#i have so many drawings i have amnesia over
yuumebow · 6 months
art i dont remember making
i think i have amnesia. why do i not remember making these drawings.
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also the last drawing is so cute. why did i not post it
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mononijikayu · 10 days
a day in a life — ryomen sukuna.
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You set Yuji down, and he immediately takes your hand in his tiny one, his other hand reaching out to grab Sukuna's sleeve, tugging at him. "Uncle Sukuna, come on!" Sukuna grunts, letting Yuji pull him along, his expression caught somewhere between annoyance and reluctant affection. “Alright, alright, brat….I’m coming.” he says, trying to sound grumpy but failing spectacularly. You smile at the sight of them together and take Sukuna's other hand. "Looks like we're both in for an adventure, aren’t you?" you whisper.
GENRE: alternate universe - modern au!;
WARNING/S: safe for work (sfw), fluff, family, slice of life, family dynamic, light hearted, domestic, romance, protectiveness, crying, hugging, banter, humour, physical touch, happy ending, hurt/comfort, depictions of family dynamic, depiction of getting lost, depiction of anxiety, depiction of slice of life, menction of amnesia, boyfriend! sukuna, amnesiac! girlfriend! reader, domestic uncle sukuna!, nephew!yuji, i love you nephew!yuji;
WORD COUNT: 6.4k words
NOTE: the people have spoken and ryomen sukuna won my poll (again) so this is a special treat for yall!!! this is the aftermath of amnesia and reader and sukuna got back together. this is maybe a year or so to them getting back together. yuji loves his auntie!!! anyway, i hope you enjoy it. i had a lovely time writing it because this is what we deserved from gege!!! i love you all!!! thank you for your continued love <3
if you want to, tip!
── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ──
IT WAS YOUR DAY OFF. And that was something you and Sukuna had agreed about in the early dawn of your relationship together. You wanted to get to know this man you fell in love with, and many years had passed since you both even got together after your amnesia. One of those days was today. With no work obligations today and Sukuna taking a break from managing his gym, the two of you had indulged in a much-needed cozy day. 
A lot of things would change. So, Ryomen Sukuna stepped up to the plate and took some time off to just have days to cherish your time together. 
Everything had been blissfully quiet, a rarity for both you and Sukuna. Like always on these days, you’d spent the morning wrapped in a warm blanket together, watching a movie you both had half-paid attention to, more engrossed in each other’s company than the plot unfolding on screen.
Ryomen Sukuna had his arm draped around your shoulders, his fingers lazily drawing patterns against your skin. Your boyfriend doesn’t sleep that much, but when he’s in his lazy days with you — he makes an effort to rest. You worry a lot for him, after all. And he doesn’t want to add more to those worries. Begrudgingly he does it, but it makes you happy. 
He expected to spend the day with you like this all day. And Sukuna was happy with that. He likes having time with you like this, just embracing each other’s warmth and talking over the bad television shows and ordering in if you don’t feel like getting up and making a meal together.
Life was great. This was his day in a life. Sukuna had dreamed of it for years since you parted. And now that you’re together again, it just all fell into place. Nothing could be better than this. And he adores it. 
But then Sukuna's phone rang, and you watched as his expression shifted from contentment to annoyance. He sighed, glancing at the caller ID — his twin brother, Itadori Jin. You looked at him curiously as he sighed.
Reluctantly, Sukuna answered, his voice gruff. "What’s up?"
You could only hear Jin’s voice faintly on the other end, speaking quickly. Sukuna’s face darkened as Jin explained the situation — some emergency at work that demanded his immediate attention.
Because of this, Kaori, Jin's wife, would have to go and pick up their eldest son Choso alone for vacation. They didn’t wanna agitate with a long drive, since Yuji is still a little boy. And with no one else to watch over their young son, Itadori Jin was left with only one option.
Ryomen Sukuna pinched the bridge of his nose, clearly frustrated. You could almost hear his internal mantra: ‘Don’t say it, don’t say it…’
But Jin, with his usual charm and desperation, finally got to the point. “Look, can you just babysit Yuji for a couple of days until we’re back? We don’t have anyone else.”
Sukuna opened his mouth, ready to protest, but before he could even get a word out, you grinned and cut in. "Oh, we'd love to! Right, Sukuna?"
Sukuna shot you a glare that was more pout than anything else. He looked betrayed, as if you had just handed him the world’s most inconvenient challenge. You couldn't help but bit your lip, trying to stop your laughter. He's always like this when it comes to his nephew. He likes to pretend that he doesn't like him and yet, he does. A lot.
For a moment, you think he was almost like a kitten who found his owner’s antics unpleasant. You felt the tension in his arm, the muscles flexing in silent rebellion. He’d been so ready to complain, to give a flat ‘no’ but your enthusiasm left him no room to argue.
Jin laughed on the other end. “Great! Thank you, sister in law! We’ll drop him off in an hour.”
As the call ended, Sukuna tossed his phone onto the couch with a dramatic sigh, leaning his head back and closing his eyes as if he’d just endured a great ordeal. “Really?” he muttered, a sulky undertone in his voice. "You had to say yes?"
You laughed softly and nudged him with your elbow. "Oh, come on, baby. It'll be fun! Besides, Yuji is adorable. Don't you think so?"
Sukuna opened one eye, giving you a side-eyed glance. "He’s a menace, that brat." he grumbled, but there was a hint of a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "A little gremlin in disguise."
You leaned closer, wrapping your arms around his waist and resting your head against his chest. "And I think you secretly like him." you teased.
He snorted, though his arm tightened around you instinctively. "Yeah, well, I like my peace and quiet more. ‘specially since I get my fill of you."
You blushed at his words. For a moment, you could feel his heartbeat beneath your cheek, steady and strong, and you knew he would complain, sulk, and groan about this for the next hour.
But you also knew, without a doubt, that he’d be the one sneaking Yuji cookies before dinner, making silly faces just to hear him giggle, and pretending to be indifferent even as he kept a protective eye on the kid. After all, he loved his little nephew. Even if he doesn’t say it out loud.
“Fine." Sukuna grumbled finally, his voice resigned but affectionate. "But don’t blame me if he decides to climb the walls or something.”
You smiled, planting a soft kiss on his jaw. "Deal." 
Sukuna’s sigh was heavy, dramatic, but there was no mistaking the way he leaned into your touch, accepting his fate with a grumpy fondness that only made you love him more.
── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ──
day one
IN NO TIME, YOU WERE ALREADY PARKING. You watched as your boyfriend carefully looked at the space as he parks with precision. You liked being in the Itadori household. Somehow, you just felt the warmth of bing alive here. They treated you like family even when you and Sukuna haven't even married. And today was no different.
When you and Sukuna arrive at Jin and Kaori’s house, you could just feel how the sun shines brightly as you pull up to the driveway. Itadori Yuji is already waiting outside, a tiny bundle of energy with his little red backpack on, his face lighting up the moment he sees you. You barely have time to get out of the car before Yuji bolts over, throwing himself at you with an enthusiastic hug that nearly knocks you back.
“Auntie!” he squeals, wrapping his small arms around your legs.
Your heart melts instantly. "Hey, Yuji!" you greet him, scooping him up effortlessly and spinning him around in a playful circle. "I’ve missed you, little guy!"
Yuji giggles, clutching onto you tighter, his face buried in your shoulder. Over your shoulder, you see Sukuna standing by the car, arms crossed, his mouth set in a grumpy line. He doesn’t say anything, but you can feel the simmering annoyance rolling off him in waves.
You shoot him a playful smile. "Look, baby!" you tease. "He's already so attached!"
Sukuna rolls his eyes, but there’s no real malice in his expression. “Yeah, yeah.” he grumbles, though his lips twitch like he’s trying to hold back a smile. “Don't spoil him too much.”
You grin and bounce Yuji in your arms, pressing a quick kiss to his cheek. "How could I not? He's too cute. So precious too!”
Yuji beams up at you, clearly enjoying the attention. "Auntie, can we go to the playground?" he asks excitedly, his eyes wide and hopeful.
You look at him, amused. "Of course, we can, buddy! What do you want to do at the playground?"
Yuji's face lights up even more, if that was possible. "I wanna see my best friends! Nobara and Megumi! They’ll be there like usual!" he declares with all the seriousness a toddler can muster.
Sukuna lets out a low groan from behind you. “Great.” he mutters sarcastically. “Not only do we have to babysit the brat, but now we’re running a daycare service.”
You glance over at him with a laugh. "Come on, it'll be fun! Besides, it'll be nice to meet his little friends."
Sukuna sighs dramatically, but you catch the way his gaze softens just a fraction when he looks at Yuji. You know he would never admit it, but he has a soft spot for his nephew, even if he won’t say it out loud.
You set Yuji down, and he immediately takes your hand in his tiny one, his other hand reaching out to grab Sukuna's sleeve, tugging at him. "Uncle Sukuna, come on!"
Sukuna grunts, letting Yuji pull him along, his expression caught somewhere between annoyance and reluctant affection. “Alright, alright, brat….I’m coming.” he says, trying to sound grumpy but failing spectacularly.
You smile at the sight of them together and take Sukuna's other hand. "Looks like we're both in for an adventure, aren’t you?" you whisper.
Sukuna shoots you a look, but the corner of his mouth quirks up just slightly. "Yeah, sure. An adventure." he mutters, but you see the way his grip tightens around your hand.
Yuji swings between you two, his laughter bright and infectious as you make your way to the playground, where a day full of play, giggles, and unexpected joy awaits. You can’t help but think that he’s the purest thing in life.
The neighborhood playground is a colorful blur of swings, slides, and a few scattered benches where parents and caregivers chat while keeping an eye on their kids. You could pick up the sound of laughter filling the air from afar, and Yuji’s excitement is palpable as he practically vibrates with energy between you and Sukuna. He seems to love this place.
“Where are they?” Yuji asks, his head swiveling in every direction with tenderness, searching for his friends. “Where’s Nobara? Where’s Megumi?”
You crouch down to his level, tucking a strand of hair behind his ear. “I’m sure they’ll be here soon, Yuji. Do you want to try the swings while we wait?”
Yuji nods eagerly. “Yes! Push me, Auntie!” He drags you over to the swings, his little legs moving as fast as they can. Sukuna trails behind, hands shoved into his pockets, doing his best to appear indifferent. But you catch him watching Yuji with a faint smile on his face when he thinks you aren’t looking.
You carefully lift Yuji into the swing, securing him before giving him a gentle push. Soon enough, his little fits of laughter fills the air, bright and pure, as he kicks his legs back and forth, asking for “Higher, higher!”
Sukuna leans against the swing set's metal frame, observing the scene with a mix of amusement and begrudging fondness. "Careful, babe." he warns, though his tone lacks any real bite. "Don't launch him into orbit."
You laugh softly. "Come on, he's having fun!" You give Yuji another push, his giggles ringing out as he soars through the air. "See, Sukuna? This is what a good day looks like."
Sukuna grunts, but there’s no hiding the faint smile tugging at his lips. “Sure, sure. I’ll take your word for it.”
Just then, a small voice calls out from behind you, full of excitement. “Yuji!”
You turn to see a little girl with a red bow in her hair running over, a boy with dark, serious eyes following at a more measured pace. Yuji’s face lights up even brighter. “Nobara! Megumi!” he shouts, waving his arms enthusiastically.
Nobara reaches you first, hands on her hips and a bright grin on her face. “Hey, Yuji! Hi!” She waves up at you, her bright grin was confident and charming. "Are you Yuji's auntie?"
You nod, charmed by her boldness. "I am! It's nice to meet you, Nobara. And you must be Megumi?" you say, looking over at the quiet boy who stands just a bit behind Nobara.
Megumi nods, his expression serious. “Hi.” he says quietly, his gaze shifting between you and Sukuna, assessing. He seemed like a weary kid, but you don’t blame him. 
Sukuna raises an eyebrow, clearly amused. “You two Yuji’s bodyguards or something?” he teases.
Nobara puffs out her chest, clearly taking it as an offense. “Huh?!  No we’re not! We’re his best friends!” she declares proudly. Megumi gives a small nod as he hides that almost imperceptible smile at her confidence. 
“Tch, brat—”
“That’s great!” You grinned at her. “Thank you for taking care of Yuji!”
Yuji hops off the swing, rushing over to grab his friends’ hands. “Let’s play!” he shouts, already pulling them toward the jungle gym.
You stand beside Sukuna, watching them run off with a fond smile. “See? Isn’t this nice?”
Sukuna grunts, though there’s no mistaking the soft expression on his face as he watches Yuji. “Yeah, yeah… maybe.” he mutters. “As long as nobody starts crying. Or falling and then crying.”
You laugh and nudge him playfully with your elbow. “Just admit it, you’re having a good time.”
He finally relents, sighing dramatically. “Fine, maybe it’s not that bad.” He turns his head slightly to look at you, a glint of affection in his eyes. “But only because you’re here.”
You feel a warm flutter in your chest at his words and lean closer, brushing a kiss against his cheek. “That’s the spirit, baby.” you tease softly.
As you both stand there, watching Yuji play with his friends, you feel a sense of contentment settle over you. It’s simple, this moment, but somehow perfect in its simplicity — surrounded by laughter, sun, and Sukuna’s reluctant but undeniable fondness for his nephew. And you were enjoying it all. Taking it all as it is. It was the perfect day.
Suddenly, Yuji runs back over, out of breath but beaming. “Auntie, Uncle! Can you come play too?” he asks, tugging at both of your hands with his small ones.
You glance at Sukuna, who looks momentarily caught off guard. But then, with a sigh and a half-smile, he bends down, ruffling Yuji's hair. “Alright, brat.” he says, his voice mock-gruff. “What do you want us to do?”
Yuji's eyes shine with excitement. "You can be the monsters, and we'll be the heroes!"
Sukuna raises an eyebrow. "Oh, I'm a monster now?" he grumbles, but you can tell he's already warming up to the idea.
You laugh, taking Yuji’s hand. “Okay, monsters it is. But you better run fast, heroes!”
With that, Yuji squeals in delight, dragging his friends back to the jungle gym as you and Sukuna pretend to chase after them. Sukuna might act like he’s reluctant, but you catch the way he’s smiling, truly smiling, and your heart feels impossibly full.
For now, there’s no place else you’d rather be. And you meant it.
── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ──
day two
THE EXHAUSTION FROM YESTERDAY DIDN’T PREVENT YUJI FROM WANTING TO ENJOY TODAY. When the next day dawns with bright and clear skies, you could only think that it was the perfect weather for a trip to the zoo. Itadori Yuji was up early, bouncing with excitement, and his enthusiasm quickly became infectious. 
Even your boyfriend, who had initially grumbled about being dragged to a “smelly zoo” eventually caved in to his nephew Yuji’s pleas — especially after you flashed him a knowing smile and those eyes, reminding him how much this meant to his nephew. He couldn't deny you, no matter how much he tried. He grumbled loudly about it before finally saying yes. But you knew just as much that he was enjoying himself. 
You haven’t been in a zoo in a very long time, that much you could be honest about. Sukuna doesn’t seem to care for it either growing up. But you think that this was going to be great for Yuji. He adored animals. Even just seeing them on the television makes him happy and curious. It was his first time going and seeing animals like this, up close. And you just know that it would be such a great time for him.
As soon as you arrive, Yuji is practically vibrating with energy. He tugs at your hand and points at the map, his little face glowing with excitement. “Auntie, Uncle, can we see the lions first? And then the penguins! Oh, and the monkeys too!” he babbles, his words tumbling over each other in his eagerness.
You nod with a smile. “Of course, Yuji. We have all day to see everything!”
Sukuna shakes his head, hiding a grin. “Just try not to run off, brat.” he warns, ruffling Yuji’s hair. “We don’t want to be chasing after you like yesterday at the playground.”
Yuji beams up at him. “Okay, Uncle Sukuna! I’ll stay with you!”
You spend the morning moving from one exhibit to another, enjoying the wonder in Yuji’s eyes as he watches the animals with wide-eyed fascination. He claps excitedly at the lions, laughs at the playful monkeys, and insists on mimicking the penguins’ waddles, much to your amusement and Sukuna’s reluctant chuckles.
You take plenty of photos, capturing the joy on Yuji’s face and even getting a rare shot of Sukuna smiling genuinely, one arm slung casually around your shoulders as he watches Yuji with a fond, if exasperated, expression. You think that you’ll have fun looking through it and printing it out for the photo albums. You were sure Kaori and Jin would love to have some copies too.
By lunchtime, you settle down at a picnic table near the petting zoo area. You hand Yuji a juice box, and he takes it eagerly, swinging his legs and chattering non-stop about the animals he’s seen and what he wants to see next. You all carefully eat your lunches and just let the food settle down for a little while. Sukuna sat beside you, drinking a big glass of cola to try and cool off the heat.
“Auntie, Uncle, can we see the elephants next?” Yuji asks between sips, his face flushed with excitement.
You nod. “Absolutely. After we finish lunch, we’ll head over there.”
“That's on the other side of the zoo.” Sukuna points out to you.
You looked at your boyfriend with a small smile. “And guess what? We’re still going!”
Yuji grins and quickly finishes his juice, already standing up and tugging at your arm. “Okay, let’s go now!”
You laugh softly, but Sukuna gently pulls him back to the table. “Hey, slow down, kid. Let us finish our food first.”
Yuji pouts for a moment but eventually nods, bouncing on his toes while he waits. A few moments pass, and you’re almost done with your meal when a family nearby starts laughing loudly, drawing Yuji’s attention. Curious, he takes a few steps toward them, his bright almond eyes wide with interest.
“Yuji, stay close to us.” you remind him, keeping an eye on him as he moves closer to see what’s happening.
But as you turn to answer a question from Sukuna, just for a second, when you look back, Yuji is gone. Your heart drops to your stomach as your eyes open widely, your mouth shaking as you try to speak. You suddenly couldn’t speak and fright started to get to you.
“Yuji?” you call out, your voice a bit louder now, scanning the area. Panic begins to creep into your chest.
Your boyfriend Sukuna immediately stands up, his expression shifting from relaxed to alert in an instant. You can tell by the look in his eyes. He was just as panicked. 
“Where’d he go?” he asks, his voice tight with concern.
You feel a knot forming in your stomach as you look around frantically. “He was just here, babe…i just….”
Sukuna curses under his breath, his eyes scanning the crowded area with growing urgency. “Yuji!” he calls out, louder this time, his voice cutting through the chatter of the crowd.
You quickly weave through the nearby groups of people, calling Yuji's name, your heart racing. You could feel the knot of guilt in you. Your mind started to race with many thoughts. You could have looked after him better, you could have been more vigilant. You were the adult. How could you let this happen? Sukuna is right behind you, his hand protectively on your back as you search, his expression darkening with worry.
“He couldn't have gone far, babe.” you say, trying to keep the panic from your voice. “He’s probably just wandered off… right?”
Sukuna clenches his jaw, a determined look crossing his face. “Yeah, but we need to find him now.” he says firmly.
You both decided to split up, checking around the petting zoo and nearby exhibits. Your heart is pounding in your chest, and a dozen scenarios flash through your mind. But you push them aside, focusing on finding Yuji.
Minutes feel like hours as you weave through the crowds, your desperate voice growing hoarse from calling his name. Just as your heart is about to leap into full-blown panic, you hear a familiar, small voice.
You turn sharply and spot Itadori Yuji standing a few feet away, holding the hand of a zookeeper. Relief floods over you as you rush over, immediately dropping to your knees and wrapping your arms around him. You could feel like you were going to burst into tears just holding him like this. You were relieved. He was here. He was safe. He’s okay. You thank the gods above.
“Yuji! Thank goodness, you’re okay!” you say, your voice trembling with relief.
Yuji looks up at you with wide eyes, his lower lip trembling. “I’m sorry, Auntie. I just wanted to see the elephants…”
You hug him tighter, feeling your boyfriend’s presence beside you as he drops down to Yuji’s level, his expression stern but his eyes soft. He must have seen you both and ran over here as quickly as he could. He purses his lips int a tight line as he observed his nephew for injuries or bruises and even cuts.
“Brat, you scared us.” Sukuna says, ruffling Yuji’s hair more gently this time. “You have to stay close, got it? Don’t do that again.”
Yuji nods, tears brimming in his bright big eyes. “I’m sorry, Uncle Sukuna… I didn’t mean to…”
Sukuna’s expression softens completely, and he sighs, pulling Yuji into a hug. “Yeah, yeah, it’s okay, brat.” he mutters, his voice a little rough. “‘s not your fault, okay? Just….hold my hand next time.”
Yuji nods against his shoulder, and you reach over, brushing a tear from his cheek. “Come on, let’s go see those elephants, hmm? Together this time,” you say softly.
Yuji sniffles but nods, and you stand up, taking his hand. Sukuna rises too, keeping a protective arm around you both. “Yeah, together.” he agrees, his tone firm but warm.
You thank the zookeeper and solemnly leave, with Sukuna carrying Yuji in his arms still trying to comfort him. Your boyfriend pat his nephew’s back, stroking it over and over to comfort him. It broke your heart that Yuji was upset. But he was here. And he’ll be okay. That’s all that mattered to you. You knew just as much that Sukuna was the same.
The three of you head toward the elephant exhibit, Yuji keeps close between the two of you, his little hand gripping yours tightly, and Sukuna’s hand resting on his shoulder. Despite the scare, you feel a sense of calm wash over you, knowing that as long as you’re all together, everything will be alright. 
── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ──
day three
THE SLEEP WAS ROUGH LAST NIGHT. You didn’t want to let go of Yuji in your sleep. He had ended up not wanting to leave your bed last night and slept with you and Sukuna in your bedroom. He still was anxious from being lost, you can’t help but think. And you don’t really blame him for it. Sukuna didn’t utter a word and just let it be, wrapping the covers on your bodies and went to close the night light.
Come morning, you wake up to the sound of muffled clinking and clattering coming from the kitchen. You couldn’t help but blink your eyes open, the early light filtering through the curtains. Beside you, Sukuna stirs, frowning slightly at the noise. 
“What’s that racket?” he grumbles, rubbing his eyes.
You sit up, listening closely. The noise continues — the unmistakable sound of plates and silverware being moved around, a chair being dragged across the floor. You glance at Sukuna, a smile tugging at your lips. “Sounds like our little guest is up to something.”
Sukuna narrows his eyes suspiciously. “That brat better not be doing anything dangerous in there.” he mutters, though there’s no real heat in his voice.
You both get out of bed and quietly make your way to the kitchen, peeking around the corner. There, in the middle of the kitchen, stands Yuji, a determined expression on his face as he tries to balance on a chair he's pushed against the counter.
His small hands are busy spreading a thick, uneven layer of butter on a piece of bread, followed by an enthusiastic dollop of jam. Nearby, a bowl of cereal overflows with milk, and a few spilled Cheerios are scattered across the counter.
