#i havent seen my family in 6 months
overdeaths · 6 months
i wanna go home :'(
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drawnbinary · 1 year
I keep getting jumpscared by Loid Spy Family, expecting him to be Hassel Pokemon
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maria-ruta · 2 years
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OWO whats this? you can вuу 2 РDFs of my traditional sketches with Blueberry! 
1 of them from dnd sketchbook where I doodled during our game sessions, and 2nd one with just some random doodles
most of them havent been posted! so exclusive! 
just for 600rubles! (its around 10USD) 
it would be real help for me 
reblogs are very much apretiated! <3
link - https://boosty.to/mariaruta/posts/b14a161c-7f50-4560-b040-9504801fa1a6
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devotioncrater · 1 year
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characcoon · 2 years
I'm stressing so fucking hard over my vacation trip lmaaao help.
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be-good-to-bugs · 2 years
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day-dreamsinthedark · 2 months
Okay, so we all know that Descendants made the canon a bit funky when they made it canon that Chad Charmings parents are Cinderella and Christopher Charming from the 1997 movie.
SO. My headcanon is that Cinderella and Charming had significant trouble conceiving, so they eventually adopted a baby that they went on to name Chad Charming. Maybe he is distantly related to them (and thus eligible for their crown?) on Christophers dad's side or even from Calliope (although this would mean that his parents died before/during his birth or when he was a baby.)
Anywho, so they adopt this sweet little baby- blonde hair with bright blue eyes, and even if he's not their biological son, everyone agrees that he very obviously has the traditional makings of a prince. They raise him like a little prince, spoiled and entitled, but at the very least, not cruel. Then he gets a little older and realizes that he doesn't look like mom or dad (and his schoolmates are cruel with the nicknames for the adopted prince) so he begins asking questions. What follows is a conversation about his birth, how they couldn't be blessed with a pregnancy but the world gave them the opportunity to adopt their precious little boy, and he was the best thing that has ever happened to them. This is around the time where they start feeling the itch to compensate- you are a prince and we will show you. Those mean little boys can't tease you when you are the luckiest boy in Cinderellasburg, can they?
Just as little Chad Charming, aged 6 or 7, starts to feel at ease with his identity
BAM. Cinderella is pregnant. Only this time, the pregnancy hits the 5 month mark. Then 6. Then 7. And Chad, who knows only that he is adopted is asking what this means. Is it a replacement baby? Is he not their baby anymore? Will they give him back? Will they still love him?
So, Cinderella and Christopher are FREAKING THE FUCK OUT because they finally have a healthy, viable pregnancy that is nearly full term, and their first child is convinced that he's going to be sent away so their "real heir" can take their throne. What other way can they prove him wrong than to spoil him rotten?
From letting him help decorate the nursery to letting him help choose Chloe's name, they do their best to remind him that they are a FAMILY and that she will be his sister, not his replacement.
They just also happen to give into his every whim and make everyone treat him like a fragile little boy. So he grows up to be spoiled, quite small-minded (as his obsession with everything being "perfect",) and a desperate bully.
