over you! He's so heavy too its such a pain to move him >_< (heheh but i wouldn't mind) Ahem, but i feel like out of the three he makes it the most prominent that he wants your attention. Jade is more roundabout about it but when you usually are the first one to initiate then he's suddenly so attached to you. Once that is the case he's having you all to himself, no sharing until he's done monopolizing your space and time; leaving Azul and Floyd annoyed and ticked off as he gives them a smug look. Sometimes I feel like Azul would just be a bit shy to do or say anything to initiate. But until he warms up to you he'd also be quite clingy and needy, honestly so much so then Floyd and suddenly does get more bolder. Floyd, again, just makes it more clear much more often.
I feel like Cat Jade would be so sneaky at times too, like imagine trying to bathe but then suddenly out of nowhere Jade just appears. You're screaming your lungs out because how the hell did he get in when you closed the door and locked it?
"Fufufu, no need to fear. I was simply minding my time here is all."
A groan can be heard right behind Jade and up comes Azul as he rubs his ass, seeming to be in slight pain. "Argh 'minding my time' is a complete lie. To think i'd find you where I was planning on hiding as well."
"You guys were hiding?! Wha- get out!" Of course Azul would also be here too. As you tell them off they let out a disappointed and sad sigh, and as they proceed to open the door to leave Floyd bursts into the bathroom. "What! You guys snuck in the bathroom without me?!"
What a red face you have, they all wanted to see and be there with you while you bathed. So suddenly Floyd just goes on ahead and quickly undresses at the doorway and you bring the shower curtain over to hide your face. "Floyd! What are you doing!?" The sound of clothes being dropped on the floor can be heard every second until you hear quick stomps. Pulling the curtains back, Floyd quickly gets in the tub sitting behind you. "Scoot scoot hehe." A sharp gasped emits from your mouth and you feel his bare body against yours. A playful giggle escapes his lips and Jade and Azul just look at each other blankly. For only a moment though, until they look back at the both of you and Jade has a playful smirk on his face. Azul has a slight frown as he begins to undress himself. Floyd wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you in closer against him as he spoons you between his legs. You go stiff, a little squeal escaping your mouth as you go on to cover your face from how flustered you were getting. "Heyyyy you guys go bathe somewhere else. Me and shrimpy are already in the tub." Jade lets out a chuckle as he also quickly went ahead to take off his pieces of clothing.
"There's enough space for me to sit, dont hog (y/n) to yourself Floyd." Azul sharply quips, a huff escaping his lips. Clothes now being on the tile floor, you only start to wonder how long this was going to take.
"I think it's only fair if we were to join you in a little bathing session as well."
"Nah-uh, ya snuck in here without me."
"Thats because you're rather big to fit in the cabinet. Me and Jade barely fit in there in our animal forms."
Peeking out between your fingers you can see from the waist above looking at Azul and Jade as they seem to be having their own little competition on who'd get to the bath first. Their little competition was pretty funny to watch however, a little giggle ushering from your lips. Floyd lets out a little hum, content that he got the best seat in the house because he was able to hold you. Azul finished first because he was quick and swift with it, hurriedly coming over to get in. At the same time Jade quickly hurried his way over and as they make their way in the water splashes and spills over the edge. Azul sits behind Jade because Jade forced his way to sit in front of you, a groan ushered out of him as he is practically getting squished from behind.
"Why do I have to be in the back?! You're bigger than me!"
"I think (Y/n) would like that better then, it does hit all the good spots after all."
"Jade!" God they were going to be the death of you. To think Jade would say something so shameless as that. Though the situation was already not helping. Splashing water at him, he flinches back as he gets wet, though still chuckling from your reaction. Azul's brow twitches in annoyance and Jade can only let out a smug look. You let out a sigh as you bury you face in your hands. The tub was so cramped you couldn't even move, just sitting in the tub was all you four did. Though Floyd didn't seem to mind at all, especially when you're in his arms.
To retaliate against Jade though, Azul turns to a bunny and quickly hops on over in front. Pushing him back as he squeezes his way in to fit the tight cramped space, Azul turns back to lean in front of you now. "Its really cramped in here. Did you guys really think we could even properly bathe like this..."
"Of course not. I'd be flabbergasted if you really thought so."
"Hmmm, how about we wash you up instead shrimpy? More hands the better hehe~"
"Oh Floyd that sounds like a wonderful idea."
