#i guess they gave her chair to oli
clamsjams · 1 year
wait does false not have a seat in the council room???? that makes me sad :((
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sugdenlovesdingle · 3 years
Baby ch 4/ epilogue (AO3)
(look! I finally finished something!)
italics = flashback
for @robertssvgden who was having a bit of a rough day today - i hope this makes it a little better.
“We should get up.” Aaron stretched and wrapped himself around his husband again, making no move to get out of bed.
“The kids can take care of themselves.” Robert decided. “They’ll just rope Oli into making them all breakfast. Again.”
Aaron smiled to himself.
“That kid is too good for this world.”
“Hmm…” Robert agreed. “Too gone on Seb more like.”
“That too.” Aaron chuckled. “He’s picked a good one though, our Seb. One that likes to cook.”
“Yeah, he takes after his father. Got himself a personal chef.”
“Yeah, good to know he does listen to me from time to time.” Aaron teased and pressed a kiss to Robert’s lips. “This is nice. Having a lie in. We haven’t done that in a long time.”
“We’ve been kind of busy, haven’t we? Ruby and the baby. Scott all but moving in. Oli actually moving in.”
Aaron nodded.
“I can’t believe the house is quieter with a two month old baby in it than before, though.”
“He keeps them all busy doesn’t he?”
“Just like his granddad. Likes to be the centre of attention.”
Robert rolled his eyes at the dig.
“And yet you’ve put up with me for all of these years.”
“I guess I kind of love you. And you’re useful sometimes. For decorating nurseries.”
“You and Ruby threw out almost all of my ideas!”
Aaron propped himself up on his elbow and raised an eyebrow at his husband.
“Because you wanted to make him a soft play area and what was it – an interactive wall display?”
“The one website said it was good for the baby’s development.”
“Sure. And their profits.”
“Well forgive me for wanting to spoil my first grandson a bit.”
“You did. He’s got more clothes than the rest of us combined.”
“I regret nothing.” Robert said and laughed, thinking back to the first shopping trip for baby supplies with Ruby.
“Look, Rubes, this is cute.” Robert held up a onesie with bunny ears. “Seb used to have something like that too when he was a baby. It was a teddy bear though, not a bunny. But he looked really cute.”
“It is cute…” Ruby agreed and looked at the price tag. “But it’s way too expensive.”
“We talked about this, we want to pay. We want to help out.” Aaron reminded her. “And you know what he’s like. If you say no now, he’ll come back on his own next week and buy it anyway.” He bumped his shoulder against Ruby’s.
“Fine… I suppose he would look cute in it.”
“That’s my girl.”
They walked around the store for a while until Ruby got tired and sat down in a rocking chair.
“This is a popular model.” A saleswoman walked up to them. “And we sell matching nursing pillows for extra comfort during those night feeds.” She gave Ruby a bright smile. “Are you going to be breastfeeding?”
“Oh… uh… I haven’t decided yet.”  
“Well the nursing pillows are popular with dads too, if you decide to bottle feed.”
Ruby nodded and looked around for her parents who had walked on to the furniture department.
“Do you want to try one? Get a feel for it?”
“Uh no thanks. I’m uh… just getting the basics for now.”
The woman smiled.
“How far along are you?”
“Almost 19 weeks.” Ruby rubbed her belly.
“Oh about halfway. Is it your first?”
“Well, enjoy it. And enjoy the peace and quiet while it lasts.” She joked. “If you need any help, just come find me or one of my colleagues.”
“Thanks. I will.”
The woman walked away and left Ruby alone with her thoughts. She’d been so wrapped up in her drama with Scott that she hadn’t even thought of things like breastfeeding.
“Hey love, we found this pram and there was a cot that seemed nice over there. It had one of those mobile things with music with it.” Aaron walked up to her pushing a pram in her direction. “What do you think?”
“It’s nice.” Ruby said without really looking.
“Are you alright?”
“Yeah… Yeah I’m fine. Just… girl stuff.” She plastered a smile onto her face and got up. “Tell me you didn’t leave dad alone with the expensive furniture.”
“I’m glad Vic and Gabby took her under their wing with the girl stuff.” Aaron said, lying back down next to Robert. “All that talk about pumping and pads and all that other stuff… We had no idea did we? Google only tells you so much.”
“Well in our defence, we never had to deal with those parts of having a baby.”
“And Vic never let us forget it. Like that time she basically kicked all of us out of the house to go paintballing with Harry and Ellis so she and Ruby and the twins could have some girl time.”
“And you kept checking your phone every 5 minutes to see if there was any news.”
“So did you.”
“Well… it wasn’t long after she’d had those bad cramps and we all thought there was something wrong with the baby. I was worried.”
“Yeah, me too. Scott really stepped up when she was in hospital didn’t he? I think that’s the first time Seb actually accepted that he might really care about Ruby.”
“How are you feeling?” Robert sat down on the edge of Ruby’s bed and stroked her hair out of her face. She looked so young to him, like she was still the 5 year old rushed into hospital with appendicitis.
“I’m tired.”
“Just close your eyes then. Get some sleep. Your dad and I will be right here when you wake up.”
“You don’t have to stay here all day for me.” Ruby protested.
“Sweetheart, if you think we’re leaving you on your own here, you don’t know us very well.” Aaron said, squeezing her hand. “We’re not leaving until we can take you home with us.”
Ruby gave him a tired smile.
“Just rest like the doctor told you, and before you know it, you’ll be back in your own bed at home.”
Suddenly the door opened and Seb walked in, closely followed by Scott.
He rushed over to her but awkwardly stopped at the foot of her bed.
“Hey, Seb told me you were in here, what happened?”
“Just a little over tired.” Ruby said downplaying the drama of the past few hours. “I’m fine.”
“Are you sure?” Scott asked, looking Ruby up and down. “Seb said you were pretty scared.”
Ruby glared at her brother.
Seb shrugged.
“I don’t care.”
“Do you want to tell me what really happened?” Scott asked, not wanting to push Ruby.
“Not really…”
Robert got up from his spot on Ruby’s bed and gently pushed Scott towards it. He sat down and gently put a hand on Ruby’s belly.
“Fair enough. I think I already know most of it. But are you both ok?”
“Yeah. Yeah I think so.”
“Good.” He leaned forward and softly kissed her. “That’s all I need to know.”
“He’s a good guy after all, isn’t he? As much as I wanted to throttle him when we first found out.” Aaron said and Robert hummed in agreement.
“And then Seb actually did… and got arrested.” Robert groaned. “Keeping up with the family tradition.”
“Yeah… I’d hoped that tradition would have died out with us.”
“Well hopefully Oli will keep him out of trouble now… and Seb won’t drag him into trouble.”
“He’s our son… that means he’s a trouble magnet.”
“Yeah… probably.” Robert said and laughed.
They settled down under the covers again, relaxing and listening to the muffled sounds of their family waking up and moving around the house.
They’d both drifted off to sleep again at some point because when a knock on their bedroom door woke them up the sun was peeking through the curtains and it was a lot warmer in the room than before.
“Dads? Are you awake?” Ruby asked and knocked on the door again. “Dads?”
Robert disentangled himself from his husband and the sheets and opened the door.
“Where is the fire?”
“Can you please watch him for a little while?” Ruby asked, handing Robert his grandson. “Scott won’t be here for another four hours and Seb and Oli are too busy sucking face, and I just really need a bath and some me time.”
“Oh… uh… sure.” Robert rocked the little boy in his arms.
“I tried to give him his bottle but he’s only taken half and spit that out all over me.”
“Alright. I’ll get your dad to work his magic. You go have your bath, we’ll be fine.” Robert promised her and walked back to his and Aaron’s bed with the baby.
“Hey mister, are you giving your mummy a hard time this morning?” Aaron said, taking the boy from Robert as he got back into bed and putting him on the bed between them. “I thought we’d agreed you were going to be good for her?”
The boy just looked around the room and grabbed at Aaron’s beard.
“Your uncle Sebby used to do that too. Your mum was more into hair pulling.”
The two of them laid down on either side of the boy and just stared at him.
“I can’t believe he’s two months old already.” Robert said, tickling his belly.
“Yeah… it feels like only yesterday that we were rushing around town to get to the hospital on time.”
“I never knew Ruby knew that many swearwords.” Aaron laughed.
“Just floor it, Rob!” Aaron snapped at his husband. “Or pull over and let me drive!”
“And end up in the quarry again? No way, boy racer.”
“That wasn’t my fault!” Aaron argued. “It was an accident.”
“Yeah, well, I’d like us all to get to the hospital in one piece.”
“Can you two stop being so YOU and just drive?!” Ruby yelled from the backseat. “I’m about to have a baby and I don’t want to have it in the back of this fucking car!”
“I’m going as fast as I can. I’m over the speed limit as it is.”
“Since when do you care about that?” Aaron asked
“Since my family is in the car and I don’t want to wrap it around a tree.”
“I’m sure they’ll let you off with a warning if the police pull you over, dad. Especially when you let Ruby yell at them.” Seb reasoned.
Ruby screamed and tried to breathe through a contraction, squeezing Seb’s hand tightly.
“Come on Ruby, we’re almost there. Hold on a little longer. I texted Scott and he’ll be there too.” Seb told his sister. “But I kind of still need my hand after today.”
Aaron turned around and offered her his hand.
“Crush mine. I don’t care. Squeeze as hard as you need to.”
Ruby blindly reached for her father’s hand while Seb tried to get her to focus on her breathing exercises.
“I should have taken aunt Vic up on her offer to stay with her.” She whined. “I’m so sick of all these men in my life! I’m becoming a lesbian. Only girls from now on.”
“I don’t think it works like that, love.” Aaron said and got a glare in return.
“And you’ve seen the drama between aunt Liv and Gabby. Only dating girls is no easier.”
“I’ll take my fucking chances!”
They reached the hospital in record time and Robert parked right in front of the main entrance.
“Sir, you can’t park here.” A member of the hospital security staff told him as he got out of the car.
“I really don’t care right now, mate. My daughter is having a baby. Make yourself useful and go get a wheelchair.” Robert ordered as Aaron and Seb helped Ruby get out of the car.
The guy did as he was told and returned moments later with a wheelchair.
“You take her inside, we’ll go park the car and be right there.” Aaron told Seb.
Seb nodded and pushed Ruby towards the automatic doors and into the hospital where they were greeted by a nurse and before the doors closed, Aaron saw Scott running down the main hall.
“Sir, I’m afraid you really have to move the car.” The security guy said again.
“Yes, yes, we’re moving, we’re moving. Give me a break.” Robert muttered and got back into the car as Aaron did the same.
“There is a spot right there.” Aaron called out, pointing at an open spot near the entrance.
Robert glanced over.
“That’s a parking spot for the disabled.” He looked at Aaron and the two had a silent conversation through looks. “No. We can’t.” he decided and Aaron nodded and went back to scanning the car park.
In the end they found a spot not too far from the entrance and rushed inside.
“What floor is maternity?” Aaron asked the first person in hospital uniform he came across.
“Uh… three… I think.”
“You think? You work here don’t you?”
“Yes… as a cleaner.” The guy gave Aaron a helpless look. “And it’s only my third day.”
Aaron, this way.” Robert called out, pointing at a sign and grabbing his husband’s wrist and dragging him along when he didn’t react quickly enough.
“When they reached the maternity ward, Seb was waiting for them by the doors.
“They took her through to a room. Scott is with her and he’ll let us know when the baby is here.” He told them. “I’m not going in there until it’s all done.”
The three of them sat down and after what felt like an eternity, a beaming Scott came to find them.
“He’s here. And he’s perfect.”
“Are they both ok?” Aaron asked while Robert asked “Can we come see him?” at the same time.
Scott lead them back to the room where Ruby was half sitting, half lying down in bed smiling down at a little boy in her arms.
“Look who it is, it’s your granddaddies and uncle Seb.”
They took turns greeting both Ruby and the baby.
“Have you decided on a name?” Robert asked.
“Yeah… I… we decided on Bobby.” Ruby told them, waiting for Robert to realise what she’d just said. “Do you want to hold him?” she offered, ignoring the tears of joy in her father’s eyes.
Robert nodded and carefully took the little boy from her.
“Hello Bobby. I’m your granddad. And just so you know, me and your other granddad are going to spoil you rotten.”
“We did alright didn’t we? In the end. With this whole parenting thing.” Aaron said, staring at Bobby while letting him grab onto his finger.
“Yeah, we got there in the end.” Robert agreed. “And then our baby got us this wonderful little man.” He stroked Bobby’s head with one finger. “And you’re already the smartest and sweetest boy I’ve ever met.” He told the boy.
“Just like the man he’s named after.” Aaron said and leaned over to press a small kiss to Robert’s lips. “Love you, granddaddy.”
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I Wanted It To Be You - Reddie
All the drunk moments shared between Richie and Eddie, and just maybe, the liquid could give them some confidence sometimes.
Richie was drunk again.
Eddie was about used to it by now, Richie’s drunk giggles and the way he’d stumble around clumsily. Everything seemed perfectly normal at first. It was summer, so time for the Losers club to go out to random parties and get drunk together - make some memories they’d look back on and smile (if they could remember, of course).
Richie and Eddie had always been friends, but not particularly best friends. Of course, they basically were, but there was always this awkwardness between them like the other didn’t like the other, even though they both knew it wasn’t true. It was a weird tension. Noboby else in the group noticed, and so Eddie just assumed it was just in his mind.
Now, usually when Richie got drunk, he was just loud. Singing and dancing along with random people he never met, making small remarks about “how that girl over there is really fit” and how he’d “tap it”. With Eddie always wondering why those comments hurt. He was alike any other, a careless and free drunk 17 year old at a party.
Until things started to change.
It was the 6th of July. The losers club were sat in Bill Denbrough’s garden in little camping chairs, each giggling as they sipped cheap cider out of a can. Around them draped their sleeping bags across their laps to keep the cold out, although Eddie couldnt stop himself from shaking.
“You alright, Eddie?” Bev asked, taking a swig of her cider. “You look kind of cold.” She joked as she watched Eddie shiver violently.
“Yeah, I’m basically fucking vibrating. Who’s stupid idea was this?” He joked back. He glanced at Richie who was sat next to her who was happily chatting away to Ben, already drunk from the two cans he had. Bev smiled at him sadly.
Bill didn’t answer and instead stood up, grabbing Stan’s hand who was closely sat in a chair next to him, “I’m g-going inside to get m-more drinks. Anybody c-coming?”
Bill’s stutter was almost gone now. After Stan had finally grown the balls to tell Bill how he felt, Bill finally felt more at ease with himself. Slowly, with a speech therapists and Stan’s help, his stutter was getting better.
Everybody just stood up in response to Bill’s question and followed him inside. Eddie, who was probably past the point of tipsy, took a moment before standing up to follow the others.
“Heya, Eds!” Richie yelled before Eddie went inside. Eddie turned around to face Richie, shivering even more now without the warmth of his sleeping bag on top of him.
Richie adjusted his glasses before bursting into a fit of giggles as Eddie hesdently walked back over to where Richie was sitting.
“Yeah?” Eddie asked in response. It came out more eager than he intended, but Richie was already pretty drunk so he didn’t pick it up.
“Come ‘ere, little cold one.” Richie was now stood up, his body in the unzipped sleeping bag and holding out his arm for Eddie to come underneath. Eddie, who was now back to his vibrating-from-the-cold state rushed underneath and cuddled into Richie’s side, slilently thanking him.
Although they weren’t the closest in the group, Eddie still felt safe with Richie. And he felt his heart drop when Richie’s arms pulled around Eddie and cuddled him while they both stood up in the dark garden. They stayed there for a few minutes, not saying a word.
Eddie could feel his heart beating out of his chest.
The others started to come back and Richie immediately dropped his arms from Eddie and sat back down, whilst Eddie moved over to his chair.
Eddie’s heart was still thumping and he didn’t know why. His head was spinning but he blamed it on the drink. It was odd for Richie to do that, but he was pretty drunk, he told himself.
He made eye contact with Bev while the thought of Richie’s arms rushed through his brain.
Bev just gave him a sad smile.
The next incident happened around a week later. Eddie had found himself thinking about Richie’s arms around his waist for a full week now, and it was driving him mad.
The worst part was he knew it meant absolutely nothing to Richie, even worse Eddie was starting to worry it meant something to him.
He knew Richie was just a touchy feely person and he was just being kind to warm up Eddie. He knew Richie was always louder and more affectionate when he was drunk. Yet Eddie didn’t seem to care.
He knew he was fucked.
Now a week from the “sleeping bag incident”, as Eddie called it, the losers were at Aria Mitchell’s party, surrounded by even drunker teens.
Eddie found his (already) drunken state of mind wandering to Richie, who he’d lost about an hour into the party when he stated he needed to piss. Mike was with him, probably the only one sober enough to function normally; and was chatting to Hanna, who Eddie recognised from his English class.
‘He’s preoccupied,’ Eddie thought, trying to find excuses to go on a madman hunt for Richie. ‘He won’t notice I’m gone anyways’
Eddie felt pathetic, in a way. All it had taken was one stupid, three minute hug in Bill’s dark garden for Eddie to fall so fast. Deep down he knew that the little moment meant absolutely nothing. He shoved down and ignored the reminder of how quickly Richie had pushed Eddie away when the others came and sat down, like nothing had happened at all.
Eddie pushed through all his classmates found himself in the kitchen. Running a hand through his curly hair, he sighed as he saw the kitchen filled with people who weren’t Richie.
“Well if it isn’t ol- ah fuck me!”
Eddie turned around quickly to find Richie behind him with cider poured down the front of him. He looked up at Eddie with a grin, starting to laugh softly. Eddie could’ve died.
“Spilt it.” Richie mumbled, still laughing to himself.
Eddie shook his head, a small smile appearing on his face, “How drunk are you, dipshit?” Eddie asked him, placing a friendly hand on Richie’s shoulder.
Friendly. Richie would think it’s friendly.
On that thought, before Richie could even respond, Eddie gripped his can full of cider not yet touched and downed as much as he could.
Richie smiled, yet it seemed slightly forced, “Woah Ed’s,” he said, placing a small hand on Eddie’s arm. “Calm down or you’ll be as bad as me!”
Eddie just ignored his comment and finished his can. When he’d drunk all of it and felt finally satisfied with himself, he placed it onto a kitchen counter next to him and grabbed Richie’s hand.
“Eddie, what’s you doin’?” Richie asked, holding Eddie’s hand very loosely. Eddie led Richie to a sofa and placed himself down next to some randoms, while chucking Richie next to him. Eddie placed his head on Richie’s shoulder and grasped his hand tighter.
He didn’t know where the sudden confidence had come from. All damn week things had been the exact same between him and Richie, causal comments, normal banter, just normal friends. But now Eddie wanted to feel it again. That feeling he felt when Richie put his arms around him.
He’d almost convinced himself Richie liked him back. He’d let his mind run wild and emotions get the better of him. He shouldn’t have been surprised or hurt when Richie awkwardly moved away slightly.
“You must be really drunk,” Richie replied. “How much have you drunk, dipshit?”
It was only then Eddie realised how uncomfortable Richie looked, and how loosely he was holding Eddie’s hand. It was only then Eddie realised maybe it was just in his head, and Richie wasn’t as drunk as he thought.
“So are you!” Eddie argued back almost jokingly, yet Richie didn’t laugh or agree.
Richie shook his head, pressing his lips into a small line, “Nah, only a clumsy little shit.”
Eddie moved his head from Richie’s and could feel his heart physically drop. He knew he just had to play off his feelings by pretending to be drunk, so he just nodded. He removed his hand from Richie’s and placed his hand in his lap. It was like he sobered up immediately.
“Maybe I’ll get Mike to drop me home. Sorry, uh, Rich,” Eddie said. Richie didn’t seem fazed yet Eddie still felt embarrassed and so damn stupid. “I’ll see you Monday.”
Eddie found Mike, who was still where he last was, and quietly asked to go home. Mike being the best friend he was quickly agreed, and Eddie was back in his room in twenty minutes.
He felt stupid thinking Richie could’ve liked him like that. Maybe now that he knew Richie didn’t like him, the feelings would go away.
It was just a stupid three minute hug.
Eddie didn’t get a wink of sleep that night.
Eddie told himself he was over it.
He told himself he was over it because of Oli.
Oli; the most bland yet cocky guy he had ever met. Eddie had found himself making out with him at a party for a few hours a couple days ago, completely aware that Richie was sat across from him.
“That’s a big grin.” Bev commented, sitting down next to Eddie on the sofa where the losers were busy watching Titanic (Stans choice)
Eddie looked up, previously engrossed in his phone, “huh?” He muttered.
Bev leaned over Eddie to glance at his phone, “Oli, isn’t it?” She asked.
“Eddie’s new piece of eye candy.” Stan chirped in, smiling fondly at Eddie.
Eddie switched off his phone and tossed it to his side, “Yeah.” He faked a laugh. “I guess so.”
