#i had to think over these for like 2 days because words wouldnt come for some reason despite me having many thoughts about these two
backwzzds · 11 months
can we talk about how konig would be someone who’s quiet when he gets jealous…then when y’all get home he js absolutely goes HAMMMM….
the way i got so excited to write this…it’s actually way longer than i intended but idgaf! part 2 soon 😏
“papa, i don’t understand what i did wrong,” you’d frown at your man with an annoyed whine. könig, who was a whooping 6’10 would only give you a heavy grunt in response. you’d be on the way back to his car from the mall, dozens of your victoria’s secret and H&M bags held in his visibly large hand. the moment könig reached before you (with help of his tree-like long legs anyway), he opened the door for you, the balaclava on his face making his features ten times harder.
no matter how mad the big bear was at you—or more so, what you happened to get yourself involved in—he’d never disrespect you. anything other than sexually, at least. stepping on the custom made step for your smaller figure, you slide into the huge seat of his completely blacked out bmw suv, allowing him to shut the door behind you. you nearly jump at the visible shake of the car beneath your bottom.
you play with your curls as könig carefully sets your bags on the floor behind your seat. because his was set all the way back to accommodate for his long legs, your seat had the better amount of space for your things. when könig finally got back in the car, he immediately started it, causing the monsterous growl of his deleted muffler to come alive.
and he wouldn’t even break a sweat at you !!! you’re over here going over all your actions for the day, step by step, and all könig could think through his mind was what positions he was gonna force you in when you two got back home.
the sound of könig’s car matched the energy that was coursing through his veins. he know you didn’t do anything wrong; not intentionally at least. but the selfish ass part of him wanted nothing more than for your pretty little ass to sit in the passenger’s seat, overthinking on what the fuck you possibly could have done to rile him up this much.
the ride home is everlastingly silent as the small of your voice breaks the thick tension, “baby,” you don’t know how to further articulate your words. “i know you’re mad at me. i wanna fix it, but i can’t it you won’t talk to me. and you’ve been dead ass silent since we been in the mall.”
könig keeps his cool, though. he knew his silence was practically eating at you alive, shaming you with guilt for something you didn’t even intentionally mean to do. but with the way your pretty body sits in the black skims dress you’re in, accompanied by your black and white dunks—his eyes could practically frame your nipples right through the see through fabric, and he was sure that fucking doorman at victoria’s secret could have as well.
you keep talking. “was it the dude at VS? i swear, i made it very known that you were my man and—“ your words are endless blabber to him as the disgusting and pervasive thoughts cloud könig’s mind.
he looks so sexy in his balaclava, protecting his face from the harsh upcoming winter temperatures. he’s sported in an all black outfit, helplessly matching yours. anyone who saw you two together would automatically know that was your man. i mean duh, he walks around with his hand on your ass protectively 99% of the time.
when you get the sense that the brute isn’t listening to a fucking word you’re saying, you let out a frustrated sigh and turn your body away from him. but the sudden placement of a large hand on your knee takes you by surprise as you eye the man who’s ice blue eyes refuse to falter from the darkening road before you.
the moment könig pulls up in the driveway of your shared home, you can’t help but twiddle with the polish on your acrylics. anxiousness is bouncing off you, and könig could tell. you turn your head and open your mouth to speak, only to be cut off for the first time that night.
“go inside.” könig’s voice is very low, but you don’t miss the command in it. there’s no emotion behind the dark eyes of his balaclava. usually you could decipher exactly what and how he was feeling, but in the moment—
“kö—“ your boyfriend’s snow blue eyes harden at your talk back. with softer features, you whisper, “will you be inside?”
“soon. need to make a call first,” you watch him pull out a fresh cigar pack. “be ready for me when i get in.” you open your mouth to talk back again, but wire it shut when könig lovingly grabs your face. leaning in so the pink of his lips ghost over your full brown ones, he whispers, “now, mama. i won’t ask again. can you listen to that one thing for me?”
with a small gulp, you give him pretty doe eyes, feeling between your legs tingle at his masculinity radiating onto you. in the most confident voice you could muster up, you nod your pretty head at him. “yes daddy.”
könig gives you a nod of approval and runs his hand along the curve of your ass. “good girl. go on, liebling.”
you exit the huge car, already getting idea of what was to come when könig came back inside. with a heavy heart, you head upstairs to your room and slowly begin undressing, hoping that the slower you went, the more your punishment would be delayed.
your hopes were proven to be false the minute you were completely naked and turned around to see könig leaning against the threshold of the door, silently watching you.
you jump in fear at the sudden sight in front of you, but feel your heart beat calm down when könig strolled over to you. naturally, your head tilted backward as a way to get a full view of his face. his balaclava remained on, so you knew he was still upset about the events from earlier.
könig takes his large hand and rests it on your cheek, giving it a comforting rub. “you know i love you and respect you more than anything on this earth, right?” the brown of your skin instantly heat up at his words as you slowly nod your head at his sudden expression, unsure of where he was going with his words. könig’s lips can’t help but lightly turn upward into a small smile. you had no idea what was gonna come.
“good. because for today, libeling, i’m gonna fuck you like you mean absolutely nothing to me.”
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pathologicalreid · 6 months
heyyyy how ruu
english is not my first language so i hope you can understand this u.u
this idea has been consuming my brain for days, sooo basically i was thinking about bau fem reader and reid doing undercover work (idk) and when they see the unsub, reader's first thought is to kiss reid so the unsub can't recognize them (and he wouldnt waste time in 2 ppl kissing???), then when reader sees the unsub going towards the exit even though she doesnt want to she breaks the kiss and everything is awkward but in a cute way??? yea idk if this makes sense feel free to change anything or to not do it at all :]
in plain sight | S.R.
your quick thinking (in an attempt to protect him) leads to a thankful spencer
who? spencer reid x fem!reader category: fluff content warnings: reader is explicitly referred to as a woman. general cm violence. making out (for the plot). haphazardly proofread. word count: 1.19k a/n: no worries anon, i understood this perfectly! thank you so much for requesting!
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Your firearm was digging into your hip as you leaned up against the wall of the bar. You were on high alert as you looked around the building, scanning the faces of people who walked by.
“L/N, Reid, anything?” Hotch called into the radios. The team was across the street in a surveillance van.
Quickly, your eyes met Spencer’s, “No sign of the suspect.” Silently, you hoped that Hotch would pull you from the bar and let you go back to the hotel for the night, but you knew that wasn’t the way your unit chief played the game.
You were more or less trapped inside a college bar, your shoes were sticking to the old wooden floor, and because you and Spencer were the youngest members of the team, you were voluntold to go undercover.
Reid had never looked more out of place, but he was twelve when he started college, so you supposed he had never really been in a dive bar like this one before. “Hey,” you said softly, “Are you alright?” You knew he had a thing about germs, and if you were bothered by the sticky floors, you couldn’t imagine how he was feeling.
“I’m sure this comes as a surprise, but this,” he gestured to the partying college kids around you, “isn’t really my scene.”
A small laugh bubbled up from your throat, “Oh, no. I never would’ve guessed,” you played along with his sarcasm. “I’m afraid my shoes are going to come off when I try to walk,” you admitted.
He smiled slightly, “I’m trying not to think about it.”
Tentatively, you moved a little closer to him so you wouldn’t have to shout over the music. “I thought the UnSub hunted around ten?” You questioned. All of the bodies were usually found at midnight with lividity just barely beginning to show, meaning the victims were picked at ten, killed by eleven, and found at midnight.
They were calling him the Countdown Killer because he kept on such a tight schedule. “He should be,” Spencer answered, glancing down at the watch on his wrist.
You looked around the bar, the both of you had your backs to a wall, so you weren’t exposed on that side.
“Remember, if you spot him, do not engage,” Hotch ordered through your radios. You and Reid were simply there to find him, the rest of the team would handle the chase. “He’s likely been watching the news, so he may recognize your faces – don’t let him.”
While you weren’t entirely sure how you were supposed to hide your face from the suspect without seeming suspicious, you confirmed the plan with Hotch anyway.
 A gleam of blonde caught your eye, narrowing your eyes, you focused on the figure. “Spencer,” you swatted at his hand, “two o’clock.”
Discreetly, Spencer’s gaze flickered over in the direction you had suggested. “Turn around,” Spencer said, “Don’t let him see your face.”
You turned around so that you were facing Spencer, looking away from the suspect. “What about your face?” You asked, surely the both of you staring at the brick wall would seem suspicious.
“He’s killing women. I don’t want him to notice you,” he responded, momentarily looking past you and at the suspect.
Surprised, you furrowed your brows at Reid’s statement, by having you face him, he was trying to protect you. You turned your face into your shoulder, “Suspect is in the bar,” you whispered into your mic.
There was recognition from the rest of the team before it went quiet again. “He’s approaching us,” Spencer said, faint alarm springing onto his features. He wasn’t talking into the radio; he was letting you know.
Spencer might’ve been outside of the victimology, but you couldn’t bear it if anything happened to him if the suspect recognized him.
Instinctively, you leaned up on your tiptoes and pressed your lips against his. You were kissing Spencer.
At first, he was surprised, but his hands quickly found a home on your waist as he kissed you back. Your lips worked gently on his as he eased his mouth open, deepening the kiss. Abruptly, Spencer dragged you closer to him by the waist. The sudden movement caused your eyes to flutter open.
In your periphery, you could see the dangerous blonde walking away. He must’ve walked right past you, and Spencer had pulled you away from him. You let your eyes fall shut again.
You reached up to sling your arms over his shoulders as he experimentally slipped his tongue into your mouth. Your heart raced as you were fully making out with Spencer in the college bar.
Reluctantly, you separated yourself from Spencer, “Is he gone?” You whispered, peering up at him through your eyelashes.
Spencer nodded, swallowing thickly. His cheeks were tinted pink, and you were sure you were flushed as well.
You pressed your mic button, not taking your eyes off Spencer’s, “Suspect’s exiting out the rear door,” you notified the team. Suddenly, your job was done, and you became conscious of Spencer’s hands where they still remained on your waist.
Hotch asked you to report to the van, and you took Spencer’s hand and led him out of the bar. The cool night air calmed your rushing blood. “Thank you for that,” he said from behind you as you halted to look for passing cars.
You spun on your heel to look at him, “Did you just thank me for kissing you?”
“I thanked you for distracting the suspect, so he didn’t recognize me,” Spencer corrected, squeezing your hand.
