#i have been fixating on ocs all my free time and now i have classes again fuck my stupid baka life i didn't draw him that much
oneroomjestershow · 26 days
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''He really should be the one being called 'angel' instead of me''
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oksullen · 1 year
I don’t know why I just saw this omg!! I’ve been good :) I’ve been working a lot and busy with classes and just everything else life has to offer 😂
Willow is almost 2 years old now!! and she’s gotten so big and she’s been much more well behaved too!!
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I’ve been on and off Tumblr and usually just go on to read some stuff on my favorite fandoms which surprisingly there isn’t a lot of the things im looking for!! I’ve really taking a liking to My Hero Academia but specifically 3 characters- Best Jeanist, Edgeshot, and Stain which there is like NO new content on them!! I haven’t finished the anime yet since im more of a manga reader than an anime watcher 😔
but more on Best Jeanist- I have become addicted to his character 😭 I’ve rebranded some of my usernames to him and I have a collection of merchandise of him on my shelf!! It started as a joke but it’s not a joke anymore!! same with Stain and Edgeshot, but most of my money has gone to Best Jeanist. I’m so sad there’s not much content on him, I say I’ll just write my own but that isn’t true- LOL but that’s ok, I can just use my free time to think of silly little scenarios of him in my head!!
Here’s a picture of my current anime collection, it’s slightly outdated but you get the idea:
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Not pictured is a couple One Piece things since I’ve really started to like One Piece again and a couple plushies including a plushie of Shinsuke Kita from Haikyuu because he will always be my favorite (and Tsukishima too!! remember when my user was kaleshima!!)
I’ve always been taking a liking to making an OC and just my oc overall!! She’s mainly a MHA oc with a freaky blood/guts/gore manipulation power (it’s kind dark but I think it’s cool) and omg she’s taken up so much of my time and brain space, I feel like I’ve done more in depth creation of her than of myself 😂 I’ve also been buying a lot of art commissions of her!! I’ll attach a few images below, but I like talking about her so much that if I end up coming back here I might do some writing for her since I’d love someone or some place to talk about her :) all credits to the locket artists, I don’t think any of them have Tumblr though-: (the first image is her with Best Jeanist and the last is her with Stain!!)
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I also have gotten into JJK but im still new to it, only watching the first couple episodes and reading the leaks 😭 which is a GREAT way to start omg
Also, don’t you love it when old hyper fixations come back??!??! yeah, that’s me right now with Mortal Kombat!! I’ve been a fan for almost 10 years now and the new game is so good!! and the characters omg… they made them so good 😍 thankfully Tumblr has a lot on them!!
but other than some things coming and going there hasn’t been a lot of new stuff in my life but compared to last year my mood and health has been so much better which is a win in my eyes, plus im starting to like a new guy which is good because I got my heart absolutely shattered little over a year ago and I swear I thought I was never going to recover, but recovery is possible and I give myself a lot of credit for the things I’ve done despite life seemingly staying the same.
I hope to move out of my parents house soon and continue my education further and my social life and all that but ik that won’t happen until a few years which seems like forever but seeing how 2023 has gone by so fast, I have a feeling it’s going to come quicker than it seems
I always say I want to come back to writing on this app and honestly I am in need of a new hobby because yeah listening to music is great but it doesn’t get you far!! which by the way, also a hyper fixation, bands and music and all that- I am really big into Nirvana right now and plan on dressing up as the lead singer Kurt Cobain for Halloween- which is funny I am dressing up because for the first time I have no plans for Halloween!! I’ll probably just bake some goodies and watch scary movies. How is Halloween celebrated where you are, if at all? American culture is so funny- and it’s funny because America doesn’t have much culture, it’s just one big melting pot which makes it unique
Speaking of music, my favorite artists are probably Nirvana (which is a band) and so is Radiohead, Weezer, The Smiths, Ghost, and Korn (which are rock/metal bands, I really recommend them if you’re into that!!) but I also really like Melanie Martinez, Lana Del Rey, Mitski, Alex G, and a couple other solo artists (fun fact, I went to many concerts over the summer including Melanie and Weezer- they were so good!!) what kind of music do you listen to? any you recommend?!
Half way typing this too, I thought of the idea of coming back to Tumblr to write not just drabbles on my current hyper fixations but maybe some life advice and psychology stuff, I have a way with words and advice and all that even though I am considered “to young to know all this” but I see it as both good and bad having an old soul at a young age- and not to say I am a little child either, but I haven’t even been on this earth for 20 years yet, soon enough though
That all being said, I feel like a huge chapter of my life is coming to a wrap up soon and I am excited to start the new one!! I’ve been on this app forever even though I technically shouldn’t have had Tumblr as a pre-teen but hey, we all start somewhere!!
How have you been? Anything new and exciting? Or maybe something you’ve learned? I’ve been trying to learn new hobbies and I’ve started to really dig into what I want to do as a career since I have to really decided soon (I am doing community college right now which is a free 2-3 year schooling opportunity to earn credits before you go off and study a minor or major- not sure if you have that where you live and if you do it’s still probably different)
Anyways I want to study business and business management since I have taken a liking to running/leading an organization/group and coming up with marketing ideas for various groups I spend my time in- including theatre!! I have a local theatre group I work in backstage and I am the stage manager this year which is great since I want to going into management
It’s “late” where I am- actually it’s just 9:30 but I go to bed early especially when I have things to do the next day 😔 I’ll probably just use the excuse I am tired to run to Starbucks and spend my money like I always do. I really have become addicted to Starbucks and it’s only going to worsen as “Capitalism Christmas” comes next
Holidays are so silly to me too, I don’t really enjoy them because they’ve always seemed to cheesy and not like they “advertise” but I hope to make the best of it this year, even if it just ends up being me working that day and then coming home to my dog. What Holidays do you enjoy? Any certain traditions or events you’re looking forward to?
I’ve written down most of my thoughts and this has been the most I’ve written in ages!! Maybe I should answer more asks from now on to get myself into the writing kick!! 😂
I hope you’ve been well and I hope we can talk more soon!! I totally just remembered we have each other on discord too!! I changed my user to @bestkaleist (Best Jeanist reference) so if you’re confused as to who that is, it’s me!!
wishing you all the well!! 🥬
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sorcerous-caress · 10 months
I got some free time and did a little Jubilee x Shadowheart Drabble and figured I’d throw it here for your enjoyment. Sorry if this violates the request being closed I just figured I’d share with the class.
Jubilee is a little wisp of a woman, she flutters around the camp like an autumn leaf checking on her companions pressing affectionate pecks on the cheek as she does so. She'd smiled through Lae’zel’s normal bluster about how imperative getting to the Creche was and made her way toward Shadowheart’s tent to check on the cleric only to find her meditating in prayer.
Jubilee quietly settles down at her side examining her, admiring the scar that crosses her cheek and noting the contrast of the chains in her hair compared to the softness of her hair, it made for something far more interesting than your standard braid.
Shadowheart clears her throat, Jubilee had been to fixated on admiring her to notice the prayer ended “Did you need something, you’ve been staring?”
Jubilee leans in and kisses her cheek tail swishing with delight “nothing, in particular I’m just checking in on everyone. Breakfast is almost ready. It is Gale’s turn so it won’t be quite as good as mine but he’s still amazing!”she chirps happily. She is completely unprepared for Shadowheart to grab her by the wrist and pull her into the tent.
“How dare you!” Shadowheart snaps gently pinning her against the tent wall.
Jubilee blinks rapidly in confusion as mixed emotions flutter through her “how dare I what?” She stammers, trying to ignore the heat rising in her cheeks.
“You love me, and all of us like you’ve never known fear. We have more troubles than minutes in the year and yet you still take time for whenever we or someone needs your help. How do you do this?” Shadowheart growls.
“I just care, Shadowheart, it’s who I am.”Jubilee says “It’s why I saved you on the ship and it’s why I stay to help you now.”
“Prove it,”Shadowheart demands, and It’s her turn to be completely unprepared as Jubilee closes the gap between them and kisses her.
Jubilee’s kiss is clumsy and inexperienced; she's never kissed anyone before, not that she has any intention of admitting that. She hadn’t thought before doing this she’d just wanted to express how much she deeply cared for the other woman and words felt inadequate she pulls back and whispers a soft “I love you,”
Shadowheart looks down startled and the girls soft kindness in the face of interrogation but is still holding her wrist “Do you really?”
“Of course.”Jubilee answers instantly as it were the most obvious thing in the world.
“Then Gale and breakfast can wait.”Shadowheart says grip on her wrist tightening as she leans in to kiss Jubilee this time.
“Yes ma’am” Jubilee whispers before her lips are captured in the kiss.
That was really sweet and beautifully written ♡
Thank you for sharing it with me! I made a new drabble page to keep track of Jubilee's posts and the other OCs, so feel free to share whatever you want and I'll add my own thoughts to it.
And don't worry, it doesn't break the rules. As long as you're not requesting anything but just sharing your work, thoughts, or ideas, then it's definitely okay with me.
Your descriptions of her are really vivid and mesmerising. It shows in the work how much the author who wrote it must have been in love with the character herself.
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whimsywhistles · 2 years
Hello! I'm Whimsy!
Hello! I'm Whimsy, I'm 24 years old and I really like MMO's and roleplay! They've always been my comfort genre of gaming, and my favourite past time. I do have autism and ADHD, so I tend to hyperfixate on some MMO's for awhile.. pop onto another MMO and fixate on that! Mostly you'll see posts from SWTOR, and World of Warcraft; but I also love FFXIV, and GW2! I also reblog stuff alot, like, legit anything my brain likes, so I'm very sorry for the lack of consistency!!!
If you see me on Star Wars the Old Republic, I play both Republic and Empire, and I reside on StarForge! My favourite character is Theron Shan, and my favourite story to play is Inquisitor and Smuggler! Maybe soon I can post OC pics (I do have like 100 chars though, so like, maybe its a good idea to mute me LOL)
If you see me on World of Warcraft, I play both Horde and Alliance and I reside of both Moonguard (US-Alliance) and Wyrmrest Accord (US-Horde). My favourite character is Arthas, and Ysera, and my favourite class is Guardian Druid, and I love tanking and collecting items! (same issue as SWTOR, i'll post oc profiles maybe.. but theres alot!)
I'm an altoholic, I havn't been free in 10 years.
..So yeah!
I'm not really new to Tumblr, I use to use it years ago; but went with the flow of Twitter-- and well now I'm back!! Regardless, it's nice to meet you all, and or great to reconnect!
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hb-writes · 4 years
The Horsewoman
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Summary: 1913 in the Little Lady Blinder universe. Shelby sister, Clara, and her twin are ready to start school, but Clara is a bit hesitant. Thankfully, her older brother knows how to negotiate.
Inspired by this request: Could you write about the twins first day at school? Like Clara is scared but Finn is excited. And because they didn’t have much money they’ve saved for a while to get them new clothes just for school and Tommy helps them get ready and drops them off for there first day x
Featuring: Tommy Shelby, Finn Shelby, Polly Gray, and Clara Shelby (OC)
Tommy was awake and had been for some time now, going back and forth between reading and watching his little sister rest. Her features had finally smoothed out, her face relaxed in a way that only came with a lack of consciousness, the small wrinkle of worry taking up seemingly permanent residence on her forehead cleared away now as slow, easy breaths fell from her mouth.
Clara had climbed into his bed a little before sundown the evening before, burrowing herself in the blankets after claiming an upset stomach and abstaining from dinner. She passed more than half the night awake, her restless body nestled up beside her brother while he too failed to get much by the way of sleep, kept alert by the five-year-old's nervous energy.
Clara's agitation about starting school wasn't something quite congruous with the child she'd come to be understood as. She loved books and learning and was obviously bright. She commonly forced her twin into playing at schoolhouse, so the family was rightfully perplexed. Tommy wasn't so surprised by it though. He knew there was something they were all missing, something about school Clara was fixating on, focusing all her energies on some troubling thought she hadn't worked up the nerve to discuss.
The shift happened when they told her the twins would be enrolled in the next coming school year. If he didn't know the girl better, he'd have called her behavior a sudden disinterest in the idea of school and learning, but Tommy knew she had not spared a thought to anything else during the last few weeks of summer.
Tommy glanced up at a light rapping on the door, Finn pushing it open before he could offer a response. The boy was in his new school outfit, quite a sight considering he spent most of his days covered in a layer of dirt and dust after playing out on the lane.
"She's still asleep?" Finn's words came out as a half-whisper as he noted the lump of blankets on the far side of his brother's bed.
Tommy nodded, glancing down at Clara for a second before looking back to his little brother, a mess of laces tucked into the side of his boot. Tommy beckoned him forward, patting the chair sat beside his bed. Finn would need to learn to tie them for himself soon, though Tommy supposed with the twins being in the same class, he'd get by alright with his sister doing any needed midday shoe tying.
"Aunt Polly says if Clara doesn't come down now she won't get any breakfast." Finn still attempted a whisper, carefully annunciating Polly's message as he lifted his feet to rest on Tommy's lap to deal with the laces.
Tommy looked to his sister again, certain Finn's attempts at whispering would have woken her by now. Clara’s deep breaths had ceased and she laid beside him completely still, her body gripped in an unnerving rigidity. He could see the effort she put into holding her eyes shut, the small wrinkle firmly back in place between her furrowed brows.
"Is she still sick?" Finn asked when Tommy lowered Finn's feet. 
As Finn leaned over his brother to get a better look at his sister, Tommy thought Finn could be right. Clara might be making herself sick over the whole thing, turning over some small misunderstanding in her mind.
"Worried sick, maybe," Tommy answered.
Clara remained still against him though a muscle in her cheek twitched at his words. Tommy snorted lightly before turning back to Finn.
"What's she worried about? It's just school. Everyone from the lane will be there."
Clara shifted under the blankets, moving them up and over her shoulder as she burrowed further still into Tommy's side. He sighed and shook her shoulder. "Alright there, Clara girl. Time to get up."
When she ignored the prompting, Finn reached over Tommy, his pointer finger extended with every intention of pushing one of his sister's eyes open to help her along, but Tommy nudged Finn's pudgy hand away before he could make contact.
"C'mon, Clara. I know you're awake."
Clara shook her head and Tommy scoffed, pulling her onto his lap as he leaned against the wall.
"We can't have you going to school hungry," Tommy said.
"Aunt Polly made a special breakfast."
"See that? Finn says you've got a special breakfast waiting."
"Not hungry," Clara mumbled.
Tommy knew she had to be hungry after missing dinner, but rather than showing any desire to head down the stairs, Clara settled in his lap, pulling the blankets up to cover herself once again and hiding against his chest. Tommy tried again to pull her out of hiding with a different line of discussion.
"Doesn't Finn look nice in his new outfit?"
Clara glanced at her twin and nodded. She had an outfit of her own to get into, something Ada helped pick out, an outfit Clara showed little interest in though it was a red dress she’d usually be eager to get into. Tommy had a feeling it had less to do with preferences and more to do with whatever Clara was worrying on about school.
"Finn, why don't you run and tell Aunt Polly Clara will be right down, eh?"
Clara snuggled in again as Finn closed the door.
"I don't wanna go."
"Sure you do," Tommy answered, "You've got your new dress and you'll be with Finn and –"
"I wanna stay with you."
"What about Finn?"
"Finn has friends."
"Then you have friends too," Tommy answered.
Clara shook her head and Tommy amended his words. "Then you have your brother, and you'll make friends."
Clara released her grip on Tommy intending to slip back into her spot between him and the wall but Tommy caught her and towed her back into his lap.
Clara was a kind child, pleasant and clever, but she also kept to herself and her family more often than not. She didn't relish spending her days out on the lane with the other kids and when booted out of the house for some air, she'd more often than not spend that time on the stoop drawing or reading or practicing her writing. Rather than chase a ball about or get up to the mischief of the day, she liked to follow her siblings and aunt around. She liked to help with Martha and John's babies. She liked to go to the yard and be with the horses. She didn't have a hoard of friends from the lane like Finn did.
"You've got to go to school. And before you go, you've got to eat a good breakfast, and Ada will—"
"But I don’t want to," Clara answered, settling against his chest.
"Well, we all have to do things we don't want to, eh?"
Clara shook her head. "You get to do what you want."
Tommy considered how it must have looked that way to the five-year-old. It must've looked like everyone other than her and Finn had free rein to do as they pleased because they all came and went through the doors of no. 6 Watery Lane as such. Tommy passed his days interchangeably between the shop and the horses, stopping in to play with the twins at seemingly random intervals, devoting his evenings to Greta Jurossi.
"Well, that's 'cause I already finished school."
Clara groaned, sensing the impending defeat, and with Tommy's hands reaching for her sides, she knew he was about to peel her away so she gripped him a bit tighter.
"Alright, how about this? I'll make you a deal. You go to school for one…" Tommy smiled at his sister's pout before continuing. "You give me one day and if you hate it, you never have to go again."
Clara lifted her head. "Never?"
Tommy nodded. It was a lie because she'd need some type of education lest they wanted the parish to descend upon them for lack of attendance, but Tommy wasn't concerned his sister would actually take him up on the offer.
"If you've had the most terrible day and you never want to go back or learn another thing ever again, you can come help me and Curly with the horses for the rest of your life. You’ll be the third-best horseman in England."
"Horsewoman," Clara mumbled.
"I'll be a horsewoman."
"Of course," Tommy said. "The very best horsewoman in all of England, then, but you have to try school first."
Tommy's offer allowed him to lift Clara from the bed with minimal argument though she kept her arms latched around his neck as he carried her down the stairs to settle at the table. 
Polly rolled her eyes at the spectacle and tried to usher her niece off Tommy's lap, but Clara stayed put, ignoring her aunt's protests as she took a piece of toast from the plate Polly set before them. It was clearly intended for Tommy, another smaller portion placed one spot over.
"You won't be able to bring your brother with you to school, so you may as well get used to sitting in your own seat now."
Tommy leaned forward to pull the second plate closer and retrieved a piece of toast for himself while Clara tucked into his eggs. "She's not hurting any—"
"Aunt Polly, you're wrong. I am bringing my brother to school," Clara answered, mouth full of food as she pointed at Finn. Polly rolled her eyes before the girl continued. "And Tommy says I only have to go to school for just one day and then I get to be a horsewoman with him and Curly forever."
Tommy coughed on a bit of toast as she said it. He really shouldn't have been surprised, should have expected his sister to air the remark at the first opportunity. She seemed to take a great satisfaction in telling the world all the things her big brother told her he could be, all the things he promised to teach her.
Polly scowled at her nephew, shaking her head. "Well, that's just wonderful, Thomas. Fill her mind with—"
"It's only if she doesn't like it, Pol."
"Only if she doesn't—" Polly scoffed, tossing her hands up before busying herself with the dirty dishes on the table, muttering as she went. "Makes me wonder who really runs this family… the adults or a pair of spoiled five-year-olds?"
Tommy took a breath, meeting each of the twins' eyes in turn as Polly took the dirty dishes to the kitchen. They giggled as Clara continued munching on her toast, the laughter stopping abruptly when Polly stepped back into the room.
"Well, regardless of any deals you've made with your brother, you're due to school this morning. So be off and up the stairs if you're finished. Ada will help you get dressed."
"Ada's still in bed," Finn offered, "Said she doesn't have to be up 'cause she's got her certificate now."
Polly groaned, tugging Clara from Tommy's lap and sending her towards the stairs. "Just when I think it's only the boys I have worrying me, you girls decide to kick off."
Tommy pushed his chair back and stood up. "Let Ada sleep."
Polly's eyebrows raised. "You're going to get your sister ready for school?"
"I'm not a baby. I can dress myself,” Clara said.
“There you have it, Polly. She’s not a baby. She can dress herself," Tommy answered.
“Fine, just make sure it’s done in the next five minutes. I want all three of you out the door by then.” 
They were actually ready to be out the door in under four minutes, but Polly took fault with the state in which Tommy left his sister’s hair so they all waited while Polly put in a neat plait down the girl’s back.
The walk to the schoolhouse wasn’t so long, and by the time Tommy and the twins reached the end of Watery Lane, they were joined by a smattering of the younger kids living along the way, the group of them chattering excitedly with Finn.
Clara deliberately slowed their pace, putting a thoughtful measure of distance between them and the kids. Tommy allowed it, shortening his strides to keep them back. He thought she had something to tell him, but Clara stayed quiet, watching Finn and the other kids and listening to them chattering away.
It was only when they were just outside the schoolyard that Clara finally found her words, tugging on his hand to garner his attention.
"Tommy?" she asked. “What's the catch?”
Tommy looked down at her, neat and prim and proper in her new dress, looking more like she belonged at home with a governess than the crowded classroom she would soon find herself in. "The catch?"
“If I don’t go to school and be a horsewoman instead,” she said, “What’s the catch?”
Clara knew there was good and bad to everything and she had been thinking about the question from the moment they stepped onto Watery Lane, wondering what could be bad about spending her life with the horses and her brother. She knew he came home dirty and tired, but whenever they went to the yard, he seemed happy. 
Tommy smiled, lifting her into his arms. "Hard work, my girl, but you've got that either way. Just have to decide if you want to be mucking stalls or reading books."
Tommy saw the teacher at the steps, saw Finn already off with his friends from the lane, but he offered Clara a few more moments in his arms. He searched for a few words to encourage her before setting her feet to the pavement, but as the teacher rang the bell, the sound still invoking something in Tommy though he’d been out of school for years, Finn raced to their side and reached a hand up towards his sister.
"C'mon, Clara."
Tommy let Clara down when she clasped Finn's outstretched hand, her grip on Tommy lasting just a moment past her sliding down his side. It was a mix of relief and sadness Tommy felt when Clara let him go, his girl taking the hand of another brother for support, the babies embarking on a new adventure all of their own.
Tommy watched them make their way through the schoolyard, already decided that he wouldn't step away until they were safely beyond the heavy wooden doors. They were nearly through it, already offering their greetings to the young teacher ringing the bell when Clara dropped Finn’s hand and raced down the steps, making it back to him in less than half the time it took to get to the door.
Tommy kneeled down to meet her. He had the words prepared now, had finally found the right message to send her on her way, but Clara interrupted him before he got a proper start, whispering into the crook of his neck as she wrapped her arms around him.
"Can I still be a horsewoman with you even if I like school?"
Tommy grinned and pulled back to look into her eyes. "You can be whatever you'd like, but if you don't get up those steps with Finn, the first thing you'll be is late."
Clara hugged her brother again before sprinting back towards the school. Tommy knew it was unlikely his sister would be a horsewoman or a lady barber or any of the number of occupations she'd asked after, but Tommy didn’t have it in him to deny his sister that happiness. He decided long ago not to deny either of the twins that if he could help it. 
Read more Little Lady Blinder here.
@beautycinders​​ @buckybluebarnes (can’t tag) @cecii22me​​ @lovemissyhoneybee​​ @marquelapage​​ @midnight-dreams-23​​ @mo-onstarrs​​ @ohhersheybars​​ @pollyrepents​​ @unicorndetective22 (can’t tag)
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fletchphoenix · 4 years
First Impressions, Worst Impressions
High school Varigo AU? High school Varigo AU. That’s all I will say - I hope you guys enjoy it and if you thought the first one was slow burn,,,,you’re in for a treat <3
Also gives me a chance to show off my OC’s Jeremy, Isla, Elora and Zander! I love them all dearly. Anyway, onwards with the chapter!
TW - Strong Language (i think? I cant remember.)
   From the second Varian woke up, he knew it was going to be a bad day.
  His alarm rang from under his pillow, him groaning and turning on his phone screen to shut it off, blinding light immediately shining straight into his eyes and leaving him frazzled for a second. He grumbled as he sat up, Ruddiger hissing in disapproval before sinking back into his slumber. Lucky bastard could sleep all day, but Varian? Nope. Varian had school. Brilliant. He’d gotten so used to being able to just lie in, not expected to attend for the last stretch of tenth grade after...the incident. Varian sat up and stretched, letting out a loud yawn before reaching to grab his clothes off the chair by his bed, it creaking in protest as he shuffled. Admittedly it was rather old - he might have to buy a new frame from Ikea or something like that. 
  He stumbled around the darkened room, reaching for the curtains covering his window and pulling them open to give him a little bit of light. He liked his room - it was in the attic, so he had a whole story to himself and it was quite spacious, able to fit two desks in his room. One sported his papers and various textbooks he’d used to keep up with school, and the other an old TV monitor along with a Nintendo Switch connected to it. He’d play on it a lot after Rapunzel got it for his birthday, the console soon becoming addictive during his extended absence from school. He’d played it every time he’d finished his work...no matter now, he thought. He had to get ready to return to that..horrible place.
