#i honestly don't get how people instantly laughed out loud
sylviaonyx · 2 days
One Chance.
Mattheo Riddle x F!Reader
words: 1.2K warnings: 18+ | cussing | alcohol | SMUT | MDNI the pictures don't represent the reader and the characters are always 18+
Notes: Hi loves! 🖤 Entering the JinxedJuly challenge from @thatdammchickennugget and @finalgirllx ✨
this month is very busy for me, so for the rest of the prompts I might do two mood boards and a small drabble ♡
✧ week 1 ✧ prompts: pool party | heat wave
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It was one of the hottest days in July. Perfect for gathering everyone from different houses and renting a mansion in the middle of nowhere with a massive pool to throw a big and loud party that the Slytherins were famous for.
With everyone around bonding, laughing, drinking, and celebrating through the night, you rested on the lounger beside the pool, sipping on a spritz cocktail in your black bikini, observing everyone.
A few people were already passed out, sleeping on the grass, some on scattered chairs. People in the pool still played chicken fights, throwing each other with loud splashes. Some swam or floated on pool floaties, and others messed around, splashing at each other.
"He's basically drooling over you." Your friend sat in the nearby lounger, grabbing a drink and eyeing you with a smirky smile.
You knew who they were talking about. That intoxicating brown-eyed fucker who has been running around and trying to catch a crumb of your attention for the past few weeks after one of your mutual friends at a party made you both kiss as a dare. You both liked it more than you thought and ended fucking in your room that night. You kept your distance from him since, but he appeared to be everywhere you were. And honestly, you kinda loved the idea of him stalking and obsessing over you.
Your eyes darted across to the other side of the pool to see Mattheo Riddle. Standing shirtless with his gaze fixated only in one direction. Yours. Not paying any attention to his friends around him chatting. You stared back at him as he lifted the beer bottle to his lips, raising his brows in a usual devilish manner, to which you scoffed to yourself and turned to face your friend.
"Fuck it." You chugged the spritz down, stood up and exchanged glances with Mattheo before jumping into the pool.
The cold, refreshing water slams against your hot skin. The noise from outside was muffled underwater. You swirl around before rising up to catch a breath. Mattheo's stare was still glued to you. You held eye contact for a moment before turning and swimming further to a quieter area, away from his gaze and a drunk group of guys who just started singing way off the notes.
You floated on your back, eyes closed, battling the heatwave and relishing how the cold water felt against your skin. The gentle sounds of spattering grew louder, alerting you to open your eyes as your body flipped to immerse back into the water, swimming in one place with Mattheo now in front of you. You eyed the drops sliding down his face, fixating on the ones at his lips. The way he breathed sent flashbacks from that night with him. They curled into a faint smile, and you snapped from them to meet his eyes.
“Why are you avoiding me?” He sounded serious with a hint of annoyance.
“Why are you stalking me?” You replied quickly, swimming back a little away from him.
“Answering a question with a question? How original.” He scoffed, clearly frustrated.
“Besides, love, it's not stalking if you know I stalk you.” He added, swimming closer and towering over you with a piercing gaze.
Your attention shifted from him as you looked past his shoulder, ignoring him. The party seemed to fade away. People started to get back inside the house, and you noticed your friend standing afar, with their thumbs up in your direction. You rolled your eyes, smiled and waved at them. The smile instantly disappeared when Mattheo blocked your view with his face as he stared at you with narrowed eyes. Your fluttering legs brushed against his in the water as he enclosed your body, making you almost flip into the water.
"What do you want, Mattheo?" You scowled at him, lifting your face closer to his.
He leaned to your ear, pressing his cheek to yours, and your hands reached simultaneously to hold on to his shoulders and balance yourself. His fingers clasp your waist, squeezing his thumb under your ribs. At this point, you could hear your heart pounding as soon as you felt his warm breath against your wet skin.  
"Just one chance," He emphasized each word, sliding his hand down to grasp your hip, slowly guiding you towards the pool wall.
"One? With your reputation?" You teased him. The cold tiles touched your back. Your fingers reach to take hold of the pool border.
He snickered at you as he placed both hands on the pool border edge, trapping you between his arms.
Your fingers wrap around his wrist to keep yourself afloat in the water. Your legs were entangling around him, skimming your toes against his skin. His eyes stop at your parted lips to watch them tremble as he pushes his knee mercilessly between your thighs, pressing where you crave him right now, drawing a weak moan out of you. Your eyes dart at his widened pupils, digging your nails into his arm. He presses his forehead on yours, grazing his lips over yours, starving to taste them again.
"Is that a yes then?"  He whispered while pressing his knee harder, letting it glide and rub your clit.
"Yes," You whine and feel your cheeks flushing from the throbbing feel at your core, and you can't deny and lie to yourself any longer.
You give in and wrap your hand at the back of his neck, letting your fingers tangle in his wet hair, slowly but desperately moving your hips back and forth against his thigh as you try to maintain yourself on him, but the water keeps pushing you up.
“Fuck.” you whine in frustration when you lose the built friction against your needy clit.
“Do you need help, princess?” He asked sarcastically, with a dark smirk as he watched your pathetic attempts to ride him.
He exhaled a sharp breath when you slid your thigh purposely between his to feel his shaft through the swim trunks. You whimpered, dragging your nails along his shoulders, begging him with your eyes since your brain can't form and use words anymore.
"I missed those sweet noises so fucking much." He said with a low grunt in his throat before crushing on your lips. His hand firmly gripped your butt, locking you on his thigh and rocking you back and forth faster.
You moaned at his lips, pulling away from them at the moment you felt yourself getting closer to bursting. He groaned and panted from the friction of your thigh grinding against his hard cock, knuckles white from his grip on the pool border.
Your breathing stuttered against his ear, with your arms tightening around him, whining as you shudder and come on his tight, riding the orgasm until your legs go limp, letting them float in the water. Mattheo holds you firmly as you catch your breath, nuzzling at your neck.
“We are settling this in my room while I rip that bikini off you and teach you to answer my questions.” He threatens, holding the side of your face to face him.
You stared at him, fluttering your eyelashes with your mouth parted. You could only nod a yes with your head.
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✧ feel free to ask if you want to be added to the taglist 🖤
✨ taglist: @queenshu
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gay-impressionist · 1 year
that moment when you're at the cinema, watching a hitchcock movie, and there is a scene where a cop picks up a woman's purse and puts it on his arm as he walks away (he needs to take it to the station - whatever) and his superior immediately stops him, exclaiming that he can't walk around like that, he'd get arrested ! 😯
and the audience laughed. more than at any other joke.
and i was just. sitting in my seat. listening to my peers laugh at queerness. laugh at me – at us. as if we were still in 1954.
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neptuneiris · 1 year
cardigan (02/03)
tried to change the ending, Peter losing Wendy.
pairing: modern!aemond × best friend reader!
summary: being in love with your best friend since high school becomes a strong and unavoidable feeling. until it starts to become more difficult when you get to college and the two of you, especially him, meet new people.
word count: 8.4k
previous part • next part • series masterlist
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As you're looking down at yourself, making sure there's nothing out of place, you just hear the loud sound of Sara inhaling deeply which makes you startle and you watch her quickly in panic.
hello! i just want to say that i can't believe how much you guys loved the first part. the story just exploded hehe. I'm so grateful for that, for your support and your opinions, I didn't think it would happen so soon, thank you very much.
i wanted to give you part two after such a quick acknowledgement and support, truly thank you so much and also let me know what you think of this second part please, i love reading and responding to you. enjoy!
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"You like this one?"
"No fucking way, Y/N! You look amazing!"
And at that moment you can feel the color come back to your face and you calm down.
"Come here!" she asks you excitedly, "I want to take a closer look."
You stand in front of her and turn on your own axis to get a better look at yourself in the large full-length mirror, instantly liking what you see.
Last year your dress for the Targaryen ball was red. And you don't usually repeat colors. So now you've chosen a deep ocean blue dress.
Which is Aemond's favorite color.
"This is the one, definitely."
"Really?" you put your hair behind your shoulders, watching you carefully, "Is this one better than the last one?"
"In my opinion the style is better."
You've tried on dresses of the same color in different styles before and honestly… you liked this one better than the others.
It's a long dress open at an angle exposing your left leg. It has no neckline, is strapless and shimmers in a metallic shade beautifully.
This is it.
You think definitely more convinced than ever as you look in the mirror after a few more inspections. You'll shine brighter with your hair and makeup done, you know it and you know you'll look beautiful. That's why you can't wait for the day to come.
You can't wait for Aemond to see you.
"And why did you choose this color?"
"Because it's Aemond's favorite color and it will match his sapphire."
"Oh yes," says Sara in a reminiscent tone, "I had forgotten that detail about your best friend."
"His sapphire eye?"
"But if that's precisely why everyone at the university knows him."
"They also know him for his hair and for apparently having come from the very palace of the Greek gods, don't forget," she says, also amused.
You let out a small laugh.
"Yeah, it's true."
After a little silence between the two of them where they inspect the dress, Sara stirs a little and seems to fight against herself to say what she wants to say. Until she grimaces and nerves invade her as she speaks.
"Listen Y/N…" she says cautiously, "It's not that I want to be nosy or anything, in fact I don't like to know people's things about things like…" she bites the inside of her cheek "That seem very delicate" she says finally "And it's that I'm very curious, I—
"You're a gossip, Sara," you remind him in an amused tone, interrupting her.
"Well… yeah, it's true, who am I kidding," she nods in acknowledgment, shrugging her shoulders and you laugh.
"You want to know what happened to Aemond's eye?"
"Yes," she murmurs, almost embarrassed, "But it's just out of curiosity and if it's something very personal then I understand."
You take a long breath and look away from the mirror to observe her.
"Yes, it's very personal," you tell her, "I can only tell you that it was a horrible accident that happened to him as a kid. He still finds it a little difficult to talk about it, even with his mother and sister."
"Yes, of course," Sara nods sympathetically, "In fact something like that I had imagined."
You nod too, sympathetically, thinking about it.
"At first, when I met Aemond in high school and we started our friendship, he didn't want to tell me," you confess, "It's not as if I insisted on the matter, of course not... but he knew I was curious about it. And it wasn't until after he was sure that I wasn't a fake friend, as I was with him, that we both confided a lot of things to each other until he told me about his accident."
"How old was he?" she ask attentively and curiously.
"Barely ten."
Sara raises her eyebrows in surprise with a face of pity.
"Ten?" she repeats in a murmur, "Wow. I can't even imagine. It must have been pretty awful, huh?"
"It was," you assure her.
You know Aemond has only told about what happened to you and a guy who was his best friend in high school, who now that guy got into another college in another state.
And what happened was that Aemond defended his little nephew, Luke, from some boys who were picking on him and wanting to almost beat him up at school.
But the blows went to Aemond who had to defend himself as best he could against four boys even a little bigger than he was at the time.
Then one of the boys did not measure his strength, hit him and pushed him too, and because of the push Aemond fell on top of a net of wires that made up a small garden in the huge backyard of the school.
They didn't even let him get up, so Aemond also hurt some parts of his body.
And out of desperation, before he could try to do anything, another one of the boys hit him in the face and that's when a piece of wire ripped his eye as he turned his head towards the wires from the blow.
When Aemond was telling you everything, you didn't even know what to say.
And the best punishment the bully boys could have received was to have been expelled. But it wasn't enough for Aemond and his family. They had taken his eye and that was 'justice'.
Luckily his whole family supported him and was there for him through the whole difficult process of doctors appointments, therapies, medications and so on.
His uncle Daemon especially made sure he received the best possible treatment with the best doctors and nurses while his older sister, Rhaenyra, searched for solutions to his lost eye along with his mother.
"And why does he have that sapphire? Didn't he think about a prosthesis or something like that?"
"As a kid, all he wanted was to recover and cope with the physical and emotional pain, and also to get used to his only right sight," you explain, "And then he told me he was thinking about it, but it's been a long time. Maybe he has already got used to the sapphire."
"And it doesn't hurt him?" asks Sara curiously, thoughtfully.
"No, he always has his appointments with the ophthalmologist," you let her know, "I guess the sapphire is to maintain an appearance. Kind of like what rich people do."
"Oh, of course," Sara nods with more understanding, "It makes perfect sense vonsidering how exaggeratedly rich he and his family are."
You let out a small laugh, turning to look at yourself in the mirror at the beautiful dress.
"Yes, they are," you murmur, "Are you sure your aunt will let me pay her weekly?" you ask, looking at her again a little worried.
"I already told you yes, Y/N. Stop worrying," she says amused.
"But she already knows?" you ask distrustful.
"Yes, she knows," she assures you for the eighth time, "She just said that by the time you decide to stop paying for it for one reason or another, there is no refund and you have to return the dress. And if you tear it, stain it or something, you pay extra."
"Oh, I'm not worried about that," you make a nonchalant gesture, "I'm definitely going to finish paying for it."
You think about how the dress is so beautiful that it doesn't deserve to be worn for just one occasion. You can wear it to another event, not necessarily just the ball.
And after you've picked out the last dress, you both leave the dressing room, secure everything for payment, and Sara takes you home and you both say goodbye saying you will see each other tomorrow in class.
When you arrive at the apartment, only Vhagar greets you, to which you assume that Aemond must still be in class or with his girlfriend.
So you decide to take Vhagar with you to your room to do some homework and wait for Aemond to arrive to have dinner together.
And by the time you finally hear his arrival at the apartment, you take Vhagar in your arms and leave your room to ask him how his day was and what he wants for dinner tonight to see if it matches what you want.
But the words get stuck in your throat the moment you see him and your eyes meet his, watching him in shock, definitely not expecting this.
And at your reaction of saying nothing and continuing to stare at him in disbelief, he lets out a small laugh as he runs a hand through his neck and hair.
"What do you think?"
And that's when you seem to remember how to talk.
"No way," you mutter, "Are you fucking kidding?"
"As I understand it, your head can't grow, Y/N. At least not at this age," he tells you amused.
"Shit," you say still in disbelief, "It looks fucking amazing, Aemond!" you finally react with a huge smile.
He has cut his hair.
His fucking long hair is now short and he looks so ridiculously good, like it's not an everyday thing, as well as he looks even better than before and even... sexy.
And in an instant you're all over him, running your fingers through now his short, silky, still straight hair with some waves at the ends that now point slightly upwards.
Even his face, his figure, his sapphire, everything about him looks better than before just because of a haircut.
"Why didn't you tell me?" you ask, still surprised and puzzled, with a small smile.
"I wanted it to be a surprise," he says with a smile, "What do you say, do you really like it?"
"I love it," you confess, "Even you, everything about you—
You stop, not wanting to look nervous, not wanting to insinuate your true feelings for him through his new appearance.
That's why you think very well what you will say before you speak, controlling yourself not to say anything too much.
"Well... it looks better," you finally say.
"Thank you, pretty one."
He smiles at you and you melt at the sight of his expression, simply because of the gesture accompanied by his new cut, so you couldn't be more ridiculous, but you can't help it either.
You find it so attractive and so striking the way you watch his dimples form and look, even they so damn good, again, because of his new haircut.
"I hope Alys likes it too."
You bite your lips, not wanting to focus on his comment at the mention of his girlfriend.
"And why did you decide to cut it?" you ask not to talk about her, acting nonchalant but still feeling surprised.
"I thought it would be a good idea to cut it for the ball," he confesses, "It's this weekend and I thought I'd do it now because I knew I wouldn't do it later."
You both laugh, as that is very Aemond Targaryen and you both know it.
"Well, I'm glad to hear that," you say with a small smile, "I've got everything ready for the ball too."
"Oh really?" he raises his eyebrows, interested, "Now what color dress did you choose?"
"Nope. No details."
You turn away from him in an instant and head to the fridge to finally make dinner, because you know if he keeps looking at you and talking like that, you'll end up showing him everything.
"Oh come on, Y/N."
"I'm so sorry but you'll have to wait for the day."
"Are you serious?" he asks you.
"Even your new haircut isn't going to convince me."
He certainly says with a disappointed tone and you let out a laugh.
"Be patient, Aemond. Now..." You look at him, "What do you want for dinner?"
You and Aemond talk about what his mother has told him she has planned this time for the ball with his sister Rhaenyra while you prepare dinner and listen to him at the same time. And when everything is ready, you both watch a movie in the living room.
And the next morning, Aemond Targaryen with his new haircut is all you hear about even among all the girls in your apartment. Even something as simple as a haircut drives them all crazy. Even you.
But that it's already a real topic of conversation is amazing.
And the next few days are really stressful for you, also for Aemond, as you have to push your respective careers forward with homework and projects.
In fact the week is so busy that you barely have time for breakfast in the morning as you have to rush to the university. Aemond also told you that he was very busy with the same thing.
But it's worth it.
You tell yourself even in every break that you actually make use of to continue doing more homework.
And for you there is no better motivation than knowing that by the time the week is over, you will finally be free and the ball will be a great way to finally relax and have fun with your best friend.
And you honestly can't wait.
However, you were not prepared to hear what Aemond says to you the day before the ball when you arrive at the apartment and he is already there, apparently waiting for your arrival.
And you knew it wouldn't be good what he would say to you the moment you see the sadness, worry and sorrow in his eyes as he watches you.
"My family wants to meet Alys."
He tells you and then says nothing for a few more seconds, looking away from you, running a hand through his hair, frustrated, to which you already know what he will probably tell you.
"And I couldn't think of any better occasion than to take her with me to the ball so everyone can meet her."
And her words stab like a dagger into your heart, shattering it into little pieces.
And he speaks to you so softly, so carefully and so sorrowfully at the same time while you want to believe it's a damn joke and he's really not doing this to you.
"I'm so sorry, my pretty one," he looks at you with all the anguish in his eyes for your reaction, worried, "Could you do me this favor, just this once, please?"
Do him the favor?
You repeat in your mind, just watching him without really having any expression in your look, because you don't want to make him see that he has broken you with this news and this suddenly change of plans.
And his next words only make you feel worse for your lack of response, with him wanting to make the situation better, as if it were possible.
"You could still come, you know. I'll be with Alys, but Helaena or Aegon can keep you company and eventually I'll try to be around you as well."
"I'm not taking Alys."
He had said.
"This ball belongs to both of us, it always has. And I'm not going to break the tradition."
He had promised you.
And you say to yourself: he is asking you this as a favor. It's just a ball and it's only fair that his escort should be his girlfriend. Don't bother, you shouldn't bother.
"I know you had everything ready and I know I shouldn't be telling you this a day early."
He continues saying to you with sorrow, and then he goes to you in a desperate action and takes your hands in his.
"But I promise you that I will make it up to you, I will—
Unable to stand it any longer, you take your hands from his, which makes him stop and look at you instantly, a little surprised and worried by your reaction.
And you again... you act unconcerned and like it's no big deal.
Mostly because you no longer want to keep listening to his promises that are worthless in the end, you also don't want to be around him right now and also because you want to end the matter once and for all.
"Okay, I understand."
You tell him with the best look you can put at that moment, really trying to pretend that everything is fine, almost convincing him, almost.
"Don't worry."
And without waiting for anything else, because you really want to get away from him, feeling that if he tells you something else you're really going to burst into tears right then and there, you walk past him and head to your room.
But he doesn't let you go so easily.
"Y/N..." He holds you by the shoulders, looking at you worriedly, "Talk to me, please."
You let out a small laugh, the fakest laugh you've ever let out, trying with all your might to make it okay.
"What do you want me to say? I told you it's okay."
Again you try to pass by him but he again stops you. And you let him.
You let him because you don't want him to see you bad, broken. You let him because if you get upset, if you let him see that he has broken you, you fear he will realize your true feelings.
And you don't want that now that he has a girlfriend and looks happy with her. So happy that she even managed to change his mind about taking her to the ball even though he told you he wouldn't because that ball belonged to the two of you.
And you don't want to ruin that for him if that's what he wants, you also don't want to make a big deal about the change of plans. You want to make him see that you're okay with it.
Again...you don't want to look sad and broken in front of him.
"I know you, Y/N," he says to you in a sad, apologetic soft voice, "I know you're not okay with me wanting to take her now because I told you I wouldn't, that this ball belongs to both of us," he lets out a long breath, "But I—
"I'm perfectly fine with it, Aemond," you interrupt him with the most nonchalant and fake look possible, "I mean... she's your girlfriend and it's only fair that you take her, right?"
And your words don't know why they make her feel worse when that's just what she needed from you: understanding.
But somehow it feels a hell of a lot worse that you're understanding him after he knows he promised you he wouldn't take her and you'd both go together.
"But you—
"Look... actually this is good," you lie, "Now I have a lot of homework to finish and also a big project due on monday. The weekend will help me to get everything done and delivered on time."
That's what you assure him even though this whole week you had worn yourself out getting everything ahead of schedule for next week so you could go to the ball and have fun without any more worries.
"Are you..." He looks at you suspiciously, "Are you sure?"
"Very," you say, putting on a small fake smile, "Now I just want to rest before I do everything."
He watches you for a few seconds with the softest and gentlest expression possible, still a little worried, while you watch him firmly back to show him that it's okay.
Even though it hurts like hell all this is happening.
"Well," he murmurs, looking away from you, nodding slightly, "Would you like me to make some dinner for the two of us? I can...
"No thanks," you cut him off, "I want to sleep, that's all."
And finally, carrying all your dignity with you, you head to your room, pretending that everything is fine and that you are fine.
But as you close the door to your room behind you, that's when all the appearance finally goes away and you allow yourself to really feel the way you feel.
And it makes it worse to see the beautiful dress on your bed, looking so spectacular, so ready to be worn, when you will no longer need it for the main occasion you decided to buy it and wanted to wear it for so badly.
Looking at it with longing and sadness, the first tears fall down your cheeks and you avoid letting out a sob as you bite your lips.
You would have preferred that Aemond told you about taking his girlfriend that day when you went to get the dress and then he came home with his new haircut. It would have been more preferable to telling you the day before the ball.
Either way, though, you know it would have destroyed you, just the same way you feel destroyed now.
That's why the next morning, you don't even leave your room. You don't want to and can't see Aemond knowing that today is the day it was supposed to be the two of you.
So you only leave your room when you make sure Aemond is in his room to grab something from the fridge and get back to your cave as quickly as possible.