... i have more thoughts on this i just needed to get this out sorry 😭 I also havent seen the first few Descendants movies in yearsss
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fleouriarts · 2 months
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sketchbook duuuuump :3 nothing to do in this town AND my stylus isn't working its a perfect storm for filling this thang up
descriptions and such below
feel like the fursona ones are self explanatory. the rileys are basically all inspired by this person's compilations... if you havent seen the clip that the bottom corner drawing is from please do yourself a favor
this was all development shit for the zakharovs who i posted last week. sergei is igor's former childhood friend who i have not come up with much about yet... all i know is he is also a fashion designer (who makes winter clothes specifically) and he has an illegitimate son named nikolai who is an arctic fox (and who i have not drawn yet)
omg okay so if anyone remembers my last sketchbook dump i introduced this character andre in there (and her name was andres but i changed it to andre bc i like it more for whatever reason). anyway ive been drawing him OBSESSIVELYYYYY and have decided that him and null get together at some point after argyle and jamie make up (i desperately need to make a jamie and co timeline post)... but it lasts like one semester and thats it. andre is too vain and too know-it-all for null's tastes even though shes like super hot and nice otherwise. anyway this is just a bunch of drawings of him. i really like how the one of him in my INSANE hat turned out
santiago and null's joint slay... both of them LOVE to gossip with each other and its instrumental to how jamie and argyle make up (will go into detail when i finally figure out all the actual events of that). also andre and null on a hike bc andre is a biology major. i actually drew that while i was on a hike in red rock canyon heres proof
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5. mostly just scribbling trying to get better at drawing santiago including more of him and null and his prime Jamie Comforting Tactic of just letting him chill between his wool and sweater. also two drawings of jamie just 4 fun i draw him and his stupid big eyes whenever im out of ideas
6. idk this is just silly stuff. i draw johnny manhandling jamie a lot and i promise you jamie LOVES being treated like a stuffed animal he thinks its SO FUN to be spun around and wiggled and shit. ferret adjacent. him and johnny have been friends since they were in like elementary school because of this. btw santiago does not usually look like that (only having wool on his head) he just has to shear his wool in the summer because having full wool in the flurrida heat is AWFUL
7. comic i drew at the laundromat LOL. takes place either shortly before OR shortly after andre and null get together. johnny mostly hates andre for being with null (shes jealous) (she wants null all to herself even though shes super noncommittal) (johnny get your shit together) BUT ALSO andre being kinda pretentious makes her want to chokeslam him. andre is talking about bird farming specifically because johnny's family are chicken farmers... ive had a lore post about everyone's families in my drafts for months but i cant finish it til my stylus is fixed TT
8. more nonsense. top left corner is a continuation of johnny being a hater. bottom drawings are just mindless jamie doodles. top right is argyle and jamie during their relationship, i cant decide if jamie had REALLY short hair during it or hair like this that's basically just his current hair without the yellow dye and tiny ponytail. whatever
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kubrik-was-a-c-nt · 9 months
Finally watching Spiral! Considering I spend a lot of time thinking about the Saw series I should have watched this a long time ago.
Onto reactions!
Ew, the two things I hate most: sewers, and public port-a-potties. I loath using port-a-potties.
Oooh, updated realistic pig mask! I like!
Ah, the tongue trap I've seen in so many thumbnails. It's even worse when you see hes hanging by his tongue over some kind of flimsy little stool.
Going back to the old box TVs? Must have raided a goodwill.
New voice sounds weird, not sure if I'm okay with it. You'll see.
Okay, pretty iconic sequence right off the bat. Super uncomfortable looking trap, good buildup, lots of blood. A real saw movie.
My rebuttal to Chris Rock's rant about Forrest Gump is that Jenny did not ask Forrest to do any of that and... oh shit, it's the po-po. But I guessed Rock was a cop from the promotional material but this was a good reveal.
So 12 years ago was the Saw 6 and 7 era. That was a time where people would have wanted dirty cops turned in. Hoffman was on a fucking killing spree, gotta nip them in the bud.
It's nice to know that if my dead body was ever found, the cops would immediately take me seriously because my fitbit would tell them that I'm not unhoused.
Jigsaw used an old ass tv in the trap but a USB stick for the video. I guess it's near impossible to find any tapes or tape players.
Putting bad cops in traps... I like this.
That box that guys tongue, isnt it? Yep.
"Damn n**** wash your hands" she told him to get out, he can use hand sanitizer.
Wow, such realism. Someone turns in a cop doing bad things and now they're the bad guy. It's almost like the cops are protecting bad cops.
Is this the first time we meet a victims wife or family member after their death? No one usually gives a shit about them. Good expansion.
"I heard about Boz. You alright?" "No, I'm all fucked up". First time I've seen someone fully admit to being distraught over the death of a friend.
"Dont drain my battery watching Twilight" what is this, 2009??? Wait, is this 2009?! Is this like Jigsaw where- oh wait, they just showed them with smartphones, my bad.
I forgot to turn in subtitles, they make watching movies so much easier for me. And now I can spell everyones names right.
You're looking for a copycat of Jigsaw, the guy who kidnaps and tortures 'bad' people, and you walk into an abandoned building alone? You deserve to die now. The message from earlier even specified that they were going after crooked cops.
Oooh, this trap looks interesting. I havent seen any images of it before.
Zeke, stop trying to ruin other peoples marriages. Not everyone needs to be as miserable as you.
Tip your delivery driver!
I see, the pig theme is being used to mock the police here.
