#i hate those creatures so much omg…… /silly
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dracooogone · 1 month ago
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i think people should normalize drawing object show chars like this. they look so stupid
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urautismdiagnosis · 3 months ago
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Peso my lil Habibi <3 <3 <3
hes just a top tier character
my Hispanic coded son, mylil guy who's learning how to believe in himself
i just I lovepeso guys he's so pure and supportive and caring and lighthearted and silly and he's really doing his best??
he could probably cure my mentally illness with a bandage I'm sure
imgonna be so real I think he has game tho, like I'm 300% he could pull any maiden
he can become friends with like any sea creature too probably
hes my hero and my son and I think he low-key judges everyone internally
cuz like idk if y'all have met people who refuse to swear out loud verbally and hate confrontation, but the internal dialogue omg
i just know one of these days if he gets pushed too far hes gonna threaten someone with his slappity flippers
like y'all know the look birds do where they just sideye you??
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that glance???
i think he does that whenever people do things that are stupid
like he loves them all dearly but shellington why would you touch The THing That Will Hurt you, no shellington you cant eat that for science-
Also I think he and dashi would listen to music together i think they might spend evenings relaxing together. I mean their rooms are right next to eachother so like I'm sure they've had some lovely little evening conversations and stuff 🥰 i can just imagine dashi tryna teach peso yoga and like 😩🙏his penguin body wasn't built for it but he still slays
Hes like the little sibling but in the actually I am the most mature way???
I think its cuz he looks up to alot of the other members (altho he's definitely gotten alot more confident as the show has progressed) but he also like..
He gives me the vibes of the oldest sibling of not just the siblings but of all the cousins??? This might just be me projecting but like why did u even become a medic for such a wide range of medical creatures and sign up to join the newly formed highly experimental water nasa???
I think he probably had alot of high expectations on himself because everyone just always believed he could do anything. And that sounds super supportive in theory but when ur like tryna be the oldest and first one to support ur family and everyone is always looking at u because like.. most other people in ur family are younger or ehatever.. that pressure and extra attention can cause alot of perfectionism and high self standards
That mixed with being The Caretaker in your family especially as a child is a pretty good recipe for getting anxious about any big goal in your life and how others perceive you. I think he tried to like humble himself by saying oh no I'm not really capable of all those amazing things so pls don't have those huge expectations hahaha but then it just turned into not believing in himself as much???
Also we slay genuinely caring and kind people having alot of pent up frustration they never show because they love everyone too much. It still hurts inside tho.
Anyways uhhhhhhhhhhh this totally ain't me projectin or anythin.
also hes like a mixed kid, but he's mostly gentoo penguin id say based on my own design
speaking of penguins I think that their homes would be actually made of stone lol. Their homes would have like different smaller homes for privacy around like communal areas.. they still gotta deal with predstors like albatross or ehstever tho. But their albatross for example might work in groups or even be larger.
Friendly reminder my lore for the octonauts is a bit different than the Canon. Sure People People being like hunted is wayyyy less common than irl but They're basically still playing their evolutionary roles kinda like how we see with sea otters in the show.
I'm gonna make the post for their social norms and etc on this within the next few days actually lol but back to peso
Do u guys ever think peso wouldve jumpscared the crew by being like "oh no the shelf is too tall!" And then busting out the "hey did you know that penguin legs are just folded and much horrifically longer than ud think they are?" On them 😩🙏
"Wh- why would ye show me this??"
" because no one will ever believe you"
Hes very sweet but I think he deserves to be a little bit of a sneaky sht
If uve made it this far thanks for reading the brainrot I hope it was comprehensible pls lmk ur headcanons about him cuz I need more ngl
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spikeface · 2 months ago
hiiii hello if you would ever like to rant about teen wolf s6a please do <3 i'm like five episodes in on my rewatch and i'm constantly oscillating between peeking at my phone like a proper zoomer and repeatedly asking myself where is theo my friend enemy theo.... i know he's here where is he...
Omg okay I will but you have to understand that this is the distillation of years in this fandom, the once loose coal of my irritation compressed into a diamond of haterism. There are parts of this season I love, and I've made peace with some of the stuff I complain about here. 
But we're not here for peace. :)
Never Say "Pineal Gland" Again. The Ghost Riders are fun as a plot device. People being kidnapped and forgotten, a mystical train station, that's fun! Teen Wolf loves monstrous, seemingly unknowable villains, and does great with them in two ways, both of which 6A fails at:
The first option is to get inside their heads. The alpha of season 1, the kanima, the darach, the nogitsune, the Dread Doctors—all are introduced as deeply alien creatures whose inner lives and personal connections to the main cast are slowly revealed. 6A seems like it's going down that route, because the crew spends a lot of time trying to figure out and talk to the Ghost Riders, but there's no payoff: they just want to hunt forever and that's that. No personal history with anyone, no connections beyond a willingness to mind control Parrish and a bit of nervous shuffling around Lydia.
Which might still be fine, because the second option with characters like these is to make them window dressing for a charismatic villain, a la the oni with the nogitsune or the berserkers with Kate. This framework would be great for 6A if not for the fact that the villain in this case is Garrett "Brain-Eating Nazi Lion Wolf" Douglas. 
Douglas does not get enough hate. I get that he's so forgettable, what else is there to say besides "blech," but we can do better. Teen Wolf has such fun villains: they're dramatic and camp, while also intimate and personal. They have deep connections with the main crew and almost always have a sympathetic side to them. Even the nogitsune, the most alien of the main villains, has an almost plaintive moment where it reminds Noshiko that it's only doing what it was created to, what she summoned it for.
Nothing about Douglas is challenging or charismatic or sympathetic or aesthetically appealing or well acted. Davis had a bad habit of hiring wooden blonde hunks as far back as the mechanic of season 2, and now there's one as a main villain. Douglas's closest connection is to Theo—their scene in the shed is easily Douglas's most engaging, though that doesn't say much—but their connection is superficial. How would Douglas even know who Theo was if he spent those years floating unconscious in a vat? 
His final showdown is deeply unsatisfying. By the time Scott faces him, they've barely interacted so far. What does it mean for Scott to challenge him? What does he mean to Scott? How has Scott grown to be able to face him? Why does Douglas want this power anyway? Why would this Nazi be telling a Mexican-American that he'd be a fine Hitler youth? What the fuck is happening here? 
In the end, Peter rightly points out that a brain-eating Nazi is such a low bar to clear that taking a stand against him is almost meaningless. Douglas is a mockery of the complex, charismatic, intimate, high-stakes villains of previous seasons. Damnatio memoriae is too good for him; we need to remember how bad he sucks.
If Only We Knew Someone With Lightning Powers. Dropping Arden Cho unceremoniously was gross. Following that with a season of lightning villains is gross. Having Kira's only legacy be a sword that is then given away and broken, after everything she sacrificed for it, is just foul.
Would It Kill You To Let Them Go To Prom? Teen Wolf is only sporadically interested in high school life. Sometimes, it's part of the show's appealing silliness, but 6a's indifference just gets to me. This is the final semester of senior year for Scott and co., but we get absolutely nothing. Stiles misses that final semester and apparently, so do we! There's no classes, barely any lacrosse, and definitely no prom or graduation or college acceptance letters, nothing that acknowledges this season as a rite of passage. Any hints to the characters' future are condensed into a few lines at the end. C'mon, man.
It goes beyond the expectations of a teen show. Davis is so indifferent to his characters that in the next season, he makes all the characters who should be juniors into seniors, just to add on a flimsy narrative about things ending. It's lazy. 6A, to me, also really brings out how little Davis has invested in the world of Beacon Hills. Beyond Coach, there are so few consistent background characters. The high school class, lacrosse team, hospital, and sheriff's department are all prime opportunities for recurring background characters, but the show only bothers with a few (e.g. Brett&Lori, Sydney, Danny until they dropped him without even telling the actor). Nathan, Gwen, and Phoebe are all new characters, rather than people who have existed in the background before this, and after this season, they disappear again. There's very little sense of the world of either the high school or the town in general, and it stands out in a season where the whole town is being targeted.
The Newest Werewolf. Hayden was a minor character in season 5, but still had a lot going on: a close relationship with her sister strained by the supernatural; having to work a shitty job to afford the medications for her life-threatening condition; being targeted by the Doctors; being pursued by a boy she's not sure if she likes; trying to flirt when she's naturally competitive and sarcastic; DYING; being revived by Theo and then exploited by him; fighting the Demon Wolf's attempts to get in her head; deciding to help her friends; walking a fine line to survive the Beast when she's kidnapped by him; discovering Tracy's body. Her life is rich, and ends with a groundbreaking moment where she's the first person onscreen that becomes a werewolf with fully informed consent.
In 6A, she's flattened into Liam's love interest. Almost all of her scenes are with him, and her decisions are almost entirely about him. Many of her lines are about reassuring him. The exception is her dynamic with Gwen, which is much more engaging, and to me only shows how much more they could have done with Hayden if they just let her cook. Why is Liam the only one to get scenes alone with Theo? Surely she and Theo would have stuff to say to each other. Or what about her relationship with Scott? Why is Liam the only beta to have an arc with him? Where's her relationship with her sister??
The Wailing Woman. This should have been such a good season for Lydia. The groundwork is all there! Banshees have a special power over the Ghost Riders, and to placate them, the Ghost Riders create a facsimile of someone the banshee has lost.
Hmm, whom has Lydia lost recently? Whose presence might give her a vested interest in ignoring evidence of the Wild Hunt? 
Allison would have been perfect as the deceptive product of the Wild Hunt, and would have matched the framework the show established far better than Claudia. Part of the reason the Hunt falls apart is because Lydia is instantly suspicious of Claudia, and has no emotional investment in her. With Allison, Lydia would get to say goodbye to her in a way that matches the season being set in the final semester of high school. 
This would also have built on season 5 in fruitful ways. Lydia's power makes her a target in season 5, but she has almost no agency over her power. She's driven to blow Valack's head off without any control over it. 6A could be about Lydia realizing that this fake Allison has been created for her because the Wild Hunt is afraid of her power, but only if she chooses to use it.
And with respect to Allison, Lydia has more grieving to do. She's been struggling to process her death since it happened. She spends all of season 4 trying to find a way to help people as a response to Allison's death, but then is locked in a basement for the finale. In season 5, she has to be told by Stiles about Allison's role in defeating the Beast. Lydia deserves a season in which she can properly grieve Allison. She's literally the wailing woman! Let her wail!
As a final note, I'll add that I was frustrated with the way Stydia was done in this season. I dislike it strongly but waffled on including it because I've never been a big Stydia shipper, and so I worry that this criticism will seem motivated by my disinterest in the ship, rather than my frustration with its execution. My issue, though, is not Stydia itself but how little the show explored Lydia's subjectivity. 
