#i gotta start answering more asks lol
who iz the most likely to use/say brainrot?
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I can definitely see asrar using his hand to make orion mouth random brainrot while he's trying to focus on work.
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deoidesign · 1 year
Hello I stumbled across your profile and I just say I love your art style! I've gotta ask, how'd your develop it? And do you have any advice for someone who can't decide what they want their art to look like?
Thank you so much!
To be entirely honest, I don't feel like I truly "developed" my style. I feel a lot more like I finally let myself draw it! But I am incredibly deliberate with my work, and I do have clear tendencies and preferences... So I'll do my best to explain how I got to where I am now as an artist.
It's important to remember that "style" is something of a nebulous concept. It changes with you as you grow as a person, and most artists can work in and emulate many art styles! Art really is a form of communication with yourself, and your "style" is a reflection of the tendencies and preferences you have. My art does not look how it looked 5 years ago, and my art will look different 5 years from now too. I've changed, and my art reflects that!
(2012, 2018, 2023; two pieces I remember being incredibly proud of and considered my best work up til that point, and then my most recent piece)
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What you need to do, as everyone will tell you, is study the fundamentals (anatomy, perspective, form and structure, lighting and shadow, color, and composition) so you have the proper tools to make the most informed decisions possible about your art, and so you can deliberately break or follow rules as you please for your desired effect. I know it sounds silly to learn rules if you're not gonna be following them anyways, but they help you be much more consistent and intentional! More knowledge is NEVER a bad thing to have!
However, I know it's a bit demoralizing to just be told to study fundamentals. Everyone knows you're supposed to do that, but it takes YEARS to learn, and people want their art to feel how they want it to now (which is very very very normal to want!)
So on that front, I have 2 follow up suggestions that I personally find helpful (of course, everyone is different, so it's not like this is the only way to learn! But, if it resonates with you, it might mean it will work for you too.)
1: Separate study from application
I believe this is beneficial for a few reasons:
If the goal of every piece is learning, it can become frustrating, overwhelming, and boring
It's harder to self critique when there are multiple variables to investigate. I like to study one fundamental at a time
Study (usually) works best with a large quantity of output, whereas application of knowledge (finished pieces) is often more satisfying and effective when you get to take your time
Deliberate practical application of what you've learned in a finished piece helps cement the learning in your mind, and also lets you get satisfying finished pieces with noticeable improvement after a good study session!
I've found that keeping these things separate helps me improve faster and more deliberately, and it takes a lot of the pressure off of both aspects! I'm not worried about my studies looking beautiful, they're just to learn! And I don't feel pressured to critique my finished pieces, cause they're just for fun and to make something pretty. I personally find this helps me have a much healthier relationship with my art.
When studying, copy! Copy things as best as you can, all the time. It gives you something to compare to for self critique (and of course, if you're copying someone else's work and you share the study, ALWAYS give credit, share the original, and say it was for study.) In application, don't copy: reference. Make it yours!
2: Let yourself do the things that feel "easy" or like "cheating"
This one is simpler: nothing in art is easy.
If something feels easy to you, most of the time it's not because it's actually any easier... It's because it's part of your natural tendencies and preferences! This took me forever to realize, but as long as you're actually doing some study, then you're learning. You don't need to learn All The Time. When you're doing the "application" portion, you should let yourself do whatever is actually the most fun and feels easiest! This is where your style will start to come through, and where you get to learn about yourself. Take the pressure off, and have fun!!!
The only cheating in art is theft. If you're not stealing, then it's allowed!
My whole life (and yes, still!) I'd get regular criticism about both my style and my subject matter. You will too. You'll see a thousand different styles, and a hundred different things to admire in each. Your heart will ache that you don't draw like others do.
But art is a form of communication with yourself. It's like your voice, or your accent; just something that's a part of you! It can be fun to mimic others', but when you sit to have a conversation you speak naturally. (I know some people want to and do change their voice, but this is a metaphor and metaphors aren't perfect)
Don't stress so much about what you want your art to look like, especially if you're not sure. There's a lot of value to be had in constant experimentation, I think it'd be rather boring to only draw one style the rest of my life. What I draw is what I want to see, right now, for who I am now! It's a part of me and comes naturally, if I let it!
I hope this helps!
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carcarrot · 4 months
i guess im being offered the job lol
#i didnt even have to interview????? here i was worrying about oh god going for an interview#but i guess not???#manager called me just now and was like hey i spoke w the people they want to know if you can start on these dates#like. okay???????#theres a week of training for me to do and then the following week id start at thee job#like an idiot as i was saying bye on the phone i only remembered then that i should have asked if it was PAID training ugh.#im assuming so . but maybe not. idk#im gonna call him back on monday to give my answer#this is it.... i may finally be free of the annoying people....#but like anything i have my trepidations. bc who know if itll work out#well thats life. as the song goes#fortunately im still within the timeframe to change the amount for my commuter benefits pretax card thing#bc the monthly pass id need for the new job#costs like less than half of what i pay now for the bus to ny#crazyyyyy. anyway i gotta do that if i decide to take the job#its more money (a little. but still more. ok its like a dollar and 4 cents more. which not a lot but still)#i get more sleepytime (always good) and im saving on commuting#plus ill only have to pay nj (and federal) taxes. instead of also paying ny yay. thats good#sorry again weighing the pros and cons onstage here#UH. what else#well a shorter commute is good but it means less reading/music listening time#although ive only resumed reading recently lol#idk. well then i could read at home and not worry about my books getting messed up#these past couple weeks ive been :( that the like 70-something year old paperback ive been taking is getting a bit rougher#only a little. but yesterday it got a bit wet bc my bag got soaked in the rain#why am i taking a super old book to work well i dont know what to tell you we have some old books#ok getting off topic. everything seems good about the new job so fuck dude i guess ill go for it#finally free of the stupid people here.... on to new stupid people (undoubtedly)#well it's probably all good then but unfortunately i always worry what if it isnt. hm
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todayisafridaynight · 10 months
[ almost ] seasonal question; what do you think the arakawa family does for the holidays?
jo bbg answered that for us three seconds into y7 now didnt he
#snap chats#this was the best ask to send rn i gotta wait for the train to go back LOL#BUT NAW IM PLAYIN. kinda. jo is a bitch about holidays tho#when masato was younger and predominantly under his care arakawa For Sure spoiled him rotten with gifts and nice dinners#Its A Special Occasion Lets Splurge etc etc#of course the older masato got the more distant he became until he outright just dodged arakawa entirely#if ichi isnt hounded with work (coughjocough) he’s def hangin with arakawa then. Should He Be Invited Of Course <- he always is#jo’s lame ass is spending his holidays alone even when arakawa insists he can spend it with them#Theres Work To Be Done etc etc SHUT UP also his perpetual guilt prevents him from living a lil#in the event jo isnt being A Salty Bitch tho i reckon arakawa drags him to an outing :) with ichiban.#no its fun its great Holidays With His Boys Haha. Guys Please Stop Fighting—#masato’s just Too Cool to hang out with a bunch of yakuza for the holidays. its not easy getting him a gift either#yk since he can just buy whatever he wants whenever he wants and he isnt exactly the most generous guy towards the arakawa fam#insane to say that like girl HES a part of the arakawa fam… lol… anyway#the tl;dr answer is arakawa’s taking Whoever Is Willing To Spare An Hour out to dinner#perchance a cute lil gift exchange too. you know ichi always stressin what to get arakawa#nothin he can afford is as cool or awesome as he is etc etc <- arakawa’s just happy to have ichi’s company#arakawa learned his lesson with masato. that isnt to say he doesnt give ichi super nice things but. Within Reason. HUMBLE.#pops gettin him whatever game he accidentally started to infodump about durin lunch...#crying i just know ichi's an excited puppy whenever he gets a gift. i just know masato was a bitch when he got somethin#yes ichi is a Grown Man but he actin like the excited kid arakawa never got to see and it makin him tear up JUST A BIT#trying to give jo a gift is like pulling teeth he does that bit where hes all Oh No I Couldnt but he means it#he'll relent tho. he realizes it's more trouble than its worth to refuse#‘snap what happened to mitsu’ fuck man what DID happen to mitsu LMAO#hes prob got his own friends and fam…. he isnt as tight with the arakawas as that quartet is yk…#ily mitsu dont get it twisted….. i just know you got a wife in rggo....#ok i should can it i have to drive now :(((((( byyyyeeee...... after i answer one more ask HANG ON--#send me more holiday related asks for the arakawas..... i love them... AND the holidays..
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links-studies · 1 year
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Going a little insane rn, I’ve got a big exam tomorrow and bc of personal medical issues I’m barely hanging onto an A. I just gotta pray I do better than 80% it’s all I need 🙏Also yes I’m wearing pretzel pajama pants. Anybody who insists they always study all neatly done up in fancy clothes is lying to you
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erigold13261 · 2 years
Will Mama and Yinu in the FRAU ever get along? (Or without Mama getting sick, will their relationship stay sour?)
I honestly don't know. I see Yinu as the type to never truly give up on her family. She would get away from Mama but never fully cut her off. She might go a year or two without talking to her, but eventually she would come back around (unlike OG Neon who fully cut his parents out of his life and what the FRAU Sayu Crew will do once they turn adults).
Thankfully those years apart would probably snap Mama back to reality, so it's not like a situation where Yinu is going back to an abusive relationship. Though I also see Yinu being able to stand up for herself and articulate her feelings to her mother once she is an adult and after spending time away from Mama.
So yeas, I can see them getting along later in life, whether there is a health scare or not. But their relationship will never be as strong as it could have been.
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me @ me "you're supposed to be editing and making it shorter and more concise and not adding a bunch of new paragraphs and words to the damn thing so shut the fuck UUUUUUPPPPPPP" while working on writing the next chapter of goomt challenge
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everymlmhybrid · 6 months
Hello! Is your fic a resdogs one? If so I’m super excited to see if for you plan to post… love your blog!
yes, it is !! thank youuuuu i'm so glad <333 i'm nearing the end of it, and then I'll have a lot to add in and to edit, but when it's properly done i'll probably be posting it chapter-by-chapter on ao3 w/ it linked on here! i wanna say I'll at least start to post it in the summertime? but don't quote me on that lol.
I'm not going to lie So Much Happens in it bc the first half is 50k and the second half i'm on now is 41k (either could end up longer or shorter from editing tho lol)
but ANYWAYS the basic starting concept is that Freddy actually does get medical attention, but he still has to get the hell off Joe's radar before he can start throwing accusations at him, and Larry (my beautiful man. my beautiful, stupidly-trusting man.) lets him hole up in a hotel with him, at first just while he's still healing, and then while Joe's still "convinced" that Freddy is a cop (i.e. while he's still completely right about him lol). And this entire time Freddy's reporting back to Holdaway but also making up excuses for why he can't just up and leave without causing too much suspicion, just so Freddy can let himself be selfish and enjoy this brief time he's going to get with Larry, even if he's lying half the time. (over-exaggeration. he's, frankly, so stupidly honest with him. he's more honest with Larry than most of his own friends, just not about the shit that Very Much Matters.)