“How’s things going with you both?” Ben asked him softly. “He seems nice.”
Richie, who had been adnormally quiet suddenly spoke up, “What’s the big deal with this guy anyways? He had the face like the back of a bus-“
“-what Richie means to say, is that we’re happy for you.” Stan told him, glaring at Richie who was now staring at his hands quietly. It was odd to see Richie so...detached and not his loud, obnoxious self.
“Thanks,” Eddie responded, tearing his eyes away from Richie. “He uh, he actually asked me out for this Saturday.”
“T-that’s great!” Bill chirped.
Eddie nodded with a fake smile still plastered on his face, “Yep. To a party. So I was wondering, of course you don’t have to, but maybe if you would all come too? Like, just in case something goes wrong I don’t know.” He stammered out.
Really, Eddie only wanted Richie there. Really, Eddie wanted to pretend he was going to this party with Richie, as his date. And not stupid, boring, self-obsessed Oli.
“Of course!” Bev almost yelled, patting Eddie on the shoulder. “We’ll be your wingmen and wingwoman!” She pointed at herself, winking at Eddie. “Right, guys?”
They all nodded in agreement, apart from Richie, who was still staring down at his hands in his lap.
Eddie couldn’t take his eyes off the way Richie’s freckles shone in the sunlight coming through the window.
“Rich?” Eddie asked. “Would you come?”
Richie looked up at Eddie almost startled, before adjusting his glasses, “I would fellas,” he started, seemingly slipping back into his usual self. “But I’ve got a long night of fucking your mum next Saturday.”
Ah yes, there he was.
“Oh hush baby Jane,” Bev shook her head. “You’re going. We all are! Ready to assist Eddie to get some.”
“Are you sure you even want to go?” Ben asked Eddie almost hestinately. “You don’t seem sure. Don’t feel committed if you don’t want to. It’s not a crime.”
Bill nodded, “Y-yeah. It’s not like y-you’re even dating h-him.” He added.
Eddie looked back up at Richie who had seemed to slip back into his quiet state. There’s no chance, he thought. I might as well take this chance while it’s here.
“Yes,” Eddie started. “I’m sure.”
Luckily, that was the end of the discussion as Stan broke out into some facts about the Titanic. Eddie wasn’t intrested though, his mind too pre-occupied on what seemed to be troubling Richie.
Ben scooted over closer to Eddie and whispered in a hushed voice, “Are you alright?”
Eddie just nodded and turned his attention back to the movie.
Ben gave him a sad smile.
Next Saturday came faster than expected, and Eddie found himself alongside the other losers, and Oli (who Eddie was sure he actually very much hated at this point), in a crowded house.
Luckily enough for Eddie, Oli had gone to the toilet, so Eddie could finally have some time with Richie. Well, he was aware that he would only be a few minutes - but secretly he was hoping that him and Richie could slip off and Oli wouldn’t be able to find them for a bit. That’s how he wanted it. Just him and Richie.
Eddie knew how stupid he was being now; why not just tell Richie how he felt? But that thought, everytime, was gone as fast as it came when he saw Richie’s blank stares at Eddie. Richie didn’t feel the same and Eddie knew he had to be okay with that.
Besides, he would much rather be Richie’s friend, than nothing at all.
Richie, who was currently talking to Bev, was drunk out of his mind already. He must have pre-drinked or something, because Eddie was already debating dragging him home and chucking him in his bed. (Without Eddie, to Eddie’s dismay)
“Rich,” Eddie started. Richie turned round to face Eddie and his eyes softened. “Seems like this has become a bit of a regular.”
“Loosen up Eds,” Richie giggled, ruffling Eddie’s hair making Eddie grumble. “That’s what a party’s for dipshit. And besides, I like seeing you drunk. You’re all loose and fun and cute,” Richie paused, his drunk words finally catching up with him. “And stuff.” He quickly added.
Oli came up behind Eddie, grasping his hand. Richie sent him a subtle glare.
“Hey Eddie. So what we talking about?” Oli asked. God, even his voice annoyed both Richie and Eddie. Every moment Eddie was here with him, he wished he hadn’t of said yes.
Richie shrugged, before staring down quickly at the floor. Eddie narrowed his eyes at him, a chance for Richie to talk and he doesn’t?! Something was definitely wrong.
Eddie took his eyes of Richie and quickly intervened, “um, just stuff. Do you want to go get me a drink please? I think there’s some spare ones in the kitchen?” He asked him nicely.
Oli just nodded before walking over to the kitchen.
“Listen, stupid, I know something is wrong and you need to tell me right now. We can leave if you want while Oli’s gone?” Eddie proposed.
Richie just shook his head, grip tightening around his drink, “No, Ed’s, that’s fine. I’m just drunk thas’ all. Tired and all that.”
“We only just got here, Richie.” Bev chirped in. “You’re losing your touch.”
Richie just shrugged again, taking a sip from his drink whilst looking away from Eddie. Drunk or not, Eddie needed an answer. Mostly, Eddie was desperate for an answer to whether he had a chance with Richie. Whether to end this whole mess of a thing with Oli now.
Was he only kidding himself?
Eddie grabbed Richie’s spare hand and dragged him away, “We’ll be back!” He shouted. Bev, Ben and Mike nodded, while Bill and Stan were too busy with eachother to even notice what was going on.
“Whoa steady Eddie,” Richie laughed at the rhyme, but Eddie could sense an uncomfortable nature behind it. Why had Richie suddenly become so uncomfortable?
“Rich,” Eddie started after pulling Richie into an empty, what looked like, laundary room. Wow, guess this person’s house was loaded with money. “I know something is going on. I’m not gonna judge you for it but, if I’ve done something wrong, you just need to tell me.” He said.
“Done something wrong?”
“Yeah, you’ve been really off with me. Why? What did I do you?”
Richie sighed, frustrated, “Nothing, Eddie,” he said, trying to push past him. Eddie stopped him and grabbed his arm. “Leave it alone will you?”
“No!” Eddie cried. “We’re supposed to be friends! Whatever is going on, you can tell me!”
“Fine!” Richie yelled. “I’m fucking jealous! All it ever is these days is ‘Oli! Oli! Oli!’ And I’m fucking tired of it!”
Eddie stepped back slightly hurt, “What? Are you fucking serious? I’ve only mentioned him, what, once? Twice? I only met him last week you dipshit!”
“I don’t care! I want it to be me!”
There was a silence, as Richie’s words caught up with the two boys. Richie stared down to the floor in embarrassment.
“Want what to be you?” Eddie asked him, this time, softer. His heart was beating so fast and his head was swirling with thoughts, did Richie mean it like he said it?
“Fuck, Eds-“
“Want what Richie? Please tell me.” Eddie pressed. Richie still did not meet his eye contact.
Richie took a deep breath, “I wanted to be like Oli. Well not like him, he’s a knob. I mean, I wanted to be the,” Richie scoffed. “I wanted to be the guy you were kissing. I dunno, I guess I like you and all.”
Eddie stood there in shock, a small smile creeping up on his face, “why’d you never tell me?”
“Didn’t want to be rejected obviously. Plus, even if I tried some shitty insult would come out instead. Feelings and shit are not my favourite things to talk about. You know that.” Richie responded.
Eddie grabbed Richie’s hand, “well maybe we can talk about it.” He responded. The two boys smiled at each other.
“I wanted it to be you as well.”
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yafaemi · 4 years
v. | starlight.
My braincells are kinda melting today. Still, this the most I’ve written in a while now. Even if it’s just been small stories. Like, five straight days of writing is more consistent than I’ve been since... maybe 2019-ish. And yes, I’ve mentioned this several times now. 
Description: Oliver, in his pursuit to become a healer, he goes to the one person he probably shouldn’t: Aurora. While it doesn’t go quite as planned, there’s at least something to take away from it. 
“I think you’re the first person I’ve ever seen that’s managed to actually hurt themselves with a healing spell, Oli. That’s some serious talent.” 
Aurora’s fake-compliment frankly irritated Oliver more than the stinging in his arm. He shrugged away from where she leaned over him, hearing the chair creak a little as he shifted his weight. “You’re hilarious, Rory,” he said with a long sigh and a stare at the reddened spot on his arm.
At least she seemed to get his unamusement the first time ‘round. She frowned, moved over to the side he’d turned towards, then sighed at the sight of it. “I know. Anyways, you actually casted something that time, so it’s progress…” There was a half moment where she seemed to hesitate on whether to take his arm or not, fingers hovering just a hint away from where he’d rolled up his sleeve. She pulled away at the last moment. “I have an idea. Amandine taught you some stuff already, right?” 
“Um… we’ve mostly just been going over the basic stuff, she said it’d be easier to build from there since I don’t know anything about magic to begin with.” 
She pursed her lips. “Well, shoot. I was gonna have you try ‘n heal that yourself with her advice, instead. I feel like I’m just confusing you, at this point.” Aurora settled onto the chair at the side, pulling it upwards next to him. “How is she, anyways? As a teacher, I mean.” 
With a careful hand, she placed a few fingers onto his arm, testing the reddened marks that made the whole of the new burn. Thankfully, his meager understanding of magic worked to their advantage, in that regard: it was just a small one. “She’s a lot nicer than you probably assume. I mean- she doesn’t really take any dumb questions well, and sometimes I think she’s overestimating me, but apparently I’m doing better than I think I am.” Oliver spared one glance at the patch Aurora was inspecting. “...For the most part, anyways.” 
“Aw, come on. You give yourself way too little credit. You’re not doing that bad, Oli.” 
“Have you seen the state my arm is in, right now?” 
“Ya? And that’s what I mean. Like, when I was learning how to do this stuff, I probably couldn’t even burn a paper. Even if… y’know, that’s the opposite of what we’re trying to do here.” 
The sigh Oliver let out as a little louder than he’d intended, yet Aurora only chuckled at it. In the midst of the short conversation, the burn had vanished. Much to his surprise- last he actually saw it, quite the opposite was true. 
“Anyways. You can cast stuff now, which is honestly really good progress in itself. Even if you don’t think so,” Aurora told him with an assured grin. He still didn’t believe her, frankly. Yet she only shrugged, “Besides, it could just be astrology that’s not your cup of tea. We’re kinda doing this in the middle of the day, too. Makes it a little harder.” 
“Because you can’t get good contact with the stars and stuff, right?” 
“I mean, the stars are still there,” she answered with a wave up at the ceiling. Both of them looked towards it for a half second, and Aurora shrugged. “They’re just… hidden behind the sun and stuff. But ya, my mentor said it’s pretty normal for new Astrologians to struggle with their spells during the day. Especially when they don’t have any of their Gates. That’s why we always had our classes at night.” 
Using a lull in the conversation to roll his sleeve back down, Oliver let his mind wander alongside it. Really, he’d never asked that many questions about astrology. Then again, not like he even knew what to ask, anyways. Yet now, there were far too many. The idea of it was fascinating in its own right. “And why she gave you the soul crystal early, right?” 
Aurora nodded so quickly, he almost thought she’d sprain something. “Exactly! Ya. It made it way easier after that. She just didn’t want me using it as a crutch for like, all of the basics. Learning the star patterns and stuff.” 
“...Huh. I think I’m starting to get a hand of this stuff, honestly.” The pleased look on her face made Oliver smile. “Thanks, by the way, Rory. Maybe I’ll impress Amandine, or something.” There was a shrug, “Or she’ll think I did some independent studying.” 
“Always happy to be a study partner.” Aurora paused, placed a finger to her chin, then added after a second though, “Or tutor, I guess. You’re definitely going to surprise her, though. Just don’t… y’know. Burn yourself. I think we can save the spells for a little later.”
“Just you wait, Rory. When I ask you to teach me some spells next, I’ll be a professional at it!” 
She snickered, “I can honestly see you doing that. That’s like… the worst part. Anyways- you wanna grab a bite to eat with me? Apparently that sandwich place we usually go to’s got a new sandwich added to the menu, and I wanted to try it out before they close.” 
“Sure! That sounds good. What sort of sandwich was it, anyways?”
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harringtonisadingus · 5 years
Second Kisses Part 2- Steve Harrington x Reader
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Part 2 of Second Kisses
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Reader
Summary: Takes place just after the events of Season 2, where Steve tries to take Y/N’s advice
Part 1 Part 3
He couldn’t get Y/N out of his head, even when he walked to Nancy’s house holding the roses, even when the demodogs surrounded him, when Billy was beating the shit out of him. He just couldn’t get her face out of his head. It was like a constant movie playing behind his eyes. He could almost feel her lips brushing against his sometimes. She haunted him, and he couldn’t stand it anymore.
Steve stared at himself in the mirror, the bruises under his eyes had turned into a dark purple making him look exhausted. He tried to give a smile, wincing at the pain from his split lip, letting out a small groan. This wasn’t going to be pretty but he knew if he didn’t do this today he was just going to chicken out. Again. He ran his hands through his hair, fluffing it up a bit more. This was it. He wasn’t going to be haunted by a choice he was too chicken to make.
He snatched his jacket out of the closet and rushed out the door. He didn’t want to take the car this time, he needed to clear his head before he talked to her. The wind bit at his face as he walked down the street. He turned his face away from the gusts to see something that may have help his case just a little. Maybe being a couple minutes off schedule wouldn’t hurt him too badly.
                       * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
Y/N sat in the back of the store, sorting through the new shipment of records that had just come in. Culture Club was softly playing in the background as she unpacked the boxes, humming to herself. While working at Hawkins Records was fun, she had a work out from lifting the boxes of records every week, especially when new shipments would come in. Her arms were stiff from all the lifting she had done so she were happy to have a moment to sit down. That was when she heard the ding from the door opening. Sighing, she slapped her legs and pushed herself off the chair.
“Welcome to Ha-oly shit,” Y/N’s eyes widened, her mouth dropping open, “what the hell happened to you?”
In front of her was Steve, in all his injured glory, holding a bouquet of roses out in front of him. He gave her a tiny half smile, scuffing his foot against the counter.
“You said girls like flowers so I got you some flowers. I don’t know how much I trust that advice that much since it didn’t help with Nancy, like at all, but I thought you may like it,” he blurted out, wincing as he tried to smile again.
Y/N slowly reached out to take the flowers from him, her expression one of extreme concern. Steve continued scuffing his foot against the counter, staring down at the floor. Taking in a deep breath, he lifted his head up to look at her, only to be interrupted by the doorbell ringing again.
“Well, well, well, isn’t this a sight? King Steve trying to woo a girl?” Billy sauntered into the shop. “And such a pretty one too,” he swung his gaze to Y/N, giving her a wink.
Y/N rolled her eyes, going into the back to get the records Billy had put on hold last week. She dropped them onto the counter, giving him a pointed look. His face dropped into a scowl, looking back and forth between the two of you. Y/N plastered a tight smile onto her lips, holding her hand out to him.
“That’ll be five dollars, please,” Y/N stated, her hand still extended. Billy’s jaw tightened, mimicking her smile back.
“You know you both should stop fucking around with each other and actually do it. I heard you in the hallway last week, reminiscing and shit. Get over yourselves, or I’ll fucking take your place, Harrington,” he sneered, slapping a five-dollar bill on the counter.
Y/N couldn’t help but look at Steve as Billy strut out of the store, her cheeks a bright pink. He stared blankly at the ground, his eyes as wide as saucers. She let out a little cough and his eyes snapped up to meet hers. His cheeks were flushed red, and his mouth open as he tried to push the words out of his mouth. He squeezed his eyes shut in frustration. Suddenly his fist banged on the counter, making her jump.
“Fuck, I’m sorry,” he yelled, “he just gets under my skin so much. Like god what is his problem? I just wanted to come here and ask you if you would want to maybe, possibly, want to go to the dance with me next week but of course he just butts his goddamn stupid-“
“Yes,” Y/N blurted over his rambling, making him halt mid-sentence. She had never really known what a “deer in the headlight” look before this very moment. Steve took two long blinks before furrowing his brow and giving a confused grin.
“I’m sorry but it sounded like you said yes,” he croaked, rubbing the back of his head.
“I did, yes I will go with you,” she moved around the counter to stand in front of him, “I don’t care about the bruises, I’ll just have to wear yellow to match them.”
Steve let out a little laugh as he moved a bit closer to her, taking her hand in his. He hoped she couldn’t hear his heart beating because he felt like it was a drum in his ears right now. She looked up at him, feeling the warmth of his hand spreading from her fingertips up to her face.
“I honestly cannot believe that this worked,” he whispered, lifting her hand up to his lips to place a small kiss against her palm, “So I guess I’ll be seeing you next week? I mean obviously I would see you before then we do go to school together but you know what I mean.”
Y/N lifted herself up onto her toes, giving him a peck on the cheek.
“Definitely,” she grinned up at him, “you will see me next week.”
Steve bit his lower lip, holding back a grin and nodding his head vigorously. “Perfect, I mean great! That’s great! I’ll call you or I mean talk to you before so we can figure out everything! But definitely see you next week,” he grinned, walking backwards out the store.
Y/N watched him walk away from the store, pumping his fists in the air. She was overwhelmingly happy but there was still that small detail nagging at the back of her mind. She’d have to tell him after the dance. Yes, definitely after the dance.
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the-fiction-witch · 4 years
Apologizes P5
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I smiled getting my dress to sit nicely as I held my books and folder's looking at the college everywhere people free to do as they wished all wearing there own clothes and having there own style and confidence about themselves, I finally felt content that I could just do my work and blend into the background as I went to the classes I had today most of them just intros to the subjects I would actually be starting next week I sat in the common area with my papers organizing my schedule and such like "I figured I'd find you here" a voice smiled I looked up and saw... Thomas, stood with his usual messy blonde hair styled in that usually 50's flick, he had a shirt for some videogame and a leather jacket over it, his black skinny jeans tight to his legs, his red and white converses with neon orange and green laces his bag over his shoulder "hey y/n" "Hey Thomas" I smiled offering him the other chair at my table and he happily sat "So... How'd it go?" "Fine" I shrug "How did it go?" "Alright, I've somehow already got oil up my fingernails" "Your on intro day" I laughed "It's fine, I'll clean them when I get home" he shrugs "How was your holiday?" I asked as I honestly had seen him maybe four or five times since prom night his family went on holiday for the summer so I hadn't seen him much "Not bad, I got you a present" he says "You did?" "Of course I did, it's at home I'll bring it next I see you" he smiled "let me see" he asks looking at my now filled in schedule I let him see and he has a good read "great this will work" "For what?" "Your in same days as me so... I can pop and see you" he smiled "how did you do while I was gone anyway?" "I just read, that's all" "Your such a sweet little thing y/n" he smiled giving my head a kiss "You have got to be kidding me!" A voice laughed we both turned and I saw a familiar face... Daniel will his friends and Lindsey not Fram behind them "Thomas come on man tell me your not plowing the fucking manatee!  Come on, even your little three inch cock can do better then that, maybe after all this time Thomass a gay boy and just likes doing something that looks like a bloke" I felt awful, like it was my fault they where making fun of him "three inch Thomas's plowing y/n the manatee" he laughs But before I could even think straight Daniel was up against the stone pillar, his feet of the floor and Thomas holding him up by his shirt to be almost nose to nose with him "You think that's fucking funny!? Firstly Who I am or am not plowing is none of your fucking business, secondly how dare you call someone gay boy you homophobic price of shit, and lastly if you put a finger on  y/n I will personally see to it that your cock is rather suddenly separate from your body." Thomas told him sternly "and you call her manatee again, I'll break your fucking legs" he said as he dropped him back on the floor "come on y/n" he says sweetly to me helping me with my books "come on I'll take you home" "How?" "In my car" he laughs as we headed out to the student car park I was unsure but followed him anyway as we arrived at a little blue Corsa it was cute I kinda liked it, we both threw our stuff in the back seats and I sat in the passenger seat as he carefully drove off "they call you it again I want to know y/n, you tell me right away okay?" "You won't really break his legs will you?" "That depends" he shrugs as he drove "Don't break his legs Thomas" I laughed "Can I give him a black eye?' "Okay" "Can I break his jaw?" "No" "Can I break his teeth?" "Yes... But no more then four" "Can I cut his cock off?" "Maybe" I smiled "Yes! I am going to run with that maybe you know that right?" He laughs "I know" Eventually we arrived at my house the sky starting to get dark "thanks for taking me home" "Your welcome" "Thanks for giving Daniel a warning shot" "He had it coming" he shrugs "See you next week" I smiled "See ya," he smiled and I went to open the door "Uhhh before you go" he says "I was wondering if maybe you uhh pay a little gas since I took you home and all?' he smirked "Sorry Thomas my purse is inside I can if you'll wait a-" "I didn't mean actually money y/n' he laughs "Then what?" I asked very confused "I was thinking as I took you home maybe I'd get a... Kiss out of it?" "You can just ask Thomas" I smiled giving him a little kiss he happily kissed me back what I had planned to be an innocent peck became slowly but surely a teenage snog so much one hand left his wheel to hold my waist till I felt his hand slipp up and I pushed his hand away and moved as far from him as I could "Oh shit I'm sorry y/n!" He said realizing what he had done "it's just kinda a natural reaction when you make out with someone" "It's okay Thomas... I'm just, a little fragile with all that stuff" "Then I just have to be very careful" he smiled giving my hand a kiss I sat sorting out my handbag for today, I heard the rev of a car and soon enough.