Imho 6a substitutes Lydia remembering Stiles for her liking him, and prioritizes exploring his feelings over hers. It's clear from the first episode that Stiles is still in love with her, even if he's accepted they'll never be a romantic couple—which is one of my favorite things about Stiles, and a great part of O'Brien's portrayal. But when it comes to Lydia liking Stiles, the show focuses on how she's the one to remember him. But that's also, apparently, because she's a banshee? They focus on that at the expense of her personal feelings for him, and when the scene is most explicitly about their connection—in the memory landscape sequence of "Memory Found"—the focus is on Stiles' feelings for her. It just didn't seem like it was about Lydia in a meaningful way. The previous season, she'd been into Parrish, which is a pairing I despise and don't want to see more of, but the fact remains it was important to Lydia. The lack of exploration of how Lydia had ended it or moved on from it felt like more dismissal of her experiences. Stydia seemed like it was ultimately about making sure the audience knew Stiles is important, at the expense of a real exploration of their dynamic, which I discuss more below.
You Don't Have To Stop But Could You. So, okay, stay with me on this one. I loved that Theo returned, and thought they did some great things with him, BUT that's not why we're gathered here today. Despite enjoying a lot about Theo's dreamscape sequence, I was really frustrated by the way it framed Tara and what its impact was clearly intended to be.
I really loved the first scenes of Theo's return: he's dirty, angry, confused, and biting. He looks exhausted with his own bullshit, but instantly attacks Liam and Hayden and then threatens to kill everyone, and lies by omission about Douglas (and his own powers?), reflexively playing his cards close to the vest. He's looking out for himself and averse to personal risk. I thought they did a good job of presenting a Theo who has the potential to change, but hasn't yet. He's not really ready to see Scott and Malia again, and reverts to flippancy. 
We also get a scene in “Ghosted” of how deeply Theo hurt Malia. She hallucinates his betrayal in connection with her guilt about her own family; both of them are still deep wounds for her. It makes sense that she would lose control at the sight of Theo suddenly showing up in Scott's living room with a little "you aren't still upset about the whole shooting thing, are you?"
But then the episode ends!
And the next one starts with the Tara dreamscape.
Again, I don't want to sound like I disliked this sequence full stop. I've written meta about its relationship with Scott's dreamscape sequence and what it says about Theo, but I remain frustrated with how the basic impact is about generating sympathy for Theo. Tara is the victim the viewer knows least (vs Josh or Tracy or Scott), her death the most ambiguous (we only see Theo watching in what could be a daze, like the one pre-resurrection Tracy was in), and her only role in this sequence is to hurt Theo. She doesn't have any subjectivity beyond that: she's not Theo's sister, betrayed by her little brother's violence towards her, ready to explain her point of view. She's a gory ghost who barely reacts to Theo, a walking prop.
Theo, meanwhile, is there to be pitiable. When he was pulled under, he was powerful, and attacking everyone, and wearing shoes. Now he wanders barefoot through the hospital, and at the sight of Tara, he just runs. Beyond some frustration with the door, there's none of the vicious anger he showed in season 5. 
To be clear, it's not that I think Theo shouldn't be pitied or doesn't have this vulnerability, and Cody Christian does a stellar job with this scene, which is also beautifully atmospheric. But in terms of the impact of the scene on the viewer, it's there to create pity for Theo at the expense of grappling with any of the violence he did. It frustrates me because the sequence easily could have addressed his violence while still making him look sympathetic.
Theo was trapped in and perpetuated a cycle of violence. The viewers don't know the full truth about Tara, but we do with Scott, Josh, and Tracy. Theo killed them. What's more, we know all three tried to have a connection with him: Josh followed him post-resurrection despite the fact that Theo had been the one to kill him the first time; Scott wanted Theo in his pack, trusted him, and tried to be there for him; and Tracy was in love with him, trying to help him, without judgement, even when he was at his lowest. It would have been much more meaningful to have Theo face them instead of Tara, or at least in addition to her. 
It also would have been more meaningful to have Theo reckon with his capacity to do violence, rather than his fear of suffering it. We all know Theo is scared of being hurt; Theo knows most of all. He's even honest about it: "I don't want to be one of the bodies, it's that simple." What he has more trouble with is confronting how he perpetuates a cycle of violence, or even that he's in one. The dream sequence as it is does have Theo confront the idea of an endless, unchanging cycle, but it would have been much more effective to have that cycle be about the violence Theo did.
Think about how it would have looked if, once Tara dragged Theo down, Theo went on to reenact any of the violence he did, over and over and over. He could push Tara off the bridge over and over, but it'd be even more impactful to have him kill Josh over and over. He already killed him twice, but now he has to do it forever.
Scott stands there, barely on his feet, betrayed and weary, and says, "Now you have to kill me yourself." 
And Theo does, over and over. 
Tracy tells him, over and over, "You're hurt. You need time to heal." 
And Theo kills her for it, over and over. 
You'd get the same progression towards despair, but now it would be much more about Theo confronting what he did. It would still be a sympathetic depiction of a lost kid, shaped and trapped by brutal forces, while addressing his own choices, and why Malia might be so upset to see him.
As it stands, the sequence undermines Theo's history and Malia's reasonable reaction to him. We get her flashback/hallucination, Theo's inflammatory return, but then an episode break, followed by an extended sequence in which Theo is nothing but helpless and pitiable, finally followed by Malia's rage. Her reaction is divorced from the catalysts of the previous episode, and the scene of her anger even contains a callback to the dreamscape ("you don't have to stop"). I've made my peace with it, but it remains frustrating as a choice from Davis, who wrote this episode.
Malia Middle Name Tate.* Again, there's a lot I love about what they do with Malia in 6A, but now is not the time for love. So much of Malia's screentime is about Stiles and Peter at her expense. Those are both huge relationships for Malia, but they're not explored on her terms. 
The last we saw of her and Stiles, they'd broken up over a complicated situation. Stiles ends things at a self-destructive moment, as Malia tells him she would accept him even if he did kill Donovan. In some ways, I think Stiles is punishing her for this acceptance out of self-loathing, but it's also about the fact that Malia's acceptance is clearly tied to her own desire to kill the Desert Wolf. She accepts what might be Stiles' violence because she wants him to accept that she plans to kill Corinne, and Stiles isn't cool with that. The two never speak about it again, though, even though Malia subsequently doesn't kill Corinne. By season 6, the two obviously have baggage, as seen in their clash over the senior portrait. 
Once Stiles is gone, we see that he's still her anchor. I thought this was an interesting choice, because Scott and Allison's breakup was what forced Scott to be his own anchor. It would have been interesting to see that for Malia, or for her to decide that she still wants Stiles to be her anchor as a friend, or any sort of arc where she processes the breakup or her own feelings or makes decisions about Stiles for herself. Instead, the anchor concept seems to exist to remind the viewer how important Stiles is in general: he's Malia's anchor! Look how lost she is without him! Stiles simply must be rescued from the Wild Hunt! Malia isn't the one to break through the veil, however, and after he's back, there's still no sense of what this means for Malia. Her subjectivity re: Stiles is just ignored. After he comes back, she doesn’t even get a scene to greet him.
It's even worse with her "arc" with Peter. The last we see of those two is in the finale of season 4, when Peter betrays her. After going out of his way to get close to her, he literally tosses her aside and tries to kill her friends. Season 5 begins with Malia confirming that she's Malia Tate, not Malia Hale. She then forgets Peter until he returns from the Wild Hunt, when she goes to take his pain and is suddenly struck with the memory of his betrayal. That's the entirety of their relationship. 
Meanwhile, Peter is busy carving the biggest revenge spiral of his life in Eichen, suggesting he hasn't changed much from the end of season 4, before he's swept away by the Wild Hunt. I didn't dislike his scenes with Stiles at the train station, but to the extent that it's about his relationship with Malia, it cuts out Malia. Stiles' contempt for how alone Peter is as a result of his actions is good, as is his desperate plea for Peter to help his daughter, if no one else—but Malia sees none of this. She goes to Peter after his return only because he seems marginally less horrible than Theo, and still doesn't trust him. And why would she? Why would the viewer? We saw how big that revenge spiral was. 
Peter does go on to sacrifice himself for Malia, but these moments are always about Peter and what he wants, and they lead to one of the most abhorrent moments of the show. The fact that Malia is forced to call him "dad" despite obviously not wanting to is just gross. It's all about what Peter wants, and honestly, why would he even want this? It's meaningless because it's forced, and it's especially foul that Lydia is written to be the one telling Malia to do this, given Peter's history with her. I hate it!!
Meanwhile, where is Henry, the father she chose? Was he kidnapped by the Wild Hunt? Did she ever tell him she's a werecoyote, or about the Desert Wolf? 6A won't tell us. We see in "Ghosted" that her mother and sister's death still haunts her, but does the season do anything with that? No.
The last grump I'll add re: Malia's treatment is how little she gets with Theo. I've already talked about how I disliked how her anger at Theo is framed, and it was especially frustrating that it wasn't followed up with anything beyond an angry quip in the finale. Liam gets a series of scenes (good ones!) where he works through his anger at Theo, and it's incredibly frustrating that Malia, after having a much more intimate dynamic with him in season 5, gets so little. I despise the writers' choice to ignore them.
*This is a tiny thing but in the birth certificate prop for Malia in season 4, you can see that her name is written as Baby Malia. So. Technically. Malia is her middle name. Baby: a beautiful name for a baby.
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Mieczysław. You knew this was coming. My frustration with how Stiles was handled this season is about the ways in which it's done at the expense of other characters, and even of Stiles himself.
The premise of 6a was to work around O'Brien's absence by making it a plot point. Stiles becomes the focus of the season, but theoretically, characters could have space to work through their relationships with him, and potentially plenty more for dynamics with other characters. 
But in practice, the writers clutter the season with repeated empty claims about Stiles' importance that stifle exploration of Stiles' relationships. Yes, he's Malia's anchor, but what does that mean now, after season 5, and how does it change over the course of the season? Yes, he's Scott's best friend, but again, what does that mean now? How does the season help them grow and develop? A lot of screentime is given to the sheriff, who gets long soliloquies about Stiles' importance, but there's no sense of development in their relationship or even any context. We don't, for instance, get any sense of what it means for the sheriff to have forgotten his own son, or how this revelation relates to things like refusing to believe him about the supernatural in 3a. On top of all of that, the sheriff's consistent presence and the primacy of his relationship with Stiles only emphasizes how marginalized every other parent-child relationship is in 6a: Scott&Melissa, Lydia&Natalie, Malia&Henry, Liam&Dr. Geyer, and Hayden&Valerie get almost nothing. I wonder if Noshiko has any thoughts on the importance of your child being remembered.
Some of the references to Stiles are poignant—the Jeep, for instance—but their impression overall is that the writers thought that Stiles could be replaced with cardboard cutouts. We get a parade of props, disconnected anecdotes and lore, the useless introduction of Elias (never seen before or after and gives them no new information<3), and of course, my worstie, Claudia.