The water is never still, constantly sloshing and swaying as Azul, Jade, and Floyd continue to readjust themselves more comfortably. The yellow lighting in the bathroom gives off a vintage feeling and the temperature felt warmer than usual because of the tight space full of warm radiating bodies. The feeling of Floyds arms around you loosen up, making it easier to navigate around your body. Azul follows along suite and leans in close to you while Jade grabs hold of your hand and kisses it.
"After we have our fun of course. I'm sure our little caretaker would appreciate it if we were the ones cleaning them this time." Jades voice was low and smooth, your hand against his lips as he lightly nips at your skin.
"Mmmh yes, agreed. Wouldn't you like that dear?" The feeling of Azuls voice vibrates through the base of your neck as he kisses it tenderly, a low gasp escaping out of you as he hits a sensitive spot.
"I love how you feel Shrimpy, so warm and squishy~" Strong hands sway smoothly under the tight space like a slithering eel, making their way to the fats on your body. His sultry voice makes you shiver as you feel him slightly bow down to kiss the back of your neck, a satisfied hum escaping him.
This definitely was going to be a loooonnggg bathing session. But i'm sure you'll enjoy it. Afterall, they'll ensure to clean every dip and crevice of you to ensure you'd be thoroughly clean :) Plus the many kissing and intimate touches you'll share <333
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Honestly why have one when you can have all three? They would definitely share you for sure hehehehe >:3
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blue-jos10 · 1 year ago
literature is to andrew what exy is to neil.
and neil is a god of literature the way andrew is a god of exy.
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succubusjuice · 2 months ago
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excalumbras · 7 months ago
yk whats my bone to pick w the red dead 2 fandom is?? the fact that some of yall will write "i can fix him!" arthur morgan/reader insert fics but turn around & hate on a woman who tried doing exactly that in canon (mary linton)... calling her manipulative & shit. like. yall got some internalized misogyny to unpack if you hate on a woman character for doing the exact same thing yall are doing w your insert fics.
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grayseas-art · 1 year ago
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these two make me so ill,,, mustve caught a jitterbug 🤭
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errantce · 4 months ago
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this animation absolutely hates to see ishaan coming
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wishmkr-j-art · 1 year ago
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what unsupervised screen time does to a gem
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cupiidzbow · 1 year ago
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i have zero respect to people who don’t like her . they’re always weirdly misogynistic abt her too like y’all say you want mean women and you can’t even handle ca.ndy k.ong 😒😒😒😒😒
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trevination · 2 months ago
4. Is there a popular pairing you don't necessarily dislike but aren't too invested in?
6. Show us a bit of a WIP!
23. Has your favorite character/ship changed over time?
nws if you don't feel like doing all three ! <3
4. Is there a popular pairing you don't necessarily dislike but aren't too invested in?
hmmm . honestly there’s not a lot! i feel like i either dislike a ship or im like “omg yes that’d be so cute” i’m open to lots lmao. first that came to mind was darbit. don’t love it, don’t hate it, but it’s chill !!
6. Show us a bit of a WIP!
i haven’t worked on this fic in a while but :3 i wanna share
Something warm bubbled in Pony’s chest and he was inclined to lean up and kiss Johnny on the jaw. He did just so. “I love you,” He murmured against his tan skin. Johnny’s hand ran through his hair. The tips still held that yellow-blonde color. “I love you, too. ‘Course I do.” Pony felt so warm. Safe, in these stupid nasty motel blankets.
golden hour running away from tulsa fic… save me…
23. Has your favorite character/ship changed over time?
honestly so far, not rlly !! tbf i’ve only been in this fandom for a few months, but pbj aka golden hour was my favorite from the start lol. i certainly didn’t expect to love marbit as much as i do ! and ponyboy has also been my favorite bc he’s just me fr….
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mrstsung · 1 year ago
I only want this liu kang
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Mk shaolin monks
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or my hcs version of mk legends liu kang. (I like the artstyle for him here but the writing needs to be a tad better)
Other than that it's robin shou liu kang all the way. (Or the late bruce lee who he is modeled after. So yeah)
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Anyways i miss the real liu kang. And i miss liu as just a simple monk warrior helping earthrealm,his friends and fellow warriors and monks. And his shaolin bromie kung lao.
I really do. I hate what they've done with him so i kollectively ignore canon. And wrote my own liu kang.
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