Until the time of the ball gets closer and closer and you make sure your desk is full of sheets of your previous projects, pretending to be busy as you had told Aemond you would be.
Even his sister, Helaena, sends you an excited message asking if you will come tonight and with all the pain in your heart, you reply that you will not be able to come as you are too busy with homework and projects.
When Aemond knocks on your bedroom door and calls you from the other side. You quickly go to your desk, pretend to be busy with the sheets, tell him to come in and he does.
"I'm leaving now, pretty one."
"Okay, have fun," you say in the best possible tone, without looking at him.
You really don't want to look at him.
"I will probably come here to sleep, I don't think I'll stay anywhere else, just to let you know," he says in a soft and cautious tone, still a little worried about yesterday.
"Yeah, that's fine."
A few seconds of silence and then you hear him let out a sigh.
"Are you sure you don't want to come? You know Helaena and my brothers will be there. I can wait for you to leave."
You bite the inside of your cheek, annoyed that he's suggesting this again, when you shouldn't be.
You know he means well, but it bothers you, it hurts you. How does he think you'll want to go to the ball after changing your plans?
"I have a lot to do," you answer briefly.
And again you hear another one of his sighs.
"Okay," he murmurs.
But he doesn't leave immediately, you hear how he is still at your door and you feel his penetrating gaze, as if he is asking you for forgiveness, but you don't even look at him.
You can't and you don't want to.
You think that if he tries to talk about it again, you'll tell him how busy you are so he won't do it.
But fortunately you only hear him let out a long breath and finally close the door to your room. And the next thing you hear are his footsteps and then the apartment door opening and closing.
The next few days after what happened between you and Aemond at the ball are again like you didn't want them to be.
But it seems that the ball was an important point that broke between you and Aemond and again he and you don't spend time together anymore. It's only in the mornings when you both see each other for breakfast, but there isn't even a conversation for the time being.
There are no more movie weekends, no more going to a restaurant for breakfast on some weekends, and no more going to the grocery store together.
However, the agreement remains that he takes care of everything financially and you take care of the food, laundry and cleaning.
Still, it's as if you live alone.
Suddenly Aemond stopped coming to the apartment less and less, as well as he has stopped sleeping here constantly anymore.
Sometimes there are not even any more of his clothes to wash, mostly because they are still clean or because he takes them away or has left them somewhere else, with Alys obviously.
All the food is finished by you since he barely eats breakfast or dinner here. And the few times you've gotten to talk, there's been no mention of the ball at all.
And you can tell, as he also shows, that he seems to be very busy with his classes and also with his girlfriend.
He still pay for the electricity, water and everything you need, you know he does, but he's not even here. Now it's like you totally take care of Vhagar, which you don't complain about, but she's supposed to be his dog because you gave her to him.
And even though things are tense between you, you still can't help but feel sad and lonely every time you realize that he didn't even get to sleep and on weekends you're all alone.
Whenever you text him asking where he is or why he didn't get to sleep, he always replies the same thing: Alys. He apologizes for not telling you but still never tells you.
Now you sleep in the apartment all alone, with only Vhagar's company every day. And even though it hurt you a lot about the ball, you still miss your best friend very much.
You missed him the most especially when a nasty storm hit King's Landing at night and lasted all morning until six o'clock.
You hate storms and Aemond also knows that you are afraid of them.
That night you couldn't sleep at all, you were curled up hiding under your sheets, hugging Vhagar as your only comfort, hoping that everything would pass soon.
The next morning you couldn't go to class due to lack of sleep and Aemond didn't even show up at the apartment.
Until one night, saturday at one o'clock in the morning, you heard the sound of the door and his footsteps in the living room and kitchen.
And ready to talk to him about how you've been feeling these past few days, as well as the fact that you practically live here alone, you head out of your room.
But you stop just as you open a crack in your door when you hear and realize that he is not alone.
"We should have arrived at my house, Aemond."
"We talked about this, Alys."
"But she's always here. I don't understand why she never goes out with friends or anything."
"I told you she's not that type."
You could have closed the door and gone to sleep with the idea of talking about what you had in mind with him another day, but you stay still when you hear that they are talking about you.
And what Alys says next only makes you stand stiller and listen more attentively.
"Oh my love... Are you still worried about her?"
You sharpen your ear more, attentive and confused.
Worried about me?
You repeat in your mind not understanding, willing to listen more, even though you shouldn't but still you do.
"I'm not worried. I'm just thinking about her."
"You are worried, Aemond," Alys repeats in affirmation and in a serious tone, "What I don't understand is why if the ball was two weeks ago."
"I know," you hear him mutter, "But still, you should have seen her face... she already had everything ready and I told her a day before that I wouldn't take her with me."
"But she told you it was okay, didn't she?"
"Yeah, but..." sigh, "In a way it felt much worse that she understood."
Alys lets out a snort.
"Of course she must have understood, my love," she says obviously, "I'm your girlfriend, not her."
You press your lips together, thinking that it didn't even cross your mind that he was still thinking about the ball when he doesn't even see you and isn't even here.
You don't fully understand but you do have an idea that after the ball, maybe he needed to distance himself from you and that's why you haven't seen each other anymore and he doesn't come to the apartment.
Maybe he felt really bad about himself for killing your illusion of going to the ball together, like every year.
But if he feels so bad, then why did he do it?
You ask yourself with some bitterness.
Apparently Alys was more convincing to him and it's okay, she's his girlfriend, but he's just feeling bad after it's all over.
"You care a lot about her and it's ridiculous, Aemond. As ridiculous as it is that she lives here and doesn't give you a single penny."
And then again her words catch your attention more than ever and you continue listening attentively, with your face falling because of her words.
"Alys..." he calls out to her in a tired tone, "I already explained that to you."
"But even so," she insists with an absurd tone, "Won't she be ashamed? She's your best friend and she doesn't even think about helping you a little?"
"She does help me and you know it."
"I mean financially."
"Her parents send her what money they can for college. She buys food and also buys what she needs for her classes and other necessities."
"Oh, so not only she doesn't help you with money, but also her parents?"
"Hasn't she even thought about getting a job?"
"Yes, but I told her that it wasn't necessary, that she could help me with the domestic and I could help her with the money without charging her anything."
"Are you serious?"
"She's my best friend, Alys. I'm the one who convinced her to live with me because I wanted her to."
"No, Aemond. It wasn't because you wanted to. It was because you pity her."
Your heart skips a beat and you open your lips and listen in surprise, beginning to feel that sharp pain in your chest as it hurts to hear those words.
"No," he says firmly, "It's never been like that."
"Oh please, don't fool yourself," she insists, "Y/N is not like you and me...her family has no money and from what you've told me, she's always been on scholarship in everything."
"Not everyone can have what we have, Alys," he says incredulously, "Besides, why would I care if she has money or not? Other people like us are really distasteful and don't have even a shred of humility, sincerity and trustworthiness like she has."
"I don't see it that way. I think she's so different and you feel so sorry for her that you've made it easy for her by putting her in an apartment like this because you know she and her family don't have the resources."
"That's what you think. But she and I both know that's not true."
He says with a confident tone and yes, it is true.
Alys at this moment made you doubt, a lot, because of the venom he was spitting out every word and for speaking so confidently about how he really feels about you.
But you never felt that Aemond treated you, since their friendship began, with pity.
"She has always been there for me and never with the intention of taking advantage of me for what I have. Not for nothing is she my best friend and you know how selective I am with my friends."
You hear the long sigh she lets out, to which you must think she has an irritated face.
"Well, if you say so," she says bitterly, "Still, isn't it annoying that she's always here? She doesn't go out to parties, she has no friends but you, and whenever we come here we can't even have the privacy we'd like because she's locked in her room."
"This is her house too."
"She's not a child anymore, Aemond. You should tell her to get a job and an apartment of her own or live in the dorm now. Tell her you want your own space now."
"It's not even a year since we've been living together, Alys."
"So, if I tell you in one more year that we want us to live together, will she live with both of us too?
"Of course not."
He answers instantly in an absurd low tone and again you feel your heart break at his words because of how quickly he answered and in what tone.
And you can't blame him, those are plans with his girlfriend, you have nothing to do there. But you can't help it and it really hurts because you will never be her.
"Look... I admit that I do wish I could have more privacy and also that she would go out to have fun and meet new people... I even want to get here with you and she's not here."
You feel the tears start to form in your eyes, but you bite your lips and control yourself.
"But I can't just tell her that I want to live alone now and give her to understand that I want her to leave. And I really don't want her to leave, not like this," he say honestly, "Not when things are still tense between us," he sighs, "She's my best friend and I love her. I don't want to hurt her anymore. I really want to make things right with her."
And as if everything Aemond had just said wasn't relevant to Alys, she says the following with every intention of it actually happening someday soon.
"What if the two of us go live together somewhere else?"
And the few seconds of silence afterwards on Aemond's part you know is from his confusion.
"If you don't want to hurt her, fine, let her keep living here so you can feel good about yourself by continuing to help her."
You frown, really hating and feeling annoyed with his girlfriend's words.
"Then we can look for another apartment to live together," she proposes and you feel your heart shrink, "It doesn't have to be now, but later, but really do it, what do you think?"
You don't hear anything again for a few seconds, wanting to hear Aemond's answer while your heart beats hard against your chest.
"Please, baby. I want to live with you. I want to do many things with you."
And in that moment you know it's enough as you hear them start kissing and you finally, carefully, close the door and lie back down on your bed, holding back the tears.
Not wanting to hear anything promising out there, you put on your headphones and try to sleep with this ugly pain in your chest.
You shouldn't have listened to that conversation between the two of them, but you couldn't help it. But after listening to them, staring for a few moments at the ceiling of your room, broken, you make the decision you had thought about before but were not sure about.
And that is that you will fulfill Alys' wish... you are going to look for a job and you are going to ask for a doorm in the residence.
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The following days after hearing Aemond's conversation with his girlfriend, continue the same.
Aemond still doesn't show up much at the apartment, the two of you don't talk much, he is always with Alys and you start looking for jobs near the university without success.
When you don't find anything, the days of searching get longer because the ones that are available are far away from your area and others don't apply for you because they ask for experience.
And at the same time you try not to let everything you heard that night affect you by keeping busy with college.
You also try not to let it affect you that Aemond said he wanted to make things right between you but he still doesn't see you and doesn't show up because he's with Alys.
You really don't understand.
That's why you continue to look for a job as it hurts you that you are practically living alone in a big apartment like this when before it wasn't like this and you enjoyed Aemond's company.
Now it's just you and Vhagar.
Then one afternoon when you come home from school and finish feeding Vhagar and start preparing food for yourself, suddenly the door opens and Aemond enters with a soft look, instantly observing you.
"Hello, pretty one."
You try not to look surprised and confused by his arrival, so you just don't let his nickname affect you and smile a little, just a little, in his direction.
He smiles a little more at you as his gaze turns to Vhagar who runs excitedly to greet him.
"Hello to you too my little one," he says tenderly and you see how he takes her in his arms, "I missed you."
You look away from him to continue cooking, not wanting to talk and preferring to ignore him in the same way he seems to ignore you by not showing up or sleeping here anymore, leaving you and Vhagar alone.
You want to know why he has suddenly appeared, but you control yourself from asking. Just as you tell yourself that you don't plan to say anything to him about moving into the dorm until you secure a job.
"What are you cooking?"
You hear him ask you as he approaches you.
"Fillet," you reply briefly.
"Do you mind if I ask you to cook one for me?" He asks with some care.
"No," you answer simply.
You really don't want to be rude to him, after all, this is your agreement, so you cook a fillet for him, waiting to serve everything.
"Do you have something to do today?"
He asks you suddenly and you continue cooking, without looking at him.
"Homework," you answer, "Why?"
"Ah... some classmates are coming to prepare an presentation we have tomorrow," he lets you know and you finally turn to look at him, "I hope you don't mind."
"No, it's fine," you assure him, turning your back on him again, "I'll be in my room, you know."
"Of course."
You continue cooking and he seems to be waiting for his food, so you don't say anything, mostly because you don't have anything to say.
You feel his gaze on you at almost all times, which you deliberately ignore, trying not to make a big deal of it.
When you start serving and finally turn your face to him to place the plates and also the glasses, feeling more firmly his gaze on you.
And as soon as he says your name you knew he wasn't watching you silently for nothing, but because he was fighting himself to talk to you about something that had him in doubt.
"I know I haven't been around much..." he starts to say and you avoid letting out a sigh of irritation, "And I also know that I've left you alone with Vhagar—
"Yes, I know," you interrupt him in a nonchalant tone, "And that's okay, you have things to do and honestly so do I, believe it or not," you say quickly and then open the refrigerator, "Do you want soda or juice?"
Your clear disinterest for not wanting to talk about it makes Aemond stop talking and watch you in silence, feeling a little guilty for your attitude.
But you continue to watch him expectantly for an answer and he gives it to you after a few seconds of silence.
You nod and start filling the glasses. And at that, Aemond doesn't insist on the matter and simply remains silent, waiting for you to start eating together.
But he can't be like this anymore. He really wants to make things right and that's why he mentions the next:
"Don't think I forgot your birthday."
He says in an attempt to finally calm the tension between the two of you as you turn and hand him the glass and then take a seat in front of him.
"You don't?" you say almost sarcastically, almost.
"Of course not," she assures you, "It's this Friday. Aren't you excited?"
"Not really," you say honestly, "I have a project due that friday that has been causing me a lot of stress. I don't want to get a grade that isn't worth all the effort."
"Oh come on, you always get the best grades," he says with a small smile, "Don't worry, you'll see, everything will be fine."
And the next thing he does is to place his hand on top of yours to give it a gentle squeeze as he always used to do before in situations like these, just like you do with him.
At this, you try not to fall for him and his gestures, so you just nod thanking him with your eyes for his support and start eating, just like him.
"And what are your plans? Tell me," he asks you interested.
"Mmm..." You grimace, "In the morning I don't have much planned, just to talk to my parents," you confess, "After class my friends said they wanted to take me to a restaurant and at night to go out partying but... I'm still not sure about that."
"About what?"
"The party."
He takes a sip of his soda and looks at you confidently.
"Let's go."
"Where to?"
"The party."
"You want to go?" you frown.
"Of course I do," he says with a smile, "I want to celebrate and have fun with you on your birthday."
You raise your eyebrows expectantly at him.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, come on, I'll take you," he says more confidently than before, "In fact, since you won't be doing much in the morning, I could buy a cake for both of us, give you your present and I don't know, go out or watch a movie," he proposes, "Just me and you. Then I'll see you in the night and we'll go out and party."
So, for all that confidence in talking, even with that determination and that excitement in talking about making plans together on your birthday... you shouldn't but again you feel that hope come back to you.
That same spark and hope when he told you about the ball and in the end he did the complete opposite of what he promised you.
But this time... they are both talking about your birthday. You know and you know that he knows you're not just talking about anything.
That's why you stop feeling that little bitterness and forget about the conversation you overheard, you also stop considering going to live in the dorm because he just gives you hope.
"What do you say? Do you like the plan?" he observes you with a little excited smile.
And without being able to help it, you also smile softly in his direction, feeling how that emptiness in your chest fills up, leaving you feeling alone and ignored.
So you nod your head, avoiding showing too much of your happiness and illusion.
And after you both finish eating, before his classmates arrive, you both make yourselves comfortable on the couches and talk about almost everything while Vhagar keeps you company.
And because of this, you feel more of that hope, that companionship that you had needed so much from him and finally everything is okay.
Everything feels okay.
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All the following days, both Aemond and you go back to the old routine where you don't see each other as much and don't talk much.
But at least there is that feeling that between you everything is already fine and there are plans in place for the weekend that you couldn't be more excited and anxious about.
You've already planned everything with your friends as well, so it's sure to be a perfect day.
Until finally friday arrives and you expect to wake up to Aemond making a big fuss with that happy birthday children's song.
However, it doesn't.
You wake up to a chill in your room and also in the whole apartment when you realize that Aemond is not here. You check to see if he has left you a note or a text but nothing.
Instantly you think to yourself that he must be getting that cake he promised you, so you take a shower and get ready for the day.
Then you get congratulations from your friends and other family members. You even talk to your parents who are in your little town, Stone Hedge, in the Riverlands, working hard to support your studies.
And then when you finish getting ready, Aemond still doesn't show up, so you call him but he doesn't answer, you also send him messages but nothing.
[You]: I'll be waiting for you until 12PM. I have my class at 1PM.
And you send the message, wishing and hoping he'll be here soon.
Until the hours go by, he still doesn't answer, doesn't even return your calls, doesn't tell you anything and there definitely comes a time when you can't wait for him anymore.
And you control yourself. You don't want to think anything bad. You tell yourself that maybe something important came up at school.
So you stay positive, tell yourself that he will explain when you see him tonight, and leave the apartment to go to the university.
The moment you walk into your classroom, your friends greet you with big hugs, flowers and helium balloons wishing you happy birthday, which definitely lifts your mood.
And even more so when you turn in the most stressful project you've done so far in your entire career and with all the happiness and excitement in the world you see how you get graded with an A+.
And your friends are quick to say that it's all the more reason to celebrate tonight.
When the class is over, along with Aileen, Sara, Ryan and Ryan's friend James, you head to the restaurant they told you they wanted to take you to.
There they all order a bottle of wine and toast to your birthday and also to their good grades in this final project they handed in. Even the restaurant's employees bring you a small cake and together they sing happy birthday to you, feeling very nice.
Although unconsciously, you keep thinking about Aemond.
From time to time you check your phone to see if there are any answers from him yet, but nothing. So you really try not to think about him too much and fortunately, with the help of your friends, you succeed.
Until it starts to get dark and everyone says they should get ready to go to one of the many fraternity parties.
Ryan takes you with James to your house and expecting to see Aemond at the apartment, you arrive and no one is there except Vhagar.
You let out a long breath and call him one more time but nothing, so not to be late you get ready for the party.
You're hopeful that Aemond will eventually arrive, but even when you finish getting ready, nothing. And you know he won't show up or he would have already.
But there is still a little hope.
You think, confident and positive, because it is your birthday.
You ask Sara to pick you up and soon you are both arriving at the party where you meet your other friends who have also brought friends.
"What about your best friend, is he coming?"
Aileen asks you over the music and you, still wanting to feel confident, nod.
"Yeah, he might be a little late."
She nods and takes you to the kitchen to play with the other party games before everything here becomes a mess with so many people and louder music.
And you get distracted for a moment as you start to play and have some fun with the games.
You realize that you're actually having a great time despite Aemond's absence, but you still want to see him since it's your birthday.
That's why after a few hours have passed, the party is getting more crowded and everyone is starting to drink more, you check your phone and there's still nothing from him.
You turn away from everyone for a moment to call him but he doesn't answer. You look at the time and realize that it will be eleven o'clock at night and feeling a little worried now, you send him more messages.
[You]: where are you?
[You]: i have been trying to talk to you all day.
[You]: will you at least come to the party?
You let out a long, disappointed breath, yet you tell yourself that he couldn't have forgotten about your birthday, he just didn't.
He made the plans, he promised you a fun day, he said you two would be together.
But then... where is he?
As you walk back to the house, across the entire backyard, you finally feel your phone vibrate several times and you stop to turn the screen back on again, hopeful.
However... you wish you had not.
[aem❣]: sorry for not responding, I was busy all day with alys and we just finished having dinner with her parents.
[aem❣]: party?
And that's all he tells you.
So surprised and incredulous, somehow already expecting it since he didn't show up in the morning you think it can't be.
You can't really believe it and you wish you were so wrong but... it's the truth.
He forgot your birthday.
Your best friend really has forgotten your fucking birthday.
He doesn't tell you anymore, he doesn't say happy birthday, he doesn't apologize for his absence on your birthday, he just doesn't tell you anything.
He just asks you that, with that question being reason enough to give you to understand that he has forgotten the whole plan and your birthday.
And you don't cry.
You really don't want to cry. He doesn't deserve it.
So you avoid breaking down at that moment and just put your phone on silent to put it in your little bag, holding back the tears and enduring this huge sharp pain in your chest.
When that's when you decide you've had enough.
It's still eleven o'clock, you have one more hour to enjoy your birthday, then you'll have fun for the rest of the party and tomorrow you'll have time to feel bad about what your so-called best friend has done to you.
But this is not going to ruin what's left of your birthday.
So you suppress everything, mentally prepare yourself and go back to the party more confident and determined than ever to have fun with your friends who are here.
And that's what you do.
But after this, enough will definitely be enough.
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@hey-lucille @queenofshinigamis @winxschester @xcinnamonmalfoyx @ladymarg0t @yazzzmints @namoreno @wintrr13 @fan-goddess
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jae-bummer · 2 months
The Stranger in 43B
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Prompt: You move in next door and he tries his hardest to be a good neighbor while you try your hardest to be left alone.
Pairing: Ateez Park Seonghwa x Reader
Genre: Fluff
Song rec while you're reading: Close - Han
Putting your hands on your hips, you let out a sigh as you assessed the sight in front of you. Boxes upon boxes in leaning and teetering stacks were balanced haphazardly around the living area, all of them threatening to come down in an expensive game of dominoes at any moment.
You never realized just how much crap you owned until you moved.
"Hello?" a gentle voice called from your entryway.
Nearly tumbling into the stack of boxes closest to you, you spun in surprise. With your hands full as you came in, you forgot to kick the door closed behind you as you had done most of the morning.
"Uh..." you trailed, looking down the hall and into the face of someone you had never met.
Admittedly, he was handsome...but still, stranger danger.
"Neighbor," he smiled in explanation. Moving to take a step in, he stopped himself. His cheeks instantly began to blush pink. "May I?"
Anywhere you had lived, you had made a point to make yourself as small and insignificant as possible. You didn't want to rely on any of your neighbors for anything, and more importantly, you didn't want to be relied on. It was easier to be a lone wolf. Having to care for yourself and yourself alone was difficult enough in this modern hellscape.
You stared at him, unblinking. "Sure?"
So much for your survival instincts.
Smiling to himself, he gave a short nod before stepping just inside of your entryway. He lifted a plate into the air. "I heard we had a new neighbor moving in down the hall, so I made muffins."
"I'm allergic to blueberries," you blurted, trying not to wince at how loud the declaration came out.
He narrowed his eyes. "Good thing they're chocolate chip."
