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so0ppa 19 days ago
i hate being a business owner in midnight alley wdym my most annoying customer and his friends got ahold of the keepers guild emergency walkie-talkie 馃槶
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so0ppa 4 months ago
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actually hey rb on main so i can talk more about Greed.
Ok so in a vacuum I do genuinely like the idea of Greed with a full suit of gold armour, bcz of like everything stated above about how armour is utilised symbolically. BUT spons wars already having a kind of subversion of that common symbolism with kc, it just. wont work the same way lol. because now its been established that armour and hiding one's face doesn't necessarily make a character unrelatable and/or (seemingly) unfeeling. anyway shrug whatever!! in twa design contrast is usually utilised with colours only (i.e. green n purple are opposites and so are silver n gold in a sense..) so . clearly there probably hasnt been much thought put into the characterisation/symbolism armour or lack of it has :P
just thinking about how traditionally in media full suits of armour and especially helmets are used to hide characters' humanity and your ability to relate to them (such as making enemies unrelatable mindless drones for the player to massacre or to convey a character is powerful to the point theyve lost themselves/are basically inhuman). Anyways all this to say this doesn't apply to TWA spons wars really at all and I find that silly. The arguably most emotional character and the one against infinite growth (which, contrary to conservative belief, is very unnatural) is Knight Commander, who wears a suit of armour lol.
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so0ppa 3 months ago
very miscellaneous details i noticed in the first episode
-all/most the posters (might be some i didnt spot)
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-not to worry! the gun that interned intern is shot with is labeled "stun" so theyre... probably fine?
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-the vhs (or extraterrestrial equivalent idk) is labeled "for new family"
-this note seemed to go ignored 馃様
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-wowza that kill count!
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-kip's shirt's only half tucked into his pants and his name tag reads gub
-catch the odd one(s) out i guess?
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-vee's hair is shorter and her shirt's fully buttoned up in the brief flashback to her first day
-and the huge deedee sign at the storefront waves :p
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so0ppa 5 months ago
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ok I had to write down some thoughts. about greed again. (personally! im an option 1 guy here)
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lightning swamp man drawfee reference and such . uhhhh
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so0ppa 3 months ago
i have to admit i always pronounced your user in my head as SO-op-pah. very shitfucked way to say it ik. ig the more accurate way to pronounce it would be SOUP-pa but my brain just cant handle change
thats rlly interesting but also i cant wrap my head around that. fascinating i love it.
theres really no most/more accurate way to say it but yeah soup-pa is the one i hear the most (as in the 2 times its been said outloud + other anon ask). which is silly since i barely had the word soup in mind when initially drafting my user. & if were speaking in terms of where my user originates from, youd just pronounce it soppa.
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so0ppa 3 months ago
so umm. whats your favorite moment(s) in the first deesdis episode ^_^
i mean. all of them. all the moments. its only 6 minutes long. but i guess heres some specific ones
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misinfo spreader /j
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everyone else is genuinely welcoming immy meanwhile kips just yelling. what is his problem.
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the awkwardness of like this whole interaction between vee and immy just does it for me its perfection i love it.
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i gotta draw bucket at some point :p
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so0ppa 3 months ago
happy new year! :3
like 30 mins early on my end but yay 2025 ^_^ !!
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so0ppa 3 months ago
aeon legion is actually like a weird fucked up avatar (as in atla not the cgi movie) retelling /j
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so0ppa 4 months ago
do you like purple. or red. shades of them included. :3
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yea im normal about light reds and bluish purples. (guy whose fav ships r like always pink+blue)
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heres some specific shades tho yayee ^_^
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so0ppa 4 months ago
could we learn more about khael perhaps... perchance...if not spoilers... :3
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all i have to say is theyre. isolated and yet still generally chipper.
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so0ppa 4 months ago
pineapple on pizza is...?
acceptable but if i had a choice i prefer it not to be included. usually makes the pizza soggier and warm pineapples are just. eh.. not for me.
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so0ppa 4 months ago
have you tried making any songs/themes? if so, for whom (character/person), and how did it go? :D
yeah like. 5 maybe less maybe more years ago when i still actively played the ukulele. wasnt for anyone just angsty really bad trying to emulate indie rock track lol. never really finished anything except the lyrics (prolly lost to time now) tho like my chord progression was real ass and i was (+still am) a pretty amateur ukulele player (and the ukulele is pretty easy to get good at so.. but anyway)
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so0ppa 4 months ago
how many art programs have you tried and which ones were your favorite? :3
Oh hm lets see. My first two were Medibang Paint (both on pc and mobile) and MS Paint im p sure. Then a whole lot l8r on I used Ibispaint and that's been my main program forever now, then ofc had a Flipaclip phase but that didnt last long (barely animate an' all). Tried SAI and I think I liked it well enough. I used Krita on tablet for a little but wasnt my thing. Then I got Infinite Painter and most of the doodles and such that I post on here is done on that. Actually you can tell what I have and haven't drawn on Inf Painter vs Ibis bcz on Ibis my default bg is a slightly lighter grey.. and my Ibis work is way more rendered usually since I'm still more used to it. Oh I also use the website JS Paint when I wanna do mouse doodles and the PCs MS Paint is the modern version with layers (which im not a fan of personally) and sometimes I draw on Whiteboard Fox as well.
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so0ppa 4 months ago
hmm... what are ur other favorite anime series besides op?
(sry to hear that u got food poisoning btw, hope u get well soon!!! wishing u the best)
I love the original Trigun series (need to rewatch it honestly).. obvs Evangelion, Nausicaa (not a series but im mentioninh it since its one of my fav movies in general) and Madoka Magica lol. Otherwise I don't really. Watch alot of anime esp to the end. I think only other animes I've finished/got really far in are Sword Art Online, Glitter Force, JJBA (dropped at like s3 sorry king... idk why that happened), the Pokemon B&W anime and Dungeon Meshi (and i FAR prefer the manga for that djjdkg). I tried getting into Dragon Ball, Naruto, Demon Slayer, JJK, Fairytail, MHA, Utena, a bunch of magical girl shows and a bunch of other edgy shounen anime as well but uhh yea never got that invested personally (except with JJK but then they killed off my fav and pretended he didnt exist the very next episode so i dropped it bcz it pissed me off). I'll probably try out Utena and Princess Tutu (i think that was its name im stuid rn) another time since I hear alot of good about them lol.
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so0ppa 4 months ago
so ive browsed your toyhouse recently ... id like to know about alien detective agency more ^_^
escaped trans alien convict who probably has bpd crashlands her spaceship on a small town on earth, is found by a demon girl living there. average urban fantasy monster of the week hijinks happen, main plot for a while involves a crazy scientist wanting to dissect alien girl, until they beat the guy into friendship shounen style and its all okay. surprise tonal shift. doomed tragic demon/angel yuri and a heaven v hell plot. and i have no ideas after that.
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so0ppa 4 months ago
what genre of music would <tl> characters like? :)
I usually hate doing character preference stuff when it comes to my own guys but I love music so yayyyy :3 (doing like mixtapes for them lol bcz its sillyy)
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if some of the choices seem a little surface level my b i largely only listen to finnish prog rock lol.. >_<
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