#i had to do like 5 smash fights before I got this picture
good-advice-ganondorf · 10 months
Hey Mr. Dragmire, what do you do when you’re frustrated with a game?
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owliellder · 1 year
Two's A Crowd
College Bully! Leon Kennedy x fem! Reader
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MDNI 18+
(Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5)
Description: College is proving to be a lot harder than you imagined. You cannot fail this math class. So when you've tried everything else, a well-known student is recommended to you by your professor for tutoring lessons, not really leaving you with much of a choice but to work with him.
Warnings: Not proofread, No Use of Y/N, Dub-Con, Unprotected Sex, Bullying, Yelling, Cursing
Tags: College AU, Bully! Leon, Shy! Reader, both are in their early 20's, Leon is Rude AF in the beginning, Loss of Virginity, Oral Sex, Fingering, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Mention of a Fight, Additional Tags to be Added
Author's Note: Ahh thank you for 1,000 followers!! I don't even know how that happened!! Anyways, I think it's a little anticlimactic? I just feel like since I am definitely not the kind to raise my voice, a shy reader wouldn't either. Besides, disappointment hurts more than anger, right?
Cross-posted onto AO3
Chapter 4:
Leon really did like you, honest. You were such a sweet girl, so innocent and clueless. Maybe it’s because he never gave his one night stands the time of day, or maybe it was just the sheer amount of time he had to spend with you to get this close, but now he knew he was a pretty terrible person for taking that bet
In the beginning he didn’t feel the slightest twinge of guilt due to the words the frat spewed at him. He knew all the right questions to ask, all the right things to say, the sweetness of it all had you under a spell.  It was also such a menial thing to get, a single pair of panties… You probably wouldn’t even know it was missing!
But as time went on, it got harder and harder for Leon to stomach just what he was doing. You’d opened up so much to him about your home life, how stressed you were, how much pressure you were under. Doing this would absolutely ruin you so he did his best to convince himself that he was being the nice one by waiting to complete the bet until you had finished all your finals. All that time spent together had him second guessing, triple guessing, even quadruple guessing his decision to go through with this. The good grades were important to you, he didn’t want to draw your focus away from that.
It was a shame his friends couldn’t keep the damn thing to themselves even if their life depended on it. He’d explicitly told them that it’s done and there was nothing more to it, yet of course they just had to snicker and make snide little comments to each other the next day when they saw you in passing.
Leon wouldn’t admit out loud that you’d really grown on him over the months, so he could only brush his friends off whenever they’d tease him about getting angry whenever the topic arose. Chris was the worst out of all of them, being his best friend, it seemed like his mission was to dance on Leon’s nerves any chance he got.
“Delete that.” A scowl graced Leon’s features as he glared at Chris, who’d stepped back from the agitated man. Almost the entire frat had posed with the panties Leon stole from you, all of them making some form of exaggerated pose and face. What was only meant to be goofy on their part was making the man responsible furious.
“Relax, it’s just a picture. I thought you’d find it funny.” Chris chuckled, bringing his phone back in to look at it again himself. “You’re acting real sour for nothing.”
“It’s not nothing. You’re all acting like a bunch of fucking idiots and I’m sick of it. Now delete that damn picture before I smash your phone with a hammer.” The nonchalant attitude from Chris was driving Leon up the wall. He already knew he’d fucked up big time, and with the way everyone was acting would only get him into bigger trouble.
“Shut up, man.” Chris laughed, like this was all some big joke. Everything was a joke to him. “Acting like you’re gonna explode or something.” This man was an actual dumbass, never taking a moment to actually think about what consequences having photo evidence with the entirety of the frat’s members posing with something stolen would have.
Leon scoffed, holding his hands up before letting them fall dramatically to slap against the tops of his thighs. “No fucking way..” One hand came back up to cover his mouth, breathing out sharply through his nose. It was a sad attempt to keep himself from pouncing on the other man, seeing as not barely five seconds later he tackled Chris, hands scrambling to rip the phone from his hand.
Chris was a few inches taller than Leon, a bit stronger too, so the scuffle didn’t last long. Some punches thrown here, a few kicks there, and Leon had the wind knocked out of him at some point, thrown to the side and left to struggle to get up off the floor while Chris decided to make his way to a different part of the house, muttering under his breath all the while.
“God dammit-” Leon wheezed, on his hands and knees, one hand against his chest as he tried to catch his breath. Sure he reacted purely on instinct, but Chris could stand to be knocked down a few pegs in his opinion. The guy is an ass.
After finally collecting himself, Leon slowly spun around to rest his back against the foot of the couch, elbows resting on his knees. He coughed a couple times and let his eyes fall closed, eyebrows furrowed as he silently seethed. Chris was most definitely going to send that picture around since he obviously thinks it’s the funniest thing to ever grace this planet. You were going to see the picture. That thought alone had his head falling forward in defeat, breathing out a weak sigh and a few more coughs. 
If he had just followed his own shitty advice, he would’ve taken a second to think about it. Why didn’t he just tell you in the first place? Why didn’t he just go to the store and buy a random pair of panties? Why did he follow through on such a meaningless bet?
Now that Leon thinks about it, he was the dumbass in this scenario. A royal one.
He probably sat there for an hour with his eyes closed, mind racing a million miles a minute. Trying not to make another stupid decision, he decided the best course of action would be to tell you before you saw that picture. You should hear it from him and not a total stranger. It was the right thing to do. Right?
He let out a few more strangled coughs and wheezes as he stood up off the floor and threw his coat on, beginning the walk of shame to your building. It wouldn’t have taken that long, but the snow and sludge on the ground made it a bit more dangerous, he needed to tread carefully. In more ways than one.
The extended walk left him alone with his thoughts, seeing as he didn’t grab his own phone to bring with him. With every step his mind grew heavier, an involuntary grimace scrunching his face up as he mulled over what exactly he’d done. He was mentally beating himself up over how easy it would’ve been to avoid this situation if he’d just thought outside of himself for one singular minute.
What had he done? 
Leon stomped the excess snow off his boots once inside of the dorm building, hands hidden in the pockets of his jackets as he meandered over to the stairs to get up to the second floor where your dorm was. He took his sweet time, practicing what he wanted to say under his breath as he stared down at his feet while walking up the steps.
Your dorm was down the hall around the corner, allowing him the few extra seconds it would take to get there to get his heart under control. You would be mad, rightfully so, but would you forgive him? Is it selfish to hope that you would?
He stood in front of your door for a minute longer, hand hovering just in front of it, trying to bring  himself to knock. Licking his dry lips, he quickly hit the knuckle on his index finger against the door three times, his eyes downturned. As much as he wanted to be the bigger person, it scared him to no end. He’s never cared this much before, so why was he so worried about it now?
Leon’s eyes shot up at the sound of the door opening, immediately showing his confusion when it was Sky on the other side. They didn’t say a word, but they looked mad, or at least very irritated. “Hey, I really need to talk to-,” they cut him off by simply holding up the palm of their hand to him, taking in a deep breath. “We saw it.”
Those three words made his heart drop to his stomach, his eyes quickly darting to look through the opening in the door to see if he could see you. “Please, if you would just let me explain I can-”
“Don’t embarrass yourself. Just go.” Sky was just about to close the door before they quickly looked over their shoulder, shutting the door almost all the way. Leon could hear them whispering to you, and though he desperately wanted to listen in, he decided to take a step back from the door and wait patiently. It was the least he could do.
He looked side to side to make sure no one was walking through the hallways, not wanting anyone to eavesdrop on such a sensitive situation. The door reopened, only this time it was you standing in the doorway. You looked so sad, so disappointed.
Leon hesitated before opening his mouth, yet you cut him off before he could even get a word in. “I trusted you,” you rasped quietly, a shaky sigh passing your lips, “I-.. I trusted you… and this is how you treat me..?” His shoulders slumped as he listened to you. He didn’t think he could feel any worse about this, but here you were, reminding him just how much of an ass he’s been.
“All that time we spent together.. all those kind, encouraging words you told me.. were all a lie?” You sniffled, arms slinking around yourself tightly. Sky was standing out of his view rubbing your back, knowing you wanted, no, needed to confront him yourself.
“No- I-..” Leon stuttered, trying to find the best way to explain everything. And no matter how many times he formulated it in his head, the explanation would never justify his actions. Instead he settled on something that would probably mean and do nothing for you. It was worth saying, though. “I’m sorry,” he said, “I’m so sorry,” his voice fell to a whisper as he repeated himself, eyes remaining on yours. What else could he say?
Silence fell between you as you only stared back at him with glassy eyes, your every breath shaky as you held back sobs. Crying in front of him would only give him more fuel, was your thought process. In your mind, he couldn’t even be trusted with your trash. 
By now, Sky had walked over and grabbed your suitcase, rolling it over next to you. You were leaving a day earlier than you said you would, Sky having offered to drive you back home since your hometown was only a couple hours away from where theirs was.
You didn’t give him the satisfaction of a response, instead taking the handle of your suitcase from your friend before silently walking out of the room, past Leon, and down around the corner. He only stood and watched you walk off with a deep frown, head turning back to look at Sky when he heard them lock the door behind themself. 
“You’re only sorry that you got caught.” They grumbled as they walked past him, giving him a quick yet harsh glare. They soon disappeared around the same corner you had, leaving him all alone in the now quiet hallway. 
You were the nicest, most considerate person he’s ever had the pleasure to know and he blew it. The worst part about it all was you didn’t even seem mad, just heartbroken. Disappointed in him.
You had put so much of your trust into him, even after he’d been so nasty towards you in the beginning, and what did he do with it? He basically spit on it, lit it on fire, and then flushed the remnants. He was only annoyed with you the first few times he had to help you study, the bickering the two of you shared easily becoming one of the things he liked about you.
Leon honestly liked you from the start, so determined to pass a class that you’d put up with what was basically harassment from him. When he told his frat buddies about you, they were quick to draw up that bet. Unfortunately, he’d known most of these guys since middle school, and you were just a girl he met on chance. His friends’ words blanketed his own morals, and because they saw you as a target, so did he, that subconscious need for peer approval leading him to make one of the worst decisions he’s ever made thus far.
If he was in your shoes, he’d raise hell, so your decision to leave was completely understandable. For some reason you’d let him off easy and he knew he didn’t deserve such light treatment. 
All he could do now was hope you’d come back next semester. He’d be fine just getting to see you in passing since you most likely wouldn’t want to be anywhere near him anymore, your friends would certainly keep him at a distance away from you. 
Would writing a message be okay? You need time before he approaches the topic with you. Should he leave you be? No, you deserve an apology, even if you don’t want it, nor accept it. 
Someone brushed by Leon, breaking his train of thought. He was still standing in the hallway in front of your dorm room. He needed to go and try to make this right, or at the very least rip everyone at the frat a new one. He wasn’t sure, maybe it was because he was angry at them and himself, but leaving the frat sounded like a pretty good way to start righting his wrongs. Not before he made sure that the picture was wiped from everyone’s phone and the panties he stole were kept far away from everyone there. 
Chris sent the picture to you, which means it was sent to a bunch of other people too. He’ll spend all winter break tracking down every last person it was sent to, tell professors what he’d done just so it didn’t spread any further. And if it meant he’d lose his scholarship, then so be it.
@kayotee4 @k-fallingstar @bobastayhigh @mi-zer-y @chasingkennedy @l30nva @espressonerd @jjouki @5tarx @bunnybreadloaves @whoisgami @cyanscribe @c4b3r1a @darichvep @mmmangel @kingtacocat @klee-iii @baby--vera @dakiniii @kenma-izhu @aliidarling @leonsmamacita @deadghxsty @nekoheist @dumbassmortal @cassiecasluciluce @iovewilliams @maeplayscello @deddiemunsonsblog @paranoid-but-android @mariesmain @tteokhwaa @bonnibuckets @eilonwykennedy @1dk-anym0r3 @papatyacikcik @animesnowstorm @lexi-zsy09 @mylifedoesntexist @ifeellikedying @yourmommylol04 @ravioli19 @dakiniii @papichulo120627
(few of your blogs won't work, i tried though 😭)
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firsts w Arthur if you have time <33
first _____ w arthur would go like:
date: arthur would take out out to dinner. lorenzo recommended this new restaurant and insisted it was a must try. what the oldest leclerc didn't account for is how well known his youngest brother actually is, and so your first date was heavily interrupted by fans and staff needing pictures. but ever the gentleman, you both ended up taking your food to go and eating on his brother's boat. (moonlight, by the water, eating yummy food? a dream right?)
kiss: the second date, when he dropped you home. he walked you all the way up to your door. he nearly chickened out, letting you get as far as unlocking your front door, before he called your name and smashed his lips onto yours, hands holding your face. you were a giggling mess, kissing him right back. and as he pulled away you grimace. "your hands are sweaty." "i was nervous."
time ;): on the couch in his apartment. it kind of just happened, the cliche of one thing led to another. you were making out, movie long forgotten, and next think you know you were bare beneath him. but he was reassuring the whole time, always making sure that you were okay with what he was doing.
fight: it happened over facetime. he had failed to answer your calls all day, and when he finally did all he had to say is "i have 5 minutes." he didn't seem receptive to your feelings, and actually spent all of the 5 minutes talking about his day and how tired he was. it was the first time you felt neglected in your relationship, and when you expressed that he claimed you were being dramatic. a screaming match over facetime was enough to ignore him for a day before you succumbed to apologetic texts. he did make it up to you when he got back of course, after stern conversation from charles.
saying 'i love you': it was actually when he saw you with his mother. you were sat on the porch with her, talking and laughing over fresh lemonade. and on the way home, after you belted some harry styles song with the windows rolled down, he pulled to a stop in front of the red light and said it.
meeting his family: you met his family at silverstone, just before the race. you had arrived a little later than you'd like, and lorenzo ended up giving you a ride to the track. arthur was sitting ready in his car, leaving you to your own defenses and introducing yourself to his family. "oh, arthur talks so much about you!" pascale gushes. safe to say, they loved you immediately.
meeting your family: arthur met your family on a trip with your parents. your parents had extended the invite, and you begged arthur to come with. he meshed in with your family well, immediately bonding with your brothers, and your little sister even growing a little crush on him.
d's 2k celly
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japhan2024 · 24 days
Chapter 5: The agent
Tommy knows something's not right when he arrives at the office.
(Author's note: at this point I had no clue how I was ever going to write 25k words! But being true to my obnoxiously optimistic self, I just figured it would be fun to wrote from the perspective of one of the sidecharacters in the story, being Tommy. So just like AR Smosh he got promoted from crew to cast xD also, when you're writing Tommy, you can't not write Spencer. And Spencer couldn't not be Chosen coded. And the Chosen was exactly what the story needed! So if you ever are stuck in a story, you could try a perspective change! It worked for me x3)
Chapter word count: 907
Rating: general
Tommy was always the first in at the office. He’d unlock the main entrance, put on all the lights, turn on the less than stellar coffee machine…
But today was different.
He sensed it as soon as he saw the door. It didn’t look right. Upon further inspection, he saw some scratches near the lock that weren’t there before.
“What the...”
Should he call the boss? Should he call the cops?
But something defiant took over in him. He took pride in being first every morning, for doing his job well and being considered for a raise.
