#actually dont read I have opinions and thats scary for me /j
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so0ppa · 4 months ago
that dumb live ""blogging"" thing i do with twa forever now I guess.
BEFORE I WATCH THE VIDEO!! I have! "Predictions." actually just one because "guys new aeon legion book guys guys i swear" is a cope i do every year and NOT a prediction... anyway so i think its likely the usual sprites are gonna get an upgrade like the twaeu ones already have. thats all. (also had a "maybe jp's sprites get animated as well" moment but as much as i hope it wont happen i also actually doubt that it will as it feels like too much work.)
length is like the exact same as on nebula so i 'spose there's no spons wars segment. fair honestly.
new introoo... i never pay much mind to it anyways so it doesnt matter. it was due for an update honestly it had been the same for. a while. actually hey wait it has greed. that . loses it 100 points /j OH HEY LOOK AT THAT I FUCKIGNGNGN KNEWED IT . MONKEYS PAW CURLS MOMENT /J AGUUHJDKY unrelated but god. me and my stupid love/hate ""cuteness""(hes not. at all. like not even a morsel of adorable in that guy) aggression whenever i see canon greed. ill be fair. while in general i do still dislike the animation. this is a bit more appealing. so maybe greed just sucks idk
omgg page flippp transitionnn i missed . well. no thats a lie i did not miss it.
"fishing for compliments" is pretty silly considering im playing webfishikg while watching (my audhd ass cannot do this otherwise /lh) omg muppets reference. reminds me i should rewatch the muppet movie. and the muppet christmas carol. and watch muppets in space because i haven't seen it ye- oh wait off topic whoops
ok . honestly. the thinking anim. cute tbh. growing on me i guess. i just realised i might know what that lanky ass red/white furry creature is a reference to (my irl made fanart of her and when they sent progress pictures i mistook it for a dinosaur and got disappointed when i found out it was [character that appeared in nostalgiacritics "the wall" video])
oh hey the shed haiiii :) oh and ic² & jc as well i guess idk. jfc yess i hate genre labels forever .. for music, books... & sexuality and gender ... uhm :)
oh hey audio quality slightly changed. not to be drawfee brained but. drawfee referenced those keep it simple, stupid books on a stream (i dont remember which one but i rewatched it p recently i think) and ive been thinking about that phrase sm ... its perfect to me i think. anyway, funny that jps also referencing it lol
fuuuck reminding me i should start journalingg. i keep thinking abt it and like giving myself false starts then just suddenly stopping... >>
oh hey and new outro nice. AH YAY its been. LIKE A WHILE SINCE HES DONE AN OUTRO VOICEOVER LMAO... now THATS something i missed :) okay yay took me way too long to get to watching this and to watch it in general . brainworms moment honestly. anyway aeon legion sequel in 2025 then ? /J
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vypridae · 1 year ago
anywayys requesting mori or tecchou or fyodor for the character thing [or bc you don’t need to do all of them pick and choose <3]
DOING ALL OF THEM i cant do the doodles i dont have the motivation for art rn i lied about that BUT ILL DO ALL THREE OF THEM
under a cut because these got LONG
first impression
honestly i think when i first met mori in the anime i was like oh hes sweet i like him . then it was the whole "woah port mafia boss!!!!" thing and i was like oh hes sweet and deadly i like him .
impression now
i love him soo much did you know. hes so fun hes just a silly guy . silly !!!
