#i have too may theories and this is just one
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haeoflii ¡ 2 days ago
I feel like people rarely talk about how the yuus in the manga are counterparts/opposite of their respective Disney villains.
For example: (these are all from my memory so take it with a grain of salt)
Yuuken, the vice captain of his kendo club, is well respected among his fellow first years because he encourages them to do their best. People respected him so much that he was considered the reason the club did not disband. He was supportive of his juniors and was even willing to train one of them late into the night to help them improve.
While on the other hand, Riddle, who is the dormleader of heartslabyul, is disliked by the first years because he uses fear and control. Not only that, he expects utmost obedience and respect from his dormmates. He also gives out severe punishments towards those who break the Queen’s rules, no matter how insignificant they may seem.
Their similarities are that both of them are serious (?) leaders who only want the best for their juniors. One uses encouragement while the other uses punishment.
As for Yuuka, she's really sociable with other people and gets along with her judo members at her school. She's someone who is really diligent. She's also someone who is similar to Jack. She believes in competing fair and square, and not using underhand tactics to win.
While Leona doesn't really get along with most people and is considered "lazy" by some people. He's willing to do anything when he puts his mind on it, even if he's playing dirty and hurting others who are in his way, to achieve his goal.
Their similarities are they're confident in their skill and they're both passionate in their sports (judo for yuuka and spelldrive for Leona). Both of them kept on fighting even though they were heavily outmatched (Yuuka vs leona's OB and Leona vs Malleus)
Yuuta is a compassionate young talented chef who cares for the wellbeing of his friends. He doesn't just eat food as a necessity but simply savoring the whole experience of eating. He also has this almost innocent look to him. He's willing to help others without expecting anything in return.
Azul, is a sketchy scheming businessman who paved his way to the top through hard work from a younger age. He keeps track about the amount and the nutrition of food when he's eating. He also has this shady scammer vibes. Everything that Azul does is fully calculated and ensures it only advantages himself while leaving the other party fruitless.
Their similarities is that both of them are raised by a parent who runs a restaurant. Both are foodies/have a knowledge about food. Both are hard-workers. Both are intelligent and a strategist (yuuta figuring out how Azul's um works and planned the whole "destroy Azul's contracts"). Both are pretty persuasive(?) (yuuta: Jack and Leona)
Since I've only seen pictures of her, my guess for the new Yuu is that she's someone who is free-spirited, cheerful and maybe a bit of a troublemaker.
Yuuna/Yuina is a gyaru. Gyarus are known for being non-conformist and rebelling against Japanese social (freeing herself from the patriarchy and Japan's expectations on women). Her outfit and overall appearance is very loud, vibrant and stands out. Gyarus are usually known to be cheery, loud and not afraid to speak their mind.
Jamil is someone who longs to be free but doesn't do anything about it (until book 4 but for the entirety of the time he's not letting kalim do anything himself and making him incompetent). He is someone who tries not to stand out too much and stays in the shadows despite wanting to be in the spotlight as well. Jamil is reserved, negative and bottles his thoughts and feelings up.
Their similarities is that both of them want to break free from societal norms and the expectations that were placed on them just because they happen to be born as a woman/as a servant. Both want to be able to express themselves and be their true selves.
these are just theories as well as it's written for fun so don't take what I wrote too seriously!!!
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bunni-v1 ¡ 2 days ago
May I ask your advice on something? I want to make a cookie that will be loved by shadow milk and I toss and turn the idea in my head thinking about his loneliness, but his arrogance in assuming most cookies aren’t worthy of his time makes it difficult. It leads me to building the cookie to be bigger and more powerful/elaborate than him so he immediately recognizes it, but that’s unsatisfying for me. I’d like them to be ordinary, clever of course, observant, and quick witted to not only keep up with shadow milk, but to even outpace him at times in a verbal sparring match. But most ordinary cookies don’t really fit the bill. They usually either worship or fear him depending on personality and self awareness. Both are good and what he needs/uses, but you can’t really be friends with a tool. Makes it hard to think of an ordinary cookie that might have caught his attention. I liked your analysis of what getting close to him pre corruption was and he’s a more viable candidate, but even he on some level looks down upon ordinary cookies that know less and don’t live as long. Namuwiki and regular wiki categorize his corruption as both an obsession with his own power as well as loneliness in a truth that broke him. I think the truth that did so or that at least planted the seed of corruption was: that cookies/people don’t care about the truth. He states as much so many times to pure vanilla to weaken his resolve, his dedication to truth. How cookies willingly/happily turn from the bitter truth to embrace a sweet lie. How cookies were more interested in listening to him speak than what he was really saying. It’s a one two punch realizing the cookies around you don’t really care about the thing that makes you you. And if they do it may only be for selfish gain, not for knowledge in itself. And the real rub is the reason they don’t care is often times due to some form of ignorance or stupidity. I mentioned this to a friend irl and she said,”oh he got bullied before he got corrupted. ����” Which made me think of the cookies before his fall, who maybe took for granted that 1. The font of knowledge even exists and 2.That he would willingly and happily answer their questions truthfully forever and 3. Would never lose his patience. Because how much do you want to bet that the illusion from the sugar free road he taunted pure vanilla with, the woman yelling at him saying “tell us where to seek healing! Tell us how to be healthy to live in wealth and happiness! Use your power! Share your power with us! Do it if you truly care!” Were words from a cookie in shadow milks past? How many refused to seek the truth themselves, wishing no demanding he provide it for them. And criticizing him if/when he either refuses or lies, like bratty children. “Nothing but empty promises. All a lie.” Give them! Cookies who were so ignorant and stupid wanting to take away the thing that makes him him. Because that’s all he is isn’t he? His power his soul jam. Neither he nor anyone else it seems has seen him beyond his abilities. To who he is as a cookie.
Which is just another layer to his isolation, but all of which to say. Maybe the ordinary cookie who just happens to be curious, innovative, and above all patient and kind is his only balm against such words. And maybe that cookie crumbles under the weight of their deceit. Maybe that helps crumble his resolve. After all the main thing hes running from, the big lie he tells himself is that nothing bad ever happens to him. Because how could it? He’s a god, he’s all knowing, but not all powerful. Thoughts?
I think Shadow Milk's fall is the most interesting, because it could quite honestly be either he fell first or last. I'm a bigger fan of the him falling last theory, because it's very interesting to see how he would react to his friends becoming beasts and realizing he too will shortly.
With the new costume's story we can get a better look into him, and he's a lot like PV. Patient, kind, gentle, intelligent, and more than willing to share his knowledge with cookies. With such knowledge, he is very separate from other cookies. He knows and understands things that other cookies could never dream of.
That much knowledge will weigh on your being, even if you are a god. Especially if it's all you're supposed to be, a fount of knowledge for cookies. I think he does enjoy sharing his knowledge and the truths of the world. He cares for his cookies. How could he not? they are innocent and freshly baked, full of fear and confusion. His knowledge is meant to soothe them.
But, cookies fear what they do not understand. When they start asking harder questions, and he gives them the truthful answer, they don't like it. They lash out and deny the truth, and he realizes they would rather live in a lie than bear the truth. The fact that, even if it's unintentional, the very cookies he loves and cherishes are rejecting him... well, it would devastate anyone.
Shadow Milk Cookie became a beast because he was rejected by his people. He became the embodiment of lies to become what they wanted, rejecting the truth to show them the error of their ways. This is what they wanted, right?
I think that's why he needs a partner who challenges him. They can't just accept everything he does as okay. He doesn't want or need someone who just sits there and affirms him like his minions. His partner needs a backbone and a strong moral compass, the confidence to look at him and say, "Absolutely not."
They also need to have the awareness that he is the master of lies. They need to be able to see through his lies and illusions by themselves because he can't hold their hand all the time. He has this deep aching need to be seen, though he doesn't acknowledge those feelings. They have to be able to crack his shell by themselves and show that they care, and only then will he open up to them.
It's certainly not an easy feat for a normal cookie, but if Ginger Brave and co. can do it, I'm sure his partner can also do it. It takes a special cookie to get the master of deceit tripping over himself, after all.
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lovemyromance ¡ 2 days ago
I think claiming SJM is a misogynistic author is a lot. She has certain...let's call it "ideals" that shows she reveres the males she writes, the way she describes relationships and men in general in her books is very "primal". It's a lot of cavemen type, super masculine men.
But to call her misogynistic? I think that's a stretch.
Especially when her books are centered around female empowerment. When she's out here renouncing the control people have tried to assert over a woman's body - via Bryce CC3 -
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She might have certain takes that I do not agree with, but to try to justify this disgusting argument of Elain not being able to birth Azriel's kids by saying :
"Well SJM's the type of misogynistic author that would do that! I'm not misogynistic, SJM is misogynistic and I'm just picking up on the breadcrumbs!"
Like no. I'm sorry but in this case you are picking up things that are not there. And you're trying to use an author's writing style to justify it. That is wrong.
You may not be misogynistic. But you're letting this ship war cloud your judgement so badly that you are willing to vilify an author just to have a scapegoat to blame for your misogynistic takes.
You're willing to have those misogynistic takes and defend them by saying "the author said it not me!" -> that is still not okay. That is still a misogynistic take.
Stop it. It is really very easy to not use a woman's child birthing abilities to justify your ship. Literally use anything else. This also goes for the people that try to way Azriel can't be with Gwyn because she has SA trauma. Like ... both of these are wrong.
Don't fucking go around saying that. Just don't. It's that easy.
SJM has made her opinion very clear on how she feels about this idea of women being reduced to only whose children they can birth.
You're the ones who refuse to see it. Stop hiding behind "oh SJM is problematic and misogynistic." She might be. But she has also been very clear in this specific case that she does not support your Illyrian anatomy pelvic theories. She does not support this idea that Elain & Azriel cannot be together because Elain can't bear his children.
Move on. Use something else. If you're that secure in your ship, taking one thing off the table shouldn't be able to affect it.
I'm tired of people in this fandom gaslighting Elriels about it too. Like trying to tell us "oh no GA/EL uses that defense anymore stop yapping about it" and then a whole article comes out about it. And people are defending it. Not condemning it. I have not seen ONE GA/EL looking at that article and saying
"You know what? You're right. This is a shitty take. This is not a reason a couple can't be together."
I'm not even saying they need to do that. But at least don't go around and agree with it - for WHATEVER reason.
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stargazerlion ¡ 13 hours ago
I say this as someone who has almost went down several different pipelines, expecting people, especially teenagers (as I suspect Person A is likely to be) to be able to magically recognize and pull themselves up by their bootstraps out of the minefield of propaganda pipelines specifically meant to target them and being morally judged as soon as they approach any mine thats only half buried and they in theory could have a chance of detecting and then being told that clearly that means they want to step on a mine/fall down the pipeline, is unrealistic. Support for each other goes beyond unions and soup kitchens, it also includes helping people find their blind spots using compassion and grace before they get into trouble. One of my moots from irl I want to tell a story about. It was several years ago, I was just starting to be well away from alt right spaces but still had some of these ideas left in me, and we were talking about a piece of art I made, I dont remember what, and they made a comment that all art is political in context of my art. At the time, this defaulted in my mind to a "leftists reading too much into things bc woke" mentality and I responded back that well mine wasnt. And they responded along the lines of "ok, thanks for sharing." That then left me room to later realize how knee jerk and unthoughtful my response was, and even to realize some of the unintentional political influences on this particular peice of art. Through that simple acceptance and not rejecting me as a lost cause, I learned something, learned about myself, and became a bit more woke even through the realization that they were right! If someones down the pipeline theyre down the pipeline, they may need a specialist or luck to help. But if youre watching your friend wander into the Nazi minefield, the good thing to do imo is to show them what the mines look like, tell them "you can get a closer look if you want and will accept the risk, so you can better identify them later, but dont try to see what they feel like underneath your feet" instead of just leaving them to struggle (total rejection) or saying they want to be blown up all along (deciding theyre already a Nazi at this point)
Trigger warning: mention of Nazi
*Person A is NOT German
*This poll was submitted to us and we simply posted it so people could vote and discuss their opinions on the matter. If you’d like for us to ask the internet a question for you, feel free to drop the poll of your choice in our inbox and we’ll post them anonymously (for more info, please check our pinned post).
