#i have a 13“ love a lot bear and a 7”(?) friend bear
emowitch420 · 8 months
I ordered myself a 27" jumbo wish bear for my birthday and I am so excited to get her!!!!
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starfallsystemblog2 · 1 month
(´• ω •`)ノ 。.:☆*:・’ ☆*:.。. ⊂(・ω・*⊂)
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1. Are you more Scene or Emo?
2. Were you ever into Never Shout Never?
3. Fringes or Raccoontails?
4. Bright and colorful hair, or dark black hair?
5. Gloomy bear or Hello Kitty?
6. How often do you shop at a HotTopic?
7. How many band posters do you have up?
8. Have you watched Invader Zim? If so, who’s your favorite character?
9. Opinion on Gerard Way?
10. Waffles or Tacos?
11. Have you played Gaia?
12. Dear Maria or Check Yes Juliet?
13. Do you drink Monster?
14. Have you had a scene phase before?
15. Do you make Kandi?
16. Do you wear a lot of Kandi?
17. Do you have a Blingee account? And/or make Blingees?
18. Are you a furry? If so, what’s your fursona like?
19. Do you listen to BVB, AA, or BMTH?
20. Do you have Funko Pops?
21. Do you watch Anime?
22. Do you play Animal Jam?
23. Are you okay?
24. Are you Lol Xd Randum??
25. Opinion on Nyan Cat?
26. Big hair or big accessories?
27. Have you ever had MySpace? Do you still?
28. Want any emo/scene tattoos?
29. Have any emo/scene tattoos?
30. Do you like Furbies?
31. xD, Xd or XD?
32. Do you like Care Bears?
33. Is Avril Lavigne a clone?
34. Do you want fangs?
35. Does emo/scenecore make you happy?
36. Have you dyed your hair? If so, what colors and how long ago?
37. Do you want/have any piercings?
38. Do you wish you were in a band?
39. What Warrior Cats clan are you in?
40. Is Gir annoying?
41. Have you ever played Imvu?
42. Are you a Killjoy or a Youngblood?
43. Do you have any emo/scene friends IRL?
44. Who’s your favorite scene/emo blog?
45. Do you wear Converse?
46. Does “Rawr” mean “I love you” in Dinosaur?
47. Favorite Pokemon?
48. Do you like Decora fashion?
49. Do you like Sparkle Dogs?
50. Show us the most emo/scene picture of you!
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Reblog and have fun! But make sure not to reblog without asking someone a question!!!!!!
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spideymichelle · 1 year
me explaining through my tears that zoya's and the darkling's dynamic goes way deeper (in the books) and it says a lot about zoya's relationship with authority and power but also safety as a whole because of the (almost) parental nature of their relationship like the darkling is already playing favorites with her by the time she is 13
they are close enough for him to pick her over a lot of the older grisha's at the little palace for the possibility of getting an amplifier something we know is so special and not something just anyone could have yet he gave zoya that opportunity and when she felt like she failed him for protecting and releasing the cubs it broke her in a million pieces because she doesn't want to disappoint him
the darkling represented grisha's as a whole. he was their leader, their protector in a world that hates them and wants them eradicated, for a power they were born with. it is the way the little palace was meant to be a sanctuary for grisha's to feel safe, a place where zoya felt safe, yet it was the darkling was the first to completely destroy it and kill any grisha that wasn't on his side he was their biggest protector and he killed them in cold blood like that absolute betrayal
it wasn't just about her losing her aunt, he took away her home, the home she made with her aunt and lada and the one she made at the little palace the friends she made he took everything from her because she believed him when he said they would change the world together like she put so much trust in him, she gave him her power and he broke it so easily that wound just festered on because the darkling betrayed her just like her mother did in the past
and it just parallels the darkling with her mother so well because as a young child just wanted to make her mother happy which meant getting the highest grades, eating only half her meals so her mother could eat the rest, and stealing fruit from the duke's garden so her mother could eat them something she could get severely punished for by the duke zoya a young commoner girl who is from suli descent like she could have died but her mother never stopped her from taking them again and again and didn't her mother truly never saw her other than a pretty face that she could capitalize out of
zoya didn't make a sound on her wedding, didn't cry a single tear on her wedding, and never spoke out because she couldn't bear making her mother angry until the only person who ever spoke up for her was her aunt who almost beat to death for speaking up for her and even then could only be spent little over 2 months with her (mostly on the streets) before being separated for the next 7 years when she first goes back when she is 16. (they did write to each other)
the only adult that "cares" for her was the darkling he had continuous access to her, to groom her, to make her his perfect little girl. she is so desperate to impress him, to be around him, to be noticed, and worst of all he does. he gives her privileges, the important missions and she gets to ride his coach with him like he makes it known and clear that she is special, unlike her mother he gives her the attention she wants. but it doesn't really mean anything to him
he has no issue switching her out with alina sending her faraway as a punishment just like her mother had no issue selling her to a man old enough to have grandchildren of her age
zoya being stuck in a vicious cycle of being abused by people who should be protecting her
and it just speaks volumes that is zoya is the one who advocates for the darkling's victims because if she doesn't speak for alina, genya, liliyana and baghra who will
it speaks to her relationship with nina, her worries, her concerns about her, i wonder if all she sees is a beautiful and powerful girl with a deep love for her country with no support, no family i wonder if she sees herself so desperately trying to prove herself to the world
basically zoya co-wrote would've, could've, should've
*will be edited after i had a good night of rest and crack open the books again
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picnokinesis · 9 months
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plottier / character focused thirteenth doctor fic recs
Ipseity by WalkerLister (43k, 10 chapters, gen) summary: Eight months since the Doctor sacrificed herself on Gallifrey, and Yasmin Khan is still struggling to move on. However, when she comes across a familiar face who is not acting like herself, Yaz may finally get the answers she has been looking for surrounding the Doctor. However, those answers will be revealed in a way a bit more dangerous than she had been anticipating. //Okay, so no one is surprised that I like the amnesiac!divisioned!13 fic, but in my defence, it's absolutely fabulous. This one was written waaaaay back in mid-2020, so we all knew that 13 was in prison and everyone was pretty sure that Jack was coming back due to some bts detective work, but that was about it - so, for obvious reasons, it doesn't align with ROTD, but it's such a fun one, guys, I love it a lot. Also, y'know, thirteen in a leather jacket and snarling at people? What more could you want?
don't have to make it to the moon by Ymae (28k, 7 chapters, gen/thoschei) summary: After New Year's, Ryan decides to stay traveling in the TARDIS for another little while. Only, the Doctor's rarely alright, and between experiencing the wonders of the universe, Ryan wants to figure out what's happening to his friend, too. //I love Ryan so much. He's such a wonderful character and I always love it when fics focus on him, or have him as the pov character. Unfortunately, fics like that are a bit few and far between, but this is one of them, and it's absolutely fantastic. It really delves into his character, but also his dynamic with the Doctor (especially after he talks to her in ROTD and she admits that she's scared and angry), and it's just auuuuuuugh so good!! And, it's also go some great whump and psychic content, with the Master showing up to cause trouble, alongside some gorgeous world-building, so I enjoy it very very much.
Ghost War by riptheh (25k, 1 chapter, gen) summary: All the Doctor wants to do is pass the time, and help a friendly face. So when a young man with a strange tattoo and a psychic wound shows up, she dives right into the mystery - and finds herself flung far into the future, mindwiped and alone, fighting a war that by all rights, shouldn't exist at all. A war she could help end, if only she could figure out who she is. //Oof, this one. It's absolutely stunning. This author really has a way of taking some absolutely fascinating and mind-bending concepts and just running with it, and just nails it each time. I feel like the less I say about the plot of this one, the better, because it sort of unfolds as you go, but please just trust me when I say that it's absolutely fantastic.
Lifelines by Sue_Denham (40k, 11 chapters, gen, wip) summary: Lifeline: a thing on which someone or something depends, or which provides a means of escape from a difficult situation. Set just after the events of Spyfall, the Doctor has a few things to work through. //Okay this fic is one of my favourites that's been posting over the last year or so - it's a brilliant exploration of Graham and Thirteen, and how different races deal with loss, guilt and death. I honestly think the best kind of sci fi takes concepts that we sort of take for granted, and then shows them in a completely new light. That's what this fic does. Also, Graham is just wonderful for the entire thing - though, as a note, Yaz and Ryan do end up somewhat side-lined, so bear that in mind if you're particularly looking for fics about those two, but I forgive it because it's such a great look at Graham and the Doctor. It feels like a character focused tie-in novel, y'know? Also it's pretty angsty in places, naturally, but that's what I'm here for haha.
Disordered by Echo (44k, 7 chapters, jack/13) summary: Messing with memories is always a risky business. Messing with your own memories, now that's just asking for trouble. The Doctor is very good at asking for trouble. And Jack is very good at finding it. //Ohhhhh okay so. This has been one of my absolute favourite Doctor Who fics for a long while. Definitely the shippiest of this list, but it's so lovely and such an excellent look at the Doctor facing the consequences of trying to get back her Division memories in the aftermath of s12, as well as the relationship between the Doctor and Jack across multiple regenerations. It's just so so good, flowing smoothly from very angsty to very soft, and the Doctor and Jack's voices are just spot on (especially considering that we see different versions of the Doctor, this is a particularly impressive note). Highly recommend!
The Trial of the Doctor by wreckageofstars (20k, 5 chapters, gen/thasmin, wip) summary: Haven is a planet at the edge of time, on the brink of destruction. Ravaged by the Time Lords and a war that time forgot, its people are desperate for justice before it’s too late, and the Doctor might be the only being left in the universe who can provide it — because she was the one who started it. So why can't she remember doing it? //Okay okay so, this one has only recently started posting but I've known about it since about 2020 and ohhhhhhhhhhh my goodness, GUYS. If you're not following this one, you need to be. It's a mix between Doctor Who at it's finest, Kafka at it's most unsettling, and Douglas Adams at it's most absurd, and it's delightful. There's so much in this one, and as always this author is just spot on with all the characterisation - especially Thirteen, who suddenly finds herself being prosecuted for a crime that she can't remember, and is forced into a situation where she's physically incapable of telling a lie. It. Is. Marvellous. Also there's a cockroach lawyer, whom I adore HAHA
lighthouse keeper by BlueLillyBlue (57k, 12 chapters, gen) summary: The Doctor is missing, and the fam is concerned. Featuring Yaz being a badass, Ryan being a cutie, Graham being a granddad, Jack being Jack, and the Doctor's complicated moral code. Also: space prisons, galactic war, the Doctor's time war trauma, the Doctor caring about people in her own weird and repressive way, and, most importantly, Thirteen wearing Jack's coat. //Oh, this one is such a favourite of mine. It's very angsty, so if that's not your schtick then - well, then you're kinda scuppered for all of my recs, to be honest, but this one is a bit on the dark side. Oh, but it's fantastic. Again, this one feels like a tie-in novel, and this author (as I think I've said before) is just incredible at crafting these very vivid worlds and really hard-hitting stories. The situation is pretty dire and desperate, and the Doctor is often faced with the fact that not every plan works out, and sometimes the only choices are bad ones. It's just really excellent guys (also! Thirteen in Jack's coat!!)
angel ellipsis by SleepyMaddy (36k, 8 chapters, gen/thoschei) summary: When the Doctor and Yaz find a planet in ruins, they’re only half surprised to discover the Master is responsible. But when his plan backfires, suddenly they have no choice but to work with him to stop his former allies from tearing the universe apart. It goes about as well as one might expect. //OKAY SO. This one is SO much fun and SO great - in particular, if you like the Master being a tricky bastard, but also getting screwed over by his own plans? You'll love this one. Everything about it is so vibrant and brilliant, and aaaaaahh man it all comes together in such a satisfying way. As with many of the authors on this list, this author just really gets these characters and how they tick, with some absolutely beautiful prose, and it's just such a joy to read.
nothing in the dark that isn't there in the light by river_of_words (6k, 1 chapter, thasmin) summary: Two weeks since Yaz got the most confusing rejection she ever hopes to get and the Doctor seems to have decided to blame Yaz for every single one of her furiously conflicting emotions. At this point she’s sort of asking to get hit. And at this point Yaz is sort of curious to find out what the Doctor is going to say that’s going to make her meet that request. //These next two fics are a lot shorter compared to the others, but I really wanted to include both of them because they're great and SO interesting to me. With this one, it digs into the Doctor and Yaz's relationship in the aftermath of LOTSD, and the ways that the Doctor does not actually talk about anything but does also tell Yaz more than anyone else. It's about the frustration that builds between them and the way that they're still finding more comfort in each other than anyone else. It's also a little feral, which as a thoschei shipper, definitely had a lot to do with why I liked this one haha. Anyway, it's really fantastic - really quick paced and emotional, and packing a LOT of punches with mostly dialogue in a very effective way. Go read it!
we'll do it right by daring_elm (3k, 1 chapter, gen) summary: She's never really noticed Yaz's perfume before. Shoulders relaxing, nausea subsiding, the Doctor inhales again, filling her lungs with jasmine and sandalwood, steel and glowing crystals and her box out of time. She can be back with Yaz within minutes of her leaving. She can save the child, change the foundation of Gallifrey and still return to have a picnic on Soria T4.  //Okay so I loooove love love this one because I just adore it any time someone explores the Doctor's reaction to the Timeless Child stuff after the fact, and this one is just so wonderful. The characterisation is just fantastic, and then just the progressive spiral of the plot as we follow the Doctor on a mission that is doomed to fail by the nature of her own timeline. It's about how by trying to change the past, all you do is mess up your present and your future, and I love that a lot. Augh, it's a gut punch and a half - highly recommended!