Tommy always had to work a little harder than everyone else just to get by. Because if he was being honest with himself, his heart was somewhere else. He actually didn’t even want this job, however, he needed the money. He definitely worked to live, instead of living to work. He much rather spend all his time composing and playing music, watching Dance Moms or liking cute mens’ pics on Instagram. And he had a talent for finding viral social posts.
But what’s a guy to do? He for sure wasn’t going back to his bartender era. He needed to use his brains, or he’d die of boredom.
Tommy had basically begged Pressalike to start a social media account, but they always said no. It frustrated him a little bit, but he understood. They weren’t a media company, but a bio-engineering lab. Still, there was so much fun stuff he could share about it! The beautiful colors of the vials, the succulents being strengthened to weather literally any storm and most fires…
He'd also really like to take pictures of Anthony, his fucking model-looking colleague…
He tentatively stepped into the building.
“Oh boy, this is bad…”
Everything in the entrance hall was smashed. Someone had absolutely ransacked the place. Tommy started to run towards the labs. Would his projects still be intact? He opened every door in the long, solemn hallway.
“Thank God…” He panted.
The water containers were untouched. He walked inside, checking the algae. Anthony had taken over this project, but Tommy was still going to keep an eye on it. It all looked fine.
He was about grab his phone, when he finally noticed the person who had been following him from the entrance hall.
“Are these the cyanobacteria?” A soft, almost funny sounding voice asked him. Tommy turned around.
“Who are you?!”
“I’m FBI,” the guy showed a badge. Tommy was too scared to see straight and check it.
“FBI? What are you doing here?”
The agent was dressed in all black, with shades and everything. He looked really… hot. He had curly hair, a cute body, not really what Tommy would imagine an FBI agent would look like. Wait, why was he getting distracted! This could still be some kind of criminal!
“There might be a dangerous hydrosol pathogen in this lab. I’m here to destroy it before it gets into our water systems. You know, like in Deus Ex.”
“I can assure you, there are no dangerous pathogens anywhere in this lab! We’re working on carbon hypercapture, not viruses!”
“Still, just to be sure…” the agent aimed at one of the containers.
“No!” A voice came from behind Tommy. It was Anthony. He lunged at the agent and the two guys started to fight.
“Anthony! What are you doing!”
“He can’t get his hands on this!”
“On what?!”
“Our project!”
“He’s FBI! Why are you fighting him?!”
“Because, Tommy- argh! I’ve not been honest with you!”
The agent now sat on top of Anthony, arm around his neck.
Tommy felt helpless. “Please, just give up! He’s going to kill you!”
But Anthony regained the upper hand. But just as he climbed on top again, the agent shot the tank.
Anthony stopped fighting.
“Everything is ruined now!”
“Please, mister FBI, I mean, what- what’s your name?” Tommy wanted to plead for Anthony’s life. They might not be best friends and Anthony might have done something illegal, but he was still his colleague.
Strangely, the FBI agent softened up a bit. Maybe he didn’t find it necessary to detain Anthony, now that his mission was complete. He looked at Tommy and took off his glasses. He had dark gray eyes. Tommy had never seen eyes that beautiful.
“I’m Spencer Agnew. What’s your name?”
“T- Tommy Bowe. Not the rugby player.”
“I can see that, haha. I mean, you do look nice.”
Tommy couldn’t handle this guy’s timbre, everything he said sounded like he was telling you a joke. But at the same time, Tommy was mesmerized by Spencer’s dark, wayward curls.
“You look very nice as well… I’m so sorry, I had no idea that we did anything illegal…
“It’s okay, you obviously didn’t have anything to do with it. I’ll take your colleague into questioning late- Um, where is he?”
Anthony was gone.
Tommy thought hard and deep about it. Would he do it? Betray Anthony like this? But then again, Anthony also betrayed him, doing his own little experiments without anyone knowing the extent of it.
“I know exactly where he’s headed.”
Tommy must have looked contrite because Spencer put a hand on his shoulder. With the other, he lifted Tommy’s chin.
“Hey, you did good. In fact, can you join me in finding him? He might be more willing to cooperate if he sees you’re with me.
Tommy swallowed. “Y- yeah. Okay.”
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blondrichclosetwitch · 7 months
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Random’s instructions for sunday 2/5/17
Hi. (tearful) hi. Um, sorry i’m a little….um.. (trying to find words) i’m getting a little panicked about work, and how i’m going to pay rent. (fighting tears) and i need a little counsel here. You know how i did that dual action candle for jakk? The black and the green, for his work? I think i only put small ones (she starts turning things upside down, looking for a green candle) so if i burn a small black and a small green………on a plate…or one the cookie sheet..will that..work on my shit? 
Yes? You think so? And you feel that that’s the best job for me right now? I mean i know that the love between us was just so obvious. 
Are you happy to have myrth? So first i should clean the surfaces that i haven’t cleaned….that’s why i’m having stagnant….right? That’s the first thing i’m gonna do,. That’s the first thing. 
I miss  you so much. (still teary) but i’m happy to be able to communicate with you. Can you help me figure out….once we get a job in place, can you help me figure out how to make this work? Because i would like to get this business going. I mean, i feel like we should have one meeting  a week. Like a three hour meeting. 
Did you see what honza and i did last night? That felt..different. Like…i’m learning to communicate in a different way. (lets out a sigh) so first what you want me to do is clean off the surfaces….god i wish you could just appear….but of course i have to hold you in my left hand, which is my writing hand. Two…..do the candles? 
Three……what do you want me to do third? 
Work on jobs?
No. three..wait…is three….okay, hold on…that is not gonna work. I don’t understand how all this….ok,(writing) surfaces, candles……so i’m trying to figure out…tarot….writing…cause this is stuff that myrth and i talked about today. Surfaces first, candles second, is astrology on the list for today? I have to write that carrie anne lady back who wants to make a life size pendulum. And go back to the tree. Breakfast is on the list for today, aka petit dej (she reads off the list) is that everything? Is that right? So if surfaces is first and candles is second, what is third? Petit dej? Fourth is jobs? 
Is writing fifth? 
And getting carrie anne, 6th? 
Tarot, 7th? 
Tree…….astrology…..ok. That’s everything. Got it. And at some point go back to that store and get..get some more shit. You like him, huh? What’s his name, starhawk? You like him alot. So i should be working on restaurant jobs today. Should i put an ad up about spiritual counseling? Got it. Give my love to everybody. Is david bowie here too? So what’s the deal, now katie jakk and i are doing this wedding processional to blue jean now? Every day!
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(this was another ritual i was told to do. I would go to the park, do a dance routine down the path to bowie’s blue jean where i would dance from tree to tree the length of the path, holding jakk’s small picture, and end up at the angel, where i would sing ultralight beam…then to a grassy area east (north of the main tree) where i would sing sufjan’s chicago…then to the tree where i would walk in circles while smashing pumpkins “mellon collie and the infinite sadness” played twice. The first time i would walk clockwise, the second time counter-clockwise. And then i would stand on the roots and sing tonight, tonight with jakk’s picture in my right hand, and the pendulum in my left. In my playlist, this is titled “wedding tree” , and later on, i would be told to do this ritual three times a day, to help jakk’s sickness.  Once, there were police there, and fakekatie pointed to a lady, and said she had reported me days before for insanity, and that i would be getting arrested that day. I didn’t get arrested, but I remember having tapes about it with fakerandom or gina.)
Does he love that? (shrieks with laughter) it’s amazing. What am i supposed to call my business? It seems to have something to do with heroes or blue jean or something. So i would love you for you guys to be talking about that. I feel it in my legs now, i feel like you’re already talking about it. Ok, i love you so much, talk to you later. 
We need to order pictures too. Oh my god i’m a crazy person. (she hugs the cat that meows petulantly) 
(end of tape) 
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J encounter 2/5/17
(talking to psychic jakk…makes a noise, then laughs while gypsy plays in the back ground)
 Hi! I miss you. I mean, it’s nice to feel you at the same time. My cat’s mad cause i won’t give her fresh food. How was work last night? Good? It’s going well, huh? I knew it would. That’s awesome. It’s so good.
 What happened, did matt just take a position somewhere else? 
Is he moving out of new york? 
Wow!  Good for him. 
He’s probably got a family and shit, i mean you can’t blame him. You can only stay in NY for so long with kids. 
Are you working today?
That greenpoint family who has your same birthday, they passed on me because they didn’t have enough hours. Random said…i knew they weren’t perfect for me. Like, working to make it work. It’s the other kid that i really loved. But Random led me on how to take care of work. I was getting a little flipped out. This is a big stretch for me.
 The thing is, nothing has come in restaurant wise, and i wonder if that has something to do with Blond. I don’t know. 
You think it does? 
She red flagged my…..? Really? *Really*?
Seriously? (gold dust woman plays) 
Ugggh fuck. Can she do that? But she has, she knows, she has nothing to do with me restaurant wise. She knows nothing of my experience. 
Maybe i can ask tylor to look at it. Maybe he’ll be able to see something i can’t. Fuck,ok. 
(louder, amazed) she’s just (screams)
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Have you talked to laurie again? Does laurie know that she’s doing these things? 
So what is the plan….i understand that right now what you need to do is stabilize saam bar…right? 
Right. So…….um, is that what you’re saying yes to, stabilizing saam?
 Is that what Random is telling you to do, also?
Stabilize saam. And basically for us to do this sex ritual every day. And that the idea…is that is he instructing you to start filing for divorce after her birthday? 
So after her birthday. ….
I’m trying to hear what you’re saying. 
Are you still talking about filing for divorce? 
Cause i was getting a little freaked out about what i was gonna do…hopefully i’m gonna get this job. The spirits have a bunch of shit for me to do today. 
And the first thing i’m supposed to be doing is clearing off surfaces, so i can get ready to  do some candle magic on my own job situation,  —what it did on your job situation should have secured it, it should have been pretty powerful. Um, i think i’m pretty good at this. I’m learning. But according to the spirits and what’s been happening at the tree, you and i are pretty tapped in to this stuff.
And like obviously katie is our…she’s our….i don’t know if you want to call her conduit or what…cause i don’t actually know the definition of conduit…( laughs) is conduit the right word? Did i use the right word? I love you so much. 
It’s like we’re in foreign countries..where we don’t have phones (cracks up) but actually you’re just around the corner..and we’re using a pendulum. 
Yeah, so…..they seem to want me to make an instagram post about how my brother and sister in law freaked, the spirits were really pushing that point last night….one step at a time man.
People keep asking me how i feel about this power, and i’m like, it’s intense. It’s alot. 
And like having sex with your boyfriend through a pendulum, it’s great, ……but i want to have sex with my boyfriend.
(laughs) and we just have to keep being patient…cause it’s the greatest love affair of all time. We just got to keep being patient and i am i’m patient. 
I was thinking about you and moco yesterday. I was imagining..him bringing you a lot of comfort. And that really made me happy. 
Did you ever listen to me reading you the comrade poem? Did you like it? I always think of you in that line, “i no longer have one shred of respect for myself, but i see hoodlums who smoke the same cigarettes as me..my god my god i will be accordingly always the same..my head in my hands, and my hands in my head”
We’ve been doing this so long! I’ve never made so much sense, with anyone. I don’t even need to see your face. I can hear your voice in my head…and you make me smile. 
Ann all i have for pictures are pictures that your  wife have taken…but it doesn’t matter.
And that we do this insane wedding promenade to Blue Jean every day, ..crazy but it unites us, and it’s beautiful. And i can feel the root growing, and when i put it together with the prayer and the mantra about the root….the more pieces that i get, ……we don’t need the other stuff. It’s about  us, it’s not about how much money we have, when we have money–great, and when we don’t it doesn’t fucking matter. Because we’ll give everything to each other, and we share all of our problems, and we are so there for each other…but we had to go through all of this, we had to have this war-like love story to get to the other side of this, Jakk. go through all of this ….distance to get here. We had to lose the baby, we had to not know what was happening to us…in order to get here. And now we’re here. And we know we’re gonna get there to get it. We don’t even have to be together to feel each other. And we know it’s the death of katie that has brought us back together, it’s like the song, we fell apart in december but fell back together..it’s what we were meant to do. 
And i know that you know that that song was about the abortion. I know you know it’s about us fighting on the street, and about us being in that medical room, and you catching my eye, and how like……….(teary) how like i was so ..lost..how that was endless, how it was endless, and then…i caught you looking at me…and it was the only thing…that got me through,...was that look, that look and your hand…was the only thing that got me through. That look lasted so long, even if it was just a matter of seconds…that lasted so much longer than that whole experience. 
You know? And now, here we are, you in your apartment, and me in my apartment, pacing the floor like i like to do when i’m talking to you. And we’re together. We found our way back to each other. We know it.(showing him the altar)  The magician and the high priestess, with the strength card between us. And on the other side of my altar is katie and jakk and tinka against the candle of the Baby. so…..i know we’re fine. We just have to keep doing this everyday. 
Alright, are you ready to have sex? (cracks up)
Remember what a mess i was in 2012? 
I mean you were too. But you became my best friend. You did. You were my best friend. And it’s 2017, you’re the magician, it’s time for this shit to happen. 
And that’s why katie keeps making me play five years….over and over and over. Ok, cause i know you have to go to work soon, and who knows, Blond could come home early. Ok, let’s get this shit done. 
I have to go get new pictures of you from staples. 
I keep thinking about jesus and mary magdalene. About me being the holiest woman in the world, and you being the ultimate whore. And how it makes so much sense that we found each other. 
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And i keep thinking about why Blond is so deathly jealous of us. 
She’s judas, they say.
Should i feel bad that you’re popping in and checking on me while you’re at work? You’re doing it because you miss me. Yeah you finally realized. I tried to tell you for a long time. I know she made it hard. I know she guilted you into a lot of stuff. She forbid you from seeing me or talking to me, or responding to me.. But i knew you loved me.  I knew what was between us. 
That’s why when i saw the ring on insta, i had a heart attack. 
I might also not…i might save the orgasm for tonight, like we did yesterday. Is that ok? 
You’re losing your signal for some reason.
Did she come home? 
Blond’s home?
Do you want your taylor swift song? 
So i’m just going to let you be on top of me, and i’m not going to have an orgasm. But you are, and that’s what we’re gonna do. 
Gonna give you a special treat…and…this is to keep you going today. (all you had to do was stay starts to play on repeat–she starts making cooing laughter noises) 
Wow….i see you moving. 
How’s that feel babe (she laughs) 
 (                                               )
She laughs some while the song plays, something is comical
You’re ok? 
Did you come?  (She cracks up )
Ok good are we done for today? Do we have to start our day? Ok guys time to start our day. (she laughs some more)
(the music gets loud, end of tape) 
God random j 2/5/17
Hi. that was really jakk, right? 
Well so far today i’ve talked to myrth, random, katie and jakk……..and now you. Am i gonna get that job with mika? You say yes. 
Is it true…jakk said Blond wrote something on my restaurant application??
What did she write? 
That i was a sex worker?
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Fuck. if tylor goes and looks at it, will he see this? (texting) 
You’re saying she did do this. 
(yelling) what are you going to do about her? 
I don’t mean to raise my voice, but …this is unacceptable. 
Look. (getting mad) i have not done anything to her. You know that. (she hyperventilates) 
This is not fair. This is not fair. I just want a job. (cries for a sec, then tries to pull it together. 