And now I see it, all the cops that hate Zeke are also bad cops. It's almost like the force is full of bad cops and when the one good cop turns one in, they get ostracized.
I'm trying to see the point of the cage on Fitch's head. Maybe to keep him from chewing through the wires around his fingers.
I know someone who almost lost her finger during an archaeological dig. An accident with a sawhorse I think. She still can't watch hand trauma scenes.
"John Kramer didn't target cops" Eric Matthews, Rigg, Straum, Perez, Carrie... Hoffman only got involved because of his fake trap.
Okay, what is Banks Sr out doing?
Dont you have bomb sniffing dogs? Have one take a whiff, easy.
It's the skin from someones head- SCHENK. I LIKED YOU.
Wait, theres always a mole in these movies, someone on the inside pulling strings. Schenk is new, too new to have done anything too corrupt. The only way to positively identify the body would be with dental records. That might take a minute to obtain and analyze.
Okay, I may have seen a small spoiler a few months ago about who is the mole, but I cant positively remember if it was Schenk or not.
They must be raiding antique stores now to get these tape players.
'Sever your spine or get covered in hot wax'? Really thinking outside the box here.
One killer to make a diversion, one to trap Angie? Banks Sr and Schenk working together?
I'm going to be totally wrong and suckerpunched out of left field, arent I?
Yes, he is too close to this. He needs to be taken off the case and given a horse tranquilizer.
WAIT THE FIRST SMARTPHONES CAME OUT IN 2007. THIS COULD BE 2009. I forgot to pay attention to anything that could date the time period.
Banks Sr walked into that one... literally.
As a cop, you should be trained to pick a handcuffs lock, just because. Oh wait, do you know how to pick handcuffs? Holy shit, you have a useful skill.
Oh, hi Pete. I guess someone stole Pete's badge and password to erase the footage. Zeke should have realized that Pete would not have walked into the police station with everyone knowing who he is.
I guess we are in a recycling plant?
Zeke just jumps in and starts helping. See, Jeff? I mean, Pete is bleeding out the mouth so hes 100% dead but Zeke did his best.
Yay, Schenk is alive!
Wait, wouldnt they have noticed that the tattoo was fresh? Fresh tattoos look different from healed ones. Schenk's tattoo is healed and old.
You know you die waaaaay before all 1.5 gallons are drained.
Oh hey, this was Bousman? Nice to see you back in the saddle. Great quality work this time.
Holy shit, I'm feeling super emotional. Great use of the Saw theme at the end there, great payoff to everything. I literally said 'pulling the strings' earlier without realizing how true it is.
I say this is a great offshoot to the Saw storyline. John Kramer is not involved, he only inspired the killing spree. The title is great because Schenk leaned into the spiral motif to emphasize a symbol used by Jigsaw that was not Billy. 'From the book of Saw' is giving me 'Cult of John Kramer' vibes, which I like. It shows how he was so influential as a serial killer who targeted 'bad' people in an attempt to reform them that other people began to copy him. I can see so many others trying to be the next Jigsaw. Of course, Schenk did all of this for personal reasons to seek revenge. Besides Cecil, Kramer actually wanted people to survive and be reformed. I dont think Hoffman cared if people won or lost, but he still made all the traps survivable. One step up from Amanda.
I'm now super interested to see where Saw X takes us. Saw in spaaaaace? Smashing someones face with liquid nitrogen? Uber-Jason?
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Hello <3
5. & 6. & 18 for the ask game, please.
hi somna thank u!! pls rb the ask game so i can send u q's :*
5. there r a few fic idea i'll never write the most recent is a st//ed//die x reader challengers AU and its bc i don't carrrreee about s//ted/die enough (at all) lol if u catch me rb'ing them its bc the art or the post was just too good to resist, sometimes people lob the genius over there on to my dash. now if someone wants to/has written it pls lmk i will eat it up i'm about to show that movie to a 3rd friend who hasnt seen it its great. also i thought it'd be fun to do "reader's in a mafia family eddie gets caught up thinking she needs protecting but nope shes the criminal " thing but lost steam like 3 sentences in
6. fics i reread all the time @jo-harrington knows i revisit her epoch "as above so below" @ambrossart "dancing with myself" is another early fave i've run thru a couple times still makes my stomach churn when reader gets on a roll she reminds me of me in the worst way i mean that with the highest of praise love ur work
18. "favorite line i've written" made me go reread my stuff which i havent actually done in uh hm 4 months lol my fave line in the last scene I messed with happens as R watches a usually very guarded Eddie sleep, and realizes how crazy they'll look if he wakes up and catches them.