It made me laugh, throwing my bag over my shoulder and going down locking the house behind me as I saw Thomas stood by his car
"Hey, sugar" He smirked
"Why did you drive? it's down the road" I laugh "I can literally see your house if I look down the road" I laughed "why Did you drive?"
"I like getting an excuse to drive" He shrugs holding my hand and pulling me close to him "Plus if I come to pick you up we can go for Mcdonalds?"
"Umm that might be nice" I shrug
"what about KFC sugar?"
"Deal" I smiled kissing him and getting in the car
"Thats My girl" He smirked as he got in the car with me "Come on let's go"
"Where's dan?" I asked as we pulled off in the car
"Our with mark till Six O'clock" he smirked "so... We have my bedroom to ourselves" He smirked, "Well Except Maggie and Oli..."
"Maggie and Oli?" I asked
"Ohh Me and dans Hamsters," he says
"Awww thats sweet" I smiled as we drove off to the Restaurant and got ourselves some food and I sat eating the yummy chicken as he drove home
"Pass me a chip" He begs
"No your driving" I laughed "You have to focus"
"Please y/n, Come on just one chip?"
"No Thomas, you have to drive"
"Come on y/n I'm not asking you for a Chicken leg just a chip" He complained "PPPllleeeeaaassseeeeee y/n"
"You can have one Popcorn chicken" I smiled pretty much feeding him it
"Ummm thank you" He smiled as he drove, it took a while to get to his house and once we got there he opened the door for me and lead me inside "Okay now be very quiet we don't want-"
"Thomas is that you!" a voice asks
"Yes" he answered as the little door by the staircase opened
"Ohhh Thomas who's this pretty girl?" the old woman asks
"My uhh My ummm My freind," he says
"freind? Well, she's a very beautiful Girl" she smiled "What's your name sweetie?"
"Her Names y/n Gran" He answered "were' going to my room, we don't want anything just leave us alone," He told me holding my hand and dragging me upstairs "I'm sorry y/n she likes getting involved," He says as he opened the door to the large room, with a huge bay window, there were two little single beds, a Tv with a bunch of game consoles and such under it and a hamster cage in the corner, we sat down on his bed and finished our chicken before he spoke up "So..." He smirked his fingers walking up to my thigh from my knee towards my -
"Don't!" I snapped pushing his hand away
"What's the matter y/n?" he asked
"Just uhhh just no," she says
"Are you okay? with... me?" he asked
"well... Mostly" I nodded
"Mostly?" he asked "Look if your not comfortable with doing anything I'm fine with that" he shrugs
"No, No its uhhh Maybe we can talk a little while more.."
"Sure, what uhh what about?"
"Can I uh ask you how far you went with Lindsey?"
"with Lindsey?" He asked "Well... We made out, she uhh let me feel her boob once"
"boob?" I asked "Just the one?"
"Yeah" He shrugs "her left one"
"Thats it?" I asked
"Well... she uhhh kinda gave me uhh I don't really know what to call it where she uhh you know" He blushed generally indicating down
"A Blowjob?" I asked
"Not really... I didn't Uhhh," He blushed "Finish?"
"Right" I nodded
"It was my birthday present" he smiled "Can I ask about you?" He asked, "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to!"
"It's okay," I smiled holding his hand tightly "I'm not a virgin obviously and thats it"
"so you've just had ... in your?" He asked carefully "Nothing else?"
"Yeah, so"
"So... Would you let me?" he suggested
"if you wanted to" I shrugged
"You mean it?" he asked excitedly "But... given everything your fine with me doing that to you?"
"I guess so"
"But you're not okay with me touching your... place?"
"Not really"
"Then I'm not doing anything till your okay with me touching it" he smiled giving me a kiss "That goes for everything y/n"
"What about you?" I asked,
"what about me?"
"You'll want to do stuff?"
"But I'll wait till your okay with it," he says "Besides... I can always just, Take care of myself once you're gone"
"We could always do other stuff"
"Exactly" he smiled kissing me as we cuddled up in his bed "Can I uhhh... Maybe, Could I maybe Feel your boobs?"
"Okay" I smiled
"You mean it?" he asked "Both of them?"
"Yeah" I laughed
"Your sure?"
"Yes Thomas" I laughed and he smirked sitting up a little and looking at my chest
"Your sure?"
"Yes Thomas, it's fine" I laughed
"Okay" He blushed and before I could even blink both his hands were on my boobs one hand on each his face red with blush "whoa...
"Having fun there?" I laughed
"Your Boobs are a lot bigger than Lindsey's" he smirked, "Ohh my god they feel good..."
"Thomas! have you seen-" A voice asked as his bedroom door opened so Thomas quickly moved his hands away and throwing a blanket over his legs "Who's this?" the man asks as he stood in a suit
"This is y/n Dad. Can you please get out?" Thomas whines
"wheres your brother?"
"with mark"
"Leave your door open Thomas"
"Come on dad..."
"You're not having your bedroom door closes with your brother out and a girl in your room," his dad said before he went downstairs
"It's okay I need to get home anyway" I smiled
"Aww Really, Please y/n can't you stay a little longer?"
"I need to get home" I laughed giving him a kiss
"Alright, do you want me to pick you up on Monday for college?" he asks as we went down to his door
"that would be nice" I smiled
"Okay see you Monday" He smiled
"See you" I smiled giving his cheek a kiss and going off home. I stood outside the college hiding under the porch while I looked at my phone
"Hey! manatee!" A voice yelled I looked up and saw daniel just getting out his car "Come here" He smirked
"Fuck off daniel" I sighed
"What's your problem? Come on your ass is so fat your not gonna notice if I'm having a grope of it?" He smirked slapping my arse
"Hey! Leave me alone!" I yelled pushing him away
"Oh shut the fuck up manatee! just give me some sugar!" He smirked pulling me close to him
"Daniel Get off me!" I complained trying to push him away
"HEY!" A voice yelled "What the fuck is wrong with you!" as Daniel was pulled away from me "What the fuck did I tell you!" Thomas screamed
"What's it to you!" Daniel yelled
"Because that's my Girlfriend You fucker!" Thomas screamed punching Thomas in the face several times and throwing him back to his car "Now If I See you touch her again I'll send you through the windshield of your shit car!" He yelled a daniel got in his car and drove off "Come on y/n" he says holding my hand and taking me to his car we sat quietly the rain slowly starting on the windshield as hs drove the radio playing a gentle soft tune
"Thank you for protecting me Thomas" I smiled
"Awww, Your welcome y/n" he smiled at me "Hey? Your Birthday's coming up right?"
"Yeah" I shrug
"Any idea what kinda thing you might want for your birthday?" He asks
"You don't have to get me a present" I laughed
"No, come on it's your birthday I'm going to get you a present y/n"
"Thomas, Really you don't have to"
"Well I want to" He laughs "So?"
"Hadn't really thought about it" I shrug
"well, what did you ask your family for?"
"Money" I shrug
"Okay..." He said as we stopped at a traffic light "New dress? New shoes? Uhhhh makeup of some sort?" he suggested
"No thanks Thomas" I laughed
"See this is the problem when you have brothers you have no idea what girls like....uhhhh some sort of hair product? some fancy looking soap? Ooh those bath bombs with the weird names in the shop in the centre that has stuff that looks like food but isnt food?"
"You mean lush?" I asked
"Yeah the extremely overwhelming bath product shop that makes you feel like you walked into a farmers market and got punched by flowers" He explained "That they somehow decided to put next to a gregs in a shopping centre"
"Yeah always did seem like poor planning, your bath soap is gonna smell like sausage rolls and your pies are gonna taste like bath bombs" I laughed
"I have had so many sausage rolls that tasted like bath bombs from there" he laughed "Hey... How about we take a trip to that big shopping place? for your birthday. Then you can pick out something you want for your birthday?"
"Okay" I nodded
"Great, so... My place tonight? as dan's out.... but My dad is home"
"How about mine? my parents are out tonight?"
"Your place it is" He winked
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who-is-olivia · 5 years
Track 2. Sign of the Times
Harry Styles x OC
Harry meets Olivia and slowly falls in love in the cold London evening. [4.4k]
Genre: fluff
Warnings: substance abuse
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March 2012
“Hey Oli, he’s here” Frank calls over the bar stools and Oli descends from the stage. Uncle Jim’s bar is still closed, so it gives the band some privacy to talk along with their manager, Uncle Jim.
“How was the meeting?” she asks Jim, who struggles to walk on his cane and sits on a chair with a thud.
“It was great, they’re really interested in the EPs and the live performances” Olivia smiles encouragingly towards Frank, Gina and Fiona. “But they have a few contingencies”
“What sort of contingencies?” Fiona cuts anxiously.
“Well, after they studied the material you gave, they want to test you out as an opening act for a British band that’ll debut in America this year, they think you hit the same target demo so it’s a no risk deal” he begins, throwing his sunglasses over the table. “However, you’d have to agree to change your image to become more in-sync with the band, and I won’t sugarcoat this... they want to change a lot”
“Like what?”
“Like Frank’ skirts, for a start”
They all protest, except for Frank. “Ok, I’ll do it”
“Guys, it’s a recording deal that already comes with a tour in America, can you imagine how big we’ll get?” he shifts in his seat excitedly, “So what if I can’t wear the skirts on stage, I’ll deal with that later”
Gina taps her nails on the wood agitatedly, “What do you think, Jim? Is it a good deal?”
“I’m not gonna lie, it’s way better than Dirty Hit. It’s hard for an act to get a deal this good so early in their career, I think you should take it”
“Right, then that’s all we need to hear” Frank gets up and pats Jim’s shoulder on his way to the bar. Gina and Fiona follow his steps, getting ready to open the establishment while Olivia stays put, still uneasy.
“I don’t like this”
“I imagined you wouldn’t, but it’s a really good deal, I wish I had one of those when I started”
“I understand, it’s probably good for our first album and stuff but changing the image to suit another brand? I mean, who are we opening for?”
“It’s a boyband called One Direction, they’re getting big in the UK, chances are they’ll get big here and you’ll want to ride that wave when it gets here” he gets up, leaning on the chairs. 40 years touring with a rock band did take its toll on him – that or the drugs.
  Later, after their night shift, the four of them make their way back to the Columbia University dorms. Winter is just starting, but it’s still tolerable to walk the streets at night.
“This time next year we’ll have a flat each, imagine that” Fiona taunts Frank.
“Fuck, I wanna live in SoHo” he cries.
“Guys, do you really wanna do this?” Oli lights up a cigarette and frowns uncomfortably, “I checked the band today, they’re pretty clean cut, if we have to live up to that...”
“I checked them too, they seem nice” Fiona replies, taking a drag of her cigarette.
“Oli, you can’t judge someone you never met” Frank turns to her and hugs her shoulders. “Tell you what, we’re going to London next week to sign with the label, we should hit ‘em up and hang out, I bet you’ll change your mind”
  On the other side of the Atlantic, Harry’s laying on his couch scrolling through Twitter when Louis walks in with Eleanor after a romantic night out.
“What’s up, curly?”
“Nothing much, hi Els!”
“Hi!” she says slightly before she and Lou disappear in his bedroom.
  He drops the phone in his chest and stares at the ceiling. His ears are filled by their muffled giggles and whimpers, the thuds and thumps of two people who are clearly about to fuck. It kills him that not so long ago they were both moving in together and throwing house parties. At one of those occasions, when they were both hammered, Louis pulled him into that same bedroom and kissed him playfully.
  Harry didn’t take it playfully. It was no secret that he had a massive crush on his bandmate and when given the opportunity he took it further. So he slammed Louis against the wall and went down on him, taking that first step to explore his sexuality more than he ever did before, but it stopped there. The next morning Lou said he was just messing around, it wasn’t anything serious. And now here he is, fucking his girlfriend a few steps away from where he lays. He can’t stand it. So he takes his car keys and leaves, opting to sleep at Zayn’s place.
  Every night is the same, he sleeps at a friend’s to avoid getting his heart slammed under a rock when Lou and Els come back to the flat. One afternoon, he’s getting ready to go to Niall’s when Lou returns alone and on a rush.
“Where are you going?”
“I was just going to Niall’s”
“Niall’s coming with us to meet the opening act” he explains, changing his used shirt for a new one, “did you forget?”
“Uh... absolutely”
“Then come on, we’re late already”
  As they rush out, Oli drags her getting ready ritual for as long as she can. She decides to make a very complicated beehive bun with her havana twist braids, putting all her rings in there, finishing up with a heavy smokey makeup. By the time she’s ready to go, Frank’s very irritated. All he did was to put on a dress and a leather jacket.
“Why the long face?” she taunts.
“I know what you’re doing and it’s not nice” he sits behind her with those angry puppy eyes.
“You’re trying to make an impression and the way you’re doing it might make us lose that deal” he interrupts.
“I would never make us lose the deal, I know how important it is to you” she holds eye contact trying to convey how genuinely she means it. Frank is more than just her brother, he’s her best friend and the only family who hasn’t given up on her, she doesn’t take this lightly. “I do not, however, think you’re looking at the bigger picture, but I can’t just fuck this up, not when I know what’s in stake”
“Alright, come on, make peace” he reaches his arms to her and pulls her to a hug, slowly tumbling her over the bed.
She panics, “Frank, no! My hair!”
“Fuck your hair, I’m trying to make peace here” he laughs it off.
  The One Direction boys are the first to arrive at the Clarance, a cozy little pub over at Trafalgar Square. Fiona and Gina arrive next, taking the seats closer to Zayn and Niall. Harry seats a bit distant, still very much immersed on his Twitter feed.
“Where’s the dude with the skirts?” Liam asks them playfully.
“He’s coming with Olivia”
“Who’s Olivia?”
“His sister” Fiona begins, “and they don’t look very much alike so please, don’t ask many questions, they get a bit embarrassed about it”
  Harry frowns but ultimately lets the subject fade. He orders a second beer at the bar and when he gets back to the table he’s faced with the late guests greeting everyone from afar. The man in a dress sits closer to everyone in the table, leaving him and the woman in the furthest corner. It’s true, they don’t look exactly alike: Frank is as pale as snow while Olivia’s skin is really dark, but closely examining their faces he can see some similarities like the eyebrows, the chin and the pitch black eyes that don’t seem to absorb any light at all. However, her eyes are the last thing he notices when she sits in front of him.
  She looks... intimidating, if he can say so. From hair to toe every bit of her seems meticulously crafted in an over-the-top way that makes her look like royalty, both in its beauty and its exclusivity. He feels like there’s a wall around her he can’t breach, even her posture communicates so. And she’s quiet but not meek, just commensurate. The only time he hears her voice is when she orders her drink then when she thanks the waitress. He’s too intimidated to talk to her but at the same time he can’t focus on anything else.
  The table seems agitated in conversation, except from the two of them who’re too distant to take part in any subject, so he tries to take that opportunity and talk to her. At first he stutters but she doesn’t notice, so he tries again.
“You like London?” he asks.
She takes a second to answer, not noticing that the question is directed to her. “Oh, yeah, just a bit too cold and grim for my taste”
“I know, thought the same when I first came here”
“Where are you from?”
“Cheshire, it’s a small farm city, you probably never heard of it”
She chuckles, “I’ve actually been to Cheshire a few months ago”
“No way”
“I went to record some vocals, meet with some friends and stuff. It’s a nice place”
“And you? Where are you from?”
“I’m from the most beautiful city in the world, and I say this in the most unpretentious way” she mocks, biting on her tongue playfully and capturing his attention. “Guess?”
“Hm... Havana?”
“Fuck’s sake, hm... LA?”
“LA is hideous”
“I don’t know, you don’t have an accent” she laughs at his distress.
His drunken mind struggles to recall where Rio is, but he knows it to be somewhere in the coast of Brazil. “Oh... that’s nice, isn’t there where the Christ statue is?” he asks mimicking the open-arms stance and bumping into Liam.
She giggles out loud for once, “Yeah, that’s the place”
  As they continue, the rest of the table becomes less important than their well humored chatter. Slowly, that unreachable facade starts to crumble as he finds talking to her as easy as breathing. He stops at the second beer and forgets to order anything else as he’s entertained by her stories about the band, Rio and her Uncle Jim.
“I’ll just have a smoke outside, do you...?”
“No, but I’ll come with”
  They get their coats at the door and stand outside as she lights a long slim hand-rolled cigarette, blowing the smoke away from him.
“How long you’ll be staying?”
“We leave tomorrow, Frank and I were thinking about getting matching tattoos in the morning”
“Can I ask you something that’s absolutely none of my business and if you don’t want to-“
“Just go for it” she cuts.
“Alright... what’s the deal with you and Frank?”
“Oh...” her smile slowly fades and her eyes fall to the ground.
“You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to, your friend said you might get embarrassed and I really shouldn’t have asked-”
“No, it’s ok, it’s just kind of a long story” she dismisses, “and most times people aren’t as careful as you, specially with the whole skin color thing”
He nods understandingly. “I see”
“Well, what’s going on is that our dad knocked up two different women at the same time: his wife, who had Frank, and his mistress, who had me. My mom raised me in Rio with her family, she never told me who my father was until he came to see me and he brought Frank. I swear to you I never gave two shits about my father, but-“ she chokes, getting a bit emotional, “but they didn’t let me see Frank, and I just love him more than anything in the world. So my parents made me choose and I chose Frank” she smiles briefly, regaining her posture. “Sorry, I just don’t like to tell this story”
“It’s ok” he tries to soothe, “I have a sister, she’s in college so I haven’t seen her in a while. When we lived at my mum’ she used to drive me crazy, she was so fucking boring with her books and her clever stuff and her bloody cupcakes, now I miss her like crazy. Last month I got a tattoo with her name in Hebrew”
“Why Hebrew?”
“‘Cause it looks like a drawing” she snorts a laughter through her still constricted throat. He laughs along, pretty aware how stupid it is.
She wipes her nose quickly, holding the cigarette away from her face, “That’s brilliant”
“I know, I know” he fakes humility.
Suddenly, Liam and the girls leave with their coats on. “‘ello guys”
“Where are you going?” Harry asks.
“I’m feeling a bit nippy so I’m heading home, I’ll give ‘em a ride. Do you want a ride?” he asks Oli.
“No, thank you” she smiles politely at him.
��Okay, bye guys!”
They watch Liam and the girls get a cab and leave, then shortly after the rest of the group comes through the door, “What’s going on?”
“It’s too quiet in here, we’re going to a bar in Soho” Frank replies handing Olivia her purse, “you coming?”
“Hm... sure” she looks at Harry and he nods.
“Right, you have to get another cab, this one’s full lads” Louis informs and Harry sighs.
“It’s fine, guess we’ll just walk”
“If you say so” they all get inside the car and slam the door, leaving Harry and Olivia behind. Just as the cab leaves, a cold wind blows them in the face.
“Bad idea, bad idea” she sings, rubbing her hands together.
“Hey, give me your hands” she shoves her hands palms up towards him and waits as he fiddles in his pockets, finding a pair of mittens. He dresses them in both her hands and rubs them together until she’s warm. She watches from up close as he holds her fingers earnestly and squeezes them in reassurance, “Better?”
She misses a beat, too distracted to answer right away, “Much better, thanks”
  They begin walking towards Trafalgar Square, bumping shoulders all the way to the monument. She takes particular notice of the clumsy way he walks close to her, it’s quite endearing how he scoots closer but is still too shy to walk confidently beside her. When they arrive at the Square, she suddenly stops and looks up to the sky.
“You know what I hate about London?”
He frowns, “The cold?”
“Can’t see the stars”
  Harry then looks up to the sky and for the first time actually notices that the sky, when not covered by clouds, is always just a black-brownish color all throughout. He’s never seen stars in London, at least in the part of the town he lives in.
“Too many lights and the pollution, it’s a sign of the times really: you can’t see the beauty behind the outcome of progress. In Rio, anywhere you go there’s just so much sky” he discreetly glances away from the sky and towards her. “If you look up and realize that the small dots are actually massive balls of heated gas you can actually feel the distance between them, it’s some sort of... upside down vertigo. You feel your mind breaking through the atmosphere and the distances all align, it’s quite a sight”
For one brave moment he speaks his mind: “Don’t know about that, but things look pretty good down here too”
She looks back at him and laughs nervously, not knowing how to react to the compliment so she deflects it. “Hope you’re talking about the lions”
“You know I’m not...” he smirks, making his remarkable dimples pop.
Olivia smiles away from him, pacing awkwardly towards him. “You know what? I don’t want to meet them in Soho”
“Neither do I”
“How about we just... take a stroll around the city?”
“Alright, I can do that” he offers his arm and she laces hers with his.
“Wait, can we get one of those big red buses?”