AND A LOT HAPPENS. so much. it's about trust and love and work and healing and making yourself worse and making yourself better and being trapped and trapping yourself and freeing yourself and I'M EXCITED to finish it and even more excited for you to be able to read it!!!!!!
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mattybsgroupie · 4 months
late night rides 2 | matt sturniolo
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contents: fwb; making out; (slightly) choking; oral (f receiving); p in v; use of “y/n”; lowkey sub!matt
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part 1
notes: idk why you guys liked this one so much but here’s part 2 of “late night rides”! not proofread so i apologize for any mistakes but thank you so much for all the love youve been sending me and my stories, it really means a lot <3 posting earlier this week cause it’s my finals at uni! gonna be crazy busy wish me luck!! btw just wondering should i make a taglist? would anyone be interested? lol let me know! enjoy!
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“i told you we gotta stop doing that” i said as soon as entered matt’s car, sitting next to him.
“yeah, i heard the first time” matt giggled, never taking me seriously. “good night to you too, princess”.
“good night, matty” i responded as i buckled my seatbelt, giving him a kiss on the cheek. “what did you tell your brothers?”
“that i was going to watch a movie by myself” he said as he started the car, checking if he was good to go by the rearview mirror.
“are you?” i teased, resting my hand on his right thigh. i could see his boner from miles away and he quickly tensed the muscle on his leg as i caressed my fingers over his jeans. matt stared at me, sarcastic blue eyes answering my question. “yeah? then where are you going?”
“somewhere i can fuck you, y/n” matt raised his voice, but still kept a jokeful tone. i rolled my eyes back and didn’t bother saying anything back, turning on the radio and adjusting the sound. “you look really pretty with that dress” he said after a few minutes of silence.
“but you’re crazy to take it off aren’t you?” i giggled, but matt actually nodded his head in disapproval. “nah, gonna go underneath the skirt” he said as finally found some alley for us to park, turning the car off and removing his seatbelt. “and i won’t even have to remove your panties” matt teased me, opening his door and coming to mine.
as he opened my side of the car, i couldn’t help but laugh at him acting like a gentleman. i stood up and leaned my back on the van, matt’s hands quickly coming to my waist. he smiled before tucking my hair behind my ear, the cold wind making the strands fall over my face. matt then leaned in, softly sealing our lips.
i melted into his touch. always gentle, matt’s digits traveled through my collarbones and shoulder before stoping by my neck, wrapping his fingers around it as he deepened the kiss. my breath instantly got heavier, matt tightening his grip as i bit his lower lip. when he noticed i’d have to pull out to get some hair, he loosened it, moving his hand to the back of my head instead. matt kept placing kisses over my face, soon going over my jaw and biting my ear.
“well, i know someone who likes coming in their pants way more than i do” i had to say. he was teasing me way too much, to the point i’d let him fuck me right there - in that fucking cold weather and in public.
“i might” matt said as he looked to the tent growing on his jeans. “it’s your fault for sending me that bra pic” he confessed, getting closer to me.
“oh, so you were a naughty boy?”
“n-no” he’d always break when i called him boy. baby boy, good boy, pretty boy, naughty boy - all of these would make matt submit in seconds. “haven’t since… last time” matt hid his face from me, snuggling into the crook of my neck. i widened my eyes as i realized it had been two weeks since our last encounter.
“matt” i called, grabbing his face with both hands. his lips were pouty and his blue orbs shiny, cheeks burning red - not really sure if it was from the weather or his shyness. “you don’t have to”.
“like better with you” he cut me off with a sudden kiss, giggling as he backed off like it was no big deal. “let’s get in?” he asked, already opening the back door for me.
i lied down on the seat, much more comfortable than the front one. matt soon entered, hovering over me as he placed both of his elbows next to my shoulders. i knew he was about to burst inside his pants, so as soon as he started kissing me, i traveled my hands down his torso, grabbing his belt and playing with the cold metal.
i closed my eyes, moving one my hands to matt’s neck, tugging my fingers on his curls while the other one stood by his boner, quickly unbuttoning his jeans. i palmed him through his underwear - completely wet. wasn’t even fair trying to tease him in such a situation, aching cock begging to get some relief. as i placed my digits on his waistband, matt suddenly denied with his head. “you first” he said, completely out of breath.
“matty, you seem like you could really use some help down there, hm?” i said, slightly stroking him.
“y/n” matt called, giving a kiss on my neck “i miss you” and with each phrase, another kiss trailed down my collarbones. “your smell, your body” he stopped by my chest, looking at me with puppy eyes, “your taste”.
matt got under my skirt, exactly as he said he would. his lips brushed against my thigh, making me hold my breath and pull my dress upwards. he touched me over my underwear, playing with my clit through the cloth and moving down to my entrance. before i could even think, his teeth meet my panties and matt started to removed them with his mouth. it was painfully slow, his blue eyes staring at me as he finally took them off completely.
matt gave me a long lick, starting at my hole and stopping by my clit before circling his tongue against it, teasing me. my hands went back to his hair, grabbing the curls as i lowered my body in the back seat in order to get some more friction.
matt’s licks got sloppier, his spit mixed with the wetness of my cunt making everything messier. “matt, be a good boy” i moaned and he instantly got it. he didn’t waste time, moving his tongue to my entrance and sliding in, slowly opening my walls.
matt’s grip on my hips got tighter, trying to keep me from moving around so much. i couldn’t help but hump against his face, matt’s nose almost touching my already swollen clit. realizing how needy i was, he quickly changed positions, one of his hands getting near my pussy.
his digits were soon teasing my entrance as his tongue travelled through my lower lips before sucking my clit and making me gasp, throwing my head back for finally getting some friction. as i clenched, he slid his middle finger into my tight hole, quickening his pace at my clit.
matt started humming something i couldn’t hear properly, my mind getting fuzzy as his finger curled inside of me. the vibrations from his voice made my pussy throb and the knot in my lower belly started to get tighter. my hands where everywhere - on his hair, shoulders, my own thighs, grabbing the leather of the seat as i whined. i couldn’t cover my moans anymore, begging for release when he entered another finger in, filling me up entirely.
“i’m gonna-” i was suddenly cut by his deep thrusts meeting my spot, whining loudly as my orgasm crashed down on me without any warning. my legs trembling against matt’s head only made the grip on my hips stronger and he kept on licking my release, making me spasm from the sensitiveness of my clit against his tongue.
matt realized i was getting overstimulated and finally stopped, showing off the biggest smile, face wet and lips red from eating me out.
“did i do good?” he asked, eager blue eyes meeting mine and sealing his lips on my own. i nodded between the kiss, smiling as he gave me a taste of myself.
“i told you’re always my good boy, matt” i said, caressing his hair, matt resting his head in my chest and laying over me. “you’re actually getting too good at this”.
“see? i’m not that naughty. only doing the best for the best” he joked back, giggling. i could feel his cock twitching over my pussy as we spoke, our heats rubbing against each other before he started another lewd kiss. i moved one of my hands to matt’s neck, my thumb applying pressure next to his addam’s apple. matt gulped and unconsciously jointed his hips forward, making me whine for the sudden contact at my exposed cunt. “fuck- sorry”
i loosened the grip on his neck and wrapped my legs around matt’s waist, bringing him closer to me. “didn’t you say you wanted to fuck me last time?” his blue eyes widened and he nodded frantically, wet spot growing on his pants. “so? you don’t want anymore?”
“i do!” matt said, loudest he’d been in hours, as if i was going to change my mind at any second. “i want it so bad i just- didn’t even… bring… protection” he whispered, disappointed at himself, hiding his face from me. before i could say it was okay - it wasn’t our first time and i loved it raw - matt started speaking again.
“i’ll pull it out! i promise, i’ll be a good boy and i’ll take it off” i nodded, reassuring him. “i don’t even have to cum, i can jack off in my hand afterwards i just- just need you. need you so much, y/n”.
i cut him off by moving my hands to his jeans, getting rid of the belt that had been bothering me all this time. matt was now only in his boxers and i quickly wrapped my fingers around his lenght.
matt's cock was rock hard, leaking pre-cum all over his shaft. i pumped him a few times, matt closing his eyes and groaning in my neck before i finally removed it from his underwear. his body kept glued on mine and i could feel matt's tip rubbing against my clit, both of us moaning at the same time.
my nails went to his back, scratching him as he kept on teasing my pussy. “can i?” he asked, not waiting for the answer he knew it would be yes, fuck, for christ's sake, just fuck me and gradually burying himself inside of me. i felt matt's cock stretching me completly, his veins throbbing against my walls.
“you're s-so fucking tight” he said under his breath, biting my earlobe.
“gosh, matt” i whined, trying to get used to his size.
matt started to move his hips slowly, allowing me to feel all of him entering my cunt. matt had been hard since i got into the car, so i knew he wasn’t gonna last long. he rapidly got worked up, not being able to keep the pace of his thrusts, pounding into me mindlessly.
i could feel his dick twitching, bringing me closer to come once more. “wanna cum” he whimpered. “please, wanna cum for you”.
“you can come baby boy, come inside of- fuck, yes!” as i gave him permission, matt released his thick spurt, filling me up with his cum. this threw me off the edge, another orgasm fully hitting me, making me tremble under him as my toes curled and i arched my back. matt panted heavily and quickly got out off me, his swollen tip leaking over my thighs and skirt.
just when we were coming from our highs, matt’s cellphone started ringing. we both grunted, annoyed by the interruption. “i’m not picking it up” he said, looking at me and kissing my cheek.
“you fucked my dress” i answered, coming back to my senses and realizing he had completely ruined it, from top to bottom.
“i’ll buy you a new dress each time we have sex” he giggled, looking at the mess he made. “how does that sound?” i showed him my pinky finger, making he promise me that he could destroy any cloth he wanted if he bought another one. we interlocked our fingers and sealed or lips together once more, laughing at the cheesy act we had just done.
“y/n” he called. “i think i’m in love with you”
“oh, shut the fuck up matthew” i giggled, pulling his hair and moving him off me.
i couldn’t let him know that this caught me off guard. i couldn't say how he’d make my heart beat faster, and i could never confess it out loud, but deep down i knew.
i was in love with him too.
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siriuslyapuff · 4 months
mic'd up for aces v fever/ k.martin
kate martin x reader!
summary: you're mic'd up at the Aces game versus the Indiana Fever as your girlfriend plays her (and your) best friend.
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okay okay my first wbb fic on here (lol pls be nice)
also, this is my first ever y/n fic so...