"Right," you laughed nervously, still making no move to come closer. "You really didn't have to go to the trouble."
"It was no trouble at all," he insisted. Was it just your imagination or did you see his smile become tighter? "I have housemates, so they're always eager for me to bake something and-"
"Oh, if you have roommates, you don't have to waste any food on me," you nodded. "Thank you though!"
"I'm Seonghwa," the stranger said, you assumed trying a different tactic for conversation. Honestly, you never really understood people who insisted on being friendly.
"Y/N," you nodded shortly, letting the conversation lapse into something awkward. Maybe if he felt uncomfortable he would leave.
No such luck.
"Do you need any help with boxes?" he asked, looking around the room with wide eyes. "No one should have to move by themselves."
"I work best alone," you said cheerfully, hoping he'd pick up on the hint.
"Oh," he hummed, pursing his lips. Sweeping one last gaze across your apartment, he let out a sigh. "I'll just set these on the counter then?"
"Really, you don't-"
"Please," he snapped before catching himself and letting his face fall into a serene smile again. "I insist."
"Counter is fine," you chirped, trying not to feel as if you were just chastised by a parent. "Thank you."
"No thanks needed," he affirmed, stepping gingerly between boxes and packing materials to get to the kitchen. Placing the plate on the counter, he turned back to face you. "Just return the plate whenever you have the chance."
As you were opening your mouth to tell him he could take the plate before he left, he was already giving a small wave and backtracking out of your apartment. "It was nice meeting you, Y/N. If you need anything, I'm just down the hall! Apartment 43B."
"Right," you croaked, watching him disappear around the corner into the hallway.
And that was how your relationship with Park Seonghwa of Apartment 43B began; awkwardly and against your will.
The day after he had broken into your apartment (been invited in) to poison you (give you muffins that were admittedly delicious), you waited until it was 2 AM the following day to covertly stalk down the hall and abandon the plate. You placed it in a shopping bag (you weren't going to leave someone else's dinnerware on the ground) and tiptoed toward his door.
Looking down at his welcome mat, you hissed out a laugh. Decorated in floral patterns, it noted in sprawling script "Bless Our Nest." You didn't even know him and somehow that was so on brand.
Depositing the bag in front of his door, you must have looked like a fool as you attempted to run quietly back toward your apartment. No one looked cool when they were trying to be sneaky, no matter how the spy movies made it seem.
Your shoulders scrunched up to your ears as you spun slowly toward the sound of Seonghwa's voice. "Why are you awake?"
He lifted his brows in amusement at your curt response. Waving his hand in the air, you saw he was holding a Nintendo Switch. "New Animal Crossing expansion dropped at midnight."
"How did you hear me?"
Crossing his arms, he leaned against the door frame. He eyed you up and down carefully. "I have a camera doorbell."
Glancing directly to the left of his elbow, you tried not to swear. He sure as shit did. You crossed your arms as well, trying to hide yourself from his appraising gaze.
"Why'd you come to the door then?" you managed, unsure of where to take this conversation.
"And miss this exciting game of twenty questions?" he grinned. "I'm not going to leave a Williams Sonoma plate for someone to steal."
You sighed, of course he owned expensive flatware.
"I didn't kno-"
"Of course you didn't," he grinned, lifting the bag from the ground. "I'm teasing you, Y/N."
You opened your mouth, unsure of what to say. It had been quite awhile since someone had bothered to banter with you.
"Why are you awake?" he countered, cocking a brow.
"Unpacking," you said quietly. You weren't going to admit that you had also been waiting for the Animal Crossing expansion.
"Thanks for bringing back my plate," he managed, biting his lip as he held your gaze a little too long. "I'm going to get back to it though."
"Right," you nodded. "Sorry for-"
"Goodnight, Y/N," he smiled genuinely, cutting off any apology.
Shutting the door softly between the two of you, you shook your head.
Of course that wouldn't be the last time you saw him. Against your best efforts, he became one of the constants in your routine. Whether it was fate or organized by his own design, you were constantly bumping into each other around your apartment building. Trash drop off? Seonghwa. Going to grab your mail? Seonghwa. Hopping in the elevator? Seonghwa.
Needless to say, you shouldn't have been surprised when a few weeks later, you heard a light knock on your door.
"Do you need any candles?" he asked, appearing in the doorway.
You furrowed your brows as you took him in. Already wearing pajamas at 8 PM (albeit a very expensive looking silk set) his arms were full to the brim with what appeared to be Yankee Candles. By all accounts, he was adorable, and you hated it.
"They're all the same scent," he attested. "So if you have more than one going at once, you won't get a headache."
"Seonghwa-" you began, completely confused by his appearance until another roll of thunder shook the complex and the lights above you began to flicker.
"I probably should have led with this," he chuckled. "But the power likes to go out at the smallest weather event."
Looking toward the ceiling, you grimaced. While you didn't mind bad weather, you did mind the power going out. Sure, you were an independent adult who could navigate the world alone, but as soon as the lights went out, you were on edge. It wasn't necessarily the dark that scared you, but the things in it that you couldn't see.
"I have lanterns somewhere..." you muttered, walking further into your apartment. You racked your brain, trying to remember which box you had packed them in. While you had most of your day to day items unpacked, there were still quite a few boxes waiting to be opened.
"I brought my lighter too in case you didn't have one," Seonghwa insisted, following you into the living area. He began to set the candles down on the makeshift coffee table you had created out of cardboard. "Let's get these lit before the-"
As if summoning it with his words, all noise halted around you as the power shuttered off.
"Lights go out."
"Shit," you whispered, standing as still as possible in the blackness that threatened to suffocate you.
With a light pop, the space was illuminated in a dull glow as Seonghwa's lighter flared to life.
"Thank god," you nearly cried as you watched him lean down to light the candles. For once, you could confidently say that you were thankful for your overly helpful neighbor.
"Hwa to the rescue!" he chimed, attempting to light the first candle, but the wick refused to catch. "Now why..."
You watched in horror as the lighter flickered out. As Seonghwa pressed the button again, it only clicked. "Oh, come on."
"Shit," you whispered into the darkness again. "Shit, shit, shit."
"No worry," he said confidently. "I'm sure it won't be out for long."
Feeling as if you were a piece of ice that had begun to melt, you slid toward the floor with a plop. "Shit."
You closed your eyes tightly, convinced that the blackness that hid behind your lids was safer than anything this apartment could provide.
"Y/N?" Seonghwa's gentle voice filled the silence, noting the obvious shift in atmosphere.
"Yep," you hissed. Your eyes were screwed shut, only cognizant of his movements by the noise of him shuffling around you. "I'm good."
"Are you sure?" he asked, this time much closer. You couldn't confirm, but it felt like he was crouched down in front of you. "You don't sound okay."
"I'm fine," you gritted out. "You can head back over to your place."
Even though the idea of being alone right now was terrifying, you didn't know if you were prepared for the level of vulnerability it took to show Seonghwa this part of you. That's why it was easier to push people away.
The pace of your breathing sped up, your body completely ignoring every therapist you had ever worked with. How could the room spin when your eyes weren't open?
"Hey, hey, hey, hey," Seonghwa cooed, pulling you into his arms without a second thought. "It's going to be okay."
Panicked breaths shuttered out of you as you allowed him to tuck you tightly into his chest.
"Crap, is this alright? I didn't ask permission to touch you, but also-"
You quickly nodded your head. "F-f-fine."
"Okay," he said, voice still calm. He began to run his hands over your hair, his fingers smoothing through the strands methodically. "Just breathe, Y/N. You're safe. I won't let anything happen to you."
You knew he wouldn't. While you had forced yourself to be annoyed at his mere presence, Seonghwa had done nothing but be there for you from the beginning.
"Let's breathe together, okay? Can you do that with me?"
You remained silent, already trying to focus on his breathing cadence.
"Good, you're doing so good," he hummed. "Are your eyes open, Y/N?"
"No," you choked out.
"Open your eyes," he whispered. "I've got you. Let them adjust to the dark. It's not so scary once you can kind of see what's going on."
You thought about arguing, but he hadn't steered you wrong yet. Your eyes fluttered open and you instantly began to breath easier. He was right. There was a slight glow coming from under the door, no doubt the apartment's emergency lights flared to life in the hallway. The windows also provided a bit of light on their own, the moon bright despite the clouds passing by.
"See," he cooed. "This isn't so bad."
You hadn't realized that you were white knuckling the fabric of his top and slowly released the smooth material. Setting your palm against his chest instead, it was more obvious when his own heartbeat sped up.
You thought back to every time you had bumped into your neighbor, every kindness he showed you just for you to push him away. What were you afraid of?
Leaning slightly away from Seonghwa, you tried to make out the outline of his face. it was easy to see his features this close, even cloaked in night.
It might have been the oxygen you had been depriving your brain, but it seemed like a great idea to kiss him.
"Hwa," you managed, your voice barely above a whisper.
His tongue skirted across his bottom lip, almost like an invitation.
Before you could talk yourself out of it, you pressed your lips lightly against his, barely a ghost of a kiss. Just as you began to pull away, you felt his mouth chase after yours. Another kiss, this one soft and sweet before he broke contact.
Maybe your fear was confusing itself for sexy feelings, but either way, mortification flooded in where butterflies had once been.
"Y/N?" he said quietly, his eyes searching your face. Even in the dark, they were so big and bright. His own expression was one of wonder.
"Sorry...was that...I didn't-" you stumbled over your words. He had been so conscious of asking for your permission to touch you earlier, and here you were, just thrusting your lips into his.
A small smile fought it's way onto his mouth. "I just wanted to make sure it was something you wanted...I don't want to take advantage-"
"No, I thought I was the one taking advantage-"
"No!" he laughed. "I'm not the one coming down from a panic attack."
"I thought...maybe I mistook your kindness and..."
"I think we're both fine then," he hummed, snuggling you in closer. "You know...you...you could do that again...maybe."
"Oh...I could?" you whispered, letting the amusement take place of the fear.
"Mhm," he hummed, his face coming even closer to yours. "It'll keep your mind busy until the power comes back on."
"You're such a thoughtful neighbor," you whispered.
"Dare you say...your favorite neighbor?"
"I dunno," you hummed. "Mrs. Huang in 41B is pretty high on my list."
"I bake waaaay better than Mrs. Huang," he grumbled, his lips still painfully close but still not on yours.
You pretended to think. "I suppose you're my favorite neighbor, but only by a little bit."
Lifting his hand to cup your cheek, he grinned. "Let me close the gap then."
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noyzinerd · 1 year
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I feel like Stiles and I share the unique trait of shamelessly enjoying our hobbies without embarrassment (which I highly recommend trying, by the way, it's very freeing).
I'd love to see a Sterek fic of Stiles emitting the same vibe as all these times I startled a laugh out of people (and/or became instantly endearing by just refusing to feel ashamed):
Stranger: What are you looking at?
Me: Teen Wolf fanfiction.
Stranger: *startled laugh* W-what?!
Me: What? Am I supposed to be embarrassed? I'm married in my 30s. Who do I have to impress?
Me, after finding where I placed my phone: Oop, wouldn't want anyone finding that.
Acquaintance: Ooooooo~ why? 😏 Are you hiding something?
Me: No. I just have a lot of porn on there.
Acquaintance: *shocked laughter*
[After 6 hours of silently listening to our permitted music at work]
New Gen Z coworker: Hey, what do you think about when you listen to music?
Me: Naruto fight scenes.
Coworker: *horrified wheeze* How can you just say that? I mean, yeah, we all think it, but you're not allowed to just say it out loud! That's how you get S.W.A.T-ted.
Me: Don't be jealous.
Coworker: I am, actually.
Stiles being sarcastic and witty is great and all, but Stiles answering honestly in complete deadpan I feel like is so much funnier.
Plus, the thought of Stiles startling a laugh out of Derek by just unapologetically living fearlessly gives my brain the happy chemicals.
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veltana · 10 months
Highest bidder - Steve Rogers x virgin!reader
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✦ Pairing: Steve Rogers/Reader ✦ Word count: ~5k ✦ Raiting: Explicit ✦ Warnings: AU, kind of soft!dark Steve, reader is in her mid-twenties, one shot, pwp, insecurity, loss of virginity, piv sex, condoms, cunnilingus, smallest hint of a daddy kink, fluff and smut, dirty talk, friends to lovers, small hint of possessive/protective!Steve. Let me know if I missed anything! ✦ Summary: Tired of being a virgin and out of money you travel to Las Vegas to auction it off. Little do you know your friend Steve Rogers won't let anyone else have you. ✦ Note: I think this is among the first times that I cross-post a whole fic to tumblr. This fic is also on AO3. I'll see what the response is like here and maybe I'll continue to do it in the future.
Masterlist | AO3
"So what are you up to this weekend?" Steve asks as you take the first sip of your beer. For a second you debate not telling him and Bucky, sitting across from you in the booth. "Me and Wanda are going to Vegas." "What? Without me?" Bucky’s scandalized voice makes you laugh. "You don't like traveling, or Vegas for that matter," Steve points out. And that is true, you much prefer to stay in your apartment, reading your books and drinking tea. "Also, didn't you say you could hardly afford to go out with us tonight?" Bucky questions. "Well," you begin, scratching at the beer label, not wanting to look at them. "The trip is paid for." The stunned silence from across the table doesn't bode well, you know you're in for an interrogation now. "Do you need help? Are you in trouble?" Steve's concerned voice makes you look up. He's always so sweet and caring to you, looking out for you all the time.
"No, I'm fine. I'm doing it willingly," you answer. "What are you doing willingly?" There is no hiding the curiosity in Bucky’s voice. Once again you're not sure you're going to tell them, but it also doesn't make sense to keep it a secret. It's not a big deal, that's the whole point. "I'm auctioning off my virginity," you confess and are rewarded with both of them looking at you like you've grown a second head. Before they can say anything you continue. "I'm tired of it hanging over me, I just want it gone. And I'm also tired of scraping by. What you two make in an hour, I make in a month and I just want to be a step ahead instead of a step behind for once."
Bucky's smirk is the last thing you expect. "How much are you starting at, I'll double it." "Jerk." You throw some of your nuts his way. He laughs in response. "Honestly, tell me. What does a virginity go for these days?" "I'm starting out at three thousand. It would be more if I didn’t put in a clause about condoms and I’m a little bit older than most others.” “Well, my offer still stands,” Bucky concludes. “I bet it does, perv.” “And you don’t think the people buying you are pervs?” Steve’s been quiet up until now and his accusatory tone makes you defensive. “I’m not fucking stupid Steve, of course I know they are. They are also filthy rich. If I get bought by some disgusting old man I’ll smile and think about how fucking good it will feel not being stressed about money.” He still doesn’t look pleased and you didn’t come here to get judged. Finishing your beer you get up and grab your jacket. “I’ll see you around,” you say. Before walking out.
Vegas is overwhelming and loud. Instantly you shrink down, pulling your shoulders up. You would be lost if it wasn’t for Wanda. She’s in her element, flagging down cabs and weaving through the streets while you do your best to keep up. Finally, you arrive at your room. It’s small but not cramped and the two beds are clean. “First, shower, and then we’ll get started on your hair and makeup,” Wanda instructs. “You’re the best, you know that Wanda?” you smile at her. “What are best friends for if not fixing you up for some old guy to buy your V-card,” she winks.
Maybe Wanda is a witch, you think as you look at yourself in the tall mirror backstage. Somehow she took your average look and styled it into something you would never in a hundred years be able to recreate. Instead of the innocent style many seem to prefer, she made sure you looked sexy. If this had been a regular night of going out, you’d feel uncomfortable that someone you knew would see you, but the two glasses of champagne and the knowledge that no one except you and Wanda would ever see this made your confidence high. The night moves quickly, both women and men going up on the well-lit stage to present themselves and then watching as the bids start coming in. The people bidding are not in the room, but in different hotels scattered across the city, typing in numbers. Some people do elaborate shows when they step up in front of the cameras. One guy deep-throats a large banana and at first, you giggle but then you see the digits on the screen. His bids are the highest all evening so far. You decide quickly that you will just go up, smile, and wave and wait. You aren’t expecting much, but your pride hopes at least one or two people will find you attractive enough to at least pay the starting bid.
Soon it’s your turn. With a pounding heart, you step up on the stage, your body warms not only from the light but from the nervousness coursing through your body. You concentrate on your breathing so you won’t pass out and when you smile you hope it looks genuine. At first, the monitors are quiet and your heart drops. Are you not good enough for even some old lonely pervert? Then it dings with an incoming bid. It’s just above the starting sum, but you’re instantly relieved and can’t help the actually genuine smile that cracks your face. A second later another bid comes in. You don’t know how many people are placing the bids, you just see the number rise on the monitor, to your utter delight. Quickly it’s up to four thousand and the tempo slows, so maybe some people dropped out. But a few steady bids keep coming in, until it’s starting to near five thousand and it stops long enough for an automated voice ring out through the room. “Going once. Going twice.” Before it can finish the monitor chimes again, your mouth dropping open when you see the sum. Ten thousand dollars. It must be a mistake. The counting starts again, but you hardly hear it over the pure shock you’re experiencing.
Then you’re shooed away, given a room number and a key, before being put into a waiting car to take you to the hotel. When it stops outside of the Palms Casino you think you must be dreaming. It gets even worse when you realize you’re heading to the top floor. Whoever is waiting behind the door won’t matter, because you’ll gladly do anything they ask you.
The penthouse is stunning and it’s hard to take everything in. At the floor-to-ceiling windows, a figure is outlined. They’re backlit against the neon lights of Vegas and it’s hard to make out any details except the broad shoulders, narrow waist, and long legs. That feels promising. They don’t turn around as you close the door but you don’t hesitate to step into the room and begin to walk up to them. Stopping a a few steps behind you say “Hi. I am flattered by your very generous-” But you don’t get further because the person turns around and your words get stuck in your throat. “Steve?!” You quickly step back to get away. This must be some cruel joke he and Bucky have come up with. Before you can run out of the room he grabs your wrist. The usually soft eyes are hard and his smiling mouth is a line of displeasure. “Let go of me,” you demand. “No can do, I paid for you,” his hard voice makes you still. “This isn’t funny, Steve.” “No, it’s not. Now you’re going to go into the bedroom and take off those heels, then kneel on the bed and wait for me,” his instructions make it very clear that if you argue, you won’t like what comes next, so instead you bow your head and say “Yes, Steve.”
You’ve never seen a king-size bed before and it’s much larger than you could’ve imagined. The sheets are soft against your knees as you sit on your feet, waiting. There are too many emotions and questions running wild in your body, but the most prominent one is Why had he bid on you? There is no denying Steve is good looking and when Wanda had first introduced you, sure you’d had a crush on him. But you never thought about pursuing it. His life was far from yours, with luxury cars and expensive dinners, while you went out to eat once a year on your birthday. Both he and Bucky had offered you money on several occasions but you’d never taken it, because you’d never be able to pay it back and money being owed between friends always caused trouble.
You hear the steps nearing the room and you meet his eyes as he steps through the open door. He has left his suit jacket and rolled up the sleeves on his shirt, making him more desirable and more dangerous at the same time. Taking a stand a the foot of the bed he stares you down but you don’t cower. Even though you want to ask what the fuck this is, the tension in the air tells you not to talk back right now, just show him that you’re not afraid. Maybe it’s a blessing in disguise that Steve is here because he is someone you trust would never hurt you, or do anything against your will.
“Here is how this is going to go, sweetheart. I’ll do right by you and take this nice and slow like you deserve. Then when it’s over we’re sitting down to a nice dinner, and afterward I’m bending you over the dining room table and taking out all my fucking frustration on that cunt of yours until you can’t walk straight.” His words send lightning bolts of desire through you and you nod in understanding. “Use your words,” he demands. “Yes, Steve,” you agree. Then he crooks his fingers, indicating he wants you to come to him. You crawl the short way to the edge and sit back again. His fingers grip your chin carefully. “I’m going to kiss you.” “Okay.”
The second he presses his lips to yours it's like being on cloud nine. It's soft but not hesitant and you instinctively grab a hold of his shirt. Steve begins slowly, as if not to scare you but the more you meet his advances the more he takes. Then he coaxes your lips to part, slipping in his tongue and finding yours to play with. Kissing other people has been nice before, but kissing Steve is exceptional. When his hands land at your waist and pull you into him, you can't keep the moan in. His touch hardens and it makes you throb to be this close to him.
You’re a little out of it when he pulls away and you must look it too because he chuckles. "You like that?" A dopey smile splits your lips and you nod. But then his hands travel to the front of your dress, hooking his fingertips into the fabric and you can’t help stiffen. "Have you ever had your tits played with?" he asks. With a groan, you shake your head. "If you think kissing was great just wait until I get my mouth on the rest of you." He sounds so confident, but you’re not and either it’s blatantly obvious that you’re insecure or he knows you too well.
"How are you feeling?" You think about lying for a second but then decide against it. "I don’t understand why.” "Why what?" "I don’t mean to sound ungrateful but, why me Steve?" You find the courage to look up at him. Now he has that soft smile that you absolutely adore on his stupidly handsome face. His voice is just as soft when he speaks.
"Not only are you absolutely stunning, and I’m not talking about the way you’re dolled up right now. I love seeing you in your big sweaters while you go around the bookstore and help people with recommendations. I also admire you, because you follow your heart. Doing what makes you happy is important to you and I wish I were more like that. Even if you look out for yourself, that never stops you from caring about others. You cry when you see clips of rescue animals. And you're so so obvious that I've been in love with you since Wanda introduced you." "What?" you choke, your whole reality shifting. "Sweet, dumb little pet.” Steve’s hands cup your face and light squeezes your cheeks together for a second. “I've wanted you since you stammered out your name. Something so pure and precious deserves the world." "I didn’t know,” you whisper. "Of course you didn’t. When I got home that night, I jerked myself off to the thought of you and I swear I never come so hard in my life."
"Steve!" Heat rushes into your cheeks at his words. "I’ve had time to think about this a lot. I'm going to get you so wet and needy you will beg for my cock. I'm gonna make sure you're at the brink of insanity, deliriously begging for me to fuck you, even though you don't know what it feels like." "Oh god!" you moan, desire moving through your body. "Let me taste you, kitten. Let me make you scream,” his seductive voice rumbles.
