#i have too many hobbies someone pleas-
wyrmofworms · 3 months
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I never made any plushes before so of course I decided to hand sew a sturgeon.
bonus cat that wont stop bothering me
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peachsayshi · 1 year
How would your yandere version of gojo react to someone who’s being sneaky to reader? Or just to someone who constantly messes with her? Have a nice day btw
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ minors / ageless / blank blogs dni
gojo notices that you've been uncomfortable lately. he can't quite pinpoint what's bothering you, but he definitely can't keep ignoring the helpless look in your eyes.
"baby, what's wrong?" he asks one night.
you were peeling carrots, quietly preparing a delicious dinner to share with your lover. you started making these slow cooked meals about three weeks ago. comfort food, satoru thought to himself, but your dwindling enthusiasm over one of your favorite hobbies chips away at his heart.
you give him a small smile. "there's nothing wrong" you chirp, but your boyfriend grits his teeth at your pathetic lie.
you turn to glance back at the discarded orange ribbons, only to pause once again when you feel his large hand slowly caress the back of your palm.
"c'mon, you've got me all worried..." he insists, trying his best to reign in his frustration.
the front of your brows lift with concern, and he immediately leans forward to kiss away the tension. you breathe out a heavy sigh, carefully placing the peeler onto the cutting board before turning to face him. your fingers shake when you reach for the fabric of his shirt, and the pace of satoru's heart quickens at your odd behavior.
his mind runs rampant with the worst possible scenarios, but what he finally hears from you only fuels his anger.
he didn't know that you were being harassed by your new boss.
"he's just awful," you complain, shaking your head out of frustration, "he makes all these inappropriate comments, completely disregards any personal space that I have and leers every time I'm alone in the room with him. the whole thing makes me uncomfortable and I don't know what to do about it. I'm up for a promotion soon - I'm...worried if I say anything, then...then it might ruin everything I worked so hard for."
satoru's blood boils. his entire body feels unnaturally hot. he doesn't like that your voice sounds so small, so uncertain, and it blinds him with absolute rage.
the thought of another man having the audacity to ogle what belongs to him makes his stomach flip.
when your panicked eyes glances up at him from underneath your pretty lashes, is when he feels your grip tighten around his shirt.
"it's fine, satoru," you plea out of desperation, "I didn't want to tell because I don't want you to get upset about this. I'll be out of this department once I get my promotion. I just have to put up with his crap for a little while longer."
satoru doesn't have anything to say- he just stares at you with dead, cold eyes. his body is stiff when you stand on your tiptoes to brush your lips over his, and he only relaxes when he parts his lips to invite your tongue.
"you're not mad at me, are you?" you murmur, and he instantly shakes his head no.
"I'm just upset that you're having such a hard time," he exhales, and finds your waist to give you a reassuring squeeze. "I promise I'm not mad."
he eased your mind, however, it didn't stop the war waging inside his own.
unfortunately for him, he is still satoru gojo - the man has so much power and influence as the head of his clan, that he can't exactly just walk up to the piece of shit and knock his teeth out.
after all, he had to play by the rules of dealing with a non sorcerer.
one call to the ceo would easily solve the problem, but that option felt far too easy for him. instead, he spent every spare moment digging deep into the man who was stupid enough to fuck around with you. he gathered every ounce of information that he could find to potentially ruin his life, and then used it.
an envelope sent by an "anonymous" person was dropped off to your boss's home, revealing to his wife the series of texts between him and his many, many mistresses. satoru delighted in finding out that he was soon kicked out and living at a hotel.
that's when satoru began the fun little mind games. he would show up in the middle of the night knocking on the door of your boss's room before disappearing. he did it repeatedly for days, until the man began looking visibly distressed.
satoru would randomly appear at the foot of his bed, standing there like a ghost in the night until the man would wake up in sheer terror, but by the time the lights were on, the sorcerer had already vanished.
satoru would call him rat all hours but would never speak a word. he smiled with amusement when the man eventually broke down, begging to whoever it was on the receiving end to please leave him alone.
satoru would follow him from the office back to his hotel room every single night, keeping a safe distance to ensure he remained hidden in the shadows, all the while gleaming with pride as he watched the man shake with fear.
you were none the wiser to your boyfriends menacing shenanigans.
you came home one evening with a smile plastered on your face, a smile that satoru missed dearly, and he pretended to act pleasantly surprised.
"did you have a good day, angel?" he asks with a gentle kiss.
"I did actually!"
"that asshole isn't giving you a hard time anymore, right?" your boyfriend questions, embellishing his concern while feigning ignorance.
"actually, he backed off, but I definitely think it's because he's preoccupied with his upcoming divorce. he's been in really terrible shape lately..."
satoru shrugs his shoulders with indifference, "can't say I feel sorry for him..."
"I heard through the grapevine that he's submitted his resignation letter. although, it could just be petty office gossip..."
the corner of satoru's mouth twitches into a grin. he playfully taps the tip of your nose before leaning down to kiss your cheek. "well, all I can say is good fucking riddance."
please check pinned for requests x
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yridenergyridenergy · 26 days
Hi hope you doing well I wanted you to help me if you can cause it is beyond my power,I'm so sorry for making trouble for you and thanks anyway
Hello everybody, wish great things for all of you
I don't know how many people will read this ,I think nobody care about what I think and what i want so I thought that this place is good to talk,I'm actually don't like to talk I always think I will take people time
I live in a small town in iran ,well I think having dreams for me was always sin japanese rock really changed my life, I had goal after that but it seems I'm always so weak for having dream ,I really liked buck-tick songs their songs was really life saver I really liked atsushi voice after that I listened to dir en grey songs it was very special and different also seeing people like me for the first time made me really happy cause toshiya's personality was really same as me ,after few weeks I watched Nippon budokan dir en grey 2014 at YouTube and I saw fans happiness at the live and from that day I think that I want to be a rock star at japan and wanted to see all of them ,I told my parents that I want to play electric guitar but they didn't allowed me at first and I was so sad after 6 months they told me that if you want to learn first you should learn classic guitar so I went for two years and now after two years I found that at the beginning they just wanted to play with me and they didn't wanted me to play guitar and didn't want to let me go to japan ,now the only think I have is my tears ,when I talk about rock that makes them angry I wrote this to ask you fans if you can tell the dir en grey that there was a girl that wanted to be a guitarist I really want to be a guitarist and I need help ,I am very limited, so I ask for your help
Hello! I sincerely apologize for the delay.
I've been pondering over this ever since you sent me this plea. It would be odd for someone else to send your message to Dir en grey, because then it's more like hearsay and it could seem like a story.
Your best option would be to communicate with Kaoru via TheTheDay, I think. Because he is a guitarist, but also because I think he's more likely to read fan messages and maybe respond. Shinya is guaranteed to read such communications too, but he might not reply seeing as it is a personal message rather than a question, and he's a drummer.
TheTheDay is run through the co-yomi platform, so I don't think overseas fans had as much difficulty registering on that than with the freewill-online sites.
Being a rock star is quite the dream to have! Few people make it into a band, and even fewer actually taste popularity and success. It's never too late - you can at least keep it as a hobby and explore your avenues. Good luck!
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letteredlettered · 6 months
Hi!! Have you ever struggled with burnout, depression, or overwork? Currently in my first job post college and it’s been very intense as we are currently like 3 people doing the work of a team designed for 7 people (two roles they are working to fill and two people are out on leave -> one is out on vacation and the other on parental leave). Have spent many ours on overtime (around two days a week I usually sleep five or six hours and spend a few more hours working —> other days I work a bit less but still some overtime) for the last few months. It’s really hard to decompress and stop thinking about work as I work remotely. I need to get better at setting limits and advocating for myself but I think one issue I’ve been dealing with is getting caught in a cycle of having a lot so having not a lot of time to do an analysis of like what needs to change and this is my bandwidth. Also it’s hard to predict bandwidth sometimes because I’m still very new to this industry and department, so I’m still learning how much coordination is necessary to get something done. Another problem is that everyone is stretched to their limit and extremely busy, so I feel kind of bad rejecting projects. I think an issue is that I also have relatively low self-esteem and confidence but a deep desire to be “good” from like an academic perspective and a work perspective, and the main leader of my team is someone who I like a lot and appreciates what I do, so I keep trying to do more or at least meet expectations. I also receive assignments from different people (five people total, usually), so people generally don’t have visibility as to my bandwidth unless I speak up. One person in particular gave me a lot of assignments with a good deal of time pressure and was the person that I was working the closest with —> still trying to catch up to some of the more evergreen projects I had with him because the other projects I’ve had in the last two months have even way too intense to do anything else. I’m really grateful for this job and I like a lot of the people I work with, but I’m kind of struggling.
I mention all of this because I really respect the way you are able to commit to creative projects and create incredible works and really focus on making something. I’ve never really had an ability to stick to a creative project or hobby for an extended period of time —> frequently I disappoint myself in my lack of consistency or follow-through for a lot of my personal goals. I also really appreciate the way that you engage with certain themes in your work and value your perspective. So just kind of curious if you’ve been through this before or have any thoughts about this sort of thing
I've thought a lot about what to tell you here.
What anyone would recommend is that you set boundaries and take care of yourself. They'd say that your well-being is more important than your work. If they read your ask carefully they'd realize that maybe your performance in this job is connected to your well-being in your mind. If they're looking at the strings that control the system they're going to tell you capitalism has brainwashed us into thinking that we should sacrifice our health for the sake of production, and then they'll tell you you should do what you can to break out of the capitalist mentality. If they're not excited about seizing the means of production then their in-universe advice (in-the-capitalist-universe advice) is going to point out that you cannot produce more for the capitalist machine if you're burnt out (I'd call these people the neoliberals of tumblr but I'm not sure that exists; I haven't seen it).
But none of that is really addressing the problem here, because you already know all of that, or if you don't know it, knowing that isn't going to help you. You don't need to be told to set boundaries. You know you accept too many projects; you know that you haven't been clear with your colleagues about your bandwidth. You know you're trying too hard to please others and that part of the reason is you have a low self-esteem.
Something that people don't talk about enough is how bad it feels to set boundaries. When people advise others to "set boundaries" it's always as if it's never occurred to anyone else to stand up for themselves. The problem is that it usually has occurred to us, but it's hard to do and feels bad. Hearing "stand up for yourself!" repeatedly can sometimes help us feel like we did the right thing when we do manage to stand up for ourselves, but it can just as often make you feel even worse when you can't stand up for yourself. You're being overworked and you're not doing the thing that everyone tells you you should do.
And another thing that people do not talk about enough is that most workplaces do not like employees who set boundaries for themselves. They like people who say yes. You often won't get in trouble for setting reasonable limits for yourself, but you won't advance. The ones who work late and work on weekends and take on every project and say nothing about bandwidth are usually the ones who get promoted. I'm not saying this because it's right or okay. It's another flaw in the capitalist system. But it is very often true, and I've been a little frustrated that in all these glorious discussions about boundary-setting, this is not something that gets talked about more.
So what to do, when you know the answers, but it doesn't feel great, and might not get you where you want to go?
Spend time with your feelings. A lot of time with your feelings. Imagine ways to communicate your bandwidth. Imagine how you would feel in each scenario. Pick scenarios that feel more comfortable and less intimidating for you. Imagine saying no to a new project. Imagine how you would feel doing that. Pick a way of doing it that feels the most manageable.
Think about your colleagues, what you like about them and why. Imagine how they would feel if they knew that you were struggling. Imagine having an honest conversation with them about how hard this is for you. Would they listen open and compassionately? Would they try to make changes that could help you? Or would they say, "We're all going through it," and "there's nothing to be done?" Imagine saying to them, "I know we're all going through this, because of the staffing challenges we're facing," and "I know there's not much to be done about this, but this is how I'm feeling." Would they accept your vulnerability? Would it make you feel bad to be vulnerable in that way? Would it make you feel worse to be vulnerable in that way or to say nothing?
That's not a leading question. Saying nothing is okay. There have been many times where I am facing a problem and I realized that doing nothing was the thing that made me feel best. There were other times when I really didn't want to do something and I knew it would be incredibly hard, but I knew I would feel much better having done it.
Think about your self-esteem and confidence. Why don't you feel confident? When you imagine saying no, and it feels bad, what makes it feel so bad? Is it because other people don't say no? Are you measuring yourself against those other people? How can you stop doing that? Or is it because you feel like a good worker always says yes? Where did you get that idea? Was it an idea communicated to you by people who love you? By society? Are there people who haven't made you feel that your worth as a person was predicated on how much you were able to accomplish? When is the last time you spent time with them? What makes you feel good about yourself? When is the last time you did it? Are there things you can do outside of work to boost your confidence? What are they? Can you do them? Why not? If work is holding you back from doing them, is it worth it?
It's okay if work feels worth it. I'm not endorsing the capitalist machine when I say that it is okay to do something that is really difficult or unpleasant for a certain amount of time to get where you are going. But if that's what you're going to do, then develop a plan of escape. Ask yourself how long you're willing to put up with this. Ask yourself what the next step in your career or life journey is. Ask yourself what you will put up with to get there and what is unacceptable. Write it down if you have to, then try to abide by that, and if you are unable to bear your plan six months down the line, make a new one.
I am fortunate in that these kinds of questions come really naturally to me, and I think they must not come so naturally for a lot of other people. Definitely, there are blocks in my mind; I'm not always able to understand myself or my own feelings; I don't know what's best for myself or how to make myself do things I want. But this kind of thinking is not going to give you immediate answers. Instead, it's going to build the skill of getting to know yourself.
The ultimate question you should be asking is "What will make me happy?" It sounds like a simple question, but it is in fact the most difficult of all. It is the question we struggle with every day, and every book that was ever written, every song that was ever sung, every painting that was ever painted is about that, in the end. The answer to that question is the meaning of life. Most people never find it, but the search is worth it.
It's definitely worth it.
