#i have my learners now!
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nutsack90 · 4 months ago
!!!got a proper tablet!!!
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im free from the shackles of drawing with my finger on my phone!!! also click for higher res tumblr hates my textures lmfaoo 😓😓
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tagerrkix · 1 year ago
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(sorry for deleting and posting this again 🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️ one tiny insignificant thing was bothering me and when I edited it it wouldn't show on reblogs and that kinda made me go 😠😠😠)
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thelaurenshippen · 2 years ago
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flovoid · 6 months ago
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an AU where tatsuo didn’t quit the yakuza life and now ming-yue is joining in with her father :3
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benkyoutobentou · 2 years ago
How to study languages without studying
Whether you're just starting out and have had bad experiences with textbook learning in the past or are getting burnt out from prepping for the next proficiency test, it's never a bad idea to put the textbooks away for a time and just enjoy your target language. If you're new to the world of immersion, here are a few ways to get you started.
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Follow along with the lyrics of a song. Spotify's not-so-new-anymore lyrics feature is great for this, especially since it has timed lyrics, but it doesn't have every song.
Expert mode: Write out the lyrics and underline/highlight/make note of all the words and grammar structures you don't know. Learn these unknowns until you can understand the whole song!
Extra challenge: Translate a song from your target language. I usually tend to stay away from translations in my study, but for those of you who aspire to be translators (or already are!), the poetic nature of song lyrics can be a fun challenge.
Watch a show or movie. Netflix has now introduced a feature where you can sort by language! If there's nothing made in your language that you're interested in, it also gives the option to sort by shows and movies that have the audio or subtitles available. Internet Archive also tends to have lots of foreign films that I'm looking for.
Easy mode: Watch with English or your native language subtitles. When doing this, try to still listen to what's being said and pick up on words and phrases that you know, or match new words with their translation in the subtitles. Note: reading one language and listening to another is a skill in and of itself! Don't be discouraged if you can't do both at the same time yet, you're brain is still making the connections in intonation and cadence of the language.
Hard mode: Watch with captions in your target language. This helps you connect listening and reading, especially in languages where the spelling isn't exactly phonetic, or it uses a different alphabet than what you're used to.
Expert mode: No captions or subtitles! But who knows, maybe you're better at listening comprehension than I am. Make sure you're getting comprehensible input here; some shows and movies are much harder than others. But above all else, watch what keeps your interest. A movie where you can catch half the dialogue but is super engaging is better for you than an "easy" movie that you're going to spend your time ignoring.
Polyglot mode?: Watch something in your target language with subtitles in a different target language. This adds just one too many layers of obfuscation for me, but if you're into the challenge, more power to you.
Watch YouTube. You can change your language preference on YouTube, and with that, the Explore section will give you recommendations in your target language. Going into the trending tab with your target language can give you a good idea about what people are interested in in the countries where your target language is spoken.
Read something. It can be a book, it can be a comic. There are plenty of webcomics out there in a number of languages! There's also probably an English language listicle with recommendations of easier to understand webcomics for learners, too.
If you're just getting started in immersion, you can choose whether you focus on intensive reading or extensive reading (this actually goes for all kinds of immersion, but is easiest to control with reading since it happens at your own pace). Intensive reading is reading with the goal of understanding everything 100%. If you don't understand a word, or a grammar point, or the reading of a character, look it up. Extensive reading is reading just to get the gist of things. Look up words and grammar points only if they stop you from understanding the general meaning of the sentence or section. And of course, the more you immerse, the less you'll have to look things up, but remember that difficulty varies between materials, even within books of the same age range, genre, and medium.
A small digression: If you decide that you never want to open a textbook on your language learning journey, more power to you! It can be done and I know people who have gotten to proficient levels of their target language without textbooks. If you want this to be you, extensive immersion is your best friend. You also might want to get comfortable with the flashcard program anki, because, if this is your goal, all those unknown grammar points and words will probably end up there. But at the end of the day, language learning is an intensely personal journey, and what works for others won't necessarily work for you. Finding what works for you is just part of learning a language.