Nodding you watch as his fingers pull the dress down, baring your breasts to his eyes. Instantly he cups them, thumbs brushing your nipples, making you keen. "Prettiest fucking tits I've ever seen," he whispers before leaning down and licking a nipple. The sensation makes you grab hold of his head to steady yourself. His tongue flicks it several times before sucking it into his mouth and you arch into him, clutching him, moaning out his name. Sure, you've been aroused in your life before, but the ache Steve creates is starting to feel painful. "Steve!" you plead when he switches to the other side, giving your other nipple the same treatment. He hums against your skin before pulling off you with a plop and immediately kisses you again. Nothing is really different from before but just knowing that Steve's tongue was just somewhere else on your body and now it's in your mouth makes you heat up even more.
It feels good when he takes charge, it keeps your thoughts from running in all the wrong directions. He gets you to lie down, crawling onto the bed after you, kissing every inch of exposed skin he can get to while you shudder under him. "How are you feeling?" he asks with a shit-eating grin, clearly knowing he's responsible for your state. "Goodgoodgood!" Is all you can get out while pawing at his clothed chest. "Want me to take it off?" Nodding vigorously you try to undo the buttons, but fail. He laughs and sits back between your spread legs, untucking the shirt and pulling it over his head. The bulge in his pants is very visible and you swallow hard at the sight of it, both scared and excited. He notices you looking. "We'll get to that later," he promises with another kiss. "First I'm going to get you wet and ready for me."
A hand hikes up your skirt and a finger follow the edge of your panties, down toward the juncture of your leg. It's like hot coal against your skin, burning you most sweetly. Even if you’re already soaked, his touch is sending pulse after pulse into your cunt and you're scared you're about to stain the sheets if he continues. A fingertip caresses over your core, touch so light it's almost not there but your sensitive skin feels it. Trembling you arch up, gripping the sheets. "Is that good?" Not knowing if you can speak you just nod and he continues. Down your thighs and back up, over and over again against your covered cunt, fingers getting firmer and firmer the more sounds you make.
A thrill you've never felt before has taken up place in your body, threatening to send your mind spiraling. To distract yourself you explore the plains of Steve's body that you can reach, stroking his arms and shoulders, but to feel him makes it even worse. You can’t wait to have him pressed against you.
Sitting back again he says, "I'm going to take these off now." He hooks his fingers at the top of your panties and starts to pull. "Lift your ass up." He instructs. Now your tits and your cunt are exposed for him. Steve is staring, but when you try to close your legs from embarrassment he quickly puts his hands on your thighs to spread them apart even more. "Don't you dare take that pretty pussy away from me," he all but growls and it sends another wave of pleasure into you. The air feels cold against your wet, warm skin. Then his gaze flicks up to you and with another smile, he leans down bending you almost in half, placing a kiss on your lips. "Last kiss before I devore you," he whispers and slides down your body. When his words sink in, you go rigid.
"No, you don't have to, we can just‐" you begin but the look he gives silences you. "Do you know how long I have waited for this?" He nips the inside of your thigh. "No," you whimper. "Been dreaming about how you would feel, and taste." He mouths at your skin. "The nights I can’t sleep I lie there and think of you soaking my beard when you come for me," he groans and moves down a little more until his face is right in front of your pussy. "Now I'm having my fill and when I'm done you'll be primed for my cock, I promise."
Not giving you any time to answer he dives in. His tongue feels nothing like your own fingers, or the vibrator you have in your drawer. It's sending you to heaven with every stroke. Steve takes notes of what makes you moan the loudest and in no time the unmistakable warmth of an orgasm begins to build. You do your best to keep still, but it's hard when it feels so good and Steve follows your every movement until your thighs are trembling heavily, breath coming out in irregular gasps, your fingers threatening to tear the sheets apart.
It climbs quicker than you expect and when the orgasm rips through you it’s with a cry, that leaves you almost boneless afterward. Looking down, panting, you notice you've basically crushed Steve's head between your thighs. With a "Sorry!" You spread them apart and he comes up for air, his beard glistening with you. "How was that?" "Incredible," you sigh. The ache that threatened to consume you has died down to a more manageable throb. "Great." He positions himself again and you stare with wide eyes. An amused smirk plays on his lips. "Did you think that was it?" You try to stutter out a response but he raises his hand and wiggles his fingers playfully. "Now you get these too."
After a second you relax into the pillows, trusting Steve with your body. He's gentle when he begins, now that your cunt is a million times more sensitive, but soon you're trembling again, and then the tip of his finger is at your opening. It slides in without resistance and the feeling changes. More nerves send sparks through you from new places. It's too much for your poor brain to decipher and you don’t fight it, just let it take you, like you’re floating down a stream. "Good girl, relaxing for me so well." Through bleary eyes you see him looking up at you. "Ready for another one?" You're not sure what that means but you nod anyway and are rewarded with a smile. He never looks away from you as you feel another finger press in together with the first. A high-pitched sound leaves you as your chest heaves. It's too much but not enough. You’re so full but in the best way possible. Then he moves them and you can hear just how wet he's made you.
His tongue comes back to play with your clit and soon you're at the edge of another orgasm. "Yes yes yes!" You chant over and over again. Everything he does feels so good. The sensation of clamping down on his fingers as you come is new and makes the orgasm much stronger this time, leaving you mildly disoriented for a second. "God, you look so beautiful when you come." Steve lays his head against your leg, still moving his hand and sending small aftershocks into your body. "You know what?" "What Stevie?" you ask, your voice a little hoarse as you reach down and place your hand in his soft hair, carding your fingers through it, just to feel him. "I don't think you noticed, but there are three fingers inside you now." You make a questioning sound. "Added another right after you came. No problem at all. Just need you to come one more time, then I'll know you're ready." He does something with his fingers inside you, making you whimper from the pleasure it sends through you. "Found your G-spot too," he looks smug as he says it. "Let's see what happens when I play with just that."
It’s another new experience that puts your body on edge in the best way. The pleasure never dissipates but it never builds either and finally you can't stand it anymore, deciding to beg for the relief he can give you. "Stevie, please! Use your mouth again!" "Of course, when you ask so nicely." When he sucks your clit into his mouth, it makes you see stars, and seconds later the built-up ecstasy reaches its peak. Gripping his head you grind against his tongue with a cry of his name because it’s so fucking good.
Afterward, you sink down with a relieved sigh and you're pretty sure your muscles have never been this relaxed in your life. "Such a good girl for me." Steve praises before pulling out his fingers, licking them clean, and moving off the bed. You instantly feel achingly empty. Not taking his eyes from you he undo his pants and slide them and his underwear off.
The sight of his hard, leaking cock standing out from his body is kind of mesmerizing. You've seen dicks in pictures, sent unsolicited to you on a few occasions, and a couple of times when you've tried to watch porn. Never before have you thought a dick could look pretty. As if something possesses your body you crawl over to the edge of the bed, settling on your legs and reaching out towards it. Steve watches, chest heaving slightly as you trace his cock with a fingertip, all the way from root to tip, dipping it into the leaking mess. Looking up at him you bring it to your mouth and lick it. The groan he lets out in response is delicious.
It doesn't taste bad, just different and you're about to ask if you can try to take him in your mouth but as if sensing your thoughts he leans down to capture your lips in a kiss. At first, you try to move away, knowing where he has just been, but he keeps a steady hand at the back of your neck, forcing you to taste yourself on his tongue, and just like him, it’s not bad, just different. "If I let you touch me more than that, I'll burst,” he explains before he grabs your dress and pulls it off you in one go. “Now be good and lay down again." "Yes, Stevie," you answer and fall onto the bed, spreading your legs. Instead of joining you right away, he walks up to the bedside table and opens a drawer, pulling out a square package.
Embarrassment fills you. In your post-orgasmic state, you forgot about your own rule. If he hadn’t gotten a condom you would gladly have let him take you raw. Lucky for you, Steve is not the type of person to take advantage of you like that. He rolls it on and you swallow hard. Just the look of it is big, you’re not sure how it will fit. "Don't be scared. With how wet you are, it’ll glide right in," he says with a smile, kneeling between your spread legs.
This is the moment, you think. After this, you won't be a virgin anymore. Even if it is just a social construct, you've never actually had a dick inside of you and that will be a new experience. Steve kisses you, helping the doubts slip away. The rubber feels weird against your lower lips, and then it's at your opening. The tip presses inside and Steve watches your face. "Does it hurt?" he asks. "No,” you assure him. “It's just different." "Tell me if you want to stop." "Just keep going."
Slowly he eases his way inside and once he bottoms out both of you are breathing heavily. With a groan, Steve's head lands on your shoulder. "Fuck you're like a vice around my dick. I'm going to try to move." You wrap your arms around his shoulders, caressing his back and he starts moving. You feel like you're filled to the brim and it's pressing against your G-spot, making you warm and high again. Experimentally you lift your hips, meeting his, eliciting a moan from him. "I'm sorry," Steve mumbles. "I won't last long." Before you can respond he continues. "You feel too good. So tight and warm. Fuck!" Then he lifts himself on one of his strong arms before grabbing the back of your neck and bending it until you're looking down toward where your bodies are connected. Steve slams his hips into you and you answer with a cry of pleasure. "Look at that unused cunt taking my big cock so well." "Steve!" you whine. His thrusts are too good, the pressure too much, and looking at it only makes you hotter. "It was made for me, right?" "Yes! Ah! Steve!" The throb in your clit is driving you insane and you reach down to relieve it. "Oh fuck. Are you gonna come on my dick your first time? That's dirty." You never expected words to be such a big part of sex, but the way Steve is talking is heightening your sensation.
"That's right. Rub your clit for me. Fuck you're clenching around me so hard. Tell me if you're gonna come." Nodding frantically you feel the climax building. Your whole body is a coil wind up tight and you're not sure what will happen when it snaps.
"I'm - I'm… I think I'm going to come, Steve," you moan. The pressure in your lower stomach is excruciating and delirious. You just need a little more. Letting go of your head he meets your eyes. "Good girl, I'm right behind you. Squeeze me dry. Come for Daddy." The last words enter your brain and sweep you off. The orgasm takes over your whole body and drowns you in pleasure. The edge of your vision blurs, your body shuddering violently. You hear the blood pumping in your veins. Feel your heart drumming in your ribcage. On some level you're aware of Steve above you, chanting your name as his hips pump into you and he fills the condom.
The weight of him is nearly crushing but also makes you feel safe. For the first time, you have the presence of mind to take in his body as you caress down his sides and his back, down over his ass as far as you can reach. It makes him sigh happily and you feel so content. After a while, he raises himself on his elbows and pecks your lips, nose, and cheeks until you giggle, before getting off completely and disposing of the condom. As soon as the warmth of him leaves, small, cruel thoughts about this once again being some kind of joke start forming in your head. Despite what he’s said, you find it hard to believe that it would be true.
Before you have time to think more about it he is beside you in the bed again, leaning on his arm and looking down at you. "So, how was that?" He’s curious, there’s no hiding it. "Better than I could ever dream of," you answer honestly. "Well, that's an ego boost," Steve laughs. "How… How was I?" He kisses you before he whispers, "Best I ever had." You can't help but snort at that. "Don't fucking lie to me."
With a growl Steve rolls onto his back, taking you with him and making you lay on his chest. "It's the fucking truth, and unless you want a spanking to go with the next round, you're going to believe me." That tone of voice. The threat of pain and pleasure combined sparks something inside you, and Steve notices. "Oh, does that make you horny?" Hiding your face in the crook of his neck you say "Yes, Daddy." Steve groans and crushes you into his chest. "If I could fuck you again right now, believe me, I would."
Several hours later you're in bed again, pressed against Steve’s warm chest. He did what he promised and you’re sure you won’t be able to walk tomorrow. But something is weighing on your mind. “I’ll pay you back,” you say. “If you do, you’ll wish I spanked you.” “But-,” “No. I told you that you deserve the world, that money is a drop in the ocean to me.” “I can’t believe you bought me.” “I can’t believe you sold your body.” Even if you can’t see him, his voice makes it clear he’s not happy. “The thought of someone else touching you, fucking you. I’m not a violent man, but that makes me want to kill.” “I’m glad it was you,” you confess with a smile and kiss his skin. A moment later he’s on top of you, kissing you sweetly and you feel him stirring against you, growing hard. An answering wetness pool at your core. “I need you again,” he murmurs against your mouth. With a nod, you reach between your bodies to guide him inside. Pulling back, he says “Condom.” When he reaches over to the bedside table, you shake your head and lift your hips. “Oh fuck, are you sure?” “I want to feel you,” you reassure him. It’s a bit sore when he presses inside but the movements are slow, and the kisses quickly take your mind off it. Afterward, he doesn’t pull out, and you fall asleep with his cum and cock between your legs, happy he was your highest bidder.
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thewalkingwillowtree · 11 months
Safe Haven
Series Part Listing Found Here
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Neteyam x Original Na'vi Female Character
Summery: Seeking refuge, Xilä and her father venture to the lands of the Omatikaya clan, in the hopes that the Toruk Makto would be generous in allowing them to stay. This is her story about not only finding her strength, but finding love. 
Warning: This story contains smut, violence & abuse (please don't read if these topics will affect you)
Some characters have been aged up. Neteyam in particular is 23.
Xilä is my own creation.
Part 9 - Delicious
A squeal escaped Xilä when she was suddenly lifted from Neteyam’s lap. He sat her high up on his chest when he laid stretched out on his back. 
“Okay?” he asked, checking in.
She nodded with a little blush. It was one thing to be naked in front of him, but she was practically splayed right now- this was up close and personal. 
Soothing the skin of her outer thighs, he openly stared at the glistening between her legs- gold eyes darkening, nostrils flaring, lips licking in anticipation. 
“Do you even know how pretty you are?” he rasped, almost as if in a daze. 
Xi smothered a laugh. She’d never heard of one’s intimates called pretty before.
“Oh you think that’s funny? I’m completely serious, you know?” he teased with a low growl, leaning up to nip the flesh of her inner thigh. 
She hissed, and choked on a laugh.
His large palms cupped her butt and pulled her even closer to him so that her spread knees landed on the grass on either side of his face- her core a mere inches away from his mouth. 
She felt slightly awkward. “Um, what do I do?” she asked hesitantly. 
“Nothing. You just enjoy it and if you’re not, we’ll stop,” he said, linking their tails together to give her some assurance.
When he spoke, puffs of air hit her directly, making her squirm a bit. “Oh, um…Alright.”
A shiver rocked her when he stared into her eyes and gave her a comforting kiss right against her soaked lips. 
He eased her into it with soft pecks and featherlight brushes of his lips. When she made no complaints he took it up a notch with little licks and grazes of his teeth. 
Neteyam groaned sinfully, because she was honestly downright delicious. “Fucking hell baby,” he mumbled, before instantly going in for more. 
At first, she simply stared down at the arousing sight of him between her legs while she got used to the new position and the sensation of his mouth doing wicked wicked things to her. But then her eyes were shutting closed and she was quickly and eagerly rocking in time with his ministrations. 
His pattern soon changed from gentle and slow to fast and deliberate. The flat of his tongue dragged along her slit over and over before he began to swirl, suck and playful nip her at hidden nub. 
One large hand curled to fasten on her hip, holding her firm to his mouth, the other sailing up to play with her pretty nipples. 
A loud arousing moan filled the air. Xilä arched, head lolling back and forth as her body rocked with pleasure. 
He was enjoying himself too it seemed- humming and smiling as he ate her out like a starved man, practically holding her up as she shook above him. 
Neteyam’s tongue was dangerous. A weapon, she thought. She panted and whined as she felt herself slowly climbing, getting closer and closer to the brink. 
With quick success he had her screaming and moaning out loud as if they were the only two people in existence. 
“Oh Great Mother!” she shouted when he sucked hard on her clit. “Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!”
She fell back, palms flat on his abs to help hold herself up as she ground against his mouth. 
His laughter at her use of human swears and curses, sent a rippling vibration through her. 
“‘Teyam! I’m going to- !” 
Eyes squeezed shut and mouth wide open, Xilä came with a cry. Her body convulsed and eardrums went muffled as she shattered above him. 
But her betrothed had no intention of stopping though. Not giving her a moment to recover, he was continuing his feast with vigor, desperate for even more. 
Xilä jerked in his hold in shock, hips twitching to get away from the overstimulation.
“Teya-mmm, wait wait- oh FUCK!” she screamed as his tongue made its way deep inside of her- the warm, wet appendage vigorously working her. 
Neteyam was ruthless. Even when she buckled, unable to hold herself up any longer- he still kept firm grips, speeding up his tongue even faster. 
“Oh- mmm. Please- ple-” she begged and babbled incoherently, panting as her body moved on its own accord- hips furiously rotating and grinding in time with the rhythm of his unruly tongue. 
Eyes rolling and brain short circuiting from sheer pleasure, she unconsciously alternated between biting her lip and crying out loud with her jaw unhinged. 
The moment the tip of his tail made contact with her swollen bud, the same time he twisted a nipple- she exploded. 
Her screams echoed around their hideaway and Xilä sobbed as a powerful orgasm rocked her body, causing tears to leak from the corners of her eyes while she spasmed uncontrollably. 
Neteyam greedily lapped and licked, helping her through the waves while she withered in his strong grips.
When she seemed to have calmed, he sat up and gently eased her down to the ground between his propped up legs. Her own legs splayed out behind him, thighs on both sides of his hips- completely limp. 
Xi hid her face behind her palms with a little mewl when his tented front accidentally brushed her swollen center. She was still overly sensitive and experiencing tiny aftershocks. 
“When we move in together, we're going to have to get to a place far from our families…and probably anybody else,” Neteyam thought out loud as he observed her, massaging her aching thighs with a stupid proud grin on his face.
“Mm-Why?” she asked, a bit muffled, from behind her hands as she tried to catch her breath.
“You’re a screamer, baby. I have to practically gag you whenever we’re at your place, remember? I’d be a dead man if I didn’t- Jxo would kill me in a heartbeat.” 
Her hands fell away, gaze locking with his. He smirked, enjoying the shifting expressions crossing her face- she was too fucking cute, he thought. 
“I- well..” she was clearly embarrassed. 
He laughed. “It’s a good thing Xi, I like that about you. See I don’t even need to ask you if you enjoyed just now....your loudness told me everything.” He bit his lip apprehensively. “You did enjoy it, right? You weren’t faking…right?” 
Xi laughed so hard she snorted, wincing slightly when her movement caused their fronts to brush again. “I was not faking no, I thoroughly did enjoy it, yes,” she said grinning. “Your face is a mess though, ‘Teyam.” 
His own grin shone through as he proudly wiped at the slick shining on the skin of his nose, cheeks, jaw and chin, licking the remnants from around his lips. 
“Where’d you get that sudden potty mouth from sweetheart?” he taunted in retaliation to her smartass retort- she had sure cursed a whole lot while he ate her out. 
“Ask your tongue,” she sassed in response, causing him to cackle again. 
“Oh just for that I’m going to make you come again, right now. No more rest for you Miss. Sass.”
They both moaned lowly when he suddenly tugged her hips forward to roll his bulge along her slit.
“Teyam,” she purred.
“Feels good, sweetheart?” he asked in a strained tone, speeding up the rocking- the friction causing him to groan.
“So gooood,” she sighed out, enjoying the look on his face as he used her to his liking.
Lifting her hips slightly to get a better angle, she was practically his pleasure toy. He worked her up and down the length of his shaft through his now soaked loincloth.
“Fuck,” he grunted.
Eyes darkening dangerously, he stared at the sight of them rubbing together before trailing up the length body to find her gaze. “Please Xi,” he asked hoarsely.
He was holding back she realized, he looked somewhat insane- as if he were about to snap.
She reached a hand out for him and in one swoop she was in his arms, wrist linking behind his neck for balance. Xi cursed under her breath when the new angle cause him to rub directly against her clit.
“Teyam,” she called, cupping his face as he continued their rhythm. “Do what you need to do okay?”
“Are you sure?” he rasped.
“Yes,” she whispered against his lips.
With an animalistic growl he was leaning her backwards and bending forward to suck a nipple into his mouth. One of his hands reached down to release the cords on his loincloth and toss the material away.
Xi wanted nothing more than to pushed him back and stare at his bare form all day, but he was in control right now.
“Ah- fuck,” she hissed when he bit her breast a little to hard. All was forgotten however when he was suddenly rubbing her directly along his velvety, bare shaft. “Oh Eywa!” she mewled.
“Fuck Xilä,” he groaned, burying his face in her neck as he worked her hips against his.
He felt hard, thick and smooth as he dragged his ridiculous length along her slit with deep strokes, from base to tip.
Xilä clung to him in desperation. She tried her best to catch a glimpse of the squelching mess between them, she could feel him smearing droplets of his seed.
Neteyam had tried his best to hold out as long as he could- he really did, but it was fucking difficult. Dragging her in for a biting kiss, his rhythm became erratic as he spiraled.
“Shit, I’m coming,” he groaned.
“Me to,” she panted, puffs of air hitting his lips.
They both came with cries of, “Oh God! Oh fucking hell Xilä!”
And, “Neteyam! Oh shit, shit, shit!”
Falling back and splayed out on the grass as they caught their breaths, they both grinned with little giggles of laughter, staring into each other’s eyes.
It was obvious they had thoroughly enjoyed themselves, their matching grins seemed almost permanent.
Xilä’s hand accidentally brushed the splatter of come on her stomach. Leaning up on an arm, she swirled her pointer finger through the mess in fascination.
Popping it in to her mouth, her tail did it’s usual happy wag whenever she had something yummy.
Neteyam gawked when she suddenly began to wipe and suck, more of his seed. Humming as if she were having the tastiest meal.
She froze with a finger in her mouth when she caught his stare. “What?” she mumbled, turning shy.
He shook his head with a wild smile. “Having a good time there?” he teased.
She blushed but rolled her eyes fondly. “I like it. Can I taste it from there next time?” she asked frankly, gesturing to his shaft.
His jaw dropped a little and he felt himself twitching at the thought. “Um, sure. If you want to.”
“I want to,” she said eagerly. “And can I try the hand job too?”
That had Neteyam choking on his saliva. He sat up and stared down at her.
“Xi…baby, please don’t take this the wrong way, I’m just being curious….but ah- have you been with someone before? Maybe back at Li’ona?”