favorite moment
honestly the moment (from the manga specifically) thats stuck with me the most was the frame that he like, put tachihara's hd hat on his head and was like "you dropped something" it just STUCK with me
outside of canon manga stuff tho i love the little intersection in wan ep 11 that hes like "WHAT DID YOU SEND ME DAZAI ... THESE ARE ... SCARY!!!!!" like hes just so silly i love him
idea for a story
genuinely i do not think about story ideas enough to have a solid one for him but if it counts i often think about him accidentally stealing one of fukuzawa's scarves from That Era i forgot how old he was at the time . and then just keeping it . and fukuzawa finds out somehow . i love them shut up
unpopular opinion
uhhh liking mori in general FSJKHASJKHASFJKG like have you seen this fandom . 99% of the people here fucking hate mori with a passion . and just liking him is super controversial . aside from that though ive seen analyses (tending to be like "mori and pedophilia" or something along those lines) and honestly they make me feel like hes just being really uuuh whats the word. really abstract with how he says things i guess? like one in particular i remember was a word in the original manga (jap) and he said a word that means both "wife" and "thing by my side" or something like that, when theres so many different words he could have used if he wanted to be Creepy specifically. idk theres my mori opinion its so controversial i know block me if u'd like but i love him
favorite relationship
HAHA zskk . easily . love those dumbass gayasses
favorite headcanon
uuuuuh . probably trans mori honestly FJKHASDFGHADFG maybe im biased (trans) but like ... idk i am very biased about this
first impression
genuinely when i first met all of the hunting dogs i forgot all of their names immediately . as chapters went on though i think the two main things i remember thinking "hes adorable" and "hes in love with jouno 100%"
impression now
i . love him . so much . he is the silliest little guy ever and hes also me . also hes still in love with jouno btw
favorite moment
every one of them /j no but fr in specific i love the ant scene (it was one of the only ones i remembered from the manga after i read that chapter i think), the justice speech / kenji fight (GOD hes so cool) and when he gets hit by the car (that was THE FUNNIEST ever)
idea for a story
oh my god okay so imagine jouno is sick and tecchou is taking care of him . that is all
unpopular opinion
i dont actually think i have an unpopular opinion for tecchou . at least not one that i can think of???? like with tecchou i think most of my hcs line up with how a lot of the fandom talks about him
favorite relationship
favorite headcanon
he can cook !!!!! he can cook really well and i like to imagine even though he refuses to eat anything thats not the same color he likes cooking stuf he knows jouno likes and doesnt force him to eat any of his "weird" food combos because he knows jouno doesnt really like stuff like that so he cooks how jouno likes for jouno and how he likes for himself . UAHUAUAHGUA
first impression
i think i initially went "oh my god" when i saw fyodor . fell for him IMMEDIATELY and also initially hated fyolai???
impression now
still falling . now love fyolai . improvements !!!
favorite moment
YES. /j
in all seriousness, some of my favorite moments with fyodor are uuh
the dead apple scene where hes on the rooftop and goes "this is too much fun :)" because i think honestly that scene made me fall SO HARD . also he just looks really pretty there dont question me
time for happy group counseling hour !!!!!! hmm? hi everybody im your host fyodor dostevsky- okay hold up stop right there. whats the problem? exactly, what? exactly what what? ooooooooh . life counseling . < that whole scene
idea for a story
oh my god. ok so basically . connected oneshots but one member of fyosiglai is individually insecure for some reason and the other two are like FUCK NO YOU ARENT and love them and cherish and praise them until theyre like oguhgug
unpopular opinion
hes pretty i LOVE HIM hes SO PRETTY ive seen HUNDREDS of people say hes UGLY hes SO NOT UGLY i LOVE HI
(in all seriousness, ive seen a lot of people say he'd be like, an abusive manipulative awful husband / boyfriend / whatever, and i literally just cannot see that happening . like, i feel like he'd want the perfect world FOR his s/o, he fell for them for a reason sort of thing . idk maybe i just love him but hgjkahfjkahdfjk)
favorite relationship