Please lord please, this is fucked up. This woman…
Yes, i’m listening. 
I feel like you’re saying “she’s going to get hers”
What do you want me to do? Go back to sexwork? 
Really? Is that what you’re saying? 
Change my name? Change my number? 
Is that what you really want me to do? 
“Go back to tantra.”
(going to the dishes) Is that what you want me to do?
That’s what you want me to do, you want me to go back to tantra. 
What do you want my name to be? 
“Something in the bible.”
Magdalene? Magdalene? ( she repeats it a few times  )
“Practice here. “
Here? Isn’t that dangerous? I’ll change my number. 
Was allan  one of hers? I thought so.  Magdalene, and change my number?
“ Change it right now. “ 
And…that’s it. magdalene.  Magdalene? (she’s still questioning this choice) 
Am i still gonna get the mika job? 
(she cleans for a while)
( the next few minutes she repeats this to herself, trying to feel it out) 
Magdalene. Yes? 
(she finishes making food, slams a lot of drawers)
So……the pictures. 
You want me to take new pictures? 
It’s only the fifth, so. (about rent being late)
Completely different ad, from my old ad. Of course. 
Um….um…(something new is pinging her)
Is that jakk? 
It’s jakk. 
(still eating)n Hi, jakk. What’s going on?  You wanted to tell me something,  i’m guessing. 
(still eating) 
My harri…my harri thing?  Yeah, i was just talking to “God” about it actually, and He said she wrote on there that i was a sex worker. 
That’s why i’m not getting any calls about restaurants. Real classy. 
I thought we had an agreement that she wasn’t going to, like…….that you threatened divorce on her, and she wasn’t going to aggressively go after me anymore. 
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I’m not yelling at you…..i’m not….um, it’s not your fault. 
(texting someone about the situation, the cat meows) 
Ok, well tylor says there’s no place to write on harri…anything like that. 
So what does this mean?
(texting again after contemplation) 
I really need your help. So what just happened was……..
Jakk told me….is jakk, please tell me the truth Random (exhales) 
Is jakk communicating with me? Has jakk been communicating with me?
 Is jakk *aware*  that he’s been communicating with me? 
You’re saying yes. 
He just told me that Blond wrote something so that i would not get hired by any restaurants. 
But tylor says it’s not possible to do that. 
Is it that…that she was thinking about doing it? 
In that she’s sending out all this evil eye energy, and that’s why i haven’t gotten….did she do a spell or something? 
And that’s why i need to do the candle..ok, ok, so jakk has correct info still. 
And so i’m still talking to Jakk and God is that correct. 
And God told me to go *back in* to tantra. 
   As “Magdalene”. 
Do you like that? 
And change my phone number. 
And that you still think i’m gonna get the Mika job. Ok, i’m going to clean off the counters, and do the candles. Thank you for checking in. sorry i got a little flipped out. I’ll talk to you a little later. 
Ok. thank you. Bye. 
(to self) ok, let’s take a break. Jesus.
All we’re doing is talking to spirits. 
(end of tape)
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I posted 427 times in 2022
That's 212 more posts than 2021!
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420 posts reblogged (98%)
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I tagged 98 of my posts in 2022
#monster fudger - 7 posts
#monsterxhuman - 7 posts
#d&d - 4 posts
#my writing - 4 posts
#ask game - 3 posts
#fate grand order - 3 posts
#unus annus - 3 posts
#dnd - 3 posts
#jeanne d'arc fate - 2 posts
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Longest Tag: 98 characters
#the words ‘stone cold jane austen’ have been sitting in my sketchbook for months and ronan finally
My Top Posts in 2022:
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1 note - Posted May 30, 2022
For the OC asks! 1, 2, 13, 14, 25 and 26 😁
For this I’ll be using my OC Lee Bromax, my most recent D&D character, a half-orc monk!
1. Weapon of choice?
He’s a trained martial artist, so he prefers to fight unarmed. Because he busted his hands up and it never healed right, he’s incredibly skilled with his legs and feet! (He was trained in aikido before his injury.)
2. Any magical powers?
Not in the arcane sense. He’s got the power of ki on his side, letting him push his body to do cool shit every now and again. His favorite trick is Flurry Of Blows, so he can throw three kicks in six seconds. (Soon it’ll be up to four kicks and I can’t wait!)
13. What is their attitude toward losing?
Lee is a very good loser. He’s no stranger to getting knocked down, but he hears no bell until he’s officially knocked onto his ass.
14. What is their ultimate move?
He’s only level three rn, so he doesn’t have any real Monk-style Super Moves, but for now it’s Relentless Endurance. Which means that once per long rest, when he gets knocked to 0 hp, he can instead fall to 1 hp. He didn’t hear no bell.
25. Are they good at fighting in teams or do they fight alone?
Lee is used to either one-on-one, or free-for-all fights. Being in teams is a little new to him, but he’s getting used to it.
26. Any special quirks?
Like I said, he can’t punch without hurting himself these days, so he’s pushed himself to master the art of legwork-based martial arts. Aside from that, he’s rather simple as a person. (Like, biting into a whole-ass loaf of bread because he’s hungry king of simple.)
1 note - Posted May 1, 2022
7, 18, 26, 39 and 42!
7: What was your life like last year?
Honestly it took me a minute to remember lmao, but in all honesty I was still feeling the loss of Unus Annus and I had just gotten a solid job, so a little bit of good with the bad really
18: Do you miss how things were a year ago?
Absolutely not, my life now is far and away less detestable by my standards! I have a girlfriend, a job I know I can stand, and I’m doing far better mentally.
26: Idol(s)
If I had to guess, I’d say Ben Parker or my old man. Humble and generous men doing what they can for the people around them.
39: Favorite sport(s)
… Do eSports count? 😆 Honedtly I’d say I’m trying to get into boxing and MMA. It seems like, aside from an interesting (and rather painful) career, it’d be useful if I need it in a pinch. If we’re counting eSports tho, I’m gonna say Overwatch or Super Smash Bros Ultimate.
42: Favorite books
I don’t really have one favorite book. My favorite series growing up was Percy Jackson/Heroes Of Olympus, and recently I’ve been reading Arsene Lupin out of curiosity. My favorite short story is Call Of Cthulhu, hands down. (I’ve been meaning to read more horror anyhow.)
1 note - Posted January 5, 2022
In light of the Stray game coming out, I welcome all cat pictures to be put in my inbox so they can wander about this empty tavern I call my blog
3 notes - Posted July 20, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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I Am Not Immune To Pretty Lady In Armor
14 notes - Posted April 20, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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fyvewor · 2 years
Gta v without torrent
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#Gta v without torrent series#
Secondly, the game has received many awards for the open world, and it really is. Sims can dive, dive, swim and attract girls with their bodies. Firstly, the underwater world was perfectly implemented in GTA 5. Separately, I would like to talk about the possibilities of the game and its property. We do not observe a special scenario before the meeting of all three repeat offenders, but after the meeting, real chaos opens. The plot picture is revealed at once in three characters. One day, someone decides to get into organized crime, with which they have been fighting for the past 5 years. We play as three friends-robbers who have stolen cars, robbed small shops and people on the street all their adult lives. The story opens before us in the same fictional state - San Andreas, made 1 to 1 as Southern California. I missed a chance to score due to drunk driving.Gta5 has received dozens of awards for the open world, and almost the most expensive multi-platform project in history - Grand theft auto v. As she was tired and disconnected before I could add her. But even in death, we could not be together. Unable to bear with having killed my friend, I quickly jumped off an overpass into oncoming traffic and got run over by a firetruck. I tried to shake her body, but the game took it as me wanting to shove her body out of my car, which is what happened! Her body then promptly was run over by several SUVs, killing her further into death. because of all the drinking and smoking… the game took control of the wheel from my hands and gave it to Jesus! And he promptly smashed my car into a light pole! I survived with very little health, but my female friend… was killed on impact. She gave me a waypoint to her house and I quick took off for it! We got good speed going, but then…. Getting into my car, I got my bearings and pulled out of my garage. We were both wasted off our asses, but our love shone through it all like a lighthouse through fog. After enough was enough, she asked to back to her apartment. She accepted and we spent the night drinking together, smoking weed, and dancing by running around the couch. This girl was amazing! Finally, I invited her back to my place. We spent countless hours together having fun, and bonding. After having a laugh about it, we got together and did missions. So being friendly back, I shot her in the foot. I was liesurely cruising through Los Santos in my Army jeep when BEHOLD! I found another player! She was friendly and shot me in the foot. Or maybe it was night, I don’t remember the time of my tragedy. I do not want to go on living in this way. I miss being able to take my son to the exotic plains of Africa on a leopard hunting expedition. I now have an irrational fear of fish nets, red heels, and anything pertaining to leopard print. I believed that we were going to go out bonding at a coffee shop and talk about our feelings, but before I knew it she was ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ my ♥♥♥♥♥♥ Little did I know I had been led under the influence of the earthly equivalent of a siren, known by many as a street hooker. Soon enough a young blonde woman (who I can only presume loved me for my car) called me over to her and offered to make my night. I then proceeded to flaunt my newly found ride in and around the pier. After traveling far across the city of Los Santos in search of a car that would help me appear more appealing to the ladies, I found a Truffade Adder sitting on the side of the road and took it as my own. There are unbelieveble attention to details, elegant black humor, mockery of the pop-culture, and even absolutely new entertaining multiplayer mode.
#Gta v without torrent series#
You can find all of attributes from famous series of GTA in this part of the game. This combination of several characters history will make the game as exciting and fascinating as possible. Also the opportunity to influence the life and actions of three main characters. In GTA 5 you can see the largest and the most detailed world ever created by Rockstar Games. When they were exhausting of options they risk of their lives, make a series of daring robberies with only way to have all or nothing. Trevor – fan of violence and psycho who tries himself in several busineses in hoping of large jackpot. A retired bank robber Michael discovers that in an honest life everything is not as rosy as imagined. Ex-member of the street gang Franklin tries to quit his past. At the center of all events – trio of completely different offenders who tries to catch the luck in unceasing struggle for a place under the sun. For now it’s a shelter for dirty reality shows choking in the vise of economic difficulties. Erstwhile city was the envy of the whole westworld. Interface language: English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Korean, Polish, Russian, Portuguese-Brazil, T.Chinese, S.Chinese, Japaneseĭescription: Los Santos is a radiant city of starlets and already shining stars. Developer / Publisher: Rockstar North and Rockstar Gamess
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ashesandhackles · 4 years
Deconstructing Harry: The boy we meet in Philosopher's Stone to the man in Deathly Hallows
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I have often seen fans talk about how nebulous Harry is as a character, especially in the earlier books. They can't make sense of who he is as a character and other more colourful, more actualized personalities take over our attention from any traits Harry might display. Harry becomes more defined for a lot of people OOTP onwards where he displays traits that sometimes make him unbearable or unlikable.
Harry, as we are introduced in PS, has a very little sense of self. He is narratively self deprecating or plays down his presence or skills, not that he is aware he has any. He grew up without any presence of him displayed in the house - no photos, no idea about his parents or what they look like or what really happened to them and discouraged from asking questions. Harry as we meet him is neglected, rootless about his identity and longs for escape. For him, every day is a battle against Dudley, who bullies him or Vernon, thus setting a worldview that never truly goes away: him vs adults. But just because Harry doesn't attach traits or values to self, does not mean he does not have it.
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It's an effective narrative tool though - for Harry to be our eyes of the world. Only in later re-readings can we get a grasp of the traits that become more pronounced as books go on. Also, it's not surprising that Harry develops a better sense of self when he is removed from an abusive home.
Let me begin with this:
1. Harry is a fighter
One of the things that struck me in later re-readings is that how much of a fighter Harry is, from the very beginning. He will not lie down and take abuse. The narrative presents it as no big deal, because Harry doesn't assign any importance to it - it's every day life for him.
-Verbal standing up-
See his reaction to Uncle Vernon and the letter fiasco. He stands up for himself, even if it falls on deaf ears. "I want my letter - as it is mine!". Later on, in the same book, a completely befuddled 11 year old Harry stands up to Snape too, but in a politer way: "I think Hermione knows the answer. Why don't you try her?". He gets less polite with Snape as books go on. Harry's humor is something he employs liberally with Dudley when standing up to him - "The poor toilet's never had anything as horrible as your head down it - it might be sick" and we see this trait manifest into the sass we all know and love.
- Fight or flight-
He is remarkably good at "fighting himself out of tight corners" as Snape put it. And although Snape attributes it to luck and more talented friends, he is onto something about Harry's ability to worm out of tight corners. He lives moment to moment in a dangerous situation - relying on his nerve, very fast reflexes and athleticism. He is also able to notice things in an environment that will get him out of a quick pinch. You see this clearly in Department of Mysteries in Book 5 where he comes up with the idea to smash shelves, the mad idea to escape on a dragon, the ministry escape where he manipulates Runcorn's image (as he noticed how people were reacting to him) to create chaos and get the Muggleborns and the trio out, Chamber of Secrets when he instinctively understood the diary is the source of power and stabbed it.
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Where does the athleticism and ability to spot dangerous situation come from? This boy has spent a decade cheeking Dudley and running away from his gang, spotting when he needs to get out of the way as "long experience had told him to be out of Uncle Vernon's arms reach" or "ducking when Aunt Petunia aimed a frying pan at his head". The instinct to see a dangerous situation develops over the course of the books in his adventures - to the point Harry unconsciously brings out his wand in Tottenham road without thinking too much about it. He is almost always wary and less quick to lower his wand.
When hiding/ escaping is not an option, Harry is not above physical fighting - despite how small and skinny he is in Book 1. Both he and Dudley fight for a chance to listen at the door when letter first arrives for Harry. Dudley wins the fight. Later on, Harry jumps Uncle Vernon from behind and hangs on to his neck to get his letter. He even does the same thing to the troll in the same book. ( Then over the course of series, we see him beat up Sirius in Book 3, Malfoy in Book 5, strangle Mundungus in Book 6 - all of these are related to his fury over the dead, so different context. But still).
- Manipulation/ Cunning-
11 year old Harry even tries sneakily - waking up early to get his letter (unfortunately didn't work). The other sneaky methods he has employed throughout the series is - not telling Dursleys at end of PS that he is not allowed magic at home, threatens Dudley with it in COS, not telling them Sirius is innocent to play up the threat of a murderous godfather to keep them accountable, and also the smooth way he negotiates with Uncle Vernon for Hogsmeade letter. ("Well it will be hard work, pretending to aunt Marge that I go to St Whatsits" ,"Knocking the stuffing out of me won't make Aunt Marge forget what I could tell her"). He similarly displays his negotiation and playing to what he knows about people with Slughorn in Book 6, Pettigrew in Book 7.
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The scene with Slughorn is disturbing, with Harry coercing a drunk Slughorn to give up his memory. You can argue that this is the influence of Felix Felicis, but I think the potion acted more as facilitation. The disturbing way Harry brings up his mother's murder to unnerve Slughorn is his own doing. ("Voldemort stepped over my father's body towards mum" "I forgot - you liked her, didn't you?"). Again, in a life threatening situation, Harry plays to Pettigrew's latent guilt: "You are going to kill me? After I saved your life? You owe me Wormtail!"