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ladykailitha · 11 months
Royal Pain Part 23
Hey, guys! This story is back, baby! And is the start of the four chapters that are all one run on chapter basically. You'll see why at the end of this chapter I held off until I got the resolution written.
I still have some room on the tag list but not much, only six slots. So once it fills up, that's it, I will take no more requests for the list once it hits fifty.
Pt 1 Pt 2 Pt 3 Pt 4 Pt 5 Pt 6 Pt 7 Pt 8 Pt 9 Pt 10 Pt 11 Pt 12 Pt 13 Pt 14 Pt 15 Pt 16 Pt 17 Pt 18 Pt 19 Pt 20 Pt 21 Meta Pt 22
There wasn’t time for Eddie to see Steve and Wayne before the show, well for any of them to see their loved ones before the show, really.
Eddie’s knee was bouncing as hard as it was when he played in front of Steve for the first time.
They had all met Metallica at the sound check and had hit off, much to everyone’s surprise. But they had their own pre-show rituals and Corroded Coffin had theirs.
“Fuck,” Jeff said, coming back from the bathroom. “I think I’ve thrown up more times tonight than I did that time we all thought it would fun to main line tequila shots for two hours straight.”
Everyone winced in sympathy. That was a bad time for everyone all around.
“Who would have thought that after years of hard work,” Brian said, “that we would be opening for Metallica? Holy shit, this is our lives!”
Jeff smiled, looking a little less green around the gills. “Mandy said that if I waited for us to be ready, we would never take that chance,” he said, rubbing his hands on his pants. “And she’s right. We’ll never get a chance like this ever again.”
Gareth chewed on his thumb, gnawing at it worryingly. Eddie got up and put his arm around their youngest member. “Hey, this isn’t us selling out. This isn’t us giving up our dedicated following. This is us testing the waters to see if this is something we would enjoy doing.” He kissed the top of Gareth’s head. “We won’t know if we prefer smalls gigs at the Nightmare Hole over stadiums, if we haven’t played stadiums, okay?”
Gareth nodded. “I’m just being ridiculous.”
Jeff came over sat down on the other side of him. “No you’re not. It’s a valid concern. But Eddie’s right, too. How do you know you prefer intimate sessions over roaring crowds if you’ve never played to those roaring crowds?”
Gareth sighed. “Yeah, I guess.”
Brian tilted his head. “It’s the sound, isn’t it?”
All three other members turned to him. Gareth’s jaw dropped. He opened and closed his mouth several times trying to refute Brian’s claim, but found he couldn’t.
Jeff twisted in his seat to look at Gareth a little better. “Loud noises bother you?”
“Gare-bear...” Eddie said softly. “Why didn’t you say something?”
Gareth blushed and looked at his hands, picking at the skin around his nails. He shrugged. “I never thought about it. Until Bri said something, I didn’t even realize that might be why.”
Brian had been digging in his bag while they talked and chose that moment to brandish his find. “Tada!” He waved the noise canceling headphones around like a flag. “Wear these!”
Gareth stood up and gingerly took them from Brian and help them tenderly. He looked up Brian like he was a god damned hero.
Brian tapped on them. “Just plug them into little sound device they gave us and bam! No more sound. Or at least very little.”
Gareth fell on his friend giving him the biggest hug. Brian hugged him back fiercely.
“I just want to make sure you have fun out there, okay?” he whispered.
Gareth nodded.
There was a knock on the door and a stage manager poked his head in.
“Five minutes guys.”
Gareth straightened up and composed himself as his friends strapped on their instruments.
They all filed out but Gareth hung back for a moment. Eddie turned and smiled at him.
“Come on,” he said fondly, holding out his hand. “Let’s go make some noise.”
Gareth laughed. “Hell yeah!”
Steve was showed to the VIP box where a lot of people were already there. Some of them he knew like Gethin and Miranda. Wayne, too. Most of them were complete strangers and suddenly he felt like he didn’t belong here.
Everyone else here was family. Steve wasn’t even a boyfriend. Not yet anyway. They had barely kissed the once before this landed on their laps. Eddie even had to cancel his tattoo appointment for today. That’s how new this all was.
He took a step back. Then two. He was about to turn and run when Miranda spotted him.
“Steve!” she called out, making every head turn his direction.
Which did not help his feelings inadequacy in the slightest.
She leapt to her feet and dragged him over to sit between her and Wayne.
“I’ll introduce you all after,” she said. “So glad you could make it. Jeff was saying he was worried you wouldn’t be able to because of work.”
Steve blushed. Which meant Eddie had been terrified. “I wouldn’t have missed this for anything.”
She raised an eyebrow and twisted around to look him in the eye. “You sure? Because it looked like you were going to bolt to me.”
Steve shook his head. “I would have found somewhere else to watch them. But I don’t belong here with family and the significant others. I’m just...me.”
Miranda slumped down in her seat with a sigh. “Steve, of course you belong here. Eddie only had two people in the whole world he wanted to see him open for one of the biggest metal bands in the world. And you’re sitting next to other one.”
Steve looked over at Wayne who chuckled.
“Do we have to tie you down, Steve?” he asked fondly.
Steve shook his head. “No, sir. I’ll be good.”
Wayne hummed. “Glad to hear it. Now quiet down. My boy is about to play.”
Steve smiled for the first time since arriving at the arena.
The house lights went down and the stage lights went up. Steve leaned forward, elbows on his knees, chin propped up on his fists. Eddie was always beautiful to behold, but fuck. Like this, under the spotlights? He was incandescent.
Eddie leaned into the microphone and introduced his band to the audience.
“We don’t usually play other people’s music, but we got permission to do this one,” Eddie said. He nodded to Brian, who grinned.
Corroded Coffin’s bassist began to play, the first few notes in and the crowd went apeshit. Completely crazy. Steve turned to Miranda. “Shit. I think I know this one. It’s Master of Puppets, right? From Metallica?”
Miranda nodded. “Damn straight it is.”
Steve was on his feet screaming in an instant. Everyone was cheering and having a good time. Maybe he shouldn’t be here, but until someone said something, he was going to cheer Eddie on the loudest. He loved his metal boyfriend with all his heart.
Eddie stumbled off the stage covered in sweat and higher then he’d ever been on weed. The rest of the band was jumping and screaming too. There was no greater feeling in the world.
They got better than front row seats to Metallica as they watched from backstage.
Even after thirty-five years they still knew how to bring the house to their knees.
They celebrated with the band for a bit before their families were ushered in. Eddie had even cleared it with the band for Dustin and his friends to come meet them but only for five minutes.
Dustin and Mike were freaking out, but Will hung back, still shy. But Lars came over and talked to him for a minute and that really made Will’s day. Hell, his entire year if he was being honest.
They all filed out leaving the ten family members alone with the boys of Corroded Coffin. Gareth’s parents and twin were fawning over him calling him brave and saying how proud they were of him breaking out of his comfort zone.
Jeff’s dad and Mandy’s mom were huddled over in the corner with the couple, just hugging each other tight. No words needed.
Brian had his sister and Cecil and his sister chatting excitedly, hands waving about as they broke down their favorite moments of the concert.
Eddie picked Steve up and whirled him around kissing him soundly on the lips. “Baby, did you see us out there?”
Wayne chuckled. “Oh just him and about thirty thousand other people.”
Eddie kissed him on the cheek fiercely. “I’ve never felt anything like it! It was so amazing.”
“You were amazing, Eds,” Steve said. “All of you were. It’s you guys were made for that stage.”
Eddie kissed him again. “I’m so glad you were able to make it! I was worried that you wouldn’t be able to come.”
Steve kissed the side of Eddie’s mouth tenderly. “Well you see I had a cancellation this afternoon, so I was able to shift my schedule to accommodate my boyfriend opening for Metallica.”
Eddie blushed. “I’m sorry I had to cancel, baby.”
“I’m not mad, sunshine,” Steve assured him. “I’m happy for you.”
They kissed again.
Wayne waved Steve off so that he could hug Eddie. “I’m proud of you. Now don’t be getting too famous to see me, you hear?”
Eddie’s eyes welled up and his pressed his lips together. “I would never. I promise. I’ll always come to you, I swear it.”
Soon it was time to pack it all up and hit the road for home.
Everyone said their goodbyes and they all parted ways. With Eddie promising to stop by the shop tomorrow to reschedule his appointment.
Steve was beaming. High off the euphoria of watching Eddie live out his dream. He had never felt like this about anyone before and he couldn’t wait to tell everyone about how awesome Eddie did and how the crowd went wild for their music.
He really should have seen it coming. He should have been prepared. But he wasn’t.
Eddie didn’t come into the shop that day, because he called instead. Metallica had offered to let them opening for them for the rest of their tour. For the next two weeks, Corroded Coffin would be going on the road with one the world’s biggest metal bands.
And leaving Steve behind.
He fought hard to be happy for his boyfriend. But everything between them was too new. Too tender.
They didn’t even get to say goodbye in person and Steve was left with that feeling of not being good enough.
For anyone.
Part 24 Part 25 Part 26 Part 27 Part 28 Epilogue
Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @artiststarme @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 @pyrohonk ​@bookworm0690 @chaosgremlinmunson @goodolefashionedloverboi @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @messrs-weasley @val-from-lawrence @plyerice27 @thedragonsaunt @sapphirecobalt-1 @a-little-unsteddie @i-must-potato @danili666 @carlyv @rozzieroos @wonderland-girl143-blog @itsall-taken @justforthedead89 @emly03 @aizawa-emma @yikes-a-bee @redfreckledwolf @thesuninyaface @bookbinderbitch @archermightbegay @littlewildflowerkitten @scheodingers-muppet @hallucinatedjosten @ellietheasexylibrarian @anne-bennett-cosplayer @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @bestwifehaver @xxfiction-is-my-realityxx @oldwitcheshat @nightmareglitter @tinyplanet95 @novelnovella @jonesn4coffee
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fernsnailz · 8 months
January 2024 Review Roundup
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hello everypony‼️ something i want to do through 2024 is a mini review series where i recap some of the media i watched/played/read at the end of every month. this was inspired by tumblr user ponett’s 2023 media wrap-up, it's a great collection of quick reviews so go check it out!
i’m doing this partially as writing/analysis practice, but mostly because my memory is really bad and i want to keep track of what i've seen this year. with that said, my thoughts on everything i finished in january 2024 is under the cut :]
Portal 1 + 2
yyyup i beat Portal and it only took me (checks watch) 13 years
the first time i played Portal 2 was at a friend’s house when i was in middle school, and i had a fuckin blast. but after all that time... it still holds up! i don’t think anything i have to say about Portal will be particularly new since people have been praising this series since it came out. the writing, the level design, even the controls feel tight and engaging the whole way through. i played on switch and expected a bit of jank, but i was pleasantly surprised at how smooth it felt to play. the only part that dragged for me were the levels through the old aperture labs, but i think i would like them a lot more on a second replay. Portal 2 is fantastic and one of my new favorite games, the artistry behind it is truly incredible and i’m really glad i finally finished it. while i was playing Portal 2, i described Glados and Wheatly to a friend and said “they’re like if a ceiling fan could be passive aggressive and if Fozzie Bear was an evil golf ball”
I Think You Should Leave
finally. i can truly understand and appreciate Subspace Dubbed Over
i think one of my favorite things about I Think You Should Leave is how it utilizes horror. beyond sitting slack-jawed in disbelief at the crazy events unfolding before my eyes, a number of the sketches dipped into bits that genuinely kinda scared me. like the one sketch that circulates on here where the guy (pig?) in a mask crawls through a dog door, which is. genuinely terrifying. but so many of the other sketches have slow, nerve-racking pacing leading to crazy shit that would be perfect in a horror film were the context different. idk i like dissecting how horror and comedy are essentially the same thing and I Think You Should Leave was very good at enabling that <3 favorite sketches are probably “then let my wife eat the damn receipt” and “55 BURGERS 55 HOTDOGS 100 FRIES 100 TATER TOTS”
Sonic Prime Season 3
man. ohhhh man. i didn’t go into this with high expectations and i still feel let down. Sonic Prime Season 3 was definitely my least favorite “season” of the batch - abysmal pacing, very few character moments i actually enjoyed, and the things i praised about the show felt very underutilized through these episodes. Nine is the shining star of Sonic Prime and i was looking forward to seeing his more villainous side, but his character took such a sharp turn into pure evil and it felt like he spent the entire season repeating the same three lines. and as much as i praise Shadow’s writing in Prime, it doesn’t really matter when he spends half of the season trapped in a hole that he just… runs out of later.