  Once he was dressed in his blue shirt, a black undershirt and some jeans, he packed and grabbed his backpack and began to walk downstairs happily, sparing no glance to the different frames on the walls of the house. He trailed down the hall, opening the first door on the right and heading in quietly. In the kitchen stood Rapunzel, humming a small tune to herself and Eugene sleepily rested his forehead against the back of her neck and wrapped his arms loosely around her waist. Varian sauntered in and dumped his bag on the floor, sitting at the table with a frown on his face. “Good morning to you too.” he muttered as Rapunzel plated his breakfast and handed it to him. “I still can’t believe you’re making me do this.” he commented as he ate.
  “Look, Varian..please give it a chance. If it doesn’t go well, we can go back to learning from home just..please. You promised you’d try.” Rapunzel pleaded, sitting opposite him at the oak table, the faint sound of a clock ticking filling the background of their tense conversation. Varian let out a groan and a sigh before reluctantly agreeing, turning his head away as Rapunzel cheered happily. He knew it was time for him to go back, despite everything that happened, but he didn’t know if he could. Sophomore year was rough to say the least and he didn’t know if he could even face his peers after everything that had happened to him. Still, a promise was a promise, and if he did this, Eugene and Rapunzel promised he could use the basement as his own personal lab, so that was a bonus. 
  “Okay kiddo, let's get you to school.” Eugene muttered sleepily, placing a kiss to his wife’s forehead with a soft smile as Varian followed him, his bag over his shoulder and sliding his headphones over his ears. He couldn’t really say he was excited - quite the contrary actually, dreading his return to the building, but he knew he had to do this for Eugene and Rapunzel’s sake. He just..prayed he wasn’t too far behind and that he’d be sat next to moderately decent people in his subjects. Last year, he was sat by Vex in English and she’d just bullied him the whole time, repeatedly calling him a nerd or short even though she was smaller than he was. He would hate to be sat beside her again, being as she made life hell for him. Of course there was no way she could’ve known what was going on in his life at the time, but it still sucked to have someone be a constant insult machine towards him relentlessly.
  He slid into the passenger’s seat, pressing the door lock and leaning back in his chair silently. Turning his head, he saw Eugene’s eyes boring into him, instinctively flinching back from him at the look. “Eugene..what are you doing.” he questioned, the man still looking at him with his lips tilted into a frown. Was there something on his face? Did he have a nosebleed or something? Had he offended Eugene? 
  “Kid, don’t feel pressured, alright? I get it’s been rough and a long time since you’ve been back to school, so if it gets too much for you, please just let me know and I’ll come pick you up. We just..we really hope you can do it. It’s what you need after being alone for so long.” he explained as he began to drive, opening the windows to let the August air breeze through the window and blow Varian’s hair around wildly. Varian shrugged and looked out the window, playing with the hem of his shirt quietly. He was sure he could handle it, after all it’s not as if he could just suddenly get killed on his first day! Right? Ugh, now that he thought about it, it was always a possibility and he could just spontaneously die on the spot in the middle of chemistry class-
  “V. I know you’re overthinking now. I can literally hear the cogs in your head going wild. Just relax, okay?” Eugene broke his train of thought, a slight smile on his face. “You’re gonna be fine, trust me, kid.” He reassured him as they pulled up outside the towering, intimidating building Varian knew oh so well as Corona High. His breathing started to quicken. Could he do this? He didn’t know if he could do this anymore, the mere thought of going back made him sick to his stomach. He doubled over in his seat, Eugene leaning over to trace reassuring circles onto his back and whispering comforting words to him. “Kid, don’t freak out. It’s just a building..okay? You’ll be fine. Trust me. Just breathe.” Varian regained his breath and nodded to Eugene, exiting the car and heading towards the looming building, fear building a deep, dark and seemingly endless pit in his gut. He took one last deep breath before his hands reached out, pushing open the immaculately cleaned glass doors and throwing himself into the fray.
  Immediately, he went towards his home room. From the look of the note he had, it was Room 256 with Mrs Ophelia Thorne. At least she sounded nice on the phone call, he recalled as he called to ask about his reintroduction back to school. He was apparently having an escort between lessons called Nuru, even though he’d insisted that he didn’t need that, having been to the school before. She persisted, however, saying that she’ll be able to ‘show him the changes around school’ and ‘be like a friend towards him’ as if he needed that. He’d agreed so he could get off the phone and go upstairs to continue with the work he’d started in his free time. It was on the old study of alchemy and, though research had been discontinued, he loved the sound of it. Transmutation fascinated him to no end, so the research never felt strenuous. However, he knew it wasn’t really that interesting to most. Still, he loved the subject with all his heart and would for as long as he lived.
  He kept walking down the halls, weaving through people before standing in front of Room 256, his hand moving to grasp the doorknob. He twisted it slowly and gently opened it, twenty or so pairs of eyes instantly fixating on him along with the chocolate brown eyes of a medium sized woman with matching wavy hair to the shade of her eyes. “Oh, you must be Varian! Welcome sweetheart, your seat is on the third row, second seat in! Next to Nuru and Zander please!” she cheered in her sing-song, upbeat voice. He could’ve sworn she was a princess if she wasn’t a school teacher, alas he walked to his seat, dumping his bag on the floor and sitting down at the desk. He looked to either side of him in silence.
  The boy to the right of him had clearly dyed, vibrant red hair and his eyes fixated on his phone hidden under the desk. His ears were littered with various piercing, the only ones he really noticed and recognised were the lobe, helix and industrial. His clothes consisted of a red and black sweater, cuffed jeans and some rather large boots on his feet, a black, denim jacket covered in patches hung over the back of the chair. He looked pretty cool, his name apparently Zander, according to Mrs Thorne. He raised his eyebrow, watching as the boy looked over at him and raised his eyebrow. “Take a picture, it’ll last longer.” he muttered before turning back towards his phone. Varian’s cheeks flushed when he realised he was staring before turning away to look at the girl on his left, only to find she was staring at him. 
  The girl in question, Nuru, had a dark blue turtleneck sweater and a hair clip shaped like a star holding back a small section of hair from her face. She also wore a grey shirt and tights along with high top sneakers on her feet, coloured the same blue as the sweatshirt she was wearing. She looked at him with wide, orange eyes and a wide smile. “Hi, I’m Nuru and I’m gonna be showing you around. Well, I suppose you know that already being as Mrs Thorne didn’t need to explain..your name is Varian, right? That's a cool name. Sounds a bit like variable or variant. It’s unique.” she trailed off rambling, Varian’s mind losing it’s interest in her until she laid his timetable out in front of him. “Oh, so you have chemistry first with Mr Crick. He’s really nice - Zander’s dad, actually. And then you have Mrs Crick for English, but she just lets everyone call her Elora, her first name. Her and Mr Crick are married! They got married a while ago actually-”
  As Nuru went off on her second tangent about school, a smile made its way onto Varian’s face. Finally the day was starting to get better! Chemistry for his first period was like a dream come true, especially with Mr Crick. Though he was a young teacher, Mr Crick, or Jeremy as his mother used to call him, was very close friends with his mother before the incident. He could remember him being a sweet guy, albeit a little awkward and socially inept sometimes, but still a sweetheart. He always offered to give Varian extra work if he wanted it or to just be someone to talk to. Although Varian never took him up on the latter offer, it was nice to know someone other than his family cared about how he was holding up. It was nice he got married too - he remembered Elora joining him when he was invited over to dinner sometimes and their kids coming too. 
  The ringing of the bell in the hall made him rush to his feet, eager to get going to his lessons as Nuru took her time in packing her things up. “Can’t she just hurry up?” Varian murmured to himself as he waited impatiently for Nuru to be ready. As soon as she was, he bolted out of class and let Nuru pull him by his wrists past lockers and other students, a colourful and unique cast of characters. They’d walked past so many people, including Vex and a small, black haired boy dressed in a red hoodie that was far too big for him, but he didn’t seem to care in the slightest as he happily chatted to his friends. Varian took in his surroundings until Nuru abruptly stopped, him walking into her by accident. “Sorry-” he began.
  “Here’s your classroom. I’ll come pick you up at the end to walk you to second period, but until then I’ll see you later!” She called out as she began jogging away. Elated, Varian opened the door and stepped over the threshold, relishing at the sight of a proper lab again. It was the one thing he’d missed about school, having all the proper equipment here as opposed to the ageing equipment he was stuck with at Rapunzel’s house. He smiled widely at the familiar sight of a lanky, raven haired man leaning back at his desk. Varian ran over with a smile.
  “Hey Mr Crick!” he almost yelled, not realising how loud he was and the man flinching slightly. Varian bit the inside of his cheek, opening his mouth to apologise before the older man chuckled and shook his head. 
  “I already know you’re gonna apologise, so don’t. There’s no need. It’s good to see you back in school, Varian.” he began, resting a hand on the younger boy’s shoulder with a smile on his face before looking away to his desk, picking up a sheet of paper and scanning it. “Okay, so you’re next to Hugo.” he declared after a few minutes, gesturing to a smug boy sitting at a desk. Varian raised his eyebrow, thanking Jeremy before moving away to sit down beside his new lab partner. 
  “Hey there, hairstripe. The name’s Hugo. The pleasure is all yours.” the blonde said, looking at the onyx haired boy smugly. From the second Hugo spoke, Varian knew he was going to suffer this year, just like he had with Vex. Bleached blonde locks were tied into a ponytail, revealing an, in his opinion, terrible undercut underneath. Obnoxiously large glasses sat slightly tilted on his crooked nose, the eyes behind them an emerald green colour. He wore a moss green hoodie, a dandelion undershirt peeking out from underneath, along with baggy blue jeans and some sneakers that, just like Nuru’s, matched his hoodie. A thing that piqued his interest, however, was the boy’s prosthetic arm, sitting blatantly out on the table, Varian fixing his gaze onto it and tilting his head slightly.
  “ Oh, that little thing? Well, it’s my prosthetic after I tragically lost my arm in the accident that killed my parents.” Hugo explained, dramatically leaning against Varian with the palm of his flesh hand pressed against his forehead. Great, Varian was next to a theatre kid. Just what he needed. “Tragic, right?” Hugo commented with a grin.
  “Oh yes, oh so tragic.” Varian rolled his eyes and shoved the other boy off him, already ready to kill him. As much as he loved Mr Crick...why did he have to sit him next to the most dramatic annoyance on earth? As far as first impressions went, Hugo...really wasn’t making a good one at all. He glanced back over at the boy again, whose head was propped up by his right arm as he grinned at Varian. 
  “Well, aren’t you gonna tell me your name, hairstripe?” he asked, leaning slightly closer into Varian’s personal space, causing him to cringe. This was going to be a VERY long year by the sound of things. 
  “It’s Varian. And can you please stop calling me Hairstripe? It’s really, really annoying.” he commented, already annoyed with the boy sitting next to him. He really didn’t want his favourite lesson to be ruined by an inconvenience like him. 
  “Mmm..nah. I think I’m gonna keep calling you hairstripe. It sounds better than whatever you said.” He smiled and turned his attention to the front as Mr Crick began the lesson. Varian leaned against the desk and groaned in annoyance, resting his head on the table and shutting his eyes as the boy beside him kept poking him with his pen under the table. This was going to be a very long lesson. 
  By the time the lesson was done, he just wanted to go home. Hugo was literally just Vex, but less insulting and more genuinely annoying. Oh well, at least that was the only time he’d see him all week. Sure, it was his favourite lesson with his favourite teacher in the world, but at least he only sat with him for one lesson this week. 
  That was until Mr Crick started talking.
  “Okay class, we have a senior project, so I’m gonna be announcing the pairs!” Mr Crick declared as he brought out a list. Varian zoned out as he waited for his name to be called. Finally, he’d be able to work with someone else other than this narcissistic, rude, egocentric- 
  “Varian Ruddiger, you will be working with Hugo Atkinson!” 
 Varian felt his heart drop and Hugo’s face twisted into a smirk.
  Oh no.
  No way was he going to work with Hugo Atkinson on a school project, involving the other coming to his house regularly and talking in a close proximity out of school hours even though he hated the guts of the guy sitting next to him. He stood up as everyone started to leave, making his way to Mr Crick. “Mr Crick, you can’t be serious I-I can’t work with him! He’s annoying and-and don’t even get me started on how goddamn dramatic he is!” he began to rant before Jeremy’s hands rested on his shoulders. 
  “Varian, you’re a bright kid and, surprisingly, so is Hugo. You two will make a really good team just..please give him a chance. Okay?” he pleaded, Varian giving in with his arguments and nodding in submission. He didn’t believe for a second that Hugo possessed more than one brain cell, but hey, miracles can apparently happen, right? He reassured himself as he headed out of the classroom to find Nuru.
  Nuru who was currently insulting Hugo outside the classroom. 
  “Oh my god, Atkinson, you’re such an inconvenience-oh hey Varian! Are you ready for the best lesson ever with the best teacher ever?” she said with a smile, grabbing Varian’s wrist in a clamp like grip and pulling him along the hall, the students seemingly parting to make a path for them. Much to Varian’s misfortune, Hugo followed after them with his stupid, smug grin on his face. 
  “Heya hairstripe..so we’re together for the project? How about you come over mine tonight and we can start working tonight? I’ll pick you up at the gates if you want.” he said with a grin and a subtle wink, causing Varian to cringe.
  “How about you come over to my place? My sister will want me back, since..y’know, first day back and all.” he explained, praying Hugo would agree. Luckily he did and relented in his following, letting Nuru drag him along to the english classrooms. The smaller boy let out a relieved sigh, focusing on Nuru and picking up on sections of her incessant rambling, something he was shockingly used to now. 
  “Oh, he's a massive playboy, probably fooled around with most girls and boys in the school. He treats them like shit too - uses them till he gets bored, then moves onto the next pretty thing that he can find.” she rolled her eyes and let go of Varian’s wrist, him speeding up to match her pace. “Here we are. I hope you have a great lesson, V and I’ll see you later!” She ran off and, once again, Varian stepped into the class and was told exactly where to go. 
  The rest of the day went swimmingly. No Hugo..just complete and utter peace. Sure, he had Nuru to drag him along, but he’d met Zander’s twin sister, Isla and she was an utter sweetheart (he sat by her now in math). He’d also seen Vex in the hall a few times, but as usual she paid him no mind and just continued doing her own thing. Typical Vex behaviour. And now it was the time he was dreading - the end of the day.
  He made his way through the halls, his eyes focused on the glazed floor before arriving in front of the familiar glass doors and seeing a familiar, lanky blonde standing outside. He waved to Varian, a smirk on his face as the boy left the building. “What took you so long, hairstripe? I was thinking you’d abandoned me.” He asked, laughing as they began to walk side by side.
  “Got held up - let’s just go.” Varian muttered in response, kicking a rock across the sidewalk. All it was was a few weeks working together after school. It would fly by, right? He took one look up at the smirking blonde and frowned.
  At least he hoped so.
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sycheout · 4 years
"After a string of misfortunes, he finds himself waking up in an unknown chateau. But those little details don't matter anymore, after all he is merely a player, and he'll be there perform in front of his guests to his heart's desire."
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I've been meaning to finish this but got roadblocked somewhere in the middle but I finally did it. I also wanted to finish this before our classes start, otherwise it will never see the light of the day. [FUTURE EDIT: Classes already started and this post has been delayed by about 2 weeks now sorry]
These are his external traits:
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Personally, gameplay wise, he's relatively OP than a good fraction of the survivors. My original thinking for this character was that he can summon imaginary items at his own will, but that would mean he's just a stronger Lucky Guy, since he does not need to find any chests to get an item. So to amend this, I made it so that the items he summon immediately vanishes once he gets distracted to keep the imaginary aspect of the items. I also made the skill count limited to three and made it impossible to get the same item twice. This way Lucky Guy can still have edge on the item game.
The plan was to make him a Kiter/Support of sorts, heavily relying on his experience as a silent entertainer. Hunter traits/talents/skills related to listening should not work on him, unless he makes a noise like when vaulting or missing a calibration. I also made it so that his trails disappear when the hunter loses sight of him, it's only fitting that once you ignore him he is practically non-existent. That's how silent he is. That said, him being silent doesn't necessarily make him a team player. While careful to not make a noise, his interaction speed is slower, that involves saving from rocket chairs, vaulting, and dropping pallets. Moreover, his usage of quick messages is restricted and grouping with teammates completely nullifies his efforts to keep silent in the hunter's perspective. I find this debuff fair considering his skills are a bit excessive in the spirit of the game, but hey, that's the beauty of OCs: they don't have to fit in.
He's a bit unconventional in terms of lore; he isn't exactly the "did something bad in the past" type (I'm looking at you, Perfumer, Prospector, Doctor, basically everyone maybe not TME she gets a pass). He's just there because of things ahem child trade ahem, meaning he didn't really voluntarily want to be there as opposed to the already established lore that survivors went there for their own reasons. He's a mime that's been sold countless times from different sketchy entertainment industries, it isn't that surprising for him anymore. And I have prepared many reasons for that, but it's not gonna be revealed for now. All you have to know is that he's very young and shouldn't be there, but alas, life is full of irony.
All in all, this is my attempt to make an OC and develop a story sort of type. I mark it done, but will I go back to here in the future? I don't know. I'm currently being trashed by uni but once I get free time, maybe I'll decide to polish things (not likely since I'm a bit fixated to other stuff not related to IDV right now). Not really meant to be released to public but if you see this, hope you liked it and I hope you have a good day.
Alrighty. syche, out!
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chimswae · 4 years
Untold Bonus Part 1
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Some stories are better left unsaid.I couldn’t change anything for the world, although the fame part of this industry is tough to handle.Do i have a life? Yes I have my fans.Do i have friends? Yes the members that I cherish. Do i have love? No I have to let go.Life always offers you a second chance. It’s called tomorrow. But do i have any tomorrow?
Pairing: Jimin x OC (Other characters: BTS, OCs, Lee Taehwan)
Genre: Idolau, Fluff, Romance, Father!Au
Word Count: 3,143
Author Note: I almost forgotten to update the bonus chapter and epilogue, so there would be another two parts of this bonus chapters and one epilogue! 
You can check full masterlist below :)
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20
Part 1
“Im sorry that we just have time to go for our honeymoon, love” Jimin interlaced their fingers together leaving a soft kiss on her knuckles with an apologetic smile.
 To be truth, after their wedding Bangtan went straight to studios for their upcoming comeback. The comeback was a real lit though and Yeoul never once regretted for skipping their honeymoon for Sonyeodan comeback. It was worthwhile.
 “Jimin no more sorry, I don’t need fancy honeymoon. We can skip the tradition, what matters here you are with me” she tapped the tip of his nose with a slight giggle. Sometimes, Jimin worried too much even a simple thing like how he had to stay with the guys which happened to be just two floor beneath them for their practice.
 Jimin could be silly from time to time too and Yeoul had to assure him nothing was going to happen to her even though he had to work overtime. The nature of his job required him to live this way, and since Yeoul signed up for this she would not whine over it.
She understood Jimin.
 They complement each other.
 Their marriage had been a real blessing in life, she had a life that she dreamed. Minyeol had a loving daddy and seven handsome samchons including Taehwan to pamper him.
 This honeymoon was unplanned and actually was a gift from Bang PD to them. It was overwhelming knowing a man like Bang PD would treat them not as their source of income but a real family. She felt welcomed.
 Since they were having a long break now, Jimin decided to bring Yeoul abroad to make up for their pending honeymoon. He still felt bad for delaying it. Morocco would be a perfect place for their honeymoon since island was too mainstream to Jimin.
 Don’t misunderstood him, he just thought camel ride would be pretty dope and romantic.
 Camel ride, Sahara Desert and Yeoul. Wouldnt that be a perfect combos with extra Yeoul in it?
 He exhaled a soft sigh, wounding one of his arms around her waist, pulling the small size girl closer to his chest “How can you be okay with it Mrs Park? We should have gone for honeymoon months ago. I promise to be a better husband” he nuzzled the top of her head.
 Yeoul awed at his softness and sincerity. On top of all, she knew Jimin put everything on the line including his fame just to marry her.
 “Mister husband, if I were to choose honeymoon or bangtan sonyeodan, I will still choose Bangtan over our honeymoon” she rested her chin against his chest and looked up at Jimin as their eyes locked. They were immersed in the moment until Jimin inquired her the reasons to her answers.
 Her lips broke into a lovely smile “Because I know how much Bangtan means to you. It completes you, Park Jimin and Bangtan.. just how we complement each other. After all, it is you first wife.. as long as you give me fair love, I don’t mind being the second wife” she giggled.
 Jimin let out a small chuckle “Really? You sounded super cheesy today. What did I do to deserve you Na Yeoul…” he hums. Within a second, Jimin inched close as she could feel his hot breath against her skin.
 “Jim…we are still on the plane” her lips quivered against him. Jimin could feel the vibrate against his soft lips. How that drive him mad.
 “It is first class seat. We are away from prying eyes at least..” before Yeoul could protest, his soft and wet lips already took over her cold one. She swore in the name of their love, she was not tired kissing him everyday. The love channeled via every kisses that he showered was undeniably amazing.
 Her body tingled every single time. With every stroke of his tongue intertwined her desperate one, she could feel every receptors in her body reacting to it. She hated how much his presence affect her, even though it was safe to say Jimin wasn’t just a good kisser but he knew how to love his woman in bed too.
 Jimin bit down her lower lips, shoving his tongue inside deepening their kisses as one of his hands locked their body together. Their breath hitched feeling the friction against their skin. This was bad move, they were in a freaking plane.
 Her sanity took over her mind as she slowly pulled away, inhaling a deep breath “Jims.. behave..” she muttered in between kisses.
 “Mmm..I think we have time..” he teased caused the latter to turn crimson red.
 “Park Jimin” she hissed silently while biting her lower lips. Yeoul buried her already hot face at the crook of his neck with audible mumbles. Ever since they tied knot, Jimin’s physical affections had moved to another extreme level though they were in a public spaces like this.
 He would try to steal kisses from Yeoul or they might end up making out at the corner. In other words, they thought it was hidden from public at least even though they were in fact in public. Then their effort was no used.
 Just like Yeoul could stop him, she would end up giving up no matter how much she tried to resist. She really hated her body. It obeyed his every action like it depended on it.
 Jimin ran his hand further, stroking her torso and moved lower just above her buttocks before pulling her slightly close onto his lap. She tried to hold back her gasp as she felt her lower body had been lifted up then Yeoul realized the mastermind behind this.
 Park Jimin is the devil in mask.
 “What are you doing..” she whispered awfully low in his earlobe.
 Little did she knew, that actually encouraged Jimin to further tease her.
 His fingers traced along her waistline and ended up between her thigh “Why? I am having a conversation with my wife” he chortled.
 “This isnt a conversation..This is-” her breath once again caught at her throat as she felt his moist lips sucking on her sensitive skin. Yeoul tugged his arms in between her fingers, and bit down her lips before it let out inappropriate sound.
 “What…Mrs Park.. continue. This is what?” he challenged. Jimin’s eyes fixated at her soft flesh, as he moved his free hand to pull down the strap of her pastel dress a little. He kissed her shoulder and playfully leaving a soft suckle here and there before moving close to her collarbone.
 Jimin could feel Yeoul twitched under his touch, so he knew exactly where to love her.
 He caught her eyes and though he tried to flash her an innocent smile, she could still smell lust even from miles away. Her husband was a big big trouble.
Yeoul bit his earlobe, exhaling a soft sigh more like she was holding back her moan and that was the least thing she could do to calm herself down. The voice of Yeoul had awaken the inner beast in him, and it absolutely at the wrong time.
 Showing no sign of retreat from this messy and heated make out session, Jimin’s sinful lips continued to cause chaos over there. He sucked on her neck, rolling his tongue in process with one sole intention, he wanted to mark her.
 She gasped softly “Jimin.. stop..” Jimin smug. Yeoul shifted a little and Jimin took the chance to move her properly on his lap and now she was straddling him with her legs trapping Jimin at both side.
 It was rather fun to have this secret little rendezvous at an unexpected place. Not to mention, he was rather grateful their seat was at the corner back of this first class section. Seats across them were filled but the old couple was in deep slumber.