Claudia's presence is a reference to Stiles, but not meaningfully about him; Stiles only finds her at the very end, and instantly rejects her. The biggest arc re: Claudia is the sheriff's, and while I'm not, like, against the idea of him grieving Claudia, it's done at the expense of Lydia's arc. To the extent that Lydia focuses on Claudia, the show seems to be trying to suggest that Stiles is important to her, but the message is undermined by the cheap cipher. Is she thinking about Stiles because he's important to her, or because there's a fake lady in his house right now? Is her relationship to him about her feelings for him, or her role as a banshee?
And again, all of this is at the expense of something like Lydia's grief for Allison.
If we needed to pad Stiles’ absence with proxies for him, why not at least give us characters who explore his dynamic with the pack? Why not, say, a flashback scene of when baby him met baby Lydia? We have actors for both their younger counterparts. Or, better yet, why not scenes between Stiles and Scott as little kids? Again, we have the actors, and it would allow for more exploration of their relationships. It’d be especially meaningful for Sciles, given their anxieties this season, but I have more thoughts on that below.
The Alpha of Beacon Hills. The extent to which Scott is shut out of arcs and relationships is bananas. There are things I like (Scott&Liam, Scott&Lydia&Malia as besties), but we're here for the parts that frustrated me, which were numerous:
His future and dreams. This builds on my frustration with Davis's general disinterest in the characters' lives, which I discussed above, but it was an unresolved plot point for Scott last season and gets worse this season. Season 5 (last semester) made Scott's future more tenuous than ever. His dream is UC Davis's prestigious vet science program, and he's working his ass off to get into it: he's got school, extracurriculars, his job, and the constant life-or-death chaos of people trying to kill him or wreak havoc he's told he's duty-bound to stop. Season 5 Scott seems despairingly resigned to things always getting worse, but also throws himself into things like AP Bio, despite his friends' lack of faith in him (hated that scene) and his teacher's negging. Then, of course, Theo and the Dread Doctors show up, and the last we hear is that Scott has missed a deadline for a scholarship. In 6a, he's excelling at his psych elective (AP Psych?), but is still stressed about how much class he's missed.
Then we get nothing until the very end of the season, when Stiles asks in passing: "Real question is, how did you get into UC Davis?" Why is this such a tiny moment? Why is Stiles so uncharacteristically snide about this achievement, when he's been one of Scott's biggest cheerleaders, and this season is meant to be a Sciles season? Wtf?
Scira. Not one word about Scott dealing with Kira's absence. Not one word!! Everyone jail forever!
Scott&Peter. This could have been such a juicy arc. Scott's last interaction with Peter was the season 4 showdown, but Scott still has hope for Peter—a hope he's committed to even when it causes friction with his best friend. Peter's return and his tentative interest in connecting with his daughter would have been a great basis for exploring what it means for Scott to have this hope, or just an exploration of Scott and Peter in general. Peter is Scott's first supernatural villain and his own supernatural origin story, and Scott forgets him. The show gives us a beautifully devastating scene where Scott goes to help a seriously injured man and, in taking his pain, discovers that this was the man who caused him some of his own worst pain! Scream!
But then… nothing? Scott and Peter barely have interactions, never mind a meaningful dynamic. It could have been so powerful. Such a waste.
Scott&Theo. Some of this was really good! The moment when Scott walks into his house and suddenly sees the kid who murdered him standing in his living room, seemingly have once again convinced Liam to believe him! I loved it! We get a very rare moment of Scott being at the edge of his rope, ready to snap, and we can see Theo's shock. The last time he saw Scott, Scott was angry but also desperate to get away, shaking when he got close to him, staring at him with big sad eyes. But now things have changed! You can see it hit Theo. That's so good, and there are elements of the Sceo arc in this season that I adore.
But after that dynamic return, Scott and Theo split up, and we don't get any of the charged conversations and confrontations that Liam and Theo get—why not? It would have been so good!
What moments we do get prioritize Theo's perspective. In the finale showdown with Douglas, for example, he mocks Scott that a lone wolf never survives. At that point, Theo makes his entrance to declare: "He's not alone. He's got a pack."
This is so significant! It directly recalls the murder, when Theo trapped Scott alone and told him he didn't have a pack. Beyond that, Theo's risking his life in a seemingly impossible fight, just to back up Scott, without even claiming he's part of the pack, and in facing Douglas, he's confronting a demon from his own past.
But that's the point. This moment is mostly about Theo. We barely get Scott's reaction, beyond the shock of Theo's arrival, and then the tone changes with Malia and Peter's arrival. We don't get Scott's perspective on that moment, or Theo at this point, or anything else with them. Blech.
Scott&Melissa. I could go on about how their dynamic was dropped about halfway through season 2, but I'm gonna try to keep it to 6a here so please know I'm exhibiting great restraint! Anyway, they get so little. There's that devastating scene in "Ghosted" when Scott hallucinates that his mother's been murdered and doesn't yet realize it. So haunting, and potentially so resonant to their relationship: does he worry that being a constantly targeted werewolf has doomed her? That he can't protect her? That he's already lost her in some sense? How does it tie in to the fact that she's then taken by the Wild Hunt, and he's seemingly doomed to lose her, that he's lost her already? We barely linger on that moment.
We see him teach her to use a weapon, but the moment's gravity is ignored for the joke of her electrocuting her son. Melissa's arc with Chris is half-played for laughs, even though it represents a significant move on her part to become more involved. Why now? What does it mean for her? For that matter, what does it mean for her to date the man who once treated her son like a rabid dog? Does she even know about that? Does her son have any feelings about their relationship? We don't know. 
Scott&Stiles. Omg, ok, where to begin. This should have been the Sciles season, and its faults had nothing to do with the acting—the love and loss was palpable for Posey and O'Brien, and I think that gives their arc the poignancy people love about this season. They act their hearts out around some really awful writing.
The writing starts off well. It seems like the season is going to address some of the fallout and unresolved communication issues of season 5. Stiles, who's still petrified of losing everyone, is obsessed with being "needed," while Scott, who's been shackled to a nightmare since he was bitten, is desperate to no longer be required to fight. This recalls a lot of the tension of 5x01, which was never really addressed, and it's a great theme for the final semester of senior year.
The two also struggle to articulate how much they mean to each other, which seems like a lingering issue from s5. By the end of 5b, they'd affirmed that they were on the same page, in the same pack, and needed each other, but hadn't articulated their anxieties about losing each other. A season in which they're separated is the perfect way to explore it, and at first, it seems like they're going to. Scott uses his psych class to guess at how Stiles' anxieties are manifesting, as if it's been on his mind. He asks nervously if Stiles wants to split up (to look for clues), and seems relieved when Stiles refuses, as if the question is about something deeper.
Stiles, for his part, answers with meaningful intensity. He's clearly trying to express that he doesn't want to lose Scott, in the same way that his obsession with being "needed" is about not wanting to lose people, and being convinced that a crisis is the only way to hold on to them. Scott, meanwhile, sees crises as what get between him and his connections to people—they're what take people away from him, and him away from his life with them. This is a great theme to explore for Sciles, because the answer to both issues is the fact that their friendship has always been bigger than supernatural crises—older than Scott being bitten, bigger than the Wild Hunt. Scott could assure Stiles that he's never going to lose him—not because Scott needs his help, but because he wants his friendship. He'll never draw away even if it means tearing apart the Wild Hunt. Stiles, for his part, could assure Scott that no matter how many crises there are, how often Scott is forced to be the true alpha, he'll always be Stiles' friend first: "You'll always be human to me." Both significant statements after s5!
At the very least, the season seems like it's going to make these two articulate how much they mean to each other. In one of my favorite moments of the season, Stiles realizes he's going to be taken and tries to talk to Scott. O'Brien's acting is so good here, because you can see that Stiles is beyond trying to explain what the problem is. He just wants to tell Scott something like goodbye, how much Scott means to him—but he can't. There's no way he's saying goodbye, and his love for Scott is too big to articulate.
And Posey's reaction is soooo good. You can see Scott take in that Stiles is clearly struggling with something, and that this struggle is significant in the same way as the one from the previous season. He won't push Stiles to talk right now, and wants Stiles to know he isn't drawing away: "Tell me later." At the same time, he's holding Stiles to actually come talk to him, instead of stewing like he did in s5: tell me later.
But then Stiles is gone! Scream!
And then, once Stiles is gone, Scott struggles with how to articulate how much Stiles means through the hole his absence creates. All he can say is that it feels like he's missing a limb, and when it comes time to remember Stiles in "Memory Found," he gets so overwhelmed with how much Stiles means to him that he almost dies. 
All of this suggests that the payoff for this struggle is them finally articulating what they mean to each other--in the most basic way! They're traumatized eighteen year old guys, no one is expecting speeches. Just something about how their friendship answers some of their most existential worries: "I still got you."
But instead we get:
SCOTT: They still need us. STILES: They'll always need us. And, you know, I... I need you. You know that. SCOTT: I need you, too. I'm gonna miss you. STILES: No, really, I need you, though. Uh... I lost my license in the Hunt, so you have to drive.
Why is Davis so allergic to meaningful expressions of love in the context of characters leaving? So many characters disappear with no goodbyes (Jackson, Isaac, Danny), or only the briefest one (Kira, Derek). O'Brien and Posey do their best with this scene—both of them seem near tears—but the writing's joke-y tone works against them at every turn. It's Stiles' final scene before the finale, and the capstone to Scott's greatest relationship in the season and arguably his greatest in the show, and it could have been so much stronger if Davis weren't an infuriating mix of apathetic and cowardly.
This concludes this episode of Spikeface’s Sundry 6A Snipes! Thank you for letting me rant<3. 
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thesiltverses · 11 months ago
Cross reminds me so much of tucker carlson "its good to be a bit pathetic, a bit posh, a bit silly" and then him talking about his tie, omg, lol. Great character, hate him, wanna put him in a snowglobe and never stop shaking.
I don't know to what extent this applies in the USA, but ties remain a very weird symbolic accessory for male politicians in the UK, which is what that part is referencing, really.
(A few years back the progressive candidate, Corbyn, was predictably monstered in the media for being a scruffy, undergraduate sort who didn't wear a tie - and then when he did start wearing a tie, columnists began writing ominous pieces about how this change just proved how hungry this dangerous Marxist was for power)
There's a bit in The Thick Of It where a politician's aides congratulate him on having picked a tie that has whimsical animals on it (which will surely reassure the public that he is both sensible and professional, but also individualistic and fun)
Glenn: What are those? They're little hippos, aren't they?
Hugh: I don't know what they are actually; I think they're just unidentified amusing creatures.
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obscureother · 3 days ago
Howdy Obscure ♡!
How are you? I hope you are well! I wanted to ask you about your story with Krueger 👀!!