She grinned. He looked a little jealous right now honestly. “Are you wondering why I know what a hand job is?”
He looked away with slightly purple tinged cheeks. “Maybe,” he said simply.
She sat up and straddled a propped up thick thigh. “It’s only ever been you, ‘Teyam,” she said, cupping his jaw. “I asked D’avi to educate me on a few things when we’d been fooling around for a while.”
“Oh. You can ask me from now on alright? I like it when you do,” he admitted honestly.
“Okay,” she agreed, leaning in to accept his peck.
“We are definitely going to have to clean up before heading back. Sweetheart, you reek of me,” he grinned, sniffing at her neck before making her squeal when he playfully bit her.
When Neteyam and Xi returned to Camp later that afternoon, he first made his way to the training grounds to check in on his trainee warriors. 
After wrapping up a few more of his responsibilities, he popped home to use the private spring behind their tent, happy no one was home at the time to smell him.
A few of his team members had given him odd looks during his short meeting with them. He knew he still had Xi’s sweet scent all over him. 
Grinning like an idiot when his mind wandered to his pretty wife to be as he cleaned up, he remembered their time spent together that day. They had used the little pool of water to somewhat clean up after a few more rounds of orgasms. Suffice to say it wasn’t enough. 
He was truly the luckiest man alive he thought. 
Neteyam redressed in only a clean loincloth rather than all his other articles, he’d be going straight to Xi’s later on anyway.
When he entered the main room again, he noticed his mother and youngest sister were home now. They were giggling and looked to be enjoying themselves as they played with a few of Tuk’s dolls. 
“Tuk,” he called, squeezing water from his hair with a clean drying cloth towel.
The little one turned her back on him, dropping the doll she’d been playing with to fold her arms with a grumpy pout. 
Shit, she was still mad at him.
His mother shot him a look from her relaxed position. Looks like this was his battle to fight.
“Tuktirey,” he tried again, crouching to her level. “I’m sorry baby sis, I was a real jerk this morning and you have every right to be mad……I promise I’ll make it up to you, however you like.”
She side eyed him, peaking in interest. “You have to say you’re sorry again,” she said with a sudden fiery glare. 
“I’m really really really sorry, Tuk,” he said earnestly. 
“And you have to take me for a ride on Buddy,” she continued. 
“Done. Deal,” he agreed, reaching out to shake on it, but she ignored his outstretched arm. 
“My friend Täylley wants a ride too,” she bartered. “And we want tricks…not a smooth, careful ride.” 
He hid his pained sigh. “One trick only.”
“Five,” she frowned. 
“One, Tuk.”
“Fine, two and no more. Now come on, let’s shake on it.”
She grinned and jumped up to leap into his arms instead. 
Neytiri smiled fondly at her children, she enjoyed moments like these. Neteyam shot her an apologetic expression over Tuk’s head and she nodded to let him know it was fine and that all was forgiven. 
“Hey mom, where’s dad at?” he asked as Tuk settled comfortably in his lap, shoving a doll in his hand with the intention for them to play. 
“He is meeting with the council. They are reviewing the extension plans again.”
Before he could respond however, Tuk was quickly capturing his attention again. 
“Here Teyam, I’m the mommy and you're the baby. You have to pretend to be sick so Tsahìk can come and heal you. Mommy, you be Tsahìk this time,” the six year old said quite bossily as she swapped and handed out the dolls accordingly. 
The conference tent was probably the grandest one in all of the others of their village- including the Sully’s home. Its canvased exterior was a deep blood red, carefully dyed and woven by a team of the clan’s best weavers and seamstresses. 
Neteyam stared at it as he stayed hidden in the shadows of the night. He was patiently waiting for all the council members to trickle out. He knew his father always stayed behind to review his notes, or simply contemplate- take a break away from everything. 
The Olo'eyktan and the council utilized the tent on a daily basis, and so the interior was decorated just as grand as the outside. It was one massive room unlike other tents which were usually sectioned off into smaller rooms. 
Jake had had a well crafted, massive, high table built and installed in the center, which was surrounded by wooden chairs with upholstered leather seats and backs. It had taken the other members some getting used to at first, but they quickly adapted to the use of high chairs.  
The room was well lit and tastefully decorated. Maps, plans, holographic tablets, little bowls of nuts, seeds and dried fruit, all littered the surface of the table. 
Jake Sully sat at the head of the oval shaped table, peering over what looked like blueprints with a frown on his face. 
Knocking on a wooden beam, Neteyam announced his presence. “Sir.” 
“Hey,” his father greeted, eyes flickering to give him a once over. “You alright? Gwuyle said you had an emergency this morning.”
“Hm? Oh yeah, right. It’s all sorted,” Neteyam assured, momentarily forgetting he’d left in the middle of a team review. 
Jake shot him a knowing look, tinged with amusement. “Xilä’s, okay?”
Brain short circuiting for a second Neteyam huffed a little breath of air and rubbed the back of his neck guiltily. “She is, yes. How’d you know?”
His father simply shrugged. “I have eyes, son.”
Neteyam made his way over and took the seat adjacent to Jake. “She’s actually why I’m here. I- um. I wanted you to be the first to know but ah- I’ve made my decision, Sir,” he revealed, heart thumping in anticipation of his father’s response. 
Jake, understanding his words, didn’t seem shocked at all. If anything he simply asked, “Does she make you happy?” 
“Unbelievably,” Neteyam replied with a little laugh. 
“And you love each other? You’re both sure about this step?” 
“Yes,” he said without pause. 
A smile broke out on the Olo'eyktan’s face. “Then that’s all that matters.”
“That’s it? And…you’re fine with who I chose?”
“It’s not my choice son, it’s yours, but if you’re asking if I approve, then hell yeah. Xi will be happily welcomed in our family. I like her. I like her for you, honestly.” 
“Yeah?” Neteyam asked with his own growing grin to match his father's. It turned into a frown just as quickly however. “Dad. I’m a little worried about T'shteyo, though.”
“What about him? This is good. If it weren’t for Xilä still being tied to him, I’d have had his ass kicked out of here a long time ago,” Jake said in frustration.
“He is still acting out?” Neteyam frowned. He had been avoiding the man like the plague, purposely staying out of any gossip topics surrounding him too. 
“Acting out is a joke. The asshole keeps picking fights for no goddamn reason and he’s stirring up shit with some of the unmated women. How they could possibly sleep with a man like him baffles me….I want him gone.” 
Jake took a sip of the fermented fruit wine he usually kept stashed before offering some to his son. “When are you and Xi thinking of completing the bonding ceremony?”
“Soon,” Neteyam responded. “I want her to focus on completing her rites first.”
Jake nodded in agreement. 
“Sir, I don’t want this getting back to T'shteyo just yet. He’s going to know he’s about to lose the only thing keeping him here still and I don’t need him lashing out or trying to get to Xi……I need your permission to bypass the rules of getting his approval. I’m going to still have to ask Jxo and Sal of course, but- bindingly, she’s still his daughter.” 
Jake thought for a couple of seconds. “I don’t see why not. It’s fine with me. We’ll take it to the council under an oath of secrecy until then and we’ll just have to make sure both families keep their mouths shut.”
Neteyam smiled in relief. “I appreciate your help in all of this. Really, dad.”
“Of course....Neteyam I am so happy for you, son…God, look at you, you’re all grown up,” he said, staring at his son in slight disbelief. “.....Shit, you’re going to me all emotional now.”
They both laughed at that, shaking their heads at Jake’s theatrics. 
“Just wait till your mother finds out, fair warning.” 
Neteyam groaned as he slumped back in his seat, palm falling over his eyes. “Oh Eywa, she’s not the only one I’m worried about. Between grandmother, Salveen, D’avi and Kiri, I’m going to have a fucking riot on my hands. Oh God and then there’s Tuk.” 
“Yeah I don’t envy you right now,” his father joked, allowing him his slip of a curse word. 
Getting to his feet, he said, “Alright I’m going to head out. Don’t stay too late, you know mom will come get you.” 
“Yeah yeah and don’t come crying to me when Jxo tries to kill you,” Jake taunted, causing his son to freeze. “Oh you didn’t think I’d notice you missing from your room almost every night? You didn’t think I’d have an inkling as to where you might possibly be sneaking off too?” he asked, raising an eyebrow in amusement. 
Neteyam tilted his head to hide his sudden blush, giving a fake cough to cover up the embarrassment he was feeling at having his father know what he’d been up to. 
“Um- yeah, Jxo and I kind of have an understanding I guess,” he said sheepishly.
Jake’s ears twitched in interest. “And that is…?”
“If I don’t get caught, I don’t get killed.”
A bark of laughter echoed around the tent. “Well alright then.” He shook his head, “I am so not looking forward to when idiots start coming around Kiri and Tuk.”
“Dad,” Neteyam said seriously, because it was a fucking scary thought. 
“Let’s just hope they’re not as good a sneak as you, yeah?” Jake joked again, somewhat seriously. 
“Gee thanks dad,” he said sarcastically, making his way to the exit.
“Son,” Jake called before he left. “All jokes aside, thanks for telling me the good news. I’m proud of you and again, I’m happy for you, truly,” he said sincerely, getting to his own feet, to close the distance and give his son a fatherly hug. “I’m looking forward to officially meeting my daughter in law.”
Neteyam cleared his throat under the guise of feeling emotional. He patted his father back, returning the affection. “Thanks dad. For everything.” 
Sneaking into Xi’s room went without a hitch. Neteyam considered himself a pro by now- his dad was right it seemed. He hoped to goodness no idiot like him came around his sisters. He quickly shook off the thought. 
Xi was still up, despite the late hour- practising her sewing skills on what looked like a new craft in her hands. 
Sewing was Salveen’s pastime hobby, so it was no surprise to him when Xi asked the elder to teach her the skill. She had subtly mentioned her interest a few times, so he’d given her the nudge to try it out herself. 
Despite the clearly sleepy look on her face, she beamed at him when he entered the dimly lit room. 
“Hi,” she whispered, setting aside her project- tail wagging at the sight of him as she scooted to make room for him. 
“Hi sweetheart,” he murmured softly, crashing onto her bed and immediately tugging her into his arms. He nuzzled her neck with a deep inhale. “You smell delicious,” he commented. 
“Spider let me use the hot water back at the labs for fun. They’ve got weird things like shower gel and shampoo instead of soapnut balm or bark, but I like it. Apparently they brought enough with them from Earth to last them a few decades. And they have an indoor waterfall that they can control, too. It can turn hot or cold or even in between,” she said in wonderment as she stroked his slightly damp braids. “The human lady, Casey, even showed me how to dry my hair with her blow dryer device.” 
“That was nice of her. How’d you end up back there? I thought you and Kiri were going to the hot springs,” he asked, pulling back to see her face.
“We were but we took a detour and then Spider ended up showing us their updated dorm showers. It shoots jets now…but I didn’t like it with the jets though,” she said with a little scrunched up nose. 
He smiled in response, pressing a tiny kiss to the tip of her nose- one large hand sailing up her stomach to tuck into her top.
“They know by the way,” she said hesitantly. “Kiri was all grossed out because apparently I stunk of you, her words, not mine.”
“They would’ve found out soon anyway. I just hope they keep their mouths shut.”
“Yeah, they promised not to say anything. They are happy for us. Kiri says we will be sisters now,” Xi said happily.
“Yes. And you will be my wife,” he grinned. “Any regrets yet?” he teased. “I should probably give you the lowdown on what exactly you signed yourself up for.”
“Mmmmm,” she hummed, pretending to think about it. “Nope. Like Tuk says, no take backs. You are going to be stuck with me I’m afraid. I don’t think anything you throw my way will change my mind.”
“Damn,” he muttered in faux disappointment. “I guess you’re right….I’m going to be stuck with you for good,” he said, breaking character with an infectious grin, leaning down to kiss her. 
Her palm slid from his neck to cup his face, while he rolled on top of her completely, pulling her thigh up his hip. 
“You taste sweet,” she said, licking her lips as if trying to figure out what he tasted like. 
“I had a little fermented fruit wine earlier.”
“Oh, l like it,” she replied, serging up for another taste, sighing pleasurably when he licked his way into her mouth. 
The kiss was broken when she pulled away to yawn, causing him to do the same. 
“Tell me a story, please?” she asked sweetly, settling in against her sheets a bit more, hooking her ankle over the inside of his thigh. 
He smiled at her request. She was always asking about his childhood and the life he lived as an adolescent. 
At first when she began asking, he’d ask her to tell him something back about her own, but then he’d feel guilty because his were all good, fun, happy memories, while hers weren't. 
When he expressed his guilty feeling to her, she told him his stories made her happy, it was her own little way at reliving her childhood- her innocent rewrite and escape. And so from then on he indulged her whenever she asked. 
“Hmmm, alright let’s see...Oh I know a little one. So this one time- or should I say the first time Lo’ak decided to run away from home-”
 Xilä muffled a laugh behind her palm. “Wait, how old was he?”
“Three, four maybe? I was five at the time I think, but yeah he had thrown this massive tantrum and got put in time out as punishment.”
He paused quickly to explain to Xi what time out meant before continuing.
“So he packed up his shit- or should I say his toys, announced he was running away and went all the way to Sal and Jxo’s…who were right next door at the time,” he said with a chuckle, making Xi laugh too.
“Anyway my parents hadn’t noticed he'd left. But I did, I noticed…So I grabbed my little practice bow, and I headed out as if it were some far land I had to venture to find my long lost missing brother,” he said with an eye roll as if he couldn’t believe himself. 
Xi stifled another giggle.
“When I got there Sal was eagerly doting on him, feeding him the biggest fruit sweets I’d ever seen, pinching his cheeks and calling him handsome- it’s stupid, but I thought, this is amazing, I want that too. So I decided I was going to run away from home as well...We got busted not even five minutes after that,” he snorted.
“I remember when I first met Salveen, she said you two were always running away to her home,” she laughed.
“It was fun....But that first time though, mom was all worried and crying, hugging us as if we’d been gone for years.”
“You two are her babies,” Xi said softly. 
Noticing her expression, he couldn’t help but ask, “Do you want? Kids, I mean.”
“Oh, um. Yes…but-” she frowned. “‘Teyam, I didn’t have a very good mother, I don’t know if I’ll be any good at motherhood.”
“Screw her,” he said seriously. “You’ve got the most amazing mothers around you to help you through anything. Sal, D’avi, my mom, my grandmother and you’ve got me. We’ll figure it out together- when the time comes of course. There’s no rush and no pressure. Okay?”
“Okay,” she croaked, feeling a tiny bubble of emotion loge in her throat. This was one of the many reasons why she loved him. He never let her think negatively about herself- he was her biggest supporter. “I love you,” she said seriously. 
His expression melted. “I love you,” he replied in equal honesty. 
They laid there for another hour, whispering about their future, sharing ridiculous stories while they tried to stifle their giggles. Like a maddening force, they soon found themselves in a heated make out session that had Neteyam quite amused. 
Xi was going down for the count- she was tired and fighting sleep. He counted three yawns in the last few minutes he’d been feasting on the skin of her neck. She lazily dragged him back to her mouth- tongue pushing through the barrier of his lips. 
“Mm, okay. Bedtime,” he said, breaking their locked lips, far too quickly for her liking. 
“What? Why?” she frowned, wiggling a hand between their bodies to reach into his loincloth. “I thought we’d- hey!” she protested loudly when he gripped her wrist, halting her pursuit by pinning her to the sheets.
“Shhh,” he shushed against her lips, nipping her bottom lip lightly. He waited a beat, one highly trained ear straining to hear if Jxo had heard her outburst, shoulders slumping in relief when it seemed like he hadn’t. “You can’t get me killed just yet baby, I want to marry you, remember?” 
She blushed, hearing the human term for the mating ceremony. “Sorry…um can we continue now?” she asked in a hushed whisper, trying to grind on the leg between hers. 
He huffed an amused laugh, pressing his thigh against her bare center to give her a little more friction, causing her to moan quietly. “Xilä, you are a greedy little thing, you know that? I made you come five times for the day already. Six, if you count the little one.” 
“So?” she snapped, trying to wiggle her wrist free. 
“You’re tired Xi. You need to sleep baby.”
“Just one, please?” she pleaded, weaponizing her eyes, to peer up at him through her lashes. 
“Fine, but I get to choose how you come, and if you make a single sound I am stopping,” he threatened seriously.
“Yes. Okay,” she agreed, nodding eagerly, tail thumping along his skin, begging him to do something already. 
A child was being chased. Hoots and howls echoed behind her as she ran through the night. “Mother! Mother!” she cried out, trying desperately to catch up to the fleeing woman in front of her. 
An arm wrapped around the little girl's cloak, yanking her backwards as she flailed and kicked and screamed. 
“No! No! Mother! Please don’t go! Don’t leave me mother!” 
She fought hard against the hold of the person behind her, eyes locked on the silhouette of her mother heading straight into the Dead Forest. 
Not once did she look back. Not once. 
“Mother!” she sobbed bitterly, fat tears staining the cloth around her nose and mouth. 
The person behind her was far stronger. They dragged her pathetic form by the scruff of her neck. Hot scorching dirt burning her through her cloak covered body. “No! No!”
“NO! Let me go! Let me go!”
“Xilä! Xilä! Wake up sweetheart. Hey hey, you’re safe. You’re fine. Look at me! Eyes, Xilä!”
Xilä’s eyes snapped open, locking on a petrified looking Neteyam. She panted as hot tears rolled down her cheeks. She had apparently been pulled into a seated position because over his shoulder she saw Jxo who looked just as scared as she felt. 
“Xi, darling,” said a gentle voice.
Turning to her left she saw Salveen crouched right next to her, brushing her sweat slicked hair out of her face, concerned eyes tearing up. “It’s just a dream, alright? You are safe. Say it with me, Xi. I am safe.”
“I am safe,” Xilä echoed in a hoarse whisper, face crumpling in relief. Needing skin to skin comfort, she reached out to Neteyam who instantly pulled her into his lap, folded legs on either side of his. 
Face hidden in his chest, her arms wound tight around his waist while he cupped her neck with one palm under her hair, the other rubbing soothingly up and down the span of her back- her tail blindly finding and curling around his.
 “Baby,” he breathed against the top of her head, rocking them a little.  
Salveen sniffled as she continued to stare at the broken girl in his arms. “That’s the second night in a row,” she rasped. 
“What do you mean?” Neteyam frowned, head snapping to her. “She had one yesterday?”
She nodded. “I don’t know what could have triggered it. She came home crying but wouldn’t say what happened. Then she was fine. We didn’t come home until late, but by then you lot had all packed up and left. I don’t know if it’s related.” 
Neteyam’s ears flattened to his head. The only thing he knew that happened yesterday was her run in with Leati. 
“When was the last time she had one before then?” he asked. 
“Not for months,” Jxo answered, stepping forward with his arms folded to have a closer look at Xi. “Probably not since the first few weeks she moved in.”
“That’s right,” his wife agreed. “Tsahìk usually checked in regularly until they stopped- they still have their sessions of course which we thought has been helping.”
When Xilä stayed that first month with his grandmother, almost every night she suffered from terrible terrible nightmares. It was a side effect from her past trauma apparently. 
After he asked Sal and Jxo to take her in, Mo’at had sat all three of them down- along with his father who wanted to be present, to discuss Xi’s wellbeing. Her healing was not a one and done deal she’d told them. It would be a long mental and emotional journey. 
Mo’at had coached them through certain scenarios and how to help Xi through them. They were all willing and ready to take on active roles in her healing process.
Xi also had weekly sessions with the healer since then, where they’d talk through her past- helping Xi to open up and face old wounds embedded deep within her. 
“What are you doing here by the way?” Salveen asked him finally, scrutinizing the way he held her adoptive daughter. “Why did you call her baby?”
When she and Jxo had run over after being awoken by Xi’s cries, Neteyam’s presence hadn’t even registered to her. She was too focused on Xilä’s petrified state. 
Neteyam swallowed and looked down at Xi’s now sleeping face- her cheek stuck flush against his chest. 
Jxo rolled his eyes and answered for him. “The skxawng has been sneaking in almost every night, Sal.”
Salveen’s eyes widened when she realized what he was insinuating. “Wait- are you two...?” Her pointer finger moved from Neteyam to Xilä. “And you KNEW?” she hissed at her husband, pointing at him accusingly. “You didn’t even say anything! How long have you been hiding this from me?!” she whisper-yelled as not to wake Xilä. 
Neteyam watched amused as the big, gruff Jxo spluttered, pointed ears falling low while he tried to explain himself. 
“What exactly are your intentions, young man?” she snapped, cutting off her husband to zero in on Neteyam again. “I will not have you trapezing in and out of here whenever you feel like it. Xilä is not some-”
“I would like to have her as my mate,” he said, cutting off the elder’s ramble. 
Both Jxo and Salveen stared at him in shock. 
“It’s um- well for one, this is not exactly how I wanted to ask for permission,” he joked mildly, titling Xi down a little, so that she nestled comfortably in the crook of his arm- he didn’t want to put her down just yet. 
He sent a quick prayer of thanks to Eywa that they were both dressed when the two elders came rushing in because the glare Jxo was shooting at him right now would have had anyone else quivering. He knew if he were naked, it would have only made matters worse.  
“Jxo, Sal. I’m in love with Xilä,” he admitted sincerely. “I want to build a future with her. I want to take care of her and I want to love her for the rest of my life.”
Sal’s fingertips covered her lips, tears springing in her eyes while Jxo’s face relaxed somewhat. 
“If you could grant me your permission, I would forever be grateful,” Neteyam finished, his gaze darting back and forth between the two of them. 
“Oh, ‘Teyam,” Sal sighed out, as if it were the most romantic speech she’d ever heard. 
Jxo cleared his throat, avoiding Neteyam’s earnest expression. “I want to talk to Xilä first, before I give my blessing.”
“That’s fair,” Neteyam agreed, taming his smile when he noticed the man trying to hide his own emotions. 
“Come on Sal…let’s, let them rest,” the gruff elder said somewhat hesitantly. 
“But- but he just confessed his love and-”
“I know, I know darling, but it’s late and we all need rest,” he said gently, helping his mate to her feet. “Eywa knows I’ll need it to have to deal with all this in the morning,” he grouched. 
