#apologies for the excessive exclamation points
p-taryn-dactyl · 1 year
guys guys guys!!! I need your help deciding which book/novel idea to continue writing!!! I'll give either a synopsis or excerpt of each one and then there'll be a poll!! I would love to complete my childhood dream of writing a book and this would help me so much!! (it's kinda long tho so I apologize)
!!ALL WRITING AND IDEAS BELOW ARE MINE!! Please do not steal or post to other platforms!
idea #1: The Confessor
(this will contain 'spoilers' for the book/I took out the killers name tho)
Main Character: Eliza Clarke
Bad Guy/Killer: “I am The Confessor”
Main plot:
“The Confessor” is hired by many of societies elite (ie. billionaires, high profile lawyers, surgeons, CEOs of giant companies) to take care of their problems [a pregnant mistress, a source who holds information they would rather not be shared, an older brother with ties to the inheritance, etc.] 
One by one, methodically, a person on The Confessor's list goes missing, until their bodies are found either in their house, a church yard, or a pool
he uses torture/killing techniques used during the 1500-1700 Witch Trials to kill the suspects
With each body found, there is a note written in old English “I am The Confessor”
No evidence is found at the places where the bodies reappeared, as they were moved, and no evidence can be found on the bodies as their skin/nails/hair have been cleaned with high acting soap that can be found at any grocery store, plus they are found with the last outfit they were seen in, washed/sterilized with a rip down their backs (indicating their bodies were searched for the “mark of the devil”
The Confessor stops his killings as the last of his list dwindles down but after a year of these murders being cold cases, he starts up again: this time, on an actual hunt for those who deal with the devil
For the year of the cases being cold, a junior in college, Eliza Clarke who’s major is history and her hobby is “investigative” journalism (She reads case files and reacts to them), follows the case and any updates
One night, while her friends are partying, she has the files spread out on her floor (her older step brother takes photos for the police and once a case goes cold he has permission to release pictures to private investigators) and figures out how similar the murders are to renaissance witch trials (1500-1700)
(I have more notes on this but I don't want to give too much away)
idea #2: 'unnamed book'
Everyone speaks of that moment before death where your life flashes before your eyes. Some say you’ll relive every memory with such clarity that you truly do not know if you’re alive or in the feeble moment before the end. Others say it’s a split second, where you watch from a third person perspective, your memories a movie.  Both are wrong. The moment before you die, there is no flash of memories, no reliving every moment. Only silence as your body realizes it’s coming to an end. But then comes the panic. Your mind starts to go into overdrive, thinking this can’t be the end. Yes, you do remember a few key moments of your life, fueling your will to survive. You call out, begging for a second chance, begging to have more time.  Normally, the pleas fall on deaf ears, their last breaths passing through their lips, their body going still.  But sometimes, someone hears the pleas of the fallen.  And answers. 
if you're still here, thank you!! please vote on the poll!!
(note: even if one wins way more than another, I will probably write it someday and this is not an invitation to steal ideas 😁)
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witchy-scribblings · 1 year
imagine matching with rengoku kyojuro on tinder...
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❀ tinder date kyojuro who has a long ass bio, written in all caps and with an excessive amount of exclamation marks and fire emojis, but his introduction is so sweet and endearingly to the point that you ignore the possibility of him being another weirdo.
❀ tinder date kyojuro who has only uploaded three pictures of himself: a selfie featuring the most intense eyes and radiant smile you've ever seen, a shot of a table covered in various delicious-looking dishes and a full body shot of him right after a training session, displaying a very sculpted and very sweaty upper body.
❀ tinder date kyojuro whose friend, uzui, was the actual mastermind behind the idea of introducing him to online dating (and who is to blame for the addition of that third picture everyone say thank you tengen).
❀ tinder date kyojuro who isn't partial to the idea of matching for a hook-up because that's far from his style.
❀ tinder date kyojuro who feels so pulled in by your profile when it appears that he doesn't even swipe right, he superlikes instead.
❀ tinder date kyojuro who forces himself not to stare at your swimsuit pictures because he thinks it's disrespectful, but at the same time can't stop admiring how pretty your face and smile are.
❀ tinder date kyojuro who feels so ridiculously giddy when he matches with you (even more if you had already swiped right on him before he superliked you) that he messages you immediately.
❀ tinder date kyojuro who couldn't come up with a pick-up line to save his life, so he just started with a very simple, very straightforward "HI! I'M KYOJURO! I THINK YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL!! 🔥🔥😃"
❀ tinder date kyojuro who is admittedly bad at replying because he's generally very disconnected from his phone, but when he does answer he can engage in hours-long conversations if nothing else demands his immediate attention and, of course, if you're up for them.
❀ tinder date kyojuro who respectfully ends chats with other matches the moment he becomes hopeful and optimistic about the direction of his conversations with you, because he would never, ever ghost other people if he stopped being interested.
❀ tinder date kyojuro who has actually taken notes of the hints you drop from time to time, like preferred date types and spots, hobbies, your favorite flowers, what kind of drink you order at coffee shops...
❀ tinder date kyojuro who doesn't rush meeting you in real life because he's genuinely content just chatting with you and learning more about you, but is unmistakably excited when you decide to exchange phone numbers.
❀ tinder date kyojuro who is smitten with the first voice note you send him, especially because it was of you wheezing at some funny inside joke he had referenced, and he had thought you had the most stunning kettle laugh ever (he lets you know that).
❀ tinder date kyojuro who physically fist bumps the air when the topic of your actual first date together comes up, and he can't help gushing to uzui about every detail he arranges with you. "a picnic, tengen! isn't it just the most wonderful idea for a first date?"
❀ tinder date kyojuro who turns up at the park only a few minutes later than you, apologizing for making you wait with a lovely bouquet of your favorite flowers.
❀ tinder date kyojuro who is absolutely delighted (and, flankly, a little blown away) that you had prepared some homemade food for the picnic (some of which he remembers having mentioned he likes).
❀ tinder date kyojuro who hasn't even held hands with you yet, but thinks he could marry you on the spot after the first bite of your cooking; he's the literal embodiment of the saying "the easiest way to a man's heart is through his stomach" (and yes, of course he goes "UMAI").
❀ tinder date kyojuro who loses track of time when he's with you, and visibly deflates like a scolded puppy when it gets dark because it means it's time to say goodbye. it helps, just a little, that you ask him to walk you home, and he complies without hesitation.
❀ tinder date kyojuro, whose disappointment at having to part ways with you is easily fixed when you confess that you'd love to see him again as soon as possible, and he has to actively fight the urge to squeeze the life out of you right there by your doorstep.
❀ tinder date kyojuro who deletes his tinder account as soon as he gets home because he knows it in his bones that there's no need for further searching.
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Ok, 2 thoughts 
1) I have this idea that Eri eventually becomes a hero called “Back Up!” (Yes, the exclamation point is included). It’s both a reference to her Quirk, and the fact she’s a “back up” hero, or serves as back up in most situations. She’s trained enough to use “Rewind” that she can use it safely, and she works as a doctor/field medic/“healing” hero. Like, they only call her in for serious shit, but she can reverse just about any injury beyond straight up death. She also can use Rewind to sort of “pause” a person, keep them in stasis, until other medical help arrives, but this isn’t, like, great for anyone when she does that, herself included, and it’s honestly easier and safer to just rewind a person so they never were hurt in the first place. She only uses the “pause” option for if there’s some weird interaction that Rewind might not effect, or if using Rewind would actually be detrimental (I headcanon that sometimes, using Rewind can be a shock to the system, so depending on the injury, it’s actually better to just “pause” the person and wait for medical help to arrive).
2) K, so, Hirokazu spends his first few months at U.A. flipping between charismatic and jackass “I’m better than everyone else”. He seems to have SPECIFIC BEEF with Nijiko, which is frustrating for all, Because Nijiko sees him as someone to admire and emulate (other kid with a bird Quirk, also has controllable feathers, but seems so much better at it than her, could he give her some tips?? He’s so cool?). The various kids complain to various parents, Katsuki is getting horrible flashbacks to her own childhood and teen years. Sports Fest happens, Nijiko and Hirokazu fight … and hoo boy. It is BRUTAL. Both Hirokazu and Nijiko end up knocked out of the tournament entirely - Nijiko due to injury, Hirokazu TECHNICALLY for the same reason. Like, that’s what they tell the public. In reality, Hirokazu was the big instigator for the fight, so the school is coming down on him for Excessive Force, and threatening to ban him from the internships. But Katsuki decides “No, I got this”, and puts in to have Hirokazu do his internship with her. School agrees, so now Dynamight has a week to try and beat some sense into Hothead.
(No idea who actually wins the Sports Fest? Either rando, not related to the Chaos Class, or possible Akiko, who just went Kirby on everyone and spat them out of the ring.)
So, Kats is dealing with Hirokazu Kazanawa, Hero Name: Notus, the Southern Wind, and internally apologizing to all her teachers because GOD, was she this self-absorbed? Like, Hirokazu spends half his internship complaining about Nijiko getting to intern with Hawks, when HE should have been, he’s CLEARLY better than her. Katsuki is kind of ripping her hair out, but LM is doing her internship with Deku (multiple Quirk use practice) so she helps out a bit. Anyway, eventually Katsuki does start to chip away at his exterior a bit. They even start getting a decent heart-to-heart going, about blame, and insecurity. In fact, it’s going really well, until Hirokazu realizes Katsuki is comparing him and Nijiko, to her and Deku, and without even thinking, goes “Do NOT compare my sister and I, with you and your husband, that’s disgusting.”
Katsuki: “Ok, fine, I what the fuck do you mean ‘sister’!?”
Hirokazu: *shit, fuck, I fucked up*
Hirokazu clams up, but Katsuki is determined, and eventually Hirokazu blurts out that’s just what his mom told him. So, Katsuki contacts Akamei, like “Hey, your son said some shit, can you confirm what the FUCK he’s talking about??” And Akamei decides she can USE this. So, she spins a bit of a story, that her “partner” cheated on her with someone, resulting in Nijiko. That he ran off with his mistress, leaving her and Hirokazu behind. She only saw Nijiko once, but it was enough to recognize her when the news about her adoption went public. She has no idea what happened to her partner, or the mistress. She also used to be very bitter about Nijiko’s existence, but now she’s wondering if maybe Nijiko and Hirokazu should connect? They are FAMILY, after all.
