#i guess that makes sense
nemaliwrites · 13 days
okay remember when i said i was trying a new style of drafting? yeah well it sucks and i hate it, so here's a lil snippet before i revert to my old self :P
But this world... isn't it still his? Isn't this the same Paris he fights so hard every day to protect? 
He thinks so -- or he would, if everything he sees didn't provide an argument for the alternative. Mister Bug looks up into the bleached grey sky; the moon, visible, has cracked in two. There is no day or night, not anymore. Not here. No color. No anything.
This, he thinks, is destruction.
A sign of life, then, from a nearby rooftop. Indistinguishable from the world around it except for the slightest movement. Yoyo at the ready, Mister Bug swings closer. Who, he wonders, could possibly survive in a place like this? Sitting on the edge of a roof, swinging their legs as though they don't have a care in the world?
The answer comes to him in pieces that his mind refuses to put together: a girl, who turns to look at him. Eyes so blue, so impossibly blue - the only color in this world of white and grey. Her braid, tossed carelessly over her shoulder. It's tangled, tied into elaborate knots. No one to undo it for her.
Feet rooted to the ground, yoyo hanging uselessly at his side, all Mister Bug can do is stare.
"L...Lady Noire?" he hears himself whisper. "Is that... you?"
"Adrien," she says, not surprised in the slightest to see him. The way she says his name, the way it falls from her lips -- it's as though she's said it a thousand times before. As though it's the easiest thing in the world for her to see Mister Bug and know he's Adrien. As though him being there is something to be expected.
As though she knew he would come for her.
His feet, finally able to move, step back. Once, twice, and again. "What? That's not... I'm not..."
She rises with a strange kind of grace he's never seen from his own partner. Arched, catlike in an unfamiliar way.
He never thought any part of Lady Noire would ever be unfamiliar to him.
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I am scary, it seems. To my headmates
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plaguedocboi · 10 months
I went to ask the local fishing shop if they knew of any leech breeders since I got banned for asking on facebook and the guy just goes "😔 Now you know its not the season for em right now, come back in spring"
(i just moved states+so I didn't know but he was like "you KNOW")
I mean yeah everyone knows about Leech Season (I did not know about leech season)
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lemonsweet · 6 months
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greenlotusleaf · 1 year
I would say I'm the shy, big teddy bear paladin (baby gay knight) that's trying there best to keep you out of trouble and protect you. You had a one night stand with a witch the party didn't know about and she didn't take kindly to you just leaving her with breakfast. So now she's casted a fattening spell on you, until you reach the weight she desires. She hopes that if you're too fat to adventure, you'll come crawling back to her (hopefully on all fours) and be her pet. But as a paladin I can't allow that even though I love your billowing body and those beautiful rosy cheeks you've developed. So, I make a deal with the witch to pretend to defeat her as long as she kept the spell going, just making it slower so it was natural. Secretly, I'm trying to push your weight even higher that the spell can't even keep up anymore
I'd reward you, of course-- a chaste kiss on the cheek for my brave champion. I'd have to stand on tiptoe to reach, my plump body pressed against yours, but I'm sure you're too noble to comment on my new softness. But I have to keep asking: now that you've defeated my cruèl tormentor, the spell should wear off soon, right? I should be losing this magical weight soon, don't you think? Not to sound vain, but I greatly desire my slender figure back. Perhaps I could even reward you a little more, um, wholeheartedly, if only my appearance were less, er, unpresentable. My nervous hands knead my belly fat as I beseech you, an involuntary nervous habit. I hate to keep asking, after you've done so much for me already, smiting witches and all, but... it almost feels like I'm still getting fatter....
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goldensunset · 8 months
did this npc just say n is in opelucid city..
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apollos-boyfriend · 1 year
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handelingit · 1 month
The fact that these two are my most popular posts of all time is a blessing and a curse.
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jumpy-buggy-33 · 2 months
The Pokémon cards are not canon because they were never shown of used anywhere official. While a person working on the show did make them that person doesn’t work in a department that would give them insider information or character/story control not even getting into how unprofessional these cards would be then ( they still are now) a few points of information on these cards even actively go against timelines canon or are never represented including things that would have been brought up or mentioned by now ( redson). This isn’t some indie show it’s made by LEGO new information would not be randomly released like this. It’s unprofessional fan art at best and inappropriate unprofessional misuse of a position at worst. People please use your heads for once and think for more than a couple seconds.
Ah, I see! Thank you for the explanation!
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swan2swan · 3 months
Me: *watching OP*
Me: "Who is that other girl? She's new."
Me: *watching OP second time*
Me: "Oh, right, there's this new girl we have to meet."
Neo's Shadow: *turns into girl*
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meowtronz · 1 year
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mjj-nostalgia · 1 year
Wore my newest MJ shirt into a gift shop on vacation the other day and the store owner talked my ear off about how he was covering for a TV channel once and he got to film Michael do the moonwalk across the stage, didn't specify when and where this was, but he never "felt anything more electrifying than in that room" and that he was "a genius"
If this man was telling the truth here, BLESS. What a memory!!
Then, he moved on to talking about Prince with the lady behind us in line LOL
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@thesoulesscollection tumblr ate your ask :(
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Sir, please don't kill me.
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mugiwarafan · 2 years
so kuma is actually bonney’s dad i can’t wait to see where this is going
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consolecadet · 2 years
Me: [trimming the stems of flowers and arranging them in a vase]
KC: I was going to say the way you do that is really macho, but then I realized it's more that you do it like you're a hairdresser
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n3crobl00d · 1 year
jumping from a building is not suicide if you scream "PARKOUR" first ☝️🤓
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