“Alright. Goodnight dear,” she bid to the young Na’vi while being guided out of the room.
“Night, Sal.”
“Keep your fucking hands to yourself,” Jxo warned in an undertone. “….And make sure she’s alright,” he said somewhat softer before leaving them alone. 
What do we think.....?
So, this chapter honestly was not planned at all. What is now Part 10 was supposed to be Part 9, but my writing kind of ran away with me and Boom, now this part is here.
It was getting a bit too long, so the ending continues in the next part.
If you're wondering, and little spoiler alert, her asshole father is back in Part 10. So some drama to come.
Also I'm realizing that this fic may turn out a bit longer than expected.
Anywhoooo, as always, please share your thoughts in the comments, I love hearing from you all :)
Tags: @jakesullyfatjuicypeen @granddearduck @riatesullironalite @strawberri-blonde @earthling55 @innercreationflower @duckworthbean @gyuventure @btsiguess-kpop
If you'd like to be tagged or I forgot you by accident, please let me know.
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danielfosseyart · 5 months
Daniel Watches She-Ra & The Princesses Of Power
-S1E1- 'The Sword Part 1'
Today's She-Ra Watch Art: This shitty Glimmer doodle.
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Look I promise they won't all be garbage ;-; I promise
Okay I wanna preface: Not every post is gonna be this detailed, I didn't even intend to go on this long with just one episode but I lost track of time. Some posts I'll be short & sweet. Some I'll be long winded to a comical degree. Depends on my feeling.
I think I'll just keep it to one paragraph per episode, & only pull out the long rambles when I finish a season. I think that'll work. Yeah.
Okay so I have no idea who any of these people are because I literally just started but one of these guys is a lizard. I'm a huge sucker for lizard people in anything ever so I immediately like this fucker. He's a lizard, that is all I need. He's just instantly cool because lizards are fucking rad as hell dude.
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So Cat-Ra speaks, that first fucking line of hers.
The fucking "Hey Adora"
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The first fucking thing I said to myself, out loud, was the immediate reaction I had to that line: "Oh so they're gay."
I don't know if it's like canon or not but one of the things I know about this show is people ship them a lot. I have no idea if that's actually like a canon thing in the show or not but I've seen a lot of fanart of them so I know people at the very least WANT them to kiss or hold hands or get married & buy a house in the suburbs & raise like 5 kids & watch Shrek on VHS & talk about doing their taxes or whatever idk.
That being an actual thing in the show itself? Uh I guess I'll see what happens so who the fuck knows man. Maybe they just explode idk.
But like....dude. DUDE. The fucking way Cat-Ra said it was just....
SO fucking extra like that immediately felt fruity to me. I'm already getting that vibe from her. On top of that, the way her & Adora continue to interact in the episode also give off a very distinct vibe, a rather, ahem, 'fruity' vibe. I think I'm already getting the idea of why this ship is popular. I do believe I see the vision.
Also, quick tangent, I LOVE the way the animators animated Cat-Ra like an actual cat. Her hair getting puffed up when she's agitated, her ears moving to reflect her mood. Her eyes dilating like how cat eyes actually do. THEY EVEN ALSO MADE HER PURR LIKE AN ACTUAL CAT, LIKE SHE AUDIBLY CAN BE HEARD PURRING. THAT'S SUCH AN ADORABLE DETAIL & IT MAKES HER IMMEDIATLEY ENDEARING AS FUCK.
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Also I guess it makes sense Cat-Ra would be into women, yeah?
Because it makes sense that CAT-Ra would be interested in PUSSY.
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(Please Laugh) (I'm desperate please think I'm funny I need this)
Now moving on, let me talk about this BITCH.
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One. Compared to the original Shadow Weaver, they sure did make her a way more intimidating villain.
Hi so I immediately love you?? Like instantly my favorite character just from the design alone. Glimmer is so real honestly.
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I also like Bow, like, Bow is just so fucking cool & nice? He's such a real one, I wanna be best friends with him & hang out he's just so lovable like he's just awesome. I love this man immediately. He deserves all the good in the world actually.
Also holy shit the contrast between Bow in the original show vs this reboot design.
It's funny, the original design WAY more gay than the new one.
The new one that a lot of people (and by people I mean homophobic douchenozzles.) complained about, the design for Bow in this supposedly 'woke tumblr sjw cartoon' has a design that is far less homoerotic in it's design & feel.
The original Bow just outright looks like a fucking gay pornstar.
He's got the trademark 'Gay Porno Mustache™' & everything.
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Okay so there's a magic sword or something, etc.
They mentioned Eternia.
Okay so, one of the reasons the original she-ra was lame as fuck compared to He-Man? No Skeletor.
Hordak & literally all the villains in the original show suck ass.
They fucking suck. Hordak is just Skeletor but boring & shitty.
Why the FUCK did they not take the oppurtunity to replace Hordak with Skeletor? You don't even need to add He-Man, I'm fine with that.
But You could have just taken She-Ra & added a better villain because Skeletor fucking rules. He calls people boobs. That's fucking awesome & cool. WHERE IS HE? WHERE THE FUCK IS SKELETOR? LOOK SHOW. HORDAK WAS FUCKING LAME AS FUCK.
I mean, so far they managed to make me actually LIKE Cat-Ra, & the original Cat-Ra fucking sucks. Shadow Weaver sucked & so far at least this reboot Shadow Weaver is actually intimidating. But man, you better fuckin' impress me show, because the lack of Skeletor is felt deep within my soul.
OH wait hold on.
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Okay I see why everyone said this show is gay now.
Anyways I didn't mean to ramble on this long about the show in just one episode, I promise this is gonna be a rare occurrence. I think from now on, I'll keep it shortened to just one paragraph per post. I'll only pull out these long posts when I finish a season or something.
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Anyways uh:
-Glimmer is the best
-I'm sorry but I'm not over the skeletor thing WHY DID YOU NOT USE HIM HE WAS RIGHT THERE-
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parvuls · 1 year
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I saw several people wondering how to participate in this bingo event. so this is how it goes: you look through your recs, you fill out the card, and... you post it 😉
to make this even more interesting, every author that gets tagged in a bingo card is now challenged to fill their own. I said what I said.
main character is a side character to fail better by orphan this is an unusual rec for me since the main character is camilla collins, and the main relationship explored here is jack/camilla. but really, I adore it because it's a rare example of an outsider pov on jack through the eyes of someone who likes him, and maybe sees more of him than he know. there's something very sad about jack at this point of his story, but his and canilla's awkward attempts to make something real of what they almost have are really endearing. plus: even if jack didn't fall in love with camilla, I definitely did.
still a WIP Increasing Engagement by always1895 I have a problem of hoarding WIPs and occasionally checking on them like I'm waiting for them to return from the war. this is one of those WIPs. there are two things I can never turn down, and those are social media fics and an enemies to lovers arc. just know my ass is sat down for whenever this fic is finished, and yours should be too. (*) if anyone knows the author's tumblr handle, please tag them!
short fic Patient as Pie by @edgarallanrose no fluff hits quite as hard as zimbits fluff. this short fic has jack being needy and affectionate and domestic, and it just makes me warm and gooey inside whenever I read it. which, you know, is often.
inspired you to write Two Things Only by @thewesternredcedar I'm going old school with this one, because whenever I think of a fic that inspires me I think of the summer I read this fic six times to get through my own fic. this may be in my top ten favorite fics of all time. it has endless amounts of pining, hilarity, silliness, and to top it all off, it's set during my favorite time to read about: right after graduation and before Y3. it does such a good job of nailing that jack and bitty essence that I just can't help coming back to it for inspiration.
bookmarked recently (...ish) say my name (and call me a liar) by @weneedtotalkaboutfic it may be cheating to rec a fic that was written for you, but uh, I don't care. this fic just hits all the right spots. it's smart, it's funny, it's mysterious, it's sexy, it's emotional. it has both super slow-burn and whatever the opposite of that is, thanks to a wonderful two-person-love-triangle. and if that's not enough, the real star of this fic is jack zimmermann and the journey of his sexuality and his happiness, which just blew me away.
BONUS: canon divergence But this place still stands, this place remains unchanged by @doggernaut I already have my bingo but I have more to rec, so. this fic is a really fun glimpse into a future that could've been, and it's supported by a wonderful ensemble cast (of both canon characters and realistic-feeling OCs). this fic made me laugh out loud and clutch my chest, and even though I knew where the story is headed, I couldn't wait to arrive there with it.
BONUS: isn't on AO3 lighthouse au by @appalamutte this is one of those tumblr snippets I wish I could will into becoming a full fic. just that one scene, along with the bonus background, made me fall instantly in love. historical au's can be hit or miss for me, but this was so unique and so intriguing, and (as already established) I can't resist a good enemies to lovers action.
BONUS: FREE here you come again by @ivecarvedawoodenheart honestly, no one rips my heart out of my chest quite like syd does. the first time I read this I was too emotional to think thoughts, but the second (and third, and fourth) I was just like: tell me everything about this. immediately. the phrasing lives in my head rent free? this short fic literally does.
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flimflamfandom · 1 month
Four Different Kisses
I wanted to write sappy stuff. I just like writing sappy stuff. I might do another version with OCs and somesuch but this one's just Frepper.
Ivy sighed as she laid in the truck, out of view of the windows. She slowly peeked out, sticking the rifle out of the window. She saw Calvin running with the crate, and the man behind him. She took aim, and breathed out. "hhhh..." BANG!
She got the man behind him in the chest, and he fell instantly. Calvin looked behind him, ragged and tired. He got into the truck, and tossed the crate by the backseat. "Thanks."
"Yer welcome." Ivy sat up, and got behind the driver's seat, as Calvin caught his breath. He was heaving in air, and he had undone his vest. He wiped his brow and looked over. "You really saved my life there, y'know." He said. "He was gonna get me."
"You owe me a kiss." Ivy winked. "Least y'could do." She cooed. Calvin smiled, and leaned in. He was still breathing heavily as he kissed her, and he was quick to hold her. He pulled away soon after, and looked up at the ceiling.
"...home, aye?"
"Yep." Ivy began to drive off.
Ivy walked down the aisle, accompanied by a teary eyed Ruby. She was teary eyed, too, but she figured she would handle it - until she saw Calvin looking at her.
He stared, wide eyed, and slack jawed. He blinked a few times. he couldn't honestly believe how beautiful she looked, as she settled in next to him. She stood next to him, and smiled, her eyes becoming glassy and watery. Calvin's did, too. He spoke softly, so no one could hear.
"Would you want to go out sometime with me?"
"Pfft...Freckle..." Ivy covered her mouth, trying not to laugh too loudly - even at dumb jokes like that, she laughed too loud.
They went through the motions. They went through the vows. Calvin, in his usual way, was very verbose. He was flowery with his language, talking about rivers and clouds and warmth and winter days.
Ivy listened, but she didn't much absorb what was said. She was fixed on his slight smile, his watering eyes, his warm glance. She barely even registered the line "and when the stars shine at night, I curse them for not shining brighter, so I might see your smile all hours of all days..."
When it came her turn, Ivy's were shorter, and simpler - "I vow to stay with you, as long as the sun keeps rising..."
As she spoke, Calvin found himself transfixed - he was unable to stop staring at her, to stop basking in her warm beauty, as she struggled to say the things she'd written, struggled to fight back tears. Calvin, not knowing where they even were in the process, reached out, put a hand on her cheek, and wiped a tear away, smiling and whispering 'I'm happy, too, my love.'
there was a paused.
"...Mr. McMurray?"
"Staring, hmm?" The priest chided him a little, smiling. "Do you, Calvin Phineas McMurray, take Ivy Ruth Pepper, to be your lawfully wedded wife, to love her, honor her, and keep her in sickness and health, for as long as you shall live?"
"I do."
"And do you, Ivy Ruth Pepper, take Calvin Phineas McMurray, to be your lawfully wedded husband, to love him, honor him, and keep him in sickness and health, for as long as you shall live?"
"I do."
The by the power went by quickly. So did the pronouncement. Neither much cared. They just wanted to hear one word -
"You may kiss the bride!"
Calvin gripped Ivy, and pulled her in, kissing her longingly and deeply, as if he'd been waiting a lifetime for it. He held the back of her head, and she held him by his shoulders. It felt too short, but as they pulled away and people cheered, Ivy didn't try for another one. She looked up at Calvin.
"...do we HAVE to go to the reception?" She asked. "Can't you just take me home?" She winked. Calvin huffed, and smirked.
"You don't want to force me to dance?"
"Hmm...well. You drive a hard bargain, Mr. McMurray." She kissed his cheek.
Ivy sighed as she walked back to the house in the hills. She roleld her eyes, and stretched her back. "Hours, Freckle, HOURS! And you didn't even get an award!" She crossed her arms, the statuette in her hand gleaming as she set it down.
Calvin laughed. "Well, there's next year. I'm young." Calvin said. "Besides, the house has two of those little statuettes, it's fine." Calvin rubbed her shoulders as Ivy sat down. "You do look lovely in that dress."
"Thank you." Ivy smirked. "Only heard it from you a billion times tonight~"
"Well...it's true." Calvin seemed a little embarrassed. Ivy turned to face him.
"I like hearing it. I like hearing you." She stood on the other side of the couch, and walked over it to reach him. "In fact, ever since we came to Hollywood," She put a hand in his, "you've only made me love ya more." She put another hand on his chest. "You're the only man in this town I actually love to work with." She said.
Calvin wrapped her up in his arms, and looked down at her, with a smoulder.
"...am I getting better with the eye thing?"
"Hah!" Ivy chuckled. "Let the leading men do that, I didn't fall for you for a smoulder." She put a hand on his cheek. "I fell for you for your sweet little smile. You know that."
She kissed him, and sighed. The kiss became more and more intense...
Calvin slowly walked into the house, and looked back. The procedure had gone well - he would be okay. But still, having that much of your tail removed is jarring, and tough on any cat. He heard footsteps behind him.
"I could've gotten that on a second trip." Calvin said, smiling as Ivy rushed in his typewriter.
"No, no, nonsense? You're not gonna have that much of you cut off and then just lift a bunch of things."
"Dear, it's not as if I've lost a leg, I just have half-"
"Calvin." Ivy sighed. "...I know you want to man your way through this but this is very serious." She said, firmly. She walked into the house. "Just because they cut it out doesn't mean it won't come back - the doctor said that."
"This killed my MOTHER, Calvin." Ivy said. "And you're not just gonna parade around like nothing is wrong!"
"Nothing IS wro-"
"You had CANCER." Ivy shouted. "You...you had..." She sat down. "...I'm sorry I'm shouting."
"You have every right to." Calving sat on a stool, and winced as he did so. "I know. I'm sorry I'm not...I-" He looked over. "The baby." He stood, and walked towards the crib, towards his son - Finn. He had his eyes and his mother's fur. "You need a change, don't you?"
Ivy watched as Calvin, just home from a multi day recovery, from a life changing surgery, simply changed a diaper. She wanted to be mad. She wanted to take him by his face, shake him, tell him to be as scared as she was. She looked on for a moment. She heard his voice.
"I don't want to die scared of this." Calvin said.
"You...you don't go talking about death." Ivy said. "I'm too scared of that."
"I am, too." Calvin said. "...guess we've never both been scared like this before." He finished changing Finn's diaper, and turned around, wiping his hands.
"...please just..." Ivy shook her head, "just tell me you understand how this feels for me. Even if you're lying."
Calvin nodded. He held her face in his hands.
"...I'm just as scared." He said. "But I love you. And we'll have to stay with that." He kissed her.
It was soft, and quiet. It was warm. It was comforting...it was bittersweet. Calvin pulled away, and moved his hands to Ivy's waist. "...I haven't gotten to do that in a few days."
"You haven't." She said, smiling, and purring. "...maybe a few more, to make up for lost time?"
"If you insist..." Calvin pressed his lips to hers once more...
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braxlrose · 10 months
Eye color:dark brown/black
Hair color:black/orange
Hair style:straight medium hair, wolfcut
Clothing style:retro 2000s
Makeup style:light makeup (I don't wear much)
Nationality/Ethnicity:white and black (mixed), Italian
3 adjectives that describe you:Empathetic, paranoid, loyal
Are you more of the quiet type or the out going type:Sociable and quite loud-
Do you play an instruments:I play the piano and the violin
What's your type in guys:Caring (I don't really have a type😭)
Which languages do you speak:English, Italian, Spanish (fluently)
3 bands you like to listen to:Tokio Hotel, Guns N Roses, Aerosmith
a/n: just so everybody knows, this is who I think people would fit best w/ personality and style wise. If you get someone you didn't want, that doesn't mean anything and this is just for fun!! This is also going to be written kind of like fanfiction. I also won't be putting a tag list on here.
you're matched up with...
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When you are Georg first met, you clicked instantly. He thought you were absolutely gorgeous the first time he saw you in a record store. Him and the rest of the band were searching for vinyls when he saw you. You were standing there with the rest of your friends, laughing. God, you had the most beautiful smile.
It didn't take much time for him to muster up the courage to come up to you and ask you out. Of course you said yes and all your friends with smiling and giggling. He was so sweet and looked amazing, there was no way you were going to say no.
He took you out on a first date to a movie, not a best choice georg 💀 so you two didn't have a lot of time to talk. but afterwards when he was driving you home, you learned so much about him. About his band, foods he likes, the music he likes, how he regrets taking you to a movie for your guys' first date 😭. Honestly, it was perfect.
After that, he decided to bring you out on better dates like to restaurants and cute picnics. He definitely learned his lesson.
He's the perfect boyfriend, he always holds you and cuddles you whenever you feel down or if you're having cramps. He loves bringing you out on dates and he can't get enough of braiding your hair at night.
He could sit and listen to you talk for hours. He loves hearing you speak different languages since he can only speak German and English. But that doesn't refrain him from teaching you dumb things in German 😭.
He loves that you like his band too, he wouldn't want to date someone that doesn't. Especially whenever he's playing and he can see you in the crowd smiling up at him. Plus, afterwards you and him go back stage and have some fun 😉.
He also really loves playing the bass for you. When you're just half asleep, laying next to him with your cheek pressed against his shoulder and listening to him play. He adores it sm. Almost as much as he adores you.
He also really loves listening to you play the piano for him. He was never one for the piano, but after you came around he couldn't get enough of it. He loves hearing you play, and all the songs you know.
He goes to the gym sometimes, and loves working on his torso and arms. So he can always pick you up or put you on his shoulders.
He's an asshole though, and will just sit there and watch as you try and grab something from the top shelf, laughing as you climb up onto the counter to get it bc you were just too prideful to ask him.
Whenever he's out with the band and he sees something you might like he hassss to buy it. Whether it's clothes, jewelry, makeup or hair products. He just wants to make you as happy as possible.
On that note, he lets you practice your makeup on him. He just stares up at you the entire time while you practice new eyeliner techniques on him.
He's so sarcastic omg, he's such an asshole. Literally you could be saying anything and he'll have a come back, it's insane.
All and all, you and Georg are meant to be together ♥️
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gojo-enthusiast · 2 months
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You, Me & Malaysia - Nanami Kento
Read Part 1 Here
mlist<3 | smut | MDI
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2 months later 
“Yes, the rocking chair right there.” You smiled at the movers. Kento and you had finally moved to Malaysia and you were 8 months pregnant. Your husband refused to let you do any work unless you were bossing someone around, including him. “Kento, I’m hungry.” You groaned, “okay dear, let me get you something to snack on for the mean time.” He says, as he opens the lunch box he prepared for the move. “Here’s some peanut butter crackers.” He says, handing it to you. “Ughhhhh I want pizza.” You groan, “I know I know, we are almost finished dear.” He kisses your cheek, finishing up the last bit of furniture. You saw the way his muscles bulged as he wore a light blue v neck, and jeans. You felt your core heat up like as if the moment you peered at the man, something turned on.
You hadn’t realized that the last time you and Kento were intimate, was before he went to Shibuya. With his injury, and the moving, and all the baby stuff, it wasn’t something you thought about, until this very moment, when you saw your husband naturally flexing. You looked at his back, seeing the definition, and the way he was sculpted, he had been working out everyday since before Shibuya. “Damn when did my husband ass get so juicy.” You said out loud not realizing you actually thought out loud. You instantly covered your mouth, and your husband looked back at you and chuckled. “You good baby?” He sees your ears and cheek redden. “I’m fine.” You say shyly, sitting on the freshly built bed, as you squeezed your thighs together. “You look kind of red, are you sure you’re good?” He laughs, he knew exactly what he was doing, and he knew exactly how you were feeling. Standing up he waltz’s over to you, standing in between your legs. “You’re a little hot right now.” He touches your forehead. “I’m not just hot on my forehead.” You mumble. “Oh is that so? Where else would you be hot?” He smirks. You felt your cheeks blush. “Kenny— don’t tease me please.” You moan, pushing your clothed heat to his upper leg, you felt the muscles there flex and tense up. “You want to do this now? With people in the house?” He questions with a chuckle. You nod— “Just shut and lock the door.” You moan into his ear, biting it gently. You see the way his eyes instantly widen and they start to blow out in lust. “Oh you nasty nasty woman.” He groaned, clutching onto his cock. Your husband stood up, walking out the bedroom door, you sat there puzzled at his sudden disappearance.
“Hey guys, you guys are good. If everything is in the house, I’ll finish it up.” Kento says to the movers, who had just put in the last bit of furniture. You hear the men thank your husband, and wish him luck. You hear his feet walking into the room. “I should shower first.” He kisses your cheek. “Kento…” you moan. “I’ve been moving furniture all day, let me just freshen up.” He says, walking to the bathroom. You had already set everything up, while the men did all the heavy work.