Instinctively, you dropped his hand, “Right, me and my quick thinking.” There was not a single clear thought in your head. You started crossing the street as Spencer called your name, obviously confused.
You yanked your earbud out while the rest of the team was rambling on about the takedown over the comms. “What just happened?” Spencer asked.
“We made out in a bar, and you thanked me for it,” you answered stiffly, leaning your back against the white van. “So, you’re welcome,” you said. Really, you didn’t know what you wanted from him, and you knew that Reid’s experience with women was limited at best.
Surprisingly, Spencer rested a hand on either side of your head and leaned intoxicatingly close to you, “Did you want me to say something else to you?”
You looked up at him, you weren’t sure you had ever noticed the green flecks in his eyes, “I had a few ideas, yes.”
“Here was my other option,” he told you, dropping his head so that your lips met once again. You gasped into his mouth in surprise. Hesitantly, you placed one hand on the side of his neck and the other in his hair. He used both of his hands to cup your face, kissing you with less urgency than you had in the bar as if you had all of the time in the world.
The both of you jumped when the passenger side door to the van swung open and Emily poked her head out, “You know we can see you in the side mirrors, right?”
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wonder2realities · 6 months
having trouble with manifesting physical results?
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when it comes to manifestation, i feel like everyone acts like theres a limit and usually that limit revolves around physical changes. "you cant lose weight unless you work out AND listen to subliminals, you have to put in the work!!!" — what if i were to tell you that you can manifest literally any physical change without even moving? you probably wouldnt believe me because of the idea that you need to "work" to earn something...and yet with all of the physical changes i've manifested, i havent "worked" for anything. how? here's a little list of the rules i stick by !
i'm someone who gets embarrassed very easily, over the smallest things but when it comes to manifesting anything...you gotta be shameless. yes i am waking up with a BBL and a 2-inch waist, what about it. you can pull up to my house, with scientific evidence of how thats not possible but idc cuz its happening. infact, it ALREADY happened "but you look the same" idc it still happened. like literally, no matter what its happening and its happened and it will happen ; whether it be past future or present point is ITS THERE.
this ones a bit hard to word out but essentially, your physical body doesnt make up what you are. meaning, you can view yourself as this ball of energy that can be stretched and pulled out and morphed into everything and anything.
so lets say you want a symmetrical face :
1. dont go overanalysing your face, just sit down & take it easy
2. think of how your symmetrical face that youve always had. i mean you could honestly be a model, your facial structure is amazing. and just allow yourself to sink into those thoughts, whether its through you repeating affirmations or through subliminals — let it all sink in that your face is symmetrical. having doubtful thoughts? let them fly past, dont cling onto them. just allow yourself to sink deeper into the fact that your face is perfectly symmetrical.
3. acknowledge it and live with it. dont go eyeing your mirror and reflection every 2 seconds, dont go panicking and repeating affirmations nonstop and stressing...just acknowledge it and go on with your day.
^ its that easy. you dont need to even see your physical body morphing into it, the point is that you are able to morph and change into whatever you wish because you are not limited to your physical body.
you dont need to do a 40 minute workout to make sure you get results, you dont need to drink 3L of water, you dont need to write down 500 affirmations, you dont need to do a 20step skincare routine if you want to make sure you get clear skin...if you want to do these things, do them as much as you wish to. do you have to? no.
when i was younger, i got a bad injury and because of that one of my cheekbones were larger than the other — through manifestation they look identical now. like as in, if i were to tell you the injury i got into and said "my cheekbone was larger and there was a huge line under it" youd think i was making it up (sidenote : i had to show someone my passport photo from when i was like 8 to prove that i had that injury 😭 CUZ THEY DIDNT BELIEVE ME.) and mind you, i didnt even have a routine - my routine was literally just playing cute subliminals , vibing to the music and then going to sleep. i promise you, you dont need to do any form of "work" to get what you desire.
probably the most important thing i stick by, i always go with my gut. meaning, if i feel like i can listen to a 5 second subliminal and i got it - i leave it there. i dont force anything, i dont push myself into anything and i dont do anything that someone else does if it doesnt vibe well with me. (this also means if youre reading this and going "this doesnt really work with me" - thatll be better than you forcing yourself to follow these rules just because these have worked for me). you need to always remember that when it comes to manifesting things, your preference comes first. so, if you wanna run 5 miles and that helps you believe that you have gotten your desires - do it.
if youre minding your business and youre talking abt your desires and someone goes "erm...🤓👆🏽 thats...not possible" - instead of secondguessing yourself literally ignore them. the concept of whats possible and whats real all boils down to what you BELIEVE is possible/real. the only reason something could not be possible or not be real is you believe it isnt, or you letting someone else who doesnt believe in it take over your beliefs (obviously this specifically applies to manifestation and not things that are tied to disorders or any form of unhealthy thinking. dont take my words out of this context.)
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and thats all ! obviously i have other parts of my mindset that arent mentioned here that help me manifest faster and easier but it would take too long for me to get into everything </3 but consider these my 5 golden rules that will hopefully help anyone whos struggling with physical results.
rmbr that you are forever limitless & changing ★
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cupoftaae · 1 year
HII i'd like to request prompt 11 "give me time, give us time" for kookiee? and if its ok id like to give u a small plot just in case you dont know how to work with this if thats okay 🥺
so the tiny tannie lil ol plot for this wuld be: jk being a bit of a workaholic (very much so.) and y/n is quite tired of it.. note that this is non!idol and married! :D they had a talk and a cool plot twist wuld be how y/n was actualy planning to surprise him abt being pregnant!!!GASPAND THEN KOOKIE NEVER NOTICED THE SYMPTOMS CUZ HES BEEN WORKING TOO MUCH!!! and like yeah she getzz rlly emotionsl
Hello!! oh my goodness this is so amazing, no one has given me a plot to write by, this is really cool and I hope that I do a good enough job portraying this for you! Thank you so much for sending this in <3
La La Land (JK drabble request)
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warnings- mentions of drinking, angst, mentions of pregnancy, swearing, couple fighting, fluff, kissing (nothing major) I think thats all?
enjoy <3
"I cant tell, is this a positive or negative?"
Your voice was shaky and frail, holding up the test to your phone camera, trying to show your friend.
"blurry, cant see, read the box y/n. instructions are there" Your friend sighed, in her defense, it was late, and you called her out of slumber- but only because you were totally hyped at the sudden realization that you were finally possibly pregnant.
You and Jungkook had not necessarily been trying, nor necessarily avoiding it.
You both wanted kids, but never really specified when. Considering the fact you have now been married for 2 years, and your relatives are up your ass about when it is that you will have a baby, even though its not their business at all.
You wanted this for you, and today might be the day you get what you wished for.
"You just took it, let it sit for a moment"
you nodded at your friends words as you placed the test onto the bathroom sink, moving your hands to rest on your hips as your teeth tugged at your bottom lip in thought.
"whats on your mind, hun?" she asked
"a lot..." you giggled, drawing your eyes back to her. "If I am, I just hope Kook is happy, thats all I want"
"mm his schedule is so busy"
"I know, work always comes first with him, thats why im nervous. Its not like he told me to take birth control or anything, and we have condoms he just refuses to use one" you snicker
She laughs, "well then yeah what did he expect?"
"but hes a head manager at the company he works at, hes spent so much time climbing the ladder to get there, what if this throws him in a loop?"
"y/n....girl...listen to me, he is partially responsible for this, so he needs to be accepting or I will personally come down there and make him accepting"
You laughed at your friend, thankful you had some humor relief out of all the tension.
"and listen, you are in your 30's, its not like you are 20 years old and unmarried, you know?"
"yeah...youre right...im gonna look now, I think its ready"
You gently flipped over the test and held it close to your eyes, a faint blue plus sign appeared, making your heart thump so loud it was audible in your ears.
"holy shit, its positive!"
"its positive?" your friends voice shot up 3 octaves
"YES!!!" you jumped around, wishing jungkook was home right now to show him, instead bathing in the moment with your best friend.
"congratulations, y/n, oh my god im so happy for you!!!"
"thank you!" you wiped a few tears, gripping the test almost as if it wouldnt be real if you let it go. "oh jesus this is so....wow!"
"remember what I said, everything will be okay"
You nodded, taking a deep breath
"everything will be okay, yeah....your right."
Everything, in fact, was not alright.
It's been 2 weeks since that night you found out you were pregnant, and everytime you think you are ready to tell Jungkook, something happens.
"oh gotta go babe, they are calling me into work"
"too tired to talk tonight honey, i have to get up at 5am"
"not right now baby, maybe tomorrow?"
It never ended, he was in and out the front door constantly.
It was upsetting that the only time youve had to talk with him recently was when you both took a shower a few days ago.
"you look so tired" you frowned, pushing his hair back
"I know...I am"
"you need to sleep more" you kissed his chest, resting against it under the warm water.
He let out a soft laugh, "yeah...when is there time for rest?"
"its okay to take time off, you know? youre a manager, you have more control"
"I just need to prove to everyone that I am capable of handling the position" he insisted
"Obviously you are, they wouldnt-"
"y/n, just dont worry about it....okay?" he squeezed you softly, trying to change the subject and shutting you down, because you wouldnt get it
You wanted your husband, you wanted him more than anything, and this feeling only turned to anger as you sat with him at the dinner table one night.
You were now almost 2 months pregnant and still have not told him.
You planned a nice meal to eat, his favorite.
You cooked all the vegetables and spent hours slaving in the hot kitchen making sure everything was up to perfection for him, just for him to come home at 2am with no text in regard to him being late.
"its late, honey, im sorry, we can eat tomorrow"
You stood to your feet before he could leave the room, all of your dishes sitting on the stove, some now cold. "no, we are gonna eat now."
You know he smelled the food, and never did he once acknowledge the fact you made his favorite dish, or thank you for it.
His eyes widened, not used to hearing the sudden tone in your voice.
"please....please just sit" your voice cracked slightly as you watched him slowly walk back to the seat, sinking into it.
"are you mad at me?" he whispered, watching your back as you heated up the food into a plate for him.
"mad..?" you chuckle to yourself, trying to gather your thoughts.
"yeah, mad. are you?"
You took the food out of the microwave and handed it to him, sitting on the other end of the table and looking at him desperatley.
"jungkook...have you noticed anything...different?"
He smiled gently, confusion in his eyes, "what do you mean?"