lastly, i cannot stop thinking about how bad the pacing of this season is. three episodes for a repetitive final battle feels like such a waste of time when you see just how much they rush the emotional resolutions in the last episode. however, there is one thing i truly love about Sonic Prime Season 3 - i love the Sails and Mangey fakeout death. it's so fucking funny. like you really expect me to believe that two cartoon animals in this Y-7 rated show EXPLODED?????? absolute comedy gold.
overall, i just… don’t really know what to think of Sonic Prime. anything i enjoyed in the show was often fleeting, and much of it felt like its only purpose was to waste my time. also Rouge i can’t believe they did you so dirty oh my god
Ghost Trick
i was so proud that i figured out the secret behind Sissel’s memory loss like halfway through the game. however i also kept getting caught during the prison escape sequence like an idiot
Ghost Trick is in a similar situation as Portal where 1. it’s incredible and one of my new favorite games, and 2. there’s nothing i can really say about it that hasn’t already been said or just. shouldn’t be said. Ghost Trick is a fantastic mystery game, and because of that i think it’s best to go into its story as blind as possible. the narrative unfolds in such fascinating ways - even though the actual object manipulation gameplay isn’t directly about solving the mystery (like in Ace Attorney or other mystery games), it still ties wonderfully into the story in some incredibly unique ways.
i also really love the artstyle of Ghost Trick - i love 2D character artwork with that sharp lineweight, it reminded me a lot of Sonic Battle (another game with an artstyle i love). i was also really impressed by the 3D character models and animation - despite the limitations of the camera, you get a wonderful sense of everyone’s personality from the limited body language expressed in the overworld (even though the models lack much facial expression which. i guess they don’t really need? idk that was the only thing that threw me off). anyways yeah everyone should play Ghost Trick so Ghost Trick fans can be freed from their curse and talk about it without having to tag like 10 different spoiler tags. and for Missile
Scott Pilgrim Takes Off
ok bear with me. i went into Scott Pilgrim Takes Off without reading the comics first. and i fuckin loved it
my understanding of Scott Pilgrim before SPTO was mostly from the movie (I KNOW I’M SORRY), but even with my base understanding of the series i really enjoyed this show for what it was. i found myself appreciating the time they dedicated to further develop every single character in the show - especially Ramona. she’s fantastic as the lead, i really loved watching her reconcile with her exes and seeing all of them grow instead of exploding into coins. my favorite episode was probably the one with her and Roxie - not only did i adore the movie-jumping set pieces, but you really understand the weight of Ramona’s mistakes in their past relationship and how much it hurt Roxie. despite the big climactic fight, the flashbacks are quiet, subtle, heartbreaking. Ramona’s apology is genuine, and it feels so wonderful to watch her confront her past throughout the show. also i think it’s really funny that for all these characters to become the best versions of themselves, they had to kill off Scott for most of the story
and holy shit the artstyle and animation. oh my god. i love watching something that makes me immediately go “i need to see the storyboards for this RIGHT NOW.” SPTO is such a visual delight to watch, it elevates the artstyle of the comics while also keeping what makes that style so appealing - i love the line weight on the characters, i love how much forward energy the animation has, i love the fucking. virtual boy section. as soon as i found out Science Saru was also behind Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken, everything made immediate sense. i was destined to love this show.
another worry i had going into SPTO (besides the fact that i hadn’t read the comics lol) is that the original cast from the movie was returning. i think the movie cast is fine, but i wasn’t sure how some of them would fare with voice acting for animation. however, i thought they all did a good job - i think the whole cast loves these characters and would be able to fit into them fairly easily no matter what form their performance takes, and they definitely had a good voice director in the studio with them. the only thing that felt off about the voice performances to me was that sometimes it sounded like some of their mics kept peaking?? idk some of these episodes i watched high as balls and i felt like i could hear and see every single sound and frame of the show. so that might have just been me.
god i did not. expect to have this much to say about Scott Pilgrim. i really loved this show and i’m currently reading the comics to fully catch up on the general Scott Pilgrim experience - i think reading the comics AFTER Takes Off is making me appreciate even more of the character work that went into the show. like they do so much with Mathew Patel in SPTO, a character that was. not originally around for a long time from what i’ve gathered? also i like the funny little robot. oh my GOD i cannot talk about this show anymore whatever it’s good get me out of here
Sword AF Season 1
i put on the Smosh cast’s D&D series to play in the background while i was drawing. i did not expect to think much of it. instead, i had one of the most enjoyable D&D podcast experiences since i listened to The Adventure Zone Balance???
i haven’t really enjoyed other D&D podcasts since i dropped off of The Adventure Zone, and i wasn’t expecting much from Sword AF of all things. then i saw that Shayne was playing as a druid warforged made of plants and his name was fucking Fernie and i sat my ass down and LISTENED. while i think Sword AF is currently lacking in its world and larger story, those things just. aren’t really what Sword AF is really trying to provide at the moment. it’s main focus is comedy, and the players are genuinely such a delight to watch play together and build off of each other. they mostly focus on bits and goofs for the sake of she show's comedic tone, but i still found it thoroughly enjoyable because every player embodies and performs their characters really well. idk Sword AF was an unexpected hit for me this month, i thought it was fun. and i love Fernie so much
Plastic Death - Glass Beach
so originally i wasn’t going to include music reviews in these roundups at all, but then i was entirely surprised by a new Glass Beach album and oh my god. holy shit. oh my fucking god jesus christ. holy shit. its preddy good
Plastic Death gets the low point of the album out of the way immediately. it starts with the “phone call/conversation audio” trope that i don’t particularly enjoy - HOWEVER despite me disliking this opening, 1. it sets up the overall themes of Plastic Death very quickly, and 2. the rest of the album blows this 40 second opening completely out of the water. from there, the album grows into something beautiful and uncontained, and i just. i really like it
Plastic Death captures the beauty of the temporary, asks what it means to be created for a cause you can’t fulfill, questions if you can reclaim yourself from cycles and constraints designed to destroy you. and is also about being transgender. the lyrics are abstract in a way that requires a conversation with the listener, many of the vocals obscured and smooth like waves - this album is definitely one that needs to be listened to a few times. i wasn’t sure how i felt about the vocal style at first before realizing the vocals were the main reason i was relistening to this album, allowing myself to find even more that i loved about it. the instrumentation is also incredible, i love the use of marimba in a number of songs - distant, eerie, almost skeletal. and the fucking. 8-bit section?? which kinda rules???? and that’s the only point in the album it ever shows up??????? incredible. a fleeting, somewhat silly moment that i love every time.
this album left my heart aching, in part from my connection to it and in part from the pure love and joy emanating from this music. i can feel just how much fun this music was to perform and create, a cohesion of time and sound that just clicked for me. Plastic Death made me miss playing music, which is something i haven’t felt in years. all from an album that starts with a conversation about CrankGameplay’s dead youtube channel. good lord
i like this album a normal amount. go listen to it a few times. my favorite tracks are cul-de-sac and commatose
i watched Wish with a couple of friends and knew i probably wasn't going to like it. with that in mind, i gave myself a challenge: i wanted to find one thing about this movie that i genuinely really loved. it could be anything, and loving it for ironic reasons was allowed.
here's the complete list of things i loved about Disney's Wish (2023):
i love the one shot where King Magnifico stirs an evil caldron evily. i thought it was hilarious. what was he cooking
i loved that the end credits included a reference to Dinosaur 2001 at all, and i loved that they paid homage to Big Hero 6 by showing the forgettable villain of that movie instead of their Baymax cashcow for some reason. my friends and i saw him show up in the credits and were like "who's the trenchcoat guy??"
you may notice that this list is very short and 50% of it is about the movie's credits. so yeah this movie is not very good
Wish is an empty husk of a movie. everything about it feels so, so hollow - lifeless town squares, uninspired character designs (to quote a friend: "i have all of these characters' hairstyles in The Sims"), characters whose existence is only justified to fill empty space or an overused archetype, and an "evil" villain who lacks charisma and spine in a futile effort to remind the audience of previous disney villains with actual character. even the artstyle lacks any sort of sauce, the watercolor effect they were trying to go for only makes the backgrounds and character textures run together, and the dull lighting makes things look even more faded. it's like disney was scared of making a movie that made its audience feel... anything. all to celebrate 100 years of Disney slop, baby!!!
Some YouTube videos I liked in January: 💥 An Exhaustive Look at Pokemon Brilliant Diamond 💥 TomSka's Guide to Plagiarism 💥 Paradise Bombed (this video is a great piece of journalism and i’m definitely not doing it justice by throwing it into the youtube vid list) 💥 Surprising Our Friends with Zoo Animals 💥 Did FNAF Ever Have a Good Story?
thanks for reading! next month’s roundup will be wild because i’ll likely be reviewing House of Leaves and Hazbin Hotel. can you guess which cursed house gives me a worse headache? WHO KNOWS! (hint: it's Hazbin Hotel)
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I was feeling angsty tonight, and I haven’t done a prompt list in a while, so I thought I’d do some enemies-to-lovers type prompts. Feel free to use any you want, in any way you like! Just a warning — a couple of them are a little suggestive!
| Fifteen Enemies-to-Lovers Prompts|
1. “You might just be the only real friend I’ve ever had.” // “We’re enemies.” // “Eh. Semantics.”
2. “I know we hate each other. And that’s more than fine. But just for tonight, can we pretend that we…don’t?”
3. “You’re absolutely fucking insane if you think I’m going to that ball with you.” // “Oh, you so want to. I can see it in your eyes.”
4. “Last night was a mistake.” // “Huh. That’s funny. I don’t recall you ever saying no. Said yes a lot. And god, yes. Oh, fuck, yes—” // “So you’re a great lay. It was still a mistake, and it’s never happening again.” // “Until next time, then.”
5. “You look like shit.” -pause- “what, no comeback?” // “I almost died tonight. And the last person I thought about was you.”
6. “Sometimes the way you look at me makes me think that perhaps you don’t hate me that much.”
7. “What happened to your hand? Let me see.” // “I’m fine.” // “You’re hurt.” // “Why do you care?” // “…I don’t know.”
8. “Nobody gets to hate you but me.”
9. “We could have been friends, once upon a time.” // “No, we couldn’t have.” // “Why?” // “Because when I look at you…I know it’s either hate or love. And I choose the former. It hurts less.”
10. “Having sex crossed a line that we can’t uncross. Do you even realise that?” // “You have no idea how much I realise it. I’m fucked. Now that I’ve had you, I can’t bear the thought of anyone else having you.”
11. “You don’t get to pull the possessive, territorial bullshit when you can’t decide for five fucking minutes whether you hate me or want me.” // “I want you. And that’s why I hate you. I’ve never wanted somebody so much and you drive me insane.”
12. “One of us is going to kill the other one day.” // “Kind of hope it’s you killing me. That’d be pretty hot. // “There’s something incredibly wrong with you.”
13. “Here for another fight?” // “I’m here because I need to be in the company of somebody that treats me like an actual person.”
14. “Tell me. Be honest. What did I even do to make you hate me so much?” // “You smiled. And I knew that god damn smile would ruin me if I didn’t ruin it first.”
15. “Don’t you dare fucking die on me.” // “Got anything you want to say before I go?” // “Yes. I love you. Now live and punch me for saying it.”
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cheesecakeislazy · 3 months
Hey, I hope you have a nice day. I also hope you enjoy MORE FUCKIN HEADCANONS WOOOOOOO
Sally Headcanons
1. While yes, Sally loves the color pink, it isn’t actually her favorite color. She doesn’t have one. She loves blue, green, purple, all colors.