Yuji mutters to himself under his breath, clearly focused on his task. “Okay, okay… just a little more…” He tips the milk carton a bit too far, and more milk splashes onto the counter. He gasps softly but quickly goes back to his sandwich-making, a look of concentration on his face.
You can’t help but smile, and Sukuna, despite his earlier grumbling, looks a bit amused too. “What’s he doing?” Sukuna whispers, leaning closer to you.
“I think… he’s making us breakfast, babe.” you whisper back, feeling your heart melt a little.
Before you can say anything, Yuji notices you both standing there. His eyes widen in surprise, but then he beams, his face lighting up with pride.
“Auntie! Uncle Sukuna!” he exclaims. “Good morning! I… I made you breakfast!” He gestures to the chaotic spread on the counter, looking so proud of himself that you can’t help but feel a swell of affection.
You step forward, giving him a warm smile. “Wow, Yuji! This looks… delicious!” you say, trying to sound as genuine as possible while suppressing a laugh at the mess.
Sukuna crosses his arms, one eyebrow raised, but there’s a soft look in his eyes. “Yeah, brat, you really outdid yourself.” he says with a small grin. “What’s the occasion?”
Yuji’s smile falters a little, and he looks down at his feet, shuffling nervously. “I… I wanted to say sorry for yesterday.” he mumbles. “I didn’t mean to make you worry… So I wanted to make you a special breakfast to make up for it.”
Your heart melts at his sincerity. You crouch down to his level and pull him into a gentle hug. “Oh, Yuji, you don’t have to do that for us.” you say softly. “We know you didn’t mean to worry us. We’re just happy you’re safe.”
Yuji hugs you back tightly, burying his face in your shoulder for a moment. “But I wanted to, Auntie!” he insists. “Because I love you and Uncle Sukuna… and I wanted to make you smile.”
Sukuna’s expression softens further, and he crouches down next to you, ruffling Yuji’s hair. “Hey, brat, you already made us feel relieved.” he says gruffly, though his voice is unusually gentle. “But I guess we should at least taste this fine meal you’ve prepared, huh?”
Yuji’s face lights up again, and he nods eagerly. “Yes! I made a sandwich and cereal! It’s my favorite!”
You and Sukuna exchange a glance, amused but touched by Yuji’s earnestness. You take a bite of the butter-and-jam sandwich, doing your best to keep a straight face as the unevenly spread butter melts on your tongue alongside a very generous layer of sweet jam.
“It’s… unique.” you say, giving Yuji a big smile. “Thank you, Yuji.”
Sukuna follows suit, picking up the cereal bowl and taking a careful sip of the overly milky concoction. “Mmm.” he says with a nod, holding back a chuckle. “Not bad, brat. Not bad at all.”
Yuji beams, clearly delighted by your reactions. “Yay! I’m glad you like it!” He claps his hands, his earlier nerves completely gone now.
You reach over and give Yuji another hug. “Thank you for being so thoughtful, Yuji.” you say warmly. “You’ve definitely made our morning.”
Sukuna nods, wrapping an arm around Yuji’s shoulders. “Yeah, brat….you’re alright.” he says, a rare softness in his tone. “But next time, let’s make breakfast together, okay? Might save a little bit of the kitchen from total destruction.”
Yuji giggles, nodding eagerly. “Okay, Uncle Sukuna! Next time, we’ll make pancakes!”
You smile, feeling a wave of warmth wash over you as you look at the two of them. Despite the mess, despite the unexpectedness of it all, you can’t think of a better way to start the day.
Later that morning, as you and Sukuna help Yuji clean up the kitchen — which now looks like it’s survived a mini tornado — your phone rings. You glance at the screen and see it’s Jin calling. You exchange a quick look with Sukuna, who’s wiping a smear of jam off the counter, and answer the call.
“Hey, Jin!” you greet him warmly, keeping an eye on Yuji, who is carefully stacking dishes in the sink. “How’s everything going?”
Jin’s voice comes through, sounding a bit tired but cheerful. “Hey! We’re wrapping up at work sooner than we thought. Kaori’s gonna arrive in a day or two. I just wanted to let you know I’m on my way back home. I should be there in a few hours.”
You feel a pang of mixed emotions — relief that Jin and Kaori are safe and on their way back, but also a little sadness knowing this means Yuji’s stay with you is coming to an end. “That’s great news, Jin.” you say, glancing at Yuji. “We’ve had such a fun time with Yuji, he’s been wonderful.”
Jin laughs. “I’m glad to hear that! I hope he wasn't too much trouble for you guys.”
Sukuna snorts softly, overhearing the conversation. “Trouble? That’s an understatement.” he mutters, though there’s a fondness in his voice that he doesn’t bother hiding.
You grin at Sukuna’s comment before turning your attention back to Jin. “No trouble at all.” you assure him. “Yuji’s been an absolute sweetheart.”
Jin sighs, a smile evident in his tone. “Thanks for looking after him. We’ll come to pick him up as soon as we get back.”
You hang up the phone and turn to Yuji, who’s watching you with wide, curious eyes. He tilts his head slightly. “Was that Daddy?” he asks, his little voice hopeful.
You nod, smiling gently. “Yes, Yuji. Your dad said he and your mom are on their way back. They’ll be here to pick you up soon.”
Yuji’s face falls, and his shoulders slump. “But… but I don’t wanna go home yet.” he murmurs, his lower lip jutting out in a pout. “I’m having so much fun with you and Uncle Sukuna…”
Sukuna raises an eyebrow, crossing his arms as he looks down at his nephew. “Oh, come on, brat.” he says, trying to sound stern but failing miserably. “You miss your parents, don’t you?”
Yuji frowns and shakes his head, his small hands clenching the hem of his shirt. “But I wanna stay here longer! We didn’t even make cookies yet!” he protests, looking between you and Sukuna with pleading eyes.
You kneel down to his level, brushing a strand of hair away from his face. “Yuji, we’ve had so much fun with you, and we’re going to miss you too.” you say softly. “But your mom and dad miss you too, and they can’t wait to see you.”
Yuji’s eyes welled up with tears, and he looked down, his voice barely a whisper. “I know… but I like being here… with you two.”
Sukuna sighs, his expression softening. He crouches down beside you, his hand resting on Yuji’s shoulder. “Hey, brat.” he says, his tone gentler now, “Just because you’re going home doesn’t mean we won’t see you again. We’ll have more fun days together, I promise.”
Yuji sniffles, wiping at his eyes with the back of his hand. “Really?”
“Really.” Sukuna confirms, ruffling his hair. “And next time, we’ll definitely make those cookies, huh? Maybe even chocolate chip ones. What do you say?”
Yuji’s face brightens a little, and he nods, his tears already forgotten at the mention of chocolate chip cookies. “Okay… but can we still go to the park one last time before I go home?”
You exchange a glance with Sukuna, and he rolls his eyes playfully. “Alright, one last trip to the park.” he concedes with a smirk. “But only because you already made us breakfast.”
Yuji grins, and you can’t help but smile too, your heart feeling full. “Let’s get ready, then.” you say, standing up and taking Yuji’s hand. “One more adventure before your parents come to get you.”
Yuji cheers, jumping up and down excitedly. “Yay! Let’s go!” he exclaims, all traces of sadness gone.
As you head out the door, you feel Sukuna’s hand slip into yours, giving it a light squeeze. “You’re good with him, you know? Thank you for that, babe.” he murmurs, a rare softness in his voice. 
You smile up at him. “Oh, you don’t have to thank me. You’re just as good with taking care of him, you know? Love that about you, babe.” you reply.
Sukuna couldn’t help but snorts but doesn’t disagree, a faint blush coloring his cheeks as he leads the way, Yuji’s laughter filling the air. And for now, that’s all that matters.
── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ──
Itadori Choso finally arrives home from college after a long drive. He was eager to spend some time with his little brother, Yuji. Being far gone in college, all he thinks about is when he’d get to play with his little brother. And he can’t wait. He steps into the house, dropping his bags by the door with a loud thud, and immediately calls out in front of his mother.
“Yuji! I’m back!”
Yuji, who has been doodling in the living room, perks up and runs over to greet him. “Big brother!” he shouts, throwing his arms around his older brother in a big hug. But no sooner has he hugged Choso than he starts babbling excitedly. “Guess what! I had the best time ever with Uncle Sukuna and Auntie!”
Choso’s smile wavers slightly, and he looks down at Yuji with a puzzled expression. “Oh, did you?” he asks, his tone laced with a bit of unease. “What did you do with them?”
Yuji’s eyes light up as he launches into a detailed recount of every moment spent with you and Sukuna, from the trip to the zoo to making breakfast and playing at the park. “And then Uncle Sukuna said we’ll make chocolate chip cookies next time! And Auntie said we could go to the beach too!”
Choso’s smile turns into a slightly forced grin as he listens, nodding along but feeling a twinge of jealousy in his chest. “Wow, sounds like you had… a lot of fun.” he says, trying to keep his voice light. “But hey, I’m back now, so we can have fun too, right? We can do all the things we used to do!”
Yuji’s face scrunches up in thought for a moment before he shrugs. “I guess…” he says, a bit too nonchalantly for Choso’s liking. “But Uncle Sukuna is really funny, and Auntie gives the best hugs. And we were going to make pancakes!”
Choso’s eye twitches slightly. “I can make cookies too, you know,” he says, sounding just a tad defensive. “I’ve been making them for you since forever, Yuji.”
Yuji nods, but he looks unconvinced. “Yeah, but… Uncle Sukuna flips them really high in the air. And Auntie says we can put as many chocolate chips as we want!”
Choso crosses his arms, his brow furrowing. “Oh, really?” he mutters. “Well, I bet Uncle Sukuna can’t make cookies shaped like dinosaurs like I can.” He puffs out his chest a little, feeling smug.
Yuji’s eyes widen for a second, but then he shrugs again. “Maybe!” he admits. “But Uncle Sukuna and Auntie took me to the zoo and the park, and we saw a real dinosaur—uh, I mean, a lizard that looked like one!”
Choso’s eyebrow twitches again, and he huffs. “Yeah, well, that’s cool and all, but I’m way cooler than Uncle Sukuna, right?” he says, trying to sound casual, but his voice pitches a little higher than usual.
Yuji tilts his head, considering this for a long, exaggerated moment. “Umm… I dunno…” he finally says, looking genuinely torn. “You’re both cool. But Uncle Sukuna can lift me with one arm! Can you do that?”
Choso frowns. “Of course, I can! I’m your big brother!” He scoops Yuji up in a single swift motion, lifting him high into the air. “See? I’m strong too!”
Yuji giggles, kicking his legs. “Okay, okay! You’re strong too, Choso!”
Choso sets him down with a triumphant grin, feeling like he’s finally won this little contest. “See? You don’t need Uncle Sukuna. You’ve got me.”
But then, just as Choso thinks he’s secured his place as Yuji’s favorite, you and Sukuna walk through the front door, having stopped by to return a forgotten toy. Yuji’s face lights up like a thousand-watt bulb. “Auntie! Uncle Sukuna!” he squeals, running over to you both.
Choso watches, deflated, as Yuji clings to your leg, babbling excitedly about your return. He turns to Sukuna, glaring a little. “So, you think you’re the cool uncle, huh?” he grumbles.
Sukuna smirks, crossing his arms with a cocky grin. “I don’t think, kid. I know.”
Choso rolls his eyes, muttering under his breath, “I knew I should’ve stayed home this semester…” 
You laugh, noticing Choso’s pout, and lean in conspiratorially. “Don’t worry, Choso.” you say with a wink. “There’s always room for many cool people in Yuji’s life.”
Choso sighs but manages a smile. “Yeah, yeah, I guess so.” he mutters, giving in with a playful eye roll. “But I’m still making those dinosaur cookies with him today.”
Yuji bounces up and down excitedly. “Dinosaur cookies with chocolate chips!” he exclaims, clearly enjoying this newfound competition for his affection.
Sukuna scoffs, grinning. “Game on, Choso. Game on.”
And with that, Choso knows his days of being Yuji’s favorite are numbered… but at least it’ll be fun trying to win back the title.
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holylulusworld · 1 year
Very tight places - Kinktober 3
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Summary: You're stuck with a soulless Sam again.
Pairing: Soulless!Sam x fem!Reader
Square 8 filled for @anyfandomgoesbingo: Amnesia
Square 6 filled for @samwinchesterbingo: Dirty Talk
Warnings: soulless!Sam being his asshole self, cheating (kinda), smut, unprotected sex, dirty talk, mentions of anal sex, creampie, claustrophilia, blasphemie
Rating: Explicit
Kink: Claustrophilia
Kinktober vs Flufftober 2023
Catch up here: Cramped (1) & Tight places (2)
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Six months later you are still hunting with Dean and Sam. You didn’t want to leave the elder Winchester alone with his soulless brother. 
Who are you trying to kid? The ugly and embarrassing truth is, that you can’t stay away from Sam for too long.
He’s intoxicating. You’re high on him, and the way he fucks you. If you had an ounce of dignity left, you’d tell the bastard to fuck off. But you are too far gone to care.
Most nights, you let him do unspeakable things to you. Dean stumbled in on you and his brother, calling you sick more than once. He wrinkles his nose anytime Sam gropes you in front of his brother.
Sam has no filter. In any way. When it comes to sex, he doesn’t care if you are in the middle of a case, at a hospital, or buying groceries. Sam wants you, and he gets you.
Anytime. Anywhere.
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“Sam, what are we doing here, dressed in the cheapest costumes we could find,” you grumble as Sam decides you must play nun and priest to solve your latest case. 
Dean is out and about to find Death. Not to die this time, but to convince Death himself to help him get Sam’s soul back. 
Sam is not amused. He wants to stay like this. New and improved. Deadly, focused, and with a sexual appetite making even Dean blush.
“I look ridiculous. They will not believe I’m a nun.” Glancing around the almost empty church you sigh. At least there are not many people around to witness your poor performance.
“Why?” Sam resists the urge to grope your ass. Seeing you in your nun costume got him rock-hard. If not for the case he wants to solve, he’d have you bent over the altar already. “We look just the same as the priest I knocked out to get his clothes.”
“You did what?” you stop in your tracks to gape at Sam. “Please tell me you didn’t knock a priest out, Samuel Winchester. I don’t want to go to hell only because you have no impulse control.”
Sam smirks darkly. “You are so cute when mad,” he dips his head to whisper, “not so cute while you writhe on my fat cock. You’re a whore, not a saint. I know how you like it. Dirty and rough.”
“Sam, can you for once not think about your dick?” You growl. “We still need to find the monster killing the people at the church. Sadly, the only witness still suffers from amnesia.”
“That’s where you come in,” Sam purrs. “I didn’t want you to wear this iconic tunic only for fun. You are the one taking Sister Margaret’s place. You’ll fit in just fine.”
“I don’t want to play the next victim for the monster. Which by the way, you still didn’t identify, Sam. Maybe you shouldn’t have spent the last night at the bar with that blonde,” you snap at the hunter. You don’t give a shit if your blow your cover. Sam won’t get away with treating you like a random bitch he can fuck and leave afterward.
“Y/N, be honest with me,” he chuckles at your angry expression, “are you jealous because you are in love with me?“
“You wish,” you walk away, too angry to be around Sam today. Are you jealous? Of course, you are. Sam and you spent the last months together. Most of the time in the sheets. But last night, he told you to leave and didn’t return until early in the morning.
“Don’t be like that, baby,” Sam mocks you. “I know you love me. You draw hearts and imagine walking down the aisle while I wait for you to give you the ring.”
“You’re such an asshole,” you turn back around to snap at Sam. “I can’t wait for Dean to get your soul back. The moment you have it back, I’m gone. Don’t believe I stuck around for you and your limp dick. I did it for Dean because he’s a good man. Always was.”
“You want my brother?” His features darken, and you can see the change in Sam’s eyes. You take a step back. You know the look in his eyes. It’s the same one you see when he’s about to attack a monster. “Well, too bad. He can’t have you.”
“He can have me if he wants me.” It’s your turn to pay Sam back for all the times you asked yourself if he’s with some other girl. “Just like you had that pretty little thing last night.”
Sam snorts. “She was boring and wanted to go on a date first.” He casually says. As if this excuses his behavior, and how he treated you last night. “Come. I show you something nice.”
“Sam, I’m not in the mood for one of your games. Let’s just solve this case and we can go our separate ways. I stuck around far longer than I intended to.” You huff as Sam once again, ignores your protests. He grabs you by your arm and drags you toward the confession booth.
“Sam! What are you doing?” 
“Shush now, I saw someone,” he pushes you inside the booth and closes the door behind him. You gulp. You’re stuck in a tight place with Sam again. “Do you have your gun?”
“What kind of question is that Winchester? I’m not an idiot!”
“Good. Stay in here and wait for me,” he turns around to look at you. Something flashes in his eyes before he turns around to leave the booth. Not without telling you to lock it, though…
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You’re gnawing at your nails. Sam left you at the confession booth half an hour ago, and now you don’t know if you left the booth to help him or not. 
You press your ear to the door, listening to your breathing. There is not a sound, and you wonder if Sam messed with you and just left the church.
“Open the door,” Sam knocks at the door, “now.”
“Fuck, Winchester,” you curse, but unlock the door to drag Sam inside. He closes it behind him once again and releases an annoyed huff as you check him for injuries. 
“You can't wait to put your hands on me again, huh?” Sam turns around to look you up and down. “You know,” he licks his lips. His large hands shoot toward your face to cradle it for a moment, “I think you should confess your sins to me, my dear.”
“I said I’m not in the mood for one of your games,” you pout and cross your arms over your chest. “Why did you leave me in here, all alone? Did you find the monster?”
“I fucked the nuns and gave them a good spanking,” Sam deadpans. “What do you think I did? I kept you safe. The monster wasn’t here. We will find them, though.”
“You’re such an asshole.”
“And you are still my whore. My brother can’t have you,” he moves his hand to your throat. “Say it.”
“Fuck you.”
“You wish I would,” he chuckles as you claw at the hand holding your throat in a tight grip. “OR maybe I should remind you of your worth. Turn around, lift your tunic, sister. I want to see your cunt.”
“Do it or I swear I’ll drag you out of here and fuck you on the altar like I wanted to,” he warns. You know Sam is not joking. If you don’t do as he says, he’ll drag you out and have his way with you on the altar.
He drops his hand from your throat, smirking as you slowly turn around. You shove the black tunic up your body to reveal your ass to him. 
“I hate you so much.”
“No panties,” Sam moves his hand between your legs to find you dripping for him. “you’re such a whore for me. I can’t believe I found someone like you.”
You should knee his balls and just leave him there. Instead, you press your hands against the wooden wall and brace yourself for Sam’s massive cock. He’s not a fan of foreplay when he’s like that. 
“My whore.” He runs his large hand over your back, down to your ass. “Look at you, ready to have my cock. I think I’ll go for your ass today.”
You suck in a breath. It’s always a struggle to take him up your ass. Especially when he’s impatient. 
“Aw, my little cockslut loves having me up her ass, huh?” His pants drop to the ground before you can even choke out a moan. Sam is on you in a blink. One hand moves between your legs to slap your pussy. “Answer me!”
“I love your cock up my ass,” he slaps your pussylips again, and again until your tender flesh throbs and you soak his hand. “I want to feel it all the time.”
“Beg me,” he slings his arm around your throat. “Y/N, I’m not asking,” Sam growls in your ear. “I want to hear you beg.”
“Please give me your cock, Father Winchester,” he bends your body to his will and rams himself inside of your leaking cunt.
“Fuck,” Sam is not gentle. All he gives you is his free hand between your legs to toy with your clit. He snaps his hips into your ass, making you cry out with every deep thrust. “I love it when cry a little.”
“Ass-hole,” you press your hands hard against the wooden wall. “I hate you so much.”
Sam doesn’t care about your words, or that you soak his cock only a few thrusts later. He batters your cunt, hoping to force another orgasm out of you to make you see that only he can fulfill your desires.
“You make the sweetest noises when I fuck you,” he nips at your earlobe, teeth sinking in your flesh to tug at it. You moan and push back onto him. Sam knows exactly which buttons he must push to get what he wants. “I’m going to fill this cunt up again.”
You hiss his name when your body sizes up. You tremble in his arms and close your eyes as your orgasm washes over you. When he fucks you like this, from behind you can pretend it’s the real Sam, not the broken version of the hunter.
“You’re such a good slut for me, Y/N. I’ll never let you go,” his words a more threat than a promise. His hips begin to stutter. “Open that pussy for me, take my cum…”
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You don’t know how you made it out of the church without getting caught. Sam’s cum ran down your thighs as he dragged you out of the place you stained with your sins.
Back at the motel, you try to make him talk to you. Sam sits across you, just staring at you.
“Sam, we still need to find the monster.” You sigh as he ignores you. “SAM! The monster.”
“It was a hoax,” he shrugs and drops his eyes to your legs. “I wanted to fuck you at a church in a confession booth.”
“There is no monster?” Your jaw drops. “You drove to the middle of nowhere, and forced me to wear a nun costume only for sex.”
“Roleplay, kitten. It’s essential to keep my dick hard.” He watches you squirm on the bed. “Be good and spread your legs. Let me see your tainted cunt.”
“Sam…can you just not be so crass all the time?” 
“I said,” he gets up from his seat to stand in front of your bed, “spread your legs and show me your well-fucked and cum stained cunt.”
“Fine,” you fall back onto the bed and spread your legs. “Satisfied.”
“Hmm…I don’t know,” he unbuckles his belt with one hand and shoves his pants down his legs. “I think you need more cum in your pussy…”
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“Please tell me you got him out,” Dean looks at Death. 
“I got his soul, and we should hurry but,” Death looks Dean straight in the eyes, “I must warn you. This soul got ripped apart, and there is not much left of the brother you knew…
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epicbuddieficrecs · 7 months
Weekly Recap | February 26th-March 3rd 2024
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8 days!!!!! Only 8 days left!!!! Until then enjoy these fics!!
doin' something unholy by BekkaChaos/ @bekkachaos (PWP, TikTok, Getting Together | 7K | Explicit): Eddie makes a tiktok account so he can monitor Chris' activity on the app, and he stumbles across Buck’s profile. It’s a lot of silly trends, a couple with Chris (previously Eddie approved), but when he scrolls to the newest video it’s one of those transition thirst traps and oh yeah, Eddie’s been sucked in, hard.
it’s the tapping on the kitchen’s floor by gayedmundodiaz (rose_megan)/ @gayedmundodiaz (Friends to Fiances | 1K | General): Eddie takes a shortcut to 'engaged' thanks to some stress and little bit of pining.