 Therefore at this rate to get caught by other passengers or worse the flight attendant were rather low now. The anxiety and fear of getting caught made things even hotter. Screw everything.
 To spice things up, Jimin slid his playful hand under her dress feeling her skin beneath the pastel dress causing the latter to jerk forward at the sudden contact. He loved the close proximity of their bodies, it was arousing.
 Yeoul cupped his cheeks and leaned to kiss him with so much passionate which startled Jimin. Since Yeoul was a reserve girl, to see this side of her taking the lead was rather amusing. If he were to recall back all their intimate sessions, there were roughly four times when Yeoul dominates in bed.
 Jimin loved those rare moments. It spiced their relationship a bit.
 His attention was back in teasing his wife “Na Yeoul.. I thought you wanted to talk” he breathed between kisses with a playful smile.
 “I hate you Park Jimin.. stop the tug-o-war” she wounded one of her arms around his neck, shutting him off with a long endearing kisses that could blown Jimin’s mind right away if they didn’t stop. Their kisses turned sloppy when Yeoul moaned lowly in the process.
 He squished her perky mound and fondled it a little sensually causing her to squirm under his touch again. Yeoul thought it was unfair how woman owned half of the sensitive parts to be teased  during intimate sessions while man could get arouse over a simple moan.
 Yeoul did not want to suffer alone so she would drag her husband down with her in this pit hole.
 She purposely created friction down there, just to see how he reacted to that. However to her surprise, she could actually feel him poking in his jeans. That was another trouble. Their make out session could not turn into a real love making.
 Not here and definitely not when they were thousand feet above the ground. So kinky.
 “Na Yeoul.. You are in deep trouble” his voiced turned rowdy and stupidly sexy. How disturbing.
 Jimin pressed their clothed sexes together, not trying to break away the contact. Both of them exhaled a deep sigh, feeling sexually frustrated at the moment because as much he wanted to take her right away, he couldn’t do it.
 Their love making should be special and it should only be initiated on bed.
Of course they love goofing around in the public teasing each other patience, but when it came to sexual intercourse Jimin had a very clear conscience on it. It could only be done with the presence of proper bed.
 Yeoul nuzzled their face together with a teasing smile, her cheeks were reddened as a result of their heated session “Wait for it Jiminie.. we have the whole week for it” she winked. Oh man, once again it weakened Jimin heart but hardened his little naughty smurf.
 “Park Jimin calm down you little smurfie!” her eyes widened at the sudden feeling of his bulge against her.
 Jimin pouted in response “I am trying too.. baby….” puckering his lips, he demanded a kiss at least to sooth away the pain that he experienced down there.
 “Aww Jiminie.. I will treat you good later on okay?” she let out a soft chuckle, leaning in for one last kiss before breaking away. Or more like before everyone else woke up and caught them eating each other face with her sitting inappropriately like this.
 This got to stop otherwise, they would be banned from this airline.
 It was a long haul flight despite being in the same Asia continent, still it sucked out their energy. As soon as they arrived in Morocco, they went straight to hotel to check-in and not to forget to settle their unfinished business in the plane.
 Only God knows how hard it was to hold back the feeling, though they ended up napping for few hours just to ease the tense. It was late evening when their plane touched down. So their plan would eventually start the next day.
 They spent their day in the room catching up some sleep and pretty much something more important that just a sleep. It was honeymoon after all.
 The next day, Jimin and Yeoul woke pretty late than they scheduled since they really pulled an all nighter yesterday. The sun had set and the light beamed through the window woken Jimin up from his deep sleep.
 Squinting his eyes together, he blinked few times before searching for the button near his bed to shut the curtain close. He yawned a little as his eyes moved to Yeoul figure in her arms,the corner of his lips twitch into a soft smile.
 Yeoul was still fast asleep accompanied by her steady breathing, not to mention she was painfully beautiful. Looking so effortlessly stunning even in her sleep. Jimin wrapped his arm around her small body, gluing their body close.
 He just couldn’t get enough of her. Cuddling with her had always been the best thing to do every morning. He wanted to pause the time so it would last longer.
 Yeoul shifted closer, burying her face in his neck “What time..” she mumbled.
 “Hmm…Time to get drown in my warm embrace” he joked but only to received a light nibble on his skin.
 “Im serious mister husband”
 Jimin chortled “It is past 12 but it is alright, rest all you want. We can have a walk a little later. Besides, I prefer honeymoon activity in bed”
 “wow you are so damn honest over everything. Sadly, I didn’t come to Morocco just to create offspring with you” Yeoul was fully awake now, her eyes opened penetrating the deepest core of his heart.
 Park Jimin is electrified by love, again.
 “Hey to create offspring is one of the goals. Nothing wrong with that, Na Yeoul shut your eyes for one more hour. I will wake you up later okay?” he stroked her cheeks lovingly.
 To be frank, after what Jimin pulled yesterday Yeoul deserved an extra sleep if she did not want to walk around Morocco like a friggin zombie. She nodded while stretching a little in his embrace, “Wake me up aite?” she muttered groggily.
 “I will.. just sleep” Jimin soothed her hair and beamed when she felt her relax in his arms.
 It was a good way to start their day, indeed.
 The lovebird went out around 4 in the afternoon as soon as their brunch on bed, which specially prepared by Jimin. To make it sounded so cringe worthy, Jimin actually flaunt about it whole freaking day as if that was the only romantic things that he ever did to Yeoul.
 There were plenty but out of every romantic plans he ever made, he said breakfast in bed was one of the best thing that he ever done. First, he was the one who cooked the food. Second, it was something that he always wanted to do for Yeoul but due to his busy schedule he always left so early in the morning.
 Another goals unlocked.
 Jimin’s wish list could be pretty innocent sometimes in comparison to his playful nature. So it was not a big surprise at all.
 They strolled along the street enjoying the view and uniqueness of the place as it was so different from Korea. It felt good to see something new and to meet new people at least. They found a good restaurant and had ridiculously good local food with an addition of cocktails. That’s a must thing to have for honeymooners like them.
 Delicious food and cocktails, what a combination.
 They took a private charter to Chefchaouen or known as blue city, one of Morocco tourist hotspot. Walking hand in hand, the place continued to amaze them from the natural wonders that they offered as well as stunning architectural building around the city. Every corner of the city never ceased to amaze them.
 After spending for good few hours outside, they decided to head back to their hotel since they had another plan tomorrow morning to Sahara Desert. Out of all the itinerary being planning out to them, a visit to Sahara Desert lit up their expectations.
 Bumpy camel ride which according to Jimin could be romantic.
 Approaching the exquisite building before them, Yeoul’s eyes caught a familiar figure at the lobby. She thought she was daydreaming but it turned out..it was really him.
 Jeon Jungkook.
 And, not just Jeon Jungkook. Stood beside him grinning ear to ear was Jung Hoseok.
Oh shoot, what were they up too? As Yeoul was about to warn Jimin about their sudden appearance in Morocco, she saw the small figure that she missed dearly Park Minyeol.
 “OH MY GOD” she gasped in disbelief.
 “What happen? What did you see?” Jimin glanced around trying to find any suspicious jerks messing around with his woman but only to be welcomed with Kim Seokjin senile smile.
 Holy shit, did he really see it right? It was really Kim Seokjin.
 “HYUNG!” a familiar voice brought his attention back to the sight before him. Jeon Jungkook.
 What the hell? Jimin cussed in his head at this absurd situation.
 Jungkook was waving a little too cheerfully at his direction but didn’t he know Jimin was boiling inside? He thought this was supposed to be their honeymoon and why on earth they were here? Within a minute, one by one of his members face came into their vision smiling like an idiot.
 “Great the entire squad is here” Jimin scowled lowly as he exchanged meaningful look with Yeoul.
 Wait, a second. He noticed there were additional members in the squad, Lee Taehwan. How dare he tagged them along? Was this his idea? If that’s the case, he was ready to kill this Tae 2.0.
 His frown worn off upon seeing Minyeol in Taehwan’s arms “Minyeol..” he beamed in excitement.
 Yeoul squished his hand showing her happiness at the sight of their son. Both of them approached the group not paying attention to six devils who craved for their attention. They still had to answer tons of questions from him, for now they missed their son.
 “Oh god, how come you guys are here” Yeoul smiled and slowly took sleeping Minyeol from Taehwan.
 “Not my idea, ask Bangtan Sonyeodan” Taehwan eyed the six guilty guys who seemed all ready to dodge bullets from Jimin.
 Jimin knew something was fishy the moment when Taehyung kept on pestering him with kakaotalk message yesterday. They were up for no good. So this was it, cockblocking his honeymoon. Touche.
 “Now let’s start with Jungkook” Jimin crossed his arms, snickering under his breath still bewildered.
 “WHY ME?” he retorted.
 “Because you are the dongsaeng. You are going to give this HYUNG answers. HONEST ANSWER, alright Kukkie?’” Jungkook gulped in fear. This was seriously getting out of hand.
 He was not supposed to get involved but because of other hyungs, he was guilty as charged.
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This work belongs to  Chimswae © 2020. All Rights Reserved
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chonkychornes · 5 years
Stand By Me
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Summary: The new recruit is a ray of sunshine compared to the resident grouch. What will it take for Bucky to realize she'll always have his back?
Pairing: Bucky/OC
Word Count: 5217
Disclaimer: I essentially wrote this in a day and I don’t write fluff, so yeah. Also, listen to the Skylar Grey’s cover of “Stand By Me”. It melted my hardd, black heart.
New recruits were a dime a dozen at the compound; Bucky was used to people coming and going, and he didn’t trust new people. It was the main reason he had a vetting process, as it were, for the newbies. They’d show up and he’d let everyone else get to know them, get their first impressions, and then after a few months, if they survived that long, he’d start to make nice.
It would start with making his signature jet-fuel coffee for breakfast and flipping his knife at the table. Then it would be offering to train with them and not going easy. He figured if they could handle what he had to offer they just might make it as an Avenger.
After that, if he deemed them worthy enough, he’d tell them some of his stories—the ones he could get through. That’s usually when they bailed on him, and Bucky would go hang out with Steve, Sam, or Natasha.
They’d give him a hard time about it, but he generally didn’t care; he didn’t like Sam in the beginning, and now they were practically best friends … sort of. Plus, he kinda liked how his reputation, not only as the Winter Soldier but as this hardass at the compound, had preceded him. Well, until she showed up. Apparently, nobody filled her in on what to expect from the Tin Man.
“I thought we weren’t getting a new class,” Bucky points out as everyone clears out of the conference room to meet the Quinjet pulling in for a landing in the docking bay.
“It’s not a class, man,” Sam says as he leads the way out of the room and down the hall. “Just one newbie.”
The two pull up the rear of the group in the hangar, and Steve turns around to address everyone one more time.
“Look, it goes without saying, but this new agent could potentially be a vital member of the team.” He sweeps a look across everyone and stops when he reaches Bucky. “Make sure they feel welcome and safe. They’re here alone, so that has to add to whatever anxiety and intimidation they might be feeling.”
“Why are you looking at me?” Bucky scoffs. “Why is he looking at me?”
He and Sam start nudging each other until a red-eyed Wanda whips around and tells them to knock it off.
When the Quinjet finally lands, Steve begins to step forward to greet the newest potential member, but before he can take more than two steps forward, the ramp lowers, and this tiny ball of hair, compact muscle, curves, and pure energy comes bounding out.
The duffle is as big as she is but she flings it over her shoulder with a practiced dexterity and all but runs to Steve with an outstretched arm.
“Welcome to the Avengers compound. I’m Steve—”
“You’re Steve Rogers. Captain America. Captain Rogers.” She laughs and the sounds fills the large hangar for such a small body. “I’m sorry. Do we shake or should I salute?”
Steve tries to calm her down, but the excitement is too much.
“She reminds me of Tic Tac,” Sam mutters as Steve introduces her to everyone, and she either hugs them or tries to hide her squeals.
Bucky sniffs dismissively and leaves before Steve can get her closer to him for an introduction. He doesn’t like fans.
Two weeks later, she’s still here, and apparently, everyone adores her.
She’s already adopted a nickname from the team—Buzz—because she’s always hyper and full of energy.
And everyone was trying to get Bucky to relent on his vetting.
“Just talk to her.”
“She’s great.”
“You two would really get along.”
“She doesn’t even hate you for not talking to her for two weeks!”
The last one was Sam as they were training together in the gym.
“If she’s so great, how come she hasn’t just come to talk to me?” Bucky stops punching the bag and looks at Sam for an answer.
Sam draws back and stares at Bucky like he just asked him some complicated trigonometry problem. “Are you for real? You got a mean mug, and you haven’t said a word to the poor girl. She’s just staying out of your way because she thinks that’s what you want.”
Bucky considers this for a moment and shrugs. “She’s not wrong. I’d love my life more if I didn’t have to put up with you.”
“Mhmm, you remember that when Steve retires for real and you’re stuck with me.” Sam resumes his training but smiles as Bucky wanders off toward the locker room.
“She made that lasagna you ate the hell out of the other night,” Sam hollers after his retreating form. “Just sayin’, man.”
He chuckles as Bucky flips him off over his shoulder with the black metal arm gleaming.
The next morning, Bucky finds her in the kitchen at some hour that borders on ungodly, even for him.
Buzz sends him a nod when she hears him shuffle in and continues to chop the mountain of vegetables in front of her.
“Coffee?” Bucky mutters the question as he grabs the carafe from the machine and begins to set it up.
“Sure.” She sets the knife down and stares at his back as he busies himself. “I know you prefer your space, but I’m—”
“Buzz, right?” Bucky turns and offers, well, not a smile but one side of his mouth is turned up so he doesn’t look like he’s grimacing. “That’s what they call you, right?”
She giggles and shrugs. “Yeah, I never really had a group of friends to give me a nickname before, so I like it.”
Bucky hums in response and pulls two mugs down from the cabinet and leans against the counter. “You making breakfast?”
She stops mid-chop and looks back up. “Oh, no. This is all going in the crockpot for dinner. We’re doing that simulation today, remember?”
Bucky nods as the coffeemaker beeps to signal the end of the brew.
“I could make breakfast though.” She offers a wide, bright smile. “What do you like?”
He pours two cups of coffee. “French toast. How do you take your coffee?”
“Oh, just black, thanks. I could make French toast. Do you think we have enough eggs and bread?” She takes a small sip of the steaming black liquid, and Bucky is disappointed when she doesn’t gag or make a face at how strong it is.
“I’m sure we do.” He plops down on a stool and watches as she continues to chop vegetables and rambles on about the events planned for later in the day.
“You do know that it’s just glorified ‘Capture the Flag’?” Bucky grins as she takes a big gulp of her coffee, but she doesn’t bat an eye.
“I know, but I like the team-building aspect of it.” She drops everything into separate containers for later and cleans up. “So, tell me about you.”
Bucky hems and haws for a few minutes before Steve walks into the kitchen bleary-eyed and groping for the coffee pot.
When he finally manages to pour a cup and take a gulp, he turns and gives Bucky the evil eye.
“You made this poor excuse for jet fuel, didn’t you?” Steve grabs the carafe and pours it down the sink and starts to make a fresh pot. “How many times have I asked you not to make it that strong? It’s disgusting.”
Bucky shrugs and gestures to the other kitchen occupant. “She didn’t have any complaints.”
“You drank that crude oil?”
“It was a little strong, but it was fine.” She shrugs and takes another drink from her mug as if to prove a point. “Sometimes, you just get used to doing something one way that it’s hard to break the habit.”
Bucky and Steve just stare at her as she polishes off her coffee and rinses her cup in the sink.
“I’m going to make French toast for everyone, but I’m going to go change first.” She moves to leave, and then turns back around. “Thanks for the coffee and conversation.”
Two hours later, as everyone is devouring the fried bread and the crispy bacon that Buzz made to go with it, Bucky flips his knife at his side by his thigh. Wanda and Nat are always on him for doing it over the table because that’s where the food was, and they didn’t believe him when he said he cleaned it every day. 
Naturally, the only free seat is, of course, directly across from Bucky, and Buzz slips into the chair and grins as he continues to flip the knife in the air.
“How’s the French toast?” Buzz asks with a gesture of her fork toward Bucky’s plate.
He nods and forks up another bite. “Good.”
Halfway through her own plate and as everyone else is starting to clean up, she leans forward slightly and drops her voice.
“Could you teach me how to do that?” Her eyes are fixated on the six and a half-inch blade dancing in his hands. “I can already juggle. Is it any harder than that?”
Bucky bristles a little. “I can’t even juggle, so it might be easier for you.” Her eyes flick up to his—bright, shining, and excited. “If I were interested in teaching you.”
With that, he stands and grabs his plate and passes it off to Sam, who is posted up at the sink.
“You could at least rinse it.” But he’s met with Bucky’s retreating form and his middle finger popping up over his shoulder.
Hours later, Buzz is nowhere to be found. The two giant crockpots are humming on the kitchen counter, and everyone has hit the showers after the simulation and are resting, working, or whatever.
Bucky seems to be the only one who’s restless, and he’s been wandering the floors of the compound. He overheard a conversation between Wanda and Sam about how Buzz seemed out of sorts as the simulation was winding down, and he feels a little guilty.
Not that he should.
They had been the only two left on their team, and her strategy was worthless. She willingly agreed to his tactic, and they had executed a beautiful plan and won the day. If she were upset that they hadn’t used her idea, then she should have fought harder for it.
He continues to amble about and makes his way to the gym. It’s become a place of solace and solitude, depending entirely on his mood.
Bucky knew none of his teammates would be in here after the afternoon of training they’d just endured, but he could handle some more.
The sight of the tiny woman crouched in the middle of a mat, trying to wrap her hand with a bandage, stops him dead in his tracks. He can see the bright red spots on the white cotton and hear the soft whimpers even from thirty feet away.
As he moves swiftly across the room, her head whips up at the smallest sound, and she jumps up and fumbles with her supplies.
“Bucky, what are you doing here?”
“I could ask you the same thing. Did you get hurt this afternoon?” Pulling his hands from his pockets, he takes hers in his own, and when she winces, he deliberately tries to be gentler.
“Not during the simulation, no.” Buzz pulls her hand away and smiles feebly. “I’m fine. Really.”
Skeptically, he looks down into her eyes and smirks. “So fine you need to wrap it up? Look, you don’t want to tell me? That’s fine. But, you’re right-handed, so it’s gonna be harder to do it with the left. Let me help you.”
He pulls her over to a weight bench and pushes her down and straddles the padded seat next to her.
“You didn’t do too badly on the left hand, but I’m gonna fix it, okay?” Bucky turns her right hand over and examines the cuts. Tiny, thin marks, bleeding just enough to be annoying but not enough to warrant stitches or immediate medical care.
“Buzz … what were you doing?” Bucky’s pretty sure he knows the answer but wants to give her a chance.
“I … Look, it’s not like I was doing it to impress you or anything.” She huffs and averts her eyes, looking anywhere and everywhere but at Bucky. “I was trying to teach myself how to juggle a knife.”
She sighs and finally meets his eyes, hers shining with tears and his with mischief.
“Just couldn’t take no for an answer, huh?” He teases as he begins to wrap her right hand, gently but firmly. “I would have taught you. Maybe.”
When he finishes the right and reaches for the left, she asks the one question that’s been plaguing her. “Are you like this with everyone, or do you really just not like me?”
It’s Bucky’s turn to sigh as he unwraps her left hand and pauses to look at her. “It’s hard. We get a lot of people in and out of here. I don’t make friends easily, and sometimes, I …” He trails off, not knowing which words are the right ones.
“Sometimes, it’s easier to just be alone? It’s just easier not to bother?” She ducks her head under his face and sticks out her tongue to make him smile, and he lifts his head.
“Yeah, I guess.” He continues to wrap her hand and sits up straight on the bench. “Everybody here knows about my past and my hang-ups.”
“Why bother letting someone new in?” She takes her hand away and flexes her fingers a few times. “Thanks for this. I’ll be more careful next time.” She stands up and stretches a little. “I’ll wash the cuts later. Do you think they’ll need to be rewrapped?”
Bucky smiles up to her from his seat on the bench. “I’ll take a look at them after dinner.”
She begins to walk away but stops and turns back to smile at him. “You know, sometimes, it’s harder to break the habit than to stick with it.” Buzz shrugs and her smile grows wider. “Maybe it’s time to learn to make better coffee and new friends.”
When she turns to leave again, Bucky starts to laugh. It’s a deep, rumbling belly laugh, and Bucky is gasping and clutching his sides. “I thought you liked my coffee!”
“Oh, gosh, no! It was horrible!” Buzz is now laughing with him and shaking her head. “I just didn’t want to hurt your feelings since you were finally speaking to me.” She blushes a little, and Bucky stands up and throws an arm around her shoulder.
“All right, truce. New coffee, new friends.”
“And teaching your new friend your knife tricks?” Buzz asks from under his bulky form as they walk out of the gym.
“Sure. After dinner.”
Buzz and Bucky soon become fast friends and partners in crime. Where you would find one, the other was sure to be nearby. Often enough, you could find them working together in the gym—Bucky teaching her something new—or in the kitchen where Buzz was using Bucky as a stand-in sous chef.
The most interesting bit of this newfound friendship was the almost ferocious way Buzz defended Bucky.
It seemed like it didn’t matter what the situation might be, but if she felt that Bucky was getting the short end of the stick, she was there to take his side and safeguard her friend. There were times when he would offer up a solution to a problem, and while it wouldn’t be the most popular, it was always the most effective.
“I understand that it’s probably going to cost millions of dollars in damage, but there is zero potential for lives lost. Doesn’t that count for something? Steve, tell Bucky that it counts for something.”
She would plead in team meetings to revisit ideas and plans, only to be shot down along with him. Where his resolve caused him to be gun-shy, she only remained optimistic.
“They’ll realize how right you are,” she’d whisper to him as they sat back in their chairs and continued listening to Steve drone on.
Bucky especially liked that she wanted to come to his aid when the team ganged up on him. Everyone, including Bucky, had assured her that it was just teasing, and it mostly was.
But there was something about her calling him Tin Man and Sam calling him a baked potato that felt different and wrong to her. She looked ridiculous squaring off against almost everyone else on the team as even Wanda and Natasha stood a few inches taller than her.
Sam had been on some kick lately about Bucky having hair perfect for shampoo commercials. It had started pretty innocently actually. Buzz had begged Bucky to let her practice a fishtail braid on him, and he had begrudgingly agreed.
She hadn’t mastered the braid, but she had knotted his hair, and that’s how Sam found them—Buzz on the back of the couch in the entertainment room, and Bucky sitting on the cushion between her legs with her finger combing his dark brown locks and giving him a scalp massage.
“You look weak, Barnes.” Sam is grinning from ear to ear when he comes upon the two of them. If he didn’t know any better, he’d swear they look like a couple enjoying a tender moment alone.
“At least, he’s got a full head of hair, Wilson. I’m pretty sure I saw a patch forming when I had you pinned yesterday.” Buzz cocks an eyebrow at Sam in defiance, but Bucky maneuvers out from under her hands.
Sam throws his hands up to his head. “Girl, don’t you know black don’t crack?” He’s laughing, but Buzz can see his fingers sweeping over his scalp.
She jumps off the couch and pats Sam on the arm. “You might not crack, honey, but you might want to invest in some Rogaine.” When she struts out of the room, Bucky stares after, and Sam gives a low whistle.
“She’s got it bad for you,” Sam states as he takes a seat next to Bucky and snatches up the remote to start his routine of surfing through channels.
“Excuse me?” Bucky doesn’t bother to look at his friend and continues to stare straight ahead.
Sam tosses the remote back onto the coffee table and turns to look at the former assassin turned Avenger.
“Are you blind? I know someone else has pointed it out to you.” Sam stares at Bucky until he finally looks up at him. “Wanda has some strong opinions on the matter.”
“She hasn’t been digging around where she shouldn’t, has she?” Bucky knows he sounds defensive, but that would be a huge invasion of Buzz’s privacy.
Snorting, Sam points a finger in Bucky’s face. “You wanna rethink that? She’s a sweet girl, and you know she’d never do that.”
Bucky throws his hands up in surrender and crosses them over his chest when Sam lowers his finger.
“She’s just a kid,” he mutters and slumps into the cushions.
“She’s not. You know she’s not.” Sam turns back to the TV. “And she’s gonna be an Avenger, so you better figure that out.”
Getting up and beginning to pace, he stops and looks at Sam. “When?”
“I figure soon. She’s lasted the longest with us.” Sam leans forward and clasps his hands together. “You know she’s good. We need her here.”