2. The only color Sally dislikes is orange, due to this, she hates oranges and tangerines
3. Sally has the body of a 7-10 year old, yet she is mentally older.
4. Despite the fact Sally is mentally 16, she still has childlike characteristics within her mindscape
5. Sally has a hard time trusting adult men; females and younger males are more trustworthy to Sally
6. Mr. D (Sally’s teddy bear) is a normal teddy bear
7. Every single person inside the mansion has seen Mr. D move on his own; nobody knows how or why as Slender has confirmed it has no supernatural tendencies within it
8. Sally likes to watch Bluey
9. Sally likes to hang out with BeN, Jeff, and Toby; viewing all three of them as older brothers
10. Jeff and Sally hang out the most
11. Sally used to have a little kid crush on Ben; Sally no longer views BeN that way because she thinks that dating is gross
12. Sally is AroAce in my AU, because despite physically being 7, she’s mentally around 16
13. Sally constantly asks Slender for a puppy
14. Sally hates wearing socks
15. Sally also hates wearing shoes of any kind
16. Sally doesn’t leave footprints anywhere, not in snow, mud, anything.
17. When Sally has tantrums Jeff calls them her “poltergeist attacks”
18. When upset, Sally can make objects levitate.
19. Sally usually throws the objects she levitates, due to the fact the objects are usually plates, vases, cups, and Toby- Damage is always present after a Sally tantrum
20. Sally cannot levitate objects on command.
21. Sally calls Slender “Mr. Slenderman”
22. Sally gave Slender a white mug that had “#1 Mr.Slenderdad” written with black sharpie on it
23. Sally isn’t an innocent little girl, she also loves to commit war crimes
24. Sally usually kills creeps, molesters, perverts, etc.
25. Sally has constant bruises and cuts on her from her death
26. The wound on Sally’s head eternally bleeds forever, it’s annoying but she’s gotten used to it
27. Slender puts bandages around her head to somewhat stop the bleeding
28. Sally and Jane argue a lot
29. Jeff managed to convince Sally that Jane is a bitch
30. Sally is a Princess Peach main in MarioKart
31. Sally is one of the few people that Ben likes to play board games with because she doesn’t destroy the game board/pieces
32. Sally likes to play house and dress up
33. Sally serves real tea and desserts at her tea parties
34. Sally doesn’t really know how to defend herself, so she can’t go on intense missions or go on missions alone
35. Sally is 4’5
36. Sally needs to be babysat whenever a majority of the mansion is on an expedition
37. Babysitting duty is rotated around the mansion
38. Jane hates babysitting duty because Sally never listens to her
39. Jeff is rarely on it but when he is, he loves it
40. Most of the proxies see Sally extremely often but don’t really know her
41. If given the chance, Sally will cling onto Slenderman all day
42. Sally loves Ben’s brownies (the not weed ones)
43. Sally loves chocolate chip cookies
44. Sally and Lulu are decent friends
45. Sally and Lazari have play dates together
46. Sally and Lazari share a room in the mansion
47. Sally and Smile dog have a complicated relationship
48. Sally loves Smile Dog because he’s a dog and constantly tries to play with him
49. Smile dog.. is an intelligent dog that usually wants to be left alone; he doesn’t hate Sally he just finds her a lot to deal with
50. Sally used to be really bad at painting nails, now she’s actually quite good at it due to BEN teaching her
51. Sally likes to draw and finger paint
52. Sally’s art skills are the same of a preschooler (aka fucking awesome)
53. Sally has a bad habit of randomly falling asleep; Slenders arms, Slenders tentacles, tea parties, while standing up, taking a bath, etc.
54. Sally likes fruit punch and grape juice
55. Sally likes to say Fuck (Jeff taught her)
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Graveyard Siblings (13) (The End)
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6) (Part 7) (Part 8) (Part 9) (Part 10) (Part 11) (Part 12)
----- I finally did it! I finished something. After nearly three years, this little plot fic has come to an end that I am satisfied with. Thanking for sticking to the end of this journey.
They demanded.
“Marinette does not deserve the sentence.” Tikki stated furiously.
“We know. However, we will try to change it anyway.” Plagg joined Tikki. “The soul of Marinette Dupain-Cheng may be Marked but she has not done anything that makes her deserving of having the fate of one.”
“Ya ya…. I know. The rules. Fuck them. You guys made them to maintain balance or whatever. However, what you are doing right now is not fair. Where is the justice?” Plagg demanded
“This isn’t justice. This is another sentence. She did what you asked of her. She has given enough of herself for the sake of Balance. The sinners are punished. The kwamis are all released. What more do you want for her?”
“Fucked the Marked bullshit. Marinette doesn’t deserve that fate. She is wonderful and kind and every good thing this world has to offer. She was backstabbed. Pratically sacrifice for someone’s happiness. The one who claimed to love her moved on from her pretty quick. The only reason he is regretting losing her is because of the karma he is facing. Karma that he rightly deserved. I argue that the Mark is invalid. It doesn’t count-” Plagg ranted and yelled at Them.
Meanwhile, Marinette and Tikki hugged each other.
“Tikki, what’s going to happen to me?” Marinette asked in a small voice. One that Tikki had rarely heard ever since Marinette met the Waynes.
“Plagg and I are going to do our best to protect you. Nothing bad will happen to you.”
“I feel so empty.”
“I know. I am sorry. I am going to make sure you don’t feel that way anymore.” Tikki hugged what remained of the piece that made up Marinette Dupain-Cheng a bit tighter.
THEY were starting to sound fed up with arguing with Plagg.
“THIS ISN’T ABOUT BALANCE ANYMORE, YOU FUCKERS!! THIS IS BECAUSE YOU WERE MAD YOU GOT CHEATED OUT OF A DEAL AND THIS GIRL IS JUST ANOTHER LOOSE END FOR YOU TO TIE UP!” Plagg lost his shit, finally after hours or what passes for hours in a place where time doesn’t function normally.
Tikki chose that moment to finally say her piece.
“My holder went through a lot for the sake of your balance. She fixed Gotham. She punished the one who made the wish so they would pay the price for trying to change someone else’s fate. She made sure we were freed. She doesn’t need to do more. She had given up nearly everything to accomplish what you demanded of her. Don’t take away what is left of her.”
“Is it really fair if she had to give those up too?”
The voices sound almost baffled by Tikki and Plagg’s opposition.
“Marinette is more than just my holder and our Guardian. She is our friend. She placed our safety and well-being above her own. She deserves more than being tossed aside once her usefulness is up.” Tikki stated.
Then, she looked down and she continued,
“And we have shamelessly let her continue on her path, knowing how it would end. Because we were too afraid to acknowledge that we were using her like a pawn for our own selfishness. Until the end she was selfless. She forgave us for what we did to her. SO I IMPLORE YOU. Please let Marinette live a long life where she would never ever be used by someone else for their own selfish desires. She will live a path free of thorns and people who wish to cause her harm.” Tikki pleaded with the Universe.
The voices were quiet for a long time.
Tikki and Plagg looked at each other with worry at the silence.
“And Marinette had closed down all of the Lazarus Pits.” Plagg added, their only option for a resurrection was gone.
Jason opened the door of his apartment and Dick was there mid-knock.
“What do you want?” Jason asked.
Dick tried to give him a smile. “Just wanted to see how you were doing.”
Jason rubbed his face as he groaned. “For the last time. I am fine.”
“It’s fine to miss her, you know. Especially since…”
‘It has been a year since she died’ rests unspoken in the air.
Today was the exact day Maria had given up her own life to make sure that Gabriel Agreste gets punished for his crimes.
“Just leave me alone, Dickhead.” Jason walked away.
“I just- I am coping. As much as I can without getting violent.”
Jason felt Dick hugging him from behind.
“We miss her too. You know that if there was another way, she would have done everything to stay.”
“It’s unfair, you know.” Jason turned around and mumbled into Dick’s shoulder. He hugged his brother.
“After everything, the asshole is still alive and kicking. His son is facing little consequences for what he has done. They should be the ones dead instead of Marinette. Instead, we are never going to see her graduate college, get a job, kick our asses and drive Ra’s mad with her pranks.”
His voice cracked with grief.
“I know, Jay. I know.” Dick hugged Jason tighter and rubbed his back. “I wish for that too.”
Tears ran down Jason’s face as he sobbed.
Ten minutes later,
They both sat around the kitchen island counter.
“So why did you come here?” Jason asked as he set down two cups of tea.
“Oh. Alfred was thinking about doing a little memorial dinner in her honour. Just close friends and family. It would be great if you came.”
“Sounds great. Tell me the details and I will be there.”
Dick smiled, “I will let Alfred know that you’re coming.”
The brothers talked about patrol and stuff.
Then, Dick left.
A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door again.
Jason sighed.
He opened the door to give Dick an earful about being forgetful when he saw no one there.
He looked around and saw nothing where a noise from below caught his attention.
It was a baby in a basket with a note addressed to him.
“Dear Jason,
Please take care of my dear Guardian
In disbelief, he carefully picked up the bundle in the basket. Jason couldn’t believe it. It felt like a miracle that he didn’t dare believe.
The baby yawned and opened her eyes. Showing a familiar pair of bluebell eyes.
It was truly Marinette. As a baby but it was still Marinette nonetheless.
“Pixie. I don’t know how but thank you. Thank you for coming back to me.” Jason whispered and kissed her forehead.
That evening, the Waynes welcomed back a new member of the family.
Marinette Todd-Wayne finally came home.
Technically, after this, there could be more adventures but I am not up to writing it. This is where I will end this story.
And to answer some questions you might have.
Does Marinette remember her past life? Not at first. She is still a baby right now but around the age of four or five years old, she would start to remember bits and pieces. She would probably remember everything by age 13.
Does Lila meet her end? Lila never stopped lying. The ghosts tormented her because of that  but no one ever believed her. In the end, the doctors diagnosed her with schizophrenia and moved her to a mental facility where the ghosts would haunt her until the end of her days.
Gabriel died in jail. He thought that he had the last laugh, having killed Ladybug. But upon seeing the news about the welcome of the newest Wayne member on TV, he realised that his enemy had won in the end. She was going to live again, free from him and anything miraculous related.
Adrien and Emilie spent the rest of their lives in London away with Amelie and Felix.
Adrien had tried to approach baby Marinette but the overprotective Batfamily made sure that he never got within 10 feet of her.
When Marinette regained her memories, Adrien was remorseful of how everything turned out. He knew that the spell was just to make him tell the truth and in turn make him show his true colours to everyone so he went to therapy and worked on trying to be less of an asshole.
Marinette looked up and saw a man in his thirties with blond hair and green eyes that once were her world.
“Agreste.” Marinette nodded in acknowledgement. Under the table, she texted to the family group chat the code for small emergencies.
Adrien frowned with hurt but it wiped away quickly off his face.
“I deserve that.” He replied calmly. Marinette saw that Adrien had grown up and accepted that he had done wrong.
“So.. how can I help you, Agreste ?”
“Cut the shit. I know that you remember, Marinette.”
Marinette looked at him in surprise.
“I was once your partner, you know. I can tell.” Adrien answered.
Marinette frowned.
Adrien continued. “Look, I know I messed up really badly. I managed to lift the curse you put on me. I went to your grave and apologised. I know that sorry cannot take back what I did but I still did it because you deserve at least that from me. I have been trying to make up for what I did.”
“Is that why you approached me?” she asked.
“No. It was just a coincidence. I’m not like stalking you or anything.” Adrien clarified. “Your new dad is terrifying.”
Marinette chuckled about Jason, her brother turned dad figure. “He is.”
“I am glad to know that you are happy.” Adrien said. “And for what it’s worth, I want to apologise to you again. I know that I already did it to your grave and all that but you deserve to hear it directly from me. So here it goes… Marinette Dupain-Cheng.”
It had been a while since anyone called her that.
“I’m sorry for everything I did as Chat Noir, harassing you to date me, throwing temper tantrums during akuma fights, greatly hindering  you with my selfishness and finally, betraying you for the sake of my father. I never should have listened to him. Even if it was to get my mother back. I should have told you the truth. And I am sorry for the hurt I had caused you as Adrien Agreste. I should have done something about Lila from the beginning. I should have supported you instead of telling you to suck it up. I should have let her lies get too far that it hurt you. In fact, I should never let it get that far in the first place. I am sorry I never did all of that.”
Marinette clapped. “Thank you, Adrien.”
Adrien nodded. At least she accepted his apologies. It was too much to hope for her forgiveness.
“Marinette, I..” Adrien didn’t know how to bring it up.
“There’s more?”
“Alya sorta brought it up when we had a class reunion. That… you had a crush on me. How much you did for me and I never noticed.” Adrien blushed in embarrassment. “Not that I want to do that with you, I mean, I maybe had a few fantasies about that when I was fifteen but not like now because it’s weird and you are like half my age now and I am seeing someone.”
Adrien rambled.
Marinette laughed.
Adrien had a flashback to that sweet girl from his youth.
“What I am trying to say is that. I am sorry I never knew and if I hurt you because I was tactless.”
“You did a lot but I never held that fact against you. Honestly, I let go of my feelings for you because.. Of Lila.”
“I get it. I was a huge dick.”
“Another thing is that I wasn’t my best when it comes to you. I did a lot of stupid things to get your attention.”
“Alya may have talked about that. I am flattered but it was also worrying. But Chat Noir wasn't any better so I can’t talk.”
They both smiled at each other.
Adrien saw that in a different world, Ladybug and Chat Noir, Marinette Dupain-Cheng and Adrien Agreste, would have ended up together. He shook his head to get rid of that thought, he knew better now. He had made sure that would never happen. Even if his father didn’t kill Maria/Marinette, and she had lived on, Adrien wouldn’t get her love ever again.
“Marinette, can we be friends?” Adrien asked before he could lose his courage. Even if he couldn’t love her, he hoped to stay by her side as her friend.
Marinette lost her smile.
“We can’t, can we?” Adrien ruefully answered his own question.