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dock57 ¡ 2 days ago
Do you think Shrike knows what species he is?
Assuming anyone knows at all.
Zeurel described him as redacted. I imagine his readings show up as such on scanners. “Oh…this one is…uh….yeah…”
I imagine whatever he is, it’s heavily classified and strictly No Reveal. And anyone who does know is advised to not say anything.
LAW definitely knows for sure.
I like to think if you ask Shrike he responds by saying “I’m me.” “I is what I is.” Or any variations thereof as if he rehearsed it.
And Beebs advises anyone asking to not do so. “Don’t ask him. He’ll only end up raising more questions.”
“I heard that!”
(My own theory is that he was a failed experimental extremophile hybrid with cephalopod, human and monkey traits)
What do you think?
[Yes, I absolutely believe that Shrike does not know what species he is. Its been implied often throughout the series that Shrike’s species is “unknown” or endangered in some way- even the first time we see Shrike’s profile on Kara’s screen said “Species: Unknown.”
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Shrike, not the brightest child, so ignorant could be at play too, but I theorize the thought that Shrike may have been taken in and raised at LAW. So far, it seems like from what we receive in the series is that very much of LAW past life is with LAW. I honestly do not think he knows or where he came from.
I think another example that tells me that Shrike is clueless about himself is the gem embedded into the back of his head.
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When Punti asked Shrike where (or how?) he got the gem, Shrike says on the line that he has it forever, not really having a point of origin of where or when he got it. Heck, its unsure if he was born with it or it was added onto to him.
I would support the idea that LAW may no what he is and keeps that information restricted- even to Shrike. Since the cataclysm is taking out species, it could be possible that Shrike’s kind was involved. How involved? Who knows.
Actually I have heard of the experiment theory! I cannot think of anything on the top of my head to support it? Or examples I can pull for it.
You could take the scene I just mentioned from episode two, when asked about the crystal and his absence knowledge of how it came to exist. You could even take the one scene from episode 4, when confronted by Jawbone who questioned why Shrike was still wearing a red suit, despite not “being” one anymore, and Shrike said on the lines “they won’t put me back under the knife.” However, you could say that just about the suit itself.
I would disregard the theory though, I think have done some experimenting on him, but I don’t know if Shrike is an artificial creation himself, since at the end of episode 2, when Beebs pass Punti over and ask what will happen to him- they said that it will take some time to get used to being the last of your kind, then paneled over to Shrike.
But dang, what do I know? This series always surprises me! I’m very curious what Shrike’s kind has to do with the cataclysm, if anything.
Also that little interaction you mentioned- I wanted to doodle something out for it, so I hope ya enjoy!
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the-violet-diaries ¡ 3 days ago
Broken Backstories: A Theory on the Past of the Wanderers in Love and Deepspace
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Is it just me or has anyone ever thought about the bounty hunt Wanderer Heartbreaker's origin? Like, what would this tear drop-shaped creature have gone through to become what it is today? And what about the other Wanderers?
Maybe this is actually already true and i havent picked up on it yet because im just dumb, but here's my theory so far on the Wanderers in the game: They were once ordinary humans with ordinary lives that were unfortunate enough to come in contact with some type of disease or physical or mental obstacle in their lives that transformed them into these "monsters."
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One of the best examples I can think of to compare this scenario with is the kdrama Sweet Home. The drama is set in a completely ordinary human world like ours. Some strange, seemingly transmittable disease causes people to start becoming monsters, turning Seoul into a complete dystopia.
It is later revealed, however, that all these demons were once human beings that reincarnate into the embodiments of their deepest and darkest desires or fears.
For example, the monster that can't see properly but has the sharpest hearing:
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An earlier scene shows Cha Hyun Su (Song Kang) trying to "distinguish the monster inside" before he himself gives in to the transformation.
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This pattern or theme of a seemingly dystopian world where the battle is between humans and another species framed as "dangerous" by the humans is reoccurring in many books, shows, and movies. So, my thought process is that the same might apply for some Wanderers in LaDs, if not all.
I was fighting Hearbreaker, the tear drop-shaped Wanderer in Bounty Hunt the other day, and this entire idea just came to me and I literally cannot unthink it now. Like, it makes so much sense!
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The battle seems ordinary at first, with a gorgeous amusment park-themed setting and nice bg music. But then the Wanderer up for bounty appears. A droplet of water, shedding tears and following you around with pain in its eyes as it begs for you to accept its love. Sound familiar? Yes, sadly, most of us can relate. The longing to be accepted.
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And what is our mission? To get rid of it.
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Now, im not trying to hate on the LaDs team or anything. I love bounty hunt and its something i play often. But i just find it sad that a bounty is placed above a harmless creature which clearly seems to be suffering from loneliness and, as the name suggests, heartbreak.
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The other Bounty Wanderers each have their own distinct qualities. And the saddest part is that even if they may not have all once been human like MC, they are hunted and killed for their weaknesses, and will likely never recover.
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Well, anyway, that was kinda weird i think i took that a bit too deeply that was just a quick idea dump lol. 😅😅 I may be misunderstanding some details but I've played LaDs for quite a long time so I'm not so sure because so far nothing much has been revealed regarding the origins of the Wanderers besides Ever and its affiliations but i may be wrong. there are so many other theories out there we'll just have to wait and see! but anyway I hope you guys enjoyed! lots of luv 4 u i know u need it ❤️❤️❤️
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ecargmura ¡ 2 days ago
The Apothecary Diaries Episode 31 Review - Escape Room
This is certainly an episode that requires a lot of thought, whether it be about Jinshi’s lineage or about the contents of this episode. It really sets the tone for what’s to come for Jinshi. As I am an anime-only watcher for now, my theories may or may not be correct.
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With the nightmare Jinshi had, I’m assuming that he knows his entire life is a facade. I think he is aware that he is Ah Duo’s son given their extremely strong resemblance and he did describe the current Emperor as “The man I thought was my father but was actually my brother”, meaning that he knows the current Emperor is his father, but has to play the role of his brother. Earlier in the first season, Maomao, and the viewers, learned about how the actual second prince died due to Fengming feeding him honey and how Jinshi had to take his place. Though, there is something that is puzzling me a bit. Weren’t the second prince and Jinshi born around the same time? So, why is Jinshi, who’s actually 19 years old, posing as the 23-year-old prince? Shouldn’t the Second Prince be 19 years old too? Did the Prince die when he was four?
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It seems that he wasn’t aware of the other members of his family, given that he didn’t know that the old man who had approached him as a kid was his “father”, and the previous Emperor who is a pedophile and the old woman was his grandmother. All I can say is that Jinshi’s family lineage is really confusing and it’s crazy how Fengming’s one mistake spiraled this entire convolution.
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Basically, the current Emperor and Jinshi share the same blood, so the escape room sort of thing was sort of a test to see if Jinshi is worthy of the throne, but it doesn’t seem as if he’s interested in being Emperor. I think the whole colorblind thing was creative and that it belongs to those of the royal family. I wonder if the whole test thing is to see if someone has the intelligence to figure it out even if they aren’t colorblind because it seems that trait has been diluted out of the bloodline. Since the Emperor and Jinshi aren’t colorblind, it befalls to someone who has to be knowledgable to figure it out.
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That’s where Maomao comes in. The old teacher was basically provoking her to solve the mystery, so she did just that. I also think that this whole thing is to show that Jinshi has a fine prospect by his side, even if he isn’t willing to take the throne. Heck, the whole ordeal just seems like the Emperor wanted the Jinmao ship to progress. Maomao’s intelligence is the key point of this episode as she also figures out Jinshi’s lineage, but chose not to speak about it—correct me if Im wrong. Though, there is another thing I’m curious about: how come the Emperor knows about Maomao being Lakan’s daughter? Does word spread that fast?
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Speaking of the Emperor, it’s crazy how we’re thirty-one episodes in and this is when he gets some spotlight. He’s surprisingly a chill man. It’s funny how he had thought about Maomao becoming one of his consorts, but it wasn’t mean to be taken seriously as he has a type in well-endowed women and Maomao does NOT fit that—he even said that aloud. Given that the royal family has colorblindness but he doesn’t, I wonder if such a trait will ever return in one of his kids?
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Overall, Jinshi’s lineage is super complicated and I don’t want to think too much about it now that I’ve theorized and discussed about it. I do wonder what Jinshi is going to do. Will he get together with Maomao in the future? Is he even allowed to do so? Let me know your thoughts about this episode and feel free to answer any questions I have.
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anemonia13 ¡ 3 days ago
I feel like we don't really see that Daniil Dankovsky is a human in a very bad situation, simultaneously coming as a loser and as a winner. When I see people talking about Daniil's character (or even arc) it's either solely about him being an ultimate winner and all people around are just haters who don't get it, or about him being an ultimate loser who should not be defended at all. What I wanted to say is: the Bachelor's Pathologic Classic arc is not as plain as some people say.
What do I mean? Imagine, you are running your own laboratory, which goal seems nearly impossible but most noble to say the least: to defeat death itself and grant people the right to die not when "the time comes", but whenever they actually feel ready to. But of course achieving it could not be easy or ethical; logically, you have to interact with dead bodies, experiment with them (and living beings too) in many different ways, probably not all of them being socially acceptable, and most morally important: your ultimate goal goes against the nature laws themselves. Obviously, it may fascinate someone, but a lot of people won't like your and your partner's actions, including the government. The scandal eventually heats up so much that your life's work is threatened with being cut off entirely (with you probably stop being a celebrity and a genius and turning into an enemy of the people).
And then, like a gift from God personally, you receive a letter from some town in the middle of nowhere, casually saying there is an immortal man living here. And so, you are standing on the enge of the abyss; your life's work is about to perish, and only a miracle can save it. And couldn’t an immortal man be the very miracle that would certainly open everyone’s eyes to the reality of your theory and make the greatest scientific breakthrough of the century? Of course, in despair, you will immediately leave everything behind and rush after him like a drowning man after the last straw.
And then everything collapses again before your eyes. The immortal man died along with the one who wrote about him, and you haven't even got a chance to speak to any of them, and the people around you seem to be starry-eyed, AND by a complete accident you are now stuck in this godforsaken place because it was suddenly revealed that they died from a terrible mysterious disease. You are a doctor, a scientist, a bachelor of medicine, and you are the one who has to deal with this now. What? You don't want to? You ask people when the train arrives? Oh, what a shame, but now you have no choice: the government has dropped on your shoulders the lethal weight of the responsibility for every death and every wrong event in this town under the auspices that if you manage to defeat the disease, then MAYBE your life’s work will not be turned to dust. You may not have planned to fight the unknown plague, but now you have to do it.