Tex @tex-treasures
KRUEGER OMG. what a MENACE he is.
so fred goes with two s/is depending on the version!! not the version of fred, but the version of the outcome im thinking of 👀
there is s/i 1, who is with everyone ofc. though its still a bit of a wip which one i like best, /generally/ the gist is that she goes to Springwood and stays for the summer!! she winds up there either as a stray wandered off or for a sort of vacation. Depending on which one, he finds her either renting out his haunted ahh house or hiding in the old boiler room like a CREATURE. either way, he initially intends to kill her ofc but s/i 1 is. . stoopid. :)) and so she takes a while to process that these nightmares are real not only because she's dumb but because she's actually a somewhat lucid dreamer like myself (think dream warrior, but not on purpose type of thing if you know anything about the NOES movie series. if not, id be happy to explain those too.)
so with her having sort of. . her own dream powers, she's very evasive and all over the place by nature thinking "yay scary game :D" (cos she likes scary things, like the one kid who thinks spooky shit is cool), fred has a hard time catching her and doing anything for her to wake up and realize she actually got hurt.
while he is spending all this time trying to scare and kill her, s/i 1 is just running around being silly and because she doesnt realize yet that these recurring dreams are not just weird dreams, she's enjoying what she thinks is games and silly morbid jokes. she even gives some back to which fred is caught by surprise and goes "hey. . this one aint so bad. ."
fred ends up liking her for that reason, and slowly but surely, s/i 1 goes through the rollercoaster of thinking he's a mean ahh jerk for a second, wondering if he isnt so bad because ONE TIME he was nice to her when she was genuinely upset about something, he comforted her a little bit the best he could. . might have been some tension or uncertainty cos fred isnt one for comfort and it takes her a minute to recognize he's trying. . and then eventually she realizes fred doesnt want to kill her even tho he's an asshole and they become buddies.
for s/i 2, im not sure of a canon meet for them, but s/i 2 is linked to s/i 1 and slowly enters the picture on their own by accident. fred comes across them hiding out, gets his pointy nose into their business, and gets involved especially because theyre related to s/i 1 whom he is ALREADY also involved with be that platonically or romantically yet (depends on when in the timeline youre at.)
s/i 2 and fred HATE each other, worse than s/i 1 almost did when he was mean to her. never in a million years would they ever fathom falling for each other, but fred has a terrible knack for getting under their skin in a way they will never admit to missing if he should disappear and s/i 2 intrigues him because they are also not of earth but in a way beyond what s/i 1 is. s/i 1 is alien baby, yes, but s/i 2?? wtf are they? a god, huh? it both puts him on edge and interests him. if they hated him so much, why dont they just snap him out of existence then? huh? huh?? what about that ;)))) nah, they LIKE him, he knows it (but he doesnt actually take it seriously. thats stupid. them? liking him? impossible. him? liking them? also impossible. unless. . ?)
but from either s/i you look at, they both tie back to how i honestly wasnt sure if i would like fred to begin with until i gave him a shot and thought "yeah ok so i actually dont hate him. i dont know how, but i dont, even tho i would never like any other character like this." i had heard of NOES when i was young, and my mom said "no thats a scary movie. dont watch that one." so i. . never did. but once i got into horror in high school and learned he was one of the more popular icons of horror, i wanted to watch him anyway! the thing with fred is that he kind of. . broke the boundaries for me. if you hooked me up with any asshole character like him before i saw his movies that /wasnt him,/ they wouldnt have gotten away with it like he did. dont ask me how robert englund did it, i dont know what he did to fred to make the polar opposite of what i ever thought myself would like be likeable, but somehow he did it. he's one of those jessica rabbit, "he makes me laugh" characters cos i dont know what i see in him either. he's horrible lol. and yet, despite my reluctance to like him, i ended up liking him anyway and not only that but then he suddenly started appearing in my brain lmao. so i have a dream goblin now i guess. without him tho, i would not have been open to several other f/os or movies that followed after him that i now enjoy because they remind me of fred in some way.
Tumblr media
thx u for the ask, tex!!
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autistic-crypt1d · 7 months ago
Delicious in Dungeon Live Blogging:
Season 1
Ok so I'm not really an anime person but I kept seeing stuff about it on my dash and I'm gonna give it a shot!
- intro was baller ok ok
- interesting...
- ok this is kinda funny
- the fact that there's no mouth movement from this guy is freaking me out
- I like this dude
- ok, Senshi, Laios, Marcille, and Chilchuck got it
- Senshi is joining yay!!!
- alright episode 1 pretty good!
- Episode 2
- I love Senshi so much
- she's trying so hard to be helpful 😭
- girl, wtf
- ok Senshi you're being an ass rn
- poor Chilchuck
- nooooo Laios!
- awwww bonding!!!!!
- wait ok I like this show
- Episode 3
- I'm intriglued by the character in the intro with the short white hair, we never see their face but they're relatively prominent
- awwww they were babiessssss
- he reminds me of that guy from a kids show, what was it called....
- OH
- I went googling and I have no idea what the show is called but it had a blonde biy and a brunette boy as the main characters and it was an animated kids show. He reminds me of the blonde boy
- woooooo!! Let's go Senshi and Laios!!
- ah crap
- pfffft Senshi just polishing a pot
- oh wow that's a cool armour set
- is it the fact he stole the sword that they're being aggressive?
- oh nvm, a cocoon
- so the creatures got be in the helmet right?
- damn I was wrong
- oh I was right sorta
- awe it's sad when it's all floppy and helpless like that
- "oh no, it drowned" PFFFFT
- "we leave his corpse if he dies ok?" "Ok" BRUH
- can we all agree Laios is autistic af (I love him)
- oh I just realized it's the sword from the intro!!
- Episode 4
- oh she changed her hair!
- awwww his little farming hat
- this show is so wholesome I love it
- awww Senshi 😭
- why doesn't he pickle the extra veggies?
- why is everyone so mean to Chilchuck 😭
- PFFFT Senshi catching the baby before it touches the hot pan XD
- Episode 5!
- oooo new people
- I'm suspicious of the pony tail man
- oh my god the dog guy looks like my dog 😭
- as man, they were so nice
- same girl, I would've done the same, bugs FREAK ME OUT
- "Yum" "NO!!!"
- "dear lord they're creamy. I'm never gonna wear necklaces again" PFFFFT
- I love him and his lil sword friend
- I'm so obsessed
- so what I'm getting from this is that you can be resurrected as long as your body is recovered?
- "gentle explosions" she's so violent I love it
- way to go Senshiiiii
- he's so autistic I love him
- hey wait, it's that red elf with white hair from the intro, they were in the last painting too!
- oh wow she's scary looking
- poor baby 😭
- you forgot your water Chilchuck
- I love Marcille and Chilchuck's dynamic so much
- oh shit they're alive!!!
- as man they probably think they stole their shit
- awww her with her hair pulled back is so cuuuuute
- oooooo 4th floor is so pretty!!!!
- good lord Senshi
- ok the kelpie is sick af but the shadow was HORRIFYING
- he tried to warn youuuuu
- poor Senshi :(
- ah man they died again!!!
- PFFFT did he just irritate the siren away???
- Laios, you're ridiculous, I love it
- those people are so gonna try and fight them aren't they
- I love these characters so much
- I love the way Marcille talks so much
- Laios did you just eat raw parasite
- this conciquences my friend
- they're all so silly I love them
- awww that's his sister isn't it?
- omg Falin and Marcille lore
- Falin taught her to be adventurous 😭
- this is so cute help
- "mind your business" PFFFT
- oh my god he didn't know about them in school I'm gonna cry
- I knew I hated pony tail guy for a reason!! He ditched them!!!
- oh shit oh shit oh shit
- what was that????
- oop they got revived again
- now that I know axe lady is also part of the old party, I wonder what their meeting will be like, and why didn't they react to seeing her dead?
- WILD KRATTS THAT'S THE SHOW, he looks like Martin Kratt
- they're meeting oh boy
- wait, I thought the axe lady was in the other group, they have a different one?
- what an ass!!!!
- oh funky dungeon lore
- Senshi without his helmet?!?!?!
- DANGER NOODLES, Laios you're adorable
- way to go axe lady!!!
- Namari! I couldn't remember she name
- yessss our girl is back in action
- damn Chilchuck...
- ponytail man (Shuro as I now know), wanted to propose to Falin??? Were they dating?? How could he ditch them?????
- ok so Namari said it's not about money, she wants to join that other party, but saving Falin wasn't enough???
- good lord this show is so weird and I love it
- not them complimenting her into wearing it XD
- ah lovely, fantasy racism
- did she just call Laios and Falin's hair brown???
- those 2 are blonde af
- awww Marcille 😭
- I'm nervous, they're at the stage of fighting the dragon, but we're only halfway through the season
- awww Laios
- Chilchuck don't call the precious boy cringe how dare you
- did Falin just bonk the ghost out of Laios XD
- daaaaamn nice job Marcille!!!
- awww she looks so pretty with her hair done up like that!
- oh no
- holy crap Marcille
- Falin!!!
- y'all I'm gonna cry
- gay?????
- I really appreciate the fact that even though they're naked, it's not being sexualized like most animes I've seen. They're just existing.
- you tell him Marcille!!!
- good god Senshi
- sooooo Falin came back different
- omg Chilchuck in a turtle neck
- I was scared Falin was gonna be a one dimensional character but she's awesome I'm happy
- pfffft Marcille's reaction
- Episode 13
- woah I do not like the big eye thing she just did
- ruhroh
- uhhhh what the hell
- bro something is in Falin
- ok whoops that's a guy, but THAT'S THE MAD MAGE???
- oh fug
- PFFFFT Senshi holding 2 mini dragons XD
- Marcille are you really trying to get advice on making dungeons right now
- this got a lot less wholesome y'all
- I still love it though
- are the ghosts helping them now cuz of Falin?
- oh shit I thought I was wrong for a sec but they really are being chill
- oh the ghosts here are just always friendly
- awww little puppy yawn
- I can't tell if Chilchuck cares about them or not. He does right? I'm bad at reading stuff sometimes
- I'm going with yes he does
- yeah, yes he does
- Episode 14
- oooo new intro sequence
- it's weird that Falin isn't shown at all in the intro, and neither are all the others in the last one
- ah ok NOW they've been revived
- these guys really aren't great at staying alive
- man are they gonna die AGAIN?
- the lead guy from the corpse retrieval office sounds so familiar
- Kabru is a little creepy rn
- ok make that a lot creepy
- permakills them but doesn't take their shit, weird set of morals you got there buddy
- dang, guess he figured out who it was and why
- I love that they added the detail of Rin twirling her hair when she's thinking and stuff
- Kabru is freaking me out y'all
- ok so he's pissed at them for being duped??
- these people are very devoted to this guy, "you're the only one who could possibly lead"???
- oooo pretty snake
- who's that???