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obsessive-clown · 2 years
Hellooo, about your oneshot "Hi, Why'd You Only Call Me When You're High?",
I need to know more. I need to know so much more about this man. He has me on a tight grip because of you bestie. What's with the hallucinations, and the scars, what does he want from us, at what time does he get out from work, where does he live, would he like to hang out with us someday and get a drink?/j
Please feed us father. We (I) am starving , i will perish if I don't find the answers to my questions, hell I'll even hop on your finger, do a spin, play dead , do so many tricks like a silly little rat just to get your attention please pelase please pleas i am begging plea
Kisses to you bestie mwahmwah mwah keep up with the hard work and amazing writing, you are doing so well and Im so proud of you 💞
— you know who I am :ghost:
Of course! I'm quite happy someone wanted to ask about (Skulker) Albert! And I of course know who you are, my little 👻.
Hallucinations: The hallucinations, mentioned in the supposed to be oneshot writing actually have a bigger meaning! At first, the reader, or you in this case, would assume that these hallucinations would be from your time spent in Albert's basement. While yes, you would be correct, there is another factor that plays in. The reader pushes down thoughts and trauma, as anybody would, this specific trauma being that Albert has in fact broken into their/your house. He'd spent hours waiting and hiding in the house, only to be caught in the kitchen, at an early time, about 2/3 a.m. The reader never gets to see his face at this time, but they are able to identify that it's Albert by his voice and the way he firmly grabbed them to prevent them from screaming. Think of him as a wild Joe Goldberg. Scars: While you, the reader have your fair share of scars I'm sure, or have been lucky to avoid any, Albert has quite a few. These, are his scars and their locations and a small detail about them <3! * Cleft Palette scar (Albert was born with this and his parents quickly had it corrected, the closest reference would be Joaquin Pheonix's scar in the movie Walk The Line!). * Broken nose scar (While difficult to explain, Albert has had his share of scuffles and accidents. His broken nose is from his time in enlistment and 'talks' with his father in both his childhood and teenage years). * Small burn on the left side of his jawline (Not nearly as bad as you can imagine, this small scar is minor and was caused by an accident while cooking as a child, it's most likely that he hit himself on a hot pan!). * Fingertip scars (As these scars aren't too difficult to spot, they take up half of his finger. From his Distal to his Medial Phalanx, scars from a wood carving hobby he has along with accidents at work are on his fingers. He tends to have a thimble on his thumb, index finger, middle and ring finger to keep bandages in place!). * Dog bite scar on his lower lip (This was a painful and awful accident that happened to him as a child, this was caused by an aggressive neighbor's dog, once again his parents had it quickly stitched up. The scar is even on the inside of his lower lip. This explains why he's rather quiet when anyone but you talk to him, the scar tissue on the inside of his mouth rubs against his teeth and it's pretty uncomfortable). * Chin scar (He faceplanted as a child, it was a simple biking accident, poor boy faceplanted, even more stitches for him). * Knuckle scars (These scars are on both hands, located on each Metacarpophalangeal joint. These scars come from hitting concrete when frustrated or seeing you talk with other people and not him he also has fallen and scraped his hands numerous times). * Shoulder scar (Unfortunately, Albert was stabbed during his time in the Military, his battle-buddy had left him behind, allowing the enemy to stab him in the shoulder. Luckily, he didn't lose all function in his right arm). * Bullet wound scar (At least it avoided his hip! This scar, also caused by his enlistment, is on his lower left thigh. It causes him to have the very slightest of a limp).
What he wants: All he wants is you. You sparked his interest ages ago anyways, why would he let you go, why would he let something he loves get away? Work Time: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. You've remembered these by heart now, you had to anyways.
Hang out? Goodness yes! He would love to take you out to a nice little cafe. Anything for his little tiger. Then he'll take you out more, you will love him, you'll never leave each other, he'll kill anyone who talks to you in a way he doesn't like, you'll marry each other and live happily ever after.
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p-taryn-dactyl · 1 year
guys guys guys!!! I need your help deciding which book/novel idea to continue writing!!! I'll give either a synopsis or excerpt of each one and then there'll be a poll!! I would love to complete my childhood dream of writing a book and this would help me so much!! (it's kinda long tho so I apologize)
!!ALL WRITING AND IDEAS BELOW ARE MINE!! Please do not steal or post to other platforms!
idea #1: The Confessor
(this will contain 'spoilers' for the book/I took out the killers name tho)
Main Character: Eliza Clarke
Bad Guy/Killer: “I am The Confessor”
Main plot:
“The Confessor” is hired by many of societies elite (ie. billionaires, high profile lawyers, surgeons, CEOs of giant companies) to take care of their problems [a pregnant mistress, a source who holds information they would rather not be shared, an older brother with ties to the inheritance, etc.] 
One by one, methodically, a person on The Confessor's list goes missing, until their bodies are found either in their house, a church yard, or a pool
he uses torture/killing techniques used during the 1500-1700 Witch Trials to kill the suspects
With each body found, there is a note written in old English “I am The Confessor”
No evidence is found at the places where the bodies reappeared, as they were moved, and no evidence can be found on the bodies as their skin/nails/hair have been cleaned with high acting soap that can be found at any grocery store, plus they are found with the last outfit they were seen in, washed/sterilized with a rip down their backs (indicating their bodies were searched for the “mark of the devil”
The Confessor stops his killings as the last of his list dwindles down but after a year of these murders being cold cases, he starts up again: this time, on an actual hunt for those who deal with the devil
For the year of the cases being cold, a junior in college, Eliza Clarke who’s major is history and her hobby is “investigative” journalism (She reads case files and reacts to them), follows the case and any updates
One night, while her friends are partying, she has the files spread out on her floor (her older step brother takes photos for the police and once a case goes cold he has permission to release pictures to private investigators) and figures out how similar the murders are to renaissance witch trials (1500-1700)
(I have more notes on this but I don't want to give too much away)
idea #2: 'unnamed book'
Everyone speaks of that moment before death where your life flashes before your eyes. Some say you’ll relive every memory with such clarity that you truly do not know if you’re alive or in the feeble moment before the end. Others say it’s a split second, where you watch from a third person perspective, your memories a movie.  Both are wrong. The moment before you die, there is no flash of memories, no reliving every moment. Only silence as your body realizes it’s coming to an end. But then comes the panic. Your mind starts to go into overdrive, thinking this can’t be the end. Yes, you do remember a few key moments of your life, fueling your will to survive. You call out, begging for a second chance, begging to have more time.  Normally, the pleas fall on deaf ears, their last breaths passing through their lips, their body going still.  But sometimes, someone hears the pleas of the fallen.  And answers. 
if you're still here, thank you!! please vote on the poll!!
(note: even if one wins way more than another, I will probably write it someday and this is not an invitation to steal ideas 😁)
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have again encountered (old? maybe defunct?) infighting about which communities belong to which disabled people and which parts of their discourse others are allowed to relate to and who has it worse and blah blah blah
this is all so silly? like, i don’t particularly want able-bodied nd/mentally ill people to use the term cripplepunk either, but that’s because a. the term’s creator didn’t intend it to be used that way and i have some prescriptivist sympathies + kinda miss their posts and want to respect their memory,* and b. when i want to read the words of other physically disabled people i find it a slog to skip past posts about mental illness. even tho i’m also mentally ill!—i just. when i’m in the mood to commiserate about physical disability/chronic illness i get annoyed to see other topics clogging up the tag. in the same way i’d get annoyed if trying to look up content for a fandom that shared its acronym with something else
and i feel like that’s? fine?? like i realize this discursive well is too badly poisoned for that argument to convince anymore—that if i tried to argue that to someone in favor of broadening the term, they’d probably make an eloquent plea about gatekeeping and win the rhetorical contest instantly (unless i, like the people in this and other posts i’ve seen on the topic, were willing to respond with moral arguments of my own)
but that’s what annoys me! i feel like “hey please leave this tag/slogan to us because it’s a convenient way to communicate and we don’t want to lose that by changing/broadening what it means” should be a persuasive argument on its own. andddd frankly it’s one i respect a lot more than all these overwrought guilt trips about how physical disability is importantly different or who gets to reclaim a slur** &/or c. and like………. i don’t keep up w/ this discourse so idk to what extent the dispute continues now, and if most people consider it a settled issue then i don’t know who “won,” but
i do suspect that in the long term, spaces originally populated only by physically disabled voices will be ~infiltrated~ by mentally ill ones and i’ll have to scroll through more posts about anxiety and autism while in search of that precious resource the chronic pain meme.
and i find this mildly disappointing. but no worse. and like—i know many people will/would find that very upsetting! i know that! but i don’t think that was inevitable. like: i feel like if you are a partisan of either side in this debate and are/were very upset about it then……. that’s valid, but only because the discourse got so heated. and i think it’s fucking silly that it did
*their original post outlining the rules, where they explicitly stated that they wanted only physically disabled people to ID with cpunk—that post is what, seven years old now? which for tumblr is an impressive heritage. i can’t shake my intuition that it’s rude to expect this tradition to make room for you while disobeying its number-one rule. but also, i don’t think it would strike me this way if the person who wrote those rules were still alive and could be argued with. somehow the fact that they’ve died and the community they left behind maintains these rules in their honor makes the idea of flouting them while cloaking yourself in the movement’s name seem ickier to me, even though logically i would argue that the “respect for the dead” element makes the rule more arbitrary? idk. i guess i get the feeling that people who want to identify w/ it see it as like a political coalition they shouldn’t be gatekept out of, but,,,,,, to me it has never looked like that? it looks more analogous to a small insular community, or an art movement, or a hobby group. an entity that doesn’t owe shit to outsiders because dissenters can easily make their own group instead.
**i’ve never been called a cripple, lmao. only in media have i ever seen this word used in its original sense—viz., as a noun for a disabled person. in my daily life i encounter only the verb, and only hear it used metaphorically (“with this venture they’ve crippled their chances of success,” and similar). the word to me signifies only “edgy self-deprecating thing to call myself when i want to signal that i’m annoyed about ableism”—and i doubt that’s rare. like, yeah, i too get kind of annoyed by the prospect of an able-bodied ND person calling themselves a cripple, but… mostly because it just sounds silly? like a rail-thin bespectacled college boy trying to reclaim “himbo,” or a lumberjack trying to reclaim “metrosexual.” it doesn’t feel more personal to me than those examples would, and if it does to other disabled people then……… ok, but is that because you actually endure being called a cripple on a regular basis or just because you enjoy getting to use this word as a symbol of the ableist judgments you used to fear but are learning to embrace? because if it’s the latter then. the fact your legs don’t work right doesn’t make this a less arbitrary word choice for you than it would a mentally ill/physically abled person. there is no moral high ground here imo because it’s not a moral question, it’s about convenience of communication
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rayshippouuchiha · 3 years
Hi Ray!
I’ve been going through a lot of my old notes recently and I’m just trying to put some of these snippets/prompts out there for anyone who wants to expand on the ideas. I feel like they’re just being wasted in my abandoned notes 😭.
In another life, Naruto would devote his whole being into becoming someone who’s admired, spending his love on miles of land and an idea instead of on people. But in this life Naruto is tired and there are too many plots of land that he hasn’t seen and too many ideas he hasn’t had enough time to fathom.
He wants to travel. To leave.
The Old Man probably thought that his thirst for the outside world stemmed from being stuffed in a room for the first three and a half years of his life, the main visitor being someone who was plotting to kill him all that time. The Old Man definitely thought that his want could be quelled with day time trips around the village; going to the Hokage Tower, strolling the streets during lunch, letting him take a heavily guarded walk home during the evening. But that’s not enough, Naruto wants to see everything.
Introductions pass, Naruto learns absolutely nothing new about his teammates— or even his sensei for that matter, bar from the assumption that he probably has an affinity for being late to things. Still
“Naruto Uzumaki. I like being outside, plants, and ramen. I don’t like bullies, liars, or people who waste my time. My hobby?” He casts a glance to the sky, hands clasped in his lap as he ponders the thought before shrugging. “Gardening I guess, or maybe practicing seals, I like to do both. I’d like to travel in the future.”
Sakura huffs, “Idiot, where would you even travel?”
Naruto shrugs, not even bothering to look at her. “Any and everywhere. From big villages to small towns, everything in between. I want to see the world.”
For this snippet I always imagined Sasuke and Naruto leaving Konoha together, but instead of Sasuke going with Orochimaru it’s just him and Naruto traveling while trying to get stronger. Or maybe they do go with Orochimaru and then leave a couple of months later after they pull a “gotcha bitch move” and just takes a bunch of scrolls and half the population of Otogakure.
Ohh ohhh you're speaking my language here darling. And if you've got more prompts like this feel free to send them in!
Naruto tries to love Konoha, he does. And in a lot of ways he even succeeds. He loves the trees and the tall buildings and the faces on the mountain. He loves Iruka-sensei for the bits of kindness he's given him and Teuchi and Ayame for everything they are. He even loves the Old Man despite how sad he makes Naruto sometimes.
Naruto loves parts of Konoha but ...
(And that's the thing really, the fact that there's a but at the end of that sentence at all.
The fact that his love has conditions, that it's not consuming or eclipsing or any of the things the Old Man had always tried to press into him on their rare times together.)
Konoha preaches the Will of Fire, teaches the preservation of the Great Tree.
It's what the Old Man has always talked about. It's what the Academy and Iruka-sensei have always taught.
It's never set completely right with Naruto.
But then Kakashi-sensei stands before them, something aching in his eye and something speaking of blood and pain and grief draped across the set of his shoulders, and talks about teams and abandonment and what it is to be beneath even whatever tenuous and shifting sort of honor shinobi might lay claim to.
Naruto hears what he does not actually say, picks up on the message between his words.
Better to die fighting at the side of those you love than to live in the shadow of the grief losing them will cast.
And that?
That settles just a bit easier within him.
Still, Naruto can't help but wonder if the other two can see the corpses Kakashi-sensei is so obviously carrying as clearly as he can.
He doesn't think Sakura can, not yet.
He's sure that Sasuke can.
Sakura takes to training poorly in the beginning but Naruto doesn't think it'll stay that way. She's rich steady earth down to her core. He's sure it's only a matter of time before she blooms.
Sasuke is roaring lightning and blazing flame. Consuming without even trying, ravenous by his very nature. Chafing at the bit and driven by a phantom only he can see.
Naruto's pretty sure he's the only person who looks at Naruto and actually sees him.
(That alone would be enough to make Naruto love him.)
And Naruto ...
Naruto has always been a creature of wind and water. Sea-sun gold in his hair and oceans in his eyes. Typhoons lurking in every breath, a maelstrom where his heart should be.