Two days before the Aces were set to play the Fever, you were sent an email from the Aces media team. Kate had been sitting behind you as you opened it, laughing immediately at their request. They were practically begging you to be mic’d up at the game, courtside. They wanted you of course, due to your connection as a Hawkeye, deciding to come back for a fifth year instead of entering the draft as you were going for your masters. It also helped that their star rookie was your girlfriend. 
It was an easy decision. You told them, yes, ignoring the teasing from your girlfriend as you did so. Honestly, it seemed like a great idea to you, getting to commentate on your girlfriend and your best friend as they went head to head for the first time as pros. 
“Baby, you realize this is the perfect opportunity for me to embarrass the hell out of you and Cinamon?” Kate got quiet real fast after that threat. 
The day of the game had arrived, and you decided to go with Kate to the lab, as it was a home game for the Aces. As soon as you arrived the team swarmed upon you, laughing and asking for you to add in specific commentary tonight during the game. 
“No Syd I will not tell everyone you’re single and ready to mingle,” you playfully shove the older woman, laughing with everyone else as she starts to fake cry. “Go away you baby, I gotta go get mic’d.” 
They all began to hype you up as the media crew came over with a little clip-on mic and pac. You listened intently as they walked you through how it would work tonight. You’d be seated right next to your coaches, and former coach Lisa Bluder, and would have the mic the whole game. You couldn’t be more excited as you knew this would give your girlfriend even more publicity and love from the media and fans. 
You turned to her as she grabbed your hand. 
“I’ll see you in a bit when we head over to Michalaub,” she leaned in, connecting your lips, leaving you wanting just a little bit more. 
The media team had your mic on as you and Kate made your way into the arena for pre-game shoot-outs. The Fever was already there practicing and you giggled to yourself as you saw Caitlin stretching. 
“Hey guys!” You turned to the cameras, “My name is y/n l/n, some of you may know me as number 26 for the Iowa Hawkeyes, and my favorite title, Kate Martin’s girlfriend!” 
The entire team started laughing as you introduced yourself and you turned around to shush them. Cait couldn’t know you were mic’d up yet. It had to be a surprise. 
“Anyways, I’m going to be mic’d up courtside tonight at the game versus the Fever. But for now, I have a reunion to get to.” You winked at the camera, spinning on your heel and cupping a hand to your mouth. 
“Hey, Cinamon!” Her head whipped around from where she was standing with your girlfriend, the two of them having had their reunion. 
“Tink?” Her eyes went wide with disbelief, she’d known you’d be at the game but had no idea you’d be at shoot around. 
The pair of you collided, and she spun you around the same way Kate had done to her. Tears immediately pooled in your eyes at the contact. You and Caitlin had been friends for years, both of you meeting when you played for USA in 2018. You both committed to Iowa and roomed together Freshman year, she was the sister you’d always wanted, and it had been painful to be away from her. 
“How are you?” You whispered, being mindful of the fact that you were mic’d up. 
“I’m fine,” she smiled at you, repeating what she’d said to Kate, and you knew she’d also seen through the bs answer, but you let it go. 
“I’m all mic’d up tonight,” you grinned, pointing at the mic on your shirt, “Kmart’s scared I’ll embarrass her.” 
“Hey, I never said that!” Kate butted into the conversation, “She’s lying CC.” 
“You calling me a liar right now?” You raised an eyebrow, eyes glancing down at the mic on your chest. 
Kate folded immediately, “No Baby, I would never.” 
You and Caitlin look at each other before bursting out into laughter. Some things never change. 
“Hello, Las Vegas!” You had a cameraman pointed at you from next to one of the hoops, the media crew had told you they had a few different angles on you, all connected to your mic. “I’m here with some of my favorite women!” 
You wrapped an arm around your former head coach as she laughed, wrapping her own arm around your shoulders. 
“Hey Tink,” she pressed a kiss to the side of your head. She’d been the one to give you your on-court nickname. It started as ‘Tinkerbell’ because you would flit around the court like you were flying while playing defense, and the team eventually just shortened it to ‘Tink’. 
“Hey, coach! You excited for tonight?” You pulled on your shirt so she could talk into the mic. 
“Very excited, it’s going to be weird not yelling at Kate and Caitlin, but I guess I’ll manage.” You and Coach Jan erupted into laughter, and so did Coach Hammon who was listening in with a smirk. 
“I’m also joined by my new head coach!” You positioned your body to face Jan, grinning at her. 
“You excited to see our girls play?” 
“Of course I am! I’ve got my phone ready to take all the behind-the-scenes pictures and videos.” 
“Me too!” You grin, “I can’t wait to hit Caitlin and Katie with the evil 0.5s.” 
You hear the whistle blow, and watch everyone come out onto the floor. 
“There’s Cinamon!” Your eyes find Caitlin and she sends you a grin. “Look at her, my sister from another mister.” 
You watch as the Aces get possession of the ball, eyes following Caitlin as she defends Kelsey. Moving down the court you can’t help but laugh as you watch Jackie attempting to guard her. 
“Jackie’s in for a challenge, CC is hard as hell- oh shit- wait fuck- no sorry, am I allowed to swear? Whatever, Cait’s hard to guard. She’s knocked me on my ass -sorry- a few too many times.” 
“Let’s go!” You stand up as Jackie drains the three, smirking at Cait as she runs past you. 
“Cait that's not your basket.” You laugh as she shoots after Kelsey gets a foul. 
Cait turns the ball over and you share a look with Coach Bluder, this has been a problem since you were Freshmen. Caitlin just sees the game differently and is six steps ahead of everyone else. It was you and Kate who were able to keep up with her pace, which is what made you so unstoppable on the court. It would take time for the Fever to match what she was putting down. 
“Come on Cait, shake it off.” You watch as she misses a three, shaking your head, “she's gonna be pissed about that.” 
Your eyes flit away from the game and onto the figure of your girlfriend as she sits on the bench, eyes fixed on Caitlin and the game. 
“Kmoney is locked in everyone, she’s got her serious face on.” 
Caitlin fouls and you let out an audible “oh shit” before apologizing into your mic again. 
“Cait never loses the ball like that- oh she got it back!” 
Your eyes flick between the bench and the court, waiting for the moment Kate takes off her warmups. 
“A’ja’s going to have a nasty bruise from that.” You watch her get popped in the face, the entire crowd going crazy over it. 
“Guys I’m just sitting here waiting for my girlfriend to go in,” you smile at one of the cameras pointed at you, before pointing at the jersey you’re wearing with Kate’s number on it. 
“I'm repping 20 for a reason. Ooo that sounds like the Sabrina Carpenter song ‘Pushing 20’,” you start humming the song. “Kate when you watch this, that should be your theme song.” 
“LET’S GO!” You jump up from your seat as Caitlin drains her first three of the night, holding up three fingers at her. “That’s my best friend!” You side-eye your girlfriend who’s looking at you with a raised eyebrow “Sorry Katie. You’re still number one in my heart.” 
“Okay CC’s on the bench guys, geez she looks wiped already, girl needs some sleep.” 
“Okay, Megan’s getting ready to check in, a win for the Hawkeyes tonight.” You high-five her as she passes you. “Guys I never played with Megan, but she was a legend when CC and I came in as Rookies.” 
Your girlfriend comes running towards you, “Yes Baby!” You catch her warmup shirt that she tosses aside slapping her ass as she passes. 
“My girl is so fine,” you’ve completely forgotten your coaches are sitting next to you until Julie reaches over. 
“Hey, that’s still my niece Tink!” 
“Sorry, Julie!” Caitlin also gets up to check in, squatting down right next to Kate. You watch them exchange smirks, knowing they’ll be guarding each other. “Here we go, Coach!” 
You nudge Coach Bluder who looks a bit teary-eyed herself. 
“Shit Kelsey,” you catch the ball that bounces out of bounds keeping KP from falling on you. 
“Sorry y/n,” she grins before locking back into the game. 
The buzzer goes and you stand up as Kate and Caitlin check into the game together, “That’s my girl!” 
“Guys I might start crying and that’s embarrassing.” You say as you sit back down, eyes filling up with tears. “It’s weird seeing them in different colors, and sitting on the side instead of being on the floor with them.” 
“Sorry guys you might have to cut this,” you stifle a small sob as you watch them defend each other. It was one thing talking about it, and making jokes, but seeing it happen, and not playing yourself was a whole other thing that had your throat tightening. 
“I’m filming!” Jan says, making you let out a choked laugh. You push back the tears, telling yourself to be happy that they’re both living out their dreams. 
You pull out your phone, taking a few photos and videos of your girl and her best friend as they guard each other for the first time outside of carver-hawkeye. 
They’re both trying to play it cool, but the smile on their faces as they sprint down the court towards you tells a different story. 
“CC and Kmart together again.” You point to Cait who points back giving you a grin. 
“All that’s missing is their Tink.” Coach Bluder says, patting your knee. 
“Look at my girl go!” You grin, pointing at Kate who grabbed the ball in the turnover, making her way down the court. 
“How is that not Aces Ball!?” You’re just as pissed as your girlfriend, who’s gotten good at challenging ref’s over the years. “She’s going to complain about that to me later guys,” you whisper into the mic. 
“Okay guys, the first quarter is over. We had our on-court reunion with my favorite Hawkeyes. How are we feeling, because I’m emotional.” You’re having a one-sided conversation with yourself as Coach Bluder gets up to go sit with the commentators for the second quarter. 
“Guys she’s starting in the second quarter! My girl is a pro now!” 
“I’m never letting that go CC,” you say as you watch her basically throw the ball out of bounds. 
“Look at her, I’m literally the luckiest girl in the world.” 
“Cait just missed that three and it landed in Katie’s hands, once upon a time that would have ended up as an assist.” 
Your eyes widen as you watch Kate go down, her knee at a weird angle, your heart in your throat. “That better not be a bad fall.” You say to Jan, “Thank God.” You mutter as she gets up, sprinting down the court.
“Oh shit, that looked like it hurt,” all respect for your language went out the window the moment Kate fell. You were fired up, the worry for your girlfriend at the max. Even as you watched Cait get smacked in the eye. 
“Cinamon shoots two.” She drains the first, “nice CC,” drains the second, “easy money.” 
“Good job Baby,” Kate smiles at you, hand grazing your leg as she walks back to the bench. 
“Syd babes that was a flop.” You laugh watching her go down. 
“Get some Money!” Kate runs past you again to check-in. “Katie in, CC out.” 
“Shit Kate!” Your hand flys to your mouth as you watch her ankle go, and the limp-hop she does after. “That is not good guys. She shook it off pretty good, but I can tell when my girl is in pain.” 
Kate goes down again, and you can’t help but clench your teeth as you hear the skid of her thigh on the court. “Come on baby, shake it off.” She gets up slower this time, you can tell it’s wearing on her, but she's pushing through. 
“Yes, Money Martin with the assist!” 