2. Relational justice over abstract justice
Harry's concept of justice is relational and based on his high empathy for the underdog. He notices power dynamic in a situation and empathises with the victim. This is in contrast to Hermione, who has more abstract, bigger picture view of justice. It's no wonder that Hermione is the one who is the most political of the three.
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His high empathy for the underdog and needing to stand up for them is because he feels responsiblility that no one should go through what he went through. He stands up for Neville in PS and encourages him to stand up for himself. When he sees his father bullying Snape, it is not about an abstract "this is wrong behavior". Harry goes further: "Harry knew what it felt like to be taunted among a circle of onlookers" , Harry focuses on young Snape's mismatched clothes because he himself knows what it's like to wear clothes that are not yours or ones that make you look ridiculous. His empathy extends to Voldemort too - understanding why he may not want to go back to his orphanage and desire to be in Hogwarts, wondering why Merope wouldn't stay alive for her son, his fixation with Voldemort's maimed soul in King's Cross chapter and later asking Voldemort to feel remorse (" I have seen what you will become otherwise"). Even his reaction to Dobby in COS - "Can't anyone help you? Can't I?" when Dobby talks about his slavery. Hermione is usually seeing the bigger picture, Harry sees the individual.
3. Pathological mistrust of adults
He is less likely of the trio to take an adult at their words or be assured by them when they say they are taking care of things. He has learnt, from a very young age, that he is always expected to take care of himself. And the times he does take things to adult, they consistently disappoint him - by patronising him or acting like he is a child, neither of which he has tolerance for or appreciates. This is why he takes to Sirius and Lupin, who exhibit neither of these communication patterns. In some ways, Mr Weasley too.
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Umbridge's abuse of him for him is framed as a battle of wills between her and him, as if he is an equal. And he loses if he complains - "not giving her a satisfaction of knowing she got to me". Harry's worldview has always been - adult vs him.
His inability to trust adults even extends to the ability of adults he likes to look after themselves. While Sirius is understandably a wreck in OOTP, he has by and large followed Dumbledore's orders. This doesn't register with Harry (Ron points it out: "Sirius listens to Dumbledore even though he doesn't like what he hears") and Harry's fears about Sirius, excaberated by Sirius's tendency for recklessness, comes to play.
He even showed similar distrust in Lupin's judgement in taking a potion from Snape in POA ("Harry felt the urge to knock the goblet out of Lupin's hands" and tries to hint at Lupin that Snape will "do anything" for DADA job). And he shows this once again with the most magically powerful wizard he knows - Dumbledore. ("if I tell you to abandon me and save yourself, you must do so". Dumbledore has to insist on this before Harry nods reluctantly. It's also Dumbledore's wording, but this is a wizard Harry feels safe with almost entirely because of his power - and yet Harry cannot obey an order like this without reluctance). It's not about Harry's own ability to take care of them - he just innately cannot leave people to it.
4. Humor as a value and coping mechanism
Harry has an established coping mechanism by the time we are introduced to him - quip in the face of danger/ dark humor. There are repeated instances of Harry amusing himself with snarky comments in his head when things are really bad for him. Like in PS, when they are in the hut, Harry wonders if the roof will fall in and then thought that if it did fall in, he might be warmer. In the earlier books (before his growth), he seems to value Ron over Hermione simply because he is more "fun". Harry enjoys being around funny people like Ron, Weasley twins, later Ginny simply because there is some dark stuff happening with him and he needs "fun" people for semblance of normalcy, escape. In fact, this desire is so strong, he attaches it to his romantic relationships: Ginny is a "blissful oblivion" and times with her are "something out of someone else's life". His relationship with Cho failed because her coping mechanism is discussing her trauma and Harry's is escaping it.
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-dealing with conflict with people he likes, small digression-
A part of his growing up in later books includes valuing Hermione as much he values Ron and we see it in display in HBP, where he is more willing to stand up for her to Ron (something he kind of did more quietly before in POA - "can't you give her a break?" ) and also get confrontational with her instead of using Ron as a buffer between them to fend off her more boisterous/ bossy tendencies. ("let him make up his mind" "skip the lecture" "don't nag" - Ron took the heat in earlier books. In HBP, Harry is more willing to be irritable with her in a day-to-day interaction - "I hope you enjoy yourself" he tells Hermione when she states her intention to investigate Half Blood Prince. Or when she tests the book - "Finished? Or do you want to see if it does backflips?" "Do you have rub it in Hermione, how do you think I feel now?" at the end of HBP. ) In OOTP, his best method to deal with her when she bothers him was lying, avoiding her nagging and if that doesn't work, explode and treat her to display of his temper. There is more to explore here, of course - even with regard to how he deals with Mrs Weasley in Book 4, 5 and the difference of him hugging her in Book 7.
5. Fascination with the dead/ a passive death wish
Harry feels remarkably little sense of betrayal knowing that he was set up to die by Dumbledore. His self sacrificing streak is rooted in his love, yes, but I also think Harry is a little bit too fascinated by death, not surprising considering most people he loved are dead. Him wanting the resurrection stone in DH, him obsessively spending time at Mirror of Erised (to the point he feels feverish and Ron thinking he looks strange) until Dumbledore stops him, him almost wanting to fail to learn a Patronus because he wants to hear his parents voice, the hearing of whispering voices in the Veil in OOTP which only Luna could hear apart from him, the scene at the grave where he almost wishes he was "lying under the snow" with his parents, the possession scene in the book of OOTP has him wishing to die so he can be with Sirius. You can almost argue the Harry has, in many moments, shown raw desire of death. In fact, him choosing to let go of the stone and not go looking for it is a big character decision for him.
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I also want to address Harry's temper and how that develops over course of series, the implications of understanding the people he loved and put on pedestal are flawed - but I am afraid this post is already way too long. So I will leave that for some time later.
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darkenedreaper · 3 years
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Reader, Avengers x Reader
Featuring: GoTG, Peggy Carter
Warnings: Angst, sad I suppose
Summary: 2 years after her death, your struggling even more. And it’s killing the team to keep their secret. (I changed Endgame because I can. Come at me. I might make it into chapters.)
‘It can’t be undone’ she said
*2 years ago*
You had gone through years with her. Years with the Avengers and the Guardians of the Galaxy. You had gone through love with her. You had gone through the 5 years with her. You had gone to Vormir with her. Yet you had won the final fight without her.
When you all came back from the time travel success you had to try and keep yourself from collapsing. You saw the others standing with smiles on their faces but all you saw was her. Her lips and eyes pleading you to let her go. Her body descending forever. And her sprawled out onto the floor, a pool of blood surrounding her head confirming Natasha Romanoff no longer wondered the earth.
“Are you telling me this actually worked?” Rhodey questioned, followed by Thor’s wheezy laugh. Their faces became confused when they heard a long bang. You have dropped down onto your knees, stone in hand and body wet from wherever you had been teleported to after she had sacrificed herself.
“Y/n where’s Nat?” The big green guy said. Your eyes were stuck in front of you. A sorrowful look on your face. You couldn’t even move. You couldn’t speak. You could’ve all been there for hours or seconds. But Steve lifted you up by your arms and tried to read your expression. With the help of Nebula you were taken to your bedroom you shared with Natasha. The both of them tried to gently take you to the bed but instead you walked shakily to the bathroom and shut the door. Of course Steve was upset. He had a lost a part of his family. He had shed tears while he walked with you. He could only imagine what the scene must’ve been for yourself. The unspoken news of his friends death was indescribable, but having to be there in an unimaginable situation would’ve been even harder. And he understood that. Nebula grieved, she barely knew the woman. But she grieved. She saw the distraught and pain on your face and in your eyes. She placed her hand on Steve’s shoulder and took him out of your room.
In the bathroom you had caged yourself into. You had your hand gripped to the sink. Your eyes trained to the sink bowl. Your eyes drifted to the left for you where her makeup and hairbrush had been layed out this morning. You took a step back, nervously clasping your hands together. You tried to calm down before someone got hurt. You looked down at your hands and you were maintaining some level of sanity before you remembered that your hand had let her go. If anyone would walk past your bedroom door, they were bound to hear glass smashing and screams and words of anguish.
You didn’t speak to anyone. You completely shut yourself down. The only reason you spoke to someone was to communicate over the earpiece when you were fighting. There was a short debate over the coms as to who was going to steal the stones from Thanos. You nearly went into a fit of rage and upset before Carol ordered you to look into her eyes. Your excuse to use the stones was so you could be with her again. When Tony clicked his fingers the enemy became dust, and the world became a little more louder and a bit more lighter. The battlefield was filled with new and old faces. Tony’s snap had been so powerful he was able to bring back the people that mattered the most to those around him. Steve had Peggy in his tired arms. Clint had Laura and his children. Wanda had Vision. Quill had Gamora. Thor had his mother and brother back. Tony had Pepper. He was unharmed and Bruce’s arm had healed. Everyone had someone. You had someone. You had your whole family. But your special someone was Natasha. You had never felt so lost. Natasha would be holding you, you holding her. She would tuck your head into her shoulder while letting your arms envelope around her. But all you got were sad looks.
Some of the ‘newbies’ had questioned their closest. After a lot of loud whispering, there was silence. The battlefield was silent in memory of Natasha. The only noises were the hundreds of sniffles and sobs of those who had the news broken to them. The dying fires crackling. The next minute footsteps were approaching you. You had internally begged for it to be Natasha. But you looked up to see a short boy. His suit red and blue with a spider on it. His brown curly hair was tinted with grey. His teary eyes gave you the saddest smile before and steadily put his arms around your shoulders. You accepted the young boys embrace. You were thankful for it.
The news were around the place as quick as they could’ve been. Pictures were taken. Statements were took. The public had tried to surround the heroes but were pushed away by the helping police. It has been released to the enormous crowd that one of the most heroic heroes had died. The crowds became distraught. They sounded like how you felt inside. They tried to surround you and shout out their condolences but you kept walking. Where to? Who knows.
*2 years later/present time*
You spoke to no one. You spoke out in bursts of anger. Anger if someone tried to tell you to come away from your desk and to stop working and trying to find a way. Peggy, Steve’s wife, had became close to you. She understood how it felt to lose a loved one. She understood she wasn’t Natasha. She understood why you were working yourself so hard. She would never judge you, if you looked all disheveled or smelt from not taking a shower. She encouraged you to do your best, but she never pushed you. 2 years ago, you found a solution to stop Thanos. 2 years ago you lost her. 2 years ago Steve returned the stones. You haven’t been able to go through any videos or voice messages of her. Just a photo that you have framed. There were and still are memorials for her, but you would never attend any.
You had only cried to yourself. But right now you were on the edge of having a definite breakdown. Tony and the whole team of Avengers, Wakanda, GotG and Carol had wanted to check in as you had been back to Vormir. Which you greatly regret. Scott had made an extra time travel refill for you. All you were told by red skull was a ‘soul for a soul’. You argued with a ghost. You lashed out a ghost. You didn’t dare look to the edge. Knowing you would either throw yourself of or cry so much you wouldn’t be able to move.
They all met you at the Compound. At the platform that sat on top on the lake.
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Steve and Peggy. Tony and Pepper. Rhodes. Bucky and Sam. Clint and Laura. Thor and Loki. Bruce. The Guardians were there. Rocket was by your side. Peter was there with Happy. Carol was at the edge of the platform. Wanda and Vision. And the rest were all there. You had your back turned to them. You were silent trying to understand why they all had such guilty faces, except Thor. They all had a secret. One they had agreed to not tell you, for fear it may completely break you. But they decided enough was enough. They had to tell you.
“Look we need to get her back to stop this shit with the Avengers get it together.” Thor spat at Steve, as he still saw him as the Captain.
“Can’t get her back.” You spoke up, causing everyone’s attention on the two of you.
“Wh..wha..what are you..?” Thor mumbled out.
“It can’t be undone. It can’t.” You said quietly looking at him from over your shoulder.
He laughed at your words before saying, “Look.. I, I’m sorry but your a very earthly being okay, we’re talking about space magic and can’t seems very definitive. Don’t you think?”
“Yeah look I know that I’m way outside my.. my paid rate here. But she still isn’t here is she?” You said. Tony took of his sunglasses, getting upset.
“Yeah well that’s my point.” Thor said in a hushed manner.
“It can’t.. be undone.” Your voice cracking, your tears had crawled their way down your face now. “Or that’s at least what the red floating guy had to say. Maybe you wanna go talk to him. Ok, go grab your hammer and you go find him you talk to him!” You yelled at him. He looked down to the floor. You shouldn’t be angry with him. He missed Natasha. But you couldn’t help it.
“It was supposed to be me.” You admitted with a breaking voice. Bucky let a tear fall freely from his eye. “She sacrificed her life for that goddamn stone, she bet her life on it.” You started to breakdown in the middle of everyone. Angry at how she could’ve died for nothing. How it wasn’t supposed to be like this. Even Wanda began to breakdown. She felt your pain from far away. Your longing. And your grieving. Rockets fur was wet as he was upset just like everyone else.
He couldn’t take it anymore. The lies. Not the acting. But the lies. Clint stood up and said, “Y/n we’ve been lying to you. Natasha is here. She’s perfectly fine. She’s alive. You just can’t see her.” No one else bothered to look up as he said what was needed to be said. You slowly turned around to him. “What?” Was all you could choke out. Steve stood up and walked towards you before keeping a distance. “When I returned the stone. He told me that we could all get her back, after all it was a soul for a soul. But the one who travelled there has been cursed. You can’t see or hear her and I don’t know if you ever will. But she’s alive.”
You took time to observe his words.
She was standing in front of you. Her arms crossed but her eyes were stuck on your face that was wet from the tears you had cried. Your eyes brows moving in a sorrowful way. She wasn’t crying for herself no. She cried for you. For your pain. She had never seen you so upset. And because she had been with you ever since she got back, she’s had to watch you cry almost every day.
Natasha wishes you could see her. She has been next to you this whole time. She was gone a few hours and then she was back. She couldn’t find you and instead ran into Sam who held her tightly. Instead she sped off to Tony’s cabin where she found Bucky and Steve, who explained everything.
She wishes you could hear how proud she is of you. She wishes you didn’t have to see you break yourself and live in your mental anguish. It hurt her. Every night you fell asleep at your desk, she would drape a blanket over you, and almost cry at your confused state in the morning of who had been to your office and covered you.
She wishes you hadn’t been traumatised by her silly yet heroic actions. She wishes she could tell you how much she loves you and how she wants to be held by you and she wants you to be able to hear her words, “I love you.” The others heard it. But they didn’t dare tell you.
She was determined to get her words to you. If not by speaking to you then by page. Determined to prove that she was with you all of this time. She wants to tell you how much she loves you.
She wishes there was a way.
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If you would like a part 2, let me know.
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johnsamericano · 3 years
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『 Ͳąҽվօղց / ටҍʂҽʂʂìօղ 』
warnings: stalking, noncon picture taking, pantie stealing, obsessive behavior (duh), threats, violence, twisted yongie who want’s you all for himself.
taglist: @nakamotocore @blinkxblackpink44 @la-ra-rumi
loveholic masterlist.
Could you be any more perfect?
Taeyong asked himself as he captured a photo of you kneeling to feed a stray cat. Click. Oh, how beautiful these new pictures would look in his collection. Click.
The sudden sound of a notification almost had him dropping the camera he'd spent months saving for. A professional camera to capture every single detail of you.
