#i have had a Day
bowtiepastabitch · 7 months
Alright you horny fucks, consider my new years resolution fulfilled
1500 words of pure foreplay, in which we all are reminded that Aziraphale dresses like it's still the 19th century but that's somehow still hot.
This not-technically-pornography comes to you sponsored by the federal government of the united states, who compensated me significantly for the time spent writing this fic. I love being a work-study student sometimes. I take no credit for coming up with this idea, it's entirely derived from this godforsaken post, so you can thank @ineffabildaddy and @voluptatiscausa for bringing it repeatedly onto my dash and sparking this story idea. Love ya.
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prudentfolly · 9 months
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Prudence & Bird
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smackins · 2 years
Be kind and patient with retail workers this Black Friday or I will curse your entire bloodline.
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My plan for making the world a better place is a simple, but I think effective one:
Every physically disabled person should be allowed to publicly strangle one ableist commuter on public transit per year.
Whether that's the hockey player taking up all of the priority seating with his gear, or the person who thinks their lunch needs a seat, or the people who think it's acceptable to pick up and move someone's mobility device, or just the asshats who don't fucking move out of the way so someone with a wheelchair can get on or off without needing a cow catcher on the front of their rig- I think they would all smarten right the hell up if they had to wonder 'Oh no, has this person reached their One Person quota of the year yet??'
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kirby-the-gorb · 2 years
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acemdzsfan · 11 months
You expect me to trust men?
There is a guy literally banned from our workplace because he threatens us. Harasses us.
A customer literally physically threatened me because I forgot a milk container.
Male classmates playing "fuck, marry, kill" with the names of my friends and their mothers in front of me. The teachers doing nothing.
I can't trust my own father not to hit me.
How the fuck am I supposed to trust men I don't know not to hurt me?
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tag-if · 10 months
Not sure if it's just me because my eyesight it's not the best but the color of the background and the font made it a bit hard to read other than that i love the start and can't wait for more
ah hell, still?
okay, it's late here at the moment, so i'll have a look in the morning— then reblog this when i've done it so you can, collectively, check it over and get back to me
i might just overhaul all the colours and redo them completely, to be honest— would you be able to tell me whether it's dark or light mode that's causing issues? or is it the tumblr?
i'm glad you're enjoying it overall though!!
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orphyd · 1 year
We’re on the cusp boys-
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thinking about “you are nothing without me. you were always nothing without me” and “i am nothing without this music. i am nothing without this mask”
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reflectionsofacreator · 9 months
[seething] it’s err on the side of caution not AIR, for fuck’s sake— “to err” means to be incorrect or to make a mistake; the saying meaning that you’re being overly cautious to the point of making a mistake, how the Fuck does “air” work in this context!!!!
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brother-genitivi · 8 months
if the man above me carries on singing extremely fucking loudly at 20 to 1 in the morning I'm killing him x
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73chn1c0l0rr3v3l · 9 months
I think Suspiria (original) is legit my favorite film ever?
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iguessitsjustme · 10 months
Choose Your Own BL Adventure - Day 4
Offer to hold the umbrella and walk him to wherever he's going
Nod in greeting, tell Gelt you're running late and wish him luck before dashing off to class.
After you’re over the initial shock of seeing Gelt, continue running to class with nothing more than a wave in Gelt’s direction.
See day 3 here.
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Bonking u like a cat. BTW
thank you i needed that
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asteria-argo · 1 year
New dnd strategy just dropped: win all combat encounters by having a seizure mid session so your dm has to wrap up early and you win by default
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mageofcolors · 2 years
immm probably gonna get fired so if you wanna commission me or support me on twitch that'd be awesome
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