  They walk to a nearby bus stop and get on the second store of a big red bus that goes around Westminster and then up to St. Paul’s, passing through all the big tourist attractions.
“You’ve never been to London before?”
“No, but I’ve been to Cheshire” she explains as he smoothly rests his arm over her backboard, “Our old label had a studio in New York but it was too expensive to rent, so Uncle Jim sent us to a bunch of different studios in Chicago, Cheshire, Stockholm and such. He has a lot of friends in the industry so we practically borrowed them”
“It was nice, but the 4 of us were in college so it was a bit troublesome... even more because I met a guy...”
“Oh boy” he mock-gasps.
“Yeah, he was in a small band with his friends from school, they were recording an EP in the same studio as us and we he hit it just like that” she snaps her fingers, “but it lasted just as long as we were there. When I came back to New York we never spoke again... but I can’t stop thinking about it, it’s so-“
“Frustrating?” he guesses and she nods vehemently.
“Yeah, I know what it’s like. You share so much of your intimate life, you become vulnerable with someone who doesn’t think that’s important” he finishes, staring at the distant horizon of the Thames as they cross the Lambeth Bridge. “And then he just brings his girlfriend over and have sex with her everyday to remind you that he didn’t want you, and you can’t tell that to anyone because you have an image to maintain”
She watches him quietly return from his daydream and whispers: “I’m so sorry, I had no idea”
He sighs, “It’s alright, just needed to get that off my chest”
She measures her words for a moment, deciding to just tell him everything. “When I met Matty, I had been struggling with my sexuality. I had dated a few girls but I wasn’t so sure if I wanted the same with boys. But I met him, and I was mad about him and I thought he was perfect for my first time. After that, we never talked again and I felt really stupid... I showed him the most vulnerable side of me and he didn’t even care, I was just a nice shag” Harry frowns sadly, nodding along in understanding. “And I had a few other affairs after him, but it was the first time and I felt so awful about it, I don’t know-“
“I do. I’ve been pining up for Lou ever since we first met, and like... I though it was just friendship but it’s not, I don’t feel that way. It’s not the first time I’ve felt like that about a boy, I do like boys and girls, but I’ve never told anyone – except maybe my sister” she chuckles briefly. “Anyway, one day he just kisses me, out of the blue, and takes me to his bedroom and I think this is my chance, and I straight up give him a gobby-“
“What’s a gobby?”
“It’s hmm-“ he leans closer to her, “a blowjob”
“Yeah, I did something I had never done before, I had never gotten that... intimate with someone. And when I did, the next day he said it was all a joke” he chokes a bit, “when it wasn’t a joke to me. But I can’t just not feel...”
She holds his hand, “I know what you mean... it’s like we know we’ve been in this situation before but we’re just stuck...”
He nods, ponderative. “You know, I don’t want to talk about this anymore”
“Yeah, this turned into a terrible conversation way too quick”
“I want a drink”
  They drop at a little marketplace in Lambeth and choose to buy a bottle of wine. As she doesn’t enjoy red wine, they settle for a bottle of white and sit on one of the barricades at the margins of the Thames.
“You know what, Olivia-”
She snorts as the wine’s already working its magic, “Don’t call me that”
“It’s your name”
“But nobody calls me, it’s appalling!” she replies dramatically.
He leans over her folded leg, trying to balance the wine bottle, “What should I call you, then?”
“Oli is fine”
“How would you like me to call you?” she gestures towards him.
“I don’t know, people call me all sorts of thing: curly, curls, Harry, Hazza”
“I like Hazza, it’s quite inventive”
“Be my guest”
“Alright Hazza, you were saying?”
He frown, “What was I saying?”
“I have no idea” she laughs, falling over his shoulder and leaving a rim of makeup on his jacket.
He tries to recompose himself before talking again, “I think I was trying to tell you that I’m really excited about this tour, specially now that I’ve met you”
“Awn” she melts, “you’re so sweet... but I don’t know if I want to tour with you guys”
“Why not?”
“It’s just that the label is making some huge changes in our image for us to tour with you, I don’t know if I want to go through that and make a name for myself pretending to be someone I’m not...”
“But think about this” he tries to focus her eyes on his, “we’re kind of big here, and when we go to America we’ll get BIG big and so will you. Once you get that big, you can do whatever the fuck you want, you just have to go through this little hurdle and then the world is yours”
“I like that but I don’t know if that’s how it’ll play out”
“If it doesn’t then at least you’ll have a lot of fun, eh?” he taunts her with that big bright smile. “Come on”
“Please, come on... I really wanna tour with you” he scoots closer to her, “I’ve been talking to you all night and I feel like we haven’t talked enough”, at this proximity, she has to turn her face away as to not look him in the eye. “And I think you feel the same”
“I... might feel the same” he bites his cheeks victoriously as she turns back to look him in the eye for the first time this close, “and I might take that tour but I can say anything for sure when I’m drunk”
“You’re not that drunk”
“No? Then why do I want to kiss you so bad?” she blurts and he raises his eyebrow with a dimply smile.
  He wastes no time with a cheeky reply, just closes the small gap between them feeling sparks fly in his stomach. Her lips are cold but very soft and very patient against his, she doesn’t deepen it right away just savors that innocent touch. She cups both of his cheeks as he hugs her waist closer to him, feeling her chest against his rapidly rising one. He deepens the kiss by leaning over her and touching their tongues in a slightly sensuous fashion, making their exchange gain a lot of pace. Her hands slide from his cheeks to his chest, pushing him back a bit. When their lips part he can feel a tingle as if there’s electricity coursing through them.
  She leans her forehead against his and for a moment they say nothing, just breath into each other. Before any of them can say anything, Harry leans and kisses her cheek earnestly, caressing the other with his free hand as she rests her head against the crook of his neck.
“You smell so good...” she whispers against his skin, making him giggle at the spontaneous commentary.
“Thanks, I try my best”
“You’re doing a marvelous job” she mocks, getting a grip on the wine bottle they’ve been sharing for a while now. “It’s empty already?”
“Yeah, I might have spilled a bit in the river while you were snogging me”
“Do you call that ‘snogging’?”
“How would you call that?”
“Making out?”
“See, I have a lot to learn, that’s why you have to come to the tour”
“Do you think you won’t go snogging other girls and guys when I’m on tour with you?” she teases him.
“I might even snog someone, but this” he pulls her closer, “I never had this with anyone... and I don’t know if I’ll have it again anytime soon”
“You’re not saying that just ‘cause I told you my sob story earlier, are you?”
“I told you mine too, you didn’t want to kiss me because of that” they laugh.
  Eventually, they grow tired of the cold and of having to buy cheap booze on shady corner streets, so Harry walks her back to the hotel. The lights of the main hall are already out, save for one above the front desk where a night manager keeps watch. She calls the elevator and turns to him one last time.
“I’d invite you upstairs but there’s three other people in the bedroom so it might not be as romantic as the Thames”
“Yeah, I think we should call it a night”
“I guess I’ll see you around” she paces forward, giving him silent permission to lean in and kiss her goodbye. He cups her cheek, gently letting go of her lips just as the elevator arrives.
“Goodnight Oli”
“Sleep tight” she replies, getting into the elevator and disappearing into the night.
  By the time Harry arrives at his flat the sun is almost up, this time he walks past Louis’ door without even noticing its existence. He crashes into the bed and recalls the events of the night, rolling over the mattress until he can properly rest his head. Finally after weeks of martyrdom he can stop crying over someone who won’t give him the affection he craves and just rejoice on the one he actually gets.
  He takes his phone out of his pocket and groans for a moment as he recalls he did not write down her number. In this day and age when he can access people instantly it is tortuous to not be able to just reach out immediately to the one person that’s on his mind. It builds inside his chest like a dark cloud, peaking his anxiety all over again.
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Can you please write a scenario where 2p!England's S/O tells him about how her father humiliated her once again, being drunk and saying that she's stupid whore who couldn't even do anything right? I just had enough of that shit and I'm desperate for some violent 2p!England. Thanks.
Ohhhhhh MY GOD YES! I absolutely LOVE murderous violent 2p England! Thank you for the ask! I loved doing this one, also oh my lord this turned out way longer than I thought it would 
BIG trigger warning!! heavy violence, gore and torture in this one
Oliver gets a call from the only person he enjoys talking to. You. He answers the phone in his normal cheery voice 
“Its so good to hear from you love, how are you today!”
He hears you sniffing a little and he immediately stops smiling and asks “Love whats wrong? Did something happen? Are you okay?” 
You respond to him trying to hold it together after dealing with your horrible and verbally abusive drunk father once again “I-I’m fine Oli, I just need someone to talk to, and you are always here for me so can we just meet up and talk?” 
Of course Oliver immediately accepts saying you could meet at the coffee shop near your house and you agree. He wants to know who made you feel this way so he can rip them limb from limb. He wants to slowly take each one of their teeth from their mouth and stab their eyes so they can never have the privilege of seeing you ever again. As he walks to the coffee shop he imagines all the horrible ways he can torture whoever made you cry or even be the slightest bit upset. He will make. them. pay.
When he arrives at the coffee shop he sees you sitting down at a table and hurries over to join you. When he sits down he gives you a look as to say tell him everything.
You sigh and just as soon as you open your mouth it just seems to spill out “I just don’t know what to do my dad he won’t stop getting drunk and when he gets drunk he calls me worthless and says I’m a no good piece of shit and it just gets to me sometimes, I know I should be stronger than this but hes my dad, I want him to love me and be proud of me but.. I guess he can never be like that..” You stop as tears start to leave your eyes and Oliver instantly pulls you into a hug shushing you and telling you not to worry.
He says that if you want to you could move in with him and he says he would never treat you like your father does. You think about it for a second and nod your head. Oliver beams at you acceptance and while he is happy you said yes on the inside he is rather distracted now thinking of all the ways he plans to butcher your father into pieces so tiny no one will ever be able to recognize his pathetic ass again.
Oliver takes you home and waits for you to pack your things, luckily your father is passed out and you can sneak around and leave without him knowing. It takes all of Oliver’s will power to not walk in there and start to stab the man for making you feel worthless. 
Oliver takes you to his house and you settle in quite nicely and he shows you to a spare bedroom you can use. You smile and hug him quietly thanking him for how amazing he is and helping you through your difficult times. He smiles back saying how it’s no problem and anything for you. he tells you he has some business to deal with and that you can make yourself at home to whatever is in the fridge if you are hungry or to watch some tv while he is out. As he leaves and closes the door locking it, he promises himself to keep you there no matter the cost, so no one can hurt you again. You walked into that house not knowing you would never be able to leave it.
Oliver goes to his shed in the back and unlocks it, he grabs some of the tools he will need to deal with that pathetic man called your father. He makes his way with his bag to your old home. He enters the house through the window a now terrifying murderous look on his usual cheerful face. Your father is still passed out on his chair and Oliver stalks over to it. He wastes no time tying your father up making sure he can’t move any of his limbs.
When he finishes his work he smiles a smile that would send shivers down anyone’s spine who saw it. Oliver drags your father into his van he used to come to your house and throws him in the back. He drives into the woods to one of his ‘play rooms’ when he has your father secure in the sound proof room he goes and fills a bucket with ice cold water and goes back to your father. He throws the water on your father and he wakes with a start, sputtering and shivering looking confused as most people would.
“Who the fuck are you!?” Your father yells at Oliver. Oliver just smiles at him not saying a word, he goes and opens his bag and the contents inside glint and shine under the low lights of the dark room. He takes out some pliers and simply says “Lets start with this”
Your father’s eyes widen with fear as he realizes the severity of his situation “I- I have money I can show you where it is, just let me go, please”
“You really are an imbecile. I’m here because of how you treated your child. They are the only light in this world and how they came from you makes no sense to me.” He brings the pliers to your fathers fingers and taps each one while smiling, loving the psychological torture just as much as physical. Your father is shaking at this point begging for him not to hurt him.
Oliver pays no mind he just keeps on smiling “Eenie meenie miney moe” on moe he clamps the pliers down, hard, on your father’s left pinky finger, there is a sickening crunch and that finger is separated from his hand. He starts screaming and begging Oliver to stop.
He just grins more loving the pained screams as he chooses finger after finger to snip off, occasionally pulling a finger nail off before the finger comes off. 
After all the mans fingers are gone he moves to take off the tape on his mouth. Your father is half in half out of consciousness from the pain and Oliver take out a needle and some clear liquid in a bottle. He injects your father in the neck with the clear liquid and suddenly your father is alert once more. “Can’t have you falling asleep on me now can I” Oliver whispers to him. He starts to scream and beg once more because of the pain radiating from where he once had fingers up his whole body. 
Oliver soaks up the screaming, loving the sounds of him torturing this man who hurt his love, his one and only. He takes a drill out of his bag and turns it on and off warming it up as well as loving how the man’s screams and begs became louder but Oliver ignores him. He places the drill on the mans right knee just starting directly into your father’s eyes grinning ear to ear before switching the drill on. Blood from his knee join the blood from his hands on the floor. Sounds of the mans screams some how get even louder mixing with the whirring of the drill as it penetrates his knee cap into his leg. Blood is being slung all over the floor and walls and onto Oliver. He stops the drill and takes it out of the man’s knee.
The man would have passed out by this point if not for the little medicine he gave him earlier. The man’s eyes are bulging out of his skull now and he is breathing heavily. He grabs his pliers once more and grabs the mans face in his hands, the man starts to say something once more but is silenced when his jaw is pried open. 
Oliver takes the pliers and goes for an upper canine and rips it out of the mans mouth. The man is once again giving strangled cries for mercy which Oliver pays no mind too as he goes for other teeth in his mouth. Once Oliver gets tired of torturing this pathetic man he takes a big butcher knife and simply cuts your father’s right arm clean off. After that Oliver just lets the man bleed out and he watches him die. 
“Hm, well that was satisfying to say the lease” Oliver muses to himself grinning once again. He proceeds to chop up the rest of the body and makes plans to dispose of it. After the body is disposed of and his lair is cleaned of blood, teeth and fingers he cleans himself up not wanting you to see him covered in blood and of course start asking questions.
He rides home to find you asleep on the couch. He picks you up and takes you to his guest bedroom putting you in the bed to sleep peacefully. He kisses your forehead whispering goodnight. He walks to his room and lays down knowing soon whether you agree or not you will be his, sleeping in his bed with him, all to himself where no one else can see you. Where you are only his and where you shall stay with him for the rest of your days, no one to call you worthless anymore.
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chuffyfan87 · 5 years
Hiding. Part 59c
“Good girl. I will ring you back as soon as I’ve finished ringing an ambulance and Megan ok?” He smiled sadly.
"OK. I thought I should try and keep him warm coz his clothes got wet."
“How did his clothes get wet? Because he’d been swimming? I need to go.” Charlie sighed, “I’ll be five minutes. I promise.”
"Yeh, he ignored me. I told him it was stupid."
It was the hardest thing to put the phone down and call an ambulance, he directed the ambulance to their location and then rang Megan. He didn’t reveal everything but asked her if she could come and mind the children, along with Josh and Kate. He arranged for the kids to be looked after by all three adults and took himself to the hospital. He was at breaking point with everything but this had tipped him over the edge. He was struggling with the thoughts and urges again.
By the time the ambulance arrived at the hospital Sarah was completely hysterical.
He tried to reassure her as much as he could but had no choice but to contact her parents.
"I'm sorry." She cried repeatedly.
“You have no reason to be sorry.” He reassured her. “You did nothing wrong. You saved his life.”
"Is he going to die?" She cried.
“I don’t know.” He whispered, even though the words broke his heart.
Sarah sat with Charlie as they waited for news on Peter and for her parents to arrive. "He talked a lot about his mum." She told him.
“What did he say?”
"How he wanted to be with her. That he was frightened of losing her."
He swallowed, “Duffy’s in a critical condition.”
"Because of having Oli? He said his mum would know to find him at the lake."
Charlie frowned, “Did he want to kill himself?”
"I don't know. He didn't make much sense. He just kept saying 'mum will know I'm here'."
Charlie sighed and rubbed his neck. “I think he needs to see a therapist.”
"Yeh. I told him that but..." She bit her lip. "He said he wasn't going to do anything you told him to do anymore."
“We had an argument last night. He told me I was a coward.” Charlie was about to say something else when the doctor emerged from the room and came over to them.
Charlie gave Sarah’s shoulder a reassuring squeeze. “How is he?” He asked the doctor.
"We pumped his stomach and cleared his lungs. We're waiting on blood results. Was it just alcohol he consumed?"
“I think so although I can’t be certain it wasn’t anything else.” He paused, “Sarah?”
"I didn't see him take anything but..."
"He was acting strangely when he arrived at the house."
Charlie nodded. “It’s entirely possible he took something else on top of the alcohol.”
"He was slurring and his eyes looked weird. I thought he was just drunk."
“He could’ve been. I guess we won’t know until He wakes up.” Charlie smiled sadly, “Thank you Doctor. Can we see him?”
"Yes, he's sleeping now."
“Thank you.” Charlie got up with Sarah to go and see Peter when Sarah’s parents arrived and a massive argument started between Sarah’s parents and Charlie.
Matthew took hold of his daughter's arm and dragged her towards the door.
"I want to see Peter!" She screamed.
“Matthew, get off her!! You can’t keep them apart!” Charlie said as he tried to stop Matthew from hurting Sarah.
"Yes I can." Matthew turned to Sarah. "You are never seeing that boy again!"
“Please dad! Please! I love him! This isn’t fair!!”
"You're fifteen, you don't know what love is. You're just a silly little girl!"
“Stop saying that!” She began to cry. “Please let me see him!!”
Charlie’s head was pounding. He was also tired. He sat down and put his head in his hands.
"Look what your boy has caused!" Lucy shouted at Charlie.
“My boy has not caused anything!!!” He yelled.
"I don't feel well." Sarah cried.
“Have you taken something?” Charlie asked suddenly.
"No." She whimpered. "I feel sick."
“You should go home with your parents. I’ll let you know how Peter is, I promise.”
She started to cough before being violently sick on the floor.
"What the hell has he given her?" Matthew demanded.
“He hasn’t given her anything!” Charlie protested.
"Then why is she throwing up?"
“I have no idea. I wasn’t there.” Charlie replied.
After about ten minutes the doctor came back out of resus and over to the three of them.
“Is she ok?”
“How is she?”
"She's running a temperature and has vomited repeatedly in addition to having abdominal cramps. Looks like a gastro virus."
“This is your fault!” Lucy said to Charlie as her and Matthew went to visit Sarah. Leaving Charlie in the corridor.
Tess came around the corner. "Charlie? What are you doing here?"
“Peter...” He sighed.
"Peter?" She asked. "What happened?"
“He’s drank two bottles of vodka.”
Tess sighed as she squeezed Charlie's shoulder. "Teenagers, eh? Hopefully he won't do it again after they've finished pumping his stomach."
Charlie nodded but didn’t say anything else. He was distancing himself from everything and everyone.
"It took my Sam two trips to the ED before he learnt his lesson." She sighed.
He smiled sadly but again, didn’t verbally answer.
"Charlie, when did you last get a decent night's sleep?"
He shrugged, “A while ago. It’s fine. I’m fine.”
"No you're not."
“I have to be fine!”
"Everyone has their breaking point."
“I just need something to take the edge off. I’ll be fine then.”
"Is that what Peter was trying to do? Take the edge off?"
Charlie shrugged, “Maybe. I don’t know.”
"So long as you're not considering following his example."
“It’d stop the thoughts for a while.”
"I was there last time you tried to do that. I've never seen Duffy so terrified and upset."
“I was fine.”
"If you say so but I can promise you that she wasn't."
“I’ve always been a selfish bastard.” He muttered.
"Your wife seems to think you're worth bothering with and she strikes me as a solid judge of character."
He didn’t respond. He roughly scratched his arm instead.
"Feel free to tell me to butt out but in the short time I've known the pair of you it's very apparent that neither of you copes particularly well without the other."
“Tess, please.” He rubbed his arm again, “Don’t.”
"I speak as I find." She placed her hand on top of his. "Things will get better. I know it seems impossible but you just have to hang in there that tiny bit longer."
“And if I can’t? Then what?”
"That's when you have to lean on those around you to help you through."
“I—“ He almost considered saying it but couldn’t.
"What? What were you going to say?" She pressed gently.
He shook his head and forced a smile, “Nothing.”
"Charlie, I've been in this job many years so cut the crap, I know when I'm being lied to."
“Leave me alone!” He sighed and sat down in the chair, his head in his hands.
She sat down next to him. "I'm not moving til you get whatever it is that's eating you up off your chest."
“I can’t tell you! I’m sorry but I can’t.”
She made herself more comfortable in the chair. "I've got all the time in the world."
“Tess please.” He sighed, “I can’t—“
"Why not? Do you think I'm going to think less of you or something? Is that what's worrying you?"
“Just leave it.”
"No, I can't just leave it."
“Why? I’m asking you to.”
"Because you need to let it out."