Someone decides to do a DNA test, to confirm that Nijiko and Hirokazu are related. And yep, they are. DNA test also confirms who the dad is, so now the whole squad is concerned, and wondering WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!?
AHAHAHHAHAHAHA BEAUTIFUL And yes to everything on Eri!
No but yeah I’m I’m I’m-
I’m imagining that their DNA test to check out the story they just use what they have on hand to do it quickly, which while it runs Nijiko and Hirokazu’s DNA against each other, it also runs the DNA against logged samples in the system.
And there’s Hero DNA in the system, partly because the Commission are control freaks and partly so it’s easier to sort out crime scenes in the aftermath of a hero v villain fight.
Then yeah the test dings on a match to Hawks’ DNA which has everyone like ???????????. Then a follow up of ‘okay looking at the kids and their Quirks that makes sense but how the FUCK-”.
Because they know that Hawks isn’t going to cheat on his husband ofc. And even if they were going to do something threesome-ish then it’d be someone they knew and therefore they’d know about the kids. But clearly they don’t!
They also def know something’s Up™ because obvs that doesn’t match Akamei’s story of her partner running off.
They’d talk and then mention Akamei being involved and that’d click for Hawks because he remembers her and what kind of person she was/what her job was and he’s like “Bad news, I just remembered that the Commission had some DNA samples that could’ve been used to make them. Worse news: I don’t think it was just a case of wanting a surrogate father.”
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endlessthedestiny · 1 year
for a long time now ive been thinking about the HS typing quirks and what would the quirks be for sandman characters, so im making this long ass post just to eliminate this from my system
disclaimer: english is not my first language (classic) and if you disagree or have a different headcanon pls share i want to hear (if some may seem ooc my deepest apologies)
Writes in italic.
Bold for emphasis. can also *rarely* use asterisks.
No emoticons, but probably used "*-*" in some conversation with Death.
Normal capitalization and punctuation. If mistype, corrects expressively (ex. "I meant afternoon, sorry.)
If comfortable, uses keyboard smash (ex. "Ahshsnsbj") to laugh.
Doesn't capitalize the beginning of the phrase or utilizes final dot unless she wants to be taken seriously.
Sometimes use the emoticons ":)", ":(", "^_^" only with those she is intimate/trusts. Uses frequently with Delirium.
Emphasis is CAPITALIZED.
When mistypes corrects with *asterisk.
Avoids sending a wall of texts, preferring send small texts to form a big text.
Not severe with capitalization or punctuation. only cares and uses it perfect if wants to be taken seriously.
If sending a big message (+3 lines) ends with a "~ <3", otherwise, only uses "~".
Syllables repetition only to annooooy, with ellipsis at the end. . .
Only emoticon used is ";)"
For emphasis, utilizes *asterisk*.
Also corrects mistypes with *asterisk, and sometimes adds a "oops" or similar at the end.
Capitalization In Every Word, but the punctuation is perfect.
Bold for the emphasis.
Uses ellipsis in the end of most phrases. . .
Also only send ellipsis if doesn't want to answer.
Rarely mistypes, but if do, doesn't correct.
Again, italic.
Capitalization and punctuation perfect.
Doesn't mistype, and corrects the others faster than the person themselves.
Bold for emphasis.
But when angry and wants to be taken more seriously, uses exclamation marks at the end!
Sends empty messages if doesn't want to answer.
Answers in a unbelievable speed. Sometimes send multiple responses almost at once.
If wants to laugh (which RARELY occurs) sends "Ha, ha, haha."
ALL CAPS. Inconsistent punctuation.
Double square brackets to [[EMPHASIS]].
Laughs with "OHOHOHO" and similar.
Sometimes uses ":DDD" by influence of Delirium.
When mistypes, very rarely corrects, and corrects expressively (ex. "I MEANT TOMORROW").
wRiTES cApITaLiZiNg RAndOmly. punctuation.. it's complicated. she knows how to use question marks that's much I guess
She starts every phrase (when she remembers) with "@ - - >"
For emphasis, she alternates between ****ASTERISKS****, (((TRIPLE PARENTHESIS))), bold and FULL CAPS.
When more controlled, she capitalizes less (ex. "iTs Me."). But the more she is angry or ansious, the harder becomes to understand what she's saying (she replaces some letters with random symbols, keyboard smashes mid phrase etc).
She uses every type of emoticon possible. But her favorites apparently are ":D" and "@__@". Kaomojis are rarely used.
Sometimes Barnabas translates what she's saying. (Ex. Del: "@ - - > iM sOOOoOooy hApPPY!!!! ajahshshhshd". Barbanas: "She said I'm so happy.")
Laughs with keyboard smash, the longer the funnier.
When she mistypes, she doesn't correct. Also dislikes when someone excessively corrects her.
okay now some extras, I didn't think much about them so yea
When he mistypes, he corrects himself as fast as he can. But Destiny always corrects his mistypes first and faster which pisses him off. But Lucifer also corrects the people when they mistype to annoy or simply to correct.
Sometimes simply answers "A" or "K".
Also laughs with "Hah". Already laughed with ))) at some point.
He uses ";)" and "B)".
Begins the phrases with < less than and finishes with greater than >
When sending a long text, finishes with "~ H."
The one who said that Morpheus is the "*-*" emoticon, and insists in using it with him.
okay im tired, if anything I will edit this post or simply reblog with additions. also now im feeling guilty of tagging cori and hob but whatever
thank you if you read allat
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voirs-fortunes · 4 months
So, did it work?
It did.
Apologies for the delay in my response. I found it necessary to recover from the excessive number of exclamation points I used so I can ensure it never happens again.
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okay let's be boring and go with ace as a name bc that's my nickname irl bc I'm a massive gilmore girls fan (team logan btw iykyk)!!
I really want to attempt writing fics but I'm wayyyy to nervous! I was okay at English in school and I always send obnoxiously long asks into blogs on here with my ideas based on their fics (sorry fellow tumblr.com authors you all get forced to see my writing) but I have nightmares of writing and putting it on here only to be bullied off the platform ahahahahah
jealous of the sun bathing in England rn its been pissing it down raining all dayyyyy, we only get like 1 week of sun a year and the rest of the time its very stereotypically rainy !! my day was shit but always better after taking to you bff!
also please excuse my excessive use of exclamation marks idk why but to me a full stop feels mean and I also use ellipsis way too much but I, like you, am the drama so I love to build unnecessary tension...
I've actually always wanted jury duty but I've never been called for it, I know it's meant to be so boring but I want to live my jury duty delusion of being a hot juror! a torrid jury love affair? hello I'd read that fic
spring break always sounded so fun to me as a sad English child!! we just call it Easter holidays and be boring and religious but when I hear spring break I imagine drunk people on a beach in florida yk?
my current obsessions for blogs are;
-lottiecrabie (pfms has me in a chokehold)
-toomuchracket (living in the flatmate! matty delusion rn)
-byyourside28 (loving the soft sound series as a person obsessed with getting tattoos)
-justlikemebutsixfootthree (literally all their smut is god tier)
-bookishstrawberry (fluffy and gizmo series has my heart)
-imightgetbetter (the whole love it if we made it series has me wanting children but only fictional ones with matty... the delusion creation is STRONG)
and OF COURSE the no 1 blog on tumblr is the beautiful, amazing and unmatched... shinycollorboneapologist
omg yes to only letting matty into our cottage to sing, we will bring him out tea and cigarettes but otherwise no rats allowed sorry ratthew!! taylor however gets the master suite with a 4 poster bed and unlimited pampering!! same with Ross, George and Adam bc only ratty needs humbling (I really do love you tho Matthew give me one chance I'll be your controversially young gf)
ily bff!!!
-ace (my new name rip illicit affairs anon you will be missed)
ps. apologies for the ridiculously long ask I literally am so obnoxious
..... i love gilmore girls. lets chat abt that.
okay that is very ... warranted. i also was super nervous and tbh ... style was probably never going to be posted but i was a bit inebriated after my birthday and just posted it without looking back. look at us now!!! so for that, i say you should 110% just take the leap. i will be your #1 fan actually.
i will send the sunshine and good vibes your way. i usually like the rain a lot, but i can imagine it gets a bit tiring if its like that all year long. im glad you had a good day!!!!
i love your use of exclamation points okay. there i said it. it just makes everything you say feel so excited and happy and i love it. the ellipses ...... love that for us. ofc you are the drama, you're the main character hello.
that is how i want my spring break to be, but alas i am working and writing my silly little stories for tumblr.com. SGLJFDLG easter holiday just sounds so cute though?
okay can we talk about pfms.... because that. that fic is my hyper fixation atm. like i just … it’s everything to me.
also all of those blogs i follow and love more than life itself. most of them axtually inspired me to write myself which is like 🫂 i use all of them as my silly little delusional daydreams (esp toomuchrackets flatmate!matty, the things i would do for that man and justlikemebutsixfootthree’s recent smut… jeez)
please you are too kind. idk abt no 1 blog BUT… i’ll take it okay.