- oh shit ponytail guy
- ew why are they doting on him like that
- I don't like this
- yeesh, our party is noooot doing well at the moment
- Episode 15
- awww, he seemed to relate to the protector dryad :( he loves the party so much
- Marcille is coocoo bananas and I love it
- awww poor awkward Laios
- omfg her single set of eyelashes XD
- Episode 16
- you leave Laios alone, he's trying his best ok
- bro what is Kabru's deal, he is freaking me out
- I agree with Marcille's reaction of "woah hey"
- see, why did they have to just barely cover her chest with feathers, that's ridiculous
- listen here Shuro, Marcille did her best
- Laios has never taken anything more seriously than this how dare you insinuate otherwise just because you don't understand!!!!
- god I hate Shuro so much, I knew he was bad news from the first moment I saw him
- I swear to god if y'all don't stop hating on Marcille for doing her best here I'm gonna lose ittttt
- ugh maybe Laios finally beat some sense into that idiot
- alright the bell thing and offer to help them flee makes me like him a bit. He just needed a good knock in the head.
- Episode 18
- ooooooo snow
- PFFFT everyone using Laios as a wind shield
- HUH????
- bro HOW can he not tell the Senshis apart at the very least, his whole face is different!!!
- WRONG, Marcille will always complain
- I'm so frustrated right now
- oh hey he did it right!
- Laios is such a weirdo I love him so much
- thank you for saving the goof Marcille
- PFFFT Senshi picking up the rice trail XD
- Episode 19
- I think it's cute Senshi has conceded to at least use magic circles instead of insisting on making a fire
- aww cat kid is adorable
- oh my god cat kid is joining!!!!
- Izutsumi, got it
- ooooo, Marcille lore??
- awww she has a Falin doll 😭
- oh shit the doll IS Falin
- oh Laios, this is not going well
- oh man she's scared of everyone dying around her because she lives so long isn't it
- yeah 😭
- Episode 20
- Izutsumi is in the intro now!!!
- PFFFT of course Senshi accidentally made an ice golem
- Laios you sweetie pie 😭
- let's go cat girl!!!!
- see they fully covered Izutsumi's chest, why couldn't they do that for Falin
- it's still so weird to see Senshi without his helmet
- I appreciate they didn't sexualize them all being in the makeshift sauna together
- they're so cute in their winter outfits!!!
- wait, where'd Marcille's staff go?????
- ok Izutsumi you're being a lil mean rn
- you're lucky she came back for your ass!!
- god I adore Laios and his dumbassery
- would a Barometz technically be vegan since the "sheep" it grows isn't really an animal? I grew up vegan but even I don't know. I feel like yes?
- I do miss the original 4, but Izutsumi is fun
- Episode 21
- oh hey it's the elf with short white hair from the first intro
- bruh finally we get Laios acknowledging the "hallucinations"
- here we go!
- ew Soushi
- why is that unicorn's horn on its nose
- oh?????
- this village is Soushi and Laios's dream
- awww Marcille looks so pretty!!! As always ofc
- Marcille and Izutsumi being like mom and daughter is so cute omfg
- Yaad, I'm so suspicious of you
- oh shit that's where the ghosts came from
- poor Laios, that's a lot of pressure
- Episode 22
- PFFFFFFT, the girls are crammed in with Chilchuck XD
- ah man, this is sad
- so I'm beginning to understand how this dungeon was made, but what about all the others in the world. I'm assuming this one is special because of thistle?
- uh oh, why is Senshi nervous
- we've never seen Senshi afraid of something before (he hates magic but that's more of like hating it than being scared)
- oh shit she just snipped off a big ol chunk of hair no hesitation
- bro I didn't think of any of that until Chilchuck mentioned it. I was so swept up in his awesomeness
- it's gonna be goofy isn't it
- oh yeah
- let's go team!!!!
- ok Senshi time to fess up
- awww Marcille's sky fish 😭
- Chilchuck lore???
- Episode 23
- oh shit dude this is dark
- dude...
- y'all I'm so sad right now
- oh Laios
- 😭😭😭
- I'm gonna cry
- all of them switching clothes and responsibilities is so funny
- please do not make them have to progress like this
- oh my god the ducking mollusk is the reason they can pass when no one else can?!?!?!?!
- I want them normal again :(
- one more epiaode???? Oh boy
- Episode 24
- Izutsumi gives me heavy Catra vibes
- bro really just headbutted a rock creature
- aww Chilchuck saving Marcille is so god damn cute
- wait so can't they just do 2 person rings and change each other back?
- oh geez poor Marcille
- oooooh ok nvm
- headcanon: Izutsumi has ARFID
- they're back!!!!
- ooooo Laios and Falin lore???
- Falin 1000% saw her brother wasn't doing great and that's why she followed him
- wait so they're gonna cut Falin's upper body off the main body and then eat the main body??????
- good god they're gonna get everyone to eat it, I swear if that's the finale I'm gonna lose it
- oh shit they're leading the elves in
- WOW. Ok I really love this show I'm really glad I watched it and I'm so excited for Season 2!!! I'll link that below once it comes out and I watch it!
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calebwittebane · 1 year ago
my thoughts so far on the characters in scarlet.
koraidon is adorable. i cant believe miraidon is apparently more popular. miraidon has that robot dog toy from the early 00s appeal sure but koraidon is just soooo cute. chicken lizard creature. its SO goofy how its tail and its chest frills thingies turn into wheels but it still runs on its silly frog legs. love that. also im loving the skyrim terrain horse riding experience it provides i think thats exactly what pokemon was missing
i dont like clavell hes ugly and i dont think it was appropriate for him to comment on how well my stupid little uniform suits me right in front of my mother no less and i wish he would stop popping up because all he does is make me mildly uncomfortable
i was really expecting to like nemona a lot because shes cute as hell (despite her occasional disconcerting :-D smile) but shes so one-note its starting to get so old. maybe thatll change at some point but like. ok i get it we get it you like battles. we all do girl like this is pokemon im playing pokemon. that being said its so funny how much she wants my attention and like argues with arven about me like girl you just met me and my name is mozarella and im weird looking and my eyes dont have pupils and i dont really say anything and i dont know how to remove my stupid hat. i am flattered but what is it about me that appeals to you so, nemona? its not like i ever even helped her with anything at any point shes just been dragging me around nemonasplaining things to me. ok no i guess fair enough i get it
arven surprised me because at first i was super put off by him, although honestly that couldve been because his animations are SO scary like whyd they make him move like that and make those faces. either way i then saw him stumble around in the cafeteria with his enormous backpack, presumably in-universe he was like knocking shit off the tables with every move, and i found that endearing and relatable as i tend to do that too but without the backpack. and after that i hung around him a little and he turned into a fussy little housewife guywife babygirl like cooking for me and stuff like being like ohh omg of course i made extra for you you worked so hard today you gotta eat!! idk im really amused by this i like the guy and his huge clinically depressed dog
penny is so lame.
brassius frustrated me because hes likeable and cool looking but i tchruly hate it when media is like ok this character is an artist so lets make them say art and artistic and inspiration and artwork and all shit similar in every single sentence. this is offensive. we dont talk like this. as a member of the Big Art im greatly offended by this depiction.
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automatonknight · 2 years ago
omg i would absolutley love to hear more about walenty if u still feel like talking!! i hold dst so close in my heart so seeing other people make ocs for it makez me so happy!!! how did he get to the constant? n like what was his life like before then? or has he alwayz lived there :0!! -plushpyro
this got super out of hand so i'm putting it under readmore. um teehee ^__^
UM!!! don't know where to start i could talk for HOURS probably but ok. maybe i'll start with the backstory. my idea for it is that basically he got into the constant via an antique voxola radio he found on a garage sale somewhere. it had a tag with an adress on it and being a teen he was like hey. hey let me go there that'd be funny. i think she originally planned to go with someone but ended up going alone, the other person got sick whatever. enter the nightmare hands and she's never seen again. (<i'm not superrr happy with that backstory but i can't think of anything better so. blehhh XP) before that kit was just a highschooler, her family was alright, life was okay etc etc. nothing special but also nothing bad. although kit was probably more like. shy and more of a loner. forgot to mention but he's also more "modern", i don't know if it would actually work in-game lore-wise but it probably got send to the constant like, 2018 the latest (which i should probably utilize more in my art tbh). he's also polish. i probably haven't mentioned that anywhere either. onto other things after getting to the constant it probably wanders around alone for a bit before finding the other survivors. top 10 happiest moments of its life etc etc. kind of interrupting the current flow but it also has the ability to turn into a werething, which is unique because it is by that affiliated with both the moon and the shadows but also both sides kind of hate her anyways lol. being werething doesn't give it any super like. powers it can just turn into a wolf-bear creature during full moons and where it is in grave danger. that's also why it has those funny features like animal ears, a tail and horns (speaking of! i always thought of the horns as something like a non-newtonian fluid in a sense that if you don't use force when interacting with them your hand would go through or they would bend out of shape before returning to how they were before, but if it were to ram into someone it would probably hurt, not like walenty would do that). its eyesight is still dogshit without glasses BUT it can probably hear and smell a bit better. ok now maybe onto relationships. i haven't thought about ALL the survivors in detail but i imagine she gets along pretty well with everyone. she used to be pissed off at maxwell for a bit but she got better now maxwell is like his lame ass uncle or whatever. it also has a father-son like relationship with wilson and they probably talk about science together, they're into different fields i imagine (walenty is more of an astronomy guy but he'll try to remember what he learnt in physics for higgsbury if he asks). either way they're silly together they make me very happy :]. she also feels like an older sibling figure to the other kids since she's like 16 and #responsible. also friends with woodie they go ice fishing together and they're both were(insert animal here). AND WITH WOLFGANG. he's also friends with him i think they're slavic besties :3. ok now that we have friendships out of the way he and WX fight all the fucking time. they hate eachother sooo much <not really they just get on eachother's nerves and who's there to stop them from throwing rocks at eachother. walenty probably pushed wx into a lake once and then felt genuinely bad until they threw her in the lake back and oh buddy it's on. <they both refuse to be the bigger person basically. the only instance in which they'll work together is if webber asks them. i would say more but i hit the character limit </3
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amiharana · 2 years ago
5, 19, and 29 for the ask game !!
(ask game from here)
5. Do you have any writing superstitions? What are they and why are they 100% true?
hmm i don't think i actually have any KDJFKSDF uh but i love it when i write stuff and the word count ends in a 0 or a 5 (e.g. 1490 words). it rarely happens in the fics i write but i try so hard when i write like. discussion posts for homework to make it so that it ends in a 0 or 5.
oh another thing i'm weird about when writing is using adverbs? i read somewhere a long time ago that you shouldn't use adverbs while writing and just rephrase the sentence to say what you meant directly. i think it was talking about academic writing like an essay or research, but it stuck with me so bad that now, i naturally cringe when i write an adverb in fic. these days i'm trying to not be so weird about it because i think you can still use adverbs just sparingly LMAO idek why that sort of thinking stuck with me, because sometimes, an adverb is just the best way to write what you want to convey. just use it wisely!