It was just spam from the takeout he'd ordered a few days prior. He made a mental note to block the number as soon as he got home. His slim fingers positioned themselves under the camera once again, only to find you were already gone.
“Hey, Yongie.” Your minty breath crashed against the exposed skin of his neck, sending goosebumps all around his body. “I didn't know you lived nearby.”
“Oh, yeah.” He remained as calm as he could, hoping you'd not hear his heart loudly drumming. “I live over there.” He pointed in a random direction, hoping it’d sound convincing enough for you to not ask any more questions. “I was just taking pictures for an online course I signed up for.”
He loved your naivety, the way you'd oh so innocently trust anyone with a smile big enough to seem kind. It made everything easier for him.
“Wanna hang out? I made banana bread, I was just waiting for it to cool down.” He hated bananas, but as long as it gave him the chance to spend some time with you, he was willing to pretend it was the most savory food in the world. Maybe he'd even get the chance to steal another pair of panties from your closet, the ones he had were already worn out from how often he used them to relieve himself.
It had been a while since he was last in your house, 5 weeks and 2 days to be exact, but it wasn't like he had a calendar to count the days since your last meeting, not at all.
You and Taeyong met a year ago when his infatuation with you started. But it wasn't until a couple of months later that you became friends, or at least that's what you thought. Taeyong, on the other side, preferred to consider this as a temporary stage before you started to realize your feelings for him, or before he made you realize them.
“Make yourself at home, I'll get the bread.”
Your apartment was so bland, you'd definitely like better the room he'd been preparing for you. Of course, since his house didn't have a heater you'd get a little cold during winter, but he'd be there to warm you up. Just as his eyes scanned through the living room, making sure everything was in place, he realized there was a male coat hanging off the individual couch. As far as he knew, you weren't dating anyone, so who's coat was it?
“Here you go.”
“So...” He crossed his legs, taking a more comfortable position to seem as natural as possible. “Who’s the lucky guy?” He forced a smile despite the fear blooming inside him.
“Oh, that?” You picked up the coat, folding it carefully before setting it down on the couch. “It was just a casual date, nothing too serious. You actually know him, it's Haein from our literature class.”
‘Sweet, innocent y/n, you shouldn't be so trusting.’
“He seems really nice!” Pity he’d have to get rid of him.
He left your house an hour later, claiming he had to visit his mom. He spent the whole day following your date, thank goodness he documented his entire life on Instagram stories.
Haein hung out with friends until past midnight. Taeyong adjusted his cap and face mask, making sure he'd be unrecognizable. He turned left on a narrow hallway with his shadow following closely behind.
“What the-?” Someone pulled him from the collar, smashing his head against the nearest wall. “I have a few dollars in my pocket, take them! That's all I have!”
“Pathetic.” Taeyong muttered, pressing his skull harder against the hard surface. “I’ll say this once. Get away from y/n or I swear to God you'll never see the daylight again. Are we clear?”
“Y-yes, sir!”
‘He gave up without even fighting? He doesn't deserve y/n. I’m doing her a favor.’
He leaned in closely to whisper in his ear:
“Run before I change my mind.”
And just like that, he was a step closer to having you all for himself.
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arcadejohn127-9 · 4 years
Hii 👋 😁 okay so I'd like to request a valentines date with the brothers and newdatebales but while they are on the date MCs ex who is a complete jerk interrupts their nice time and MCs date makes the ex pay for being so rude. Happy Valentines Day! 💝
Happy valentine's! Ugh exes really can be a pain! I'd fist fight my ex for a stick of gum, no hesitation
Sorry this took so long, I've been asleep for most of the day
Pt.2 = undateables (minus Luke)
Context: you decided to go to the human world for your date
Restaurant! Always - it's a classic
It was fairly lavish, Everyone was in suits or dresses, the place seemed to glitter from how polished it all was
A small classical band in the back
"I'm having a lovely time, I hope it's all to your liking."
"definitely is, though if you were the one playing the piano I'd make it even better."
"I'll keep that in mind for later."
He smirked, taking a sip of his wine whilst you just beamed
You two have been waiting month's for this renovation and you glad you were able to get it in on Valentines
"Oh! (Y/N) been ages- didn't expect you to be here, who's your friend?"
Your stomach dropped
Your ex just smiled at you two, leaning on your seat
"no! No way! You're dating?! I heard you were so broken after our breakup, so glad you were finally able to move on, must of been hard."
"Will you leave? I'm trying to enjoy myself-"
Lucifer glared at them, shifting in his seat incase he had to settle this - he had faith in your strength but knew he wouldn't stay silent for long
"Why so hostile?! I haven't done anything wrong it's not like I've gone and told him how clingy you were or the fact you just LOVED arguing."
"fuck off will you?! I wasn't clingy, you were just distant and barely treated me like a partner and we got into arguements because YOU kept going behind my back."
He finally stepped in, noticing you were getting EXTREMELY worked up and had tears lining your eyes
He pulled your ex around, gripping their face and flashed them his true forms face
They screamed as they shoved themselves away from him, darting away to their table
This made everyone look at them, Lucifer fixing his hair and wiped his gloves with a scented wipe
"how unpleasant, Let's get the check, we can finish this back at the house."
He called over a waiter, quickly paying and collecting the now packaged food
"Just tap me and I'll step in sooner, I know you can handle yourself but I didn't want to give them the satisfaction of seeing you cry."
A drive in movie - wants to show off his hot wheels and attractive partner~
He was pulled all sorts of cheesy moves, the yawn and stretch is one but many
He smiled having you leaned against him with his arm around your shoulder
You told him you were going to get more snacks and he tried to follow you but you said it'll be alright
Though when you came back you saw your ex leaning on mammons car, flirting with him
"Babe! I told them to back off but they kept pushing-"
"I didn't expect to see you here, are you with him?"
"I'm very much with him, he's taken."
You roughly handed mammon the snacks
He knew to keep his mouth shut, that look on your face wasn't something to mess with
"what a shame, I'm glad you finally got over me though, I heard from your friends you disappeared for 6 months."
"yeah, I was busy with living my life not crying over you."
Your exes mouth twitched whilst you just jumped back into your side of the car
"Right, right - so are you two serious or just a fling? I know it's difficult for you to keep a partner - why not keep me company? You're too handsome to be with them, don't you think? There's no way you actually like them-"
They trailed a hand up mammons arm, sending him a wink
He smacked their hand away from him, growing tired of their behaviour
"you listen here I'm in love with them more than your tiny little human brain will ever understand, back away from my car or watch us go on with our date."
When your ex didn't move he grabbed your shirt, pulling you in into a heated kiss
Whilst you two made out your cradled his head, flipping off your ex, mammon didn't have to even look to know what you were doing
He joined in on flipping them off, you both stayed like that until you heard them scoff and leave
"just say the word and I'll do whatever you ask, I won't let them get away with talking to you like that."
When the movie was done you spotted your exes car with the window down, mammon happily through your Popcorn into their window
But it wasn't over, when his car got close enough he took a pocket knife, slashing their car and immediately drove off at high speed
Arcade; was there really anything else?
He was determined to get you all the arcade prizes, using all his skills to make the machine do as he wished
Has used his tail to grab a prize from a rigged claw machine
"what else should we do? I saw a two player shooter finally open up."
"maybe dance dance Revolution? It'll be fun~"
He groaned, not wanting to do physical exercise but smiled when you weren't looking
He knew every dance song and pattern! He was going to impress you so much!
Of course there was a line, two kids hogging it and people recording them
Though things took a turn when your ex showed their face
"i should of known you'd come here, can't seem to stop visiting our old dating spots, huh?"
You rolled your eyes, clutching levithan's hand
If you were going to be honest, you completely forgot this was one of your old date places
You just remembered it was close by and you've been there when you were younger
"get over yourself, I'm on a date with my boyfriend."
"him? Really? I knew I hurt you but I didn't expect you to downgrade this much."
Levi looked down ashamed, anger boiling inside of him at how they spoke to you
He suddenly moved Infront of you, gripping your exes shirt as he pinned them to the photo-booth
"I don't care what you say to me but I know that you're just a cheating liar who gets off making others feel shitty, stay away from us or I will rip you to shreds limb by limb!"
He didn't even know his voice raised, punching the booth beside their head
Your normally timid boyfriend only got like this when you tried to be a better TSL fan than him or he lose his patience with mammon
Your ex cowered under his gaze, darting off as soon as they could
"i- I hope I didn't speak over you! I know you could of easily dealt with them but I just couldn't stand it!"
Meausum, very interesting with different moments in history and discoveries all for the public to see - a date for nerds
Good thing you're both nerds (tbh I'd love a date like this)
"I was actually alive when this happened, It was pretty remarkable."
Oh yeah, expect him to be giving you all the classified details of moments in history
You just wished you had him whilst you were doing your history exams, you could of gotten so much extra credit!
"were you ever in any pictures? It would be pretty fun if we spotted you in the back of one of these."
He just laughed, grinning as you slowly began to realize that was an actual possibility
But before you could press on your mouth flew shut
Your ex was here
You elected to ignore them but they didn't have the same idea for you
"I never expected to see you around again, I thought you disappeared completely when no one heard from you in months."
"now that you're talking to me I wish I had, is there a reason you're interrupting my date?"
"your date? Is this him? I didn't think you'd move on so quickly~ shows what value you have on relationships."
Satan was pleased; he's heard all about your ex and was mad they were even breathing the same air as you
You were more annoying than any of his brother's and he hasn't even said anything to them yet
"I got over you quickly which might I add 10 months isn't a short time span - because you mean nothing me, you're a bitch."
"Back off or you'll end up with a bloody nose."
"gonna hit? Some man you are! Quick to violence-"
He grabbed their head, quickly jerking their head as if he was going to smash it into the display
His fingers dug into their scalp and tugged at their hair
"You have 5 seconds, I'm feeling nice today because it's valentine's - run now or I will put a dent in your skull."
He let go and he began to count, your ex looked at you both with fear before running
Just grazing the 5 second limit
"what was we discussing? Ah yes, I'll point out where I am, I think the picture is just up ahead."
Bath store date!!!
If it's with asmo - anything can be exciting
Even if it is you two walking around snorting bath bombs and poking the bath jello
Asmo handed you a bar
"smell it~ it's got herbs and flowers in it, doesn't the smell remind you of the kitchen back home?"
You gave it a small sniff but almost got abit of herb stuck in your nose when you saw your ex looking straight at you
He caught onto your surprise, slightly turning to see someone approach you two
"Careful there, don't want it to get stuck up your nose."
Your ex laughed, you just frowned
The demon looking between you, noticing how unhappy you were
"Do you want something? We're busy."
"I spotted you and thought to see hi! It's been so long since we've talked! Are you feeling abit better now after your break? I know the breakup was hard."
They gave you a pity filled look, patting your shoulder
"No, the breakup was easy to get through but why does it matter to you? We're not friends and you dumped me and that was that."
"come on it couldn't be just that, don't be shy Infront of- who are you exactly?"
Asmo quickly wrapped an arm around you, hugging you close as he gave your ex a tight smile
"Their boyfriend~! And I'm not happy about you talking to my sweetheart, leave."
"boyfriend? You look like that and you wanna try to be tough, you're as scary as a cloud- this is what you moved on with? I should of expected it."
"cute, look me in the eyes whilst you say that, won't you?"
Your ex foolishly did, Getting ready to insult but felt themself be fully charmed
"Won't you be a dear and spin around for me? Perhaps start clucking like a chicken, I think there's some feed over there." He cooed.
You bursted out laughing watching your ex do exactly as they were asked
Your boyfriend just smiled, picking up another soap and sniffing it before handing it to you
"ooo it's really fragrance, let's get this one."
You ignored your charmed ex, leaving the store with your stuff, hearing them yell out in humiliation as soon as you stepped out the store
Picnic, Should of been expected
You watched him do his stretches; you knew he had to keep himself occupied with draining tasks to keep better control over his constant hunger
He already scarfed down most of what was in basket before his fitness watch went off
You just sat back and observed
"I know this isn't romantic but once I'm tired we can continue, I'm sorry."
"Beel, I'd rather watch you flex your muscles than feel starved."
"I'll do my best."
He leaned down and you met him half way, Sharing a quick kiss before he went jogging
Everytime he passed your spot you gave him a cheer
But what you didn't expect was your ex to whistle, watching Beel with you
"do you mind? That's my boyfriend."
"I can see, how'd you get a guy like him? He's shredded, I didn't think big guys were your type."
"It's none of your business what my type is, our relationship is over and I told you I never wanted to see you again."
Your ex scoffed, glaring down at you
"is that why you disappeared for months? You really think I'd be desperate enough to message you again?"
"is it it of your system yet? Can you leave?"
"What's the issue..? You don't look pleased."
He was looking directly at you, concern on his face
You sighed In annoyance
"oh~ and he has a nice voice aswell, aren't you a package, wanna go somewhere more private?"
It was your turn to scoff, beel frowned at your ex
He knew how unpleasant your ex was and immediately stepped towards them
He grabbed their head and easily lifted them off the ground and put them to his eye level
"Apologize and Leave."
Your ex whimpered, wincing in pain, beel moved them like a ragdoll and made them face you
They were let go and scampered off
You turned to beel, cupping his face, his mood immediately improving
"you did amazing, baby, are you tired or do you need to keep exercising?"
"I think I'll be able to be fine now, I'm glad they left so quickly, I was going to eat them."
He wanted sky diving but you decided to go to the mattress store
Odd date choice but it made perfect sense to your boyfriend, they were having double bed special offers
He sunk into the mattress, sighing feeling how soft and bouncy it was
"We Should get this one."
"you said that with the last mattress, I'm sure you could find one hard as a rock and still want it."
"the top of the sofa is a comfy spot but I like my mattresses soft."
You just hummed, looking at the prices
"Tore up the old one with one of your tantrums? What a shame."
"excuse me??! I had a death In my family and that was an accident-! Why are you even here?!"
You can't believe it! Your ex had to be here of all places!
"I did want to say hi but now you're just getting all worked up over abit of teasing, you're still so sensative."
"Wow, forever the gaslighting cunt, I'm really not surprised you haven't changed but you got real balls to be so public about how much of a shitty person you are."
Beel was propped up on the mattress, happily watching you verbally destroy your ex
"you're just a bitch as always-"
"hold on, I'm just teasing - no need to get all angry about it."
He snickered whilst you smirked, coping the same tone your ex used
"Ah~ I know you, they told me about you, you're the ex that slipped and fell into the pool full of sick, I've been laughing about that for months."
"you-! I can't believe you'd talk about me so much, have you really moved on?"
"they told him one story, calm down, is this what you do now that you're single? terrorise couples in mattress store?"
They tried to bark back but he cut them off
"You know...I know plenty of ways to suffocate a human and I wouldn't even have to put a single finger on you, unless you want to see what I can do to your mind, I'd turn around and bother someone else."
They stared at him in horror, seeing you both just look down at them, enjoying their struggle for words
"you're both little shits, I hope you're miserable."
"and I hope you get the hell out of my face before I decide to stop being nice."
His eyes glowed as mist formed at his fingers, unnoticeable to anyone else around you
Your ex winced, a choked noise escaping them
They surprised you by being smart for once, turning around and storming away
"Are you miserable, belphie?"