Play a game. Lots of games are region locked (hint: Pokemon Sun/Moon isn't! If you start a new game, you can choose which language you want to play it in), but there are plenty of free online games still lurking in the corners of the internet. With a bit of googling, you can probably find something in your target language. Just the other day, I went out to find one of those hidden item games in Japanese and ended up finding an entire site dedicated to user made browser games.
If you're learning Japanese or Korean, picrew might be fun to look through as well. I noticed that plenty of picrews have basic anatomy vocabulary. I'm not super familiar with picrew myself, but the ones I've seen tend to be in Korean and Japanese
And lastly, don't fully give up on textbooks before trying them out. Don't be discouraged if textbooks truly aren't your thing, but studying a language on your own time can feel much different than studying for school. Don't put too much pressure on yourself and just have fun with your language. Additionally, if you'd rather learn in a video format, many languages have full courses uploaded to YouTube for you to try. Finding these can be difficult for some languages though, so don't hesitate to reach out to other learners and see what they recommend!
Got your materials ready? Great! Now go forth and immerse!
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 2 months ago
Who's the better healer?
I want to start a bloodbath. Between Katara vs Atuat vs Yangchen vs Korra, who's the better healer. *grabs popcorn*
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hearty-an0n · 4 months ago
how do you tell dead people that you’re finally trying out that thing they kept bugging you to do. how do you let them know
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cr0wc0rpse · 8 days ago
I thiiiiink I’ve had my name changed everywhere I need to which means that is off my plate and I also have my loan repayment figured out so that’s off my plate as well and my hysterectomy stuff is scheduled and it’ll just be Going to appointments so now. We move onto learning to drive
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natjennie · 6 months ago
I got sucked into a youtube rabbit hole and guyssss I miss ballet.....
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tblsomedoodles · 1 year ago
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Me playing Rimworld like a scifi family simulator? never.
anyways, i've been playing far too much Rimworld so have some little doodles of my main couple's four kinda creepy kids lol. I will admit, "Feral" is technically his nickname, but i can't remember what they actually named him and i don't feel like booting up my game just to check.
Sandy and Feral are very close in age. Timothy is pretty close behind them, and Alice only just hit toddler stage recently. I was sooo worried about Timothy when he was tiny. B/c he was born sick, recovered from that only to catch malaria. Recovered from that and immediately caught the plague. he's alright now.
Sandy and Feral will sit on their dad's research desk to watch him work in game, and i think that's just the cutest thing, so i doodled that too.
fun fact! According to Alice's genetics, she's supposed to have purple hair, but she, instead, matches Timothy with his grey/white hair.
there's a lot of other kids running around my colony too, but they belong to others (one being just a clone lol). no joke, i think i have 5-6 adults and about 8 kids running around the place. it's chaos. i love it lol : )
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woodnrust · 9 months ago
In the Amish country rn. Wanna frolic in some fields so bad
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radioisntdead · 3 months ago
My headphones broke and I am GOING TO SCREAM I'm getting a replacement soon but it's still annoying especially since these are GOOD headphones [they're like 30 bucks on sale, which Christmas deals are coming in CLUTCH] and I'm the type of person that needs some type of sound in my ear or I can't focus properly and will just ZONE out
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how the HECK do I explain to my parents that I do not want bass guitar lessons from my dad, I want to teach myself from the books and videos that I have. I will literally throw away every plan I have to learn this instrument if I have to learn this way I'm not even kidding. this is why I quit guitar after two months my freshman year of high school.
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crybaby-bkg · 7 months ago
going to do my learners test in the morning and I am violently anxious 👍🏽
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shalom-iamcominghome · 1 year ago
So, a lot of my feed is from me following jews, right? But, I never have jewish accounts recommended to me, like my entire explore page on instagram is hijabi muslim women, and I'm just so confused (it's still nice because I want to learn more about other people, but I am confused)
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six-improbable-things · 9 months ago
I just rolled back-to-back nat 1's on BOTH my attack rolls this turn. Thank fuck I have some levels in fighter and didn't use my action surge last session, cause I would have been SO MAD. (And to make matters worse, after my first action surge attack, the damn slug had ONE hit point left.)
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