See? And that's just the start of his plot. He almost impulsively arrived to the Town-on-Gorkhon because he needed to save his idea AT THE MOMENT. Before it gets shattered to pieces. He never wished to fight The-Most-Horrible-Pathogen-To-Ever-Exist, no, he was aiming to meet a literal living miracle.
He did not succeed. Neither he met the immortal man, nor he defeated the plague, and it remains unknown if he at least saved his laboratory. He lost a lot, a LOT. In fact, he only won in what he initially did not and could not count on (the Polyhedron turned out to be a new possible source of human immortality, but could Daniil have thought about it himself?)
That's the metamorphosis. He loses everything he had before he sees the light at the end of the tunnel. His ultimate goal of defeating death may not have changed, but his beliefs and methods did, as he was forced to watch his work burn before getting a chance to start anew. He has to accept what he initially rejected and turn his mindset on 90°. His arc is about a defeat, a search, a metamorphosis and a BITTER victory. Yes, Daniil Dankovsky is a loser, but have you seen what he achieved by the end? And yes, Daniil Dankovsky is a winner, but have you seen how many defeats precede this?
Initially this text was going to be much more... filled with resentment and anger for all the misconceptions I saw about the Bachelor, but turned out to be a much simpler analysis on his character arc, which I've seen being mashed with dirt by many people in the community. Hope you enjoyed.
Btw I see a symbolism here; snakes are often associated with a new start, a shed into something better, and I think everyone already knows what animal the Bachelor is highly represented with.
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zed-the-strem ¡ 3 days ago
So, with the advent of the 2 new costumes this update, I have a theory within crk.
Be prepared, because this may be a long post .<.
I believe there is some sort of 'cycle' between Pure Vanilla Cookie, Shadow milk Cookie, and Candy Diver Cookie.
// Spoilers for CRK Beast Yeast chapters 7-8 and the newly added Truthless Recluse and Sage of Truth costumes \\
Now, why do I say this?
"...you [Pure Vanilla Cookie] will become ME." - Shadow Milk Cookie
Ok, not just that, but it's a pretty good stepping stone actually.
So, how do we link these three characters?
First, lets take a look at their eyes.
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They ALL have heterochromia with a yellow right eye and blue left eye. Now that's not too bad, right? I mean how common is heterochromia within the cookie run series?
Within crk Red Velvet Cookie is the closest one that could be argued to have heterochromia, and outside of it Ice Juggler Cookie was the only one I found who could technically have heterochromia, but I'm not 100% sure. All other cookies have some sort of shape or symbol within their eyes of a different shade, but true heterochromia is exceedingly rare.
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So clearly this is a significant connection between the them yes? Pure Vanilla Cookie and Shadow Milk Cookie are obviously parallels, but how does Candy Diver Cookie fit in?
To help that let's look at their stories, their lore, who they are, were, and will be.
Pure Vanilla Cookie
Pure Vanilla Cookie, the ruler of the Vanilla Kingdom, is a healer, someone who cares for all, and the holder of the Light of Truth, a macguffin item that makes him somewhat immortal and super powerful.
Shadow Milk Cookie
Shadow Milk Cookie, proprietor of the formed spire of all-knowledge, is a trickster and mischievous individual who does most things in his own interests, and the holder of the Light of Deceit, another macguffin item derived from the Light of Truth which he formerly held which, similar to the Truth, makes him somewhat immortal and super powerful.
Now, to clarify for the above mentions of somewhat immortal, we do not currently know the full extent of their capabilities. We know they do not age similarly to the other cookies, and Pure Vanilla Cookie even comes back from being what many cookies thought was dead as Healer Cookie. But we do not know if they can truly die, with none of them having been tested in a way that has bested them once and for all.
Candy Diver Cookie
A diver at the bottom of the sea, eventually picked up by Captain Caviar Cookie, a silly goofy little guy, physically cannot speak and only does so in symbols that the prior mentioned Captain can understand, yet completely immortal. Additionally, cannot do any damage.
So, once again how does Candy Diver Cookie fit into this trio?
Well, according to Candy Diver Cookie's loading screen;
"The knowledge found in the depths may be only a fraction of the truth."
And who do we know that their character(s) heavily revolve around the Truth? That's right, Pure Vanilla Cookie and Shadow Milk Cookie.
Additionally, all three are immortal in some way, shape, or form, with Candy Diver Cookie having the most advanced immortality, as they have obviously died and possessed or otherwise physically become the diving suit they inhabit, and can even take off their head (similar to Shadow Milk Cookie in one of his animations).
Furthermore, Candy Diver Cookie cannot do any damage, similarly to the (unawakened) Pure Vanilla Cookie, and if we had the Sage of Truth Shadow Milk Cookie, I'm sure he would not do damage either, being an incredible similarity to Pure Vanilla Cookie, just if he was more studious and much less hopelessly addicted to a flower.
So there is, in my eyes, very good evidence that suggests that the three of them potentially may be the very same cookie. What Shadow Milk said (quoted at the start of this post) may not have been a lie nor dramatics at all, as with his trickster nature he very well could be telling the Truth.
So how they may be the same person, but how does this make them a cycle between one another?
Well, as we saw with the Truthless Recluse; Pure Vanilla Cookie can completely fall into the Deceit that Shadow Milk Cookie had. Sure there was a lot of forced dives into it and tons of underhanded coercion, but it is entirely possible for Pure Vanilla Cookie to be not as pure as his namesake. So this establishes a plausible connection for Pure Vanilla Cookie to genuinely become Shadow Milk Cookie, or a very similar cookie to, if he experiences mass strain to his mental stability (he's already gone through one war, just take Gingerbrave out of the equation [which eventually must happen, as he is not ageless] and his mentality goes flopside.)
Then, Pure Vanilla Cookie, in the midst of becoming Shadow Milk Cookie, assumedly before the Sage of Truth stage of the cycle, must go under water in order to learn everything about the sea, to know the Truth of it. Pure Vanilla cookie may spend who knows how long down there, and may eventually die in some way within the suit, performing the same act that ended up with Healer Cookie and becoming a new identity; Candy Diver Cookie. This may explain why Candy Diver Cookie's skill does absolutely no damage and only provides buff towards the team. But what about Candy Diver Cookie's basic attack, which inflicts a debuff to the enemies? Well that may be due to Pure Vanilla Cookie's encounter with Shadow Milk Cookie in beast yeast, in which he accepts that there are lies within Truth and becomes... more compassionate..(?) don't understand why his title is compassionate, especially compared to the other two awakened ancient's titles, but that's beside the point. Pure Vanilla Cookie knows he must do harm to see the Truth and be a better healer, not all lies are laced with venom after all, and as such this may translate to the locked away powers of Candy Diver Cookie, who knows many Truths but cannot share, and hence knows that they must do some form of disruption to aid their allies.
Then, from Candy Diver Cookie we end up with another Pure Vanilla Cookie. But how does that work? Well, Healer cookie remembered who he was and became Pure Vanilla Cookie once more, so it may be reasonable to assume the same may happen to Candy Diver Cookie. So Pure Vanilla Comes back, and in this stage he becomes the Sage of Truth, having gathered all knowledge from everywhere. Simple as that.
Afterwards, the Sage of Truth becomes Shadow Milk Cookie. The reasons are exactly the same as how Shadow Milk Cookie became, well, himself. Cookies were Cookies and never-endingly pestered the poor cookie for his knowledge, leading him to embrace Deceit and take out the incessant cookies.
From there, we get a similar situation. Due to the embrace of the Light of Deceit, the Light of Truth will presumably go to fond a new host which will eventually find Shadow Milk Cookie and, as the Compassionate Pure Vanilla Cookie did, offer a way to reform. Now, Shadow Milk Cookie fled and did not accept the offer, but that thought may linger. He may look more into embracing the Truth, as Pure Vanilla Cookie had seen into him, and as such Shadow Milk Cookie had seen back. They became one, and neither one left the same cookie they had entered as. And after time, Shadow Milk Cookie may become a Pure Vanilla Cookie esc character again, perhaps the jester becomes a childlike personality.
That's right I'm implying rebirth. The cycle perpetuates. Shadow Milk Cookie and Pure Vanilla Cookie are, and always will be, the same cookie, and Candy Diver Cookie is just a mere step within the process of the cycle. There is always two cookies on the opposite side of the cycle from one another, both of which will always eventually become Shadow Milk Cookie and Pure Vanilla Cookie and further perpetuate the cycle when they inevitably face off and become one.
And I guess, by proxy, I'm insinuating that the cookie run kingdom timeline is a circle for assuming the same events will always happen. Oh well, I'm a Doctor Who fan too, I've seen worse timeline shenanigans happen within an hour.
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When one is learning as a child, the other is learning of the world beyond.
When one is searching for the Truth, the other found it long ago.
When one actualizes the Truth, the other is actualizing Deceit.
Additionally, child, Pure Vanilla Cookie, and Compassionate Pure Vanilla Cookie are all studious while Candy Diver Cookie, Sage of Truth, and Shadow Milk Cookie are all silly goofy.
Thanks for coming to my ted talk brought up entirely by my addiction to Candy Diver Cookie.
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wakebymoonsleepbysun ¡ 21 hours ago
My breakdown of the Doey timeline, cuz whynot
Combination of my own theories/conjecture and what's actually in the game.
We see Jack getting a Doey toy for Christmas of 92, as well as a trip to the factory. The trip to the factory happens in Jan of 93 and of course Jack falls in.
This makes Jack an unplanned experiment. My theory--since he wasn't trained/prepped in the Game Station or Playcare, and the scientists had to kinda scramble to get anything salvageable of him, that left proto-Doey in a pretty bad/unstable state.
The fact that he had a Doey toy that he already loved so much could be what saved him. Kids are shown to have "assigned toys" at the Game Station, which makes me think a bond with the character/toy is necessary for the kids to adapt to their new bodies, and maybe even make the child take on personality traits of the toy's character.
1322 was too unstable to survive on his own. So another child was selected--Kevin. It seems the scientists hoped Kevin's physical strength would balance out Jack's lack of physical training before the process, and Jack's good temper would balance out Kevin's (perceived) bad one. (I think there's more to Kevin than just "angry child angry and violent at everything". I think he was abused and probably neurodivergent, maybe autistic. Probably on the cusp of a very rough puberty as well. But as a 90s "problem child" myself, I'm not surprised he was just dismissed as a bad kid with no hope. Heartbroken, yes. Surprised? No.)
Sidenote here--I do wonder if they'd gotten the idea of using multiple subjects in the same experiment from the Prototype. Not sure if that would have been something the Prototype would have been doing yet at this point. But I do think it's interesting to call out that the Prototype is not the only experiment made from multiple sources. (I think Poppy may also be such a one but that's some wild conjecture on my part and a post for another day.)
We know Kevin is second because he's described as 1322B. However I think the incident with Jack's parents happened before Matthew was added.
Jack's parents get invited to see Doey. Now, who wrote that letter and why? I'm not completely sure on the details, but I think the main reason it got APPROVED was for the sake of conducting a test. I think it's POSSIBLE someone like Stella may have been making a genuine attempt to do good, but that wouldn't've been reason enough on its own to make this happen.
So Jack's parents rock up to Playtime so the scientists can see how 1322 will react. We've all heard the tape so we know the jist of it, but here's what I think happened internally with Doey. Jack and Kevin's personalities and memories were still muddled. Kevin saw Jack's mom, recognized her as "mom", not realizing she is NOT actually HIS mother. I believe his parents had been abusive, so what Kevin THOUGHT he was doing was fighting back at his own abusers, not some other kid's kind parents. Between that and being in a body he could barely control with a strength he can barely comprehend...Well. Again. We all heard the tape.