This Is No Hallmark Movie by gayedmundodiaz (rose_megan)/ @gayedmundodiaz (Hurt Buck, Getting Together | 4K | Teen): Buck's impromptu trip to the ICU has Eddie crash-landing into the realization that he's deeply, madly in love with his best friend.
You Are The One by gayedmundodiaz (rose_megan)/ @gayedmundodiaz (Getting Together | 3K | Teen): Eddie finds a drawing of Christopher's from school that sends his feelings careening off a cliff
cause you make life easy by gayedmundodiaz (rose_megan)/ @gayedmundodiaz (PWP, First Time | 2K | Explicit): Eddie and Buck are in love, and it’s so, so easy.
got love-struck, went straight to my head by heartbeatdiaz/ @loserdiaz (Future Fic, Established Buddie, Amnesia | 17K | Teen): The morning of their wedding day, Buck wakes up with amnesia.
too many heartbeats for one ribcage by lamardeuse/ @lamardeuse (Sexuality Crisis, Getting Together | 8K | Mature): Eddie's not queer.
Baby, I'm Never Gonna Leave You by I_still_dont_understand_13 (BTHBingo: Distress Call, Post-S6 | 12K | Mature): "Um... You remember that bracelet I bought Taylor?" Buck asked. Unfortunately, Eddie did. That Christmas was memorable... for all the wrong reasons. "Yeah. Why?" "It's been set off," he said, tilting his head like a confused puppy.
🔥 Ace of Hearts by glorious_spoon/ @glorious-spoon (Post-S6, Getting Together | 9K | Teen): "I've been wondering…" Maddie pauses, watches Buck make a face like he's bracing to be smacked. "What happened with Eddie? You two were dancing around it for so long, and then… what, it just didn't work out? Was the date really that bad?" She's expecting another wince, or even for him to duck out of the conversation entirely, but instead Buck is staring at her like she's grown a second head. "Maddie. I've never been on a date with Eddie." Or: the poker game was a date. It takes Buck a while to catch on, though.
🔥 I'm comin' back, don't let me go by wikiangela/ @wikiangela (Post-S6, Angst | 7K | General): Buck's post-lightning breakdown takes him on a drive through the country, fighting not to give into his dark thoughts - a phone call from Eddie might be all he needs to lead him back home.
We Were Never Meant To Be Someone's Secret by DeadlyChildArtemis / @aroeddiediaz (Madney Wedding, Secret Relationship | 3K | Explicit): Buck and Eddie have been trying to keep their new relationship secret until after Maddie and Chimney's wedding, but strange events keep conspiring to expose them before they're ready. The final straw is when they discover their hotel room at the venue only has one bed...
he speaks the languages of love by glorious_spoon (PWP, Established Buddie, Phone Sex | 4K | Explicit): "Buck. It's been almost two weeks since I've been able to get my hands on you. I'm going out of my mind. Yeah, I want you to tell me how you thought about bending me over the weight bench when I critiqued your gym selfies, or whatever." Or: while Eddie is out of town, he and Buck revisit an old fantasy of Buck's.
you were never meant to carry it on your own by artificalsirens/ @fortheloveofbuddie (Established Buddie, Hurt Buck, Smut | 5K | Explicit): During sex, Buck has a bad chronic pain flare up but wants to continue. Eddie stops him and takes care of him.
🔥 when you know, you know by asteriasera/ @asteriasera (Post-S6, Friends To Fiances | 11K | General): “How did you know you and Karen were ready to get married?” Hen blinks, clearly taken aback by the question. “I didn’t know you and Natalia were so serious.” “We’re not,” he blurts out, face red. “I’m not– I don’t even have a ring, and we haven’t really talked about it, but I was just curious. I mean, you should know since you two got married like, twice, right?” “That’s true.” Hen hums, then huffs out a laugh just the right amount of soft for this sweet pre-dawn moment. “As cheesy as it sounds, I guess that when you know, you know.” OR: After eight months of dating, Natalia begins dropping hints for their future together and Buck begins to question if this is what he really wants. One day later, a proposal is made in a kitchen over tiramisu
i'm thinking we should cross the line by chromatophorica/ @chromatophorica (Canon Divergent, Post-S2, Not Firefighter Buck | 12K | Teen): Following the ladder truck bombing, Buck can't return to firefighting, having to find new passions while maintaining his bonds with the 118. Enter Eddie Diaz, his replacement, and May's scheming takes hold. But that's fine; two can play that game.
i found love where it wasn't supposed to be by chromatophorica/ @chromatophorica (Season 2, Buck&Bobby | 12K | Teen): It’s not until the earthquake that Eddie figures it out. He’d be the same if Chris was there; probably a little more overbearing, but Chris is only seven, so he figures that’d be why. But it makes sense, how focused on Buck that Nash is right then, the similar frantic energy that Buck’s got focusing on the Captain. He’s a little surprised that the LAFD allow a father and son pair to work together OR: Eddie makes some assumptions when he joins the 118, he'd like the record to show he's not entirely wrong.
we can find shelter and peace by chromatophorica / @chromatophorica (Post-S2, 3K | Teen): Following Eddie's graduation from probie to firefighter, the gang talk about their graduations... Until they get to Buck.
like the peel clings to the pomegranate by fallingthorns/ @fallingthorns (Post-S6E10: In A Flash, Getting Together | 3K | Teen): Or, Buck recovers and doesn't quite realize what he means to others.
hey now, hey now by fallingthorns/ @fallingthorns (Canon Divergent, Post-S5E10: Wrapped In Red | 10K | Teen): Or, after returning to the 118, Eddie becomes a full-time paramedic and Ravi becomes Buck's partner. Eddie absolutely doesn't feel anything about that, not at all.
happy at home by fallingthorns/ @fallingthorns (Post-S5, Getting Together | 6K | Teen): Or, the one where Eddie sees Buck with a small kitten, realizes he’s in love, and spontaneously combusts, but not necessarily in that order.
we made it (knew that we would be alright) by honestlydarkprincess/ @honestlydarkprincess (S7 Spec, Buck&Maddie | <1K | General): Maddie asks Buck to walk her down the aisle.
this lovesick thing by fleetinghearts/ @shitouttabuck (Post-S6, Getting Together | 4K | Teen): or, buck is buck: best friend, klutz, star of eddie’s every lovesick daydream. which is to say, things are the same, except maybe what eddie’s willing to ask for
Fractals from the Lightning Bolt by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels/ @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels (One Shots Collection | 52/54 | 95K | Not Rated): A collection of oneshots, some originally posted on tumblr. Each chapter is individually rated.
50. Happy Holidays to the Clown Car (Christmas | Teen) 51. Maybe We're All Sluts Here (PWP | Explicit)
My Worried Mind That You Quiet by giselleslash (Christopher POV, Getting Together | 3K | General): or, Buck and Eddie through Christopher's eyes.
send a flare up in the dark (and i'll come find you) by honestlydarkprincess/ @honestlydarkprincess (Post-S6, Getting Together | 7K | Teen): Buck and Natalia are hanging out at a bar, with Natalia watching in amusement as Buck pines. She gets distracted when Lucy shows up so Buck starts drunk texting Eddie and eventually Eddie comes to get Buck, but not before Buck accidentally confesses his feelings not realizing that Eddie is there. Did Buck just fuck up or do they both get everything they've ever wanted?
you are so gorgeous it makes me so mad by bellabrady (Post-S6, Getting Together | 5K | Not Rated): Or: Eddie is annoyed with Buck for being so very kissable but his drunk self isn't the best at phrasing things.
what to do when evan buckley breaks into your house at 3:17 in the morning by oklahoma/ @sunshinediaz (Getting Together | 3K | Teen): After a night out drinking with Maddie, Buck (kind of) breaks in to Eddie’s house.
Orange Peels & Coffee by bibuckleyforever/ @bibuckleyforever (Post-S6, Getting Together | 2K | General): Eddie finds out about the Orange Peel Theory and it leads to some important realizations.
some of it's just transcendental by fallingthorns/ @fallingthorns (Accidental Kissing, Getting Together | 2K | Teen): Buck smiles as Eddie leans in and presses a soft kiss to his lips, and Buck feels himself grinning further against his mouth and kissing back before Eddie pulls away, too soon and with that same soft smile on his lips. He eases the bags fully out of Buck’s arms and turns to head into the kitchen, and Buck watches him go with such a fond smile that he feels like he’s going to explode. And then he freezes and stares at Eddie’s retreating form, his heart constricting in his chest as his brain struggles to catch up with the events of the last twenty seconds. Because kissing? Is not something they have ever done before.
that green light, i want it by asteriasera / @asteriasera (Post-S6, One Night Stand, Getting Together | 11K | Mature): Buck and Eddie hook up after Maddie and Chim’s wedding, then spend an inordinate amount of time not talking about what it means until the universe decides to intervene.
i got a bad desire, i'm on fire by diazbegins/ @evanbegins (PWP, Pet Play | 1/2 | 8K | Explicit): Or: Eddie finds that he wants Buck to treat him like a kitty. Buck can make that work.
if i need to rearrange my particles — i will for you. by dylaesthetics (Post-S6, Identity Porn | 6/11 | 22K | Teen): OR Buck joins a support app for first responders and matches with a firefighter who has PTSD and a kid who likes giraffes, apparently.
🔥 Things We're All Too Young to Know by Daisies_and_Briar / @cal-daisies-and-briars (Canon S1-S6, S7 Spec | 120/? | 362K | Mature): This is a love story. Even if it doesn’t always look like it. Even if it doesn’t always feel like it. A look back on Eddie and Buck's lives up to now, and what led them to each other, interpreted from the current 9-1-1 canon.
🔥 Any Other Way by Daisies_and_Briars/ @cal-daisies-and-briars (Canon Divergent, S2 | 4/18 | 25K | Mature): In a switcheroo alternate universe, Buck spends young adulthood in the military, while Eddie, who has no idea Christopher exists, spends his twenties messing around, finally enjoying freedom away from his family’s expectations. When they both end up in Los Angeles, at the 118, some things are different, and others will be the same in any universe.
🔥 because we'll all arrive in heaven alive by callmenewbie/ @puppyboybuckley (Post-S6, Disaster Fic | 7/9 | 51K | Explicit): During a search and rescue, Eddie disappears without a trace, leaving Buck to grapple with the sudden possibility of a life without him.
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The Gates of Jackson | Joel Miller x F!Reader | Chapter 1 - New Arrivals
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masterlist | ao3 | follow @youwouldntdownloadapizza and turn on notifications for updates
You showed up at the gates of Jackson with hands covered in blood and no memory of how you got there. That was two years ago. Since then, you've become Maria's right-hand woman and the person in charge of Jackson's logistical backend. Patrol schedules, inventory—all your purview. When a patrol gone wrong forces you to get to know Joel, memories of your past begin resurfacing—along with their consequences.
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pairing: joel miller x f!reader
rating: 18+, minors DNI
word count: 1.6k
tags: no use of y/n, eventual smut, no beta we die like sarah, jackson era, other additional tags to be added, slow burn, ellie needs a hug, joel lives, good parent joel, reader-insert, reader insert, forced proximity, only one bed trope, nightmares, childbirth, hurt/comfort, emotional hurt/comfort, angst with a happy ending, soft joel, cuddling & snuggling, fluff, masturbation, pining, joel falls first, possibly demisexual reader (tbd), ptsd, ptsd flashbacks, panic attacks, amnesia, sexual braiding
chapter warnings: childbirth (mentioned)
Chapter 1 - New Arrivals
The first time you met Joel, he stank like shit. Literally, he smelled like he had rolled in it. You issued him soap, and sent him on his way. That was a loss to Jackson’s ledgers you were more than willing to take.
The second time, he smelled better. Unremarkable mostly, more of a neutral scent tinged with man smell around the edges. Nothing to write home about. Still, you issued him deodorant. Couldn’t take any chances.
He requested bullets, a basic first aid kit, and warm clothing. With Maria’s approval, you made the relevant deductions and issued the items at hand. You even sprung for wool socks. With a winter like this, he could use all the help he could get.
“You’re headed south, right?” you asked him as he packed a worn duffel bag.
“Colorado,” he replied. You waited, but that’s all he gave you. Guess he didn’t feel like elaborating.
“What about the girl, she need anything?”
He considered the offer, then asked, “You got any pens, pencils or anything? Notebooks? She likes to keep track of things, take notes. Draw, mostly,” he trailed off, scrubbing a hand over his face, “And we’re almost out of paper.”
You smiled at that. A girl after your own heart . “I’ll see what I can scrounge up.”
* * *
You asked Tommy about him, once the two of them were gone. He didn’t have much to say.
“Barely talked to the girl. Probably know about as much about her as you do. Joel… Well, Joel’s an enigma.”
You rolled your eyes at that. “Come on, Tommy. I’m asking for the basics, not his social security number.”
Tommy sighed. “He’s brash, he’s protective, he’s opinionated… I don’t know what much else to tell you. He’s just Joel. One of those people you gotta get to know just by knowing ‘em, I guess.”
You blinked twice. “Supremely helpful, Tommy.”
* * *
The next time you met Joel, he smelled better but looked worse. You only half-remembered his eyes, but something in them last time had been warmer. The ones you saw now were… dead, almost. Like something within them had been destroyed. Whether he’d been the one to do the destroying or it had been done to him remained to be seen.
You’d seen him and the girl with Tommy and Maria in the dining hall that first time they’d come to town, wolfing down chili like they’d just discovered, well, chili. They ate slower now, both of them, not like they weren’t in a rush but like their heads were elsewhere. The girl seemed to stare into nowhere—not all the time, but it was distinct when she did it.
Joel didn’t zone out. No, if anything he was zoned in . On that poor girl who had been so full of life just months ago, now hollowed out like far too many others. You’d see about filling her back up later. But for now, he was the one that perplexed you. Why was he so focused on her? What had happened out there? Part of you never wanted to find out, but part of you really, really did.
Regardless, she needed new shoes. So you joined them. The man stopped mid-chew, looking up at you with trepidation.
“Hi,” you smiled, “glad you two made it back in one piece.”
“Me too,” he replied, turning his attention back to his cud. You couldn’t tell if that was supposed to be a joke or not. You turned your attention to the girl.
“You’re Ellie, right? I’m Doe. Or that’s what most folks around here call me, anyway.”
“Doe?” She cocked an eyebrow. “Like a deer?”
“A female deer,” you winked back at her. She stared at you blankly. 
“It’s a song,” Joel muttered to her softly, “from before.”
“Oh,” Ellie nodded. The silence dragged, but thankfully you came prepared.
“Cobbler?” you offered bowls to each of them. It was fresh from the oven, still steaming and smelling of cinnamon.
“Yes, please!” Ellie yanked the bigger bowl towards herself, broccoli forgotten. She got a few bites in before Joel intervened, pulling the sugar aside and reinstating the vegetables. The girl frowned at that, but his pointed look said not to bother arguing. So she didn’t.
“Don’t worry, it’ll still be hot in a minute.” You tucked into your own cobbler, savoring the warm sweetness as it glided across your tongue. Even in Jackson, it was a delicacy. But it was spring, and the cherries were here. And you’d accounted for everything.
��Did you want something?” Joel asked, finishing his own plate and reaching for the cobbler.
“Ellie needs new shoes.”
“We’ve got it handled,” he said.
“Do you, though? You haven’t got much to trade with, and we’ve got plenty in inventory. That’s kind of what it’s there for. Why suffer blisters when communism’s got your back?”
“Can I?” Ellie’s face lit up. You liked seeing her eyes like that: brighter. They belonged that way.
Joel swallowed his cobbler, mulling over the idea. “After lunch,” he agreed, nodding to the eager teen. “Finish your cobbler first.”
* * *
Ellie’s new light-up sneakers lit the way as you exited the storeroom through your office. Joel had insisted on a sensible pair as well, but you couldn’t deny the kid a little whimsy.
“Maria give you your patrol schedule yet?” you asked him, nodding to the well-worn chalkboard in the corner. Routes on the left, days and times up top. Names filled in the boxes in between, a testament to your logistical wizardry.
“Not yet,” he said, crossing to examine it. “Guess she doesn’t need to, now.”
“I’ve got you paired up with Tommy. Seemed easiest, to get you started. You’ll be headed up to the lodge, it’s a pretty standard route. Get the occasional runner, but it’s wildlife more than anything.”
He nodded, heading toward where Ellie was already scampering out the door.
“See you Tuesday, I suppose. Guessing you’re the one to check-in with?” he asked.
You smiled at his correct assumption. 
“Sure am.”
* * *
You didn’t know Joel well enough to make assumptions about his punctuality, but Tommy was never late. Even you were late from time to time, often getting swept up in tasks and losing track of things. But the man was annoyingly punctual. According to Maria, that’s part of why she fell for him.
Tommy was late today.
You crossed to the large observation window lining one wall of your office. It gave you a clear view of the front gates and surrounding guard stations, but there was no sign of Tommy anywhere. Or Joel, for that matter.
A knock on your door interrupted your analysis. It was Eugene. The grizzled old man acted anything but, a smile breaking out across his face at the sight of you.
“Hey, Doe! How’s things?” He asked.
“Fine. I’m looking for Tommy, actually–”
“Didn’t you hear?” He interrupted, “Maria’s gone into labor. He’s with her at the clinic.”
Your stomach dropped. Here you were preparing to chew Tommy out for his tardiness when the whole time he’d been busy becoming a father. A very valid excuse.
“And Joel?” you asked. “They were supposed to patrol together this afternoon, lodge route.”
“Not sure. He wasn’t with them. Listen, I gotta go grab the baby blanket I made and drop it off, but you and I need to have a drink one of these days. I worry your hair’s gonna start falling out in clumps if you don’t take a break eventually.”
“Yeah, but then what would you do, patrol out to the dam with Jesse? There’s a reason I don’t pair you two up anymore.”
“Because you don’t like blackberries?” he chided.
You frowned, “No, because you spent so long harvesting them your 8 hour patrol took 12. I was this close to sending out a search party. A little planning prevents a lot of headaches, Eugene.”
He turned to leave, looking back over his shoulder to get the last word. “You know what else is good for headaches? Whiskey.”
You sent Eugene on his way with instructions to give Maria your best. You’d visit her when the baby was here. For now, you had a community to protect. 
With Tommy out of commission and Joel MIA, you’d have to find someone else to help you cover this patrol route. Dina was always a solid partner, if she was around. Devon the bartender could generally be counted on to have your back. Eugene would be ideal, but you didn’t want to make him work a double.
You headed to the stables to see who you could find. Upon entering, the warmth of the building and company of the animals soothed your unease, if only slightly. 
You found your horse’s stall, the gray spotted mare whinnying at your arrival.
“Hey, Bailey,” you smiled, offering her a slightly bruised apple. She took it gratefully, big brown eyes closing in enjoyment.
“She’s beautiful,” a voice said from behind you, making you jump.
“Sorry,” the voice stepped into the light, “It’s just me.”
“Joel,” you took a deep breath in an attempt to slow your racing heartbeat.
“Sorry I’m late–” 
You cut him off with a raised hand, looking him in the eye. 
“You’re not with your brother,” you finally said, more of a statement than a question.
“You’re not with your best friend,” he replied, offering no further details.
You sighed, debating arguing with him about it before deciding the subject was better left untouched. You had your reasons for staying away from childbirth. If Joel had his own, he was entitled to that. You weren’t going to press him on it, so long as he didn’t press you.
“Come on,” you said, swinging your leg over Bailey’s back and settling into the saddle, “We’re making up for lost time.”
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m1ckeyb3rry · 6 months
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Series Synopsis: You wake up in a strange room with no memories, broken glass at your bedside, and a prince named Zuko as your only chance at figuring out who you really are.
Chapter Synopsis: Your evening with Lee is cut short by the arrival of a strange boy with hooked swords. Instead, you go to the fountain and reveal your greatest secret to the Blue Spirit.
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Series Masterlist
Pairing: Zuko x Reader
Chapter Word Count: 5.0k
Content Warnings: complicated relationships (strangers to friends to lovers to enemies to strangers to lovers to enemies to lovers), amnesia, alternate universe, lots of secrets and lying and mystery
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A/N: i hope you guys don’t think i’m insane for how often i’m updating
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Something amazing had just happened to you, and there was no one you wanted to tell more than Kuei. Your brother, who you loved more than anything. You could envision his pride already, the way his face would glow when he saw it, the way he’d pick you up and spin you around and tell you how happy he was.
It was as you ran down the carpeted hallway towards his chambers that you heard hushed voices coming from the room where your brother’s council of advisors met. He was still young, of course, a child as you were, and so the daily goings-on of the kingdom were managed by these advisors, who were all specialists in their field and had advised your father before Kuei.
Always more interested than your brother in this type of affair, you rested your back against the wall by the door, holding your breath so that you did not alert the men to your presence. They were speaking quietly, but they had left the door ajar by mistake, and so it was not very difficult for you to listen in.
“That boy is no king,” the first said. “Do you think his father would let Long Feng walk over him like that?”
“He is still a child,” the second said. “We cannot expect much from him.”
“Even as a child, he has no interest in learning statecraft, nor the history of his kingdom. He’s far too busy playing with his sister and drawing pictures of bears in his lesson book to absorb anything of use. I fear his reign will lead to the end of the kingdom as we know it,” the first argued. At this, the second sighed.
“You’re right about that much, to be sure. He does not have the power to back up the few proclamations he makes. What kind of general obeys a king like that?” the second said.
You swallowed, for these were words you knew to be treasonous. They were speaking ill of your brother, of the King Kuei, and they ought to lose their stations for it. There was nothing you could do, though; even if Kuei would believe you, who else would? Who would discharge two premier advisors on the words of a little girl?
“If only he were born an Earthbender,” the first said. “Then he could be trained. Then there would be a way that he could eventually gain the respect of the rest of the council.”
“There hasn’t been an Earth King who could Earthbend in many decades now,” the second said. “At this point, I’d even take a queen, if she could just do that much.”
“What do you mean by that?” the first said. The second huffed.
“You know. That sister of his,” he said. “If she shows some promise…if she can lift even a pebble…then we will do what we must in order for the kingdom to have a strong ruler.”
“You’d kill the king in favor of a queen?” the first said.
“If she can Earthbend, then I’ll kill anyone for her to rule,” the second said bluntly. “It’s about time that the world was reminded of why Shan’s line is so feared.”
“You are more daring than I thought, old friend!” the first said. “Let’s vow to keep an eye on the young princess. The moment she gives us a hint that she can Earthbend, we will strike.”
“And if she doesn’t?” the second said.
“Then we’ve lost nothing but a few spare moments spent caring for our dear king’s heir,” the first said. “It’ll only make us look better in the eyes of the royals. We really cannot lose in this scenario.”
“You’re right,” the second said. 