“Adrien, I know that you have changed for the better. You are a great person now. It’s just… we have a lot of history. History I can’t easily erase with a blank slate. I am still trying to sort through everything and try to move on. It’s been hard.” Marinette confessed. “I have been to therapy but they don’t exactly know how to help someone who experienced and remember all the awful things that happened in their past life.”
Marinette looked up. “I’m sorry.”
Adrien moved to hold her hand for comfort before reconsidering his action.
“Look, Marinette, I am not mad. I am a bit disappointed we can’t be friends but I kinda get it. I hurt you badly so you don’t feel like you can trust me ever again. That’s my fault. I knew it wasn’t a possibility when I asked but I had to try.”
“Oh, Adrien.”
“Marinette, at the very least, are friendly acquaintances okay?” He asked.
“I guess.”
Adrien smiled. “You don’t have to try to be friends with me, Marinette. I swear I will be okay. This won’t break my heart. I have someone who will take care of it.”
Marinette asked, curious. “Who are you dating anyways?”
Adrien blushed. “His name is Jaime. Jaime Reyes. I still can’t believe he likes me even after I told him about what I did.”
Marinette choked.
“Marinette, are you okay?” Adrien rushed forward and rubbed her back. 
At the same time, Jason arrived, having annoyed Roy Harper to break several traffic laws to get to Gotham from all the way from Metropolis.
Upon seeing Adrien, he growled. “Get the fuck away from Marinette. What did you do to her, you fucker?!”
He grabbed Adrien and slammed him towards the nearest wall.
Marinette quickly interfered. “Jason, it’s okay. We were just talking. Then, I got caught off guard by something he said.”
“What did he tell you?”
“Well, I was just surprised to learn that he was dating a guy. Nothing big. Just several things that finally made sense now that I thought about it.”
Adrien gaped at her. “I have been out as bi for a decade now. How do you not know that I like guys?”
Marinette scowled, “It’s not like I keep up with celebrity gossip. I don’t look for news with your name like I used to do.”
“So you are good, kid?”
“Yes, Jason. Please let him go. We were still talking.”
Jason did so.
Adrien rubbed his neck and turned to Marinette. “As much as I want to keep talking, I think I should leave. I have to go and meet up with Jaime anyways. He had to run an errand here for a friend of his.”
Marinette nodded.  “Be safe.”
After Adrien left, Jason gave a questioning look to Marinette.
“Why did you lie? We all know that you kept an eye on your old classmates so you already knew that he dated guys.”
“What I didn’t know was that Adrien is dating Blue Beetle.”
“The same Blue Beetle Bruce called to deal with those aliens who are trafficking humans?”
“Yes. Now let’s go to Metropolis so I can avoid doing the responsible thing and tell Adrien the truth.”
What about the rest of the class… Well, they all led relatively normal lives. They all drifted apart and only met again at the class union that Adrien had mentioned.
They all faced different challenges and achieved success like any other normal people. Some turned out great despite what happened. Some moderately successful. Some not so great but still managed fine. A few unhappy with their life.
The ones who were marked by Marinette in her ‘ghost’ rampage had a few bad days more than an average person but other than that they had normal lives.
When they see Maria’s brand Afterlife or Marinette Todd-Wayne in a magazine, their heart aches at the thought of their once dear friend.
Now you will ask what happened to her parents.
Well, they moved away from their old building to a different part of Paris and opened a bakery under a different name.
They moved on as best as they could and filled with regrets for losing their daughter twice.
They knew in their hearts that Marinette had lived on as Maria. It hurt them again knowing that she was gone forever once more.
When they saw the news about Marinette Todd-Wayne. They knew it was their daughter reincarnated.
As much as they wanted to see her again, they knew that they would never be able to.
To try to honour the daughter they had, they fostered many troubled kids. Helping them and giving them the support that they should have given Marinette.
They learned from their mistakes from Marinette and did their best to not repeat them with the other kids.
Life moves on and Everyone continues on.
This is the end. Thank you for reading and being on this amazing journey with me.
Taglist: @local-witch-of-mn, @ladyqnoirr, @lolieg, @istoleyourcookies, @pale-lady-dreamer, @ichigorose, @meow-now, @demonicbusiness, @unoriginalmess, @the-drokainian, @joejosyxd,@questionableboi, @talia-scar123, @boredteen19, @geminis93
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athousandbyeol · 11 months
discussion #13 (only friends): 'fire' as a prominent and reflective symbol of topmew's relationship
this is so random, but i just realised that topmew's relationship has a lot to do with fire.
top's trauma, mew burning the drawing (we can really see how top flinches when the paper is caught on fire), another fire alarm set off (?) in the final ep, and their relationship (also their personality) in general.
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it's like their relationship (or mainly top's story arc) centres around the fire. the fire—in this context—varies. passion. fear. pain. love. sacrifice. i love how there's a connection between top's trauma and the nature/dynamic of their relationship. because even though top is afraid of fire—a traumatising turning point in his life—liking mew is like playing with fire, too. but he shows resilience, perseverance, and effort to make it work. although i do believe he's afraid of this new journey—he even said he couldn't bear the idea of not holding mew again one day—the feelings he has for mew surpass everything.
additionally, liking mew also gives top purpose. i think this is a recurring theme in some dramas i'm watching right now. kanghan from dangerous romance, for example, is becoming a better person after he meets sailom. because sailom has expectations on him—sailom believes in him. and it's similar to top. we know top dates for a maximum of three months (but one thing i realise is topmew have dated for four months because the drama starts in august, and since in the previous episode, mew helped his mothers hang the christmas ornaments, it's literally four months! mew is indeed special, and top is definitely serious in this relationship).
ok. i regress.
what i'm trying to say is, after meeting mew, knowing mew, falling in love with mew and losing mew, top finally found his purpose—he wants to make mew happy. it's the only thing he wants to do. and in episode 11, top said he wanted mew to believe he wouldn't take this second chance for granted. he would be better, for mew, for this relationship. why? because he loves mew. he loves mew. that's all there ever is.
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(side note: this is the most heartbreaking thing about top, in my opinion. he just looks so peaceful and happy when he's with mew. it's really devastating. he can do anything to make mew happy—even if it causes him pain—and i somehow believe it's the humblest and most selfless definition of love: when we put someone's needs higher than ours. and top is doing just that and so much more for mew. so if i see anyone says top doesn't genuinely love mew, i'm going to fcuking cry tears of blood... t_t)
so ironically, top has been living 'with' the fire—mew—all this time. but he isn't running away. mew isn't something traumatising but life-changing. he's the 'fire' that top needs to realise and understand that love is real when it's with the right person. and mew is the right person for top. and vice versa; only top can put out the fire in mew.
mew is like the oil to top's fire. the more he pours himself on top, the brighter he burns. even though it's painful, it's still oddly beautiful. they're like the fire—destructive and dangerous. but they just can't walk away from each other's life. because the fire connecting them is none other than love.
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[1 | 2 | 3 | 4 (i) | 4 (ii) | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13]
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kollector-of-stims · 30 days
I have managed to choose my top 50 favorite stim toys out of my collection!
First, the top 10:
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1: Nee Doh Nice Cube. Just perfect all around!
2: Marshmello Fruitz grapes sugar ball. It fits in my hand really well because of its shape and honestly may be tied first place with the Nice Cube..
3: Squirkies turtle. The clicking buttons, joystick head, and switch tail just make it so satisfying to me for some reason-
4: Mini articulated fidget slug. The amazingness of the fidget slugs but smaller and easy to use in public!
5: Fidget worm/Morf fidet. Something about holding it and shaking it to make it rattle has just appealed to me a lot out of nowhere? Also fun to move around when listening to music!
6: Marshmello Fruitz strawberry sugar ball. Amazing texture from this one specifically and I also like fruit!
7: Marshmello Fruitz pineapple sugar ball. Pretty colors and sometimes the softer sugar balls are good in occassions!
8: Bubble tea squish. The sound...mainly the sound...That, and I always like water squishies!
9: Squirkies chameleon. Small, cool fidget options, love the silicone tail!
10: OddBallz click clack molecule ball. SOOUNND..And feel ofc but the sound is a GREAT addition!
My 40 other fave stim toys under the cut!
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11: Pastel Fidget Slug. My first one ever!
12: Rainbow Fidget Slug. Pretty colors!
13: Candy Drop Sugar Ball. Nice texture that's soft but not too soft!
14: Galaxy Infinity Cube.
15: Mini Train Pop It. Purple, train, and portable!
16: Jumbo Squishy Gummy Worm.
17: Watchitude Octoz Fidget Octopus.
18: Mad Lab Glob Ball.
19: Brain Splat Ball.
20: JA-RU Stretchy Sand-Filled Banana.
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21: Squishy Dumpling.
22: Galaxy Fidget Cube. My first fidget item with fidget in the name! Been treating me well for years~
23: Super Duper Sugar Squishers Axolotl.
24: Takumo Kawaii Squishy Kitty.
25: Small Blue Bear Sparkly Squishy.
26: Boink. Simple but effective in public and easy to hide in your sleeve if you want!
27: Squirkies Scorpion. After I replaced the wacky tracks tail it got a lot better and less squeaky!
28: Mini Pop It Single. Simple as that!
29: Rat Splat Ball. Little friend!
30: Foam Penguin Squishy. Came in a mystery pack and is actually super soft!
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31: Orbeez Filled Squishy Bat.
32: JA-RU Dragon Monkey Noodle. I like dragons!
33: Squirkies Butterfly.
34: Textured Skeleton Monkey Noodle. I like Halloween and skeletons! Also less things to get in the way while you run your hand along the textures!
35: Sand Filled Moon. Nice texture AND a little weighted!
36: Squirkies Monkey.
37: 5 Bearing Fidget Spinner. Fidget spinners always work for me!
38: Mini Fidget Cube. Good for the Dentist or other appointments or meetings!
39: Mini Tangle.
40: Small Suction Toy. Got it from a quarter machine and honestly? Very nice!
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41: Realistic Stretchy Banana.
42: Art Palette Clicking Button Fidget.
43: Mini Wacky Tracks.
44: Parrot Dimple. Chose the parrot for the animal and colors!
45: Simple Orbeez Squish. Classic, cheap, and effective for me!
46: Pop It. This one has great pops!
47: Textured side an ASMR Fidget Cube. I split it all into pieces and like this one the most!
48: Mini Slinky.
49: Cat in a Cup.
50: Foam Ball Squish. My legit first stim toy ever! It's been through a lot and has gathered a lot of sentimental value!
If you have any questions about any of these stim toys such as the brand or where I got them from, or if you have one of these too, I'd love to see and/or answer!!
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dollystuartwrites · 10 months
Stray Gods - Chapter 46
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Pairing: Gods!OT8 x !F!Reader Genre: romance, friends to lovers, polyamory, mystery, supernatural, angst, fluff, smut Wordcount: 6630 Chapters:  [1] - [2] - [3] - [4] - [5] - [6] - [7] - [8] - [9] - [10] [11] - [12] - [13] - [14] - [15] - [16] - [17] - [18] - [19] - [20] [21] - [22] - [23] - [24] - [25] - [26] - [27] - [28] - [29] - [30] [31] - [32] - [33] - [34] - [35] - [36] - [37] - [38] - [39] - [40] [41] - [42] - [43] - [44] - [45] - [46] - [47] - [48] - [49] - [?] MASTERLIST Summary: With no memory of who you were, you wake up in the woods, only to be found by eight unusually handsome men. With no information of the past, the guys decide to take you in and take care of you for the time being. But that time becomes years, and as time passes, you start to notice that there is something different about them... and something different about you... Warnings: angst, praise, thigh riding, kissing, fingering, overstimulation, lovebites, bad/miscommunication, low self-esteem, swearing, name-calling, dry humping, college, degradation, gods, special powers, vaginal sex, oral sex (f&m), mentions of contraception (condoms&thepill), injuries, mentions of death (but no character deaths), virgin!reader, teasing, orgasms, poly relationship, semi-public sex, daddy kink, strength kink, grinding, I've probably forgotten some, so let me know if I did and I will add more as the story progresses. Taglist: @eastleighsblog​​​​ @tangerminie​​​​ @swittyregan​​​​ @septicrebel​​​​ @jiimout​​​​ @zandra-42​​​​​​@julciaqwerty​​​​ @vampcharxter​​​​ @mercurezed​​ @thatgirlangelb​ @cookiemonstermusic258​​ @stayconnecteed​​ @bubblelixie​​ @smilingtokki @hash2013 Want to be added or did I miss you? Just send me an ASK or DM
Lots of love and many thanks to my beta’s from wattpad: rocker7898 and sydneye2411. You guys made my writing so much better <3
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The sound of wind filled your ears as you held Seungmin tightly.
‘We’re here,’ he said softly. You opened your eyes. The bright sun filled your vision and you blinked for a moment, trying to regain your bearings. The surroundings were unfamiliar, so you looked up at Seungmin.
‘Where are we?’ you asked confused.