maybe some cheese too, since he is a rat. taylor gets the master suite with us, we’ll bake her little cookies and biscuits and give her the best pampering treatment of her life. (also pls let’s not conjure matty to my blog … that would be so embarrassing to me i think i would keel over and die) (i also will fight u for the spot of matty’s controversially young gf)
ilysm and i hope u have a great day
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viral-web · 2 years
[ad_1] The email has become an integral part of workplace communication, and mastering email etiquette can be the difference between success and failure in a professional setting. In this article, we’ll explore a few tips to help you communicate effectively at work through emails. From being mindful of tone and word choice to following proper formatting protocol, these tips will help you stay ahead of the game and ensure your emails are always well-received. An email has become the primary form of communication in many workplaces. While it is a quick and easy way to communicate, it is also important to remember that email is a formal mode of communication. Just as you dress professionally and use polite language when speaking to clients or customers, you should also take care of your email communications. Here are some tips for maintaining professional email etiquette: Use a professional-sounding email address: If you have an unprofessional-sounding email address, create a new one for business communications. This will help ensure that your messages are taken seriously.Use a clear and concise subject line: The subject line should indicate the message’s content. This will help the recipient know what the email is about and whether or not they need to read it immediately.Keep your messages brief and to the point: No one wants to read a long, rambling email message. Get straight to the point so your message can be read and understood quickly.Use proper grammar and spelling: This may seem like a no-brainer, but you would be surprised how often people make simple grammar and spelling mistakes in their emails. Take care to proofread your messages before hitting send!Avoid using all caps or excessive exclamation points: Using all caps in an email is the equivalent of shouting, which comes across as rude and aggressive. Excessive exclamation points have a1. Write Concise and Clear Subject Lines When it comes to email, first impressions matter; the subject line of your email is the first thing your recipient will see, so it’s important to make sure that it’s concise and clear. A good subject line will let the recipient know what the email is about and why they should care. On the other hand, a bad subject line can be confusing or off-putting and may cause the email to be ignored altogether. Here are a few tips for writing effective subject lines: Keep it short and sweetBe clear and specificAvoid using jargon or technical termsUse actionable languageMake sure it accurately reflects the content of the email2. Come Up With an Appropriate Tone for the Conversation Regarding professional email etiquette, one of the most important things to keep in mind is to come up with an appropriate tone for the conversation. Depending on the situation, you may want to use a formal or informal tone. If you’re unsure which tone to use, err on caution and go with a more formal tone.  Stick to using proper grammar and complete sentences. Generally, it’s best to avoid using slang or abbreviations in professional emails. This can make you appear unprofessional and can be confusing for the recipient.   If you need to apologize for something: Do so clearly and concisely.Avoid making excuses or sounding defensive.Simply state what happened and why it was wrong.For example, “I’m sorry for sending the report late. I didn’t realize how long it would take to put together.”  End your email with a courteous sign-off such as “Sincerely” or “Thank you for your time.” 3. Use Appropriate Language and Grammatical Structures When writing professional emails, it is important to use language and grammatical structures appropriate for the workplace. Here are some tips to help you communicate effectively at work: Use formal language. Avoid using slang or jargon that everyone on your team might not understand.
Make sure your grammar and spelling are correct. Nothing says unprofessional, like a mistake in your email!Use short, concise sentences. No one wants to read a long, rambling email. Get to the point quickly and efficiently.Be clear and concise in your communication. Ambiguity can lead to miscommunication and misunderstanding, so make sure your meaning is clear.4. Avoid Attachments When Possible When it comes to email attachments, it is best to avoid them when possible. This is because attachments can often be large and take up a lot of space, slowing down the recipient’s computer. Additionally, attachments can sometimes be blocked by corporate email servers. If you need to send an attachment, make sure it is small and compressed. 5. Proofread Your Message Before Sending Before you hit send, proofread your email for typos or grammatical errors. This will help ensure that your message is clear and professional. It’s also a good idea to read your email out loud before sending it to make sure it sounds natural and error-free. If you spot any awkward phrasing, revise the email until it flows smoothly. 6. Don’t Forget To Include a Signature When sending a professional email, don’t forget to include a signature at the end. This standard practice shows you’re taking the time to be professional and courteous. It’s also a good way to ensure your contact information is readily available in case the recipient needs to contact you. Conclusion Professional email etiquette is an important skill to master in the workplace. As long as you take the time to craft thoughtful emails that properly address all of the relevant points, you should have no problem conveying precisely what needs to be said without any miscommunication or confusion. By following these seven tips, you will be able to communicate more effectively with your coworkers and colleagues and ensure that your emails are clear, concise, and professional. For more tech related updates, visit www.onpassive.com [ad_2] onpassive.com
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hostcheaper · 2 years
[ad_1] The email has become an integral part of workplace communication, and mastering email etiquette can be the difference between success and failure in a professional setting. In this article, we’ll explore a few tips to help you communicate effectively at work through emails. From being mindful of tone and word choice to following proper formatting protocol, these tips will help you stay ahead of the game and ensure your emails are always well-received. An email has become the primary form of communication in many workplaces. While it is a quick and easy way to communicate, it is also important to remember that email is a formal mode of communication. Just as you dress professionally and use polite language when speaking to clients or customers, you should also take care of your email communications. Here are some tips for maintaining professional email etiquette: Use a professional-sounding email address: If you have an unprofessional-sounding email address, create a new one for business communications. This will help ensure that your messages are taken seriously.Use a clear and concise subject line: The subject line should indicate the message’s content. This will help the recipient know what the email is about and whether or not they need to read it immediately.Keep your messages brief and to the point: No one wants to read a long, rambling email message. Get straight to the point so your message can be read and understood quickly.Use proper grammar and spelling: This may seem like a no-brainer, but you would be surprised how often people make simple grammar and spelling mistakes in their emails. Take care to proofread your messages before hitting send!Avoid using all caps or excessive exclamation points: Using all caps in an email is the equivalent of shouting, which comes across as rude and aggressive. Excessive exclamation points have a1. Write Concise and Clear Subject Lines When it comes to email, first impressions matter; the subject line of your email is the first thing your recipient will see, so it’s important to make sure that it’s concise and clear. A good subject line will let the recipient know what the email is about and why they should care. On the other hand, a bad subject line can be confusing or off-putting and may cause the email to be ignored altogether. Here are a few tips for writing effective subject lines: Keep it short and sweetBe clear and specificAvoid using jargon or technical termsUse actionable languageMake sure it accurately reflects the content of the email2. Come Up With an Appropriate Tone for the Conversation Regarding professional email etiquette, one of the most important things to keep in mind is to come up with an appropriate tone for the conversation. Depending on the situation, you may want to use a formal or informal tone. If you’re unsure which tone to use, err on caution and go with a more formal tone.  Stick to using proper grammar and complete sentences. Generally, it’s best to avoid using slang or abbreviations in professional emails. This can make you appear unprofessional and can be confusing for the recipient.   If you need to apologize for something: Do so clearly and concisely.Avoid making excuses or sounding defensive.Simply state what happened and why it was wrong.For example, “I’m sorry for sending the report late. I didn’t realize how long it would take to put together.”  End your email with a courteous sign-off such as “Sincerely” or “Thank you for your time.” 3. Use Appropriate Language and Grammatical Structures When writing professional emails, it is important to use language and grammatical structures appropriate for the workplace. Here are some tips to help you communicate effectively at work: Use formal language. Avoid using slang or jargon that everyone on your team might not understand.
Make sure your grammar and spelling are correct. Nothing says unprofessional, like a mistake in your email!Use short, concise sentences. No one wants to read a long, rambling email. Get to the point quickly and efficiently.Be clear and concise in your communication. Ambiguity can lead to miscommunication and misunderstanding, so make sure your meaning is clear.4. Avoid Attachments When Possible When it comes to email attachments, it is best to avoid them when possible. This is because attachments can often be large and take up a lot of space, slowing down the recipient’s computer. Additionally, attachments can sometimes be blocked by corporate email servers. If you need to send an attachment, make sure it is small and compressed. 5. Proofread Your Message Before Sending Before you hit send, proofread your email for typos or grammatical errors. This will help ensure that your message is clear and professional. It’s also a good idea to read your email out loud before sending it to make sure it sounds natural and error-free. If you spot any awkward phrasing, revise the email until it flows smoothly. 6. Don’t Forget To Include a Signature When sending a professional email, don’t forget to include a signature at the end. This standard practice shows you’re taking the time to be professional and courteous. It’s also a good way to ensure your contact information is readily available in case the recipient needs to contact you. Conclusion Professional email etiquette is an important skill to master in the workplace. As long as you take the time to craft thoughtful emails that properly address all of the relevant points, you should have no problem conveying precisely what needs to be said without any miscommunication or confusion. By following these seven tips, you will be able to communicate more effectively with your coworkers and colleagues and ensure that your emails are clear, concise, and professional. For more tech related updates, visit www.onpassive.com [ad_2] onpassive.com
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chilligyu · 3 years
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info: lee seokmin/reader, general audiences, idol/established relationship au genre: fluff | word ct: 1k warnings: none summary: after touring for months, all seokmin wanted was to be home with the one person that gave the word meaning.
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“All flights departing for South Korea have been delayed, we apologize for the inconvenience. Have a good day.”
Staring up at the departure log, Seokmin can slowly feel his lifeforce drain from his body. It’s been weeks, almost months, since he was home. It’s been weeks since he felt his own bed beneath him, weeks since he showered in his own bathroom, weeks since he’s been back in the city that holds his heart. For the longest time he lived for international concerts, he loved performing for people who despite not knowing his language, were singing along to every word. He used to get such a rush from being on stage.
But now, he hates them.
“Dokyeom, I’m sure the delay won’t last long.” Seungkwan says in an attempt to stay optimistic, a reassuring hand on his back.
“I’m about ready to walk back to Korea…” Seokmin mumbles underneath his breath.
The rest of the group is completely aware of how their happy virus has been feeling for the past few days. If it had been a short tour, he’d be fine. But he’s been itching to get back since the moment they left. He tried to be his usual sunshine self for the others, they just know him too well to be fooled by the act.
Throwing his bag into a random seat, he plops down and pulls out his headphones, signalling the others to leave him alone for the time being. Unlocking his phone a sad smile creases his lips.
17:09 LOML: text me before you get on the plane!! 17:09 LOML: I miss you lots!! 17:09 LOML: woojoo misses you too!! 17:09 LOML: 🐶 17:09 LOML: can’t wait to see you tonight!!
Chuckling at his girlfriend’s excessive use of exclamation points, and her excessive cuteness, he dials her number and puts his phone to his ear. One ring, two—
“DK!” She practically beams, clearly not expecting a call.
“Hey babe,” He starts, his entire presence softening at the sound of her voice, “how is everything at home?”
“Good, good!” She exclaims. “It’ll be better once you’re back, though. It’s lonely here without you and the boys. But mostly you.”
Seokmin shakes his head and sighs. “I know, and that’s partially why I called you.”
“Why does that—oh no.” She mutters in realization. “How much longer?”
“I don’t know.” He admits honestly, pinching the bridge of his nose. “All flights to Korea are delayed. There’s nothing I can do.”
Clearly just as unhappy as he is, she whines at the news. “Will this is what I get for dating a rockstar. Busy, busy, busy.”
“I know, baby, I’m sorry—"
“It’s not your fault, DK.” She reassures him. “I don’t mind you coming home late, so long as you come home healthy.”