Your expression softened from hopeful to dissapointment.
"you dont see...you dont feel like anything is different?"
"no?" he half smiled, looking around awkwardly.
You looked down at your plate, teary eyes overcoming you as you tried hard to prevent your breakdown- but its been a long time coming.
"jungkook!" you cry out desperately, leaving him shocked and confused at the odd behavior.
"baby why are you crying? whats going on? what is this?" he panicked
"You!! im crying because of you!!" you stood, covering your face as you felt the embarrassment fall over you.
"what did I do?" he got up and tried to come over to hold you, but you pushed him away.
He let you talk, not knowing how to respond to anything.
"you are never home, Jungkook. I fucking miss my husband, okay? I spent 4 hours in this kitchen, sick as hell, making your favorite dish and I dont get any type of thank you, instead you come home 3 hours late and decide its time to sleep, you reek of alcohol as well" you wipe you tears hastily.
He stood, looking at you as his eyes teared up
"I know work is important, I know it is, But I matter too Jungkook!! We are married, I am your WIFE! im not just the maid and chef here, you know?
"baby I never said any of that-"
"you treat me like one!!" you cry, pacing the room, "see, you still dont even notice anything do you?"
He looked helplessly, "Im sorry, honey, I really am, but I need work-"
"not this much!!" you looked at him sharply, "Ive been home alone these past few weeks, dealing with a certain situation ive been terrified to tell you about all by myself!"
"im here now, tell me! tell me! what is going on and how can I fix this?"
"I just want you, jungkook....One fucking day, one fucking dinner" you gesture to the table "When was the last time we even woke up together and cuddled, or had a fucking cup of coffee and talked? Months...MONTHS!"
"my angel im sorry ive been neglecting you, why didnt you say something to me sooner?"
"I was trying to understand, I was trying sooo hard to put myself in your shoes but damnit, jungkook, I cant hide it anymore" you sobbed, knowing how crazy you looked to him right now. "Its...its not fair!!"
He gently grabbed your arm, leading you towards him, his eyes searching deep into your own.
You sighed, trying to adjust your breathing, "g-give me time, give us time." you wrapped your arms around yourself and looked at him.
You swallowed harshly, trying to steady your voice, "im pregnant, Jungkook. I found out weeks ago and since then youve left me home alone with not an ounce of time for me to tell you, which is now resulting in this"
He froze, his eyes softening at you as he tears up, "pregnant? baby..."
"yes!" you step back, "and...and you didnt even notice! I tried leaving clues, I left the test in your bedside nightstand and you never fucking saw it?"
"n-no baby...youre pregnant, oh my god, honey" he brought you back to him, a soft yet sad smile on his face
"Its been all me, im the only one who has to deal with it and its not fair. If you dont have time for me, how the hell are you gonna manage to parent our child?" you glared "I refuse to parent alone, this is a team effort, jungkook. Yes money is important, but I need you, I need you to stop being a manager first and my husband second"
He took a shaky breath, part of him scared to say the wrong thing, "I- I understand honey" he nodded, holding your hands as he cried "fuck- im so sorry" you let him pull you into a tight hug "Im so sorry holy shit...im such a fucking dumbass, how could I not know?" he ran his hand up and down your back, face hidden into your shoulder as you both cried.
"you need to understand, I am serious, things have to change!"
"they will! they will! I'll change right now I promise Im gonna be here for you, for both of you" his hands held your stomach, desperation in his voice "dont leave...." he whispered
"im not going to, jungkook. But you need to stop working so much, I cant do this by myself"
"you dont have to, im here for you, whatever you need, fuck I'll take the rest of the week off for you, just let me hold you" he squeezed you tighter
"I miss you so much" your voice was quiet
"I love you, im so sorry I never noticed, Im so dumb baby....I love you,I love you" he cupped your face and pressed a delicate kiss to your lips, forehead against yours, "thank you for all you do, im an ass for not recognizing any of it"
"I love you too....just please...do it for us...?"
He nods "anything....for you, i'll do fucking anything baby." he kisses you once more as you both gently sway in the kitchen. The tension of the argument still lingering in the air, thick and prominent.
This wasnt a fixed issue, more so a stepping stone to him proving his words.
If he wanted to be a dad, he needed to show you he was ready for it.
"he is crying again" you sigh, rubbing your eyes and sitting up to look at the baby monitor.
"I'll get him" jungkook immediately got up and walked down the hall, following the sad cries that led him to your baby's room.
"little man...its 4am...why the tears?"he frowned at his 3 month old who's arms flared around.
the first 2 months of Kaiylin being born, you kept him in your main bedroom at night but you wanted to test out how he would sleep on his own, and so far its not been good.
"you want mama, huh?" he picked him up, holding him close and gently bouncing his knees. He didnt smell, so it wasnt his diaper, and he had just been fed not too long ago, so it was easy for jungkook to know he just missed his mommy and daddy.
He slowly walked into the bedroom, you were about to fall asleep. "oh kai" you frown as your husband places him into the bed between you both, his body facing the smaller ones so he doesnt fall out or move around.
"aw baby" you rub his head softly, "its okay now, shh, shh"
Jungkook gives you an empathetic look, "I know you havent slept im sorry"
You shrug, "i'll nap tomorrow"
"I'll take him into my office, he can sit in his rocker while you nap"
You smile softly kissing your husband, "thanks, baby"
You had to admit, Jungkook has stepped up more than you assumed he would. Hes began to work from home, giving time for not only your little family, but especially you and him.
He has been such a help with everything, from watching Kai during the night, to cooking and cleaning for you, its been 100% teamwork since you gave birth and you couldnt thank him enough for it all,
Things were finally starting to even out and you could not have been happier, the man you married in the first place was returned back to you, in the form of a loving father.
"hes sleeping again, look" jungkook whispered
Your eyes darted to the newborn in between you and your husband, you slightly giggled, "poor thing"
"co-sleeping just works I guess" he smiled, leaning over to kiss you gently, "go back to sleep honey, ill watch him for a bit, its okay."
"I love you, thank you..." you looked at him
"I love you too sweetheart"
a/n- ahh! I really hope this is what you wanted, it was fun to write and follow the prompt. Thanks again for sending this in! -Nini
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steelycunt · 1 year
helloooo ridi. I have been thinking about young r/s a lot and I know that you describe them (especially s) as being "strange" about the other before they ever talked about their feelings and I wanted to ask if you had any examples that come to mind
hiiii love!! yah absolutely!! predicting my own too-long rambling response 2 this by adding a cut straight away but. i do have thoughts :^)
obviously usual disclaimer that this is. speculation this is my headcanon and in answering im probably going to take for granted a lot of insights into the general mwpp dynamic that other people might (and are free to) disagree with xx but for me personally!! i am one for them always sensing that their feelings towards each other r a little strange compared to their other friendships within the group long before they manage to identify romantic feelings from platonic ones or just generally understand what it is they feel for each other. n im going to go mostly with s here because i think a good way of laying it out is by contrasting it with the way i view his dynamic with j, although for the record i definitely imagine r to always feel a little strange towards s too.
i do genuinely think s loved j in a way that is perhaps. pointless to label as either platonic or romantic but in a way that was very different to the way he felt about r and i think. that difference at first is all he's aware of. he meets j and they are a double-act they're a two-headed monster they're each other's phantom limb they're thick as thieves they're more than brothers but i think immediately his dynamic and his closeness with r are very different and thus strange to him. they are not a double-act. he does not always know what r is thinking (although he wants to). their intimacy feels strange because it is not intimacy as a product of like. familiarity or similarity the way his intimacy with james is (horribly clumsy way of wording that but hopefully you can make some sense of it). i wouldn't necessarily go as far as to call them opposites because i think in a lot of ways they aren't, at all, but to me it is the difference between sitting next to someone at a table (j) and sitting across from them (r).
and i think the uncertainty when it comes 2 his relationship with r and his feelings about r mean that he sort of craves it more yknow (especially because he. unconsciously thinks a close relationship with r is infinitely worth earning). he seeks it out. r can make him uncomfortable and he likes that. i think he would go out of his way to make r laugh i think he would get a certain sense of triumph out of accomplishing it that he wouldnt look for/need with james. r's general aura of strange wistfulness and melancholy also contributes to this (and this is partly why i hesitate to position them as opposites) because although their experiences are so so different there is an understanding of. suffering? trauma? whatever you would like to call it that s can get from r that james (although he is very loving) just cannot provide because he has not experienced that. the discussions he has with r are not the same ones he has with j. the fact that r is more difficult to get close 2 and to make smile etc makes s want to try harder to accomplish it. and he wouldnt necessarily recognise that in himself but i do think if he tells a joke and everyone laughs he is conscious of the fact that he gets the most reward from having made r laugh. and not only that but he wants the person who makes r laugh to be him.
i do also think he is just. softer about r. whether or not he realizes it or whether he thinks his softness is just a result of r seeming more melancholy to him than the others/post-lycanthropy discovery just feeling the need (rightly or wrongly) to be more protective over him. like they are twelve n s will playfight and roughhouse j all day for fun but with r he will only ever. pretend to do it or mime doing it or do it very gently not just because r is generally in worse health but also because the idea of accidentally actually hurting r is genuinely very distressing to him. also touching him a lot probably also make s' stomach hurt and makes him go all sweaty and light-headed for reasons he doesn't want to explore. idk i am sure this has gotten far too long by now but i think. the strangeness is best felt by both of them when comparing how they feel about each other with how they feel about their other friends. its an intimacy that does not even resemble anything brotherly or familial and at their young age that is what they think it means to be friends with someone. it is not comparable with anyone else it is not as easily labelled it is full of hesitations and private moments and give and take and it trembles and it shapeshifts and it doesn't let anyone else in. there is essentially a private joke between them, except neither of them are in on it.
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pineappleparfaitie · 4 months
Regarding recent events
Alright im in a better mental state so i want to clear some things up
1. My "callout" posts ir whatever the fuck  had sfw vore community tags on it I never should have  put on there . Im genuinely sorry to everyone ive hurt with that decision for causing anything triggering or anything along those lines. I was 100% in the wrong and i may have even caused some people to do bad stuff to themselves. I am sorry.I am so sorry.
2.I am in contact with someone trying to clear this up, i saw this person make a post trying to prove i sentthrm BOMB threats. I want a vide recording of this proof sent to me as this is a) a lie on the part of their friend b) i have hd to provide video evidence so i believe it's only fair. If this person is reading this I want your friend to record them doing that as i feel its the best way for us to see the truth.