fyosiglai. or fyodor and me /j (/hj)
favorite headcanon
UUUUUH UH UH UH UH UH OH MY GOD I HAVE SO MANY HCS ABOUT HIM I LOVE HIM hes a cat person thats one of my favorites . if there is a cat on his lap he will not move
i also love the idea that he cannot for the life of him play horror games because he gets jumpscared and screams and he HATES that bc "vulnerability bad" (nikolai likes when he plays horror games anyway he thinks its funny when he gets jumpscared and screams really loud)
actually scratch that . fyodor is just bad at video games because i love that idea . hes good at logic games but when it just comes down to "survive!!!" or "do this objective" or something i love the idea that hes just Dog Ass at it
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devondespresso · 2 years ago
15 Questions 15 Mutuals
tagged by the lovely @blushweddinggowns
1. are you named after anyone? Yes! my legal name came from a nickname my mother used for her sister and Devon is actually the name of one of my cool older cousins. My sibling suggested it one day and we were like “yo thats like a cool older brother name” and it didn’t occur to us until later just how biased that opinion was
2.when was the last time you cried? uh good question. its not like it was super long ago i just have a terrible basic memory. i think it was reading a fic? pretty sure i shed a tear or two reading the epilogue for Smoke Oh The Water on ao3
3. do you have kids? no im 18. but also no if i was 40. im terrified of fucking up another human. maybe eventually ill foster older teens with my future wife. who knows
4. do you use sarcasm a lot? not intentionally, i have this habit of saying “oh joy” when someone tells me about something sucky that has or will happen because i dont really know what to do in that situation. so it feels like an “aw that sucks :(” but with the casual tone that lets them lead the conversation about it
5. what sports do you/have you played? i think i did cheer in like preschool, I did archery in middle school, and took weightlifting in high school. i’ve also done yoga on and off since summer of 2018 and i know its not a sport but no one talks about it outside of Instagram fitness girlies and im sick of this disrespect (/j)
6. whats the first thing you notice about people? first probably outfit/aesthetic, next is how they speak. tone and word choice and what they says about what they think about whatever they're saying. i have the irl subtext radar and all that does is make me cry easier rip
7. what’s your eye color? hazel?? brown? your guess is as good as mine bestie
8. scary movies or happy endings? happy endings. my imagination will convince me of the wildest shit if given the slightest bit of inspiration
9. any special talents? uhhhhhhh im pretty proud of my weird mobility skills? like ive got good balance and coordination (usually). i can put on pants one-handed? i can open doors and flick light switches with my feet? im good at climbing shit?
10. where were you born? what are you a cop /j (deep south, red state)
11. What are your hobbies? i like yoga and calisthenics and improvised dancing. i love screenwriting and film and im finally giving fanfic writing a shot! i also just like making shit like sewing and customizing figures and making little scenes out of displays
12. do you have any pets? yes my cat his name is mittens aka goose boy aka bagel boy aka wiggle man aka bogus aka bingus aka chicken aka little baby man aka loafus aka mr meow meow aka moafus aka doodle boy aka squirmy wormy aka- *gunshots*
13. how tall are you? 5′3? again your guess is as good as mine
14. favorite subject in school? theatre. i dont get to be normal. if were talking like. regular subjects then it depends on the teacher. i had an english teacher that let me do a book report on a manga. i owe her everything.
15. dream job? in an ideal world id be a screenwriter and director. but the world isnt ideal its actually sexist and homophobic and ableist and shit so i doubt id get there rn. its the gen z depression.
i sincerely dont know if i actually have 15 mutuals (statistics say yes, anxiety says no) and im nervous about tagging usually because i dont want to assume connections are closer than they actually are AND ive convinced myself i keep tagging the same mutuals too much lately AND its 2 am and i work in the morning so no tags tonight but mutuals if you want to then consider yourself tagged! and feel free to @ me in your list (tags or “tagged by“) if you want to!