So, time to stabilize. Enter Matthew. Responsible, kind, and older. Perfect to wrangle the two younger boys into a fully functioning experiment, ready to be useful to Playtime co. (I kinda gagged typing that. Playtime Co is bastards.)
And y'know? I'd say it mostly worked. From his monologues in the prison, it sounds like Doey wasn't always the most cooperative. He had a bit of a mischievous streak. But I get the impression he didn't lash out or attack until Safe Haven was destroyed. And who wouldn't be broken by that?
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chipmunkfanno1love ¡ 1 day ago
I actually got another film Amy theory based off @autisticshadowthehedgehog's headcanon about Amy possibly having abandonment issues. It may also lean into @ficsinhistory's Sonamy comfort over trauma and developing a bond through empathy theories.
Another option to Amy's parents being dead could be that both or one of them abandoned her. Here my thoughts about it:
Both her parents were neglectful parents who abandon their daughter not long after she was born. They disregard her as a "weakling" or are terrified of her gift of visions (that or they simply don't know how to handle it). They either leave her in the woods to die or abandon her on someone's doorstep. She is found and adopted by the Keeper of the Time Gems.
Her mother dies giving birth to her and her father becomes neglectful as result of his grief. Either he cruelly blames his daughter for his wife's death and/or he does care about her but finds himself unable to care for her. He leaves her in the care of a relative and/or a family friend, who may possibly be the Keeper of the Time Gems or at least is acquainted with them, therefore giving Amy the opportunity to be taken on as a protĂŠgĂŠ.
Her father walks out on her and her mother. Maybe her mother is still alive or dies protecting her daughter from danger, leaving Amy in the hands of an adoptive parent or guardian.
Maybe Amy's parents were loving and doting parents but regardless leave her with a guardian so they could go on mission for the Resistance. That and/or they felt she needed a mentor to teach her to properly use her gift of visions and how to defend herself in battle. Though they promise to return to her, they unfortunately die in battle, leaving Amy an orphan.
I imagine that Amy has abandonment issues as a result of her parent/s leaving her (even worse if they did it for selfish reasons). As a result, Amy is often is too hard on herself when it comes to her training, feeling she needs to prove herself in order to earn love and acceptance. She possibly hides her insecurities behind her optimistic and overly-friendly attitude.
Sonic is the one to show her how awesome she is just the way she is. He reassures her that she doesn't have to earn others love in order to receive it, and also says that she needs to love herself as well because you can't love others properly unless she loves herself too.
Amy forms a deep bond with Sonic as result of their shared empathy over their past trauma. I imagine that Amy grows very attached to Sonic as a result of their emotional bond and it's very hard being away from him, but she acknowledges Sonic's need for space. Plus, while she knows wants to be with Sonic, she also knows that she needs to take things slow with him so the two can grow as friends and if they do eventually become a couple someday, they can develop a more healthy interdependent relationship.
I just realised that I forgot to add Shadow's relationship with Amy in her relationship section. Don't hate me for saying this, but I don't think Shadow will have much of a role, if any role at all in Sonic 4, considering Amy was cut from Sonic 3 to focus more on Shadow's story, it makes sense that he doesn't make much of an appearance in this story so the focus can be on Amy. I think at most he'll have a Randall and Rachel sized cameo in the movie or perhaps the post-credit scene. He'll probably make a bigger appearance in Sonic 5 and/or his Shadow spin-off TV show or the discussed movie. Anyway, here are my thoughts:
Shadow: I honestly believe that Amy and Shadow's relationship will be a lot like their relationship in the Sonic games and other Sonic media. I imagine Amy playing the role of an encouraging friend and moral support to Shadow, while he in turn develops a soft spot for the compassionate and brave pink hedgehog and her optimistic way of thinking.
While Sonic took on Amy's role of being Shadow's moral support and convincing him to save the world in Sonic 3, I still believe that Amy will still play a role in showing empathy and encouragement to the tragic dark hedgehog as he tries to rebuild his life without Maria and learn about his identity (since he doesn't know yet who he is or where he came from). While she may not trust him at first after she learns who is and what he did to Tom, she decides to give him a chance after Sonic tells her about him working with him to save the earth.
I could see the whole "Amy mistaking Shadow for Sonic joke" happening in one of the SCU films, though rather than it being that Amy mistakes Shadow for Sonic when you can clearly see she's hugging Shadow rather than Sonic, maybe instead she sees Shadow's silhouette and assumes its Sonic, but when Shadow comes into the light she's like "Hey, you're not Sonic!" after noticing he has a different colour palette and spike style.
She may eventually hug Shadow after building trust some trust between them, which surprises but also touches him deeply.
I could see Amy and Shadow's interactions being similar to Sue Storm/Invisible Woman and the Silver Surfer in Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer. I imagine Amy showing great amounts of compassion for Shadow but is not afraid to berate him for his immoral choices and actions. Meanwhile Shadow acts very protective of Amy and won't hesitate to protect her from danger. When she asks he why he risks his life to save her, he admits to Amy that she reminds him of Maria.
Watch from 2:30 to 4:50. *Warning* - A violent scene before hand.
I know there's a lot of fans who ship Amy and Shadow together. While I wouldn't say I follow the Shadamy ship (partly because I prefer Sonamy and the other because I haven't seen enough of Shadow and Amy together to say whether they're "couple material") I am open to the possibility of Shadow having unrequited feelings for Amy but he doesn't let her know about it because he knows that she has feelings for Sonic and those feelings are reciprocated. For that reason (and because he feels he doesn't deserve Amy), Shadow steps aside and gives Sonic and Amy his blessing. Besides, considering Shadow has been kept in a tube for 50 years, he's a lot older than Amy, though being in a preservation tube has obviously slowed his aging process.
Maybe Amy is almost killed in a battle, which devastates Sonic at the thought of losing the girl he loves. Shadow might use his chaos powers to save Amy (if they are capable of healing) or perhaps finds another solution that saves her life. I definitely imagining him telling Sonic to treasure every moment with her and admitting that the two of them were right about him having a choice. He's now going to choose his own future rather than dwelling on the past.
*Warning* - Violent death scene and profanity
Of course, Shadow's soft spot for Amy could be more like a brother's love for a sister (which makes sense if Amy reminds him of Maria). Still, I could see Sonic feeling a bit jealous if he suspects something is going on between Shadow and Amy. Despite some immaturity on his part at first, he later tries to do the mature thing and accept the idea of Amy being with Shadow if he makes her happy. Luckily Amy reassures Sonic that she only sees Shadow as a friend and strongly hints it's him she has feelings for.
I would compare this fanon love triangle to the fanon love triangle between Katara, Aang and Zuko.
I would say that Sonamy is more like Katang. The friends to lovers dynamic. I could see them dancing together like this. 😁🥰 Plus, I hope that Sonamy becomes canon like Katang.
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While Shadamy is more like Zutara, the enemies to friends dynamic in which while they don't canonically become anymore than friends, but part of you wishes they did. I honestly wouldn't have been upset if Zutara had become canon, but I'm glad that Katang were happy together and eventually married and had a family.
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Anyway, there's a little addition to my theories. My Sonamy theories for the SCU are still a work in progress.
Sonic 4 - Amy Rose's Character (*Warning* Sonic 3 Spoilers Ahead)
One element I'm most looking forward to seeing in Sonic the Hedgehog 4 is the character of Amy Rose.
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I was very impressed with the character's introduction in the post-credit scene of Sonic 3.
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Though what we saw of Amy was limited and she doesn't even speak, we already can tell she's a strong and capable warrior who can take down a whole army of Metal Sonic's via use of her Piko Piko Hammer. It's big change from her original Sonic CD appearance who is portrayed as more of a damsel in distress for Sonic to rescue. Here, she's the one rescuing Sonic, and with a lot of style I might add.
Even her little raised eyebrow shows me that she's got a lot of spunk and self-confidence. I can definitely see her as someone who can keep up with Sonic in terms of quips and bantering.
I've heard a lot of Amy Rose theories including ones via fan art and fan videos (some of which I'll reference and share links with you here), but I thought I may as well share my own thoughts on the character and what role I believe she'll play in the upcoming Sonic movie.
I've only just gotten into the movie franchise and my interactions with other Sonic media are limited to clips I've seen on YouTube and other places online, so my knowledge of the Sonic characters is limited. If I get something wrong, please be kind to me.
Backstory Ideas:
Where Amy's from:
One popular theory for Sonic 4 is that it will take inspiration from Sonic CD. If this is true, I'm going to assume that Amy Rose is from Little Planet, which is located above Never Lake in a mysterious location on earth.
Considering the franchise doesn't say what part of Earth Never Lake is on, I'm going to assume that movie version of Never Lake will be located in New York State as that's where Sonic ended up in the post-credit's scene. Maybe Never Lake itself is not visible on human maps as its hidden with a cloaking spell or it is known and visible to humans in this universe, but Little Planet itself is hidden with a cloaking spell and can only be revealed with magic. Maybe it orbits to Earth once every few years, decades or even centuries.
Little Planet is said to be home to the Time Stones, which gives the inhabitants the ability to travel through time. In games the stones can't leave Little Planet, but I wonder if that may change for movie version of them. Maybe Amy is the Keeper of the Time Stone's or is currently keeping them safe for the Keeper (e.g. she's the guardians protegee and/or child/adoptive child).
Apparently Little Planet is said to be like earth only it has more mystical qualities to it, which sets up nicely for my head canons about Amy and her past. There has been debate that Amy Rose may be from a distance future or perhaps an alternate universe. While I'm certainly open to those theories, I prefer that she's from the present time but has the ability to time jump via the use of the Time Stones and perhaps the Travel Rings.
Amy's history:
As other fans have speculated, I do believe that Amy could come from a warrior race much like Knuckles the Echidna, though unlike Knuckles tribe who relied completely on brute strength and used more primitive weapons like bow and arrows, Amy's tribe has use to more magical properties as a gift from the planet they inhabit. They can either wield the magic from their internal selves and/or the magic is wielded via their weapon of choice. Nonetheless most and/or all the inhabitants of Little Planet have some access to magic in some shape or form.
There's also the possibility that Amy may just had a simple life as a child rather than being raised as a warrior (though I still believe she was raised with a magical ability and/or was around others who had magical abilities). There are many who speculate that she may have known Sonic as a child and perhaps was inspired by him to become a hero herself like in the games. I personally like this theory and plan to go more into it in another post.
Amy's family:
I believe that like Sonic, Tails and Knuckles, Amy could possibly be an orphan. If they write the Resistance storyline in the movie, I imagine that perhaps Amy's parents were part of a resistance against a tyrannical enemy, e.g. Metal Sonic, Nega Eggman, Mephiles the Dark, etc., but were sadly killed in battle when she was a child (her child self could definitely be inspired by Classic Amy's design).
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As a result, Amy was raised instead by other living relatives and/or perhaps an unrelated guardian like Longclaw raised Sonic before he came to live with his human adoptive parents, Tom and Maddie. Considering that Longclaw is considered the last of the Owl race, it's not likely that Amy will be adopted by another owl (unless of course the information about Longclaw being the last of her race is proven to be false). It's more likely her guardian will be another alien hedgehog or perhaps some other alien animal species.