“I don’t deserve you.” He admits with a smile.
“Wrong.” She states plainly. “You deserve the best. And I’m definitely the best girlfriend. Wanna know why?”
He decides to play along. “Why?”
“I bought us matching sweaters!” She exclaims, proud as can be.
Seokmin couldn’t help it as a sincere laugh bubbled past his lips. “I can’t wait to try it on.”
“The boys are going to be so jealous.” She practically cackles.
“They better be.” He snickers just as he catches her yawning from the other end. “Baby, it’s late. Get some rest.”
Still yawning, he can hear her whining again. “But I don’t want to go…”
“Neither do I, but you need to stay healthy too.” He says. “What if you get sick before I come back? You don’t want me to worry, do you?”
“Mmm… no…” She admits, obviously tired. “Okay, if you insist. I’ll see you tomorrow, right?”
“Definitely.” He states. “Even if I have to swim back.”
“Oh DK.” She giggles. “Don’t do that.”
“I won’t.”
“Okay. Goodnight, DK, I love you, come back soon!”
“I will. I love you too.”
The delay lasted for four hours. Four. Whole. Hours. And to Seokmin it felt like an eternity and then some. When he finally got off the plane, it was five in the morning, everyone was exhausted and ready to go to bed. And instead of hopping in the van back to the dorms, a mere 15 minutes away, he got a cab and went straight to his apartment. Despite the manager's attempts to talk him out of it. By the time he pulled onto his street, the sun was just starting to rise. Getting out of the cab, his suitcase dragging behind him, he inhaled as deeply as he could.
Finally, finally, he’s home.
Leaving his luggage inside the front door and kicking off his shoes, Seokmin quietly ascends the stairs. Coming to the main level, a familiar scent of citrus soothed his senses, he’s missed all this. As carefully as he could manage, he starts to tiptoe over to the bedroom. Getting closer, he can already hear the charming snores of his favorite puppy and his beloved girlfriend.
With Woojoo at her feet, she’s got the comforter all wrapped up in her arms all while she’s curled up into a little ball. She looks absolutely adorable. Woojoo wakes up first, blinking, yawning, and shaking his head. It takes every ounce of strength that Seokmin possesses not to coo over the cuteness.
“Morning Woojoo.” He whispers, scratching him behind the ears. “Thank you for keeping mama safe.”
Letting out a small yip of happiness, Woojoo starts licking Seokmin’s hand before jumping down and trotting over to his water bowl.
“Dammit, Joo!” Seokmin hisses quietly through his teeth. “Don’t wake her up!”
“Hmm…” She stirs suddenly, causing Seokmin’s heart to stop beating.
He realizes it’s a false alarm as she rolls over and releases the comforter. Sighing in relief, he starts pulling off his clothes so he can change into something more comfortable. Careful not to wake her, he stealthily pulls a pillow from the bed and starts tiptoeing back out into the living room. Unfortunately for him, he’s not that stealthy.
“Seokmin?” A sleepy voice asks, rubbing her eyes.
Shoot. He curses silently. “Go back to sleep, baby, it’s still early.”
“Okay…” She mumbles, laying back down.
Once her head hit the pillow, Seokmin tries to leave again.
“Wait, where are you going?” She protests, lifting herself onto her elbows.
“I didn’t want to wake you, I was going to sleep on the couch.” He admits quietly.
Her cheeks puff out as she pouts. “Well, I’m awake now.”
Sitting up, she extends her arms towards him. Which Seokmin has learned over the years to mean “come hold me”, and what kind of boyfriend is he if he denies her? Chuckling, he puts the pillow back and leans down to kiss his beloved, something he’s been dying to do for weeks. As she hums happily, he climbs into bed beside her, lifting the comforter over both of them before wrapping his arms around her.
Feeling her body against him for the first time in a long while, Seokmin unconsciously nuzzles into her neck, inhaling the familiar scent of her vanilla lotion. Holding her close, he can feel the lethargy start to kick in. The jetlag plus the fact that he got absolutely zero sleep on the plane is enough to knock anyone out. He just wants to hold her for a bit longer.
“Welcome home, Seokmin…” She whispers.
Kissing her bare shoulder, he laces their fingers together, a blissful smile creasing his face. For the first time in a long while, he’s really truly home.
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yamalegacy · 3 years
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genre: n/sfw, filthy filthy smut with a semblance of plot (this is me pretending it’s not just pure smut so i added some context tbh)
pairing(s): kayama nemuri (r-rated hero: midnight) x reader
cw: sub!reader, (technically gn) afab!reader, semi-public sex, desk sex (midnight bends you over her desk bc i said so), mommy!midnight, finger sucking, reader is struggling with anxiety if you “squint”, written with a 8/9-year age gap in mind (i’m shameless) but it’s not explicit
word count: a lot tbh 3.2k+
⚠️ MDNI not so casual reminder for minors to not interact with this post ⚠️
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U.A. High School felt like an uncharted territory, some sort of a forbidden land that you shouldn't step into, and yet, here you are, standing just a few feet away from the enormous, heavy doors. The infamous U.A. Barrier that keeps those who don't belong in the school away — and to prove it, there is a line of journalists waiting outside. You aren't one of them, though, you aren't like them. Your Special Entry Permission ID is clutched tightly in your hand as you try to gather the courage to get through the small crowd of journalists.
Finally, you step forward, your breath catching in your throat as you approach the Barrier. You feel like even with your special permission, it won't open, leaving stranded out there. You've had the ID (courtesy of your girlfriend) for nearly three weeks now and never once dared to use it.
As the Barrier unfolds in front of your eyes, you can hear gasps of surprise behind you, and whispers of rumors making their way to your ears of full of spite. Jealousy. It's just jealousy, you tell yourself. You aren't doing anything wrong. Those people don't even know who you are, so it's nothing personal, really. But still, you feel your heart sink in your chest and your face burn at the sudden excessive amount of attention on you. Relief washes over you when the Barrier closes again behind you, shielding you from prying eyes and uncomfortable gossiping.
You take your phone out of the back pocket of your pants. 15:07. Nemuri's last class of the day is almost over. You breathe deeply as you struggle to remember what she told you about the layout of the school — she should be in the main building, with class 3-A (you don't remember her whole schedule, of course, but there's details that you just can't seem to be able to forget).
"You probably shouldn't be around here unaccompanied."
The voice startles you, and when you turn around to look at who addressed you, you are faced with a wall. A tall wall of muscles in a red costume. You look up and find an all too intense pair of red eyes staring at you.
Vlad King. Blood Hero: Vlad King is standing in front of you, staring at you, making you very small and definitely even more out of place than you already felt. Too intense. But when his eyes land of your Permission ID, he seems to relax — the man is still too intense though.
"I need to find 3-A?" your voice comes out a little too squeaky for your liking.
He frowns for a moment, visibly thinking your words over. "Midnight's with them?"
Though he speaks out loud, it seems to be more to himself than to you. Still, you nod shyly, and it's like something lights up in his head, understanding replacing his frown.
"You're the partner!"
You don't need a mirror to know that your face is turning a bright shade of red that could rival Vlad King's costume, and all you can do is nod again. Nemuri has talked about you to her colleagues? God, you hope she hasn't said anything embarrassing.
"Follow me then!"
Before you can say anything, Vlad King is making his way towards a staircase. You need to nearly run to catch up with him. "I had lunch with her today. Didn't say anything about you coming to U.A. though."
"It's a surprise?" you offer hesitantly. “I managed to get out of work early for once, so I thought..." you trail off, realizing that you are already talking more than you should, more than you usually would with a stranger. Your face is definitely not doing to stop blushing any time soon, and the erratic beating of your heart isn't about to calm down any sooner.
Just as can finally see the classroom, the bell rings and students swarm the corridor — Vlad King has a hand on your shoulder and keeps you away from students all too excited to get back to their dorms. Nemuri's students stare at the two of you in passing; a blond boy and a girl with periwinkle hair even more curiously so than the others, but Vlad King's presence by your side probably stops them from asking questions.
"Hey, Midnight, there's someone here to see you!" the Pro Hero booms as soon as the corridor is nearly empty.
You can't help but noticed the way Nemuri's shoulders tense at the loud exclamation, a tension that almost disappears when her eyes find you. But there's a frown creasing her brow as soon as her gaze lands on Vlad King's large hand, still resting comfortably on your shoulder.
"You should have said something about your little partner being this cute," he continues, patting your shoulder with just a bit too much force, and the gesture makes Nemuri's eyes narrow. "I'll let you two be then!"
He doesn't wait a second, doesn't acknowledge Nemuri opening her mouth to say something, before he steps away, immediately striking a conversation with one of the few students still present in the corridor.
When you look back at your girlfriend, she is simply staring at you, and you can't find the courage to take a step inside the classroom, instead standing awkwardly in the doorway. Shit. What are you? A vampire waiting for an invitation to come in someone's home or something?
"Sorry I came unannounced. I probably made things awkward for you," you mumble, staring down at your feet as you can't find it in you to look at her in the eyes.
"Don't apologize, sweetheart. I'm always happy to see your pretty face." The words make you look up, and Nemuri is staring at you, soft smile tugging at your lips as she crooks a finger to beckon you — and oh so obediently, you step inside the classroom.
She stands up from her chair and approaches, a soft hand immediately placed on your cheek, gentle and warm, though her face remains impossible to read. "Did Kan-san treat you well?"
You nod. "He was really nice," you say, your voice still betraying your nerves. Nemuri's thumb strokes your cheek once, twice, before she lowers her hand your shoulder, where Vlad King's was moments ago. It would be soothing if her perfectly manicured red nails weren't digging into your skin ever so slightly. "But he's still scary," you add hurriedly. Nemuri loosens her grip, but her hand doesn't move away.
Maybe Vlad King isn't quite as scary as a jealous Midnight. (And he isn't nearly as hot either.)
She leans in and presses a soft kiss to your cheek, it's brief and she pulls away almost immediately to retreat and settle back down in her chair. As she watches you, you freeze, unable to even take one step forward. There's that look in Nemuri's eyes, the one that make a shiver run up your spine and makes you want to press your thighs together.
"Baby, close the door for me and come here."