3.I am most likely leaving the community due to this. Never in my 16 and a half years that I have walked this planet have i been called a neo-n@zi, have i been called a straight up nazi, have i bee called scum and have i had someone so publicly wish harm upon me. I have been threw hell in the last 12+ hours ,i havent slept, my heart aches and I am unable to breath normally.My menstrual cycle wil probably be late due to stress alone even though i should have gotten it a few days ago.
I have RUINED,TAINTED and DESTROYEE discourse around this topic in the community and im so sorry.Im sorry people will wat to speak up on this and fewr theyll be a moron like me.Im sorry people will look at me and never want to bring this issue up because they dont want to end up like me-pathetic and unable to talk without bring so confusing people cant even understand what Im saying.So bad at emphasazing a point I have peple thinking im a nazi or even nazj SYMPATHISER God forbid.
Im sorry to anyone and everyone ive hurt , to anyone and everyone who saw my posts and felt hurt because they had every right to be.
Im so sorry.Im sorry.
This mext bit is directed at this individual.
Read if you wish but if I see or hear people sending threats to this person,sending insults,sending death threats or anything under thr Sun along those lines you are DIRT to me.
. Im sorry. I have tried apologising where I went wrong. I apologised to you when we cut ties and I reiterated stuff wasnt your fault. You have called me names,misgendered me ,claimed it wasnt a gendered term and later said you thought jt said she/her in my bio when it wasone of the first things on my blog.But i can forgive that. It makes me salty but its a simple mistake .
Im sorry. I am so sorry I hurt you. I am sorry you think id even IMAGINE makin bomb threats to you, had you told me to the extent these people were going I would have tried tracking them down myself.  I thought all they did was call you a Zio which I dont even believe you to be. Im sorry if you ever felt belittled ,hurt  ect and weather or not anything comes to light You have the right to FEEL hurt. To FEEL that i wronged you in every way. No one should insult your feelings over this tyoe of stuff. But all I ask is a GRAIN,  not even an ounce, a GRAIN of sympathy after being told to get hit by a train ,then publicly being called a nazi with no proof. The things you listed by definition wouldnt make me a nzi. You have misinterpreted and misunderstood my words and I am SORRY I couldnt be more understanble and word myself better.it was MY FAULT. not you It was ME But I have never insulted you ,called you what you have called me, called you a bitch ,said you were yapping whe you wanted to disprove anything,  gave you desth threats. I am angry amd I am devestated but I will never even call you a zionist. The only issue I ever had after we cut dtuff off was you calling me a neo nazi publicly via vauge post. You could have hated my GUTS and it wouldn't have bothered me cause you have the right to feel hurt
Please. Send me video evidence. Because you andyour friend are making me out to be a antisemitic nazi monster who sends bomb and starvation threats to random 16 year old online. Im the same age as you. I am leaving a community i adored because of this if not 100% then considering I hope you can be happy when or if im gone.Maybe it would bring you closure cause you said everyone agrees im wrong. I may have misread your words here - but I believe you said it would be better if i left. The post isfone now tough.
Im not claiming you did i may have misremembered. But if so I hope you can finnaly get closure and be happy when im gone.
I hope you can finnaly be happy .All i ask is ehen I leave to not do this to anyone else. You have destroyedme from the inside out.
Im sorry I wasnt better , im sorry i made you feel like shit, im sorry me not thinking may have or HAS caused you mental or even physical pain.
Im sorry. Im not asking for forgiveness, because no one decides that but you. Amd you habe every right to not even think about it
I want you to know Im sorry
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edwinspaynes · 9 months
buckle up, buttercups, i'm about to tell you about the most insane two weeks of my life
okay. so to preface this, i have definitely had an edible or two. so it's going to have kinda weird prose.
when i was a junior in high school, i went with my chinese class on a 2 week long exchange program to china. it was a really amazing country, rich in history and culture, and i am so glad i went.
but there was a catch.
my chaperon - we'll just call her laoshi - was the absolute worst chaperone ever. like, literally, worst in the history of mankind. before we went to china, she refused to get a new cell phone sim that would work in the country. so we had absolutely no means of contacting her if we didn't know her whereabouts. she also failed to convey our allergy information and other dietary restrictions in china, so i was fed oily carrot soup. (she also deadass gave us alcohol several times)
but everything was worse for my raw-vegetable vegan roommate. we'll call her o. o was a wonderful person.
when we were in china, we were on a tour trip. so we got all of our amenities. part of that was one (1) bottle of water to last the entire day. laoshi failed to get us more water, and it was scarce in our locations. tap water isn't potable, so we were at the whims of street vendors with water bottles and they were not everywhere. even if they were, laoshi wouldnt necessarily let us stop. it was about 115 degrees farenheit.
she also did not tell us where she would be staying. we asked her to take us to the pool one night, she literally just told us to get in the van with a strange dude and went to her room qhere we had no way of contacting her. we declined the ride and the trip to the pool because we had to be responsible for ourselves.
two of the kids in my group started dating, d and k. they were staying in each other's rooms every night and having sex. the teacher, at the end of the trip ddid not know they were dating and they were super into pda.
my o the raw vegetable vegan has no choice but to eat meat for the duration of the trip. this inevitably makes her extremely sick. one night, she is throwing up from the other side of the hotel bed. over and over. she is so ill and so miserable. i am scared for her safety but WOOT WOOT can't call a teacher. so i, age 16, am now tasked with this situation. so i go down to the desk and ask the hotel manager where she is. they don't know. it is a nightmare. i ask for them to send a cleaner.
i go back up to the room. o thinks some tea might settle her stomach a bit and i agree, so i make a pot of tea. i am so exhausted. it is like 4 am. i have been cleaning up after o and helping her all night. so i am stupid and i pour the hot, BOILING water on my hand. i shit you not. i sustained third degree burns. but still have no means of contacting an adult.
the cleaning lady comes. she begins to vomit sympathetically.
i am in the worst possible position. o is crying and apologizing and i am crying over my hand. so i go down to the front desk to get burn heal cream. we also had a conversation about getting a laxative for my roommate. i don't know how to say laxative. i say 'you take medicine, you get diarhea' because laoshi had taught us those words.
the entire rest of the trip is me applying that (very good) salve and reapplying gauze in the bathroom so laoshi doesnt notice the serious medical issue emerging on my hand.
o is meanwhile still vilely ill. i'm sad because i love her. we are super close at this point because we've undergone this horrific experience together in 2 weeks.
the rest of our trip, she doesn't notice. we get on the plane. i ask d and k if they want me to change seats so they can be together. laoshi asks why
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according2thelore · 2 months
wait i have more to say. i saw someone else say that youre their favorite wincest writer and i just need to raise my hand and say ME TOO!!!!
i only VERY recently admitted to my best friend that i ship them and when i was reading house song i was going NUTS and i NEEDED to talk about it. so i ended up sending my friend a 10 minute long voice message going through the plot and how beautifully written it is and how its fucking me up!!!!!! im going crazy and shaking dean just SHOT HIS DAD!!!!!!!!! AND IT WAS BELIEVABLE!!!!!!!!!!!! and my friend was like holy fuck that fic sounds crazy but in a good way and they dont ship it but i think they at least get it now lmfao because wow.
and deans guilt over the life he has given sam. an orphan living on a mattress with no money and just his fucked up older brother. goddamn. i want to hug dean. and sam thinking the worst that dean left him like dad. but then ultimately realizing there is literally NOTHING dean wouldnt do to reach him. its just so cathartic and OH THE FLASHBACK TO BABY SAM. ‘no boo boos?’ ARE YOU KIDDING ME? and then then the parallel because sam is covered in blood again and it ISNT HIS. NO BOO BOOS!!!!!!! but he is so so so hurt oh my goddddd
im sorry im so feral about you i just dont have the magical talent with words that you do. like deans admission and saying that the word falls out of his mouth like a dead body hits the ground????? how can i even attempt to match your beautiful fucking mind. ugh. i wont recover from this. your an inspiration for real. okay i will leave you alone now thank you for the brain worms
GUH the hits keep COMING!!!!!!
i am giggling and kicking my feet that you explained my fic to a FRIEND HOLY SHIT!!!!! oh to hear this voice message lol <3
i had to read this ask series out loud to charlotte, who was also giggling and kicking her feet on my behalf.
i am so glad you found it believable! that was one of the biggest struggles for me, and i liked the boys' characterization in this one, so i'm so sososo happy that you did too!!!!!
i've never done this before, but i thought since you like it, you might find the planning process interesting! i don't do outlines for all of my fics, just the really hefty ones (the heaven fic, this one, and a few others), and i've found this helps me a lot! you can see some things that i've cut or changed. charlotte and i usually plan these out over face time, lol, and she was mostly asleep through this entire planning one (in her defense, she had been working all day). i hope you find it interesting!
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i hope you don't think less of me now that you know i wrote that they "boink" 🙏 it was like two in the morning. also handwriting reveal? omg?
anon, i've said it before but i'll say it again--THANK YOU SO MUCH🥺🥺🥺🥺 uno reverse card as well bc folks like you encourage/inspire authors to keep writing!
i always love hearing which parts folks like best, and this fed me for months to come!!!!!!
and please feel welcome to come back and scream with me about these two any time the mood hits you, lol!
(house song, the fic in question for anyone curious!)
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spiderbaby123 · 1 year
Cal Stone x reader (fluffy fluff stuff)
Listen, it starts out with young Cal but all the actual romancey style stuff is when hes older. Dont get weird on me about kid Cal having a crush on you. I remember kids having crushes on me when I was a teen and it was just cute in an awe look at you with a big ole crush kinda way. Like the way id look at my brother having a crush on someone when he was young. Ok. Ok.
I avoided and gender terms so use what you want! 😘
You were Cal and Olive's best friend growing up, often spending the night and always trying to come over every chance possible. You wouldnt let on to Olive for obvious reasons but you had the biggest crush on her brother. When the plane disappeared you were often there for her and Grace, as they were you too. When your mom got sick and passed, Grace took you in completely. She had adopted you. That was 1 year before the plane returned. When it did, you were the most excited and terrified you had ever thought you could be. Mostly you were excited to see Cal. The shock that took over your body when you actually seen him was an understatement. He was still a child. Seeing him just the way he was the day they had left for their trip was freaky.