“Jesus Christ, is it throw y/n’s girlfriend to the ground day or something?” Kate goes down yet again, this time a foul is called, thankfully. A’ja runs to pull her up and you grin, “Look at A’ja helping my girl out like the good vet she is.” 
You turn your head to look over at Caitlin who has her face buried in her towel, only her eyes showing, and you know it’s her way of keeping her eyes on the game without revealing anything. But you can see worry in the crease between her eyebrows, you’re both not liking the ground time Kate’s been getting. 
Kate walks past you as she comes in for the time-out. She sends you a nod, letting you know she’s okay. 
“Okay guys, sorry for the lack of comments, it’s been a bit tense here. Gotta make sure my girl is fine before I can be commentating.” 
“You would make a terrible sports commentator,” Coach Bluder says, laughing at the put-out look on your face. 
“Cooked by Bluder, everyone!” You hold your hand to your chest in mock hurt, “demolished by my coach. But alas, she’s right. I’d just be too busy talking about my girlfriend to be a good commentator.” 
Coach leans closer to you, “She’s censoring herself for you guys, these are tame compared to the comments she drops during Hawkeye practices and games.” 
“Okay, enough mic time for you coach!” 
“Look at her go bringing the ball up! My little pro.” You practically have heart eyes, and for the first time, you see yourself projected on the jumbotron. 
“Oh okay, I see how it is,” You grin, finding the camera that’s projecting you, winking pointing to your jersey, then the court where Kate is.
The crowd goes insane, causing some of the players to look up, earning a laugh from Caitlin and a wink from Kate. 
“I’m more popular than both of them combined.” 
Kate comes back to the bench again and you squeeze her hand as she passes. She sends you a smile, finding her seat next to Megan again, both of you locking back into the game. 
“Let's go! Halftime baby!” You stand from your seat. “See you guys after the break!” 
“Okay everyone I’m back! Let's go! I have a feeling we’ll be getting some money this quarter.” 
You turn to look at the empty seats around you. “Well, you may notice I am now awkwardly here alone. Coach Bluder and Coach Jenson are off socializing, so I’m left to man the fort.” 
“I can’t believe they called that a foul,” you mutter, as Coach Hammon goes to challenge the foul a second time. 
“My lover is back in the game, you guys.” You watch as Smith misses both foul shots. 
“That was a waste of a foul.” 
“MONEY!” You shout, jumping to your feet as Kate scores her first points of the day, draining a three with ease. “That’s my fucking girl! Let’s fucking go! We are so back!” 
Kate points to you as she runs down the court, making a heart with her hands as you hold up three fingers. 
“Get her babe!” Kate’s on Caitlin again, and your bias towards your girlfriend begins to show as she plays solid defense. 
After A’ja’s fouled you can see Caitlin talking to the ref about Kate, you can’t make out what they’re saying, but it’s got Kate smirking. 
“They’re talking mad shit to each other, I just know it,” you whisper into the mic. “I wonder how personal those insults are getting.” 
“Baby’s gone beast mode,” you say as you watch Kate celebrating A’ja’s shot. 
“Look at her cheesin’ isn’t she the cutest.” You watch Kate grin at whatever Caitlin says to her. 
“Kmoney for the block!” You yell, “a fucking beast!” 
You stand as she goes for the three, but it rims and falls out of the basket, “shake it off, baby! Plenty more buckets to make!”
“Quarter three is over guys, and my beautiful girlfriend has been burning up the court!” 
“That’s my fucking girlfriend!” You stand throwing up three fingers as Kate drains her second three of the night. “Redemption baby!” 
She points at you as she runs back down the court. 
“Kmart is on fire right now guys!” 
“That’s a fucking foul! Yeah, call that shit! It’s in Let’s fucking go!” You’re on your feet, ignoring the laughs from your coaches at your yelling, you’re saying everything you can’t say when you’re on the bench. 
“My girl is the goat guys. She’s on fucking fire.” 
Kate's eyes find yours, grinning when she sees you standing, clapping for her, a triumphant smile on your face. 
“Drained it!” You watch her make the foul shot, clapping your hands together as you finally sit back down. The jumbotron is split between the two of you, one half showing you’re over the top reaction and the other replaying her basket. 
Caitlin stands in front of you as she checks back into the game. “Let’s go CC,” you can’t see her face, but you can sense her little smirk. 
“Y’all see the bruises on that girl’s arms? Geez, maybe I need to send her some arm guards for real.” Coach Bluder bursts out into laughter at that. 
“Katie’s back on the bench guys, so my commentary will be limited as I will now spend this time admiring her.” Your coaches snort, as they know this is a very common occurrence for you. But you ignore them, eyes finding the tired ones of your girlfriend. 
‘you okay?’ you mouth, looking at her intently. 
She nods, ‘I’m good, love you.’ 
‘I love you too.’ 
Your eyes move back to the court, finding Caitlin’s very tired-looking figure. Her hands are on her knees and you just know she's done for the night. She spends more time in the game than on the bench, and it’s wearing on her. WNBA is way more physical and demanding compared to the NCAA, and Caitlin is getting the short end of the stick. 
You pull out your phone, pulling up her contact. 
‘cinnamon, if i don’t receive photo evidence of you resting over the next few days. i’ll fly to indiana and sit next to your bed while you sleep.’ 
You hit send, knowing she won’t see it until after the game, and that you could tell her in person, but this way she knows you were thinking about it during the game itself. 
“CC is 100% done for the night guys, she’s tired.” You say as you watch her check out of the game and head to the bench. 
“But my girl is back in playing the last few minutes of the game!” 
The quarter moves on and your eyes intently follow Kate as she runs up and down the court. But you’re silent as you observe, too entranced with Kate to remember your mic’d. That is until she’s fouled again.
Your breath catches in your throat as you watch her knee go at a dangerous angle yet again as she goes for the three. 
“You’re literally kidding!? Yeah, that’s another fucking whistle!” You watch her take a few stumbling steps before regaining her footing. “You got this Katie.” 
“Three foul shots, if she makes just one, guys, she’ll go double digits for this game!” 
“Get in there… YES!” You grin, clapping your hands together as you will the ball to go in. 
“And she hits the second, that’s my fucking girlfriend!” You can hear A’ja laughing at you from the bench and you send her a look, getting a grin back in response. 
“All three! Twelve points tonight for my girl!” 
“And Aces win!” You jump up from your chair as the buzzer sounds. Your arms wrap around Coach Jensen as she stands up as well, both of you laughing with joy for Kate. You pull away, your eyes finding Caitlin on the floor, sending her a smile, asking with your gaze if she's okay. She nods at you, knowing you want to spend the next few minutes with Kate. 
‘See you later?’ you mouth and she nods again. 
“Kate was on fire tonight!” Jan exclaims, “Twelve points is incredible for her!” 
“She was amazing,” you say as you see her heading back from the commentator stand. She jogs over to where you guys are, launching herself into your arms. 
“Hi baby,” she says into your neck, hands around your waist. 
“Hi lovebug,” you tighten your arms around her neck, “you played so well tonight.” 
“Mmm,” she mutters, nose still pressed against your throat. “I need you at all my games now.” 
“Every game this summer till training camp for Iowa, baby.” She pulls back, finally pressing her lips to yours, not a care in the world for whoever is around. 
She pulls back, glancing down at the mic still attached to your shirt. “Alright guys, I hope you had fun listening to my amazing girlfriend’s commentary, but now I want her all to myself.” 
Kate plucks the mic from your shirt, handing it off to one of her coaches before taking your hand and leading you towards the rest of your little ‘party’. 
After the game, you meet up with Caitlin, pulling her into your arms, knowing how she beats herself up after a loss. She melts into your arms as if you’re sixteen again and living without a care in the world. 
“You played good tonight cinnamon, don’t beat yourself up. You’re drained from your game in LA.” 
“I know,” she mumbles, “it still sucks.” 
You rub her shoulders, sending Kate a reassuring smile at the look of concern on her face. “It’ll get better CC, you just can’t let yourself burn out. You gotta take care of yourself.” 
“I’m trying Tink. It’s hard. But I’m trying.” 
“Call me whenever you get down, okay?” You pull back, looking her in the eyes. “I’m here for you, Katie’s here for you. We want you to be happy and enjoy yourself. So talk to us okay?”
“Okay.” She smiles, a mischievous look crossing her face, and you know what’s coming because you saw her do it to Kate and yelled at her for it. 
“Don’t you fucking dare Clark!” 
“Too late,” she smirks, hand connecting with your ass. You yelp shoving her away. 
“Hey, woah woah, hands off Clark.” Kate pulls you into her arms, making sure you don’t step on her, as she’s not wearing shoes, again. 
Cait puts her hands up, grinning. “Sorry Cap.” Kate makes a face, hand going down to wrap around your waist, keeping you at her side and away from Caitlin’s ass slaps. 
The three of you were back together again, and you knew, somehow everything would be okay.
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| (PART 2) luke castellan x fem! daughter of poseidon! reader
౨ৎ warnings ౨ৎ: none i don’t think (sneaking out maybe??)
౨ৎ summary ౨ৎ: after getting caught on their secret date, they decided to hang out at luke’s cabin late at night.. (PART 2 to “I thought this place was secret..”)
“I think my eyes turn into hearts whenever I see you”
“okay goodnight y/n. see you in the morning.” percy quietly says, yawning. “goodnight percy sleep well.” you say with a smile on your face.
you check your phone (let’s pretend we use phones in this imagine) and see that’s it’s 10:20. “hey why aren’t you in your pajamas yet?” percy asked, cocking an eyebrow.
“oh.. uh.. i have some more duties that i gotta do before i get to bed.” you said, eye darting anywhere but percy’s. he looked very suspicious of you but brushed it off his shoulder, he was extremely tired.
as percy’s head hit the pillow, you start to make your departure to the door of your cabin. as you’re just about to leave, you decide to put your hair in two loose braids.
⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆ ⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆ ⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆ ⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆
your knuckles hit the familiar cabin’s door three times softly, afraid of waking any other campers before the door opens and you see the familiar face of your boyfriend.
you instantly put your arms around his neck and both your foreheads touched. “i thought you’d never come.” luke whispered while smiling and kissing the tip of your nose.
he pulled you inside his cabin and led you to his bed, where he moved the covers over and got in. luke moved over so there was room for you and he held out his arms for you to lay into.
as your laying on his chest, hearing his heartbeat and his arms are around your shoulders, you both are just soaking in comfortable silence. “i love you.” you said, very nervously. you two had never used the “L” word before.
luke just sits there caught off guard. as soon as he registers what you just said. “luke?” you say, shakiness visible in your voice as you look up and your eyes meet his soft chocolate ones.
he just looks down at you, as if you asked him to marry you. a twinkle in his eyes, like flicks of gold meeting the warm sunshine.
a loving smile appears across his face, dimples very evident. he leans down and he whispers “you’re the most amazing thing that’s ever happened to me.” as he turns away from your ear and captures your soft lips in a loving kiss.
that kiss symbolizes your true love for one another. as your lips part, you just look at each other. hearts in your eyes.
⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆ ⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆ ⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆ ⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆
the next morning, you awoke next to a very cute, resting luke. as you checked your phone, your screen lit up with many messages from percy like “WHERE TF R U?!” “ARE U OKAY?! ARE U DEAD” “y/n.. plz answer me. i’m scared” “OMG YOU BETTER NOT BE WITH THAT STUPID HERMES BOY😡😡😡!!!!!!”
you rolled your eyes softly pecking luke’s temple as you exit the bed and out the door. only to be met by an angry looking percy.
⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆ ⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆ ⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆ ⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆
౨ৎ a/n ౨ৎ- part 2 done! i rly hope this is good enough lol. i rly enjoyed writing this! i love fluff with luke <33. don’t forget to request!! (idk how to put requests on so just pm them to me hehe🫶🏻)
⋆𖦹.✧˚ taglist⋆𖦹.✧˚-
@simrah1012 @mimisamisasa
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dollfacefantasy · 9 months
Restless Dreams
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pairing: leon kennedy x fem!reader
summary: leon gets home late after another hard day at work to you having some extra sweet dreams.
cw: nsfw (18+), smut, p in v, fingering, somnophilia, wet dream
word count: 3.6k
a/n: hey everyone!! hope you all enjoy this :) i guess i've been into soft leon with somno lately idk LOL. i was kind of tired myself when writing/editing this, so forgive any errors pretty please. new divider from here. thank you for any comments and reblogs <3
tags: @sleepyluxe @kaitkatme @tosuckmyweenis @pupthepokemonenthusiast @bizzarethirst @death-paint @petitecolibri @iron-toxinz @wildest-dreams-at-midnight @nexysworld @explorevenus
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“So what time do you think you’re gonna get here?” you ask before blowing on the drying polish that coats your nails.
“My shift finishes up at 12, and then I gotta file some reports. I’ll probably be done at 1, so not too long after that,” Leon explains through the phone. Despite his attempt to lay it out for you, there’s still a pause, one he came to recognize as your reaction of displeasure. A smile plays on his lips. “But you know the real answer is as soon as I can.”
You look down at your phone on your vanity, a pout forming on your face. Obviously, it wasn’t his fault he had to work so much now. He’d warned you when he started at the police station a few months ago, but it didn’t prepare you for how much you’d miss him.
It made you feel dumb, that nagging, achy feeling of longing in your chest. It wasn’t like he was off to war or something. You still saw him almost everyday. But more and more of his time was consumed by work now. Even when he was with you, he was often exhausted. 
Sometimes all you could think about his new job was that he was your boyfriend, not theirs. You’d mentally scold yourself for being so immature when that happened, but the sentiment still lingered in your head.
“Ok…” you say, trying to keep your voice neutral. He hears the dejection in your tone though.
“Baby,” he coos in that voice that sent warmth through your spine and got you to agree with everything he said, “You know I’d rather be with you. I’m just new and have to take the time to learn. Plus, with the caseload and the number of officers here, they need me at the station.”
“I need you more,” you say. You try to pass it off as playfulness, but it comes from real feelings. Your heart was beginning to tense with resentment for the RPD for taking him away so much. You knew the job meant a lot to him though which is why you would never unleash your admittedly petty frustrations.
A low laugh leaves him, and you can hear that loving smirk on his face as his voice comes through your phone’s speaker.
“Do you now? You’re really missing me that much?” he teases, leaning back in the driver’s seat of his cruiser. 
He knew that you did in fact miss him that much. And even though, since starting at the police station, he tried to project the image of a tough guy, he missed you just as much. That’s why he started calling you during lulls in his shift.
“Mhm. It’s not fair. It’s like I’m sharing you with the station. And I don’t like sharing,” you say with an exaggerated huff.
“Oh, I know you don’t,” he chuckles. He sighs happily, checking the time to calculate how much time was left before he could have you in his arms again. “But not much longer, baby. Then you get me all to yourself for the whole weekend.”
“I better,” you grumble with a smile.
“I promise you will,” he says genuinely. A light on his dashboard flickers, alerting him that his attention is needed elsewhere. “Just don’t stay up too late waiting for me tonight, ok? Your rest is important.”
“Seeing you is more important,” you respond.
“I know, but I prefer my girl when she’s not all cranky and sleep deprived. So try tonight, sweetheart. For me?” he asks.
“I guess,” you concede. Your heart already aches, knowing he’s about to hang up.
“I love you, baby,” he says softly, “I’ll see you later.”
“I love you too,” you tell him before he disconnects the call.
The silence that falls over your room makes it feel even more empty. You tap the glass screen of your phone, scanning for the time before you finish getting ready for bed. Your mouth curves downward when the numbers light up on the screen.
Only 10:30. Too much time till you’ll hear him come through your front door, but it’s not like you can do anything about it. You haphazardly go through the rest of your routine before dragging yourself over to your bed and getting in.
Sliding between the soft pink sheets, you flop down against your pillow and stare at the ceiling as you contemplate how to kill the time. Nothing grabs your interest because none of it’s him. It’s all just filler.
And worst of all, you were starting to feel sleepy. You wanted to wait up for Leon so badly, but you also went through a whole day of your own that tired you out. Plus, your bed was just so comfy with your plush blankets and full pillows, stuffed animals and frilly decorative cushions scattered on one side.
Thinking it would help to keep your eyes actively focused on something, you try to read. Your eyes scan over the words, and it isn’t long before you realize you’d made a horrible mistake. Moving your eyes along the page only made them more drowsy.
Next you turn on the tv and put on something you didn’t really have to pay attention to. But the soft glow of the tv casts across you and the low chatter of the characters becomes background noise, making it even harder for you to keep your eyes open.
You lazily reach across your bed and grab the bunny stuffie Leon had bought for you a few weeks prior. Tucking it beneath your chin and close to your chest, your drooping eyes fall shut and your breaths become soft and even. Barely any time has gone by before you’re sinking into slumber.
Leon glances down at his phone, the small numbers illuminating 2:04 in the darkness of the hallway. He enters your place with the key you gave him and shuts the door as quietly as possible. He knows you’re sleeping from seeing the dark bedroom. Already feeling guilty for taking longer than he’d expected, he didn’t want to add to that feeling by waking you up.
He makes his way to your room, padding silently down the hall. Once he reaches the door, he pushes it open with almost no force in an attempt to avoid even the slightest creak. You’re where he expected you to be, curled up in your bed, completely peaceful as you slept. He knew he probably looked like a little lovesick puppy right about now, eager to hop into bed and snuggle up to your side, but he didn’t care.
It takes him no time to shed his police uniform. He makes quick work of unlacing his boots and kicking them off. His pants and shirt crumple up at the foot of your bed next to his belt and socks. Finally, once he’s got on a pair of sweatpants he kept at your place, he climbs into bed with you.
He shoves your stuffies and extra pillows out of his way with a playful roll of his eyes and gets as close to you as he can. His arm drapes over you, and he nuzzles the back of your neck, planting a few kisses on the base of your head. You smelled so good, felt so soft, perfect to come home to.
His body melts into the mattress, and he’s ready to give into his own urges to sleep. That is until he notices you’re not as peaceful as you appeared from the doorway. His eyebrows raise as he feels your legs squirming. Restless movements from your feet beneath the covers and your thighs shifting aimlessly against each other.
He’s ready to brush it off at first. ‘Must just be having some wild dreams,’ he thinks with another kiss to your head. But then he hears the faintest sound, so quiet that he probably would have missed it had he been focused on anything else. It’s a whimper. A gentle, tender squeak that slips from between your lips into the cool air of your bedroom.
Now, his face conveys his concern. He worries you’re having a nightmare. That at any moment you’ll wake up with tears in your eyes and your heart pounding out of your chest. Immediately, he begins stroking your arm, kissing your temple, murmuring “It’s ok, baby. I’m here.”
But you make that little noise again, and this time it paints a different picture in Leon’s head. This whimper didn’t sound scared or stressed, like you were crying out for his protection. No, this sound brought to mind images of you writhing beneath him, nails marking his biceps with small crescents as he pumped himself in and out of you.
He shakes his head because that couldn’t be it. That’s just his horny mind creating things that aren’t there from being so pent up.
At least that’s what he tells himself until you make the noise again. It brings the same memories up, but this time he’s even more sure of it. He lifts his head off of yours to look down at you and try to figure out what to do next.
You look so cute, brows slightly furrowed, lips parted. As he brushes some hair from your face, he notices your fingers clutching your stuffed rabbit a little tighter. Your breath hitches for a moment before you let out a soft, sleepy whine of his name.
It’s unmistakable now what’s going on. He smirks and traces a finger over your lips. The pad of his index finger drags on your bottom lip slightly, turning your mouth into that pout he loved so much. He leans and kisses your cheek as you whine again.
He chuckles at how needy you sound even in your sleep, but at the same time, your voice has blood rushing to his cock while his head swirls with desire. He shifts his own hips, subtly pressing his erection against your ass. His eyes flutter at the minute pleasure. He grows more bold, and his hand rubs your hip before coasting up your side to your chest, giving your breast a gentle squeeze.
You whimper louder and squirm. He squeezes again softly while lowering his head to your neck to lay some tender kisses on the side of your throat. His palm leaves your tits and smooths down over your tummy in the direction of your shorts.
Cautiously, he maneuvers his hand past the waistband and dips into your panties. He cups your pussy, feeling the heat radiating off the area. A single finger slides between your folds in almost an exploratory touch. He feels your slick all over his digit. Clearly, this dream was a pretty good one.
He begins to use another finger, sliding the two up and down through your wetness. You roll onto your back, your breasts rising and falling as your breath gets heavier. Your thighs spread a little as if you subconsciously sensed his presence between your legs.
In your dreams, Leon was doing a lot more than rubbing you with his fingers. After you had fallen asleep, it felt like no time had passed. All of the sudden you were just on the table in your dining room, spread out for his rapture. 
You didn’t realize you were dreaming, everything felt so real. To you, he was really there, looking down at you with those loving yet lecherous eyes. Hands roaming your exposed body, lips caressing your skin all over. Everything seemed light and airy while also feeling heavy and thick. Your head, filled with clouds, slipped in and out of the moment. The sensation of him rutting his cock between your thighs and sliding inside of you was your reality at the moment.
In actual reality, Leon continues to move his fingers slowly, swiping them over your entrance and taking them back up to circle your clit. You mewl when he applies some pressure, sending sparks through you. Your squirming becomes more motivated, and he can tell your drifting away from your restful sleep back toward consciousness.
“I’m right here, sweetheart. I’ve got you,” he murmurs, his voice huskier with arousal this time around.