‘Jeju,’ he said simply, hoisting his backpack over his shoulder. It didn’t look like the Jeju you knew. Last time you had been here, you were surrounded by luxury hotels and small urban streets. But right now, you were standing on what seemed to be a hill, surrounded by greenery. Behind you was a thick line of trees and bushes, almost like a wall that obscured whatever was behind it from view. In front of you, you could see the drop off of the cliff, with bright blue waters on the horizon. Near the edge of the cliff was something that looked like a weird mix between a house and a lighthouse. It was an oddly built tower where the ground floor seemed to have some rooms added on. You looked at Seungmin questioningly.
‘Oh,’ he said, a small smile on his face, ‘didn’t I tell you? We won’t be staying in a hotel.’ he said. You shook your head. ‘Well,’ Seungmin shrugged with a playful grin, ‘It’s still Jeju.’
‘Did you trick me?' you asked suspiciously as he turned around and started walking towards the lighthouse. He simply shrugged and walked on. You huffed but couldn’t stop a smile from appearing on your face as you quickly followed him.
‘Welcome to the observatory,’ Seungmin said happily as you stepped into the lighthouse. The building seemed to be quite old judging by the lack of outlets and lights. The small windows were made of thick yellowish glass and the walls were made of sturdy wooden logs. The kitchen, living room, and bedroom all seemed to be squished into the same space that had been expanded just enough to fit everything in. Although most of the furniture looked old and worn, it did look clean and gave off a very cozy vibe.
Your eyes slid over the lazy armchair next to the large bookcase that was behind a small dining table.
‘What do you think?’ you heard Seungmin ask, his voice unsure now. You tore your eyes from the small double bed in the corner and looked at him. ‘I know it’s not like the hotel from last time,’ he began. You could see the doubt in his eyes and knew that he now regretted not telling you beforehand that you would in fact be staying somewhere completely different.
‘It’s adorable,’ you said with a wide and truthful smile. You could see his eyes calm down a bit, his face returning to his usual expression. He nodded curtly.
‘Our luggage is over there,’ he said, pointing to the corner behind you. You turned to find your suitcase and bags piled up on each other. You realized now that you had brought way too much stuff, assuming you’d be staying in a hotel like last time and knowing how much space you had had then. There was no way you could possibly store all of your stuff in the few drawers that were here. You felt your cheeks flush, embarrassed by your mistake, even though it wasn’t really your fault.
Together, you unpacked your stuff while Seungmin softly hummed. He didn’t say much as he unpacked his own luggage. You could see from the corner of your eyes that he was purposely working slowly, as he had barely packed half of what you had brought and didn’t want to finish before you. You managed to unpack eighty percent of what you had brought with you. The remaining stuff, which you didn’t think you’d need, you stuffed back into the suitcase that you could place under the bed.
‘So what do you wanna do?’ Seungmin asked as soon as you were finished. You raised your brows at him.
‘I thought you said you wanted to start work early?’ you asked teasingly. Seungmin looked away from you, staring out the window, seeming to ignore your question.
‘I could give you a tour of the area, show you a beach that’s down the cliffs,’ he proposed, still looking out of the window. You nodded eagerly, realizing he wasn’t able to see, and then quickly gave him a ‘Yes, please.’
Seungmin took your hand and guided you out of the hut. Outside, the sun was warm and bright. There was only a little wind, even though you were on a hilltop surrounded by water.
‘You can roam around here freely,’ Seungmin spoke, gesturing to the stretch of grassy hilltop. ‘The entire island is ours.’
‘Island?’ you repeated sounding surprised. Seungmin nodded.
‘It’s only a small one though, just off the coast of Jeju, but still technically belonging to Jeju. You can only get here by boat, or the way we did, so there are not a lot of visitors,’ he explained. You looked over your shoulder at the thick row of trees.
‘What’s behind there?’ you asked curiously.
‘A dragon’s lair with the dragon guarding the island for us,’ he said calmly. You whipped your head around so fast that your neck made a cracking sound, looking at him with shocked eyes.
‘Dragon?!’ you exclaimed, shocked, but Seungmin chuckled when he saw your face. You clicked your tongue and hit him on his shoulder.
‘You’re too easy,’ he said with a soft chuckle. ‘Nah, there’s nothing there really. We planted the trees as an extra border against prying eyes, because boats can only dock on that side of the island. There’s a bit of nature, a picnic area, nothing too interesting, but just enough for people to not want to pass the line of trees,’ he explained. You nodded thoughtfully and pondered for a moment as you strolled over the hilltop with him, your hand still in his.
‘How do you buy an Island?’ you asked curiously after a while.
‘Dunno,’ Seungmin shrugged. You pulled up your brows at him. ‘Well, we didn’t exactly buy it or anything. We kinda just claimed it.’ This remark made you only pull your brows up even further. With his free hand, he brushed his thumb over the crease in your forehead as he looked at you before he continued to explain. ‘It wasn’t on any map when we first came here,’ he spoke, then frowned for a moment thinking. ‘If I remember correctly it used to be Chan’s Island, I think… Well, it was used by one of us before we became a group. Anyway, we kept it, managed to keep it off the map, and keep it from being sold off. It used to be Hyunjin’s gallery for a while before electricity was invented. Ever since then none of the boys were really interested in it anymore, so I kind of claimed it for my own,’ he explained.
‘Is there no electricity then?’ you said surprised. Seungmin shook his head.
‘The furnace works on fire, which doubles as a hearth and there is clean running water, but no, no electricity,’ he said simply.
‘But then how do you do your research?’ you asked him with big eyes. This time it was his turn to look at you with raised brows.
‘Just, by hand,’ he said with a shrug, as if it was the most logical thing ever. You gaped at him. ‘Honestly, I prefer it that way. Whenever I bring in computers and alter the weather only the slightest it messes up the entire computer’s algorithm. So I stick with the analog stuff. Much more accurate,’ he explained. You huffed incredulously but were also impressed by his dedication. Thinking about what he had said, you looked up at the sun. It was warm and felt nice on your face. Not too hot, not too cold. You were quite sure he was currently controlling the temperature to make sure you were comfortable.
Seungmin guided you down some narrow steps at the edge of the cliff which looked quite old but still seemed to be well kept. At the bottom, there was a small private beach with soft white sand.
‘It’s high tide now, so you don’t have to worry about not being able to get back or anything. This is as high as the water will go,’ he said pointing at the white foam washing ashore from the deep blue waters. ‘The terrace of the cabin also looks down on the beach,’ he said pointing upward. You looked up at the steep cliff, squinting your eyes against the bright light to see the underside of the terrace at the back of the cabin.
After going back up the steps again, the two of you returned to the cabin.
Seungmin checked his watch and pulled up his nose.
‘I gotta start working now, for real,’ he said with an apologetic look on his face. ‘Let me know if you need anything,’ he kindly offered. You nodded. Just as you were about to turn around to grab some of your stuff he suddenly grabbed your arm and pulled you back, swiveling you around. Before you could even blink or breathe, you felt his soft lips on yours. Unlike his action, his kiss was soft, careful, almost hesitant. But even so, the world still instantly disappeared from your thoughts. You wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him back, your heart swelling at the taste of his lips. Just when you thought you were going to melt into him, a beeping sound interrupted the two of you.
Seungmin broke the kiss, and for a moment you were quite lost as to where you were, before landing again. Seungmin clicked his tongue annoyed, checking his softly beeping watch and pushing the button to make it stop. He looked up at you apologetically.
‘I really gotta set up my stuff now,’ he said, his tone soft and regretful.
‘R-right,’ you said with a slightly dazed nod. For a moment, you had totally forgotten about why you were actually there. You felt a little stupid as you watched Seungmin gather his stuff. You couldn’t help but feel disappointed, even though you knew he was here to work. You expected that you would have at least a few hours with him before he had to start his work, especially since he picked you up from school so early. But, after all, he did tell you that he wanted to start early.
Not sure what to do, you sat down on the edge of the bed and watched Seungmin unpack all kinds of instruments that you had never seen before.
‘Where will you set it up?’ you asked him, staring at the telescope that looked like it had seen at least a few centuries.
‘The balcony,’ Seungmin said, nodding his head to the only thing that looked modern in the hut. Two large glass doors, at the back of the hut lead to a balcony, looking very similar to the ones that were stationed back home. He put a pen in his mouth and loaded his arms as full as he could. A few documents slipped out of his arms and he grumbled.
‘Here let me,’ you quickly offered, picking it up. You were about to hand it to him when you realized his arms were full already, and it would probably be best for you to carry it for him instead. He smiled, the pen between his teeth making it look quite comical.
Having one hand free, you opened the glass doors for him and stepped onto the balcony. It was larger than you had thought, but it contained no desk or anything to work on.
‘Erm?’ you began, holding the documents up at Seungmin, but he wasn’t looking at you. Instead, he sat down, cross-legged, and started to place the stuff on the floor. You quickly realized why there was no desk. Seungmin’s stuff took up about two-thirds of the old wooden balcony flooring. Clearly, no desk would be big enough to hold everything he needed. For a moment you wondered if it would be dangerous, having all those papers lying around, prone to getting blown away by the wind. But then you realized who you were with and you felt the urge to smack yourself on the forehead.
‘If there’s anything you need or anything I can do for you, don’t hesitate to ask. Okay?’ Seungmin said, looking up at you as soon as he was done setting up. You laughed.
‘Shouldn't I be the one saying that to you?’ you giggled. He grinned at you but didn’t say anything, brushing a hand through his fluffy hair and looking down at what seemed to be a star map in front of him.
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Night had fallen, and you had quietly retreated to the dining table, reading through some homework you had to get done. Every now and then, you looked outside at Seungmin, who was still pondering long and hard over different maps, using weird-looking instruments that measured things you didn’t understand. You prepared a simple meal when you realized he had been too caught up in his work to realize it was dinner time. He took it from you thankfully, patting your head softly before eating while continuing to work.
You had always known Seungmin was a dedicated person. Whenever he set his mind to something, he gave himself to it wholeheartedly. His dedication and perseverance were something you respected and admired about him.
Whenever you looked up from your books at him, he was scribbling away on his papers, as the stars became brighter and the sky became darker and darker.
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You opened your eyes but everything remained dark.
A soft warm blanket was wrapped around you. Slowly your eyes were starting to adjust and you could make out the shapes of a bookcase and a table. You were in the cabin still.
You sat up in the dark, looking around you. You were not where you had last been. The last thing you could remember was sitting at the table with your books. You looked over. Your books were neatly stacked into a pile on the corner of the table.
Automatically, your eyes drifted through the large glass doors that let the only light into the cabin. A dark shape was standing outside, looking through a telescope.
He was still working then. You had no idea what time it was, but he must’ve come in for a bit and carried you to the bed before tucking you in. You yawned. A part of you wanted to get up and tell Seungmin it was time for him to come to bed, as it was probably already very late. But you knew he would probably reject your offer since he wasn’t done yet. You yawned again. Besides, your legs felt heavy, your head fuzzy. You lay back down. He’d come when he was done, yes. You were… too tired… anyway…
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When you opened your eyes again everything seemed different. The early light was pouring through the windows, creeping in like a golden blanket, covering the floor and table. You blinked in the bright light. Seungmin’s face was next to yours. He was asleep. You were glad to see he had finally come to bed, you were worried that he had worked all through the night, but seeing him like this eased your heart. His pink lips were closed, as he breathed slowly through his nose. His cheeks were getting slightly squashed by the pillows, making him look even cuter than normal. A puppy asleep.
For a while you just lay there, looking at him, taking in his soft appearance. It was easy to forget that he had already seen decades with his boyish appearance. You knew he was often mistaken for a college or even high school student, causing him to prefer to wear suits outside the house. Not that you minded it though. He looked damn good in them.
You smiled at his sleeping face.
By the time the sun was halfway up in the sky, you finally decided to get out of bed. Quietly, you snuck into the kitchen hoping to surprise him with a nice breakfast.
You found some eggs and veggies in the kitchen cabinets and went to work as silently as you could.
You were just about to turn the omelet when two arms suddenly wrapped around your waist, and a kiss was planted on your neck.
‘Good morning,’ Seungmin hummed in a low sleepy voice. He held you close to him and you could instantly feel your face turn red.
‘Morning,’ you giggled. ‘I wanted to surprise you with breakfast in bed, but now you have gone and ruined it.’
‘Sorry my presence ruined your day,’ he said in a sleepy but playful tone. His voice was soft as he spoke, his breath tickling your neck and you instantly felt the heat in the lower pits of your body rising.
‘No, it didn’t, I’m just-,’ you said quickly trying to apologize while hiding your red face. Seungmin chuckled and gave you a teasing squeeze before letting go of you again. A coldness seemed to wrap around your body where he had been touching you before, but the heat on the inside of your body hadn’t left you.
‘Slept well?’ Seungmin asked casually as he sat down at the tiny wooden table. You nodded eagerly in response, still hiding your pink face from him.