Neither man says anything for a few minutes until Sam breaks the silence.
“She’s always got your back, on and off the field, as it were.” He leans back and crosses his arms. “She’s a great partner, and I bet that’s true in her personal life too. You could do worse.”
Bucky just stands there for another minute, absorbing everything Sam has said before turning without a word and heading out of the room.
“Of course, she could do way better!” Sam shouts and starts laughing as a middle finger pops around the doorframe and wiggles at him.
Three days later and two sleepless nights on Bucky’s part, Buzz is appointed as the newest Avenger during the morning meeting. It’s with minimal fanfare, but Steve did make an admirable speech about her capabilities, her seemingly flawless ability to blend with the already well-established team, and Buzz’s overall exuberance.
“In the three months that you’ve been with us, you’ve felt like one of us from day one. Each one of us trusts you and would count ourselves lucky to have you on point for any mission we’re on. You’ve got all of our backs, and we’ll proudly stand by you. Welcome, officially, to the team.”
Buzz had blushed as everyone had clapped and congratulated her. She was passed around as plans were made for later in the evening, and it was declared that they would go out into the world and celebrate.
When she landed in front of Bucky and he offered her a smile, she leaped into his arms and hugged him close. “Thank you for everything. Thank you for being my friend.” She pressed a kiss to his cheek and was pulled away before he could respond.
As Natasha pulls her from the room, Buzz peeks over her shoulder, and the blush across her cheeks is evident from across the room. When she locks eyes with Bucky, he feels something in the pit of his stomach and wants her back within his reach.
“Told you, man,” Sam says as he drops an arm over Bucky’s shoulders, and Wanda comes up on the other side.
“Me too.” Wanda leans her head on Bucky’s shoulder and smiles. “She really fits in here, don’t you think?”
He can’t speak, but both Sam and Wanda push him toward the door and cross their fingers that he’ll finally make his move, but Buzz is nowhere to be seen when Bucky reaches the hall.
Later that night after dinner and a few drinks, the group makes its way to a dive bar that Natasha scoped out.
“Look, I know it’s not everyone’s thing, but Buzz loves karaoke, so we’re here,” Natasha scolded everyone as if they were children before they walked inside. “And, no, you don’t have to sing if you don’t want to.”
Buzz is riding on Sam’s back and lets out a whoop as they enter, causing the dozen or so patrons all to look their way.
“It’s my birthday!” Buzz screams from Sam’s back, and the people in the bar cheer good-naturedly, and the bartender comes down to the end where the group is huddled and begins to take their orders.
Bottles of beer, shots of whiskey and vodka, and one very large margarita are distributed, and they all spread out over a couple tables. Steve grabs a songbook, knowing full well that Nat will goad him into singing at some point, so he better start narrowing down his choices.
Two beers later while Wanda and Sam sing a horribly off-key rendition of some song from Grease, Bucky sidles over to Buzz and nudges her gently in the ribs.
“Okay, when you gettin’ up there?” Bucky jerks his chin toward the stage, and Buzz blushes and ducks her head.
“I dunno, Buck.” She sighs and props her head on the table, cheek in hand. “Can I be super honest for a second? I really wanted to just have a quiet night with … well, with you.”
She hiccups, and when Bucky doesn’t respond, she fills the silence. “I thought, well, I thought maybe you would ask … You know what. Never mind. You’re a great friend, Bucky.”
“So are you. Better than Steve sometimes.” Bucky cups her free cheek, and she leans into his hand. “You’ve always got my back.”
“I’ve got a song for you, Bucky Barnes.”
She makes her way up to the booth and fills out a little paper and slips it to the guy running the sound. He nods, and Buzz runs back to the bar and grabs a glass of water from the bartender.
“I think she was hoping I was gonna ask her out,” Bucky says as Steve takes her vacant chair.
“Don’t you want to?”
Her name is called over the speakers, and the group hollers and claps for her as she climbs up on the stage. “Thanks. I’ve had a few tonight, so forgive me.”
A soft, melodic guitar begins to play, and Buzz perches on a stool that’s been left on the tiny stage.
When the night has come
And the land is dark
And the moon is the only light we'll see
No, I won't be afraid, no I won't be afraid
Just as long as you stand, stand by me
So darlin', darlin', stand by me
Oh stand by me
Oh stand
Stand by me, stand by me
Like everything else about her, Buzz’s voice doesn’t match her body—strong and vibrant, just like her. She’s swaying lightly on the stool with her eyes closed, and when she opens them on the chorus, her gaze locks with Bucky, and he feels that same clawing in his stomach from earlier.
He leaves Steve’s side and makes his way closer to the stage and sits at an empty table.
If the sky that we look upon
Should tumble and fall
Or the mountains should crumble to the sea
I won't cry, I won't cry, no I won't shed a tear
Just as long as you stand, stand by me
So darlin', darlin', stand by me,
Oh stand by me
Oh stand now
Stand by me
 This woman, who had infiltrated his life within the walls of the compound, had become his friend and his teammate. She was one of the purest and sweetest souls he’d ever had the pleasure to know, and she … liked him? She put up with him, that was for certain, but there had always been something more, hadn’t there?
 Whenever you're in trouble won't you stand by me
Oh stand by me
Oh stand now
Stand by me
Stand by me
 As the music fades and the small crowd cheers, Buzz trips over a wire coming off the stage and practically falls into Bucky’s arms. When she looks up at him, tears in her wide eyes and trembling lips, he knows. 
“You just want someone to watch your back, huh? Someone to catch you when you fall?” Bucky pulls her out the side exit of the bar, and when she pulls away from him he frowns. “I thought … I thought I understood what you were trying to say.”
He hears the sniffle and sees the tears as they fall down her cheeks and tips her chin up.
“You’ve always been there for me, even when I didn’t deserve it. Will you let me be there for you now?” Bucky’s eyes dance across hers in question.
 All the time they’ve spent together, the talks and simple quiet time they’ve enjoyed—cooking and movie nights. Training sessions in the gym and Buzz teaching him to juggle.
 There were dark times too. He told her some of his worst memories that still stick with him, and where almost everyone had run, instead, she took his hand and offered support. He’s told her about how he felt like an imposter in his own skin, how he can still hear his own screams mixed with those of the people he was sent after.
 Bucky thinks to just last month when Buzz took him out to see a meteor shower because he’d never seen one. He hated it, so isolated out in the forest and vulnerable lying down in the bed of the truck they borrowed. The panic attack crept in slowly, and he didn’t have time to catch it, but Buzz did. She simply took his cool metal hand in her warm flesh one and began pointing out constellations until the stars fell across the sky.
 There had been too many times to count when he had pushed and pulled at her. All he needed to do was open his eyes and see that Sam had been right.
She was the perfect partner, and hopefully, she’d give him the chance to prove he could be too.
“I’ll get on that stage and sing for you if I have to.” Bucky cracks a smile, and she lets out a small giggle. “It’ll be terrible, but I would do it for you.”
“As much as I’d love to see that, I don’t think it’s necessary.” Buzz reaches up and wraps her arms around Bucky’s neck and begins to sway with him. “If you listen, someone is playing our song.”
As Bucky wraps his hands around her waist, the dulcet tones of Ben E. King were coming through the jukebox, imploring his own darling to stand by him.
“So, is this our song now?” Bucky says as he sways her gently in the cool night air.
“Yeah, but you better kiss me to seal the deal.” She licks her lips and smiles. “It might not hurt if you called me ‘darling’ once in a while too.”
With a laugh, Bucky cranes his head down to press a kiss to her lips. When Buzz pushes up on her toes to meet him halfway, the feeling that had been clawing at Bucky is finally alleviated. He pulls her close enough to feel her heartbeat in tandem with his own as her tongue pleads for entrance and playfully contends with his own.
When they pull away and gaze into each other’s eyes, they’re interrupted by a smattering of applause.
“You won me fifty bucks, Barnes,” Sam says as Steve rolls his eyes and walks back into the bar. “C’mon back in. This round’s on me.”
With her red face buried in the front of Bucky’s shirt, Buzz tells Sam to go to hell. “We’ll be there in a few minutes,” Bucky tells Sam with a laugh.
Hours later when the minimal touching and stolen kisses just aren’t cutting it, Bucky leans over to Buzz. “You ready to get out of here?”
She nods, and when she moves to stand and wobbles, Bucky throws her over his shoulder and begins to cart her to the door.
The group is laughing and catcalling as Bucky walks them away.
“You two be safe now!” Sam calls just as Bucky is about to push the door open and get the two of them outside. Just before he makes it through the door, Buzz throws up her middle finger to flip off Sam, and then slaps Bucky on his ass as he carries her off into the night.
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k-popscenxrios · 5 years
Didn’t Ask For This Part 16 (Roommate!JK x OC)
A/N: I’m sorry for the drastic time skip, but there really wasn’t anything interesting plot wise to write about up until this next part of the story. I keep getting more and more ideas for this, so don’t be surprised if the next one isn’t the final part. Also, this is the first part that I’m posting the same day that I’ve finished it. I really do want to finish this story before the release of BTS World! Let’s hope I make that goal!!
Summary: “I didn’t know you hated me so much,” he spoke as he grabbed my wrist and once again turned me around to face him, “and quite honestly, I don’t think I’ve done anything horrible enough for you to hate me to the degree that you do.” “You say that like the hate isn’t mutual,” I remarked as he shook his head. There was a bitter smile on his face as he took a deep breath, “I think you are quite honestly one of the worst human beings I’ve had to come in contact with.”
5.1k words | drama ✞ | fluff ♡ | mature themes (implied smut) ✗
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | Finale
⇨ Masterlist ⇦
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The summer was flying by a little too quickly for my liking as I looked at the calendar on my phone nervously. Taehyung and Jungkook told me that their dorms were opening again two weeks before their classes officially start. Taehyung was making it sound like they were going to move out once the dorms opened up, but they never clarified anything with me.
That day is fast approaching, and I couldn’t help but feel dread constantly in my gut. We only have a week left until their expected leave, which meant I was going to be living alone again.
I was definitely not ready to wake up to that reality. I was getting so used to the three of us living together that I refused to accept the fact that they’re going to eventually leave.
Jungkook was very good at deflecting all talk about leaving for college. Every time I tried to bring it up, he’d just smile and give me a soft kiss before changing the subject. I couldn’t help but worry about how the two of us will handle being apart from each other. We’re used to seeing each other every single day both at home and at work.
“You know that I’m not going anywhere, right?”
I snapped out of my depressing thoughts as I looked up at Yoongi. We were supposed to be cleaning theaters right now, but we had a power outage due to severe thunderstorms a couple hours ago. Everyone has been passing out apologies over customer’s movies being cut off, giving them free passes for the next time they come in.
We’d closed the theater down to customers for the day, but Yoongi and I were unlucky enough to be two of the people stuck in the building to clean up the nonexistent messes left behind by unhappy customers.
“I know,” I nodded as I locked my phone to quit staring at the haunting dates, “I’m not trying to imply that I’ll be alone at work… it’s just, how do I go back to living alone? I’m used to Jungkook and I making grocery runs together. I’m used to having help when bringing all the bags up the three flights of stairs. I’ve had them around to fix the garbage disposal when it breaks for the four hundredth time. They’ve been around to keep me company and watch shows with me in our free time.”
I paused after my rambling, trying to keep my emotions in check, “I’ve become so dependent on the two of them that it’s going to be hard to adjust to being on my own again. I’m going to look around my apartment and remember all the good times that I had with them.”
“Look, Ari,” Yoongi grabbed my phone and put it face down on the bench in between us, “it just sounds like you need yourself a new roommate. Doesn’t that sound like it’ll fix a lot of your problems?”
My eyes slightly narrowed at nothing in particular before I glanced over at Yoongi curiously, “I guess I didn’t think that I could get another roommate. Even if I do that, it’s not going to be anywhere near the same as how things are now.”
Yoongi looked down and gave me a slight shrug, “You’re still going to miss them, sure, but you’ll have someone to keep you company at home.”
“Yeah,” I nodded, slowly growing fine with the idea, “but how do I go about finding a new roommate? I’d ask Chaeyoung, but I’m pretty sure she’s moving in with her sister once school starts back.”
Yoongi stayed quiet as I looked his way curiously. His eyes were fixated on the ground before he mumbled out his next words.
“I think I know someone who needs a place to stay.”
I grabbed my phone from the bench and scooted closer to him. He glanced over my way for a couple seconds before he sniffed and let a slight laugh out of his mouth, “Ah, never mind. Forget I said anything.”
I pursed my lips and slightly narrowed my eyes at him as he kept his eyes focused on the floor. “Yoongi.”
He didn’t respond, so I sighed and wrapped an arm around his shoulders, “Do you need a place to stay, Min?”
He slightly stiffened as my arm placed around his shoulder, but he didn’t shove me off like I thought he would. He didn’t confirm or deny as I just watched his face carefully. “My mom’s thinking of moving in with her new boyfriend. Quite frankly, I don’t want to live with the guy. He’s nice and all, but he’s…”
“Not your dad,” I finished. Anytime his mom’s boyfriend had come up before, that was what he said. He’s had a tough home life he’s gone through, but he hardly ever talks about it. He hates it when people pity him after finding out his dad was killed in a freak car accident.
“Well, I have a room that’ll be freeing up in the next… week, I guess. They won’t tell me when they’re officially leaving, the jerks.”
Yoongi let a small smile appear on his face as he glanced over at me. I saw the guy smile pretty often, but it was his bright, gummy smile that I’ve only seen a handful of times.
“You don’t think Jungkook will have a problem with you living with another guy?” He asked, the smile not leaving his face.
I scoffed and rolled my eyes, moving my arm from around him, “If you’re the guy, he’ll be fine. He trusts you to not make any moves on me.”
Yoongi just laughed and nodded, the mood between us brightening considerably. I felt better about the end of the summer, now. Sure, living with Yoongi won’t be the same as living with Jungkook and Taehyung, but I could learn to get used to it.
“I looked forward to living with you, then,” I nodded, holding my hand out for him to take. He glanced down at my hand before taking it, firmly shaking it.
“Same to you, Ari.”
Yoongi and I were finally free to go home when we met up with Chaeyoung. She had been asked to stay and deep clean behind the concession counters, and I could tell that she was exhausted. They liked to take strange days like this and work us to the bone with deep cleaning. Lucky for Yoongi and I, we got the lesser of the evils.
“I wanna die,” Chaeyoung whined, “I feel like my whole body is covered in grease, sweat, and popcorn. I’m so sick of seeing popcorn you guys. I might go insane.”
“I’m with you, there,”  I agreed, “I’ve never really liked popcorn, but this job has made me hate it.”
“I still like it,” Yoongi shrugged as Chaeyoung and I ignored him.
“Anyway, how are things with Jimin?” I asked, Chaeyoung’s mood slightly brightening. She and Jimin have been having a lot of little arguments here than there, but judging from her reaction, the two of them were on good terms again.
“Great, actually. We’ve finally figured out the root of all of our arguing, and now that we’re aware of it, we hardly argue. Jimin’s been really sweet recently, and we’ve actually been trying to schedule our classes together for this coming semester.”
I felt jealousy budding after she said her last words. It must be great going to the same college as a couple… I tried to not feel too bitter towards her, but I couldn’t help but feel that way every once in a while.
“Sounds awesome,” I nodded with a smile on my face. She could even sense my bitterness as she was quick to drop the topic.
“How’s it going with Jungkook and Tae?” she asked, kinda switching topics. I took a deep breath and felt Yoongi’s eyes on me as well.
“They won’t tell me when they’re leaving for sure,” I confessed, “And it’s really bothering me. They could leave as soon as a week from now and I wouldn’t know it. I mean, I wouldn’t be surprised if they just all the sudden came up to me tonight and told me that they’re leaving tomorrow.”
“They wouldn’t do that to you, Ari,” Chaeyoung shook her head, but I’m not convinced.
“Wouldn’t they? Jungkook has told me multiple times that he’s not good at goodbyes. I’ll kick his butt if he packs up all his stuff and leaves in the middle of the night without saying goodbye,” I ranted, trying to not get myself too worked up. I felt my heart drop in my chest when I started thinking about just how upset I’ll be if Jungkook leaves without saying goodbye to me. “I want them to make up their minds about this. It’s killing me.”
“I’ll beat it out of them,” Chaeyoung nodded my way with a serious look on her face, “I’m sure they’ve decided by now.”
I just nodded, but I couldn’t let go how paranoid I was making myself. Jungkook would not do that to me. We still have so much that we haven’t talked about. He hasn’t told me about if he’s ever going to drive down to spend the weekend with me. He also hasn’t reassured me that we’re going to stay in touch despite being four hours away from each other.
He’d never consider cutting me off, but I couldn’t help but feel paranoid about it. I knew it was an irrational fear, but I won’t let myself rule it out until I actually talk to him about it.
“I’m gonna head out,” I pointed to my car and started walking toward it, “I’ll keep you two updated once I figure out this mess.”
“Sounds like a plan,” Chaeyoung nodded and sent me a thumbs up, “Everything’s gonna be okay, got it?”
I tried to smile and nod, but it was very forced. They could both tell judging from their concerned looks.
“I hope so.”
When I first walked in the door, I felt my heart drop. The apartment was eerily silent which was causing me to get very paranoid. I locked the door behind me, holding my breath and I rushed to look into Jungkook’s room.
His bags were still here. Thank God…
I looked into Taehyung’s room and his bags were also still here. They’re not gone, they’re probably just hanging out somewhere. I can wait for them to get home and then hopefully they’ll tell me when they’re leaving…
It was about 1am when the sound of the front door opening woke me up. I had fallen asleep on the couch waiting for the two of them to get home. I didn’t expect them to be out that late.
I started to get paranoid that they were drunk, but as I opened my eyes and met with Jungkook’s, he just looked tipsy. Knowing him, he could be a little more drunk than he lead on. He was very good at seeming sober it he wasn’t too far gone.
“Hey,” he said softly as I sat up and moved my hair out of my face. He sat down next to me on the couch and I could faintly smell alcohol mixed in with his cologne.
“Hey, Kook. Where were you guys?” I covered my face as I let a soft yawn escape. Taehyung walked over to the two of us, plopping down on the couch to my other side.
“We just went out with some college friends. They drove down here to spend the day with us, so that’s why we didn’t get home till now,” Taehyung explained as I just nodded and glanced back in Jungkook’s direction. His eyes moved away from mine as he noticed me looking at him. He was obviously more intoxicated than Taehyung, and the look he was suddenly trying to hide from me was making me feel uneasy.
“Do I know these friends?” I asked as I looked back over at Taehyung. His previous relaxed attitude was slowly shifting to discomfort as I spun around to look at Jungkook. I caught the tail end of Jungkook motioning for Taehyung to keep quiet. My eyes narrowed at him before I spun around and gave Taehyung a pressed look.
“I doubt it,” Taehyung shook his head, ignoring the intensity in my eyes, “Yugyeom, Youngjae, and Baekhyun? I don’t think I’ve mentioned any of them to you.”
I could almost hear Jungkook sigh as I swallowed and bit the inside of my cheek. So first, he won’t tell me when they’re leaving for sure. Second, he’s hiding something from me about who he was with tonight. What’s next? At this point, I wouldn’t be surprised if he packed his things and left for college in the middle of the night.
“So it was just the five of you?” I asked as Taehyung raised his eyebrows, “And nothing… bad happened tonight, right? Like, nothing you’d need to hide from me.” I paused and turned to face Jungkook. His face was burning red as my eyes tore into him. “Right, Jungkook?”
Taehyung put a hand on my shoulder and just laughed it off, “Nothing happened, Ari. Jungkook’s just paranoid that you’re gonna be mad at him for drinking a little too much.”
I didn’t believe Taehyung for one second. Jungkook had gotten drunk before now, and I was certainly not angry with him in any way. He was lying to me again.
“Jungkook,” I called out to him as he stumbled over to me. I had been out with Chaeyoung for the night, only to come home to find a drunk Jungkook. He grabbed onto my shirt and buried his face into my hair with a sigh.
“Babe, you’re home,” he softly spoke into my ear, his breath tickling me as shivers ran through my body.
“And you’re drunk,” I commented as he just giggled.
“Sorry,” he didn’t sound very sorry, “Hoseok came over and brought some alcohol. I may have had some.”
“Some?” I laughed and pushed him away slightly so that I could look into his eyes. His eyes were clouded over as I just smiled and rolled my eyes. “Let’s get you to your room, okay?”
“No,” he shook his head, wrapping his arms around my waist to pull my hips to his. “I wanna stay in your room.”
“No,” I echoed, shaking my head, “Taehyung’s still not completely okay with seeing us all close to each other. He’ll have a heart attack.”
“Taehyung’s staying the night at Hoseok’s.”
I froze in his hold as I looked into his eyes, biting my lip as I realized what that meant. “You’re serious?”
“Dead serious,” he whispered as I felt a smirk appear on my face. Jungkook’s eyes widened with slight innocence as I reached up and grabbed the collar of his shirt.
“You should have lead with that, Kook,” I pulled his mouth down on mine, kissing him violently. His body was quick to respond as he moved his hands from my waist to hold the backs of my thighs. I laughed against his mouth as I jumped up, wrapping my legs around his waist.
“I’ve waited all summer for this,” Jungkook swallowed and looked deep into my eyes. I could still smell the alcohol on his breath, but I could tell he was sobering up from our kiss.
“Hopefully this will happen more often,” I mumbled as Jungkook started walking toward my bedroom.
“If you’ll act like this when it happens, I’ll lock Taehyung out of the apartment.”
I swallowed and tried to keep myself calm as I sat between the two of them. I wanted to just storm off to my room like I would have in the past. It was very tempting to do, but I didn’t have time for this. Jungkook and I only had so much time left, and if I were to give him the silent treatment, we would get less time together.
“Look,” I sighed and looked over at Jungkook with a slightly defeated expression, “I know something’s up. I really don’t want you two hiding things from me. If I’m gonna be mad at you over something, can you just tell me so that we can have it out and forgive each other?”
I was hoping that Jungkook would spill, but his expression didn’t soften even a little bit. Why was he being so stubborn?
“Taehyung,” I turned to him, but he was also closing himself off from me. “You guys, I know something’s up. You guys look guilty as hell,” I frowned, turning back to Jungkook.
“Nothing happened, Ari. We’re just tired.”
I felt the urge to get up and storm away, but once again, I talked myself out of it. I need to stick this out. I have to resolve this. I only have a week left with him.
“Jeon Jungkook,” I turned completely to him as I noticed him sharply inhale, “I dare you to say that to me again.”
Jungkook’s jaw clenched as I watched his internal struggle through his eyes. He looked like he was about to cave, and I felt relief starting to wash over me. We could talk this out and go back to normal for our last few days together.
“We just got a little drunk. Nothing happened.”
I closed my eyes and swallowed, trying to keep my anger on the low. It’s been so long since Jungkook and I have had a legitimate argument, and I wanted more than anything for this to be a problem that we quickly resolved.
I turned to Taehyung as a last effort to figure out what these two weren’t telling me. “Tae…”
He just shook his head, “Nothing happened.”
I felt like I was surrounded by a bunch of delusional parrots as I ran my fingers through my messy hair. I felt tears stinging my eyes as I realized that this night was going to end the way that I was begging it not to. I’m going to go to bed angry and this conflict is going to just stir between the two of us until he fesses up.
“You know, Kook,” I stood up and spun around to glare at him half-heartedly. “I will be less angry at you if you just fess up now. The longer you wait to tell me what’s going on, the more upset it’s going to make me. Quite frankly, I’m already mad and I don’t even know what happened.”
I gave him one last chance to explain himself as I stared deep into his eyes. His jaw clenched and I noticed the deep breath he took. His hands shook as he rubbed the knees of his jeans, his mouth opening ever so slightly.
“Ari,” Taehyung shook his head and let a slight laugh out of his mouth, “Nothing happened. We were just out with our friends before college starts again.”
“Right,” I laughed in disbelief. My eyes glared at Jungkook as I gave him a few more seconds to interject.
Once again, he said nothing.
“Goodnight, then,” I whispered, trying to not let my emotions get the best of me. It’d been so long since Jungkook made me cry…
Taehyung had to be at work fairly early, so Jungkook and I were left alone for the morning. Normally we would take that time to be disgustingly cheesy with one another and at the very least make out with each other on the couch.
Today was very different. The air felt very tense and I hardly left my room to avoid having to talk to him.