You didn’t stay to hear the rest of it. Staring at your palms in horror, those very palms which might lead to your brother’s death, you ran back to your room as fast as you could, pressing your hands over your ears as you chanted the same thing to yourself under your breath, over and over like it was a mantra.
“I am not an Earthbender. I am not an Earthbender. I am not an Earthbender.”
“You know, I had a lot of fun with you,” you said, pulling on the end of Lee’s sleeve to get his attention. “Lee, I really am being serious. I enjoyed it.”
The two of you had spent the rest of the afternoon doing random things around Ba Sing Se. You had bought lunch for you both, and Lee had argued with the vendor until he agreed to give you the food for half-price, after which you had sat by the fountain and eaten together. It was surprisingly nice, even though neither of you had spoken much. Oddly, you didn’t mind silence with him. It was alright. It was nice, even.
“Yeah, whatever,” Lee said. “I guess you could say I had fun, too.”
“It wouldn’t kill you to admit that you like spending time with me,” you said.
“It might,” he said.
“Oh, save it. At the minimum, won’t you say that it was better than working the afternoon shift?” you said.
“That much is true,” he allowed. “But it’s back to work for me now. It’s just about time for the evening round to start.”
“For shame,” you said. “Let this not be the last time we do something like this together.”
“Okay,” he said gamely. You were actually taken aback, not expecting him to agree so readily. Lee was one of those particularly contrary people, the type to refuse on principle, even if he harbored no real misgivings, so for him to just say yes was out of character. You narrowed your eyes at him.
“Did you like your lunch that much?” you said.
“Huh?” he said.
“It’s just that I wasn’t expecting you to acquiesce so quickly. Normally, you would’ve pretended to deliberate over it for at least a minute or two,” you said.
“You told me a good story,” he said. “Do you blame me for wanting to hear more?”
“Ah, so I’m your new theology lecturer,” you said. “You should’ve said so from the start.”
“Not exactly,” he said, staring at his feet as he walked. “You’re something else.”
“Something else! And may I be privy to what that might be?” you said.
“No,” he said. “It’s for me to know, not you!”
By his tone alone, you could understand what that something else could represent, but you did not force him to explain further. He always gave you these considerations, never made you talk more than you offered, never demanded you elaborate, so you did the same for him, only humming a song your brother used to sing to you as you entered the tea house.
“This is where we must part, then,” you said when you and he reached the counter. Lee pulled his apron down from its hook and tied it back on miserably, already dimming, though you had not noticed until it was vanished that he had been close to happiness the entire time the two of you had been together.
“Lee, Y/N! You’re back!” Mushi said as he exited the kitchen. “How was it?”
You arched a brow at Lee, jerking your head towards Mushi, indicating that he had to respond in his own words. It was not just because it was polite; you wanted to hear it, too. What would he tell his uncle about the outing? What had he thought of it?
He finished tying the apron behind his back in a neat bow and rolled his sleeves up again, revealing his sinewy forearms. It was something you had always taken note of: he was far more well-built than you would’ve expected of an ordinary citizen. It was closer to the lithe musculature of the higher-ranked soldiers, but you had never come up with a satisfactory explanation for why he was like that.
“We had a good time,” he said shortly. “Am I serving or washing this time?”
“That is great to hear,” Mushi said. “I told you you would! And I think they want you serving tonight.”
He said something under his breath that you could not quite catch, but then he nodded, ducking beneath the counter to produce a tray. And though it meant that you would be late to the lighting of the fountain lamps, where you might meet the Blue Spirit, you found yourself lingering, trying to squeeze out every bit of time you could spend with Lee until you had to go for good.
You weren’t sure why you wanted to. It was a realization you were on the brink of arriving at, but you hadn’t quite reached yet. It just remained that that was how it was, that you preferred arguing with him to speaking fondly with anyone else, that you’d rather sit in silence with him than have an avid discussion with another person.
“Hey,” Lee said, pausing before you with the empty tray in his hands. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Y/N.”
“What a turn of events,” you said. “The very boy who tried to ban me from the shop is now inviting me back.”
“And the very girl who was once illiterate is now telling stories of her own,” he said with a wry half-grin. “Things change.”
The door slammed open, almost bursting off of its hinges, and you all but leapt out of your skin as a boy brandished a pair of hooked swords at you and Lee, a piece of grass sticking out of his mouth, incongruous with the rest of his regalia.
“That’s enough!” he shouted. “I’ve had enough of all of you! Since no one believes me, I’ll prove it myself!”
“What are you talking about?” one of the low-level militia members who frequented the shop said. “You have about ten seconds to drop those swords, boy.”
“That boy and the old man are Firebenders!” the boy shouted. “Judging by the girl’s closeness to them, she’s in on it, too! I bet she’s a Firebender as well!”
You thought it was ironic that he was accusing his own kingdom’s princess of being from another nation, but considering no one knew who you were, you could not share the humor you derived from the ridiculous declaration. Glancing at Lee, you saw that his mouth had set into a firm line.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about! You must be confused,” Mushi said.
“I saw you warming tea!” the boy said. Almost collectively, everyone in the shop rolled their eyes.
“Uh, yeah,” you said, speaking for the entire crowd when you did so. “He’s a tea-maker. They do tend to do that.”
“That’s not the point! How about this?” he said, jabbing his swords at the poor, defenseless Mushi, who backed away in concern. “I’ll just make you Firebend! If you do it in front of everyone, then there’s no way it can be denied any longer!”
As the boy rushed towards you, Mushi, and Lee, the militia man stood in your defense. Before he could do anything, though, Lee was taking the swords of the man’s back and pointing them at the boy.
“If it’s a show you want, then it’s a show you’ll get,” he said. You gasped as the two of them began to battle. Mushi took you by the arm, pulling you out of the way as Lee and the boy leapt atop the tables, slashing at one another with blows that were not meant to solely maim.
“What is happening?” you said as the clash made its way outside. “Since when can Lee use broadswords?”
“He’s a boy of many talents!” Mushi said as you followed the crowd outside. You hid behind him, peeping over his shoulder and clutching the back of his shirt when Lee sacrificed one of his swords so that the other boy would lose one of his.
“Will he be alright?” you said. You couldn’t understand the extent of your nerves, only that you were nervous. You didn’t want Lee to die, of course, but that was a natural reaction which any person might have. What was strange was that every time the boy’s hook whistled near Lee’s face, every time its wicked tip nearly caught on Lee’s arm, your heart leapt into your throat.
“He’s skilled, but this poor boy is confused. Someone, please help him!” Mushi said. “Oh, thank goodness.”
You weren’t sure why he was so relieved, but then you saw those familiar uniforms and squeaked before crouching behind Mushi. It was two Dai Li agents, come to take the other boy away — two Dai Li agents who, if they had turned their heads even a moment earlier, would’ve seen you and known that you had escaped the palace right under Long Feng’s nose.
“Are they gone?” you said as the crowd began to disperse. “Is everyone okay?”
“Yes, it’s all clear,” Mushi said. You looked around his legs, but he seemed to be telling the truth, so, straightening, you brushed yourself off.
“Thank Quynh,” you said with a shudder. “That was so frightening. Lee, are you fine?”
“It was nothing,” Lee said, wiping the sweat from his brow as he handed the militia man his swords back. His expression was still dark as he took off his apron and tossed it at his uncle. “I’m taking the rest of the day off, uncle.”
“Are you sure you’re okay?” you said, reaching out and placing your hand on his shoulder to stop him before he could stalk back into the tea shop. He whirled around, and you preemptively cringed back, already feeling sorry for asking, but it was too late.
“I said I’m fine!” he said. Upon noticing how you had already shrank away, though, his eyes widened. “Just…it’s fine. You should go, Y/N.”
“Right,” you said. “I’ll, um, see you around.”
He nodded, and then, before Mushi could convince you otherwise, before anyone could tell you to stop, you were running towards the fountain, the only place where you might find some solace, even if said solace had not come in so long.
Finding that familiar bench, you collapsed atop it, the stress of everything compounding until you were close to tears. What if Lee had really been injured? What if the Dai Li had not come in time and the boy had bested him? What if he ended up in the same state as some of the people you had seen in the Lower Ring? If he lost his arm or his leg, if another scar was sliced into his face, then what?
You had not been crying for very long when there were those same footsteps in front of you, the soft, light ones that you had all but memorized from how frequently you imagined them. Though you did not take your hands away from your face, you opened your fingers, peering through watery eyes at the figure squatting before you.
He tapped your wrists, and you let him pull your hands down, even though you were more than a little embarrassed to be found in such a state by the Blue Spirit, who always seemed so collected. Using your neckline to blot away your tears, you ignored your rational mind’s warning and threw your arms around his shoulders, resting your face against the crook of his neck.
“Things are so terrible, Blue Spirit,” you said, holding onto him as if he were an anchor. He was hesitant in reciprocating, but eventually, his own arms settled around your waist, keeping you in place if not pulling you closer. “My — my friend, have I told you about him? My friend, his name is Lee…I’d never say it to his face, but he’s someone I really admire. He’s so certain of himself and his opinions, and he’s not like Kuei or the servants at all — he’s really very witty, he can actually keep up with me and argue his own points when we speak instead of constantly bowing to my whims or dismissing them in turn! He’s my friend, my only friend, except you, but today he was attacked. Attacked! In my own city, he was attacked!”
The Blue Spirit patted you on the back. It was a little too rough to really be considered comforting, but you understand the intention and found that the effect was not lessened despite his ineptitude.
“I was so worried he might’ve been hurt,” you said. “What would have I done then? Who would I have if not him? You might not believe it, or maybe you might find it depressing, but I’ve really grown attached to him in the short time we’ve known one another. Besides you, he’s the only person who’s treated me normally, without reverence. I’m not her royal highness the princess when I’m with him. I’m just the frustrating Y/N who likes books and distracts him from his work.”
The Blue Spirit pulled away and shook his head at you. You laughed, though it was a thin, brittle sound.
“You don’t know the half of it,” you said. “It’s a wonder he gets anything done at all when I’m there. A testament to his character, maybe. Anyways, I think I’ve upset him.”
The Blue Spirit shook his head once more, but you could only stroke the cheek of his cool mask.
“Thank you for that, but I really have. It’s alright; I will apologize to him tomorrow. I was in the wrong for bothering him when he had been in such peril only seconds previously,” you said. “I’m sorry to you, as well, for burdening you with my troubles. It’s only that I hadn’t realized the truth of Ba Sing Se until now. I was told that the city was more dangerous than I expected before I came here, but until I experienced it myself, I didn’t quite appreciate what it entailed.”
The Blue Spirit nodded, using his gloved hand to swipe away the tear tracks which had dried on your face. You caught his hand and squeezed it.
“I want to show you something,” you said. “It’s a secret that I haven’t told anyone else in all my years of living, but since you’ve saved me twice already, I think that it’s alright if you know.”
He cocked his head as you trotted over to the fountain, fishing around in the water, pulling out one of the little glass lanterns that floated along the surface in the night, when the turtleducks had gone away to wherever they slept. Blowing out the candle, you smashed it against the ground, careful not to cut yourself on the twinkling shards.
“You see, the reason why I’ve been kept in the palace is because I’m a nonbender like my brother, like my father, like most of my family, in fact. It’s because I’m defenseless — or at least, because I’m thought to be,” you said. “But it’s not entirely like that. Er, the second thing is true, sadly. I am defenseless, or nearly so, but as for the rest of it…”
Gathering the pieces of glass in your palm, you concentrated on them, or, specifically, the tiny particles of earth which they were made of. It was not a feat of strength but of precision, and though you held no claim to the former, the latter was something you could proudly call yours.
Shielded by the Blue Spirit’s body on one side and the fountain on the other, the jagged edges of the glass smoothed and curled on your palm, melding together until they formed the shape you wanted them to: a sparkling lily, which you presented to the man.
“That’s the extent of it, I’m afraid,” you said as he held it up to the firelight. “Glass flowers and other such sculptures. I’m not particularly strong, you see, or if I am, then I’ve never been able to cultivate that strength. Bending exercises, repeated forms…I could not practice things like that for fear of what would become of Kuei if I did.”
He was obviously confused; you did not blame him. It was a confusing statement without the context behind it, so, staring at the rushing waters of the fountain, you began to explain.
“I was fairly young when I discovered that I could Earthbend,” you said. “I ran to tell my brother, but on the way there, I overheard a pair of his advisors saying that if I turned out to be an Earthbender, they’d kill my brother so I could take the throne. That was something I could not allow — he is my brother, you know. My only family. I could not let him die, too, so I swore off bending forever.
“I was not entirely successful. Bending is something that those of us who have it must perform frequently in order to be fulfilled, so my compromise was making things like that flower. Little artworks, which were innocuous enough that no one was ever suspicious as to their true origin. I didn’t have a traditional teacher, but Quynh — yes, the bear spirit, the patron of the Earth Kingdom, the great mother, that Quynh. I’m the princess, aren’t I? It only makes sense that she guided me. Anyways, she taught me that, if I could not train my power, then I had to refine my senses, so that I was sufficiently challenged without making my prowess obvious.
“At first, I only bent crystals, which are harder than pure earth but easier than glass to work with. Eventually, though, I grew bored of making small pieces of jewelry for Quynh, no matter how lovely she looked draped in diamonds and rubies. After that, I graduated to glass, and that’s what I do when I’m bored of reading and studying — I practice.
“I suppose you could call me the world’s only Glassbender,” you finished. “Not the first, but the only remaining, as Quynh was the only remaining bear. It’s not a very practical element, but it’s not like I’ll ever need to use it for anything but aesthetics, so for my own purposes, it’s suitable.”
The Blue Spirit admired the glass lily, and you laughed as he turned it over in his hands — a real laugh this time, not a despairing one. He was like a child, filled with such delight at the simple toy you had fashioned. For a while, he played with it, tracing each edge and crevice with his slender fingers, caressing each individual petal, and then finally, reluctantly, he offered it back to you.
“No, it’s a gift,” you said. “You can keep it. It’s not difficult for me to make more, and no matter how pretty it is, it’s really only glass. It’s not in rare supply by any means.”
He did not think twice, carefully tucking the flower away in the folds of his clothing. You smiled at him before raising your finger to your lips.
“It’s a secret, remember? No one can know I’m an Earthbender. No one can realize the truth, lest they depose Kuei and install me in his place,” you said.
The Blue Spirit offered you his hand, and for a moment you stared at it unsurely. It was a strange form of agreement, but then you understood — it was not his hand he was offering but his pinky finger. You interlocked your own with it, so that the deal was made, the secret sworn, and then you let go.
“Imagine how the civilians would laugh,” you said, sitting on the marble edge of the fountain and dipping your fingers in the water. “If they knew the truth. That name they call me is more apt than they realize, isn’t it? The Glass Princess. I really am one.”
He sat beside you, though he did not dip his own hand into the water. He only observed you, and though it might’ve been intense, uncomfortable, awkward, were it anyone else, it felt reasonable with him. Like that was what he was meant to be doing.
“Can I see your hand?” you said. He gave it to you readily, and you cradled it in yours, arranging it so that the palm was facing upwards, before pausing. “Is it alright if I take the glove off?”
You waited. For a moment, the night was utterly still as he thought about the request, and in that time, you came to notice things about the world which you had thus far been blind to.
The precise shade of his mask, which was a deep blue like sapphire-paint. It was something that you could never erase from your mind, the visage of your savior, the color which had stood between you and your death — but it was also the color that had unmasked the truth of your city to you. If it were not for the Blue Spirit, wouldn’t you still live in that same ignorance? You could not yet say you understood anything, but now you knew that there was something there which needed to be understood in the first place. Before, you were not even aware of that much.
The exact scent clinging to him, which was the delicate fragrance of the honey that some used as sweetener in place of sugar. It was not overwhelming nor heady; it was a soft, warm aroma, as gentle and inviting as candlelight.
The shushing rhythm of the fountain in the background, which was melodic in its sameness. It was another one of those sounds, the type that easily faded away when it was not on your mind but which was omnipotent when you paid attention. The steady flow of the water lulled you into another state — not sleep, because you could not sleep when you were so close to the Blue Spirit, but the opposite, a heightened awareness of both yourself and of him.
That was why time passed both agonizingly slowly and yet dizzyingly quickly, up until the moment that he nodded in agreement and whatever trance you had been in was broken.
Anticipation rushed through you as you took your free hand, the one not supporting his, and tugged on the end of the glove. It came off with a swift motion, and for the first time, there was the sensation of your skin touching his own.
“They say you can tell someone’s future by these marks,” you said, dancing your fingers along the creases of his palm. “It’s an ancient art. Very esoteric. I never learned much about it, but now, I wish I had.”
You wished you could read his future, untangle those winding ways into something comprehensible. The roadmap of the Blue Spirit’s life. You wished you could read it, could know if that destiny was one that included you in its course, but you did not say anything along those lines. You didn’t know what that desire meant yourself, and you didn’t want to frighten him, either, in case it sounded like something it was not.
Though his hands were surprisingly soft, there were calluses formed in the places where he gripped his swords. They were incredibly warm, too, though it was in a pacifying way, not with the sickly sense of fever. They were the hands of a warrior, but also the hands of vanity, and it relieved you to see that even the perfect, infallible Blue Spirit was prone to this fault.
“If only I were more like you,” you said. “Ba Sing Se is in such a state of disrepair, and I can do nothing but offer coins to those I come across, in the hopes that I might alleviate their personal struggles. That’s not hardly enough, though. For every one person I can help, tens of others do not get the same chance. Tens of others continue to suffer from a problem that I cannot identify. What princess does not even know why her subjects are in such pain? What princess can do so little about it?”
The love for your kingdom or the love for your brother? If you were the queen, would things be any different? Would Ba Sing Se be in a better position, or would it all be the same? Well, it was a moot point now. You were not an Earthbender in any way that mattered. The advisors had longed to instate you so that you could remind the world of the power of Shan’s line, but as it was, you would only make a mockery of your famed ancestor. The man who had established the entire Earth Kingdom, left with a great-to-the-nth-degree granddaughter who could only bend glass. That was his lineage. That was his legacy.
“My forefathers must be so ashamed of me,” you said. “What have I ever done with my life? What is there that I can still do? I am the Glass Princess, and that’s all I will be remembered as. King Kuei’s sister who would’ve watched Ba Sing Se fall if it meant she could keep her pretty jewels and fancy dresses.”
Taking another lantern, removing its candle, you twisted the glass into a miniature replica of the Earth Palace. It was meticulous and perfect; such was the training Quynh had given you, after all. Form over function. Accuracy over mass. Mental fortitude over physical fortification.
“That’s where I am,” you said, tapping the minuscule window. “All of the time, unless I am with you or in the tea shop. That’s the extent of my world.”
Two finger lengths long. That was your existence in summary. You put the Blue Spirit’s glove back on and gave him the model of the palace.
“In case you ever visit,” you said. “So you don’t get lost. Come see me if you do, won’t you?”
He didn’t offer you his pinky this time, but you figured that when he nodded his head in acceptance, he still meant it as a promise.
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taglist (comment/send an ask/dm to be added): @rinisfruity14 @c4ttheart @blacky-rose @shizko @marsbars09 @happyplaidpersonfestival @catborglar @camilleverreault @nerdybouquetofkittens-blog @lovialy @heart4hees @stefnarda @ioonatv
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114 notes · View notes
stayevildarling · 4 months
So I just found your page! I absolutely loved One Too Many Secrets and everything else you have written! I was wondering if I could request another Cordelia/Billie/Mina x Reader or Natasha/Wanda/Cordelia x Reader (whichever you prefer) where Reader goes missing one day. They search for her, but can’t find her. A while later, one or all of them run into her in public, but she’s very confused and claims to not know any of them. She is with another person who calls her a different name, eventually R leaves with that person, leaving the others rather upset, hurt and confused. Then a few days later, Reader reaches out to them. She tells them she was in an accident and woke up with absolutely no memory of who she is or anything about her life. She’s hoping they can maybe fill in some details.
So this whole time, they’ve been searching for her. Praying she hadn’t left them or was taken or worst case scenario no longer alive, and she’s just been living under a different name with no idea who she is. I’ll leave the ending up to you if Reader remembers or not.
I just have this idea of Reader reaching out to them like, “…wait… so you know me?”
“Know you? …. We love you.”
…if you wanna… if not, I totally understand!!! I love your writing!!!
Natasha Romanoff x Wanda Maximoff x Cordelia Goode x Reader- It all fell down
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A/N: I just want to say thank you to whoever sent me this 🫶🏻 I absolutely adore requests like these. I changed some of it to fit the storyline that I had in mind and I decided to go with wandanat x Delia for this one because I enjoyed writing their chemistry together last time. I apologise if the ending seems a bit cheesy or rushed but this was getting really long.
tags/warnings: female reader, established relationship, quad polyamorous relationship, mention of violence, mention of blood, mention of weapons/guns, amnesia, cursing, angst, fluff
translation: detka= baby, malishka= baby girl
word count: 7k
@lunaticwhittaker, @billiebeanhoward, @lanawinters-ily, @kenzbro, @minaslittleone, @httpfiftyshadesofgay, @whitelotus00, @ninaahs, @vintagepaulson, @isle-of-earle, @paulsonsratched, @stepintomyworld, @grilledcheeseandguavajelly, @lucyintheskywithxanax, @fanfics4world, @mymiraclewitch, @hazard-to-myself, @awritersometime, @ohrwurm26, @wastdstime
As soon as the front door opens, both Cordelia and Wanda immediately rise to their feet, anxiously rushing towards the hallway only to expose a soaked, beaten and bruised Natasha. The sound of rain and thunder from outside draws out as the redhead steps inside. ,,Oh honey'' the supreme coos, tilting her head a little and biting her lip to hide her own anxiety. Wanda simply watches, her green eyes never leaving her girlfriends as the black widow brushes past them, her features tense as she makes her way towards the bathroom. Two sets of worried eyes follow her, as the door bangs shut matching her inner frustration.
The cold water grounds the Russian a little as she runs it over her tired features, using a towel to dry off her hair and the remainder of water on her body before glancing at herself in the mirror. All she can see is shame, disappointment and guilt, another night of searching for something, any clues, anything that could help her. ,,Darling?'' Wanda tries softly, knocking on the door a few minutes later. Natasha knew both her lovers could easily open the door, Wanda being the scarlet witch and Cordelia being supreme and headmistress to Miss Robichaux's Academy and so with a sigh she opens the door, exposing her tired features.
,,What happened?'' the blonde tries softly, tilting her head to the side again and her fingers tracing gently across the cut forming on Natasha's forehead. ,,Nothing- I'm fine'' she quickly reassures, before again brushing past them and walking over to her dresser, ridding herself from the wet clothing and changing into a new tank top and some sweatpants. ,,Honey, you have got to stop this'' Cordelia tries, taking another step towards the former assassin. Wanda nods, agreeing with her partner before her green eyes try and search for Natasha's. ,,You can't keep going out there, one day you'll get hurt or worse, we will loose you too'' she explains before tears fill her vision, her lip beginning to wobble as her fear and the words practically burst out of her.