In the Pre-Super Genesis wave of the Archie comics, Amy actually had a cousin named Rob o' the Hedge (the Mobian hedgehog version of Robin Hood) and an uncle named King O' Hedge. While I'm not sure if they could adapt these characters for Sonic Cinematic Universe as they are now no longer considered canon after the Archie comics scandal, they could possibly be the inspiration for a whole new character/s who could possibly fill in as a parental/family role for Amy:
There's also the possibility that Amy Rose has no guardians or relatives and has been living on her own since her parent's death. Maybe she's roaming around on her own for a while now and basically taken care of herself. She may be similar to Sonic in that sense.
I read some theories from fanfiction writer @ficsinhistory on Amy's character and backstory. I'm certainly open to some of the writer's theories, including the similar backstory to the Terminator franchise. I also like @bunnystarhop's idea of her possibly already having an adoptive earth family already.
Amy's role in the story:
Amy's role in Sonic 4 could be quite similar to Tails in Sonic 2 and/or maybe she is a less intense and family-friendly version of Kyle Reese's character. I imagine she's either there to protect and warn Sonic and/or she's there to help him discover his destiny in becoming the Hero of the Universe. Knowing Amy, I believe she'd be a lot gutsier than Tails and would want to play an active role in helping Sonic in his journey rather than simply warning him. I believe she has her own motives and/or something to prove in this story as well.
I could see Amy's backstory going several different directions:
Amy starts out as an optimistic but naive young warrior in training for the Resistance, who eager to prove herself as a protector for others, whether it be fighting in battle or even helping an innocent baby bird find their family. Unfortunately, she is not taken seriously by her peers as they feel she's "too young", and "too innocent" to be considered helpful to the Resistance. Perhaps she has a vision of a dark future of Metal Sonic taking over the universe, including both Earth and Little Planet. Despite others doubting her gifts, her mentor sends her to Earth to guide Sonic on his mission and to protect him from Metal Sonic. Despite Sonic also having doubts about Amy's gift, he decides to trust her for the sake of protecting his home and helping her protect hers.
Amy's home is attacked by Metal Sonic's and at the last-minute Amy's guardian (who may also have the gift of visions) tells her that she has to find Sonic as he's the only one who can stop Metal Sonic from destroying the future. Maybe Amy has her own goals of rescuing her mentor and/or people who are being held hostage by Metal Sonic and/or she hopes to fulfil her guardians' dying wish and prevent others from suffering the same fate as her mentor. Also, she may harbour guilt if she feels she's responsible for her family being captured or killed. It would give her empathy for Sonic's plight with Longclaw.
While I prefer Amy to be from the present and be a time-jumper, there's a possibility she could be from the future and travels to the present to prevent the dystopian future she lives in from happening. This could be a reference to the Terminator films, though I hope if they do these references that a romance between Sonic and Amy will not have the same tragic consequences that Sarah Conner and Kyle Reese had in their relationship. I hope Sonamy can make a future together, whether she stays in the present or continually time jumps between present and future to visit Sonic.
I've read plenty of other theories from others which could also work. Either way, as much as I want to see Sonamy romantic hints and for them to eventually become a couple (if Sega is willing to let Jeff Fowler and the SCU crew to make it happen in their films), I want Amy to have more of purpose to her story rather than simply being a potential girlfriend for Sonic. I want her to be fully fleshed out and independent character who has her own goals, desires and plans. Finding love will simply be a lovely subplot for her and Sonic. The icing on the cake if you will.
Abilities, talents and skills:
For me personally, I could see Amy with the ability to talk to animals. It could be treated as a joke where she has a conversation with animals like a human or alien creature and others look at her like she's crazy. Over time though, Amy can prove her gift to talk to animals is real and uses her gift to help Team Sonic in their missions, as well as build stronger relationships with animals like Ozzy.
A cute idea I thought of for Amy could be that she can speak some Japanese. I thought this would be adorable if Kimiko Glenn gets the part (she's not fluent in Japanese but did she speak a little for her role as Peni Park in the Spiderman universe films). Considering Sonic's source material has anime roots, I think this would be another great way to reference Japan in the film. I thought the Tokyo Chao Garden scene in Sonic 3 was just adorable and I imagine Amy speaking Japanese would be another cute anime reference.
One trait of Amy's in different Sonic media is her use of making predictions via tarot cards. This personally isn't my favourite trait of Amy's I do not condone the use of tarot cards in real life, nor do I believe they can tell the future.
From a fictional standpoint, I can acknowledge that this is just a quirky part of Amy's character and/or she may have the ability to tell what's going to happen in the future in the Sonic universe. I honestly feel that Amy's having the ability to tell the future could work very well in Sonic 4 (especially if time travel is used in the story). Still, here are some different ways of portraying Amy's use of fortune cards that I would feel more comfortable with:
Perhaps Amy has the gift of visions and the ability to see into the future. Unfortunately, her abilities are limited to flashes of which are hard to interpret herself. Maybe her cards are not regular tarot cards, but instead are fortune cards that work in a similar fashion to Bruno Madrigal's tablets where her literal visions come up on the cards and can then be interpreted visually afterwards.
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I definitely could see Amy's eyes/pupils going fully pink like Bruno's go fully green when she has visions.
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I reckon like Sonic and Knuckles; Amy's eyes go an electrified pink during intense emotional moments and moments of anger as well.
2. I could see Amy's use of tarot cards purely being used for the comedic effect where she depends on them for every decision she makes and is afraid to make her own choices. Maybe Sonic could teach her to learn to take chances and to not rely on tricks said to tell her what the future holds. As a result, she decides to throw her fortune cards away and chooses to take her own chances rather than worrying what the future holds.
This fan animatic made by @spegadysquitzy on YouTube is a wonderful example of what I'm talking about:
Amy's Piko Piko Hammer:
I'm very curious about the history and backstory of Amy's Piko Piko Hammer and how it works.
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From what I've seen of it in the Sonic 3 post-credit scene, it appears to be made with metal and could possibly be wielded via the use of chaos energy. I'm thinking it could be considered a sacred object, or it was a weapon personally made for Amy, and she spent a bit of time training in order to get the strength to use it properly.
Some people believe that the reason Amy has no spikes is that she removed them and used them to power her hammer. I'm open to this theory, but I also believe it could simply be that the animators haven't added her spikes yet as it's still an early design for Amy. It could also be that Amy's spikes are simply thinner and softer for a more feminine appearance. I guess we'll need to wait until Sonic 4 to get confirmation about these theories.
I wonder if Amy chose the weapon herself or perhaps it magically chose her to be its wielder. I wonder if they'll throw in the "worthiness" trope like with Thor's hammer and we'll see others struggling to lift the hammer like Sonic (I've seen fan-art of this, but I can't remember which artist did it). Maybe she's telepathically linked to her weapon, which therefore enables it to levitate to her and/or it will appear out of thin air like in Sonic X.
Either way, I'd love to learn how Amy got her famous hammer.
Amy's personality in the Sonic Cinematic Universe has been the top of hot debate in Sonic fandom pretty early on. There are a number of people who want her to more like her early incarnations while others are hoping for her more modern personality (e.g. Sonic Boom, Sonic Prime, Sonic Frontiers, etc).
From what I've heard, both the characters of Tails and Knuckles have a mixture of elements from both their earlier and later adaptions, e.g. in early adaptions Tails was "the kid" of the group and a Sonic fanboy and Knuckles is the serious guardian of the Master Emerald and Sonic's enemy turned ally. In later adaptions, Tails becomes a more capable gadget genius and while he's more relaxed around Sonic, remains his best friend and little brother figure. Tails manages to be a good balance of both these versions of himself.
Knuckles has had various adaptions currently, but his Sonic Boom counterpart is known as a bit of a "dumb jock" stereotype. Movie Knuckles is more intelligent than his TV counterpart but can be a bit slow on some earth knowledge and is "literal-minded" much like Drax the Destroyer from the MCU films. Therefore, he also is a good combination of both his earlier and later adaptions.
As such I believe Amy being a combination of both her earlier personality and her more modern personality is a good win-win personality wise. Maybe we could see more of her Classic Amy personality in her younger self via flashbacks but slowly see her grow into her more modern self with time progression. Maybe we could literally see her maturity growing through the use of flashbacks and character growth. Nonetheless, she still maintains some of her earlier traits in regard to her energy, enthusiasm and bubbly personality.
I honestly like how @echidnapowers explained Amy's character development in the Sonic games and hope they show Amy's character growth and maturity throughout the movie like he explained it. Hopefully they'll portray it in a natural way and not forced. The artwork belongs to his partner @hollylu-ships-it by the way.
There have been theories that Sonic 4 might have a "perfection vs imperfection" theme to it in regards showing the importance of being yourself rather than being what everyone else expects of you to please them. As such this might be demonstrated in both Sonic and Amy's storylines. I'm thinking they'll take one of these two options:
Amy is repressing parts of herself that make her the special person she is, e.g. her passion for life, her optimism, her belief in the goodness of all creatures, etc. Maybe because she was criticised or even bullied by others in Resistance with them calling her a "naive child" and "too unfocused and emotionally driven" to possibly be a good Resistance fighter. Maybe she hopes in repressing these parts of herself that she'll be taken more seriously and/or the bullying causes her to repress her true self out of fear that others will treat her just as badly. Perhaps Sonic brings out her out of her shell and she realises that her passion, love for life and her desire to protect others is the reason she wanted to fight in the Resistance in the first place. She decides to embrace who she is to the fullest, realising that it's important to be herself and that the love she feels for others (especially for Sonic) is not a weakness but a strength. She's therefore not going hide that part of herself anymore.
The other option is that she is unapologetically herself in spite of others dismissing her as a naive child and believes with all her heart that love and seeing the best in others are the makings of a true hero. Perhaps she could eventually inspire Sonic to be himself rather than acting like the flawless hero she was expecting. It's Amy's support in showing she loves Sonic just as he is that helps him to truly embrace himself as he is and therefore helps him in defeating Metal Sonic.
The main attributes I hope Amy will show:
Her endless compassion for others.
Her passionate, never give up attitude. She'd never let Sonic, or the other boys take things easy on her as she wants to be seen as their equal and doesn't want to get special treatment just because she's a girl.
Her love for nature and animals.
Her protective maternal nature. She's a true mama bear and mother hen wrapped in one.
Her hot temper: Maybe not quite at Sonic X level. Plus, she isn't as bossy. Still, I do believe she'd give Rachel a run for her money if you tick her off. Let's just say the Beware the Nice One's trope would fit her to a T.
Her belief in the power of love and her romantic side.
Her feisty, bubbly and girly personality. Though I imagine she's a Girly Girl with a Tomboy Streak because as girly as she is (she loves shopping, accessorising, cooking, gardening, etc) she's still treated like one of the boys. She possibly enjoys watching wrestling and loves getting involved in different sports like baseball (with some practice she becomes pretty good at batting).
Her love for Sonic - Whether they go the traditional route of her crushing first or the Reverse Sonamy option, I definitely believe her crush on Sonic and commitment to him should still be there. I personally hope they go for the mutual falling in love option for the two of them in a slow burn fashion.
I could definitely see her personality being a good blend of Maddie's and Rachel's. Like Maddie she's kind-hearted, has strong maternal instincts and has a strong bond with animals. Like Rachel, she's temperamental, strong and sassy. Like both she's feisty and is very protective of the ones she loves. I believe these 3 ladies would make an excellent team battle wise.
Characters who match movie Amy in my mind:
Rapunzel (Tangled):
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Whenever I think of what I believe movie Amy to be like, immediately Rapunzel pops into my mind. I imagine her to have the same energy, passion and innocent femineity that Rapunzel has. Like her she's rather naive about the world but proves herself to be nonetheless tough and capable of taking care of herself. She's strong believer in teamwork and proves herself unstoppable when she fights in-sync with Sonic and her new friends.