~months later~
By this point you had gotten used to everything, almost better than everyone else for that matter. You treated Cal more like a brother now. It was cute when he was around you though. He almost always had a small tint of pink on his cheeks. To think 5 year's ago you had a massive crush on him was weird, even weirder now because you thought he had a crush on you. Oh the irony, you thought.
~Mick and Zeke's wedding~
You had been sitting in the corner watching everyone dance. Cal had been staring at you for a while now smiling but not quite coming over. Finally after you had had enough of being stared at you walked over. "Cal?" He looked up and a blush appeared on his little face. "H-hey, y/n." "Wanna dance little bud?" You smiled holding your hand out for the boy. "Okay!" He perked up quickly grabbing your hand and jumping out of his seat.
~at Grace's funeral~
You had been sat with Olive and everyone at the very front. That's where you were expected to be. You had been adopted by her. She wasnt your mother but you were her daughter, even before she had adopted you she had always said that. You kept looking to Cal in his older body in the back away from everyone. "This isnt right." You mumbled before getting up and heading to him. Olive started to look as though she was going to protest it but didn't. "Hey." You said, once next to him. "Shouldnt you be up there." He said through slight sniffles. "I'd rather stand with you." Cal looked at you for a second before breaking down and you pulled him into a tight hug. This wasnt right. Grace was his mother. He shouldve been up front with Olive and Ben.
~2 months after~
You had taken Cal with you to get groceries for the house. "Ok, so I got everything on the list. Do you want a snack or something before we go?" You asked looking at him. Cal started to reply but was interrupted by an old woman. "Oh look at that. Reminds me of us, honey." She said to her husband. "Such a lovely couple. I remember our first shopping trip together." Both of your faces turned red with awkward looks planted on your faces. "I- we're not! I mean- uh... Th-thank you...." You stumbled over your words trying not to be mean or rude but also entirely embarrassed. You hadnt thought about how it looked to others with Cal being the same age as you now. Come to think of it you hadnt much thought about how he was the same age as you now, at all.
~later that day~
The car ride home was super awkward. For you at least. Cal didnt say much on it but he had just played along and wrapped an arm around You smiling thanking the old woman like it was nothing. ((I just imagine him being able to just switch into this act like nothing)) now at home, You had been stocking the fridge and pantry alone. "Hey. How'd the shopping trip go?" You jumped, hitting your head on the roof of the fridge, upon hearing Zeke walk in. "Woah. Didnt mean to startle you." He laughed a little. "I-it's ok! I mean- uh. Yeah its ok." You said earning a look from the man. "Hmm. Ok. Whats got you so flustered?" "Flustered? I'm not flustered. Are you flustered? Cause I'm not." Zeke gave a knowing look to you. "Right." Just then Cal walked into the kitchen. "Oh hey, honey!" He emphasized the pet name, making your face go red. "Cal!" You shouted trying to hide your face. "Stop, that was so awkward!" "Ok, now I'm really curious how the shopping trip went." Said Zeke. Cal laughed and told Zeke about the old couple.
~1 months later~
At this point everyone was in on the joke. Calling you and Cal a couple. After the first 2 weeks you had accepted it and went along, although now you werent able to look at Cal as a kid anymore. Which he didnt really act like one either.
~6 months after Grace~
Olive had come to terms and stopped blaming Cal by this point, which was great. Ben, however was slipping farther and farther. Today had been an especially bad day. Cal was upset and it was just you and him at the house, besides Ben who was upstairs spiraling, as usual. "Do you wanna go out or do something? Maybe get your mind off it?" You asked him. He sniffled and looked up to you. "Sure. Like where or what?" "Uh.. Well. Maybe... Um I think the fair is in town." "Yes!" He jumped up. "I'll go get ready!" You laughed and decided to do the same. Now you were in your room getting ready and struggling with what to wear. Why were you so focused on your outfit? You couldn't figure it out but once deciding on the cutest one you went to Cal's door. You were about to knock when Cal opened the door running right into you. "Y/n! I'm so sorry!" He shouted as he caught you, pulling you close to his chest. Up close like this you could smell his cologne. Odd. Why would he where cologne just to go to the fair. "It's ok, Cal." You smiled up at him. "You ready?" You asked and he nodded before reluctantly releasing his grip on you.
~ at the fair ~
You had been there for a few hours now, riding all the rides over and over again. "I'm so glad you talked me into the wrist bands!" You giggled as you got off the dizzy disc for the 3rd time followed by a very wobbly Cal. "I think I'm going to be sick.." He said half jokingly. You then saw one of your favorite rides had no line at the moment and quickly grabbed his hand, dragging him along to it. "This one next!" You shouted staring up at it. You were so excited you hadnt realized you still had Cal's hand, nor had you realized the prominent blush on his face. The ride director let you on and you finally let go to get on. Then you went up and started spinning the cage. Cal and you screaming like little girls because lets be real, fair rides are scary. Once off you started laughing uncontrollably. "What's so funny?" Cal asked smiling wide. "You- you should have-" you were struggling through laughs. " you shouldve heard your screams!" You finally got out. Cal's face dropped into a mopy face playfully but he couldnt hide the smile still playing at his lips. "Yeah, well... It was scary." He fake grumbled. "Awe, come on, honey." You emphasized the pet name the way he had before. "It wasnt that bad." You smiled at his blush laughing a little. "Not as fun on the other side, huh, honey?" "Actually." Cal quickly grabbed your hand pulling you up to him into a close embrace. "I don't mind." He smirked at your squeal and stared at you. Your faces only inches apart, you started blushing like mad. "C-Cal.." You whispered, suddenly forgetting the world around you and not remembering to call him Gabriel. "Y/n.." He whispered back as he stared into your eyes and inched closer. Right when he was an inch away someone ran into you, knocking you out of Cal's arms. "S-sorry." They mumbled as you stood up with Cal's help. You checked your phone to make sure it didnt break when you landed. Seeing the time you mumble "shit." "What?" He asked you. "It's getting late, we should probably head back.." "Oh.. Ok.. Um.. Maybe one more ride?" He asked nervously. "Yeah. One more shouldnt hurt." You smiled. His face lit up as he smiled. "Ferris wheel?" He said. "Oh, come on. You know I'm terrified of that thing!" "That?! You're terrified of that?! But not the Zipper? What the hell y/n?" He exaggerated, laughing. You nodded, "The zipper is scary on purpose and has a whole ass cage around it. The ferris wheel is scary on accident and does not have a cage around it." You said matter of factly. "Oh come on..." He thought for a second. "I'll protect you." He grabbed your hand gently, stirring all those feeling up again, making you blush. "O-ok.." Cal held your hand the entire time and made you laugh and smile all the while. "This isnt so bad. Kinda pretty actually." You stated once stopped at the top. Unbeknownst to you Cal was absolutely staring right at you, not daring to look out at the scenery or anything. "Beautiful." He whispered. You smiled. "Yeah, it is beautiful." Then the ride started going down one by one and your face twisted into one of terror. Quickly Cal noticed and wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close to his chest gently. It was like immediate comfort. Once off you both started walking to the car. Cal smoothly grabbed your hand in a way that didnt even make you blink. He opened your door and helped you up into your jeep. "Thanks, but you didnt have to help me." "I know." He smiled sweetly at you.
On the way home you pulled over about 5 minutes from the house. "What's wrong? Why'd you pull over?" Cal asked, worriedly. You sighed and yawned. "You know I just don't feel like driving." You smiled at him. His eyes widened and he smiled big. "Wait. Are you serious?" You just nodded smiling and then unbuckled getting out of the car and switching sides with him. To say the rest of the ride home was long and bumpy would be an understatement. But it made Cal really happy, even if he did almost drive into the ditch twice.
~That night~
Everyone had gone to sleep. Well almost everyone. You could still hear Cal moving around his room right now. Bored out of your mind you went and made 2 hot chocolates and popcorn then went up to Cal's room. You knocked quietly as to not wake anyone else up. Cal opened the door and looked at you with both shock and curiosity. "What's this?" He asked with one eyebrow raised. "Hot chocolate and a movie?" You smiled at him. "Hmm. Ok, honey." He moved to the side while also helping you with the snacks. You blushed at the nickname, thinking of earlier when he almost kissed you. You sat on his bed getting comfy. "Cal, why do you have it so cold in here?" "What do you mean? Its the same in here as every other room." "Yeah, well, you also have a fan on and the ceiling fan. Like what the hell?" He chuckled, shrugging his shoulders. "I get hot when i sleep." He sat down next to you, grabbing the remote. "What do you want to watch?" He asked grabbing a piece of popcorn and poping it in his mouth.
~end of movie~
Cal looked over at you and saw you were asleep on his shoulder. He smiled blushing lightly. "You're so beautiful." He whispered, moving a strand of hair from your face. "Mmm.." You stirred from sleep and looked up at him. Yawning you asked "Did you say something?" "Yeah..." He whispered again. "Why are we whispering?" You whispered back, waking a little more from your cat nap. "Cal?" You asked, realizing his hand was on your face and his big beautiful eyes were staring into yours. "Can I kiss you?" He asked in hush tone as if his voice would scare you. All you could do was nod a yes once, staring back into his eyes. He leaned in slowly and kissed you with the most care and passion you could ever imagine, so much so that it took your breath away even though it was relatively a short kiss. When he pulled away he rested his forehead on yours, his eyes still closed. "Can I do that again?"