‘You?’ you asked conversationally, as you flipped the omelet. It seems to be ready now.
‘Just about enough for another day of work,’ Seungmin answered with a stretch and a yawn. You looked around at him in surprise as you put the omelets on a plate.
‘Another day?’ you huffed incredulously as you walked over to him.
‘Yeah. What? You think I can really map the entire night sky in one night?’ he chuckled, raising a brow.
‘Well, you worked so long and hard yesterday,’ you said with a small voice. Seungmin raised his arm, cupping your face with his hand and stroking your cheek with his thumb.
‘I’m sorry sweetheart, I promise I’ll give you some attention soon, okay?’ he said sweetly. His hand on your face almost seemed to burn you from the inside out. You felt your thigh muscles flex involuntarily and your mouth felt dry. With a hand that seemed to lose it’s grip, you quickly handed him his plate with the omelet.
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The heat inside of you hadn’t gone away since that morning. You thought that maybe it was the magic of Jeju Island, but you found yourself caring less and less for the reason as your mind started focusing on other things…
Seungmin had already started setting up his materials again outside on the balcony. The sky was looking a spectacular shade of blue again, promising another day of warmth and sunshine. You watched Seungmin rolling up his sleeves as he unfolded a star map on the ground, holding a pencil between his pink lips. The sight of it made you bite your own lip. How could he look so hot doing something so mundane? Heat was creeping up on you and you felt like those early days again, when the ache had confused and scared you, not knowing what or who you were back then. But this time, you didn’t fight it. You would’ve embraced it happily, but you knew you couldn’t bother Seungmin in his work right now. You sighed.
You went through your baggage, hoping to find something to distract you for the day, as studying wouldn’t be an option now anyway. Your fingers slid over a smooth fabric and you picked the item up. It was your bikini. You remembered the private beach at the bottom of the cliffs that Seungmin had shown you. Maybe a dive into the cool ocean waters would turn down your heat for the time being.
You quickly changed into the bikini, throwing a towel over your shoulder and taking a bag with some stuff you might need in your hand before opening the glass doors to the balcony. Seungmin looked up at the sound. Instantly his eyes slid over your mostly naked body, the pencil between his teeth still there. His gaze almost made you gulp, but you knew you had to hold back. You couldn't bother him during work.
‘I’m going down to the beach for a bit, okay?’ You said quickly. Seungmin nodded, still staring at your body for a second before blinking and catching your eyes again.
‘Have fun,’ he said simply, taking the pencil from between his lips and turning back around again to continue his sketch. A slight pang of disappointment went off in the back of your head. Of course, you had hoped he would stop working for you, but you knew how important it was to him.
When you stepped out of the cabin the sun felt a little bit brighter and the wind even warmer and softer. Had he done that for you, or had you just not noticed the temperature that much from inside the cabin you wondered.
You made your way down to the beach, taking off your slippers and stepping into the soft sand with your bare feet. The sensation of it was so nice. The sand was warm but not hot, feeling like a warm soft blanket around your feet as you walked. You put down your towel in the middle of the beach and sat down on it, looking over the stretch of blue ocean. It sparkled brightly, as soft waves faded in and out of the sand. It would have been calming, had you not been so incredibly horny.
A creaking noise suddenly drew your attention. You looked up and around. You were sure you had seen a shadow, retreat back onto the deck, disappearing and leaving nothing to see. Had he looked over to see if you had arrived safely? Or had he secretly been watching you? Your lips curled.
You pulled open your bag, rummaging through it and finding what you were looking for, sunscreen. You grinned to yourself and stood up. Slowly you started putting the sunscreen on your body, stretching out each limb and rubbing on the sunscreen like you were live painting in an art show. All the while your ears were focusing hard, trying to listen and hoping for any more creaks of the balcony. You didn’t dare look up again, afraid of scaring him away if he was indeed looking at the show you were putting on for him.
The rest of the day you spent, in any ridiculous attempt possible as if no one might be watching, giving a sensual show of yourself. You “read” your book in the most unusual positions, trying to show off your curves as best as you could. You sunbathed for a while, laying on your tummy and even undoing the knot in the back of your top. You washed yourself in the ocean water, the moisture of it making your skin look sparkly and inviting.
But there was no response. Seungmin didn’t come down. Now and then you thought you heard some creaking of the balcony, but that might as well be him changing positions while he was working, which you knew he often did. But whenever you tried to sneak a peek at the balcony it seemed deserted. No shadow quickly withdrawing, nor one that stayed to admire you.
As the sun started to go down again, you decided to give up, feeling slightly frustrated and unsatisfied. When you arrived back at the cabin, Seungmin was still very much caught up in his work, scribbling away on pieces of paper frantically, with his hair slightly messy from putting his fingers through it so many times. You sighed and wrapped a towel around you.
Even when you brought him his dinner, since he seemed to have forgotten to eat, he barely seemed to look at you.
‘I’m going to take a shower,’ you told him, as you handed him his plate. He looked up, his brows slightly furrowed, and a surprised hazy look on his face.
‘What? Oh erm, right. But shouldn’t you eat?’ he asked, taking the plate from you. You smiled softly at him.
‘I already did,’ you told him kindly. Apparently, he really hadn’t heard you when you called him in for dinner before. Seungmin nodded, taking a quick bite from his food before continuing to work again.
You took your time in the shower, considering for a moment to please yourself instead to satisfy that desperate ache, but deciding against it. It felt too awkward with Seungmin right outside, even though you knew you couldn’t have him. So instead, you took your time washing, shaving, and scrubbing yourself, like a small spa day.
By the time you came out of the shower, the sun had already gone down. You looked on the balcony but were surprised to find an empty and clean balcony with no trace of Seungmin. Confused, you stepped out onto the balcony, walking over to the edge and peering down at the beach, but even if he was there, it was too dark to see anything.
‘Looking for me?’ a soft voice asked, tickling your neck. Startled, you turned around on the spot. You were standing face to face with Seungmin, who put his arms on the ledge on either side of you. He tilted his head to the side questioningly. It was as if the breath was knocked out of you while his piercing blue eyes kept you nailed to the spot.
‘You’ve been toying with me all day,’ he said accusingly. Your lips parted and you inhaled as if you were about to come up with a protest, but the heat between your legs made you unable to speak. Even in the dark, the blue of his eyes was still breathtaking. The last rotating wheel in your brain seemed to understand that he had in fact been watching your show all day, secretly.
Seungmin suddenly grabbed you, turning you around, making you face the open ocean. He took hold of your hands, bringing them up and laying them on the banister of the balcony, before wrapping his arms around you and pushing his front against your back. Something hard poked into one of your buttcheeks.
‘Were you really that scared that I would not pay any attention to you this weekend?’ he whispered into your ear. Before you could even process his question his tongue licked the side of your neck. A shudder went through you. ‘You seem to forget that I can detect temperature changes, including the ones in you,’ he whispered. His hands moved over your belly, down to the edge of your pajama shorts. You gasped as his hand dipped underneath the waistband and his fingers found your sensitive spot. His fingers instantly went to work, drawing circles on your clit and pulling soft moans from your mouth as his lips and tongue kissed and nipped your neck.
Your mind went blank and all you could focus on was the heat between your legs. Leaning back against him, he teased your most sensitive spot until you could barely stand anymore.
You let out a soft squeal when he pinched your clit teasingly between his fingers, stopping while you were on the edge. The unexpected discomfort made you open your eyes and gasp for breath, drawing you back slightly from your high but not at all turning you off.
‘Minnie,’ you whispered his name over your shoulder, your lips searching for his. He brushed over them, but not letting you kiss him, as he withdrew his hand.
‘You have been keeping me from my work all day and you expect to be rewarded?’ He teased with a low voice. You let out an involuntary whine. He completely let go of you, a smirk on his face as he created just enough space between the two of you so that you weren’t touching him, but you could still feel the heat of his body, smell his warm summery scent.
Even with your mind losing the ability to think, you knew what he wanted. You turned against the railing towards him. Seungmin tilted his head, his usual side tilt, but this time the puppy was nowhere to be found in his eyes.
‘How about I reward you for your hard work?’ You whispered. Your voice came out softer than you had intended, husky with want, but he still heard you. His blue eyes darted from yours to the wooden floor of the balcony and there was nothing more he needed to say. Obediently you went down on your knees, looking up at him with half-lidded eyes. He lifted his chin higher, the smirk on his lips growing wider as he looked down at you sitting there, ready for him.
‘Well, go on then,’ he said coolly, ‘you seemed to know how to use your hands perfectly fine when you were putting on sunscreen this afternoon.’ You bit your bottom lip in an attempt to hide your embarrassed smile but raised up your arms and put your hands on his belt. You kept your eyes on your work, having to focus on unbuckling his belt and unbuttoning his pants, as your mind seemed to be working much slower than usual, while he watched you closely. Your lips parted in anticipation when you finally drew down his boxers.
You had known he was already hard when he had been standing against you, but seeing his size springing free from its confines still made you lick your lips. Your eyes flicked up to his for a moment which looked at you, hesitantly, apprehensive but still eager.
Carefully, you wrapped your hand around his length, and instantly he let out a soft sigh, barely audible even to you. You let your hand move up, stopping just before the start of his sizable head. A bead of clear precum appeared on his tip and eagerly you licked it. The sweet taste and Seungmin’s soft inhale made you hungry for more. Without waiting any longer, you wrapped your lips around his tip and sucked softly. You could hear Seungmin exhale long, low, and softly.
Slowly you let your lips slide down his length, until his tip hit the back of your throat and you couldn’t go any further. As you started bobbing your head up and down his hard shaft, you could hear him breathing heavily, now and then soft moans escaped him. Eagerly, you sucked his dick, trying to take him in deeper with every stroke and hollowing out your cheeks as best as you could. You could feel the clean panties you had just put on getting more and more soaked with every second, that familiar tension only increasing.
Just when your eyes were starting to water you could feel him starting to twitch in your mouth. You knew he was close now. You wanted to continue, eager to make him cum, please him, and taste him on your tongue. Your hand was starting to slip between your thighs.
‘Stop,’ he breathed shortly. Instantly, you pulled back, looking up at him. His eyes were closed, his lips parted as he panted, his chest heaving. Without looking, one of his hands found the top of your head, first patting your hair before cupping your face. With his free hand, he pulled up his boxers, covering up his wet length, which instantly left a pretty stain on them. He looked down at you, the corners of his mouth lifting, and you knew you had done well in pleasing him, making your heart pound in your chest and the butterflies flutter through your stomach.
‘I’m not done with you yet,’ he panted, grinning.
His thumb brushed over your lips before he nodded at you as a sign for you to stand up. You instantly obeyed, ignoring the discomfort in your legs from sitting weirdly for a while.
‘Get on the bed,’ he commanded softly. His blue eyes were lidded now too and his gaze was hungry. Heart pounding, you quickly went inside, jumping on the bed as he followed behind you closely. You had barely sat down on the bed when he climbed onto it, straddling you. You looked at him in surprise.
‘Do you trust me?’ he asked softly, his voice breathy. You nodded instantly. ‘Then close your eyes,’ he added. You closed your eyes and felt his lips upon yours again. Passionately, you kissed him back, the world disappearing and completely melting into him. But a sudden buzzing feeling on your lips made you pull back startled, your eyes still closed shut.
‘It’s okay, you can trust me,’ Seungmin said softly, succeeding in comforting you. The gears in your head seemed to turn slowly. You knew he would never hurt you, you had just been startled, that was all. You bent towards him again, allowing your mind to relax and be open to whatever Seungmin wanted to do. He didn’t kiss you this time, however. You could feel him laying his hands on top of your shoulders. They were warm, but not hot like Changbin’s usually were. Then a soft buzzing feeling started to tickle your shoulders. It almost felt like your skin was vibrating, a tingling that seemed hard to describe.
‘Is that okay?’ Seungmin asked carefully. With your eyes still closed, you smiled, letting out a breathy “Yes,” for him. Slowly, he moved his hands up and down your shoulders, collarbones, and neck, almost like a massage. There was no pain, but it definitely felt different than when someone would touch you with a normal hand. This felt… exciting, new. Maybe even a little… dangerous. The feeling of playing with something you normally shouldn’t made you clench your thighs together and bite your lip.
‘Can I take off your top?’ Seungmin asked. You were sure he had sensed something in you, causing him to ask, but still being careful. As an answer, you put your arms up for him. The buzzing feeling stopped and he used his hands to pull the top over your head. You heard him let slip a soft groan as he found out you weren’t wearing anything underneath. For a moment you wished to see his face. See his blue eyes rake your body as he would lick his lips, his cheeks slightly flushed with his own heat. But you kept them closed as he had asked, focusing on what you were feeling. His hands went back to your shoulders again, and the buzzing feeling returned. This time he started stroking your body with the tips of his fingers, the tingling and vibrating feeling making you breathe deeply, almost entrancing you.