"you're planning an escape route, doing the math on how hurling the unwrapped half of icy-pop would play-- how good is your aim, so addled by horny? could you get him in the eye from here?-- but instead of a sticky diversion, you choose, again, to wait."
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stargirlsuicide · 5 months
hi this is ally fantano and this is my review of jackman by jack harlow but i havent listened to the album in like a month
track 1: 'yall aint never seen the hood'
track 2: 'im the best white boy ever'
track 3: 'nobody wanna be famous as much as me'
track 4: 'is it chill if i want to live a quiet life?'
track 5: 'my friend kevin a pedophile hes not gang anymore'
track 6: 'im so fucking sad in colorado. edit: nah im good'
track 7: no fucking clue i always skip this one
track 8: 'guys i swear people dont fw me just because im white'
track 9: twt longer abt his family issues
track 10: hes pondering
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druckers · 1 year
Andreas maler and/or magda for the character questions?
answering both because they are my friends ^_^ (spoilers obv)
for andreas:
first impression honestly its been about 6 months and ive done 3 other playthroughs since my first so i dont have the best memory of it. i was very charmed by him as a protagonist but i think it took me until my second playthrough to really get a good feel for who he is
impression now i adore him and adore how well his character arc is finished up. everytime i go back for a replay i put more and more little things together about him and he feels like someone i know. i love following him throughout the story and grieving with him and just going through all of my goddamn emotions playing as him. i shit you not i think hes just one of my favorite videogame protagonists ever
favorite moment i feel like its a little cheesy saying the windmill with ulrike and little andreas because its the last proper scene in the game but everything about it gets me.. its a very small ending but i feel like its perfect. theres a routine in it being right before supper. hes spending time with the kids and getting their energy out for maybe a half hour before they sit down and eat... it shows how well hes settled into tassing and how hes recovering and how he really is loved by the people there i think.
idea for a story with the nature of pentiments setup in acts with timeskips inbetween i think you can do a lot to fill in the blanks. i want to know more about josef and daniel and the rest of his family or how he tried to raise august or how his first week or so with caspar was or how he got to know magdalene for the few months before she left for prague. i have something drafted (no idea if itll ever get finished though) thats about him and the druckers before the events of act 1 and how you go about integrating a traveling artist into your family unit
unpopular opinion see the nice thing about pentiment being kind of niche is i havent seen any really shit opinions that end up as Major Shit Opinions but i will always have contempt in my heart for the people who say andreas never dying doesnt do anything for the story
favorite relationship sorry this is a garrett tumblr user druckers moment but his friendship with claus (and with marie and bert before they died- the lines talking about how fond they all were of eachother get me) HIIIIIITS i love how perfectly they parallel eachother and how those parallels highlight the differences that led to them falling out. and i love how they both still really care for the other despite everything. goddamn!!!!
favorite headcanon weird thing is i really dont have a lot of headcanons for most of the pentiment characters? hes bisexual though
for magdalene:
first impression also dont remember it very well for previously listed reasons but i Also feel like i missed out on a lot of act 3 my first goaround. but i got attached to her very fast in both acts. was very very very charmed when she waddled over to caspar in act 2 and said hi to him that entire interaction is adorable...
impression now she is my EVERYTHINGGGGG act 3 is my favorite out of all of them and i love her as a protagonist i love (similar point to andreas) putting so many little things about her together when i go back and play the game again. shes the character i connect with the most and everything about her story hits an extremelyyyy personal spot for me. following her progress on the mural and how its a rite of passage for her and how it connects her to both her mother and her father. waaah
favorite moment exploring in the abbey in act 3... seeing her trying to work through everything that happened the night of the revolt :-[ i feel like it gives you a lot of tiny insights into her character. also cool mural parallels wrt preserving history. to me that entire sequence reads as her rummaging around in the remains of the abbey for both her own research and for any bit of closure she can find because its her first time being there in 18 years. the music (which even lyrically fits her, i think) and the general atmosphere has just like. gotten itself stuck in my mind. its my favorite scene in the game.