(Sasuke thinks that Naruto might be the only person in the entire village who looks at him and sees Sasuke instead of Itachi, instead of an Uchiha, instead of everything he's never been able to live up to.
He thinks that alone could make him love Naruto if the idea of loving anything again wasn't so terrifying.)
So, when the time comes, Naruto ignores the blood and the pain and wraps his hand around Sasuke's elbow.
Pulls him closer.
Presses their foreheads together.
Sasuke's eyes go wide, tears gathering at the corners.
For a long moment they stay there like that, Naruto's blood slick and burning on both their skin.
"Naruto," Sasuke finally rasps.
An apology. A plea.
"Sasuke," Naruto rasps back, blood thick and hot in his mouth.
Acceptance. Forgiveness.
"I have to kill him," Sasuke whispers, something young but wild lingering at the edges of his tone. "I have to."
"I know," Naruto tells him. "But that doesn't mean you have to do it alone."
"I can't stay here," Sasuke says but there's something fragile, something delicate and yearning unfurling in his eyes.
The tomoe in his eyes look different somehow but Naruto doesn't focus on that.
"I'm not asking you to," Naruto smiles as best he can. "I'm just asking you to take me with you. So we can do this together."
When Kakashi arrives neither Sasuke nor Naruto are anywhere to be found.
Just a ravaged battleground and a pair of discarded headbands laying overlapped on the shore.
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melnitzj · 2 years
Hey, all.  
I wanted to say something that is very specific to recent events within our specific roleplaying community that have transpired.
Because of the nature of our loosely organized, deeply entwined roleplay group (known fondly as the “Nexus”) we are often deeply involved in others’ plotlines.  This community is a deeply creative place that has made many beautiful connections between people and brings a lot of people, including me, joy.  
However, there is a LOT of problems with respecting boundaries that goes on in it.  This is not a callout post that is aimed at anyone in particular, as this has happened repeatedly in numerous circumstances with multiple parties guilty of this behavior.  
If you do not want extra players getting involved in your plots, then you need to make it CLEAR that this is a closed roleplay.  You can’t control other people’s actions.  It can be frustrating when their actions’ throw you curveballs, but if it upsets you and you haven’t already made it clear that it is a closed rp, then reach out to them.  But I really would just suggest tagging threads with “closed rp” or something of the nature.  This is, at the end of a day, an interactive hobby.  If you want to limit who interacts with your posts/a particular storyline, then it's on you to take the initiative to do so.
If someone does not involve themselves in a storyline, there’s probably a reason.  It could be that they’re dealing with a lot in their real lives, that they’re too busy, or even just a simple lack of interest.  Before you say anything in character about their lack of involvement, pause.  Check in with the mun first.  Do not assume that they need to involve themselves.  Do not drag their characters through the mud.  Check first if they’re even okay with being involved in the plotline.  
This goes for people who send anonymous asks, too.  I admire the passion and love that you have for our community and for our writing.  But again, please do not assume that we want to or will get involved.  It adds a lot of pressure to people to respond.
Some darker themes are par for the course in a roleplay community that centers around a fandom and source material where those darker themes are canonically present.  But this is also a public platform where it’s very easy to post trigger/content warnings and put potentially disturbing material under a read more.  No one is saying you can’t come up with/write content that involves this material, but if you do, please try and remember that others may not be interested in dealing with it.  Talk to your partners and give them a heads-up.  Make it clear OOC somewhere on your blog that you may deal with heavy themes that some may not be uncomfortable with.  Something.  Tag content accordingly.
Again, this is not pointing fingers.  I am not meaning to vaguepost, and am simply trying to suggest some solutions.  As I’m sure you are all well-aware, when push comes to shove, I have no problem with directly calling someone out if I feel that their behavior has truly crossed a point of no return.  This is just a plea for all of the people who are a part of this community to communicate.  This is a hobby that we do for fun.  We wouldn’t do it if we didn’t love it.  Mental games are fun in character, but OOC you need to make it clear what your boundaries are and respect other peoples’ boundaries.  We opt into this community out of a love for the other people involved and a love of the source material.  It shouldn’t be a place where we feel frightened, uncomfortable, repeatedly stressed or upset, and especially not to the point where it negatively affects our mental health, with consequences that last far beyond just a simple Tumblr post.  
We our not our characters.  As much or as little OOC as we post.  This is a reminder for both the roleplayers involved and the spectators who are invested in our stories and characters.  
If you need to take a break, do it.  If you need to back out of a plot completely, do it.  If you don’t want people to get involved in a storyline of yours, make it clear from the get-go.  If you are going to pursue darker themes, recognize that some may not be comfortable with them and act accordingly.  And for the love of ALL that is good, communicate.  I understand wanting to preserve mystery.  I understand not wanting to stir the waters.  But there’s been so many instances where there have been communication breakdowns that have negatively hurt all involved parties.  Compromise where you can, and if that’s not possible, then respectfully make that clear.
I’m going to make an out-of-character rules page that will probably re-hash a lot of this/some other things and I would seriously encourage y’all to maybe consider doing the same.  Many of us are adults, and all of us have lives outside of this and stressors outside of this.  This should be as stress-free as possible.  
Again, I want to stress that this is not just born out of frustration, but concern.  I love this place.  It’s one of the few places that gives me joy.  It thrills me to bounce ideas off of my writing partners.  You guys are all so funny, creative, and intellegent people.  I treasure my interactions with you more than you could possibly know.  Please just remember that sometimes we need to slow our rolls.  This is a community.  Communicate with each other.  Take care of yourselves, and each other.
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un-beel-ievable · 3 years
Obey Me! Headcanons: The demon brothers play Genshin Impact 🎮
Author’s note: Please do not repost!! If you like my writing, please leave a like and a comment (and follow me to see similar content in the future :D)! Written during update 1.6 —before the release of Inazuma. No major spoilers for the Archon Quests. Inspiration hit at five in the morning, so I have returned from the dead to offer these headcanons to the word. I hope you enjoy them! xx (New!) Part 2: Obey Me! Headcanons: The minor characters (Diavolo, Barbatos, Simeon and Solomon) play Genshin Impact 🎮
_____ Lucifer ☕:
• A F2P (free to play) player —or so be claims to be. Lucifer simply has too many resources for someone who plays as casually as he does; even Levi, —who has been diligently grinding for EXP books from ley lines on a daily basis—, rarely has more than a couple hundred Hero's Wit books in his inventory at any given time. So how is it possible that Lucifer has over a thousand of them sitting in his inventory? He has to be purchasing the Gnostic Hymn regularly. And don't even get me started on the number of Primogems he has saved. The eldest born claims that these impressive feats are merely the result of his diligence and self control, but there isn't a soul who truly believes him.
• Has (a C6) Ningguang as his main DPS. He has an immense amount of respect for the Liyue Qixing —especially the Tianquan. What can he say? An individual who's willing to put in the work and effort to achieve their goals is someone who's worthy of his time and attention
• Often leaves the game running in the background of his device while he works. He finds the atmosphere of the game to be rather relaxing, and listening to its soundtrack as he works helps to lift some of the weight that rests on his shoulders.
Mammon 💳:
• A massive whale. He basically spends enough money on the game to fund it in its entirety...or he would if Lucifer wasn't around to serve as his impulse control. Every new character banner that's added to the game ignites a fresh game of cat and mouse between Mammon and his older brother, with Mammon trying —and usually failing— to coerce Lucifer into giving Goldie back (or skipping the desperate pleas and puppy dog eyes altogether and simply attempting to "rescue" Goldie from Lucifer's clutches) while the first born does his best to keep Mammon from draining his bank account.
• A Childe/Tartaglia simp; a charismatic and charming young man who's rich and more than willing to play the role of a sugar daddy? Sign him the f*ck up.
• Unfortunately for Mammon, he failed to pull for his sugar daddy when his banner rolled around, (F in the chat to him and everyone who's lost the 50/50 to Mona —i.e. me) so he settles for being a Traveler main. He has a soft spot for both of the twins —he can't exactly put his finger on why, but they remind him of you.
Leviathan 🎮:
• Dedicates himself to Genshin Impact as if his life depends on it; it's not a hobby, it's a lifestyle choice. The most hardcore Genshin Impact player of the brothers. He purchases the Welkin Moon and Gnostic Chorus package monthly (...more or less. Levi purchases the packages whenever the ones from the previous month have expired/been completed. He calls it an investment for the future.) and logs in religiously to complete his dailies and claim his rewards.
• A faithful Barbara main; the deaconess is sweet and an absolute darling —and she has a certain charm to her that reminds Levi of Ruri-chan. He can’t say no to that, can he? Plus, Levi is a sucker for cute idols, even ones that are even more out of reach than usual (Barbara is, after all, a fictional idol in a fictional game.).
• Has awful gacha luck. How abysmal Levi’s luck is when pulling for characters on banners is remarkable really; of all the brothers, he has the worst gacha luck. Even Mammon has had better pulls than him —something which the second born gloats about endlessly. It irks Levi to no end. It’s not fair! He puts so much into the game —his time, his effort, his hard earned Grimm— and what does he get in return? Absolutely nothing! He’s never even managed to beat the 50/50 once.
• Has raged quit after failing to pull the five star he wanted (but continued to log in nonetheless, he still wants to collect his Primos).
Satan 📚:
• The plot moves a little too slowly for the liking of a demon who’s driven by the pursuit of information; Satan wants more of the story, and he wants it now. Having to wait for months on end for the Archon Quests to be updated is pure torture for Satan, and takes away some of the enjoyment that he derives from the games. It doesn’t stop him from following the plot, of course, —the storyline is objectively one that piques his interest, and he’s curious to find out what happens next— but it does keep him from selling his heart and soul to the game in the way that Levi has.
• The gameplay elements that don’t center around the plot is what intrigues him the most; Satan takes it upon himself to build the most efficient and effective team possible with the characters he has at his disposal. Oddly enough, while most players find farming for artifacts to be a grueling task, Satan actually enjoys the process —it’s such a mindless activity that it’s almost soothing for the Avatar of Wrath...up until before he hits the roof for receiving a godawful artifact, at least.
• The Avatar of Wrath has a healthy amount of respect for most of Genshin Impact’s characters, —characters who have caught his eye include Xingqiu and Kazuha— but Liyue’s Vigilant Yaksha is one of Satan’s favourite characters to date. He enjoyed playing through Xiao’s story quest immensely —especially since he was fortunate enough to receive the opportunity to experience the Lantern Rite event. Despite the fondness he has for the Adeptus, however, Satan is an Albedo main; he can get behind a character who has an appreciation for both the arts and the pursuit of knowledge.
• His Serenitea Pot is filled with cats.
Asmodeus 💋:
• The deciding factor that prompts him to pull for a character isn’t their stats, but their aesthetics. Character design is everything to this man; after all, he’s going to have to be staring at these characters for hours on end —why wouldn’t he pick someone he can’t help but lust over? Isn’t the point of playing a game to derive enjoyment from it? (“What a normie,” Levi scoffs. “It’s obvious you haven’t been playing enough. You’re supposed to suffer, everyone knows that.”)
• A Lisa main. The residential librarian of the Knights of Favonius is everything that he could ever ask for from a character —mature, intelligent and sexy all the way. Why wouldn’t he want to main her?
• Asmo’s builds are somewhat disastrous; once again, he values aesthetics over functionality. He’s more likely to give a character a weapon (and/or artifact set) that he thinks goes well with their character design than one that’s a better fit for their abilities. An artifact set that enhances the amount of physical damage a character can do may be useless for a catalyst user...but as long as its colour scheme contrasts the character he’s offering it to, Asmo couldn’t care less. It infuriates Levi and Satan.
Beelzebub 🍔: • A casual player. He supposes that the plot is alright, but it’s not necessarily something that piques his interest. The gameplay isn’t his style either. If Beel were entirely honest, he’d much rather be spending his time on a game that allows him to move his entire body; the demon is more inclined towards games like the Ring Fit Adventure —Genshin Impact is almost certainly something he got into to make either Levi or you happy. The good boy has one desire and that is to show his support for the interests of his loved ones.
• There is one thing that causes him to rethink his opinion of the game, however: the food. There’s such a wide array of it! The art that’s been rendered for each item of food is enough to make him drool even before he reads the description for it; everything looks so delicious that Beel is genuinely upset that he can’t visit Teyvat to try it all. Xiangling’s passion for all things edible is something he relates to wholeheartedly, and is the entire reason why he selects the petite girl to be his main DPS.
• Turns his puppy dog charm on Satan or Barbatos to convince them to try their hand at recreating some of the dishes from the game. Paimon’s endless rambling about how good the Sticky Honey Roast from Monstadt is is beginning to drive him a little insane; he’s dying to know if it’s as good as she claims it is.
Belphegor 🛏:
• Another casual player; Genshin Impact is preferable to games that require him to engage in some form of physical activity, but he’s not too bothered about the storyline, and the endless farming for artifacts and materials that he’s expected to engage in bores him to tears. It took him much longer than the average player to complete Mondstadt’s Archon Quest because it simply didn’t interest him, and despite having arrived in Liyue months ago, he hasn’t actually bothered to pick up on where the Archon Quest left off. He prefers wandering around Teyvat and taking in its picturesque view —why would he want to clobber a giant floating cube repeatedly or massacre a sentient plant when he could be watching the sunset from Qingyun peak?
• A Ganyu main. Belphie single-pulled her unintentionally during her banner, causing Levi to become so envious that he refused to speak with Belphie for a month. Ganyu is now Belphie’s go to character of choice for everything —regardless of whether or not she’s suited for the task.
• Also leaves Genshin Impact running in the background of his device so that he can soak in the game’s atmosphere; Qingyun Peak’s soundtrack is the perfect music for him to fall asleep too —it’s gentle melody is soothing (and something about it reminds him of happy moments spent with Lilith and Beel in the Celestial realm). Bonus: who do the minor characters main? [If enough of you are interested...perhaps I'll do a part 2 for the minor characters?]