I felt like we were back at our old habits before the two of us got together, and it sucked. I threw several pity parties in my room as I thought about how much fun we could be having right now. Our days were numbered, and Jungkook was choosing to push me further away.
“Yoongi,” I whined into my phone as I finally gave in to my tears. I couldn’t stop thinking about Jungkook and how worried he has me. It felt like he was trying to push me away, and that thought was terrifying. What would possess him to think that was a good idea?
“What’s wrong?” Yoongi’s voice sounded worried as I sniffed, trying to keep my emotions under my control. I slowly calmed down my soft sobs, trying to not be too loud as to attract Jungkook inside.
“Jungkook’s scaring me,” I grabbed my pillow and hugged it to my body. I rested my chin on the top of it as my tears started soaking into the object. “It feels like he’s trying to push me away. I love him so much, and I’m afraid that he’s going to try and break up with me when he leaves.”
“Well that makes no damn sense,” Yoongi sounded pissed as I nodded, sniffing as quietly as possible. “He’s disgustingly in love with you. Why would he even consider something so childish?”
“I don’t know!” I raised my voice a little too much as I cursed under my breath. Jungkook definitely heard that. There was no way that he didn’t…
This was normally when Jungkook would come in to talk to me. Every time he heard any loud noises from my room, he’d come in to check on me. It was really cute, honestly.
I felt my face twist with disgust as I glared at my phone in my hand. Soomin had texted me the grossest text I’d ever read about some guy who’s still in high school! She was being a pedophile over him! I had been on the phone with her several times over him, and she continued to ignore my warnings.
“Ugh, she’s such a tramp!” I screamed in frustration, not taking into account that it was nearly two in the morning. I felt my disgust increasing the more she texted me, and I made more frustrated noises.
“Ari?” I spun around to see Jungkook poking his head into my room. His eyes were laced with worry and exhaustion as I realized I had woken him up.
“Kook,” my eyes softened as he stepped into my room to walk over to me. I was on the edge of my bed, pillows thrown around the room from me trying to quietly get out all my frustration.
“What’s wrong, babe?” He asked, pulling my desk chair to the side of my bed to sit in front of me. I dangled my feet off the edge of the bed and leaned closer to him.
“Soomin won’t listen to me about her pedophilia. She’s going to get in serious trouble for this, and she’s blowing it all off. She’s convinced that it’s okay because he turns 18 in three months.”
Jungkook sighed and ran his fingers through his hair, “I forgot about her talking to that kid. She really thinks it’s okay?”
“Yes!” I cried as Jungkook grabbed my hand with his. I looked down at our hands and felt his touch calming me down, “She’s lost her mind… I don’t know why I’m still talking to her.”
“I don’t know, either,” Jungkook laughed nervously as he pulled me further to the edge, “Do you want to stay in my room tonight?”
I raised my eyebrows as I felt my mind moving on from the frustrating conversation I had just been having.
“Your bed’s small, though,” I mentioned. It was the reason that we never stayed in his room if we slept in the same bed together.
“I know,” he smirked and winked as I scoffed and ran my fingers through his soft, messy hair. I ruffled the hair a little as he closed his eyes, liking the feeling of my hand in his hair despite making it a mess.
“Just stay in here with me?” I offered, smiling at the sight of his relaxed smile. He didn’t say anything as he hopped out of the chair and jumped onto the bed, causing it to bounce me a little.
“You didn’t even need to ask, babe.”
The seconds ticked by as I felt my heart being squeezed in my chest. He’s not coming. He’s… not coming.
“Yoongi, I…” I took a deep breath, “I can’t take this. I’ve gotta have it out with Jungkook. He can’t do this to me. He’s being a selfish asshole. He’s reverting to how he was before we got together.”
“Why would he want to do that?” Yoongi asked, confusion laced in his voice.
“Because he’s an idiot. I think that he’s too afraid to say goodbye to me, so instead he’s shutting me out. It’s as if he feels like this will be less painful when in reality, it’s making it excruciatingly hard.”
I was quick to hang up the call after I made up my mind to try and fix this. If they’re leaving in six days, I want to have these six days with Jungkook. I want to have so much fun with him that he’ll forget that our days are numbered.
I didn’t even knock on his door as I swung the door open, scaring Jungkook as he looked up at me with wide eyes. He was just scrolling through his phone when I had stormed in. He definitely heard my frustrated words to Yoongi.
I was opening my mouth to snap at Jungkook over pushing me away, but I stopped short seeing him. I saw him just yesterday, but seeing him right now was just… different. He was the same guy I’d been spending my summer with, but everything felt so wrong.
I felt like he had already made the decision to push me away without thinking about how hard this was going to affect me.
“Jungkook, I want you to tell me what happened last night.”
I kept my words short and sweet as Jungkook just looked at me with wide eyes. I was afraid that he was going to snap back at me, but it looked like I knocked the breath out of him.
I took a few steps closer to him and felt my hands shaking at my sides. His eyes studied my face as his expression dropped to worried. He noticed that I’ve been crying.
“Please,” I whispered, standing at the foot of his bed. He swallowed while looking at me, and I watched the internal battle I could see taking place in his eyes. He looked like he was on the edge of convincing himself to keep me away from him, but I broke him as another tear fell from my eyes.
I walked to the side of his bed and lowered myself to sit on the edge of it. My back was against his knees and I felt my breathing stagger at the simple touch.
Jungkook looked down at my skin that was touching his as I just continued looking at him with pleading eyes. His breathing was irregular as his fists clenched in his lap. He looked like he was trying to build his wall back up, but I wasn’t about to let that happen.
“Jungkook,” I moved my body closer to the front of the bed, my side now pressing up against his torso. I faced him and reluctantly reached out to grab one of his tense hands. “I love you.”
I saw all his barriers break as his bottom lip started quivering. His eyes shied away from mine before he took a deep breath. This was obviously as hard on him as it was me.
“Stop pushing me away, Kook,” I managed to get out as fresh tears began to build up into my eyes. I squeezed his hand lightly before Jungkook moved to intertwine our fingers. A tear dropped from his eyes as he sat up to get closer to me.
“I love you, too,” he nodded, pulling me closer to him, “I love you so damn much, and please remember that as I tell you this.”
I felt my hand grip his slightly tighter than before as I just nodded, wiping my tears away from my eyes with my free hand.
“Last night when hanging out with the guys, we ran into Jennie,” he paused as I felt my muscles tense. Since Taehyung still worked with her, it wasn’t like she was completely out of our lives, but Jungkook hadn’t spoken to her since that night at the movie theater. I didn’t feel jealousy, but I did feel paranoia filling my emotions.
“She was mainly talking to Yugyeom because they had met a couple times before. She was kinda flirting with him a little until I stopped her and told her to back off. She didn’t like how harsh I was with her, so she made it her goal to stay around us for the rest of the night. She wouldn’t shut up about how things used to be with us, and I gave in and started getting carried away with my drinks. I was about to drink myself into a coma when she stopped me and…”
I saw another tear trail down his face as his bit his lip and looked away, “She leaned in to kiss me. I just barely pulled out of the way in time to keep her fish lips off of me, but she was being persistent…
*Third Person POV*
“Jungkookie,” She whined as Jungkook continued to keep her away from him. She was just about as drunk as he was, and he was terrified that she was going to catch him off guard and assault his lips with her’s. He’d never forgive himself if he let her lips touch his…
“Kiss me, dammit,” she grumbled as Jungkook just spun around and shook his head. He tried to move away from her, but her hands were quick to grab his wrist and forcefully pull him back to her.
“I’m the better fit for you, Kookie,” she forced him to face her as his annoyance was growing in his chest. He had come out tonight to have fun with his friends, not to be assaulted by his ex-girlfriend… “You wanna know why I’m better?”
“You’re not better, Jennie. Go find some other guy to screw with,” Jungkook pulled his arm out of her hold only for her hands to grab his shoulders. His hands were quick to grab her wrists, but when she spoke her next words, he froze. Nothing could have prepared him for what she was going to say.
She caught him so off guard that the moment he froze in shock, she leaned up and pressed a sloppy kiss to his mouth. He was quick to shove her off and tell her to piss off, but even as he stormed away from her, the words played through his head over and over again.
Was he really going to have to deal with her like this regularly? He couldn’t handle this… He won’t be able to take it. He’ll lose his mind if what she said really was true…
“You’ll be seeing a lot of me. I’ve transferred to your college this coming semester, Kookie.”
A/N: I don’t hate the real Jennie, I swear! She just happens to be the antagonist to this story!! (And she wasn’t originally going to be when I first wrote her in!) But sorry for any errors that I didn’t catch. I very loosely edited this. And I give everyone permission to beat Jungkook’s butt for his stupidity, but be gentle!
⇨ Masterlist ⇦
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tallglassofsweetpea · 6 years
Little Darlin’: Chapter Seven
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Sweet Pea x OC, 1950′s AU
Warnings (this chapter): language, sexual content/smut
AN: I’m baaaaaaack! Sorry for the delay, I really struggled with this chapter. I swear to god i went back and rewrote almost the entire thing like three times! This chapter is pretty long, and pretty spicy! Hopefully that will make up for the delay! All previous chapters can be found in my masterlist on my blog. It’s also now available on AO3 under the username: sweepee
As always, thank you all so much for your support (and patience) I hope you enjoy!! 
[Please let me know if you’d like to be tagged for future chapters. Also feel free to message me if you have any suggestions for this story and where you’d like to see it go, or if you have any general comments/questions! My ask is open :) ]
Chapter Seven: Devil or Angel
The Monday following homecoming, Lily walked into chemistry class and sat down in her usual spot. She had prayed and prayed Reggie would be absent from class that day. She couldn’t yet face him. When she finally did see him, her breath caught in her throat. He was beat up, bad. His face was covered in black and blue, his bottom lip split. He walked right past her and took a seat in the back of the classroom. Luckily his usual lab partner had returned, as did hers. She wondered what could have happened to him. She knew it wasn’t from the football game, he had looked fine at the dance. Then her mind flashed to the look on Sweet Pea’s face when she told him what had happened at the dance. She glanced back at Reggie once more with wide eyes.
Lily was in the middle of eating her lunch when another lunch tray was slammed down on the table in front of her.
“Hi, Trish.”
“Where on earth did you run off to during the dance Saturday? I tried phoning you when I got home but when your mother answered the phone I hung up. I know how much she hates me, I swear I can see it in her eyes.”
Lily sighed, it was the first time she had seen Trish since the homecoming dance and she was of course locked and loaded with a round of questions. She quickly filled her in about what had happened with Reggie at the dance.
“You slapped Reggie!?”
“I’ll admit it was a knee-jerk reaction, but-“
“I only wish I had done it myself. I swear if Archie knew anything about this…wait...where were you the rest of the night?”
Lily began fiddling with her food, her eyes fixated on her tray. “Well, that’s where it gets interesting. I went outside to clear my mind…and Sweet Pea was waiting in the parking lot.”
Trish’s eyebrows arched. “Sweet Pea?!” She said a little too loudly. Lily’s eyes widened and pressed a finger to her friend’s lips. Trish relaxed a bit and lowered her voice, leaning in closer to Lily. “Sweet Pea? What was he doing there?”
“He was waiting for me.”
Her brows knitted together in confusion. “How did he even know you would be there? I thought it was over between you two?”
“It’s sort of a long story, I promise I’ll fill you in soon.”
“You’d better! Here I was, planning nearly one hundred different ways of ridding him of his manhood for breaking your heart. Little did I know, you’ve been off galavanting together the whole time? Lily, you have got to tell me these things! Sorry, I’m talking too much. Please continue.” She dug into her lunch as she listened.
“He drove us to Sweetwater forest and we slow danced beneath the stars, Trish it was so romantic! And then…“
Trish stopped chewing on her sandwich, she was practically on the edge of her seat waiting in anticipation. “And then…?”
Lily lowered her voice. “He asked me to go steady.” Lily couldn’t hide her bright smile thinking about that night.
“You and Sweet Pea? Lil’! I’m so happy for you!” She reached across the table and shook Lily’s hand in excitement.
“I know, it’s sort of left me dizzy. It all happened so quickly. We were dancing one second and kissing the next and then…well…” Lily’s cheeks started to get hot, not knowing how to tell Trish.
Trish’s mouth dropped to the floor. “You did not…you and SP-”
“No! No, we didn’t do that. I mean, we did other things…”
“Lilian Greene, you little trollop! Tell me more, and for the love of god use descriptive language!”
Before Lily could say anything further, the school bell rang signaling the end of lunch.
Trish groaned in annoyance. “You’ve been saved by the bell this time, but next time you won’t be so lucky. Gosh, I don’t know how I’m going to make it through the day without knowing. The anticipation alone is going to slay me!”
Lily rolled her eyes and rose from the table. “Come on, we’re going to be late.”
Later that week, Lily was walking to the library from her dance class. She usually went to the library on the edge of Southside since it was closer to the studio. She had just reached the front of the small brick building when she heard the rumbling of motorcycles. She turned to watch a group of Serpents pulled into the gas station across the street, Sweet Pea included. He took off his helmet and shook out his sable hair, he smiled when he saw her standing across the street. She wore a lavender poodle skirt with a white sweater and her saddle shoes. She had a small dance bag hanging from one shoulder. Sweet Pea dismounted his bike and crossed over to her, a pleasant smile on his face.
“You’re a long way from Kansas, Dorothy.”
“I was just on my way to the library, I need to return some books.”
“I see.”
He leaned down to kiss her gently on the lips, his arms loosely wrapped around her waist. She pulled back and absentmindedly toyed with the silver dog tags that hung around his neck, a more serious look washed over her features.
“Can I ask you something?”
“Sure.” He said with a shrug. He reached out to finger the light purple ribbon that was neatly fastened around her ponytail.
“You wouldn’t happen to know anything about what happened to Reggie after the dance, would you?”
Sweet Pea pretended to search his memory, tilting his head side to side. “Nope. Can’t say I do.”
She knew he was lying, she crossed her arms across her chest.
“…Sweet Pea.”
“What? The guys been cruisin’ for a bruisin’. He’s lucky all I did was rough him up a bit.”
Lily’s eyes widened. “Rough him up a bit? He’s covered in black and blues…”
“Good.” He shrugged. “Nobody messes with you, not if I have any say.”
Lily shook her head at him, disapprovingly. “You’re bad news, SP.”
“Maybe you’re just too good.” He said with a smirk, her smile faltered.
“I should probably get going, it’s getting dark.”
“You wanna hang later?”
“I don’t see why not.”
“Cool. I’ll be over to get you in a couple hours. Hurry home, never know when a big scary Serpent might show up.” He winked and pressed a light kiss to her lips before jogging back over to his friends.
Lily and her parents sat down at the table for supper, Mrs. Greene had made her famous meatloaf right on time for her husband’s return from work. They held hands and said grace before filling up their plates.
“Did you hear about that poor Mantle boy? Got himself a beating in Pop’s parking lot Saturday night.”
Lily’s eyes shot up at her father’s mention of Reggie.
“Mantle…Lily, wasn’t that the boy you went to the homecoming dance with?”
Lily nodded her head. “Yes, Reggie.”
“He seems like a very nice boy, comes from a good family too. That’s really too bad. I think it would make a good impression if you went over to check on him sometime, Lilian.”
“Yeah, maybe.” When hell freezes over, she told herself.
“I’ll bet you it was one of those Southside boys again.” Lily’s gaze lowered to her food, she pushed the meat around on her plate with her fork. “Just when you think those hellions couldn’t get any worse.”
If only her father knew she had been spending her nights in the arms of one of those so-called “hellions”. And that in fact it was the boys on the Northside that she needed to watch out for. She could only imagine the look on George Greene’s face if he found out his perfect little girl had been sneaking around with a big bad Serpent.
“They can’t all be bad, daddy.”
Both of her parents paused their movements and cast an eye at her with raised brows.
“I wish I could agree with you, sweetheart. But these are very bad, very dangerous people.
“I just mean that maybe they have their reasons.”
“And what reasons would they have for beating up an innocent boy?”
Innocent boy? What a joke.
Lily chewed on her bottom lip, she wanted to tell them the truth about Reggie to prove her point. Her father looked at her expectantly. An uncomfortable silence was held amongst the three of them until her mother spoke up.
“We really shouldn’t have brought up such serious talk at the dinner table. Darling, how was work today?”
Mr. Greene’s gaze lingered on his daughter a second longer before he ran through his day with his wife. If there was one thing Lily let out a breath and continued eating her dinner mostly in silence, only responding when directly spoken to. She wished more than anything that she could tell them what had happened.
After dinner, Lily helped her mother clear the table before she went to sit in the living room with her father. Sometimes they would sit in silence as they both read, other times he would have her read scripture, sometimes they would talk. Tonight was a quiet reading night.
“Hey Lily-pad?”
She looked up from her book. “Yes, daddy?”
“When I tell you to stay away from the Southside, its because I wouldn’t want anything to happen to you. I know you’re a smart good girl, but even good people can find themselves in the wrong place at the wrong time.”
“I understand, daddy. I don’t know why I said that stuff at dinner, it was silly.”
“It’s not silly, you see the good in people.”
“I like to believe everyone has a bit of good in them.”
Mr. Greene gave his daughter a polite smile before returning to his book. “One day you’ll understand.”
Lily toyed with her necklace. She was both physically and mentally biting her tongue. She closed her book, slipping the bookmark inside before rising from the loveseat.
“Maybe one day you will understand too. I’m off to bed, goodnight daddy.” She kissed him on the cheek before marching up the stairs leaving her father at a loss for words.
As the weeks progressed, Lily and Sweet Pea had grown closer than ever. Had you told either of them only months ago that they’d be as close as they were, they’d both have laughed. He was addicted to her presence and the way she made him feel, and vice versa. Their outings were strategically planned around Lily’s parents, not wanting to know what would happen if they found out. Often Lily would wait until after her parents would kiss her goodnight before sneaking out of the window to meet Sweet Pea at the end of the street. They would go to the Wyrm to dance and hang out with Trish and Fangs, but after awhile they would sneak off someplace they could be alone. Sometimes they would just go somewhere to talk, the air filled with laughter and stories. Other nights the air would remain silent except for the sound of their quickened heartbeats. Sweet Pea’s hands had a tendency to “accidentally” wander, not that Lily minded.
The two lovers were sprawled out side by side on an old blanket laid on the grass. One of the good things about living in a small town was the night sky, bountiful with stars. Sweet Pea put his arm behind his head, looking up at the sky. Lily turned her head to look at him, taking in his striking features illuminated by the moonlight.
“Sweet Pea, how come you never mention your parents?”
“Not really worth mentioning.”
“You know, you don’t always have to be so mysterious.”
Sweet Pea glanced at her and sighed. “My dad left when I was a baby. My mom’s off somewhere down south with her scumbag boyfriend. My grandma took care of me most of my life. She got real sick a couple years back, couldn’t work anymore. So I started doing odd jobs after school, that’s when I met FP.”
“I remember you telling me, you were only 15?”
“Yeah, I started helping him out for extra money to put food on the table. My grandma never asked where the money came from, but I think she had her suspicions. When she passed away I dropped out of school and officially joined the Serpents. I guess they’re the closest thing I have to a family now.”
She studied him silently, taking in what he shared with her. Her heart broke for him, she couldn’t begin to imagine what it must have been like having to take on the responsibilities of an adult at such a young age. Most kids wouldn’t know what to do, but with Sweet Pea there was no question about it. He knew he needed to take care of him and his grandma, no matter the risk. Lily admired him for that.
“That was incredibly brave of you to do that at such a young age. It sounds like you really loved her.”
“She had a real tough shell, but deep down she was the sweetest woman with the biggest heart. She’d do anything for anyone.”
“Reminds me of someone I know.” Lily intertwined her fingers with his and pressing a gentle kiss to his fingers. Sweet Pea let a small laugh escape his lips.
“I just wish she was still here. Though I guess it’s probably best she didn’t have to watch me turn into some punk kid.”
Lily shook her head. “I bet she would be proud of you.”
He scoffed. “Thanks, but I don’t know if she’d be proud her grandson ended up being a high school dropout turned Serpent.”
Lily sat up, resting on her elbow and looked down at him, his features had hardened.
“Maybe not…But I’m positive she would be proud of what a strong, loyal, sweet young man you are.” She traced the lines of the tattoo on his neck. “You’re a special guy, Sweet Pea. You don’t give yourself enough credit.”
Sweet Pea’s warm cocoa eyes met hers. No one had ever told him anything quite like that. He gazed at her in complete wonder, she looked like an angel with the moonlight shine around her hair like a halo. He reached his hand up to cup her cheek, his thumb running over her smooth skin.
“I don’t deserve you.” Lily turned her head to kiss the palm of his hand then leaned over and kissed him on the lips. Sweet Pea drew her over him so she lay straddling his waist, his hands rested on her hips. Her fingers quickly became lost in his hair, her hips lightly ground into his as he deepened the kiss. He whispered against her lips. “God, you drive me crazy.” One of his hands drifted down to her bottom, giving it a light squeeze while pulling her hips into his.
Sweet Pea rolled them over on the blanket so his body was atop hers, his muscular arms enclosed her petite figure. His hands traveled up her sides until they came to cup her breasts, Lily sighed into their kiss. She let out a little whine when Sweet Pea pulled back from the kiss, leaving Lily out of breath. “Why did you stop?” His lips traveled down her neck
Sweet Pea kissed her on the lips and smirked. “Trust me.”
Lily nodded, her emerald eyes sparkled with curiosity as she watched his lips follow down her collar bone. He placed kisses across the top of her breasts, still clothed by the thin fabric of her dress. He pulled down the straps of her dress to expose a rosy pink lace bra. He lowered his head, sucking each peak through the fabric. Lily gasped at the sensation, she watched him with anticipation as he continued kissing his way down her stomach. Her lips parted slightly. She could feel his large, rough hands move up her thighs. He lifted her bottom from ground, just enough so he could pull her panties off and toss them to the side. He gently lifted her leg by the ankle and trailed soft kisses on the inside of it, working his way up her leg at a taunting pace.
“Sweet Pea, what are you doing?” Lily asked with a sigh, enjoying the feeling of his soft lips trail over her body but unsure of where it would lead. “We’re outside, what if someone sees?”
“Fuck it, let em’ see.”
Lily laughed. “You’re crazy.”
“You make me crazy.” Sweet Pea’s eyes locked on hers. “Relax for me, baby. Trust me.” He smiled at her reassuringly, she gave him a bashful grin and took a deep breath. Sweet Pea continued to trail kisses past her knee and kissed her inner thigh. His lips worked their way up to the crook of her thigh sucking on the skin, letting his teeth nip at the skin, leaving a red mark. “Sweets.” She half moaned, half scolded.
He kissed his way to her center. Lily looked down at him with eager, lustful eyes. “Relax, Lily.” He lowered his mouth to her center, and let his tongue slowly run over her. “Oh god!” Her hands flew down to grasp his hair. He continued to softly caress her with his tongue, leaving her a whimpering mess. He had pleasured her with only his hands until then, and this was something entirely different. Lily’s hips bucked up involuntarily against his mouth. Sweet Pea paused to look at her. Her head was tilted back in ecstasy, her eyes tightly shut and lips parted. “Does it feel good?” Lily nodded her head, seemingly unable to speak.
“Tell me.”
Her words sounded shaky. “Yes. Please don’t stop.”
Sweet Pea smirked and lowered his head back to the task at hand. Sweet Pea kissed her open mouthed running his tongue from the bottom of her slit up to the top. He entered two of his fingers inside of her, letting them curl inside of her. Lily moaned and trapped her bottom lip between her teeth, trying to stay quiet. She felt warmness between her thighs begin to spread over her body. Her nerves felt as though they were on fire. Lily whispered to the dark haired serpent. “Pea.”
His tongue skillfully worked her clit as his fingers glided in and out of her soaking core, curling his fingers inside again and rubbing the pads of his fingers against her sweet spot. He felt her tighten around his fingers, watching as she arched her back in pleasure her dainty fingers twisting into the fabric of the blanket. Lily felt a warmness spread throughout her body, her breathing hitched, she was getting close. Sweet Pea could tell she was holding back, so he gave her some encouragement.
“Let go, baby girl. Let me hear you.” He whispered to her gruffly before lowering his head once more, flicking his tongue against her until her body began to shake, her moans getting louder and louder until she peaked. He knew he would never forget the way she whimpered out his name as she met her release.
Sweet Pea moved back up so he was lying next to her, watching her chest heave as she came down from her orgasm.