You hear the shower run, and hear him going in. You stand up, waddling into the bathroom, stripping, getting in the shower with him. “Now what are you doing?” He laughs. “I’m freshening up.” You wink. As you soap up your body puff, rubbing it against your breast. “Baby.” He moans, leaning down to kiss you. “Kenny, touch me.” You moan, spreading your legs a little, putting his burned hand against your core. “Y/n, the burns don’t scare you?” He questions. You frown, “Kento, burns or no burns, you’re sexy as fuck. Honestly the burns are just a reminder to me that my husband is a fucking bad ass.” You smile, kissing his lips. “What about my eye?” He questions. You didn’t see his eye a lot because of his patch, but you saw the scarred eyelid, and the way the eyelashes didn’t all grow back, only a few. “I love your eyes.” You smile, pulling his face down, to kiss his scarred eye. He smiled, kissing you. "Unless you just don't love me anymore." You say smartly, trying to get a rise out of him. "You haven't touched me in a little while, you think you still know how to take care of your aching, deprived, wife?" You tease, poking his pecs. "You been so focused on the gym, that maybe you are just a muscle brain now, and forgot all about how to please your wi-" You said before your husband turned off the water and stepping out the shower, pulling your arm out the shower. "Dry off, I don't need you getting sick." He says in a strained voice, you looked down at his fully erect cock, it was throbbing and pre cum was leaking from the tip. "Kento." You neverously chuckled as you saw his jaw clench. "Get. Dried. Off. Now." He says louder this time. You knew what that tone of voice meant, your husband who had probably the hardest year of his life, he was not going to fully restrain himself, he was going to remind you of the man you married, and the only reason why your husband would not destroy you right then and there, is because of the unborn child you are carrying.
You quickly grabbed the towel, drying yourself off, your husband watched as he stroked his cock, you watched as he dried his hair with another towel, and then threw it to the side. As soon as you got done, he picked you up, then tossing you on the bed. "Kento!" You yelped. "Shut the fuck up." He hissed. He leaned over you, his mouth to your ear. "You think just because it's been a while and that you're pregnant, I would forget so easily? Let me remind you exactly who you are talking to." He hisses. In a swift movement, he dragged your bum to the edge at the bed, and spread your folds apart, instantly attaching his mouth to your hot wet core. "Ah, Ken-" You moan instantly, "Ah, ah, ah. Address me accordingly." He slaps your thigh. "Daddy- more." You moan in frustration. "Good girl." He smirks, sucking your clit, you felt his index finger push into your tight hole, thrusting, adding a second finger, you felt him curl his fingers up at your g-spot. "Oh fuck- right there!" You groan out. "Yeeeesssss." You roll your eyes back, arching your back. At that moment you completely forgot you were even pregnant, so when you go to look at your husband, you couldn't see him from your bump. Kento thrusted his fingers quicker, sucking your clit so deliciously- "Daddy yes, right there baby." You moan out, wrapping your legs around his neck. “You taste so good.” Nanami groans into your cunt. “Missed it so much.” He slurps. He curled his fingers perfectly into your cunt. You felt your orgasm coming close. “I’m cumming, I’m cumming!” You moaned loudly, at that moment you felt wetness squirt out of you, and when your orgasmed subsided, you saw your husband lean up, and your juices dripping down his face. “Baby, I’m so sorry” you cover your face in embarrassment. “Do it again.” He groaned, stroking his cock to your heat. “Squirt on my cock baby.” He moaned as he lined himself up to your hot core. “You teased me so much, doubting that I could please you. This is evidence that I know your body more than you do.” He sucked on your neck, leaving love marks. “Kentooooo, fuck me please.” You groan. Your husband lifted you up, turning you over, and putting pillows around you to get comfortable. “Arch that back for me baby. You comfy?” He questions sweetly. You nod in approval, and that’s when you start to feel your husbands cock entering into you slowly. “Fuck— you’re so big daddy.” You moan out. Kento lost all restraint from just these mere words, he stuffed you full, thrusting roughly and quickly into your tight cunt. “Fuck— yes yes.” He groaned, holding your hips and slamming into you. You hadn’t felt this good in months, you missed the way his hands held you, and the way his cock fit into so perfectly. “Dirty mama, you’re bad bad bad. Gotta teach my girl a lesson.” He thrust harshly, “Yes daddy, yes.” You moan, laying your head on the mattress while your husband is throwing his head back moaning. “Fuck I’m close.” He groans, your husband was relentless when he was thrusting in and out, he was chasing something he hadn't felt in months, with his movements getting sloppy. You feel him wrap his arms around, turning you over on your back, and he’s rubbing your clit while brutally pounding into you, you’re moaning so loud that you wouldn’t be surprised if anyone heard from miles away. This was true bliss, finally you were feeling your husband after months. Feeling the burning stretch, feeling the way he was flicking your nipples with his index finger and thumb. Finally after a few thrust, you were squirting all over your husbands cock, and he came deep inside. Pulling out, he watched as his seed dripped out your cunt. He smiled, feeling proud of himself.
"Oh how this sight is my favorite." He groans, you sit up to look at your husband. The man, who just had his release was once again hard, and pulsating with need. "You better take a breath, we are not done." He smirked, your husband lifted you up, your back was against his chest, and he had both his arms under your legs. "Watch as I fill you once again, grab my cock baby, line it up for me." He bites your ear. "Oh Kenny." You moan, grabbing his cock form under your belly, lining it up to your core. You could not fathom how your husband was lifting you and your pregnant belly up right now. All you thought about was how thankful you were he worked out as much as he did.
"Watch baby, watch our union." He whispers into your ear, as he thrust up into you, hitting your G-spot so beautifully. You instantly moan out in pleasure, taking the overstimulation, the tightness in your stomach was wanting to snap once again. He thrusted into you again and again, rubbing your clit while thrusting into you. You looked away, shy at the presence of you two's union. "I am showing you how much I know your body, don't you want to see? You must see for yourself my dear." He nipped at your shoulder. You felt your release fast approaching, "So close Ken." You moan out, watching him thrust into your red puffy cunt. "Me too, watch how I fill you, watch how I show you my love for you." He groans. This man was truly a romantic. And finally after that, he released once again, and pulled his softening cock out, and then holding you bridal style.
“Let me run you a bath my love.” He smiles kissing you gently, your body had gone limp, and you had no energy but to smile, and lay your head on his sweaty chest.
Everything was different than it was 6 months ago, you worried about Kento and wanting to get back into the field, but after you saw the way he held both of yours healthy baby BOY, and living in Malaysia, living the life you both always dreamed, you knew he could never go back to that life.
“I love you Kento, burns and all. You are my husband, my friend, my one and only.” You smiled as you drifted off to sleep with the baby boy named Haibara in your arms. He smiled, slipping off his eye patch and kissing your cheek. “I love you too angel.” He kisses your forehead before he fell asleep, holding you and his new baby boy.
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fanmoose12 · 2 years
Levi as an annoying teenager who makes fun of Hange’s looks bc he doesn’t know how to deal with his feelings getting mesmerized by the look of Hange in a dress. It was prom night, and he’s totally regretting going to the dance with Erwin’s date friend and not having the gut to invite Hange, who, to his horror, is dancing with Moblit lmao.
It is, without doubt, one of the worst nights in his life.
The annoying, obnoxiously loud music, the horrible stench of cheap perfume and sweat, the caries-inducing sweetness of spiked punch - that alone is more than enough to sour Levi's mood completely. But there is also a matter of his date - the equally dissatisfied Nile Dawk, the second most pathetic loser of their school, as Levi's friend Mike had called him. The first most pathetic loser of their school, at least according to Mike, is Levi and that's precisely why Erwin had the genius idea to convince the two of them to go to prom together.
The reason why Nile had agreed to go with him still remains a mystery, but Levi suspects that it has something to do with Erwin's date Marie, who currently dances with both Erwin and Nile. As for his own reason... The official version of it involves his cousin Mikasa and his promise to make sure that she won't get into any trouble. The unofficial version... is being twirled around the school's gym by Moblit damn him Berner.
The scowl on Levi's face grows darker, just as Hange's smile grows brighter. Dancing, smiling, laughing - that's what she has been throughout the whole night, and that's what makes this night truly unbearable to Levi.
Four-eyed nerdy Zoe shouldn't be the main star of the prom night, she shouldn't wear a dress and have her hair up in something that actually resembles a neat hairdo, she shouldn't be here at all - she should be studying or doing weird experiments or whatever it is that she does whenever she's not in school.
It is unexpected, unnatural, it's wrong, and- it annoys Levi. More than the loud music, more than awful smell, more than spiked punch that already got several of his classmates drunk, and even more than Nile Dawk.
It is-
"You know," a voice that appears from his left side startles him so much that Levi nearly jumps. He quickly pulls himself together, though, because just as quickly he recognizes the voice of his cousin Mikasa. She comes to stand next to him and seems just as irritated as Levi himself feels. "It's creepy when you stare at people like that."
"I don't-"
"Yeah, you do. You haven't taken your eyes off Zoe even once this night. It's honestly embarrassing."
The heat blooms on his face immediately and starts to spread quite rapidly, so Levi decides to repay Mikasa in kind. "Why are you here anyway?" he asks. "Aren't you supposed to stare lovingly into Yeager's eyes right now?"
Mikasa purses her lips and gives him a glare so vicious that Levi instantly knows that he has hit a chord. "Eren got into a fight with Jean," she mumbles, "and Mr. Shadis kicked them both out for that." The mocking remark is already on the tip of Levi's tongue, but Mikasa cuts him off, adding, "And the fact that you've missed that commotion just further confirms that you've spend all this time staring at Hange. Seriously, if you're crushing on her so hard, why didn't you ask her out?"
"I don't want to-"
"You don't want or you simply can't? I think that later is true. But," before the force of Levi's glare burns a hole through her, Mikasa takes a step back and lifts a hand to wave at him. "Your love life is too tragic even for me. I'll be outside if you need me. Have fun!"
Then she leaves him alone, finally, and Levi is able to stir in his irritation in piece once again. But- not for long.
"Didn't expect that you'd show up here," says a voice that Levi knows all too well. A voice that is the reason for his tonight's grievance. A voice that should be whispering dumb jokes to Moblit Berner or screaming the lyrics to yet another stupid song. A voice that by all means shouldn't be addressing Levi.
And, of course, that voice shouldn't excite him so much, and yet-
Levi raises his eyes to meet Hange's, observes her more closely, noting the slight blush on her cheeks and lipstick that's already smudged in the corners of her mouth. He sighs and turns his gaze back to the dancefloor. Without Hange in the centre of it, it somehow seems nearly empty.
"Didn't except you'd know what a dress is," Levi replies in kind. "It's ridiculous, by the way."
"Mm, your suit makes you look like a divorced office manager."
"And your date is dressed like a kindergartener."
"Your date is Nile Dawk."
"Touche," Levi concedes. As much as this night forced him to dislike Berner, his animosity isn't nearly strong enough to blind him to his own errors. But it doesn't mean that he's ready to surrender to Hange and let her have the last word. "You dance like a chicken that lost its head."
"Well, you don't dance at all."
Hange is looking at him. She's smiling at him too. That smile is not yet as bright as the one she's been showing to Moblit, but it is eager, inviting. Alluring.
She's challenging him, Levi realizes, and Hange's hand that is outstretched towards him confirms his suspicion. He hesitates to take it, but only for a moment.
After all, it's Hange Zoe, the most impossible nerd of their school. How can Levi not raise to her challenge? He'd be forever disgraced if he doesn't. Worse yet - Hange might lose all respect she has for him.
So Levi takes the offered hand without another second of doubt. Hange's smile widens immediately, and- considerably.
And, as Hange drags him to the dancefloor, the annoying music, the stench, his obnoxious classmates, all of it fades to the background. The only thing he feels are Hange's arms on his shoulders, the only thing he hears is Hange's voice, as she whispers dumb jokes into his ears, and the only things he sees are Hange's happy smile and eyes that sparkle like stars.
And so, that terrible night becomes one of Levi's very best ones.
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screechthemighty · 1 year
Hello, People Who Read My Resident Evil Fanfics, I'm back!!!! (May be back even more over the next few months, tbh. I don't want to make any promises, but Dracula Daily is hyperfixation-adjacent and getting back into RE4 Remake is up next on my content roster, so who knows?) AO3 link will be in a reblog, but here's the next chapter of catch me floating circles in my fish bowl!
catch me floating circles in my fish bowl - part three:
May 2, 2021:
“Zoe’s fine. She’s shopping at the grocery store like normal, at least.” Carlos showed him a picture on his phone. It took Ethan a second to recognize her. Her hair was all white, and she looked less desperately thin than he remembered. She was buying chips and standing next to a brick wall of a man with a serious case of resting bitch face. He looked familiar, but not quite familiar.
“Joe Baker?” Ethan guessed. “Glad to see she’s still got some family left.” Especially family like Joe Baker. If Chris was right, the guy had punched his way through the site to get to Zoe. He’s probably the only person in this mess more unhinged than I am. And he meant that as a compliment. “Thank you again for this. I know it’s probably paranoid, but with everything going on…”
How was he to know that the BSAA hadn’t gone after her? She could be just as valuable a resource as Ethan.
Speaking of…
“Still nothing from the BSAA?”
“Not that I’ve heard. I feel like that’s not gonna change until you leave. They don’t have a cause to investigate Blue openly and I don’t think they’d suspect Chris of bringing you here, so…” Carlos shrugged. “They’re probably keeping a closer eye on Terra Save. You have physical therapy today?”
Ethan’s mood soured instantly. “No,” he admitted. “I mean, I was supposed to, but I fell last time and they’re worried I fucked up my ankle, so we didn’t do much.” He hoped he didn’t look too petulant. “I know, if I hurt myself it could slow my healing down, I need to be careful…”
“Don’t forget it’s a miracle you’re walking at all,” Carlos pointed out. “You should still be bedridden.”
“Technically, I should be dead, but I get your point. Still, it’s just…”
Frustrating. It was all so damn frustrating. His self-appointed deadline was this month. He didn’t need to run a marathon or anything. He just wanted to walk on his own. Any patience he might’ve had for his body and its shortcomings had gone out the window now that the novelty of being alive had worn off.
“...to be clear, I’m asked this as a concerned friend, not as the guy responsible for you, but…they’ve got you seeing a therapist, right?” Carlos said. “Like…for your brain.”
“Yeah, they have,” Ethan said. “We’re still working on Dulvey. Turns out, almost being murdered under extreme bullshit circumstances is even more traumatic than just almost being murdered. Who would’ve thought?”
Carlos wince-laughed in a way that said he knew exactly what Ethan meant. “At least your guy has probably heard it all by now,” he said. “We didn’t have that when I was going.”
“Oh, I don’t know. I think the chainsaw scissors threw him off.”
“...the fucking what?”
Ethan probably shouldn’t have found that funny, but honestly? It was a little hilarious that he could one-up Carlos in the weirdness department.
Just a little.
Mia had been avoiding her therapist.
She knew, objectively, that avoiding her therapist probably looked worse than anything she could have actually said in therapy. She knew that whatever she said would stay in that room, that even her criminal past was safe to talk about. She knew this could be helpful, that it might let her sort out her thought spirals and fears and her increasing discomfort with being around Ethan.
But she couldn’t bring herself to go. Going meant actually admitting to everything–to all these dark thoughts, to all the shit she’d done. The thought of saying it out loud and having another person hear made her physically sick.
But she couldn’t stay away forever, so she finally went, with the intention of appearing as put-together and fine as possible.
She failed within five minutes.
“So, you’re concerned that Ethan is pushing himself too hard,” her therapist said. Doctor Reid was a no-nonsense sort of woman, the kind who cut right to the chase. It probably made her a great therapist, but these days, it mostly made Mia want to kill her.
“Ethan’s…” Mia tried to think of how best to phrase it. “...selfless to a fault. I don’t want him thinking about me right now. He should be focused on himself.”
Dr. Reid nodded and wrote something down. “Am I correct in assuming you’ve had this argument before?”
Mia tried to stay calm. It was difficult when visions of every argument they had since Mia learned she was pregnant started dancing through her mind.
We matter, Ethan! You matter! He’d been so caught up in protecting Rose, even before she was born. She’d known the lengths Ethan had gone to protect her. Known that he would go just as far for Rose, if not further. It was part of the reason she’d been so afraid to tell him what the mold had done to them. If he’d come to the same conclusions they had–that the BSAA had been deliberately negligent to unknown ends–who knew what he might have done?
The sound of pen against paper drew her out of her racing thoughts. Dr. Reid must have taken her silence as an answer. “Have you discussed this with him at all?”
Mia forced her voice to stay flat. “I’ve told him it’s okay to recover at his own pace,” she said. “He knows that we’re safe.”
“Maybe, but there’s more to the conversation than that, I think.” Dr. Reid put her pen down. “Are you frightened of what your husband might do?”
Damn this woman. “Why would I be? He protects us.”
“And he nearly died doing so, twice. That’s difficult to discuss. Objectively, he’s not wrong. Protecting those you care about is noble. But the survivor’s guilt you would’ve felt…” She picked back up her pen. “...and the guilt I’m sure you feel now are still very real. It could be easy for him to forget that.”
Mia felt her jaw go tense. “It’s not about that.”
“What is it about?’
“It’s my fault…”
Damn it. Damn it. Doctor Reid knew about the Connections, of course she did, but that didn’t mean Mia had to bring it up.
Doctor Reid glanced up. “You blame yourself,” she said finally, “because you think your time with the Connections is the reason Ethan ended up the way he did?”
The plan was not to reply, but Doctor Reid just sat there, waiting for an answer. Screw it. If this woman wanted an answer, she’d get her damn answer.
“I don’t think. I know. If I hadn’t been working for the Connections, I never would’ve ended up in Dulvey and he wouldn’t have had to save me. That’s where he got infected. That’s where the Rose got infected.”
“And if the BSAA had been honest, Ethan would’ve been cured, or his condition would have been managed,” Doctor Reid pointed out. “Maybe if they’d been honest, you two would have chosen not to have children. If Mirand had left you alone, or never learned about you, Ethan wouldn’t have had to save you a second time. Yes, your actions were one of the dominoes, but they were also just that. One of the dominoes. Why do you think you should shoulder all the blame?” Doctor Reid paused. “Why do you think Ethan thinks you should shoulder all the blame?”
“I don’t think that. I…”
She didn’t know. And that was really the worst part. So much of her was convinced that he wouldn’t blame her, which was bad in its own way. But the anxiety, the guilt, had her convinced that he would. There was no version of the story where this ended well.
“If I may,” Doctor Reid said. “You worry about Ethan pushing himself too hard and you worry about him getting into danger again. I assume this worry is compounded by the fact that you blame yourself for everything that’s happened, which in turn makes you feel that you’re not worthy of that protection. These are very strong emotions that are going to impact your interactions with Ethan, especially since you’ve had these disagreements before. Do you think I’m wrong?”
“...no.” It was a miracle it hadn’t impacted things already–or, at least, that it hadn’t in such a strong way that Ethan had noticed and started asking questions.
“Have you tried communicating with him about what’s been bothering you? You said Ethan had been keen to talk in the past. Perhaps if you had some mediation…”
“You offer couple’s counseling, too?”
“Actually, I’d find a third party, but we do have those.”
Of course they did. Nothing like a viral outbreak to put a strain on a marriage, right? Mia nearly burst out laughing at the thought, but managed to keep it together. Barely.
“I’ll think about it,” Mia said.
And she would. She just had a feeling she already knew what her answer was going to be.
May 5, 2021:
“You’ve got to be absolutely shitting me.”
Credit to everyone in the room: they were really doing their best not to laugh, or were treating it just as seriously as Ethan felt. Because he was taking this seriously. Because it was bullshit.
“Everything I’ve been through,” he said, staring down the cold compress on his arm, “all of that bullshit. And I’m still…” The only thing that kept him from swearing was Rose being in the room, staring him down with a slightly concerned look. “...I’m still allergic to bees?!”
“It would seem so, yes,” Doctor Marshall said calmly. “Do you want to hear something reassuring?”
“There’s something reassuring about this situation?”
“Your body is having a normal reaction to the sting. Not an exaggerated one, and it hasn’t triggered anything else in your healing. That’s a good sign.”
Damn it, he had a point. “I guess,” Ethan grumbled. Then, “Bees?!”
Jill finally broke the no-laughing rule with a barely muffled snort. “Sorry…” Her pale blue eyes were lit up with amusement as she tried not to make eye contact. “...no, it sucks, it really does…”
That probably should’ve pissed him off more, but…okay, yeah, it was funny-not-funny now that someone was laughing. Ethan deflated a bit, a bemused sigh escaping past his lips. “Just please don’t tell my wife,” he said. “She worries about me enough as it is. You’re telling her I’m fine, right?”
“I’m giving Mia medically accurate information,” Doctor Marshall said. “Unless you want to withdraw her as your-”
“No, no, it’s…” Great, that just means that either she’s misreading the information Marshall’s giving her or the results are worse than I realized. He wasn’t sure he liked either option. “It’s fine,” Ethan said. He peeked under the cold compress again. “Does the medically accurate information include that this bee sting isn’t gonna kill me?”
Ethan thought he felt a shift in Jill’s mood after that comment. That feeling was confirmed as she wheeled him out. “Everything okay with you two?” she asked. “I don’t want to be nosy, I just know this kind of thing puts a strain on…everything.”
“It’s…” Ethan sighed. “Complicated. Conflicting support needs, I think.” That was what his therapist had said when Ethan tried to describe the disconnect between how they’d handled Dulvey. Ethan wanted to talk. Mia wanted to forget. Neither was wrong, necessarily, but it did contribute to why they’d been butting heads on and off before the village. They hadn’t started couples therapy yet. Ethan wondered sometimes if they should move that up the list.
I basically died on her. That can’t be good for her mental health.
“That’s always tough,” Jill said. She had that tone, the one that said she and Carlos had been through the same thing. That was so weird to think about. They seemed rock solid, the two of them. Then again, they’d been together for a while, and lived through a lot during that time. Nothing like practice to improve your communication skills. “The give and take of it all. You’ve got to be supportive without giving up your own needs.”
“And hers,” Ethan added, tilting his head towards Rose as she grabbed at his coat collar. That was definitely a complicating factor. “I keep trying to tell myself that all couples have these problems, but…they don’t. You can say it’s the same thing, but it’s not.” Maybe that wasn’t fair, maybe he was playing the trauma Olympics, but he’d kill for regular problems. He’d kill for so many of their problems to not be tied up in dumbass crime syndicates and undead werewolves and potentially world-ending bullshit. If he could swap places with the Ethan who’d lost an arm to a car accident, he’d do it in a heartbeat. Zero hesitation.
“Yeah, tell me about it,” Jill said. “I think that’s why I was never able to make normal friends. Almost everything feels minor compared to…” She gestured vaguely. “...everything.”