Like the long-haired princess, Amy is endlessly compassionate and always looks for the best in others. Nonetheless she's no doormat and won't hesitate to give you firm word if you step out of line, and if you threaten her or her friends, she'll knock you out swiftly with her precious Piko Piko Hammer like Raps does with her frying pan.
She also has special soft spot for animals of which I'll expand upon later on.
I also imagine that like Rapunzel she's determined to make her dreams, hopes and wishes a reality and doesn't let difficulties hold her back from attaining this.
Starfire (Teen Titans cartoon version)
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Cartoon Network's version of the DC superheroine, Starfire is another excellent personality comparison. She's a wonderful blend of innocence, naivety and compassion blended with ferocity, passion and power. Like Starfire, Amy is endlessly kind and compassionate, but if you get on her bad side, she's a force to be reckoned with.
Just as Starfire is unfamiliar and naĂŻve to earth customs but is also quick to embrace it as a potential home and is excited to experience all the opportunities it has to offer, so do I also imagine this to be Amy's attitude as well. I definitely imagine her becoming endlessly excited to all the things the world has to offer like shopping malls, fashion accessories, graphic novels (like anime and manga), plus the excitement of practical technology, music and movies which Sonic is only too happy to introduce her to.
I could definitely see Amy's strong belief in the power of friendship and love being akin to Starfire's. As I mentioned earlier, I could see her having powers (even powers connected to her hammer) which are powered by her emotions. Her passion for adventure and belief in the power of love are definitely the feelings and emotions she most strongly believes in.
Whether they go the traditional route of Amy crushing on Sonic first or they do a Reverse Sonamy where he crushes on her first and then she later falls for him after they get to know each other, I imagine both platonically and romantically, Amy is devoted to Sonic as Starfire is to Robin, and even in the worst of times will stand by him. Overall, I definitely see Amy as the one who is more open and less awkward with sharing her feelings.
Kira (The Dark Crystal)
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While I don't think Amy is that much like Kira, she may be like her in her connection to animals and nature. I imagine Amy can possibly talk to animals like she can.
While Kira is more mild-mannered and gentler than Amy, both girls have a determined and feisty side. They'll put the greater good above themselves and will do anything to protect the ones they love.
Katara (Avatar: The Last Airbender):
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Katara is the wonderful blend of strength and compassion that I imagine for Amy. Katara is brave, compassionate, maternal in nature and will never hesitate to help those in need, just like Amy. They both are similar in their physical and emotional strengths yet also have similar flaws like their hot-temper and stubbornness.
Katara's strong belief in hope matches well to Amy's belief in love. I also believe that Amy will have the same amount of faith in Sonic as Katara has in Aang, especially if they go for the save the future trope in Sonic 4.
Astrid (How to Train Your Dragon):
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Astrid is probably more like Amy when comes to fighting and battle. Both women are feisty, passionate, determined, have hot-tempers and are pretty fierce with their weapon of choice (Astrid with her axe and Amy with her Piko Piko hammer), but can also be quite kind and understanding and often show that softer side with the men they love. While Amy is a million times more open to showing her softer side than Astrid is, if she ever were to start a romantic relationship with Sonic (officially becoming boyfriend and girlfriend) I imagine that the level of romance and trust between them would definitely be like Hiccup and Astrid's relationship. Best friends as well as lovers.
I will give some credit to @nightfurylover31 for their idea of movie Amy having some personality traits to Starfire and Astrid. I'll mention and refer to their link in my Sonamy discussion post.
Relationships with other characters (her relationship with Sonic I'll talk about on a different discussion page):
Knuckles: I can see both Amy and Knuckles sharing a mutual respect for each other as warriors, especially if they both came from warrior clans. While Knuckles may doubt Amy's strength and fighting prowess as first, Amy is quick to prove him wrong in the challenges they face against each other or even with each other as a team.
I definitely see Knuckles acting as a big brother figure to Amy in the sense that while he respects her as an "honourable pink hedgehog warrior" and knows she can take care of herself in battle, he nonetheless has a protective instinct of her as he does for his newfound adoptive family. I'm sure he'd be very protective of her if anyone tried to harm her.
I could see the two bonding over rom coms together (along with Wendy Whipple) and perhaps wrestling matches. I could also see them matching each other well in terms of strength as they train together. While it may take Knuckles some time to trust Amy with the knowledge of the Master Emerald, I'm sure once she proves herself trustworthy, I'm sure he'd gladly welcome her to the Team if she decides to join.
I could see him as Shipper on Deck with Sonic and Amy and I imagine him being most vocal in teasing Sonic about his crush on her. He'd also be the most vocal in terms of encouraging Sonic to prove to Amy his love for her and show himself to be worthy of her love.
Tails: As I've heard from other Sonic fans, I definitely imagine Amy and Tails having a close "big sister and little brother" type of relationship. I imagine Amy would very doting and maternal to Tails, while Tails makes Amy feel welcome into the group. I could see them working well together as they've been portrayed in games and TV shows. I do see them being very affectionate towards each other, e.g. enjoying lots of hugs and pep talks. I also see them working together on Tail's gadgets during battle plans.
I could see Amy and Tails trying to share the role as peacemakers of the group when Sonic and Knuckles start to butt heads. While Tails is always trying his best to remain calm, Amy will certainly have her more outspoken moments as she's not afraid to put her foot down. Unfortunately, poor Tails may have to try his best to calm Amy down if she ever starts to lose her temper.
I reckon that Tails (along with Knuckles, Tom and Maddie) are Shippers on Deck for Sonic and Amy. As well as him and Knuckles teasing Sonic for having a crush on Amy, I could see Tails teasing Amy as well, maybe not so differently from how he did in a Sonic Boom interview podcast. I don't think Amy would deny having a crush on Sonic, but whether she's as open and excited about it as her earlier counterpart or simply acknowledges it but says the mission comes first, I'll leave that up to the writers to decide.
This might sound out of character for Tails, but I considered the idea of the young fox possibly becoming jealous of Amy if he sees how well Sonic and Amy work together and them sharing comments like "We make a great team." Being a young child maybe he'd be fearful of Sonic leaving the team to make a new one with Amy, which I'm sure would cause him a great deal of distress. Then again, jealous or not, I trust he has enough faith in Sonic not to break up their team and I'm sure Sonic would reassure his little brother figure that this will never happen. Overall, I'm sure he'd make Amy feel that she's welcome to the team and would also make her feel like she's part of the family.
Tumblr artist @d3lly1000 had this head canon that Amy would have a little bird friend.
Canonically, this makes a lot of sense as Amy has a Flicky bird friend that she helped find their siblings in Sonic Adventure. The flicky bird, Birdie has also appeared in other Sonic media, including numerous versions in Sonic Prime.
A Flicky is obviously a fictional bird species made up for the Sonic franchise, whether a Flicky could be written as an alien bird or perhaps a rare Earth bird species not yet discovered (or possibly just considered very rare) by humans could be left up to debate. It really depends on whether they want to use a cartoon style bird, a photorealistic one, and/or possibly even use a real bird.
Either way, I definitely love the idea of Amy having a special little bird friend (I don't mind adding that little Disney Princess trope to her character). Maybe she saved it from being killed and a developed a strong bond it, and/or maybe it's looking for its lost family like in Sonic Adventure and Amy is keeping her promise to help them find their family, much like she could possibly be looking for her own (if say they were kidnapped by Metal Sonic or another main villain). I believe that having Birdie by her side will best show off her loving, protective and maternal nature alongside the strong warrior side shown at the end of Sonic 3.
I imagine she and Birdie are very protective of each other and are loyal companions through thick and thin. Maybe Amy can appear to understand what Birdie says, which appears to be both comical and shows their deep connection to each other.
Birdie might be wary of Sonic at first but eventually warms up to him when he proves that he's trustworthy and the little bird sees how fond the two hedgehogs are of each other.
Maybe the two will have a bittersweet goodbye if Birdie is reunited with his family, or Birdie continues to journey with Amy across the universe and instead watches her have a bittersweet goodbye with Sonic. Either way, Amy's bond and connection to Birdie is definitely a strong and unbreakable bond.
Maddie: I believe that Amy will develop a special bond with Maddie, not too different to Sonic and Tom's relationship. These two lovely ladies have a lot in common as they're both compassionate yet feisty women who will do all that they can to protect their loved ones. I could definitely see them teaming up to save the boys if they needed to, especially the men they love, Sonic and Tom.
Maddie would especially love to have a girl to dote upon and give advice to. I can definitely see the two of bonding over girly things like shopping, getting facials and spa treatments, and I reckon they'd enjoy doing Pilates and Yoga together (I reckon that Amy could match well in terms of flexibility with Maddie to the point where Sonic nicknames her "Pretzel Lady Jr.")
Though early Sonic 3 concept art show Amy Rose in her iconic red dress and therefore suggest she could be wearing it underneath her cloak (if say they re-use deleted concepts in Sonic 4), I personally love the idea of Maddie taking Amy shopping for a new outfit. This fanart comic by @risenhoku is similar to what I have in mind, though I imagine that Maddie would have to take Amy shopping to get her clothes in her size (unless she wears some hand-me-downs from Jojo or Maddie's clothes from when she was little). Either way, I definitely imagine Sonic having an awestruck "Wow!" reaction to seeing how beautiful Amy looks in her new outfit and I'm sure Maddie would notice. 🤭😏🥰 I imagine she along with Tom will be Shippers on Deck for Sonic and Amy, saying things "They're so cute together!" and "That's our future daughter-in-law."
One thing that Amy and Maddie definitely have in common is their love of animals and their strong desire to protect them. I could see the two girls embarking on their own "wildlife warrior" adventures together, e.g. them going up against poachers to protect the local wildlife and/or starting a protest against hunting for sport.
Perhaps Maddie goes looking for a vet assistant and Amy applies for the job. I imagine Maddie being very reluctant at first due to Amy's young age and lack of experience and qualifications, but Amy is not one to give up so easily. It's Amy's passion, enthusiasm and her natural talent with animals (particularly with Ozzie and her little bird friend, Birdie) that eventually win Maddie over to the idea of making the young hedgehog her assistant. Though she does insist that Amy gets the right qualifications and helps her to apply for online vet assistant courses.
I definitely believe that Amy and Maddie would make a great team and share a beautiful bond with each other.
Tom: I'm not entirely sure what Tom and Amy's relationship would be like, but I imagine that it would be start off like @risenhoku's comic where at first, he's anxious about Sonic bringing a girl home as he's not sure about how to approach the idea of his adoptive son possibly having a girlfriend. Nonetheless, he tries to be welcoming to Amy with encouragement from Maddie and the rest of his family and makes her feel at home.
Over time, Tom comes to be very accepting and even fatherly towards Amy (like a future father-in-law). He believes that the pink hedgehog is a perfect match for Sonic and even calls Amy "Sonic's Maddie" because of how much she reminds him of his wife and his own relationship with her, especially when they were younger and had just started dating.
Much as Ozzy has a fondness for Sonic and his team, I definitely believe that the Wachowski's dog will have a special soft spot in his heart for Amy Rose due her natural talent and bond with animals. I imagine her relationship with Ozzie is firm (see the Tangled video from 0:42 to 1:13 and the Toy Story 2 video from 0:42 to 0:48) but also incredibly affectionate as she showers him with lots of cuddles, pats and belly rubs. I imagine Ozzie is like putty in Amy's hands, which amuses Sonic and the group.