,,I have to'' Natasha mumbles, ignoring her lovers words and concern, the only thing on her mind you. ,,Someone has to keep trying'' she huffs before walking over to the armchair in the corner. ,,And we will darling, just come to bed with us please'' Cordelia tries, her expression stern as the concern threatens to overwhelm her. ,,Later'' Natasha huffs, her accent thick as she settles into her usual corner before Wanda and the blonde simply give up. It had been like this for a few months, ever since your disappearance, Natasha has been out there every single night, searching the streets for any clue, talking to people who may know something, going back to your favourite places or the ones that made you feel safe like the lake where Wanda would always take you for picnics, even Delia's academy as you had spent a majority of your time there and even the hill with the special view that Natasha had shown you once. But it wasn't successful and eventually the redhead grew tired of this, getting more aggressive with her search, with her questioning.
The day where you didn't return home from work had changed them all indefinitely. Cordelia had the strange feeling something wasn't right as soon as the clock turned it's usual time for your arrival home. Wanda and Natasha tried to calm her down, thinking maybe you had gotten caught up with something or simply stopped somewhere on your way home. However, the feeling quickly settled in Wanda's stomach as well as she had tried calling you countless times, Natasha eventually spending the whole night in the hopes of finding you. However you never returned and it killed them all in their own way. Wanda spent the first weeks devastated as her own past came to haunt her before she tried to use all of her strength and magic to find you. Cordelia had spent every waking moment trying to find you, using countless spells but none of them had worked and it killed her. And so the only thing she could try and do was look after both Wanda and Natasha and try to remain strong for them. Not a day passed where Cordelia didn't miss her little sunshine and Wanda didn't miss her special girl.
For some reason it hit Natasha harder than both of them. Every night she sat in the same armchair in the bedroom, the one that overlooked both the street and also the front door, simply in the hopes that you would return. She would have little sleep, sometimes even none. Skipping on Missions with the avengers often as she wanted to do her own thing and find you, knowing their resources failed when they had equally looked for you a while back. She couldn't shake the feeling that it was her fault, after all she was the most like you. Growing up you had equally been forced to work for an organisation and they turned you into their own villain and spy, sending you all over the world to gather information and during this you became strong both mentally and physically until you stumbled upon Natasha and Wanda when trying to infiltrate the avengers compound before they took you in eventually, being able to tell you wanted out.
The black widow couldn't help but think that she should have been there that day, that they should have never allowed to let you take that silly little part time job as you were busy enough with missions for the avengers as well as helping Cordelia back at the academy, despite not being a witch. She feels like she failed you, often wondering whether you may have walked away voluntarily and that she or they may have upset you. Her first thought was you being taken but she had made sure to shut down the whole organisation from your past and there had been no sign of you anywhere on earth. While Wanda had a strange feeling that you may be dead, as she couldn't feel you anymore, Natasha never gave up, spending every waking moment on finding you, finding her detka, despite ruining her life and relationship in the wake of it. But she didn't care, her main mission always being you and your wellbeing.
After another week had passed by, Cordelia and Wanda somehow convinced Natasha to finally spend some time with them and forget about her mission for one day and the black widow only agreed because she was tired, tired of not getting any answers and not finding you. The supreme had suggested the markets as it was her usual Saturday morning routine and despite the thought killing her as she always went there with you, she thought it may bring Wanda and Natasha some joy. They stopped at some little stalls, Cordelia picking up some herbs and flowers, Wanda trying to relax although the only thing she could do was search for your face in the crowds. Natasha actively tried to relax, wanting to be better for both her girlfriends, knowing this hadn't been easy on them either. After going some more places, picking up some ingredients for dinner, the sky now filled with some dark clouds, Wanda suddenly halts in her steps, almost dropping some of the bags.
,,Wands?'' Natasha asks softly, her face filled with concern seeing the expression on her lovers face. ,,What is it darling?'' Cordelia asks concerned, noticing how Wanda almost seems frozen in her spot. ,,Y/N.. it's Y/N'' she whispers, her eyes locked on a little crowd of people standing by a lemonade stand. ,,Darling'' Cordelia sighs, knowing Wanda has been struggling with this especially and looking for you everywhere whenever leaving the house, often having to remind her that someone with the same height, hair colour or piece of clothing wasn't you and having to pick up the pieces. ,,No wait'' Natasha stops the supreme, seeing the back of your head and her breath almost getting caught in her throat. She is quick to abandon her other lovers, rushing through the crowds until she reaches you. ,,Y/N.. detka?'' she tries before the person next to you turns around.
As soon as Wanda and Cordelia catch up, the supremes hand hovers on your shoulder, urging you to face them and when you do their faces drop in realisation that this really was you. ,,Oh my god Y/N'' Wands cries, tears instantly streaming down her cheeks as she had waited for this for so long. ,,Oh my sweet girl, where have you been?'' Cordelia asks through tears equally, her hands instantly reaching to cup your cheeks. Natasha watches carefully as you flinch at the supremes touch and your confusion when Wanda spoke to you moments before, carefully observing the person accompanying you and watching the scene unfold.
,,I-'' you almost stutter, turning towards Jay in confusion before glancing at the three unfamiliar women again. ,,Who- who are you?'' you ask confused, watching as their hearts shatter in front of you. ,,Y/N'' Cordelia begins, her eyebrows furrowed with confusion and pain. ,,I don't know who you are and my name is Alex'' you repeat, growing frustrated and still thinking they are mistaking you for someone else. ,,It's us'' Wanda tries, reaching for your hand hoping her touch could do anything, make you feel, make you remember. ,,Sweetie, this is Natasha, Wanda and I'm Cordelia'' the blonde tries to remind you and despite recognising the first two from somewhere, you still had no clue what was happening. ,,So you.. you know me?'' you ask confused, having no memory of your life until a few months ago back when Jay had found you.
,,Know you? detka.. we.. love you'' Natasha tries, finally finding her voice despite the pain almost crushing her whole. Your face turns from confusion into shock listening to their words. Helplessly you search their eyes for any sign of a lie despite not knowing them well but something within you told you could trust the set of brown and two set of green eyes who are equally pleading with you to listen, to trust them. ,,Jay?'' you almost whisper, getting his attention before he looks at you, your eyes pleading anxiously and frustrated at your husband, he having been the only one by your side since you can remember. ,,This is clearly a mixup, her name is Alex'' he claims before tugging at your arm and ushering you to follow him. ,,Hey back off'' Natasha warns, gripping his arm hard and freeing you of his grasp. ,,Nat.. calm down'' Cordelia ushers, stepping between the two of them before pulling the Russian away.
,,I'm sorry'' you whisper with guilty eyes before following Jay and within seconds they had lost you again as you are out of sight. Natasha tried to follow, however she was stopped by Cordelia, the supreme knowing they couldn't figure it out like this. A loud sob suddenly ripples through Wanda, causing Cordelia to let go of the redhead. ,,Wanda hey'' the supreme tries, watching as the ginger sinks to her knees, watching you walk away again. ,,Malishka it's okay'' Natasha tries, doing her best to hide her own pain and broken heart and the confusion of all of this. Together, they help Wanda back on her feet, collecting the bags that had been dropped in the process of this before taking the exhausted and confused witch home, careful of her fragile state.
It didn't take long before they made it home, tugging Wanda into bed as the confusion and pain of seeing you again and you not recognising them had tired her out. With gentle hands, they had tugged her in, gave her some water and dried her tears before softly coaxing her to sleep. As soon as the Scarlett witch had settled, Cordelia and Natasha leave the room, leaving the door open a little bit incase Wanda would wake and need them by her side again. ,,What the hell was that?'' Natasha sighs, her accent again thick due to her frustration. ,,I don't know.. I don't understand'' Cordelia cries, finally letting her walls down and the tears flow. Rubbing her temples in confusion, the supreme paces through the hallway and living room, trying to make sense of this, going over the scene again and again to make sure that she hadn't missed anything. ,,How can she just not recognise us?'' Natasha sighs before speaking again ,,And who the hell was that Jay guy?'' she asks in frustration, her fists forming in anger.
,,I don't know but I don't like this Nat, she doesn't like being around guys, you know that better than I do'' Cordelia tries, remembering your past trauma from your life before meeting them and joining the avengers eventually. ,,I gotta figure this out'' the redhead announces, before grabbing her keys and jacket. ,,Where are you going?'' Cordelia asks, worry evident in her voice. ,,The compound.. I'm sure I can find something on the guy there'' she ushers before glancing at the supreme one more time and her eyes pleading for permission. Of course the blonde agrees, knowing if anyone could figure this out it was the black widow. ,,Be safe for me'' she ushers before Natasha steps closer, softly wiping her tears and kissing her forehead goodbye. ,,Look after Wands for me'' she whispers as they share a moment of intimacy. ,,I promise and you'll let us know?'' the supreme asks before Natasha nods and leaves in a rush.
While Cordelia takes a moment to breathe, before eventually joining Wanda in the bedroom again and laying beside her, making sure she could be there as soon as her girlfriend would wake, Natasha was quick to make it to the others. ,,Natasha'' Tony exclaimed almost excitedly, not having seen the woman for a couple of weeks. His features turned serious along with Steve's as they quickly take in her tense features and the concern in her green eyes. ,,What is it?'' they ask almost in unison before the redhead sighs. ,,We saw Y/N today'' she sighs before their faces turn into confused ones. ,,But that's grea-'' Tony begins before she cuts him off. ,,It would be, if she remembered us and wasn't accompanied by some strange guy'' Natasha huffs, their eyes meeting as the words settle in. ,,What can we do?'' Steve asks concerned, always having been fond of you and your disappearance hurting them equally as they had missed you around and ultimately both Wanda and Natasha.
,,I need to pull up any CCTV from the market and surrounding areas and I really have to find that Jay'' she announces before they both nod, Tony already walking towards a computer and joining Natasha while Steve goes to collect some more members, fully prepared to join Natasha on this mission of finding you. They spent the next several hours going through any details and despite it being quite tedious at first, they manage to actually find some footage of both you and the guy that Natasha had mentioned getting into a car. Once they found this, it took them seconds to pull up a name, quickly realising that his name wasn't actually Jay and pulling an adress from the licence. ,,I'm going'' Natasha was quick to announce, before Tony and Steve had stopped her, ushering her that they would go as well, as she had no idea what she may walk into.
Natasha halted in her steps, thinking whether this was wrong of her, whether she should include Wanda and Cordelia in this. After all they are two of the most powerful witches on earth and could surely help her figure this out. A part of her knew that this came with certain risks if this was truly not just some guy you are living with and she didn't want her girlfriends anywhere near that danger. So in the end she agreed, following Tony and Steve into one of the cars, insisting on driving as she was undeniably the fastest. It doesn't take her long until they pull up to an industrial building block with several apartments. She had convinced Tony and Steve to leave their gear behind as she didn't want to risk scaring you incase this wasn't what she thought it was. And so, the three of them quickly make their way to the building, opening the front door as it had been unlocked before climbing several stairs to reach the adress of the guy they had found, supposedly going by the name Jay.
Tony is quick to use his technology to determine that the apartment is empty, before Natasha breaks the door open with a lock pick, trying not to leave any tracks behind. As soon as they step inside, they find photos on the wall of both you and Jay and Natasha could instantly tell that those weren't real, as she had seen pictures of your younger years and the job being overall poorly done. As the three of them spread out and search the place, they quickly discover that it almost looks like a normal home, however as they take a closer look, their suspicion grows. Steve finds multiple weapons, some guns and also some weapons they had never seen before while Tony tries hacking into the computers to get as much information as possible. Natasha goes through your and Jay's belongings, eventually finding some clothes and nothing out of the ordinary at first. ,,Nat'' Steve calls out from the bathroom, having found a cracked tile in the bathroom behind the sink exposing a book.
,,The therapist said it was a good idea to write things down'' he begins reading out loud ,,My Husband.. Jay.. that feels weird to say. It's not right.. but he's nice'' Steve reads out loud, Natasha being able to recognise your handwriting in an instant. She can't help but scoff, feeling the anger bubbling inside of her. ,,Oh don't be jealous'' Steve tries joking to lift the mood, however Natasha can't seem to find any of this funny. With a swift motion she snatches the book from his hands, flipping through the pages, exposing drawings and more writing. ,,Guys we gotta go'' Tony calls, before Natasha slides the book into the inside of her vest. ,,Let's go'' Steve ushers, reaching for Natasha arms as she stands frozen in the hallway, staring at the fake photographs of you. ,,Did you get anything from that?'' the redhead asks as soon as they get back into the car, Steve the one driving this time. ,,Yes pulled it all, Friday found the base and locations, seems to be some type of organisation'' he explains before Natasha's heart sinks in her chest.
,,We need to go there now'' the redhead ushers before Steve and Tony glance at each other. ,,Give it a day or two, we need to plan this accordingly'' they try to convince her but she is having none of it. ,,She is there, they have her and probably brainwashed her'' she tries arguing before Steve speaks again ,,I know but Nat, she has been safe so far and if we do this wrong we may lose her again'' he speaks and this time she remains silent, knowing that he has got a point with this unfortunately. ,,Let us take you home'' they offer and Natasha remains silent, caught in a wave of painful memories and flashbacks with you, the guilt of this whole thing consuming her entire being. She should have protected you, should have prevented this, should have been by your side.
Almost aimlessly Natasha walks back into her home, ignoring the worried glances from both Cordelia and Wanda as they watch her walk inside. ,,Darling, what is it?'' the blonde tries, only finding the redhead looking right through her, her expression pale and they fear the worst. ,,Please tell me she's okay'' Wanda begs, having seen that same expression on people's faces before and knowing it didn't mean good news. Natasha snaps out of it as soon as she hears the fear in Wanda's voice ,,Yeah, let's sit'' she ushers almost a little absentmindedly still, before walking towards the kitchen table. They both remain silent, waiting for their lover to speak first and it takes a little while for the woman to compose herself and find the right words. ,,We found an adress'' she begins speaking before filling them in on what they had found, the assumption of an organisation behind this, your fake life, fake photographs. They both listen intently, the confusion, pain and grief written over their faces as the extend of the situation weighs in.
,,And I found this'' Natasha speaks, as she had been unsure whether to show them the book she had found. Cordelia is the first one to reach for it, skipping through the pages and reading over your words, her equally recognising your handwriting in an instant. Wanda watches as well, finding drawings of silhouettes ,,Wait that's us'' she speaks confused, before Cordelia reads a little further. ,,Yeah she has these dreams'' Natasha speaks, having read those pages earlier. Silence fills the room, the three of them still left in utter confusion, they had even doubted whether it was really you at the markets as you had been so adamant that your name was a different one but it all fades together as they recognise themselves in your drawings. ,,What have they done to her?'' Wanda sighs, her eyes quickly turning a dark shade of red as she is over washed by anger. ,,Do you have an adress?'' the scarlet witch asks and both Natasha and Cordelia look at her with shocked expressions.
,,Tony has all the data but we need to do this right'' Natasha tries, despite wanting nothing more than to run in there herself. ,,I want to go as well'' Wanda demands, feeling like she has been the least useful in all of this. ,,We'll do it together once it's time'' Natasha reassures, finding Cordelia's grateful smile meeting her as she knows she isn't part of the avengers of course but still wanting to be there for this and help. ,,We should get some rest and wait for further instructions from Tony tomorrow'' Natasha sighs after a while, slowly feeling the effects from today and the lack of sleep from the last few months finally catching up with her. Despite the comfort of being with each other and knowing that at least you are alive and they know where you are, neither of them find much sleep, Wanda mostly overtaken by anger at the people doing this to you, Cordelia deeply worried for your wellbeing and what this all would mean for you and Natasha going over and over the fake photos, as if they had been burnt into her memory.
It takes another couple of days before the avengers had gathered the information necessary. They managed to find the base where the operation was working from and after a debriefing with most of them, including Natasha, Wanda and Cordelia, they are finally ready to find you again. Tony had only agreed to let them join if the three of them stayed back and let them do the main job, and despite agreeing they all knew it wouldn't be that easy for your girlfriends to stand back. With swift motions, Tony manages to hack into the building, entering and most of the avengers taking care of some guards by the front. After getting towards the lower floor, they find a huge base, including weapons they had never seen before, countless vehicles and high end technology. It baffled them how they had missed this for so long but they stayed determined and focused, taking out the guards one by one, Natasha and Wanda leading Cordelia further into the base. It takes them a while until they finally find the man that had accompanied you before and Wanda's rage quickly takes over as she sends him flying to the nearest wall, lifting him in the air with her magic over and over again.
Cordelia physically has to stop Wanda before Natasha approaches the man, gripping him by the throat and lifting him into the air yet again before speaking ,,Where is she?'' she speaks, her eyes turning darker. ,,I have no idea what you are talking about'' he struggles with his words before Natasha's fist lands in his face, sending a wave of blood flying. ,,Y/N where is she?'' she demands again, raising her first in order to get him to speak. ,,Sure you'd like to know'' he smirks in a disgusting way before Natasha's hand squeezes his throat tighter. ,,I know you have been to our place'' he hisses and Wanda is quick to enter his mind, finding out the information that they needed before again sending him flying and dropping unconsciously to the nearest wall. ,,This way'' she ushers, being able to tell where they had been keeping you.
Together, with the avengers they find some back rooms, struggling to find you at first but Cordelia abruptly halts in her steps as she can hear your whimpering in her head through her telepathy, instantly causing for her heart to drop. ,,Over here'' she cries out, causing for all of them to rush into the room. Natasha finds you tied up on a chair, several computer screens around you, as you are hooked up to machines, some wires on your head and you slipping in and out of consciousness. ,,Oh my god'' Wanda cries, quickly running over before freeing you from the machines. ,,My god what have they done to you detka'' Natasha whispers, taking in your broken features. ,,We need to get her out of here and to med bay'' Steve encourages before Natasha takes you into her arms, quickly abandoning the rest of this mission and Wanda and Cordelia following the redhead and your almost lifeless frame to the nearest quinjet. ,,Stay here and finish this'' Natasha pleads with Tony and Steve and they are quick to agree, knowing it took more than this to stop this organisation altogether. ,,She'll pull through, she always does'' Steve encourages before they part ways.
And then within the weeks following, the real pain began as they slowly uncovered the organisations secrets, beginning to understand what they had done to you and how much you had suffered. They each struggled in their own ways, Wanda almost torn apart by her rage wanting nothing more than to kill the people responsible for this. Cordelia had been on the verge of losing it equally, abandoning her duties which was highly unlike her but she couldn't focus on anything else but you. Natasha tried to stay sane and calm, at least having you back with them, however it took every bit of strength and composure to be by your side and keeping Cordelia and Wanda safe in the process. It took a week in total for you to finally wake up and when you did, every single muscle in your body hurt, your brain felt fuzzy, your vision blurry and dizzy.
As you finally manage to open your eyes, you tense immediately, remembering what happened before you passed out, how mad Jay had been at you and forcing some medicine into you, how you had no idea what you had done wrong. Your heart rate slows as you catch a glimpse of the three women from your dreams again, quickly relaxing as you realise it's another dream and not your horrible reality. It's when Cordelia crouches down beside your bed, noticing you waking, her eyes filled with tears, when you realise this wasn't a dream as they never spoke in your dreams. ,,Y/N?'' her voice is soft and calm. ,,My name is Alex'' you quickly speak, despite the words coming out raspy and broken.
Your vision adjusts as you watch them glance between each other ,,It's not sweetie and deep down you know that'' the blonde again speaks softly and reassuringly. ,,I don't.. everything feels funny.. I don't understand'' you speak as tears fill your vision, everything feeling painful and overwhelming. ,,We got you back'' Natasha says, her voice hoarse. Their words get you thinking, the lack of memories, Jay hooking you up to machines, torturing you, the strange place, the life that felt fake and then suddenly these three who you had no memory of other from that one time and your dreams. And somehow they made sense, they felt more real than anything you could remember. ,,He wasn't really my husband was he?'' you whisper, chin wobbling and hands trembling as tears continue pouring. ,,No detka'' Wanda whispers. ,,But we...'' Cordelia begins ,,We're yours darling'' she speaks softly, almost reassuringly and you can't help the way she suddenly makes you feel calm, stopping the trembling of your hands, the wobbling of your chin and how she wipes your tears, for the first time in a long time making you feel safe and sound.
Slowly the days turned into weeks, the beginning spent with a lot of bed rest as they hated the idea of you leaving med bay too soon, however you had been cleared and so with your permission they took you home. Of course you had no idea what home was and it felt strange, entering the walls with photos of you everywhere alongside with the three women that you had gotten to know better as they had been sitting by your bed every day for weeks. Still, you couldn't tell whether it was another fake life, another organisation capturing you after you had learned what happened to you. You couldn't tell and a part of you felt like not trusting them, despite feeling a strange connection to them, especially due to your reoccurring dreams with them and your drawings. The first week after bringing you home, they had been increasingly worried as you stayed in the guest room most days, mostly sleeping and forgetting, rather entering the comfort of your dreams than the pain of reality. You barely ate, barely moved, barely talked as your past slowly came to haunt you each waking moment.
,,We need to help her'' Natasha speaks with an urgency in her voice as she again sits there with her two girlfriends for lunch, you sleeping through another meal, another day. ,,We need to give her time'' Cordelia tried arguing, knowing this must have been a lot to process. ,,I agree.. with Nat'' Wanda says, taking the blonde and redhead by surprise. ,,We can't let her waste away like this'' she huffs, fiddling with her rings due to her nerves. ,,I have an idea but I'll need her consent and yours'' and she didn't need to explain further for the other two to understand what she was implying. And so gently, they coaxed you from your shell, waking you gently and offering you some food before Wanda tried her approach carefully.
,,Darling, I would like to try something to help you and us'' she explains and you simply look into her eyes, feeling empty and hopeless at this point. ,,Do you trust me?'' she asks carefully and you freeze then. Did you trust them? They seemed so familiar and like your home but at the same time they are strangers, two avengers and two witches that could easily be tricking you, playing their own game. How could you ever trust anyone ever again? But something within you takes over, simply nodding your head before you watch her eyes turn a shade of red as her hand gently hovers on your forehead.