Diavolo - Zhongli Barbatos - Noelle Simeon - Barbara Luke - Diona
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astaroth1357 · 4 years
The Obey Me Cast on a Camping Trip (Part One: Brothers)
Hey guys, thank you sooo much for getting me to 2,000 followers!! I honestly don’t know what to say... I never dreamed that this little hobby of mine would reach so many eyes, and I can’t be more grateful. At a time in my life where things feel so chaotic and uncertain, being a part of this community and sharing my weird ideas has been what’s kept me going. It’s been such a rewarding experience all around, so thank you. From the bottom of my heart. 😊
I pulled out all the stops for this post. I even brought out one of my favorite songs of all time: Ao to Natsu by Mrs. GREEN APPLE to get the feel juuust right. I hope you all enjoy it!
This post is split in two due to length (I had too much fun again...) For the Undateables, please click HERE!
Another day, another team building activity between the demons and the exchange students. It was Diavolo’s idea to go on a camping trip to the human world (because of course it was), and there were very… mixed responses. That sentiment wasn’t helped when he refused Lucifer’s insistent pleas to just purchase cabins for everyone to stay in. Oh no, the Demon Lord wanted to rough it out in the wilderness, and now everyone else was getting dragged along with him…
Wonder how that turned out?
Really, really, really tried to push Diavolo to just rent out cabins in but noooo, he wasn’t having it... So he ended up driving a van crammed with his brothers, the MC, and a butt-ton of camping equipment into the Alaskan wilderness… 
The car ride itself was insufferable… We’re talking, “I SWEAR I WILL TURN THIS CAR AROUND!!” level of antics every 10 miles or so (mostly from Mammon)…
Setting up camp was even more of a nightmare because about half of his brothers were utterly useless. The other half (save Satan) were completely clueless… Had it not been for Barbatos and Satan he probably would have just resigned himself to the mercy of the river’s currents and let it take him away…
He couldn’t even wear his usual clothes because of the situation… For the first time in who knows how many centuries, he was stuck wearing jeans… Diavolo even bought him several plaid shirts... (which he was not happy with btw because his brother wouldn’t stop making fun of the “new” him)
He had his own tent of decent-size, enough to move around in but nothing to write home about. The very fact he didn’t have to share was a luxury in itself, so he took it for what it was worth...
He spent a good portion of the trip focused on two things: keeping Diavolo happy and everybody else alive. He rarely left camp unless forced to; he just wanted to get it all over with as soon as possible…
If he did leave, it was because Diavolo would drag him along to fish or hike. He was... less than pleased to be called out of his tent at the crack of dawn or well past dusk to sit on a little rented fishing boat with Diavolo… but he didn’t exactly pick his friends so...
He rates the trip Too Much Trouble/10. Let’s never do it again.
Wasn’t a massive fan of being stuck out in the wild, but Satan told him some made-up bullshit about buried treasure out in the forest and got him HOOKED. He even borrowed stole a whole bunch of mining/digging equipment just for the occasion!
He spent most of the car ride asking, “Are we there yet??” like a child. The MC had to step in to keep Lucifer from leaving him on the side of the road at multiple points during the journey... 
He was one of the utterly useless ones when it came to setting up camp. Someone charged him with putting up the twin’s tent, and he spent thirty minutes reading (then re-reading) the instructions while shouting expletives. Poor Simeon had to shield Luke from the vulgarity…
He has to share a tent with Levi, which neither of them liked. Mammon mainly because of Levi’s “old fish stink” and Levi because he feared catching “Mammon’s stupid.”
He was all jazzed up to go digging from Day One, though. He’d have breakfast, grab his shovel, then wander out into the middle of nowhere to go dig holes in the ground…
He also got completely lost on Day One, and it took the MC summoning him with their pact to return him to the group... By that time, he was filthy and somehow looked like he had been castaway for days (even though he was gone for like, three hours?)
When he stubbornly refused to stop digging, Lucifer resorted to just tying a rope around his ankle and letting him loose. It was up to Mammon to get back to camp before dinner, or else Lucifer would yank him back like he was on a leash.
Satan waited until the last day to finally tell Mammon the treasure was bullshit, and he was PISSED. He even threw Satan into the river, which resulted in the rest of the brothers joining in for a swim while the two tried to “playfully” drown each other.
He’d rate this trip 0/10 because he didn’t get any buried treasure. What a ripoff…
Hated the idea with a burning, seething passion. There’s no internet, cable, electricity, or phone signal out in the middle of nowhere! How the heck is an otaku supposed to survive?!
He clung to his electronics during the car ride until either they ran out of signal or their battery died, then he didn’t know what to do with himself… He resorted to reading several volumes of the manga he stuffed into his bag and clung to the MC for emotional support…
Yet another useless soul trying to put the camp together. He was in charge of his and Mammon’s tent but ended up almost crying in frustration… How the hell do humans do this all on their own?? Wasn’t he supposed to be the third strongest?! Why is he so pathetic?!? 😫
Hates sharing a tent with Mammon because he always wakes up to the second born encroaching on his space somehow… Poor baby is pretty much directly against the tent wall and STILL has to deal with legs and elbows in his side... 😰
Spends the majority of the trip moping in the tent... If he goes out there, he has to deal with the sun, bugs, and people… No thanks. He only leaves for meals and occasionally to go swimming. 
When he found out part of the way through that Barbs brought portable solar panels and a battery pack for Diavolo and Lucifer’s phones, he was livid. He demanded access to the power source, which Lucifer refused because “It would defeat the purpose of this trip.”
He’d have summoned Lotan right then and there, deadass in the middle of the forest, if the MC hadn’t intervened. He then went back to moping, but now at the bottom of the lake and it took a lot of coaxing to get him back out…
On the final day, he was packing up the camp before anyone else even woke up. He wanted OUT and back to civilization ASAP. Bedroom here he comes!
You wouldn’t think of Satan as an outdoorsy guy. Still, he has shades of a survivalist in him (mostly because he’s read a lot of guides and was looking for an excuse to use them for a loooong time).
He read for the majority of the ride. He was squished between Asmo and Levi, which was reasonably peaceful. But he did end up shouting at Mammon quite a bit towards the end because “NO, we’re not there yet, peabrain!!”
He actually wasn’t a waste of space when setting up the camp, and between him, Barbs, and Lucifer, they were able to get a lot of stuff set up before sundown. He did have to bark a few orders to the others here and there, but overall competency won out in the end.
He shared a tent with Asmo, and the two made it work well enough… Except when Asmo did things like spraying his perfumes and dry shampoos, making it practically impossible to breathe in for a few minutes…
Spent a lot of the first few days reinforcing the camp to a ridiculous degree.
Did he have to collect large branches to build an exterior fence around the campsite? No. But he did.
Did he have to set up a water distillation system using some of the materials Barbs had lying around the “kitchen?” No. But he did.
Did he have to weave a series of fishing nets to catch them lunch from the lake and river? I think you get the point by now.
Only once he built pretty much every contraption or improvement he could think of, did he go back to just reading and relaxing by the fire.
By the time the group was ready to leave, Satan had somehow managed to craft them a veritable, self-sustaining fortress in the middle of the Alaskan wilds…
Overall he would rate the trip as… meh. Next time give him a challenge like a deserted island or an actual desert, and then he’ll really see what he can do.
Was about as unhappy with the idea as Levi was… It wasn’t that he disliked the outdoors per se, it was just that no one, NO ONE, pulls off looking flawless after several days stuck in a tent!
He chatted the entire car ride from start to finish. He never stopped talking. It made for decent background noise at least…
Was one of the more clueless ones when trying to set up camp and pretty just did what he was ordered. The second he was left to try and figure something out on his own, he went to Lucifer or Satan for help because NOPE. Human equipment is needlessly complicated sometimes…
He had to share a tent with Satan, which in theory shouldn’t have been that bad, but Satan was out basically all day in the sun doing who knows what and would always come back sweaty and gross! At some points, he had to chase his brother out of the tent until he dunked himself in the river or something. No way was Asmo sleeping next to that. 😤
Asmo took the second-longest to get up and get ready in the morning. Sometimes he wouldn’t even leave the tent until well past breakfast just in an attempt to salvage his hair and skin… He only got grouchier about it as the trip went on… 😥
A more… earthy looking Asmo is kind of a bizarre sight. He’s still attractive, no doubt, but it’s less like polished glamour and more like Hollywood humble. He spent the majority of the trip looking like a somewhat dirtied movie-star (which he still insisted was the worst he’s ever looked in ages).
Aside from salvaging his looks, he actually enjoyed taking pictures of their surroundings or of the group (but not himself). He sometimes forgot how genuinely breathtaking the human world could be…
….but his patience for the place wore out quickly once he started noticing his hair getting greasy. He was right next to Levi, packing up the site once it was finally time to leave. At least those two finally found something they could agree on, let’s get the fuck out already! 
He was really curious about trying camping food and pretty excited that Barbatos was coming, too (because that meant great food in general).
Unfortunately, Lucifer had to stop the van at basically every gas station they passed for Beel could refill on snacks… Belphie ended up getting buried in wrappers pretty often, but he was asleep, so it didn’t matter much.
Beel did a lot of the heavy lifting when setting the camp up, but the finer details were left up to everybody else. He had his hands full getting stuff off the cars as is…
Of course, he shared a tent with Belphie, and there wasn’t much complaint between them. Honestly, there would have been more drama if they were split, so this was the better option.
After the MC told Beel about fishing and how it could net him more food, if he did it right, he knew exactly what he wanted to do during the trip.
… But no one told him how long and slow the process would be. There were points he’d get so hungry he’d consider eating the bait himself…
That was until about Day Three of the trip when they passed by a river full of grizzly bears… He was about to ask the MC why the bears were all standing in the water, but then he saw a fish practically leap directly into one’s mouth…
Beel had discovered his true calling.
Of course, the grizzlies didn’t take too kindly to a demon suddenly sprinting into the water with them. They tried to fight him off, but Beel just tossed most of them downstream without any issue until they realized who the apex predator really was…
After forming a shaky truce with the bears, Beel would stand in the water for hours then come back with whole baskets full of salmon… There were far more fish than Barbatos knew what to do with, so he’d just confiscate a few then let Beel eat the rest...
The MC shuddered to think about what Beel had done to the local salmon population… But he was full and happy for most of the trip, so he had a great time!
Sleep for him isn’t too contingent on location, so the idea of camping wasn’t terrible. It did sound like a lot of hassle for no good reason, though…
He spent the entire car ride asleep, head and cow pillow pressed up against the window and everything. It wasn’t the most comfortable experience, but he’d dealt with worse.
He was utterly useless when putting up the camp by choice, thank you. He had more than enough sense to get things put together; he just didn’t want to. If he wasn’t asked to do something by Beel or the MC, he’d just lay back in the grass and smugly watch everybody else struggle…
Again, he and Beel are in the same tent, and you wouldn’t hear any complaints out of him. He did start to have some second thoughts when Beel began getting a fishy smell, though, so he tried to bunk with the MC in their tent for a while.
Like Levi, Belphie didn’t leave the tent much during the daylight hours, but that was because he was still asleep… There was no good way to wake him with no alarms available, so he’d sleep in past lunch easily.
When he was awake, he didn’t leave camp very much except to walk with the MC or watch Beel fishing grizzly-style.
Eventually, Asmo and Diavolo got sick of him dodging their photos, so they’d started posing him Weekend at Bernie’s style around the camp (always conveniently propped up by something and with sunglasses on)
Something Belphie did like, however, was the nighttime. Since there were no lights around, he could practically see everything the sky had to offer. He could spend hours laying on his back long after everyone else had gone to bed just admiring the stars.
All in all, not a terrible trip. Anything that could give him that view like that was well worth it. 6/10, would sleep again.
Click HERE for Part Two. Check out my Masterlist for more!
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sunflowersteves · 4 years
Hi hi! What about smut prompts #2 17 and 19 with Din Djarin? I'm also having a little Geralt of Rivia kinda feeling eh I don't know how to decide I'll let it up to you or else my brain will explode 😭
author’s note || I decided to do Geralt because my next two requests are smutty din. also i have no idea where my mind went but uh, I hope you enjoy!
smut prompts || “stop before someone sees!” “do you want to come on my fingers or mouth?” “how funny do you think teasing is now?”
warnings || some fluff at the end, jealousy, some manipulation, afab!fic, smut!!! 18+ only, teasing, rough sex, edging, punishment, semi-public sex, minors do not interact
Teasing Geralt in the middle of a pub was one of your most favorite hobbies. You loved the way your heart pounded against your chest and the way his deep voice sent chills down your spine. 
He, on the other hand, hated all of the teasings. You would sit alone drinking your ale and listening to some of Jaskier’s songs when a handsome stranger would ask why you were alone. You never were alone, though—Geralt was always out in the stables feeding Roach, always nearby. 
You sipped on your ale, letting the salty taste run through your tastebuds. You sat by the fire and softly swayed yourself to the beat of the song. Suddenly, a very handsome young gentleman took a seat next to you.
You didn’t even acknowledge him at first; you couldn’t honestly care about whoever he was. But then he started to flirt with you, quite blatantly, despite the well-known fact that you were with the Witcher. That little idea swiveled into your brain, your lips curling into a large smirk. Any second Geralt could waltz in through the door to see you blatantly flirting with someone else. 
You placed an arm on top of the stranger’s shoulder and ran your fingers down his muscles. You giggled at whatever the man said, even if it wasn’t inherently funny. You honestly didn’t think he’s that charming at all. You just want to tease Geralt. So, you continue to flirt with him while a bright smile surrounded your face.
However, the smile you had on quickly vanished when the Witcher had come back from the stables, towering over the two of you. The man tried to act tough like he stood a chance against Geralt. He even tried to say that the spot was taken and for him to find someone else. 
Geralt could practically only see red, a pure deep, and rich color that surrounded him. His eyes flickered towards the stranger, and they gulped; the aura around Geralt always seemed menacing. “Touch her again, and I’ll slice you open.” 
The man’s eyes widened, and he quickly ran off, apologizing profusely on the way. Then, Geralt just stared at you as you tried to act all innocent like you did nothing wrong. He latched his arm onto yours and pulled you up, his face just inches from yours. Your eyes were wide from the fast movements, but Geralt never faltered. 
“What was that little dove, huh? Were you trying to make me jealous? Well, it worked.” Before you could even respond, you were whisked away from the pub. His large boots trudged against the floor as he made his way towards one of the bedrooms. 