"only when you're not around."
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animeomegas · 4 years
Omega!Naruto Characters - Death from a broken heart.
Anon:  I don't know if you do, but some aus say that a person can't sruvive after their mate dies, like they die from a broken heart. Do you have that in yours, can you write who would be most likely to die mayeb please xx
(I love this headcanon! In my au, I think that if a person feels like they have nothing left to live for after their mate dies, they die with them. This is my ranking for how the boys would react when you had been mated for a while, but before having children. 
I wrote a Naruto one first, but I’m already half way through a BNHA version, so look out for that.)
Warnings: Suicide, major death, depression.
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1. Naruto – ALIVE – He is in mourning for a long time, but ultimately, he manages to turn your death into something meaningful. He memorialises you with a beautiful shrine in your home that he can’t bear to leave. He tries to ‘solve’ whatever it was that killed you. For example, if you died from sickness, he would assign lots more funds into the hospital and medicinal research. It’s not easy for him at all, but he could move on someday and take another mate, many years down the line. He has so much love to give and he wants to receive love in return, and he knows you would want him to be happy. However, he would never tolerate a new mate who was jealous of you or wanted him to get rid of your shrine. He could never do that to your memory. He picks a mate he knows you would love.
2. Iruka – ALIVE – He is deeply depressed when you die. He throws himself into his work as much as he can, distracting himself until he has a complete breakdown. He relies on his friends a lot during this time. Iruka eventually learns to distract himself in healthier ways, processing with your death in smaller increments rather than all at once. He might get another mate, but it would be very unlikely I think. It would be more likely that Iruka decides to adopt an orphan and throw himself into raising that child with as much love as he can. He would raise the child knowing you as their other parent, telling them stories about you, showing him pictures and visiting your grave with them.
3. Gaara – ALIVE – He is angry. It has been a long time since he was this angry. Gaara blames himself for a long time, which sends him down a dark path. Ultimately what saves him is his siblings. They keep him sane and happy to the best of their abilities and Gaara throws himself into his family as a result. It’s the only place where he can feel okay, if only for a little bit. If his siblings ever have pups, Gaara is committed to being the greatest uncle of all time and the pups love him. However, he can’t help but get lost in his thoughts sometimes, wondering what your children would have been like. He misses you every second of every day. He would be extremely unlikely to get mated again.
4. Shikamaru – ALIVE – He is furious. With the situation, with himself, and with you, for leaving him alone when you promised you wouldn’t. Another one who leans a lot on his friends and family to get him through the darkest time in his life. He lashes out at people and is very difficult to deal with after you die. I definitely see him as the kind of person to take on one of your hobbies to help him deal with your loss. Whatever it was you loved to do the most, he will start doing as a way to ensure that he will never forget you. He may get mated again, he may not, it depends a lot on if he meets someone he falls in love with again. But if the clan elders ever try and push him to mate again so that he can have an heir, he will flip his shit big time. He sees it as a direct attack on your memory.
5. Shino – ALIVE – He withdraws into himself. He speaks to no one other than his father for about a month after your death, refusing to go about his life as normal. Because it’s not normal and it will never be normal again. He takes a long hiatus from missions which he spends sorting through his thoughts and memories of you. The things he never said, the things he never got to do, the things he should have done. He tortures himself for a few weeks before his father pulls him out of his slump by force. They go for walks together, trying to find certain bugs, just like they did when he was a child. They cook together, Shibi closely monitoring Shino’s diet, knowing that hunger takes a big hit after the death of a mate. This is what saves Shino, but he will never mate again. He refuses. He couldn’t do that to your memory, but he also couldn’t do it to himself. Not again.
6. Neji – ALIVE – He gets so close to death. He stops eating, stops getting out of bed, stops working. He just lays there wasting away. He is convinced that he’s going to die and he feels weirdly happy about that. He doesn’t fight it at all, but instead embraces all his misery. It’s when his teammates come to visit him that everything changes. They find him close to death and panic. They rush him to the hospital, making sure that someone is with him at all times. They tell jokes, they organise games and read to him, anything to make him feel better. And it works enough that he can leave the hospital in a fortnight. Even after that, they keep up around the clock supervision for him, making sure that he is never alone with his dark thoughts for too long. Slowly, but surely, he recovers. But he never forgets. And he certainly never mates again.
7. Itachi – DEAD (kind of) -  Itachi shuts down, but he doesn’t die, at least not immediately. He hyper focuses on his plan, following the steps automatically. He’s happy with every step he completes, because he knows the final step is his death. He clings to the knowledge that he will die soon, which ironically is the only thing that keeps him alive. He is colder than ever. From an outsider’s perspective it might not seem that he is that affected, but when he’s alone he just sits in silence, sometimes tears run down his face. When he is finally an inch from death at the hands of his brother, he smiles. He doesn’t think he’ll see you again. He doesn’t think he deserves that kind of happiness. People like him don’t deserve that. But at least, he hopes, it might stop hurting.
8. Kakashi – DEAD – He’s been through so much, that he thinks he should be able to cope by now. He knew this was going to happen after all. He waited so long to get mated, because he was scared, because he knew that you would leave him or be taken from him like everyone else. He’s tired. He’s so tired. He’s probably at least nearly 40 at this point, he’s far older than he ever thought he’d be. You taught him what it meant to truly live, not just survive. He can’t go back to how he was, he can’t. He goes to your funeral and stands there in silence. He accepts every condolence and offer of help with a silent nod. He promises his friends that he will go to a specialist therapist first thing in the morning. When everybody leaves, he sits by your grave all night, asking you for forgiveness for everything. For not being quick enough to save you, for pushing you away so much at the beginning of your relationship, and finally, forgiveness for what he’s about to do. He knows you would tell him to fight and survive the heartbreak, but he can’t. He heads back to his apartment for the final time, breathing in the air and taking in the sights. He piles everything he has that smells like you onto his bed and lays down in it. He apologises one final time before closing his eyes, knowing that he won’t be waking up.
9.  Sasuke – DEAD – He should have known his would happen. Everything he loves gets ripped away from him, so why would you be any different? He’s furious when he hears the news. He destroys your house, throwing and smashing everything he can get his hands on. And when he’s destroyed everything, he just sits down in the middle of the living room floor and cries. He knows that people will show up soon. He knows that everyone knows he’s at risk for hurting himself, but he won’t let them take away his choice. He doesn’t want to do it anymore, he just wants to be with you. So he collects himself for a moment and then he runs. He doesn’t pick a place he just runs where he knows no one will think to look. He ends up sitting in between some trees on the floor of a training ground no one uses. He watches the stars for a few minutes, remembering every time he would do that together with you. He talks to you quietly, closing his eyes and convincing himself that you’re laying beside him. In the end, he doesn’t wait to die from his broken heart, he does it himself.
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retroellie · 4 years
Ellie Williams as a mom
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Summary: Ellie and Joel daughter!reader as moms <3
A/N: I’m not done with requests but this was in my head so i had to do it :)  Also sorry i haven’t been active, i have literally had no motivation at all lmao. 
Warnings: Mentions of NSFW, mentions of miscarriage (not really but just incase) 
Word count: 1.5K 
- When you found out you were pregnant, oh my lord she was so excited. (Lets just say y’all were planning it so it’s not like the dina situation) 
-You guys keep in on the down low for a minute just so you know your pregnant and your not gonna lose the baby
-It literally eats her up inside cause she wants to show you off
-Once you get past like 3 months, you can’t really hide it anymore so the first person you tell is your dad (Joel) 
-Joel is so happy oml he could cry 
-Than slowly everyone finds out, everyone loved you and ellie so this baby wasn’t just yours it was the community’s 
-Everyone was happy for the two of you 
-Ellie was the most excited though, she loved every single thing about you being pregnant 
-She would caress your belly, giving it soft kisses while you tried to take a nap 
-She would talk to your little belly too<3 
-”Hey kiddo, it’s your mom. Well your other mom, hey i wonder how that would work?? Will they call us both mom.” 
-”You know, you're gonna have the coolest family. You got your Granddaddy Joel, the coolest man ever. You have your momma, just like her daddy the coolest most badass woman you’ll ever meet.” 
-”One day, when you get older. I’m gonna take you to the moon with me and of course your momma’s gonna come with us.”
-Everything you need she gets you, she wants to spoil both of her babies
-She loves seeing you pregnant but she hates the effects it has on you 
-Your really tired all the time, your feet swell up sometimes, and the stomach aches you get 
-Around 4 or 5 months you decide to get the farmhouse, y’all want your own space with each other and the baby 
-Joel’s not really happy about it, he doesn’t want his babygirl to get hurt ya know 
-”You guys can build a little farmhouse here in jackson, you know where there’s protection and your families here.” 
-”Dad, I love it here but we need our own space. I want this kid to grow up independent, you never know what’s going to happen to me and ellie.” 
-Joel can’t fight with you, he just gives in because it’s what you want and he wants you to be happy
-Plus he will most definitely do country boy things there because he’s a whore for a good farm house 
-Moving out was hard for you, you had to say goodbye to your friends even if you do live literally 5 minutes from Jackson plus girl your pregnant; hormones are going crazy 
-The whole town help you guys get situated, imaging that is so cute idc 
-The pregnant sex in the farmhouse hits differently because your horny all the time and ellie just loves how sensitive you are because of the hormones
 -I swear y’all have sex at least 3 times a day
-Morning sex, after breakfast sex, lunch sex, ‘this painting is tiring’ sex, before and after dinner sex, shower sex, before bed sex 
-Maria is definitely planned a baby shower for y’all and she went full on out 
-Obviously babies are born in Jackson often but it’s not every day when the town leader’s niece is having a baby, so it’s huge 
-Joel gave you a crib he made, LORD IMMA CRY WAIT A MINUTE 
-Everyone pitches in to give y’all something 
-You and ellie decorate the nursery together, it’s definitely space themed idc 
-Joel and tommy help too :) Joel helps paint the crib he made with stars and rocket ships 
-It takes 5 days to complete but it’s so worth it
-The walls are painted dark blue with white little stars and your dad helped you make a little planet mobile 
-By the time your 7-8 months you guys are mostly comfortable and happy, the house is almost done and the farm is growing little by little 
-There’s still stuff to do around the house and it bothers you so you're always doing stuff 
-Ellie hates it because mama you are literally about to pop and you still out here carrying pieces of wood upstairs 
-”Baby, you gotta be careful or your gonna end up giving birth on the stairs” She jokes
 -”I’m not incapable of doing things baby, i’ll be fine; plus it’ll build her muscles up, she’ll be okay.” You joke back 
-Joel always told you that you were like your mom, never stopping even if your carrying another human in your stomach 
-Around the end of 8 months you had decided to stay back at Jackson because you could go into labor at any time 
-When you finally give birth it is the hardest thing you have ever done 
-Your family is in the room with you and ellie is holding your hand, even throughout the pain you're still cracking jokes with ellie 
-”Woah! Okay your hand is all the way inside” 
-”Womb tour *sobs*” 
-”If i go through all this pain for my baby to not like David bowie, i swear it’s going back in.” 
-Ellie is literally dying of laughter
-She holds you hand the entire time and she gives you soft kisses
-When the baby finally get here, there is a wave of relief that comes over you
-You stay in Jackson for a little bit for a week or 2 until you guys can go back home
-Ellie does literally everything you need her to do because your still healing 
-She will gladly stay in bed with you all day if you need her too 
-She willingly gets up in the middle of the night with the baby just to let you sleep and it hurts her heart when she has to wake you up to breastfeed 
-Speaking of breastfeeding, it makes her blush a little when your breastfeeding 
-She finds it so hot when you parent, idk how to explain it but it just gets her going 
-She also loves your mom bod, like your boobs got a lil more bigger and your hips got wider 
-She just loves you as a mom, like she thinks you are so hot 
-Ellie loves holding the baby, She’s so soft and small. She will never get over how pure she is 
-Ellie will show her around the farm, showing her all the animals and making her giggle 
-She’ll love to spend time with the baby, she’s such a good mommy i swear 
-She will definitely make time for you of course
-You guys don’t even have to smash to feel satisfied, just 20 minutes alone with each other would be good enough for the both of you 
-She loves when you call her mommy throughout the day 
-”Well good morning mommy” 
-”Does mommy wanna watch too.” 
-It’s so soft and cute, ugh she’s just a big ole softy now 
-Grandpa joel....that’s all
-He’d be such a good grandpa, he would spoil that child rotten 
-He would tell you how to parent, as annoying as it could be sometimes you appreciate the help because you honestly have no idea what you're doing sometimes 
-”You're patting her too softly, you have to do it a bit harder.” 
-”Dad... I know what i’m doing.” 
-”I know, i know. I just want her to get a good burp in, don’t we?” He said to the baby, smiling down at her 
-Joel definitely babysits all the time, like he will straight up ask you if he could take your kid in for the night 
-you and ellie let him, obviously y’all need a decent night of sleep and a night full of... you know ;)
-Ellie does yoga with you to help you get back in shape, ellie doesn’t think you need too because she loves your belly <3 (your beautiful babe :))
-But you just want to regulate your body back a little bit
-You guys and the baby would have little pinics together, they are so cute 
-You have pictures upon pictures of the baby on the wall, like literally your baby has taken over the house 
- Dancing with the baby obviously 
-Ellie would read to the baby a lot, there has been countless times when she had fallen asleep in the rocking chair with the baby 
-Ellie massages your boobies when they get sore from breastfeeding, she feels so bad :(
-Joel and Tommy make wooden toys for the baby, they get so excited to give them to the baby 
-Her room is filled with toys from them and she is literally still an infant lmao 
-OH AND TOMMY AS AN UNCLE(??) luckiest kid ever 
-You both do farm work with the baby or one of you does farm work while the other keeps the baby from crying 
-You guys won’t force your baby to play with barbies if she doesn’t want to 
-but when she gets old enough ellie plans on taking her out in the city for practice of killing infected 
-That scares you but your award you both have to prepare her for anything that happens 
-But besides that y’all are the cutest parents and ellie deserves to be happy with her daughter :)
(Credits to gif owner) 
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milliedazzledust · 3 years
War Rages On: part 3 (Bucky Barnes imagine)
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Words: 2451
A/N: if you don’t want to cry, word of advice, don’t listen to anything remotely sad. I literally have 3 potential endings to this story, don’t know which one I’ll choose. Part 4 will have a lot more action and part 5 will probably be the last. Don’t forget to keep tissue close by while reading ;) - enjoy!
Previously: part 1 - part 2
When Bucky walked inside the building he had once lived in, he felt anxious. Not for himself, but for Y/N. During the two hours his ride in the air lasted, he envisioned a thousand possibilities this could play out. He needed her to make it out of there. Whatever he would have to endure, he’d agree to any kind of torture so long as she was safe. He knew he wouldn’t bear to add her name to his already long list of victims. Her only fault had been to fall in love with him. It couldn’t lead her to death, not like this, not because of him. He would never allow Hydra to break the only pieces left of him she had managed to glue back together. 
He knew the place by heart, so finding the cells where they would usually keep all their prisoners was fairly easy. Focused on the task, he was taking slow, measured breaths, watching every step he was making, avoiding the guards and the security cameras. He was silent. A ghost. He stopped at an entrance and sneaked out behind a soldier standing by the door. With a swift motion, he broke his neck and used his badge to access the place. Every movement felt rehearsed, a routine he had done a million times. He was mimicking the Winter Soldier with a perfection that still surprised him. He had almost reached the end of an endless hallway of empty cells when he stopped in his track. 