19. Tell me a story about your writing journey. When did you start? Why did you start? Were there bumps along the way? Where are you now and where are you going?
okay so when i was little, i actually really wanted to be a fashion designer. like my parents bought me a shitty little lightbox for tracing and clothing silhouette stencils, and i kept a notebook where i pasted all of my shitty little clothing designs in (i have no idea where this notebook went). that's what baby amihan thought they were going to pursue and grow up to be, so i invested a lot of time in that as a kid (insert Does He Know? Paul Dano Meme).
but one day at my elementary school, they introduced this thing to the 4th-6th graders called "junior olympics" and it was basically just a little competition with four categories/events, those being (1) math test, (2) spelling bee, (3) oral performance, and (4) writing a story. you can see where this is going, right?
they had us all apply for at least one event and even as a kid, i hated math so i was like no ❌ to the math event, and the spelling bee and the oral performance ones made me nervous because i was very shy and introverted as a kid. that left only the writing event, so i was like yeah why not?
the writing event was basically writing as much of a story as you can within a certain allotted time, and i truthfully cannot remember what the first story i wrote was BUT what i can tell you is that i won first place each year from my 4th-6th grade years like i ate that shit up! i do remember in 5th grade, my submission for the story-writing that year was a piece in which i killed all of my teachers in fantastical ways. KJDHFKJSDJKFD like all of them got murdered on the school campus by some sort of fantasy creature, and i remember ending the story dramatically by killing the principal via got eaten by a dragon because i LOVE dragons and i was in a big dragon phase at the time (i was reading so many books with dragons in them omg). but guess who won first place? 🥳 yours truly.
and winning three times in a row really did it for me. i was like wow it is so much fun to write silly little stories and then receive validation for being a good writer 🥰 and for a while, i actually ended up wanting to pursue being a writer! in elementary school, i started getting my parents to buy me composition notebooks and regular spiral notebooks simply just to write my silly little stories in, but i never finished them or i would tear out the pages and rewrite it because (1) it wasn't good enough to me or (2) i didn't like how i wrote it. some of you have seen me post my math notes and have told me i have nice handwriting; how do you think i got such nice handwriting? 😁 from tiny 9 year old me putting in The Work carefully and painstakingly rewriting every damn word so that it came out perfect like the absolute fucking cycle path she was ☝️👹
but yeah, i still have those stacks of composition notebooks and stuff that i go through and reread every couple of years to visit my inner child; she still lives in those pages and i like to pay my respects to her. i pay homage to that kid everytime i write my silly little fanfics now 🤍
as for what came after, i started writing more and more fanfic the older i got and the more media i became interested in. if you've ever seen my ao3, i only have a few things properly uploaded but my google drive is chock full of half written fics and documents with like up to 80+ pages of informal conceptual writing. part of the reason why i don't have many finished fics is because i attended a college prep school after elementary and it just. in hindsight, i wish i never let my parents talk me into doing the entrance exam for that school 😹 i'd probably be a lot happier and more sane right now if i did. but here we are! now i'm a bio major and writing about all the creative ways a dead bird and amnesiac elf can be intimate with each other for funsies! can i get an Amen hallerlujah 🙏
29. Where do you draw your inspiration? What do you do when the inspiration well runs dry?
it's probably from the undiagnosed mental illnesses and the endless uncontrollable imagination i've had since i was a child that's always outrun the cruel grasp of reality. KJDFHKSDHJFKDJS no but i just get so easily inspired by everything around me idk ☝️😳
i've talked about it before in a different ask game answer, but because i have so many different interests that are extremely unrelated to each other, i have a wide array of experiences and knowledge to pick from. the analogy i used back then was arranging all of my interests on a color wheel and picking at two opposite interests like they're complementary colors, e.g. the fact that i am a huge bts fan and am a major revalinker simultaneously. at the time of writing this, i was listening to 'daechwita' by agust d and i suddenly got this imagery of link killing his past self who's grown too arrogant to keep himself humble and it's so delicious to me. or like, i don't know how to elaborate, but just. botw link spiritually killing his predecessors so that their achievements don't drive him insane. yum.
when the inspiration well runs dry, i just take a step back from writing for a bit and let what i've already written marinate a little. i did that recently with the fic i had planned for revalink week d1 (don't get your hopes up just yet, i'm not gonna work on it until after my finals next week are over), and when i reread my outlining again i was like HMFGHMFHGMF. delicious. can't wait to work on this 😋
in terms of getting ideas, they kind of just come and go? the best way i can explain is that i'm quite literally a prophet of the revalink gods. should they desire to bequeath upon me the sacred words, then i shall gladly receive it and share the word of the gospel with you all 🤍
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teeto-peteto · 1 year ago
Strange question, do you prefer when Star Guardians was more Sailor Moon or Madoka Magica? Or do you like both?
Oddly enough i prefer Sailor Moon.
Reason is that Riot keeps releasing skins (wich is not... bad, entirely) and those skins now need a plot/story. Point is that back when Lux team was the only one the skinline had, it was very Sailor Moon styled. They fight the baron, void creatures, they have silly school drama, lesbians, that's literally pretty much Sailor Moon. And it was great. Back on the day it was suggested that Janna, as she is the one that has been an star guardian for the longest time, has some secrets. Thats fine.
Then Ahri's team appeared, and it wasnt bad, either, but they started introducing a story that was more than just haha sparkles! And honestly, it was interesting! Problem is that, you back then realize 'Oh, no, this skinline is going to crash down in hell' cause now we have 3 mysterious star guardians that are dead/fallen/etc. Now Syndra exists, and its stated that she has dark secrets. Sarah is a lesbian (periodt and it has literally nothing to add to my point but regardless) and she has like conflict with Ahri so thats more school drama. This is kinda like when the Outer Senshi started to appear in Sailor Moon and they got added to the original team in a lot of the episodes? well.
Then Neeko, Zoe and Xayah/Rakan released. And oh man things were so good but everything started to crash eventually. Now we have the concept that star guardians can be corrupted! By desesperation/death/whatever. Do you guys remember when Janna said she had secrets? At this point in the lore, who the fuck cares about Janna??????? Who cares about the Lux team? What do they do? Do they just rescue kitties from trees while Ahri shows up like 'ok i can handle the sassy kid and my corrupted best friends with my chameleon bestie'.
Okay, the Kai'sa gang is what killed me and made me loose the focus on the story. I have opinions, and that is that i just think community has done a lot to make star guardian entretaining because i didnt understand half of the story on the event. Lux is dead or smth cause she has an statue, and i readed that and i just said 'Whatever' cause Lux dying is so meaningless to the plot. We literally know nothing about her in recent years, there's literally nothing to say 'omg i cant believe this happened'. They just say well Lux is dead. Well what about Jinx?? Lulu?? Poppy?? Janna??????? I hate Ezreal with my guts but that dude isnt like affected??? Where IS the people?!??! Completely understand that they added A LOT of characters to the story line but come on you cant just said 'oops she died, anyway here's Kaisa talking to a stone LOL'. I didnt get the villains and the corruption. The Harp being Fiddlesticks was like woah! Thats cool. Why is Zoe just Zoe but purple then? Why is Morgana purple then? Why are they sassy?????? I mean okay there are great villains that are sassy. these arent.
Okay i dont want to rip the lore apart. Thats what sentinels of light are for. they are my punching bag and i dont regret it. This is just what happens when you're a capitalist and you try to keep people interested but you keep stepping over your own story and messing it up just for the sake of adding more characters. If this was just Sailor Moon then we could have as many skins as we wanted without trouble and sassy villains! But i get the story keeps people interested, i cant blame aanyone and im happy they like it! I love what community has done for Star Guardian cause it what keeps my interest rather than the canon, keep writing keep creating cause im watching.
good thing Everything Goes On was released cause i wasnt understanding half of the story and put it to sleep but i went heheee this song is soooooo coooool.
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godmademewithoutarms · 2 years ago
what's tlc? :)
Omg my beloved friend Strawberry I am so glad u asked ☆(ゝω·)v
Read more in place because uh. I wrote a bit much an don't want to take up everyone's dash. Anyways, under the cut is my definition of what tlc is + some other tidbits.
TLC, abbreviation of 'The Lunar Chronicles', is a book series that was published from 2012 to 2015 (so like, 10 year's old) created by Marissa Meyer, one of my favorite authors. She just happens to be the author that restarted my love of reading.
The wikipedia definition of tlc (because I am lazy and have no idea how to properly summarize the novels without infodumping and spoiling it all) says 'Set in a futuristic world inhabited by various species and creatures, tensions are rising between Earth and its former colony Luna, while both attempt to manage an ongoing pandemic.'
The four books names correlate with the names of 4 of the main characters (Cinder, Scarlet, Cress, and Winter, in chronological order). There are also two extra books (Fairest book 3.5, and Stars Above book 5) but that's besides the pointm Cinder is our main main character, and each book mostly focuses and properly introduces us to the girl on the title while still managing to keep with with our other characters.
It has a loveable cast, space, war, politics (I mean I guess??), romance, friendship, no love triangles, royalty, etc etc. However the title of science fiction and the science of the book (aka how living on Luna and all of that works) has been questioned by my slightly upset former science teacher who is in my book group. Because I convinced the teacher running the group to let the group read tlc, which I was joking about because she hated tlc but that's a story for a different ask lmao.
Anyways personally, my favorite characters just so happen to be Jacin and Winter, which is funny because 13-14 yr old me hated Jacin during my first read. I don't even remember why, however Winter has always been my favorite (again, a story for different ask) (I could just rant and rant about what I love about these books).
I mentioned that Craig and Tweek kinda remind me of them, but they have some similarities that just clicked in my little au conjuring brain. Tweek reminds me of Winter in the way of how they're both kinda weird, Tweek is more erratic and panicky whereas Winter is more floaty and whimsical. However some of the things Winter says does remind me of things Tweek would say, maybe this one is just me though.
As for Craig, he gives me Jacin vibes. They both got that stoic, asshole-ish who's only softer around their lover vibe. That's mainly why I made the post.
That being said that was just a silly thought I had, idk if it'd turn into an actual au that'd be wild and tedious lmao. It's a nice thought tho. Anyways if u like multiple part romance filled fantasy books based off fairytales (with a bit not properly thought out science fiction according to my science teacher) than I suggest reading it. I should mention that tlc was the first thing MM every published (to my knowledge).
If u would like to read one of her books bc her writing is blatantly clear in all of her books (/posi) but tlc seems too much to tackle, she has two standalones, a trilogy, a duology, and one of those books w/ multiple authors. I do believe one standalone is getting another book but idk if it's a second part or just in the same universe.