Everything was a pretty good summary of things. And that really summed up how shitty things were for the both of them. “How did you two make it through things?” Ethan asked. “I mean, if you’re okay with sharing.”
“Couples’ therapy,” Jill said without hesitation. “It helped with everything. Even the mundane stuff. And we talk to each other, as much as we can. It used to be a monthly thing when we were active duty. There was a lot happening and we wanted to make sure we had the time.”
That made sense, but it didn’t make Ethan feel any better. How were they supposed to do this when Mia still didn’t want to talk? He couldn’t force her. He’d tried, if he was being honest. It had only made things worse.
How much longer could they just let things stew again?
May 15, 2021:
Apparently, at least another week and a half.
Maybe the mounting anxiety had been a warning.
She’d known from the second she opened her eyes that today was going to test her. Mia hated to blame Ethan, because it wasn’t entirely him. She’d been slipping towards a shitty day for a long time.
But opening her eyes to see Ethan standing upright didn’t help.
“What are you doing?” Mia yelped.
Ethan nearly fell over. Fortunately, he’d been clinging to a chair to support him; it was the only thing that kept him falling down. “Shit!” he yelped back. Then, quietly, “Shh!”
Mia’s gaze darted guiltily to Rose. Fortunately, she was still fast asleep. “What are you doing?!” Mia hissed once she was sure her baby hadn’t woken up.
“I was cold,” Ethan replied. “I wanted a sweater.”
“I could have gotten one for you.”
“You were finally sleeping, I didn’t want to wake you up.”
“What do you -” Mia took a deep breath. “Please sit down. I will get you a sweater.”
Ethan nearly protested. She could see it in the way that his shoulders went tense and his eyes met hers directly. But just as suddenly, he looked away, his shoulders slumping, as he sat down. Crisis averted, she allowed herself to think as she got up to get him a sweater.
That was stupid of her to think. She knew Ethan better than that. She should’ve known. Ethan only stayed quiet for as long as it took to get him the sweater. But once he was holding it…
“I don’t want to do this again,” he said.
Oh, no. “Do…what…?”
“It’s just…” Ethan sighed and rubbed his eyes. His fingers seemed to linger over the scar tissue across his nose. “Back in Europe, it felt like every little thing was an argument. But we never really got at why we were fighting. I don’t want to keep doing that.” He met her eyes again. “It doesn’t feel like you’ve been sleeping well. I haven’t always, either, and sometimes when I wake up in the night or when Rose wakes up, I can hear you…moving around, talking in your sleep. Like how you did after Dulvey. I can walk short distances and you looked peaceful, so I didn’t want to disturb you. You’re dealing with enough without adding sleep deprivation on top of that. I’m worried about you.”
She’d heard those four words so many times. She was starting to get sick of them. “I get that, I do, but you have…” Mia took a deep breath. “You have to start worrying about yourself. Ethan, you died a few months ago. If you get hurt again, if you’d fallen and hit your head…I have enough to worry about without worrying about you doing something stupid, okay?”
She knew, immediately, how harsh she’d sounded. It was starting to remind her too much of the argument they’d had that day in Europe…the one that had nearly been their last argument. Mia rubbed her eyes, hoping that she wasn’t about to start crying. “Please.”
“Okay, okay. No more walking without someone watching me,” Ethan said soothingly. His one hand reached out to rest on her knee. Even with the sweater sleeve covering it, she could vividly see the scar on his forearm. “Stressed about what, honey?”
About the fact that I almost got you killed. That they have to run tests on our daughter and it’s my fault. That you’ll find out the truth and nothing will be the same ever again. That nothing is the same already.
“Don’t do that,” Mia said out loud instead. “Please. You can’t fix everything, Ethan.”
“I’m not…you can talk to me, Mia. I’ll listen. No problem-solving, promise.”
She wasn’t sure she believed him. And even if she did, she couldn’t make herself say the words. “It’s…this whole situation,” she said finally. Not a lie, but nowhere near the truth. “It’s this whole situation.”
She was dodging. From the way Ethan looked at her, he knew she was dodging. She expected him to call her out on it. He always had before. Instead, he just looked sad. “Yeah,” he said quietly. “Yeah, baby, I know.”
He hugged her carefully. Mia was able to embrace him back, but she hesitated at first, the surge of guilt getting the better of her.
She knew Ethan had felt that, too, but he still didn’t say anything.
If his problems had a face, Ethan would have shot them by now.
He guessed Ethan could say his problems had some physical form: his bones, his muscles, the injuries and scar tissue that had hobbled him, the mold that had merged with his cells and turned him into something not quite human. But he couldn’t exactly punch himself in the face. Multiple BOWs had already done that for him, and look where that had gotten him.
He could still be mad at himself, though. Either his body had betrayed him forever and this was just his life now, or he wasn’t trying hard enough. One of those answers was easier to accept than the other one.
Unfortunately, accepting the latter only made the moment that he ended up face-down on the floor in the middle of PT all the more painful.
“FUCK!” Ethan shouted as he flopped onto his back. He wasn’t bleeding, but he’d hit his face pretty hard. “Son of a bitch!”
“Easy…” His therapist helped him carefully sit upright. Tom was usually a pretty chill guy, and usually had the decency to not visibly worry so much when things went wrong. This time he looked worried. “Did you hit the bar on the way down?”
“I didn’t hit the fucking bar. Shit.” Ethan looked around instinctively. He knew Rose wasn’t there, but he couldn’t help double checking. He tried really hard not to swear in front of her. He was just so…
Ethan carefully touched under his nose, checking for blood. There wasn’t anything that he noticed, but he knew what was coming next. “Let me guess, this is the part where we take a break for the day? We’re done?”
The words came out in a snap. Tom didn’t take it personally; the worst part was, Ethan was so pissed, he only felt a little guilty for being a dick about it. He felt even less guilty when he was informed that this was, in fact, it for the day.
At least he could wheel himself around the facility now. It meant he didn’t have an audience for his frustration.
Ethan probably should’ve gone back to his room and lay down. The session had been draining as it was, and he was kind of sore from that landing. But he went down to the ground level and right out the front door. No one tried to stop him, thank God. They probably figured he couldn’t go very far.
He went further than he had before, right out the front door and out into the parking lot, all the way to the far edge. There was just a field out there, and a barbed-wire topped fence. Somewhere on the other side of that was the rest of the world.
A world that he might never get to be a part of again.
Ethan took a deep breath and screamed. It was wordless at first, but quickly devolved into a rapid-fire barrage of every swear word he knew. They could probably hear him inside, but he didn’t care. What were they gonna do? Force him back inside? Revoke his wheelchair privileges? It wasn’t like his day could get any worse.
Eventually his voice gave out. He sat in silence, just him, the midday sun, and the random cars. The sound of approaching boots broke that silence eventually. Ethan didn’t have to glance over his shoulder to guess who it was. There were only three people he knew who wore boots regularly, and one of them was out of the country again. “I can’t go back in there,” he said dully.
“Wasn’t going to make you,” said Jill. “So, how’s a parking lot for a mental breakdown space? I haven’t tried that one yet.”
Points to her, the comment did get a laugh out of him. It wasn’t the sanest sounding laugh, but it was something. “It’s, uhm…” Ethan tried to wipe some of the tears off his face. “...better than a bathroom, I guess. Air quality’s nicer.”
“Yeah, bathrooms are like a bottom three pick.” She sat down in the grass, in his line of sight but off to the left. Her white-blond hair caught the sunlight, contrasting it more sharply against the black hoodie she was wearing. It looked a few sizes too big–one of Carlos’s, maybe. “You want to talk about it?”
He did. Keeping it bottled up was killing him, and maybe Jill would actually understand what was going on here. But for a long time, the words didn’t come. He just stared down at his one remaining hand. It had been working fine lately–grip strength almost back to normal, no more freezing up at random, sensation much better. Why couldn’t everything go that smoothly? Why did this have to be so hard?
Hadn’t they all been through enough?
“...Mia and I’s anniversary is this month,” he said. “Ten years.”
“Ten years? With two disasters in the middle of that? Shit, that’s not bad.” Jill sounded genuinely impressed. “I’m guessing you wanted to get out of here before that?”
“No, not even that. I can handle being here if we really have to.” They were safe here, at least, and safe was all he could really hope for. “I just…I was just hoping I’d be walking more by then. I wanted her to see that I’m okay. And don’t give me the whole oh, you should be dead, who cares if you’re not walking yet speech. I care. I can’t…” He rubbed at his eyes desperately. “It’s not enough. I thought even a few steps would do it, but I can just feel her pulling away and she’s so focused on being worried about me that she’s not thinking about anything else and I can’t…I can’t see her like that. I can’t live through that again.”
He was bracing himself for more questions; what he got instead was a slightly bitter, huffing laugh. A sound of recognition. “Fuck, yeah. Been there.”
Ethan lifted his head. “Seriously?”
“Chris didn’t tell you? I was MIA presumed dead for three years.”
Chris had definitely not mentioned that. “Chris doesn’t really talk much about his BSAA days. Was this before you left?”
“Yeah. One of my last missions with the old crew, actually. It’s a long story, but Carlos was…” She sighed. “...he kept it together for me. And I appreciated that, I really did, but I knew it wasn’t going to last forever. It was just a matter of when.” She started rubbing her sternum as she spoke. Ethan saw her do that sometimes. “Worst part was, I knew that. I just had no way of knowing what would finally do it. It was just the one time, thank God. We were able to talk about it after that.”
“So what you’re saying is that she might have to break more before we can fix it?”
“No.” Jill hesitated. “I mean, that’s not wrong, but that’s not what I’m saying. What I’m saying is that what you’re going through isn’t abnormal. I don’t know if I can fix what’s going on with Mia, and I don’t think you can, either. She has to figure that out for herself, like Carlos did. But you know what kept me sane when everything went to shit?” She made direct eye contact with him then. She had such an intense gaze, her pale blue eyes seeming to stare right through Ethan’s skull. “You’ve gotta lower your expectations, man. I know that you want everything back to normal, trust me, I get that, but that went out the window three years ago. I’ve lived it twice. It sucks, every time, but if you try to force it, you’re just going to hurt yourself worse. Physically and mentally.”
Ethan forced his gaze away from her. It was stupid, all things considered, but he didn’t want her to see the tears starting to form in his eyes. “This sucks,” he said finally.
“Yeah, I know. It’s not fair. I wish it were. But you can make it work. It’s possible. And believe me when I say…she’s just happy you’re still here.”
Ethan didn’t doubt that. He just wasn’t always sure it was enough.
Maybe he was wrong about that.
“Mrs. Winters?”
Mia’s head snapped back up. Doctor Marshal was staring at her with a worried look. “Sorry,” she said. She rubbed her eyes. “I just missed that last part…were we talking about skin samples?”
“Yes, but they’re optional, and more for Ethan’s benefit. How is he, by the way?”
Mia wasn’t sure how to answer that. The conversation from that morning was still dancing through her head. The wounded look on Ethan’s face was burned into her eyelids. “He’s…still a little stir-crazy,” she admitted. “Nothing we can’t handle, I don’t think.”
“That’s understandable. How about you? How are you doing?”
Mia wasn’t sure how to answer that. She wasn’t sure she could lie, not when she had zoned out in the middle of the conversation. There was so much going on, so many things she didn’t have a handle on. “...can I ask you something personal?” Mia said finally.
“Go ahead.”
“How did you get past your old job? How do you…ever make up for something like that? After everything that happened…” Doctor Marshal’s face changed quickly, growing more closed-off than she’d ever seen the doctor. Damn it. “...I mean, I don’t know how much you were involved…”
“Bioweapons development and research,” Marshal said. “So, yes, I was involved. Not directly in Racoon City, I was never assigned there, but…only a few degrees of separation between my department and theirs. I’m sure members of the Nemesis team used my research.”
Oh. They had more in common than she’d realized. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have asked.”
“Don’t be. It’s a valid question.” Marshal sighed heavily. “Honestly, it took a lot of time. Joining Blue Umbrella helped. Actions feel more like atonement than words. But I had to accept at some point that I could be as sorry as I wanted, but I couldn’t change the past. Even trying to act like the past didn’t happen kept me stuck there. I wasted so much time trying to figure out how to dance around it that I may as well have been stuck in my room, blaming myself. I had to face it, admit it, figure out what I could do instead now, and move on. I still feel guilty now, but I’m not drowning in it anymore. It’s just a feeling. Usually a productive one.”
The difference between guilt and shame. Her therapist had brought it up. Mia was really starting to hate how much the woman was right about things.
“Not everyone is going to forgive us,” Marshall added. “That’s within their rights. That shouldn’t stop us from trying.”
They dropped the subject after that, but it stayed with her. It took up so much of her mental space that she almost forgot…
“You’re doing really good,” Carlos said suddenly.
…she’d had an extra set of ears in the hallway the whole time, looking after Rose.
“At…all of this. Considering.” Carlos cleared his throat awkwardly. “Just in case no one’s told you that.”
Carlos was an easy man to read. He reminded her of Ethan that way. She could tell he meant it. That didn’t do enough to ease the sudden dread in her chest. “How much did you…?”
“Nothing I won’t have forgotten by the end of the day,” Carlos said. “I’m great at keeping secrets. I can’t retain shit.”
That sounded sincere, too, and just self-mocking enough to get her guard back down. “That’s…”
Goot to know was what she wanted to say. It got stuck in her throat. She was barely able to hold back the alternative response.
I’m scared.
But Carlos seemed to understand anyway. He reached out carefully, only resting his hand on her shoulder when she didn’t move away. He had a reassuring grip, what she’d imagine a touch from a cool older brother or a non-shitty father would feel like. “Is there anything I can help with?” he asked.
“...no,” Mia whispered. The dread was back, joined by a heavier sense of resignation. “No. I have to do this myself.”
Deep down, she’d known it was inevitable. In fact, it was long past overdue. No matter what the outcome…
She owed Ethan the truth.
She wouldn’t be able to fix this until she’d told him.
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winterfireice · 2 years
Nightmare promt Sokeefitz week 2022
@gay-otlc @rainbow-frog-earrings
I shoot up in bed shaking, Gethen’s voice echoing in my head like a shadow that never really goes away. I try to calm myself down by taking deep breaths and it helps, a little. I grab a half empty bottle of youth and down the contents in one gulp, holding Ella tighter I lay back down trying to go back to sleep. But after tossing and turning for fifteen minutes I give up looking up at the clock across the room its two thirty in the morning, sighing I reach out telepathically to Fitz and Keefe, “You awake?” She asked quietly, trying not to wake them if they were asleep. “Nope” Fitz’s crisp voice filling her head How could I be asleep when you want to talk. Keefe’s cheerful tone pops up right after. A smile settles onto Sophie’s lips the sound of some of her favorite people's voices calming her down almost instantly. “So, what's up Soph?” Keefe asks, “Nothing, just wanted to talk to you guys.” Not wanting to say the real reason she was interrupting the night was because she was scared to go back to sleep. “You sure?” Fitz has a bit of skepticism in his thoughts, “Yeah you sound a bit stressed”, damn them and knowing her so well. “Wait is “sound” the right word since I'm not actually hearing you with my ears but with my head or brain I guess, wow your guy's ability is confusing. Wait, I'm getting off topic, are you ok?” Keefe sounds concerned and a little protective the way he does whenever either of his partners is upset. “I just can't sleep I had another stupid nightmare.'' I'm picking at a loose string on one of my blankets now. “Hey, I bet it's not stupid especially if it's keeping you up,” Fitz says gently “want to talk about it?” Bitting my lip and tugging out an eyelash I transmit “it was just the average Gethen taunting me with the occasional torture montage.” I try to sound sarcastic but tears are falling down my face and even though neither of them can see me somehow they can tell “Hey hey its ok don't act like its nothing nightmares are scary enough on their own but there's the added factor of them being based on real things that have happened. And don't act like there's nothing wrong, remember I'm the king of pretending everythings fine and we both know that never helps.” Keefe reassures me. “I know I just hate that he still has this control on me I'm supposed to be the fearless mooklark and I feel like I've accomplished nothing which makes me even more worried for our world since we've made the most progress then anyone has with the neverseen” I confess full on crying now. “I know you feel a lot of pressure but no one is expecting you to be fearless or perfect and honestly if you were fearless I would be a bit concerned for your self preservation,” Fitz chuckles “and you're not the only one with nightmares that they wish they didn't still worry about why do you think I'm awake, and don't apologize you did nothing wrong and before you argue you weren't going to say anything, remember I'm connected to your thoughts I'm blocking most of them but the thoughts in the front of your mind I can see loud and clear.” Sophie shut down the apology she totally was going to send to him, “plus at least your nightmares don't have a giant bug in them talk about an embarrassing injury.” Sophie half smiles and Keefe says, “You know I think you're picking up on me and Foster’s dark humor Fitzy. But I also completely agree with you on everything else, nightmares sink like iggy's breath.” Sophie laughs at the mention of her sleeping imp’s breath “Yeah they do, thank you guys for talking to me I love you.” “Anytime Foster I love you two too.” Keefe says slightly sluggish as if his brain is yawning. “I love you as well. I have the best partners.” Fitz states confidently. Sophie ends up falling asleep talking to some of the best people she's ever met and while she does have more nightmares there not nearly as bad as before.
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heartofspells · 2 years
hskakenfkwirkr oh my gosh!!! I want to know about every single one of them! (also I find it so funny ghost sirius and these days of dying are separate things, just WHAT is happening XD) but alas I shall choose one... May I ask about "Who Are You"?
They are separate things, I swear they are! Sirius isn't a ghost in These Days. But I love how everyone is so invested in what's happening to him, I really do.
So, Who Are You (not the permanent title) is creation that was inspired by a song (i know, i know. it's shocking). Who Are You by Aquilo. Basically, Remus and Sirius meet through James and Lily as they become an item or whatever. Sirius is instantly infatuated, but Remus can't stand Sirius. He finds him arrogant and pushy, wants nothing to do with him. But Sirius, was we know, is a persistent ass and worms his way in by learning to just be himself instead of putting on some massive production as he's so used to doing.
I don't have much of this. Literally one scene that is incomplete (and i've maybe shared before?), but you can have it!
"Get up, you tosser," says James as he barges through the front door of the flat, kicking it closed behind him enthusiastically.
Sirius startles from his sprawled position on their sofa, pulling the pillow off his face. He squints at James in annoyance.
"No, don't think I want to," he mutters and James frowns at him. "You're too eager. And you've got that look. I don't trust it."
James eyes him for a moment before kicking Sirius' ankle that's resting on the arm of the sofa. He ignores Sirius' squawks of indignation and pain as he clicks the telly off.
"Tough," states James. "We're going out. I've already rang Pete and he's going to meet us there from work. Now put some trousers on." His nose wrinkles at Sirius' bare legs, the only thing covering his dignity a pair of dubious pants.
"I don't want to put on trousers," whinges Sirius, his face forming into a pout. "Where are we going? Can't we ever go somewhere that doesn't require trousers?"
"Try France," retorts James, reaching down to pull at Sirius' limp arm, shifting him halfway off the sofa. "I hear it's lovely for your sort."
James gives a final tug, and Sirius squeals faintly as he nearly rolls to the floor, barely catching himself with one hand on the coffee table and the other sinking into the cushion of the sofa. He glares at James as he hovers in midair, his legs flailing for purchase. James smirks at him.
"Fucking hell, James," grumbles Sirius as he continues to struggle before deciding to simply let himself fall to the floor. He lands with a loud thud, grimacing as his tailbone connects with the rug roughly. James snorts a laugh and Sirius scowls at him. "Wanker."
"Haven't really had that concern since I pulled Lily," comments James as he settles on the arm of the sofa and stares down at Sirius with a smug grin.
Sirius rolls his eyes. "Yeah, of course," he mutters, his eyes turning sly. "That's why we're suddenly going through twice as much lotion. Massaging her feet, are you, Potter?"
James' cheeks flush a deep red and he looks away. "That's a bit of an exaggeration. It's not twice as much," he mumbles in embarrassment. Sirius huffs and looks at him with raised eyebrows. James throws his hands up in the air. "Can you honestly blame me?" he cries. "Look at her, she's gorgeous. She haunts me."
Sirius shakes his head as he levers himself to his feet, pulling down his pants that had ridden up in the scuffle. "Is that what all this trousers business is about?" he asks disparagingly. "Lily?"
James had once been fun, Sirius remembers, him, Sirius, and Peter holing up inside the flat on most nights or venturing out to a random pub occasionally. They'd enjoyed one another's company, pulling when they were out, but only people they didn't have much interest in, casual flings that amounted to nothing. That had changed the moment James had started working with the alluring Lily Evans, the woman taking all his attentions and affections, trying to turn her disdain into love, eventually succeeding. Sirius feels abandoned and he mopes, not hiding it from James.
James shifts under Sirius' scornful look but doesn't respond. Sirius groans.
"Why can't she come here?" he begs. "I'll put on trousers for her, but then we wouldn't have to go out and be assaulted by them." He flaps his hand at the wall, his statement and action encompassing the world and its people at large. Sirius is not one to shy away from being in the public image, but he has his moments when he simply cannot handle the rudeness of the human population.
"Absolutely not," denies James. "This place is disgusting. You're disgusting."
Sirius gawks at him. "I resent that," he says indignantly. "I'm perfectly acceptable."
"There's dried cheese on your shirt," counters James, studying Sirius like he's a failed experiment. "And something sticky at the corner of you mouth. Also, is that squirty cream in your hair? How did that even happen?"
"The can backfired on me," says Sirius, flapping his hand to wave James off. "Not important. Where are we going?"
"A pub, somewhere Lily knows. She wants to meet my friends and for me to meet hers. Well," James amends thoughtfully, "the ones we don't already work with."
Sirius' face falls. Fantastic, he thinks to himself glumly, a night spent with a load of simpering, babbling girls.
"Why would I want to spend my free time with a chittering gaggle of people I don't know?"
"It's only one friend, not a gaggle," explains James, frowning at Sirius again. "And you'll do it because no matter how much you try to act like it, you aren't selfish. You care about my happiness and that now involves Lily." Sirius doesn't have a response for that, and James' frown lifts into a smile. "Besides, Peter will be there, remember? You'll have him to distract you if Lily's friend becomes too annoying."
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