“There’s nothing to let out!”
"I don't believe you."
“Then don’t.” He closed his eyes for a minute.
"I want to help. I can see you're struggling." She sighed.
He shrugged. “I think anyone would struggle under the circumstances.” He replied, “I’ll be fine.”
"I'm not sure you will be though. Let me help, please!"
“What do you want me to say?” He whispered.
"Whatever it is that you're afraid to say."
He sighed, “I lied to Duffy.”
"OK. People lie sometimes. What did you lie about?"
“It doesn’t matter.” He couldn’t tell her, no matter how much he wanted to tell someone.
"Yes it does. Its clearly upsetting you. What was the lie?"
“If I tell you, you’ll have to report it and I can’t let you do that.”
"I won't."
“You can’t say that when you don’t know what it is.” He pointed out. He took a few minutes to think about his answer before he blurted out. “I’ve been taking drugs. Well... wanting too.”
"What kind of drugs?"
“Naproxen, codeine, tramadol, Gabapentin.” He shrugged, “Wherever I can get my hands on.”
"Where have you been getting them from?"
"OK. For a worrying moment I feared you were going to say you'd been getting them from here."
“I’m not stupid enough to steal from work. It’s the only thing I’m relatively good at - my job.”
"That's not the only thing you're good at. Trust me."
“I’m not that great at looking after the chaos without Duffy.”
"That's hardly surprising. I'm sure she struggles with it when she's by herself too."
“She’s fantastic with them.” He sighed, “Me? Not so much.”
"She's probably just very good at giving the illusion that she is."
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kee-writestrashh · 6 years
Guns for Hire
Ramsay Bolton x Reader
Summary:  You are the wife to the Heir of the Red Kings, Ramsay Bolton. living the undercover life of a mob wife has its perks, and you love your husband. But you find out something that seems to unfold a series of unwanted events…
Chapter 46: Robbers and Psychics
You rolled over to find Ramsay's side of the bed cold and empty. You sighed, rubbing your eyes.
You sat up slowly, a sharp pain in your ribs as you did so. You placed your hand on your belly.
"Too early, sweetheart." You whispered, with a yawn as your feet touched the plush carpet. You slipped your robe on, tying the ribbon as you quietly went to the bathroom to go through your morning routine.
You walked through the house, no sign of Ramsay. You could see the sun rising in the distance.
You slipped on a pair of Ramsay's shoes and stepped out the back door to find him smoking and watching Moose chase the early morning birds.
You slipped your arms around his waist, resting your cheek to his bare back.
"Morning." He said through a cloud of smoke.
"Good morning, baby. You good?" You hummed back, closing your eyes and taking a deep breath.
The air outside was refreshing. It had the smell of warm weather. Of spring on the way. It lifted your spirits slightly.
"It's going to be warm today. Can you smell it?" You said, pulling away from Ramsay and stepping out into the yard, tipping your head back to look at the pink and orange morning sky.
You turned to Ramsay who watched you with a small smirk, "all I smell is the bags full of cash I'm going to bring home later."
He looked slightly ashen faced. Though, it may have just been the time of morning. You weren't even sure how long he had been up, or how much sleep he had actually gotten.
You dropped your shoulders and frowned, "I really wish you wouldn't, baby. Please?"
"I don't want to disappoint the cops, baby girl. It's a crime to lie to the police. I don't wanna be a criminal." He chuckled, flicking his cigarette away from him. "Breakfast?"
"Yes, please. You make the best breakfast." You said with a bright smile.
"Because I'm a drunk." He said earnestly, opening the door for you.
You sat at the table sipping coffee and watching your husband make breakfast when the backdoor opened. Startled, Moose barked, retreating under your chair.
In walked Matt, Damon, and Charlotte. Moose crawled out from under your chair, sniffing furiously at Matt, who looked lost and panicky.
Charlotte gave you a warm, one armed hug, taking a seat beside you and resting her head on the table.
"Bit early." Ramsay said, glancing over at Damon.
"Neighbors decided to have an episode this morning. Cops came and questioned us and shit. Apparently the old woman freaked the fuck out on her old man and beat the hell out of him." Damon said with a yawn, "Said she beat him with the coffee pot because he bought the wrong kind or some shit."
"Relationship goals right there." Ramsay laughed, delicately placing bacon into the frying pan to avoid grease burns.
"So since we were up I figured we could get over here and I can watch you get irritated at eight thirty in the morning as I point out the flaws you have in this plan of yours."
"Fair enough. No hash browns for you though, for coming to my house way too early to piss me off." Ramsay replied slowly.
Damon gave a gasp of mock horror and pouted, "but I may die without your hash brows! IHOP doesn't have shit on you."
You raised a brow. For as long as you had known him, Damon was always the happy-go-lucky morning person you wanted to punch for being too damn happy before 11a.m. But then again, Ramsay was a pretty lively morning person as well. Fucking weirdos.
"Dude, I did not want to see you this early in the morning." Ramsay said, narrowing his eyes at Damon.
"Ouch. That hurt a bit. Right here" -He jabbed his finger into his chest- "You know you missed me. It's been almost twelve hours. Besides, I may or may not have news." Damon said, pinching Ramsay's cheek and slapping his ass before taking his seat beside his wife, who was resting with her head down on her arm on the edge of the table. You weren't even sure she was awake.
A slight twinge of jealousy creeping up at Ramsay and Damon's relationship. It was weird to you sometimes. Ramsay never acted like he really cared about Damon, and then sometimes they acted like brothers and best friends.
"What kind of news?" Ramsay asked, curiosity clearly peaked.
"Hash browns first. Then news." Damon said, sliding a lighter across the table to Matt, who had been patting his pockets since he sat down.
"Should I suck your dick while I'm at it then since you're making demands?"
Damon shrugged, "I mean, if you're offering breakfast and blow jobs I won't object. What gets better than that?"
You snorted into you cup, standing up. You crossed the kitchen and placed a kiss to your husband's cheek.
"I'm going to go dress." You whispered.
Ramsay grabbed your wrist and pulled you back toward him. He placed a rough kiss to your lips and grabbed your ass, pulling you in closer.
Finally he let you go, slapping your ass with a wooden spoon as you walked away. You threw him a dirty look over your shoulder, rubbing your burning ass cheek.
"Mm. I like the way that sounded." He purred, winking at you as your cheeks warmed.
"No, man! We are doing it this way." Ramsay said, smacking Damon in the head with the notebook he was clutching.
You and Charlotte watched your husbands row like watching a tennis rally. It was only a matter of time before they both ended up on the floor, throwing fists.
Matt sat on the floor, slightly green in the face, as he watched the argument. He hadn't said anything at all since entering your house. He kept smoking, simply to keep himself busy and hands from shaking.
Ramsay jumped up, looming over Damon, who was bracing himself for the damage he was about to be dealt.
"You!" Ramsay said heatedly, pointing at Matt, who squeaked in fright, cowering like a beat dog. "What do you think? This was your idea, after all."
Matt looked like he wished his Lord and Savior would swoop down and take him away.
"I... I dunno, boss. Please don't make me answer. I don't know anything about any of this." Matt whimpered, staring at the floor, looking like he may throw up if he opened his mouth again.
You caught Ramsay's eye and gave him a hard look. He gave you a wink, and sat back down.
"Call the Boys and tell them to meet us at Theon's house. We'll leave from there."
Damon nodded, pulling his phone out. Ramsay rose again from his perch, this time holding his hand out to you.
You took his hand and let him help you up. He tugged you down the hall to the bathroom, which was still a mess.
"Want you to get this re-bandaged before I leave." He said, holding out his arm to you.
You nodded, pulling scissors off the counter and cutting the gauze away. It looked so much better. Even after only a couple days. The human body was an amazing thing.
"This looks so much better, baby. Another day or two and I won't have to wrap it anymore, I don't think. I dunno what this shit is, but it's amazing." You said, examining the black tube of cream Whit had brought you. There were no labels or markings. Just a black tube.
"Good. Now what are you doing today?" Ramsay said, biting at a nail as you washed the burn.
"Hanging out here with Charlotte, then going to lunch with Oly, and coming back home." You said, patting the wound dry.
"That's it?"
"Yep. What news did Damon have?"
"The Lannister midget's trial starts today. I guess you saw he was arrested on Joffrey's murder? Anyways that bitch of a sister of his is pushing the issue. Her younger son has been seen with the Tyrell whore. In very sketch situations and places. And the Lannister's now know about the girl and Martell boy. You should get in contact with your snakes, make them aware. I have a feeling it won't be pretty."
You finished wrapping the arm with a frown, "promise me you will step in if it goes to shit."
He turned to look at you and gave a small grin, "Alright, baby girl."
You entered the living room, taking your seat beside Charlotte, who had pulled Moose up on the couch with her.
"How's Ramsay this morning?" Damon asked, handing a joint back to Matt.
"Better, I think. He hasn't complained. Thank god." You said with a shrug.
A few moments later Ramsay entered the room, dressed in his Sunday best, holding his Kylo helmet and Darth Vader mask. He dropped the mask in Matt's lap.
"While you're down there kid, shine my shoe." Ramsay said, placing his foot on Matt's leg.
"Dude, you're wild." Damon chuckled, looking Ramsay over.
You watched Matt buff out a scuff in the shoe with the cuff of his hoodie.
"First impressions are important." Ramsay smirked, lighting a cigarette. "Kid, we need to find you a mask. What's your poison?"
Matt looked up at Ramsay, confused.
"Surely you had a masked character you looked up to as a kid. We all have one. Today you're Vader, but we will find you a new one after we leave the bank." Ramsay said with an air of great patience.
Matt shrugged.
"Oh come on, you're still a baby. Still watch cartoons and read comics, I'm sure. See, I have a thing for Star Wars. Damon is an Iron Man fan. I made Ben Master Chief, since he wanted to run around and play jarhead when we graduated high school. Alyn is Deadpool. Yellow Dick is Crossbones." He looked over at Damon, "man, I just realized how fitting that is for him."
Damon gave a little shrug and nod.
Ramsay turned back to Matt, pulling his foot away from him.
"I dunno..."
"Think on it, and I'll ask you over lunch."
Ramsay turned to you, "I have to go see dear Theon. I'll call you when the job is done. It'll be quick. In and out."
You only nodded with a frown. Ramsay kissed your forehead and left.
"It'll be alright. I know what he has in mind. We have gear, we will be alright." Damon assured you, giving Charlotte a hug and quick kiss. "Let's go kid."
"How are they so okay with it?" Charlotte asked after a few moments of silence.
"I wish I knew. Sometimes I wish my moral compass was as off as theirs." You sighed, "lunch with me later?"
"Sure thing, hon."
You picked up the discarded notebook, glancing over Ramsay's notes. It was hard to decipher it. For someone as genius and precise in everything as he was, his writing was horrible.
"So, a Tyrell bank, huh? That's what Dame said." Charlotte said, lighting a cigarette.
"No." You said slowly, looking at the notebook still, "the bank Ramsay used to work at, it would seem."
It made the knot in your chest loosen slightly. Ramsay probably knew every inch of that bank, and all the security. Maybe they really would be okay. And it was blocks away from any of the Tyrell banks. The Boys would be in and out before the cops ever had time to get there if they were watching the Tyrell banks. It made you laugh.
"I've never been here." Charlotte said as a man opened the door of the restaurant for you both.
"It's one of my favorite places in the city. It's never too busy, but some of the best pasta ever." You replied, choosing a booth by the window. You were about 15 minutes early, but you couldn't sit at home anymore.
A few minutes later Olyvar took his seat across from you, arms Laden in books and papers.
"I went ahead and ordered for you." You said with a smile, grabbing the first booklet of alcohol.
"Sweet." Olyvar said, pulling a pen. He took a long drink from his glass before setting it down, propping his cheek up on his palm and gazing at you intently, "So?"
You drew a deep breath, ready to explode. Olyvar always had a way of making you spill the beans.
"I am so fucking tired and overwhelmed, Oly! Ramsay is always going and it's exhausting. I guess I never noticed it before because I was always working too... but damn. He needs to slow down. Maybe i just can't hang anymore because I'm pregnant. I don't know. But it wouldn't kill him to just sit down and take a breather. He has me so stressed. You have no idea what I would give right now for a pack of cigarettes, a bottle of wine, and a whole bowl out if a bong. Like, get this baby out!" You said, the words cascading like a waterfall.
"And what is my god son's name?" Olyvar asked, raising a brow.
You heaved an irritable sigh, "he doesn't have one yet. Ramsay won't say shit. It's about to freak me the fuck out."
"Maybe if you acted like you don't care he would tell you. You get so worked up. He loves watching you meltdown." Olyvar said wisely.
He did have a point.
Lunch passed in laughs and arguments as you and Olyvar compared prices and distributors. Finally, multiple order forms had been successfully completed.
"We have probably a hundred applications as of right now. We need to set up interviews and get people hired. We are nearing the finish line, very quickly." Olyvar said, looking as excited as you felt.
You nodded, "yeah. We should start like next week."
"So, I was thinking. We should go see a psychic."
"Ugh. Not that again." You tutted, rolling your eyes.
"Oh, come on. It will be fun. There's a woman a few blocks over. She's supposed to be the best. You're my best friend, that means I can pressure you into going with me."
"Alright, alright." You huffed, "wanna go, Charlotte?"
"Sure, I'm game. It's always fun. Maybe my future looks brighter than the last time I went." She laughed.
You stared at the building, apprehension setting in your chest.
"Come on, (y/n). She's the best in the city, probably even the country from what I've heard. It will be fun. It's not like it's legit. You aren't doomed to some bad fortune or something." Olyvar said, grabbing your hand and pulling you into the dimly lit building. As you passed the door you read the sign:
Madame Maggy
Palmistry, divination, tarot, tea leaves, crystal ball
Charlotte made a noise of interest as she examined a shelf of crystals.
The windows and lamps were draped in shawls, and a pungent smell filled you as a wall of incense sticks burned. Various candles were set around the room with more crystals, funny symbols and runes, and interesting statues.
A woman stepped out of the shadows. Her brown eyes seemed to burn gold in the odd light cast around the room. She had the look of a woman would could have been beautiful. She was covered in shawls and bangles, gold teeth glittering in the dim light as she smiled at you and your party.
"May I help you?" She said in a simpering, honeyed voice.
"Uh... thought maybe we could get out palms read?" You said, suddenly feeling very nervous.
"This way." She whispered, pulling a curtain back. "One at a time."
Olyvar nudged you forward. You shot him a dirty look and followed the woman.
She took a seat at a velvet covered table, holding her hand out to you.
You took a ginger seat on the edge of the chair across from her and held your hand out.
Her hand was just as silky as her voice as she encased your hand in hers. She closed her eyes and hummed to herself, tracing a sharp nail over your palm.
"Mm... mhm... yes... what do you want to know dear?" She said quietly, opening her eyes, grip tightening on your hand.
"Uhh... not sure? I've never done this before." You said awkwardly, not looking her in the eyes.
"Mm, yes. But you're curious. A lot going on. A healthy baby boy growing strong inside you, giving you nightmares." She smiled, grip tightening further.
You snapped your eyes to hers, heart jamming itself in your throat.
"Yes. Horrible nightmares. Chaos. Fire. Death. You fear for your husband. Terrible secrets."
You yanked your hand back, and stood quickly. Afraid. You dug in your purse and dropped a 20 on the table, turning and leaving before she could say anymore.
You entered the front room, "Come on. We are leaving." You hissed to Charlotte and Olyvar, who both looked questioning.
Madame Maggy leaned against the door frame.
"What you fear will come to pass sooner than you think!" She called after you as you pushed the door open and stepped out into the street.
You took a deep breath, swallowing the fear and trying to compose yourself.
"What was that?" Charlotte asked, looking back at the door.
"Nothing. I want to go home and take a nap. I feel horrible." You said harshly. "Oly, let me know what day you want to run interviews. Be safe and be careful. Loves."
You gave Olyvar a tight hug. He gave you a look as you pulled away, "not today." You whispered in his ear.
He gave an understanding nod and smile. "Call if you need anything."
"Word." You said with a smile, climbing into the jeep.
You and Charlotte said nothing on the way to the safe house.
"I wish they would hurry up." You sighed, glancing over at the clock, starting to worry as the afternoon grew later.
"I'm sure they're fine. Just giving poor Matt shit. They are so mean to him." Charlotte assured you, taking the bowl of ice cream you had offered her.
"I know. I keep telling them to leave him alone, but you know them. Anyways, I need to clean the bathroom. No idea where the remote is. Ramsay hides it so I don't change his channels." You said, giving an apologetic shrug.
Even though it only took a solid 20 minutes to clean the bathroom completely, you were exhausted. You leaned against the counter, resting your hand on your belly when you felt it. You felt your child finally move on the outside. You drew in a sharp gasp of excitement. You couldn't wait to show Ramsay.
Maybe that would bring about realization and he would finally give you a name. You were very curious of the name he would come up with.
You just sat back on the couch when the backdoor burst open. You turned quickly to see Ramsay walk in, a pep in his step and humming a tune.
He placed a kiss to the top of your head as he walked past you and took a seat in his recliner.
"Where's the money?" You asked, watching him closely.
"What money?" He asked innocently.
You opened your mouth and closed it again.
He let out a laugh and nodded behind you as Matt walked in carrying two large duffel bags, dropping them on the ground at Ramsay's feet.
He looked much better than this morning.
He turned to you, glee all over his face, "that was the wildest fucking shit! This guy is fucking INSANE!"
"It just came to me! I know who I'm making you!"  Ramsay said suddenly, looking fixedly at Matt.
"Huh?" Matt asked, as Damon, Ben, Alyn, and Yellow Dick all walked in carrying two duffel bags a piece.
"Your mask. I'm making you Star Lord!" Ramsay said, pulling the closest bag to him and unzipping it.
"No problems then?" You questioned, watching Ramsay stack bundles of bills on the coffee table.
"None at all. I told you it would go smooth, baby girl." He said, lighting a cigarette.
"How many did you kill?" You asked, unsure you wanted an answer.
"Unfortunately it was empty when we showed up, other than the tellers. So i killed them. I hated them all anyways. Whiny little shits they were. Oh, and that one bitch in the office next to mine. She was a whore."
You said nothing as you watched the Boys count cash and divide it up.
Matt pushed half of his stack towards Ramsay, "Cherry Pie."
"You sure? I mean, look at all this cash. You could buy a house. Take your girlfriend on an expensive vacation."
Matt shook his head, "I want that car."
"Alright, she's yours. Damon will take you by the shop when you leave here and give you the keys."
You looked down at your phone:
New Message.
[Mom: hey baby, we got in early. Eli is taking us to dinner when he gets off work. Really hope to see you!]
You looked up from your phone to gaze at Ramsay, who looked beside himself in smugness.
"Baby, going to dinner with my parents."
"Mkay. Just lemme get all this shit put up and take a shower."
"No rush. It's only three."
"In that case... all of you out. I need some time with my wife." Ramsay snapped.
Charlotte gave you a small wave and left with Damon and Matt. Yellow Dick and Alyn left together, and Ben shook Ramsay's hand before he, too, left.
Ramsay rose from his chair and walked into you.
"You, me, shower. Now." He purred, pulling your face up to his.
"We don't have a shower curtain." You reminded him.
"Don't care. Just don't slip when you get out." He smirked, gripping your arm and pulling you up.
"Then don't let me fall." You winked as he pushed you down the hall.
Slowly, you undressed, watching Ramsay run his tongue over this bottom lip as he watched you.
"So, you had an enjoyable day?" You asked, turning on the shower and grabbing you husband by the front of the shirt.
He loosened his tie and screwed up his face in thought as you unbuttoned the shirt.
"Yeah, I guess you could say that. You? You look a bit peaky." He said, kissing your forehead as he shrugged out of the shirt and unfastened his belt.
"Yeah. Got all the bar stuff done. Having interviews next week. Boring business stuff." You said with a small smile.
But the truth was, the psychic's words kept springing up on you, and every time it would tighten your chest and make your stomach clench.
"Where is dinner?" He asked, kissing along your cheek.
"Dunno. I'll have to call Eli." You murmured, tipping your head back as he reached your neck, grabbing at his hips.
He helped you in the shower and wasted no time in pushing you against the wall, biting at you and running his hands over you as the warm water sliced over you.
You let out a loud moan as he shoved his hand between your slick thighs.
"What took you so long? You said you'd call. I was worried." You said, annoyance making a tiny flare in your stomach.
"I know, baby girl. Im sorry. I just... got caught up in the moment. I threw myself off. Lost track of time while I was with Theon. I've renamed him." He hummed, rubbing his thumb into your clit.
You let out a breathy moan, "oh?"
"Yeah, Reek. Because he fucking stinks. He smells like death and dog shit." He chuckled, shifting to stand in the water completely.
"How is he not dead?" You questioned, clawing at his his, letting your fingers wander ever lower.
"Well I feed him and water him daily now." He panted, pushing his hips into you as trailed your fingers over his hardened length.