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sister-claire-critical · 2 years ago
Haha omg I forgot about the rocketship baby. I think also a Machina or Shard baby was planned? Hate how they took having to nerf that as a reason to take out everything- not to mention a lot of the weird humor they used as an excuse to take out things is still in there so what the fuck! (Also I liked all the stupid jokes lol I started reading when I was still a kid myself & I'm still that kind of goofy silly whimsical person now.) This comic drew me in on it's original artstyle & concept & while I can see why the art changed with a more serious tone I don't understand why the story had to change so much- the tagline used to be "pregnant nun holy crap", & it was such an effective draw-in (& short-sweet-&-to-the-point in those little sidebar ads Hiveworks used to show) that I feel like there was really no reason to get rid of it- it was like the whole thing the comic was about & advertised on! I also love to think about what could have been had they stuck with that-
I'm not sure how they would have included Gabrielle being an angel especially since Christianity existing in a tangible non-faith-based form never seemed to exist in the story, & Gabby being a sea creature/siren worked so well with what was already established even from the get-go, however her having her own motives instead of being so closely intertwined as a friend & pseudo-relative with Oscar & Catherine would have been great. Maybe she would have wanted to raise whatever Claire gave birth to as payback for having Claire sort of stolen from her. Maybe she would have thought herself a better parent to this baby than Oscar & Catherine. Maybe she could have just wanted a Clementine replacement, to bring Eden back? Literally just playing it straight that Claire would be giving birth to another new child savior. Grimm could have been a nice part of that, as Gabrielle's above-ground agent, especially since early concept art showed Gabrielle possessed by him- her taking Grimm's possession away from Catherine as a way to stay above ground would have been neat. I get that Grimm is a child but his first old appearances acted more adult, him as a former shard child now grown who also has the motive to bring back Eden would have been cool.
I do think some characters just being straight-up-bigoted then changing would have been fine & more realistic, we don't have to love or even like every character & even despite that many people do like characters with those sort of pasts. Olga's characterization seems torn in different directions, same with Marguerite. People can have complicated reasons for things- like maybe Marguerite could have lived in Eden & blamed Claire & Olga could just be a hardass brainwashed by the Helsings but instead with them any turns in behavior seem mostly influenced by the induced forgetfulness. (Also Olga forming a crush on Jackson in the current story as she softens instead of them already having a relationship would have been cute.) Olga already being a Moonwolf is just complicated on top of her innate strength magic & curse she made with Azi about turning into a werewolf- that just falls flat if she's already a barely controlled wolf-creature, why wouldn't she jump on the chance to turn into a wolf-creature that can control how they change at will? Helsings are already cool with magic so long as it progresses their cause.
Also the original way Oscar & Catherine's relationship was implied/seemed to the readers before the retcons- that if they were together in the past they'd maybe had a falling out or weren't allowed to be together due to the church & were raising the twins & Claire separately, would have made Claire & Marie's future relationship a lot less creepy. All the cute or funny moments in the comic with the twins in the abbey & right after wouldn't have had to be changed either, replaced with exposition dumps & dark moments that don't match the bright color scheme (picked for a humorous/upbeat atmosphere) drawn years ago.
If the church wasn't cool with in-dating at least (they don't have to be homophobic, could just be off-bounds because everyone is a nun, like how Claire's pregnancy had her "headed to the pyre" anyways) it also would have made Yolanda's actions more consistent, it doesn't make sense Yolanda allows so much but that she held a witch trial. Yolanda never needed to be Abby's mother but since she is, joining the church could have been motivated by a "been alive so long I feel like I need to be in a role of power to control the world" sort of thing, a more complicated role to a character that otherwise exists to be solely soft & sweet (besides the witch trial which, again, seems ooc with how she is established in the MiMos).
Someone like Magpie who took on the role of raising kids young (& loved the job unlike most people forced to be parents that young) falling in love with somebody who has the potential for that kind of child abuse when Magpie was away would have been interesting. Instead of regressing into permabird he could've just been some weird old hobo who can't stick around due to magic & his past trauma who occasionally shows up in hopes of checking on the kids to make sure Margie hasn't gotten too bad (in fact there's a livewrite where he does meet up as a human & expresses guilt & regret at Margie's behavior while he's not around) & then it could be he maybe got into trouble around the time the comic starts & hasn't been around for awhile to keep an eye on Margie. Instead Marguerite just has something akin to dementia & it's not her fault.
Claire still being pregnant & having some sort of magic pregnancy not bound by time would've both made more sense & been interesting, her character has felt very one-note for most of the comic's history until just very recently, I feel like because her character has also been torn in a few directions by all this confusion. Taking on reader input & being more open to critique would have done this webcomic a whole lot more justice.
🤩 Thank you for sharing! These are all fascinating ideas!
—Mod Marie🌸
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gamer-paramnesia · 1 year ago
i was gonna this in the tags but formatting is getting me in the ass so long post :P
PREFACING! people can do what they want and i am allowed to not like it! people are also allowed not to like what i like!!
however,, today i am a hater. so.
1 deeply dislike fitpac idk why I'm just not hugely into the ship sorry maybe bc it feels like now any mention of either character is only in shipping context. unfortunately did make me watch fits stream less. maybe I would've liked it more if the fandom didn't treat it the way it does shrug
1.5 the way some of yall treat ccs is insane.. esp like pac. he is a grown ass man yall.. i see a lot of 'omg hes sooo small 🥺 so baby so little here 🥺🥺🥺like be so fr. dont baby him!! hes a silly guy! HES LIKE 28 YEARS OLD!! this applies to other ccs too cough grian jimmy etc cough (the way yall treat pac vaguely reminds me of... no.. i shant say... gogy...(obvs one is good and the other one is ge*rge but. yeah))
2 crying begging throwing up people have body hair every time a character gets drawn without their facial/body hair an angel dies btw.. I see this so much with like joel smallishbeans n cellbit n jimmy solidarity n forever n phil n just so many other characters it drives me insane give that man his hair back!!!!!! also he is not a twink!!! do not draw him as such!!!!!!!! (also body hair on women but I think general fandom would die if I even suggest we draw a lil armpit hair on a woman…)
3 the way some of y'all see found family…… some of y'all only see nuclear families as the only style of family and it shows. a family isn't just oh this 'guy is my brother this is my wacky wine aunt haha!' a family is a bunch of people who find safety and home and love in each other, people who can kiss and people who can cuddle with and people who they can find solace in. it's not just 'so She's like my Mom and He's like my Dad and there's no other way.' it's kinda just.. an indescribable feeling of love between some people. yeah
4 mostly qsmp related here but my god put some melanin on those fellas when you draw them.. like. etoiles is not a white man. neither is forever. or pac, or bdubs, or ironmouse, or jaiden, the list goes on.. same with the eggs!! there's 14 eggs and how come u are drawing them all white 🤨 also this is just an artist ick in general but when you draw darker tones don't just. make them look like a white person with ashed out slightly-tinted-brown skin. please just go outside and look at some people I am begging you
5 at the end of the day.. this is minecraft youtuber/streamer roleplay we are talking about. it's never that serious,, there's no reason to absolutely hate a character or wish them ill will or any shit like that, esp if u see a design you don't really like or a hc you don't enjoy or think is stupid. it's ok to get invested, obviously, but like. take a step back sometimes. if you're just having a bad time then it's probably time you take a break <3
5.5 but also. if you hate a character so much that you legitimately wish ill will on the cc. then probably touch grass
6 if a character has a canon sexuality, please dont. ship them w the gender they explicitly do not like. this is about bagihalo btw,, she is lesbian, she canonically does not like men, be better. obvs you are free to do so but i will just quietly judge u as i block u thanks <3
7 one last thing i just thought of, also very qsmp-heavy. i love hybrid/creature characters, but some fellas are just funnier to remain human to me. morning crew comes to mind,, forever (although i do love werewolf hcs for him too). scar is so human to me,, just a dude, just a fella..
Okay I'm curious. Since the MCYT fan space has a tendency to unanimously agree on certain headcanons and make a lot of things widespread fanon, are there any popular headcanons, interpretations, or portrayals of characters that you really don't like? I genuinely wanna know. Any popular ships you dislike? Any creaturifications that you dislike? Or even just the way people talk about a character?
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so0ppa · 4 months ago
that dumb live ""blogging"" thing i do with twa forever now I guess.
BEFORE I WATCH THE VIDEO!! I have! "Predictions." actually just one because "guys new aeon legion book guys guys i swear" is a cope i do every year and NOT a prediction... anyway so i think its likely the usual sprites are gonna get an upgrade like the twaeu ones already have. thats all. (also had a "maybe jp's sprites get animated as well" moment but as much as i hope it wont happen i also actually doubt that it will as it feels like too much work.)
length is like the exact same as on nebula so i 'spose there's no spons wars segment. fair honestly.
new introoo... i never pay much mind to it anyways so it doesnt matter. it was due for an update honestly it had been the same for. a while. actually hey wait it has greed. that . loses it 100 points /j OH HEY LOOK AT THAT I FUCKIGNGNGN KNEWED IT . MONKEYS PAW CURLS MOMENT /J AGUUHJDKY unrelated but god. me and my stupid love/hate ""cuteness""(hes not. at all. like not even a morsel of adorable in that guy) aggression whenever i see canon greed. ill be fair. while in general i do still dislike the animation. this is a bit more appealing. so maybe greed just sucks idk
omgg page flippp transitionnn i missed . well. no thats a lie i did not miss it.
"fishing for compliments" is pretty silly considering im playing webfishikg while watching (my audhd ass cannot do this otherwise /lh) omg muppets reference. reminds me i should rewatch the muppet movie. and the muppet christmas carol. and watch muppets in space because i haven't seen it ye- oh wait off topic whoops
ok . honestly. the thinking anim. cute tbh. growing on me i guess. i just realised i might know what that lanky ass red/white furry creature is a reference to (my irl made fanart of her and when they sent progress pictures i mistook it for a dinosaur and got disappointed when i found out it was [character that appeared in nostalgiacritics "the wall" video])
oh hey the shed haiiii :) oh and ic² & jc as well i guess idk. jfc yess i hate genre labels forever .. for music, books... & sexuality and gender ... uhm :)
oh hey audio quality slightly changed. not to be drawfee brained but. drawfee referenced those keep it simple, stupid books on a stream (i dont remember which one but i rewatched it p recently i think) and ive been thinking about that phrase sm ... its perfect to me i think. anyway, funny that jps also referencing it lol
fuuuck reminding me i should start journalingg. i keep thinking abt it and like giving myself false starts then just suddenly stopping... >>
oh hey and new outro nice. AH YAY its been. LIKE A WHILE SINCE HES DONE AN OUTRO VOICEOVER LMAO... now THATS something i missed :) okay yay took me way too long to get to watching this and to watch it in general . brainworms moment honestly. anyway aeon legion sequel in 2025 then ? /J
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unrecyclableme · 9 months ago
Read Carefully Before Using
I have experienced how much I hate myself, yet I still, though. But not as much as before.