You hear his voice in your dreams. The deep rumble enters your ears as you envision his hips pistoning into your wanting cunt. You mumble something in response, but he can’t understand the sleepy babbling. He rubs your clit a little harder with some more speed. You twitch in response, yet your eyes remain closed.
“I know, baby. I know it feels so good,” he coos and kisses behind your ear.
More incoherent words fall from your mouth. He sucks love bites into your neck, and you tilt your head back, craving more of that feeling. The dream version of him began mimicking the actions of the real Leon as you neared waking.
Whining louder, your fingers dig into the smooth fur of your plush bunny before letting it go. He nips at the sensitive skin of your throat as his fingers travel down and push inside your heat.
The feeling rips a moan from you and causes your eyes to open. Your back arches as he works them deeper. Your hips wriggle a little as you make sense of what’s happening.
“Leon?” you whimper. Your sleepy eyes struggle to stay open after being torn from the fog of sleep.
“That’s right, baby. It’s just me. You were having some nice dreams, weren’t you, pretty girl?” he says.
“Mhm,” you hum mindlessly.
“About me?” he teases, eyes watching your body fidget with the pleasure you felt.
“About you,” you confirm before he leans down and kisses your lips. They were so soft against his own. He slowly moves his mouth with yours and languidly slides his tongue against yours.
You moan into the kiss as his fingers curl within you and hit your favorite spot. Your feet lightly kick at the sensation. Your hips rise a little as you feel the flood gates holding your release about to break.
You’re too sleepy to tell him out right, but he knows the signs. He keeps working you there until your body seizes and arches off the bed. You let out a throaty moan and turn your head to bury your face against his shoulder.
“There you go. Let it all out, sweetheart,” he whispers and kisses your head.
You ride out the high on his hand, and by the time you’re done, you’re ready to fall asleep again. Your mind is hazy with the fog of release. You’re drifting off as your body settles without even realizing it.
You’re only yanked back to reality by Leon scooping you up into his lap. He’s sitting with his back to the headboard, and he situates you between his thighs, back against his chest. His arms keep you caged in nice and close, safe and warm.
“Don’t fall asleep again just yet, babydoll,” he murmurs while kissing up your neck.
Your head lolls back against his shoulder. The fight to stay awake gets a little easier as his hand returns to your soaked panties. He doesn’t tease this time, just slides in two fingers and starts moving them in and out.
The new angle makes you squirm and whine, but he holds you tight in place with his free arm.
“Gotta work you open, honey. Can’t just slide my dick in you with no warm up,” he says with a smirk.
His voice pulls you towards lucidity a little more. Your hands wrap around his free arm for support while your hips instinctively roll into his blissful touch.
“I missed you,” you choke out between gasps and whimpers.
“I know you did,” he teases, grinning against your throat. His cock throbs against the small of your back as his ears latch onto the sound of your slick around his fingers. “Came home to cuddle with my sweet girl, and I find her having such dirty dreams.”
Your cheeks heat up as you start to piece together what had happened. You fully realize now that your escapade on the kitchen table was entirely in your mind. You feel embarrassed for a moment, but the feeling dies pretty quick as you rapidly approach the edge for a second time.
“Not my fault,” you whimper shyly.
He chuckles and kisses your temple once more. “I know it’s not. If anything, it’s mine. I think I’ve been neglecting my baby,” he says with a mocking lilt in his voice.
You cry out as his fingers brush against those same spots that brought you to the finish last time. Your hips twitch, and you grip his thighs as your peak rises within you. Moments later your cumming all over his fingers, sucking in a harsh breath as a second release courses through you, even more intense then the last.
His free arm keeps you secure against his chest while rubbing your side soothingly. The heel of his other palm roughly massages your clit as his fingers pump in and out.
“Good girl,” he coos, “That’s it, just one more and then I can put you to sleep how you deserve.”
As soon as you seem to be coming down, Leon lifts you up again, tugging your clothes off and moving your body around like a doll to get you in the position he wants. You were definitely more pliant after two orgasms, but you could also see how his training had been paying off. Maybe this new job wasn’t all bad.
He has you on your back now, thighs against your chest and knees hooked over his arms. Again, he had no patience to tease right now, so after pushing his sweats down to mid thigh, he takes his cock and slides it in you with no hesitation. He groans as your hole takes him in, your walls pulsing around him even after he bottoms out.
“So wet. I can just slide right in,” he mumbles as his own hips twitch.
Your eyes droop at the stretch. It always felt so satisfying, having him buried balls deep in you. As close as he could possibly be. No fear of him leaving or pain of being separated. You whine and reach up to pull him closer.
He follows along and rests his face against your neck as he begins thrusting. You hear him panting right in your ear. His hands grip your hips so hard you know there’ll be marks.
“Perfect pussy’s made for me,” he grunts while snapping his hips, “Miss it every second I’m not inside it.”
You nod lazily as you continue to clamp down around him. After two releases, you didn’t even feel a building ecstasy anymore, just a constant stream of pleasure.
“Leon,” you whine, “Harder. Wanna feel it.”
He moans at your plea but indulges you, grabbing you harder, pressing your legs higher, filling you deeper.
“Wanna be sore after, don’t you, sweetheart? Want a reminder of me while I’m at work. Something to tide you over till I can do this again. Won’t have to rely on dreams then, right?” he says.
“Yeah,” you whimper. Your bed creaks as he picks up the pace, but your moans mask the sound as they grow in volume.
He fucks into you over and over, stoking the flames within himself, trying to build to that explosion. You were so tight, so warm. He hums another low moan and whimpers softly as he feels it right there. He gasps softly before holding you tighter and muttering in your ear.
“Ready for another one, honey? Gonna be the last one and then we’ll get you comfy and off to sleep.”
“Yeah,” you moan again, unable to say much else.
“Good… good girl,” he moans before his hips buck wildly and he finally releases.
You finish for a third time. You cling to him tight as the euphoria washes over you again. Locking your legs around his hips, you keep your face pressed to the warm skin of his neck as it goes through you. You feel the hot flood of cum he fucks into you. His chest is heaving now too as he recovers from the high.
He stays on top of you for a moment before pulling out. You cling harder upon losing that full feeling. He smiles at your desire to be close to him and gives you one more kiss before sitting up.
“So sweet to me, baby. I hope that made up for the late night,” he whispers and strokes your hair.
“It did,” you say with a nod. Your eyes were already shutting again, ready to go back to sleep after being fucked so good.
He looks at you with all the love in the world as he pulls his sweats up. He then helps you pull your panties and shirt back on, trying to laugh at your sleepy, half-assed movements.
After that, he gets you all tucked in next to him, snuggled up in his arms like he originally intended. He even grabs that stuffed bunny he got you and fits it close to you in case you want it.
“Get some rest, honey. You need it,” he whispers while rubbing your back.
“Mhm,” you respond tiredly, “You too. You’re all mine for the weekend, and I don’t want you tired out the whole time.”
“Alright, but I’m gonna be tired out if we do some more of that again tomorrow,” he jokes. He pulls you close to him and shuts his eyes, nestling his head against yours and settling in to rest.
That puts a smile on your face and you nuzzle him once more before letting yourself fall asleep for the night.
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roanniom · 1 year
Um for Eddie positions
On your back with your legs over his shoulders
Or laying on your stomach. Like you were laying on your side in bed and he comes in to cuddle up and can’t help himself
Or he bends you over the back of the couch
Or him holding you up against the wall because he can’t wait to get to the bedroom
Or with you sitting on the bathroom sink trying to get ready in the morning
Or on the edge of the pool during a midnight swim
Sorry I’m newly single and reminiscing
Omg never apologize for sending me beautiful, hot thots like this!!! I love them.
I think the idea of Eddie holding you up against the wall because he can’t wait to get to the bedroom is WILD.
Eddie Munson x fem!reader
“Eddie,” you huff against his lips when he finally migrates his sucking, biting kisses down your jaw to your neck, giving you a second to breathe. He’s tugging at your layers and beginning to discard them haphazardly right there in the living room.
“Princess,” he replies into your skin, mimicking your tone and breathlessness. You chuckle and in spite of your next words you thread your fingers deep in his hair.
“Eddie, let’s go to bed.”
He’s shaking his head before you finish your sentence.
“Can’t wait. Need you now.”
“Impatient much?”
You start to laugh again but all the humor is replaced with blind lust when you’re shoved against the wall. His hard body is against yours, confined erection pressing and rutting into the apex of your legs.
“Feel that? That’s what you do to me. You wanna be sexy as hell and tell me I gotta wait to go all the way to the bedroom to fuck you. Nah. No dice.”
“The time it took you to say that we could have—.” You don’t get to finish your teasing contradiction because his mouth is on yours and his hand is pushing up your skirt. He finds you wet, exactly as he assumed he would, and your moan spills from your mouth into his.
When he begins fingering you in earnest and you can no longer keep up with kissing him back, Eddie pulls a few centimeters away to watch the way you crumble against the wall.
“Wanna go to the bedroom now, princess?” he asks, smug because he knows the answer. You do your best to stare daggers at him but it’s in vain because your brows are furrowed and your eyes are rolling back with pleasure.
“Just fucking fuck me already, Munson.”
“Somebody’s impatient,” Eddie chuckles. But he yanks down his jeans and pumps himself a few quick times before lining himself up with your dripping entrance.
You both moan, all humor and teasing gone the second he sheaths himself inside of you.
It’s hard and fast as Eddie works himself up to a good rhythm. It’s been a while since he’s had you quick and dirty against a wall, but there’s something so fucking hot about the fact that you’re only a few steps away from the front door.
“Holy fuck, can’t believe you would have deprived me of this pussy,” Eddie whines after a few minutes of sweaty, panting, skin-slapping silence.
You’d roll your eyes if you weren’t already threatening to roll back into your head.
“The room’s like 15 feet away, how’s that deprivation? This is an apartment, not a mansion!”
“I can’t hear you over how good you feel, shit.”
Already so turned on from being fingered, you’re on the edge very quickly, which is good for Eddie because he’s beside himself.
Your head lols to the side against the wall while Eddie bangs you into it. You watch him take his pleasure and squeal delightedly when he reaches down to play with your clit, prioritizing your pleasure as well.
“Fuck I’m close.”
“Don’t hold back, baby,” Eddie grunts.
“You’re just saying that because you’re waiting for me to cum so you can,” you say cheekily.
“You bet your ass I am. Almost busted my load just rubbing up against you.”
“Romantic,” you huff, but he sees how your eyes glaze over and feels your pussy tighten even more.
“Prince Charming for you, only, princess.” He grins and kisses your neck. That’s what does it, if you’re being honest with yourself. You cum hard, seizing around him and feeling him cum only seconds later (he’d been hanging by a thread).