“Geralt! I don’t see why this is a big deal-”
You were interrupted by Geralt slamming you against a wall, not enough to inflict any pain, of course. A sly smirk made its way to your face as his arms roamed your body in desperation, trying to touch every inch of your body. His lips attacked your neck in fervor, his teeth biting and nipping at your soft skin.
He was right where you wanted him, but you still wanted to play innocent. It was Geralt’s favorite game. 
“Stop before someone sees!” He chuckled as he pressed you further into the wall, the wooden planks digging into your back. He lifted you, your legs wrapping around his waist on instinct. 
“I’m going to fuck you against the wall, little flower. Would you like that, hmm?” His deep voice rumbled against your neck as he pressed more feathery kisses. He moved closer to your ear, articulating every single syllable. “I want the whole pub to hear you scream my name. I want that man you were flirting with to know who you belong to.” 
“Yes, Geralt. Please.” You could feel his lips curling into a smirk at your pleas and desperations. You were begging for his touch, your thoughts fully giving into him. You didn’t want to play any longer; you just wanted him. 
“You would like that, wouldn’t you? Oh, sweetheart, I know you do.” 
You gasped when he ripped your dress, your breasts on full display. His hand went to rub small circles on your clit, teasing and tickling your sensitive nerves. You moaned loudly as he moved his fingers to grab some of your slick, the substance spreading to your thighs. 
He groaned against your ear, your wetness fully covering his fingers. He knew then that he couldn’t wait any longer. He could smell the sweet, pungent scent of your slick. He could hear your rapid heartbeat thump against your chest. He could feel the whines that erupted from your throat. 
Without any warning, he slammed his cock into you. You let out a surprised yelp, but it quickly turned into whines and whimpers. “Fuck, Geralt. You’re so big.” He pounded into you, over and over and over. You could feel your resolve slipping; you knew you were done for. 
“You’re so tight, little flower. You were desperate, huh? You were desperate for my cock.” You continued to plead and beg his name, not really understanding your words at this point. 
“How funny do you think teasing is now, hmm?” He chuckled as your mouth hung open, unable to utter a single word from your pretty mouth. He was relentless. He was cruel. He knew how to drag your sweet release as long as possible but still hitting each and every spot you craved. 
“Too cock dumb to respond? Look at my poor baby, too desperate to be fucked.” Tears had pricked your eyes as he intentionally slipped out of you and watch as your bubbling high was taken away from you. You knew it was a punishment, a sign that you were getting what you deserved. 
“You won’t come until I say, little flower-”
“But, Geralt! I’ll be so good, I promise. I won’t ever do that again!” He lifted his hand up to caress your cheek, his thumb dragging back and forth. He pressed your forehead against his and for a split second, you thought he would give you want. 
“You should’ve thought about that before flirting with that guy, hmm? You will come when I say, or you won’t come at all, got it?” You nodded vigorously, too desperate to care how ridiculous you sound. Once he got an okay, he inserted himself again and continued at a fast, mind-blowing pace. 
Your head hung back—that all too familiar feeling rising to the surface. You could feel the shake of your thighs, your panting seemingly to be loud and louder. He barely had done anything, and you were already ready to succumb to him. Your pussy clenched around him, about to gush against his cock, but then he halted. “Not yet, sweetheart.” 
The way he said it felt wicked as if he knew just how desperate you are for him. And he would be right. He was the only one that could make you feel this way. He smirked as you whined but obeyed his wishes. He placed his hands on the side of your face as he fucked your tight pussy over and over. 
“Who fucks you like this? Who fucks you so good you can’t even remember your own name? Was it that stranger? Answer me, petal.” 
“You! Only you. Fuck, Geralt, it’s always been you.”
Three times. Three fucking times. That’s how many times he had stopped, so you couldn’t come, and you were frustrated. He made you work for each one, pulling and edging to the brink until all sensations stop at once. Hot rushing tears were spread all over your face. Your cunt was pulsating and swollen, just begging—pleading for Geralt to give you what you wanted. 
“Please, Geralt! I need to come, please! I’ll do anything, I need you, please, please, please-”
“Do you want to cum on my fingers or my mouth?”
“Mouth, please, your mouth.” You felt shameless as you kept begging, needing some type of release. He sunk down to his knees, your legs resting on his shoulders to keep you steady. Your body lurched forward when he licked a stripe up your lips, his throat letting out a hum at your taste.  
You were too sensitive as he started to circle your clit, his tongue swirling and digging into the swollen flesh. You could feel your cunt throb and your mouth hung open in anticipation. His eyes never left yours, though, while he sucked you clean. 
He teased and prodded at your clit, fingers moving to feel the slick that rested on your sensitive lips. He moaned against you, your legs slightly shook at the sensation. 
“Please, Geralt, I-I can’t-”
“Sh, I’ve got you. You’ve been so good, petal.” He doesn’t wait for a response as he laps your glistening pussy. You’re crying and whimpering, making a full mess all over his lips. You could feel his hot, slick tongue press in and out. 
“Geralt, Geralt, Geralt,” You say his name as if it’s the only thing left in your mind, just him and his glorious tongue. It only eggs him on as his nose digs into your clit and applies just enough pressure to make your eyes roll in the back of your head. 
“You’re mine. You’re fucking mine.”
Your body feels rigid as something explodes, pure fire raging against your stomach. Your screams are loud and booming as they echos across the hallway. You scream his name, profanities, and anything that your mind could think of. You knew the whole pub heard, hell the whole village probably heard. He just leans there and continues to lap you up until there’s no drop left. 
He catches you immediately as your body falls limp, your eyes hooded with exhaustion. “You did good, little flower. I’m so proud.” A little smirk ghosts his features at the silence he hears from the pub, a burst of fuzziness clouding his mind. 
He gently carries you into one of the bedrooms and places small kisses on your shoulder. He starts to clean you up and smiles, your body limp against the bed, and your snores loudly filling the room.
“Sleep well, my darling love.”
witcher: @harrysthiccthighss @borkingbarnes @dreams-of-sunlight-and-starfire @writingletterstothefire
geralt: @harrysthiccthighss @borkingbarnes @dreams-of-sunlight-and-starfire @doozywoozy @writingletterstothefire
permanent: @captainchrisstan @angstysebfan @teenagereadersciencenerd @rebekahdawkins @hailmary-yramliah @stardust-galaxies @wiccanmetallicrose @keithseabrook27 @hereforthesunrise
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scriptaed · 4 years
...cause i like you?!
Tumblr media
genre: fluff/crack; e2l!au;
pairing: jin x reader;
length: 2.1k;
synopsis: just the thought of it, no, the mere possibility of it boggles the ever so egotistical mind that belonged to kim seokjin. him? and... her? his arch enemy? his sworn nemesis whose incessant badgering he simply refuses to surrender to? struck with a capricious cold, jin’s teapot of a mind attempts to conceal its steam fall short when you pay an unexpected visit and all mayhem is set loose. when did it happen? how did it happen? no... no, it can’t be... he can’t... possibly... like her?! 
You [4:05 P.M.] are you sure this is the right address????
Dipshit Tae [4:05 P.M.] yes for hundredth time
Dipshit Tae [4:05 P.M.] why would i give you the wrong address??
You [4:06 P.M.] you mean why WOULDN’T you give me the wrong address..
You [4:06 P.M.] is that loser even home? 
Dipshit Tae [4:06 P.M.] yeah, he should be. he was texting me about how bored he was just a while ago.
Dipshit Tae [4:06 P.M.] uh… yeah, he was :) I swear :) which is exactly why you’re there because YOU have a car and I don’t! 
Dipshit Tae [4:06 P.M.] aren't I a good wingman? :)
You [4:06 P.M.] I DON'T LIKE HIM 
Dipshit Tae [4:06 P.M.] awww I can see you blushing through text you
You [4:06 P.M.] I hate your guts also why isn’t he answering the door
Dipshit Tae [4:06 P.M] he’s not?? try ringing the doorbell
You [4:07 P.M.] you think I haven’t, dumbass? 
Dipshit Tae [4:07 P.M.] hold on, let me call him 
"God," your breath marks the air in white puffs as you pace in place before his house, "hurry up—"
—swoosh, the door opens magically and, lo and behold, there stands the devilish man himself, Kim Seokjin… except unlike the formidable foe, this skeptical phenomenon stands before you, lips gaping and doe-like eyes widening in utter shock rendered by your presence. You only manage a quick scan of his donned baby pink bathrobe matched with pink bunny slippers until the both of you practically jump back into an ephemeral moment seemingly frozen in time. 
Just as his phone rings, Jin quickly slams the door on you. His efforts prove fruitless, however, once you somehow manage to stick your foot in between his doorframe and the merciless force of his, which fortunately comes to an abrupt stop before your potential stop to the emergency room. There are trivial incidents like these—when he ignores the itch to tease you on the days you wear a frown or when he reluctantly chooses to lose an argument although you are very clearly in the wrong—that you bestow him the honorable badge of consideration… but the stubborn part of you theorizes he’s just trying to avoid a hefty hospital fee. 
“Ahem, ahem,” the boy feigns a cough into his phone, “Taehyung, can’t you tell I’m sick?”
Scoffing into the air, you call out loudly, “sick enough to slam the door so hard—”
“—ahem,” he shoots you a death glare, “sorry, I’m just so very sick. Can’t talk. Need my beauty sleep. Bye—”
“—beauty sleep?! You? Beauty?” 
It’s almost impossible to hold in your cackles; in fact, it takes you only a split second to surrender to the crackling fireworks of your laughter. The quip’s effect is shortly lived, however, when his unusual lengthy silence has you gradually settling into the cold winter air beside him. With his eyes glaring at you from underneath the dampened locks of his bangs clearly fresh out of the shower, it’s nearly impossible to deny the tiniest thought that flashes across your mind.
Sometimes, just sometimes, Jin’s pretty damn hot. 
“Are you here to tease me or what?” he retorts, burying the phone into the fluff that is his robe. “I’m not in the mood.”
“What? Pshhh,” you wave a dismissive spare hand, “silly, no!” 
“Then?” he quirks a brow whilst slowly guarding himself behind the door. “Are you here to watch me wither on my deathbed?” 
“No, will you please just let me in? I’m freezing here. I heard you were sick and classes just became too quiet without you—” and when the boy remains unconvinced by your pleas, you let out a loud sigh as your hand raises to reveal a bag of much needed warm soup “—I have food.”
He immediately swings the door wide open, “come right on in.”
“Wow, so you’re not in the mood for me but you’re in the mood for food?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
Rolling your eyes at his 90 degree bow, you march your way into his halls and directly to the kitchen as you have done so in the many times you had unfortunately been paired with the most self-absorbed classmate for a group project. At this point, you know his everything like the back of your hand. From his house and his obsession with pink to his hobbies and his quirky dialogue, you, his sworn nemesis, probably know him even better than his friends… and oddly enough, you take pride in that—although you’ll never admit it. 
“So,” you say nonchalantly as you set out the utensils on his kitchen island, “what could possibly be going on in that peculiar mind of yours?”  
“Peculiar? Aw, did Y/N just call me unique?” he snorts. “I said I wasn’t in the mood for you, not anything else.”
“Okay, so,” you gesture for him to dig in despite the evident hesitation in his eyes once he seats himself across from you, “why me specifically?”
“Cause—” he stares at you confidently but struggles to spill before playing with his spoon “—cause something’s been on my mind.”
You flash a cheeky grin, “you mean I’ve been on your mind?” 
“What?!” he almost springs from his seat in absolute denial, leaning forward across the counter enough for you to take a step back. “No! Wooow, that’s just… that’s… preposterous!” 
“Alright, alright, I was just joking,” you raise two merciful hands but leave the latter half of the sentiment to yourself—because who even uses the word preposterous nowadays? Your silence, however, rightfully ends when you notice him constantly probing around at the congee, as if looking for something lurking in the soup. “Don’t worry, Jin, I didn’t poison it.” 
“Ah,” he nods, thereby confirming your completely accurate reading of his mind. 
When another second passes and you’re finally at a loss for how to prolong a conversation with Jin, you subtly join in on his silent nods; but with each succeeding nod, you begin to notice his cheeks gradually burning a flush shade of pink much stronger than his robe. 
“Jin,” you frown, “are you okay? Your face is turning really red—”
“—it’s probably the steam from the bowl,” he blurts, eyes quickly averting to his bowl before downing a big spoonful of soup into his perpetually ravenous stomach, leaving you little to no time left for you to retort. An unsettling silence follows—an undeniable rarity between the rowdy atmosphere between you two—and you begin to wonder what exactly are you staying silent for. 
You can’t possibly be… waiting for his reaction to your cooking, are you? Why does it even matter to you? Why did the flow of things become so awkward? And why is he so… jumpy? Something must be definitely off today, but, oddly enough, you don’t exactly mind this change of pace from your usual bickering comedy duo selves.
Whatever it is, the silence is deafening and you swear he can even hear you gulp. 
“Did you…” he scrunches his brows and sets his spoon to the bowl with a clink, “...did you cook this?”
“Yeah, I did,” you follow suit with a frown, “is there something wrong with it…?”
“Yeah, no, of course you did,” he leans back into his seat with a loud huff and a cross of the arms, “you added too much salt.”
“Hey! What’re you imply—”
“—but,” he cocks his head, frowning as he drowns himself deep in his nonsensical thoughts, “it just doesn’t make sense…”
“Hello? Earth to Jin?” you wave a hand across his lost gaze that remains affixed to his mystery of a meal. “What are you going on about now?” 
“There’s too much salt in this soup. So, theoretically,” his two parallel hands tap the table sequentially, as if marking some sort of a complex timeline, “this should be a terrible meal… but…”
It takes everything in Jin to squeeze the grand reveal out of his zipped lips and very reluctantly so. 
“But… why does it taste so good?” The utter concentration in his dartlike eyes and sheer conviction in his nearly convincing albeit silly argument makes it almost sound like he’s questioning himself, especially when he continues rambling without your response—although, really, you had nothing but a flabbergasted look. “Everything you make should theoretically taste bad but why, when it’s you and only you, does it taste… so good? It makes me—” he clutches his chest dramatically, but noticeably on the opposite side of where his heart should’ve been, and locks a quizzical, almost desperate gaze with you “—so warm and fuzzy inside?”