Formerly in primary school until high school, I guess, I was infamous as a "buluk" which refers to "aura Maghrib" terms nowadays. It hurts my jelly-ass-heart sometimes, but I shake it off lah. I've never tried to purchase whitening or brightening skincare, never tried to impress people with my appearance. There was a peak moment that also turned into my turning point for how I interpret humans in social life, I won't tell the era, but when I was in high school I was never excited about high school romance discourse since I knew boys or girls always chosen by their look, wealth, popularity and so on, you name it. That means, I, the "buluk" one will never get any chance of it, so I don't even dare to dream about it. I was the grey one from that time until now, tho. Not to mention I started my enthusiasm with philosophy. DANG! Lone wolf in high school carrying Jean-Paul Sartre's "Being and Nothingness" book that she got from lapak buku bekas Pasar Senen. I am wibu too back that time OMG *cries*. Being involved in some events at high school is not my middle name. I notable as "tukang telat", "madesu", beside the "not so have a pleasant face". All those words that labeled me, I've never cared about, because I don't know, I kinda felt superior since I am the Jakselian amongst Jakpus-Jakut kids, which is, hey Imma the gaulest one! That pride strengthened my 3 years of high school era--even when it came to 11 grade my mom had the idea to transfer me into one of the hype public high schools at Jaksel, and I resisted since I didn't want a reunion with my junior school friends (which (un)fortunately we reunited at uni). Later, I passed school life and was accepted into one of the top 3 unis, I was a dark horse. Okay, enough for this biography section.
So where do bodo amat and pede aja which tend to be sweet but psycho vibes come from, from a very young age until now?
The answer is, I dunno lol.
But I can explain why I still survive in the middle of the Indonesian-standard sea:
Anything. Since I was young I loved to read. From comics to a novel. Fables, to politics. When in preschool I began knowing that God created many unique creatures including humans with their features because of that since my parents didn't teach me, they're busy bees. I gathered all the information from what I read and somewhat, it attached inside my head for years thus assisting in establishing a paradigm and perspective through the life phase.
Beside of that, I always like to watch documentaries. I learned about anthropology, culture, history, religion, wildlife biodiversity and so on from the documentary. When PlayStation indulges kids my age in the neighborhood, my house is only providing cable TV and no PlayStation is allowed in my house. Poor my bros ever get borrowing PS, they instantly get scolded by mum. LOL. I'm glad now anyway, because of those strict things my childhood was enriched with good stuff about human diversity and the uniqueness of the world. I could make a self-proclaiming I have no narrow mindset. We couldn't define people upon their surface, appearance may mislead but yet at the same time appearance is important if you want to get a better job *sobbing*.
Along with all my experiences, I became a thoughtful woman in every era yet I still have an inferiority complex until now. When people around me have pretty glass-skinned faces or bright skin, it doesn't irritate me because I already know my own value isn't defined by the look. My reading willingness and ability helped me stand up against Indonesian silly beauty standard raids.
So why do I still hate myself? Yes, I hate myself because I ever fallen many times into the same dirty mud and still being stoic with every awful experience. It is not good for yourself to be utterly nice to others. I was overly positive too against everything because of reading.
I forgot to do a semiotic analysis when I read (IYKWIM).
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wjdjdkhfs daily check in beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
I'm thinking of getting into marble hornets ngl
I might give you a request for that sooner or later 🙏
AAAokok possessive siren farmer too omg ??? RAUEHFHDHFH
it's giving :
++++++ I'm also here to thank you for writing mlm m!farmer + m!characters because WOW you are the best ngl
- 🫚anon
I've been stuck in marble hornets for so long it's been years I have a persona and he has lore with them all and has beef with Seth and is Alex's friend but doesn't mind Brian and he doesn't mind Tim but at first Tim actually threatened him when he tried asking Tim what he wanted his food to be because he was going to go buy some food for them all while they all worked but yeah he got threatened and was really sad but he did not use to not mind jay until actually jay stabbed him and tried killing him (Alex left him alone, surprisingly.) so He doesn't like jay that much anymore ...... And he's like really great friends with Jessica(she's like a mother to him, in a roleplay with someone she was the mother in the group and was really caring towards JB*his short nickname is just his initials*)
Anyways marble hornets yeah I have made an AU about Brian and Tim with another person, a lot has happened back then, comics, fanart, lore, animatics, videos, were made, silly silly silly.
I've also cosplayed Tim many many times, people I'm friends with call me Bee Wright, it's like???? What ..... People call me him a lot, they say I look like him, and I'm Tim but just a native version of Tim. so.
Ramble omggg(ALSO RAMBLING ABOUT MY HOME*I'm moving soon ;3;* DON'T WORRY IT'S JUST ABT WORK AND EIDHWUHDDJ and also games :3
I hate how people who look at my Roblox avatar(YES... I play Roblox, that's where I roleplay as well.....) and say "omg is that rody from deadplate?!?!?!" NO IT'S NOT??? Just because my avatar is a little mini chibi person with orange hair and in a suit doesn't mean it's rody. My avatar has its own lore of being a detective and a space alien, I MADE HIM BEFORE DEADPLATE EVEN BECAME A THING??? I HAD HIM FOR SO LONG HE ISN'T FUCKING RODY SHUT THE HELL UP I MADE HIM SO LONG AGO HE'S NOT RODY I MADE HIM BEFORE THE ENTIRE GAME WAS A THING, I'VE ALWAYS HAD HIM, HE'S NOT HIM.
Like please.
(Has gotten called Jaiden Animations on Roblox VC,,, MANY TIMES......... I learned to deal with the fact everyone just calls me Jaiden Animations now. Like .... Ok ....)
Anyways yipppieeee love stardew valley, I love making little silly lore and AU's and just like what if ..??? And like oouaaaa and I love the fallen angel thing sm, And the siren thing,,, I ACTUALLY LOVE JUST WRITING CHARACTERS THAT AREN'T HUMAN, AND LIKE THEY'RE SOME CREATURE AND HYBRID, LIKE??? I'M SOOOO INTERESTED IN THAT PLEASE SEND REQUESTS,,,,,, 8 MIGHT FINISH THOSE SOONER....... I found a post and I'm loving it,,,, because it's like,,, Otter Harvey with reader(no specific gender or pronouns used,,,),,, (minus the otter stuff they do.......... Because......... No.......)
I've had the game because it was on discount(I am actually playing everything on my mother's steam and epic games*never really go on my steam either way, I have Bonnie's bakery on my steam but I played it all already and finished.... And because the games she has was gotten on discount and I don't want to pay for the full price.....*, don't judge me, I've made too much fucking progress to switch things,,,, and she knows this, she's seen me and watched me play on her games because she never plays them so she won't really do much but she knows if I try and switch onto mine I will never have the same progress I had on hers, I've gotten Dwight Fairfield leveled up too far, I've been playing everyday for over two years now with my uncle at first and now with a few friends sometimes but mainly my uncle or alone but I never play alone, she doesn't use it for anything else she plays on her switch and only plays fortnite just for my kookoos because she streams that actually shocker I know), and I never played at first until like I think a two years ago? Maybe three? My uncle asked me if I had it because I'm always on the other PC (MY MOMS PC IS SO FUCKING BETTER THAN MINE IT'S NOT EVEN A JOKE???)and I said yeah, but I've never played it because I had no one to play it with, so then we started playing together and he taught he all about the killers and such, I've gotten into the lore and now I tell him the killers names and he's surprised and happy I've gotten so well into it, and he sometimes makes fun of the killers, anyways I love the huntress, the only women I'll actually write romantically with the male reader 😭😭😭(aUghgifu I'M GOING AGAINST MY WORDSS......) BUT I LOVE HER SO MUCH IT'S NOT EVEN FUNNY..... I love her, and I also love the deathslinger, I don't love ... Wesker.... i want to but my uncle mains him and I already took away him planning to cosplay Adler from Cold war because I called Adler my husband so he's cosplaying Makarov and I was like yeah it's ok I don't have any feelings towards him.
I've been playing cold wars campaign and I'm stuck on the stupid math part, I can't do it so I stopped for a while now, I love Adler, but I love the thing between Lazar and Sims, I know I'm gonna pick Lazar ........ But I'm so inlove with Adler,,,,, I love call of duty as well though, I've roleplayed as Gaz before just Gaz and Graves shocker I know, my favorite is Roach though, I love my bug boy, I've wanted to be him for Halloween once but I didn't wanna go out when it was Halloween and I had my friends at my door so I had to go as umbreon from Pokemon. I love pokemon as well, and dragon ball Z
I love animals crossing through, I left MY switch, I don't go on my mom's switch,,, I used to actually take her animal crossing card to play on my switch and so when she wanted it I had to get off of the animal crossing and give it back so she bought me animal crossing online so I wouldn't take her card (it was like 4 years ago I'm pretty sure yeah) and when I went to go stay at my cousins house for the weekend I left my switch there, accidentally, so I can't go get it because oop my aunt and uncle are having a rough time so ,,,,,, no getting in the middle of it(I am not allowed to drive the van... Because we have one van and that's the van my mother needs more than I do so, I can't really drive anywhere either way because I'm still trying to apply for jobs, if I do try and apply to the one I'm looking for I might have to move in with my other kookoo for the entire summer and that's out of the city but not where my mom and siblings are gonna go, it's in the opposite direction lololol). Because she got a new job out of the city so she'll drive out there and then come back after work but I know she might go stop by the kookoos houses for a bit so she'll get off at 4 and come back at maybe 6 or 7 because she will go see the kookoos and aunts and uncles before she comes home, that's gonna be like that until me and my sister are done school at the end of June that's when we're moving but I'm gonna apply to band office so I might leave during June if I do get accepted. so then my aunt will soon come over and watch the younger kids, while I gotta go deal with my own classes, and then I'll just spend the rest of my last period out at the library next to the school and walk home, my sister doesn't need me to walk her but I just do sometimes, that's if she doesn't leave me so quick yet, or I might walk with my friend back to our street because she lives on the same street, for now. Because we're actually moving out to where my mom got a job and it's with more family, yeah!!) but my other cousin has my switch for me so that's good I suppose, my island is going great, made bridges, more villagers,
I've been inlove with Tom nook for so long I accidentally called him Tom once and my aunt was like "did you call him Tom? You know only married people are allowed to call their spouse by their first name if it's not like "Tom nook" because of ______" I forgot and then they all just kept making fun of me to the point where I have had a Tom nook pillow for 5 years maybe . And now I have a mini figure of Tom nook. And the moment I got out of my love for him I was shoved right back in from people who originally tried getting me help to not love him but they just pushed me back in.
I love left 4 dead, and left 4 dead 2, I love Louis and Ellis, those are my two favorites, I love those two sm like,,,, love love them,,,, I've played the game growing up and I just love it a lot it's a great game and has funny moments and the voice lines are funny as well, so it's great and amazing.
Anyways yahhhh PLEAAASEEEE GO WATCH TAU ON NETFLIX PLWASE PLEASE PLEASE I LOVE IT,,, and the man 🥳🥳🥳 writing this in bed.
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