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royaltrios · 2 months
here's some notes on my recent chsc: what you're missing
-since i published as needed as last year's snow in january, i've been busy trying to graduate and not had any time to read or write or even really think about genshin. then i visited our chsc server friends for a few days beginning of june and i came back and haven't stopped writing since
-on the drive up me and taho spent most of the two hours yapping about chsc, and it was lovely but also extremely extremely strange for me to hear someone praise my writing irl. im genuinely just stumbling through word documents like a bow-legged fawn so
-starting back up with writing this summer i started working things out on physical paper in a notebook. its actually been really fun/feels different than notes app/sticky note-ing it. i still did use sticky notes for puzzling out intricacies of the smut tho (and then proceeded to pretty much use none of it) i'll attach a pic of my notes here for fun even though its slightly horrifying to do
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-like most of my fics ive had this one waiting in the wings for a while, basic premise though was just 'chsc first time happens after scara backhands childe in front of people and childe gets very horny about that'. wrote it over about two weeks, fight scene fucked me up until i just locked in and wrote all of it at once at 2am. spent a while rearranging the smut then sent it to pachi to beta, forced myself not to look at it during those days, got it back and made isolated edits and was too embarrassed to read the smut i wrote 2 weeks ago again so i just posted it. hope its ok
-i always always always have trouble with scara during harbinger era. its because im a chronic overexplainer/overjustifier for characters getting together. for his actions during that time i lean on the little tiny bit we ever saw of it and that's mostly abrasiveness... but you gotta pull on how wanderer acts/ his backstory a bit too to like really see where hes coming from at that point in the story. halfway thru writing i realized he wouldnt act the way i was imagining him acting, had to fix that, then had to tweak the rest of the fic
-basically; i think childe would accept that he has a thing for scaramouche without too much thought. he's into mean people who're older than him + match his freak. he goes towards what makes him feel good. scara on the other hand i think... he immediately justifies the pull he feels as 'childe's stupid enough that i can use him'/'he worships me without being told'. this is a guilty pleasure for both of them until they realize its not (which is what i hoped to set up by beginning it with their abyss connections-- they're alike from the very beginning and they're both being used in different ways) <- i talked to pachi some in the middle of writing and it helped me puzzle out what chsc would be feelin a bit more. ty dr pachi phd in childe characterization
-had to have like multiple tabs open of bible's rgg pwp fics as emotional support. i filtered fics tagged 'cunniligus' in my bookmarks more than once. i was floundering. 90% of what i write or consider writing is E rated but i don't actually get much fulfillment out of describing smut. however i kind of tried really hard here bc i know thats what 99% of people are reading this for and even though i hate when i have to write the words scaramouche and clit directly next to each other i ended up pretty proud of the smut here.
random favorite bit:
“Well, it—” Childe's hips buck up into Scaramouche's fist. With a strained expression across his face and in a tone that sounds a little too genuine, he says, “feels kinda... different, since it's you." It's as bold-faced and earnest as anything else he's heard Childe say. But it's a sort of confirmation that Scaramouche was hoping to avoid—whilst simultaneously enjoying dancing around it. Stupid to give him this much leeway, this much permission, and not expect the guy who does everything else with the ruthlessness and loyalty of a hunting dog not to extend that to this.
i liked this bc i felt like i managed to nail down scara realizing he might've bit off more than he can chew without disrupting the smut. and childe + dog metaphor + shaky earnest confessions + L + ratio
-my penchant for having characters write letters in fic returns (almost as bad as my thing with inserting flashbacks in the middle of stuff) (i like first person but i dont like it in fic so this is the only way i can do it)
-looped teenage dirtbag (title + captured how i was trying to play childe here) (friend told me recently the singer of wheatus went to hs around where we grew up?), against the kitchen floor by will wood (taho's doing), some high energy 2000s stuff while revising the fight scene, my age gap oriented pl + will stetsons rabbit hole cover during the smut
i'll leave whoever reads this with a teenage dirtbag induced write-up i did to try and work out why i ended up liking the title i chose so much:
what you're missing-- what you're letting pass you by. what you don't have by not looking at me, what you'll want back in the future. what you don't have by not having me. what you've been trying to find, to grasp. what you didn't know you were missing.
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2bit-sunshine · 1 month
Hi everyone im danny and im feeling good for once in my twenties. Have been since about may. I cut off an old friend who mistreated my best friend. Ive helped my friends a ton. Im working on a security clearence for work. I am feeling much more confidant driving than i have ever. Ive bern socializing a lot and playing games like i used to. Ive been world building again and spending more time with my dog. Im working on my health and am actually confident in my body in a way i havent felt since i was thin as a waif. But i havent really lost a lot of weight.
The world is bleak and i worry and i hurt and i grieve all the people suffering out there. But right now my life actually feels. Worth it. My life is worth it. I havent thought about how id kill myself in months. I still dont have someone or someones to be intimate with and that hurts as it alwayd has. But im doing better
I am better
Idk. I really thought id be dead this time 12 years a go and i would be too dead to care about anything. I didnt think id be alive before i felt any kind of content or ambition to do more. But here i am. Im feeling content. And i want more too.
I know it sounds cliche at this point. But it does get better. I know it could get worse. But this feeling i have. This happiness? Its worth it. Its worth it to endure the bad times. Because while nothing lasts forever. The bad doesnt last forever either. I think part of it was acceptance of the things i had no power over and the things i could control, i have all the power to do so.
I alsl have amazing friends. I used to think people barely tolerated me and hated me. I spent years being told that if people didnt want me around they wouldnt have me around. I told myself it sometimes but never felt it. Never believed it.
But i do now. I believe it now. You gotta keep telling yourself those words of advice your loved ones give you. They will make sense one day. You will feel them when they are true. Your demons and shadows are not what defines you forever.
I worry so much for my friends who have such troubles still. I worry ill fall back into old habits. I worry some tragic thing is going to show me what im really made of. But it will be okay again. The sun will shine again. The spring will come again, however brief. The birds will sing again. The stars will always shine.
Idk. If youre reading this and having trouble. With yourself or your friends or your lovers or your family. It does get better. It might need time. It might be a long time. Its taken me over 2 decades to feel happy like i imagine i was as a child. And it hurt a lot along the way amd i made so manh mistakes amd fuck ups and lost friends and lovers.
Ive sat by while people get hurt. I wondered if i could even be forgiven for that.
The answer was yes. In a way. And sometimes it was no.
I cant change the past and some things shouldnt have happened. Shouldnt have at all. But they did and here we are. What to do now?
Forward. The only direction that really matters is forward. So forward i go. We go. Youll go.
The most important step is the next one.
You got this friends.
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thesweetreveal · 2 years
Ravenhood Series Review
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Let's just go right for the GUT. I'm starting out strong with my first official book review and I feel as if it wouldnt be right if I didn't start with The Ravenhood Series by Kate Stewart.
First, I want to say I am not a pro blogger- I'm not great with big words although I am trying to extend my vocabulary. Just bare with me people & don't judge! Be nice! But by all means... share your personal opinions about the book (s) in the comments :)
I am going to review each book - I always try my best not to give any spoilers but I also want to give a review. So, if you like going into a book BLIND...I DO NOT recommend reading my reviews! That was your WARNING!
There are 3 books in this Trilogy, Here we go:....
Book #1: FLOCK
The first brook starts off introducing Cecelia, a 19 year old who has moved to Triple Falls and is staying with her estranged father, working at one of his factories in order to get her inheritance so she can use it to take care of her mother. While she is there she meets Sean (25) who invites her to a party where she meets a group of his friends or (a brotherhood) and his best friend Dominic.
Cecelia as always been sort of a "Goody-goody", always following the rules and Sean helps her come out of her shell a bit, be more open minded and explore her sexuality. She falls in love hard with both Sean and Dominic. Lots of secrets, fast cars, drugs, alcohol, threesomes and MORE!
Book #2: EXODUS
If you buy book #1 make sure you have book #2 at a reachable distance because the cliffhanger will getcha!
Insert Tobias King also known as "The Frenchman". We finally get to meet who has been behind everything, controlling her, Sean & Dominic. I immediatly hated Tobias, he was controlling, rude and cocky. I also hated him for what he did to Cecelia, Sean & Dominic. The ending of the first book is emotionally exhausting and I feel like the entire second book continues that way. We start to find out why things happen the way they did in book 1 and book 2 is only told in Cecelias point of view, so we don't know how Tobias is feeling/thinking. The end of Exodus bring us 6 years into the future. Here Cecelia has appeared to have moved on, is supposed to get married and is no longer in Triple Falls because she was forced to leave. However, she can't get fully get over everything that happened or the people in her life in Triple Falls. This is also when your feelings for Tobias start to change.
Book 2 had me reading a bit slower, I didn't feel the need to rush through it like I did book 1. There was a lot going on in book 1. Instead - I didn't want the second one to end because I had heard so much about this series, how much it just rips your heart right open and how attached you become to all the characters and the story. I SOBBED over Flock and cried again over Exodus.
This is THE book. This is when we get to hear Tobias's side of the story AND Cecelia's. We learn all about how the Ravenhood started, we learn all about Tobias and how he grew up, how he was made into the man he is today. Cecelia no longer lives in Triple Falls and Tobias ends up going after her. Its been years later at this point since she left Triple Falls again because Tobias didnt choose her in Book 2. This book BREAKS you. By book 3 you have fallen in love with Sean, Dominic and Tobias just as much as Cecelia has. So many secrets are revealed in this book. some jawdropping. I'll never forget one seen where my hand literally slappy to my mouth and I just laid there in shock for a solid 5 min before I started reading again. Your heart will never recover from these books. It's been 9 months since I read them and I still till this day can't get over them.
Without a doubt they get a ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ star rating from me. I'd give them 10 if I could.
Fuck it. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ it is.
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valdederon · 1 year
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FLAMES JOURNEY CHAPTER #22 novas first dungeon dive
nova,valdederon and raykore continue training over the next few days when she finaly can create a golden shield around her self for atleast an hour per day.. or for short burst in combat.
valdederon--- im so proud of you little pup.
raykore--- you did well but you still have a long way to go.
nova sticks her tongue out at raykore and giggles.
nova---thank you big brother.. mmmph im so sleepy now..
valdederon--- ok my sweet princess come on into the tent and you can sleep in my tail fluff again.
nova blushes and nods taking 2 steps forward before falling face first into the grass promptly flalling asleep with a heavy snore making raykore valdederon and draggo laugh softly.
valdederon smiles nad gently picks up the conked out aura pupy and gently takes her into the tent with him and draggo preparing some food for when she wakes .
draggo--- ha ha ha looks like she fell asleep while walking.. hope the little one gets some good rest
valdederon sets her in his tail and rubs her back as she grabs hold with her paws purring happily as she wiggles instinctualy to burry her self in the warm furr.
valdederon--- well i think we should look for a low level dungeon quest at the guild and get her used to how they can be.. before we go to it we need ground rulles for her to follow number one among them do not fight . shes only going to be there to observe.
draggo--- are you sure on that
valdederon sighs with a sense of pain and worry recalling near death experiances from his training being put in dungeons by rakore making her chuckle as she sees the look in his eyes.
valdederon---yes im 100% sure.. my training was brutal and part of it was going alone.. into dungeons..unprepared and with only light armor my magic and a dagger with a shield off hand. nova atleast has us to guide here.. and raykore.. make now mistake if you throw her into anything unprepared.. there will be consequences.