“You mean your heart?” you point at his chest. “It’s on the opposite side, Jin.”
“And why,” he gasps for breath like a mad man, an emotionally mad and a mentally mad man, “why do I always let you tease me? Why do I let you win? I’m Jin, Kim Seokjin, for God’s sake! I never lose! And the most confusing part of it is: why do I always supposedly smile whenever I argue with you?!”
“Oh, can confirm, you definitely do that.”
He points an accusatory finger at you, “you do, too!” 
“What?” you gawk. “Do not!”
“Taehyung said so!” 
“I do?”
The both of you challenge the other in a stare off, eventually and silently admitting a mutual defeat to the subtle nagging side of you that had always taken note of that true albeit irking fact. 
“It just doesn’t make sense…” he begins pacing back and forth with a finger to his pursed lips. “I never had problems with my beauty sleep until I met you… I never lowered my food standards to such devastating levels until you started feeding me… I never enjoyed having someone trying to get under my skin until you came into my life… it all doesn’t make sense. The only possibility I can narrow it down to is—”
“—wait, Jin, are you—”
“—is it all cause I like you?!”
The both of your jaws drop open, possibly to the floor, staring at the other as if whatever had slipped from his mouth was the most preposterous thing he had ever suggested! In retrospect and to the general public, you know you should have seen this coming from a mile away. It’s impossible not to acknowledge the several times the lines between a vigorous argument and a flirty quarrel became blurred; but to you, the offensive enemy participating in a never-ending duel with the infamous Kim Seokjin, there’s nothing you could’ve done to anticipate this confession pulled out of thin air. 
Did you like it? 
The possibility of being something more than a fervent pair of enemies and a questionable pair of friends? 
Your mind says it’s unsure, but your smile says much more. 
You have to get out of this house, anywhere but here before the opposing enemy catches onto his advancement.
“Hey, hey, hey, what’re you smiling at? You’re the reason I’ve been losing sleep!” he warns sternly, pointing a finger at you whilst you gather your things. “Hey, you must be the reason I’m sick right now! Take accountability!”
“You mean I’m the reason why you’re lovesick now?” you stick a tongue out as you head out the kitchen and you can’t help but laugh at the way he follows like a lost puppy. “What? You want me to make more of my terrible food in return?”
“What? No, shut up! Hey, hey, hey!” he stutters over his own scramble of words, watching you pacing around his front entrance and calling out to you from the hallway. “Where are you going? I think I just confessed to you? No, I’m pretty sure I just did!”
You shrug, “and?” 
“And what’s your answer?” he throws his hand in the air, as if his mental stability depended on your very response. “Is it a yes or no? Do you like me, too?”
“Umm… I don’t know,” you hum, “I’ll let you know over dinner? At 6?” 
His eyes glimmer with hope, “d-dinner?”
“Yeah,” you reply with a cheeky grin before quipping, “hey, why’s your cheek so red?”
A loud huff of his follows your series of cackles and you can hear his last remark that has you undeniably smiling from ear to ear even through the closed door behind you. 
“Damn it, you know it’s cause I like you!”
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thesaltyoceanwaves · 3 years
Butterfly!Luka x Akumatized!Marinette Idea
Hi, I’ve had this idea for anti-hero/villian Lukanette for a month now, and it will not leave me alone, so I’m going to dump it onto you all.
So, AU where Bob Roth essentially locks Jagged Stone into a really crappy contract and starts ruining his career and reputation. He has some nasty blackmail on the guy too, and Jagged breaks it off with Anarka so she doesn’t get involved with it. The only interactions they have is Jagged sending child support, and even that is pretty low-key because he doesn’t want Bob to have leverage from that.
When Luka finds out who his father is and about everything happening to him, he’s absolutely livid. Art deserves free. People deserve to be free! He’s not a big advocate for violence, but he wants revenge against Bob Roth and everyone who benefits from him. And sometime, during all of this, he encounters the Butterfly miraculous. 
Like in canon, he can hear the song in everyone’s hearts. But with the butterfly miraculous, he’s far more attuned and bothered when a kind soul is pained.
Enter one Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
Marinette has never been very popular or had very many friends (you can thank Chloe for bullying her all the time, and Lila who demands attention 24/7). But she’s a kind soul who only wants to succeed at her hobbies and passions, and fall in love with someone nice, get married and start a family. And while they don’t talk very much, Marinette thinks Adrien is very nice and develops a crush on him, just like in canon.
Chloe and Lila find out about this, and naturally, engineer a public confession turned humiliation, along with planting ideas in Marinette’s head that she’s cursed or something. 
Enter Psyche.
Luka hears the plea of a kind, but heartbroken soul. Upon hearing how her feelings had been taken advantage of, Luka, now Psyche, sends a butterfly to Marinette and transforms her into one of his Punishers.
Enter Bewitched*.
Psyche’s Punishers aren’t looking for grand conquest or anything like that. They’re discreet, to the point and simply want others to have a taste of what they deliver. There are no other user to oppose the two, and so they continue . Psyche might draw upon other close friends as their allies (Rose, Juleka and Ivan, I’m thinking for a full “anti-villian/hero” band AU) but generally relies on Bewitched.
Over time, the two grow closer, and Bewitched offers to help Psyche with his own problem. She’s a planner, after all, a master mind in the making, and can of course, help him engineer the downfall of a giant like Bob Roth. Some time during all of this, they meet in their civilian identities and fall in love, and all that good stuff.
Also, during all of this, Fu discovers the butterfly and peafowl miraculouses are missing, and recruits two heroes to recover them.
The only problem is that they might not really be the heroes most fit for the job. 
* = Bewitched is my take on akumatized!Marinette. I first wrote her for the “Nice Guy Adrien AU”. Her outfit is modelled after K-Pop singer NS Yoon G’s outfit from the “Reason to Become a Witch” MV. Her powers allow her to either curse someone she feels has wronged her (red) or familiarize someone she trusts (pink). She gets her name from the sitcom “Bewitched” which was used as the inspiration for early magical girl shows. Her name also means charm or captivate someone - in other terms, she had been “bewitched” by Adrien.
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rebel666 · 5 years
Confessions of  a Joann Employee
UPDATE: If you want to send more confessions and/or report what’s happening at your Joann anonymously, there’s EmployeeJoann on Twitter that is responding to messages. They are constantly sharing and updating more as it becomes available to them!
A confession from a Joann employee that is in one of the Covid-19 effected areas and has so much to say about it:
-We are staying open until told by the state otherwise. Even though they declared a State of Emergency and all non-essential businesses must be shut down by 5pm on Saturday 3/21, our company is refusing to. Because Joann themselves is trying to deem Joann as an "essential" store. They even put it all over their website that we are here for the people making masks and small businesses who need fabric to continue. They quote that we are here for the customers and that we as United States Americans have a responsibility to fill this need. They aren’t looking at curbside only as an option, they aren’t looking at offering more benefits for shopping online, they want us open and people in stores. They are sending us emails with pieces of paper (unofficial, not state made) to print out and put in our cars to say we are on the way to work at an "essential retailer." Anything to make it so we can remain open.
-This sucks for employees and here’s why: The way Joann is set up is if we get sick, if we have to leave to take care of someone who is sick, if we want to self-quarantine (because of our health or the health of our loved ones), we either quit or ask to be put on Leave of Absence and cannot return without medical clearance. If we come into contact with someone who has Covid-19 (even if they came into the store), they request we stay home while the rest of us have to work even if we were standing right next to them. As long as we don’t display symptoms, we are expected to show up or we can request LoA. LoA does not pay us. The only way we as employees will be taken care of is if the store closes AND if we have two weeks of schedules set up. I was hoping the company was on the path to this when they had us cancel all the classes until May and then limited hours but all that went out the window today. Right now Joann is doing everything to prevent us from closing and in turn take care of their employees. Every single time I bring up our well-being, I get reminded that we need to think about the customer first.
-Our store is step up to have daily conference calls to talk about the current status and to express any concerns we have. I brought up the status about my county (our major has declared everyone be shut down as of 5pm tomorrow or the police will be involved) and that I am deeply concerned for us and they told me that we have a responsibility as a leader to keep everyone calm and to keep working through this. ***When I asked what if everyone in my store requests a Leave of Absence because we are all very much concerned about our health, they said, "We will replace you with team members from other stores. There are service industry people and travel workers looking for jobs and we will fill your positions with people who will work it."*** They straight up told me that we are replaceable/expendable because they value their "customers/money." It doesn’t matter how long we’ve been with the company. It all means nothing to them.
-They are sending out emails about what Joann is doing as a whole for Covid-19. Saying we are cleaning every hour and whatnot. What they fail to mention is we are a fabric store with no means of washing fabric. I see people on a daily basis cough into, wipe their snot on, kids place in their mouth, and all sorts of other nasty things into these bolts of fabric (seriously, wash the fabric you buy from Joann before doing anything). We have the basic cleaning supplies to wash floors and wipe counters with but that’s pretty much it. They are telling us as employees to bring in our own supplies if we can. An employee brought in gloves long ago just so we can use them to clean the bathrooms. Today I provided face masks for my fellow coworkers. Our store may look clean but we know its dirty little secrets.
-We are supposed to follow the whole 10 people rule but they do nothing to stop or limit people at the door and won’t do anything to enforce it. All while wanting us to cut hours to which is barely 2 people running the whole store for smaller Joann locations. It’s not safe for us to be on a bare-bones crew especially if they want us to remain an essential store.
-Joann before this was a great place to work. At least for my store. I love my store, I love the people I work with. Other stores I have heard horror stories from but mine was one of the good ones. I see them being bombarded on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to close. Not just by employees and families of employees but by concerned customers. And this pleases me because they need to take this seriously. What they do in the next 3 days will speak volumes on how much they listen to and care about us. This is a serious issue and we as employees are suffering.
As they report more, I will continue to add to this.
UPDATE 3/21: They emailed and made copies of this for employees to carry with them in their cars:
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Now the CEO of Joann is also a piece of work. All you have to do is google his name and you’ll see the Walgreen’s lawsuit, his DUIs (yes, plural), and his impact on Joann since joining - which includes increasing prices because of the tariffs. One employee confirms that when tariff thing went into effect, the entire store was repriced. Some markups were a few cents but some were a few dollars. Since then the prices continue to fluctuate.
There is also a petition going on Change.org asking for Joann to Close Their Stores And Pay Employees
If you get a chance, read some of the comments people are putting in support of this:
I no longer feel safe in my workplace. The greed is sickening.
My employees deserve to be treated like people and make a livable wage and have benefits! Our health over their profit!
Staff at my local store have been asked to bring in their own gloves for cleaning. Hand sanitizer expired in 2012. Employees are reporting little to know cleaning supplies in a store that targets the elderly as a primary demographic. The material used in the masks is not medical grade. This company is shamelessly profiteering from the pandemic.
As a former employee and manager I know the company does not follow any real cleaning guidelines. They understaff their stores, overwork their employees and frown upon time off. Fabrics and crafts are not essential items at this time and since the majority of the clientele there are elderly i think they are creating more risk. Finally do something good for your employees and send gem home with pay
As a previous manager, I'm sad to say that this company does not value its workers. To see that they are putting their workers, and others who visit, at a continued risk is unbelievable and is extremely selfish. Now is the time to act and stop the spread of COVID-19 and to keep Joann's open does not help stop the spread in anyway shape or form.
Over the last two days, my local store decided to carry on with inventory. They brought in an inventory team from the area of our state with the vast majority of cases. It's one thing to not close and continue to expose the public to the risk, but decisions like these show that Jo-Anns has a blatant disregard for the wellbeing of its employees and customers. Even more telling is the fact that we know that you are seeing our pleas to do the right thing, but continue to ignore us on social media. There is only one reason that you are pushing to categorize Jo-Anns as an essential business, and that is greed. In fact, I had to spend my own money on gas to drive all over the city looking for more cleaning supplies after my manager ordered me to. Your employees do so much for you, and we are compensated very little. I have been at Jo-Anns long enough to know that you would never compensate us for our time off, but at least join the other non-essential business and shut down for the time being.
joann’s customer base is primarily elderly or otherwise at risk people, and many employees are also older or immunocompromised. employees are overwhelmed as we can’t keep up with the cleaning guidelines while also taking care of customers, not to mention we’re severely lacking in cleaning supplies in the first place. joann is encouraging people to come in for supplies to make face masks, yet these masks aren’t sterile since people touch and breathe on the fabric all day, and it’s then laid on the counter to be measured and cut. employees themselves aren’t even allowed to wear masks or gloves. joann cares more about profit than the safety of both their team members and customers.
There are so many comments I want to share. These are just a few. This is Joann. They care more about their image and their financial gains than the backbone of their stores. The people who put up with their ridiculous requests day in and day out are now at risk and putting others at risk. Places like Hot Topic closed down and took care of their employees, places like Joanns should too!
But also lets not forget, Hobby Lobby is also not taking Covid-19 seriously.
UPDATE 3/22: “We have signs saying we're cleaning more but found out Friday that we're out of supplies in the distribution center. They claim they will send them out once they receive any but I found out today from a truck driver the company that supplies everything for Joann (from inventory to store use items) is closed for 2 weeks... because of this they're telling us to use the bathroom cleaner as a substitute.”
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From Joann Employee Confessions on Twitter:
Confession 17 - Our Joann was closed! We received a C&D from the Chief of Police! We were so ecstatic as employees when they came in and told us to cease all business operations! Not even curbside! BUT then we had to tell our District Manager... and everything changed.
Our DM told us to come back to work tomorrow because he was going to have Joann's lawyers work on it. My heart sank. Them being open was more important. So I went into work and it was so nice not being open to the public. We finally caught up on recovery and cleaning! All things we have neglected the past week because it's been too busy for us to keep up! All of us were in great spirits and it was the best day ever. Until our DM called... and he told us to section off all the "non-essential" parts of the store.
Fabric and sewing notions were deemed essential and we would be open to the public the next day. No curbside only. Nope. People were to come right back in and nothing about limitations. Nothing about cleaning our disgusting fabric. Just to section off half the store so the public could come in and buy all the fabric and sewing supplies they could want. And to add to that... they are doing a remnant promotion where all the spare pieces are free to the customer now! Another thing for our already spare crew to do when we don't have time!