These videos are great examples of what I imagine Amy and Ozzie's relationship being like. I could imagine Amy saying to Ozzie "Who's a good doggy?! Who's a good doggy?! Who's a good doggggggy?!" (see Toy Story 2 video from 0:48 to 0:58) as she vigorously rubs Ozzie's belly, and he lays down and wags his tail with absolute ecstasy.
I imagine with Amy's encouragement that Ozzy would embrace his braver streak and as he would protect his family, I also imagine that Ozzy would get very protective of Amy if anyone threatened her harm. 
Rachel, Jojo and Randall:
Amy and Rachel may butt heads at first, but eventually I could see the two of them developing a mutual respect for each other. Both can relate to each other as headstrong and occasionally (the occasional part being for Amy, lol) temperamental women, but Amy also has a softer and more compassionate side that reminds Rachel of her sister, Maddie.
I believe Amy will be only the alien that Rachel actually warms up to and in time I could see her becoming very protective of the young hedgehog teen. Let's just say that Rachel's attitude towards Amy's possible relationship with Sonic could be very similar towards her attitude towards her sister and brother-in-law's relationship. She'll be like: "Stay away from, Amy! You're not good enough for her!" or maybe she could be more tolerant of a relationship between the two hedgehog teens but isn't shy about making threats to Sonic like "You break that girl's heart, and I'll break every bone in your little alien body." I could see Sonic turning to Tom nervously and asking, "Is she like this with you and Maddie?" and Tom responds with, "She's worse, buddy. Much, much worse."
Amy and Jojo would have a great relationship and would love and treat each other like sisters and best friends. I definitely imagine the two of bonding over girly things and Jojo would show Amy the latest earth trends. Unlike her mother, I reckon Jojo would be a huge Shipper on Deck for Sonic and Amy. She may even be the first (or perhaps the only person) within the movie franchise to use the shipping term Sonamy. Maybe she and Amy could even start a Sonic fan club together, which either gives Sonic a big ego boost (not that he needs it, lol) and/or it could make him feel a little uncomfortable, but he soon warms up to the idea. Tails could help them in setting up a website for the club. Perhaps the fan club could even be used as alien activism in promoting for the rights aliens on earth. Sonic becomes the face of the activism page along with his friends and allies. Jojo's mother and stepfather may not be so supportive of her outspoken views at first (she becomes more outspoken with Amy's encouragement) but eventually come to respect and even agree with them with time.
From a pragmatic standpoint, I imagine that Randall would have reason not trust to Amy being that as a G.U.N agent he's supposed to see aliens as threats and capture them. While Randall might adapt this untrusting attitude towards Amy at first, with time, he not only realises that Amy is harmless, but he also finds that the two of them have a lot in common with their loving and high-spirited personalities. I could see the two of them bonding over sports (I personally imagine wrestling, baseball and martial arts are Amy's personal favourites) and possibly play some sports together.
In time, Randall may come to question G.U.N's beliefs about aliens after getting to know Amy. He may even become a defender for aliens on earth as a result of his and his new family's love and protectiveness for Amy and to lesser extent her new friends.
The Whipple family:
I imagine Amy becoming friends with Wade through her friendship with Knuckles. I believe she'd have a soft spot for the slow-witted but sweet and sensitive deputy and would always try her best to lend him a hand. In time they may build a big brother and protective little sister dynamic. They may even become closer than Wade's relationship with his biological sister, Wanda.
"Amy, you're like the sister I never had." - Wade
"Ah, Wade, don't you have, Wanda?" - Amy
(Giving Amy a deadpanned look) "Where I am losing you?"
I could personally see her helping Wade get a date with a lady he has crush on. Knuckles and Sonic may offer to help as well. I could imagine Amy saying something like this:
"I love my Sonic, but when it comes to women, he's totally clueless."
I could see Amy standing up for Wade when Wanda starts bullying him. I definitely see her putting Wanda in her place, which either gets on the FBI agents' bad side or wins her respect. Either way, I imagine that Amy and Wanda would have a complicated relationship. Maybe Amy agrees with Wade that Wanda can be "the worst" but she may also respect Wanda's devotion to being seen as a capable FBI agent (even if she often makes an idiot of herself in the process).
Wendy, I'm sure would be very welcoming to Amy into her home. The both of them would bond over their love of rom-coms and martial arts. Amy shows interest and respect for Wendy's Jewish faith and customs. I could see the two of them cooking for Shabat dinner (which I know as Sabbath) together.
I'm sure Wendy would respect Amy for putting both her children in their place when they get out of line. Over time she may even come to love Amy as a daughter and perhaps eventually a member of the family (whether it be adoptive or honorary member is open in possibility).
Agent Stone: I imagine that Amy would be kind to Agent Stone despite disapproving of his criminal actions. I'm sure she'd comfort him over missing Dr. Robotnik and be willing to help him make better decisions for his life without the doctor in it.
Amy's fate at the end of Sonic 4:
Here's a poll of the options I considered for Amy's fate at the end of the 4th movie and the most popular options that my viewers voted on:
I'd like to further discuss these options in more detail and the pros and cons of them.
Amy lives with the Wachowski's:
Amy could go live with the Wachowski family. Considering that Tom and Maddie happily invited Sonic into their home and then later added Tails and Knuckles to their household, I don't think they'd be against the idea of adding another alien to their home and family. Maddie, I imagine would definitely love to have another girl around for support when her boys get a bit much for her and she needs some girl time. I definitely could see Amy sleeping on the Wachowski's couch at least short term.
Unfortunately, I also see a few issues with Amy living with the Wachowski's:
If Amy joins the Wachowski household that would make her an adoptive sister to Tails, Knuckles and, yes, even Sonic. Considering that Sonic and Amy are hinted to have feelings for each other in various Sonic media and the SCU writers have also hinted to Sonamy being written into Sonic 4, it would be rather inappropriate for Amy to become another adoptive member of the Wachowski family. Though it's unclear if Sonic and Amy will officially become a confirmed canon couple in the movie franchise or if they are kept to the level of other Sonic media (e.g. Sonic X, Sonic Boom, Sonic Prime and Sonic Frontiers) where they simply hint to them having feelings for each other, I certainly hope that they keep an opening for Sonamy to happen in some shape or form. From the Doylist (real life) perspective, I believe it would be wiser that Amy doesn't officially move in with the Wachowski family so she can remain open to being Sonic's potential girlfriend rather than his adoptive sister.
If I gave a Watsonian (in universe) excuse for why Amy staying at the Wachowski's long term is a bad idea, it would have to be that Tom and Maddie simply don't have the room for her. I know from recently watching the Knuckles series that Sonic, Tails and Knuckles are currently sharing the attic as their bedroom. Being a teenage girl, I don't believe Amy would feel comfortable sharing a room with three boys (two of them being teenagers) and I don't believe Maddie (who understands Amy's plight) or even Tom would feel comfortable with her bunking up with their boys either. It would be a better idea that Amy has her own room for space and privacy's sake, and I'm not sure that the Wachowski's household can provide that.
Amy goes to live with Rachel, Randall and Jojo:
Another option I considered is the possibility of Amy going to live with Rachel, Randall and Jojo. As I described Amy's possible relationships with the family, I imagine that they could come to love and care about her so much that they decide to make her a member of their family.
While I really like this idea for the sake that it could help both Rachel and Randall to overcome their prejudices towards aliens in them making one a part of their family and therefore giving Jojo an adoptive sister, I also see the same issues that Amy living with the Wachowski's could have. If say, Rachel and Randall adopted Amy, it would technically make her Sonic's adoptive cousin, which could once again cause problems for Sonic and Amy in terms of potentially starting a romantic relationship in this universe.
I remember in Alvin and the Chipmunks movies they tried to find ways overcome this loophole by having Dave legally adopted the Chipmunks as his sons in Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Road Chip while the Chipettes eventually moved out of the Seville household to pursue their career as hosts for American Idol, hinting that they were merely housemates and "sort of" live-in girlfriends to the Chipmunks. I do believe they could do better than this storyline as the viewers still found the setup to be rather sus as the Chipettes didn't have any other known parental figures in their lives besides Dave in this universe (in the 80's to early 2000's cartoon universe they have an adoptive elderly mother in Miss Miller).
A smarter idea could be that we are given proof that Amy still has a parental figure in her life back on her home world, but seeing how attached she's grown to earth and a certain blue speedster hedgehog who lives there, her parental figure gives her permission to stay on earth, but only on the condition that she keeps in contact with them regularly. With the help of Tails' technology Amy is able to regularly video call her parental figure and let know she's okay. This set up would therefore look more like Amy's taking part in an exchange student program and therefore isn't an official adoptive sibling or cousin of Sonic's. It could leave more of an opening for a potential romance happening between them.
Still, if either of these options don't work for Amy, here's few more options that could work.
Amy lives with and is possibly adopted by a member of the Whipple family:
I believe Wendy could be a good mother figure to Amy as they are both strong but kind warrior women who both have strong maternal instincts and a love of rom coms. I personally like the idea of Wendy making Amy her adoptive daughter as I'm sure she would make wonderful company for her now that both her biological children are grown up and out of home.
I remember @kaijuworld1954 commenting on my poll that maybe Wade could adopt Amy, especially if he has Tom to look for advice from. While I suppose that Wade could be a potential adoptive or foster parent for Amy as he's close in age to Tom (in real life Adam Pally is nine years younger than James Marsden) and could possibly look to him and Maddie for advice in raising her (Maddie in particular could step in as Amy's female role model), I personally think Amy would more see Wade as a lovable but immature older brother rather than a father figure. Of course, those are just my thoughts.
Amy returns to her home world and/or goes exploring other universes:
A more bittersweet possibility for Amy at the end of Sonic 4 is that she doesn't stay on earth and maybe either goes back to where she came from or continues exploring other universes if they make Amy an explorer of worlds like some fans have guessed she may be.
I definitely believe that this will create an absence makes the heart grow fonder connection between Sonic and Amy. It will do nicely if the writers want to create a steady slow burn for the two hedgehogs which builds up over the course of several Sonic films, which I believe is a smarter idea than making the two a couple immediately. It will certainly build up the romantic tension between them as the two miss each other while they're going on their own separate journey's and the two can also reunite for adventures and visit each other regularly.
I imagine their parting words being inspired from the Sonic Frontiers quote:
Amy: "....I know what I saw: a love that transcended time. I believe in that power. When this is over, I want to share that love with the world. Even though... it may take us far apart.” Sonic: “I know you'll do great. I want to hear all about it when you come back.”
Maybe they could change it up a bit with Sonic asking Amy if she really has to go, to which Amy replies with:
"I don't want to go, but their other planets and dimensions out there that are in need of a hero: a hero that can teach them about the power of friendship, family...and love (looks fondly at Sonic who shares her look). I believe in that power, and I believe in my heart that I need to share that power with the world. "Still... (takes Sonic's hands in her's) I'm really going to miss you, Sonic."
Sonic: "I'll miss you too, Amy."
The two hug and Amy may plant a passing kiss on Sonic's cheek which surprises but also delights him. The two promise to keep in touch and Sonic says he looks forward to hearing about Amy's adventures when she comes back to visit.
Amy lives on Earth with a totally new guardian:
These are not so much my ideas but more of a shout-out to @bunnystarhop's theory of perhaps Amy already having a friend and/or guardian that she's staying with in New York. It certainly would make things less complicated for her in terms of where she's going to live, but they've also got to introduce a brand-new character, who I hope will fit in with the rest of the human cast. Either way, I'm open for this option happening.