"And what do you feed him?" You asked, raising a brow and griping him tight and moving your hand slowly along him.
He made a deep noise in his throat, pushing his fingers inside you.
"Table scraps and dog food. Sometimes a dog biscuit if he behaves." He replied, words weak as he focused on the pleasure you were making him feel.
"You're sick, you know that baby?" You said, pulling his fingers from you and taking them in your mouth.
He swallowed hard and let a smirk form, drawing a sharp breath as you swept your thumb over his wet tip.
"And you love it." He whispered in your ear, pulling his fingers from your mouth, and shoving his tongue inside your mouth.
You bit down on his tongue, sucking gently as he pulled your hand away from him, pinned you against the wall by your hip and pushed himself slowly inside you.
You released him and pushed your head back into the wall, "make me numb."
"No. I wanna make you feel good, baby girl." He panted in your ear, grinding his warm, wet body against yours.
"Daddy, make your bad girl cry." You begged, a reckless sensation burning inside you as the wetness between your legs mounted and body began to warm in pleasure.
He grabbed your wrists, holding them up over your head with one hand, and grabbing your hip painfully hard with the other as he pushed himself harder into you.
"Faster." You moaned out, closing your eyes tight.
He picked up his rough pace until it became uncomfortable against your belly. His excitement from the day clearly melting over into fucking you as he took care to give you both pleasure and discomfort at the same time.
But, the excitement from the day was still fresh and he met his high first. Hearing him orgasm was amazing. Nothing could compare to his primal, lust filled noises of ecstasy.
Once he had finished he gave a small frown, dropping to his knees and biting roughly at your sensitive spot.
It was a curious sensation as the water ran cold and a guilty, pleasurable pain surged through you like fire as you met your limit. Ramsay had to catch you by the hips as your knees gave out at the shock and force of your body releasing.
When he was sure you wouldn't fall he released his grip, and pushed himself up into the cold stream of water.
"This hot water heater fucking sucks." He complained, chills erupting on his body.
"Well, hurry up and get us moved to our permanent residence." You grinned, stepping out of the shower.
"You can't rush greatness, doll. Go grab me something to wear so we can go to dinner."
You wrapped a towel around you and left the bathroom to dress and call your baby brother.
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brancadoodles · 6 years
Tumblr media
Second on the list (and probably last Symbra for a while - I’ll try not to repeat prompts and if two people picked the same prompt for different pairings, I’ll prioritize ships that haven’t been written yet). This is longer than I had planned (almost 3k words, oh my Lord), but I hope you’ll enjoy I guess. It features a lot more Symm and Naya than Symbra, fair warning.
(oh and thanks again to @redcap3 for proofreading!)
"It's pillow fort made out of blankets", whispered Sombra.
Satya opened her mouth to say the first thought that came to her lips (“A pillow fort made out of blankets isn’t a ‘pillow’ fort, it’s a blanket fort”), but managed to bite her tongue on the last second. That would be understood as arrogance even if it was pure logic, and would be a useless remark. If anything, it would do more harm than good in this situation.
The situation being a blanket fort in the middle of her child’s room, with a starry comforter thrown over three chairs snuck from the living room and at least 3 other blankets and comforters tied to several furniture around. A dim light could be seen from inside, which she deducted came from the small moon-shaped reading light that belonged hanging from the wall next to the now bare bed - the mattress had been removed and placed inside the fort, as well as the stuffed toys that usually were there.
Satya’s rational understanding that children like to build forts and hideouts to play on their own and exercise their imagination clashed with her instinctive displeasure of fostering that mess. That conflict between her own nature and a child's reality had become quite familiar in the past year, ever since she had decided to begin bonding with that skittish 6-year-old victim of Vishkar’s developments, Naya. That orphaned, crippled, traumatized, marvelous creature who stole her heart and, according to Sanjay once she announced her decision to adopt the girl, her common sense.
Perhaps he was a crook, but Satya had to recognize he was at least partially right. She didn't regret adopting at all, but the appearance of rogue grey hairs on her head and the dark patches under her eyes were a few physical proof of the adaptation process. Some people had approached her in a conciliatory tone, chanting about how much work a child meant and praising her selflessness for adopting a “grown”, physically disabled one, and as a single woman no less. Satya understood how most of that praise was disguised venom or condolence, and never gave them any satisfaction by acknowledging the girl's obvious unconventional behavior. She could see enough of herself in Naya to know which tactics would most likely work in someone whose mind tended to be so foreign to everyone else, even if Naya admittedly seemed to display more obvious traits than she ever did - and she would never willingly allow the girl to be seen as stranger than any other kid.
She bit her tongue again out of frustration. That knowledge didn't make parenting any easier. In the end, Naya was unique, like every person.
“Is she inside the blanket fort?” she murmured to Sombra, unable to keep herself from making the correction.
Sombra nodded. “I tried talking to her a little, but she’s cagey. Did you guys have a fight or something while I was out?”
Satya felt her frown deepen. “She punched a classmate who made fun of her.”
“She had stopped with physical aggressions. Two weeks and no complaints, only praise. She looked a lot more relaxed, too. I thought we were making progress. When I picked her up from the principal’s office I was… frustrated.”
“Mmhm” Satya thought she’d picked something from Sombra’s tone of voice.
“You do agree with me, don’t you?”
“Yea, I mean… she gotta defend herself. But not violently!” she hissed quickly at Satya’s piercing glare. “She should’ve… left the classroom or… gotten an adult… or said something. But... Saty,” Sombra sighed “you know none of these is easy for her.”
Satya looked back at the fort, and also sighed. Yes, she knew. She watched in silence a shadow stirring inside. Naya was probably reading. Or asleep.
“Saty, did you yell at her?”
“I…” She wouldn’t say she went there. She did raise her voice, and she was angry and disappointed and frustrated, and she might have steered a little more aggressively than usual on the way home and, and maybe she did act a little intimidating and had given snappish responses after the argument…
“...I might have, a little.”
Sombra didn’t chastise her, and she was forever grateful that her Oli had such careful timing.
“Well, you’ll see.” She turned away toward the hallway. “Call me if you need anything. But talk to her, she’s all weird. Has she ever built a fort before?”
“No. She usually hides in a corner beside the desk when she’s sad. This is new.”
Sombra raised her hand to Satya’s shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze, winking on cue before heading outside. Satya remained on the doorstep, alone and wondering.
After a minute, she took a deep breath and walked into the room, quietly approaching the makeshift tent. She cleared her throat, but her voice came out hoarse and out of tune.
There was no answer, but she did see the shadow moving again, a little too much to be asleep.
“Naya. May I enter?”
The shadow moved again, closer to the lamp and away from the “entrance”. Satya decided to take that as something like permission, and got on all fours to crawl inside.
She had to knock a few of Naya's plushies off to sit as barely fit in there, of course, but it was an undeniably well-made tent, considering it was improvised by a small child out of blankets and a few pieces of furniture. Naya had brought in pillows and books and made a small nest at the farther end of the mattress, where she sat wrapped in a lavender comforter, only her face poking out.
She didn’t look at Satya, and even turned away slightly when the woman sat cross-legged in the middle of the tent. Afraid? Angry? Hurt? Sad? Satya began focusing on the child’s body language. She could carefully watch it along with her words, and have clues about what to say.
“Naya,” she murmured. “what is this?” she gestured around her as well as she could in the limited room. Naya turned her face back to her and didn’t look up when answering, softly:
“A cave.”
“A cave? Okay. Why are all your plushies in it? Are they playing?”
“So what are you all doing in here?”
Naya hugged whatever plushies she had hidden under the comforter and lifted her chin, a little defiantly, towards Satya, but not looking at her. “I took them all inside because a storm was coming, and they all need to be safe.”
“Oh, I see.” And Naya was very afraid of heavy rain. “Why did you bring the mattress in? It must have been difficult, it’s heavy.”
Naya shot her a suspicious gaze before looking down again, shaking her head a little too abruptly. Oh, she knows I don’t like this mess.
“Caves are strong, but the ground is too hard, so I brought the mattress in.” she pointed at the toys Satya had knocked off with her chin. “They were asleep after having dinner.”
“I guess I should pick them up, no? And re-settle them.”
“You can’t. You are on their place. They’re really angry that you pushed them to the side, this is their bed.” Naya rocked forward to reach a plush cat and pull it back on the mattress, huffing annoyingly. “This is for myself and -- you pushed Lily out of the cave!”
Satya was startled at Naya’s high-pitched cry and could barely twist out of the way as the girl lunged forward, crawling over her mother and stretching as much as possible to reach an anthropomorphic sleeping bee plush doll that had fallen outside the tent. She returned to her spot in the makeshift nest hugging Lily as she hastily covered herself with the comforter again, shooting Satya an angry look. “This is our place.”
The woman sustained the gaze, knowing that Naya wouldn’t be able to hold it for long; and almost on cue, the girl looked to the side, even more irritated. Satya bit her tongue once again; she couldn’t act on her first impulse, and be annoyed. Not if she wanted Naya to open up.
She inhaled deeply, exhaling slowly.
“I believe we should talk, you and I. About what happened at school.”
Naya flinched visibly, pursuing her lips. Satya felt a pang in her heart, and was quick to add: “We don’t have to talk in here, though, as this is your place. I’ll be waiting outside, if you promise to come out to talk to me. Will you?”
Naya was in silence for many seconds before bobbing her head in confirmation, and Satya carefully crawled out of the tent, sitting on the bed frame and crossing her legs. She tightened her grip on her knee as her child didn’t follow immediately.
Try and relax, she scolded herself. It’ll be okay. You gave her space. That was the right thing to do. You’ll soon discuss what went down at school again.
“Again”? Is that what you need? Echoed a small voice inside Satya’s head. It sometimes had Sombra’s mocking tone, like now.
Satya glanced over the blanket fort, which held tight even when an adult entered it and even as Naya’s shadow showed how she fussed inside. Her daughter was intelligent and resourceful. She had trouble talking to people, but once she made friends she was easygoing and kind. She was polite, sweet, affectionate, and Satya felt a fuzz inside every time she thought about everything Naya was beyond words.
It wasn’t fair school was such a struggle. Her therapist had been instructing Satya and Sombra, and they all had been working so hard on coaching the child on her hurdles. The school was aware, and Satya made a point on participating in PTA meetings despite how most of them made her skin crawl. But Naya was skittish and impatient, and showed an aggressive streak when confronted directly - especially with other children. Was Naya aware of it? Did she realize how much progress she was doing?
She was just a kid, but she wasn’t dumb.
No:, the voice in Satya’s head barked back, she isn’t dumb, but she’s just a kid.
Satya bit her tongue again, mulling over the thought.
She inhaled and exhaled a few times before hearing Naya tumble out of the “cave”, still placing the last of her plushies carefully in position and tightening up her prosthetics around her legs. Right. Naya didn’t like standing without the hard light legs ever since Satya had them projected, and she was sensitive to comments about it.
Naya got up, taking a deliberately long time to close the blanket entrance while Satya patiently waited. Finally, the girl took a few strained steps towards a spot on the bed, two feet away from Satya’s mechanical arm. She sat down, looking at her interlaced hands, and they were both quiet for a moment.
“Meri pyaari beti,” Satya started, her voice now soft and silken. Naya sharply turned her head towards her, seeming surprised at the tone and the endearment.
Satya felt another pang in her heart. “I need to apologize to you.”
The girl blinked a few times, squeezing her hands together. Satya uncrossed her legs and unconsciously mimicked the gesture, pursuing her lips before managing to speak again.
“I am aware of your efforts to behave in a appropriate way at school.”, she continued, “I know you’ve been using your words a lot more lately. Do you see good things coming from that attitude we’ve been encouraging you to have?”
Satya knew she was using complicated words, but that’d have to do now. She clamped her fingers tighter.
“I… I do.” Naya answered, sheepishly. “Mika has become my friend, and we sit together for math exercises. And he and Jami and Claudia like to play football during breaks. Claudia can run almost as fast as me. And the teacher says I’m doing well, gives me stars.”
“That’s great!” chirped Satya, and then softened her voice a little. “We feel that it’s good for you too. You look happier now, you’re doing better at your homework…” her voice trailed off as she sought a way to lead the conversation to the unpleasant point. Naya looked down at her hands again and went dead quiet.
“I… we all want to see you like that. To continue to see you thriving. Going well.” Satya hesitantly continued. “How do you… how did you feel when you punched Lucas today and got sent to the principal’s office?”
Satya had the distinct impression that the Naya was scrunching herself to become physically smaller, a deep frown marking her face as she tangled her fingers so tight she looked like she was praying. She tried suffocating a sob, unsuccessfully. Satya tentatively lifted her prosthetic hand to touch the child’s long hair.
“Bad.” Naya answered in a sob she was still trying to swallow. “I felt like I was g-going to die.”
“Die?” Satya leaned closer, alarmed, trying to catch Naya’s gaze somehow. “Why?”
“B-b-b…” tears fell freely on the girl’s lap now, and she inhaled sharply. “Because I felt so bad, I felt I was going to die of bad. I didn’t want... I was so angry, I just wanted him to shut up.” she finally released her hands to cover her face. “I k-knew you were going to be mad. All of you. And he started c-crying. It was bad. I didn’t w-w--”
All sobbing finally drowned her voice, and she was curled into a ball, shaking uncontrollably. Satya immediately moved closer, wrapping her arms around Naya with slow assurance, and pulling her carefully towards her chest. She began mumbling sweet nothings and let herself be taken in by the warmth between them: Naya’s thick hair intertwining with her fingers; the way the child curled up against her, holding her prosthetic hand close; the quiet kisses she placed on her forehead, hands, cheeks.
How ironic it was that this was the easiest part of being with Naya since the beginning, when she’d have such a hard time being touchy with anyone else? It felt good, though. It felt right, so she did it.
Soon enough they were both still in a cozy hug, rocking back and forth as Satya hummed some half-forgotten song from her childhood. Naya’s sobs began to subside and Satya guided her into breathing exercises to help her relax. The girl was clutching Satya’s middle like a salvation board, and the woman had to gently loosen her grip so they could look eye to eye again.
“Thank you for being honest.” whispered Satya, drying Naya’s cheeks and runny nose with her sleeve. “I’m glad that you feel like being peaceful is good. I’m sorry you couldn’t help it today, and that you felt so bad.”
“Y-yea, uh...” Naya sobbed a little, a Satya reached for a stray blanket (well, she’d have to wash them all anyway after all dragging through the floor) and had Naya blow on it before the girl could continue. “I also… didn’t want you to be mad at me, like you did.”
Satya bit her lower lip, looking at Naya endearingly. “At the beginning, I said I wanted to apologize. Do you know why?” Naya shook her head. “Because I was inconsiderate. I was frustrated and sad at what had happened, and while you should know you can’t hurt others, I should have calmed down before we talked. I didn’t give you time to calm down and process it all, and I had you scared. I’m sorry.”
Naya blinked a few times before gazing away, sniffling.
“Can you forgive me?”
She bobbed her head, but Satya frowned.
Naya turned back to stare at her, a fiercely serious look in that swollen little face. She scrubbed her eyes for a moment, but when she looked up again she was spoke, decisively:
“I am sorry for hitting Lucas. Next time I’ll… I-I’ll talk to Miss L about it. Even if he laughs at me for it.” she gulped and inhaled before continuing. “I’ll tell her: ‘Miss L, Lucas is making fun of me, and I’m very angry, so I’d like to ask to go to the fountain and back again so I can calm down’. Can I do that? You told me to do that.”
Satya smiled widely, relaxing at once and fixing a stray strand of Naya’s hair. “Yes you can.”
Naya seemed relieved, and flashed a smile for a second before pursuing her lips. “I’m sorry I made you sad, too.”
Satya leaned forward to kiss her forehead. “Forgiven. We’re fine now… well, after we undo the ‘cave’.” she looked around, sighing, and petted her daughter’s head. “Do not drag the mattress out of the bedframe anymore, love. Nor drag things from a room to another, unless very necessary or after you ask. I’m not very… fond… of that, okay?” she smiled to make sure Naya didn’t feel that was too important, but she was itching inside.
Naya bobbed her head without hesitation, already getting on her feet. “Okay, mom.”
She started gathering her toys right away as to show off her commitment, and was oblivious to Satya’s little choke following her words. The woman half-heartedly scolded herself for not having gotten used to being called “mom” after all these months, but she still found it hard not to feel her heart flutter a little every time.
“Also,” Naya said, carrying an entire zoo of plushie animals and looking quite grave. “I’m sorry you were forestated with me.”
Between two computer screens, Sombra heard Satya’s obnoxious snicker and Naya’s protests on cue echoing from the other side of the apartment. She smiled; it was all good.
Meri pyaari beti - My lovely daughter
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silviasutton1989 · 6 years
T.T.K. Ch. 12 Part 1 “Le jeux sont fait”
A/N: I won say much but I really hope you guys don’t get mad at me for what I am about to do with this story. I know that we all have our different ships I just hope that you are ok with going through this journey even if you don’t necessarily like where it goes. Yes this is a 2 part chapter it would have been 5000 words had I not split it so although you might not get the answers you like I left several clues (one big one) that can point you in the right direction. 
Word Count: 2400
Rating: M course language slightly sexual situations
Summary: Although it’s the day after Riley’s birthday the encounters fro last night still remain.
Catch Up: Chapter 1  1.2  2  3  4  5  6  7 8  9  9.2  9.25   10   11
Drake punches the wall full force, his fist throbbing at the impact but rage wouldn’t allow him to feel the pain. Or at least not that one, his heart was already wounded. Riley was happy, and that smile was something that he hadn’t been able to put on her face in days. Is this how he will always feel with her? Incompetent?
A light touch breaks him from his thoughts.
“Ca va?”
Not bothering to look at her “Kiara go back to your little party!” He starts to walk down the hallway again hearing her heels click behind him on the marble floor, and spins around to face her, rage and tears in his eyes.
“Will you stop following me? Go!” Drake waves the Crown Royal bottle clutched in his hand at her and quips “I’m fine.”
Something in Kiara snaps, her decorum vanishes and she pushes Drake against the wall. Bewildered he stays put, watching the woman with wide eyes.
“Why won’t you just let me in? You don’t want to be with me? I get that but I can be a friend to you Drake! And by the looks of it you need one today.”  She quickly realizes her actions, and recoils . “I’m…I’m so sorry, Drake. I don’t know what got into me.  I—“ her voice stammers for a moment before she begins to walk away.
“Wait…” Drake calls out to her, with an exacerbated sigh slowly walking towards her. “Ok friend how about you help me finish off this bottle.”
A smile reaches her eyes. At least I can make her smile. “Tres bon! Let's take a walk."
They turn down another hallway, the music from the party slowly subsiding.
Breakfast was silent, Hana and Maxwell the only two making conversation at the extra-long dining table. Riley and Drake sat quietly, a chair between them. They hadn’t spoken about last night or about the fact that their bed wasn’t slept in by either of them.
“So you know…” Maxwell’s mouth full of pastries as he speaks to Hana. “There’s a rumor going around that someone had a little too much fun last night.”
“What do you mean? We all had fun.” Hana’s innocent eyes scan over her friends. Riley stares into her untouched plate. Drake leans back into his chair rubbing his temples ferociously. The two look guilty as sin. “What cannot be fun about a surprise party?”
“He means someone was having sex last night.” Madeline interjects. Liam chokes on his orange juice hearing the boastful statement. “So who was it. It had to be someone at this table. My bet is on the lovely couple.” She points her glass at the two a sinful smile on her lips. “You two have been screwing all through the tour. And don’t think I don’t know what you lust birds were doing at my estate either” She chuckles.
“Kiara and Olivia aren’t here maybe it was them.” Riley seethes, giving Liam a quick pleading glance before returning her stare at her plate. She didn’t look at Drake. Not once.
“Nope. The maid said that it was defiantly a man and a woman." Maxwell begins,  "She said the two were in the heated throws of passion pelvis to pelvis consumed in the friction of ecstasy. That their cries of erotica could have filled the whole estate.” He looks at his friends who all stare at him. “That was a direct quote.”
“Maxwell you should really stop talking to the help. My room is right by the vacant wing and I didn’t hear a thing.” Olivia takes a seat at the table.  She takes a bagel smearing it with cream cheese. “Let's talk about something of actual importance, than some rumor that’s clearly a lie. I just got a call from Gynaika they would like to do an interview with me.”
“The Greek Women’s magazine?” Hana asks in awe, mouth agape.
“The very one. It’s going to be a “Women to Watch” issue.” Olivia states matter of factly, taking a large bite out of the bagel cream cheese caught on the side of her mouth. She has a smile on her face that fills her eyes. Liam sees the cream and hands her a napkin chuckling at the sight.
“Congratulations Olivia.” He tells her everyone at the table following suit.
“That’s really great, Olivia.” Riley tries to fake the smile but quickly gives up.