I am honestly so shattered over how the Chief of Police who seemed so interested in our well-being backed out of this. We are exposed once again. 3 of us tonight took Leave of Absence papers tonight because we don't feel safe. This was the final nail in the coffin.
UPDATE - My coworker messaged me, “Got up at 10:00 to get ready for work. A text came in saying the store is closed and I don't have to come to work. Seems there was a conference call. It appears the state is involved and overrode the mayor!” But Joann is still fighting it. This is a day by day thing. They are telling us if we want hours we have to go to another store. If not, we have to put in our leave of absence. 
More articles coming through right now: 
These Retailers Refused To Close During The Pandemic, So An Illinois City Shut Them Down
Joann Fabrics' mask-making promotion raises questions
Gregory said the masks were being donated to Rush Oak Park Hospital in Oak Park and to Northwestern Medicine Delnor Hospital in Geneva – but spokespeople for both those hospitals said it was not true.“Due to infection control measures, Northwestern Medicine cannot accept donations of handmade masks, gowns and other medical supplies,” according to an email from Kimberly Waterman, spokeswoman for Northwestern Medicine Delnor. “Only factory-made, hospital-quality supplies, including N95 masks, face shields, gloves, gowns, sanitizers and swabs can be donated.”
“There is no barrier,” White said. “Once [handmade cloth masks] get wet, I don’t think they’re that effective.” (I can confirm. A RN confirmed with me that cloth masks collect moisture which acts as a magnet for infections.)
4K notes · View notes
hypmicdaydreams · 3 years
𝗟𝘂𝗰𝗸𝘆 𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗺
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-pairing: dice arisugawa x gn!reader
-genre: fluff (?), a bit of gambling action
-summary: dice’s lucky dice have lost their charm and no longer work; however, he’s sure that you’re his one true good luck charm, though you’re skeptical about that
-word count: 6.3k
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it was such a common sight that you had grown accustomed to in the past few months that you had dated dice, yet it never failed to surprise you each and every time at just how careless he could be. dice, on his hands and knees before you, was, yet again, begging you to spare him just a few more yen so that he could go to the pachinko parlor down the street and try his hand at the new machine that they had just installed. he swore that he’d get a jackpot this time, he felt it in his gut. lady luck was finally on his side. how many times has he claimed that though? surely over a hundred by now, considering that this sight happened about three or four times a week. 
“pleeeeease y/n. i just need a few yen. i just know that i’ll hit the jackpot for sure this time! i promise to pay you back.” 
a sigh escaped your lips as you heard those words again, glancing at your hopeless boyfriend. he really did have zero shame bowing down on the ground like that, begging for a few scraps of money to feed his gambling addiction. surely his debt with you racked up close to thousands of yen by now, and that was probably a generous estimate. it’s not like you minded though. you had no doubt, however, that dice would pay you back if he won big.
dice’s luck wasn’t exactly the best lately, having lost everything he’s managed to save up in a matter of minutes. then again, you couldn’t quite recall when the last time his luck ever was good. it seemed to just be a string of bad luck for dice, and you couldn’t help but feel a bit sorry for the bad luck spell he was in. surely it must’ve taken a toll on him, right? maybe he’d stop gambling for a bit, try to save up some money first rather than betting something so obscure and irrational, like his life (you’re still astounded by the fact that he bet his life just to get a hypnosis microphone). but dice just loved proving you wrong. see, dice wasn’t a rational person, not in the slightest. logic and reason bothered him to no end, so he defied the odds. i mean, what fun would life be if everything was meticulously calculated. every day would be the same dull and lifeless routine, and dice hated the mere thought of such a lifestyle. you didn’t mind his outlook on life at all, in fact, you even supported it to a degree. you just wished he’d be more careful with his, er, hobbies.
“didn’t you say that the last time though?”
“er-” dice flinched once he realized he’d been caught red-handed, having been shoved into a corner by the very thing he hated: logic. “w-well ya, but! i really do think i’ll win big this time. it’s a gut feeling.” ugh, you grew to despise that word: gut feeling. everything was always determined by either luck or his gut when it came to dice. it was truly spectacular, really. you did love dice, you really did, but you couldn’t help but be concerned for him. his gambling tendencies were just a bit too much at times.
you had tried to ignore his pleas, tried your hardest to set your foot down and not give in to those puppy dog eyes he loved to use. it hurt to see that you were only feeding his gambling addiction rather than try to help him solve it. at that moment, however, seeing dice begging on his hands and knees and the look of desperation in his eyes overrid your sense of judgement. it hurt even more to see just how desperate he was for a couple hundred yen. he just tug on your heartstrings like that! 
“well...fine.” you couldn’t help but stifle a giggle when you saw just how quickly dice’s expression changed from desperation to one of excitement. if he had a tail, you swore it’d be wagging. deep down, you scolded yourself for once again falling for his tactics, but could you really blame yourself? dice was just too lovable to turn down. “but on one condition.” 
“you take me with you.” you really couldn’t predict how dice would take this news, but you certainly weren’t expecting him to smile even wider. i mean, why would he even want you in the same vicinity when he was gambling, especially when there was a large chance he’d lose yet again, and after having begged you for money once more. yet, that sounded like quite a deal to dice, who was practically over the moon at this point. not only does he get to feel the thrill of gambling once more, but he also gets to enjoy it with his lovely partner. it was like killing two birds with one stone. maybe you’d even begin to understand his love of the thrill. ooo, this was so exciting!
“heh, is that all?” to be honest, dice was expecting a much worse condition, such as never cooking for him again if he lost or never gambling again. geez, just the thought of it sent shivers down his spine. he’d have hated if he was given an ultimatum between either you or gambling. then again, that would’ve been an exciting bet. all or nothing, huh. now that gave him goosebumps. “you don’t have to worry about a thing. we got lady luck on our side after all,” dice confidently said, taking out his good luck charms, a pair of dice, from his pocket and throwing them into the air. he couldn’t shake off the feeling that he’d win big this time.
“gahh! what the hell??” dice practically shouted, although the other pachinko players seemed to pay no mind to him. it was rather common to find someone bet their entire life savings then lose them all within an afternoon. sure, it was a terrible sight, but the other players found their games to be much more important. you win some you lose some, that’s just how life worked. then again, the loud noises and distracting colors probably drowned out any connection to the outside world they may have had, however weak it was in the first place. 
dice had, yet again, lost big time at the machines. standing behind him, you shook your head in disappointment. you knew that this exact scenario would play out once he had dragged you to a nearby pachinko parlor. those machines were literally designed to feed off of people’s tendency to think that they’d win big the next round. “tch, i was sure i’d win this time…” he took out his so-called lucky dice and threw them at the machine in frustration. you had been right, as much as he hated to admit. his luck had been garbage lately, which was only perpetuated by the fact that he lost his imaginary bet with you that he’d win. his good luck charms now brought on bad luck instead, and dice couldn’t help but get irritated. this entire time, they never let him down! but now...now they were just dead weight. the pair of dice had lost their touch. they were no longer good luck charms but rather just plain old dice.
“i knew this would happen,” he heard you mumble, which only irritated him further. dice just couldn’t seem to win a single bet, no matter how lousy or small. he never was one to let a spell of bad luck discourage him, but he couldn’t possibly be confident all the time. everything was finally catching up to him, and what made it worse was the fact that you didn’t seem to believe in him. it was the icing on the cake. “let’s head back home-”
“w-wait, just one more time! please, i’m sure we’ll get it this time.”
“you’ve said that the past four matches.”
“er-well...” dice had to think of some excuse fast if he wanted to stay here. sure, he may have lost everything he had begged you for, but maybe you’d be willing to lend him a few more yen? dice did doubt it, but he just couldn’t leave the parlor, not yet, not when he hasn’t won anything at all. maybe, just maybe, his luck will turn around this time. he was holding on to the last bit of optimism he had. “t-then, how about you play for a change?” even if he couldn’t play, maybe you would win big for the both of them. after all, you’ve never gambled before, or at least not that he knew of, so you must have some sort of beginner’s luck, right? well, this was his only chance, and dice was going to bet on it. 
you, on the other hand, were quite taken aback at this sudden development. you, gambling? it didn’t really sound right. besides, you’ve taken a look around the place, and uh, needless to say, you felt a deep pit form in your stomach once you saw the desperation on some faces. you didn’t want to go through that same feeling as them. casinos weren’t fair, after all. they were rigged to make more money for the house, and you really didn’t want to play into their scheme. yet, you didn’t have the heart to explain that to dice who seemed so eager. “um, i don’t think that’s a good idea. i don’t even know how to play-”
“it’s simple, i’ll teach you.” you internally groaned. just great. now you were wrapped up in his plan to make you guys stay longer at the parlor. you mentally cursed yourself for being so oblivious to it all, and now you had no choice but to play along. once again, you’d fallen into his trap. “you just gotta put some money in here, pull the lever, and aim for that place right there,” dice pointed out, nudging you into the seat as he simultaneously explained the rules. if this works out just as planned, dice could see himself leaving this place with a couple thousand yen in his pocket. gosh, he was getting excited just thinking about it. you, however, seemed a bit hesitant at first, so dice tried to massage and pat your shoulders, you know, for reassurance. it’s just a quick, simple game of pachinko, what could possibly go wrong?
“like this?” you asked, pushing down on the lever which sent a ball flying into one corner of the screen. with its landing, the machine lights started flashing (it was enough to induce a headache), and a rather good sum of metal balls came spilling out of the machine. 
“woah, you just won a couple thousand yen!!” dice practically screamed, which didn’t help when you had just been blinded by many colorful bands of light. he couldn’t contain his excitement and was quite literally visibly shaking from all the adrenaline that just flowed through his body. you just stared at the screen, dumbfounded at what had just happened. did you really just win? on your first try?? there was absolutely no way that was possible, right? a few of the other players stopped and quickly glanced at all the commotion, although that didn’t last long as they were soon back to staring at their own screens and attempting to earn some cash. “hey, hey, pull the lever again!”
“um, ok?” once more, you pulled the lever, and the lights started flashing once again as a few more metal balls came spilling out of the machine. 
“holy shit—talk about some beginner’s luck!! you just won a few ten thousand yen! gah, you must be so lucky y/n!!” dice didn’t even attempt to hide his shouting at this point, though you truly wished he’d stop shaking you, especially when the entire world was still spinning. honestly, you couldn’t quite comprehend what was happening right now. the blinding lights were nothing but a haze, and the loud machine noises introduced a sharp ringing in your ears. “press it again! you still have metal balls left.” you couldn’t quite remember the last time dice was this ecstatic; well, that time dice was practically starving and the look on his face when he saw the feast you had cooked for him did come close, but this one took the cake. 
“uhh, i think i’ve had enough excitement for today,” you groaned, holding your head which hadn’t stopped spinning from the first time the lights went off. this whole thing was a bit much with all the colors and loud noises and whatnot. how dice was able to keep up with this environment you didn’t know. honestly, you sorta respected him now. not just anyone could stomach this type of atmosphere.“why don’t you take over and complete it for me?” 
“don’t have to ask me twice, heh.” immediately after getting up, dice took your seat and began pressing the lever in no time at all, concentrating immensely on the tiny balls and aiming them at what you hypothesized to be the center for the jackpot. ball after ball kept landing on a few spots, which resulted in another couple thousand metal balls, though dice seemed to pay no mind to them and instead kept smacking the lever. now, this scene was stirring up quite a commotion, and you were pretty sure everyone’s eyes in the parlor were on you. there were even a few murmurs here and there from the employees which, needless to say, didn’t help your growing uneasiness. 
“what’s even going on?” you asked aloud, though you weren’t really expecting an answer, at least not from dice who seemed to be on a roll. his eyes were only on the pachinko machine now. damn, you wished dice looked at you the same way he looked at that machine at this instant. that was the largest grin you’d ever seen. and finally, at the very last ball, dice hit a jackpot. 
instantly, dice’s eyes widened, and a loud “YESS!!” echoed throughout the parlor. the lights and noises increased in intensity, and everyone now was practically circling around dice, pushing you out of the group and onto the floor. you were certainly much more flabbergasted than anything else at this moment. dice, your dice, finally won the jackpot? this certainly couldn’t be a dream. hell, that’d be some dream in the first place. the world never stopped spinning, and all of the voices and cheers and shouts were incoherent and merged together. what the hell would even happen from here on out? you never imagined dice winning the jackpot, and on the day you decided to attend of all times. 
“y/n, y/n!!” you heard dice shout, and in a flash, someone had grabbed your arm, hoisted you up from the ground, and the next thing you knew, you were snuggling into dice’s chest. “can you believe it? we won haha!” as much as you wanted to congratulate dice on his huge win, it was difficult to say anything. for one, you were way too nauseous, and the bright spots that clouded your vision, as well as the consistent annoying ringing in your ears, didn’t help. secondly, dice was clinging on to you way too tightly. you were pretty sure that he was cutting off your airway, but he seemed to not be aware of that. “damn! you really are my lucky charm.”
after that entire incident, dice had started calling you by a new nickname: his good luck charm. you weren’t even entirely sure why, assuming that everything that occurred back in the parlor was nothing more than a mere coincidence. it was just a coincidence that you were there, and it was just a coincidence that he had managed to hit the jackpot that same night too. to be honest, you didn’t really believe much in luck. sure, there was a few good luck or bad luck spells here and there, but you attributed that to nothing more than a series of coincidences. i mean, luck was such a complex subject when one pondered on it for far too long, and it just didn’t seem highly plausible that a person could have a series of good or bad things happening to them all at once. was that even statistically possible? well, if it was, there was no doubt that the chances were very slim.
as aforementioned, however, dice despised logic. it was just too boring, so he truly believed in luck. there really was a being such as lady luck that toyed with him and determined whether he’d win or lose. and that entire pachinko incident was his good luck finally making a comeback. perhaps you were even luck in disguise! i mean, he’d been in such a bad luck spell that he couldn’t even win on simple bets such as a coin toss (yes, he was that desperate), but when you were right by his side, all of a sudden, he was swimming in cash. there was only one plausible explanation for such a phenomenon, and to dice, it was luck. this entire situation was just so rivoting!
and today again, dice had managed to bet off and proceed to lose all of his winnings from that day. honestly, that was a rather huge accomplishment in and of itself. dice truly didn’t know the definition of self control. you sighed to yourself as you felt a massive headache coming on as you sat in your home, wondering to yourself where your boyfriend could possibly be at such a time. it was nearing ten at night, and although you’d naturally assume that he was at a casino betting away anything he had on hand, you hadn’t seen him all day. he hadn’t been answering his calls from you either, which you did find a bit odd and concerning since that was one of the things he always managed to do without fail. just where could he possibly be? 
as the saying goes, speak of the devil and he’ll appear. just as you were getting more and more concerned about the whereabouts of your boyfriend, your phone suddenly rung, and to your relief, the contact id was that of dice. relief immediately flooded you, although anger followed soon after. he’d disappeared for the entire day, with no urge to contact and inform you at all, yet he was finally calling now, when you were about to retire for the day? you really tried not to get angry, especially since you were much more worried than anything, but it was becoming increasingly difficult to contain your anger. 
that all dissipated, however, when you heard dice’s voice over the call. “y/n!!” for some odd reason, dice sounded relieved and also a bit terrified? well, that was new. dice never backed down from a challenge, and he always managed to face them head on with total confidence in himself, even if the chances of winning were slim. sure, he’s had his fair share of disappointment and lack of confidence in himself when it came to gambling, but he never sounded fearful. you quickly became much more concerned than beforehand.