Lily looked over at him, her green eyes hazy. “Sweet Pea?”
“Make love to me.”
Sweet Pea examined her face. Their passion filled evenings would often reach a certain point where Sweet Pea took it upon himself to exercise serious restraint. If there was one thing he didn’t want to do, it was to rush her into anything.
“Not tonight, doll.”
“We could make love, right here under the stars. ” Though he could think of worse ideas, something about it just didn’t sit right with him. He pulled his eyes away from her.
“Lily, I said not tonight.”
Lily sat up to look at him. She had swallowed her pride and essentially offered herself to him yet he seemingly couldn’t to get out of the situation fast enough.
He saw the look in her eyes, and his heart sank. Embarrassment. “Shit, baby don’t-“ Sweet Pea tried to reach out to her but she pulled herself away from him, her hands ran over her face.
“It’s not that I don’t want to, but-“
“I made myself entirely vulnerable to you…and you denied me.”
“I didn’t deny you, baby. I just-“
“My parents will be looking for me soon, we should go.”
She adjusted her clothing and smoothed back her hair before standing up and getting into the car.
Sweet Pea threw his hands up in defeat, shaking his head.
The car ride was mostly silent, Lily looked out the window with her arms folded around herself. When they pulled up to her house, Lily didn’t give him a chance to say anything before slamming the door of the car shut and strutting her way to the front door.
Sweet Pea groaned to himself. “Fucking Northside girls.”
When Lily returned home that night, she lay awake in her bed. Her mind was racing. Why had Sweet Pea not wanted her? Had she misread the situation? From the sounds of it, he was far more experienced than her.
What was it that those other girls had that she didn’t? That’s when an idea came to her. Lily quietly snuck the telephone into her bedroom and rang Trish.
“Hey Trish? Are you free tomorrow night? I need your help.”
Sweet Pea leaned over and lined up his shot at the pool table, pocketing two balls.
“Fangs, you’re up!” He loudly clapped his hands together. “Fangs?” He called out, but was left without a response. He turned around to see Fangs standing slack jawed facing the entrance of the Wyrm, a few other Serpents were doing the same. Sweet Pea snapped his fingers in front of Fangs’ face.
“Fogarty? Are you paying attention, we’re in the middle of a game. What are you staring at?”
Sweet Pea followed his stare to see what had stolen the attention away from the game. As soon as he turned around, his jaw dropped.
“Holy shit.”
Lily walked through the doors of the Wyrm, Trish followed a few steps behind her. Sweet Pea’s eyes were drawn to to a tight-fitted, fire engine red off-the-shoulder top that left little to the imagination. His gaze followed down to the pair of high waisted black pants that hugged her curves perfectly. She wore a pair of simple red heels to match.
Trish had drilled it into Lily's head that the grand entrance was most important. She swayed her hips, shifting her weight from one leg to the other as she sauntered over to the tall serpent she was in search of. She stood beside him and rested her arms behind her on the edge of the pool table.
“Hey, Pea.” She said, a wicked smile playing on her lips.
“L-Lily?” He couldn’t believe his eyes.
“You’re catching flies, sugar.” She brought her hand up to his chin and closed his mouth, pressing a brief but heated kiss to his lips. She pulled away too soon, leaving him weak for more. “Aren’t you going to buy me a drink?”
Sweet Pea internally groaned as he watched her saunter her way to the bar and leaning against it, strategically pushing her bum out to drive him crazy. And it was going exactly as she had hoped.
Sweet Pea turned to the guys surrounding the pool table, they stood gawking at the petite blonde. Sweet Pea’s jaw clenched and he threw a threatening look their way. “What the hell are you looking at?” They instantly tore their eyes away from Lily, resuming their conversations not wanting to cause any problems with SP.
Fangs threw his hand up in surrender. “I’m with her!” He wrapped his arm around Trish, who wore a satisfied grin. She felt like a proud parent. Since they were little girls, Trish had tested out nearly every beauty and fashion tip from Vogue magazine. Lily had (often against her will) been her own personal guinea pig. So when Lily called her the night before to ask her for help, she couldn’t contain her excitement.
Fangs leaned into Trish, his arm wrapped tightly around her waist. “I was really looking at you the whole time, babe.”
Trish laughed, shaking her head. “I’d have been offended if your jaw hadn’t dropped at the sight of her. This is easily my best work yet.”
Sweet Pea made his way over to where Lily stood at the bar.
“Sorry to distract you from your game, it looked like it was getting pretty intense.”
“Oh, that-that’s no big deal. I’ll catch up with them later on.”
Toni came over to serve them. “SP, who’s your new friend? What happened to little miss Doris Day?”
“Hi, Toni.”
Toni’s eyes bugged out of her head upon recognizing her. “Damn, Northie. You look hot.”
Lily smiled brightly. Sweet Pea’s eyes narrowed at the petite bartender.
“You gonna get us a couple of drinks or stand there and hit on my girl right in front of me?”
Toni laughed. “Cool it, beanstalk. I’ll be back in a sec.”
Sweet Pea turned back to Lily, scanning her from head to toe. Was it possible that he was only dreaming? Her fair hair was worn in big sexy curls that framed her face. She had never worn so much makeup in her life, not even for dance recitals. But she thought Trish did a nice job, giving her a classic smokey eye with an expertly applied cat eye. But it was the rich, crimson lipstick glossing her lips that had Sweet Pea’s mind racing with sinful thoughts. He subconsciously bit into his bottom lip.
“She’s right, you look…great.”
She smiled at him, she couldn’t deny how powerful she felt knowing how much she was affecting him. Smooth talking Sweet Pea was wrapped around her little finger.
“Do you think so? I wasn’t sure about the top, do you think it looks alright?” She adjusted the tight fabric of her red shirt so it revealed a bit more cleavage. Sweet Pea easily fell into her trap, his eyes lingered on her chest. His tongue ran over his bottom lip.
“I think it’s just fine.”
Toni slid over their drinks, Sweet Pea didn’t even break eye contact to look at Toni as he handed her a couple of bills. He watched Lily pluck the cherry from her drink and wrapped her equally as red lips around it, pulling it from the stem and eating it. She took a sip from her drink,  looking up at him through her dark lashes.
“Is there something on your mind, Pea?”
Sweet Pea leaned down to whisper in her ear. “Some thoughts are best kept locked up, darlin’.” She tried her best to fight off the blush that emerged on her cheeks, and took another sip of her drink. But it wasn’t before he noticed. She knew her facade was breaking, she needed to recover quick. Trish said the key to seduction was to always have the upper hand, keep them wrapped around your finger.
Once she was positive the color in her cheeks had evened out, she turned to look him in the eye as she swirled the straw from her mixed drink. “Can I ask you a question?”
“You could ask me just about anything right now, sweetness.”
She gave him a flirty smile. “Are you really as good as they say you are?”
He tilted his head at the question. His lips parted, but for once he was at a loss for words.
“At pool, I mean.” Lily simpered at him, satisfied that he fell into her trap.
Sweet Pea cleared his throat, straightening out his shoulders and taking a drink from his beer. “Pool, right. Yeah…Well I’ve beat everyone in this bar at least once or twice.”
Lily shook her head lightly, fluttering her lashes. “Not everyone.”
Sweet Pea let out a low chuckle. “Are you challenging me, blondie?”
Lily shrugged. “So what if I am?” She grabbed her drink and started walking over to an empty pool table, grabbing Sweet Pea’s hand and dragging him along with her. “Show me what you’ve got.”
Sweet Pea groaned and tossed back the rest of his drink before following her girl through the bar.
She didn’t expect to win, at least not at pool. She made a point of leaning over the table just right, giving him a clear view of her breasts. She’d give him subtle touches here and there in passing. If she sipped her drink, she made sure to keep eye contact with him. He knew what she was doing to him, and he hated to admit it was working. He was like putty in her perfectly manicured hands. They were about halfway through the game when Sweet Pea walked up behind her, trapping her between his body and the table. She turned around in his arms. She captured her bottom lip between her teeth as she looked at him. His eyes were big and dark, almost animalistic. He had endured enough torture for one night.
“Maybe we should cut the game short. I could use some fresh air.”
“Afraid I might make a comeback?”
Sweet Pea shook his head and took the pool stick from her, leaning it up against the table along with his own before wrapping his arm around her waist and leading them out of the Wyrm.
Lily stood leaning back against the cold brick wall. She tilted her head slightly to look at Sweet Pea as he puffed on a cigarette. He watched her. His eyes scanned over her body. He couldn’t deny the way her new look was affecting him. The fact that he knew it had the same effect on every other guy in the bar bothered him immensely. It took every ounce of strength he had to refrain from tossing her over his shoulder in the middle of the bar and bringing her somewhere only he could see her like that. “
Lily’s eyes shifted to his lips. She reached out to remove the cigarette from between them and replaced it between her own scarlet lips. She gently pulled some smoke from the cigarette as she maintained eye contact with Sweet Pea. He was hypnotized, watching as the smoke escape her pursed lips.  
“Don’t do that.” He plucked the cigarette from between her fingers. “Thought you didn’t smoke?”
“I don’t. Trish and I used to steal her father’s cigarettes when we were younger, just to try it.” She shrugged her bare shoulders. Trish occasionally smoked, usually in social settings.
“Interesting.” Sweet Pea nodded. taking one last puff before tossing it to the ground. Wanna go for a ride?”
“I might accept your offer, however I don’t see your car anywhere.” Her eyes scanned the lot.
Sweet Pea shook his head, amusedly and walked over to straddle a shiny black motorcycle.
“No car necessary.”
Lily’s mouth fell open, her bad girl facade instantly shattered. In the time that Lily had known Sweet Pea, she had never been on his bike. She had truthfully been dreading the day that he would ask.
“There is no way I’m getting on that death trap.” She crossed her arms.
Sweet Pea smirked at her, there was the Lily he knew. “Come on, doll. I thought you were feeling rebellious tonight? You’re not afraid are you?”
Lily chewed on her lip. “Of course not.”
Within minutes of him cutting the engine to the bike and letting down the kickstand, Sweet Pea had Lily pinned up against a tree. His hands groped and massaged her body through her tight clothing as their tongues tangled and fought for dominance. The two of them sighing into each kiss.
Their lips connected again, Lily pulled his body against hers making Sweet Pea groan. He kissed and sucked on the gentle skin between he neck and shoulder. She let her hand slide down his chest until she reached the cool metal buckle of his belt. Sweet Pea groaned, pushing himself into her touch. She gently tugged on the leather of his belt. “Maybe I’m not as good as everyone thinks…” Sweet Pea pulled her head to his, his lips taking hers possessively. His strong hands ran up her sides to cup her breasts. He groaned against her soft lips, his tongue meeting hers as they fought for dominance. Lily’s hands gripped into the leather of his jacket. She pulled away from his lips.
“I want you.”
Sweet Pea shot her a look, and ran his hand though his hair in frustration. “Lily.”
Lily let out an exasperated sigh, throwing her hands up. “I don’t understand, Sweet Pea. From the sounds of it you’ve been with every girl on Southside but when your girlfriend looks you in the eye and tells you she wants you, you shut her down? How does that make any sense?”
Sweet Pea stood there in silence, looking past her and into the darkness of the forest.
“What is the difference between me and those girls?”
“There’s a big difference.” Sweet Pea took a deep breath. “Lily, it’s not that I don’t think you look sexy as sin right now. Believe me, you have no idea what this outfit is doing to me. But it isn’t you. I mean, what is all of this about?”
Lily reached up to fiddle with her necklace when she realized she had taken it off. Trish had said it would ruin the look. She wrapped her arms around herself protectively. “I thought maybe it would make you want me. Sometimes it feels like you don’t.”
“Don’t want you? Baby, you really have no clue how bad I want you. It keeps me up half the night. Hell, I’ve wanted you since the day I first laid eyes on you.”
“Then why do you keep stopping?”
“Because I-“ He stopped himself, afraid of what might have slipped out. “I think you deserve something more than just some quickie in the back of my car or in the woods. You mean more than that to me. I know it’s your first time, so I want it to be special for you.”
Her eyes softened and Sweet Pea ran his hand over her cheek. “And when the time comes I want you to be you. I want the Lily I fell for.”
Lily gave him a small smile. “Thank you, Pea.”
“I don’t ever want you to feel like you need to change for me or anybody else.” He caressed her cheek, she melted into his touch. “You’re goddamn perfect as you are. If I have to remind you that everyday, I will.”
Even in her heels she had to stand on the tip of her toes to kiss him. He happily wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her tighter to him as they kissed. Lily was the first to pull back. His eyes were warm and loving.
“You know…it’s really too bad.”
“What is?”
“Trish went through all the trouble of getting me dolled up…all to go unappreciated.” She offered Sweet Pea a suggestive look.
“I mean, I guess it would be a shame to put this outfit of yours to complete waste…”
Lily giggled, pulling on his dog tags to lower his head to hers. They both smiled into the kiss. Sweet Pea’s arms snugly encased her waist, pulling her into his strong build. The tempo of kiss quickly changed from steady and sweet to urgent and hungered. The scent and taste of candied cherries flooded Sweet Pea’s senses as he became fully enveloped by her presence. Lily leaned up to his ear, her hand making it’s way back to the top of his jeans. “I want to make you feel as good as you make me feel.”
Sweet Pea swallowed hard.
Her hands tugged on the leather of his belt, her hands nervously fumbled with the buckle until it finally came undone. She cautiously let her hand palm him through his underwear, her eyes widening at the feel of him. Sweet Pea sucked in a breath as her fingers gently glided over his length through the fabric, twitching in answer of her touch.
Lily peered up at him sheepishly. “Pea?”
“I-I don’t really know how to…I’ve never…”
Sweet Pea smiled at her sweetly, her innocence never failed to tug at his heart. He pressed a tender kiss to her forehead. He pushed down his underwear, letting himself free. He covered her delicate hand with his own and guided her to him, wrapping her dainty fingers around his shaft. Sweet Pea softly grunted at the feeling of her soft hands covering him.
“Just wrap your fingers around it like that, and move your hand up and down.”
Lily watched between them, their hands gliding up and down his length. It wasn’t as though she had a lot of references to compare him to, but she was still taken aback at his size.
Sweet Pea’s voice became breathier. “You can grip it tighter.” He closed his fist around her hand more, tightening her grasp on him. “Yeah, like that. That feels amazing.” Sweet Pea eventually let go of her hand, letting her take over fully. He let his fingers trail down her neck and along her collarbone, down to the exposed skin of her shoulder.
Lily got curious and ran her thumb over the velvety tip, Sweet Pea let out a moan. “Fuck.”
Lily stopped moving. “I’m sorry, did I hurt you?!”
He shook his head. “No, it just felt really good. You’re doing great.”
She continued to pleasure him with her hand, enjoying the sounds of his soft moans.
His hand made its way down to the neckline of her red top, he fingered the thin fabric for a moment before pulling down the fabric to expose her lace clad breasts. He let his hands gently caress the skin, encouraging soft sighs from Lily. He lowered his head down to kiss her neck, gently sucking and biting her skin. Sweet Pea groaned when she pushed her body into his even closer, the soft swell of her breasts pressed against his hard chest. His heartbeat was racing.
“A little faster.” He pleaded.
She proceeded to stroke his member with more confidence. Sweet Pea’s breathing was short and shaky as he neared his climax. Lily tightened her grip around him, causing him to grunt into the crook of her neck. “Lily…” His fingers dug into her hips, pushing her back against the rough bark of the tree behind her and pressing his body flush against hers. She could feel his muscles twitch as she built up his pleasure. He was teetering on the edge of release when Lily flicked her thumb over the tip once again, setting off his orgasm. He bit down on her neck, grunting in ecstasy as the pleasure shot through his body. His hips jerked into her touch until he finally came down from his high.
Lily’s breath had grown almost as labored as his, she couldn’t believe she had done that. It was the ultimate confidence boost, being able to bring him as much pleasure as he had brought her countless times.
Sweet Pea sighed into her neck before lifting to rest his forehead against hers, his signature curl tickling her skin. Lily gazed up at him. A look of contentment had washed over his features, an expression that was rarely worn by the Serpent. She grinned proudly. “I seduced you.”
He chuckled darkly. “Correction, you damn near killed me. Who knew you had a little bit of poison in you, angel?”
Lily chuckled and pressed a soft kiss to his cheek.
“Seems like I’m full of surprises lately.”
Lily kissed Sweet Pea goodbye and ran to the front door of her house, she quietly turned the lock on the door and opened it. She slipped off her heels and made her way over to the stairs.
“Where are you coming from?”
Lily almost jumped out of her skin, bracing herself against the wall. Her mother was waiting at the kitchen table, her hands folded before her.
“I was…I was over Trish’s house, she forgot to tell her parents I was staying over. I didn’t want to cause any trouble so I came home.” Lily fumbled through her excuse then turned to run up the stairs before her mother could ask anything more. “Goodnight, mother.”
“Stop.” Lily halted her movements. “Let me see you.” Lily groaned internally before she walked over to stand before her mother. Mrs. Greene scanned her body with narrow eyes. She lowered her voice so as not to rouse her husband, who would surely have a fit if he saw his daughter like that.
“What in the devil are you wearing?!” Lily crossed her arms to cover her chest and shrugged.
“Trish gave me a makeover. It was just for fun.”
Her mother’s hand brushed over her cheek, her eyes caught at the nape of her neck for a beat. Her eyes widened.
“What’s this?”
Lily narrowed her brow in confusion. “What’s what?” She turned to look in the mirror hung in the hall. Her neck was decorated in hickeys. She made herself a mental note to kill Sweet Pea.
“It was the curling iron. You know how clumsy Trish can be.” She laughed nervously, pushing her blonde curls to cover the marks before turning to face her mother again. She wore a stone cold look, her arms folded around her. “Curling iron.”
She abruptly turned away from Lily and walked to the kitchen, bracing herself against the sink as she looked out the window.
“Go upstairs and wash that stuff off your face before your father sees you. I don’t want to see you dressed like this again. You tell that redheaded hussy to keep far away from you, she’s nothing but trouble.”
“Goodnight, Lilian.”
Lily nodded her head silently. “Goodnight.”
Mrs. Greene rubbed her temples, trying to keep her composure. She was no fool, she had known something was up. Coming home late, spending an unusual amount of time at the Vargas girl’s house. She knew from an early age that girl was up to no good. Trish was always much too fast for a girl like Lily. A light outside the window caught Mrs. Greene’s eye, the headlights of a black motorcycle pulling away from the house. It wasn’t one of the neighbors, and it certainly didn’t belong to Trish’s parents. She could hardly make out the driver, but she knew that it certainly wasn’t Trish…
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toplesstaylor · 6 years
Sweet like Honey (Roger Taylor x OC) - Part 1.
Author’s note: Hey!!! so, this the first part of my new series Sweet Like Honey! I’m dedicating this to @angrylizardjacket , without their kind words i wouldn’t have posted this, i hope this Will bring some joy!! I also want to thank @rhapso-kei, first of all ilysm, also this will never be as good as your fics, but i tried!! Ok, now some more technical things. You can Imagine this with either Borhap!Roger or 70s Roger, i don’t really care. I’m really self conscious about this, I don’t really know how I feel about it, but I hope you can still enjoy this? I’d like you to know some things before reading this, i’ll give you the link or otherwise this note is going to be way too long. So, have fun i guess!!
Words: 2185
Warnings: swearing, mentions of alcohol, sex. (??? I’m not so good with that)
Tag List: none yet I suppose…
Things i’d like for you to know:
Honey wanted nothing more than to go home and fall face-first onto her bed, but she promised Lane she’d come to the bar, and she wouldn’t feel her tired body after a few drinks anyway.
Lane’s bar, The Red Rover, was stamped. People were crammed into every corner and every possible place, it wasn’t unusual, Friday night’s there were notorious for its music-roulette. Bands, usually from the universities in the neighbourhood, would play a gig, and if the public liked them, they could come back a few more times. Students seemed to enjoy the wide range of music, and that meant a lot of people and a lot of alcohol. Lane’s boss, Alfred Daniels, though everybody called him Jack, didn’t have enough full-time or part-time staff to cover the Friday night crowd, so he paid Honey in drinks and tips if she’d help out a bit. Honey had no intention of ever buying her own drinks anyway, but she liked the buzz of music, alcohol and people combined. It was nice, and if she was lucky, she could even get a ride home.
Walking over to the place Lane was serving beers to a group of kids that could only be law students, seeing they still had their bags full of papers with them, Honey peered over to the stage in hopes of seeing who was playing tonight. There were four guys, around her age, maybe a little older, performing a song she didn’t know. She couldn’t hear what the frontman was singing, seeing, or perhaps hearing The Red Rover’s sound system definitely wasn’t the best and she was quite far away from the stage. They were pretty good, but she could tell they hadn't practised enough. The boys were struggling their way through the song, but the drummer kept his tempo, the guitarist was original and the singer certainly had... charm. The public seemed to like it, which meant Honey was going to see a lot more of them.
‘’Honey! thank god, I could really use a hand right now.’’ Lane half-laughed, handing more beers over to some very eager students. Her strawberry blond, slightly pinkish hair was in a ponytail, bangs and loose strands perfectly surrounding her face. Money was stashed into her bra, some of it peeking out above her top. She looked good, in an effortless way, but so she often did. Honey knew she looked effortlessly good too, she didn’t spend so many hours in her bathroom that morning for nothing. Though she did look a bit more frantic now, after such a long day of classes, and serving tables at Harrison’s.
‘’You got it, Lane. Anything going on at the moment?’’ Honey asked as she scanned the crowd for any customers. ‘’The band’s pretty good” Lane was done with the guys asking for shots, and Honey caught her looking at the guitarist, a tall man with huge curly hair. He looked nice, but he wasn’t what she thought Lane’s type would be. They were all quite attractive in their own way, honey thought, though she couldn’t see the drummer from where she was standing. The public seemed to like them too, there were even some slightly drunk girls yelling “Roger!!” from where they were standing in the back.
Honey stepped behind the bar, turning toward the liquor cabinet so she could take her sweater off. She was wearing a simple ribbed tank top underneath, since it was way too hot in the bar to wear anything else. she could feel the eyes of several guys pining into her back, though she didn’t mind, the low-cut top would only give her more tips, and that was exactly why she came to The Red Rover in the first place.
The band started a new song, and it went much smoother now they were a little used to the bar’s horrible technology. She could even hear some of what the cheerful man prancing around the stage was singing. He had a really nice voice, though it was a bit untrained. It didn’t matter, the song didn’t need anything fancy. The crowd was busy headbanging to the music, which gave Honey and Lane some time to catch their breath and really listen to the music.
They really got into it now, the bass player seemed to have found his groove, and all of them were actively singing along. Honey was surprised by the drummer’s voice, as it was not something you heard every day. It sounded almost smokey, opposed to the lead singer’s lively vocals. She could see Lane looking amazed at the guitarist, Honey couldn’t blame her, he was good, but she was pretty sure there was something else going on that made her gaze at him like that.
‘’I like them. You should tell Jack to hire them again.’’ Honey said, raising her voice so Lane could hear her. ‘’Oh yeah, they’re coming back.’’ Lane couldn’t keep her eyes off the guitarist, who himself was making serious sex eyes at Lane in return. She could guess who was getting free beer that night.
“You like him?” Honey asked. Lane would get a crush now and then, and it was kind of funny to see her oblivious reactions when she got called out on it.
“Huh? Who?” Lane’s eyes went wide, pretending to not know what she was talking about, though the blush on her cheeks betrayed her. Honey wiggled her eyebrows in the curly guitarist’s direction.
“Oh! Well, he’s certainly cute, we’ll have to see, don’t we?” Lane chuckled. It was funny to see her already deeply in love with someone she hardly knew. Lane sometimes complained she was lonely, even though she and Honey shared their unusual ways with men. Honey didn’t care so much for boyfriends, they took up time and effort, and you could get sex anywhere. Just wear the right dress, and men will fall to their knees, mama always said. It was really the only reason Honey existed, and it was true. But she wasn’t in the mood for that, her body was tired and all she really wanted was drink. And a strong one, at that. Grabbing the bottle of expensive tequila/wodka behind her, she looked around the room for Jack, then poured a shot glass for herself. She would’ve just drunk it from the bottle, but with ‘hygiene laws’ and those stupid alcohol quantity regulators, it wasn’t going to happen.