Always seeking to please your girlfriend, you obey without saying a word, pushing the heavy door until it’s closed. You turn back to look at Nemuri again and she is waiting, hands settled on her lap as she stares at you, unblinking. Hesitantly, shaking on your legs, you approach her, knowing that you are but a small prey rushing into the claws of your predator; the smirk that tugs at the corner of her mouth only confirms it.
As soon as you’re close enough, Nemuri grabs you by the hips and pulls you closer, guiding you onto her lap, forcing you to straddle her thighs. 
“You came all the way here from work just to see me?”
You nod at her question, and she nearly coos at you in response. “You’re so sweet, baby,” she whispers against your lips before giving your mouth a faint peck. “Always so nice and good for me, aren’t you?”
You nod again. One of her hands moves away from your hips and you know to brace yourself, but you still let out a yelp when her palm comes into contact with your ass — it’s playful, you know she hasn’t put much of her strength in it, but Nemuri is a lot stronger than most give her credit for.
“Y-Yes! I am!” You stutter your way through the three simple words. Nemuri is obviously in one of those moods where she expects you to be verbal when she talks to you, that’s what earned you the spank, there’s not a doubt in your mind about it. It’s a dangerous mood for your girlfriend to be in at her work place; there’d be nothing reasonable about whatever she has in mind.
You try to stand up, but Nemuri’s grip on you keeps you firmly where she wants you.
“Nemuri,” you whine, “we shouldn’t...”
“We shouldn’t what, baby?” she asks, smirking up at you before tilting her head to kiss your neck.
“Not here...”
You feel her teeth scrape against the sensitive skin of your neck (you know she is leaving a bruise, but you can’t stop her, don’t even want to stop her) and the moan that escapes your throat is embarrassing.
“What can’t we do?” she insists.
"I know you, Nemuri," you start, placing your hands on her shoulders to keep yourself balanced and stable as her lips found your pulse point. Your breathing is already getting ragged, and you know, just as you know Nemuri wants to fuck you, that you are dripping wet. "This is your work place," you whisper, "we can't have sex here."
She chuckles at your words, and all you want is to bury your face in her neck, in her hair, to hide your reddening cheeks. She pulls away, kisses your cheek in the most delicate of manners, and looks at you, seeming all too serious all of a sudden — which means that she's definitely up to something.
“I don’t know about having sex, but I could definitely fuck you. Right here, right now.”
“Nemuri,” your voice doesn’t sound anywhere near the tone of warning you aimed for. It’s embarrassing. But at least you could have sounded whinier, so there’s still a sliver of hope for your dignity to make it through the day.
She offers you a smile when you finally look back at her face; it’s a soft and genuinely kind smile, no trace of teasing.
“If you don’t want me to touch you, I’ll stop and let you go, I promise. But you have to tell me, baby.”
You already knew that Nemuri wouldn’t push you to do anything that you don’t want to do; she has always been caring and respectful of you, but still, it is reassuring to hear the words in this moment. But you don’t want her to stop.
“Do you want me to stop touching you, sweetheart?”
You shake your head. “N-No!” you hurry to say before Nemuri has a reason to give you another spank.
"What do you want, then?" Her sultry tone sends a shiver up your spine
You don't like that question; you've never liked it in any sort of context. There are too many possibilities, too many ways to answer and it's too much. The thought that you may say the wrong thing plagues your mind every time. Nemuri seems to notice your growing distress, and caresses your cheek, thumb brushing over your skin, once, twice. She leans her forehead against yours.
The silence that settles between the two of you is comfortable, barely interrupted by your heavy breathing. It’s hard to catch your breath when you are sitting on the lap of the most beautiful woman you’ve ever met — when all of her attention is on you, just you, nothing else.
“Can I take off your pants and touch you, baby?” Nemuri asks, finally breaking the silence.
Nemuri smiles and guides you off her lap, but her hands remain on your hips as she does so, keeping you up on your feet as your legs tremble. She unbuttons your pants and meets your eyes with her own, probably trying to look for any sign that you might want to put a stop to everything, but when all she can see is your smile and flushed face, she pulls down your zipper. You swallow thickly as you watch her hook her thumbs into the waistline of your pants to tug them down. She kneels down in front of you to push your pants past your knees and helps you step out of one of the legs — only one though.
Her eyes trail up your body, lingering on your underwear, and you hide your face in your hands, refusing to look at the satisfied smirk on her lips. You’re so wet already that you’ve soaked through your underwear, you just know it, and there’s no way in hell Nemuri hasn’t noticed it.
She kisses your thighs and quickly moves to press her mouth to your core. Through the dampened fabric of your underwear, you feel her tongue peeking out past her lips to tease your clit. The moan that her tongue elicits is indecent and embarrassingly loud, it makes Nemuri chuckle against you, the vibrations making your body shake violently.
“Please don’t tease,” you mutter. She looks up at you and you bite down on your lip for a second, “please, mommy. No teasing.”
“Since my baby asked so nicely,” she starts as her fingers grab your underwear to pull it down, “mommy will be nice today,” she whispers against your cunt before standing back up.
She circles around you silently, stopping behind you. When you turn your head to glance above your shoulder to see what Nemuri is up to, you feel strong fingers on your neck, her palm warm against the back of it. She presses against your neck until you obediently bend down over her desk; she doesn’t bother moving her papers away, simply forcing your face down against it.
“Hands on the desk. And don’t you dare move or I’ll make sure you can’t sit properly for days.”
You don't need to be told twice; your hands find the edge of the desk, gripping at it like a lifeline, a desperate attempt to keep yourself from shaking. You know she is staring at you, at your ass, at your dripping cunt, like you're the most beautiful thing she's ever looked at. It's what she always does. And yet, its effect on you never changes.
She kicks at one of your feet, not hard, just a way for her to signal that she wants you to spread your legs further for her, which you do. A gentle finger runs up the inner side of your thigh, stopping just before it can reach your most sensitive spot.
"I haven't even started to touch you and you're already dripping," she says as she leans down, her ample chest flush against your back and hips against your ass. "Such a desperate little slut for me."
Nemuri kisses your neck before standing back up, and you whine as her comforting warmth leaves your body. All you want is to feel her, but she keeps denying you.
"Don't worry, baby. You've been good for mommy, so I'll treat you well and make you come."
"Pl—Please! Mommy, I need you!"
She hums, delighted by the pathetic desperation in your voice. You hear her move behind you, and all of a sudden, she's spreading your lower lips and her tongue teases your core.
"Fuck," you groan, knees bucking at the sudden touch and pleasure rushing through your whole body.
She laps at your cunt, humming again in delight, satisfied by your taste. Her thumb finds your clit, pressing her thumb harshly against it before she starts to circle it, the movements quicken to reach the punishing pace that you've grown accustomed to throughout your relationship with Nemuri.
Tension builds in the pit of your stomach, your grip on the Nemuri's desk the only thing that keeps you stable as she fucks you with her tongue. You're getting close to release at an alarming, embarrassing speed, and for a moment, you think you can feel your girlfriend smile against your pussy.
"I'm so close," you moan, "please—"
And just like that, everything stops. You can't feel Nemuri's tongue, or hands, or breath on your skin, and you whine in the most pitiful of manners. Tears are welling up in your eyes. You need her to make you come. Before you can whine once more and complain about wanting an orgasm, two of her fingers are pushing against your hole.
You're so wet and turned on that her fingers meet no resistance as she pushes then into your sopping cunt. She doesn't move them though, simply kisses both your ass cheeks.
"Mommy..." you whimper weakly.
"Yes, baby? Is there something you want?"
You're sobbing and too desperate to care about how wrecked and miserable you must seem right now.
"Please what?"
"Mommy," you whimper, voice trembling just as much as your limbs. "I need you to fuck me! Please!"
"You're so good for me today, baby," she coos as she gives your ass a harsh squeeze, her fingers still unmoving deep inside your core. "Keep being good for me and try not to be too loud. We wouldn't want anyone to get curious and find us like that, would we?"
And finally, Nemuri starts fucking you with her fingers, pumping them in and out your cunt at a merciless pace. Your muscles clench around her fingers as she fucks you, her free hand sneaking between your thighs to pinch your clit between two fingers. You have to bite on your arm to keep yourself from screaming at the sudden sensation.
"Mommy— I'm gonna—"
"It's okay, baby, you can come for me."
And you do. You come on her fingers, muffling your screams into your arm. She helps you ride out your orgasm, fingers moving gently into you until your breathing becomes even and she pulls them out. She wraps an arm around your waist and guides you to her chair, sitting you there, setting one knee next to your thigh. She takes your chin between her thumb and index finger and tilts your head; you can feel a sticky wetness on your skin and you know it's your juices coating her fingers.
She kisses you and, out habit, you part your lips to grant her tongue access. You can taste yourself in her mouth, it's embarrassing but you can't pull away.
"Open up, baby," she demands, letting go out your chin to press her drenched fingers against your lips.
You gladly take them into your mouth, lips wrapping around her fingers to suck on them, tongue twirling around them to clean them up of your slick arousal.
Nemuri kisses your forehead, "you're so cute, baby, always so good and obedient for mommy," she whispers, smiling softly at you. "I really should consider keeping a strapon in my things in case you come see me at school again."
"You can always fuck me with a strapon when we get home," you mumble, unable to meet her eyes as your face flushes all over again.
"Oh, I intend to, my sweet baby."
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fallinnflower · 5 years
worth it
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hoshi x reader (university!au, strangers to lovers, fluff)
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The first time you met Soonyoung was during the co-curricular fair during your first year of college. Soonyoung sat at a fold out table in the quad with three of his friends, music playing from a Bluetooth speaker and a big poster taped to the front of the table which simply read ‘DANCE CLUB,’ surrounded by hand-drawn emoticons. You thought it was a cute booth, and you thought he was a cute boy, but you nearly jumped out of your skin when he called out to get your attention. 
You weren’t sure what clubs you were going to join, but you didn’t think you’d make for a good dancer — you’d only ever danced by yourself in your room, and one time at a school dance. But there was Soonyoung, calling out at ‘the girl in the blue cap,’ which you suddenly realized was you, imploring you to join. You attempted to conceal yourself in your jacket as you shook your head, mumbling an apology and waving as you wove your way deeper into the crowd, cheeks blazing. 
You didn’t look back. 