“dice?? where are you? and why haven’t you been picking up?!”
“uh haha...you see, about that-” 
you really did love dice, you truly did. despite his obsessive gambling tendencies and airheadedness, dice had a heart of gold and stood up for what he deemed was right. he was quite admirable at times, really. but god, this incident made you believe otherwise. you knew that dice was quite foolish and spontaneous at times, especially when money was involved, but you couldn’t help but still be baffled when he explained that he was stuck in some sorta underground gambling ring (you had no idea how he even found out about all of these schemes) since he’d gambled all of his current earnings away. of course, you knew that dice would gamble away any spare penny he had on hand. that in and of itself wasn’t a new or surprising fact (though he always did manage to pay you back if he did win). but an underground gambling ring? really? you couldn’t help but question why he even chose to go to one instead of heading on over to the usual casino where practices were, at the very least, legal. it surely would’ve spared the two of you a headache. 
despite the fact that every single rational cell in your body was insisting that it was too dangerous to go to an illegal gambling scene, you threw all that logic out the window. sure you were quite a bit irritated with dice at the moment, but you knew that you had to go save him. he was still the man that you loved after all, even if he did make less than smart decisions at times. certainly you were one of his only chances he had to be saved, unless he did call upon his teammates, though you assumed that they were quite busy at the moment or asleep. 
“alright, where are you at?”
“gahh, you’re such a blessing y/n! thankyouthankyou-”
you could practically picture his enthusiasm over the phone once you heard how relieved he sounded. just imagining a grinning dice waiting for you made you smile. he was just too adorable. you couldn’t possibly stay mad at him for too long. god, you really were a lovesick fool. 
when you arrived at the scene, the first thing you couldn’t help but notice was just how musty and humid the entire atmosphere was, though it wasn’t that much different from your usual casino. the only difference was that this place was rather bleak and lifeless in comparison to the bright and migraine-inducing colorful and bright mess of the casino. plus, the people that surrounded this place were rather unsettling. you couldn’t pinpoint whether it was because of their malicious smiles or gruff appearance, but all you knew was that you couldn’t wait to get outta here as soon as possible. hell, if it weren’t for the fact that dice was located deep inside, your instincts would’ve kicked in, and you would’ve been sprinting to the other side by now. but alas, you had to suck it up and go inside, if only to get to see your man again. 
down the creaky and unsafe stairs you went (you were positive that they were going to cave in on you at any moment) and right past the dark hallway, you were finally able to see dice, laying on the ground in nothing but his underwear. you sighed once more, something you realized that you’ve been doing a lot of lately. of course dice had bet his clothes again. you weren’t even exactly sure why you had expected anything else. in front of him sat one large table filled to the brim with all sorts of cards and dice, and behind that were a group of rather large men that you assumed to be the ones who ran this entire operation. geez, you really couldn’t wait to get outta here. 
“y/nnn!!” dice called out a bit too loud as he motioned you to come forward before practically throwing himself on you. “gah, thank heavens you actually came!!” you were just as excited as him to finally see each other again and to see him safe and alive, but it wasn’t exactly the best place to have a heartwarming reunion, not with all of the other guys staring at the two of you embracing. things were just way too awkward, especially since these guys had basically won over all of dice’s savings and whatnot. 
“alright then, now that i’ve found you, let’s go back home,” you quickly muttered, taking dice’s hands in yours as you started on your way back. as much as you would’ve loved to stay and have a quick chat with the others or even attempt to win back dice’s clothes, every instinct in your body was telling you to run outta there while you had the chance. sure, it was a shame that dice had to lose his iconic coat and overworn clothes, but frankly, you thought that the value of both of your lives was much higher than some ripped pants. you’d be more than happy to go buy some new clothes for dice just as soon as the two of you were outta this underground room that gave you goosebumps. you weren’t exactly sure whether or not these guys posed a threat, but it was better to not take any chances. 
“uhh, about that…” 
oh no, it was those dreaded words again. of course there was some kinda setback. there was always a setback in these situations where a person was trying to go back to the comfort of their own home. you quickly snapped towards dice, only to be met with his sheepish smile, which only deepend once he saw the glare in your eyes. honestly, this entire situation was just getting more and more frustrating with each passing minute. all you desperately wanted was to get back home safe with dice in your arms, but of course, there were obstacles (there has to be some sorta plot to this entire story after all). geez, you felt another headache coming on.
“ya see, um, you gotta win your right to leave…” 
for a good few seconds, all you could do was stare dumbfoundly at the man you loved, trying to process what he had just said. surely this was all one big joke, right? “what?! then why did you even come here in the first place?!”
“i didn’t even know about the rules until after i had started! forgive me y/n!!” just as this story started, dice was now on his knees, this time begging for your mercy. gosh, he genuinely does seem sorry for putting the both of you through this entire situation. besides, you knew that he meant well. dice was just a bit naïve and airheaded at times, always getting caught up in the excitement of it all rather than to stop and think about what exactly was going on. it was one of the qualities that you loved oh so dearly about him. dice never really intended to put himself or you in harm’s way; rather, he was just chasing excitement and the adrenaline rush. gahh, you couldn’t stay mad at him for long. plus, the sight of him begging for your forgiveness and the sincerity in his voice broke you, and you even began to feel a bit guilty for him. god, you really did love this fool. 
“it’s alright,” you mumbled, helping dice up from the floor while patting him on the back for reassurance. you weren’t mad, at least not right now. you’d have plenty of time to air any grievances once the two of you were back home safe and sound, but right now, you had to focus on the problem at hand. dice, on the other hand, seemed rather relieved that you decided to help him. deep down, he knew that he was in for it the moment the two of you got back to your place, but of course, he was determined to make it up to you. dice really felt so blessed to have someone as kind and understanding as you as his lover. “soo, what do i have to do in order for us to go back home?” 
the next thing you knew, you sat in front of a roulette table with a couple of the ring leaders on either side of you as well as on at the head of the table. roulette was a game that you were quite familiar with, although that was only because you had seen dice play it a number of times at the casino. as for actual experience with it, well, you’d hardly played any games with it before. the rules did seem fairly simple, though the terminology was a bit difficult to get used to, and the odds didn’t seem to be making much sense in the back of your brain, which at the moment was overrun by adrenaline and fear. it was hard to even think straight, much less make proper decisions that’d ensure the safety of both you and dice. 
“alright, place your bets,” the dealer announced once he’d distributed all of the colored chips. soon enough, the people around you started placing their own chips on different tiled squares and even between them. all of this was foreign to you. i mean, what exactly was the difference between placing a chip at an intersection of four boxes, placing it in a large box, or placing it in one single box? you had no idea about the different types of strategies or the different types of bets, so you decided that your best bet was to go along with your gut. i mean, gambling was all about luck after all, right? it shouldn’t matter whether or not you decided to utilize a strategy since there was no possible way to accurately predict the route the metal ball would take. so, you decided to move all your chips to one square: three. 
“oo, a straight bet, how exciting!” dice commented, though you had absolutely no idea what that even meant. just like back at the pachinko parlor, the entire atmosphere was making you quite queasy, and it was quite difficult to pay attention to anything that was going on. taking notice of the rather puzzled look on your face, dice then proceeded to explain. “well, it means that you’re betting on just one number! it’s really difficult to win, but the payout is huge if you do!” ah yes, you should’ve known that it was quite the risky move if dice approved of it. geez, all you wanted to do was get outta here as soon as possible, but it seemed like it would take much longer than that if you kept making risky bets like this. 
before you could even change your mind about the placement of your bets, the ball was released, and you were quickly hypnotized by its spinning movement. it was another thing to add on to your nausea and quickly rising anxiety. before you could dwell on it too much, however, as luck would have it, the ball landed on three. 
“gahh, y/nn!! you really are my lucky charm!” dice once again shouted, embracing you in a rather tight squeeze. what just happened? was this all a replay of the pachinko parlor incident? surely this was nothing but a mere coincidence, right? luck didn’t exist, or at the very least, you didn’t have extraordinarily good luck. you couldn’t have. the rest of the table quickly turned their eyes to the two of you, glaring at you in particular for having won your first time through. 
“i’m sure it was all a coincidence,” you mumbled, trying to ease all of the tension in the room as well as get the others off your back. you weren’t exactly content on making anyone’s hitlist tonight, which didn’t work out the moment the dealer gave you your chips that you had won. wow, it was way more than what you had originally bet too. 
for the next game, you decided to once more place most of your chips on a single space, this time the zero one. you knew this time around that this was quite a risky move, especially since if it didn’t land there, then all of the money you had won would’ve been gone. so you decided that your best bet was to keep a small pile of chips and save them for later in case you did lose any. after all, you wanted to ensure that you were able to win back your escape for both you and dice. 
and since this is a fanfiction, the ball, once again, landed on your exact spot: zero. dice’s cheer this time was much louder, and the glares from the others were much more cutthroat and icy (you were absolutely sure that you were murdered over a hundred times over just by the intensity of those glares alone). well, that was some coincidence, huh. two times in a row. must be beginner’s luck, exactly like back at the pachinko parlor. yep, that’s all it was, beginner’s luck or just an even stranger coincidence. 
“see y/n? i told you that you were my good luck charm,” dice cheekily commented, massaging your shoulders as you got prepared for the next game. “if this keeps up, then we’ll win back everything i lost, and we’ll be outta here in no time!!” it was quite easy to tell that dice was way too ecstatic and high on adrenaline right now, with the way he was bouncing up and down and the fact that he didn’t seem like he could even sit still or contain his excitement. his unchecked enthusiasm really didn’t help ease your growing anxiety or pounding headache. in fact, it made it worse, because he had expectations for you. it would absolutely devastate him if you managed to lose everything in one sitting, and that would have a chain reaction and devastate you as well. gosh, you prayed that this entire situation ended soon and without anyone getting hurt. 
and just like that, your prayers were soon answered as you kept on hitting the jackpot again and again the next few rounds. dice wasn’t even attempting to hide his high right now, and the others also weren’t attempting to hide their aggression and resort to violence. there were even shouts that you had cheated, to which dice argued with them while you remained seated, rooted in both silence and fear. your anxiety and nausea were starting to take over, and it took everything in you to stop yourself from projectile vomiting onto the table and ruining the entire game. the others surely would’ve beat you and dice to a pulp if that happened. this entire chain of coincidences was becoming way too much. perhaps this was the luck dice had talked about. perhaps you truly were his good luck charm. well, you were quickly taken out of your thoughts by the dealer, who had confirmed that there was no possible way that you could’ve cheated given that he released the ball and it was all up to chance. 
it was on to the final round now, and with this round, you’d finally be able to go back home with dice with all the money he lost and then some. and courtesy of dice’s suggestion, you decided to bet your stacks and stacks of chips on just one square: twenty-seven. you knew that this was risky, hell, you knew that you’d most likely lose everything. but you couldn’t think straight right now. hell, you couldn’t even think at all! everything was becoming way too confusing, and similar to the time at the pachinko parlor, your world was spinning and you couldn’t differentiate between anything anymore. it had all become way too much, so dice had taken over for you. yes, it wasn’t the smartest decision, but you basically had no choice right now. 
and with that, the ball was released once more, and within a few seconds the results came out: twenty-seven. you couldn’t help but stare at disbelief as your boyfriend then hoisted you up and started chanting about how you were his luckiest charm, proceeding to then plant one giant sloppy kiss on your lips before going on to receive all of the prize money and his clothing. at this point, you had gotten used to the dirty glares the others have given you. quite frankly, you were just relieved to be outta there, which did happen as the moment dice got all of your winnings, you grabbed his hand and bolted out of that place, never wanting to see that place again. that in and of itself was an adventure of a lifetime, and you weren’t sure if you could take anymore excitement for at least a good few years, all thanks to your adventurous and carefree boyfriend. 
the walk back home through the crisp night air was quiet on your part, though dice couldn’t stop going on and on about how you won big and saved his ass, reiterating that you were his lucky charm, luckier than any dumb ol’ dice he had used beforehand. while dice went on his whole spiel about just how exciting all of that was, you were deep in thought about the events that had just went down. there was no way that this series of events was nothing but a coincidence. coincidences don’t just happen back to back! at least, the odds of that were slim to none. guess the only reasonable explanation was just as dice said, you were lucky. but you were quite skeptical about luck! luck was unreasonable, luck wasn’t logical. luck was just that, it was luck. how could you place your hopes on something as strange as that? but how could you possibly dismiss everything that happened both tonight and back at the parlor? no matter how skeptical you were, the proof was right there! geez, now your head hurt too much from thinking about it. sighing, you stared at your boyfriend who was nonchalantly talking about how you were so cool back there, smiling as you intertwined your hands with his and embraced his warmth. you were just happy that he came back safe and sound. you were, after all, his good luck charm, and he was yours too.
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