Wanda watches, seeing how you had left work that day , excitedly glancing at your phone before a truck approached at high speed, hitting you purposely before two men leave the truck, capturing you. Despite the memories being blurry, she manages to put it together, how they made you wake up in a hospital when in reality it was their base, how they had drugged you, given you details of a fake life, giving you several drugs and medications, serums to make you stronger. From what the avengers had discovered she manages to put it together at last, as her hands leaves your forehead, tears welling in her eyes. This had been their plan all along, to capture an avenger, to turn you into their super solider to destroy them, getting you to play along to this picture perfect life while trying to convince you to join their purpose. Only when they had realised that they had been caught on, they tried to go ahead but thankfully Natasha and the rest figured it out and found you in time.
,,I'm so sorry sweetie'' she whispers, having seen and felt every bit of your pain. Natasha and Cordelia watch in pain, not needing the details to know whatever happened must have been traumatic. You stay silent, unsure what to do or say before feeling a little fuzzy. Your brain feels on fire a little after feeling your memories, feeling Wanda entering your thoughts and memory. ,,Detka.. are you okay?'' Natasha asks, noticing the shift in your behaviour and how considerably pale you turned within seconds. ,,I'm tired'' you whisper before meeting their expressions. Cordelia gives you a sad, encouraging smile, giving you permission to go rest and you do, wanting nothing more than to sleep again, to forget, to enter your reoccurring dreams with them as it had been the only escape for you.
,,Wands what did you see?'' Natasha asks after watching you leave before the witch closes her eyes, sighing. ,,Pain.. great pain'' Wanda cries, her green eyes filled with tears. Cordelia frowns, gently reaching for the witches hand and holding onto it tight. ,,Tell us please'' Natasha encourages before the witch fills them in, telling them about the accident and what had happened since and they sit in shock listening to her words, wanting nothing more than to hold you, run to you and hold you in their arms. But they knew they couldn't, not until they somehow managed to get you back, get you to remember and back to them. ,,We need to help her remember us'' Natasha sighs before finding her two girlfriends agreeing in silence but their faces betray their anxiety and hopelessness about the success of making that happen.
Within the weeks following, the three of them try their best to include you more in every day things. Wanda had taken you for a picnic, Natasha to the place with the special view and to the avengers compound, gently showing you around and meeting the others in the hopes to spark your memories again. And slowly you did remember little things, mostly places and odd little details like where your old room had been before moving in with your girlfriends at the compound. Today, it had been Cordelia's turn and she offered to take you to the academy after finding a drawing of the mansion and you telling her how you remember a large white building with black iron fences and a gate. ,,Ready sweetheart?'' she asks gently, offering her hand to you and you taking it before following her inside.
Within the last few weeks you slowly learned to trust them, learning more about the people who you used to know everything about, every detail. You learned more about their life, how Wanda loved baking, Natasha appeared to be a badass on the outside but is in reality a huge softie and how truly kind and beautiful Cordelia truly was. As you follow her inside, you are greeted by the scent of vanilla and it reminds you of the supreme as whenever you had been around her lately she had smelt just like that. She leads you through a large hallway, you watching in awe of the marble and details that seem strangely familiar. She introduces you gently to some people who you had met before losing your memories, before leading you outside into the gardens and greenhouse.
The greenhouse had always been your sanctuary before everything fell down and changed, despite not being a witch yourself, often spending time there with Cordelia and the other witches, sitting in on some classes, Delia teaching you how to mix potions, watching her in awe of her magic and loving to be around the plants and atmosphere. ,,Does any of this feel familiar darling?'' she asks softly, watching as you carefully observe the little details. ,,Hmm..a little?'' you ask a little lost and helplessly, almost feeling bad for how they had tried and wanting to remember yourself as your old life they had told you about so much actually seemed beautiful. ,,I just need to take care of some things in my office, would you like to join me?'' she asks slowly, drawing you away from your thoughts but you shake your head. ,,I think I'll stay here for a bit if that's okay?'' you ask and she simply gives you a warm smile before leaving you be.
For a while you spend some time alone, simply taking in the atmosphere before growing a little curious and skipping through some books that had been left from classes before. When Cordelia returns, she watches you sitting on one of the tables, your legs dangling down the side while reading one of the books and she can't help but linger by the doorframe for a minute, as she had found you like this so many times and despite the bitterness of it all, she can't help but feel grateful to have you back. ,,Hi there'' she smiles warmly before approaching you. ,,Hi'' you whisper a little shy before closing the book. ,,I'm all done sweetheart, would you like to go back home?'' she asks, wanting to make sure this isn't too much for you. ,,Um sure'' you mumble and she can notice your hesitation. ,,What is it?'' she asks a little concerned before you speak again ,,Cordelia, you're a witch right?'' you ask, despite knowing the answer to this. ,,But you're also like really powerful right?'' you ask before she nods a little confused.
,,Can you make me remember?'' you whisper, tears filling your eyes as you want nothing more than to remember the life they keep telling you about. Cordelia sighs a little before her gaze drops to the floor. They had tried within the last weeks, both her and Wanda with their magic but you ever only seemed to remember small bits and she didn't want to fail you again. ,,I can try again darling but I'm not sure if it will work'' she explains as her brown eyes meet yours. ,,Please'' you beg with tears glistening in your eyes again. ,,But please make it the real ones'' you plead and Cordelia's eyes close in pain from listening to your statement. ,,I promise, you can trust me'' she encourages before reaching for both of your hands, holding them gently before closing her eyes and resting her forehead gently on yours. You listen as she speaks some latin words, not the ones from before that she tried with Wanda before everything stops for a moment.
As the supreme opens her eyes again and moves away a little, she sighs, assuming it didn't work again before your eyes abruptly open. ,,I'm sorry darling, I'm sure we can do this, it just needs time'' she tries, feeling guilty. ,,De-Delia?'' you whisper before looking up to meet her brown eyes. And that's it, enough for the woman to understand that it worked, as you hadn't called her the nickname in months. Your eyes sparkle in that exact same way they had before all of this happened, and instantly both of your eyes fill with tears, as you clutch to your lover. Somehow, Cordelia's magic had worked, maybe it was the different spell she used, maybe it was the last puzzle piece after remembering slowly, the drawings, the dreams all finally making sense and blending in together. Almost like a little movie you watched your life from before as everything blended in again, the accident, being captured, losing your memories before they had found you. ,,I'm so sorry, I wanted to come home after work, I was so excited to see you three'' you apologise.
Cordelia shakes her head at your statement, gently cupping your cheeks ,,My sweet girl, none of this is your fault ever'' she explains sternly, wanting to make sure you understand her every word. ,,Thank you for giving me my memories back'' you thank her before your lips capture hers in a kiss. ,,Can we please go home?'' you beg under tears, wanting nothing more than to be back in the embrace of your lovers. ,,Of course my sweet girl.. come on'' she encourages, before taking your hand and leading you back home. As soon as the front door opens, you burst inside, watching Wanda baking in the kitchen, Natasha sitting nearby reading on her laptop. ,,Hi you two, how was it?'' the ginger witch asks as you stand there frozen almost. ,,Wands.. Nat?'' you whisper as tears again fill your vision. Wanda drops the spoon on the floor, Natasha instantly abandoning her work as they take a look at you, instantly picking up the nicknames, the shift in your voice and features.
,,I remember.. I remember it all'' you cry, before Natasha runs up to you, Wanda quickly behind. The redhead picks you up, hugging you tight before spinning you around a little ,,Oh detka'' she smiles before kissing your forehead. ,,Malishka'' Wanda smiles with tears before planting kisses all over your face and taking you into her arms. ,,What happened?'' Natasha turns to Cordelia in confusion. ,,She wanted to remember so I tried a different spell and it worked'' the supreme explains before Natasha smiles, despite the shock written across her face. ,,Thank you'' she thanks the supreme, her features serious. ,,You brought her home after all'' the blonde reminds the black widow. ,,I'm so relieved baby girl'' Wanda whispers, still not having let go of you. ,,Is there anything you want, anything we can do for you darling?'' Cordelia asks, despite the relief and gratitude, still knowing you had to go a long way to recover from the emotional and physical trauma you had endured.
,,I-'' you begin but quickly stop yourself as you glance around. ,,I really just want to cuddle'' you whisper with puppy eyes and their faces melt almost in the same way. ,,You can have all the cuddles sweetie'' Wanda smiles before Natasha chuckles a little. In a swift motion she picks you up as you dangle over her shoulder, Cordelia and Wanda chuckling as they follow. ,,Let's get you into bed and all the cuddles you deserve'' the redhead announces as your giggles fill the apartment. And at last, despite the days turning into weeks and weeks turning into months they had managed to finally get their detka back, finally make you remember and have you right back where you belong, in their loving, strong and steady arms.
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quibbs126 · 5 days
[NEW Cursed Rarepair is here]
Can you make the fankid of..
Dark Cacao x Moonlight?
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I finally got off my ass and drew him, so finally, this is Midnight Choco Cookie
I say all that because I have had his backstory figured out for probably over a year at this point, I just never got around to drawing his design
Okay, so basically the story of Midnight Choco’s origin is that Dark Cacao Cookie had wished for a child (MC is supposed to be older than Dark Choco, so Cacao doesn’t have a kid yet at this point). Moonlight heard his wish, and felt moved by his sincerity, so she decided to grant that wish and then created and sent Midnight Choco down to him from the stars
Moonlight and Dark Cacao aren’t together in this universe, it’s just that due to making Midnight with her magic, he’s also got some of her dough in there too. She’s basically more like a magic donor
Midnight Choco here is a warrior in the World of Dreams, and he spends his days battling nightmares, whether they come to harm train passengers or the individual Cookies having those dreams. And in the latter case, he usually tries to talk with and help those Cookies overcome those fears. He’s basically like Princess Luna in Friendship is Magic
He’s got some sort of helmet and also moniker for his nightmare fighting talents, but I haven’t really figured out what those are yet, so just know he has them. He’s incredibly powerful and a skilled fighter, but he’s also a very kind and sweet soul, just wanting to help those with the power he wields
However, not all is well with Midnight Choco. As far as he’s aware, he’s merely a construction of the Dream World to protect itself, like many others that inhabit and maintain it. He never leaves the Dream World. Not only that, but he has no real memory of having any sort of family. He feels some form of connection with the Slumbering Moon, but has never quite traveled to meet her
The truth of Midnight Choco is that he has in fact, been in a coma for the past 25-30 years of his life, slumbering within the walls of the Black Citadel
He grew up with his father, being raised in the Black Citadel and learning the ways of the sword from him. His extraordinary origins and seeming connection with the stars also led to him having quite an amount of stories surrounding him, being “the prince born from the stars, gifted to the king from the heavens itself”, among other things
When he was a teenager, Dark Choco was baked, and he got along pretty well with his little brother, for what time they had together
But then a couple years later, one night, Midnight Choco went to sleep, but never woke up. That following day it was assumed he had simply overslept, but as the day, and inevitably following days went on, it became increasingly concerning. He was still alive, and seemingly fine, but he wouldn’t wake up. Dark Cacao tried methods both physical and magical, but nothing could be done. The circumstances were made even more confusing by the fact that no one knew what caused it, because there was no trace of any poison or curses in his body, or anything strange that had happened recently, Midnight simply went to sleep and didn’t wake up
He has stayed this way ever since, and Dark Cacao has him kept in a room under constant watch, should someone attack him or if he potentially wakes up. He visits him often
What actually happened to Midnight Choco is that he accidentally awakened his power to go into the World of Dreams, and in the process of doing so, since he had done it incorrectly, gave himself amnesia, basically starting his life over in the Dream World and becoming the fighter of nightmares he is today, and subsequently believing he comes from the World of Dreams
He can in fact, break this spell and wake back up in the real world, but he doesn’t know he has this ability, nor does he believe he comes from the real world, so he wouldn’t go looking for a way to access this power. Though perhaps one day, he’ll learn the truth and wake up
He’s met both his father and his brother within their dreams and nightmares, but neither parties really recognize each other, due to dream weirdness and Midnight’s knight attire covering his face. He is semi aware of what’s been going on in the Dark Cacao Kingdom, like Dark Choco’s banishment, Caramel Arrow, Affogato and the like, but it’s basically been pieced together from the secondhand dream accounts, and due to his amnesia he doesn’t feel much personal connection to these events for himself, he just knows some of what’s going on in the real world
And I think that’s about it on Midnight Choco’s character. Wow I really did have a lot to say. Well, on to design things
So I got the name Midnight Choco from an ice cream flavor that I think I’ve seen around. It’s mostly because it’s chocolate and has night connections, but it works
Midnight chocolate ice cream:
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So I admit, he doesn’t look as great as I have been hoping he would, but he has a design now, so I should just be happy with that
I admit, I didn’t really know what I was doing with his armor, I was just kind of trying to make it look good. The feet may not be great though. ToA Dark Choco ended up being a good reference for me
I originally wasn’t going to have gold, but all the saturated dark blues were getting too much, so it breaks up the colors
His sword is supposed to be like a clock hand. I originally drew it for Dusk Choco, but I thought it might look cooler on Midnight, since he’s the one descended from a Legendary and all. But it was a matter of copy/paste, so I don’t know how good it looks on him. But drawing a weapon was the main reason I put off drawing him, so it’s fine I suppose
I really wanted to add some gold gradient to the pants, but it just never looked right, so they have to stay just plain. Though I did change them and subsequently his hair to be a dark purple, so it looks a bit better
I honestly don’t really know what to say in this section. He may not be my best, but he at least has a design, and it isn’t the worst thing ever, so it’s fine
And yeah, that’s Midnight Choco. I think I’m too attached to him honestly, I want fanfiction of him. But yeah, I hope you enjoy him yourselves
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theforgottencrow · 4 months
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✦Hiya my name Is Ink/Corv, But my friends/Moots call me Crow! Welcome to the Nest!
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updated 06-01-2024
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✦Mah other blog :p @theforgottencorvid is my art reblogging account, it’s simply where I reblog my art nothin else :)
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✦About Me !!!! :0
Firstly I present some of my flags !! (Theres so many more...)
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My main prnz : Xe/Crow/Paint/Ink/Bite, I also use Blood/Gore/Bone/Fang/Pest/Knife/It/Static/Etc. (How to use Xe/xem prns Here)
My very special interest is Undertale + Utmv !! (Pretty obv..)
Proud Furry <3
I’m a Polymorph/Polykin Therian. I am CrowKin, DragonKin, CrocodileKin, (+more kins), my other theriotypes are Snow leopard, Lynx, Coyote, GreenTree Python, Griffin, Fox, etc.
Bi-Oriented Polyamorous Aegosexual Aro/Ace ✨
I have 9 beautiful handsome partners 💕
I deeply love my platonic soulmate @/wardenruins, he doesn’t post stuff, he just on tumblr so that he can spy on my stuff, but ye, love you Warden <333
Trans (F->M) Who still comfortably identifies as a Butch ✨⚔️
I’m Agender, Xenogender & Neogender ✨
I LOVEEE Mascot Horror/Creepy games !! A few of my favs are Indigo Park, Kinitopet, Poppy Playtime, Little Nightmares, Dark Deception, Amnesia, Fnaf, Etc.
German is my native tongue but I’m also completely fluent in English, and I speak slight Spanish as well :D
I HAVE A PERSONA !! You can find its ref riiiight here i'll be drawing myself as it often and if not xem my Monster Sona riiight here
A few of my other hyperfixations are : Regretavator, Hellsing, Scott Pilgrim, Qsmp, Bugbo, CVW, TSATWON, Sweet Tooth, Trigun, Kenny The Shark, Preassure, Phighting, Cult of the Lamb, Alfred’s Playhouse, HAND, Dungeon Meshi, FnF, CoS, DHMIS, FPE, Indigo Park, The D!ckheads, Souris, TDFWM, B & B, Flawless, TTWTBG, SMFT, FTP, TEP, Homesick, SHELTER, OWH, OOSOOB, ST, Welcome Home, Inanimate Insanity, etc.
Some of my fav bands/artists : Mindless Self Indulgence, Lemon Demon, Femtanyl, Alex G, Pompey, The Living Tombstone, Odetari, Penelope Scott, Ivycomb Music, Cave Town, BoyWithUke, Derivakat, Baby Bugs, Ryan Mack, Etc.!
Some of my fav Songs : Alien Blues, Body Terror, Pure as a Lamb, I Should've Stayed Home, LOVESICK CANNIBAL!, Two Moons, Haha Hi, Rockstar, Nosedive, P3t, Seriously?, Sex For Homework, Rät, Stupid MF, HELLO KITTY, Shut me Up, Fine Great, Get It Up, Devil Town, This is Home, Etc.!
Some Fandoms I'm In !! : Undertale, Utmv, Deltarune, WoF, WC, FPE, Indigo Park, Kenny The Shark, FnF, Trigun, CVW, DHMIS, Horrid Henry, Alfred’s Playhouse, LackaDaisy, Tmnt/Rottmnt, COTL, HAND, TSATWON, TOH, Sweet Tooth, Dungeon Meshi, Phighting , Amphibia, Ramshackle, BBU, Owls of Ga'hoole, Welcome Home, PP, Hellsing, WOTHH, Bee & Puppycat, Wednesday, Doom & Gloom, HH & HB, Pokemon, MD, Tadac, Monkey Wrench, Bluey, Sarah & Duck, Puffin Rock, Spooky Month, Fnaf, LMK, Animaniacs, Etc.
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✦ My Tags !!! (Wow I'm finally gonna be using tags crazy...)
#My Art - Art !!
#Crow reblogs - Reblogs !!
#Not Utmv - stuff/reblogs that aren’t Utmv 😔
#Crow Rambling - my weird rambles/random talking
#Crow Chatter - Me Interacting w/ ppl & answering asks
Alter Chatter - Asks that are either sent to the Alters or an ask that the Alter themselves have decided to become a part of <3
#inbox doodles - little doodles made for inbox answering
#Crow Simping - me loosing my marbles over a character I deem hot
#HEAVY Crow Simping - foaming at the mouth blue balled over a character
#F r i e n d 🫵 - Me interacting w/ my friends/Moots !!
#Crow on Crack - Me saying out of context things/or me being weird :)
#crow depression hour - Me being depressed
#Crow Vents - Me venting, vents will have different colors for different intensities of them, red being very heavy topics that could have quite a few context warnings, orange being semi heavy but not as bad, green being no heavy topics and fairly light weight stuff. If you wish to not see these I suggest blocking the tag.
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✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ ✦DNI.....
Lgbtq+ Phobes.
LITTLE KIDS (ppl under 12/13, basically if your not old enough to be on this site), I honestly would really prefer you not be on my blog as I have VERY vulgar language and honestly spread that shit around like wildfire. I will also very rarely if I’m in the mood to do so draw suggestive art, no lightsabers or stuff but perhaps thick as fuck skeletons, tits, etc.
Transphobics, Xenophobics, Etc...
Racists, Sexists, Discrimination, etc.
Invalidates a Person's Pronouns / Gender / Identity
Pedophiles, Sexualizes Minors, Jokes about Rape, etc.
People who Harass, Dox, tell ppl to kys, etc.
extremely problematic ppl, aka ppl who cause problems on purpose
People who ship Errorberry/Error x Swap, this is more of a Half joke but istg if you bring that SHIT up to me I will most likely block you. Regardless of our status.
Corvid haters of any kind, I’m so srs abt this fuck offf <333
irl doubles (unless ik you beforehand ofc))) {I’m irls of Ink, C!Nightmare, Cross, Folly, Bugbo, Killer and Error.} I mean this if ur also an Ink irl, if ur anything else on the list, then you’re okay to interact lol
Slander of my interests/hyperfixations.
Mockery of Me, My Friends, My partners, or my mental illnesses.
Unwanted Criticism/Extreamly rude Criticism, unless I asked for it please don't.
People who think trauma is a joke & belittle it.
those who think neurodivergent ppl w/ BPD, Bipolar, etc are “Scary” and don’t belong. Andd that’s about the major people I will block! I also might have forgotten a few things/people who I DNI but uhh- I’m sure I’ll remember later :) Other than that I will freely block who I decide to and curate my own content! :)
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✦ Byi + Boundaries..
I have Autism + Alexithymia, Depression, Anxiety, ADHD & BPD
We’re a DID system and use We/I/Me/Ours pronouns. i don't talk about my DID often because its kinda awkward :”). Our Alters consist mostly of Ink, Lust, CANON C!Nightmare, Cross, & Killer. But there are many more and we are NOT our source. I am also in almost complete control of this sack of flesh xP, Tho 99% of the time I’m co-fronting with Ink!! *paint might get acrylics own text tags one day if color so desires <3*
I petre sometimes! Often times I am a crow, or cat! And I purr and chirp/caw even out of petre <3
Tone tags are VERY VERY preferable! I am tone def a lot of the time so please use tone tags otherwise I will take it the wrong way and start to p a n i c
I'm an Irl + Fictkin (Ink sans) !!!
Yes I can be cringe and idc :)
i am VERY silly, expect maximum silliness from me at all times.
If you’re are uncomfortable with something you see block the tag and move on do not harass me.
Please do not ask personal info/give about me unless I'm willing to give or I give permission. This includes Name, Age, Basic stuff like that.
please do not mention topics of rape, sexual assault, plushophilla, grooming, Addiction, Animal mutilation/Murder, etc. these are very triggering topics for me and make me remember events forced on me in my life I do not want to remember.
Inbox is always open! You can be as silly as you want or say the most random stuff! 99.99% of the time I’ll also answer with a little doodle! And if u want me to remember you add a little signature! Ex : 💥 anon or smth like that :D
Another thing! You can send asks/talk with the Alters! Cannot guarantee we will always reply as some of us may not wish to, but still! This being said..BE RESPECTFUL TO ALL OF US IF YOU DECIDE TO INTERACT!! If you are not you get the ban hammer<3. Sometimes Alters may take over an ask if they want to! Regardless if it’s unintended for them or if the other wishes not to answer so don’t be surprised if you see someone else instead of who you intended :)
My DMs are always open !! I love love love meeting new people and making friends (I DONT BITE!!!!) :]
I'm fine w/ tags, comments, & spam-likes/reblogs! They make me rlly happy :3
I might spam-like (I get a lil excited sometimes..especially if I REALLY like your stuff, if you don't like this please let me know and I'll stop!!)
We do make suggestive jokes and we are hypersexual but that doesn't mean we’re not sex-replused most of the time.
I'm Nonhuman !! Pls do not refer to me as human. I prefer Skeleton terms & Crow terms over everything else. I'm just your average Paint Drinking Souless Skeleton <3
We tend to make random remarks, say out of pocket things, have trouble w/ volume control/typing in all caps, making inappropriate jokes, flirt & tease (w/ my close close friends/moots) if you ever get disturbed by this please let us know & we’ll stop.
all flirting and teasing we do is NEVER romantic. If we do these things with you they are purely us being silly, never showing romantic interest. Do not think otherwise. If you do you’re blocked Immediately.
I am VERY Blunt. And might say something rude or offensive and if I do please let me know because my Alexithymia makes it hard for me to understand if I upset people.