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The next time you interacted with Soonyoung (beyond him smiling at you when you crossed paths, which you figured he did to everyone because he was just that friendly) was in a marketing class the two of you had together. You didn’t sit anywhere near Soonyoung, and for the first quarter of the semester nothing of consequence happened between you two. 
Then there was the midterm assignment. Randomized partners, open-ended topic, all culminating in a twenty-five minute presentation given by the both of you. 
You hated the waiting most of all. Sitting, listening to your professor call out what seemed to be everyone else’s name but your own, biting down on the inside of your cheek the longer you had to wait. 
“Soonyoung and Y/N.” Your head snaps up, and suddenly Soonyoung is waving excitedly at you, motioning to the seat beside him with a big grin. With your heart beating a mile a minute you pack up your things and slip down the row to sit beside Soonyoung. 
“Hi!” He greets. You manage a quiet reply, not sure why you feel so bashful in his bright presence. “Do you have any ideas for the project?” 
“Um, well...” You pause, flipping a few pages back in your notebook. “We could always talk about social media’s impact on marketing… I know it’s simple, but maybe we could pick a specific platform and get some data about how marketing has developed there. Maybe Instagram?” You chance a look at Soonyoung out of the corner of your eye to find him still beaming at you, peering down into your notebook. His face is closer to yours than you expected, and his cheeks are bunched up in such an endearing way that you just want to pinch them. And just like that, as if you weren’t blushing enough as it is, you feel your cheeks heat up tenfold. 
Suddenly, everyone starts packing up, and you close your notebook in a hurried manner,
“So, um, I’m free every afternoon—”
“How about tomorrow then? At 7 in the library?” You nod, caught off guard at how enthusiastic Soonyoung seems to be about this project. He’s never been active in class, and, to be honest, you were expecting him to drag his feet a bit more. 
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It’s 7:15, and you can’t keep yourself from biting at your lip, a mix of agitated and concerned that keeps you bouncing your knee as the minutes tick by. You’re close to just sending Soonyoung an email and ditching, but suddenly you catch sight of him jogging frantically between the shelves of books. You stand and wave to catch his attention, and he grins when he notices you, brushing his hair back from his face. 
Upon closer inspection, you realize that his hair is damp, sticking up in a multitude of different directions. 
“Hi, sorry,” he pants, somehow still looking chipper. “I let dance practice run late and I didn’t wanna come here all sweaty. But, I brought snacks to make up for it!” He drops a bag of gummy bears on the table between the two of you, eyes sparkling. You sink back into your seat, averting your gaze as a sense of guilt washes over you.
“The library has a no food policy,” you mumble, and all it takes is a glance to see that Soonyoung’s smile has dropped a bit. 
“Oh.” There’s a pause, and all you can hear is the rhythmic clicking of other students' keyboards, until suddenly there’s a crinkling sound and the bag is once again in your vision. 
“That’s fine, you just take them then! As an apology for me being late.”
When you look up, considering denying his offering, you can’t help but pause. His smile is as gummy as the candy he’s offering, his cheeks looking just as squishy and his eyes glittering with anticipation. You feel your heart skip a beat as you accept, slipping the bag into your backpack. 
“Thanks, Soonyoung,” you whisper, and he laughs. 
“You can call me Hoshi, if you want. All my friends do.” This, too, gives you pause, but you shake it off and return his smile — albeit shyly. 
“Okay, Hoshi.” You turn back to your laptop, missing the way his ears turn red, and pull up the Google Doc and Slideshow you had made for the project. 
“I went ahead and shared the project materials with you, did you get them?” 
It’s then that you realize Hoshi isn’t the best with technology. He looks a little bit like a confused grandfather as he leans in towards his screen, eyebrows furrowed and mouth slightly ajar. 
“Everything okay?” You ask, and he lets out a little whine. 
“It won’t let me type anything.” You tilt your head, equally confused. You had given him editing access, hadn’t you? 
“Let me see.” Hoshi not only turns his laptop to you, but moves to the seat beside you to see what you do. You let out a little laugh as soon as you realize what it is. 
“Ah, you weren’t in editing mode.” You switch his system over, and Hoshi leans back in his seat with an embarrassed pout on his lips. To put it mildly, it’s adorable, and you’re not sure how you’re going to deal with looks like that if he’s always this bad with his laptop. 
Despite that little obstacle, Hoshi is relatively prepared. He’d found a couple of sources that he had to dig around in his bookmarks to get to again, and he seemed genuinely interested in working hard. The two of you laid out the basics of your project, throwing little notes into the doc and talking through your points. 
“I can make some infographics for the project,” you offer. “I can probably have them ready by this weekend.”
“Should we meet up on Sunday then?” He asks. “We can go to a coffee shop! My treat!” 
“Oh, no, you don’t have to—”
“I want to,” he interrupts, dark eyes sincere as one of his hands comes to rest reassuringly over your own. “You’ve been really helpful, and I’m not very good with technology so you’re going to end up doing a lot more than you should have to, so I want to make it up to you.” 
Well, you don’t know how you’re supposed to say no to that when he’s smiling so cutely at you and his hand is on yours — so you don’t. You just nod and agree, before you both pack up your things. Hoshi carries your bag for you until the two of you part ways at the quad, him heading down to the house he rents with a few of his friends and you back to the dorms. 
Later that night, as you’re checking your emails one last time before bed, you’re surprised to find a notification that Hoshi had made a relatively recent change to your Doc. You click to open it and can’t help but giggle at what you find. 
I forgot to give you my number at the library!! (***)-***-***!!! ヽ(´▽`)/
You can’t help but think the emoticon looks just a little bit like him, and you fall asleep with a smile still lingering on your face. Kwon Soonyoung, you think, what a guy. 
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Hoshi texts you throughout the week — at first, just to ask questions about various little tech issues and what you think of the sources he’s found; you simply laugh when he asks you what font you like for the slideshow, but your best friend (who’s peeking over your shoulder) has a slightly different reaction. 
“Oh my god,” she says. “He’s just coming up with random shit now!”
“He’s just finding reasons to text you,” she continues, exasperated. “Like, fonts, seriously? He just wants to talk to you!” You shake your head, texting Hoshi that you don’t have a preference. 
“No, he’s just bad with computers, that’s all. Besides, we barely know each other.” Your friend huffs. 
“You’re oblivious.”
But as time goes by, you can’t really deny that he seems to be texting you about almost nothing. But you also can’t deny that you’re enjoying talking to him, with his excessive emoticons and use of exclamation points. Even when he’s distracting you from class, his messages leave a smile on your face. 
And Hoshi is the King of Distractions. In fact, the next time you have class together, Hoshi repeatedly catches your eyes just to point at his phone to get you to check yours. You wonder how he’s been doing so well in class if he’s always like this, and so you mime back that he should take notes. 
He pouts. It’s unfairly cute. He points at the phone again and you finally give in, rolling your eyes before tapping the screen. 
You give him the most withering look of disbelief you can manage, and he only beams back at you like it’s the best thing he’s ever done in his life. You roll your eyes, but as you turn away you happen to glance at your phone again just in time to see his message before your screen fades to black. 
Dork, you type back with a smile on your face. He’s just too cute to ignore. When you happen to glance up from your phone again, Hoshi is pouting more prominently than you’ve ever seen before. You try not to think it’s cute, try to keep from smiling, but you just can’t help it. It seems you just can’t help anything when it comes to him, at this rate. 
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Sunday comes and you’re less prepared than you’d like to admit. After sleeping through your alarm, you’d barely managed to remember to grab your laptop and charger to show Hoshi the infographics you were meeting to talk about before running out the door with your moisturizer barely slapped on. To say you were self-conscious entering the cafe, slightly winded and with stray hairs falling into your face from where you had it pulled back, would be an understatement. 
You’re quick to find Hoshi, who is staring at you with his lips slightly parted, expression unreadable. The apologies burst from your mouth like a flood, barely pausing for a breath as you explain your morning situation. 
“But don’t worry,” you say, plopping down onto the seat and smiling brightly at him as your laptop boots up. “The infographics are done!” Hoshi stares at you for a moment, that same expression from before still on his face before he shakes his head slightly and replaces it with a familiar smile. 
“I’m sure they’re awesome,” he says, pushing his chair back. “Want anything? My treat.” It takes you a moment to decide on a pastry to go with your coffee, but his smile never once fades — he doesn’t seem even the slightest bit impatient, even as he goes to stand in line. At some point, he turns his head to try and catch your eye, and when he does he scrunches up his nose and smiles; you giggle and do your best to mimic his expression, and when you do he’s quick to turn away, but not before you see his cheeks turning pink. You wonder if he’s feeling alright.
He returns a moment later with both your coffees and two chocolate croissants on a plate. You push your laptop so he can see it and begin operating the mouse with one hand, taking your croissant in the other. 
As is your usual tendency, you fall so far into explaining your work that you forget anything else — which is why you’re shocked to see Hoshi staring so intently at you and not the screen when you finally finish your spiel with a hopeful, “So?” He blinks rapidly, turning a little red again, before nodding enthusiastically at you. 
“They look great!” He chirps, then takes a long drink of his coffee. You sigh in relief and do the same, turning your laptop back to yourself. 
“Um, Y/N?” You hear him ask, and you lift your gaze from your screen.
“Hm?” Hoshi looks very determined, and although you don’t understand why, you realize it’s a very good look on him, one that leaves you feeling flustered.
“You have some chocolate on your face.” You immediately feel yourself turn red, and begin looking to see where the napkins are.
You feel a light touch on your chin, and Hoshi is suddenly leaning across the table towards you. His eyes are focused intently on your lips and it only makes you more self-conscious; your breath stalls in your chest.
“There,” he intones, his voice low as his thumb gently glides along the corner of your mouth. His gaze flicks up to meet yours, and you feel your heart skip a beat as a smile spreads across his face, “Perfect.” 
Maybe his touch lingers, or maybe you’re just imagining things, but either way Hoshi sits back in his seat and goes back to munching on his croissant with no more than a light laugh, leaving you light-headed. You duck your head slightly, staring at your keyboard as you feel your face continue to burn, and wonder if you might still be asleep and dreaming.
If you are, you consider, you don’t really want to wake up. 
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Your best friend hits you with a pillow when you tell her about your café meeting with Hoshi.