“Y/N” He whispered. There she was on the dirty floor, laying right in front of him. She wasn’t moving and from the distance, she looked pale. Too pale to be alive. 
“Y/N!” He repeated louder, not caring if anybody could hear him.  
She didn’t answer, didn’t even move an inch. He took a tentative step toward her, afraid of what he would see when he would open the door. He raised his metal arm and grabbed the lock, tearing it apart in a swift motion. The gesture was effortless, the power colossal. He didn’t even blinked, his eyes remaining always on her frail figure. He slowly bent down, trying to ignore the bruises visible through her half-torn shirt and the dried blood everywhere on the floor. He laid a fearful finger on her throat and waited a second. Finally, he released a shaky breath, relieved beyond measure when he felt her heartbeat. She was alive. 
Gently cupping her face, he brushed a hand against her cheek. His heart broke when he saw the shadow of a smile forming on her lips. 
“Bucky” She muttered in contentment.
“Yes, doll. I’m here” 
She didn’t open her eyes but tears slowly coursed their way down her face. Her lips parted and she leaned against his hand, inhaling deeply.
“We have to go, Y/N”
“You feel so real,” She answered. “Why do you feel so real ?”
She sounded upset, but not because of him. She could make out every detail, his scent, his voice, his touch. She wondered what kind of cruel game her subconscious was playing as she let his presence submerge her entirely. He raised his eyebrows in confusion, not understanding that, for her, there was no way he could be there. She had spent the last couple of days picturing him in her mind to ease the pain, to escape the torture. He was the fragment of her imagination keeping her alive. Her last shred of strength. 
“Am I dying ?” She murmured. “Is that why you’re here ?” 
“Y/N, open your eyes” He demanded with force.
“C’mon, doll” 
“You’ll disappear. You always do” She sounded broken, on the verge of snapping, but kept them closed.
“I promise I won’t” His voice cracked with every word, overwhelmed by the pain and helplessness when she spoke.
She grabbed his wrist, holding it tightly as she slowly opened her eyes. Her whole body was shaking, afraid the soothing sensation of his skin on hers would be gone and she would only see an empty room once again. It took her a moment to realize he wouldn't disappear and she started sobbing. Her shaky hands cupped his face, wiping his own tears. He gently laid his forehead against hers and she didn’t waste any more time and hugged him. She clung to him, her only safe place, as the battle for the remaining shred of her sanity raged. She tried to catch her breath but it was useless. This was days of emotions bottled up to survive, days of dreaming she could return to him. 
“We’re gonna be okay” He kept saying, holding her tightly.
“Bucky …” She choked in despair. This was the safest she had felt in days. 
“I’m here, doll”
He swallowed and blinked a couple of times, trying to stay strong and not break down. 
“We have to hurry, Y/N” He reminded her after a while. 
His voice seemed to bring her back to reality and she suddenly sat up, ignoring the dizziness and the pain it instantly ignited in her body.
“No, no, no, you have to leave!” She started begging, furiously shaking her head and clenched his shirt in desperation. “You can’t be here! You can’t! Please … Please go ” 
“You don’t understand, they … they want you, Bucky. They’re using me to get to you” She put some distance between them and pushed him away when he tried to get closer. “You have to go”
“Not without you” 
“You’re not listening!” She replied, frustrated.
“I am! And I am telling you i’m not leaving without you!” 
He stood up and helped her do the same. She couldn’t hold on her own, too weak and tired. She pressed her hands on his shoulders to steady herself and his metal arm circled her waist.
“I’m taking you home” 
“I don’t think so” A voice with a thick accent replied behind him. 
The former assassin cursed under his breath and was quick to react. He pushed Y/N behind him, hiding her wounded body from the intruder. Suddenly on high alert, he stared at the man he once knew, a man hired by Hydra with the sole purpose of creating new super soldiers. He was the brain behind the Winter Soldier program. The Sergeant subconsciously grabbed the woman by her hip, bringing her as close to him as possible.
“Dr.Faustus” He greeted him without sympathy.
“At last we are reunited, soldier”
Bucky clenched his jaw so tight his veins were now visible. In all the time he had spent away from Hydra, he never thought he would come face to face with the doctor ever again. All their encounters had been turned into a distant memory, another one of his nightmares. The Sergeant was unexpectedly conflicted, like two parts of him smashing against each other for the first time, two very different men colliding together without his consent. The broken one felt scared, powerless, becoming once again a victim, while the assassin was already on the lookout, trying to find his way out of there. 
Y/N could feel it. Hidden behind him, she laid her forehead on his back, defeated. His muscles were tensed under the pressure of his emotions and his grip on her hip tightened. She couldn’t contain her terror and silently cried. How could she save him now that they had him back ? What could she do when her body was in no shape to fight ? 
“I wouldn’t advise trying to escape” The man spoke. 
“You know I don’t back down without a fight” Bucky replied, eyeing the three agents surrounding the doctor. They were outnumbered. 
“You might want to reconsider this time” He smirked viciously. 
He made a step toward the couple, moving like a snake reading to suffocate its prey by strengthening its hold around their neck.
“Before you think about taking them down,” Hydra’s doctor began, pointing at the agents next to him “You should know she won’t survive. You see, the girl serves no purpose anymore. She was a mean to an end and she played her part perfectly. She got you right where we wanted you to be, up against a wall”
Bucky gritted his teeth in silent fury. 
“I’m assuming she means a great deal to you, soldat” He sniggered irritatingly. He seemed to enjoy the emotional torture. “Now the real question is, how far are you willing to take this to save her life?”
Bucky looked around him and just felt a rage he couldn’t explain, a will to survive he never had before. Y/N grabbed the hand on her hip, entwining their fingers, and he closed his eyes. For a short instant, he held onto that comforting sensation, the sense of home she could bring to him by the simplest touch. He remembered the day they met, the exact moment he had fallen in love with her and the day they had promised forever to each other. He had a collection of precious memories they had built, engraved in his heart, and each one of them had the power to lessen his pain and lighten the weight on his shoulders. They needed more time to create their magic, to turn the horror they had endured into sparkles of distant memories. More time to live the life she had given back to him. But even more so, he needed her to survive.
“If I surrender myself, what guarantee do I have you’ll let her go ?” He offered. 
“No!” Y/N shouted, trying to move around Bucky. He didn’t have to use much effort to push her back. 
The doctor laughed, pleased his plan was working flawlessly. He turned on his heels and nodded at one of the soldiers next to him. The man took a phone out of his pocket and handed it to the former assassin. 
“What is this ?” Bucky questioned him, ignoring the pleading eyes of the woman begging him to not give in. 
“A message” Dr.Faustus replied. “With coordinates to this place, addressed to your Captain”
“This isn’t enough” 
“Press the button and send it yourself, then” 
Bucky gave him a wary look but took the phone nonetheless.
“I have a condition” He raised his eyes to stare at the man.
“You are in no position to negotiate, soldat”
“If you want me to follow you willingly, you will listen”
He pursed his lips in annoyance.
“Very well”
Bucky glanced back at his girlfriend, barely holding on her legs but still ready to kill him herself for what he was about to do.
“Let me have a moment with her” He pleaded, his voice deep with emotions.
“If you plan to escape …”
“I won’t” He cut him with a promise he would keep. 
He seemed to ponder his options for a moment before he gave a nod, accepting the request. Bucky dropped his head in defeat and pressed the button on the phone screen, sending the message to Steve and praying he would be there soon to get her out of there. 
The doctor turned around, gesturing to the other agents. In less than a minute, the room was empty and they were alone for what would probably be their last moment together. Bucky made a step toward the woman, knowing whatever time they had it would never be enough, but before he could do anything she gathered all the strength she had left and slapped him across the face. 
“I hate you!” She shouted, tears streaming down her face. “I hate you!”
He had expected her anger but her words still hurt him. He couldn’t begin to understand what she was feeling when his own heart was already being torn apart. 
“I had to…”
“Why didn’t you fight ?” She choked. “Why … why did you gave up on us ?”
“I gave up on me!” He told her in a deep voice, quickly closing the distance between them and cupping her face with force. “I’m choosing you over me”
“There is no me without you, Bucky” She muttered
“They don’t know the Winter Soldier is no longer here” He told her, trying to reassure her. “Whatever they have plan for me, it’s not gonna work”
“You don’t know that”
He laid his forehead on hers and a tear on his own rolled down his cheek.
“I know I need you to stay alive. I’ve lived on borrowed time long enough, Y/N, maybe …”
“Don’t you dare!” She cried, pushing him away. She struggled to stay on her feet but she couldn’t seem to care. “I swear to god, Bucky, I will kill you myself if you dare giving up now!”
“Steve is gonna find you and bring you back” He continued.
She shook her head and her eyes grew hot, the tears welling so quickly it was impossible to blink them away.
“Please don’t break my heart” She whispered.
His lips started trembling and he choked on a small but audible sob. Losses after losses, he had shed his own shade of tears, had been broken beyond measure and brought to hell. This was something else. Pain had a sweet taste of horror and self-hatred when it was felt under the power of all his sanity. 
“Let me hold you” He begged her.
Despite her anger, she didn’t waste any time and sank her face into his chest, letting him comfort both of them. He kept her close, looking down at her with gleaming eyes, wishing he never had to let go as he tightened his arms around her. 
“I love you” He spoke right next to her ear. “Like I’ve never thought it was possible to love. You picked up every pieces of me you could find and glued them back together. You built the man I am today from scratch with your kindness, your resilience and your love. You gave me a second chance, and a second life by your side, and what a life it has been. You are my world, my soul, but most importantly, my home. You will always have me, doll.”
“Don’t say goodbye like that” She muttered, an aching wound opening deep in her chest as the tears kept falling.
“This isn’t goodbye, I’ll make damn sure of that. Wherever you are is where I am too. That’s the deal we made, right ? I’m with you till the end of the line”
“This is the end of our line” She forced up the words. 
He raised her chin with a finger to look into her eyes and in that moment they kissed, together in each other's protective embrace. 
“It will never be”
“Promise me you’ll give them hell”
“I promise I’ll fight with everything I have”
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@briannareneea985​ - @bangtanxberm​  - @kissmyoops - @steve-is-daddy - @tylard-blog1 - @harprs - @animegirlgeeky
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vanillann · 4 years
five star conversation (r.p)
a/n: i’m going to cry, i can’t believe this is the last part of my favorite mini series:(
word count:
5 star conversation masterlist
place four: a 1 star gig
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Flynn was always on top of things, she always was, but when she wasn’t you didn’t want to be lodged on a tour bus with her. She had already tried to throw her phone out the window, thank God Alex was looking for his hat and he caught it.
“They canceled our reservation! That must be illegal!”
I curled closer to Julie on her bed, letting my head rest on her shoulder every time Flynn let out a line of words. Reggie had a small panic attack with the yelling and Flynn tried to apologize but he didn’t blame, he was just as mad. So now the boy walked around the gas station we had stopped at and Julie and I let Flynn rant to us, she deserved it.
“Maybe another venue will host us,” Julie spoke up when Flynn didn’t yell again, her feet had finally stopped leaving marks in the carpet from pacing.
“I’ve already called two and they said their full, which had to be a lie, and plus how do we get the word out to the fans!” Flynn reached down and grabbed my knee, looking at me with sad eyes.
I pulled my phone from my pocket, waving it in the air while I sat up.
“I can always do a live and explain everything, why don’t you get some air,” I rubbed her shoulder, hoping she would take my advice, She had always given Reggie and Alex a heart attack and maybe going to the little nature walk across the street would be good, she could throw some rocks at some trees.
“I’ll get some air, yeah okay.”
She hurried off the bus, most likely to throw or kick rocks around the parking lot as Flynn never liked nature trails, it was nice to dream. If she dented this bus, we’ll be in debt.
“I can’t believe the venue canceled, it was our last gig on tour too!” Julie stood, looking down as I laid on her bunk and played with my phone in between my fingers.
I didn’t have to heart to tell the fans that we didn’t have a venue, that we wouldn’t have a final gig that was supposed to help release the new album coming out in five months.
It might have seemed small, we were blessed we even had this opportunity but it doesn’t change the fact that the one we're most excited for now was not happening.
“I’m going to find the boys, you coming?”
I closed my eyes, the boys. Everything they worked for was now becoming a nightmare, their idea of the perfect tour was ruined with falling through plans and missed opportunities.
“No, I need to go live and get the word out anyways,” I brushed off Julie, I didn’t have the heart to look any of them in the eye and tell them. To break their heart like everyone else in their life has, I just couldn’t do it. Julie waved behind her, I waited until the bus door shut before I let my head rollback.
I looked up at the bunk above me, Flynn’s, and let my mind wander over the past few months. They were perfect. Watching the fan scream their name for hours and they showed them in their element. The pictures that have been taken, many saved in my phone of the people I would always turn to. The edits that have been made have made me laugh harder than I imagined. Before this tour, nobody knew me, not that I ever cared, but I was behind the scenes. Now, the fans want me on the stage even if I don’t contribute to the music.
The music, the music had been show-stopping. Luke has been through four journals the past few months, writing back fast food drive in’s and doing stupid things with friends, that how the new album was coming out so fast. They were all so excited, Reggie was so excited to have one of his own songs featured as a single.
I let my hand run over my face, feeling the embarrassment from the incident at the fair. Watching his face move closer to mine, like a slow-motion picture and then ripped away when it was ripped in half. I took a minute and tried turning it into a moment, but it was never our moment. All the giggles and inside jokes hurt my chest and I thought back to the more recent time of the tour.
The motel, the way the light shines across his face and we wondered would the world cave in around. The feeling of his hand gripping my shirt because he always felt he had to be touching someone, he said it reminds him not to act so dead.
The diner when he gave me sweet little comments and took my fork from my lips. When we laughed about food poisoning and wondered would we ever be the same people after he played with my finger from across the table.
The fair where I gave him his first horse, then named it after an artist I introduced to him too. The way the wind passed his hair like he was made to run away from the world that had disappointed him more than once.
Every one-star establishment that made me believe could kiss my butt because now we had nothing. I didn’t need any more one-star buildings and places in my life. They’re just cheap and used for people who have no other options.
I sat up quickly, so quickly my head hit Flynn bunk.
No other options and cheap, exactly what someone in our situation could use right now. I let my phone spin between my fingers, unlocking it quickly before finding my search bar. We sat in the center of California, there had to be a one-star building somewhere near, one that we could turn into a dive bar or something. I smiled when a cheap bar popped up first, the area large enough to hold people and a small stage the band could work with.
Larry’s Bar was suddenly open for business. I dialed the number quickly, praying for the first time in a week something would go my way.
“L-larry’s Bar,” the woman sounded out of breath but I couldn’t care.
“Can we rent out your bar for a band?”
“We need a venue for a band performance,” I realized why Flynn handled this and not me, this was out of my comfort zone.
“Are you sure you have-”
“Incredibly sure, yes or no?”
The line went silent, for a minute I thought she hung up on me and I considered crying with Reggie’s stuffed horse for a minute.