I unapologetically ship the most toxic abusive ships I can, and idc <333
Don’t involve me in ship discourse man, I just wanna curate my own experience-
My blog, my rules!! <3333
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I work at my fathers store M -> F, so I won’t be on too often on those days :)
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Art requests are open and always open! Feel free to ask for whatever you like, ocs are included! I still have the right to delete a request if I’m not comfortable with it tho ;3
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more may be added in time.
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kandisheek · 20 days
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If you're part of the Put On The Suit 18+ Stony Discord Server, you may already know that we've been running a server-exclusive bingo for the past one and a half months. And today is the day when we can officially say:
✨ WE HAVE BLACKED OUT THE CARD!! ✨ Great job, team!
This was the first fandom event I've ever run, and I couldn't be happier with how many people participated and created beautiful fics and art for it. And to share the love, here is a masterpost of all the incredible works that people have made.
What's a Reverse Trope, you may ask? You simply take a common fanfic trope and flip it on its head. "There's Only One Bed" turns into "There's Too Many Beds" and so on.
A special thank you to @avengersnewb for her help with organizing everything, and let's get into the fan works!
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S1: Good Doppelganger 🔃 Evil Doppelganger
Now this is a whole different birthday. by Lancelot_The_Dragon_Lord It's Tony's birthday coming up, and Steve doesn't know what to give him.
S2: Fast Burn 🔃 Slow Burn
Welcome to the 21st Century by EvilDime Phil Coulson wonders if he should have held back the information about queer rights a bit longer. Captain Rogers does not seem to be taking it well. How to make friends with new teammates by Girl_Back_There Tony didn’t mean for it to happen, but he can’t resist a hot guy in a Captain America suit. Especially when said guy is eye-fucking the Iron Man suit.
S3: Twice Serumed Steve 🔃 De-Serumed Steve
Perfection, Scientifically Speaking by EvilDime When Steve injected himself with the serum in a desperate bid to keep it out of A.I.M.'s hands, he had expected something familiar like more muscles, greater speed, further heightened durability. Or even no change at all, since the first dose had already been designed to make him perfect. Steve had been wholly unprepared for what he got instead.
S4: Fake Break-Up 🔃 Fake Relationship
The Inheritance by laiwrites Without waiting for an answer, Steve approached, laying the spread out on the polished oak desk and setting their places as if they were in the dining room. He was in the middle of drawing up a chair when Tony said, "Darling, I believe we must divorce." On accident, Steve scratched the chair legs against the expensive parquet flooring. "It is too early for this. If you must jest, Tony, could you at least wait until after I have eaten?"
S5: Can't Forget Anything 🔃 Amnesia
Remember (when your dreams have ended) BirtheV If Tony Stark were a better man, he would take responsibility for his actions. But since Tony is not even a good man, he's going to take the easy way out and forget Steve Rogers ever existed. Only then will he be able to live without this grief that's killing him. It turns out brains are rather fickle about what they remember and forget. Things can always get worse.
T1: Empty Nest Fic 🔃 Kid Fic
mirrors a still sky by laiwrites Four snapshots over several decades of Steve and Tony growing old together at their house on the lake. Based off of an AU where they make up and get married after Civil War.
T2: Too Hot To Cuddle 🔃 Huddling For Warmth
Beating the Heat by KandiSheek It's too hot to do anything but lie in bed together. Steve and Tony find ways to entertain themselves.
T3: Hate At First Sight 🔃 Love At First Sight
If You Tame Me by KandiSheek They've been together for barely a month when Steve gets a dog. Which would be all well and good if the dog didn't hate Tony on sight. How the hell is Tony supposed to make a dog like him anyway?
T4: Didn't Know They Weren't Dating 🔃 Didn't Know They Were Dating
Been There, Done That by EvilDime "Steve," Tony interrupts Steve's solicitous stream of concern. "Do we have a date this afternoon?" "Sorry, a what?" "A date," Tony repeats. "My calendar claims that I have a 'Coffee Date with Cap' at four o'clock." There's silence on the other end of the line. Then, hesitantly: "Like, a date-date?" "That's what the calendar says," Tony confirms. In which Tony and Steve lost only a week's worth of memories during a mission, but it turns out it was a somewhat important week.
T5: Lie Serum 🔃 Truth Serum
(No) Touching by Naivelittleprincess "I hate you," Steve whispered with a softness better suited to a different set of words. Tony only hummed and paused in the middle of his rant about pineapple on pizza to plant a quick kiss on his lips. "I hate you too, winghead. Now, listen—this is important and it makes my hot, Italian blood boil."
O1: Presumed Alive 🔃 Presumed Dead
Sanguinary Revelations by FestiveFerret Tony's pretty sure his brand new relationship with Steve is the best relationship he's ever been in. Until he learns something surprising about his new beau.
O2: There's Too Many Beds 🔃 There's Only One Bed
Sometimes, There's too many beds. by Lancelot_The_Dragon_Lord With the others Avengers moving way, Tony and Steve are left in the tower alone, with far to many empty beds. Tony falls back into bad habits, and Steve's just being Steve. This always end well, Right? Romcom Fantasies by starkparade Tony runs into Steve at the airport, and when the hotel Tony booked in Washington DC abruptly cancels his reservation, Steve offers him to stay the night at his place. It sounds like something straight out of Tony's romcom fantasies starring Steve, except Tony is convinced that Steve is in love with someone else. Situation Normal: All Fucked Up by KandiSheek Tony had a foolproof plan. Step 1: Get Steve into bed with him. Step 2: ? Step 3: Live happily ever after. Sure, it could use some work, but success was guaranteed. No one is more shocked than him when it doesn't work out quite like he planned.
O3: Free Space
Friends by EvilDime Shopping for a coffin is not where Steve expected to make a friend. And he almost doesn't.
O4: Ruin-It 🔃 Fix-It
Close It by starkparade Steve had to make the hard call to prevent the nuclear blast going off inside the wormhole from reaching the island of Manhattan. As a result, Tony Stark never made it back. Steve did what he had to, and yet his guilt is eating him alive and he can't figure out just why he is so affected.
O5: Too Much Communication 🔃 Miscommunication
The Opposite of You by KandiSheek Tony has a lot of opinions about the kind of person Steve should date. Steve doesn't quite know how to tell him he's already made up his mind.
N1: True Hate's Kiss 🔃 True Love's Kiss
What if.. Tony was where Rhodey was by Lancelot_The_Dragon_Lord Tony is following the Quinjet, and gets hit by a stray laser by Rhodey. He falls.
N2: Abstain or Die 🔃 Fuck or Die
Swingin' Party by Naivelittleprincess It’s his sister and his best friend’s wedding, and Tony is not allowed to have sex with his ex-husband.
N3: Divorce of Convenience 🔃 Marriage of Convenience
Fools Rush In by betheflame “So you’re getting a divorce of convenience to then get a marriage of convenience, but really nothing about your actual marriage has changed?” “Pretty much,” Tony affirmed. “You’re fucking nuts if you think this’ll work, pal,” Bucky said. "Fucking nuts."
N4: Found Foes 🔃 Found Family
This Meeting Could Have Been an E-mail by laiwrites In an alternate universe where Iron Man is one of Captain America's fiercest enemies, the two of them find themselves on opposite sides of a battlefield as usual. Only, this time Cap has a proposal.
N5: Lovers to Friends 🔃 Friends to Lovers
The sunrise over the cliff face by Lancelot_The_Dragon_Lord Steve is proposing to Tony. Or is he? It's Not You, It's Me by EvilDime “Tony,” Steve said slowly. “Is this the Talk I think it is?” Chewing on his lip did not make this any easier. Resigned, Tony slipped his lip back out from between his teeth and faced the music. “Not the way you’re thinking, Steve. But, basically? Yes.”
Y1: Everyone Has Powers AU 🔃 No Powers AU
Waiting On A Miracle by Naivelittleprincess [An AU inspired by Encanto, featuring Peggy as "Abuela", the team as her adopted foster children with special gifts and Tony as the odd ball without any powers.] "I don't know why you weren't given a gift, Tony," Peggy had raged. "But that does not mean you go around ruining everyone else's life!" "I wasn't. Steve wasn't happy with Sharon!" "And he won't be now. You've made sure of that. Howard was right! You are a miserable child! I should have never let you stay here."
Y2: Virgin Tony 🔃 Playboy Tony
Darling, don't be afraid. by Lancelot_The_Dragon_Lord Tony Stark is a virgin, always has been. It's not for the lack trying. He's just scared to be vulnerable.
Y3: Monstercuddling 🔃 Monsterfucking
All Wrapped Up by KandiSheek Tony gets caught by a tentacle monster, which sounds terrible but actually isn't. The creature just... holds him, for a while, before the rest of the Avengers show up and rescue him. Finding out just how depressingly touch-starved you are via wholesome tentacle kidnapping has to be the pinnacle of humiliation. Now Tony needs to figure out how he can repeat the experience with less tentacles and more actual human contact. And also why the hell Steve seems to be the only one on the team who isn't down for some casual Tony cuddling.
Y4: Undercover in a Straight Bar 🔃 Undercover in a Gay Bar
Fruit Punch by Naivelittleprincess Tony's days of being a playboy might be over, but that doesn't mean anything when he has to teach Steve a lesson.
Y5: Last Kiss 🔃 First Kiss
Forever the Name on My Lips by ralsbecket Tony jokes about how the final kiss they shared was all love and morning breath. A full grin spreads across his face as he confesses, “The only thing I regret in my life is not brushing my teeth that morning.” Don't Look, I Think We Made The Sun Cry by Naivelittleprincess As long as they are together, death is but the next adventure.
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lesbojournals · 6 months
Ichor Part Two (Stucky x Kidnapped with Amnesia!Reader)
part one here
It took time to adjust to your new setting. You continued to squint at the bright fluorescent lighting, so much so that your nurse gave you sunglasses. Your doctor, Dr. Cho was it? she kept talking to you, but it all sounded like someone was talking through a haze of jello. 
You felt your hearing come back slowly, and with the awakening out of your dissociative state, you quickly reached to take out the oxygen tube up your nose. Dr. Cho grabbed your hand gently, giving you a small smile whilst you stared at her in terror.
“It’s okay,” She promised. “Can you hear me?”
You blinked a few times and subtly nodded, enough so that Dr. Cho caught it.
“I’m glad,” She said. “That must’ve been really scary.” You said nothing in response. You’ve been taught too many times not to speak unless given permission.
Dr. Cho rubbed the back of your hand with her thumb as you both sat in silence.
“Do you want this off?” She spoke, pointing to your oxygen tube.
You just stared back blankly in response. Who knew what consequence would come from your answer?
“Do you know Leona? She told me you needed permission to speak. I need you to know those rules don’t apply here–you don’t have to listen to any nonsense like that. You can speak whenever, however you want, okay?” 
You frowned at the mention of Leona talking about you. Was that any of her business? You realized after a moment that Dr. Cho was still waiting on a response from you. You avoided eye  contact and looked at your lap, nodding. 
“I’m going to ask you some routine questions, okay?”
You nodded once again.
During the examination, your eyes drew themselves to the door, where you could make out two large silhouettes on the other side. Had they been there the whole time?
Dr. Cho noticed this, and held your hand a little tighter. “Are you ready to see them?”
You looked at her in confusion, and she seemed to pick up on this, concern drawing itself all over her face. She took her hand from yours and feverishly started to write things down in her notebook.
“Do you know who I’m talking about?”
You struggled to shake your head negatively, but did it anyways.
She sighed. “Do you recognize me?”
You averted your gaze and shook your head negatively again. Dr. Cho let out a nervous exhale.
“I’ll be right back, I promise.” She firmly grabbed your hand while she spoke and let it go to exit the room. 
As the door slid open you immediately made eye contact with the men behind the door, eyes bouncing from one man to the other back and forth. You nervously looked away, trying to block out the feelings that were bubbling in your chest. What was that? You went to look back, but the door had already been closed. It felt like you were going to throw up. 
Seconds passed before the door opened again, and the two men stormed in against the wishes of Dr. Cho, who yelled, “Wait! Enough!!”
“Do you know who we are?” One of the men asked in a whisper, looking angry and defeated. He had shoulder length brown hair, and piercing blue eyes. He was dressed like he was ready to go off into battle in a second.
The other man looked at you expectantly. He had dirty blonde hair that swept across his head in a clean style. His beard was full, and he also had blue eyes, but his were stormier. He was dressed in casual clothes, or clothes you noticed that you might wear for your training.
Dr. Cho chimed in. “He asked you a question, honey.” 
You looked at her, then back at the first man, then back at her. You shook your head negatively.
“You don’t…” The blonde man looked scared, which you assumed wasn’t something he felt often. “You don’t remember us?”
You gulped and fiddled with the blanket over your lap. Your mind, in an attempt to save yourself from the intense emotions in the room, focused at the task at hand. You were in a new location–Dr. Cho had told you you were saved. All you knew was living in the laboratory, so what did saved really entail? You could get this emotion out in training. Leona would rip you a new one, beating you to the ground, but it would help you forget whatever was happening at this moment.
So, in an attempt to make things better, you spoke. “When’s training?”
You hadn’t noticed that you interrupted a conversation between the two men and Dr. Cho, you must’ve dissociated. Your voice broke the conversation in whole, silence enveloping the room.
“Training?” The brunet breathed out. 
You nodded. Dr. Cho gave you a pitiful look.
“Leona told me about the training you’d have to do with each other, and so did Claire. You don’t have to do any of that here.” Dr. Cho said. 
The two men gave each other a look, and the one walked off. Dr. Cho looked at him in alarm, and sped after him, yelling at him to leave her patients alone.
The brown haired man and you stayed in the room, and you couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed by his presence. How did you know him? You reminded yourself that Dr. Cho said you could speak, that you could say whatever you wanted, and you tried to gather the bravery to say something to him.
“I knew you.” You said to him, getting his angry expression to turn soft. “Before.”
He sat down in the chair next to you, letting out a heavy sigh. “You did.”
It stayed quiet for the next few minutes, and you desperately searched in your brain for something, anything, that would give you a hint as to who he was. 
“What do they call you?” You asked. You knew you, Leona, and Claire all had your given name, and your laboratory name. 1, 2, and 3. You were 1, Leona was 2, and Claire was 3. Did it go this way outside of the laboratory? Did everyone have two names? You could feel in your bones that being called a number wasn’t correct. 
The man tilted his head in confusion. “My name’s Bucky.” 
“Bucky.” You repeated. 
He nodded. “Do you know your name?”
This was a trick question. It had to be. You sat there, debating what to say for a second or two. Bucky didn’t seem like the guy to be asking trick questions. But you’d heard Do you know your name? too many times before disaster. You knew the other girls likely felt the same way. 
Bucky didn’t seem patient. “Do you?”
You let out an exhale, you supposed it was time to test the legitimacy of being saved after all. “Yes.”
And so you told him your name, no number, just your pure name.
Bucky relaxed, and he sat back in his seat, refusing to take his eyes off of you.
Steve sped as fast as he could to Leona’s room. When the door didn’t slide open at his palm, he debated slamming the door open himself.
Dr. Cho moved in front of Steve, catching her breath from running so fast. 
“Steve,” she said. “I won’t let you harass her.” 
He shot Dr. Cho daggers. “You knew that she knows what happened to my girlfriend and you decided to keep it from me? I’ll ask her myself.”
“I refuse to let you in there, Steve.” She stood her ground, and just when Steve was about to argue further, Leona’s door opened, her angrily behind it.
She had a stupid smirk on her face, though her eyes were filled with rage. “Talking about me? You know, you could’ve just knocked.”
Steve gave Dr. Cho a glare and followed Leona into her room. 
“Leona,” Dr. Cho said. “You don’t have to have visitors if you don’t want to.”
Leona scoffed, shakily getting back into her bed. “He wants to know about number 1, who am I to deny such knowledge?”
“Number 1?” Steve questioned, folding his arms across his chest. 
Leona rolled her eyes. “Your precious girl. That was her name, y’know, back in the lab.”
Before Steve could question further, Leona turned to Dr. Cho. “You can leave us, I can handle it.”
Dr. Cho reluctantly left the room, though Steve could see her silhouette waiting in the hallway. 
Leona leaned back into her pillows, reaching for her IV to plug it back in to the tube in her arm. She sighed in relief. 
“Number 1 always gets special treatment, even here. I bet they have her on the good stuff, not this crap.” She pointed to the fluid bag. 
“Don’t call her that.” Steve demanded.
Leona seemed to find joy in Steve’s fury. “We all have numbers, she’s number 1, I’m number 2, and you heard number 3 whining on the jet.”
“What do you want to know?” She baited before Steve could argue further about the numbers.
Steve lifted his chin, attempting to be as strong as he could in his stance. “What do you know about what happened to her?”
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silverorchideon · 6 months
"Hello! Supervisor Grian here to remind you, Scar and Skizz, that the information given to you two is strictly confidential. I, along with the other higher-ups, are happy with the accuracy of your responses nonetheless, and we wish to see you continue this behaviour. We are always watching and listening, have a good day."
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Creating AU's at a record pace currently-
Anyways, I saw the permit office and watched a playthrough of Home Safety Hotline and decided to draw this little thing.
Basically, Grian replaces Supervisor Carol and Scar and Skizz replaces the main character. Pearl, Jimmy, and Martyn work as "higher-ups" in this company and deal with the pests and hazards when reported. They themselves are very subliminal when they appear, though otherwise, remain in their typical human appearance to protect their identities.
They can turn people into Endermites, instead of mice!
Also, the hotline is available on many a server, though most of the callers are from HC/EMP because most came to HC for a reason, and it spilled over in Season 9. Some life series members not in either server may also be affected.
Surprisingly not a permadeath au, and the more deadly creatures (false artifact, sprig trees, etc) either cause the affected to be in a death loop, only broken by a Watcher/Listener (oh hey, guess who does that), affects the next respawn permanently (false beet, fae flu, etc.), or, when broken out and saved, causes either amnesia or high confusion, possibly permanently (neighbour's doorways, portals, etc.)
Also, if you guys want to create some calls for any MCYTer (preferably from Hermitcraft and Empires), do respond with them please!!! The link to all of the entries are here, but please be cautious if you are sensitive to insects, spiders, eyes/being watched, tight spaces, dogs, or general scary imagery.
I only have a Dream Weaver for BDubs, Wood Secretions for Doc, and possibly either Tea Sprites/Fae Flu for X and maybe unicorn fungi for Ren, so be free and have fun with this, if you'd like.
Oh, yeah! And the logo for it!
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dark-dimare · 1 year
Imagine seven year old Luffy seeing some baby animals (maybe wolves?) play-biting out of affection and deciding to do the same. So he goes up to Ace and just gently *nom*.
Ace is confused, cause what? He asks, and Luffy just says that he saw someone else do that to their siblings. Ace, not realizing that Luffy saw baby /animals/ play-bite their sibling, and runs with it. After all, Luffy has the most experience with kids their age between the two of them. (Sabo’ as experiences don’t count to them because “Nobles are weird”)
So the two (or three if it happens before Sabo’s accident) just start biting each other as a way of showing affection. No big deal, just average wild child stuff, only it continues once they’ve set out and gathered crew.
I imagine Ace ended up gathering the Spades in a similar manner to Luffy, one by one kind of way but no more than two at a time. By the time the next Spade joined, the previous one was not only accustomed to but joined in with affectionate biting. It wasn’t much, or often, but still present enough.
Ace doesn’t even realize that it’s not a normal thing until after he joins Whitebeard, when he affectionately bites Thatch for bringing him food. A whole shenanigan-esque scene happens where they try to explain to Ace that No, humans do not tend to bite each other in affection outside of lovers in intimate situations. Once it finally sinks in, all he can say is “Oh no, my brother’s poor crew.”
Luffy doesn’t hesitate to affectionately bite his nakama, and they just take it as part of him, just like how he’s rubber. It mainly becomes a thing when the other Straw Hats start doing it as well.
Zoro, I imagine, would be the first, and would first do it to Sanji. Like, he just woke up from a nap, and sees Sanji handing him a bottle of booze. So, as thanks, he instinctively gives Sanji a gentle nip on his wrist as he takes the bottle. Sanji is so shook he doesn’t even start a fight over it, and just numbly walks over to the girl(s). “You know how Luffy keeps biting us?” “Yeah, he’s like a damn mosquito, only he doesn’t draw blood.” “Zoro just bit me. Like how Luffy does.” “…What?”
From there, it spreads. Gentle nips as thanks, worried noms for those injured, soft bites as just general “I’m glad you’re here”. Every one of the Straw Hats bite each other. (I imagine Brook has a bone in particular that he lets them nom on because he’s so tall, and they don’t want to upset him by making him feel like a chew toy, and it just has various teeth marks simply because of how many times they’ve gently bit him. He’s very thankful for it, because on nights when he can’t sleep because he’s suddenly thrown mentally back into isolation, he can feel their marks on his bone and remember that he will never be alone as long as they live.)
The Whitebeards are thrown through a loop if/when they meet a small crew captained by their Second Division Commander’s precious baby brother, and finds that a l l of them have the same way of showing affection, and none of them brought up how weird it is.
(If Sabo was still around when Luffy came to this conclusion, I imagine it’d gotten stuck in Sabo’s instincts to nom with affection. Koala is the first -and only for a long time- person he bites, and she doesn’t question it because “maybe it’s an amnesia thing? Like him not even knowing his name?”, and doesn’t even bring it up. The others only find out once Hack gets bitten for delivering a tired and hungry Sabo a snack after training. “You know I’m not food, right?” “Yeah?” “So then why did you bite me?” “I bite Koala all the time?” “I thought it was an amnesia thing, is it not?” “No, it’s not even really a human thing, with some very age-specific exceptions.” “Huh. Normally, I just feel like biting, so I bite. Normally, it’s a ‘I’m glad you’re here’ or ‘hello/goodbye’ bite. That was a ‘thank you’.” “…all right.”)
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epicbuddieficrecs · 11 months
Weekly recap | October 16th-29th 2023 (Part One)
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I've got a banner now! What do you guys think? 😃 Two weeks of fics, it's a long one, I hope you enjoy!
(Edit: yes it says PART ONE because apparently I've read so many fics Tumblr can't handle the amount of links 😭)
I Was Betting On Forever (But Forever Comes And Goes) by callmenewbie/ @callmenewbie (Car accident | 4K | Teen): Eddie gets a call from Buck in the middle of the night and it’s about as bad as one would expect
Take My Hand and Let’s Pretend by giselleslash/ @gigi-gigi (Getting together | 4K | General): Christopher shows Eddie and Buck how to make braided rings, Eddie does something unexpected, and Buck loses a bit of his sanity over it all.