“Hey!” You snap, swatting the pillow away from your face. “What was that for?” Your friend lets out a long-suffering groan and falls dramatically back onto your bed.
“I’ve failed you!” She wails, clutching the pillow to her chest. “A hot boy flirts with you and you don’t even notice!”
“I don’t know,” you say, plucking at a loose thread on your blanket. “Maybe it was nothing. It’s Hoshi, be realistic.” At the sudden quietness of your tone your friend lifts her head and fixes you with a glare.
“What exactly are you trying to say, Y/N?” You shift awkwardly beneath her gaze.
“Just… just that Hoshi is kinda out of my league, okay?” You’re not usually the type to think about leagues, but Hoshi has always seemed sort of untouchable to you, a polar opposite. He shines as bright as his nickname would imply and you tend to prefer not being noticed because it makes you anxious. The thought of Hoshi liking you feels a bit like Aphrodite liking Hephaestus, and you just can’t shake that little cloud of self-consciousness away.
“Y/N,” your friend says sternly, sitting up and forcing you to meet her eyes. “There is no reason for Kwon Soonyoung not to like you, and there is no reason you should reject him if you like him, too.” You press your lips into a thin line, frustrated that she’s making sense. Sometimes you really just want to be irrational and take the risk.
And you have a feeling that having your heart broken by Kwon Soonyoung is one hell of a risk to run.
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The project goes much more smoothly than you previously expected, especially considering Hoshi’s schedule is as crazy as it is. You know that his club has an event coming up, so you try your best to keep the workload light on his end — not because you think he can’t handle it, but because he definitely seems to be pushing himself to the limit. His normally bright eyes seem duller when you catch him off guard, and the bags under his eyes are significantly heavier than before. Luckily, you’re both almost done with the whole thing after that long session in the cafe. 
That doesn’t stop Hoshi from asking you about it after class one day. You barely notice him bounding up to you until he taps you on your shoulder, his face lit up in that familiar grin. 
“Hey,” he chirps. “When should we meet to finish the project?” You can’t help but smile at him, and you lightly wave it off.
“Oh, don’t worry about it. I can finish it up.” Suddenly, Hoshi stops in his tracks, gently pulling at your sleeve so that you do the same. His face is now set in a pout, which is undeniably cute but you swear you won’t fall for it this time.
“That’s not very fair,” he grumbles. You avert your gaze, nervously playing with some of your hair,
“Well, I mean, it’s just that you’re so busy—”
“And you aren’t?” He interrupts, and you look up at him. 
“I don’t run a club with a showcase coming up,” you argue, and Hoshi huffs, entirely unconvinced. After a moment, however, his expression suddenly shifts to a smile.
“How about this,” he begins. “You come to the showcase, and then afterwards we can finish the project together!” 
“Won’t you be tired?” He shakes his head immediately, the sparkle back in his eyes.
“I’d never be too tired for you.” 
You nod without even thinking, and Hoshi is excitedly bounding off before you can even consider what his words might mean.
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After telling your roommate about Hoshi’s ‘compromise,’ she screams at you for a few minutes about how oblivious you are before telling you she’s going to pick out your outfit for the showcase whether you want her to or not. By the time the showcase has actually rolled around, you realize you actually do want her to figure out your outfit because suddenly you feel like you have nothing to wear.
However, she dresses you pretty simply. She shoves you into a cold shoulder style sweater you rarely ever wear and what she knows are your favorite jeans. She points to various shades of eyeshadow and has you apply it and your lip tint yourself, and as you stand in front of the mirror looking basically the same as always, you can’t help but look at her in confusion.
“Are you sure about this?” You ask, and she playfully shoves your shoulder.
“He already likes you, idiot. How you dress doesn’t really matter, I just knew you were gonna overthink it so I chose for you.” You stick your tongue out at her, annoyed at how well she knows you but grateful, nonetheless, that she’s helped you out so much. She even agrees to go to the showcase with you for moral support, since she knows you aren’t really into crowds.
The downside is that she isn’t above elbowing her way through the crowd to make sure you’re directly in front of the stage, where you and Hoshi will have a very clear view of one another. She stands beside you, squished so close that your arms brush together, and as the stage goes dark and the crowd falls silent you find yourself grabbing at her hand out of nervousness. She laughs at your antics but gives your fingers a reassuring squeeze.
A spotlight falls upon the stage, where Hoshi and the other three boys in his unit are lying on the floor in a pile, somehow still managing to look elegant. You bite down hard onto your lip the moment the music starts, and even though Hoshi isn’t the first to move you can’t seem to take your eyes off of him. This is Hoshi, you realize, so much fiercer than the tired, goofy boy you see in class. Someone has done his makeup, the eyeshadow smoked out into a dramatic wing that contrasts his pristine white clothing. 
And then suddenly you realize they’re singing. All four of them, and you swear Soonyoung’s gaze catches yours right as he begins the first chorus and you’re ready to die, you are, holy shit—
Your mind falls completely blank from then on, and you only come to again when the lights fall and the crowd erupts into applause. Your best friend yanks her hand out of your grasp to clap along with them, and you do so as well, blinking rapidly to clear your mind. She gives you a teasing look and you don’t bother to sass her; you don’t have the brain power to say anything at all.
A few more members of the dance club perform, but Hoshi doesn’t come on stage again until the fourth song. This time, he and the three other boys are dressed in all black, and you realize with sudden and extreme force that Soonyoung’s shirt is mesh. You think of all the times you’ve seen him in baggy sweaters and t-shirts, looking comfortable and cozy and overall like a great cuddler — you hadn’t ever considered he would have abs, even though you probably should have given his dancing regimen. You can feel your best friend’s elbow nudging your side, but you’re too laser-focused on Soonyoung to give her even a sliver of your attention. 
You don’t think you’ve ever been mad that a person looks sexy before. First time for everything.
When the performance ends, you’re shocked to find Hoshi’s gaze locked with yours. A shiver runs down your spine at the intensity of his gaze, and although you know you’re blushing you can’t bring yourself to look away until the lights fall once more, plunging you into darkness. You can hardly hear the applause over the thundering of your heart in your ears, and as people begin gathering their belongings and moving to the back of the auditorium space, your best friend takes hold of your arm excitedly.
“Okay, we have to go backstage!” 
That snaps you out of it.
“What? No!” You shake your head wildly, but your best friend merely continues to smile. “Most of the crew has no clue who we are, we can’t just walk backstage—”
“Well we can’t just leave after all that,” she retorts, smirking devilishly. You cover your cheeks with your hands, hoping to quell the raging blush.
“I hate you,” you grumble, squeezing your eyes shut. “Why can’t we just wait here, or—?”
“Y/N!” Your eyes snap open, and you find that your best friend is now gazing past you, towards the doors you know lead backstage. 
“Oh my God,” you breathe, barely audible, but your anxious response goes ignored as your best friend waves to Hoshi excitedly.
“Hey Hoshi! Great job tonight, is Minghao back there still?” She’s standing before he even answers her question, and you’re pretty sure she would’ve walked away regardless of if Minghao was around or not. You curse yourself for forgetting that the two are lab partners. As she walks away, you take a deep, calming breath, and fix a smile to your face. When you turn, Soonyoung is already standing in front of you, dressed in a plain black shirt and sweats with just his familiar smile on his face.
“Hey,” he greets, beaming. You feel your heart skip a beat. 
“Hi.” Why does your voice sound so small? “You did great, but I’m sure you know that already.” He laughs, eyes sparkling in excitement.
“I do, but it’s still nice to hear you say it,” he replies, looking extremely pleased as you feel the blush rising high on your cheeks once again. You find yourself rendered speechless, thinking of the intensity of his eyes when they met yours on stage. Thankfully, he’s the first to break the silence, smiling fondly down at you in your seat.
“I was gonna go for bubble tea. Do you wanna come with? My treat.” Looking up into his bright, smiling eyes, you wonder how you could ever say no.
“Sure, let me just text my roommate and let her know.”
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The bubble tea place Hoshi takes you to is only a few minutes’ walk from campus, and the majority of that journey is passed in amicable silence. You keep sneaking glances at Hoshi, although each time you do it makes you flustered and you ought to be avoiding that kind of situation. True to his word, when you get to the shop he pays for both of your orders before you can say a thing. As you leave the shop, preferring to walk back towards campus while the weather is nice, you find yourself breaking the silence,
“If you keep treating me like this, I’ll never be able to repay you.” You look up at him with a pout, but he just responds with his usual good humor, gently nudging you with his elbow.
“Who said anything about repaying me?” He asks. “You deserve to be treated to things, anyways.” You let out a sigh as he sips on his drink, running a hand through your hair.
“But I feel bad. I’ve hardly done anything for you since we met.” Hoshi hums, glancing at you thoughtfully for a moment before replying.
“You could repay me by going on a date with me,” he says, so casually that you nearly choke on a tapioca pearl. Thankfully, you manage to wash it down with a sip of tea, though looking into Soonyoung’s serious, star-filled gaze makes you feel just as breathless as any coughing fit would have. 
“I—” He waits patiently on your response, standing before you on the sidewalk, the gentle breeze ruffling his hair. “Wouldn’t you still be paying, then?” 
For a moment, in the silence that falls after your response, you worry that you’ve ruined it all. And then, true to his nature, he breaks into laughter, running a hand through his hair. As his face tilts slightly towards the streetlight, you realize he’s blushing — just as nervous as you are — and can’t help but smile.
“Ah, that’s a good point,” he says, sighing. He fixes you with a playful grin, “But maybe I should just keep you in debt to me.” You laugh and playfully prod his shoulder, stepping closer to him.
“Or,” you reply, slowly looking up to meet his gaze, hoping your confidence holds. “Maybe, once we ace this project, I could take you on a date.” Somehow, his eyes seem to sparkle even brighter once he hears your response, and the smile that splits across his face is blinding.
“Deal,” he says, softly, gaze falling to your lips. 
As you find the burst of confidence to close the gap between the two of you, you find yourself wondering if you’ll be able to wait until the project is finished to treat Soonyoung to that date. When he smiles against your lips, wrapping his arms around your waist and inadvertently pressing his cup of tea into your side, causing you to shiver and melt further into his embrace, you realize that the answer to that is no. 