idea for a story written letters between her and everyone back in tassing with little bits inbetween showing how her and the sommerfelds are getting along in prague. i have another thing drafted (unsure if it will ever be finished) with her and andreas on the night claus passes.
unpopular opinion repeat of the "niche videogame so there are not a lot of bad opinions that are widely agreed upon" point but anyone who insists shes too bitchy or shes not a good protagonist compared to andreas is getting a personal throttling courtesy of ME. act 3 is everything to me.
favorite relationship sorry garrett druckers moment. saying this as a son who spent most of his life as a daughter everything about her and claus makes me cry and throw up i see myself in her and i see my dad in him. they love eachother so much and all of the tiny ways its shown through lines of dialogue or animations or expressions.. the hardest i have ever cried over a videogame was during the conversation they have after the feast. ive been working on typing up an entire post on the mural and how its significant to both of their characters but given how much time i spend thinking about them it will probably take a very long time to actually finish writing. i want to say more but alas it will probably end up deeply personal... just please take away that claus and magdalene are some of the most important characters to me ever. (shoutout to esther too i adore her. her letters and how much her and magda love eachother.... never EVER forget it) (also shoutout to baltas also all 4 of my playthroughs had tinkerer as one of her skills and i love hanging out with him. i go back and bother him as much as possible trying to find any other bit of dialogue i can)
favorite headcanon shes a lesbian :^]
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thatoneuffiuji · 2 years
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english translations:
1) you shouldnt have seen my notes. from now on you will be mine and only mine. forever
2) this will be a lesson for you, what happens after when someone makes fun of eric cartman everyone thinks that youre dead. no one is looking for you you will never leave this place. youre mine
3) i cant wait till you wake up. whos laughing now? you look pathetic to be honest. you cant even play on ps with us, lame... what are you dreaming about i wonder... is that me? that would be nice, id love it ^___^
4) babe smile for a photo. or do you want for me to do the same thing i did to scotts parents? O___o
5) since we are dating for month now, i thought about making you a lil present. about your present to me dont worry, ill handle this ... your old clothes! i thought it would be sweet if you had a chance to feel the smell of freedom, times before you made fun of me and havent seen that notebook
6) and your present to me ill see this evening. rest a lot, youll need a lot of strength soon ^___^ have i told you that i hear and see everything? i didnt lie then, kahl
7) (eric) i warned you? i warned you. did kahl hear me? kahl didnt hear me. wait for your (to me) present, ill be home soon babe (kyle) what did you... (eric) nothing, kahl, nothing. this is your present to me, everythings on you
8) (eric) i did NOT kill your entire family. fixed everything using my manipulative skills (kyle) how do i know that you dont lie to me this time? (eric) if i did kill them theyd be on the news already, turn on your brain sometimes (kyle) right... (eric) thats what im saying
9) (kyle) fatass, move your asscheeks and hurry up! bus will arrive soon and will left without us!!! (kenny) dude thats cartman. why do you care?
10) (kyle) if you had a dream about cartman you wouldnt be as careless as you are right now ... (eric) hi you guys. hi kahl
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libunityfan69 · 2 years
why auscap.. whys he australian… i need to know this lore.. it keeps me up at night
glad u asked because im so insane but everyone* i talk to just accepts auscap without question and it hnngngh
so for a little backstory it started in september last year** when i went away with a family friend who had also watched centricide and i asked "wouldnt it be funny if ancap centricide was australian" and there wasnt a single thought behind our eyes when we unaimoiusly agreed yes that would be funny and que the next 2 or so months of being the most annoying headcanoner ever but hey it was fun.