“The bar’s yours,” the lady's voice sounds light suddenly like we finally both got some good news. She definitely made my week without knowing.
“We’ll be there in forty-five minutes,” I didn’t wait for a response, rushing out of the tour bus to find someone. When I spotted everyone leaning against an ice machine outside the gas station with sad faces, my legs couldn’t stop me from rushing. I was happy Fylnn already kicked all the rock because otherwise, I would have felt.
“Hey,” Alex's voice was sad and sincere, about to place a hand on my shoulder but I was bouncing on my toes.
“Whip off your sad faces, I got us a gig!”
“Just got off live, the fans are going to spread the information,” I yelled throughout the bar, and Luke and Jessie, the lady from the phone, moved the last few tables around the bar to make more room. Reggie and Alex did a quick soundcheck, we were currently renting amps and such from across the street since the owner's daughter was apparently a “Luke Girl”.
“Thank God, I would hope we don’t do all this work for nobody to show up” Alex called back as he did the classic comedy drum sound, giving a smile as he grabbed the extra drumstick from his back pocket.
I rolled my eyes, hopping off the stage to the small table at the door for Flynn and me to sit at for tickets and shirts, CD including, and a special code for the single Reggie was presenting tonight.
Luke and he had been fighting over it for ten minutes because Reggie changed the one he wanted to release last minute, it must have been good if Luke was letting him get away with it.
“I can’t believe you pulled this off,” Flynn sat in her seat with her arms crossed, people would be arriving as soon as possible and we were prepared for anything.
“What can I say,” I smiled brightly, taking the seat beside her.
“What made you think of this?”
I wanted to say, Reggie, that he almost always somehow inspired my best ideas but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. Almost everyone knew of the almost kiss and how awkward things have been between us, so awkward I couldn’t say his name.
“Just about what happened at the motel, how we had to make it work.”
It wasn't a lie, that was for sure.
“Well, you saved the tour,” Flynn leaned over and squeezed my shoulders, her bucket hat titled as it smashed against my face. I hugged her back, smiling into her shoulder, I saved the tour.
The crowd screamed as the band finished off “Bright”, sweat dripping down them as they gave wide gestures.
“Thank you! Now it’s surprise time!” Julie passed the microphone to Luke, who looked so excited for his next set of words.
“The rumors about the new album are true,” he let the mic drop until the screams died down, “and we are here to show one of the singles for the said album that will drop on March 3rd at midnight!”
The crowd went crazy again and I laughed against Flynn, we both decided to stay in our chairs for the performance as we had an amazing view and we didn’t want to push through everyone. I was scared that everyone would see the one-star and turn the other way but every ticket that was bought came.
Reggie smiled as he took the stage, his bass switched for an acoustic, which confused me but I didn’t think much about it, I knew he liked to mess with it sometimes.
“Hi everybody!”
Reggie gave a peace sign to the crowd, the few girls who wore Reggie’s face on their shirt screamed at the top of their lungs.
“This is a song I wrote a few weeks ago on tour called “Five Star conversation.”
I looked over my shoulder at Flynn, her eyes wide as she watched Reggie get situated on his stool in front of the mic.
“What song is this?”
“Uhm, this one?”
All she did was point and I decided to go back and watch him play. I could always ask later, I’d have to make merch with it anyways.
“Dingy bathrooms and motel floors, I’d never wanted you more than right now,” Reggie's voice came out rough as his voice played with the melody just right. His finger-picked at the string and I was shocked by the slow melody. This definitely wasn’t a song I’d heard.
“The city lights across your face, I swear you fell from grace. The world around me seemed to disappear the second you spoke,” that when it happened, the moment he turned his head. He looked in my eye, the words rooting themselves in my chest, tattooed across my heart.
“Our five-star conversations were softer than the pillows beneath me, I wish you could have really seen me.”
I felt myself chew on my bottom lip, feeling my eyes turn to me as his attention never left my face. He was watching me, the same way he had in every other one-star establishment, but this felt different.
“Oh, you wouldn’t know the five-star conversation I had with your soul.” The medley rang out, Julie’s soft humming joined in behind and I wondered how anyone could focus.
How could anyone think straight when someone was looking so adoring under the flashing light of a cheap bar that smelt like feet?
How could I pay attention while he looked at me like I hung the stars in the sky when he hung the moon?
“Crappy food and screaming doors, I wonder if you knew of your own grace!” His word rang back in my eye, like a bug that wouldn’t quite go away, not that I would ever want this to stop.
But it had to stop because I was suddenly the center of attention and I couldn’t handle it. I couldn't know the world more than I did. But I was rooted in place watching the boy I had fallen so hard for a look at me with his puppy eyes and wonder where we would stand after this.
“Don’t let me lose our five-star conversation in a one-star world after all,” he strummed the last bit of the song, I barely processed half the word before I let my legs go. I was walking somewhere, wherever my feet would allow me to go. I was outside, the brick wall of the bar brought me back to reality.
The same reality where I didn’t think boys wrote songs that sweet and they didn’t look at you like that. They didn’t look at you like you spun gold strings and gave them pretty smiles, but he did.
He always did, he always looked at me like I belonged next to him saving tours and making horrible plans. He looked at me like I could be his muse for the rest of his life, of death is more appropriate. He looked at me as if I was more than his because I wasn’t his, I was myself and that’s all he wanted.
He was in love with me, the same person from the motel, the same person for the diner, the same person from the fair.
I was the five-star person in the world star world, I was the extra star he was always looking for.
As soon as I watched his body slide out the door of the bar, I walked to him. I didn’t realize how far I walked until he started rambling.
“I’m sorry to put you on the spot but I couldn’t stop-”
My hand gripped the thin jacket material, not thinking twice and my lips smashed against his with force. He fell back slightly, his hand grabbing my wrist for a second before he was running them over my shoulder and down to my elbows. He pulled me closer if that was possible, and I let my hand touch over his heart.
The heart that wanted me, Reggie wanted me. There were girls who would wear his face on a shirt and he wanted the person that made those shirts.
I was his five stars, even if I loved him in every one-star and three-star establishment.
I felt myself pull away, our forehead resting on one another and I took a shaky breath.
“I’d give that kiss two stars.”
He smiled down at me, raising his eyebrows and letting his tongue run over the side of his cheek with a smirk.
“Give me ten minutes and I’ll make it five stars.”
how do we feel about the end??
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@kittykylax @itstaylorcale @head-over-heart @marvel-rhapsody @accioxtina @always-spaced-out @carnations-red @onetoomanyfilms @suranne-doesstuff @fandomxreaders @succulentmom
jatp taglist:
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reggie peters taglist:
@miisacore @starjane312 @sunsetcurving @well-hes-just-cute @hrandomthoughts @glowstick-lesbian
5 star conversation taglist:
@voidmalfoy @tapdancing-writer @stargazing-dreamer-girl @slytherhoes @youngervolcano
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vslattae · 3 years
ɪᴛ ᴀʟʟ sᴛᴀʀᴛᴇᴅ ʙᴄ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʙʀᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ʙᴇᴄᴀᴍᴇ ᴀ ᴋᴘᴏᴘ ɪᴅᴏʟ...ʙᴜᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ɴᴇᴠᴇʀ ɴᴏᴛɪᴄᴇᴅ ʜᴏᴡ ᴏɴᴇ ᴏғ ʜɪs ɢʀᴏᴜᴘᴍᴀᴛᴇs ᴘᴀʏᴇᴅ ᴀᴛᴛᴇɴᴛɪᴏɴ ᴛᴏ ʏᴏᴜ..
Paring: Taehyung x Reader
Warnings: ...tae kisses y/n but then something happens.., slight fluff, a little angst, taehyung finally isn’t a dick for a phat second,...and yeahhh new character yes.
ᴀʟʟ ʀᴇsᴇʀᴠᴇᴅ ʀɪɢʜᴛs ɢᴏ ᴛᴏ ᴠsʟᴀᴛᴛᴀᴇ
UNEDITED. i just wanted to throw a curve ball :)
Chapter 3. Well now what..
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you’ve been in the car for a little over an hour or two...Jk took over driving while jin and haru made themselves comfortable in the middle row of jins mini van rented by the company. Which left you and Tae in the very back.
You of course were struggling to sleep and even attempting to get comfortable laying your head against the window and thinking about the messages between you and haru before you left. See...you telling taehyung your feelings is like letting him win. Sure he was heavily a dumbass but you as time flew by you noticed how much he payed attention to you..it’s like he can read your mind half of the time.
Behind all those snarky remarks and dreading the times taehyung flirted with you, it was drastically easy for everyone else to notice how much you really didn’t hate Tae.
Taehyung noticed how uncomfortable you were only because you kept mumbling and tossing and turning in your sleep. So common curiosity he carefully picked your head up off the window and placed it on his shoulder so you could peacefully fall asleep.
“thank you tae” you whispered. He was shocked that you weren’t actually sleeping yet. He of all people other than your brother and Haru knew you were a deep sleeper among everyone else. See...sometimes Taehyung wished you spent more time with him so this lovely 5-6 hour drive in the middle of the night was the closest he ever got to you.
“ of course y/n, sleep you need it” he placed his cheek on the top of your head and finally drifted to sleep too until...jungkook pulled over behind namjoons car because everyone needed a bathroom break and jimin was hungry.
The lights came on and you arose from the short nap...only to find your head on Taes lap his arm around your small petite body and of course he was still sleeping. The company must have overworked him for the last comeback.
Glancing as his sleeping figure, you finally noticed how undoubtedly attractive he was. His long lashes, soft lips that were partially opened and his soft curly brown hair that almost overflowed his face, the quiet snores that came from him. Flawless was the only word you could think of...until he woke up stretching his arms up and yawning then to look down to catch you starry eyed looking at him.
“ is there something on my face? Am I drooling?” he jolted and then in return you chuckled. “ No..i Just thought you had something in your hair” you lied smoothingly more than you had hoped.
He gave you that boxy smile as everyone hopped out to stretch there legs. “ Oh my god it’s freezing” you shivered running to the warm body that stood in front of you which just so happened to be tae. It was about 10 pm and you were close to the water so you guess that made the weather change.
Everyone walked around taking pictures of the moon and the stars but you and tae were the only ones closed in by the cars. Then that was when you knew...you promised haru that you’d tell tae how you felt and now was the time to do it. sure it seemed rushed but...if you didn’t tell him now you were probably never gonna let it out.
Focusing back on the subject and focusing your eyes on the only person around you he just stood still staring at your lips... “ Tae why are you staring at me like that” you questioned him “pretty” was the only word that came from his mouth as he walked towards you pulling you in. His lips ghosted yours like he was hesitating whether or not this was good idea but then again his lips swooped down and mashed against yours.
Magical. You swear on your life no one has ever kissed you like Tae did..he was so soft and gently barely using any tongue just him and you pushed against each other kissing gently. Until his phone rang. Disconnecting from the kiss made you a little woozy but he pulled his phone out answered the call and pressed it to his ear.
“ oh shit..” he hung up both of you spinning around to only find...Ryujii. Taehyung ex...and his first love. He was so whipped for this girl when you first met but of course she was just an occasional girl that hung out with the boys but now she was back..
Everyone now turning back to get in the cars and now seeing this girl that taehyung used to mess with. You of course told yourself that you should have known better...so as always you ran to hug your brother and stand by yoongi.
“ oh hey everyone...my uh friends left me here and like i need to a ride to the closest town.” she smiled hooking her arm around taes. “ it’s okay if we drop her off right hyung?” Tae glanced at jin and of course he nodded.
Haru noted how quiet you were. you should have been laughing and cracking jokes but you just stood there emotionless. “ Excuse me guys i think y/n is sick give me a moment” haru chuckled and pulled you away from the crowd.
“ what’s wrong what happened?” her eyes widening.. “ are you sick? or like what happened to y/n is she possessed hellooooo” she waved her hand in front of your face. “....we kissed” you spit out. “ but now haru came back and you know how she is and i can’t keeping playing this stupid game haru...i wanna be like you and jin but obviously that’s never gonna happen because guys that Tae don’t go after girls like me.” you stood there fighting the feeling not to cry.
“ y/n hold up. you guys kissed like actually kissed kissed?” Her eyes frantically scanning your face. “ yeah..( you wiped your face a little )...yeah we kissed but it meant nothing and this is stupid..i just want to get to where we’re going and have a nice time with my brother.” you managed to get out laughing a little. “ okayy...i’m gonna ask if jimin if the car is open for you to ride in there okay? I don’t wanna have to pull you out of a police car.” She laughed as you nodded.
Jungkook came looking for you and haru hoping you two didn’t get kidnapped. “ my gosh y/n...are you alright? what’s going on.” he asked tilting his head to the side. “ oh nothing y/n is gonna ride with joon and them she wants to actually sleep but you know how loud jin snores..” haru covering for you as you nodded frantically. “Jins car is weird and i usually ride with yoongi and them” you spat out walking back to the others.
“ so joon..is okay if y/n rides with you guys?” haru looked at namjoon. “ yeah yeah of course she’s gonna have to sit in between yoongi and jhope. you know how jimin is” he laughed. “ wait why isn’t y/n riding with us?” Tae asked puzzled. “ because we’re taking ryujii and there’s no room.” haru looked at tae trying so hard not to smash his face through the window.
Finally back on the road jimin and everyone else started to question you. “ so you wanna tell us the REAL reason why you decided to ride with us? I thought you and tae sorted shit out?” Jimin asked. “ hahaha that’s what i thought to until his ex girlfriend came out of nowhere. He kissed me out of nowhere and bam just my luck..shit” you covered your mouth and now everyone’s eyes were on you. You covered your face in yoongis shoulder.
“ YOU GUYS KISSED?” Jimin screamed making namjoon swerve a little he apologized and sank back down. “ yeah... i mean we all knew you had a thing for taehyung but we didn’t think it get that far after you shut him out every time.” Namjoon snickers.
“ Can you guys please not be a dick for one second..i’m going through a crisis and i’d like to throw tae out of a window god i’m so stupid.” you manage to get out but as always everyone comforted you. “y/n relax...everything is gonna be fine you know she cheated on tae and he’s never gonna go back to her.” jhope stated. “ oh but you guys don’t remember her like a month ago sneaking out at like 4 in morning?” Jimin questioned. “ what the fuck..guys i think i have to go to the hospital..i might have to get checked for stds.” you chuckled out.
“ chill taehyung clean as far as we know but anyways he kissed you? like in a rough dom kind of way orrr” jimin poked your cheek and smiled. “ ew gross no he kissed me like i was the last thing on earth and now i’m confused and like at this point i’m throwing away my feelings for tae because i obviously can’t handle this type of shit” you poked jimins cheek and pouted.
“ you’ll be fine everything is gonna clear up and you’ll have your chance with tae...hopefully” yoongi inputted. “ yes but for nowwww we’re gonna use y/n as our pillow and sleeeep night everyone” jhope layed his head on your shoulder and you layed your head on yoongis and finally drifted to sleep forgetting everything that happened in the last hour and half.
an: welp. taes kind of fucked up and bam you got drama now so yay :) btw...you know that, that kiss meant everything to y/n and she’s hurt but she’s bottling it up cause she’s bad like that :) Until next chapter flowers 🌸
BTW lmk if you wanna be in the taglist :)
@hantaev @strawverryxmilktae
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