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echobx · 1 month
reader is invited on the My Druthers boat by ward, but Sarah and her have a fight and is forced to switch rooms with wheezie, making her share the bed with rafe. End up making out and cuddling!!
author's note: I might've gone a tiny bit off-road on this lol but I think it's still pretty good.
warnings: making out, edging
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"Why did you even invite me then!" you yell at Sarah and slam the door shut behind you, your bag hanging over your shoulders and tears brimming in your eyes. You prod upstairs, deciding that you could just sleep on the couch until you got home the next day. What you hadn't expected was a half naked Rafe walking in just moments later and giving you a rather perplexed look. "What she do?" is all he says and you huff, falling down on the couch behind you. "You wouldn't want to know or understand it." "I asked, didn't I?" he says and walks over to you, holding out a small bottle of water. You take it with a small thanks and drink it all in a matter of seconds. You hadn't really had any time to think about how hot it would be up here, with most of the AC only going for the bedrooms during the night. "I told her that it's stupid to trust her new Pogue boyfriend," you shake your head. "Yeah, never trust a Pogue," Rafe nods. "Exactly!" you exclaim, happy that he gets you. "You could sleep in my room. I'll tell Wheezie to go sleep with Sarah." Rafe's proposal seems too good to be true, especially with his bare chest and grey sweats... "Y/n?" Rafe asks, his eyebrows cocked up and you feel caught when you look up into his blue eyes. "Yes, sorry. That would be very nice of you. But I should just sleep up here," you politely decline. If just seeing him was making your head spin you could only imagine what sleeping in his bed would do to you. "Nonsense," Rafe proclaimes and take his bag with you, not accepting a different answer.
You lie next to him, a few pillows in the middle that he put there for your comfort. "It would've been unbearably hot up there. Trust me," he sighs and you can only think about how unbearably hot you felt right now too. Lying next to him in your tiny PJ's and your mind running wild with all the things that could happen. "Thank you. It's really kind," you reply, trying to keep your voice steady. You focus on the soft humming of the AC and the steady breathes that Rafe lets out. Yet it's all too overwhelming to you, but when you start to hum, he removes the pillow that keeps his face hidden from you. "Do I make you uncomfortable? I can sleep on the floor, if you want." "No, I'm just- It's confusing," you whisper. "What?" Rafe smirks, he doesn't need to pretend that he hasn't noticed how you look at him while doing your very best to keep a distance. "You being nice to me. I mean, you never talk to me," you say and he breathes a chuckle. "Sarah told me to stay away, and for once I agreed that it'd be better." "Why?" you turn around to face him, placing your hands under your cheek while gazing at him. "I'd ruin you," he shrugs as if it's the most normal thing to say to you. "What if I don't care?" you whisper and he laughs. "I was afraid of that."
Maybe you wouldn't have done it if his laugh hadn't taunted you this badly, but as soon as the pillows hit the floor you found yourself in his arms. His lips were softer than you had imagined and his hands groped at your hips. Sharing breath and spit as his tongue danced with yours and made your closed eyes roll back. "Need more," you breathe against him as his lips travel over your neck, sucking right at your sweet spot and eliciting a moan from you that sounds almost pornographic. "Fuck, baby, you gotta keep quiet," Rafe muses and kisses you into your diligent nod. His hand slips down in between your body, under your shorts where he starts to run his fingers over your drenched slip. "You're so wet f'me." He rasps and you whimper. "Please, I need you, Rafe." "Gonna fuck you good, but not now, baby," he hushes against your lips and pulls away completely, leaving you needy and on edge. "What are you doing?" you complain. "Making sure you're for real, and not just using me to get back at my sis," he says and gets up. He places his pillow on the rug and lies down. "Goodnight, y/n," he sighs and you listen to him fall asleep, incapable of relieving yourself of the need he had brought up in you.
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please don't copy and/or post my work onto other platforms! ~e©ho
taglist: @redhead1180 @spideysimpossiblegirl @drwstarkeyy @princessmaybank @ijustwantttoread @kys4-20 @immyowndefender @julczimozart @hoe4sunarin @m2m2m2 @mochimms @itsme-again
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taegimood · 1 month
Hai babes, answer my ask whenever you have motivation!!! Just wanted to know ur thoughts on txt x reader w nipple piercings. Had mine pierced some few months ago and was just wondering on ur take of the boys' reactions! If u don't feel comfortable or have anything to say on the matter pls disregard :)
HOWLING AT THE MOON RN THE WAY I’VE BEEN WAITINGGGG FOR AN ASK LIKE THIS 👹😖😩 i have my nipples pierced too so i’ve thought abt this so many times unf ok ok ok i also have my tongue pierced and i’ve wanted to write something for that so bad hhhhh also i’m sorry that this is so late !!!
edit: this got so long omfg also sorry that it’s all over the place and kinda inconsistent, i had to write it over the course of like a week 🤧 i’m not the happiest w it but i hope you enjoy ALRIGHT ANYWAY:
ok honestly, for starters - idk if this makes me a party pooper but as someone who lives in korea i gotta face the daily fact that tattoos and piercings are just still pretty taboo here and you won’t see many people with them unless you’re in one of the “youth” neighborhoods of seoul like hongdae or something, and so there’s a lottt of stigma against them. (so rip to me, all inked up and pierced lol) the younger generations are becoming much more open to it, but i think the more “extreme” types of piercings like nipples, tongue etc are still def considered too freaky by most people even if they don’t personally have a problem with piercings in general — so within the cultural context, i honestly don’t know if txt would be freaked out or not 💀
BUT HAVING SAID THAT, for hypotheticals’ sake, let’s say it wasn’t too out-there for them. i’ll write this from the perspective of a new relationship and already having them pierced for a while so they’re healed and can be touched 😛
i think yeonjun would be the most on board; any of them including him might get a little freaked at first in a squeamish sort of way, but yeonjun our fashion king understands the art of accessorizing and expression, so in the end it’d be more cool/sexy to him than anything. since he also briefly lived in the states he’s a little more open-minded i think
yeonjun already feels like he’s hit the jackpot with the fact that he’s even dating you, so to him it just keeps getting better and better every time he does something new with you; this moment included as you’re in his lap with your shirt off, your earlier makeout session having shifted into something further for the first time since you two started dating.
you can feel the way his hands are itching to reach for your bra, and you giggle against his lips, whispering “you can take it off,” — yeonjun wastes no time as the garment is eagerly unclasped and tossed to the side, but his eyes grow wide in shock as he sees the unexpected jewelry that decorates your nipples.
“wha— w-wow, i- wow.”
you laugh nervously at his reaction — is that a good wow or a bad wow..? — but you’re quickly reassured when his eyes finally meet yours and your breath catches at the sight; they’re darkening with desire, his grip on your waist tightening, and you can feel his cock twitch in his pants as he breathes,
“fuck.… you’re so fucking sexy, baby.”
and he definitely makes you feel like the sexiest person in the world that night as he worships your body, spending extra time on your tits, his hot tongue swirling rhythmically around your piercings as he thrusts into you, peering into your eyes and whispering dirty praises against your skin.
it’s like a naughty little secret that only he gets to know, and he loves it; the fact that he’s the only man who knows abt them def gives his ego a boost.
he especially loves to watch your reaction when your back is pressed to his chest and he tugs lightly on your nipples, your head tipping back onto his shoulder as you keen from the sensation.
he likes to tease you w them too. kissing your cheek as he passes by you in the kitchen, lightly squeezing your tit and making you shiver; arm around your shoulders as y’all watch a movie and he starts ghosting his thumb back and forth over your nipple with his eyes still on the screen as if nothing’s happening.
and if he can sneak a touch or two in when y’all are around the boys or in public, the big smirk on his face says it all as you quickly try to hide your reddening cheeks.
yeonjun is just your #1 titty piercing enforcer from then on, even buying you pretty new jewelry for them sometimes omfg.. he orders them online tho cuz he’s way too embarrassed to buy them in public lmao
soobin.. oh, soobin… our titty loving king..
i’m actually giggling thinking about how he’d react lmao 😭 ceo of Traumatized But Horny
honestly i think he’d be freaked out just by the fact that you had a needle stab through such a sensitive part and it makes him squeamish to think about, and he might not wanna touch them at first, but give him some time to get used to it and he’ll be alright.
obviously soobin loves boobs. and soobin really likes you, which means that if soobin were faced with the situation of death before getting to see your boobs, then there’s obviously no other choice for him than to sell his soul to live a little longer. he’d be arguing w me irl rn for saying this lmfao
you guys haven’t gone much farther than kissing in your relationship yet, but things are starting to get more handsy these days, so soobin is caught in the dilemma of wanting to wait until the time is right vs really wanting to touch your boobs.
you’re doing a lil post-movie kissing when the temptation finally becomes too much for him and his hand wanders up higher than usual, ghosting lightly along the curve of your breast, testing the waters — he’s embarrassed at the moan he lets out when you cover his hand with your own and press it down fully for him to cup your boob; and he swears he’s entered heaven when you laugh and ask him if he wants you to take your shirt off.
you’ve definitely seen through him before with the way he pretends not to stare at your chest all the time, but you’re still nervous for his reaction to the jewelry as you lift your shirt over your head, his eyes glued to your every move as you reach for your bra, and the second it comes off — well, it’s comical how wide his eyes get, jaw dropping as he sputters,
“wh- wha- o—“ soobin.exe has stopped working
you’re starting to panic cuz he’s just frozen, wide eyes honed in on your piercings, LIKE SAY SOMETHING MF 😭😭 and he swallows hard before rasping out, “c-can.. can i..?” the need to touch the titty overpowers all fear 😤✊🏼
you nod quickly in relief when you realize what he’s asking, and his breath catches in his throat when his big hands come up gently to cup your breasts, thumbs ghosting very hesitantly over your nipples, avoiding the jewelry, making you shiver at his careful touch. his face is BEET red btw 💀
he’d be asking things like do they hurt? do they feel good? can i touch them? can i…. soobin.exe is too embarrassed to finish his sentence
but from then on, once he gets over the shock and newness of it, and once you reassure him several times that they don’t hurt, they won’t bleed, etc — then that boy would be ALLLL over your tits any time you’re together. scary piercings be damned, he’s obsessed w you no matter what and they WILL be in his mouth if you’re in reachable distance.
he’s Your_Home_숩 well you’re Your_Home_Boob
^ WHY AM I CACKLING OVER THAT LMFAO matching contact names? 😍🥰✨
anyway just don’t try to talk abt the piercing process or change your jewelry in front of him tho or he’ll literally pass out and die
if he’s squeamish he gets over it REAL quick cuz tell me why he’s tryna rip your shirt off the moment he realizes what’s underneath 😶
unlike soobin, beomgyu is shamelessly open about how hyped he is for things to progress in your relationship, always making playful promises like “when i finally get you in my bed~” and other things of the like, so it seems to just happen naturally when you find yourselves on your couch one day with grinding hips and heavy kisses as his hands are groping your boobs for the first time.
him pulling back suddenly with a surprised “ah?” as he stares down at your still-clothed chest, and you’re confused as hell as you blink up at him, before it dawns on you — you’d opted for a comfy bra with no padding for today’s stay-in hangout, which means there’s not much fabric there to separate beomgyu’s brand new discovery from his wandering hands. you think, he must’ve felt them through my shirt, and his big brown eyes snap up to meet yours before flitting back down to your chest.