The gang bombarded Olivia with questions on her interview, no one but Riley heard the low husky voice “Riley, we need to talk about last night.” Drake’s eyes are dark and when the two finally look at each other they both knew this talk will not end favorably.
“You are soooooo pretty!  You know that? Do you know how pretty your almond shaped eyes are, Liam?” Riley squeals as she stumbles down the hallway. The party had been great. Except for one thing. There was one thing in the back of her mind that just wouldn’t let her be happy. He had a smile that haunted her, a smell that would make her weak at the knees and a voice that would send chills through her. Drake wasn’t around but his memory lingered .
“Riley I don’t think you will need that. You may have had your fill.” Liam points to the Crown Royal bottle in her hand. He blushes from her compliment no one had ever called him “pretty” before.
“Oh pish posh hog wash! Kiara had like 30 of these damn bottles on the table. She can do without one I think.” She puts the container to her face watching the brown liquid swirl like gold in a jar. “I’m going to give this to Drake …to apologize for being a self-centered ass.”
“Hey! I won’t let you say such things.” Liam gives her his best sober look yet he bobs on his feet slightly, “Today is your birthday and you should have fun! You, my lady are not an ass…I mean you have an ass… a beautiful ass but you have other things too.” He stands tall as if he gave the best speech of his royal career.
Riley giggles hysterically “The king of Cordonia just said a bad word. Quick someone alert the council!” She screams.
“Shhh…” his finger to his lips “you can’t tell anyone my secret… but you know sometimes I say fuck when no one is listening.”  He quickly covers his mouth as if to stop the word from spewing out.
“Oh I have the most brilliant beyond brilliant idea. Come with me.” She grabs his arm dragging him down the hall.
“Where are we going?” He giggles
“To find a balcony I want to scream profanities at the top of my lunges! And you are going to do it with me.”
“Wait…what am I doing?” she doesn’t answers as she continues to pull him along with very little effort. If only she knew he would follow her through the gates of hell if she asked him to.
Liam's fingers drummed against the wooden desk. He assumed that given the attack a council meeting would be imminent. What he was surprised by was how few members made the drive to meet him. Many of whom were on the tour but after the fire began to have illnesses or deaths in the family. Whatever reasons they gave Liam knew they were fabricated. His council was depleting and that meant his nobles were abandoning him. There were 4 men staring back at him. 4 out of 25.
"So I guess this meeting will be a short one." Liam tries to chuckle through his words but catches a lump in his throat and coughs instead.
"Your Majesty, we first wanted to say you gave an excellent speech at Apple Wood. News reports are favoring you as quick and empathetic to your citizens."
"Why thank you, Lord Scribes. I do feel that Duchess Riley and I..."
"There is the matter with Duchess Riley that we would like to discuss, Sire?" Colonial Martian states.
Liam straightens in his chair "Oh...and what matter would that be?"
 "Well if the incident like last week gives us any indication as to how the duchess reacts under pressure, we just don't feel that she is capable of being a representative for our court."
"She seemed a bit checked out, your highness." Scribes interjects.
Liam's jaw tightens as his knee begins to bump underneath the desk. "So you want me to send her away because she made one ill-timed joke?" His knee was noisily beating against the desk now. He pushes his chair back to stop the noise but his leg still moves.
"Oh goodness no Your Highness. We don't want her to leave. The reason we are having this tour is for her wedding. But we do feel that maybe she shouldn't be the woman by your side when you give your speeches to the public."
With a heavy sigh the king looks between his councilmen. "And who do you think should?"
Lord Scribes slides over the morning paper. The front page picture shows Liam and Olivia standing side by side smiling to the cheering crowd. A pained grunt comes from him as he stares at the paper.
"So you want me to host public events with Oli--Duchess Olivia? Wasn’t it just a month ago you all were ready to throw her in the dungeon for the attacks? Now she gives one good speech and you’re ready to make her the face of Cordonia." His words came out more critical than he intended. He was proud of Olivia for stepping up and inspiring the citizens but he had put a lot into Riley playing that role. She could do it. All she needed was guidance he was sure of it.
"Not at all Your Majesty. We figure the more attention you give her the easier we can catch her and given our lack in attendance of nobles we need as much positive publicity as we can get. We have to face facts Olivia is a virus!"
Liam raises his eyebrows. "She's a what?"
"He means she has gone viral." Colonial Martian states, narrowing his eyes at the old man before turning back to his monarch. "In nearly a week her speech has almost a million views. She’s starting to become a sensation not just locally but internationally as well. Some U.S. press are even buzzing about her.”
The rest of the meeting was a complete blur. As charts and graphs were presented in to him, his thoughts were focused on last night. On how perfect it actually felt to be with her. But there was just so much in between them so many things that have yet to be said or understood. She was in love with another man and probably had been for a long time. Would it be worth it to pursue her if it meant he would never have all of her. That night in New York, standing on his knees the most vulnerable her has ever been in his whole life just to be told that another man was more important. Could he do that to himself again?
The meeting ended and his questions still had no answer. As he turns the corner he bumps straight into Riley.
"Oh..I'm so sorry Riley. I guess I didn't see you there my heads been everywhere lately."
"It's fine Liam. Actually I was trying to find you. Drake...he wants to talk about last night. I have been dodging him till I could speak with you." She shifts in her stance checking around the corner to see if anyone is in earshot. "Last night was a mistake right?" She runs her fingers through her coils. "I love Drake and I don't know how I will explain it to him but--"
"Riley, you were pretty sloshed ." He takes her hand his soft eyes glance into her guilty ones. "Nothing happened."
"Yeah you can say that but we both know...." She stammers a bit as he tries to sooth her.
"Hey look at me the only two people that know about last night are me and you and if anyone asks me, nothing happened. You left the party a little too tipsy so I took you to your room. End of story."
Liam gives her his diplomatic smile the one that doesn't quite reach his eyes. It does the trick though as he hears Riley sigh in relief.
"I guess I should go find him." He holds onto her hands a few seconds longer before letting her go. And she is off to find the man she loves, not even bothering to say good bye.
"Kiara where are we?" Drake stumbles down the dim lightened hallway.The crown royal bottle was half empty by now and Kiara had shown him pretty much the whole estate. This side was different, it seemed pretty abandoned.
"Well since everyone pretty much bailed on the unity tour this whole wing is vacant. I figured that if you were going to cry on my shoulder for the rest of the night we should probably do it somewhere where no one could see you cry" She gives him a sly smirk opening one of the doors and cuts on a light. "This is the Billiard room... I thought you might like it."
Drake looks around the wood paneled room." It's nice Kiara but I just wanted to talk... maybe I should go back. I mean I acted like a cave man back there. It's her birthday and I should have just let her have her day. I need to go back.. to apologize." 
Drake turns towards the door but hears the ivory pool balls click together on the table and it grabs his attention to Kiara leaning over the table, her cleavage peaks from her shirt ass she does. Drake cant help but to moan slightly at the sight. In the right lighting, and with whiskey goggles she could be a dead ringer for Riley.
"Le jeux sont fait, Drake. I think what you need is a beak. She hands him  the pool stick. How abut I play you. I win you have to scream to the whole world that I beat you in pool." She points to the window nearest them, there's a large balcony waiting.
"What if I when?" He cocks a drunken smile to her as she steps a little closer to him, her eyes scanning his body. "Well that depends..." She says in a low wanting voice, she's only an inch away from him when she adds. "What do you want?"
Tag List:  If you want to be on the tag list permanently (this one is randomly selected with some permanent in as well)  let me know. If you DO NOT want to be tagged ever just send me a message I will not be upset.
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I’ve been thinking that they’ve been pretty quiet on SM since the TYCT announcement, no practice videos or candid shots together, etc. Almost feels as if they’re nearing the end with worlds next year. Not doing the GP circuit signals lack of seriousness and commitment. Coaching changes again, shift to Michigan, turned down by MFP for the second time. They almost seemed sad in their interviews from HPC and I’m wondering if something shifted btw them and not in a good way. 😔
After the TYCT they went on vacation together to Vegas. They tried their hands at coaching and chore TOGETHER.  Kaitlyn french braided Andrew’s hair. They sang love songs in the car to each other. Kaitlyn posted Andrew chilling in the husband chair while she went shopping. She tagged him in shoes she wanted. They stripped down and posed for photos we have yet to see. They were supportive marrieds commenting on each other’s posts. She posted that cute selfie from their picnic dinner date in the park. Andrew lives to see her eyes everyday. Their friends want to be adopted by them.
They’ve gone to plenty of events together, never looked off or like anything at all changed.  
But after all that, they also experienced the loss of a really close friend. And not only that, but they’ve been training a program dedicated to honoring his legacy. Day in and day out, those emotions have had to be on the forefront, they’ve been intricately woven into their new free dance that Denis touched, that Denis gave his blessing, that now carries his memory. 
If we know WeaPo, they do everything with all that they have. And sometimes, giving all that you have means not having the energy to show the rest of the world what is going on. 
I can guarantee that WeaPo are still serious about competing. If they were not, they would not do it at all. I can also wager a guess that they know they’re nearing the end of their career. This means making sure they have a place in shows and TYCT offers a unique chance to not only skate, but for all these skaters to be part of the creation of the show too. I don’t see how anyone could pass it up for a post-Olys GP series but that also doesn’t mean they aren’t committed to their training and competing in top form during the second half of the season.  Like they said in their announcement, they’ve been skating constantly since 2006 without missing a single beat. I think they are well justified and perfectly capable of not doing the fall series.
Until there’s an actual source on Gadbois, I’m not commenting on that. Michigan is GOOD for them. They’ve always done their best there. And good for them for doing what is best for them rather than staying with something that doesn’t feed the passions in their soul. They always do what their heart is telling them.  
Personally, I was a little annoyed at HPC. It seemed like the media wasn’t respecting the deep emotions and the beauty of the tribute. They didn’t seem to want to care to ask WeaPo about it. It was all lacking. But Kaitlyn and Andrew seemed just as they always are in their interactions and the mysterious lover moment was quite intimate and telling and let’s be real and hold them to the mainstream fs fandom standards for a second, if Sc*tt said that about T*ssa, their relationship would have been confirmed 10 times over again.
WeaPo are being WeaPo. We will see them absolutely slaying their beautiful programs next weekend. They don’t owe us any posts, even if we do miss their cute antics and weekend improv videos.  
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warping-reality · 7 years
Rooftops: Intro & Ch. 1
So, due to overwhelming support-and by that I mean @cheezit-insanity said she’d read it, so-here’s the intro and first chapter of the book I’m writing, Rooftops. 
Rooftops: a Novel
by Jeneve Wilder
                We lived at the top of what used to be a publishing house. It had been abandoned for many years, until the current landlord won it gambling and leased it out to those desperate enough to stay there. And they were desperate, each and every one of them.
               The ground floor could often be found with three or four of the homeless sleeping in the makeshift lobby, seeking shelter from the bitter cold. Four prostitutes lived on the fifth floor—a nice bunch, considering. We didn’t see much of the other residents.
               There was no heat—an unfortunate circumstance in a northern state where the wind could slice right through you. The stairwell and floors creaked with age and the main doors didn’t have locks. Not that there was any real need for them.
               We didn’t have anything worth stealing.
               There were six of us, in total; or rather, three pairs of us. We came in pairs.
               The first pair was Oliver and RiRi. Siblings, though you wouldn’t guess it. Oliver was studying law at Uni, fancied making a name for himself. RiRi fancied the same, only she went about different means. Night and day, Oli and Ri were. RiRi’s real name was Rhianna, and she went by Anne, but when they came to live with the rest of us we already had an Anne—formally Joanna. So, they flipped for it, Anne won, and RiRi had to find a new nickname. RiRi was a lot of things. Bright. Loud. A headache, according to Shiloh. She wore graphic tees and snapbacks, piling long waves of burnt orange hair up into haphazard ponytails. Oliver was everything RiRi wasn’t. Respectful. Proper. Just a bit full of himself, but then he’d had a hard time of it, as did most black kids from a poor family. (Yes, you read right. RiRi was adopted. No continuity flaws here.) He had to grow up a bit too fast. Then again, we all did.
               Next were Rose and Peter. Or Peter and Rose, if you prefer. Unlike Oliver and RiRi, neither name had to come first. (Some people are just funny like that, aren’t they, where their names must be said in a particular order, or else it’s wrong? Try saying ‘Hermione and Ron’ or ‘Frodo and Sam’ and you’ll see what I mean.) Anyways, Peter and Rose are hard to define. Peter was a tattoo artist, Rose an apprentice in the shop he worked in. That’s how they met. They were disgustingly in love, that much was obvious to anyone around them, yet they didn’t seem to have the same urgency to their relationship that others did. Not much is known about Rose. (Read: the girl is a fucking mystery.) She’s Latina, wears leather, and rides a motorbike that most of her salary goes towards. She’s a decent artist, street smart, and completely terrifying. That’s all. Peter’s a bit easier-he’s an absolute sweetheart. When you think of Peter, you think of watercolor and beat up converse, of messy hair and goofy smiles, pencils stuck behind ears and faded shirts pulled on inside out.
               Shiloh and Anne were last. Best friends since they had met in a community theatre production at 15 and 13 respectively, the two were absolutely inseparable. Shiloh is tall. Annoyingly tall, according to Anne, who is 5’2” and ¾”. Choppily cut, short blonde hair hangs in her face, obscuring her eyes. Shiloh cut it when she was 16 as an act of rebellion against her mother. She was 21 now, and hadn’t spoken to her mother in almost 5 years. Anne and Shiloh were both students at Uni alongside Oliver, Shiloh studying Pre-Med and Anne undeclared. Where Shiloh was ungainly and awkward, Anne was graceful and poised. Her abundant curls of dark, Hawaiian hair flowed well past her waist. She wore loose, fluid clothing and made her own jewelry. Years of dancing had made her lithe frame strong and slender. She was the undisputed mother of us all, taking care of each of us in her own special ways.
               Now you have the setting and the cast of characters laid before you. Now you must await the lift of the curtain, for that odd stage play of life to start and the actors to perform.
               This is our story, we six strange thespians of unusual origins on our opening debut. We invite you to join us, in a year of our lives.
Rooftops: Chapter 1
              Shiloh grinned into the wind as she urged her bike faster down the street. Anne was pulling up close behind her, challenging the small lead Shiloh had won over the past seven minutes. Gritting her teeth, she soared tightly around the last curve in their route, gaining another foot on Anne before screeching to a stop outside the Chemistry building. Anne panted as she pulled up a second later.
              “Oh hush, I’m tired,” she said, rolling her eyes at Shiloh’s smirk.
              “Maybe your legs are just too short,” the other girl laughed.
              “Need I remind you that I’ve won for the past two days?”
              Shrugging, Shiloh swung off her bike, walking it over to the rack by the side of the building. She kneeled, tugged a small weed out from a crack in the pavement, and quickly chained up her bike. Anne tugged a knot of dark, tangled hair from her helmet, wincing as she did so.
              “I’m late. Are we on for lunch?”
              “Nah, not today.” Shiloh checked the time. “I’ll be heading to the gym with Oli. And relax, you’ve still got a few minutes.”
              “Alright, see you tonight then.”
              Shiloh waved a distracted goodbye as Anne pedaled away. Jogging to the third floor, she headed on into her classroom, despite being almost half an hour early.
              Ms. Rigley glanced up with a small smile as Shiloh bounded towards her desk, dropping off the latest homework assignment into the blue inbox.
              “Hey, Ms. R. Anything I can help with?”
              “Good morning, Caulton.” Ms. Rigley always called everyone by their last name. “If you could copy these notes onto the board, it would be helpful.”
              Shiloh nodded, grabbing the pages and beginning to write the formulas out in careful strokes. It never hurt to be on a professor’s good side, especially with midterms coming up, so Shiloh was more than happy to offer her assistance. The time passed in silence, broken only by the occasional squeaking of the marker or shuffling of papers. Shiloh stood back to survey her work, and then she headed to her chair.
              One by one, fellow students started filing in, stopping to drop their work off. Shiloh’s fingers itched with the temptation to straighten the haphazard pile. They were a small class, slightly cramped into a stuffy room with large windows. Holden nodded a greeting to her as he slid into the desk to her left and pulled out his notebook. Ms. Rigley stood, and the class began.
              Although a Biology major, Shiloh found Ms. Rigley’s Organic Chem to be her favorite class, mostly due to the teacher herself. She was gruff, and a harsh grader, but she obviously cared for her student’s success and mental health, allowing them occasional breaks from homework and always providing extra credit. Clicking her pen, Shiloh set herself to copying down the first problem.
              Pre-wrap was her best friend, Shiloh decided as she stepped from the changing room into the bright fluorescence of the gym interior. There was comfort in the familiar routine of preparation before any task, especially exercise. She passed a colorful poster boasting, ‘Today is YOUR Day,’ and plopped down on a mat next to Oliver.
              “How was your day?” She grabbed a roller and started stretching. “And please don’t start rambling about your newest law assignment thing again,” she found it prudent to cut off that line of discussion before it started. “It’s fucking boring.”
              In response, Oliver rolled his eyes. “As I have stated many times, my field of study has innumerable possible applications to help people. Law is not boring, it’s fascinating. It’s a puzzle.” He paused. “I suppose such a study is only for those with true dedication.”
              Shiloh chuckled. Oliver had a way of speaking properly. She supposed it was his way of distancing himself from the slum he grew up in. At least it would help his law career.
              Their friendship was an easy one, built on mutual comradery, gym life, study halls, and light teasing. cha
              She switched legs, working on her left calf, and changed the subject. “Anne’s picking up dinner tonight—”
              “Redundant, she does so every night.”
              Shiloh charitably ignored the interruption. “Should I let her know of any preferences?”
              Oliver grunted, seemingly unconcerned. “If it’s not Indian I don’t mind, but if I must have any more curry, my tongue will fall off.”
              “Blame Peter for that one. I’ll let her know.”
              “Want to cycle in on the bench?”
              “Sure, I’d like someone to spot me anyway,” Shiloh answered. “Want to row a bit first though. Can you entertain yourself for 20 minutes?”
              “Fine with me, I’ll jog.”
              “Cool, I’m almost done here. You never answered me though.”
              Confusion flickered across his face. “Answered what?”
              “How was your day?”
              “Oh. Fine.” Oliver’s usually gruff voice pitched a little higher and softer. “I met someone new.”
              “Do tell.”
              “Her name is April. She just transferred from community college.”
              What an incredible way to give me no information of importance, Shiloh thought. “Do you like her?”
              Her suspicions were confirmed by the acute redness that flushed across the back of Oliver’s neck. “She’s nice enough,” he huffed.
              “So that’s a yes then,” she sing-songed. Oliver just rolled his eyes in annoyance. Tapping her chin, Shiloh pretended to think. “Wonder what the rest will think of this! Oli’s got a fling!”
              “Ah, keep it under wraps, would’ja?” He asked, reverting to his old slang, betraying his nerves. “I kinda was thinking ‘bout takin’ it slow, like.”
              “I gotcha,” Shiloh grinned. This girl must be really something. “I suppose I could be persuaded to keep my lips sealed, for now. Hope she’s as great as you seem to think.”
              “Yeah, well,” he scratched his hear. “You better get to rowing if we are to leave in time for dinner.”              
              Shiloh gave him a quick salute, and bounded towards to rowing machine.
              After their time at the gym was done, the two biked home, delightfully sore. When they finally arrived, and hiked up the seven flights of stairs, they found the apartment mostly abandoned. A quick glance at the coat rack, which was a bunch of push pins Anne had shoved into the hardwood, told them that RiRi was the only one home. They headed to the central room where RiRi sat, headphones in and eyes glued to her laptop screen.
              Oliver caught Shiloh’s eye, indicating with a jerk of his head to take the left. Shiloh nodded, mouth twitching upwards at the corners. In unison, they snuck closer to the unaware redhead. Pouncing with a jubilant shout, their fingers quickly found her sides, and RiRi shrieked, falling off her perch and crashing into Oliver. Shiloh clambered over the chair to join the impromptu huddle, continuing to tickle RiRi mercilessly until she cried uncle.
              RiRi lay on her back, panting. “Scare the life right out of me, why don’t you,” she grumbled, mustering up a glare.
              Oliver smiled, kissing her cheek in a belated greeting. “You should know better, losing track of time and letting your guard slip in house full of pranksters.”
               “Is it really six already?” RiRi cast a longing glance towards her computer. “And I’d hardly count Peter as a prankster.”
              Shiloh gave an undignified snort. “That’s only because nobody’s ever caught him. I still say he’s responsible for switching all my coffee out for decaf/
              Oliver and RiRi simultaneously at the reminder of that awful week. An undercaffeinated Shiloh could be the plot of a horror movie.
              “Anything exciting happen while we were out?” Shiloh asked, unconcerned with the dramatics of the siblings. “Please tell me you weren’t on the computer all day.”
              “Actually,” RiRi answered with a sniff, “I went on a walk around noon.”
              Oliver gasped with mock horror. “You left the house? Haven’t we taught you the dangers of the outside world? Have you learned nothing?”