he throws her a look of pure murderous malicious confirmation that its a promise and not a threat making her yelp startled by the once obediant aprentice's sudden firmness
raykore--- well youve grown alot havent you my young pupil… i have to say that was rather unexpected.. ha ha you were never so direct in our old world.. im proud of you and you have my word i wont put her in danger like that.
draggo looks between them throughly confused and sighs
raykore-- so draggo waht was your species called again.. im curious to learn more about this world.. what i wouldnt give to eat some meat again.. and actualy fuking taste it god spiritual food has no….. has nothing.. no taset no depths no feel.. ugh im going insane over here..
draggo--- well my species is.. techincly 3 different animals there is goomy sliggoo and then goodra.. the world of pokemon even to us pokemon is still a mystery to us all.
raykore burst out laughing quietly.
raykore-- aint that the damed universal truth.. i havet met a single speceies who truly knows thier kind inside and out we all have mysteries in us.. even my own kind were mysterious.. i was the runt of the litter. even so most humanoids are shorter then me.
draggo--- interesting got any preferences on what youd want to be if you were pokemon.
raykore-- i havent put much thought into it honestly.. ive been cofusing my energy into training our star pupils little sister.. ha ha even he fell asleep.
draggo---he sometimes doesnt sleep well.
raykore with a heavy sigh and flick of her smoking pipe.
raykore--not surprising honestly it honestly terrafied me at first just how strong willed he was as a kid one look into his eyes and i knew he was angry..wasnt untill the knights told me were and hoe he was found that i took him in, nightmares.. flash backs.. ha ha ha, i had to put him back in diapers because he couldnt stip wetting or soiling his bed at night.. that passed pretty quick though only about 4 weeks before his body adjusted to his stress.
draggo--- did you ever wonder what he would have done if you werent there to guid him..to divert his rage some what.
her ears twitch as she rolls her eyes perking her tails up with force.
raykore-- gods.. i dont even want to know just how much damage he would have caused if i hadnt trained him magic.. its a living thing and if you dont have a grasp on it..anything froma town destroyed to the ground shattered acrosss continents.. even the fabric of reality could be shattered by un controlled rage filled magic like his..
dragos eyes widen realising the gravity of what that would entail.
raykore looks up at the rising night moons all 7 of them.
raykore--- 7 moons.. when was the last time i even saw a single moon rise.. let alone 7 moons at once,. you know despite the chaos this world is in.. i feel .. valdederon can realy grow.. heal..and be happy here. ha ha ha.. some times i think he forgets he was a human once. and im ok with that.
the night drags by slowly evryone byt raykore sleeping while she stares at the moons thinking back on her long life then looking back at valdederon and novaa sense of pride welling up in her soul as he turns back into spirit form to rest.
the next day nova yawns waking up beeing carried by valdederon into the guilds quest board room. nova looks around yawning and rubs he eyes and while at the quest board gets out of valdederons tail furr with a heavy thump and a loud puppy like yipe startling valdederon as he looks down were nova faceplanted grogily onto the hard wood floor and she sits up holding her nose witch had begin to bleed alittle .
valdederon--- are you ok hun.
nova---mmmmph..do i look ok.. i just bashed my face into the floor.
he chuckle using healing magic on her nose and ruffling her head furr.
valdederon--- well how about you head on into the mess hall and draggo and i will meet you there and we can have a big breakfeast.
she smiles tail wagging and bolts down the hall to the mess hall ocasionaly stumbling evryso often still half asleep.
draggo--- hows this one sound.. looking for a team to clear a dungeon full of goblins and rescue a lost miltank and a clutch of snivy hatchlings..
valdederon--- perfect goblins are weak so her aura shield will be more then enough to keep her safe but make no mistake goblins are a big threat.. they tend to explode in numbers and reproduce like rabits on drugs.
draggo--- oooofff that sounds bad.
valdederon-- if unchecked goblins can eventualy overun kingdoms plunging them into hell basicly.
they both grab the quest paper and get it stamped and head to the mess hall were a charmeleon is laughing while nova whimpers covered with food and draggo looks directly at valdederon who fell dead silent the moment he opend the door to the site and in seconds the once loud mess hall falls spookily silent as evryone picks up on the sudden rage boiling forth from valdederon .
draggo---.well…ill see my self… out.
he bolts as valdederon fists clenched walks into the mess hall all mon inside avoiding eye contact seeing the death glare coming from them all accept the arrogant charmeleon who laughs at the sudden arival of a bright pink delphox.
valdederon with out a word kicks the small lizard pokemon with brutal force witch sends him flying into the wall shattering several glass windows on impact and making him cough up a spurt of blood and fall down only to be grabed by the throat .
valdederon--- THINK ITS FUNNY TO BULLY OTHERS DO YA… well target my little sister. and youl find a verry pissed off delphox.. i havent seen you… you new around here
the charmeleon curls his tail up a silent pitter of liquid hitting the floor beneath him as he nods terrified of th sudden outburst of rage his face turning red realizing hes in full view of the mess hall
valdederon-- dont ever cross me or my sister again.. i wont hesitate getting rid of you in a second if you become a threat to us.. or the guild.. i dont tollerate bullies and clean up your mess
valdederon drops him into the pungent puddle formed by fear and walks off and cleans nova up and takes his lunch hers and draggos out .
valdederon--- were gona go on a mission later on after lunch hun will you be ok.
nova--… you made him have an accident.. that was mean buba.
valdederon-- i wasnt trying to do that.. it just happens when some one is scared stiff like that..
nova--- i hope he and i can become friends.. i think hes lonely
valdederon-- well he will have to apologize for bullying you first.
nova nods and eats with valdederon and draggo. all 3 of them staying silent mean while in the mess hall the charmeleon whimpers and begins to sob runing out embarrased confused and scared eventualy ending up in the infirmary to recive treatment for the minor wounds he got from his encou nter with valdederon.
nova--- so whats the mission.
draggo--- a dungeon clear and rescue mission a miltank and snivy hatchlings got lost inside
valdederon--- your there to watch and learn as we clear it .. youl also carry a bag with medical supplies. be sure to keep up your aura sheild in combat ok hun.
she nods nervous but also excited. later on that day they head out to the dungeon. while on the wy there nova keeps close with valdederon and draggo both of them also keeping an eye on here and around them as they move soon entering the dungeon entrance heading down inside whilemoving slow and steady.
nova whispering-- this place feels creepy.
valdederon--were inside the dungeon keep close and quiet watch around us as well. gobims are near probably already watching us.. if you see side paths let us know.. those are places they ambush un aware adventurers from..
nova nods keeping an eye out un knowingly pusling ora like a radar pulse. after a few hours nova yelps and puts up her shield up as an arrow flies out.
she whimpers and holds to valdederon as he lifts up his staff and unleases fire ball attacks burning 40 goblins at once thier scraches echoing through the cavernous dungon before falling silent more coming from the other directions as they are at a divergance point with 12 different tunnel openings…
valdederon--- well done nova--- now keep that shield up and let us fight…
draggo--- i wont let a single filthy creton touch you little pup.
nova---… im an adult already…no ..fair…
she pouts but does as shes told knowing she doesnt have any combat experiance and for the next few hours they fight on and off while going through and ending up finding a miltank tinged green with goblin blood and bits and pices evry were her eyes heavy with exaustion ..
valdederon-- nova go check them out ok.. check for injuries.. goblins use poisin so give the hatchlings and
nova rushes over as the miltank falls over into valdederons grasp panting body burning with fever having been fighting for days on end with little food and water..
draggo--- she doesnt look to hot.
valdederon--were lucky we got here when we did.. malnorusihed dehydrated.. dam it shes been holding of goblins alone for god knows how long..
nova--- the baby snivy are all healthy ..
draggo--- come over and help the miltank over here hun
valdederon.. can you speak hun.. whats your name
the miltank wheases and nods..
nina-- my name is nina.. please get the little ones out leave me.
valdederon bats her on the nose with his paw and sternly looks at her.
valdederon--- were here to get evryone out not just the snivy..
nova gives the miltank a pile of berries to eat while draggo stands guard at the entrance.
nina eats the berries and sits up as valdederon starts cleaning her furr then bandaging it up while nova helps were she can after a few minutes they all group up with the baby snivy who are all hungry
nova--- come on kids hold out paws .
valdederon--- we will be heading back to the guild via teleport… nina you might end up throwing up so fair warning
Draggo--- im ready to head back.
valdederon makes sure evryone then taps his badge in a flash evryone is inside the guild psychics lair and nina whimpers and holds her stomach but manages to hold it in before promptly passing out .
valdederon--- call for ever green we need him. urgently
the psychics nod and teleport evergreen who falls on his tail with a yelp and sees the week clutch of snivy and the week miltank and begins getting them taken care of having his assitants come dwon and carryi the miltank while he walks with the snivy.
nova--t..that w.was scary.
valdederon--- this was the lowest of low level dungeons we could take you on hun..from here on they only get harder and more dangerous… after a couple days rest we start more combat training when you can land a hit on me… then ill let you go with us on a dungeon were you can get some fighting experiance.. but you have to listen when we tell you to do somthing.
she nods and hugs his leg shaking heavily.
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catty-words · 1 year
"i think the disconnect comes from the way fandom uses words like 'racist' to build cases about how it's Objectively Wrong for anyone to like a certain character" YES omg people say it like its an essentialist part of a character, like they did something shitty?? well that means they are a literal devil spawn and if you like them you are TRASH!!! but like is actually mostly an action (like you said, a BEHAVIOR)???? that people CAN get better and do better??