The band had finished their last song at this point, and one of the other bartenders had switched the music to the jukebox. Something a bit more ‘popular’ played, and though the melody was honestly horrible, it did have a nice rythm. The guys on stage were moving their equipment back to their van, and Honey was expecting them to come back for beers anytime now.
“Hello! Is Jack around, dears?” The singer jumped towards them, his voice surprisingly powerful after such intense singing.
“He’s in his office, I think. Can we help you with anything?” Lane said, though she wasn’t really paying attention to him. Far to busy scanning the crowd for his tall friend.
“Well, I just want to know how we did! We’d like to perform here again you know, the crowd’s very nice.” He sat himself down on one of the stools in front of the bar Honey and Lane were tending. Lane didn’t respond to him, still awfully fixated on finding the guitarist, so Honey replied instead.
“I think you were good.” She said, already grabbing a glass to pour beer in, even though the singer didn’t ask for it.
“Good enough to stay?” He almost sounded like a puppy, Honey thought. There was something slightly naughty about him however that she couldn’t quite explain. He certainly was intriguing.
“I’ll put in a good word with Jack,” Honey said. ‘’Not a lot of the bands we have playing here get the crowd going like that, so you kids definitely deserve it.’’ A giant, goofy grin spread across the singers face, so uplifting Honey couldn't help but grin as well.
‘’Well, that’s quite good to hear, as this was only our third show.’’
Honey smiled, shoving the beer into the singer’s hands. ‘’ From the house,’’ she said, sneakily glancing around for jack. ‘’And since I’m sure you’ll be coming around again, that’s Lane and I’m Honey.’’
Lane looked at her in confusion as to why her name was being said, but continued watching the crowd after Honey only gave her an expression that kind of looked like ‘’If you wanted to know you should have listened.’’. The singer chuckled at the interaction, before giving Honey a hand to shake. ‘’I’m Freddie. Nice to meet you.’’ Honey shook his hand. He had such a warm smile, she thought. she’d never seen anything like that.
‘’Is Honey your real name?’’ Freddie asked.
‘’No, darling.’’
‘’Then why do they call you that?’’ Freddie gazed at her with wonder, creativity as to why already flowing around behind his eyes.
‘’I’ve been told I taste like it.’’ she grinned, leaning on the bar for support. She liked the way the shock dripped into his eyes, just like it did with all the others she said that too. It wasn’t necessarily civil, saying something like that… but it sure was fun.
Freddie’s gawking ended when his guitarist, the curly one, came stepping towards them. He made ‘’subtle’’ eye-contact with Lane, which, to his annoyment, Freddie snorted at. ‘’Hey, Fred, already getting us beer, I see?’’ He said, slapping Fred maybe a bit too hard on his shoulder.
‘’C’mon Brian, I’m sure you can get it yourself, seeing you already have your favourite bartender?’’ A smaller figure appeared from behind Brian, and Honey assumed it was their bassist. He looked strangely comfortable surrounded by all these people, which Honey found surprising considering seemed like such a quiet person on stage. He introduced himself as John, but Freddie told her she could call him Deaky if she was nice to him.
They got on pretty well, when she introduced herself, John smiled, and his eyebrows raised in shock as well when she told him her name and the story that came with it. Brian had started flirting with Lane, and though Honey couldn’t hear their conversation, she could guess.
‘’Rog’s still out back? I thought he’d be done by now.’’ Freddie turned towards John, or Deaky, as Honey was hopefully allowed to call him.
‘’’There were some girls, but there are always some. I'm sure he’ll come back to get some fuel soon.’’ He huffed, sipping the beer given to him by none other than Honey herself.
‘’He’s your drummer, right?’’ Honey asked.
‘’Yeah… why?’’ Fred returned, a little mischievous.
‘’He must be pretty if he gets that much attention.’’
‘’Oh, He certainly likes to think so.’’ Deaky grumbled, which made Fred chuckle. Honey laughed, drummers were notorious for their ego, and this one didn’t seem any different.
‘’Why so interested?’’ Freddie continued. He was still interested in Honey’s intentions, she could tell, though to be honest, she wasn’t quite sure where the conversation was headed.
‘’Maybe I need a ride home.’’ She smiled, and Deaky nearly choked in his drink, not even because of what she’d said, really because of the cheeky grin on her face. Freddie only looked at her with admiration, which fueled her questionable confidence even more.
It was perfectly timed, because right at that moment, Roger Taylor himself stepped into the bar with two very drunk girls in his arms. She didn’t understand who he was instantly, she really couldn’t see him from where she was standing during the gig, but when she did, Deaky and Freddie practically jumped to face Honey, desperate for her reaction to his… appearance.
All she did was give him a quick glance-over while he stood there with an expression that could only mean ‘’what the hell is happening?’’, the girls on either of his sides giggling drunkenly.
‘’He’ll do.’’
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sorceress-coffee · 5 years
Trollhunters Episode 1
This is purely self-indulgent for an OC inserted into the story of Trollhunters. This will be a DraalxOC fic eventually. I DO NOT own anything concerning Trollhunters other than my adorable Blinky Pop figure (will post a photo later). River Lake (unintended name pun when I first created her) is an original character I designed for Trollhunters, specifically with Draal in mind as a significant other. This is my first fanfic, ever. I watch the episodes as I write to make sure everything is as accurate as possible.
I sat on the living room couch, coffee in hand waiting for my cousin, Jim Lake Jr., to wake up for school. My dark blue colored hair was pulled up into a ponytail which contrasted nicely with my orange ‘aliens believe in us’ shirt. My paint covered varsity jacket was resting on my lap under my laptop as I read over the submission guidelines for an upcoming art show.
I heard the blare of an alarm accompanied by a thud from upstairs. I set my coffee down, having Jim’s bag and mine ready to go, I get up to help him with his morning chores.
“You know, you are the only high schooler I can think of that gets up at an ungodly hour to do chores.” I teased him while putting our books away.
“I don’t know, my cousin wakes up earlier than I do to do her chores.” Jim paused from wiping the table to tease back, knowing I didn’t sleep much in general.
“Ah, now she must be insane!” I smirked, “What’s on the menu for today chef?”
Jim chuckled, heading into the kitchen, “Meatloaf, can you get the recipe while I make breakfast for mom and us?”
“Got it, Chef!” I gave a mock salute and grabbed my laptop from the coffee table pulling up a recipe from Jim’s favorite cooking website, printing it out I head into the kitchen. “Mom left a note on her door she’s sleeping in today before work.” I start grabbing the pans for Jim as he preps the food, working easily around each other until both our breakfast and lunches were ready.
“I’ll take her food up. River, can you pack four lunches?” He asked while putting a tray together for mom, quickly heading up the stairs.
I chuckle as he leaves before I can answer, packing the lunches quickly, setting one in the fridge where we always leave mom’s food for work. I grabbed Jim’s and my school bags, packed lunch into each bag and head into the garage. Jim runs in strapping his helmet on before taking his bag and the extra lunch from me, grabbing his bike. I open the garage door and wave to Toby seeing him waiting for us. Jim groans next to me as he walks out, “Raccoons!” He quickly rushes seeing the trash cans had been torn into overnight, cleaning up quickly. I shook my head following him and helping him clean up.
“Morning Toby,” I grin looking up to Toby putting his helmet on as we finish cleaning up.
“Morning River, you’re late for school Jimbo!” he teases as he finally gets his helmet strapped before grabbing his bike.
“Sorry, Tobes. Busy with the lunches,” Jim says as he throws the last piece of trash away heading towards Toby, “one for me, one for River, one for mom, and…” He trails off handing the bag to Toby.
“Ah!” Toby takes the bag grinning, inhaling the scent of the food, “Balsamic mushrooms, meatloaf, chunky, sun-dried tomatoes” he pauses peeking into the bag.
“And cardamom,” Jim notes walking by with his bike.
I chuckle watching the interaction, hopping on my bike. Toby loved Jim’s cooking and was always excited to try out new recipes for him.
“Ooh! Taking a chance there, Chef Jim. What do you think River?” He asks before sniffing the bag again.
I shrugged, laughing, “I don’t know Tobes, it's good to be adventurous!”
“Exactly, and what’s life without a little adventure?” Jim asked while getting on his bike. We were both waiting on Toby now and his inevitable rejection of the lunch.
He quickly holds the lunch back out to Jim, “I can’t eat this. I’m on a diet.”
Jim pushes the lunch back to Toby, “You’ve been on a diet for the past 14 years, Tobes.” Shaking his head, he pulls back from Toby and the lunch.
“I know,” Toby responds, giving Jim a deadpan look.
I laughed shaking my head “Toby you’re fifteen. Also, we have this argument at least once a week, you know you aren’t going to win.”
“They’re long-term goals River. My body’s still changing.” Toby quickly replied as he finally got on his bike and we all took off down the street to head for Arcadia Oaks High. “I-I’m right behind!”
I groan glancing at my phone, “It’s already 8:00, we gotta move!” I picked up speed as we turned a corner.
“We’re going to get suspended, on account of meatloaf!” Toby yells exasperatedly behind Jim and me.
Jim glances back as he speeds up, “Take the canal River, it’ll save us 5 minutes Tobes!” I quickly follow Jim’s suggestion and turn towards a dirt path heading for the canals.
“N-n-n-not the” Toby was trying to protest as he followed us, “canal!” I laughed hitting a jump and landing quickly taking off again, listening to Jim and Toby bickering.
“Oh, live a little!” Jim responds to Toby as he hits the jump after me, picking up speed again.
Toby avoided the jump, trying to keep up with us. “It’s living that I’m worried about!”
“Come on Tobes. Don’t you ever want a little more excitement?” Jim asked looking back at Toby, no longer paying attention to the trail.
Toby chuckles dryly, glaring at Jim “No.”
“Look alive, boys!” I yell as I reach the edge of the trail, jumping into the canal, swerving to the side as I land, slowing down near a pile of rocks. I pause to look at the rocks before watching Jim jump into the canal, landing near me.
“Come on Tobes!” He yells as we wait for Toby to catch up.
“James… Lake” An ethereal voice calls out. Being closer to the pile of rocks I yelled dropping off my bike.
“What the hell is that?!” I look between the rocks and Jim. Having heard his name, Jim looks over to the rocks confused, before glancing at me. I glance over at Toby as he finally makes it to the canal and screams on his way down. Jim was slowly approaching the rocks when I looked back to him. “Jim?”
Toby laughs as he face-plants behind Jim, breaking our fixation on the pile of rocks to look at him. “How awesome are we?” he asked as Jim went back to approaching the rocks. “Awesome!” he replies to himself when we failed to respond, slowly getting up.
Jim and I approached the rocks cautiously, “Hey! Hey, Tobes. Did you hear that voice?” Jim asks him as he inspects the rocks closely.
“What voice?” Toby asked, looking to me. I point to the rocks, nudging one with my foot to test it.
“James Lake.” The voice called out again. I quickly pulled my foot back as Toby screamed, he and Jim falling back at the sound.
“That!” Jim yelled scrambling to the rocks again. “That pile of rocks knows my name!”
“It’s a pile of K-Spar, minerals don’t talk Jim!” Toby quickly followed Jim looking over the rocks.
“Yet we all heard a voice coming from the rocks Tobes,” I said quickly going to them, helping Jim shift through the rocks. “What’s that?” I asked pointing to a blue glow near Jim’s hand. Jim pulled a couple rocks away, and the glowing object turned out to be an amulet. Jim picked it up looking it over. “An amulet?” I asked as Toby started yelling around the canal.
“Who’s doing this? Come out now!” He looked around as Jim held the amulet to his ear.
“Hello, I’m listening.” He spoke waiting for a moment, I kneeled next to him with my ear on the other side of the amulet, waiting for a response with him. Toby, Jim, and I yelled as a bell sounded near the canal. “Final bell!” Jim yelled as we all scrambled to our bikes, rushing to school.
“We’re so late, our kids are gonna have detention!” Toby yelled after us.
“Come on Tobes!” Jim yelled he headed up the canals.
My bag got caught on the rocks as I tried to follow the boys. “I’ll be right there!” I was pulling at my bag when I heard another voice, causing me to go stiff.
“It chose a human?” The voice called out.
I looked around for the source of the voice before shaking my head seeing no one there, pulling my bag free I reached the boys quickly and we all barely made it to school.
[Time Skip to History Class]
During the day I zoned out quite a bit replaying what happened in the morning, especially the second voice. I wonder what it meant by choosing a human? What else would something choose? A dog? What was choosing a human anyway? The amulet we found? My mind was racing, though I appeared to be focused, I could hear Toby and Jim mumbling back and forth as Mr. Strickler was speaking. Sitting behind Claire I noticed her glancing back and Jim, distracting me enough from my thoughts to look up the Archimedean war Strickler was talking about. I jolted hearing Strickler call Jim’s name.
“Jim, would you agree?” Strickler asked, standing behind Jim, a knowing look on his face.
Jim jumped in his seat, quickly turning to face Strickler “Sir?”
Strickler refrained from chuckling at the action, but he was clearly amused having caught both Jim and you reeling back to reality “With Herodotus’ opinion on his tactics of war, as I’ve described.” He asked, playing with the pen he always carried.
Jim looked back to you, “Oh… uh…” You shrugged, looking back to the laptop in front of you. “Yes! Absolutely!” He finally replied looking back up to Strickler.
“Excellent. Which tactics, specifically?” Strickler asked, catching Jim off guard again.
“The, uh… winning ones?” Jim asked, the class laughing at his answer.
“River, how about you?” Strickler asked right before the bell rang. “All right, All right.” Strickler said to the class as they started to leave “Don’t forget, Michaelson, chapters 4 and 5.” He gestures to you and Jim, “Jim, River, may I have a word?”
Jim knocked his bag over when Strickler asked to speak with us, quickly kneeling to put his stuff away. Stickler sighed, kneeling to help. “You’ve both been distracted. Jim, you fell asleep between the invasion of Attica and the Peace of Nicias, and your attention wandered for the rest of the class. River, you seem to have developed a talent for sleeping with your eyes open during class.”
I slouched slightly against the desk I was leaning on, “I didn’t think anyone caught on.”
“Sorry. I didn’t get a lot of sleep last night.” Jim replied taking his last book from Strickler and putting it away before standing again.
“I know it’s just you two and your mother, and that you both want to help her.” Stickler stated standing with Jim, knowing that you address your aunt as your mom.
“She’s just really tired, Mr. Strickler,” I say, standing next to Jim.
“She’s been working double shifts at the clinic,” Jim explains as Strickler pulls out a notepad writing something.
“I believe I’m overdue for a conversation with her. Have her call me, please.” He begins to hand the note to Jim before deciding to hand it to me with an understanding smile. “And feel free to drop by my office if either of you ever needs to talk.”
“We will Mr. Strickler, thank you,” I respond as I take the note, looking at the number. Nodding, Jim thanks Strickler as we head out of the class quickly. I stuff the note into my bag, silently communicating with Jim that wouldn’t give the note to mom, not wanting to worry her.
“Oh, and Jim!” Strickler calls out quickly, “If you fancy miss Nunez, I submit that talking to will be much more effective than staring at.” He remarks quietly so only Jim and I can hear.
[Time Skip to Gym Class]
During gym Toby and I were on the ropes, I hung on at Toby’s level for a moment as he struggled before sighing and continuing on to the top of the rope to hit the bell. “Come on Tobes!” I yelled down watching him.
“You got this!” I saw Jim cheering Toby on off to the side of the mat right before Toby’s ankle got wound in the rope and he fell back hanging upside down.
“What is that on my rope?” Coach Lawrence came up to Toby’s rope yelling. Pulling out a clipboard and his red pen as Toby dangled.
I groaned realizing Toby was about to get another long lecture about not being good at gym class. Sliding down halfway before jumping off the rope and onto Toby’s mat, I looked up at Coach Lawrence. “Coach, he just got tangled, at least he’s trying,” I spoke up, helping Toby with the rope.
“Every student here should be able to climb this rope and ring that bell,” Coach yelled, now towards me, since I had stepped in. “I want all of you to be made of iron. Iron!”
I rolled my eyes while facing Toby. “In that case, no one would be able to climb the rope since the rope wouldn’t be able to hold the weight of a person made of iron if you account for the same proportions instead of weight.” I hated it when Coach talked down to the students, even if he meant well. “Can all the teacher’s climb the rope and hit the bell?” I ask before I could think it through. Toby stared, dumbfounded by my question as his leg came free.
“Do you want detention again Lake?” Coach asked.
I paused realizing what I had said, “Er… I just meant it in general curiosity Coach, like Strickler for example. I don’t think you could pay him to climb this rope.” I quickly help Toby up, scanning the room for Jim, huffing when I see him fumbling to talk to Clair before she and her friends walk away.
Coach started laughing at my response distracting me from Jim. “Well, I guess you’re right on that one Lake. Alright, everyone! Hit the showers!”
I quickly follow Clair and her friends to the locker room, heading straight for my locker. Mary spots me and smirks. “Hey River!” She yells for me before pulling Claire with her. “Your cousin tried talking to Claire in Spanish. You should have seen his face!”
I glance at Claire, watching her embarrassment on behalf of her friend. “Mary, leave Jim alone, he was being friendly,” she defended quickly.
I look to Mary, eyes narrowing slightly. “I wouldn’t try making fun of Jim in front of me Mary, at least he has the basic understandings of Spanish,” I remarked, referring to her horrendous Spanish quiz I had to grade toady in Senor Uhl’s class, as his teaching assistant.
Mary’s mouth dropped at the insinuation before smirking again. “Now I understand why you only hang around Jim and Domzalski. For a role model senior, you can be a bitch.”
Darcy stood next to Mary, “How is standing up for her cousin being a bitch Mar? Sorry about her River, we'll leave you alone now,” she stated trying to pull Mary away.
I looked between Darcy and Claire before shrugging, “I don’t care if she wants to call me a bitch, though it’s a lazy insult, even for you Mary.” Turning to Claire, I pause remembering the flier she handed Jim during class. “You asked about the play, right? I’ll try to get him to the auditions.” I smiled slightly before turning back to my locker, changing out of my gym clothes and grabbing my bag. “Can’t make any promises though!” I yelled as I left the locker room, heading out to wait for Jim and Toby by our bikes.
Claire smiled and waved before grabbing her things, heading out. “Thanks, River! Come on Mar, leave her be.” Darcy and Claire were finally able to get Mary to leave me alone as they left for home.
As Toby and Jim finally arrived at the bike rack, I smirked unlocking the bikes. “So, I told Claire I’d get you to that audition.” I walked off quickly with my bike.
Jim spluttering behind me. “Why would you do that?”
I shrugged, smirking back as we walked by Eli’s locker. “She seemed really interested in you. Talked about you in the lockers” I paused my teasing to glare at Steve and his group of friends, seeing Eli slammed in his locker. I moved to go after them but an arm stopped my tracks.
“You want Steve to kill us?” It was Toby’s arm along with his question. “If he’s busy with Eli, he won’t have time to mess with us.”
I went to remark, irritated that Toby was willing to let someone get bullied, Jim’s reply cutting mine off. “We can’t just let him do that!” He headed to Steve’s group quickly. I was right behind him as Toby groaned but followed after us.
Steve was ridiculing Eli for something he said he had seen earlier that day. “Tell me about the creatures, and maybe I’ll let you out.”
Jim stopped right behind Steve. “Or you could let him out now. I mean, you know, it would be nice.”
“Nice would be you minding your own business.” Steve turned on Jim quickly, his two lackeys trying to square him up.
I came up next to Jim, staring down the two boys on either side of Steve, daring them to try something. Eli called out saying hi to Jim, as Steve went back to making fun of Eli and hitting the locker, he asked questions about what Eli saw. I growled slightly, irritated as I spoke, “Seriously Steve? Just let him out.”
“Or you’ll do what?” Steve grabbed Jim, pulling his fist back, getting ready to hit him. I quickly grabbed Steve’s arm, tightening my grip as hard as I could.
Jim seeing this spoke quickly, “Okay, do it. Punch me!” I looked at him confused, still holding onto Steve’s arm. A distressed noise escaping Toby as he watched.
“You… you’re asking for a beating?” Steve was just as confused as I at Jim’s remark.
Jim glanced at me then back to Steve. “Yeah, just go crazy. But in 20 years, you’re gonna be fat and bald and you’ll be working in a muffler shop,” he stood up straight causing Steve to stumble back into the lockers, “and Eli will have a career in software and he’ll be a billionaire.” Eli from inside the locker agreed with Jim about him liking computers. Toby yelled at Steve to let Eli out.
“Let. Him. Out.” I said, my death grip still on the arm that was poised to punch Jim. The crowd that had gathered around us started to chant.
Coach Lawrence slammed open the gym doors hearing the commotion from inside, walked out seeing me holding Steve’s arm and Steve holding onto Jim’s jacket. “Palchuk, what’s going on out here?!”
Steve quickly dropped Jim, and I released his arm, still glaring at him. “Uh, nothing sir.”
“Why aren’t you at practice?” Coach barked back.
“I was helping Eli, here,” Steve replied quickly opening the locker he had stuffed Eli in. “He was stuck.” Eli waved before Steve slammed the door close again.
Coach Lawrence had his back turned, heading back into the gym already. “On the double, now!”
Steve glared at Jim, getting in his face “Friday at noon. You and me.” He began walking with his back to the gym, waving his finger in the air “Tick-tock. Tick.”
I rolled my eyes and opened the door to the locker Eli was stuck in, jumping back as he fell out. “You alright Eli?”
Eli stood up, waving it off “Thank you!”
[Time Skip to Bike Ride Home]
“Did you see that chant I started?” Toby asked for about the tenth time on our way home, repeating the chant “Let him out! Let him out!”
I laughed shaking my head. “We sure did Toby.” I looked up hearing a car honk near our house. Slowing to a stop next to the car, smiling.
“Good thing your mom’s a doctor.” Toby teased, referring to the fight Steve set up after the altercation at the lockers.
Mom stopped the car next to us, window already down. “Hey boys, River.” She greeted while adjusting her glasses.
“Hey, mom!” Jim and I greeted simultaneously.
“Looking sharp, Dr. Lake.” Toby greeted as he accidentally rode past the window, backing up slowly to see mom.
“Thank you, Toby. So are you.” She smiled seeing how tired he is.
“Oh! Does it show?” He asked, looking over himself, smiling.
“You going to be out all night?” Jim asked as Toby flexed his arms.
Mom sighed looking between us. “Dr. Gilberg is out with bursitis, and Dr. Lenz has a wedding out of town this weekend.”
“Okay, well don’t forget to bring your-” Jim started.
“Dinner.” She pulled out her packed lunch I had set in the fridge earlier. “Thank you. Both of you.”
“Right,” I said smiling, “Try to find an oven to reheat it in instead of nuking, it takes all the flavor and nutrients away.” I teased, knowing Jim’s constant lecture about reheating food.
Mom laughed looking between us. “There must be a million things you two would rather be doing than looking after me.”
“Can’t think of one,” Jim replied smiling.
“Nope, not a single thing.” I laughed.
“Love you both!” mom replied before rolling the window up and taking off for work, waving back to us.
“Bye, mom!” Jim and I yelled after her before heading for the houses with Toby.
“You two mother your mother a lot.” Toby teased us.
Jim and I laughed. “See you tomorrow Tobes!” Jim said heading into the garage with me right behind, waving to Toby.
“Hey, and by the way, don’t use mayo on the sandwich. It’s the wrong note.” Toby quickly called to Jim, regarding the lunches we had planned for tomorrow.
[Time Skip to Homework]
Finishing up our homework for the night, Jim sat back up on the couch taking the amulet out of his bag.
“I almost forgot about that. Did the other voice come from it too?” I asked about the voice I had heard remarking about something choosing a human in the canal.
“Other voice?” Jim looked puzzled. “All I heard was it say my name twice.” The amulet started to glow as Jim was looking it over. “Um… hi. How you doing? I’m Jim. But then you knew that because you spoke my name, which is… weird.”
“And you talking to it isn’t weird?” I asked while putting my homework away.
Getting frustrated, Jim pointed at the amulet. “Come on! Talk again, or you are going up on eBay.”
A loud crash from the basement startled Jim and I. We looked towards the door then to each other before we got up and cautiously approached the basement door. Jim opened the door and something scurried across the floor. “Raccoons!” Jim announced grabbing a broom and heading down the stairs. I followed quickly behind him, turning on the hanging light as Jim looked around, broom at the ready.