I'd love to give some shout-outs to theories, head canons and fan art/fan videos from:
@lucidheart3, @bunnystarhop, @daisytheflower21, @d3lly1000, @ficsinhistory, @Kexyy, @nightfurylover31, @the-sinful-voice-witch, @iwasbored777, @actionlulu, @essycogany, @palepaintersweets, @swagbonkoperaweasel, @risenhoku, @echidnapower, @hollylu-ships-it and anyone else whose name I forgot to mention.
They've got some great head canons and theories themselves which I encourage you to check out. A few of them are pretty similar to mine.
Be on the lookout for more theories from me soon. Next up will be all about Movie Sonamy.
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phynixdotcom ¡ 8 months ago
Yeah, so while I was on my "I'm going to read into Vanny/Vanessa as much as possible" journey, I noticed an odd quirk in her animations in how she moves. At first, I thought it reminded me of a ballerina, 'cause she's kinda tip-toeing, & she has this way of keeping her head & chest in one place as she moves, but I looked again & realized --
That's not ballet! She's doing a tight-rope act. Like, look at this one:
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This is like standing up on the wooden boards before you do the actual tight-rope walking, & the ring leader is hyping you up as you do some fun movement for the crowds. &, then, these:
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These are all instances where she walks with one foot directly in front of the other. In that third, she's doing the "woaaah" wiggly-ass balance movements & everything, as if she's swaying up at the top of the tent, even though she's down on solid ground.
Idk, I feel like the way her feet are placed isn't accurate (pretty sure they should be pointed left & right, not both forwards...) doesn't make this 100% correct, but I like it. It also connects back with her first SB teaser, wherein she's up in the rafters.
#em.txt#security breach#fnaf sb#vanny#vannessa#okay but you can read more into this. tightrope acts are almost always associated with circus performances#& we know afton enjoyed himself a circus themeing -- made the whole circus baby peanut gallery & he was also a massive clown#see he's like molding her into one of his performers where he is the ring leader calling the shots#& she is the tightrope walker that the crowd watches with baited breath to see if she falls or makes it across#tightrope walking has also been associated with walking a line between two different worlds or extremes#so on one end she wants to obey afton & comply in killing & on the other she wants to hold onto her life as it was#& she's in the middle trying to not step too far to either side or else she's gonna fall & there is no safety net for her#there's also like. in ruin the vanni mask obscures reality. the vr world is completely different.#if vanny's mask has that tech in it then she's constantly stuck in vr. to her it may actually not look like#stable ground. it may look like she's miles up in the air about to fall. because that's what the glitch needs her to see#because if she saw that wherever she next planted her food foot was safe stable ground she might not be so anxious to keep on#moving down this path#wait hold on is this all an optical illusion & I'm seeing it wrong is it the angle#IT'S TOO LATE THE POST IS MADE HIT POST#did i just pull a matpat misread a minor detail & extrapolate unintended overly detailed info#that is inherently untrue bc the detail it's based on isn't there/is incorrect?#see this is why the game theory channel should have gone to me i can do this matpat bullhonkus no prob bob!
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jinyoungtual ¡ 6 months ago
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#okay first of all THEY DEBUTED WITH A MOVIE !!!! that's so crazy every time i think about it im like woooow#jongseob and intak acting debut when ???? they were sooo good omg unlike kyo i didn't remember how bad he was 😭😭 but his#character is hilarious so it's fine <3 ALSO i completely forgot yoo jaesuk and jung haein are in it like guysss what are u doing here hihi#anyways absolutely oscar worthy real cinema if u ask me#now after taking notes and watching the new trailer a few times i think that p1epi is actually chaeyoons weird talking plushie#but since it's away from her it can't talk so that's why jongseob create that thingy to translate from#dog language to human language and i think it's there because maybe the members got like lost in time and#it wants to remind them that they have to save the entire world from the apocalypse#also p1epi came down from the sky just like the alcot meteor like ummm yes we love symbolism 🙂‍↕️#i saw someone saying the dog it's actually intak because the dog came through the window and intak wakes up next to one but it doesn't make#any sense to me so we're throwing that idea in the trash can#talking about intak hes now has blue eyes so that means he got infected but honestly when did that happen while he was fighting#some zombie? idk i think i have to watch all their mvs again for clues but what that means he's one of the bad guy now??#also i may be insane but what if the shop represents the world and seeing it in flames means the members couldn't save it and their lore#ends with the saddest ending ever like yeah sorry the apocalypse won#OR WHAT IF !!!!! they aren't the ones who can save the world they actually are the reason why it's ending like the masked ghost#actually created them to spread the virus and that would also explain them at the end of the trailer looking#at the burning shop without doing anything like they ARE alcot the meteor thats gonna destroy the world#but that would be too dark i know they're the heroes so it will have a happy ending#i have many theories but im starting to scare myself so ill shut up#pt
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yuseirra ¡ 7 months ago
o/ hiya! Just sending a message to let you know I really appreciate seeing your Oshi no Ko analysis on my dash.
It's easy to tell how passionate you are about exploring the relationships in the series! And the idea of Mephisto and Fatal is from Kamiki's perspective is really interesting. There's something about the idea that seems... Kinda romantic, for lack of a better term?
Especially with season one. It's like Ruby and Aqua are being protected/cared for by both of their parents, looking at it from that view /^^
Hi anon~~/// hehe
I'm REALLY GLAD!! It's relieving to hear someone likes it, and I've been lucky enough to have a lot of you reach out to me about it the past few days. I'm glad I kept writing and put those out there.
Getting these asks made me realize I really like these. Sorry for taking a while to answer, I have very low energy level these days and I spent the entire day taking naps... I want to focus properly when I answer people. Especially for the really kind asks(and I've been getting many... there are some I left unattended as well. I am sorry...It takes time for me to think up a good reply sometimes.)
I think "romantic" would be the best word though!! I really like folklores and fairy tales and doesn't that song have something similar to it..? It's a bit dark, but it's essentially a story about someone who reaches for a "star" they long for and love dearly? They're very devoted to their said lover/the recipient of their love as well. It's a love story. As well as fatal. Though that one can get even more intense, it's very interesting and intriguing to explore. I've been listening to both songs a lot~
Mm! MM! Yes, same!! I feel Ai and Kamiki would have both been watching over their children...
You know, I went back and read CH 152 to use as reference for my most recent piece(the one that I just published before answering your ask right here,) and the stuff Aqua's dad says to him:
"You care about others. They also care about you(...) It's because they're important that you keep their distance from them. Why would you go that far to bottle yourself up?"<THIS!!;; I feel like that's what Kamiki's been doing himself?? It's like he knows what Aqua's like because that's exactly what he's been going through for his children.
He sees through his son really well... even more than that, I think he understands him because he's in the same place he's been. In that case, he's kept his distance from his kids but he has still watched over them (and there's no reason he wouldn't have. I say this a lot in my analyses, he loves his children he had with Ai.)
Thanks for appreciating my stuff and for telling me about it! ;v; I'm always very touched to hear that..I've been having a lot of fun thinking about it, and it's much more exciting to hear others are enjoying what I can offer with me! I hope we continue to have together!!
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midnight-arandombanana ¡ 9 months ago
I remember seeing a (possibly canon, idk man) theory that states that the reason that alchemy tables require mora is because alchemy is basically the transition of matter to other matter, with a little energy from the geo energy lingering on the mora to make the transmutation a lil explainable scientifically
This got me thinking
What if the difference between alchemy and Khemia is that alchemy is the transition from matter to matter (with a little energy to help things along), while Khemia is the transition from energy to matter (with a little matter to help things along)
Maybe the matter used in Khemia (in terms of creating carbon-based things, at least) is chalk, as purified earth, the basis of all life
So if you try and make a living being with Khemia and use the earth as your matter is kinda just… dumps a pile of minerals on the ground near this suspicious dent which wasn’t there a second ago
In albedo’s idle of reanimating that branch, I’d imagine that some of the energy would come of whatever life is still left in the plant
Consider: you can use the energy of your soul to power Khemia. I’d imagine that this would be a limited resource, considering people can only really regenerate kidneys. You might get sick for a bit (or a long bit) so most people only do this in very small quantities.
Now, as far as gold is concerned i believe that she
Was illegitimate
Was from a rich family with shitty parents
Was known as an alchemist prodigy
Attempted to kill her father (~15 years?)
Ran away from police /army for several momths
Was eventually caught, but the government didn’t want to loose such a potentially powerful resource via execution/prison for life
(Was disowned by her parents and adopted by a group (the rhinemaidens) (who she changed her lastnane to reflect)
Signed a deal to work for the government as much ad they needed her in exchange for not going to prison
And she ended up using a *lot* of khemia, to the point where she was facing nerve damage and eventual death on the horizon. A bad thing, obviously
So she sought out some blessing from the abyss that would sustain her and stop from dying from exhaustion, which worked, in exchange for her creating(?) things on behalf of the abyss on occasion
She was generally not credited for any discoveries she made/the actual food created while she worked, as the government wanted to hide the fact they subverted the law process.
This lasted until the mounting if the aggression by the abyss, causing several alchemists to die out on the field, and forcing them to place gold on a higher level of authority due to her level of experience (id say she’s about 28 now)
So she started getting more recognition, though never achieving chief alchemist, until khaenriah eventually fell. Most alchemists died during the cataclysm, leaving her as the head alchemist once there was only a few hundred khaenriahns who weren’t soon to be hilichurls.
As for teyvat’s side of the cataclysm, i believe much of it was due to the fact that all khaenriahn defenses had fell and they couldn’t be a atopgate to abyssal forces descending on teyvat. Additonally, many restraints for domesticated animals likely fell to the wayside and they became feral in a matter of years.
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unproduciblesmackdown ¡ 1 month ago
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more bloodsong whimsy for the joie de vivre
#difficult to keep up with ideas for fun little sketches when i'm that slow at drawing even on any given non [hurdles to drawing at all] day#becomes a matter of Oh I'll Just [Anything] which is too late lol that does not work. oh i just won't let it be a whole thing? well you see#other wip sketches including one i even tried further to wrangle tonight but while we've got A Page here finally. seize; pounce; embrace; &#in the middle of a stress dream scenario last night dream me was like ''first i should try to post that one sketch that's mostly done :/''#corned beef#bsol#coconana#bsol banana#bsol the musician#lo cocodrilo#looking at this long enough i was like hmm not a lot of Lo Cocodrilo/Banana; relatively. hand on my shoulder. huh. lol.#banana who is not held at knifepoint by lo cocodrilo (funnier for that) but is out here winning the Held Hostage run. & they're all wanted#important to consider So You Have To Die Again looks just for kicks. let's hear it for chaps; truly more of a pussy out look#& wait till you hear about if it's an ass out look as well#& dying again? may as well be called something else too. meanwhile feeling out [symbolic bloodstain? symbolic Bleeding?]#like hmm actually. getting emotional enough You're Bleeding. From The Heart (now who isn't) like there could be a Device....#too much of a wrench in things if the whole ''this is depleting the amount of blood in my body'' issue applies so i'll say it doesn't#anyway meanwhile see two posts in my drawings tag ago. in theory#speaking of ''now this isn't canon'' is the musican too much of a hardass for this? or does hardassery channel into it in a way#a) shrug b) highlights the Whimsy again yippee whee#anyway. pink
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