at the same time i was in 9th grade english class in australia and our topic was poetry analysis of silly bogans pre/during the gold rush and the more we analysed the more i was like "hey this shits kinda like ancap centricide" because idk if you have ever been in an australian english/history class but theres a lot of talk about the "[white] australian identity" mainly around when brits began moving here outside of sendign their convicts and during ww1. and the australian identity is mostly centred around being somewhat anti authoritarian and while not technically based in capitalism it was about rich british people getting a taste of the bush and not shutting up ever
because of [white] australias history being in the convicts sent over from england theres an intrinsic sense of anti authoritarianism that was albiet a lot more common in the 19th and 20th centuries but i digress its still relevant idc because it was used in these little bushmen shit where they would idolise this life living outside the government at the time
so the poem that we used for the exam at the end of year 9 english unit 4, while i dont rember the name of the poem nor the writer, i do remember what it was about and what it was about was this guy writing for 6 fucking pages about the bush and how it was so cool and literally made for him he loves it so much and at the back of the pages there was a little biography of the author and you find out that this fucking guy hadnt stepped foot in australia before turning thirty, hes some rich fucking english bloke who came over for the gold rush and left almost immediatly after. the poem we were analysing came from a guy who had never even seen the bush !!! and idk i think thats pretty ancap core
and for a last round of background info from september-november 2021 i actually dmed jreg back n forth about it and ended up getting jrem to confirm auscap as real, and it was real for a whole month before the gender tier list stream on twitch where i asked and jre said that ideologies cant have nationalities um !!! thats not what u told me in dms !!!! also i didnt have any socials at the time that interacted with the centricide fandom apart from my discord so if u were in the authunity server i am NOT sorry for being so annoying about it
tl:dr white australian history is anarcho capitalist also i thought it would be funny
*everyone excludes ps, the owner of the athunity server, who hated auscap so much he banned the use of the word "australia" in the server, fuck you ps-and nankeen and riley, my australian buddies who actually inquired on auscaps existence yall r real ones (i havent talked to nankeen in 8 months)
**i say september because TECHNICALLY the headcanon + first dm to jreg happened in late spetember but i celebrate the anniversary on the 8th of october because that was when my sister edited the image of ancap and made auscap into something tangeble
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underwatervent · 1 month
my mil kicked us out about a month ago and i had planned a vacation to see my family since we all live at minimum 6+ hours away from each other and now im too poor to go bc i had to spend all my savings on moving!!!! i havent seen my brother in almost two years!!!! i haven’t seen my parents in six months!!!! i am goingnto go insane!!!
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madisonrooney · 11 months
i saw rent again in august (and rewatched the proshot last week), i saw on your feet again tonight, and im seeing aint too proud tomorrow, so i think after that might be a good time to reevaluate my musical top 10.
there are no new contenders but the problem is my 3-6 are so close and i just really dont know how i want to order them.
like #1 isnt changing. that goes without saying. that goes without saying that it goes without saying. (i dont even need to name it i dont think)
#2 is mamma mia and thats not changing either. tho i havent seen it in a couple years, i read that super long vogue article about it last month and it just reinvigorated my love for the show for the umpteenth time. im seeing it again next month and im sure thatll just solidify it more.
3-6, in order, are bronx tale, on your feet, aint too proud, and rent. bronx tale i saw again last year and i rewatched the movie in august so its fresh enough in my mind. i love them all on roughly the same level so i just dont know what to do. on your feet and aint too proud flip flop bc they have similar premises. i feel like i was more...vocally annoying about aint too proud lol but idk something about on your feet feels more personal. i learned a ton about gloria, emilio, and their family after seeing the show and theyre just very down to earth on social media, and i even saw emily estefan in person about a month after i first saw the show so something about it is very tangible. but aint too proud is super close bc its the era i love and its even more similar to jersey boys (damn you des mcanuff). itll be interesting to see how seeing them back to back effects my opinions if at all.
rent is the outlier tho. its the main reason im even thinking about doing this. brainrot for that show has been coming and going for almost 5 years and every time it hits, it hits hard. with the production i saw in august, rewatching the proshot, and seeing anthony rapp in concert this week, it hasnt been off my mind in a while. im thinking it could move as far up as #3, but im just not sure. on one hand, theres so much more content for it, but that also isnt really fair to the other shows since they havent been around for nearly as long. plus, it having been around for so long and having been such a massive hit, it becomes less personal to me. but that hasnt been all that much of a problem to me, probably bc the "hype" was over long before i even got into it. its far from an obscure favorite to have, but its not like hamilton or wicked or something if you ask me. the other three tho are much more niche to have as favs. plus its just so different from them!! with on your feet freshest in my mind, im trying to compare them rn and its just so hard to!!
anyway as most of my posts like this are this is mostly for personal record and just to let out a stream of consciousness but. if you care there you go. well see how i feel after tomorrow.
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