Jim yelled causing me to jump and turn to him quickly, seeing the mirror I huffed at him. “Really? Your reflection scared you?” I came to stand next to him but before he could respond the light behind us broke. The only light source came from the door upstairs and the small furnace in front of us. Jim sighed in relief as he looked back, not seeing anything, he bent down to inspect some rocks near the furnace.
Hearing something clacking behind us I turned and was greeted with a six-eyed creature, blue stone-like skin and dark hair, horns, four arms, and what appeared to be tusks or really large teeth. The creature looked as if he was about to pounce on Jim. I stepped between him and Jim quickly, trying and failing to get Jim’s attention as I blindly waved my arm towards him.
The creature then threw his four arms up, yelling his greeting “Master Jim! Lady River!”
Jim yelled falling back and quickly scooting until his head hit a pipe. I stepped out of the creature’s way. “You’re… the voice from earlier.” I spoke more to myself as the creature was still following Jim.
“Master Jim!” He exclaimed again, popping up in front of Jim, this is when I took notice of a second figure behind Jim. Jim yells, backing up into the second figure. “We have found you!” The first creature exclaims, still following a yelling Jim. “I am known as Blinky.” He finally says with a slight bow as Jim looks up at the second figure, another creature, at least twice the size of Blinky, he is broader with grey stone-like skin and green hair, similar to Blinky he has horns and tusk-like teeth. Jim yells and stands quickly, caught between the two.
The second creature waves to Jim. “Hi.” He greets in a low voice. Jim yet again is yelling while I’m standing off to the side watching the exchange, trying to gauge the appropriate reaction. “It’s Aaarrrgghh. Three Rs.” Aaarrrgghh tells Jim, mistaking his yell for him trying to say his name. Jim ducks between the two, covering his head. Blinky and Aaarrrgghh stand over him, confused by his reaction. “He says ahhhh a lot” Aaarrrgghh remarks, mimicking Jim’s yell.
“It’s more of a yelp, I believe. A greeting perhaps.” Blinky infers to Aaarrrgghh. I snort a laugh as Blinky and Aaarrrgghh mimic Jim’s yell again, trying to greet him. Jim tries to get up and run towards me at this point but Aaarrrgghh grabs him by the legs and lifts him upside down.
“Master Jim, you have been chosen,” Blinky states to a hanging Jim who is now covering his face.
Aaarrrgghh hums, lifting Jim up to look him over. “Blinky, he looks scared.”
I finally step in, seeing a shaking Jim, “Please put him down, the yell isn’t a greeting, it’s a fear response.” I try explaining calmly.
“Fear rest pawn?” Aaarrrgghh asks setting Jim down.
“Fear response,” Blinky repeats, “the first reaction a person has when they are surprised or startled. Now, where was I?” Aaarrrgghh repeats what Blinky was saying while keeping Jim from running away. “Ah yes!” Blinky exclaims, “Master Jim, you have been chosen! The Amulet of Daylight challenges you to ascend to the most sacred of offices.”
“Orifices? What orifices?” Aaarrrgghh asks, mishearing Blinky.
“Offices.” Blink repeats, one hand pointing up while explaining to Aaarrrgghh, “It means responsibility.” He quickly looks between Jim and me as he begins to explain again. “Unbeknownst to your kind, there is a secret world, a vast civilization of trolls lurking beneath your very feet, hidden from view.”
“Trolls?” I ask looking between Blinky and Aaarrrgghh.
“Trolls. Yes, Trolls. And it is now your charge to protect them. For you, Master Jim, are the Trollhunter.” Blinky states happily as Jim chokes hearing this.
Aaarrrgghh gestures down towards Jim, smiling “Trollhunter.”
“This honor is yours to accept. So, what say you?” Blinky asks, his four hands grasped in excitement.
Jim chokes again before going limp. I rushed to him quickly checking him over before sighing in relief. “He’s um… well, he passed out…” I look up to Blinky and Aaarrrgghh, unsure of what to do. “I’ll be taking him upstairs.” Aaarrrgghh picks Jim up and settles him on my back so I didn’t have to pick him up.
Blinky studies me for a moment, “I know you don’t have the overwhelmingly joyous discovery of becoming the Trollhunter like Master Jim, but if this is his reaction, how have you not ‘passed out’?”
“If Jim wasn’t here, I probably would have passed out on sight, but someone has to look out for him… Look he’s going to be out for the night, maybe you two should come back for your answer later?” I was hoping that being polite would get the trolls out of the house quicker, if Jim wakes up and sees they’re still here there’s no telling how freaked he would be.
“Excellent idea Lady River!” Blinky clapped my shoulder that Jim wasn’t resting on. “We will be back for Master Jim’s answer soon. Come Aaarrgghh, we must prepare for Master Jim’s training!” Blinky escorted Aaarrrgghh out of the house quickly.
I sighed taking Jim up to the couch, easing him onto it before grabbing a blanket. I went through the house locking all the doors and windows before checking on Jim and falling onto the second couch. “The things I put up with for you.” I drifted off on the couch, mind racing from the events of the day.
After I woke up to Jim yelling at his phone, most likely to Toby, I realized just how freaked out he was about Blinky and Aaarrrgghh last night. 
During school, Jim had been anxious and jumpy. Once we sat down at lunch I gave him my ‘you messed up’ look.
Jim sighed seeing the look, “What?”
“Maybe you should talk to someone who doesn’t have a drill in their mouth. Someone that said to stop by his office if we ever needed to talk?” I suggested before taking a bite of my sandwich. “Toby was right about not using mayo.”
“What am I supposed to say? ‘Hey, Mr. Strickler? Guess who came over last night offering me a job? Trolls!’ Do you want me committed?” Jim asked. I only shrugged in response. He groaned getting up, “Fine, I’ll think of a way to tell him that won’t get me committed. See you there soon if it doesn’t work.” He waved back to me as he headed for Strickler’s office. I shook my head and continued with lunch; the day seemed to drag on after the events of last night.
Once we made it home, I sat outside in the backyard with Jim as he looked over the amulet. “So, thinking about their offer?” I asked. Jim shrugged, reading the etched writing that glowed on the Amulet.
Jim slowly read the words out loud “For the glory of Merlin, Daylight is mine to command.” After he spoke the wind picked up around us. Looking around I noticed that gravity seemed to break as heavy rocks began to float, our bags sitting next to me began to float, and Jim hovered in the air holding the Amulet. I  watch as glowing orbs exit the Amulet, flying around the yard before adsorbing into Jim’s body. A bright flash blinds me for a moment and I heard Jim land with a heavy thud. As the light fades I burst into laughter seeing Jim in a suit of armor that is way too big for him. After a moment the armor began to shift until it fit Jim perfectly. A second flash of light and a sword appears in his right hand. He swings the sword testing it out a before it gets stuck in a rock. This caused me to burst out laughing again. As he frees the sword from the rock he tilts back slightly too far and the sword tips back out of his hand and gets stuck in a second rock. Now I was laying back in the grass, laughing so hard that I began to tear up.
Once Jim finally frees the sword and holds it up, I calmed down enough to ask him “So, is that a yes?”
Thank you for reading! I know this was long, I had been planning on separating the fics by episode. If you have any suggestions I would love to hear them! I will be adding Infor about the OC River Lake later.
Episode 2
River BIO
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Get to Know The Author
Tagged by my bbbbyyyyyyyyy BBYYYYY @redemptionbaby (go check out her blog, it’s amazing!!!!!!)
1. What do you like to read in your free time?
Lately I’ve been sticking mostly to fanfic, to be honest - but I’m an avid reader, so I’ll read anything, really. I’m currently under a promise I’ve made to myself, not to read any book written after the 20th century and only the ones whose the author is dead.. It’s a bit macabre, but it’s been very fun to read the classics! I’m currently making my way through Jane Eyre.
2. Did you ever enjoy writing in school?
That depends, to be honest. I liked language classes, I always got a lot of praise for my writing. When I was 14, an essay I wrote in class for the misuse of internet by children/adolescents got taken to the principal and I received a small tribute for it at the school auditorium. I guess I peaked already and I’m never gonna achieve that again *sighs dreamily*
3. First fictional crush?
Mhmmm... I think it was probably... uh. Okumura Rin, from Ao No Exorcist? The otaku phase was gruesome. After I left that phase and entered the video game era, that was Ezio Auditore from Assassin’s Creed. Damn, he’s,,,,, hot.
4. What kind of characters compel you?
Usually... characters that stand up for themselves, that aren’t afraid to be judged by what they are. Do they seem weak? Tired? Misplaced, broken, overly emotional? Yeah. But do they care? No. Is that going to stop them from saving the day? No. Are they quitters? Also no. I’m huge into Marvel, so the best example I can find of it rn is: Captain Marvel, Spider-Man, Iron Man, Sherlock Holmes (BBC), Tommy Shelby (Peaky Blinders) and Captain America. They do... inspire me. I like humanity in characters!
5. What kind of narratives compel you?
Usually narratives with a strong psychological development are my thing! I really like writing about it too, since I have anxiety. I wrote a piece about it with some of my OC’s a while back and the outcome was better than I expected, so I kinda developed an appreciation for that sort of narrative.
6. Are your academic writing and creative writing at the same level of quality, or is one better than the other?
I believe they are quite equal. When we had group projects, I was always set as the writer of the essay, because my grammar is quite good and I can express myself pretty well. But I do enjoy writing creatively more, obviously!
7. Do you like to read references and put them in your writing?
I like practicing it while writing what I currently have at hand, if it matches my obligations/plans. I don’t rely too heavily on references, except when it’s for things that I don’t know well/am not familiar with.
8. What kind of environment do you like to write in?
I prefer the quietness of my bedroom. Lately, I’ve taken a liking to write in the hammock in my bedroom - because it’s beside the veranda and since I live in an apartment, I’ve got quite the view for when my eyes get tired of writing!
9. Random fact about your bedroom!
You’re more likely to find my bookshelf more organized than my bed will ever be. I organize my books by author/height decreasing order. Also, I tend to leave clothing on the floor. A lot. It’s not a good habit, so you guys shouldn’t do it. There is cat hair everywhere and I cover my PS4 with a face towel to avoid my cats’ hair to clog its exhauster.
10. Do you like to read as much as you like to write?
Sometimes I prefer to write, others I prefer to read. That is because sometimes I just don’t feel up for the writing/reading, I suppose. It’s hard to explain, but lately I’ve been really into the reading bit. But mostly fanfic. I went down on the Sherlock fandom again, those were the days.
11. What’s your most recent fixation?
Mhmmmm... RDR2 has really got me like woah, I’m somewhat new to the fandom, but lately my Marvel hyperfixation has hit me square in the chest and I’m binging all the movies all over again because I lack self control and am completely and utterly in love with Tony Stark since I have lots of daddy issues. Nice huh.
Now I have to come up with 11 questions and tag 11 and I have no idea who to tag besides @anniesburg @marshmallow--3 and @arthurmorgan-s-heart (because I really like their writing and I’m too shy to contact.)
What’s your favorite book or author? Why?
If you were to be an animal, which do you think that fits your personality?
Tell us about your biggest character crush, recent or not.
Do you struggle with anything about writing? If yes, what is it?
What’s your favorite pairing from your favorite fandoms? 
Top 5 songs that you can relate to the lyrics
When you’re writing, do you usually listen to music? If yes, what genre?
Do you prefer the quiet town aesthetic or bustling city?
At what age did you start writing fanfic and to which fandom?
Are you friends with any popular author of your fandom? If yes, how did you befriend them?
Biggest nono when reading fanfic? Could be a tag, writing style, thematic.
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king-ishima · 6 years
Ayato’s RP Plotting Cheat-Sheet
Want new-and-exciting plots for your character? Long to reach out to more of your followers, but don’t know where to start? Fear not! Fill out this form and give your RP partners both present and future all the of juicy jumping off points they need to help you get your characters acquainted.
Be sure to tag the players whose characters YOU want more cues to interact with, and repost, don’t reblog! Feel free to add or remove sections as you see fit. Template here.
Mun name: Steph (I don’t have a cool nickname XD) OOC Contact: IM’s / Asks etc. I have a Discord and want to use it more so I’ll hand it out if anyone wants it :)
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Who the heck is my muse anyway:
Ayato Kirishima is a Ghoul in the series Tokyo Ghoul and Tokyo Ghoul :re - a creature exact to humans but can only survive on eating human meat [think of it like a make-shift vampire]. He is the younger brother of Touka Kirishima. After the death of his father, the siblings lived on the streets for a little while - making them rough around the edges. After they were taken in by Anteiku [a cafe run by Ghouls] Ayato decided to leave - feeling that being made to live aside humans would weaken him in a world where strength is everything. After defeating many Ghouls in Ward 13 he was invited to join Aogiri Tree - a Ghoul terrorist organization. He quickly climbed the ranks in that group and became Executive. He spent several years there as a teenager, but as an adult he showed signs of wanting to leave. His wish was granted as Aogiri Tree collapsed and he fell into joining another group alongside his sister and fellow ex-Aogiri Tree Executives - Goat. He was a quick-to-anger teenager with a negative view on the world, but grew into a more understanding young man. Even so, he is still prone to violence when the situation calls for it.
Points of interest:
Ayato is a very strong Ghoul. At a very young age (14) he was already considered to be S rank by the CCG. The third most dangerous type of Ghoul. He has then gotten stronger in :re and is now classed as SS rank. He was able to withstand and escape from a fight with Juuzou Suzuya and has taken down many CCG Doves under his sister’s persona of the rabbit to get the target off her back - dubbing him The Black Rabbit. During his time in Aogiri Tree, he often trained others to become stronger.
He is often shown to be verbally abusive towards his fellow Executives - Naki and Miza and subordinates like Hinami. But several omakes have shown they have fairly close relationships - like a family. Since they are like a family, they don’t always get along. But Ayato is quick to defend any of them if they are in danger.
Ayato hides behind this ‘edge-y’ personality to disguise what he really feels. He doesn’t want to seem weak in any regard, and he deems emotions as a weakness. He finds it incredibly difficult to communicate his true feelings for anybody, so often just resorts to cruel comments and swearing. Though some people have seen through it and understand him on a better level [e.g Kaneki]. 
According to his fact pages he likes tropical fish and rabbits - and is fixated on heights! In another omake, it is shown that Ayato as a teenager was insecure about his height - but his issues washed away when he did become rather tall as an adult.
Ayato from his teenager years and his adult years seem like two different people. If you wish to RP with an angsty, quick-to-fight and aggressive teenager: you can - and if you want a more calm but still very dangerous adult: you can!
What they’ve been up to recently:
Ayato Kirishima is currently facing death. Again. To make sure his new brother-in-law, Kaneki, gets to the source of this poison infecting the city - he is fending off mutations. All the while it is painfully obvious he too is infected by the poison.
Where to find them:
He never really gets a rest! Even though he’s with Goat now (run by the One Eyed King - Kaneki) he never gets to relax really. He is always being sent on errands - so you rarely see him in the underground headquarters where Goat lies. He spent most of his time with Goat exploring an underground city - where he found three child survivors.
Current RP plans:
I love an AU - so I really want to flesh out more of them. I’ve dabbled in some but never been able to really delve into the ideas. I have ideas such as: - Ayato being the same, but he never left Anteiku and so never joined Aogiri Tree. He was there through all of the events of TG and TG:re - He attended school when he had the opportunity to (gotta love a simplified School AU XD) - Being caught by the CCG and used for experimentation for Quinques - as his Ukaku is rather flexible as many other things...and mysteriously integrates wonderfully with the Arata armor...
Desired interactions:
I’d love to see Ayato breaking down his walls more as an adult. It will be trying for the other muse, but he’s a reliable companion once that is done. I’d love to see someone stick by him rather than let him down.
Some relationships too... [All my ships are used in the same way as AUs. So they’re in different worlds to each other]. He seems so hardy and unloveable, but there’s a heart underneath all that steel.
I really want to flesh out the prisoner-plot. Especially with any human/CCG muses. Gives me a chance to show Ayato as a broken man rather than his hard-ass self. I love explorations like that.
Some fashback-like threads would be nice too. Able to explore Ayato’s short time in Anteiku, or even further back when he was on the streets.
A lot more Touka interactions. We get barely any in the manga so I’d really enjoy fleshing out their current relationship as brother and sister after all that’s happened.
Offered interactions:
Fight Me! - basically a young Ayato wanting a scrap. That’s how he makes all his friends... ¬¬
Comfort? - He may not seem like the best person to talk to about issues, but that never stopped Hinami or the other Executives... And he helped them as much as he could.
Can’t Catch Me - mostly for CCG muses, or similar, when they go up against The Black Rabbit
Sailing Ships - If our muses have already shown chemistry - I can offer a soft-rabbit for that muse :3
Current open post/s:
It’s been buried in all my posts... But anything with the tag ‘open rp starter’ or anything similar to that will be available for everyone to reply to. Including OC’s or other fandoms.
Anything else?:
Just want to note that despite appearing to be a nasty piece of work, I firmly believe there is a lot more to Ayato than what is shown. Just from little interactions or the things he does. So please don’t condemn me for ‘OC-ing a canon character’ because I’m still going off of the manga, just using it in a way to explain his actions in a different, more in depths way. Tagging: Whoever fancies spending a good hour or so on this :P Stolen From: @scrcrow tnx bae :P
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chasingsuperheroes · 7 years
Bread Rolls (s.m.)
A/N:okay so I’ve never published anything i’ve written before. My blog is honestly a combo of so many things, i wrote this last week while i was in the middle of a Shawn Mendes Binge. I’d love to write about more than just one person… Feedback is appreciated. Let me know what you think :) Also, I felt weird writing without a character name but i did my best to keep character descriptions as generic as possible so you can replace Piper’s name with Your own. Okay that’s all
Pairing: College!Shawn x College!oc 
Warnings: none that i can think of
Word Count: 1,487
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She pushed her hair out of her face and let out a large sigh. She’d been sitting in the same place, a large chair in the middle of the common area. She was supposed to be studying for a history exam she had the next morning, but her brain was literal mush. Her eyes felt heavy and her fingers felt like they were going to fall right off if she typed anymore. Her legs went numb 3 hours ago, from being folded under the weight of her body and laptop. She reached out for her coffee, only to realize it was empty.
“You’ve got to be kidding me.” She ran her hand down the side of her head and stopped it on her neck, raising her chin to look up into the dome of windows that would normally let in daylight, but now was littered with stars. “Holy hell.” She mumbled. She checked the time, 11:32. The last time she checked it was 6:00 pm. She began putting her things away, deciding it was time to go ad sleep. That was when a tap on her shoulder startled her, she turned to see a tall- like giant, huge, could probably reach the top shelf in her apartment without the step stool or standing on the counter, that tall- boy with curls falling in his face, eyes looking just as heavy as hers, and a smile that could bring the sun out in the middle of the worst storm.
“Hi.” She managed to mumble.
“Hey, you’re in my history class, I think. 9 am, Prof. Reynolds?” He smiled again and ran his hand through his curls.
“Um… yea, I’m actually studying for the test tomorrow.” She looked at him again, wondering how in the world she missed him. She did get to class somewhat early and she sat in the front row. She was always typing on her laptop, she never really paid attention to the rest of the people around her.
“Oh, I’m Shawn.” He said extending his large and calloused hand to her. She took it and smiled. Suddenly aware of her appearance, puffy eyes, hair falling out of her bun, a large sweatshirt and a pair of athletic leggings.
“I’m Piper.” She let a nervous laugh fall form her lips.
“So how goes the studying?” He started to sit down across from her. He didn’t realize she had began packing up.
“Well it just about finished.” She drifted of eyeing her books and laptop in a pile on the table in front of her and her bag in her lap.
“Oh.” He made an awkward smile and looked at her stuff again. “What dorm are you in?” he continued as if the previous realization hadn’t meant anything.
“I’m across the quad in Dillard.” She motioned out the west door.
“No kidding, me too. I’m on the eighth floor.” He mentioned as Piper began to stand up. When she said nothing he followed it with “Let me walk you to your dorm, it’s pretty late.” She looked up at him again and she nodded her head. As they began to walk out into the snow covered ground of the main quad she listened to him talk about how Prof. Reynolds always seems to be talking to the wall at the back of their lecture hall instead of the actual students.
“I’m on the sixth.” Piper piped up. She pointed to a window that looked down on the quad; it was covered with sticky notes spelling out. ‘PIPE, BRING BREAD ROLLS’. Shawn furrowed his eyebrow at the message in the window.
“Bread Rolls?” Shawn let out a confused laugh.
“Have you not had the Bread Rolls from the dinning hall?” Piper stopped in her tracks and looked at Shawn dumbfounded.
“No, I didn’t even know they had Bread Rolls.” He scratched the back of his head. Piper’s smile grew and grabbed his hand, pulling him down the slope that lead straight to the dinning hall. “Are they even open this late?” Shawn looked down at Piper but received no answer; she was fixated on getting him to eat a Bread Roll.
“So my roommate, Hannah, she’s great but she has this affinity for carbs. She’s here on a dance scholarship and the girl eats like a 15-year-old boy. She’s one of those people who eats two times her size and never gains weight cause she’s always in the studio or the gym to keep up with her conditioning.” Piper rambled on about Hannah for another 2 minutes that she barely felt Shawn intertwine their fingers and squeeze her hand.
She pulled Shawn up to the sliding doors of the Dinning Hall and waited a second before they opened and Piper pulled Shawn toward the beginning of the line. “Yes, they are open this late during midterms.” She looks back at him and continues pulling him through the sea of empty tables and to the glass where the bread and sweets sit.
“Hi, can I get 2 dozen Bread Rolls?” Piper pointed to a small basket in the back corner of the glass. Still, holding Shawn’s hand she pulled him up to the keypad so she could enter her student id number. The woman behind the counter handed it to her and then Piper was again, pulling Shawn up to Dillard Hall.
“Do you have to be back in your dorm anytime soon?” She asked Shawn motioning to the elevator keypad; she had already clicked the sixth floor button.
“Uh, no I can spare a few minutes.” He laughed rubbing his free hand over his face. Piper studied his face as the elevator doors closed and began making it’s ascend toward her floor. She noticed the lack of bags under his eyes, the missing lines that showed stress or lack of sleep. He looked like a damn model… what college freshman looks that good.
At this point, Piper removed her hand from Shawn’s and pulled out her keys from the small pocket of her bag. She motioned that he follow her down the hall, past the common room and up to a door that had a super hero theme, his floor had done Pixar movies, his own was Monsters University. Piper’s door had a flash symbol with her name printed across in white block letters, and a super man emblem with Hannah’s name in red letters. Piper pushed her door open and revealed a room that looks much like Shawn’s just slightly cleaner. Piper dropped her stuff on a desk right in next to a door and she went to the bed on the opposite side of the room and pulled the pillow out from under the girls who was sleeping and wacked her over the head with it.
“What the hell?!” The girl- who Shawn assumed was Hannah- jumped up and almost smacked Piper in the head. Piper held up the bag of Bread Rolls and the girl’s arm stopped mid air, and she settled down on the bed. “You do love me!” She yelled and shot up off the bed and tackled Piper to the floor.
“Okay! Hannah, this is Shawn, he’s in my History class. Shawn, this is Hannah.” She motioned between the two of them. “Hannah, Shawn has never had Bread Rolls from the dinning hall.” Hannah’s mouth fell open and she cradled the bag of rolls in her arms like a baby.
“Well, Shawn from History, your mind is about to be blown.” Hannah opened the bag and offered it to him. He stuck his hand in and pulled out a bread roll. Piper and Hannah watched him with wide eyes. And he shoved the piece of bread into his mouth.
The truth? They weren’t amazing, but they were awful. They were pieces of bread served in a college cafeteria. But Shawn wasn’t about to cut his night short because of mediocre bread. So he smiled wide and gave a large thumbs up as he took another bite.
3 hours later and 24 bread rolls gone, Piper and Shawn were sitting on her bed with history books surrounding them but no studying was actually happening. They were sitting in silence just staring at the books splayed out in front of them. Piper had begun to doze off and Shawn could see it. He began clearing off all of her books and he moved out from underneath her replacing himself with a pillow. As he began to walk out of her dorm quietly, he heard a mumble come from Piper’s direction.
“I’ll see you tomorrow? We can walk to class together.” She whispered. Shawn smiled to himself and nodded.
“I’ll see you in front of your elevator at 8, okay?” Shawn whispered.
“Alright.” Piper mumbled and closed her eyes. Of course She would see Shawn tomorrow, he had a plan, which was to have as much of Piper in his life as possible.
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