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eskewcity · 4 years ago
can i ask why you're not really enjoying s5? i havent listened to most of it so i just kinda want to know what others think. if you dont wanna answer though thats totally fine i know you might not be comfortable going into detail abt why u dont love smth that lots of other people might! either way hope u have a great night :) its been fun getting hades updates from u
Nah don’t worry about it! I’ll leave this under the cut for those that enjoy this season and don’t want to read crit
but honestly this season has just felt very slow for me where 3/4 of it was just j&m traversing through the fearscape since I thought it would have had more action at least? things seemed to have picked up a little more now but there’s only 6 episodes left so the whole concept of going through a domain of an entity started to become really repetitive after a while. I understand that they run on 40 episode seasons but they really would have benefited from either 1. Cutting down on the amount of episodes this season or 2. Shortening the amount of time where j&m are traversing by themselves for the sake of brevity and to get to actual plot, ie taking down Jonah. Also because of this, I just feel like they are going to have to wrap up a lot of things that have yet to be answered for very quickly and honestly I don’t even know at this point if they will...
I also saw someone (sorry I can’t remember who this was) that made the point, that for them, the more that they learned about the entities itself, the less scary they began and in a way they lost their effectiveness which is how I feel. The statements themselves just feel different since Jon is reading them in the present as the person is being subjected to a domain as opposed to reading a statement from the past. It doesn’t seem like it would be much but for me personally, I feel there was injection of more personality of who the subject giver was when it was the traditionally manner of having them speak/write at the institute as opposed to Jon simply speaking about what is happening to them in that moment. I’ve also just not heard any memorable statements itself beyond like Martin’s time in the lonely domain which I thought was really well done. I think it’s also just a matter of opinion in some parts because stylistically I loved how season 1 was formatted because of the fact it was one shot stories that didn’t feel like they necessarily have to fit into one large narrative but could be read as independent short horror stories.
I hope that helps kinda illustrate at least my opinion of it but if you ever feel like listening to the season dont let me stop you! I hope you have a good night as well and thank you for saying you like my hades updates, there will probably be more <3
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hobgayblin · 4 years ago
Oh well I meant mostly fo related because of the blogs theme but you can join in with anything else. For example I cannot stand most Jhin pairs specially the straight ones
YEAH. YEAH MY THOUGHTS EXACTLY. every ship thats jhin/a woman is a bad ship actually. while I’m not smart enough to say if he’s explicitly coded or not he reads as SO SO gay from him mannerisms and how he talks in my professional homosexual opinion. Even if I wasnt in love w/ him I still think he reads as gay tbqh
Plus the basis for every jhin/woman ship I’ve seen is SO boring. like w/ s*na its bc of that one throwaway line she has abt the autographs which is supposed to be HaHa Funny Joke About Jhin and 4, and also bc he has lines abt her and stuff but he also VERY explicitly wants to kill her so I’m... :/ w/ j*nx its bc theyre both batshit insane (in different and very conflicting ways). also jhin is a lot older than her which isnt like a problem, bc shes an adult, but I’m still like.... :/ this man is almost 40 and very mature hes NOT gonna be interested in an annoying 21 year old. and w/ n*mi its because..............???????? idk i think shes a good support for him but otherwise i have NO idea where that one came from but its SO popular.