              Shiloh quickly cottoned on and joined the act. “I never thought I’d see the day! Our little RiRi, all grown up and venturing outside!” She wiped away a fake tear. “The sky is red! Cats and dogs are getting along! I’m suddenly straight! The world’s turned upside down!”
              There was a brief pause, and then Oliver and Shiloh collapsed into a fit of giggles.
              “Oh, bugger off. I’m not that reclusive.”
              “You are that reclusive. And British, apparently.”
              Oliver quickly derailed the conversation before the two could devolve into their usual bickering. “Did you accomplish anything productive, or have you just watched Jean Bailey all day?”
              “I have actually! I uploaded a video and started on scripts for a couple others.” Her voice took on a light and excited tone, as it always did when RiRi talked about her work. She was pursuing a career on YouTube, eager to make her money doing something fun. Currently, she only had about 1,200 subscribers, but she carried a confidence that her channel would soon take off.
              “Is Anne back yet?” RiRi continued. “I’m hungry.”
              Shiloh checked her watch. “She should be back soon, no clue as to what she’s bringing.”
              “As long as it’s not Indian,” Oliver sighed.
              Shiloh shrugged and walked away to dump her backpack in her room. Might as well loose herself in a book while waiting, she reasoned. Shiloh let her fingers trail over various options before settling on the familiar comfort of Pride and Prejudice. Cracking it open, she settled down to read. The familiar sentences and notes scrawled in the margins served to soothe her tired mind.
              These books were her principal possessions. Shiloh had precious little in the way of things. Her side of the room was furnished with a simple desk and chair, and a mattress with two blankets was tucked into a corner. Random sketches Peter or Rose had left lying around were tacked haphazardly to the walls; a sheer piece of cloth hung over the single window overlooking a back alley. A thin screen separated her side from Anne’s. But her books were everywhere-stacked against the walls or in orderly piles on the floor. Shiloh could tell you where each was, name each author, even recite entire chapters from some of her favorites. She had always had a good memory for small things like that. These books were her haven away from the chaos of the real world.
              Shiloh finished reading about the first ball. Glancing out the window, she could see the familiar blue glint of Anne’s bike chained to a tree. Grinning broadly, Shiloh marked her place, slipped the book back on the pile under the desk, and jogged out to meet her friend.
              She entered the den at the same time as Anne, the later carrying several bags. “Who wants Pho?” Anne called. No sooner had the words left her mouth than a brightly colored blur snatched the food from her hands, plopping down on one of the handstitched beanbags that occupied the majority of the room.
              “Did you get me vegetarian?” RiRi asked, already digging through the first bag.
              Anne rolled her eyes, opting not to answer. Shiloh could have laughed-Anne had been catering to all of their dietary restrictions for years; it was unlikely she would forget.
              RiRi found her soup and happily started preparing it, the rest shoved to the side. Ambling over, Shiloh nodded help to Anne and started to rummage for her own. Oliver emerged from his room a minute later, and the four sta down to eat together, pow-wow style.
              “Where are Rose and Peter?” Oliver asked after thee edges of everyone’s hunger were sated.
              “Working late at the shop,” Anne answered. “At least, that’s what they texted me. I suspect they skived off for some alone time, so I brought extras for them to have when they get back,” she added, gesturing to the half empty bags.
              Oliver nodded. Shiloh stirred her soup three times and gulped some down. Minding the tipsy bowl, Anne swung her legs into Shiloh’s lap.
              Understanding through some unspoken bond, Shiloh shifted to stir her soup again while her left hand started lightly kneading Anne’s calves. They were each often sore, and a light massage was always welcome. Usually, they were each glad to oblige. “Went to the studio today?” Shiloh asked, already knowing the answer.
              Sure enough, Anne nodded. “Yeah. My legs are killing me—I need new pointe shoes.”
              Shiloh hummed in acknowledgment, stirring her soup three times, her spoon scraping against the cardboard of the bowl. Anne continued without prompting.
              “I started on a new choreography today. It’s a lot of fun. More modern than I’m used to.”
              They ate in silence for a while. RiRi’s voice broke through harshly. “Would you stop that?” She asked in annoyance as Shiloh stirred her Pho three times yet again.
              Shiloh started. “Stop what?” she asked.
              “Stirring your soup! Three times before each bite. It’s creepy.”
              “Oh,” she turned a blank stare back towards her bowl, setting her spoon and chopsticks down. “Sorry.”
              Almost predictably, Anne’s brow creased in worry. When she spoke, her voice was pitched low so that the other two couldn’t pick up on their conversation. “Are your compulsions acting up?”
              Shiloh shrugged noncommittally, refusing to life her gaze and meet Anne’s steady stare. Anne dropped it with a long look that promised they’d be revisiting the subject later.
              After their meal, Shiloh started to clean the trash from the area as Anne drew RiRi aside for a private talk. Straining her ears, Shiloh managed to catch the tail end of Anne’s sentence.
              “…be more patient…not Shi’s fault…compulsions… struggling…be more supportive…”
              The palms of Shiloh’s hands rubbed fruitlessly at her eyes, feeling the grittiness of exhaustion setting in. Although she appreciated Anne’s willingness to defend her, her faced flushed with anger and shame. She could deal with it on her own, and certainly didn’t need someone fighting her own battles.
              “I just don’t understand,” RiRi’s voice was easier to overhear, her tone lacking the soft lyrical quality that Anne’s always carried.
              “No, you don’t.” Anne snapped in response. She took a deep breathe presumably for composure, and started speaking quietly again. Shiloh moved closer under the ruse of throwing away the bags. “Look, just because you don’t understand something, especially an illness, doesn’t mean you can be disrespectful. It’s like—like Oliver’s MS. You don’t need to understand OCD. Just stop being such a dick about it.”
              RiRi started to respond, but Shiloh had heard enough. She threw away the trash and headed to her room. First, she lay on her mattress, tossing slightly. Staring at the rough sketch of a ballerina, she traced the familiar lines with her eyes. The activity did not calm her. If anything, her thoughts became more jumbled, fingers picking restlessly at the jersey comforter.
              Giving up with a weary sigh, Shiloh stood, pushing her window up and clamber out onto the fire escape. She liked going to the roof when she needed to think, letting her legs dangle over the edge and staring up at the stars.
              So, that’s what she did now.
              RiRi’s impatience wasn’t bugging her. Hell, she was right, it was annoying and she should have a lid on it. Anne was also right. Compulsions were worse, she was jittery and unfocused at the best of times lately. Shiloh hated the loss of control. And wasn’t that what her disorder was supposedly all about? Compulsions leading to a false sense of control?
              She lay on her back, the sky laid out above her. A few blinking starts peered back, not distinct enough to form a recognizable constellation. She missed the stars. In fact, Shiloh didn’t think she had seen a sky full of stars for years. Ah well, small price to pay for living in the city.
              Her fingers listlessly tapped out the rhythm to ‘Ramble On’ by Led Zeppelin. With a shudder, she realized she hadn’t grabbed a jacket before heading up.
              Shiloh stayed outside another few minutes, staring up at the stars and letting her mind go blank. An airplane passed high overhead. Shiloh’s dad used to be a pilot. She distantly wondered if that was him now, way up above her.
              The wind blew, bringing a distinct chill with it. Shiloh heaved herself up and climbed back down. Her rooftop venture left her much calmer than before, if also slightly melancholy.
              Ducking back inside her window, Shiloh latched it and prepared for the next day. She had just flicked off the light and slid between her blankets when the door creaked open.
              “Shiloh?” Anne’s voice called, barely louder than a whisper. Shiloh could feel her presence, barely a foot from where she lay.
              Squeezing her eyes shut, Shiloh stayed very, very quiet and very, very still.
              A silent beat, an intake of breath. Then—
              “Goodnight, Shiloh,” Anne’s voice was closer than before. “I love you.”
              Shiloh squeezed her eyes even tighter. Tension ran along every line of her body. She was sure that if Anne reached out and touched her with a feather-light finger, she would snap like a rubber band. But Anne merely crossed the room, footsteps fading away behind the screen.
              It took Shiloh a long time to fall asleep that night.
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nyxofthedarkness · 7 years
An Overwatch Christmas
Featuring Nyx Skotadi
Nyx stuffed a huge turkey into the oven.
“Hmm. If I use magic,it needs fifteen minutes. No magic is half an hour. But they’re coming soon... Fifteen minutes it is then.” Nyx mused as her fingers flicked the air. The pots came alive and settled themselves on the stove.
“How much longer?” Amelie squeaked breathlessly as she ran into the heavenly smelling kitchen.
“Soon,agápi. Got Lena;s present?” Nyx asked as she sprinkled pumpkin spice into the stew. “Come on baby. Cook for mama.’
“Yup!” Amelie replied,holding up the meticulously wrapped present for her Overwatch girlfriend.
“Well done,Ame. Is Gabriel still grumbling? I hope Akande would stop watching his One Punch Man marathon so that Olivia can play with Hana later.” Nyx chuckled as she spooned tomato puree into her signature Christmas stew.
“Thanks,Nyx. Gabe’s still grumbling. I guess he needs more Christmas cheer milkshake. Akande probably won’t let go of the TV.” Amelie sighed and rolled her eyes. Moira burst into the kitchen,her arms full of rope.
“Guess what guysssssss!!!” Moira yelled. “I just created this all new Wonder Woman like rope thing,completed with FAIRY LIGHTS!!!!”
“Aww,Moira. That’s so adorable! Thanks for incorporating the Christmas theme.” Nyx patted Moira’s cheek. “Have you tested it on Gabriel?”
“Yup! It holds him steady! Comes with a gag too!”
“No wonder I don’t hear him yelling. Have you seen Sombra?”
Olivia rushed down,huffing.
‘Mama,have you seen my video game I asked you to fix? I can’t find it and I’m not wearing my Christmas sweater Hana made for me!” She wailed. Nyx and Ame laughed at the 30 year old flustered Spanish woman. Nyx blew pumpkin spice at Olivia, Olivia sneezed and her video game appeared magically in her hands. Her Christmas sweater was also on her.
“Off you go now,Novio. The TV’s all yours. Tell Akande to watch his One Punch Man on my tablet.” Nyx said cheerfully. Olivia pecked Nyx’s cheek.
Nyx laughed and shooed the other two woman.
“Go set up the living room for the gift giving.
The doorbell rang,the melodious chimes of bells echoing the noisy mansion.
“They’re here!” Olivia squealed. Nyx lowered the fire.
“It’s hot,Moira.” Nyx warned motherly as Moira posed a finger on top of the pot holding the amazing stew.
“You’re here!” Nyx giggled as she opened the door,her Talon children behind her. She held a hand towards Jack. “Truce?”
Jack took her hand and kissed it. “Yes,ma’am.”
“Aww,Jack! Such a sweetheart! Come in! Dinner’s almost ready!”
“Lena!!!!” Amelie squealed as Lena slammed into her,hugging tightly. “I missed you,cherie.”
Lena kissed Amelie passionately and replied,”I missed you too,love.”
Nyx sighed sentimentally and turned to hug Angela and Fareeha. ‘Angela! Fareeha! How are you two?”
“Good. Mum finally accepted Angie.” Fareeha grinned and wrapped her arms around Angela’s waist. Angela giggled and pecked Fareeha’s cheek.
“Aww,you two are adorable. Go enjoy today. It’s not everyday Talon and Overwatch are not on each other’s throat. I’ll get the stew.” Nyx smiled.
 Nyx opened the refrigerator containing wine and took out the most expensive one. She pored the wine into three glasses and handed two to Ana and Reinhardt who stationed themselves at the door of the kitchen.
“How’s Overwatch?” Nyx asked as she poured the wine in her glass into the stew. Ana giggled and gently shoved Reinhardt.
“Made better with this old soldier.” 
Reinhardt guaffed.
“She’s feisty,aye.” 
Nyx laughed good-naturedly and switched off the fire.
“Dinner’s ready. Go sit down,you two.” Nyx winked and walked to the living room.
Hana and Olivia were deeply engrossed in their video in their video game, Amelie and Lena were having a passionate kissing spree on the “love chair’ while Fareeha and Angela were discussing probably about their future.
Moira was teasing Gabriel while Akande sat silently in a corner,absorbed by One Punch Man. Winston settled himself on one of Nyx’s fancy armchairs,reading one of the Greek History books available.Jack,Zenyatta and Genji were chatting beside a pitcher of water. McCree was chewing his cigarette, yelling his trademark “IT’S HIGH NOON!!!!” while Hanzo tried his best to control laughter threatening to bubble on his usual stern face.
Nyx smiled indulgently at the comical sight and hollered,”Kids!! It’s dinner time!! Get your butts here to the dining room!!”
Nyx marched to the TV and said,”Hana,Olivia. Stop playing and get up.”
“Aww,whyy?? I’, almost done trashing Oli!” Hana replied as she slammed the buttons on her controls. Olivia cursed as Hana’s character gave her character critical damage. Nyx sighed and flicked her finger. The game paused and the TV switched itself off.
“Awwww. Mummmm.” Hana and Olivia whined. Nyx gave them her best mother glare.
“Get up and go to the dining room. Don’t make everyone wait for you.”
Nyx walked to the kitchen and hauled the huge pot of stew and the turkey out. Everyone’s eyes popped at the sight and smell of the food on display. Turkey,eggnog,ham,stew and a lot more. Even Gabriel who was grumbling fell silent. Nyx raised her hand for silence.
“First,I want to thank Overwatch and Talon for allowing us to have this Truce Day even though this was all my idea.”
The whole room chuckled.
“Who’s ready for the food??”
The room erupted into cheers as Nyx raised the carving knife and carved out the first piece of turkey.Reinhardt popped a bottle of champagne,signalling the opening of the yearly Christmas celebration.
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iheartmyyoutubers · 7 years
The Baby Debate- Josh Pieters Imagine
Word Count: 1,465
Request: @fridaroland a Josh dad imagine
Author’s Note: Since the request was a little broad, I came up with the idea of Josh as a first time dad and him being a little sensitive that his baby girl doesn’t resemble him that much. Sorry for the wait lovely, but I hope you enjoy! This is also my first story after my little writing break, so please be kind xx
~~~ On August 3rd you and your husband, Josh, brought a beautiful, baby girl into the world. Lila Rose Pieters.
“Are my two favorite girls ready to go home?” Josh asked excitedly, as he entered the room and set the baby carrier down on the hospital bed.
“I don’t know.” you looked down at Lila fast asleep in your arms. “Once we leave we’re on our own,” letting out a nervous laugh.
Josh just smiled at you, while he gathered the diaper bag and suitcase.
You set the baby in her carrier nice and slow, in hopes she would stay asleep. Which you managed to do successfully. Thank God.
Once you got back to house, reality hit you. It was just the three of you. No doctors or nurses to help or tell you what to do. You were terrified and excited all at the same time.
When you walked through the front door, you were greeted by all the boys. They decided to surprise you and Josh. You couldn’t believe your eyes, the house was clean and there were little presents sitting on the sofa. Joe, Oli, and Jack all had their vlog cameras out.
“Welcome home guys!” Caspar cheered, throwing his hands the air in excitement.
Josh protectively glanced down at Lila, making sure she hadn’t woken up from Caspar shouting. Even though she was fine, he glared back at him to let him know he was loud.
“You guys oh my gosh! You’re going to make me cry.” You went over and gave each of them a hug.
“Can we see the baby now?” Caspar asked with a smile.
“Of course!” You gathered all the boys in the living room and asked them to take a seat. Josh took Lila out of her carrier and handed her over to you. “Okay who wants to go first?”
Caspar raised his hand high.
“I know you’re excited Caspar.” You giggled, gently placing the baby in his arms.
“Caspar please be careful! Remember to mind her head!” Josh cried with concern. “Mikey that goes for you too!”
Mikey backed away slightly, “Alright mate calm down!”
Caspar adjusted his arms, “Josh I got this! Me and my godchild are bonding.”
You lightly started to rub Josh’s back reassuring him everything was fine.
Lila started to wake up and coo at the sight of Caspar.
“Look how tiny she is! She’s like a little football.” Conor exclaimed with Lila’s hand wrapped around his finger.
“Don’t get any ideas.” Jack laughed nudging his brother’s arm.
It was an adorable sight, seeing all six boys huddled around, in awe of your newest addition. You could see them instantly melt at the sight of her.
Oli turned his head slightly, “(Y/N) she looks exactly like you.” Everyone nodded in agreement.
“Sorry Josh mate.” Joe sighed, giving him a pat on the back.
You saw your husband sink his head down a bit and sulk. You knew it bothered him when people said that. Back at the hospital, Josh admitted it made him feel a little sad the baby didn’t resemble him very much. The doctor told him there was plenty of time and her features will change as she grows. Even with the doctor’s kind words, you could tell Josh still wasn’t hopeful. So the boys adding on was no help. You felt awful, wishing there was something you could do to cheer him up.
Later that night
(Josh’s POV)
I sat in bed with my little girl asleep in my arms. So many thoughts racing through my head. Ultimately I feel blessed and so grateful for Lila, but a little part of me is thinking about what everyone’s been saying. She does look exactly like (Y/N). Not that that’s a bad thing, I love my wife. She’s gorgeous and so is my daughter. I know it sounds selfish, I just wish I could see something of myself in her.
“I think this is hottest I’ve ever seen you.”
I quickly snapped out of my thoughts and looked up to see (Y/N) smiling at me. “Really?” I smirked. “What about our wedding day?”
“Hmm you’re right. That’s a tough call, but I think it’s a different level of attractiveness.”
I tilted my head towards her, “How so?”
“I don’t know! There’s just something about a man holding a baby.” she giggled as she climbed into bed.
“So you’re saying I’ve reached DILF status?” I said cheekily.
“Oh yeah totally babe.”
We both laughed in unison as she leaned in and gave me a kiss.
Lila started to squirm and fuss in my arms. Her face scrunched up and she began to cry. “Babe I think something’s wrong. I need help!” shooting her a nervous glance.
“Oh darling it’s alright!”,rubbing my arm in reassurance. “She’s probably just hungry. Here, hand her to me. I’ll feed her.”
I gently handed the crying infant to her. She took her and grabbed the nursing pillow from the bedside table. Once she situated herself and the baby, she reached for my hand and held it.
“It was nice of the boys to come round to clean and welcome us home wasn’t it?” she beamed.
“Yeah it was.” I could feel the smile fall from my face. It didn’t take (Y/N) long to notice either.
She grasped my hand a little tighter. “Josh? What’s wrong?”
I got quiet, I couldn’t think of what to say. I didn’t want her to think I was making a big deal out of it or was never going to let it go. But at the same time, I knew that no matter what or how I was feeling she’d support me. Just like she always has.
“I’m still upset over everyone making a big deal about how Lila doesn’t look like me.” The words finally escaped my mouth. “I know it’s silly, but I’m her dad. When we first started talking about having a family, remember how excited we were? Picturing what we would have, how many, and what they’d look like?”
She nodded.
“Don’t get me wrong she’s gorgeous and I love her with all my heart. I guess I just had this picture or expectation in my head. You know?”
I looked back at (Y/N) as she unlatched Lila from her body. Once she fixed her top, she set down the pillow and placed our daughter on it in between us. She took my hand back in hers.
“First of all, when it comes to you or how you feel I don’t ever want you to think that’s silly. Okay?”
I nodded intently. 
“Good. And second, listen up. Are you listening?” she urged with a kind, but stern voice.
I shook my head, letting her know I was.
“She may not stand out to resemble you right now. But you know what she does have? She has your brown eyes. She’s very expressive just like you are. She also makes me laugh and smile just like you do. So appearance really doesn’t matter to me, because I see little bits and pieces of you every time I’m with her.”
I felt a smile start to grow and my eyes well up as I gazed down at my daughter. Then I noticed her move slightly, open her eyes, and glance up at me.
I felt (Y/N) lean her head against mine. “See she knows who her daddy is.”
“You’re right love.” I uttered with pride. “I’m pretty lucky. Now I have two gorgeous girls in my life.”
“And like the doctor said, she still has plenty of growing to do. So who knows, maybe she’ll develop red hair.”
3 months later
You couldn’t believe how much Lila had grown. Three months isn’t even that long, but she was getting so big. She loved to smile and babble. Especially at Josh, she definitely is a daddy’s girl.
It was a beautiful day, so you and Josh decided to take Lila for a stroll in the park. As you were walking along, you saw a pond with some ducks swimming around.
“Aw Lila look at the all ducks! Should we sit and watch them?” you cheered.
“There’s a bench over there.” Josh pointed across the water.
You made your way to it and parked the push chair beside you. Lila bounced in her seat, clapping her hands, babbling at the ducks. This was almost picture perfect, you were content with life and your little family.
“Pardon me, but I just wanted to tell you your baby is darling.” I quickly turned my head to see a sweet old lady, standing next to me.
“Oh my goodness thank you so much!” you beamed, sharing a smile with Josh.
“She also has the most beautiful red hair!”
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