“no way.” you grunt as he sits up straight, still half on top of you. “babe, no way.”
“um, yes way, i guess.”
a smile quirks onto his lips mixed with disbelief as he instantly starts pawing at your shirt, but you’re apparently moving too slow for his liking when he resorts to attempting to wrestle it off of you instead, the room filling with your laughter and gyu’s eager “let me see, let me see!!!!”
your hair is in your face and you’re breathing like you just did a workout from the way your poor t-shirt was unceremoniously whipped aside, and when you finally take your bra off for him, you’re not surprised at your boyfriend’s instant dramatics as he yells “OUCH!!!” the second that he lays eyes on your piercings.
his jaw is dropped and you’re rolling your eyes at him as he clutches his own chest protectively, exclaiming a “holy shit-!” before he lets out an incredulous giggle and reaches his hands out.
“ah- wait, can i?” he asks literal centimeters away from your boobs lmao and ofc after feeling you up a bit, he has to dramatically hype himself up a few times before giving the tiniest tap to one of the piercings whipping his hand away like it bit him or something and once the silliness eventually calms down, he asks you all sorts of actual questions.
you’re changing your jewelry one time and he’d be sitting there fake throwing up before straight-faced asking “can i do it”
manages to get his hand right up close and then freaks out before he can even touch it lmao “nonono you do it i can’t watch 😖”
he’s def the type to name your boobs too 😭 referring to your piercings only by their designated names and cackling when you try to strangle him every time he does it. comes over after a long day and CALLS OUT TO THEM IN A SING-SONGY VOICE as he walks through the door cuz he KNOWS it’ll piss you off 💀
but his favorite thing is to just lay his head on your chest as you watch movies and play with your piercings like little fidget toys — it’s a win/win for you both.
taehyun 😵‍💫 man is such a T that his reactions are so unpredictable sometimes, like he could have the most dead-pan expression on his face yet talkin bout sum “this is the best day of my life” or whatever
so needless to say, you really aren’t sure how your boyfriend will react as he’s sitting there telling you that he wants to take things further and you know that the time has finally come to reveal your secret 🫣
“tyunnie, there’s something i wanna tell you first.”
his hand that’s been resting on your thigh makes you shiver as his thumb moves back and forth in a comforting motion.
“we don’t have to do anything you’re not comfortable with. i don’t mind waiting. or if this is a breakup, well…. we can talk through that too.”
“taehyun! oh my god no, i am not breaking up with you-”
his lips twitch upwards slightly,
“a-and.. and i definitely want to take things further too. what i wanna tell you isn’t serious..!” this is ridiculous now, why am i suddenly so awkward?? “um, just... i have my.. nipples pierced.”
his calm, level expression doesn’t change as you sit there like °-° waiting for him to respond, and suddenly you wish your boyfriend’s poker face wasn’t so freakishly second nature to him as he goes,
“i see.”
“I SEE” ?!?!?! FUCK YOU MEAN “I SEE” ?!?!?! 😫😖😭🤮
you’re freaking out, thinking omg he thinks i’m gross, he thinks it’s too much, he’s not into it—
until suddenly you’re being pushed onto your back, eyes widening as taehyun hovers centimeters over you with a look in his eyes that you’ve never seen on him before.
“so are we gonna sit here or are you gonna show me?”
😮‍💨 hooooo boy the rest is history… reader welcome to this year’s introductory class of dom taehyun 101
you come to learn that he loves edging and overstimulating you, especially through your nipples, tweaking and pulling at them, flicking his tongue over them,
tracing his tongue back and forth over the piercings while avoiding touching your actual nipples ..!!! loves how that in particular gets you whining and writhing underneath him just aching to be touched <3 holding eye contact with you the whole time too 🤤
taehyun’s the type to just rock with it because it’s you he’s rocking with, yk? reassures you that he’ll support anything as long as it’s you.
you love your piercings? he’ll love them too, giving them all the attention tenfold to make you feel so so good, and he’d buy you any jewelry and accessories that you want for them if you ask him for it.
huening kai.. my sweet summer child.. he doesn’t know what’s about to hit him 🤧
would do that wide-eyed surprise face that he makes all the time you know the one
you just look so soft and cute surrounded by all the plushies on his bed that he’d never guess the naughty surprise waiting for him under your bra as he presses kisses to your lips, broad frame hovering over yours and hands beginning to wander up underneath your shirt as things get more heated.
“wait-” you stop him though, and the poor boy is immediately apologizing and sitting up to give you space, thinking he went too far and made you uncomfortable, but you’re quick to reach for him and say “no, no, that’s not what i meant- um.. first i have something to tell you?” maybe not your best delivery
that doesn’t make it any better for him LOL 😭 he says okay and sits there calmly with an even expression, waiting patiently, but in his head he’s going through all the possibilities like ok let me prepare myself to be dumped or maybe they’re a secret agent 🤔
you sit up too so you’re both sitting there facing each other on his bed and you’re like. “it’s about my boobs.”
his face LMAO he’d instantly start blushing but also wtf does that mean ??? “h..huh?”
you feel silly atp so you’re just thinking alright let me just rip the bandaid off and show him instead, and you’re not wearing a bra so you just lift your shirt and FLASH HIM INSTEAD LMAO poor kai shrieking and slapping his hands over his eyes on instinct before he remembers that he’s allowed to look 😭
that face that i was talking abt.. eyes wide, brows to his hairline, lips in a lil ‘o’ shape..
“oh. wow!”
his ears are bright red as he stares at them, and when his eyes quickly flicker up to yours only to find you already staring back, he starts that awkward embarrassed laughing that he does and you have to stop yourself from making fun of him for it as you smile,
“y-yeah, surprise.. wow…”
boy is honed in, distractedly asking questions that you’re not even sure he’s focusing on the answers to, fighting for his life to maintain respectful eye contact as his gaze wanders back down like a magnet over and over again.
“you can touch them, you know.”
his eyes snap back up to yours as if being caught red-handed.
“we’re dating, kai, remember?” you giggle at his bashful smile, scooting closer to him and taking his big hands in yours, starting them at your waist and letting him take the lead as you drop your hands, his curiosity bringing them higher.
he’d be so gentle, softly massaging your tits, thumbs tracing back and forth slowly over the piercings, and from then on kai is just so in love with your boobs — we already know how much he loves to rub soobin’s belly, now imagine that tenfold with your soft pillowy tits 🤧
he just always has them in his hands whenever he can. cuddling into them, massaging them, running his fingers over your piercings absent-mindedly;
and i think kai would be the only one able to stomach changing your jewelry for you, his face drawn into a concentrated expression as he handles everything carefully and neatly, making you shiver as his breath fans over your nipples and a knowing smirk crosses his face.
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webslingingslasher · 8 months
hi!! can I request frat tasm!peter being sad/disappointed about reader not calling him petey anymore but he's trying to play it cool lol
like reader would come up to him like "hey pete what's up" and he'd immediately notice but he doesn't wanna let it show that he cares so he'd be like "you're acting weird" or something and reading asking him what the hell that means and he goes "haven't called me anything other than petey in a while" tryna brush it off lol and reader instantly knows where he's going but decides to play dumb like "yeah well you told me you didn't like it when i called you that" and peter wants to DIE cause he doesn't wanna admit that he actually kind of likes it and it's just endless teasing and maybe a flustered peter lol
this got extremely long lol im sorry feel totally free to ignore this if you don't wanna write it!! I love your writing <3 have a great day!
*cleaning out my inbox- this is regular frat!peter, however you invision him.*
'hi, peter!'
not that he's counting, but it's been four days since you called him petey and at this point he swears you're upset about something, you just won't tell him what yet.
'hi, trouble.' his kiss must be lacking, your thumb rubs over his bottom lip and you show a small frown. 'what's wrong?'
'nothing,' it's spoken into your skin. you don't believe him, you try again, peter's better this time around. 'your kisses feel sad.' okay, maybe not.
'i'm not sad, you're the one being weird.' you tie around him for a hug, he gladly copies you. 'i'm not being weird, you're being weird.' peter hums, you feel his chest vibrate.
'sorry. i think you're mad at me and you won't tell me why.' you have to be, it's the only reason you've been holding back your favorite name.
'i'm not mad at you. why do you think i'm mad?' peter's tapping his fingertips down the middle of your back, he doesn't know how to say it without sounding like a baby.
'i don't know. you've just been a little less affectionate than normal.'
you try to think back, you don't think you have. you had lunch with him almost everyday and wrapped your arm around his at the table, and kissed his cheek almost every ten minutes. and you almost had to beg him to ditch the party to come cuddle with you on saturday. 
and you're currently in a hug with no time expiration. you don't know how you could be more affectionate.
'have i?' you're looking at him for answers because you have none.
'yeah.' you can't fix it if he won't tell you. you poke his side, then tether your arm back around him. 'you gotta tell me how.'
'you just...' peter's so glad you're in a hug and have your head turned, because you can't see the blush he's feeling. 'you haven't called me petey in awhile.'
you feel your heart burst open. he loves it just as much as you do.
'you told me you didn't like it.'
peter knows what he said. it's just not what he meant.
'it doesn't matter if i like or not, i got used to it.'
you take a few seconds to think about it, it doesn't mean you can't have fun. 'if i start calling you petey again you can't give me sad kisses.' peter washes his hands over your back, you melt in further.
'if you started calling me petey again i would have no reason to give you sad kisses.' boom. he said it and he really wasn't thinking, you push him away and look up with shining eyes.
'you really do like it!' a gasp, you reach for his face- you reach for his pink cheeks. peter grabs your hands, 'no. leave me alone.' you bat him off and try again, he lets you.
peter blushes harder when you coo. 'you're my handsome petey.' his eyes close, 'trouble.'
'yes, petey? i'm all ears for my petey.'
my petey. he really likes that. it shows on his face, he swears he's about to start sweating. 'you know what you are?' it's not rhetorical, you're waiting for him to ask.
peter peeks an eye open, he's never seen you so infatuated. 'what am i?' you place a kiss to each cheek, 'you're my petey pie.' a whine follows, 'no, i'm not. i'm not a pie.'
'you are. you're my petey pie and you're so, so sweet.'
it's been a nonstop blush. you're loving this. 'guess what flavor you are,' you tell him before he can ruin it. 'strawberry.'
peter claws your hands off. 'okay, it's done. we're over this, now.' you won't let him escape without another kiss. 'sure thing, petey.' 
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