I honestly don’t like any of the m/m ships with jhin either. I don’t rly mind any of them except jhin/k*yn which I don’t like. jhin/z*d im fine with seeing but also their backstories are both about them actively trying to kill each other so its not like. great. but they also have the most basis for a ship so i understand why ppl ship them. I’ve also seen some jhin/thresh which I THINK comes from their rivalry w/ the dark cosmic skins and thats the only one I’m like. ok cool nice thats neat. two awful men I love together. I don’t hate it but i still dont particularly ship it
god I rly spent 3 paragraphs on jhin huh. anyway heres a sparknotes of my thoughts w/ my other boys:
Every Sylas ship I’ve seen sucks except Sylas/S*tt which is like. out of nowhere and while I hate shipping men just bc theyre both conventionally attractive.... I just think theyre neat :) Sylas/L*x is the bane of my existence tho and I could go on forever abt why I hate it but this post is already gonna be long as hell sdghfkds
I haven’t seen a lot of Thresh ships aside from thresh/l*cian(and/or s*nna) and thresh/k*lista both of which I hate. I HAVE seen thresh/k*rthus and thresh/h*carim (or all 3 of them together) and I ADORE that shit whether its ship or not its so good honestly. death husbands ! w8 also I forgot abt thresh/ahr* which I also fucking hate fuck you spirit blossom for making that a thing
Pyke ships are almost NONEXISTANT from what I’ve seen which is both good for me and >:/ why arent yall shipping him w/ people hes sexy. except from maybe pyke/ill*oi which I love them being friends but I dont like the ship simply bc that giant woman belongs to the lesbians. TBF theres not a lot of people To ship him with tho except like. g*ngplank and MF but they’re absolutely on his Hit List and also MF isnt an option actually bc he only likes dude ass :/ MAYBE could throw him into the Graves/TF mix but Idk how well that would work out.... WOULD be sexy tho. 3 husbands in one :) WAIT HOLD ON I LIED I FORGOT ABT PYKE/N*UTILUS I LOVE THAT SHIP SO MUCH. scary revenants in love :)
Luckily for me 90% of the TF/Graves ship stuff is between them which obviously I love..... I love seein my two boys in love they rly should just be a canon couple already riot come on. Other ships I’ve seen include: TF/Y*suo for some reason but honestly its cute ! I like it :) sometimes graves is also thrown in there which is good too. Also TF/Ev*lynn which I DESPISE bc it just came out of their tango skins. smh its not romantic tango its gay/lesbian solidarity. Graves I never see shipped w/ anyone but TF unless its like. porn gsfghhkkskd
Also he’s not a real f/o but I’ve seen so much draven/darius it makes me wanna vomit <3 anyone that ships that needs help yall are fucking nasty and I hate you personally
TL;DR: I hate most canon/canon ships with my f/os aside from like. a couple sgdfghhksdf
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kwanfairy · 5 years ago
Quarantine Asks: Questions You Usually Wouldn’t Think of Asking But You’re Bored AF
Here is the link to the original post in case you wanna do it too ! also: @stitchzmile i want you to do it too :D <3
Animated character that was your gay awakening? jesus.. i actually dont know. as a kid i thought jessie from pokemon and kim possible were super hot LOL but i dont think they were my gay awakening.. 
Grilled cheese or PB&J? grilled cheese
What show/YouTube video(s) do you put on in the background when you when you don’t have anything to watch but you want something on? i actually dont do that but i love to put on some “relaxing celtic music” in the BG whenever i write!
Your go-to bar order, if you drink? that depends as i dont really like alcohol. if its about enjoying it, probably baileys, if its about getting hammered, jägermeister or other shots.
What’s your favorite pair of shoes that you own? i dont own enough shoes plus i dont really care about them lol but the new ones i bought are really comfy so i guess it’s them?
Top three cuisines? i like heavy/greasy food so german/austrian, asian, italian
What was your first word as a child (that wasn’t a variation of “Mom” or “Dad”)? no fucking clue but im super curious now and will ask my mom later!
What’s a job that you’ve had that people might be surprised to find out you’ve had? working as a language assistant w/ american students as im super anti-social and introverted
Look up. What’s directly across from you? my black wall (that ive painted myself!!) lol
Do you own any signed books/memorabilia in general? eventho i cant think of any i should have some, right? doesnt everyone have something thats signed??
Preferred way to spend a rainy day? on my ps4 or writing with my balcony door open so i can hear the rain
What do you get on your bagels? What WOULD you get if you had access to anything you wanted? we dont do bagels here or sandwiches and ive only been to subway once, was totally lost, amde a fool out of myself and never went to one ever again lol
Brunch or midnight snacks? brunch! eventho i love eating midnight snacks, my tummy doesnt react well to them....