His fingers brushed your collarbones, moving lower to your chest until they rested upon your breasts. Suddenly his lips were on yours again and as he kissed you, his fingers closed around your nipples. You gasped in his mouth, the new form of stimulation almost seeming to knock the breath out of you. You could feel his lips smiling as he continued kissing you, massaging and pinching your nipples while using his powers as you moaned into his mouth. Whatever it was that he was doing seemed to have a direct connection to the heat between your legs, and before you knew it you were a hot moaning mess, your hole clenching desperately around nothing.
‘Seungminnie,’ you whined onto his tingling lips. He let go of your oversensitive tits and for a moment you felt disappointed, but then he pushed you gently onto your back. You half opened your eyes, and before you could even blink he had removed both your pants and panties and his own clothes. The deep blue pools of his eyes were lidded, and they seemed to be whirling like water pools. His cheeks were slightly pink with heat as he panted eagerly. You stretched your hand out to him, needing to feel him, which he took, intertwining his fingers with yours and holding your hand tightly. He pushed your arm above your head, placing himself between your legs. With his free hand, he trailed down your body, his finger buzzing and tingling over your skin as it went down, stopping just above your clit. Your eyes locked for a moment, and there was nothing more you needed to say to him. He positioned his length between your thighs and pressed into you. The way your walls stretched around his cock as he filled you up made your eyes roll into the back of your head.
He didn’t leave you much time to adjust to him as he instantly started fucking you with deep long thrusts. You panted and whined with bliss, the feeling of finally being filled up, making you drunk with love. Seungmin’s free hand moved over your body again, stopping on your clit this time. His thumb started to buzz and tingle your skin and you knew what was coming. Putting it carefully on your sensitive bud, never stopping his thrusts, he started to draw circles on you. An endless stream of moans escaped your mouth now, as Seumgin fucked you deeply, his thumb playing with your clit. The electricity that was literally running through your body made everything feel amplified, pleasure spreading through your entire body. Then he hit that spot that made you gasp, the feeling so intense that you had lifted yourself from the bed, sitting up to face him. Seungmin was breathing heavily. His hair sticking to his forehead as his lips produced the most beautiful soft pants. He grinned at you, seeing your fucked out face, your tongue between your teeth. Clearly, it encouraged him even more as the tingling feeling on your clit intensified.
‘Minnie I-,’ you whined, but before you could finish your sentence, he sent a spark to your core, tipping you over the edge instantly. Your veins seemed to be electrified, tingling, buzzing, and sizzling from the tips of your fingers to the ends of your toes.
But Seungmin wasn’t done yet. He removed his hand from your core, gripping your hips with both hands and continuing his steady pace. Your orgasm started to wash away and overstimulation was taking over your body. Your arms holding you up gave out and you fell back on the bed, but Seungmin’s pace didn’t falter. Instead, he bent over you, his eyes finding your barely open ones. He didn’t have to talk to make you understand. He was getting close too. Your tingling arms reached out for his face, cupping it and pulling him closer so you could kiss him. His lips melted into yours sweetly as his cock still stretched you with every thrust. He let out small gasps on your lips as you kissed him, his movements starting to feel more and more strained.
‘Fill me up Seungmin,’ you whispered onto his lips. Your words were all he needed. You could feel his dick spasm inside of you and he let out a long deep groan as he emptied himself deep inside of you. In a daze, his lips found yours again, kissing you deeply, sloppily. But you knew what it meant.
“I love you”
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animehusbandharem · 10 months
I’m curious of other’s opinions on this: out of all the suitors, who is the most believable and least believable for “Belle” to actually fall in love with? Basically, how realistic would it actually be for her to fall in love with one of them?
I based my rankings based off a mix of Belle’s personality and the actual story and how it plays out - i tried to be as least biased as i possibly could lol
My ranking would be:
1. Leon: i picked Leon as most believable because of how quickly she warmed up to him and how compatible their communication styles are. They’re honestly almost too perfect that it makes me wanna gag (sorry Leon lovers lol)
2. Keith: He comes in 2nd similarly to Leon, the nice Keith and Belle get along so well and it seems like she has a soft spot for him from the get-go. It’s believable to me also because of how his story was written and i could definitely see MC ending up with him.
3. Rio: The boy next door has to be believable. Poor Rio lol. I put him 3rd because she has to get past seeing him as a friend which is a small obstacle, but it is totally believable because theyre already super close and it would make sense.
4. Chevalier: the “true” route. I love their story, and given their personalities, i think it was very well written for both of them to compliment each other. They have just enough in common to keep the stability, but also love languages to help learned and keep the spark alive.
5. Gilbert: the “bad boy”. He is believable to me because the slow progression makes sense, and you can see how both of them compliment each other and pique their interest of the other as well. It seems like a natural progression, and it’s one that we can see coming.
6. Clavis: the class clown. One of my favorite routes 🥰. I think the dynamic between Belle and Clavis are so quirky, that it works. It makes sense once she learns more about Clavis that she would fall for him.
7. Licht: Sweet emo baby. My first love. I put him lower on the list because he’s harder to actually get to know, so the likelihood of her truly being interested in him at first is likely low, but once she finds out he’s a sweet baby - she will be smitten and will fall.
8. Sariel: Daddy issues. I actually really like his route and i genuinely believe this could happen, the only reason hes lower on the list is because i think it would be less likely that Belle would sacrifice her “professionalism” but i do still think it’s a believable story!
9. Silvio: Loveable asshole. Okay, listen - i’m sorry Silvio stans… i ranked Silvio lower because it would take a lot longer for her to warm up to him… especially the way he talks to her - and quite frankly, with all the other options around, why would she fall for him when theres so many other princes?? BUT… i do think his route is very believable for what it is and i did enjoy it personally
10. Nokto: emo playboy. Let’s be real, she would be so turned off by his bullshit, i find it hard to believe she would even think twice about wanting to get to know him. When she does, i don’t think she would want to be more than friends.
11. Luke: Baby bear. I cant picture them together because of how young he seems honestly 😣
12. Jin: Titty idiot. His route felt so wrong and weird to me… it felt forced and awkward. This just doesn’t feel like a good match and it doesn’t seem like a natural progression to me. He doesn’t have much of a personality, and they both just don’t seem to fit
13. Yves: Baby girl. I cant take him seriously as a lover when even the game suggested that Belle questioned he may be queer. (Nothing wrong with this at all, just doesnt fit the narrative they are selling). I LOVE YVES and everyone needs one in their life, but he’s not believable as a lover… and we all know why 🙃
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supportpunk · 8 months
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The complete plushie collection! It ended up at an even 90 friends!
The only ones not pictured are one squishmallow I found buried in my closet after this picture was taken and my car buddy Hamburger the forest demon
I also have a whole list of them that I'll put under the cut! Some of the names are very silly :)
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1. Big Bear
2. Treasure (Squishmallow cat)
3. Oobleck the elephant
4. Plague Doctor
5. Brighton Bear
6. Big Dog
7. Little Dog
8. Blah the snake
9. Mama Rex
10. Benvolio
11. Vampire Bat
12. Spiderman
13. Pleakley (fish squishmallow)
14. Red Fox (squishmallow)
15. Grogu pillow pet
16. Llama Mama
17. Tiger
18. Puppy trio one
19. Puppy trio two
20. Puppy trio three
21. Elefun (yellow elephant)
22. Taddle Toes the alien
23. Fruity squishmallow (not pictured)
24. Darth Bear-der
25. Clark the supercow
26. Brucie Bear
27. Rico the zomb frog
28. Buffy the rabbit
29. Black Friday Bear
30. Creeper
31. Mona the bearlien
32. BonBon teddy
33. Ferrari the timeless teddy
34. Pawlette the rabbit
35. Melanie the crochet hippo
36. BeeGee the froggie
37. Schlepp the bear
38. Rock lobster the triceratops
39. Sub Zero
40. Dexter dragon
41. Val the cow
42. Hello Kitty squishmallow
43. Miffy
44. Eeyore
45. Piglet
46. Bulbasaur
47. Large lots of love carebear
48. Small lots of love carebear
49. Wish bear
50. Funshine bear
51. Try your best bear
52. Share bear
53. Flat fuck Friday the whale Shark
54. Hammerhead shark
55. Elmo
56. Toothpick the fox
57. Pretty puppy the dog
58. Frank the dog
59. Knuffle bunny
60. Pink puppy
61. Brown puppy
62. Blue puppy
63. Mr. Beaver
64. Rainbow sock monkey
65. Mr. Trooper
66. Mothman
67. Peep
68. Pico the dino
69. Squeaky cow
70. Music box bear
71. Music box triceratops
72. Piggy
73. Raggedy puppy
74. Mushy puppy
75. Monk monk
76. Bunny rattle
77. Bunny lovey
78. Scorch the dragon
79. Luna the wolf
80. Jasmine the rainbow leopard
81. The very hungry caterpillar
82. Smokey Bear
83. Blues clues
84. July beanie baby
85. Fox beanie baby
86. Fawn beanie baby
87. Witch beanie baby
88. Owl squishable 
89. Luna moth squishable
90. Hamburger the forest demon squishable (not pictured)
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micahruiz · 27 days
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[Start ID/ A photoset of scanned pages of a zine written in pencil on lined paper. The cover reads: “my first zine by: micah ruiz!” /End ID]
(image descriptions continued under cut)
[Start ID/ Slide 2 reads: “Okay, so this isn’t my first zine. I made one in middle school with my friend about how we loved black veil brides.” There is a drawing of an eyeball with dark gothic makeup below.
Slide 3 reads: “BUT! I firmly believe my middle school actions should not have any bearing on who I am today. I’d like to say I’m cooler now, but I’m really not.”
Slide 4 reads: “Actually, there’s something very cool about being “cringy” and loudly loving what you love, not being embarrassed about what others think (or at least hiding that embarrassment). Middle schoolers are a lot cooler and stronger than people give them credit for.”
Slide 5 reads: “Something one of my middle school teachers said has always stuck with me.” Below and to the right side of that, there’s a drawing of a woman with a speech bubble coming out from her mouth. The bubble reads: “I wouldn’t be 13 again for a million dollars.”
Slide 6 reads: “Sometimes, I think about what middle school me endured and survived, and I am amazed.” Below that, there is a self portrait drawing of me as an adult. Below that, text reads: “I don’t even know how 26 year old me would handle it.”
Slide 7 reads: “I guess she’s still in me. Just like middle school you is in you somewhere too. They’re so cool and they don’t even know it.” Around the text, there is a self portrait of me as a 12 year old girl.
Slide 8 reads: “Look little you in the eyes, each time you encounter a child.” - my heroes, kimya dawson. M. Ruiz ‘24” /End ID]
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snowcoffeee · 4 months
Thank you for the tag @rhodophoria!! :D This was fun!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Just one (but there will be more soon ;))
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
127,025! I think Ashen Wishes is the longest story I've ever written (and it's still going, holy-)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Mostly Undertale. In fact, I haven't written for anything else in years ^^' I need to have a lot of passion for a fandom to get myself to write. Unless the characters live 24/7 in my mind rent-free, no ideas will pop up.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yeah, I love to! I really appreciate when someone takes their time to leave a nice message :] I always try to reply as soon as possible, or at least within a day.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I currently have a few one-shot ideas that have rather angsty endings, but I couldn't bear writing a whole longfic that ends on a sad note. ...I think.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Ashen Wishes will have a pretty happy, positive ending, so I suppose that counts (?)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Thankfully, I never have :)
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Well... not really. I've given it a shot a few times and I have a couple ideas, but I don't think I can bring myself to post anything too explicit at the moment.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I've never written one! I've always found them too difficult to execute well.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so...? Though I never looked for it.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope, but I wonder what that would look like! Although when it comes to writing fics, I'm much more comfortable writing in English than my native language.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not yet, but it sounds fun. I have friends who help with brainstorming sometimes, if that counts :)
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
I've never been into shipping characters that much. Sometimes I come across a ship and I genuinely like it, but then I move on. My reader-insert craze just never left me enough, I guess.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I strive to finish everything I start, even though it might, uh, take a little more time. I really hope I won't ever abandon my fics.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogues? Maybe? Those are usually the first things that pop up in my head when I'm trying to figure out a scene, and I build everything else around them. But I'm also really obsessed with pacing and trying to find a healthy balance between the events in a story. I'm not saying it's necessarily working, I just tend to pay more attention to it.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I'm very, very slow. I can linger on a single sentence for ten minutes because I can't get over how awkward a sentence feels, so I just stare at the screen trying to figure out how to fix it. Also, describing environments. I can't make them sound fun for the life of me. I feel like they always end up being very dry and unimaginative :/
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I don't run into them often, but I think they can spice up a dialogue sometimes. I especially like special short phrases that give the conversation a deeper meaning.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Oof, uh, Hollow Knight, if I remember correctly. I don't plan to post any of my older works though ^^'
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Ashen Wishes is probably the fic I've put the most effort in so far, and it's currently my favorite, too!
@imtrashraccoon if you'd like to join, but as always, no pressure! :D
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