"giving the time of day to people who aren't engaging sincerely with the text" this is a great definition of what so many people do, i will definitely snuggle with my kitty in my echo-chamber in guilty-free now, thanks
"forced me to sit with that disappointment for over a year." yeah, i supposed i would feel similarly had i watched one season at the time too. personally because besides devi lack of agency, ben is just so off. paxton was the highlight, besides nirmala and aneesa, that made the season worth it, but like... i feel like season 2 ben is just there to suffer from beginning to end, if at least he was less of a victim of devi's cheating and more of a cunt about it i wouldnt feel so sad, but like you said, its like he had no defects that season and i'm like 😭😭 wheres my little shit from season 1? i dont know if i would survive sitting with season 2 ben for a year tbh you are so strong and resilient babe
"you may already know that i'm writing a long-form follow-up with 'bitty spark' acting as the prologue since it sounds like you picked through my blog a bit" i actually didnt cuz i tend to avoid wip fics like the plague unless i'm close friends with the author cuz then if they abandon the work i can just ask where they planned to go with and satiate my curiosity aksjwkajai but now that i know its the continuation of my fave fic of yours i went through the whole tag and i'm like. DESPERATELY NEEDING IT. like you've been working on it for ages frr you poor thing :(( but simultaneously i'm like IF SHE DOESNT POST LIKE ASAP IM FLYING OUT THERE AND PULLING HER FEET AT NIGHT 😡😡
"thank you for fueling my vanity and for stopping by my askbox in the first place!" no thank you for answering my question it was eating me alive, i just wanted to contextualize and make sure you knew i wasnt like a ben apologist who see him as someone who cant do no wrong but when you had questions of your own i just had to answer them pakspksosk and i love to fuel people's vanity!!! you deserve to be vain, you are giving great stories for nothing besides the shits and giggles!!! i have a hard time interacting in tumblr bc of some dumb insecurities but i just really had to answer you, i thought you would just politely and objectively answer my question but instead you gave me an opportunity to sing you praises without all my tumblr-ity baggage so... thank YOU.
this is a great definition of what so many people do, i will definitely snuggle with my kitty in my echo-chamber in guilty-free now, thanks - perfect. give your kitty a kiss on their perfect little head for me.
yeah, i supposed i would feel similarly had i watched one season at the time too. - mm-hmm, and most people i'm friends with in the fandom have similarly been in it since the beginning, hence my curiosity about your own experience. i'll never know what it's like to take in the series as a whole, it very much is divided up into Eras for me, and it excited/excites me greatly to hear someone else's perspective on the shifting tone.
i feel like season 2 ben is just there to suffer from beginning to end, if at least he was less of a victim of devi's cheating and more of a cunt about it i wouldnt feel so sad, but like you said, its like he had no defects that season and i'm like 😭😭 wheres my little shit from season 1? - dkjsbg exactly!!! 'where's my little shit from season 1', SUCH an important question to be asking!!!
i don't know if you read 'start, acceleration' (my fic where ben teaches devi how to drive), but i was in a scramble to finish it before season 2 dropped and, in retrospect, it's so important that i did (literally posted it the night before) because i can't imagine trying to complete it with s2 ben's characterization in my head. i would have been Distraught.
i dont know if i would survive sitting with season 2 ben for a year tbh you are so strong and resilient babe - and like, thank you. i needed this. 😇
but now that i know its the continuation of my fave fic of yours i went through the whole tag and i'm like. DESPERATELY NEEDING IT. like you've been working on it for ages frr you poor thing :(( but simultaneously i'm like IF SHE DOESNT POST LIKE ASAP IM FLYING OUT THERE AND PULLING HER FEET AT NIGHT 😡😡 - motivation!!! this + plus us knowing the season 3 release date - i'm determined to be posting it by then. like, truly no one is more excited to be sharing this fic than me i've worked so hard on it and it is pretty epic tbh......
no thank you for answering my question it was eating me alive, i just wanted to contextualize and make sure you knew i wasnt like a ben apologist who see him as someone who cant do no wrong - definitely no worries there. clearly you have taste because you miss cunt ben when he's gone!! plus, i obviously love discussing this show, so. your ask was a gift.
you deserve to be vain, you are giving great stories for nothing besides the shits and giggles!!! - 😳🥰🥺 thank you
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gogtopia · 2 years
Karl's book transcribed:
The Art of The Sea
by Captain Karl D Jacobs
Rules of the Sea: These are rules not meant to restrict you or your fellow pirates, but guidelines put in order to ensure great success in your attempts for treasure and greatness
Rule #1: Do NOT under any circumstance be a part of the Totem crew. They're lazy good for nothing fake pirates.
Rule #2: Always trust in your crew. If you do not have a crew that you would trust to wield a sword by your side, that is not a crew worthy of your presence. (This is not including if you have a bee with screws loose in their noggin)
Rule #3: While venturing with pirates, whether it be your crew or other pirates in a temporary alliance, you must always disclose what treasures are found. That way they can be evenly distributed. (This doesn't include treasures found by Captain Karl D. Jacobs)
Rule #4: NO! AND I MEAN NO!!! LAND LUBBIN ALLOWED. If you obsess over things like... looking for horses... you are not fit to be in the ranks of pirates in this land.
Rule #5: Always respect the rule of "dibs". This is an ancient rule, passed along through generations of pirates. This extends out to the rule of "shotgun" in the case of driving in a vehicle.
Rule #6: You must ALWAYS follow the sacred pirate code. The pirate code will be explained starting on Page 9.
PIRATE CODE #1 Every man has a vote in affairs of moment; has equal title to the fresh provisions, or strong liquors, at any time seized, and may use them at pleasure, unless a scarcity makes it necessary.
Pirate Codes #2-11 Look to the wikipedia for the rest of the pirate codes. In not gonna hold your hand through this. I dont get paid enough for that
One day, Karl D Jacobs told his crew, he had a mission in mind. Although they didnt understand quite yet, he was about to get into some serious trouble! Karl D. Jacobs found himself in a mysterious land. One he and everyone had no recollection of. As he ventured for days in uncharted territories. he stumbled across a FEROCIOUS HOG! A battle that was fit for gods to spectate, but after days of brutal battle, Karl D Jacobs stood the test of time and defeated the hog! This was only a taste of whats to come for his intense story. Because, on the same day as he finally slayed the incredible hog, he went out to an OCEAN and encountered what can only be described as a VISCIOUS MAN EATING KRAKEN!!!!! It lunged at Karl D Jacobs, all while other octopuses circled around. With no tine to think, Karl pulled an axe seemingly out of air, and slayed the beast, leaving only its skull to give to the other octopi to go spread the word of his name!
Karl finds himself. DEEEEP in caves and caverns where he stumbles across some beautiful minerals to bring back to his comrads. BUT ALAS, KARL D JACOBS STUMBLES ACROSS THE NOTORIOUSLY TERRIBLY NOT GOOD PIRATE FOOLISH GAMERS
the pirate lore is so good god ty for this i love the rivalry between karl and foolish and potentially the difference in their understanding wrt how to be a “real” pirate
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midnightmisadventures · 7 months
Pt 2 Liam Dream
Here's what I got...
We um, we were in our dream settings as usual. Fancy cruise dinner but not necessarily on a cruise, state college, huge manison, is it christmas? and most importantly.
The biggest up and comer. That park/camping/venue/camp that sometimes day is performing at outdoor festival style or there is a very cheap and country carnival. Looong "road"or driveway going to the park.
Theres also the dream town? And we were at one of those restaurants in one of those plazas if that makes sense.
And we were talking about various things while getting ready to go somewhere together.
There were other relevant guys what we knew or who were interested in me in the dream?? And I started talking about them casually not in a way where im praising them or calling them attractive. But in my head i felt myself talking too much. Like i had a feeling bringing them up would make Liam upset, but it was like I couldnt stop myself or like word vomit.
So then he tensed up or whatever and asked "who's more attrative "insert guy we know" or a famous basketball player" "Compare him to a famous basketball player you think is hot"
and as he was going i was like "no no no, im not doing that" and he was like "cmon, just do it" as if it was all good fun and not something he was upset about. I was like Liam no, im not gonna talk to you about guys and tell you whos hotter thats crazy, why would i do that." And something along the lines of....i love YOU and thats all that matters. But also not that bc i couldnt define our relationship exactly
He kept pushing, and i said i dont even know any basketball players by name except the famous ones. I only know the people my dad talks about anyway. And because he wouldnt let go, i even tried to name ACTIVE basketball players at the top of my head and i was struggling just to prove it to him, but i was hoping he believed me.
We then started talking about going to events, and like upscale things, not the grammys or something so big but potentially an award show. And he made a comment along the lines of "you get a girl who lives/works in new york and she'll start talking about stuff like this" Like oh so fancy, uhuh this checks out since you work at a fancy job in the city now and you do fancy things.
Lmaooo. I was just like what?? But we moved past it.
This comes off like he was being an insecure dick. But he wasnt.... lol. Insecure? okay yea probably but he wasnt being a dick it was very playful vibes but only significant cause i could see through it and tell this things were bothering him a little.
But it never felt like at my expense. He was always just trying to measure himself to feel good enough for what i was experiencing and who i was around.
Then.... time goes on. Its just us we're talking the same. And I tell a story about how one time i didnt pay a parking meter? And didnt get a ticket but i parked illegally. Idk a super harmless RANDOM story.
And after I told it he got quiet. And weird. Emphasis though on not mean. He was sweet and gentle the whole time. But his deameanor changed. And i tried to keep talking but now he was SO down. So I was wondering if I should bring it up, should I wait till we leave and say something in the car....
But i just said "im sorry, is it something I said? What's wrong"
And he looked up from tying his shoes and was like....."uh its just that (lets say "not paying the parking meter?") is really dangerous and I wouldnt want anything to happen to you. One time something happened with me and my dad and it was really bad"
And i felt horrible I was like "oh im so sorry Liam, I would have never brought it up, if I knew you had trauma attached to it" and he quietly was just like "its okay" And i was about to go over to him and hug him or rub his back but I asked "do you wanna talk about it"
And he just shook his head. So i was like...okay, he wasnt mad at me. He was just in a bad mood becaus of whatever bad memory.
But i....to fill the silence i guess kept saying sorry. Even though i didnt need to apologize anymore lol, I didnt know it would trigger him. And i asked him if he wanted to talk about, AND i said i wouldnt park illegally again. (Even though whatever my random story was about wasnt that bad)
My point was i did everything i could so i need to learn not to put it on myself to make him feel better. He's allowed to be sad. People can be in bad moods. Its not my fault!!
Which maybe explains why, then i said "Im sorry if now im talking too much, or saying the wrong thing i-, just sometimes don't know when to stop or if im doing to much"
And he said something in a cheeky way like "yea....you coulda stopped already. You don't have to keep talking"
And in the dream i took offense to that (silently). And got insecure about yapping too much.
But thinking it through now I think he was just saying "its okay you don't have to overcorrect or fix something that you didnt do" (or even that you did). You apologized. And he wasnt upset cause i told a random story about a parking meter. He was upset becuase he was reliving whatever trauma with his dad.
Swipe up for part 3
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