Favorite mug you own as a none-coffee drinker, i dont have one
What coffee drink would you describe yourself as? probably milk-coffee? im super white and most people dont like me ^^
Pick a song lyric to describe your current mood (and drop the name and artist!) ive been anxious for the past week cause we have to do a presentation for work and my anxiety riddled brain is freaking out. but ive been trying to remind myself that, while its a struggle, its also an opportunity to show myself what im capable of! “I will never ever know, if i quit now” - Mess by Jasmine Sokko
Fruity or herbal teas? i do like both but prefer fruity ones
What’s that one TV show that you’re a little bit embarrassed to watch but you still like nonetheless? motto ojamajo doremi - its just really cute!
That book you were forced to read for class but actually ended up enjoying? The wave
Do you match your socks? yas
Have you ever been horseback riding? yup during sports-week at school, but i was terrified all the time and had no idea what i was doing LOL
What was your “phase” when you were younger? (i.e., Mythology Nerd, Horse Girl, Space Geek, etc) if loner counts, then that ^^
Have you ever been to jail? nope, but i kinda really wanna see one from the inside smh
What’s your opinion on Lazy Susan’s (the spinning tray in the middle of tables)? i only know them from chinese restaurants and they are quite handy if ya do food sharing but otherwise i dont really see the use
Puzzles? need to be in the mood but haven done one in yeeeears
You can only have one juice for the rest of your life, what is it? orange juice for sure
What section do you immediately head for when you walk into a bookstore? i rarely go to a bookstore rip i know but when, i usually check their manga section first (rip x2 lol) and then the thriller one
What’s one thing you’re trying to learn/relearn in your downtime right now? im on day 382 on my duolingo japanese course! also, the fic im currently writing has taught me a lot about not over editing and paraphraph-ing (whetever that is actually called)
Who’s your go-to musical artist when you’re feeling upbeat? not into musicals
Where could someone find you in a museum? that depends which museum it is. but im usually trying to follow a path that brings me past everything
What’s that one outfit in your closet you never get the chance to wear but want to? the super duper emo-like red plaid pants a friend of mine gave me years back.
Rainbows, stars, or sunset colored clouds? pink louds!
If you could own any non-traditional pet (dogs, cats, fish, rodents, etc), what would it be? while im quite wary of birds, emus look kinda cool. oh or a wombat maybe? or an axolotl!
Do you have more art on your walls or more photographs? art that either i or my mom has drawn
You have to get one meme tattooed on your body, what meme is it and where does it go? as embarrassing as it is i LOVE memes so i cant choose just one.
Pick a superhero sidekick to hang out with im not really into superhero stuff so i dont really know any sidekicks.. if ron from kim possible counts then him id say lol
Lakes, rivers, or oceans? lakes for sure, oceans are just too wide and deep and scary
Favorite mid-2000s song im totally blanking now but the only 2 that came to my mind were britney - toxic and baby bash - suga suga
How do you dress when you’re home alone? pyjamas
Where do you sit in the living room (we all have a preferred spot, and you know it)? in front of my comupter lol
Knives or swords? knives
A song you didn’t think you’d enjoy but ended up loving bewhy - gottasadae
Pick an old-school Disney Channel Original Movie is camp rock one? i dunno we didnt have disney channel
Are you a “Quote that relates to the photos” caption-er, an “explanation of where I took the photos” caption-er, or a no caption kinda person when you post pictures online? i never post pics online lol but i guess id be more of an explanation kidna gal
Name a classic Vine god there are so many good ones but the first that came to my mind was “stop! i coulda dropped my croissant!” and the “ok :D” guy in the jungle
What’s the freezer food that you stock up on when you go to the grocery store? veggies! i love veggies so my freezer usually is full of it
How do you top your ice cream? ew, i dont!!
Do you like Jello? non-native english speaker here. wtf is jello. is is this clear wobbly shit? if so, then no, gross!
What’s something that you don’t have a picture of that you wish you did? well ok i do have pics, but like, actual photographs of my dog but i wish i had more and digital ones as well :( i really fucking miss him even after all this time and it would be so nice to have more quality pics of him...
How are you at climbing trees? as someone whos scared of heights and abso-fucking-lutely grossed out by bugs... take a guess :)
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