And you couldn’t be happier.
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aurieeeeeenyx · 4 years
(apologies in advance for excessive use of all caps, keysmashing and exclamation points)
warning: this is not a good recap. this is not meant to be an accurate recap of the events of today’s stream. this is simply me screaming about it as i process. the later bits are probably not in order.
oh my god. JEEZ. the whiplash from today’s stream...holy CRAP.
first dream starts BUILDING THE WALLS AGAIN IN FULL NETHERITE, then he tells everyone that tommy destroyed the community house and proceeds to show them all the ruins. while they’re in shock, tommy and techno ACTUALLY SHOW UP.
tommy and tubbo fight in front of everyone (lmao ranboo and techno mutually agreeing it was awkward to watch) and tommy straight up tells tubbo the discs were worth more than he ever was??? HELLO??? MY HEART DROPPED SO FAR AT THOSE WORDS. AND THEN THEY FOUGHT EACH OTHER. i was so freaking scared. they’re both on their last life. can you IMAGINE? tommy or tubbo losing their last life to their best friend?? i would’ve cried so hard.
and THEN tommy tells tubbo to give dream the discs!! what the heck!! i was so shocked. (i actually really like that he did that because he’s letting go of the discs and learning to value his friends over possessions. big character arc moment.) and techno’s like “TOMMY WTF ARE YOU DOING” and tommy sides with tubbo!!!! yay for clingyduo being together again!! but also WHAT THE HECK.
and then techno’s all like “you betrayed me, tommy” and just GOES OFF. l’manberg is getting obliterated. and dream tells tubbo he’s an absolute idiot (he was right in his logic, but like...ouch. why would you say that ;-;) he reveals ranboo as the “traitor”!!! hOLY CRAP I COULDN’T BREATHE ONCE HE SAID THAT.
and then dream just turns to techno and says, “withers?” MY HEART WAS POUNDING I SWEAR I WAS ON THE LITERAL EDGE OF MY SEAT. WE GOT THE TECHNO-DREAM TEAMUP WE WANTED BUT AT WHAT COST. (and then he just dipped lmao that was funny).
so THEN. everyone goes back to l’manberg, and i’m still recovering from all that intensity, and it’s so sad the community house was destroyed (my friend suggested that dream did it, which is very valid and smart and probably true). tommy rallies everyone up to protect l’manberg, but NIKI!! NIKI GOES OFF!! YES NIKI!!! she doubts tommy, rightfully, and says that he just expects them all to help him, even tho he’s the reason they’re in this situation in the first place? he destroyed the community house, is he delusional? fundy talks her down, niki tries to convince puffy, so much going on oh my gosh. (plus, she’s right; when asked to swear on twitch prime that he didn’t destroy the community house, tommy hesitated.)
PUNZ joins tommy and says dream’s gone too far. i don’t trust that and i have no idea if he’s being genuine but as of now i can’t decide one way or the other. chances are no. he doesn’t care about l’manberg, why would he think this is “too far”? dream didn’t even kill anyone this time, what’s it to him? would he believe tommy, saying that dream blew up the community house?
but SAPNAP says no! (yesss sapnap) he says that dream is still one of his closest friends (!!!!) and therefore he can’t help go against him for something like this. asjdhfiahifah i don’t even know how to take this but YES i Like it.
then there’s just a blur lmao i don’t really know what happened right after that but the whole ranboo thing!!! aaaahhH!!! he “couldn’t care less about countries” and gives his whole take which i think is very valid and good for him. (sounded a bit like a certain villain there...) eret tries to stop him!! he sees himself in ranboo and wants to save him before ranboo can fall down the same path he did!! niki is...i dunno how she feels about ranboo now and im very sad about that but asjfhasiudhf anyways i think ranboo’s explanation makes a lot of sense and he’s pointing out the flaws in l’manberg’s existence (props to hbomb also for bringing up the fact that l’manberg literally was founded because tommy and wilbur wanted to sell drugs)
god i wanted a dream + ranboo + techno teamup here so bad
and then ranboo goes off on his own to the panic room i think? and his WHOLE MONOLOGUE HOLY CRAP. give this boy an award he did AMAZING. the panic? the uncertainty? the distrust?? oh my god everything was phenomenal. and the dream bit!! i honestly cannot tell if dream was canonically there and gaslighting ranboo or if ranboo genuinely (canonically) imagined him, but. not good. very not good. i’m very excited about it. ranboo villain arc????? PLEASE HE DESERVES TO GO OFF.
the end of his stream, with mellohi playing on a black screen as he muttered and argued with himself...chills, dude.
dkdfhasdifhoasuidhfoiusha anyways no i am not okay and i will not be okay and i cannot believe it’s all about to go down tomorrow i’m not READY
tbh i am a bit surprised nobody ended up in the prison today but also SAM SAYING THAT IF TOMMY REALLY DESTROYED THE COMMUNITY HOUSE HE WOULDN”T HESITATE TO HELP DREAM HELL YEAH
quackity is scaring me and i don’t know what he’s plotting
i definitely had more to say (and my friend had a lot of good points i wanted to mention) but i cannot currently remember what that was, will possibly update later
also bonus lol good job for punz because he absolutely popped off in the ring toss that was awesome
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romansroys · 7 years
what she says: i'm fine
what she means: donna is obviously going through some stuff post gaza. it's clear in her conversations with annabeth and kate and her general disposition but we never get any resolution. is she over it? is she still struggling? did it contribute to her leaving the white house???? why do we just drop this plot line!!!!!
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I LOVVVEEDDDD CHAPTER 20!! I am bursting with excitement rn omg!!! DREAMSY IS TOGETHER!!! The airport hugs!!! I can’t stop smiling!!! -⭐️ (I apologize for the excessive exclamation points /hj)
airport hugs!!!!! they are in person!!!!!!!!
(dw I excessively use them too)
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soho-x · 3 years
Em! For me, you look cute and excited with using exclamation point and I adore you for that🥺
I use them excessively and I will not apologize for it! I’m glad you enjoy them!!! 😘❤️
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viral-web · 2 years
[ad_1] The email has become an integral part of workplace communication, and mastering email etiquette can be the difference between success and failure in a professional setting. In this article, we’ll explore a few tips to help you communicate effectively at work through emails. From being mindful of tone and word choice to following proper formatting protocol, these tips will help you stay ahead of the game and ensure your emails are always well-received. An email has become the primary form of communication in many workplaces. While it is a quick and easy way to communicate, it is also important to remember that email is a formal mode of communication. Just as you dress professionally and use polite language when speaking to clients or customers, you should also take care of your email communications. Here are some tips for maintaining professional email etiquette: Use a professional-sounding email address: If you have an unprofessional-sounding email address, create a new one for business communications. This will help ensure that your messages are taken seriously.Use a clear and concise subject line: The subject line should indicate the message’s content. This will help the recipient know what the email is about and whether or not they need to read it immediately.Keep your messages brief and to the point: No one wants to read a long, rambling email message. Get straight to the point so your message can be read and understood quickly.Use proper grammar and spelling: This may seem like a no-brainer, but you would be surprised how often people make simple grammar and spelling mistakes in their emails. Take care to proofread your messages before hitting send!Avoid using all caps or excessive exclamation points: Using all caps in an email is the equivalent of shouting, which comes across as rude and aggressive. Excessive exclamation points have a1. Write Concise and Clear Subject Lines When it comes to email, first impressions matter; the subject line of your email is the first thing your recipient will see, so it’s important to make sure that it’s concise and clear. A good subject line will let the recipient know what the email is about and why they should care. On the other hand, a bad subject line can be confusing or off-putting and may cause the email to be ignored altogether. Here are a few tips for writing effective subject lines: Keep it short and sweetBe clear and specificAvoid using jargon or technical termsUse actionable languageMake sure it accurately reflects the content of the email2. Come Up With an Appropriate Tone for the Conversation Regarding professional email etiquette, one of the most important things to keep in mind is to come up with an appropriate tone for the conversation. Depending on the situation, you may want to use a formal or informal tone. If you’re unsure which tone to use, err on caution and go with a more formal tone.  Stick to using proper grammar and complete sentences. Generally, it’s best to avoid using slang or abbreviations in professional emails. This can make you appear unprofessional and can be confusing for the recipient.   If you need to apologize for something: Do so clearly and concisely.Avoid making excuses or sounding defensive.Simply state what happened and why it was wrong.For example, “I’m sorry for sending the report late. I didn’t realize how long it would take to put together.”  End your email with a courteous sign-off such as “Sincerely” or “Thank you for your time.” 3. Use Appropriate Language and Grammatical Structures When writing professional emails, it is important to use language and grammatical structures appropriate for the workplace. Here are some tips to help you communicate effectively at work: Use formal language. Avoid using slang or jargon that everyone on your team might not understand.
Make sure your grammar and spelling are correct. Nothing says unprofessional, like a mistake in your email!Use short, concise sentences. No one wants to read a long, rambling email. Get to the point quickly and efficiently.Be clear and concise in your communication. Ambiguity can lead to miscommunication and misunderstanding, so make sure your meaning is clear.4. Avoid Attachments When Possible When it comes to email attachments, it is best to avoid them when possible. This is because attachments can often be large and take up a lot of space, slowing down the recipient’s computer. Additionally, attachments can sometimes be blocked by corporate email servers. If you need to send an attachment, make sure it is small and compressed. 5. Proofread Your Message Before Sending Before you hit send, proofread your email for typos or grammatical errors. This will help ensure that your message is clear and professional. It’s also a good idea to read your email out loud before sending it to make sure it sounds natural and error-free. If you spot any awkward phrasing, revise the email until it flows smoothly. 6. Don’t Forget To Include a Signature When sending a professional email, don’t forget to include a signature at the end. This standard practice shows you’re taking the time to be professional and courteous. It’s also a good way to ensure your contact information is readily available in case the recipient needs to contact you. Conclusion Professional email etiquette is an important skill to master in the workplace. As long as you take the time to craft thoughtful emails that properly address all of the relevant points, you should have no problem conveying precisely what needs to be said without any miscommunication or confusion. By following these seven tips, you will be able to communicate more effectively with your coworkers and colleagues and ensure that your emails are clear, concise, and professional. For more tech related updates, visit www.onpassive.com [ad_2] onpassive.com
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