Love and Bullets Both Shatter Hearts (But Only One Can Put You Back Together) by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels/ @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels (Spies AU | 11K | Explicit): Agent [Redacted] Diaz is the best at what he does. Usually. But lately there's this real pain in the ass* who's been ruining his missions: Code Name "Buck." *stupidly handsome and annoyingly talented rival spy
Guilt Takes a Lunch Break at Two in the Morning by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels/ @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels (PWP, Sexual Fantasy | 1,8K | Explicit): Eddie's married, and he's never going to cheat. Even if his wife hasn't been around. Buck knows Eddie's married, and he's probably not into men, and he won't ruin the best friendship he's ever had. Doesn't mean either of them can't imagine other things.
Direct Deposit by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels/ @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels (PWP, Buck/Connor/Kameron but it's still endgame Buddie | 10K | Explicit): Buck's asked to contribute the old-fashioned way.
in the middle by honestlydarkprincess/ @honestlydarkprincess (PWP, Buck/Eddie/Natalia but endgame Buddie | 4K | Explicit): Or, Eddie walks in on friends with benefits Buck and Natalia. Buck and Eddie figure out their feelings and then the three of them have some fun.
🔥 Your Love is an Oil Slick (It Glows like Rainbows, It Stains My Soul) by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels/ @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels (Canon Divergent - Supernatural Elements, Ghost Buck | 67K | Explicit): When Eddie's son claims he has an imaginary friend, Eddie doesn't think much of it. Christopher is seven, it's what kids do. But then weird things start happening around the house, and Eddie starts dreaming about a handsome blue-eyed man. Turns out, Christopher's friend isn't so imaginary. Their house is haunted.
🔥 my words are paper tigers by hattalove/ @hattalove (Time Loop, Canon Divergent | 20K | Teen): or: buck breaks up with eddie, even if it means losing a part of himself, because it's the right thing to do. the universe decides to test that conviction.
all i wanna do right now. by dylaesthetics (Season 6, Coming Out | 4K | Teen): Eddie starts acting out of character. Buck worries.
remember to remember me by Daffi_990_ao3/ @hannah-ruth-990 (Canon-Divergent, Post-Lightning, Amnesia | 31K | Explicit): Buck and Eddie finally get together only for lightning to strike a few days later, leaving Buck with no memories of them ever becoming a couple.
toy with me by honestlydarkprincess/ @honestlydarkprincess (PWP, Post-S6 | 2K | Explicit): Or, the one where Eddie accidentally walks in on Buck using his new toy.
i am never without it by Maira/ @carrierofthepaperclips (Getting Together | 3K | Teen): Buck takes them out slowly, reverently, giving them their own place on the bedspread. It takes him longer than he thinks - while there aren’t really that many items, he lingers over each one, memories flashing through his mind like quicksilver. He shouldn’t have opened this box.
My dandelion tell me when you've made your mind // Kinktober Day 23 - Overstimulation by Heyimbeccah (PWP, BDSM | 1K | Explicit): Eddie's eyes light up as he rubs his thumb over his cock again and again, drawing a series of whimpers from his throat. "It's gonna hurt, baby," he whispers. "Please," Buck says, his voice breaking.
🔥 stupid people. by brewrosemilk/ @gayhoediaz (Canon Divergent, Sex Worker Buck | 160K | Explicit): New in Los Angeles, and having recently admitted to himself that he's gay, Eddie figures that hiring a sex worker might be a good way to keep his private life cut off from his job and his son. A way to keep things from becoming too complicated. It works. For a while.
believe in one thing (i won't go away) by heartbeatdiaz/ @loserdiaz (Canon Divergent, Post-Coma | 24K | Mature): the one where buck is figuring out stuff after waking up from a coma, eddie misses his best friend and they go to couple's therapy.
you're where i stand, hearing the sea by Maira/ @carrierofthepaperclips (Getting Together | 3K | Teen): ... or the one with the accidental kiss.
With Great Power Comes Great Pining by Princessfbi/ @princessfbi (Post-Lightning, Getting Together | 10K | Teen): It was the lightning strike. That had to be it. It was the only logical conclusion. Though, when it comes to being able to suddenly read people’s minds, Buck supposed there wasn’t a whole lot of logic involved. Well… Not people. Just… Eddie’s mind. 
look straight ahead if you like it slow by hattalove/ @hattalove (PWP, Established Buddie | 6K | Explicit): “This gets you going, huh?” Eddie grins, propping himself up on his elbows so he can move higher on the bed, reach the pretty pink bow of Buck’s mouth. “Devotion? You being it for me?” He stretches up toward Buck’s ear, whispers: “Monogamy?”
your long day is over now by hattalove/ @hattalove (Post Season 5, Pre-Buddie | 4K | Teen): or, buck leaves, then comes back home again. 
been yours longer than i haven't by hattalove/ @hattalove (Friends to Lovers | 1K | Teen): in which buck tries dating, and eddie has an embarrasing number of oh moments.
never want for more when you're near by hattalove/ @hattalove (Getting Together | 4K | Teen): in which buck gets drunk and sleeps with eddie. except does he?
baby, it's halloween (we can be anything) by heartbeatdiaz/ @loserdiaz (Post-Lawsuit | 2K | Teen): After Eddie forgives him and after they share that hug, Eddie invites Buck to come spend the night of Halloween with Chris and him, where he belongs. More feelings come to light and everything works out for the better.
baby, loving you's the real thing by hattalove/ @hattalove (First Kiss | 2K | Teen): in which eddie, very literally, has a brush with buck 1.0.
can't do a love song (not the way you sang them to me) by hattalove/ @hattalove (Post-Season 1, Neighbours AU | 7K | Mature): in which buck sleeps around for healthy reasons, and thinks about his next-door neighbor a healthy amount.
california wishing on these stars by hattalove/ @hattalove (Post-Season 5, Getting Together | 21K | Teen): in which 'tis the season, buck is single again, and eddie is being very brave about it.
pretty in pink by honestlydarkprincess/ @honestlydarkprincess (PWP, Panties | 4K | Explicit): Or, the one where Eddie finds out Buck's little secret and Buck wrongly assumes he has a problem with it so Eddie has to set things straight.
sucker for pain by prettyboybuckley/ @prettyboybuckley (PWP, Spanking | 2K | Explicit): OR: Buck gets spanked in one of his most intimate places
Make So Much Smoke it Sparks a Fire by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels/ @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels (PWP, Succubi&Incubi | 7K | Explicit): Incubi and succubi are not about sex. They're about lust. Desire. The build up. Driving you so insane that sex is all you can think about, all you want, all you need. Pushing you right over the edge. Naturally, Buck and Eddie like to have fun with this.
Love Like the Ocean (Dirties Your Body, Cleans Your Soul) by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels/ @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels (Mermaid Buck, PWP | 5K | Explicit): Eddie and Buck have been dating for a while, but practicalities have prevented them from having sex in Buck's true form. That's about to change.
I Love Oklahoma by chicklette/ @chicklette (Getting Together | 1,7K | General): Sometimes, you need to be able to call someone out without it being everything. Sometimes, you just need to make a hole and say here: spill it out here. We can grow it or bury it as needed, but you gotta get it out.
lost in your current like a priceless wine by heartbeatdiaz/ @loserdiaz (Established Buddie | 2K | Teen): Eddie jumps into conclusions, him and Karen get drunk and Buck is tired but also amused. It all works in the end.
may these memories break our fall by heartbeatdiaz/ @loserdiaz (Canon Divergent, Married Buddie, Amnesia | 6K | Teen): or: eddie is a soldier coming home for christmas, he wants to surprise his husband and son for the holiday but things don't go as planned.
then through the phone ( came all your tears ) by heartbeatdiaz/ @loserdiaz (Post-Season 5, Dispatcher Eddie | 3K | Teen): After leaving the 118, Eddie becomes a 911 dispatcher.
put on a slow dumb show for you by fleetinghearts/ @shitouttabuck (Getting Together | 2K | Teen): or, they’re sleepy and a little drunk and buck’s one step behind
it can't be unlearned (i've known the warmth of you) by heartbeatdiaz/ @loserdiaz (Werewolf Buck | 4K | Teen): He thinks maybe he fell asleep and he's having a weird dream or something. There's a big— a huge— wolf curling on itself and sleeping soundly where his coffee table should be.
spinning faster than the plane that took you by heartbeatdiaz/ @loserdiaz (Canon Divergent, Post-Coma | 9K | Teen): or: Buck flees to the other side of the world, they're both miserable and also pining idiots in love. Somehow it all works out in the end.
baby, let the games begin by heartbeatdiaz/ @loserdiaz (Post-Season 5, Getting Together | 3K | Teen): There's a baseball game, Eddie pines and Hen is so done with these two idiots.
🔥 Don't They Know It's the End of the World? by Daisies_and_Briars/ @cal-daisies-and-briars (Fallout 4 AU, Post-Apocalyptic | 32K | Mature | Warning: Violence): After being put in a cryogenic sleep for over a hundred years to wait out an apocalyptic event, Eddie Diaz wakes up, too early, to find his son has been stolen from his cryo-chamber. Scared and alone in a frightening world he doesn't recognize, Eddie is willing to do anything to get his kid back.
and here, too, am i by Daisies_and_Briars/ @cal-daisies-and-briars (Future fic, Married Buddie | 1/3 | 11K | Teen): Six months into their marriage, Eddie is still struggling to decide whether or not he wants more kids, when he knows Buck does. The universe may not scream, but it certainly talks.
🔥 Things We're All Too Young to Know by Daisies_and_Briars/ @cal-daisies-and-briars (Canon, S1 through S6 | 96/? | 245K | Mature): This is a love story. Even if it doesn’t always look like it. Even if it doesn’t always feel like it. A look back on Eddie and Buck's lives up to now, and what led them to each other, interpreted from the current 9-1-1 canon.
Innocence died screaming, honey, ask me I should know by JJK/ @trenchcoatsandtimetravel (Demon Buck, Canon Divergent | 5/? | 9K | Teen): Buck is a demon with the power to help with pregnancy, childbirth, and infant health. When the Buckleys make a deal asking for someone to help 'save their baby', Buck leaps at the chance as it will give him what he's always wanted: a life on earth. But demon deals are tricky and neither of them gets quite what they're after. This is Buck's journey as he navigates growing up on earth and remembering how to help those in need.
I Opened My Eyes and There You Were by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels/ @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels (Post-Season 3, Getting Together | 4K | Explicit): In which Buck provides the dots and Eddie finally connects them.
Drowning in Dreams (You're My Raft) by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels/ @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels Post-Tsunami, Getting Together | 5K | Explicit): In which Buck sleeps his way into a relationship with Eddie, but not in the way you'd think.
Like a Sack of Bricks by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels/ @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels (Getting Together | 2K | Teen): One word from Christopher, and Eddie's realizing he's made a serious miscalculation about his best friend.
Love Like Taffy by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels/ @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels (PWP, Dom/Sub | 4K | Explicit): Buck likes it when Eddie puts him in his place. And Eddie's noticed.
🔥 let's hear it for the boy by hattalove/ @hattalove (Post-Season 5, Coming Out | 56K | Teen): in which eddie attends a self-empowerment group for gbtq men to supplement his therapy, and is empowered to: forgive himself, say "i'm gay" to his own reflection in the mirror, accidentally adopt an adult, make fried rice, and tell his straight best friend that he's in love with him. not necessarily in that order.
rainbows have nothing to hide by hattalove/ @hattalove (Getting Together | 3K | Teen): how is eddie diaz like kermit the frog? let buck and christopher count the ways. (Part 1 of the kermit verse)
this savoir faire by hattalove/ @hattalove (Established Buddie | 5K | Teen): or, the one in which embracing the meme life turns out to be more complicated than eddie expected. (Part 2 of the kermit verse)
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starlemonbunki · 4 months
Purpose! AU
Tags: major character death, depressed chuuya, hints of soukoku, hinted dissociative amnesia, decay of angels chuuya, fyodor pretty much wants chuuya to join him lol he's so whipped
I'm planning on drawing for this au too, but the quality of the pictures will be bad if I post them thru my phone. So here's my art account, posted straight from my drawing tablet, it's mostly mha art so far but I'm going to add hints of bsd in there too.
Art acc: @god-shit-girl-art
"Everything you have, and everything you've lost, I'll give it a purpose. Your past, your present, and your future, give it to me. And I will give you purpose."
Chuuya laid achingly amidst the softness around him. Linen sheets and silk pillowcases danced around him on his bed, and yet, he paid them no mind.
A heart can only take so much. But in his case, it seemed as if it had nothing left, nothing to give, nothing to own, nothing to fight for.
It had been 2 months since Dazai mysteriously died. He feels guilty for the fact that he cannot even remember how it happened. The death of his....someone....and his mind couldn't even grant him the decency to remember.
It was like that in cases of trauma. Just like the heart, the mind can only take so much before it breaks. Shattering like a mirror, some pieces will inevitably break apart, never to be seen again.
All he knows is that before he died, however he died, Dazai had used his Ability on Chuuya. And now that he was gone, so was his Ability. Chuuya no longer has the power of gravity manipulation, but for some odd reason, he wasn't mourning over it.
Whether Dazai had left him a note, a phrase, a word, or anything at all, he didn't know. It was all a part of the shattered mirror that was his mind. He couldn't even remember how he died, or if he even left him anything. Part of him wished, prayed, begged for this to all be some sort of scheme, one of Dazai's old tricks. He wasn't dead, no, this is just part of his plan. Somehow, some way he and the ADA will fix this mess, and they'll be together again. Someday, any day now.
The creak of a large wooden door could be heard from across the room, reminding Chuuya of where he was. He didn't bother getting up, or even looking in its direction. He laid there like a lifeless dog, after losing its owner.
"Nakahara Chuuya," came a voice. Deep and laced with an accent. Chuuya knew who it was, and was half-hoping to hear the sound of an ADA member, telling him to get up and that Dazai needed him for the next phase of his plan.
When Chuuya didn't reply, footsteps answered instead. The sound of hard leather soles against the expensive polished wood, it rang in his ears. He never bothered to really listen to them before.
"I have to admit, it was hard to find you," said the man, tall and slender, his shadow doing justice to his sleek and mysterious nature.
"This penthouse of yours, seems far too big for just one person. However I do believe you'd been visited many a night, correct?"
Did he just call Chuuya a whore?
Perhaps it was the thinly veiled insult, or how Chuuya just realized that a powerful enemy whose strength outweighed his own was now in his bedroom, but the ginger found the strength to sit back up. However slowly and groggily, with his hair a red-orange mess that framed his face and a dress shirt unbuttoned across his chest. His blue eyes seemed more grey, now that Fyodor looks at it. Were they always this dull?
"What do you want you anemic son of a bitch," Chuuya said, it wasn't a question.
Fyodor didn't answer. Instead the two stared at each other, one with eyes posing no threat and one with eyes that couldn't pose any even if it wanted to. In his mind, the Russian compared the man's blue-grey eyes to that of an empty glass. Nothing to give, nothing but potential.
"Dazai's dead." Chuuya said finally. His voice was hoarse and he could taste his thick saliva. How long had it been since he brushed his teeth or combed his hair? Was he wearing the same clothes he did that day 2 months ago? Or was it that night?
"I am aware, yes." Fyodor said, his voice and demeanor unwavering. What did this asshole want?
Chuuya looked down, facing his hands that laid aimlessly on his knees, legs folded, blankets ruffled and forgotten. There were wounds on them. Why were there wounds on them?
"However, I am not here for him."
Chuuya looked back at the dark-haired man, noticing a change in his attire. His coat that had once terrorized countless innocents in its dark tone was now white, with dark feathers around the collar. He could barely see what was inside, though.
"You look unwell." He said.
"Yeah? Great, thanks." Chuuya retorted sarcastically. "That's what I was goin' for, actually."
Fyodor chuckled at his comment, voice deep and alluring.
"You know, Chuuya, a man is only as great as his biggest weakness."
"Fuck is that supposed to mean?"
Fyodor maintained his smile, and began walking to the side of the room slowly, leather shoes rhythmically playing the wooden floor like a piano. Slow and steady, each note just like the last. Like it was leading up to something.
"It's a story of power. Lose and obtain. Give and take. Something must be lost in order for another to be found."
Fyodor took one of the floor-length curtains in one of his pale, slender hands. His illuminating lilac eyes remained focused on the redhead.
"You lost one of your biggest crutches," He said. "And in turn, one of your biggest weaknesses. Ride a bicycle with training wheels, and you'll never truly learn to ride without them."
"Wait a second," Chuuya finally gained the strength to speak again. "Are you talking about Dazai?"
Fyodor nodded, as if he was happy to hear Chuuya was on the right track.
"The man was a necessary loss. The final stepping stone to your metamorphosis. Because of him, and everyone who you've lost before, you now have the choice to become something greater."
"And what's that?" Chuuya scowled. "Another one of your chess pieces? Another pawn to your sick little game? Dazai is dead, you've won. What more could you possibly want from me?"
"Ah, you take the king away," Fyodor said, "but the queen still has all the power."
With that, his hand flew to the side, opening the curtains wide enough to see the world below it, the world outside. Cars and streetlights, people out on the town, the moon shining just as bright as before, as if nothing had changed.
"Even without your Ability, I believe you still have the potential to create more," He said, staring up into the stars.
Chuuya emerged from the darkness of his canopy bed, the first time he stood on his own two feet in ages. He walked to Fyodor's side, entranced by the light of the moon.
"Ah, how fitting for it to be a third quarter tonight." Fyodor said.
"A what?"
"A third quarter. Only half the moon is visible tonight, the other is shadowed in the dark. And yet, it's still just as beautiful, no?"
Fyodor faced Chuuya, albeit having to look down a little bit to look him in the eye.
"Everything you have, and everything you've lost, I'll give it a purpose. Join me, give me your past, your present and your future, trust it with me and I will give you a new purpose."
Fyodor stretched his hand out to Chuuya.
"Together, the moon will shine even brighter than before."
"What do you say, Chuuya Nakahara?"
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leggerefiore · 10 months
cw: hurt/comfort, ingo is crying about his amnesia, pla ingo
pairing: Warden Ingo/Reader
It was difficult to deal with some days.
The eyes of people around Jubilife village could be so judging and isolating. Even winning over the favour of the Survey Corps Captain and many of the team's members had failed to dismiss such gazes. You were an outsider. One from both out of time and space.
Though, you supposed that you were not alone in that aspect. Sneasler's Warden was just like you, but somehow, worse. All he could recall about himself was his name and nothing more. He was obviously from another part of the world and likely even time, but nothing could come to him despite his many attempts at remembering even the smallest bit about himself.
Maybe that was why you ended up hanging around him whenever he was in the village. His gaze was never anything harsh or judging. There was a certain kindness that seemed to resonate around him. That of someone anyone could easily talk to. Ingo was like you, too. It made expressing these thoughts easy. There were times you both fell into a near endless conversation, only having it end due to Zisu needing his help or the sun beginning to set. Other times, you both sat in a comfortable silence beside each other.
Somehow, you ended up at his place. Knocking on his door, there was no response from inside. Was he not there? You had not seen him in the village, but there was a chance he had gone back to the Pearl Clan settlement. Debates of whether to head there next or just give up and go back home swirled within your head.
Until you heard a strange sound.
It sounded like a groan from within the cabin, but you were not sure. Still, your mind rushed with the possibility that something may have happened to the Warden. Forcing open the door, you gazed into the small home. A fire burned in the hearth. In the back of the home, where his bed laid, you saw him.
Ingo lay curled into his blankets, face buried into his pillow. It was not a groan you had heard, you realised. The Warden was sobbing. His chest rose and fell strangely as he clung to his pillow for dear life. You fell to your knees and gently placed a hand on his arm. It startled him, making him whip his head over to you.
Seeing his face made everything worse.
His skin was a red hue, just like his eyes. Tears shined on his cheeks. You brought a hand to his face in an attempt to wipe them away. He leaned into your touch, but you can see his true feelings in his eyes. A stone-like face interrupted by such emotional eyes. Ingo was mortified that you had seen him in such a state.
The words finally left your lips, “What's wrong?” You could not even begin to imagine what would bring such a seemingly reliable and strong man to tears.
He brought his hand to clear away the remaining tears on his cheeks and gently grabbed your own to rest within his. The calloused hand was oddly cold. Eerie, when considering the heat of the room from the fire. “... Do you think those waiting for you back home will ever give up on you returning?” he asked suddenly. It was a striking question. Would they? You wanted to say you had good people in your life who would wait endlessly for your return, but somewhere, a logical side of your brain argued that many would eventually move on.
“Is that what's bothering you, Ingo?” you sat down across from him, coming down to his level. His eyes broke contact from yours to stare at the ground. You squeezed your hand around his. The solid touch seemed to draw him back from wherever his mind wished to whisk him away to.
“Who am I supposed to be?” he mumbled out, fresh tears swelling in the rims of his eyes, “Even if I return, will they want me as I am?” You froze. His mouth pulled back into a genuine grimace as his eyes reflected the worry and fear pouring into his heart. Confidence could only protect someone for so long. How had this been weighing on his mind? “I can't even recall any of them…” Ingo whispered. Tears fell onto the bedding beneath him.
You felt shaken. Ingo was facing this world without an inkling of whom he used to be, nor any of those he once called dear. A memory of an identical image speaking, but he was unsure if that was him speaking to himself in a mirror or not. You wished you knew who he was. If you could give him any small thing to cling onto, you would. Your arms came around the Warden tightly. You nuzzled into his dark undershirt as you felt his solid form in your arms.
“… I think there are people waiting on you,” you reassured him firmly, needing to be the rock on which Ingo could rely, “They probably miss their frowning, loud friend dearly. They will want to help you.” His arms came around you, squeezing you like a plush doll almost.
“What if…” he gave a rare whisper, voice nowhere near its usual volume, “What if I'm not who they knew…? What if I'm just someone attempting to imitate who they knew?”
Your hand gently began to rub his back, feeling the tense muscles under your arms. This torment Ingo was facing. It was not something you could understand, yet his agony over this was more than apparent. “… Well, then, I'll always wait for you,” you smiled at him brightly, “If nothing else, I'll love this you.” A small peck to his cheek seemed to stir him into silence. His arms locked around you tighter as he pulled you deeper into his.
“… Thank you,” Ingo mumbled out softly.
You dared bring a hand into the soft fuzz of his hair and gently stroke it. “Whenever we return back to where we came, we will meet up again,” you promised.
Ingo's tears had stopped and were replaced with a gentle affection in his eyes, much like the gaze you returned to the old man.
(Though, Ingo's concerns were entirely misplaced. Someone back in his time endlessly searched for him. Their tears as they looked in the mirror, wearing his hat while desperately forcing a stern expression. A single word was murmured. “Phony.”)
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